Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, M, 1801 THE CITY. Retort or. in fitinm Ooboskrt.- Tbe npbr weekly report of tbe Saritn j ConnlNtaiffltekialvpoattittMpvi orttkknt Corporal Ward, of tbe 73A regiment CoL fitaning—leaves to Join bit regiment cm Ttnreday. Any packages left at the roona of tbe Yeung Hen'* Christian Aworiittw to day wDI be taken by him. LiKCEST.— Tcetedey afternoon a young man earned Thomas Hickey was arrested by a detective officer, on tbe charge of stealing a .oat, a watch and chain, from a Hr. O'Connor. Tbe accused waa examined before Justice irimbßii, and ha delimit oftSOO was committed. Killed. —A nan Basted Jacob Z wlader, of ■Girard, HL, aprivm'ein CoL Stniker'e (Car* linviUc) regiment, was nut over and killed by tbe night express train upon tbe 8L Louis,' Alton & Chicago road, yesterday morning, Qirard. Be bad been Intoxicated and wm lying npon tbe track at tbe time. Tax Scotch Excnorer.—A dispatch has been received In tide city, from CoL Cameron of tbe 65th Illinois (Scotch) regiment, which waa captured and paroled at Harper 3 * Feny, the regiment will arrive here on Thursday, and go into Camp Do oglu until exchanged. pT Hr, Dyer's tinging and piano classes commence this week at the Statical Union Academy, on tbe corner of Clark and Wash ington streets. Adult singing school next Friday evening, September 26 th. Juvenile tinging school sod pisno classes on Saturday tnerning at 9 o'clock, SepL 27th. The first ItsEonlree. CotXDOCK as BicnEUEr.—Mr. Couldodcls to appear this evtnir gat McVicker'a theatre us Cardlcal RicbeUtn, a personation whltix should attract a brge audience. His daughter will appear os Julie, and the rest of tbe cassis ingoed hands. Mies Boomer appears iu the afterpiece: “The rrdty Hortchreikcr.” Chau* fnm Is the nest star at McVicker'a. The Three Months’ Hear,—The term of eetvlcc for which the 67 ill nod 69 it regiments (quarteredat Camp Douglas) enlisted, has ex pired. That ot the C7th ran out on the 13th, and that of the C9th on the 14;h lost. These nglments have not jet been disbanded for tic simple reason that the funds with which to pay them off has not been in the bands of the United States disbursing officer at this piece. The money U here now, however, and the three months regiments in camp will be paid ard mustered out of service this week— probably on Thursday, A Lamentable AcciDENT.—Yfcsterdsy moiling, while John S. Bailey, a young'man, a private in company- A, of 105 th regiment, who formerly resided in Genoa, DcKulb couu connt, was standing guard at Camp Douglas, be met with an accident which, if not costing him his life, will render him useless as a sol dier Lcn after. He was leaning on Ms gun, the muzzle being under bis arm, and had his foot resting upon the guard, when by some accident the gun went off, .the ball pa-alng through bis arm, coming out near the shoal dnttlade. He bled most profusely, but was taken immcdUlely to the surgeon’s quarters, and medical aid did all it could for his relief. It was said that bis arm ought have to be am putated, aud it might then prove lital to him. A Goon Project, —Mrs. M. A. Wallace of this city 1b raiding a company of ladies for tbe war. SiVcTol lacliß have already joined the ranks, aud a rightly drill is held. It Is the purpose of this company, when thoroughly organized, to tender themselves to the Gov ernor as a corps of nurses for active service In the hospital or on tbe battle-field wherever, in fact, they may be required. They purpose, In addition to giving tbetr services, to be able to defend themselves and others In an emer gency, and to tbis end are rapidly perfecting themselves in the use of arms. Mrs. Captain W. !s a cixck-stot and thoroughly acquainted with the gun and revolver. Several others of tbe corps could wing a rebel at sight. Any Information xnsy be obtained of Mrs. M. A. W allacc, 155 East Washington street. Relief fob Suffering Minnesotians.— The meeting appointed for last evening at Trinity Church for the purpose of raising means to relieve the necessities ot the Burner ons sufferers for tbe late Indian depredations in Minnesota, did not come off, owing to ihe severe storm which prevailed. - A meeting for this purpose will be held to night, however, lu that church, at whlch&ev. W. H. Woodbury will address the people in behalf of those needy and suffering to Whom we have alluded. Mr. Woodbury has been duly authorized, by the citizens of 8t Paul and other towns in Minnesota, to solicit and forward contribu tions for the use ol those persons, and fortLls purpose Is now in this city. Deaths xkd .Isqcests.— An old lady named D. Pardlow, who lived alone at No. €0 West Bandolph street, and whose husband is in the army, was found dead in her ro 3d on Monday evening. She had probably been dead since Sunday noon, as she was last seen alive at that time. Coroner James was sum moned to hold an inquest on Monday evening, and tbcjmy came to the conclusion that the deceased “ came to her death from old age ard general debility.” Mrs. Ann Phillips, who lived on South stmt, near the Archer Boad, committed sol cide, on Monday noon, by taking a large dose of lundannm. Deceased was about forty years old, and had long been addicted to in temperance. Her husband, who Is said to be a r» M of estimable character, sometime since enlisted In Voss’ cavalry, and is now absent from home. He also has a son in the army, and three dangbt* re in this city. A verdict of the Coroner’s jury set lorth that the •* de ceased came to her death by suicide by taking laudanum, and that the cause of the act was Intemperance.” Musical—The sluing notes of war Tnve hod little orno t al« fleet upon the musical busi ness. Our dealt rs are driving a handsome trade, especially in ehtet music, for which tic dimaiid is immense. P*trlo l 2 songs go off like tot cakes, and the press can hardly supply the call. It is a curious development oi the times that Western music is finding a place in the Eastern market. Largo orders fr.'m Boston and New York dealers have been rt Crivcd by Boot & Cady lor such songs as 41 The Battle Cry of Freedom, 7 ’ 41 Kingdom Coming, ’’ etc., which at once catch the at tention cf the peopleaadaceure a strong hold upon the public favor. When the Eastern market, which Is overrun with composers, leeks this way for songs, it is at least a flat tiling testimonial to the excellence of oar balladlste. H. M. Higgins, the well known dcal«r, isiilso in drily receipt cf immense or ders for sheet music, and doing a handsome business. He keeps WcosUr'e genial and xntlodiona pen constantly busy In the produc tion of patriotic songs. The First Music Book nr Chicago.—’ The first music book ever prepared, stereotyped and prinUd in Chicago is now in press at tbs Tkxbum: office The last forms are being worked cH, and two or three days will prob-* ably tee it finished at the tiaddj and for ea'e. Tic work is from the pen of George F. Boot,Etq ,and entitled 41 Toe Sxlteb Lute.” It is expressly ada{4ed for schools and teach ers, and must come into a very general if not universal use. The composer has devoted a long time and used great care In its prepara tion, and has succeeded in arranging and sys tematizing the rudiments into a serlts of gradations which at once recommend them selves to those capable of judging, as being moat excellently adapted to the tioo of the pupil. The tunes hare been csre fnllj selected, and are alao admirably classified, and of a character to be peculiarly popnlsr with ccboian. Tbe letter press of the booh u unusually excellent, and equal to the beat prodncifcma at the East* Apart from tta ex* cdknce,lt will be • novelty me the list male book ever latued in Chicago. Meant. Root & Cady are the pnhlUbeta. Etum'e Fufauiost Cuh dote Ihdr term next wet*, and we endenlend wm exhibit their profidenry ina petvata concert at an ctriy day, for which a moetexedtoßt programme «in program of preparation. UijDßSßir.-Vcii of tha Light Guard Band, in nre informed, bat present the lead* croftbeßtllar/ Hckbciaglogont acme exoe'tett mwfc. . K*s*sn—Agnod ran Iran Bvdn.te sow bcioß nbeatted to be performed *t St. ICuy'* npon theoocuion <4 the retnrnof the Bhhap tentow. Bocm of tbe bnt uient in the city l» at woth npon It. Jtxm. frvui to he peT<on«d at the Ccmreh of the Holy Nome, we believe. We »ra not aware of the Ciotl Iliac it ffil’. T:: rcri.rcd. - ; «n VMCB * WAB BSB»- CBM. Wegtveplaea below to a communication Grom a War Democrat, aaawwdag tha article which approved In jwteilay mnwiag’i Itsm* npon Iks Fbwrlpsrtsw Fraetemstlnw The writer is on* of ths most prominent Demo crats In this dty, and we bespask tor his oom mantesUom, the perasal aad Rfeetkm which itacslm and conviMbg si|»sisnl ileamin Ihe following la the article: tauao.lgtM.lM. Xditen CUcage IHbuae: (a *n*" > i(wh*aatlWld saosejilloaaaroelsjMgswtlsawsiareplMigrowi ancnlsr one tha Plaameat’a ProcUmatiou of ImanctpaUoß U the alaaea of ail rebel titans in Inaaitw lion on tha amt cC Janaary next. -roe, (lays Huey,) he (the PtetUeui) has no newer to iaaneiai,fewri«TiiiHfti, Kiro.wtlhou isqatiy for the present. Into ths apedienem at the imdsnutlon, 1 assert that ths hafloiiiVt a*»uintlt*isl xhrnt to do this. U so cl«ar,thattbe mi who does not see It, Is simply, wilfbuy blind, ud Isso, because be lows through sltff. Davis'rebel ana slavery spectacles. There area daa of men among as who. for ultesior purposes. pmlsteuly ignore the dear voaifetitUkiial right and duty of the {orenme&t to nee tbe power vested in them in tune of war. to prosecute Uto n material termination. Bat this power exists as deeriy m any other coaler* ted. It b by tinne of this power atone that •pies are snmmathy arrested, and if need be pan icked ; last tbe property d an enemy, foreign or domestic, fa Mixed, and If need be, destroyed, homes bond to tbe ground and fields Uld waste, aid tbe pnbllc tarm tea shot down and slaughtered tj tbon-asde. Kobe of tbxa can be done in peace. Their arrest on complaint and examina tion and conviction by Jury, mq reach the frtccrtixai. Then 44 so peraotcwß be deprived of life, litcrty or property, witbont dae •proce&e of law.” Can war be conducted on that basis 1 Can tbit dill war az.d domestic Insurrection be ever •Vnppresecd” by these uetul Instrumentalities of civil goTeniimxii 7 Tbe negative is so plain, thtf .t involuntarily Induces the belief that iu adro* «»ie*donotlntheirbear ewlabtosee tha redd* lion euppwmcd, much hw punish rd. If. itua,tbe gurenumot ana its armies under tbe war power may Imprison or shoot and kill the thamekss rebel In aims, «r without tostenarce, Information asdsnn»y;;fr ine domi? lie rrznj. ZZH S5 dearly cany away or destroy all his cattle that are plowing his detasor la pa*- tnre fur bis snppuit, or property otherwise or ass to hsm,maytbn not do toe tame thingwith bis ne* eropcoueny? Ivay, as that sptcies or properly is by tor tbe norttflcletit support to tbe enemy, ought It not to be tbe first tu be adzed and carried on—thns striking the strongest blo«rlntbem>At vn’tjoa'le parti Tbe PreudenVe prodamatkefra In efltoeL notice to tbe rebel master and to the tiave Uut in tbe exerdre of tbe war to sap* prt-M ifalts civil war and reouliun. the id* vanning armies <4 tbe Qovexnmtnt shall deprive rebels ct the r negro property, and in all districts Uefaito in rt helium as States or communities, the neero shall be declared free of his disloyal luster, and invited In deprive nimsnif of the necessity of being dlstoyaL Bvcsy Intelligent man «« ace tb&tthla meaeare, wtuca deprives rebels uf one greatMmrce«.f power,auCsrasic can be carried cut practically, will emmtially weaken thf-rr* in ptofcecnimg farther tbelr wiclud purposes. And imxiiceDy it can t-e carried just as fir as the s<iiz* it g. detiruyug aLd contbca'iog all the other pi* petty of tbe rcbc'a,indas Car aa the impils min; 010 11 ling uf the rebels can be, acd no farther, it reels ou juettbc came practical basis as all the o- her effons to weaken and sappreas the rebellion. They must be carried forward aud executed by the aim ef power, and that Is the war power legally ur-d coLatiinuouaUy exetcletdhy the Presldeut. tut vsystLe wise man of the Tima* **in waraa in ptace, tbe ConsUtntion is the enpresio law of tbe land.” Uraiitei; yet the Conetitaion w bicb prot ioes for a cate of war and Imposes op en the rttrideut tbe duty of Commacder-in-thtef tu conduct it. aud also impoei-s up n him tbe duty to tee that the law? are laithfally executed,aod Uc duty of suppressing dumeatic insorrcctiuii, no where points out the mode of discharging these duties. It leaves all that, of necessity, to tbe ac knowledged military power, as established and xcfculaUd by the Jaw of nations aid the necessities ot the civilized world. To say that the rebellion is only to be suppressed by the accurtomed ma < bin xyof civil government, provided by the Cun* ttiintlcn for peaceful times, is to say that it shall i**t be suppressed at all; tor without the justifica tion of this mi ttary or war power, every arrest is a lalre lupris< tune-nt; every seizure of property atnspat*. ard every killing of a rebel, murder Those who are earnestly desirous th&t re irllion may be suppressed, will see in this proclamation that “the executive government of the United States, Including the mil liar/ and naval authority tlicrect will recognize wtd maintain the freedom of tuch persons, and will do no actor acts to re pn es such persons, or any ol them, in any efforts they may make for actual freedom.” A notice ad dtet-eed to prrperty that has intelligence and will to make these efforts tor actud freedom, aud perhaps give their rebel matters something else to do besides plundering public property and buteberiug federal soldiers. Such up pithtnded “«fforts” may make a strong diversion in favor of federal am s based on the fear of rebel matters. tot only of loosing the labor and service which has been a great support of the rebellion, bn., of nmuihit g worse. At all events, tne ikjwct of the President to take tire hit p a-a war mi is undoubted; audit if tele in the Tim*s or Us clique ot sece-stiu sym pnlhizcre to attempt to throw dust iu the cyea of tbe loyal Intelligent people. A Wan Democrat. The 129 th Regiment* ' The regiment uumbtred as above, which has been encamped at Pontiac, Livingston county, since the 20th of August, Itfc for the South on Monday night. Coming to Joliet by the St, Louis, Alton & Chicago railroad, they were there met by a train cf twenty-five cars, sent over the “ Joliet cut-off” by the Michigan Central railroad, and re-embarked for their destination. The following are the field and staff officers cf this regiment: Colonel— G Price Smith. Lieut. CuL —BtniyAtee. JUaJi/r— A. J. Cropsy. Adjutant—V. D PJattenburg. (/'lutleimafter —Vm. C. Garinm AVrgton—Darius Jobe eon CtaiUuin —litv. Tiros. Cotton. The Surgeon and 2d Assistant Surgeon hive sot jet been appointed. The sutler is William Gages ot the Pontiac SetiUtuL Col. Smith, recently of the C9bh regiment, has eeen considerable service In Western Vir ginia, nsder Gen. Bo&ccnuz. and la in every mpcct a suitable man for the position to which he hsa been called by the unanimous vote of his brother officers in the regiment. L’eut. Colonel Cate Is a well known lawyer, of Scott county, who has served fourteen months In Missouri, as a Major. M*jor Crc-pty belongs in Livingrton county, and was a rtj resentfatlve from that county in the last State Legislature. The other officers are sis* men of high standing In community, and will doubtless fill their respective positions credit* ably to themselves, and satisfactorily to the n glment. It !s a somewhat singnlar fact that all of the fi*ld and staff cfficers, except one—Surgeon Jobreon—are Southern men by birth. Yet they go into the service without any hyper critical or fallacious notions about the right and duty of federal soldiers to strike the rebels In the teederest and most vulnerable points regardless of what may become of any pet institutions nourished and considered “sacred” by tbe traitors with whom they will have to drat They go into tbe field enter taining correct ideas of the cause and cure of I this rebellion, and henee we may. justly ex pect to see them render the most valuable aid to the Government. Surgeon Johnson and Chaplain Cotton first enlisted In the ranks, bnt were coon promoted to their present positions. The regiment Is np to the maximum num ber, and is completely armed and equipped. It was mastered into service on tbe Bth of the present month. Seven companies are from Livingston county and throe from Scott county. They arc all composed of hardy, sober, intelligent men, and with so efficient and energetic a corps of officers, the 129 ih t* glment will only need an opportunity to win fer Itself some of the brightest laurels of the war. Previous to leaving Pontiac, some of Col Smith's friends presented him with a splendid horse and ail necessary equipments. Kobe Cans.—The numerous patrons of the Madison street bone rail way will be glad to learn that, in order to accommodate the rush of travel which occurs on that, as on all other routes, near the dose of the day, the Saperia- Undent of tie Company has ordered three ex tra cars to be run on Madison street every day, between the boars ot 5 and 7 o'clock p.n>. By this increase of can, one will leave the ofllce of the company, on fl:ate street, once In eight minutes, daring those hours. This ar> rargcmuit wet.t Into effect on Monday. Jewish Holidays. —Autumn comes, and •ith It approach the Jewish festiraU, the toHeat ot which an the‘New Years-day, cele brated on Thursday the 25th of September, *nd the Day of A'ontmcnt, celebrated on Sat urday the 4th of October. On these days the Jews almost without exception will have their tueli-ete places closed, and their time exclu sively deTOUd to their God and their family eludes. New Mrsic.—H. IC. Higgins, the s well fcnown xnutlc publisher, 117 Randolph street, has just Issued most timely with the Pietldint'e proclamation, a capital song and chorus, hyJ.P. Webster, “Old Abe has gone atd did it bos a.” It la foil of the r'ght spirit, quaintly act down In the dialect of Africa: •* An ow eyes dat look iotcara Through delcog an' bitter year* Catch de gltsnln^ oh de cornin'ob delight.' Bcsglakt.— The hooae of lire. Peck, on Peckslßtt, between Like and Fulton, m burgUriondy nkai on Bond*; while tie funlly .era *t church, and about doIUm worth rf property (tolen, consbtteg chfcdy of Jeweliy. Then wen front sixty to aereaty greenbacks tm a book oo thebmnaa, bnt then the tned or raaolt fclfUtonM. Tbejh*n not yst been „■ rated. Nones.—The Oorallte r »teM by the Ton, - oooafcr with On Federal antbortties ’ in lonian to ■oßeoeiionto itUere the coßUiteoda no* St Coho, wID neet *t tte tAie P. Freer, No. 81 p. s, thh d*y. Pocaar PicEixo.—ildj from D ndefl, one of the cscantooiat* tram that pkee io G Uei> go. had ber pocket lettered of fid in Palmer’s a'orr, caa Like street, day before yecteiday. Aco’ber lady, non n> tortnnite, had har poclet plcki d c! £4O ie the Post OiQce, yuter dey sittacoa. Ihe ISaitJ Canawaerelal Letter. It b sot unknown to our India* com* nuKrttat oatof ttacatmu •mdixlden cksof tndebss frown mn taknebtedui oj luoa . between tte public journal and the CTaiiHrtM letter of Ihe consignee end com mission dernier to bb eotiaponaaH Bj thiinanlbniß brio*»diUy to tbiejno bj shipper in caapiet Gam tbs quotation* endonedbj hi* agentln Cbloigo. The Ute P. L. Welb w»» one of tbe earliest to embark in an enterprise of this dais In this city. Educated to the prefoakm by* lon* and sue ~..fai connection with the cominereMde putment of the then Dmocntic Brea. Mr. Wdlshsd the habit and tact of mind to mshe bis Commercial latter mast valuable to a £lßßß*ol patrons comprising our beat known Produce and Commlaelon houses, and with great liberality and enterprise bad gathered about him the appliances calculated iu every way to make bis Issue valuable. When the sad misfortune of a piinfuldl case fill upon lb. Wells, bis noble minded and devoted wife, true to bis Interests and for tbe sake of her family, undertook to carry on the business, looking to aave it from loss dur- Ifgils temporary absence. This hope was de feated, ae our city readers know by his death, and ehe baa now been encouraged by friends to permanently continue an enterprise her la mented husband bad placed on so erne a basis. Whatever is recommended solely on the ground of sentiment wins only a transient place, tint Mr*. P. L. Well*’ enterprise pos seesestbiaand more then this. Ths Commer cial Letter vDI in her hands be all that It ever was, and carry with it tbe added claim on all who can appreciate wifely devotion, and wo manly heroism. Mrs. Wells’ office and Job Printing WntaWiahment are In the Iron front building, on tbe corner of Like and Lasalle streets. pT Remember the grand festival for the benefit of tbe House of Industry to-morrow evening In Bryan W*ii- Scs advertisement in another column. Home for Aged axd Ixdiokkt Fehhx3.— A special meeting of tbe Board of Manigers will be held this (Wednesday) morning at 11 o'clock at tbe Home, 157 Fourth avenue. E. F. Dickiksox, Secretary. TBe city BailWßy. Editors Chicago Trlbnnef It In conceded that these is cnie for complaint consequent upon the crowded condition • f the cars on State street. Bntjonr notice thereof will lead the public to believe that no efiort is being made by me Company to minister to the comfort and convenience of the public in this respect. The contrary la the fact. e are running all the cars we have, and are building more, Weruaslxmore on Sunday <s State street than on other days, which are taken from Madison and Racdolph-Jts. As an offset to tbis want of accommodation, we have reduced the rate of Dare to two-thirds tbe amount charged by any ether city railway in tbe Union, This should ba placed to the credit of the Company. Should the rate of fare be increased to the maxi nnm amount authorized by our darter, our citi zens might have less cause to complain of a crowd; but would they fail to cry out against the ircna*ed tariff? Tbe directors of tbe ‘.ity R ill way Company ate Intelligent enough to know t oat the public interest Is their interest, and thevara governed by this knowledge Respectfully. £c, f. PIMiIEB, Snp't. War Claim Blanks lor sale at this office. Widows’ Declaration for Bounty and Arrears. Soldiers’ Declaration for Bounty and Arrears. Application of Mother for Pension, Application of Widow for Payment of Pension. Widow’s Declaration for Pension. Officers’ Certificates of Soldiers’ Disability. Invalid Pension Claims. Application of Invalid Pensioner for Payment of Pension. Claim for Horse and Equipments. Power of Attorney to draw Soldiers’ Pay. Sent by mail, post-paid, at seventy-five cents per quire. Address Tribune Office, Chicago, Illinois. OT Cook A McLain, ream Dyers and Scourers, 38 Dearborn and ISO 8. Clark streets, clean and dye ladies and gentlemens’ clothes to the best aud cheap est manner. The oldest established bouse In tbe city. tWßuy wall paper of Chase & Go., wholesale aud retail, 109 Randolph street. au2s-lm. 'alienDunlop, Sewell &3pnlding for Printing ” novli-hSSi-ly FINANCIAL AND WMSERCIiL. HOMETABY. , Tuesday Evening. Sept. 53.180. 'There is no change to note in the exchange market. If anything. It is a little easier, but cates remain as before quoted—par® premium buy ing; }* telling. Tbe supply of currency has improved somewhat. Bankers a:e taking all the first class shott paper offering. Gold la up a little, aud buyers are paying 116®lt6X. Old Demand Kotrs are wanted at They will soon be up with gold. IMPORTS OP FOCEIGN DRY GO'iDS AT NEW TOSK TOR TBE WEEK ENDING SEPT. 19, AND SINCE JAN 1. For the week. 1860. IWSI. 1862. Ent*d at port... St.9BS M 3 £‘s3s*l Thnmc<mnl>». 1 1,113,13* 1,4T3,«C8 Since January Ist • Em’datport. fR1,C19,992 $38.302199 *it,Bt»,S77 Thrown OH mkt. 81,107,119 SS.IM3I' 45,768,181 Comparative statement of the Imports of foreign dry erode ard general merchandise at the por. of New Ycrk for the week ending September 19th, and since January Ist: For the week. 18fi0. 1861- . 186?. Diy Goods . sl.2rii,f32 SBS? 501 $t,Qi.762J G*n'i Mexchds© 1,9*',715 l,87l.»» 2,655.921 For the week*. $3,183 307 $2,334,710 $1161.513 PrtVely rep’d. - $174,1593:5 $96 9*i,025 $145,079,007 6iECC Jtn. Ist.. $177,812.622 $99,220,735 $129,21} 650 Hew Tsrfc Mock ant nasef .Harket. B? Telegraph-1 Hew Tobx. Sept S3 1602 First Hoard—Stocks active and hardly so firm HI. coupon bdo '76 100 I HI. Ccn. full stock. 66 • hie A; WMud HX Mich Southern ... 8S Mtl.Jt Pr.dn Chits 40 J rto guaranteed... 69 Chic, Bor & Quin 91 j Mich OnWrml ...74 Galena A t Wcago.. 76«* I Fite. Ft W.&C let 99 111. <tn bends. .. 103 I Chic.&'N'lhw'nasst 55 111. Ccn. scrip 67Jf I OOVEKKXEKT STOCKS. U. S It’s, ’fit. coup HUB I V. S. Dcmd Notes.lls do 6's, *74. coup. 91 | Second .Board—Stocks irregular. Panama.... ill 111. Cent Scrip.... 67*; : Galena A Chicago. 76Jf Cltve A Toledo... 61M N. T. Central 96 PsctfieUaU ....1131; P. F. W. AC.letb. USX Erie 4th bde 100 M Mich.B. Sdbdfl.... 96 Am. grid llfijf Chi. «& Dock Island 71*{ Vll.&P DuCh’n.. 96 Sltcb Central 74*« Datum prefd 44>£ Darlcm 1» 80de0n....... tljf E*lc rieftrrcd.. .. 76*, Mlrh. booth* gt*d.. 69 MlchlganSootbem. Ss>,' OOTZXKUKT STOCKS. U.B.f>(m.notea.. «'ls IU.B 6V'74, coups. 91 I’.S.Cs'tS, 95 |U P. 6V*68r«t....101j; U.5.C.% 'Bl 10lj; | 7:3oTress. Nates..lo4* Moket Market.—The money market contlnaes easy at 4 per cent on call, and 4C£5 per cent, for strictly prime paper. bicilmg exchange firm at 129X@1292* tor 'ink ers' bills American gold unsettled and firmer, • opening at 'g* and afterwards derling to 17*, and finally co-li g firm at 18018*;. C«liioim? gold ban steady at 18. Government stocks scarcely so firm. COMMERCIAL. Tukssat Srssnrc, September SS ISO. iTiirm 9a» x*sf Tvnanr-rouß »em Floor. ‘Wneat.Oom. Oou.Bje.B-}>. brt* bo ho. bn. ru, SS94 .87B1SWS ®no 46} • Canal.... G SOU EE.. 660 12731 8»0 7171 89 TO BIER 1463 SOI 8500 60)1750 .. . 1540 IWOO 3il*o ISW 83J 60) ICE R <'B4QR 8.. ISIS 9800 SliO) 6569 S6IS NWEE -.1077 3S*i7 80il 5S 363 A&btLBB.. 810. 6870 tm .... 690 .... Total 14419 78309117580 31351 6868 IMS Bl>h. Uv< Grass t»M wines, toga Wool deed. Eld's bxi* No. Ka. *« fts Goal 71(60 89 66SSS * .... GiCUBS 360 .... 10490 14) HI«R 60 145 UIC KB 760 60 HO 10306 .... 591K91 14531 81S>6 C*H * 46 7&y AAfctLKS S3OO . .. 108 640 1235 1(661 Total IMKS 149 ÜBllC€6» 1049U 4SISS su*»sxn bt uu, last twkktt-toub 10m Root Wfcatt Con Cbm K|i * Bar 'aria. In **o %b. w. ba. ToßaStio .. 5000 11000 88S50 To Pi *'olh'ne BiftCO To Pi Sa.uia- *ll .... ..... ToVoDtieal IKK» ToElxcMoq. SiUOO To other ports .... Total WU 110014*30 The IcHowlng tables show the receipts and ship tr(n< a of leasing article* dm lug the past week and Kince the hi of Janoarj, with comparatlra statis tics: ■»r»r—>o or TfiTmm aSTICLSS at CHICAO*. Weekend's Since Jan. Same time Sept. JW. I. 19SL I*l. novr.hHs S9.C6S 1.(91/87 9fi.l>7 Wheat, ba - 3TT.361 8.35651$ Cora, bu 900.7*0 Sl.tBS 936 90.Vfi.8U Oats, bn 143.490 2,317.697 1/BJ Bss 99971 745.833 995.196 Bariey, ho 19,070 515.155 356, S) Seeds, t«. 698.551 3,911,58 4,9.0.9 =8 Potatoes, bt M 90,98 9*3696 Beef, brie 896 4«O0 Pork, bria 9154 81961 SUSS Cot Meats, Ms - 90,310 18.761 577 8.575.6H Uxd,Ms 1964819.8415(1 6,9»85; Tslkiw, t* 10/>9 097,144 6SS.9I* Live Bogs. no. 15.(96 9tt.579 181 187 Dressed Hogs. no~ 17* 933 14i,U5 Beef Cattle. 80...... 9718 1*3441 1U.79* Rldea, Ma 8J73961 7.813.60* Wool, fes «iM «•« 0*9.706 Lcaber.ft IfiUrtßOaAiMtltQSS ainglae, no 1,176 COI 7*4075 O 41.86 SOI LaUkM. M 909 95310,09015.499,7» Tfßber, ft WWW 4,117 80 7U.673 Mt6 69T.W 818/71 Pickett, ---- lIJ.M 946& M 737,00 9M»*3» 6,431.Ml Salt. Ms 08.691 30.157 965.901 HWhwlnea, bda 980 87.180 8646* rA,pkn 3 0 19,485 19816 BntteT>a ......... Bt6FB 1.14330 tS>U(5t Dried Pratta,963 853.18 6,594.746 taka, brta......... « 16.0* 89.610 OwnCocak.... 9630 948.490 996651 MiPkaffs. Ms 13,417 3.917.981 8.194.78 !«*■ *« T.StUU MI.W o* l -*—» - 5.851 18.7J7 st,m ■amraoT iukxq asncLxs ax coicaoo. fieptii. 1869. tbnettfil. floar. M 1.......... Ciao 1366068 1/06,9 4 M. --PMS JMUW 983L4M Don,k 1348« *1 assseritjusra <£* a. bn 137740 1.43 W Bye, bm U/g> 16->«i 98.073 Barley, ta ISO 185.V4 145.131 Seeds. W 179370 9,81100 8.85 5*5 Potatoes, bn 1.08 3CV.O'* Beef, Mi 61 67.i»<3 10.631 Pork, brts 9871 985356 87.««6 Cat Meats, fta. 55.0» 67,919,171 Ijra.** K.SB,MmuJNI T»low. lbs 9.WWK UAM U*nogs,*o UMT tttitt. TSHg D-p**-<n’<v»,»o... - «nfiS s«g tW 77.S auS - M*a oo> 4,&i4 d>3 Wool,** ■ Js*w -flßtlfr 458.88 M.SVjBS 119 AX) 74* fSS B '"’ »°-r—■••JfiMiJ;sw»ins Wh,n0.... ...... i/nvm *».7’».<B«oi,maoi Timber. 1t....7..... ai.SH «IS,ns Porte, no 3.998 KUO* 4UEI PtrticW, no MOO 81,983 Wood, cdß ®ll \|| States,no.... *•••• TOWO 8,318.411 4.817.498 lR.i« Ftfb, r*p———- ■■ 19 -• 9.1 V) oKm Dried ttadt, UtO «n.*a \SSSn Applet* bi1e.1,478 7jM umb Itroom Core, 81*110 ittum imijim MiUStnCe, fte •... BU»U Le*d I*. Coil tent Lake Freights again advanced *c per bushel te ddy, hat the New York news was livoiablc and pnet s were well sustained- The Wheat market was not very active, hat the average saiea wQI thow a alight imptovement on on yesterday's prices. About 74,000 boaheU charged at 99c for No 1 Bed; ft)Q9le for No. S Bed; »X®»cforNo. 1 Spring; 88c for No. 8 Sptirg; 81c for Rejected Winter, and OSd73c for Rejected Spring. There was more firmness exhibited In the Floor market, hat there was no visible improremetitln prices. Sales foot op at about 4£oo barrels at a large of froifi $4.9CQ5 90 for medium to choice White Winter extras; f4 80&4£6 for medium to very good Spring extras, and S8.00&4.00 for super fine. There was a flrir inquiry for Con, and notwith standing the advance in freights.the market ad vanced X c per bushel, and closed steady. Afloat, Yellow Elver sold at 37c; High Mixed at Sljtfe; Canal Sized at SOfQtlc, (the inside price for Bed Mixed); and Rejected at 25yc. In store. Mixed »cldatS©3i9#c, and Ejected at »Of3Jsc. The den-and for oats fell off materially and tna niirirt waseafyatSSQSSXc. Bye declined Ic, sales b»- irg made at 40c. Barley in good demand Timo tby Seed active and steady. Provisions quiet; ICO brls city packed MeeaPotk sold at $9.50. Bigbwines quiet and steady \ Lake Freights advanced Xc»bnt were not active. Ergagements were made at 9c ftr com and xoc for wheat to Buffalo. BKVIEW OF CHICAGO BASKET. Tuzsdat Evzbxko, ftept. 93, 1869. FEE GETS—Since the date of oar last review, lake freights have ruled moderately active, with a gradual advancing tendency. In th« early part of the week, charters were freely taken at B&S.K c for com to Buffalo ; bat under a better itquiry, they ruled firmer daring the week, closing steady at 10c. Tt-DAX—Finn, but quiet, at an advance of >/e cn yesterday's rates. The engagements were: To Buffalo—Schrs. Marion Egan and While Squall, wheat at 10c; schrs. Black hawk and B. Parsons, coin at 9c: bark E. 6. Morgan, oats at 7c.\ Raiixoap Fbxiguts.—The recent advance is well sustained, and for the present there le no im mediate prospect of a decline, as the capacities of the various roods are taxed to their utmost. The fcUouingis the tariff of the various roads leading from this city to the East: dags. Flour. Wool. To 27ew York, aH rail „75 $l5 O $l5O ** “ via Lake Erie .TO 140 ISO To Boston, all rail 00 1.60 1.<30 4 * via Lake Erie .T5 1.50 1.3» To Portland, all rail 80 1.60 l.O) To Philadelphia, all rail. .70 1,40 1.13 ** via Lake Erie....67# 1.35 1.05 To Baltimore, all r»U To 1.40 “ 44 via Lake Erie 67# 1.35 105 To Pittsburgh, all rail 37# 0.73 0.6S To Buffalo, aUraiL 40 0.30 68) ** “ via Lake Erie. To Montreal, all rail. FLOUR—Received to-day, 14.419 brls; shipped, 7,611 hrls. The lollowing Uh’e shows the receipts and shipments coihig the past week: Receipts. Shlpm'ts. . 4M 61, m .. 6,621 .. 4,t6l ... 9X-J4 4,« i 7.4 M 3,128 4,170 By Lake Canal. G. &C.U. Railroad. XU. Cent. Bail road • Chi &RI It K Chi. BAQRR ...... Chi, A & St L B B Chi & KWUB. C& MRS. ... . Three Eastern Byroads. Total last week 39.062 61.330 Tc-tal previous week 88,573 43.621 Corrctp’dingweek, 1861.... 59.8* 6 46.216 .. 1860... -56,125 2i,0i2 There tae been considerable activity manifested In the flour market daring the past week, and the doting prices in oar last review were well sus tained till yesterday, when, in consequence of un favoiahle news from New York, the market ruled doll and heavy at a decline cf nominally 6c $ brL We qnote dosing prices as follows: White Winter Extras 84 75£85 70 Bed do d 0... 4 25&4 50 Spring Extras, choice. 4%5$ veil do do' fair to good 4.(0$ 420 Rye Hoar 3.8333 90 Superfine brands 3203 3.73 Middlings, per ton. 19.00319 00 Cora Meal. bolted 14 (Rt©ls A • do do Unbolted*@i2 50 Bran and Shorts O.uOddO.Oo Tc-pat, the market ruled a shade firmer, bat without quotable change. Bales were: 100 brls “Carlmvllle” White Winter at “MeUen'a XX” do and SO brls “ CentralU” do at $5.&0; 500 brls “National” at $5.10; 100 brls (brand not given) at $515; 100 brls •* Nv & J. Da- Quoin” and 100 brls ** Lower Egypt” at SSXO; 230 brls “Exchange” (St. Louis) at $4.90; 400 brls “Goodwin’s Imperial” choice Spring .Extra Xto arrive) at $4'5C; 200brls “ Pride of Minnesota” at $4.45; 90 brls “Shell Rock” at $144; 600 brls (brand cot named) at $4 35 ; 80 brls “ Kohokia” at $4 30; 800 brls “Geneeeo Valley” and 100 brls “Derwent” on private terms; HO brls “ Como” at $1.20; ICO brls “Cedar Hills” Spring Super at |i(0:100 b:ls “Macoupin” at $3.86; 73 bds Sa por at $3 80- all delivered. WHEAT—Received to day, 72,703ba; shipped. HXUha. The following table exhibits the receipts aid shipments daring the past week: Receipts. Ship’te By Lake 360 393.655 Canal— 27,384 .... GiCORR 75.019 111 Cen It U. 121.970 Chi. &K.l. Railroad. 3U«3 Chi., B. A Q-Railroad ... 56,970 ChL, A. & Si. L. Railroad... 12.233 Chi. & N. W. Railroad 51,283 ChL A Mil. Railroad Three Eastern Railroads.... 6,650 .... Total list week 877.331 391,405 “ previous week....- 879.715 862,124 Ctrrrep. week, 186 L 76151*8 SJt.tSi “ “ 1860 520.890 478^07 The wheat market under favorable advices from New Ycik, in the early part of the week, ruled firm, at an advance of 8(&4c on Spring grades, and 3&Bc on \t inters, but a reaction having taken place—the crops In Scgland proving better than •as anticipated, and an advance in freights the market baa ruled irregular, but without quotable change, To-dat—The market was a shade firmer. Sales were: I£CO bn Mo. 1 Red Winter at 99c in store; 33,000 bu Mo. 3 Bed at 9lc in store; 6.000 In do at 90#c in store; 17,(00 bu do at 90cin store; IIJIC bu Mo. 1 Spring at 90c in store; 800 bn do at 89#c in store; 9.CCU hu Mo 3Sprisgatß3c in (tore; 3,*OU bu Rojccltd Winter at 84c instore; 300 bu Rejected Spring at 70c in store; 2,900 bu do at 68c In store. CORN—Received, 317,550 bn; shipped, 1463XJ bu. The following table shows the receipts and shipments for the week ending Saturday, tae 30th inst.: _ Receipts. Shlp't*. By Lake I^2j.9ju Canal 425067 GACU. ILR 48.123 111. outran*, n 193.40 C.4IUR.K 28.KJ0 C.B.&Q R.R 164.8 0 C.A.ASI. LR.R 36.350 C. A N. W. R. IL 8,030 773 c. Three Eastern Railroads .... Total last week 9C1729 1,5?4 673 “ previous week .1,t19,4<i0 94V1R5 Cortetp. week iu 1861. 691.631 1,139,0:9 •* •* in 1:60. 3=7 3)6 410.169 The market daring the week has been rather fluctuating, although parcels in favorite homes ruled steady and commanded an advance of fully #c. In the early portion of the week an advance in freights restricted operations, but holders were firm and full prices were realized. On Saturday, owing to a decline In Mew York prices fell #c p; r bu. To-det— I The marset under a better inquiry ruled firmer and advanced #c. Sales were; 5.0/0 bu prime Yellow River at 37c afloat; 9.1K0 bn High Mixed River at Bl#c afloat; 15,07) buCa-al Mixed at 31c afloat; 6,(0i» bu do at 3i>*c afloat; 16,(0t bu do (Red) at 39#c afloat; 5,000 bu Rejec ted at Sf#c afloat; 65,000 bu Mixed at S9#c in stora.; 5,(00 bn do at 39c in store; 5.000 bn Re jected at SSc In store; 4,500 bu do at 3i#c ia etcre; 3,(60 bu do at 34#c In store; 32,000 bu do at 2«#c xn store; 1.0(0 fcn (no grade) at 19c on track. S>ol AMO O ATS.—Received to-d»y 91.359 ba; shined none. Received last week, 143 I'D ba; shipped 19D.519 bn. Since ihc dste of our last review the market, under a good shipping and speculative de mand. ruled firm and active, at an advance of 9® 4c, but towards 'the dose of the week prices fell bad: XQlc—the market doe lag doll. To-day— lees active and easier. Saks were 8,(00 bu No lat SWcafcat; 18.0(0 bu do store; 5,000 bu do at fSc In store. BVE-Recelrcd to-day‘6.B6S bu. Deceived last week. 90.921 bn; shipped 11.060 ba. The market under a light demand ruled quiet, doting ic low er. Sales to-day 4.U0 bn No lat 40e in store. BABLET—Received to-day 1,688 bu. Received last week, 19.C70 bu; chipped 850 bo. The mar ket, under a better supply was doll and easier with a decline cl CQ'.Oc on to aairpUa. Choice was In good request and steady. Sties tc-day, 45 bags common at 40e; 9.C00 bain bsgs at 4Ec; 9.6*0 ba do 6Cc; SOO bags at6se; 1100 bast 66c; 9.CW ba at 49c; 118 bsgs at 68c; 186 bags at «e; 61 b»ga at He; 4.000 ba at 63>-an on track; 186 begs at 69c; 180 bags at 66c delivered SEEDS-Becelved daring the weak, 496664 Bi; shipped ITOJGOBa. Under a irirlnquliy the mar ket has ruled steadyatlist week's prices. Sales today, 79 bag* at $1.48; 160 do at 91.47*, and ill doatsL46. BlGßWlNE3—Received, USD brie; shipped, 109. The maitat ia very quiet, the few sales af fected naibetag made pablic. Saks today 980 bridal 99c. PSOTBBIONB—VsssBbbk Is qaiet bat rstber dimar.’wttk salea at 19(0014 for Oeoakty Kms, and S9XO for City. Bacon and Cat w—t, gre quid. Hass dull and nominal. lona steady. Salea ICO bris City Hem at $9 50. SALT—Bcceived, 89, tH bris; shipped, T.H9 bris. The market isrery dm, as the demand ex ceeds the (apply. Fine. bil .. lion Dairy, »• ,4.»« Ctar-e, “ xa» »'0»8e. srrersed AtS Gnnnd Solar. oil 9<6 livcrpod.N tack, sin Bs I*4 Tuk'sfound, 9 ticc,1»085........ 1,45 nure-in In ul b food g-»ftHOfcm^ > ».MdWl l WfcrCbal«» AICOBOL-M^tnMKe. = m : -Bi«k «m»." fit _COOPEHAQB-Wlifc*l du|t' W« qute: mlt, *•' pock bets per m. MMftH-g wttt a Moderate laqulrj ah ejf®Bj<fceamttry wtooattj at 8x aad « city at FBUir-Oreen fruits an tn food demsadwtth a cone*po£d|])£ supply . Apple* an a chide ton er. Peaches steady. Dried fruit daU tad aoai* Weqcote U.UI Gssn—Lemons £ box $9.0*07.80 AppkaTiiew . 1 793*80 £tachea,a box 1X03U75 fetches. AbaakeW U0&175 fears f6n.. foWMLW -/ Baikbenlee. ybtt 3 Vfo • 39jfc Sonuaon dried tpplet. 4 as c Uu pared peaches 6 fie frioehamaTT.T. T¥® ... Cooswoold. S 3* c FISH—The market is very firm, and tends loan ddrance as the eupply of lake fish promises to be light for the reacon ***** muaben of fishermen have enlisted and gone to the war. We quote closing prices as foil ws: N- bf bdl SS.7O «UD “ ? “ 160 ®.115 “1 Trout, “ 170 A sO) SSSS’JLiS 1 * 5.08 ft SSO Picitedlfmtog 100 alii No. 1 JfacteH,brt» 11.00 SIIOD _ ’■ “ bfbrifl 100 5 100 Ko. » “ brim 100 ©ILOO ‘ “ Mbri*.... ISO SIOO DriedHerrtng 9 box V ® 45 HIDES— Are steady and in fci* *—*•** We sctice no change; our last qootitloiii are : g2™"L- • *ls e. Dry Salted - « «18 - Green Salted SrcS Green So.*.. #7 e. fry Calf..QlO 4 Kip alO C. WOOL—The market is qniet bat to •» j range orstastc. The Kß*?” wmch wecUp'lrem the New York Economist gives the w*g of the nurirtt: Thenuhet for foreign wool. ha. been ereed- Irgly active thernet week, cnlefly on epecnlitlan. n very ftUL and in some instances, better prices. ii!X!S en ? ;bcen “»Dy between the Im etSeCT, ffpd as a whom, have been quite 64*® io hare every confl expect no hasty-peace,” vSi boldness cf their pur transactions have bem S «“d holders being at variance, and the form« nov^_ wiae the wa stS of govenneent, are not dl«posed ,^Tt^^.. 0 exetss of reqoiremtnta Prices and fleeces range from to®6Bc with sales cf atont 60.0 m foe. Of polled. lbs No. land super changed hands at GROCERIES—'The grocers axe aadhavebeenfoc the past week excessively busy, and several of the leading houses Inform ns that there never has been in the annals of Chicago, as large a business do* iog as there is at the present time, Susans have advanced fully >;c on the better qualities of raw grades. Soft refined have also advanced since our last. Bice is firmly held at an advance Teas have advanced foDy 10c V X> on the better qualities, while inferior are a shade lower. Coffee Is firm without any change. We note tales fiio at 22J£®23c. Tobac cos l ave undergone another advance of 10c, with the prospect of auotht r rise. AH other staple ar ticles axe firm. Wc quote dosing prices as fal lows: SCOABO— New Orleans, common to fMr. “ - prime to choice Cuba—Fair to choice Porto Rico—Fairto choice N. Y. Kefined—Powdered and ..35 70 -60 13) ...... 14 @ia«c Wi&UHc JffOLASSI» N. Y. Sugar House 40 ®« c Plantation 42 @46 C N.Y. Syrups 40 @4B c Golden Syrup 50 ©55 C Cornu— Hlo 99 ©24 c Maraca tc • ' ®- C Santa c O. O. Java 38 ©3O e Mocha Eicf Carolina BJ*& SJ.'c Patna 7>s© Sjtfc 77 9.139 Rangoon Spices— Caeela Pt*Pl>er .’ P;n.tnlo Cloves 30 ©ls C Nutmegs..... .85 ©96 C Tfas— Ghees—Fine Young Hyson 80©1.30 “ Gan powder...... 8V<&1.80 Black—Fine Souchongs. CO^ ** Oolongs .. 60©1-10 Tobaccos— Missouri and Kentucky 6a.. 55©60 c “ ** 8s BSafi-ic « “ Be 65@8'C “ “ )tfft &7><o ,: sc “ *• Ift 57©65 c Natural Leaf Twist. Ift 80©«) c Soars— Oakley’s German Erosive 8 © BJfc New York Chemical 7 © 7J<c Anstrlan 6X© 6J£c «’ommon bar 6 © s>fc Extra. 5 ©6>ic Starch— Kfnsford’s pure 6#©— c Silver Gloss 75*0 8 c Pudding. 8 © B>fC BUTTER—Good straight lots are scarce and firmly held at ll©U#c. Sales 63 firkins good yel low at 11c. POTATOES—In fair request at 35©40cfor No shannocKs. EGGS—B@Cc 9 doz for fresh. POULTRY—Chickens, $ doz, $L50©175 Tar kere,sft,4©4Xc. COAL—The following are the closing prices at retail, delivered: Biiar Bill, V ton SBOO Erie, “ 8 00 U.Msssllon “ 800 Ctrppcwa, “ 750 Orm*by. •• 8 06 Blosctmrgh, “ 8.00 Lehigh, " 12 00 Illinois, “ 6.t0 WOOD—The following are the retail prices in the Iketb, scord....| #5.50 M-ple. “ 6JO Hickory, “ 7.00 CHICAGO LPfIBEB AIABKET, For the Week Ending Sept. 23, 186$ Tcesoat Emrno. Sept. 33,1863. HTCKTPTS 07IXEEKR, SHIKULXB, LATH, &C.. FOB WEEK EKUIHO SEPT. «0. 1863, COKPABBD WITH THE TWO PREVIOUS TEABB. tm. 1861, isea 7.857000 8.78UM 9,397.600 Shingles, no 1,174.010 1,368.000 CO Lath, pcs 8i0.(00 666,000 l,86l.(«0 Timber, ft 100 UU) 184.000 45,000 Posts, no. 3,600 9UO tBWTHTB OP LUESES, SHtKQLXS ABD LATH FOB Lumber. Shingles. Lath. By Canal 986634 867,650 966.8TQ By G. dt C. V. R.R.1.687.333 917.350 228.56» By 1.C.H.8.. .. J.TUUd'O 9«1,6U0 374.730 ByC. 48.L8.R. 361677 107.0U0 3,750 ByC.B.&Q.&K. 763,361 890,000 140.3 0 ByCJi.JtML.RR. 613.338 5111.0110 1C8.550 By C. AM.W.R. R. 139.331 38,000 49,375 BvC.AM.ILR. ... • Three Eastern R'ds 39.300 49,000 Total last week... 6,271.763 8.700.600 IMVtI S Total prtv.weck.. .5 870.X4 34V ,3"0 l.nifi 9fl 'ur. week, 18C1 .. A,887 898 8.1*6 o*l 818.730 Cor. week, i860... 6.193,657 4956375 1,859,700 LUII B£R—As wiQ be seen by the above table the receipts for the past week amount t07.857,000 feet, thawing, as com ared with the week previous, a Ctcrease of 5,£48.00 Let. Transactions by Hie ca-go have been very limited, as the fcavy dealers and xraLnLtcinriis prefer docking and piling it in the yaids rather than sell at the ruling price). It Ts ruipottd that the prices of lumber will rule much higher this coming winter, from the fact that the stocks now on band in the city are com paratively light, and the scarcity of labor in the lumbering districts caused by the numerous en- Us'ments in the army, will prevent many mills fom mimtifaclaring their usual stock. The market is very firm. The following are the cargo sales during the week: cargo sefar. Wollln from Muskegon, 60 m mixed at $7 75(0n contract). Cargo brig Bam Bale from Greenßay half strips, will cut and sound at $8 50. Cargo Khr Kirk White from Muskegon, 110 m ecsutfing, joists strips, Ac., at $8 s**. Cargo tchr. Driver from Greta Bay, 80 m mixed at (8 GU. * Rand from Muikegon, mixed at sß.tn. i argo schr. Heligoland from Muskegon, 67 xu good quality a* |8 sft C -rgo tchr. Venus from Muskegon—all strips at $8 75 Cargo schr. Helen Kent from White Lake, bQI ttuffon p. t. < argo tebr. Supply from Point Aux Barques, 285 xn beside at $3 fia SDIM6LES—The miiket Is flxm and rather active, whir sales: C»*go echr. to arrive at 99.16 for sbaved A; *3.5u lor tawed A; |t 95 for No, 9 shaved and A ctdar. Carso tchr. BandaU* 400 m extra sawed from irctn Eay at $9 68 CSigo tchr. fllrondcHe, 80m sawed from Sagt aw at $9 68. _ Ca*po veto. Driver. SOOm sawed ftom Green Bay it |9 6a*. LATB-Steady and unchanged. In the yards the market is very Arm andmoder. "ately active. Common boarda aiepfipclpsliy held at (10. * The following are the dosing quotation! for all kinds of lumber, Jkt. f is the yards: team-First Clear, per 1,000 ft.....5M.00Q95i1l Second Clear ~ fekvOMOu Third Clear UOUaiAQi Stock Boards.' lIiOOIAOO Common Boards. tfeSiOA Fencte. AMIME Clear Flooring, andi eased. lAOoaikg Second dear do do MHUR Common do do 111# Bhting, Clear dreaeed. HJD®--- “ Common do MdM Call Boarda —. TOOm LongJoiata WWlliff t= ssE. si" Boats, VBBaamlaal— &OQ&9JC Enwts or IrwiiWl tad Viaflß (MaftcfeßtwTsfk* Tbe shipments of coo, dc., ftam New Task for the week ending Scpl. Maze as follows: IMBMa ba wheat ;9W4lh* earn; 99T Wa barf; M» bris pork; 904*3 Ba bams: 9M 8M Bsbacon; «419,- «n Ba laid; 148<,Va Ba batter, 1,«50,«i Ba KcwTaifc Cwtanm M«rkrt-fcH SI. Th--market u extremely dall itdawWleMa* flaet>« ed prndpa>ljr bv the news of the Union vie lory in Baniawl over tfce eombloed force* of the itbe] a* my. A few BM>re yievelaa Uke til* would a--*’ plrtvlvezbaadand d«*<n-weltaa toe 4 *ttih>-a cbl*a*ty, an-i r» born or sea aooa *o ou'distracted (icntzy. >n care of which t* by tußaißstaiptokuikot lopoaatblst what would - - .^io?i(aujic bJfOluxe lOXOlltfe .granulated •• »•••• white cnffee, A Coffee, B. Coffee, C. 7*©7*c it a- c WEES EKDOfO SEPT. *), 1863. cottonbe worth? Why. IhemarhetwnnVid’cnoe WUhtho velocity of a locomotive, and those who BOVXW ** OB receivisf $| y fefortheaitldsere Mf.invdbtuiiz'idto tcamfr.m their broker* acme monies thatJhHr cgode, wen wotworh More than their original Be. * Ccmmm mld-Clo* spbiw are low nominally worth 535. and staaa safes bate bean effeefadat this rs»e, bat themir- Slim? 0 fcmfck *“ price!.—iV. Y. NEW YORK. Sept. SS.—Fixju*—Supply con tinue* Untied with moderate home trade demand. l!^ii fehadefls;Ber - Ba]ee.l*soohrKatssOS *5 »©sao far extra elate; •BJ6CB»torsaper western; *5 4ftas to far cow men to medium extra western; 16 80QBS far Heady. CSusdhn flour a little flrmer with moder ate bulcc** dola*. Sales. TOO brla. at $54 mmnaoß: 55.7808 75 far cood to choice extra. Bje floor quiet and Heady at SBS-'O4Su. Ooea meal In fair request. Sales, COO oris, at $1 TO for Barth's caloric: S4 TO for Biahdywlne, and 10 pmccbeonsatflTSL Wbx*kt—featket eteady. Bales 600' hds. at BS3iC for western. Uuatk—Wheat Ip good export demand tor sound parcels, and 1c belter. Sslea 31,000 bn. Chicago epiix>gstsUflail6: 33.000 bo. Milwaukee cl-ib attU*Qi.l7;7B.oCO bn. amber lowa at fltisa. 1 TO; BUM) bn. winter red Illinois at fll.fdbi.Si; 48jCC0 bn. winter red western at $1.84&t.*7: 1(8.000 tn. amber Michigan atsl9ffl&l.Bo; 7.W0 bu. common amber Green Bay spring at SI.CT: **,600 bn. inferior to good to white Michigan at fIi.IFQI.4S, ou new red, delivered, at #lß6 > and6(Oba new red Virginia at sll6. Bye quiet and without material change. Bailey doll acd nominal Com a abide firmer far sound, which ia»csrce,anU 1c lower far unsound, which isplenty. Bales 137 OKI ha at CBQGIs far shipping mixed western; 58£S7c for (astern; 4SQUe far damaged tnd bested; 6*c far common white west ern; tScfor choice white southern. Oaiassßlmr slowly at 6l&6lefor Jersey, Canadian, western and state. Giocmts—Cbflfee—Bio quiet Siler, SIT bags at Sc. Sugar—raw, lees active demand and prices Him. sales. 800 hbda. New Orleans at 9a l*Xc—latter price for clarified: 900 hbda. Cub* at Bjic; aid 880 boxes Havana at 9Qlofce. Molas ses quiet Sales, 35 bhds. Cnba at aoc Potieiohs—Pork opened quiet and closed a shade easier. Pales. (SB brls. at $U 61X311.75 for meat: $10.19X31093 for prime. Mesa beef quiet and steady. Sales. ISO brls. at fI&UMk li-76 for country mess; $58037.0 C for city prime; «itf£S£3.7B for T*pf)eked meat: $13.7531L87X foeexuainees. r^^»*«eb«fdnll. fc ncefhsmi quiet and steady. Cut meats qmei ©Hu uTuL Small sales st4X34Xc for shoulders; TQTjfc for bams. Bacon sides quiet and unchanged Lard steady and moderate business doing. Sales, 850 brli> at 9&9& C. Batter Ann. Sales, 19316 c for Ohio ; 16320 lor state. Cheese heavy at 7X39XC. BUFFALO. Sept, fad —Floor qUlet. Gbaiv—Wheat closed quiet and flmu Sales at $1.1631 06*31.10 for red winter western; several sales rfsprlngonp t comacaree Sites at 40 349 for sound; 80®88 for unsound. Oats very Arm and wanted. Sales UkUbO bu Ohio at 41c. Cun. Fbziob»—steady at 15c on com; 17c on wheat, to New York Imnas—B,ooo brls. flour, 818.600 bu. wheat, 12 ! .«0ba com, 19,(00 hu oats, 9,000 hu.barley, aid 14.0(0 bn rye. Esvobts— 4CO brls. flour. 198,090 bn. wheat, 78,(00 bn. com, and 14,001 bn rye. OSWEGO. Sept. Sfi—FtouK—Steady. ■ Gbaix—W beat in moderate demauL Sales of Ko.i Chicago spring at 95c ; 4.KD bu. red Illinois at (IJU7; 18,000 bu winter red Ohio sm Indiana at tl B- and 5.U00 bu. choice red iroisca, resterday afternoon, at $1.14. Cora and otherjraltKqoiet. Fb^ots—Steady. Flour 51c, wheat 13c, coin 11MC, to York. wicat. 16,000 bn. com. HtwXotk Cattle market. By Telegraph } TcevDiT. Sept. S3 ls:i The comet price, for the week, at all the mu ketf, are a? follows: Beef Cattle—Per hundred weight- «.f o nvm» I8JEB8H': O'dtoiiy qndity ffsnasoo? com* BOU do |&£( 4& t.20; Inferior do <5 50€t6 50 Swikb—Per pound ?Cornfed B?*®4#c; atm fed BK63‘a c. Time was a Urge falling off In the receipt of beet cattle. There was no marked improvement in the market, or any improvement at all esceo* in first dace cattle, which were scarce and sold freely at 8 to B#. Common eat le are generally very poor. As butchers were supplied freely lan week, there was no manifest desire to boy ex cept at low prices, at which the bulk of the offerings were placed. Prices ranged from and both were extreme, audthe balk of the cattle sold from 6fc®?#c. The market was very little better than last week. A few premium cattle brought B*£®9c. 8 wine weie much the same, as th- above quota tions show. The total receipts of beeves and twine at all the yards, for the week are os follows: Beeves, 4,884; swine. fii,Bl6 MARINE LIST. . MB! OF CHICAM* ARRIVED Sept. 33 Ptmr Sunhram, Motgan, Two River*, sundries. Pr< p Potomac. Gebhard. Bcflaln, sundries. I’rop Montgomery. Gillies, CoDingTood- Bara Canada, Doncanson. Port Colbome. Biig Pilgrim, Earns. Buffalo. 135 cds wood. Brig Sebastopol, Williams, Grand Haven, 106 cds weed. Schr Persia, Taw, Muskegon, 90 m lumber. Schr Lumberman, Coni ell. Grand Haven, 150 m lumber. Schr Peninsula. Minter, St. Joseph, 500 brls ap ples. sundries. StbrGem. Fredriceon. Muskegon, 63 m lumber. Fchr Eliza Logan, Lamphere, Milwaukee Scbr White Squall. Pratt. Windsor. 101 cds wood. Srbr Stanley, Noble. Owen Sound, 40 m lumber. Schr Wm Aldrich, Simpson, Two Rivers, 86 m lumber. Schr Lizzie Throop, Hathaway, Muskegon, 8i m lumber. Schr Wallin, Waring, Holland, 10 cds bark, 30 cds wood. SchrCballerge, Reed, Kalamazoo. 63 ralumber. Schr Bloc Bells, Maloney, Dane’s Pier, 3,000 cedar posts. Schr Ant a Thorlane, Johnson, Green Bush, 40 cds wood Scow Laurel. Patterson* Pier Cove, 5< cds wood. Scow Hercules. Gunderson, Grand River, 75 aa lumber, 55 xn shingles. CLEARED . Sept 23. Schr Eliza T n £* T, i Lamphier, Buffalo, IT.IVO ha Schr' Bv*eU Hoppock, Tucker, Buffalo, 2,200 ha com. Prop Alleghany, Bonnton, Sar'ia, 9.RQO brls flour. Prop Hunter. Dickson. Goderich, 4,905 brls flour. Bark Mary Jane, McKellar, Kingttoo, 91,000 brio flour. Bark Advance, Meyers Port Colborne, 31,650 ba corn. Bark Marquette. Beet, Buffalo. 98.000 ba oats, Schr Wm Aldrich, Simplon, Two R>vers. Schr Lizzie Throop. Hathaway, Moak-gon. Schr Wallin, Waring, HollAud. Schr Challenge, Rhs, Kalamazoo. Schr Bine Belle, Mnllony, Wolf River, Scowßercnlts. Gandenon. Grand River. Schr Lumberman. Cornell. Grand River. Stmr Sun beam, Morgan, T «o Rivera. Scow Lame). Patterson. Pier Cove. Brig SebaetcpoL Williams. Grand Haven. Scbr PciiiLtoia. Minter. Holland. Schr Gem, Frederickscn, Muskegon. . HABIME NEWS. VESSELS PASSING DETROIT. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Detboit, SepL 53,1862. Ur—Prep. Buffalo; barks Sunshine. E. C. L, Invincible; brig® Young, Attica. Roscius; schrs. Hyphen, Foxtime, De Witt, Reciprocity, Mon* soon. Down—Props. lowa. Tonawanda, Oneida jbirk Colorado; schrs. Wings of the Homing, Star of Rope. Mlchols. The schooner Marquette was sunk in the Macki naw straits, by a collision with the schooner Warner, on the Slstinst, The former was bound down, the latter up. MOVEMENTS OF CHICAGO VB9TELS. Vessels Abbived at Buffalo fko* Chicago Sett. 30,—Props. Wenora, Evergreen City, Nep tune; baric Jane Bell; brig Geneva; schrs. Lady of the Lakes, Glpeey. Vessels Clsabso fbox Buffalo tor Chicago Sept. 30 —Props, Acme, Buffalo. Merchant, Mo hawk; barks 8. V. R. Watson, Badger State; schrs. Lady of the Lakes, Jessie. Altalr. X>l£2l>. In Galas.lll., cn Satnrday SeptemberSOth,ELIZA BETH €(*- PEP, wife of CbarUs W. Hempstead, M.I). riKlOAttO jmLL-?UKN!&£ta% V DEPOT. T. W. BAXTER A OO a , fSENCB BURR MUJAIONfe OF ALL tUAHBZB. «. W. MOW*’IFATXST PQBIABI* Flouring and Grist Milk Mica H mn mumooibv* Ml m-mmmmm BsBtDKfIdUKMI Hnwrtaa Screws aafl Bat BraaPf aftekaProo Btsffi.dr.Ac. FiIRBAUKS* S€il£B, 9M MILL FUMISHIMB tENERALU lead MIBUtSI fmaASßf VHi racoon of 6team sad Water aeu- aoatractedtorsttxw Men. ißfUm. Ml<n,Mn*i, the aabsemenhcvtnt Obtained the Aims Cortt* «<e of Steam Nntaei and BcXlen from the mannflK toiyof GOUUHB6. BA«LKT*SSWSUU of Wale sown, H. Xm would lavite the attention or perch—ei to tuir superior merits of style, workman-foam sowns: sbo, their very low—tea. Tte ibHowtar h Of Bavtae sad Bote, toyetherwm Hester. watsraad Steam Ftpm. Cotta. Tatvea Axci nriaae eatf tlnrei tnauim me laadf sor am. «? Jvseetfb CWttfO: m __ fbqna i5>ww......8 fig * hone »* a * .mm, S 5 ..... t® ta ■ • 725 m . XJK a • • tin.. » > •„*..*» il » - ww m •“ And ÜBta proportion fer larger *a» Myi«Mh imiMvfe JCBMFIfiintWfO. aTira. for near ms we eoMdeattyvecoaoMnd mam * niadßvtoaveßarWhßlWmwfmrvc ■avsfrsmllUlfpwemt.layasi evwihemaaicteacneOwamasajnOMWarn w* man keep an aarnmaeat of dMforaaa oat oar u examined andttr asesMnWferasStanoMiMdaetaMmriham. Cow patent m wnw f 4WNLU fuißmQo mean mi •SftVwummsnaparttraaaanatfy. Wealeesaw Wdiee inueea seArrma. «mhpb fea, ' majhipßn ». W. BAXm ftCM THtIIM^NN’dCAVATiBT.-Ia I encscqesoea of a iperial Order from the War PewwmSt»»WmhPitontbeeneemMP>aa w aether KrrrnmtayreteapeaHaSoeW Bsttwiaa. Able bodied amawho.dedre to serve ae Cavfry sol- Sien tmsfeww toaatar atsaui late aettvaam- .» to rmattfcr Com easy C: ■ • ' Cast la JCTJW OIKWMi WIHHHE. • mi 11 ilirr PUDOLTHBUBaUM. BtcoWIMmnIISSKTaUIIOFSV. eater ti*eorpe caaesnattle M «tek SftMW''Mivasßri^iv where tbe aartelarseoßeeratag the boaattosßdC to u eh eolfetr aeon mt- rlaathso-rvleo e »a oe obuioea —iiSiiMtrhewtdH »o»*«ch —a maa dUmiy THEILEWkWet, u'TtuftSlt Msfor tfoamsadlna Battslhm • AUDITOR’S OFFICE, ILT.I f\ pntß SnasmUL Anrat S, iSSX. . Tbe llrlnn Coaaty Beak, moonunrioa. hultt am film latbtootteeanofee of tba •poomtaeatoi a, Itowtont v> onaiMiM iolMlntMrlly €t Bprto*«-M. pnrtotottott.MM. to-tof Art.twocf *o Act Sweadstjry of_tha Gat* «ai But ikliv. tiwtrad FMntrr ihsas k. Dusoii, Auouor. r. a. jWjffffUflWfWff. WHOLESALE IMRY GOODS. r. runs * os, - IIS, 114* I IS Lake Street COTTOB GOODS) —MX— LOW PRICES. 109 half ■ Bedford Sheeting -■- 23 200 “ Stark “ 200 “ Appleton “ 100 “ Inrranee “ 100 Cues Xerrimack Print. ••• 15 50 u Bidmona 11 •- • 131 58 “ Spngna “ ■•■ 1« 100 “ Pemberton “ GRAIN BAGS, 50,600 STARK RILL BAGS, 30,000 IEWISTOX BAGS, 33,0f0 OZARK BAGS. ENGLISH AND MEUOIN CARPETING (DllttQlun.) P. PALMER, & CO. Ilf. 114 SB* 114 liAlI IfUCI. Floor Oil Clothe, (nSI QCILITT.) BEDDING AND FEATHEBS, Coco* mattings, Rugs Hats, Ac., Ac. WINDOW SHADES. Bud« U taj UmOgOm Ibto to Otte. CURTAIL GOODS, 3«k*UU,, B,tU S, I*tae, Duilb, ImM teillmCgrtui,te LOUNGES, MATTRESSES ENNAMELED CLOTH. P. PALMER & CO., 113.' 114 and US lake Street [iimmiyi E. 6. h. F AXON. BEDDING. OLD FEATHERS RENOVATED. The entsfriher Is row prepared to renovate Old Feather i>e(U, Pillows, Bo later*. Ac. Also, to Hcpalr aid Shke Over OLD MATTRABBES, And do alt kinds of lob work In the Hum (a the best manner, at short notice, at his Bedding Ware Rooms, 70 Lake Street, ■ FALL TRADE BEDDIN Gr Of Ertry EeariptlM, it th L»we ; t Pi lets FOR CASH. ■ultras ecs, Fntkcr Id. Msttn, Wn^ Cmmftrtcn, lluktts, State, PtUrnw sops, to. Always on tied or made to order. Paillcnlar Attention Paid to Custom Work. The public are Invited to can and tzamlna my work, particularly the PORTABLE SPRING lATTRISS, The Best Bed ever Feed* ALSO-MT STEAM CURED FEATHERS Superior to »11 Otkers* Perfectly free from bad-odor oltho Quin. Haying a thorough knowledge of tbe buslnam and having always a fu'l assort meat, in all its branches, prepared ataQ tlipeo to manufacture to order, 1b quantity and quality second to bo konsu In tbe city, be hopes to continue to reednt as heretofore, u liberal share of patnuagr. E.G.L. FAXON, 70 Lake Street 70 F.aßoxsoie. PAPER RANGINGS NOV OpaHtC for FALL TRADE. The bul Tulttj «f lev Styles. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, CURTAIN PAPERS, Window llii s. Fliimres, fte FOR CASH. E. C. L. FAXON, Old Stud, 70 Lake Street. - t a,duni p)B ST-CLASS CHICAGO PRO- PORMUCHMt. Bafcn reoma. to Gotandot I dedn to acU • Itrf eaaatnrcd mm, siTzxft ansniv noranx , inCadcacOkQoodTantacaoa tarmalopwrchaan. JOHSKTAWI. Dnfee at OwQBMiB 8. dark atraat, npotaha. •StOBUv DDHOS.—A mett of wtm X OdneafOMataunmnlmlwa «.«3a»e».wlna»aoldema.Mr«M.e»e.a»u«M »meati pie Pa»oaaa*ae ™enu— itmlm pompety ottawdMha. - Mam Itodo Win. oaa old afilM naattta. WANTED—A Bor about fifcMß <nhka>mtfintilim«>Dii|M g&^a^vggg^*aaaa WiNTKD-To Bent or Bor, » JZ - sad MartfMt IflD. Amm ! t mr<r»iw W7ASTED—A goad seoofid-hsnd jZJ£tSS£ISSSZ£ M * m - A ““°“ ■ WiitTTl J.y.yaBmWOPH. TXTiHTED—A lievtcnzicT mft Ssass iptM oo.forttMftbov* paaTtkm vtm mtod Tata qniYtfcHfcirn >n< momJ ebat actor* ''XddrewL ijitii TMTATRIMONIATZ—A young lady i"i of prepossessing appearance, vMn eom> icond-»ltn a tef.tiem.n with a Ttew to matrimony. Address. etui mntnAm V KDrtH HittL&VD. Box ae Lyons, low*. —^oflt-tt ANTED—Orders froa „ „ AeiWS Am BDTftVBS *<** Varietr EbTPlopa, Army Pjjtefriloa. Pocket Inkstands. Union Paper and'gnvelopes. and ailarticles in tnlsdue. Order* rvcsive prompt attea Mon. AdoreasF. A. fHousS. Port Ufles BoxtOß. Chicago. w5-n.tMm WANTED—To Rest a small cot v T tage house on the Sorts Bide, souta of Oak street ana east ol Lasalle. Eer-t not to exceed flit per meets a.ddreM Poet Offlce Box 415J, aOßofiiHt WANTED.—Baikera or othsr " bnrinera men In want of a competmt aad re ;roiirible Book Keeper, will please addrem Post Odlse Box SC9®. The acvenlser ba< had-twe'.vn rears ex* B” ,enc ?J? Ibis aty. nxye»rs In a prominent badness fcm as Principal Bcok-gcejer. sezl-oMI-St ~ A BCQE-ZEEKEVS MTOATWH, Bya 3 otmg van of caper let re. balary not vo much of as» opjcct, Kele.sio aurry. Kelson A Co.. tl« South Wat*r street Pumercityrtrereaces canoedvenif Dectsary. At areas -p/ Post Ofllce Box sw. Chi cago, ID. asAaSiMt \\ 7 ANTED—A petition in any of . v.v the railroad r flees In ttedty.byathorouxb imalDCrß van. who has had three years experience (a the business, sa Local Freight Agent, and General ~t Ticket Agent, and can flu any petition wcdtersuperint«id»ni“stlsfacsorUT. unexceptionable Rimitcu rmn. Address * fiOLtCirOB." Tribune Cflkc. se&n&73t - ■ ■ 23i • ••831 - * - 251 • - • 131 TVTANTSD IMMEDIATELY— K v v your g man from !• to 18 yearaofl.«hr>haa hadsevera ytara experience m a cmxboal'ma. of gooo character ana habits, wit t good refCrencea. Adorcas •* A.B. L.," Mt. Carroll, 111. Alan, a man to take charge of a retail drug bnalnea, qualifications same as above, and ad Ires* same. sip»uns-lw TXrANTED —A young nc as of five v v -jears experience in tfce Tobacco and Cigar trade.and tvoyearstna Grocery btore. wishes «m --plonLCßtlnsomererp-ctabb* boaineas where he can male himself geneniilv uspfh’. Wazes n) oMect Cm- ctvetoed city at>a HMtem reference* A<!'lr»**e GEO. WBhIGGS Box 17*4. Chicago, m. sea oar? Si RANTED. Id Mh.letalt Dry Good. IrtetL Wanted hy a nun vbo his bust a-'M.etn ploymt&t ms baieeman. Stoc6-K«ei>e» or sapping Chrk. ThesdTtrcicrbss had to leare hU ova oast ness m Mlysoan through the rebellion. sad dov seem a home in a 1. 07 *1 City. llcha»becn«imU>>ellasons of the first wholesale houses Hast. Jleferencea at his tl-lsoffice. ACdrta* "DM GOUL's,”Post U->x m.Qnmcy. HU seS nW3t RANTED. MILLERS, unmos!' An experienced Miller, aecnstrm-a to Merchant as wellascnstom Millmr, wants a silicon as Bos« or 6t< n» Dreiser. in a well anance 1 MU’. Pievc cl rect toCUUEaTIAS MACH, Jefiersox, Jefferson Coantj. Wisconsin. W'ANTEH, AGENTS—Ia every v T City, Toys. Camp and Fair Ground. DUNN’S Croat Patriotic Combination NOW KEAOY. Tbln urequalled demavd: sells wonderfnVy. f. to fir. per day insured. Greatest chance ever offered. Z3T Send for circulars. C.H. OD’JTS’ & CO. eel»oM»lin 131 Clark sfretd. Chicago. miools. ANTED, AGENTS—(Da Übe ¥▼ rml ter ms) »el! our yreat niZS?AGKa6ESAIDRIftTnUOB lo Citic».T>vrsand Carnot. Induce T*entsuneqtnll9.J, tIG to 115 per car cuds with ease. Scad'ortHi-cmara. C. M.OU*N*CO., le!4-btß4m So. ISt Clark atr**wt. Ch»evr> \\T ANTED.—Persona requiring T T help, to call at the Bmfjrant and Employment Office, lUD Clark street. Methodist Episcopal Cliurcb Block, wuere may be found male and female belpfoi city and country. Orders Drom the c mntry promptly alter d<* to. Fret Odes Box 1*512. STEWAKT HAMILTON. Penoai with *oo<ir.sterencea «*uUu? respectable situations. may flod such at this office. aalß-t6632m __ "\V AXTEO--T0 rent a term cf ?» years a farm of 100 acres or more. Mast have good house and out Mi Idlsgs. Would prtfsr tiat ihe ovnrrvculd lurntahsttchand tmpeminta aaemd shares or prtduots. &>!d lonr t» oe not more than (73 miles from Chicago. Address Post OtDce 3oxtm9.gif* ire Ices tiou and how fur frotnanulrosa station, ard suppostwon can beg! tea. sclg-asK».i>t W ANTED—A;e:ts to stU Kew, U*i»n. an«l Itfpiftpaxstnta Atrrtctas, mat being Introduced »Vrst Betas of •* li£,\L MKRir" tt ej neet withmrgr where Introduced, Phe» need btt robe keen aid nerd to be appreciat'd. To returned soldiers andcthtrsuneropioje’ «e offer the bsst !»• »rc»x»3CT»i. >ordß i * , rtptivecJrcnlsr»and term# en* tlcfeftamp. KICK & CO, Custom lion# * Pace. Chi cago, lU. sellnkHlw •« tui? —r»i»cuifl to CSHVfIS 101 V V the forthcoming History of the Civil War In JoanS. c Atmorr. (author of the Lift Xapole* n. History oi the French Revolution, Uoumrcha of Continental Eornr-e, Ac) Aaett# will find this % rote felling book. Term* liberal. Apply for territory to O. F Glt*FS, 131 Sonlo Clarsstreet,, Peat QQee Bci StM ap2»p«o«a VV ANTED—A few thousand d.,l* ▼ r lare of Indebtedness aeVnst the late Arm of LIT Bn»rb A Cc„bj J.BEECUER, 25 Lwalle street, siSn2l«dv ~* WANTED —For Cxsh aid Trade. Acyosehavtss a general stoex of Goods of ten to twenty thousand dollar*, to dispose of on fa r term*.may address BoxsW.Onic*coOf ce The advertiser wld hay a nock of the ram namctVf richt, an-1 pay part ca«h to hand and w*dl Improved Fanning tan (ir part being underlaved with a workah'e vein ol CcaLs'tnatea eighty miles sooth of rnic*g'>. near r»M'o»d and canal. fcefersto WM.L.CUURCU. Esq* Chicago. sefraiaa-ini AVaNTED—Geu.lcmen, Ladies, 1 f or retnrned Soldier* wlaMng a pleasant and profitable Ascßcy.reqairmgssmaii c-pltaL and wheb neets ready return, will find CLARK’S* PATENT It* DFLIBLE MMtKIoO PENCIL a neat and useful a tide (and no h* mmtg, and for marking Imm the cheapest and best In as*.) Oi e dozen, by m*lL a>at oa receipt o'. $2.00. or sample pencil, terms. 4c. 3J cents In »»amns. or sample of marking, one stamo. address E. P. CLARK. Northampton. Mass. Post Office Box 3L jy2I&TT7-Sm w ANTED, INFORMATION. » v Atrr cne knowing the whereabouts of RUFUS 8. PATNK, 6r„ Sewing Machine Manufacturer, would center a f*vor < n giving Informstioa »f hi* present driricll to J. B. G, Pot Office Dos Said RoDm S Payne t avlng, when leaving the dwelling boose Xo. 303 Illinois it»eet wtta his family, through tne back doer in a burry last soring forgotten that be owed not kffithantwelvemoothsrent. The owner »»f*iMhoa*e f. els Interested to know wbathsa became of tnls model tenant. scJqiaim . Wf ANTE D—600,000 Agonte. v v . Something new. A splendid United States Map. also Caradas and New Stum wick, colored la countits. Just published by J. T. Lloyd, Now York. Cost g!O.COO to engrave It. Sample sen: on receipt of retail price. 00 seats. Henri stamp fbr circaiar. Pott Office Box 4*22. R.B. LAXDOx. General Agent, S3 Lur street. opposite Tremoßt House. augfrts&o-ia TXTANTED—AGENTS—MaIe or If Female.—Agents wanted tm every towm of the United States, to self J. Koh:er*s new tmproreri method for Cutting Ladies* Boys Clothing, Shirts, be Secured by copyright. Agents making from titoti per dar. For particulars inquire at J. KOHLERS Office, No. 6 Metropolitan Block, or addresa Post Office Box 2552. enclosing three cant pottage s*amp. Chicago, ID. delLUSai'ha VST ANTED—At 169 Dearborn o'., v 7 opposite tfce new Post Office, mtmtloß. Ibr BMMrtle ■«*. . Ko girl sent frumtbcofflcennlescabletotunililiFaOa factory reference Irom former employer. Farce* cat obtain same by applying u above, or addressing Hr« A. L.BALKAM,K>«t Office 80x3248. ]cl-s3n-an» ■vatANTED—AGENTS. KwdV yv able CKploymest. |Bn*-t profit per grommvdo by A gent* nr tne new patent Ixpcotwo liVDgnxnxJß maskino Pencil. Agents have reined from one U» two greos In one day. over seventy thousand told. Samples sent by on receipt of SO cents or for sam d!» of marked linen, terms. onestamp__ Addreat I p. CLARK Northampton. Maas. jjgw>7»lßn TAT ANTED—Agents. 130 p«J tv expenses paid! We will pay the abeve price to boi>esc. sctive awitH, or allow a liberal commission for telling the STAR SEWING HACBINK. B*t*nprice.SlS. WebaveAgents wnora ecu minim* average tioo per morth. jjirteuiar* sent free. Bend for Circular 4. O. JARFIS 4 titk. p.O.Brawersrap Chicago.Dl. a«I-t30fim WA K TED—To Exchange—A Frame BuQdtßg with Kagtsu and Bounr of IS fine tjmbra country and near tbe lake shore. _ will ex change Ibr bouse acdwtln Chicago Qr ocenes. new polite. B«n. ; pxm»» WANTS D—Employment ftr American, lEIIUh, IrWLScotci. Genua au colored eerTama »KS r^deUr refermcen at the Philadelphia Ir.te Ufrnce Oft-'". Wo 150 Sooth Cuark •tmt. between Monroe sod Midison ss2^ r “* "“t^asr W ANTED—Os« purefaaaar in township for 7AMILT KNIT (NO HACHIKS. From fIQ to $J> profit per waefc can be earned on It by any man or -rosajlt wtD sake SC.OOO rtatcfce* o mlaots; win knit apatrofStock inn or Sock* tn fifteen atnotea; makes *Tmnety <m Fancy Work, Btnwla. BoMa% H-adl>remet,Hnt»- il«m Clouds,SoataxA •* We * nl rITQ to one persons township desire tSfbl to n*eo*d soil the moehlde torootjm in enek townaktp, wklck win enaW* tkepi to sara Ike crlee paid for tkemacktMCMOy and j»» wonderthl vaektM. and erarylarg frartjy wm tore one. Price f». SeenreyonriownSkip. roretrentar vttb fsTtbcr and flO ptrtinm. call on or anna (ir.tbrtamp? BRANSOKO ThIjOT. *r«ot«. Lao Lake mad. CkkncouXlL W*«”-ta KKAL ESTATE WANTED. J&&S££flSSSSta&& BEYKOLDSaD* Dearborn •feet aggatydt A\G ENTS. —A»Sw ROT)*OHM X3L Varitd, to attend «T^(Js lr^^2s£fS2i factorysfcwoserypackncepntnpw t\f twWh * profltofiNMof* toft* per fediardanCvMmara oncene* ot ankiya*. lor a nteioM-', to J.H. JoHNBOS T) CARDINO.— A few single gae- I "rant rannbtelnplr—it rooms. wtUndtr BBftnitkhtd, with hoard, on Wahaak nwtma. tad man tastily. PiM»idlrm*l.*XMl<wgß9i T> CARDING.—A f«w pleuwaf, Ufornhhadnag wdbbaae f.een hohad din 0h state stmt Alaa.nlßWdo»fcoad*raao b?j» commodated. Id*" DOABDING.—W«rt«d two *||i SAIATHAEimKWATEL leaMdoMHtMnm; fmo ias«ssttaaass*t?':Ti" : VeMn AM _ •RT gtLKKRT * aAMFSOjf, Sqwitr lawetiM Faratoit, CAKFSTB ASD BII.VKK-FLATKD WAS*; • On TpIDAT, —gj.Mft._rt »f rtwgWrw— JfttW Laa itrwt mrtliiwrwßl cfHoos-bMd rmraitv* MOftiJt or iMorJntL plmU*.<tßsr2>*4a» QbWml>icHWGoit^tadmum:loß[ »ot«. Am Blcol* Book Caeca Ew OMi &»«!■* te. Fart or do, Bat Trees, Dw«S Bmra. Co&MCde and Bor lrMSßt4iulACßaiiS2 Cbatra sad BoefeanL lotmge* WardroOea, TTnaSS CvpMICOMKt Hd aadCeeae Table*. Seetoc Msiuaw!/ Istatioß Tab ca, i>tnlsz CTntr*. BreudS Tabir*; Slav Silver Ft aied Spoons, Fort*. TH iits_ ice Pitcher* Ac, me. AUo, a ,ot of Crockery «n«f Gimtiie. aetfraCMt GILBERT S SAMPSOS. AacCTB. RUCTION SALS OP KLEOABT FURRITDBS. I vniMli on the comer of SDehigtt ayaaae amt Adams stmt; •■IllBiT, toft, tuk, rt I* a a, wood mad naSofany PrenS n2f;^2S« Hat By*, largo alxe rosewcedardmahcgany-maroietOD itarms^hi rcaewosdTarlorßait. Damask Piiusb; oae mst ycod Parlor Soft, Velvet fialali; six go;d b-mrd OSes Chair*, onemat rgaoySora, xoaewoojaad mshostnv marble-top Sabrt n«*s. oae set Cottazn karnuareL Canr-Seat Parlor Chairs one Brunswick’* marble S-d deMer* Side Brack* W. tlx dozea mass Globa*, six Jlorgan’b make gpi in* Beda. eat a larte aad efegaafr I) based P.enca Pate Ukrors. large pier ouas, witla marble-top Table. R* LfeelSlor. Stoves. Ac. Ac. All of Which will be sold Pr eaab. seg wfcfrtt J. A. MaBSHALL. Auctioneer. "ROOTS, SHOES, WOOL HaTS* JJ BUCK GOODS. Aft. AT A^CTKW, ffl-Wllhout rmrrra fnr Pub a| On THUItsDAT. Sept. 95th, atfl% efc (jekTVnL,at ear salercems. fl aad CO Dearnava street WJS. A. BUXIKR3 A CO sej22-oSM-tt Auctioneers, TIM GOOD?. CLOTHING, Ac. ■IT AT ACCTWX _ ivaerr*. tor •••*■ mf On J uiDaT, Sept. 28. at 9> o’clock a. rtoma, «. «t anuiO Dtarsofn »*rw WJf. A. BUTTEK3 A COi. .* scp»n3Bg«3i Aucttunecra. O A OFFICE &PARLOR SXuYE3 uy. AT AUCTION. taWIDSISDAT, Sept. 34th. at io o’clock a. us. aft oursalerocna A iSana SO Dearborn ttmtstuma ard Fa^orStoiaa. IM.A.BUTTERS sepS AncUoueeri. A STOCK OF HARDWARE, Bn.m FuiTSD Goods. Lxqvors. GxocmxZ 4C.4C. AT AUCTION. H . vnu^nnis^ Vitlh atßcierTeferCiA. On VET*SE>D.*T. Seat 2*ih it o'c!oc*.et mr Salesrooms. I®, •» and 50 Jtrst. WM. A. BUTIEICS4 CO., AacfTSi WILLSON & CO, VJ AsetsoMam BOOTS & SHOES. WosMlefltrtofe* . COUNTRY TRADE S3 09 Cases Bools, fehoos and Brogmns, Of dertrable styles and veil adapted to tZta nbU Western trade-la lota to suit customers. The sale will commence AUGUST and tlnne evert Tuesday ardTharsday at 10 a.m. or&MC until the stock la dtspoaed ot. COU3TRT MUCHim ArebTtie toon eutyusi! examine stock, aa torafcle an opportunity seldom offers, ttOEE. TTILSUX * CO, Aoe*ioaesn. SI take street ChlcagOt McTICKEB’S theatre. M»r!«on street, betaefn State acd De*rbonu J.D.McVICKKi: Sole outer sad manager. trpr>'BsD 'T EVENING. Sept. 2Jtb, 13C*. TTOI bj presented Burner's great play ot Hoarting. annum Sales, ▲T AUCTION. AUCTION TRADE SALE. IxdnsiTely for the sals ot angttrc-Sa amusements. LAST NIGHT BUT THREE OP MR. AMO MISS COULDOCK. BICHBUET; or, The Conspiracy. CbrtMoal RlcbeUta .. .Tulle U*- Slottlmar. Dane a*. .............. Mr. Coalrtork. M<*. Caniea. Ctern ler Db Hacpf at. GRAND DAKCB To conclude with the Farce of Mr, Mten, .Miss Jennie night. 188 PHBITT HOV8EBBKAKBB; TBVxspaT.Vr.sad Him CouMock vlll appear la two pieces, Tint Advocat* and entawar Cooxks. f bxdat. the great Tragedy or Tn* Liow or Sr. 21aaX OEMOPET.ED, REFINED AND O' HE PPFSFO —I hare thoronghly rented row Still the Finest ni Lucent la lßt Betty Acd am now ready and *hvli tie happy to neefre an who desire aTHuHot'GH KSOWIeGDK of Dmctuc, A» no Fractal. Inrltatmoa uvre been tamed to my old ratrvba, I tow niesil» ODUDI&L IS 7irAllo3 to to tbent all. The Or* S> tree of the mm>oq will tm airs non Trtspai Evanuto drpt. a!. tail J BDWIJf MAKH3E seg-ndlOSt' Corner of Clara »nd Mmroe streeta. GRAND FESTIVAL HILL BE GIVES IN - BRIAN HAIL, Oa VfiicsdaT Eremlng, iqlntir it, IB<2, Under themansgranmt OfSr .TOOVSCWFK 1 ETCS Of theSoc»«'ly **r Sf.7bCKSPDK •ACT.- TV ppv rndoin he’applied fur the benefit of the BOUfiK OF INDUSTRY, now la eoorseof ciei'loa. and tna Cefcool of tc. Jofin’a CatMteGtaiOt TBS SEBAT WB»T£M?( BIRB Isensrard-foribe ocelot, and will be in fail force;. Also both Balia have bee* engaged. TICKETS, adaltfng a get tinman sndladygtQH To he had of any of tb» maragerj. or at thePooastora ot j. J. Kearney 18* ttonttt Clark street, or at the door on the evetirg* f tbe Festival. Sel7n-jj7-td ;Fot gale. DOR SALE—* Billiard Table 'l7 (nearly new), w Itb BaUa. Markers. *7061 and Coa Racks. Cost slew month- •gotvo. Fo-svie for fta ca*b. Apply toFStEIt SBtMJP. U7 ttstsstreet. seS:*nfi33t . TI/TOXINTED OFFICER.—For ifj ps>. a ll.Tn.rd K'fliT, .ah Cwtrlfcm Ac.iiU compMe-JnM the 'king for a Mounted officer—at a drtidrd bargain. Hl*.* oar extra floe Double Gan. at ■Uihstll* BIDWAh*3.Ho. tt Lau Kraat. ■eSr-oau-ter ITOB HALE CHEAP—Tne lhre»- 17 story Brisk Hotel, containing fifty-four room* known as tbe Erarwi Houaa. In the City of Ottawa Hi .togethrrwltb Ftro'mr* nod Stable. Long tlms glvta. Apply toE. B. FAY.Ottawa, IU. ael3a3K)liS FIR SATE—Steam En-io« aad Boiler for sale, by LBiUCIf. se3frosCs-lw . Custom House. FOR HALE CHWVP—Attention, * Csp tiTlsia.—A first cla« Mvrble Fron* Residmoe. large Bizs,cH.vcnt*nt«y located on on* of tne avenues. (Stateside.) /-lao—TwoLski* strait Stores, aooiy at 101 C ark street. Room 7. j.«. seli.a-TflS-lw E’ORt^I.S—A Nailery. T.> clof« t* partnership, wr offer oar wnol* (deck of Fndk Shrnbbery, S«.«U Frails and ornm mratal Block, growing oa twenty aersa nf land at A‘tir and sc L»nl« Kali* road,four milesfiota Altun. Will «tcn*rlca«aor»ml the Uno, To aa acc *e. ebergrcc m-<o. sn «xo« lent opporuopy Is now offered, rcr parCenlsn addrera a»atAiua.orbettr>catiandse*. A. S. 4 GS J. BAKBY. Alton. DL FOR SALE.—To Distle;a—A Still and Fiztareafortaleatnb rgdo. toB'F. QUiMBT 4 CO.,Ko.l»douih Wsterstrcot, srpl7-uvS iw POR SALE—A Poap- Cacdle and 17 QD Factory, at with flxtnfraiTunH Btock.dc. In compute running order, and doing U tsrgebustces* The owners wish to settle up their ea pammbip boelo* ss. and tbereiore ofler their worbi torsale. Terms liberal. Icqu&woflSAAC 4 CO-on thepremloea. or to TUHBKR4 77 K tana street Chicago. : jrßUgf I7OR HALE.—Ding Stor. for nk 17 at arrest bargain fbr cash or approved paper well selected retail stock of Drugs aad nxtai»-IU4 good location cu tbe North Bid*. Bent low. tteaaona fcrwslUnglll health. For further partlenhwsaddrrap B. £. DOANK, H0.X78 North W«OS uttuek Chirag» nitrate, _^jy2*U7S9W OOR SALIC AT A BARGAIN. r Sab-lotWO'.ltofLofo*add*lnßU»clc©,latftd C*>'aJ^nMtee , s newSoodlrfoio*. rfw |<M. iffly tOB B. «t)ODWAKD. Darenpfrt. low*. ao?Ej»it.lw •enroll 'Noticts. p OyERBMBNT SALIt OF Capemre* and Ciaiaaaaad HORSES AND MULE?. The andrnlfced wCI sell at Pobltc Anctija, *t l*CtoMO Cttr» aM at Setalla, 250 b~d Of (OTBStS AND MITLBS. &nl «C COWS AND CALVIN. Tbo ode will cJtnm neo •it ravimit twr as* ism, sffvaSrsa&Jsss t °le™ r c»rt^ n Hn^^GOTenOTi^ Cent ad a*. Q. if. IT.». A. Qvartrifr*»ter , aOace.Jcffer»ua City. Sept U.UBL So&nsvnt - S;r AHA —’ hare about <5.000 •f • VVf “ " of Whlt-aWe ftwatr OrdjwM»e*£ bat pe* eat; Interest to sen, nwMtbe county Is br»abont a* the Ir.Test* at foray o~e who fomtke monee noora* D. EICHAKPB.BterW—•- m- aa.n&»a. dome KNIVJfS—Just receUdd D,a ram Ak. “ ■JgStjn mieteiwntCMur*. a, I TTSIC —A Lady nurioJly tfa* Srfflgpy-—- CTarkftr <tBL • : ■ CiSl—•J’OUte Bouk. betuagixw i a tpeneedge 'Milre of ihhlsmcww ha im daamna?S •-Hawk-w oothefip 117 ft oMlaat •oAMWagdde.aoaewh’TehMth A tlDataJ.toward will hepoldtjrja rrtnr>r»»*TiniiaOim- mam _ dill HH.» ARl>—Sr»ye<i V- m ■f H> fsSSt fstsssnussnam^^s' nadS'iT** - •, rnun: