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A FRENCH WATERING-PLACE: SaliuS) at the Entrance ,of the Jura Mountains. Appcavauco of Hie Town—lts Do strucliou by Firo in 1525. Politics—Views of an Anti-Repub' Mean Deputy. How Snlins Was Tnlcon by tbo Germans—Tlio Baths. Correspondence of The Chieauo Tribune, Salims, Jura, Sopt. JO, 187 L Tills little town, situated at tbo entrance to ibo Jura Mountains, Is not so wotl known ns it deserves to bo. Having boon overshadowed by tbo famo of Us more fashionable neighbors In Germany, tbo saline baths escaped notice until tbo war put Gorman waters tinder tbo ban. It Is uot so vary long since tbo railway was con tinued boro, that event being nearly synchronous with tbo dale of tbo establishment of tbo Wator- Cttro, 1853. Now, bowover, Saline wants nothing but publicity to make it ono of tbo favorite re sorts 9f tbo Continent. Lying in a fertile valley between two lofty bills, it reminds ouo of Byron’s description of Nowstoad Abboy t It stood cnibopomed In a happy valley, Crowned by high woodlands, whore tho Druid oak Stood like Cnrnrtaciifl In net to rally Ilia host, with broad arms ’gainst the thundcr-slroko. Tho Druid oak is indeed not very abundant, but in its, place tboro aro two forts perched upon each side of tbo valley, which effectually shield It, or ought to sblolclit, against allottaoks. But, as.wo learn after a little whilo v tbis was not tbo case.; for tiiey woro not ablo to keep Ibo Prus sian out in 1871. valloy runs one long street, stretch ing, a.distanco of two milco and a half, including the fai^hourga,—for Baling boasts tbia important appendage of larger, tovf ns, although only num bering 0,500 inhabitants. Tho appearance of regularity in tUo architecture cannot fail to escape tho.attonlion of a stranger, which is ac counted, for, by the town having boon almost totally DESTROYED DV FIRE in 1825. On tho 2Sth of July of that year, an old woman was cooking in a house, the chimney of which caught lire. A high wind raging at the time, a brand, driven by the storm, fell on a thatch-roof,'which spread tho conflagration. In less than two hours tho inhabitants of Baling wore fleeing before a whirlwind of smoko and flame, thafc.was fed by barrels of oil and vitriol. A powder-cask, that was supposed to have boon hidden .since tho invasion of the Austrians in 1814, contributed to spread. tho. disaster ; so that soon the fire extended over 1,000 yards, and consumed more than ,200 houses. Tho nows of tho catastrophe startled all Europe, and Charles X, distinguished , himself by sending 400,000 francs to tho relief .fund, which rose afterwards to 1,000,000. Biuco then, solid- stouo houses have averted a similar calamity. POLITICS are not so excluded from tho life of Saline as might bo imagined. Tho anniversary of tho 4th of September brought thorn cut. Ou the even ing of that day, of workmen, principally viuc-drcsacra, marched through the town with a red flag, singing tho Marseillaise. I learned afterwards that tho troops wore under arms, mid several rounds of .cartridges had been served out; but happily no use was made or required of them. A Polieo-Scrgorvut wout tho length of capturing the obnoxious banner; but that was nil,*—not a single one of tho noisy, rovolors was arrested. The incident was repeated on tho Sunday evening following, witn rather moro demonstration, but, tbo authorities showed ox* coptloual prudence in allowing the movement to pass off without, giving it prominence bv adopt ing repressive measures. Last year, distinct In structions wore issued by the Duke do Eroglio, prohibiting any celbbrntion of tho llopublio; but Gen., Cbabnud-Latonr scorns to have taken a wider view of tbo situation. It was curious to hoar tho comments of tho bathers. Perhaps there may bo something calculated to produce a timid form of Conservatism in a \Vator-Onro establishment, although a cold salt douche ought to favor a more vigorous tono of mind. Btill, the chorus of voices, malo as, well as fo-' male, joined in deploring the excesses of these Radicals. One of the inmates— A DEPUTY for a Department ia, the North, and Undcr-Soc rotary of. Stato from November to Mav last— gavo us some curious particulars of French poli tics. Ho commenced otllcial life in 1848, in the Ministry of Justice, and one of his first acts was to interdict tho singing of tho Marseillaise, bv order of. his superior, Tina gentleman, is tho beau-ideal of a Conservative. At first wo took him to bo nn Englishman, from tho old-fashion ed bluc-and-winto neckcloth and stud-up col lar. Probably nincty-nino pooplo out of a hun dred would have no difficulty in hitting upon tho word characterizing his appearance. “A most respectable-looking man," would bo tho general exclamation. Mr. t — has tho air of a snug country-lawyer,, who might, by dint of concilia tor}' manners, and attention to business, attain tho status of n Chairman of Quarter-Sessions. It is an equally easy thing to predict that ho votes with tuo majority in tho Assembly, and, although so mild-looking, has a pretty decided bent to Bonapartism. Of M. Thiers ho speaks with a shako of' tho head, as having next door to ruined 1 tho country,—in what way, ho leaves to your imagination, aided only bv somo vague allusions to perils which that dangerous statesman is supposed,to have engen dered. Though oagy-going, and apparently froo from extreme party-prejudice, ho declared that there were not, to his knowledge, ton sonsibla men in tho Republican party; and that such a thing ns a CdUHervativo. Republic was an impos fiiblo Utopia. What this Deputy alleged chiolly form of Government was, that it could not insure a . GOOD SYSTEM OF ADMINISTRATION, Tho Empire, ho said, had taken eighteen years to form'a Civil Service, and. out of tho Prefect oral Corps one-third was mediocre, ono-third in competent, and only tho remaining, third really efficient. By so much the less perfect woro tho men of tho4thof September, who camotolUo, work quite inexperienced, and inherited no tra ditions of. sound administration. If you hinted that so much administration was not a good thing, ho replied: “ Well, you soo, tho French are so constituted, that they must have every thing done for them, if it is only tho lengthening of a wall dr tiio pulling down of a tree. So that, if a Prefect comes who knows nothing about tho machinery for lengthening walls or pulling down trees, and has tho honesty to toll you so, why. you go away disgusted, fooling hardly treated by the Government, and disposed to place yourself among its bitterest enemies. Wo are not liko you English, who can got on without any administration at all." •* And yet with all your administration, you cannot form a Government," wo rejoined, •• Yes," echoed one of the ladies of tho party, “ that. littlo, detail certainly is wanting." Marshal MacMahdu was alluded to with but scant respect, ami tho unani mous opinion of tho company was, that ho hud no political ideas, and could with dilficulty im bibe those of other people. “in fact," said tho Deputy, with an unwonted burst of candor, “ ho is stupid, and does not know how to act." Bo much the worse for tho men who put Idm in such a position,..was tho thought mentally uttered, though not expressed,, by us. AS FOR THE MINISTRY, they .aro not expected to hold together till No vember, and even tboir Conservative friends can soo nothing to desire in them. When they open their mouths, wisdom docs not exactly full from tboir lips; and, at a reception held by ouo of tho members of tho Cabinet, ho looked at tho Hoads of his Department, and bowed them out without saying a word, Tho personnel of the ofiico ex changed a stare of wonder and merriment, which soon was exchanged for a burst of laughter. It is to bo feared that 1 tho art of ruling is not ad vancing in tho centre of civilisation. Tho port played by Baiins in tho late war, ns before hinted, was not a very brilliant one. It was only during tho closing week of hostilities that tho spiked helmets woro soon in this valley. No preparations had been made to rcooivo them, as tbo armaments of tho two forts consisted only of eight emootli-boro pieces of 10, six rillo-can cou of 12, throe ditto of 10, and novou mortal's of 22 centimetre (b 4-5 inch) diameter. But many of those ancient pieces of artillery had only a limited range of any value, and could not bold out. against a regular attack. Besides, all tho troops to man thorn consisted of ICO men in .Fort Bella and BGO lu Fort Bt, Andre, with a bat- of &labiU&oß and 100 txum of the Garde National© Sodontalro. On tbo morning, of tbo 211b of January, strong columns of tho ouomv, estimated at from 8,01)0 to 10,000 mon, poured into Mouclmrd, a junction on ibo : lino to Dijon amt Bosaucou, and tbonco PUSHED ON TO BAMNB. According to tho local statement published about these events, tho moans of defense wore far from taint- well orcanizoil. Tho oonminiulm.t of tho Mobllm, oral Ills onicorn, woro not ui) to tholr work,. and novonl actually roqiiostoa ponnlmlon soevpln thonmhulniioos. With such a opirit prevailing, it was not won iloi-fnl that no offoolnal roslotanoo could ho iiiiulG. On tho niolitollUoailh-aMh, a I’rasslim ohlcor on horsohneli roilo through tho town to r .S , ‘r lr ?;.. ,Vitllo,lt InL '°nng with tho slightest 5, f!'.!? 11 »“»«nt provioiißtyreferred to explains this, in some degree, as owing to drunk enness on tho part of tho sentries. Not many hours afterwards, tho nttnok followed, nnd, in nplloof the oxcollout natural position, and tho two forts built by tho genius ofVnuban, and bearing the proud device, u Noe pluribus Irapnr,” n capitulation was oomo to. For, as Du gftld Dalgotty ways with truth, “ Whore cannon wore perched, like to Hearts or non-gulls, on tho top of a rook, ho bad over observed that they astonished mpro by their noloo than they dismay ed by the damage which they occasioned.” Tho commander seems to have boon a man of Scott s hero’s typo. On being offered tho sur render of tho town In tho Mayor’s name, tho Colonel exclaimed furiously: “If a not tho town I want j give up tho forts, or I'll bum Balms, as I have burned Moucbnrd,” Tho armistice como to solve the question by putting a stop to hostil ities, and saving the honor of Forts at. Andro and Bolin. Tho losses of the defenders oamo to about seventy motf. the simnou.vniMos of Saline offer considerable Interest. From two neighboring lulls Mont Blanc is soon, and a long range of AJniuo snowy peaks. Mont Poupet is tho principal height within easy walking distance from tbo town. In & couple of hours’ climb nn avorago walker can bo nt the lop of tbo summit, 2,600 foot above tbo level of tho son. There aro various other excursions in tho neighborhood, ouo of which has a historical interest from being tbo supposed sito of tbo bntflo won by Julius Game over Vorclucetotix, Chief of tbo Gauls. This la tbo Village of Alcala—modern Alftino—in Francbc-Comto, now part of tho Department of tho Doubs. Until tho year 1853 tbo Village of Aliso, in the Coto-d’Or. bad enjoyed tbo reputa tion of being tho spot where tbo power of tbo Gauls was subdued before tho might of tbo Ho man logious; but, according to Investigations sot on foot by ibo Emperor, tho opinlous-of an tiquarians bavo veered round in favor of tho former place. Tbo manllo of Napoleon in this rcsuoct has fallen on tbo Duke d’Aumnlo, who is said to bo devoting such time to a study of tbo to pograpbyoftho sites as his military command at Bosancon will allow, ills nephew, the Comte do Paris, passed last night nt Saltos, nnd visited the forts. Tho place was quite agog with excite ment, and our Deputy hastened to pay jiis re spects toMousignour at tbo Hotel; but, thoPrinco was quite adverse to being fated, and loft by rail nt noou. I bavo loft scarcely any room for the most imporfant part of this straggling communica tion, viz: to say a word in favor of THE hatub hero. Their composition is bromo-cblorulo of sodium (bromo-cbiornroo flodlque). the properties of which are eminently tonic. For functional derangements Iboy aro unsurpassed by onv in Germany, uot excepting Krouznach, to which the Snlins mineral waters are most akin, Tho arrangements in tbo Establishment aro on tho most complete and sumptuous scale, at a very moderate rate. Bedrooms can bo had from 2to 0 francs a day. Table-d'boto breakfast. and dinner nt 10:20 and 5:30 o'clock aro B franca per diem, without wine. Extras aro very fow, and tbo baths avorago about francs. This is for a forty-minutes’ warm salt bath, with from 5 to 12 quarts (litres) of sea-water' salt. Balms salt can bo procured at Boris, largo quantities bsiug dispatched thither. Life in tbo Establish ment is very pleasant,—a blending of French politeness with- Continental unrestraint being predominant. Tbo profcty garden, and tbo sbadv bowers, with murmuring fountains, aro conducive to the tender passion, and, although most of tbo “ patients ” bavo already done with that element in life, or bavo not yet attained tbo ago for Cupid’s darts, yet exceptions may bo mot with. Balms water has the .property of making “eyes look love to oyns that speak again.” Not any application of belladonna could mako optics sparkle cs they do in tho case of somo fair visitors boro. Tboro is a reunion at tho card or work table every evening, at which, howovor, no pockets aro emptied or reputations blasted. Of aristocratic visitors this year, Saline oau boost of tho family of do Moltlio, Ambassador of Denmark in Paris. Madamo is almost as gay and sprightly ns when iu tbo diplomatic box ou some great field-day at Versailles.. She is a youthful blonde. L. Two London Notabilities* Lftler from Col . J-'ornci/to the Philadelphia 7Vmj, Those glimpses of suburban ami villa life in England wore happily contrasted by an evening among tho litorniy men and artistes at the rosi donee of Mi's., Dion Boucicault, Logout siroofc, London. Two continents remember Agues Bob ortson, “ the diamond star.” of tho stage, her graceful beauty, gentle humor, and musical tones. And when 1 was liratiuvilod to meet her, alter so many yours, X was prepared for those changes of timo proved in gray hairs and matron ly avoirdupois. But I found the beautiful girl ripened into tho lovely woman; tho mother of live children,. graceful ns Sire. Dion Boucicnult was when she made groat capitals ring with praise of bor gifts of mind and person. There wan not a truce of the actress. Noth ing could bo more natural. A lady in everything, considerate,, well-poised, and per fectly at homo, she was liko ono who had boon roared in privaio life and had never known tho dangerous applause of tho theatre. That rare charm which makes a lovely woman more love ly without ornament is hors. Tho tnot that makes everybody happy and at in born quality, invaluable in the. artiste, bocauno never taught in tho discipline of tho drama. All bor children wore present,—Eve, her oldest daughter, and Dion, her oldest sonant tho din ner, and tho next daughter,, and tho next sou, and tho baby at tho reception afterward, Tho English hour ’of their mother and tho French chanson of the second boy do lighted everybody; and when the last of tho live, tho littlo Boucicnult, kissed us nilgood night," it was a picture for Moissonior alone to pumt. Of those present, and there were a good many besides Mr. Moilichael and myself, 1 will mention only Charles Kendo, tho novelist. I expected to lim! an aggressive, an gular, ostentatious social despot; but imnglno a figure liko our William Hollers, of Phihulol phia; with gray, almost white, hair and beard, soft voice, excellent address, and au evident eagerness to plouso and bo pleased. Slightly deaf, and therefore not demonstrative, it was still not necessary to force him to talk. Ho sought others, ami was, I noticed, that excellent thing in man and woman, a good listener, Mr. Kendo is an Oxford Professor, a D. 0. L., and a prodigious worker, ami, I should thiuk, a very amiable person in private life. Ho novor once talked of himself, was dressed in plain black, and seemed more anxious for famo as a dram atist than as a writer of fiction. Ho is engaged on a now novel, hut I did not ask its title nor when it was to appeal’. Ho spoke highly of hla American renders, and when I sent him acopyof my Anecdotes ho returned a note written In plain, open hand, which 1 shall forward to my friend Ferdinand J. Droor, of Philadelphia, to embalm among his library of autographs. If I can get him a photograph of tho author of “Peg Wellington," “ White Lies," “Put Yourself in His Place," and “Hard Cash,” I shall expect a world of thanks from that indefatigable collect or of tho caligvaphy and countenances of famous men. MPtao Prosperity of an flmliumi (Farmer. c* Correweiuleneeof the Tij/lnlO.) Star, On Tuesday wo woro driving by tho residence of William Fleet, of Eden Township, and wo spied Mr. F. flitting by tho roadside on a fence, under Ihe shadoof a largo maple tree, smoking his pipe. Wo said, “Takingcomfort, Mr, Fleet?" "You," said ho. “I am enjoying the shade of a largo tree, which, forty years ago, I trimmed with my jack-knife one day while I was at work splitting rails at sll per mouth. They woro clearing up the ground, ami cut down many very handsome little iimnlcs, when I selected this treo ana requested, as it stood in tho fonco-row be side tho roud, that it ho loft standing to remem ber mo by. It was then not thicket than my wrist. I was then a poor hoy, and worked out for a living." Mr. Fleet then gavo a sketch of his adventures in . Indiana nml his experience among tho Indians, in his joking way. How ho entered 1,0(10 acres of laud on (ho PoUawottamie Reserve, and afterward traded a half intercut iu it for 100 acres where his residence now stands, and how afterward ho wanted to soil it nud couldn’t, uud then how ho shouldered his ax and waded into the forest ami foiled (ho timber on 20 acres. Tho relation of this bit of personal history was in teresting, ami more so since wo know that foriy threo years after Mr. Fleet trimmed Unit littlo maple tree, while lie was mauling rails at tho small wages of sll per month, ho sits comfort ably smoking his pipe under tho same tree,which is now more than 2 foot in diameter at the trunk, and surveys over 1,100 acres of well improved and fertile land, worth 8100 per noro. Jlodoeo more t ho counts his Hooks by tho thousand and his herd* by the hundreds, uiulmsUole by tho THE CHICAGO DAILY 'TRIMjNE; SATURDXy/DcTOBER 10, 1874, thousand. nml bis wealth by ttio hundred thou- Bauds. All tho result of hard labor, honesty, ami economy. All in forty yours. THE POSTAL TELEGRAPH Iff EN« GLAND. The rmplovincnt of Women. London LflOrPfrom Cnt, Fortin/, Wo wore suddenly introduced in the groat hall on tho last or flflti story of the General Post- Office Department at Bt. Marlln's-la-Grand, whore tho chief work under tho system which has produced those results is performed. It was amnglosccno. This was Iho “ Provincial Gal lory,” a spacious and lofty apartment, well lighted and ventilated. At first it looked like a vest concourse of sowing-machines, all at work at tho same moment. Tho suparllclal npaco oc cupied by tbo instruments and staff la 20,000 square foot, while tho space occupied by tho desks extends nearly three-quarters of a mile, Prom those data you can imagine tho extent of this vast and Incomparable hall, Tho number of persons employed in this ouo gallery is about 700, at loost Ihroo-fourlUa of them females, Tho num ber or persons employed In the whole station on all tho doors, is nearly 1,000 of all classes, and where upwards of 30,000 messages bavo boon dealt with in a single day. Of those 1,000 em ployes GOO are mate telegraphists, 700 femalotol ographlsts, 200 messengers, nnd tho remainder engineers, mechanics, etc. Tho great feature Is tho prominence given to female labor. Dose than 300 fonmlo clerks woro employed lu tbo central olllco under tbo companies, but now tbo number lias increased to- 700. A more pleasing Sight than tboDO 700 young persona busily employed on tho work of tbo Nation can hardly bo con ceived. The occupation Rooms to bo thoroughly congenial to them, and from: tbo dignillod lady superintendents down. to tbo “ sweet girl gradu ates with golden hair,” who can scarce do more than lisp their telegraphic alphabets, all scorn to havo imbibed a large share of that enthusiasm which obaracterizouitUo presiding genius of tbo department. We bavo Iioro ; female telegraphists in every stage of development, from tbo coy liltlo maiden, who Jilts noiselessly about among tho Instruments and collects tbo messages, ana tho “ sweet girl operator with golden hair,” about to take her “degree” in tbo “ art" of perforating, to tbo full-blown Wheatstone operator, and tho clover nnd accomplished lady elorks-in-ebargo, who preside over all. Tbo cheerful nnd satis fied air which pervades tbo whole female staff is evidently duo to tbo superior consideration which has boon shown by the department for their comfort and accommodation. Dining, retiring, and cloak rooms aro provided; while privacy and decorum are amply secured by separate entrances and exits boiug provided for tbo male and female staffs. It is uot a little amusing to walob at Bp. m., when tho duties change, tbo constant stream of females out of the galleries by ouo door, and tbo opposite streams of males inward by an other, for it is considered a misdemeanor for tho members of tho different staffs to exchange con versation with each other within tho building. Tbo male clerks are employed oblollv on night duty, which is worked by different relays, com mencing nt Bp. ra. and finishing nt Ba. m. Tbo female • • clerks do tbo duty during tbo corre sponding, hours of tbo day, in sols, working eight hours a day, or longer, if necessary, on ovor-tlma payment. Tho pay of an avorago male clerk in this oHloo is 25a a week, oqualto about 07.50, and that of a female 14a to 10s a week, and tho rate per hour for “ over-time" varies from 4d to 9d, according to tho scaloof weekly nay. It wood scarcely bo stated that tbo Post-Office has added largely to tbo number of employes of • both sexes in Telegraph street since it acquired control of tbo telegraphic sys tem. Tho female additions bnvo boon five to ono, and for that Mr. Scudamore deserves well of hifl country for tho very, liberal encourage ment which it is well known ho is disposed to giro to tbo increased employment of fomalo abor hr-telegraphy. It is said tbo number of females employed by the Post-Office Depart ment, In nil its offices under tho now system, amounts to 8,000. Fow of my readers will bare known that the American example in this respect has boon eo generously followed by Groat Brit ain, and All will bo Impressed by tbo difference in tbo compensation paid by tbo two countries, I think tbo lowest salary paid in Washington to females is $lO per week, and some range as high ns 61.000 a year, while the overage*is S7GO. It wilt be soon that the hours aro also shorter in America. A lady Department clerk in Washing ton rarely works longer than from 9 to 4; while her English sister is occupied, as -I bavo shown, from Bto 8. But it cannot bo denied that the latter has certain advantages of her own. Bho buys what she -oats, and wears at astonishingly low rates, and she is rarolv dis turbed by tbo cry of economy, or, so far as "I can loam, by tbo foul breath of calumny. It seems to bo tho general verdict, confirmed by ray own brief observation, that tbo women nt the rail road restaurants, at the Lost betels, at tho theatres, and in tbo shops or stores aro unusu ally well-behaved and intelligent. Tbo subject of female employment isouo of groat and growing importance and difficulty, nnd it is tbo duty or government to grapple with it boldly. England s in advance of us in many respects outside of government, where America may bo said to havo taken tholeaU. But beroyousoo females filling many stations occupied by men in our country. They are dorks and bookkeepers in all the hotels and inns, in shops, and in stores. They are hair dressers in tbo same establishments with men. They are often guides in tbo show-palaces of tbo nobility; thousands are artists; and as school teachers they find occupation at prices almost equal to those paid In tbo United Btatos. As I bavo said, they aro barkeepers everywhere, and, of course, servants in private bouses. Tbo char acteristic of tbo average English woman who works forboreelf with brain or hand, is obedi ence to her superiors. Tho growing'ovil with us, tbo utter insubordination of Ibosorvant class in the groat cities, is felt boro, but only in a mild form, and this is tho more Burnrising, con sidering again ->lllO very marked difference be tween the wages paid to servants in tbo United States and in England. In London there aro thousands who got no pay at all from tboir em ployers. They live by what tho guests In many of tho bolds and boardblg-bouscs may cbooso to givo thou. This is so at tbo Criterion,' tbo now massive restaurant at tbo foot of Hogont street, which is crowded day nnd night, and is ono of tho fresh cariosities of London, and at many other groat resorts. It is a bad system, 1 admit, it necessitates a deni of disgusting bog ging, and I havo often said I was happy it was not yet a practice with us; but thoro is no inso lence, no coarseness, no profanity. Perhaps there is too much deferoncp to rank and money, as fa tbo case with many—lndeed, with all—in tbo middle class, and wo know that nothing is so contagious us a had example; but it is in disa greeable contrast to tbo rudeness too common in tbo corresponding class in America. Mounter Outtlufisli. Land and 1 Yalcr publishes tho following cor respondence, which has been received-by Mr. Frank Buokluml: Downing" Street.— l am directed by the Earl'of Kimberley to transmit to you a copy of a dispatch from tbo Governor of Newfound land, inclosing, with other papers, photographs of tho arm of a gigantic cuttlefish; recently brought to shore by seme fishermen of that island. Lord Kimberley ia quite willing that you should make such use of those papers, in tho interest of science, as you may think proper ; but lam to request that His Lordship may be informed in which museum you consider they should bo finally deposited. Koueut G, \V. XTerdeiit. OOVF.IINMENT HOUSE, Newfoundland. My Loud : Tho existence of a largo cophalo pocl in tho North Atlantic has boon ho nuoalionod by naturalists that 1 am induced to bring umlor your Lordtdup’n nolico tho circumstances under whiah one or tho arms of a gigantic ■ cuttlefish was scoured in Conception Hay, Newfoundland. With thin view, I buvo tho honor to transmit copion of two lofctcro from tho Bov. Moses Har voy, of Bt. John's. Newfoundland, in ono of which ho describes tho ulzo of tho enpturod arm of that halt, and deduces from certain data tho proportion!} of tho cophatopod. In his second letter ho describes tlio appearance of an 'almost perfect specimen taken recently at Logy Bay, though of Inferior slzo to that hood In Conception Bay. 2. I havo further tho honor to submit pho tography of (ho arm and of tho uophalopod, illus tnitivo of tho coulainod In Mr. Harvoy'o letters. 3. I trust that your Lordship will bo pleased to forward tho inclosed docu ments and photographs to tho Department of Boionoo in Loudon, to which they rotate. Btewien O. Hill. My Dear Doctor: I tako tho liberty of bring under your notice some account of u gigantic cuttlefish which was soon a few days ago hi Conception Bay. Tho circumstances under which it was scon woro as follows s Two fisher moil woro out iu a small punt, on tho 2(ith of October, off Portugal Cove, Conception Bay, about U miles from tit. John's. Observing sumo object floating on tho water at u short distance, they rowed towards it, supposing It to bo a largo sail or tho debris of a wreck. On reaching it one of tho men struck it with bis “gaff,"when immediately it showed signs of lifo, roared a imrroWiko beak, which they declare was as big “as a six-gallon keg," with which it struck the bottom of the boat violently. It then shot out from about Its head two huge, livid arms, and began to twine them round tho boat, Quo of tho mou seized a small ax, and boy oied both arms u they Uy over the gunwale of • ’the boat, ‘whereupon tho fiaU moved off, ami ejected an immouQO quantity of inky fluid, which darkened the water for SOU or 000 yards. Tho mou saw it'for n abort linio uftorwnru. oiul dheorVod Ilk tail in tho air, which they declare was 10' foot across. l Tlioy ch timoto (ho body to have boon CO foot in length, t foiit in diarootor, of tho tWuo shape and color ns tho Common squid, and' thby observed‘that it movocl in tho »nmo way os. tho squid, both back ward and forward. Ono of tho arms which they bi-ought nbhoro vtos .‘unfortmiatoly dostroybd, ha they wore ignorant of its importance ; bat tho clergyman of tho village assures mo It was 10 inctioa in diameter and C foot 'in 'length, Tho other arm was brought to ‘St.’Jolm’a, but not before 0 foot of It were destroyed. . Fortuuatply 1 hoard of It, and had It preserved, Mr, Mur ray, of tho Geological Survey,' and I 'after ward examined it carefully,, had it. photo graphed, and immersed m alcohol: it in now in our museum. It measures 10 fc'ot, is of K palo pink color, entirely cartilaginous, . tough, and pliant as leather, and very strong. It is but Inches in circumference, except toward'tho ex tremity, where •it broadens, lilro an oar/ to 0 inches it) circumference, and thou tapers to a pretty fine point. The under surface of tho ex tremity is covered with suckers Id the Very point. At tho extreme end there is a cluster of small suckers, with fine, sharp tooth around their edges, and having a membrane scotched across each. Of those there are about seventy. Thou come two rows of very largo suckers, tho mov able disc Of cadi \)l inches hi diameter, tho cartilaginous ring not being denticulated. These are twouty-four in number. After these there is ahethor group of suckers, with denticulated edges (similar to tho flrtt), and obout fifty lu number. Along the under surfaco about forty moro small suckers are distributed at intervals, making Ih all about 180 suckers on tbo arm, .The men estimate that they loft about 10 foot of tho arm attached to tho body of tho llah, so that its original length must have boon 85 feet. A clergyman hero assures mo that when ho resided at Lamalino, on tho southern coast, ih tho year of 1870, tho bodies of two cutties were cast ashore, measuring 40 feet and 45 foot, respectively. More than once wo have had accounts or gigantic cuttles cast ashore in dif ferent localities; but wot until now have any of them boon preserved. By this mail I send you a photograph of tho aim; it is one-fourth the original in size. You will readily see tho suckers at tho extremity of tho arm. Tho discs of sev eral of tho larger cues havo boon tom off by carelessness on tho part of tho captors. A few of them, however, aro perfect; anti tho omallor ones are not injured. 1 shall send you also by this mail throe or four of those suckers, the smaller being from tho very tip of tho extremity and not much larger thnu a pm’a bead. I shall bo glad to hoar your opinion of this flab at your earliest convenience. It in a groat pity ono arm was destroyed, and It tb still moro to bo regretted that wo did not got tbo head of tho monatur. M. lUuvisy. Ciipicl’H IVest Rluvt Bo I'cathorod. from ih« Erie (Pa.) Dispatch, Thoro is a Coho just entered ou tito prosy rec ords of tho court wbich will tend to show how slight a conoo may soVor two loving hearts. In this tho bouo of contention is homing more or loss -than a feather bod which tho expectant brido failed to furnish, and booauso of its lack tho bridegroom broke bis troth. Tho case is Hot down as •* Helena Borlinger vs. Frederick SI. Wagner,*capias for broach of promise, "and dam ages arc laid down at 91,000. In hor aOidavib Helena sets forth that herself and Wagner wore residents of Germany and woio engaged to ho married ; that ho oomo to Erie, aua sometime since sent word to her to como horo and bo mar ried to him, and In'pursuanco of that she carao and mot him hero, bat when It o&mo to tho ques tion of marriage ho refused to wed her. giving os a reason that she Bad not brought a-foothor bod with-hor. Tho complainant's circle of ac quaintance is very limited; sho has no relatives horo, quu is without tho means to return' to her relatives in tho Old country. Firo in Novniln* Fromthe Virginia {Scv.) Enterprise. Somo person at Fronklown,Washoe Volley, has sent us a poetical oJTusion, of which wo givo below twelve linos just to show to what condi tion lovo may reduco a man whou groon-corn is in season: Thnr fa a girl In Washoe Vallee, Her given name is Halloo, I wood I* was tho thingumbob Incido of com, which they call tho kob, And I could coins Bloomin' hot, Rito out of tho old iron pot, So h6r ruddy llpa might corroll mo, And her ivory teeth might aboil me, During which her pretty uoso could email mo, While her tnng, so fair and yuug, Was around about mo clung, And eho was n-cdlliug of mo Bwcct. BOARDING AND LODGING. Wost ; Slrto. Tft DIBHOP-COURT—FURNISHED ROOM WITH •LU board lor married cciuplo or two single gentlemen. I'ablo hoarders accommodated. A 1 NORTH RUCKKR-ST., BETWEEN INDIANA \L’X and Hubbard—Good homo and board, S3XO inic week. OO AND 24 ABERDEKN-ST., ONE-HALF BLOCK from Mndlson-st. cars—For married or young peo ple, oovornl very attractive rooms, nicely furnUhod.clos ota. and nil modern cortvnnloticos; ininllor room fot two, very cheap, nice and cosy: table equal to the boat; loca tlon unoicollod; an attractive borne. QO WEST ADAMS-ST.—A FEW GOOD BOARD UU tn can ho accommodated; terms $5 per waok. Q/l ft WEST :WASIIINOTON-ST. —TO RENT, 9aU with Ural-class board,’ largo Irontalcoro room; olsn back parlor, now and handsomoiy furnished. South Siatv Q EAST TWELFTH-RT., NEAR THE LAKE— tJ rind-class board for ladles or gentlemen, Site *5 per week, with mm of piano; day-board, 81. OftC MfoiIIGAN-AV.—TWO ALCOVE ROOMS, will; board, suitable for families. Also single 'rooms. Terms reasonable. Table ’boarders ac commodated. AAh , MIOIIIQAN-AV. WANTED A LADY JTX I boarder to room with a lady. Terms reasonable. Hotels. •DISHOP-COURT HOTEL, 607. W9, 611. 613 AND 615 X> west Madlsnn-st.—A first-class family hotel? alto n good rosldenco for young gentlemen and persons re maining la the city a tow days or weeks; street ' cars and otago* pass tho door at convenient intervals: table always goods roomi and hods clean, and mine host'always on hand to make hts guests comfortable. ___ ■pULLMANN HOUSE, 74 SOUTH BANOAMON-ST.- X Furnished rooms lor couples and gentleman. Spa cfpiiß dining-hall, lirat Hoop; good table; meals, 26 cants; day hoard, f|. BOARD; WANTED. BOARD-IN a PRIVATE FAMILY FOR SELF, wife, and two children,"tho latter aged respectively hand 2 years. Terms must bo moderate. North Shin preferred. Address, stating-terms and location,”L 23, ’irlbuno office. .... . . LOST AND FOUND. TORT-ON FRIDAY AFTRUOOON. A CHILD’S JJgold tiockchalii, between Lallln-at. and Public , Libra vy. Finder w|ll bo rewarded by rotarniog toj. B. POL LARD, 41 and 43 Wabasb-av. T OST-ONYZ locket, containing a pic- JLJ lure, on tho ball ground, Friday afternoon. Tho llndor will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to CHAPIN_A GOIIK, Hj Twomy-socond-et. T OST—WILL THE LADY AND GENTLEMAN WHO JJ Piokcd up a chain gold bracelet In front ot No, 303 Mlohlgas-av,, on yostordaytmornlng, Oct. 6. ploaso re turn tho same to that number, or to No. 104 Ualumet-av. A suitable reward will bu paid, If desired. LOST-ON SOUTH HIDE, GOT. 0, POCKET-BOOK . ff'halnlng vnlusblo papers and seme money. J. M. bcAUUV. 113Calumol-av. TOST-1F THE PERSON THAT TOOK A LARGE Li valise from the vain cm 0., 11. «t Q. H. It. on tho Blh Inst, will return the iproo to 2iEJ Klnrlo-st., or glvo in formation where It can bo found, will bo liberally re* warded and no question* asked. 11US1I A SMITH. TOST-A SMALL HKD FOCKKTUOOK, CON. AJ twmnc a inwall of money and receipts. A suit* tvhlo reward will ho paid fur Its return, aa the papers aro valuable to thu owner. Uoliirn to 483 Itnrnsldo at. t JJ ring. «n Hoisted, Van Huron, or, Peorla-lta. Tho Under will bo Dburally rewarded by leaving tho some at Wo. 171 South I‘corJu-Hl, rpAKEN UP—A HUN AWAY HOUSE, LASTNIOIIT. X Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. GAMMON'S Livery, corner Thlrtoouth'Ut. and Mahash-qy. lS*l p, HRWAUD-FOU RETURN OP OVERCOAT taken from 167 Henry-«t.; reward will bo paid ami no questions asked if returned to 167 Houry-st., or lt<B Wcß MACHINERY. IRON WORKS. 66 AND 67 SOUTH \J. Uliulmi'Bt. ELMES. FUUUBII A CO.. Founders and MuoUiulits. _ ipOR SALR-OR KXOIIANOK—AN ADAMANTINE X* brick machine and engine in Rood running orders also oni) of Hawley's patent kilns for onrnlug brick, with all thu fixtures, all iu urdur,and u paying Investment; tonus reasonable fur cash or In payments, or will exchange for real estate. Inquire of R. It. OtjNDIT, Cltampalgn, 111. T AND X boilers, from Uto SO horse power, pew and second* hand, fur vale cheap. L. D. I'OLLARD, 81 South Ca nal«»t. PARTNERS WANTED. PARTNER WANTED-TO BTOOK-irAISERS AND X it Farmur*—Tho advertiser haa » Jurgo tract of land, well watered and timbered, and situated nour a railroad in Missouri, llobiuafioo Lord of common and graded EUiok, anil eovural iihurl-lmrn bulls and cows. Alsu a lino lord u{ FuluutLCtiiua and ItutksUire bogs. Ho Uon* gaged In raising lino and graded slock,andln purchasing uud soiling stock, and desires a person to lake an Interest and aaslstln (liu inauagainunt or Ihu business, Nona but apocwmvdth at. least M.OWI to capital need auswur. Ad* AIS Elt, Titbuuo olhee. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. pAROAINS IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF EVBRY .!-> deacriptiqu at auction every Tuoiday, Thursday, Saturday, and at private uaio on idternatu days. WILLIb, FLYNN A CO.. IWwid lb7 Randolphs. ON EASY TERMS—FURNITURE, BTOVI’9. OAR pets, and eruckory, on terms to null the purchaser. Ex* 5QiS o M.“auf‘'ui saptiiisfsskiip fcITY nEAL ESTATE. TpOR RALE-$37,000} $7,000 DOWN} BALANCE A L‘ . morlfrofw s2o,«w, to run 3,’4-yoan. tho (.story and basement alone-front alnro fronting south on WAiUlnK ton, on, corner of alloy bolwoon flints nntl Wabash. unit atoro to Hold A l«ellor'» retail atom. This property can be,had fot $27,000 if Ipkonalonoo} In worth s4B,(«Jj(itaro <fnflts3t,(loo(ol>iill(l. liOtls worthijl.iKKlpor foot.. Titlo good, but we must aoll. Gall atoncolf yuu want a bat* gala. T. It. BuYD, Itoom 14, 14(1 East Madlsen-st. Vp'Oß HALR-7-ROOM UOfTAUIS AND 3 LOTS AT i.’ Doaplalnoa, $800; only s2i)o down; sl6 monthly. Evanston, cotlnau sl,Ol/0, s2iK)down, $lO mnnllily. SLaturybrlckhouao and 4 lot# nt Park Httlico i $2,000, SSOO down, balance monthlypaynionU of sir>. 50 lots (ono block) in Thornton, subdivided into lota 25i126, S2OO. IRA BROWN. l-bU.aSnllojiL. ItoorrH. ¥boiisTi,k-s'ioo homes at liNnLKwoiTu^ilw X 1 atyllsh 8-rodin Golliio huuaoe (and 50-foot lota) com. plated in twenty days} very amall payments ami lona tlbiOj aaro your ront and-own n homo; choice lota close to Normal Hohool from s&tiup. SI’OBRS A WARE, til M aaMugton-aL TPQHHAUC-NEW COTTAGE, 4 AGUES. AT HO. J? hart, JU miles on Kurt Wnyno Railroad; price $575, SIOO down, balance $3 monthly. Also now ■ cottano, 6 aoroa grove lot; price $625, S]IM down, balanco $8 month ly. Oilloa days, Saturday, .Monday. J. 0. EARLL, Room D, IM Monroe at. ‘ Ipoh SA LE- oif RENT— A T IfINHDALR-ON MOST ■L 1 favorable torma, homoi all ready for itsn, from SI,OUO to $20,000. ' Tnnulro of tho owuer, basounmt 110 Dearborn, at. O. J. BTOUQII. FOR hale —oakwood boulevard and Egan-av.—Floe lota Jnat outside city limit*, beautl fully located, at low'priern and on easy tormn. Gall for a plat. J. RSAIAS AVARUICN, 18 Chamberof-Cnminorco. F’ i» BALE-CENTRAL nor of Monroo-st. and Ounlrnl Park-av., anil fronting directly on Contra) Park, bulnn tho handsomest pleco of residence property la tho vicinity. Apply ul U3 North Ca nal-st, litOU, SALE—IMPROVED AND UNI.MPHOVKD 1 property on easy torma and long tlmo: now homos on mobility payments. 11, O. MoNEILL, KU LaSalle-at.. basement. Fob sale-on easy monthly payments, choloo coltnpof, largo lota: Wont Huron and Weal Sib pnrlnr-sta., near Jtoboy. S. T, KING, 1(3 Madlaon-at., 12 to 3. F' OR BALE-0R lIXOIIANGIt TOR TAIIM OU city property, 76 foot on Olilo>at., with bulldlmt*} also, 64 (cot on, all under rent, being Markvt-att good bargain can bo had, ns the rents will pny the incumbrance. SNYDER X LEE, No. 14 Nizun Building, northeast corner Monroo and LoSallo-ala. Ebu HALK-BY H. O. MOUKY, W GLARKST., Reaper Block, tho 2-alory frame roaldoncn 1111 PraL rlo-av.. in excellent ropalr, larno alablo, lot 60x170; will bo Hold at a bargain and poiwoiiiiltiii olvem FOR HALK-AVIMIY ELEGANT MARBLE FRONT dwelling on Wabasli-av., near IS rooms, gasllxturo*, and furnace: linmnllntti possession glron. Apply to 11. J. GOODRICH, 126 Dearborn-si. I non salk-west"ohio (foijutid st.,‘lot six 1 l*Jl ft., south fronton West Oliln-st,, neat Lincoln. SNYDER A. LEE, 14 Nizou Building, uortbonat cornor oT Monroe and LaSallo-sl*. For HAUi-mTicK house, fulton-st., near Lincoln; also, on Mlclilxrnn and l*ralrlo*nva., nroat barcalmi fora nood cash tiaymont; larco elmro on lima. MEANS A CO., 11)0 Wnsulugtoii’St. FOR HALE—TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK dwollluir*, 9 rooms onch, with modern Improvement*, located on Campbidl-park, Goncron-park, VaiiUnron* st., ami on Campbcll-nv.; price* lon and terms to suit nl . 133 Dearly)ru-Bt. CAMPBELL BROS, P' OR BALE-ON WABASH-AV., NEAR Six teenth's!,, 13-room house, lot 2d. foot; premises runt oil for JljOOOner annum till May 1, 1870. Price, $12,0t0. Apply toll. J. GOODRICH, lil Dearborn-st. TTOU SaLK—WEST MADISON-ST., A 3-STORY X* frame linusn, and lot 2dxl£B foot, No. Joi>2 Wool Madi* aon-st. HNYDKR.t LEE, No. II Nltuu Building, north* cast corner of _MonfOo anil LaßaHe-Mn. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—SIOO WILL HUY A LOT AT PARK Rldgo, SIB clown anil §ls a month until pnidiumi block from dopot: nroporiy shown froc. ChcauoMprop* orty In market. IRA BROWN, 112 LaSnllc-st., Room 4. TPOR SALK—OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM OR X 1 city property, COS Irslnu IVrk; also. OoOfuot at Wash* IngUm Holj'hts, near Trccy-ar. and depot. RNYDEIt A LEK, 14 Nbcua Building, nurthoast corner Monroo and LaSallfc-stfl. filOR SALE—HOUSES AND COTTAGES AT ENOLR- X 1 wood, on oany terms. Call and wo will tako you to Bcothcm. RUSSELL A SMITH, CO USallc*«t. TTIOR SALK-ONE OU TWO LOTS AT AUSTIN FOR X 1 cash, orwlll trade fora houm and lot worth $3,00(1 andpaydliToroncoln cash. M. SMITH’S Roal Estate UlTico, IIS EastMouroo*(it., rciirotlico. / Fm SALE-8 OR 10 ACRES, VERY CHEAP, AT UpKlnwood, near HaUtcd-st. Olfor wautod. Apply to ll* J* GOODRICH, 125 Dearborn-*!. 6RBALIS-4LOTBONMADISUN.AV*. BETWEEN Fifly-soronth and Fifly-ciulith-its.; will tako a car* rlasro worth from S7OO to S&K) In part payment; balance in onoand two years. ABELL it HOTCHKISS, Room 3 Olln Block. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE IPOR SALE —OR EXCHANGE —A GOOD IM* X l -- proved farm of IM acres, di mlloi from Chlcaico. Will 801 l on easy tonus, or trade for stuck of uiurobamJbo. Addrou E. O. FISH, Chobanie, 111. tTOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE—MILK-FARM, 33 X* miles from Chicago, near Jlarrlnsinn Station, con* talnlns 2M aero*,. Will take ouo-tliird tho valuo in city Improved properly or stock of floods suitable for country sloro. For full particulars, address GEORGE JACK SON, Barrington. Cook Co., 111. OR HALE-ON LTHERAL TERMS. Oil FOR EX. chance (or good Chicago properly, tho muith lialf of that beautiful place at St. Junopb, Mich., known as the “Cottage on tho Olid.” Alaryo crop of choice fruit will yo with the placo. JOHN 11. LEE. St. Joseph, Mich. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED-HOUSK AND LOT IN ENGLEWOOD, near Ft; W. It. R., on monthly payment*. Will buy of uno uttering easiest terms, Address ROOK KKEPKIt; Trilmno ellice. . WANTED— I*HAVE A CUSTOMER FOR A HOUSE and lot or store worth about $3,800 nr gl.coo, will pay in good lots, cash, find nolos. Owners please call and leave description at SMITH'S Real Eutato Oilico, Hd ilonroo-st. WANTKD-AN IMPROVED FARM OF 60 TO 100 VV acre*, worth $3,000 to .f 4,000, and within CO miles of Chicago, for unincumbered Chicago lota, close to Houth- Side parks; would out hi a UUlo cub. Addms CHARLESTON. Tribune oiHco. TtTANTED-TO LKASK-OR RUV-A BUILDING YT for manufacturing purposes, lor 2 stories, wood or brick. MxltlO, or lUOxinn, with or without engine and bull* or. Address B 13. 'lVtbunoolHco. TO RENT —HOUSES, fllO RENT—FURNISHED HOUSE RBl WAUASII- X av., near Twenty-fourth-st.. now inarhlo front. 11 rooms, nicely furnished. .Inquire on promises from Uto Ip. in. or !»to Ida; m., at No. I Arcado-court, Konubliu Life Building. rno RKNT-r.77 miohigan-av., basement and x three stories, atone, cast front, nil modern Improve monte: very desirable location; possession immediately. Apply to 11. W. CLARKE, Room 2, 120 LaSailo-st. rpo"u i^f-AN r iair ii“nn x cic - no tfsicTlso X Adams-st.; in good order. 11. O. ROCKWELL, 172 Maaison-st., Room tt. q?0 RENT-LOW TO GOOD TENANTS—7I NORTH X SholdoiMJt., 3-story marblo front, and 635 West Mon rao-st., ,3-storjr red brick, all modern Improvements. Apply at No. 3 Monrao-st. TO RENT—BI3 PRAIUTE-AV.,’ 3-STORY AND TlASß ment house of 13 rooms, good brick barn. lucpiiro on the premises. rno RENT-GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE ON OENTUK- X st., at S2O per month; also, I 5 n>oin house, llw) la dlana-av,'?CO per month. Cl. U. WHIFFLE, 15U Clark._ T“ 6 RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE 833 WAli ASILAV.. 3 rooms, orory convenience; SIOO a mouth. Apply at house. r]lo RENT—A NICE 9-ROOM COTTAGE, NORTH p X oast corner Warren-av. and Pngo-st, ■L class 2-stary and basement brick dwelling house. Apply at 150 Stalo'-bt., Room 1. TO“ IgTeNOH ROOF AND basement brick house al sl,uu) peranniim, No. HKSO I’ralrioav. By A. J. & J. W. COOPER, Room?, No. 123 Daqrhorn-ut. rilO RENT—HANDSOME COTTAGES IN CHOICE X neighborhood, Wo»t.Huron and West Hnporpir-sts., near Robey. S. T. KINO, IPS Mndison-st., 12 to 2, rnb rWt— ftonlstied house, marble front i .on Miohigan-nv., or without furniture. JOHN 11. AVERY A GO., KopuhHo Llfo Building, Room 3. Saburoan. TO RENT—fI-ROOM HOUSE; LARGE CELLAR, barn, coral-shed, chicken houses, etc, ; rnnt, $lO ncr month; situated' at Morgan Park, near dummy depot. Apply to 61. SMITH. Beal Estuto OQlce. 110 East Mon r»,roarollioo. TO RENT—ROOMS. rpo RENT—ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE- X koopliig, from $3 per week, to respeotablo parties without cluldrou._ EDWAUUH, 657 Mihvnukeo-av. TO UKN'P— I2LEQANTLY FURNIsiIRD BY Hid day, wuok, or month, togoutlomeu only, at 86 Dearhorn-st., Room 32. Charges reasonable. fjS6 RENT-FOUR hwjr rooms ruitahlr for ;X honsoketipiug. with water, etc., at No. £iUold»at. .Apply to 11.I 1 . McItUQH, No. 176 LaSallo-st., Room 18. fiuf RENT—ANY GENTLEMAN WISHING A FUII- X nlshcd with uso of parlor (locatlun, opposite hotmttlur'M), may call aliliaWoß Adauis-et. a* 10 UKNt-PKIISbN.S VIHiTIWG THIS CITY FOR thu Exposition will find iiicely«furnisbod rooms by day, week, ot mouth, ut7l Muotuo-st., Room IS, rii’6 RiVnT—FURNISHED rooms, SINGLE iX doubloj terms reasonable. Bljl Wnbash-av. ,2*o RENT—STORES, OPHCBS. dec. Ofiiooa. rro rrnt-i want to rent half of my of. X lieu, well furnished and cunlrally located, to u lawyer: -will takn a bit or good nnlo fur rent till May 1. JAMES L.-LOMIiAUD, 163 LaSallo-st. nTioooUouoou.s. rpO RENT—KXCKLLANT DENTAL ROOMS ON X tho eniner of Madison and Ahorduim-sta. Apply to A. V-GUUDYEAR. In tho building. WANTED—TO RENT. I\TANTEI)-TO RUNT—UY A YOUNG LADY UN -1 r gaged during thu day, n nicely furnished room com vimionl to a good place for day board. Address K 12, Tribune utlico. \Kf ANTED —TO KENT—a FURNISHED ROOMS it'for light house keeping, witliiu 1J mlmitoa’ walk of tho Tribune oltico. Address I,5'J, Tiiliuni) olHco^ AGENTS WANTED. Agents wantkd-wouthy the special notice of old and experienced canvassers. "Coles Voyage «{ Llfo"—Uuu engraving—childhood, youth, tuuu huud, old ago. Sold by subscription only, Price no* duced to suit tho times. Nothing like It ever olferod l« tho American public. Haro chance and Imluceniimts. Address H. 11. RUSSELL, Publisher, Heston. A GENTS WANTED-JN EVERY COUNTY; ARK* J\. liable man with a few dollars cupltul, In esUblish u profitable business. Fur partloulars, address Steam Washer Association, 49 Major block. A GENTS WANTED—FOR THE CENTENNIAL J.V Uaaolloor of tho Untied Slaloa. Showing lliu grand rosulta of our tlntlou years. Everybody buys It, nnd agents make from sluO tofjonn moitlb, bund tor circu* Fur. ZIEGLER A .M'CUKCV, Flfth-ay. and Adams »1., Chicago. . . , - ■ ... INSTRUCTION. W’ ANTED—A THOROUGHTBAOIIER IN LATIN; 7M ld2£lBAJa an pru^rru^> M. Academy, WANTED—-MALE HELP. Boolclco'opors. Clorlca. &o* T\rANTRI>-4ItOKHAhKRMAN,-'FOUTIIK BTATKH “Jo! )Vlnconrln nml Michigan, aim Jowa and Minna rota, including Ohienun, by one of the largest shoo uinmifaotnrlna establishments In I’hllndulphla: rmitos fully oMnbllshod, none lint experienced shoe salesmen Ufwl Apply. AddroM.UUIULIiY A TUOUNTON, 72J Mnrkot-jit.. Philadelphia, Pn. WANTK»~VOirTAIIA)KH' TKIMMINQ.DEPART »» went. asnlosmnn for Western trade.,, Aitul have ex perience and *£ estnbliihed trade. Nnno other* need ap< JOUN A. aALIta - WANTED-AN KXIWURNOIin AND PRACTICAL ..n. n l u / in . t iH.Vi'li W* wurka and toMUKirimimd J*, 1 ?®; te a rcllnmn man « liberal salary will l/o paid, nml B1S&!?. a,! 1 .-" 1 ""- AOd "- L ~ lt IVANTIii)—AT I-13 MIOHIGAN.AV., 3 011 3 FIRST pIy °l*m stair builders. Mono but good men ncodoy- VV^SSffS - * UA . :mv . # . UN , •** liKLiißit~ANn !>i'ra.^* d wAiSfflX- s ,° tu ' n "“ “ ml W A 2Si2”ti mpT-DI,ASB OAIUIUGIMUIDY vvoCotrftll^°*k«HlV» w * * some experience in heavy work VIOUTOV fcstiVif Wl App y nt tfoVoit. 00,S * 7anJtf^ko,BU * ~ot” c un 10 \V A °* iK , 0,1 MOHR GOOD MEN TO ? nmnufac,l,rnof folt hnt/. The best man «ol«_tho beatohnnco^j\ P piyßt3l4Kaßt Madlsim-st. \V A ”tt(o^tT A TINNKn - APPLY BABLYAT 13M Conolimon, Xoniaiixora. &o. AT IliBJ INDIANA.AV,, A MAN AH VJ conclinifmj ttnul.have nood oily leforonoos. Call before a a.tu., botwoon 12 and I, orattor 6 v. in. Emplovmont AiTronoios. WANTr-D-nouAinnoAD i.abotikus. m ooai.. tl miners: free fnroi 76, lio-chomiora. M OimiSTIAN A BING, 1 South Ulnrk»at.. Uoom 1. Mi ro«D nncouN. WANTED-MEN TO SHT.L VEORATBLE PARING i T and alloing knlvo.4, mnglo threader, knife and noi*> sera sharpeners: newest Article* out: pays every mm lm~ monscly. American Novelty Cumpauy, 113 East Madison* st.. KoomSd. \\T ANTED—FIIIST-CLASS OANVAfISRR.S YOU A » V now work now puhllshlnff. MUSKS WAURKN, 103 Slnlo-st., corner of Wasliington. ___ WANTKDImeN. THIS MAY HR JUST WHAT you waul! If out of business. a fcm sample will coat you nothing, but do nut aoud for It If (load broke: you can make sMi) a week If you cun put your hand on S2D to ftloo loom It), liH ICaal Rsndnlph-nt. WANTED—FEMALE HELP. TJomostins. TTTANTED—A HOOD GIRT. FOR GENERAL Vr housework loasmallfamily on WestSldu; English Sroforrod; btcady situation and good nay. Apply at Id oolcy-av. \M ANTED—A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE. 11 work In a small family: German or Swudo prefer* red. Apply to-day at 603 West Congress-st. WANTED— A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework la n small family on West Bide. English preferred; atoady situation and good pay. Apply as 1C Hooluyav. _____ W ANTED-TWO GIRLS. FIRST TO DO.ICITOUKN work, aocoud to do dining-room work. Apply at 121 west l-ake-et. VUAHTHD-A GOOD GIRL TO DO GENERAL •» housework at ?IH West Lako-st. Call boforo It) o’clock a. m. W‘ ANTEI)-AT O COTTAGE GROVK-AV., A Swedish or German girl to cook, wash, and Irou. WANTKD-SKCOND 6lltr enn Bfiw, good references roijulrod. Apply at 6uo Norm Dearbnrn*sJ., IMo l‘J o’clock. WANTKU-IMMKDfATKLY-AT Soft WESTERN. it av.. near Van liiiron-at., n good girl for general housework; family small, WANTED— A GOOD COOK, WASHER, AND ironer. and a competent woman ns nurse: Gormans preferred, ml Indiium-av. WANTED- AT p7.tTndIANA.AV., A COMPETENT girl for general housework; Gorman or tiwodo pro furred; roforuiicea required. WANTED -A GOOD COOK. WASHER, AND WANTKO-A GIUL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE! ti work for a family of two person*. Apply at 51-1 South South Duarborn*st., between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth. Nurses. W ANTED—AT fit JUDD-ST.. A SMALL GIRL TO 11 (alio care of calldrcm. MiscoUanoons. \yA:iTKO~LADyOLKRK IN I'THST-CfcARS CON •'■’ctjonmrßtoro. Ajijily for Information at Koom 13 Motliodlsl Church iUock. i\f ANTKD - EMPLOYMENT 01V15N TO TKN 11' Ai. , n JV! (tj'ntlomeu at 161 Waslduj,'tcm-Bt., Room It Oi C. tiMH'ii, \,yANTKD-LADy ND OKNT/jKMUN canvass: . ora fur tho JlomJnj,’ton Sowing Machine. 237 btato-nt. MISCELLANEOUS. ALL CASH PAID FOR OAST-OFF CLOTHING AND JV miscellaneous Roods of Ml kinds byeondlug to JONAS LKLUF.IVH Loan U'ftco, 62H Stato-at. ALL GOOD OAST*OFF CLOTHING WILL HIS Ixmpht-atlhn hleboat wrlcoa. J. A. DRIKLSMA. 31>7 South Clnrk-st. Orders by mull promptly attended to, IJOOiCS OPKNKD AND CI.OSKD, COMPLICATED -L> accounts adjusted. WKHIJ A TuOKISII, oipcrtac countanta, Hoorn 3, lftß East Madlson-at. p'ASlt PAID FOR OLD KEWSPAPKRS, HOOKS. ra Cfl'. metals, • bottlo*. Ac., at PKTTI* HOkl'/S, Jhfl, 5183, ami 2W Fllth-av. Stock called for hi any part of tho city, free, 0‘ lotuks VvuTnoers ok all kinds repair od. Kowr rolls, i 52 each, .s.l 60 a pair; now wringers, 5£5 and $6, at 11. S. TUAYKft A CO.'S. TU.WcstWasU- IhrUwH. fSISCOVKURU AT I.AST-A SURE CURE.FOR XJ catarrh. Costa you nothing to try It, at Room 7, 1(51) East Madtaou-st. Cut this out. I~f»LOUIl)A— THIS UNDKiISIONKD, WHO OWNS A 1 largo tract of land at Spring Garden, Vuhicla County. Horldn, Is desirous of finding nn experienced hotel ncupor. with n capital of about $6, out). A party with thU sum can clear yearly from CO to 100 por cunt, and have a eafo, permanent, and increasing imsinu's. This location U In tho heart ol tho oraugo-growlng Motion of Florida, and la unsurpassed by any In tho State, being high, healthy, free from tho fogs of tho law lamia amt the bleak winds of tho Atlantic, and with oxcollont spring and well water, Tho domandsnf the country also uead an enter prising lumberman with a mill. l’e«om boshing perron* neat or winter home* In unsurpassed locality would do wall to call on tho undersigned hoforo tho soth Inst., at IBS Madison-st,, between 2 and S p. m., or atthn Gardner Homo in tho evening. CKO. H. NOItHIS. 'II'MRUSON’S CLIP AND PILR FOR OPFIOit PA. J!i pen. nml Kmcnan’n binder for nmalo nod nil peri odicals— tbo former for business men, tho InUor for everybody. Cold lotlorinif, oyclottlnt.*, ole., neatly done. JNQ. It. IIAKKKTT »t CO., Itookblndora, 160 Stnto-st. Miss o. a. KiniioLS. drrss and oloai£ maker, formerly with Airs. Stoughton, having ro> turned from Now York with tho latest stylos, will bo fuuml ol Hfr} Waliash-av. on and after Monday, Oct. 12. CODA FOUNTAIN AND GAS OKNBRATOR, IN O complete working order, wanted; parties having such for Bale, low, can hoar of a purchaser by addressing A. It. (iitHKHWOOI) A C! 0 druggists. Pccatonica, 111. rno tub ladirs-for sale ciirap-a nkw X allk volvotsuil, consisting of n cloak, bosnuu waist; skirt and ovor*sklrt. all olegautly trimmed with silk thread laco; price, if2oo. Any lady wishing to purchase will bo called upon by Bonding hor address to B •10, Trlb> uno office. W‘ ANTUD-A UVK MAN WITH 610,01 Ml OR *25.000, to take an lulorost In tho boot manufacturing busi ness in tho West. No competition; goods staple; demand unlimited. Wo dosiro tho Investigation of capitalists or parties eooklnß permanent business investment. Ad dress, appointing Interview, 1123, Tribune office. WANTED— AGENTS TO KNOW THAT I DO NOT furnish any goods wbatover to agents, and am not In tho Intorost of any one who does; but that Ido publish tho Agents' Guide that gives a monthly Bit of those who do want agents, and describes (bob' goods. October No. about 100 ads. 35 ennt" a year: 3 months, 10 cents: noth lug frou._JAMKfi P; SObTT._I2S, Chicago. £INAWOIAI*. A OHIOACO CAPITALIST WILL MARK TIMM J\. loans on obolco olty property, and buy prime mort* irntfo nr commercial paper. Commissions nominal. L. CURRY, C Tribune Building. Bank charter for sale; prior, 45,000. Address A 52, Tribune office. Cl aims'ag A inst~tli u republic, KMCKlCß bucket, Lamar, and Homo Insuranoo Oompanlos cashed at 150 Huarborn-st., Room ti. T AIIGE AND SMALL AMOUNTS TO LOAN ON J J houses and luU in Uio city, 11. P. BALDWIN, 84 and WJ,, Room 23. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, bonds, LAUNDEK’H private office, 12uKan dolub-su, near Clark. Established ls-64. TLfOKJSY TO LOAN ON OIUOAGO HEAL ESTATE 111. ono Hum of 83.0K1, otio of ipl.OiKi, and ilCl.tXKl at lowest rates. K, O. OGLE A 00„lM LaHallo-Bt. QTOOKH. BONDS, COMMEUOiAI. AND WORT- O gage paper bought and Bold. A fow thousand dol lars tutmm on inside real outAtu. EUGENE U. LUNG & LUO., 73 Kail Washlngton-aL rpo r.OAN— PBOM TO SIO,OOO ON DIAMONDS. X watches, orotlior good securities, at fair rates. If yon want to torn a comer, call na EDWIN A. RICB A 1)0., 71 Donrbnrn-st., McCormick Block, Hoorn 3. rpo loan—tsioi) to^wo— ON I’IUST- X clan* chattel*! lotorSd mortgagee on Insldiiorßuhiir ban roal estate. TUUKSUKLL A BROWN.lutf Mfth-av. Cl HTO 81.COO INVESTED IN STOCKS AND GOLD Ol.w pays-JW por coat a month. Hsnn for particulars TUMimiDGE A DU., Haakon. aWall-Pt., New York. ertifn «i7ooo. i : 2, oiw, oii more, to loan on OtlUU* roalestate, from 6 montha to 11 years. Par* ciinso money mortgages bought at lo# rale*. LEVI WING A 0O„ 67 Doarborti-at. Cl OHn STOOIC lN BABCOCK extinguisher Company; stock for uichatigo for real estate, or othor property. Address I) 68, Tribuao office. OQfwThn TO i.OAN ON .REAL KSTATinM uDuil/IM/ riiint to Mult. ParchHHO'mnnuy mort« g»ge> bought. W. M. WILLNKH. LaSullo at. MUSICAL, « Vpon SALK-AT A SAOIUFIUE-A NEW PIANO, X 1 standard make, perfectlutono, latest Improvements, warranted, atiibl Oak-sL 1 WILL SELL A NEARLY NEW PINE PIANO AT X your price. Alan a lino diamonds and 10 American watches. 102Washlagtoii-Bt., Knoai23. MAKCLN” A HAMLIN ORGAN COMPaNY-NKW achoino of cany payments, la order to moot tliu oonvuntaneo of ibusa who wUb to pay only uumnll amount In caah. and tho remainder by easy ln»lallnioal», tho Mason A Hamlin Company baro nowanaagod toulTor tbuir unrivaled organs fur monthly or uuivmwly paymnnU. Illustrated cataluguoa, with full description of stylos and terms for cash or Ham payments. Alsu, testimony circulars scut freo to any address on upidlenthm. MAHON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., ________ 1U and Kl Adums-st., Uhlcogo.^ Fanoh for ha Li-: a nd Tb'u'icN'rT'RicPAiitLNfi and tuning, st tho Chicago Plano Factory. lEti Stale st., LyJ. PUIiSTON. , ijUNOS-UHEAPEST fiGUDiM AND IN THE COU*T X I ry | huk nt ibeso before you decide; best* Now York and Boston makes; uashorlunu. N.L. MAIiHEWo 4 00., tttaudboVaiiliuffiu-sL. smtiuii, SITIJATJONSjy A NTED--MALE. Booldcoojjorn. Olovlcn, Etn. CITI7ATUIM WAN'I'KO-UY A YOUNG MAN AH ,9„Ji o ' ,kl(oo,,o r { ''I 1 '. 1 4 mn'.ox liorlotien nn donbloSiii? bookkeeper nml enabler In large dry cnmU hmiin • i.nli »£ reference given m t« character mill ability friti/aIVfnMM.I, employer*. Addruns Atlnntio iWol. Uo.lui C}. U,r ° nDOr SITUATION WANTKD-HY A YOIWirMAN~Aq ♦ho or/ f n,o, y s (lurniftn, French,andEnglish* oiUool f tofofouco Address S iffiJo SITUATION WANTKH—HY A F ITtHT-Tj rj A S S"PK »7 &.Wfria.“nS! c " “ d, "" u ‘ >’»* r “=i*cu, A,{. S n i fiS-I,v ' A sikhi-bjian (ira. 1 ht.. n n » i * *i*f* ° nny I't'rvnn who will got mo n garni Sn«l^ n et‘. j'™ O. Ad,lr "‘'- Trartois. QITWATION WANTRU-BY A HRST-CLASS RTQW “‘Ufl-AINTKB, MisooilanoouH. SITUATION WANTKD-BY AN INTELLIGENT •» J’ ol, ng nian, In lake earn of n horse nud tnnkn him. jolf ccnur/iUy üßofiil; wage*inonbloct, nml no objooUoa to the cmuilt). Addror* OW, Tribune ollico. SITUATION WAnt’KIJ—BY A YOUN(T MAN. AS li i anle*m»n lor a ol«nr honao: has nn ustnbo Jiahod trade in M "stern Wlrcmislii nml Mlnnoiota, and can giro good vuforoncoß. Addros* Al 72, Trlbuno ofneo. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE Domo%tios. CII UATIONH tYANTIiD—BY TWO HKSPKOTAIir.K German (drls; one ua cook, washor, nml Imncr: tlio fvc.'t Brown-st. K ” Mral BO^KOOmTwURK: call or Mldrohß_for Uvo days at !CI7 .South Moy-st. SITUATION WANTKP—BY A sVvTfiDK UIUL Tt> "jdr»S QITLJATIO.V WANTKIi—IN a I’III VAT K Iron. Inquire at Itwo Wnbash-avl CITUATION WANTBB—AM CIIA^IUKfI.MaTD AN ri “” d SITUATION WANTICB-TO COUIC, OR GHNBRAI, Sft rk^S^r-a 1 -^ UroQn at? ud n,forouco *- Ual ‘ or addrosaVj South WANT ON m giuisK i.!goiK n ,;'i teas;!!. 1 ”' 1 b ° ,u " i ’"‘ il BjrSINESSCKA NOES. - A T 4HI WEST lAKK lVl'. YOU ii..,r o '!V ,l " clr - n«ul »f (loro Mil llttnm milr *1? A Knoi~ifnit Kali;’ A AT MWHBT A B Bo l 2?iK. B 'li;£ i a i T A PARTY WITH iiJ.Wo TO $:).00() OAN BUYOUT ornco.* Bo3to,lo “ iDrfiH tlioolty. Address Tribuno A '!PH, Nim Y' w ,' Til kno'nk, lioiM^m^rTATT jv shafting, otc., for sale; good locality and fuvurnbla groiinil-icnsu. At ill bo gold for less than Ilia cost of tha buildings alone, or will etohango for good property in 1/i*llnSallip»t.° Ca 11 Cl,llt f,1,rr,1t0, • Ajfcx. H, GUNN* AN KNEROETIO AfAN VVITIfHAIALL OAPtTAir. uiViuVii? l p kHluinto business, cm duiiblu money every Blxly days nr nltmiur.__Apply at Room CO Aabland lilock. nOAL-YAP.D ’HALE. LOW' RENT. REST VJ location mi North Mdo. Apply at yard, in East Uhl. cago-av. .cornerof Hubert***!. OTSTSI* 511 * aVr °“ *-wu«o». i« in ROCKHY, DRUG. CONFECTIONERY. JEWEL '•J. ry, cigar, ami oilier stores foraalo, tlond. Iciciii. n a x?J.'. llfi nT/. f i ,pcn, . ,1 ‘i?; to kimijall 5k co., 11 Methodist Church Hlook. * TT°rh **, fiV 1 . P A /* B AT 4 IN-TJIK ST. J-t Clmrlos Hoto , ctioars as tho nroyrlctor la uoUik nut "MM Il>n liutcl Is (Joint; a rooJ bunluuis, well located, and will Im sold for imo-linJl R* original l-or torms apply to J»II II.IIHJONfiKY. Proprietor. Half iN'iM'RtKST'iNSn XsrinrKfffb , inauiifacturiiijr !»nsliu«»s. haruo timCtU; flaostorot TKWKLUV STORK riw « rrr-: ’*KLUY STOUK FOR SALK. (JOUU LOCATION♦ -f nlcoMorc; small stock: plonlruf work. Will soil clicup. Cali ntorjuM roan So. 14ii Snath linlßtaJ-at. T KASK A SI) .IJ nTnl rotnil brcnil and ornchnr liakory, doinj; alnr/ro Jjjjsinijsa. foritwb; tUU is a bargain. Address i)U2, Trio* A| l/JCFpR”"HAI.K r DorN(I A GOOD CASH HORSES ASP CAMaftßßj. A-<V Jt iT' l) . X A' 1, ' v ’! ;s ™N * CtVsTS'EAST nt 1 , i“ tl . ,l V st " <ir . T . h( ‘ r c-irrlitKos, nnd lianiotH, nt Ida. ni. Colaliißijo,'fuuadnya uud Fridays. Amnio tlmo to teat warrantees. ' A MOUH LEFT OK THOSE KICK TRUER. x\. spring phaetons jump-teat buggies ami family iAviift imw 1 A". 1 VF I ®!** LnU 0,, d ihom. 11. jf EDWARDS, AIJ Wubaslrav,. near Uiq KtjmlUon liulld- TwIIUAULKY'S CAimiAOB REPOSITORY, 43 j/.L Monro-at., opposite the Palmar House, carriages, buggies, and phaetons at coal to close them out. * A AUCTION, auction, wkston & vKwi lir I l| l f°l* liorsoa, carriaucs, and liarnoas at 1W haat » (umlnulon-st. uvory Tucimj and I’rldsv, at 10 &. in. Aiu])lu(lmo i'Jvou to tost liuraoa sold‘under wap. rantoo. i>eo cataln«uo days of oaloj. ATCOST. TO OLOSK TMEM7OUT:TOP BUCOIICS,’ .» iA i, \J* , ‘ 8 . 0 w 9 ’ P °-.o‘e*s u *?.° |«ndam, cfarencog, qto.J at lM WosL_WasjdiiK<<ci !iU U. l. MUUPUY A CO. riAuuiAGJcs, nuodiKs. piuistonsTThto.; IN ■nbli SAIiU-A LARCH BAY HOUSE, 7 YEARS ih, ,?=•;: F - ~ SALK—A VBUY OENTLK AM) SOUND i' liorpo, esiiocfally suited for a lady's Use. Ali«o u nearly ftt l a harno «* O. OILBKRT WIiKKLKU. 2JO (JaliitnoNav. IT'Cft HALH-OXB *IIUS AND ONE CARRIAGE. J.* lm|iilro at 1163 llluo lalnnd-uv. 7.T0 M'S TO WINI’RU-nOOD ACOOMMODA- J J Ilona, for a foiv llanos; tamn h.ty, R raln. with R ood BUbllii ß . IMcj*. jijr fino.l city roforerVcos. AiidreHsC. B. I.AMON.Dcorlioltl, lU., oa C., M. & SI. I*. It. It.. 1(J miles from city. T WANT ' JL ai'** ‘ .r/U.i' TO TRADE A PIIIST-OLASS HOUSE jt ami IniiiKy fora mio rooUawny, or will pay cash at a "tebatgnltt, _Ba_semont_llU l)carborn-st. WAN’I'KD -HO ftS KS TO BOARD TILL SPRING; llr»t-dasa accommodations; grain twloeaday. with pcstof carp; will take away and return wlllimu oxtra clmrtp. No. 1 rnfor.jucM Riven. Onion left with F. 11, Hamilton, si \\a»iliinet(iii-Bt., win recoivo promt)!at. bullion. or address liDO. HAMILTON, Wbortyvlllo, 111. Terms, *3 per week. N, 8.-Corns. miartor criicKs. and contracted.fcpt.cured, Loo of xliargo. TO EXCHANGE. T WILL EXCHANGE FOR CLOTHES, BOARDING, X cash, or discount for oil cash for furniture In tho lino of desks, booh cases, ole., pursuant to order to tha amount of few, Address, for tlvo days, MM, Trlbunoof, lice. T )VISU TO EXCHANGE A VALUABLE DIAMOND X for a lot ononoof tho avenues, near Thirly-lifth-st.; will asiumo no Incumbruuco. • K. T. SUMWALT, Hi) Monroo-st. fPO EXCHANGE—SPLENDID 40-AORE TRACT IN X suburbs on a cash basis; will take onodmlf ln deal Jmvn or Nebraska lands; rare chance. STORES Jt WAKE, 94 Wnshlngtau-st. fpd FXCHANGIS-UNINCIIMBRBKD LOTS ON J. Gulumut-nr., north of TblrMulli-ul.. for ft mddonco ouononf tbonvonuus; will assume small incumbranco. ILO. MoNF.ILL, BWUSallo st. fpO EXCHANGE—PROPERTY AMOUNTING TO X from ifTi.oco to 67a,un(J, In Evanston. for city op coun try properly, farms nr lowa lands. H, U, MCNEILL, 133 LaSalle-st., basement, fro r.xc i ian o i‘—Noifwobu iluik-ciToice L blab blocks or lots for city, village, or country Im proved property, or will sell; low price; easy tonus, B. H. WELLS, 18d Doarburii-ht. LOT (ALLt! LEAR) X on .South .SMo, for farm worth *2,600 to 63,100. Ad dress U 29, Trlbuno nlHuo. rpb KXdIiANGK-lilXllfi KEttfT WITII 3 STORES? X on ono «(tho bm budoosi Mrooln in tbo oily, Thnro Is a flnt’Chiss U.pmr store noil stocked with Honors. Will uxulmncc* thu whole for it farm* wltblu JW miles of tho oily. Address L.62, I rilmno office. fpO U\CHANUE-A GOOD DESIRABLE HOME IN X n larso and growing suburb !> inllos from city doped. Also <oo foul front in nnotbor suburb. All of whlobT nr mrt, no will exchange for city properly. Would bo wlll luounibranoo. Call on GILLESPIE BROS., aai South jlalstej-st. . V\ranted—to TRApE-Tulf/nr^ •*, Oily, unincumbered, anil personal property, fora SONB° f K ° ot luJ Wasblugtua-st. K. 11. CASTLE A b9hA f cmics noon prairie farm land in lowa at sltl por aero, and s7o()chsli to bay a good Mock of goods in city or country. Ur will oxchsugo lands for house <m ma-g-d laud la Chicago, or a bouse and lot* Call at 136 Snath Itimni 7!«. ' rou SALL. TPQR HALE-OAKLEYS COCKROACH AND HKD* X' Imgextermlnainr. warranted: contracts, taken, Call on or address ARTHUR OAKLEY. CM HtatoaL lißjli, HALE-TO LUMHEIiMKN-ON THE SOUTH X' bianch of tho Porn Mnnpiotlc lllvor, -Mloli., running to Ludinglon Mills, B.itHM'CW foot of good {due, noarthu water; will ho Hold for sl3,urn cash. Apply at once to L. l-VHARRINGTON, Grand Rapids, Micb. IROII SALK—I’IIATHkuS, NKW.'Wr PILLOWS J’ and bods, at 16 coals pur pound at 71 « ost Washing* lou-st., third Hour. lAOR HALE-SECOND-HAND* H AND If . MEDIUM Ji Gordon A Dcgnimr prowes, p«por-outU>f*, stands. CRira. otc. )M> MllnijU-Ht. &EV/ING MiXCiIINESs IIUAKUII ollioa, 172 ami 174 Clsis, np-siulrs. MnclilncssuM on monthly p'm'is. Honlnggivun Hdiulrcd. All kinds of at. lAClimunis, oil. etc., at low prices. Machines repaired. OlH.UNl>il>»iNbkU PA Ml L Y HEWIN ti *M AOU iM 5? D With cover: ha* all latest impruvuinonlu; oului os good as now. Price .fllu. No. 71 Twuuly-siith-st. CINDER pEFicifuE A. J. ME 1 .OffEUr'.lTfi SOUTH O Hahted-si., city agent. Machines sold on monthly pa) molds, rented, ami rup*lrud. PERSONAL. FCRSONAL - MADISON-HT. TU ICLUUIDOIJ. court, last over.lng. (rluuU had a piece of music. raCoomw? "““ M AdJ..uU 5