Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY NOVEMBER 8.1883. AKIHPAVOtI ITTKnPT TO PRO* p *ot» ntVDc&BK r voma. To the incendiary and diabolical article in the Becearion Timet in regard to the en- TdUment <d the militia we have this answer: "With period equality on both parties; th( nam« of Republican voters will be taken/ down exactly ibe same as the uamoa Democrats. 2d. The enrollment la no way interferes tvilh the right of any citizen, native or naturalized. The enrolling officer chalV lenges no man's vote, or asks him for Whom he votes. Bd. The enrollment does not even pre vent an alien with a British protection paper in his pocket from swearing in his vole and committing peijury if he sees proper. One ■effect in that case; is to render such alien hereafter liable, like any person to be drafted, as he dare not plead he was ex- C cxnpt as an alien, because it would reader him liable to arrest, indictment and pun ishment for fraudulent voting. 4th. It is said that there are 1,600 aliens in this city who are in the habit of voting, that hare procured British protection pa pers, and there are many more aliens who also vote at our elections, that intend to take ont protections when an order for drafting comes. If these persons vote to morrow, their names will stand hereafter enrolled as subject to draft. Is tins not right? It is the interest of every native born and Batcralizcd dozen to have those names. as it lessons their own * chances of b4ng drawn when the draft is made. sth. The article In the Times Is a plea in behalf of aliens voting, and then skulking behind the British lion when called onto do their share of fighting to save onr gov ernment and Union from destruction! 6th. The Times says there will be no draft Very well, then “nobody is hurt,” *by having his name enrolled among the militia of the State, and the gabble about the “ injustice of the order ” tumbles to the ground. 7lh. The Tima also makes the point * that the enrolling officers need not take fk -down the names of the Toters because they can copy off the names from the poll j lists afier the election. This is absurd. : Bow can the officer tell whether a man is j a cripple or over forty-five rears of age, j or in wfcat part of the ward ho resides by inspecting his name on the poll book? The sole object the enrolling afficer has in view is to take down the names and resi dences of th» se who arc to the age young enough, and physically capable of doing military duty. He would not enter the name of a man with one arm or one leg, or who was seventy years of age. The point raised by the tory print is therefore silly * and nonsensical. The scoundrelly object the secesh papers have in view, is to create a disturbance, encourage illegal voting, cany the election by frauds, and then leave their poor dupes to suffer the consequences of the crimes they may be itjmnvd to commit. XOTAL CIIiZI'TS iMITHEIOYiI aitiav. Wc appeal one* more to the citizens of Illinois not to open a fire-ln-the-re-ir on m their gallant soldiers, by their vole to morrow, while the enemy are shooting them down in front. Head the eloquent end mrrjgnant letter from one of onr brave volunteers at Corinth, describing the feel ing in the Hie Ohio and Indiana elections. Do you dare to vote against the million rl loyal hearts now en camped in aightof the armies of tho rebel lion ? WtTse witl it be for .the Tories, i Illinois, in 1h« absence of her 150,009 sol diers, shall take a position of hostility to wards them. • EKOHT M£SIBERS OF THE EBGXB* We Ibur that many hare over looted the fact that there is to be elected to-morrow iu county, seven Represen tatives and one Senator. TheUoioa men can cite*, the whole eight, if they nHke proper efforts. There is a 'United States- Senator to be elected this winter, aud if! Co.h county sends a solid delegation of Unionists in all probability it will secure the election of a sound and reliable Repub lican Union United States Senator. "We entreat every Union citizen to vote for the Republican Union candidates for Repre sentatives without scratching a name. . Evury scratched name is a vote for some * secession sympathiser like Josh Allen or Dick Richardson. Let no feelings of per sonal prejudice towards a particular can didate cause any Union man to vote agr.inst him. Remember that there is a United States Seaater at stake. A united delegation from Cook county will secure the election ol s .me good and true man to sit betide Judge Trumbull in the Senate chamber. TO JUHiGS OF ELECTION. ' We urge all loyal judges of election to look well to the ballot boxes and the making up of the returns. It will not be • safe to leave cither in the exclusive charge of Tories. Frauds will be perpetrated' -unless a jealous cure is exercised from the opening r f the polls to the final transmis sion of tac vole to the county clerks. Look Well to tills » U‘dti‘*ss! *3 fiOEDIEtIS AIUOHE. Every Illinois tidier at home on fur lough or leave of absence, is entitled to vote next Tuesday, The Constitution, Article VI, section 5, says: ■•N't) elector i»e dutuied to have 1 si bla TCbidcr.« t* In ttie t-yTc«p''a of ids ab?ear on the hcfcineg- cf me Veiled Stales, or of lu f State.” • Every soldier In the field is “ absent on r of ibe United States,” and therefore retains his residence unimpaired in UiC county wL>.ro he formerly belonged. Let the sohiior? vote J now to sntT niHisorTH, When you bear a'Sbcrmamtc blowing off stfcfiin about bringing contrabands Into Illinois, a>k him what be thinks of bis man Sherman, wlio filled bis hotel with imported negroes—to tbe exclusion of VFbUc SCTTOTUg. KO DODGING. Iso native born citizen can escape a fu ture draft by absenting himself from, the polls. By reason of bis American birth, be is liable to do military duty, unless physi cally incapable. It will be sheer folly therefore, for any native born to stay away from the election. He will simply make himself ridiculous, acd be laughed at by bis neighbors. tST* If throng ?i war and victory lies the only path to pe*.co, lot that war be brief • and that victory diets ire. Do not permit the hands of the Admin istration to be tied, by seeding doubtful men to Congress. Do not stop our armies, in the fh\i -career of triumph, by permitting the machinations of disloyal politicians. As war is ever dangerous to free govern ment, do not let us prolong and increase the danger by intestine dissensions; but, rather, dose up tbe ranks and end tbe -danger by conquering peace. gag* The only contrabands brought into * Xaßalle county were one fetched to Ottawa Col. Dickey, the Democratic candidate for Congress of that district, and another, a likely black boy, brought by Henry Clark, the president of the Democratic Invincible Club. These exalted Democratic gentle- men deliberately violated the block laws ,toi the constitution of Illinois, fay intro ducing negroes into the State contrary to theorganic law and the statutes. And in " the face of this palpable vi'dation of law, •their Democratic confederates are charging the Republicans with intending to do what they themselves have actually done. Com .-—and ns to a Tuy cool, unblushing * Jmpndenoe. VOLUME XV. A WORD TO BUSINESS HEX. The business men of Chicago, are, in the main, thoroughly loyal They have done that which leaves no doubt of their earnestness and sincerity in the good causa Three regiments and two batteries of artil lery, put into the field by their Board of Trade, and the mercantile influences sub ordinate to it, show that the merchants of Chicago believe that the way to put down the rebellion, and to restore to the country its commercial prosperity and its political quiet, is to figbt on until the enemy is con quered. But let us ask them, AVhat is the use of sending men out to oiler their lives as a sacrifice for the preservation of the govern ment, if traitors, half-disloyal mm, and peace-on any-terms Democrats are per mitted to seize the control of affairs at home, and by an opposition majority in Congress, open a fire upon the rear of our brave boys as they march S .ulh ? Where is the fruit of the sacrifices which our mer chants have made, if thia result is per mitted? We entreat the business men of Chicago to make thtir arrangements now, so that they may give election day to their coun try. Let them remember that a million of brave soldiers are enduring the dangers and discomforts of war—are sleeping, so me cf them without tents or blankets, under an inclement sky, others arc living on coarse uud hard fore, still others are suffer ing fiom grievous wounds, or are AKiug Ihi-ir last deep iu unmarked but honored graves-—tli at the country and its priceless institutions may be saved. If they can gladly' endure so. much to put down the enemy in the South, surely one day of ibis wotk a l« not too much for the merch&nlsbf our city to give to the dis comfiture of ike allies of that enemy right | here at home. Again we appeal to them to see to it now that no pressure of business engagements, no inclemency cf the weather, no personal antipathy to the jostling of a crowd, keeps them away from the polls. Let them re member thevalueof every inch of ground and every ounce of merchandise is to be affected by the result of Tuesday’s to deg. If the Government shall be divided, and a ccnllict of authority between the Presi dent and the Congress be inaugurated, we see nothing which can avert trouble here among ourselves. If a peace as the end of ft disgraceful compromise is de clared, it will be only a Mexican peace of sixty days’ duration. Wc must fight on until wc conquer! A victory of pthe loyal men at the polls is not a wait Mess important thau the rout of that relflL army in Virginia. IVill tic merchants <\M thefr share in the peaceful but necessary' work? The St-cei-b organ puniishea a very, silly mess of stuff about what it calls the ‘‘Emancipation League,” and “what it pro poses to do and ho wto do It.” The tale is so absurd that it carries its own refutation on i-s face. The fellow that invented the story’ is a knavish fool. A Card from tiie En*»utas Ofllcer of Cwtfk CwQutf* To the Voters ot Cook County: The publication by two Sunday morning papers of incendiary articles, tending to ex cite the people to a forcible resistance to the execution cf the late order of the governor, relative to the mrolluicut of the militia, ren ders it proper for me, as the carolling oilier of Cook county, to assure those interested that the purpose and spirit of the order al luded to, have been misunderstood or grossly misrepresented. The enrollment of the militia is, and can be, no partisan measure—it operates upon in dividuals and not upon parties—and to charge | that It is intended to intimidate Democratic , voters, is to accuse Democrats of disloyalty— I an imputation which they will repel as unjust and unfounded. The only legitimate effect of the order al luded to, and so severely commented upon, is to secure a correct list of persons in each district liable to military du*y, and prevent those who may exercise the rights of citizens on Tuesday next from shirking the responsi bilities of citizenship when called upon to defend their country. An enrollment of the militia has been or dered by the authorities at Washington—that the enrollment be thorough and complete, is the interest and right of every citizen. Why not then improve the most convenient oppor tunity and the cheapest manner of pertorm -1 ing the work? Instead of deterring any vo*cr from tin polls, it is desired that every one should * ✓ttccrd bU vote on Tuesday next, and thus ]\nsble the enrolling officer to complete Ms 1 jm lists at once. /\ The afemptto characterize the enrollment cf the militia a° a partis m mca-ure, and to iy excite opposition thereto, is illiberal, unjust, ns and calculated to injure our czuniiy in this . '(her hour of trial and need. .4 It is not for me, an officer acting under the I order/ of my superior, to discuss this quea sy ticn. But jt is not inappropriate to remark 'j that. If, as is asserted, there is to he no I draft, then the correction of the enrollment I lists as proposed will harm no one. Further ■ mere, i% as is asserted, tae poll books I can be used fi rthls purpose, then also is the * action of tie enrolling officer harmless. I } have only to ssy in condutLm that the orders * I of the governor In the premises are to be 3 ‘ obeyed without fear or favor. I J. G. Lumbabd. 1 ! Another Times rorreipon -1 ; «U*i»t CuiuiuiiulCttliui; with Use . I An<:n«y« A letter in the Cincinnati Gazette, dated Corinth, Oct. 291b, sajs: ** .A corrcfpacdcnt of the tory ebcct. the Ch'euro Tivitf. cam*; lather last wock, and after obtain ing n par* from ihe provo«t marshal general to lute, ulu-ie tbe jvf-ei w«>i:iid«-o etui nmain, he viola’cd up cont ilionp, and e.raytd in tin* n-hcl llnep, ahm be was no d*»nbt. heartily welromed at*tbe u-t.itfintfcilve of one of taelr b redt.xjlo tu I3« endeavored to return, bn*, ww pre ns be rhon’d hnve neon, for the vi da?ion <f Ms patp »as not done th«vi;?h ignorance, bar with tbe intention of communicating «ritb the rebels.' 1 The ir.fc rerce of tbe military authorities at Corinth was undoubtedly correct—that this Chicago Times correspondent was a rebel spy, eroployirg his s In the douM- capic ity of an advocate for traitors in Illinois and a member of‘their secret service staff in the TJi ion army. Bat the punishment meted out to him wo* not by any meant adequate to bis offense. Exclusion from (he army lines is only a temporary check to the iniquity, for Jt 11. Davis can easily furnish the Times with another correspondent at that post. Staas UccUhs at Aurora* There will he a Republican Union His* Heeling at Aurora this cveting, Gen. Linder, Hon. 8. A Goodwir, and other able speakers, will be it. attendance. Let there by a grand turn-out of the patriotic citizen* cf this ban ner town In Northern Illinois. FEGM SPRINGFIELD. The Camp «f the 109 th Regi ■tw Humid bj Tories at Lincoln. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribane.l BnzaarzxLX>, Nov. 1, 1868. Cap*. Taught’* fine ban cry of light artil lery left here today for the seat of war In the Bomb. Camp Latham, at Lincoln, Illinois, occupied by CoL Latbsn’s 106tb regiment, was boned Uet night, destroying a quantity U anna, foe. Moet of the troopa had gone home, leaving a a few companies, and tbe rebel sympathisers thought It a fine time to destroy government property. CoL Williams received word today from the State agent at Louisville, stating that tbe trial trip of the hospital train wae a eoccetc, end the woonded soldiers at Peity- Tdle are being brought through uMj and well provided for.. Gnat credit la die Govs*- war Telce for this ttmdy action. Bositcea lathis etty was asrer men aettve than now. FROM WASHING ION. ben. Halleck on the Harper’s fern Surrender. THE RICHMOND ENQUIRER JUBILANT OVER THE OHIO AND INDI ANA ELECTIONS. Movement of Troops Sontb ot tlie Potomac. Burnside Believed to have Turned the Enemy’s Plank. Omneuiiiis beard in the Direction •f Winchester. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Washington, Nor. 1,1863. The secretary of the treasury has yielded to tiie request of the Secretary of State, and decided that consular and ministerial drafts must be paid in gold. The Consol at Albans was paid the balance of his salary on a draft drawn here in gold, this morning. • Gtn. Halleck said, in the coarse of hia tes timony, after examining all the official papers Vearirg upon the question, that Hsrper’s Ferry, miylit, and chould have been relieved. Ht: said that the testimony taken implicates at least one, and probably two generals who ere still in command. A letter from P. 6. Lee, grandfather of the rebel general in-chhf, was found in the house of the rebel General Stuart, dated New .York, April sth, J7IK), in which he speaks of dis ution as a matter of course bj-and-by—a\- ’ bough regarding it at that time as the worst 01 calamities, he favors such an interpretation of the powers ot Countess as may prevent at a future day any improper coercive authority, and adds thus we*k at present to stand by themselves, and the general government will certainly be ad vantageous to ns, as it produces no other ef fect than protection from hostilities and Uni term commercial regulations; and when we shall attain our rational degree of population, I flatter my bell that we thoU have t 'At power to do ourselves justice by dissolving tbs bond which binds us together. It is better to pat up with little inconveniences than to run the bc2:*rd of greater calamities.” Charles Ingersoll, at the Democratic jubilee In Philadelphia last night, said: “What will be the result of the present condition of affaire in the country it is hard* to say. Either we must conquer the South or we must make pesce with them, and if we conquer the South ai d annex their famished territories io ours itbeie is au end to this Union, because the "Union no lotgcr exists as a Union of sovereign Hiates. In c~&e Mr. Lincoln fails in his wan then is anarchy. What is to save us m.m either of these dilemmas ? The States thcmselvtß only cm cave us. If the Spates do not us we are done for. We shall there fore cultivate our slate pride.” According to the Waahlngton hnayoflicfro declare that no forward move ment will be made of the army of the Poto* •.ac until after the November elections. The Richmond Enquirer rtJoi *c6 over the ult-ciiota iii Ohio and Indiana, aa indicating that the Northwest is weary of the war and ready to sue for peace. Buchanan’s reply to Gen. Scott, published in the luttUigmcer is chiefly devoted to the fet-empt to show that Gen. Scott, at the time, spprovedof most of his acta of com uusloa vnd omlsuon. At the close, the old public pl'grLee lays his hand on his heart and siys that he has nolhiog to reproach himself with. Gen. Wdihridgehas announced himeelf os a candidate for Congress against Ben- Wo jd. CoL Forney starts the daily Chronicle on Monday. Gtn. Wadsworth returned from New York today. He addressed a German mass meet ing at the Cooper Institute last night. Washington*, Nov. I.—The news ft :m cue front is that the rebels still hold Thorough fare Gap with a small picket. Gen. Bayard’s cavalry was attacked yester day sbunocn at Aidic. He eucatnped last night two miles east ot that place, from which tire: it is interred that he repulsed the rebel force. New Tore, Nov. L—The Nassau Guardian contains a IclUr from Secretary Reward, to secietary Weils, dited Auras' 14tQ, relative to the eimse of ihe BriUsa bteamrf Herald oy tli»- Aoirondac wifh-n amaritimeleazueof th* iblav oot New i'loYkUuuc . 11 tne cuuivnauder o* the Adironojc committed such au *ct, he ii-tscufibjy violated the law of ua i ,»na, and r< paiution ought to be promptly made. The prccioeut dtfcircb notice to be given to ail commardtrs of American vessels of war to aahtre birudly to the principle that the mari time jurisdiction of every nation covers a lull m.iratiine league fioui the coast, and acts of hostility within such distance are strictly lorbiden. A Washington, special to the TKjixnc, says. A dispatch from one of our special corres pondeM-, dated Harper’s Ferry, October 31, hays: LoLgelreet’s entire corps is reported la SMCktr’o Gap and in the vallry just east of it. Our ticops are picking up stragglsrs near Wh« atJand, Waterford and willsrmro. A special dispuch la the Nc«v York Times, datrd Harper’s Feiry, October 30;h. sajs: Richardson’s clvi.-iou Slicker’s Gap to Funs.a small town on the road Lti-rliurg aca running through Athby's’Gip. The forces under Gens. French and Ssdg wk*l lilt here ihi = morula-*, croaalag tie She lved- ah bridge. Summr <* corps aso moved i= to Virginia yeelerriay ihroaga the Blue Vouttain and Snort litis, wiere be will form u jutcU. n fti'h BurnMoe, who jb> now at Fur nljfVilk. Niarlyall h • troops hive moved •A* Horn London and lligata. For ih. G‘-u. Gcirj’s comratnd is to re ius-i.< on BoJivar Uignts. M try land HUiita are uc 1 piottcted. Gen. SlOwUn’s c nn mat dis to garrison tee Ferry. Heavy rccou uuiteiirg ptilies lell here jtsferday in the di utlion cl Ctarle&to*n a; d SbipUesdstorru, toiceltlu eoeiiiv, -whom ilpy found iu t rce at tic loumr place. A rcconnoisSAuee t»r de by the S::i Pmi svlvatl i from Parcell4- ville, discovered the enemy in force near Faria and Uppcrvill-, under L'ogstreet. Geo. Leo Is said to he still at Winchester, wbU-t the main Ik dy of his army is cast, of Blue Mountains. Snicker’s Gup Is strongly defended by the ea tujy. Si Tefal rebel “prisoners were taken tt.ere yc&tttday, including the chief officer of their t-hml corp«. Gtn. Bun-tide is steadily moving on, and :] e impreesiou is that the enemy’s flank is turned, and that a battle is imminent. Otir position > ere is admirably defended, ai d it the enemy attempt to cross, a great battle must at cnee ensue. Cannonading is now heard In the direction of Wmcti eter and Sbepherdsto ■*. n. A Watbugion special to the New York lV«/rW ssye: Tile AaiionallntiUigetiCer of to-morrow will contain a fcta'i-ment from cx-Presidcnt Bu cliarai*, in rejly tuGen. Scott’s fimoosletter, nnMi»h<d a few days since, regarding the n«routes lor preventing the taking lorcible possession of lie Southern foils. Hr. Bu cLhtau intimates tuat he did not heed G--m So t’s eueg- stlons for the forts before and “a‘t«r Mr. Lincoln's election, be c.ute toe proepicta were that there would bo no collision, and that peuce counsels would \ n vei l it, at d that such acliou would have prt dpi sled a coilidon. Aspi ciul to the Hit old, dated Wheatland, \\rgiDja, OctoberSl, says: G»n. Sloni men’s division of Gen. Wilcox’s ceps yetteiday occupied Leesburg without oppisi ion. This move will enable General Plea&autou’s cavalry to penetrate further into the enemy’s position to reconnoitre beyond tur front. The New Jork Times' Washington special eaj a Col. Windham, with a cavalry force, was at lust account* driving the rear guard of the it bel General Walker’s force through Ashby’s Gap. Another detachment yesterday drove the enemy into their retreat In Thoroughfare Gap. A dispatch to the New York Timm says re liable information is received that several im mense iron-clad frigates are being constructed in England for the rebels. The N. Y. Tames’ correspondent again -says . Longs* net is at Petersburg and will command tte rebel army moving'to attack Suffolk. Gen. Dix la said to ba strong In the beli f that tbe stuck Is to be made there and at York town and at Fortress Monroe. ' Haei*er’s Fer&t, Oct. SL—Yesterday our pickets, four miles hence, saw the rebel . tickets from Charlestown. None were seen north of Hillsboro; below that place and iu Cbarltstown the rebels are supposed to he in great numbers. Jackson was In BenyvTle night before Istt, ro conbt occupying both sides of the Blue Mountain* Iran Winchester to Aide. Two thousand rebel infantry are at Warreu too, with cavalry and artillery. Our whole army is ia fine spirits and condi tion. Tbe weaih<* la splendid. Bartu’s Fcisrt, Oct. SL—-Gen. Morrill has be* n detached trra bl« division in Gan. Porter’s cop« and appolntod to another com mand- B-imtier General Battartdd baa beau atfcdafdtoaad aaaumsd command ot Gou. *». •• ” The Southern States arc too CHICAGO, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 3.862, Morrill's dlvi-ion. The corps of Porter I 1 as been rdi-vcd from duty on the Upper Fo tomec and passed through here to-day. Nxw Tons, Nov. I,—A special to the New York World from Baltimore last evening says: It Ib currently rumored here that er-Gov ernor Hicks will be appointed military gov ernor of Maryland and will locate his office at Baltimore. Five Philadelphia oyster - boats, with their crews, were seized to-day for violating the oyster law, and Were tnk-m to Annapolis. The affair has canned much excite narnt. ■Washington, Oct. 3L—General McDow ell’s trial commences on Monday. It will be public, as he has demanded the fullest Inves tigation. Capri Keuiz. and Lieutenants Monroe. Mathew end Church, and a detachment ot the marine corps leave here to-morrow for Cairo. FROM CORINTH AND MEMPHIS. So Enemy Discovered at ChfVAlla. A RECOSSOI?£ANCE TO RIPLEY. No Tram of "Price's Army Found There. Heported Capture of mobile. [SpecialDifpatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Cairo, November 1,1852. A correspondent at Corinth writes me the following, under date of the SUt ulh:**‘2oDof our wounded left for their homes yesterday, and as many moie This morning. The provost marshal has decided to take The Tisliimirgo Honey for a hospital. It is an execrable ho*el bat uill make an excellent losplral. The building is very large, situated in tte centre of the town, with the railroad track running directly in front of the entrance and will accommodate a large number of pa tients. Over 100 buildings in the line of the fortifications, now completed, have been ap praised and tora do »n. The seminary build ing is now used as a hospital, but will probably *be destroyed, since it is in the range of our batteries. A mail messenger came in to-day from Che vflla and reports thatoartroops herescoured the country for miles below, even as far south as Ripley, and discovered no traces of the enemy. A body of troops leave this morning with five days’ rations to hunt the rascals. Cept. Wiles of the 23d Indiana, ha« be°n relieved of the position of provost marshal, and joins Gen. Bosecrans. His successor is Cap*. J. C. Cannon, company Ay Tates* sharp shooters. Recruits for the Missouri regiments are fast coming in. Corinth is undeniably quiet. Imperial Dirpaich to the Chicago Tribune.] Memphis, Oct 30, v a. Caiuo, Nov. 1. Nothing is received here from any point. AH is quiet at Helena. TLe report of Price’s advance on Bclivar is not contradicted here. Movements tor the relief ofthepoorhavebeen made, and commit tees appointed for tho wards and for the whole city. Gen. Sherman made a most lib eral donation, and also requested all corn minders and captains to save all they cm Aom their rations, to be donated for the poor of the city. Orders have been Issued which give protec tion to all boats carrying cotton or other mer cbcndlz.* between Cairo and ‘MVinpbls. They* a;e the jame as issued by Commodore Porter, which you h«ve doubtless already seen. In a few days Sherman’s order about the police will go into cffVct, and then there will le great commotion in the municipal govern ment. Cairo, Nov. L —We have the important re port here that Mobile Is now in The bauds of ibe federate. A fngltive slave from Risuzo, brought it to our lines. Riecz iis the north ern terminus of the rebel telegraph lines. Tlii repoit gains strength from the former r< port that Butler and 7,000 men hod landed at Pensacola. Matters In the region of Corinth remain as bc-Jorc, Our rtcoanoissaacc has reached to Riplty and beyond, but the enemy has not been found. The impression gains strength i bat the rebels have not left Holly Springs la force. The federal wounded at Corinth are sent N< rib ms fast as snlhciently convalescent to bear it. Four hundred Lave been moved in the lasf three days. Bragg’s army is now at Cumberland Gap. He has been ordered to report at Richmond. The Grenada Appeal says Lis train of supplies captured in Kentucky, was thirty miles long. The confederate government has conferred the r-nk ol lieutenant general on Jackson, Long s'rctt, Folk, Q-irdce, Pemberton, Kesley, Smith and Holmes. S;x hundred prisoners arrived last night fiom LcuiiVille. The Old Public Pnu< tiouary’s Reply to lien. Scott. Washington, Nov. L~Ex-Prerident Bu chanan, thiongh the Xalional InitWgsncer , re plies at Ungth lo Lkut. G*n. Scott, wuoac re cent publication he couridtrs an undisguised censured hie condcc' daring the last months ot Us sdmluisuatiuu in regard to the seven cotton States now in rebellion. In noticing the first and most prominent among the ciorgte, namely, Lis refusal immcaiatsiy to garrison nine enumerated fortifications scat tmd over sis oi tLc Southern SUtes, cccordlbg to Scott’s recommendation, be says; “This refusal Is attributed the hast c; use, to the influence of Gov, Floyd. All my cabinet must bcur me wisuess tiuc I •was myself rcspocsible for all the acts of the adminieira ion. Certain it is thit durirgtbe last six mon T hs previous to the £oth of December, ISGO, the day on which he r-'Hgn-d his elhcc, a't* r my request, he exer citid less iillutuce on the administration' than any other member of the cabinet. Mr. Doll v.ns immediitely thereafter transferred irem the pest c UJ;e d»‘par:ment to that of the war, so that from this time till the 4th of Mi-rrh, 1601, which was by f*r tae mo*t Impor-ant ptriod of the administration, , he performed the cutirs of secretary of war | toiny i n iic satisfaction. He then proceeds Ito slow that there is an answer bota e* ? yaud J cot clufci e, if other valid rei-soes did not ex ist, ranocly: there were no sv..!iaMe troops within reach which could be s-ut to taeae fortific&tions. To have attempted military I operations on a scale so extensive, by anr m« ant within the piesident’s rower, would ha\e been simply a* surd Of this hesav*, n fining to his supplimental views of tua tCth oi October, Gen. gcott himself seems to have been convinced. These views, both original and supplioientary, he wire published by General . Scott *in the Sational Intelligencer on the 16th of January, 1661, at a most Im pertent and critical period of tha aduiittU'ra lion. The publication at that time could do j no possible good, at. d might have done much bairn. To have published them without the 1 pie»ideci*6 knowledge and consent was as t much in violation ot the sacred confidence j which ought to prevail between the com mtneing general or the army and the com mandtr in cbh f. as it would hive been for the secretary ot war to have published the same document witr.out authority. . What Is ot moie iuipcrancc, their putlicai’ou waVcalcu laud icjuiiccsly to tflect the compromise measures then before Congress and the coun try, and to encourage thesece satirists in their mad ei d wicked attempt to shatter the Union into ficgnienla. From he fcr f a f respect I then entertained for Gen. Scott I pas>» dit over iu silence. Mr Buchanan then explains why he refused to send 3(0 men to reinforce Major Anderson at Fort Moultrie. Among otaer reason-, he fa’.s, he believed as the events proved, that 1 Major Anderson was then in no danger of at- 1 tick. Indeed he and his command were I treated with marked kindness By the author!- : tl«s end people of Charleston. Under these j circumstances to have sent such force there would have been only to impair the hope of ctmprondie, to provoke collision, and to dis appoint the country. Having treated of the charge of having kept back reinforcements from Pensacola, Mr. Bu chanan replies to the charge of having also kept Hum back from Chaucaton, saying that ten her a truce nor a quasi truce, nor any thing like it, was ever concluded between the . president or any human authority concerning i Ctarie&tcn. Od the contrary, tie SoufchCar- I clina commisrioßere, first and last and all the time, were Informed that the presi dent never could and sever would surrender Fort Sumter, sor deprive hliEFclt of the most, entire liberty to send re inkrc* meats to it whenever it was believed [ to be in danger, or whenever it might be re l quested by Major Anderses. Mr. Buchanan then alludes to other points In Gen. Scott’s views, and says that he can sol* mnly declare before God and his country that be cannot reproach himself with toy id of commleslon or omission to endanger the happiness, prosperity, std Its safety, since the tzhitißg troubles commenced. Ho Draft irn Fhllalelphls* Philadelphia, Nov. L—There will be ne drvft m Philadelphia, tbe commissioners hsv iDgasct-rt&locd. carefulexamiuiliooand cttcial count by pnclocto, that more meo have enlisted from Philadelphia than necea aarn twill her quota. LATiB FBOSS EiIHSPi;. ARBIFAL OF THE EDimitfi. The Emancipation Proclama tion In England. A PRACTICAL COUP D’ETAT IN PEUSSIA. Scsigmalian of H. Tfrmrenel, the Fremcn Minister «f Foreign Affairs. New Tore, Nov. L —The steamsbfo Edin bunr, from Liverpool, loth ult., ana Queens town, 16th ult., has arrived here. Cheat Bbitain. —A- circul ir has been pub lished Ir-iu Mr. Seward to the diplomatic and consular agents relative to the emancipation proclamation. He draws a hopeful conclusion from the present condition of affairs. He says: The rebels most understand if thet persist in imposing a choice between a Gisßolaiioa of tfce government and the abolition of slavery. It ie the Union acd not slavery that must be maintained. While ail good an 1 wise men of all centuries must recognise the measure as a jest and proper military acr, intended tode llvtPThe country from a terrible war, they will leccgmzejffihe same time the moderation and magnanimity with which the government prrceeofe in so edeam an act. • ■ The London Ttmet sa;s: The circular de prives the American government, of the right XHrcafter to appeal to Be emancipation de cneasa measure 1 curded on moral princi ple?, as Seward reduces It to a mere military act. TheLoid'n Globe says that if Gladstone had a cabinet secret lo in Americun afftira, le would doubtless have “kept it,” Ganse qnenlly ir li fers rhar re tas simply tak m the license of a publ c m>n, to cive Um laoivTOual opinions. It thinks as a cabinet minister he s-Loula Lave been more guarded in Ida ex pr ssion^. The 7'io.c.t the In err ediency cf tho recrgTM’iou uf the Sau r h at present. The New Toik correspondent of the Titties gives a rumor that, the federal looses iu M,in land reacted 3S 000.- The Times publ shes a letter from a NewOr- Itats lady, giving a fcariul picture of the reign cf ttnoriu tba' city. Gladstone hss again been speakirgou Amer ica. He told his I e irer- lo rememb. r t*jar. the •difficulty Lac, urken from slavery, which was a legacy from England to America. Tee csiliLCt council was sum moned for the 23d, earlier than usual. In is supposed the American question i* the cans*. The proposition before the Liverpool chatn ber ol commerce, in fever cf ui-uomliziag tte government to recognize the South, ha* been wi hdrawn, Ibe Sou • bern club of Liverpool gave a grand barques to tx-Gov, Morehead ot Kentucky. Tne Otarwitch race was.won by Harliug ton. Umpire was fourth. Ihe Paris tcun-e, ou the 14th, was excited and declined cue per cent: closed doll 101 a^c. A Bourbon conspiracy was discovered In h»anl<s. The Lilian budget fcho=?a a high deficit and bu< a i i. 1>: iu-provement oa lost year. The PiUStiaii clauib« r cf depurie* bad de ckled the vote ot ihe upper on the hurgft, null and void, and the re omiiou t.f ih*; cemn-ilti e on tfce tmdzet waantjanloa'iua ly rfiopli-o. Thk* session was then closed bv a tpf»ch by Hie throne, delivered by toe pre;- lo.ui ot the udnuiery, in wmcU ihe gtntl.- n an dithred its inrenrion to ca-ry ou‘. tac Thib is recarced as a veritable to>tp d'/tut, and u most fctrious luvat-ioa ot cousiuuiioual lib erry. Tbcitvet*!, the French foreign minister, has ree’gied. Drocyu oe Huy*- is hw successor. Sir G C. Lewie, English war minister. Las l-tcxj s i (ul irg Aj.i.inst the recognition o? ;ho toutbvri* iLck-pcudcPce, tvb-cr; »;e -ays is not acc<'D.plisbcri yer. Eat I Hardwick endorsed Gludetont’b views. TSlirco Fays Facer— Arrival of the Arabia. Halifax, Nov, L— ihe steamer Arabh, irem Livtipool. Ociobar ISta, via Queens lo’aii, Oc ober 10;h, ;'<rr.vcd litre tUU morn ii g. H* rdo es arc tnrev days iaier than those by the Eriuburg. • The Scotia, irom New York, arrived at on the ITih. It was reported that The confederate prlva- Ucrs wer* iu the Mecjitt-rruUuuu, atm that they had alnvdy dtEiroyert a dozen federal vtesels. It was tala that Sumaies ‘oouimauded one of U'tin. The English rewapi-jpcrs advance nothing new on«»n ullurs. Somecf ihcui coa tiisiitj 10 cull for a recognition of the Southern coiiletitracy. Tfccre Tvtre further miners of changes In the French cabinet. It was reported that Field aid Ptreigny bad both tendered their reMgnatiun* dull ard bTegnlir,!and tending downward.‘ Frovisiocs etjli declining. Cou sols do: cd on Friday at VS : )i jor money. The story about the 'wo rebel privateers is from the Lcadou Daily fixes' Sp«.zzia corres pondence, and very probably is only another v-rsion of t he statement already published of the dts iuction of whaKrs. A large Garibaldi meeting had b-eu held la London. Ami-ug the resolutions «u3 one piotestlng egch«?tthe continued occupation 1 1 Rome ly the Fr< uv.h troops. Tie cLungte ia the FrtLcU ministry are con tinue as utiihvcrable to the c-usc ot Italian untty. Martha! Canrobrrt is appointed commander ct the military uf Lyons, and the Duke ct >L genta c-.mmander of the navy. ' T here arc vague rumors from Romo that Cardinal Antal Me and Mona. Mcrode bad ten dered their resignations. Report «aid Prince La Tour IVAtnurgce was to be the new Fmcb nmislerto Rome. Breadstuff's quiet and Irregular, with ft downward teudeccy. Frovif-ions flat. Consol* closed on Saturday at Liverpool, Saturday, Oct. 18, —The Lon don Dally St im points to the desperation aud baibari?m of the slave drivers as evidenced in the proceedings of the rebel Congress. The London ILrald reverts to the speech of Sir G. C. Lewes, end says the lime has arrived for a recognition of the Souia, and future times «i 1 point to the delay iu the recogni tion as tie greatest mistake in the foreign policy of Paimerston. inOK WESTERN VIRGINIA. Gen. Cm nrlTf* tl«e Rebels out off!»•» hsnsvilia Valley and iceaclies llibrittiuiit Charleston*. Wcstt-ra Va., 0c i . SI. —Mijar Gm. Cox’s army arrived here to d iy. The rebel auuy neder Generals Ksholi, Fit yd, and Jenkins, retired from here last iloLuay. Iht march cf our troops up the Kanawha Vihc-y vas vocducted in. the best milrary iicer, with but a siukle cosualiy. Tae ea tifincc ol our army into this town waa of a triumphal character. from californtn. San Francisco, Oct. 3L—During the past month fll’O.WO ol taxes have beea collected In this city. $30,000 lor the nation al su.i>aiy committee will be shipped for New Tort to-morrow from California, and $-o,Cot* m m Nevada. t*AN Francisco, Nov. I—The1 —The ship Cut water uq oils that, August 27tb, when ofl Litgo Eamtiz, siting t».e wrtek of a ship, tuppi std to be the Ene oi New BioLird. *1 tht the name was not folly distinguish able. The steamer Active has returned from the wrtek ol thw Goldin Gale mar ilauzauilU, Laving Uft on the CO h. Nothing h*d then been done to*aids lecovcm-g tue treasur-. A Anal aiUuq t wa> to Lave been made to-day. Tie 6!ecni»-r Golotn Age sailed lor Panama to-day, carijh g 2-0 vaee-.oi.pra attd treasure lor New YorK si.d $763,000 for Eag- Lnr'. Amt'vs the pastenters Is Senator liar air g of Oregon. &word FrcseiiUtiou to Gen. Fremont* St. Louis, Nov. 2. —Gen. Fremont was last right presented by the Germans of St, Louis and vicinity, by a magnificent sword whica was long since purchased for tae purpose, Alout a year ago a d:me subscription was started among the Germans to raise a suitable amount for tee testimonial. A thousand dol lars was speedily collected and the sword or dered from Tifiony, New York. The weapon is a superb one, the blade of the finest steel, wi’b a old scabbord. Fn-mont’e recent arrival here afforded the wished for opportunity, and lost evening was chcstn for the demonstration, commencing with a torchlight procession. The multitude gathered together was very large and enthu siasm unbounded. Acout 15,000 people were present, and it was one of toe greatest demonstrations of the kind our city ever wit m seed. A MSh of white ea:ln, having upon It a bust of Fn-mont in gold, was also pre sented by the ladies. Homicide at Buytoa* Ohio* Patton. Ohio., Nov. L—J. F. Billmeyer, editor ol the Payton Aerin, was shot dead : this morning by Henry 1L Brown, a hatter of this city. The difficulty grew out of s per sonal nmnnderttasding between the parties, occasioned by the shooting of s dog belong ing to BaUmeycr by one of Brown’s eons Brown gave himself up and was taken to jafl. This ifltir has occasioned much excitement on our streets. tapsitsat Print Captared Vslaed •• $1,000,000. New York. Nov. 3.—Port Royal dates to the 29th state that two Briri»b rebel steam era, the Mttbo and Scotia h*ve bren cap tui* d, the Tfssels and cargo being valeed at SI,COO.KOI The British rebel steamer Miuho ats ran ashore and d/stiwTfd. . H was report* dal PortEorsl that a rebel tsiu wan coming down the lira from Ssvaa , nah. ‘ . i . -: „-v<? THE TEST UTEST MEWS. MONDAY* 8 O'CLOCK A* 3L FBoar wisaixGTox. Gen. * Hunter's Military Commission. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CHANGE IN TNI FRENCH CABINET. Reported . Engagement between Bayard’s and Stnut’s Cavalry. Position of the Rebel Army in the Shenandoah Valley. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Wasbomoton, Nov. % 196 E. The military commission of which Gen. Hunter is president, is to be charged by the secretary of war with the duty ot investigating many important matters in the war, such as Ball’s Blufl} the Peninsular campaign and numerous charges against Fits John Porter, and the destitution of the army of the Poto mac. Secretary Chase, when at Sljrel’s camp on Fr.duy, made a speech, expressing the opinion that decided success would soon crown our arms, and that SlgeTs corps would have come thing to do. From the moon tain near Thoroughfare Gap our scouts saw rebel pickets and roving par ties, and narrowly escaped capture. Gen. Kojecrana’ commission as major gen eral has been dated back to the 21st of March, lcG2, the tiiue he ceased to cotmn&ud the de partment of Western Virginia. This was dime as a reward for the gallantry and success of that officer, and lo make him outrank major generals who will have to serve under him. Bag. Gen. Oglesby la recommended for promotion to a Mor-G moral*hip for gallant ry meritorious conduct in the battle of Corinth. The resignation of Thouvcnel, Foald and Perelgny, Louis N*poleoa*s ilicisters, is at tributed by persons well acquainted with the politics of Francs to a party led by the Em press Eugenie, which defends the iu his undisturbed possession ot Rome. This cab inet change also indicates a derangement in Anglo-French policy and an alliance with Russia favorable lo the United States, There has been no serious fi<htiag to-day, only a little skirmishing at the front. Kk'v York, Nov. 3.—Thy Herald's Wheat land, Va., correspondent says tue rebels ;i strong force between Snicker’s Gap and Phdmnnt, on Ibe west side of the Blue lUfige. The Purccilsville dispitch siys there is a rehil force in the Saccandoah Valley, just beyond the Gap. A large body of rebel cavalry were seen patsing to Aldie. Cannonading was heard pnd ghelis seen exploding ia that direction. It is supposed that Bayard’s and Stuart’s cavalry were engaged, as Stuart pissed passed through the Gap the previous diy witt several thousand cavalry and four piece* of artillery, and encamped at Union, and yes terday passed down the valley. The rebels we in force in the vicinity of Benyville, and appear determined to hold Stiickereville Gap, while their army operate in the valley. A PhQmbnt dispitch to the Herald says the rebel cavalry have been driven oat of there. The rebels are in force at Upperville. A Frederick dispatch to tae Herald says so crsslMiifets say the rebel force from Western Virginia have joined Lee and been added to Jackson’:* division. It says that»after the next general engagement peace propositions will come from Richmond, F&OH LOUISVILLE. Dcpanuie of Gen. Rose crass and Staff for tbe Field. Gtn. Jeff. 0, Davis Admitted to Bail and Gone to Join his Command. (Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.} Louisville, Nov. 1,1302. Gen. Rcsecrans and staff left iur headquar ters this morning. With their departure was a general stampede of shoulder straps of all patterns, which have been very plenty here for the past ten days. Teaman has beta elected a representative to Congress from the Ist district of this State, ia place of Gen. James S. Jackson, who resigned to enter the army and was killed at Ferry ville. Dr. Bewail, a well known guerilla chieVwa* killed in a skirmish in tbe vicinity Oi O wens boro on Wednesday lost. He was a New Tcrker by birth. Gt u. Jeff C. Davis arrived In this city to-day and delivered himself up to the civil authori ties, to be tried for manslaughter, ia killing Gen. Wm. Nelson. He was admitted to bail and has gone to his command, with the army of the Cumberland. Maj. Gen. Wright, boramander-iu-chlef of the department of the Onto, arrived here to day. tli'i Pea ID. Eullmsiaslic Dcnionitraioas ut UotU IMuces. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.} Peoria, Nov. 1,1563. Parson Brownlow and Mr. Bros- spoke this afternoon, at Peoria, in Parmely s Ha’l. Ic is by far the largest building ia the city, and it was crowded to nearly overflowing for nearly two hours. The venerable patriot made the Tory Democracy quail before hU blasting truths and burning eloquence. The Mends here believe that the cause or freedom, and the Union is in the f scendant This evtning the same speakers have ad dressed a large meeting of the citterns of Tazewell county, at Pekin. To characterise the meeting would simply be to repeat what Las been so often said of others. The tour of the eloquent Tennesseean has been a most successful one. The good effect of bis labors w ill be largely felt at the polls next Tuesday. Everywhere it has been found that a large maiority of the soldiers sent to the war have been Republicans, but lam con vinced that Illinois will vote for freedom, the Union sud the constitution by a large ma jority. from l\diaxapolis. [Special Dispatch to'the Chicago Tribune 1 Indianapolis, November 3, 1862. Well informed parties here, who have just arrived from Washington, speak hopefully of the future conduct of the war, and express great confidence in the success of plans re cently adapted for the fall campaign. , The government has purchased sixty-eight acres of land directly east of this city, near the corporation, tor a permanent arsenal, un der the recent act of Congress. The comp of instruction for officers of the Indians Legion dosed last week. The officers expressed themselves as highly gratified with the success, and passed a serious of resolu tions complimentary to Gen. Lore and Cd. Carrington. The Mends of Gen. Lew Wallace ore highly gratified et his bring ordered to report to Mcdenaad. The Indiana troops which e^ pect to accompany this expedition,will doubfc? less be assigned to Wallace’s division, Brig. Gen. Canby has jaat arrived in this ci;y tram New Mexico en route tor ton. Gen. Thomas A. Morris has not yet accept* cd the major general’s eoiumisalon recently j tendeicd him by the president. Tbe fallowing appointments have bom /& v/ ✓%> : xni ’e : Fielding Msiuftfi Id, counsel, and Mar- J Shall P. Hryden, adjutant of tbe ot^b; J<?. 8. Jelly, major of the Sod; Richard Cnm adjutant of the OOtli; Ell-ha V. 5Kt- Chell, assistant surgeon of the Ist cavalry. Great Excitement in Gaytan, OMs. ATTEMPT TO BREAK OPES THE JAIL ABB LYHCH A PEISOBER. Cincinnati, Nov. 2, ISC2.—A special dis patch to the Enquirer from Dayton says: Af ter the shooting of B;limeyer the excitement was intense. Several hundred persons collected for the purpose ot Brown from the jail and hanging him. The mayor promptly quelled the riot. In the aftertoon the crowd again collected in large numbers around the jail, but no dem onstration of any consequence waa made. About 7 o’clock p. m. the mob «£»>■ ussem bltd and proceeded to the jail with twaswiv els for the purpose of breaking down the jail door, and dragging Brown out to be executed. The guns were captured by the police. A few shots were fired and four persona wounded— one severely. At 10 p. m. all waa compari lively quiet. The mayor, early In the even lug, telegraphed to Gen. Wright for a milita ry force to assist him in preserving the peace, and at half past eight o’clock five companies of regulars arrived at Dayton. 10p’. m.—*The Enquinr says: A gentleman who arrived from Dayton at half past nine last night, says the paries haa a political quarrel before the election, and Brown threat ened to shcot Bollmeyer, and that the killing of the dog was the indirect cause of the ren conter yesterday. TEE riRATE ALABAMA. ANOTHER CHAPTER OF HER PLUNDERINGS. Boston*, A*ov. 3.— The brig Baron de Cos tire arrived here, reports on ttm 20ch ult, in latitude S9 dig., lougicude Gh that she w:>« captured by the ■British pirate Ala bama, Capt. Semmea, vrho -iirrwd to liberate the vessel for a bond ot SG.OGO, payable to The President of the Confederate Brates thirty days hirer peace should be declared. liiS captain was also obliged to take tae crews cf fevtral vessels previously captured, which he did and landed them at the nearest poit. Among other ve-sel* captured by G;>pt- Scmmes was tae ship Tonawamta from Philadelphia for Liverpool After detaining r#r five cays he released her fjr a boad ot 180,(KO. Must of the vessels captured were burnt,and the crews put in wjn=. Aciptured captain was informed by a lieutenant ami rov er 1 pit*y officers ol the AUbaraa that tleir next desrina'ion was New Fork, as ti.» y imaur to a few inn lu into»he c:ty. Hr n-prneiits the A'ab.uuaas vcr> formidable but counts her being as last aa rep »ned. Two large pivutguus 'sere being mounted. Tho oi tho sirp LiUyett i report* th&t when he met St mines he snored Seuaies his British consular certificate and rem.rked that lie rniTxsi d that whs suffifient protec tion, u St-nmics replied Ne -v yorsers are got* tii g emart, but it wont fcav-_* U. I. -- a d—d La: cht d up mess,” and ordered the ship to be burned. Federal Successes In Southeast mts- Man. 6t. Louis, Nov. 2,—Advices from the ene my in Southeast Missouri, state that after tue recent success of our forces at Pittman’s Ferry, Cols. Lcgan acd Dewey, with their forces combiced, pushed ou as far as Ballaega Mills, five miles from Pocahontas. They fought Cambridge, cample* ely routing his forces, cf'pluriug a large number of prisoners, inducing a number cf rebel officers. A later dispatch from Logon, dated the 3lsL ult., cays he captured and dispersed 206 of Boone’s command. TEE fall elections. Letter frem a Soldier—Opinions tne VvliiiticerM «it> wim the Twice wbeu tuo iVur is Ektedl Corinth, Oct. 39,1861 Editors Chicago Tribune The Tories seem to be having a good time over their inglorious triumphs in Olio and Icdisna. £ut they are not half so Jubilant at their ccUtagttfs South, Throughout all rebel dom the Tory successes are counted en as Union defeats, afld to be ultimately au im mense advantage to the Southern confederacy. Talking with an intelligent prisoner the other day, he said: u Sir, you can never conquer u*. Why, in mx mouths there will be a 1 irge nu jori*y in the North against the war, and we can dictate a per,ce.” Like a good secesh, he doubtless teaos the Chicago Times, and, like a sensible man, fully realizes that every tory vote cast at tbe North is a positive advantage to the rebellion. Let them exult—tories and traitors—a change, a fearful change, will some day “com? over the spirit of their dreams,” for we, putting our trust in God, brave hearts aud strorg a:ms, intend to crush out this re bellion and the allies of rebellion everywhere. That edict has gene forth, and let it take three or thiity years It will, it shall be accom plished ! And right here come* up the query: T Yt.atxdUthe Tories dotcith v* soldiers after the f r„rf Won’t we be a rather troublesome and discordant element In their calculations ? It is undoubtedly a part of their pbn that every mother’s eon of us shall leave his bones to bleach on Southern soil, for they well know that ICO soldiers’graves indicate a loss O' a* Irssl ninety-nine ot their political opponents. When men become base enough to bitray their country fires are counted as straw. Bit that plan will only partial/ succeed—al though In consequence o r th'-iricfercal mach inations ten thousand Northern homes are eo» desolate that need not have been. Ycr we believe a better day Is c.mlng—a day when Tory influence will be less felt in the army and the conn'ry. No, we intend to fight and battle still—with God’s help to tein. iciH they, what can they do with the millon of citizen soldiers after the war? Nine hundred thousand of them hate them and their damnable schemes with a hatred so intensely bitter, determined and detp that the hates of the roundheads and cavaliers, even, is friendship and cor diality compared with it. A man mast needs be of the rank and file to fully understand and realize this. And there was never hate with socoodacamie, for what sane man believes that there would ever hive been armed re bellion had it not been lor the sjmpithy, aid and encouragement given by the northern tories; and who does not believe that - etc.lion would have been crashed ere this bat fortfceptrsevering efforts of their allies, the northern tones. Is this feeling of deadlyly hate to die out, while every day freeh wrongs and repeated in juries ere adding fuel to the fire • Is a life of two or more years amid scenes of-bloodshed snd violence calculi* ed to make ns pliant and enbmissive? Will the bight of the anguish and misery of ten thousand bereaved parents, wives and children, whose .sons, husbands and fathers they have murdered, fill our hearts with tenderness towards them ? Will th efaet that thtir bands are red with the life blood of our brothers and friends, and that toe know it, teed to make its the more submissive and tenable? Why, sir, there are hundreds of men among yw, congressmen, judges, ex governors, and so on down, who, were they Acre, would live just so long as is required to choke a traitor to death. It is our mitiioA to kill traitors, and God willing we mean to do it, and whether they are North or South, they will ever be the ob ject* of our particular regard and attention. Ccnld every tory even perttoßy comprehend the extent, depth and vindictiveness of this, feeling, they would stand aghast at the future opening before them. 801 repeat the ques tion, V What will they do with uaT’ Or rather, when this mighty wave of freedom loving, treason-bating men shall rail back upon the North like an overwhelming tide, gradually subsiding among its Tallies. cities, workshops and hamltU, the question will by wet what will they do with ns, but what wii (As ettiseu sotifcr do with tite eSdn'end fr*osow, the Sorihom toryf And when that, day comes, as come It will, verity they •ball her* their reward. O. W.T., Orderly Sergt. NUMBER 101. iSJtjrniscmcit’.s. lAjLA NTE D—Three 'Kmvi-heel RoorosfcrAfamflrbf thrsepersons. bowlL el'lie- north or tout i o: C arxstree. u.-j and piompt pay. Ad«Le« p >% *sa. « ■ .vn f^jANTED—An office on Smith _ '^!_ w 'a*er streei or straits adjolninff. A<J ’ress Pot Ofllt»Brl 47?>. AjSTBIJ—Tvro girls, tt!io are %5 ,e 1° s*,** swvlreft recces. one for kitchen a H.,? E a-.°-L cllAmber work - Apply »t Xo. 199 Krisst. CCS->Bi(-3t \\T ANTtD -To pu erase a peven Y » and a h»lf Octave Pluro.newer*«»cond h»Td_ forcart. Add;e»-ALEXAM>£ tiC SMir«,C!ileV-»o hamlrg low eat price. noav^av’t Ttr AKTif-D—To purchase for Y ▼ CASH amidicm hollt. senw-1 hon«*. ea»t of State, between Jackson ana TweMh street*. Price not to exceed fs (n.-o oddreir. w-th description and prteo. •vMEKCUAN'T,” Post Office Box B^a ro3-vS7ilw WANTED. —An experienced Book Krepfr and Accountant (German), far many year* coane* t**d with one oi the luran o.l*l e«b firms of this city, dts re» a sStv-tum Brst of re fextccrefiTeA Address post Office BoxSSi. nodvSSAot I^ANTED —A Business man of „ J*.? f^ 8 * in some ftood Waoleaala Hcnae la this city, wnh a view or partnership.. tiro cojfrtfjrp,. ACdreaa post Office Box 3vß. XU ANTED—A situation in a hotel Y " .•* Aws'-ai-t B>yk-Kecper. Boom Clerk Steward, or as yjg&t f*Jerk. by a young mm who has had eigl t >tat> experience In the tvitdatssm Che above C^ao£>se*lt^ <l * iC ** *** *** 'T." Triooas OAce. ANT* D- At 169 DtarbomSt., .!» _ new Post office. PlTlTATltl>S F»B UOAMrifi HEtP Nofclrlteuilreai tLeoffice uuluaaailetofura sitmuA Jai tory reference from jormerejopioyer. Parr.-* t* i * octaln same bw applying as ihovw or address nr M;i A.LLALAaM. rvst OCctf 80x3345. LolvT»7(Mia - Bouril tor a uentl >- t f man, wife»nd l rot cr. a soring irau 20 years of ag- Pnv»l« mmly where tier* are ao o her bua*d«r9 o* , e , or'ed. «,a— <vl n»r -IVH.,GILL«TI'. care of Messrs. Wli lard ft 3*o. 1-5 tuud Water street. noivStrd-Jt A\ AETHP—A situation bv a man » * bad two years expert* nc- a»B) »k Keeper, wishes toout* narodtiooas Book-K“**iv*r A flf-tant. I ntiy -r S) ippm-g CDrK. «. m .la.-eept I p act? to trkTtl in the country S»tisf*ct-»-y r i-rrenre-t ** v v n - **•»'*i’ott Office UoxSioi. Chi ago. EOi^VoiirCl W^NIED —TOGO Ajront T 10 sell _ * T CLAEKSIn’PEUSLK 31 AKivI.NG PKVjil Sample seal by ni«d' !o» :n ct-nt*: i dozm It CO '* EN«:Y CAsz, -« nr a- italt ou re •eipt oflOcmt*. I»LBhi.R HE.VLi I’r NOIL—p-J<?e 10 c'*** by i' l *'. j?op*’p-*!d. Sea - ptanp f«,r t.ircul»r U, IL JLaMj(». Aeent, So. J?S La-se street, the IriruonHuUje. a**.<-vS7;vrui \\ r A Is TED Bv a youth; murri ..1 * \ wan a ?Unatlon To any k;n: of burnest A >yhO:«aje.or uroccry, Irca ur Conum-slo.i Uc-Q>e. Ica-ehad te-lve y-:ir» exoe'lence (-mv. r.»l y.os in each! us porter, cierk .t ,u»’e»iu to Ac au<i W. U=d Mr-Cly acet ;*t aiu.r. I usu :k tt inures a pood i-tTßian, »nd mt *:r«M towjrir. On>l:ef*r clreu If ccjiiad. rleuie aJareea *• v o.” vet bnn> office. nao- - S3l-3t YY ANTETJ—Twenty-fiva good ▼ • Coopers cm find st.- ndi wcn.nt tb« rt-U —t pi-cri. is »l plyiTigi.t oar F.ic'itn? m D.uieo p<i- 1. or *t cut office ao. <a K nztt street rt l-Ti. Suet L'uN'EK* MITCHELL. - suionc? Ijot on A B!tch?can near Ibnrsetd Placv. r>Sf et frc.Lt by io»l« L-ct alley, tne. on ytb per toot h«.* c*n» and the baturen on one and tw”> «»"C- : A5 srt;,t '■'k***. AM* to fchl ’P, >o. .6. butt; j.03-ra>Mt i. OU Salt.--A Billiard T.hl ; riAuriy new. all conTP"' re. for sa e for *!*'» cadi. ;cv f Apply at occe fciiJjU*, x 6. st-tc street. na3-'.isi,> it - The 3rei’c;imilo As>o- K c'a'b-n wUI ho’d a r-cm-ir ms'-titijr nt Uielr r-'-rnis. r. lit»vMuuUay> .t 7 .»"cl -oli. n-tITM-fi-lt 51 tKI’JL La;h i. S^c’e. v - v L aRS PR P Hk. 1) to H‘ake liberal adeaac°§ an F;onr and Gin.n, and rli L:u*. «.,j j> u-hnv. to p*'itn. n-re nr ii» tut t. uuuy. iioiuinj; ortel .nz tae«aiu.sU*;---orfor »ara to F«tt-n. c’.t'es. chuising bu’ one Cotunrs-lon ana in rcr cent, per ■ncam oa amonat udriu-ei P;._ C. PPaYTtS - 3« & CO.. CJtnm ssiun M j rch-»nr«, \?, 1C» aCwth Vrtttei eli CjC. liuA- lC LO t? T . —A l:iriyo lierhf. colore d CsweoProsrtPißi nbt'ct n sen. D-tw»“n 3'.rst Wji iiii tffo.; iu«j Mission adt » j>-. eotc-'r •>{ Fvlk Sind l«r»to »v*-e»s. a rt-*ard w,!* h-s paid to if e llnaer. iflctt uIUT ‘.Vest nob vhfl-lt T OST—On Saturday aftomo-.y, a _t_i Jaree B ok. with ••Bonlii;u & Oiirnm. *Jnsa bw«.k " writ eu <m th“. b.ick oi it Tne lit*;ervid r t rnir-CJ Uo.un .No. y Uuaarda Tocii. and be tubab.y rewarded. nor-r^dvit CTBaYTi-D OR STOi.ES -From k, , jr ont of Iho Adkins IK us?, u B ,ick Tlois?. u-Mut 13H hat us • ig«. Un ft am f TrUea-l at: teh »<t atj■< nt cp. n boi..-y. w !;p.:Tjf w.ll return »aui ?io £•.> LWerv Stable, tar of Treicoat U-mw. or gtv~ ui< rtn-.r-rn "Hero te m-y D 2 IOdY IT -- It be übciaiiy ttnalexiL nyO-FoSi-dt T3 R i-d-. T —.% three story Brick Efrr. with Ccll-.r. on Couth w«t j r in. tween Ciark amt Lnsitile S’o*~i-»ton or -N <vuii b<». Applj to JL'LLIS WAJSWor.TII, V» Lose fctrtcL koJ V-Jl-Iw i o Capitalist's—■ a ,vob3 op - prriuiiity isollVie) t.-* a party L«vi:ut.u fe«r uirmsand collars Htcomm«Ld Toiuvsst m.» drat r>tj P-yrng rrasintfte, located la iulj city. ad'tr<j-'« Post OUct £oi llt.S. nol-vbjl ai iet BAROMETERS. Pr. JOHX PIIIt.UP», So. Hi Clift ttreot. The ta’crst In t-io vWst. Pr.c -.ofr ni f t.OO to fiCiK. Isnrumetrrsii-.*t:y &,>cct .cieasuited hy ii>pCciioa of ihs ever* t me. n pNAMKLVdD MUoLINS, Aid DKILLS iXD DUCKS. HEW YOBK PRICES FOR CASH. Mthe Krw larrlage Ooocli Store ol X. D. lIUXT?. - ?. Xo. tO-Ltkc stri cl. Clac>i;o. acw-TdaOlc L>OAitl)lNO -r-*i hre*» pUnsont F frost room«.fnrnlMi*>d cr nntnmlih*-! to rent V)U> bouid.Jn Mpriv.ite iMiuiiy. lie *t;y ua tVbrniS'i aTceti«». »:• f'venr- *-T»-h*used. Plei*e ad- OlfesS " A. Ji„” post UClce BOX ilkiO. Quo Tood St BOJ KDIN G A pleasant suit cu room*, alto ’»o Slrg’e Itoomi. with Board. can' lie obtali ec by app yu-g «u 45 Harrison etr--t. twot dooiivctt of Wausau avenue. cot-vSJtU * f\V* lCEu> 'TH*: PITTSBURGH, '7 TOUT WATSE * CHICAGO The Interest on D* i <jt uoLtLj, das ia Nor. will oepatd On Presentation of Coupon* To 8. J. Crlo-veV, Cashier. OFFICE SEAR 31ADIS0K ST. BRIDGE, CHICAGO. •t. P. HKNDEKIiOX. Trafsnrcr. FiiTscrxcn. Xov. i. kGJ. noS rxiWf SALiS—A Goud X>oiidr, EIXTY-HVE HOBSE FOWE3. Can tewenlnneo. Apply *t Caljrfc G-nln Dryer. nc3-\Stfr2m SYE»E£fEi Malisll A CO. <iT. GEOhGE’t^ENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION.—The Kngolar Meeting of this Society »j.J br tuc attbarlLi i. Bryant & itr-itlo .'a t < n.nn:o:d« n vO -»D.\Y K'-’ENIiJG, *ov. lid. A prcinpt alt> i da;:** 1 r-qu-stfd. W. BAIiAGWaXaiHt Preside?*. Joß.v Cclliss, I*c. dec. ao3vjJ*.-lt POjuK, CA2sX)LE.5 f &c., 1,( C# SsctsT. I. Salt, on dock* lOCOsiclsT.E S*‘t. toanlve. SCO I'li’j*. lie ivy 2l»»a Perk. 4io boxes Star Candle*. 6s. 500 boxe« Fa m feoap, S pound l at s, (0>) boxes olive Soap, 1 and 2 pound bus. For sale by PRYOR & SANFORD, nos-Tgrrstj SAVE Y OI7 II COAL. LESTER'S IMPROVED EOT AIR FUSNASE, WITH HIS PATENT TUBUI>4R Vp OUGHT IBOA UAPIATOttA, Will ebve mere th»n one quarter the Ctal used hy any other Furnace ▼here the Radltcrs tfrs msde cl Cast Iron, (as any per son fatnlU&r with the note log of brought end Cast Iren 6tc▼». most know.)' Ikeldoa. the ‘Wrought Kudiatcrsalil out last the Cast, at I know hy experi ence. Please call ana examine at my Oficc, NO* £3 Lanlle Street, CUcaf*. Rot* to Hca, Vjl B RODXS, £c. Laksxd. 1 ntx>s B. Betas, Watw.v V. Coa Johw M. w nxieu, Joe, Mxdtix. Ed Trfbme. C. o. Ha* acyi», ■*¥«.>. Fabwsix, £. j>mLisG. Architect, A 61m. Architect, Faubaskb A Guuuur. BL W. LEfTfiß* coSTfirtit $5,000 Challenge. NEW FURNACE. BWCBKfB AIBHKAtIK& TUBKAt J£ COHBISE D. (pstoatod AogqstWlh. PBJ lor earning Asnucm v Birtaunra UQu* The nMentan are now Me.*e* £*■£!■*•* *2* cn»tuntrs with two sues All these to want nf reraeces PL Bout* ssoiea, rjs4W«aswMß^@a^ In cap. Mdwttosfldte>apwd»B<awWn*Wi In suite*. Fefcrt acae glreatf rrqalrwk Iteniraerbera chollever the worjd he rsJsosa Fanam for haa&nit hmldlcga that wilt aapagootette OTTiraSK fITKWAffI. nXCHIS * FIIKO, ■»■«*»«<«itet I AIBST AND BKSTi VICTOR 6AS WWMEB STOVE, ICcto xUttmzs?mrn;s J. sEff BOOKS. Jtxrt received by JSO.R. IVXLS3, i'AKJ'vi'; bliunca Barlam. tm. rjic-.a. f.ic» - ♦ f1.23. • i \ ■ ETES aKDBARS; bj Henry WerAßeftber. lISMIPEBABLES;by Hag»l i ▼**. pugr.slil Cloth. $5.(0. ' • T«3rVM»£irSVAKirAlr; e?cfh. Wreatrjpwsr.W coils. . „■ " 1 V/ *i t ITHAKT3 OF NEW TjßArloUu«UT>. 'JHIRTKK* MONTHS IN THBi4EßßtAKlftM»jiot - cit tb.-30 cents. - > T ATT ('•tt-*;©'**'’ n’wvw -of^crT dttcni.U<3a.9AlirsSi/£ VIiTTS, A258W3.4C,/ . SIARIES FOB 1883. JOHN R. WALSH, * O'Vf’rcf Sfadtron* street vtS Cucafo. . UIPEftIAL «!&' <- fifty pipes qraitb smiun ra*K EYE SPIRITS ITALIAN JUMPER BERRIES^ WARRANTED PTTffH* Equal Id Flavor and Quality ta Holland Gin, AT ORE QUARTER THE PRICRr ALCOHOL SPIRITS AND "WHISKYS, la raJimited QnaatWw and at L«* KUt% ti. K. SHUFSLDT, 69 South Water Street. 1500 hags 810 COFFEE. 1500 chests TEA, 1000 Mids. SU6AE, 1200 hHs. EEFUTED SUGAE, 3000 boxes SALEEATUS, 1000 kegs S. C. SODA, & 4G SOUTH WATER ST. BARPiOM'S “ SEIF-SEWES.’’ Extracts from \ ftw Ccrll'l at-.s tr.t-i.'T slen: “IrdUren-lble for all a*;-vine 3f icli'ncsW. C. Slaso>. f •«» n-:- Machn.r C .i-iuo. t;i fciouuj, Oruver & 3uK«r. »nn Wiijeitr * Wd-fa's ** Haree-.ld mmy of th?m: -:iv? norf!CC<*ttv fart,°...- Agent tor L H. alaier « Cbl fcgn. *We u-ire tfetrd ir>h , y jcrlatf the la»t non h.-; uiaur u._c“- it.* yo.t. u>r any ma chine.”- L Co-S»LE * <•■*.. As nN for \XI Isox A* Cilbs, iaggsti.« c»rr. an i Js.mpir<? Ceicugt . a cord rMng.“—W. it, unmi, Wheeler S ulifO i. Clduivo. ”Vo >ady wl l regret it* pdrehnse.’'—'V. It. Tocerf «ro.iteu Ag»ntsiorttrovor& BaSer,and”YoiaiV* CLioacO. - ■••e have need your ’Sclf-Sewen* far eeramt niontLa.on onr muchites rnu-ihs by s*evn, Tlnjr uie Wl. tu our buwin-A-. mrticnUrlf me jf.T.d: c. flag*. Hue other rght #ork.”— llya- Us mt * to„ c.lit ago. ** Web ngeot It on -he Whcfer A **• it* is rn.iTh'na for S’mj r»l niohtlt*. muiiißi: silkb-nn* n*. fla.-.e. »-t % A valn- Mde acq». WtioD t > any machine.”—>f r s Nkl**)'!. Flog andßaaastMaker, at Gilbert Hubbard ft Ci'Z Ct> ra^o. (The above firm are large Ship Cinuile"*, rtwn’mr •laiv or r«r«ntr maelrms hy atc.m, m ikxDg tcuVJ, awLing!*.pmis, a»*s tic) “A Tallinn e artlri-Rnron. General Agent fur O. Tver ft Baker. sc.Loufs 310 “ lr prOTenunt.-—a. Gen. Agent for Wtn-eir- ft W 1> ou. St. V->. t • <Mno effect fr-m t?i° **PcarL' “F/arht.n.” Bondolr.” •• Kty stone state/* lE'-rilV," “I’rliV “ rr.t .n” UM & We'».*;ee - 4ow<>/* Ftflkle & Ljoa,” ■‘TV.Lliiui & OrrW*. “Brantn.” - Xlfj ar* adaped v» all osHar HacMass* ' Sentty i* nil. p*hhzc pail, on rvn pz ufrctoil pciCflk aEdmmeof ui-iCiiine. P;: >% •i.'f. D. tavcntir. At L. Cornell A Go’s, 131 Late street Hj. noi-TaJixtnct p. u.i36x271C gEALED PROPOSALS. QUAET*R3iABTKR'» XT. S. A > JUiitisuap il*, lad.,oct.ti:ifa,i:6i > 9rn!f d P-ojo-sh w!’l l>-» receive!.i * this rfflce until 10 o’clock a. M.. on Saturday, Bta .November, 13&;, foe. 2.000 CaTAlry Moreei and 1.000 Artillery Uuims, An to De del vered at tLe Government Staples, la I 4» (Lannro:b. Inca.a. Deliveries of Cavalry Horses to 1>« as To’lows: £OO within ten (ICt days from dtte cf Contract. - ECO “ t«a> *• ECO “ trhty •• SCO M forty OS) •• Sadborwstobc toard in •!? partlcnlata, not lea* tl'pn *!* (*) not n»cr» than eight (S) v»an* old; Iron 15 to JB bands hlgn; dark colors (no jj. ayo go' 4 square t otu r*. bit die wise, and of »Lt3 sutfldenc IOC Cava'ty purposes. SfECmc&TIOHS 07 AETItIEUT BOSSES. (J) SS2 Wheel ITor»e*. In pain, hays brawns or blacKP, IB band? cr upwards, street; and actlve. Jror B to D years r id. entirely to and, wen broxan, ami tqntte t'ott-rs m harness. U ) H-i Hun**, lu punt, bays,browns or blacks. bntds b‘ijb or n: wares, st: otir. qnlex and active, en tirety t-Oi'Ril, ficrc 5 to 9 yeaio old, well broken eqcnre trort- rs In harcem (».) 30 Heroes. in pits.bays, browns or Macks. en tbt'y sound, IromS t. t> jeva old, sizes (Uitaule tor cscharre in »h«* two flr’t named horre% well brakes u c rQtitre trotters *n rarncs*. E ich barsj to ww*gl» :st Utt lb in e even tutdrrd (t 100) pounds. Deliveries of Arf.V.»Ty U .rs«aO be as follows: M> bora's cf the n st came*!, i •10: Horses «»1 th- rad t.imed.V SOOEsrass. CO Horsts of the 3-ct ntme*,) Witbir flrte*pns> days f’om datd of contact. Th! saint n>.u»b»r i i*t > oi s*xe c’as.sefrtiotctivey. wlthla t**-i t -Ire ( aj '-.js irnm date of centra t. and tb« its'* or (ICO) wulilc thlrti flvc <‘A>) days from date of contract. These specification! will be itrlellf ttiiiered to. aiiO rUidlyenforcod In *>Tcry panic alar. So Wd will be nnles? nccompanlcd by.A geataLiy (»r itn Nitiiful p*t tuicacce. Tutm of bid and gnuuity can be bad onoppllcatioa tOU'UUlce. b:rt will be eniertatnPrt for Uss tbar IM Hor-rai. Prorotal? «U1 !»•- «nJor*ed ** Pm> j<a'« ior r*7*Jcy Dorset* ” trd •Pr p- nab for Arr’llory Ho Anyo»lierbs pmmity preti on app.icatlou t« Utt a&dftra>gn«*it« or 3f letters James a. ke*n. A.aM^u.a.A.^ Ko. 27 Lualle meat. Bc3-vSTi-6t mW CLOAKS! LATEST STYLES. KAKD£OK!£LY TRIIH3IZO! The Essex, The fcuuTey, The Lincoln, The Cumberland, Auf otter JTe'T’ Shapes in every quality of CIoSI onfi Style of Trimming, TEEY CHEAP. J. It. miAf| yofc 133 wd US rtra?. _ AJfD BEST. ViCTCR GAS F J3MH SfOV£ GROCER IE 3. geom*p.A«3dg.o. mu. MMk BFUZS SUMS,' SlO talf ««•** T**. MOboznl*UUTTnL inminmuninix MMhwlMr. ■ : . «00 hlf hUf MIU,BMr ‘ * l »uiTiinnr t roreitky ftCNBT ba9si euirjnc ■U ■*« . ; - VIMRVOOB * CO„ amuttmt- »«-187 Bo«tt Wtitr XT’state orSAMCfCL WILSOif, f> aoCea to harahy ana u an rerrena be sing Mima and demeada agata-K on eat ate sc Bam—■ mxoa.iKeiaN. to aaaiaat toe hs,s for msMaiha ahd idtsant it s tanur tow or the cintrcwt cl Oros Ctiey, a m fcofctwet toe CeatftHnwr. tithe City of theTtoidlßeadn alMaha AAm Matta Wallace ■aw*«- laklSil’A ■ R. W. ASD ALSO. B T Ron sale cr UoivoßEtnetJ r ys and 23? state street. AtA.E.*G Stae* uroimiuit IM Mk Water Mm*.