Newspaper Page Text
■orry in think you clurWio leo Utter tn opinion of t>> n.irilijr a man. Your* truly, M. D. MomoM. Mr. Munson Is correct in ascribing the pan praplt quoted above to (ho Times. The annum of the assault lice In Ilia fact that Oon. JJunK hide fiiippreKHCil that Copperhead aheot in IBCI for trcxsonablo ntterancen against the Union. PERSONAL. People who wish to see Georob Fawcett Howl must wslt until tholes in thawed m tho lako. Us is practicing nightly ou tho Missis mpi'l. Toucubtone—*‘Be-8o" is good, reryj good, vorv excellent good—mid yet it is not: it Is but bo-bo. iVrt thou tv iso ?— As You Like Jl, Act r., i. Dr. 11. 8. Chester, of lh» Michigan University, ban relumed from his Western tour in Improved health. Ho lectured to his class in ths University yesterday. Count Uattuakt, of Pesth, and' Meflslenrs Bouquet i-a Qute, Statt, Couvieoolled, and Ccsoot, of Paris, nro the prominent foreign ar jitala at tbo Oraud Pacific. What makes a woman with a wbilo soul have a rod face? Glto it up.— Brooklyn Argus. Why should Uio “happiest man in all tins assembly* dT.'cina a "c£tc of gloom”? Glvoitup. Tuo tropical luxuriauco of soil and clim&io along tho routo of the Northern Pacific is well sot forth in tho proposition to run trains over tbs ico from October to April. Jay Cooke wilt please rise, Now Orleans looks upon Eads aa Us savior. His Jetty scheme will give employment to bo many people that it will revive business and give tho people something to think of besides cutting each ollicrj* throats. Mlou Jlaiiv E. Dewet, daughter of tho vener able Dr. Dewkv, believes that intelligent women ought to havo tho privilege of voting if they wish to da 00. but rather hopes they will not wish to, and thinks thoy will not. Tho foreigners in Congress aggiogato fifteen: Boiitma, tho Gorman, and Jokes, tbo Welchman, comprise tho Senators 5 aud in the Houso aro fivo friahmon, four Hcotchucn, two Englishmen, a Canadian, and a Mexican. Gov. Buotu, of California, will not take bis seat in tho Sonato at tho March ucssiou. lie will wait unlit next December. Much as thoy may want him in Washington, there is greater need for him (u California Just now. Dr. Wilkes, iu his recent work ou physiology, shows that a man's bonus require for their sus tenance Jirno enough to make a marble mantel every eight mouths. Aud yet tho inhumatiouiota insist upon robbing tho woildof no largo a share of it for tombstones. All tho wit and lonrubig of Plymouth Church is not engaged in defending licuoucn or admir ing llallipay ; otherwise Mrs. Moulton would nut bo receiving nasty va’cniincs. Frank should take tho Uekcuuqites at their word and • carry a good duck-gun round nith him. Tho Corning (la.) Union gives currency to tbo statement that a belle of that town was hoard to exclaim at a concert given in that place a few evenings ago : " How delightful tho colored folks slug; their tlntlmbnlallona float to my dulcet «ar like angels’ voices clothed in rhapsody.” Daly’s "Big Bonanza" Is tbo stalest, stu pidest bodge-podge of existing farces (bo mind of man could conceive, but the Davenport and Xhutv Biol are said to look divine, wulle tbo youthful Dqbw Is tbo must insignificant, insuffi cient young person over seen upon tho stage. It was proven conclusively that Mr. Stoute- TANT, of Milford. Mass., actually forgot that ho owned a valuable horse, and allowed him to starve to death. Tbe sorrow of tbe poor man when ho learned of tbo oousoquonoo of bis mental incapacity was too genuine to admit of question. Anybody who wants a young Englishman who parts his hair in tho raiddlo can got one In Greece cheap/ Ho is hold by Greek brigands, who only ask 12 shillings for him. At last ac counts there wore no token at those figures. Persona who are waiting to got a little one for a cent may slip up. Spanob and Veloula, tbo last of tbo Thes salian brigands, have snrroudorod. Now York belles who despair of marrying a title had better make overtures to those delightful caUUiroats. There is one tranaccndaut advantage offered by such a union, They will bo charming widows in a very short time. Thursday, Chaeles P. Kiattuix, of Maine, and Mrs. Hulun Hpauhawk, daughter of Mr. H. P. Qetoiiell, of Chicago, were married at Mo. 147 West Forfcy-sixtli street, Now York, in tho prcaonco of a limited number of relatives and friends. The Lev. Dr, E. U. Chapin performed tho nuptial ceremony. Au Oswego County (N. Y.) paper received tho following notice for publication, signed ** Sophia Dared “ I forbid any Lady to marry Henry smith for ho is engage and sent for bis intend wifo to Carthago and bo bos not showed his fooo and if ho gets married 1 will arrest him and put him in stay prison or 2000 dollars fine in cash.** Nothing produces eucb mixed feelings in a person as to rend on the fiy-lo&f of a book which holias Just taken from a Sunday-school library a parsage like the following t ‘1 A sweet, celcatlal-looldng girl, whose face fa radiant with rrUccted light from the totter land, always cuts a 1-o'ir figure chewing peanuts at a Friday-oveniug , prayor-wectlng. ~ Tho Investigating Committee of tho Congro a galloual Church of Fraukford say that the Rev. Thomas Cooper, charged with seduction, is a goUty of ouly a trilling Indiscretion, but the | 11 associations of his boyhood In a foreign land and among tho poorer clauses " mitigate hia of fotißO. Tho suit brought by the girl’s father may develop something more than indiscretion. The Now York Timex has the following appall ing saggesllouß« It is not at all an improbable supposition that wa have entered upon a 44 cycle" of cold winters which way hut for some years. There Is—so farts anything can no made out from so unsettled a science as meteor ology—a tendency to repetition of given mode* of temperature during fixed periods. Feasibly this is tbs mode In which tbo grout secular changes of ellmste oo cur ; that Is, during brief periods the temperature nacs or foils, and then, after that, never recovers Us qiu scale. The American Register of a recent data gives mfonuailon of tho whereabouts of Chicago peo ple abroad, as follow# i At Paris—W. B. Bated, E. Fischer, Dr. O. O. Matteson, W, 11. Mua iuy, George M. Fdi.i.tjan, Mrs. Tuckxb and Miss Blanche Tucked, b. D. Volk, John O. White, and den. Wilson. At Nice—E. M. Dement, E. N. Dement, Augustus jl. Camp hell, Miss E. Campbell, William Dickenson and lady, Mias B. Deukhond.ll. O. Bevnolds and wife. London—M. n. Dement and wife, J, O. Gordon. Genova—o. W. Cook, Mrs. D, P, Camebok, Miss Bells Norris, Frankfort-on- Jhe«Maln— Jay Mouton and Miss Modton preedou—Mrs. Hbevoot and family, 0. W. Manna—p, H. Follaksbe*. hotel arrivals. 2 House—James Delano, Boston • 1, D, Me | In tyre, New York} U. M, Lewis, Mtdluon; Edward i J).* B *wtL, U, b. A, ; John Lynch, New Orleans; a. i W, Uauser, Montana ; 8. B. Murdoch, 81. Paul; M. j Wich«lj ( Eocbcwleri T. W. Letlon, Bt-LaulsjA. I «*wUrßoaib, Baltimore; M. D, Woodford, OnU. l| Johnu. Scheffer, Eanlcakse....GrondJWlHc— a Law, Kew York; Bamusl Bchoek, Msr [l Sui i*L *» *“%•» Hsw York; D. L. » i5 l i?%J J|, * n « aoU ? v ' Johnson, Syracuse; Vi nretL Aihl’n^ 0 , 0 5 **• Arnold, Montreal; Seth Long. \S toy \vMbim VhfilEuVJ.* ra 4i*r. Waaningtou ! BUn s iiiahop M*’ • Beaty 11. Joos«. iJuffab ; ,* IM.wall, U :J,' Bhodas, CapUO.E, - Todd, bV. LnuU •V m rpT .Boston; Charles v //juss-WUHam Voun^*v?i l ii?, r C Indiana....S/.«rwmn *\ Lome; W,VwriSJW2SS^i? I n K ».r #Ulw * u * Bt ‘ J A, J. Kaye, °». >t>rT . Boston I -i V. Drutlir MaUie? Llbhy, mtow. s A M. Wallace, Hi. W; t J. y J.T. JowotL Kwk IsUuL Boston; | Y. Brown, Jersey; U. UmUnS i Vo^.'Pf,' 81 * « ton, Uutllntflou ; virc!n^. ,k r* n*vt 0r ’ 3 •*£; New York: a ° cr «< 5 j Q h,V/i!" 9 FT**’ ““»*rAo»elU: Ooortze U. bloiu (B **mns» Qteea, l-reiUicni nT-uiV I* D i Cedar lUildi ft lllohmu liiiim.!)" a fcgjv i ’oiSS? |l U»ell«jL Joseph I. Oiilrer, Pootlwt Dr H Joseph Walksr, Wsw York! N. ConuJL DwisLiiA* k fry. Louisville ID. U. Barber. Ore at -nd fbe Unr.* I John Dowling, l>, 6. ’ w . “ oa * WASHINGTON. A Blot EBay 5n the JEonsa Over the New lux Mil!. It Is Tossed About in dommit teo of tho Whole for SoTorol Hours. Western Members Insist Upon a Di vision of the Burden of Taxation; And, In Order to Give the East Its Share, Adopt aa Income-Tax Amend ment. The Bill Then Thrown Aside and a Substitute Adopted. The New Measure a Concession to ths Protectionists and the Whisky Ring. Coniervativo Members of tho Louisi ana Legislature Agreo to a Compromise. Several .Reports Submitted by the Investigating Com mittee; Tho Senate Votoa Against the Continu ance of the Pacific Mail Subsidy. THE TAX BILL. a SUBSTITUTE FASHED IN TUE HOUSE. Special DttpaUh to The tihteaao Tribune. Washington, D. 0., Feb. 23.—Tho House, af ter spending another entlroMay on the Tax bill, passed, by a very small majority, a sabstltnte quite unlike tbo original bill presented by the Committee. Xu the course of tbe afternoon tbe bill became so loaded down with amendments that it was evident tbnt it could not become a law in tbo form in which it was reported to tbo Hondo from tbo Committee of tbo Whole. Mr. Dawes, seeing this, offered tbo substitute which did pass. . Tbo vote upon the latter was 123 yeao to 113 nays,—only 10 majority in a very large vote. The substantial provisions of tbo suiiiiituto ns it passed ate these: A tax of 00 cents per gallon is Imposed upon all distilled spirits hereafter made, to bo paid by tbe distiller upon removal of tbo spirits from tbo distillery or tiio bonded warehouse. No tax whatever is imposed upon whisky already on band. Tbe tax oo tobacco is increased from 10 to 21 cents ; on cigars to UG. Tboro Is an addition of 25 pur cent of tbo amount of tho present tax on sugar ami molasses. Tbo 10 per centum horizontal duties aro restored. Tbs bill is not to include goods on shipboard on tbo 10th of February, or in bond at the dato of tho change of tho act. Tbo Little Tariff bill is coirectod so that no duty is to be paid upon bolting-clotbs or stamps used in sav ings-banks who conduct business simply ns such. Tbe most important feature of tbo bill is that tho entire stock of whisky is exempted from further tax, and that, consequently, if the bill becomes a law, the distillers and speculators who own whisky will gain a not profit of 20 cents a gallon. I To the A taodated Press,) Tint ACTION OP TUB HOUSE. Washington, D. 0., Fob, 23.—Mr. Coburn made au effort to get up what is known as tbo Caucus Force bill, reported by him lest week, and Mr. Smith (N. Y.) made an effort to got up tbo constitutional amendment to regulate tbe eloctiou of President and Vice-President, but Mr. Dawes pressed action on tbo Tariff bill, and succeeded. TUB TAS HILL. Tho Iloaso then, at 12 o’clock, went into Com* znittoo of tho Whole on tho Car iff bill, Halo (.do.) iu tho chair, &U debate on the bill being limited to ono hour. The ponding question was on tho proviso offered by Sir. Harris (Vo.) to the fifth flection. Rejected. Mr. Dawes moved an additional section pro viding tlmt nothing iu tho act of tho Hlh of Feb ruary last (theLittleTariff nct)abail boconutruod as Imposing any duty on bolting cloths hereto fore admitted froo of duty, nor to require tho UhC of Btamps in payment of mouoy entered in savings-bank pass-books. Mr. Loch moved os au addition to that section that, where goods'contaiu more than 2 per cent in quantity of smno other materials, thorn shall bo a reduction of 10 per cent of tho duty. Mr. Loch advocated bis amendment, and Hr. Dawes oupoacd It. Mr. Leek's amendment was rejected, and Hr. Dawes* adopted. - Mr. Hathoru offered an amendment to tax Imported mineral water, and ipoke In support of it. Adopted. • Mr. Conger spoho in favor of an amendment to bo offored to place gllliug twine on tho froo list. Mr. LougUridgo offered on additional section. Imposing au income lax of 8 per cent on all in comes bitween $'3,000 and SIO,OOO, and of 6 per cent on all incomes exceeding SIO,OOO. Mr. Hotchkiss declared that such a provision would necessitate 1,000 additional officers and $150,000 additional cost. E. U. Roberto moved to amend Mr. Lough ridge's amendment by providing lor tho appoint ment of Assessors. Rejected—4B to 49. Mr. Fort moved an amendment resulting the duties formerly performed by Assessors In con nection with the income tax to bo performed by Collectors of Internal Revenue. Dejected—7U to 77. Mr. Rutlor (M&sa.) offered an amendment pro viding that the tax on dividends, etc., shall be paid bv corporations. Adopted. Mr. LougUrldge'e amendment ae tbas amondod was adopted—ll4 to 80. Mr. Kellogg (Conn.) then moved to strike oat the enacting clause or the bill. Mr. Dawos appealed to Mr. Kellogg not to make that motion, bat let it come from some other quarter. Mr. Kellogg persisted in his motion. Mr, Smith (Ohio) asked what, if (hat motion carried, would bo the condition of tho bill in (be House. Mr. Dawes-It will be the condition of the hen with her hood cut off. [Lauubler.l Mr. Kellogg’s motion was rejected—lo3 to 113. Mr. Cotton moved a now section taxing tea and coffee 10 and 2 cents a pound, Rejected— -85 to 113. Mr. Young moved to amend tha income tax section by requiring all Collectors in States and Territories to no citizens of such States or Ter ritories. Adopted. Ur. Phillips moved an additional section lm- Easing an additional tax of half of 1 per cent on 'atloual Bank notes, and one-tenth of 1 per cent oa salea of gold. Ur. Buckner offered, ua substitute for Ur. Phillips' amendment, a section providing that after the Ist of July next a tax of ono-tonth of 1 per cent shall be impoood on all sales of stocks, bonds, gold and silver bullion, coin, and other securities. The sabetitate wee agreed to—lUs to 68. Ur. Dswes then moved (amid much excite ment and cries of 44 Where is the hen now ?’*) to strike out the enacting clause of the bill. Car ried—llo to 34. The Committe* yoao end reported that action to tbo House, whereupon Mr. Dawes moved to recommit the hill to the Committee on Ways and Menus, with lustiuctions to report It hock with a whisky section, taxing whisky hereafter to be made (not stock on baud; 00 cent* a gallon, leaving tobacco and sugar and the 10 per cent section* iu the bill. Qu a vote by tellers, the vote was announced os 101 to 91. but, before the cmeatlou was de cided, Mr. Garfield suggested to Mr. Dawes to withdraw the motion, and let the bill go book to tho Committee of the Whole, to which suggestion Mr. Davos assented. • Ho withdrew his motion, and sold he would let the House take the responsibility of concurring with the notion of the Committee of the Whole in strik ing ont the enacting clause. Uth* House con curred iu Hist action, it would be an end of the bill. He desired *o taffeta Us BwUva la ths THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 1875 motion ho had made, but ho was mot with oh j-ctlctis, and wan not parmiitod to explain. Mr. Hmllli (Ohio) mofed Co commit tho hilt to tbo Committee an Warn ami Means. with in* t lru.nioni to report it back with two sections,— ono imposing an income tax, and the other tat- Inu whisky S3 ce:it» a gillan. liojectod. (13 to 23. Tlio Hotwo iltou proceeded to vote by yeas and tiA?B on sinking out the enacting clause, mid it was not agreed to—yeas, IPO; nays, 150, na follows : TEAS. Adam*, Glover, Randall, Archer, Otinl*r, Read, Arllmr, Humllt'.n, W, It., A»ho, Uiii'or.k, Ha>K r ((nrt.), Atkin*, Harvis (G».), Saylnr (0.), Banning, Hard* (V#,), n.died, Barber, Hatcher, K udder (N. Y,), Beck, Haven*, Hcnor, Bell, Hertford, Hmlih (Va.), D?r.-y, Herndon, Huyder, Blount, Holman, Houlhard, Bowen, . Hunter, fipter, BriQtit, Kelley, Hlandlford, Bromberg, Knapp, Blevena (Maai,), Brown, Lamar, Ht. John, Buckner,. Lsacb, Klouo, Burdiard, Lotigbrldge, B'onn, Caldwell, J.utlrel), B(owcl), Chitlendnn, Mag?e, Ktrali, Clark (Mo.), Marahall, Hwaun, OKrke (S, Y.), MeDUI (la.), Tliomai (Va.), ClatUo. Skl/'ao, Vance, Olymcr, Mlllikcn, Waddell, Uemlugo, Millt, Wall*, Cook, Morrison, Well*. Colton, Neal, Whitehead, Cox. Nesmith, Wbltlhorne, Crittenden, Nlhlack, Willard (Vt,) f Crosidar.d. O'Brien, Willard (Mich,) Orutcbfltld, Orr, Willie, Datls, Bark (N. ll.}, Wlhon (Md.), Dewitt, Berry, Wolfe, Darbaia, I’heljw, Wood, Eldrcdco, Bierce, Young (Ky,), Fink, Poller, Young (Gj.)—lM. OldiUngv, NATB. Albert, Hatliorn, Platt (N. Y.), Albrlgbt, Hawley (IT*), I-.Oauu, Averill, Hawley (Ccini.), lUlney, Barman, Hazoltou (Wl*.), Rapier, Birrero, Hazeltoii (N. J.) Bay, Barry, Hoar, K. 8., Jik-utnonil, Boat, Hoar, G. F., Roberts (, Resole, Iloditc*, Bohlngon (0.), Biery, Hosklo*, Buie, Bradley, Houghton, Bu*k, Bufllnlon, Howe, Havryer, Bundy, Hubbell, Bcolleld, Burleigh, Hunter. Bcuddnr (N. J,), Burrow*, Hurlbut, Sessiouß, Butler (Matt.), Hyde. Hhanks, Canuon, Uluet, Bneala, Curpeutor, Hasson, SbcMon, Caauu, KellogE, Bherwood, Co* sna, Kllliager, Kboemaker, Clark (K. J.), Lamport, Sloan, Clements, Lawrence, Bmulf, Cobb (Hsu.), Lawson, Smart, Coburn, Lowiß, Bmllb (Pa.), Conger, Lowe, Siuilb (Lr.>, Corwin, Lowdce, NmltU (N. Y.), Crooke, Lyncb, Builth (O.), Crounae, ALirlln, Sprague, Curllr, Maynard, UUturd, Hanford, McCrary, bUrkwcathtr, Darrall, McOlll (Wla,), Slra-vbridsc, Djwu, ItacDougall, Syjjlier, Dobbin*. MrNalU, Taylor, Timman, lltrrlaiD, Tbompooß, Duoll, Monroe, Tbomuurgb, Duntrall, Moore, Todd, Earned, Morey, Townaend, FarweiL Mytis, Tyuor, Field, K«3loy. Waldron, Fort/ Nile*, Wallace, Foster, Niiuu, Ward (N. J,), Froeiuon. O’Neill, Wbroler, Frye, Or:b. While, paidcld, Packard, WUUcloy, Oo'x-li, Packer, Wilber, (Bmrkcl, r.itksr (ilo.), Williumi (Wl*,) Ifagun*. Paroon*, Willlntus (M:oh.) Halo (Mo.), I’ethMii, WilUamn (Mlcb.), Hxrnior, Pendleton, Wl sen (la.), Harrl* (Man,), PbiUlps, WDaoit (tud.), Hcrrlsou. Pike, Wo.'Ktwortb—lEo. Tbo House thereupon again went into Com mittee of tho Whole, and resumed consideration of tbo bill. On motion of Mr. Harris, a section was added allowing tobacco manufacturers to uso licorice and other ingredients free of duty. Mr. Lawrence moved to make the datyon beer and ale 02 a barrel, instead of (1, and to strike out tbo duty ou sugar. Bojecicd. Sir. Monroe moved to make the special tax on retail hquor-dcalors S6O, instead of $25. Re jected. Amendments of various kinds, offered by Mcoare. O’Brien, Hotchkiss, Potter, Coupor, Kellogg. Cox, Banning, Yauco, and Moyers, wore all rejected. Finally, no more amendments being offered, tbo Committee rose, and reported tbe bill and amendments to tbo House. A SUBSTITUTE. Mr. Dawes theronpon jfrocoedod to address tbo llouoo on tbo necessity of providing fur tbs de ficit In tbo Treasury, nod spoke of tbo impoa«i biltty of framing auy revenue bill that would satisfy all sections and all interests. He referred to tbo Income tax bo a tax which was not just and proper In theory, but as one which had proved objectionable in all countries where it was tried, because it was promotivo of perjury and demoralization. Believing that tbo nooossl tios of tbo Government called on Congress to poos some revenue measure before adjournment, ho proposed to make one moio effort in that direction ; and, if it (ailed, then personally, and, as tho organ of tho Com mittee on Ways and Means, ho should leal that ho had discharged his whole duty in tbe prem ises. Ho therefore offered as a substitute for tho bill one taxing whisky, to bo hereafter made 90 cents a gallon, tobacco and sugar as in tho amended bill, and restoring tbo 10 percent ou manufactured goods, and on that ho moved the previous question. The previous question was seconded, and the main question ordered—yean, 133; nays, 111. Tbo substitute was agreed to—yeas, 131; nays, The question then recurred on orderiugthe bill to bo cugroflsed and read a third time, on which he moved the prevloua question. Mr. Niblack made a point of order that, under the now rule, it would require a two-thirds ma jority to Bccond the previous question on tho first dav of this bill coming before tho House. 'lire Speaker sustained tho poiut of order and defended tho propriety of tho new rule from tho reflection made upon it by Mr. Niblack, by re minding that gentleman that under tho old rule one-fifth of tho members present could prevent action on tho bill. The previous question was seconded by tho necessary two-thirds, and the hill was then passed—yeas, 121; nays, 113. TEXT OF THC RILL. The following ie tho text of the bill ne passed t That from and after the date of the package of tide net there *hall be levied and collected on alt distilled •pirila hereafter produced in the United States a tax of 90 cents ou each proof gallon, or wine fiUJonwbtn below proof, to be paid by the ulitillor, owner, or iw •on having poueMloa tboruuf, beforo removal from tho distillery or bouded warsbouae. and ho much of Bee. 935 of the llerlsod Htatutca of tho United States as la inconsistent herewith la hereby repelled. fine. a. Thai Bee. 3,308 of tbo Revised Htatutee bo and the nmols hereby amended by atrilriuri out the words l4 Socenta a pound," and Inserting in lien there of the words 41 34 ccnla a pound:” provided, that Sec. 9,SOt of Revised Statutes bo aud the same la hereby ameuded by striking out the word 44 five 41 wherever it ■occurstherein, aud Inserting In lieu thereof the word “ elx," and by itrlking out iho word 44 aixty,” ami Jn aortluff * 4 ievcttT-flve, ,t lnereaihja tbo duly on cigars from Utofdi thousand, and on clgtrethw from J'i&O to 52.75; provided that tho incroaie of lax herein pro vided for ahsll not apply to tobacco, cigars, and ciga rettes on which tax under the existing law ahsll have been paid wbeu this act take* effect. Sea, 3. That ou all molasses, concentrated moU»- sea. tank bottoms, >lrup of sugar-cane Juice, imihdo, and ou sugar, according to tho Dntch standard color, imported irora foreign conntries, them shall be levied, colteulod, and paid, fa addition to thodntlce nowim- I'twed tn Bcheaule O, Sec. 9,001, of the Revised Stat utes, an amount equal to 35 per cent of said duties, oa levied upon the several articles ami grades herein designated; provided, that concentrated tnelado or concrete (ball hereafter be classed oa sugar dubitabla according to color of the Dutch standard, and melado shall be known and defined as an article made In the proem of augar-making, being csne-Jutce balled down to the sugar point, aud containing all tho sugar and molasses resulting from Ihs boiling process without any proem of purging or clarification, and any and all productions of sngar-cauo imported in page, mats, baakeli, or other thau tight packages, shall bo considered sugar, and dutiable os such ; and pro vided, further, that of the drav/lnck on refined sugars allows !by Bee. 8,019 of tbo Revised Statutes of the United Bute* only 1 per cem uf the amount so allowed •ball bi retained uy (ho United Bittee, Bm. 4, That »o much of Beo, 2,505 of tho Revised Sututee oa provides that only 9u per centum of the several dutlea and rates of duty imposed on certain articles therein enumerated by Bee, 3,004 ahsll be levied, collected, end paid, be and the same is hereby repealed, aud tha several duties and rates uf duty pre scribed (u sam 800. 9,504 shall be aud remain aa by that section levied, without the abatement of lb per cen tum sa provided la See. 3,503, Bto,8 to, 0. That tho increase uf duties provided by this set shall not apply (o any geode, ware*, or merchan dise actually oa ship-board and bound to the United btaUs oa or before the loth dav of February, lt>7o, nor on any such goods, wares, or merchandise on deposit in warshousuorpubllo stores at the date of the pas sage of this act. , heo. « provides that nothing la the act of P*b. 8, 1676 (the little Tariff act), shall be construed to lm* peso euy duty on bolting doth* heretofore admitted :L M duty, or to iei;mre the iuo of stamps on *n tna* of receipts In pass-books of savings banka. the vor*. Tbs following is tbs rots in detail on tbs final passage of tbs lllli TXAS. Albert, Harrison, Prat), Albright, Jiktborn, Halos/, AvariTl, Uawlsy (UL), IV.pier, Barter, Hswl«>* (CU, Ulchinond, Barmw, XUisltou (Wts.). BoUxis, E. h„ Barry, Uaulton (N, JJ, Kobtusoa {OS, Dagoi*, Hoar, E.U. Hots, B:uy, Hoar, 0.y., Busk. Uraalor, Usduss, Uwysr, »<llli»>* tfwtlM, ftNU- IS, l>, Bundy, H'uiflbloa, Kcctlpu*, Bnr!cii<li, Uuiir-fllt, Hf.ankt, Btirniw*, B'ltltr (All**,), Killinipir, Hlieldon. C.tin, l.nmp'irt, flho-:m*ker,*nler, H*n«lU Caton, lyiwi*, Hmltb {!*•.), CcHfna, l/iwe, flmitli (Li.), Clark (N. J.), l.yiira, Hmllh (N. J.), Clymrr, Mivn*rd, Fpm/u^, CobbtKtn.), MKfr*ry, Standard, C'mcer, McUtll (Wl*,), Starkweather, Crwkc, MacDrngill, BtrawbndQe, Merrlara, Hypber, FtirM*. Monroe, Taylor, D infcrd, Alonrc, Tboroai (Va,), iM’rMl, Morey, Tlinjopion, Datvwi, Mven, Thorni/urgb, Do*bill*,/ Begley, Todd, Diiell, Nile*. Towr.«end, l-’.nie*, O’Neill, Tyner, Field, Orr, Waldron, F'-cter, Orth. Wallace, F.e-man, Packer, W»nt(N.J.) Frye, IHiga, White, Parker (Mo.), Wilier, fico:h, Parson*, WiUlam* (WU.), HniDii*, Pendleton, WDIUm* (AUit,), Halo (Me.). like, William* (Ml:b.), Hertncr, Matt (N. Y.), Wlboa (la.), Harris (Maaa,), Poland, Woodworm—l 33. KATB. Adams, Eldrcdge, PUelp*, Arcbcr, Fink, PblUlja, Arthur, Fort, Poller, Aeho, OUdlnja, lUndsll, Aik ns, (Hover. lUy, lliunmg, Ountkle, Head, Ilmiuuj, Gunter, Rayler (Ind.), Dock, Hamilton, Gtvior (O.), Hell, llxuccck, Boner, li-jrry, Harris (Qi.), Sherwood, itlaud, Harris (Va.), B1c«b, Hloar.t, Havens, Bmiln (Vo,), Jiovvcii, Hereford, Smith (().), Jti Herndon, Huullt (S. C.), Hriunberff, Holman, Southsrd, llrown, Hunter, Speer, lltickiier, Htiuton. SUiMlford, Himbard, JltirlL»Ut, Sttvenu (Mail,), Hutlur (Term.), Hyde, fit. John, Caldwell, Kelley, Stone, Contion, KuUoj.7, Storm, Clark (Ho.), Knapp, BUrnell, Clayton, Lamar, Strait. Cienienis, Lawrence, Swann, Coburn, Lnltrell, Vance, Comiuap, Mrcoe, Waddell, Cook, Mnreball, Walls, Convin, Marlin, Well*, Cotton, MnDJII (!».}, Wiilkbead, Cox, McLwa, Wlilttborne. Crittenden, KcKulla, Wliitrd (Vi.), Cra«ljn,l, Millikan. Willard (Miclj.J. Cruubfidd, Mills, Wilde, Marnroa, W'lUon (Ind.), DeWitt, Neal, Wood, Bonnau, Kihtari. Young (Ky.), DminoU, O’iJrleu, Young (0*,)—113, Durham, Parker (N. IT.), Tbo lienee Ikon adjourned. LOUISIANA, THE COMPROMISE MOVEJIKNT. Special DUpaich to Tit Chicago TVtOune. Washington, D. 0., Fob. 23.— T1i0 Louisiana Conservative Committee bad another conference to day rritli Mr. Wheeler. They hops to bo ablo to arrive at a dual settlement to-morrow. Tbo Committoo have telegraphed to the live Demo cratic members who were ejected by tbo mili tary that no bolter compromise than that offered by Wliooior can be obtained. Zt still seems probable that that compromise will bo accepted. If accepted, tbe Kellogg people will have no other alternative than to oboy it. J ib tfa Aaooeiitteil PrtuA Washington, D. 0., Fob. 23.—The proposed compromise between tbo Conservatives aud lie* publicans In Louisiana ia not yet settled. TUo I’rcuidoDl to-day bad an interview with llopre tontaUvo Wheolcr, and afterward soul for Mar* ahull Packard, requesting him to confer with Wuocler. As tbo Legislature will adjourn on tbs 4th of March, Wheeler toJegraobod Oov. Kellogg asking him, as a preliminary to a settle* rncix, wholhof ho would call an extra session of tbo Legislature. A private telegram to a Representative from Louisiana, received to* mght, Hays Kellogg is reluctant to coil an extra sosviou. Thu Conservative Ooromltloo now bore are still anxious that au accommodation may bo effected, thongh the prospect la not promising. Wabhisutox, D. U., Feb. 23.— 1n the Honoo this morulug the majority report of tbs Louis iaua Investigating Committee, signed by Messrs. Foster, Phelps, Potter, and Marshall, was pre sented. The following conclusions have boon arrived at: Tho undersigned, majority of Iba Committee on the Slate of the South, respectfully report that they runout oqroo to the report nude to the Committee liy Messrs. Wheeler mid Fryo. The laws iuloticul to the colored people of Louisiana, referred to in their report, have been repealed for years. Except during tho schism of Guv. Wi.rmoth, lu IHT2, the ItejiubUcun jairly baa long bad control of lltemacuincry of the Stile. Tho hto registration show* an excess of the colored over the white voters, giving U0,7Hl colored to 7u,tf.13 white. In the alieeaco of say direct evidence that the late election was nut free and fair, tho atsumpUon r.f the mluority, that enough colored votera must therefore have been prevented from voting at (be lets election ny the recollection of the Colfax and Conahat ta killing" (the cause* and circumstances of which are disputed}, end by other acts which occurred years be fore, to have changed the result of the olertion throughout the State, ia an Meumptloa w> violent, when it is recollected that both those parishes denied the full Kellogg ticket by increased Republican major ities, im not to be received, if any other cause for the vote of (he HUlo con be found. Hucb causes exist aod uro obvious. Among them aro: First— I TUo registration was incorrect, and exceeded tbo true colored von*. The registration waa wholly in tie ha Vo of the Koliocg cnriais, with whom a Repub lican Committee, with United States Marshal I'ovk aul at dioir head. co-oimnitud, la only throi parishes did the Republican Supervisor* of Registration make any complaint of unfair or in uufilclt'ui registration. On tho other hand, very great complaint was mado by the Conservatives, who speci fied. wiih proof, I,‘ZOJ coses of conceded fais* registra tion in Nuw Orleans alone, and those Conaervttlvt* who had be.'u ro-op* ruing in tho Joint Tarty Com mute) to BO 'iire fair registration gave up the effort in derpttlr. Thu emeus ot 1870, the correctures of which is not impeached, showed 87,070 whites and 88,813 col ored melee over vl yean of age. AU the statistics and evldetbe beioro us indicated no change in this propor tion in lavor of tfce colored voters. Vet the llou of tolored votera ezeeeded by 4,C00 the to'al oura’.er of adult male* returned by tho census, while tho registration of white votes was 10,000 Its*. SeeinU— ’Hie whnJo uuiuusr of votes registered woe 107,007. Of thcae 118,(hte voted. Th*s Is a larger pro portion of registered volet* than usually vote in any of the Northern Suies. In an agricultural Btelc, scantily nettled, where long Jonrueys had often to be mado U> roach the ittlls, U Is unreasonable to suppose that a greater proportion of tbo registered blacks would have turned out to sustain tbs Government uudgr which tho proopority of Bute and their wages iuxl value of their sham of production had steadily declined than usually vote at emotions North or Hoatiu Th.rd— lß74 wss a year of change, in which the vote throughout all the Bute* was seriously affect ed against the Republican party,—* change resulting largely from financial distress of the people, and which should therefore uuiurally have been wen greater In Louisiana then elsewhere. Fourth—lt became the luterest of the Conservative#, at least at the last elecllou, not to Intimidate, but to acquire by overy fair mesne the colored vole. Parties who were alleged to have threatened the blacks even with refusal of employment were subject to prompt srrert. It was known that pretexts would bo sought (0 deprive the Conservatives of the reenlt, if they prevailed in the election. It was therefor* their interest to ovoid giv ing any such pretexts. Accordingly, they determined everywhere to co-operate with and conciliate the blocks. They voted down tho propositions or sugges tions which were made in the early part of tho com pain for a refusal to employ those colored voters who would not co-operate with thorn, and generally sought by combining with colored voters to cerry the elco lion. Local combinations against the Kellogg candi dates were made in many perishes by uica of all par ties aod colors, In several porlsho* * Union ticket of colored end CoaservsUve votes was voted for and elect ed. An in tolilgcnt colored witness testified that ho ** de sired Ixitter government," end to that end “ was willing (0 swallow the white man If the while men would swallow the colored." These causes aud feelings natu rally united to aweli the Conservative vote in suehl> calittea, as indicated by the returns. >V(A—Th* entire want of any dlnet evidence to ■how any general iDUmklsilou <.f colored voters. Of course, in so large a Bute it would be Impossible there should bo no ineUoce of refusal to employ, or of in timidation. Such occur in overy Stale; bat the evi dence certainly Indicates no general intimidation of colored voters, and that such intimidation as did exist lathe State was rather in the interact of the itepuU llotuathau of the Conservatives, United States Mar shals, whose chief wss the Chairman of the Itepnhllc&u Stele Committee, anut-d, m some cases, with blink warranto of an oat, and sided by Federal troops, made constant arrests before the election, but not afterwards. The overnight of the election and nw tnrua were in the hands of Oov. Kellogg’* officials. Their account and return did chow W majority of members of the Lower House, elected by the Conserva tives, without any protest whatever, except in three parishes, ellhouga it wss their province and duty to proteat lu suy case where violence, and luthindall9U.or mud exist*!. Indeed, the direct evidence av to the election of 1874, as well as the cimuuuuucrc, clearly ludicstea peaceable and fair election. In fret, after tbo visit of the first commutes and revisit of the special committee, .the Kellogg party with oil their machinery for collecting evidence, were unable to produce in the entire Bute more then half-e-Uoica perwoos to testify to any thing impeaching the n-eodorn and fatrov** of the late election* who were tv>t utiicrholdcra or connected with officeholders. Agelott such fact* it sretua to us idle to assume tbit tho disturboux* so vividly pic tured by the minority amid have kept up throughout tbolr bUte such a fcehwg of lutlulldsuou ca would justify the assumption that hut for (bat fediogihe BLsie would have cone Republican. All experience show* that the result of tbu election of 1874, in Louis iana. as returned to the Re-turning lk*r<l, vaa natural and to be easily accounted fur by the reasons wo have Sven. We hold, therefore, ihut lu November, 1874, e people of the Blato of Louisiana did fairly have a free, peaceable, and full rcgUtrsllun aud election, la which • cltar Conservative majority we* elected to the Lower House of the Legislature, of which majority the Conservative* were deprived by tbs unjust, Ille gal. aud arbitrary notion of the Returning hoard. To tho resolution reported to (he Rouse from the Committee os to the action of the Returning Board, agreed. V« understand the Chfaclltoe w to unanimous in finding tho furl that tli>> (vtionof the Upturning IPmd lisa defeated Die will of tlie pool'll* ss dpi eased by Itirro at Die jwili i in Novwn),. r, It 7(. The profile then i« the i»wer House of their Legislature a majority of C.mi'cr»»ilvn memt* r«. A I'oriljii of the C'lii-ci v.itive member) thus eii rt-.l n fiiH-d their lortlllcitm. TUI*) is an art of groat Jnji.slice to individuals, of thogravs't dampT to'lie Ki*ti» and free government. and ought to le Im uicrlfalcly corrected by any power competent to cor rect li. The resolution commending the recognition of Our. Kellogg Is based uj.on the general IniprrrDon, not Upon evidence. On this point no te<tlm«my was taken cither liy the Comrnilloo or any part of It. K»U Jogg may or nny not bare been elected in li*2, but there Is no eridaucc to i,how the fact, or if tharo bo It ba* been neither sought no: 1 found by this Committee. Henan). Foster end Phelps think that the popular belief, (eking both Conservative and radical circles, inclines on the whole to Justify Kellogg's claims, end that, as Kellogg is and has boon acting Governor of Louisiana for the past two jeers, to deny his right and install another in hie place, after this lapse of time, might in volve incalculable mischief to (he legal and political Interests of the Htato. The Committee conclude as follows: To avoid mischief and the confusion nf a change, the majority of the citizens of Louisiana stem willing to aocopt, as a compromise, Kellogg's recognition and the restoration to the Conservatives of Urn control of the Lower House. For Iheit reasons. .M«urr. Foster and Fhelpa do not wish to oppose the recommendation that the administration of the Governor, Kellogg, be recognized. Neither, in view of the fact that they know nothing of Us merits as Judged by competent evidence, do they wish to be understood ns urging it. They only wish to accord Iht-lr ogre®, ineut wllb thoto of their associates who be lieve such a conference might, by making a ter mination to tho uncertainty In Louisiana, be, ou the wnole, less Intolenbla than the present situation of distracted people, but to any resolution recog nizing Kellogg, Messrs. Potter and Marshall ore utter ly opposed. They bud nothing to Justify the belief that Kellogg was elected; that he adzed tlio Govern ment by the aid of the Federal Iroopv, through n void and fraudulent order, which prevented tho counting and returning of tho votes, should bo a standing pre sumption against him. When (he people, outraged by the abuses of bis Government, bad succesrfully re gained the ofHee which lie bad usurped, he was again reseated by tbo Federal jmwer through forms of law by which he had Intrenched btmsolf. lie once morn sought to nullify the choice of the rooplo at the lata election, uiul to that oud called in the Federal troops to break up the meeting of the Legislature. For Conjnss to recognize a so gross, so oppressive, I.*, they think, to establish a precedent by which, uudcr.prctciU that can readily he found, suy Htato Government may he overthrown, the will of the people nullified, and fraud and violence m*-do pormanuut, and republican forms perverted to destroy liberty. In their Judgment all that Is needed In Louisiana is to withdraw the Federal Ircopa, and leave the people of that State to govern themselves. Charles Foster, WILUAU WALTER PBELM, CnuiisoK N. rorrtn, KaML’CL S. MaiuHii.;., toe snxonm* uewkt. G. F. Hoar, Chairman of the Committee, made tho minority report, closing with tbo following rosolntione: WitEnsAh, Doth branches of the L-ffUlature of Louisiana have requested Urn brlsct Committed of ttin ilouvoto investigate the circumstances attending tho flection and return* thereof in that Stele for the rear lß7*-’.7; and Wup-hvab, Said Committee lias unanimously re ported that the Roturninc Heard of that State, in can* rareiug and compiling e&id returun, sud prooiu'.g-tttni; the results, wrongfully applied an erroneous rnlo of law. by rtmon whereof persons were swarded in the Hoa-c of Representatives seats to which they wire not en titled, and persons entitled to easts were deprived of them; Itfiotved, That it Is recommended totboHouso of Representatives of Louisians to take immediate atejia to remedy raid Injustice, and to place the persona rightfully entitled to their seat*, jßttolcrtf, That William P, Kellogg be recognized oh the Governor of Louisiana until tbo cud of tho term ot olllco fixed by tho Constitution of that State, Tbo majority and minority reports wore or dered printed. Ah tho result of tho colloquy between ir.emßcrs as 10 which was tbo majority report and which tho minority report, it may bo slated that all the mem bers of tbo Committcn report against tho action of tbo Returning Hoard : that Meson*. Foster. Phelps, Pnttcr, and Marshall unite in tbo majority report that there was no general in timidation in f.s State, but a free aud fair elec tion, which resulted I ti|favorof the Conservatives, who wore deprived of tho result by tho wrong ful action of tbo Jlrturnieg Hoard (hat Messrs. Hoar, Whoeler, and Frye unite in a minoritr re port. aud that Foster absents with Hoar, Whoeler. and Fryo to a compromise reecguizlog Kellogg as Qovornor, and giving the majority in the House to tho Conservative delegates. wkckler’r panreamox ai/oitpd. Sltnnl DmniUhto 7 A- VS team Tribune* New Orleans, Lb., Fob. 23.— Tho Conserva tive Legivlatnro caucus nciuptoff in secret *>ea- BioD tbo Wbeotor proposition by advlco of their representatives in WafiUlnqton, Moksis. Hurke. Zocbarie. and Looaard. Mr. Wiltz telegraphed Jndgo Wboelcr tbo acceptance on condition that Gov. Kellogg should convene the Legisla ture in extra flosaion. Judge Wheeler bns com municated with Gov. Kellogg on tho nubjcct. Ho will probably decline to cotail on the State the expense of an extra scMion. I/o tSf .iMxniih'l PiihA m’exkut rnoTEHm New Orleans. Fob. 23.—Gov. McEnery, in a letter to Bpoaker Wilts, protests against the Con servative caucus entering into any compromise regarding tho election of 1872. This evening Got. Kellogg received a tele pram from United States Marshal Packard, now iu Washington, stating that tbo compromise proposition eabmittod by Congressman Wheeler bad . been accepted by Messra. Darke and Leonard, representing the Louisiana Conservatives. Similar information was telegraphed to the Conservative caucus in Bte aion Imre. It in probable that the Wheeler proposition will bo accepted to-morrow night. A majority of tbs members expressed them selves In favor of it. Kellogg is exceedingly anxious that somo plan of adjustment Lo agreed upon befoao Congress adjourns. NUMBER ONE. now czotain congressmen iuvb an eve to tub IXTEBESTS OK THAT XatTORTAXT PAQTT. Spesial Vimiich to The Vt.icaao ’Jribmif. WAMirataTON, U. 0., Feb. 23.—Senator Scott, of Pennsylvania, in a very spiteful and arrogant speech upon tbo Pacific Mail subsidy, furnished a curious illustration of tbo views which many public men take on the results of tho Pacific Mail investigation. He characterized tho ex penditure of $750,000 hero by Irvin as a piece of business idiocy, and said that, while editors, correspondents, and bummers are putting tboir arms up lo tboir elbows into this corruption fund, the evidence showed that thus far Congressmen are guiltless. This very amusing and forced piece of special pleading by which the recipients of tho Insignificant remnant of that bribe money are assumed to have received it ail, is common with many public moo, and with nemo more than those to whom suspicion points as bribo-takors. A COMPAXION-I'IECa to tblfl argument, illiotrativo of a very common typo of CongrcAsional moralitv, occurred in the other House at tho same time. Ilat'aoru, the proprietor of tbo great mineral spriug at Hara toga, and Hepreeeutativo in from that district, moved an amendment to tbo Tax bill, proposing a very considerable (ax upon all Im ported mineral water*, and tho House, withaverv few dissenting votes, permitted tho amendment to bo embodied ia the LIU. One Democratic member hod tho courage to say that Hatbom bad not tbo right to vote for cucli an amend ment, as ha was personally Interested in tho protection of bis mineral springs, but the House did not entertain the objection, aod Hathorn not only did vote, oat, la tho wildest excitement, besought all bis personal friends to tout with bixa. THE MINT QUESTION. BILL BETOfiTED IX TUB SBUATC. ffraciflf IhtvaUh to Tho Chteaao 7'nturu. Wasuikotox, D. 0., Feb. 23.—The Sonata Fi nance Committee instructed Senator Sburmau to report to the Senate a bill providing for tho establishment of a now mint, but not specifying the location, and directing him to ask tbo Senate that the President bo requested to furnish more deOnlta Information as to tbo most eligible places. There (a muen reason to believe that If the President should no called upon to specify tho place of location ho would designate Chicago. Senator Bbennau reported the bill to the Sonata late this after noon. The bill provides for tbo oatablibbmout 01 a mint, as called for by tho now Coinage act, and mentions among tbo eligible pbiceii, and in tbo following order t Chicago, Om\bs. Bt. Louie, Indianapolis, aud Cincinnati. The friends of the Chicago mint bellova that the order m which tbeuamoa of these cities is given Indicates a real preference of the majority of the Com mittee for Chicago. NOTES AND NEWS. . •HBMDAN'e UILirABY AMUTIXS. Bptcial Itltvakh to 7'A« Chkaao ’i'ri'ount. WiauiMOTON.'D. On Fob. 83— Xho iVoaideot, io & recent conrer nation with lleproaontatiro Frye, of Maioo, paid a very high tribute to FLU Bboridao. Tho Freoidant Inquired of Frye, who had luat relumed with tbo Louisiana Commit* tea. UU opinion of Bberidau. Mr. Frje aald bo Lad thought that Sheridan vu a good man to load a obargo in battle, and Uttie more { bot that Lit tiait td Qrieaao Lad abovnthaibavaa- mistaken, and that, no tlio contrary, Phil Hherl »iati in a man of Tory Round Judgment, and mum,-’on attaint in Louisiana willi remarkable ability, notwlthatiinding bo is constantly In sulted. Tho President In anbotaaco replied: “ With vf-ry many ntlior pooplo you bavo iitdcod been onliroly mistaken. Ik la my de liberate opinion Dial Phil Sheridan is (ho great nul living or dead military man. If two of tbo largcnt cjutitricH in tbo world woro to bo on- K*R c ’i in a war azninet each other, and woro to prosecute it to ilm utmost limit, I know of no man living <ir .load to whom 1 woilld so soon intrust the campaign from the planning of it to tbo end as to Cion. Pin: WieriJan,” pacific .mail iiKronr. Jho aub-Commlttca of Way a and Means, dunged with tlio preparation of tho Pacuio Mail report, wdt probai.W joport to tlio Committee to-morrow morning. Liclinrd lb Irwin lias mysteriously loft tbo city, and it la reported tfiat bo will nail for Knropo to-mnrrow, JlufiiH Hatch, Managing Director of (ho Pacific Mail Company, in cocking for him to arreet him mi Urn criminal charge of embezzlement of tbo corruption fund. xm; jojnatc vote oh tub pacific mail scisHinr. The Senate, by tho very exlraordiuaiy vote of C 2 yeas to If iiayn, {supported the proposition of tbo (Jouao to repeal tho additional Pacific Mail tmbsidv. At the adjournment lant night, it wr.H impotusiblo to bavo predicted tbm return. Tho roal decinlou of tlio quuHtinn rented with tho Hcnato Judiciary Conimittoo, wbicli had not then repoitod. To-day that Cotntnittoo reported that the Government la not bound ny tlio Pacific Mail contract, and noon thereafter tho law waa repealed. Tlioko who ato disposed to take a mournful view of Una notion any that (hat veto pulled down tbo American flag from twentv cieht ihio nhipfl. and left tbo Pacific Mail Btosm thip Company without indeed enough to buy a pound of coal. tkc QOAnTEnifAßTnr.’s iull. Senator Logan auccaedod in passing bin blit relative to tho reorganization of tbo Quartor inmum’fl Department. The Arbanaas report la to be brought up to morrow if it docs nut iulorforo with tho Appro priation bills. Tbo Eupporlcru r.t tbo Poland report have cmivimied tho ilouso, and claim a largo majority for it. The Iloaso Flectioim Committee has Already received notice of thirty caeca of contested eloo* lions in tba nent lloiihc. [J'o f/»e As-ys-ntrl Prt»f,) NOMINATION?. Wasiiinotox, D. C., Fob. a:J.—The following nominations wcro pent to tho Senate tc*day: I’or.traaetcrn—S. D. Lanbinjr, Mich. ; ■William L. Keaton, .larneon, Mich.; Mrs. Kllcn Samlcrsou, O.; Mrs. 11. I*. Lowe, X<‘»ia, O.; William Nalberbeo, Wabasha, Minn. ; Chailoa S, Lord, Hhakopce, Minn. ; FlJiott Shurtz. Marshall. In.; Joseph C. I’arrott, Kookulc, la.; 0. 31. Atherton. Oiace, le.; 0. 1), Haudboro, Chonou. 111.; T. F. I’obioy, Fort bcolt, Kae.; John Clinton, ilroivnbviliu, Tcuu.; John Severance, St. Joseph. Mo. alaiuma. The minority report in tbo cues of Alabama was presented by Mr. Coburn (Chairman of tbo Select Committee). and tbo views of the minori ty by Buckner, 'i „ev ucro ordaroJ printed. In tbe Senate, Mr. Bpencor presented a memo rial of tbo Jlcpublican metabera of tbo Ocoural Aiisombly of Alabama, addressed to tbe Presi dent and Coutaeae, claiming that tbo cb 01150 made by tbo Alabama Legislature in tbo penal code of tbo Biute made a syatom of involuntary servitude for African citizens; that 93,000 He publican voters wore disfranchised by political Icirtslatioa; that tbo Democrats proposed acts auioautinn to a practical nulifleatimi of tbo con stitutional amendments; and. finally, asking Congress to empower tbo President to mi». pomi tbo writ of habeas corpus in certain con tingencies. in order to preserve tbo public peace iothoßouihom States, Deferred to tbe Com mitleo on Privileges and Elections. Iran In semlon two hours and a naif to-day. Tbo condition o( bobenrss before Ojopresn was a sub jcct of Romo conversation. Tho proposals from tlie Pacific Jlal'r?MlH tvoro discussed, and tho general impression prevailed that at tho present time nothing should bo dono with reference ihoroto, to that no communication will bo made by Secretary Erid tow to Congress on tbo subject. It is thought that, should tho matter bo presented at this time. Us consideration in Congress might jeopar dize some of tho appropriation bills, owing to tho probability of a consumption of valuable time in its discussion. The Mexican war veterans were received by the Precident to-day io tho Ea.-t Room. The UdeeatOH. mimbonug nearly 200, were Intro duced by os-Clov. Herbert, of Louisiana. There was After the ceremony, the veterans marched to their hall, aud listened to ou Oibtion. President Grant was presented with a badge of the Association. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. HiHfiix. WAMtxxoToM, D. C.. Peb. 2-1.—51 r. Lojin, from tho Cuu.T.ltt-v on s!lliUr)* Affairs, reported baidf the I!o;i/o bill to equalize the bounties of mldltn who fcotved In the Ute Wat, and sliced Us present oou kill cii»tiou« Mr. Howe objected, upon the ground that the Library Committee was emiilod to Hie momiutf hour t-vdiy, It was )>is desire to have the hill reported by that Committee connidero'l. Mr. Logan gave uotico that ho would ash for the consideration of his bill during the morning hour of each day until L« could cet» Yule. TUE QUAUTKIIMAKTfn’s DEPATITJIENT. Mr. Login called up the Hotire bill iu relation to the Dcpartmiut of tho Army sad ngulatiog uppoliiirucuiu therein. Mr. Howe, from tho Coumdikst mi Library, colled op the MU treking further provlrion for too accom modation for the library for Conan**, which provides for tho erection of a biiUdiug iu Judiciary square. Mr. Edmunds offered s auotdluio providing fur tho exteiielnn of the wtU front of thu centre building of tho CufJtol, not uTcrcdliig 34 feet, to accomumdalo tho library, and jirojx-rlug su eppropriution of VWO.OOO to eomruenco Uio work. Thu bill uu dkiciuued till the expiration of the morning hour, and wua then l«ld over. THE IMST-omCB XUU. Tho Senate then rammed tbo toniddaration of the Poit-Oillee Appropriation HU, tbo iicodlng question bolng whether the section in tho bill, an it caoju from Iho Houvv, reprsllug the set of June 1, ItST'A, author* tiiait the coulracl, vhoold no stricken out. After further debate, a rule was ultra on tbo ques tion of striking onl the repathng clause, and mulled —yeas, 11; says, flj—«a follows: VKAB. Prclliishuyeen, Fnue, litd, bergesot, Cameron, Conover, Sprague—ll. Crogau, M'.rlon, Flanigan, iv.tersun, MVS. Alcorn, Cordon, lUnucy. Aiiieou, Huger, lliuiora, Anthony, Hamilton (Md.), Holwrtton, luyard, lla&ultuu (Tux.), BauUbury, U.igy, Harvoy, Bchura, liuivtuau, Hitchcock, Beou, Itoalwril, Intplls, Bhoman, o:>rprntcr, Juliustoo, Bpcncer, Chsunier, Kelly, Btuvooson, CLiyiou, Logan, Ktewurt, Conkliug, UcCieery, Thurman, Ci'.ijtr, Mmlmou, Tlptou, I>u\ln, Morrill (Me.), Yi'adldgh, Dili tils, Morrill (Vt.), Waahbucn, Eaton, Norwood, Wert, Edmunds, Oglesby, Wisdom, Furry iHicb.), Vralt, Wright—s3. Uuldthwaitr, I*llo attiuu of (ha lloure. repealing; the contract of 1873 for an additional auWidy was concurred iu. J£Mr, Kdmuude, troiu tbo Judiciary Committor, sub mitted u rci*rt on tba quustiuu wuethcr the contract with Ibo PaiiiU Aixll Hlounisblp Company fora semi monthly Cnlna moil service U still obligatory oa us. Too Committoo toj>ort that fu their opinion tbo Gov ernment la mu Uiand, tn taw, to carry this contract I ntaeacci, Tbo main rtuau assigned fur (bis cone U- Biou la that tbo Company do not furnish Uio ships re quired for Uto addition'll service at tbe proper time, and tbat lbs PoeUuaator-Geuoral bad no lawful au thority lu nccept vtveeU wbcu they were tendered, aud bU action commit Und tbo Government, TUU AUUY bIU. Tbo Pcat-Ofllco Appropriation u‘il hiving boon read a third time, uid passed, tic a.vwj t-ik up tbo Army ApprorulaUoii ill*. The amendment* propovd i,j Mi” Committee ou Appropriation* were dlapcw.-J oi u < t.nlu’v* s Htriking out the proviso that liutealur wuiu troop* or ulQcuni ebango stations tbolr fcmldce shall receive Iransporta llou over uad-tfraut cud aubelditcd roilroada which receive uo payments from tbo United Utato*. Agreed to. locroaalog the appropriation for (ho litre of quarter* foroUuxr* and troop*, *afu keeping of store*, etc,, from f 1,41*0,n0n to $1,1*00,000. Agreed to—yeas, ltd; tiays, -t, birtluiig out the proviso (bat uo part of Ibe oioosy forth* purchaaa aud manufacture of clothing, pro serving aud repack! ug stuck, etc., shall bo raid fur Ibe uio of any pstuul pro.:.** for (bo preservetiou of doth from uiotb* or mildew. ilojcc.ud. Increasing tbe apiiroprUtlou for tbe macufsclurw of mauillo ammunition for small arm* from|M,Coo to (lOO.CCO. Agreed to. Appropriating £h»,OCO for overhauling and repairing orduonca, j retooling acumment m sca-co**l defense*, dismounting guns, ‘'U. Agreed to. Tbo amendment btrieasiug tbo appropriation for tbe raanufaciure at lb* National armories of tbs uaw model brooch-loading musket aud carblue, adopted uuuu tbs recommendation of tbe Hoard of Orticerw convened under tbo act of June 0, IHli, from {100,OU) to &.JOJ.OW, was a;rvod to. Tuo amendment exceptiug District AUoruoya aud Clerks of Courts of tbe Culled Bute* from the opera tion of tbe clause providing mat heresfUur auy actual traveling expenses shall bo allowed to auy peraoa holding tinidoyioeut or appointment under tbe United dtnte/, Agreed to. Mr. bburmao submitted au additional aoetlou to the till which passed tbe Uuuso oo tbe Otb of Janu ary last, (or the relief of certain Stats* aud Terri tories on account of ordnance stores Issued to them during the civil war, which provide* that ail tomes of arms and ordnance Mores - made te Plates tad Terri torial **twoen thp l*t day of January, 1881. aud 99th of April, IW>, having I pen made for tun maintenance and |.i-. ri;rv.ii!on of tue t Uuiun. the Hacretary of War may vreult the novcml Otatca and Territories with tho nun cjir.M-l t» tlism respectively for anna and other ordnance stores, Agreed to. *>lr. Harvey niihmutcd an amendment anthoririna the cir.-n.lmtr.'of fJO.OCO before the end of tliot,re£ ent flacat year for aapplies, when it may lw found to the ndTautißQ of the Government to purchase Immo* dUtely. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Hogy, tho whole clause relating to tho payment of railroads was stricken out, with the nudcnlaodlm; Uiat the matter should go to a Commit- ConWen.;® with a view to perfecting a section, roe h.ll was than reported to the Beuatc, and the atni-udment* made in Commutes of the Whole agreed to. It waa then read athtrd time and pinned. TUP, mint IIILL. Mr. Morrill (Vt.), from the Committee on Finance, reported adversely on Intis to r/tabUsh a branch mint of the Un ted Mates St Ht. Louis, Mo.J to establish a mint for tho coinage of gold and silver at Chicago: to rsiahliftb a mint for the coinage of gold and Hlvor at Indianapolis} tuostiblUh a branch mint of tho United Htalcs at Otuiha, Kch.; and they wem all Indellnltely postponed. Ho also sunmittad a written rsnort on tho subject, which was ordered printed, and tho following resolution. which was placed on the calendar: That, as It appears expedient to establish a bran.'li mint for tho coinage of silver, Use President of the United males no requested to Instltnts Inquiries os to the propr-r placo for the establishment of a branch mint at som.; paint In the Western fttalea, or In the MUM.slppl Valley, taking to account all questions of economy and 1-idiittoi fop distribution, and report tijiouthe same at tho commencement of the nest ses sion of Congress. COLORADO IULL. The lilll to admit Colorado ns a Kbits was taken up. 3l r. Edmunds said tho gentlemen who had charge of the kvllng t)im;cc»s of tu.- s. uata ware putting for ward this hill, and thus they put it out of his power to cull up thn Civil lUghln Mil, as Ur Intended to do upon the c->roplclio:i of the Army Appropriation bill. Ikforo proci Riling with the Colorado MIL the Senate adjourned until tomonow, when it oome.s up aa un finished business after Uiu expiration cf tho morning hour. ■ Don tri*k anything with a stubborn cough, when » safe remedy may ba fnd in Dr. -Jayne’s Expectorant, hoie lungs and throaU are «;-cdlly helped by it. INSURANCE. 13413. *'WE HOLD THEE SAPS 11 IQ7B, DiSORAIiGECO,Of LIVERPOOL, BHftLMD. 3Pii*o 2n33L'3iaa? (Ol'ncui, PUIILIOATION.) ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TIIR lIOYAL INSIJKANCIS COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL, l.y ENGLAND, OotlieSfttb day n( Juar.PiK, ina/.o to the /.odltorotPob Ue Account*. of tin* 3:au «t Illinois, purauant to law. CAPITAL. Amount of capital alock paid in{uil.U l,Gn2j497.iH> ASSETS, Video of xetl uUlo owned by the* . Votui*Li s 1«1QH'!>34.73 I*i»ui ib Awi*. rii.-tArH-n* US? L United Utntot »u«!»< tr.d c-vid*.... l,4ii7,tKil.i>U Uriti-li. IM-ab, ii<l (JoluiiM »oaur- Ittc v Brti»!/3.A0 tsJlwky do'jonlurcs tml •1,2.'*,2.0n».00 j,o;:;,MS.iij 177.U0.2U ■nn.2.->0.82 Ijnoat cm eaUtM.vj eeciifii/ UaiU »u band siirt Is liuV Intorotacvrued slnca Premium* tn court* of crllretlbu aad traouniMUm... Total mhU. 1(^78,054.H0 LIABILITIES. Grou claim* tor wlilofi aoactuD tita lisea taken 5518.751.00 Lutraa nuUlml b/ tbu Couipau/ 50.570.53 Total urn** ccxmut bi claloii lur Ioi»- t «• 8900,000.55 Demid »ol t&lvag« cialuu Uicr*g 3 17,821.10 Nr t anneal of un- S 281.530.tS Al.muu n< ccrnirr to rvlnsara all miUMrxllug r.^ks—biperci'iit fir?, lev H.truii Urclaiuable oa itr« puli- K-UsiirrM..'?. , in ,i.-j i_!o In &u;nn.‘(- il^s^ru atat Un;i3!-l All outer <2om*ai.i. Total lUbUIUM. .B 10,737, <70.00 iiccoimie- PremlncMracclred durtcr tUa jear, Incut).,.. 9 4,380,477.21 Interest and roau tluriutf Uioyear.. 24 s,O-15.07 Total income. Lessen pai«) Uutlni; i!ik year Q iiito!f|2no.n l>lTld?;nJ* paid tinting lue Cosmnlsalun* aad»aUrl« paid dur ing Ui* year fiOO,lS£.in All oih.r Mpaudiuu«a U7*VU l 'J.i'J Total expenditure!. 55 l«t 1 2SdTESCBr < I ( A.KrEOTJS. Total ri*Ls ta'x ’ii duriai; ivar la IlilmiU, 1j l-M. ...S 7,232,107.21 Tout in trainin' rsc-i tpd during tho »MfU lUtsi*. in IVM 83.117.00 Toi.-J l.*>v.s paid ilur.iw tbs jt»r m Illinois, to 84,353.37 Total amount o( all rula (mound ing 870.-M 1*85(1.00 JOHN 11. Mdl.Aßl''., Mttitgrr. iJl'.'uY .JOU.'ift'JA. -A»»t. Rubsnribed anil sw>»ti to h«.\r<j m* uilsai.t da/ n( Do cciuber.ltTl. .IOiIA - I'iu.'J.i U/.KHf:, .\ouu7 x^jUUs. AsnPlft hi Ignited Slntivi fj l!«i3StoTo>3G Lomk-u paid siuev Orsur (nation 2!),0i45,54a,80 Agencies In tbo .Principal Cities stud Towns, CHAS. H". CASS, Manager for Ciitexgo sr.d Ilia Koribweaturn BUtce, tVO AM U 102 Vr*A MU IN f; TO N-ST. ADVERTISING. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING I WamMlre AitvortlftemenW forloMrtion In any News paper published In dm United Htnn». . . Adr«<rU*)rs should eorwl (cfonr brie and rale* betOM cloving contract' for tliolr SpringAdrrrCiilng. Estimate/ (nmWicrf on spvlirst.’m. bend for our Advertisers' Ite!<rvuua Uooc. 1L H. CHASDU3B & CO., It. H. rnirai.u.l 80 MADIOOH.BT., S.‘ si'. %is. i rmoAiiOjiTX. WATER EI.EVATORS. Water Elevators, All pricer and lor ad purpose*. train a Dumb Walter to a Urge Eusoncsr Elevator. We muXo a I’urongor Eleva tor for-Dwolliags that Iv tmoijod iu sa to do the work for two bouvea In a block, and havetmomnmunicailoa bo iwoto tho beutos. Tlmm wo can afford at a price to war* rant thotroao la every good block of dwelling*. W. Jt. lIALK h Cl).. IvT feko-rt, BUSINESS CHANCES. TO HATTERS. Intending to apply alt-our resources to our manufaoUir lag aud Jobbing btulnow, we will toll out our retail m tabllabmout, No. ltd Clark »b. wither without tbe steak. Tbe bxattoo U 000 of the very beat la tbo city, vltb a good trade already ntabliefaod. Apply to &OOTT A 00., 103 Midlaon-1. TRUSSES, Ac. EUPTURB. HBLIBI', CO3IEOriT, AND CUUI2. DAUTLKTI'fI COMMON SK.NKE THU.HH. Adopted for ueiwlouors by Ui" U.a, Govotmarnt w the beet la uJo, ii.illl'LKn, UUTUAW APa 111 C Kit, 410 Mat*. »t., Chloaro, vixuufMtutsrs of Trusses, Kiutu Btock lag*, Inmuiniuu Ur Uefonu.thi*. sie. Gomel aai f<iotnl »d)ii ii t(irm. fyui<(aouon ausraalasd. BISSOEUTIOW NOTICES, liisSoLUTiois'. Tli*bmiu<i«s amugemoot between W. U. Freoebaad Henry Pau.bvr, .Jr.. U this day (ILsolved. TbsOuilooas will be enarbmud by W. It. breach, uuder the name ana lii'luof Ftcnoh A (x)., ai heretofore. Cuioxuo, Feb. HI, 1376; W. II.FBKIfOH. DISaOLDTION. ..Tbe conarlnership horetcfoiw exhiiuir under the waroe FoumUui, Pliojfor A Co., Is (ills day dlstuhed by *"uJual ovuxent. HKMiY FKUkKSTiSUf, OBAS. pVl.tfOblt, Ohleaio, Feb.», 1376. L. Q. SOUOWKLD. The bailnsM of tbs above nnu will bo ennUaued by the nudertiaotd at Bid bundr HeUtod-si., tOloage. kothe ruKtWTglM, OHAb. PVLUOhU. LEGAIm TJtHAKUUV DUCAUT3IHNT. O/ricx or CoupruoLum or tub Curjlewct,} VVAOUUtiiXUg, Feb. s, U7A. { is hereby flieu la oil ponouswhv uuynaee etalau sssiast'' TueUwk Ooanir National llaak of Uhl raaiu' 1 Ul., that tbe sane must he pteaeatvd to A. iL tlsto 5 1,723,128.00 20,592.74 8,513,318.50 ,»,307.u7 102,104.73 ■My.MJ.SS