Newspaper Page Text
8 LOCAL MISCELLAPJY. 35R. OOLI/YEH. Tho Now York Sun. has the following account of tbo mooting held Monday evening at tho Church of tho Messiah relative to securing the pastoral sorvicon of Dr. Collyor s The number of persons who attended the mass meeting of UnltorlAns last night hi Iho chapel of the Church of the Mwslfth, st Bark aventio and Thirty fourth street, was not forge, hut what the \nretniß locked in numerical strength wan Hilly made 1 in warmth nmV onlUiwtasm. The object of ho {uo«‘hm. •a sot forth by tbo Chairman, Mr. o glvo strong expression to the feeling of and other Unltorlatm tu regard to tlm caniojrtnoM of ths call recently made upon llio Bov. Robert LoUjcc or Chicago lo tlio pastorate of iho church named. Three wcokft ago Mr. Collyer won offered tbo l'"f ,or jJ° V‘‘‘!.\ r iho moat favorable condition*, but tho Bovetc d gcu tkman, In hla reply, while neither " accepting, Jtillrnultd that but for cclW '* ho would gladly accept. The.-main renaonfor Uiuedl seams to bo that tho eongrcHßllim wv l vtcen of n popwinr preacher tu Uft tho . l''^' l ‘ debt. Dr. Osgood, a former pnalor, h-'d l’ o^’l *,?' Jhe society to build a forgo and costly afterward ho resigned, and entered 'J 10 J* l l . r Ohnrch. Uo wn» followed tor the JJcr. a^tßi> H, ■ Mrl ffi.’oct, tin. Cbnlrmi..., »>“)■<>“ ,“' r li’M?. 0 CoSIS-«r. 1 rc romluntion wero opiiM«l to Ills. 4 ! J ~“, s rP ! Fsld 1 tint llio brut a mount ol rannoy reived from lrovor«l llontmi (fcotloraon for I M icblllld mu nnd mivimt o! Wo ™ u " sml lM.foi'o ho could nu jopt IUOO..UIJ Ml. »»r.. ho wauled tho consent offhosft gcntli mon. Mr lloffman said Ihr.tß c. Bollowo rudlifo society wcronnxtoufl that their scjclctv ahou .1 B€CU ‘J, Mwvtces of % mlulotor who could hem •* btirned. air. Cr/.ver'a church was ono of hn SftovTtcfltrovodt and I'ioston Unitorlanß contributed to °aid litm in rebuilding it, heeauso they thought that so oiulnou t a man should be retatued and sustained there. Wheu they consider the wiiolo idtua tion, said ilr. Hoflmav,, they will Ititcrposo »»o objec tion, but will give their Cofl’ meat to the propi-HOd chatigo. Hr. Coll rep wishes to 00m L"Bt, but ne docs not think A night »o rteeldo on personal cmisMer nllonn Hln not wish him .to leave, hut they aro pnt rlotlc »ntl p nidi r-splrllcd, and havn the good of JS causa at heart. TAey will uot consent to have hJ«» leave but uduni they midersfond tlm ctmdltlon of affaire Utfy will info rpo-ie no objection. Mr. (.ollyer will not come for money's sake. Ho thinks that for tho nett llftfyu «pHlwl.nui yours ho can he of great acr- Tiro to tho Cfiuso of I'nitnriaufoin, and thwl tho Held hero Is fur richer ami wider than the ono In which ho ie laboring. . _ Dr. Colton—T cousldi r myself a poor man, yet Imi ; ready to give i t Mr, Collycr oowes. Ho can savo thia Society. As n proof of hla populdrlty I ueod only instance tho recent, ton given him twowccbnago when he preached in 11:1 1 house, "Ww hod given only on# day'll notice, sn«l U»o djy wub stormy; yet tho hoitsn was crowded. A t the Astor Hou«i wo offered Mr, Collycr stc,ooo ft yea but ho said ho would ac cept no more than f.l.UUil tho salnry ho was Ihcnsind U now vcceivlug, lidding tlmt ho would noc. hovo It thought that ho had left Chicago for money. Tlievu arc fow ministers win • v/11l rclusc a year. lI ?ll?amHh, of AH Rot ds* Church-Dr. Hollows told mo lr.Bl week that if Me . Collyor cmild conHclimtlouHly loftvn Cbiougo and count lo the Church (>5 thn niermim, bn (Dr. Bellows) would «w happy to greet him, (Ap- Pl Mr. U HolTniftn said he! l mew that Dr. Bellows and his Society have for ten yc;» » been oh good friends to tho Church of tho .Mcjcdob :my of Us owji mi mbcrs. When the church wnw«>occ Utow In debt Dr. Bellows Idnisolf If our }Hswh are sold, continued Mr. linffmr n, we nu pay our debt in ono vtNir. This wo can Uo if wo oeeurc air, Lollytr. v Mr Olmctcad offer ; rl a resolution that Unitarian so cieties should lx? W met to fmVUcr the iuterctda of tho Church of the Mess',ah by pfootug uo ofoifocleH ln Iho way of securing tfo s services of Mr. Lollyer. riifo v-na carried unaiiimm/dy, ... , Mr. Hotfmim -j ive «s an additional reason why Mr, Coliver should ce iiio lo New York, the fart. Unit Hus Is iho heart-centre rfrnm which pufoMe» all the influence t that move society .for good or 111, Mr. Lollyer, sam ho, preached ttvo weeks ago to l,ftCo p<r 10ns on Snndnv; but on Monday. throu/U tho tbo mcdlmn of the press of New iortf, hoaddresswl an nMdlonoo of COO.OOO. This he ccpld not do In Chicago, »w ofoowlioro on tho continent. A iJrty or two ago 11 •/ eiillemau hud said to the Hpeaker, • riannot attend 3. .ur church, hut I’ll cheerfully ftlvo von r>oo if you « uploy Collycr. Wo need fiiic.i mou iicre.” (ApplauM ,] On motion of 7,1r. Van flclinlcl:. tho Chair apiwJnted tv-.f Tilgham, .Mr. Hale, ami Mr. OiniJ'tead, o cum infllec to Visit V.(wtnn amt get from the contiibuiors to the Collycr elm rrh fund their consent that Mr. Collyer Ptinuld deliver up his trim In Chicago and umu. to Kow York, . RECEPTION TO MB. CHCSSLET. Iti pursuance of tho announcement in vcuter rtaiy'B paper, a reception wan l.encleroil yesterday to Mr. John Crosaloy. SI. P., of London, by the Chicago Branch of tho International Chamber of Commerce at their rooms in McC'ormick'A Block. Among those present wore tho Rev. Dr. Miller, of Halifax ; Mr. Thomas Barnes, of Manchester, Eng.; C. H. McCormick, B. F. Allen, J. G. Bhoitall, Howard PiiceUy, Thomas Hoyuc, Frank Chondlor, A. W, Rellogg, and James tho preliminary introductions, Mr, C. 11. McCormick, on behalf of tho Society, delivered tho following ADWUK6S 01* WELCOME: % o£Nti-i;me:j: A« President of tho Chicago Branch of tho liitcruulional Chamber of Commerce, l hove tho honor of Introducing to you John Crowley, M, p., amllhc Uev. Dr. Miller, of Halifax, ami tho Hon. TJioniafl Bnnies, of Manchester, Eng. Tho iiroraiimtt position occupied by Mr, Crossloy an a member of tho British Parliament, and by Mr. Barncfl, an well ab Mr. Orosaley, la commercial life,— ranVUng nn they do among tho lending wnnufactuccra In the world,—cntltlcß.them, with llio Bov. Dr. Miller, accompanying thorn an tliolr friend and l•onll«ul^on l m that courteous reception at our hands which 1h due to the high nlatious they till, and tvliich, a« Chicago men. we are ever ready to bestow io all who work out for thomaolvca honorable distinction. It is not, however, Hlruply In tho chancier of gentle men prominently Identified with the direction of pub lic and commercial affairs iu tho great country to which they belong that wo are called upon to wtff-nmo our distinguMml visitors on this occasion. They come to us now, gentlemen, in an otllcial capacity, ac credited ch ropiT'Seubitives of tho International ber of Commerce and Mlwdralppl Valley Association, wliom headquarters arc in I/mdon. And thcycomo to loam for themselves something of tho extent and greatness of tho commercial resources of nnr Minch- Mmd Valley, embracing, as It docs, (weuly-tlm e Stales and Territories—embracing, iu fact. It is not too much to say, (he great producing portion of our country. Chirico is Urn direct international entrance to this valley at tho North, and Now Orleans tho name at (ho South, while we only now require tho ojaming and completion of tho Bf. Lawrence, In its connection with our great chain of lukw, to perfect our direct northern entrance alibis point,—a work not uow much Icrs important'lo w and tbo MisslftHlppl Valley than was the opening of tho Brie Canal in ita time, through tho persevering efforts of Dewitt Clinton ; and a work that must be OJtnplidcd within a very few years from this time. . . .... I Vriu not undertake, gentlemen, to enter iu detail ni*m the objects ami character of this Koclety, Mr. Griffith, manager of tbo American branches, tho Uou. Mr. Uoyuc, and other gentlemen present, may speak on (his subject, and I hope our English friends will also sav something to us. Tho subject is a vast one. Bufllco’lt, therefore, forme to way that ita loading de iucu is the development of tho rcsourcea of tho Mis- Mfßinpl Valiev by tho introduction of surplus foreign capital. 1 need only to allude, on (ho one hand, to tho fact that the groat Valley of Iho Mississippi must, on impartial examination, befoimdro presonttoihe Eu ropean capitalist the richest and broadest held fur safe and profitable investment; and, on tho other, thatour only want In iwsscssion of this Hold in the ineans, which our British kinsmen over tho way con afford to lend ns. , , To you, gentlemen, who visit us to-day cm a mieeion <;f Bo’much importance to all of us, it gives mo pleas ure, in iKvhalf of tbo Chicago Branch of tho Associa tion, to extend a cordial welcome to nur midst, hoping that your visit will bo one full of plcacuro and enjoy ment to yourselves, and Unit you will bo able, an tlm result of your investigations, to carry homo with you a good report, not only of 'Western and Southern enter prise in general, but particularly of what. as citisenß of Chicago, wo havo already done, are still doing, and yet hope to do in thin Metropolis of (bo Northwest. Altar Homo remarks by Mr. Griffith rolativo to tho progress of tho International Chamber of Comnioicc, MR. nroeo and returned his thanks, nu also tho thanks of the gentlemen who accompanied him, for tho courtesy and kindnesa oxtondod Idm since bis advent into Chicago. Ho eaid ho nan unable to well douciibo the pleasure himself and bis friends experienced at the reception they bad rocelvod on the occasion of his first visit to America, and tho flourishing City of Chicago. Had ho visited Iho country veors svgo. ho was conlident that It ■would have proved.advantagoouß to him In many particulars. ’.(‘tie business relations of tho two oounmoa liavo been sueli us to gratify tho English people. They have bean characterized by the utmost romity of feeling und freedom from losses. Ho apoke of iho object of tho .Society, and re gretted that rm organization eimilv.r to the ouo existing hud not been fonued yours ago. What he tsaw of Chicago, mul what tier people had ac complished since tho line, inul been to him, and was to those unacquainted with tho energy of tho people, u subjectalmoi/t iowmiprehonHiblo. But Ids surprise wan lessoned when, through the kindness of friends, lie hud boon tvllordod siin opportunity of viowlny; the country adjacent and tributary to Chicago, lie closed with tho tvsnur nn«o that tlio Society in .London was ready to prnlYer any information lhat might bo requested, end renewed ins acknovrlcdi’mcnU for tho rc coption tendered himsolf and friends. Brief and pleasant addroreim were made by Abo other gentleman present, offer which tho party YiflUca tho Board of Trade, and gave tho strung* am an opportunity lo Inspect iho motbotl of transacting business In that agricultural retreat. THI3 COUNTY" COMMIfISIONIfiItS. An najonrnod mootioß of tl\«>Oi»vtl ot County ■Cmnratelouora w»a ImW ycirtordny afternoon. 'Xhom note present Commlmlonorn Aohlon (in ■llio cimir), .tones. Btmlloh, Tyonorpnn, Bogus, ■Olunnli, Hotting, Johnson, Dnnso, Ilnssctl, nnd XUrria. The apcclnl order wnn postponed until 10-mor ,.o,vf ntul tho following communications and po f Itlons woro considered : Prom M. B. Bailey requesting permission for 1 olcaeo from hln proposal for tho addition to tho j naano Asylum on which ho found ho could not t inllzo* reasonable protVt. Another reason was li 10 fact that mneo his bid wa« submitted iio had brguntOQcek n place on tho Board of County Coinraisolonorn, and ho fell that there wan somo •tutufi Incongruous in tlio two positions of con tractor and candidate. On motion tho comma ;u;wfltion, which created cond(lerablo 4 morrimcnt, t.eui placed on llio. ..... „ . Tho JTesident reminded tho Board on tlio ; uroaontaiion of tho pay-rolls that the law re-. <iuired the fixing of tho sal.mes of county cm •n [oven bolero tho fall election. It devolved upon ‘no*Board to boo that this wiw done. * Commissioner Boguo mated that tho mattnr •vwh being considered by tho Committed on Pub .lie .Service. Requisitions for supplies to tho different coun it/ lußtllutiono wcio roforrodlo tho appropriate Jommittcos. ~ , Hcvoral WUa from outside towns vwo teforred •without rending, llio Chairman eluting that •those towns woro far.t becoming u burden to tho ’.Board, and that tho present Ktato of a (Taira was ..n violation of tho Jaw. Commiseionor Clough suggested that if tho "Board woro appropriating money illegally, tho •County Attorney ho consulted with a view to stopping the expenditure. Tho Chairman stated that ho did not moan in ■violation of tho law, but that tho matter was ono om* which tho Board should hare nbuoluto con trol Instead of only tho HUpoivinlon. If tho Hoard took charge of tho matter an they ought, tho expenses would ho reduced one-half. Conuniantoner Clough coincided with Iho (llmlrmnn’s views, and said ho would welcome i ny measure which would .effect tho desired change. A report of tho Committee on Public "Works recommending instructing tho Clerk to draw ld« warrant on tho Treasurer in favor of Porklua .(; aiovooEou for paving and grading was con curred in. Tho Committee on Miscellaneous ClamiH roc ommondod tho payment of bilk amounting to $9113,10. On motion tho Lilia woro ordered to bo 1 Joint Committee on Public Buildings and Pubho Charities submitted tho following report: Your Committee, to whom wan referred tho several proposals for building an addition to thfl County lu pr.iie Anvliim, with instructlonn to tubulate tlio eamo nnd report lo tbo Board, bog leave to submit tho lu closcd tubulated ctatrmont of the several propennU re ceived, anil recommend that the contracts fey said ■work ho awarded to Iho lowrnt, bidders, ns follows, upon I heir tiling the necessary bonds ; .1. W. Qarvey, tlioconiravt for masonry, including hollow bride, vlaiUrrlui', and carpenter wort, at ?OMOO; io lYcd edet HurniHn for rooting work at pi,.“ 100 ;to 11. A. Slrortcr « Co. for Iho ironwork at $0,779. Tolnl, *fUt‘.<79. Mr. at. D. Bailey asked to withdraw hl« proposal for Ihiv.'iinrtjnvvork Al £57,700, Inclnslvo of hollow brick, daindug inability tu carry out the contract at thceo lignns. After the reading of the tabulated r.tntemontn tho report won mnimmouulv adopted, and the contracts awarded in accordance with tho recom mendation. The Board adjourned until to-morrow after noon. STAADEM. Tho case of Nicholas Staadon, imlictocl for arcon, came up in the Criminal Court yesterday mousing, Judge Moore presiding. Tho counHol for tho defendant, Thom«B fihir loy, presented ft petition for change of vomio, on tho ground that ft fnir trial of the causo could not bo had in Cook County on account of tho prejudices of tho people ftgainat defend ant, growing out of the excite ment in reference to fires, etc. The petition further set foilh that all of the Judges of tho Court wero also prejudicial against defendant, and that the excitement ami prejudice prevailing in Cook County and its courts had ftluo extended to Will and Lako Counties. , , After reading tho petition and tho affidavits of quite a number of citizens to tho satno clfect, Mr. tthirlev rend from the slntnioH to show that tho Judge had no discretion in tho matter, but was compelled to grunt tho petition. ,State's Attorney Heed followed, arguing that Mie Court had discretion, aud could grant tho petition or not at option. Tho Judge oxamiood tho statutes, and,con cur; ing in Mr. Khirloy’a argument, granted tho miitimi. * Tho champ was taken to DnPago County, ami he prisoner was hold to bail m tbo sum or MO,Odd to answer at such time as may hcrcaftoi jo Used. MINOR CONVENTIONS. this roi.Es. Tho Boles in iho United Slates, through tliolr repretiontativea, mot in Convention in Him city llfty dolegalon, represent ing colonies in Illinois!, Wisconsin, Michigan, Micsouri, Minnesota, Now York, Now Jnrnoy, Ohio, and Indiana, vrero prcaont. After attending mass in tho Chapel of St. StnniulaMs Kotaka Cluireli, on JN’oblo street, the delegates repaired to Bhcrman'H Hall, near Bradley utreot, r.nd at t) o’clock were called to order hy tho Rev. Father Theodore Gieryok. An election of officers then took place, romilliug tu the choice of llio Rev. Father Joseph Miwlol ewicz us Chairman, John Bazwisky as Secretary, and tho Rev. FiUl.'er Moilitor, of Chicago, as As sistant Secretary. Tho Chairman then addressed the delegates in tho Polish lungiia/50. 110 said that the object of the Convention wits to bring togathcr tho seve ral Polish fleUlomculs in this country so that they might take filops for their general welfare. Tliolr number wai not inconsiderable,—probably 200,000 in all; io Chicago alone about 7,ooo,—and it was lo bcregnTlcd that no concerted action had heretofore been taken to elevate their nationality into its logilinmto position among tho peoples of thin great country. To remedy such a urate of affairs tho Convention was instituted, and ho trusted (hat it would not fail of its object. Boles thus far had merged, or rather been swallowed up or absorbed, by tho more powerful nationalities,—tho Gormans and Irish,—and they were regarded as nonontitiealin a political souse. It should not bo so, for Boles had a national history of which thoy felt proud. A want of knowledge of tho En glish language hud operated against them boro very much. ■ There hud not boon any collegiate establishments of any importance conducted tmder a Polish-Englinh management lo meet tho wont. Tli® chief purpose therefore of tho Con vention will bo to cloviso means for tbo erection of a college at a central point in (bo United States, and to establish a central Colonization Society. By those agencies they might bopo to create in tho munis of our young people a lovo aod venera tion for Iho laml of' thoir forefathers, give thorn a knowledge of tbojjreat land thoy dwelt in, ami so elevate them intellectually and morally that m duo time thoy would bo abloto take thoir rightful position anting Iho other natimnditjoa. Tho address was received with enthusiasm. Committees on Credentials r.ud on Arrange ments wero then appointed, sod tho Convention adjourned until JJ o’clock. Tbo afternoon was snout in tbo transaction of business of no gen eral importance. IIAIIinVAUE 51KHOJIANT0. llio Convention of Hardware Merchants nf the Northwest, who began their ocamons at tho Tromont House on Tuesday, continued them through yesterday, whon, however, acting on tho principle that all work ami no play lu apt to dull one’s intellectual vigor, they allowed a little pluamiro to break In upon Ihcir laboro. All morning, however, they devoted to a dlii ensgion of Urn mteroHtu of thn hardware hmd uohs iu tho Northwest, and in tho afternoon they took n drlvo around town ami enjoyed thoclo ciueut descriptions ofitH main potuiu of beauty and interest, which tho Chicago nnm pointed out to thorn. Tho Chicago hardware houeoa of any oomioqiiouco *ro all represented, and the following aro tho mmiois of most or tho outside flinrti having representative!! at the Oonvoultoin 11. W. Booth it Co,, Howell* Oann A (Jo., L. pßpponhmmor A Go.. Jhckoon, Clark A Co., W. A. McCall A Co., of Cincinnati; A- I’’, bhapleioh, Himniondn Hardware Company, MoUion, V/illumitj A. Co., of IU. Louis; John jjussni A Co., 11. Hiiimv A Co., 0. Uhop puvd A Co., John I’rii.".lnff A Co.. of Mil* waukco; W. SVyclh A Co., nf Bt. Joseph, Mo. ; Andrew A Treadway, Westfall, Htuos ,V, Co„ of Ihilmituo; Ducharmo, X-’lctchor A Co. v Buhl, Ducharmo A Co., Pronlleo Bros. A Co., btaodart Bros. A Co., James A Co., of Detroit XHE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE i THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15. PAGES. Whittaker, rhßHpa xb Co, of Toledo ? Sickles, Broslon & Co., of Davenport, la. 5 Colson *w* of Burlington, malting In all about thlrty-uvo delegates. . It tho evening llio Convention enjoyed a ban quet nt tho Grand Pacino Hotel. T»n n.ow makers. ..1.4 .JiVM 1'11.1,-Hvi During tlio past fow days tho plow nnd culti vator ißßiitifaclurorß of tho Northwest have boon holding ono of ihotr Quarterly Convontionn nt tho Mnttceon Houso. There woro puoßont about twenty roprcaonUnp thn largest ronn ufuctnrora In th?> NorthwcHl. Tho propcodlnjja were in thd nature of a general consultnl lon upon tho gcnornl iutovcalsof Ihotrftdo and Iho fixing of prices and tf/rmn /or Iho oiißlnng year. But llttlo change v/ns enrooted in those, w mt fow altornliona woro nmdo being in favor of thn deal ers nnd consumers. Tho tr.tdo of tho pant year was talked ovor, and nil prosemt roportod a fair mißlnoHtt, and tboucht tho outlook for Mio cow ing flonson n favornblo ono. At tho tiamo tlmo it was decided that next year no Increase of lutßl ncnsphoulilbo indulged in, tho general bmiinoaoof iho country not warranting it. raynionlH last neaoon were very fair, nnd tho members of (ho body filatod itlmt (hoy coußirtorod tlmoffootof their organlrialiou had been very favorable to all pnt lion concerned. Tho Convention hoforo clos ing olooted tlio following ofllccrs for tho onotung year s iVMftfcnf—T. D. Drowsier, Peru. s«rc(<tr{i—l.. K, Uemonwaj*, . , tfsetutiiw Coanuiffoe—Conrad I’urflt. 11, D. home, IL K, Swan, William Purlin, .1, H. Whlisou. Tho nott meeting will bo held at tho IffaUoson ,House on tbo first Tuocday in January next. A LIVEX/ST SKIRMISH. ‘Ofiicor Maher, of tbo Madison Street Station, hftd a dosperato and bloody struggle yesterday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, with three young radians. A clerk tn Curtin’ lumber-office, at tbo comer of Canal and Fulton streets, ro pciiotl to Maher that three young men had at tortupted to rob hie employer’o money-drawer, and rxvo a description of the parties. Shortly after ward tho officer discovered John Haggerty, a no! nrioue desperado, standing at the corner of La’ioand Omni streets in company with tiro otb or young raon. 110 took Haggerty In cha rgo, on suspicion of being or.o of the • three persona who had attempted to rob Curtis’ till, and proceeded with him to the lumber office to have the clerk idon tif3’,hiro. The complainant was not in, and Ma!her informed Haggerty that ho would arrest hue»on general principles, as a vagrant. Ji [o walked along with his prisoner as far as Uiroo and Eagle streets, tbo two young met i who had boon with Haggerty _* o lb owing behind, whoa tho latter called on I ala companions to assist him in resisting the am • Ht. Tho two young men ran up and attacked tho officer and a light onimed. Owing to tho cumhoraomo and useless bolt wlik fli tho policemen oro compollod to tvoa;;!, Jtaher was miahlo to draw Ids revolver, and wan about to use bin club, when it was HuaV rhed from him by Haggerty. Ono of r. ho other rnfilans drew a small revolver and UrcO I twice nt Mahnr,bnth shots piercing bin left ham 1. and disabling him bo that tho struggle with . Haggerty wan atilt more unequal. In tho moa otimo an expressman, William J. Meukins, ami a teamster, came to tho otllcor’a assist ance w and Haggerty was secured and placed in 2 ionldua’ wagon, biu lind no Booncr been loro id down on bl« back, than ho reached be hind Idm and drew i> revolver and shot ono of Mon, kina’ thumbs off. lie aimed to Kill tho first, man who stood in hie way, and It was no fault of Ida t hat murder wan not added to hie long list of crim Inal note. .... Tb o other two villains, finding that further ro eistn nee wart useless, ran off, and up to last sc conn hi had not bon arrested. Hi tfgcrtv woa taken to tho Madison Street Rlfttl on and locked up to await examination. HJtu tppcaranco gives ovidonco of tho desperate strui ;glo with Hhher, wlio held on to Idm in spite of hi n wounds and several heavy blows dealt by Ilagj jertv with the club. On oof tho bulloln was extracted from Mahnr’o hand, but the other was bo fit mly lodged in tho inuso [os that It was doomed best to delay its ox- tract} on. Ur< }2crly is tho samo man who recently rooiflt od hi v’eral oftlcora at his mother’s notorious abode , on tho corner of Kinzlo and Elizabeth Htrecl. i, and fired two shots at officer Cannon be fore Ijo waa secured. Ho in ono of the most daugr rous characters in tho city, mid, being ft muacJ ilar follow, gives tho police great difficulty whoa they attempt his arrest, Uo in now a suro camih' Into for Joliet Penitentiary, ami can thank hia fa rtuuato star that ho is not ono for tho gal lows. LOCAL LETTERS. Tl !E COUNTS UOHI'ITAh QUESTION AOAIN. To the J’ditar of The Chieaqo Tnbimc: Sin: Not a few citizens aro anxious to know tho ra Ison of tho delay on tho part of Lie County Comm isslonora in tho building of a now hospi tal. A Jroatiy months havo passed since tho hos pital fci ito was bought and paid for by tbo county. No cot omunity in tho land lino tho opportunity of hav iug a hospital ao perfect inalltbatwill give I oalth to tho sick, and at so moderate an ©spoilt is, ns wo. There is absolutely no city on tbo coi alincnt now so sorely in need of a decent hoapili il as Chicago. Pntloula aro taken in groat nurabo ra from our present old clck-houso lo tbo Poor-I fouso at Jefferson, so great is tho over crowd! ng at the former place. Can any Commissioner bo at this lato day in doubt I ilmt Uio people desire a hospital, and that one on gilt to bo built } Verily tho most lamont abln ii set in our municipality is that wo should feel ca lied upon to continually upbraid and com plain « f our Iftw-ninkors. Doubtless wo often do ic unjiE itlv. Probably very often tho County Board t mild fairly defend thomnolves against tho accusal ions of tho people. But under Heaven who ia there that can frame a defense for tho omirteio ndo care well for tho sick who aro a chnrgoi ipon our hands v P. Ciiicai io, Oct. Iti, 1871. To the n War of The Chic-sw Tribune , 8m • Permit me, through tho medium of your journal, to call the attention of tbo public and tho pre por authorities! to a notions tlavr iu the north a tmtraont-wall of tbo Hoisted street via duct no’ r erecting ami approaching completion. Both si ?.c-walls of tho abutment, about-1 loot from Us J front wall, are cracking badly. These cracks n m from tho top downward, n distance ol T» or 0 fev H. Tho wailo uro evidently too weak for tho Lson superstructure, and its weight must have cw isod tho breaks. It acorns to mo, aloo, that tbo tnda of tho iron girders do not project far enough over tho edge of tho wall to insure tho nocoe nary strength and safety. Lei. tho au thorities eco to it that this defect is remedied in time, aud I thus avoid a possible ami *erious acci dent. Onscnviiu. Chicago, OcL 11,1871, GENERAL NEWS. Dotoct Ivoa Chapin and Gallagher, of tho de tective farce, recovered Tuesday night for Sirs. N. T. Jobtimon tho jewelry otolen Inst Thursday evening'from her Uouho on the boulevard. Tuesday evening Snnitary-Suporiutomlont Miller noilicod a veiy powerful and unpleasant Bmoll pcmdlng the South Division. Tho fur ther south ho wont the stronger grew tho arnoll. Ilia curictoity wan excited, and ho ect off in pur miit of it- It wan a long and weariuomo chase, but aboutuuidmght ho ran down hla game, ami found Ihonouvueof Iboanioll, & very pretty on.i of lie Bpocios, do bo Balaton’s oatoblluhincnt, south of tho StocV-Varde. Tho Supaiintondont will bring tho mutter to tho attention of tho Grand •lury at tho >xarlieut possible moment, amt en deavor to Bcuu.V) tho indictment of the ullondcr. A young mm fared Into a.Thirteenth Ward saloon yeatord.iv, and ashed tho barkeeper lor a glass of wine. * Tho barkeeper asked him which ho would have,- -cherry wino or porter wine, — and ho said ho’t.ould. The Eiociill’.o Committee of the Oittoene’ An- Hodation will moot at their rooms In Alerolmnts’ Building, a( !> p. m. to-day, to consider the Gal loway icport on taxation. Tho ba Y.f tof St. X’ntrlck's Church, corner of Adams nr d Dcsplalnoa Htreots, which imgao Monday, r a now in tho full tide of success, nml mil donb Hess continuo so till It closes on the y-lth. 7 ho attendance la excellent, tfnd worthy of the.' duo display of articles offered for sale. Th* alarm from Box No. 0!H at -1:50 a. m. yes (enU .v, waocaused by tho pnrlitd burning of a two- atory fmmo building at No. 1 Smart street, owi tod Uv Mra. .lulm Jlohb, end occupied iu a pi? no manufactory. Loss on building, vIWD 5 iu aurauce, *floo in tho Citizens’oi he walk, I\. J . Origin of tho lire unknown. An accommodating drufcgkd on Ogdon nvonuo bromintly l«lxl in » btocli ox to X obiion utiolouxorn. Iho llrxxt xlixy bo lixxd bio floor f o-r Lbid, uxxd ill a vort-hot flro in Iho otovo, and, /, bot.ecn tho heat and camp, Wi «h™P« B ot stuck together, and fiO per cent of life BtocU uuf forocl shipwreck. Kb:?,/, morning. about 4 o clock, bis night-bell wan pulled out by tlio roofs by a man who wanted n »/amp to put on a lottcr to go In- ibo Bt3f) a. tn. Svalm. Tlio dnimjlet dm not kill him, Iblnklnßlbnl by courtesy w would bo euro a pcrmation? customer, and bo bad bis re - ward, for ibo man eswo back and kioknu at (-ho door, and tlion when . l ) 10 rt ” rn K* gist oamo down nuked him to smell bis fistniui rod Ida Picons and say why In Ibo name or tho gentleman and summer resort particularized hi .Uovolaltouß. *s. t % 11, bo bad given blot a stamp that wouldn’t miok? Aflorau amicable arrange ment of ibo matter tho nmn wont out grumbling about that being a bottomless pit sort of away to accommodate tbo public, and dropped bls mlß blvo into Ibt* l>nx before (ho door, winch woman t bo visited by tbo collector till noon, Notwlth ptifndlng thin crumb of comfort tbo pharmacist wont np-otaira with (ladling eyes, ami empllotl tho oonlontfl'of his ev/er upon ibo cat, with Urn remark. “I*ll teach you to ask for stamps an oilier time.*’ TUB roONPMNOB. , Tbo ladles who represent tbo inlorestnot tlio Foundlings’ Homo, aro doing ft good bußincos at No. 01 Washington alroot, and their hearts re joice thereat, partly because it la pleasant. to succeed, and iiwrlly because success menus warmth, food, bio, for their infantile charges.> Among tbo w sido-sbows to use tholon gungo ot tbo worldly—in a picture of Echo Lake, which is lo bo given to the most popular mem ber of tbo Hoard of Trade. * Tims far very few votes have cast, and tbo impression is gain ing ground tbat there, are no popular Hoard of Trade men. B ittbisiaa mistake, ami in a day or two tbo voting will begin wiih groat vivaeP.y. There in an impioHslon around town that “Jack ” Sturgea is net an popular on ’Change ns Prof. Bwing lo in Chicago, and Mr. Biurgoa is hatch ing a neat Irtllo scheme whereby many votes shall bo polled for him, and this I'otso impression 1)0 corrected. Messrs. J. C. Lyon and George Hrlno have oovcrnlly arrived at the name idea, ami aro mustering their forces for tho fray. Tlio boil will ring and tbo lunches will close at 3 o’clock Wednesday, and It will bo intonating lo see which one of them will be ablo to make all his deliveries in time. Thou tho winner can tile tbo aforesaid picture in court ns au exhibit,—a proof of bis good standing in the community. NHWfInOYS HOME. Tbo boys have been urging Mr. Hillings to open the llcv.iio to them, though tho titling up is by no moans, complete, and tho walls not tmf llclcntly dry to make it safe to occupy tho rooms at present. . , , homo complaints have been made by persons who find tiro boys needing ti homo, and who lldnk they might bo accommodated, though tho building Is nttU untlulaliod. Tho following totter from Dr. Miller, of tbo Hoard of Health, gives abundant rer.aon why tho boys should wait a fow days longer before going into their winter-quar tern : Boxnn or Kfawh, 1 Orn'Oß of Sajutaiiv Sui'ciumtksdf.kt, >■ Chicago, oet, ll t 1871. j IF. J). lUWnyt, (fenrral Su/utrihtrn<Uirt Arifahoys' liont«; Dfaii Sin: jly a notice in tho paper*, I nee you In tend opening tho new Homo lor tho boys on Friday evening, oct, fij, After a careful examination of tho building, I nnv convinced that the health of tho boys will bo emlAOßMred by allowing them to occupy the room* until lliv.y are more thoroughly dried, either by artificial hoit, mr I>y lH*iug exposed lo Ihu ulmuyphcrc, Vour great to open tho Homo at an early date In rerUinlv comm mrtable, but to do no bcloro the roonm cro tboronalilvdrlcd may bo serious to tho health of tho loyo, and.! would advise that you postpone tho opening nntiluvteh time nu tho roonm cun bo occupied with flKi'oty. lUcocctfully, Bus 0., Sanitary Superintendent. Tho bucccbb of the ontortnlnment to bo given at Central Hi ll on tho Sflih, to ruiHO money to pay for lilting up tho gymnasium and reading room of tho .Homo, is assured, ns over SfiOO have boon received already for tickets aold. Tho work of fitting up la going forward aa rap idly nil possible, and a proud opening may bo ex pected before .tuauy dayii. CR CfillNATj RECORD. CIUMINAfi COUUT. Judge Moon I—Nicholas Staaden applied for a change of vo nuo; tho application was granted, and tho venue-changed toDuPago County. JUSTICE COURTS. Jio»/icc7?oy(im—John Eagan,.arrested for the larceny of proi orly belonging to 11. C. Shields ; held to the Ct iminal Court in bail of 6300. John Miller, art tested for robbing 31. Erankof bis watch and chain; continued till tho 17th iuet. lu ball out 3300.—M. J. 3tabony, arrested for assaulting Eugene Eremin with a deadly weapon with intent to hill; changed to disorderly, nml flood 625.—John 31c- Connick, arrested for larceny; continued till to-day in b». a of 6-100.—Sylvester Schinboru, arrested for thc> larceny of a horse belonging to a. W. Maxwell, of Indiana; held to tho Crimi nal Court in bn X -1 of sßoo.—Charles Beavers, ar rested for swindling; continued till tho 151 st inst, in bail of 6300.- —John Walsh, arrested for tho larceny of propurly belong to John A. Hack; hole to tl:o Criminal Court in bail of sooo. Samuel Wilson, cut on bail iu SBOO for assault ing Jocko Whito with intent to do bodily injury ; rcnrrcotod on Hi u obargo of assault rath intent to kill Jessie «ito, ho being in a dying condi tion from a fraa:rurcd skull 5 committed without ball to awnit iho> result of White's injuncs.— Henry Jackson, arrested for swindling James King out of n ti-um of horses Sunday, tho 4th inut., mid coutlu 1 icd j cnee called up and accused acquitted. . ~ Justice Kiiufi. iniin—Ferdinand Purklo, ar rested lor Inrcor. v; continued till the 20th Inst, in bail of SSOO.-' bio same iprtl' with Ferdinand pieut, August I.lrassclmau. Joseph Curtie, and Udulph 8. Kip, m ore orrealed for riot on a war rant sworn by M. r . It. Moulding 5 continued till UOth met. in bail of SBOO each. Justice t'cull'j- -Charles Gunderson, arrested for an attempt t a commit larceny 5 fined $23. Louis Lynn. nrn ntod for larceny ; continued till to-morrow m bni iof sloo.—William and James Woods, arreoted -for burglariously entering tho “LoyalPalm,”under tho Old Unmet.’ House; hold to tho Crim' mil Court in bail of $2,000 each. —Joseph Kamps and Kuulco Auer, arreslod for burglary ; contin aed till the 17th lust, in bail of $1,500 each.—Ant an Sadeck. arrested fordtunkon and disorderly conduct; continued till the 17th ioat. m bail of $7 20.—Mary Melon, arrested for larceny; contiuu ert till to-day in bail of SI,OOO. J IISCELLANCODK. Thomas Welch wont into tho saloon at No. 21 West Kandolph street, about 0 o’clock last evening, in au intoxicated state, and began to abuse a young man, and act in a very disorderly maimer, when John Burke, tho barkeeper, seized a pop-bottle and knocked him down. When ho attempted to rioo, Bnrko dealt him ; another blow. Officer Wiggins was called to tho place, nod took both men to (lie Madison btreofc Station. It was found IhntWolch had two deep and ugly wounds on his head, which wore dressed by City Physi cian Dunne. Onoo.\ the cuts was 2 inches in length, anil tho othon appeared to he an external fracture. Bnrko wasbookod on tho charge of assault with a deadly weapon, and Welch was de- tained as a witness, j Constable Lonror, of. tho Town of Now Trior, reported to Asst.-Bupl. Hickey yesterday that (icorgo Uockwell, a mtm who had boon arrestAi by him on tho charge of swindling, in soiling real estate to two parties, escaped from him while ho was convoying him to Iho County Jail. It appears that the constable allowed his pris oner too much liberty, aud bo took advantage of it. I». Marshall, one of tlio expressmen concerned in the llccclngof emigrants by causing thorn to lay over, wan arrested yesterday afternoon by Detect ive Morgan, omllookedupla die Central Station’ to await a hearing on the charge of swindling. Alfred Madison, a hotel runner, was subsequent ly urrestod on a stmilar charge by Detective Uclnaoman. Snoak thieves entered tho room of Mrs. F. N. Hamlin, at her residence, corner of Sixteenth ntreot and Michigan nvontio, Tuesday evening, while the family wero at tea, amt succeeded in stealing SI,OOO worth of jewelry. PERSONAL. Tho exhibitors in the agricultural department of the Exposition tender their sincere thanks to tho Superintendent, Mr. O. 8. Curtin, for tho ablo and nutlufuctory manner in which ho cou ducted the department, ami for tho gontlomauly and courteous treatment extended to nil. Mr, John U. Jeffery, of tho AVcmm? Journal t has boon requested by over 200 citizen * ofthft Twelfth Ward In hocomu a onulidnlo fo.v Alderman of the ward on Iho Krpublicau ticket. Miss Phosbo ConzUm, ofSt. Louis, in the guost of Mrs. Fernando Jones, No. IUO I'ralrio uvotiiio. RotTolv gossip has It that another wedding in tho fashionable circle of Chicago will follow that of Col. Grant s Iliac before tho dawn of Iho Now Year a prcnnluant and wealthy os-tJongrtiwman will wed tho fair and accomplished widowed daughter of n city ofilolul high in authority. \V, D. Oroenlavr, President, ,T. A. Simons, ftwrotaiy, and Ooorgo Long, General Agent, of tlio People’s Fho luotuance Company, of Mem niiiH, Tout)., are utopplug at tho Palmer House. Jerry Nottingham, Esq., of exprotm froigU liuo fame, will eoou leave tho city with me fami ly to spend tho whiter at tho Townsend House, in Balt Lake City, A ptlaCul utbmaUc trouble, which makes r, winter residence bore unendur able, drives him temporarily from a city with whoso intercuts ho Ima been Identified since At. half-pasA 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon Mr. Edwin Hunt, nn old ami honored resident of tills city, died, after an illness of ton days, aged 00 years. Mr. Hunt camo lo Chicago in 1817, and wont Into f/io hardware business, becoming one of (ho leading dealers in that lino. Tbo nows of ids death will bn received with Borrow by lUo many who know and loved him. During tbo last five months Mrs. Abraham Lincoln Ims boon confined to hor room from a oovoro illness, and, while she is now recovering, yet her nervous exhaustion is no groat that lior phyolclann and friends doomed it most inadvis able that she should visit Hpringileld in order to bo present at (bo ceremony of unveiling Ibo monument of her lalo husband, which occurs to-day. ANNOUNCEMENTS, There will bo a temperance meeting Ibis even ing in tho Second HapUat Church, corner of Morgan and Monroe streets. Emery A. Slorrs will speak. Owing to tbo Illness of the pastor, Mr. ITol nicr, tbo reunion of tbo congregation of Union Park Congregational Church is postponed. Tbo annual election of oflloors of the Chicago Atbcmcnm takes ptneo this evening, A regular ami independent ticket are in tho Held. Tho polltt will bo open from oa, ra. to Bp. m. Per sons who have hold memberships for six months prior to the election aro entitled to vote. A mnPB-mccllng of citizens of all denomina tions, who are interested in retaining Kobort I'ollyor ns a resident of Chicago, will bo bold nt Unity Church, corner of North Dearborn and Whitney streets, tliin evening at 8 o’clock. It iu expected that tho attendance will bo so largo, and tho expressions of sentiment so hearty and decided, as to convince Mr. Collyor that it is best for him to remain In Chicago. A full attendance of all members of Templar Lodge 110,1. 0, 0. P., in requested this evening at their hall, corner of Washington and Doa nlpincn streets, (ortho transaction of important business. AU visiting brothers in attendance at Iho Grand Lodge meeting aro cordially invited lobe present. THE OITT-HALL, The City Collector yesterday collected $3,210; Water Department, SI,BOO. Tho employes of tho Board of Public Works wore paid, yesterday, for tbo mouth of Septem ber. Tlio City Treasurer yesterday paid the Police and Fire Department to tho amount of SIOO,OOO. 110 also paid out $140,000 on city indebtedness. Tho Finance Committee will meet at 2.p. m. Friday afternoon in tho Mayor’s office. They will consider tho Dixon ordinance, rotative to the enlargement or tbo water supply. Tho Fullerton avonno conduit yesterday caved in, causing a delay of nearly a week in tbo work. The caving was entirely accidental. Ko persons wero injured, although there were several narrow escapes.' Tlio Board of Police nml Firo Uoromiwioncrfl failed lo meet yesterday afternoon. If Presi dent Marie Sheridan ta able to attend to-day they will definitely aottlo whether Goo. Shalor will come to Chicago or not. Tho Board of Public Works will to-day open proposols for building a twiug-bridgo at Ran dolph street aud a pile bridge at Fullerton ave nue. Tnoy will also open proposals for Bowers on tho following streets in tho South aud West Di visions : LfUffth m/eeL in /ccU Vincennes avenue, from Thirty-seventh street to Thirty-utnth 1,350 2 Ashland avenue, from tho river to Twenty-second street 9,C2i C>-f Ashland avenue, from Twcoty-aoooud street toElghlocufh 1,903 4)-j Ashland avenue, from Eighteenth street lo Sixteenth <SOO 4 Sixteenth Htveit, from Morgan to Centro avenue..., 1 Sixteenth Hired, from Centro avenue to IHub Island avenue................... WSB 2 Sixteenth street, from Loomis to La (Hu. (100 U IHKhteoiithstrojt.fromLoomUtoLoflln. 60S 2 UiKhU*nth street, from Loomis to Tliroop 660 2 Aehlmrt nvemic, from Sixteenth street to Fourteenth.... .. ...1,023 4 AcJilftijcl avenue,from Fourteenth strep. 1 , to Twelfth.... ..................1,3:20 D>; r.olicccn Hlrcot", from Morgan lo Centro nvonuo 1.540 1 Rcliccco utroot, from Throop to Laf1iu...1,320 1 Tlirooj* otroet, from Fifteenth to Henry. 350 lif Jlcui'/ Direct, from Looualu to Uluo le laml .ivonno 1,100 1 Cooilduo street, from Loomis to Laflfn.. MU 1 Sampson street, from Loomis to LalUu.. C\vo 2 Lafliu etreet, from CoollrJtfo to Hastings. 71i0 l,*v Htipthign street, from Lanin to Loomis.. (>SO l Fourteenth ctiect, from Lalliti to l/oomls MO *J Latlfn street, from Fourteenth toltobocca l,0i!0 !},( Henry street, from Laflin to 270 feet east 27i) 1 Fifteenth street, from Latlin to Loomia.. £99 2 Schoo' street, from Pcsplatncu 100 1 STJEimBAN NEWS. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. The contractors have furnished gravel for tho Vincennes Hoad, ami the teamsters of the village are busy hauling it from the cars. The grading will commence this week, and tho road wilt bo in good condition this fall. Tho Board of Trustees mot Monday evening, President Mason in tho chair. There wore present Messrs. Schaltz, Manser, Gorton, Grconain, and Lowen thal. Tho bill of Carl Billings for lumber, 082, was ordered to bo paid. After making arrange ments whereby tho teamsters residing iu tho village should ho engaged to do the work of hauling on tho Vincennes Load tho Board ad journed. This measure gives general satisfac tion. Tho children of Bethany Sabbath-school, by ftltoniftto Sunday poiiny-oubocripiioiia, are rais ing a fund to purchase a bell for tho now Union Church. Over SSO him already been contributed. The Directors of School District No. 7 have decided to put nu ornamented slate roof, instead of shingles, on the now school-house, Tho now Catholic church will bo dedicated Sunday. A number of dignitaries will ho pres ent, and tho exorcises promise to bo of ou im posing character. Tho Building Committee of Union Church havo decided to finish tho basement for use this winter, and to complete tho odillco mvifc spring. Tho little daughter of M. O. Barter,, who was run over two weeks ago, is recovering. The driver of tho wagon has not yoc been arrested. Tho effort made to organize a Litornry Society at tho Sociable hold nt tho residence of Col. ilowo Friday evening was successful, over fifty members being scoured. Tho following Com mittee was appointed to arrange the prelimina ries: C. O. Howe, W. 11. Iloplannon, tho Lev. D. 8. lloffron, and Mr. Hiding. It is proposed to purchase a library immediately, and to have a course of lectures this winter. Paved- Gentlemen's Bilk wrapper* and drawers at $3; price elsewhere, ffl, Ladles’ underwear at 73 cents to sl, worth $1.50 to $1.75. EJro hundred pieces of cnssl nicrcs fur men’s and hoys'wear at 75 cents to sl, little above hu If their value. llorlnocs in all new shades, 75 rents; prlre elsewhere, $1.25. Quo thoiuuml pieces rich plaid and plain dpnea-gooda at 25 cents to 55 cents, which la not their gold-coat to import. Look at our $1 black coidimorjn. Other houses will ask you $1,30 for >io better gornts. Over 700 cnees assorted fall dry good* now opcn'uG. Ilnycro save at toast onMhlrd. C. W. & 12.P.tnnninoK, 111 and 110 State iitrcel, Latest Nows. Gootleiwen** fur and full hats changed into (he latest tdyhw of Indies 1 hats, at short notice. D. Vfwwtr.R fc Co., 270 and 273 Wabash avenue, wholesale and retail mi), lluocy. Pianos {©Rent. A largo assortment of superior Instruments com utanilv im huud for rent nt f.T to sls per mon?h, Kent deducted If purchased. Lyon ,t Ucaly, State aad Mon roc streets, _ Chtclcoring Squax‘o Grand Pianoo, Extra parlor pianos. All tho liuml improvements. Warrant.'d to plea***, or mousy refunded. V.ecd’s Temple of Music, t»:J Van ilurrn street. Tlio mu .TloicuUiiu Coal IMscovorict, /•Voni thfi Hokten (Te/.) Tranm ri/if, The tmccimea of oul exhibited at the Territo rial Fair, and which was represented as tho product of a nowlytllscovomt seam in Elk Mountain district. Park County, him boon ana lyzed by Prof. E. ,1. Matott, of iboUohlon School of Mines. Fifty gruuiswcio boated to a bright, redness for onu hour In a porcelain tube. A Mnall amount of water waa given oft—no bltu luinoun maltur and no ftisos wore eliminated. About seveuty-flvo cubic contimetrou of illmni umting gas, of a very pw>r quality, was col lected. After cooling, Iho pieces ot coal wero withdrawn from (ho tube, not haring boon al tered in physical appearance ty tho lutouso Igni tion. No iueiplent coking was observable, Tho composition of this coal, tho insignificant tvmonnt of Ran product, tho total nbsonco of htwimlnona matter, and its non-coking property. Indicate that It 1b nutlirncUftt although ft first Inspection Hiows it to bo somewhat dnToront In nppoarflitoo from I’ounnylvtmljv anthracite. It in pronounced tho boat coal ihuu far diocororotl in Colorado. Tho following is tho analysis; rise*) enrbon , tit n dark brown c010r... liilo motion, chiefly wnlof, :U\o gravity JAPANISSI3 ITANATICISM. The murderer of iltu (.rrtmvii Consul nt llnlioitiull t'nnfvssos lain Crime. Ilakndadi, Japan {Am, UJ) Correytondenee. v/ the yew IVtt JlfraUl. I transmit herewith u paper Riven by the mur derer of Sir. E. Uabor, Herman L'omml nt thin port, to the police at the time ho delivered Idm holi" tip to tlio imihorlUon. Sir. Holier, mi t uup porto you wo mvaro, w«« cut down by a .Japanese of the Hamurni clfiHi', end literally chopped to nieces, receiving twenty-live separata wooridn. Tito nsHHQHin wim nolihor drunfc nor crazy, but committed Iho deed Hololy on account of Ida ha tred of foreignern. Tito following trannlafiou may nerve to nhow tbo fcolhigu of ihcoo uamtirni. who wore retaincra of tho former Prlncon, and have boon thrown out of employment and power by Iho Introduction of tho foreign element Into tho Empirej Ttir, MnnnnHP.n’n r.TATi:>wNT. I, (he umtorfiluneil, Miniinmlo-no-Aceon Tawld ItcdeohUra, mod respectfully und humbly beg to lay a statement before the Roiln mentioned below, thonch I fool It to bo ft fearful duly to express my tiiou(jhta upon this occasion. First Koh-tal-dzln-ku. two temples nt K-so-no hunt; Kaslma, Kotorl, lihusulftldsu,. three lemplns nt Knulo 5 Dnl-dzn-Mltt-lil-no-nmya, principal temple wt K-zu-mo; Pnhdr.i»,atlho temple of my native coun try, Aldlnkou.nnd my household cod, and also Ten dxln*chlie-yao-yttro.aiiuo-h»jnl, Havlna learned a fow volumes of Japanese history, this very InatuHdently, through an education which I received Uirounh the favor of To-dzu-wnnmo To njnukl, Hiulo priest, In my native country, or Akita Iten and a few others. It camo to my knowledge Hint nlUhlmjs In this world arc by the fuvor of the noun; that the successor of Ills Majesty Iho Tenno rclsue ond governs at his throno Iho country of Japan very pueccMPfiillv, and (he distinction of nooplo nalolhnlr tnmitors anil servants la made, nml thu courses of con duct by which tho people muot ho ruled ami pro vided. On the evening of the day bcforo yesterday one of tho rods, Dzu-mu-Toiino (ho undent Emjicror), who Aval laid the fnnmtetlon of tho Empire and nettled at Tonw-10-uo-zuni ca tho Capita), np poarcii to tno In a dream, and spoke an follows: “ That tho forctgucrn residing in this place (Ilahodadi) are go ing to take into consideration and dismiss upon the mimed of iho overthrow of tho Tcnuo (Emperor) of onr country *, therefore, hilt tho thieves (both foreign and Japanese who Join with them in the conspiracy) immediately, before they hare tbo opportunity to do eo.” I respectfully dcalro to accept the gods’voltnbtn command, which bus idled my heart with Joy, though I consider it n task dUttewlt to perform. If, in torch ing for the robbers, I com® upon them, let mo hare good advice promptly and punish them, thus carrying out tho wishes of tho gods, by which our country may to dtHUugiiished from tho rest of tho world as an en lightened nation. If, in coming upon them, I fail to execute Urn coinmauun of the gods, 1 hope that they will send down a great Bioknees upon mo; and, in leaving thin world, I hereby testify, speaking with (ruth and trust, that the goda may bo an nsslstanco and protection to me. MijfAMivro-so Asaon Tazaki Hcdkcihica. men-of-war have arrived in port, and Coroluuora do not apprehend any further trouble, though at ono time it looked much as if there wrh a conspiracy to murder foreigners. Tho Japanese ofllciala aro pushing thoir Inquiries to tho utmost, and deserve great credit for tho manner in which they have conducted tho inves tigation. *JChu Financial Pouitlon of tlac I'rlnco Tho following are luo moßtintoccstiug and im portant passages of tho editorial in the London Tiniv.'t of tho let mat., tbo polnla of which were telegraphed, in reference to the Prince of Wales’ fiuaucial condition: “It has been stated that tbo debts of tho prince of Wales amount to on enormous sum— one foreign journal places them at XGOO.OOO •, that tho propriety of applying to Parliament for tho moans to pay them was considered by tbo Into Premier: tlmttbo project was abandoned through o mistrust of tbo temper in winch it would bo received; and that, Anally, her Majesty bad taken upon herself to free tho Prince from his liabili ties. Such ataloraento .in thoao being mode and widely believed, It is well tboysbould bo definite ly contradicted and tbo true position of tbo Prince’s affairs mado known. “ Tho income of tho Prince of Wales is de rived from tho annual grant made under tho authority of Parliament ami from tho revenues of tho Duchy of Cornwall. These have hitherto miAicod for iho maintenance of the Prince's es tablishment, notwithstanding tho expenses which ho lias incurred by having, from tbo time ho came of ago. largely represented tbo sover eignty of England. At tbo present time the unpaid claims before hia Koyal Highness's Comptroller amount ro llttJo move than a third of tho X’rmco’s annual income, and, with tbo ex ception of one or two accounts unsettled from peculiar circumstances, thoro is at present. no hill on tho list of more /.ban one year’s standing. Tho payments aro periodically audited by Kir William Auderson. They aro regulated by tho balances in tho banker's hands, and tho balances on this Ist of October will bo more than sufA uiont to meet every claim on the Princo. This being the case, ik need not bo said that tho ru mors of serious debt and embarrassment havo no substantial basis. They havo arisen from misapprehension of tho real facts, and thoao it mav bo aa well to state.” After alluding to tho numerous expenses in separable from tho Princo of Wales’,position, the nrticlo continues: «• 'j.'o moot all those calls, the Princo bos an in come which, at tho time of its settlement, was estimated at XIOd,OOO Hr year. Tho nearly-fixed income of tho Princo of wales caunot enter into competition with tho enormous wealth possessed by t£io highest section of English society. Nor is it, indeed, for a moment to bo desired that tho provision assigned by Parliament for tho Prince’s uminionauco in ft manner befitting bis position rhould bo measured by anyoxtravagnut standard of luxurious expenditure. Put, taking into ac count tho inevitable outgoings of very largo in comes when associated with high rank and re sponsibility, wo are not surprised to loiirn that tho Prince’s expenditure Ims exceeded his in come. The excess, however, has been provid ed from funds which legitimately belong to the Princo of Wales, aud aro. in fact, his private property. During his minority tho revenues derived from tho Duchy of Cornwall, carefully administered under tho supervision of tho lato Prince Consort, wore allowed to accumu late. Largo sums out of this fund were laid out on tho purchase of a pleasant but not profitable demesne, and on making those alterations and improvements which arc commonly incidental to the purchase of an estate. Nevertheless, there iitili remains enough from tho Duchy of Corn wall accumulations to cover tho yearly deficit of tho Prince's establishment. Tho trustees sell nut stock to the amount required to pay tho claims on tho establishment, which is thus kept clear of debt, except in respect of such recent accounts as those wo have already mentioned. From £’lo,ooo to £20,000 has boon annually re quired for this put pose. Tho Pnnco has thus hitherto relied on his own moans, aud though, no doubt, it is a misfortune to bo living on capital, still this is a very different stale of things from that which tho popular rumors represent.” .1,603 2 MARRIAGES. KIMUAU.-TAFT-At Waukejtan, 111., Oct. M, by the Hof. O. M. Sanders George i'. Kimball, of this city, and Lydia F. Tafi, of Waukegan,— On Iho I.lth Inst., by ithe Rev. A. Harris, assisted by Prof. Swing, Mr. JojopU C. M ond* man, of Auburn, .Maine, and Mia* Kittle M., daughter of U. A. Spring, Jr., of Chicago. LHWIS-PUJKEUIKG-Oct. la, at tho resldenro of tho hrido'a pamnia No. !■» Lakmav.. Herbert O. w'nla and Uaphlno, oldoat daughter of A. 11. I lokorlng, Lsd* Nu cards. JOHNSON—LYNCH—At St. Jarlolh’" Church, on tho evening of tho lull lust,, by the Bor, lalhorCaahmun, K. V. .Inlm-on and Joalo if. Lynch, jar* Wow York Impure plcnso copy. KIRK-Tuosdar. Oct. tit, of diphtheria, Robert Grier son Kirk, sou of ThoniAi J. and diary 11. I. Kirk, aged 3 and 8 month*. Funeral from residence. 331 >\csl, Thursday, Out. 15, at 2 o'clock. HUNT—At Id* lair residence, K3l Vuhaab-tr., yostcr day afternoon, Edwin Hunt, In the 66th year of hie ago. Nollco ol funeral horoattor. DUNNK—The funeral services of tho late Mr. James Duano will hu hold at Ids residence, 113 SuuMi Paultiu at..(m Thursday morning at Id o'clock. Cnrrlitgim to Gmrelaud Uomotory. Friends aro respectfully hivltod to nltcml. MORSE’S LtIXURENE. MORSE'S LUXURENE I'OK TUB IIAIIJ. ** A new ami perfect Deodorised Cocoanut Oil Compound, having NO IK KLE GAKCE; rendering tho Hair soft and gloaay; promotes lie growth and beauty, aud romoros Dandrull. NA TURE'S GREATEST AND BEST NUTRITIVE HAIR DRESSING. Belle at sight. Price, CO coats. Whole* •ale by VAN SOIUACK, STEVENSON 4 P.EID, guU by all Druggists and Nation Daalon. For Upwards of Thirty Tears MRS. WIKHMJWBUO/milKa BYRUP haibffln imM nr children with norcr.falllnK bhcoom. It oerracta ncid tty of tho etomaoh, relives wind colic, re«uUd«s 1 m bon* Mr, onrofl d,v<trt)!crread ri!«rrli?ft, Iroai tMlhln* nr other cause*. An old and welbtrlnd rcmely, For all Purposes of a Family Liniment, TMKHOUBRnor.n PANACIiAwIJt bo foimdinvalna bln, Immediate redo' will follow ttattso lomU »■««* nf jmlrt to thn "tomncti, bowel*, or side: HumnAttsir. roll-. bor Internal unit il u«». Children Often Look Pale and Siok Jfwra no other rnuso than luitlo* worms is thesb much. TIROW*N»» VIWMIKW«K«OMVmwm destroy worms without. Injury to fbo child, belngr porfonfly nan ?, and froo from nil coloring or other injurious ingreein* s m*. oily used In worm preparations. Bold byalldrc«ip.jts. •» rents o hot. CmcAuo, Oct. laTl. .IXO. «. JRPPKRV. KflQ.t DEAttKia: Wr. (ho tmdcrslynod.cltliiens of the Twelfth Ward, belnjr nf iltfi opinion that tho Ward ahsnM ha represented In Iho Common Connell by a clllron of Integ rity and ability, who will dcroto his Umo and energy to promote (ho loterusts and welfare of his constituents, ro epcctfully roqucst that yon will boeomnacandldita far Aldonnim at tho coming election. In caw yourhould consent wo pledfjo you our hearty support. W. 11. Orfa*. ten, S. A. Rakor, (J, A, Conk, C. 11. Morse,C.Q. Singer, 11. 11. Ranotds, C. r. llakor, F. M. Croeamaa, 11. P. Ohambortiu. Win. W. linker. A. 11. Rotpb. R. fl. trv »i...1, lUirinrtnn, 1,. >U. Croenraan, A. Goodrich, "• JI»lP* Chas. H, loonard. Ciraniror ftmltb. 11. H.y arllt.tUlc, Or. ,1. Wilbur, MnJ. A. W. Rdwaid., A, t\ Hno’nnn. and other*. of Wales, DEATHS. POLITICAL, AUCTION SALES. isy GEO. I*. GOXIE & CO., 08 Sc 70 Wobash-av. CLOTHING. TnuilSHAv' o"V°l3 1 ' U " ll ' d 10 ° nr Anrtl(m B*>° “• w, .hall .Hor f.nil Mil) .largo «nd •UHcUro Unis «( Men s and Boyi’ Covom-raarto CLOTHING I" Coats, Pants. Vests. Suite. Otercoate, Jacket*, /a. Ijbi*.,\u'Vh0P“fo2l 1 j b i*. , \ u 'V h0 P“f o 2 l ato ‘ clean, straight Fall MdVi Inter bwltin Ana npti medittin grades, and Cash buyers will find It to (heir interest to leaped the same. W ill also mako n great anlo of Govoriamont OlotJalu® ♦ 5. COO Uniform Hoate, 5.000 Cavalry Jaokete; also, Otcp coats, Blouses, Pants, Ac. GKO. P. GORE «t CO., 63 and TO Wabish-ar, AtTOTION, On Thursday, Oct. 15, at 9 1-2 o'clock, IF YOU WANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Attend this sale for Patter and Chamber Furnilews Book-Cases, Wardrobes, Shlobo&rds. Dresaloc.C*sn, Extension and Marblodop Tables, Hall Tree*. Bedsteads, Bureau*, Oitelntb. Mirrors, Office and Patter Desks, Planes, Mbow-Caees. Keekers, l.fino Chairs tucluse. Wo hwa & tine slock of Unggks and H at>- nooses on hand, O. P. UORK A CO-, Auctioneers. ' ATTOTIOKT, On SatHnluy, Oct, 17, at 9 o'clock, 22 Orates W. G. Crockery (I3NT OPEN LOTS). AT 10 O’CLOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Wo shall offer tho largest sndboit assorted stock of Hdinclmhl Furniture that lias been offered at auction. Parlor Suita of every grade and style. Chamber Sets of nrsr/ grade and stylo, Easy Cha Ire, Book Cases. Lounges, 8/deboards. Wardrobes, Rockers, Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Buroatis, Marblo-top Tables, Chain, 0-flteo and Parlor Desks, Show Cases, Mirrors, Carpets, Slab troMor, 101 Rolls Floor OH Olotn, Pianos, to. At 11 o'clock, Open and Top Buggies, extra fine Har nesses. , O. P. CORK A CO.._Auctloneera. By WM. A. BTJTTEItS & CO. TRAmTfSALfS. DRY GOODS, WOOLENS, AND CLOTHING, Tliursdar Morning, Get. 15, at 9M o’clock,At 103 East Mart*, *d tloor. WM. A. BUTTERS & CO., Auct’tA. THIS (THURSDAY) MORNING, OCT. 15 - FRESD, FJUdT-CLASS GOODS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Cloths, Canslnioren, Shirts And Drawees, A full line Furntehlntr Goods. I/idtei* and r.untV Glotov and Hosier/. Linens. links., Hmbroldarlcs. At 103 East Mniii-ou-st. WM. A. BUTTERS A CO., Auctlonscn. SUTTEES & CO.’S REGULAR SATURDAY SALE Of over 1,000 X-ots, including 15 Flcgs. Whito and Yellow Ware, in opon lots; Furniture, Household Goods, Table Cutlery, Carpets, Plano Fortes, Sewing Machines, etc, SATUKDAY MORTIIXG. OOT. 17, at S« o'clock, It Salesrooms. ICS Bast Jladlso:i-st. W.M. a. DU ITERS* CO.. Auctioneer*. POSITIVE SALE OF BEAL ESTATE, «ATL*HI)AY AVTURNOOX, Oct. I 7, J T4» At 3 o'clock, oa tho promises, Eight Lots fronting west on Wallaco-st. Three Lot* fronting north on lwenty*flfih-Bt. Two LoU fronting south on Kossuth-st. Ait between Twenty-fifth sad Kos- Oao Lot corner of and fronting W5 (cot oa Archcr-ar., and MO feat on McGregor-st.. with imorore ments thereon; ono --story and basement Brick Building and throe Frame Buildings. For particulars and limns boo plats now toady. AV.M. A. BUTTERS <k CO.. Auctioneers, and Agents for owner, office IDS East Madison-sl. Our Rfiplar Farnltnre Si. I’riduy Uaralng. Oct. 16, at 0 1-2 o'clock. Largo and General Aeaortmentof NKlVand SECOND* HAND EURNITUEE, Parlor and Chamber Furniture. Extension, .Marble-Top, and Walnut Table.’. Booh Cases, Wardrobe;. Lounges, .Matlroj‘ca, Carpets, and General Merchandise. Also, entire contents hotel. 40 rooms, modhim furniture. bljlSOa. l OMaBOi A M).. fti A £A lUndolpb-sf. BANKRUPT SALE AT AUCTION. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, &c.,&c., AT STORE 124 STATE-ST., SATURDAY .HOIININM* Oft. 17»nt II o’clk. Tl»a entire slock uf A. B. VAN COTT, consisting of Jewelry. Sterling Stiver, Nickel Silver, Silver-plated W.iro, Clocks, Hronros, Fancy and OrnamenUl Goods. at peremptory rale for ‘-•arm. Soli byordorof tho As-lgnoo. ELISOK. POMEROY A CO.. Auctioneer. uo’cKWKijii, wiijTiams & ca, SOI and S«6 Hut Madlaon-st. AT AUCTION THIS PAY (Thursday), ato^o’clock, NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, Consisting of >f. T. and Wal. Chamber and Parlor Seta, In grunt variety; Bureaus, Commod*n, Hair and Husk Maitreeson, Comforters, LUnkule, Bedding, Crockery and Glassware, do,, Ac, At Id o’clock, one very tine Plano Porte, made by tho “ Groat Union Plano C 0.," full round corner and lltie-tonod Instrument. At 2 o'clock, a largo lino of new and second-hand Parlor, Heating and Cock Siitovns. ___ ROCKWELL, WILLIAM. 1 ; A CO., Auctioneer*. ”jiy miTLIsr^TTYSN"STCO. Rofynlap Tlmr.sclay Sale NEW AND USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Including Furniture of all kinds, Velvet ond Brussels Carpeting, Untie and Spring Mattresses, largo hue Pas* lor uud Heating Stores, Mirrors, Show Cases, uaramoa, Harocas, baloou Counter. A c, _ WILLIS, FLYNN .t CO.. Auctioneers, IK, and 197 llaudulph-st. Isy Aioisl{ ISON, 11ODGKS & CO. 1114 WEOTTIAIIISON.IST. W, .lull >:ll Urn ODiln .took .ml ll.tnro. of Ih, Gn>- cory Sture, consisting of a gonoral lino of Groceries. Gmintors, JhidUmf. 10 Sugar Bwios. hcales, |oo lies, Ac.. Ar.; also, Hwtso, Wapun. and Harness. Ihe «»• lures aro llrat-elaas, and must no sold on this. (Thursday) morning, 1(> a.m. Take Mndlseu-ut. oars, hrsl gneory at ndlrcad Irack. A change t.irbariijlna, MORRISON, UODCiEbACO., Auctioneers (jCK>nndbMl.«Le-*t. Also, largo sale id Fnrnttwro, Htrwos, Ac., atovtrwar®* rooms, Saiurda.v evening, 7«oV.|och. MOItIHSGN, HOftGEM ,t CO., Auctioneers^ liy JOJIK UilJllKtir THE ANNUAL SALE OF THE HUDSON BAY 00,’S BUFFALO HOBES,