Newspaper Page Text
Cult, tbi-weeuy and weekly. Office, Ko. Cl Clark Street* HUE Cf YIB uUIDUiO TBlßOis * 3) illy, delivered In city, per year. _ ac ftt D«ny. delivered in city, pS WeS — to mail subscribers, per year** ****** l-oo i:to “ »«££ — *•«*> ■ 10c0pie5.»....., *" ®*OC , " *o<mplcs,'iiuii to getier np ordah^o'oa im **• *"• “I * Ml **«"” «cmcACO TaracaK.” n. s?g : * KtUitfiuif, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,18G3. •< ? lu: Ti!,K win i-oi.icv. uur cause, that, must be entrusted to <cndconducted by its men undoubted friends —those whose hands are free, tehose hearts <tre inthcKork, who do cade for the result." ■June, ISoS. HUB NEWS. The leading feature of the news is the ■rSispstcli from our own reporter accompa nying tlie expedition, which announces that Gen. Grant’s fjrccs formally occupied yesterday. Holly Springs, the shire town of Harebell county. Miss., a beautiful and Nourishing place previous to the hreakin -1110 war ’ and consisting of irom 4,000 to 5.000 inhabitants. It is on the ■direct railroad route from Cairo to New Orleans, on the Mississippi Central rail road, 179 miles south pi Columbus, Ey., twenty-five macs south of Grand Junction’ and 210 nules north of Jackson. JEbs. The place has been noted for its licauly and quietude, and was a prominent centre of flourishing educational institu tions, all jus; now merged in one school of adversity, under the charge of General Oranl, who wiU teach the rebels a better loyalty. Thus far our army has pressed on the road to Vicksburg. General Grant means to winter in a more lavorable ■climate. PmntheTvaria "Virginia the ncT5 Is tnsiniporlanl. Our troops have pressed ■vrilb their advance beyond the liappaiiaa- Jioclc. Gen. Jackson is, it 5= rumored, tvith tlrawing bis command to pui Staunton in readmits for :lie arriv-d of Gen. Cox, wno las hoan moving from ou: tbe Jxana*vha. Gen. lldleck his been out to see the army and returns tveil pleased vyith its spirit and effectiveness. "Washington lad yesterday a ilrsi class rumor of disas ter, but it was not based oaf icts. The operations in Korth Careiitia begin To look like work, and stirring events may I'C dose at band. It is the aim of General Foster to cm the railroad communications Tihieh the rebels must look t j for supplies, and a line of retreat The nows from Port J.oyai indicates activity, Irom Kentucky news conies of further small successes over guerillas. Xashvil’e —' Ofc'eiuiu commiinica’inn with the rest of EranMnd, and we publish a letter and dis latcllts from that p„ti L Xc-ws other Ilian from the scat of war is JigliL A scries of heavy frauds on the Government arc discovered at Ifcw York. The Commissioner of Intem-il Hevci.ue Xniikci- some decisions and announcetueats relative to the stamp tax, which the bnsi- Tcss comnmm'y uro directly intures:i.-d in r-ad sliould cl.ts ly Tisr: PjiitTiisc; ftcsr.'s It is ctident timi OrplivUS C. Kerr, mis- Cli.lAcdS l.iiow-, having married the Men wsD, 1 i-f got re. Wits ns jo aliii.iiies, and is Nvxitir-g lor the Aeiv a ork JAmhi. Itmust f® s,e ’ for report of JlcClcUaii’s parl ing, from width we give elsewhere a few gems, is in his best vein. Such Mg round sally tears never coursed more fteelv through a reporter's narrative. The tent Eotae betn-ei-u MeCl.-ilnu and Burnside sx old not he made more duaip hy t steam fire engine. The weeping over the wine, lee wceiling by regiaieats oud lia'.'.iiii '. ;-, sed coriis U’amiee, is g-iod. A little earlier it might have done good service liy raising the stage of the Potomac. The final scene, where the stragglers of our army lift up their voices and cry aloud i.r,-r ilnir parting chief, “Come Sack, JfftCielian,” is more mouruful than anything wc remember to have read since Ihe tide of Orpheus and Kurydicc. IVc append ihe brief ac-co mt ol iheXew York Tillies to calm the reader’s senses, or ratlier as a float to rescue hint in the sea of tears. The whole account is lull 0 f seems wc commend to the callow artists of the pictorial klio*. «i - B Attatns in 1111; Fietn. Under lire teiv rule of prosecuting the Nrar, nclwiihstsndrng the lateness rTf the season, there is abundant promise of plenty of alining work immediately at land. In the East there is the grand Army of Virginia; on the Kanawha a fine army under Gen. Cox; moving from .Ciuennati through Central Kentucky, General Grangirs anny; the grand Army of the Ohio under Gen. Kosecrans on the Inarch through Mi.'die Tennessee; the Aiuiy of AVest Tennessee under Gcu. Grant. Our special dispatch from Holly Springs, Miss., informs us of the arrival oi our aimy at that place. In addition to the above named, Gen. McCiern-nd isoigan i/.mg an expedition having lor its object the opening up of tbe Mississippi We Shall make lri-.t-.ry be fore Ken- Years. lEtiElt I'liuJl JiASMVUIE. ITrom Oar o«*n Xaeuvzixe, Kot. 6,15C2 Onrregiimntrr.Ti.,g received so much no tice. inyonr e oie.nn. ot laic, perhaps yon will art hive space for our history for the past r.e nth. One rnon’h ago we were di tributed a’vnn tie >l. A C. K. 1!. an.l T. A A C. K. R., c-mpicung sola; of the most conii.iutcand ceicnsilile steekeGcs rrected daring the war; in fact, several positions were men iced, and one under command ot Lieut. V. B. Bell, was approached by a regiment of rebel cavairv modex command of CM. Bicknell. and ordered lo tnnei.dT. Tec quick reply that he had -cree suffici-at to bold it, and should not snr- Itndcr until after defending It until no laager able to hold it, very ranch surprised the bearer of the U.g of trace, and they not knowing I/ieat, Bell's force, (which was only thirty five men,)quietly witadrewuntil night. Bar* argtbe sluiruoan three companies reinforced linn, m d ibc boys of company K were safe. General Bnell seat M.jcr Harding, who was commnuditg our regimeat at that time, a xotc thaakiag him for the faithfulness of our toys along the entire line. Although ordered lack lo guard railroad bridges and W ater tanks, wcobcycdoH eiu’rrritkfc*nh;,‘- tVuile other regiments oa either slduwere surprised, roue o, our squads Were; and the many trams t' at parsed doily cheats found us there. After cu«-md l^reu» OUr - fcIO<:KH, ’ le ’ '■' Veraf compuries S?K o.*V„ ra " ! "” u ' ,IB ' companies A, 0, G. II dor cewiopmg Sh la U ‘ ,dr “ n, »» ll “ *** the came to be made to m.-v.:" 1 ordor m. initg. H.,at-vile was to*,. ee-caftS 1 »»o an snvuiee on N.shvilm a la ' was the cruero the dry. To-morrow cine int uo Jriiu until late in the af eraoon. when wiiiHzed by ia quick tnccessio^ some irift-ke at division luradquAriera cfreLpii iio G, H an.l I were ordered to be liffst. u» N .KtiT-llc, tr.erebr lcario£tbe bridges which were located noith of the reel »cnt wuhout protection. It baring been lelegraphtd to HnoteTiUe tint such was tne Jhrt, companies A and B, of tne 19th Ilhnala. ■ lht - were seat vrll *‘ a theguirds were tr-iu was rua over each of tse three bridge mentioned and loand them aU ? £ i t, d b i.” t r lipon approaching the bridge de *y \ eat * 7^ I,od * l V e ****»; ff4S thrown tbe track, and several wed aimed vollev* 3 ere fired by tne rebels into our boys, who mostly upon box cars. quickly lormed nnderCdpL J.RHtyden aud the cowardly rebels ley. repaired the track, pl.cmd e ‘ It. .ad nil the regiment arrived srfeJji'nNu^ wffle. Upon aritv ng here, oar ißcimmtwii' «rntrrd Into a light bHpSe then Ibrmtog n“- C°'- John F. ffi-ler. consUrln, t-« regiments of Infantry, j Da * regiments ot cav.t-v and 1 kata VfS, of trlllleiy which marched ito -2JV r I r e6bo ” , f Team Xectlug Gen Bn-11 at worn ..iscc, ha ° drrrd ns back to KssirviHr lotmed nnolher brigade of four regiments VOLUME XV. of the 10th nuaois, •5b h Ohio, llih Michigan, and G9ih Ouio. no* Ohia command of CoL Smnlcy of the 18th The brigade was then marched ?ir m n e , s*“ h z^ nlu oa the Ptincely plantation of Gen. Herding, now a prisoner of war at Mact inaw. This plantation hsrdly has a sun-rim. in the Union, consisting of STf meet productive soil to be fonni Tmlodo graphy Is graceful and hanuontoS? with running streams, briS’ cs and improvements, dc^ li“SpSSAfes® ?s ,ID S ? rse dl l 6of «•» end drill, Ve were ordered into thi-» plane to fortify the did y racU^? tl Ta bei S§ wltl *lu»i;ht ofths splaa did caiillol. Our brigade having been ordered hn/ < wV-?in < tv, IT> c S ci l,l > our “tup is on the ?i,' b th .f fortification?. Oue hundred “<*Mgimenthaving be=nordered d ?i i . r ’, or pn i E6 ,hat number of con trabands, the boys lurnished 100 darkies tu ie ' “ Ed are now bossing the niggers at a 2:10 pace. Capt. Moron. chief o. engine, rs of Gen. Buell’s stsff. Bndgep, who is in cti&rge ot os. that w« wAi-a huildltgpe beet rifle pits he ever saw. cS, Ul w?i fl ’«£sf the fortifications of ni~AwS£' ? tbe atjr s one Port, com msaidlrg the main approach to the city has suermwnentihtttwfll lake care of any num *a Ct#b , lli *t icay venture With'Q miles ?orte thS liif US? * -i here Bre 6ever ' i t other ™r« tbat * iU .S lve them a warm reception. trooi» are in excellent ppirlts, as we are auid excitement, rumors of a fight, but yyc are ready for ihem. 6 * The regiment have read with great interest o. the sympathy and reception given Gan. o Ooi. S2OII in Cuicago after tuey “3. o rajor Hiding reiaiacd command unu, September 7th, when his x Ccpt. Raffia, by order of Mpjor Harding, commanded several davs, bnt icitr or file d*vs *Joce the commander oi this biigaceordcrcd Capt. Hayden to com* mi-no. The icgsment it now under his com- During tbe pa?t week seven I.liaola w*cl. meat* haveyjmed us; among them are tne 2J-O,olfr, L,tb. MjLy of our acquaintmces aie among them. T.;« 19ib are glad to wel come tome liliccls boys to our heretofore Oi«.o and ludnun sunoandiags. Our gent rate alt anticipate one of ihe hardest 1 *n*. lit nal'ltt at tins pbice, but tun*? onlv will cemcnstTiilc. Yours, Vjeuitas. Ilic : hl!angfc of (Goiaaiaadftrs, ASTIKG PIOTUSES ep HcCL&LLaW, 1 LIKE TOE nUEAEISG CP OF A GIF.L’S SCHOOL. - [Army Correspondence N. V. Herald ] . than a hundred thousand soldiers are ir great, gr el to-night Their accomplished, patriotic and beloved, under waom ti.yhavcioughteo many success,ul bat-iei aas been supeiceded in commantl ot the army ol u*e Pt/lomac. J It wasi teuriy midnight on Fridav, the 7th fret, when Gtn. itackingham hand'ed the or otrol the president to Gen. Medellin re lieving him Irom command of thearmvof -be lot. line, and draping him to report at Xr! i t- n, New Jerssy. It was entirely nnexo-ct -I by every body .here. 1 a McClellan had an immediate interview wi \ hl.'-nside, when Ihe lono-fal imedig-mee eat His dil.ienlt to devide which -as Ihe more affected—McClellan, to leiv» the noble men who bad grown up to be in trepid t-olds re under him, or Bnrn-id ■ to iw enmeiLe learul responsibilities which were Urns Kiicxperl.u.i placed upon him. eereifcd down McClellan's cla-sic lea*n-es etu limnside.wilh his stout and b-nvylra-ne gnevid like a sorrowing child. Tueie they iistuVi- Tr 1 ’ t Z . Bo mi I, *T = al keen warm I , tcbM fnerds. -.hey- have lived and tabor .d in Ice ft alas of civil hie tageiher. in the same eslaL-li-uiieur, and, with patriotic fd»i legs in cmiim..n wi h each ctiier and us all fZV.Tfl 1 f,,r,l ¥ Urion h'-math the silKcil li ins ol ihe same beloved banner. (In t-anirdat the mom-nfal news was known .liionghout headquarters. His s'atl ollicers e timiz-.d than MeUMlaa was nin c,f. There was not a sinale oilier who eoniß Cl mj-recemi the meaning or rather the jn. lice t.f the matter. In answer to inn airi-s ■ ? t U MeChdiaa dimply n t” o * about it is that I received *, - ‘-‘der, dated on the 7th, Immvdiatelv af>cr m’-oefd ° ! ““ S “ te tl - ctio ' , ’> we™ au said -MtClcilan, to sonic officers' mound Lint, 'I will remain as long as Barn tails me to.’ ”No, yon won’t,” reidied wldi hl ' le ’i ,U o lf i? ou d l -i°n will remain wltn usaluigeihcr. Everybody fat tbatyes’er dny was a yeiy nnsatiilaetory Sundav. . Sor row, dieappominienlaud dou -t were Jepic-ed on eVtiy t-onnre-iiauce. Throughout the day ollicers kept teemselvcs in their tents. Head quarters looked dismal aud deserted On Sunday evening a most touching scene took place. After hiving concluded his ar ral-genjeiitawiib Burnside, McClellan sent an levitationso all his own stair ollicers, request ir-g thim to eocne into his teat at li o’clock Hm ‘iT’'.o Pg ’, t ° drill, S a glass of wine with 1.1111 b‘foie u- shell'd bid them nil adieu. IL-.y m full nuilerm, and partici pated m the interesting and solemn scene eifttcnsuid. Ice Wine was produced and the classes were supplied. Tears were shed in prolusion. An hour or two was oao -d in vi^V B if , a .' c °averse, donne which Gen. 'very onm & alid cheering word for A splendid photograph of the general and Ms peretuai staff ellicers, torminga hands line group, m front of hlsl-.nt, and another of llui * ! ‘ a ': nd on horseback, were taken before -tailing. \\ hen just about to go he said. tJ,- L l ,:ard > l ,° s . cc “J soldiers again.” Then, accompanied by hi* oiHcera and escort rairi»r»ps he rode off to i Having passed through the lines of nllthe ;” C, S ‘, u - ~ 'V«niiy, General McClellan turned ins horse s head to go lack to his l adqu-mers, whence he intended proceediog re. w 'rain which wa, waiting to convey him toM.i' thii glen. Now wc witnessed the'most f lrore. D, ' r £ “ n e of all. UntU this moment it , sc ™ cd fhat their favorite genera! conla leave them. But now he wa- going irom among them-he had already gone? ILe moment that they fnllv realized It all these soldiere, animated by one universal im inlse, ran after him, some weeping alond, mid shouted In t ie most touching md appeal- , b , S^ , ‘^ : ..n K - tCII Um back, fetch him back to nsf McClellan r ,C *» “»« Eveiy one who heard Those loncl-ing vyords ■sasinovia to tears. At] the officers then M a, ,re „ 10U ‘ jd -ri‘ nd stll!0 k hands with General aleUellan. Tins was another of the mmv more!i;|- K “ C * ,e in the HIHEI* AND PCSINESS LIKE. [Amy Corrcspocdencc Tiiaca ] At 11 o clock lrt>i came the ord'-r far junovirg Geu..ilcCielltta, and »cn. Bnrniid* In M. place.’ The iiicmima course, occasions tue most IntuEßc cscitcmqnt atm»ut? the Troon> but we htre Dotting of iho»e 100,000 woo u ere to lay down their arms. Oa Hie coatra- JT, ire news Is received among the soldiers as T ] ctor y- To ecu the elfeci, I n.adc knowu tbe fhet to a number ot them collected at thu depot thi- morning. “ rha‘*s gwdueasr exclcimedone. “lam m£Viv slad to hear that, said another. “ nlll iscon be t udi d,” cbiiuod in a third. There wasi otadifcsez.tiugvoicc amoiig the whole •S aS piopriery and neeesrity for FOUNDED OS FACT. [From ■Wilkin’ Spirit of the Time.] nt ,hc headquarters in lollnwaf.'. I h r=l ’ ld ntettagist, who has been lollowltg Lee since the gear o: October at Ia?f t rd e ‘‘ d ° n3 la! f- of j' lst tw ° mil.s anda wus .(uddetly intimtpted in his nnffieif 3 .! 0^ 111 ! 101 au,i to report •he Centre 'h\.h«dquar;ers of his lamily ia . Iu cLuire of -V'-- Jtisey, As the order w-o» tmperaave, nud tbe firm hand of Burnside had received the baton, Maniln. had no ume for preust; bo he packed his trunk, and tokui an sflcclionate leave of the army,” ala l«uU tumid bis back on the Bine Ridge. ..fhfrmtnded by his sympathizing , „ n-°o<;iiy r steered his caarger’a like that oillbc farewell ot the Fust Napoleon it ±« nt«ir*blcan, immortalized in tr.e jrasl-riea at > t-isailirs, but still it Is worthy o* some Atreiicsu iir»*at, and should uotbr? lost to tbe thecapltoL I sconlrasi *ituour two s ostcmua.iua«mrancojioto WasUiairUia a jc-ar before, iu a laureled car, with lorehra pnuccs inlii-i train, and fifty horses ia oi? loroly stall, is well worthy of tbe historical we have not a Vcraet, tniHht .t 1 ? Ro^ he 10 d 0 the story Akt™^^ r v be cocsignedto the pilriotic fJ d *** ? Senms lor such subjects. r.«t£SgSHg£ nhop in Nassau Leal of° C vi ld ; rcd h " tllcr fortmkte. In thing ie P S? h'? 6 ”■ through the blindiugsnow accompanies the close of -J? “ckets of the hum dredthoufard dead, whose reprotchfni mn«n« mingle with ihc wind that dritUFiti C.S from the field. That wonld fnrnlsh a paints recollection to the president and the peonie. ratt many a parent's bosom, and fill manva widow seyes with team; while, on the other bat d. the buoyant brush of Akppmwu. changed with its usual cheerful lights, could represent hixnin the most glowing priut shop iashluu, looking three ways with equal strength of o»”x^S]£f Ube^V* M “ lbo> Meriwiui). Tbestox, N. X, Not. 13.—The clteens of Ttentonsre miking arrangement* for a grand Geo. ItcCMian ml sua to-night In?e Tom here ot elsltora ire arriving here •rrin.iWMhlrgtoß, Philadelphia New Tort Mflototr pieces, anxious to p iy Ihelr respects Ft eoniliiiiaer of the army : of the FfiOM GEN. GRANT’S DE- PARTMENT. Our Army Occupies Holly springs- THE BREASTWORKS CARRIED. 150 PRISONERS. The Enemy Across the Tails hatchie. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Trihnao.] HriiT Smisgs Mjss. via i XaAuiiAiiUE, -November 13,1862. f About 7 o’clock this morning Cob Lse, chief of cavahy on Gem Hamilton's stafi, look possession of Holly Springs, after a alight skirmish jnst outside the breastworks, in which four rebels were killed and several taken prisoners. TJp to ihia hour (9 o’clock a. m.) we have taken 150 prisoners. The mayor and several prominent citizens have finally surrendered the town to the federal authorities, and have appointed a committee to obtain com and provisions for tic army. Lieut George W. Badd of the 2d fowa cay dt7 las been appointed provost mandrel. Tbe forces now occupying the town are the 2d lowa cavalry, the 7th Kansas cavalry, and tte 3d Michigan cavalry. The enemy’s cavalry are nowin force at Lnmpkin’s Mills, seven miles below, and our lorces are now driving them, killing and ta- king pritoners. The enemy will prohally make a stand a! Tallahatchie. Onr infantry brigades ore moving aw, and will occupy the town to-night. We are get ting fair re-mount lor onr dismounted men. I send this to Lagrange, twenty-live miles north, by a special messenger. A LEIIEIt FROM LAGRANGE. [CorrtEpondcccc Cincinnati Gazette,] , , , Lekason, Tenn. Nut. 8.15C2 Several prisoners arrived here this alter noon from Gen. Hamilton's headquarters some 01 whomwerc taken ina scouc ol this morning. They prefers to have left iloilv Springs yesterday, and assure ns that tii cc i cul ' ud thlt pomt and goal to the Hatchie, fltteen milea beyond, where there is an unnndant supply of water and ex cellent ground lot deleme. Same o“ these ?f e . °f ?P ID M>?. that it will not halt at the n.tejie, hat will «iilt back to Grenada, seven’y- MtfjSSS Uuliy fringe, and KM iui£ r.M- r ".TtfuL W /- i6rn e t:, , c raiiro:uU from Mem p: n- ard from Grand Janc’ion unite and c rn unue southward to a single line. It Is wi'hin easy eciiiii.nnicatiou -itu Jackson on'tne -onU!, nr.d with .Meridian and tire Habile anl OMo read on the east. When ever we move down the MriMwim! Gentwd lb,linay to attack Grenada, it is^i-niy ~r01..h.e that the rends will fait still fordior iwk toward the Celt -Tn-.-keoa U their lit j.ouit ( tl dependence, and when once weh*vd -.••stt in cur possessions, Vicksburg will fall -I'hontn blow If General BuierWmnve I'P ,r ™* Orleans, and eausa 'he fjl of iC; 1 kUaipnat tbesaiuc time, the Mississiopi vill be Jully m our po?6S*sidd . Bel" eta ibis point and Holly Springs it will some lime W put the raliroa l in mania"- orncr. About eight miles heio.v Grand JaiuT tmn as a tres’ie work, neatly three-fourtas Jf a mile in length, that has been burned by the rebels. The Bridge over Wolf River has shared the same late, and to rebuild both will rt quire a week or two. Below Uo'lv o-j there "Til! be many fe 5 list Bill need more, or less labor b s ore the Immscno pass, it is not at preseat tha d°- srgntoput tbe .Memphis and G'aarle.toa raii rwd-l&eonOlHotHoT-Krrice; awwe arealreadw (ineroing as much road ns we can affird rnat- Memphis and (Jh.rltstun road could be ol no service to ns, except for an creational movement along the il .e re ii tain that onr amborili-s cbaf.-mnl.te open l.g the and Ohio, but it ir not riei?;., iho . D “ !e , s“ a ~om Columbus to G-nath and Grand Junction is all that wo need. . telegraph reached here yesterday, ami is now iq full operation a: headuyarters. Tn-* cars will be here t>morrow nfgut, us soon as a bridge at Hiesory V-dleyeun uecompWcl ~£ i ;" bu l ere s Hie following closely in the wuke ot the unuv, and securing all tae cattoa they ctn lind. The prodact this sec tion is •j-ato large, tiiuugh the considerable »-xt« n„ ol land planted with com has somc whut reduced the crop of the textile atapb* J!S 6 W c t an pet at less than 50,0C0, and the chances are that it d.ica not much ovciruu 40,000. Priceis thought to be m command, but there U eomc conm<ion in statements as to who is the real leader * LCorreepondcncc of the Cincinnati Commercial] LAGitisua, Turn, 2\ov., 10, ISG2. The rcconnoissmce scat out day before ves terday has raarned. It consisted of & very* * heavy luicc tom the armies ot Gens. M?- f i , «iSi?» Hamilton, boiho! whom accom- the expedition. The movement was I think, predicated upon the arrival ot news the enemy s lines to the effect tnat Van Darn woe lolling back toward Oxford, Mis*.—a town of conMdcrablb importance on the Mississippi Ccnml Ivadroad, about lifcy mites irom La Grange, and twenty-live mdes rom Holly Springs. A deserter and prisoner taken with n'' d l >B ’ U a Llt t. d m lh « ataieaieut that \an Dom was actnaily on the retreat. It hid been the opinion m our lines that the rebels would make a stand at Cold Water, and hear ing tnat they bad changed tae tas ics. we sun pesed the, had in Gtm Sherman’s advance Irom Memphis. The pci Irion of Gen. Grant’s army to-day is very easily narra ed. The forces of Mc- L nereon ami Hamilton have relumed and now occupy ihe ground they leu ou daiurdsy last ft. LaGrange and Grand Junction. GetnSu--r --mun s column is somewnere In the vicinity, probably between lure ann Davis’ Mills »Inch are six milea distant. As our army is ! „° n Uamiltou’s cuips forms the left. iighL ir ‘° U S ibl! ceutre ’ aud Shermm’s the The "War in Kentucky and Tennessee. Matters at Nashville-impm. tant from the Rebel Army. SUCCESSFUL FEBERAL SK!BSfI!SH. [fpccii! Diepnich to the Chicago TrlhnaeJ Loneviu.E, Nov. 13, Iffij. A Borksvilie, Kentucky, dispatch says IC.COO rebel cavalry arrived there. They say that five thousand more are on the wav to re iuforcc them. * A Nashville diipaich says itis reported that there was a light near Lebanon on Tuesday between Kennctt and tValford’s cavalry on the lediral side, and Morgan’s men on the other. Seven guerillas wens killed and 123 captured, also a number of horses. Our cav alry is in pursuit Coealhaiu’s rebel division Is at Tallahoms. A part of Braeg’s army is reported at Kt oaville. The rebels arc moving the sick to Chattanooga. There ate large confederate stores at Murfreesboro. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune 1 Indianapolis, Xor. 13. 1562. Cob Shanks with 4CO men attacked a camp of rebel guerillas above Gaboon, Ky„ on Green River, a few nights since. The rebels broke and ran in every direction, leaving their horses, arms and ail their camp equipage to fail into the Lands or the Uuioa forces. The officers of the 2d Ky. aud;3d lad. caval ry, .complain that all ihe credit due The brigade ol cavalry commanded byCoI E. SLMcCook at the battle of Pcrryville, Is given to Wood ford’s cavalry, which is attached to McCook’s brigade. Both the 2d Ind. and 2d Ky. were engaged against superior force during the entire fight and are entitled to lull credit for what they did. New Tobk, Not. 13.— The Hernia has the following special: Nashville, Not 12.— Gen. Rosccrans has wrlt’en a congiatßia ory letter to Gen. Noe- TiL°Nov°sth U:r ’ 8 Euccessful defense ofNasn- night Wcw D P tbß stone ' he bridge over Mill Creek, oa the rtSJ^The I SSilf?** ix macs from Nash has J UBt repaired. «^l ! .f ni>plles ?re f to Ghkttarocga and Atlama Irma Murfreeaboro. which is reported eTacmrtcd by °' Union rtf ogee* are prepairing to return to Murfreesboro. Preparations are being made ■to eitet represeutatiTts to the preseSt grtss Item dMricts in Tennessee on tha CJ K°t c feder ? Urot >P a - Got. Johnwn Üb.t?ff « T 30011 i? ‘" * proclamation'to Sd arrived- PrcritJohs ire coming l n ahondraMr' The reports InNorthejm papers of are rebels ' CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER U. 1862 s^s&asE* a rart ° f ™ The Tribune has the following special • No I- f 2 -—hreckinrldee sent a t ™ CC : T° m Sfnrfr-eaboro late list night an change of nineteen prisoners. fio^h e n m nTr?^i°d r^“ gb “ ktbe Tn?«^ g T ha i a ; aumtd command, Gen. 40. for S« 6 mcf be ' DS 100 mllc h impaired vS," 111 ? 14 bridge acrois tbe Harpetb, at aSky or iwo“go. W “ d “ tr ° JCd b * ‘^abeis nr G rS, •.?.°‘ eCß,na has or d pre d the impressing of rebels negroes forfatleue duty; also, tbe cssssssr 1 ‘'”**&«**&». -si Cwcdwati, Nov. 13 —Major General Lew Md l ftS l * niv * d ? Cairo on rnomlnw, and then received an order from tae wir de* oxdm^VpTi^w^ l ! t0 C * acinDat i a nd await G | a * Walla . c e and staff reached this hStttl%^ jmoTDlT>e ' flnd frond no orders commander of this depart ment, bns intimations that he Is to be reiev then,fen D \vli £l if Ce i i i??' d * J '? r tK °’ “"3 tms ID« (it’ll. Wnght will bo assigned to an inx portant command in the field. Another ru nior is that Gen. Wallace Ins been oSewd 'Rn^li on conrt *“rt W lor the trial of Grn. BoeU next week. The true atetn JS aflaire will be made known to-morro w Oen. Granger left to-day for Erst Tennes. see, and Major General Wyler aStra t to-morrow. a host of brigadiers left to-day for Kentucky and Tennessee, It indications note anything, there are important movementa in prospec- niShTl™ lr ? and Glasgow: gner sid?raMa tllei i ia coo cjatraue number?, and are committing vbolerale depredations. ® The entire army under Gen. Rosecrana t* rearing 2safcbville, and will reach that city this rJ-*? tntmy were undoubtedly be tween Cbat-anooga and Huntsville. KAriiviLLE, Kov. 12.-Negley''a division bj G€n * *oa*£au yesterday 1 dan 6 t0 dajj makia £ a eoperb ap _ A dag of 1 nice was received from Gem Bn ck nndge, at .Murfreesboro’, last night. a.*kii gan exchange ot nineieen prisoners. 4 Inc enemy are tr eoussitnbfe forci at Tul- Isboma and McMluuville. They are falling Lack rapialy into Alabama » li it r. ported that They nave Urge oaaiti lies of produce, bat rilling stock on the rail, road is limited. ° lttU theqv.m‘l-' I5 D at Bridgeport, across the leiincf see River, has not been rtMHir-d so that they are obliged to furrv tbe river ** ’ iJnigg is reported in command, Joe Johu sc;ive°dmy.‘ e flt6Uh makiE = “m unfit for fcupxiUis are arriving at Nashville freely, tbi railrold £,tlsue forcu i= employed, on Orders have been issued to impress all ne >i>e military service. SontrXnd .oncer corps are also ordered to be organized. tl ‘? tro Jy l tlie ruilroid bridge oS°or „ rke , ioilowing resignations have been ac f-.b ed : Surgeon W. C. Daniels, 14th Ohio ; Lnnts Julms Dexter, lOffih: Isaac C Pritn nr? 1 BjTid H - MUlerfsist Ohio Lieut. Isaac Steveus, Ist Ooio cavilrv • SVs orb Ohio taftiry'; S t 4 G^°'w JL e J:^ kson ’ d’-h Indium; Cairn la nJ. C. Bush, 9tn Eentncky; Lients. ili .B- iiano. 70th: Tnos. B. Hatnaway, infantry lrsm ’ 10 :U Indiana regiments Cai.t. Jsnjcs St. Martin, of the XJ. S. cs*>i engineer of the de- CoLUMBrs. Nov. 12, 1862. Pay Agert Williams returned to-day from to Ohio rrgimenis »t Ba*liag Grsca. rf “A ky ’ A" 1 * 8 wituhim a fraction over t.JU.OCO, v*i.;cii he collected from the 35:1 i * • Jth °JV° ’ n!au fry>SUh battery, and i*r , lygn.era—ail of wbicn was paid into the Stale treasury, and will be sent to iln- dAi’r eul couull-a lor which it is intended. r.tnk it right of the quartermaster’s de partment, leave. Tanrsday morning for W-at ern virsmia, with Enfield nties for the lidi regiment, in exchange for tbe miserable French mu kets ibey now have. It is tie intention of the authorities to supply all of po£sib'e iKal:tß wim ' the Enfield as last as BUELL VS. BRAGS. rLoaiert'ile Correepondencc N. Y. TxibnnM As the champions ot Gen. Baelt Live idd some stress upon the lanit*lhu,n 4 of Soo:.uem pup. rs with the rtsnlis of the rebel c.iuaoihru in Kentucky, let ua see, by “ ac, whether the Sonthtrn editors.°who CtinLui know as well us Brage the trreat su -psrfoniy fir numbers-and-SrmTlirSnc at the 0t real cause to com- CCS, dhell’s CREDIT. i OSlcers Capfnrca on the march from ]» g Circcii to Louisville, aboQ?. 3i)j Tun Gtoryia Cavalry rfgtmcnr, UiLtn near .New Haven, by Licet. Coi. v^. lt j Vutlof id Indiana .. 400 400 Killed, wounccd, and Caiiturod on the ah. and after 4,500 Tota 3 s’jO To tbismust be added the ammunition train and caiisons taken by Col. Carlin ou tue S.h: xl i* ooo fcniull arms found ou the Danie Lt.d, and the dioveoi cattle, and norland wheat above mentioned. 4 * HEBEI, CREDIT. Killed, wounded and c*p( tired at Richmond in the battle between Deleon and Kirov bmiih 3 * I™ Captured at ?t*uuford-vl:le .... i"*'***.*!"! 4100 Killed, wounded ana captured at PcrryvLUe* ’ over # - _. T ° tal IS.COO ■£At Bichmond and Muuf. rdsville the enemy took at least lO.lfcO splendid small arms, and at the tame points and Ferrjville together thirty-four pieces of artillery. The "exact number oi wagons and animals captured by the rebels at Kiebmoi.d aud ilauf.irdsvill-- 1 do not, know, but it was large. Toe captures of men, animals, and wagons bv John Mor gan, comprising thousands ot the former and hundreds of the latter, represent also a fear lul item of I; nion loss. And, last, not least must be considered the thousands of losses of mules cattle, hogs, and wagons, and millions of dollars worth ot clothing, boots and shoes Krr> forSge CUd P roTisions carried away by Who, In the face of these figures, aud the fact Thai the rebel incursion into Kentucky uiought Butll back to where he was a year ago, will say that the balance of the opera tions on both sides Is in our favor ? FEeM Cairo and belo#. £ll Quiet on the Mississippi. [Special Dispatch to the Tribune.} Cairo. November 13 1-yiO No boats having made this port to-diyfrom .Memphis and points south, I am without news of importance. The government arc using a great number of steamers at present, and as they run in an opposite directions, news miy be dry lor a day or two. Ccmmodore Porter is reported tu hive said within a tew days that the fleet of the Missis sippi was prepared lo move on the;eneray, and that he was anxious to be starting. Whatare we wi iilrg for? is the question here. TThere is Gen. ilcClernand ! Perhaps ho knows his business as well as those asking the questions. Tie cases of small pox at this point to-day reported by brigade surgeon Wardner are two citizens, two soldiers, and thirteen colored. All patients of this sort are separated from others and placed in isolated pest houses. _ Gaiko. Nov. 13.—Gen. Stanley and staff h lye jnet arrived, on their way to join Gen. Roie cians command. FROM UDIAXAFOUS, [Special Dispatch to the Chicago TtihnneJ IxoiixoroLis, Nov. 13. laj). Gen. Joseph Reynolds of Lafayette, Ini., has been appointed a biigadier general by the pretident, his commission to date back some time. He is ordered to report to Gen, Wright, and will soon take the Held. Gen" E. teas a professor at West Point lor a number cf years, and ia regarded here as ono of onr best, and most accomplished generals. Allotment Commissioner Goodwin arrived here this morning from Tennessee, with -JOS, COO, remittances from soldiers in Gen. Wood’s division to their families. As the express compsnies are much crowded with business, it may he a few days before the money will all reach its destination. Gen. MeClernand still makes his headquar ters at Springfield. HI. Release cf Western Men Arrested for IHslofsny. Bai/ristonc, Nov. 13.—Tne followlngnrisou ers oi State, wco have been confined in the Gin Capitol Prison for the past three months, from Illinois and lowa, passed through Balt? this afternoon,'having been honorably discharged; Jndge Andrew D. Duff, of Ben ton, Illinois ; Jndge John P. Miller, of Cairo • Ur. Marcus S. Host, of Tamaras, III.; David, Stnsrt, t.iFairfield,lows; anddla.Mahoney Of Dubuque, lowa. ••o.aaauuuoy. Defense of New York Barbor. Washington, Nov. 13.— Gov. Morgan and Col.ectcr Barney are here In relation to the defenses of New York harbor. It is under stood the proper departments have ace-ded to their request for adequate and immediate •protection, and the requisition for that our posc have already been issued. ’ Connecticut' - Rsrtaieato for Banka* •-• v . •J»ew- Tors.-I^.—F{tb- Connecticut rrclmcDtK art* to Join Banks 1 expedition, and will be here lids week. MATTERS AT THE CAPITAL. Somers of Rebel Iron Oiads Discredited, -4 IMPORTANT DECISION UNDER THE WW TAX LAW. Directions' tor tlie Use of Itampa, [Epedal Dispatch to the Chicago THbnne.3 T ,. ■ ~ ' {WAsanraTos, 3foy. 13, 1333. It is believed tint the receipts from customs for this year wmfc as large as in the quarter: before, eiceedlndteO.OOO.OOO. A regiment in Gen. Wadsworth’s brigade informally voted on election day 100 and odd for him, andeenken for Seymour ■Die pilot of which burned the Al ieghanian, wasWreSted near West Point a few days ago. Ibis said the party was teen strong, and apmmanded by an old naw lien tenant. They took out the instruments tea and coffee, ami tamed the vessel, turning her crew adrift, 5 b A deputation-of the denomination of Christians from New York had an interne with the president to-day for the purpose of urging npon him the importance of enforcin'; a hotter obserrshce ot the Sabbath in the army. The commissioner of internal revenue has made the followfcg important decision con cerning the affixing and canceling of stamps: on and after the Ist day cf October certain smtep duties shaU be collected on all instru ments, letters, and things as described. Schedule marked B. section 03, pro a-ices that it any person or persons shall make, rign or U*ue, or cause to be made signed or issued any instrument, document or paper of any kind or description whatso ever, without the same being duly stamped fur denoting the duty imposed thereon, or without having thereupon an adhesive stamp to denote said duties; such person or persons shall incur a penally of fifty dollars, and such instrument, document or paper, shall be deemed invalid and of no effect. It seems to me perfectly clear, savstbecom misslouer, that by provision of section 93 the person who makes, signs, ana issues the in strument is the only person who is authorized to affix the stamp required by the laws, and the person who makes, signs, and issues it without offeiing the stamps incurs the Den sities as aforesaid, and is liable to prosecu tion ; and therefore the instrument or docu ment is invalid in consequence of such ne glect Section 99 provides that the person issuing or affixing the stamp shall write thereupon the initials of his name, date, Jcc. Other por tions of the law impose penalties npon persons who receive documents or ar ticles subject to stamp duties from the person who makes,"sign's and issues Ilitm without hding duly stamped, &e. lam therciorc of the opinion that a tnll compliance with the requirements of the provisoes of the excise law, demends first, that all papers subject to stamp tax shall have the stamp mixed, and must ha canceled in the manner prescribed by the party making, requiring, or issuing, in olher words, executing the instru ment, document, or paper. Hence the re , eeiving of an unstamped paper is a violation ofiliclaws. The attaching and canceling of a stamp on a document so received, is also junlawlni, and the canceilatiou of a stamp on a paper otherwise lawfully issued by other ttnn' the par ty executing the paper to which the b'sinp is affixed, is equally improper. Tbe only cxeepiion that exists in tin law to the above ruling is in the cacoof an ex char cc for the payment of any sum of money drawn, or purporting to be drawn, in any foreign country, but payable in the Untied States, In widen case the acceptor, or accep tors, shall, before paying or accepting the same, place thereupon a stamp indicating the only npondhe same, as provided by sec. 101 of the excise law. Morgan, AVeed, Barney and other New Yorkers are here to confer about the defenses of New York harbor, and have made satis factory arrangements with the secretari.s of Ifce navy and treasury. Gen. Halieek is reported to liavo returned Mgi ly pleased with the condition of Gen. Burnside's army. Wasuisotos, Not. 13.— The story about , ' l 'eßrf'-'d tmn clad which run the blockade oil Charleston, is traceable here to an event ihat occurred over a mouth ago, and which was soon alter published. The Flambeau's ruled puns made no impression upou the ! l<je»aoe runner simply because nous of the random shots struck her , as the rebel steamer rnu by the Flambeau daring the night Mu"h »hat is said about tee rebels being reinforced wuh iron clad veesrls from Europe linds no continuation at the navy department, which not itdiilercnt to obtaining Curts on thar subject. - 4,003 FROM THE SOUTH ERN coast; Late and Interesting from Pori EoyaL JTew York, Nov. 13.—Advices from Port Koyal, by the gunboat Western World, renort lim'-irinref s”? ! ui,i , ,arr “Pednioa, comprU icg -A0 Rhode L-l&uder.* had lorn ud ot tie Charleston sod SxvZli ? d*Vn i of troops arrived trum 1 icar^ 1 ° n » aud our *orcts retreated to the A rebel deserter reported that Bimrentrd wee to attack Fort t'ulukj about tae ITto The eruievs w_ere Mag removed from tae to he placed ta one of the rebel tarns of which several are about readv w, A s^ gr °. C T",’ pl J r doin R P'aket dutyoa St Simon s Island tmder white officers. Two boatloads of them recemly proceeded tip Dation River and captured a rebel deputy marshal and two pickers. * J Su Catharines Inland is evacuated bv the rebels, who look the negroes witn ihemr kid mg two who refn-ed to go. Tae health of the troops at Pori Royal is good. TILE WAR l.\ 3VOKTH cabolwa. Frcm »isr Espedmenlaiasa. New Yoke, Not. 13 —The JSrold’s corres ponnence from Aonli Carolina reports the oc cupation ot Hamilton. Tne letter, widen is dan d November ltd, says: ‘*VVe have just arrived at this place taking it with a grand cavalry charge and combined gunboat movement. Our land forces left riilliauietown yesterday afernotn, and eu campta lor the night tix miles below Hamd teu, and moved lor ward at daj light this morn ing. The enemy ia in strong tZrce, ana Dm precipitately retreated to Tarboro. We will seek me earliest opportunity to afford him a fight. The people of the country are greatly alarmed at ourapproach. They fiee and their proptiry. The guLboaU have sncceasfully co-operated with us. The gunboats had a few mlcutea 1 engagement with the enemy as they came no the Roanoke River. * Gen. Fosteris command had a severe en gagemant on Sotday night with 3.000 rebel iniantry, at a breastwork supported by six pieces of artillery. We killed and wonaded sixty of the enemy. Our loss was ten. Tae forces immediately engaged were the 24 th Massachusetts, 4iih Massachusetts, Mvlne ar •ullery, Bdgex’s battory, andtheSdNcwYork cavalry. The Maine ar.illery made a gallant and bold dash across a creek, and lost four ol their men. One of the 24th was killed. The enemy left Hamilton, abandoning him earth woiks precipitately.. We move from tola place in two hours to take Tarboro, on Tar River. Toe gunboats will co-operate with u*.. . ■ The North Star and some other gunboat bad an trgagement day • before yesterday on Tar River. • Our marches have been made with great rapidity. Etpect shortly better and more imponf-nt news thml have referred to here. The Richmond Dupatch ot the 10th says: It appears the enemy lindel large fsrees’afc Washington, ou Sunday,-and advanced to wards Uaullton and took possession of that tows. It is leporud they destrased nearly it etutire place.- Their, there is repri ***UA to be about 10.000 infantry, with forty pu-MB of artillery, and a considerable force of civalry. They are also reported t > have land- Ed a large foice at r .lmjra, HsliEra cono-v er me twenty-five or thirty mfia from Wei: Gvm P<ftierew commands the confed erate force at Wcld.n. Tbe Tinkei Se said fobecommanded by Gen. Foster. “* “ d w ,~~ er^s[ aa a report Saturday that an enease thevicinity ot TarborVok d.v reS 7“ a report it> ch-cniation on Satur vSilftv had occurred in the TTh-mI , AJ > w a J b ? ro ’ Ed S ec °uib county, oa between some six regiments of n/ r^? !1 ” a State troop?, ?n So .Tv 1106 and Gov - Martin, and about ~.4,^ fr o°i Goldsboro, dated 10 nJght, states thatJierehad htls<S 0 ? g 4l tin f? and tlmt the enefflyhad re- J? 1116 Skeclion of Weldon/ nK do cot exactly understand how .they could hiv»* wards since-that Istoc THE ¥AR DL VIRGINIA, All Quiet in Our Army. 6TOSEWAIX JACKS WT lOOKIHG OUT EOS COX ° ur Troops Beyond the Rappahannock. [Special Diepatch to the Chicago Tribune. , r _ Wasuixctok, Nor. 13,1662. On Monday Pleasanton’s lores was driven in by the rebels, reputed to be Stonewall J-ekson’s corps, but Pleasanton hping rein forced by infantry, drove them back’again Our advance is new beyond the Rappahan nock, fifteen miles south of Warrenton. TheLynchbnrg SepuUleau. of iloaday pre dicts an early battle between the armies of the Potomac. It says that the number of dc tertions is very large, and that the death pen alty is being enforced in everv case. Gen. Burnside went to the'front’ycsterdav and was received with the most tremendous enthusiasm, by his old corps. So is Hooker by troops that eerved under him. It U soil •hat the latter will command two armv corps Hxadquauteeb, Wauuexton, Va', Nov’ 13.—Nothing of interest has transpired. Burn side is engaged with his principal officers on business matters. Supply trains are continually arriving. Hooker took command ot his corps to-day. Gen. Porter lelt for Washington and flalleck arrived tere this afternoon. Washington, Nov. 13,-The reports of the disaster to the army of the Potomac, involv ing the safety of Washington and the recap ture cf Harper’s Ferry, which have been In circulation, have no foundation in truth. B.U.HMOIIE, Nov. 13.—Toe corresnondence of the America,i, dated Harper’s Ferry to night, says parties have reached here from Jfarlinsnurg. The rebels have apparently abandoned the entire line of the Potomac None of their troops have been seen for near ly a -wetk. Our cavalry are scouting ia theyicinity of Jlartinsburg. It is reported Jackson had re turned to Wiuchester-with considerable force, and was to move westward. The general opinion is he will go to Staunton as G. u Cox’s march towards there is exciting appro btßfion among the rebels. A wetk ago Cox was in Highland county within foity miles of Staunton. 1 njLAi.ELPiiia, Nov, 13.— Aspeeiai dispatch to ine Washington AVarsays: 1 d- *??£’ wWcll Js now massed in the vi cinity of Wsrrenrou, his been at u stand still since the receipt of the order transfiirrSi.-he commapa to Bnrnside. On the day premie - tue meht of the receipt, Gen. Mcblelliu am ,uan 7 o' ha officers his beliet that hos 1 ! b c , r fo “ r da l s farthest he would .ogbt the., greatest. battle ot thmssar, and ■ -;in Union thit woffid’ moljtoly n .T.l Cti rebellion. Iso one blames Barns'ido lor the tudden halt m the army, then in rayld !S,n At P k cS H ui °' lra dv.ince is only u[K>a •e ntr-bera baiik of the K«i»nihiuao.?k y B , cou: ‘ D S Parties now and taon veu-uri tbe r\'er Ptr ’ 03tt t0 five mlle3 fr° m Ic is believed at headquarters that Joe Jo.D£’on, now in command of the reMi at Cuipfpper, will venture to accept u serious bsUle this Mile of the Kapidan. • EW >>KK, N0v.13-ibo Rei'alVs Wash ington di>i ateb says: for Sty Frcmouc 1138 teea oriewd to report Gen. Wadsworth is csp.ctrd to return from J. lro . nt to-morro «r, and will resume the du ne* cl military governor until assigned a command in the held. i,uul a Gee. Prince is expected to report for doty to Gt u. Bank- as 60 .n as exchanged. A dispatch from Harper’s Ferry co-nl-dit re vfcbdty ?ld‘“yf ebtl Pldie!S Wcrc eeca 111 t!lit ClsouUc FraciU Upon tbe GOTem< meat. York, Nov. lo.—Forlhe last eighteen mciitLs tne most gigantic system of fraud against the government has been going on in txiis city by means of forged bills on the sub sisttuce department in White street. Tae tbat Salomon Koliofilaa. broker, i! n “.. G * B - Tnicy, banker, have been in the habit of purchasing bills on the subsistence otpartmeut, in this city, for half and some times one-fourth their apparent vain* Par ties were employed to hunt up contractors who have sub-uted men, and some of the i rwf mre I®** lo bills for subsisting LCCOmen, where they hadreaUy provided lor but ICO. As many as fifty persons are impli cated in those frauds, and quite a number of them are already in cn-tody. Kohnstvn & Tracy were arrested Tuesday, and taken to Fort Lafayette. One of the runners confesses to liar mg sold *IOO,OOO worth o[ these btl's and anoteer ackno.leCgt-s a still larger sura! a great deal of which were fraudulent. It was supposed the whole would amount nos tar from £1,C00,000. “ TBK OP WRITE, THE oittat bank, note coun« liiidfEiCuc. i*icat Haul of Counterfeiting Para phernalia. [From the K. T. Herald, 121UJ The di ti-ctive police of this city and PhlU dtiphia have, by the most estmorcicarv dex terny and shill, tnccceded in breaking up the tsraoiibhmeut of one of the greatest Din? note counterfeiters and engravers ia the Uni ltd clateß. Aceoromg to the facts of the present case, lor many years past there has been an extern eive lorgtr and counterreiter opera log la his trade between New I’ork, Pniledelpuia and such other points as he f .und most con venient to his purposes. His name is George a considered one of tne be-t finished bank note engravers known in Aew lork. He was formerly ia tne emolov mett oi the American Bank Note Gompioy ol tins city, which, It is well known, employs tone bnt l he most artistic and finished work men; but, finding a channel lor the ot this degrading but more profitable calling, be Jett the service of this company and cm barked in ihe dangerous undertaking which the detective police his now so utterly de si toyed. It is alleged thjt his forgeries and connieneits have been patent to the poli-e lor a lotg time, for during several years tnese ekilinl officers hare been upon his track, and, although they could not altogether prevent the occasional is?ue of so ne ot his base Imi t-UOLS, they greatly limited the sphere and t-xtcht Oi Lis operations by holding the rod of terror continually over him. From the very fear of discovery, which wcuid naturally bring with i; aoeola e lUin, acd the State prison xu the bargain, the . movements of the chiti operator iuve been very cautious. Nothing, however, could es cape the vigilance if the police. Some three monlhs rgo the Philadelphia detectives took the matt&r in hand- Tne officers detailed fur the tnrpose of investigating the matter were Beijamin Franklin, chi.f of the detective po me, Philadelphia, a;sio?ed by Deputy United States Marshal John Jenkins, and Sergeant Tjyou of the lO.h ward, Poiladelphla. Tnese tllicers were wed asvisted by Ne-r York de tectives. Their operations were most shrewdly and ably wirritd on. Taty traced White from place to place, until at lost thev succeeded in finding where he .hid located himself in Brooklyn, New York, his house being si coat id somewhere id Atlantic arena His family resided In Philadelphia. Tae officers found oat all tnese Lets, and as soon as “they had the locality fixed, they waited and watched patiently un til \he counterfeiter should set. to work In a thorough manner. The opportunity was not' long delayed. Yesterday they louad that tae ptar was ripe to their hand, and accordingly pounced upon White ,al his residence, la At- Untie avenue, Brooklyn. Oariaglngthe ball, ' *hlte hlmstli .responded to their call, whan he wes Immediately tat«>n into custody. A starch ot the premises was then instituted, wbtu the detectives found a mass of counter feiters tools, and all the paraphernalia used in these occupations. These materials were on i he second story of the house. \ The detectives then proceeded to No. 83 Cedar street. Now York, and made aa exanr natics of those premises, after r*m ny j- th* atsisiluce of a locksmith to bnetic off tlm led sand bolts of .the doors* The doorplate" “ Ulwplaco w»e engraved “ T. H. Bentley St - Co., . Engravers.”. This was .the assumed lame nca. r •hlchihe counterfeiting boamesa C ,? ! w.p-ofile chewrule th.t p.mltv & co. wereoona .fids end honest woiking URn. A thorough itu of Inl S^ Ce ’T'" e en, n the poI!c(! all kinds oil th* rcT = tools, macbmeiy, presses, and aece£p «rtea to a well arranged otfice. - £n oJd °- T6ter bar, a numlwr of pots. w,Sl 0 3;r iUB ,P f P®?**** «fcc., were found, tertlif h a , mact fr« and the coo£ lencit plates named below; fs'with ?l*thf r v? d Bankof Oran?B County for the feneites accurately and finely notef Ved ~ a T,,rr conect Imitation or the genuine cfTrcv on , the STaunCxctureßT Bank si«r.*s£.’ti ew tnj #‘£ c ‘* plate, with representations of r»?*t of 'he Fpmere - Bank of Reading f mh, r These counterfoils have been in clrcnl? ffitoSSSta The plate was found In the ;; ii^L 1 : There mnathe thuasands of el this in circulation. The detectives also found some plates of other denominations on this of N ?o^K, t . e J rel ‘ P, tate °h IheWaterhnry Rink p!atc ‘ or * lO - A Tcr f dheiy am-rared ,i;'s,-|TA;o‘her plate on the Bank of Oranee 5?. 1 * with vignettes Th?« a5 T ?, t , ered fr® ol another bank plate. ‘ ™fUcrt. whSul’eßT^aS 0 ““ p,So “ 0f *>“ . Llbcrl f Pant or Providence, B. 1.- plates fors2 la an unfinished state. ~ j• 8 • a,e . 9of 'he Waterhnrv Rank. Conn.- no denommatlon, altered from an old pSte. - Pane, LSldy fo n r n^ C °“ m “ dal “f* ot G! “> R 1 ! 0- lbe Pocasset Bank. Fall River, ir. I x r ,*“* There xe, however, no Fall River in o?the nSto'r?s Sh U ’’ , so fU , tcd on 'he face sctfo. P “ iaU mrei 13 “itnated in Massacan- Betides these plate? there were a number of S “towjedrtate, together with «evjr rion^oi^ihe^otesto erfontf a How Jetveit Warn Oat. [From Wilkes’ Spirit, Xov. 15J . Cora Jewett, a blatant secestion forFml^H‘ I a he:lded ,001 ’ recen,l r set Slit for England beano- with him a letter, writ ten ell in Mr. Seward’s hand, and signed by iim o‘i U s ar - (i 8 , nsme > wUeb letter accredited bmi as hating been sent abroad by the United States goyerament for purposes which he, th“ Jewett, .vouti himself explain. Said " rr U ed in Erglind, and be went to kiTi™’ Md , t . ilklr = “P M» headquarters at Morlty & well known hotel, lie issued a pro* world, expression his de testation L’ncola’s emancipation pro clamation bis dnsgnst for the United S-a-es intfl E< i r i ) ’ and rt Pbdiatiog his allegiance to .Ins luckless country, in lavor of same fortn nate European d ate, which ihe said Jewett S.t u°"“ th:lt Jete, had leisure to ,l hns “ explained himoelt,” tLe reader isai liberty to judge whatti-r thi* was the purpose lor which Mr. deward aeered ited said miscreant abroad, and whether said wretch had preciously pocketed, or tailed to pocket, anjtning on his credentials. TUc Presides t»» Proclamation. The General Coi>Teniion of the McthodU Protestant Church, iu session at Cindimatl passed the followlncr; * J!(f'lred, That vc heartily indorse tba Emtir! S , St P^ Cl l' n ‘ 4tioa . of Lrncom“oi: 1 a fctri . l4t -' i at that baleful cauee of all our a^£ tC(JeSI: l st * Ci * d ‘oluultlcs, Auierlcaa SU- Terypthe sum of «U nllatoic-? the daTliu-Tdo* of u.i. a thec< ? :m J Pawer of villaiuuna seMv-iiS . h , r > he of the pre-ideat, “t to be made the ncc;,t of recniutira Jn.tico on :P S i ;h“s, t , Uc c,lllninitlu ; of villunou* eotor tf* *, he attempt to overthrow tue mo-t .»iocl llfsT,,riiaitiat V* 1 God * s Piovidence\v>r ceiablichvd epon earth. The Slave Trade By o recent treaty between tne United States and Great Britain, provision was made for the suppression of the slave trade, by the esla'jl 1 : &bment of mixed courts—one to be held in K..W York, ouotterln EngLmd, and the third somewhere on the Congo River, Africa, Judge Truman Smith has been appoint-.d oa tie part of Hie United States, and -Mr. Archibald, the British consul, to represent Lis government * NcLd airtimiscmcnts. QUANTED —A substitute f->r a l>.«R wUiiy. actUrUiefn.mo2tllouae iioi“xiS<Uc A\ ANTED—To rent a smal; and ~ A K ood ‘Steady man { P riy'Srtt? I"SSg&SZH**&, «?,*£*■ zh-luLcr^ Corn ’ r oI *Wwjmie«avcniie *nd kia. *■ „ _ nolt-xisj-zt —Substitutes, to whom. MfceJUjßwill ZUv wW.m*!? V HaaMouV brSiSI Wiii roiiifeS.S 01 ’ ICM^°- 1 CM^°- W Aiv'TßD A situation as House ,« f Anu’iicia lady. On« where c.* ® IfSKSte* \VAi TED—A l:irpr o room, with «»* ?• ftMaß* nol;Vri l 3: ! ‘ n " I “ c ‘ ti011 . PostoWce Bon nra ’ W ANTE I) —To rent by a cash R,rr v I “‘ r ' t ' 11 fO<>'l IHr.lHlis Bon.- Ml l SMSbigaayßaaiterf A V —To Shoemakers. 30 Wtwtl work on «... tn C PARi M 1 !*. 1 '!? s ;•? i r ,v “ rK » ;I Wlntnr. o.rniV t nolViiW '^ UILU 3 ’ “ La “ Btr “ t> '“‘"‘-•illntii/. AAT’wKTJrD—A boy about IS years » » cfago.'vbocinconiaveU r-omim-uNd *in f^'AJiTED —By a jouuir man, a *C flng'ert-om.•wit'i beard.witbla'flve tiilnnt-a ?»1* ot tb« Tremeat House. Address “Bo Ihok »V® grtbaneogec. Ml&Ssa* TV'^-Ti^'D furn «l>e-l suit of nicbigan or Wabaab Avenue, PAD—A larsje room or suit JODST BAPTIST SCIDIIDT can ' on or BAiX. Ko. »»IlilQtlsst eet. i/OBS ALE— and fixtures °LV? P \'* n porters OQ Clark street An !n?s i -^ ,f *', n , !ora brr kw or railroad ofHc*.or flee tor pulj ‘ lc P lace - Post ace tox UQ-. Ch.cago. nou xiaj st I ®“ A gentlemen, his « A tLe &mK d *;^ re S*.?. isl, fl S co{ ?' l *cco»nmOilat!on —. H; 1 within five mlnntc* u-alte of oj t :«£**• A <* dre ». rt occe, - ff. B.r Post OKI'S Ror nou-Aibr-At, \T/-SO>'IC —Aregular convocation hM,! rM f ,tvs B i ,lEStoa Chapter JTo.«. K. A. 5L- Will be n VihiTfl dayJ CTerda s at 7W o'clock. P>r DoR-aiaS-U IRA GODDARP. SecV. CTIIAy'B.T) OaTuesdavafternoon, iromta*" Pliccnlx Stables, one biv aad one ann-^i If.ii 1 .; ti.TV-L?- cora er of state »n-i -»dina nolVilFi-U rew4ldcd - TVM. PATRICK. TF THS PERSON THAT TOOK tT thJ: r^* fro i n tb ® coantor of tlia eotrance C«nier re Dice fa the aiiTiiiuitJoaadQiiinor ° >AfQr<Ja>, fie Sin wiu throngh the roit viUlca or leave ffc?t a r« 0 «* 1 »V ol,roe #treeJ * Sontn Stde. he cos no V OH W ANT TO Bur PRO !■« .w?.^.^ Ai fi e ™' I ‘on»st* (rood nolet can i 5. fe a lfl rs; btwlaes* done »n corn. oat?, fi ITw wFhi: 1?."i". 1 ? v a ' !r Vf;, J - OATES DIXOW or w H£Ei.Ll..Eiq .Chicago. noil xisi it JUST RECEIVED-A choice CliPdrfn’s'JHsies’ and ladies’ Felt Hits. Gorp QUALITY, vhlch we are sell'csforS7 s-* « u Oltrk- Btrcec. Ca c*“o ECU lisi-lm JOBS iv. SiiA\v. ’DOARnifG—A gentleman anti ''•’l"'? can be accoamaddt'dil with baanl .ni. nclumlsceit Irons rijmrM •vy«t RaDdo.Dh ftrebt. A few ireutleinla V»n ofiated Wllh board^ndrooS. iOK SALE—A cood business GOOD CHANCE. -A Hard w»rv«nd StoT» relthpr with nr Sint 2n^? n w** ) n Sts uood baISiCM vrn^n'^ 8 ' Br iS. Ca uftne lUIDCIS Central ro*d. about K0 mllra from Ch’caßi). Th» »f>ck unot r«-r ba.waß intfeUy oarciaafac to »dv-*nce Inf^. 9- Incra-Bine cash trade cau be uou» uith Vutjmtc compftiU'-a. Forpurlcniaraiaaaire of \y.J* BI.VIK At Sq.ibLiLb street. noiVxl«s2w** pH»NGE IN OFFICE HOURS ' On account of ebanres to be mid* In Raf™** Tlwecard., oo aad alter Mond%j. Not utulom 05552 wm be qiv-n forbo«in«s »tud>7}<a M mSp m Instead of? A. M. to 6i p. m. ff t, cor ur\r rr.- ted States <i rew CompanraM jAS C kirertranEipr* b»Comn»By "-to^AKQO for Chicago. issf. noUxlTitt THE MODEL COOK, With two oTcaa. for i COAL OB WOOD, , Barwe* all ether Stores la ;* ’ Feonemy, DnnMilty,' Perfection of Tiaiii Caoacity, ■ ■- of Sodga.. “• - • ■ OCH-TTHtWl:—t :■- : •• ••, l^A tbs t A ]>■ ’ best, victor sas Burner stove NUMBER 112. Neto SUtomtsemcnts. BOYS ▲ KD YOUTHS CLOTHING, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION -— 4 - 86 Randolph street BOYS’ OVER-COATS, BOYS' JACKETS AND PANTS, roUTIIS’ OFBR-COIW, YOUTHS’ COATS, PASTS AND VESTS. AI.Ii WIXt -TtiNUFACiTItED, AN-13 IN’ THE LATEST STYLES, AT low prsdes. DE GRAFF & POOLE. H. B.—Pieces furnished to Match Goods. [EOH-alSSltj JSBE3IIUII I-UKD3 WAITED TVe are paying a Frcalua for Notes of BARK STATE OF INDIANA. ®«U>! SIIVER AMD D EII&.ND NOTES WANXSD, -T THE HIGHEST MARKET RATES. hiVEM-OHT, CUdUIIK i CO., c ° rnero,c! “ ;k Lake street.. Cg-r,T.olcat"r tale. mifamaa MEDICAL STUDENTS X,J - WILL FIXD POCKET MEDiCIME CASES, Pocket Cases of Instruments Dissecting Csisers, ASD STASHiBD UEDICiL BOSICf, stilt?' HALSiI "' S ’ earner of Clark and MMiem —• noisxua stnut fJUSTNESS LOT ‘WANTED <421 P**ty wishing to sell at a fair price. A GGSD BUSINESS IST, (~)NE FIRE WILL LAiT iHS entire season. Without Re-kmdliim w THE yTTUPiEID GOAL BI3HMS2S. For tula by TAM SOHAiOK, 47 Stato Street, sign or the Golden Tea ZoSU OTAVES/S’f * TSS.—Lwcl tierce nritiara into. <t co., Ko.SG Rudolph P Mt oaoeßonrsus. X HB peace makes CO©K STOVE, Has six Boiler Holes of Fall Size And a Boasting and li’uiiiair Clumber, in WilchKo .stirs mob* dono on m torn to" n acri-T nzroßH Tnn ruts: mi Bsoiuro b» doiu SrnSX 00 * 1 - TUhn ’ lt an r tnmea or emeSa caoae Jng Into the room. Sold bj p BCHAAOK, MS ' lßtl> ' so. « STATE BTSSBT. CHAS. L. NOBLE. 175 LIKE STREET, wholesale denier In and mnnnactnrer ol Eorisnu LAMPS, AND Carbon, Coal and Keroseiu O ILg. Wo goods Retailed. The Trade supplied a: a discount from cinntry pri;ea. aegw-ntp PEMOVAli.—Christopher M^z, AVteSKfiwaija s&sr-"* co -’ kis HaMwu’e.StoTe*. X'lu Ware, «c. B^u^3a orn Street * Cobb'a BdUdlas. JT’OUNXRT FOR SALE, aT Poit Stanley, Canada West. ntem Ire Machine room. l<l if v^ t7ltllDff .P“ ce#wrj,lor caiTTloeoa * fljarlS! l2f t} V* ra»3«*cicre. chiefly of i^rictuni- «<—MKa*s tfor furtntr particulars appi» to * J. G. HARPER. London. Canada WuC, 0c25T779.5ye0d LAMPS AMB OILS, WHOLESALE. A. E. GOODRICH & CO.. IXI South Water Street. AND BEST. VICTOR GAS BURNER STOVE. . T __ At A. E. &G.H. ? ocll-T253-2£taes Zs and 257 State street. &lAnn TO. ft 1500 SALARY 'l*' ■will be o*'d to a cnnoeteot Cm- SSS&t oSS?bS? e£‘ c To'S a Jsi-£ l MIGHT SC A VENSEU —diaries A,. Kncz Tin afrpp-d to the c!ea*lnc of VatUi rrtrlfs slo tht rc-ao7tnsof i 1 !?!*!’ *** n a JiS?"- '-I™' gALT. : *OOS Satis G. i, Liverpool Salt On doctandfot tale In qu-v'ntlHe« »o salt. LE-'fTC * G1333, ftndSJ S3t»»li W-iter ' nolSxifJMvr No, S3 T OSsT—.A package of blue Silk, *•’«’the Post Offlee and Fraa&'.ln J/adl«on. The HaderwlU pi eaa i return too Mmt to office. . EF,I> 3ITLL. —I •am ■ manufacture lo£ bjl fclacr of train. »t»o, ttiec*b for feet£ and for c/»#]inDrfß«TTddQraMiltT- The HU!ac*n he««*#o MP.JU.IiBH* PC. MOSDOS-S. MlllSriSi oa'oS comer cf TTe*t water and Washir.ztia streets, to Oaterfßafldlne. or for farther ‘nfarvnatlon underfed. Q. SHKPAiU). Arc**SrtuiSbS 2399 - ' - ' -• • • noi3ti7Mir BELS IRISH 3IOSS, ; SO Cmm Amerlcm 90 Bale* New TarkHoM. ■’ ZOBble. Bull, ~ ; 50 Bale* AssortedCorlu, ' . 50 Tern JTepoalrm, 100 Cuti, tai sooa, . 100 K^x»*t e a» < Mj s«up f .«re, **• ■w'nU Mt Piira. ICOOO«.a-l.tae,*>.*wr Fornletjr SMITH * BWIXI, IkvggMiua hA M bite a» Ncto afibmismcnts. PRINTS DOMESTICS 5,000 Packages DRY GOODS At Less than Eastern Take. DA 11S. SAWYER & CO, 4’o 42 late Street, lii STORK AJH) OFPin ™ 18.5W *HIBN D3 I"”£S IBADE ’.THB ammm Largest Stock of DEY GOODS West of Mew Torh f comprising all the newest end .most attract!?* goods of the season, all of which will be sold at prices much nnd« Eastern value. CASH BmYESS Will here find a splendid stock ttal ■will jay them well to esimmß s mn in snoit^ The tai gest, Beat Assorted sai Cheapest Stock la the Market. WARRANTED GOODS Wowin store, which the trade wffi do well to esa mine before burrfaa elsewhere. Darts, Sawyer & Co, No. 42 LAKE STREET, geS-oagi-Sm-M-^araet BRT CfOOBB FOR OISE Cooley, Farwell & €o, 5 42, 44 & 4S WABASH AVENUE: Hare la store tha f LAKGEST STCCk Mo?St 1 ln?2l W:ater GMi! «"« “Jercd la CHcSfC DOMESTICS. Oloths & Casßlmßres f All Woolecs. enlisblc tor siea’a ifzss. !P M. ¥ W *= •£&, I, s3-. cCTdr b raii da. DRESS GOODS. JStbix variety, * WHITS A fan asßcrtmeat, Yankee Notions. Hosiery SHIRTS JLXD DBiBTeC!, Bnckskin Glotcs and Mittens, -ie.. All of wWdi will bs «oio as fie lowest fl »n« m „»_* |™cse r a^e^fOT* SSSSiiSSSm^ m “* ITI1 * “ lacuio* reoeivo Beompt asm c.vsa rLi.niin&T.o... MpnuTSianot BUCK-GLOVES, SOIDIEBS’ GtOVIS, , SUTLERS’ GOODS, B. B. LISBDJ, Igebf, S8 lake street, opp, Tremonl House. £no!3 xICMw] 'J’UTytE, HIBBARD *jL-' QZO* EIFCaTERa OF .~w BAHRWASI AHD TIW PLATS, • " eB oTK1S5li^O^? ! ??g^ BO « SKEETIROB.COPPES. Wire, Kails, GLASS AND FAEMIK’G TOOLS Srer offered la this mcr^y TTX A2Z ALSO VAStJ7ACTLIRUtS GT ttv best axes I2T iMERICA. Onr igoctfi were ptwenved before tae recsat me Taacc. »na ve ihaU n«il ttam &■ low as-;ter can fe. E&rt. aad.rc&ar articles wllboat TUTTLE, aißjßAH&ft CO«« POPE & SIiOCUMj 122 South Clark Street* WHOLESALE DEALERS tS KEROSENE LAMPS MB FIXTURES. Cai-bon 00s of Seat Btmfe, _ facJHtlea, we halier »sr*«ssd s nohonse ti our Hue. we taTlte the etto-inoo of ccssar? «^SJ»2,2 II E^? eaßale S* <s ' 1 «ockof toe aooresooS the recrat -vivnare a • ?i225« a S t 6,11 &n ' , * lT * sell &« Itvr M tn**r Can hf BTttchaaert Eart. ‘lMtbrlrftreV* ?l£ L-irao Caiaiwji »t«ad the test «cd frost on Tua4 wt lie genuine. aai&4*?}6 T° L IV ERF OOJj—WEEKS; a' From New Tori. XATid:,.g Mi . .* litkspool, ss»r pmtimpjpsm n£UKBO> •■!<v*MRT WlHdk9atekCTßry Batarday *■ -Jr tan power ok? bailt tJOBStsi. jfps, "* Olty oflTewTorfcf Wfitwha^^n City oflaltlßiars, Clw of Vashlßxiaa. alauav City or (TTa—h—utT tßt ' An, . »^^fS3SyLiLSS I '3 Str/§£jS niolor ■ -iniT.rtm. n., eaCTTttpfcadßarwS. nS?JfgS?n?Sfeflg Irm I ™*"' ■"••■U- ■•treat. QJiEENEBAtnir & FO&EJIAN, Kauamd Olscatutl OMc*, K*.a gontt ClMt Street, (up BMrej CUreea BL HUBBASD a 004 ■carton Boltina Compan*'s niiHAiia UIBBEB, IELTING, PICSJSS’ And Bose. JTO. lil SAKS 9SSSSS GOODS.