Newspaper Page Text
“».*r 'J*l gipmai Jiouifs. ISP” Confederate (Rebel) Money. —We wCJ pend, post-paid, to any address, onrecelpt oI PltfTX CFSXS, •orreccy er stamp?, a firo, SSO. seo, $lB, ?2, and $1 bniß:alßo>Rsc.ilc.i>c,2sc, Mid 50C shlnp’.aster®. as Spccimcis, finely cs««uad on bask note paper, and to jjerfert Hist la«y caao*t be dctsctc d from the genuine. A6dre;s K* -JONES & CO*, nolßsSPl-ln Boil26i.St.Loulß.Mo. Dr Juni'-s, formerly of New Orleans, bu arrived In Chicago, ond ptneaueatty located ntsc Randolph tfcteW betwecnStatcsadDew »ors eirects, Chicago, Hi. ALigT. Cores old Clre&it and reernt dlscvses. Das tbclcs thtonls’a cf *he acdie«l fraternity. Medical dour ■aX and tbs almost sntire press of the South. CiEcc Hour*—From SA.M. fclfrSP.M. __ ccpiul\«U'>a-5 V-ticlnMc. oeii-vsisim Bafohelora 5 * Heir Dye* The best be world. WUXI ft M A. BaTCHSLOITS celebra- Bair T»ye produce* a a&lor not to be i lsttogulsbed a; nature— - warraiitsd not to injure the bate :n the W"t; rr'neClee tli* ill affects ot bad dyes, aadlnvigo ate? tbc bate for life. Gnsr. Ear* or Rusty- in. teatlf tum? a epiecnld Black or Brown, leaving the bairsoftßucbeautiful. Sold &y fell Drngsists,Ac. tW The genuine Is elft-iteti S iillara A. Batchelor on ite four sides of fe*cb box. Factory, No. SI Barclay-st Hew Tork, (late 233 Broadway andlSßondy Dr. .Tames, formerly of James’ Bock Hospital. S2Ca«to’a IT Now Oilejus, 1a h <6tsb;i?hed lu JS;Q. ha,- arrived tex CalcafiO. and pemancr.Viv loraud »u office a; S(5 Kan<tolpli Stxoet, between SWt-c «a v*enrborj sfeet, cures weakness, lou of snisculnr power, impotence, Gl?*^i ; cs oi the blopd ?kud ann ».«• curin’, dtecaaei, by a new Rid intallblemethod, ssrlig o-wi» tune and exaenss. The came treatment sensed in l'r. Hospital for toe l«st IS yenrH. Dr. .lances comes here ecduntei oy .u_ aiedlca! faculty sad Ifae almost cEtlre prc*a oi tua Tliops affljrted sboulc arply immediately, and save tfccTns"‘Tc6 from th*T cciiM.‘iiuei-f<-s of those tcrrtbie xnalstUes. Diseases pceailisr so females treated with Ifee Uapplett Tetu3»B. EEMEMBEU DR. JAMES’ OFFICE IS 86 RANDOIFH STREET, teetweea State nud D -trbom ?trc , t L , Chicago. Hlinols. Office open :rom y a. M. ul S i*. M. for cia-uitaticnß. Dr. J:;tru-?nsct to il ’tcary. lodide IMr.-wle, Lr Arse nic. In trifiting the blood ac-i skin, which poitoas never did. »-w never will, t radicate that dis aasefrotn the fvst*-w, but hr a neutralizer only known boblttiicX viiitbisapoßitiVc cure. 65 Randolph St. OCSS--TSM im ss©-*“ To tlie afflict a of all Classes. H yo»are crippled wito Falser or Kheamattsm, saf- JVrjng from pain and can Uca no relief for l»ody or xalnA given up as Ucjond me reach of medical aid, tnd h-ivinj no other >opr ti»an a premature grave be- Jerejou. pam-c for* moment, amt st;II hope on. a« a ftirprorpect Is nov before you for Jtte restoration of yolir hcanh. Life is not aslinplA but a romc-oumi, •e*mpc+Hd o; rarltn* eleTr- f nt?,The hlthestand tro=t aewry o' iilticlj U njaegthe xao»t direct Btec'.un* thronph vluch lUe vita: torse can be In ereifleu. S;;le_cc h.r pUecd w.lh u cur reach this •.esntht t.* d prcvlded ea vjtii ample mean’ nr which weteay reitul it* the f miet;orH 'hrou-h It- ir.'Jucn<:eat pleasure. li'Ct* i« ao crjwr uulvc”Bft bvwf.te.i; ui'.cr~y be Imparled to e vital principle, liesnae-ie- all mateer. and seems to be h uidv-eTiJ <cntr>-Mug lav.*—and htuce its ao vantage lu «x>ntr«.lbEf «•< df-rascs Elcciili-itv Wf.»>n «,j-p.led according to the new dls eovpry never Us (i° *v* rj rea.-oni'hle case) to per tbrm a speedy and permanent eure in ncar.y ail ties •MCS tc whi*h' D-sli ißbtir. The subscriber late of tJT-0 Wuteut street, PhPadel* 9b!a, has opened an Office aud Treai ng Rooms at the corner of Harrison and F~ii:th urouue. Ca’cajo. Where, Ujcc areattl'ctei w:th auv alimeneor disease el bnytlnd. no maitarof hO'vteri>jr ronarc jUTiiedto ;• jplj. J. R. .iaRDKLLa, - 1 P.y=!.jlaa. r Tlis* *fi tp CTjH/r mr wlfs. 'trs. MAUT iv. SMITH esu- Cor many y* : .* sb** a n‘!lk* , -*d '.villi violent attacks <l Head»cl.*: ocruy.lag a.nio-t *wk!*. itl UlTlsz fcc-i-.rrl ol thi eae- ts <T M.KC.TEO MAGNETISM was rcctinun-r.deil to app'vto Pr. .1 <i. JuruoUn, ~1 tliijcjty, abi! afH*r ab-'ut six fcU:a-;' ls Ik new : ef--ly r* to scnllh. not bavins nan khe slightest n.pto’jT of il for nwtr three months, ami Che tmderslcned ran renddeatij* recommend Or. Jtrdeiia as on erpenenced ted abilUnl operator to tiic cltV-tis t-f Chicago. _ _ (Sisup.d) GEOil’/PI E. B'fl 411, >fediC*2 Pf-parloir.r tIS Array Hospital. 'V’r»ll’fi»AQ€lT'h!:J. PH. PiillaOt’-iA:la, GtAT*-h,i?GL octj-v-tvMm £JATARRH. CATARRH! E.SEELYE’S LIQ.U! D 5 M-^-EitiISESEEII'f, A terft ..are for cmioaii er-jojunis tub seih. cssirr to enre Than Consumption, an* by taring iuc 2i‘sl we p:event tin.* mtusr. Tci-jOas alien'd t-aeratrml that the belter way to cure Consumption ;>toprcv!*nti£. Toe Kymptoms of Oeburb sstney gsnorally appear w.'Rl trsL\e:Tflii.lif Persons ;bul they have acolil auiil-'.i limt lln’v have IVe,Dj-.nt;ill.»c;:s. suit? are more iil-on. »h«* pov- n:«y 1»*- dry. «<r h slicl.t U ; =-L:irc<% lliln won acrin bticos’diis thicii «!i«i .luaasivu. ABlbed-aeast <d;n;tiie'’.ieuro in creasKdli; ywaiitAy.and • in iiuulity :xm?y are UOw tliicT :;uvi !*ca*.* 1 an* oil!i'Tri<*o fny blow laetben -c. nr els* T tiicy itllimo the tiircaiuud are haw->:c<l o; - cimslicd off. T>- nrr tßßsmzn iisi(!lircatb;«h’- v..;c-an A naK*al; f>e arc w -jilv. the oi sin**U 5& or C*> s a;S'”e£“>;'WcaTA^ P ftl!JßSOr.»n lie?CKjtnnlo l- .:SCi>:i s-- v rimov price of iji»* (V-rili !'dy. f’l.oc—-iiillcicnt for tite Cap aioaili, will —!J usd c;-»r dire--tlous. by cs- V ‘?See. \az~- -XLXi riark Street;, (Uy-Stsirs.) - Ad«!rc«e ,pr. I?. 17. SKELYR. CCII-VSS3 ‘.'in Prsr' ‘il'.cc Bex Oaieago, 111. CASH to tuj ladies. DE, DUPOXCU’S 60T.DES PILLS FOSI PIOSiUS.BS. 3KTAi.r,Tr.xT in ‘.om-cliriß. and r^'tiov;-^ *,ll ••b'-tr-jclionsci iJ c" m i.enuOa' - iriim “ vnut crer can*-**,” i-i.d alivavs siiccovlui ft* a preventive, mid tliv Oidv fcnrs uucl rvsiistils medicuiu owr rinOAM l2ralSdi:-fHs.p*. mj uimJ'-if to rsinis-3, w?-Rier sir Sin»ors-:;tn.v. i;- : t CJMK Pills ’•J.intiiftdi.ah «l*' Ik* u* •ia-i':viu: fcrt'dc od of the uirvctloij-. Xuk ncrii:i.nxKSTS t-1 tbeTlfsare Vrrwn to evt-y nr-ut. a"*' luey vLI im‘**nr vi-a u:e "il s %r« pcrf.rtviy ii*; r 3u.eii. sen v.-Lldo all loriiisni. Price $1 00 per i!oi, Eo'.d In ("ilcajrc by ivy “ Gon oral Wholesale Agents.' Lorn & SMITH. as La>-o street. 31. fcCOVJL saect. Vi D II ftdlKl*. *•? Soulh Water street. JT'I.LFU & FiNViL 11 and 2.. Martel street. ,T Kf >f- '".’KU). >o. 2>> Nouh Clark street. GM.F i-fr' .-.t cetu r tn.M.riH'KK!: .v. w-sr u n*iuip*tstreet. A Ji I‘ATrnjfN. I‘«: J W.-r Luke street. rj JKUOME coru-r tinriHiid AcUniattrecL LATtres ’ r-v f rtidh-C xrrnKK of 11«<* “ above, agents" x: on tbrojHf' t.iv CincAr * "Post ODce" c.»s bare The pills feat(corlhj»nU‘i>iy> by mall, to any part of Lie coni.try, * free cl puscaae." H U—Labiesl La verv part'cnlar. Bey nothing cniiea **l» , jp*»fcco'fa Gold™ FBls" hereafter. ur.lssft vou fled the j'cr.atrte« »s. It,U;we oj each bos. wu'ch fcnßTCcenil> bi-ci*. added, uti iccoiuit of the l*;U« hay lug been COUATLIH ET-iEIX seifi ulOl-tjiu Impovtsuttc Feiaalee. —Dr, Oheostv SJtß>phje. The combination ol mgrud'ents in these PKlEarothe fcioll cf a long and extensive practice. They arc mild 1U their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu. larttiec, Pbimul Meiutruationn, removing ali obstruc tions, wbetherfrora cold or otherwise. headache, pain la the side, palpitation ofthehegtf. whites, all nervous Sfiertiona. hysterics, fntigne. fain in the bees sad Oioba, disturbed uleep. which arise from Intcrmp iSf* oi nature. S)U. CHEESHnAtPS PILLS CT&sthe commencement oi a new era in the treatment C* these Irreealantlas an>l obstrocilouA whlca have consignedeofnmny to b onwx. I?o female Csn enjoy good health anl?&8 ehe la regular, and when* t-rer an obstruction lakes place the general health be gun to decline. SB. €IU2ESEIT|AX’S PIUS fre the must effectual ramedy ever known lor all com jda't.t6 peculiar to Fumahits. To ail classes they are fuTaluable,nrovcijco. wivn ceutauttv, pubiouicax lastmAUiTT. Theyareknowntothousands,wbohave used them at different periods throughontUio countrv, fAVing the sanction ofsomeol the mo%; um lskjct I’hyh taijjjß xh AoraaiOA. ExructT nrascnoKs. statixo week tuky - snonxn aoTßntibEn.'—thnPmcß Osb Dollab S«B BOX, containing from SO to SO Pills. Fllla sent by mail, pmmpjiy, by remictlng to the Agent BLakestreet to? 3 bt DcuooistsOßNKSAt.t.T. S'Bolti in Chicago at mannlkctore prices by LOBD ITH. ap463-lyr Jrfßfcc mum GARB’dBET OF IRON STOVE POLISH, If the best article ever produced for the purpose. Hanulacturcd only by JOSEPH BIXOH & CO., Jersey City, H. J, And for sale by their TVholeeale Agents, ?ESUP, KENNEDY «t CO., IS South Wells street, Chicago. Kg" Blsotfß Black Lead Crucibles for sale by the •Ob"X or butt her. oc2l-v*T7U 3m Remoual. —Christopher JSlatz, Acer.t for the Stove for ci'al and vuul an I dealer la RonneFurnii'hlns. Stoves, Tin Ware, a-c. 130 iier.rl*ora street, Chicago, Cobb's 3nli<Lnj au*.N-tl*C*-3m PEftRSOK & OJM Have removed lo iTO. X.*-Tnc STREET, Tihcrctiicy offer a jirsms stock of BOOTS AITD SHOISS AT VHOJ-£SM.TS AKD US? AIL. ippafl-nffi'HUir.l 3Lcas anfc #rt SSEorSs. <nEM3A*M> X&ts. TTOP.E*. Ccme; Clißlon nkd ?altcc.sii) t CTestSSde, Mf 15 Pt?E. SaiiSJß, *sffi b BHF2I LEiE, SjSSfSSSEETO OIK*. ®«t, Witte lead, Bed load aai V,tbs»p ?SSIRS ASS HVSBABtie um* troa the triple ftolicit-ed. sE£hert aarßsi r.O.Bosfilffi. MID SL W. BLA'.CCHFOSPj Salt. C<3XT! SALT! SALT!—The eub ■ *OTNTS rORBUVRR^I,OPTn36 < ELKTPMAXEI> W»RKS ( S«U la lots to *alt for Immediate or folate dfcIjTCTT, at tie lo*v?t current rfktej. SO 'base Salt Jretre ior eale T»v GKLrTE & THOUSS. 1W Sooth Abater stnwt. aos.Tßs?^s? 2.?§al Jictites. Instate of sasiuel wilson, “iiT.j.7L.y?T nc ’ice I« litrebr clvec to ■w«? c * &nd demands s grains! the ertstft CI cSliiUfil *t litor. doceftKAi! tA ntAsent ry,■ »»me for adjudicate wd ? ??io£? tens of 'be Conn tv Court cr CeokCwrir liO’den at the Coart in the CUv ct Cmci?? nn tbcTU-rd Mcndcy ol December, a.D wsWccnth day thereof ■ bettß the ,_ WISEST TVALLA.CS, Exccntor CWcajso., I9fz. aos-vt^-td Cos^aroursatps. "RJGTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TLi partrenilp beretaiore fljdattnc between E-Cfcwiov feaci **V. H. Dels, naGer the n»ai“ oXW. H, £ *' -V ■* vU? csy dissolve-! tiv mutual ermseat. <Jrt« t*P, i.or. 17U. ISJI. W. H. DOLE rc.Jx4Ulw XL C. SWfiXT. Seai'.fiiUu, aae SxriJaug«. Q_KEEN T EBATOI & FOREMAN, Loan end Discount Ofilte, IfC. ts Booth Clark Street, (op etalraj Cnicago. 111. ELIAS OREE-VEBATM, Q. FOCK3IVN. tcp&-a2U>3» Notary PahH& Q AVSKPORT, ULLMAKS * Co ItnEKE! AM BaiiSSt 19 SZCHASSB BASS HGTKS, GOLD, 6H,VSK, ftO. euUCfr-ly So. SB CUrk n. Chlcage. m. MFCKAOTaS’ SAYING BANS AWL OF CHICAGO He. 8 Clark Street, 6 Book above South This Institution will receive for Saving, suras of one dollar, and upward, from Mechanics, Laborers, mar ried women and others, noon which interest will be paid when left for a slated time. Olfrcopen on SbtnrOa? amiTnesdav nlrhts. trorae to 9 o’clock. Slgnt Drafts tesurd npoa all the Cities oJ Europe and Rasters States. Hlgnb-:t prices paid for Foreign Drafts and Coin. " CHAS, T. BOGGS, President. ■E. T>ANK OF AMERICA.—PsfeUo AJ Notice la hereby given, Vzzx all 8123 oc dreviat big Notes of the #t ßAais. A3kEl£l©A,>» Borcsoierd incoiporaUd ana aemt oaeinsss in sto cil? of under tie general baatirs lawn cf the ptata Of UUuois, must be presentee for parent to too Audi tor cf Public Accounts of aaid State, at his office. In the City of Springfield, within three yeers aom tho data hsreofi or the ffands deposited for -he rodompVcv? of raid notes will be to said mK. 2J.-Mtti.wt6 ntfldca. g- w. cashier. ly2^g23Kojel-M TOEIGBT TYHEELL. T ¥ Ko. 5 Metropolitan Block. Chicago, Note Brokers and Dealers in Beal Estate, fy’R.C. Wright Notary teobllc and Commissioner of needs. Time loans negotiated. Eorx c. wuionr, [Qcli-v315-dm] J. a. tteurua LD. OLMSTED & CO., w Comer of Lake and Latalle streets. Chicago, Negotiate loans on Bond and Mortgage. 83?“ None but Crst-claaa real estate securities taken. sc26-xiT2S-ly OFFICE OF E. W. MORSE, Ascnt. 86 CLARE STREET, Chicago, HI., Dealer is Treasury Notes. Exchange Specie and laud Warrants, The highest oriuc paid for GOLD. SILVER. TBEi- SUtfV SOTES, FOREIGN COIN and CANADA CDBREMCi'. lAnd Warrant? and Bounty Scrip per ch ved at an advance on other markets. All slz-s for Buie. oclO-vfiJ33ai MHFCUANTS, F&RMSR3 X AN I) MECHANICS SAVINGS BASK. No. 52 ClMrk Street, Chicago, XU. QllUie hours from 30 A. M. to 3 P.SL Also. troxS P, M. to 8 P.M. Tuesday and Thursday. IHCOEPOEiTEa 1861. fcix per cent. Interest paid oa Savings, DTRECTOES AND OFFCERS J Prcsident-9. H. FLEET WODD, v lC e-FfCs’t—F. C.SuaintAN. nourtel—Wk. C. Gotdt. Ticc-Prcs't—P. li.wnsTFALL Casliier—Stdnet ilrEus. HOARD OP 2NA3UNnnS : J.C Fargo, J.M.Rom.fec, M.Lewlß, J.R. Jones, T.S. Pbillla?, S.». Tlayss, J. Rchm. Brcwer.Ker.D.Dacnfi.VG.C. S. Dole, . S.H williams, J.G Gladele, a. H. Birtey, Kc. Hempstead. T. H. tee* bo, ay B. Scat:?. H.N.Bls]}op.L*.D M !\ A. Gage, Hox W.B.Ojdrn. J. M. W. Jones. IV. E. Doggett, r-er-nGiSiy O' DOGUTTLE, S)S.ilKtt IN sxcniscE, iSo.-tt &outh Claris strean Chicago, miaou. S^i’artUxlfkTattention given to Collectionaia jS-rSMJ YLECS <Ss TffCKSR, No. i Broad Street. Nee? York, BASKSRft ASSD ©SALERS G-ivprsiEeat Securities, AjEerieaa Gold, Domes tje asd Forciga Eschaage. r.T.TiUTLarE. [imU-CTi-Gin] h. i. rtrcEST- HOUSE 07? CHIPIN, WHEHLER & CO., terser of Lake and Lasalle street, Chicago, Hi., Transacts* wsmuL n&mma msmms, E. CHAPIN, President. j£- D. Buobasae. Cashier. w Llmpln. fiomh B“.n<l Rrcticti. John B. Bowc, TAma Bcanch, Bank of the suite of Indiana; A. B. Jadson, Mishswalta, C.T. tvheder, Chicago, r.l,; Telman Wheeler, Hiram VVhcdsr, do. mld&u£S-l7 W. DBSSSIi & C 0.., pj o BANKERS ik BROKERS, Uo. 42 Santa Olark-st., Ghicago, DSAISiSS IK I?OaT£3TIC AND FOSEifiN EXCHANGE, Stocks. Ban* Notes, Land Warrant*. Specie, ic, Ac. r»tposlla received. Collections promptly made. Dr a Jiioa Ireland, France and Germany, forssuoia jxmp.loeclt. SEAO, ISBEXF.L i Co., New YorJt, Blte Xili. & CO., E-llUadcipUSs. ay9-rLRS-ly BANS OF MONTREAL, S4.TETG 3STA3LIBH3TO AS AT ;parc<l to do * General Banking Busiaecs Baying and Sailing 3astem and Sterling Exchange, .‘cooTmdna; PKODTJOK bills based on shipments. aav&SICES 88 STSRfiGc RHSEiPTi, no-payablc in CHICAGO, op at other points, BocelTlag Oepoaltaand Collecting Cgrtnerclsl Paper. dCIS-h»S3-ly £. W. WILIAJU?. Agent, Q.TLMA2T, SOI 0O M 53-AJNTKIS3S.S* A'o* A? JSxcliange Place* Rcw lorki Parthmar ettcntlonclcvoted to Western busiaw*. Wtarnnw KSFECSNCKb.—CItSpIa, tVhoOlcT <ji CO.- Urteseo, Illinois; Wisconsin Marine and iTire Inacr snceCompany Bank, Milwaukee; State Sack o» low* ind Branches; State Saving* Association. Ct. Louie, rnnis-nRiS-iy piusic Sstorrs. ATKW MUSIC.—I). P. F&ULDS, .LI K0.51 CLallK STttE’iT. under the Sherman House, baa lor sale tiie following new and.popular Lore Bewitched am lof Jcnnle;by L.V. IL Crosby (Words and Music.) ,35 ci*. Saly over the Way; by L. Y. H. Crosby, Chords :u»l Music.)-. &> cts. The Old Town Pump; Words by AIL Burnett, Music by c. L. Ward "3 cts. FongoftheColcnTroops or CtocrSoys*Cheer.‘diets, lltimle C yde, Bitty Clyde*® bister; by L, Y. U. Croa WtivDo I Love Thee; by Charles L. Ward 33 eta. p.‘ S.—'The above so* gs will be sent free oi postage, on receipt of the retail prices. seJ mKI-Sm RAYSN & BACON, of GRATIS & SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Wsreroom No. 135 Grand st, near Broadway. NKW YOHK. The long experience and the many fncUtties tas pro prietors possess enable them to oroduce Instruments unsurpassed by any other estshUjluncat. Their per sonal attention is given to the construction, improve ment and Introduction of all essential changes that may be required to make a perfect riano Fo- la. west era purchasers vh-iting New York arc Invited to call and examine our large assortment ofFiauos which we arcnowoherlcfc ouiavorablc terms. iJtscrtpuve clr colara wut bvraall. scpil-u^jt-Sai MUSICAL INSI'BITitEKPS,, iTEJX,SXrS SA-XTSOR- mm 3 MB S MBS INSTRUMENTS. 99 Sootlt (Strl Streep lEMunißs'tcer and importer ol ftfuncal lu?.tuu;o.ts ynd, Esring connection with scutes In Berlin, Jje;?tic, Dresden. Saglnad and Paris. ■e prapr’ed to lUrnUL. Baa-ia RKd Indiricael? with emry reticle in their «Ibc M the lowest 88. YorK. Prices, Tost oißea Box S(M. &Oop gfeirts. YOKE AND ILLTSOR Heap Skirt And Importer and dealer In &U kinds of French and German Cornets. AT MsDUETiJ.UKo.'tt 'ath Clark street, •poflte the ConH iase).andl2s Horrt 'rfe. bet. Indiana & to streets. IEIOAQO, U.T.TNOIS. v and Cotton Start* leto orderat short ice. Old t'.iliU jalred. altered and ned us >jood as /t. Fall 8tO!"S ci >ven, doable dla md, bridal and inch Skirts coe atantlyon h*art.frer Springs, children’s, te iSl> 016 Si firings, ladles’ else. IT. B.—'We repair all sWrta which wc sen vrlthont a» charge, provided they are Kept clean. Oar Skirt* tre warranted to be of the best qoMUy. Watch ?prlnj[ steel Skins esdhacgcd 11 net ft&ns&ciory, and all p» selc seat to residence. NOTICE TO As we have been la the Skirt baamem since tie hr*' scgipMng or the trade, and hare cr&acbes of onrhouM ■p *** tae principal cities of tho Union, as well ns Lon* ..on.—anaaßonTLoodonAgentiurnishes a? onr steel 4 v fi , cos r —'v? 3 C’-vtng our customers tlie benefit o i *..atwe p.'.onld ctterwlse pay for commissions—' wt wO sed Icctpt than any other manufseverer, triers by null promptly attended to. £» SE£SSI) ?roprfetoj for Chicago* ITew Tork Factory. CS Bowrey Chlcaco Fort Office Boi 4555/ suis-TSsr-ir S». MnF&SLASI'S *■ ®as, Steam Fitting au« mmim btabushmeht 54 LasaUe Street, (Ssicagtf. suxssrF us mrasss as» wm fe&sixcbe, Practical Piuresbere &Sa XAXTJTACTUBW 0» Ail Muds ofSteam WorSiw TO THE IB1D& T<24» fcnnvaca Witt tOCU aavl 6T5?5 *ICC!btS to ,Im, sse&9. fistlae sad Plumbing tiaamee*. g*. «£d Bronztiur cone to orde?. SITOff ft|& ®si.lsim& THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 37,1803. m TI hunt afxeu the captain. [Frc-m the December Number of Hie Atlantic Monthly.} “My Hunt after the Captain,” by Oliver Wendall Holmes, is an Inimitably quaint nar rative blending humor and pathos in no ord inary degree, of the adventures of the writer in search of hia wonrdedeonafierfche “bloody field of Antxetam.” Our readers shall have a taste of this admirable stoiy, which dra«s so deeply on tne sources both of smiles and tears: HOW THE JOUiiNET COMMENCED. Be that as u may,—ibongu I set out with a full t-cd hes-yy heirt, though many tiuieo my bleed chilii-d with what were perhaps neea less and unwise fears, though I broke*£hroueli &U n-y habits ■wi-hoai thinking about iheni, which is almost as hard in certain circum stances as lor one of cur youns follows to leave his sweetheart and go into a Peninsular campaign, though I did not always know when I was hungry nor discover that I was thirsting, though I had a worrying ache and inward tremor underlying all the outward p ay of the senses and the mind, yet it is the simple truth that I did look out of the windows with; an eye lor all that passed, that 1 did take cognizance of strange sights and singular people, that I did act much as per sons act Irom the ordinary promptings of ca riosity, and from time to time even laugh very marly as those do who ore attacked with a convulsive sensed the ridiculous, the epilep sy ot ihe diaphragm. THE POET ARRIVES AT HIS INK. Ky compEuioas proposed to stay at one of the best known and longest established of the New York caravansaries, and I accompanied tnem/ We were particularly well loogod, and not uncivilly treated. The traveler who im agines that he is to repeat the melancholy ex perience cl Shenstone, and have to sigh over tue reflection that he has found “ his warmest welcome at an inn,” has something to leara at the offices of the great ci>y hotels. The unheralded guest who is honored ny mere in difference may think himself blest with sin gular good fortune. If the despot oi the Pa tent AMiurciator is only mildly contemptu ous in hia manner, lec the victim look upon it as a personal favor. The coldest welcome that a threadbare curate ever got at tne door of a bishop’s pal ate, me most Icy reception that a country courtn ever received at the city mansion cf a mushroom mtllionnaire. Is agreeably tepid, compared to that which the Kbanamautnus who dooms you to the more or less elevated circle of his iaverted luferao vouchsafes as you step np to enter jour name on bis doc’s eired register. I have less hesitation inuu burdenifg mystlf of this uncomfortable statemeiir, ts on this partiular trip I met with more than one exception to the rule. Officials become brutalized, I sun pose, as a mailer of course. One cannot ex pect an office-clerk to embrace tender!}’ every alraugcr who comes in with a carpet-bag, or a telegraph, operator to burst into tears over every unpleasant message he receives for ir.nsmicsion. Still, humanity is not always extinguished in these persons. I discovered a youth iu the telegraph-office of the Conti nental Hotel, in Philadelphia, who was as : pleasant in conversation, and as graciously responsive to Inoffcnbive questions, as if I baa been his childless opulent uncle, and my will not roede. Banker scd ME HEARS TIDINGS OF Els CATTAIN. At iho United Stales Hotel, where many ere lying, I heard mention of an officer in. an upper chamber, and, goitg mere, found LkuK-nant Abbott, of the2otb Massachusetts voluiiteeie, lying ill with what looked like typhoid lever. TVhile there, who should come in but the übiquitous Lieutenant Wil kies, of tie same 20th, often conloaadc-d wrn his namesake who visited the FiyioglsUud, and with tome reason, for iis must have a pair of wings under hia military upper garment, or be could ucver be In to many places at once* lie was going t.o Boston in charge of the lamented Dr. Kevere’s body. From his lij s I learned something of the mishaps of lie regiment. My C-iptain’e woanti he spoke of asle-s giavethan as first thought; bathe meLiioDud that he was killed,— a liarim, doubtless,—a mistake,—a palpable absurdity, —not to be remembered or made any account of. Oh, no I bur -what dull ache is this in that obscurely senutive region, somewhere below tec boar?, where the nervous center called the *rij,iluno.r lies unconscious of itself until a great grief or a mastering anxiety ie*ty reaches ic through all non-conductors ich isolate it irom ordinary impression- V I talked awhile with Ljeutenauv. Abbott, who icy prostrate, teeble, but gohlisr-llke and un uouiplainisg, carefully waited upon by a most extedentlad- - , a captain's wife, New England boro, loyal as the "Liberty oa a. golden tva dollar piece, and of lofty bearing enough to have eat for that goddess’ portrait. Sue hid stayed in Frederick through the rebel inroad, unci kej)t the star-spangled banner wuere ic would be safe, unroll” it as the last rebel hoofs clattered off irom the pavement of ihe town. -IK DRAW OH HIE BOAT) moil THE BATTLEFIELD. Ard now, cs we emerged from Frederica, “C struck nt once upon the trail from the gnat battlefield. The road wac ilUci vritti straggling and wounded soldier*. All who could iravel on loot-multitudes with slight wr.uuds of upper limbs, tire head or face— were told to take up their beds—a light bar tkn, or none at all—and walk. Ju>t as the sucks eveijlhlog into its red vor tex for the cocfiicf, eo does it drive every thing off la long, diverging rayaaftcr the fierce centripetal forces have met and neutralized ceeh other. For more than a week there kid been sharp fightirg all along this road. Through the st reels of Frederick, through CramptouV Gan, overScutUjlouctaia.swecn ingat list ike hills and the woods that.skirr tie windings of the Antic tain, tha long btule bad truvekd, like one of tho/je tornadoes nhich tear Ikelr path through our fields aad viiirge?. The slain of higher condition, 4Ceui belmeG* > and iron casedi were sliding off oa the railways lo th-ir lur hemes; me dead of the rank and file were being gathered up and committed hastily to the earth; j the gravely wounded were cared lor i hard by the scene of coallict, or pushed a little way along to the neigaboiiug vil lages; while those who could walk meet ing us, as I have said, at every step in the road. It was a pitiable sight, truly pitiaole— yet ro vest, so far beyond the possibility of re lief, that many single sorrows of small dimeu hqus have wrought upon my feelings more tban the tight of this great caravan of maimed pilgiims. The companionship of so many seemed to make a joint stock ot their sclfericg; it was next to impossible to indi vidualize it, and bring it home as one can do with a single broken" limb or aching wound. Then they were ail of the male sex, and ia the freshness or the prime of their strength. Though they tramped so wearily along,"yet there was rest and kind nursing in store for them. These wounds they bore would be the medals they would show their children and grand children by-end by. Who would not rather wear his decorations beneath his uni form than on ic? Vet among them were figures which arrest ed cur attention and sympathy. Delicate boys with more spirit than strength, flushed with fever or pale with exhaustion, or haggard with sufkrittg, dragged their weary limbs ciomr as if each step would exhaust their blender store of strength. At the roadside sat or lay ethers, quite spent with their journey. Here and there was a house which the way- ! hirers would stop, in the hope, I tear often ! vain, of'getting refreshment; and in one place was a clear"cool, spriog, where the litTs band of the long precession halted for a few moments, as the trains that traverse the desert rest by its fountains, My companions had brought a few peaches along them, which the philfinthrophisc bestowed upon the the tired and thirsty soldiers with a batisfactlon which we all shared. I had wbh me a email flask of strong waters, to be used as a medicine ia cate of inward grief. From this, also, he dis pensed. relief, without hcsitaliJD, to a poor fellow who looked as if he needed it. I rather admired the simplicity with which he applied I my limited means of solaceto thefirst comer ; who needed it more tban I; a genuine benevo '■ lent impulse docs not stand on ceremony,and had I perish id of colic for want of stimulus that night, I should not have reproached my 1 friend the philanthropist any more thau I grudged my other ard-mt friend the two dol , fare and more which it cost me to send the chuitablc message he lett in my hand. THE COUNTBT AND PEOPLE. oeis-dss-if yraaaaaggggss^^iaE^iajssßiasaft^'j^^ BY OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. It was a lovclj country through which -wo were rioiLg. Tl'c bill sides rolled awsy into ?bc distance, slanting up fair and broad to the Mir, as one sees them in tbe open parts of the Beikshirc Talley, at Lancsborough, lor instance, or in’ tbe many-bued mountain cliallce at the bott jm of which the Shaker h.-nscs oi Lebanon have shaped themselves like a sediment of cubical crystals. The wbtat was all garnered, and the land plowed lor a new crop. There was Indian corn, stand ing, hut I saw no pumpkins warming their yellow carapaces in the sunshine bke ro mmv turtles; only in a single instance did I notice some wretched little miniature specimens in lonu and hue not uuiike those colossal crav.ges of our cornfields. The rail fences w«re somewhat disturbed, and the cinders of extinguished tires showed the use to which they had teen applied. The houses along the road were not for the most part neatly kept: the garden fences were poorly built of laths or long slats, and tctj rarely of trim aspect. The men of this region seemed to ride in the saddle voy generally, rather than drive. They looked sober and stern, less curious and lively than Yankees, and I fancied that a type of ftaturcs familiar to us in the countenance cs the late John Tyler, our accidental Pusldi-ut, was frequently met with. The women were still more distin guishable from oar Net* England pattern. Soft, sallow, succulent, delicately finished about the mouth and firmly shaped about the chic, dark eyed, full throated, they lo shed as >{ Ibev had been grows iu a laud of olives. There”wes a little toss in their movement, fall of muliebrity. I fancied there was something more of the duck and less of the chicken about them, os compared with the daughters of our leaner soil; but these are mere im pressions caught irom stray glances, and if there is any offense in them, my fair readers may consider them all retracted. HOPE A3fJ> DISAJTOIXTiIEXT. On entering tte small settlement of Kes dyeville, a familiar face and figure blocked the way, lihe one of Bnnyan’s giants. Tne tall form and benevolent countenance, set off by long, flowing bair, belonged to the excellent Mayor Frank B. Fay, ol Chelsea, who, like my philanthropist, only still mote promptly, had comma to succor tho wounded ot the great battle. It was wonderful to see how bis single personally pemded this torpid little village; he seemed to be the centre of all its activities. All my questions he answered clearly and decisively, as one who knew (very thing that was going on lathe place. But the. one question I had come 500 miles to ask—TT7cre is Captain H? —he could not an ewer. There were some thousands of wound ed in the place, he told mo, scattered about everywhere- It would be a long job to hunt up n»y Captain; the oily way would be to go to every house and ask for him. Just then a medical officer came up. 4 1 Do yon know anything of Capt, H of the Massachusetts 20th ?’* “Oh, yes; he is staying in that house. I saw him there, doing very well.” A chorus of hallelujaha arose in my soul, bur I kepi them to myself. Now, then, for cur twice wounded volunteer, our young cen. turion whose double-barred shoulder-strap we have never yet looked upon. Let us oo B:rvethe proprieties, however; so swelling upwerd of the mother—no hysterica passio— ve do not like scenes. A oaim salutation— th- n swallow and hold hard. That is about the programme, A cottage of squared logs, filled In with plaster ana whitewashed. Alittle yard before it. with a gate twinging. The door of the cottage Bjar—no one visible as yet, I push o,>en the door and An old woman, Warrant JZifznndl rher name proves to be, is the lirst ptTeon 1 see. “Capl. V, litre?” “Oh, no, Sir—left yesterday morning for Hagerstown, in a milk cart.” The Kiizmuite? ha beady-eyed, cherry 100-fe ing uccient woman, answers questions with a r-sicg itflection, and gives a good account of the captain, who go v into the vehicle without at&ibtaijce, and WHS in excellent spirits. Of course, hebadstruck for Hagerstown as the ItimXu? of the Cumberland valley railroad, and tut cn his way to Philadelphia via Csam bersbsrg and Harrisburg, if he were not al ready in the hospitable home of Walnut street where his friends were expecting him. I might follow on his track or return upon mj own; the distance was the same to i'oila ctlphia through Harrisburg as through Balti more. But it was very difficult, Mr. Fay told m«, to i roenre ecy kind of convevKnoe to Ha gerstown, and ou the other hand X had James Cray dtn and his wagon to carry me lues, to Frederick. . It was not likely tna*. I should overtake the obj- ct of my pursuit with nearly tliitj-Bix hour* s T urt, * veu if I could, procure atcnvtjance that day. In tbeme-mtirae Janus was gfrtiii g impatient to be on his return, ac coidirg tu the direction of his employers. So I decided to go back with. him. ANOTHER SEARCH. I set out-for Philadelphia ou the morrow, Tuciday, the 33d, mere beyond, question, to meet my captain, once more united to his tr&ve wounded companions under that root which covert a household of aa noole hearts as ever throbbed with human sympathies. Eat'k River, Bush River, Creek, lives there the man with soul so dead that his memory h&s cerements to wrap up sr.ese senseless names, in the same envelopes with their meaningless localities? But rhe Sus quehanna—i he broad, the beautiful, the his torical-the poetical Su-quehanna—the river of Wyoming “and of Gertrude, dividing the shcrea wnere “ ai e those euroy mountains half-way down "Would echo fidgtrk.!. ftinn acme romantic town,” did heart renew 1-s allegiance to rhe po t who ba?. made it lovely to tUui?sa=;inn*i m as well as to tbe eye, erd bo ianritied. bis name with the noble stream, that it “rolls mil gllng-witii bia lame forever?*’ Tiie pro saic tiavchr perbapß it bitter fiom xte fact lLat a great eea-aioister, In 'be shape of a sttambos?, takes him, titling ia tbe car. on its back, and ewinis across with,, hue Arion’s dolphin— also that merce );uy men on board off=r him canv.tos-backs in the £tason,aiid ducks of lower degree at other periods. At Philadelphia again at- list! Drive fast, O colored man and brother, to the house call ed Bt-autLul. where my cupnia lies sore wound'd, wailing lor the sound. of the chariot wheels which bring to his bedside the lace and the voice nearer than any save one to his heart, in thU his hour of pain and weakness! Up a long gtTect with white shutters and while steps to all the houses. Off at right an gles into another long s’reet writ white shut ters and white steps to all the houses. Off again at another right srgle into strl another long street wi-h white ‘shutters aud white B’fps to all the bouses. Tee natives of this city pretend to know one street from another by tome individual differences of aspect; but lie test way for a stranger to distinguish the st retis he has bceniu, from others, Is to make a cross or other mark on tbe white abutters. This corner house is the one. Ring softly —lor the Lituunnnc Cuionclli.*s there with a dreadfully wourded arm, sad two sons of the family, one wounded like the Colonel, one Cghiirgwith death In the fog of a typhoid lever, will start with Irenb pings at the least s-undyon can make. I entered the house, but no cheerful smile met me. Tbe euffV.rors wi re each ol them ibought to be in a critical condition. The fouith ‘bed, waiting: itc ten ant day alter day, was still empty. Js r ot a icvrd from v-y Captain, Then, toClisU, fond body that I was, my he; r- Bunk wilLm rue. ai *d he bet u taken ill on toe road, perhaps been attacked with those f- iraidable symptoms which sometimes come on suddenly alter wounds that seemed to be doing well enough, and w>is his Hie ebbing away in some lonely cottage, naj’ in seme cold barn or Kind, or at the wayside, unknown, uu- Cjrc-d for? Somewhere between Poiladclphia ot d Hagerstown, if not at the latter town, he mutt ot a*. &':y rate. I inxuz s-veep the ISO lies bet»t ecu these places as one would sweep n chriLher where a i i colons pearl had been dropped. I must have a companion in my search, partly to help me lo:k about, and partly because I was gelling nervous aud Irk. lonely. Charley eaid be would go with me —Charley, my Captain’s belt) .’ed friend, gen tle, hut lull ot spirit andliveiincss, cultivated, social, ailVc’ionale. a good talker, a most letter writer, obseiviojf, wiili larjre itii.-b of life, aud keen Eenec of h>-mor. Ho vas tot wen enough to go, soinc of rbe tirmd on*'s said; hut he' aesrfered by packing his ean:tt bag, and iu an hour or two we were on the* Ptuueyivania Central Railroad iu lull blast for Harrisburg. TUB LOST IS PODXD, The time for the train to arrive f'CLi Hagerstown, and we went to the station. I struck, while wailing tiicr.h with what st.tmcd to ms a great want ol caro icr the safely of the people standing round. Ju?t ader my companion and myself had stepped off the track I noticed a car coming quietly a’erg at a walk, as cue mar say, without en gine, without "visible conductor, without any person heralding its apiproacb, so silently, so ii.sidnOuoly, that I could not lit Ip thinking how\eiy cecr it came to ilaUcningout me and my match box worse than the Ravel pan tomiiuist and his snuff box ware flattened out in the play. The train was late—fifteen min utes, half an hour late—and I began to get n: jtons, lest something had happened. TVmie I was locking lor It, out started a freight train, as it on purpose to meet the car I was expecting, for a grand smash-up. I shivered at the thought, and asked an employe of the road, with whom I had formed aniacguaintonce a lew minutes old, why there should not be a collision of the expected train with this which va r. just goirg out. He smiled an official entile, ara answered that they arranged to prevent that, cr words to that effect. Twenty-Jour hours had not passed from that moment when a collision did occur just out of the city, where I feared it, by which, at least eleven persons were killed, and from torty to sixty more were maimed and crippled! To-day there was the delay spoken of, but nothing worce. The expected train came in so quietly that I was almost startled to see it on the track. Let ns walk calmly through the care and lock around, us. in the first car on the fourth seat to the right, I saw my captain; there saw I him, even my first-born, whom I had sought through many cities. ** Bow ure you, Boy ?” How arc you, Dad Such a:e the proprieties of life, as .they are observed amor g us Anglo-Saxons of the nine teenth century, decently disguising those im pulses that made Joseph, the prime Minister of Egjpt, weep aloud so that the Egyptians and the heuse of Pharoah heard —nay, which had overcome bis shaggy old uncle Esau so en tiifely that, be fell on“ his brother’s neck and critd like a baby in the presence of all the wo nur. But the hidden cisterns of the soul may be filling fast with sweet tears, while the win dows through which it looks are tmdimmod by a drop or u film of moisture. BOMB, On Monday morning, the 29' a of September, w c took ihc cars for home. Vacantlots, with Irish and pips; vegetable garden; straggling houses: the‘high bridges, villages, not en chanting; then Stamford; then Norwalk. Here, on the 6:h of May, 1853,1 passed close ‘ on the heels of the great disaster. But that my lids were heavy oa that morning, my readers would, probably, have had no farther trouble wiili me. Two of my friends saw the car in which they rede break in the middle and leave them hanging over the abyss. From Norwalk to Boston, that day’s journey of 300 miles was a long funeral procession. Bridgeport, waiting lor Iranistan to rise from its ashes with all its phamix-egg domes —bubbles of wealth that broke, ready to be blown again, iridescent as ever, which is pleas ant, for the world likes cheeriul Mr. Barnaul's success; New Haven, girt wilh flat marshes, that looks like monstrous billiard tables, with haycocks lying about for balls—romantic wi’.h West Kock and its legends—cursed with a de testable depot, whose niggardly arrangements crowd the track so murderously close to the wall that the pcinc forie ct dure iKiisfbsthe frequent penalty of sa innocent walk on Us platform—with its neat carriages, metropaK ranhottdg, precious old college dormitories,- its vistas of elms and its disheveled weeping willows; Hartford, substantial,well-bridged, mauv-stccpled city— every .conical spire an extinguisher of some nineteenth century her esy, so, onward by and across the broad, shallow Connecticut—dais, red road and dark river woven like a warp and woof by the shut tle ot the darting engine; then Springfield, the wide-mcadovwcd, well feeding, horso loving, hot-summered, giant-tree-to vu— city ‘among villages, village among cities: Worceler with its D.edalian labyrinth of crossing railroad bate, where the snort ing Minotaurs, breathing firs and smoke and hot vapors are stabled in their dens; Fra mingham, lilr cup-hearer, leaf-cinctured Hebe of the detp-hosomed Queen sitting by the sea side, on the throne of the Sis Nations. Aud now I begin to know the road, not by towns, but by sirgle dwellings, not by miles, but by rods. The poles of the great magnet that draws in all the Iron tracks through the grooves of all the mountains must be near at hrnd, ferhereare crossings, and sudden stops, end screams of alarmed engines heard all siocud. The tall granite obelisk comes into view far away on. the left, its beveled cap stone slurp against the sky; the lofty chim neys of CEsriestown and East Cambridge flaunt their smoky banners up in the thlna ! r; and row one fair bosom of the three-hilled city, with its dome-crowned summit, reveals itself, as when many-breasted Ephesian Arte mis appeared with half-open cJaarhys before her -worshippers. Fiinp open the window blinds of the cham ber that looks ont on the waters and toward the Western ran I Let the joyous light shine in upon the pictures that hang upon Its walla and the shelves thick set with the names, of poets and philosophers and sacred teachers, in whose pages our hoys learn that life is noble only when it Is held cheap by the side of honor and of duty. Lay him in his own bed, and let him sleep off his aches and wear’- neee fio conies down another night ov?rfai? household, unbroken by any messenger of evil tidines—a night of peaceful rest and grate ful thoughts; for this cur eoh and brother was dead and is olive again, and was lost and 1 Is found. Ust of Conlribntloijs of Sotpltnl Stores to tbe CI»lca"o Sanitary Cum mission for tUo Week EudUig Ko« ▼ember 15, 1802. SANITARY COSQn93IOIf EOOM3, ) 66 Madisok St.. Nov. 23,1663. f Tbe following Is a' Hat of contributions received for the week ending this day; Souhebs 1 Aid Society. Milwaukee, Wia.—Nine box**. Nos. 13C to 1U Incln-lve. if* pillow*. 4u li! ow cases. SO eheeta. 7 comforts, 106 towels, 9 i apkin?, l coat. 137 shirts. 13U pairs drawers, 45 : airs steko. 3 pairs mittens, 3t ander.-hirts. if-5J 1 undkeri hlefs. 32 rmata. 2 sponls rliread. 2.1 bees. 16# lbs d -cc toI-, 2i bottles fruit, 5 cans fruit, 21 qutit-jrlly. 4 ca\j t ] elly. 8 Dottles idly. S cups. 4 box Tee catsup, 1 bag otiose, 3 botUes and l can pickles, 4 bottles wine, 6 oage rneSed bread, lint, bandage?, 89 pads, old cloths, magazines, papers. 2 quires paper, 1 checker board and men. COLDttisfi AID {SOCIETY, Malta. lll.—n>l>l, 4 Pillow?, i sheet. 13 pillow cases, 1 comtjrc, 1 towel, 12 shirt?, 1 pair drawer*, 5 pairs xoiuess, 6 pin cnrbiL'DE. :■>ba-r-. dried fruit, lint, bandages, 13 ci-zt-s tracts, papers. foldier?.' aid Foctety, TVcst Aurora, Hlfl.-l bos 2 bed racaa. hS pillows and pi'low cases. It cerjfcite. 4 bunches thread, 73 thirt-, 6 pdlr a ctsweii',32pairs tucks.3 drss-iag gowns. I pair slippue, 15 handkerchiefs. 1 housewife. 3 combs. 4 pocket mirrern. 4 papers needles, 7 lbs dried ap plet*. Ils yards banoagee. old cloths Soldiers’ /.id Society hltnooia. HL—lbor,3 pillows.« r<i | }owcas€e.4cyinf./r:s,lvsit,‘24shiri3, 24 pair? d nwers, 26 pairs socks, i pzlr slippers, 10 hai.dkc:ciiiefe, 2iiten ii«“, Spalra scissors, 2 oa pert pine. I package combs. 1 quart wine, 6 Ids com prarcb. a pipes, 2 lbs raisins, 1 dozen spoon?, 1# dozen ihimbjts. 1 rase chocolate, 2 lbs tobac co, 21 magazines, 6 packages papers. * oldeehs’ aid Society, ilanhartau. 111.—5 bos t*?, 2 barrels. Vphlow sacks-, 17 pillows 33 pillow caEFg, £2 ehetts, 1 comforter, 55 towels, 47 nankins, it" tblrle, 21 p:a drawers, !0 prs. socks. 6 body wiappert. 10 dreatln? gowns, 18# lbs. dried ap plet, 13# lb?. Grlcd.f/uits. 3 battles cat=up. 1 bos cubbave, CO ibs. butter. 16 Iba cheese, 17 pads. Si rolls bandages, cld cloths, magazines, papers, 2 bris vegetables. Scldiers’ Aid Society, Freeport, Hl.—sbags. pillows, 2 pillow cases, 2 sheets, 9 towels. 14 shirt?, 35 prt. drawer?, Si prs. focks, 2 undershirts. 2 cteetic c gown«. 24 ha u tikerchiefs. 3 packages dried fruit, 5 cans fmit. 0 lbs. pickles, 7 ioa. jelly, 1 bot tle cateup. 11 Jugs catsup, i jogs tomatoes. 6 bot tles apple bm i er, 3 bags onions, fi bottles wine. 1 boiile. boretratiish, lot of ric a , 1 box batter, l bri. pickled cabbage, 3 boxes potatoes 1 hei pickles. Soldiers Aid Society, Toibcrt Branca, Hi.—22 coses, & sacks, 7 pillows. 2 pillowcases. 2 sheets,7 comforts. 1 towel, 1 table cloth, 17 shirts, 9 prs drawers, 32pjds. Soldiers Aid Society, Bremen, Hl.—l htl po tatoes SoLDiEne Atd Society. Beloit, Wifi.—l bos, 2 buifcac/e, lOpjJlsAvu. 47pillowcases, 9sheets, 2 coicfcrls. 51 Tcwels, duapkmp, 1 maitra-s, 1 pair pants, 47 tblrte.ll prs drawers, 5 nrs cocks. 1 pairicjiteas, 1 cresting tmvn, C slippers. 3 bottle wine, 32 ibs. dried fruit, 5 gallons eigtiom, 20 pads, c?d cJothee. i OLDiEits An) Society, Western Haicin, TJich. 21 boxes, 5 towels, fc3 lbs. dried apples, 8# 2)3. diit-d peeche?, 1 box apples. 25 Os dried fruit, 1 cunfrcir, 11b. jelly, i box ginger snaps. aid Society, Adrian, hUcK—Three boxes—Ypi.lows.Spill iw-casrs, 24towels. G palra dmwera.ijpia eocke, dried fruit, l«i ca:-s frsit, 3 bolties catsup, 1 bottle horscradieh, 15 bottles wine, 2 2>? con: starch, Sibsfknna a papers nep p«r, 1 ran end 1 roll batter, 1 buttle concentrated chicki-n. rcaulug matter. boLBiEKs’ aid Society, Sheboygan. Wig,—One box—l 3 bed tacks, 13 pillow 13 pillow cast?, 29 thvets. 41 towels. 24 shirts, 30 pib drawere, 6 prs eocss, 31 handkerchiefs, 1 pkg toap, 3 phg fruit, 5# gallons wine, 6 i&c Lul us. it l S>s lir-r. 5U • yards baadaces, bl:LDtsKa , Aro cl«ion. Hi.—2barrels —1 bri cried apple?, 1 doz cabbages. Soldieus’ Aid Society, Fond da Eac. Wis.—l box and i keg -G pillows, 5 pillow cases, 3 com fort £, 5 vesTs. 39 shirts, 10 prs drawers, 7 prs socks, Ift wrappt-re 6 Ort-soing gowns, 3 handkerchiffs. 2 ll'Sj\))y,oßje rorn smith, 01&B farina, 10Iba crack er?. 2 inugazites, paptrs, 2 books, 1 neg tomato thoßder SoLr/inne.’ Aid Society, Bidden, McHenry Co., Id —i bos—lS pillow cases, 4 sheets, 32 towels. 3J prs d-awers, 11 }>,-«• socks 1G oressug H'Avirj. 7j.r# slippers. 33 iiaidkercUUfs. 1G pin cmhlans. bulbs dried apples, 82 lbs dried i.-uk, 3 pfegs herbs, S rolls bandies. SoLDn.iie’ aid Society, Buckingham, Tamar C0.,i0..a-One r.ox, confining 14 pillows, 4 pil low caeee, 31 towels, 35 shirts, t pairs socks, 3 pin tUcbionss 31 : lbs. B'.-ap, 2 papers pins, G2£ ibs. dried fruit, GOs preservee, gallon pickles, 2 coulee '.vine, i 3b -a lint, 3'jO yards Sranuoges, it- pad?, old clothes, C)y doz envelopes, paper, pec? ar.d lead pencils Aid Socrr.TY, St. Charles, El.—One box, containing 4 pillow cares. 1 sheet, 12 enpkins, 1 pair punts, 10 shins. 3 pairs drawers, 1 pair sticks. 4>j tbs dried apples, G,'i lbs jellv, CO lbs diiedfrubß. 1 paper pepper, i gallon wine. 2i>r Its. butter, 2 cheeses. St.'i.DiEiis 1 Aid Society, Detroit. Mich.—Three boxes, c- r.taimug G pillows, 2i pillow cases, 8 sheets, 4 Comfuits. 39 towels, 23 napkins, 3 shirts, 18 pairs dravers 7 pairs socks, 3 undershirts, 1 messing gown, 35 handkerchiefs, 2 cakes soon, 4 lbs dried peaches, 16 lbs. dried fruit, 4 cans unit, 4 jars preserves. 1 bottle wine, 4 lbs. lint, y lbs. cvnij-reser.s, old cloths. 54 roll- bandages. Soi.niEus’ Au> Socikiy, Kankakee, lU.—l bos. 1 bi»; sack, 4 pillows, t; pillow caaea, 33 sheoia. 1 condor?, 39 shuts, 2 pair drawers, 3 pair socks, 2 cretcir g f owns, 7 pair shpiv-r, 2 cases pickles. Soldieks’Aid Society, Vida Lodge, n-ood TVm plars, Marseilles, 111 —1 box, 2 pillowe. 2 pillow »»bcs. 2 shevts. 2 pair drawers, 7 pair socks. 1 uu. (krtbiij,! tancLcichiur, 2 psga dried apples, 2 tMiis fnm. 50 envelopes, tracts. Soi.uiLT.h' Aid Sucistv—Avon, Rock Co., Wis. —i bos, 15 pillow cases. *2 sheets. 5 comfor-'S. 12 r-bin s. 1 pa.r seeks. 5 drcasinc gowns, 20 k>s dried fruit, old clctlcs, IS boots u magazines. ti uiijiifs Am society, Mtiskcmm, Mich.—l box—tpiilou cases, 2 sheets, 5 towels, 23 shins, 19 lißite diuv.'.-is. 5 pills orawers, 5 palm socks. 4 hatcikcrcbitfi. <i papers pins. S lbs corn starch, IX B'S lii.r 48 etvclopes, 2 qcs paner SfLDir.iis’ Aid bns— 5 bed encixp, S3 pillow?, 21 pillow case?, iG :-lieels, 7 comforts 12 towel?., 93 napkins, 25 shirts 4 pp.ifsdrawers, 23pairs socks, S dressing gowns. Soi.uniith’Aid Society, Aurora. Ill—l i>ri. dried app'»;fa. po'aicc-sauft onion?.’ Ajd Society. Town of York, Carroll Co, Hi.—l box—l 2 pill-vvs, 17 pillow cases, 2 wheels, 5 con.I'll?. 9 towuLs, 2G shins, i7pr? draw ers, X p: tocks, i> hundkotyhief-*, 4 combs, 3 Ihg dried applet. 4 lbs herbs, 4 dried fruit, bauda •-« ?,chi eloibs. Soi.Divits" /.id SoriKtT. Uoiacr, 111.—i box—l Impacts, S piliow cases, 3 comforts 2 sheets, 1 towel, 7 coUs, 27 shirts. 32 prs drawers, 0 prs seeks, 3 prs slippers, 4 Landkeicaicfs, *.O lbs dried apples, 5 lbs dried peaches, *J lbs com ciarcU. ban cages, oidtloihs. CUIC‘OO CC-XTIULtmOXS. T. J. Uir.K, (with Janet' and Laughlin)~llo s>s boon irvn. Mas. Remit Jcirxsox—2l magazines, papers and tracts. A Fninxn—T e h!rt=. L.m>jes 2d Pi;K=nvrnni.\x— (Material furnished by the Sanitary Cotnmissiou)—SOaUicta, J£3pisrJ:awi;rs Hr?. T. B. Cahteii.—l pilloT** r.ves. list or sirrcais seeded ix the hospitals. Bedding.—Bed sacks 7x4 feet, sheets 7,Vx4>£ •'ect, comfort*: and hldvkets do , pillows, pillow sfickp £4xu« uchce, pillow cases 3'Jxltf inches, tow- •rl£ cflatgc tiz.:. Clothing.—Shirt?, drawers and seeks of cotton orwo-.i, clippers, dreeing gown? and mittens v>i;h one fir-gcr and thumb, knit or of cloth. Sdiujxs.—Crackers, cheese, codfish, dried beef -.: d butter, pickled meats, fruit of all kinds, green, dried and pickled. LiTEicA.Trr.E-Books, magazines and papers. Delicacies—Corn starch, farina, jellies, sweet pickles, wine of good age. N- B.—Avoid aa fir as possible using glass or crockery ware to send del- icaciea in. The breakage and waste from this cause is large. Dec tin when practicable. Pack in saw dust or fine Iny, putting layers of packing one or two inches thick between parcels and at tep and bottom Packfeox fall and solid. Mark “Glass” on outside. 535/" Wanted, especially, and for immediate use, in large quantities, shirts, drawers, comforts, and other articles of bedding; aUo dried fruit and pickles. To meet these vastly increasing demands, ex traordinary efforts will be required by every one who Icvcshis country or has a heart that can ho touched by the claims of a common humanity. Mark all packages according to annexed form. “ Sanitary Commission, Chicago, HI. Prom ...” Attach a list of contents to the centre of the under fide of the lid, stating also by whom con tributed. SPECIAL NOTICE.—We have lO appointed Messr?, Soyt, Peirce & Co., Our General Asruls forth# Northwest. All order* tor our goods will be ailed by them AT OUR HEW YORK PBIOiS, PREIG-HT ADDED. A. HI. BIMNGER A €O. New Yolk, Oct. 1, is©. We havo for ealti at New Torh prices, freight add rd. 2000 cast 8 ILntncet’d London Dock Gin. 3(0 csf£B Bitor-i'er’* Old Tom Gin. 590 cases Bit iticer’e Keoulne svlaes. eta. and qij. 500 casts- Builngei’s genuine Cognac Qtaudy.iiQ&qts. W>o casta Old F-entacfcy BoKcboa, 500 caeee Bir.ltgcr’s Old Times Kye. yi 0 c*ife? Bmlncert Wheat Tonic. 103 csfee Binlr.trer's WUio Blttt re 100 catesßlcinecTa Apple Cordial. £0 casts Strawberry and Raspberry Brandy. 35 cases B'ackherry Wine. T9 Cn?t s California Wines SCO baric* is Ftper Hridrick Cbampalgae. 50 ca?es Cnracoa. „ 50 doz. Stone Jogs Peppermint Cordial. 50C doz. scotch Ale, stone Jcgs. SCO doz Lonoou Porter. 25 drz. AbHimiie. 60 casts French Brandy. £0 nine? Hollar d Gin. (favorite brand?.) FO9 bns. Ecctncty andPeniipylranift Wolsty. ICO bris. Old Maryland Kye Wct3-y. fObrl?. Don*l. Laurence Rum. IS;6. 20 bris>. New Jersey Apple B randy. 20 brie. Clierrr Brandy. . __ 10 puncheons Scorch and Irish wtusscy. 10 puncheons St. Croix and .Jatnsca Rum. 75 packages Fort. Sherry and Malcrla Wine. ' All the above goods are of the HOST 31ELIASLE EKISBS, TTcro rnrchaeed tefore tho advance, and will be sold pore. HOYT, PEIRCE & CO., 147 South Water Street, Chicago. F. s —Druggists are particularly invited to an ex eminstlou of bur stock. ocS3-vsi&Sai A UTKORIZED INFANTRY AA. TACTICS. GASSY’S Nfc'W INSAHTBY TACTICS, For tbe Instruction. Exercise and irauraavres of the So l dier. a Company. Linn 01 SK’rtnloht rc Battalion, B.teSftcr cSrps BEKf.-GEJ,-. C ASET U.S.A. S vol=. iliac., lUbographta plates. $-.po. wak Department. Washington, An z. U. 1?62. The System cf Iniatuy Tactics prepared by Br!«.- «»B. sn AS Casey. U. s. a., having been approved by the I'teslccat laftdoptedforthe instruction of theln fantry of the Annies of tee United Sates, -whether besuiar, Volunteer, or Militia, with the following modlficatlocs. viz: . .... Fikst. That portion which requires that two com panies shall be permanently detached from the bat talion as skirmishers will be Euspeuwed. Secosp, la Title First, Article Font, the following w«U be substituted for parpgraph6, viz: *■ Aicclmcnt lecomposed often companies, wuicn will be habitually posted from Dght to raft. m. thatch Jovlncorder: First,sixth.locrth, ninth, third eighth fifth, ut tb, seventh, second, according to the rani cf Captain, STANTON. Secretary ofWar. Copies sent free by mall on receipt of Dries. 1 D, VAN KOSTtvA.NO. Publisher. nolS-iSSMm iw Broadway. New Tori. TT ESOSHA WATER CURE. A FIRST CLASS SANITARY ESTABLISHMENT. Is nlesPALtly situated on tbe take Shore, at Sonosha, thirty-five miles from Milwaukee, and fiitj mllei from Chicago. Ible Institution offer* the greatest Inducements to these who are afflicted with any form of Chronic Dis ease The medical department 1* la charge of thoroughly scientific Hydropathic and Hommopsihlc Physicians wto have made Chronic Diseases a special study for ye Hie. Females, laboring under diseases peculiar to tbslrsex, are assured of the moat delicate and treatment. Soldiers and ethers suffer inz'rom ctpoaure in maiarioua dletricta, are so.vised torMort to the ' Cure” at once, aud thereby save time and expense. For farther partlctfrera, address wag- I plvtoCHdS.F PF.FILM.I).. orlto. A. H. BEBD. Fri si clans, or E. PEKAOY EU, Pxoprrattr, 1 ESSwiB.,CcU2S.I3C. no^vAMlt^TAt H&iswUaneouß. Fire Place Ueatcrs. Coil and see one in operation at our Store, They are designed to beat several rooms, and are superior to all Portable Furnaces. EXAMINE THE CRUSADER, A firet-dass Cookksg Stove, for Coal, And sold several dollars less than other stores of like finish. WE K-RTTP THE BKILLI AST, A superior Hard Coal Iferlor Stove. And all other articles usnal'y kept in Hardware and Tin-Stores. PHICEETT & DBISSAIiE, EO?t X425-1W HPBE GBEAT MUSICAL NW JL BLTT. WOBCASTER’S NE7Vi,T PATENTED HINGED FLAT* PIANO FObTaS. Mannfcctorr and Salesrooms Fourteenth Street, cor ner of Third Avenue, New York. The attention oi the Musical Public Is respectful! v Invited to th« very valuable Improvement recently mace by IL Worcester in the coaitawtloa of the Piano Forte, and fbr which Itttera patent Ravc bsea granted. Tbit improvement consists la dividing-uid hinging the plate of the Instrtraei t. the result of which is to double the volume and mc=lc>2 quality of sound aca strengthen uie rnidd e tones of the •.cu’.e, UFually the weaker portion or the piano. The favora ble testimony of Mr. L. if. Gottschats, who ca r efuilv tested several instruments made upon principle, is a« fohows: “1 have seen with great interest the new Improve ment of Mr. Horatio Worcester, which constats m hlnriss the piste of the piano-forte. T cave played his new Instrumet ts. and found them ti be far (superi or to the others cf the same scale ha vine solid slates. I estimate the volume of their tone to be increased about one hundred per cent by tats invention. Their ‘slreize" quality is txcelteat. The upper part of the keyboard is txceedlnglv brilliant, wnlle ths bate h: of atich and po vcrful sonaron-n-^Rs. KcwTork. Junel7.lS63. L M.G »TT3CHALK. Equally strong tcsttmcaials vf the value of tne Hinged Plate have bttn received by *he trom Mesisrs. Wm. Mason. S a. M-Its, Theodore Thomas, Mm Schsnenberg. Henry C. Timm. TV3I. Bera«, M. Bajietti Harry Sanderson and other excellent judge*. EeierEUceia also Riven to the crlumn* ot the N.Y. Three. Woiiq. e'ost. Comtuctvl-ii Advsnl-wir. Express. Muscat Review and World, Home Journal. Frank Lcs jlesLlubLrnted P<jper, et'*., etc. To be seen at ROOT & CADl’d. I>s Cl»rii street Chicago. HI. c035r<13-lm Hkabquaktsbs district OFCGLUMBUS.HEP’T OF THE TENNESSEE. CoLranrs, Ky., 2Tov.loth.iS62. General Orders, So T.] L Od and after the 2t fa diy of November, l?s» for all coeds snipped into this District there will ue re quired duplicate invoice?, one invoice slcnea Uy the Surveyor of the Fort, cnlaniiloc. w,H be filed with the Comnanoinc Officer of the Pest Immsdiateiy; the oihf r signed in like nmuccrwil! be given to tie owner of the goods. IE PottCorLmsnders will forvardevery five davs, to District IltaCpittrlcrg. ah invoices thus rtc^ivecu 111. No Whisky or Salt will he allowed to tie brought Into any gait of the Disrnct. without writttn autlior -sty from drst bad. aav viola tion cf this order will «übjc''t all pa ties concerned to arrest and the goods to r-rf-jture IV. No goods whatever will he allowed to pass the Fort ot Columbus, down the Mississippi or pa«t Faaucsh. up the Tennessee River, without the ownor orCaptaln iu charge of tae bc&is exhibiting themaul <e&t to the Surveyor of the Port or Gomrodidtrof the Pest, any ci ceit or fraud win -nhject th* rarti«s to an est, ana if connived at by the owners ot tbs vess -1 it will he enbjcct to bclzore end lorfeiture. • V ComrtsLdere of Pests have rue rlahtto refu=etlie lauding of goods, but appeal can be had to District Bi'Kdquartcx? at Columbus VI. No crods will be landed at any other point thsn ft Military F«-tt within lh*B Dlst lrt. escort by periuls sloa first heiuffcivec at District Headquarters Any violfctloa of this provision will subiec: all parties con cerned 10 arre-t and a forfeitureo* the goods ard boat, Dy order of BhiG. GEN. T. A. I) AVIS Commaauinc Di-trict. J. LOVELL, Capt. and A, A. G. ne-f xilviw Tib cue av o*. sh jewelry HOUSE Of SEW XOKK. USADQUontEns fob masons tiul all Dealers iu Jewelry. A. HAYWARD HASHFimjSUNG JEWEL SR, No. 203 Broadway. TTholeade Agents waited In everv Keelmeut and Town in the U;ltcd St-ntes, Canada and Bat*. Vi pro vinces. The assortment comprises ail Finds of StTTS. VEST CHAINS. KKOK CHAIN’S. I.OC <ETS, BRACELETS. JiI>GS. PINS. CllAllMS. sTUdS and uutToNo, Maso:tc. I. o. o. F,. AND ALL KINDS OK EMBLEii PIN 3 And civetin ihs Jcwe-.p line. Anyone wWilns to siesamnUa 1 will send either ot articles, loseitier -till my Wholesale Gi-cular r n the rtcemt of one dollar: A Gold iiasor :c Hu or Kllst. or a Niceo«>hj-Dlati.'i .Masonic Fob kcv. ora Eeautifal B£.t8 £ .t of .Jew.dry. or a f lae Enclaved Snap Locket, or an ©vol Ergravcd Brace cu or s CfdiMrnia Di >n;oni RJnsr or Via. or a S't clEngraved SoUtiire S;ecv.«-rtntt-m.<. (L«ys o: ora Set of 6‘ad? and Hattons, or a Genri- m-in'r 3°.sl Stoae Rlny, or a Ladv'sDouble Be art rang, or a LartvV Ej-emasccl Kavolvlcc Fin. or a Neat Gc’d nliiied V- st Chain or Neck Ci: ’-'o. or a C'Ufornia Di-in.-n t Clust :r pin. _ wit-; Oli.iUi rttliclic.l. or 33 Anchor ITc, with C aln an tched. or a Fine Gold IVii an i Feni , l. At! the above ij-iod - n.-e sold ae roc-U! <u .'rom .$r t) jSSciU'.h. I’crsoiw virhlns to order nnytlilar w>u“h ruivnotbc oo tu» 0!r«;al-ir enu reij U!»--U tjeviact.i.cir orders! dtlifaliy to. LC'IVS»HO F@S3 THE MAIR. A harxhoire he'd of hair I* a rrown of tdcrr. Wltn prorcrcaver.nd culture it wni le-t a«j a to The head -•« Jong as ll» : no* l ’' 00 to.tho tinker-. or :o the ry c ». J.-UA. is ;c i :ily arth-'c yet dhcow red that MU prr.i: tib-jut. ■e dew; cd n Milts. li is a j.mindat'nc. o'-': •jx'.r-.o t roots, baiks, and herns. and. asul-i froTi it* n-ia‘- ess. tiov, r.ud closr-It I? mdic.l’y nd.ip’.Mi 3 preserve amt" add to’.he o s auty of fhshsir. Tits NLV .‘virncLK VST T.TS.-’OV’KXn TU\T WILT, tub Pisrasx oy 'jes scilp, asd mmsa Tim H un to Grow. For 9-le by J. JT. RFED & C\).. 14-1 a dW> L-dM street, cci;H-il-3iu Agento Ivr Celevigo, 111. TATOTIOE.—A lieetins of Stock- X ' holders of the Tc.nlca and Pcter?b»r.: Rsllrmd (jutusany rviU It* helrr'.n Jii.ksoariUe oatSe Dicta il.iy of Dcct tZiIK-r, lot too purpose of omyl'leriir' nnd approving or rejecting article* of consolidation bo. tween tlic suit! corepr.ay and the Jief-sotiTtlle. Alton uno tit. Louis Railroad Company. ami if said juf.cbts sbsl] he approved, tha first election for Idrecww ct Coitions? will be held ludueitsonvliie Ou the tcuUi day of December. W. G. GiillENE, President. Jas. BsitDax, Secretary. o«i vs. v i tc.csa-iw r Ami SUPEEVOR Pi 9 IBOX ILJ The Northern iron Company of Lake Suac-rl'.r Seep on bund lit its Dock. In Chicago, a swiplv of Char. ror.l iron, direct from it-: Blast Vurnace. and of all itrhdPs,to which the attcDiiotiof tboao-.wantiou tin?u*.*! opalitr of the Lake Superior Metal ic invited. Office No. 13' Wells street. JESTTP. KEHEDY & CO,, Agents. ayS4-r£o2-EiasTAT _ jpOUNDRY FOB SALE, AT Port Stanley, Canada- West, ComprtstT' fr extern Sve Machine SUnp’.Monldlmr room, and erervihlas necessary tor carrying on a tliarih- Ing business m the maacliiCture. cluelly of Agricultu ral Implemerta,for wh*ch the pnrr<.;m<liie country affords r ready end profitable sale. The premises and maclflnerj. &c., are it the beat of order, and will bs sold on very reasonable tenna. for further particulars apply to J. G. HARruR. London. Cucada West. 0C3>v779-sw-COd Duff ield & hilxon, (Late of Louisville, Ky.) POKK AMD BEEF PACKEBS. Kew Stone Packing House, near the Intersection oi A»cherKoad andGrovs street, South Side. Chicago. OfßceatA.C.Bac.ger&Co'sßmkiiJC House, comer 01 Randolph and Dearborn streets. Particular situa tion given to the curias of Driffield's celebrated Hams and. jßnslislo. Meats. ©HAS. DUFFIBLD. [OCIQ-V222 3m] J2fO. C. HILTO3. (TIN CONSIGNMENT, and for sale \_J to the trade at Xew Sork price?, freight added, G7O bags* prime Rio and Santos Codec, 100 lit. chests Choice Imperial Tens. 150 h£ cbCfta Cho<ce Ycunsr Hysoa. Uol2-x417-2w T. M. TUKLIT & CO., OS. Waterst. —lt. is not too hue ■ to eccore a few Kcahannock, Feachblow or Sfcaker-Suseelt Potatoes, at a MODEEATELY HIGH PEICE, By leaving orders at CO State street. J ° H. F. ST-VNLaT. SSaorgtcb ©oohs. WOOLEN HOSIERY, Ladies’ and Misses’ Balmoral Hose, FINE AND SLACK YAENS. HAND KNIT WORSTED 00391, Men's Hoods. Sontags, Nnblas, Mitten?, Sleeves, Leggings, iic. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS WOOLEN TiLRHS, SAND-KNIT SCARFS, (our own importation.) It BN’S HALF POSE. LADIES’ RIBBED HOSIERY. SEW COMMENCED SLIPPERS, All at the lowest cash prices. BUTTON « BSRKITT. <1 LasaUs strsci E=2o-u533-sai iSrooru (Corn. BROOM CORN EXCHANGE. We invite consignment? ol BROOM CORN, 3are ajuptik STORAGE, make advances, and o3« Special ladaccmeats cl vine our patrons the benefit of prices ps*d bj conVuiiieis is the SAST AND CANADA, All sc -luisiea promptly a^fp£i rr HA£ SHELDON - . Commission Merchants, 248 South WaMr-st ©usters. OYSTERS! OTSTE-RS'I Fousrn Ajtspai. Sals, aKo 1 Baltimore Gyaurs, 43 certs per cm, are sou beltg received dally at 119 Randolph street. WAP.EASTED, Country orders promptly attended to and atredneed rite*. [oo3»zS&Sin] HBK-gY SaMjDKN. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! To Grocervtnen. Hotel Keepers. Hallne House* md ethers.—We are now prepared to lurclßh r . . Keg or Can Oysters Is near, lilies to suit. We receive them fresh overs day by exprea from our house In Baltimore. We pm up all of oar own Ovsteiß, and can and will sell abet ter p.rtlcle than has ever been offered In Chicago. A siseU trial will satisfy the purchaser that it U so. Office and Depot, IS3Dearborn street. . x. AmHs* jy orders from the country solicited and prorap Gf attended to. ocii TSS246n jfiuaacial. CTATS OE ILLINOIS, TIiEA- O STJBER’S OFFICE. _ Spn»jraviKEi>, November s«, low. Notice Is hereby given that Auditor Warrants, drawn on account ofthe ** Waß FUND,” Scs, 1 to si<>2 IndusiTe. y,«ii be paid on presentation to this office on &ad after the 12tb dtv of Novembrr, 1S&. - noS-xSHm WILLIAM BUTLSB. Treasurer. ®i A AAfk TO I-OiK ONIM PROVED city property, {ram three to five years, it a 1 MVW RATE OF ISTEHEST, ] nolP2rr-3S3r J, £U JfljkaiM. plantation fitters. TO THE PEOPLE OF Chicago and the Great West EMD! BEAD!! HEAD!I! The of nature and experience demon strateg that whoever would ea>>y the pleasure! of food —the beantlf-so? landscapes—Che Joys of companion ship—the richness of hseratare—or the honors of sta ion end renown—MUST PJRSSERVS THEE 3 HEALTH. The stomach is the receptacle of ad aouiUhment and the fountain from wlfich all parts of the body de rive sustenance. The effect of foal, injurious food en- ISO State street. tcriss the stomach Is to derange the digestive organs, and produce heidicub, lcds 07 Appkrrre, unbr- FSESnnrG SLEEP. TEIID B3RAT3; LOW 3P181T3, FrVSS- ISH BUE2TKGS, CONST IPATIOX. TXCAPACJTY TO PER foks any yental os physical butt, &c* and are aie symptoms of that horrid disease. ■Which assumes a thousand shin ;s, and points towards a sirssEAßLs uni i>u pßgy.nrge decay. The Medical Faculty tag labored for generations to dls cuver reliable appetizers and the proper means of overcoming stomachic derangements. Certain lugrc dents have long been known aa partially effective. Among these were Caiisaya Bar’s ansi St. Croix Rnm. An livalid physician, eojourains in tbe tropical island of St. Croix, observing the habits of the natives gathered the recipe for tbe final accomp’lshm'jnt of this most important end. The article was first used as & private medicine, when its salutary effectsbecomlag known. It was brought cut under the name of Drake’s Flimiaiioa Sitters. They act with unerring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. They perform moat won derful cares in stubborn cases of Dyspepsia, Complaint. Nervous Affections. Loss ot Appetite. In termittent Fevers, Dlar-hcca. Sour Stomach. UmJeche, Fever and Ague, Weakness, Mental Despondency. &c. uS AIICSMSS APPETIZER AKD ASTER DIXXER TOKX, they snonc be ix every fayily. They abb a DELIGHTFUL. EXIIILIBATtXC STIITULAXT, WITHOUT A2TE SUBSEQUENT STUI’SFYIN’C ESAOriOX, Important Certificate. “ Messrs. F. H. Dbskb : Gentlemen—-I have suffer® 1 terribly vitn Dyspepsia tor three or four yt-ars. aal tried many remedies -rithout effect. IfcH to abandon my profession, and «>affe'ed trrouiy from evervrainz T i-.ta. I have now tried the Plantation Bitters-thev helped me—l continued their us?. aid era now ce&rlV a we’d mats. I know of severe? s:i:il ar case?. ** Respectfully yours. Rev. J. S, Catuorx.’* S. T.—lß6o—X. Intelligent persons and physicians can judge cf the clhcacy of the Plantation Bitters from the following partial icnnula. CoscarlUii Rark "Was known asd n:cl In Germany for Dyspepsia. Chronic Diarrhea*, Ctolic.Djsentsry, and Diseases of tomsch and Bowels. ns early ss 160?. For luflamrcatlcnsofths Loins atd Spleen In Dropsi cal Affections and Biliary Socr-.tioas, or Obstructions ci uie Atdominal Viscera. Calisaya, or Hing’s Bark Vs? nr known to civilization until the middle of the century, Hcmboldt makts favorable mention of ibrifogf. quaUlie-i of this article as an Antidote to oßdAgne, Intermittent and Malarious Fevers. In his extensive South Arrcric -.n travel?. The Cotm tess. vile of ttcViccrryof Peru, havlrg experienced the beiicSclal effects of this B.v:k, sent it to Europe in ISSO. It was sold by the Jesuits for the bsoksiocs OF ITS OWN WKIOItT IN* SILVER, ami wis ttu.s soiled Jesuit/ Powder. In 1C:» Sir Joim Talbot em- ployed It with great success ia France, la the treat- :?t of Fever artl Arne, Dv^-popN>r von’ ,’jrjc ;r.5. Loss of ippttile, vriMkscsa anti Debility, Palpi- Llon of the Heart, L‘i Er.jrTJsh Powders; ard !u IGT? In ?old tin secret of its origin ;o Loris XTV. by -shorn it was dimmed. It Is cow a standard remedy in all Pharmacoptcla, and Is implored In preparlcg the Plantation Bitters, Cn&xosnxz Flowers. for enfeebled digestion Wisteborees - , valuable for Scrofula. RUeumatisui. r.Bd Nclrotic Affections:;dhr Flowers, aro- ir.stic, stimulant and tonic, highly Invigorating In ner vous Debility; Atasn. an aromatic carminative, croa- Sing Cteli, it tssclo, and milt. Huch used In nursing. Another ingredient of remarkable and wonderful •Irtue caid In the preparation of these Bitters, ij a na. 1 re cf Brazil, and as yet unknown to the commerce of he world. ASpanlshwritersayß: * • • “administered with St. Croix Hum. never ails to r*jievs nervous tremor. wakcf«iaca«.dlsturijed •lec?.*c., ard that it 1? u=cd - with great elfcct hv ill} i'.razllum?, Spanish, und Peruvian liilc* to helcbt-n .h'.-'r cotor nr.u beaut r. it imparts chccrtulit*.* to the lispcshi- 3. vigor to the appetite, and brilliancy to the tomplexisn.” • We withhold Its name from tbs public fc-r the pres- To the above arc added Clove Buds, Orange, Cana fey, Coriander. Snake Scot, Ac., all preserved In per- loctlypute S#. Croix Sum: Tit? tonic properlleF ot St. Croix Rum, and Its pow erfallnrigoratlng effects have been. long knovn to the pin Plciacs of tie world. Bilious, Intermittent ami Chill Fevers, engendered by the change of wat;r and diet of travelers, particu larly upon western rivers, arc prevented and cured by Hie Plantation Bitters. They are also reliable to pre vent eea sickness. "Esteemed Friend: Wilt thou send me another dozen of tliy Bitten:? Nothlss has proven so bene drird to jny invalid wi.e or myself, as the Plantation Bitters. Tby friend, - Howland.” . K.B.—Thesccrct of tbs Immense sale of the Planta tion Bitters, Istbelr ccakanteed quautt. The St. Croix Bum, and every article used, is warranted per ftctlypure.andtbc money will be returned if not aa represented. The Plantation Bitters are put up in unique quart bottles, and sold by all respectable Druggists, Grocers, Hotels and Restanrants throughout the world. Be particular that every bottle bears the fac simile ol the proprietors’signature. P. H. DRAKE & 00„ 202 Broadway, N. Y. EMPBOVE9 MELODIOUS. Warranted lor Five Year*. Ibe eldest stabllatuseat in tho United States. eas> ploying 20t* *»*■», and flmahtag bO Instruments per wseX siaufariory. cor. of Saryland & Slagare sts. s WHOLESALE DEPOTS. Fulton street... ...New fork. 45 Lake street Chicago. WHOXiSSiLZiE AXSrSSSTCS* Scary Tolmaa & Co >T. F. Colburn. dalaisr & Weber.... /ames Scl'ak ACocse SU ?. Werteia .... A&s. tfordhsimer. Persons unacquainted with the ldcic<lc-*»n and its iistcry, will tear la mind that we are the uloaocru and -csdlag mjinsiectsrers, not only in the United States, ant in the world. We commences the manufacture »« delodeoaslnthefellor the Te»rt?t7. and slut* that ■.tsce have finished ani sold TWZNTT-SEVEN THOU SANDS, These instruments are now in use mostly in :he United States and Canada, but also in Enrocs, tela. Africa. South America, and the Wer-t Indies and from all these quarters we have toe most flattens srtes imnnial? ofthe blah esttmatlcn In which, they are head. At all indascxial Exiilbitlons eiiey save invariably ?>een awarded tbe filgheiitPreminmwUencver cxh&lfcd. In competition witia others* We shall take pleasure in forwarding by mail (at am own expense) our Illustrated Catalogue, in which ev& ,*y lustrumcntwe manufacinralo fully described, and illustrated by elegant engravings. Ail Mcloceons of onr manufacture, either sold ’jy ui )? dealers In any part of the United State* or CrjiadA ire warranted to be perfect In every respect, and Oiould any repairs be necessary before ms expiration ii five years from date of safe, we hold ready and willing to make tbe same free of charge, provided b s injury is not caused by accident ex desgM. Agents for the sale of our Hciodeons may be round nail tbe principal townfc eft* s * United, Steles and Jsnada. Address either S£o. A. PRINCE & CO, Buffalo, N. Y. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., S7 Fulton at., K. Y GEO. A PRINCE *00..4S Lake sh, Chicago. Or cither of tht above, wtolessle agents. apISpMS-13 ' Jn* 4_ ' STAKDASO ‘/■ ' . SCALE SI /fIOF ALL SZHD3. TBiftasfcSyGm&lest&Co., ' .. IT2 street, Chicago-. ,| ••’ Dyspepsia, Rochester. December JSth.iSfil. Baatfelioa, larrfcoii. &c.. under the name of S. T.—lS6O-X. tSTiat Others Say; ‘ Philadelphia*, li t month, 16th day, 1562. [OC2I-Tll?-lmTT*Sj jmriobeotts. QUFFAIO, N. X, .Boston, Us». ...Ciaclnafttl,o. ..Bt.Lonli.aic. .Philadelphia. , J>2tJOlt,2diCh ...Hew Oilcan*. .Toronto. 0. 7?, Scales FAIB.3ASKS’ Cotnmtgstan IHmtants. jyjOULTON & CO., PRODUCE COMSUSBIOK HEBCHAHIS, For the sale and purchase oi Floor, Grain. Seedi. Bottar. Cneese-Egcs. FrtUß. Hides and Provisions. novM-xtsa 8m 344 take st. ft 2ffi 8. Water 8t .Chicago. Bat.i co. !, LAWRENCE & 6ESEEAICOMMISSIONMERCHANTS, Ko. 7 Board of Trade Buildings. Chicago. HUnotS. DAVID BAJ.LSKUNB, mnntri, niT.T.iHTnr» L BXUJAiUN F, LLWMNCZ. XDWABD T. LAWRENCE. [ocli-ySSSSm] JJ.BEET E. NEELY, peoduce commission merchant, rM&iS°TnS!sft ■'V.tor atrest, (comer o! FranSim) emcago. Citnois. ocU-vStr-Sin HOWES, COHMSSION BIEBCH 3ll!T, No. 17S South. Water St- Chicago. [oclj-vM-Sm] M. TURLAT & CO,, CO3CSISSION ICEKCHAST3, And dealers in gorglmm. delO'ftl-l? 179 South Water street, Chicago, J. HOAGLAND, A. CO2S3HSSI9J* HEKCHAST, CHICAGO ILLINOIS, Liberal advances made on property coffiianed to ?HARE & THORP. New I'oTb. Petsb COOi*2B, Esq.. New Yorfe. Geo. 2. Coe. Ksq.. Fres’c Am. Excaar ee Bans. V. T. A-HTiiorr tf atattt, Cash’r Tradesman'sßank, N. T, gTILES, BREWSTiiR & CO* CO323n§SION MPRCHINT3, Office r-nd Warehouse No. 255 South Water street and No. 2 Fraiklin utreat Liberal consignments. oclo-r2il3in & CHILD, PRODUCE COHMISHSH MSSCHdIiTS. No. U Watsr street, New York. Hxf EEKNCKS: —Goodrich, wir srd & St Louis, Mo.: J. 11. Ogksnr E?q,.dc.: Aloas l Child, F«c..New Tors city; k. j> Fav. Jr., Boston-, sUs\: Wizard A Clffic, Cli'Cieo TIL; Un*n .t Scot, do.; Ogl-shy/fc Mao sOifti. New Orleans, La.; Corn Exchange BaaV. New York City. od uSfW-em J. AZzx/ifroHEtz. • - n>. alqnzo emu). STEVTAHT & CO., GENERAL rOKKiSSIOH ISS3CHAKT3, 154K Sooth Water Street, CUlea^oi fiCod-uiWMJin Post Office Sox 576. EERCH4NTS, Particular attention plvcn to order? for ?ioar. Grain Llbe-al advances mad*' 03 to Bufia'o. I‘orlc. Boston and Mor treat* and St south, s. - [sr-d> ns-5-i-] r. e. gire^. Xy ILLI aM little & GO., COSEUUSSXOS IfittitCUiLKTS, For tn* purchase and sale of ITfcOUB. GK&IN. SEe.D£, POlUx. L-V.iiJ. BUTTES, BROOM COHN, *t. Warehouse. No. lil South Water strert. William ixmx. 3?efi-nY2tV3ml gap, a. backs*. fyivDEBVPOOD & GO., GENESAT. CO2SMISSION HEECEAKTS. OFFICE and W.IK£I!OU:*R—IST South Water-st.,op "I’.ciirtl ol Trade” Bu;I;Jlue. jcMy •p. l. ■cvr-icawooD. “ s.l. vjosbv-'ood. UHN- TT. rx'DXItWiVD, MOESK & CO., PSOPTJCS COK2IISSIO2f 2CSECHASTS, No- IS6 south Writer street, (Aiken’s Building.) Chicago. luaxoip. SSf* - Business confined nrictly to Coaml<L»ion- <ra Laua; £5. YABSVOUU, COiTJIffiISSIOS I3BHC7UNT, No. S Pomerovs Building. corner Clara and South V.*ulerstre; te. Chicago. P. O. PoxHil. vlnslnw coniine rt strtutly to Commission. ntv‘!S tSSioia p&swsr, l & O cootisssion tas2fi*cnu.wX3 % ;sy South l v ht ;r street, Chicago. Id. Liberal adraucej made on prop-'::v In r-:orc. r;;—Cooicy, Farwcll & Co„ G.C, C ; nv. I’fielpr A On. •u>s.E. >af.t7sll. [niv4i-r’i'MT , l envF.ox FAT.vnar* JOSEPH H. TUCKER & CO, OZSSBAI.- COSHISsXO? KZECHASXS, So. SI«o:»rrtof Trmls* UntuHur, South W«tsr street, Chicago. ill. Oxirbremesa btiucrty and HXcUJsivitt.T ccain»>siot. jas u.TixiUiit. tJKO. a. umua. jy;.>tc^s-0u: O/TC/LIAMS &HQU&HTJBLINO, y * COKi-fli-SION MHil'-IHAITTS, Kc. South f?f>rersirpi*'. word doo~ wpi tci VTells street oiiace. tivc tlieir exclusive attention to the tale and ptjrrfcuH sf all Smite or Produce, Slock, n5.,5 j Ccmmteelos ■issh advance* on tills of ladlcf md property!*? rtore. Kei>r tr» t;eorve -fc Cc„ aforinr EunS.aad Steal S «*o. , t - z. Qeiw-iyj tv. g. aouggrgt-'nfa. ifITBEY NELSON & CO., i.-x ’To. 2i4 south Water street, ?lve their exclusive attention to the purchase, sale, and m-akimr cash advances on Grain, ilonr Provision*. ucd Produce of f.U hind; - , Frtii A C0(»??IISSI05, inninr ktlson. x. u, stctsss. pEDFOKD, MKKEDITH & CO., sicLVHXVS CCaIMISSICJF SSXSUHASTS, 7or the purchase and sale of Pork, Stock, Floor, Grata, itui Produce general!?, Ko. W and 233 South Watai •trem. Chicago, 111. lalT-ly QAVtVEH, WALLACE & CO, X.) 47 Brosc street. New fork. .'idvnfcsca tm-'ie oa Coas‘Rura«nte tcv tie atova Urns UT* Tnbi. AITCHIS'JiT, Jr. Agea:. 55S ttdfitta Watw 3t:oot, t!a‘.~~go. mfrvaaafr-iy IVI B. NICHOLS Se CO. lusva .OrJ*.« opened. at if-3 Sooth Water street, Chicago, a 9ejiRTSJ Cotzailsslon Soius. lor the purchase ar.d *ala cf Gnuo. Hour, l*rovisio«, Sc» »aa solicit coaelun •r.ents siiu orders. To oenjes accessible to Milwcnfcec is well aa Chicago, Iz c.onneciio’i wilt their Milwaukee ‘• TC&holsTßritt&Ca* think U»cr on give czei *cp?nor C-ipis'eMy V. S. niGHOZf O. *. SKIT?. E. i. E'fraoT^ M. & GO.) TLBK South vaster Street. ‘aj»S9-^»yc-iy UPDIKE & 00,, Or comnisstosf re svt£r*is.ft r jfs, Ho. i-i LaSalle strict, Chicago. aJANAIID, OIL3E2T & C*.)„ He. SCltrJJclTdlnj-t, i%. Lonla. ioTi« ''My a. j. c-LL3aRT. o. 7T. trcorss. «. r ? . p-a-xtasp. BROTHKBSj " 'COfflf'WiSSft'tON SUSRC*£&fTra« ifo.s Tomeroya Blecfi. comer Booth Water and Clarl ■erects, Chicago. Advance* made 02 cooelgnmeaU. y.y.asirynr. fmh2>a3-iy3 A.e^ona. £EMON GALE & CO., General Commission ?lorcltanls, 6>o. 11 Dole’s Bnilfilag. corner Clart and South Water etreets. Chicago. DU 53?* EiiF-intes conlined etrictiy to Commission. Efcll-U»ls-»Q1-T.SAX 1 gICB FAY & CO. COIIOETSS102? BIZ»OX£AHXS t j*o. 12 Laa&Ue street. Chicago, DL p. O, Box IKS. H‘ye their exclusive attentlca to the purchase acc isle of Flour, Grain and other Prodace, oq Commission, arm ?<-?. fsnarfil-lvl jas. h. Tmopwaarg. IBacDinerg, jDafatuarg, Sex. g A. 9 T< B Manufacturing Company. DO YOU WANT mm ENGINES OR SCitEHS, GOIIE’S PATENT HAY PRESS. PATENT SUGAR CaNS SELLS, LATENT STEAM COIL BVAPORATOSg PATENT FIRE EVAPORATORS. TATSNT STAMP 2GLL3, —yoE Jteftk 3ri«kois9B!!iW. SEftili FOR ClßuuiiflA^i 171 th Oct] and Descriptions, prices, etc* etc. Baw Mills, Flonriiig Mills. And Machinery or all description. 33CST3? FOE OIRCULAHB. W. GATES, Piesiisst, CHICACV. SLT,. fc3—aecata -ranted everywhere. xe36-ni*s4ydiV JBOE, STEEL Heavy Hardware, HALL, KIK3AB.E & CO., 193 & 195 Sonth Water-St., Chicago. Importers, Manufacturer? aadßaalera la IB ON AKD STEEL, NAILS, NOBWAY KAIL EQDS. Horse cheesy Horse Kails, Fats. Washers, Hlvct?. Bolted WOOS M&TERIALS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES. BKKT STOCK, io. ILANTTACTtrCEBS OP DCStOTEO TTiimLle Skeins and Boxes, BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS. EOT AIB. FUEMAOE. F&r Ecatlac Dwellings, Faille Hall« t Siores, Clitircaes, dtc. We votild advice ail to vant of the beat HeaUig. Furnace to call a£ 105 IiASLE STREET, Aai examine the above, which tre vamnt.fbr data bdlty and ccononxy. snperiorto any In the West, atwaa factored and sold atldiLale street, three doorajgest of Wells street, ta SBAVST * CO. ______ ©roeerics- OKA HHDS. HTEW OiILEAKS faa half gets, teas— & OUU fan swoTtmcnt of nev crop Graojajsad all grades of Tseng llrson, Hrecr EITKISr & HSKKZT * T1 South Water atroat- r/m BAGS COB'FES.—Bio.Mar t) \J v acalbo and Coats Elea, fill to prime, ant? BigßßdlDrMaeb| Eflos& rITK;IN - b haNKBT/ • 71 South w&tsr street COAP, CANDLES AHB SALE- O PATHS., „ 3,M . 2.003 iasfi stir CaeuHos. • . 2.0(» tiusn Saie'.olas. BMisaisi 4 kiiomS, taaatnaos. CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAIL KJ BOAD LINE, Gate St Louis, Alton, ft Chicago Railroad. Vinter Arrangement-**! S 62-3. Twojnironghßxpress Trains leave Clilcaso, frOB West Side Union Depot. aatollows: JhOO A.lL—DaUy (except Sundays.) 3D15 P.M.—■ Dally (except Saturdays.) Trains arrive at Cblcag» at WO A. li. and WO P. Ml . Joliet and Wilmington Accommodation leaves cago at SSO P- M. duly- except Sundays. C. H. ALLEN, General Superintendent C. N. Pbatt, Passenger Agent. By g ILLINOIS CENTRAL SAIL. X EOAD, On and after Sunday. Nov. 23rd, trains wßl'leavt from the Great Central Depot aafoDows : &4S a. m. (Sundays excepted.) arriving at PeorlAai S-.30 p. m.; Logacrporr at ihiC* p. m.; Decatur at 302 p. m.; Springfield at 4:t» p. m.; Naples 7SJS p. m.: Quin cy 11*3 p. m.; Vincennes ICS2O p- m.; StLoaiswap. m. ; Terre Haute &I oa. m.; Cairo &S5 a. m. 9.1-0 p. m. (Saturday exceptedj arriving at St LouK SSSp.m.; Terre Haute 9:25 p.m.; Vincennes L22pxx? Evansville SJO p.m.. Cairo 11:40 a. m. Oa Satnrdaysatrelnwillbe run to Urhana, leaving Chicago at 4:15 p m. Tram s am ve at Chicago at 7xo a. m. and 1W» p. m, S eeplac Car? on Nicht Trains. Baggage checked!® all Important point?. For tickets and information apply at the office In t&g Great Central Depot FOR HYDE TASK AND WOOD LAW3T. Trains leave Chicago: Leave Wood Lawn Cl io a. m. 7:25 a. a. 12*0 ra. hoo p. ta 5.:S p. m, 6:40 p. a. _ _ w. S. AETHTIi. GenT Supt W, P. J OHN SON, GenT Passenger Agent ASDP.OGK TST, Afir> V/ ZIA JItROAD.-—W liTg AuT-iyrTran?. Trains leave Chicago, Day Express *ndhaalL 19-40 j v. Night Fmrees, 11:15 p. sl; Joliet Accommodation. p. JAjTnrotgh Trains arrive at 5:i5 a ji sad6M»- t; Jcllet Accommodation errivtu »t 10:15 a_ x. JOSKF.TBACT.G-sTSuaN AiSO NORTHVFSST v* , EUN RAILWAY. On nnd after Thursday. Nor. aota, 1352. tralanrfll DEPART AT' Dus A.M. (Sacdays excepted) Day Express fcr aX points. (Sundays excepted) Way Passenger for Kctklord. UeloltuhclJ:iLcx«iile. ' UJS P. M. (Saterday excepted) Night Passenger, tor JaupsTDla. Lacrosse, Fcnu dc Lac. oshfraft and Green Bay. A (SUITE AT o:?jP. Day fixpresa. 12J0P.S ..Janesville Accommod-.tios. _ „ GEO. L &spf. S. Ds Wrr? KcapfsoN. Gen. Ticket Agent, octtlg Y-lICHIC-AK SOUTHS fiN A STD XTX LAKESaPBEBAILKOAD—Cir^^SEOFTOB, On and Mtcr SUNDAY. Nev.ifith. and tmtlllnrtaar notxe. trams will leave Chicago &\ follows: 5.-C0 A. if. —MAIL, via OM Soad. for Toledo and Dg (cxcep: aQmk'.s) G:3O A. If.—NEW VO UK. EX t*RSSS. vU Old Alr-Llna, for Tolsdoandall points East, dajy {es- cert SanaayM 7.-C0 P. iI.—NDtH r EXPRESS, for Toledo. F;‘.t*ha-»h. andthv E -t. d.aily (cice )t Setip* ddv?) Train* anlve in Chicago at 10;00 A. SL. P. w, and iidju i*, it, CETBOIT MNK Leave£ts^oA_M,«l7.-O(Tp. t!& Adrian, cotvr.ect-ng ~Tth Can»d ; an Lines. Arrive-2 Oh!Bago nr 0-j* A .M. :il.l 11.00 P. if. Lnxnnou* s!eei>ia£ 0;m cn N:gr-t Train* ran h». tweea Cimras. »utj Cleveland, and Chicago sal De troit, widest cU^ritc. Through Tickets c*a he claim'd at the Co-Briny** DtSoe. 501 lari street, under t‘-e Sncrnisa House, oc at ;t e Ttepoc. corner nf Vaa Hurt a a:M Sbcrmaa-at JOHN I». CAMPPEH, siAV.-yEtL g p |. ¥ "" .t/rICHSSAIT CEHTSAL- SAI& i»X 80AD. KI'GDAND AND TEE CAN AD AIL gamut niter SUNIJAY, Ncv.wth,li&i,Trains iarai ;iie t»re&: Cectml Union Depot, toot OJ I*Sa JoUovrt: G:‘cO A. St—(Sxsept dun-lay,* nrrsPe* at Detroit s; s*» t.M..Suspension Hnuso at«.;• Scv V*» (WF.M^Ofr 6rfs r. M.—(Kscept Gaitruay;. »mTes as Detroit at $Ji A- 1«L 5 uapsuslou,Gnaw i»us F. iL, Altfe«» g|j£ *• sow Tors Itu a. u. boisos . Cincinnati friiaa via m. C. Kinross leave Clueaeo 13 • oil A.sL sl£J. IfHLI, (>.!.■» t\ Si.F*sr £ipr&w;amiraia -i-rf JO at IC.'.j A. if. c a-'.lirprcs?. and W:M 13d. aiftli iialn. * Tilt 6;i5 2r. M. Train itAtinit C&lcaxu run* (&TOOO U CinclhSHtl iritjioat ccanpe ji c»rs cr &a.cga*a. Kuttun'c Patent Vettliuicrf are nit on Day Sssrafi Ttriat Fsicnt Sleeping Cur? on all travat !&”JBaaps«c CbecScd Tlr3a:jb..jKl rssort-j? Twaxh fertile in ail nnanpai SaUrttaa udceeintceVnibt, attiwii-ienorjAOu'caL corner md DcnrAota (cs*Ljt taoTrojiiVit Ec£ms.) iSfi *ago, ar.A at Uia Depot. R. it. Genera* U. E. SAUGEST. lUn-l Ag’c. 4.jn\ oiiiTii. Weal am Pma _ CHICAGO AKP MILWAUKEE XJ ftALLHOAB. ?C5 MiI.—AUjTXX, I_L VT.u*ey. ST. ?Ad GSOTSit, etH, osir, oro^iHATsPolnts. ija Alter MONOaV, Nov. iTui*. ly*i I'm-*-:i,»t Trains tnll l=u ve the Depot, copier of AV'cs; k-tna»„ Cana, streets, (Snndsn executed.; aatollorra* CttfEgger Trains nrrlya at Chlcs-oaill a. U and. *y£,* : .*V A3r acccmm' UAtrcii iV-m ifcsrw CMca«« .t *:CC tl„ asu arrives ,*t Chicago at 3:S jA. H. 8. C. iiALDiytjf. SnpariatendßEW pHICAGO, BIJULUfeTOH » <S qrLNCT BAIUBIAD. p.i«e’'sr-r Tra,'-« li-.ive and arrive at Chicago aa fo!- [ow*.—uay KxpressS leaves at 1 wn A. M. and arrives aft •-: 0 ]'. M.. (Minuays excepted); jUahl Exnreau leave* at V rUUA M. (Saturn v-excepted) .'arrivesat 1:15 AM. ' s v?,!*;^V; ic ‘-F;vd.> Aurora AccoannouatJanleaias VJ: ' -1. 11 end at I'ata A. M, tSiinuaru e_. cepied. ) C.G. UAHMOyp. b-'.yt. 1?ATII> CU2A, FT. WAYK%> JL UiliCiOO^Y. Pawner Trains leave the Depot, comer c 2 S&6 • C •jt's Conii streftt*. caicfigo, dsiiy k "• r n a~ M- FI2T Line, {except SandaysJ 6;f V. M. Bight Knrreai. (ascent Sacuri&xtfL; **o It 1L Arnorrrsodstwn foi t'a-paratßo Arrive at Chicago at !(;:■>* a. if aai2J^9P.Ji, Jorßostss, Bew Terk, ?fcilade!pai-- SAKracfsa, w£ss*in?t:T#K. H«r2*flHKg and Pfcteiai^a &iiv—SO* AABaKT, •DTSKtItL, GISTTTv, F' * Coiwb% Cmoaraa-Tt, Datpob, iu*l cil Interrelate iJUr.OAj . civresii Chlcaxe e**- the cldcs above named. 6,6Cslnn Cks on ulshi traine, and hsrsan rrj rcute checked through to all Eastern Cities!* But one change of can between Chicago aci o.lT«c> •la Allentown on train leaving Chicago ut 6:39 P. AST Tickets for sale ut the principal Ticket Oocos ta tti t?««w at the Company’s Orica, come.- of *** Dearborn meats, ana at the Union Depot. jPOIANGE OF TTXI3 OST A^D AFiEHI»OVEXiB£i:iCiIi.ISSe. UiMGTSS&TJ ASS OHICAG© &r&-r,nrs saujusasi, > U ! 3 ffrorttrt Home to Claciasms. iktfzsa polls and Loal*v:ils. ** . DRAINS .ICRV* w»lt CMS TTnIOT Oti*s2 »!ail7.ualcuQga; 7.C0 A. SL-Dsy Bspras.cadKali <Boaaftr* TOXXptStA R.S3P.H. Night Zx7fec*s {Eiturawys cxceplvtL# Attire at Cincinnati at 7.45 ±. a. tad S£b p a. aocmsss CosirsOTioss—Atlndi&oesoiieioff jF»sam Un. ColasnDw,,Kadißoa. Lawrenccfccts, Je&rtCATna iac all points In Central and ?onta**u Icilaiii • nlsc <5? LoniFTli'e, Frankfort. Islington. sudaH p C !sh sc vSS. EAsmm* coHinscmoK»—AtAa«!*ir»os.aa«itUctooiS' “‘’B Connections at Cincinnati lor K«nni«g. Marr./M9 ParSerafcnrK. and point# on the Ohio RiTar rorougL uuhets by thl£ Use can oa obtained £i ail principal Railroad Offlces in the Northrrent. and at tm Company's Office. No. 133 Kaacoiph street C3tlcaaS fnr»Qor tnp fihorroftn HOUSO.J JOHN PHAND*?, Gen. Bnp- Richmnarf. >m. . CHAR FOLLETT, Gen. Ticket Agent. Chiracs, ins eat; A. LEWIS. Wea-a Para.'Agait. OUlcsscT Fortr i-iiios v 1862. THE 18SS. KSSSSfmSU. CSRTML S, aj SS6 Titles ConMe Trs«K, (with its ccanectJoai. O A FIHST-CLASS KOUTE, FOB SAFETY. COMFORT &B9 iSrtXi& •Xo all tjie Ea>!eim CUfest TEE TRACK ZS STOfHJ BKT.t.l—w AND ENTESELY YHES FBOU DDITI TEHEE DAILY IEAIKB FBOK PITTSBITEBS TO ?HUiADEL?HES (with clew connection* tom ATX CONNECTING DIRECT TOHBW YQ33 THROUGH ?HiIAB£LPSiU, And clow connections at erxlahurjrt. tor A.N& WASKUHCtaSJ FROM PrrrSBUEQH TO SEW IOS Osetral runs dally <43omiles,) fia, ALLENTOWN, WITHOUT CHANGE OW Arriflas ia «d?snc* of «H otter <oata% SIGHT DAILY TEAIS3 FBCK FSILiDELFHIA X® NSW Y@@S£ Sickat. far Sals ts Santas by Boat itOMlmmi Boat Tickets good oa any cl the sound Usee. »ABE TO ALL POEIIS ABLQW &2 ASY ESTEPS ®3UEE3PnV<3-' S3j3IS»S OH SIGHT TRAINS in SEW TOSS S 862,^8488 faggags checked thbougs assd s®aK2 FBBRSI> g£Ra, fT Tal? 30UW Fralcbts « s5 deacnpacufrCSA tvr *». warded to and iron: Phnaceijstla. Sew Tori jjesfcS cr3aumftre,to.aadiroa*e2i »olnt on toe EaaMurt : of ouio, Sr-otocsy, iodises, Illinois, Wtocoaata. xntr or 'Missouri. st r*.Arr.soAi> ptnecg. The Pennsylvania Central Ball Bead irso coosestl 3 Ftttebnrgh with Steamers, by which Goods caa to '*Oi warded to any part on the Ohio. Hasislnksm. KC! mcliy, Tennessee. Cumberland. XUicoif, Mlssfcssos? W!*coc3'3, Missouri, Kansas, Ar'sscsaa ardlied a?c?i and at Cleveland, SAEdauhy aert Ctlc.igt» wja> S?®S& era to aU Forts on the Forta->r eaten lose*. alerrhsnti and Shippers entmsVjjj: traesec r ‘i. Son of their Freight to t'ula Company, r&s rwlg confidence on Itaepeertvtranelt. THBEATESof freight to snd-frmc aa?»es.» -.a tec "West by the Pennsylvania Central BaSlS^t. i 53 AT AIX T7K2S">S •' VTTRASiaB AC AS3 fcj OTHER HAIL EOA2J fiOjCUTOSS. " ‘ nartlcoMf rae p«£s»os H TTAFlfnv? CENTRAL A B. For Freight Contracts <rr SIilpoto» SMrecKoaa, **i£f 5® or Rdd?p?c eitoer o? «% sr^a nosttaos. ... CULKITC & CO.. Chicago, lUlnais. I>. A. STEWAKT, FrelgGv Agent Pltsarwrt. CLAHKE & GO- Trsnrfer Ageaf*. FttU*uafc, H, W.BHOWF* CO- Oisclns*ft Ohio. ~ ii G a C'C- iir-disea, JOdlesC. J.E.WOOSF. Lotdß, , Vf.lV AIKMAK&CC‘-.LtsbS7lJo,lr£. 3. ? St HO. _ W. H. % B. L. GaCipOUa., C.F NEAR. yirjil^a. BALL* CO- Marietta Ohio, v ’« viEHOE sj-O, canesvllis, Ctds, ■a-noWELL_& ForttfMGagb. »«=,. R tfaVKKLT. feays*2itK?. ***' j F. JORNSOF. Jtlploy. Ohio. JOSH TODIX CovOigtcr- Kv. S. L. BEATOK. Ct<tv«KaS. Ohio. JsarasaeH jßCTßrsMdFannsn •will an' IJU .„ attention la Mid to their v ?xil! uzoi? TTifl be faced every r - rboiee Is oifrrrv jMiyMlfßee lor iwillngtt^ of the imADmraii.' *ii » nS*SS b“ KlnSHiSa Tltli f=w« dunes, tt S SKrfS?- AHraVJwal-cssi ENOCH LEWIS. F Jn FT. f*£IE'AA 3s CHICAGO UNIOR VX BAT ~EnAT2.—WrsTP-K ABSISSXSSR, 7 On an**, aft® MOKDAT, Kot. Z4U».IgSJ, txi!« W? ifavew Depot e» follows, Bnadsysenßepted -11 A.>/.«adii:So P. rrca port. sfßStCß.Geia3a, Bmdetth, Bnteuraa, rad last' points; 303 A. M.aadaiiQp.jbL, tormxdik * jlo, FnltoovCedax KapLdSi rad tetermofiat* jrotrtr £B3F.K-forEgia.Beivldera. Boehferd. aadCitaayjK dJatopoints;sre F. 55- for Sene?*, rad points. FaeecngeraforßeldtsadJstteeTfflajroWß aidl-uDP.H.trtln Fa«en*«»tt*Cr, "f hi tjW Vt aenrf. Slctaitnd. Genera lat* ef i* Sim ediatd Aotote, Will taire the iKP.H, trel*. . 6.n.VßßEssSi«a.reaeEßA<tM l » UTS 830f jg^