OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1872-1963, September 21, 1873, Image 16

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Tho Council Extends tho Time for
Making tho Assessment Un
til Got. 8.
tfhe Ordinance Providing for a Tax
Commissioner Adopted.
A special meeting on tho Council was held lost oven
tag to consider the question of extending tho time for
making tho city osaeaamont, and also tho ordinance
appointing a Tax Commissioner. Tlio Acting Mayor
presided. Present, Aid. Dixon, Warren, McGeimles,
McAvoy, Sldwell, Btono, Tracey, Schmitz, Cullorlom
McClowry, dowry, Bailey, O’Brien, Heath, Minor’
Moore, Cleveland, Quirk, McGrath, Eckbardt, Len
-8 ocher, Cannon, Woodman, Corcoran.
Tho Acting Mayor stated that tho Assessor could gst
bts books on Monday, but if ho did, then tho Tax Com
missioner matter would have to drop. It was there*
foro proposed to extend tho time a little. The Asses.
«or could use tho time, and In tho meanwhile they
could discuss tho question whether they would have a
Commissioner, , „ ..
Aid. McOcnnlss offered a resolution extending tho
time for making the assessment to Wednesday, Oct. 0.
Aid. McGrath saw no reason for extending tho time
merely to keep a man In office. If the assessment was
complete ho behoved tho Council had no power. Ho
moved to postpone tho consideration of tho resolution
till Monday. Nor was a Tax Commissioner needed.
Tho City Clerk could do the work.
Aid. Dixon said the asacsßinbnt was not yet com
pleted. That of hanks and personal properly was not
done. If tho hooka wore handed in Monday, tho Clork
would have to run around and soo tho banks.
Aid. McGrath said If tbo assessment was not com
pletej the Council could extend the time 5 If It was, it
Tho Mayor said 20,000 notices had boon Bent out,
and only 4,000 returned, leaving 10.000 to bo guessed
at. Still, If there wore no continuance, tho books
would bo turned over Monday, before tho Council
m Aj*d. Dixon also slated half tho books wore made out
In pencil, and they would have to bo copied la Ink,
Aid. McGrath withdrew hla motion, and tho resolu
tion was adopted. . . . . _ _ _
The ordinance for tho appointment of a Tax Com
missioner was taken up.
Aid. Woodman moved to amend by striking put tho
provision providing for electing tho Tax Commissioner
tm the first Monday in July, and substituting the first
Monday lu December, since July was tho busiest sea
ion of tho year, and on Improper time to mako a
Tho point was raised that tho motion was not In or
ler, tho ordinance being engrossed.
The point was overruled. ... , _
Aid. Quirk opposed tho amendment, since in Do
tcraber there was a general scramble in tho Council
for city offices, and tho result would bo constant trad
ing. Every December, too, they had nearly twenty
now memlwrs of the Council.
Tho amendment was lost—yeas, 11, nays, ifi—as
f McGonnlss, Sldwell, Stone, Bond.
Heath, Minor, Moore, Cleveland, Longachcr, and
Woodman—ll. „ . „ „
A'aj/s—Warren, McAvoy, Tracey, Schmitz, Cuuor
ton, McClowry, Bailey, O’Brien, Quirk, McGrath,
Kckhardt, Oaunon, and Corcoran—l3.
Aid. Dixon moved tho ordinance bo postponed till
tho next regular mooting, in view of the slim attend
ance, and intimated that the Mayor would veto It if
passed as it stood.
Tho Chair observed that it was an Improper thing to
state what tho Choir would or would not do.
Tbo motion to postpone was lost—yeas, 0; nays, 18,
Tho ordinance was then passed—yeas, 15 ; nays, 9.
Those voting lu tho negative were Dixon, McGcn-
Dlso, Sldwell, Stone, Bond, Heath, Miner, Moore, and
The Council then adjourned.
From Satan In tho Guiso of a Snalco
JO own to Itogrus Constable*.
Since Adam's birthday tho world has been puzzled
with pretenders. Satan, who, under tho guise of a ser
pent, provided tho world with a first-claas snake story,
and trouble that has lasted over since, was the first of
the class. Later, one Jacob assumed tho rolo, and
played very false with his father and brother. An
cient times give us many examples of tho dan
gerous class, and tho history of modern days is
rife with their evil doings. At homo wo are not free
from tho deceptive community. In our midst are pro
tenders by tho myriad. Ono old man living very near
tho corner of Fifth avenue and Washington street
spends tho best hours of his waning days In trying to
Impose on hla incredulous fellow-citizens that bets
running a newspaper; another living right across tho
road from him is gulling folks with a declaration that
be la going this fall to perform tho ocrobatlo feat
of rolling Into tho Mayoralty on top of a boor barrel:
another that ho understands how to take caro of school
taxes better than anyone else. And so on to tho cud
of a very long and profitless chapter. Tho peculiar
class of pretenders which are causing a muss Just now
aro tho bogus Constables. Thoro are fifteen of
them, and tho duly-appointed, who find their
natural dues illegally shored by tho pretenders,
bavo mado quite a stir lately In the matter, tho thing
ovon reaching tho august cars of tho County Commis
sioners, who last Thursday declared that tho pro
lenders should bo dealt with according to law. En
couraged by this action, tho bona fldo thousand-dollar
bond Constables colled a meeting to bo held on Satur
day evening ottboolficoof Justice Baines. Whether
or not tho recent failures in Now York have pro
duced a panto among tho fraternity, tho meeting last
night was very poorly attended, only four of tho tight
buttoned, knob-sllckcd gentry filing an appearance,
and consequently the meeting hod to adjourn without
any action being taken. It seems strange that, after
making such a stir In the matter, the Constables should
show such unlooked-for apathy. A meeting was do
elded upon by thoso present, to bo held in ono week,
when a quorum will probably bo obtained.
Last Friday a sneak thief carried off a valuable
overcoat belonging to 0, W. Johnson, living at No. 307
West Monroo-st.
Charles Taylor Is a colored rascal, who severely
pounded his white paramour, Etta Warden, and was
yesterday fined S3O and costs by Banyon.
The softwood posts, from which ran tho guys to tho
lop of tho big derricks used on tho now Custom-
House, ore being removed, and stout oaken posts sub
stituted in their stead.
Thomas O'Hara is another one of those wife-heaters.
Bis last efforts did not prove entirely successful, for
her brother floored him with a chair, and Banyon yes
terday fined him SSO for wife beating.
The Chicago Society of Physicians and Burgeons
meet to-morrow evening in tho parlor of tho Orphan
Asylum, on Michigan avenue. Papers will be read on
orthopedic surgery, the hip Joint, etc.
A lecture will bo delivered on Tucsdsy evening at
the North Btar Lecture-Boom, corner of Division and
Bodgwick streets, upon “ The Extensive Iron and
Copper Mines of Lake Superior.”
The Christian Union German class will resume Its
sessions next week under Prof. Groh. Persons do
airing free tuition in German should apply immediate
ly at No. 114 Madison street.
Upon the complaint of L. H, Harwood, Joseph Chap
lain was put under SI,OOO bonds yesterday by Justice
Haines for threatening to burn down that portion of
Chicago that Is Included In Harwood’s house.
Yesterday, about noon, a little girl, 16 years old, wbo
resides with her parents at No. 721 North Ualstcd
street, was severely scalded by a quantity of hot swill
falling upon her from a wagon In which she was
riding. She was taken home by Officer Wioden.
Messrs. Brand & Co,, tbo well-known photographers
at No. 699 Wabash avenue, will give a public reception
at tbeir spacious rooms to-morrow afternoou and
avenlng. Tbo exhibition of photographs Is one which
will be of great Interest to lovers of art.
A fellow named Herman Funk, who has been an
agent for Mr. O. H. Camp, a citizen of the Weal Side,
recently went off to Indiana with a pocket full of his
employer's money. Detective Simmons arrested him,
and yesterday he was hold In bonds of SSOO by Justice
The Merry Club will hold a business meeting at the
rooms of the Kindergarten, No. 57 Bheldou
street This will give all the old members, and
those who are desirous of Joining, an opportunity to
Identify themselves with this pleasant club.
A very neat and tasteful Invitation and admission
ticket In gold, and blue, and rose color, announces
tbo second annual party to bo given by the members
of tbo Fire Insurance Patrol at tholr headquarters,
No. 113 Franklin street, on Thursday evening, Oct. 3.
One of the Lincoln Park stages collided with Archer
wenuocerNo.O, opposite 111. old Oourt-noiuo, yen
(.relay afternoon. Thu rear cod of the top of timer
wee torn oIT, «nd a pleat driven through the front end
of thoomulhua. Bonding tho peaaongora precipitately
to tho roar of tho vehicle. Nobody vroe Injured,
A men giving the nnmo of John Clerk yea triad be
lore JuaUce Scully ycatordoy morning for currying
concealed weapoua. When arreatod tula man bed n
emell hag nhout 10 inchca tong, llUod with Baud, and
ISodTo . .tick of .bout tho anmo length, Title
iimruhir weapon la much need tar burglars, ate., mek-
Ingoat wound that la vUlhlo, end being more olfootlve
than a “ biUy,”
The Boned of Police held on Important meeting yce
lordly, end audited a number of bllla for tho I'lro Uo-
Turtmeut. 'lhe queatlon of giving the Superintendent
thn newer to trauafer Borgceuta and roundamou waa
pot Ukon up, nitd conaociuently »U ™ barmonlmm
and serous.
Cant. James Irving and Detective Daaonberry ar
•4v«fi in this city from New York, en route for San
sr.noli« from whence they o.p.’ot m lake lo New
York IrWng. who has made some Important con
felons to connection with the Nathan murder. The
confession of this man, although much ridiculed, is
yet looked upon by the police authorities of
some Ihingn In the confession made by Irving that
could never have been known except by nu Intimacy
with tho.immlorcd men. It Isthe purpose of the de
tectives referred to to tako Irving to New York, wboro
bo will bo tried for tbonmrdor of Nathan, Tho officers
spent nil of Friday evening with ox-Captnln Hickey,
and loft for Ban Francisco yesterday morning.
The Boiith Side Hebrew Association will bold divine
service on the Jewish holiday, Roah-Ha-Sbo-No, this
evening at 0 o’clock, and Monday and Tuesday morn
ings nt 8 o'clock, In tho Christian Church, corner of
Indiana avenue and Twonly-llflh street, Tbo holiday
Is tho Jewish Now Year, 0033. Tho Rev. Mr. Gold
schmidt will act as reader, and tbo Rev. Dr. Loowy
will deliver appropriate sermons on Monday and
Wo acknowledge from W. Phillips, a newsdealer, sta
tioner, and hook-seller at No, 133 Dearborn street, the
October numbers of tbo following Publications , Pans.
La Mode JSteganU, Tbo States :
Harper's, The Galaxy,
enceMonthly. London : The Cormhill Magazine, Bel
gravia, Tempi* Bar, and The Fortnightly lletiew.
Officer John Zclgler found tho body of an unknown
man In tbo lake, at tho foot of Cedar street, yesterday
at noon. The Coroner was notified, and being some
what engaged on political matters with the Recorder
of tbo county, his deputy, Mr. Pilgrim, hold the In
quest. There were no marks of violence upon tbo
body. It was apparently that of a Swede. Tbo
Coroner’s jury rendered a verdict of “Found
Yesterday afternoon, about 8 o’clock, there was great
excitement at the County Jail, It was learned that
some of tlio Jail-keepers had hoard a sound like (hat of
a saw being drawn across tho bars. Bo a search was
instituted. Mr. Foltz and hla assistants took candles
and old kulvcs, and examined every bar and every cell
In tho place, but wore unsuccessful in detecting tbo
effects of a saw, or the saw itself. It is probable there
was no saw la operation.
Tho fools are not all dead. Thursday ono arrived In
town from Grand Rapids, Mich., and felt happy in tho
60880681011 of 0 now gold watch and $432 In money.
0 was quickly picked up by Tom Daniels, and In a
abort space of time was bunkoed out of his money and
watch. Ho was going for tho police when alike Mc-
Donald Interviewed him, and told him ho would make
nothing by it, and, to prove Ills assertion, showed him
tho records of bunko victims before Banyon, Tho
Michigander looked with dismay on tho list and saw
nothing hnt “Dismissed on payment of costs.” Just
thou Daniels happened to come along and settled with
hla victim by returning tho watch and SBO.
Morris Martin, who was found In Mlko McDonald’s
gambling-room on Clark street by the officers, on
Friday night, was flnod S2O by Bauyon, although ho
was not found gambling, while Watt Robbins and his
gang, who were discovered at the table and
who did not oven protend they wore not
gambling, wore let off by tho same unpreju
diced, upright Judge for $5 each, with
tbo exception of Robbins, who got $lO. What kind of
encouragement is this for honest, efficient officers like
Copt, Buckley to do their duty 7 This Is tho most
flagrant exhibition of left-handed Justice wo
have had lu many a day. It eclipses anything
that Banyon has previously done. It Is a disgrace
to the city that such a man should occupy tho position
he does. It should bo borne In mind that this was not
a cose whore there Is nothing but circumstantial evi
dence, but they wore all caught in tho very act of
gambling, and should have boon punished to tho extent
of tho law.
Ono of tho happiest social picnics of tho summer,
late though It he, was that given yesterday by tho
young People’s Association of Plymouth (Congrega
tional) Church, In tho beautiful groves aud grounds at
Riverside. There wore present about twenty-five
couples, who devoted tbo day to innocent pleasures
and amusements, cultivating such happy friendship as
to make tho occasion ono to bo long pleasantly remem
bered. After tho excellent repast prepared by tho
thoughtful consideration of tho young ladles, tho mer
ry couples joined in tho dance to tho inspiring notes
from W. W. Pond’s string band. Croquet and other
games wore Indulged In, and mirth reigned unalloyed.
The whole party extended their thanks to tbo gcutlc
mcn of tho Committee, who had arranged and carried
to such a happy consummation tho social picnic, Messrs.
Charles Wothcroll, A. D. Wilmarlh, and Alexander
At 4 clock yesterday morning, an alarm was sent In
from Box 207, for a fire ot No. 101 South Dosplninca
street, which ia the first building In a two-atory row.
that Includes Nos. 121,123, 125, and 127. Nos. 125 and
127 are owned by A. J. Avorill. The flro was discov
ered by Officer Gage, who at onco turned In
on alarm. Mr. Avorlll’s loss la about
S7OO. Ho had no Insurance. Frod Breceo
was an occupant of Nos. 125 aud 127, and sustained a
loss of $350, on which ho had on insurance of about
SI,OOO in tho Provincial of Canada. Joseph Grudd, a
rroccr, lost SI,OOO, and Is Insured tn tho Globe for
n 000, and in tho Kansas and Alps for SSOO each. Mr,
O. Besungor and B. O. Elroy lost S3OO each, and were
Insured. Nos. 121 and 123 wore owned by Mr.
Band, whoso property was damaged to tho
extent of $800; insured In tho Imperial
and Queen’s for $4,000. Aid. Sweet used tho first floor
as o drug store, and lost SGOO. Bo is insured in tho
Allomanla, of Ohio, for SI,OOO ; Kansas, $1,000; Olay,
Kentucky, SI,OOO. Tho basement was used us a saloon
by John Schraver, whoso loss is estimated at S4OO. Uo
was insured for SI,OOO, each in tho National, of Mis
souri, and tho National of Pennsylvania. Tho total
loss is $4,800, which is about half covered by insur
Little children and grown up persons often wonder
what on oarth people bury newspapers and things In
tin boxes for when they erect a church. A startling
rebuke to this levity comes lu tho discovery mado by
Mr T. W. Wright, who has purchased tho ruins of tho
old Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Wabash
avonuo and Washington street, tho pctroloum-stouo
building which stood tho flro so well, aud which has
provoked so many libellous statements by uninformed
persons that tho whole city was constructed of this
highly Inflammable material. In tearing down tho ed
ifice to make room for an hotel on Its site, tho corner
stone camo to light, and In It was found tho Inevita
ble tin box with Its papers. Tho latter were so satu
rated with water as scarcely to bo legible,
but faithful labor discovered them to bo the following;
Herald of the Prairie, Aug, 1, 1840; Prairie
Parmer, August, 1849, J. 8. and J. A. Wright,
editors; llome ilistionar;/, July, 1849; Now
York Presbyterian, July, 1849; Chicago Commercial
Advertiser, August, 1849, Father Alfred Dutch, editor;
a copy of the “ Confession of Faith ” of tho Presby
terian Church; a morocco-bound pockct-Blblo ; Min
utes of tho General Asaombly of tho Presbyterian
Church for 1849 ; Thirty-third Annual Report of tho
American Blblo Society, and tho Chicago Daily Journal
of Aug. 1,1849, which will probably be republished as
news to-morrow evening without anybody noticing
tho antiquity of its stylo.
Opening of the Fall Term of tlio
Northwestern University—A Sheet 1
and JFillow-Caso Party—Building 1
Progress* i
The fall term of tho Northwestern University was J
happily Inaugurated wllh a brilliant prospect of con- |
linued success on last Wednesday, and during tho
week students were constantly arriving and being en
rolled. In the College of Literature and Science tho
classes number about as follows: Senior, thirty-seven;
Junior, thirty-five; Sophomore, forty-four; Fresh
men, ninety, Tho number In each class will
bo increased upon tho arrival of tardy appli
cants for admission within those halls of learn
ing, Tho faculty of this department are : President,
0. H. Fowler, Professor of Moral and Intellectual
Philosophy; D. H. Wheeler, D. D. f Professor of Eng
lish Literature and History; Daniel Donbrlght, A. M.,
Professor of Latin Language and Literature; Oliver
Maroy, A. M., Professor of Natural History; Louis
Kleller, A, M., Professor of Greek Language and
Literature: J. F. Kellogg, A. M., Professor of Mathe
matics and Astronomy ; B, L. Cumnock, A. M,, Pro
fessor of Elocution; H, B. Oarhart, A. M., Professor
of Physics: Francos E. Willard, A. M., Professor of
Esthetics; J. O. Allyn, Professor of Chemistry; O.
W. Pearson, A. M,, Professor of Gorman ; Kate A.
Jackson, Professor of French.
Tho recognized ability ond long experience of the
faculty, tho completeness, as well as variety, of tho
courses, and the educational paraphernalia, ml unite
In offering very superior Inducements to advanced
scholars. . ... «...
Tho Preparatory Department, under tho efficient
supervision of Prof. H. F, Flak, has boon thoroughly
reorganized, and is In most complete order for tbo
happiest results, Tho superior talent and executive
ability of tho Professor are held in high estimation,
Inspiring tbo confidence and securing the respect of
every pupil. With him ore associated twelve professors
and Instructors In this department, and thus far
there have been enrolled 162 pupils, who have been
assigned to their several classes.
The Woman’s Oollcgo has a faculty of eleven pro
fessors and instructors, with Miss Francos E, Willard
as Doan of tbo Faculty. One huudred and fifty
ladles have enrolled, and tho number of outstand
ing applications for admission load to tho
belief that two hundred scholars will be within tho
walls of the hall before the term Is far advanced. The
new building for this department la being rapidly
pushed forward to completion, and tho contractor
Eternises to have It ready for tho reception of pupils
y next Now Year’s Day, that It bo opened after tho
old-fashioned New England stylo of a house-warming.
The cost of furnishing tho rooms will bo from $7,000
to $9,000, about half of which Is secured, Tho man
agers are receiving bids for furnishing the rooms
from Michigan, Indians, and Wisconsin companies.
The bids will bo closed and tho contract tot by tho 25th
of tho Methodist Episcopal churches of Chi
cago have signified their Intention to furnish tho pub
lie parlor under their own Inscriptions, and Wabash
Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church has already agreed
to furnish one parlor. .......
The Biblical Institute Is still In an unsettled state In
regard to enrollment, on account of tho absence of
many members at Conference, This department has
a faculty of six professors. The Indications are that
there will ho a decided advance in tho number of stu
A pleasant sheet and pillow-case masquerade party
was given last Thursday evening by Miss Lottie I’ow
, ors. A goodly company of young ladiee aud goutlo
. men availed themselves of tho opportunity for u pleas
ant time. The party returned to thelf homos pleased
i with tho efforts of their fair hostess to make tho occa
, slim a Joyous one.
Br. Scott has a largo force of men at work on his
, new brick block, aud intends to have U completed by
tbo Ist of December next.
Hair-Cloth Parlor Set, $36.
Tcs, it’s a foot, however much furnlture-mon may
deny it, that the wholesale house at Noa. 269 and 371
State street arc soiling a very excellent balr-clolh or
Terry sot of parlor furniture for $36. They manufao.
tme very largely, and will guarantee tho boat goods.
Boot* and Shoes.
Ssm D. Leland has just opened his new store, No.
87 South Clerk street, where he is now prepared to
show one of the finest stocks of boots and shoes to be
, j i».. *t* i - 1 t ixi lain 1 ”
Xlio Court-Wouno IMnnu— flip. Ogdon
Advocates tlio illatz l*lnn—A Ilojrlo
A Johnson Claim IMsalloivcil*
Tlio Council Committee on Public Buildings mot
yesterday. Present, Aid, llcatb, McOcnnlss, and
Bailey. Aid. Ogdon sent In several recommendations
bearing bis signature, but did not appear in person.
Tbo Committee agreed to recommend that Aid. Quirk’s
resolution, to Invito tbo architects of the piano named
“Avaull,” “ Chicago's Pride,” and “I. U. 8. V.” to
appear before tho Oouucll to explain their plans, bo
placed on (lie.
Tho claim of Doyle & Johnson, plasterers, for $3,000,
for work done on tho old Court-House, before tho Are,
having been examined with other testimony, the Com
mittee agreed to report that there was nothing duo tho
claimants, but that, on tho contrary, they had been
paid s2,ooomore than they wore entitled to.
Tho adoption of Aid. McGrath’s resolution to have
tbo city port of tho Court-House built according to tho
plans and spoclOcalloas of Otto 11. Mntz, and to om
iloy him to superintend tho erection of tho same, with
ho usual percentage, provided that tho county Com
missioners nlioiUd agree to build tho County portion
by tho same plans, specifications, and superintendence,
was recommended by Aid. Ogdon alone.
A communication from one George It, Norton, rela
tive to tho Court-House plans, woa recommended to
bo placed on file, Mr. Norton stated in his communi
cation that “at a time when ho needed his time and
money as bo needed tho blood in hla veins,” ho nobly
came a long distance homo to help elect tho present
City Government, and ho, therefore, under tho sense
of a great obligation, consented to draw up plans and
present them to tho Council. Awild document of
several pages of legal cap follows; but life is too
short to road such things, and the public is spared tho
infliction of them. ....
A petition from John S. Howson, to obtain payment
for certain bulletin-boards for tho Police Department,
woa recommended to bo placed on flic, Supt. Washburn
having explained in a nolo that they were poorly made
and exorbitantly charged for.
Givo tho Boys a Ohanoo.
Nothing pays bolter than education ; but a parent
should not look upon it in light of being a paying in
vestment. It iff the parent’s duty to giro hla son an
opportunity to proporo himself to compote successfully
with other boys. Tho Bryant ft Stratton Chicago
Business College is ono of the best places wo know of
to put a boy. Tho discipline is pretty rigid, hut none
too much so for tho good of the boy. Tho discipline
may bo said to bo nearly tho opposite of what it used to
bo, and tho opposite of what nearly all other business
schools now have. Tho old scholarship plan is douo
away with. Students can now enter for a short or long
time and pay accordingly.
Exposition Opening.
Tho Atlantic Hotel, corner of Van Buron and Sher
man streets, opposite tho Lake Shore and tho Chicago,
Rock Island & Paciflco Railroad Depot, centrally lo
cated, within five minutes’ walk of tbo Exposition
building and places of amusement, will open on or
about tho 2Sth Inst. Tho Atlantic is acknowledged to
bo the modem hotel of tho city, complete In every
particular, with all tho latest improvements and con
veniences of tbo best of first-class hotels. Terms.
$2.60 per day, A few boarders accommodated at
reasonable rates. Parties desiring to secure rooms
will please address W, L, Newman, J. W. Sullivan,
Proprietors. .
Fashionable Furniture.
Those who are In search of furniture for Immediate
use, as well as those who intend to start housekeeping
soon, will do well to remember the bankrupt sale of
furniture at No. 213 Wobash avenue, where A. L. Llob
custeln & Co. are selling out tho entire stock of H.
Llcbonsloln ft Co. at pricofl far below cost. Tho bal
ance of tho stock consists of parlor and chamber sots,
lounges, easy chairs, rockers, book-cases, secretaries,
marble-top and library tables, cylinder and other office
desks. These goqils were all made by tho bankrupt
firm, and are warranted. Such an opportunity will
not likely occur again.
Short-Hand Writing.
A class In this useful art will bo formed on Wednes
day evening, the 24th Inst., ot 7 o’clock, In Bryant &
Stratton’s Business College, corner Slate aud Wash
ington streets. Tho course, extending over tbreo
mouths, two lectures per week, will bo thorough, and
every approved device of tho art will bo lucidly ex
plained. Mr. 8. P. Morgan, tho teacher, has no
auperlor In this country. Clerks and bookkeepers
should consult their employers as to tho value of tho
art. Terms, sl6.
Hair Goods—To the Ladles.
Wo have again to notice another new store opening
on State street by an old established firm, that of M.
Glaasbrook, importer of human hair, at No. 68, op
posite Field, Loiter & Co,’a now location. Tho ladles
wo feci sure will bo pleased to know that when ahop-
Eing In that vicinity they can now call In at Glass
rook's and see an elegant display of hair goods, as
well as a beautiful assortment of hair ornaments,
fancy and toilet articles, and loam of tho now styles of
hair dressing.
Mr a. B. M. Thompson.
Having engaged tho services of Mrs, E. M. Thorop
eon (Into of Wabash avenue, near Twenty-second
street) to take entire charge of our dressmaking de
partment, and with her acknowledged skill and ability
in making and trimming dresses, cloaks, etc., and in
connection with our superior slock of trimmings, wo
are prepared to execute to order handsome and more
stylish drosses than over. HotchUn, Palmer & Co.,
Nos. 137 and 139 State street.
Beal Estate.
If you want choice residence property at Morgan
Park, ■Washington Heights, or lots or blocks at South
Chicago, near railroad depots, river, and harbor, call
and soo D. F. Olarko & Co., No. 122 LaSalle street,
Hoorn 4, who will bo pleased to explain improvements
being made, and furnish free tickets to see the prop
erty on any of tbo numerous trains, and give most
reasonable terms. B. F. Clarke & Co., No. 122 La-
Salle street.
Paper Carpet Lining.
It is used under carpets, matting, etc., to prevent
the uneven surface of tbo floor from wearing It, and
to obstruct the passage of damp, cold, or Impure air
from the cellar or rooms below. It prevents Insects
from coming through tho crevices, and the dirt from
collecting in the cracks of tho floor, to create a dust
while sweeping. It soon saves Its cost In fuel. Call on
J. B. Lawrence t Co., No. 172 Clark street.
Having imported and purchased more carpets than
Is required for the Palmer House, I shall offer for a
few days, commencing on Tuesday morning, in the
south store of the hotel building, tho surplus, con
sisting of French Moquottos, Axmlnstors, Wiltons,
Velvets, and Brussels, at prices from 10 to 20 per cent
less is charged for those goods In this market.
The Best and Purest Vinegar
is made at the Standard Vinegar Works, No. 165 Ful
ton street. Their Catawba and white wine is warrant
ed absolutely pure, being made from the purest wines,
and nothing else; being fermented by tho French
method It la equally as good as tho imported article,
and costs only half as much. Warranted to keep
pickles. Office and salesroom, No. 253 South Water
The Biding School.
Wo are glad to learn that Mr. Stokes has concluded
to open his riding-gallery on Sixteenth street for every
evening during tho month, for gentlemen who may
desire to avail themselves of tho pleasurable exorcise
of horseback-riding, tho school being already taken
up during the entire day for tho tuition of ladies
Oysters and Fish,
T. J. Ruth, having removed to No. 157 Dearborn
street, la now prepared to fill all orders from the city
and country with his celebrated Square Brand Oysters
and all kinds of fresh and salt water Ash. Consumers
generally will find it to their interest to coll. A liberal
discount offered to the trade.
Anatomical Museum.
This now establishment, at No. 149 Clark street, la
becoming quite popular, and is favored with throngs
of visitors. It contains a very Interesting collection
of anatomical wonders, and will well repay a visit, Wo
have never had anything like it in Chicago before, and
a fuller collodion of specimens in its way cannot bo
found anywhere.
Metropolitan Business College.
Many young men arc availing tbomsolvcs of the ex
cellent advantages horo offered for acquiring an edu
cation. Tbo college Is fitted up in tho most elegant
manner, and no pains is spared In giving each student
thorough Instruction. Life scholarship for full course,
SSO. Hcsslons both day and evening. Nos. 105, 107,
and 109 Madison struct.
Among all tbo Openings
And Expositions which will occur during tho coming
week, probably none will bo moro attractive or bettor
repay a visit than tbo grand millinery opening of
Howes & Prescott, at No. 268 Wabash ovenuo, near
Jackson street, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
next. Ladlsa should not fail to make a note of it.
BeformTour Goal Bills,
And do it effectually, by investing In tho now Improved
Stewart’s cook and parlor stove, and the “ Now Ar
gand 11 Antl-OUnker Base Burner, tho most perfect
stoves over made. Bold by Dalton A Co., No, 63 Ran
dolph street, whore a full line of housekeeping goods
can bo had,
Bathhone Stoves
Came West with tho first settlors, and are to-day tho
most popular, because of the caro and money spent to
improve them.
Brew’s Business College,
Located at Nos. 378 and 360 West Madison street, is in
eaaloo both da/ and evening. ?he proprietor, who
has had twenty years* experience, will teach the clain
inponmanahip, and students can roly on the.best Of
instruction from experienced teachers In all depart
ments, Arithmetic, bookkeeping, and telegraphing
taught. A class organized In penmanship next Mon
day evening.
Tho Exposition.
Tho old original 25 coot California restaurant, lo
oted at Nos. 144 and 146 Michigan avenue, opposite
Exposition building, has completed all alterations and
Improvements, and la now prepared to scat and fur
nish dinner to eight hundred persons at ono time.
Tho meals aro In every respect first-class, and at the
moderate price of 25 cents. Mr. Laurie, the proprietor,
Is prepared to mako special atrangemouts with chum or
largo parties coming to the city during our exposition.
Sir. Laurie la the proprietor of tho hotel and restaur
ant, corner of Canal and Madison streets (rates $2
>cr day) and furnishes sleeping-rooms at 03 South
Jauol street 5 single hod BO cents por night, or $2.00
por week. Strangers coming to Chicago should note
hose facts, and out this notice out.
Hats and Furs.
Messrs. Bishop ft Barnes, tho popular batters and
fur manufacturers, corner Bloto and Monroe streets,
havo ono of tho boat and largest assortments of gents’
and boya* hats, and ladies’ fluo furs over offered In tho
Went. Ladles looking for a largo and well-made stock
to select from, or wanting their furs made over, altered
or repaired, cannot do bettor than to give thorn a call,
as they are tho leading manufacturers, and In full run
ning order. They can do any kind of fur work at
tho shortest notice, aud In tho best manner.
With Gold 110 7-8
That popular merchant tailor, W. L. Barnnm, No.
164 Dearborn street, has one of tho largest and finest
stocks of cloths over exhibited In this city, which, hv
the way, none know holler than ho how to make up.
All purchased with gold at which ho means to
give customers tho benefit of.
Mr. Brand, tho well-known photographic artist, will
celebrate tho eighteenth anniversary of his labors in
this city by a reception at his gallery, No. 600 Wabash
avenue, on Monday afternoon and evening. Some
magnificent pieces of art will bo exhibited on tho oc
casion, All aro invited.
Wo Bras on Our sl4 Suita.
Wo mean Just what wo say, when wo claim to bo
Belling tho best sl4 business suit in this city; also
that those at S2O, $25, and tbo Imported cloth suits at
$35, oru equal to custom-make in cut, mako, quality,
ami fit. D. J. Lucks, No. 129 Clork ulrcot.
Merchant Tailoring.
H. Graham, No. 110 South Clark street, has Just re
ceived a fine assortment of imported woolens for
men’s wear, which ho will make up lu first-class stylo,
ami at very modest prices. Remember Graham, tho
young men’s coaUculter.
“ Tho Autumn Leaf”
Is tho name given to tho moat elegant and stylish hat
over manufactured, possessing entirely now features ;
designed and introduced by Parker & Tilton, Hatters,
No, 83 Clark street, opposite tho Court-House,
Madame Galon
Has returned from Now York with all tho latest fash
ions In dressmaking, and will bo happy to see her
friends and patrous at No. 615 Wabash-av.
A protty Ohinoao girl is now undergoing trial
at Pekin, charged with being tho Captain of a
Slratical craft recently blown up in one of tho
hinoae rivers.
—A Missouri woman turned her husband up
side down in tho milk churn tho other day, be
cause ho swore at her mother. He respects his
mother-in-law now. , ,
—Martha Jones, of Edinburg, Scotland, so
dearly lovod a young man that she bit off tho
ond of his noso, and her father was obliged to
pay $4,600 damages. % lt
—Tho Charleston (West Va.) Courier says tho
transfers of real oatato in Kanawha County dur
iug tho month ending on tho XOth inat., ropro
aentod a value of $2,212,900.84.
—There is an Ancient Order of Hibernians in
Springfield, Mass.; and it has just devoted tho
SI,OOO heretofore used for an annual blowout to
tho establishment of a free roadiug-room.
—Several mouths ago a young man In Evans
ville wont to sloop with a gold dollar in hia
mouth, and ho forgot all about it until his *bad
cold was cared last week by his coughing tho
coin from his lungs. , , t ,
—An increase of $19,000,000 of debt in eight
months is what the City of Now York has to
show for its Republican “ Reform ” govern
ment. These “ Reformers " aro oven worse
than Tweed and his gang.
—James Callihan, the perpetrator of a shock
ing outrage on Victoria Ehningor in Rochester,
N, Y., has boon released on $5,000 bail. The
victim of his brutality was, however, locked up
in jail to protect her from tho machinations of
Callihan’s friends, who aro determined to spirit
her away, or to force her to marry her ravishor
in order to save him from the consequences of
bis crimo.
—Tho Tichbomo trial had a narrow oacapo
from a sudden and traglo termination, tbo other
day. As two of thoao long-suffering jurymen
wore returning to the court-room, after lunch
eon, a large elm was blown over their path,
crashing to the ground just as they had cleared
tho spot. It makes one’s blood run cold to think
of that case having to bo tried over again.
Knealy would speak for throe mouths instead of
one next time.
—Tho school at Ponikoso Is likely to succeed
so far as tho financial part of its management is
concerned. At a recent dinner-party, made on
tho birthday of Prof. Agassiz, by his son-in-law,
Quincy Shaw, tho Professor, wo are told by a
correspondent of tho Evening Post, “was pre
sented by his son and daughter with SIOO,OOO,
and by Ins own son with $20,000. This will bo
used exclusively in tho cause of science. M Noth
ing raro, tho same writer tolls us. escapes tho
Professor’s notico. “Ho has just purchased a
Email fossil (4 inches long) pterodactyle, sending
to Germany for it, at a cost of $000."
—Tbo gangs of tho Grand Trunk Railroad be
tween Montreal and Stratford, it is announced
from headquarters, will bo changed on tho 8d
and 4th of October from five feet six inches to
four feet eight and one-half inches. On tho 22d
iost. tho Company will commonco changing tho
rolling stock west of Montreal so as to conform
to tho new gauge. On tho Cth of October tho
lino will ho run on tho narrow gauge west of
Montreal, and largo numbers of now cars will bo
brought into use. Steel rails will take tbo jfiaco
of iron ones, and a largo extent of sidings is to
bo added to tho road. Tho Company ask tho
forhoaranco of shippers while tho above changes
are being made to make tho inconveniences un
avoidably arising as light as possible.
—A gentleman of this city, knowing to tbo
foot, Informs us that tbo richest man m Rock
ingham County, Now Hampshire, or at least re
ported to bo the richest, has received an invalid
pension for tho past sixty years of $240 a year, ho
having boon a'soldior of tbo war of 1812. Ho has
never spent a dollar of tho pension, and his
wealth is a result of tho accumulation of its
principal and Interest. Ho is a brother of a dis
tinguished politician whoso death many years
ago caused a profound sensation throughout tho
Union,— Neioouryport Herald.
—Tho annual record of “mushroom poisoning"
has begun to appear in the papers. Tho first
victims wore a family in Connecticut, who par
took of what was supposed to bo mushrooms,
gathered in a tract of woods. Tho fungi wore
excellent to tho taste, and it was not until twelve
hours after their being oaten that ill-effects woro
experienced, One person died in a few hours,
and tho others wore, at last accounts, in a criti
cal condition.
—There is tho authority of journals published
at Bridgeport, Connecticut, for stating that cer
tain ofliciala in the jail of that doloclablo city
cave to tho incarcerated and nutriod forgor
Tlomboan, a quantity of powdered chalk, tolling
tho prluonor that it was araonlo, and advising
him to poiaon hlmaolf with tho doao. Tho forgor,
not knowing tho- humorous tendencies of tho
Bridgeport prison ofliciala, eagerly swallowed tho
doao, schooled hlmaolf to resignation and forti
tude, repented of his sins, and forgave all hia
ououiioa, only to find hlmaolf “ sold." Ilia sub
sequent language to that ofilcor indicates a
alight falling from grace. And Bridgeport
laughs at this ghastliest of jokoa.
—SI. D. Conway. in a recent letter from Lon
don, says i “ Loot year and this, aovorol fomalo
artists, whoso works had noon rojoctod,
scut their contributions under feigned inaacu
lino uumofl, and, in nearly every case, tho plo
luroa so sent wore received, applauded, and well
hung for tho admiration of the public I A lady
at lUohmond borrowed tbo name of a gentleman
of her acquaintance, and tho pictures supposed
to ho by him wore sold at a very largo price ; and
it was only because of a largely-increased de
mand on tho said gentleman for incomo tax that
tho ruse had to ho confessed, mid tho fact made
known that a male name in English art is equal
to several hundred pounds."
488 Btato.at., S \Q
OppoiUo Continental Hotel. hJ£J
A Du«l
Tho Congregation Almvetli SUolom Marienpol.
Will bold eervlcoe during the ooulng bolldaye at No. 826
Olark-at. SeaUcanbe eeoured on the promuoe from 8
m. to fi o'clock p, ft P[elWoot . ,
T1III11) SEASON—»BT3^74.
W« have (ho honor to announce that during tho last
summer wo have succeeded In making arrangomenla for
tho appearance in
Of this, tin TlirßD REASON, tho following array of dll
tlnaulaned talent. which wo aro confident eonstltutss tho
Oourao of Lcoturoa ever offered in the West., la our Hat
will ho toon tho names of some authors and orators of
world-wide distinction, who could novor before bo in
duced to appear publicly In our city, and whose content
now laaooured mainly through tho favorable reputation of
Tho Star Oourao in tho Bast, which hat been attained only
through tho liberal patronage aconrdod It by Its friends
hero. Wo hopo, with the rapidly Increasing inilnsnos of
tho Star Oourao to soon bo able to OUMM AND for Chica
go audlonooa the presence of any public man or woman
at least onoo during the season.
Wo haro engaged for our present Oonrao tho New, Ele
gant, and Centrally Located
(On Olark-at., opposite tho Sherman House), which will
equally accommodate all parts of tho city, and la conve
nient of access by all trains from suburban towns. The
regular Star Oourao Entertainment* will bn on
Commencing Oct. 14, and continuing on consecutive
weeks until Doo in.
Entitling the holder to the SAME Reserved Boat through
out the whole Course, will be sold for
Fifty Cents thus entitling tho bolder to the REST RE
SERVED SEAT in tho Hall to hoar any one of the fol
lowing distinguished persons:
Tho llmo of tbo sale of Oonm TlckaU will bp duly an
nounced. Those who Intend to eocuro tickets, by Bonding
their address at once will receive erklv froo.
with ms . .
Among whom are tho following distinguished artiste:
Mr. BERNHARD LIBTEMANN, violin vlttuso,
Mr. B. E. JACOBBOIIN. solo violinist, (from Brthom),
Mr. ADOLPHUS LOCKWOOD, aolo harpist, (from Lon-
Mr. HENRY SOHMITZ, French horn.
Mr. CHARLES OAPPA, trombone, all of whom aro well
known roasters of their respective Instruments. The fol
lowing soloists, engaged expressly for som concerts. will
make their first appearance bore: Mr. UEINRIOU KAY
BBT, clarinet, (fremDllso orchestra, Berlin) t Air. RU
DOLPH DAROLE, cornot-a-plalon. fit. to
gather with tho celebrated basso, MYRON W. WinT
NBY, who will appose for tho first time, supported by this
U ¥ho a coooorU h wl»'begin MONDAY. OCT. 6, and con
tlnuo throughout tho anniversary week of the fire, form
ally dedicating to iimslo the elegant now Music UaU.
THE SALIt OF TICKETS (or any of tho six concerts
Monroe-st., hot. Dearborn ami State.
Arlington, CottonlMls’s Minstrels
First week of tho Sensational and Pictorial Sketch,
with New Scenery, in which every member of tho Com
pany will appear, entitled
Bobby Nowoomb, Maokln and Wilson, Master O. Da
vonnort, Ernest Linden, Billy Klee. William Arlington,
Ben Cotton, and J. H. Kemble In
Now and Sparkling Specialties.
In active preparation, and will shortly ho produced,
the funny mokes in a fog-.
Or, Love at Long Branch.
Story Evening and at tbo Wednesday and Saturday
Matinees. Nightly received with
In Rehearsal—MAN AND'WIFE. ...
In Preparation—Hartley Campbell's latest—HEARTS.
Which bos achieved a GREAT SUCCESS, teaching a
strong moral lesson In a bosutlfully-Udd story of
tETSoo this charming play, which must shortly, bo
withdrawn to make room for an original American play,
entitled “IMMOLATION.
LAST WEEK of Palmer A Co.'s Spectacular Orgaolia
tlon. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Wednesday
Introducing all tho Great Specialties.
Avenne Hall, 147 Twenty-seconH-st.,
On Friday Evening anil Saturday Afternoon*
Out. u mill 4*
RESIDENCE—BS Twcnty-tblnl-at.
Corner Halstod and Harrlson-sts.
For a eliort loaeon, commencing Thursday, Sept. 25, Dan
r Morris A Uoworth'e
Dan Morris as Harney, tbo Dublin Carman. Mjee Joilo
Vni-di sa Kitty O'Counor. Supported by tho talented
Morris Company. Tho Now Hlborntca Illustrates a throe
months’tour through Ireland, giving all the principal
Cltlos, Abbeys, Cathedrals, Uulns, CurlosHloe, ole., con
cluding with nn allegorical representation of what Ireland
a to bo wbon liberty and equal rights aball bo achieved
jy bor noble sons.
Entire Change of Programme tills Week, Flrattimeof
tbo Burlesque entitled tho
Every Evening, Woilneedny and Saturday Matinees,
Olark-Ht., opposite Sherman House.
This now and ologant Hall can bo bad for
Oonoorts, Lectures, Conventions, Balls, and
flraUolass Entertainments. It is convenient
of access, admirably lighted, and tho acous
tic properties aro perfect. Boating capacity
1,000, Seats movable and numbered. Eor
terms, oto., apply at Boom 8, In Building.
Hortl Slle-Klare’sHall, 70 k 72 north Clark-st,
WEST HIDB-08 South Ilulbted-al.
Will be open for the reoopUou of puplli on Oct. 1 and 9,
Strict attention paid to polite dancing, etiquette, do.
Halle newly freaooed. with good aeoommodatlone, to runt
for private and eeleet parUee. with or withoutjiuaio. »
Her terms or circular* call nn 11ENUY KIjAHU. at
Kiare'e Hall. 70 and 79 North Clark-lt., OX Prof. SNOW,
Uooui M, 69 South lUUted-et.
C!ark*at., oppoalla Sherman uorue.
Grail Mnsical EntertaJuments
The Celebrated Bohemian Violinist,
"Who will make her flrat appoaranoo it] Ohlosao in a Grand
Concert, aitbemagnltloant new MUBIO HALL, on
BUND MATINEE, Saturday, Sept, 27,
Assisted by Distinguished Artists, including
j-_ hcxstt, jb. s
Tbs Eminent Organist. Pianist, and Composer, of Wow
York, who will Introduce the celebrated
Orchestral Organ,
Evening Concert will commence at 8 p.m. Saturday
Matinee at 3p. m. Door* open one hour in advance.
Alto, Box Office open, for ealo of tickets, on Thnrsday
morning, Sopt. 36. from 9to 13. Ticket* of admission, 60
eonta; Itoaerved Seat*, 76 cent*.
Second and last week of America’s Dramatic Queen,
the gifted and legitimate artist,
Supported by the talented Young Tragedian. MR. J. 0,
McCOLLOM, commencing Monday, 33d, first time In
Obloago, the grand historical apoetaonlar drama,
AJivirsr eobsart i
The exelnelvo property of Mra. Bowers.
rrv!“r. U.
L2B Twenty-fourth-st., near Indiana-av.,
08 & 70 Wabash-av,
Thus Far the Finest
Sale of the Season!
Tuesday Morning, Sept. 23, at 91-2 o'clock,
Opening with a beautiful display of Fancy Decorated
Ohluawaro, Lava Goods, do.; Vases. Motto Gaps and
Saucers, Ton Sots, Mags, Onspndoros, do.
After which, the rogultr sale of Dry Goods, Dross
Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Hat*, Gaps, do. A rich lino of
Valenelonuos and Thread Laos Collars, do.; Ruflllnge,
Fluting*, Robbings, do. Fino Invoices of Tablo Linens,
Towels, Napkins, Tldlos, Tollot Quilts, do. Plated Ta
bio Ware, Knives, Forks, and Spoons. Fur Goods,
Muffs, Gapes, Collars, and Gaps. Gents’ Ovonhlrts,
Cardigan Jacket*, Underwear, de. Govoramont Cloth
ing, an d the regular offering of Oarpot* by tbo roll, at 11
tTen’star Enter-:
Visitors to tbo Exposition favoring us with a call will
not only witness & flue display of desirable goods, but
will have an opportunity of aoolng the floost Auction
llonso In America. GEORGE P. QORR dCO.,
68 d 70 Wab&ih-av.
Great EiDOSIUon Anctloa Salß
On Wednesday, Sopt, 24, at 9 1-2 a. m.
Wo hold these soles regularly EVERY
WEDNESDAY, tmd visitors to tho Exposi
tion can find horo what they can nowboro
elso, viz.: A great exhibition of tho BEST
bo purchased, at from 20 to 40 PER CENT
LESS than manufacturers* prices.
Catalogues and goods ready to exhibit
Tuesday. GEO. F. GORE ft 00.,
08 ft 70 Wabash-av., Auctioneers.
1333 Indiana-av.
Household Furniture
Of a first-class dwelling (13 rooms),
Parlor. Library, Chamber, Dining-Room. and Kltohon
Furniture. English Body Brussels and Volvot Garpats,
Parlor and Co6k Btovos, on THURSDAY, Sept. 26. ntlO
o’clock. GEO. P. GORE d GO.. Auctioneers.
Regular South Side Sale of
Our goods hare arrived that we expected for tbs Exposi
tion Sale.
Loo! Out for a Hamtb Sale M Wee!.
Parlor Suits of ovory grado and variety, Obambar Seta of
ovorr grade and variety, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Extension
Tables, Sofas, Lounges, What-Nots, Marblo-Top Tables,
Mirrors, Parlorand Office Desks, Show Oasos, 20 orates
W. O. Crockery, Buggies. Carriages, Express Wagons,
Doable and Slnglo Harness,
On SATURDAY, Sept. 27, at 9 o’clock.
GEO. P. POKE A CO.^uctlonflora.
On WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24, at 9M o’clock.
TAYLOR * HARRISON, Auctioneers,
81 and 33 South Cnual-st.
West Side Auction Homo. 63 South Oanal-st.
Hare auction talas on Wednesdays and Saturdays of
Of over, dotorlptloo, Oarpoto and goooral nouiohold
Goods, and a variety of General Merchandise. Attend
their sales and save 25 per cent In buying. Other than sale
days will soil at average auction prices.
Tho throe 2-story Frame Buildings Nos. 1166, 1168, 1168>j
State.sfc , will ho told under a Chattel Mortgage, on
TUESDAY, the 23d, at 10 o'clock. Sale Li bo on the
nrnralifii. U* 11* VrAIiLiAUIfi,
premtaos. Agent for Mortgagee.
By O. O. THAYER & CO.,
j!i.T TIVB
100 GMcb Isttie Lo
Located on tho Eidge» in tbo
Oa Tuesday Afternoon, Sept. 30, 1873,
Fftirmount Subdivision is in the W.Jfof
B. W. \( of 800. 30,37,14, lying on the high
ridgo between Vinaennea-road and Western
ay. It is eaay of nocoas by the 0., R. I. &P.
B. R. Further description of tho property,
terms of sale, &0., will bo given in further
0. 0. TIIAYKII4CO., a
ttoftl Kstnto Aootloaoorii t Ibtf Bail M<uUioii-it
By B. T. BEE.
8 Valuable Suburban Lots
In South Englewood and Pifty-fifth-st. Bou
levard and ABhland'UV.' to bo sold at Adams*
et. Oourt Houso on MONBA7, 22d lost., at
12M o’clock. Usual terms.
B. T. LEE, Auotlopoer.
Tbs Administrator’* Bale of Madl«or».*t. Lot;, near
Wostara-ar.. remaining uniold (tho jirmtorly of tutor
irich. deoua**d), will take jdaoo at Auama-sU Court*
§»« nu '“'“ k ' •“fi^witusssas.*'
UMU>> * It . T. LltK,_Auotluooor.
il South Canahit.
Furniture, Curpcta, und Ooucrnl Merchandise
At .uotloo, WEDNESDAY .ml BATUBDAY, Bopt. 31
ami 87. commencing at 9:80 a. tn.
* DUUfIB, BON * 00., AuoUgaoon* „
Benia* flalwrooma for Dry Good*, Ctotliinfr, Boots and
Sboos. Furniture, Oaniota, and (ionoral
Moroliamluo, at
is Sc 17 ItAJSTX3OX4I>I3:-ST.
Regular Baloirooroi for Real Batata,
Boom 2 Hawley .Building, 144 and 146 Dear*
bom»at M cor. Madison.
lari Front Store,
.J. Q. HOYT, Jn.
O. 222 WABASH-AV.,
On Monday Afternoon, Sept, 22,
At 3 o’clock, on tho Fromlioi.
Wo shall sell, without reeervo, tho new and handsome
Warblo-front Building, with Ix)t 37 feet front by 171 fool
deep, to 20‘foot alloy, uolng No. 323 Wabash-av,
Tnle building 27 foot by ICO foot; fonr stories and base*
meat; French plate windows and doors; stone sidewalk,
prismatic light*; baaemont with concrete bottom; the
foundations built of etono: tho timber throughout i* oak;
tho whole la built of tho neat material In the best man
notj direct luporlntondonco of tho owner.
TRltfisVlWMO cash; 97,600 in 80 days; ®3B,oooduo
Juno SO, 1877; balanoo land 3 years, Interest at 8 pproont.
Real Estate Anotloneers, HI and 148 Dearborn-at.
Damaged Iby Water,
On MONDAY AFTRROON, at 8 o’clock, onboard Canal
boat Georgia, lying at southeast abutment of Twolfth-at.
Bridge. Bale peremptory for whom It may concern.
WM. A. BUTTERS d CO., Auctioneer*.
Phaetons, Perm Wagons, and Harness,
On WEDNESDAY, Sept. «, at 10 a. m., at our Bales
rooms, 15 and 17 Randolph-et,
WM. A. BUTTERS d CO., Anotionoers.
On WEDITESDAT, Sept. 24, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
At our Salesrooms,
CTf’Cataloguos ready Monday.
WM. A. BUTTERS d GO.. Auctlonocrs. .
Furnishing Goods, Woolons, Fancy Dry Goods, Hats and
Gaps, Shirts and Drawers, Hosiery, Boots and Shoos,
010., at auction, on THURSDAY, Sept. 25, at a. m.,
at our Salesrooms, 15 and 17 Randolph-st.
WM. A. BUTTERS A CO., Auctioneers.
Lots on State-st.
Lots on Vincennes-av.
Lots on Galifomia-av.
Lots in Norwood.
On THURSDAY, Sopt. 25, at 10 o’clock a. m., at Ottf
Rea) Estate Room, Hi and HB Doarhorn-st.
W. A. BUTTERS d CO., Real Estate Auctioneers.
Houseliold Furniture
Monday Morning, Sept, 22, at 10 o'clock, 1
The entire effects, consisting of Parlor,
Chamber, Dining-room, and Kitchen Furni
ture, Brussels and "Wool Carpets, Stoves,
Crockery, Gla»a W^r<!f S c o i jSo. iiosTEßi
-rr a 1r .tt a -gyir -nn
On Saturday Afternoon, Sept. 27,
At 3 o'clock, on tho ground.
Being liots 7 end 11 in Blpok 13, and Lot
13 in Block 0. of Duncan’s Addition, each 50
foot front by 125 foot deep. .
Lot No. 11 fronts west on Bangamon-st.,
between Adams and Jackson-sts.
Lot No. 7, east front on Peorla-at.,betwoon
Adams and Jackson-sts, .
Lot 13, Block 0, west front on Peona-at.,
between Monroe and Adaras-sts.
Those Lots are centrally located, ombrao*
ing the most'desirable property to bo lound
OP SALE—One-third oash, bob
anoa in one and two years with 8 per cent
interest. Title perfect. Abstract furnished
with each Lot,
Auctioneers, 87 Markot-at.
Ono largo lot of OnicVerr. Glaanvaro. Tampa, oto.,
»tQoljb*urn-»v.,MONI>AY, ao^. ] a. 1 «oa. | io.^
Con.talilo and Aucllom.ar.
224 & 226 West Mafllson-st..
Havonowin atoroalarßO and oomploto at
sortment of
Inoluclinq; Now trad Yaahitraablo Shndos in
Prom $1.25 to $3.00 por yard, much bolow
fool, Paisley, anil Ottoman Simla,
Novoltiou in Tioa, Soarfs, Ituaaia. trad Vol.
vot Bolta, Erabroidorioa, Yak and Guipurl
Laoos, eto., at
VEBY XjO~W peicbs.
Blxloonth-il., botwoon Wabaih ami Mlohlgaaavs.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Q. Stokes
Ilc.peollullj unonneo to Iho eltluni o! Ohlosso lh»t
they havo loaiod thoabove Gallery of Mr. O. M. Clark, to
bo filled up aud arranged for tho tuition of Ladlui ami
Obildrun who may tloslro to avail tuomiolvoa of IhU do.
lightful exorolio. cltbor (or tbo road or, purpoao of hoallh.
Alra. H. Q. Hlokoa and daughter will bo la comtaut at
tendance on tbo lady patrons, and can OBauro thorn that
from their ton* usporlonoo in tbo uoblo art of horseback
ridin*, that tboy will bo enabled to porfoot thorn in tho
highest art. l ? or torma of tuition appeal tho Gallery.
BnalUh, French, and Gorman Hoarding and Day School
for Young Ladlo* and Little Girl*. Tito duUea of tho
School will bo roeumud Sopt. id.
The Olaiajuit organized will meet MONDAY EVEN*
INQ at Parker Homo Club-Room, corner Madlaoa and
HaUtcd-ala. A fuw moro Btudoula will be julmUUd*
Twniij dlOforfoUCoum.

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