OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1872-1963, February 24, 1873, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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Wo would oall tho Rltonflon of any ono doelrlut
to parohuo an ORGAN, to tho fact that tho *
Aro about ehanirfng tho stylo of IholrOasoa, and
toat tho present stylo of Oases will bo
Sold at Cost for tho Next Thirty Days!
Also a largo assortment of
PIANOS at Eeduoed Prices.
Address or rail nt W» W. KlDlAlilPS
Pmno-Forto Wnrorooms, Wnunsli-ar.*
corner Thlrtccnth-at., Chioosu, ill.
The copartnership heretofore extetin* tinder tho firm
otmo of John F. Ilathbono & Co., in dissolved by limita
Albany, Jan. 1, 1878.
Tho andontcnod. hato formed a copartnership tinder
jbo firm name of Rathbono, finnl A Co.
JOHN F. hA-THUONE, Albany, N.Y.
• GRANGE HARD. Jr., Chicago. 111.
. ROBERTS. OLIVER* Albany, N. Y.
... * EDWARD BOWDITOU, Albany, N. Y,*
Albany, Jan. 1, 1873.
SARD & 00.,
CHICAGO... 38 & 40 Lnlce-st,
JDETKOIT 23 Monroe-av.
ALBAN? O & 11 Grcen-st.
SPRING, 1873.
Oiir Spring Importation of
TLEMEN’S WEAR is being
daily received;
during the remainder of this
657 Wabash-av.
; HO.W.
To Speculate Successfully
Bankers & Brokers, 70 Broadway, N. Y
Monitor of Btooi Exohango and Hold Board,
—Aloobanloa* Dapklniz Association, crony
flanking House or Commercial Agency In Now York.
w *“ SlrMt “ dl " Oporatloas, -•
For Banks, Insurance Dies, and Railroads,
118 & 130 Monroc-st.
96 Vv aß3xLggtoji,Bt.
Deppalf* Received and Interest Allowed.
.dSpltfrß“oSrhtiidß;?£ l0C " 1 Block.. .ni-Oommcr.
. 9. 0 ,! 1 « to i ral Ix) ?: nB t and Commercial Paper form a loadlmr
fa?s£ATfag fog 1110 wtfittoaSfSflTS
Claim# agalnat the above Company can bo proved In
bankrbptcy at tho United States Commissioner’# Office,
No. 20 Tribune Building, whore Information can bo ob
talnod in regard to the condition of the Company.
140 it 161 lUudleon-at., near LaSalle.
? 0 - VKOPr ”"' l -.
Pnosals ft CM Stme.
t P^, po “ r 9.9 e . l T ed “HillSaturday, March’
i , « l6 »fn ,o r tbo »^ to »“ , i\\9 tor Aablo > Door Sills,, and Win-
l or .. tb rj V Ulld,l «t ß of l £° '.‘Edgar Thompson
fi t< s°l^i or * c, f , Prices to bo nor lineal loot, for tho stone
finished ready for tho wall, and delivered on tho ears of
tho Pittsburgh, Fort Wayno A Chicago Hallway, at Ohl
eago. For plans and specifications call on P, UABNES.
Esq., Eoghicorat, Joilot lion and 8100 l Works, Joliet! ’
Proposals should bo addressed to ’ •
Pittsburgh. P«. '
Gtoroq, Bonkinjf Booms. Offlcoa, Sloopine'
Hooma, in the Imrnt District; also, Dwell
ings now ready W> occupy.
House and Store Hontin^A^enay,^
Eare Chance for Trout Eaising,
„,A- of 250 acres, situated on the Fox Ithur,
3X mUos from tho flourishing city of Elgin, with any oum
borof cold. living springs; fo acres timber, balance oral*
boitotulaud. Two good dwelling houses, 3 largo
psrns.yHh underground stables: now used as a dairy
wW^f^i 1j h Mil St acres, Including springs nndtimbor*
Will sou cheap for cash, or mi long tlino. Address
Removal Notice.
„ CrnoAUO, Fob. SI, 107 U.
Tba offic® of 0. 11. iIcCOUMIOK i JJRO. Reaper
Manufacturer*, lias Loon removed from the oldaUocm
tho North Bide, and, after HU. date, will ho foimil at tbo
Now Work*. corner Rluo laland-av. nml Wo»tnrn...»
'With a capital of about $20,000, to tako thn place of a
retiring partner la aa aatahlUhoa nnd paying bailneasla
tbo city. Apply to.lOffN TURN HULL, KhQ.. tlanaU?
or MuKlllup £ ( Oo,’a Commercial Aguuoy,
Tlio Amcs-Brooks Expulsion Resolution
Not Likely to Command a Ma
jority Vote,
Governor Warmoth Speaks His
Mind Concerning the Louis
iana Investigation.
Tho Pacific Mail Subsidy Business
—No Time For a Full
Articles of Impeachment to Be
ported Against Judge De
Special DUpateh to Tlt« Chieagb ifrfturi*.
Washinqtdn, D. 0., Fob. 23.—Gov. Warmoth,
of Louisiana, is out to*day in a column-and,
o-balf review of tbo majority report of the Son*
ate Committee on Privileges and Elections, rela
tive to affairs in that State. Ho impeaches tbo
evidence of tbo Kellogg witnesses who appeared
before tbo Committee, and shows that at homo
many of them have a disreputable character.
Most of tlio affidavits aro based upon more hear
say statements, or tho belief of tbo party
making them, which in nine coses out of ton
amounts to nothing. With regard to tho as*
sortion of the Committee's report that
in .Louisiana tho blocks outnumbered
tbo whiles, and that In tho State election tho
negro, voters wore unanimous in support of tho
Republican ticket, Warmoth says there aro two
errors : First, there is a majority of white peo
ple in tho State of Louisiana. The
census of 1870 Was taken in tho
summer, when thousmds of whlto
people wore absent at tho North, as is annually
tho case* Tho rates of deaths and births, and
other statistical tests of population, show
the population of Now Orleans to bo 2C0.000.
instead of 100,000. There is not 1 per cent
of tho forolgn-bom population included iu tho
census who aro not citizens and entitled to tho
right to vote. Yet, notwithstanding tho foci
this census was taken under the circumstances
referred to, tho white male population of tho
State above tho age of 21 is returned os number
ing 163 more than tho colored, but further,
it was in proof before tho Committee that sev
eral thousand colored men voted tho Fusion
ticket. Armsteod, tho colored Fusion candi
date for Secretary of State, expressed his be
lief that over 2,000 colored men voted this
ticket in his section of tho State; that ho was
present and assisted in forming throe colored
Greeley and Brown Clubs iu Caddo and two in
Bussicr Parishes, and ho saw 800 colored men
vote tho Fusion ticket in tho Parish of Caddo.
Gen. Sheridan, who made a thorough canvass of
tho State, gave it as his opinion that from 8,000
to 10,000 colored men voted tho Fusion ticket,
and while Messrs, Pinchbock and Packard!
Lynch and Barce do not thiuk that any
largo number of colored men did voto
that ticket. It must ho borne In mind
that neither of them was a hundred miles from
Now Orleans during tho whole canvass. War
moth contends that there is no reliance to bo
Blaced8 laced oil tho evidence, which trios-to provo that
lerowero enough fraudo committed by what
are styled tho Fusioniats to invalidate tho elec
tion. Taking out of tho evidence all that is in
tended to establish frauds on tho part of tho
Fusioniats, Warmoth still thinks that MoEnory
was elected by over 3,500 majority: or, giv
ing Kellogg the largest Republican voto
over cast in tho Stato, and yot Mc-
Enory would have a majority of 871.
Ho concludes by urging on Congress to recog
nize tho McEnery Government, a stop which ho
says would bring peace to tho Stato of Louis
Tbo resolution reported from the Committee
on Privileges and Elections, declaring tho float
of Senator Caldwell vacant, will come up in tho
Senate to-morrow. Tho dobotoon this roaolu
«on promises to bo both oxciting and important.
Tho Democrats generally will bring into tho dis
cussion objections to tho action propoaed, baaed
mainly on the theory adyauood by Caleb Cush
ing, that tho’ Senate can go no further
than to Inquire whether thoro woa a
regular and legally-organized Legislature : that
tho election took place at the time provided by
law, and that tho votes wore given m tho legal
and prescribed form. Some Senators hold that
it is not competent for tho Senato to inquire into
tho motives and incentives by which legislators
woro influenced In casting their votes. • Cald
well himself will raiao tho point that ho received
a majority of 25 votes on joint ballot, and that
as only two instances havo boon alleged whoro
money woa used to procure votes, thatshould not
be allowed to vitiate all tho rest; that tho more
fact that ho had ouch a largo majority is ‘con
clusive evidence that no money was used in thoao
two instances.
Tho time now remaining before the closo of
tho present Congress will not admit of a full in
vestigation into tho monnorxjf tho passage of
tho additional subsidy bill, passed last month in
aid of tho Pacific Mail Steamship Company.
The Ways and Moans Committee, however,
which has the matter in charge, will at
onco enter upon, tho inquiry, and will
push it os far as possible. To this
end, tho Commlttoo havo decided to summon
Wm. 8. King, Postmaster of tho. House of Bop
resontatives, who is said to havo had a vorv
large sum placed in his hands for tho purpose o*f
buying influence in favor of tho increased sub
sidy. Mr, King has boon in Washington vorv
little this season, and it is intimated that
as soon as tho resolution of inquiry was adopted
ho took his departure from tho Capital, but has
boon discovered in Now York, whoro tho sum
mons waa served. The officers of tho Pacific
Mail Company havo also been summoned, and
have boon directed to fetch their slato.
Senator Guerin, of Kansas, arrived yesterday
with the original package of $7,000 bribe money
which was surrendered to the oaro of tho Sec
roturv of State of Kansas by Senator York dar
ing tho joint convention to elect a successor to
Senator Pomeroy, lie comes In obedience to a
■ summons from Senator Frelingbuyson's Com
mittee. 001. Johnston, State Senator, yesterday
received a dispatch that tho Kansas Legislature
had adjourned till tho 14th of March.
S y t th «°i * Constitution of tho State
the Legislature cannot ‘receive pay for more’
than ilfty days each session, and their adjourn
ment at this time, to moot again on tho 4th of
March, is construed to meau that thov exnoot
Senator Caldwoll will bo un.sStod. ASa tbSt 5
now United States Senator will have to bo elect
ed at that lime.
Tjio President and Attorney-General are very
anxious that Congress shall take some action in
regard to Utah matters during the pros
out session, and are bonding ev
ery effort ‘ln that direction. Thoy
say that with Mormon juries there is no hope of
punishing the offenses of Mormons against tho
United States laws. Tho Attorney General, it is
understood, is not in favor of such rigorous
measures as tho President, and ho stated,
to-day, that all ho desired was to prevent tho
Judge of any inferior court from Issuing a
habeas corpus, and tho summoning of a jury
composed exclusively of Mormons. It was in
ferred from his conversation that ho is in favor
of a mixed jury, or at least any jury in which
tho Mormons have not absolute control.
It is tho intention of tho House Judiciary
Committee. on Tuesday next, or tho first day ou
which tho lloor can ho obtained for (hat purpose,
to present articles of impeachment against
Mark if. Dolahay, United Btafos Judge for tho
District of Kansas. Proceedings against tills
ofllcer were begun hi tho House of llonresonta
tivoa Fob. 0, Idy2, by tho introduction by Mr.
Hoar, of MaeflcohuHotts, of a petition
from Eldridgo, Dunham «k Co., and of
other merchants of Wot? York, for tho
Impfcaohrtiont of Dolnhay for corruption, irial
foaenucoi and iucompotonoy in office. Tlio pe
titioners prosontod thoir allegations, giving
facts, dates, etc., and Ihoir documents wore re
ferred to the Judiciary Committee. A prelim
inary examination scorned to warraut a further
investigation, and, on March 10,1872, Mr. Under
G resented a resolution extending tho power of
io Committee. A great number of witnesses
wore examined during the present session.
Thfi tobllmobjr was pflvatblv printed for
tho use of the Committee, malting over 800
pages., Nearly 6Vmy Vruiionn Otviioil ioS!’uCd tq
tho Bhamolosß intoxication of Dolshay, both on
the bench and in his private capacity of citizen.
Witnesses testified that they had taken him
from the gutter, and had frequently soon him
so much Intoxicated on a public street as
to bo scarcely ablo .to Walk, and that
ho had frequently been taken homo in that
condltiom As In Williams) tliO Altarnby
Oobtlrttl of Kansas, whoso father at the time of
bis death hold tbo office now filled by Jndgo Dol
nhay, testified that ho had known tho Judgo
since 1803, tho time of hia appointment s that no
was unquestionably given to tho uso of intox
icating liquors to a groat extent, both during
tho sittings of tbo Court and during
tho recess j that ho (witness) had
delayed tbo bringing of clients in Court
for several days la order to have thorn sentenced
bv a sober Court. Tho witness, being preened to
state tbo circumstances And occurrences regard
ing Judge Dolabay’s intoxication bn tho bench,
mado tho following statement i Aporson wos:
convicted for forging Government Mauds such
as Arb Used lii tho QUartormastcrV Donarthiont
for branding bbrsca and mules. His rosl
donco was in Balt Lake Valley, on'
tho stag© routo between that and Leavenworth, I
Ho hod been convicted, and was standing up
for sentence. Tho speech of tho Judgo was
substantially to this effect: X havo known you,
Mr. (calling him by name), for a number of
years, and I fool very sorry for you, very sorry,
I could send you to any penitentiary in tho
United States, I could send you to the District
of Columbia, but I shall scud you to tho Peni
tentiary in Illinois for this reason j Tho
Warden in tho Penitentiary there is an
old friend of mine, and I will write to him, and
ho will treat you like a gontlomani” Tho next
instance that occurs to mo in point of timo wrts
Within some two yearn Tho gontlonion of tho
Committee will probably recollect that in tho
revision bf tho Revenue laws, in ono clause the
penalty fpr ono offense made tho minimum im
prisonment for two years, and tho thousand
dollars fine; In passing sentence on
some ono convicted of tho offense, it was said
that tho party had no property, so that no flno
could bo collected, ana the Judgo, who was in
toxicated at tho time, fined him SI,OOO, ond re
fused to fix any other penalty, and after having
done so. turned round to tho crowd and
said: “You havo boon a long time ira*
peaching tbo old man Dolahay, and now
would bo a good time to do It?” That
was tho language substantially. In a groat num
ber of instances his charges to grand jurors and
petit jurors wore very facetious. Ho would say
to them: “If any of you have any potatoes to
dig, bring them along and the Court will dig.”
Tho Mayor of Leavenworth testified that ho had
picked the Judgo auf of tho gutters of tho
streets during tbo past year, and tho officers had
prevented him from holding Court on
account of his Intoxication at tho timo. Tho
cases of Corruption and malfeasance in office
aro not so clearly proven, but it is thought they
are sufficient t9 cause his conviction, particu
larly in bankrupt cases. An interesting por
tion of tbo testimony is that of John J. Ingalls,
tho Senator-elect from Kansas to fill Pomeroy’s
place. Ho was a lawyer practicing in
Dolahay s Court. Ho had some clients of largo
wealth, and in a particular cobo -which involved
$40,000, and perhaps {double that amount. Mr.
Ingalls was very anxious to have tho speedy ac
tion of iho Judgo in order to protect his clients.
Tho Judge was drinking heavily at tho time.
Ibis is tho substance of Ingalls’ testimony; Ho
was in tho habit of coming into Court in tho
morning and adjourning without permitting any
business to bo dono. It was necessary
for Ingalls’ purpose that ho should in
u P on Court sign certain processes
or legal documents, and Ingalls was at a loss
to know how ho was to obtain tho action. Ho
asked tho olflcors of tho Court and many other
persona what woh to bo dono, and tbov all ad
vised him to employ Thomas A. Osborne, son
in-law of Judge Dolahay. and now Governor of
Kansas. Oaboruo and Ingalls mado an
arrangement by which the former was to receive
$5,000 if ho was successful in getting tho
action necessary. Tho next day after tho agree
ment tho Judgo wont to tho Court-house and
opened court after dark, and aimed tho papers
required by Ingalls for this service. A sixty
dava draft was given to Osboruo, but when it
fell duo tbo clients of Ingalls refused to pay it.
and it was protested against Ingalls, and suit
was begun. He refused to pay tho amount
Tho following question and answer will give
some idea of Mr. Ingalls’ idea regarding tho
matter: 0
Q; - You havo stated that a suit was instituted
against you on that draft. Did you notify any
one, and if so whom. What dofonso would you
sot up to that suit if it woro pressed ?
A.—-I addressed two notes concerning thomat
tor. ono to Thomas A. Osborne and oao to Judge
Dolahay, notifying him, in substance, that suits
bad boon brought against mo on that draft; that it
was unjust, as I had no personal liability in tho
matter, and that I hoped tho suits would bo
withdrawn. In conversation with Judge Horton,
who was ono of tho attorneys forOsbomo in tho
matter, I stated to him that I was not personally
liable, and did not propose to pay it if I could
avoid it by any local dofonso, and that I should
defend against it by every means in my power.
It does not appear that tho draft was over paid.
Another member of tbo bar, W. G. Glide, tos
tifled as follows, referring to a case that had
been argued s Tho next morning ho camo in
Court aud opened Court, and decided tbo case.
Ho did not give any particular reasons for it,
only stating that ho bad examined tho author
ities. and tho Western authorities, and ho de
cided to bo governed by thorn, and while
tlioNowlork authorities woro entertained by
boiuo. Ho considered that tho Supremo Court
of that State did not amount to much, as it was
composed of carpenters, shoemakers, and tailors,
and such follows did not amount to much. Ho
gave no reasons except that for his decision.
Ho thou asked him for timo to prepare a bill of
exceptions, and ho said ho would give us
time. It was arranged between Judge
Dolahay and tho attorneys that instead
of copying all tho papers that had
boon offered in evidence that they should bo filed
as a bill of exceptions, by giving a proper head
ing and conclusion, and they woro to bo filed as
tho bill of exceptions. On Saturday noon, ho
came in, and wo told him that tho bill of oxcop
tions was ready to sign. Ho looked at it, and
shoved it back. Bays ho: “Do you suppose I
am going to sign anything of that kind?”
I explained to him that ft was all documentary
ovidouco, end presented in tho bill of exceptions
just as it had boon offered in evidence; that wo
had numbered each particular document, and tho
other party had admitted that it was correct.
Ho shoved it away and said: “lam not going
to sign any such thillg. ,, I then turned to tho
statute, and reached that which pro
ves ,n^ m £ Judge should oxamino
iVi , °* exceptions when presented to
him, if ho found it correct, sign it; if not cor
roct { ho should correct it, oxamino all such cor--
rootions, and thou sign it, and he shoved it
away, and says ho: “If Law rend that statue
to mo again I will send Law to Jail."
Tho action of tho Judiciary Commlttoo has
boon deferred in tho hope that tho Judgo
would resign, but thoro is no prospect
of it unless hois allowed to control tho appoint
ment of liis successor. His friends and tho
friends of his son-in-law, Tom Osborne, havo
appealed to him to save himself from tho im
pending disgrace by resigning, but ho has thus
.far disregarded their advice.
I7b tho Amociattd i*reta, 1
Washington, Fob. 28. —N0 members of tlio
House believe that tho resolution of the Poland
Committee, recommending tho expulsion of
Amos and Brooks, can secure even a majority of
the House, much loss the two-third vote re
quired. flamo of tho members of both political
parties express tho opinion that, instead, a gen
eral resolution of censure will bo passedl affect
ing all members of tho House who wore con
cerned in tho Credit Mobilior operations. At
least twenty gentlemen are prepared to speak on
the subject. Everybody anticipates exciting
proceedings on Tuesday.
Tho moat extensive preparations aro making
for tho inauguration ceremonies. Tho different
military and civic organizations will form a pa
rade only equaled at tho time (hat Grant and
Sherman's armies wero reviewed hero at tho
close of tho war. Tho inauguration ball will
bo tbo grandest over given in tho country. The
President, Vice-President, Cabinet Ministers.
Collators, Representatives, foreign Ministers,
and distinguished civilians from all parts of tho
Union -will bo in attendance. On tho Cth of
March tho President, Secretary of War, and
Secretory of tho Navy Trill review tho West
Point and naval cadets. A portion of Pennsyl
vania avonuo will bo assigned for their p&rado
and maneuvers. As numerous volunteer organi
zations will bo in attendance, it is probable that
several of tho broad avenues will bo occupied by
thorn in their competitive drill. This will afford
an opportunity to'compare tho West Point school
with tho volUhtdW system.
One In UuriinldCf Gorin** ami tho Other
In Jlothlohcm* l*iu
Speetat'DUpateh to Tho Chicago Tribune,
Htw York, Fob. 23.—Specials from Burnside,
dohrii.-titkt front Bethlehem, Pa.,' give particu
lars of two most atrocious hitlrdora; tho victim
In each case being an old and woll-knowil 6ltf
zon. Their assassins wore undoubtedly high
waymen, who oomlttod tho crime for tho purpose
of robbery.
Tho victim ot Burnside, Conn., ia Ira Bliss,
72 years old, blatlon-maotor ou tho Hartford,
Providcnoo & FlsliklU Railroad, At he did nob
return homo at tho usual hour on Friday night,
his son went in soatou of him. Ho found a
bloody trait, and, soon after, discovered, his
father lying pi'ostralo in tho snow, covered
with blood; dnd partially froaorh Ho
had lain there four hours. His bond wfisbridiy
gashed and his skull and jaw fractured. TbO
: search for tho assassins led to Hartford,
four railos distant, and two young scoun
drels woro arrested, who confessed their crime.
'Their names nro John Dyro and Oscor
Graves, agod 18 and 17 years, respectively.
When Graves first saw an officer coming toward
him, ho took to his hods and throw away a watch
and a sum of money ho had taken from Mr.
Bliss. John Dyro says in his confession
that ho and Graves have lived at Burn
sido or Hartford all their lived, And had
boon for some tiiUo contemplating a jobbery of
Mr* Bliss, While oh bis way nemo from tho sta*
tion at night with his tin bo*; Tliby Agreed to'
assault him on Friday night, and accord
ingly •Uy ih ambush, armed with two
sticks of wood. They intercepted Mr.
Bliss, and ho -said “ Good evening,”
to which they responded by boating him furious
ly over tho head with their clubs; They robbed
tho unconscious old man of his tin box and
pocket-book, but found, on dividing their booty,
that they had loss than sl2 oach. They
took an early train to Hartford, where both
woro arrested In loss than twenty-four hours.
Both mado full confession as soon as they
reached jail;
Tho murdered rtan at Bethlehem, Po., Is Jion l
roe Snyder, a well known business operator, in*
torostod in tho Stato mines near Bethlehem.
Mr. Snyder was respected by all. By
attention to business ho had accumulated
a fortune estimated at 8100,000. On Friday
morning last ho camo from Bothlobom to New
York to consult a physician regarding a growing
deafness. Ho loft Now York Friday evening at
6:80 o’clock. A suspiclous-looklng-black
boardod ruffian sat in a scat behind him.
■When ho got off tho train at Bethlehem,
at 9:15 p. m., tho ruffian was observed to follow
him. That was tho last soon of Mr. Snyder un
til yesterday morning at 7 o’clock, when his
body was found in Monocaoy Creek, near tho
depot. Ho had first boon struck over tho
head by a sand-bag. His outer clothing was
then opened, and throe stabs inflicted, two on the
loft side and one on the right. In tho snow on the
top of tho bridge wore traces of tho murder.
Tho snow was matted down, showing where tho
assaaainhaU rested tho heavy body for amomont,
while tugging to got it over ibto tho crook.
Bolow this point, and ou tho crook bank, is
measured in tho snow a man’s form, the spot
whero tho • body struck when rolled over tho
pavapot. Tho stabs aro supposed to havo
boon inflicted after Mr. Snyder was dead, for
tho wounds did not blood either externally or
internally. To-morrow Mr, Snyder would havo
boon 65 years old. His life was insured for
$65,000, some portion of tbo insurance bay
ing boon Recently effected. Ho hod' a
$20,000 policy in tho Pennsylvania Mu
tual, of Philadelphia; $30,000 In tho Now
York Mutual; 10,000 in tnd Travelers’, of
Hartford, and $6,000 In tho Mutual Protection
Life, of Philadelphia. Tbo assassin escaped,
and in what direction is not yet known. Lewis
W. Snyder has offered a reward of $5)000 for tbo
apprehension of tho murderer.
Christian! Association**
Why AVachtol Will Not Revisit
Special Dispatch to The Chicago Tribune, "
New Yobk, Fob. 28.—A bill boa boon favora
bly reported in the Now Yont Assembly to incor
porate the Young Ladies' Christian Assooiatlori
of the City of Now York. The object of this
corporation is stated to bo “the improvement
of tho temporal, social, mental, moral, and
religions condition of • thoyonng women of the
City of Now York.” The fifth section for
bids those ladies to manage their prop
erty except with consent of an advisory
committee nomed in tho charter, and composed
of ton men. Tho same section prohibits the as
sociated young ladies from indulging in wino,
whisky, ale, or lager-beer, and from gambling
, in tho rooms and promises of tho Association,
Waohtol, the tenor, writes that ho will not ro
?turn to America, for two reasons: first, Europe
rewords him amply with money and applause t
1-aud, second, ho does not want to suitor martyr
dom ogain by traveling with an American op
ksratio company.
[To the Associated Preen.]
New iork, Fob. 23.—A largo representation of
■ Spaniards mot at tho Malsou Doroo, last evening
to celebrate tho establishment of tho Bopubho
'in Spain. Many speeches wore made, and in
.the course of ono by Sonor do Oonto, ho said ho
[-looked upon tho establishment of the Bopublio
*aa , v b‘tual abolition of slavery in all tho
t Spanish dependencies. Luring the evening a
■ telegram was sent to tho Cabinet and tho people
1 of Spain, congratulating them upon tho ostab
i Jishmout of a republican form of government,
and assuring them of the hearty sympathy and
support of all Spaniards in America.
It is proposed to raise a colored regiment of
infantry for this military district, subject only
to orders from tho Coramandor-in-Oniof and
Division Commanders.
A alarm of firo’in Niblo’s Garden, during
xuo performance last evening, caused a general
stampede of tho audience, and in thooxcltomont
many ladies fainted.
Railroad Accidents.
Special Diapateh to The Ckteam Tribtwa.
Dalton, 111., .Fob. 23.—A serious accident oc
curred about 6 o'clock thia morning on the Obi
cago, Danvillo & Yincenuoa Railroad, which ro
■aultod iu tho death of ono and injury of two
others. Tho circumstances are aa follows:
-train No. 8, bound north, had run abort of water
near Momeuco. Tho ougiuo waa cut from tho
train and started to Moinonco for water. Tho
train had been standing there some time, when
passenger train No. 4, duo at Momonco at 5.14,
cam© thundering along, and ran into tho rear
end of tho caboose, whore it seems tho men
woro asleep. Conductor Hogsdon, of tho freight,
waa lulled outright; one biakeman injured, ami
the engineer of the passenger engine No. 3 had
* shoulder dislocated. Tho caboose and ono coni
cur caught lire and burned, also burning the
tiaok so badly that now Iron had to bo loidf
PrrTflDunaii, Pa., Fob. 23.-A firo last night
at Joaeph Leibor’a trunk manufactory damaged
goodu and building to tbo amount of $4,000;
during tho progxoaa of tho firo,
“MM? J* nd f 2 tor Cunningham woro bowild
ivoraJlßhtlyhutl d °’ m “ hatcllW “ y ' but
t "P' 110 , 1 , 1 ' 23.—Tho bont-honao of Mr,
.Laohapollo, containing about 180 boats of all
ainnnn Vm P :! afternoon. Total loau,
§IO,OOO, part of which fnlla on privato parlioa
ownliiK boaia atorod tboro. 1 1
On Saturday night iiarnoa Bros, paper waro
ml™*? 8 Imr S i .“ ll ? d «““-oyed by P «ra. lS«“.
v2(000, Covorod by inauranou,
, »»w-niiU, griat-niill, ahlnglo-nilll, and
S* 1 ." n f "“fndorTfarowcii, ton iniloa wo.t of
1 °, rt ; P 1 - bOalr County, waa burned Into on
Xfiday night. Loaa, $25,000, No insurance.
Cargo of Cotton ou Fire.
r F° J*} 28.—The ahip Norwootor,
from New Orleans to Liverpool, put iu hero to
day with her cargo of oolton on lire, which baa
been burning alnco tho 20th inatant. Thoro iu
no proapQvfc of eftvlug oUUor ehip or cargo. ‘
attH tKfihnm.
FI rev*
Decision of tho Supreme Court in the
Case of the People vs. the Chi
cago, & Alton Railroad.
The Illinois Railroad Law
Declared Unconstitu
Tho Decision Unanimously Signed by
the Judges.
Special Dispatch lo 'Tho Chicdgo Tribune,
Springfield, Hi., Fob. 23.—1'11©. Supremo
Court boa decided tho caso of Tho Pooplo ox
rol. Gustavus Koornor, Bichard P. Morgan,.Jr’.,
and David S. Hammond, Bailrood and Ware
house Commissioners, against tho Ohidago,
Alton A St, Louis Railroad, being au appeal from
tbo McLean County Circuit Court. Tho opinion
Is long, tho substance being embraced in tho
Concluding summary, as follows:
Thb opinion of tho Court is that whilo tho
Legislature has nil unquestioned powoi' to dis
criminate iu railway freights; no .prosecution
cau bo maintained under tbo existing not until
amended, because it does not prohibit unjust
discrimination merely, but discrimination of any
character, and because it did not allow tho com
panies to oxplaiu tho reason of tho discrimina
tion, but forfeits iboir franchise upon an arbi
trary and conclusive presumption of guilt, to bo
drawn from tho proof of an act that might bo
shown to bo perfectly innocent. In those par
ticulars tho existing act violates tho spirit of the
constitution; Tho judgment of tho Circuit
Court ousting tho appellant of its franchises
must therefore bo reversed, Judgment re
Tho decision in this caso is unanimous, and is
written by Ohiof Justice Lawrouco.
Diicovcryof the t)ro in Largo Clnantl*
tics Between Sunlt Slo* Mario nivor
and Thunder Day*
Special Dispatch to The Chicago Tribune.
New York, Fob. 23.— Letters from tbo north
shore of Lake Superior toll of tho discovery of
a groat tin-boaring region in the vicinity of
Otter Hoad, midway between Sault Sto» Mario
River and Thunder Boy. Tho veins extend
fifteen miles along tho coast and eight miles in
land. Tho gulches and ravines iu tho cliffs ore
filled with deposits of stream tin, which yield by
frequent onolysla, 35 per cent of metal. This
discovery is tho more important from tho fact
that hitherto tho United States have boon whol
ly dependent upon tho mines in Cornwall, Devon
shire, ond Germany for supplies of tin, of which
our annual imports roach nearly $10,000,000.
Tho Lake Superior oro is stated to bo, on tho
average, fifteen times as rich iu tin os tho Corn
wall oros, and tho deposits are said to be ox
baustloss. In tho samo region havo boon found
promising traces of silver, iron, sulphuret of
copper, and other minerals.
The Now Colonization Scliomo—What
Its Projectors Aro Counting Upon*
Special Dispatch to The Chicago Tribune.
New York, Fob. 23.— A Washington letter
says the Samanjv Bay Company is partly a politi
cal and partly a Wall-street scheme. Certain
prominent members of the Company have boon
holding mysterious consultations at the White
House recently, and find Gen, Grant as strongly
in favor of annexation as over. The American
colony, which the Company propose to establish
at Samana Bay, will bo used as a
cover under which future political
movements ore to bo carried on.
It will also afford the Administration a tangi
ble excuse for keeping a naval force in the
waters of San Domingo, nominally to protect
increasing American interests, but really to act
as a moans of overairing tho people and keeping
Baez in power. President Grant will have ex
tended what is virtually a protectorate over San
Domingo (Baez included), and this protectorate
ho' will continue until ho gets a Congress that
will favor annexation.
Killed by n Fall—Attempted Suicide—
Washington’* Birthday.
Special Dispatch to The Chicago Tribune .
Detroit, Feb. 28, —James Kelley was killed at
Tawas City, yesterday, by falling from an ice
house, which ho was shingling.
Washington’s birthday was celebrated yester
day by a fine parade of thq military organiza
tions of this city, some 200 strong.
On Friday evening two men named Powers
and Coyne wore arrested for outraging the per
son of a young woman, who was stopping at a
hotel kept by the latter, at Dearborn, this coun
ty* * .
Charles Dorsch attempted to bang himself iu
a saloon on Atwater street last night. He was
left to sloop In tho saloon, and had got
well hung up noforo discovered.
Wav Department Prognostications—
miscellaneous Reports.
Wan Department, Office op the Chief
Signal Service, Division op Telegrams and
Bepobts for the Benefit op Commerce.
Washington, L. 0., Fob. 23.— Probabilitios-
I?or Monday, in tho Now England States, dimin
ishing westerly winds and rising temperature.
For tlio Middle States, partly cloudy and cold
woathor, with north ana west , winds. For the
South Atlantic and Gulf States, continued clear
woathor with northerly and westerly winds and
lower temperature, lor tho lake region, a ris
ing temperature and partly cloudy oud door
woathor, with somewhat milder temperature.
Portland, Mo., Fob. 22— Trains on all tho
railroads have been detained by a snow storm
last night, being tho heaviest known in this sec
tion for many years.
New York, Fob. 23.—Weather clear and cold.
Thermometer 0 degrees above at 11 o’clock.
Lewiston. Mo., Fob. 23.— Last night tho
wind blow heavily and piled tho snow in fear
ful drifts. People remained withiu doors,
fairly snow-bound. Tho Farmington train en
countered drifts 15 foot deep.
Bdtland, Vt., Feb. 24.—The recent snow
storm, followed as it has boon by fearful winds,
worst of tho season. Trains oro from
24 to 8B hours late.
Weekly Review of the Albany live
Stock Market*
r , cl> * 23.—Beeves—There was an un
usually largo atteudauco of buyers frtmi all parts of tho
.i 1 °!p Ut , 10 ®PJ-'hlng of tho market on Thursday, and
tho oirorlngs being of good quality, some activity pre
vailed,. Holders wore llrm iu their prices, aud a good
business having boon done, tho market closed firmly,
with au upward tendency. The snow-storm of Friday
made New York buyers careful how thoypurchased,
au there was every reason to bcllovo tho roads
would bo blocked. However, ou tbo assurance of
tho railway officials that tho stock cars would bo run
over tbo Hudson lUvor Hoad, Eastern buyers wore In
duced to purchaso sulllciant to meet their Immediate
wauls, Brighton dealers were suow-bouud yesterday,
but to-day they nut In au appearance, aud bought all
they wanted, Iho market has ruled irregular all
through, and although curly purchasers paid an ad
vance on last week’s rates, ti. is doubtful If any real ad
vance can be quoted, na tho quality was bo much better
than last week that tho advance quoted below
merely represents that improvement, Tho
main business baa boon conduct! to country
dealers, who were anxious to got cattle, and paid lib
erally for them. In our report of Friday’s market we
noticed several fine herds which were among tho offer
ings, and there huvo been no arrivals worthy of note
since, iho receipts this week have been 435 cars,
many of whichi remained on hand at tho close of the
market, iho following are this week’s prices; Pro
sC ”"@7 $ 00 6(38 ." 3 ’ ° Xlra ’ ♦WW.Oa 5 Aral quality,
inS'iffl'o® 3 ; 25 ® 0 ' 00! ,Wri [email protected];
MitoH Cows—About 100 head were offered to mar
ket, but dealers were not disposed to give tho prices
askod. Those sold ranlited irpm $33,00 to fW,OO each,
bi|£Ki* and liAyna—Tho receipts this week embraced
CO car loads. There was a good local and Eastern
demand and priced continued firm. Tho
average quality (8 not so good as
Inst week. Coarse wool nhcop ranged from
per lb; fine wool do, per U>, ■ Lambs, 7@Bo
per lb.
Hons—Nothing doing hero. Receipts, 291 car-load#,
all of which were sent forward.
Hobbes— Flfty-aovon car-loads havo been received
this week, and a fair Inißinoeß has been done. Common
workers realized from $175 to flCO: good workcrs.l2so
to |370; ponies, S4OO per pair; mules, £350 to SOOO per
Little Rook, Ark,-, Fob. 22.-—A rrionlctf/al to
Congress has passed both houses 6f tho Logls*
laturo, asking tho donation of iho military reser
vation at Fort Smith to that oily for educational
purposes. To-day both houses. Tiudor a suspen
sion of tho rules, ptfased a Civil Bights bill sim
ilar to tho one which was defeated last week.
Tho House discussed a resolution to-day in
quiring into tho propriety of declaring ftfartial
law in tho oounty. Both houses have adjourned
to Monday, out of respect to Washington's birth
Montgomery, Ala., Fob. 22.—Tbo House has
passed tho bill authorizing tbo issue of $1,600,-
000 in bonds to pay outstanding liabilities.
Tho bearing of tho charges against Speaker
Parsons and Representative Williams will com
mence at once.
Montgomery, Ala., Fob. 22.—Judgo Busload
discharged Parsons and Williams, - arrested on
tho ohargo of conspiring to provent the election
of United States Senator.
Tho Mormons Tako Heart at tho
Proposition for au Investigating
Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 23.— Private advices
from Washington, to-day, corroborate directly
tho reports of largo sums of money appropriated
by tbo Mormon Ohuroh authorities to influcuco
public sentiment, and induce tbo Government to
let Utah alone. It is stated that DolcgAto
Hooper admits having disbursed money to news
paper correspondents, and other quarters where
in hiHuoucu could bo bought, but says nothing
has boon paid to or for any Senator or Represen
tatives. It is. however, well-known that every
resource of Brigham’s Credit Mobilior is placed
In opposition to legislation. Tho idea of a
commission on Utah affairs pleases tbo Mormons
immensely, and they claim to havo good reason
to boliovo that Senators Morton, Conkliug, Oar
f enter, and others, most trusted friends, favor
his scliomo of tho priesthood in preference to
any terrible bills now ponding. Tho organ of
tho Saints now regards tho Mormon success as
Death frtiiri Drowning—TUo Goal lu<
Pittsburgh, Fob. 23.—Joseph B. Oxly.tt prin
ter, and Clerk of tbo Alleghany City Council,
died of typhoid fever last night;
Tho death by drowning or Capfc. AnawAlt, of
tbo steamer Mary Davogo, which occurred in
Louisville on Friday night, was announced iu tho
Cathedral this morning, lie loaves a wife and
several children.
Tho committee of coal-owners and minora
moot in this city on Tuesday to endeavor to ef
fect a compromise of their existing differences.
A small fire broke out In a barber-shop, at tho
corner of Webster avonuo and Larraboo street,
yesterday morning, about half-past 10 o’clock.
It was subdued with nominal loss.
A small firo occurred on Saturday afternoon.
In tbo saloon No. 00 Butterfield street, owned
by Dennis Mahoney. It was quickly subdued.'
Loss, S6O; fully covered by insurance.
Thomas Roily was arrested by Doteotivo
Flynn, yesterday evening, charged with stealing
a valuable ohosb full of carpenter's tools. Roily
acknowledged tho theft, and will have a hearing
this morning. Tho tools woro recovered. .
A Mrs. Doolittle, of No. G7 Seymour street,
fell on the ice near her residence, on Saturday
evening, fracturing her left log in two places.
She was taken to her residence and attended by
Dr. Hopkins.
While Mr. Alike McDonald is in the affidavit
business, would it not bo well for him to swear
bo did not foe his personal organ-grinder of
the Times f0r. 410 recent coats of plaster daubed
on his character ?
The oyster suppers to bo given by the ladies of
tho Church of the Atonement, will occur this
and to-morrow evenings at Ousely Hall, corner
of Itoboy and West Madison streets, not’at tho
church, os stated in Tub Thiddnb yesterday.
The immaculate McDonald makes affidavit
that ho did not give Hickey a carriage robe.
If called upon, it is to bo presumed, bo would
also swear ho did not induce a dork of the Dock
Company to rob hla employers' safe of upward
Mr. D. Kilpatrick, a young man who lives at
No. 120 Tbroop street, was woy-laid by throe
roughs bn Saturday night while walking homo
on Morgan street. One of the rascals bold a
pistol to his head while tho other two rifled his
pockets, scouring a fair yield of dollars. Tho
police woro doubtless nine blocks away.
A roan named Frederick Derg was robbed of
his watch and chain while proceeding along West
Randolph street, at a lato hour Saturday night,
by throe thieves named Charles Wiser,
Torn Connors, and Ed Gartlu. Borg was some
what intoxicated, and had tho watch taken
from him in a way ho cannot explain. Tho
thieves woro detected, and arrested by Detec
tives Flynn and Miller.
Last Tuesday, Idoy May, only child of Patrick
Moran, Esq,, of tho firm of Dow, Moran & Co.,
commission merchants, was severely burned, by
her clothes taking fire when standing in front
of an open fireplace. She lingered in great
agony until last Saturday evening, when she
died. Mr. Moran and wife have buried three
little girls ia rapid succession. Tho funeral will
take place to-day, from tho family residence,
No. GOl West Jackson street.
Railroad Noivn.
Cincinnati, 0., Feb. 23.— Recent intimations
that tho Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati & In
dianapolis Railroad was about to pass into the
hands of tho Erie interest, has excited interest
in railroad circles here, though comparatively
little appears to bo known definitely of the mat
ter. This now project consummated, would lot
the Erio interest into tho city over tho Dayton
Short Lino, or Plum Street Depot, instead of
over tho Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Rail
road, os at present. Though tho termination of
tho arrangement with tho latter road might not
follow at once, it would probably bo only
temporarily postponed. Tho effect In those
events on tho Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton
would, it is believed by persons In the
interest of that road, not necessarily bo unfa
vorable, as it baa been claimed for some time, by
persons prominent in its Interest, that its pres
ent arrangement with tho Erie has not been
Srofttablo. The question is asked as to what tho
bw York Central ia to do, which now enters by
tho short-lino road from Dayton to Cincinnati,
which has boon constructed in its Interest, but
tho Opinion prevails that a bettor understanding
exists between tho parties than appears on the
JTlarino Medicine.
Strange stories como from the son. Borne of
them are at least ben travail. The Ohcmist and
JJmggisl contains tho story of soa captain to
whom a sailor upnllod for relief for “ aomolhlng
on hia stomach." Tho Captain consulted his
hook of directions, oud proscribed “ No, IB."
Unfortunately thoro had boon a run on No. 15,
and tho bottle was empty. But the skipper,
remembering old games of oribbage, made up a
doso by oombinlng No. 8 and No. 7, saying »• 8
and 7 make IQ and tho sailor to whom tho
calculation soomod quite natural, took tho mix
ture with startling effect. Tho Now Bedford
(Massachusetts) Mercury says tho- modlcino
ohost of ouo of tho abandoned Arctic whalers
was broken open by some of tho natives, who,
thinking they had found a prize, proceeded to
swallow tho contents of all tbo bottles. Tho
survivors doaoribod tho result as startling ; for
tho doses wore too largo for tho constitution of
oyon an Esquimaux. Several of tho partakers
mod* and others wanted to but could not.—
Jirilish Medical Journal.
Ocean Steamship Notvs*
New York, Feb. 23.— Arrived, steamships
Europe, from Glasgow, and Groat Western,
from Bristol.
:%\ dcrgolng a Ministerial
2 !w the Nice-Laid Plans of Amadeus
.1;'; All Came to Nought,
r -
Madrid, Fob. 23.—Changes In tho Ministry
aro expected.' It is probable that Chao will bo
Minister of finance, Suanccs, Minister of
Marino, Abarzuga, Minister of tho Colonies,
find Shouvillo Novillne Minister of War.
OPhd city is tranquil. A grand Republican
mass-mootihg has boon oallod for to-morrow.
Paris, Fob. 23, Union newspaper an
nouncos that Don Carlow has entered Navarro,
ocoompaniod by Dorrogary, end poos to Cata
lonia, where Boballo and Tristany await him. i
ifAtmin, Fob. 23.—Several mootings of tho
Republican and Radical Deputies in tho Assem
bly wore hold yesterday, followed by tho Coun
cil of tho Ministry to oolvo tho Ministerial crisis*.
Tho subject was subsequently considered at tho
silting of tho Assembly in tho evening. It is
probable that those deliberations will in tho for
mation of a Cabinet wholly Republican. Resolu
tions woro adopted by tho Assembly indicating
its preference for a homogeneous Ministry.
Gen. Hicklos, American Minister, gave a re
ception last night, which was attended bv
Honor .Castolar, loading diplomatists, ana
mfld of letters in tins city, and several
representatives of tho Spanish nobility. Tho
reception was succeeded by a ball given to *iu
diplomatic corps, which ißMtod mull i o'clock
this morning. Politicians present at tho fes
tivities discussed tho state of Spain with tho
American Minister, who recommended vigilance,
Emdonco, energy, and patriotism. Tho present,
o said, was n critical moment. Ho considered
it unwise to allow the' people to boar arms until
they had received military organization. Tho
people appeared to know their rights. They
must, os soon as possible, leant thou* duties as
citizens. Then they would bo enabled to con
tribute to tho happiness and prosperity of tho
f/fcrnW Cable Dispatch.}
Londok, Fob. 23.—1n tho considerations that
inclucoa Amadous to abdicate, tho possible dec
laration of a Spanish Republic was never for a
moment contemplated. It was a complete sur
prise—a veritable coup d’etat. Amadous would
not have abdicated bad ho doomed ..this a conse
quence of bis act in any degree probable, inas
much as <ho two Latin Nations—Franco and
Spain—having each a Rcpuelican Government,
would havo enormous iulluouco on tho third
Latin Nation, thus directly endangering hia
father's throne. Amadous abdicated in expecta
tion that he would bo recalled by tho army,
whoso side bo has taken against tho Ministry.
For this he remained in Portugal. Tho artillery
officers are all monarchists, all members of old
families. Qo believed that, as ho cast away tho
throne, rather than act witu tho Ministry, who
determined to humiliate tho army, they
would pronounce in his favor, and ho
would return at their head, his hands being
then free from constitutional trammels.
But ho was completely checkmated
by the turn of events. Apparently it was some
suspicion of this that induced many members of
tho Cortes, not Ropubiicans, to vote with tho
Republican party in order to overreach tho Roy
al maneuvros.
The Spanish Republic is tho source of unoas-.
inoss at Berlin. Tho Emperor now regrets his
false stop in Franco, and is sorry ho did not re
establish Napoleon or some other Monarch, and
accept tho payment of a slight indemnity, rather
than lot things take their course. Ho regards
tho Spanish Republic as a consequence of tho
French Republic, and is uncertain where this
desire for Republics will stop.
Tho Herald special, Madrid, Fob. 22, says;
The excitement is increasing, particularly among
tho workingmen. There is an apprehension of
barricades appearing, and Rod Republicans are
urging extreme measures. Tho Carlists in thoiz
operations and intrigues are very active, and the
army is dissatisfied.
■ Washington's birthday reception by tho Ameri
can- Minister became a republican demons
The Reactionists flro extravagant in expres
sions of hostility to tho American Minister,
whom they regard as officially active in Spanish
• Paths, Fob. 23.— The usual state dinner was
given at the Executive residence last evening.
President Thiers was absent, being indisposed,
and the Marquis de Remusat presided. Toasts
wore given, and no speeches made. Tho dinner
was followed by a reception, which was tho
most brilliant of tho season. All American resi
dents and visitors of note attended. Many
houses occupied by Americans wore decorated
with flags. The facade of the Washington Club
was illuminated.
Tho Corapte do Cbnmbord has written a letter
to Bishop Dupanloup declining to follow tho
latter’s advice to make a compromise with tho
Orleans Princes. Tho Count upholds tho hered
itary principle, 'saying: “Without it, I am
nothing; with It, I can accomplish everything.”
Havana, Fob. 22.—Gen. Franck, commander
of tho Central Department, died suddenly to
day. Gen. Mouduina has boon appointed us his
Special telegrams to tho journals hero say
that an insurrection has broken out in the town
of Arocolbo. Porto Rico, tho insurgents raising
tho cry of "Death to Spain.” Tho insurrection
was suppressed by tho gens d’armos,' Throe in
surgents woro killed.
Judge Batauoro and Mr. Hall, United States
Consul at Havana, havo boon appointed Com
missioners to tako testimony concerning tho
claims of Americans for damages arising out of
tho insurrection. They commenced investiga
tions on tho 14th lust.
Berlin, Fob. 23.— The Imperial Parliament of
Germany has boon convoked for tho 10th of
London, Fob. 23.—Tho appeal of Edwin
James for rcadmission to tho English bar has
boon refused.
Curious Case of Second. Sight,
It is a historical fact that tbo Rev. Joseph
Buckminster, who died in Vermont in 1812, just
before hia death announced that Ida diatin-
Suishod eon, thp Roy. J. S. Buckminster, of
ostou, was dead. It afterward turned out tuat
the son had breathed hia last about tho moment
that hia father made tho announcement. Tho
Eaton (0.) Telegraph , of tho present week, tolls
tho following incident, which may bo taken as a
parallel to that of tho Buckminsters:
On Wednesday morning last, at 1 o'clock. Gon.
John Quinn broathod hia lust. But a few minutes
after that Joseph Boom, who also died on tho
14th, aroused fx*om hia sloop and said to his
son, John, who was at hia side, “John, Gon.
Quinn is (load." To thia John said. “I reckon
you aro mistaken, father; you havo noon dream
ing ; I guess Gon. Quinn is not dead. Ho
is not oven sick, but goes down town regularly
every day for hia mail." “Yes,” said Pother
Boom, “I know ho la dead,"ami lie had scarcely
IhiibhcdapoaklngtillßonJaminllomau walked in,
about 6 o'clock, as was his habit, and said to
them, “ Gon. Quinn is dead I" What ia strange
about it ia that Pother Boom did not know of
Gon. Quinn’s illness, and, in all probability, had
not hoard bla name mentioned. Was it the freed
spirit of Gon. Quinn, on its llrst mission out of
the body, to cam’tho nowa to an old and dear
friend also near the portala of death ? Or, was
It n wider vision, a supernatural sight given to
Pother Boom, so that. as ho stood on tho coniines
of the unseen world, ho took In tho scope of his
sight things unseen to tho natural oyo ? Bid he
eoo with the freed spirit's oyo ? However this
may ho answered, it is full or interest to ovory
Inquiring mind.
Evanstille. Ind., Fob, 23. W. J. Lowry,
honker, one of tho oldest residents of Southern
Indiana, died suddenly, yesterday morning, aged

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