Newspaper Page Text
6 MONEY AND COMMERCE. MONETARY. Wkiwkriut EVENING, Bopl. 30. me domain! for currency from country cor respondenta boa rondorod Now York exchange weaker. Boilers to-duy could dispose of It only nt 250 off per SI,OOO, and wo presume that it who sometimes taken at GOo. Thoro woro decidedly more sellers than buyers, goading bankers esti mate the amount of currency ordered to-day and yesterday at half a million each, whllo It la trad? however, that aomo of the banka report aa much received aa sent out. The or ders for currency and for discounts from city tod country have made no sensible impression is yet ou the monnb In the hands of bankers. Money is still very abundant. Good discounts to customers aro made freely at 10 per cent. A few of thrf banks would alii! loan largo sutua on call with cash collaterals at,o@B per cent. It ahould bo said, however, that call loans are aa yet not a popular method of borrowing monoylu Chicago.' Honco transactions aro limited. Street rates , nominal at 10@18 per cent, with little do ing. LOCAL STOCK HATES. The banking-house of Preston, Kean it Co., No. 100 Washington street, furnish the following quotations at 12 m.: Luymn. Stllina, United Stales Cs of ’81... Jl7*f Jiß United States 6-208 of ’f13,112',' 112*f United State*6-20a of 114 Ji llf»'/ United Btfttca 6-20* of ’OS lljv HO 6-20* of ’G3-—Jan, ami July 11SV 6-20 a of ’o7—Jan. ami July HOV 117 6-20s of 'OS—Jan.and July 110 V 117 lllif llljg' United States now 6s of’«! 111 7 ,' 112*,' United Stales currency Gs... 117' 117 V Oold (full weight) 100?f lioiif Odd exchange. looji 110 V Sterling 40itfQ487 CaWp transfers 489 V Chicago City 7b, Parklnt Cook County 7b Par k Int Illinois 10 per cent school-bonds Par k int West Chicago park-bonds oaitlnt LATEST. Nnw Yomr, Sept. 00.—Treasury disbursements, SOO,OOO. Customs receipts, £OOI,OOO. Money caav, 2@3. Prlmo pauor, s(n)fl. Sterl ing, 485 for CO days, and 487# for sight. Gold opened and closed'at 110#, with sales at 110 and 110#. Loans lUt at 3 per cent. Clearings, 610,000,000. State bonds nominal, llailroad bonds firm. Governments firm. Stocks wore active to the closo of business. In closing dealings there was reaction of #to# per cent from the highest point of tho day, with an early Improvement, having ranged from # to 2 per coot in tho entire list. Lake Shore led tho market so far as activity was concerned, tho dealings having boon enormous, at 79# to ' 81»/, extremes. Tho greatest ad vance was in Northwestern, which rose from 39# to 41#. Wabash and Erie each advanced, tho former from 31# to 35#, and tho latter from 35 to SC#, Quicksilver common ad- TaDMa from 33 to 330£. Western Union roso from 79# to 80#, and Union Pacific from 3G# to 37#, with largo business in each slock. Rock Island, Northwestern preferred, Hannibal & St. Joseph common, and Quicksilver preferred ad vanced 1 per cent; St. Paul common #percent, and preferred # per cent. Pacific Mail was active at 61 to 51#. Tho advance In tho balance of tho last ranged from #to # per cent. Lako Bhoro speculation was stimulated to-day by rumors of a leoao to tho Now York Central, a quarterly dividend in November, and tbo negotia tion of a loan. Tho buying iu Western Union was based largely on tho forthcoming report, which rumor says will bo favorable, Tho St. Nicholas Rank has received advices from Philadelphia that money is on tho way to pav interest on tho first mortgage bonds of the Columbus, Chicago & Indiana Central Road. President Smith states that tho Columbus, Chicago & Indiana Central Company intends to reply to tho circular of Col, Scott relating to their bonds, and will givo their version of tho matter at tho stockholders' meet ing, to bo held Oct. 23. Sales aggregate 073,000 ahavea, tbo largest day’s business of tho season. Among sales aro 45,000 Western Union, 33.000 Pacific Mail, 5,000 Now York Central, 21.000 Brio, 104,000 Lako Shore. 27,000 Union Pacific 61,000 Northwestern, 14,500 Rock Island, 29.000 Ht. Pau1,,27,000 Wabash, 14,000 Ohio’s and 0 000 Columbus, Chicago & Indiana Central. oovKin Coupons, *Bl 118 Coupons, ’ii'2 iia»£ Coupons, ’C4 115,'j Coupons, *C3 UO Coupons, ’O3, now,...US*; STATU tllssouns »!«.£ lenncsscca, old 74 remie.m-cK, n0w.... 74 Virginias, new...... 32 liIENTn, Coupons, ’O7 .117 Coupons, 'O3 in Now Ba <,113*/ 10-41)3 m'v Currency Ca 117»? honpr. I Virginias, old 32 N.-Curoliuna, 01d.... 20# N.Caroliuau,now.... 12# STO( Canton M Western Union Tel.. 80V Quicksilver a:Ui Adams Exprosa 107>$ Wells, Fargo 70 American Express... 01 U. 8. Express 00*..' I’acillo Mull 61i,' 1 S'oW York Central...ld*; Krlo a«' Erlopfd r.s‘ Unrlom 108,*/ Harlem pfd, I'j.V Michigan Central.... 7»l*£ Pittsburg&Ft. Wayne 87 Northwestern,. iuji Northwestern pfd... sj?j i llock Island 104j # - ; New Jersey Control..lo6 St. Paul 03*,' fit. Paul pfd r.3 Wabash 35if Wabash pfd f,O Ft. Wayne jjo'Y Torre Haute $' Terre Haute pfd.... 2 r, I Chicago Alton 07'/ Chicago & Alton v Ohio & MiUMissippi. 22 Clove.. Ciu. k C 01... 70 Chl„ Bur. k Qumcy.lud Lakuahore 81# Indiana Central y.\*: Illinois Central go# Uufou Pacific bonds. 88# Union Pacific Block.. ye,# Central Pacific bonds 93# Boston, Hart. A*Erie I',' Del., Lack, k Wcst’u.llO# UHAIj iISSTATiU. Tho, folluv.iiiK iußtrumcuta weio filed for record Wednesday, Sept. 30 i ciT* i-noPEurr. Hailed Bt, no cor of Hunker fit, vr f, 23x100ft' ,iera * ton ' dated Soj>t. 2D 'a ionon Trumbull av, 508-10 ft n of Weak lilKhtecuth Vt! « f, 25x12j ft, dated Sopt. 30 onn Dlvlslnu Kt. 323 ft oof Larrubeo hL b 100 ft to La Bar St, dated Sept. 7?..... oqui Lot on street 204 ft e of Sedawivk fit, mid 2Cfj ft 3 °iS7:r U * V ’ w f ’ 23xlua “* lO ft - dated Nov, KortU Clark fit, near ihutou placebo V/lixljO ft, dated Sept. 30 "i ?. 1 .. 1 * 3 } 10 f l, ft o of Paulina »t, Bf/fiOx Aehley fit, 40 ft o of iloyuo Bt, u f, 24xi65'ft*. dated April 14. ' g*n Nourit of cm limits within V baoiuh or 7 milks ~ . „ or couut-iioubc, taoluo av, 100 ft n of Muriauua bt. w f. °3xi°3 ft, dated Sopt. 10..,..;;,.... « sen Wolfram .1, 'JIH tl o of SllcllloU uv.VfVtoim ft, dated So,it. 30 ....... 1 MO Lot. 13 nud H, m Uldflc 2, Kodzlii’a addition to i.avcnswood, dated Kept, 29 4050 fiuirni or errv limitb within a uadius or 7 miles or .. OODIIT-HOUHK. ' Lvann <iv, a 0 cor of Forty-second fit, wf °'* x 12a ft, dated Sept. 28 " * aBM Omni fit, 50 ft eof WriyUt Bt, it f, 60x120 fV ' dated Sept. 28 * * t or Q I'aßo at. 123 ft a of Fifty-third at. V f,25*125 V It, dated Sept, 20 w..... oon Lo . tfl . l^ l u to l».lu po«no’n addition luue )7 of • a.ii 80c. J, 38, 14, dated Sept, l-l 20,000 COAXiUKUCIAL. mi., rll • tVeuiinHOiv IcvnuKO, Soph yo. Tbo following wore tho receipts and ship moutß of tbo leading articles of producaiuChi sago during tho past twonty.four hours, and for tho coiTuapondiug data ono year ntro t • 1873. Hour, Vrla.... 7,I'M c'kju Wheat, bu 188.7C0 13U3(i Ooju, bu...... 170,01*51 is? 4M «'«.> *v*n si <eo Hjre, bu ft,•‘37 •> ij (J - Darlcy. lm 23,350 I7*;u c Grass eccd.lba; 73,UU.| ii7,8(ll» riaxaced.lljg.: ‘ 211,1111 liroom*corD,tbfl G-'.iWii lo.suo Curedineata.lUj 23, too h'.HO lk*f,brls..... I’ork, brls... . IH3 Lard»lLs r,2iiG 3,30 Vi Tallow,' ItiH i:j ( u*;B 3,340 Duller, 1ba.,.., 201,277 11,070 Dressed bogs , Live boss, 170.: 17,071 aril Cattle, No i,sßs 4517 Sheep, No 1,20.1 t»j llidej, 105..;... 130,331 llh'bwiuea.brla 357 ao Wool, lit* 21,0 i;*) 01,Wi) Potuiou, bu :. 13,w0 Liya Lumber, No. ft 7,007,200 7,207,01)0 • SbtlieleN, N0... 4,33-1,000 3,030,0 li() Lfttb, No 737,000 410,C0:ii Salt, brls 3,7u&| 4,13ij J;sv AlaqUio followiug, without comparjaoua: Jlteennl, Shipped, ‘JIT .... TonUry, coops, Qfltu«/pk{{u,.,. . lUO ~kii a ;; 1U)1 "jj ClifOSe, ttzs.... U.»'l litmus, bu.,,., 7^7 Hay, ton, l£J . , “4". 151,0H C9,a‘l) P k « 991 'Si Tba following lablo obowa llio rooolpta and Iblpmouta ot tbo articles caracul toe tbo month of September, as furnlabod by Ul9 Produce Ex change t T>/iiii(»t* Jleccivci!, ShfpjmU Poultry, coops lum name, jikgß a,R:i7 niino |{mpiffia i.amUun Hiuior. 12 113 OIJOMO. hXH 41 «l ’ llrloil fruits, Ilia Tin ,m o!mo Green apples, brla... avm 4JI W ‘MM nS\i\V.V.V.V.V.V.\\V.V.‘. 3,K^# J?7 s,o ®i , SS l ilSrih?™* ,ta awSos ml t ci\ f ‘ ■•■, Mf.'oii fra'ltm’ hSi fJi? 4,07H,0nfl Ha iVr: , 78,080 withdrawn from store yesterday for city con sumption .* 0,0f13 bu wheat, 7,013 bn corn, 7,303 bn oala, 2,870 bu iyo, 5,171 bu barley. Tho following grain has boon inspected into atoro tUlo morning up to 10 o’clock: 14 care No. 1 wbontj 010 care and 53,700 bu No. 2 do; 87 cars No. Odo; 11 cars rejected do (453 wheat); 03 cars high mixed coni 5 211 cars and 03,700 bu No. 2 do; 16 cars rejected do ; 2 cars no grado (.01 corn) ; 7 cars while oats; 05 cars and 8,000 bu No. 2 do? 8 cars rejected do; 2 cars no grado (52oats); 12core No. 2 ryo; 20 care No. 2 bar ley; 9 cars No. 3 do; 0 care, rejected do; 1 car i 5Ti nS n i !< : d °t <3 ° , 1, “ rlo «' Total (852’ c.«" ' i™ l i°S^ cl i out! 03 ' 3r ‘ 3 b “ i IM47bub“sS^. B,MI bU Oatßi I’Bol 1 ’ 801 lm nmill™ d i 1 '. l f al . ol i; s f ™ m w,l « this morning an ln?1 10 (ftowitor) Association tins dia- Ptlfi.iif if 1 ! 8 P rob “ b >X nn'nna lower rules in. stead of higher ones. \Vlth a light grain movo iPP“‘o Jio l "}' v “ ril -tl'P 'Vnrohonaeinon will bid for favors. Their pOloial rale has hilhorto boon IVo per bu; but it is understood that certain parties nave made comracta.with tho Association at "I ami _%o per bu. '* waukee and was inspected into store yesterday was noted by ns ns having boon inspected as No. O.nndmndo No. 2 by (ho Appeal Committee, more| is good authority for tho statement that tno wheat is not worth ns ranch as tho average Chicago No. 2 spring, by fully 3o per bu. At least ono member of tho'Appoal Committee be hoves that, and the gentleman who received the Bi'jjju ® understood to bo of tho same m;nd llio loading produce markets wore less excited to-day than might havo boon expected, seeing that this was the termination of a month of corners. h«L nnl£?f« «f : r ° I* 111 ! 1 ; antl Brnin Wftß OXCitcd J hut outside of palpable manipulation tho grain ff.l r v°M Mroro t V* u I ? ua,| y Bl «ady. Tho balcony of the luxcbango ball was filled to overflowing by ladies and gentlemen who came to boo tho show; 2l l lt » u . , Vi’ though most of them .saw a groat deal which they did not understand. I oXcU ° m ? nfc ™ 8 lu corn. Indeed, tho other lonclJng markets wore at times almost de serted, the corn crowd being tho big fish that I swallowed up all tho rest. Loft to itself by one man, corn would have boon steady; but, mauipu- Jf waa by him, it | ;ooka wide range of ?.?hnn * !f" l 5 V )0r boit) B tbo WggOSt lluc °? n fo F many years. Tho tendency Jini k0 M nar !r 0t " a 5 a BU R ht, y lower raupo, uu- SSm r “ fclicr / re .° oiTonngs of grain which had been JjjJ? l ovor . for tho last day, In tho hope of realizing P« CC v* ufc . t^ lß , grain was taken mnro Ircoly for shipment, and tbo vessel movement Was more active than could have boon reason ably expected. Tho excitements of the day woro unattended by personal unpleasantness, except in one instance, and In that case a pu’ gilistio encounter was prevented by tho prompt interposition of tho lookcre-on. H Pair activity was noticeable to-day in most de partments of tho dry-goods market. The orders by mail, as well ns tho purchases of buv cre m person, woro of a liberal character, and the feeling among tho trade is sousiblv Armor than a week ago. Tho improved tone of tbo P, art }} r V. uo , *0 tho Increased demand, hut is mainly attributable to tbo action of Eastern manufacturers m reducing tho working-time of tho mills—thus materially curtailing production. In tho grocery market tho changes woro unim portant, liado continues good, and tho market displays a firm, healthy tono, Tho demand for fish continues active at full prices. Dried fruits are moving rather more frcolv. but the course of prices is still m a dowmvnrd direction, both for foreign and domestic varieties. Cool and wood were quiet and .inn. Bagging was again quoted quiet, and prices were ‘-on’ ",%enll around, Stark now selling at SlJsJ'o, Lewiston at d2e, and Amer ican and Amoalioag at No important changes wore developed fn the leather, tehaeoo, and oil markets. 1 ““““•“i Lumber was in fair demand mid Arm—pnrlion iarly tho common grades. Tho hardware trade wosfair in the aggregate at umfoimly eloadv prices. Nails were firm under a good demand and moderate stocks. Tho broom-corn, hop, and wool markets exhibited little change. Timothy hay was dull and weak; whilo prairie, thorn l a quiet, continued steady. Seeds woro ratlior quiet, except timothy,which was active and firm er. 1 otatoos were dull and weak under largo receipts. Iho demand for poultry was light, and lower prices woro willingly accepted bv roi coivcrs, who wore anxious to prevent furthoi accumulation., Eggs were fiim. cork, Wo place this market first, out of Us usual order, for tho reason given above. It was vorv a Pi lv ?* ,^ of tho sales made merely for olfect, it averaged Kftfio lower than yostor day. It was well known In odvauco that thoro would bo a tug of war. Tbo chief operator hold n- council with his brokers last evening, at which their plan of operations was laid down. It was generally anticipated that this operator, who hold a great deal of cash corn, and wan extensively short for this"month, would sell out bis corn, and refuse to deliver on tho options; but it was scarcely guessed how ho would act bovond that, Boon alter 11 o’clock he, developed his policy to ho to break down rho market, so as to placo tho average price of set tlement on tho undelivered grain at as low a P° n . lt possible. Ho commenced to soil at 7J>.c, thountTUe; about 70,DU0 bn changing bauds at these rates to responsible parties. Ho thou lowered bis figure to 70c, at which fig. uro. ho * sold’’ not far from 000.000 bu, of which 100,000 bu was taken by two parties who expected to receive it. Ho thou “sold” two lota of 50,000 bu each at (10c, which possibly wore not expected to bo received aud paid for. Ho thou withdrew, rending this.operation, tho general market was almost suspended, but on his leaving it immediately revived to 70c. which was the lowest figure our reporter not«d at Which sales wore made by other mr- a *. , to this attempt to break down tho general average, a prominent operator “sold ”500,000 bu at SI.OO, then 100,000 uu at $1.05, and withdrew, refusing to sell an other 100,000 bii at $1.03, which w«a loudly hid to hm by the Chairman of tho Tromout House gathering of last evening. Outside of those luai ?°. t for delivery to-day was /l)(«)81Ko; there being several orders on tho lloor to buy at 800 for shipment. The openin" price was 81c; it soon dropped to 70o:tho quotation then advanced to Blj£c, and tho nmr ket ciosod at a quarter past 1 o’clock with buyers at 81c. At Jo clock it closed at 81J/c, Seller October opened at 80c, receded to 790, advanced to declined to thou sold at 70c to sumo parties, while others bid 77U0 e without a responso, then sold at 81c, and closed at So lor tho joar B°ld at 72-f@73o. lliS mlx'ertcorn etaod at H2c. was inactive. Cash sales wore !m J Vn°o °! mix 00 mixed at 82c ; 15.803 bu >«o. .at hu do at 81o; 19,800 lm do at 80*!fo ; 30,800 bu SSf 7uli ™ llio deliveries of coni wore all made promptly n the afternoon, except those which depended inmn JSi i§.n U £ fi B ‘ H ?. rofraiucd delivering some 500,000 bu on seller tho month, aud that involved tho failure of other parties to deliver perhaps 300,000 bu, some having bought cash corn elsewhere during tho day to fill »-ith u h n° u l,f l U V a ' 1 bo , u ff ht Wm. There uas a good demand for cash com after Jo dock to fill this deficiency, ond most of it was made good boforo adjournment closing at 4 o’clock at SHfo. Mr! Bturgls is understood to havo stated that he would deal fairly with parties who had no out but ih!? ( H i y? loncoß with him on tho July deal, ei4fi non “ ll t! . I , OHQ wi»o owed him any pai tof the SIIB,OOO pending from, that would find him fihln to take cure of IdniucJf. it was understood that uam °?o "»o!f oalS "' or<> u,ul °“vorod, and for tbo MSSMB as if the Board of Trade ViU wSi,i U u “P?!! about face." A few inmo S, VP 1 10 , this would he the OTIIKU rnODDOK MAIUtTrs u brl« at 81.03 porUoi, bu? ho’ murW Htrogr wkou Now York waoquotodSltb bt£r2 Loko froinhlo woro inoro oollvo, nml llrmoi the slight advance noted vostowh!v U Jfl» w # jvlioa:.!!«o for corn, and for to lluirnlu.' Moio yoHBoIo woukl kavo Ueo’n taken If ulnpfora had boon ouro about tko dollvory of 120,000 sumtK.sTii. I 1870. • 4,570 57, lay 441),001 20,171 3.657 63,602 17,054 17,1134 20,071 430,034 £02,200 eHI 328,1'ju afi,ro7 42,070 2,200 210,300 ir.l 118,315 385,680 cc.yVa 170,65:1 ia.'jjo U.74U |2,2C1,4t;u eoa,co» 471,73U U.JCK 23,101 3,638,001) 3,!Wl,«<K| 6«-*»,eoo THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1,, 1874, olmrSS, oy ,a '\ P««>bnßod. A tolnl of 0 15 non'l?„ Zi a which will carry out lj,ooo 1)11 wheat, 230,001) hu com, nud 30,000 bu uolo OT i". IODS . Jnll «ml Irregular. Mens P °V‘ 10 °, ,l lor hrl lower, irllh a mo,I vJJS’iiim 1 ”? 11 ' 1 I for "hlpraeut at the deollne, but ll qul . ry for f,,tllro - I-hkl <*«« about ii™- 8 /. 100 Vi? lo '™ r . o»copt ns wanted for oot mnOonf , with , V* 10 September loupe, who K^. n J aiuo 4 tb(dr former quotations. Thai i«J/Vn..« oufc i°f , tbo way, tlio piico of caah Jhfn «!^ cu,n i )0 ? ttio inevitable. Monts were n«ill*« u • , Bbado easier. Tlio ropoatod largo ro coipia or bogs canned local buyers of product ? M b H f » RU,t fortlffti buyoro to f»ff 11/!I 1 /! , ordor , H » wliile New York was unsettled, ami Liverpool coaler, on lard, •uje market closed at the following rungo of P, Mk » c ™ h * or Roller, October, S» i* ai * 7r lj do * Bollor ll *° year, $17,400 *} ollor Jftnunr y &nd February, 617.70 @17.75j do seller February. 017.0J5@18.()I). Lard, caah or Roller. October, 614.25@14.50- do, Boiler the year, *ll,27>£s)llj)o : do, seller January nud robnmry,6ll.2s@lLaO; do Roller Fobrunry, 611.40@11.C0j cummer lard, 131/0 g wo °H»iohlott linms, 12>£@13 0 for 10015 lb average, fresh ourod: others moats, loono? cash nnd B ° n ° r uctopor, I<j,Vs(Ji)l3;'.(o for chart riba, cash nor lb nl,nv^M (lbor! V lO Blml ° boxed "‘ HG>%* Fuf-lr. .rn'i 1 iwleenj eummor long olcars, V*'»“! do short clears. lOWfe: doahortriliH VA'to- S O neen m mea 1 ( “ n ” lll ,n ll0! “boulders,B&lo& •.•P 10 ’' I ?,' 10 ,° , tor “boulders, li‘/a for Towor’ " ln P n"„°‘f lnl *H‘ ,B! “‘O name looao, SU pn°, WO l,Vi^ acoll '“JUS, lotffllCo. Mess beef 821 50ffi2? no 11 ?! C , aB , d ?( ® lO - M I beef hams sul.ougpjj.oo. Cjty tallow. i! 2? u,a d Halos wore reported of 550 brls mens (m oar lots) nt 621.75 • 250 brla do bqll nt ai?' 1 7n7o l -n d i nt 817.75 ; 1,000 brla do 250 Iph l^rfi 2^ 0 it llo Bollor if6b ninry nt $18.00: . inof °i rth i °i ~(>,,t11 C a settlement) nt fbo vcaV 250 tea do. oilier Sc?f?f!tniu 220 tc « do ni tea do Boiler six months, nt St. Louie; at $1(5.00 • Shire mlddl'nT 1 ® l3 ; 20,000 its SlaQordl framhM h.t F ! P r ‘TOf» terms. There wau alee hnu™ ** 1 “ I “ r S° lo ‘ . ot “boulders changed llltll, OH .t„T lU ' q , ulot “ 11( ‘ .“toady. There wan very In r !L d lmm d ,' S r hesiro to noil, the attention SblmS,r«'[? ra largely nltraeted to grain! tooE n? * i“ yor ft “ ni > l0 ““l doalora only 2* “Penngly. Bran wan 250 per ton Wium'r 3, ?!! ' vor “ i“Po«od of 10(1 brla wbito oa ran at “ ‘“‘““I 1“ brln npring extras at ss.2jj 00 brln do,at $3.00: 100 brla flow 50 ft bi?a l in l, f U i- s rn b M, B do OQ private terras: tnn b ß / lota, » 000 brU ‘ Also 40 A? in t ? lf,Go S n trttck ; 20tons do at $17.00 'nm U i\pi 0 f to V 8 at $23.00 on track. price» 1 - l^Cfc c oaod at tho following range of *is «?-*5 S ; SS gs : g pli 0 ?„ lo , ch “ ic " 6.V,a § 7.00 T AlCllb UO7 00 1(410 111 Good choice Bprlng Bupcrfluca.*.‘.'.‘.’.*.* tI.GU (2 n vo'flmip d ° 3 - 00 »IU» «>o flour 0.23 (d Br *“ V 17 - 60 « i ”hoat was very acllvo and Irregular. Tho option for Octohor was comparatively aloadv with a fair movement, not being subject to auv particular pressure, as tho earner fooling iii Great Bnh*i was cqumorbalanccd by cominira tivoly light rocoints from the country and a decidedly stronger tone fa Now York. Tho market averaged lower than yesterday. The principal' interest centered in the cosh deport m/cn^owh,ch.oxbibitod a fft Hing off to tho extent or 2@3c per bu on the spoculaiivo crude from 5 Xho September aborts were so nearly lillcd previously an to relievo tho maiket from a buying probsuro from them, tbougU tlioro woro not u few yet behind bund j mid tho longs thought it good policy to Doll freolv, while holders of the cosh nhent hod It to' sell in bleeds to elnppers. Tho loiter took hold verv ircoly at the decline, ns several orders woro hero for two or three days past awaiting tun break to the neighborhood of October prices, and some of these limits wore increased to-day, when Now Jorkwas quoted 2@3e higher. They retrained from taking vessel room only because Ihoy woio not sure of the wheat being delivered to-day. Iho market was really in a healthier condition than on any day for two or throo weeks P a “‘, r -V, c J. buyers took hold all tho FI 1 !™ i ,T' . l n ß y " 3 <lloy burl roaton to expect that the reccmls of carloads will dlraln iah, while those of ililwaukco will, of course. Wil °, llo B ot bor. Tho poor'quality of tho w heat that came from our Northern neighbor, especially the Inst cargo, also tended to iirnmoss ns it gaxo increased conlldohco in tho value of “town wheat to tho buyer for consumption. A„?„f lbor Sfttrtca wore m fair demand. Seller Oc-ohcr oticnod nt receded to OIPPo rose to ,03J£o, fell hack to 33'<o, mid advanced to and closed nt U3J/o. Seller tho month |’ 3 “?;J‘ Ko - 2 “P rl «R, opened nt dcoliuoii M*' advanced to 3Uo, and settled down to lb A OE J; fa s llor ‘b“ year sold nt P2@ \ r X jC li 'i C ” 8b 1 s P r ‘"P closed nt 970 i No J o d °ir“' BU 'x oi “1 d ‘'“Jaalod do at BSo. No. 2 Minnesota wheat closed nt Otic Cash sales were renorlcd of 1,300 hit No 1 wring at 07c, (13,300 hu No. 2 spring at OG'ic -60,0 u bn doatilOifoi 40,000 bu do at Odoj 30,- 000 hn do at 05Ke; 170,300 hu do at 05Vo; 20,- 800 hu do at j 20,300 hu do nt 85c t 18.000 n™°w,? 8P i nU . K S lt '' oOi 1U ' 01)0 bn (, ° »‘S»Ko; /1?) 0 ! 01 ®} B P nl, b',a‘ BSJ<u i 7,200 hn'do ft.l/ .f 1 by sample (wlnto) nt 81.08 on tiftck, 0,100 bu lio. 1 MmncHota at $1.03: G.COO T^AfoOb^’ 7 ’™ b “ I ' 8 - 2 ‘b> “‘ ible. 1 y%ts. v H r ? u, “ ll “ r:i ‘ o >y aMtve. and otoadv nt Iho reduction noted yesterday afternoon for o ti?i« V .“„ S n a iF“‘ , i lU ,Tr y ftom “‘0 short interest foi tins month, but it waa scarcely equal to Uio supply, as a good many panioa or {““•*{? l0 ‘?, which they hud ospoeted to bo able to sell out on the culmmaliou of a corner. But the crest of the wave had gone by without their noticing It, and they had to soil on a recoding tidoF Iho CKCitemont m corn took away many opora tois Irom tho oats department. ; It was behoved of Hi. 1 i b ° i’“P l “ rab or trades were out way by 1 o clock, and tlint deliveries I'.-Tll'i 8 bn .'“"nte before 3 o’clock, without iionhlo, except a few lota, which were duo from no blurgib bouse. Cash' No. 2 oats, or seller October, coinnutiidod Iho same price, opening at IJc. ndlnuemgtQ lojle, recoding toJOl.e, and Me 61 "?;!! 11 (W 0- , Holl ” r ,‘bo year sold nt 47;i(5) N ““ r “1“““ of ’Change (ho market was nominally broken down by tho ’* sale ” of Kin 330 bu cash oats at 410, and 1(10,000 hn at 40e,— 1, ‘ lla ‘ ca “ bo called a sale wliich the seller docs not intend lo deliver ni/‘•i'“)ina i''' 01 . 0 l ?? or ‘°‘ I °f 71300 hn No. 2at Cllc; .lu.OOO hn do at 490f0; 40.2011 hu do -Mm',.’ 7 200 hu do at 40.(0 , ft* bu rojoctoVafc l^: 300 hn do nt 41)1(0; 300 bn do at 4Cc ; 1,200 huhv sample (white) at 02o; 000 hu do at 51 Wo i 300 hu do nt 51c on track. Total, 80,000 hn.“ Bye was quiet at tlio same range as vestordav Salon were made of 2,000 hn No? 2 nt 80c i S at‘So 80ltlomout , M “. »"d <WO bn rejected llarloy was mjiro active and imv'ulmlv weak Ino receipts being moderately large, while tlio .loraaml was small. Bailor tlio mouth or cash h0.2 oponocl atil.os, and rtccllucd to 91.01.t tlio clone, which cyan about So balow tho ranee ot .yesterday. Roller October was a iiooV- ,°r! at im - -'"'Woro Bl.OO' j, aid closed tamo at l)3o. No a closed at BGo outsido of A., D. * Co.'u elevator; fil u- “ J‘nnJl ra , r °no>rto<i or 0,01)0 bu N O . 2at Sl.Oaj 20.00J bu do at §1.00; bu iln „f W.o2j 0,000 bu do at sl.Ol 8110 bu No a JOflj 600 1m dont 880; 400 bu do nt 87o; 1 nt 7R^ ft lojocted nfc B °OJ 2.800 bu (lo at 78c, 1,000 bu do at 770; 40U bu do at 750« 40 f J bu, by uampiu, at §1,15: 400 bu do at §1.12* 800 bu do at §1.10; 400 bu do nt §1 nan iln .1 at S1.00: dOO bu do at 112>'o / dOO L'c a2°,l Slll'ovVoobu.’ m btt d 0 7<to -°“ ln^- y PATCH r. 11l tho afternoon thoro was n very cood .w maud for cash grain, ohiolly from navtion who had hoeummhlo to deliver on Soptomhor con aollor October at both pin«m« «l l m * com ami J, a o for luvovctmohi wore taken. CIUCAtiO DAILY 3IAUKKT. ssssnsß&& to hooil iiriuU'M. LMfii'HQ • iiiri.t(i f i ft i' mc«lluii» llAGfli\« ' luftrlor to common, aowato. 5153155553 lot«;wiwauJuJJ “JT 1 !' W . '""Vfraont »ny d w g*, xssk f‘W A '. Amofikcag, 80j<fc; Oiler Creek, ate; Iplaif ,fis, j *01! B Im, 10018 c; gunnies, Dingle! ««Jfn.\. llo J ,onW ®» 20(2270s woolsacks, 06058 c, "i,J J 00 COHN—Tim lower quullllfs were Ann, ueliiif scarce. Other grades were steady. Consumers nro buying only for immcdlalo wants: Choice hurl, 8® i’ 1 ?’ , "* ,p a, brush (hat will work Itself Into a cuo co hurl broom, 7MOBe; Rood do, <5M070 ; good to choiconlnlk braid,7ofdo: Inferior brusli,CQCc; crook fl(l, JlodlM VC. i MATKUf AT,B—Continue fairly nctlvo Mli’blgau stucco, $1.2.702.50 { New York stucco, $.1.0001,00; Louisville nud Utica cement, $2.00: Alu-ondo, $1,75 7i) lirl; I’nrtland cement, $7.0007.02 brli jimo In built, 7()c0SI.OO; lliuo (brls), $1.01»0i1.25 I V bri; while Hand, hr*, 1 $1.5002.00; plastering Inir, t? bu. 42c; lire brink, per 1,000, $.1.7.00000.02: iiunulnß-brlel: (coinmnn), $1,520(1.22 ; Milwaukee nud line tie preyed. $27.0i)®U2.50, del.; Indiana, proußcd, ?I nil°. ( ?. w,UOs uo common. $10.90012.02. OHLtiau—The cheese market maintains a firm tone. aus supply of Abo goods 1b by no mcntii largo, and m no ! ,ff .holders a very conJldont feeling Ih mnnlfosled. irnde Ih nnj particularly active, but It In mi good mi In past years ntllils senton, and oltr Jobbers seem well pleased with the general oltunllon* Wo advance our quotatlnna of Western Me, oh follows : New York fac tory, 13,^0141*0; Western do, 12M@l3Mo; low grades, e^llc, COAL—Prloca nro (Inn, and without quoloblo change. IhudncHs U picking up oh the weather becomes cooler, nud to now belter than at thin time last year. Wo quote : Lehigh, $10,00010.50; Lackawanna, range, S3.BU ; Lackawanna, other eizos, $9.00; Pomisylviiula cauncl.S9.oo; Indiana cannot, $7,00; Erie and Walnut Hilt, $7.50; Lick Iluu, $7,50; Ilrooks. S7.QO; llloiis burg, SB.QO; Docking Valley,; Indiana, block. 19.50; Mtuonk. $5.50; Wllmluglon, $-7.00. COOPERAGE—Was quiet, uttd little lieltcr than nominal: I’ork barrels, $1.8001.S3; lard llorccs, $1.5001.55; Hour barrels, 48053 c; whisky barrels, $1.9002.C0; pork slaves, rough, $15.00® 19.00; do, bucked, $18.0U®22.00; tierce staves, rough, $20,000 22.00; bucked or flawed, |2i1,00®28.00; whlflky staved, r0ugh,525.00028.00; do, buckwi, S23.UO@;i;i.CO; flour staves. 87.6008.50; circle flour heading, 7JifoOc. EGGS--Were In active requeat and llnu at 20c for strictly fresh packages, FlSll—Doth Uko and saltwater-cured nro now meet ing with an nc.Uvd demand and are very Arm in price. Iho relnllvo cheapnesH of flah la beginning to attract •he attention of consumers, and a continuously goad demand may bo looked for. Tho tendency lu while flab, and one op two other descriptions, la to ad vance. No. '1 wblteflsh, M*brl, $5.15®,7.2.> : No. 3 do, s*.co®r»,ls: No. 1 trout. $1,5204.75; No. 1 shoro mackerel, now, >;-brl, SIO.GO@UJ.76; No. T bay,58.6008.75; No. 2 mackerel, M-brl, $7.0007.27; family mackerel, tf-brl, J(J.O(/@0.25; No. 1 shoro kits, $2.0002.20; bunk codiish, Hummer-onrod, $5.7300.00; George’s codflfih, $0.00®0,25; Labrador herring, split, brls, $8,5000.00: do M-brl, 54.25@4.5U; Labrador her ring, round, brl,$7.0008.00; do, M-brl, $4.0001.25 : Columbia Elver salmon, M-brl, $u.76®10.00; ocean trout, 2 doz and 4 doz. 59 case, $2.50 FIIUITH AND H wan advanced another cn;.t, Jji sympathy with tho Lantern market, but in oilier fruits, both foreign and domestic,.the general tendency Is still downward. Wo quote: Fountas— Dates, t)j*oU'c : Turkieh primes, 12Q12JJC : roi blub. layers, old, $3.0303,15;' raisins, loose Mus catel, 51.6003.tK); ruldns, Valencia, 3!P<;OUc: Zanto cumnts, 707M0; citron. 84®a:c; lemon pc6l. in 020 c. Doitunxio-Old apples, fair to prime, 8a llo: fancy North Carolina ulloed, HM0l2o; now Lidlima and Southern, M®7.Vc: poaches, halves, tn.-f ®lOMc ; do mixed, B®9c; blackberries, new, 11M0 12/s°; raspberries, 37039 c; pitted cherries, 32@:tio. £*; OTB r7* 1 JIBUKlc; almonds. Tetragons, 23® walnuts, 18® 10c; Grenoble walnuts. now. 14015 c; Drarlls.lOMQUMc; pecans, Texas, 10011 c: rn Uuc T> >1“ "monil qiulll.v, 7010 c: Touuosseo pcanuls, 800 c: African peanuts, ca7c. v ’ * i,u ““factory buslnees wan accom i|d.,uthlai?cp,arJ.meu,» nntl full previous prices \\x V? r l ' Jallzc <J “U around. Coffees are very linn, ami bid fair to go higher. Tho tcndcncvcf sugars Is also to ndvnuco. Soaps, nplces; and candlta arc mov ing frnoly at firm rates. We quote: ■Ui-CUnn. Hoda—7o7^c. Uorrixs-Mocha, 31M035MC; O. O. Java, 31M0 choice plantation 60y fa,,1{7 Ri0 > choice do, prime 1110, 2a.q@23Mc; good do, 21V® c jnnnoa C( l' 2a -v? 2u>^ ; roasting do, 18L>® s,n P a P or o*fftVa,2Jvo24Mo: Costa Idea fanev. 2.®2i0; do, prime, Maracaibo. 32,'*® f»~l?L a T\, f 1111 ,™<&exo; stoarlne, full nolght, 140141, c - do, bhurt weight. 12 Vorje. liw«2—iatna, Rangoon, Caro lina, B>.,oß>(cj Loulfliana, 7'f®9c. ’ Buoabs—Falentcut loaf, 12«0I2?;c; crushed end powdered, granulated, llli®U’ic; A, standard, ll?,@UMc: i\o No. 3, I). n«/@ Xlho; extra O, 1101lVo; O No. 2,'li)j(®iojii; yellow, O No. 1, ; choice brown, ICH;® dn'^S 1 - 0^' 1 . 0^10 -? 05 f «‘ rd <W 4 '®9;<c; common do, B\@Jc, choice molasses sugar, lU,'a®lo>ic; fair do, 9;*409L0; common do, B’4'o‘Jo. r-rS?Vw"' n^po ond d^rs * rllvcr drips, extra line, 8J@88o; good siigav-hoiißO sirup, C507Oo: extra do, 7B@d0o; New Orleans molnßecn, choice, 850 TitX do J‘ rimo ’ MQMo: do common, 7O072o; Portu Rico molssscc, choice, Cj®o3c; common mulosscs, 35 ®4uC, B.vr.ERATUSr-Coramon to bosk, 8(39 vc. , ai ‘ l , G^— Allai’lcc, 17 ; doves. 05@00c : cos- Bh, JJC«a.«c; popi.c’, ‘Uj^UOo; nutmegs, No. 1, SU.'rA I.GO; ginger, African, 2j«28o; do Calcutta, ItfkW? iv.stjlwl 0 .?”? 1 .! '“»“>«>. «,W»«0! Gol.le.iWMt; 4,V3d0, Mhilo Lily, OK(SO,Vc; While Koso, CfraCTc • ralui, C<3oj*o; Savon Imperial, white Itus* Cliaiu l'alua, True Blue, o «.£« A r? Ir n®^ vor doss, o^oiOo; common, flaiOo; pure, o^iijoe. OULI-.N IIIUITS—Were ratltor dull, though tho offerings were considerably smullor. especially of peaches and smaller fruit, tho season fop thorn belli" nearly over. Grape* and apples wore abundant, dull! f?. d £™ lonß ln X 09 * 5W.00@11.011j apples, per hrl, S2.OC@J.OO; poachca. 20®10o per box or basket: choice do, fiOfflGSa; poara, Coc@sl,oo per box or basket: Cnnrord grapes, a3®400 per basket; Delaware ?,l u i Catawba, in liaaketa, 75(5!'JUq ; cranberries. JIO.OO&U 12.00 per hrl; California poara, $3.0t’P33.r»0. H AY—Tho market waa rather dull. Tlraolhy was weak but not quotnbly lower. Timothy, prime, No. 1, $1j.BO®1(J.OO; No. 2 do, $14.60; mixed, $13.00 : upland prairie, $12.00®12.50; No. 1 do, $11.00: No. 3 orßlongb. $3.000iy.80. LoohrNr.won Waqokh—Tim othy, $U.(K)(n)l(j.00; prime, 9,00®12.00. HIDES—-Tim receipts continue light, though Rllchtlv on iho increase. There is a good demand front city lanuois, and dealers are buying more or lota to 1111 orders. Quotations: Orc*>nc*ty bulchora’,7«tfo; green cured, light, o#c; heavy do, aMirjUJic; part cured. <#OTSc; green calf, 15c; veal, 12c; dry flint, ISflM'Jc; dry kip, 18c; dry salted, kip, u&lSo; deacon skins 450; grubby, scored, out, or otherwise damaged two-thirds prices; branded, 10 per cent off. „ nvva~Wero in continued good demand, curt firm at astsiOc. Xu© receipts arc fair, but meat of tho lions are rcahlpped East. *«u«ux»* lUON ANT) OTEEL—A fair order Intslucrs In tho aggregate waa transacted at tho rates following: ir0n........ 3 (il.'J2-10 ratoi Hoiso-.hoo itimj („■ s rates Plate iron, common tank 4c tr ,-> rate* 8S aormiTOl'low etcol ..,.10 ilflln Vlb Coat plow Stool i-;' 12c %) lh American loot steel ...30 (.viro *) u, Chrome tool ateel is u -i,. • vj KnglMl tool .Id „..S ~T« i A,.. Biirlni! «lotl .a !,;.u aid r irSb.‘ l,rll,s “ l,!Cl ~J <>»- nUi.i tire. L in (siiovff» » n, dr^ l ‘ A w lfc:il ~ aon,c ,n *s'ri>vcment In Din country a r«i7i U ?' uppurent, but tho movement is mill \v, Uo t , onoi ’ °? I“ lcefi wJbtinucs in buyers' favor. " 0 make no change in our list: UKMLOOn. City harness.,.. Country hamcmi Linocuy, 1b.., Kip, city, y Jb... Kip, vciilo city upper, Xo. i, « ft, Country upper...,...... Collar, « ft Calf, city Calf, country NoiiflU upper, standard, Kmiyh tipper. dumiitfcd, JlutJulo hlaiicntcr hc10... “U. A/'h010... r% t. OAU. Kin l.M® l.!fc i g l- * 1; rrmioli culf, Jmlol ss oSii.K 1-rom-li cnlf, 2. to till llfl.i:. rrimoli liill, no to 101) |Lh ' i ,Ss 7* METAI.S AMD TI.NNEHB- BTOOIMrJjS t V"? mulling, but fair, ami tliH Jn<llcutinii!i ora that tt wilt Sow!*? 80 U,rouellout lho fal, ‘ nro steady, ml Tl* I’Utk-10. 10*11. sn.Bo; d0,32x12. Sp 00* Ik ?2J.0ij L,511: do * ro ° mm ’ Ux r ot Ic » 11 .00; do. I'io Ti.v—Largo, 28c; small. 20c: bar. iiOa Boujuji—No. 1, 20c; No, 2,18 c, do L BXo~ i,|tf ’ 7fcc; bar, Bfc(rji!o; lead i-lpo, Sfcc; cut Covrtn—lJollomn, JWo ; sheathing ronjior. irv' Hmukt Zino—-I’uli casks, IUo; leasquuullty. Blubs, 8;. 4 c, j> '•* * Bnup luon—No..2l, Go rates: Itnusia Iron, 8 to 12 inclusive, 20a: do, No. 1 ctaiuud, ll»o; American iius uta—A, 12c; 11, J2e, Wiiu:—Nos. 1 toll, Oo; 7 to 0, lOo; It) toll, Jin* 1G llftc; liipuu H. 13l<;c; is and Id, Ho; 17. iq u ’ is' 10o; i», Ilia; GO, 20o; fad bundle, M iscr ccut’dls count; fence wire, be. NAILr-tVero llrm under a continued good domain! and moderate stocks, gates: llltfCOd, per kei» tm- Gd and 8d do, $1.00; Cd dQ, 51.1*5; -id do, |4,SU s3d do* $5.25; 3d do, line. J11.75; clinch, $1.23. ' ' NAVAL HTOUKS—Were quiet and unchanged • Manilla rope, V IN, Hltfl7o; sisal rope, y lt> i:i 'jo • hemp sash cord, V lb. IHfl'.'Ju; nmrllno, wjb pi WSOo; tarred ropo. V i 1». 17(ijlHo; oaktmi, V 1u10.J3.0u (.ail.Od;, pitch, V Ini, fG.OiitftuiQ; tar, y brl, jw oOtiS 0.5U; renin, |J.r-otf 0.00 ?#br). 01 LB—No now features of special importance worn developed in thu oil niar.iut. Trade In reported good, and thp market dlsplayou llrm tuna fur ail standard poods, The only change noted to-day was p. advance in turpentine. We quoie: Curhnn (standard white), 115 deg, test, l'j>/tfl3i!j do Illinois legal tost, 150 dog., Is(,'i headlight, 175 deg.. extra lard, strictly winter, uxim lard, enrreut make, fl.Oritfl.P); No. 1, U3(<iUso; No. 2, TJGJSdo; linseed, raw, Hs.utM7o: do, boiled. ytK^DGo; windo, 7f1.*)77e; nponn, rj.iur<s2.2o; ncatiroot ml, strictly pure, $1.10; do extra, Mo: do. No. 1, Hdo; lunk oil, Bsu; slr.dtH, COo; elephant oil, UJo; plumbago oil, 7Gc; lurpen tiuo, -ilylfto; naphtha,o3 gravity, uanhtho, common. 13e. I'UTATOEB—Tho rccclpla wore considerably larger, and the market rather weak, buyers generally being dhimsed to bold uiV. Illinois sweet potatoes Mere , lower. We quido; Marly llneo, 7Uo in earn delivered ; do per Im Inuri store. Cf.'jtfrtae, Bweel potatoes— Hwcet yellow Illinois, j2.Ut)tf2.QU per brl; do Jersey, roULTUV—Chlekons wore very dull umler largo nnd nccumulaUng slocks, mid a light local demand, Prices were variable, Turkovs wore steady. Wo quote: Turkeys, old rhlekenK, sJ.lM(ai3.2s; eholco springs and mixed, J.OJ; sniuli and fair springs, 51.75(32.23 tgl doz; ducks, 52.75(43,25; goose. pH.UUtf U.CO ; pratrlo chickens,; mallard clucks at |2,60, VfiuUon hums, ICo %l lb. HELDS—'Timothy wen In fair demand, ami a shade firmer, Beilina at $3.25@3.35. clover won quoted $5,75. Bales Juclndo 7B baps choice timothy Sn/??•* 0 * * ,a ß n I>rlmo at J2.CO ; 474 baps do at $2.55 iGO haq.i nond at S2.CU j 53 baps nt s2.l7jtf; 00 baps at $2,45; ICO baps at $2.12, V } 200 baps fair at *2.40 ; 00 iwrb poor at *2,3.1; 43 bays medium clover at *5,76; 18 imps fi.ix at |i.7fl. ’ .. market was moderately nollvo and ?* !l iV; ft^ lJonaft « !X nni l Sa«lDftw, fine, *1.00; Canada, uo, *l.oo/»»; ordinary course, $1.00; coarse diamond c and Rromulaolar, *2.00; dairy, without Imps, $2.75 Qpfy haps, SB.CO; Ashton dairy, per sack, |1.0( a,nouil t of sales van accomplished IV.- l * department, at steady prices. Wo roi>cat nV,-sj-''l Q > ous • , loun K hyson, common to fair, I,l®' dootl, or.i.tCr.c; do, choice to extra line. 05c®51.05; common to l\uo old hyson, ns(Sio6o; con mon imperial, 45(i4C00; pood to choice do. l)sc@ ’•< r^VV*, 0 .? 11 fl'inpowdor, 70(»85o; choice Plur i^. > v’ii l, . 00(rtl , ,1()s c * l . ra Moyuuo, *1.30®1.33; choice r»/^-r^ a fi°) v dapnn, o.icßsl,oo; common to pood do, fi>®«so, Inlr lopood oiif, fiOfanr.i:; common do, 85® choicS7o n T,Vri:aKi: 8 ’”® ,,,0i Boca ’ l. A £? o- ™" 1« aatlTo ami alrong, Than. al l! mm aiiooiilaUvo liniuiry, lint Uio demand Is tiddly conaumMiva. Woqiinto; bw“^mt4£’ MS2UOi h "' f “9™! BatoKiKo—Qood to choice, 32Q33c; medium, 30® 31 o ; common, asosayo. ’ ’ * >w '» WO°D-Tlicro Isa light inquiry for wood nt Ihn into MT ull^: J? cc . c H'. maple. hickory, Sy.UO; slAbn, ss,CO—delivered. • 1 Wool/—Wan firm nt the quolallous annexed ; Uood to prime tulMvnsiicd r>3®s7c Poor to pood tulMvaßhod 45^523 Fine and medlumwashcd ilccco 47(k'3t)e Coarse washed deuce 40r«415e Medium and coarse uuwnshcd Fins unwashed 2700320 Uumcrchantablo and burry wool, 6@loc leas.* THE LIVE-STOCK 31AHKKTS, , . , ' WKDNKaiuY EvEWixo. Sept. 30. ITio receipts during the week were as follow# : Monday.... Tuesday. . Wednesday Total Same time lent week..,, *** Week before Inst,.., Shipments were as follows Momlny. Tuesday. '■T0ta1...... , 9 709 ~ ' 9;S J, *F” ,J v hO fwlvala wore Jew linn linlf no large n? JliS 0 ° r or lha clay before, but the eupply k . OUHa 'Q was larger than on either of the pro. ccillcti d.ija of the week; the amount of mmole! Block v-f‘n I V.WV f«mnit little short of 0,030 hoftcl. Vrhilo the diminished rocdpU served to arrest tuo downward course of prices,they did not enable bqU- r n-i ovcr on y,° f tbo gimiud lost earlier In the : V W C * 110 “ewmblngoof buyers was large,—shippers. «n C »'il’. r i 3 , , . l i :si;^ cjrs ' local butchers being in numer oub litiLudaiJce.—but there was no apporauco of acllvlty m.,i l ‘?«? C i! ia V. local or outatdo buyern and, despite the oxcrllouß of holders to “ close out." only n email percentage ortho stock was disposed of. S a,lß f UMlal * Bnlcn making nil I lv *' s I , or lljlu Tosnna and scalawagona r. 3 ’c??H°, lo i‘. cxlra eroded oteers. McElhanoy & w)'* if* 1IoDl ! (, ° head, averaging I, CM W at the latter figure. With this exception, however, wo , La !?“ a °( U0 'wmacUou. Nt over *5.75. Most oi (ho e.?i- "£ll* wnfl d ,°noot prices ranging downward from ar ° , full 01 unsold cattle, and tho market closed dull and heavy: * _ QUOTATIONS. rA°T. cs—arai3c<lßtccrfl « uvorn ningi,33o to 1,550 ItiS . ° u * emnnnnn Ohoicu IJiioves—Pino, fat, wellfoVmcdVyear 4 °®°‘ 7 0 d Bloe^ ' i, avor£L o l Dg 1,300 to Good UoovM-VftuV&UoiVcdVnilVly Vormod 5- ™ 6lo ' O:> steers, avenging 1,131) to 1,000 Ilia 1.23 CM "3 Mod um Grades— Steers lu fair llcsh, over- U aolBB 1,100 to 1,230 lha . 3 750,1 K Hoteliers’ Block-l’oor to fair slieri mid “ common to extra cowo, for city Blunehter averaging 850 to l.lOOlbi., ‘»soI®iKn 1 ®iKn Block Cattle—Common catUo, in decent ’* ® ‘ llcsh, averaging coo to 1.050 Ibo Inferior-Light and thin cown. hdfJrs. Btaga, bnlio, end scalawag rdeers 3 «■;. £ a |}°“"£ exr * B ' cl, o | co corn-fed.. 4.25*0*75 CntUo—Toxur, wintered North . a ocwsTm .Caltlo—Texas, through droves * 1 *75(33*75 * CATTLE BALES. * * ‘oOTettu cattle,. "eS ,££'• 145 Texas cattle **'inn-. *7^! 13 Texas cat Ho.. ‘ft. ft lot Texas cattlo n*J ~ 25 stock Htccra *.*.** jkq ”ii 15good Btcers ’*"*****j 7-- 32 steers and oxen I'ltoi j «*.*{ uo stockßtoow..,.S*.S l22ColoradOßtccrs..... * ’Vrt 13 stock steers {’mi ™ 21 medium steers i'i« Vi,/* 33 medium sloars !’*“j!li:i iVu/ 10; i Texas Btcoru VlCl 85 Texas steers I’ni.i mVi ri) Colorado steers * !**l , o.Vi* •■ •0 81) Colorado stccra ' * 1 ’«jjt 'IV-s J;0 Colorado steers V-- .'.’in 91 Texas steers S.j n‘J.» 8 calvcn 303 553 ” “ ou "“°“ »i«m ::;::i,i63 m-j 47 medium steers ■ luj , 17good Btccrs..., ~,,,,, 17fair .leer, I."!!"I;”" 1 fe l.« good steom i jmo r j.t 41 Cherokee Btccro.. *yo) 13Stockers .V*”* ‘*7 ,> 24 eulves uXt aicaivcß.. $i -Vs al a! 11 ') 0 ' 1 * ! \ c.Ho m S° lc ° 5.50 01 lexos steers Vn o h.i 11 gnod steers..... j jyjg .JAV af ?Ti A wry roapoclublo aggrcgVto of r.dca'wao to-day, but Uio trading M - as done at a iK u l li clded Ruction lu ibices. Tho amount of i i^ 0 * >o i ,s , ( tuc | u< lbig tho stale hogs! was aome whorolu tho neighborhood of 30,000 head; conßeouont «.i rs wero easily convinced of tho propriety of accepting tho lower bids of buyern. I’iicts were very Iu luA , tl |»co3 their dccllno did not exceed 10c per 103 lbs, while other sales showed a re fniu. i- rt of o 1 !® 2 " 50, T . 1 12 aVor;i <f° depredation was 5- U f, J < 1 M *. n Bu , l «it with tho hulk at v j,j3(a,o, u o. 4ho followh>g ura noted ; Ao. .lr. /VjVv.l .U1 217 $-UCi CO 22 J (uo W am I CO 2-18 (i.;is| ! f.» 2:15 c.-to aa 335 0.15 CO I'.K) O.Ul) I'D ■•;«) «.i!S 24 370 0.(10 US IYO (1.20; a) 2M £ 0.20 ICO 177 0.00 28 2151 (UO CO 2‘W 0.2.» 08 220 0.23 Cl 208 0.25 60 UIJ O.R'J 53 231 0.00 52 200 0.70 50 , 220 c.r.o 08 220 C..M 03 208 0.30 3J 273 O.'JO I'O 271 0.00 63 120 BHKlill’—Thu Bln j)rh;ce. 3Vo quota 4.50. Jt>. J'rice.\So. Ai\ J'ruw IHi —l>7 $0.50 40 223 M.'JJ •1:1 2*7 C.85 s;| 2:w 0.23 1 ™ WW 'two I fil 2i4 7.00 nil 218 fi.i'j |W-a mo- oja 121 aao 0.-io !!*•» 2;>l 0.53 40 it:y r.ui :61 271 0.35 07 35,1 5.21 fit 200 fI.CO Ufl 2!I(J 0.25 | .10 142 5,25 07 200 0.2» 170 211 O.Jifj Co 185 C.IU fio til o.;i.* 57 DM) (1.05 fit 20i) 0.40 Oil 2JO 0.40 181 255 0.40 or, 217 C.<o W 2(50 0.00. jo 241 0.50 1 0i» 210 0,40 00 201 (1.5U 70 200 (UO 5.5 2;U O.fl) 05 211 42 2.50 0.50 .u too 47 :kw O.flO 4J 2.J7 0.40 01 270 0.8-') yo 228 n.DO 40 200 0.80 20 205 0.50 HI . 201 0.25 77 180 5.80 U JUO 7.21 2-4 MO 6.05 100 211 0.50 05 UJ 0.25 121 227 0.40 .5 .ns* a? . itt'o JH . -t‘i . civ. im , ?uoo 1.o:j -■& a« Uiit 1M l.llil l.dfW. 2,15 aw aa SWtf S*7 120 & UO iccp trade waa qu j poor to cliojnc, i % HUITALO. uwrrALO, Sent. ao.-c.vm.u-Uccdpls to-dav 830, making tho total for th« week thus far 0,080. ifnrkot In ely at about Vo off on good cattle, fcc on common, end Me on Ji»lf-fnt medium from last week’s priced. , at , ! , ro of 1)U >cm good from all cectlona. Sales Ht .-M , T;.. ran . Klnß from J, - n t0 ll*o, at ? 1 ;W , ® (5 .y7.V; •Mb Illinolo steers, ranging from 1,235 to 1,401 Ifid, nt ss.Bo('ijo.B7fc' ; 200 Cherokee steers. ranging from«2sto 1,120 lbs, at $4.00(7M.82fc; 180 Kentucky steers, ranging from 1,225 to Jlh, nt {0.00M,0.:i7W.; .100 Ohio sloara, averaging 1,037 to 1,507 Jim. Nt S4.B7.fcfa 0.50; 50 Mkaouri altera, ranging from 1,001 to -1,172 lbs, at $4.73(a)3,75; 800 .Michigan steers, ranging from 075 to 1,221 11.8, at $4.()0(34.b7fc. flnuKi* aki> Lamus— Itccelj.ts' to-dav, I.fiOO, mak ing the total for thu week tUuu far 1,400. Market ac tive, Sales, 2,500 Canada Imubtt, ranging (12(-t7;t, »t si,o7fc(jjss.oo. * * llood—llecclpts to-dai*, 4.2C0, making the total for tho week tliiiri fur 21.000. Market active, I'rlcen weaker, Yorkers, |3.7s(£tf.Sl; heavy Jiogv, $0.75517.00. bT. I.OUIH. Hr. Louts, Sept. 3tl.—llium—noceiptfl, (1.G92; dull and lower; Muckers, f1.U0®1.50; light, fi.oU(3s.tiU; Yorkers, sj.2stf 3.6U; bacon, 5j.5Utf5.85: butchers’, $0.‘J3(.T(j.75. Oattu:— llcrolptu, 1,000 ; quiet market for good (Trades; good to ebolco corn-fed Texans range ats3,o(l (iii.OO; cows and heifers, f2.00Q3.75 5 coarse to good heavy oxen, 52.2553.CU; fair to choice native steers. 53.55tf5.76. CIIICAUO LUJimilt MAKKIIT. WIUINKSOAV Kvicniko, Bopt. 30. About 25 cargoes were oifured this morning. Local dealers wura in fair attomlauco, and bought freely curly. Thu supply of plueu stuff was liberal, and thu demand not so urgent us u few days ago, but prices were fully mislahicd, sales being made at 50.00 Ponc ing was llrm at fJ.OOtf Hliluglcs wore in oxcea hlvo supply, ami dull, at 52.fi0uj2.U5. Quod boards and strips quutablu ut srj,l)i'<ild,tiu. ar tiiu vauuH, The Interior demand is fair ut thu prices given. Common lumber is very llrm. QUOTATIONS, Firstcloar........ Kocond dear, 1 indi (o ll ludi Third cloar, llm-h.,,., Third dear. lldrk Oloar llouriui/, lut uud lid totfuthor. rouull. Url.oo 040.C0 Oloiir aiding, Ist nrid 2d Find common aiding Urt,OJ ©IU.OU hmmd common nhihift 14,0il (2*15.00 riooriuif, Opal cominun.drcßnod 01,00 i-liiIU.UU rioonnif, Hocond common, dmutid... 25.00 0420.00 I'iouriiifi, third cummuu, drciiKod 17,00 oiu,oo A waijuu-hox boardu, ndoctud, 14 Indummd upward..,.,.,, 03.00 040.00 11 wni'oiMmx boarda..,, 23,0u 000.00 A Mode iHiardH 03.1X1 WIW.OO ll dock boarda ao.oo Ciiw.oo Unlock boarda...,, U.OO 010,00 Common boards, outride fordvy 10,30 012.00 Julwt. scuntUiiu, louduu, timber,lCfout . uud undue ~,,,,,,, 10.60 @13,00 OHICAGO. Cattle, Jiofjit, Sheep, . G.iiiia o,;nr» aar . 4,588 17,1)71 1,205 . 2,100 18,000 1,200 .12,853 45,200 2,382 .18,804 84,811 • 3.510 . 0,700 31,283 1,023 Crttttf, Hon*. S/itei . 1,301 8,781 .2,31:1 <5, 003 2200 M4LKfI. Pnovmoxs—Mess pork dull, and nominally 224.00. *“ JpHWiia; hliouldora. KVjo ; clear rib, 15«tfo; bams dull at 14<£10c. Lard dull and nominal; rofluod, 10'£o for Western Bumm—Unchanged, Coffei:—Unchanged. I’KiuoLijuM—Unsettled, owing to the advance in freights to-morrow; not quotable. Wuxsuv—Firmer at SI.OB. _ ST. LOUIS, St. Loom, Mo.. Sept. 30.—Cottos—Quiet; llttlo doing: good ordinary, 13Ve. I’louu—Quiet and weaker; comd rales ; lower: sit porfluo winter, 53.50{.?,3.75; extra do, &Lotifti.33: douiilo extra, $1.35(34.76; treble extra, ?3.00(i33.00: family, $3.50«0.00; fancy, $0.23®7.00. Guam—Wheat—Offerings light; firmer; only sam ple lots sold, Corn scarce and firm; wanted; small naira; white mixed, tile on track, Oats—Buyers ask n decline; little done; No. 2, 53®53,tfc. Barley—No. 3. 05C531.00; No. 2, Rye quiet at OIQOJc. WiiiHicv—Steady at $1.04. PnovwioNS—Pork lower at $23,00. Bacon quiet and weak; only small Jobbing sales; shoulders, luc; clear; clear, lf*o; aucllon salesehoulders at OVc Mdfer last half of September; buyer first half of October. Lartl unolnnged. let at unchanged nalahlo at $2.60 Rkckiuth—Flour, 5,000 brls; wheat, 13,000 bu; corn 3.000 bu ; oats, 24,000 bu; . rye, 10,000 bu : barlev' 1.000 bu. * ** I'novisiDKß—Pork nominal. Bacon dull and droop ing; shoulders, 10'io; dear rib. 15‘i@n; 0 . aun-ir cured hams, lutfo; plain, 33c. Bum mcato dull ami Irregular; shoulders, ; clear rib, In,'©i3e, Lard liiJvO. • ' Whisky—<l.o3. Hkjumub. Copt. 30.—Cotton—Firm; demand /rood middling, U?.fo; sulco, 1,200 bales: receipts. 7.05* bales; export*. 203 bides ; stock, 11,851H)aloa, • Ftouu—Quiet at sl,Uo<aß.Oo, Biuk—Steady ct $21.00.* * Ouain—Oats dull at Ole. Corn very dull; no Bales. I’noviHioNa—Uacouldull; shoulders, HOvc; ald<w. 13j$©HJc. Lard quiet at 151j©lllMu, I'ITTSUUItU. I’lTTfijiuiio, Sept, 30.—Ouain—Wheat unchanged* Pennsylvania ami Ohio red, $1.12©!.15; white, $1.15 ©l.lß. Corn unsettled; old shelled, ttUQBOc s old oar I) 2© Wo; new, 70uJ750. . 1 ’ Petuoleum—Crude quiet, 00©92j at Parker’s: re flued firm at 12^012^0. 1 im.ADKr.rnu, Sept, 3i). Bkeaubtupfs—Flour lu fair demuml; winter wlicut dull and weak : spring superfine, $0.2503.75: extra, s4.(tC©lßo; North western family extra, $ii.25(«;7.23 ; State, Indiana, and Ohlodo, $5.f1U©(5,25; high grudi'B, $3.0008.75. Uuain—Wheat dull; red,,2o ; umber, $1.22 ©I.VC. Bye steady; Western, $1.05. Corn nominal and neglected ; Wcntcrn high mlxod,sl.o2, Oats dull: white, oir*jG2j; mixed Co(st>oc. ’ I‘exuoi.eom—Firm; refined, la’iffiiaifos crude hold at fi'i'o In brls, and 4'.ro In bulk. Whisky—-$1,07, Bui-run—Firmer; Wcrtsrn prime. 33© 33c; do fair to good, 27®300; choice Wwilern roll, a:i(ii)3Bc. Ciuunjß—Firm; Wuitorn prime 12i<i(3iyj-re. Funs—Steady; Western, 22©21 c, Oswcoo, Bopt, CO.-Ghain—'Wheat dull; No. 1 MUwaulioo club, $1.17. Corn dull at 050. CINCINNATI. ,J30,00 (332.00 . 40.00 (/j4U.00 . as.oo cu)4u.oo . 4J.00 <i£ls.oJ Cikoimkati, Boi*t. yo.-~Vx.oun—Dull ana uu cluuiuiul; family, $0.13(33.33. Uxuist—Wiu*at dull uml pomhml, Corn nuiot and mu'baujtea «t 83(3850, Oatu Bcnrco nml linn at CJca fi-itfc. Ityo steady; moderato demand nt ÜBc. 11«£ l«y—No. u Bnriuif dull at $1.03@1.H0; No, a fuUlncood demand at Jl.lMaiMO, “ Oir.B Uiiclmu«ert. Kuu*—Dull unit <iroo])ing at I8i?, Dumai—Steady; moderate ttonmnd. UmX'K—Good demand at full m-leea. I'noviaioNH—l'orlc nominal. Wd quid and tin. clwiitfiul; tmumor, Hulk quiet; elioul dovu, Oo; nldea nominal. Datum quiet uml study* shoulder*, 10u; clear rib. clear, 10c. Wiuuuy—Steady; moderate tlomaud ut SI.OJ, DUTUOIT, SxnoxT, Bcrt.Bo.—riova-Qulot and unchanged .TolßlnnclMnnlllnii, 18to24feot 15.00 (313.00 mi.' **n*aro 12.0(1* (.i'UI.OO IJojcots, flat U,OO fri .... g ««r posts, round, BQB inches 17.00 (~;3.',.00 *g |i huiubiob on track (A) CHICAGO nitV.HODIIS JIARKCT. Onlr a r.le Evrsntci, Bepl, 00. bailment of tbS, ry.eoortTmJ;{Vl“ l ! l Tn‘ 4,1 V nliown linnpnvn«a...» P. 00H,, market, bill (be movement w,lh . tho (bo recent Actionof a im? ? with orfl.lDokliißto an Ur {Sn ®o,;»«f°Jr I,n ?. Innll " facl,lr ' textiles, Rives to Iho miSSt; ifr£S?V ,c ,0 «^ of ?P iton nnco of bviyors tn newon i« ««V l,or l ook « Thonttoml «oon In former years at (bis sinun rTr n ftr ®® 03 wo , * ,avo liberal business is bolnn accSmrtf.! i o^?" 00 * , LIU , a metlinm of‘‘mallonloM’> ! ,c<l tl ‘ r0l, ((l» (bo will compare favorably wlllrtbo BV S?aM of m°ni 'L alca sons at n corresponding norlod * laGt Bca ” Imllcaliona of uu as-van™"i, 4 *'£,/!" bon gradual reaction from tbo UonrcMlnn imm ko y ,0 actctjxlntt the market, and, amoSS Sbb fl 1 « l °R. clw, i*' nollrcaiily Josh prensuro to sell. In carnal.., hcr ?. ln movement Is fairly animated, Tbo wJvj « l Kn l V lO cnland Interior buyers malm a K to for standard goods of dosirablo ilfii retains a Arm tone, Bluco our last *i tnark f l Imporlaul prlcc.chajioofl.wcro o l nm ZS , Ma£ nU ° bro ™ 3UUKKTH BY TELEUIUPU, Noreluu illnrhotn. lUnts, Sapt, 33.—rentes. 02f AJii’o. '??*,*?? 3°‘~CoUon Qjmor; prices n frac tion higher: middling upland, Tffos.i • orlfinitflu. aales, 13, ooj bales, including 3,000 bales*fora snculaHmi ncSSSSlaff W£^CC“' , Co3> Mo ’ ,r > "■ M- Tho Horton Wool Mnrkot. Bostoh, Sept. UO.—Tho wool demand contlnuea steady, but moderate, manufacturers continuing In SoS J?.'. I,IMr ° l,r f ««“ •“■i In S anda t with email lots oholM. New Vorlt »rr-«iooi|. ninrlict. trn» 7 n°S:» 30- ~ ln U “ market there * JJSI' V acl “B a movement lu staple domestic i , i 9 i d° o(ln t td l ' l flannels, and the job- Jj*?** 1 w *“ f allrl ' y ;° llvo - Cotton goods In sliady demand ut unchanged rates. Heavy brown cotiomi more active. BunnelM prints bavo been closed out to a large Jobbing house, who are selling thorn at BVc Sffii? 1 ? fa V cy .“I 1 * 1 fllJ Q*baml prints and IlnrlcJPa tidM,and= reduced love. WooltUuuoU In good deT Tlio Produce Markets.' 1 „ BUFFALO. Buffalo, Sopt. 30.—Guam—'Wheat—Nopleeted Oat? neglected; buyers awaiting lower rates Corn dulUAi unEcttlccl; OO.CMbu No. 3 toarriTauSri 8I10I; ealos at 89®'J0o for small lots. uty * c » n . w °k T fl-—lllBaor; wheat and corn, 80; oa(«rfc Canal Association disbanded. ’ * * a ' u '“ c * VT „ „ . NEW YORK. New Tons. Sopt. 00.—Comm—Nominal • Bales iu balta; middling uplands, lO.^o; do Orloino, l&'o* I «w« r t°o e I>t9 ' balcn J gross, 2,010 bales ; futureo 1 n?rw * B , lles ».^' o( ' o bales; October, 15 0-32(315 * ,OVom bcr, lßJi®i.»o-:j2c ; December, 10 7.32® kWi n V ai 7r' 13 . 7-10 c; I’obruarv, ifi 21-32 Ola 11-ICo 11 March, ICo; April, 15 5-10010 u.3*v« May, lC?i®10 21-32 d ; June, 1029.32010 15-lCc. " ’ FLoim—Receipts, 14,.'.00 brls; dull, in buyer’s favor • ouporllno Western and State, £1.4004.80: commSu to good, $-t.0C@8.45 ; good to choice, 5u.6006.80 : white wheat extra,,|;nßs(£is.4o; extra Ohio, $5.0000.85 • et ®3 U 4O dour and easier at $1.20 Con.v Scarca and Arm ; Western, $4 nnai 73 Ouaik—Wheat—Receipts, 133,000 bu ; &@lo better : fatr export ami moderate homo trade tlemuud •No a 5 »«ihwSli!2•■JSn* No. 2 Chicago. $1.11M@1.12; No. 2 Mil wuu);to, $1,13,V@1,10!01d No. 2 spring, $1.1901 on • common old No. 1 M/uncaota, sl.2l®i.y2Yunpraaod lowa and Mlmiopota spring, $1.0701.25 • now No " Minnesota, SI.W; No. 1 spring sl.2T§{ 27 Jawin'- er red Wcstetn, 51.2001.23; new amber do. ti.2i® 1.-,», common to choice whlio Michigan, ti.3031.4U: ohl and new No. 2 Milwaukee mixed, Ryn v U Umlf MOS i sc ' Barley quiet and heavy. Bariev Malt quiet and uncaaugcd. Corn—Receipts, 117.0C0 , a n 5 1,a(10 - flru l er i modorato demand; Western ?.'i S O .-' high mixed and yellow Western or®i)7J4c, Oats—Receipts, 44,000 bn; lower; mode’ wbUe*do Wo & dcc^n ® ’ lulxo ‘ l Wcaara, 68(S03o; Hay—Uucnaugcd. Hops—Unchanged. , '?/. l ,M™?r C^r a ’P 6 quict * , flu ß 2r dull and nominal- Jto.aesoa unchanged, like unchanged. ' 1 ktrolkum—Firmer; crude, BWo; refined. 13a Rksix—Firmer; strained, $2.60. Toupjwtink—Firmer 5 spirits, 330. Koos—Quiet; Weatoru, 22@23c, RnovisjoKs—Pork active; now mens, 522.33. Beef ?.|‘^, 0 “P n '. :l , tailuk ' t! “WiIlM lower; lona ctar IJfnjlJJ.f, Lard lower; prime steam, 11c * crn, U 2?(i : ?r7. I>rlmo btoad y; oth cr grades heavy; Wc*t- On—Unsettled ; common to prime, H»f(ai4-«'c nts“lO. KV "’ iimor3t|l,o3t3l, ° ,Jj clulllu ß flriuiy; , M KrAr.s—Mnnufacturod copper steady; new sheath- Jng, Jo®Jlo ; ingot lake firmer at 2U/@2l Vc Plc i\oii—ScoUh quiet and GVm at37oloc; American qnkt umi heavy at 24®30c. Sheet—Russia. ir.tSiir.jtfc. F a a rn. J S n r mlnals 1 cu f’ 5J.0503.75 ; climm, $&6 tifl.CO; horseshoe nominal. . ' ’ „ BALTIMORK. cbS U ° nE * GcpS * ao, "”*' toUß and un- Guain—Wheat quiet and steady; Western, imnrovei demand; No, X rod und amber Western, Ji o <u ho. 2 do, $1.20 ; No. 3 do, $1.135}1,15; white West era. $1.2U@128; rejected do, SUI(/ai.l3. Corn did tml nominal; Western mined, V(K«fl)8o. Oats nuie and steady; Western railed, (10®cic ; white Wont era, 63®C80. Ryo Armor at sl,oJttl.o3 JUv—Dull at 517.110010.00. SuirMtutTS—Wheat, 2,000 hu; corn, 1.000 hu LOUISVILLE. ‘ * Lontsrn.Li:, Sept. 30.—Cotton—Quiet at 15 Vc RjutAtm-umi—Flour aud ccroals quiet and un hanged. MEMPHIS. Cohn Meai.—riut at si’2o. PHILADELPHIA. ÜbUEGI), lUTt?* No l i Ca «i * no,, '' ra, ° demand} extra, JlilS Sc » l - ™'-i”™tsioa,ly and In mod* Mn\ra!fk7o*'tuov“ l Kn i I s o ‘J,'i r , at<> ! No. 1 November, ' i ci Oo[, )bor. tblj/o ] Com lower; fl' 1 “""W i No. a Mo. ilulcUmtOrmi No l V i. V a « »*«• Bj. ■J, $1.03 i oSol.or.jlm^vo 1 !?'!!; •'“““tobaca. No, I’nKtmiTK—To Uurrnln’ 'iTri Ilrnrirta-Flour. Bmo i^nri 0 ’ W. 72.w0 bo, .000 brU, oala, 200 bu; whool; 47» IS - Fl<,nr ’ 2 ' oMM ’i ‘»'MOObu; wheat, _ „ CUiVELAND Cleveland. Sept, ao.—(iium wi, * , . nominally unchanged, n—‘Wheat quiet And offissrarsis? ! »*«; 3.m^ a ~ vnuu> 28 ' 000 bu > WSO bn:, _ TOLEDO. Toledo, Rept. 80.—Flouu—Pair and Arm Oiuik—Wheat opened Arm nud clonedmin . v* n Whlto Wabash, |UM { No. -1 wblto M SilSan *1?&! oxfr»do,sUßtf; nmlcr Michigan. JX.O7W • No. 3 red, $1.14. Corn qiUot and weak oSI mixed, 8l*o; November, 70 •/« •now SLW C9c; December, 07c; low mixed, 830 sno cradj «<# moilcr;lto demand } No. 1,6835 51 <V C ! Michigan, 520; while, rejected coa* PiiEronTs—Dull and unchanged.. ’ J ’ ooe * 7.TOTi7^'i]aoTb b .; ,ai waoa4 , 47,000 bu{ corn, „ NEW OIILEAXH. B3 P(* B«.—ffMinn—Dull: double n e ' * C 'V°ft u ‘ 75 • Choice. ' CorutluU ‘ mixed, li7owe. Oats dull at C 4 mt K 7h Q n ctat fUfc(?M.2O. I*ho7r.S o ; choice,soo.oo. salt HbouM^^Ti 1 ?. rk dull #nd nominal nt J2.’.00. Dry ntrong it iK UC ?r Wc * o con »»S 13c.4UvTe* riff^-A^ l0y<o : .Mams— Ordinary dull at Haiti Mloico? m“ Sraioii.*''- I'® 1 '® Llrd '"“PPly 8 “mll7-OulU , 10i(o - Ko mntomca. 1.12. Qnlct, Nouialiua, $1,07*; Woalorn, $1.07® Coffee—Quiet; f s | r t0 pr , m . Cra.VMEAi—Dull; fre.h, °- -Stiffs MAUINE. Pen ot Chicago, Hopt. 30* ‘ , „ AHUIVED. Rohr Great West, Sheboygan, lumber,- Ari , u<lcl, Buohoygau, lumbor. S» r c ?? ua Cheboygan, lumber. 8 #“s.°“* ailt:bo J - K«J, lumber, Bohr Oily of Tawaa, Eric, lumber. Dark Uuadllls, Buffalo, salt. Scl.r Imperial, Mwnomluee, lumber. Hour it. J. Bkidmoro,-Pent water, lumber# n';IJS n* t J ?, 10r 5 Lu i l,, igton, lumbor. Slbro. J. Boeder, Horn's i»Jor, wood. Bclir L. W. Perry, Ford illver, lumber. Scow Counter, Wblto Lake, wood. Bebr L. Doak, Bt, Joseph, lumbor, bebr Ironsides, Cheboygan, lumber, Bchr I illmoro, Alpena, lumber, ,* Bebr Besnio Doalt, Manistee, lumbor. Prop Champlain, Ogdonaburg, flumltitiL otinr Chicago, Manitowoc, sundries. Prop Philadelphia, Buffalo, sundries. Scow Bpray,.Holland, wood. - Dark Gen. Blgcl, Cleveland, coal, t DarkE. Jones, Buffalo, coal. Prop Scotia, Montreal, snudrioa, Bebr i. Palms, Cleveland, coal, Btmr Corona, St. Jo, sundries. Bebr George 11. Watnl, Buffalo, coal Bohr E. P. Bogers, Little Bay, lumber.- Btmr Huron, UouUi Haven, sundries. Prop Lake Breeze, Benton Harbor, suaOiicfl: Bohr Cuba, Green Bay, iron. “** Sebr 4i t^aG^SOU » Maulalio, lumber. SlmrjlitJEkOKon, Muskegon, sundries. Bebr C. G. Mirer, Glovctmd, coni. Bohr John Magee, Oswego, coal. Sclir Granlbam, GiMlorlub, salt. Bebr D. Lyons, Oswego, coal. Bebr Champion, Bay Oily, lumber. M. Becra i umbor# Bebr llosa Bello, Muskegon, lumber, lug Clematis, Posbtigo, towiur. Barge PcehUgo, Pesbtlgo, lumber. Barge Advance, Pesbtlgo, lumbor. Bebr Evalluo, Buffalo, coal. Bebr American, Oawego. railroad Iron.- Irop lloanoko. Buffalo, sundries. Bebr fit. Lawrence, Buffalo, coal. Bohr Ebeuwer, Muskegon, wood. Bebr S. Q. Andrews, Little Traverse, woc'A iug Bismarck, Menominee, towing. Barge E. 8. Bobluson, Menominee, lumber. Bargo L. L. lyson, Menominee, lumber. Bebr Emma, Oborlovuur. potatoes. Bebr pharlotta Hoot, LudlUßlou. lumbar. Bebr Bride, Grand Haven, lumber. •»' Bebr Magnolia. Travis, lumber. Bebr Undue, Muokogon, lumber. Jug Now Era, Grand Haven, towing. - Barge Wolverine, Grand Haveu, lumber. BaigcG. I. Allen, Grand Haven, lumber. Barge Co. D, Grand Haven, lumber. Prop Missouri, Buyflcld, sundries. CLEARED. Slmr Corona, St. Joseph, sundries, Stmr Chicago, Manitowoc, sundries. Prop Lnka Breeze, Renton Harbor, sundries Mluuio Coriott, Muabegon, 30 cds stone. Scow MUton.JVhUchall, 50 bag* feed, 3 tona braa, and BCbr J hiy EUiuwot>(1 * iruto Mw. 10 bria beef. 15 tons Schr Bello Brown, Ogontr Bay, COO bu oats. SObrto dour, 20 brls pork, 5 tons feed. ' Schr G. S. Hazard, Buffalo, 58,000 bn corn. bchrL. C, UulchinHon, Buffalo, 40,000 bu wheat. Sebr O. L. Young, Buffalo, 21,478 bu corn. Barge Alert, Peshtlgo, 3 brls beef. SchrL. D. Coates, Muskegon, Dumfries Schr Lizzie Doak. St. Jotoph, 20 brJa flour. 10 6rlfl Bait. fcO kegs beer. ' Stmr Muskegon, Muakegou, 21 brla Port, and flan* dries. ’ Slmr Nashua, Ogdenshurg. 6.C00 bu com, SOO brifl flour, and sundries. • Stmr Nashua, Port Huron. 20 brls flour, 10 brls pork, Schr Potomac, Jacksonport, 170 bu oats, 10 bales hay. and sundries. Schr Blackbawk, Stony Creek, sundries. Stair P i ade-pbin, Buffalo, 100 brls flour, btmr Philadelphia, Erie, 1,100 brls flour. Tffiko Freights were In moderate demand at 2%e, 2v<V and fie fop oats, corn, tml wheat to Buffalo. Tho following vessels were engaged; For Buffalo—Sebrs Roil llnnscom, wheat at 3o • barges Young, Russell, and Graves, corn at prop Scotia, corn, and prop Badger Btato, wheat and corn, through; schr Butcher Boy, oats at 2,Jtfc, To Sarnia—Prop Caldwell and V?*'K‘ , .9 roimvoU » «rn through. Total, 0. Capacity. 4j,(10J bu wheat, 235,500 hu coni, and 33,000 bu oats. In tho afternoon rates on corn advanced }.(c, under an urgent demand for vessels, Tho following were taken for corn to Buffalo at 3o and oats at 2#c: Barges Intcr-Occau and Argonaut (latter partly oats); Forest City and Ballemlne, corn ; schr Hemisphere, corn, owner's account. Capacity, about 200,000 bu ooru am? 33,000 bu onre. Illinois & JHh’hlgan Canal. BiucnuroiiT, HI., Sept. 30—1:10 p. m.—Arhivcd-* Montana, Uiku, 0,000 bu corn; Peter k Paul, Ottawa, 5,600 bu com; Nonh Star, Ottawa, 0,000 bu corn; D. T. Wright, .Morris, S.SIH bu corn; prop Whale, Seneca, 3.000 bu corn; prop Atlantic, Kankakee feeder, I,CS'J bu corn; Messenger, Kankakee feeder, 4,500 bu ooru; Shamrock, Rocknurt, 5,200 bu outs, 223 brls flour. Cleaheu—A. Woolson, Joliet, 04,008 ft lumber. BniDuni’onr, 111., Sept. 30—0 p, m.— Ahujvbd— Grade Griswold, Mluooka, 5,000 bu corn. OIEjUUU)—II, B. Goodell, Joliet, 83,557 ft lumber; Georgia, Ottawa, 02,412 ft lumbcrjCayngu, Locknort, 3.000 it lumber; Isabella, Peru, 103,753 ft lumber; Sunrise, Joliet, 84.400 ft lumber; Onondaga, Ottawa, 73,215 ft lumber; Hidoiu, Henry.-18 m lumber; Con test, Morris, 33,077 ft lumber: Gold Rod, Pecu, 10 m lumber; Merchant, Seneca, 74,510 ft lumber, 225 m rhlnglos, 7,050 lath; Norway, Chlllicotho, 02.031 ft lumber; Gipaoy Quecu, Henry, 0m lumber. jlllsrcllnnoouo. Chicago, The Bcbra Falcon ami Norman are receiving remain ct'lUllor Brothers’ dry dock. ** 11 —Tho river is still crowded with craft of all kind and tbo Harbormasters have tboir bauds full lu keen, 'lug tlio oUiitmol clear. 1 , at llju doclta has greatly Improved during tbo lust few days, ami hopes aro entertained that tbo fail trade may yet turn out better thau.wus at first uii tlclpatcd. „r A . U> i c S? ll . av ? , I>o£!n . rorcl ™d hero that tho bark Board of Irade, belonging to Cant. McGrow, of this c ty, which was sunk near. Toledo under suspicious circumstances, has boon raised aud taken to Grand Bivor. Nothing could ho learned about that augur- ELSEWHEUE. Messrs. Fox 4: Howard are about adding another dret go to push tho work on the harbor-improvement at bhoboygan, —The Lark Massllon, which got ashore on Graham Shoals, blraits of Mackinaw*, a few days ago. Is in good repair again. J a * —The sclir Conauello, recently nshoro at Fighting Island, was released Sunday utiornoon. —A Canadian propeller, said to be tho Lake Ontario, in ashore lu the river at or near Ecorse, having gotlen nehorojuat night, she la from Chicago, with flour and wheat for Montreal and Brockviiio respectively, She Is at present lightering. “""Al liuU'ulo. the other day, Arcs woro started under tho hollers of the prop Arizona beforo they were filled with water, damaging them t:o seriously as to ncccasl taln it-ylug up tbu steamer for the remainder of tbo season. —Seven flrat-ohua steam-tugs orb laid up near Iho Detroit dry dock at Detroit. Koarly (bo same number uro also laid by ut other points on (bo river, and Mon day Iho Geu, McClellan wiui following suit. From 'resent appear-mcoi It does uot scorn probable (bat boy will 110 brought out again. —As noon ub tho model mid opecllirnUona nro com plctud Moran). Wolf to Davidson. of Milwaukee, will eommemro work on the now rldewbeel sloamer, to bo constructed by tbo Fugleman Transportation Com pany for tbo machinery of tbo burned steuuier City of Toledo, * I —Lato Recounts from tho Lark Monarch report that Bho was Ijtng biOHiUldo on, with unu rail umli-r water, llcr cargo la 6CU tons.of coal. It is rooky bottom, with n good many boulders. Tbo Oantuln had not ’ t inuou hopo of ogling her olf. Ilowmi mmosbmit fmir hours after a tug at Detour, and tbo vtwcUunJc within tea minutes after his return,