Newspaper Page Text
6 BfiOWEY AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. Wrn.mMiAT KvEHUffl, Oct. 31. One of the loading banks to-day reported tho demand for money '• extraordinary.” It is not co strong in ovory direction, but there are few money-lending institutions in tho city that bavo not a fair lino of discounts. iM&ny of our banks are holding more money than usual, and their discounts are perhaps not relatively as high ns before tho panic* but tho actual amount is Utile if anything loss. Tho rate of discount remains at 10 per cent to regular customers, with rotes 2 ur 2 per cent less to outside borrowers with good collaterals. Loans for thirty days cau bo made at 7 per cent, md those for actual 41 call " at 0 per cent. Honey on (be street is 10(55)18 per cent; real es tate loans aro U@lo percent. Mew York exchange was very Arm at 850 pro mhim for SI,OOO between banks. The movement of currency to the country is light. The banka are increasing their vigilance with re gard to unstamped cheeks, and nolieco arc now posted at many of tho cashiers’ windows, that no Ihecks will ho taken unices stamped. Tho clearings were $4,000,000. _ CHICAGO UOU> MARKET. (TJSWPJ H. J. Ohnscoph «fe Co., bonkers, 75 South Clark street, quote gold: Jiw/ina . SfUUtff, .. ll««f .. IW-i llfti^ .. 100’* HOB .. loo?* non .. ioob no),' .. 100 ji hob UWO o’clock, U:0O o'clock. 12:00 o’clock. V.W o’clock. 2:00 o’clock. 3:00 o'clock. Tho following oro tbo rates of money at tho leading foreign mooey centres on Oct. 5 : li'Uik Ojifn rntf, vutrktl, I'trceut, Pfrcrnl. t a?( -!jy Parle Amsterdam Hamburg Berlin Frankfort Vienna ami Trie5te........... Madrid, Cadiz, and Barcelona, St, Petersburg Brussels Turin, Florence, amt H0m0.., Antwerp 8remen........ Leipzig Genoa.,.. Geneva... Copenhagen..., New Vork mviDKNnH. The following is a list of dividends and inter est payments payable after this date: CorporaliotK Phlfr.UclpUia ft Heading, pfd. and cow. (quur.) 2# Oct. SI Chicago, Hock Inland k Ifeclfic 4 Oct, 27 Dataware, Lackawanna k Wcatcm (qnar) 2.V Oct. 20 Central of New Jenny (quaV.) 2,*tf Oct. 20 PuoiUo of Missouri (quar.) l ; i Oct. 2(5 Baltimore St Ohio 5 Nov. 2 •chads in m;w York Ttio Now. York TFiVnme reports in its financial column of Monday labt that tbo sonoral Ivado of the oily has been comparatively light, ami at de clining prices for roost kinds of merchandise, tho mercantile failures daring the week haring bad u depressing ofleet upon business. There has been a steady demand for United States bonds, and prices close at per cent higher than last week. State bonds nave been inactive, while iu railway mortgages there has been a fair busi- Obau without material change iu quotations. Loanable funds continue In abundant mippply *cd without change in rales. TOLEDO, VAC.A.SK A WKSTERN RAILROAD. The Directors of tho Toledo. Wabash A West ern Jtailroad Company have organized for the induing year, choosing ex-Gov. Jacob D. Cox. f’rfeßldont; Mr, W. B. Conncan, Treasurer and secretary, and Mr. B. F. Ilmn, Assistant Treas urer and Secretary. The Executive Commiltoo elected consists of Gov. Cox and Messrs. Sidney Dillon, John V. Tracy (all interested in ilia Can ada Southern Boad), ami George I. .Senoy, of the Metropolitan Bank, and A. W. While, formally years idcntitlcd with the Wabash Road. It is taid that the Wabash Company will promptly meet its interest obligationa duo Nov. 1: al though the matter has boon made doubtful by free talk to the contrary at tho Slock Exchange, which talk has been, of course. In the mtoresiof apecidatoiß for lower prices. ' THE DKOT OF NEW YORK. The imlehtnient of the State or New York iu stated bv the Now York .S’«n to bo as follows: Proportion of Uobl of tho United Hinton. .$ 3] 1,337,00(1 Debt of the Hlute of Now York :t6,630 f 40T> Ddbt of comities ami towns 215,523,417 Total duht $ 586,316,853 Total valuation of taxable property In 1873 52,129,620,000 Thus it appears that tho public iudobtmont of the people of the State is more than 27 per cent of their taxable property. Tne aggregate taxation of the towns, connlleß, und Btalo in IH7J was $. r >J,‘l<M l u;lO, DISTRICT OF roLUMIiIA RONDS. Tho new District of Columbia throo-slxty fives will shortly ho issued by tho Sinking I'miH Commissioners. These houdß wore authorized t»; the lasi session of Congress, amt guaranteed Ly tho Government. They run fifty yearn, in terest Fobiaary and August, and are free from all taxation. Tho fioulitiK indebtedness of tho District in to bo funded in them. LATEST. Nkw Youk. Oct. 21.—Money active, closing at 5. Prime mercantile mpor, o@7, for abort and lung. Sterling firm at 4HSJ* for sixty-days, and 188J# for sight. Customs receipts, •‘8211.000. Gold opened and closed at 110)<, with a few waimactiona in tho interior atUl> 4 -'. Harrowing rates, 1. 7, and 1-01. Currying rules, 1, 2, and finally lint. ’ Tho Assistant Treasurer disbursed £27,000. Clearings, $25,000,000. Governments steady. Htato bonds dull. Rail roads firm. Stocks irregular during the first hours of busl fioes, but in tho main weak, with limited trans actions. After second cull u general decline oc curred along the entire Hut, but towards the close a general improvement took place, and a firmer fooling prevailed. Tho widest lluctimlimm were In Wabash, Luke Hhoro, Northwestern, Bt. Paul. Rock Island, Krio, Western Union, Onion Pa cific, and Chicago, Columbus A Indiana Central. Sales 170,000 shares, of which 17,000 were West ern Union, 10,000 Pacific Mail, 17.000 Uric. 58,000 Lake .Snore, 18,000 Union Pacific, 10,1)00 North western, 18,001) Wabash, am) 5,000 Obion. OOVUUNMEJtT IIUNOK Coupona, ’fll lisp, I Uonpoua, TJ7 117. I ,' Coupons, Vi 2.... ....ILJ | Coupons, ’os 1173,' Coupons, ’Ol llrt j Now 6s ...IP.Vv Coupons, ’(tf 117,*» ItMtte 112'/ Coupons, now j Currency Cs IIS statu norma. Missouri)! IU | Virginias, old 11l Tenuosflcra, 0M,.....(i7 JS. Carolina)*, old 2t Teunesicra, now C.7 IN, farollnim, new. Virginias, new 91 | stocks. Canton f>;i Ht, Paul pfd SO Western Union Tul., Wfi \Val««di On Quicksilver. UO Wabasli pfd Adams Express irii V’t. Vi’ayuu 02 Wells, Fargo 7D# Terre llimto 7 American Express... (it Term Uunte pfd 23 Y. S. Express Cfl Ohkwgo & Alien 97 FaclfloMutl Ifi.V ClUi-agoA Alton pfd.iai Non York Central. ..100% I Ohio fg Mississippi.. 2S Erie !K)tf I Olovv.. Cln. K 01d.... «r. trio pfd r.O Cbi., llur. .V Qtliuuy. inn S«riem VM lUkoHUoru Kt’ 4 ‘ Harlem pfd PiX ( Oulml n Michigan Ontril.... 72 | lllmniK Central WiV Httsburg iVI-t.Wayne 87 j Union I’acttio bonds.. MSV Norlhwedlem Union l‘.-uriflo Block.. »4 Northwestern pfd... 1 Central Pacific bond* {cj l ; Rock Ulaud 1 h„ Hartford A:Krio.. *•: N»w Jersey Cemr«l..lo;U, Del., & \v. imu fit. Paul • .a KSTATH. Tin: NKW rollK MAIIKET. The volume of business Iruusacld at Ibo I3x> change during tho past week has again been large, but nearly all the sales mado have boon ao outdo under court orders iu foreclosure, and tbo Aalea have all showed one thing, namely, that when effected tho priuo realized hue not been ruUldont to cover incumbrances on tbo property. Thin would indicate that real estate at tho print cut time In either very low, or that tho estimate heretofore placed upon It has been too high. That the market iu in u deployed condition all admit, and therefore forinvcHtoruwboimvucapi tal to control now iu an excellent time to pur chase. Tbo must important auction of the week Was tbo ualo on Tuesday, by Mossm. l.ndlow A ik Co., of tho Commonwealth Hank Huilding, on tho northwest corner of Pino and Nnunau Streets, for SUIT*,OOO, and tho noxt, tho sulo by same Arm, on Thursday, of property on tho northeast corner of iUnk and West utroetu, for yi3C,(JIK). • (In toforouco to thin ualo, it was re ported that tho engines, boilers, etc., in tho buildings sold, wore disponed of with them, hut we have since been informed that mich was not the case.) The total value of cltv real estate ,wJd for the week ending Saturday. Oct. 17, amounted to $882,158, as against $032,984. the rigures lor the week previous, Thirteen Ihook- Itu lota wore also sold at the Exchange, on Tliuritday, by SlesHrs. Muller & Co., for <30,010 in tho ogirreoato.—.A'rto York '/Vmes. Tlio following instruments who Hied for rocord Wednesday, Oct, 31 s OITT PIIOCKtITT. Went Randolph at, 15J0 It w of HUelrton st, 11 f, 36 ft. dated Hopl. VJ $ 5.000 Central I’arkctv. ICO ft 11 of llurou it, e t. lOOx H» ft. dated OH. 31 I.UOO SI. Louie by, 14! It 11 of Went 'iSvonly-flocond at, « f, 7.*x121X ft, dated Oct, 17 4,02 i The premlara So. 01 Wllaou at, dated Bopt, IC. 6,000 Sedgwick at, MS ft n of Twomey at, e f, 30x150 ft, wltU buildlngs.iUlad Oct, 20............ 3,000 North 1 (aisled at, 173 feet a uf Rees nt, w f, 25x100 ft, with buildings, dated Oot. 30 I.MO Orchard at, 320 ft 11 of Centre at, « f. 78Vx12l ft, dated Nov. 30, 1S7:I 5 000 Wminiau at, 411' ft n of lUrriaou at, 0 f, unit J<f of 33vlOfi ft, dated Oct. 20 4,(JOQ Uiiglry av, 133 Un of Thirty-eighth at, ef, SOB *H3M ft, dated Oct. 20 12,000 Emerald si, 311 ft n of Thirty-aUth at, w f, 34 xI2U 7-10 ft, dated Oot, 31 800 Twenty-iiith et, 60 ft w of o.ilumot av, n f, :J0 xl:w ft, dated Aug, HO 0,000 North M.rti-i at. fla ft 11 of Oak at, 0 f, 15x100 ft, dated Oct. 10 l t R()0 Emma at, 51 sift ft pof Ashland av,« f, 23x134 fi-in ft, dated Oot, S 1,000 Weal fjika at. 371 It 0 of Wealeru av, a f, 00 15-100x170 ft, dated Oot. 10 4,f100 Seymour nv, i4t ft n of North iv, w f, 60x130 5-10 ft, dated Aug, 01 |,IOO North Ilalitedrt, 171 ft n of Krie at, p f, 33x 1 IS ft, Hated Oct, 3 3,000 Dayton at, 75 ft ft of Hophla Hi, re t, 20*135 ft, with brick bunding, dated Oct. Ift 0,500 aotmi or city limits, within a uauics or 7 miles or oounr-HousK, Hyxlo Park av. near nfUcth at, w f, 100 ft to ruilroad, dated Oct. 1(1.... 6,500 W U Lot 3, Block 3, In Nicholas’ mil of I-o(s 17 In 19, Heo IC, 36, 14, dated Oct. 13 1,600 Lot 3H, Block 2, Crockor’s « w V « 0 }% of s 0 V H««: 17, IW, 14, dated Kept. 18 1,000 mmxn ov city limits, within a hai’luu cu* 7 mile* or RouRT-itoiisr. Lot 17, Block 6, Matter's « v h e 40,14, dated 0:1. 14 COMMI3UCI. WknHianAv K ng wore the roc loading articles of 10 post twentr-foii ling date one year Tho followin moots of tho h cago during the the correspond! 4 SP, •»’(/ iy. <>.- (1 a 4 0 r>:j Flour, hrln Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu llyc. bu Barley,-bn Gras* need,lbs.. Fiat seed, ita... Broom-corn,ll-h, Ourcdtueatfljba. Boof, hrls Pork, brln I*rcl, lbs Tallow, Its Butler. Its. Drornm hogs,No Live hojje, No.. Celtic, No | Hhefip, No Hides, ttw....... lll(lhwliH'H,hrlfl. Wool, 11)8 rotntoea, bn.... Lumber, ft..... Shingles, N0,.,, Lath, No Salt, brio 4 H'i i.V 4;, P 4»/ 4# 4 4 4 ... i'tr When rent, vajjahle. 12,277 0,166,000 3.637.000; 606,0001 towing, r Also, the foil Poii 1 try, lbs . Poultry, i100p5..., Game, Kg©i t pk«H Chto.-t*. baa Dried fruits, Pis... Green apples, lirls, Desna, bit Hay, tons. llojiu, lbs. risu, pkgs hogs, No, Withdrawn from more yesterday for city con sumption : 3.57 C bn wheat, 401 bn com, 1,450 1m oats, 1.020 bn rye, G,218 bu barley. The following grain Ims been inspected Into store this morning up to 10 o’clock: 23 cars No. I spring wheat. 231 cars No. 2 do, 70 cars No. 0 do, 12 cars rejected do (350 wheat); 10 cars high mixed corn, 78 oars and 11,500 bu No. 2 do. 3 cuts rejected do, 7 cars no grade (107 corn) *, 7 curs white oats, 20cars No. 2 do, 7 cars rejected do (34 oats); 0 cars No. 2 rye, 1 car rejected do; 11 oars No. 2 barley, 15 cars No. 3 do, 6 cars rejected do. Total (620 cars), 207,000 bn. In spected out: 33,037 bu wheat. 20,804 bu com, 67,7(58 bn oat« 2,H4 bu rye, 13.371 bu bavloy. The “ Michigan " was only able to take on 82,- OSljj bn of oats, after agreeing to take 110,000 bn, and claiming to be able to carry 125,000. Wo stale this in justice to the parties who loaded her, as there was a rumor to tho olloot that they had not outs enough to lilt her up. They had some 30,000 bu felt after the vessel got through. Tho Michigan is u Jlrst-elaes vessel, hut her ca pacity seems to have been vastly overrated. The leading produce mnrkola'woro <|uite weak to-day, with a fair business doing in a local speculative wav. The receipts non) light, ex cept in wheat and hogs, but the shipments of yesterday were very small, and the shipping movement to-day almost at a standstill. The downward tendency was started by a report that a prominent New Vork house had failed, involving heavy losses to parties boro who had only drawn ou them for 30 per cent of tho value of tho wheat. That report was afterward ascer tained to have been it very grout exaggeration of the fuels in the ease. Tho Chicago wheat is hilly protected, and tho whole affair is only a tempo rary embarrassment, Hut tue pressure here continued. There was a wide-spread fear of a further decline in Chicago prices of grain, and holders hastened to sell, while only a portion of their offerings found a market, as buyers hold back. In the expressive language of one of thorn, u margins were getting pretty thin," and no I a few preferred to sell out at u present lass, rather than put up more money to secure their trades. Hence a weakness In wheat, corn, and oats, such as is very seldom mot with all ut one lime. The demand for dry goods was again reported fairly active, and lalo quotations wore very gen erally adhered to. Groceries continue In libera) request at very full prices. The demand, though chiefly for moderate amounts, was as largo in tuo aggregate us in past seasons at a corrosuotuling period, and jobbers express satisfaction with tho general situation. At the decline in sugars noted yesterday that market is steady. Coffees are firm and advancing. Heaps and spices also are held with great firmness. Prices of cor). bagging, leather, and tobacco wore not subjected to any quotable change. Pish continue active and firm. Dried fruits wore nominally un changed. Tho lumber market wan linn, under a con tinued good demand, and light slocks of certain common descriptions. Metals, nails, ami iron worn in fair order request and steady. Wool re mains quiet. A fair meal and outside order trade in timothy and prairie hay was reported, at full recent Prices. Broom-corn was active and very firm. Timothy seed sold to a moderate extent, ut unchanged prices. Other seeds were quiet, potatoes wore iu liberal supply, but steady, un der a good inquiry from local dealers and ship pers. Eggs declined, and poultry was steadier, tho receipts being smaller, and tho city doniond comparatively good. iligowines wove more active, but easier, though Now York was unchanged. There wore several orders on the market, but sonic buyer.* obtained a concession of jj'o by holding off. Bales worn reported of 200 brls at 98c, and lull hrls at 97c, Die latter generally understood to ho country wines. Tho market closed with holders at 98c per gallon for city goods. l.ako treightn worn dull ami nominally un changed, hi •!<’. for wheal, for corn, and 3c iur oats, by sail to Buffalo. Only two charters were taken iu the regular way. and ono vessel put iu for wheal uu owner’s account. Those will carry out (18,000 bu wheat, and 12,000 bu corn. Provisions wero moderately active, cluctlv in pork, but again easier. Live hogs cornu Iu free ly, and tho quality is improving (thorn is room for improvement, seeing (hut a prominent firm has averaged only 24 ibs per head on 55.000 head of hogs cub within tho past few weeks). Now York was also easier, and Liverpool understood to ho dull on lard, though unchanged. Muss f>ork was per Ini lower all around, with a air demand at the decline, which caused tv firm closing, hard wmi quiet and unchanged, if ws except tho llfcilo spurt of last evomug, which probably ought not to huvu bean reported. Meals wore dull and again marked down 4c all round, short ribs, or long nod short clear, being offered ut 9c for December, without finding buy ers. The packing season is new duly ten days off, and several houses will undoubtedly begin before tue close of the mouth if hogs continue to come iu freely, uud tho weather is cold enough for work. Thu market closed at tho following range of prices: Muss pork, cash, $19.00(3)19.25; du seller October, nominal at $19.00 ; do, seller tbe year, $10.55(51)1(1.00; do, seller January uud February, •il(1.7G(&17.H(); do, seller February, $l7.10(g; J7.12],;. Lard, seller tuu year,511,164)11.20; do, sutler January and February, $11.30(gi11.36; do, seller February, sum mer lard, TJJvftplSc, Uwaet-pickled hams, li>J ®)U>foior 19®16 lb average, fresh oared; dry V Bec 20, ; 450 Jvkninu, Out. 31c •oipts and sblp -1 produce in Old ir hours, and for ago; 4,274 28,808 260,454 24,741 400 8,317 04,417 22,400 11,;5411 97,(5(50 I 142,070 (58.64* 2,807 1 40,820 85.C55 161,400 110,200 00,200 U,O.V)i 44,101 >51,140 15.7«56 700 24,.-.70 u.noo (56,708 159,492 301,020 845 8,945 214,801) 44.(567 2H.050 1,480 14,400 14,310 304,120 1(50,600 120,800 1,300 268,314 806 6.74,460 110 14.77-0 22,060) 56,105 340,089 102,000 15,705 15,8115 04,263 117,080’ 11,710 0,101 (HO lii.ioj 658 120,000 1,744 12,800,600 018.000 121,0.70 3,418 21. OHO 1,070 180,701 41.UH3 68,0115, 160, 00,022 4,580 C,818,000. 'i,400.n00l | 806,000 I 1.861|, 90,117 2,870 2.410.000 1.111.000 301,000 1,356 lithout comparißons: JlecrtveiL 1,305 443 6W5 327 5,651 4,300 13,C.n 446 12 604 inn 60,132 THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1874. salted meals. loose, at 0540 for shouldoro, 9,V° for short ribs, for long oleum, 0“( c tor short clows, and R“. v ' tor Cumhor lands. The same boxed, VCPft O above those prices. Bacon moats nominal, Mess b<»of, $0,50; "xtra moss do, $10.50; beef hams, $20,25® 20.C0. City tallow, 8>; grease nominal at sJtf(?»7jjC. Sales were reported of IflObris now moos pork ut $111.50 5 4W» brla do at $10.35 ; 250 brls do, seller tho tear, at $10.02)1 ; 600 brls do at SIO.OO ; 1.250 brls do at *10.55 1 1,000 brls do at $10.50 ; GOO brls do seller Jiiimwy at $10.75 1 500 brls do seller Jaonary and February at SIO.BO 5 230 brls do at $10.75 : 250 brls do seller February at $17.17><; 250 brls do at $17.10; 500 brls do nl $17.05« 250 tea lard seller tbo ▼oar at $11.20 ; 500 lea do, seller February, at $11,50; 250 tea do at sll.-15 5 80.000 lbs old shoulders at flo; 20,000 lbs ahonlders aloJ£o. 40,1)00 llis tea brown grease nl o.'/fe. Flour wnn more auVWo, with Utile change in prices, though tbo msrksL was weak, in sym pathy with wheat. There was no shipping de mand on tho iloor, but about 1,000 brls were sold on small orders,' and the rest was taken by city dealers. Bran was in fair supply, and about 250 per ton lower. Hales were reported of 50 brls white winter extras on private terms; GOO brie spring extras at $5.00; 1,850 brls do on Srlvalo tonus, mostly at $1.80; 100 brls super ues at $0.50: 200 brls no un private terms; 10 brls buckwheat at $7.75. Total, 2,710 brls. Also, 10 tons bran at $10.00: 10 tons do at $15.75 on trsok; 20 tons at $15.50, free on board; 10 tone at $10.25 delivered; 10 tons screenings at SIB.OO on track. Tho market dosed at the following range of prices: Fair to good winters 6.00 @ 6,C0 Choice do 1, 6,00 W 7.00 Choice spring extras 6.00 @6.25 Good d 0,.,.....,,,,,.......,....,..., 4.60 0t 4.H0 Good to choice Minnesota 6.50 @O.OO Patent do 6.00 (» 0.50 Good to chniceanrlng supcrflncß..... 0.35 @4.00 Common do 0*75 @ 3.00 Uye flour 6.36 @ &.60 Brin 16.33 Wheat was dull, and averaged l#o lower. Mark Lane was quoted heavy, and that reacted on Now i'ork, making the market there very weak, especially as ocean freights wore on the advance. Our receipts wore also largo, and the shipments small, with very little demand for shipments to-day. This caused a general fooling ‘ of feeling of insecurity among holders 5 andtho market was quite flat at times, though a fair ag gregate of trading was done, chiolly hy local operators, there being very few outside orders on the Door, 'i’hero are now over 1,700,000 bu of wheat in store hero, with little apparent demand for It from the East, and none from Europe. Notwithstanding tills fact certain Eastern paners keep calling upon the farmers to eend their wheat forward, ignoring the fact that thel farmers have already sent it forward more rapidly than was wanted,*and that the consequence is a drop to present low prices, which moans starvation to tho producer, if ho has nothing else to sell. It now seems that we must start tho winter with hlg ntouks on hand, instead of empty bins, ad ought to be the case, and tho property will have to go down to a point where capital will take hold and carry it, tf that point ho not reached already. Poller November opened at 87#c, and declined suddenly to bung round that point for more than an hour, then fell toßo#o. and closed at 86%u. Seller the month sold at 86(®37>S«. closing at BCJqc. Boiler December sold at 87>£<ft88c, and seller tho year at 8(i(o>87c; cosh Mo. 2 spring closed at 83#c 5 No. 1 do at Pic; No, Bdo at 82(3)82)£c; and rejected at 80c. Miu uosota wheat was weak, closing at 89c for Me. 12* Cash sales wore reported of 4IX) bu No 1 spring at 02c; 100 bu do at fll#o 5 800 bu do at file t 3.3,- 000 bu No. 2 soring at 87o; 7,200 bu do at 86%o; 11,600 bn do at 86#o 5 800 bu do at 8(5#o 5 100 budoalß6#o; 38,100 bu No. 3 spring at 83o; 100 bu rejected spring at Bl#c ; 10,100 nu do at 81o: 1,200 bu doatbOlJ'c; 1,200 bu No, 1 Min nesota at $1.00; 7,000 bu No. 2do at 89#o; 400 bu (N. 8.) at 8O0; 100 bu Northwestern at 87#; 1.200 bu do at 87c. Total, 125,800 bu. Corn was slow, though a little more active than yesterday, and quite heavy, averaging I#@ i«fo loner. The European markets wore easier, ami Now York very dull, while our market sym pathised also with wheat. The receipts wore small, but larger than yesterday, and there was no apparent demand for shipment, the price in Now York being too low to attract a movement in that direction. There was a groat deal of corn offered, both cash and future, tho disposi tion to "jump oa it” being more decidedly shown than for some time past. There is no combination under it now to hold it up, and. though moat operators expect that prices will rule higher than the average, but few hope that present quotations can bo sustained, with such »u utter prostration of tho wheat market as is now in prospect. Seller the mouth opened at 740, advanced to 71%0, de clined to 72#c, and closed at 72#c. Holier No vember sold at 68#@70#o, closing at 68#(o> 68#c. Seller the year sold at67>£@l>3#o; and seller May at 68(li>68ivC. Cash No. 2 closed at 730, with very little preference for high mixed. Cash sales were retorted of 2,100 bn high mixed at 71#c; 8,200 bu do at 71c; 1.000 bu do at 5,000 bu No. 2at 7i?£c; 10.000 bu do at 74#0 ? 11,400 bu do at 74c; u.OOO bu do at 73#e; 0,000 bu do at 73j>iC, 5,000 bu do at do at 73>^c; 0,000 bu do at 73#0 ; 1,400 bu do at 73c; 100 bu rejected (kiiu-dncd) ut (»B>.jo; 400 bu by sample, new sbellod, at 03c; 400 bu do at 62c: 800 bu new oar at 00c, all on track. Total, 81.200 bu. Oats wero less active, and averaged Jjb lower, though reported firmer in Now York, while our rccoipta were light. An effort was made to sus tain tho market early ; hut tho sympathy with com was too close for holders, and they lot go till no more would ho taken, the offerings being large, both on city and country account. A goad ninny options have been hold here, with orders to sell at 50c for this month, and that limit, being touched 100 much, nw offered at once to permit steadiness. Heller the month opened at COc, sold down to -18% c. and closed at 4S)e. Heller November sold at -IfiJ/tfpTre, and seller the tear at 4a%@480, both closing at the inside. Cash No. 2 closed at 41),*4'0. Cash sales were reported of 8,(100 bu No. 2 at 60c; 5,-100 bu do at -illy.(c j 1,800 bu doat*l[)%u; 11,001) bu do at -19),jc; (1,000 bu do at 49% c; 12.000 bu do at 49,‘fc ; 2,100 bu rejected at HjtjO; 1,200 bu do at lljfc; 0,000 bu do at lie. Total, 51.000 bu. Ryo was in good demand, and firm at the ad vance noted yesterday, in sympathy with bar ley, and owing to a coutiuuuuco of light re ceipts, The market dosed at 82j£c for No. 2, in any house. There was some demand for next month's delivery, and 5,000 bu sold at 82|»c. Cash sales wore reported of 1.200 bu No. 2 (special house) ul 83u; 2,000 bu do at 82J-£o; and 100 bu by sample at 80c. Total, 8,000 bu.' Hurley was again in good demand, especially for this month's option, which advanced about in per bn in consequence, opening at £1.09, and dosing strong ut sl.lß. Seller November was in moderate request, but only lu higher, Helling at $1.07(®1.08. and doting at $1.07. Car lots of No. 2 in tho Central closed at sl.ll, ami nomi nally at sl.l2jjfiH.lU in other houses. No. 3 was rather slow at 050 in Centra!, to l)8u in A., D. ,t Co.’s houses. The market was almost entirely speculative, based on a large shortage for this mouth, gauged, against the fact of light daily receipts. Cush sales were reported of -100 bu No. 2 at $1.12)4 ? 2,400 bu do at $1.12; 9,200 bu do at $1.11; 3,800 bu do at £1.10; 3,200 hu No. 3 at DBe; 1,000 bu do at 970; 3,(>()() bu doat 90o; 1,200 bu dout9so: 1,000 bu rejected at 87o; 400 Im do at 83o; 800 bu by sample at 81.15; 800 bu do at $1.12 ; 400 bu do at $1.10; 1,200 bu do at $1.05; 4UO bu do at $1.02; 400 bu do ot 81.00; 4001 m do ut9se; 400 bu do 85e, on (rank ; 800 Im do ut 81.20; 500 bu do ut 85c; 400 bu do ut 78c, delivered. Total, 33,700 bu. I.A‘l |-ST. Wheat wan active in tha afternoon, ami dotted a shade llnunr, but sold down to a lower dgure than any previous time this season, soiling for the month or cash ul ami closing at Ho%(3i BG)<jc. Heller November Hold down to tiOo, olosing at M,\c. Holler December at B(%'c up to 87)fe f closing, at tho outaidn. Corn was active, unit ‘Ji(n'lc higher. Holler November closed at fiHKc, soiling at Hidlorihe month atViiW oloMug into Oats advanced jjjO under a good demand, closing ut 4(J>{e solior November, iiml seller the month. Mess pork wan fairly active ana steady. Hulch include 600 brie seller tho year at fclij.fiS 5 2,0(10 brls (in lota) Heller February ut $17,10. Lard and incuts were quiet. Two vessels were taken for wheat to linffalo, carrying about 88,000 bn. t incAUo iimv iituuirr. WI.ONI.rIIIAY KVKNINU, Oct. id. AI.COHUh— Was wulrr hi «yio|wthy wliU bighwiinN. UKANK—Medium* wars In fair order domuiul, aud fl.S<(t«l.W in lots, and retail; nav)i>4 ut JUITTHU—The easy feeling noted yenimlay whs again appnri'iit, but limn fur Uiu weakness Ima not amounted lo u quotable dcclluf, litmus urn bolding ofl‘ fur lower rates, but ibu fuel that tliiTo is tm lurgn aemnmdalion hero or at other points gives holders coiiUUeuce, auiUhrri 1 hi uogieat pwimnim to soil. w u atlll quote as follows: Uliolco iu funey yellow, U] (u iiflu; medium to good grades, S-lg’iSu ; Inferior lo summon. tiUt^Cle. HANGING—Trade remains qutel, with values Memlv and Uniterm. Kmru this time uu dealers 1«,»L for nothing more thim a fair demand, nut as stocks ate not ULidy lo prim* excessive, price* are uot expected m materially lower at present. Wo quote : atari, ::n- • I.owlstou, U'ie | Uoutsup, Uic* American A. CJ-.i; Xmoakeag, l>VXu: Otter Creek, Ulc J burlap bays, 4 aud C bu, KJQ.'Uoj gui.nlsa, single, lti(*l7cj Uu double, sus;i7*)| wooUatwi, BROOM-CORN—Tho market wan active soil Arm at the iirfwfl given. The receipts wore liberal, but nearly rquoio.l by Ihn shipments. We quote: Extra hurl, 10*? $ No. 1 hurl, 80U»; brush (that will work ilsslf In choice hurl broom), P08Xo; good do, 707,'<e; choice stalk brahl, flfg'Jo; Inferior brush, fl# W7o: rooked, :KfwVU.(«'. BUILDING MATERIALS—Were hi moderate lo cal request aud steady. Michigan stucco, *2.210 2.60; Now York atunco, $3.0004.00; LnulavlUe aud Utica cement, *2.ttn; Akron do, f 1.7.1 W hrl; Tort land cnincilt, *7.00iiT.'7,1(1 V brl ; lime In bulk, 100 0*1,00: Umo (hrla), * 1,00(5*2.23 brl 5 pUator lug hatr, bn, 40«; buildlng-brlck (common), *1.76 Milwaukee and Itaolno pressed, t27.ooftt.TJ.Bo, del.; Indiana, pressed, *ll.OO02’».on; do common, *li).nftol2.(K). OHEKBE—Continues In fair demand to meet local and Interior wants, and remains steady In price. Quotations nrc as follow* New York factory, 14,w(0 inwc; Wealern do. low grades, tfimi'ic. d()AL—Wn quote prices steady and firm un follows: Lehigh. *10,000111.60; Lackawanna, ranee, *O.IO ; Lackawanna, other sizes, *:i.oo{ I’cmiKTlvanla camicl, *0.00; Indiana runnel, W.oo; Erie and Walnut Hill, *7.60; Lick Run. *7.60; Brooks, *7.10; Dlosnhurg, *0.60; Hocking Valley, *11,60; Indiana block, *6.60; Mlnonk. M.BO; Wllmlnglou, *5.00. COOEEII AGE—Was dull, I’ackers am taking small lots as ottered, btii there la no auocliU demand for Heroes and Pork barrels yet. We qunto: Pork barrets. t1.f1001.f15 ; lard tierces, *1.5001.03; flour barrels, iHft>l:lc; whisky barrels. *l.'Jo(ni2.Oo; pork Slaves, rough, *15.00019.0(1 ; do. bucked, *IB.OO <922.00; Hcrco staves, rough, *M.00022.00; bucked or sawed, *26.00028.00; whisky stares, rough, *21.00 <928.00; do. bucked. *28.00030.00; flour staves, *7.60 @8.50; circle flour heading, 7jsoO(’- EUQS—Tho aupply was larger, and retailers held off until sellers reduced prices. Lout evening prices were shaded, and 10-duy the decline became general. Prices ranged from 20:*22 c, tho outside was obtained early for choice fresh packages, iTHH—Were In active demand at fully maintained prices. X'ollowlng are the quotallons t No. 1 whlto- Ilflb. >i-brl, *0.26(96.25; No. 2 do, *5.1606.35; No. 1 (rout, $4.76(35.00; No. 1 shore mackerel, now, «tf-bri, Ko. 1 bay, *8.6008.75; No. 2 mackerel, x-brl, *7.00@7.25; family mack* crol, ,V*brl. *0.00(20.05; No. 1 shore kits. *2.00 (<*2.20; bank codfish, *0.00(30.26; George’s codflsh, *0.60(96.75; Labrador herring, split, hrls, *8.6000.06; do Kj-brl, *4.2304.00 ; Labrador horriug, round, brl, *7.5000.00; do, ft*-brl, *4.0004.26; Columbia River salmon, x-brl. *9.76010,00; ocean trout. 2 doz and 4 doz V owe. *0.50. mum? AND NUTS—Continued improvement In tho demand for foreign fruits la noted. Raisins, currents, prunes, and Uga. were mooting with a very liberal luqnlry. Domestic fruits—notably oi>- ple* and peaches— ate dull aud depressed. We quote: Eorkion— Datse, 9>a'olOc ; figs, drums,new, 10020 c; flga. layers, new, 22c; Turkish prunes, I2opj;<;e; rnlslua, layers, new, *3.30011.40; do, old, raisins, loose Muscatel, *3.7603.65 ; rais ins, Valentin, now, 11011X0; Zante currents, old, rt\o7c; do now, 7SOBu; citron,36o3Bc; lemon necTT 20022 c. DOMRsTio—Alden apples, 17020 c; Michigan apples, now, 7><(9dJ.<c • fancy North Car olina sliced, llj£012c: new Indians *nd Illinois, Southern, poaches, halves, 7,'tf do mixed, 0@7o; * blackberries, now, 110 iiwyu; rusnberrirs, now, 38039o; pitted cherries, 30(332c. Nuts—Vliborts, 15016 c; almonds, Tcrru gonn, Naples walnuts, 1H01Oo; Grenoble walnuts, 'new, 14(416o; Brazils, pe caiM, Texas, y.c ; Wilmington peanuts, fancy, 120130; do second quality, 7010 c; Teuncssco pej nuts. 8(M0c; African peanuts, thtf 7c. GREEN PllUlTS—Apple* were moving freely, but other fruit was quint: Lomous, in boxes. *IO.OO 011,00; apples, per brh *2.0003.25; do, lu cars, *2.2502.70; pesencs, 400030 pep box or basket: pears, 75c o*l.oo per box or banket; Concord and Catawba grape*. 4(10600 per basket; Dela ware, Catawba, and Duma, In baskets, 65080 c; enn iN-rrles, *10.006612.00 tier brl; wild do. *2.110010.00: Quince*. 7300fi.00 ; California pea re, *3.0005.00. GROCERIES—Tim grocery market was without spec ial now features. There was a fair distribution of both staple aud side goods at fully sustained aud generally Arm prices. Hugcra are now held more steadily. Coffee* are (ending upward. Heaps also show a tendency to a further advance. Wo repeat oar quota tions of yesterday: llt-CAUu. Hoda—'7o7*sc. OorrßKß—MocbA, :t6ofl(ic; O. G. Java, 32>tf03flMc • Java, No. 2, 28,V02%6; choice plantation Ceylon, 24(524.»4'0 ; fancy Rlu. Tl?«o; prime Rio, 23023>(0; good do, 21#@220; common do, 2O>402O?(o; roosting do, 18>vrwl0c; Singapore Java, Costa Rica fancy, 23Q240; do prime, 2f1023\0; Maracaibo, 22>i024>i c. CANunca—Hlar, full weight, !K0l8^o; stearins, full weight. 155tf(SlGo; do, short weight, 14, l v ««18c. Hick—l*atna, 7><foTVo; Rangoon, Caro lina, B08>;o; Louisiana, 707^'c. Huoaks—Patent out loaf, ll!i@12c; crushed and powdered, granulated. A, standard, do No. 2, H0Uj ( o; B, lOJ4O 11c ; extra C. O No. 2. ld‘,'@loL' c 5 yel low, O No. 1, lO>;01O?ic; choice brown, 1O01O,*,'o; prime do, 9,VoO’£c; fair do, 9*io9Mc J common do, BX-08T1U; choice molasses sugar, lUXOIOX O • fair do, 9;(0!»;(c; common do, BXohc. Oiuurn—Diamond drips, *1.3001.35 ; silver drips, extra fine, BU(£Bsc; good augsr-huuso sirup, 65070 c ; extra do, 750.800 ; Now Orleans molaases, choice, 880 91c; do prime, 80082 c; (do common, 70@720; I’ono Riro molasßcs, choice, 60065 c; common molasses, 33 042 c. Salkuatur—Common to best, 7^09^0. HnoftH—Allaploo, 17018^0; cloves, 53060 a; cas sia, 33033 c; pepper, 27029 c; nutmegs, Nu. 1, |1.46@ 1,30; ginger, African, 25029 c; do Calcutta, 18020 c. Soaph—German Mottled, 6?«07o; Golden West, 4**osc; White Lily, O.V06?«o; White Rose, palm, 606 XC» Savon Imperial, 6,V00,X0 ; whltis Rus slau,s;*oßc; Obaminign, 606X0; True Blue, 6XO 6,Vc. Starch—Stiver gloss, 9tf@loo; common, 8@10c; pure, SJC(3Bg, HAY—The shipping gradefl were lu request and atcudy, tho outside prices being for bay free on hoard. Commou grades wore quiet: Timothy, prime, .|UI.OO@IK.6O: No. 1, f1K.00@16.60; No. 3 do, $10.00; mixed, fll.60»l3.00; choice upland prairie, $19.00; No. 1 do, $ll.OO ; No. 3, or slough. fß.f>o@o.6o. Loork Nkw ok W*ook«—Timothy, f 14.00@1C.00; prime. f9.0J@13.00. HIDES— Were lu fair request and firm. Frequent* ly*J and 10c uro paid fur green cured. Qrcon dry butchers’, 7M° J green cured, light, into; hoary do, Btfo ; part cured, ?X@8o; greou calf, IKo; veal, 13e ; dry Hint, 18@l'Jo ; drykJp, 18c; dry salted, kip, 14tf150; deacon skius, 46c; grubby, scored, cut, or otherwise damaged, lwo-tblrd« prices ; braudod, 10 per ueut oft'. 4 HOPS—A moderate buslncps wan reported at 38@40( Cush. IKON AND STKEL—TIio order trade kuepa up to ttifi usual nfamUrd, noil rates are inalulsUied, except wlioro ear-lots arc wanted, then a flight reduction in made. We continue to quote; iron,.., a idS 2-i 1 ' llor.<c-nhoo Iron 4V (5 5 .Mate iron, common lank 4*-; ©SM rates Norway Iron fc ©9 o lb Norway nail-rods... 9 WlUc Hi German plow atcel., ©loc V lb Cast plow steal lO.'j ©lie \4 lb Amoricun tool steel,... 10 ©lßc V lb CUroiuo tool Bicol IK ©2tc j? lb English tool steel SO ©23 c rates English spring stool 0 ©ll rates American cast spring steel. 12 (<ll2 rates Steel «vo, M-iU lb LEATHER—A fair amount of sales was accomplish* oil at the prices given below: IIKMLOCK. City harness. Country harness 330 35 Line, city, tfjb 38® io Kip, city, Vlb CO© 90 Kip, tesla 700 1,00 City upper, No. I, ft 21© 27 Country upper 22© 25 Collar, 14<a, 18 Calf, city 1.15© 1.30 Calf, country 1.000 UR Bough upper, standard 30©. 33 Bough upper, damaged. 27© 30 Buffalo slaughter 5010.,..,, 33© 37 “U. A." »ole 30@ 33 Calf Kip Harness, French calf, jodot.. ... French calf, 24 to 36 ll*. French kip. DU to 100 lbs. METALS AND TINNERS* STOCK—Were in fair demand and steady. Tin Pmtk—XC, 10x14, $11.50 ♦ do, 12x12. $12,00; 14x if), 512.50 1 do, roofing, 14x20, IC. $11.00: do, 20x28, $22.00. Pin Tin—Largo, 28o; small, 29c; bar, 30c. HoiJJUl—No, 1, 200 ; No. 2, 18c. Lkau—Mg, 7ieo; bar, B>;©9c; lead pipe,KM 0 * out do, 9c. Copi'tu—Bottoms, 330 \ sheathing copper, 32c. Hut'KT Zinc—Full casks, 10c; less quantity, l 0, l .to; slabs, 8» t 'o. Sukct Irqk—No. 24,15 c rates; Russia Iron, Bto 12 Inclusive, 20c; do, No. 1 stained, 19c: American Russia —A, 15c; B, We. Wiwk—Nos. I to C, Oo; 7t09,10c:; 12, llHjo; I3tmdl4,l2»sc; 18 to 16,14o; 17,15 c: 18,10 c; 19, 19o; 20, 20c; full bundles, 36 per cent discount; fence wire, 6c. NAILS—Wore la continued good demand at £.1.73 ratoa; ICf.iOOd per keg. |3.76; 3d ami 8U do, sl.(Xi; fid do, *1.73 ; 4d do, $1.50; fid do, fVi5; Sd do. flat*, 70.73: clinch, • OlLS—Nothing now won noted lu tho nittmlfou uf tliu oil market. Trade woa good, aud fully up to gou> oval ezinoUtlou, am! piicea were ntcudy horn at Dio following ruiigo: Carbon (Btamturd white) 116 dog. teat, ; do lllluoiu legal t«wt, 130 deg., 1 do headlight, 173 dog,, 18@10o; ox tm lard, strictly winter, lI.HXgI.’JU; extra lard, current make, fl.Oß; No. 1, t>:i(.)93o; No. 9, 7H(if 80c; IliiHcod, raw, B;k<fH3c ; do, boiled, 8K(JOOo ; whale, 73(&770; Hpcnn, f'; neulsfoot oil, alrhily pure, 5 do, extra, tide; do, No. 1, 80o; hank oil, 33c; *trails, iWo; elephant oil, U»o; plumbago oil, 7'c; luri**ullu«. ilo ; naphtha, Oil gravity, 18($10o; nuplillin, uoimiioii, rj'iigl'b l . i'OTAl'Oiiii—Tm* receipta were liberal, ami auinu purlieu were bolding olf for u decline, but tbu demuud was suntciont to absorb the offermi/*, ivml iirli'ttrf were maintained. I'eacbblumi sold ut 7uisTttu ; Knssots ul llalnri'lc; Jturly Korc at Cs^7oc* t tlio outside ior fancy Kw>u-ru. I'DUI/I’UY AXJ) GAMU—Tbo olTcrluys were liberal mid the ilHituud modcralv. Prices were weak, except tor olioli'ti frssh stock. Turkeys, 7tji!lioj old rblelc . ♦mis, choice springs und mixed, fJ/Jft IJ.CO: email mid tall* springs, sl.3lH‘'.'j.tii» pur do/.; (lucks, K.OO 5 iiccj-o, {U.iK.’idti.llll s prairie chick ens, 4J.MinJl.Gli 5 mallurq ducka, SV.Wtuk.ctl 5 quail, $1,70 • kcuiM.ii Imms, Irtic 'JiJe per pound. hMKlfH—Timothy w.iu in moderate request ut $j,2U ; prime quotable at sJ,filK;«2.s7. Ulmer wan quirt ui J’l'ix hold at $1.711. Kales : 7 b..Hrt chela* Huiintiv ul f'2,.W ; 27 liafr* prime at fi,lit): !U lags id jfJ.iti 5 lb biqoi lair ut S'J.J.7; Ifid bugs ut $2.”,*.: fi bupaiMiur at W.tiH 5 I7d bit,** lUx «t gl.tli. KM.T—Tun marke- iu ilrm; 110 advance lu pricwi in likely to oicur uiml -*it ■»■ tbu cmso ui ucrt.Mioii: Oui»Ula»a uud ba«;’U!i\v, tun, ft.iMl; Ujli >du <i>i, >T.t3o(n> 1.07: ordinal - ,' c0,.i5,',V1..(U I ‘'faiso O ;uul pruiiiiil :. tJ,O ;• t -ir». *. b;.u«. yi,7'» 5 tudrc, vub n. i t.w: .»• itt >. d- 1 «, 1. i-ic.iiuy i.ui. r;..vr -ij Luii.o.j.ju imjijk if. ui.»act theru«ro no mij-iiituui new tcuimca. Jjptu *u-.uii*s utv boluy dlatrlout.'d with cOt S dcluba fuc-doui, uud teutalu Aria in palva, but other tftuuaa ura qutat uua easy { Young byson, common lo fair, 31015 c; do, good, 030 06o: do, o mice to extra Hut, oße(a*l.o6 ? oommou to flue old hyson, 85003 c; common Imperial, -tflfSOOu jgood to Choice do,; fair to good gunpowder,7oo3lo 5 rlmlco Plngsucy, *1.0001.1(1; extra Moyune, *1.600 1.65 ; choice to extra new Japan, PlciSfl.OO; common to good do. 0.50760; fair lo good old, 600650: com mon do, ;t.50460; common to flue Oolong, 060450; good, 560610 ; choice to extra, 8500*1,09. TOBACCO—Remains strong and is In steadily good demand. We make no change In our list: ITn* Out—Extra. 73095 c; choice, iJOfaMo; medi um, 600.610; poor to common, 40046 c,—Natural leaf, 75(380c; half bright, 60070 c; black, sound, 4.5010 c. Bitnxi>m—Good lo choice, 020850} medium, 300 flic; common,2Bo2llo, WOOD—Remains quiet as previously quoted: Beech, *7.o>); maple, IH.00; hickory, $2.00; slat*, *7,6o—de livered. WOOL—Small orders are received occasionally from Western manufacturers, and filled at tho current quotations. Tho market Is nearly bare of stock. Good to prime tub-washed... ......660570 Boor to good tub-washed 450620 fine and medium washed fleece 47060 c Coarse washed fleece 40046 c Medium and octree unwashed ~f120830 fine unwashed 270320 Unmerchantable and bnrry wool, Boloc loss. CHICAGO Imv-UOODS MARKET. Wudnkhuay Evening. Oct. 21. The past two or three days have developed but slight change lu any of the featured of the dry-goods market. Steadily fair activity U still opparent In bleached aud brown cottons, prints, flannels, hosiery*, shawls, and seasonable dreas goods, while lu most other depart ment* of the market there Is an absence of anything more than a moderate movement. Buyers stlU show u disinclination to order largely m advance of current necessities, but their operations are conducted with more apparent confldenco than during the earlier weekn of tho season, when values were unsettled and declining. There Is no apprehension of any further material shrinkage lu values of cotton textiles, as many lines are now selling below tho actual cost of production. Jobbers continue to report collodions easy. Perhaps at no previous period was there loos causu for com plaint on that soure.~|The more important prlcc chaugcs noted since ourlaat report wore a ><o reduc tion in York Bins, York Stripe, Amoskeog, Columbian, and Pearl River denims, and a #o In Amoakoag and Pearl River ticks. The JJulteUn of Oct. 20 says of the New York market: " The most interfiling featnro of ilia market la the renewed demand for sideband prints. These goods bad a most successful run, uulil about six weeks ago, when their sale began to diminish rapidly, and soma printers ceased production, while others brought for ward diminished supplies. Thera has beau within ilia last low days a decided reaction in these goods, and not a few styles are sold up to receipts by tbn agents. “ The market foe cotton goods remained fu the same condition os when last reported upon. There is a steady demand for brawn cottons, cotton llanuels, cheviot shirtings, otc., which ate unchanged lu price. Agents' rates for brown cottons present some Irregu larities, and certain mukoe, which It would bo invid ious to mention, ore very much cheaper thnu others; therefore a few price-revisions may become necessary lu order to equalize values, but there U uo prospect whatever of lower tlgnrcs for cottou goods generally, which are certainly very low compared with the coat o( production, 11 lltlinv are the current que nnows t Atlantic A, 4-4 11 o Atlantic H, 4-4 19# Atlantic P, 4—l, 9 Atlantic V, 4-4 Indian Head, 4-4...., 10 *4 Indian Head, 7-U 9,v Nashville....,, lb Appleton A 11 Adriatic 10«tf Woohusetto 10 Stark A, 4-4 luv; Augusta 9jtf Gardner A 11 Michigan A- 4-4......11 Medford. 10 Macon 9,V VINE It Nashua E, 4Wn..... .11J*u{ Nashua It, th-ln 10 Nashua 0, tKMn 9 rcpporell K, 40-1n.... 11 Pcpporoll It, Sfl-1u,..10 Poppcroll O, au-1u.... 9 Peppercll N, 90-1n,... 8 Crescent 19 Prescott XL 10 Indian Orchard, AA..11 Indian Orchard, EU.. o}f Indian Orchard, NN.. B.H Indian Orchard, lUt.. mu Merrimao F. Pluk....lOJ^c MorrlmacD.... 9 Paclllc 9.V Hamilton 9 Richmond. 9 American 9 i Byraguo BJtf { Qlouwalcr..., 9 darner..... B,V I Clinton.... Lancaster. Raton Amoskcag. oonaKT JEANfI, NftUmkeaßsa(toens...l2 c|Amo«keag, hr0wu.,.,10 c Pemberton 11,*$ ilmllan Orchard 0 Androscoggin lly [Cauoa 8# Amoekeag 10 I OAunnics. Gamer Flat 6 cjQamer, roll, Washington.......... CM Warren..... Sudthtlcld C>; ]Louadale...i High colors, lo extra. ULVACUW Lonsdale cambric.,..lß c New York Mills 17 Utica Nonpareil 10# Wamsuttft ..17 Davol 10 Pride of the We5t.,..17 Langdeu. QI3 1C Fruit of tho Loom. ..13 LoQflihdo ...12M Audroscoggtn, L 10 Auburn, A .13tf Now York Ida.. 13 Gem of the Spindle..l 3 11111. 4-4 12.M Dlackstonc, AA 11>; Minnehaha, 4-4 i Minnehaha, 7-8 V.) Anioshcag, ACA 32 Amoskeug, A 21 Ami’skcsg,B 18 Amoskeag, C 10 Amuskcag, I) 14** Anio.skeag, E.. 13, V Pearl River 23M Conestoga extra, 4-4,.32 Conestoga uxlra, 7-8..13 Conestoga GM, 4-4.. .19 (d 3 MO rates DE.MIMH. York Blue 20 c Pearl niter 20 o York stripe 21 Nelson, IXL 16 Amoskeug 21M Curtis 1C Columbian ..20 Warren, AX A 18 Otis, AXA 18 Warren, BD 10 Otis, BB 16 Warren, CO .14 Otis, CO U Uncaavillo, UOA IB Beaver Creek, AA.....1T Warregan 13 Beater Creek, DB 15 Haymaker.... 10 Beaver Creek. CC,... .13 Boston 'J’4 .$ 34© 36 Rxnipns, Minnehaha, 6-3 19 c American, 6-1 L... ..,.ll>£c Amoskeug, 6-3.. IB American. 3-3 10M Amoskcag,3-3 14 Hamilton, 3-3 ID Uucusvlllc, A..,.. 11(5*12 Hamilton, 3-3........14 Uncos villa, U0A..13@14 CUSVIOT HTBIPKS. M WbUtcuton, A IB cNowhuru, 8.... 15 c Whlttculou, B 12 Union, AA 15 WhJttculou, XX 1C Union, Plaid ...17 Amoskeug 15 Union, A, 14 Everett 17 Northwestern 13 Nowburn, A 17 1.20© 1..35 75© 1.10 40© 44 55.00CaJ75.00 1.05© 2.25 I.oo© 1.00 Carpet'warps 2.'»(s'32,Mc'BaUa 9030 o Twine* 35032,s (Cotton yam 32M •T. kF. Coates’ 70 0.-lolm Clark. Jr, A C 0.70 c Clnrk’a “O. N. T,".. .70 WUllimdlc 17>$ .1. Clark ts Co.’s 0,1.8,70 [Green .2 Daniels 1 40 Hull A Manning’s... 30 | canvK vinos. Tautttry Hnut*!*, llrlchl’a % 1.23 IHlgglu t1.‘i3®1.20 CroHlvy'B 1.33(91.40 jlloxbury 1.33# Hartford,extra t1.4% Hartford, liu I.W Smith’* tapestry. ..$1.25 {Lowell extra ... Hartford extra 1.10 {Lowell suporlluu Hartford met! !>•'» fUommou wool. Uolgrado.. SO [ Union llmiv. Common plain, c [Twilled nuJ’u..;U c Matiiiiu. English cocoa, best...Bs c China matting 4-1. ...30 o American c0mm0u...63 Chian malting 6-4....36 American beat 73 China matting d-4. ...40 lied and wh. ch’k 4-1.40 Red aud wh. cU’k 8-4.46 Bud and’k 5-4.33 | THE LIVESTOCK UAIIBET, CHICAGO. Evkkinq, Oct. 31. Tbe receipts of Uvw stock Uiiriug tb» weak liavw be«u m follow Monday*... TuvmUy... Weduosday. Total Same lime last week Week beforeJoal aUipmouU were ua follow* 71 imilay Tuesday Total, f l0 i„ the Western Uurcau of Xiallroad Uoimulsaiou* era the following order baa been issued: •‘From ami after the twentieth (20th) day of Octo ber, 1874. no free return tickets or pauses tball bo utvait to aUipjiun* of live stori, but railroad coupaulca may imsa fiwou rv atock-tralu, for (be purpoio of iakmt.’ care of tbu stork, 0110 pvrsou for.oue, two, or tbriHi car-loads of stuck bciouqiuj/ to one party; two iirrsutoi for four, dvc, or six cars; three persona for sevcu, olatit. uimi, or ten curs 5 four purouus for eleven cuts or mors, liy onler of tbu Hoard. “CU;o. 11. V.’imtiiT, Prealdcnt, 1 ’ UATTf.K—Tbe market was without chaupe for the Unci'iu uiiy ot Itu features. There were tbu twmo oiiUi '.i>> in the r/uy of the vi'oeccutlou of u prosper* ous ti-ue that have existed fur » number of days past, and whatever changes there may be during the re* malndvr ot the weex caa scsroaly bo tu fieUirs* favor. The yuda ua tfiiad to ountowteg vtu a olaaa of )llltfOQ9 Myulic River 9 Broadway... 8)4 Mackinaw 8 Langley, standard..,, 11 Langley, A .10 Cabot A, 4-4 10 Cabot W, 4*4 Otf Lyman T 8;; Lawrence, LL, 4-4... B,V Agawam F,4~4 8 Trouionl, O 0......... 8 Kniylro atatc 7*£ Ropouaci. . Nonpareil. Quaker.... Granite, B. mown*. Dwight Star. 4-4 11 c Dwight Star, tO-ln.. .liy Continental 0........10 liootts, lilt 0 Dootta M yy Newmarket A by Masaachuactta 811... 8y Oreat Falls M Uy Great Falla 8 BJtf Qruat Fella J 0 Neynda A o Portsmouth P tiy M0hawk....,., C urn. Amoakcag 7jtfo Freeman,... 8 Mourning o Shirting 8y Mallory Pink 10 (Mallory Purple oy I Manchester 0 Wamaulla 7 UINOIUMfI. . B>jc|Mjddle9S£. ,UM tileunrm.. .11# lUirda.... .11)4 1 lllopo lOVfc Cabot 11 * Semite, AA.. 10M Dwight Star 11*./ llullowoU, Q CM Nowmarket, C ..10^ (Newmarket, U.. 0 Hoott, E OW Doott, B 11M Thorndike, B OV Thorndike, C 8# Green, 11 8 (Green, G B»tf ! Vaughan, XX 8 iConeafogaCCA, 7-8..16 o Conestoga CT, 4-4.. ..17 Conestoga AA, 30-1u..13nr Motbuen AA.,.......20 Fulls A MM Manhattan 9M York, UiMueh 22jtf York, 30-iuch 1U Thorndike A.. il Hnitt River io Ueeau Pittsfield 7M MiaCKIAJOO'.OVS. Thrte-l‘l^ 1 Lowell .sl.ll-1 [Smith & Saufurd’e. 1.5H) /njmiftt*. .. MX .oo^co CilUl<!, Hum. Shttp , ti,ms UVW4 ‘isj . c,ao:t yi.ih'a i,«w . 4,000 2J.800 ti.OOO .10,721 57,000 0,050 .10,070 W.'JJJ t!,!10J .111,188 UJ,COO 6,418 Sltetj}. 040 Cdf/ie. Horn, , (188 4, ( J(.i ~ 3,1Ul 11,710 Id.tlVJ Block an vlllalnouily poor tint there la uo outlet for it through Eastern c tunnels, ant), as tho demand from oilier sources will not prove amUcleut to absorb dur ing tho current week a half of iho enormous supply now in tha pong, certainly thn outlook Is gloomy onotigh. Very few of to-day’s laloa were effected at any profit to the owners, while ttio largo portion of tho Block sold chanced hands ut a considerable lons. Tha reported Bales wore at prices ranging from sl,7r>(fU.7s. Few Bold aboves3,7s. Strader, Wadaworth k Hall sold n car-loud, averaging 1.32:1 Jhs, at $5.75. Stockers were in noma demand at $2.25(3:1,25. Calves sold rather lower, an inferior lot (td head) being disposed of at $2.25. Good to choice light may ha quoted at ft.6o® r».r>o. The general market cloned dull and heavy. „ , ~ .. QUOTATIONS. Extra IlfeTM—Unflfd steers, averaflinKl,3so to I,WO lbs Nominal Choice UeuTM—lTluo, fat. well formed 3 year to fl year old atccrfi. averaging i.noo to MM) lbs Good Ncoves—Well-fattened, finely formed BlcoTß, avcr«Btnjf MM) to 1,800 llni 4.35(30.00 Medlmn Crude*—Steers In fair flesh, aver* uglug 1.100 to 1,350 tbs 8.5004,00 Butchers’ Block—Poor to fair steers, ana common to extra cows, for city slaughter, avcrjfilugß3o to 1,100 8)3 2.15(33,80 Stock Oattlo—Common cattle, lu decent flesh, ureradng COO to 1,050 11>b 2.25(33,13 Inferior—Light and thin cows, heifer*, stage, hullo, nml scalawag steers.... 1.60®2.00 Cattle—Texas, choice cora-fetl 4.0004,50 Cattle— I Texas, wintered North 2.0Cf<*3.75 Cattle—Texas, through droves 1,5003,50 OATTLK SALES, So, 42 Texas cattle,... U5 Htoultcra I’.itJ Texas steers (Jov packing), 135 Texan steers (for packing). 03 Texas steers 30 Texas steers 80 Texas steers 21 Texas steers,... 17 Miockers 18 Texas cattle.... 89Texas catt1e.......... 14 Texas cattle. 14 fair steers , 40 calves.... VJ'i Texas cattle 110 Texas cattle 10 oholeo steers 174 Texas cattle...... 111 Texas cuttle 102 good nicer*....,, 10 tiotchers’atceis, 103 Rood steers,... 4-1 Texas steers... 60 Texas steers.. 121 good steers... 01 good steers.. 1(1 good steers. 13 good steers, 30Te— - "■ SO Texas cuttle 83H aiflO HOGS—There was a moderately active domsnd nl prices not quolably different from those current yesterday. The supply wu much greater than sellers could have hoped to dispose of, but they refused to purl with their stock at any further reduction, and the day's trading was at substantially the closing quota- Uous of yesterday. Only a few lota were purchased on packing account, but so soon as (ho weather will Juptlfylt there Is no doubt that packers will begin active operations. Soles were at $4.76(?.0.C0 for In ferior to extra, with the bulk at $r».25@,3'.40 for com mon to medium, and at $3.50(36.00 for good to choice. The committee of four appointed by the Pork-Paek er*>' Association to confer with the live stock commis sion salesmen, relative to (ho sorting of hogs, wore at the yards this morning; but the salesmen were too much occupied with (heir routine business to give then* audience, and they wore obliged to return to the city without having accomplished their object. That much time and a great deal of annoyance might ho saved by sorting tho hogs before sending them to market la generally conceded, but tboss who are con vursant with their manner in which droves aro“ made ry will readily esc that to compel f with the request of packers would a great Injustice. up" in the comiti diovcrK to comply indict upon them non KALES. I.Vo. .it. Price, |, 108 207 $5.50 .tv. Prise. its 21 JI7 $.1.0(1 Ul 180 5.C0 at its? 6.83 40 IMS 6.70 S3 178 8.40 0(1 1270 6.7S 44 222 &.30 03 U0» 6.25 (10 210 6,B7jtf 84 217 6.517*8 4U 209 6.60 10 30.1 6,00 49 083 C.76 48 251 6.76 XO 231 6.09 15 214 6.06 51 289 6.85 44 313 5.70 63 250 6.35 30 283 6.30 49 301 5.10 U’S 243 6.40 63 209 6.30 42 221 6.C0 107 173 6.40 47 180 5.40 89 108 6.40 80 240 6.00 60 231 6.80 40 808 0.00 79 285 6.76 47 251 6.05 104 219 6.70 12X 126 6.75 80 2.18 6.05 62 277 6.00 90 103 6.60 46 216 6.60 55 103 6.60 63 185 6.50 67 206 6.50 01 217 6.50 48 340 6.60 112 219 6.50 00 213 6.50 41 225 5.60 45 223 6.50 06 227 6.60 SHEET—The forenoon’s sales did not chow much change from yesterday's and Monday's prices, but tho large arrivals by the afternoon trains weakened the views of holders, and the market closed 25c lower for common and medium. Two bunches of extra wore taken at $4.70(94.76. but moat of the calcs wore nt prices below $4.00, Common to medium are quotable at $3.23(93.00, and good to prime at $3.25(34.00. EAST LIBEHTV. East Liuertt, Oct, 21.— Cattle— Receipts to-day, 2,805 head; for the week thus fur, 4,024 bead. Supply heavy. Market antlvo at a decline of Ji<o on medium to common. Good to extra firm. Best, C.'fdlC'fc; medium to Rood, C(SC,Vo; common to prime, slockcrs, 3(3ic; bulls, 2,Vftft3c. Boas—Receipts to-day, 0,080 bead: for tbs week thus far, 8,105 head. Best Philadelphia, $0.40(93.0(1; Yorkers, $3.6090.00. Sheep— Receipts to-day, 9,400 bead; for tbo week thus far, 14,000 bead. Beat, $4.70(93.25; medium, $4.2594.50. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Oct, 21.—Boos—Receipts, 3,090 head; lower; Y0rker5,51.75(35.10; butchers’, Cattle— Receipts, 2,035 bead; good demand for shipping grade*; others dull; good to extra uatlvo steers, $1.60(3(1.00; native cows and heifers, $1.75«4 3.25; butchers’. $2.2592.75. wintered Texans, £i,tlC(3 4.00 ; through Jo, $1,7ft(u.3.50. BUFFALO. Buitalo, Oct. 21.—Cattle—Receipts to-day, 1.819, making u total for tbo week thus far of 10,671. Tim market was tbo dullest of tbs year, but little good stork offering. Common stock is off and wan neg lected. Attendance of buyers was good, hut there wus no dlsjiofdtum to operate outside of immediate wauls. Sales of 3511 bead lowa steers, ranging from 075 to 1.274 U*, at $4.37^95.0215; 850 Illinois steern, ranging from 1,134 to 1,4119 fun, at55.25i9C.2i); 300 Texas otners, moping from 601 to 1.0C2 lbs, ut $3.03(94,50; 130 lowa storm, ranging from 1,073 to 1,151 las, at $|,83(54.9U ; 100 Cherokee steers, ranging from 750 to 857 lbs, at $3.00(33.(10. Sheep ani> Lauds—Receipts to-day C,OOO, making the total fur (lift work thus far 18,401). Market was dull and slow for WoMeru sheep, owners bolding stofk above buyers’ views. Canada stock scarce and quickly gobbled up. Wo quolu Cauad A lambs fct $8.&0($7.00 ; Canada sheep, $5.00(^5.50; Western sboop, S4,(XW 5,00. lions—Receipts to-day 3,400, making tbo total lortbo week thus far 13,400. Market dull and weak; very few heavy hogs selling. Yorkers, $5.2505.75; heavy bugs, $0.00(30.26. CHICAGO LUMBER MARKET. Wednesday Evksino, Oct. 21. The market was active esrly nearly to the extent of the supply, which was light. Prices were unchanged. A few cargoes arrived in tno afternoon, hut littlo was done. Lmllngtou piece stuff sold at $9.60, boards and strips ut $14.00, and lath at $1.70. Alpena lumber brought $35.00, $13.28, and $7.50 for clears, common, ami culls. Common boards and strips wore quoted at $9.50(910.00; medium to choice do, $12.00(915.00; shingles, The following sales were re ported ; Ruhr Gamecock, from Alpena, 101 m mill-run lum ber at $7.50 for culls; $13.28 for common; $33.00 for uppers. Bohr Milan, from Ludlngtou, 136 m short Slec® stuff nt $2.50; CO \u boards and strips at $14.00. urge Venus, trom LmliugtoJi, 210 m culls at $0,50. Curco llcrscltoll, from Ludlngtou, 290 m lath at $1.70; 140 m culls at $0.25. Sold by R. K. Bickford k Co. AT THE VARUS a fair business was transacted, being made up from small orders from tbo interior. Thu lower graded wore very firm at the recent advance, especially fenc ing. QUOTATIONS, Firstcioar Second clear, I inch lo 2 Inch Third dear, 1 inch........... Third dear, thick Clear flooring, lat ami 2d together. rough 33.00 $40.00 Clear aiding, lat and 2d together...... 20,00 $21.00 Pint common siding 18.00 $20.00 Second common aiding 14,00 SIO.OO Flooring, Drstcommon.dressed...... 31.00 ®3‘J.OO Flooring, second common, dressed... 25.00 $23.00 flooring, third common, dressed..... 17.00 $20,00 A wagon-hot hoards, selected, 14 Inched ana upward 39.00 $40.00 11 wunon-box boards 20.00 SOO.OO A stock hoards 30.00 SIW.OO 11 Block boards 2A.00 $23.(10 O stork boards 14.00 o*lo,oo Common boards, outside fonlry 11.00 $12.00 Joist, scantling, fencing, Umber. 10 ft end under 11.00 <512.00 Joist MUd scantling, 18 to 24 feet...... 12.00 SIB.OO Pickets, 5quare....................... 12.00 $l!J.OO Pickets, flat 11.00 $.... Cedar posts, split 12.00 $15,00 Cedar Mats, round, o®B inches 17.00 <s3.'>.Uo util 2.00 $ 2.26 No, 1 sawed 5hing1e5................. 1.00 $ 2,60 Aor Blur 3.00 $0.26 Shingles on track (A) 3.76 $2.87# U.IUUEIS 11 ¥ TELEGU.U’U. i-'orclun OlnrlceU, Liverpool, Oct. 21—11 a. m.—Flour, 22s Cd(sj»2iofld. Wheat—Winter, 6* 10dd> Us Ud: spring, 6s(§oh lid; white. Vs Udiglus Ud; club, lbs 4d(a-10a od. Ootu, 23* yd. Potk, 17*. laird, U'i*. London, (Jet. 21.—Kale of discount in open market fur three mouth*’ bills, IK; per cent, or below hank rate. Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day, £14,000. Consols— Money, : account, ; 655, 105 V ; Cls, 102; lu-4Us, UQ>x; now6B, luaii; New York Cen tral, 05; Erie, 20Jh 5 preferred, 44 w. Paris, Oct, 21.—Rentes, U2f 6c. Liverpool, Oct. 21.—Cotton dull and easier; mid dling upluudi),7. r »(£6d: Orleans, 6?id; sal**, 12,000 bales; American, 6,400 hale*; speculation and export, 2,WHI bale*. BrvsdbtiitVs—Quiet and unchanged. New York Drv-Uoode .Market. New York, Out. 21. Buslmwa less active with com mluulou uud Importing hollies, aud the Jobbing Irude ouly moderate, Colton goods quiet at tmctubijid tuives. Brown cottons uud Cuutua tlonuel* fairly act ive; fancy, 6>tu. Film* and side-bands In good de mand. xyooon raps ,%n Jobbing by a huge boas* st SlM l '* White and Blivet-gray blankets in brisk U» uund. Foreign goods dull. Ronton Won! Market. Jlohxok, Oot. 2!.—Tberfl Is a Bloady demand f&r nearly all Undo of wonts. Medium unwashed fleecrs and combing and delaine selection* atilt lit demand Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces, 52©53e; Wisconsin and Michigan fleeces, 40(.J520; eomblngniid dolumn selections, s<l®o2oj medium unwashed flooccu. 2d£i 4do; lupcrflue and extra pulled, 40®65c. ' ** Tho Frotljico Ifnrkotii. 1 NEW YOilK. New \OBtt, Oat. 91.— CorroH—Dull! middllmMmi land. 15c; futures cloned steady;&» M aXhiVST *■foHowM O.jlobor, U DocoraVwr, 16 lJn«ls l-160 ; Junior,. ij \k-Wb . r ot ; rnarv, 15**015 Ul-ilo; March. 15 ta.inwts af-o-v • A|iriUoj?lfl,Ko: Ml)-, 1016.32^16,^0; Jmo. ii u-lj . demand; receipts, 9000 br)i* Huporllnc Western aud State, f1.av51.80 • co mmon i<J good, $4.55(35.55; good to choice, • white wheat extra, $5.90@f1,20; extra Ohio, sidio&ofo) • St. I,onla, iUO®B.6O. Rye flour quiet. ‘ » as * Cotwt Mv-at*—Quiet and unchanged, Onatif—Wheat dull aud lower; receipts. 77 000 bn • No. 3 spring, $1.02(31.03 1 No. 2 Ohlctgj, Kwri <n ' No. 2 Northwestern aprlng, $1.07 ; No. 2 Mkwatjk<j! $1.1001,11; old No. 2 Kiirlng, Sl.l2fi>l,MV \q 1 spring, 1.17©1.23; ungraded lowa and Sclmj coot j spring, $1.020-1.22; winter rvd Western, l.lkii *» - old Uo, $1.20; anther Western, fl.SlQj/.’a; whlto!' t1.250.1.35; good No, 1 whllo wicldgiu, i> s jy barley, and mall unchanged. Cora moro dokw • lower; receipts, 18,000 bu; Weaicru mixed, t high, mixed, and yellow Western, COCp/Jlvj rholce white, ; now Western mixed, »n v . o*fa a shade firmer; receipts, 62, wy bu; mixed, CO&OOc wlilto, Clfa 02c, * *• lUv— firm at CO(3CCc, Hops— Heavy. Grocßntßs—Coffee and sum quiet and, Arm. alolautcH und rice tuichanced, Putholkum—Dull ; crude, ; refined, 120, TocptKiutß—Heavy at Eaas—Firm ; Western, 2IMQ23C.' LviTiiEn—Firm ftt2oWQ3oc, Wool—Firm; domoaUo ikaces, 43®C8a; tub. 660 * pulled, 3C©soe: unwashed, 17<3aCc. * PhovMtoKß-Pork more active; Job lota oerr ani |I'J.OQOW.2S; old m»su pork, $20.00; prime m®«, $21.00, Beef Uame. $21.60®22.00 ; middles dull • lorn* vicar, 10,Mc. Lard heavy; prime steam, I3s£c ; eolisr'a opllon this year, 11ia-W. r * Av. Price, . HOC $2.20 a.'jft .i,ou ».w .1,034 . b7O 2.40 . wo :i.m . B*> 2.20 . 810 2.73 .1,013 3.25 .i,m sun . inn 2.0u . V4O 2.25 .1,001) 0.75 , 288 2.23 . VBO 3.00 . lIC9 3.00 .1,523 6.75 . 030 8.00 . 9CO 9.00 .1.209 4.25 .1,078 9.25 .1,107 4.10 . 73!) 2.H0 . 701 2.20 .1,213 i.r.o .1,101 3.40 .1,202 5.97W .1,104 4.25 Bcrtwt amd OUEEsr.—UnchtniTEJ. Wmsuv— -Steady at ?1.03*v. Metals—Mauufaelured oopper steady; Ingot Superior linn at 22@22,yc! cact pl« Iron—Si otch ilrm at 90(941o; American dull and nominal at 2«a3oc Ituaala Kliccl, I3@ia«o. Nalls imchamrcd NfcW OULKANd. NewOblraw, Im., Oct. 21.—-Flock—Doll: double. $1.76 ; treble, $6.25ici,0.00 ; choice, $C.25i4U.6U. Cons—Dull at $1.06. • —w .w. Übak—Dull at 51.00. E “ l “ n ‘’ t2 ‘- W; CllolC ° WMttra * Fnovtstosi*—Fori:--No demand • mesH offering at $20.00. Dry ittUeii meats scarce; shoulders, Be. B*coa —no demand; • held at 7,*tf®loL'Ql4c. llama—Did dull at new in dtmaud at ISWraiOkfe. Lard—Jivspiiiy light; llcrees, 15c; half-kegs, lay o, StJOAO—7O hhda now received and sold • fair 8•$«; good fair, B?sc, * Molasses—ooo hrls new received and sold: com mon, 50®COc; fair, 705f71c; prime, 72c; strictly prime to choice, 7CO?7c. Wntsix—Quiet; Louisiana, $1,01; Western, $1.01(3 Corren—lu good demand; common to prime, 10 M ®2O,Vc. " OouitireAL—Dull and lower; hold at $4.00. TOLEDO. Toledo, Oct. 21.—Floob—Steady and In moderate demand. Giuuh—Wheat dull and a shade lower; No. 2 white tVahash, $1.17; No. 1 whUoillcblgau, $1.13 V ; ambuj Michigan, cash and October. $1.10: December, SUW • No. 1 red, $1.10; No. 2 do, $1.04. Corn dull uni a ehodo lower; high mixed, 70#c: new, 75c: uew, October, 78»tfc{ November, COke; December, C6»fcj low mixed, 77K0; new, 71Q71MC; Michigan, new, &7c; uo grade, 77c; now, Csc. Outs a shads butter; N0.2, 611:0, cash and November; Michigan. 5lko: while, 62>*c. ' ‘ rnKioiiTS—Dull and unchanged. lUoarpxs—Flour, 200 brlc; wheat, 20,000 ba: ccm 17,000 bu; oaU. 4.IXAJ bu. .SmpaiENTa—Floor, 10U brla; wheat, 48,000 ba; corn, none ; oats, 4,000 bu. DETROIT. So. .tr. Price. 60 210 $5.85 64 352 9.46 141 182 6.20 40 300 C.OO SO 280 6,00 67 327 6.40 61 £M 0.26 Ufi 280 0.85 '4O 351 6.75 68 180 C.UU 62 205 0.10 60 100 6.30 70 385 6.75 64 280 6.86 40 COO O.UU 124 . 329 6.50 170 112 3.50 40 3UO 6,8 i) 55 105 6.115 30 201 6.75 64 107 6.25 07 180 G. 40 71 207 6.40 48 250 6.60 Detroit, Mich., Oct. 21.—Flour— Quiet and on* changed. QiiAifl—Wheat dull and a elude lower; extta. SUB,V • No. 1, £l-14M(al.l4>i • amber, sl.o6>s. Cora dull uml declined; 82c. Oats ui good demand at full prices; 61c. ItKCBtPTS—FIour, 4,000 brie; wheat, 22,000 bat com, 3,000 bu. SmmcKiß—Flour, 1.000 brla • wheat, 19,000 ba. MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee, Oct. 21. Flouh Quiet and uo> changed. Chaus Wheat weak aud unsettled; No. I Mil waukee, 97c; No, 2, OO.Vc: October,B3,'<c; Novem ber, SO.’-fc. Oats lower and loaa active; No. 2,48 c. Cora lower aud in light demand; No. 2, 71c. Itye quiet and Him; No. 1, 85c, Barley tinner but quiet; No. 2, $1.06 for November; No. a, 94v$c. Fhkiqhth—To BuUalo, 4'jo; Oawcgo, Bc. KECKinsi—Flour. 6,000 brie; oate, 400 bu: wheat. UO.bUO bu. Sim*Mi:STs—Flour, 1,000 brU; oala.TOObu: wboat. 85,000 bu tfUBFALO. Bcrpiio, Oct. 21,—Ojuin— No transactloaa thU laovulua ; m>vkvl uomlual. Canal Phriubm—i/>wer; 9\'c fur wheat, S^ofoi com. 0„ Oct. ai.—'Ohms—Wheat dull; So. 1 red, fl.Oi); No. 2, SI.OB. Corn stcudr and on changed, Oats quiet and bettor; No. 1 bcM at 6ic ; No. 2, 52c ; White, 55c. Receipts—'Wheat, 17,500 bu; corn, 700 bu; oats, 0,000 bu. ’piaaotcuM—Steady; standard white, car lots, 9>jo{ Ohio State tost, ll>Jc; small way 1(92a higher. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, 0., Oct. 21.— Cotton —Dull ami a shade tower; 14>4c. Flour— Dull and unchanged. Grain— Wheat dull and nominal; red, tl .00(gl .05; white, $1,1091.15, Corn fair and advanced; old, last 80c; now, 44c. Oats in steady, moderate demand at Qjflc. Rye quiet and unchanged at 25c. Barley dull and unchanged. Oils—Linseed oil steady; moderate demand at 80a. Lard oil fair, firm, and unchanged. Enos—Fair uml firm at 21c. Uuxtkr—Dull and unchanged. Cheese—Quiet und firm. Provision*—Lard steady ami In moderate demand; summer, 12,'ic bid. Bulk ehouldcis firmer; osfe.0 s fe. Bacon firmer; shouldora, 7,‘ k (37)tfc: clear rib. 12V(£?13c; clear, Uo. Whisky— Steady; moderate demand at 98c. I'UILADKLP.HIA. • Philadelphia, Oct. 21.— Flour— Dull; superfine, |3.25@*.1.75; Northwestern extra family. sr>,ts2>j»9 0.00 ; State. Indiana, and Ohio do. $5.87^90-25. Grain—Wheat quiet; red, |I«20(£1.2I; amber, SL23 91.27; white, s!.2s{rt J.*J5. Rye steady at tl.OT®£ Com dull; yellow, 88@89c; old,7s@Uocj new mixed Western. 88(3800. Oats dull; white, 00(90lo; dark mixed. 07c. Frooisioks— Weak. Mess pork, $23.00(923.60. Beef bams, 20(£220: smoked hams, 14*4(3160; do sides, do shoulders, BK@2u. Hams in pickle, 12>4@J3c ; do sides. llW@l2><c. lord, 13^014/40. I'ExnoLKOU—Refined easy at llfto; erode oft* obanged. Whisky— Offered at ll.OS.f* Butter— Steady; Western prime, 32®94tf; chofeo Western rolls, 380f38c, , Cuyesk—Firm; Western prime grades, 10(913/$0, Western prime, l4M<ais*se. Boon—Steady; Western, 27@23e. BALTIMORE. Baltimore, Oct. 21.—Floor— Dull and heavy. Grain— Wheat dull for Western So. 2; Western red, $1.18(91.19, Corn dull; mixed Western, SSQAJc; white do, So(S*23c. OatH dull; Western mixed, 68® 690; do whitei COc. Bye firm. . _ .. Provision*— Weak. Pork, $22.00®92.60. Bulk shoulders, 7&o; clear rib, HKftl-’u. Bacon shoul dors, B.‘<@BMc; clear rib, Bams unchanged. Lard,lOu. Butter— Unchanged. Ooftke—Strong. Whisky— Dull ut $1.03. OSWEGO. Orfwcao. Oot. 21,—Guaim—Wheat quiet: Ko. 1 Mil wmikeo bold at fI.U. Com, ‘JO&yic. Barloy—Salea Cauada at .$50.00 <ck 62.00 . 46.00 (§40.00 . ttf.OO <£40.00 . 40.00 (§45.00 Pittsiioiio, Pa.. Oct. 21.—Grain—Wheat qnlet: Pennsylvania nml Ohio rod, f1.112i31.15; white, sl.lß @1.20. Cora—Demand lair; price* unchanged. I'etrolrom—Crude dull; c ut Parker’* \ refined* Philadelphia delivery. * UJUISVILLE. Louisville, Oct. 21.—Cotton—Quiet at Uj<c. V lou u—Quiet and unchanged. Grain— Wheat quiet and unchanged. Com Ann at Tile. Outs unchanged; GC(S7Bc. Cyo, 95u, Provisions—Pork nominal. Bacon quiet; sboui* dew. Via ; clear rib, ia>4®Ho: clear, 14c. Sugar* cured hums, 12®140. Bulk moats end lard nominal. Whisky— Firmer; 03c. MEMPHIS. Memphis, Oct. 21.—CoiroN-afeady and onchmged; demand good ; sutra, 1,000 hale*: receipts, 1,167 huea; ospOilfl, 1,0U4 bales; stock, 20,000 hales. Flour—Unchanged. Grain—Corn quiet and linn. Oats quiet at 64c. CORNMEAL—S4.I6(34.2I. Buan—Quiet at £22.00(323.00. Provisions Lard quiet at 14#®13>fc. »3«ai quiet; shoulders, 7»fo6c ; sides, 14,^(§U/£c. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Oct. 21.—Cotton—Qnlot and unchanged; good ilomuud. Flouii—lucrcased supplies depressed the ruarkot# and all grades lower about 23c, although there i» still a good demand fovtlio lowest qualities; superfine Wflsloru, $3.78(p4.00: extra do, §4.00(34.26; double extra, §4.23(34.30; treble, *1.75(33.15 5 family do, 13.25(33.76 : fancy, £5.7300.60. m rt .._ M 1 Grain—Wheat dull auiliinuor; No. J red fan, vo)tfo; No, 2 red, sl.lO. Com steady uud tu uwduratode maml • No. 2. Sllfftfe'e. Oat* quiet aud firm; No. 2, fil’ftfttte. Darloy lower: fair buuiiiM* at the dooUuo; No. 2, $1.05(541.12; strictly prime, I*-13(31.20; choice to extra, $1.2V®1.27. Rye declining; 62(3W0. WuiflßY—Firmer ut 00c. Provision*— Pork lower; $20.00(320.60. Bacon duQ; ouiy small Jobbing aud order trade. Lard steady; uood like, suUuc November; lie seUur December. Recb^m—Fleur, 0.000 brie; wheat, 18.000 bo; com# 6,00u bu; oats, 14,000 bu; rye, 12,000 bu; bwUy# U< Sulpmxnts—Wheat, 11,000 bu; corn, 7,000 ba, Pott of Chicago. 001. 82* ARRIVED, tichr A. J. Mowry, Lincoln, lumber, Behr Rainbow, Meuomlncv, lumber, Sehr Amoskeag, Oconto, lumber. Bark Naiad. Oconto, lumber. Beta User Ludvig, Booth Bswso# iamb** CLEVELAND. PITTSBURG. MARIXE.