Newspaper Page Text
6 MONEY AND COMERGE. FINANCIAL. Bckdat Bvrmwo, Oct. IS. The financial record of the week is a gratify* log one. Though Uio demand for money lias not exhausted the available resources of the banks, It Lm boon lair and steadily improving. Bank* erotro not eager to enlarge their loans unduly r.t this time. Packers will soon be in the market Cor accommodation, and this activity, with (he **Lor demands incident to the early winter, will caako money much closer in thirty or sixty days. Open lotus on the Board of Trade are almost entirely in cash property. This diminishes the usual employment of funds on 'Chance, ami leaves a amplus in the bauds of the Board of Trade banks. Money can be borrowed of these institutions by strong par* ties, with good securities, at rates ranging from G per cout on call upwards, With the mor oaotilo banks money is firmer ; outside loans are tegoUatod with less readiness, and at lees lib eral rates, end somo of these institutions hare refused first-class outside paper. To regular customers, the nominal rate of 10 pec coot la ■till charged. Money ou the street is firmer at MPodB per cent. , . The clearings of the week hare Indicated the activity of tbo banks and the better condition of gcooial bojiusas. They are : jjate. / C.'ttfrintjs, Tlalnnee*. Monday t<,429,877.84 11611,0*0.17 Tuesday 4,129.176.29 319,116.27 Wednesday, ........ 4 1 , Ji*)J.().!11..'3 614,!W0.1U Thursday. 4,445,6:4M)d 4W,4UU7 Friday................... 4,670,2"Mt 50i.048.49 s*turday 4, SJ'J.mW $26,010,138.16 $2,101,255.62 Total Cerrespundiuc week ii«t yaat 14.817,011,13 1,690,041.89 As we bare explained, tho clearings are aug mented by the cash operations of the Board of Trade, which have largely aupejeecled the '‘dr iving’’ of previous seasons* On the other hand, ihe checks of real estate speculators, which tznoonied to large suras before tiie panic, are not now any appreciable element in the clear ings. The balancs Is in favor of a real increase vi tbe clearings, aud of tbe legitimate ousutess cf the city, which is considered i»y m&n*or our tort bankers and business meu to be better thau before th# panic. „ . . • New York exchange is usually made in large Quantities at this season by the tshipinent of Jjroouca to the East, aud is cousa queully usually cheap. Us unprece dented comse this weci: has been upward, find it has risoa from 25a discount to COo premi um, and there is talk of shipping currency to the Bust to make exchange. No tucu step has yet been taken. The caueo of this high price of exchange is, of Course, understood to be the Bi;ht shipments of gram Etintward. Tho fi&me cause has work in tho heavy remittances which have been made to New York in tbe last fortnight, by the Chic.igo bauke, ou behalf of thoir country correspondents, whoso customers, the country people, are paying thoir debts iu money, and uot with produce. Tbe movement of currency to tue country has b*eu unusually light. The banking bouse of Preston, Kean A Co. furnish the followiug summary for week ending Uot. 17. 1874: Closing. Xotwif, lliuh«*t. V. 8. 6*, IMI 118,'g 118 llS^i U. S. 6-208, 1802 113 112.VT lU‘*' D. 8. 6-20», 1804 11C 116 ‘i 110,180.1,..., 117 110,‘i 117 17. 8.6*200,18(55, J4a.audJdy.llC l ; 115?; llfljf 11. 8.5 204,1037 117>tf 117!» 117' i IT. 8. 6-204, WOO H7;i 117*4’ 117.-; U. 8.10.40* in;; in* na,v t7. 8.6i,188l 112, V 112 'f 112,'f U, 8. currcucyOs* 117*4" H7, 4 ; odd no ion*; no .483 48('V 493 ,*«K *3;# is 3;» B.erliug, sixty day* Kwriiug, light LOCAL STOCKS. The foliowing quotations are t uroisbed by A. 0. Slaughter: Dutiing, SiVing* Chicago City 7 cenlbomla.. Vi> 100 Culcaf.o Cily 7 per nut aewerage 09 lUO Chicago CUy 7 per ceut watcc City 7 per cent torlill -atea..... 97,'f 98 City C per cent certificates 93 .... Cook County 7 per ceutbomla.. bok 100 West Pack 7 per cent bonds..... .. 03 Chicago City Hallway. South 8W0....... ! 150 Chicago Cily lUllw-y, Weil Side. .. 115 Chicago City Hallway. North Bide 02K Traders’lnsurance Compauy..lo4 lUuexdlr Chamber of Commerce 80 Elgin Watch Company 109 Exposition 20 «... cntoAoo gold uanxet. H. J. Christoph & Co., uaukers, 76 South Clark street, quote gold: JDuvfno. Stlhna, ~..lVj*£ HC loa/4 ~..100,4 1WI;/ ....lllik’s 110 UU 10:00 o’clock. 11:00 o’clock. l‘i;OU o’clock. I:t0 o’clock. &30 o’clock. 3:00 o’clock. rOKEIQN EXCHANGE. D. J. Clnlstoph & Co,. bankers, 70 South Clark street, quota sight exchange onEuropo: Lomlou, 4SBj£; Paris, 512J£; Amsterdam. 41 jS; llix mark, Hamburg, and Uromou, 24; Frankfort, 41; Dedin. 71J«; Denmark, 55; Sweden, 27>«; Nor way, no. Cable transfers: London, 490; Paris. 010. EXI’ODTS AND 11ECEIPI8 Ol' GOLD AND SILVER. The exports of gold and silver from Now York for tho fiscal tear ending Juno 30, 1874, amount ed to $00,198,120, against $09,827,723 in 1873. For the cm tent calendar year tUe spscie exports have been $47,639,337, since Jan. 1, The customs receipts in gold deposited in tho New York chice of the United Suites Treasury Department, and the poldintctot paid out by this oliice, amounted to $63,220,505 for tbs fiscal year ending June 30, 1874, against $71,932,471 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1873. For the current calendar year the receipts and pay ments have been respectively $90,314,202, and $56,491,926, since Jan. 1. BOUTUEUN STATE DEUTS. The debts of all the Stales and Territories of the Union, it ia estimated, do not much ex ceed 4399.090,091). A considerable amount of this eutn was incurred by tbs loyal States to equip troops to aid in the suppression of the Confederacy. OX this $399,090,990 the eleven Southern States owe ouo-half, or about $160,- 000,0091 And not a dollar of it ia war debt. Much cf it, Indeed, was created by fraud and B.undliag eince the war, but none for the sup port aua maintenance of Confederate troops. Ail that was long ago repudiated. STATU UKBT OP VIRGINIA. The debt of tho State of Virginia was contract ed for luternal improvements, the chief among them being tbo James Ilivor and Kanawha Canale. Interest oo it was paia down to tho end of tho Rebellion, hut it cannot any longer be raised. Tbo default is set down to these causes: Fast, tho destruction of a largo part or tho State's basis of credit by emancipation and tho YVar. Tbo annual deficit is about $939,- bCO, and the State now proposes to declare itself insolvent, ami to try to mako some arrange ment with ns creditors. This seems the o.ily thing that is practicable under the circumstan ces, and with tho eetilcd Government tlie State now cujova, and hoc vast resources, there can he I tll** that the creditors iu the cud will uct lose anything. •ENGLAND STOCKHOLDERS. It is amihUko, a*ya the Ijjhtau Traveller, to suppose, os many do, that our New-Eugland manuractuihig corporations areowned by rreiilthy capUaliiita. As a general thing large capitalists hard but a small amount invested iu Ibcin. and in oar older and most successful corporations tboro are but few nbo, as you run your eye over tho long columns of names and figures, ara act do vn as cuing a uumbor of shares which it re quires two figures to express, and as the wealthy projectors aud managers ot vnose chUoUsbuicuU pass away, and their estates are divided, the number constantly lessens. We notice this as particular!* the case with the Amoakoag, tho moat successful of all the large manufacturing corporations if Now England, with a capital of S3,tMJO,IIOO, anti la which there avo very few stockholders holding more than ten shares, but a very groat uumbor of farmers aud men of madman raeaus, who own one, two, aud three vinuoa each. BUlTian BKVENOBS DKCUKI9INU. The Loudon IHmt-s says that the Uritlsb rev 6i.uo returns have noon watched ibUvcarwrth unusual interest, but, having reached the oud of Os fliht half, It is able to nay •• the income erf ,hs na.iou la not falling off; on balance, it is. in i’nct, RvovtiHg .lightly." TUa Landau Met ««, ou Owhor band, tuyu; Vh.vo { a it just no longer any doubt that the i nalloiui I, ,iue h«* entered on a declining ituge, when «« I -'..mealed on tho rcturni of the quarter'ending Ju«# tt was ImpoadOlo not to aspect that corn* such Waso w" at hand, but nothing more than a *U on- V s suite of thing# a# compared with last jear had then R auptreut. lolhefacaof eimfldeo;naaerdona iV; lutwu alioua tu o.lldal quarter* that (ho remain- WoSmwTtiie floiucial year would make uo any s'a' s < deficiency that had accrued, thore w»s compsra* V'el> lUt.o uic In inal-tlng that too appearauce of a vVi tu tue locreare of revenue was a ■qinewbal dau vcua uon. hot now (he fa t< are eo plain that there a wo queadtmluf their meaning. Tue revenue ro- Jvj, for the September quarter leaned Uat eveoloj, & SeSSSnoy which cannot be explained k teJ Bacnsquer - -f *“*4 m compared with X 17.843.139 received In jib* rormpcrodlnß qwirtßT Of 187.1, or t falling off of no leu* a mm than X1,3J0,845, IiATEST. New Tons. Oct. 17.—Customs receipts, $230,- 000. ...... The Treasury disbursed $52,000. Dry-goods imports, $6,602,070. Money cloned at2>(7; prime marcantile paper, Gt?E>y. Jong and abort. Sterling steady; exchange 435 for eixly days, aii-HS5).|; lur eight. Gold was dull. There were a few transactions at 110—‘the only rate Borrowing riles, I@2 per cent. Cirorluge, $10,203,000. Customs receipts for tho week, $1,900,009; epccio to Europe for the same time, $.115,305 hi Hiker bars; imports—dry goods, $1,703,011; merchandise, $1,038,259. Governments quiotand sleady. State bonds steady at nominal prices. Railroad Bonds quiet. Slocks quiet ami without marked change in prices, the final figures being per osut above the lowest points of the day. Sales aggregated 133,01)0 shares, of which 42,700 wore Western Union, 12,100 Pacific Mall, 8.1,809 Erie, 20,CU0 Lake shore, 5,10 i) Wabash, 4,100 Ohio*. THIS WCURLY IUNK STATEMENT. Leans, increase, $397,400; specie, decrease, $1,033,91)0; legal-tenders, decrease, $1,097,200; deposits, decrease, $3,318,560; circulation, de crease, $53,300; reserve, doorcase, $2,793,975. OOrr.RNMRNT SOKOK. Conponi, ’B7 Ufl>i | Coupons, ’C7 llltf Coupons, M 2 113 Coupons, MB HI,-* Coupons, M 1..... ..IM,V 1 Naw 6t.. llQ'f Coupons, Mi 117 I 10-10! 111/f Coupuui, new 116,j Currency 05.... ~...117,1* STATIC HONDA. Sll«mirlB ‘J4 Virginias, old 99 TeiiQMaves, old 07 N. Uirolluifl, old 21V Touncssrea, n0w......07 N, Carolina*, usw....l'i^ Virginia*, new 33 STOCKS. St. Paul pfJ 81 if Wabash hi* Wabash pfd I) Ft. Wayne ttltf Terre Haute.... 0 Terre Übiite pfd S3 Chicago iAJ10i1,..,. 93 Chicago Alton pfd. 103 Ohio X Mississippi 23’f Oleve..Oin. 4r cm.... C.i Csnton S3 | Wnitem Union Tel.. 79 V Quicksilver 80,'f Adam* Express..... .103 Wells, l arg0........ 79 Amorhau Etpreas... U, ti. Etpiosa...... . 65 if iM.lllo Mail... 4fl,’£ New Yoilt Central.. .101 Erie 29 C 1.1.,.1., k QaJucy.lfllV LaVo Shore VSitf : Indiana Central 10 Illinois Central...... IUV Union Padllc bcmd*„ Si;,' Union PaclUo tlo.-k.. Central Pacific bond! Oiy* 8., Hartford & Erie.. D«l., Luck, k W.....107;* Erispid 69 Harlem ..129 n-.rlem pfd ...129 iMLbiguu Central,,.. 73 TUUbiirgil't.Waybe 87 Northwestern 39jf Kortawestera ptd... 64 Rock Island OS I ,' New Jersey Control..lot, I ,' 8U r*ui 3J ccmaiEiiciAu Satdrdat Evekiko, Oct, 17. The following wcio the receipts aud ship ments of the loading articles of producelnChl cego during (tie post twenty-four hoars, and for the corresponding date one year ago: I REOCIPIS, I SHIPMENTS. I 1874? 187371 ISM. . | 1873. Flour, brla 0,293 • 7,717 9,G0l 6,232 Wheat, bu 105.640 135,723; 1d,311 127,767 Com, bu....... 75,863 153,C1S 85,783 140,887 Oats, bu SJ.7CO 03.830 13,151 62,001 Rye, bu 2,W0 3,fio1 l 800 20,' 08 li.rley, bu 18,300 4!»,72<j| 11.930 31,469 OruEft need, U. 8.. 134,5(03 83.8 M 5,000 65,270 Flax «eed, 11a... 211,000 174,1701 111,5(8 Broom-coru.ll*. 247,745 8!»,200( 03,730 22,250 Curedmeats.lba. 112,000 *3,080 782,541 409,002 O 1 817 195 Pork* Lrl« 61 _ 1.870 074 Lard, ll» 12,071) 618,700 151,8 ,5 Tallow, lbs 14,(500 13.C.W 20,003 Butter, 11* 101,227 03,105 1*9.400 60,230 Dress'd hogs,No 2 ! Llvohoa*, No.. 12,127 10,54f1; 1.5.147 C,723 OalUo. N0...... 8,0.11 2317 2,2.50 3H Bheep, No 1,207 1,0J7 80.4 732 llltlw, 11*. .... StD.OM 77,»n«| 92.530 15,030 llichwlne*,bvlfl.: 130 23 ti 640 1(39 Wool, 114 61,200 63.0331 8,303 102,003 Potatoes, bu.... 7,297 3,720 2,G;Oi 710 Lumber, ft 1,814,01)0 2.591,090 9,930,007(2,29(5,0 :tJ Ghlnglea. N0.... 6*0,000 2,1)20,000 1,4V7.U.:012,093,030 Lath, No I 340,003 129,0001 839,(M0 Salt, | 73j 4,182 1,875 Also, tUo following, without comparisons* itoct'vM. sfapn«i. . 77J . 129 . IM . m ns . I.4ti I.IU . 2.091 ,13.091 ISO . l.fcli . 121) 05 .03,611 61,170 125 255 Poultry, Its , Poultry, c00p5...., Same, pkg* Eggs, pltgK Cuuexc, bxs Pried fruits, tu... Green applet), hrls, Pe.vui>, Im Hay, tnus ..., Hops, H» Pish, pkgg Withdrawn from store ou IMiay for city con sumption t 1.693 ku wheat, 609 bu oats, 77G ku rye, 2,803 ku barley. The following grain has keen inspected into store this morning up to 10 o'clock: 21 cars No. 1 wheat, 233 cars No. 2 do, 61 care No. 3 do, 12 cars rejected do, 1 car no grade do (S3C wheat) ; 2G cars and C.OOJ ku high mixed corn, 81 csrs and 25,600 bu No. 2 do, C cats rejected do, 2 cars no grade do (110 corn); 7 cars white oat*, 33 cava and 2,000 bu No. 2do, G cars rejected do (51 oats); 4 cars No. 2 rye, 8 cars rejected do; 21 cars No. 2 barley, 11 ears No. 3 do, i cars rejected do, 1 car no giade. Total (550 cars), 211,000 bu. In- Bpocled-out: 118.001 bu wheat, 131,431 bueora, 64,149 bu oats, 731 bu rye, 2,718 ku batley. The following were tbo receipts and shipments of breadstuff* and live stock at this point daring the past week, and for the corresponding weeks ending ta dated: Off. 17, Off. 10, Off. 18, 1371. 1371. 1373. Rtcmris. •nipunars. Tlonr, brie, \Vue*t, bu.. Corn, bu... Gate, bu... ilye, Lu.... lli.rley, bu.... Live uo2«, No, U-llle. No. 94,030 80.207 41.502 740,:U4 1,219,tw9 CJd.iWJ. 623,019 705,313 1,344,103 4jo,iS3 503,51 Ci 431,537 7,450 6,531 27,0157 125,380 103,103 101,219 63,733 40,530 46,058 Flour,brie.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu 0,.t8, bu Itye. bu mrlcy. bu,... Live been, No. 1(7,332 Cattle, No. Tho exports flora, New York during the past week include 18,710 brla Hour, 313,000 bu wheat, and 117,009 bu corn. A car-load of barley which bad been inspected on the Central track a day or two ago as No. 3 was held out of store, and sold by sample to ono of the best judges of barley iu Cbicago at sl.lO. Tho selling prico of No. 8 in tbo Central was 89c. This ehowa that inspectors are cot infalli ble, especially iu barley, which is by far tbo moat diflicult of aU the cereals to judge correctly. Wheat In Chicago is fearfully low—for the farmer. It would not seem Tory bad to quote it at 83c, if that were the price on tho farm. Dut 88c hero means not more than 600 in Nebraska, and as low os 420 for No. 3 in Lincoln iu that Slate. The farmers there who are obliged to sell at that price to keep the Sheriff away Hud that the product of a 10-aore patch only re move? him a few inches farther from their doors. The heats, who profess to be working iu tho interest of the widow and orphan, will undoubt ; cdly take courage from this fact, even if they do not Hud auy satisfaction in it. And the wheat crop is almost tho sola dependence of the Ne braska f&rmors this year. The leading produce markets were moderately active to-day; with a firmer feeling lu grain, iu sympathy with a steadier tone East, which was a revival of confidence shaken by the small fail ures recently announced. The fear that they would ho followed by larger ones is now over; aud there Is a belter inclination to invest at tho reduced prices winch followed tue break Iu con fidence. The trading here was largely specula tive, however, the shipping movement being very slow, as 1b usual on Saturday. Iu tue dry-goods market there was only fair activity, few buyers being present, while the orders received through tho mails were less numerous than ou tho preceding days of the week. Prices remain steady and firm for most lines. The grocery market ruled quiet, with no important price-changes. Sugars display a lack of Hirougth, but other mauls articles aud moat side-goods are held with a lair degree of firm nest. There was a free movement iu butter and clieedo at well-maintained prices, though rather less fiimucss Is manifested among holders of the former* Activity and firrauoHH are fttlil features of the Ash raarsot. No further changes wore repot tod. Domestic dried fruits •i.Miiua dull, with prices unsettled, but in iuruigu ansumnouiH ilnwe is a (rea movement at rather firmer races. No quotable changes wore developed in the coal, wood, and ml markels. Tobauooa were fairly active, and wore held with great firmness, the remloucv being to hlghoi prices. 'lhe canned-goods trade lies not yef lairlv opened, but there areimiicatloua cl an im proved demand toward the last of the month. With the exception of poaches the quuutious are materially lower loan at this time lose year. Lutnuer was Arm at tho yard* uudor a fair de mand and light stock of certain common quail tie** Xn» luumeae w euhaueed bjr tha near sp- THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1874, ■pTOich of the olobb of navigation. The offering* ftfloat wore very light. There were no now fea tures in metal*, iron, natls, or bullding-mo tonals. Tim wool and hop markets wore un changed, Bioom-oorn mas active and fair. Rceda wore quiet. Choice potatoes mot with a fair Inquiry at rcccut priced, Poultry was dull and weak. Highniues wore iu moderate demand at a nominal decline of 20, though the droproally took placo vesterday. Other markets have eased off, and Chicago holders have at last accepted the inevitable. B.ilcs wore reported of 150 brie at OSc per gallon, at which figure the market closed steady. New York Doing quoted at $1.04. Lake freights imo very quiet ami a shade firmer, camera asking higher ra’e*. which snip* per* refused to pav. Only one charter was re ported. at 4 jtfc to carry 20,003 bo wheat to Buf falo j but ii non a small vessel, and the market ou large craft was nominal at 4o for wheat, end Jvcfor corn. Provisions were more active, and rather Irreg ular. Cash pork was lu belter demand for ship ment, with one or two lots wan;cd to fill con tracts, and was quoted a shade higher. Options in put k wore easier, the rear being 10c lower than the reduced price of last evening, but were froolv taken at the decline. Lard for future was 5o per 100 lbs lower, with more activity. Old lard Is practically out of the maikot, with aevoral unsettled contract.* for this month,which will probably bavo to be settled at fancy prices. Meals were quiet and unchanged. There is very JUtlo old product of any kind here, the stocks being well cleaned up, but there Is plenty of new stuff on hand, and fair shipment* of It have been made during (lie past week. Tito receipts of hogs continue fair, though less numerous than early in tho week when the market broke under the weight of offerings. The general impression is that hogs will be marketed quite ns faut as wanted, the high price of product lending to reduce the Eu ropean demand, ami as many hoge will uot be wanted as last year, unless prices should recode to a noi»»t where English buyers will taka bold rooro freely thau now. The market cloved at tho following range of prices; Moss pork,cash, 419.25@10.50; do seller October, nominal at $10.00; do. seller tho year, $17.00; do, seller January and February, 17.65. i'iard, seller Uio year, $X1.32j<(5)11.35; do, seller January and February, $11.46(5)11.50; do, solior February, $11.67K@11,C0; Bum mer lard, Sweot-picklod hams, 11>$ @l2e for 10@i5 lb average, fresh cured; dry-salted meats, loose, at 7)ac for shoulders, 10>ffc for short nba, for long clears, for abort clears, and 10c for Cumberland*. The same boxed, *bovh tnoso prlc:s. Bican meals nominal. Bacon hams. 15@16c, Moss beef. $0.50 ; extra mess do, $lO 53; beef hams, $20.5i)(ai21.f10. Citv tallow, ; greaao nominal at G@Se. Sales were reporlou of 260 brlv mesa pork (non) ®t $10.50; 600 brla do (old) at $19.25; 500 bris do, coder the month, at $19.00; 8,000 hrls do, seller tho year, at $17.00 ; 750 brls do at $10.95; 600 bris do, seller Feb ruary, at $17.55 ; 1,250 brls do at $17.50 ; COO tes lard, solior Ihe year, at ftll.SC; 750 tes do at sll.32>fi ; 250 tes no. seller February, at $ll.OO ; 500 ten do at $11.50; 100 boxes (light) short ribs, seller Hist half November, at O&o. The Daily Commercial -Hvport gives the fol lowing an the shipments of provisions from this city for tho week ending Oct. 13. 1871, aud since Nov. 1,187J, together with comparisons. | »«. W#jk euOltie ) I •-o . h», 1871.. B,«* 4,421 670 627.027 1,265.637 Satae week 1)711. ‘J.lti-i 1,6(0 Wu W.wo SliiOD.Vov, l, r 73. 19J.4,.!' M,2t*l 35 i r6d,iu; 204.4 U.ecO Bajid tlme‘i'2-*w tttf.6 l J0,819 S6,l2jlll ( m,AlO|i;a.COi.U>9 •Include* all cut moalt. ©scoot ahuuldura and S. P. bft'nt, riour was more active, but chiefly on a few direct ovdcifi lor round lots. The local trade tru dull, and tbo feeling among holders was rather weak, and prices wore again shaded, or ratbor they were shaded yesterday farther than was thou admitted. Bye dour was iu good do* mand and firm. Bran was in fair supply nml steady. Sales wore reported of 35 Lrla white winter extras, at 67.C0; 105 bils do at $7.00; 100 brls do at ss.o2>£ ; Buo brla do on private terms; 100 brls spring extras at $5.00 : 1,9«0 bils do on private terms ; 02 brls Bnporfinca at $3.75 ; ICO brls rye at 55.37 M ? CO brls do at $5,25; 150 brls do on nrivata terms. Total, 3,307 brls. Also, 10 tons bran at $16.50: 40 tens oo at $16.00 on track; 2u tons do at $16.50 free onboard. The market doted at tbo following range of prices: Fulr to good winter* 5.03 ($ 0.75 Choice do. 0.00 ($7.00 Choice eprluc cxir.l. Good d 0... ... Good to choice Uiunesoia, PttUut do, G.jou to choice apilug aapcrQuca 3,23 (.< e.l'O Common do 2, is rA 3.U1) Ilya dour 6.33 (id 6.60 Pr»n... 10.00 (tfIO.SJ Wheat waa more active, ami Itl«l»er. Liv erpool was reported fiimor, the p.iv.ite telegrams being stronger than tho public one?, end Kew York was Armors while ocean freights wore etllf, which showed a betta:* export movement in preparation, if not m progress. Our receipts, too, were smaller, and there was a general ex pectation among operators, on both sides, that tho icceipts will show r further falling off next week. X; was whispered round vowaidc tho close of tho secsion that a prominent exporter hero had bought some 400.000 bu for ehipme-nt. Tills rather showed a renewal of conlidonco on tho part of European, dealers thaua a wronger feeling here, is the facts weie not peutraliy known by local dealer*. There was a decided inclination to in vest, b it some of wno were tempted to buy were dnterred by the fear it at previous disas trous experiences would be repeated in that di rection. Tho course* of tho v. beat market has been eo persistently downward, and people on tho nfher tide still talk bear so strongly, that it requires a good deal of courage to tako bold. The disinclination to sell options except in set tlement, wan more strongly maiked. Tho ebert interest for this mouth bid so freely towards tho close, in anticipation of diminished sioc'o, nato lovoi'eo the premium. Bolter November opened at 890, rose 10 83Xo, declined to and ad vanced to 89J£c at the eloso. boiler tho month eold 0 below November early, and >£c above u later; tbo range was clos ing at tho outside. Seller December sold at 89>jj<5M)0#o; and seller tho vear at 830£(o)Syy£e, Cash No. 2 spring closed Ko. luo at 91c; Ko. 0 do at 85e; and rejected do at Minnesota wheat was iu fair de mand, closing with buyout at for No. 2. Cash sales woto icpoitcd of 0,200 bu No. I spiing aio3o; 2,400 bn do at 10.000 bu No. 2 spring at bOXc; 10,000 bn do at 895£0; S,UuO bu do at 89>£c; 10,000 bu do at 80#c; 31,800 bu do atß9j4o ; 03,100 bu do at 89c; 20,000 budo at 83j£c; 1,009 bu rejected spring 1 Minnesota at $1.03; I,2oobudo at $1.02; 3,G00 bu No. 2do at Oih/c; 400 bu winter, by sample, at 90c. Total, 173,000 bu. Coro was rather more active, and averaged i x A (520 higher, in symnalhy with wheat, ami in consequence of light icoeiols, the inspection record of thismormug only showing 11G carloads ju, while the Blocks in store appear to have beeu reduced by about 150,000 bu during tho pane w ook. There was no special improvement iu tho tone of advices from Now York or Liverpool, tbs lat ter holm; steadier, however, and tho deal princi pally turned ou the fact of local receipts. There wa.. a rather urgent demand from tne short in terest early, to which holders freely responded, hut the latter grow more conservative, and offered but little In the latter part of tho session. Tho late rather sovoie decline has induced many country shippers to holdback, especially ou new com. Seller (ho month opened at 73& c. and advanced to 7i?£oat the dose. Seller November sold at G9%(<yioAo, dosing at tbo outuido. Seller tbo year sold at G7>s<ffiiJß#o, and seller May and June at 98C*99c. Cash No. 2 closed at 743*0, and high mixed nominally at 7ou. Cash sales were reported of 1,900 bu high mixed at74siO; 3,200 budo at 74Jtfos 10,000 m\N*>. 2 at 74340 ; 43,5C0 bn do at 74f/o ; 18,200 bu do at 74c ; 16,000 bit do ut 73?* c; 1.200 bu rejected at 72c ; 400 bu, by sam ple, ear, at 680 ou track. Total, 123,809 bu. Oats wore rather quiet, with a bettor demand, and losa offering, which included an advance of fully le per bu. Now York was quoted linn, and our stocks in store hove decreased more than 100,009 bu during the past week, under a fair shipping movement. Tno inquiry to-day seemed to bo cbieliy local, and from tho short interest, who wore incited to bur by the advance in corn. Seller the month opened at rose to fell back to 47>& advanced to 472*0, and closed at47>yC. Sehor November sold at 45>£(§)40.}tfo, closing at Seller tlia year sold at 4u, , i'(Vl'4Co. Cash No. 2 closed at with very little preference for white. Cudii sales woio reported of 4,809 bu No. 2 at bu do at 47p b e; 15,900 bu do at at 47* 4,200 bu do at at 430 ; 900 bu bv sample, mixed, at 10o; COO bu do at 400 ou track. Total, 55,209 bu. Ryo waa quiet and a shade easier, there being scarcely auy demand, The supply was light, Dates wore limited to 1,200 bu No. 2, frooh re ceipts, ut 82o; 400 bu do. regular, at 81>£o; and 100 bu, by sample, at B3e ou track. Total, 1,700 bu. Darloy was less active, but stronger, under a very good demand, with rather bgut offerings early, but more disposition to soli towards the oleae, 6«Uex ihe month opened at *1.05, anti advanced to SI.OO, closing at $1.05)£. Seller November sold at closing at sl.Ol, CaSb No, 2 closed at SI.OO in Central and North Sido bounce, and at $1.07@1.03 in A.. D. A Co.'s and Bock island. Contra! receipts of No. 8 woro nominal at93o; that grade closed at 05@!)6o in preferred houses. Cash sales were reported of 400 ou Nu. 2at $1.09; 400 bn doAtftUU; 200 bn do at $1.07; 5.800 bn do at SI.OO ; 400 bn do at $1,0); 5,200 bu No. 3 at 970 ; 2,490 bit do at 060 ; 1,209 bu do at 950; 1,600 bu uo at !)2o ; 400 bu rejected at 8Go; 400 lm do at 83a ; 1,200 bu do at 82a ; 1,600 hit by sample at 51.12W ; 400 bu do at $1.12; 600 bu do nt sl.lO ; 400 bu do at $1.03 ; I,GOO nu do at $1,07 ; 490 bu do nl $1.05 ; 490 bu do at $1,03 ; 400 bu do at SI.OO ; 400 bu do at 940 : 890 bu do nt 96c ; 2,809 bu do at 950 ; 400 bu do nt 00c i 400 bu do at 83c, on track; 4)obu at $1.12; 400 bu at 85c, delivered. Totul, 83,000 bu. The following extiaots ate taken from th* Lumberman's daze/te: In the Western Stale*, the determination to largely reduce the production seems to bo of un mistakable UimucHs, and the operations already laid out arc in accordance with such a policy. In Michigan, there is mote doubt about the ex tent of tbe cut, perhaps, than further west. There are some peculiar features about the con dition of tho lumbermen of that Stale, among which may bo momtouoi the damages to stand ing Umber by fire. Now. although there are lumbermen who prefer to leave theirhorned tim ber to its rote lather than spoil next year's mar ket by making an ovor-atooic, it is unquestion ably true Umt this fire damage will augment the cat considerably. In Ponosylvauia too move ment for reduction appears to bo well organized, and likely to be effective. In Canada tho lum bermen promise to reduce-the cut largely, and the limber dealers give tho same assurance. In the Michigan districts, whor* the prospects are least positive, the coming season *ill hud a very small—almost au insignificant—stock of old logs to bogia upon. Where iu former years thore have been old logs by the hundred million, thore are now back only com paratively email amount!, white many siicams are Absolutely stripped of ail old stock. Operations the coming winter in*y therefore bo largely iuc.cased over last winters, aud still the aggregate stock fall Khoit of previous years by many millions. The present season has boon a general foleaning-up time for almost all the Michigan lumber streams, tho very light cut t>f last winter aud the favorable running uoa-ioo affording a most favorable opportunity fordoing tbis. Few things are more certain than that the market will be supplied with ail the lumber which, from present appearances, it will need. Wheat wan fairly active for a Saturday after noon. and advanced #o, but closed easier tnan ou 'Ciiauge. Solior the mouth rold at closing at Seller Novomoorat 89j)£((U8J a %o, closiug at 89K@39)$c. Com was quiet and steady at 74y£c for the month, and WXo fer November. Oats advauoed to43c for tho mouth, closing at Seller November at ami solior the year at 46c. Lard was steady, with kales of 5U9 tes, seller the year, at $11.35, &ONDAT Evening, 0?t.13. We are requested (O say that tho 44 car-loads of barioy iciorrod to m our issue of this zuom iug was not all received by ouo firm. CHICAGO DAILY AIAREKT. *U!>Wn, I V>i. I "■■■ Saturday Bvej.tko. Oct. 17. ALCOHOL—Declined io, owing to a drop lu high- Wines, quotable at $1.9C(«T.90. BEANS—'Wore Arm at SI.UC®3.O), BltUOM.CO'llN—Tae demand continues active and tbs market Arm; Extra hurl, 10j; No. 1 burl, Ko3c; brush (that will work itself in choice faun bioOui), B(i*BKc; good do, 707X0; choice stalk braid, «ojc; interior uru«u, SjtfqlYc; rooked, 3><slSitfc. UUILUINO MATEIUALB Wore ut the priced following: Afi'-liigivu tluuco, $2.23®2.C0; Now Turk stucco, 53.0001.uu; Louisville uud Utica ce meut, $3.00; Akron do, $1.75 ft brl; Portland cement, $7.0057.03 ft brl; lime In bulk, 70t® sl.oj; lime (oris), $1.0303.25 ft brl; plastering hair, ft ba, 40c; building-brick (common), JAJ.'iQS.OO ; Milwaukee and llicinu pressed, del.; Indiana, priced, $15.03(435.00; no common, $10.1)3 Vtli.UO. BO ATER— I Thin market presented few new failures, and ncn> of special prominence. Bjui local and E.ihi cm buyers continue to operate with some camion, but their purchases are sutflcienl to keep stock* down to a comparatively low point, and micoe are well bub* tiiiuo.l, not ou.y for the nest qualities, but for the com moner sorts as wed. IVd continue to quote: Ojulbo fancy yellow, 81($3Sc; medium to good grades, 23(S 28c; lufoiiot to common, 2J@2le. BAOUINO—At the lute do one the market presents a comparatively ctn ly tone. Tue lower prices nave not perceptibly hnrtaccd the demand, orders still being rcMrlctcd to meeting Immediate wantn, Stocks arc tinplo, Wo quote; Htark, 34c; Lewiston, 2o; Mon tan p, 82:; American A, Atnoskcag 0;<:o; Oiler C.'cck, 31c; burlap bags, 4 oud C bu, Id® 8:; gunnies, single, lC(sl7e; do uoublo, 28®270; wool* atk.i, 55(^588. OODi riilAGE—Rcmalno quiet. Packers are supposed to be supplied for the present, and a tight (rude iu Larre a uuu tlorces 1b expected until after the opening of tbe lucking season. Btock I t soiling slowly within the range given: Pork bands, lard ticrecs, $1.ri0®1.55; Aonr barrels, 4bqis2c; wbihky barres, >1.00,a3.0J; pork staves, rough, sl3 UJ&PJ.OJ; do, btn kcd, tlorre staves, rouge, s33.Ob® 33.33 ; bucked or sawed, $33.33(328.00 ; whinky slaves, rough, $:5.00®38.0U; do, buckcJ, J2J,oo®3o.t‘o; Aour staves, $7.30®3.50: circle flour heading, T.vdlOc. OilEEbJi—iVuiie business in this department is not cs active as could bo desired, the volume of c-lcs fullj but little below past years at this stage of the season, and as our jobbuis are carrying light stock, there is uu groat proasuro to toll. Prices remain Arm as follows : Now York factory, Western do, 14;.jc; low grades, Ojgwuc, COAL—A qulot uiarkut and steady prices were reported. \S'a continue to quote os follows: Le high, slO.OU®lu.s'j; Lackawanna, $9.50: Lackawan na, other blxoh, $3.33; Pcuu.?ylvflnlaciimiel,s3.(W; In- Ui-iua Itiiu, $7.53; Brooks, $7.00; Biimsuurg. $i.5U; flock ing Valley, $8.50; Indiana block, $8.63; hliuouk. $3.39 ; IVilmlngton, £5.00. CANNED ciuuc*—Too trade In this class of goods opens later than uounl this season. Ordiunvliy 0:to* her Is nu active mouth with our canned goods dealers, but as yet there is no considerable movement either iu [e Jita or vegetable?. IVitu the exception of peaches, welch ars selling about the tame, prices arc lower thuu last seakon. The most Double decline is in Oiegon flalfnun, which la now quoted at 51.95(«i2.3f) tor I Jb cans. asalaKt a year ago. Folios’in g are thnurlce? current: 6.03 ® 5.60 <.OO (jt 4.8/# 6.t0 (A 0.35' r.* 0 <l* 9.50 I'eachcs 2 lb. IVschcfl, 3 lh.. I’c.ivs, 2 in.... Mams, damsons, 21b..... 1.75® 1.83 Circuit gages ouu egg, 3lb 2.3U® 3.73 QaiucuS, 3 lb. 2.25® 3.50 ItU'-v.'utinics, 2 lb I.oo® 3.33 K-iMptitmcs 3.33® 3,50 lllsck.cvncn, 2 It) I.ODc? 1.75 Gooseberries, 21b..... l.M® 1.75 Tomatoes, 2 lb 1.3-3® l.Cfi Tomatoes, 3 lb 1.73® 3.00 Corn, Elgin, new. 3.40® 2.C0 Guru, Renton Harbor 2.25*0 2.C0 Corn, Yarmouth.. 3.30® 3.73 I*o.l 8,2 lb, pod I.7j® 2.00 Teas, 2 lb bo,lire,l 1.3)® 1,60 Lima beans, 2 tt> vxo® 3.23 Buccohieh, 2 lb 2.10® 2XO Lnbntcr.llb a.OoaO 0.25 I.obiter, 21Ii 2.00® 2.25 Oysters, 1 lb, fullwclght.......® 1.23 Oysters, 2 Us, full weight 3.00® 2.15 Orrgou satmuu, ucw, 1 Il> 1.05® 2XO Oregon salmon, new, 2 It) 2.1)3® 0.00 EGGS—Were lu fair local request, but lees firm, though the receipts were only fair. Dales were made at 21®210. 11811—Jobbers of f.ah are having about all they can du to keep up with their orders, which are still coming forward with more freedom than is often witnessed u( this period, aud the firm tone for some time past per vading the market xhowa no Signs of abating. We brill quote as follows: No, 1 whitetlah, X*hr), $5.2505.85; No. 2 do, $3.15(5J5,23; No. 1 trout, $4.7506.03; No. I shore mackerel, now, $3.5008.75; No. 3 mackerel, $7X007.36; fam i, v mackerel, Wj-brl, $0.0000.25; No. 1 shore kits, S3XO 02.20; bank codfish. s)X(i(s3.23; Qcorgo’rt rodflsh, $1.5000,75; Labrador bcnlng, split, brls, sß,6o®o.Wi; clobf-brl, $4.23(34.50; Labrador herring, round, brl, $7.0008X0; do, »<-brl. Columbia Ulver salmon, Ji-brl. $0.76(310X0; ocean trout, 3 do* and 4 doz t? oa»0, $0.50. FRUITS AND NUTS—Foreign trulls ate receiving more attention as the season advances, and the touor of prices Is less lu bll7orll , favor. There la still an absence of any considerable movement In domestic varieties, buttlie market sems to boßteadvingupa UUle. Nuts are in fair demand aud aro firm. We quote: iVmwov—Dates, figs, drums,new, lU®l7c; figs, layers, new, 220; Turkish prunes, 13®i3Vc; raisins, layer*, new, $3.4203.50} do, old, Sl.ulw.tX's rabuufl, loose Muscatel, old, $3.7602.83 ; i-atilua, Valewrlu, now, Eauie currants, old do nuw, B.n'ti\fc; citron, 3C028u; lemon peel, 30022 c. Douksno—Michigan apples, now, 7^oß^'c; fauoy North Carolina sliced, 012 c; new Indiana poaoheo, halves, 7^08^0; do mixed, (107o; blucklwrrku, new, 11® U«u; raHitherrioHjiiow, (17® 230: pitted chorrJ>‘H,3i'(iM2c. nuts—FUbuns, 13®10u; almonds, Tctrugona, 2.1024 c J Naples Walnuts, 18 @10o; Greuoulo walnuts, new, 14e»!5o; Urazlls, iOv.(Hll>>c; i»cans, Texas, l(lvftll>4C» WUmmgtou jteanuts, fancy, 12®12u; do second quality, 7®loc; TVnuesaeo peanuts, B®2c; African peanuts, tk37c. GUliliN FUUlTti—Apples wore moving frouly in 1 auswer lo orders, urapes were plenty aud saU able; T.etnons In hoxoa, $10.00@1IXO; apples, per brl $3 0002X0; do. iu care, $3.2503.75; poaches, 40085 c per inn or basket; pears, 75c0$l.UJ per box or basket; Ooueord uml Oatawlu grapes, 40 (3600 per basket; Delaware, Oatnwha, and Diaua, iu baskets. Cs®Bilc; crauborrios, $10.00012X0 pur brl; wllddo, sy.lo®$ y .lo® 10.00; Quinces, 75cQJlxO: California pears, Sd,OD@2XO, OttOUEIUEB—The quotations of sugars were sub lertod to some modSficaiiotm, but other hues wore quoted steady st yesterday’s prices. Trade ruled rath er quiet ta must departments. Below ara the current quotations: „^ l , Ut-Ca.RU, don*—7o7‘£c. Cyrrjeas—Moeha, 230380; O. Q. Java, 33M®93.V0 J Java. No, 2. 28Ky8‘-J3i e J choice plsuUtluu Coyion, • l l(^"l | a c; fauvy l«o. 2;i l fo; prime 1110, 22®32,«<0 i good do, 31V0220; commou do, 20.^020 n0 ; roasmut du, ltij v r^loo; Blua*yonW*va, at®2t>io; Costa Hicafouoy,xi®24o; do iiruue, 32(322^0; MorsOSitw, oitmiis—dtar, full weight, slearlae, lutiwt4ithWls)ieUei do, mmrt weight, Uj4^k&«» Rtoe—T>»tiis, >3*lX6 l Rangoon, CX®?6 5 Caro lina. «®3X°{ IX)uIbI«u«, ?G)7V<- Sonans—Patent out lost, HtQIQVo * crnnbeland powdered, granulated, UVftllXo: A, standard, do No. 2, in.'QUXo; 1), 11(4 U‘»CJ extra C, a No. 2. ytU low, 0 No. I,lo,S«U)>tfc; choice brown, lOjfOlU.Mo; prime do, H/JOslOc: fair do,T».*»(S9, 1 .io; common do, Biidtoo ; choke mohairs sugar, lo;»(4l0^o; f«lr do, B,y(ato;jc: common do, B*f®oo. kikum—Diamond drips, $1.30(31.35; silver drips, eilr& fl«e L BJ(S,HSo ; Rood sugur-uuuan aSrup, f>s®7un; ostra 00, ifytysue; NawOrleuu* molasses, choice, 88® Ulo ; do prime, BC>(4ti2o ; do common, 105472 a*, rono Itico mo.utJei, choice, COfflWc; common moUiaas, 33 iULmarov—Common to best. BriOßH—AUspicc, I7(aifi;<,e; clovei, 85®(Wfi; cm* »w, iW(a We; pepper, 27(4;Mi; nutmegs, Kb. I, $1.43(4 1.30; Ringer, African, 1.’.br420c; do Calcutta. 18(SW. Soavh— German mottled, 6X(A(S.'/o; Golden West, 4X®. r »c; WhiteWhite ßose,flV(aai4c; palm, Gcadj-tfc; Hi von Imperial, C.VijJGitfo ; while Rus sian, sX(si)j ; Champaign, C®Jjiu; Trualllus, SX® U;(.c, LUMunn. HrAßot—Silver gloss, o,V®loq; common, 8<2l0c: pure, c. HAV—a heller demand was reported. There were orders from lumbermen, and (rum Cincinnati, ami the average local buMneia was transacted. Trices were unchanged, as follows : Timothy, prime, $1(1,00(310.50; No.l,slft.oo®lß.Bn; No. 0 do, sl'i.6D;<ji:uu; mixed, sll.Cuftl2.ou: choice upland prjlrie, Sl'i.oo; No, l do, $11.00; No. 3, or slough, $3.50(40.60. Loosfi Ntw gt(^JiVago«4— TlmoUiy, SU.O3(ftW,W; prime, $9.00® HlDES—Dealers wero operating on the street, and the market was firm; Green dry butchers’, 7'£c; green cured. light, OitfQOXo; heavy do, BXftS'fo; part cured, 7>f®Bc; green on If, 13c; veal, 12c ; dry flint, lß®li>c ;• dry kip, He; dry salt* ed, kip, 14®16u; deacon skins, aSo; grubby, scored, cut, or o.Ucnvlho damaged, two-Udrdfl prices; brand* cd, 10 per cent off. UOi'S—Were arm at 38®i0c, with aaloa of elnclo bales at 41® JJe. HiON AND STEEL—SmaII orders were coming for ward, and trade lu tbo agtfregats was up to execu tions: iron d tf?3 2*lo ratfs Jlor*e a-:oo ir0n.,... «... £6 r.tsi Plata iron, louiiuon iunk 4i{ ratcn Nu.wav Iron 8 (✓» e lb Noiw»yii.lMtd (<clOe Vlb Gtrmtn |lowntcei U>£ (glOj \f lb Cast plow i.cel .....lOtf &110 \J jb Atneiicjn tool si«il in wißo V lb Car0n>cU018‘001................18 <auto V tb EngilfbUo ftsol 30 t.tei EugUsj epilog sicft 9 till raton An.orlcan Cast spring Heel 13 rate* Steel iire»Jtf-Jn KJf fcjlOtfc Vlb liEATHElt—Jouoorn report gradual improvement in tbodem.uul, wU'.ißßomoivtint firmer feeling In calf, l:lp, and «oio. Harness, which Is in putty full stock, 1h easy. Wo reduce our quotation# lu on city harness anil city upper, and advance our quotation of “B. A.” solo. City harass* ..$ 840 AC. Country Unrue*s 3314 35 Line, city, ft ib 4U Kip, city, ft U> , COO 00 Kip, vojli 7o<# 1,00 Oily upper, No. I, ft ft 24' d 27 Country upper 23® 33 Collar, ft fc 34® 18 Calf, oily 1,15(<4 1.30 Calf, country l.ou® 1.17 Hough upper, standard ao® a!) Kongo upper, damaged 27® 20 Butlalo Biaugntcr sola gj® 37 “B.A.*«oie gj Latest. 0™ 1.20.3 1.3', K*P 75® Harness 44 F.cncU calf, Judot 55.0Urd75.f10 French c.ilf, 21 to Bfl IM 1.«3(A 2.25 Prenfh Wp,r>o toKWIbs 1,00« !.r>o MKT AM AND TINNNUB’ STOCK-The aomaud continues fair at the oricc* given below: TW PLATE—IO, 10x14, $11.50; do, 13x12. $12.00 ;U* 20, $12.50; do, rooting, 14x20,10, &U.OJ: do. 20x38. $22.00. . -i » Pia TrK—Lnrgo, 290 • email, Ke; bar, 30c. Soldi:*—No. 1, 2ob j No. 2, 18c. Lead—l'jg, 7\c; bur, B; v (ii'Jc • lend pipe, BV< • cst do, oc. Copper—Bottoms, 338; sheathing copper, 335, BHKKxZmo—Fail casks, lOc; bus quantity, lO&c; slai b, Bj£c. B»a±r Iron—No. 21. Iffe rates - ; Russia iron, Bto 12 Inclusive. 2Jo; do, No. 1 stained, 13o; American Busnin —A. 15c; B, 138. Wine—Nos. I to fc, Oc; 7W9,10c; ICtoll.llo; 12, lltfc; 13end 14,12^c; 1.7 toll, 14c; 17,15 c; 16.1« c; 10, 13c; 20.20o; full bundles, 05 per cent discount; fence wire, oc. .5 2.20® 2.60 . 3.13® 3.73 . 3.00 ttCMLOOS. NAILS—Were Arm at quotations: lOcjßOd per hog, $3.77; Ad and 8d do, s4.U[>; Cd do. $1.33; 4J do. $1.50; 3.1 do, $7.21; 3d do. fine, $0.75; clinch, $8.23. NATAL BTOVKd—Tiio market la quiet and un changed; Manilla rope, ft lb, IS&M'.jc; sisal rope, ft lb, 12®13e ;hempßasu curd, ft lb, 14r32.t0; marline, ft lb, 125)13c ; hemp tarred rope ft lb, 17018.5; oakum, ft oalo, ».000*3.00; Pitch,ft brl, ; tar. ft brl, $5.00 £3.500; rosin,>.So ft brl. OILS—The market was quoted reasonably active, and prices were steady and unchanged. Following are tbe quotations: Carbon while) 115 deg. test, 12,Vc; do Illinois legal test, ICO deg,, ls(a i3Xc; I do headlight, 175 deg., ISj^lUc; extra iard, strictly win* ter, $1,101.23; extra lard, current make, SI,OB (.?1,10; No. 1, 93<J?li5c; N-, 2,72(4300; liubecd, raw, flj(sß3c; do, boUod, 83(?liUo; whale, 73077 c; sperm, $3.00(32.13; uestsfoot oil, strictly pure, sl.ln; do, extra, flue; do. No, l, 80b; bank oil, C3c; straits,soo, elephant oil, 93c; plumbago oil, 77c; turpentine, 45c; naphtha, C 3 gravity, l-i&Slilo ; naphtha, ccaimou, lit, POTATOES—Puachbtowa and Early llo?o wore in good request and steady. Tbs former sold at 70c on track, and 730 delivered, and the latter at GIQUe, de livered. Mixed lots wore slow. POULTRY AND 0-AJll2—Tnrlreyß and chickens were dull and weak, Game met with a moderate local domand.wlth tho oil'erlDga Liberal. >Ve qnoto: Turkeys, choice springs aud mixed, $2.2602,75; nmnll aud fair springs, $ 1.3002.03 per doz; ducks, $2.50; getae, Jl.oCcduxO ; prulne cblt-kcmi, S3XO; raallurd Uuckv, f2.oo'u',u.oi);, SI.SU; veuizoa Lams, 18® SUe per pound. SEEDB—Timothy was dull and easy, though prime to choice Deed was finny held at S2.JD ai2.00; common to pco l oaotable nt $2.0i)(g;2,46, Clover was quoted at Sj.SI'OS.CS. HuugtHan wold nt aml7Cc. Sales: 1 car umolhy st $2.45; 1 car flax at $1.76; 1 car fancy Hungarian at 70c; 1 car do at 67& c. SALT—Tue quotations were strictly adhered to. Ruaincea fair; Onondaga and Saginaw, hue, $1.00; Canada do. slXoy|l.Cs; ordinary coarse. $1X0; coarse diamond O and ground solar, S2.DO ; dairy, without bags, £2.75; dairy, wuh bags, $3.0(1; Ashlou dairy, par Sack. $1.00034.25, TEAS—.lapsus are active and firm. Other less are ruling very quiet, wlrh prices favoring buyers. Wo niuko no change In our quotations : Young hyson, common to fair. 33®J5c; do, good, 650C30 ; do, o mice to extra lino, 05C0J1.03; common to hue old hysou, 6S®Bsc; comtuou imperial, £.3(uinoc; good to choice do, 05i'(£fl.03; fair to good gunpowder, 70®85o; choice I'luguuoy, SI.CO(<T > ,].10; extra Moyuue, $1.90® 1.33 ; choice to extra new Japan, 33c(s$lXO; common to good do. C3®750; fair to good old, (IOOCSr ; com* moo do, 33®4r»0; common to fine Oolong, 35®<60; good, d3®'joo; choice to extra. WrigilXO, TOBACCO—This market occupies a very firm posi tion. Slocks are light, and are mainly in speculative hands, where they aro hold with great firmness in an* ticipatloa of still higher price* later lu the season. There is a steadily good demand at the prices given below: Fine Cot—Extrs, 75093 c; choice, Co®Csc; medi um, 6U®33c ; poorto common, 403*460. Plug—Natural leaf, 7608Uc; half bright, 80®70c; black, sound, 45030 c. SiioitiKG— Good to choice, 33®35c; medium, 30® 31o; common. 25(3201\ WOOD— Remains firm and unchanged: Beech,s7.oo; maple. $3.05; hickory, SD.O(i; slabs, s7.B3—delivered. WOOL—We continue to quote; Good to prime tuli-v/ashed 65057 c I’oor to good tuU-waehed 43(./i620 Fme and medium washed iloecs 470603 Coarse washed flecco 40045 c Medium aud course unwashed ,‘JD(o»;isc Fine unwashed 37®320 Unmerchantable and burry wool. 6010 c loss. THE LIVE-STOCK SiREET. CHICAGO. BATUUD4T EVEXTHO, OCt. 17. Tho receipts of live stock during the week have been as follows: Cattle. Hogs, Sheet). Monday 6,007 ll.'.iC W TitPSd.iy 4,710 J.47J •Woduciday a, 408 18,089 7»l Thursday 4,000 18,148 1,770 Fiiday 3,03 V 13, m 1,1101 Saturday 1,700 11,600 200 Total. Last week .23,107 90,003 6,530 .19,091 64.1M3 8,190 Verttefora lut .18,728 74,005 6,i»n Wuek audios Sept. SO 111,016 03,584 0,225 Total 4 wcolta... Snmo limo last year, ImToasa .70,1)31 252.N3 20,107 .40,701 11)0,408 18,073 .20,170 83,034 7,504 Shipments wars as follows: Cattle, Boon, Sheep, Monday 1,e»2 5,«»7 Tuesday tt,l«S 10,WJ7 (U3 Wednesday.. 1,100 ll.fU'J .... Thursday 1,005 ll.Cll 6*23 Friday a/iHd 13.147 80H Total. Last week. B,lß*l C 2.425 2,05*2 O,7HD I,'Jdl CATTLE—TIi* receipts for Ui* wcok have btvu 23,107, sgolnat 19,091 lost week, aud 13,873 for tUo corresponding week last year, For the four weeks cudiug to-day there have boon received 79,031, show ing an increase of 90,170 as compared wHIi the cor responding period hwt year. The arrivals during the first half of the week were largo, but, anticipating a diminished supply as iho Week advanced, holders entertained firm views, and prices were pretty well sustained. Under the unexpectedly heavy receipts of Thursday and Friday, however, the market broke down a hiWic, and closes dull and depressed at the reduction, Wulle our supply has been the largest of any week of the season, there were not enough lira sud secoudlclass beeves to satisfy tbe wants of Kew York, Albany, and Uostou, uud the quality of the cattle scut to those points was of an unusually low average. Of the 2J.U00 cattle oiVercd for sale only uu insignificant number were good enough to com* maud a higher figure tbau 14,75, waile by far the larger part of the week’s hunlmwa wus accomplished at the low range of 53.3359.7 ft. Htock cattle were In good de mand, and Chicago butchers bought mors liberally than uamd, but tha combined demand from times sources did not prove smtldcnt to absorb ime-half the coiiunou stuck rojoived from day to day, uml at the close tbe auoumulallona amount to some 7,000 head. Calves have been in light supply, aud sold at very full rates, or at'(?3.7fi lor poor to choice. To-day the market was devmd u( aulnuvUtm, and the few sales re ported Indicated very irregular prices. The receipts were unusually large for utu cloeiug day, amounting to 1,700, whereon Saturday's receipts seldom exceed l,uod. More common biuff now lies in the yards thau will aaftlcs to meet legitimate demands for a week to come, aud itwold the Mielute during tbtaaat tor days ptm liberal It la fliillcull to noo totr a further depredation iu values can bo averted. At the recent meeting of tha railroad ofllclnla at llio Padllo Hold iu thia city, awno change* iu livestock freights were determined upon, but what Umiso clungon wera ban not yet transpired. It vmh decided to furnish no rolurn passes to mou in ouarg# uf slock. Below are lbs closing ptlccn : QUOTATIONS' Extra Ilfeves-Gradca steers, avorncinr;l,3so to I,units Nominal Choke Beeves—Fine, fat, well formed 3 year to 6 year old steers, averaging 1.3C0 to 1,4..01b» . $5.5000.00 Good Ueevcs—Well-fattened, finely formed steers, averißiuß 1,150 to 1,300 1M 4.23(33.03 Medium Grade*—Htcsrs lu fair flesh, aver* sfling l.lUUto 1,250 lbs.. . 3.50(31.00 Butchers’ Slock—Poop to fair steers, ana common to extra cows, for city stauclitor. aver*niiißHso to 1,100 tbs .... 2,33(33.50 Sto.'k Cattle—Common cattle, m decent flesh, averaging CUO to 1.030 lbs. ... 2 *’3(33 40 Inferior—Llgui sud thin rows, heifers*. ** sUrh, hulls, and scalawag elcera 1 bqcto 00 Cattle—Tens, choice corn-fed i un.lct'no Cattle— I Texas, wintered Norib 30CM375 Cattle—Texas, through dr0ve5,......... IfiUrsVco HOGS—Tue receipts have been 03,(100 more than last week, and somo 33,800 more than for the correspond ing week last.year, while for the font weeks ending to day there Is *n Im-rcoss over last your of 83,000. That considerable confidence Is felt in the Immediate future of prices la pretty clearly demonstrated by the fact that, under an average dully supply of lß,ouo hogs, the ■ggrcfl'.to decline for the week scarcely exceedslUASlo per loti lbs. The great bulk of the 00,030 Uoga have been ditponed of tbrougb the usual channels,—that is, to shippers and city butchers,—the purchases of the few packers who have been killing from time to time throughout the summer and fall months not having been very materially Increased' Most of tho packing, houses have now teen put in order for tho Reason’s work, and, as soon as tho weather will permit, it is probable that packers will begin operations' Early In the week the quality of (ha hogs was much above the recent average, but tha arrivals of tho post two or thru dayo have been less aalisfartory. To-day there was a tack of activity. Buyers operated with little ap parent interest, end,although prices wore lowered 10(5) 15e m an Inducement to greater activity, trade re mained quiet to the close, bides at $3.00(33.75 for In ferior to common; at $3.60(33.05 for medium; and at t6.W(3i».C3ji{ lot guoti to ettT*. aoo BItRA. So. Av, Price,\ 87 223 SI.OO 44 214 0.00 44 SCO 0.00 03 182 6.05 63 937 6.78 72 200 6.73 47 204 C.C 2|tf 71 217 CM 66 252 0.25 67 183 6.00 09 183 0.85 09 2011 O.OU 02 140 6.25 80 285 0.40 ftl ltil» 0.70 63 SJ2 6.10 Xa. Av. Price, iO 2:3 |fl 10 Cl 141 6.23 C 3 233 C.UO 67 176 S.tU 71 100 6.C5 Cl 200 6.70 47 225 6.7 0 60 301 6.00 62 2U 6.70 40 261 C.23 CD 17.1 6.70 C 3 100 6.95 T;i 140 0.00 27 313 C.IO 33 RO2 6.70 23 BJO 6.45 87 ISt 8.87tf. SHEEP—l'rlcoa hare ruled comparatively trendy at the reduced prices MlabUehed last ireck. or at M.75£ 4.25 for Rood to choice; at $3.2533.60 Tor medium, Btul at $1.60(33.00 for poor to common. Neatly one half the supply went into the bauds of nliliipera. Tbo muikot cloaca eteady with everything sold. CHICAGO DRI-UOODS iURKET. Saturday Evrxcrn, Oct. 17. Burins Hit past three days but Uttla activity wag ap parent In any department of the dry-good* market, while, aside rtom a fow of the leading Huba, eittome quietude has prevailed. Tha m*vket for cotton goods displays some animation, and there IB a well sustained demand for brown and bleached cotton flannels, chav lot stripes, worsted dress goods, shawls, and hosiery, but the aggregate distribution was undoubtedly small er than for the corresponding three days of lust week. The belief prevalent amongst jobbers that business will continue steadily f ilr throughout the fall and far into the winter Is baaed upon a knowledge of the fact that stocks in the hands of country merchants are much smaller (ban they bare been accustomed to carry In past seamns,and that at most of the «mal or diitrlbot- Ing points in the West, which look to Chicago far tneir supplies, a fair, If not active, business Is being prose cuted. Concerning collections, there Is no c*nso for complaint. From thoss sections where the drought and grasshopper* were the roost dcolmoiivo remit tances are alittle lardy, but, as a rule, collection* are comlugforward with commendable promptitude. No important price changes have taken place sines our last report, and the general market now presents a steady lone. Carpeting* are moving with soma free doom at unchanged price*. Below ut in* current quotation* • bqown cotton*. Atlantic A, 4-4. ......11 c. 8r0adway.. .......... B#e Atlantic 11, 4—4 lb# {Mackinaw 8 AtlanticD, 4-1 9# Langley,standard,,..ll Atlantic I’, 4-4 8;$ Langley, A 10 Inlhin Head, 4-4 II {Cabot A, 4-4 10 Indian Ueud, 7-8..... P# (Cabot W, 4-4 o# NaahvlU® 10# .Lyman T 8# Appleton A 11 Lawrence, LL, 4-4... 8 Adriatic 11 Agawam F, 4-4 8 IVuchnsotts ID,'? Tromout, 0 0. 8 Stark A, 4-4 10# Valley 8 Augusta yis Empire State.; 8 Gardner A 11# Swift River S Michigan A, 4-4 U Noponset 7 Medford.. 10 {Nonpareil 7 Macon 0# {Quaker C# Mystic Bivor 0 [CiruuUo. B 7# FINR DROWNS. Kushna E, 4(Mn ll)jr|Dw)Rht Star, 40-in.. .11 Nushiult,3tWn JO (Continental 0 Jo e Nashua 0,33-m a It o}£ I‘eppercU E, AO-ia.... 11 UooUs M ...10 I’cpperoll It, 3C-ia ....10 Newmarket A Sif PeppctcllO, 33-iu .... 9 Massachusetts 88... 8« PeppereUN,3o-1n... 8 Great Palls M Crescent 10 Great Falls 8 B'tf Pre«coltXL 10 Great Falls J 9 Indian Orchard. A.V..11 Nevada A 9 Indian Orchard, EE., Massachusetts E...... Bjtf Indian Orchard, NN„ btf (Portsmouth I* Cj2 Imlain Orchard, KB.. tx M0hawk........ 0 Dwight Star, A-4 11 1 *-MKT6. JTerrimnc P, Piuk.. .10#o Araosteag McrtiinacD,.... 0 freeman Padflc.... 9# Mourning Hamilton 9 Shirting Richmond 0 Mallory Pink... American 9 Mallory Purple, Sprague 3>{ Manchcntor, Gloucester 9 WanumtU, Garner, 8 5 OIXCHAMB. . B>fC!3iUJdlMer .11# jcileuarm .11# lUairdi .UK I CORSST Naumtsag Baltecn>...l2 c, Pcmlwvtou. ii# Androscoggin 11# Aiaotkoag..., 1U Clinton... Lancaster. Bates Amotkeag, • JJS&NS. pAmoskeap, brown. ...10 o iludiun Orchard 9 iCanoo 8# jnics. Garner, roll. (■Warren ILonidala,.., ClilU Garner Flat c c Washington G!u I BmitUQeJd C,V ( UigU color*, I cent extra. ObCAOISEO Lonsdale cambric.... IB o New York Utils 17 Utica N0upuHc1......17 WunmUU 17 Davol 15 l*rldaof the Wea1....1T Latißdcn, G8.........16 ' Fruit of (bo L00m....1d 1 Lonsdale 12# ; Androscoggin, L.....1J1 j Auburn, A I Mew York Ida 12 i Gem of the Spindle...l 2 I Hill. 4-4 lajtf I lilackatoue, A A UK I •no Minnehaha, 4-4 27jtfc Mlnnrtnbu, 7-8 2.7 Amoskesg, ACA 2d Atuotkeng, A...., Amoskcug, B 18 AinoNkeag, 0... Id Amo«kcag, 1> 14# Amoakt-jg, K la# Boar) River..... 21 Conestoga extra, 4-4.. 'Si Conestoga extra, 7-8. .19 ConestogaGil, 4-4...19 COTTONS. Cabot 11 Scuate, AA 10# Uwtßht Star \\% Hallowoll, Q,... iNcwraarket, 0 10>/ Nftwmartct, 11....... 9 'Uootl, 12 OJtf ;liciolt, D lix iTiinrmllk* J3 9w (Thorndike 0 Bj£ |Ori-eQ, 11 8 lOveen, G 8# VuucUanXS......... 8 Conestoga CCA, 7*5,.,16 o Concslo/ja Cl’,4-1....17 Conestoga AA, 30*1n.,13>/ MotUuaUjAA.. uo Falls A 12# Manhattan y# iork, 32-lncU 22# York, 30-luch. W Tbormllko, A 11 Hulftllivor lo Orf«n Sif nusflold 7# IIM*, Var ‘ DEM York Blue Oil c< York itripe 28*f { Aiuoeteag 82# Columbian...... 81 ] Oik, AXA ..IK Oik. 1)11 10 OUi, CO H Beaver Greek, AA... 17 Beavor Greet, J18....15 Beaver Creole, C 0.,.. 13 H’aarJlUvor. ~,.21 INplbou, IXL.. id Cunl* is Wamm, AXA id Warren, 1)11 16 Wnmu, CO H Uncusvllle UOA 15 Warre^ Haymaker, 10 Uositou,..,, ..‘■OJtf ire*. “ Sim Minnehaha, C-3 10 o Amuskoig, G-3. ......15 Amoflbejg, 3-3. 14 I Uucuavlllc.A 11(S12 UaomtUe, U0A..13(it14 I American, B-3 nvfc American, 3-3 io>; IHamllton, C-'J 15 Hamilton, 3-3 14 BTiurca. CHEVIOT Whlttenton,A la oi Whltlcuton, D 13 Wulttoutou, JLX 13 AmoHtcac 15 Everett 17 Kewlmru.A 17 iNewtmru, D ~..18 Union, AA 18 Union, I'lald 17 Union, A ~..U Northwestern 19 iiisounLANKOue, Carpet Warps.,, Uattn. .*.., Twines. ...’djfcilWjj lOottuu Yarn. T&BCADB. J. tt I*. Ooateß* ~7u cUolm Clark, Jr. it C 0.70 0 Clerk’* "0. N. T.".. .70 iWllllmiutio 47* J. Clark 1:C0.'* Green b Daniel* 1 <9 Hull It Manning’*... .38 j CAnrsriNfl*. Tapentru IJntMtU. Cright'a $ 1.95 | $1.9501.30 Crowley's 1.3501.40 (lloxuury.. L 32* Three. Hartford, extral 1.43W iLowitU... UartforUylm... 1.35 IHmith It Hanford's. 1.39 Ingram*. Smith’* tapoalry.. .$1,25 Lowell extra..... ..»Lls Hartford extra 1.10 Lowell superfine... 1.03 Hanford uied 03 Common wool Deigrade 80 Union Hemp. . „ Common p1ain.23*029 OiTwlUed and ox. Pi U..31 o Hattinn, . . on „ English cocoa, 1icit...85 c China matting4-i.. ..30 • American common.. .65 jChlu* mattings-4...,.i5 American beat 76 China m»Utuc tM... .40 lied and wh. chTt 4-4.40 lied and wu. oh'A 2-4.** Usd and wn. ch’k 4-4.33 I CHICAGO LUMJUiU MAUIIET. Rixumuv Evening, Got. 17. The market waa again m-ariy haw of lumber until late! in the dav, waeu several carious, the forerunner* of the rttet, arrived, However, a flood deal of lumber changed ut.aus. Haroral lot's! demon appeared on the Vtaskst uni Ud yri«»« (or plsus iknif uy to |9.Wtf9,OU, tmd toteral cargoes wort sohl to arrive, a load of Man )«<oa jui«u and nounliiiif biJujtlug tlu oiU’lda I'ricj. auo apparent wtUlucucaa ot biiyma to pay Una ad* vmco iiuhico.i » mvouc footing among otnlsrn, and, though a moderately inrgs loot in expcctM In by Mnu* *Vl 5 > * n,,,a refined to nccej t the alviitno. Un.inls und *!* !’• w , or ® atf3.o.KdlO.(M for iu ion, Mid (5.1U.00 for IU« liolt.iv grades. trer* iUm at st.7t>, aud auluc.M quoUbto at S'i.W .12.70. , AT T'*li TA „„ ry tlenjnutl In Rourt, imd itia tof>al trad«, “rdiTt, fair fn the atfaretf »t«. Tuo oulnlilu qnnfutliim for common nulltitr ana floor* JnR »re «iiv»tjcc(l, *»le« iu a Bioali wny iioitifr tn-iilo at IhHSOßXhiimwi. firm at and the Unucuyy to tulmivo prices for other coonuoa stuff fiiio jilt m Is as sirnng as cvcr» First eienr Becotm clear, 1 inch to 2 IqcU. Tnird clear, x 1nr1x...,,, Tulrd clear, thick.,.. Cle.r flooring, let and 84 locolhcV, rough ADOO AID TO Clo.raiding, Island 24 together •io’uo «'ji*oo FJr«t common siding ia.oo (AWXO be.'oml common siding..... wio oa Flooring, first common, dmoed 81.00 wuw’wo Flooring, second common, dressed... 2r,.(j0 Flooring, third common, dressed SBU UO A wagon-box \>o*r{U, selected, u ' Indies and upward (319 00 D wagon-box boards aa.uo y3o*oß Aitock boards 33.00 <s33.t!U lißtook boards ac,Oi) ywoa 0 slo.-k boards 14.09 wicxo Common boards, outside for drj 10.&0 uixoo I'enclns 11.0» aaio dotet, scantling, timber, 10 feet and _ under 10X0 «i 1.95 foist and scantling, 18 to 21 feet...... la.oo mii.oj I'iccetfl, square 12.00 w 13,00 rickets, flat n.yo t#.... Ccdsrposta, apllt 12.00 (yio.oo Cedar posts, round, 608 Inches 17.00 (($33.00 i* th - 2.00 (£ 2.23 «o. I sawed shingle* 1.60 (4 2.30 »or star ... , « 8.00 13 ft 23 B lr>ct a.n d iir« f ,* Wjrlhwwern Lumberman giro# the MPdj.ti ami u’fS” U “ mom ‘ l * B »f I.Va. Ar. Price, 50 231 SO.OO <lB 174 6M :t2 257 0.00 21 224 0.05 00 200 6.00 51 252 (US 63 237 C.05 SO SOS c.i;o 35 200 0.05 65 SOB 6.00 60 210 6,00 47 207 6.60 60 323 6.10 140 144 4.70 03 210 6.00 S3 289 0.25 Seplembsr. AutfUHt.... Feet, Put, S«tt bor 05,35U40 TolSltoDO *\t.‘,XlV«V*V 80.015.214 63.640,U00 anrf Fmorltr B*ys l *‘Abo«t 3)0.000,020 foot of loc« ore contracted for. to be nut in \v* l ih.n ? lv ? r trjbQ,orlM tUH winter; wo «bau uot beearjirlßcdlf the amount under contract !mSSi!!in ,h if d remap exceed tbaa fall shorto* 4,000,000 feet more Ilian baa ever before been nut on in tny season yet. 1 bla 1 ,rge amount U due to tbe oxten aUe Urea In our pineries Uat tummer, and tbo timber oaKtait * na > unto s <“101111. VIIiKETS BY TELEOIUPH. Liverpool, Oct. 17—11 a. m.—Flour, 27# Cd(32l« M Ju i e s* B4lo<l ® l>B Rlirinn. ou(g9« Od? whili DsUdftHJa 3J; Club, lOi 4dtflos W. Cota. BC* it£ Fork. 77b tfd. Lard uuchauged. * ba * Parts, Oct. 17—Evening.—Rentes, G3f. Frankfort, Ocl. 17.—C-20S of *C3, up* - . Liverpool, Oof. 17—Eve.—Cotton quiet; mlddlfn* uplands, 8d; Orleans, B#d; sales, It),0J0 bales • A.nw*C leani C.'JOO bales : speculation and export, 2,0u0 bale*. Breadatuffi—Quid and unchanged, London. Oct. 17—Evening.—lUto of discount In ths open market for three mouth*' uflU Is 8# por cent be low lue Bunk of England rates.* Amount of bulltna withdrawn from the B»nk on balance to-day, £B(S, OjO, Console for money, 93#®02#; on account, oh«»a »3K;fiss, 105#;C7*.UW;l«-4U6,ioai<; new As, io&s Now Yoik Central, DO; Edo. : orefarrad. at! Tallow,COsOdGJCO-u * ' ** * Sugar tmspoU, 7s 3d(337s 6d. The Boston Wool alavkct. Boston, Oct. 17.—With the appenrauc* of a Isrsw number of buyers la the market, thua woo- h-la improved. Bales during Urn weak have hu-r 1 733 308 Iba of domestic and forelsu; Onto and Pensylraui* fleocea medium, treble, and above, 53#QCCc, Mlcmaan. Mlsoousin, and other fleeces, 4G«33.4c; combine ana delaine fleeces, 60®6ic; unwashed comblni; and delaine, fOracyfc; tub washed, SJfliSs; aconted, S9A 51.03; supeilor and ostra pulled, 40tfGO, TUb Boston Dry*(*nods 3r*rkef< Boston, Oct. 17.—Business is only moderate with, commission houses and Jobbing departments. Move ment sluggish. The market for cotton goods Is quick and steady. Brown cottons and cotton flannels M « ia good demand. There Is a renswod nclhity la sideband prints, and some makes are sold up to receipts. Fancy prints are also m fair demand. Felt skirts are active. Woolen goods move slowly from first bands. Forelga goods dull. Tli* FrnHuco Markets. NEW YOWL Nett Tore, Oct. 17.—Cotton—Weak: middling upland, 16#c; futures closed firm ; sales, 30,000 bales; October, 14 IS-Kkgli 31-33 c; November, I 4 15-16(*t 14 31-33.5; Decemcer, 18 6-320; January, igv,&4 IRI3-32C; February, 1511-lflo; March, 16 31-320 ICo; April, -320; May, 1015-32(3lC#c: Jane, 1C U-ICQiOtfC. Floch—Steady and unchanged: receipts, 10,000 brlii. Br* Flood and Codnl«al—Qalel, steady, and nn« changed. Grain— Wheal in fair demand, and higher; reeelpte, 93,000 bu: No. 3 spring, $1.02®1.0i ; No. 3 Chicago, 11.0801.08 ; No. 2 Northwestern spring, 11.07Q1.U3; No. 2 Milwaukee, $1.1301.10; ungraded lowa and Minnesota spring, $1.21@1.23; now No. 1 Minnesota. $1.22; winter red Western, $1,14(91.21; amber da, $1.21(91.25; white Western, 1.24Q1.37. Bye qnlet at 07c@51.03. Barley and malt unchanged. Corn—Mora doing, with higher prices; receipts,s2.oo3 bu; Western mixed store, OOQOlo; do afloat, 01,C?Q930; high mixed and yellow Western, 02(9D3„ , {c. Oats—A sludo firmer and less active; receipts, 27,000 bu; mixed WesterOi flflQflOtfe; white. COQKJe. Hat—Firm at JG.fXiCSO.SO. Hops—Heavy. Obocewes—Coffee firm: Zita, I8\'($10,V« Sugar steady. Mohsees auu rice unchanged, I'ctbolkom— Crude, S^'o; refined, 12j^c; naphtha. Wjtfo. TonPEKTn i rE—Steady at 86c. Kaos—Unchanged. Leathkb—Firm at 20^(330o; Orinoco. 25(3590. Wool—Firm; domestic fieoce, 4n@cacj tubbed, Csc ; pulled, S3(ssoe ; unwashed, 17@20c. Pbovirionb-Fork steady; uotr mesi, f20.25®M.58. Beef quiet and unchanged, Lard unaeUledt aatf prime steam, 13}« c. Burma *nd Cheehb—Unohancod. 11 etal*—Manufactured copper hear; and Imgnlar ; newihoathing, 28a; ingot, lake, firm at Pig Iron—Scotch scarce ami firm at 37<a<lc • American dull atS4<33oe; Zinnia sheet quiet at IGfjilsjfc, Nails—Heavy; cut, £1.60(33.76: clinch, (J. 50& (.00; horseshoe in fair demand and firmer. ST. LOUIS. St. Loot*, Oct, 17.—Cotton—Weaiir and OK changed. Ftouft—Qnlet, Qiuin—Wheat dull md lower; No. 3 red fall, 97® and lower for new; No. a, 7tKSBOo; new, 00<9ijJc. Oat# firmer at JOASOVfo. Rye quiet aud nuchangad. Whisky— Quiet at Oa^DUc. Puo visions— Pork lower, at Dull! meat* l> regular; order lots and packed Dliouldere, 7jiidl7U Q t clear rib, 12(^12^0; clear, Bacon, only a small order trade; shoulders, 7*((SBc; clear rib, 13V@13Kc; clear, UUiSM.Vc. Lard lower {tumme*, 1214 c, _ lloas—Receipt*, 330; quid; Yorker*, $1.75(35,00, Demon, *5.2.VJ3.80 ; but.-Uera’, |5.75£i3.25. Cattle—ltmdide, UlO ; unchanged. Rcocipts—Flour, 9,000 brls; wheat, 37,000 btlj corn, 6,000 bu; oat?, 19,000 bu; rye, 6,000 bu; bar* low, 2.000 bu. SuiPMEsra—Wheat, 6.000 bu ; com, 2,000 bu, 15ALT1MOHE. JUr.rmop.K, Oct. l7.^*uiuß—Q* ilet and unchanged. Gnaw—Wheat dull; amber Wertcru, $1.24; other* unehuugctl. Corn dull; mixed Weateru, white do, 05@97c. Oats weak; Wwit«rn mixed, 35c; white, (105?*520. Ityo quiet mil *l<ndy at |1.0v)51,06. rnonMOKs—Dull and weak. Xlea«vork.f2J.W@2J.oC{ Bult—BhouldMu, 7«tfo : clear rib, IZftWVc* Bactor- Bhouldcre, 6'Vc; clear rib. 13',5VUl*o; togar.ouraA ham«, HAISc, lard—Holloed, 15c. Hui-teh— Weetaru quiet ; receipt* Ueary; good tt fine, 33033 c. CoFuiF.-Wllh strong and Imjmod darning a) 17V(&20>lo. , riTiioLrettM—Unoliangea, ■\VUlflliT—sl.oo, ouwecso. Oswmo, Oct. 17.—Chain—Wheat dalltjfcft> t wMU utu'btmcoa, JI.W. Cum dull at Oljjc, uariO| auiet, nominally at $1.30 for C mada MUUVUIft MiMrntP, Oct. 17.—Congx-Quiet; iatd&nog, I<s' o • aalcs, 1,11.0 baba; rcoclnte, l,9ttT h&lee; M* jju'rie, i.ioj lutoj; stool:, 20.717 bales. ruooucK—Quiet and uiielniii^ed. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, 0., Oct. n.— Covion— Duilacdarttfl lower utU.^c. Flour—Dull anil nncbnnflcu* Grain—Wiic it dull and unchanged. Caro fair and firm; old, 72®730; raw, 60c. Outs dull and aalud# lower at r.yo muot and uncbMuJsd at Wo Usrley dull and unclunijoa. Liuasvu on.—Quiet am\ steady at 93c. Lard Oil—Quirt and unclicmjed. Kona—Demand good with full prices at Uo<32l* llVTTMi—Quiet and imcbMinvd. CUKUPn—Fair and Arm at 16^0*10?/* Vuovmor.a—Port—Nothing douty. Lard scarce and firmer; summer saleable at 13c. Hulk uliouldore cell nominally ul frlftitfc; loose new aides, Jobbing, ll*$o; dear rib, VJo ;do clear packed. I2*',c. Bvjow (jufut; stnmldoru told at TJvtftTAfo; aides tell nomi nally at Vdlifofor clear rib; l4*fo lor clear, Wnuitt—Steady with demaud at BTc, TOLLDO. Toledo, Oct. 17.—Tlodr—Qulot and unchanged. Grain—Wheat oulot; No. 2 white tVabAßh, 51.17; No. I white sdhhla,n, »U2>j •, «»l» do. U 12; amber Micbnittu, fl.Od; seller November, f 107; Lejorotwr, II.0d; No. 1 ml, $1 .it); No. 2 do, $l.o;i; No. 1 amber, Illinois, $1.17 ; No. 2 do, SI.WJf. Corn quid; high mixed, 77Jjo; new, 7U(?c; low mixed, 7U,uo; pew, li'juc; no grade, new, 22kJ<k Oat* dull and a abide Jowir; No. 2 Michigan, 4HVo; while, M;„c. Fukiobth—Hull end nominal. lUourrs—Flour, 2(u)brlu*, vrbeat,99,ooo but ocw* 27,0w nu; oaU. 10, ouoim. . ummirNra—X’luur, 7bo brla wheal, 49,000 bi; corn. 7,202 nu; oatu. 19,002 Un NICW OIILKANfI. Nuw Oblcxss, Ui., Oct. 17,—line—Firmer; tboltl, I'uovrrtoNS— Porlt dull and lower at $2n.?3, GiiooniUKß—Sugar hbda newly rveohed and «o!<b common at 7Jtfi:; Uir, btfo j good fair, bjtfc. Alolas aea—lu Koo ( (tumuuil: prime to atritiiy prime, 62®74c. CoiVoo firm; ordinary to prime, ItttfftlOX c» olut ra uticiiaußrd. Ooi'aom—JJtfmaud good; I loch ialoi| bait# ,tl©99 0 ....39* c.tiomiOKa. .$50.00 (750.00 , 4d.uo <SM.OO . 03.(10 («(ii).o9 . 0.00 (^45.00 SKCCUI3, Peel. Feet, 1874. 1373. •niPUENfi. Foreign Market*.