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4 TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. XATM or »VMr*TTTIOW trATAVLS t* AOTAKC*). DMlt. |.« oi*i) $ 12.001 Bg*fK> Tri>Wcekl, o.<KlUvc«kU M.UU Fartloi sjcflpattße untnarat*. . , „ . To rtarent oalay ami uUMAkw, !*• «nr« »po Cl»o Foil CO c* »ddre*» in lull. Intlrnllna Strtta and Cmimv. Foal HtmUUncei mar o# made oltuor by draft. esprou, ■ OfTcoaievr. oi in togiMiwßd lo »«■«. »t mtrriaa. rKRMB “IO CITT HUBSOmilEll*. - Bally, dHltetoa, Bumuy oiceptoo to eont* parwaea. so «vifflMSoW;w?S' Ctcuer V-iUfop onrtOporlinrwt*.. Ohloa*#, lll.’*- TO-DAY’S AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OrKnA-HOITSE-OUrb street, oppoilte iaormau House. Kelly A Loon's Minstrels. MYRAS' oritßA.llDHßF,—Monroo street, between State ami Dearborn. Tbs Ooortrla Minstrels amlTarUly psTforinanos. IIOOLRY'S TIIHATRF—Randolph strest, bstwsen Clark ami LaSalle. " Tlie Sphinx." ACADEMY OF MUSHI-Halsied 'ireeh between Mart sen anrt Monroe. "Riijracempntofo, L- ioxsFamo ■ilrae-Troupe. " Hnmpty Dumply." M’VICKKK’S TIIKATRIS—MadIion slrest, pearhnm am! State. Knunßeincnt of the Ksllogff Kn- ( llsb Opera-Troupo. •' Trov.itom." lIAISTBI).STIIItKT Ol’niM-ITOUSK-Cmn.r ll«r --then ami il fitted itrcntc. Macßvoy’t Hlbornlcou. SOCIETY MEETINGS. CENTRAL CLWn-WlI meet this evening, Oct . ID, at the Mine place. Members arc rvti'ioalsd to brluj, all their friend* and frleudi of the t>mn. frUbINESS NOTICES. TO CONSUMPTIVES - MANY lIAVR 11IIEN Iwtnnr to cl*o their testimony In fator of tho uso of “ Wflbor’o I’uroCod-l.lvor UU ami Lima." KxporJenco htanroted vc uab o remedy (or Consumption. A.tKlMphtborU. soil all dl-wwM Lime*. Alanniactutcd only by A. B. WILBOR, Liiam tat. Boston. Hold by drqgwMa chnyrally. Uhc QEfikrac. Monday Morning, October 10, 1874. The Opposition party of Cleveland celebrated their victory Satin-day evening with a rousing meeting, at which Mr. Payne, tho gentleman who boat Dlok Parsons so badly, spoke out bluntly as to tbo errors of tho Administration, and attributed to them tho recent Republican disasters. Ha expressed the belief that tbo remedy is to bo found in tho union of Democrats and Independent Republicans. The combination certainly worked to some purpose la Mr. Payne's district. ______ A Cabinet-office is not necessarily a pledge of unalloyed happiness. Already Gov. Jewell is getting into a snarl, and doubts are expressed aa to hia continuation. Me. Bristow, who swept so clean at the start, is said to have weaned in well-doing, and to have modified tho compre hensive system of reform which he inaugurated. And yot it may be that Messrs. Bristow and Jen ell ara doing os well aa now Cabinet officers could bo expected to do. Tha accident on tho Pittsburg, Port Wayne & Chicago Rathoad, which occurred on Saturday afternoon at Piorcotou, Ind., is attributed to tbo fact that the train was running at the rate of 10 irnloß an hour. This feet of itse f, however, is not sufficient to account for the accident. Forty miles an hour ia not an unnaual rate of speed, and is perfectly compatible with safety. It is (ho common rate of speed in England, and many of tho Eastern express tr>!ns run on this time. In this caso tho engine struck a cow, and vaa hurled from tho track, resulting in the wrecking of tho train. If thorehed been proper cattle-guardii or other protection from animals at large as there is in England, tho accident would not have occurred. It is to tbo lack of these precautions, not to the rato of speed, that the accident is duo. The expected majorities in the several (now) Congressional Districts of Indiana, baaed ou tbo rote for Governor in 1872, and the actual re sult in 1874, aro as follows: JtfoJ. mlßl2. <>» 1871. Tlret WR D....Fuller, Dtin tiCSmaj. BvcuU'l 4,442 D.«.,Wlllljtins, Doui..G,ri(iO muj. Third 4,f.1U D...,Kt-rr, D«-iu 1,331 maj. Fminh 701 2t....3«w f Deni l.lOUmaj. Filth 1,413 H....Holman, Deni.. .2,01)3 maj. Sixth 1,07;t 1t... .lloi/iiiknii. r,t*p.. 2H4 hmJ. SfiTOtlh 1,702 It....ijimlitF, Dt-m... 6(£ initj. Eighth 1,402 1t;... Hunter, Itcj» 103 muj. EiuUi. ClXiit..., llcji 430 muj. TtntU 1,4»C lt....H:ninoml, Dem. ‘.Km maj. Eleventh. 2,01 d K....Kviiiiu‘, Kej» 1,200 mitj. Twelfth -1,171 D....Hamilton. Dem..2,7lK‘ muj. ThlrtOiUih l.hSl It....Dakar, Hop IC7 muj. Tho Fifth District was laboriously made, by the Republican Legislature, with a view to keep Holman out of Congress. The Third District gives a full Democratic majoxity for tbo State ticket; Mr. Kerr's opponent was & Democratic inflationist supported by tbo Republicans and drawing off some Democratic votes. Whether tho Row York UerahTs version of the von Aruim complication is correct or not, it is eortaioly the first intelligent explanation of von Aroim’a arrest and imprisonment. According to this account, von Aruim was sent as Ambassador to Paris with instructions to maintain the most friendly relations with tho French Government. Instead of this, he broke with Maollahon, and even declined to present official communications; bo also set about to increase the contingent of the German army on Fxouch territory. Ho was no sooner installed in Paris than ho wrote directly to tho Emperor William attacking Bismarck's policy. This communication was promptly turned over to Diamarck, land von Aruim was notified that ho must henceforward communicate with tho Foreign Office. There upon ensued a voluminous correspondence which von Arnim, at his removal from Paris, took from tbo archives of the office. It is for the recovery of this coireapoudonco, which Bismarck claims to ho official, that the prosecu tion is brought against the ex-Ambasaador, and his refusal to ‘deliver it is the causo of his incarceration. The antagonism between the police and tbs students of a university town ta as old os the university system, and extends to both conti nents. A college student always regards a police nan as hlsuatuial enemy, and the policeman looks upon tbo student as bio special cross in life. This traditional feud bas received a now impulse in Ann Arbor, and has broken out with an unusual warmth. From tbe accounts that have come to uo, we should eay that the Ann Arbor police wero rather over-zealous on Saturday, when they in terfered with 'the boys on their own ground while tbe latter were engaged iu wrest ling and other athletic sports said not to have been prohibited iu tbe University rules against hazing. But as the students evidently got the boat of tbe police in their conflict, tbolr subse quent procession and noisy demonstration was 111-conceived. If those students’ troubles at Ann Arbor go on from year to year, they can scarcely (all to be seriously detrimental to tbo standing of tbe University; and it lu alike in tbe interest of the College and the townspeople that they be stopped. Tbs Chicago produce markets wero generally ‘strong on Saturday, with a fair aggregate of transactions. Moss r>nrk active and steady, oloslnff »t 610.00 Bimer tbe mouth, and $17.00 Muller the year. Lard was active and euoier, aluauig at Lie for new. cash, and 011.W seller tbe year. Moat* wore quiet and steady, at 7),f0 for shoulders, for short ribs, ami H)tf(fpl2o for swcet-pickled haras. Hlßhwinos wore quiet ami 2o lower, closing at OSo per gallon. Lake freights woro in light domand, at 4%0 for wheat to Buffalo. Flour was active and onslor. Wheat was iu bettor demand and higher, closing at 80%0 seller the month, and B{%c for Novomhor. Corn was In good demand and higher, closing at 74Jfo cash, and 70Jfo for November. Oats woro moderately active and lo higher, clos ing at 47%0 cash, and 4G){o iiollor November. Bye was quiet and a shade easier, at Barley was loss active, but firmer, closing at $1.05)£ for October, and $1.04 for November. Hogs wore In light domand at a slight decline, gales woro at $5.00@0.02}f. Cattle and sheep woro inactive, and nominally unchanged. Tho aonnouß which wo print this morning om* brace tbo Rev. Robert Collyor's, which is in vested with a special interest on account of the recent effort to secure him for tho Church of tho Messiah, in Now York. Iu some preliminary re marks, Mr. Collycr announced his definite deter mination to remain in this city. It was all along a question to his mind of duty and use fulness, and we aro sincerely glad ho has been persuaded that his duty is whoro his heart is,—omoug hla tried and true friends of Chicago and the West. It was scarcely necessary for him to say that money cut no liguro iu the case, for his action throughout, as woll as his last decision to remain, clearly indicate this. Prof. Swing preached a characteristic sermon on Pure Religion, wilh a grace and calmness that showed a genuine reliof from tho dogmatical troubles which he lias turned over to the Synod and Prof. Patton. Among the other notable addresses of the day was one by Mrs. Livermore, who occupied Dr. Ryder’s church. Tbo Rut. Mr. Williamson, tho now pastor of tho Wabash Avenue Methodist Church, had tho Piosidout for an auditor ; and very appropriately, though perhaps unintentionally, his sermon turned ou the struggles of history between usurpation on the one hand and the people on tho other. It is well that every ruler, republican or other, should have this matter brought, directly before him from time to time, and the pulpit is a place where it can be doue wtliout offense. Gen. Hurlhut has at last boon so closely presoed by Mr. Farnsworth that ho has bcou com pelled to upon his mouth with regard to his transactions in cotton-permits and other corrup tions charged upon him pending tho time he was iu command of the Department of tho Gulf. Ho labors through two columns of tho party organ to prove his Inuocenco by bis owq assertions and copies of letters and documents. What he says, howovor, is uot so remarkable as what ho duos not say. Ho does uot answer or allude to the charges of perjury made by tho Commission against him; nor dues ho aliudo to tho charge# made by this Commbiaiou of official falsehood, of ante-dating letters to exculpate both himself and Robinson, aud of permitting bis brothors-in law to rocoivo bribes for obtaining his signature to permits to trado aud other documents. It la also remarkable that Gen. liurlbut cannot pro duce any letter demanding a trial or court of in quiry until it bad boon determined by tho Gov ernment, through Rawlins' iuterocotkin, uot to try him. It will bo remembered that Pioeideut Llucolu was assassinated iu April; that and the collapse of tho War put ou end to all trials for military offenses; but it seems strange that Gou. liurlbut, who stood iu such high favor with tho Secretary of War and Gou. Grunt's chief ad visor, os he represents, should not havo bcou able to secure a trial on charges made by a Special Commission that examined luto the case, aud which loft him under a stain sure to ohng to him forever. THE REPUBLICANS AND TEE ADMINISTRA TION. Our correspondent at Indianapolis sends us an interesting letter upon politics in that State sinco the Republican defeat of Oct 7. He sums up the various opinions as to the causes of that defeat, and states that the “ tmvamiehed truth is, that ibo moving cause wan tho underly ing discontent of the people with ‘the sins and follies of the Administration ; all other things were subsidiary." For this cause thoro were sufficient Republicans in the State who voted the Democratic ticket, or did not vote, or voted tho Independent ticket, to giro the Democrats tho ascendency by a very largo majority. Tho same fooling prevailed in Ohio, with tho nemo effect. That this is so, is conspicuously shown in tho election of members of Congress. In tho present Congress there aro sevon Democrats and thirteen Republicans from Ohio. At tbo election on Tuesday there wore thirteen Democrats elected to sevon Republicans. Ono of tbcao Republicans—Charles Fos ter-owed bio re-election to the vigor ous and manly exposure of tbo fraudulent and scandalous contracts maao by tbo Treasury Department with Sanborn. That act of hostility to tbs Adnunistution saved him. In Indians, lbs Legislature had so arranged tbo Congres sional Districts that but throe Democrats could bo elected out of the thirteen Congressmen to which the State is entitled. On Tuesday, how ever, tbs people elected eight Democrats to five Republicans. In both States, tho people took especial pains to rebuke the Administration la tbo matter of tbo election of members of Con gress, The more notable the friends of tbo Ad ministration, tbo more severely tbs people struck them. In lowa, whore Mr. Hasson was treated as an opponent of the Administration, the people elected him despite the opposition of the Federal office-holders, while several of the Congressmen noted as friends of the Administration narrowly escaped defeat. Indeed, there was no raoro di rect means of rebuke available than that of dis placing the friends of the Administration in both Houses of Coi'groca, and sending Democrats in their stead. Tbs net result of the elections in Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, and lows on Tues day last was the election of fifteen Democrats to Congress In place of as many Republicans, mak ing a difference of tbbty votes In tbo next House of Representatives. It also included tho defeat of two Republican Doited States Senators, and the election of Democrats in their places. Onr Indiana correaooudcnt writes that it is now generally conceded by tbe Itepubllcaua of Indiana that Senator Morton made a great mis take In uot carrying out bio original purpose of opening tbe campaign by a vigorous denuncia tion of President and hia Administration; and the Republican papers of the Stale already have indicated that tbs Republican party, to live in Indiana, must out loos* from all responsibility for tbo acts of the Administration, Senator Moiton, becoming aware of tbe storm that was to break, escaped two weeks ago, and it la now surmised that Ub visit to California la to con sult with flpnator Newton Booth, with a view to the future, 11. Booth, it wm us remetn* bored, lu IwTU, trisa tbe bold experiment ul tmt THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1874. ting loose from the Republican Administration, denouncing the frauds and follies of tho pact, ami declaring himself independent of tho party, lie waa successful; ho not only triumphed In tho State, but received the Sonatorshlp from a grateful people. Had Senator Morton followed his own judgment he would bavo accomplished in Indiana what Booth did last year in Califor nia ; would not now bo ailtlng on tho ragged edge of disastrous defeat. The Bopubllcau party In this Stale, and in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota, may, in the light of tho elections of last Tuesday, look forward also to the neces sity of cutting loose from tho Administration and from the Third-Term policy, or witness a result as disastrous as that which is so grievously mourned over iu Indiana. THE SWING CASE. As the Swing case is once more before tho public in the prospective hearing of the appeal from the Presbytery to tho Synod, a resume of tho salient fnots In the controversy will bo of general interest, and present tho reader wilh a mote intelligent idea of tho points at issue and tbo preteut bearings of tho case. Dating tho months of February and March last, Prof. Patton, the editor of tho Inferior, printed Bovoml editorial articles in that paper impugning Prof. Swing’s orthodoxy and pronouncing several of his tenuous, preached during tho preceding winter, as heretical. On tho 2d of March, at a mooting of tho Presbytery, a resolution was offered by tbe Rev. W. F. Wood, iu behalf of tbo Patton aide, requesting tbe author of theso articles, or auy member of tho Presbytery, to bring the matter formally to tho notice of tho Presbytery, with tbo end that an inquiry might bo made, with tho view of determining whotber those doubts as to Prof. Swing’s olhodoxy wero well founded or not. A motion to lay this reso lution ou tho table was carried by a vote of 28 lo 8. Thereupon Prof. Patton announced his in tention of preferring formal charges agoinst Prof. Swing in April. On the 13th of April tho annual mooting of the Presbytery was hold, and Prof. Pulton laid before it his format indictment, consisting of two charges and twenty-nine speci fications, which were referred to the Judiciary Committee (Revs. Patterson and Ely, and F. B. Otis) with instructions to report tho next morn ing. Ou (he 14th tbe Committee asked for fur ther time, and an adjournment was had until tho 20th. Ou that date, both majority aud minority reports wore presented, the result of tho day’s session being the passage of an order to Prof. Patton to amend certain specifications containing vague charges, so as to make thorn explicit. On tbo uext day Prof. Patton presented his amended indictment, and also entered his protest against tbe report of tbo Judiciary Com mittee. Tho trial commenced on tho Ith of May, and lasted twelve days. Tho sentiment of tho Presbytery and of the community was wilh Prof. Swing. Piof. Patton appeared iu person as tho prosecutor, aud the Rev. Mr. Noyes, of Evanston, as counsel for Prof. Swing. Tho case was ablr conducted ou both sides, although it was apparent ou the third day how it would re sult. Prof. Swing’s popularity, and tbe gen eral admiraliou of the spirit of human ity and chanty which had always appeared in his utterances, created for bun a multitude of adherents, who closely rallied about him, and foremost among them was his own church, which was a uni: iu sympathizing with ami sus taining him. Tbo trial resulted iu his acquittal by a vote of 45 to 15,—Ihroe-founhs of tho Pres bytery thus declaring him innocent of tho charges made against him by Prof. Patton. It was closed with a notice by tho latter that he should maho an appeal to the Synod. Ou tho 21st of May Prof. Swing, who was absent from tho city, sent a dispatch to some of his friends announcing his intention to with draw from tho Presbyterian Church; but on tbo following day ho postponed his decision to await consultation with his frlouds, aud on the 25th addressed a letter to tbo Presby tery stating that at some future time he should ask for a dismissal. Ou tho llh of Juno Prof. Pattou filed a copy of his appeal aud tho reasons for it with tho Moderator of tho Presbytery. Thoro tho matter rested until the Cth of tho present month, when Prof. Swing wrote a letter to the Presbytery requesting them to drop bis namo from tho rolls, which waa acceded to after considerable debate. At tbo meeting of the Presbytery on tbo 12th, a protest was made against bis action, and nolice was given of an appeal to the Syood to revise it. Tho Synod is now in session, and has before it tho protest and the reply of tho Presbytery. The arguments have not yet boon finished, but it is safe to presume that the Sy nod will revise tho action of tho Presbytery and then proceed with Prof. Patton's appeal. It is equally safe to assume that it will sustain Prof. Patton, which is probably all that Prof. Patton cares for. Prof. Swing 1b beyond bis roach and the Synod cannot affect him, whatever may bo thoir finding. Tho real issue now is boeween Piof. Patton and the Presbytery. If the Pres bytery is convicted and Prof. Pattou sustained, It will thon remain to ho soon how tho Presby tery will bear tho rebuke of theso hide-bound theologians. The triumph of Patton sets the Chnrch back into the ruts of the sixteenth cen tury. SUBSIDIES IN CONGRESS. The approach ot the meeting of Congress nat urally draws attention to tbo schemes of plunder proposed at the last session, but discreetly post* poned uutil aftdr the election. Voters of Wis consin, Michigan, Minnesota, and Illinois should examine this list. They should remember that all members of Congress re-elected this year will have secured a throe-yearn* service, and will fool Independent of the people. Voters iu the Fourth Illinois District, who aro asked to vote for Mr. Uuilbut, can find In this list of Jobe, to be voted for or rejected, many millions of reasons why be should uot bo re-elected. Hers Is a partial list of tbo ponding jobs: Northern Pacltlo Railway—lndorsement of Its bonds 150,000,009 Texes Pacltto Railroad Company—ludorto munt of bonds 60,000,000 Geoigla River k Oiual Company—lndorse ment of bond* 75,000,000 Juium River u Uuuawha huprovcmuit, purchme of canal from Virginia, etc,... 00,000,000 Purchase and enlargement of Eds Canal.. 1!5,U00,uU0 Assumption of debt of District of Columbia 110.1X0.0C0 lutTvsee of tue army (per annum) 10,000,000 Increase of the navy 36,000,000 Deficiency bill Wl.oso.ouy pedal telegraph purchase, 1iu,000,000 Centennial at Philadelphia 10,100,000 Auumptlun of the Southern (Rate debts... 376,000,000 Pacino aioauikblpauUlUy (annual) 5,000,000 Aggregate of atralgbt cash Jobe ..$016,000,000 In addition to these raids on the Treasury, there aro numerous other jobs rich with divi dends, but in which there are no direct appro priations of money, the profits being conse quential. The more profitable of these are i 1. The organization of the Indian Territory under a political government, with authority to mint lands to railroad companies. 0. The aumvional grants of 100,000,000 acres of land to tbs agricultural oolloges. A. Grants of Uud and mouey (6 edtebUih nt* llonal 'schools and a mammoth university at Washington City. 4. Indefinite appropriations to cover tho ex penditures by United States officials la tho Bomhorn States for campaign purposes. 5. Refunding the cotton-tax. 0. The extension and enlargement of previous land-grants to railways. Action at tbo last session on many of these schemes was postponed, tho majority of tho members preferring to got ro-oloctcd before voting for them. Tho best way lo defeat theso Jobs is to defeat ovory member of doubtful reputation who is trying to be re-olootcd, and ovory poraon who boa ever been connected with such Jobs. A part of this vast subsidy scheme, embracing interests in all parts of tho country, Is tho Third Term. Nono of those measures can become laws without tho Executive aid. Executive approval is as osacutial as Congressional furor, and honco tho Importance of tbo Third Term in this grand distribution of subsidy money. Wo submit to tho people who are about to elect members of Congress that perhaps thoir best course is to olcctmeuwlio under no circumstances can bo supporters of tbo Third Term policy, and whoso past record gives assurance that tboy will oppose this whole subsidy business from first lo last. The ro-olootlon of any member who voted to postpone these jobs until after election will lo a hazardous operation. CHARLES FOSTER. There was one Republican iu the Forty-third Congress who was not afraid of Rutlor. When the man with tho ovil eye was defying at tempts to investigate tho Sauhom scandal, aud was driving tho House before him, tho raw Rep resentative from tho Sandusky District put tho bully down. He hold his own against tho scath ing repartee of the Essex politic,an. Ho could uot bo cowed. His word-duel with Butler gave him a national reputation almost instantly. When bo was preparing his speech on tho Sauhom Investigation, Butler grew alarm ed. Ho soot frioods to him to exhort him not to hurt tho Republican party. Tho speech was revised half a doseu tiroes be fore it could bo toned down sufficiently to suit tho go-betweens. Even thou, its delivery mad'* Rutlor sick. Throughout tho session, Fasten held his gronud. tic was the deadly enemy of Rutlor and Butlorlsm. He partly filled tho place which Qou. Farnsworth left vacant. The ability ho ehowod was unexpected. He is a country merchant, aud was novor in politics” until ho ran for Congress. Ilia tc-oloction at a thno of Republican disaster shows that the peoplo ap preciate him. His arch-enemy spared no effort to defeat him. Ho got scant encouragement from other party-loaders, Hie reckless habit of speaking tbo truth, whether it hit Democrat or Republican, was out of place in Washington Inst year. Ho had to contend with an opposition tlushed with tho hopo of victory. Under such eiicum utiiuces his rc-olcctiou is no common compli ment. Wo rejoice that h« received it. It makes small difference what party-collar a man may wear so long as ho is himself beyond tho reach of tho party lush. Congress needs more Fosters. If tbo Ohio ono does as woll m the Forty-fourth an ho has In the Forty-third Congress, wo trust that he will go back to the Forty-fifth with a rousing majority. THE NEW YORK CANALS. For thirty years tbo Erie Caual wa» the only water route between tbo West and tbo East, aud in 18CC the State of New York completed and put in operation wbat are known as tbo lateral canals. Ton years later, in ISOS, tbo Erio Canal bad to its oi edit, over aud above all expenditures for construction aud maintenance, $41,41)6,400; aud tbo others an adverse balance of 51C,000,000. lu 1872, (be credit balance of tbo Erio Canal bad readied about $60,000,000; and tbo debit bal ance of tbo other canals bad increased to $49,- 000,000. Tbo policy of tbo Stale of New York has boon to extort from the traffic ou tbo Erie Canal au amount of revenue equal to tbo main tenance of all these other canals, and the pay ment of ".ho cost of their oensti action. An the sur plus can mgs of tbo Erie Caual are now not equal to cover tbo deficit in tbo earnings of tbo other canals, of course tbo policy of tbo State becomes more hopeless every year. Instead of applying the surplus earnings of tbo Erie Canal to its own enlargement, aud thereby increasing its ca pacity and revenue, tbo money has boon applied to “repairs” to tboso lateral canals, none of which pay expenses, aud some of which require ao annual expenditure of SI,OOO for every dollar of revenue collected. At the next election, tbo question is t) bo submitted to tbo people of the State whotbd some of those canals shall not bo abandoned. Nearly tbo entire not earnings of the Erie Canal, from 1820 to 1874, have been sunk in tboso side ditches, which do no business. In tbo meantime the Canadians are digging away at their canals, and before Now York will bare decided whether it will abandon the Crooked Lane ditch, the Canadians will have completed tbeir chain of steamboat canals, affording con tinuous navigation from Chicago to Montreal at rates which will bo less than by the Erie Canal, oven If the State tolls be abolished. With the completion of another trunk lino of railway to the East, Chicago, and the West generally, will have a aheap water route to tbo ocean during tbo sea son of navigation, and au independent railway line to tbo Atlantic during tbo winter,—both lines to the exclusion of Now York, and both in the lino of direct importations from Europe. Had ouo-tbird or ono-fourtb of tbo surplus earning* of tbo Erie Canal which have been squandered on tbo lateral canals boon applied to its enlargement, lbs Slate of New York would have been able to reduce the tolls, and would have bad an increase of revenue. Even at this day in 1874, grain reaching Now York by canal boat is hawked and peddled about the harbor of New York, Instead of going into store, and there are no more facilities for tbo prompt handling of grain in that harbor than when tbo Erie Canal was completed, nearly fifty years ago. Oousiu Jerome Bonaparte never did admlro the reigning branch of tho Napoleon dynasty since tbo groat original ceased to rulo. Ho has in hie possession, it is claimed, a trill of Napoloon Bonaparte, in which he disinherited Louis Napo leon, substituting in his stead tho family of Joromo Bonaparte, lie claims, therefore, that not only is ho tho rightful successor of the "Han of Sedan,” bat that that personage should novor have eat upon tho throne of the French Empire. Prince Jerome alludes In his paper, the J'airiote de la Corse, to his olmilanty In feat ure to tho Oreat Napoleon. Whereupon the geutlo flro-oatcr, Paul de Cassagoao, who is tho champion duelist of Franco, reminds him that this mere faciei resemblance Is common among oats and roboils, and that it only maims Ins am bition the mora saoriUgsous, Jerotuo says that he did not desire to have the guardianship of iho young Prince Imparl*} intruded to him, while do Oassaguac inaiutn thathis failure to ob tain contra] of tlio stripling Is the socio. cou'o of all his venom nml abuse. Those two worthies should light about tho mailer once more. They nml (ho young Prince are tho only persons In terested. Franco has long ago discharged tho whole Bonaparte crow, and can spare ellhor or both of tho wranglers to case of a fatal result. THE KTJ-RLUX LAW. There neems to bo somo doubt as to the con stitutionality of tho law known as tho Ku-Klux law, approved April 20,1871, and directed against tho Ku-Klux outrages. That law was passed iu support of tho provisions of tho Fourteenth Amendment, and prescribed penalties for going in disguise noon tho public highways for tho purpose of depriving nuy poison or class of per sons of equal righto under tho laws. Tho Four teenth Amendment itself affects the States, not individuals. It prescribes that no Stateulmll make or enforce any law which shall abridge tho privi leges or immunities of citizens of tbn United States, or deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without duo process of law. Tho amendment, it will ho seen, does not ox. prossly authorize Congress to Interfere with tho polico jurisdiction of the individual States, and it is a quodiou whether power so to interfere can bo implied from tbs law. Judge Ballard, of tho United Slates District Court, in Kentucky, has questioned the constitutionality of tho act of Congress relating to punishment of the per petrators of tho Ku-Kius outrages. lie has charged that tho Ku-Klux* law is invalid in so far as it coufere jurisdiction on tho courts of the United Stoics In relation to orlmoa committed upon persons in tho several States, hut not af fecting Federal officers, or Federal property, or witnesses, or jurors iu Federal tribunals. lie aayo, “For all disorders of tho State, iho United States mo in no way ro* sponsible. They hare ’no power to punish thorn." According to Judge Ballard, (ho polico power of tho respective States over per sons and pioperty not belonging to tho Federal Government is exclusive of tho power of tho United Slates over the same. Judge Cooley, it would seem, does not go to tho same length an Judge Ballard. Ho says that tho Fouitoeuth Amendment loft the protection of all citizens in their nrivilcgeu and immuailico and their right to an impartial administration of the laws just where it was before—with tho individual States. Tho amendment of the Couhtilutiou, ho matutaius, did uoc concentrate power iu tho Gcnoial Government for any pur pose of polico government within tho S.ato. Judge Miller, of the Supreme Court of tho United States, remarked, in the Now Orloauo slaughter-house ease, that Congress did not in tend by the Fourteenth Amendment to transfer tho security and protection of ail the civil rights from tho States to tho General Government. Justice Field is of the opinion that tho Four teenth Amendment does not interfere in nuy re spect with the polico power of tho State, and that it was not adopted for any such purpose. Justice Bradley, in tho Grant Paribh ease, deliv ered an opinion iu which ho maintained that pow er to enforce tho amendment ia all that is given to Congress. It would seem from all tho opinions that tho Fourteenth Amendment affects and ex tends to States, not to individuals, ami that therefore the Ku-Klnx law is unconstitutional, because it interferes iu an unwarranted manner with tho police power of tho individual Stiles. Tho Supremo Court of the United States has not formally passed on its constitutionality as yet; but, iu view of Judge Ballord’ereceui utterances in tho United Stales District Court for Kentucky at Louisville, it is probable tiiat tho question will soon claim its attention. Indeed, there is to ho an effort to bring it before the Court at the earliest moment during tho next session; and it is not unlikely that tho docioion will to alike un favorable to Attorney-General Williams’ con struction of tho law and tho Chattanooga Con vention’s demands for its application. WOMEN nr JOIT.ENAL.t3M. There is no greater social want in our day than respectable and congenial fields of labor for women Booking employment. There are thousands of women in this and every other country thrown on thoir own resources to earn a liveli hood. Moat of them ate unraartiod. But thero are also thousands of even married women who unfortunately are called upon to support not only themselves but their families. While (ho number of women who must support them selves is so great, it is a lamentable fact that the holds of industry open to them are very fow. The force of oustom, or of public opinion, coniines them to a sphere altogether too narrow. The recent session of the Woman's Congress in this city has called fresh attention to this sub ject, and some of the papers read have consid ered it very intelligently. Mrs. Malloy, of Elkhart, lud., a lady connected with the proas there, pointed out, in a paper which she road Saturday, how women can make themselves use ful in country journalism. Mrs. Malloy Is her self an exemplar of what she preaches. The country press is a weekly proas. It is not there fore as exacting as the press of a great city. Given the demand for a weekly newspaper, all that is needed to assure success is industry, in telligence, perseverance, and business tact, especially in the collection of debts. In none of these is woman necessarily de ficient. There are thousands of women who have ail the qualifications to gather the county nows, to write on the current topics of the day, and attend to the ousiness part of the management of a country newspaper. Even from woman's ability to “ keep several irons in the fire,” Mrs. Malloy infers her capacity for country journalism, which frequently requires the same person to road proof, sot typo, and work the press. Eight years ago, Mrs. Malloy aud her husband wont into the business of country journalism with a capital of SGOO. To-day they have au office worth SO,OOO. The wife has at times remained up all night to set type, after having attended to other parts of the basilicas during the day. It is not probable that many women will be found who will ho as willing as Mrs. Malloy to bestow three or four years on the acquisition of the knowledge requisite to engage success fully in the profession of journalism, aud thou to submit to all the drudgery it entails, besides attending to the details ot household duties. Bat for such women there is undoubtedly a place in country journalism, the tone of which might be immeasurably improved if some of the wives or daughters would take the places now held by husbands or fathers. The Spiritual Scientist, a Boston publication devoted to the propagation of Spiritualism, grieves over the objectless mendacity of the Chicago Timer. That wicked Journal, some weeks ego, permitted one of its reporters, who is the dupe of every strolling medium, and pre tends hlmielf to call spirits from the vastydosp, to wclU up oar tain uplrU<phuta£r&phihg oheik tlonn. The Sciential innocently remarks: “ A portion of this account, which related to oplnt photography, wo coplod not long since, It being tbo uioßt positive evidence to a photograph lalton under Iho moot ilgld teat conditions." Tbe poor pull of a reporter, however, afforded bo much amusement to the photographer that tho latter lot out the secret. Fearful that some other paper would oipono the fraud, iho Times, scorplon-like, turned aud stung Itsolf, affecting to give a description of the process, Tho scion tlat thinks tho explanation a very bungling affair, and bewails a credulity which tempted it to pul faith In the Chicago Times. This ia an interest ing hlfltmy only iuaamuch as it shows that there ore still one or two poor creatures who have faith In that bad and untruthful newspaper. But, even in those raro exceptions, tho faith ia not abiding. _ SDFIItAGE IN FBAKCE. 'Universal suffrage in Franco is looked upon with dread by all classes of tho community snvo by a few optimists, by those who would entirely upset the present order of society, and those who hope to bo carried to the eminence of fame, position, and power on the popular wave. It is a dangerous experiment to put edge tools into the bauds of children and toll them to defend themselves. Just such an experiment has boon tried iu Franco. Tho French people, the French peasantry particularly, aro children In po litical knowledge. Tho suffrage is the edge tool that has been put into their hands. It remains to bo seen whether they willuee it for their defense or their destruction. To judge by the last French elections, we should ho inclined to believe that universal suffrage is a good thing even for Franco. But, despite those elec tions, those Frenchmen wtio have in them a grain of conservatism stand in mortal dread of universal suffrage. Tho Figaro calls universal suffrage, universal pestilence,— ll peale uniccr scffc.” Still, those who are most fearful of uni versal suffi ago do net see their way to getting lid of it. There acorns to he no doubt tbat, bo far at least, tho exorcise of tho right has done no good to France. Pads was always bad. Tho provinces it has changed for tho worse. Tbo peasantry, before the era of universal suffrage, minded their business and attended to tbeir farms much better than they do now. They have forgotten to improve their farms In their anxiety to improve tho Constitu tion. Before tho reign cf univoisalauffrago, ad venturers confined themselves to Paris. Now, like our own carpet-baggers in the South, they find a congenial field of operations in tho coun try, where the inhabitants are almost as gullible os our own negroes. Tho Frcuchmau is pro verbially mercurial. Universal suffrage brings out this characteristic in very bold relief. Tho very same people have, within tho space of a few years, voted for and against tho Empire. They judge now of tho goodness of an Admin istration by the goodness of tho market for tho products of their faims or for their cattle. A had harvest might be made in Franco tho cause of the overthrow of the Government. Socialistic doctrines have made considerable headway in tho country since tho introduction of the right of suffrage. Tho Fieach demagogue has already discovered that tho masses are only so much electoral raw mate rial, out of which ho Is to raulto capital. Elec tions do not pass off as quietly as ie Amoiica. ■ The surface of public opinion Is very apt to he disturbed for a long time aftor the election. We do not wonder, after tide, that tho more mtolligout of the French people look wich alarm at the possible consequences to tho country of tho transfer of powor byuuivoisal suffrage to the masses of tho country. It would seem, from the accounts that roach us. that the gift was premature. So far, certainly, tho nation Is not to ho congratulated on tho effect produced. A committco of the Board of Supcrvisora of Kings County, N. Y., a day or two since paid a visit to the Nursorv at Platbush, and the result of their investigation was a hideous revelation of human cruelty and depravity. There are at this institution no loss than 375 infanta, packed away in mueteou wards,—about twenty to n war'd. The building itself wan in a frightful condition. Over 230 lights of glass ware broken out on the north side of the building, and Iho chilly wind swept through the wards, including those set apart for the sick, chilling and numb* ing tbo helpless inmates. But, oven with mis constant ventilation, the stench was intolerable Tho bath-tubs and water-closets wore choked with filth, the boiler was broken and incapable of wanning the building, aud tho kitchen with all rhe monads was in a correspondingly foul condition. Tho basement was in a state so much worse that only tho utmost courage could keep tho Commissioners down there. And yet in this part of the building were huddled togeth er tho deaf, dumb, blind, paralytic, aud idiotic infants who depended upon tho county for a life. Of the other children the larger number wore in rags. Most of thorn wero aillictod with syphilitio core eyes aud itch. This was accounted forpartly by tho filth and parti; by tbo negligence of the authorities. There were only two scraps of towel allowed to o&cb ward, and those loathsome dis orders were communicated from one to the other by iho towels. Thors wore two sick wards into which patients suffering from scar latina, measles, or any of tho diseases o infaucy, wove promiscuously huddled. With a largo philanthropy, originating perhaps in a dread of the county jail, tbo authorities of the Nursery did not insist upon thrusting cholera and small-pox patients into the sick wards with tho victims of measles aud scarlatina. Is it any wonder that the mortality in this asylum foe In nocents hovers upon 30 per cent ? In a lees for tunate comity, or without the constant supply from Brooklyn, tho rising generation would speedily become extinct. The Commissioners have not completed their labors yot. They should not until every person connected with the insti tution, from tho lowest scrub-woman upward, has been discharged, aud people who are not utterly brutalized aio put in their places. lu selecting a Grand Jury in Salt Lake City Unt week, a curious incident occurred. Tho -Dis trict Clerk and Probate Judge, Qoutita and Mor mon respectively, put alternate names in the box to the number of 20(1, oud thence the grand and petit jurors wore drawn. Several teste wore required of the jurors, ouch as whether they had conscientious scruples against enforcing the law of Congress against polygamy, and whether thoy were living In polygamy. Among the jurors examined was Elder Thomas E. Picks. Ho swore that he was not living In polygamy, and could conooiontlouslv ludiot where the proof was conclusive. The following day it was dis covered that Picks had live wives, and children by ail them. When charged with making a false oath, Pinks said ho did not understand it as hie business to convict himself. After some further conversation, whereby it became ap parent that Mr. Picks was selected by the priest hood as a test case, Ploks was retained on his own testimony. The flint indictment found by ths Grand Jury was against Mr. Picks for “ lascivious cohabitation," whereupon Mr. Picks wao committed to jail in default of (10,000 bail, lie bas since been indicted for perjury and mur der,—the last a lt blood-atonement" ease com mitted on young Bkeems in 187-1 for apostaoy. These are exciting times lu Utah, and tha Saints trs said to bs (lisperning Mpidly. The Kow York TVffcim# explains that iue res ult Khj titoetor Ouliiby delivered the uutum at tho unve.hng of the Lincoln monument because alt the others had ln»r>n Ini.tod aud de clined. f Jhcn it adds: "If any one uojectn to this selection, wo would only stale that sumo o3 tbe Comm.tlee preferred Senator Lura.i.” There has been an extraordinary case of con traction In Bergen Countv, K, Y,, aud a con iractor ought to have been tho victim. A draw bridge was to ho built ncrors the flaokomaclc lllvor. It was not a very difficult piece of en gineering, nor a very heavy contract. The river was J)IC foot wide only, and the bridge nns to be of wood. A Joisey City firm obtained the con tract and proceeded to work upon cciUlu draw ings. When tho material was readv, and tho work of construction Imminent, the atmosphere woa found to have contracted tho woodwork at leaat C feet. The bridge was Oil foot long and the river 010 foot wide. Tho County Superintendent thought that D feet was rather a heavy contract for tne weather to perform, and mildly suggonted that tliia excuse was diaphanous. The contractors agreed with him, and said that recent rains had enlarged iho river by five feet 5 but a measure ment showed them that the figures 310 wore con stant. Bomelhmg had shrunk, but what It was could not he ascertained, floppy thought I The munhn upon which the drawings had bccu mado ou a scale of 4 feet to tho iuoh must have con ti acted. It was laid on tho muslin. There was no means of getting over this ingenious defense, and an additional appropriation was mado ta lengthen tho timbers. The question is unan swoiod whether the contractors, diaughtsmen, and commlsaionora were not under ths weathui also, or, at all events, under a cloud. The Cist Grand Jury impaneled In the Third Judicial District of Utah Territory under tho Poland law was charged by Glllef.Jw.tos Sto- Koau In a manner calculated to cause no little trepidation among the champions of polygamy. The address of tho Chief Justice was made bravery uncompromising spirit. lie arraigned Brigham Young for plunder, and ths substitu tion by violence of tho church laws for tho com mon law, for the establishment of a Suite Church, for prohibiting the free exorcise of re ligion, for inching to murder and arson, and iho violation of law by repeated acts of polygamy. The Congmßiunal act of 1862, ho maintained, had boon defeated by perjury, aud he called upon tho Grand Jury to " bring some of the Influential polygamous criminals to justice.” Iu order to illustrate the monstrous authority of the Hoad of the Church, hs quoted from tho Journal of discourses and tho Deseret News to point out tho atrocious doctrine of blood-atonement urged by him when ho was Governor of Utah, and called attention to the hundreds of murders which hod been comm tied iu consequence of it. Tho ad dress concluded with an appeal to the Qraud Jury to do their duty, however much they might be misrepresented or misunderstood. AMUSEMENTS. TUE OI'EIU. The opera troupe will commence Us third wceh this evening with a performance of “ Trovatore," in which AIUs Kellogg will take the role of Leonora, To-morrow evening “ Mailtano " will ho given, wPh Mrs. Van 2andt in the title role. On Wednesday evening occms tho benefit fox the Hahnemann Hospital Fair, upon watch oc casion the troupe will repeat its magnificent per formance of “Don Giovanni." Tho fact that . this lopreaentallon will bo given for the benefit of this moat excellent cbaiity, and that It is one the best, if not tho heat, representations of this grand work ever known hero, ought to fill the house to overflowing. On Thursday evening tho theatre will be closed in order to give the troupe a full renearea! of '• Hignon." winch will be pre sented in English for the first time on Friday and Saturday evenings. Saturday afternoon a melange matinee will oa given, the acts of which ate not yot underlined. TUE UEDEUKRANE CONCERTS. The second Concert of tho LicderUranz Society lakes place next Sunday evening at the Korea Side Turner Had. The proirrunue. which was iccoivcd too lute fur insertion lu our Sunday's issue, will bo as follows : PART X. 1, Overture to "Zamp.i". OrWitsfra, 2. Wald-Abendschcln L-.tdnkrttm aotfety, 3. Roroonza from " AhU ” Jfr. (Ju do Dmanuel, i. Instrumental Orchestra, 5. "Si qualeoavl lagrime” Mitt Helene Ilalatba, 0. Third finale to “Sicilian Vespers tioli, Chorus, und Orchestra, pant n. 7. Second act "Lncrozla Borgia” DonnlaeUl [ln coatume and with full orchestra.] I.ncrezlu Borgia Mias Aunt Roiet*l Bon Aijihouto Mr. F, Koca Geuarro Mr. O. EmamiJ COMMENTS ON THE ELECTIONS. Tho republicans were badly defeated in fl.o West. There is no use in denying the ugly fact, aud not much satisfaction in attempting to ac count for it.— Agio York MepubUc—crgan of Granlism. —The tide Is very steadily, if not so strong as some anticipated, against Oram's Administra tion.—Agio York Sun. —Tildou is 10,00b votes stronger to-day in Net? York by reason of Tuesday’s work at tho Wes: ; aud the politicians may as woll sake that fact u '.o all suosoquenU’uiculatiouß.—AVw York I' —Thcro is a great deal of vague apprehension and discontent in tho public mind. With alm iy sense of tbo discomforts of the situation, tiro is no clear conception of the remedy. This condi tion of public feeling is unfavorable to tho party in power. It produces a critical temper, and fault-finding moro or less just. Things which in •• good times” would go ua.iu ticod ore pounced upon aud growled over, it may hu party-iroaoou, but wo are bound to say that tho Republican party is not prepared no woll as It might bo to withstand the operation of this mood of tlio public. . • « Thou, the con dition of th' - South is not winning Republican votes.—Aci o York Times. —lt ia not a triumph of tho Formers ilovemrnt, which at one time scorned formidable in iho West: it is a Democratic triumph pure aud simple, and it warrants the expectation that tho minor aide-currents of our politics will be ab sorbed in one or tho other of tho two cuiia streams. According to present appearance, everything la tending to a grand struggle in tho uoxt Presidential election batwoon the two reg ular parties, with no side-movements of any im portance. . . . There must be no mors of the unwarranted intermeddling by which Kellogg was made Governor of Louisiana. Cong: cm must give that tituto a fair election as soon i.t it RMHommou, aud the President aud his superior rlcuable Attorney-General must leave tho 1 .cal affairs of tho South to local management.—-Vino York Herald. —There is no use m concealing the fact that tho Republican party has mot with serious dm ahlora. . . . Thu condition of the South, iho result of Democratic resistance to Republican policy, and not of the inherent faults of the lat ter, measurably injured the party. . . . Tho Republican Congress, too, bus been careless of its good name and indifferent to public opiu.ou. Thu popular conscience in the West la moro sensitive than that of the Bast, and oa'mcu which have no iulluouce hero have been mill stones around the necks of many Representa tives In Ohio.—BMiuitlpMa Pres*. , —Can it be that tho honor of tho Common wealth aud tbo prosperity of ths Nation are bold cheaper in Massachusetts than in Ohio; that tho party which hers indorses Bailor is more worthy of coulldouco than that which Morion led to de feat in Xudiaua /—Boston itosf. —No party which acknowledges such leaders as Kellogg, Moses, and Clayton, in tho tiou;li, and Butler, Cameron, and Carpenter, in the North, cun expect to retain the respect of tao people or successfully contest an election. . . . Ballots cast against the Republican Ping arskob thrown away this year. The time has come ;o punish the men who have tyrannized over tho people so long.— Utica Observer. —Too people, misted by designing and eu;\- niug men, have yielded to their delusive appeal j, until, standing ou tho vortex of ruin, plunder* .1 by a rapacious set of bloodsuckers, and over/ avenue dosed to their just appeals for a pum Government, save the ballot-box, thoy ore no i awakening to tho dangers that eurroundod them. The victories of the present are but the harbm. gem of a future oucooss which is flllod with hop* lor the country.—A'mo Albany Ledger, —Tho Express expected s defeat, but not onto such a Waterloo. The Republican party hu been in power a long time, and the people wen Toilless, seeking change.—Terre iiaufe Exprii l —organ of Morton/or next iVeririmf. —As w« said in the beginning, the ilanubliOM parly should have curium Unto, ami tbs f«o bauDbt be conceded liiat it is a uriolhi tsMiwj .Iloroia .Vena .SOQQiZttll •Verdi