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RAILROAD NEWS. The Minnesota Railroad law In toe Supremo Court. OhaDffa of OlQoors in tho West ■Wisconsin. Railroad Construction During 1874. Btecl Rails—Kailroiul Earnings. VALIDITY OF RAILROAD LEGISLATION. rilß FIUST CASE TO HE PASSED Olt Of THE SU- PREME COURT. There io yet a probability that the United States Supreme Court will bo called upon to decide the roiiroad question this winter. LaM Octoberfhe Court refused to advance thoWis conflln case upon tho docket, although tho coun sel both on behalf of tho Stale and the Hallway Company urged the importance of an immediate decision. Doth parties wore anxious lo have their tights dollncd by tho ultimate authority. The issue is about to bo determined in a Min nesota case. It is on tbo docket for this term, and la likely to bo reached next mouth. Tho »aae la known na the Winona St St.' Peter Railroad Company va. Blake. It presents innately for determination the right of the Legislature of Minnesota lo prescribe arbi trary rales of fare and freight for tho railroads of Hint Btato. no clause to that effect being cou tnlnfcd iu tin Constitution whun the charters wroio emoted. . , , . Behoving U had this absolute right, the Legis lature of Minnesota, in 1871, passed a raw estab lishing maximum rates of faro and freight for the various railroads of tho Btato. Tho com fianlcs declined to conform their tariffs to tho tvw, whereupon John 1), Blake, a merchant of Kochostor, Minn., resolved to test tho validity of tho law. Tor this purpose ha shipped » small consignment of goods from Chicago to Bochos tcr. At Wiuouft tho Winona A Br. Holer Hail road Company paid tho advance charges, and, on delivering tho goods at Rochester, de manded iH as freight from Mmomu Blako tendered 57 cents,—tho rate fixed by-law,—but. tho Company refusing to deliver un til its specified Bum was paid, suit waa com menced in tho State District Court to recover possession of the poods. A jury trial was waiv ed, and, upon an agreed Btato of facts, tho ac tion was tried by tho court. Judgment was given for tho Hail wav Company, whereupon plain tiff appealed to tho Supreme Court, where tho Judgment of the Court below was reversed and the constitutionality of tho law affirmed. The Company than took an cupcal to tho United States Supremo Court. Tho caao was entered on tho docket about two years ago, and is ex pected to bo in tbo February call. Tho Winona & St. Fetor Hailroad being owned by tho Chicago St Northwestern Hallway Com pany. that Company will prosecute tho appeal. The Hod. B. O. Cook, General Solicitor, ami Judge C. B. Lawrence, of this city, will nreuo tho case for tho Hallway Company. On behalf of tho appellee, th« Attorney-General of Minne sota will doubtless appear, with associate counsel. ... In viow of tho fact that the law m question Wan found Inoperative, and was repealed by tho ©oo passed last winter, which, iu tarn, is ex pected to lio thrown aside for a now statute, and tho further consideration that tho balf-a-dozeu railway companies in tho State can hardly pay running executes,—two being hopelessly in tho binds of Receivers,—it is evident that tho couunel for tho Railway Company will ho hi position to make a strong plea against restrictive legis lation. THE WEST WISCONSIN, cnxnou op orncßiis ov tub bom>. A few days ago it was announced that the West Wisconsin Hallway Company bad defaulted iu the payment of their interest. Had tbo bond holders pressed tboir claims, tbo road would doubtless bavo passed into tbo bands of a He coivor. Tbo result has boon simply a change of olilcors. Mr. 11. 11. Porter, of this city, is said to bavo been elected President, and Col. J. 11. Howe, : of Konoeba, Vice-President and General Man ager. Tbo subordinate officers of tbo Company ■ remain unchanged. TUo road, which Is comparatively new, forms, ’ In connection with tim Chicago A Northwestern, i a through lino to St. Paul. It has PJ7 miles of mail) lino, with two branches,—from Hudson to : BlUlwator. 0 miles, and from Hudson to i Ilichmoncl, 40 miles long,—making a total of i 2240 miles. The old oilicora also comprised the \ North Wisconsin Hallway Company, which is on | doavoring to build a lino from tit. Croix llivor or t Lake to Hayfleld, on Lake Superior, in consider i ailon of receiving tho major portion of the D. famous tit. Croix land-grant. Tbo terms of tbo ■} grant required tho building of 40 miles <>f road within tbo past year, and 20 miles each subsequent year until tho wbolo is completed, Tbo completion of tho first 40 miles of road was to entitle the Company to 620 sections of land, and for each additional 20 miles of road patents lor 200 sections of land were to be Issued. The Company complied with the terms of the grant, Gov. Taylor accepted the work, and •stood to inane certificates, when Atty.-Qon. ‘Williams pronounced his opinion that the title to the lauds bad reverted to the United States by failure to comply with the provisions of its cession to tho State within tho time epeci dtal. It is thought probable that the olforts to construct tho laud-grant road, and tho cloud fiince raised on the title to (he lauds, together with tho general stagnation in business and the etringont enforcement of tho Potter law, om itiarrassed the late officers, and precipitated their retirement. t The new officers will give strength to the [enterprise. Mr. Porter is General Manager of 'the Chicago A: Northwestern Hallway, and Col. jfowe is well known throughout Wisconsin, Slaving at an early ago been Attorney-General, and, until last month, Uuitod|Btatos Judge lor (he Eastern District of tho State. £ RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION. f The following U tho record of the new rail Construction during tho year 1874 in tho States Df Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Iowa: U.UNOIR. Baltimore, Pitltburp if Chicago,— Eight miles of this Xjow road, from the Indiana border northwest to Ilydo Park, where ll connects with the Illinois Central track |e enter Chicago, la in Illinois. Cairo A St. Louis.— Beginning at Cairo, tbo south ern eod, track (of O-feot gauge) was laid northward 90 miles to tbe south line of Union County, lo wing a gap Bf JJ6 miles between tho northern and southern sec tions. Chicago <6 Illinois River,— Completed from Joliet kouthwcstwsrd 20 miles to or towards coal mines of the Wilmington group. Chicaao if J'ucijio, —This road was extended from Elgin west by north 20 miles to the west line of Kane County. • CMeano .fc Paducah.—Extended southward 15 miles Co a junction wilh the VuudaUa Lino ana tho Hi ring held Ai Illinois Southeastern at Altamnut, completing a Uno 140 tulles long from Strealor southward. Chicago if Southern,— This road, which Is intended to give tbe Chicago, Danville li Vincennes so inde lundentI undent entrance Into Chicago (It having hitherto used tie track of the Columbus, Chicago li Indiana Central (or 20 miles from Dalton to Us station In Chicago) was completed from Thornton north by east is miles into Chicago, Uattiia tb Southern Wisconsin.— Track waa Intel from Catena northward 21 miles to Junction, about 10 miles being in Wisconsin. It Is of tl-fect gauge. Illinois Midland,— 'Tho southern part of this road, known until very recently as thu Paris & Decatur, was Ixteudod early in tho year from X’urls, 111., southeast* Sard 14 miles to the Vsndallu Duo at Farrington, near e Indians fine. Tho nurtherm section, constructed Under the name of I’oorla, Atlanta k Decatur, bad a tectlun 10 miles long completed at tho Pcona eud in 1873, and this year it was finished by an extension Southeastward 64 miles to Msroa, on the Illinois Cen tral. whence south to Decatur. 13 miles, the latter toad's track Is used by the Illinois Midland, which thus forms a route from Terre Jlante (using H miles of the Vandsha Line to the Indiana border) 170 miles to tuorio. Pans if . Danville.— This railroad was extended Southward 15 miles to a Junction with tho VamUlia sas tl Marshall, completing a Due 61 miles long, from PuuviUs south to Marshall. b'pritwfltid Jr jVorfAuytlmt.—Completed by Ihe con- Krucilou of It mites from Centro) southeast to Upping luJiL making s lino if mllui long, from tipriogfleld kortuwcsV to the Illinois tllver st Havana, rsnuM. i:altinwr«,pitUburg Jr Chkago.~-Ol the new psrt of UiU read (described under Ohio), 114 wiles Is In Indi um, extending eutlrely across tbo northern part of the Htato. Cincinnati, Hocknort Jr Souihttfttem,—Tnck was old from lbs Chiu Ulvor, at Uocktiori. northward io biles to Jasiwr, t'ratikforlJr Kokomo.— Completed from Frankfort Ertheail a4X miles to Kokuwo, Ind., connecting tho oiuuport, CrawfurdsviUu ti tiuuthwwilsm iullway frith the lines intersecting at Kuketuu, Three milts of sack was laid In 1&13. Ctopptiea i-’u/n Je Wtttern.— This rood was ooastruct ia««o Mm,hao ofth© VTcbl NVU>:uu*m, at itee Claire, fcortheastward i% mlka up the Kau Claire lUvor to IktPPowal'sUa. 4 hVufAmt Wiseoimn.~ About U miles of thh S-feet gauge wad, described under “ IlllndV I" in Wisconsin, , „ . ~ , ,\nr(h MV-f-oMin.—This Oomtwmjr, lo which the WM mn LealMlatnrfl vot/vl n»rt of the laml-grant of the HI. Croix ft Un|«rtorllonn, extended its mtd from New |(|i'hni»Dil norlhokMlward 35 miles to a poiut 40 miles nDTthr.vslrf Kdttsnn, li tVo/Min | ((//ry—Tills read, which at the clone of oxlcn'ldl from the lrf» CniHHo Division of lh« Milwsnk'-n A Ht. i’niil at Tornah norltiws*tw»rrl 47 itiiiOH In a Itmdion with tin) (lr." ii JJ »y fc .M!un>‘."ita at ronlr.ilh, We extended In 11*47 northward *'> rallos to Wuusmi. Dry Mninf* .(• .WfnnMofrt.—This 3-fect Range road was coni|liit-il (chlrlljr on an old rmul-l.t-d) from lt»t Molnon nurlli ill miles lo tho Chicago fi Northwestern ■t Amei. Tlio HnUrnrv\ HmcUe flays there was less mil rorul cnimrnt'di'iji done In this couulry last year than ftt any year idnce tho War. MISCELLANEOUS. KTEEL RAILS. One important result of the many costly im provements made by the loading railway com panies within tuo past two years is, that Reckon rails are now comparatively rare. Before that time they wore so common on all Western roado, during the Bovnro season, as to render traveling extremely hazardous. One Chicago company two winters ago bad over 100 broken rails during n single cold snap. They la bored under tno disadvantage of having lo operate with worn-out Iron rails. The fact was, tUo Iran rails turned out wore bo Inferior in quality that the larger* companies could not af ford to continue making renewal with iron. Economy obliged them lo invest largely in steel, and it Is safe to assault that already their sub sequent Immunity from accidents caused by broken rails has more than compensated them for the additional expense of procuring steel. Bo evident is tho saving that, despite tho stringency in money matters, the railway com panies have arranged for extensive deliveries of stcol-rall next spring and summer. Borne West ern companies purpose laying over 10.000 ton* of steel next season. It is quite probable that, by next foil, the throe linos branching from this city to Omaha will bo entirely laid with steel as far went as tho Mississippi. Groat progrosfl has recently boon made in flleel manufacture. There is now practically no choice between the stool rails made in Europe and the Eastern Btatcs and at our Wcsturn mills. The only fear on the part of tho railroad men is. that tho manufacturers, having learned how to turn out a splendid quality of stool, will soon allow it to deteriorate, as they did in ttio case of Iron rails; fur it is well known that the iron roiled out a dozen years ago was far wore durable than the present ordinary stuff. HAILROAD UARNINOS. The earnings and expenses of tho Central Pad lie Bailroad for 1874 wore as follows, No vember and December being partly estimated: 1873. Incnate . 114,234,714 {13,872,f1:i2 $303,093 2,',' 0,707,037 5,757,734 102,80:1 Iy % Harqiugo. Expenses. I) $3,214,9081 . $8^07,1671 Net earning*. 74 With 1873, !, tlio result Comparing 187-1 I 1874. $14,2:11.714 t12,7.T4,7;W ; 51,4515»,034 I 0,7(57,527 6,527,445 210,082 4SI Earnings. Expenses, Net earnings..] $3,407,187j 87,207, , i85[f1,25'J,002i The earnings of the Michigan Contra! Hail road for the third week in December wore: 1371, $110,457: 1373, $118,71(5; decrease, $2,250, or 1y A pot cent. Tho earnings of the Great Western Railroad of Canada for tho week ending Dee. 11 were: 1874, £10,321; 1373, X 10.200; increase, X3.40U, or 3)£ per cent. WESTEIIN RAILROAD ASSOCIATION. Tlio animal meeting of tbo Western Railroad Associatioh will bo bold at tbo Grand Pacific Hotel, iu this city, to-day. TUo objects of tbs Association aro tbo sveteiuatio investigation, by competent ollicors, of ail patent claims mado against companies; tbo defense of-all unjust claims, at tbo expense of tbo Association ; and tbo gathering of otbor valuablo information con cerning railroad improvements. Tho Philadelphia Telegraph says tbo Pennsyl vania liailroad Company bavo just negotiated, through tbo London Asiatic Company (limited), a sterling loan of .£3,000.000, or $15,000,000, at about 01 per cent gold. This now issue is part of tbo Company's general mortgage 0 per cent loan, and tho prompt manner iu which so large au amount was bid for gives tbo most gratifying ovidouco of tbo high ostimato put upon tbo credit of the Company in that market. The General I'rcigbt Agent of the Illinois Central liailroad lias issued a circular stating that, from and aftor this date, rates to olovator, warehouses, and mills, delivered on track at Cairo, will bo tho eamo from ail stations ; tbo rates on grain in bulk will bo as per column of rates to elevator iu tariff of July 1, 1873, unless lower rates bavo boon made, in which case they will apply to all consignees at Cairo alike, how ever situated. This will not change any through lutes and divisions. SUBURBAN NEWS. Fame niDOE. On account of the frigid state of the atmos phere Saturday evening, there wore bat few in attendance at the Literary Club ; but, a quorum being present, after the nomination of It. 61. Moachom as Secretary pro tom., the following officers wore elected, after an exciting ballot: President, Dr. D. Newcomb; Vice-President, L. D. Hoot, Jr.; Secretary, Miss Ada Dean ; Treas urer, Miss Ploy Konnlcott; Critic, Mr. William6l. Knox *, Executive Comm ittco, Mcaeie. Newcomb, C. Hoot, and Moss, and Mosdaraoa Ivonuicott and Davis. The literary programme was postponed until Saturday, Jan. 23. Tho artesian well ceased its labors temporari ly Friday evening, to wait the ascent of the mer cury, it Doing impossible to work with the ther mometer 2(1 degrees holow zero. They are now in full operation again, Having reached a depth of 1,012 foot. On Sabbath evening nmon services wore hold in tho Methodist Church, to close the week of prayer. Several addresses wore delivered of an impressive character. At tho close extra meet ings were announced, with preaching, by the Hev. Mr. Kaufman, for every night this week. mount rnosPEcx. This beautiful suburb would for the first time make its bow to the many readers of Tub Taio- Uke. Though tbo youngest subdivision on tho road, yet it is destined to rival any of the neigh boring auburbd, .and is already enabled to look dorm upon them from its high altitndo. As the naraeindlcatos, it occupies high ground, and is •‘beautiful for situation." It is located 2 miles from Besmalues, and 15 miles from the clty nmlta. A fine depot is built, and several houses in process of building, and Mr. E. O. Eggleston, the enterprising manager, is busy superintending the transplanting of over 200 trees. IB VINO PAItIC. The meeting of Saturday evening, for (heimr poaoof deciding tbo locality of b public school building, was postponed, ouo week, because the timoof opening aud’closing the polls was not embodied in tho notice given, Tho Literary Club, canalsling of some of tho oldest readouts, after having had a hard strug gle for existence, has finally disbanded, and tho youug people have organized a literary and dra matic club, having select parlies every week. A War Slory. The following characteristic war story is told by an'Alabamian i A body of Stuart’s cavalry on their return from a raid were passing the camp of the Eighth Alabama. They were strangling badly, and the roar of the column socmen to be completely fagged out. The boys of the Eighth were poking their fun at the “buttermilk raugors, etc.,” until some of the cavalrymen thought they could boar it no longer. One fe). low who bestrode a Itoeiname and scorned to be “ sitting ou the ranged edge of ditpair," % hundred yards at lease bobiud tbo last of his comrades, arose in bis stirrups and oursed the infantry by platoons. He seemed determined to drown In one continuous volley of curses the voices of the footpads. Martin lliloy was stand ing guard just by the road. As the irate cavalry r man approached, lUley looked him kiudly m vbe face and in a bland ami sympathizing voice said t ** Bee here, my friend, I wouldn’t be so mad with those follows. ’ The cavalryman stopped cursing to boar what this kind-hearted man bod to say, and lliloy added, •• They aru always hallooing at some d—d fool.” Baroum is going to travel through New En gland the coming summer with bis Human hippo drome entire. lio will use 125 railroad cars and give exhibitions twice a day under immense tents 800 foet long. He will bring 800 men, women, and children, 000 horses and ponies, be sides elephants, camels, etc. This will bo tbo biggest enterprise tho old man has ever under taken, but us years aro added unto him bo grows •more venturesome. It will host him 67.000 a day. CHE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE: TUESDAY, JANUARY i% 1875. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Tho Walker Estate in the Cir cuit Court. Application In toe Mailer of toe Kingsbury Estate. CHICAGO COURTS. T»R SHANAHAN A WEST CAB*. Judge Blodgett cut off one of tho hydra heads of tho interminable Shanahan-Wcßt-Maiming Imbroglio iu a decision. Somo time ago Man* nitig hied a petition setting out that certain goods were pledged t* him to secure him for some obligations ho had assumed for the firm, and asking that the goods at present in the hands of tho Assignee ho turned oyer to him to satisfy such liabilities on bis part. Judge Biod gett, iu a long and carefully-drawn opinion, held that no such Agreement bad been made as was set out in the petition, but that the agreement substantially was, that the three parties should go into partnership, and be come equal Joint owners of tho stock of goods, subject to the partnership debts of Shanahan >t West, and, Shanahan St West haring been adjudged bankrupt for default lu payment of (heir commercial indebtedness prior to tble agreement, tboro was no reason for divesting their Assignee of tho fund oul of which these creditors wore to be paid. THE M. O. WALKER ESTATE. In tho will case of tho lato Martin 0. Walker, an application was made, os is well known, for letters of administration. The property was sworn not to exceed 51,200.000, and Judge Wal lace thereupon required bond of the proposed administrator iu tho sum of $2,400,000. A. L. Chotlaiu, tho applicant, offered to give a bond for 4000,000, which was refused, and an appeal was thereupon takon totlio Circ.ii: Court. THE U. S. CRIMINAL COURT. Judge Blodgett took up tho call of the criminal docket yesterday, but no cases were ready for trial. Defaults ou recognizances wore entered iu the following cases : F. W. Dickinson, John Blakeley, G. W. Scott, L. 11. and 11. W. Bollock, F. W. Dunn, J. Warner and J. 11. Francis, Ben jamin and Joseph Hosonbacli. J. W. Boydco and Van Schaack, Stevenson »t Heed pleaded not guilty to the offenses with which they are charged, and were ad muted to bail ia the sum of v'jUO. A nolle pros, was entered as to Thomae Trainor. On and after Thursday, Judge Rogers will dis miss the appeal m ail appeal suits for want of prosecution if ueilhcr parties are present when tho cases are reached ou tho call of his calendar. Is os follows UNITED STATES 00UUT8. John D. LauUouao, Trustee. tiled & bill against Samuel O. Walker, E. H. Walker, Martha A. Walker, J. A. Tyrrell, Robert Hill, ii. K. Wliitou, 1). W. Gaptoll, F. W. Buckingham, Martha Car roll, Jonathan Holbrook, and William Curlia, to foreclose a mortgage for $30,000 on Lot 8. Block 3, Fort Dearborn Addition. Increase, l\ C, BANKRUPTCY ITEMS. Biddle it Boyd, Clark »t Qowan, and Horso woll W. Knisoloy ,t French, Hied a petition iu bankruptcy against Joseph L. Day, of this city. Their combined claim'* amount to $10,051.50, and it is charged that Day has made an assign ment of all his property to V. D. Gowen, besides failing to pay bis commercial paper when duo. A rule to show cause Jan. 21 was ir-miod. A discharge was Issued to F. H. Gould, and another to David Rcod. Dolau A Robinson were adjudicated bankrupt by default, and a warrant issued, returnable Feb. 11. ... Thomas Grant was mode happy by tbo receipt of a discharge. Tbo Register made a report la the case of A. n. Miller, finding that the composition mooting bad boon duly hold according to lav, and that Millor bad paid tho 10 por cent accepted by tbo creditors at sucb mooting. A discharge was therefore issued to tbo bankrupt. Iu tbo matter of Itoddin A Hamilton, Mary etla lloddin filed a petition showing that she had obtained a docroo from Itoddin,iu Jnoo, 1872, compelling him to pay hoc $<Q a month, and that afterward Itojldra, and Hamilton, bis partner, executed a joint bond for tho bettor security of such alimony. She proved up bor claim in bankruptcy for $1,065, but tbo Assignee. William E. IXale, refused to pay any tliviuond thereon, alleging that she is not a joint creditor of tho firm, bat only au individual creditor of Itoddin. She therefore asks that a nUo may bo issued against Halo commanding him to show cause why be should not pay such claim from tbo joint funds. This raises a nice point. A rulo was issued on tbo Assignee to bho.v cause in llvo days after servico uf tbo notice,- BOPEIUOE count IN ERtEP. M. Sheard a eiiit against tho Bank of Chicago to iccovcr $3,000. Hichards & Co. commenced a salt la replevin against If. J3. Oragiu, doing business as H. li. Cragiu & Co., to recover 2761)0xes of tiu-plato, valued at $3,000. 'fbo First National Bank of Pom sued 8. J. Warker for $1,600, and E. 13. Holmes and James and David Pyotc took similar measures to re cover SI,OOO of D. Leonard and Sarah J. Leonard. Nathan Isaacson brought swt for $2,000 against the Allomauia Insurance Company of Pittsburg. the cocntt coonr. In tho matter of tho City of Chicago; the Court ordered that objections bo filed to tho fol lowing special assessment-rolls: Noa. CSS, C 77, CSS, 693, 703, 704, 700, 718. 721, 722.730. 731, 7.12, 736, 733, 730, 745, 747, 770 to 777 inclusive, 779. 782, 785, 780, 703, 800, 801. 802, 809, 812, 818, fllC, 820, 821, 822. 823, 830, 835, 84U to 860 inclusive, by to-morrow morning at 10 o’clock. Tho fol lowing wero dismissed: J Nos. 778, 670, 578, 572, and 661. The following estates were ordered adjudi cated : U. K. Putnam, Uounls Treacy, Potnr Mc- Gregor, James P. Harr;', Alfred Smith, Itohert 11. Murray, John McLain, Joseph F. Sinclair, Henry John Whiiohouao, Johanna Hollkoa, Mar tin O’Connor, George E. Walker, Alexander Marsh, Emily E. Gammoll, EborhardtF. banker, Nicholas Drcis. Charles 8. Hamilton, Nicholas H. Hamstodt, Barbara O’Brien, and William New ton. Claims against the following estates wero al lowed : Kstata, of Martin O'Connor—Claim of Patrick W. Buowhook, $25 ; James Burke, $5.13: in all, $30.13. Estate of Alfred Smith—Claim of James H. Blaney et at., $85.85; Silas F. Wright, $49: James N. Banks, Trustee, $l4B ; Charles White, S2O j O. 11. Jordan. $122.25; in all, $426.10. Estate of George E. Walker—Claim of T. E. Morris, sl7; Monroe Heath ot ah, $209.71; liulda Ver molt, $012.28 ;E. W. Coleman, $1,912.30; A. E. Walker, $7,084.04; J. A. Hahn, sl2 ; O. 11. Dyer et ah, $116; Charles Gossoge ot al., $218.29; in all, $11,381.18. Estate of b. K. Putnam— Claim of O. H. Jordan, $163.26; D. Kileher, $10: Poier Yociiin, $31,42; F. It. Ullger et al., $58.50 ; Max Heuley,s3o.ol; George 11. Edger ton, $228.33; Peter E. Hostler, $28.19; L. U. Brown ct al., $74.24 ; Danuo Weary, $231.52 ; W. M. Olcott et al., s7l; Samuel Murlax ot ul„ $19.62 : John H. Alton, $34.46 ; in all, $993.21. In the last-mentioned estate leave was granted tbo administratrix to sell personal property at private sale, and F. A. Woodbury was appointed attorney to defend tho estate against tho claim of the administratrix. In tbo matter of the estate of Lyman M. Boguo et al., minora ; tbo new bond of Oswcli SI, Uogue as guardian iu SIOO,OOO was approved with il. li. and O. SI. Bogue aa sureties.. The widow's award iu the estate of E. F. Zauker was approved. Iu the matter of the estate of 11. W. Kings bury, a minor ; citation to guardiau, Eva Law rence, mother of said minor, was issued com manding her to appear before the Court on the 27th just., at 10 o’clock a. ra., to show cause, etc., why she should not be removed. The a)* legation in the petition is. that Sirs. Lawrence is a non-resident of this Htate, and therefore not nuallllodto act. Tbit) move is made on the part of the United States Mortgage Company iu order to secure a loan of $70,000 made by it to the minors’ estate at the time Kingsbury Music- Hall and the adjacent budding (Ashland Block) wore erected. In tbo matter of the estate of John Kinkoad, his will having heretofore been proven, letters testamentary wore issued to Maty Kiuko&d un der on approved bond of S3,OUU. John McLean, tried for the larceny of a robe belonging to Frank 11. Gardner j verdict guilty, and remanded. John I’isobozak, a physician, pleaded guilty to assaulting George Btarr, a druggist, with a re volver, with intent to injure ; lined SIOO and costs. Tbo case of Henry I.lnnemeycr, for an assault upon Charlotte I’undlor, was stricken from the docket, with leave to reinstate, on account of the absence of the prosecutrix. the caix. Judos Blobqbt—Tbs Criminal Court. Junes Oast—SO to 70, except 54, 69,69, 00, €9. and 70. Jupob Rirlxt—l42. 145 to 163. Jodoe Moore—7. H. 0. Jt;t)OE Hoorhs—29l to 300, Jut’Oß Booth— 210 to 203. Unitko Status Cimmir Court—Central National Rank vs. J. P. Reynolds und W. W. Corbett, W. F. Mrjittloy vb. CLarb* A. Urol], HupEnnm Court—Caw»HroiM—PUm Roland vs. Christian ami L»uta Wlolmann, t3Gl.oS,—John >'utt at al. Vi*. IV. R. Cornell, {711.33. JtrmiK ijAnr—T. M. .Jones cl al. ta. Rlrliarile Iron Work*, s.l3.9l.—Jerome Catlln va, Martin in «■, OJ.—U. D. M. Kin«ioy, l-'yj.oo.— M. A. Lonna V*. Thomas Andrews, I3G.lV.—'Thomas Driver yb. Peter Marr, F.. Munn, J. 1, Noyes, and Charles Ilnj.kJnson, $003.75. HfHLKy—lt. C. Wright et al. vs. Michael Hanlon, |IOO. —O f or*»c Chandler, Receiver, vs. C. M. Hammond, 13.0.V),—M ■•urii <• H-iHipi tt o], vs. Clinton Wade. $207.43 J. H. D-mlin vr, Cslljcrinn Voung ami O. P. Marflh, 1171.94.—Charts CMlfloe vs. A. Weide, sm7o. Circuit Court—.front-, Iloorns—A-hm Ifcnncr vs. Andrew Patton; virdlet, s9oo,—Nut-rml Slate Dank of liurllniU'm vs. .1. JI. Wiillve, W. A. Meriwether vs, H. E, Picket. $1,333.31. .Tuoac D'snn-W, B. Mcndiiitiatl vs. Hiram Mo Kenly ; veidlrt, tJ.tli, and motion for rn-w trial.— Austin Hjicneer et al. vs. Mann, $107.66. F. Madleuer vs. Lambert Ilium ; verdict, |335.:;rj. A DECISION AFFECTING THE CHARTERS or ALL COB PORATIOKSIN MINNESOTA EXCEIT THOSE FORMED FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. Sbteuil Disixitch U Thf. Chicao" Trth’in*. Bt. Haul, Jan. 11. —Iu the Bialo isuprcmo Court to-day. a decision was filed in the case of Oakes aud Oliver Amos, executors of William h. Ames, vs. Tho Lake Superior .t Mississippi Hall road Company. This suit was originally brought by Ames to restrain tho Company from condemn ing certain lands, on the ground, among others, that the Company’s charter was unconstitutional, Tbo Company was created by an assumed amend ment of tha Territorial charter of the Nebraska >k Lake Buperior Company. This Court de clares it to bo ropiignaiit to tbe second section of tbo tooth article of tho Btato CoimUtu iiou, which provides ihni no corpora tion shall be formed under special acts except for municipal purposes. The opinion, prepared by ex-Justice Young, whoso turm ex pired to-day, is a long and exhaustive treatment of tho imbjoct-maiter, and is pronounced incon trovertible by leading members of tho liar hero. Its effect* may bo wideHpread. It loaves tho Company without any exclusive or special privi leges, and itH stockholders pcrsomuly liahlu for tho dohts of the Company. Bull worse, ami more, every State Company nv operating under a charter supposed to have been created by a Ter ritorial Leirislature, but, like this, received and remodeled by tho State Legislature, the only difference being that most of tho amended charters retained the original corporators, while the Lake Superior & Mississippi chaili-r re tained only three of tho original twenty-six cor porators. Mr. Caulfield Intends Running— Ills Reasons Therefor. In lees than two weeks the special election to HU the vacancy caused by the death of the lion. John B. Rico will bo bold. It has always been understood, though without any definite reason, that Air. Caulfield would bo the Democrat who would run. The term of ofllce is bo short that it has been considered questionable whether any Republican of prominence would core to spend his money for the sake of securing three weeks of Congressional honors, audUioevoilasting title of "Honorable." None of those gentlemen who wore candidates before the Republican Conven tion last October have manifested the slightest inclination to again enter the field, and tho Re publican Central Committee has, therefore, been compelled to look around for aa available candi date. It wai intimated in Tuu Sunday that CBIMINAL COUNT. •inum: Trek—Mi to 102, except 120. Judob Harwell— .V)l to.'UO. MINNESOTA CORPORATIONS. THE FIRST DISTRICT. Mr. Klmbark’s Candidacy MR. OKOIUJE M. KIMnAIUI was to bo the coming man, and it is now known that a committee waited upon him Saturday, and asked him if ha would accept tho nomination If tendered ; bo which Mr. Kimbark replied that ho would, if tho matter “ could ho satisfactorily arranged." This meant that Mr. Kimbark de sired to ascertain Mr. Caulfield's intentions. If that gentleman designed running, Mr. Kimbark had no desire to contest the election with him. If, however, Mr. Caulfield aid not care about the matter, thou Mr. Kimbark was perfectly willing to mii> Mr. Klmbark was to have held a conference yeatorday afternoon with Mr. Jl. E, Ooodoll, iu order to ascertain Mr. Caulliald’H intentions, and tcfiimliy decide whatlio would do in reference to tbe subject. Owing to the inability of tlio gentlemen Vo moot, Uio conference was poet* ponod till tide morning. UR. CAULFIELn. In order to ascertain Mr. Caulllold'a intentions more doliuitcly, a reporter called upon lum at the Pacillo ilolbl yesterday afternoon, and auk**«i him point-blank whether ho purposed being a candidate, lie replied that ho proposed to audio ttio race, whether he was put in nomination or not, and. that it was hie intention to light any man who trout into the hold against him. lie said that hie motives in seeking an election to an oilico which lasted but for three weeks wore not iu the slightest degree of a partisan character; ho did not mu merely and simply os the representative of the Democracy, but for other reasons, lie bcliuvod that it was tor the benefit of tho First Congressional District and his constituents that ho should go to Washington for this uu oxpirod term, siuoo his residence there, short though it would bo, would give him opportunities to make acquaintances with members, and would practically give him rank iu the ueit Congress as a now member, thus en abling him to got on more important committees than a now member would bo apt to, &ud there by putting him in a position where ho could nmder groat service to this city. Any person who was sent there simply to fill the uuezpired portion of Mr. lUce'u term could bo of no bone hi to any ono. AMUSEMENTS THE NEW A DELPHI. The opening of tbo Adolpbl Theatre—the old IWOfrico budding—last evening was wituessed by about tho largest audience Chicago has over seen. The main floor and three galleries, In other words “ from pit to dome,” wore thronged by boys and men, with a very few women sand wiched between, and looking rather out of placo in tho immense gathering. Timid people began to wonder whether the lire tried walls would stand the tre mendous pressure; but tho renovated build* iug remained as Arm as some massive Norman castle, nor did the stamping and shouting of the highly-elevated unwashed cause it to vibrate In tho least. There it as some delay in the lifting of the curtain, tUo interval being lilled with soma very fair music by (be orchestra. Public confidence was fully restored when, la the opening iweuo, tlio full company ap peared upon tlio stage, while Brock Sic- VlcUar, Kb<\., the Spenser of (Ue hydraulic departmeuk of the city, emerged from the hindmost regions of the sconce, and strode lightly os a fawn to the footlights, where he proceeded to read what was termed "adodica toriat poem" pertinent to the occasion. Sir. SloVlokar's classic production was rapturously applauded by appreciative citizens who wore near enough to hear him, but tbo democracy in the tipper tiers suggested that ho hod better repair bis bellows, sit down on the floor, “cheese it,” aud other polite iu ▼nations far beyond tbo poets power to accept. Hiss Emma Wells, aided by tbo com pany, attempted the “ Star-Spangled Banner," which was not an absolute success. The drop curtain was then allowed to roll down, displaying rather a pretty emblematic picture of Chicago, standing by a cross aud lookirtgj with cheerful countenance, oo the soa of llamo from which Hope bade her hope to rise wore glorious than before. The Poat-Offloo Department, headed by don. McArthur and Mr. Squires, occupied one.of tho lower ioxea, while, iu Juxlapouitiuu, gleamed the jolly face of Commisaiouer lluyue, who waa aur rouudod by a crowd of uotablea. Many promi nent citizomt woro scattered through tbe audU unco, and stood tho thing out like tuou of buai ueaii. Sir. Grover, the manager, and Ur. Hume, tbo architect, were both loudly called for, and re sponded by appearing before the curtain aud making a semi-genuflexion. Mr. Grover re quested the boys, who were whistling like a pale of wind, to keep quiet, and they would have “ a poo! show." The manager was dressed a la George Francis Train, in swallow-tail blue coat and brass buttons. Mr. Groror's promise was fairly fulfilled, that is considering the opening-night. " Tito Law yer's Clerk” waa stupid enough. to be sure, but it passed for the time, Miss Maggie Gray ban a lino form, but paints tbe roi*o too much, and In not happy in her vocal selections. Tim gym nastic performances of Prof, Faust and bis two little bovs caused some enthusiasm. Bam Ueverc, the solo-singer and baujoist. is good enough when he does not swear, aud toll stones unfit to bo heard by sars polite, all of which Sir. Grover should check without further delay. Mr, Ucvero may have lived in some rough places, hut when he comes into a civilized community he should cease to be a barbarian. Walters and Merton, song and dance men. were quite funny, although they exhibited nothing that was really novel. Minn Wcsoer looks well in mule attire, and has a passable voice. The sword and sparring performances of Monsieur and Madame JJ'Omer looked risky, and took well with the audience. Curry, the gymnast, perform • ed Homo voiy difficult feats in a 'grßccfiil'niamter. Charley Howard as “ Old Shady ” showed his UHiial talent for Klhiopiamsm of an ancient chara'der. The Worrell rihtois and Mr. George K. Fiut'scup, aided by the company, closed the performance wita the burlesque of “Cin derella.” .Mr. Grnrer. svnryihlng considered. may bo congratulated eu his opening uuccmh. FALSTAFF. EEN DE BAR AS Savon years have passed since a Chicago audi ence gathered to boo Jack FaMoff face to face upon the stage, and not a very large one was present at McVickcr's last evening—a circum stance not specially wonderful considering the counter-attractions. The welcome given Pen Dollar last evening was, consequently, not very warm upon his first appearance* Before the first scene was ever, however, ha had kindled his audience into a genial glow of good humor, and from thence onward held them with out an effort. Tbe exigencies of space prevent a very extended notice ef the performance, which may bo Bummed up as both heartily enjoy able and artistic in the most praisewor thy degree. Mr. lie Bar's conception of the charac . is foliations in the extreme. With all bis knavery, poltroonery, and selfishness, Jack Falslajf't ready wit and un quenchable humor are palliating circumstances, aud win the good-will of the spectator, in addi tion to these qualities, which find capital ex pression in Mr. XJo Bar’s acting, there is an air of failed refinement in it winch is singularly cap tivating. Ills courtly treatment of JJame (jxiictc, aud las graceful manner, are remnants of days of more than respectability, and recall the oti- , quotloof court Utc rather than the harum-scarum adventures on the luus’s highway, and the rois tering nights at tho tavern- It is full of spirit and flavor; unctuous in ita humor, mid rich m that supgcHtivcncss of merriment that “is the cause of wit in others." Tbe support is not remarkably good, but will bo improved this evening. Wo hope to have another oppor tunity of speaking of the performance, which wo cordially commend to all lovers of finished Shaksncoroan coraedv. •* Henry IV.” will be re lated to-night, and to-morrow and .Saturday nights. “The Merry Wives of Windsor” will bo givcu tho rest of the week. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Miss Charlotte Thompson commenced a week’s engagement at (be Academy last evening, play* iug tlio title part in “Jane Eyre.” Comparisons are odious, but Mias Thompson potestca bo many natural advantages over any other actress who assumes Ibis charming role that she can iay claim to superiority over any of thorn. SCHUYLER COLFAX TO-NIGHT. Tba ninth entertainment of the Star Course will ho given to-night at McCormick Hall by tho ci-Ylce-I’rcsident, Schuyler Coifax. Mr. Colfax's ability os a speaker, and his intimate acquaint ance with Mr. Lincoln during the 'War, will make tho lecture well worth hearing. ’Bus tickets, for the convenience of those living on the West or South Side, are given at Jaueen, McClerg 1 Co.’s. Tho following is tho programme: pa nr l Overture—“ Post and I‘rwcnt".... Aria—“ How fair Thou Art ” Vtltz—“ New Vienna ” Star Orchettra rAUT 11. Introductory Address Lecture— “ Abraham Lincoln •V PERIODICALS. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. POR J - AZSTXJ-Adß'Sr, 1875, Art. I. The Great Middle Region of Tbe Uni ted Stales, and its .Limited space of Arable Land* Gao. W. B. HsiEjt. It. The Native Ilacea of the PuciQc States. Francis Parrmah. 111. Tbe llise and Fall of the Slave Power. Jamk« Freeman clause. IV. The Wngo-Fund Theory. Fuamczs A. Walker. V. An Episode In Municipal Government, (Second Pupor.) The Uule of the Tweed llintl. CUARLES F. WINUATE. vt*i7 graphic description cf tbe leading drirscljrvof tbe Bias and of tbeir mode of plundering tho city. VI. Critical Notices—Of Parkman'i, Howells’, Bayard Taylor's,Prof. Flsko’s.anJ Dr. Clarke's lalust works, and other Important new books. Among tbs contributors to the North Americas dur ing the year 1D74 Uru tlio following: Francis Pabsman, Gborox K. Plus, J. L. Diman. W. D. Whitney, John O. Palfrey, Charles Francis Arams, Edmond qcinct. James C. Welling, James Rcbskll Lowell, It. Uryzanowskl Jamba Freeman Clarke, O- F. Adams. Jr., Kimon Newcouu. F. A. Walked, 11. It. Botbseb, Henry James. Jr, Tho pahtlsber* confidently promioo that with tbe assist ones of thseo and many other omlnoot contributors, tbo Review abatl fully msluUlu, daring the coming year, Its old position at the bead of American periodical U Unlace. Terms: tl.eoaßambtr; (6a year. V For sale by Booksellers and Newsdealers, JAMES R. OSGOOD & 00., Boston. OCEAN NAVIGATION. ONLY DIRECT LINE TOFRANCE The General Transatlantic Company's Mail Ktesnmhljn between Now York and Havre. The splendid vo«acla on this favorite mate fur tbe Continent (being more touUt.r ly than any oihor.) will sail from Pier No.iO, North JUv. er, se follows: SAINT LAUURNT, Reeulaus Wednesday, Jan. 19 FRANCK, TrudcUu.... ....Saturday, Jau. ».i VILLK I>N PARIS, JAChesaex Saturday, Fob. 0 I'UIOK OF PASSAIiR IN GOLD (njolndtug wlue): First Cabin, ....01351 Second., 0751 Third.. J35 Excursion tickota at reduced rates. Ainoriean travelers, by taking this linn, avoid both transit by English railway, sad i bo discomforts u( crossing tho ChAunnl besides saving time, trouble, and expense. GEORGE MACKENZIE, Agent, 55 llruadway. American line. REDUCED RATES TO AND FROM LIVERPOOL, QUEENSTOWN, And all points in Great Brllaiu and tbo Continent. J. 11. MILNE, Western Avotii, 194 LaSsile-sl., cm nor Madison. CUNARD NAIL LINE, Salims tub Tims a Wi to ail liml BRITISH PORTS. LOWEST RATES. Apply at Company's Office, northwest corner Clack and Ranuolpli-sia.i Chicago. I*. U. DU VUU.NKT, General Western Agent, Great Western Steamship Line. From New York to Bristol (Ungland) direct. Great Western, Capt. Windham. Wednesday. Jan. SO. Aragon, Capt, fiymus, bslurday, Feb. o. Cabin Passage, 070: Intermediate, JO: Steerage. 930. Ricur-iun tlckeis, 0100. Apply at uea'l Freight Depot Lake Suers A M. 8, K. 11. GUO. MCDONALD. Agent. National Line of Steamships, NOTICE. Toe most southerly route haa always been adopted by Ibis Company Uiavuid tee and headlands. balling truut New York lor LlVKKPouLaad (jUKKB * TOWN every SATURDAY. Balling from N. York lor Loudon (direct) every fortnight, CaUu passage, SuV. 070, currency: steerage. at greatly reduced ratoy. Return ticket* at lowest rates. Drafla ter XI and upward. „ „ Apply to P. Hi LARSON. Northeast corner Clark and R*odolpb-#U. (opputue ucv bbvrmaa Uouael, Obioage. AMUSEMENTS. McVIOKER’S TSEATBE. THE STRAKOSCH LYEIC CONSTELLATION. Twclto Cc-imnencln* MONDAY RV'O, JANUARY IS. 1875. Tho Strakosch Dram) Dalian Opora comprises th# larf ett and rn'isiemlDent combination of mntlcal celebrities In (be world. MUiK. KM.MA AI.HAM. America’* illustrious I’riim D nn*. MLt.B. IIKII.HHON, MLLIi, .MARKS I. Ibeatrodna Daltem, Paris. HmCarin, Nap Da. MLLfO. DONADIO, MISS A. 1,. CARY. Theatre dea Itallen*. Pari*. Ainmlf -v'» (iroat't Contralto sm.vou CARPI, SIO. IIENFRATKLI.I. HIO. D (.CASSINI, i'rlmi Tenori. SIO. PKLrur.NTK, S',ll, TAULUPir-TUA. i’rlmi Itft'Ho.i 1. sms. fiorini, MIHSCOONKY, HRI. RAHIJKRAS, CAPKA, I’.irtc C.impnniiuiii. TIIK ftIIANO CUoRt.'S AND ORCITH-STRA From tin Acidmnr *,f .MtHc, N. V. MUSICAL DIUI'CTOR A CONDL'CI OR.NDL MUZIO. ASSISTANT CONDUCTOR IS. UKIIRKNfj. 1.10 Artiste. Tho Tlrperlofro will coinpr'S* ilio in'->t i" pulir Ojuira*. Inoludln* iwn'titlri'l/ im« w irks t;avor psrJ-irni ■ I in ca»'), and which nod with iln must »s*r«..nlins.-> sio-c-.s In N>w York. IVitinu, *n<] I'liiU’lctphln, rlu ilartiiuur* Hujr Itfjs, W»Knnr’» L>h< u*rui. BUIWCIUmoN FOR THU first or second du.,.iv).u ■ t vi* in,. 1 1.1,11 uiv nr.i.(r,iir SIX NIOHT.H <l2 SURM HIITION FOU THF. TWKI.VK NiDUTS . U* Tha «»lo of acaann tkke** will npatr i,n, .lan. 1.1, «♦ f*a. m.. at Mcssr*. Haiom A Co.'* Mn-ic no il-r Fftlnmr Ilnu*-?. Tho •«!•* of *p*t* for «lnelo nlßlit* will ci mmcnco rrlJay, Jan. I'». ADELPHI THEATEE. Tbla (Tuetdar) crcnlnfr, Jon. 12, 1375, a* lh# ADELPHI THEATRE, Corner of Dearborn and Monroo-ste., A SUPERLATIVE PROGRAMME, Rendered bx * o*lair of Star*. Conelmline with a DKIL* LIANT IJUJU.KSyUK. THIRTY SPECIAL STABS TO-HIBHT, Prices—s<ic I’sni- and Rale.. s'TTin.d 27. - ■•itra; Or cl»o»tra ar-earod. Orand i n r, :V.r; I s iulyf lr elo, 15c. fi?"Secarel •c»’* at I.T'.n A llohJ}'* Alu-jc Store, , v 'l*Ui-st. At nlifi.t, a' Her orfies. r y,-n *»■ 7, nterturo ftl (,'clO'.k. I‘ir*f Ad-JjiM 7i|arjnco Weduetdsy a* 2 i<. rn. Matinee Pricos-int, Cblltlrcn S-’iC, all pari* of 1 liratr- 1 . STAB LECTURE COURSE. SCHUYLER ™ ■“' a GOLFAI, FREE 'DUntlckcJielvcawl'h K*Ua ;o«nd frnui South and Wr lulos Ui McOrmiek 11/Ul. T'lMwriinioitata *ll with good bc’~L«, .McCormick Hall hit* tx-cu Seated. HKSKIt VKl> SRATS, 76cH. Fonalecrniehance'l lor "Option Tfolrfi ” thi» tx.'Koini: at .lamwn, Mc(;7ure A t’o.V "Opt'oti Ttrk»:3 n Rt.rd fcr M rrjtenalntcenta now announced, and olhirs; Bold uni f«r 4*. EOOLEY'S THEATRE, Mcuday, 11. '•very evening, and Wednesday and Rllurdav Hailrr—•, In r'lnwiuence *</ (la rjoHrmed mi.;, c.-ea. Will Wt I •lijrtueu, uuul /uruUrr n jtico, Watts I'iiil- Ur»’ «aval 1-Uy, IiOST X2NT X*O3SroO3KT. .lamas O'Kell. Hm. 11. I r»a». N. Sf.ulsbtiry, Min Hawtliotne, and Mr*. Maedor In Mr t.-it cuaraotat? they bare severally assumed rtU aeautn. lion't (ail to tnU GHF.AT PI.AV, aa It will be withdrawn to n.ake ro>.m fur another fcrt-at noirlty in a low day*. Monday next. a(t«r two raontar of clatvwve prepari* tlon. t‘n' KfoM event t»f lie emtm, the Aii.'.t sc-Ulq piny. ' 1 MAGNUI.IA .*' 6EAED OPERA HOUSE. mil & LEON’S Mmstrsl & Buiespe Opsra Troupe. Every Evening and Wodneaday and Saturday Matineo. HALSTED-ST. OPERA HOUSE, Ccruci cl KjNiocl and Tbe Popular Pavorites of Chicago, .ipi.i.i: i>i: kacoi u's Oan-Can Bancors, Ami KKNT/.’ai Fomulo MiiiHlrcls. TIME TAIiLF.; ..Soppe .. .hallo .Strauca R O'CT.OCK II O'UI-OCK lO U'CXUCK Matincu to-d«.r a* 'J Jn. ..William Emus .Schuyler Colfax CHICAGO MUSEUM. A fiRKAT SUCCESS. THREE YEARS INAM-TRIP. Indorsed by the p*ntdu ttnanlmeiul*. Prnn.-umiv*d tho m»M3t I'Mirnl lesruu ever pn>'iut*d In this city. Tills Al'VijiU'iUUN, *ua onol lurUicr nullcj. Kvcathiui; n»w. All tlie Favorites In Ilia MoYIOKEE’S THEATSE. FOR OXK '<VHK.Iv ONT.Y, BEIsT DE BAR In Slinkspran'a frrcalO't comic crcnli m. F AliS 5? AF 27*. Mnti'l.i.v, Tuesday, WoJaao.lay, and Saturday Kltflits, Sb»KM'. «»c's msioricsl Way. KINO OKMiY IV'. aad Friday euhu aud haturdor Matin'''', Stuk-piur.‘9 Comedy. Till: Wl.flUY WTVKS OF \Vj;.DSwfl, Mr. liua Da U>ras Nr Jnim Pal, i an. ,-sV.U WVck-MU.UwOM-'H li’ALIAN OI'KKA, HALSTED-ST, OPERA HOUSE. Matinee To-clay at 3:30, ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Every ovenlng this week and Wednesday and Saturday MttIQUUS, OHAELOTXE THOMPSON! And first production In iif the popular New York version of JAWS BTTIE! As pluyed by hor over a*ol lotos at the Union liquate Thea- tic, Now York. THE BINS. Thursday evening. Jan. 11, Grand Fancy Dress Carnival. KTiT) »kaii*f In Fancy Uh'hh, No masks. Vo on i nl lowed on »ho iou, ovcoirt tu costume uo'tl 9:80. On title oeca*i»n there *lll be two beautiful prises awarded; one to ibo lady wearing the lineal co*tmuo. This priao fi » b.‘au tful Card ueceivor ami liouquot Holder, conddncd. valued at 44J. Tho other prise will lie awarded to tbo gsutlojuau wearing the boat nbsrsetor ataiomo. This Kli« is a beautiful Gout's Card Receiver and Houiinot »idrr. valued at Bkb both bought ol Kdsouil. Uuihl* rich, IWMadiaoU'kt. iIALSTED-SI\_OPERA HOUSIT 3:30 TO-DAY, GRAND FAMILY MATIJTEE. PROPOSALS. ~ PROPOSALS. Proposals will be received for the erection of the La- Rall«> County Asylum Itiiltdiuqal Ottawa, Hi., until the Bl*t day of Januarr. IbIJ, at 13 o'clock noun. Plans and specification* can bo seen at the othco of the architect. 11. C. Furnost, ho. 9 P-wt Oificu 111 ck, Olln wa. 111. Pn'poaal* will bo rocoived for Uie whulo or tho tUlfrrent pane of tho work,—Nuinu lla.m, Brick Moa<m, Carpenter and Joiner, HU-am-llnallug, Plumbing. I’sluvlug, etc. Each (vropotal must tw placed in a aoaled eu> olopo. upon which mu«t ha placed some moUo or pri vate mark, and accoiu|>atulng tbo proposal, and lu a scparsU) eealod «nvclo;«, upo'i wliioh must be a corres ponding motto, must bo a bond of «F5, 000 (five thousand dollan). with Iwoor inuro snn tlo* (which ahall bo ap proved by Uio l-onniy Hccordor, I’irrult or County Olurk o/tLo county In which tbo iwtnle* my reside), that they will color into ouiitrsot, provided it bo awarded to them. An aniiroved bond of sevouty-tivu thousand dollars(47V* OUU> vvirlbo rc'iuirod fnuii contractor. Proposal* aimuld be adiirossod to il, C. Fumvaa, Architect, Ottawa, 111. Tho Committee reserve the right tu rujrel any or all bits or tu accept any bid or Iran, of bid that they ruay deem for (ha be«l iutoreat of (be county. By order of Committee. „ TIIOS, JOllNb, Chairman. 11. O. Funwgsa, ArchlteoL FRACTIOWAI* CURRENCY. $5.00 Packages OF MCTIOML CDBRBNGY L\ EXCHANGE FOB Bis of National Currency, AT TRIBUNE OPPIOE. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. ; ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Of ME rxpi^UTAnox or RcrsnßNcKMaris.—f Saturday gi- Cfptorf. • H'inrtar oioi'ptoi!. I.Mouday eaoepted. (Ar rlva auoday at 8;uu«. m. i Daily. CHICAGO ?. NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD. TI'Ul Oflr,<, i: {.‘Ti'rm'iH //.him). and 75 Canal *l.. r>ir>i*r and <i( Hit >{npotl. |*. [ Arrire, aPaelDcFaitl,loo (♦foils'*. m l*3;Wp. m! «jiur. oiu.-11 1. t.i. vm Clinton.. ♦10:15*. m. I* 3:lft p. m. * Dub'iqun Ni|bt l.x. tla Ollioon fIoHS p. m. U *:;» *. m. c Omaha Nirbt Kinross flour.p, a. tn. • l - rff|>orlA DtibrniuoMprcsa... • S*:l3 *. m..* 1;:£p. m, «t rapport 4 UubaqunKioreas. P;I51». m.'• B:l.*> a. m. b Mliwauki'i* Mail * p ,ou *. m. •W.'V)*, m b Mjlwiukofl Mpr.-s *.* ; v) m . 4 e ; «ip, m . b Milwaukee Paammrfor ’ ■>%»» y. t) i. 1* 1-JA ». | UI I- MllwankooPassomtor Mltfu 0. tr„ it 5;i») a m. I Crcim May Hipioss :• .h a. «, • 7 no p.m . t St. i'atil * Wm,ms Kl|ite«*...,'t .Vui.. n». : 7:l'.*. m. I Mantuette Kiptoss Mvb>»,. m. • *? :r» a. m. t • s. ra. ni.-nera I a lift Fxpr is* ♦ i in ii. jn *lll-1,, . ru. Mien*/* Like Cry*-,-. .J* » : i-,- 7fv) p! m S* -l U, *lt A. I’rlmi !!*•«(. , HAM, <1 -I’rj-r,* r tVHI.S «ml Klll.-| * s‘S. k—Deo,it curuor of C«oal ami Klaile>sM. KIOHIJAS fENTBAIs (IReAT WESTER*, RAILSOAI, i/'ini, umf Jaol n/‘ Tiimlit-itrnntlM ! • , *,7 *’■ i< 1• *1 „ toi'lhniM forntr n/' an. r rc.r ~r .'/,i</(/,»n. | f.rnrr. Mall r»la main ami air line) ♦'■’Ditt.i. in. '* 8-Ad m V* y , ' ’ll' n a. in. '* 9fio d. tp! ilSiSffl i SSf Womltin Krpro** j 8 .i-aip. m. .M C LI Mpr. tr.. !■ n >- • B::tia. m. CUrirA, Kir.-n. rv,/ nu'i I>*nr*r /An*. rUi £otif*f ,i -( ri. Al/nn 11 nA .-1, ri.r..,1.i11'. I -i'i, liip'ti, ir..( M.t, n*ar )ln>Utn».,t. •*! '’Pi--: At />,!■>!. dd-f 12J /..iin/of/i/i-tl. Kaaiaa City and Dourer Faat Kx. •♦J2;.T!;i. ra, |*3 ■/*} n m, Kasaa Cny M|>rc< t m. it 7 tiV*«. ra. M. Diuis and Miriiuiml'i i-.i..., • m. 1 * B:Jdt). m. St. >|.rtnsanM Ha.... { '. : f, r. in ;» 7::•**. m. hx. rtA.lanksonrlllo Di*Mon.... t1M~» p. tn. I 7'Kl*. rl Jeheraon C1l» F.ipttm fil.u. m.,t 7-;iii*.m. PeKridmnl Keoiua l.ii.fc«. • ft;*ia. rn. ♦ s Top.m. ( lilt.ifi'A I’adurali ILulrM-l Hi. ♦ HHila. m. • «;io.>. m. S-i ■a-nt.Ucnn.Wavnmttim K«. p. m . • 2 -‘fl n.S Joliet A DwnililAcc nnmoilati'in. • *::; cp. tn., 4 pjji*. m. CMIOACO. MILWAUKEE 4 ST. PAUL RAILROAD rr<Vn /<- r r ■rr.-r V. nm/ Ti'k,l Ofi" <U !C'i‘h '"'ir'L-*'., 00)1, I(' ,‘l'rr.i'i i Ki««, and a( Dfpu*. Mil'tsttkes, Madison, M'mrng A ■ iluJ’hien* I/jcrl 1 Mrltraukeo, ),a Urns*'', Winona.i M. i’aul A Mlan*fli.oli*.thr'>'u;ii hlpT**; »ln, »(• Miiui'll'.-*, I for Ul;xtn. IWUn. OabWasb.t i Miwa-.iit iOrs-n Hsr I*9s39i. m.;* 4HWp, n. IMlwajiksf, Mutism, I’raine an t.hVu; also. M'Df'jt, U«o*:n' I K'i» * Kr«‘r ?'is P<«:n» •':T» a. m. Mt-W*. m. Milwaukee I LaCi</S« I’j*j iisc’r; ? IIL'VOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. J*f} '.*■ . n«'l/•*'>»"/ 'V.-. 1.1 /M.rh,a-or Clark. (’.ujun'i-r A Xk‘J4*n. I Lfxwf, 1 Ame«. fit. luiui" Riprraa • P;Wa. m. '• 4;<r»n. m. St. Louis I'ant '{ «;:««. r:t.«S l-Dt. m. < blew Orlran* K* ’• *-. Tv *n, * S : f. p. tn. Cairo A New Oileans Kx '{ r:?du. tit. { 7:30 a. in. S|iiiru;lici.l. ivu.Ct X koikufc Kt * fyVi a, ;u. • StCla, m. Jiubuipie X Sioux Otty Bx • 9:?*ia. tn.;* Huttp, tu. Jlulxinita 4 1 •..!»...l*o Kx • p. in. • 7.1.11 a. a. (.Ilinau Paneoxcr • i..>i>. u.. » a. txi. CHICA(P. BURLINGTON A OWMCY RAILROAD. /irj.ot.-, /.w „r I/t’x'.tt., luiliani.t*. aiul ,Sfylr»n(A«a(, t a'l jCc -.l .\uleenth-iU, lickH OJicet, U Clarit-tl^ will a I . [ /-»ii f*. I ,1 rritt. Mall and TipreM '• 7:Jia. ni.>* T ;<o m. m. Uliawa ana I’a-rriiger. • 7r3lt *. m,!* 7:fi p. m Uuhuguu d .Sioux City Kxp 9:M ■». m. • t;us p. m I‘fccmc F*at Li.u, jor Oiutlia... # 10:W a. in. i* 3&* ip, a. Kiuias ..tty, hearonworih, At*' ct.tsou A »t. Joaupb Kxi» Moron a m. i* 3:lip. m. Irui Kitnij'a i'liCKlp. m. 7:lu p m Anrorn Vaarenyor 3:13 p. m. • (*;IS a. m, •McnJ •ix.uttawaAStroatori’aaaf* t:Jil p. pi. • t*:fts a. m. Aur.i* t‘i>.*>-mrer )» f>yo p. ui. • Sin - , «. m. i a».-njr*r (.Sunday) • IrtWp. in. a. m. i>uti»|iia A iMM'ixCity Ku* »p. m. • 7:ou a. m. I’actnu Mtrlu Uip, furOtna>«a.. ltO:U)u, n». t7;Via.ia. Kansaa Uit>, i. arenwona, At-' ctiUou A St,'ii Kxp i Moj!Wp. m. ♦ 7:!3 a.m. nTJISIvivIStr '.Is 1 ..■ «. • »rj r. m. Ouwner’a 1 iuivti Acc> liun.l'i!.! ‘1 • '. ’|V. 'n*. j» V : r. j^a'. 'l'.x. suuda.s. li’.x. Sa'.mnay, ;Ux. Monday From Crnfrul 7Va ■ I Indlanepoll*, fxiuliTllte .1 Clncln-' in M \ V"' 1j 'f Vi itiVlV i T; oc i i i*' * 9:05 8 ‘ m ' * 8:25 p'm ‘mi:. rs.r. m.* m . ,’i'iie remain Min«tr - '1« lint Great olj u Thu Cau-Caa CINCINNATI AIII LIKE AND KOKOMO LIN". />om IHHthun ,'i ,(■ ,'f. Lnuit liiiil-m- i*-.v nrr Hiffu* „t»l r„rr.,U. fl ,. t Stilt. Ji‘UU<Jo!j.l.~fl„ UnU lit 'let lnilhn»pnll*.T,onlj?|Uo4 Itiitl I lay I.* (>ro»s IxiUiSVlLlui C'lnctll. uau (iUUy> l PHTSDURG. CINCINNATI & £T. 1.CU15 RfltLfim iVom »«r«rr Hu,ton an<i CVrfoP.*-*., liVjJ Ivkrtujief, VilliuMduUiK-tt,, un>< at 'te/iil. Cnlumhu«,ri(t«bnr* t New York ■ I •*—f •’*»- ■N.t.-lit | 7J0p.r0.! THOe. m. Day Kinross..,. I'uciiiu Lxpress. Va-l J.iiu* Mail Mail. Sunday* Ereoptod. liapro*-, Daily C’iiCAGO. ROCK ISLAND & /'r;«P, eorurnt/' Vua IVltco un-f urauU lUeQie Omaha. Lcaveuw'thAAtcbbonßr *li’:lSa. m.l* D;. ! op. in. Peru Accommodation <* iitvp. ia.|* t);3(la. ia. Niiiia i'.«viiL.s I lun»> o. in. It ri:lSa. m. ISANKISUPT SALI3. Dlairlcf r.Mirt wi'iim (Jutted State*, Norll>- "HiaSJrttKOPTcy.. In the matter i/ IF. A. Button and W. Usury Cutters, bankrupts. Tbo untlurslfnnl. Leonard O, Kllnck, Alliance of tbe estate! of •'til bankrupts. hereby giro* notice that on SatunLu.Uic £Jd day ul January, A. I>. 1873, at 10 u’clucx in tin*/orin hhi, at the entrance to the Republic Idle Building. uu LaSalle-*!., between Madivon and Slonroe aia., In Hie City of Chicago, bo will »01l by public auottuu, /or cash. to tho highest blddar or bidder*, all tho right, title, and Intorett of tbo said bankrupts. and of tbo no* doraigtmd as Assignee aforesaid. In and to tbo following d-iiurilidd real estate, being (48) forty-right villas* lots |u the ViUagu of Ploitevlllo, In Uw County of Wold, In tbo Territory of Colorado, raid lota bfltngfioxlM foot each. Also policies ot Insurance in following bankrupt com panies; fi.CWJ. Hide and Leather, Bostou. Maas.; 65.W.0 New Amsterdam, of Now York City. Also certain certificates u( stuck. AUo the nncollcctml and duspor/itu dobta due and bubmging to said estate, a DM whereof muy Ini aoon and full particular bad »n ap plication at my ofiloo, Uoom .Vo. tin Ashland iilnck, Chi cago. 111. LEONARD IS. KLINCK. Cuu'AOO, Jan. I. 1875. Assignee as aforesaid. IN T E HHKSOn'ra How fi’Escwlto Mor, til) TO NARSAU, the Ma.Mraof America, with Ita floe Amer ican lloUi] uud b.amtlul location, (SO TO JA.UAICA, with lla Blue Mountains, affording tretf choice of touiporature (or a residence. GO TO CAIMT-lR (ho beautiful and Interesting capital of Vuik-cuuls, with dry climate and equable Unuporaturu. ■ j Tim Alias Steamship Company’s Urge first-class frnti Steamers, special!/ tilted for passengers, leave New York ewr) iiftoen days for (he above renowned health rosurU. For part culars apply to PfjJ. FOUWOOD A CO., Ana U. 6fl 6fl Wall at.. New York. WINTER RESORT. KOVAL VICTORIA 110TKL, Nassau. N. I'., Bahama*. T. J. I’OKTHK, Proprietor. I’or lull Information, address J. 1,1 DUtiU WOOD A CO., Steatuers nail uvery Iwuwlu. MEDICAL CARDS. ' MEDIO riSwifttEtsmlß* giving r Vbe* lllghosf puasible treatment in all cases of pri f|UilP3 vatedtoeasss. UUwoUknoir* Ur. pas stood at the head of Hie profession for over ai years-ago and expert, once all Important. A book for the million, free, or 19 fouls to pay manage, uu Marriage, Lust Kuergy. Loth, Impotoucy, I'linploson the Face, etc. Ladies requiring the most delicate attention. with home board, etc. caller write, tiiriaily confidential. Ofilco, 9a. in. unt[i 7 p. id. Dr. Kean, 3BONOUTU CXAUK-ST.. CHICAGO, Maybe consulted, persuaelly ur by mad, ires of charge, oa all chronic oruurtous diseases. UU. j. KKAVistue only physician in the city who warrants cures ur u» par. UiLce Uuum. 9a.m.tu Bp. m.: Sunday* from 9tu 11. AIAMIOOU KKSTOKLO. A victim of youthful imprudence, causing pretnaiure decay, nutvoaadebility, ete. ( having tried Hi vain utury kuuwu remedy, baa found a simple •clLenre. which i.o •ill sand/V«* u» bis fellow-aii/Terera */Aidreaa J. 11. KEKVLii. 7/ «—an af.. fty; York. -- w * CmcftßO & ALTON RAILROA!), '9:3oa. tn. *7:46p.Q. KAKKAKE2 LINE. , J-U- I-.„„■! .l-pol font r.'-nfy. — >-l i-'f.. «.( ,lt I A-:,.. ’lncln-' ( ' 8:00 a. iji. * 6MO p, m .30 p.m.! 7;(!)*, to, irutf. | Arrire. PITISDUfr-. FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY. | Ltare, i~.lrr.cVr )• *. iu. ;uo p. m. .I! 6;l‘i |>. in.m. iit'liiii/.'p iu, :f*t>:iX) a, in. *jl UJi ■%. W.i* duw p. w. OSITIMOns & OHIO RAILROAD ftaiiit Ifirt Jt»: rl urui rirvnt foot at J'urrt'j.i,™. ...fto,, \>j laSnll^et. PACIFIC RAILROAD. Slrri-i in-iit, ‘lieiiet ujict, Um,l. 'l Z “^ LE&ALi 7