Newspaper Page Text
Ilunta ot Uu 1M «« for Wl «»»• artco nml attention l<* duty. f ‘ lu cr ,l!?!ufdcHon m view IM* reappointment wlth tho M,ne Mt,sr!lcmn M tiio TCMoJ-rnen. • The ichr Helvetia, with a load of (frain on boxfdj vrUila IxjiniT toweif down Ih6 river je*terd«s, ran •ground lw?ce, ■ml it needed the effort" of tw'j luae to li#p off soatn. Tho echr Ham runt ua* {pi. aorntmd in the mar. Tho water in lb" ri«e 8 ? J mille hlgh yesterday afternoon. •fi.i C tlifl "ffrnnmllnir of these vessels cannot ?.• aUril,tiled to Tow water. According to the of all the iilg-Caplalns. the rivrr ircds SkSS 1 tot iStiiJ, «i«ut y«* '■< in, "| pattrclslly where the sowers enter. Unices IhJSftmnrfMljy llw city .nlbintlM, US TUtd-meß Will «» lt " mllel ‘ »» l1 Jtl ‘P MILWAUKEE. The aehr misled la repairing at tho Milwaukee Company*" y«fd. Tim light at Oroexo Point flashed for ihe first time Urt Thursday. ojjo prop Dcpero Is wexther-honml at Manistee. 6ho may have to remain there several day*. Tho tug Lovlalbnn left fop tho North Mxntlott last evening to rescue the lehr James Piatt, ashore cm that island, , . . The Union Line will run tho following boat" between this port and Buffalo this season : marntcea, Capt. James Moore; Wavcrly, Cant. W.■/. Smith, De.u> Richmond, Capt. Shannon ; Jinnee ii*k, Jr.. Lapt, w, J:uliln»o.i: Neffbnruh, tnpt. F.S. I J«v», CTirf. F. D. Pope; Russia, Capl. J. Austin. Hcolli, Capt. J. Hathaway ; Cuba, fTapl. A. McDonald , Ro anoke, Capt, { Colotadu, U.ipU , Nobmka, Capt. —. 1 LAKE 9T. CLAIR. DETROIT. Tho lug Blvcr Queen. which has been ashore a abort distance above Sandwich Point nil winter, had steam up. Shelsettllaground, The tug Hercules arrived up from Gibraltar Satur day, not having been aUo to p ill tho Grenada into (ho water. The water is at 100 low a atage to pull tho ves sel o.T tlio ways. A party of capitalists from lids city ond Saginaw fire about to form a stock company for the purpose of con structing a ship-yard and dry-docks ot Cheboygan, tn the straits. The capital wIHImj f2*M«X), aud work Ss to bo commenced iu about two mouth?. Ve««el-mrti In this city Ink© no slock tn tho reports that tlio Ire In the straits in giving way, and that a steamer could force through. 11 lathe general opin ion that the ko Is still an solid ns ever, and tho lutunio cold of the lasi few days will undoubtedly delay tho opening until tho beginning of May, if not later. The prop Burlington and barges are chartered to carry about If>,CIO tons of stone tp Sand Beach, tnlio used in Ilia consirucllou of n harlmr of refuge at that ]>olnt. Tho charter was effected with the Western Triinrporlnllon and Coal Company, and not tho West ern Transportation Company, ua has been the general impression. LAKE ERIE. IIUtFALO. Tho rise of tho water in the slips enabled Mr. David Bell to launch his now steel yacht Hatnrday after noon. Tbo largo steamship built at Hudson, Ohio, for tbo Sandusky ft Saginaw Transportation Company was launched Saturday, She Is called tho Ohio, aud will he token immediately to Qlcvehnd, where she will re ceive her outfit. Stturday tho lirga stoam-bargc owned by llyan, Johnson, and Capt. J. 0. lister, of Baiidmilry, 0., was launched nt Huron Slip. Hholsa doablo-dcckcr. with four masts, and his a carrying capacity of (55/00 bu of grain. Ilor entire cost u estimated at $20,000, Cipt, Armstrong, of Port Colborne, was nt (bis port Baturdny afternoon, and stated that tho llarbor*Mastcr and Superintendent of tbo Woliaud Catml had in formed ulm that tho canal would bo opened on tbo sntb lust, if they bad Mr weather: otherwise not until Iho Ulih. This la considered reliable. Tbo Buffalo Courier states that Cant. J. Bush, who has charge of (ho laud expedition which went to (ho relief of tho barges Mcdilvray and T. S, Ortnn, driven ashore at Point Ablno during n gain hut fall, was lu that city Saturday. Uuldca himself ho has baa twelve men nt work, end tbo McOllvray has Von raised from tho sand-bed by means of screws and placed upon ways. She Is now ready to ho launched when weather and ico permit. Nothing has yet been done to the Orton. MISCELLANEOUS. DISASTEUS. Monday night of last week, tho echr Warren, bound from Manitowos to Undue, encountered lef, wlilch carried away a and caused her to spring aleak. At Wallnccbnrg, the scow Champion ran Into tho scow Mary, badly damaging her bulwarks, staving ber planking, and sinking her. Tho Mary Ann has since boon raised and towed to Detroit. BAILOIIA 1 WAOEB. Tbe Cleveland Leader soys: “With regard to sea- Dan* worm only tl per day Is being paid. With re gard to tbo pay of mates, many Captains woro board to express thol S3O per month would be tbo rate, while others claimed they would run as high at S7O or (SO. Those who (bought (bat #'o would bo the settled price claimed to lio able to get nil the mates they wimtfd at those figures, oud men who were good sailors. ” EIUH CABAL TOIX3, Dispatches from Albany say that the MU pending before the State Assembly fora reduction of U3# per cent in Krlo Canal tolls will full to become a law. THE COLD AND THE CHOI’S. ILLINOIS. Special IHepatch to The Chicago TW&uns. CoASiraias, HI., April 10.—The late frost at this point hae douo but little if any damage to (he fruit* buds. There is as yet nothing far enough advanced except nears to bo injured, and, ss that fruit ia but little raised, the damage will not lie material. It is supposed (hat the wheat and oat crop will recover, but it Las been severely frost-bitten. Special I'lwatch to The t.'hirmo TrCune, Caino, ill,, April in,— I The* severe weather which prevailed m this section last week injured peaches severely, Apples, pears, and cherries ora reported all right. Special nUtmtek to The CMcaio TWfttin*, Oemtsama. HI., April lo.—'The recent frosts have cot perceptibly injured lbs apple, peach, cherry, or plum fruits. Hmall fruits are also apparently unin jured. Tho near has suffered materially. Tho fruit lr«* generally, excepting the earlier and delicate varieties, have stood the severe cold weather of the Iwtd winter lu lids locality better than tho expects tons of tho most sanguine. The poach cron will Lo much larger than has been anticipated. St>*eial Ihtpa'rhli The Chicago Tribune, Joarsnouo, Hi.. April It'.—Fruit Is injured by (ho freeze of Friday and Hdurdny, hut lo what extent cannot as yet bo told. Do nut think it all killed. VIRGINIA. EionuoMD, Ya., April I'J.—A heavy snow at Intervals ftatoxday, with high, cold wind at sunrise this morn* mg. Thermometer 8 deg. below tho freezing point. Early vegetables and fruits have been killed. Advices from various parts of tho State give disastrous ac counts of tho damage from the cold. Tho loss among Ih* *• truckers " in tho western part of Iho BUlo is es timated at $1,000,000, CANADA, Tobokto, April 10.—Fears are entertained that fho fali wheat lu certain sections baa been destroyed by the cold snap of last week. In Hie northwestern part of Ontario the thermometer Saturday marked 3 deg. below zero. ALABAMA. Movrooueny, Ala., April id.—There have been frosts for Iho last four mo'rpings, (pouring some dam igo to corn, cotton, and vegetables. Fruit Is not much aurt. NORTH CAROLINA. WitMiHOTOif, N. 0., April 10,—It was very cold last ttlghl. Ice formed nearly half un Inch thick. The uops are grcqtiy damaged. THE BEAOK HIIjLS. ~v , STOPPEDBYTHE MILITARY. Tbe following inalsucUonsswcro received at IJent.- Son. Bhcrldap’a headquarters yesterday; lIRADUUAUTEBS OK TUB ARilt, Bt. Lotus, V<* Arpll 10, IBT%-7o m. R, C. hruin, AdjntauUli'ateral >lliad rjmrfcrs JJfhMry Wjoifon of lilt SUwurl, Vhlcajo. : Lloul.-Col. Lradley’s report of tho capture of Ae mining party by Cjj*. Ml* has been submitted by .he Hccrclnry of War to Iho I'pceldeut and Bccrcury of the Interior, and the order is lo release them »ui»n (heir promise bring givcu (hat they will not skslu en *r the 11 lack Hills country uulll permission Is given them to do bo by tho Oovi romout authorities. (Signed) Wm. i). Whivelv. .. Assistant Adjutant General. Vaketqk, D, T., April 10.—The vaugnsrd of the •W expedition from bioux Clljr, about fifty ppntoui, r# r°vlod to have rs>t'heJ a point a few mile* south V nu *ho river yesterday,being (bcu (en ei 'i ux , City, The main party, with Gop. iroui Vfti* T>°* (f°t Two companies of troops ?oui tort Uaiidall have gouo south (oput them oil, THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT, opsctal Mtpaltk lo Tht Chltaju Tritun*. VAinwQaoa, D. o„ April 10.-TUu luterlor Depart 2*“* V*,. t,formaUot ‘ representative Chiefs of the Woua Indiana have Indicated a dcslro to come to Wash -Tif 0 for ' lhe cession of the HUck Hill* U.SSBSSJJS iL%SjX“‘ oa tt “ t LAND CLAIMS. Cotoann, 0., 4 W U IJ,_T U , ntcorjet of lb!> r " el • !»»« «< .ttorncy lo . lawyer of K.juu oil, by it, ld tl of Jaiobaooa- I“«nctly of uu city .utborlzitiu .llorncy la lilt. of rul c.. ■ ' 10 U '“f nof.rty Ibtooub . dcfccllTU 1110. Tb. beln Chiu tin, |„ forlJ KrM 0l UuJ loLSted lu lbs heart of (ho city, valued at XI sroont A most thorough search o/Vo Siili M vato records running from ItOI to’ilato iW. far fall to show ony foundation lo (hq ghlmi p ar ‘ ties residing at Oamerou, 0„ have, throusirJn n or. brought forward a claim to the* ground on which the btste-llouio U hull(, NslthcriJlalm hai nf* Hurt IU, 0),ou»b of .by iiwfjtoTOvr b«. y,'.^- religious news. Wlioro nncl Umv (Ho Adventists Spent l.nsl Night. Tlio Thunderstorm and Its Effects—ln' quirioa Ador Armageddon. Baptism of Conrcrlju“Tlidr Speedy Dis- illusion, Meeting of tlio Presbytery of Oliioago, Tho Methodists. THE ADVENTISTS. now TIIF.V HI’EKT THE I.AtIT DAT. Tbo Adventists did nut wear a particularly jwlrilant look yesterday, although still continuing In the faith. Elder Thurman ban been uneasy for a couple of days past. According lo hla reckoning, tbs Iwattlo of Arma geddon should have begun before this. Ho expected fighting to begin on tho IMh Inst., rn I hi* been troubled at the otiAlintrly peaceful condition of tf fairs. And then, u? iln, Mullltow xxlv., no, says: And then shall appear the sign of tho Son of Man In heaven j and then ahall all thu tribe* of tho earth mourn. They have been somewhat troubled about Ihe delay In appearance of that sign, mid considerable nervous nesa and anxiety was manifest In their manner. But if they wore a lilllo nervous for fear that uflcr all it might not Iso, there were a grout many mol o who wore NERVOUS Kim KEAtI IT WOULD. Persons of tho Adventist belief have been applied to a great dual recently for Information on tho sulilctt, and tho Book of Daniel ban ImeU conned studiously, A good many people said their prayers last night with extraordinary fervor, and resigned themselves to sloop with somo perturbation of feeling. Tho Adveulkts have been receiving ncroni-orJcs to their number all during tho past week. Yesterday morning, three jier auns were PITTED IN TUB LAKE, and thus received into thilr communion. To ho plunged facc-downwnrd three limes In Ice-cold water Is nn unpleasant ordoal, and with the high wind nml heavy wash of yesterday tho carcmony was very severe to (he fie«h. Elder Thurman secluded himself from tho public all day, duvolltig a great portion of the time to mmoit, agonizing entreaty to God. Tho majority of thorn during Uio morning and afternoon wore gathered to gether at (heir plaeo of meeting, No. Iln Desidatnes street. They tat nbout the room with their dinner basket* and other Impedimenta, presenting n rather spiritless nppeamnee. Tho front of tbo hull Is par (liluncd off fur tho residence of u family, and hero din ner was cooked ond a table spread at which they ate. Children ran about, played and squalled, and, although together, (ho comiwny looked more like a parly of em igrant" than a company of ealuls ewelllng the coming of their Lord, They were greatly auuoyciPby contin ual invasion on tho part of mUUT-RECIUL The nymphs who rcMdo along Hoisted and other streets m the vicinity sailed In, slurcd, and giggled. Tho railroad bauds mode it a lonng'ng place, aud wore often rude oud offensive In Ibolr deport* nicut. They boro all these annoyances with groit meekness, however, and comforted themselves with thoughts of their approaching triumph. The aged, white-haired woman who has been such » conspicunuH (Ifliiroiat their gatherings shook her withered baud at so/uo of Iho Intruders, end said, “You may scoff now, but to-nlgbt you will be dumb .with fear and trembling. *' The children displayed a fluency In the use of scriptural phraseology that would have delighted Brother llunnm-inl, had that converter of tho Infantile hem been present. Quo theologian of 7 or H made himself conepl'-uoiiM by his pnrrnt-ilko lt oratlon of 0| luious lu regard to tho appni.ffhlng event. Notwithstanding tho depression of fueling that was manifest, tberu were . CONVKHTa almost up to tho last hour. At 4:30 soma of tha brethren consulted together In regard to three pontons who wished to bo baptized. They estimated that Christ would appear nt Jerusalem in alout cn hour and a half, and althouglvit would not bo until mid night that this portion of (ho earth would roll around so as to como under (ho sett of Ills glory*, it was a mooted point whether this differ ence of time could bo bold to count prior la His coming, and so nfford ttino In which persona could he still taken Into the Church by baptism, nr whether (ho fact that He had actually como to tbo earth would overndo oil other considerations, Tho Adventists showed themselves to bo wise In tbtir gen eration In not revealing tho place where they were to hold their lost supper on earth. Although tha secret was spread among many, they were alt scrupulously reticent, and no intelligence of Ibrir Intended move ments could bo obtained. Thoy departed, a few at a limp, mill! tho hall was finally vacated, oud so rigid wore they in tho exclusion of all not In their comronnlon from (heir final exercises, that other Adventists wore denied all Information as to tho quarter* thoy had obtained tor their Aunt exercises. They believed that It would not grow dark last ulght, as declared by tho Scriptures lu thp tallowing: Tho Lord my Oad shall come . . . and It shall con* to pass In that day (list the light, shall not bo clear nor dark, hut It ahsll be ono day, which shall lm known to tho Lord, not day nor night For “It shall come to pass that at evening lima it shall ho light." (Zech., xlv., 6, 7.) It will bo rccolloclcd that during TUB TUDNDKU-HTOIIH. yesterday evening, there was a peculiar yellow light diffused through the air. This gave them fresh heart and hope. This name thunder-storm, however, which lightened their hearts, saddened those of hundreds of others. Thera were many nervous people who viewed with terror these darkening skies and flashing light* nings. They were leas inclined to disbelief limn the day before,and actually began to imagine that there wa« something in Elder Thurman's calculations after all, and that it might bo well to “ make their aonls." Tlio storm came up Just as the tollers were reluming homo, and the Second Advent was the only subject of mnveisallon on the curs. That little thunder-storm was of interest, in that it allowed how grout is (he rc'crvo fund of superstitious fear in the human nrcast. No one can 1 c found to-day who will own that ho sat mi till midnight, but there were undoubt edly many of them. wunns tuet mkt. As was related alwve. tho Adventists slipped off In order to avoid being bothered by the liiovllnkle moh of curious. They took tho chairs at Stanley H ill, loaded them on. a wagon driven by one of ibe brethren, and scut ihi'tn off. Tho reporter, however, could not af ford to lose so peculiar u sight ns that of their solemn awaiting of (he Advent day. and so set mil lu pursuit of them, with a very uncertain duiv. His labors were rewarded with success, and ho finally discovered (hem nt Svea Hall, on tho corner of Weils and Superior streets. This placo is controlled by (he BcandlmVlant. who have contributed many adherents to tho faith, and was obtained without dllh cully, which would not have been tho case with the < Catholic or many of the German hulls. They needed n largo room, slues, including tho children, (boro were fully IHO of them. They had local iho jxissuvcr sup per, for which purpose n paschal lamb had hi pro cured some days previous, and hcuco a lung table had to bo spread. On fue street door of Iho ha)l was the following warning. Iho last plea for a dying world, tpiltn os tin* cere us Noah's remarks to fho antediluvians who had no faith in that deluge. Otnoiuo, April tio,—VmKwns 111—God loves yon yet, although you aro deceived, and Iho only way for you mm* is to turnback mon the old paths (Jeremiah vl.. Ml, and try to keep the Commandments of (iod and tho faith of Joshs, and then you might escape tho con* ,il(!li]naUou Mint Is root) gulpg to fall on a scuffing and sneering world. From a friend who wishes to sep you u|l on (he right way that lends to ciumal life. Itcmwn ler. Uovtlullou xlv., I'J ami nil., 11. Thmnutiftudo which hud brought with them iho'r bread end wluo were aucmblvd in tho hail up-stairs, Klilcr Thurman at |bo head of the long tables. After ths washing of fcol. tho calluff of supper, eta., which cannot now ho fully described, they knoll, awaiting tini.iiltently the coming of midnight. It came, but did not bring with it “iho white yobo and thu palm," H«m they waited, prayerfully expecting tho opening heavens and the celestial array, mull it grew near > dawn, when hope deserted f hsiu, and, dazed amt stupe* Hod by (ho ruin of tholr hopes, they scattered among thu Jtuutps of their brethren, RECOLLECTIONS p Y tub otqbu time. 7b £Uilor of Vie Chicago Tnfcun* .* CijtCAiio, April JV, —Tlils) miltiuniat fever which haa Just culminated lu (ho utter failure of latter-day Prophecy, reminds mo of another aud similar fiasco In Iho same lino which occurred lu my early life, and which hap left a deep Impression oj) myinlml. The year 1813 was to bo the eventful year in the Mlllcrl|o calendar, and (lie followers of Miljcr were inapy ami foolish. They bad the thing figured out (o a nicety as to the precise day aud hour when all mortality would put on immortality, sod they made preparations ac cordingly. Mauy honest hurghers of my Qatlvo town on tho Atlantic coast, w|lh a method lu their madness thatUamlct never dreamedof, proceeded lout their houici In order aud gird (heir loins lu readiness for thu coming of (he vnd. Those' believers In poncnl annihilation had jltnl their day wheu the whulu universal fabric should fall into a matt} of total smash. Among tho people who h?d butli their faith on that sort of thing were i*nmnt who had theretofore been considered solid tu a worldly sense. Thesa people, aud msiiy thorp were, laid aside all sordid Inclinations, aud Jumped lulu tho whirlpool of uncertainty uud chaos which was uwaitiug (hem. Many throw their whole business to tho dogs (became, perhaps, thoao aulmaU were bimlle<m and would not mind Iho change), nud swatted (hu coming of IhoHou of Man with a toUenco and cmuposurn (hpt would have astonished the nolo of old. As I recall Iho occurrences to mind, It may be Indis tinctly lu some respects, tho believers lu (bp true day hid mads ell preparation! for Iho event, even to the arranging of Uleir apparel. Old folks end young folks, imbued With this belief, went assembled to gether iu tho morning of the day In (|iicstlm>, dolled m ascension robes, mule of wry light material (for they expected id go up bodily aud uol spiritually)— sod there (hoy waited and waited, and are waiting many of them to Hpa day if thu dd Itcuper which U continually "gathering them lu" has uot included them in his Harvest. 1 rtmembur tho view I, a lad of 10 years, took of (his general winding up (jf muadjuio yflairr. I coufcsa •hat 1 greatly overestimated (ho eptcut of the show; sud I also roeollfel tb«t 1 was deeply hurt »t the stfslc proving such su utter failure. ” M • At go clock on that bcptoinbcr sflerooau, in cou- P*PJT Ull.g «otoe half-dcscu buys of about tuy own age, THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1875. I repaired to the loft oMha ham eopnected with ths old iimiieftßad, there to wibh through the crevices looking toward Iht east for tho coming of the L»>rd, That we took no rations with us, In tho light of subse quent events, tssds tiiMo suspect that wewfrer re r pared to witness tho realisation of the prophecy, and were convinced that ‘‘cold vllllrs” would hamper nur future munmi-nls. I remeinlier how patiently we watted unlit our stock of the article was exhausted, and then, evening approaching, hnw wo Hid not pro ppnse to lie l»eatrri out of the celebration alto ({ether. 1 recall with a vividness which ran only ho appm fated hy people who can recollect that they were onto young, tho (levied wo settled ii|on hy which wo eould got even with the fatso prophet who lud robbed us of so much of uur valuable tltno that might have been spent In playing “ hlgh-spy” or sorno other healthy amusement. lining convinced that tho thing was a failure, we, American rltlaens on a small scale, each went down Into tho only pocket our pants afforded Slid fished therefrom the lucre Ihata few hours before we thought would lie of no furlhcrUao to us. If I 10- iiiemher rightly our aggregate wcnl’li reached tho sum of it cents. With this stimnnoof nnr numlier pro c.-eded proudly to the adjacent Ukerv ami luve*led tho whole In *• sced*c«k' s,' r upon which wu feasted, and were yet Uimilrfli.d, And we swung on gates and slid on cellar-doors un til wo learned the real value of hinges and satinet. PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO. ROUTINF. IIUSIRPHR. An adjourned meeting of the Presbytery of Chicago was held yesterday morning at (ho ministerial rooms In McCormick's Block, corner of Dc.xrlnfrn and Ran dolph streets, the Ilcv. Moderator Bean In tho chair, Mr, I*’. H. Dalrymplc, a recent graduate of tlio Pros- LytC'ibm Theological Hemlnnry of tho Northwest, re qurated.lo l» trnmferred from tho iTcsbybry of Chi cago to thot of lowa City. pit. n'KAia. mated dork the Bov. D. 8. Johnson md for tho Information of tho Presbytery n comniunlcnttou In ref erenroto (he course of tho llov. Dr. McKalg In with drawing from thu body. Tho letter was from tho Bov. N. Hlatcr, Blalcd Clerk of tho Presbytery of Sac ramento, which claimed that Mr. M‘ Kulg was still a member of that Presbytery, although far removed from Its boundaries. Ou the Invitation of the Rev, D. 8. Johnson thn place of the nutumu meeting cf the Presbytery was fixed at liydo Park. miIDKWKM. SERVICES, Tho Ilcv. K. U. Davis nad a communication'from Dr. T, O. Uuauaii, requeuing tho Prcabyterlun minis ter* to make arrangement" to hold acrvleos In tho Bridewell, where from JM» to COO persons wore Jmptla oiu'd, which was received and referred to tbo meeting of Presbyterian pastors of next Monday. Thu Committee ou tho Installation of the Bov. 0. Seldcii, i;i the Wheeling Church, reported Wednesday evening an tho tlmu for ihe ceremony, and thu follow lug ministers to conduct tho samo ! Thu llov. Jacob Pont, D. D,, to preside ami preach *ho sermon, the Itev. C. Wiener toglvolho clurgo to tho people, and tho Itev. Dr. Post to give tho charge to tho pastor, and to make the installing prayer. Tho Committee on J. Wcltzel rejiorlod that, after a ro-examluatlou of tho communication received con cerning that rnomlwr of tlio Presbytery, they found nothing therein which would Justify ttio bringing of charges against him by Ihe Presbytery. Hlnce the letter* had been re ceived Mr. Wcltzel had gone to lalior in a church within the bounds of thn German Kvungclieul Hvnod of the Northwest, and had made a request to the Prcs bjtcry for letters of dlsmbston to that body, and the Committee recommended that such letters he granted, Tho report was adopted aud letter" ordered to be granted as requested. iNurnucnoNs to tub clerk. Tbo Rev. W, It. Wood, of Peotone, presented the fol lowing resolutions, consideration of which wan post poned : JUnolted, Firrt, In accordance with tho deliverancj of the Central Assembly, on page 82, of minutes of ls7l, this Presbytery Instructs its htat.d Clerk: 1, On reception of u minister by certificate from an other Presbytery to notify that Presbytery of Lis re ception. •j. To retain on our rolls the names of nil members dismissed until bo receives notice of their rocopibtii. Jiuolced, Second, That Clerks of Sessions in this Pres bylcry are instructed to take tho samu action regard ing church members. THE WILMJNUTOJJ TROUBLE. Tho Rev. O. O. Noyes, of Iho Committee on tho Wil mington Church Protest, presented the following: Your Committee rci>ort, firsts That wo regard the action of tho Wilmington session ao not orderly for tho following reasons : 1, Our Uook of Discipline says (eh. B, sec.P),. “None can Join lu a protest against a decision of any judica tory excepting thoro who Lad a right to vole lu sold decision,” Tho Wilmington Church protest against a decision of a session of theTuird Church—a decision In which they had no right to vole. Protests aro ad missible, not lu tbo case of one co-ordinate body against the ucdmi of another, but only in Iho case of a minority against Iho action cf a majority in tho same body. 2. One church has no right (o spread upon ils rec ords n formal impeachment of any action of a sister church, whether that bu wrong or right. Attend—Tho only proper mndo of redress, In n case like the present, Is for ins aggrieved church to com plain to tho Presbytery of the action of the offending church. Third— For lh»so reasons wo recommend that tho church of Wilmington revise their record In accord once with these principles. Fourth— Yonr Committee fast that no action of tho Third Olmrcb is properly before tlmm, juasmnali as their records show n > irregularity, and no complaint against their procedure has been duly brought before this body. Tho rc|wrl was accepted and adopted. -The Il iV. Dr. I'Jllorsuu, of the Cummiltce on Mary ville College, reported that they hud decided Hint it was not oxjh diuut in the present financial condition of (bu churches to request from (horn tho aid which had been asked for. Tlic Presbytery then look recces until 3 p, m. Tho Presbytery re.uscjnblod nl 3;.i0 p. in. tub uoußinaaioH coumuteb « reported, recommending sums to be paid for the bus* tcutatlon of churches lu tbo Presbytery, was adopted ns follows: Holland Church, for elx months, I‘JO.i; Westminster. {i/.'ud: I’ootono, SIC; Dupage, $20(1; si. Aum* Sfl.sona ou<l Kankakee djeoud, whoso union is recommutulcd, $401; Forty-first Street Church, $.700; Muywond, JJtliJ: lllvcr Park, which had no grant last year, S2OO for 1H74 ami SIOO for 1875; Austin, V*W),with n view to aiding in an effort to build; Prcsbyienal Missionary, and S2OJ each for Homewood, lirald wuud, and Will, to bo supplied by the Prcsoylerial Missionary, No recommendation had been made fur the First German Church of Chicago, ns that church had raised but JlOi for iho support of its pastor, and should not bo placed on iho roll of organizations dependent upon the Home Mission Hoard, but should bo made a mission in con* uectlou with the Fourth Church, The ontlru sum asked for, together with arrears,and students' supply, $ mo, amounted to over $ <.UiO, On moticn. the records of the Third Church, except* lug that paragraph in relation to the acceptance into that church of the member of the Wilmington Society, were approved. On bullion of the Her, B. W. Patterson, it was re* solved that when the meeting adjourns it do so until the l ilh day of May, The meeting then adjoined. MISCELLANEOUS! TUB ÜBTUODIHTS. Tbs regular weekly of the Methodist clergy men was hold at their headquarters, No. SI Washing ton street, at 10:15 o'clock. Dr. McKcown mado known his transfer to Heddlng Church, Jersey City. He gave tho reasons fur this action, expressing regret at leaving (ho Bock Itlvcr Conference, and his gratitude for ail kindnesses re ceived. Dr. Felton moved that Messrs. Marsh, Sheppard, and Edwards bo appointed a conilultlcuto draft suita ble resolutions lu view of the departure of Dr, Me* Keowu. The missionary Jubilee received miscellaneous con* slderallon, but no spodul action was taken (hereon. On motion, Dr. Edwards was msds Chairman of (ho Committee on Management of Funerals. Tho order of the day—lUform lit <iho Management of FuncraU—was taken up and discussed by ilc.-trs, Edwards, Titlanv, Mi'K eo ' vn i Jiltktne, and Caldwell. A commutation from Dr. T. O. Duncan rol.ulvc m holding religious services at the lirldowcll on the Sab bath uuy wna received. Tho Uuv. N. 11. Aiu-ll was elected a committee to take this matter under cousld pmtlon and report. Tho following repo*; was received and adopted by a rising vote: “ Your Comnilttro appointed to adopt resolutions appropriate to ttie removal of Ur. HcKeown from our mld*t, Ih*k leave to report: That we learn with unaffected regret n t the trans fer of Ur. Mclfcowu from llock Hirer Conference, ami vro desire to aaauro him Unit our kindest wished follow him, both fur lib personal success In saving souls ami for Iho health of bln family. Ami tf, In the I'rovhlenco of Goa, his Held of labor should sgiiln bo cast among us, vru promise him a hearty welcome." The ItiihfueM Committee reported Iho subject of the Temperance Alliance tor comddCßliou mat Ifouday, The report was adopted. Tho meeting then adjourned, EVANOUUO.tb PCTIIKHAN BTSOD. iVurmf IHuuUr.h tn TA« iTinivo rribuot. Milwaukee, April I'X—Tho Evaugellcd I.utberan Hyuod convened in session (o- dev. A number of young ministers werp admitted lo memUrslill', and a dele gation of fifteen members of tbe (Vlscouslu flyuml were constituted advisory members. The subject of changing the mode of sleeting Trustees, now chosen al| lu one locality, for tho uaku o( prompt communica tion, was discussed till tho hour of adjournment, but uo action was arrived at. TUB PABBDVEB. Last evening, with the scltlug of the eun, com menced the Hebrew hulldiy of I'eaacb (Passover). Tuts funst lasts eight days, thu fit si two and last two being full holidays, aud the four Intermodule ones semi holidays. This Is the anniversary of tho rclessu of the children of Israel from boudagu, and tbo pas sage through the Bed geu. During thu continuance of this festival uo breadls allowed to be partaken of by Iho orthodox Hebrews. They have Instead a kind of cracker made of unleavened, tough bread, called maxzotb, uud which reminds tueui of iho fact that thu children of Israel, when they left Egypt. bad no tlmo to leaven their bread, ami bunco baked it uuleavsucd. On (be first two evenings previous to Iho partaking of (he supper a beautiful ceremony Is gone through lu each family. The head of (bo family In his death robes chants the history of thu leaving of Egypt by tbo Israelites. This is called tbo Htdur, uiul an Imitation thrpoof Is usually given lu Meyerbeer's wdPkuowu opera, " Tho Jewels.’’ A FAR-OFF FLOOD. Bt, pAtJt, April 13.—'The Aunt Betsey, the Aral boat of the season, started up -tho Minnesota yesterday. The ico to (he Usd lltver of the North la breaklug up. Iho w»tsr Is every high, and Is flooding 40 «d|ss wide of wofUy unoccupM country n9fiu of Mooriicsd, W. F. STOREY. Commencement of Hie JGnrl.y i.ihcl Hull. The Tertiinony for (ho Prosecution AU In. mint the Defense Cnnnnl Show. Ths libel case «f Mlm Alice A. Early, of Rockford, against Wilbur V. Hlorey, proprietor of the Tim**, In which |.VVr;O damages ore claimed, was calkd for trial yesterday morning before Judga M;Roberts, who Is assisting Judge Gary, In the Huperior Court. Hie rottrf-room was crowded with n mlscelhntous army of curiosity or scandal seekers, Among the audlruco It was nnticsablo were William Rush and William Butler, two lawyers of very little ftme, who Imre each mod Mr. fltorcy for alleged Hbcl In calling them shysters, and who were Irresistibly drawn to w.<* whit prohahle falc would be. Thn plaintiff. Miss Early, an allractlvn young lady al*ont 2.'l years of ace. was of course ptraenl, and aat at thn left 01 her counsel, dressed In black, with « dark hat trimmed with con- Irastiiig shade# of brown, Beside her aat her father and mother and a lady friend. TnlS JURY. The Impaneling of the Jnry took all the morning and a portion of the afternoon. Alter twelve men were selected Mr. Oondy objected to m»»st of them, partly on the ground that aome of the Juror* had Inca drawn by a special venire, jiarlly because they had already served two weeks. The objections were sus tained, and others were drawn. Tne following is the panel os finally accepted: Hatnnel Rue'd, E. 8. Lacy, Thomas Vasrault, J. U. Wlllhms, Jimc* Murray, Rob. ert L. Orr, John German, John Ryan, W. I*. Chad wick, Charles N. Moore, J. E. Law, and James Mitchell. TIIK OPENINO AIUIUMENT was made by Mr. E. A, Small, who, a*<l't«d by Rldney Smith, Is the couuicl for the plalnliir. Mr. Small stated the ground of the milt, that the 7'ihim, 011 the 27th thsuc, published h false end scandalous telegram that the lion, U. F. Crawford bad been delected in tag in hts nlghl-shlrt from the chamber of Uieplalntiif. It was claimed that the publication of this arth lo mu. malicious, and that ancwsjwpfr could not I*- allowed s ich latitude; that the retraction was not published In Uiosimo manner as the first article; that, even though it were, such retraction did not and could not tdtMuale'y repair the damage done, and that 3 reform should l>o begun and a chock given to the Uceuso of the press, Mn. DKXTUn, who, with Mr. Ooudy, Is the couuh-J for thn difrn*e, opened ou Itebalf or the defendant. IL* mid that It was prnb tble that It was uot entirely owing to Mis* Early that the suit bad bccu commenced; that It wns partly to Inaugurate a reform ag tlual ucwxpapcrs. It waa the taw, generally, that when a ih.tbou had made an ample apology for an unintentional wrong done, which was accepted, It would ba on accora and snlis fictloD. In the present case an ample apology had liecn made, and. If it wore not siithdcut, the defendant waa ready to do what tnoro woifld ho right. Ho bad ulVuml hh columns to the plalntilT and her friends, and had done all he could. Before the article was publlrhed four letter* Lad been received by the editor of the /‘fme*, ststlug in sub stance the facts etuted la the article lu ({uc'tlon, and (hose letters being apparently written by persons of note lu Rockford,’wero certainly sunicii nt authority for the publication. But no damages could be given which would compensate for character, and It w.v> urged that It would have Iwn bitter Lad tho plaint!ll accepted the apology, and forborne I j begin legal pro ceedings. Tbe counsel for (he plaintiff then called MB. A. W. PATTEUftOV. the business-manager of the Time*, und proceeded to j rove the publication of the Hbjl. This woe, how ever, Admitted by the conned for the defendant, and Mi. Hindi then proceeded to find out something con cerning tlio wealth of Mr. Storey, and in - value of the ii me*, Mr. I’attcnon** Ideas wireindefinite, but. In his opinion, tlio value of tbo building, lan I. nml inacliluery was nltout The wituors could not tell what the franchise of the paper was worth, nor tbo amount or value of the other property owned by Mr, Storey. The circulation of the 'Jimtn ntthut time was about 117,000 of the dally Issue and Ifi.OWof the weekly, Mr. Ooudy thou objected that the declaration had alleged that (ho Chicago Timet liad published & certain article, and that the counsel had offered in evidence three papers, tho dally, weekly, and tri-wcekly, avhlit ho thought was Incompctcni, and that (lie plaintiff should no compelled to elect which me ho wished to refer to. Tuu Judge, however, held that tho three papers could nil bo included under the count lu tho declaration. then took tho stand, and tcalillrd that ebo was the IdaliitifT. oud had lived in Rockfurd all her life; had icoa absent a largo portion of her time during tho past Ihrco winters Id Bprlngtleld, and hcramo ac quainted with the families of some of the members of luo Legislature, Bbe first saw the libel by chance, on tho cars near Curllnvlile. when alio was visiting lu tho Bouthero part of the She returned home tho next day, to bo among her friends; and then come to Chicago, with her father when the suit was com menced; Tills cloned the plaintiff's case, end Mr. Ootidy then > calloU to the wituces-chuir tlio defendant, Sin. BTOIIBV. lie testified (bat bo had received four letters by mall In regard to the article published. They were rclerred without reading to an asabtuit editor, Mr. Marlin, who bad charge of Urn correspondence of the ]«rer from abroad. The witness aid not write the article nor rend it before it was published, lie first knew of tin publication from some of the other pnners. He directed a retraction to bo written and published. Several questions were then asked to show that the publication was made inadvertently, uud that steps were taken after stilt was brought to find out the truth, hut the Judge ruled them out, on the ground that the stops were taken after the libel was made known. The retraction was competent evidence in mitigation of damages, but not thu ways and means adopted subsequent to publication for that pnrnjse. Mr. Ooudy then offered to show that the defendant offered n reward, and that ho acnl a reporter to Kook ford, hut, on objection offered, the Judge refused to admit the evidence. The witness then testified that he did not have any conversation with Air, Early before the publication of tho retraction. He did not know him ur Mr. Craw ford. Ho had two of the letters received by him ot the time, but could not tell where tho others hud gone. He did not know whether tho nrllcio was a digest of the letters. He only knew that tho letters related to some scandal. Ho vraa not acquainted with L. A. Trowbridge, >l. M, CuriHtritcr, 11. H. Waldo, or Blodgett, the supposed writers nf the letter*. The witness did not observe that one of (he let ters was particularly vile in its expre- stone. Ho did not know whether the editor of tho Rockford OtuelU, Sir. Kmltb, telegraphed to know whether R. P. Porter, Hie regular correspondent, had written the nrllcio. He was not lu tho habit of attending to such dispatches. The witness did not remember who was tho regular correspondent. Mr. Gundy then proposed to read (he tw'o letters uf ferod in evidence, hut sir, Hitmll objected, and the case wa* then postponed until this morning,' MILLINERY. FRENCH CHIPS, Eiijf. Jlilnns, Simile Hats, Imported French FLOWERS, millions, Trimmed floods, etc. 124 STATBST. WEBSTER’S. Rmiiovod from 241 West Mmllunn-st. PATENT SHUTTERS. I b e%§i * n i (I P GLABK& COMPANY’S PATENT SoU-ColUnm Kovolvinu shatters, STEEL ATSTID WOOD. ..EQUII.K NO M.OUNVKHV,.,,,, out qf 218 West Twenty-sixth-st., New York. CMlt'nK° fl(Uce* 01 |ißSullc««t* G-BO.T. WILSON. Ag’t. AMUSEMENTS. M’OOHmOK HAIL ' THE BAI.E OP BEATS BEGINS Thursday, 2!4d, O a. 111., AT JAKBBS, WoCl.UllO A CO.'S, 111 STATE-ST., ron -mr, THEO. THOMAS . UNRIVALED CONCERTS, WKDNEHDA V« APUIF* as, GREAT POPULAR NIGHT. TlirnNllAV* AIMIII, 2f>, GERMANIA MAKNNKHCHOR tad ORCHESTRA. IKIDAV, .H'KII, Ilf), PAMI UUAL HVMPHONY and WAGNER H ELECTIONS. hatuiinav. iuav i, OI.UCK'H ••ORPHEUS," nlfhehani* 3M Voice*. KATIJUDAV, 2 I*. A!., Only GRAND MATINEE. PRlCKS—Admt*»lon, sl. Reierrcil Real*, mala floor, f/l cla: Balcony, i*l extra. Mallnon Reserved Scat*, only ttl. CARPENTER A SHELDON. ADELftll THEATRE. Ttteaday, April SU. STILL BETTER THAN EVER. GREAT CHALLENGE BILL. Great Succona of thn younc and gifted actress RENA, and thn popular American Cornedian F. G. MAKDEIt, in J. .1. McCloiky’a new drama, entitled CASTLE GARDEN! A Tnln «f l.lfe in Amorim. Cush la Mschroo ....RFNA Rattling Date Mr. FHKDG. MAKDER hupportod by a powerful Dramatic Company. LOOK AT THE LIST OK OLIO STARS. The great Acrobat In and Gymna*tic wonder*'of the age. the LENT ON FAMILY, togolber with the LENTO.N BROS. The AmutonKnQuern. REAI.TA. TllO Great Oriental .Tng rter, PROF. PR \NCIS. IS’l'ho Ouecn of Sorto Comic*. POLLY DALY. The Cornel Klajr. HAKIIV PAGE. Thn faroilun, mo RF.VNuLDS BROS., George and Charle*. 'I n.morrow (Wednesday) Grand Gala Matinee at 2, (nr Lsdies and Children. No other I beam lu the world bat inch moderate price*. UNION PARK CONQB’L OHPBOE ,( I never so enjoyed music."—Eev, C. H. Spargeon. THE JDBffiß SINGERS. First appearance in Chicago since their return from England. Three of their Unique and World-Famed Concert*: DHIOH PARK COSB’L CHURCn, TaSSday EvenlDe, ApOI 20, FARWELL BALL, Lriiaf Lyenlna Apnl 23. faeweli hall, saiarday Aiismoon, Arm 24. JW.OOO already raised for Hik Unlrcrtily. .labile* Hall 1* nhiK)»l cumulated. They are now tinging to raise money with which to beautify the ground* and endow a Jubilee Prof?** jr*hlp. Admlirlim, M cents: Re*erved Seat*, 'Scent*. Tlckota fur aalo at Jaa*on, McClarg X Co.'a Bookstore, Rtato-it. FAEWELL HALL—DE MPRSKA, THURSDAY EVENING. Apri« 55. at Uo’clock, DB MURSKA’S Farewell Concert! (Ilcfcrc ber departure lor California-) THE FINEST EVER GIVEN IN CHICAGO. OPERATIC. CLASSICAU INSTRUMENTAL, A very brilliant programme, by Uis fnmnn* Hungarian Nlsbt ingal?. Mile. ILMA DE MI7IWKA, Jlrao. CARENO SAUItP.T. the Charming Platiftn: Mon*. HAUUET, Signor BRAGA, Signor GIAMMONA, and CUAS. E. PRATT. Rcierrcd Seat*, iloor$1.C0: Gallerr,|s. Por sale, tn-niorrow, Tuciday. »t Bi'ier's Plano Store, under Palmer House. Knabe Jt Co.’* Plano* u*rd. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Commonchr MONDAY, APRILSG, MISS EMILY SOLDENE ondher mast complete EXOUBII OPEKA COJIIQCB COMPANY, with lull Grand Chorus and Orchestra comprising fifty performers. Monday and Tuesday eveniuii*, alio Wednesday matt* n?", the ureal Holdcuo specially, GK.NtVIIiVIJ Dti UftAHA.vr. Wednesday and Thursday evenings, also Sr.turday mati nee, TUK GUAM) DUUHKHS, Friday and Saturday (ivcnlngs, first time litre, Ilcrte's Spectacular Upcrn, CIIILPKIIIO. HOALK OF PKICRB: Admission. $1; Deserved Heats, I’arquolto and Dress Rlrcln, 41.W; Jirs» lUlcmy, ,&c and $1; SjcomU Balcony, S3 and h’c. halo of seals to commence Thunday morning at Tivoli anil Itos Olhco. M’CORMIOK HALL, b’l'AU LECTURE COUUaE. LAST LECTURE THIS SEASON. TUESDAY, April 20. PROF. PEPPER. BRILLIANT NEW I.EUTURP. on "Linin'." Pro fu-oly llluMrntod with bl* iplendld apparatus. Pepper'* n»w Unu>l c.uiics nut nf a enttm. heats, 7f» emit. at Jonttn. MctJlurg .V Co.’». Fschacguyour option tick et*; last chance. Tree 'lm» ticket*. CARPENTER A RHRLDON. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY ZBZESZtsTIEIIF’IT, TENDERED TO * BILLY MANNING By tho Citizens of Chicago. Hr kind permission nf R. M. Hoolcy—J»". O'Noll, Wn, H. CrrtDo. FrtJ. Buckley, Mis* Neills McHenry. By kind pcrmlssloD of Leonard Grover—Reynolds Broth era, (ioorge and Obartus, Tu* Luiiim Family, llopry b. Pago. Mclutytoi llugbni, Mr. K. Plenty. Milrloy Francs, Sir. T. Ungdon, .Miss Polly Paly. Mbs Ads lAngdon. Including tno outiro strength ot the Opera House Com* papy. MoVIOKER'S THEATRE. ENGAGEMENT OF THR FAVORITE, Maggie Mitchell, Who will appear in feer great specialty, 3P Aisroraoisr i Supported by Mr. W.M. HARRIS a* LANDRY, Rvsry night this weak and Saturday Matinee. HOOLEY'S THEATRE. RETURN OF HOOLEY’S COMEDY COMPANY. I-atl week bnt one uf tho season. Monday and Tuesday Cvcnlng. and Wednesday Matinee, April 19, DU and 21,1975, Tho husuUtul sorlo-cuiulo play, David Q-arriolt! To conclude with Crane's specially. JONHS’ BA33V! In which tho entire couipauy will appear. Wednesday Evening, April M-MCINTE CHRISTO. MONTE CHRISTO, tno mutt elaborate production of the leaiou, with an augmented company. EXPOSITION BUILDING. The Exhibition will soon cln.eof thethreeart allrsettooi, the Big Picture of the Wcsturn Itsttio of * LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, 15 BY M FEET IN SIZE. Value, fM.OuO. The largest Palntiugs ol Ancient sod Modem JERUSALEM And the grand collection of 850 I=>A.XISrTX3SrC3-S. HOURS—9 a. m. tod p. m. and 7to 10p. m. Adiulsslun to each. 850. Tutll. Uc. ri GRAND OPERA HOUSE. KAYNE, HAIL & WAMBOLD’S Minstrels I First sppoaranco of HAPPY OAL WAQ NBB. U»t*roekof DKLKIUNTV AND HENfIMCR. Alltbo Mtmmolb Cooii>ftuj' la nav Muilctl bkitcbw. Act*. e(o. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Pint »pp#»r«nCo is Chlcfso of the talented joss* *etoi, OIPBICO, lu tUu Great Hom»ull« Drama. * DDOTND KE3ANT, Theeucoeteof (be protest »u#»oa. Mr. Gardiner, lb| lint to I rig u Aliuoc, iUjwoud, The Volte*, and dulueue, now Erin*!* Clprlco. SCALES. FAIUUANKS’ |C?| STANDAHU t? SCALES « r l ~" “ or aw. kinds. ROOffSK A PO< 21) A 111 l-ake St, Chicago, - BscwcfultobuyonlytiteGenuioe, NEW PUBLICATIONS. SCRIBNER'S MONMiY” COUNTS TEN. NEW EDITIONS of AID llie NUMBERS SINCE JANUARY, AGAIN CAU.EI) FOR. THE EDITION for .MAY, Hie I.AIIfIEST EVER IS SLED. OI'ENTNII of a NEIV VOELME. Scribner's Monthly M counts Ion,” with its May number, enterlngupon its Xth volume. Several changes are made in Its editorial foa* lures. The department of '» Etchings ” will hereafter bo known as " Brlo-a-Brsc,'* and that or “ Nature and Science," has been su* porsodod by “ The World’s Work.*’ The May contributions Include Illustrated papers on “ The Elder Myths,” by the Rev. William Hayes Ward of The Independent 5 on the now “Grand Opera-House of Paris,” by Fred A, Schwab} and on the “ Baltimore Bonapartos,” There are more of the old letters, which, it may comfort some doubt* ing readers to know, are genuine antiquities. Among the stories is one by George W. Cable, the writer of the remarkable Creole Sketches; the poets are Cello Thaxlor, Mrs. Hunt, and J. Maurice Thompson, and others. Among the Essays and Reviews there are “ Some Booont Women Poets,” ond a paper on Chinese Education. Col. Waring’s Second Illustrated Paper, describes “ The Drainage of Haarlem Lake —the largest operation of that kind over undertaken by man.” The story roads like a romance, rather than a history of a groat en gineering work. TIIH DEMAND FOR DR. ROU.AMVS SERIAL "THE STOET 0F SEVIHOAES,” STILL CONTINUES : (bo back numbers of IheMAO.V BIND from JANUARY, are being again REPRINTED, and nlll bo ready on thotMh of A Pill L. The edition Tor Mat is the largest yet Issued. Grateful for the past, wo solicit a conllnuanco of tho pnbtie faror, and reoew our pledge to spare no expeaie to make SCKinXEU’S MOXTIII.Y ■fill more worthy of the high prahe that has been accord' cd to it on both sides of tho Atlantic. St a YEAH. 3.1 fin. a NT.linEll. SCItIBNKU & (X>., Jf, Y. “Well siistniiiß Us reputation for vigorous anti racy ivritiiiy.”—,V. y. Tribune. “ A model periodical.”— PhOn. Pnu, THE GALAXY. MAY NUMBER SOW KKADY, CONTKSTSt Leabt A Woman or Fashion. By Mra. Annie Ed. wards. The Tableau Vlraul. By J. W. Deforest. Lonlo 11. of Ravariut Un. Romanticism on lia Tu&ONE. By K. Ucclus. The I.aHtoftlio till) .Mantera. By. F. 31. Gray. Excelsior. By F. IV. Hmudlllnn. Ilcor Lady Dlhilulr. By Justin McCarthy. Unbidden. ByH. C. An«ellca KanlTmnn. By Mr.ry A. R. Wager. A Norseman's rilurluiufic. By Ujahuar Iljortb Uoyesen. Literary and Liiiffalnllc Notes and Queries. By Richard Grant Wnlte, Homo Pressed Fluvrcrn. By John James Platt. .111ns CUro and I. ByL.O.W. Wblrhf By Alary B. Dodge. Drill-Wood. By Philip Quilibot. RclcntlQc Jlllscclluny. Current Lllerninre. Ncbulic. Br tue Editor. PRICE, 35 CTS. PER NUMBER. Subscription Price, $1 per year, UsQLUDINO POSTAGE. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS. SKCBLI3OIT <te COMPAITS’, Now York. MAY ATLANTIC. Now Rosily, and for Sals Ry all Newsdealers. HENHY W. LONGFELLOW Opens the number with an emuitUo poem, AumlD, and JOHN G. WHITTIER Writes * centennial ikmih ter l.exlmtlutl, INTO. There are also characteristic piwmt by .TAMER HUSSEI.I. I.OWEIX: Sonnet. To F, A. T. H. AI.UUICH: The I’imuitid the U’nliiut. J. W. UH FoIIKHT: Tlic FnMldimtM Uuhlln, MARK TWAIN, In Old Timm on tlir MlselaallMtl. loll* about ‘'Sound ing " Faculti** peculiarly neo-Mary Ui a pilot. WILLIAM M. BAKER Hires some rsry sketches of Southwestern character La Merely u Mirror. CELIA THAXTER list a graphic account ui A .UeuiomUle Murder at the Isle of dhuali. S. J. BARROWS Contributes a droll paper on The Norllmcgtern iUnlniuitl HU Driver. P. B. SANBORN Contlnnes The t’uuumlgn of John Ilrown. * An anonymous writer asks ami answers the question, Wimtlanti Amrrlriuif HENHY JAMBS, Jr., Hires Ohsplrr V. (Christina) of If mlrrlck lliidMß. W.D. HOWELLS list a critical paper on AKIorK and there are sitteen Ifcvletvn orilookat besides careful editorial notea on Ari< .Uiiaict and Iklacatlou. TEIIMHt HA renfn a number: 81 ayear.pnstsgefree, |l. 0. HOUGHTON i COMPANY,. Corner ilcacnn and Homerset-its., Deaton. IIUUH i- HOUGHTON. New York. "THE LITTLE CORPORAL; 1 , "THE SCHOOLDAY MAGAZINE," AND ST. NICHOLAS. At cKenbore Announced, “THE SOIIQOLDAY MAGAZINE," Of Philadelphia, the uldoit monthly cf iiiclaia iu (bit count ry,which, for almoat a <|uartor of a century, »a< been Ino leading juvenile magattae of tho South aud South well, and the » “LITTLE CORPORAL*” nr Chicago, which, for mure than ten yean, hai occupied the bU'heat pualtloa ta thoWcat uud JNurthwoil, have boon consolidated with * ST., NICHOLAS, Dliconllnulng their icpart'e oilil.'ticciaimagailn«».*nd liierxlDK Into hr. MciiuLaa ibelr niott attractive feature* aud their tubicrlpUan Hat*. »Vo had bufura purchased “Our Young Folks” and “Tho Riverside, M nr Uoaion. lho moti prominent publlcatlona for boy* and girl* Id the New Kngtatid Matte, and ‘"PRE OUILLRBN’S ROHR," Of Philadelphia, tho favorite megatioo among the little ime» nf the iljdrtio State*. thm giving to M, Tvlrliolne, Hrrlbiier’e illualrntnl JlnguieTtiu fur flint* nittl lime, a National Uirvulatlodi' Uo venturu to hope that mod there will not be.throunb* out the length aud breadth of tbulaud.a home of refine meat and culture, whore thorn arc children, loin which hr- Nicuolis doca net enter. With thru new acccMluna tonunlrungth, wo premia® roaowod elforu to make Br. Nicuol-aa worthy of the high cunmioDdatfous which hate flume to It from all quarter* of our country. fIIAV NlLilliKU NOW 11EAIIV, Foraalo and aubacrlptiooj received by ail Nowadeaten and ilockiolloro. Price, ddayear; M centi a number. iCHIMEB k co., 7(3 am 7ti BreaJway, Kiff Ymfr. FOR SALE. lighthouse Tender “ liello,*’ Notice it hireby alrea % o’clock ». m.,oa Thuta dar. (he ISttb day »i April. l«7u, lliu I-lglilhuiuo foudor •‘Uello btotoua" will bo *“id at public auction to toe hlgtieat bidder for ca*h. The reatel la ootf lying and will l,u told at Jamct M. Kallenlluo A L'u.'e blllp-yard, oppu all* uay Uiy. Mich. The rigging. »aUi, etc., will be »old OCEAN NAVIGATION. National Lino of Steamships, imWYOIIK TO QUEEMTOW.T ASD UVr.KI'OOT, a .fS K; S; Foil LO.VDO.I mnVXfT. OURF.OK,, Wednesday, Apiltlf, atU:3oa.m. 9*o and 9?0, currency. Ktcc-ase a| trr»fttlr rtiliii*rii pria<). Koturn I'eVoti it rednrod l i<|ui(l hMciARo (lokoti from I.ifornnnl at in* Imtmi ml l '. Apply i>, p (j 0,1 ‘? aofl lUndolpli-ili. (onpnitaaow lloiue), uhioAffo. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE.’ - !0 Company's Mali Steamrhipi betrfpen iNowamt liarro. fho yinjiln nn tlit« raTiirlin rouio forth« moro mufti* ulhr" "° m ~lcr x °- “• s °^tl, a |0 'V Saturday. May I vt! i Uti . 1 Saturday, Slay 1! > IMjK UK I'Alll-S, l.v:V«n*7 Sn tirdir. 'fir*S I’IUCK OK IN (UHif), Mneliidlnr winm: rinlcaldn, 9JOO} »oor*ntl, mifj. »jo. Hh urn tick el* at reduced ra;es. Si.;va.ri *;i, jopflrior «c«.ni. iii"(Ullcin*, and Including an nccowarlea without extra ebaree. «>KOH(trc MACKKNZtK. Agent. M Rfwulwar, f». Y. OUNAKD MAIL LINE. saiiinz ite Times a wtelc u an from BRITISH PORTS. LOWEST RATES. j*f R t, **« , *i l * ** f *® c "» sottliwMl corner CUtk and J’. M. ’nU VKUNirT. General Agent. AMERICAN LINE. ‘ REDUCE!) RATES TO AND niOM LIVERPOOL, QUEENSTOWN, And all points In tSioal IWtnln and tho Coruta-Mif. J. n. MU,NR, Wo*tfnAe-ii‘, J.A lA*nlls-«t.. c->rn3.- .M.k t.inn. Great 'Western Steamship Unc. From 7«o«t York <» <E islaml) rflr/»tft. Orea* Western, (.'aaf. WinOhatn. i-Mnr-Ur, Cabin Pavtacß, s;ii; inlorniclia'c, *tv, M'.nra t’. *7). r.K-urtlun tickets, |DO. Apply at CJou’t Froiclit Lake «horo A M. .S. It R. n :a, MrDONAr.I). Ag-nt. RAILROAD TIMS TABLE, AMYAL Aiifl D2PARMS OF IBAH3 FxrtANATioM oy Rr.rßnp.JieK MAnitn.—r Saturday ot ceptrd. • S.inil tMouday oxcj.itiJ, { Af tlto bunday m s;W «. m. { Dali?. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN HAlLim*). T.vUf *.a i Mr,;..'. m r. . i.j a-n>. it., fjrnfr nn'l ■»: I'it Je/Dit, 0 Pacific Fast Line........ a. in I*::i■. u x>ui.e ,i.,y ,• i, .in Cit i'on.. •!ii:'r. n. ji,.l• 3:1". n, in, oUubuuuo Night l.x. via Climuu fM:Dp. in I’li 'o.i. n,. oUn.uba .vigbi Kinross + li>:fA r«. m. J v. in. a ft report A Unbauue l-.x|iro«s... * y: Ja, n,.i* tl| aiTseport* Dubuguvlixurou.,.l* s*;lt n. tu.i* a. in. fc Milnauk.'e Mail * 8:U0 «, n. ;r. 1 Mllirankoo Kxpreu ,* 9:lj a. m.;i 4 r“> i>. in -6 Milwaukee Passenger,.,. i' ,'i;io |>, m. ♦ ;.,u r ., m. 6 M lwxakcu I’ano uer 'llr*M>. m. 8 6mj a m. h (.rccii Hay Kiprets • )': t> a. in, * 7;i>> n. n> I St. Pant x tv'iu'i',4 Ivxpiej*.,,. f !>;Sjp. m. * 7;l »u. nt. I .Mat queue Kinross i>. m.l* *:; si a. m. I Kim? of.oncra Uvko t*«pr.m * 4;i.iip, in. •I'isi'.m iCyaota Lake Ft pro s • iv.»j.. m.i* 7 Cl t>. m, n—Depot corner'<] Well* and Kbulr-m. r - T - 1 - - i—Dcpit corner of Canal and Klnzb.sts. MICHIGAN CENTRA'. •PfIiLIIV). litvot, .foot q f irtte-.f., and font <J TWnl/.««;oq>f.rf ( jirKf-i 're, C 7 C7nrA*si.. I’lutlnaU tornernr' /.'anJjhA. nnrf J*j t.ukc-il,, Irtni'inl Jluuk, ( /.rn re. | Mall iTtamain line) • X;i<in, m. • P; «n. m. Di> Kvpie.s ♦ g : :ua. ni. • !i;mji. m. JacKMin Aeruiniuocauun * 3: f. n, m..‘!il:.l>a. m Atlintlc Kinraas I ,s : Un. m. } Hj Wa. ra Night hiorcM.,., t’Sacp. m. OUaND KAI'IUS Ml s&ZuU.V., Murnlnp Kxpresi • !:53a. m. 1 * !:3jp. rn. Mghi Kxpresi p. m. i* in. "Sunday Kx. i* fa’ntday and Sunday lii. THICAGO A AVVr) RAlLfmi. Cti frnyr, L'n»'o' i'it’/ null 1/rnrer Short /.Inf, tin T.nuht. nnii, un-l CH 070, Sprinihfld, Alton .m l f.fiit Thtuv-ih /.to*. I nJlfivrf, ll>,( Shlf, nrnr Ma /h«n-tL hrl’ljt, Ofun; .11 lit pot, amt UJ Uumlulp,\*it, J- - Ktn«s« City and Denrer Fast Rx.noonl* i:!/) n. ra. hi. )»ui» and >tnliiuiiel>l 1ix.....* a. in. 1* r;inn, ta. h>. ftpriuytiuld Jt Vovas..!{ i*:T> r. 111 <{ 7:'4ia, in. Vi< rU Aii.l KoukUK l.xiirtjM..,.., • t*:ii n. in." Mbip. in, f Mcns'i.t Padnisti llallmij |,x. • P;ti)a. ni. * • :l*;n. in. :* 1 ;iinr,ljieim. WMhiugKii Kc. *l3 nj noun * •J;ri)p.ra. •lollot ,t DwmhtAco nmnmlatl -n. j* 4;:ui n. m. * vr.MA. ia. C 'IRAQI. MILWAUKEE A ST. PAUL RAILROAD. /non /<»;■..*, rnrurr i/iiji'.vn nn'l /'inri'.iit, rj*W, Ik) -SjuiA i'liirl;-il,, oppmit* Shrrnvin //on<*. an Jji l)‘pot. Milwaukee, Madlsan, Monroo A- I i'rairl rt . i iiUn, hj:»!.. .*0:00 a. ra. Milwaukee. l.a Otoit'j. \,! p'l.l’uitl A MinueaiHil-i.tbfjiunl l.iipfitin; aUu. rla Milwaukee, fur ]{)(> un, Merlin, Osbkoiti, , Mensjba A Ort-ou 1 ms... .*9:53 a. ra. • <K)3p. n. Milwaukee, Modi«m, rratrin <in I Cbliat alio, .M-na'b#, Urcsu Hay A Bi«runt Point tn. Milwaukee ± Lj CfQuo Pnu'im'r. I s*;l3 u.m. ILUVOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. I>rmt,Sool r\f t.ak'-rt. nmtj.i /.‘nr* TirtulTic-ttt Lntte. [ .One*. .(• «:liia. in.J• P:(ip, ai. M toryp, m. 1 7iP.nn, m. .I* »:tna. m.!*'■if,in. ! ditto, in. 1 7:0«». ni. ; • H:in it. M.i p, m, . J H !tl p. in.’! 7:30 a. m. 1 B.i'ia. m./ lmti.. ni. j* iii. .» 7;<fl a. in. i* On». m. : * ‘';23 v. in. Rl. liOols Express | hi. Units Fast I Cairu.V .New Oilcans Ex. | Calmi New Urleaus Ki spriustiuicl. ivurii A Kn -kiik Ex Hprlnclirltl an 11’e >rla lApioal.. Dubuque 4 Stem City Ex ■ Dubuque A t.U xige lix lillniau Passenuor CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A QUINCY RAILROAD. /in,/ nr' Indian i-ac. n/i I Mztnoth.nt.. urvi r.i.iiii urn/ .STjlioiiA-ji*. TitSut OJteu, t>j OLtr<-it., a*d itt iUiml i. I ten*. [ Arrtcf. Mall and Express 7;.y iittanu auu oiroalor Passenger. * 7:30 a. m.,* 7 ;in p. m Dubu.iuu* abnix Clt/ ivip * (>:ij t. m.:< 4 m Pacmc l ast Lioo, lur Umxua... Muiuja. ui.l* 3:iin iu Kansas City, tearoumirih. A;-. ctiliundoi. Joseph Exp ’10:0.1a rn.l* 3:V> p. m. Trias l.iimt-s j>, *:h» p m Atirura Passenger... ’ Jjr.p. m.l* 8:13 u. m. Aloud.ita. Ottawa* btroator Pass * i u. m.l* 11:5.*. a. m. Auntra Pum-nKcr • CUn. m.i* a:", a. m, Autura (Sunday) • 1:01 p. ni.i*lii:JC a. m. {•uliitijitn A bl'iuxClty litp • ujji ». >«,}• 7:'. i n. m. Pacilio Alcht l.xp, for Oiiuua., |lo;Udp. m. 7 7:lj a. tu. Kamaa Ctij., i/iaronnortii. At I enuonint. Joseph Exp tlO;ri)p. m. U 7:te a. m. iL.wiier stiiiive/it-cimiuuilaU iti Mluoa. m.l* S;..i p. iu. I i-wncratlMTOAccnunuoilitl io • l:T.a. m. » f>:2‘i |>. m. Uuwuei sUrtiro Accomtindatli.r • t::|j p, ni.j* 7:23 a. m. *lix. Suada>i. lEx, t-a uruxy. jlix. Mutiday - KANKAKEE I /Vom Centra ttrpot, joui LnU-*t. Ttriil O'iirf, 121 J,ant LINE. f., findyVtif 7>rrnly. unit u( iltpnl. Putt, Indianapolis, r/mfirill# i | iaiyai;‘(Su.LTa;Y,i-.f ,a - m -f 8 " s >’- - natt .NUht i:xprcis(dally> I m.l 7 :lSa. m, CINCINNATI AIR LINE AND KOKOMO LINE. I’rotii VHtihura, iVit'iNnutf «t ,M. /.»■,(« A'iit{.ea-/,l.i>if tor p.r rih.l:n .to t r,irrnll.tu., Ural Mitt, Jlflel fart, UI uiiilnl i/, | /.tart. | .( rrirt, lnHhnt|inlit,r<oaiiTlUsd Clneln. UftUlUy Kxi roM • B:Coa.tu. • B:«p.n, |n<Uaufi><>U«,LuuUfUloit Linda mil (u-tibl 7:3flp.m. *•" PIITSDURO, CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. iron dirnt earner ClinUn and (\irrulUnt., aide, t'UiituMltf, ItU/fini/of/.A-it., and at ‘hi'ut. ( /.tare. | Arrlti, Columbai.PltUbor* ANewYorkl I Hay IviproM.. ;• g ; OJa. m.l* B:i)p.nj. Columbui. Plttaburtf A New Voik Night hapievatdfuly) 1 .iMp. m.l 7:10 a.m. PITISBURh, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY. | /t'Mt. I .irnoe. fli'tta. m. jtttoo p.™nu ! p. ra.'j bijua. m. MUtUip'OnOe.iu, tiMa. m.l* omup. iu. Pay Kinrete.. ■ I’aclflc fciprota. F*»i Lino Hall BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD JVaffi* tear* jr>m lUi utitian UuiUUwj and depot foot at hrktt nfite, lA) Lu-Saffe-if, Line*. | Arrht, Mali, SondayaEsoepted, Ltprcii, Laity f:U3p. m.l ajja.m. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND &P Jirpof, toruif *i/' !'<>'• Uorin and HI Grand i\teijtc ! PACIFIC RAILROAD. Xl.tru utaaU, i'ithl ojlee, Uoltl. | Ltatt, | Pn», Omtba.Leatenw'lhAAlchUonE<~*lu:lfi a. m. i* tiTfl'p. in.' PeruAconmaiodatloß.,,;;........l* final u. m.l* i'-Wa. ta. Mcht hrpreae..... If lo a*) lu.'l riilSq. int MATCHES. BE.OTECTION FROM FIRES, llryatu & .tlny’e I’ri/r Snlcty .Ifiiicltcy. Light only uu the bos. For Kitcheni, Nurieduf, buM. j, and r'aetorjoi. Alio. Patent Palely ruuve; and \Vm alateboa In neat metallic b.ner, wltunt •uarpcomerr, no rough edgre, Juit riattit lur the pockut. Fur Bafcty Matcaco nb-orvetiio lUr.-ciloi) ant the 1 rady-iJir!.-a-» Arc. AUKS IS W.WTKU KVKiIYWIIKUK, M-nd lur rtrrilar. 1(11,1, A' rtMIHL. b»U liuportor*. Ntfir York. Oriteraan l t<,lter« in 11.i»,6y»j. MEDICAL CARDS. no rav 1 ! I Dr. Kean, UtiO bDUTI) CLAUK.ST.. CIIICAUO, May bo cupaulteJ, penooally or by mall, free of charm, on all chrou:« or o dtaoaaer.' u;(. J; KEAN la (Q ofily phyalciau In the city who warranto ourea ec a j pay. (date* auun. a. m. to kp,m. i hoaday* from Bto 7 ’7:13 p.m. •11 ;0 'i. ra. •Ihua. in. :tO». ro.