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Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1860-1864, June 08, 1864, Image 2

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WEDNESDAT, .juke 8, 1864,
wmt' bo Tng^ctrnißUH
'Tbens will lie •o chti ( -« 1« lb. >oim<nl
o' tho wtrunlCTMli.rT.h.U be a ebeett U tb.
admlbletrttlba of tte reTSUant. jtV&jJS
Mr. LlnraiTn U U &cn» the ecwßeum oitiSe
war nntfl financial explosion andezteoetlaa
crpmtp shall tie*# Tm£
• InreHcbumidAßdAtimte li-sot t»*«QW»t3»
Tebollloii. To capture the armies of Lee ui John
■too I*cot to snhdae the rebellion.,. All, me vhe
to boldwtom la rabjectlon iSlwqolre aSS
aewlr «*jTO«nd as-eomly ee. tW wtf* will
have marched imte Ihe relief 0000117. -
We clip the above from a Northern- rebel
paper. It U Vlhir *»npje •t Copperiwe*-
ism. It demands •Imply a- chang*. A
change to whet 7 Ne answer. We demand
of the Copperheads an aniwsr to this quee*’
lion. What wonld yon, If yon had tie pow
er—lfMr. Lincoln and all thoee who held
office underhim etaomld resign, and If Val
landigham, Fernando Wood, or Seymour,
conld take his place, and fill every raented
office from Preaidant down to Tillage Po#fr
master with Copperheads—lf all tbit power
were given yon, mUa woM you <2#A
Ton would hare a change! To what
To a more rigorous prosecution of the war?
Suggest In what way the war conld be pros
ecuted more rigorously ? Are mot all the
moans which, In spite of your opposition, the
government has heeen able to get, plaeed at
the disposal of our ©ountry’s greatest and
most eucoeesfnl chieftain, to do with as he
will* Would you rsmort Grant? If not
would you not giro him, as Mr. Lincoln
does, lull swing In pluming and eoaduetlng
his operations, or would you hamper him ?
State your policy. Ton find fault! What
do you want don# towards a mors rigorous
prosecution of the war ? What means would
yon use which hare not been used ?
On the other hand, weald you make peace ?
How, pray? Hare yon ever had the slight
est intimation from any prominent or repre
sentative rebel that the rebels wonld even
negotiate with yon upon the basis of their
peaceful submission to the Constitution ?
Have you any assurance that yon conld in
duce them to dissolve their Government,
Jclf. Davis to resign, tneir congress to go
Lome, Lee and Johnston ie disband their
armies, and the whole rebel Confederacy,
with its military and naval strength, to sus
tain which they have fought so savagely and
and suffered so severely for three years to
melt away Into air and “ vanish like the
baseless fabric of a vision,” because the
United States, which thsy regard as a separate
Government, ahall have changed Presidents ?
If these are your hopes, on what do you bass
them?. If you bsse them on nothing— noM
kothikc whatever—do yen ask this na
tion to give up all that three years of bitter
but victorious war have won, lor this same
“nothing” of yours?
Would yon then make peace on the rebels’
own terms, by recognizing the Confederacy ?
Perhaps you wonld still eay, “ No, wc wonld
<k'tlarc a truce and negotiate.” But do yon
not seo that negotiation is recognition ? Ne
gotiation with whom, pray ? With Jefferson
Davis, Eobert H Lee, and P. G. T. Beaure
gard ? Who are they that the United States
should negotiate with them more than with
Gov. Seymour or Gov. Tates, except as sub
jects or citizens? If the Government nego
tiates, it must do so with the Confederacy,
which an and by the veay act of negotiation
It recognizee as a foreign power, capable of
making a treaty of peace and of having made
war. The only mode by which the indepen
dence of nation* is recognized bj others is
by “ negotiating” with them as such. Nego
tiation and truce, therefore, mean recogni
tion 0
Bnt what’would be the essentials to a trace
or cessation of hostilities. The blockade
of the Southern coast la a most active hos-
tility. There conld be no cessstlon of hos
tilities without withdrawing onr vessels
from the blockade, thereby opening the
Scuthera porta to the commerce of the
world, giving tha rebels an opportunity to
sell their cotton In Europe, and to receive
arms and goods In return, ample for years
more of war; at the same time raising the
Confederate slock above par, and ieeutlng
ample means oa similar secnritlea for the
future. Would the rebels he more likely to
submit after having obtained these over
whelming advantages than now? Are three
the “ chonges” yon would make ?
But tills could not be all. The mainten
ance of our armies in tbs midst of the South
is inconsistent with a cessation of hostilities.
Thcj would have to be withdrawn at lout
to Missouri and Kentucky at the West, and
to Maryland at the Bast, if no farther. As
Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, are deem
ed by the rebels to belong to their Con
federacy, they would doubtless demand as
yiart of the “ negotiation,” the withdrawal
of our forces from these States also, so as to
leave the people thereof free to vote for the
Union or for Secession. What that means
tre ail know. The rebel armies would send
Berne the regiments recruited in those States
to browbeat, bully and light their States
Into the- Confederacy, “ squelching” all
Unionism under the hated'epithets of •• Abo
litionism” and “Idacolnism” and reducing
the Border States to the vilest civil war, end
ing with a forced or fraudulent vote foraeces-
16 there any other line of separation, than
the line of alareiy? If so, where ii It?
Stark it out. Copperheads, and give ns as
strong reasons for adopting toot line as we
have given yon for that which wo belisro
would hare to be the line—the Ohio, the
Potomac and the northern boundary of Mis
souri- Are these the changes yon eosk, Cop
perheads? Ton find fault. But we hare
the right to know jour poltcj, if jon hare
cot one, and if jon hare none, dececcj re
quires jon to keep silence. Do jou want a
peace upon the basis of recognizing the in
dependence of the Southern Confederacj,
and running the boundary on the line be-
tween slavcrj and freedom? Would jon
surrender two-thirds of the territory occu
pied by the States of this Union to Jett
Davis, leaving the Union the remaining
third to retire upon—after all its vletoriesia
the field, cowed, whipped, demoralized, dis
graced and defeated—by negotiation? Is
that tho changa yon aeek ?
If these rebels would not keep the peace
with ne when they controlled onr conhclle
do yon expect them to do so when they do
not? If Northern Coppcrheadsllke reman
do Wood plotted to: get portloni ml
the North to join their destinies with the re
bellion when It was la its feabie Infsncv, will
they cease to do at when it shell have become
an established nation ? la this a part of the
desired change which yon seek, bnt dare net
define? As yon now plot for rebel emecese,
"Will yon then plot lor annexation to retd
dom? If you fell by other meane, will yon
cell on the Confederacy to fight for the anb
jugatlon of yonr political enemies? Does
wot tho acknowledgement of the principle of
eeceeelon In one Instance practically destroy
the Union as to all the Ststes? Can the gov
ernment compel Milne or California to hi
bound when It ean no longer compel Booth
Carolina or Virginia ? Are there no elements
of war between the Northern State* then-
Bd?en, and between them and the Confedera
cj. in this “peace pollcj” of your*? And each
& warfarejonce commenced ean jon tell where
it would end? If wo can bardij subdue the
South now, could we hope to after theoo
changes of jonn had been instituted ? Tfe
liave but named the couraee jon must pureue
if JOU would hare “ change.” What do they
all result in, but to fill tho United State*
with the overwhelming disaster* undor which
the rebel Confederaoj now groans. Tour
change then, would be to lift up the rebel* to
our condition aad lower us to their*. For
tunate it is for jou that jou hare not the
power to effect any of the*e- “change*,”
Look, poor fool* and hypocrite*, into the
yawning gull into which you would nreclpl-
nation. Do you not see if
every officer of the government were a Cop
perhend you could no sooner take a step In
the direction* indicated than the popular In
dignation would sweep yon away like a hur
Wo continue to hear that Gen. Lee Is sick
in Bicbmond, and that some other General
commands the rebel army. Some accounts
add, that ho Is wounded ss well as sick. The
■tory of the wonad may be true, bnt Is, «n
--~°r the clrcnmetaacea, somewhat lets likely
J U t WC ttre P re P* red to hear
that he is tick. Indeed It would be so
atrangematUr that either of the command
ing Generri. ahonld gl„ way under theJSo
rilgiona pressure bearing , 0 long
span them. It Is matter of profound rratl
tude that Geo. Grant I. a man if good SStt.
mud possessed ol extraordinary powers of on
durance, u well u courage and akm
Ike paper* do not state the nature of Geu.
Lee’s malady; bat there 1. little danger of
gnsMlsg that It afcela the brain, and has
some special pressure la the region of the
heart. It has been coming on probably
since the movement ol our army across the
Bapldan, and especially since that aerie* of
Hacking* which baa pushed tbe rebel force*
back upon their capital. When Lee crowded
Ida columns upon the Union armj In
his expectation was to crip
ple It ao badly la one or two days, that it
would as former!/ creep back to Its ea-.
trenebmenta, and lie still for tbe summer.
But when it pushed out boldly for bis flank
and a clear track toward Bicbmond, it
doubtless sent the blood somewhat hurried
ly upon tbe brain. When he got so badlj
punished at Spotts)lvanla, this pressure was
muUi Increased. And Grant turned his
flaxut again and hung only the closer to him
tor Ms hard fighting, there was perhaps some
lonian cy to inflamatlon In that organ. Ani
Wh*n U was folly shown is him that his foe
was not only in earnest, hat nnerippled,
was, heat mpos his destrsctlon, and
E there was no shaking him efi;
disease mata rally went to tbs
; and was doahtlssa aggravated hy tt«
poaseloasasss that ho had hoen telling pro
dlg-fom falsehoods to. ths rebelpoopio, .which
mast soon ho biioght to light—nftfco oau
oon'of ths Union army began to thuder in
ths nan ol ths JUohmondltet. That ail this
sbonld act proiigiomaly apoa tho nsrrous
system of the rebel Gtneralvandahoald proe
trato him, Is In bo wlss.strange; nod ths
story oflt is doahtless entitled to special
crodli r.:r • -
If in additlaa Lea la woaaded site, It may
be area worse for hit other maladies; bnt'wa
aipaet to ate hloa getting more and more In
1 bad way whether hit akin has been aoraitit
ad or not. Lm la a tough easterner, physi
cally, aad In a military ttnta, and U la a pity
that sa tenet tenacity and power ahonld be
exerted In ao bad a canee. But It la destined
ta girt way aeoaer or later.
A Mtemporaiy rery haadtaasly putt tiie
fallowing facU together. They ere worth
leaking at hy the faint-hearted ea well ta the
Three Tears are the rebel, held Urn eeaaeaal..
ef all Aearem Virßinla, aid dogeedly deputed the
'* W '" Timnla. Tkajhddu.lf.p,
ted array oTMercrr foot of Korth ins South (Sri.
*P d Alabama, af Florida, axcepr
■ f*rt it tb« moith of Pessscela h&phap •i\,»- u_v,
»I 1 cf KiMlHilppl. Loaltiana, TtZM, Arkjuui and
7i»» m’wt ► «atrol orer Ui Mis
-1 £?■* tke *onik of the Ohio to the
?!^rw e7 w?™* 7 the poMeuion of
K«»ticlrr »cd XitMon; they threatened Mtrr-
U»<, and kMiogod tbs oopiUl of the aafcioa.
10,1 nms *r hAlf it. torritorr
tDdQtitehßlfiUresoorce*. Ithu lost coatlnn.
ally. 1U RDCccstei on th» battle field hart strap
yci sUid Ito rttroatlofi pod Tormina*: irhiJ# tl«
dtfaaii hire been foilowod inimodiawly by tne
assndomneDt of whole States or lanre dlstrisU
Is fil lUostMorylandasd West
it lost Eeotocky. Itlssourl, parti of 2Torth ssd
Sosth Csrollss, Exat Virginia NashrlUe Xew Or.
lews «sd Memphis In*’««h foft Middl. and
Korth Al i3«ii6lpni,
vlckebsTir. with the tircil nf w«iaeJ
luelf. Is-Mithsslost iti“Whold So., iffi
T«omb»m. and >'opth Georgia, tod Horlh Ala
bams; tad General Greet had driren lifltffc
Cttes of Richmond, tfter wonting him la a eeries
of great tattles. In a word, the rebellion it dyiaz
of t galloping sonsomptlon. oyiag
Yet there ere still those who think the re
bellion cannot he pnt down; and who aay
ttat “if Grant la beaten In a battle that is
the end of the war.” AaU onr armlet had
not already been beaten In more than oae
battle. The question la not, who loses now
and than a battle, bnt whose cause is It that
steadily loses? On which side is it that its
Tlctoriea yield no substantial fruits, wHle its
dafeata are enduring disasters ?
TJJE CBiSI Tfsnnogut,
The great mass-meeting of the citizens of
New York, on Saturday, last, to express
their gratitude to General Grant for his ser-
Tices, was a complste success both in num
bers and snthnsiasm. The decorations were
unusually fine and nearly all the reaidences
about Union Square were ornamented with
patriotic Insignia. The equestrian statue of
Weshlagton was draped In honor of the la
mented Sedgwick and Wadsworth, and tha
likenesses of those two Illustrious martyrs
were placed at cither side of tbe monument.
At the east stand speeches were made by
Judge Dsley, Senator Pomeroy, Channcey
Shaffer, General Walbridga, Congressman
Bollins and others, and letters were read
Irom the President, Hon. D. S. Dickinson,
General Din, Governor Cnrtin, Congressman
Conkling, and Secretary Chase. The fallow
ing is tha Secretary’s letter :
WAsnmoTox, Jane 3,1551,
. it™ 13 ';-' I'* 1 '* loyal citizens of New Tore
honor themselves by meeting in mass to exoivis
i tho i r .P a i UDd,to^ e fo’di^unSr^S*
Qf th .° wpnMic hare acbieveaeo
ttocb for their cocfilry. to reaffirm their devotioa
V non »»d to pledge thalr energies to the
eoppreesion of the rebellion. I ihauk
jot for the honor °faa inv.Utisnto take wtih
their ptlriolicaciion. and regret ih*t the noceasUr
sf dcrctirx: my who!o time to my official dntles
«iliS? te 4r li .? , . po^£lWe s- for 08 to ho peraoully
P™* 801 ; Nothing ctn bo raid, however, in the
Swispom^ leUer ’ l ° Which m J’ whole heart wIU
.I*™ 1 * 1 “ c t0 add that,wbllo we rejoice in the
•doccsp of onr armies and give thanks to God for
V stocldnot forget that there Is oneelasa
?1 ®f \he flag—one class ofznen lojal to
the pnlon—to whom we yet fail to do comnlste
jnstice. It will be the marvel of future historians
that statesmen of this day were willing to risk the
success of rebellion rather thun entrust to black
loyalists bullets and ballots. Very traly, years,
S.P. (Sam.
At the west stand, speeches were made by
James T. Brady, Hon. D. P. Tyler, General
Mesgber, General Splnola, and Col. Collins.
It was a cheering feature of all the speeches,
that they breathed ibe most ardent devotion
to the country and a determination t* stand
by the government in Ite efforts to put down
tha rebellion. The following resolutions,
which were passed by twenty-five thousand
ayes, will give the onlmns of the meeting:
That at no period slnco the beginning
prospect been solavonhlc af
at present of a speedy and raccesafal termlaatton
of me war; hat. to Insure that end, it la necessary
I ?' shou-d be efficiently and rapldlr /e
--infsreed: thatevory effort should bo made to atlm
nlato enlistments. and that the yoanir men of tbe
cotmtty Wbb have tbe reoulslte vigor and serve
ii'niHt , r<a ' Ir ” M “bd share In the honors which
re^! OW , t^ tllr 1 < i ,I S | i iUi >- of harm" fought In
° f - Bol, le army by whose conrage and
patriotism tborepnblic was saved.
ieaefrei .That, independent of all distinctions of
farty, and irrerpeclive of all political preferences,
weaeclare onrnasltorable delcratiaacton toaalte
in the proseceUea of the war with all onr vigor
jj s Ol i r “'"f' until those who have raised
thdr hands against the freest and most liberal gov
ernment upon earth, shall lay down their armi end
snbtnil to the constitution and the laws.
At the conclusion ol the speeches, a msgni
ficcnt display ol fireworks was given in Four
teenth street, consisting of four pieces; the
first representing a bier with the names of
Wadsworth and Sedgwick; the second con
taining the names of Meade, Hancock, Bum
side, Warren and Wright; the third, a mam
moth shield, with the Stars and Stripes on
cither side, and the Eagle crowning the
whole with the inscription, “A Nation’s grat
itude to Grant.”
Gcn« Grant’s Opinion of Ills own 61tn<
A gentleman from the front tells the fol
lowing good story of Gen. Grant: A visitor
to the army called upon him one morning,
and found the General sitting in his tent
smoking and talking to one of his staff offi
cers. The strangerapproached the chieftain
and inquired ol him as follows: “ General, 1J
yon flank Lee and get between himand itlch
tnond, will yon not uncover Washington and
leave It a prey to the enemy f" - Gen. Grant,
discharging a cloud of smoke from bis
month, indifferently replied: « Toe, I reck
on so,** The stranger encouraged by a re;
ply, propounded question number two:
“General, do yon not think Leo can detach
sufficient force from hie army to reinforce
Beauregard and overwhelm Butler ?" “Hot
a doubt of It,” replied the General. Becom
ing iortlfied by hie encceee, the atranger pro
ponaded question number S, as follows.
“General, Is there not danger that Johnetoa
may come up and reinforce Lee, so that the
latter WIU swing round and out off yoar com
munications, end seise your snuDlies ♦”
“Verylikely," was the cool reply of.the
General, and he knocked the ashes from the
end of his cigar. The atranger, hbrrlfled at
the awfal late about to befal General Grant
aad his army, made hie exit and hastened to
Washington to communicate the news.
£cc H *tzted in foreign newspapers
that the Rev. H. Grattan Guinness, one of
the most fearleaa and falthfnl dlaaeutera of
tie day, who haa devoted himself to the
Home Mission work In Ireland, recently at
tempted to preach in the open air at-Lime
rick. He bad no sooner commenced hla aer
mon than he waa palled, hooted, and knock
ed down; and was only saved from the yon
geanceofthe populace by a Captain Jones,
•f the depot battallion. This saving act waa
tha more commendable In Captain Jonea
from the fact that Mr. Guinness makes it a
part of hie public testimony to" condemn all
military power and military organlza
tiona aa diametrically oppoaed to Cbristl
• IW* The General Assembly of the Old
School Presbyterian Church, on Friday of
U»t week, elected Bey. A. A. Hodge, D. D..
to mi the rmcant chair !n the Weatcm Theo -
ogKal seminary. Dr. Hodge is the son of
Uie Her. Dr Charles Hodge, of Princeton
Seminary, and la eminently qualified for the
peat to which ho has been appointed.
EiyMr*. Arnold, a slater of Stonewall
Jackson, is stopping at Wheeling, W. Va.
Mrs. A. Is said ta be a strong supporter of
tbe Federal Government and is therefore, not
very popular with the friends of her deceas
ed brother.
The Bank of Eogland,
The city article of the Daily AVici eaye: ‘
The director, of the Bank of England, at
lIOK reduced the
ttlnlmnm rale of diaconnt from 9 to 8 per
from s tr. o!5' r Y y “ovemenf-viz., a rise
b ™>’« ol £ “
notes and coin has increased in thn
&■gff. riz. fromS,Bl9^M
067,91 i m,e amount aUtcd In to-nleht's r«
tnra.) The rapidity of the addlUon to «f:
bank a resources, both as regards bullion
and reserve, during the last has dMbU
lees been the cause ol the movement mads
Ijf?-,/ sUong belief is entertained that a
ti,►rS U tillf ln . e , or mon cy will yet make for-
Ihtr progrees, the more especially as the ex
portation of gold from this country, while
the easy tendency of the continental money
markets, and the fact that tberates are lower
there than here, precludes the transfer of
capital from this country tor employment In
ordinary channels abroad.
Siermau’s Poiitioa at Marietta,
Atlanta ud Ita BH>nw Wlt«l
rn»a y 111 Probably IXT-SeWra
£*aWr ltrpnm»nt <■ xen-
|Ti«a mt Special OmM M]
_ tturmixE, lean, Joac t, IS6C
Tit telegraph tit, longer* this, Informal
jau, af the uutu elGam -Shenaaa-Jlank
lug Alataaea, by a nor* I* Dallas, la Paul
dy aonaty. It hah alsoiaipytkad yda ef iir
aaaoeaa laaoay.Ul.gJaka.loa ta-ntreat.-
aed of hit occupation af Marietta, a town sit
uated aa tha last la aorthera
•eorgia, aad aa_. Important amenltc taring
towa. Nearly. all the paper made iathrho
gu Confadaraty la the prodaatsf -the Mint
at that place; tad la addltiaa, than an'ttaa
aala, powder mills, factorial, At.,—all of
■which are aow loat to Jett Daria fbnrtr;
far if there be eat laataaaf tha war mart
alrarly taught thaa aay ether, : tt la this: that
wa heyer loss any groaad a act la oar poa
hiarietta la immediately on tha Atlanta tad
Chattanooga Ball road, and la not onlyatrang
by nature, hat anaeeptibla af being lartißed
ao strongly That a few thanaand man aonld
holdltagalnatnny adds la a direct assault.
Strang earthworks had bean bnllt, and
by mancßTeriag Johnatan from the place, 1
bare no doubt bnt Gen. Sherman haa eared
thousands ofllrea. Jahnaton haa baen at
badly beaten In strategy at wea Pemberton
at Viekahnrg; and he knows and fhelalt-
aadbii army la chagrined beyond measure!
I bare conranad with prisenera captured at
tha battle of Bataan, who are not only oon
tan ant with tha sentiments al the army at
large, but of Jahnaton aad his ahiaf llentl.
nanta, and they all concur in admitting that
Johaeton haa now no hope, taya hy waikon-
Ing Sherman by long and weariaome pur
amita. But thia is by no means a fiatterine
proapaet; who will tire aad become damor
uizM firs I—pursuers or pinnW ?
level couwtet.
Prom Marrietta aonthward, the eonntrr is
loyel, or only gently undulating; and there
is no point at which Joe Johnston oonld hope
to make a stand north of ths Chattahooohe
rirer, eight milet from Atlanta; and eyen
there the chnnceo for ancaeasfnl resistance
are slight. The hanks of the stream are low
tb ,*. ** ien shallow, and it will be far less
?irt C^S( 0 i r . U ' e V oll ' ulkl,im there, than at
either Dalton, Bceaca, Alatoona, or Marlet
‘,’i ““ d , ,rom each of these placee ha haa been
eoadnira. 6nC ““ Cm “ d in 1 dem *™ liz « l
There are some fairly strong earthworks st
Atlanta, bat what will thej signify, on a per
tecUy lMtf plain, against the troops who
carted fWhelghts or Mission Kldge7 Look
ont Mountain and Rat ess? Good Judges,
who bare been la Atlanta within a month
state that/mr artillery will batter down the
most formidable ol the fortifications aronnd
the city in a single day,
what shebstax is noise,
last accounts Sherman was resting at
Marietta, till the railroad conld be built from
Kingston. This will doubtless take a week
or more, as the rebels destroyed the bridge
I 2 d tonl °P considerable
t • ftek south of tbe rivar.
Norton they did
little damage to tht road, which created
some apprehensions lest he was landing
Sherman an to defeat him In the heart of
Georgia. But I confess I never Indulged in
these fears; I feltassnred that the real se
cret was that Johnston was compelled to re
treat so hastily that he had no lima to do any
great damage. Ha had not expected a re
treat from Rosses, and had made no prepa
rations to destroy the railroad. Bat, knowfn
that he conld not hold Alatoona and Ma°-
rietta, ho burned the brldgea before him as
he retired.
JM?,!**’"? 0 * Mked: wh«t-wiil Johnston
do, if he could stand against Sherman. I
confess my inability to enlighten the pnWlc
and eTcryone will hare to do his own guess*
ing until the mystery is cleared away
by the rebel commander hlmeolC 3
Thera aro those who are disposed to resist
tS'rt e ? re «.°« &te > in ,Ws SUM, end cling
toflaslutltatio. of slavery, despite the fact
that it eea perer again bsznadeprotitable*
C ‘ th ” t , fr " labor is far more
f r f a «w U “ mcom PP I * 0, 7: despite the
fact that negroes will not work without pay
and mil work with it, aa readily at Irish
°v Alnericant - Teunestse is one
IfVjrilnS).!!?"*® °J 1,10 lm PntctlMbUity
oi ita slareholdera, who are 1U chief land
“P"!™'” 4 of free labor is being
tried, but, as yet, almost exclnslrely by nor°
thorn people, and generally on a small scale.
How it succeeds, I will, as nearly at possible,
state to the readers of the Tjudcitb; and in
illustrating tin subject wiU Uke the instance
ofa pastond friend, who is “running” a
plantation near Murfreesboro, In this State.
As my object is to Illustrate the successful
workings of the free labor system, and not
to give any one notoriety, I will call the
planter In question by his initials, Mr. S.
A “ a t UTC resident o! Ohio, he entered the
sertice of his country the day after the fall
®f. : \° rt Sumter, and remained in the army
rill last February, when he was honorably
discharged on account of ill health. He had
from the beginning noted the advantages of
Tennessee in soil and climate, and like
thousands of other soldiers, determined to
settle in the State as soon as the rebellion
was suppressed.
Ohe natural jealousy which attaches to
Northern men long Interfered with his plana,
it was difficult to procure a plantation, as
land owners, too impracticable to cultivate
their possessions by free labor themselves,
tad determined not to allow others to culti
vate them. At length, however, he obtained
four hundred acres of arable land, bnt two
weeks later in the season than the usual
period for preparing ground for cotton.
He Immediately , went to the planters to
employ negroes, but though they had lost
aH control over them, they all notified him
that It he employed them Ijo wonld not only
be held responsible for the value of their
labor, but wonld be prosecuted for harboring
runaways, “as soon as the Yankees were
gene. He therefore, went to a camp of
contrabands, from Alabama, and procured
thirty negroes without difficulty, and imme
diately commenced work.
The people watched the experiment with
deep interest, predicting all the time that it
would be a failure. ‘‘The free uegroea wlll
not work,” they said, at first; but finding
those be hired not only, worked, but were
attentive, they informed him that when he
had paid them thr first month’s wages they
wouldleaye; bnt that prediction also foiled,
for not one has left him yet.
His men were set to work under the direc
tion of a practical cotton planter of Tcnnes
f, e ?i, v hois also an enthusiastic emancipa
tionist; but he did not carry round with him
the usual implements of the overseer; he
had neither pistol, bowie-knife, nor cow
hide ; nor was an oath upon his lips: he di
rected the negroes kiudly; and sever were
directions more eagerly heeded. “Yes, mas- 1
sai was the response to his first sugges
tions. “No mastering me,” replied the over
seer. “My name is Mr. ; call mo by '
tkit n The result was almost magical The i
negro felt a deeper interest than ever; be
ertise an inch was thus given, he had no dls- 1
position to take an ell. \
- {‘Cultivate four hundred acres of cotton
thirty nlggcra!” Such was the excla-
mation of everybody in the neighborhood;
they had never heard of such a thing; they
not undertake the task with leas than
seventy-five hands; and in the bad condition
of.the ground, and on account of the lateness
°t the season, more would be necessary.
Bnt a month —two months—wore on, and
at the end of the latter period, the dilapldat
was the admiration of the whole
neighborhood. Several wealthy men visited
*K^.®dmi r V»nd thoy candidly confessed
that they had never seen so much work done
in the same period, by so few hands. “But
fben,” said one of them, “you Yankees make
things go; of course you hn re to whip the
nigger* to make them do so much work.”
“Whip them! No,” was the response;
“not only have I never struck one,but I have
never spoken a harsh word to one.” The
men were astonished, and asked him how he
.. managed things. “X give my hand* green
backs—not bloody backs,” was the sarcastic
and very comprehensive reply.
The system employed by Mr. 8. is this:
bo pays his hands *ls per month, and gives
ibem a house and' garden free of expense,
when he hires a man, he explains to him the'
difference between freedom andplavery, and
tells him that if ho does not work he will
not be severe .with him, but simply pay and
discharge him. That is enough; he has bean
gSnSja d “ cliar £ c 110 from thsbe-
Otbermcnarc trying tbs experiment of
tree labor, on a smaller scale, and all are suc
cessful. 1 may have something further to
eay on tils subject In future, Blass.
From Washington toSaltlmore-De].
pnftten not Arriving: Very Freely as
We»- Candidates, *e.-xKe rSSIrSf
ConTontlon-Appeartaee of Balil.
more—Seceab| dec*
[Prom onr Regular Correspondent]
Baltikokk, Jane 6,1864.
The country between here and Washington
produces great, natural beauUes, and la ap
parently capable of a high degree of cnltiva
tion, but as a general thing loots exhausted.
I noticed some fields of wheat fully headed.
A few wests and they will be ready for the
slctle. The eurae and blight ol slareiy
however, hangs like a pall over the whole
laud. Bemove that, and the country watered
by the Potomac and Its tributaries would be
the garden spot of America. It la Indeed a
goodly land. The fruit trees are loaded with
various tlnd of fault, not yet , fully ripe, al
though I have seen cherries entirely so sev
eral days since. The rose trees are covered
with splendid red and white buds and blot
soma. The perfume torn which as yon pasif
every breath of wind comes laden with
. Te , t W comparatively few delegates
WaEhw7n« SSS* , htTe pMsed oa to
oTS^in^hnS 1 ? 0 !!? 15 ®*»▼« stayed
912* Philadelphia. The, distance by rail
JfPPJ PcnneylTanla, and even
Ohio, being so short, it U not necessary for
• very large proportion ol the delegatee to'
leave their homes before Sander night
Every Chicago delegete leering thereon Bnn
dey night conld reach here onTneadej night
Did tmlu run on Son day, delegateslaavlnff
Chicago Saturday night would reach ha raid
time lor the Convention. BUII I find ttal
Baniuin’a and the Entaw Hoaae era eraktv
well filled. At leaat it is impossible ieS
rooms at these hotels. I foaad axsallMt aa..
commodatioqs at the Kaltby Kanaa.araUrhd:
but neat and clean hotel, where mods are
saived no in a Mannar which Mora pretend
h g establishment, weald do well te lmltaU.
But half a dozen delegates from Ullnola
have arrived hire, amouir then Uuin B (V.
Cook, Clark K Car,, A.t
toio, Waahlugtna Boahsall, aaA H. T.
J eeraniiTwt.'dto. -t --
e.?« bnt . : ““V^«««iiement,
••■AMlir thß.tlßißU of a&Tpmll
Ml js«rm. Andrew Jehnee^
Without • MntMt. Hb
hie location, ttll
mini tilßSlt 1110 Jmu llWinll blm
freely Indeed. 11, aka
ftSjS 11 * 1 *! * f T ' Dlaaaln’a more InUmate
Jks aonvanUon the son-
nni l, '?w*V «-Govarnor Den-
J? 4 Cameron, of
i**^*^^ T# Th* Weatera bmb firar li*o.
•trow wJw*M Wi i U ? fio hiT« a
? r# J • aaaarßQi. and aatonr tha
bmtj •Bira-ynlltn la the Mmatrr SKJSi
th* marißtion to
4 ®Bpiem of tome
* ktn * h# lato SB«rotai7 of
War, f«r nnoii udmcbmij to atat* hew.
roimxoT coimimoir
It la bow thought will “fizzle out” Tha
real operators in that ceneara (Mr. Pomeroy
Sf A^ f r e o Pm PJ» et in thcl r haids,) h&ra lold
out their IntereaU, aud tha doughty Kansas
SoM° r T^tb^ 61 v hopß V 5 nac hine
alone If the backers «f Pomeroy eould
only hare gotten tha Clareland Convention
tn 52 J ?ST a t( ? ?® I i Imore > (m they tried hard
to do,) we might have lively times hers. But
the Fremont msn would not come to Pome
roy, and Pomeroy’s backers would not go to
Fremont. Both hated Lincoln much, but
each other more, and so the oU and water
would not mlr. A faw rampant Fremont
J n f n .^f°i ere tl?lne *° es'yenlre a little life
into the Pomeroy corpse, butil Is labor nttcr
ly thrown away. They say that they expect
CMc “- 0 ’ however, which
shows that the fools and politicallnnatlss
are not all dead yet.
Baltimore Is a very fine city. Its location
la magnificent, and its public building ele
gant. It is proud of its monuments, and
justly. I visited the almost classic ground
of Tort .McHenry yesterday, and could see
while standing on its ramparts, that it pee
icctly commanded the narrow channel which
formed the entrance- to the harbor. Three
or fonr other fortifications hare been erected
since the war, to keep the seecsh In the city
in the fear of God and the Government of
the United States. They are manned by five
fine rcgimfcte, mostly Ohio one hundred day
troops. And lam sorry to eay that they are
au needed here. A prominent merchant of
Chicago, wko has besn hero soma weeks. In
forms roe that he has conversed with a largo
uumber ol the promlnant men of the city
and that he has jet to finds thoroughly loral
He expresses the opinion that iour
fiftbs of the citizens are rebels. He spoke
with soroo who freely admitted that they
took part In the attack upon the Massachu
setts soldiers when passing through the city
for the defense of Washington, at the com
mencement of the war.
Tlio Peace Democracy-Movement of
IxpiAKAPOLis. Jnno s.—The County Con
vention of the Peace Democrats, held in this
city on Tuesday, adjourned without matin*
nominations. It was thought best to pos£
pone action until after the Chicago Conven
tion. A resolution was passed, Instructing
delegates to the State Convention to vote
lor Joseph E. McDonald, for Governor.
Resolutions were also passed without oppo
sition, protesting against the nomination of
Goy. Biamlette, lor Vice-President, and In
structing the delegates to Chicago to vote
against the admission of delegates from the
so-called Union Democratic party of Ken
Wm. Hendricks, a brother of Tom Hen
drick., "who offered the resolutions, earn as
a reason tint Brumlctto and bis whole party
bad gained power in Kentucky throneh Fede
ral bayonets, and was unworthy of lie sup
port of the Democracy.
Tcebdat Etxitvo. Job® T, net
There baa been no abatement In the demand for
money to-day. Thera U much legitimate papa* offer
lag, bnt -we believe an whom the bankera regard aa
desirable coatomera get what they want. Tboee ol a
more Indifferent clast are hardly recognized at all
and probably will sot ba for soma time to come. ' *
The shortness of currency noted fer several days
baa been aemewhat relieved by considerable recelpra
Ircm the East alaco Saturday morning. cioie estl*
.Kutepnte the Increase at foil *1.000.00®, while that
amount will probably be doubled, and perhaps trip
led, within the week. Tery nearly $2,0C0,100 were sent
ont from Uile eltr laal week to parebaee farmers* pro
duct*, and probably aa much more will taka the samo
direction this week. This creates a necessity for a
largo amount of greenbacks, bat no judicious banker
doobts bat there will be an araple aujply. The fact
la that Chicago baa for rale what win prodocethe
greeabaeks-and there need be no apprehension that
they will not be plenty enough with na. although oo
easlonally a temporary ecaraity nay occur.
Exchange is aomnwhat closer, allboorh the quota
tiers remain unchanged— U discount buying {parad
ing. As currency becomes more plentiful, ezehaoge
stiff cos up t and we hbonld not be aurprUed If a week
created an active den. and lor It, notwithstanding the
movement of considerable Quantities of grain to
The Gold market has been quiet to-day, bat some
what Irregular. In New York the average quotation
to-day fall below those of yesterday. The range In
New York, as telf graphed to'james Boyd, S3
Clark street, were as follows: 9;M a.m.—191; 10-
l£C5f;U-192)flTJm.-19l; p. m.-192*; 8-l»:
JLIB-—iSSjf- The market hrre opened with soma firm
ness Stl93.*but it S'.on declined to 81900191, closing
steady attbeee figures. Tbe transactions bare been
considerable smaller than usual. Silver nominal at
17SO180. Canada money Is watted at 8 per cent be
lowgold. 5-3Qa are weak at ICS buying.
— l lhese are large quantities of counterfeit 50 cent
pottage currency In circulation in this city, mostly
of the new Issue. Any one med to handling cur
rency can easily detect them. Tbo gilt circle around
the bead of Washington haaa different appearance
than that on tbe genuine, and another essential alf
fen nee Is this; Iheconnterfotts represent a side view
of Washington, whereas the genome bears aftont
—The Secretary of tbeTreasnry haring decided to
la.* Be .bonds corresponding with the 1881 loan, .the
18:48 loan will continue to attract the popaUrfaror,
si it baa heretofore* Long bonds, at lAev art termfd,
hare alvaja beea desirable as an Investment, and, as
Ihoaa Low.offered by the government pay aa interest
of over nine per cent in ourreaey, money wO natu
rally aeck that channel In preferenoe to any other
vUth at preaeat aollciu the attention of large or
email eapltaUaU. All of onr Chicago National banka
are authorized to receive asbacriptlona for tbla lota,
and wo-hape to see all who have a earplns of money
on band come ap and place it In the haadiottfae
gorarnmenl to aid In the suppression ot the rabellen.
S*w Tonr erooKltimr.-Kloeßgpnceefera^.
Jane 7, IS6L Beceirod bj F, O. Eakooetal 4Co„
Cotsmlalon Stoefc and Bond Broken, 84 Clark atreea,
latß*d. nß*i
ir. r. c. lay law
C 4 N.W SI Sl#
C. 4 N.W.(pfd)oe 89V
arm (e08.)...uty my
Bneprfd* its# luev
c.ar. m# lie#
U. 6. feoa.).. W# M#
M. u.hn* is* ui#
p. f.w.*c..my 114
M.c m#
U.4k (com.) 88
C. 4A. (pf&). 9#
Suocmtct... i!V is
BTB ftTd... 1«K
Kmmt. lasx i»x
Hatiaen Klti» l«Sx ÜBX
I UmAlfo load ....
mat bond*
UL t par mbs.
▼vkMsbda. C 8 ....
tf. 8.1 * cam.
MO ooapooilWjf ....
bonds. URt USX ....
w ia,Uo.B.in.en..»
..\26 .... AaancaißbM IB 191
Zad Board Irregular.
i Tpuwht Kvjunxu, Jans T.
Wrclt Bsrraw.—Dari ox the u**t week, ovlsg
to the advance In cold, the general prodace markets
were active and buoyant. Wheat close* ic per bushel
higher: Con lohigher; OaUSdSo higher: Cut B|*
has declined Ue per bnihel, and Barley #e per bushel
on the week. Mess Pork bs* advanced |l.ooi*3.*op*r
brl; and Prime Mem Pork fully IJJW per hrl. Freight*
have advanced 3>i9*c per bushel on grata and Sic per
brl oc flour.
‘The following table abew* the receipts and ship
ments during the past 24 hoots:
rsAZ9 EBipjtara ro«THX past SI ism.
Received. Skipped.
. 5,483 6,03
. 57,9'8 11.906
.1*3,403 . • 119,115
Sl.Wtf 7DJ»
Fleur, bbta.
Wheat. b«..
.Cctn, bn...
Oela, bn
Rjc, bn
B*rl©», bn
Urner Bred«,
PUz Seed,
Cored Meet, fer.....
Beer, tele
28, MS
Pork, bli.
; m bos«.
Bides, a*
Hkhwlnoa, bbl*,
Batter, ft*.
To-dat tbe general markets were amlet, bat there
tii no material change la me prices.
Flour wa* active and firm; with sales ofMW brie at
1&C539.00 for White Winter extras, and 99-7007.39 for
Gprla; extras.
■lks Wheat market was active at a decline of KOX*
? bushel—with sales to-day of about 340,009 bushels
at *1.28X01.99# for Ho I. sad |1 JSHOUB# for Ho 9-
closing firm bat (met at 91*39 for Hoi, and 9149 for
Ho 2.
Corn ruled 1c lover, tad the market wil dan, with
sales of only 87,M0 bushel* at tt.13a1.131d tor No 1;
ILCSaiJOlcr Ho t; and tLedKOLMB fsr Rejected—
closing lira at SIJS for No 1, and tl.#93< for No S.
Osts were also dull and folly Me lover—with sales
of only about SI.SM bushels al Te«7lc for Ho 1—
closing firm at 70jfe.»
Bye declined Sc 9 baihel, and we report light sales
it SIA3 for He isndSLSOforNoS.
Blghwlnes wera tery quiet. bat wlthoat sny mate,
rial change In prices. About I,ooc brls were sold st
•LMOUfr-shlefly at 9L34, st which market
closed quiet.
The Pro vision market was ezeited in consequence
ef a Tory active demand that sprout op yesterdsy
evening and to-day by Government for Prime Mess
- aad Meat Fork, darts* which about 1,300 brls Mess
were sold at fSS.OO ; M brls Light Mesa at HUB: and
9fitt brls Prime Mass at t29.(0e3040-chlefly at the
outside figure. The purchases were mads personally'
by CoL McL. Taylor, and they were all’ nearly eem
' pitted before the traae waskware of what was going
on. It is decidedly the sharpest thing that has been,
done In this market by Government offlelals, Lard
was m good demand aad firm, with sales of tdO pkga
at 13K91SMC for PxlmeSteam—sellers generally hold
ing atisjfo.
Freights were steady at 15c for Corn, and 16c for
Wheat to Boftalo by sail, and 17c lor Corn, and 10c for
oatsby steam.
In Bee f Csfle the receipts have been light, and toe
pyyii to make a maraet. The ooly sales made
‘•Wifsttomodern gralee,at KM9K.75 V
”.*f* 1 *. ll> ° < "»taaaoslr.aaavwTictlTa and
.m, atJuaylona eaaeafaaaa. Watered aaies, M<l
“"fr •* ttsaWIJS srow.
Pa a , a*aHh t aeaof MU lani win Semaaaaar
' dtMatMiot See geWTcvh Oa«a
■ *»>** min rum ■m
* .IT®**’’* rseaarlar'a anttat el la sad
aiaaparn ■alaateraayamrtw. »AC im ihatßege
drnnd man he! eed.ial lien _
rj*s Jose 7 t 'Wt
jQ J y 3 twuitT Innw, Jane 7,1894,
nwwhj labia mow* thenedpa efLomber,
lath, memo week —dtogJtme «. i>4
••■piralivalymo Wum jm: ' “
. oy winn. saxveLxa, za.ra
yjJjj®? "“*■ mas jt2tb ins you kbu
T_a_w ts®- MSI:
aaffJSw; llw.* u.«n«M tiaa,Mt
e»t«a«a,jt. 2Ma,«H yn/n iKsw
; '*%».- **&:■
WMk ament •• UJN,#N few, ifibit i«et
*? 4,lT * a <*rlaf the yrrrfras vnL A* malpts
nr pmcat VNk ament !• Utfli anre than
i* I***** 1 ***** * f inMdhf mi, Ae nwi wbjr mere
“*• P“‘ * <iipNHrtSn hetveaa af tU
vhilil there were two wipe bi4i
*7 the Mukifea feet dnrlaf Ibe fenaer week, net
tto reeelpts trem Umikifom were ezWemely
®*Bt.Meuealflietaet arrlTUr herentflHectey
* haibeee it filmlaalloa diriai the week
ta the Mlii demndhr floertag aad aU deaeriptleas'
ef tnhelaca Immber. 01 ear total ripply ap
te the preeeit per tod mere has ben
too nail a preperKea ef met aw el lamb* for
wblek th«« le a d arfeet demand.
Ae malt le that epte the preenttlrDi net oaiy bare I
may Bew ord we to be laid aside far the preent uaf
tended te, bet old stesdlag orders ere Betyelflltod. I
Te this may be ettribated the extreme flrmaem of the I
market and that aettro eompatlttom which exists on I
“• Brrtvsl of eeryeea ef good lumber. Common I
luieul Jelsto,aßd cargoes lawhlsh Joistsfona I
a.yl-p°ru.t part, ar* daß.aad evidently still de- {
eUnlag. Unless some extra demand should arise,
it la quits slier that for nbdod lumber lower rates I
will be adopted. Several cargoes, dsrlag the week, I
have beea sold at tower prices than any prerloosly 1
paid this year. j
BHIHGLSB—With Air receipts there has been
tolerable amount of activity ik the market. The
principal Inquiry appears .to he for prime qualities of
Sawed Shingles, for which as high as U II has been
paid. Kxtra Shared Shingles are aho la fair demand,
the market value being for cargoes of really prime
qualities $4.(0.
LATH—Taereis a Air amount of activity in the
market, asd with a better supply prlc«s rale a little
aasler, although the chief salts during iho week hare
been made at fi 06 V 1,000 pcs.
«ergo sebr Black Hawk, from White Lake, sold by
Cone* O’Brien, 65,000 feet mixed eomnon lumber,
at SIS.M; cargo sebr Goldsmith, from Muikcgon.
leldhy Mills, MQjeoebayed shingles, at ta.M* cargo
sehr Traveler, from Steney Creek, sold by Brewster,
lN,9Coeaw«d sblsglee.at |U00,50,00* shared shingles,*
atfJ.bC; aargo ecbr Eeho, from Menominee, sold by
BiakPerd, ue.OH fact lumber, jf strips, at $21.00 for
stripe and SI7.M for balance ; «ar;o scow Three Bells
from Wisconsin Clay Banks, sold by Bickford, htf DM
feet lumber, H stripe, at lI9JIO. ’
nanus •» casooxs ntrnnro nr* trxzx.
. _ Where From. Quality. Prlee
Bchr letrel .Kalamazoo tha’dßbln's SJ so
„ . do_ do .culls... |««
|*fc a DflTea V st'ps r*f v dl«.oo
Scbr £? rt * Uo **** |° h-10 st’d com 17.25
„ qo ..... (o ••«...lath i u
Sri? S c ? nto X *t's eeod*l9.sa
e C r r /r . a Kalamazoo seant&jeist ISJ3
Schr Gates Grand Klver. come rft’d 15J0
**• 4° Mlec’ddo 21.00
Fehr Meridian.... do .mixed fair is oo |
Bchr J ejitpMn«...Cn rt l3 , i>ler TO Wood aiju
s&iisKu:;:::; M “ k 'f 0 on % & sifYaf-
Schr Odin. do '
Schrlorrejlcr... ao ...'Mwd Bhlng. V.?o
Bchr.NorihrrrCT;n.pM l£lver..V.VfjT«np,° k m?
Scrr. Arrow oo do *do ' ioJS
Schr.mrondeUe.. do do ..'...1 do '’"ism
gSp MlVu.Xrtrips. .'.'.llio
o C t? r ‘^ de do W s’rips ig ra
do do Coarse midl-100
schr. Active......Uuikexou.......
tS?*TlSlifn 0laD(1, AlUla - , *X Strip?f.a7so
jebr.Union..- Kalamazoo w strina it zs
iS’SSSS 01 *-** BtnS':::iS
s« U 52 do stripe c’rse is.oii
r? «,.r.MV*k. i t d 0 CoarsemxdlSAO
in the i arcs there li a large amount of Shipping
trade, and also a good demand for the oily, prices
telctablyflrmat the following Quotations*
LxnoßUß—First Clear, V U rjumaww,
t aw M M
StoSS •* gagga
Box or Select Boardi *. SjafsiS
£!■“ Vcuto.ir, moSaoo
First Clear Flooring, rough. .*ll**!.*: laooaif’fin
Second acarnoortng.rSagb:.::.*:.::: gjg&s
Flooring, r<ugh!. s&OoSys.oo
Biding. Clear, dressed SUkVaidJ*
gsfty-" ••■•■sill
Long Sits.
Shayed Shingles. A.«
Sbayed SMoetes,No. I ! STs-aiuS
Ttmdjlt Enraro, Juno T. liw.
BEEF CATTLE—With nominal receluts we bare
bad another inactive day la the yardg. Tba only
salei made amount to O Lead at W.C0Q8.75 « 100
Receipt* tee llibt to make a market. We refer to
anr special telcgraplc dispatch on fourth page for an
account of to-day’a Re w York Oattlomarkat
_ _ sxk7 earn,* sains to-dat.
_ Sellers. Buyers. Xo. At
Bentley* Hudd. Lapp.. ,u asn*
Faye & Co Knwrtebt.........»
J. Gridicy Qlacey 13 ,
baadet *7.00®7.70, principally at |Liia7so per
loe fts. The demand contlnnes brisk and prices rule
yery Arm at Saturday's Quotations.
Ca ,. »00 SALES TO-DAT.
Wi'ra<lra.......?7 > ' A ai T y"}
8SS»:;:::; ft:;:;;; ?;| I |
tv f 8r0wn.....;: SS:;;;;;: Jss !S
.eoley&EJdredge do t3 ?‘m
jMjh......,,. .. Huntley 51 20a »’«
S ?iS |
if &
LoomU&Co ‘Wlmcm..... jss 153 j'2s
J •' »
_ -to* Orleans Market-May 30.
riOVH—Market doll and toodloc dovnvnrri • n.
,x L ri tß.ocsc.sß, u.froobbla received
Z ?£* LV I** 1 ** , a e ™ °£n another boat is reported
at tba steck landing. with a full freight. Oar market
u already eyentoexed, and with such eoutlsuad hea-
Z?LIW ,p,€ oaauotbe sustained. The do
™tV«s?s“” JLI ioV cK;™ 011 expor ‘ ‘ r4m “»•
transpired 01 ** dDll ‘ N0 Ba,C# Ct ,tD P ortanc ® hayo
wPfc^ w ®fi c . r!l H »,T«#.OO®S».M; a lot cf choice,
K6 bales, sold In imall lots at $31.08.
Gbaih—Cora dull at $1.05 for white; tl.Wftl.o3 far
at|?%*H RaC * PU ytAt4rda y bushelsToata dull
Sroau'aiiD MoLxssasdnn. Baycn aro holding
JKSJ f or aftuther decline. Fully lair isorfd; choice
zogric. FrlmcilolaaaeeStlc.
AXMtttQf Grain reported H cue mart# report art
?* o ta*« of 2c Horae* per btuKei, urlsm othenette
WM- wikMotfurMoeMmmt
, U . L , TvEiotrSmixa, Jno« 7.156 L
ITIEIOIITS-Lai* Fbhiouts—'foero has been
» Tcry active demand for vowels during the we-k br
shipper! of Corn, and ev«yiblng offered was quickly
Ukaasl an advancoln rates on tta« closing auoti
Uona of a week ago, of 3H*Sc par bushel. Propellers
were In paruealM- request by parties de*rlog to bare
their corn in Buffalo a* speedily as possiUn. ad an
advance of Sc per bushel was paid orer the rates far
sail vessels, To-day there was no chance In rates
but there were more vesaels offering. ihe en~a~ts
meate were: To BerYaLo-Propßaotna.withoorm
at I.c; prop* Bradbnry, Hunter and Jlarqueue, with
whea B t' UoU * °“ r «* B^Sc,
“Lakb asd itaiL" PaeiQHTa—Owlne to the aetlva
demand for propeller! by rraln shippers, we note an
advance on "Lake and Ball" frelgbtaofttcperhrl on
flour, and UKe per 1M lb ton provUlon*. we quote*
Vlmb M Boasen, lake and rafi * gua
"• Hew York " *?in
FrwrMoM to Hew Tetk, lake and rail. «
101 W# . ... .... ....... .. . MAtr
£orltfm to H.T.,aU water. lloafii
Flour to Mb— sal. al water,
Port te Uoalreal. aX water. £?
Floor te Met treat, rta Sand* 5^
Port to Montreal. via Samlo * lmS
Fleer to Portlud. via Sarnia. i vS
Fleer to Boston. via fianla * L«a **!
ThcTWte! to Montreal, noted above, to be pud Id
Cetfl or Canada currency. 9
Kahhoad immbct -tsic (coowtac are tfre ntt*
reed rates:
Ist B*d. Jd B*d.
To ITew Tort, an rai1....: Oj?"
> “ ran and Lake Erie (U<o LIO
ToßortOß.allraU...... ...TOO uo
_ f “ rail and life* Eife JLIS us
To Portland, all rafl. 098 ;-ag
ToVttimLißni OAK L«
To|BQfffelo,all rail
' ' ** rail and I*ki £ne.
To Baltic: ort, all ralL
ToFfcDadelpbU, all n1...
Tol^tartarK.au rail...
FLOUR—Beoelred Uvdar, S.4SB bbls; shipped to*
d&7.0.1)8 bbls.Ths receipt* ana Shipments during
the week ccmparo u relieve:
Beceued la«t week, bbU 40.818
** corresponding week, ISW 43,450
Shipped last week, bbls 56, 1 53
* oeneapoedlog week. 19BS 51,431
Owing to tbe adranoe In lake and rail freights. the
xnarkM dorine the past week has ruled dull aadhca
tj; without, bowerer, any decline In prices, The
a«lee during the week were:
White Winter Bed Winter Spun*
Date. Brie sold. Extra. Extra. Extra.
Jane l «.et 99.15 7J*a7.M «.7i qt.oo
- 3.... 600 B.M «9.W 7.759 .. «.'« &6M
•• «....4.500 S.tO 99.75 7.509 .. 0.7* €M.«S
“ 1....1.6C0 9.09 <• .. ..9 .. 5.»M9«.50
* 6....1.790 R.W $9.39 T. 789.. 0.10 00.75
•* 7....t < 20S 8.05 91.C9 .. «.. 020 07.15
. TC'DAT there vaa more activity, and Ue market
vii fljm. Sales were aa follows: Winn Wi?rr*a
Exnua-100 brla StLonis" Champion" at« 9.90; 190
brl* “ Stannic*” at 19-09; 3TO hrla ‘Tetexsoa * Wood"
at I&23; 800 hrla "Kenwood" at SSJB. Spbixo Ex-
Tsaa—loo tela "Becker" doable eztraSat 1703; 50
brlseholeeextraatnJO: 10fl8rla"Blboni"attl90;
100 hrla "Atlantic" at 1616: 150 hrla "Cattract," luo
hrla" Island XXX,” and 400 brla food epriax extras,
all at MJ0:800 brla " Bar Uett’a" donb .e extra at 06.«:
900 hrU " MarpleV at 8&X7; 200 hrla “Footer**," %n£
60hrU* < ForTest , slmi>*rlsl."at l&SS; 509 brla "Der»
went"atoMs; 300 Me "Beloirttty" at IWS; TOO
brla "Northfleld" at llli. Srauro Svrnrm-il
brfe super at 15J5; *0 hrla do atius. ,
■ The followlsx are the elertni oaotatbaa of all
kinds ef Floor la this market. We quote:
su 1 Lotus and BoothernllL White Winters.. Jtddauo
White Wlnt* extras.
Mixed Bod and White extras..
Winter soperllne . .... BJOdfijo
Spring e*tra«,Tery cnoloe (.794*7.00
<lo do rood to choice fliecM.TS
do* do ' fair to good. 6.aaaaj4
do • do ooduboo to mediae! s.7sao.ee
Spring mperllne « 5.08A5.78
'Bffttw. ..... «.TJdWO
Ccrw Meal—Market Arm hot qnlet, Weqaote:
Fine tern Meal,per ton law*’
Coarae Corn Meal.perton .... V.DrDOO
Kiln Dried Corn Meet, per brl LMa....
Bran and &fcerta,—There is a rood mpply of
bran and aborts, and we note a decline on the
week of t*Jee&.oe per ton-closing'at lUMailso.
Sales topat were: 19 tons bran ontraokat|l3Jo;
leions doatguje.'. ■
WHEAT—Becetred to-dar, 57,313 boshes: ship,
ped to day. li.cKO batbeu. The receipts ad thlp
ment* daring tie week compare aa fellows:
Ksoeired last-week, bn. <96.291
Beceited cor. week. IMS, bn..... «..23t^6*
Shipped last week, on .307,311
Shipped cor, week, ISIS, bn... 38&C0
The upward tendency In gold daring the reck has
recoered the market for wheat entire asd buoyant;
At the openieg -of the week, prices fell at eonse
a«encflOf«the adrsacc In freights, bat It speedily
rallied again and doted at last week’s faJ nrloea.
The transactions were tmosoaUf heary, as fellows:
rtnilimmi xs WHOAT puazxo.T&x wasg.
Date. Bn.aold. No.l Sp’e. 2fo,J Bp*g-He*.Spring.
Janel.. 180.000 L 37 «1J27J4 1.24 dIJOK
“. £. S3OJOO 157 ‘AMS lA4*« US «....
« 3.. 3F5,f« 3.33 «Lt9
*• 4..
. W.OSC 3-» «3.»* 3 IJO ai.»3
“ 7,. 2C.C00 IMMOtB3K I J&9lM* 1* dLSflg
To-paT the market opened firm at reeterdsyw ont*
sldeonotatloiis,batafieribe sold report etme m it
fellbackha3feVbn.bat rallied again and closed
' WSKe lowsr. Bales were: 8.000 bn No 1 ti atom at
n.nk: tsjxobn doatgi.9; 3Moo ba do itguaw;
si.COobo No a Spring at gl.Mx; 34,t« ba doat «i 3»;
85.W0 bn do at SI.3S; 20.W0 ba do at 91.23?: UN ba
do (In A. D. A Co.’s) at tIAS: 400 ba do tli 8. B. A
Co. s) at H. 34; 3,100 ba Dejected Bpneg at jtjo; 400
ba do at iINK-the market closing firm at SL29 for
No 1 end 91.36 for No 2.
COKN—neoeired to-day, 183,703 ba; shipped to
day. U9A2sba. Tie receipt* aad ehlnmeo* daring
the week compare as (ollovt: *
CufrxtXro— US
fcacjcawanna, prepared ij3c
|l<*f ■ ton* Lehigh, on coal* boat, at
COFFBK—There has been a moderate amount of
aotit Ity !a the market during the past week, bat with
the absence of all speculative demand, prices have
nndercooo no farther advance. Previous quotations
bate been folly *a>taln«d, at which the market rules
▼ery flrm.wltfaa slightnpwardtaadeney. Wequote:
Bantoo .....16 (Wi
; e»«
Rio, fair to gaod. 045?
Bio cm! to prime !”!!!*!!!.l!«LoiS*
CHEESE—Tbe tujplj of eld cheese la atpreseri
alnoit nominal, ana price* rale very firm, with no
alteration on previous rates. New Cheese lam fair
receipt and moderate!/active; previous Quotations
stead/ and unchanged. We quote:
Hamburg, old ok
Western Reserve, old ISK3-9K
Hamburg, tew it <3lB
Weorferailcuerve, asw -,t ®n
Western States, new 15 <515
DRWW AND CHBMICAI>S—There has r>eeu
a little improvement m toe activity of the market
during the oast week. On Imported drags of all di«
ecrlptlot* the market la very firm and advancing, as
the result ef the ascertained meraasn of daty, and
tfce strong probability of higher rates still being
fixed. Chemicals sescrallr are in Tory active de
mand and firm, with a strong upward tendency. On
Jedlse we note a further advance of 11.50; so iodide
petarstum of 73ca* 1.96. Qrunws 13 In small snpp’y,
and prices rule higher, we now quote ?S JO. Sodas
ere In vtrr active demand, end firm at prevleasquo
tations. Patent ned'el߻s generally active, andvery
firm, but wi*hont furthar change. wequote:
Aloee, Bocotnue, (ion Trag sorts.. S39W
VS.', 1.10 »• do Bhelac 1.9031.3
Alum 19 > do Trag flake.lAO®!M
Annette - 66 do Myrrh...... Trass
Arsenic pow 8310 do 0pium...H.79911dM
Arrow Soot Jam. 18 fpeese 9js
• do Bcr. 3 Indigo U3®U5
Bal. Copalva I.S» lodine B.W
Bah Tom . f.‘fi Zedldspotas 6.00&4.M
81-carb Soda 09 Jalop B.lt
81-oro.Potaab.... SS Juniper Berry..., 10
Borax refined.... « Morphine 9.7S
Carophordo .... 1.73 Oil, Castor 2J803J0
Copperas Am ' X Quicksilver. *.«)
ttoam Tartar.... 68ft* Quinine fjp
Oubeba % Vitriol, bine 20
Olne, while 40 Soda.Ash. 80 0-0 A00A6.3
Qloe.eoa U#M Bal Sbda. y
Aqua Ammonia.. . U Glauber Salto g
Cbi79U\ Sfllcnte | Caosao Soda 11k
ofSoda..fi 1 Cart. Ammonia.. 9S<aio
BGGH—The receipts during tho weak bare been
rajber limited, and wltb a good demand price* kayo
rnledßte*dyandflrmaiXP#iaoperdoi. Bales to-dar
True at I*o per der. . .
.•FKinTb-gunr Applm In small supply, with a
fair demand. Market firm and unchanged. Srniw.
The receipts daring the past week hare
£f£7L*i?su“ ore ®° lh *P »nal this eoamboclng
11 * k°*d demand, and
i €T ? a ,s Prwcnt quotations* Law-
B^<P BAS * oss * u r^ u> inppfy tad good demand.
Market Ann at present rate*. Hicxobt jture—The
•apply for the present teiua is seemingly exhansfed
ana but a very Maallqnantity Is at prwant "the
hands of the trade. Prices firm and unchanged, yfc
Sreen* Applet, fair to prm* « M immim
Strawberries. V bn, 4 Sota7.se
Lemons,! V box AMaiOXO
Oranxse)(Sidy), 9box T...V. PlttffllSfM
Hickory Nuts, small,* hn.... * ' r’.. r^Srn
Hickory Nats, large. V ba 50$ n
DBIHD FRI/ITS—Amis—The market has
bee* la very small supply, especially of OhloandNew
Terk apples, aa also pnae Michigan. The demand
eonHnaes very limited, and prices equally crm
Pbacdes—'The market has been rather quiet, until to.
day, when a more aettre demand sprung no. Prices
mleflrmeebutwUheut saetablechange. a«gpagß-
HiE»—ln yery Halted supply, and moderate demand.
Market firm at prevloas qaetntinaa, Bnaonmmps
In better supply and steady demand, and Ann at nre
ylqus quotations. Cmrasma scares and In falr ro*
facet. There Is a Halted demand for all Foreign
rnits, and'.with the btsb rates eftmportduty.and of
exchange, prices continue yery Arm with an unward
tendency. we quote:
Apples southern. 9 is
Apples. Vlchlcan and 0hi0...
Apples, New Yerk.........
Black berries
.O-flltt Ms
.0 70 LOO
.O.W I.M
d# .do qurten..
Pared readier » a a
■ . . roxxiax nvm.
sstolai—Lsjen V box. tut aits
S % 5
Abated*. baxo, V ft si m 84
Prune*. Tnrtliß, \> ft M • 3S
Peer*. Bohemian, V ft........ jjua &
Sordine*, baiter can<* «S
Sardine* quarter* . 88* 33*
FEATHERH—The receipt* continue a err smell,
*hdfntb a Air ahlpplog demand, price* rale firmer,
-with an advance oi 2e on prerloo* Quotation*. We
PriH e Lire Geese 63A4te
..FlSH—WDira.xiea—Tfee market baa feaeu more
ttun usually active. there feeler a larre demand for
precect orders, bttllHtba aceomolatloa of infilled
orders now on band, as a recall ol the recent naan
aid ln«de<jumt# supply. Prior* role Terr firm and'
■without fonfecr ebaore. Taoirr—The receipt* are
literal, so that price* rale eaalar, with a See Use
of 2£e 9 brl on previous quotations. Micnm arc
In re ere active demand, with no Improvement la the
mpoly. OnNol.hf brls.nev, we cote aa advaeoa
o( »d, sad on Vo I new kite ot HMc on former quota*
tiers. conrißH are still in imalf tupply aad fair da*
mandat previous quotation*. Baaftnraa—Unquiet
andinnch*n*od. Pictledlc talr demand aad film,
vrjtu an advance of thr biU Weqiote;-
Be 1 WbtceflahffeaH ferla. J8.78 A SJO
£<>•? -w*l “ «-5» 0 8.7 V ■
feo.i Tront ** ..... sjs a tia '
No.sTrent, « §35 «mJ»
feo.lMaoxerel, new, V ball feri 4M5 «u.2* .
s?-> ; - , «Jt a«l 5»
111 “
Family Mackerel, half ferla tss a t ■
SSil;gSs' ,,s ?*- |S
ss s ™
N0.3 ** .........1,...... evs a im
Dotch Herrin**. V ke*. 5 %’S
CSEEAHE—There la a good demand Sot uksm.
and order .icbt receipts the mart™to Aim at me
follovlo* Quotations; m 15109
t*bite Gnate i ‘ • m/ai* <*
TeHow_Gn»a 5*95!.“
Drown ‘lovaii^r
ccdto-Okj.CßObrls. Tbo market during the week bia
teen nnmnMlT ateady and flrm.bat there is no ad-
T«tce to tote la price*. The following table ebon
tfce trauacUou daring tbs week. 6 ”
Oortl. Mmi WMtlr* “* l *“ iwca'ai or tlurn
*SJthLTS£a rf bwbels.tho
y»4« ht ua burttt. ud vs note
552?2215*»« H »«r MnL Doling ihe
I|l}> '* IB UraiH o\
HllivMk. -na laqny
. at fcHhW rates. TU
2j*”gßWee Aweriie dolly trswocOota dartag
(S ; -iagif susps sssz
JEMmue • m aiMu ]bi£m
Wjw ™ °“ B to rt-r *
Eaeelvadlaitwtok. bo i*£m
I'JilHii {SSfZi , f , J ih-JihM
. _ -■ > l— —ftITIW ■■■ __i
j£W *.asn I l Ji ■ SeSf
.“ I .V»o -fim SkSS* s«|g*
** ' 2* mhmm •
M J* 425.11P 71 #79)2 ’ ftu&mu
* ?::*: « fns- S*2Ei
X*-Pat th'edeaiaad for otto was*!**
tfMlMed f»1lf U| B Vq •« «
SnAftS&S* 1 ?•$»**' * -Sn JS&WB
_* l t *®£j*f d *><J»T,3,3oo b*;*htpped todiT.
:sv.“; ssS’.i “*
E««iTcdlmi wtM.lra ■ I!on
iu w «i .™;::;::;::;:;;; $33
„»«■ ‘«p>* mUe?r"o £sl>VVVr”Bfi;dSs?
•m, pi u? w f**G and Bader a fair iun»!y, we n*te a de
w^SS* 0 *?. 0 ” 2 *.* 81, *«•*!• x/iAT |b" iaiai
v?i M of s« P«rhn»B«I. a« follows : 800 bu
>o l Kje m store at llJfi • m bn No ) Bye in store at
tws£ I ?& , ?Tn ße,e,T#d TI« bn; shinned
following «re tbe comparative reeeiota
oad iblpmects daring the past week: p
Iteseived last week, bn ... t j»
■v. . corresponding week X8C3.1 ?»S
Shipped last wees. bn‘...‘..„. S«f
corresponding week
IhTatoat ll wl Vt tor , B/ P i§y t Ana *>though
{he dcmLd n S 9I 7. li * il “ e”«er than
wMkStei h»* »* “''»• nd»M«QB in prices on tee
*>C,t; DO, 109*7 the Islh war* vaallv k?
»« fiPlS a ?nT°i #^ 8: . 113 bA * B ebolra at gi.io°3o ba*s
M a wW u Jiw «*»•>•»; =*> bn at-SMO. * °
week bCeQ M “®»« rta *ebaage la prices 4nr
*Anlhfms;^,t*ll,ei.aT? onlotand nswteal atTe per
SwiM **£? * >o, »* h » ta »Ia •««. steady at lße.
neeetred tadey.lt, 859 fee. Tbe in ß .
E}y hotter Is morn liberal, and under a decrease fn
fe*!r? P^/qVof.*:°‘1 “•■■"»•>•»••• tall >cd la
Prime Dairy, in erocka and tnbs..-
Koll Butler
Shipping, Better, la Hr Was"*"!!! '
Grease llmter. TiSIvU
UfiOOM CORN—Thera is still avers light bbs.
WeYnote* E * rkßt ** flm M- moderately aehve.
ipH ™~= illll
dmiacd is light aadiho mark**ti*
Jhiico a b yht »**W®»-M-tbe latter lor etricUy
liAGOING—The market haa been tolerablr a«.
!*lv >,n?2fiJht 8 P h ß * weelt * rod prices hare
with bo t slight cbonge on prcrfonsouotatlom Seatn
leps fiacts are In very light enppiy, with stoeke cese.
ralJjTerybare. BnrUpsarestlilln aitlre demand
and very Ann with an advance ot Se bn provlonsaao.’
**£oos; GuNifiKa omet au-i nnehaosed. sewed
Llren Bags 1c islr supply, and active demand. Mar
Set very srm and unchatped. Floor sacks la fair
demtnd, end llm at previous quotations. Woolsacks
In pood demand, with a fair supply. Wo quote • U
Chicago A, seaateae ' , * u - lk0 * ..
Menitoe a, seamlcee. •»
Extra Linen
BnrlaM.fotirlm ‘ -
SnnnJes, two bn
** foorbn
„ ** , flva bo
Sewed Linen Bags, two bn. No. 1...
.. u „ “ s«.a .
„ I. Gem E*ehange, A n
•« u » M , ** ■, Extra beav7..*.V.V* 60
I! ?. *xeelaor A Ji
„ * „ , Garden Cltv
Floor Backs, w bris, c0tt0n..,.. * u
» u n X Uncn ..V.V.V."“. «
“ cotton 3
▼•ol Eacts.beavy -V.V.Vf?***." i S
BROOSIS-Withamoderau supply the market
haa been generally active, and prices have ralS aSt!
er. On medom qual.llea we aSte an adVMc^fS
C0mm0n....«..a.,,......... A . ..
ggS“ ••••
,_llE.bWAi-TheVt'iiip^i't;rin 3^hVwB
*aSa?» 6Dia^ with >air demand prices rule Arm at
~*>R»CKH— In good demand, with considerable ae.
Common 9 If .» pa
Brewed 9 M *
Fire Bricks ***
OANI>LI<N->farket grnefiiiy aetiVV, and in fil?
spt ply. Prices rule ve« v Arm with an advance oftre
qr?l™ ° 8 ““ 1 xal ° 9 B mftSf,"
Btearlne let/^iw
Star Candles No. I
Star Candles No. 2............. It SSS
H COOPERAOE-Thcre hu Mn'im VeSt.
Mvny in the market during tbe past wsJk lt 1 tnl
advanced rates of labor prices are rerr’firm *
wltbontckange on our previous quotation ’Pork
barrels are doll, and In Very Urbt dominii t
i-KS e V* oa *^ e In goon supply bat Inactive. For
1-lour barrels there Is a Ihtr Inquiry, and nrleas min
▼erw firm with an upward leaJeney.
“fK2f« r .s a w?si?ir." w,iT - ““ nrr ara «
Flour Barrels, round hoop &£=? «?
Loosehalfbrls iLsS. 1
-5-K, 1 !^
Barrel Staves and neadlngs HWOcaMJK?
Flour Barrel Staves and Square Headings. BJOA 9<n
fis?nssss , .^:.“ a^S:
o.TK' r,l ' O,M
UK roiw unv^otfa
Flour Barrel Pole* *'**** vT£l-T£'£
COAL—The receipts daring the pssV week have
beet) more libera], bat are still ccmparaUveir llrht
and unequal to thedemamL There I* n* departure
ibe crm tone with which this market ha* been
pafct «® sun look-
Itg for hlgber rates. Onr prevlona qaotatloaa are
bat Arm with ac upward tendency. We
EBis—Brookfield eii m
do OnnMiT. .^. v . ..7..^........’. - ‘ -
.. 9H« 1«*
.. u a it*
.. as 9 *♦
.. u m as
VBAviAcnoffs nr mamrnras dtttoo m wm.
i . BarrchSoM. . Prt«-
I* J JB» tin «u»*
K a! «• unam nn
5* u»#u*|
52 t iM JiOT
T»-»atPMßukHviuirn«» i>lrawM« SihX
©swsar •• «jatiSSs
-■TJ^-assy-ss ,, -v;
fIAT-Tliavtnkukw biurmiUSSS
ttifMfc Tfcwettafclr <*eß«
aailtnK prim* reie toTjrWfc ■Tis™sT
vb«l»al«>rl«w«rfl.lß V
•a «»l Win, aada nwanidag
ntw Is awbalMla qmV«M»w wlitWiS
en, ud »arr«MU prim* fumtt tiW7«M2i
QBstty, tester tnMnmjm
NMjmm TiaXiiS
IM)*, IMN, •••....../SSSItS
ntin. vmn *
ABOthy, heater premed fMjtMMJi
Ttooßjtlon peemd. sjmus
Aaolhy, W—m a
Pntrts, toeec prsned. n—isis
HI ÜB-Aere has beea Utka tfeay fmprovw
meat, latheprevlees toacUrlW efßemarhee/^Tan
sen are debuTywy Ittca, fir waat ef Bark, aad with ‘
the marketTirew Tork ever stocked, there le a vary
limited ahippnc demead. Ory kUatis la Urverai^
priaaa havedeWiaatHe
[a. Other description are telsratly ftnaaadaa*
ehoaged, wit* me excepMa of Calf, whi :h are very
flraaadaetsroe> araantenetatloas. Wseaoto:
<wesa3sSr ,i JOJ*
Kr s ==m^
Ktoaa<cm«ii«**ißr....::::: , 22
IROH—With a fair rxppiy #f the leading deaerlo-
ef mauufhctured Iren, the market eoatisaH
J.Vs f ?. r iUr. , V’s;^ 1 -w"‘ 0 •
Tat Bar, Betto • m 1(
Flat Bar,Chareoal. Sit
tfu»M Im* * '*^S.9S
Seas Iron. ckaraeal...
Kbaat Iraa.Oalranlnad,...
»orw»y Han Bode
Flow Steel
Bound and Square Sabi* '
Bound and Square, Cnarooal
Baring Bteel
Hoop and Baud Iran * *“
tiis£^»^iVSr T 5 e r , 9oe| I of tooiaidfiig daslrip-
Uona ol Fig Iron during the week harp bsaa msra
r;“ t0 a coire»p«adlpgimmurementIn
twS2 e il T J 7 tka market. Thera It na disposition on
tbe part of manaf&atarera cr merchants to mate »ar
ccpcettioß Id prlsae, tka tendency of the market
Mowja higher quatoiionj Scotch pig u*
rtada firmti\ and la better demaad. We onata; “*
Beotah Pjg.Nol Ynstmnm
llawnion, K» 1 ...
Maj?nino,NoS . • iriS
Union Pig Iron, A Hoi S£S
Union Pig Iron. No* Tatn
Union Fla Iron.B Ho S «S
Lake 5a0er1er............
t^ e ?eekt »» tons Seotak Pis at
Jjijo m U * B 69 d * at 5 71 - 04 : MO tau do do at
_LKATIIKR—Tke market hM been la fair anpply.
with a limited demand. Prices continue Ira sail
Market rather easier. There la a goad demaad for
lisbtleaiber. »ad price* rule Ttry firm at srtiat
Roods continue Terr
firm, but with mo qoetabie change. Wa quote: 7
Slaughter, Sch.,..Jn®«a
Buenos Ayrat .main*
Orinoco Sola"..!!*^
.143 Me
Alp,’ “
Call, " ....jjb<aiKi
Upfor, p foot
CoPtr, p foot .ai—le
Planchter, 801e....aa s* 2
Harness, a..,. 47a so
Kip.Ko.j.meA* “*
tip, No.lhHlTT 'K© 9*
Calf, tztra LMteI.TS >
Trasek K*, lit
Trrart'Coif," a , ' Me * ™ I
»• a 4*51,80 I
JLKAD AND HHOTr-ln fairsupply with aUmlt-
W* d Priec * tr “** bttP quotations
as tw
SA'l/CUO—ITIttI the building jfi.
ion 111 foil operaHaD. tbs demand for Lime. Btacc»
and Cement la extremely acilro. The marks? la la
ralr supply, and Tny Him at our present quotations.
*v e quote:
wS2Ji.»? *
cement •••••
Michigan Stucco .... ‘iwaaoa
NsnScotia stucco * * *imli'S
Plasterers Hair. p bum 3 la
Marble Dost, pbrl . . 4 Sat 2
Land piaster, p iwf —a }£&!&
Clarke’s Cement, p br!
ETAl^j—There has been a fair amount of act!*
Tlty m the market onrlug the past week. Box Ha Is
In need demand. Pigs less actlro bat prices ra ; o
erra an* unebansed. copporistn moderate snoaly
and Orta demand. On Metallic Alley Bottoms thore
loanadrancoofloon various rates trltn a larea
demand. Feneo -wire la ]«» aortTo.wittta decline on
previous quotations of3)*eper a. Wo quote:
_ 91M f Coma. ia
Box Tin Plate, I C.
Larpa Pips 66.00
Bxiall Pips 51.00
Bar Tin
M«t«nißAUo7Bo4*su4s 0
Copper Bottoms. 67 •
Bolt Copper. 63 e
Braaere,! t010tta....61 •
6hretlop44M e
Tinned 60 e
BA roll' MTAL,’
4i e
M •* .-.24 «
FlneSolder 45 c|
KAlLS—Martel model
prcTioaa quotations. Wen
ulAetarei'i prices. We qat
lOdiofiM « te* ?...
44 ”**;
. 7-M
. 7.78
. 8.60
* ,?"S
Cut Spikes to
Clinch • 1 «S
. NATAHTOIiEti—Tin c■ m*a*d "Junc cVh•"»det
has been rather named, with a fair demand. Prloej
rule firm aad naahacsed. Weqnotc;
*H.O\gai.iO Manila Bepe » a*c#l
Pu*bjo.«#i2.oo a«mp a
25SDt, S3.CO Lath rifU.Kd 1 iSM/aKa
Tarptjctlne.... s.tsa »M • “’So iwiuS
Oaknm B.«Q TSO Marltae.......
ONlONS—Market la almost nominal enpalv. Thera
u a fair inquiry, and pricts rule urn ud outbanzeiL
We quote: *
Pilrao qnantiM Mvsr%« a*
Common to median. ***’l
..CAttCON OLL—Toere has been a* VaVie amount
of activity In this market curios the past week. Of
tag to a large ipecnlatlfo demand, with but little oil
on the market or ia the hands of rcflners, price* hare
been considerably stimulated, and wa Vote anal*
▼ance of 5e per gal. oa beat brand a. The only offer.
Inca in Pituburg at present are confined to oats.da
S.Ve% d ,£t?' “ ag ’ 1 * »■“ t«t
Benicia ”**jj gtfi
OJLeJ—LrasMD Oil—With llttla Improvement In
the demand the market rules firmer, with a ansfat un
ward tendency. Wnaxs and Blip hast in fair del
mand and moderate supply. Market firm and un
changed. Lak> Oil urn and active. JTeat»(oot on
In very small supply and good demand. We qaote •
Lard Oil, pure leaf ..V.V.V..."’ 1
Lard Oil, common 1 aSaija
Machioe’ou oiSSu*
?P«”“ fig*»r *.s*|*.flO
Mecca Ok.
Js3£?& ( * u&.“
Carter OK f is
PROVISION'S—'The market daring the week his
be«a quiet but Arm. particularly la barrelled pork.
liras Fora—Dana? the w«rkab .utd.otdbrls hare
been sold at ([email protected], and the market closes firm,
with oosellera below itl.oo(g33.oo—an advance on the
w ?, e^ c ( a,,ollt;>2 * 00 P ert,rl - To-datth*sties were:
—Up brie coumry mess pork at (30.10; 2.eoc brl* over
hauled co«ntryme*B<togav«nmenl) at (39.09. 500
bna linhlmcsfl (to coTcrntnejit) at(23.!Xi. *
Prime liras Pork—ln the early part of the week
about 3.50 C hrls were sold at (/7.50ft2* 50; but yester
day evening and to-day the Commissariat at this post
went lalo the market and purchased about 10 004 brfs
at *rJ.CCS3f>.N-ohlefly at the outside £a«taVsS-Sa
advance on the week of tf.oo per brl. toe sales to
day and last nlsht were: stohrls Prime Me«s Pork
at 420.00; I.Bob brlß.SOObrlj. I.WO brls, 4M brlf
9,m brls. and S.MO brls (with some new) SpatSScS
llnik Meats—Neglected and nominal at
for uama, uawc for Sides, aad 11 *<llXO for Shoal-
-Bacon—H*m» are In good request and firm Te>
day SO tres Bolhold'i aunr eurod and canvassed n*.
con Hams were sold at tOVc packed.
■ I.ord—Tbcreisa fair Inquiry ft)r Lard and the
market Is firm at UKOISKc for Bttais, and ISVAIIa
lor Kettle. To day the sales were: ICO UC» nrlme
steam ati3&c; MhblsdoatiSKc: 300 trc«do at ijuc.
Tho following are the closing quotatlonsof all klndi
India Mots Beef.
Prime Me*a Beef.,
Iztra Mem Beef..
Mess Beef.
Inferior Mess,....
Beef Bam*
Smoked Beef. V ft
MedsPork, new...
Prime Mess. new.....
Short Ribbed Middles M
Short Clear Middies. a
Loicßxb Middles.....,
Lony dear Middles... , ’* a'*’*
Cumber lead Middles a *”*
Lour Cut Hans. In b0xe5.....,.....,,,. . . ****■
Bulk Shoulders, loose qlu a ojaw
Bslk Hama, *oom (U<* o UK*
Balk 91dss.loose O.UKOBIIM
Bacon Bams, sugar cored and etars’d OJB a OJO
“ tmeanraasetf.... 8.17 » S.IS
'•! « plsfai dry sailed; «.li « 909
Baooe SbouWert..... O.UK» IOJK
Prime Leaf Lard iiva u
k 0.l Lard. lu S UK
POULTRY—The supply darias thspast week has
been very Halted, with a fair ssaand prices hare
ruled fins, hut without ctusxe at prenoo* quota
boat. "Ws quote:
Dressed Chickens. V doc t* *"81 a
Droned Turbsys. B V>
■WiWDuohs.smalß dor IMdkN
** “ pi aßards, ft doc ITseiM
Fleeooa. 9 doc 1 Wai ita
POTATOES—The receipts daring the put weak,
iave been- mra limited, tapeetallr e? straight let* of
Kecnaaaotiuaadi’eaehßlevs. With sa eettre de
m«ad, price* bar® advanced te per bu. Market tott
Otb at present quotations. Wa aoete: 1
Netbanaocki KvaMa
peach Blow* .... ...VlaSau
POWDIE-The market continue! doll and with
a very Him tea demand. Prerlona quotation# are Terr
flnofaDdnnctaansrd. We quote:
Ride Powder, 9 keg Ilo.ohaio.sa
Easting Powder. fftfß ...iSSsSf
- PAlNTS—Warr*l.B4i> continues la active de>
m'Dd.aodwltbafalrßnpplr- The advance made lilt
week buheeafnlly sustained, at which we couanca
toouote. Coi-obs—OH tad Dry are In air demand
and steady. Wo quote:
While LeadnareViM hi., «ISLM
• ** bTA. Fahnestock Ve
“ ** B.L. Fahnestock, pure.
.. ‘ _ gagle 15JJ0
** “ Peart Snow.
* • 11M
H - M . ISJS
H * . 0-50913J0
. UN
laftrloc Brandi...
Hew Jeraey Ztae,
fnad Bed See)
is 0 If
It 0 It*
Paris Qnm. ...
Buspte Creep
ImM tad MMcnati
Preach Ochre.
Chrome TaUov
Venetian 8ed....;
. - 1kd11b..;.,
■ KICK-Tbmhaß been cocxlderabtr non setirUr
ta tbanarket dvtax the Ml waak* 7 Alimbed«mj
ply la >ewyork.wltfc a lam apeealatlra
dm again Matrt price*, wbfah baTnadranaad Bo ob
onapreyteoa qnoteooaa. Ws 400*0: IMUW9a
»*--“»—— -
Ur.a&d coaraa, telling by thecar-load Su t
•W. Carzooa to amre, bowers. an offered fteS
at fA4#aSoM. Poißtav—Tkare tea better laonSrr
for Foreign Balt* ewlagta the tacreenta tba tuT
- iTm?? !? ™" 01110 wlwfi
. Co«rwV“"" ’' “-93
. JW'STS I ’*! W "«L “* ntonnJ Alum itlsS
SMbrlaOaondaga Fin* at Wff aatlun- .li-T: 7r_!
ais.brte w* Baqaaw Fine. to awlre. at
aad««ebrladoat «2.t«-abtoarrtro.
SmDS-fljlx—Tbore it a Halted demand for
Flaaaoad, aad the market la aolaa and mmm o*i m
To-dat were: 5 ban fair qo alter at
doaiMTS. e*Aaa%ar*4fe<Si
entirely comlaal. ,
BALBBATCB—Ia fair demand, wltb a limited
aapply. Prices role eery firm aad aactunged. Wa
- ..ao*»u b
Bweryte Ew!w...., SSSta
Kirk's General Brand* y'Sav
* S„t I*
American Caatfle liwaiii
OTA 8 CH—There baa been a fair damaad-iuid
wnb a limited anpoiT, price* have adraacAdKe qb
pferloo* quotation*. wo quote: nc oa
»?”**»*»• Tfca Burtßi nl— ttxj Iwilwrin^
JjgW” - «M»
*3y(Sijfcr-TIMW kMktiik ittci»*tß»yomnat S
tWpSra d«tßtthrp«tveak: bar*
cn w MilMnaif esettoeeir, Maataclr lubli
S ftOM
JSffiEKfi'. ‘.“Si A*»SSl.“fi:
; «»•*
* *i_jS«
TEAS.—Tk*r« lutaa tmta
Mtscferklrtcrma. W«<notSj^^^ w, * u
r****m*m,**ti *•'**»
“ , - SStaSt! i;;;;;i SS S
kMUl.wrttrtoftia;* b j »• S S
J^. , #*w7AStom:e - ;"as «l'
Mifv.• SI
w7 Q JSS-** 4 “ w«™
al^EEr :::::;:::;:::::::::;S,<s3 S
E?"* w e«*.b«h lollen »nd bar*
nr *p'l *° ibi KM«eii of tM lose
®*7 db I*Tj*d, Tk« Impmaloß wi giUntag
«*• of ndmkio-.l tv« will *• lowof
k 1 «Atil? a I 8 d »5 d °op!»«*ob»o«o His m»r.
*** k#r ‘ >a * wmo« qaoioblo ch»n*t. Wo
.. s ai2
.j» an
.39 «B
.17 sis
cnscAeo tobaoco MAEVTAomBurs smaxM.
gterhflfce Wsi»...iW«uoe B i« e
KwiMr .93* KC 9 U..V... I* t
*®»®e I ..V. M S .2
rralrle ihrtde 7!U 75c n * ®
rt .«» fMU(M **—•*' w *
7.« d >a. BUT of I
rienla.flebiw * , *r2 B
7a aad se, ricneer *****
Se, Extra CaTea*sh 5 " !
*»7s »«d 10«,Bia«k DlBHioB'dl”!! ****• S 1
fSS:~:~£'S S S
gSSSsasS «•' S8o.v;;5:':: ; i i
Gold o* c c.s §s} J
H.r,«LSs;; ” “ •
e a to«
6< 9 75#
- - « A 7*
Tcanc S A #•«
® &
erep*joie«..:::::;:;; 2 s®
psJ?S. < ?S rV^eß * r » v * aI Ma«o
For 6 Milt to rtr» »«».
Com'n oo da Jo
* 3l ' oo*'n* no neV'wodl ib
“no* 3 of old aro
SSSStSSr ftom “* »*w Ti/'S*s^l
v“.T, b .°. Ta c , I I'* 1 '* S f , ,h " eoamlmo on Wot, and
a *an». at shadowed forth la tho wew Tariff Bln )<»■
IB# luoig of boldcri art a flJsht abovetha A
hnj«rp.»rans*ett»*i are moderate. Domestic t« hale
th\“7o T Va=V.r
45* pric t l M*W*ed tadJtatenode.
f T hepap«hafeoaroU.%Ue<l tothaim-
Smii a i c .^ re * e « , .°^ maßafl,; * Qr «f s . n» one. annar
»Pccrt’a?l v« S |™ £al mJL£° ? a 4 f£ c * to Tearnr « noon
B^ofVffalSr^* 0 * 10 ** 13 We prM “ s untamed
Import from Jan. Ist to May Slat, 1884-
Frrm foreign ports, bales.
From eetttwlto porta.
*ey»! den
Farmer* Delirtrt.
Loyal ClMtia..,,,
Flc Twlet ..;
Orlaoeo coo 4 dam.
«etd B*3BBe
Precah Calf; 86
Bb «» q
Fren h Calf Lai
■otaes, 9 doz-
, ooada, *» doe-.71.00#!3J1
Boom, 9 d0z..4443018»00
Total, bales TTTT:
San»e time. 1J»63 ii*2s
Tree n»co mu*.
iledteas Fleece::: . 5M2«
Fjcyoir T»b TTaebea.
Jm®S L * lco . ‘ fof Vhe week’eodlac
•JDBe4,j k HB cords. The aapoly, fair i*niil
SiS d> "Tf r “ “ ””■«
BftPd jflnrj m JI'JS
WAEB-Market generally aotlvs
giete* n °P | J‘ rtices firm and nnchanjeJ. We
Oharas No
do Noß....ij,siVii£c«
do No3...,lsJ«raii.ca
v£b*S£;-^ U0 ® 15J ” l
o?ffKsSsiiiW«« w |
.ido* «.«« rso
s•l* w ?M SJS
d* 2 bQ W-r&aift Mi |
wUtew &fl*» 7M I
deelethM io.oQoia.ro
«dqaie«. ftlces Unii
Is* qnauty. caak 2# e
l>* “ sheas w ©
Slab ~..16# e
1 to 8 (
7. SandS uu tt
1# and u :::: !r;
12................... ji «
IS and 11 ,V is a
U and 18 V.V/.V «
Pence wire 13 «
Fence Staples 13 §
rately active and firm at
ole** 5 keg over man*
soanana goods.
SeetfUed Whisky *3
percent. U. F. uo
Reaper Wkuky 113
American aarle do .. 1.33
•y.whi S ky ( rj( MC o> i.n
Bourbon doiChlcazo) ).li
Pnre Spirits (pr*n .. I,io
Colacne Bplrliaßgp
cent ?.fO
Cbleago 75^3.00
do Brandlee.l.SO'c&Z.SO
d* ituniß....tjea2.co
d* Pt -W189.1/932.0S
io Fhe’f d0..t.75«?.0*
do l!*la;ja.00
©tceer wine l.icai»
Ciiemr Brandy...l.aswl.flO
Blackberry W ine.i.75(,-,a CO
Butpbarry vrinc.S oo®ve
N In?landnnni..l.C3oi2CO
Peon. By* Whl*
klaa 1.73® UO
Eentocky Poor
bon •whlsklia...S.«flct3.ao
Ohio CaiTja wme.3.oo®ii>o
|*«>P Plymouth, Dickson,Buffalo. sundries.
.h&s7 e liuom lt.t PetoUeo - 0:11 m *J m
Prop Hacine, Arthur. Buffalo. sundries
®£j« £, c B l a!r * Godwae. G rand Haven, Ir-O m lumber
Campbell, Qr*an Bay, 160 m lumbar,
Mirßetaid Mott,Sawyer,Greenßay, 100 m lam*
Schr *A Bacrscb. Olsen. Dean’* Pier, ITS m lumber
Schr Mount V>rnoh, Johnson, Detroit, 1W m lumber.
from Green B»y.
Brhr Eateflickmoad, Shields, Buffalo, 170 mlumber.
48 m lath from Green Bit.
BehMfoea Belle, Miller, Bailey's llapbar,ll3 cords
Schr Guide. EobMna. St. Joseph. 45m lumber,
faehr Octavla, Johnson, Black Lake, 85 m lomoer.
Sc* Barney Eaton, Marshall, Eewanee, IJocords
Schr Whirlwind, Olsen, Two Hirers, <8 eda wood.
E°br WH Craig, White, Bay City, 230 m lumber, 15 m
Ect f C j^*|^ er * Bower »* Kewanee.iCO m lumber,
Schr Sutherland, Carmickel,Palntervllle,2o m lumber
Sum staves.
Fchr Ellen Pike, Cosgrove. Ilellan*, Wciawood.
Schr Roanoke, Harding, Clay Banks, 60 miomher.B
m cedar posts. . * ’
gcbr b-itfc al% ** CoUInRS » Grand Havre,Boeda shingle
Echr Lumberman, Connell, Grand Haven. 100 m lam
: ber. <0 m timber.
Schr Mnskinsnm, Crawford,Bay city, 5* brli salt.
»? C Kr.* G * l , n, S 1 ’ *** City, 320 m i amber,
scar £, “ rTey » B *7 City, wo m lumber, 30
lstl r » 9co l f * q ™ tb ". We. 38# tons coal.

bchrAQHsrt,Bi*eloir,Baflalo,2So m lumber from
' orand Travers*.
Schr Wm O Brown, Bonner, Bnffale, JfO t oaa bar li on
Scow PUnsc, James, Mnakegnu, 90 m lumber.
Scow LB Goldsmith. Beckman, Mnakeron. 310 m
. shingles, 60 eda Mrlozla bolta.
Scow E flaxes, Brddick, white Lake, 53 m lumber
Scow Union, Welsh, Kalamazoo,63 a lumbar.
Seow^BirondeUe, Thompeon, Kalamazoo, Mm lum-
Bebw Grace A Green. Universes, White Lake, 40 m
- lambcr. 30 m lath.
Sloop Union, Mason, Si. Joseph, 9 edn wood. 1M bu
Ctßlßlh | . 1 111111 .Jm* 7
. sour aaa auwerlea. -
PropPptomae, Bukklo, 13.709 bu eern.LSM
r hWeieur, IJMhldoaaadaaadnoa..
CaJdweU.Sarnia, »30 bneen.
> Bin bhla flour and nundri*<a. .
Prop AH&gbany.Boyatee, BuAlo. 1,7 M bbln tear and
Baik Flylnr Mlrt. Blanchard, Buffalo, St,NO bu eon.
Baik dty ef Ckleara, Lynn, Buffalo. idiSO bu wheat.
.Brl* Lowell, Eanaom, Menomonee, ucht.
BrlgSekaitopol, Haaaen,Muakccon.linhL
I*2* St? Blair. Godman, •reea Bay, u«ht.
Soar Sky Lark, Raaaey, Buffalo. MMeoa wheat.
Sohrßle Vensoo.Mi’enell, Duffilo. bu corn
Schr H.G.MnsMy, Gtffaey.Grew * .
Schr BUza Locaa. Lanahere, Buffalo. lOAWfeu ukaat.
f c S r *U*loCc«dar B>yer, Usht.
Schr Ely Demis, Entli, Baffalo, coza.
mo ai&M
lfi.oo 017.80
14.00 OIS.M
li.« 025.00
us a g.n
soxo a....
fleataetkulof tfie ao<t ealawc- ptmleius ot btt
U«WSrf»S”** ,Cde4 &X *1 wJ»o Isov him u a
Grass's Cablntst (air* am Bum.
Baa’s eartaM Stir* am SitUs,
Grass's Cslstotisd Un am Hash Wounds.
Brass's OsMated Mss earn Jsleat,
Grass's CilolnM Stirs ram Imss Uaifts.
fins’* Cslstsstsd Iblto am CMtassa.
Beta’s Cslalntsd Sstrs saras Itlt Basiss.
Grass’s Cslskntad Sain com CUlUdaa,
Brass’s CsMsatsd (airs am isn Brstst,
Grassy Csisbrmtsd Stirs sans dsn Ufa.
Bracsfr Cslskratod Balrt corsair j sipaisa Sana.
Bma’i CUateatsd Bairs com Ussasssa,
Giaaa’lCaialcatad (alls sons llaasa. -
Calsbratcd Bairs com Chappad Haads.
null •srslilislid Ills isiisluuass ns
. Me
.4 •( e
;F* 2
ABd£roa>6omudWo«ndoof tMaodMciouiut*
two doia to b common Plmplt. it ondlcaMß
fuapleo ftoa the face, and boonttao* tfeo Am. Tboro
la do piepontta* botoro tto pobtle ttiot cm oatul tou
Bb'.to la prompt aadea«raon* actlm fcvtao need*
earoof«ztor*o)dUMPM,aolfeooevho bora triad la
t«eotrttlfp- BMte&oilot« id
Sad llte 8«1to tbolr beet Mend. »*«u«wwiu
Ii bee bom •! hMttoK propertlM of
oOier rein e Alm> traljcooto» oteaaeee aMheala the *****
•crfooe Woordeaed Berea. -
BTerrArerty, tad especially taoaeeoDfealßlßxeMhl*
Tea. tkoald keep a box ea bsad fee ceaetHaoShfeema.
for It win mi 9 tbaea m«eb troobte, woJhriSlwi
waatato a tolr trial to coreold aaditNtmH
I Price a cent* per box. Each box bu a eat aad the
laeatmlUeoi the proprietor"* eboanzra to It, wblob 1*
dolj ewvtuns^d^.u „ t
Chicago, Ibtaots. waoleaale Ageot.
Grace’s Balre a lor sale by all DracaUta la exeey
oity aod town. niß’gaaf-frwasA-a
IP* Hi.twa hacp,
Pdoz... „If6QSW
i da three hocp... 83uo iji
I Taka. seed
. three |.'4A Lit
*o Vo I p doc..UA(fcbl4 M
doX°: 12.«c»lia
H bn Measures.
. Bed S.V
do Butternut... C.CO& BJf
reck Measures,
,E«d SJSV9....
do BnKeruot... J.OCSa...
TOKB-*Wirkßt nnieitled
, Foamas' goods.
Hoflaad 5.«®T.5*
Jamaica nayy
•WraSl I** 1 ** “S«
Pon jjvaio »•
Sherry J.ooaajs
Madert* 4J$O®lL5»
cabs goods.
Butikb— _
■ lied Jacket Stomach..7.3
i Drake’* Plantation....3.ls
natfiteUef** Stomaeh.3.ls
Strawberry 9JK
Cheiry T.K
Raspberry BJ*
Blackberry &SI
Old Tom 6m .....AM
Blnamger’a L’n D’fc.WJ3C
rißinne tub blood.
Tmua»«j'Mi«, tkM <m mn Vmmm
l“»"«e K«u «a« Wo**, :
Klar* am, c*um. T*.
rhr»nl. Im Bju, Klrngworm «T
Jetter. tmm Hal, M 4 Jmm, hw
OtinittOHlltan Pllta, BlotekM,
■ Bona, B«iln om Ue Baee, Mm.
B**'rr"*?, Pr * > * y orBr«T.I,ttT«J
Coßplalat Byapapaia, Hmou
s«aenl DeMlttr, aO Ckroala
mmmib «mi— muhumi
••• •**** or tka mt«p,
*u—— of tnsLirvr.lA
s~*** m * ■< its aroßfi sMlos freadlr
tmrui umiTtt • pmfm iSTs
Ks:toi?u^Li. , li l f * ttl ~T“ nn. Thta eattnar
«*r »“•*
msodffwiikSSnySS* 1^I ** cvm ' Ho 0118 w
-J^** 8888 * 8 # X“* lladder tad TTHaarv
i.rt,T.s.?rs;;LPf. ?"■£
"JJ'df** B ■••BolBsr, I* Whan W9 MS refer
Tarshtevsof jr9rra>adto«Bie«,neh m IfonralTla
▼art*o , Kinat?i l 'i?® of ' Menjory. GBner»i Dehilfty*
iwwip, Piuii Is tke9«iTM tfUit Face, and th* t»h!
818 to which fHßales are Haols and tnfWv
re J*. edy ioown to thecirliued
w v^* f cemplmlists i» U aspect So remedy.
.■ L *e'*a Mho tcolri a clear white tkin a>H •
and*^»?22l 4 h6»ado« tth om of
washes ol arery hied, (wht-rh oolr inlnre tha
sapUSlla 4 KBarjtiiLT** A*o
lat «.• the aiJo- by clean*.
u pnre sa(l heUthy, and by
*S eTC7 »la«o Teasel. thanchanshSf
«>“•““■• to tbo bloom £3
jbst. s«wais
Ji* '•"•'« •booS oi'SSS
_J* 8 *> who 1* ippreaekia* that cuahus or litb—
tubcxssatiow or m 51b.«svs. In inch caiL 11 JIT
BM he too highly reoocmtnaed. C 9W u “*
Ter the aere of Scrofula, Kraptloiu *f the qv,b Bpw.
eo many dUTernt complei*w. w *““ 7 eaoactooa ut
rJt» OW Sores,
imir,a>n ita cane. Seale Mead. ..a
«Kt*wW , hß , fasli l !iV’* aa< T ® uer OinU
wm ba round a yaluble assistant to tha lodine
808 S Bf *aph*ltl* In labdalae the Tha Todlni*
* D «S‘r«pami* pn ,ia*. WaAdlndreW^toS
ssfs 3aVt?“ “• • kos - “ 4 2
At no kuoo Is the intern to spew t« the att.net> «r
! »«*»»• Tb# bfool mibV *SSSa°X
mes with homer aid decayed matter «b« ■*»._ Z?
eiraed with bile, with eo.tlnne.ioa ttoowSS'S
looMHu on the otter. prtTSil uid thn
rccjr to n.fc nadfr dueW P B i!fcn£J
moo. ?nrf S .* ?h* ad ** m Si lela ® u,t *UI purUy°th®
,r;£ bi.T.-s:^' j b > •>* wiSs?.-
TOTWX Pvbuc.—A. there are penoni who
are not aware *f the eiffertaa* la kruosaili nrw.
Deration* wowil w.rrans Dr B**terlj?lodlne aSd
birnparma. ilx lira*, st-on-er, cheaper aaabeSS
Jkaa. Towaewd >, BaU’e, Ayer**, or any other Bua*»
?iM\dlwT rb,0 * (l *° e *fJ ,B S,f , ‘rdi«tno dow offered to
the pabllc or bo money wjU bo taken for It. *°
f^lci— The lodine an. Sarjaoartlla *i2s per bottle.
K^VpVrbo^S. B * l *“ 4 TeUw 01a ‘ m «*.
and iold hr »R- B. RA3TRRL7 *
W?ioori n ‘ er 0t Ttlrd “ a c “ e,u,Bt itraeu. at Lome,
Ciraoid at US. B&3TBRLT*3 Family Uedlafaia
rat?* m«y<sy toa B V 9€ *» ft,s,i r tho.Fost Otßoe, fti-
. T.B6*
TTUI Core Cough*, Cold*, Aathina, Con
anmptlon, Spltdu
Blood, Pftlo In tho Side and tfroast.
'Whooping Cough, Croup, and all Pia
•asea of the Throat and Ln^p.
This Balsam la,beyond all deabt, fee moat perfect
ph**kOt oCJcsclsaa remedy erer diieoTered ttm
»H dHesecs of the Throat, cheat ana Lunjra. Header
Joo a Cold, ar may dljeaae or fee
bo not tagleet il. Delay la daacerans. Jlililonartii
JSdVi'iJ.'’ 7 * COMioN COL'i. eStuS;
and Colds, which oor erer-cb-nenur altoate b#o--A tr
soteured, load to COX*I'M mo T.Vadt
time, aid oroonre atoa««
w b . rejne<j y. -Da CART3ii*3 couoa
which kaacnnd thonaaoda npontheuaanda
fii e I P J? ,B i oian * 4,1 other raaedlaa had fella* —*
tka pattaat given up to die. Dr. cartar*a Const bS-
taken IttilßOlAiHLl. BTOPST TOI
LOUGB, allays the Irritation af the Lungi, producaa
e «» cxpac*oratlon, and etfccta a rpcady and
52Ti55i* nrß,^ 8,01 5 B * **** ktreog'haalag ail fea
?^** 4 nary orsaar. Ten yean’ trial naa oalr served
in all parts of ta»
eopnuy.aatlie great aad ONLY RBLIABLk Kan?
IDT m -ha WOksT CAftJbl •f Daim«qarTdl«an«i
.edUemesUgreeahle a entire for Courta «-oliSl.
*'2 I 2 B f ,on ll ? at 811 poaslhfy bo used!
**h«m t* everywhere* saksowl
?t°“«! d ha 71! el ? 1 * ■ drnc*Uts.and all whohareused
™ o4 * petfoct and IsfMllble remedy now
\»rt^n.*!ir2 e *P. w° to £ ,u dlseaaea ot tha Lonca.
tionfo a?L b tWM haTU bean add, aad gave aaU
“** b ° ta< " Mc >er b0 “ 1 ' I 'arje 6otl„
* I,T b7 Dr - * l4 iSTgaLT, 3t.L O ,Hj.
St Dr. K FA3TESLT & CO.’S Famllr
ofiM. ^ 88 tia PaJt
..T* 1 • celebrated Liniment In oae of the moot perfect
«i?i ed Jnv everorr °*ed toueafflicted. ic enterstoe
aa* penerra’ej Immediately so
the neat of tee oliiws, nttznoiatnur tbsskaoreajii mma
secretions, and thQs*s*UiH tatare to throw off thw
diMsie. J* cures BhramMlea. Sprains, Bruises fin—
u teSjuStcf wl " !r » “
For Horiea and oilier Animal*,
Tertally conceded to possess a power aad efficacy tn-
Serlarto an ather Liniments, forthe cure af stpratas.
rulsta. CnW. Galls, Chafes, Hlnrboao. Windgalll
Hcistohcs. Sparta, or any wound or stiffness. or en
largement at hana and muscle, and all disease* which
occur among bora'*. Pvery living stable keener
should keen it coratentlv on band. FamliHe and
country merchants abonldalwayabe aopplied with It.
because it la the heat Liniment in tu e. ZW~ Price Mo
per bottle.
„ Z3T Prepared by Dr. E. EA STEELY, Bt. Lools. Vo.
fold at Dr. K. BAaTKRLY & CO.’B Family Uedtemo
Store.SS Madison meet, near the Foot Office. Chi
Dr, Baker’s Bpedfc,
This elegant, popular and IntaUtble preparation, so
celebrated la all car large eitlen for the curoot Prt
▼ato DUoaaw,!* now offered to the afflicted, and www
ranted to cure all eaaea of Gonorrhea. Gleet. Stale*
turn. Seminal Weakneae. Bhordee. diseanM ef tkskM
aejaane bladdsr, aad alloluaaeaol the sexual or*
gaaa of elthrr sex, males and females, la a few dark
Drßaker’s npeclflo is the only safe aad reliable rent’
edTtfer the cure el Spermatorrhea, generally termed
leatnal weaknean, caused by self-abaae, er ezoeaetvn
udalgenee, which In now so ftarfnflr preralcnt.
Seeder, hare yen a private disease, or any ulaeaee at
the kidneys, bladder, sr sexual organs? Do not act*
leetit. Delay la dangerous Praeure as ouee that
eelebratoe remedy. Dr. Baker's Specific, which has
enieathonstadsnpon thausnsds and aaradthem trees
the bands ef metdleasguanks. It net from prematarw
graves. This Bpectfle is a grea' 1141110, Pusavnua
and SELF CUBIaO Bn mmtliMl
aider ad rice.
Brest eautfon Is neeeeaary la esses of private dls
*ase* to svold imposlUon. By getay to » regular
pbyaiclsayen peril yourprlrste reputation. Buxoenm
private praetUlonsr you pertTyour
keslth for Htu (avoid tae latter an yon would the M-
wh°i»ean neither rend nor write. A.
hist to itoo wlse la auffletent. Bear In mind that wttA
Dr-Baker's »pect*a you ean CUItB YOURSBLP for*
OBB*TBHTH TAB MOSSY whlos either wllletexan.
wlthant change ef diet er hlnefaaeo frombusinaaol
aud thus prevent al. ahaaea of exposure aad rMa.
This medfeCas m adapesdta both now,
■•’••■■d females, and : may be used by etther sdK.
with the same seruaty ef sueeese in curing all
ease* of the aexual organs enueod by eontazlsn or
veakuees. as Its sett on In ehlef y apmt uponme no
cue membrane of theee organs, fhsngtug morbid m.
crttlane. reduciu* tufleuiruenen heeling theadnsseS
membrane, cheeking the discharge, aad He parti*
tone sad energy to their weakened soodiston. l£
Baker*! Sneotfle it very agreeable to the tests. Is nei
-feetlymtssudhermleaststhe eeastitutlon.aad wBI
»ffcctusßy cure tbo WORST CAbEd sf secret dmem
msdrestorethsnstlenl'to s perfect ttsta sf heaßM
and purity.
S. B.—la long staadlug and obstinate eases of
octhea. Gleet and Seminal Weakness, Dr. Bakec*b In
jection will be found a valuable asslauit to bis Saa
etle in subduing th* disease, and ehowd ho used a
eenjunotlsn with it until apenhnteom Is effbetsd-
A treatise on sexual dlaeas* tailed tbs "Self In
•tructar.** dasmlitug lbs symptoms sad mode efsors.
nrmnipaiUTerli Itntiln ar Hinlriminu
had gratia as the efflea whera It u said, or it wltt bn
forwarded to any adtress on rsesipi of two rtires
sent »taaps to postage on tasiams.
|y rrios—Dr. Bskerphneeiio, ttperhnitln.
Prtco-Dr. Bnksrn iKtto^tfbsfbottiei
wjdlcin* More. 80. IP Madison Met! sMtepS
Office, Chicago, PL JePhTiMiiruarm
Hrn now baiMn moomto mo main n torn.
the ••ifrenotieSl bi eQ o*** •oMers.
TteoemSw do p«ek« am
twHiora caUar,—tfcey M AS SMOOTS MUMB
OUTSH>K«-Md tk«nftre parfwur
Tbe QeeoHe Coßsr hee » mioetk e»4 eredy leli*eS
T&m CoSen e»e net «knply Set >Uom or pe»ce
intheiomof eeoil*r,b«ten mdus» usaini
Ttoj lss mad* M-aevtM"’ (or tsn^onra
m. ewiy hmlfrtM (Mb IS Mil tnebaa, aod
nkCM O&roCM.) from If t» llfrfcw; MdMM
ta M soßd rtzaa.**tß seal biM oarto—. aoaulolMW
eacfc: ■>«« °o**af if aach.-*M lattar*
■wry paekaca for Army aod MVfc
™ M» - -
VrOTICE. —To the Heirs and Legal
ttttby vlrtM ofen xfi?*s
of UaoaatecCosmtyJo xw db-
SStfiStoof ajw
t' t j.^y^ssrK.a c sa^o^ r^‘-
gberllTa Oflea. April 12th* 19fL
apifrcfiUTWiaew r

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