Newspaper Page Text
PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Discussion of Their Relations ■with Druggists. The Resolutions Submitted by tbe Oommittoo Adopted. Not Quite Unanimous. The regular semi-monthly mooting of tho Chi cago Society of Physicians and Surgeons was hold at tho Grand Pacific Hotel last evening, Dr. Bartlott in tho chair, aud Dr. Uydo Secre tory. After tho reading and approval of tho minutes of tho last meeting, Dr. It. L. Leonard was pro posed and elected a member of tho Society. Dr. F. T. Huso was nominated for member ship. DO. VON KAKBFETiDE then read a paper on “Tho Microscopical Ap pearances of tiro Uterine Mucous Membrane," being the translation of an article on that sub ject by Drs. Kundrat, of Vienna, and Engle* maun, of St. Louis, recently published In Gor man. Over two hours wore consumed in tho reading of tho paper. Tho attention given toils loading by the Society is the best evidence to the reporter of its merit. Oniog to tho lateness of tho hour the discus sion of tbo paper was deferred, lo allow a special committee to report upon the. RELATIONS OF PHYSICIANS AND DRUOOIBTO, this Committee having having mot u Joint Com mittee of tae other societies of tho city some weeks ago. Dr. Hyde, Chairman of tho Committee, report ed as folio as: Hr, Prea Cent and Gentlemen : The (Lmmiltco cf jour appointment, designed to co-opurato wltu others from tiio Chicago Medical Boclely ami tho Chicago College of Pharmacy, havo tho honor to submit herewith the unanimous rei ort of (ho Joint Committee on the subject ussiguod to them for investigation, Tho time which hus elapsed since tho dato of our Appoiuimoutl has not been. au Judication of any negligence ou tho part of your representatives. It was louud to bo necessary to hold several meetings in or.lor to arrive at definite couoluslous to which nil might assent; and these meeting* havo served to elicit theopiuluus of every member of tho Oommlttco on the questions ut Issue, lu tho eumewhut protracted discussions to which (hoy have given rise. This Society has already pronounced such an unqimliucd and unanimous condem nation of every course which Involves tho acceptance of an obligation by physicians from pharmacists, that further notion in the premises would seem to bo superlluous. We merely call your attention to these features in tho subjoined recom mendation which have not yet been brought to yuur notice. Your Committee hoc been united in tbo propositions set fc rib in tUo Joint Committee. Either the practices referred to are reprehensible or commendable. Abun dant proof has been laid before us to the ctfoct Unit the practices deprecated have been pursued by reputa ble practitioners in thin city. And it is a mutter to us of vtry great surprise and regret (but they should be viewed in one light by one medical society, and in another and a very* different light by tho otucr, us tho press notices of Dio action 01 our bister organization would make it appear. Wo would urge upon you, by every consideration of protesalonnl honor, the cnuiulialmiout of n high an J unalterable standard of ethics, which shall In Its turn elevate tuo>o who are willing to couß.knUously and foorlc&tJy adhere to It. James H. Etjiewdcie. jAMJ-H NtVINb Uvcc. Waltur Hay. Tho resolutions accompanying the report have already been published. Br. 'l'nmblo approved tho report, except its rofoicnco to the now prescription blanks, and moved it* acceptance. Br. Jackson bccomled iho motion. Br. Jacksou moved its adontiou. DR. DAVIS said ho had never heard of, nor did ho believe that any reputable physicians wore guilty of tuo charges named. Ho boliovccUlio whole thing was concocted by a jealous druggist, who waa aided by tho Chicago paper in giving it publication. Ho did not want to bo personal, but reference had been made to Ins father and himself as re ceiving fioo rent, simply because they occupied an olhccovcr a drug store. Uo wanted it mmor otood that bo paid full lout, and was under uo obligation to any druggist, lie sent many pre scriptions to certain druggists because he know them to bo reputable. It was his habit to com mend reliable druggists In every portion of the city, ns a matter of justice to patients. Ho would like to hoar any proof that tbo Society was in possession of Phoning that any physician was qudty of tao charges enumerated in tho repott., Ho thought tho society had already acted hastily uad with out cause. Dr. Hay called for tho reading of Iho original resolutions, which brought about tho appoint ment of tho CoraiuLteo, which would dcmon iitrato that thoro was nothing in thorn of a per* Houal character. Tho resolutions were road by the Secretary. Dr. Davis saw nothing in tho resolutions to prove th&c the matters charged bud been prac ticed. DR. UEXHOTIS was opposed to the adoption of tho prcserlption binuk clause, lie Lad used tbo blanks us a pro tection to his patients, and, lot the action of tho Society bo what it might, ho should continue tho custom. Dr. Eiltoridgo thought tbo resolution in ques tion was mciUiinglet'S, almost. It aid not really prohibit tho use of piotciiptiou-biunus. Dll. UVDU said there was a vast diflorunco between tho sim ple act of using picsci iption-blauks and tho tx isteuco of a collusion between physicians and phanuncists. It was tbo suspicion of collusion that tho Society was socking to overcome. Dr. P. 31. Wilder thought it Billy to adopt any thing simply for show, without a determination to livo up to the samo. If ho understood tho former action of tho Society, ic was to mako tho penalty for tbo practice of ilio wrongs enumer ated euftlclenc cause for expulsion. Dr. Davis thought tbo Joint Commutes Imd overdone its work. Its oilico was to toko action in reference to tho uso of pIIOIIIIETAIIY MEDICINES alono. 110 wanted tho proscription-blank clause ornaed. Dr. Mernman saw nothing wrong In recom mending competent druggists. This Mmolo act gave disippimtblo pharmacists, whom ho would xmlpatiomzo, loom to accuse tho profoi-slon of collusion. Ho behoved tins was the onlv class who complained of collusion. Ho said physicians wore ILulo to make mistakes in writing pre scriptions, and know of instances. If competent druggists only wore recommended, many errms made by physicians, ho thought, would so avoided. Dr. Trimble could boo no impropriety iu tbo adopdon of tho resolutions. Dr. Davis did not want general, but specific, action, If any member was guilty of tho charges condemned, let him bo oxpelied. 1)11, OWENS bad need prescription-blanks, and boon accused of collusion, Put had never received anything by way of ojummsion except u glass of soda water two or thvoo times tv year. Ho thought it would Du a good plan for physicians to indorse their prescriptions with the address of good druggists. ’ Buck a couvso would save groat inouuveim uao to r.ll concerned. Drs, Joimson, Hay, Davie, Bimons, Hydo, and others luriticr Uiseulsoi tho report. Tho report was tlually adopted by tho follow ing vote ; Yum— Tidier, Ramil). Hay, Royos, HcuroMn, Robes, HoUk tar, C. I*. Hliuoii, Owuih, IVrk, Starkweather, fiVumble, Etheridge, Woodawunh— If. Saits— WtiUama, C, A. Siiuuuit. D. 1». B. Wilder, P. H. Davis—l. ' Dr. A. P. Took moved to reconsider, and it was seconded by Dt. Uuarotin, Tho motion wub imnucquontly laid on the table until tho next uu outig. A veto of thunks was then tendered Dr. Von Maubfeldo fur tho paper road during the evening. Tho Society then udjoauiod. RAILROAD NEWS. THE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. Considerable uneasiness Is manifested in rail road circles owing to tbo belligerent attltutoof the locoraotlvo engineers, who, It is behoved, would Jump at a chance to go on a strike. At a private mooting of ttio Western Divisions of tho lirothoihood of Locomotive Engineers, bold at £U Louie ycbtoiday, ft resolution was adopted protesting against auy reduction of wages as un just uud uncalled for, ami declaring that it will not bo submitted to. Most of tho rail road managers in this city state that they hod never contemplated reducing tho wages of their engineers; if, they however, should decide toutiiko, their places could easily bo filled by non-Uuiou men. A few roads intend to reduce tho pay somewhat, but they claim that they are paying much more than tho other roads, and the engineers bad therefore no cause to grumble, especially when it iu well known that tho roads Ixnd to make retrouohmauU everywhere to mako both ends moot. Engineers without a doubt are emitloe) to good wages, nn their position la a very roHjionulblo and withal a dangerous oito, hut it in also well known Hint locomotlvo on* dticoiH, ami especially tlmuo belonging to the Brotherhood. aro nov«r happy except when lUoy havo Homolhing lo gnunbto about. Tho railroads know full well tho valuo of those men, and will undoubtedly avoid anything calculated to mar their present friendly fooliuga, another feeder run oiiioaoo. It lo proposed to organize a local company, with a Jionrd of Directors living along tho lino of tho Milwaukee & KikliomßaU read, which la almost outlrnly graded between Milwaukee ami Elkhorn, and at each terminus, in whom the people will havo confidence, aud pro* eccd ai ouco to iron and equip tho road, putting It lu operation ns each town is icacboa. Tho csliinatud cost of superstructure, which includes rails, sleepers, straps, bolls, spikes, track-laying, frogs, switches, road-crosHiug, ballast, engineer ing, and ootuingoncios is between $5,010 aud SO,OOO a mile lor tho narrow gauge, while to complete tho grading, build tiio bridges, etc., will bo less than $2,000 a tmlo, making am amount wldch o*ch town on tho road cau readily raise to complolo it to thoir territory. Tho ultimata object of this road is to form a part of a groat through lino from lowa to tho lakes, aud with another uariow gauge road whim will como hom tho coal-dolds of Illinois, furnishing business that will make a paying route. This road is through tho finest portion of Wisconsin, and when completed will bo oblo to compote with tho best roads lu tho West. TUB LOUISIANA CRIDOB CONTROVERSY. T. B. Biackfitone, Pictsidcut; J. C. McMullin, General Superintendent; and Charloo Beckwith, General Solicitor of the Cuicago A Alton Itiul road, mot a Committee on Arbitration at Louis iana, Mo., last Saturday, for tho purpose of or ranging tiio dlDlcultics existing with tho Louis iana A Mexico Railroad in regard to tho crossing of tho Louisiana bridge over tbo Mississippi. Satisfactory nnangemontu were completed, uud the Chicago A Alton Itullroad lias now a now hue to Kansas Ciiy, via tho North Missouri llallroad, from whence it can take tho Kansas Pacific to tbo Pacific coast. INDIANA ROADS. Aweial Dbpitteh to I'ht Chicago Tribune. Indianapolis. Inch, Oct. 2G.—E. L. Andrews, counsel for C. W. Hauler, has made a demand upon tho Pennsylvania llallroad Company for payment of interest on tho second-mortgage bonds of tho Columbus. Chicago, & Indiana Ccultnl Bailroad, which, it is claimed, wore guar anteed by tbo Pennsylvania Railroad Company. To this Mr. Thomas Scott has replied as follows: Ukaii am: Your letter is at hand. lam not awaro that tbo rcmisylvauln Itullroad Company have guaran teed nuy bouds to 'tho Columbus, Chicago A Indians Central Railroad, nor nm I at all convinced by tho opinion you were kind enough (o send me that such or any oihcr guarantee exists. Tho diliorouco in views between you uud tno interests I represent on this question f Judge cannot bo reconciled by correspond ent. Mr. Charles 11. Williams, of Now Yoik, repre senting considerable holdings of Bauvillo, Ur baua A Pekin, and tho first, soooud, and oxtou sion mortgages of tho Indianapolis, Blooming ton A Western Railroad, has addressed a com munication to tbo Manager of tho road in rofor oneo to tho proposition of tho Company to fund Its debt, saying they consider it for tbo highest welfare of tho road, Us bondholders, and tho management, that not another stop bo tak«u until an independent and impartial examination has been had. Tho bond- _ holders, therefore, propose an immediate investi gation of tlio affairs uf tho road, probing every detail of its history from tho beginning. They have delegated Thomas Benny, dr., John Padrianco, and Frank Shepard ft committee, with power to HU vacancies, to make such ex amination, and request tbo management to honor from tho funds of tho toad all requisitions of snob Committee, to cover a fair compensation for their services and oil other legitimate ex penses utlcudout upon the inception and execu tion of such examination, including tho employ ment of clerks, exports, and counsel. # Tno second-mortgage bondholders have appointed Bonny A Adihinco and J. P. Blossom to confer with tho Cotumttioo of holders of other issues. mats. Tho Western Railroad Commissioners will meet a number of tlio managoi'H ol tho Western roads to-day at tho Grand Pud Do Hotel, for tho purpose of inducing them to sign tho Saratoga agreement, if posciblo. Tho Illinois Central Railroad completed yes terday the additional track winch has boon built from Grand Crossing to this city, for tho use of tho Baltimore A Ohio Railroad. The Supremo Court of tho United States rou doioJ a decision last Saturday allirming tho legality of tho sale of tbo Missouri Paoitio Rail road u/ iho theta of Missouri. FIHJSS. Destructive ConfSnsrution at Jttatn toon, Sll* Special Dispatch to The Chicago Tribune, Tkrkb Haute, Ind., Oct. 20.—Tho following apodal to tho Tone Hauto 0 cue tic was received to-day: “Mattook, 111., Oct. 20—2:80 p. m.—At 12 o’clock to-day a firo broke out iu u two-story frame warehouse ou the south sido of Western avonuo, occupied by 0. A. Roasa, and spread rapidly cast and west along a frarao row next to which it atood. One concrete and five wooden buildings were burned. Total loss about $5,0C0, as fcdlows: Ewen Noys, $2,500; Thomas Manley, $700; Tiornay, $900; QootgoGibsou.sloo; C.A. Ross, on stock, $l5O : besides pan of tho effects of a lew* families who occupied tho building and were unable to roovo till their property. No in surance. A number of valuable buddings on tho opposite side of tho street wore only saved by groat oxorlion on tho part of our citizens.” At Omaha. Omaha, Nob., Oct. 28.—A fire on Sunday morn ing destroyed a largo unoccupied pluuhig-iuill iu tho north part of tho city owned by J. O, Idegoatb. Loss $7,000. No insurance. At Georgetown. mass. Kewwurypout, Mass., Oct. 20.—A firo look place iu Geoicetovrn to day, and, before tbo llamas woto extinguished, involved a loss es timated at $125,000. George G. Terry & Son loso a four-story building, 203 fcot long, filled with shoo stock, machinery, oto.; also, the house and Urn of George J. Touuy. Tholr Joss will reach SOO,OOO. Tho following is n list of places binned or damaged. Store and stable owned by J. T. Dunbar, und occupied by O. W. Temiy; grocery utoro occupied by Bpolford & Kimball s storo of B. It. Wilson, grocer, third story occupied ns a billiard-l^tl!; building occu pied by W. A. ilanulon ns pftint-Hliop, ami bv J. T. Adams, shoo manufacturer ; building 175 feet long, owned by Osgood it Tenny, unoccupied; rf. A: R. Nelson's stable* and J. Adams’ siablca. Tho lingo block known ns tho Masouio Building is badly burned. Insurance not ascertained, Tho firo was incendiary. At JlaJssiTcld, Pa. Special JJlfvaieti to Tht Chicaao Tribune. Jlansheld, Pa., Oct. 20.—A fiio broke out In tho engine-room of R. I*. Burgan’s planing-mtll hero this morning, and, aa wo aro without a firo department or any protection against fire, tho flames onihuly consumed his null uud residence. Loss, S2U,OUU; partially insured. At Ctvytttia, Out. Cayuoa, Out., Oct. 20.—Tho lltmrinp-raUl and brewery of iho Messrs. Thorbum. together with adjacent buildings, wore burned to-day. Loss, SIU,UUO ; insured for SIO,UUU. CAPITAL, AND LABOR X s.fidi»Ont of Coopers iu Now York Citr. New York, Oct. 20.—Tlio lock-out of coopers has begun in ibis city, owing to the refusal of tbo journeymen to abandon their trade society. At a meeting of the Coopers’ Union, No. 2, yesterday, it was resolved to start a co-operative shop for tbo purpose of supplying tbo merchants nt regular wages, and guarantee to them that tUoie will bo a Having ot from CO to BO percent. The strikers appointed a committee this even ing to attend tbo Uvst meeting of the Board of Trade, uud inform its members of the circum stances of tbo strike. It was also rosolvod to establish a co-operative firm to furnish their wmk to uiovchauta} capital stock, 0100,000 •, shares, $25 each. 'l'lio Lofoniotivc-Lugincors Protest Against Heiiucliou of V/uuos. Bt. Louis, Got. 25.—A private mooring of tho Western Division of the Brotherhood of Looo raodvo-Kuglnoors, representing all the railroads west of the Ohio, was hold boro yesterday after noon to consider the reduction of wages as pro posed by various roads, ami us partially carried out on the Chicago & Alton Bond. After consid erable diocustdon a resolution was adopted pro testing uguiuut such reduction us unjust and un called for, and declaring that is wUI not bo sub mitted to. THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1874. THE COUNCIL. Another Step Toward tho Now CUy-Unll. Miscellaneous Business. Tho Common Connell mot last evening, Pres ident Dixon in tho chair. Tho Chdirmau annonncod that tho Council would now not under tho uow rulos adopted at tho lost session. Aid. Bchaffnor hoped that tho rules would bo strictly enforced, especially in roforonoo to lob bying and smoking. Tho Chairman said that bo should bo glad to onfarco (ho rules if tho Aldormou would sustain dtis efforts in that direction, Quo of tho nowand desirable ofTocta of Tho amended rulos was tho taking up of the order of business wboro it was left off at tho last moot ing. MISCELLANEOUS A proposition to obtain permission of tho Board of Public Works to erect around tho west half of tho Court-House Square a fence similar to that which now surrounds tho cast half, was referred to tho Comnuttoo on Judiciary. Aid. Sldwoll presented a romouftiouco against tho opening of Fifth avenue fiom Polk lo Twelfth streets. It was referred to tho Ooramit too on Streets aud Alloys, South Division. Aid. Clark presented a remonstrance against tho paving of Morgan street, Referred to tho Comimltoa on Streets aud Alloys, West Division. Aid. Jonas presented a resolution instructing tiio Law Department to prepare and submit a uow bridge ordinance, tho effect of which shall bo to hoop tho bridges continually closed from fi to 7 a. m., from 12 to 1 p. m., ami from 0 to 7 p. in. It was referred to the Committee on Har bors and Bridges. THE COURT-HOUSE. Tho Committee on Public Buildings reported, rocommoudiug tho paeaago of tho following: Whereas, Tho Law Department of (ho city have tie cMcd that tbo work of creeling ft CUy.IMI must bo prosecuted uuder the direction of tho Board of Public Works ; therefore, bo it Ordered, That tho Hoard of Public Works bo, and (bey hereby are, directed to consult with tho Comity Commissioners of Cook County, with ft view to secur ing joint action on tho part of the City of Chicago and tho County of Cook in tho construction of tho pro posed now City-Hall and Court-House, and for tho bo giuuiug of such work without unnecessary delay, Tho report was laid ovor and ordered pub lished. PAYING WORKMEN, Tho Council took the engroaaod order direct ing tho Board of Public Works to issue vouchors, not exceeding §l,lOO, to tho unpaid laborers of Donovan A Bonoghaa, Kowor-ooutractoro. AM. Sohaffnor and JiildrotU opposed tho reso lution on tho ground Hint tbo city had no legal right to pnv tho vouchers. Aid. Quirk urged Iho passage of tbo resolu tion. Uo said that tho city was morally bound to boo that those laborer* received their wages, because tho Board of Public Works awarded the conlmct at figures so low that tt was impossible for tho contractor* to save themselves and pay their workmen. Evou by tho payment of these vouchers tho sower would bo constructed more economically than it could possibly ho built now. Tho voto on the passage of iho resolution was as follows: jVdfl—Foley, Warren, Schmitz, BoMy, McOlory.Cul lerlou, M. B. Bailey, O’Brien. T. 1\ Bailey, Wiiitc. Quirk, Eckhardt, Main*, Leugacuor, Cannon, Murphy, Corcoran, Jonas—lS. Xa!.s— Fitzgerald, Bldwcll, Spaulding, Pickering, Stone. Hildreth, Clark, Woodman, Minor, Mooro, Cleveland, Stout, Schatl'nor, Brand, Hr. President—l 4. The Chairman announced that Iho resolution was lost from not having received a majority of tbo votes of tho Aldermen elected. Tho Committee on Schools reported, recom mending that tho Board of Education bo au ihoiiuoa to purchase a school site on tho earner of Sophia an 3 Lewis streets, In Nickorsonvillo. Engrossment was waived and tho report waa conoutrod in. JUTLTIOADS. The'engrossed ordinance granting tho right to lay a horde-railway track ou North Wells street was passed. Tlio Committee on Railroads reported, recom mending tho passage of tin ordinance granting tho right of way to tho Chicogo A Southern Rail road. Tho ouhnanco was passed. 'inn conaiissiux.uirEa. The Committee ou Licensed reported, recom mending the passage of an ordinance requiring the City Ci.mniimiiouairoH to pay a license of $1 per montit, and to wear a badge. AM. iliKKeth thought tho hconso foo too high, and movod to amend by making it $1 per year. Tho ordinance was referred for engrossment. Tho Council adjourned. THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES. Nows Items Tclctrrnplicd to TUo Chi cago Tribune. ILLINOIS, Tho Oclober term of tbo Circuit Court opened at Winchester yesterday, tho Uou. Cyrus Eplor presiding. Tho number of eases on tbo docket uro aovouty-threo common law, sixty-six chancery, seventeen poopio’s, and olevou par tition. Tho Court will continue two weeks. —Quite a foeliug of di,■'appointment was felt at Champaign on Account of the non-appearance of Riof, Swing, who wuti to Iccluro there lust even ing. —Dr. Parrel, a prominent nhynician of Rock Island, last evening in taking u doeo of brandy from a botllo In his olllco made a raietako and tookan ounce of nconico;froma bottle which stood on tho samo shelf. As suou as bo discovered his mistake ho rushed for tv drug-storo, wiioro onioned were applied. Dr. Tntcsdalo was called in, who gavo him a doao of sttlivhuto of zino and applied tho stomach-pump. Tito work of the pump was very effectual, uud napes are outor tuinccl of Ins recovery. —The United Order of Druids dedicated their now hall at Rock Island ycsloiduy, Pranois Drurio, of Quincy, Most Noble Grand Arch of tho United States, and Rudolph liichenbergcr, of boom, I’asiQd Noblo Arch of this Btuco, were present, with about 15U other mombors. This Urdor was organized at Rock.lslaml iu 1871, and now numbers 1-10 members’. Tho cost of tho new hull is about SI,OOO, and Is quo of thu finest in too State. Tho I ostivitios closed with a grand ball and supper. MINNESOTA. Ex-Auditor JloHuuh wau arraigned yesterday morning in tho St. I'r.ul Court of Common Doan, Counsel for Iho defense filed demurrers to all tho several indictments, to bo argued Bat urday next. —Joseph Clyraor, baggago-nuator on tho Stillwater Road, lost his right, arm ,Saturday by fulling under a car, when tho wheels rolled over his arm, crushing it at tho elbow. —A I’tonclmmu named Charles Boult, nbnvbor by occupation, lutoly from Bunk Centro, whito intoxicated foil ovur tho bluff at tho foot of Cedar street, Bt. Raui. 03 fcot perpendicular, to tho lovoo, below. His neck was broken and liis body much bruised. Ho is tho fourth person killed by falling from tho samo place. —Conductor Jerry Coughlin is now thought out of danger. —What from tho nolso and looks scorned a tornado, carrying a water-spout, passed south ciibtorly ovor*\Yhito Rear Lake Sunday. No tid ings of its having touched thu earth. —Mrs. Dunlap, who some weeks ago rescued her boy from tho Stato Ref mm Beimel, using a pistol to inllutidalo tho officers who followed, had concealed iho boy till Sunday evening, when, having accumulated enough money to loavo tho State, Bho prepared to start yesterday morning. Sho then brought tho boy homo, where ho was found by tho police, und again arrested. —The Manualo & Wells Railroad will bo com pleted this week. —.Mrs, Aslor and her son Prank have boon sentenced from Dodgo County to four years in tbo Penitentiary for tho attempted murder of Mr. Axler, since deceased. —Theodore Croooli, of Bice County, while hunting Friday Inst, killed hm sou by the acci dental discharge of bis gun. —Julius Fox, a convict sent from Winona for rape, died in prison a few days ago. having served four of ids teu-ycuiH’ term, lie was CO years old when the crime was committed. —Lucy, a mop-daughter of J. Kruflooll, of Olm sted County, was killed Tuesday last by boiug thrown from a wagon by a runaway team. —A meeting of ItejmbUouiis opposed to King, called by a private circular from several well known ItopiiblkaiiH of tit, Pan), was held Satur day, about tlfly persona being present. Ihit of these, sumo eight or ten wore found to bo King men, and a long, hot disciiHsion followed, ending in an adjournment without action. The anti- King HopnbUoHua nvo not discouraged, ami propose now to issue an address, signed by fifty or more, stating the reasons why King should be defeated, chief of which they assort is that the salvation of the llonublioan party requires open apposition and rejection of the practices by wbloh King secured bis nomination and lu trying to win election. INDIANA. Two serious runaways occurred yesterday at IndiannpoliH. Ly ono, Daniel Mack, Btandlnff on llio corner of a ntroot, wan knocked down ami probably fatally in lured, and in tho otbor a young man named Christian Shaffer wn« Imocicod down and badly out and hrulacd. —An elderly Gorman woman named Busan Lind died at Indianapolis Sunday from tho ef fects of a shock received from tho nowa of tho death of her non In n Lafayette brewery, re ceived by hor laot weak. —Daniel Karo, an old resident of Lopransport, apod about GO years, (oil down stairs Saturday, fracturing bin skull ao badly that ho died youtor day. TOV?A. 11. E. Notpoll'b tlruir fitoro at MoGrocor wna partially doitrovod voßtorday afternoon by lire. EntUnatod lons, sl,ooo} fully humrod in Prank- Hn, of Vtiiladnlphia; Phnmh, of Hartford; Hartford, of Hartford} Homo, of Now York} and tiro Liverpool, London and Globe. WISCONSIN. Lightning struck tho barn of Joseph Shingle lioltz, at Oshkosh, yesterday morning, Betting fito lo it and burning up tbo barn, four horses, ninety toas of Uav. cittrlngss. oto. Loss, $5,000; liißurod for $2,0<0 iu tbo American 'ami; Cou timmlal. MtomaAK, Tho Executive doramluoo of the Michigan State Orange has called a meeting of tbo i’ur chasing Agents of tbo County Councils of tho State, for consultation, at Jackson, Kov. 10. PENITENTIARY CONTRACTS. Special Dhmtch In Thr Chmao Tribune, Joliet, Oct. 20.—The Board of Penitentiary Coimnisaionoro will bo in bcbblou to-morrow to award contracts for a year’s general supplies for tho itistitutiou. It Is stated that Got. Beveridge will probably bo present at this session of. tho Board. TO RENT—HOUSES. fro HUNT—OK FOR 6A Lit—SEVEN NEW 9-STORY 1 and basement brick dwellings corner of State and IlUnula-sts.. Brooms, batb and water-closet, hot and cold water; rent, £SO por mouth; sale, SS6 per mouth, on 10 years, without Interest. Inquire Room 43 Exchange Building. JAR. 11. STOKES. rpo' RENT - NO. fl EIGIITKENTH-ST., NEAR A Pr.iirio-ar„ a 7-ronm house, gaa fixtures complete; possession at mice. Apply at Room U, 146 East Madiaou «t„ 11. O. BTONE. fl’O KENT—MAKE U3 AN OFFER FOR THE KENT X of a now and elegant 3-story and basement marble front, one block of Lincoln P.irk. It must be rented ut come prltfo. TItUESDELL 4 BROWN. 103 FlUh-av. fltO RENT—THE PULLMAN HOUSE. 74 SOUTH X Sxngamon-Bt.; a good house and location for a holol or large uonrdlng-houso, J, O. UAUItIGUS, Room 10, IS3 Uoavburu-it. mo house, a rooms, wkst of X Union Purls; I rooms over 657 West Imko-st,: also .I mums In bnsoiuont So, 792 Fullon-st. DENEDICr, at iioMon Clothing Store. fim RENT—FURNISHED HOUSE-1371 MICHIGAN? X av. f near 'ihlriy-nuh-st. If doairabto. owner would take board for rent ofhiuse. Prorlo-av. staves within ouo block, and Stato-sb cars, two blocks. rpo RENT—CHEAP—I273INDIANA-AV., 10 ROOMS, X hot and cold water, bath, etc. 5 also t'urulluro com- f dote for housekeeping tor salo at a saorliluo, Inquire at muse. rpo REST-HOUSE NO 114 SOUTH IMiOUIA-ST. % X 4JW par nionth. inquire at No. 12 Otis Ulouk, corner LaSalle and Madlson-su. rpo' RENT-FURNISHED IIOUBK—2-HTOUY AND X basement, stone-front; beat location on U ost Side. Owner would baaed foe tout. Apply to A. W. WILUUK, 57 Slfltq-st. TO R3NT-ROOM.S, fliQ RENT—HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS Xby day, wook, or month. Dost location In city. Day.- hoard In building. 71 Munroo-Bt.,_ncar Bum. fPO RENT-ROOMS FURBISHED'FOR HOUSE- X keeping, from 42 per wook, to respectable parties without chlUtron. LUWARDS, 057 Mllwuukoo-av.f mo RENT—FiRST OR FLOOR OF NO. H X Scutt-sl., corner State. rpo UENT—FLOOitS AND DWKi,LINOS ON SAN- X gamon st., in good order j rent low to good tenants. Also, inroj rooms No. 215 West Madison-st., by W. ii. THOMPSON, 2'-’9 West Madisun-st. rpd RENT—BIX ROOMS IN COTTAGE NO. 824HUU- X bard-st. Apply at 111 West indlsna-st. WKLrrrURNISIIED. INCLUD . iitg stoves, at No. 11 North Alorgau-st- MR) RENT—6I7 STATE-ST., FURNISHED ROOMS X at very low rates to good parties. rno “lUCNT-TWO OK THREE’ROOMS IN ERICK X buildings 123 and 120 West Jtaudolph-st. Apply at 121 West lUndolph-it., Room 51. M'O REST-SEVEN UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO- X getbor. Also mruldicct rooms at lowest prices, 251 West Monroo-st., near Sangamon. rpd'uiLNr-iIANDSdMELY FURNISHED ROOMS, X best location la thu city, from 412 to $26. 161 South Clark-st., Room 11. rpO RENT—NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS,CHEAP. X by tho day. week, nr month. No. J7d Olark-st,, cor ner.Monroe. Olllco, Room 7. RENT—FURMSiIED ROO.M AT RICASONA* bio rates to respectable parties, luqulro of P. F. RYAN. 2;d West Mailtson-st. TO BUNT—iTORBS. oi’X’XUi; j. 020. T'it^VPv. TO RENT-STORE 77 .TACKSON-RT., NEAR Slate, £ox7o foal, splendidly lighted, in perfect order, lilted vvlih curtains and nwuing, end al.iu, If desired, with steam hunting apparatus; will bo lotto agood ten ant very low; steam lire-pump nud hose in building, and steam power available U desired. Apply 00 promises to A. N’. KELLOGG. omco*. rpo RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM. OR 2 ROOMS, X 124 Wost Randolph-st., corner l)csplnlii-j«; vory null able lur ductor or Justice of tho Peace. Apply at Hoorn 2, in tsutu house. ' rpo RENT-A FfNEDESK-ROOM INOFFIOE. PKO- X. pie** .Mutual JiOan Association, 113 l ifth av. Misc6itanoou«u TO RENT—SEVERAL WELL-LIGHTED ROO.MS, X with atonm power: can bo divided into small rooms. Southeast corner of Washington and Jcßursim-sts. . V/ANTED—TO RENT, WANTED— TO REST—COTTAQISIIOUSES IN GOOD neighborhood not to exceed die or por mouth. OIIA9. .1. VAN ZANUT, M Bhhop-conrt. \y AITFED—TORRENT—ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMT II ly for gentleman andlady; board fer ludy only. Ad droito S Tribune oilier). LOST AND FOUND. T OST-A RED MOROCCO POCKET-BOOK WITH .1 j ill money ami piper*. Plnaio koop money and ro turn p tpors to S. E. GROSS, Rooms 14 oud la, IC6 FillU-uv, T US P-MONDAY AFTERNOON, ON WABASH OR J.J AUohlgnn-nv,, botwoon Ilnbbard-cnurt and Four toouth-sL, a package of tickets for tuo ilomcopatblo fair. Will fitmor return tho eamo to 6W Wabash-av.? T UST-A wThTe' MiTTER~~M.UT WITH TWO .lJ drawu car*. aUo a brown spot In the centra of the forehand. A liberal reward will bo paid for tho return of mine to 1f,7 North Curtla-st. ■ LOST-ON SATURDAY, OCT. 21, 1874, A LARGE white cow with short horn*. Any parson giving In* formuliuri whuro said cow will ho found will receive a sulmblo reward from TOM 1). SIIEA, 173 Johnion-st., uoav Twenty*sottQiui. t OST-1N THE BALCONY OF HOOLKY’S TUBA. XJ tro, n pockot-bcoU, c.maluliig nbonr $45 In immoy and Gault llouko baggauu checks. Finder will bum. warded by returning It to 18, 20, and S3 North Clintamst. T OST-ON SATURDAY NIGHT~ON THE WEST Jj Side, one day-book and memorandum belonging to Ryan AColfoo. Tuo tinder will bo liberally rewarded by returning sainu to 114 Noith Joltorson-st. T OST-A RED LEATHER HATCUEL, ON THE ij WeatSldo. Find-jr will bo suitably rewarded by re* turning to W. O. WV.MAN, W WestTwcllth-st. OTHAYED OR'STOLEN-A BLACK AND TAN O pup, ainwera to tho tnmoof Major, from 1117 Indiana* nv. Any periuii roturnlng tho name will bo liberally ro* warded and mi rtnustiun-i asked. Apply as above, urtott) and tiJ Wnbash-av.. corner Uandolpu-st. STOLEN-ON SUNDAY, OCT. 2L FROM CORNER Clark and M'n.hiugtnn.sts., n stnall bay marc, nnopon box buggy, Millar A Vanuus utakcra, red ruuulng gear nml black body, nlsu Initlalo robo. The under will he ro* warded by returning tamo to 60 Wot Lakc«st. REWARD—I.OST—A LARUE YELLOW BULL ’ptJ and innalifT dog, on 23d, an old family dog: tho Inutur will receive tho thunks of uwuor. Call at West Polk-st. B USINESS CHANCES, AS.M.S LL MANUFACTURING BUSINKSS FOR *alo; will pay au active mitn i'J.WMI to *r»,UM ft your. all c isli ; iioiio i uii side of Now York; will tako house and lot or coed*. Partlenl.m At SM ITU'S Real Kstnto Ollioo, Hi] .Munroo-st., near Dearborn. A‘ CUJAIi STAND IN ANKXORLLKNT LOCATION for snltdcheap. S |g, Tribmio olhco. _____ TT'UUH HOWLING- • LLFYS, CU.MPLICTK, FOR X 1 _ sale, JU4CI South W&luc-au T WILL KKLL STOCK TNI) FIXTURFH IN PLICAS- X nnl corner-store at a very low ligure, with room, partly Junihhod, for living: rout, tflu. Cull at 'Myj Woit Adaim-st. M UN WITH S£s TO St,OCO OAPITAIi LOOKING • fur legitimate, pruiiUhlo huiliiosi, call at Room 55 Ashland Block, coru jr Clark and Uandolpli-sts. ______ N~OW IS YU U H ~(J HAN CIY-$ 1, lii (V WILL BUY MY bulMntorojt in an old established business, averaging to tlio purchaser if sti pur week; he must bo ti man of good business ability uml Miitubm to tho mumbling partner. Apply to W. 11. DUAKH & OU., IB South Clark-st., Itooiu I. QAIDUN AND IIOAIIDINO-IIOURU, WITH FUK. O nlturu. louse, and bar fixtures, dolui; a (rood hmrnoss, foraalu. No. 1851 btatemt., near the Michigan Southern * Round Homo. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. a iiandso.mkwa7.niTtandhair-oldth PAR. XX loranlt, comprl-lng tcto.n.toto lofo, two easy chairs, and four upimUterud buck chain J cost if HO, lor sals at S7O. An SBS Wheeler A WUsou sowing-machine (or tsdl). Real Joiiod H’i Mlchlgan-uv. pAUPKTS AND FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS ON \J installments at bottom prices. Empire Parlor Bed. stead In levun styles, ft U tor ymir Interest to examine mtr stock and unuos. Easy tortM and »tjuaro doallnir. I.mplre Parlor llodstoad Company, SadVlmt Madlion-at. WANTKIJ~A MKl>niM-Sf/.lCl> PARLOR ORGAN; until lie ohoitp ioroaih; itsto name of maker, sue, and price, alio where to be seen. Address (kw Arclier-uv. INSTRUCTION 7 N KNOLISH lVdV'(mTCuliTk J\ from Jaiudon, Is uuslrous <n' obtalnlnw a feiv pupils fortho plmuiforto, sloulub, or Fronob, ocuutrcdin trance, Addrots M A 11, Trlhunu ollioo. ttliriH ~PBIt MONTH MAHR HY I.KARNINO OJoU shurt.liaod. A largo class Is being organised to learn short-hand writing at reasonable ctiargu. Ad* ilrtus A F. Atherton Hume. Twnnty.m'ruuibst. PARTNERS WANTED. I)ARTNKR7VANTFrD-THR PATFNTKIi OF A X staple article mpilrod by ovory family la In want of a partner with capital; it will boar lbs striotuit Invodlga* liuu, uml there is a largo fortune to be made out of it; Dune but principals mooning builuoii will bo nollosd. Addiou, with lull mans, FUUTUNA, Txlbuns olHoa. CITY REAL ESTATE. TilOll SALK—THAT NKW OIUOULAU-KUONT JUCH- X 1 lilcnuo, No. M CotUM-ar., near A<lams*Rt. This is Iho Ural nl U'o Ui\«l In tUU crntMts; l.a« I t Minns. Lr.**W pnntrios: Is llnishmi In Urn must corn plots manner with all tho nimlcrn tmproremonls, lncltnlin« Mnilonnry tnlist nlxo a litrffo coal and tccoiahlo collar. Parties doslrlriß a lirst-olas* tionso, will Hurt ihofr warns fnllrmot in tlm. (io anil osatnlno It. MICAI) ■!; COU, 105 La Hallc-st., or .1- H. COULIKM, on the l'fomitCß._ T?bn SALie-ofTNHUfn hkauiioun-st.. as cm X" CO foot north of Olilcajjo-ar.: bit mot nrar Mlm*»t. \SO foot near (lonlhivst.j H foot north «»l Hchlllnr j Van Huron* at. cornor Hotter* »>• l,il > or I«1 foot: Warrotrav.. Bf* 80, 48, or 6(1 foot west of Wowllaivn*a». f si> mot ; 100 or 200 foot near Porty-f>o»ont»-st., llhllnh 'lraottluta on Mato. Dearborn, anil Artmli -jn. (IKO. M, lIIG* Ci I.VSUN, Heal Kitato ollico No._9ti_\Va«hlniHiin*«_t. Fm*SALK-'S6rPKB POOT r IOOXI6I PKRT ON Allclilunu-aT., bolwocn Piirty-oIR ilti amll'urtr.nlnUi* sis. This Is cheap properly. T. H. HOVXJ, Loom 14, Hfl liosiMocllKon-st. ___________ Ijioft BALE-NEW BROWN-STONE FRONT L 1 dwelling on Mlchhian-air. Very cheap lor part oath. OKO. 11. ifltSS, lort Dearborn-at. ipoß HAt.u-iis.o6a will iiuv a nkw brick i.’ house and lot on Langloy-ar., note Egan-av. UUO. U. HESS, lufl Uotrliorn-st. Fm sale-at X"BAcmricu A Mtw'uuUHU and lot In a llrst-clnss neighborhood on North Slue, one-quarter down, balance ou lung lima. '1 lia owner ex pects to leave tha oily, aud will idra tlio bmtol tome rather than rent. Address S 8.1, Tribune offlea. 7?OR SALK—OIIKAT BARGAINS-1M LOTS ON L' BUto, Burnside. UoilorNnld, and ArnoM-ata. and Wonlwurtli-av, and Flfty-aoound, Fifty-third. Fifty-sixth, and Fllty-seventh-sts,, cheap, and e*»y terms. Also have good borgalns In all harts of the city for sale cheap, oroxouango for Improved farms, FRED GROSSMAN, ]UO Wnahtuglonat.. haaemont. indß SALK—AT A GREAT BARGAIN—MARBLE Jj front Iwo-sbiry and basement house, 73 Park-av., cheap and on easy lormi. Apply to U. M, WILSON, 135 dark-si., lo bank. TpOR SALE—TWO-STORV AND BASEMENT BRIOK I 1 dwellings, 0 rooms oacb, with modern improvements, located on Uampboll-park, Couarcas-park, VanHnrun* at., and on (Jampboll-av. t prices low and terms toault all. 133 Dcarborn-st. CAMPBELL BROS. 771011 RALK-LK.T US KNOW HOW .MUCH YOU X’ will (tiro for the 9-story and basement dwelling and lot near Twouty-elgUth-al., on Portlaml-av. It Is well worth SU.OOO, hut muat bo sold. TUUKSDELL A 11UOWN, H)9 Fiftb-av. 1.1011 SALE -DKSIRAIILR MOOEUATK--SIZKD U slono-froul houses handsome stylo, oclngon, ten rooms, modern Improvements, near Dougfas-place. Very cheap, caali and Mine.N 9,1 rlbuno olHee. TPOR BALE—TUB PREMISES 1006 SOUTH HAL. X* Sted-at.s two linnsos and hnru, saloon in front. Will be aold very lew tor cash and easr tlmo payments. Call, 11 to I.KIUK U.NEWELL,Room 13,H1 Washington. tROR SALE-A NEW BRICK liOU9R~WITH MOD- Torn conronluuocs on South Park-.vr.. *r9.u<o cash, and romnlndor on time to suit. W. B. .MILLS, Ibi Madlsou-at., Room 1. FOR BALK—OR EXCHANGE—A NEW 7-ROOM bntuo nml lot on West Side. Price Q3, (X 0- AVIII take from {COO to 41,000 In unincumbered lot, or7-ootavo pl“ one, mid balance In monthly or semi-annual payments UoiunO. 14(1 Madlson-st. H. Q. STUNK. SUBURBAN HEAL ESTATE. ■high SALE-sico will muy a lot at park X 1 Ridge, SlQdown and 45 a month until paid; one block from depot: uroporiy nhnwn fioo. Cheapest prop erty lu market. lit A DROWN, 143 Laßallo-it., Room -I. TPOR BALE-HOUSES AND LARGE LOTS AT X' Hinsdale from SI,OOU up, on terms to suit anybody. Lots told on all time, and cadi loaned fur improvements. UU Dearborn-si.. U. J» STOUOH. Utoß BALB-AT A UAROAIN, FoR CASH ONLY. J? f.tur lots near Englewood, 13x125. Address Q 69, Ttlbuuo olllco. IP6RSALE-lIOUSF..S AND COTTAGES IN KNOLE- X' wood nml Evanston at low prices anil on casvtornis: monthly paymouts. TILLOTSON JillOS., 92 Washing ton-st COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. T?OR SALE-A UEAUTIFUL lIOME-OROIIAUD, .P vineyard, fruit, and vegetable gardens; good brick l ouse, boated and ventilated with furnace; largo base ment, barn, canlage, wood, chicken. and tinoko-hnnso; half a mite to State Normal University! quarter-mile (0 S (Idlers' Urpbanu’ Home. 1M to Wesleyan University, and 2 to tho bountiful City of lilooiniiigtmi, all connected by good plank walks and street-cars. Fine society, supe rior educational advantages, and is a rare clmnoo to tur nhb Cities of Normal and Uloomlngten with milk, or fruit and vegetables, or for a cliecaO factory, conven iences for either or all being right at hand. Tortns easy. For particulars, addtassOEO, DIETKIOII, Normal, 111. F~OU CONTAINING 10, COO norci. Lemuel Milk, Ksq., of Kankakee-, oifers for sale his well-known farms end lands in Kankakee and Iroquois Count los, at end near tb» Villages of Ohobame amt Clifton.nil wlihiti lit miles from thosu towns, 65 and 70 miles fjom Chicago, and wnlcb will bo sold in (arms and tracts of 80 acres and upward, to suit purchasers, on pay ment of to M tho purchase money down, balance on long thno if desired. Will take ono-tbird tbo value of any f«rm in Chicago Improved property. F..r full partic ulars address LEMUEL MILK. Cliobansc, Iroquois County, HI. BEAL ESTATE WANTED. nURINKSS ItLOCK WORTH fS&'.m*, >V for cash and time paper; deal with owncis only. JAMES H. HILL. OiDcarburn-st. WANTED-fiO FEET NEAR CORNER OF WEST orn-av. and West Lako-st. DaYISON A WELCH, 142L»SMlc-at. WANTED-TO RUY-A HOUSE AND LOT OR business properly worth 53.0C0 tn 45,100; will pay In clear lota, stocks, and cash. Owners leave particulars at Smith’s real cslalo otlico, 116 East Munroo-it., im mediately. V4TANTED—FARM—I AM AUTHORIZED TOPAY VV nil cash for farm of from I6J to 610 acres well un proved, at cost of 410,0(1(1 to 430,000; must bo within K0 miles of Chicago. In illlmlfi, or in vicinity of Racine, \V|». Owners call at once and loaro doeoripilon. E. N. HOPKINS, 171 Randolph-st.i Rooms 1 ami 3. ANTISD—ONH OR TWO "DWELLINGS OF about 10 rooms oacb, on South Side or Woil Bide: modern Improvements. worth from $6,1)00 to ghi.ui'O: will pay or asMitue SB,IXIO to SS,UXI, and Imlauco In other prop erty. SNYDER A LEE, Room 14 Nixon Building, north’ earn corner Monroe and La-allo-sls. MISCELLANEOUS. ARRAN-NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SEAL-SKIN mull and bos, regular storo-prlco $lO, tor sain at $10: a $25 lynx nmlf and boa. perfectly now, for 8)0. Warranted uuw and perfect. Ro.idcnco WSMlchlgan-av, DViWriMfulYwh’b reach coun try readers can do bo In tbebest. nud ebenpest man* uer by using one or muro suction* ol Kellogg’* (boatNows* paper Idsta. Apply to A. N. KELLOGG, “!> .1 ackaon• at. ,4 CGOU.NTANT.S AND EXPERT BOOKKEEPERS xV of 2a yoar»’ pracllco. All work requiring osnorionco and ability In that lino solicited. WEBB A TUCKER, Room 8, 1W Madlson-st, ALITCAsh PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND inlßcoiintioou* goods of all kinds by Bonding to JONAS GKLDER’S Loan Utlk’o, lii Stato-st. 0" asu wiu. be paid'fou a drug stork ih somo nourishing town within 100 mllos of Chicago. Address, with full particulars, 11. C. STEARNS, 141 and UU DearboriMt. inA.SU PAID FOR 01,0 NEWSPAPERS, ROOKS. \J pamphlet*, rags, molals, bottle*, Ac., nt PETTI BONE’S, 28*5, 2«8, and SIW Fltth-av. Stock called for In any part of tne city, free. MANDAUNE-l'OU: LADIES ONLY. SEND M coma to DR. 11. R. WATSON, Room 15, southwest comer Lake and .Market-si*. WANTED--20 MO*!!!? PjNEUY MEN; .nc* FOR gravel-pit; steady work all winter: 35 men with chords: steady work. Call at Sod Raudulph-at. C. V. SNELL A CO. - W" ANTED—A SECOND-HAND PORTA RLE FUR* naco; must bo cheap for cash, Address U ”2, Trilmno othco. WILL GIVE USE OF NICE HOUSE WORTH S3O par month. my own and services of horso am) buggy for an Interest In a paying business. Address S 43, Trib uno olHoo. TO EXCHANGE. rro P.XCUANGE-TWO CHOICE DWELLINGS; X also, s<s,liX) of Improved and unimproved property for city properly. Two Improved farms and village prop erty in Illinois wanted. Clioleo Evanston property lor nalour exchange by the lotur block. 11. Si. I'AVNE, 133 USallo-Bt. MIU EXCHANGE— SI ACRES AT WASHINGON X Itelghlß, Jielng chno to Dummy Station, on Rock Inland Railroad, and noar Morgan Park Improvcmcnta: will take a clear farm. Call, 11 101, on KIRK B. NEW ELL, Room 18, I*l Washington-at. FpO EXCHANGE —4U ACRES, SURDIVIDED, X clear, for Improved city properly: sll,(Xp, Call, from ll to 3, on L. J. Roim 2, 123 Demburn-at. rmT:xdHAN(!E-BV Moiiius a - sYiAwrucoard X Mothoillit Church lllook—slti,CX<o oabli ana farm noar Kanknkeo for btonk goods: fiO.tUJ farm, clear, Whlto. ■ldo County, for block of houses or businusi block; +46,000 HtdgbU and unlucumburotl liUiomingtun real estate and cash for block of hi itscti or business block; SuU,OUO business block in City of Uluumingiun, clear, reins for stl,iKJUt for Otilcago fuuliiosa block; +20(1,ootl Clear farms nud llluominaion City bu-lncs* ami rcsiduneo nroporiyund ca*h for Chicago City property. sAli,n>iO Uluur Kansas City lots, lauds, aud cam, tor Chicago im proved. fllO liXCHIANOIS-A TWO-STORY FIIA.MF lIOCJSIC X with Jut 63 fool, south (nml on Park.ur., near Wood it., will! largo barn; will take enUumi on South Side for part poymuiu and gWo long thus on balance, or will lull ihosamo; no cosh for 6 yuan if pnrtcan ho secured on other property; tliolnt Isonouf thutlnost bnlldliur loca* tiomoa West Side. KNYDRUA LICK, N Mum Build, lug, northwoit corner Monroe and LaSalbt-sls, WANTKO-OARPKNTKR WORK IN FXOHANOK for horse, barnoti, lniß«y, lewiug.maohlno and inorohamlUtypart or nil. OS Went Monrou-at. MUSICAL. A FULL, RICH, AND POWERFUL TONK 7-00- lavo pianoforte, overstrung ham. Iron frame, elegant rosewood ease, serpentine moldings, tour round uoniont and carved legs: a very tine instrument, made to order by William Bowmo, liosteu, and cost tLUCO. Will sell with •tool uml cover for tJ’JuO. Realdonuu. nls Michlgan-av. Bi:sT'AND"cin?APi:sT~-n!K niYTioTsYjn caul net organ. Price, s;ui and upward. Wholesale ami retail at tho factory,jW Itidlana-si. O' NK HALLKTT * DAVIS' I‘IANO. RICHLY curved mull i order, for $275; coil, SIUU. Luauullico,, UouarU, up.itajra. \\f ANTKD-A PIANO-PLAVKU AT KU. 21)5 SOUTH Vl Clark-st., basement. i’OK SAXifci, ]?OR SALK—RAILROAD TICKETS TO ALL POINTS X 1 at tors than regular faro; liokuts bought or exchanged, CIIATFUCLD A CO,, 77 Ulmk-ai,, basement. IjIOR fIAi7K—VEIiVOHUAI *, A LAIiOK HIZH FIHH X’ and burglar proof safe. IS AK, Room 2, bl» iludl ■on-st. _____ TjlOil SALK—SI76 CASH WILL PUUOIIAHK A VKRY X’ laritu lire and burglar proof lafui uoat SI,C(Xi; koiul ns now; Diohold make, combination lock. Address P lit, Tdhum utllco. IPOR KALR-STORIS-FIXTURFS—SHOW-OASRS, X 1 roileotora, mirrors, emmters, ihelvlng, oartaini.oic.. coinpletoi suitable lor druk«. jewelry, tints, cap*, ami furs: an medium ehniico tor a dnititfUt. Morolorent low. W.M. U. WITHKUKLL, Room Itt, fit! IPOR HALF—A COMPLF-TK VIMC OF UHOAOO L* Tribune tortlinonlba, ending June lid, lb7L Address XXX,Ji'rlbmi£olHctf. T? O U KAM ? - OAK I.kV’H COCKROACH AND BFD- X' bug Kxturinltulor; warranteil, Contracts taken. Call on oraddroas ARTHUR OAKLKY. datlStatc st. MACHINERY. T.nm SALK-TO PAY ADVANCKS, SMALLSTISAM i* otiglno and bullnr, suitable for any light work. IDS FUth-uv., basetumu. WANThD— SFCONU-HAND LATIIK, 19 TO 20- fault swing, 6to 10 foot bid. Addrsii OOVikLL A BON, Sycamore, 111, V/ANTEO- -JJALE Boulckoouorn. Clovks* *o. WANTP.D-HY A nOSTON ROOT AND KIIOK »“ . house, for noxt season, olio or two salesmen wllh mi (ulnollsliod Wosterutrade. Address Ho* 2,(W). UosUm, Mass. Tr'Vt ns* W ’ANTED—A GOOD TINNER FOR A STEADY . lob and going wages to go to the country. Address EDWIN HUNT £ HUNS. MondCl) Lake-fit. _ W "anted—a good Timmier; okrman puh fortoil. _At 3T4 Cottage Orovo-av. W“ ANTKD-TWO KUIST-ULASB TINNKUS, ATM Collage Orovo-av, ■ WANTED-LM.MKDIATELY, THREW GOOD PAT torn makars, at,JOHN li. GAVIN'S, 8?, b», audUl Wrist Lake-fit. WANTED— A MAN TO RUN A FOOT-LATHE AND turn brass. Apply at H South Pcorla-at, WANT? KD—TIN KOOFKIIH AN!) UALVANThED „ Iron cornlco men} a long Job. J.\V. ATKINSON'S, Sill South Canal-st. ANTED-WAOON-WOuD WORKMAN AOUUS mummed to outinr work. A. CJ. LOOMIS A CO., S3 flamlulpb-st., up-alalrs. second (lour. WANTED - TWO PLA ST KRRRfT CALL Oil Write to JAMES UOWJfiLL, Aslikum, Iroquls (Jo. WANTED ENGINEER THAT WILL PAY #33 for a situation. Call at IKJSuuth Poorla-st., base* moot, before 10 a. m. WANTUD-HOROLL SAWYER AND TURNER; also, frnmo-makors and ctalrbulldora. 35 Ohlo-st. Goaolimon. Teamsters. AKo. WANTED— A GOOD ROIIP.R, STEADY YOUNG man, notoyor 160 pounds weight, that understands taking care of nice; horses and washing buggy and har ness: uuawho understands the care of trotting horse!, and a good groom and nihber, and, above all, a worker: no loatora or whisky-soakers need apply: pond wages and pood place for a good man. liefer to MoUonaldA Kao, Taylor and Hliorman-sts., Oscar Field, opposite the K«- Building. Apply to PHILIP CUNLIN, Ladallo, JEmplormont Arrnnoion. WANTED —M MORE RAILROAD LABORERS, free faro; f>o coal-minor# at (rood price#; 33 wood-ohp pent. URISTIAN A RING. I South Clirk-st., Room I. Mtannllancono- TTT ANTED—LABORERS SHOULD PURCHASE YV tliolr tickets without delay, at greatly reduced rates, to Memphis, Vicksburg, Now Orleans, anil other points South, where there is levee ana other public work fur llio winter. A. ROSS, northeast corner Clark and Washing toiraw, WANTED— A GOOD BUSINESS MAN WITH to engage in bringing out u patented article entire* ly now, needed In orory bouse; a fortune to the rich, man; reference# exchanged. Address V 83, Tribune. WANTKD-AN INTELLIGENT ROY FROM 13 TO YY lOycnrs old, Uvlug with his parents, for light ufliro work; must wrtto a good hand 5 wage* $3 per week, with Increase of salary If oalisfnctory. Address, In own hand* writing. X 63, 'ErlhwnootHce. WANTKD-A LIVE MAN TO PURCHASE AN IN torest In a voluablo patent right that It good (nr a fortune lu a abort time. Call at 137 South Olark-st., Room 45. . AVrANTED—AN J3NKUOISTIO BUSINESS MAN. i V with $123 cash, to lake half iutnroit and management in llila city in a business entirety now in the West: prolits Immense. Wo also want a few good men lor other cities, vrhoroless capital Is required, will hear investigation. l( you have si 3 call. 62 South Halsied-st., Room 89. WANTED-A BOY OU LAD IN A LAW OFFICE. A ponnanont and useful position for a respectable bnytgood penmanship indispensable. Addrust, In ap plicant's handwriting, etatlug ago. cto., W 73, Tribune otllco. \\j ANTED—MEN—WIS CAN SHOW THU BEST n chance Intho Wosttetnnko money, and will send valuable tampion by orpross to men and woman that can raise S2O to 850. Business permanent, and is paying s<o to sl4u a week. Call or Bond. BAY A CO,, Chicago, 164 Hast Ramlolph-st.. Boom 18. W* AIK’hD—MEN—STEADY EMPLOYMENT GIVEN ovorywhnro selling our now articles; jmyn to S2O dnllr; outtits. $3 to S3L AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., 113 East Madlsun-st., Boom 2. Ti/ANTED-SOMR GOOD MORAL PARTY TO > Y adopt a hoaUtav 6-weok-old girl; the mother la ton poor to support her. Please call at 276 llnbbnrd-st. WANTED— A MAN WITH HOUSE AND WAGON who tans or can secure a trade tor one of the nr.inds of ovstorsln Chicago; liberal inducement* olloicd. Call at 127 Flfth-av. ' VUANTIin-BOY WHO UNDERSTANDS THE NO- Vt lions to work for hoard, washing, and $5 a month this winter. 162 West llarrtson-st. WANTED-KSMALE HELP. Onrtjnstirs. WANTRD— GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; GERMAN preferred. 1331 .Stato-it. WANTKD-A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work; coma ready for work; Gorman preferred. U1 Park-av. WANTKD-A RELIABLE AND THOROUGHLY competent nurae girl, to tako cam of 2 children. References from last employer as to oiperlonco and re liability required. Apply at 330 West Washington-st. \\7 ANTED—A GOOD OIUL FOR GENERAL HOUSE >I work In a small t.imlly; no washing; references re quired. Inquire at 2.6 West WANTED-A GIRL TO COOK FOR EIGHT AND wash and Iron fur two. 78Jiouth Sangaimrn-st. \\7anted-neat biiiL for general V f work,who thoroughly understands cooking, washing, and Ironlnp. German, owen", or Nurwoglau preferred. Apply, with reference, l« 1107 Pralrla-ov. WANTKD-A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; Swede preferred. 604 Fuhou-st. TO DO GENERAL’IIOUSK work. Cali ready for work. 063 Wust Van Burcn-st. WANTED-GRRMAN OR ENGLISH iHill. IN small family. Must bo a good cook, and bring ref erences. Call at till Indlana-av., iicarTwontlctn-st. ANTED—A GOOD OIRL FOR GENERAL liuußovvorkfor asmall family. Apply at 1136 Mlchl gan-av. . WANTED-A GOOD-NATURED WIDOW OR OLD* ish Chile work In a small family nntl assist with children. Will have a guod homo. Apply at 11 North Clark-sl., Room 1. ANTED-A GIRL TO WASH DISHES AT MER cnnlile (Jystor, UoQoo, and Chop House, Jo 7 South ClarU-at, . WANTED-A GIRT. TO COOK, WASH, AND IRON VV in a private famlly._Apply at 63 South Carpomorjit, Vi/ANTIiD-A YOUNG OIRL UTO 18 YE.AII S' OF f r ago to assist in the general housework of a small lam* ily. ko Sixtoonth-st. ■\\/-ANTED-OlilL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; VI must bo a good washerand Irouor, Apply at lUbO Wa* bnsh-av.. iinarTwouly-iiliilh-flt. \V ANTED-A GOOD COOK IN A PRIVATE FAM tt ily; references required. Apply at 403 North Doar born-st. SOTTIIStTOHSON. SEWING GIRL. 198 SOUTH DE3- IV plaini's-it. WANTED— HUTTON I IDLE FINISHER ON WHITE etilrla. 161 South Robey-at. Launtlrossoa. WANtED-A LAUNDRESS WHO IS WILLING TO \l as-Ut In second work, llfl South Park*uv., corner Twonly-foiirlh-st_. W ANTEU-LAUNDUY HELP. I SIHRP-IRONER. and 1 waflhwumau, at LANK'S laundry. DM Wa bash-av. Emplovmonc Atroucios, \\T ANTED - GERMAN AND SCANDINAVIAN »> girls for private families, hotels, laundries, city and country, at .Mrs. DUSKE'S olllcc, Et) .Mllwaukoo-av. WTsoeliftflentta. WANTED— TWO GIRLS, 12 TO 1.1 YEARS OF AOE. nu light, work. A. G. GARFIELD 4 GO.. 69 and Cl Wo«t BOARDING AND DODGING. West Siti*. I O SOUTH fiANOAMON.ST.-VRRY NICELY FUIt ±Jj nlnhod front rooms, with board, suitable for gentle* man and wife, or single gentlemen. Tonus moderate. f)(} AND ‘iI"\BGRDEEN-ST.—TWO NICELY FUR- ZiZi nhliod front rooms, third iloor: also, ono single (routmum, second tlaor; at vary low terms; boat table; warm holla and heuao; u most attractive lumio for winter, A Q ASHLANIJ-AV., FAOlN(l“ UNION PARK .tO Hulioa of furnWiml nr unfurnished rooma to rent wllhboard; all modern iniprovomenti. i br SOUTH PEORIA-ST.-TWO LARGE FRONT XO»J rooms (mrnlshcd}, with boariL r ff’f~AVEST~WASUTfmiWf.ST. - FIRST-CLASS board, with single roam, 48to sßper week; day board, sl. ■ QQQ WEST WA SI 11NGTON-BT.—FURNISH F.D OJjO or umurnlshed front room*, with lintt-claßi board. A few day boarders can also bo accommodated. Sm*- nKLnmnnß-coiiKT. nicau wabasu-av.- (iiiud hoard for ladles or gontlsmou, 3-* tt> 45 |»or week. w1 11 übo o( piano: day board, £4. /Vi'TW KNTV-S IXT I 1 -ST. - BOA' UI) AND SUIT OF •JO very pleasant unfurnished rooms. Terms reason ablo. Hoierence* exchanged. T O EASTUANDOLPIIST.—ONH HANDSOMKUY? J (JO furnished front romn; also a email room, only £lO (ior month: restaurant In houso; commuUUoa tickets, 16.80 for S4.(W. \\rAUASH-AV., NKAII TWKLFTII-ST. —-I’LKAS -11 ant well furnlshod front room, with board, in ft private family, auliabto for gentleman and wifo. ilofer oneo roipilrcu. Address S 7a, Tribune olliou. Hotel*- TJisnop.nouuT ttotkl-no.s. mt, mp. mi, hi Xj and MO Weal M&dinon-st.—J. K. Pierson, Manager. A onnvonlonUydocitrd lltst-eliw* family hotel; rlmvkow! homo fur ynuug gentlemen, and all persona remaining in tho oily a low dare or wooka; .rooms amity* In good order: tbo table furnished vdlh the host in tbu market, and nrlccs to correspond with tho tlmos. NKVAnV IIOTRL, WABASH-AV., UCTWERN Madison and Moiiroo-al*.—Hrat-clasa board fur tho wither nt very low ratoa; niimu. with or without board. BOARD WANTED. BOAItn-FOU UKNTLHMAN AND WIFK, WKST of Halilod-at. and south of Lake. Itoforonees ro (pifroii and given. Address, with particulars, lUU, Trib une olliee. T>OA|lD-FOU MAN AND WIFK, NEIGHBOR -43 hood of Uentru-av. and Monron-sta.; private family preferred, (iood ruforoocos. Address, stating price, It 43, Tribune oitice. 1>OA(lD-FOU SULK, Wll'ls AND DAUGIITKII Jj (young lady). locality ami aocemiiiodiition* nisut be lirst-class, mid rain* reasonable, wUu tew or no other tioanlurs. North Side imdorrud. No übjuotion to dts. tauee. Addrosa W tiJ, Trllumu oillco. » SEWING MACHINES. TkOMKHTUJ BHWINU MAOHINI2-OITY UIIANOH JJ otlico, 213 KUdison-it., np-alulr*. Machine* sold on monthly p’m'n. Sewing given If desired. All kind* of at taohmunts, oil, Die., ut lew price*. Alaolilnoa repaired. QINUKII OFFiryis~OF A. .iTliiKl.tlliKllT, Sls O Huulh liulvlod-Bt., oily agent. Machine* sold on monthly payments, rented, and repaired. SUPKBUm' KlNtiKit FAMILY ‘HKWINtI MA clilmt, with cover, tins alt late improvements and at. taohmuiit*, In perfect order. Price £33; cost ®bo, No. 71 Twemy-sUth-Ht. _ OINtIKU ‘ HF.WI’NU M.UJUINK—PItINOIPAI-1 OF- O lice 111 Hlatc-Ht. Machlnussuid on monthly payments, 111 per cent discount for cash. - f|nVa i.AT|-.IMI'UOVKII KINIIKIIh, .WjIKBUiIJ * X Wilsons, JUrovor A Baker machine*, an in pwfeot order, at ball cost price. 1U OLsrk-it., iueai. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. Booltlconnor*. Glnric*. ~~ CMTUaTION WANTKD-HY A YUANG MAN TN O somo wbolusaie billions!, gr-ioirlm prafurrod. wimcao command a good truclo In im»Bu«thj rotorunoos given. Addrcsl M ”0, Trlbumt olllou. SITUATION WANTED —MY a UUSUWWULK ►J young man with good socurl.y as bookkeeper, sales plan. Ac.} isallrst-oMst penman, Atul will work cheat) fur the winter. U !». Tribune pillco. CITUATION WANTI'D-PY AN EXPERIENCED hm«. (fnrcni-jr cleric, thorough!! acquainted with the bo«liiou; «iionk English and Germain best of ell! reference. Adonis No. Jin Wabash-av. Trnnos. QITUATION WANTED—MY A PUNTER OF 30 kJ }cart ozporloiinut is a general workman. For fur- I tor parilculara address I*. O. Mu* IH, Grand Dolour. UgloUuumy, HI. * Mf toon nTtnnn* CITUATION WANTED-HY A.FUENOII COUPLE, O both or topAralos man tlnt-elAss waiter, speaks l£n gUili am Italian | wife llrst.olsss cook, speaks Gorman and English., Good rqforoncta from Europe and Atueri clis no objection to go to cuualry. Address ADOLF, SO Sliurmau-st. OITUATIONWANTED—AS NIGHT WATCHMAN." kJ Apply to the iraders Insurance Company, Chicago, HI. j brat, of reference given. SITUATIONS WANI’ED—i’EiViALB PomoHtioß* QITUATION WANTRD-HY A RESPEOTABLH O girl to conk, wash, and iron In a private lauiily. CaU for two days at tila Walnut-at. SITUATION WANTIJD-UV A UICSPKUTABLO Blrl to do Ronoral housework in a private family; no objection to the country. Call at HU iiltio tiiaml*ar.» UD itolr*, corunp cf I'Vruuor-st., for two liar*, oraddroaa t|3, Tribune oliloo, Situation w*^-- SITUATION WANTED—BY A YOUNG GIRD TO O dosocond-work In a prlva'o family: beat of references; North Side preferred. Apply at 261 North ilarkot-st.» fur two day*. QITUATION WANTED—RY A GIRL TO DO BEO kJ or general hunuewerk In a family of (woo> ihrooicliyreferencelfrequired. Please call oraddroal 307 llubbnrd'Bt. OITUATION WANTED—RY AN EXPERIENCED kJ English woman, »» chambermaid or dining-room girl ! .D, *1 l>riv A i o famlljr, Addiow aD, 70 Kansas*#!., Wo#» Mdc.Clly. Situation wantcd-to dogeneraliiousk* J,-} work er second work. Please call at Woman’s Uotel, HU Weit«lacksun*st. SITUATION WANTED—IIV A NORWEGIAN GIRL, O at second girl la a first-class family. Information glronat No. 23 Grovo-sf. SITUATION WANTED-TO DO SECOND WORK kJ and wait on table in private family; lias first-clasa rco tmimondailon#. Calloraddross.MAKY, 368Calumot-av. yiTUATJONS WANTED—RY TWO UESPEOTARLB kj girls, In a private family, one no cook ana the otheru seoukd girl. Phase apply at No. 72 Fluuol-st. SITUATION’WANTKO-BY A GOOD GIRL, TO DO general housework ia a private (amity. Floaio call at »'*fi vVoit Klntio-st. Situation wanted-mv a colored woman tj to do housework in a small private (amity; goad rotor- SKill orlh Slt * o l Jrofctrfl d- Call at U3 Fourth av., (rota SITUATION WASTED-POKASCOTOIIOASADIAII gut as cook in the city or country: good reference. ;<ji ntato-st. QITIJATION WANTED-FOR A MOST EXCEL kJ lent girl to do light work or take caro of children] wages no object. CITUATION WANfKD^HYA'YOUNG GIRL IN A O respectable private family to do housework. Plomo cajl for two days at -139 laylor-st.. corner or Contro-av. biTUAfioNS kjglrlsln private families, one for cook and general hmno uork ami ouo for socond work and sowing; no objootloni to clillilroti. Address 176 Twontlntti-st. bITUAtiuNS WANTED—BY A RKSPItOTAULU O girl ina private family; second work or take euro of children. Also a tlnt-clms glrlfnr general housework In A private family, Please cull at SITUATION WANTED—BY A GliiLTO DO BEO- O end work. Pinion call at 7WU West P<>lk*st. WaTnTED-MY^A - 'ititS I* ROT A B L U O to do second work ami assist in sewing, or to do gon oral housework In a small family; none but a lirut-clacl family. Ploaao call at 312 Paullna-st. SITUATION WANTED-TO COOK, WASH, AND Iron; good roforonecs glvon. Apply at I<W West U&y rison-st. S' tTUATION WANTED-BYA STEADY AMERICAN woman in a small private family to do general house work. Good references glvon If required. &S1 Uultoc iiuld-st. QITUATIONS WANTED—BY TWO EXPERUCNURU O girln for first and aocuod-work, or would eepo-* rate. 376 CUicagu-av. . SITUATIONS WANTED—BY TWO OAPAHLH O girls, who have worked tognlhm In a private family, ns cook and second-work. They will not object to a plica in Iho country. Call at No. 221* Tivonilc<h-8t» bIfUATIONS WANTED-BY TWO CHIUS FUOfri O (ho East, as cook and aooend-glrl in a yrlvato family. Call, for two days, at 61 Calumot-av. SITUATION WANTED-BY A GIRL TO DO HODSB- O work in a small family. Call at ID South Groenst. bIfUATION AVANIT^D-liY~A7G6C)D - GIltL“P()B t J second work or general luiaaowurk lu a private family. Call at 311 Twouiy-tfilrd-st. bITVATIGS W AKTEII-VIV A GOODGIIkL TO DO O general housework In n p-ivato family. Call (or two days at 1W South Uuspluluos-st. Ron.rn«;rrosspß. SITUATION WANTED—BY A GOOD SEAMSTRESS. Steady omploynK'iic more nf tin oby-ct thau good wages. Call or address MY, 131 West ,l«ckson-s(, SITUATION WANTED-BY A ITNISHIN6 *DRKSSi maker. Address U 4.>, Tribune nilico. Q ITU AT ION Vf ANTED BY A ITRST-OLASS O dressmaUor, by Iho day or wook, Addreas M K, (Ol Wabash-av. J'tnrsoa. CITUATION WANTED-AS WET NURSE RY ATI O American Indy, Reference given l)V the bo*t physt clan. Address K. 1L CuX, JUlne I&laud-av., and Woud-at. (JITUATION WANTED—IIY A YOUNG GIRL A i O nurse girl, Please coll at 637 South Uolou-st., zxooj EUtcentlu SITUATION WANTED-HY A RESEKCTAIU.K AND O reliable yuung woman, ns wot nuroe. nr ns cook in a lirst-clnsa family; bestreference, HiPaullaa-at. Apply immediately. JjnniifirossOß. SITUATION WANTED TO DO WASHING AND O ironing, Unit of ri-fercnen* given far lirst class cook* big. To 1)0 noun fur 3 days at IBP Wugi HartLun-at. HonsolrooDors. CITUATION WANTED—IIY A PERSON OF EX* O porlcuce at housekeeper in a private family, or ns seamstress: would instruct young children If required. Address D T, Trlbimo ollico. QITUATU)N r WANTED-nV A YOUNO WOMAN A 9 O assistant housekeeper. Cull or address 191 West Polk-Bt. EmTtlonnont Aunnts. QTTUATIONS WANTED—FAMILIES IN WANT OF O good help of every nationality can bo supplied at .Mrs. THOMP.SON'S Ullico, H I Twentieth-at., near State. QITUA ; IN WANT OF O gaod .Scandinavian and Gorman help can bo supplied at Mrs. DUSKh’S oitioo, W Mllwaukoo-av. MisooUr.noons. SITUATION WANTED—IN A DRY-GOODS AND fancy goods store, by an oiporieaccd saleslady: speaks English and Gorman. Address fur five >laj»9 63, Tiilnnio ullico. FINANCIAL.. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, bonds, etc., at LAUNDKR'S privateoflico, LiO llao dolph-ai., near Clark. Ksinblldicul Hil. Money to loan on collateral securi tles, small amuimta. short time, and reasonable rata «»I Money to loan on”diamonds, watches. Singer machines, and other collaterals, at PRI VATE LOAN OFFICE, LilCUrk-st., RoomiL *\ f ONEY TO LOAN ON OUICAGO REAL ESTATE M f..r three or live yoara. WRIGHT 4 TYRRELL, Room 9 Tribune [bidding. Money to lo«\n—from fi.oou to sc,oho, from Rmimtbs to ’i years, lu pur cent interest. LEVI WING A CO., 07 Doarborn-sL Mon ey to loan-i'n sums of $3,000 to «s,oov on improved uitatoluor near Chicago. F. O. TA Yl.Olt, Ulark-at. OTOCKS* UtIND.S. COMMERCIAL AND MORT. O gage paper bought and sold. EUGENEO. LONG 4 uuo. OAN FRANtJLSCO MONEY LOAN .OFFICE, 411 O Hmt h (,’lark-st. Money to loan on all klnda of collat eral security; large sums at small percentage. GEOUUU T. POPPERS, Proprietor. Established IgtiS. fI IQ l.tTaN-FRUM 41, UOO TO 43.000-ON REAL a. estate In the city. Apply to S. M. DUNNING, m LnSallo-it., Jtoomftl. WAN I’KD - £3, M()--ON SOUTH UIUUACO IM. pioved proper y, worth £Cd,OOO. Will pay liberal Ixw Icreat. Address OW, Tilbuno othco. Cjl n TO dMCO INVKSTKDIN STOCKS AND GOLD Oi.W pays iiU percent a tuon;ti. Sana for particular*. •fOMintljJOl* Hankers, ‘J Wall-»t.,jNow_York. TO luanfoiTonkvkau, oh pui£ OX»«- | 'J'J ebaso mortgage ou city real estate; also, small sums on bouso* on leased ground, piano*, or any good collateral*. OTTAWAIj, Boom 13, 7i) Uenrboru-st. oon fuin To’ noOD’INfsVDirPROP- OiJv/t'/UU orty, In amount* ufSihUHlund lil.uiu, fora and 5 yearn; brokers. 11. J. OIUUbTOPII A (JU.. banker*. 76 South Ulark-st. HORSES AND CARRI AGES* A UUTION-WHSTON A CO., 1M HAST WASHING* JV liavu sales of burses mid carriage* every Tuesday *ud Friday at 111 a. in. Parties wishing either to purchase or dispose of such stock should attend thoau saio*. as great bargains are certain. One very lino sorrel maro, H year* old, Round and kind, works in all harness, can trot close to S minutes. Ono bay hur*i>, 6 year* old. a perfect family horse, to hands, good driver, ami perfectly sound. Ono pair gray horses, suitable (or carriage team, to# hands, ami sound. . . Oun very lino roan horse, perfect picture In harness, smuiil ami kind, will otiufylo anything in Lblcago, Ham blctonbm stock, fcyoarsold. , . . . Ono line saddle horse, of Kentucky B litP stock. Ono very lino jut black pony, d years old, land sound; any child can rido or drive U. , . _• Several other horse* nut catalogued, description of Which will bn given at sale. Top and open liturgies ami carriages. One toy express dolivory wagon, with P°lo - BAM! -U'i'Ntj AHOUTTO c'i I u nvii hkcond-hand TOP UUtlOY { F‘o o. .ml .we.rated {.mines, bngg,. and light oiy wagon, cheap,_al SW3 South Uanal-st. T iiAVKIfI IIKAVY TRUCKS THAT I WISH TO I inadrv and safe warehouse, between Nov. I and March 15. Panics who can store them apply to B, ?Jlt lio»rhiivii**t‘>jldrd lleor. itAKKUC Foil AUOODIIOAD-llOnaß, IIAIINKBS, Jv and buggy. «« /lr«t prize, and a dumond pI»M sewmd prize; IlK) chance* at £4each. Address I*#, Triliiiiu» | « l | ll‘C |> - - AGENXa WANTED. ~~C( \ ICS T WA N T ifi r-S I* IOC IAL INCrUUKMUNTS- J\ wo want a Hr*!-elas* ugunl in every county In tho United Mialt'N, to soli the world-runewiiud NMlsun bhuttlu .Sowing Machine*, and tho WILou maiiufsetnnnf machines, to whom wo aro prepared to oiler extraordinary induce* menu. For full particulars, apply to, or address, WIL. HON 811\¥lNU.lIAUULNW UOiIPJLNY. W BuIML, CUlcago. 3