Newspaper Page Text
Cfjicaga totot TUESDAY, JUNE 11. 190 L THE CITY. •‘ELUin” will be peiformcd at Bryan Hall this •evening by the Chicago Musical Union. Pall not to attend. CrßTO*lJoutfß?LacE.—Therowof small sbsnty stores on the west side of Custom Honsa place are under order* to be removed by the 3)tb of this month. Change ox Tnsx ok tux Chicago amo Autos ■Biilboad.—The time ot leaving of the morning -train from Chicago of the Chicago and Alton Ball* road, was yotterday changed from 9 o’clock to 7:80. SoLsnss’ Ebuet.—The strawberry festival held last week at Bryan Hall, for the relief of the fam ilies of eoldlcrs, netted over -SI,OOO. This sum will be gladly received by the ladles baring thia excellent charity in charge. Their fund was until . now largely depleted. Aocidext.—A young man who waa operating •a hay-culling machine at the slables of the City Railway Company, in the West Division, on Tbutiday lost, carelessly allowed ki« hand to be drewn trader the revolving knives. Hia band waa chopped id pieces as fur aa the wrist. The young man is now recovering. .—We 'are pleased to hear fiXAJT APT* that Colonel 7. T. Sherman of the tStiftor Second Board of Trade regiment, and ler sometime past commanding a brigade in General Sherman’s army, has received an appointment npoo the staff of Major General Howard, of the 4th Corps. Colonel Sherman is the worthy eon of oar very unworthy Mayor of horec-seose-ten*tbonsand*dol* Ist -veto notoriety. Lost Bq^Uokst.—A man from thcpnlrica, who gave hia name as Joseph Harding, was discovered on Sunday afternoon sitting on the comer of Clark and Monroe streets grossly intoxicated, and having in hia possession a large amount or green backs* Be was taken to the armory, and, after be became sober, allowed to go to his hotel. Four hours later be waa again arrested for drunkenness. Bis money bad been stolen. “A fool and hta money, *’ etc. Rowdtibx.—Yesterday morning,'at the Police Court, Conrad Wagner, William Campbell, Geo. Barnett and Richard McQem were charged with throwing stones at the waiters and visitors at •Clemens’lager beer gardens, near Cottage Grove, during a.German piailc held there on Sandiy. tiwing to the crowded state of the gardens at the roe, several perrons narrowly escaped being so* iiously Injured, which fact induced ms Honor to nfllet a fine or S2O and costs upon each of the •quartette. - Stkett Cab AccrDEKT.—On Sunday a Tn«n L whose name onr reporter was unable to learn, while standing on the front platform of State fctrcet car, as it was turning the abrupt corner at State and Twenty-second streets fell off Into the roao striking hia head heavily ag alnat the rails cl the adjoining track. He was picked np In a sense less condition and carried Into a bouse In the vi cinity. where bis wound, consisting of an ngty gash In the side of the head, was dressed. Be is now doing well. Lanas* Cztt Mis pick.—Our readers will not forget the strawberry festival to be given this evening at the residence of Mr. Whelcr, No. 108 Indiana avenue, in aid of the funds of the Indies’ City Mission. This coble charity is in need of assistance; the managers confidently look to the fiencrooe public to give it. Wc hope to see the tree of Mrs. Wheeler well attended this evening. No apodal invitation is needed; all that is want ed to secure a welcome 1- to wish to assist in the work in which these ladies ate engaged—the care ol the poor. St. Louis SaKiraur Fam.—The following are oontnbotiona from Chicago to the Mississippi Val ley Sanltarv Fair, through the Committee on Bools, Shoes and Leather: C. M. Henderson & Co„ 1 box boots, value $57.00; Doggett, Bassett A Bills. 1 box boots, vame $57.00; Snnndcrs, Bro. & Co, 2 boxes boots, value $66.42: Flske, KlrUand & Co., 1 box boots, value $50.00; S. P. Farnnm. i doe. children’s shoes, value $18.00; Turner & Sidwav, Invoice leather, $107.00; Chicago H-de and Leather Company, cash $~5.<0; Chas McFarland A Co., 1 case boots, Bxsolutiokb op Bssfzct.—The following reso lutions were adopted at a meeting of the teachers of Chicago, held on Saturday, Jane 10,1861: Wbeuxas, Death has removed from oar midst, Emma F. Cotter and Jennie S. Marshall, therefore Jtsf&ved, That while we mourn in our bereave ment, we recognize in it the band of our Heavenly Father “Who doeth all thin gs weD.” Sesdved, That we tender to the families of the deceased, our heartfelt sympathies In their afflic tion, hoping they may be sustained by the remem brance of their many virtues. A Boldixb Gokx.—The friends ol Lieutenant NoahH-Rae, of Co. L 86th regiment Illinois vol unteers, will be pained to learn of his death in the General Hospital at Chattanooga. He was wounded at the battle of Besaca, Ga, by a shot from one of tbe enemy’s sharpshooters. From tbe field be was taken to Chattanooga, where be died on theSd Inst., Lieutenant Bae entered tbe service aa a private, participated In »he battle- of Penyvllie and Stone River, and for his gallantrv in the latter engagement was made Lieutenant. At the battle of Chickamanga he was wounded In tbe leg. Abuxtebt.—Yesterday before Justice McDon nell, Antonio M. Delight aUas Antonio Light, an individual of some little local notoriety from his having been mixed up in an adultery case, some weeks ago. was charged with committing a simi lar oflense. Ihe warrant was sworn ontby a Miss Cynthia Farnsworth, who stated that daring the months of September and October, 1863, defend ant lived In an open state of adultery with a girl named Mary McCarthy, be haring a wife living at the lime. No particulars were elicited, as at the request of counsel the case was continued until this afternoon: the appearance of Delight being secured by ssoobaiL ' tST Remember “Elijah” this evening at Brjan Ball; the Hneical Union is devotin * its beat en ergies to its successful prodncaon. Accident. —We learn th at en Sunday afternoon an employee of Bosehlll Cemetry while walking on the track of the Chicago and Milwaukee Rail road towards Graceland Cemetry, was knocked down by an engine and seriously injured. It is elated that the injured man was walking in a very unsteady manner, being one moment between the rail* and the next several feet away. When struck be was so near the track that some part of tbe cow catcher came violently in contact with his lees and burled him into an adjoining ditch. He was carried into a neighboring houcu, where his wounds, consisting of some very serious bruises, were cereitby tended. Removed.—7 he fire steam engine. Long John, was yesterday removed to anew wooden budding on Washington street, between Lasalle and Wells street, in anticipation of the speedy demolition of the brick building which it has recently occupied, to make way for tbe new Chamber of Commerce. A new brick structure will be speedily erected on the lot adjoining tbe allev, on Lasalle street Pcndincltserection.Chief Engineer Harris will occupy Room No. 1 Lloyd’s Block, up stairs. The row of nnsichlly shanties on Cn-tom House Place, will shortly be removed to mike wav fora substantial bride block to be erected thereon. This will be a vast-improvement upon that thor oughfare. A Cow Cage.—Testerdey afternoon a man named Thoms? Thompson, living in the West Division, on tbe corner ot Clinton and Harris an streets, was charged with maliciously killing with a pitchfork a cow bcieconz to a neighbor named James Hin away. 7he offense was perpetrated last-winter, Thompson killing the cow as tbe animal was in tbe habit of trespassing and taking bay trout his premises. At the time Runaway sued the defend ant tor damages and obtained a judgment in one ol the higher courts, but this Judgment toe man refuted to pay. Complainant consequent]?, in re venge, had him arraigned on a second charge—tbe criminal one of **malicious mischief.” Defend ant was held tor trial at the Recorder's court in hinds of (SCO. lowa Sakitabt Faib.—The following named gentlemen were appointed by the Board of Trade of this tity to solicit subscriptions in aid of the Fair of tbe Sanitary Commission to beheld at Dubuque, lowa, commencing June slat: JraT. Menu, Julian 8. Rumscy, E. P. Griffin, J. W.Pot tor, W. B. Keen. J. W. Proton, A. C. Tito-, Mer nil Ladd, Jos. U. Hoes, D. H. Crorby, Geo. M. EJmbark, T. H. Avery, Jeasoc Spaulding, C. G. Wicker. The committee am requested to meet at tbe. office of the Secretary of the Board of Trade «h a ( Tuesday) morning, the 14tn inet., at 10 o dock. Aw Aonox upon an Agent’s Account.— A heavily contested case is on trial before Judge Gary and a jury. Tbe action is one on the case, and is entitled Thomas T. Byrd vs. George R H. Hughes. The plaiutifl claims that the defendant having collected rents for him failed and refused torenderajubt ano true account and to pay over certain moneys Tiiedofencant seta np chat be rendered an account to the plaintiff which was Jntt, true aud reasonable, and that he was no wise in default. The controversy seems to be nanowed down to a question as to the reasona bleness of some charges made therein by the de fendant. The case will be submitted to the jury to-day. Annate* Sale Expibitiok.—The sale of the pictures that hare been on exhibition at Jerne & Alminl'a, Ko. 101 Washington street, will com mence this evening. We are pleased to eec that the taller; has been well attended Jbomfortably filed each day. Chicago may lee) a just pride in Hie success of this promising art establishment, auguring as U does that she will at no distant day boast an Art Gallery that will be an honor to the West, The protect enterprise la a great one, and deserves a liberal patronage. Many of these works are worthy a place in the parlor* oi oar best a linens. We trust that the encouragement re ceived by the projectors will he snch as to war rant them in persevering in the design thus hap pily begun. Remember the sale this evening Teett »t a Cokthaiiakd.— Harriet Nichols, a colored girt of sixteen or seventeen years of age, was yesterday charged at the Police Court upon complaint of Henrietta Button, a fellow descend ant of Canaan, with having stolen a qumtity of clothing and Jewelry valmd at about 323. the oro-’ Deny of a third contraband named Mary Styles. Xastweek Mrs, Styles leli her trunk at Mrs ISot ton's bouse, which box the defendant opened bv mconsof lilac keys, und abstracteo soverol artf. w °rlh ot the prop erty waa lonnd m the girl’s possession, as she hid ftven motto: the things uway to her Wends. His onorconriflcrcd the caee tolly proven, and held the accused toy trial at the Recorder's Court in bonds ot $ 00. In delink ofhail she was led. A Nbscuboelt Fiout.— Justice Cutbbcrtson was yesterday afternoon engaged In unravelling the complications of a neighborly quarrel. A Mrs. Catherine Preston, living near the Armory, at the corns’ of Franklin end Quincy street*-, a few days •ego thrashed and threw scalding water over an in dividual named Sheridan, who had attained the juftnre age of twenty mouths, in consequence ot said Individual annihilating several of the ladies ducks.': This act of retribution resulted in a quar rel with Sheridan's mother, both females nt- Mering threats of a very severe nature. For the Cfseult on the destroyer of her ornithological ac quisitions, Mrs. Preston was tinea $5, and on the charge of “ threatening,” each lady was committed to the Circuit Conn in the som of s2t». tJHAKOE* AT Camp Douglas.—An important change is In progress in the prisoners* square at Camp Douglas, The barracks have been cut In two, raised tour feet from the ground, and arrang ed Into streets. They now stand four abreast and nine is depth, giving room to t accordmoda te rix tbfuifMnd mere, making a total of twelve thous and, when the new barracks are completed. The sanitary arrangements ore now perfected, theven tilalkm Complete, and drainage ell that could be ,? desired:''' She poiloe snwngemenfs .include the *" murritlmi of any smiaaoce, a math bettor method =-fhan that of-removal. The camp has ner».been • InßUchgood orderaa^mdertheprcaentTSgtmp. M- Barr has been p.aced on duty as Post Adjutant General, via Captain Madge -5«17wb0 rtjoaa his regiment in Virginia. _ COMMON COUNCIL. rclillons fid Communications —BcMgnaUoz of CoDßbsio»cr ••S.Hewiiousc Arr»p(- ed—R«n« J. Wentworth Appniot bb Softener—l be Veto Mes sages Rejected. Brporta of City Ofllcerw-Assesnnent* and Appropriation*—State Street Bndse-Wayinan’K Claim Kicked Out. The Common Connell met in regular session in the Council Chamber last evening. “The follow ing members were present: His Honor, the Mayor, and Alderraun Gage, Peacock, Title worth, Slump, O'Boberts, Barrett, Gallop, Mcßoy, Knan, Sheridan, Walsh, Wailwork, Shennn, Comisky, Clark, Bafferty, Talcott, Woodard, Himrod, Hal* den, Von BoUen, Bond, Gaetficld, Hautiey, Arm* among, Pronzen, Boh, Hottinrer, ballivsn, Law ton, u’Sullivan, Woodman. The reading of the minutes of the meeting held on the lout of Hay was began. When about one third through Aid. Mcßoy moved that the reading be suspended. He subsequently withdrew this motion, which was renewed by Aid. Walsh. Aid. O'Boberts «poke to the question, and thought that under the role, the Connell had the undoubted right to suspend the reading of the minutes if they chose. Aid. Himrod called fur the ayes and noes. These were ordered aa follows: ayes 17, noes 15. So the read ing was suspended. Aid. Bond suggested that the minutes were in correct and mured that certain correcdoud, which ho read seriatim , be made. Aid. O’Boberts asked that Aid. Bond should ex* plain bis reason lor seeking correction. Aid. Bond did explain that his object was to make that Intelligible which, as reported, was altogether unintelligible. Aid. O’Boberts was satisfied. Aid. o'fculii?an moved that the minutes he adopted, and called for the ayes and noes. This motion was lost by ayes 14, noes 18. At the sug gestion of the Mayor, Aid. Holden withdrew his ration to take np the corrections stria tin, ana AM. Bond read the amendments he proposed to mace. After he had finished. Aid. O'Boberts called for the reading of the amendments. His request was granted, and Aid. O’Boberts ex pressed himself satisfied. , Alderman Sheridan moved that all that portion of the minutes which relates to transactions by the Connell alter Aid. Walsh vacated the cnalr be stricken ont. Lost: ayes 14, noes 17. Aid O’Boberts moved to read the proposed amendments. They were read by the Clerk and Aid. O'Boberts was satisfied. On the motion to strike oat Aid. O’Roberts* Speech to the Clerk, made at the last meeting, Aid. o’Bobcrta moved as an amendment that his pro* test be recordtd. This did not prevail. The minutes as amended were then approved. rtnnOKS and cosarcxicano-sa. Petition oi Charles Miller for abateiuoutoftax* es. Referred to Conmi t eon Finance. An ordliAcc to Horse Railroads presented was reiexrea to the Committee uu Railioads. A commanicailcva from the P. & F. W. B. b. was refuted to Cotfcmlree on Railroads. A petition for increase of p»y at tbe Bridewell was referred to Committee on Bridewell. A communication complaining of a nni&ancc caused by a soot factory on Wolcott street was referred to Board of Po'i.e. Petitions ot merctiuk* doing business in the North Division, remonctmine against the bridg ing or Ncrtb VS a ter street. Referred to Commit ue on Streets and Alleys, North Division. Petition of 22. L. Blatchford and outers, com plaining of illegal assessment. Referred to coin miUte on Finance. Communication from the Board ol Public Wo.ks petition orDeGotyer for In crease of compensation upon Lla contract. Petition from oost-ph Hogan, asking compen sation lor a broken caused by dilapidated aide* wa.ks. Eefenea to committee on Judiciary. i'etition of A attlias KocD, asking for increase of salary to $75 per month as bridge tender o! North avenue bridge. Beferred to Committee on Unitors and Bridges. A communication was read from 3, J. Hayes, complaining or improper assessment. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. Sou dry matters were referred to the Board of Public Works. Petitions and remonstrances for and against a railroad on Clinton meet, between Madison and Randolph itreets, was referred to the Committee' on Railroads. BEstcXATiox or wn. Knmouss. Aid. Tittsworth read a communication from John S. Newhouse, Police Commfesicmir for the South Division, announcing his resignation. The resignation was accepted. xoauxanoHS. The Mayor then nominated John Wentworth ai Commissioner to fill the vacancy. This nomina tion was confirmed by 25 against 8, The Ma\ or nominated Geo. Meech as Assessor fortbe South Division. This nomination vyas cox finned. Bedmoud PrindiviHe was nominated and con firmed ss Assessor Ur the North Division. P. McGinnis jvas appointed and confirmed as Assessor for the West Division. The Mayor’s veto messsges were read. Those who arc anxious to read these precious documents can consult their Sunday’s issne of the Secession Orpau. Aid. Bond offered tie following: JitsUved, That it be and as hereby declared to be tLc eiiue of tins Common Council that a ballot or any other vote or other proceeding of the Com mon Council which oocs nut require the approval of the Mayor to give it force or effect, is not the iobject of a veto, and that the paper tuhmltted purporting to be a veto of the action ot the Common Council in electing by ballot five School Inspectors which is it no sense a resolution, ordinance, or act within the meaning of the charter, is wltboat precedent or authority; that the other reason*, that the proceedings were had by an unauthorized hodr,aie without loundatiou in fact, and that so Icing without warrant and authority oflaw, that thepaperpnrpcrtingto be a veto message of the election by ballot ot School Inspectors, be reject td by this Co until, and that the Clerk be and is hereby directed not to place the same upon its re ccice, orrepen it with the proceedings of this c ommoD Council. Alderman u’itooerts raised the point of order that such a resolution cannot be entertained while the vi to message was nnder consideration. Alcermau Bold made the point that a ballot con-d not be vetoed, and insisted upon hie resolu tion. The Major decided Alderman Bond's notion ont of oroer. Au tppeai was takensndthe Major was not bu»>aiucd, ny ayes 14, nocs 17. Aid. Woodman motel to refer the motion of Aid. tend to me Committee on Judiciary A d. Bond objected, on the ground that it was n>i a quest on cf reference. The Mayor Said that It was the datj of the Council to tote rimplyon the question of non* r-uetaiulng the veto; that was toe only question which could come before the Council. Aid. Bond asked bow it would be if the Connell refuted to entertain that veto. Aid. Uolden ea dthat the Conned differed with the Mayor, believing that It was not a question orer w Llch tie Mayor had a veto power. He bad examined Ibotc veto messages, and saw they were not in the Major’d hand writing; they were too carefully drawn. Aid. O. Bober's called the gentleman to order. nld. Hoiden said be was in order, and the Coon* cB would sustain him. Aid. Titswcrth bed no doubt of the rale under the charier in ordinary cases, bo t the Connell took the ground that the Major had no right to veto a bal’ot of the Ci-uncil; they were not proper vet >ei>. Aid. Woodman ashed if those men were ducted witbrnt tbe authorization of the Mayor. A'd. Bond claimed that tin-re was uo disposition to a ovrd matters on their aide of tbe bouse: the matierwoulddonbtiiSßgo the Courts, and it was net well for the Conmil to spend time in discuss ing it. a.d. Barrett was willing that themajolrtysbould pass their pet mcat-me It they chose. Aid. Woodman theu withdrew bis motion for a reference to the Jodldary '’ommittee, and the morion of Aid. Bond was carried. Veto No. 2 ass theu read, and Aid. Bond re newed bit motion that the Co and. refuse to re ceive it, md that tbe Cierk be directed not to spread it upon the reccrds. Tl.e - jor decidid the motion ont of order, but an app« ai was taken aud the Mayor was not sustained by ayes 15. noes 16. Aid. B<nd’a motion was then adopted by ayes 10. noes 15, Veto metsafe No. Three was read. A'd. Bond renewed bis motion. The Mayrr di tided the motion out of order. An appeal was liken from the de icion of the Mayor. It was’iot tnstalnsd by ayes 13, nays 17. The question recurring upon the motion of Aid. Bend, it peered by ayes I7,nayal4, so the message was not received. Veto wert-age No. 4 was taken up, pending tbe cr.ortdi ration of which. Aid. Walsh sent ap the fuilowirg: “I protest against the revolutionary and illegal profeni’rirt* taken by n majority of the.members ol ibis Council, with reference to the veto mes sages of tbe Mayor, presented for tbe considers tun ol the Common Council this evening.” (Signed) “David Walsh.” A'd Bond renewed his motion. The Ma» or decided it ont of order. An sppeil was taken from the Mayor's decision. It was not sustained by ajca 14, nave 17. The qn« shod recurr.n t upon the motion of Aid. Food, it was adopted by ayes IT, nays 15. So tie veto messages were not received, nxronrs oy citt offices. The Comptroller sent In a communication dis cussing tbe probable cost of revising the city or dinance. This was laid over and ordered to be , pubUtbed. The same official reported upon the Denny CoucbUn da’.m, concurring in the opinion of toe City-Attorney ol its illegality, but suggesting that the claim was meritorious. He also submitted an order looking to the payment of the day labor ers tbe amount out or which Desny swindled than. It was laid over and ordered to be publish ed, Tbe Beard of Public works submitted for con tinuation, a contract executed with the Galena & Cnicoco Union Railroad Company, ceding to the city the extrusion of Wolcott street, ana provll irp for a bridge across the river at State street, and a across the tracks ol the company. The same wae referred to the Committee on streets and alleys, North Division, and the contract or dered to be published. Al*o,a report recommending the racatlan of Carrol street, near "North Market. Referred to Committee on streets and alleys. West Division. Also recommending thd extension of West While to Larrabee street. Alt-o recommending the repeal ol the ordinances whereby rpocial asres fmcula were levied, in deter cncetothededbicaoftbe Sopremc Coort declar ing such special assceements to be UlegaL This report and the accompanying ordinance was adopt ed and passed. , - , , The Board of Public Works presented reporta and ordinances as follows: An ordinance for ex tending Wolcott street and bridge across the river &t State dree*. Also contract concerning same with the G. & C.U.8.E.C0.: for sidewalk on West Desplilnea from Taylor to De Koven streets; for sidewalk on north side Warner street from Boyne to Leavitt; on north side Twelfth from Jef ferson to Desplsiues; on south side Banker from JeffersrntoDefplffltoes; on south side Farqaler from Jefferson to'Halsted; oo sooth side of De Koven from JcTerson to HsUteo; on both sides West Washington from Lincoln to Robey; on both si Jes Throrp, from West Twelfth to Mitchell: for planking alley in block 1 School Section Addition toCbcago; for private fewer on West Randolph, West Monroe, and West Adams; for sidewalk on cast side Lutie Fort Road, from Centre to Wlscon i sis street; for sidewalk on sonth side Twenty second street, from State to Saddam; for lamp pest on Kankanee avenue and Twenty-fourth street. The Committee on Finance reported an ordi nance making appropriations for the fiscal year 38 4.. Ordered to ne published. Tte same committee reported back the objec tions of the Mayor to the increase of the salaries of members of the Fire Department, and submitted an ordnance fixing the salary of the Chief Enzl r etr at $a,500 per year, engineers of fire engines at f .3 per month, aad ail other employees at £63 per moLtb. The ordinance passed unanimously. TOe same Committee reported an ordinance au thorialnc the Controller to purchase for school pure ores the hence on the comer of H&lsted and Twelfth streets, at an expense not w-odin.# asm This ordinance wra paived. 1 The Committee on Harbor and Bridget reported an ordinance increasing the talary of the bridge tenner*. Laid over under the rule. ' The Committee on Judiciary reported that the bond of Joseph Grogan waa correct. Report ac cented and approved. The same Committee reported adversely to the petition of Gustav Fiacher, contesting the wm of Mathias Fraiizen. . _ The Committee was referred the peti tion of Wm. Wayman reported as follows; Your Committee on Judiciary, to whom was ro ferred (ugether with the City Attorney) the peti tion of W uilam Waymau,*BoU:ltlng vow Honora ble fody to consider; the eloctloalatelvheld for Ccmflseloner of Police, a* an attempted usurna- Uou ol hia rights for raasea of his appoint ment a* *nrh Commlasloner under the act of Lo6l. &r., te haviag bad the same under advleement beg leave to report that notwithctandlng the said Watminwas appointed a member of the “Board* Police of tire C'itj* cf Chicago” andor the Act spprc vtd Fchmsiy alst. A. I), 1-V.i, It la thj c pluiou of your Cc-miaittco ihat snh-c.iucnt legis lative arts. iiß e<t forth In Section IX oi Chapter -d. and Section XViI ChcptiT 17, of ihcßev;u j Charter of the city of Chicago, approved February 13, lßC2,‘CoQ9titbte the election lately held for t oimnlsKODfT of Police as and proper, and > b si ihe result thereof 1» in no manner or form an attemptrd upurpation of’th-.* rights of die aaM W. 11l am Wayman. Fespcctimlr mhmltled. Benj. EL GAU.CP, - C. L. WOODJLAN, . r JOSEPH SmSBWDf, .r - Of the Committee. Aresolctlon was.passed,offered by Aid. Tab cott, giving to inspectors and clerks of election three dollars a day for their services at the late election. , w • ’ , ’,; The Committee on Wharves and Public Build- Inge reported an ordinance looking to the larin" out of a public Park in lbs old Cemetery grounds In the North Division, laid over under the rule. Alderman Sullivan moved to adjourn. Upon thfa motion the ayes and note were called, Lo;t by ayes 3k. docs A A number of sidewalk ordinances were pissed, and The Council then adjourned. LINCOLN AND OOL'.SBY. The Camptlgn Club—Appeal of its Officers te the Union Hen of the City. The undersigned having been appointed at the Mass Ratification Meeting of the Union citizens of Chicago, on Thursday eveninglast, as the ex* ecutivo officers of a permanent ergrnlzatlon for the ensuing Notional and State campaign under the name of “The Lincoln and Oglesby Club,” hereby give notice that they have accepted the| respec tive appointments conferred upon them by said mass meeting, and have entered upon their duties and inTite the cordial and zealous support and co operation of ail who have at heart tha great inte rests of the cause and of the country. * In former Presidential campaigns, it has been found useful and necessary to have a central or ganlzatloc established, representing the National as well as the State nominees, in concert with tha State Central Committees, to superintend and push forward the work of the campaign, the work of organizing thecongresslonalDi6tr.eeinto activity, of cirnlcating documents, raising funds and necessary expenses, sending lorth speakers, insti tntlog public meetings, and providing every need ful agency lor insuring a vigorous, effective and successful campaign. In the preformance of this work this organlza* tit n will represent the whole Union party oi this district without distinction. It will represent no personal ends. It will. In lia deliberations and its official action, know only the National Union pony and its nominees and confine itself to the great and Important work of securing their sac* cess. To effect these resells will require labor, fidelity and sacrifice. Our time, oar talents and oar means, must be Ireely given to tbe great work before ns. \T bile oar brethren have gone forth to do battle for the sacred cause, and Ireely offer np their llyes In its behalf, we also mnat be prompt and faithfbl in laboring to siuUln them at home. Every loyal man should be ready to do hie uttermost to secure tbe election cl ttote who represent tbe party of Liberty and Union in tbe coming contest. In so doing he is rendering a service to his country, if lees glorious, yet not lees important, than of the tiOldier in tbe field. To tbis end we invite onr fellow citizens who are In lavor of the election ot the Lincoln and Oglesby tickets to co-operate with ns, and aid in the good work by establishing auxiliary dabs to affiliate with and work in concert *lth the Cen tral Organization, and we solidt«yonr cordial, earnest and untiring devotion to tbe groat work helore ns. JOHN L. HANCOCK, President, WILLIAjr A, Pokteh,' J. ti. JdCBLKZ, P. W Gates, Vam H. Biggies, We. H Bradlet, C. G. Wicsxb, Tnaaortr. EXECUTIVE COUQTTEB, First Ward—Peter Page; Second—o. fl. Hough: Third—Lewis B. Davie \ Fourth—Benjamin Lom bard : Filth—John Haber; Sixth—Alfred Pardos; Seventh—Dr. J. H. McAllister; Eighth—W. N, Smith: Ninth—George W. Newcomoe; Tenth— Peter Eaggy; Eleventh— '. M. Hawley; Twelfth —H. Fehenthal; Thirteenth—Jehu Keiber; Four i ctuib—Fntz Frillman; Fifteenth—Dr. C. G. Pa olt; Sixteenth— E. C. Larnr-d. At large—C. N. Holden, J. 8. Rumiey, G. W. Gage, John V. Farweli, 8. C. Blake and H I*. Steele. ’ J. W. WAUGUOP, Secretary. $37“ Don't forget the oratorio o! “Elijah’ 1 to night at Brysn Ball. ItwiU be the event of the musical season. A chorus of sixty or seventy of cur resident musicians will be there. IAKE TRAVEL. The Idaho and her Comsort cf the If. T. Cen tral Ballroad Line. Once it was scornfully asked abroad of the li ter ature of this country, “Whi reads aa Amencvn bockt” No fear that tbe question la unfavorably answered now. So of lake travel. Not many seasons ago it used to be asked with a scornful e ovation of the nose, “Who' rides on tpropel /rr/“ It is easy to answer the question now, or r-ther it is only not easy In respect to tke actually largo and annually iicreas.ny number of those vhopatronhe these b< at-. Take, lor example, the beautiful Idaho, of the New York Central Railroad Hue, which leaves Messrs Richmond & Hancock’s dock this evening for Buffalo. She commands the best dies ol trav elers, and gives them the best clsss of accommo dations—superb, spacious, well appointed state rooms, wide and eiegant saloons, every appoint ment of furniture and cuisine and, witha’, such motor power in the sp'cndld engine, that the Idaho’s trips, under Capt. Conkey, are be coming proverbial. What wonder that she com mands the beat class of travil, and that Capt. Conkey never has a lean passenger JDt, She is only one of a noble fleet of boats, to which ee* eral new ones tbe Whitlow. Richmond, and others—have been added m the past two sea sons uow constituting a daily line, leaving the above dock. a. A. Sample, at the 17. Y. Central Railroad office, and at No. Id North Wells street Is the General Passenger Agent ot this line. Tbe margin saved in fares over railroad figures Is well seconded by the other Inducements derived from the pleasure of tbe four or fire days’ trip, destined this season to be more popular than ever. £Tbz lowa Sanitabt Bair.—The following are the remarks oi Gen. H. A. WUtsa, President of the Fair, upon being intodneed to the Chicago Board cf 1 rade on Thursday: Mr, Fr&idmi and Gentlemen : The lowa Fair is the child of the Chicago Sanitary Commission. Its aim is to strengthen the army. Its resu't will be to lessen the frequency of calls upon the people oi Cbieago. Our Fair was arranged for more than three mouths ago, and active measures to pro mote It have been ever atme In progress. It has organized tbe Eire into county Associations, with an Executive Committee reaching to every township and neighborhood in the county. No State is to Uoiougily organized for peraiiUjnt taobary work We have aimed from the first to raise by tbe Fair SIOO,OOO. We should have accomplished this at home but lor the recent call for hundred daysmen. We ban Inmisbed 10,000 men In ex cess of all the calls for troops when the hundred days’ call came. It has divided atten tion and Eeiiouslvolmluished the force that was laboring for tbe Fair. It has converted more of cur population Into soldiers than wo hare wealth to sustain. In view ol aT these facts, the East has tireaoy contributed liberally to tbe Fair, Milwaukee has given os $3,000 and upwards. Soe.alol ibe coom!esin lowa have contributed in money tbe average of one dollar for every ha nan being in tb: county. We bcvft tvoideu in lowa that only evil that at tends Sanitary Fait s. In our plan of organization no have looked tn the mtnrc. We have made the "air tbe motive 10 systematized effort that will, ifproperiyenetaineaflDdklr.dly encouraged, re main in lull wte*» tbe Kair Is over. ■ Itwalas'it h. fall force of the blow which tie warba? inflicted. Being a sirietly agricultural State and remote from Inc market, none of her towns and no portion of her popnlaiiou have de rived lemfit nom the war Uer natural canal tott o ocean Is cuLVoidablc, and the advance in the price ol frti/ht. Is mode to absorb the rise in proouce. In wholcteighborhoods tbe loyal pop ulation, caps! I; of bt-annganns, are all in the ar my, and.tbc women and children are managing ibe forms as best they can. Tbe soldiers’ homes aad families: re ’eft entirely noon tbe bauds of tbe loyal population. Where 1 liVe a tax is.levied for tb* ee pnrpoECs. T. e-f ‘tatements are not made to elidt sympathy, lowa will uncomplainingly bear all tbe bortheni t) at ibis armed assault upon Liberty protected oy law, maybe able to lay upon her. Her Fair Is bu: an cilori to lighten the heavy load of contributions to Sanitary objects, which Chicago has loug and pa’iactiy home, we are ambitious that the result of our arduous cflort shall encourage and ebeer the brave mm that we have lavishly pent to the field. Whatever enables us to do this will not be lightly thought of, or soon forgotten. A laud bind extended to lowa at this time, will strongm en the commcrdal relation with Chicago that is rapidly springing up and extending, and will aid to it that affectionate regard which is stronger and more lasting than commercial tics. A Committee was appointed ;by tbe Board of Trade to solicit subscriptions, who wilt call on the citizens of Chicago, for material aid. Citt Montautt.— Tbe following is the report of deaths in tbe tity for the month of May, 1864: Underfive years 122 Between CundlO. 29 44 10and SO ... 15 44 20 and 30. .40 *• 80 and 4b. 83 44 40 and 50.. 13 44 60 and (W 7 4 * CO and 70 7 44 70 and 80 7 »• 60 and DO 8 SnU-born 12 A{,ea unknown 18 Total 809 JTatlonaiitU*— Chicago, IS2; Canada, 4; Color. Underfive years... Between Cundid. A{,ea unknown. Total 809 JTatlonaiitU*—CHcißO, IS2; Canada, 4; Color, cd, IS; England 4; Ireland, 32; Scotland, 4; Qer many, 22; Norway, 7; Sweden, 1; Illinois, oat' sideot Chicago, U; other State*. 48; unknown, 28; Wales. 1; Holland, 2; Bohemia, Z; total, 309, Number for April, 299. Increase, 11. Ceuta of J)eath— Apoplexy, 8; accident, 5; Bright's disease, 1; bilious lever, 3; bowel com plaint, 1; consumption, 4l; colds, 1; congestion brain, 8; co bowels. 1; cerebra spinil mtntogltls, 1 ; cronp, 1; cercmltcs. Z; convaislon, «; chronic diarrhea,!; child btrtb.s; cholera infantum* l; cninr, U; dry can crenel Z; throat disease, Z; dropsy, 2; dysentery,7; drowned, 8; diphtheria, G* diarrhea. 4; tryslpeliw,s: enteritis, 2; g.atrt t:e, 1 * gravel, Z; hydrocephalene, 3 pnfiamma’ion kidneys, 1: do brain, 3; do lungs, ll; intemper- injuries, 2; meatles, 8t; nephritis, 1; old ace, ZO; palsy, Z: paralysis, 3; pneumonia, i ; puerperal fever. 2; ihenmatlsm, 2; email pox, £h* still born, Z2; scarlet fever, 5; suicide, 2; summer complaint, 2; typhoid fever, Z3; teethe ine,4; tumor.Z; unknown, 26; whooping cough, 4; worms. 1. Total, SO9. . The 10l owing is tte total mortality and deaths from small pox in each division, as compared with the year 1863: . <£C*. 186*. rivieicns. Small pox. Total. Small pox. Total. North 8 49 8 83 West I 91 9 100 South . .3 UO .18 103 Unknown... - 7 —• 16. .7 257 Total.—. Caud teom Johh Lyle Keig.— John Lyle King attorney for William Turtle, late Acting Snperinl tended of the Police force of the dty of Chicago, sends ns the following peppery letter: To the Editors of the Trlotme: Tne statement in your Sunday paper, that “ yes-, terdsy afternoon Mr, Turtle, Wm. Abbott, Wil liam Wayman. John S. Newhouse, iHove-In Sher man, S.S. Bayes, Wabash C. Goody, and John Lyle King” were “ In consultation ” is, so for as I am concerned, an unmitigated fiction. I have not been, nor am I going, “in soch a crowd. It is true, lam one or Mr. Tmtte’a attorney.. The re latlon between hlifi and me la that of client and attornee, It is a professional oxe. It is not polit ical or partixeru The question involved Is n legal one. and the courts will decide it. For my notions of tne lew of the case, and of my duties to my client, I shell'retihhr cousnlt with “promioant Republicans” n«r caucus with Copperheads. I shill serve my client to the best of my ability, in my “ capacity of counsel for Mr. Turtle,” without anyTecard to the “place of District Attorney” or any ether place or places. * , _ Jons Lyle Eero. Chicago, June 18. ' will be brought .out; at Brynt Ball this evening. The entire Musical Union, in full chorus, and all the fashion of the 1 city will be here, i MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION. Sptrlal Morlinj—Luitioii dr Rooms—lid to the low* Fair—The Baiter] - . A special meeting of the Mercantile Association was held las* evening, at their rooms, on Dearborn street. The President—John Tyrrell—occupied the i-hair, and stated that the meeting bid been called to receive the report of a committee appoint ed at a prci ions meeting to canter with the repre ertiiUltesof the Chamber ot Commerce wltti a view to ascertain if accommodation coaid bo af forded the Association, and at what cost, suppos ing it should be thought desirable to trons'erthc I lice ot meeting to the new building on the corner ofWathington and Lasalle streets. ! I. Y. Mtmn, on behalf of the committee, report ed that they had been offered the lease, for fifty year?, ofa room in the building fronting LaSalle salle street and the alley. The room would he fif ty feet by thlrtyjlvo feet and of good height, It would bo situated over the offices of the Chamber of Commerce, and would be approtched by two sixteen feet flights of stairs from the ground floor. Nothing definite bad been ascertained as to the exact amount of rent, the Film asked being 10 per cent upon the outlay, Which was npt known at present. It was the opinion of the committee that if the amount of rent required did not exceed |£oo, they woold be prepared to recommend the change ollocatlon. H. W. King inquired of the President when the lease of the present room expired and if the occu pation could he extended. The President said the lease expired on the 13th of January next. He had had some conver sation with Jndge Dickey, and found that he was willing to grant another lease on the present terms. He had promised to give an answer iu ten days whether or not the lease should be renewed. W. H. ilcKmdley thought the situation of the present room was the beat that could be found in the city in consequence of its contiguity to the hotel?. H. W. King moved that tbq. Committee ba dis charged, and that the President and Secretary bo instructed to lease the present rooms for a period of oneycar from January next. I, T. Muxm moved as an amendment that the President and Secretary be requested to secure the room in the proposed Chamber of Commerce, provided it can be obtained for SSOO per annum. The amendment having been put to the meeting and lost the original resolution was submitted and carried. S Mr. Mann drew the attention of the gentlemen present to the lowa State Fair which was about to be held at Dubnqne, and urged strongly that independent of the object of the fair, that it was the only of Chicago to assist it all in her power. Agents had been sent to this city to solicit aid in the matter. . MeiriULadd, the Secretary.aaldhehad spent two boors yesterday iu soliciting subscriptions to the fair, and bad received promises of liberal dona tions from G. C, <*ook &Co, H. W, Hinedile * Co., Day, Allen* Co-, Williams, Smith & Co., Tan Born, Murray & Co* James A. Phillips Co«J. L. chapmar, J. S. Kirk * Co. The Secretary announced tbkt he had received a communication from I. N. Arnold, from Washing ton, stating that an Investigation bad been order, ed into the wrongs to which the Mercantile Batte ry had been alleged to have been subjected. The men are sot to be transferred to any regiment, bat are to continue as a battery, bat have not yet been supplied with thelrguna. The Association then adjourned. ASIVSiBniBNTSi The mo or Elijah.—That this is one of the greatest Oratunos ever written, is admitted by all. Its RorgcoQe wealth of sublime musical eilects made even Meyerbeer hesitate and at last abandon the Idea ol entering npon the domain of Oratorio writing. It Is like a magnificent paint ing. which grows npon one the more it is studied, and} ear alter year it i* performed In Boston and Jsew York, as well as the principal cities of Ea rope« tl«tys Insuring 101 l houses and increased mneical enjoyment. The mnelc lovers of Chicago are delighted with the prospect of again hearing it next Tne* day evening, tinder circumstances that piomise the most eCe-axve rendition ever attained in this city. The cooras will be larger, the or chestra more powerful, than ever before, while the debut of Airs. Hattie Brown Miller in tne leading soprano roles is looked forward to as one of the most interesting events of the season. She has already achieved in.dramatic music ol this char acter an enviable reputation, and now for the first time affords Chicago an opportnnitv to ratify the verdict of Eastern cities. Too part of the Widow, which *bo takea in the first part of the Oratorio, and that of the Angel in the last port, especially In the solo, “Hear ye, Israel/’ affords scope far the widest n.nge of artistic power, combining ex tremea of tenderness, pathos and commanding en ergy. We beLcve she will surprise and delight OI who, as a contralto, has scarcely an equal in the West; Jnlina Lombard ana Mr. Sabin, will also sustain conspicuous parts In the oratorio. TWs crest master-piece of Meyerbeer will be given tc-nicht at Bryau Hall, and we be speak for the Musical Union the compliment of a crowded lease. . ' Wood's mcbecic—Mrs. Pz raw's Benefit.— No Udy ever connected with the histrionic art in Chicago deserves a more complimentary recogni tion at the hands of onr citizens thin does airs. L. B. Perrin, who takea a benefit this evening at Co). Wood’s unseam.' A true artist in every re spect, faithful to namre in all rha undertakes. Wo hope tie bouse will be crowded. The programme embraces the beautifcl drama of Miriam's Crime fbe pleasing comedetta of the Ladies* Battle. McVickib'sTueatbb. —Hr.and Miss Couldock will appear to-night in the beautiful domestic drama ol the Chimney Corner and the farce of Mr. and Mrs. Peter White. This Is the last week of these celebrated artists, and we trust very many of our citizens wlil avail themselves of the opportunity to witness their rendition of some oi the test plays on the stage* The Concert Last Evening. —Mr. Pease cave his second, and, we regret to say, bisUit, con cert, last evening at Bryan Hall, to an audience somewhat larger limn that of the first night, bnt Ly no means t.ueh us the great excellence of bis entertainment should have brought oat. Those who attended were well rewarded, for It Is very rarely that so good a concsrt is given In Chicago. Mr.Pcaie is fflililed to take rank among the first pianists of the age, and though yet quite ycung, has achieved a mastery over the technical disunities of his in-tmmenl which few of the oldtr attlsta have surpassed. He gave us se lections which wen almoit altogether new la onr concert rooms, and were all the more acceptable for that reason. He b« Introduced us to Contsky end to Ruff, peihaps the first living compostr for tbe piano, and has given ns sr.mjof the moat difllcult composit.Oßß of L’lZt. He played lost evening Liszt's £ minor Polonaise tbe ‘- Wa»lng of the Liou" ly Kontsky, two selections from Raff, and on cmcr:s the Tannhacser March, and n patriotic arrangement ol his own 81s exquisite taste and bit delicate touch were especially noticed in tbe andante of the 44 Waking of tbe Lion,” while Me great power and immense command of octaves were folly developed in the last movement of the same pte;e. Tnecachoo cca of Raff was admirably given, and displiyed very fully tbe graceful care and finished execution which characterize ail hi* performances. aies Uairis gave 44 Korneva nel Sltenzio” 4 Ah, non. pierce,” and, bilng encored, the “Tenzino tVfcltz.*’ The care with wh'ch this young lady s!n<?s is remarkible. The hlghct nates and the most elaborate execution ate apparently accom plished without the slightest effort. Molleuhan>'r, as usual, divide d the honors, and displayed his otual mastery of tbe violoncello. •'Vice Presidents. Hours' Circus— This famona e mestrian tronpr, combining the two elements ol a arena and menagiric, will exhibit in this city on the 20th, 23tt and 22d mat., at the corner of Tare fib and State streets. The advert'aenent in another col* non gives the details of this attractive exhibition. YaiunTrea.—They have n large tronpe of excel* lent per formers an be varieties. See particulars m advertisement. Death or MajocD. W.Nobton.—The following appears In the Nashville Times of the 7th Inst: Wc learn that Major Norton, A'd to Major General Palmer, was killed on the 8d ofJm.e in a salnalsb near Dallas. He vw an excellen* a’ddan&guQictr. A lew days before his d* atb be ro. c out, attended by a ticcie orderly, beyond the plcsu.r, to a bense • here there were twelve rebels. Riding up to tbe door, be told than that he baa the hou«o surround , d.msde them slack thvlr aims, ana inarched them off to our lines es prisoners of war. Tne death of such a man, at a time like this, la deeply to be de plored.- Major Norton was a native of Boston, and came to Wiscouem severalyears since, where he pur chased alarm. and prepared to bring It nuder cultivation. Owing to sickness be was compelled to come to Chicago, where be obtained a sltai ticn first with Mr. Hale, farnl'ure dealer, on Ca xml street, and subsequently w't J Tobey Bros., oa Lake street. lie was in the latter establishment on tbe breaking ont- of thv rebellion—raised a company, and was elected Captain of Company E, 4i'c Illinois Volunteers. Under his Captaincy tins company gained the rcputsUon of being tbe best drilled and olsciplmcd command In the regi ment. Abont two years since he was appointed Abla tors inspector General on Major General Pal mer's Staff, where he remained until bla death as tcrrateuuiuvc. We h*pp.*n to know that he was highly («tecmvd as an officer, and a man, by all with whem be came In contact. He had deter mined to make military'business his profession, -.ntj had applied to the authorities at Washington tor a commission In the regular service. General Thomas, In his report of tbe battle of Chattanoo ga, made cepcdal mention of the galaniry and bravery ol Major Norton, and strongly recom mended him for promotion. At toe time of his death be was Major of the 42d Regiment. The Journeymen Bakers.—The Journeymen bakers held & epedal meeting yesterday morning, at which a proposition was discussed for the es tablishment ofa joint stock bakery. The project was received with favor, and st,sooof thes3,oX required, subscribed upon the spot. Charley Woodman, the copperhead Alderman from the Sixteenth Ward, was given a Mow nnddr the email riba by tbo adoption o! the following : Berdvtd, That it is the opinion of this Society that the police lorcc of tbia cit- ts composed ofau ungrateful body of men, that they do not present Aldcmcn C. L. Woodman with a leather tneda 1 , for biactiitlemonlr and statesmanlike offoiti to secure to them an increase of pay. ifcrafmf, That the cxpeaeesof bis trip to Mil waukee for bakers to run bis' shop, be, aud the fame !s hereby, ordered paid by this Society, in contidCTeuCn Of bla dhappointment through the echini* e of the Society. ,1k Jttt'4 rerf, ■! hat the -ramo of the fflld Aioermin C. L. W.. having occupied a place on tbe elate for the last eighteen month* as a candidate for Mayor ol tlis city, we request that the tame be not taken off until presented to ns at the next municipal election. BTBA"wnzußizp.—lhink of a ftrawberry with a girth of fix incites and one-eighth. It Ilea before ue. It is a Triompbe de Gand. U wae carefully measured by a committee of careful and conscien tious gentleman, each of whom was rewarded with a berry of lesser size, all from a luscious box of a luscious lot just received by 11. Buckminster, dealer in confectioner's f aits, &c., at No. 346 State street, comer of Jnckaon. - LOCAL MATX’EBS. ' Indies’ Belief Society.—The regularmeet ing of Ladies’ Belief Soicety for soldiers’ families will be held at the sewing rooms, 6B Majiisou street this (Tuesday) afternoon at half past two o'clock. Frcnohins this Evening.—Elder Benj, Franklin Is rtlll continuing b!s interesting meet ings at the Christian Chords, on West Monroe street, between Aberdeen and Rucker. He will preach again this (Tuesday) evening June 14th, at 8 o'clock. Subject, •‘•The Destruction of the world.” 30 809 Soldiers’ Ho me,-All persons the festival for the benefit of the Soldiers' Home, will please meet ibis Tuesday at pa* 4 two o'clock, p. m., at theSoldlera' Rest. The Board of Managers are especially requested to be present, to confer with one another T ‘ ew ot the forthcoming election on Friday next. - Mbs. H, SATKto, Sec'y. Chicago. June lUh, ISCL ' Another Festival.— Another Strawberry Festival will be held at Bryan Hall on Wednesday night, lor the benefit of tho Trinity Church Mh- Bion Sabbath School. This festival should be well palrofllred by this community. The ladle* having the School in charge are doing an excel lent work, and they ehontfi receive t v e cnconmqe tnent of the public. The encouragement they moat desire la a handsome add Uon 10 their trea ty. We trust that the enterprise will prove BUCceeßfnl; '" Union Sleetlmgw for Tonne Blots. Hr. Itarnmnnd, hlmeell & JOUDg ETftllgftHkt, eondnett Union meetings every evening or this week for young men. All are cordially invited. The first gathering was In Bryan Hall on Sabbath < vjning. Two thousand persons listened to brief Addresses hy Sty, Dr. Patton and Bey. Dr. Evarts, and Tor two boms to Mr. Hammond. A« Bryan Hall is otherwise engaged, the other Declines are In the nearest central church, the dark Street Melhodlrt, corner of Washington and Clark street?. The Church was tilled last erepine. ana hundreds remained at the Inquiry meeting. We observed Bev. Dre. Patterson and Hum phrey. Dr. Dr Patton, Bey. Dr. Williamson, Rer Drs. Evaiti and Colver, Roy. Mr. Hareho, Rev- Jlc«Fra. and Tifianr, and many prominent Chr’tticns wed known on Water end take street ’. All good people unite to encourage onr ypunj men to attend these mefctfnge, which are probably Mr. Hammond’s last meetings In onr city. Ite Bakers at Work A train, I hare the pleasure toaonounce to the palrefil of the Mechanical Bakery, and the public geaerUiy that onr business Is resumed again in every de partment, end we shall try to supply all demands upon ue. aid give full satisfaction, a It also affords us satisfaction to state that our journeymen who took a furlough las: week,-bare returned to All the places they vacated per order of the Society.” ra All whcseplaces were not filled in their absence have been re-employed, The/ tbna bear the most incontrovertible evidence thetasilves that they were gelling “ a feir rate of wages for a fair day’s woifc.” as they have returned eutiraly of their own volition. 11. C. CHILDS, Superintendent Mechanical Bakery. To Military Officers and Soldiers.— From Col. E.F. Jones, Mass. 2Cth: ‘‘With me, the use cf the 'Bronchial Troches’ la on absolute nt ceeslty; and 1 cannot understand bow any offi cer who is called upon, by h!sposUlon, to use bis voice in command, can sauced without them.” XST Cedar Camphor is stifling to Insect life; ceitiin annihilation to Moths. Cheap, cheap, flagrant and durable. Harris * Chapman, fac tuxers, Boston. Every druggist sella it. Corns, Warts and Toothache.—These cm be effectually removed and cored by Dr. Sa j- i ers’ Three Minute 5a vc In from three to too mlu m«s-Why will yon suffer the excruciating and tore meuiing pain when a remedy is offered you for L 0 cents } To ho bad at Dr. Easterly’s Family Medi cine SUre No. 99 Msdhon street, near too Foat Office. jellk!s4-lt mothers S Mothers!! Mothers IS!—Are you disturbed at nigh and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the ezcrnti ating pain of cutting teeth ? II so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winalow’s Soothing Syrup. It will relieve tbopocrllule sufferer Immcolatoly—do f>end upon it; there is no mistake about it. There a not a mother on earth who bos need It, who-will not tall yon at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief'and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly sale to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Price 2o cents. Sold everywhere maylC-"825-1 m-Tu ea Ths & Sat Metropolitan Dali to Bent.— This Hall is to rent for all the purposes for which such balls are ordinarily used. Terms moderate. Applica tions be ttvvJp at the office, adjoining tue en trance to the Hail. JeUrnDlO-tr Bryant &,Slrattoa’a Chicago Xtele prapn ingtitptu —The largest Institution of the kind m the world I Tbirtv-flve telegraph In stilments in constant asm Address Bbtakt & Stbattox. jtm2H2?s-IM, D «fc W. Chicago, 111. House and Sign Painting. Calclnuning, Glazing and (Gaining. Paper Hangings and Win dow Shades selling at wholesale and retail at New York prices. P. E. Rioor, 89 Randolplf street. Box 6563. jeS-bHMm Diseases of tbe Nerroas, Seminal, Uri nary sni'lexuiil Sywtemr,—New and relia ble treatment—in reports of iht Howard Assck lo tion. Seat by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free Of charge. Address D.J. SkilJon Houghton, How ard Association, Vo. 8 ffoath Nlctb struct, Phila delphia, Commercial Postscript. CHICAGO RXARRET-EYfcNING HOARD. Monday Evening, JuneW— lOp m. Tbe advance la gold and the favorable news by tbe European steamer, excited ihe market, particularly for Wheat, and higher prices were paid. There waa a good attendance at tbe Sherman Honse in the eve nitg.and alargo business was done. Wheat has advanced per bushel slnca the clcssof ’Cnange. and Deeper bus'ielover the lowest price paid today. In the afternoon aoout 15%000 hosbels were sold at t1.87K3t.39H for No. 1 Spring, and at fl.SlXftl.33 for No. 2. In the evenhu, the market was very bilet, with a good demand both by ehlppers and speculators, and about 370,500 bushels wcresuld,atslJ9Hdl-40forNo. I Spring, and 81.32 61 .SfH for No. 2 Spring, as follows: W,903 bn No. 1 Sprir-gat<l.S9Ht ISO’COObn do at $1.40; 2SprlugatsLß3: 1.000 bn do at 81.52H; 7,000 bn do at 81SH: 97.CC0 bn do at 8183:20,000 bn do at tUUHt 5.1(0 bu do at 8183H; 35,000 bn do (fresh) at BU3H( 19,100 lu dc (In A. D. a Co.’*) at 81-32: 803hu do (early) at tl.SC—the market closing firm at ILSOHtf M 0 for No. 1. and at lIASHSt.SSS for No. 2. Cobs waa “without any friend*,” and only about I.OCO bnebels were reposted at |!.C9H- There waj scarcely any demand fbr It. Oats were steady and firm, with sales of about 3 0,000 bo Ko 1 at 70®10Kr, and SCO bo No i at 68c. tiionwrsss were to better demand and firmer, owing to more favorable newt from New York, and we report the following itleatSOO brl* goodcouatry aidcltyatslJ!4K; SObrlt at 91.14; 50 brla common country at slJSK—closing firm at fL2t®l.l4K> Pbotibiotb were firm, bat Inactive. Mesa Fork is held very film at $32.00. with some Inquiry (or good brands at $31.00. Lard Is tn active request at I4c,but Is held mostly at 14>$c, and some are asking 13c, par* dcoUrly fcr kettle. Salt was In pood demand and firm. Sales were: 3,600 brie new Saslnaw Fine to arrive at|Xso, Caidox Oil* as quiet, and we no.e a sale of 100 brie “Globe”(white) at7lc. FazTOßTswere steady. The bark David Moirls wascharteteo at 14c for wheat to Buffalo. NEW YORK CATTLE OIAJtHKT. - O ING DAY. [Telegraphed exclusively to the Chicago Tribute.! Bxw York, Monday Evening, Jane 13; ifICL BEKF CATTLE—There has been on saleatAlber* ton’s to-day about S 50C bead of Deef Cattle, the gene r»l quality of which was below tb« average. The weather has been cool and clear ami remarkably favorable f«r business, bat the market Isveryouil aid depressed, witb a cecllno of Ke P ft on bent qnollC es, 1c P ft on medlom. and i®2c V ft on poor est. Speculators have been losing heavily, and sracnp buyers and sellers, generally, there ta no eon* fldtncefn fbtore prlcts. Ibetoppilees current to day, rxclcdlog fancycattleor extra holiday beef, aroP ftforcetwelchtofmeat, seller slaking offal, 18®19cPft. Medium quality, say the average of a good Our dreve of C or 1 cwt. liunols steers, Italic P ft. Ibe b a/strate". Including Ugh: thin ateara, coarseoxco,‘etc.,l22.l cV ft. SHEEP—The Sheen market Is like the Beef Cattle market, dull and bfavy. Compared wilt last week I rices are ic per ft lower. Best qualities have seen selling*! 7H&Sc ptr ft. HOGS—In this market there has been a fair amount 01 activity, and prices remain steady at lint week’s quotations, namely ; Best quality rorn f - I per ft l®9>ic;2:d quality com fsdSaSHc; uiA'Jla.-y fed Hcg» per ft. The market will not open on Monday, July ’.th.but commence on Tuesday the ith. * 051,0* RoniNsur. tit. market. [Special Dtfpatcb-to the Chtcaeo Tribute.} t>r Louis, Monday Evbnino, Jane 13, ism. Todacco—S t*sdy, the sales were the of tie season.embracingtS3hhds, viz: 2acrars,«t ; 167 logs, at $.*.7(07.10; 8 factory, at $7,7>3y.3 •{ 53planter-co, at $9.'.0®14.70; 48 common leaf, at $1550®23.73 :$«.S50SO95; It good do,at $50.2(059.75; 9 medium u anofactarlng co, Ht SSO.COOICOJO. FLoun-Sales of 209 bble choice XX, at $3.28. delivered; ,‘OOdo XXX. private; 533 d> superfine, at $620; Grain—Wheat lower*. Sates comprise of ISO b\cVb of rare extra choice, at $1.73 ; 2IC do extra choice, at |1.*5P01.7G; 1,114 do choice, attl.GOot.Cj; 953 do prime at (LSCOI.S3; GS6 do good, at f;.>7K01.49; lair atsl4Oo’.i*. Oststlrm ; sale? of 1,880 sacks,at 9Sc> part dellveted; 225 do, at Me: 27 > dj no: prime, at SSc; l,oCodo la secondhand sacks,at9ic. Cora la ue mand; sales of 100 sacks chAce $1.27; 1/66 co, mixed white and ydluw, at $ A‘<; 1,2J3d0, prime mix id, :,t sl.2*; <59 do mixed, at 81J13; do, mixed, attt.2?. Rye doll; sales of tl tacks at SI.4D; 104 do. at sl-55. it nisKT lower, with a sale of 48 bbls at $1.22. ■pxtovißioKa—Bacon market quiet, We note sales of 23 casks clear sides, at I4KC, Milwaukee Market* [Special Dispatch to tbe Chicago Tribune.] UinwAtncn, Monday, June 13. FixiUß—ln moderate demand. Gb - in—Wheat—Riceints 57,C00 bn. Market opened at $1.25 and advanetd to elflS. Closed steady at tbe advance. Salts this morning 121,0(0 bn No I regular receipts 12JC0 bn, sellers option all week, at fI.SSKOI.S7K; IWOObumlxed winter, de |LSB; iCObnrcd winter, delivered, at |l.* s>i; Ss,i Do bn for Immediate delivery at SLB6X&I-97; SJKiO bn at ftlkr'a option U3 Thursday at fLSiK: 6,000 bu at buyer's option all week at $1.28. Sales on ’Change 97,CW bn No 1, regular receipts, at $1.35; W.lOOao delivered Thursday, at 11.38; I.OoQNo 2, reg ular rreeipis t sttl.S2K;Sto bn red winter delivered, at $1 £4 ; WObu white winter at $l5B. Market at the Newhsll House this evening excited. Trices ruled SK@JKc higher than on 'Change. Sales CUi,COO No 1 Spring wheat at f4.4101 a 42K> closing firm at $i.42K. Oats steady. Sales 12 cars in store at 70c; 2,UDbuat7fKc. Corn in better Inquiry. Salcalo.ouo bu and 4 cars to store at sl.H<kl.'lK. Harley quiet. Sales 2‘o baga by sample at fl.Sool.Sl. Bye lower. Salt a 40 bags delivered at 11.25. Cincinnati] marker. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago T.-ibane.) Cincinnati, Jme 13,1831. Floub—Tlrtn hat quiet, mantel without change in pri <i», demand local; superfine 18 75 and extra $5.55 ®UO. Gkajs—'Wheat in lair hat less active demand at |I,M for prime rtd, and *1.5501.65 (or wble. Com dull with a very light demand at at *1.05(3108 tor ear B id lor shelled. Oats in moderate de mand at 82r. Rye a dull market with sales at *LW. Pbovi6i.)Hß-L«b« inquiry for mess pork; it la help at ta 6C<«S3.W. Belt ratals beM firmly at HX@Utfc for aboulilera and 12K@ltKe for tldts, hut these rates being above the views of buyers there was not much dene. Bacon bcla firmly at lector shouidtrs and ISc for clear sides, with uiodetate sales Lard, held at 19e with a good demand, thoach the decline In gold nude buyers mere cautious at the close. ■WmsKr—A dnll and unsettled market and prices nominal. OrocFXiss—The market continue* nnchm*ed. Coffee ha* advanced to 43)f(545c for prime tocbolce grades. Daw Sucnrs are quiet aad steadyati3322c; crushed 4rm at 25<S2£c, New Orleans molasses an changed at *l.Cs®l.Cß. . . Vessels Passed Detroit* (Special Dlrpatch to the Chicago Tribute.] Drmoir, Monday, June IS, ISSI. Ur—Ptop. Queen of the Lakes; bark So3oxa*Peru, Bel); brig Monitor; tchr. fithsn Allen, Magnolia, Sssco, Bcardlnavlan, Dewitt,Fillmore, Ell Batts. Dows—Prop. Winslow, Mendoti, Buffalo. ELLISOIB AND MICHIGAN CANAL* Bridoepost, June 13—1 p. u. Clsabkv Saturday night—c»yde, Ottawa.; Bock er, Lockpat; Manctta, Kankakee, 40,000 lumber; DwdetrState,Hems: Am»rtcanStar,Lisal!e; Lion <bj. Otiaw<; belle Fiance, Moms: HG Gaylord. Lockport ;Deer Perk, Utlcas Eclipse. L\9»llo.Bl.Bi{ )ß,°oQlatb; Montaak, Morris; £ Bnrnnas. Joliet, 88,578 lumber, 65, t00 ihlnsles. Cuianxi, Sunday—Alabama, Lasalle; Africa, La B&Ue. * CLrxfiSD—Monday. June 18.—Central City. .La salts,97.iiMeetlcmber.T.tOO (t siding; F. A. Uo nsrd. Ottawa *S. F Ga)e.-Athens : Resolute, Ath ens ;D. Ill*, Athens; lanthe. Kankakee. AißiTtr-SaturoayNight, Juno 11.—Terror, La- Salle, 170 tons coal; Lemont, Morris, 5,1.0 tons coal; I luancler LaSalle,sAo tons coil; D- Hess- Athens, 45 vdsdicauLslon Mono ; vdvance, Athens, 45 yds dit to a; Conveyance.Pcipiainc*. it yes rubble stone; Le olute,i.ihonß,Buyds rubble stone; B. F. uaie, Athens, Mjdsnxhble etoue, • ~ _ - Abei'V'ed- Suncav and Sunday night, J one 13. Le, Tlathon.L»ulle s,«S9bu corn; Cayuga, Lockport, 5,5i-«bucom; Esiex,Latslie, SASI bu com; Acme, Latalle. £.712 bu com; A. Woolaoo, Lasalle. 5,®l bu corn; Ottawa,Ottawa.s,soo bu corn; York Stole, LstaUe,s^-37bu corn; AJax. Lasmle, 1'P.090 bones, 54.7TC tulr, B8 brls flour, 333 brls beef; Portland, La salle, Ai 9? Yu corn ; Coratlrntlon, MarsciUea.s33o bn .corn; D. Noithrnp. Prison, 75 yds rubble stone. 12,700 empirestoie; H. Hamlin, Ottawa, 5.6C-0 bn corn; .I’rcgress.Scueca, 5,6‘0 bn corn; Elizabeth* Lock- Son, SjOobucorn; Ocean. Baoeca, 5,700 pu corn; xcelsior.Mareellits,s.9oobe corn: Industry, Mor rls.l.PCO be corn, 7300 oato. . , B „ Areitxp, Monday morning*—l Menard, LaSalle, fI.COO bn corn; H C-. oley, hot icoort, 5,000 bn corn j W Zimmerman, Ottawa, a r VP bo com d.rxn*D. Juneta, 100.m.-Jchn Morrison. Lcck port; Nipiute, Ottawa; VTaip, Morris: Tobacco F.ast, Morris, Ca,t9o It lumber, 4,000 ihlnglta; Ad vance, At h-n» ; C •'Dineror, Ocsvlamos {-Norway, Ot tawa. 91.403 it lumber; Republic. Morris Aiarrss.—Atlanta, La-alle, 5.500 bn com, UASO ftsfliecuv; Planet. Lesaile. 5.8C0 bn core; Cuba, L«falle, OJWHiq ccm; f.bll) nsflre clay; Angela, Li sale i,iCO brlsfloar, 11,145 as fire ba« cos Rebecca. LssaMe. 6,oonbn corntErrls’on.Lv ealle, SJBO bn com: H. G. Loomis, Athens, W yards rubble atone. New Yorkm%rkct~Janel3. Correa—A shade 1L2001.27 for middling n plaids. Ttous— I ?tate and westernwlthout decide! change, »-•. BH.K vim a little’more diapoltion to realize. 8tle« at $7.81<57.?5 lor extra atate; $*.3308.45 for extra round hoop Ohio; *Asoa9.4ft for trade brauds. ■•iwT-Firmer at 1U101.3S for SUte; ILS3KO l,BSfor we terr-. uuAiA— »vhcatfjnire firm,with a good export do murm i-nles at 11.7201.H) r.r Chicago spring; 91.733 j.'UforMilvaukeeclab; *1.8501,90 for winter red. i ana firm at $1.7- CM-TS. font dull and de> cldeolylower at ?i 4801.54 for u-iwnnd new and old mlxeo wasiern, and sLM for old mlxxl western, closing heavy at sbent $1.4301.50 for new mixed western. Oatsnulet. . t Pxtbol»cu—rlrm but quiet. Wool—Firm »nd In moderate demand. Provisions—Pork excited and decidedly higher: JS2.Cojormr>a; *31.50 lor old do: *:J3.3i>4@3l.M tor new do; $27.50029.50 for old and new prime; 931.95 oC3sOforprlme meat. Also. 7,000 brie mete, June, Doyen* option. $33.50; 3,1® brie prime mess seme termsaßd delivery,*33 230:3.50: 3.(o3brlsne*mcs» same terms and aelirery. S34AOaS-UO: I.soobrledo July, onyers’ option. 93140. and 2,000 brla same cerme aod delirery. $354%. Beef quiet; $9,300,340 for countrymens. Meats Him: New Tork filoneyand btoek Market—Jane IS Mosit—Actlvs at 607 per ceot • Stzklcsq Excuasob—Selling sc 2150316)4 for car. ret cy. Cold— More active and firmer: opening st 93)4, sou closing steady at 97jf& <J 7)$Ci Stocks better. Pacific, 190; One Year Cerfloates, 9TM: Ohlo*M.cert,s2: Cantos, 41%: Cumberland, 16%: Etle, lllki N V Central, 132: Hudson. 142 M; Peso lug, 14k: N w. :BV, »W: N W pffi 90% ; M 8 96%: 111 scrip, 129%; It 1.115. N*>w York Weekly Bank Statement-Jane 13, Loan?, deer ease 9L8Jt,737 Specie, increase circulation, decrease 131,133 Depotita, decrease 1,979,119 Bnffklo Market—Jane 13. Flour—ln tatr cemand, unebi-ged and a shade ‘Wheat unsettled; red Irregular, ouenlng at >l5O fer No. 1 Milwaukee Sprig, decliolug to SI I C@l.*-2 to arrive, atd cloetu? firm, wHh sales, at Coin cull end nominal—borers ands-’’- ers apart. Oats held at 83c, w! bout bids. Otjcr grains nominal. . , . >Vni?K>—'n better request at $1.26>431.27. OaKALFavionus— Steady hut uochanga.l. To New Tore—Wbe't.i9c; corn,l7c; ca*.?,Uc. Lake lupobts— Floor. 23,94# brls; whert, 123,119 bu: cor-. 139,469 bn r. cat?. ba Cakal Kxpocts— Flour,PM brls; wheat, 157,109bu; coro.llTATO bu; 0a1a,29,6*9 ou. Oswego Market—Jano 13* Fioub—Bteacy at $7.7508 05 for No-1 Spring; fP'Sfrrmred Winter ;*3.75<39.'e for White. Grain— Wheat dull. No 1 Chicago B>rlng at |1.63. Com c«rce and’ qnlc7. , .. . Caval PunwnTs—Ke better on grain. Flour 42c, wheat and peaa 10Kc to Nov York. Beaton Mining Board. Vxw Tobk, June 13.—The prices of Mining Stocks bid In Boston to-day were: liar State, )9j Ccn ral. 6S* copper Falls, 4IH; Franklin, 53H: Horon.iO; Isleßpyaie,2SHf HlnuCiota. 55; Northwestern, 11; Pewh»olc,6t3f t Kocalsod,ls. MARRIED. Inthlacltv, Monday afternoon. Jane 18th, by the Bcr. Geo. D. rnmti lug, D. D.. at Trinity Church Mr. FRANC 8 A. EMORY and His* THEODOSIA It. GABN fi.lT, both ot this city. DIED. In this city, Jane 18th, SARAH U,wife of John 8. wgiiaec, ii- -he 57th year of ber age, The funt-ral will tike plsca to-m.:rrow (Wednes d&y) tbe. stb ln«., at 2 o'clock P. H., at the heme on Wabash sveuoe, comer of eixtecntn strict. Tbe f Icroa std acquaintances arc respectiully invited to attend. jxT" Buffalo, K. T., papers pie*?** copy. Hallroad 'rime Table. Tbe following table shows the time of arrival and departure of the several trains on til tbe rail roads in Chicago: JCCnJQAN CENTRAL. Depart. Arrive. .. *l3O a.m. *J«:3oa.m. .. 7C;00 p.m. •tIOjOO *8:15 pan. Detroit Express. Detroit Express. Detroit Express. (Train* for Cincinnati end Loutsul e ) Homing Express am. *3:15 p.m. Night Express +Broo p.m. a.m. ICOHIOAN BOUTHEK3T —DEPOT CORN Kit VAN BtTRZN ...•fcXajo. *3:15 p.m. ...+6:00 p.m. *JS:3O a.m. .•tlOtOOp.m. am. Day Express Evening Express. Night Express... ExpreM, via Adrian *6:30 a.m. *3:45 a.m. Nijht Express. Tia p.m. *s&ls a.^. 72TT6BUEQ, TORT WAYS* ASD CHICAQO. Mail and ajn. * Day Express *6:30 ajn. *8:15 p.m. Mai) Express t&OOp.m. *9:10 p.m, HlghtExprcsa . C : o. & Louisville EiDrcsß..+9;4 o.ra. t&SS &.m, ( Connecting with Pennsylvania Central B. B.) Leave Pittsburg.. 8:00 am. 4:35 p.m. 8:45 p.m. u Harrish’p.. 1:20 pjn. &i 5 turn. fcOO a.m, ArrivePhiladel... s:Sop.m. (Usoa.m. 10:10 a.m. “ N. York. I via V I^sp.m. AHenlon 1 “ K. York, j tia >3Cfcos p.m. 12:06 m. 42:56 p.m. PhlUdel. j “ Baltimore.. s:io pjn. 7:00 ajn. 11:50 a.m. V Wash’ton . 9:20 o jq. 10:30 a.m. fcOO p.m. CnfOURfATI ilB UNI. Day Express £3O a. m. &50 p, m. Night Express .. 9:40 p.m. 6:35 a.m. {For Indiaixapoli* and LoultvW* ) Dty Ezpait .....6:30 a.m. &50 p. m. Night Express 9:40 p.m. 8:35 a.m. Day Passenger *8:15 a. m. *9KK) p. m. Night Patbencer ...+9:30 p.m. *7:00 a. m- Kankakee Acc’n *5:16 p. m. Hyde Park Train.... *&850.m. *7:45 a.m. * " “ *l2rfW m. *1:85 p.m. “ M * *4:00 p. m. *6:90 p. m. »* u w *6:lsp.m. *7.80 p.m. CHICAGO, BPDUKGTOH ANT) QDTXCT. DayExpresu ..9:30 a. m. 5:15 p. m Night Express 9:15 p. m. 5:90 a. m. MendotaAccommodatl.on 5:15 o. m. 9:30 a, m. cmcAoo aits bt. louis. Express Mall 9:30 a. m. 730 p. m. Night Express 9:00 p.m. 5:30 a. m* Joliet Accommodation....4:4s p. m. 9;SUa. m. CHICAGO UQ BOCK ISLAND. Day Express and Mall 9:45 amu 4:50 p.m. Night Express •. 9:15 pjn, 5:15 a.m. Joliet Accommodation . 6:10 pja. 9:40 tun. □ALENA AND CBISAOO U.VTOIT. Poitou Passenger Sit’Si.n». s:Boajn, Fulton Pasßengor 9*15 p.m. Ir-iSp.m. Freeport Passenger .. .... 9:Boanu 835 p.m. Freeport Passenger 1000 oja. 8:10 ajn. Rockford Passenger 4:00 mm. 11:10 a.m. Geneva Passenger.... 5:30 p.m- 3:30 a.m. CHICAGO AND WOIITHWBSTBRS. Mall Paaeenger. *10:00 ua. *5:15 am*. Evening Express. *5:00 pan. *IL3S a.m. Night Express *9:3 op.m. *p:lsp.m. CHICAGO AND JOLWAtTKES RAH.WAT. St. Panl Express 10:00 a.m. 8:18 p.m. Night Express 9:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m Waukegan Accommodation 5:90 p.m. E:4O ojs. Evanston Special 2:80 p.m. 4:95 p.m. * Sundays excepted. t Saturdays excepted. Mondays excepted. amusements. 'J'HE ORATORIO Ob' ELIJAH, BY IfIErVBELSSOIOU Will be performed At Biyau Hall, Tuesday Evening, Jnne 14th. 1834, Under the auspices ot the OBIOiGO MUSICAL UJSION, With a more powerful Chorus and larger Orehcsw thvu ever before In Cbtcogo and the following emi nent talent in the prlcclpal solo parts, viz: MBS. HATTIE BROWN MILLER f opnno MRS. CASSIE MATTISON, Con tralto* MR. A R SABIN, Ten ore. MB. J. O. LITMS ART), Basso. Otherprominent singers In vubcrdlnate parts. Tbe whole under the direction of IUSS BALITEI, Conductor. TicketsfO cents each; to be hid at the priaclnal Music Stores, hcetrved seats2> cuts extra; to be Ran ocly at tLe otuceoi the Presldcnt,io6 Laze street. Sole ot reserved seat* will commence Monday, jane liTh. at 9 A. M. Partl« sDom abroad may obtain reserved seats by rcmlttnv tbe required amount to 080. B. CHlr- TFNDfcN, H*6 Lake 87ree». Doors open at 7K o’clock; performance to com mence precisely at 8. Jelo-hB9B-oC IVfoVICK>!R’S THEATRE, ItJL Madl«bn street, between State and Dearborn Monicker and Mym- Managers. TUESDAY KYKNINQ June 14th.*willbspreion ted the be»utllal domestic drama entitled the CHIMNEY OOBNBB. PeterPiober y CAW. Coal dock Grace Emeiy 41 sCouldocs Ctrnaval de Venice, To corner cl oe with tbe farce of MR. AND MRS. PETER WHITE. TocrLdncewithtbe celebrated dance of FAS LA MUlTEDß—M’lleAucutta. _ BaTURDaY AFTERNOON—Grand Matinee, QOLONEL WOOD S MUSEUM. COL, J. H. WOOD A CO...Proprietors and Managers. a,.D.BEADLKT..~ Dtiecior of Amusements. TUESDAY EVENING. June Htb. Benefit of Mrs. L. B. Berpin. Second night of thentwand thrilling play of v SllßUiaiS CHIME* Bsrnard Reynolds Ur. Aiken Uimm Ven Un. L. r. j-’enla lobe followed by the el- gant comeay ol ih* LA DIES BATTLE. Partn Uontrtcbard, Ur. Bradley ; CocniessdeAuiMvai. Mrs.Perrln. In re he new Drama entlt'ed SHEEP IN WOLTa CLOTHING. PRICES —Admission to 2J or stun and Lecture Boom, 35 cento. ‘ Children under twelve years, ii cento. Drees Circle and Par juetto, 35 cents extra. Private Boxes. *5 and *5 No extra charge (or Reserved St-ats. Box Book open from If* A. M. to SP. M. Doors of Lecture Be cm open at ?K o’clock. Curtain rl |3^TOe o orea?Mn*eum, with Us over Curt oiitdca! The Invlalble Lady! The Enormous Ameri can Qianteesl Eight Feet high, and weighing over 500 Pounds] will appear nightly. Miss Amer, 2Tyears 010, and 90 Inches High! the finest Small Lady in; the •World. Je6-a590-lw Yaeistt theatre, Ms and 117 Dearborn street. C. M. CHAJVWIOK A CO., Sole Le»eea and Manager?. T. L. FITCH, Acting and stage Manager. The Best Variety Entertainment IN THE CITY. as zairnn saw pbogsasxe this ktcsiss. Fer partlcnlart of entertainment see bills of the day. New Stars are eagsred and will appear next week. MONDAY EVENING, Jane 13th, re-appearanoe of the old (avorlte. BILIiY ALLKN, The eccentric Ethiopian Comedian. poors OME at 7J< o'doc£. Curtain rise* at 8X O’clk. — Parquece. 25 eta ; Drw« and Ftmlly Circle. » eta; Prnata Boies, BCutlc " - -nta. ms29-nlls-lw Tloxe*. Mjeenj 1?OK CuUtiHS, OuxJJS ANX> 1 CO>PUUiTIOK.-Tt:c VmirrAiu.* Pulmosast uuemcnt hUtolyaoproyed moiicUio erm discovered. Ithaa stood the beat of all tests, Tan, havinrbaii an unprecedented sale of nearly forty jcawf It Is recommended by onr best physicians, our most eminent cltUens. the Pres, **a4e, la fad by all who know it. Ter certificate*, which can be Riven to almost ary extent, see wrappers to each bottle. The proprietor* win cheerftilfy refund she money If net en Irely satisfactory. Price,sß cent* andsT,—lbelanre bottle* much the cheapest. Bo carets!andyetibe aennlne. which Is prepared only PT LEiP. CUTLEB * cd. WboleaaU Boal onf Sold in Chicago by BUBMHAIIS * VAtf BCEAACK, 18 Lake street. Uhp auction Sales. MORTGAGE SALE. llotuehold Goods, Show Cases, Liquors. Clfart* Soap, Ac., „ AT AUCTION. Os TUESDAY, June 14th, at 9% o'clock, at Batters* Acctlon Kool* • in Portland Block, corner of Dear born and Washington street*. JklC-bISMt • WM. A. BUTTERS* CO* Auct’rs. T7LEGANT HOUSEHOLD FTTR. Ei Ni rUBB, PIANO FOBTE, *e., AT AUCTION. Oa TUESDAY, June 14th, at 9% o’clock, At Dwelling 24} Illinois street. The entire furniture ofa family relinquishing boos©, keeping, connattojc of elegant parlor furniture, brtfv scle, S ply and Ingrain carpets, Spanish nutting, aplea did oak sideboard, marb.e top. oak extension dining table, oak dicing chairs, elezant chamber seta, mir rors, rich china dining set. class and ally r plated ware, Stewart cook stove, refrigerator,kitchen furnl- Stclnway Plaao Porte, rosewoodcaae. ieS-hhl-16 WM.A.AUITERB * CO.Auel’fa. Spring and Summer Clothing, CLOTHS, CASSDIKBEB. BILK VKSTIKO3,4c., 4c. On WEDNESDAY, Jane tnh. at 9k o’clock, as Battery’Auction Booms, In Portland Block, corner of Dearborn and WaMflrgtoo streets. . WM. A. BUTTERS * CO jeß-h€96-8t Aucnoaeera. STAPLE DRY GOODS AT AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY, Jucalsih. at 9% o’clock,at But te»s* Auction Booms, In Portland Block, alarse aad destrabla stock of DRY GOODS, Corelettng of Pl«ln and Figured All Wool De La lues, ft tao .»oeU W ,Bh.rt.^^to, i .4 E C a .=. co _ Jt9-kS6 7t Auoflonsers. 150 cases straw goods at auction. Op THURSDAY, June 16tb,at9)4 o’clcck.atßut- Ur»* auction Rooms, m Pott and Block, corner of Desrbora and Washington streets, 150 CASES OF STRAW GOODS, CouslttlDg of Women’s Wbit«and Colored Palm Leaf Ccors, Larus’ Wnlte Lrghora Cyoal Bid Eoinrcbi Hats M tsee*£tar r*lm Lea« Hats, Miavvs* *nd Boy’s Leghorn Ha a aad Otps, Men’s «nd Bo>*i Palm Leaf lists. Lsdles’snd Mutes’ Flats. Leghorn Hats, White ano Colored thakers,*e. M , . • The above are all fresh and desirable coodsjust re etised from Near York, and will be s^ld WiTUOUr RB SERVE FOB CASH. WM. A. BUTTERS * CO., AUCt*TI. ASSIGNEE’S SALE. —Stock oi DESIRABLE DRY GOODS On FRIDAY, Jane 17th, at 9H o’clock, at Batten* Aact'on Booms, In Portland Block, corner of Dearborn and Wathicgton itreete. We shall sell by order of an Aseign.e, u large and desirable ttoetc of Dry Goods, coaslwlngof a gra ,t w ilety of Ladles Dress Goods, among wh cb ate Mourn ing and Colored Benges, Chally Dress Good*. De Lalnee, Traveling Dress Goods la gre«c variety. Btripfd HarsrfUes Menunhlques, Organdie Minima, Primed MusUcf, Children's cloaks,EmbosedSkirts, Shawls, Gloves, WM. A, BOTTEB? A CO., J»9-liSi9-9t Auctioneers, XTIVE BUILDINGS AND J? PLANK SIDEWALK AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY, Jose 16th. at 3H o’clock P. if.,on tbe premises. Cor. Dearborn and Hindi son-eta^ We shall sell without reserve for cash, tbehulldmg now occupied by John R. Walsn. the building next south .the bnlldißg nn the corner next to the Custom Bouse, the two dwelling houses diroctlr m the rear of last caxedbrlldlne. nontioe on tbe Court, north if tbeCnstomßoDse,<»Uihe sidewalk inf onrofths entire row of smal boUttass west siceofDcarnom stmt leading 10 tbe Post Office, together wt h tbit on Dearborn a‘r?etwestof building* removed, and on Madiion street, the whole to be removed on or before the 70th of June. ueu,iß oi oum A> BUxrESS * co.. jelf-kAfit Auctioneers. QUR.ITEXT SALE OF NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, &c., PIANO FORTE, &c., . ‘Will be onFBIDAY, Jane 17th. at 9>* o'clock, at oar Mlearconn, 44, 46 and 48 Dearbern Street, JeU-kTE-Ct GILBEST * SAMPSON, AacfW. CRATES OF CROCKERY BY GILBERT & SAMPSON. Oe JWEOWFSPAT, June 15th, at 9>f o'clock, wo wU sell at onr salesrooms, 44,46 and *9 Scabom-st, 15 CRATES WELL ASSORTED CROCAEBY BY TttK CKATE. 30 CRATES OF TOILET. DINNER AND TEA. WASH* in opes Lore. The above comprises a complete vsaartmcnt, 'Jtil-kS-K QILBfcRr A SAMPeOa. AQCt’rfl. ARTISTS’ SALE.—The sale ot XJB. Palntlcgs by Chicago AnUta, will take place at JEYNE & ALMINTS ARTISTS’ EMPORIUM, -ON Ineaday and Wednesday Evenings, Jane A4th and 15th. The Gallery wtU be open tathe public free until tbe sale takes place. GILBERT A SAKP3OX. Jell*kl7>StfiAXAT4tbp RESOLUTE SALE OF FORTY LOTS, -A.T AUCTION. ON THE PREMISES. Wo shall sell for a non-resident, OX THE UTH DAY OF JUNE. Forty desirable lots, situated on Indiana. Prairie and Nrr» st avenues, in Griegs Snb-Dlvietoa of tbe SE ,bW K> sections St, S3, .4. Thaw! its aro situa ted half a mile southwest from the Cbie .go Uolveral* ty.and whblo a few mmutos walkot tbe boras cars at Cottage Grove, on high ground, streets all graded, and In a portion of the city tt at is rapidly Improving. No belt 1 r opportunity ran he presented lor parties who desire to purchase for improvement or invest* meet. Terms cf payment easy. Abstractor tide and maps ofprooertycan be seen at our office. Sale to commence at 10X o’clock a. m. JAMBS & SPRINGER. Real Estate Agents. Hot m 9, Metropolitan Block. Omnlbosaes will be ready attbn end of the boras railroad at Cottage Grove to take oanle* to the pionnd. je9-h3 8-lt-lthp Rock county, Wisconsin ‘ LANDS FOB SAliB BY AUCTIOY. Will bo acid by Auction, oa THURSDAY, TBS 23» OF JURE NEXT, In tte city of Janesville, Sock County, Wisconsin, hundred andlerty (SStllJ acres of tee Qz.ezt ogncuitural lands In the State. The* are situated wouttea miles fiom Janesville, and adjoining the vil lage ot Footnlle, with the Beloit ana Madison Ball wed running (kronen thou, and the Milwaukee and Scutbem Wisconsin Railroad on ttieir border, and ara composed of about an equal quantity of heavy timber and praine. They were • ejected lor their present owner tor investment, nearly thirty years ago.aathe best lands, li. all respects, to Rock County, and this County, It la well known. Is the garden of Wisconsin Ts ey will be sold In' farm paresis, md the purchase money, less twenty or twenty-live per cent., which must do paid in cash, may remain on mortgage at seven per cent, interest, for seven or ten yean, ex* coptine richer lota, which will be sold for cash. There will also be sold at the same time and place, and m the same manner but vboily for cash, twenty two hundred '2300) acres of prime lands In Marathon Coot ty,ne-r the town of Wausau, selected about night years ago. A more ehgiblo opportunity for fanners to secure most desirable farms, or for the investment of capital, could not be offered. , „ . , For further particulars apply personally, or by let ter to Mr DAwsOX, No. 9 Bast Fifteenth street, sew York, who will be in Janesville ten days before the sale takes place; to J. J.B. PEASK,Esq M Counsellor at Law, Janesville, or to Mr. JOHN HOWE, on the property, at Footrfflm mvl3^9sl*6w BOARDING. —A gentleman and wife can be accommodated with good board nndple>S3Dl rooms in a private family b/ applylng at HnA dams street. Jell-kl4iktt “DOARDING. Wuverly Honae. _D Boarcers can be accimziodatcd wits single rooms and beard at lIM aud SSJ» a ween Trau attnt—ll.Ov a day. , jell ElSi-Ot BOARDING. —A very pleasant suit o'ucfarntjned rooms on the Hist So :rcan he obtained at 126 West str<-i*t. Terms icoiouaMe. jell kil l it T>OADDING.-One large unfnr- JLf obbed room; also two furnlSaej toomi with bcaidttiaoSomh Clinton street. Jel4-kli3-2t OOABDING.—A furnished room JD with board for two gentlemen cut he bad in f?e flnt clasA bouse 559 Otl > rreet. Only those need apply who cm give goxlreiercaces. JH4-XII4-2s BOARDINO —A desirable froat chamber and back pirlor, uxfarolsbed, with beard, ft r sfntlemm blu tbelr wives, can as ontala edby apply leg at2»s WaDash avenae. Jell K179-4t .MTe Augusta. aElanteb==(Jlori-esponUenc?. X\i ANTED—Correspondence * * by arcane mm of a happy dlapoiltim.with some young hdy ofltke turn, ana who woaM enjoy tne ii no< cntaniatensnt of wonce.tng **wno wrote It?” AddTr»s HAKKX VARNJU. Springfield, lU. Jell-kilt* 2t VIT'ANTED.—Corri T T By a gay and festive young Soger Boy, who Is scarcely outoi his time, is good loosing. intelli gent, ana as rail of tan as o ala be expected ot one who has always been kepcaadertbe eyeof » tovlag mother tm‘]j the commencement of toe rebel ion, wbto blspUrlottsm over lulea bis soon Dimes bit ter JudgmfQ:, and be. w»a permitted to ertcribe strrtee of uis country. Send Photograph aid get a pusiahlo good lookire cue >n retire. Alt Kt;ra promptly answered. Object ftmand iisionseqaences. Direct to CHATUI*. WEBSTER. Suaal Corps, Fisgrhlp Antoerat, Mias, MarlceßrigaJe, via * airo. Illinois. Joll-kITMt TXT"ANTED—Two, lather fond of . T I fun, between 16 and 52, wishes to conwipind with as many young gentlemen and ladies as see tit to answer ms nro»y advertisement. Object-fun and mutual improvement.—butas your letter bo tns answer.—except they be dUloyalj each will not be answered. Nonobnt such as unconditional Colon need answer. Address CHARLIE A CAIS'UE CLIF TON, Lexington. McLean C0.,H1. P.0.80x290. jma-kto-at irttageb ot Stolen. QTFATED OR the door of Clark A Abbtti’s Bak*ry.£* Sher man street,a Ecml.Mare,aboucl3 feand» nigh, with while oval spot between the eyee—about 3H o’clock cn hnnday evening, the 13th of June. Any person giving information or btlnglag the same to 5« Sher man street, will be liberally rewarded. Jel4-klt)8-ic OTRAYED OR STOLEN—From M the snbsctiber at Blae Island* DL, JaneSth.lSM, a Brown Mire, four years old, small wnite -on her; was heavy with foal—probably has ■* co’t now. Any person returning the mars to Blue Island orglvlngtnonnatJon where she maybe found, will be liberally rewarded- HENux H. MASSEY. Jei4-klSolt-dAw LOST— On the Bth a very email black and tanilnt.aaawarlng to the name or Tansy; ba^ossllUieredoblar. Arewardonwan y Dollar* will be paid (or her mar* to 3Sfi Wchirin avenos, and no gncatlona asked Jalfhm-U LOST —IIS Reward. Lost, a GOLD W A.TCH, In Arlington's Opera Hoote. onSfctardav ibe finder will please lesve It at the OnUalFollce Station. JetttnfrU AT AUCTION* AT AUCTION, AT AUCTION. Moarbins. Host. jfor Sale- IfOK tAL-E—Ore twelve horse X pt,wtrerelir,ouell'cor «haU>u.; --icd pmlcy*. five litte?, *tc no" >!* a;r. oieutrsM dij.l.on* (1,9k and paWroi, sid cce scrca cutler.. J» W. CTBB ?3.’i II: I)barl greet j»\. ktia in I. OR t-A 'Ll'— Ciie .p, as the sjwner X .‘nteni'BtoTeive tin* cßy.a pair of imsd-ame cairisreur-ts-gr*y Uorran—soaad, ll: Mf for family use. A lightelg to per wet order, jcci,- rj 5 r*ra*9<- iwo horse cunire in-l dou 1; Until k. y.sOHBaiAJ*, lllDewborn street. L'OK SALE—The furniture of » X? ptiv te hoarding house, now djlng a Untrue tokintitai, sud a.,u»e to leave, near Clark street, go U.c Ntr’i» site nid within tei mlauica wi’.k of the bilccc. Uiuscbaa accommodations loTiSboard'W in *dcitlon*o thirdly. cory reckon* glvenfor lollop. Acdrtsa Foil Office Box laTT. Jeil-kl7t-3t SALE—Cheap, a first-cluis - stauonuy steam ensue, Subbed la tue best manner asd la rourung order—'.o borv* power. May v® \ e rS»f s B -£ cre ,?£ 2 Well* street, or addrees lost Office Box.SST.UMesgo.llJ. Jel'-illl-lt L'OH SAUs— A vuiifcty ot first X ola»s7-ociave plsacsacd melod-oiu.ihrtesec. oodbaao pi&aoa.cne marble top DUiani tabic with b*» Is. complete **?o -one cm tlbus la good orcer, stUtaDle fora ccoatrrnot*( priceSS*. Rosewooavenpera for sale at USdostn Deal turn street, by J. PRSbTON. F. O. Box 1 i-> j«ll»*lSMw ; * * T?OK SAi.E“Cheai:, a suTendid X 1 showcase,logo dcrder;Btso.adaesolatouQ tsiD.oetytlMsg complete. Apply at 117 KattMca rcc Mrter, between the Post Office and Ctark street. JiUhIXMt TTOK h ALE—Silcon and Confco X tlopsiy Store, doing a eoodbovlaeu For sale chtap. Inquire atlfi Weil Randolph street. jtu hiiait T?OR bALE—I have for sale two X stores on STATE sTRSET. dwetliusela second strry wiihthreeyesrslease or grounq.jrreaoirent. Will be sola at a great bargain. J.l*. LEE, W Clark stpf »t. jeii-iUMt F)R SaLE—The entire house bolo furniture of a boarding bcose. lordlier with lease ofhoaie anti May Ist. t-hi. n urietn looms, aumiroua cloieta-. paotnes. ic. lain s central part of the city and welt hlkd with boarders. Address “CD,” Post Office-lsox »li. Jo:<.l 150-51 - FOK SALE—Chenp. One six horse nowe- roitabioßn^ia'rlu 1 cnmpieieor* dec. Inquire st the emsar nr Ciinsm and Vau Vtrcn su e?t. ot addrtss *• G J„” Culcseot- Ills, P. O. Box -Tic. . 1613.18746 |C*( R SALW —At a bargai-r, the X lease, itock and fixtures of a first clast Retill On ear; Stoie,a.iu*’cC in one of the bcsPinorousi- Uit-sli this city, dolngan excellent buslne»f. Most be sold immediately, as me owner has other Dani nti-h tc attend to. madress “ S,” P. O. BoxlSiO. TT'OR SALE.—Two heusee for sa'e X cheap for cash, N0.219 Griswold street. Fi.r In 'tj'Oi* SALK—An entiie set dfsash, I* blinds and door machinery, wi»h adequate steam power. all c* mple e. Atidre i* O.P. GBtfiNK, rrmcr of fourth ana Wall streets, Sixth Ward, Mil waukee. Wu. JeU-bSCfrlOs FOB SALE—A large and -well as sorted stock ot Boot* and Shoes for sale at a bargain atiiOSotth Clark street. Jell- h3j74t I7OR SALE —Seed Buckwheat. I 1 10b bbU. of choice Sew York Backwoea*. (or seed, cheap. SttEKMAS. HALL A POt’E. 91 Siuth Water mreet. Jell-hODO-Ut T?OK SALE- Kew Taent, 34 feet .(? lo*sg, 10 feet beam. 3 feet bold, tore and aft rix k'Utfo op In flrsr-cl&'s style, for s*lo. BEN EYSTETI & CO.’S Dry I»QCk. Jfe9hßis-lw FOE SALE—Or rent The South Branch Mills. Two hundred barrels per day ca pacity. l ocated on Canal street, between Wadding, too and Randolph. For terma apply to THOMAS LON ERG AS. 16 South Clark-st. my3l-g538-30t iKeal 3Bstatc-«Eit2 FIR SALE.—South CLrk street pioperty* for sale in THOS. B. BtwTiS’3 Beal Eit t'omce An elegant marble front fuur-aiury on Iding on SoninClarKstrec,north cf Motro?- >o more Oisirabte or cheaper property In the market, other chetppropcrtylcaUpir.aof me city. There wm be a gnat Real Estate Auction Sale on Wednes day. June 29m. m Bryan Hall. _____ Ja-fklOS-C; FOR SALE—Business lot on Ran de!ph slree*.westofFransUn,wlth fraiebuild tng ondbi aooii renraL Choice tedoeuce lots on Prai,NorthLasaile. North Doarbo nsts-,<sc. A nice 1 ttt'dcsce cn parkavenne, near union Pars. Cottage on wcvt Lake street, near Roby, ana other property In different parts of tho city. Also, a snug two.Btory cottage in Evanston. A splendid farm m Jefferson Canary. a hkh stats oI cult 1- vatler—HO acres BAIRD ft BRaDLSY, Loan Agency andlcealEala e Office, eornerof i.ake and Laaslleßireets. jel4-kl6l 6; TTiOE SALE—The choicest resi Jj deuce and business property la the city. On the Lake £hor* avenues, near Union Pars, aud la the N'«b Division, tm South Clerk street, &c- *c. A great AUCTION sale will occnron the 29th Inst, at lOA. M. TlUca perfect or no sale. No by-biidJng al low'd. Minimum price stated. Amogements for srirnx can now be effected in THUS. B.BBfANU Be»I Palate Office. Jei2-ka« FSR SALE—A fice Lot on Ruck crstreet,between Adams and Monroe, TrtlSO to and several first cltai Stores. GEO. M. HlGGljSSON.BealEstateOtOceNo. 7 Metropolitan Block. J*U k6J3t FjR SALE—On Michigan avenue, north of 12th 9‘reet. several choice bnlldlug Lots. GEO.M. aiGGLNSON, Beal E*Uts Office No. 7 IAOJK SALE—A new Cottage J? House on Bangamon s»rcct near Madison. J«»r rstdcularslnquire of A. W EVANS, No.lSMetio poiltan Hall. • _Jel3-k*>l-«t |AC>R SALE Lots on West Lake, JtJ Randolph, Washington and Mtdlson streets. Also in Duncan’s and Oguen’s ad luona. B.qck KouseaidLotcorzer Ind«-n» and Wolcott streets. Lot lISK by lie to an alley. Home and Lot north east comer Pane and Illnois streets. P. ogDD<3, OtcceNo.Sover 17 Wetlabtreet. Jel2-ksl-30t F)R SALE—A Bargain—The two Bouses and Lots Nob. 7 and 9 Price Place, between Detpiaina and Haliteo streets. Are renting lor f&10 rer annem. Price 93,000 Addre-s Immu- UIJ t* iy P A Li,’ * Box 2130. Jel2 kSO-3t I?OR SALE—Choice Residence -I? Lotr—A few Lets near 14th street, fall r opth, uc MlcLlz&n and Wabashavenues A.J. AVKRKLL, Real Estate Office ho. 7 lleuopclitoa Block. Jcl2-b6&St CI OR SALE—A neat, well built A storv-aud-a-balf cottage, plcaiantly located, with gcod bam and large lot. Also, aiariebnck •e-lfenre, pi»a>>aDlly 'ocst**d and surrounded by b-hsco trees, with large *ot apd good bars. Apoly to G. BICKER DIKE, on W”. Irdlaivst, between Ema bevb and NoDIc-b*. or to J. BICKEhDIDE, Inßoru- Lam A Mattie’s«.nice, 85EastRandoipb-st. jelO-btxSSt Heal gfountrs. C 4 OR SALE—A desirable residence and farm of 75 acres, four miles west of the CltTLr* Iti-hlgh ridge land, all under cultivation, wdl watered aid tcoced, a frame d welling hense, recant boose, barn, 6c., and an orchard cl bearing fitilc trees. A farmcf 2SO acres In Cook County, Illinois, 2>s mils tom Pa’a’ino Station of the Nonnwestern railroad, 22 miles from Chicago—SO acres are la lim ber Price SCO per acre- . , , , A fine tract of C4O acres of rich prairie land In Champaign Cocntv, Illinois, dye mites southed) of Per* station of Illinois fenirul rai.ruad at *f»per acir. SAMUEL A.SARG/C T, Beal Estate Agent, So. 4 Metropolitan Block. Jei4-kl6}-8t C'OR SALE—A dwelling house at I. Lake View with two acres of ground. The house coctams twe.ya rooms, cellar, conservatory, Ac. Good cistern audwe.l, Unadry, wood hoasc.bam and carriage house, lee bonse and grapery. Will be sold yeiy cheap it applied for scon. Apply tuKRES & ATUBS ESOsarbcrn street. jeii-ki&lw FIR SALE—SO,OOO acres of good Farmlrg Lands In Cook, Livingston, Iraqnols. . Lee, Og-e at aPi >tt counties. SOJUO acres in central lowa. Al*o a large number of lr>uroved Fauns from -JO to acres, in Illinois- D. K. ESaRS'IMS, 113 Randolph street. Box 3407. Jel2-kl3-tot TfOR SALE—A gentleman resid- X 1 log East, had bnllt forflm, dnrlngthe past year, a Hist elate double fuelling bon-to in tne ct y of Wi nona, Minnesota, bat » death In his family banag rhauged hl« arrangements, it is now offered if r sale. It u of brick; was designed and 1(8 entire erection stptnntendu'. by an architect of high reparation; ball nine feet wide; the pirlora, chumben, dlnlnz room, kitchen, Ac ,of ample size; marble wantfis, bath-room, &c : a furnace ct best make, will heat the whole horse. The building lacn a b>ock of over two act*«ln the centre of the town. If desired, the half or whole of about UO acres or land, containing over lour honored town lots mumorovea, bn*, now uesrly srmmnded by buildings, will be offered with the property. For bealthfulness and beauty of situation. Winona Is hardly eanated anywhere, a.d Uaenlnca to he the xreat centre of traoe tor Sonthsm Mia tiC-'o a Its crnwih In exports of wheat fur -be year Jica was n-,C(K) bnshels: (n 1563.123 ,000 bacbels. The cnrtnc and packing of pork aad neef is destined, from the climate oxu iacl ltl'.sf»r sHomtat here, to grow rapioly ti-aarcat uade Farprfccaniltermsorsale adcress H. W. LAMBEBIOK, £•!•» Wiaona, Mm ncsota. Je.3klß 5t TpOR SALE—For $4,000 m grem X 1 backs, eighty (SO) acres of Land near Chicago, belay the west ba f (JO of tbn sontheost quarter Of) or section v* onty-elgnt (28) In Township Thirty eight (S3), north of range thirteen (13) east For farther information address H. T. COFFKT. P. O. RoxTOft, PUtetmip. Penn., or apply toTaGS.B. BRYAN, R»al taiate Agent. Bryan Hall. Chicago mT^-g7»4-7St T7IOR SALE.—Farm for sa:e at a V Bargain. Avery valuable Firm, situated os Hick-'ry Creek.infill eonn’y.ZH., eontamtsg 120 C acres, all well fenced, and dlvuzed into tillage, mea dov, psitnrace and wood land, with never-taillnc water rnbclng thron; h It- The Improvements constat of a large fine brick boose, cad four tenant houses, Beveiallargp fine bans, with sheds, Ac., all In good repair. This Farm la worthy the attention of those wlsblng to bay. btlrg in a good neighborhood, near Chicago market, high. dry.and rollon land, and wed adapt ed tor grain and stock, and susceptible of being din* d*-d inie s.*v«a!farms. It lanownnder cultivation, and well stocked with cattle, bones, and sheep, which can be tnrehased. If desired. a great barc-Un will be alven. Terms cash. For farther particulars inquire of fl. If. BOKO RE, my?2-g559 SOt F0 Dearborn street. «Eo ISent. , TO RENT—A nice froit Parlor, nnfnm'Bbed. without board.* Caa have a chamber it d*«ired. Apply at northwest corner of West Luke and Corils streets. Jelt-kUSt j TO RENT—A two 6tory house, nearly pew, on Warren street, ore bloo'c nyrth of Wttc Madison, with t or 8 rjons, at *•« per mciiln. Feaseison given Immediately- Inqaue at Bali’s HeM. jeliaMfrlt rpo RENT—Three story and base* _L meet trick bouse. No-133 Wolcott street, with all modern jmprov-men ! *. Apply to jamh <s SPt iBoKB, Best Estate Agent■> Boom N0.9. Metro* f oUtsn Block. Jell-kIH 2s TO RENT—Aularge front room, furnished, eatubl* f fcr oneer two seajlemen. Apply at I'dMonroe ageet. JaU-tift>ic TO RENT Store 161 Lake atr et, nearLasalls. YOUNG & SPRISGEU, No. 2 MetrcpoiCiß Block. JeU-kißiSt TO RENT Tjie Lake View House and Furniture. T e boueeltpiaiivitly located on tbe Jake score, dvo miles sort of the city, ido coibinsnod a lolendld ylew «»f tbe take, tt cep tales about s’Xiy rooms urn will accommodate seventy or a ibty boarder?, Tbe Dona oara roa within a few rod* Ol the boose. Apply toJAMvs H BEES, Si Dearbcm street. JelVkiMlw TO RENT—Two new Cottars, contaittng seven rooms each, with •a?and cistern water, on " «st Jacssoo, between H yno and Leavitt ;»«»£ Apny a;. Mrs D. PBAXrsTu® ?lU tecce Office. 150 South Clark street. Jelt-k’SJ-lt TO BENT- The five &tcry marble front store 2£3 Lake street.' Also stor* 217 Soa-.h water meet, Apply to WILLIAM C.D0W,51 Cla fc street. _ jcilkiSet TO RENT—House and Furniture 2PB?rie street CEsst of Clerk), ?or three mouths froze tbe& th ib>t. Terns 175 per month. J. B. NICHOLS, Boom Ho. S, c.B.and Q. 8.- Office, fottoifionth Water street. . Jeia-ki^t TO RENT—The four story Brick BuUdliy.Sß Klnzle street, near Bai b a Vn$,* asMßMaWigasg- mo RENT— Office on Clark street fe’s^ssssssassr HHanxw. \I7ANTED-A JPorterm a .few- TT elry Store— cdc who has hal e-'perletc »%* nch. Nouo but t&ot e *av oir iht bc-*t ot city refer nee*need aptly. AJdieiißox4l*P.O. si -14 E! 91 \V ASl'lED.—Everj bod? who has T T Dice and co-liy inmitura to var-iij' or rudUn wUJ do well toaddrefsP. O. Box IBGU, one receive primpla’tteuq na: their?o» leU-s^Mi WANTED—By o young Lady a T T place in a Photo araph to le*ra the bcstaaaa. The best of refererc.:* give u Ad Teas -M L D.“-P. O. Box 20??. tMLxttt-Jt ’\\7 ANTED — A second l!anal*rum If wth scaring, fcrhoWl'D?. Drum must not he I«*«Cthaa eight fe«t kmc and four feet ta n’atne ter. Aocms box 6014. Chicago. ill. Jen-kl.nn XyANIEU.—A smart, active * T man watts employment at Farler. or any altnatica to make himseif naefn). either la a store or outdoors. Can writ* and drive well. iVaies no Object. Advre«»**H ¥,”Tribuaa office, Caicago. jel-fcKOU WANTED —Two good Pail Tnrans. laqnlie at 106 SoothWalej street* jtlWtHWi \\f ANTED—A hoaelbra bright, IT bealthymtlabdi.foiir.yearsold. Some re spectable family wuM-s to adopt, educate ami teschgoco Boralsaad tadostry. will Andbtm well dt.-poiea aid obeu'eot. Bit puentiam not hwlor. H( en be se,xrat Nu.i3S**oatt) CKrc ar„ room 19. or auttats *B,” Box 191. Chicago, ill. JoU-fellMt WANTED—A medinm sized flreprtof B*fe r best ma!te. Addresa Box ™ jeU-km-lh \Y AN TED—A situation’ by a , ' joongmarried man as cierh ar ami'iiu able, Ulan inaaentowmo 1 j"Sm Matc ” *■• °° ' WANTED—A, Poiter in a Jeiv m«. ,3 v;a"SSl appi> who cannot brim thi h«4 e*j teffrsncMM ‘ •«** , b. tw-ca I a“d“o?. m ieil k°7Mt a,t 03rner of ***** aa< * yiar * •Meats. TV’AXITXD Two respectable TT men for an Insamnce office. To the rlsht kmrt of rren a eood salary wnV b>.» w»;d A’soa and SaUimat. * P-rur la a Hard ware More, a man lo'ena a Me»tu 1h Ui>r, tvn yoonrmen to .e*.n tr-des. t«uoHbiQ6tmahers»nd Huoolstcn Apply at S4 Dtarbornac. Booms! HMBY & CO- Jelik 45-lt WANTED A situation as Tra- TT TC’lng hg-nt oraa T esm«n In aey good tner tn*rcaunie DuaiLe-s, by an active bugmeis mao who raugiTocoodref fin•» AQVprtishg andGeseisl bi alc«as Jiccrcy.Bl born street Also a situation wanted ai •hi;nlnr op s«neral clerk many wholesale business o* au ae! live young man. Jel4-hi4i-u "XTTANTEI—An experienced T » Drug Clerk, s rlsrkln a rkroad efle* . youth to learn the boot bu laeau a cwmSij.’ar \ 9X> '2* Mt 34 i-ksanon* Stbbbt. Baom it Ulcrka, boom beer ec, ia't*men. porters, c>erka on steamboats and railroads, Ac., seetme altoaucns. ahon«d apply. Several situations no v open. "** jelf-klfc-lt FINEST A CO. WANTED—A part of a Eo^. T T or irotn two t* fonrroonis-snltab'o’fbra family or thmeper*ona, la a plena* t locality eon v»nf«*nt to »»rcft car*. Good re'ereuseag-.vfp.- nd d.eca S."Trioupa ottce. Jou-Xi<St» WANTED —To rent a salt of *7 roo ns, unfurnished, satiable for a gentleman ardladjr or two single gentlemen, Address "O PD”* TilDpno otflee. JaU-kuO-lt Wf AN TEI> —A Forter m a whole ▼ / . sale and re a'l grocery store. Most be ac quainted wl*n me easiness and come wellrecom mesofd. German or American D'efeirej. address. ln jat-ki«4t 9 °* a &and WfltlDff ' p * D »««r SJ&L XX/ ANTED—Yom-g Ladies to call xx and learn dreM-cnttlng by the ’ates* im prored and ps t-nted chart. It is toa easiest learn td.andttehanalcittonfceoiallciarU, and nan oo nsed for. children's coit», rests aed Garatuidts. Asenu w»n*ed to teach It In the city **d throneboab the United Stales and Canadas. Fluse call and ex en; 103, West Mad.son street, Chicago. -A situation as Sales- T T mao in a clothing or boot and shoo house, by an experienced young man, who can good rer Apply at Fxsi.iT A Co.'s a>i> Grsxn.\L buHtaxsa Aqxsct, 64 LiaKßoasar. Also, a situation wanted as salt sman ta a hardware store by an experienced young man. A t retire ms gtTfP. XXf ANTED—A situation ia a ▼ t wholesale grocery o* commission boa*®, or aa superintendent In a mannfaetartnx establishment, by a cany who bos bad larst experience «Dd can give cooo icterenc*.* Address" j,” Box 3619, c»go Post Udce. je 4 klui-St WANTS D.—Two. joung men wanted at occupants for a pleasant famlaaed room, without board. Inquire at 137 jtart Washing* ton street. jell-kISHi \\f ANTED—By a young lady, a T T young lady, a situation as assistant Book, keeper, cooVlf ter clerk ina-dryeooos ortmlitnerw store. Good city glrsn. Adams‘‘3-W F," Tribune offlea. JeU-kl 78-16 XJU AN TED—A man ni;h $20,000, ** tosnrehateathird Interest in awell eatah lisbfd wholesale grocery house. One of the present psrtsers wpi es to retire. Addrlsj.wJ Ursai name. Box £2O, Chicago. , . jell-6177-at VI7ANTED—By a yiung man ex f T »emively acquainted in the country, a thor ough bred accountant, a a counting ioom,commla»lon house orbaoklog office. Active employment preferred. The beet of references given. Address nox 519. . JeU-fcffid 3t W/ ANTED—Two girls at sewing. T x One to work uprn aflinser’asewlocllaeldu, the other to work by hand. None but those seen*- tomed to tailoring need apply. Cal) at Mi Boutta Wells street, jeil-xIS»U XtfANNED -Immediately, agood x * Carriage Painter. Best of wagos given and ate .dy t mploymer t at GEBaRD A BUOIHEB, Lia co>p. nu jeis-kmat WANTED —To ptachaee, with mocerate capital. In some flcrtrlahlhg city, » business. A newspaper, bineery or bot kstcre would suit. A ddrestt Box 197, lAisyette, Indiana. JtlS-kIUSt XXf ANTED— Cil Barrels. We * * wlllpay the highest prtee tor Carbon QU Barrels. ARMSTRONG A CO, 12 LssaUa street. Jel2-k»*B VA/ ANTED—A couipeK tt woman to lake care of an Infant. Apply at 327 Btr>e rior street,between Cm and Rash streets. JellkJsSt XI7ANTED—A situation as En- T T elaeer by a yooos m*nbf considerableexpe rience. O. Box 2319, Chicago. Jel2-k57-4c \\T AN TED - A first class Cook, TT Wather and Ironsr. One that can give good reftren es cap Ana stead; employment a*d good wages, at Mo. 211 Chicago avecoo. Jt3 h74&-iw ICANTED—.first class Actors y T and Actresses tor ibe sew Cairo Theater, which will open on the ICih of July. Irt&l. Also, wanted Imrordiately. one tood Scene Painter and one Stage Otrpenter. Afluresa CRUMP A CO . Bog 557, • Cairo, DL, statu g Uneof bnaiarsa, Je4-hf7&-lm TXT' AN TED -10,000 Be ef and Fork T T Bat rcJe, to be daiirerod at onr Packing Boom by the first day of neteber next. Host be well made and from smsoned timber. GRIFFIN BROS.,* my 29 h*4 Sot 5 Pomeroy’s Building. XlTANTlfil*—FortneUov?rnmant tn the Quarter it master’s Department. at St. Loola, 2,000 Laborers Wages *23 per menth and rations. Also, LflOO Team sters. Wages f35 per month and ratloiA. Free trash portation rnrniihed to pUcei of destination and r«- tamed to St. loots. Mo. For tnrther information in quire at the Government Office. 132K South Water street Chicago. UL- JAMBS W. CLARK. my*-e287-om Government Agent. ffiaaniea—agorot. XX7” ANTED—Live men flom all y T parts ot the United States to engage in a phaisn and profitable bus a ss. reqn'r Dgacad el oi trom *ls tu tioo—sells to cv»ry farmer, payin; a net profit of from tfOtoiuO per week. Call at 147 8 Clark it., room >4, op stsl •■. or address p. O.Rjx 5(17, Cb'cago, eacio.-iox 33 cents for particulars. Je 4-klls*2t TS7ANTED—Agents tor our new v T sat and best selling artlclei—’ '* Fowler’« P-- tent Adair g Machine;” *• star’’ (nochlran-y mrajr) —best out, aayes y; -»Rlrd Holder"PuitiMe - .op ine Press?” portable” ivardrobe and H it K»cks.” 15 per day n adeby enereetic ofeu Samples hr mill 50 cesn—catalogue and terniit. Addre-a Bl je. & CO., IST Dearoorn-Bt., Chicago, 111. Jelt-lci. IG-3C VV ANTED— to sell -ur f* flre Phi»ogmohlc Albums. Thss; Alboms, ore cotap In the best style of art. are very mri -tivA a-.dflnd »apm tale. We have at-o a large assortment of hnsratiopß and Card Photograph?, auo, a ne« War Map, iait out. and jeversl popular b'Oks, to seilbyagron). Beid for clrenlar to C. SI. DUNK & Co., 182 & 181 Clark street, Chicago. JeltklVOt V\f ANTED—Agents to sell our T t great, uceqaaDod Prize and Stttlonery pack ages, with wbleb we give, free.amagMflcsnt box of frw and tachlonabiejeweiy. Bales quick—orofiu im mense. Onr packages iranu onrlvaued for the splen > dcr and richness of (he presents. Send for clrenlar, eoctalnlDg mil particulars, to C. JI.DPtNA' 0.. 183 6154 Clark street, Chicago. Jel4-kl4B-5tJ AX T ANTED. —Agents are making T T 1150 per month srlliog the Life of OmerS Grant, with a cumulate history of hi* tnlllt ry career, both in Mexico and the present Ifebelllun: price IIJO. Life of President Lincoln,the Pioneer Boy; price $125. And a long llaiol other late andpopo> la/ works, selling very rapidly. For terms and cir culars enclose stamp to WM.H.POST,roomls.Ub llcb Block. Chicago. JeX3-8t TXT ANTED —Efficient Ag.nts in T T every conaty In the No/thwest to avli Mitch ell’s New General Allas the best to. family d«e ever pabitsofd—and M Stebblns’ itl.bty rears* Pro tress of the United States," from the war to the Great liebelilon—the best works extant for agents. Mutseaa permanent. Address J. N, WBILHJbN, No. 7 Mbthodist Church Block, Chicago. 11'., P. O. Box 2SS4. JelS-kSMt "TV^-ANTF-D—Age'-ta wanted to T T tell the moat 44 underfill Invention of the Age.” Aa lasiratm-nt and fnlllnMroctio:# bv which ai-y lady nr jientleaao can take a periett ilstene*!. Sent lieu on r< celpt of M ceuia. Agents are masiatr »>u a day. Every family shoold have one and taste iheirown likeneaie*. Toan and county rghta ler toe Addreao M. LB QSAJ*I>, care 308 B.oadw»V VV' ANTED.—S7S a month. r ■ isn’t* w«n;ed to ieU u,chlne«. We will tin « commlaaoo on >ll m*cSlse* e, 10 or raiplor.itint. »6rwul »ork for the .hovetrite, ana all expense# paid. Adtlreis D. B. A CO., t-eiroit, Mich. . Je9.hd Bt WAITED —Agents for Sthmaek er'B IllßtorT 01 the Rebellion—(KeellM ,n. t oennan.) Tao volume* no* read*, ca atria tins th* huio.tT to the fell or Vlet.hnn .Klßii Tbf.« DmTiuga are by Sartalo. Thia work ia uow well and favorably known to ae»U commeac Alto, agents for tte oopnlar agency book. Cbrool oleaof tbe Babelllon, or l»r. Scott, of Metnobla ▲ nnaoroiii) and highly lateratu,g|work. on wtueh agtnu are remarkably ancc.a?fnu Price SLSU Send far c in-mar* and raiytanlcalars to C. FT VENT £ CO- Publishers, 112 Dwbcrn street, Chlcayp, LiL Jed-b-atdOt Tl7 ANTED—Agents ■wanted. Juht I T pahllabed.Baymona’s History of ihe Aitmiak. Triton of Prc.*laeei.LlocolD. Juuil price «jn. g«M plc copies test on receipt of tbe ones. w<* vtat goeo men to engage la the sals ef tb:e popular worr. Eierybody wn-ta tt. Address CLARK * CO- 87 l UU Bor 4751. "07ANTED- 200active,intelligent TT sweats wanted to sell tba treat NaUmJ weatber Indicate*. an article everybody wa, u. Thousands already testify to its osemlaees. It hae im dergene Um mosticraUnUlat teste orecteotido m*n, acdisaßaiometerpronuODced unequalled. Pltrss »nt business, Ready sale So eomomtMao. dead strap for circular Adores* dAMUHL PIKE, No. !• Portland nlock. Chicago. P. O. Bor 539*. J«3-b42E-«w , \\T TED —Agents, f Young la ▼ T die* can sell bun* rads ol Brtggs* Olosa Mark* in* Pens iot u irrlre eU fab-ln without iprepera lion even Horn end TowelUn*. They cannot sp*(tir Je “t§S ini 68 Lake ageet. Chicago. 111. WANTED —Disabled officers and ■oMiere, honorably dlachargod frotathase?- Tie« ana I* want of employment ad*Mcd to tn»lreo*d»Uoß, should addr* m P. u. Dnw»*»l-t Cbieaeo. HL. living date of dlacUa-f a son muua o< eomnaz y iw rrglmcat discharged from, »« »ontt! I want Aktttte at VTIitBOM, erpanMi paid, to eell mr Brn T.ema FnoiiA Oszwrvax. Bourne, and tlortecx other new, ueefnlmd ««??•» Wteek etr |«nißinH Allil JOH? r^XOB^BUy.