Newspaper Page Text
8 THE NEXT CONGRESS. Names of Senators and ncprescnta tiros So Far as Elected. 1 Revised tlst of Candidates for tho House In Twenty four States. THE SENATE. Xbe terms of twonty-fivo Bouators expire March 0, 1875, end clccllona have been or are to bo made for tho succeeding term as follows: par the wecetding term. 2’arms eepfr* March 3, 1876. Np.tvtox Booth, HWfom £atoiu California /faffcr.... Connecticut.... (lluckinaham Delaware. /tawmf...... -Florida ClllWt Indian* VrMt Main Hamlin Maryland...... Hamilton. .. Massachusetts . Washburn... Michigan Chandler.... Minnesota Ramsey Mississippi..... 1'0aae....... Missouri Hciunw Nebraska Tinos K«wlt (Stewart New Jersey.,,,. Stockton New York I'etuosi Ohio rennaylvanlt... BcoU Bbodolsland... Sprague Tennessee licmruwvr,.. Texas .Plauoflsn.... Vermont Edmunds.. Virginia Lavris Vest Virginia..ißoroman.... Wisconsin. ..j,.. |Carp^ u, « l ‘v; -. .. “Terms "expire: Retmbilcsns (la Homan), 17; Dcm oerats (In itolic)f 6; independents (tn smalt, cars), J. For 111. now term, of thirteen seats politicly determined, the Bapnbllcana have secured Bre, the Democrat, liovon, and ono (Booth, of Cali fornia) la Independent. Tlioso numbora. added to Senator* holding oror, give lolala of 38 Bo publican., 22 Democrats, 1 Independent, and 13 floats to b. determined by elections to-day, aa fol lows A Democrat. A Bopubllcan. Ifrii. Pinckney Whyte, Branch E. Brace, t. A Republican, Allen G. Thurman. A Republican. SVimiicl D, Maxey. ■George F. Edmunds, j Robert A*. H*iGirii, Ll Democrat. /frDKb. Iwi*, Fucauf, Term wide 1877... 15 IJf Term end* 18?‘J ..IK TtnaenotulHSU.......... & The Senator* whose terms expire in 1877. and tipou the election of whoso successors may thou (but not sooner) depend % change In the political majority of the Senate, are as follows: Jivntblieans. Democrat*, Alcorn, of Mien., Cooper, of Tenn., Anthony, of It. 1., Davis, of West Va., Boutweu. of Mass., Uoldtbwaite, of Ala., Clayton, of Ark., Hamilton, of Texas, Cragin, of N. It., Johnston, of Vn., retry, of Mich., Kelly, of Oregon, Fremighnysen, of K. J., Norwood, of Ga., Harvey, of Eau., Hansom, of N. C.» Hitchcock, of Neb., Saulshury, of Del., Logan, of 111., Uteveason, of Ky. Morrill, of Me., Roberlaon, of t>. C., West, of La., Wlmlom, o.' Minn., Wright, of low*. It will ho seen, from the above, that Demo cratic successes must be aweoping indeed, both this year and in 1876, to make the Senate oven elose or doubtful two years bonce. THE HOUSE. Tho House of tho Forty-third Congress, at fta adjournment in Juno, would have divided (in a full vole) 202 Republicans, 90 Democrats. During the session the Republicans gained sev eral scats by action upon contcetod-olection cases. These changes are embodied in the fol lowing carofuUy-ptoparcd table, showing tho Representatives by Htatoi 43d cokouess. ||44tr COMOUZRS. Ftp. ) Deni. . Rep. | Dem. Alabama 6 3 I Arkansan 3 1 1 • • • • California 3 1 I Connecticut 3 1 I Delaware 1 ..I Florida 2 Georgia.. 3 6 Illinois U 6 .. .. 1ndiana........ 10 8 5 8 lowa.. p 8 1 Kansas 3 •• •• •» Kentucky 10 L0ui5iana........... 8 Maine 8 .. 8 •• Maryland '- 4 | Massachusetts 11 Michigan 9 Minnesota 3 .. •• Mississippi 5 1 Missouri 4 9 Nebraska. 1 .. 1 Nevada 1 New Hampshire.... 2 1.... New Jersey d 1 • • .. New York *,... 24 9 .. .. North Caroline 3 S 1 7 Ohio 13 7 7 13 Oregon I • • I Pennsylvania........ 33 S .. .. Rhode Island 2 .. .. .. South Carotins 6 Tennessee 7 3.... Texas 0 •• . Verm0nt............ 3 3 .. Virginia S 4 West Virginia. 2 1 .. 3 Wisconsin 6 3 Thirty-seven StaUs. 202 00 .. .. MEMBERS-ELECT OF THE HOUSE. [Republicans in Roman; Democrats in Hall*; the Mierisk (*} indicates mombere of the present House.] INDIANA. I. JlevoniS, Fuller, 8. *Morton 0, Hunter. % James D. Williams, 9. 'Thomas J. Cuson. 3. Michael C . Kerr, 10. H'lf/wnn Ilai/nwnd, 4. Jevtha D. Sev, 11. Jamea L. Kraus. 5. Williams. Holman, 12, Andrew Jl, Hamilton, A. Milton 8. Robinson, 13. Jonu JI. Baker [contest* 7, Franklin handers, ed by Freeman Kelley.] IOWA. ]. 'George W. McCrary, 6. Ezekiel 8. Sompuou, 3. John Qjrufta, 7. Mohn A. Kaaaon. 3. h. h. Axnsirorth, 8. Mamea W. McDill, 4. 'Henry O. Pratt, 9, Addiaou Oliver. 6. 'Janice Wilaon. MAINE. 1. 'John H. Burleigh, 4. 'Samuel F, Heraey, 2. 'William P. Frye, 6. 'Eugene Hale, 3. *Jamea O. Blaine. KZimASKA. I. •Lorenro Crouoac. SOUTH CAUOLIMA. 1. Je«*f J. Trateg, 6. Alfred H, Sealet, X John A. Hyman, e . 0. "Thoma* S.Athe, X 'Alfred if. IftuMeK, 7. 'William M. Robbim, i. JouvhJ.Dam, 8. 'Hubert B. Vance, OHIO. 1. "Hilton Savler, 11. John L. Vance , X 'Henry J}. Hanning, l*i. Atuel T. H atliwj, 3». John S, Savaae, 13. 'Hilton f. Southard, i. John A. Sfeilnlwn, 14. John Coictin, f. Amman V. /lice, 15. Nelson H.VanVorhes, ti. Frank //. Hurd. 18. *Lorenr.o Danfonl, 7. ‘ Lmcrenee T. Seal, 17. ’ljnirln D. Woodworth, 8. •William Lawrence, 18. 'James Monroe, 9. k'nrlu PowMon, 10, Memos A. Uarlbdd, W. ’Charles Foster, 30. Henry it, Paime. OREGON. 1. George A. ImDou. VZBIIONT. 3. "George W. Hcmlce. I. Charles 11. Joyce, 1. (To bo elected to-day.) WEST VinaiSlA. I. Jfrnjnmui H7/«o»», £. Charles J, Faulkner, BCMMABY OK KLECTIOXS ALREADY HELP. Fortu-/ourth Cunarnt. t'or!y.(hird Co/ujreu. Republican* :(0 Ilejmblicims OcmocrtU... 93 Democrat* 3. ’Frank Hereford. CANDIDATES FOR THU HOUSU. (Tbfi asterisk (*) Ueuotm member* of the preieul House; e. afaurtK for cotovrd.] fremucrat. Jityubh'Citu, ALAUAMA—B. • 1. Frederti G. Bromberg,Merry Haralson, t%, S. Jeremiah K. Williams, .Tames T. Kapler, * c„ y, Tfciil Bradford, William 11. Detir, i, James T. Jones. Charles Hays,* 3. John 11. Caldwell,* (1. Goldsmith W. Hewitt, Joseph 11. filoss,* m Uurwell H. Lewis, Alexander While,* 0. William 11. Forney, Christopher C. bheaU, AUKASHAK—I. 1. Lucien C. Cause, William 11. lingers. *J. William F. Hlomous, John M. Clayton, y, William W. Wllshire, William .1. Hynes.* 4, Thomas M, Gunter,* Chorion 11. louder, UKLAWAJtK —1. James 11. Lolland.* fUtUfA WlliUlUHtl rLomm—'J. 1, John A. Hemleisuo, William .T. I'urmw.' •J. JeflficJ, Finlay, Jonlali T. WflUfl'c. OKOOOIA—S>. John K. Bryant. Klcliurd 11. WhlteJey,* Jack Brown. 1. Julian Hartrldgo, y. William K, Hinitli, 3. Philip Cook,* 4, Henry It. Harris,* 6. Milton A. Candler, Joseph G. W. Mllli, €, Jatnt'H U. Blount,* Samuel Gore. 7 William H. Dabney, William If. Felton, 8, Alex. H, Blimbena,* 'William H. Harrison,r. 9 OarucU McMillan, John W, O'Neal, ILLINOIS—I 9. I Barney Q, Caulfield, Hidney Hoilh, t. Carter If. Harrison, Jasper D. Word, - 8 John V. Le Moyne. Churtea D. Forwcll,* 4* John F. Farnsworth, Htephon A. Ilurlbut,* 8. Daniel J.rinokney, Horatio O. Burchanl,* fi Xbjao U, union, Thomao 3. Henderson, 7 Alexander Campbell, Franklin Corwin,* «, James O. Dayn*. Oreenbury L. Fort,* I«ojiu4 F« Boas, Blobard H. Whiting, 10, John 0, Busby, Henderson Ritchie, 11. Bcott Wlko, David E. Beatty, «• TIS* 4 } An,lr " w 13. Adlal K. Htevcnsou, John MoNtilta,* 14. Jatnctf H. Pickroll, Joaoiih O. Cannon,* 15. Jolm «, Kdcn,* Jacob W, Wilkin, >«• j>mM s - mhu "- - 17. William 11, Morrison,* Jolm I. Rlnakcr, 18. William llarlsell, Isaac Clements,* 1n Sami H, Marahall/rf., W * Wm. B. Anderson,f.v! f Oroeu B * Rnum ‘ KABHAD 3 Mnrcns J. Parrott. * William A. Phillip?,* 4 Jolm B. OooUlu, Stephen A. Cobb,* J. K. Hudson, William It. Brown. KBItIDOKV—IO. 1. A. It. Boone, Thomas J, Picked, 2, Jolm Young Brown,* Kd B. Weir, 9. Charles W. Mllliklu,* Franklin Qorln, 4. J. Proctor Knott, Clement 8. Hill, B. Edward Y. I'arsons, Jolm Thompson Gray, 8. Thomas L. Jones, Charles Eglulon, 7, J, 0. H. Blackburn, E. Marshall (Ind, Beta.) 8. Milton J. Durham,* y, Harrison Cockrlll. John D. While, 10. John B. Clarke, Jolm Means. LOUISIANA—(I. 1. Randall L. Gibson, Jay Halo Sypher,* 2. E. John Ellis, Henry C. Dibble, 3. Joseph A. Breaux, Cheater B. Darrell,* 4. William M. Levy, George L, Smith,* B. William B, Spencer, Prank Morey,* 6. Joseph M. Moore, Charles £. Nosh, e, MARYLAND—O. Philip F. Thomas, Jltury 11. Goldaliorouab, Ohariea 11. Itolu-rls, .Inlm T. Kn«or, >Villinm -I. O'Brien,* .Tanias 8. Snfcr, Thomas Hwntm,* .Inha 11. Cox, KU .1. Htmklr, Alnx. U, Ilanuer, Wllhutn Walsh. Lloyd Lowndes.* MASSiCnUHETTfI— II. 1. Louis Lapham, .tamos Bufflnton,* 2. Kclward Avery, Benjamin W. Harris,* 8. Benjamin Deuu, Henry L. Fierce,* A, .Tofdah G. Ahhott, Rufus 8. Frost, 3. Nathaniel I*. Banks, Daniel W. Gooch,* (1. Charles 11.I 1 . Thompson, Benjamin F. Butler,* 7. John K. Tarbux, James C. Ayer. 8. William W. Warren, John M. 8. Williams,* 9. KU Thayer, George F. Hoar.* Id. JiiiiusH. seelyo (Ind.), Charles A. Stevens, 11. Chester W, Chapin, Henry Alexander, Jr. ' MICUIriAN—D. 1, Alphcna 8. Williams, Mtmn W, Field,* 2. John J. Robison, Henry Wuldrtm,* 2. Fidua Livermore, George Willard,* 4. Allen Putter, Julius C. Burrows,* B. Mark D, Wilber, William B. Williams,* «. George 11. Durand, Jtwiab W. Begole,* 7. Enoe Goodrich, Omar D. Couger,* 8. George F. Lewis, Nathan B. Bradley,* 9. Henry H. Noble, Jay A. Hubbell.* 311875 KROT A—3. 1. Franklin U. Waltu, Mark H. Bunnell,* 2. E. St, JutienC’ox, Horace B. .Strait,* U. Kugeue M. Wilson, William 8. King. Missouri—i;j. 1. Edward O. Rohr, KUwlit O. Rlanard,* ‘2. Eraalua Wells,* Daniel D, Fisher, 3. William 11. Stouo,* Robert F. Wingate. 4. Robert A. Hutchor,* .............. 5. Richard V*. Bland,* Andrew J. B«vy, C. Obark*H. Morgan, Charles W. Thraaher, 7. John r. I'hliUpw .lumps 11, lay, H, HonJ J. Franklin, >V, 11, Powell, y. David llca, V. A. Thompson, 10. It. A, DeUolt, Ira R. Hyde, - * 11. John 11. Clark, Jr.,* 13, John 31. Glover,' Henry B. Lipscomb, 10. Aylott 11. Buckner,* Francis Krekct. 1 i la NEVADA—I. Adrian C. Kills, William Wootlhurn. NEW JERSEY—7. 1. Cbalkley Albertson, Clement 11. Slnnlckson, 3. Andrew J. Smith, Hsmuel A. Dobbins,* 3. Miles How, Amo*. Clack, Jr,,* 4. Ilobert Hamilton,* Charles Place, 5. AujualiiH W. Cutler, William W. Phelps,* (i. Frederick Jl, Tease, Marcus L. Ward,* 7, Aug. A. HunUubcrgh, Isaac W, Scudder,* new voim—aa. 1. Henry B. Uctcalf, Stephen B. Freuch, 2. John O. Scbuiuakcr,* Edward T. Wood, 3. Simeon B. Chittenden, PotorW. Ostrander, 4. Archibald M. BUrk. George 0. Bonnott, 5. Edwin K. Monde, Eugene M. liulc, 5. Samuel S. Cox,* James U. Campbell, 7. Smith Kiy, OlmrlCH S. Spencer, 8. Elijah Ward, John D. Lawson,* 9. Fernando Wood,* John Hardy (lud. Dero.), 10. Abram H. Hewitt, James O’Brien (Ind. Dem.), 11. Benjamin A. Willis, Iraao H. Bailey, 12. N. Holmes Odell, Auiborst Wight, Jr., It). John O. Wbitchouse,* Charles L. Beale, 14. George M. Beebe, Charles J. Everett. 15. Juba 11. Baglay, Jr., Seymour L. StoUbma, 16. Torrence J. Quinn, Charles 11. Adams, 17. Charles Hughes. Martin I. Townsend, 18. Arlotuus 1). Waldo, Andrew Williams, 10, William A. Wheeler,* 20. Walter T. L. Sandere, Homy 11. Hathorn,* 21. Orson M. AUaUcu, Samuel F, Miller, 23. Martin L. Graves, Ocorgo A. Baglcy, 23. Scott Lord, Ellis 11. Roberta,* 24. Andrew S. Warner, William 11. Baker, 25. George F. Comstock, Elias W. Leavenworth. 26. Jacob Wilson, Clinton D. MacDougali,* 27. David A, Plcrpout, Elbridgo G, Lvpbam, 28. Edward F. Jones, Thomas C. Piatt,* 29. Charles C. B. Walker, Harlo Hakes, 30. James L, Angle, John M. Davy, 31. John 11. Buck, George O. Hoskins,* 32. Asher P. Nichols, Lyman K. Bass,* 33. Augustus F. Allen, Walter L. Sessions.* FENNSTLVANIA—27. 1. Thomas B. Florence, Chapman Freeman, 3. Benjamin Hush, Charles O’Neill.* 3. Samuel J. Randall,* David F, Houston, 4. William V. McGrath, William D. Kellojr,* 6. John Robbins, Alfred O. Harmer,* 0. J. L. Forwood, Wash. Townsend,* 7. Ephraim L. Acker, Alan Wood, Jr., 8. Uiestcr Clymor,* Charles B. McKnlght, 9. William X’attou, A. Herr Smith,* 10. Willlsm Mutchlnr, William 11. Blumer, 11. Frank D. Collins, Alexander IV. Butler, 13. Hendrick B. Wright, Winthrop W, Kctchum, 13. James B. Reilly, Theodore Gum-tuon, 14. William M. Brcalin, John B. Pucker,* 15. Joseph Powell, Bartholomew lapocte, 16. licury IV. Earley, Sobieskl Bosh * 17. John Reilly, Samuel 8. Blclr, 18. William 8. Steuger, Langhorno Wlelcr, 19. LeviMaish, H. S. McNair, 20. Louis A. Mackey, Cyrus T. Alexander (Ind.), 21. Jacob Turney, Andrew Stewart, Jr,, 22. James 11. Hopkins, James S. Negley,* 23. Alexander Q. Cochran, Thomus M. Bayne, 24. Ocorgo W. Miller, John W. 'Wallace, 25. George A. Jenke, Harry While, 26. James Shcakloy, John G. White, 37. Albert G. Egbert, Carlton B. Curtis.* RHODE ISLAND—2. 1. William D. Beach, Benjamin T. Eamea.* 9. Samuel Rodman, Latimer W. Ballou. SOUTH CAROLINA—S. 1. Samuel Lee, r., Joseph H. Rainey,' e, 2. E. \V, M. Mnckoy, 0. \V. Ruttz, 9, Samuel.O. McGowan, Solomon L. Hoge. 4, JoaepU B. Kershaw, Alemuder 9, Wallace.* ff. Joseph P. M. Epping, Reuben Smalls, t. TENNESSEE—IO. 1. William McFarland, Roderick R. Butler.* 2, George W. Mnbry, Jacob M. Thornburgh.* j. George G. Dlbrell, David M, Nelbou. 4 . John W. Hoad, p, John M. Bright,* (5. John 1\ IlnuNc, Horace 11. ITarrliion.* 7. Wash. C. Whiithorno,* ——— Gibba. 8. John D. 0. Atkina,* T. C. Muse. 9. William P. Caldwell, David A. Nunn.* 10. H. Coney Young, Barbour Lewie,* 1. John 11. Reiman, 3, DavUlß. Culberson, S. Joa, W. Throckmorton, i\ W. Suinurr, 4. Roger Q. Mills,* I'ioisant M. Veil, n. John Hancock,* 0. Gustave Hdelclier, Jeremiah Galvan. veumont—(special election). 1. Alexander MeLsuo, Dudley 0, DenUon, VIHOINIA—9. 1, Bovcrly 13. Dopghuw, James 13, Sener,* 9. John dootlc, Jr,, James 11, Vlatt, Jr..* 3. Gilbert C. Walkvr, Unslt Burgess, 4 William 11. IJ. Stowell,* B, George C, Cabell, Christopher Y, Thomas,* C. John U, 'i'nekvr, James F, Johnson, 7, John T. llnrrjH,* John F. Lewis, p. lipps Uunton,* James 13arlimir, 0, William Terry, George W. llcmUrllte, WISCONSIN—B. 1. Nicholas 1). Frail, diaries G. Williams,* •j, Arniißi G. Cook, Lucien 11, Caswell, Charles r. Thimiiwon, Henry 8. Magoon, 4. William Pill Lynde, Harrison Lndlngton, fi. Samuel 1). Barchartl, Hltam Barber, 41. Gabriel Houck, Atimsou M. Kimball, 7, David C. Fulton, Jeremiah M. Husk.' 8, George W. Cate, Alexander S. McDIU. An American ami CBU Rcralrcr iu Hiraml Thompson, 00 American traveling iu England, wan brought boforo the magistrate at ll>o How-Street Police Court in London, on Get. JC, charged with discharging aloadcd revolver iu Covont Garden Tlieatro, to the danger of tho by. slanders. A police Haul that on the pre vious night, about twenty mfmitoft to 9, ho was on duty iu tho lobby at (.‘event Garden, when the prisoner was brought out from the promenade U two of the assistants at tho theatre. Witness wan told that tho prisoner had til cd off a revolver, Tho prisoner's rigUt-band coal-pocket had a hole through it which smolt rather of powder. An assistant at (’ovont Garden Theatre said ho heard tho report, and saw the smoko coming from tho prisoner's pocket. He at once took tho revolver from him and gave him in charge. No one was hurt, although tho proiuouade was crowded. Mr, Abrams, on the part of tbo do fondant, said that it was purely an accident. The prisoner was In tho habit of carrying a re volvor about in America, and on coining to En gland bo had forgotten to leave off tho custom. In getting his handkerchief out of his pocket ho bad accidently llrod tbo revolver. A gentleman came forward aud gave the prisoner a good char actor. Mr. Flowers said that he was inclined to l.elievo that it was only au accident, although he had hoard that Americans sometimes tired at au Adversary through their pockets. Ho should, therefore, merely order prisoner to enter into his own recognizances iu tho sum of X4O, and And one surety iu XliU for bis future good behavior. —An Aberdeen preacher recently commented in the following complimentary way upon tho conversational value of men and women: ••There is the same difference between their tongues as between tho hour and the minute bafldj one goes ten times ai fast, and tho other signifies Isa times u much.” Tho annual meeting of tbo Chicago Law In- Btltiite bad hold yoalorday Afternoon, in tho rooms of tho Institution, in tbo City-Hall build* log. W. 0. Qoudy occupied tho chair. Mr, Cooper moved that a Committee of Five bo appointed to uomlnato ofllcora for tho enou ing year. Tho Chair Appointed tho following: Mosers. Cooper, Troo, Avar, Fence, and Stiles. Tho Committoo then retired to coneldor their nominalionH. Tho Chairman announced that antuial reports from tho officers of the Institute wore in order. THE SCCnBTAUV'rt REPORT. Tho following is the substance of the report of Mr. J. L. High, tho Secretary: filneatbo lasi annual meeting, held Nov. 3,1973 (hero Imvo born twenty-seven additions to tho tncm« borsblp of tho Institute by now subscriptions, mid fif teen certificates of slock have been issued. Tho shares of stock of twenty-five members have been forfeited to the Institute, In accordance* with bee. 10 of tho by. laws, for non-payment of dues and assessments, first uud second notices of forfeiture having been duty Kcnrcdbythe Treasurer, and the delinquent list har ing l*en by him reported to tho Secretary. Tbo ac tual membership of tbo Inntitnto at this date is 320. During tho lineal year the Secretary has drawn upon (ho Treasurer llfly-nlno orders, numbered from 101 to 100 Inclusive, for the payment of obligations incurred by tho Institute, Ihe corresponding vouchors for which arc submitted. These orders amount in the Aggregate to the sum of $4,802,42, of which amount $2,810.80 lias I*ool expended for books, tho remainder being for miscellaneous expenses, such as salary of Assistant Librarian, insurance, repairs, etc. [The usual docu ments, list of names.of persona for whom orders were drawn, etc., accompanied the rojtorl.l In conclusion, the Secretary begs leave to congratu late (he Institute upon lie present prosperous condi tion, and to express his confidence that Its future prosperity and success are well assured by its record fur the last three year?. Tho report was accepted and adopted. TBB LimtAlllAN, Mr. Julius Rosenthal, made tho following report: The whole number of volumes added to tho library of the Chicago Law Institute since the last yearly mooting amount* to h77, consisting of Khollhu and American text-books, digests, statutes. periodical*, and EnglUh and American reports. All tho law books of any note published during tho year have been added m GQ7Q as they appeared, and the already large list of legal periodical* has been materially increased. The total number of books In our library is 8,135, among which there ore about 2,370 volumes of American re ports, and 920 English, Irish, and Scotch; 218 volumes of American statutes, and 331 volume* of session laws, 1,131 volumes of text-books, 167 volumes of digests, and 221 bound volumes of legal periodicals. Ah to American Reports, we liavo all, ex cept about 30 exceedingly scarce volumes, for which order* ary outstanding. H may not )>o uninteresting to you to learn that, according to Mr. Guernsey’* aletluHc*, In 1820—the time when the tirat volume of Kent's Commentaries was published—there were lu existence about 600 vol umes of Reports, both English and American. In 1839, there were about 530 American Reports alone. lu 1873, the number of American Reports had increased to about 2,346 volumes, and. during the year 1879, ninety-eight volumes of American Reports were pub lished. Wo are still deficient in original edition* of English Reports, as also in regard to the statute law* of usveral of tho State?. We have succeeded in secur ing a complete set of tho Philadelphia Law Library; a deportment of works on civil law, legal biography, and constitutional law and history—English and American—baa boon again opened—a good commence ment being already made. All tho later, and latest, English works on civil law will bo found in our schedule. Tbo following books have been lost during the year: Woguor’s Missouri Statutes, two volnmen; Cooley's Constitutional Limitations, one rolmno; Blackwell on Tax-Titles, one volume; Dillon on Municipal Corpora tion*, the second volume. A notice published in the Legal News for the return of those hooka was of no effect. Orders are outstand ing for a full set of the Lhw Journal Reports; the new senes of the Jurist; a full sot of the Weekly Iteporter { a duplicate set of HUnols Reports; and other works which. If they arrive, trill exhaust the balance of our treasury. Our thanks are due to the following donors: J. L. High,for his valuable treatise on “Extraordinary Reme dies”; U. C. Whitney, for au account of (be "Burch Divorce Casa**; 11. B. Hard, for Dm Revised Statutes of Illinois, which could not have otherwise been ob tained for many months; tho Librarian of Congress, for a catalogue of the Congressional Law Library; 8. D. Futcrbtuigb, for copies of his treatises on Law and Chancery, Pleading and Practice: Die Now York Library for a very valuable catalogue of tho books in that institution; J. 1). Brndwelt for legal documents; J.D,Ward for a revision of United HtatM Law, an extended notice of which has already appeared in the Lfi/al Ketee. In conclusion, 1 urge tbo assessment of sls on each share of stock, for tho ensuing year, to cover tho run ning expenses of tho library, and lUI up tbs depart ments that are incomplete. At ibis point tbo Committee returned and re< ported tboir list of nominations, as follows: hoard of Managers— F. H. Kales. W. C. Gaudy, Charles iillclicock, John L. King, I. N. .'JtUoa, S. W. Packard, U. W. Jackson, W. U. lung, Adolph Moses. Tbo Secretary was instructed to cast a single ballot, and tbo “ ticket ” was declared unani mously elected. Mr. J. L. High, tbe Secretary, said that, while bo felt a high honor bad boon conferred upon him, bo bogged leave to decline the oflico. Hnd bo bad any idea ot bis being nominated Again be would have declined before. TEXAS—6. William Chimbera, London. THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1874. LOCAL MISCELLANY. THE LAW LIBRARY. This report vr&s also adopted. OFFICERS. President—Melville W. Fuller. First Viee-Prmdrut—A. M, Pence. Neeond Fire-ZVesufenl—Thomas A. Moran, Librarian— Julius Rosenthal. Scn-fJary—J. L. High. 7'mistircr—J. P. Wilson, Mr. High's resignation was accepted, and J. J. Knickerbocker was elected in bis stead. Messrs. Cooper and Sboroy wero appointed to escort Mr. M. W. Fuller to tbo ebair. That gen tleman made a brief speech, and asked Mr. Gottdy to etoeo tbe mooting, as be bad com menced it, which Mr. Ooudy agreed to. Sir. Bissoll moved that an assessment on each slinro of stock bo made for tbo ensuing year, which prevailed. Mr. King offered a resolution requesting tbo Executive Committee to consider some means of bettor Advancing tbo interests of tbe Institute, aud of adding to tbo library, which was carried. NEBRASKA RELIEF. A meeting of tbo Executive Committee of tbo Chicago branch of tbo Nebraska Relief aud Aid Society was called for 3 o’clock yesterday in the oflico of tbo Secretary of tbo Board of Trade. A quorum not assembling, tbo meeting was not organized. Tiio branch baa been two weeks in existence, and tboir solicitations for money and supplies already aggregate in value about $6,01)0. Tbe movement originated in tbe Board of Traoo by reason of tbo knowledge of tho destitution caused among tbo fanners by tbo chinch-bugs and grasshoppers. E. 0. C. Ord, Major-General commanding tbo Military Department of tbo Platto, who is Chairman of tbo Nebraska State Society, has been instructed from Washington to assist in tbo distribution of supplies, and iu contributing to tbo relief of tbo settlors in every way la bis power. Tbo oxteni of tho destitution in Nebraska is hardly realized. Gon. Ord has reported to tho branch hero that the bodies of people who died of starvation havo been found by bis men in tboir marches, and men and women have been discovered whoso only moans of subsistence for weeks has been clothing, which they gnawed at ns rats do. Tbo subscriptions by tho several branches of trade received thus far aro : nv HOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. DoggcU, Bassett k (George P. Qoro k Co.l so Hllln 100 Josniib Pratt ,10 McAuley, Yoe A: C 0.,, 100lT» D. Weber k C 0.... 100 Greensfehler, lloaon- Shay k Pearson 60 that kCo 100 M.B. Wells k C 0.... 100 C. H. Fargo k C 0.... lOOiQeo. 8. Blchardson k FUelpß, Podge ft Cal mer. I Co lOOlFarmim & OUa, I'hlUp Goldman WP 0. M, Henderson ft Co 100 l Those contributions arc in goods. BY HAUnWAUR JLIKIIOMAMS. Hibbard, Hpeucet ft McDonald Bros, ft C 0..... | 100 Hoard % 10 IVm. Blair ft C 0.,.., 100 llcdfleld, Bowen ft Uale, Ayor ft Co.. .. 100 Co 23 Murkloy, Ailing, k |r. HayUcu & C 0...,. 25 Co 00 Fairlunk, Morse <si Kirk 4; lUrkop GO 1 C 0.... 00 Crerur, Attaint k Co. 00‘1’nrkliurut k Wilkin. Heebergor h Ureakoy, 00 sou 23 Uatbboiu?, Sard A: Co. 60(8. H. Rmmom k C 0... 2.1 Brtntuall, Terry k I Fuller,Wamm, k Co. 25 Bolden... 29|Frank Hlurjeu A Co.. 20 Crwjiu iVrotUurn k jlidwln limit ii Sou Chandler 2j| Smith it Duncan. UY MAT AMD CAP VCALKUB. Kotlb Hrou $ oOiWaleli k Ilutcblmou 20 Kddy, lUrvoy k Car* Williams, Milltr k ter 23 Olrastcad 35 Bwoet, Domjitter k (CUarlen A. Lewis k Co *■ 15 •i»j Co 50 Amen, Klwrm«v& Co. 10 w]mug. Jlroa. & C 0.... ns D, It. FiwU & 00. flatfe, ikon. It Oo (Umbel, Lnitdaurr It (jFloraltfim 25 | f 30i> JiY Vi'IIOI.EB*t.B liIIY aoulia (IN (iOOHiI AND OAtilt). Held, Loiter I: 0n...$ tmiUcuurda, Show & Front Commorford,, ;»] WJuelovr .. J. V.FurweU U 00... 00] Keith It Galo HtoiUucr. Bro*. It Co, 60j0, L. Young & 00. Curaon, I’lrie, Scott h 00. Tho wholesale grocois contribute goods ami money, amounting to 0210; ami tho mom* boreof tho Board of Trado 02,050, of which tho largest subscriptions are those of Armour, Dole A Co.. $500; Manger. Wbooler A Co., $100; J. A K. Buckingham, SIOO. • Tho lumber dealers have sent iu S2OO, tho druggists $l5O, and the clothing dealers SIOO in cash and articles of wear; those lists are not yet completed. , „ it _ . Mr, Cooley, of tho Executive CoamUloo of (ho Relief Society, reports (hot throe cars of beans and one car of dried applon, with a nuan tity of bools and nkoce, wore sent forward yes terday by the local branch. TEMPERANCE. Tho Lttdioa’ Cook County Totuperauoe Union met in tho chapol of (he Methodist Chnroh Block yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, about 150 being present. In the absence of tho President, Mrs. Qoorgo Hounds occupied tho chair. Tho moot ing opened with singing, reading of the 40th Psalm, and prayer by Mrs. Van Osdcll. On motion, a committee of throe, consisting of Mrs. Wirts, Mrs. Van Oadoll, end Mrs. Hobbs, was appointed to wait upon Mayor Colvin and request him to enforce tho ordinance prohibiting tho sale of liquor on election-day. After tho Committee had departed on thoir mission, tho ladies spent a few moments in of fering silent prayer that thoir errand might bo crowned with success. After tho singing of “ Rock of Ages,” Mrs. F. E. Qriflhlh, of Mt. Union, 0., was called upon, and said sho had more to say to women than to men. God bad u wonderful work for tho women of Amorioa to accomplish. Women wore pe culiarly adapted to work of a reformatory char acter 5 they had a nameless something about them that gave them faith in God arm humanity. Mon rondo promises to women quicker than to men, and kept vhem better. God bad instituted this temperance reform, and when Ho did so Ho not only meant tho eradication of tho giant evil, but wanted to show to woman that tho work of the world did not all belong to men. It wbb wrong for women to sit down and spend thoir lives in idle sorrow. If they prayed for tho ex termination of Intomneraoco (hoy mud also work for U. God worked through Hie spirit and hu man instrumentality combined. When they read of noblo-bcartcU missionaries going to hoathou lauds, it appeared to bo a grand and boiv achievement, but they forgot the heathen all around them at homo. When they consecrated themselves to the Lord thoy must give Him choir work also. It might prove a cross to many, but it would bo a cross twined with flowers and crowned with immortelles. Dared they think that every day ICO graves wore filled with drunkards, and not lift up thoir hands to stay the progress of that stupendous curse ? Mr* Grittoth' hero related several interesting incidents of the cru sade movement iu Ohio, and said tho crusade movement had had its day, and hod accomplish ed its work. In two States 800 “Baloonists”— —who called them—hod been converted, and now who had not listened in morov must listen in judgment. As to the work in Chicago, oho said public sentiment must be worked up: pledges should be circulated; young ladies should combine, and organize, and go down through the dork valley of old-molacnhood rather than accept tho Attentions of a man who drauk, and thus thoy would become a power in tho land. She also spoko strongly against tho uso of fermented wines at thocommunion-tablo, and tho uso of liquors in cooking. Many a drunkard bad been made so at home. If tho women would but work, eho said, God would bo with thorn. During Mrs. Grlffoth's “talk,” the Committee appointed to wait upon Mayor Colvin arrived, and at this point reported that tho Mayor bad already issued a proclamation ordering the en forcement of tho ordinance to-day, and that ho apprehended no drunkenness. Mother Stuart related a few anecdotes of cru sade life iu Ohio, and indorsed tho opinions of Mrs. Griffoth on the use of fermented wines at the sacrament. A rising vote of thanks was then tendered to Mrs. Stuart for her presence and labors In Chi cago. After giving a notice of tho temperance mass-meeting in tbo evening, the following women’s pledge was then read by the Secretary, and a number of signatures aQixod, making 220 In all: VTe, the undfindpncil, women of Chicago, earorally pltdgo oiiT*oltM, in integrity nmt honor before Qofi, to aUtnln from tbs use and trafllo In Ml Intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and that vro vrlt not in any way oiler the same to others to be roused; and wo further solemnly covenant before Ood henceforth to work and and pray for the suppression of Intemperance as a oln against Ood and man, and that In this work wo will uko aurli means, and forward such mcasurco, as Ood shall direct through the Holy Spirit iu answer to prayer. Tho mooting thou adjourned. OBIjUINAIj record, criminal court. Judge Booth —Tho November terra opened, with Judge Booth, of tbo Circuit Court, and ox-ofiicio Jndgoof tbo Criminal Court, on tbo Bench.—Tho Grand and Petit Juries wore impaneled. Tho following is tho list of tho Grand Jurors: Itoubou Taylor, foreman ; F. Babcock, J. It. Millor, W. H. Cunningham, Charles Donnelly, Phillip Stoinmuoller, G. A. Gruia, M. S. Herrick, Julius fihufotdt, J. It. Gaskins, E. T. Watkins, W. O. Frisheo, M. La Monte, Thomas Itapp, L. H. Vanderburgh, H. G. Ryan, A. D. Lane, Will iam Coe, Josso Dyer, Joseph Roed, T. B. Bridges, J. P. Ellicott, and G. Runyan. Judgo Booth briefly charged tho jury, and remarked that ho had learned that tbo last Grand Jury had abuEod propriety, and gone outside of thoir pre rogatives in tbo notorious MoGntry-McDon ald caso by sending for and hearing witnesses in behalf of tho dofooso. Tho Judgo charged tho jury that they had no right to hoar other than tho witnesses for tho prose cution, and if they thought tho evidence snfil dent thou they must not fail to return an indict ment. Tho Court then adjourned till this morn ing at 10 o'clock. To-morrow tho call of tho criminal docket will begin. ICBTICU COURTS. Justice Boyden~~ John Finnegan, arrested for tbo larceny of a coat belonging to James Thomp son : held'to (bo Criminal Court in bail of S3OO. —Lizzie Napoleon, arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, with intent to kill Hattie John son ; continued till tbo 7th inst. in bail of SSOO. —i’homas Boyd, arroaved for malicious mis chief ; bold to tbo Criminal Court in bail of £4oo.—William Bogota, arrested for larceny; continued till tho 14th lost, in bail of ssoo.—lsaac Simmons, arrested for vagrancy; continued till Co-morrow io hail of S2OO. —Frank M. Putnam, arrested for larceny of property belonging to K. C. Brower; fined S2O and sentenced for ton days to tbo Uoueo of Correction.—Jonas Holley and John Coulou, arrested for vagrancy and swindling in tho bunko business; fined $25 each and sou lenccd to tho Bride well for sixty days: decision appealed to tbo Criminal Court.—Will iam Clarkson, arrested for larcony of property at tbo Palmer House; continued till the 12th inst. in bail of $lO3. Justice 'SouUy—to ike Delaney, arrested for vagrancy; continued tilt to-morrow in bail of s2oo.—Garrett Fitzgerald, arrested for vagrancy; continued till to-morrow in bail of s2oo.—John Elsworth and John Ryan, arrested for larceny of a horse and buggy belonging to John Buckhardt, 430 Arnold street; bold to tbo Criminal Court in bail of S3OO each.—Thomas Lynch, arrested for robbing Janies McCormick ; held to the Criminal Court in bail of S7OO. — John Donohue, arrested for disorderly conduct; enminued till to-day in bail of s2oo.—Maggie Mulonoy, arrested for larceny; sent to tho Bridewell for fifty day.—James Gleason, arrested for disorderly conduct; fined s2o.—James Mc- Cormick; bold as a witness against Thomas Lynch, who robbed him, in bail of S3OO. Justice Kaufmann— Herman Bcbubcrt, arrest od on tho charge of larcony as bailee; continued till tbo stb inst. in bail of s4oo.—John Wind&u and Rosina Hayden, arrested on complaint of Georgo Hayden on tho charge of adultery; con tinued till to-morrow in hail of SBOO each.— Michael Grnbili and James Bunnell, arrentod for highway robbery; held to the Criminal Court iu bail of $1,200 each. Justice Vau'l li'omf— Georgo V. Miller was be fore the Justice yesterday charged with obtain ing a suit of olotniug valued at S4O from J. J. Mamoll, a clothing merchant at 209 Blue Island avenue. It seems that last Friday Millorrapro sonted to tho complainant that he was tho owner of a bacber-ehop on Bluo Island avouuo, and on this representation Marnoll sold Itim tho suit, to bo paid for Saturday next. He subsequently dis covered that Millet was not tho owner of tho shop, and boncetbo arrest. The examination of tho charge against tho prisoner was continued till the Gth inst. in bail of SSOO.—W. M. Molchort and George T. Pryso wore on trial yesterday on tho charge of riot modo against thorn by Henry Salhinger. Tho evidence was that tho complainant purchased a sowing-machine from A. J. Meiohart, a Bmgor sowing-machiuo agent, on tonus which, if not complied with, would re turn tho machine to tho agent. Balhlngor, it ap pears, dul not comply with tho contract, and tho defendants wont to his place of business, 143 South Halstcd street, and attempted to carry It off by furcu. To this procedure Halhingor ob jected, whereupon tbo two men, as tho com plainant Dialed, did t(fko it by force and violence, uud Jiouco the arrqpt. Tho Justice, after care fully hearing the evidence, concluded that tho mattor would bear investigation by the Grand Jury, and hold the prisoners to the Criminal Court in bail of $250 each. SI,OOO $ 323 NiacviuLANnoos. Arrests— Constable John Casey and Michael Kennedy bad a light in a saloon on Canal street, north of Madlnou, last ovoulng, and tbo former was roughly handled, and would have boon flhookingiy beaten but for Officer SmitU’o Inter- foronco, Kennedy waa arrested.—William Flynn and Charles Smith mot in ft saloon on Wont Lake street, now tho bridge. ®“ out 2 o’clock yesterday aftornoon, and ft little game of euchre ensued for a small wager. During tbo game a dispute arose, and Flynn claims that Bmtth otruck blm, and ho drew ft revolver to de fend bimsolf. Smith followed him out on the sidewalk, ami when ho attempted to strike Flynn again, the lattor fired four shots at him without effect. Citizens on tho street, who saw tbo shooting, caught hold of Flynn and gave him a terrible boating. Ilia face wan swollen aa big ana bushel, and hla eyes were nearly closed. O&icorn Watoin aad Omul) appeared on tho ground and arrooted both combatants. Two West Side street-ear driven? entered tho jewelry store of M, Kell, No. 21 Went Madison street, yesterday afternoon, and after being shown some watches walked out without pur chasing. Mr. Kell diacovorod that ono of the timekeepers was missing, and caused tho arrest of tho partios. GENERAL NEWS, The alarm from Box 317 at 8:20 yesterday morning, was occasioned by a slight firo at No. 251 West Madison street. Damage trifling. ‘ Tlio tomporaturo yesterday, an observed by Manaaso, optician, under Tub Tiujionb Building, was in tho shade, at 7 ft. ra., 03 deg. Fahr.; 10 n. ra., 09; 12 m., iO \ 3p. m., C 8; Cp. m., 515 and 8 p. m., 51. Tho explosion of a gas-pipe yesterday ovon irg on Canalport avonuo, between Brown and Johnson streets, sot lire to the sidewalk, and caused a lively blaze, which was extinguished by tho firemen of Engine 25. A Bloat-built, block-hrurod, jolly-looking olork and ft solitary Aldermen were the only repre sentatives of the Common Gonnoil at roll-call last evening. Tho others.—thrirty-olght Alder men and three clerks,—were away electioneering. Tho Standing Committee, which is tho highest Episcopal authority in tho absence of a Dioscesan Bishop, hold a meeting at No. ICO East llandolph street, yesterday afternoon, and decided to issue tv call for a special convention, to bo hold At tho cathedral, Tuesday morning, Jan. 2(1, for tho purpose of electing a Bishop of Illinois, and transacting all business germane thereto. A sad accident occurred last evening, about 7:39 o’clock, to Mrs. Kate Diction, wife of tho County Agent, at her residence, No. 31 Chicago avenue. Bbo was sitting at a sewing machine, 00 which had boon placed a lighted kerosene lamp, whoa suddenly and unexpectedly tho treacherous oil exploded and burst over her, burning her about the face, arms, and body in a shocking manner. When her half-burned gar ments were removed, tbo skin and Itcsh pooled off in strips. Dr. Carlman was called and dressed tho bums. Ho pronounces her recovery doubt ful. Two lard-tanks, containing about 100 tlcrccs, exploded at the packing-Uouuo of Allorton «fc Go., at the Stock-Yards, about. 1:30 yesterday rooming. Tho building over tbo engino-houso was demolished. and tbo tanks thrown some distanco. Tbo lard was scattered in all direc tions. John Egan, tbo night watchman, was thrown in tbo air 60 foot from tho tanks, and hod ouo of bis legs broken. Tbo loss amounta to $12,000. There was only 10 pounds of steam on at the time of tho explosion. Tho causes which led to tbo bursting of tbo tanks arc un known. Tho naturalization business at the City-Hall was very lively all day yesterday and last oven* ing, and on an estimate about 600 certificates wore issued. Judges Gary and Moore devoted nearly the whole of cbo day towards swearing iu now citizens. Toward • evening tho crowd grow unruly, ami a largo sprinkling of drunken men was noticed. No serious disturbances oc cured, although one man for a time threatened to make trouble by showing a pistol, hut ho was induced to leave. There will bo no opportunity this morning to got papers at tho City-Hall, al though the Clerks' offices will bo open. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The County Commiaeionois hold a five minutes' meeting yesterday. Tho Judiciary Commltteo reported in favor of paying tho second installment of tho South Park oGseesraont, amounting to $1,616.07, against county property in Hyde X’ork known as tbo “ Reform School Grounds,” and of $94.88 to bo spent on improvements on Hydo Park avenue. Tbo report was put through without a disaouting voice. Several small bills wero reported from tbo Committee on Charities and Buildings, tho same being approved. Thomas Wlnslcd was elected Election Judge in place of Marl; Kimball, resigned, Third Pre cinct, Fourth Word. The Board adjourned to Thursday at 2 p. m. THE TUNNEL CABLE. At last Chicago-liko her rivals, 'New York anti London—is to have a submarine cable. It is to bo laid intho now tunnel, which is now complet ed, and out of which tbo water is kept only un til the cable shall bo laid. Tbo subject was first broached some two years ago, when Col. Wilson, of tbo Western Union Telegraph Company. In a letter to Mayor Mcdill. suggested that before tbo new tunnel was closed a submarine cable should bo run through, which should connect the crib with tbo Water-Works, tho City-Hall, and the United States Slgnal-Sorvico Deportment,—the latter for tbo benefit of commerce, ns in case of an approaching storm a flag could bo raised at tho crib. This letter was afterwards turned over to tho Board of Public Works. Orders bare now been issued by E. B. Chand ler, Superintendent of tho Fire-Alarm Telegraph, for tbo carrying out of tbo ideas and suggestions embodied in Col. Wilson’s letter. Advertise ments for sealed proposals for furnishing mate rials wore published, and yesterday they were to be opened. Only one bid was received, and that was from George H. Bliss & Co., of Chicago, agents for tbo Bishop Cable Works. Their bid specified tbo manufacture of 10,800 feet of double cable; ono conductor to bo of five and the other of seven copper wires, twisted spirally. Each conductor is Imbedded in the centre of guttn poroba three-eighths of an inch m diameter; this in turn to bo tightly wrapped with tarred hemp, the whole making a rone about 1 inch m diam eter. The figure named in tbe bid was $3,012. Tho contract will bo awarded to those parties to-morrow, and tho work will probably bo com pleted within thirty days. For tho present tho shore end of tho cable will connect with tbe Water-Works only. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tbo Ladies’ Aid Society of Hahnemann Hos pital will moot Wednesday, at 11:30 a. m., in tbo Hospital. Tbo Ror. Dr. M. M. Parkburst will deliver a lecture on “ Japan and tbe Japanese " this even ing, in the Michigan Avcuuo Methodist Church. Foraous wishing women for washing, ironing, or scrubbing can find them at tbe rooms of tbe Woman’s Aid Association, Ko. 51 LaSalle street. The weekly meeting of tho Society of Good Samaritans will be hold this afternoon at Room 8 Relief Building, Ko. 61 LaSalle street. Tbo Custom-House will be closed to-day, but tho night ofilco at Rush street bridge will bo kept open for the reporting aud clearing of vessels. “The Ladies’ Educational ami Industrial Aid Society" will meet Ibis aftoruoon »t 3 o'clock, at Boom 40 McCormick Block. AH persons wishing to go with the Grand Bivor Colony aro requested to meet at No. 125 Adams street, at 8 o’clock this morning. Tbo monthly meeting the Ladies* Aid Society of Hahnemann Hospital, will be held to-day at 10:80 a. m., in the .Hospital. Tlio ealo of “option tickets," which entitle the holder to select reserved seats for any of the twenty Star Lecture-Course entertainments be may prefer, will begin Monday. The members and adherents of the First Scotch Presbyterian Church of Chicago who do not decline the authority of the Presbytery ot Chatham are requested to meet at the residence of George McPherson, No. 785 West Madison street, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, to hour the report of the Commission appointed to at tend the late rosaion of such Presbytery, and to take such further action as may bo proper when mot. PERSONAL. The lion. Michael Casey, ot Limerick, Ireland, arrived here yesterday. lie is accompanied by T. C. Uannlgan, Esq. Tiro friends of Gen. Logan will bo sorry to loam that his health still continues feeble. He will leave this week for Washington, but he will find it necessary to spend some time in Bouth Carolina, perhaps in Cuba. It is hoped that a few weeks of rest under milder skies will restore him to bis scat in tbe Senate. Thirty Chinese children, their ages varying from 0 (o 15, lino, clean, intellectual-looking, with the wonderfully-clcar olive skin of their race, a tow wearing the satin knee-boots and yellow silk collar that betokens royal blood,were In the city yesterday. They are under tbe charge of Kwoog-Kl-Chin, Commissioner of the Chinese Educational Union, And aro going to Hartford to bo educated. They loft. China Sepk. 10, reached San Francisco 0ct.21, from Shanghai. Speaking of Mrs. Swlßsbolm’s bonoot, a cor respondent of tho Detroit Free pram says t “ Bbo drosses plainly, wears short drosaos, and a. silk bonnet with wide, short strings, pinned under lior chin. This bonnet, which in always laid aside whoa oho speaks, la a marvel In ft« way i its general appearance would Indicate that it belonged to tho pro-bialorio print. It evidently has required about three Union tho time, trouble, and material that would bo requisite to con struct a modern one ; for it is puffed, shirred, and gathered till not ft single plain place in loft in the whoio affair; but she clings to it with a devotion that only voars of constant companion ship could awaken. HOTEL ARtUVAM. Palmer Hoimr— I Tho Hon. David T. Liltler, Springfield : Col. Holmes, Toledo ; E. E. Mack, Aibany: Judge 0. Baldwin, Council Bluffs: E. Wiuuo, London; Coi. E. L. Morriflold, Now York; W. F. Hawley, Boalon ; Lewis 11, Bristol, New Haven ; Prof. M. C. Vincent, Loudon : the Hon. S. 31. Cullom, Springfield. . . . Orand Pacific Hotel—George Darling, Rochester; M. 8. McCullough, Philadelphia; John G. Scott, St. Louis ; C. It. Garrison, William It. Garrison, F. W. Flanders. Hew York ; King Houston, Manchester, England. HILLY JfANSIItO. To the Editor of The Chicago Tribune 8m: I bog that you will allow me space In your columns to give to Hie nubile my positive denial to an article having reference to myself which appeared in your Sunday morning's ie.sue. While X can but smilo at tbo petty malice ot the writer of that article, I must frankly admit my morliilcatinn in being made to appear iu so piti ful a light before tbo friends and admirers or my husband. Gtatofully remembering as I over shall tho hearty and generous recognition which Mr. Manning has over mot from the public, 1 have little cause to resort to any cheap artifice to further aeauro hie popularity os an ortist in Lis profession. In toia Chicago will bear mo witness. Again. X were grossly Ignorant could I for a moment have supposed that a basket of (lowers placed directly upon tho railing of the box occupied by Miss Kellogg could by any possible chance bo intended for Mr. Schoolcraft, t rightly bellovo that tho llowora wore placed there ns a delicate compliment to tho distinguished singer. Tho fiowors presented to Mr. Manning wore not ordered or sent for by mo, and tho allusion to myself by Mr. Manning woo but a part of his act. Ho was under con tract to Mr. Aims at a salary of $l5O per week to contribute bis share of amusement to tho public; tbo audience came to laugh, and who should complain if they wore not disappointed? Mr. Mouning was, and is still, under tho doctor's care, Buffer ing will: bomorriiage of tbo lungs. Tho article in question, as referring to mo, was untrue in the extreme, as tho public bare loft me no room for envy or Jealousy. Bo far os my husband's reputation as anariist Is concerned, were I so potty and contemptible oa to barber such feel ings in my nature, if there bo jealousy or envy in any manner relating to Mr. Manning and any member of the company at tho Opera-House, tbo informer of tbo article in question can with more truth search at other doom than mine. Jins. William Manning. Cuicaoo, Nor. 2,1874. THE CITY-HALL, The Board of Public Works yesterday awarded the contract (or the construction of tho tivo-coa ducting wire cnblo from the Water-Works build ing to tho crib, to George 11. Bliss & Co., tho ouly bidders, at a price of $3,912. The appropriations made for street improve ments in each of the three Divisions of the city are neatly all expended. Commissioner Wahl, of tho South Division, has about $3,000 loft; if necessary ho will make temporary uao of tho sur plus par): fund. Commissioner Thompson, of the West Division, has about $19,000 remaining, lie thinks he can manage to got along until tho next appropriation. Commissioner Prindiviilo, of tho North Division, has barely anything loft, and is at a loss to know what to do. A delegation from tho Ladies* Temperance Union, consisting of Mrs. Wirt, Mrs. Von Oedell, and Airs. Hobbs, called ou Mayor Colvin yester day afternoon, requesting him to order tho closing of all saloons on election dav. They woro nonplussed, however, when His Honor in formed them that ho had already issued a procla mation to that effect. It was evidently more than tho ladles expected. A committee of tho Citizens’ Association, com posed of Messrs. D. G. Lamed, L. 13. Boomer, and B. P. Dcrickaou, yesterday presented to the Mayor the petitions for tho reorganization of tho City Government under the General Incorporation act. T|io Mayor received (he petitions, and signed an acknowledg ment for tho receipt of (hem, which wos countersigned by Air. Moody, Deputy City Clerk. The petitions are signed by many of tho most influential men of tho city,—m fact, nearly all the signatures will bo recognized by every business-man. Tho actual count of the signa tures is 15,079. The petitions will bo presented to tho Council at its next regular mooting. TEE ASSESSMENT. Tbo employes of the Tax-Coinmisslonor’s of fice yesterday completed tbo footing-up of the total asßOHuuicut of property in this city, ns equalized by tbo Equalization Hoard at its Inst BCBBion. Appended is a table exhibiting the to tal amounts iu each division of tho city, sepa rately: WF.BT DIVISION, Real estate Improvements ... Personal, including banka SOUTH DIVISION. Real estate Improvements.. Persona], including banks • NORTH division. Real estate..... Improvements,. Pecboncl, including banks, THE CUT, Ileal estate and improvements $2M,W9.310 Personal property, including banks 43,ii1.?,1)iu Shipping 1,164,830 ToUl Tho total asecHumcnt on National Banks, which is included iu the poraonal-propcrty assessment, ia SB,USS,COO. As noon as tbo Common Coancil pass the or dinance levying the tax on the sbovo assess ments, tho work of extending tho tax and pre paring tho warrants will bo immediately com meucod. If tbero is no unexpected delay, Tax- Commissioner McGrath expects to have the warrants prepared and in tbo hands of the City Collector by (ho 10th of December. It will bo econ. on comparison with last year’s assess ments, that there has been a falling off of nearly <1)8,000,000. This decrease is nearly uniform in all the different assessments. THE TOLEDO CEMETERY CASE. Toledo. 0.. Nov. 2.—-The Court of Common Fleas, Judge Collins presiding, to-day rendered a decision in tbo Catholic cemetery case, re ferred to in a former dispatch, refusing to grant tho injunction applied for by John Wynn to pre vent interference by Father O’Reilly with the burial iu tho St. Francis do Silcs Cemetery of Wynn's wife, a non-communicant. Excursion Tickets Ar» bow on »alc from Chicago to JackßonriHt, Fix, and return, via. Kankakee Lino or Pittsburg, Cincin nati & St. Louis Railroad. Tlckota are goad to return until June, 1675. For further Information, apply at office, No. 121 Randolph street. IS. Gallup, General Western Pasaougor Agent. Important to Travelers. Wbtn you visit or leave the City of New York, savi canlogc-hire, aud slop at the Grand Union Hotel, op posite the Grand Central Depot, It has over 5130 ole* gantly-furnlshcd rooms, and fa fitted up at an expense of over $900,000, European plan. Heed’s Temple of Music. Fine rorowood pianos, prices SCOO to $700; terms, SSO cash, balance $35 per mouth. Splendid organs with six stops for $133; terms, $25 cash, balance on monthly payments. Au Untimely interruption* From IM CofevWe (Kan.) Courier. The boy* toll a good one ou Jim Eurodollar, of the Osage Agoucy. It seems ho had aont hia washing to a full-blood Osage squaw who was to have It done and bring it homo ou Saturday night. The squaw failed to fulfill tho contract, however, and ou Sunday Jim had to go to church with the some suit ho wore during tho week. In the meantime ho had sent word to his washer woman to 4 * bring them ehlrta.” Ho had Just got comfortably seated in tho church, and tho gravo minister had opened up iu thunder tones ou sin ners generally, when iu stopped a big Osage In dian with a package under his blanket, who be gan making all kinds of unintelligible signs to our friend. Jim appeared to take uo notice of his presence, however, until by hla amliblo whis pers and frantic gesticulations the Indian had attracted tho attention of tho entire congrega tion, and fauly horrillod our hero by drawing forth a shirt with u stunningly dean front, sev eral pair of socks, and otlior things that go to complete a fashionable young man's wardrobe. Ibia was too much for biro, and ho immediately arose and beckoning tko persistent laundry-dork out, he then and (hero exhausted both the En glish and Osage vocabulary of epithets, after which he took charge of tho clothes, and told I'm dusky warrior to go his way. Profane laiurua™ Is prohibited ot tho Agency, but it in said tint Jim made good use of all tho emphatic religious odjoctives that came within his grasp marriages. deaths. feXrVhteV.f'lm' tcodl * " 0T '• 157, » New York Glly ptptn ule&it copy. JtiSh™ HARRIS—At the residence of h,jf non.ln-law n«i Robert. Forsyth, "Lawndale," Chicago. 11l WVji«S« T. UnrrU, lii tboWUi year nt her Age. ‘ M Bnk * Romania to Columbus, Alisa., for Interment. 1 .phOWNBLL-Nor. 5, at tbo realdooee of 0. Provo ail I|3 Vlnonnooa*ftT., at 11:45 a. ni., Mr. tiabrt M ruSS.* ell, aro ®i year*, 3 months, 31 daya. * Uloira . ueuiAins will be taken to MUliogtoo, Kendall Co in for burial oa Nov. f. * SPECIAL NOTICES. For Upwards of Thirty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP hat bees mod •r children vlth tmor*f*Ulng success. It eorreoU acid ity of tho atomath, relieves wind colic. regulates the bow els, cores dysentery nnd diarrhea, whether arising front {coining or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. For all Purposes of a Family Liniment, ,!f, W SSfS Children Often Look Pole and Sick From no other cause than having worm, la Ihoitemaob. BROWN'S VKUMIFDOK COMFITS will destroy wormi without Injury to the child, being perfectly wjutb, and free from nil coloring or other Injurious Ingredient* u»o --ally used In worm preparation*. Sold by *ll druggist*. 35 cents a box. PERFUMERY. TUlt CELEBRATED Phnlon’sCcrous (N. 8.) Flor <Io Mayo Morse’s White Rose, Morse’s AVonfl Violet, Morse’s Fiiphina Bouquet, Morse’s Dedication Bouquet, Kxeel in Aromatic onnlitioß, while in FRESHNESS and CONCENTRATION of choice fluwor odors they ore war ranted to corpses the moat celebrated English Mid French msnfac»uroa. Wholesale hy VAN KOIIAAOK. STEVENSON di REID. Sold by all and Not Hon Ptnlnrs. AUCTION SALES. By GJiO. P. (JOBE & CO., 08 & 70 Wabash-av. SPLENDID DRY GOODS SALE. FINEST OF TEE SEASON. TUESDAY, Nor. 3, at-9)4 o’clock a. tn., la addition to oarvlegMillltioof DllliSlf GOODS, in Rich Silks, Sat ini, Alpaca?, Einprorfs Cloths. Cheeks, Stripes, >to., wo .bell offer a clioioe invoke of I,VW Dozen Gentlemen’* FINE FRENCH SUSPENDERS, to which especial at tention in Jnritod, an every lot Is to bo cold, and country merchants end buyers generally will find it to their tutor* oat to bo on baud early, as the sale of those goods take* place at lll,’-ja. m. Wilt also sell an elegant lino of CJenta’ Cardigan*. Roark, Gloves, Mahlers, Shirts, Underwear, and General Furnishing Goods. Al«o. special salo of Gloves, in Ladles', Boys', and Tenth's wear. Feathers, Flowers, Lftcos. And Ruffling*. Hats and Caps, Notions. Hosiery, llambtirgs, 40. Lluon Goads, Including a rich lino of Fancy Colored Damask Table Covers. Knit Goods, Wordens, Pisco Goods, do. Pocket Cutlery. Plated Ware, Hardware, do. Itroobs Shawls. Furs. <tc. Also, Regular Bat.} of Ingrain Carnots. GEORGE P. GORE A GO., 350 Samtes, with 800 Gases Dafcates, OF CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AID SHOES, Will be sold at Auction, by Catalogue, on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at O 1-2 a. tn. GEO. P, GORF4CO., 6*J and 70 IVabanb-tr. TKCTjmSXJA.'S', ETOTT, 5, REGULAR THURSDAY'S SALE OF Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, and Clothing*. Wo ahall offer a full lino of Mod's and Boys’ Overcoats; also. Suits, Coats, J’sntr, Jackets, Vests, and Cardigans. Also, Piece Goods, Woulans, Uorlury, Underwear, ilsu and Caps, Ao. Government Clothintf, in good order and regular alzc#, by the package. NoUons, White Goods, Dross Coeds, nambnret. Lin ens, Ac. QEO. P. GORE A CO., By WM. A. BUTTERS & CO.* AUCTIONEERS. .$ 74,600,730 . 26,108,400 . 0,016,070 AT SALESROOMS, DRY GOODS, HOOTS. .SHOES, IIATS AND FURS, TUESDAY .MORNING AT 9M O’CLOCK. .$ 86,980,830 . 1)6,448,9:10 . 33,200,310 FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVER, PIANOFORTE*, CROCKERY. IN OPEN LOTS, BUGGIES. UORSKH A Nib HARNESS, WEDNESDAY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK. DRV GOODS. WOOLENS, AND CI.OTYiTnO. ' THURSDAY MORNING AT QX O'OLOQJC. .$ 9,701,070 3,431,070 3,C00,630 REGULAR SATURDAY SALK. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS. AND CARPETS* PARLOR AND OIIAMRRR SETS, STOVES, OUOOKRRY WARE, TAItLK CUTLERY. AND A LARGE VARIETY OP OTHER GOODS, SATURDAY MORNING. AT W O’CLOCK. .$301,730,030 special Norton. RANICRUPT STOCK OF HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, AND FURS, Just rcocirej fruia New York, to be *«M without reserve. TUESDAY MORNING. NOV’. 3. AT 9W O’CLOCK, AT WAI. A. BUTTERS ± CO.’S BALKSUOOMS. NO. 108 EAST MADISON-ST., SECOND FLOOR. TWO-STORY DWELLING, OK LEASED LOT. NO. US UUEON-hT.. WILL RR SOLD FOR CASH. . THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOV. 6, ATS O'CLOCK, ON THE PREMISES. Wii. A. RUTTERS k CO., Auctioneer*. By SMITH & HAIvKISON. Oo TUESDAY, Her., f. At 10Xo'clock. ot onctlon, U3 Rich »nd Rlsfeck ENGLISH & BEELIN OHEOMOS, And ICO Superb Steel Engravings. At SI Madison-st., Opposite MoVloker’a Tbettn. This Bups'iorcollcoiton will be offered to tbe public with the rASUtfc&ua that ttaer plctaraa were never altown at Auction in •L‘*g, l jf rn t FIATIRISnN. Auctioneer.. BOCIUWELL, WILLIAMS & CO., SOI and SOB ModUon-flt- HEW AND SECONDHAND FUMTIIIIB, CARPETS, SzG., THIS DAY, 9:30. at .Salesroom. Largs and attractive sale of DBiYanil *oooud*hma FonUturo, comprising Chamber, Parlor, Dining-room and Kltohea Furniture, Carpota, jlodi. Mattresses, Comforton, China, Glass, Cutlery* glovos, Ac. *Vho wholt to be said without reserve to oloe* advances. KIGVKb-A largo variety of Parlor, Olflee, Store and Conking Stores, to bo sold Immediately aflol the sal* of Furniture. By WM. F. HODGES & CO. 390 South Halsted-st., AVE SHALL SELL 0s Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 10 a. m„ The entire contonta, consisting of floe Brussels Carpets, I U.C. Parlor Salt, Marble-top Chamber Suits, Dining and KlloUcn Furniture, Also everything pertaining to g flnt’dass Laundry. Sale positive and without reserve. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE For City aM Coniitry Bnyers, Wednesday Morning, at 0 1-2 o'clock. Till. b.Io nlll 1,0 only to Ui, triicio, 00n.1.t10, od.oo, doz. Slum ami Drawers. W0 dos. Nubias, Wil doe. Scarfs, KW *nts Furs. Fancy Hosiery, Cardigan.Jackets L also. U0 Paisley and Woolen Miauls. 10 oases Rro. and Hlaek Uouvura. Caishnoros, Blankets. Au., Ac., at tlia NEW VUUIC AUCTION Ini) OOMMialilOfJ IIOUUB, m 2a«_LjUuilison-st. Bj ELISON, FOMEItOY & CO. On Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 9:30 O'Olook, We make a GREAT SPECIAL BALK of a bankrupt stock of over 100 Cooking, Parlor, Office, and Hoslld* Stoves. AUuowbUitoi, Including the oolobratod ••Amor* lean Cook." OUBON, JOUWIOY * M OO d . Agollja-o^ 108 EAST MADISON-ST.