Newspaper Page Text
THE BEECHER CASE. British Comments upon tho 110. suit of tho Trint. A Division of Sentiment Among tho Nonconformists, Whnt tho London, Manchester, and Dub- lin Dopers Say. Vho Now York Sun Asserts that Judge Neiison Behoves that Eoeoher Is Guilty. BRITISH VIEWS, ACTION or CONOREUATU'NAL MINISTERS IN LON- DON. London 3Vmrs. On Sunday evening a very curious Incident oo eurrod at the City Temple in reference to the Beecher trial. At the close of a sermon from Acts, xx., 37, on the sympathy and affection due from all Christians to faithful ministers, Br. Darker adverted to the oaao of Mr. Henry Ward Beecher, of whom ho spoke as tho most cruelly persecuted man alive. ’One bright feature In tho melancholy affair had been tuo loyalty with which Mr. Beecher's Hock had stuck to their calumniated pastor throughout bis six months' llory ordeal, lie could not help think ing that they should send both minister and people a kindly message, and lie had drawn up the following telegram, which ho hoped they would authorize him to forward: To tht //it. Ih ury HVml llttrlur, C’l lumltn strut, Jlrooklyn: Thu cmigrcifiUiuu UFcmhlcd this Niibhuth evening In tlm Cily Tt tuple, hmilon. Jnsllc- lly responds to Ur. I'arkor'a request to lotrgrnjiti greeting* to the piudor ami uingreg.itluu ui Plymouth Chinch. It assure* Air. UeocUer of 1U continued con fidence and lovo. and thnnks bis noble people for upholding him so steadfastly In tho Umo of his great alllicUuu. Dr. I’artior suggested that, na tlio most do* monstrativo way of declaring tlioir assent, those who agreed with Jilm nlioulil rlao from their seals. Ou this appeal tho wholo congregation stood up, and tho message was accordingly dis patched. Yesterday at noon Or. Barker mot at the vcalry of tlio City Toinplo Iho Bovs. Or. Alloti and Baloigh, In cunforenco with whom tho following address to tho Bov. Homy Ward Boochor was drawn up, anil now lies there for eignaturo until Friday next, Inclusive: We, the mHlcndgm-i!, Oonitri>g.dloiial minister* ro«l --dftit In l/miltm inul tho neinnlK<rbinKl t illbliv, in view of tlio (rial through which ho Litvn i>ii«ki»l, to convoy to tho Hot. Henry Ward lleoeher tho strongest muimuco of our coiiiinucil cniillili'iice uml uuahakd Jove. liav lug wntuhc-l tlio ]iro«rc»snf tho Into trial with tho gravest niutotv, «b nuo atfcflliiff tho moat sarreil enter- Mtn of Ibo Oliurrh of Christ throughout tlio world, wo liufclgitcdly aud heartily thank Almighty ' tod that wo aro enabled thus to put on record an impression of Judgment and fsi'llng bo entirely favorable to tho Chriathiu character of our honored brother, whom wo now affectionately commend to tho I’totucliuti aud blessing of unr common Lord. EDITORIAL COMMENTS OP THE “ TIMFH.” Some proceedings at tho “ UityTcmplo ” which wo report this morning, suggest some curious reflections. Plymouth Church, of which Mr. Henry Ward Beecher in tho pastor, and tho City Temple, over winch Ur. Parker pi (widen, aro allied in tlioir ecclesiastical organization ; hut the alliance seems looxmud much further than could Lnvo been anticipated. Wo need nnt enter par ticularly into the history of tho Inal which has just been brought to an ineffectual conjlusioii in Now York. HubsUnlially, Mr. Boucher wasplaco.l ou his defense on a charge of having committed adultery with tho wife of Mr. Tilton, ono of the members of his congregation. It can hardly bo said that ho has boon acquitted, for tho jury have been discharged without giviug u verdict, nine of them, it id said, being in his favor, and three being adverse to him. Hnoh a result amounts to the useful Hootch verdict of “ Not proven,” hut th» world will bo glad to draw tlio moru favorable conclusion with respect to tho specillc accusa tion against Mr. Boucher. Independently, how ever. of this issue tbo trial has furnished a most singular revelation of tho habits and proceed ings of tho pastor and congregation of Plymouth Church. Fur no less than six months tlio Amer ican newspapers have boon reporting ovidonco respecting tbo relations of Mr. Boochor to sumo members of his congregation, which would, to Bay tho least, not bo doomed wholesome reading by the English public. Tho strangest part of this ovidonco, moreover, has been furnished by Mr. Bceclibr himself. Ho ban depleted tbo af fection which subsisted between himself and n female member of his lluclt as so remarkably warm that it is certainly not surprising it should have boon niisunderntoud by tbs lady's husband. Mr. Beecher, it is well known, has u very strong way of expressing himself in tbo pulpit, and bo describes himself as camming tho sumo warmth of imagination into tho regions of social intercourse. It is not surprising a jury should tmva been unable to come to a conclusion respecting him, for his own counsel could only explain somo of his letters to Mr. Tilton on tho ground that his habits of expres sion wore su singularly vehement that no ordi nary interpretation could bo placed upon them. But Mr. Bccchor was not alone in this remark able series of rovuluttous. Mr. Tilton and Mr. Moulton, with whom ho had lung boon on tones of a similarly superhuman friendship, exhibited not loss extraordinary characteristics, aud noth ing so unaccountable, ou any customary suppo sition. as tbo relations of thoso throe person ages, has ovor boon scon oven In America. Tbo society, in fact, amid which Mr. Beecher moved iu Plymouth ClmrcU is evidently ono of thoso eccentricities of humanity which may bo quite harmless iu a country with so many safety-valves as America, but which would run considerable risks in this country of offending against tho practical view wo take of ono or two of tho sim pler commandments, as well os of tho customary proprieties of lifo. . . . • There is so much loro and a {faction through out those proceedings that it would, perhaps, bo out of pltco to judge thorn by tho colder light of reason. Wo suppose thero must bo some way of understanding Mr. Boochor and his congregation which is only open to thoso who aro familiar with tho particular form. of ecclesiastical mystery which i)r. Barker aud his friends ou both sides of tho Atlantic represent. But we cannot help thinking such “ noble sympathy'! a little liable to bo misinterpreted, aud that it might, with ad vantage to Mr. fteoclior himself, have boon ex pressed with a little mare discrimination. The Plymouth Church, m tlioir telegram of “grate ful thanks,” recommend to Br. Barker's flock a perusal of tho 121 th Buultu, in which Ur. Beecher's soul is very appropriately described as escaping llhoallid out or tho uuarooftho fowlor. But a little caution for tho future would have been vory much in place. Wo must own we cannot raise oarsolvcs to tbo “unthUßlum” of thoso English Congregation abate, and there is a “nobility” about their gratitude which it requires a Plymouth Church congregation to oppreoialo. We cannot suppose for a moment tliat such respectable persons ap prove Ibo Nooplatoulo modo of indulging affec tions, and we recoil from imagining tho conse quences of Br. Parker yielding to any such sym pathetic impulses toward his female admirers. Wo cau understand tboir bolngglad that a minis ter of tboir communion should have rebutted tbo grayest moral charge which could bo brought against him. But this “entirely favorable” ▼low of the “Christian character" of their honored brother " reveals a depth of onthusi asUo fellow-feeling which, to say the least, would not have beau anticipated in such sober persons. >Vo strongly advise them, however, to abstain from any further sermons on the subject, or they will be surely hi danger of being misun derstood by tbo colder temperament of (ho Brit ish public. COMMENTS OF TUB “ PALL-MALL GAZETTE,” No mend is so emphatically a friend lu need as the man who gives another tho particular thing which ho happens to bo without »nd the congregation which was present yesterday oven ing m the City Temple exactly answers to this description. It has telegraphed Us “ fraternal greetings to Mr. Henry Ward Boochor. Con sidering how generous Ur. Boochor has shown h mMlf u the matter of fraternal greetings to Mrs. Tilton, his supply of tho article must far the present bo mu out \ so that the kindness of the City templars is as thoughtful as U Is gush ing. We are only surprised that the telegram was not more comprehensive. Why were not Mr Tilton aud Mr. Muullon included iu it ? It le true that of late a difference has arisen between this once united baud of brothers, but when «o lumeinher all (list Mr. Buechorhas said of them iu his evidence, it is impossible not to foci that no one of them has suy real advantage over the other. At all events, whatever may be' Mr. Moulton's precise place in tbe trial. It would take a very powerful microscope to detect any mural distinction between the umu who did ail that Mr. Beecher admits he has done and the man who condoned all that Mr. Tilton admits ha has condoned. It will be a serious addition to the anxieties of Dissenting husbands and fathers if it is under stood that a Dissenting minister’s roUUous with the ladies of his oougrsgatiou may lawfully lu clmlo the kinship, clasping, embracing, sobbing, ami other similar signs of "confidence and love,’ which Mr. Bencher owns to having displayed toward Mrs. Tilton. COMMENTS OV THE LONDON " NONCONfORMIST. Wo suppose that tlio curtain has at length fal len upon a »ory disagreeably ovcot in Transat lantic life, winch, quilo apart from Its special hearing upon tlm reputations of tho chief actors in this Judicial drama, cannot, in tin Internals of religion and morality, bo too soon forgotten. It is probable that tiro verdict of American opin ion will almost unanimously acquit Mr. Iloochor of tiio gravest charges brought against him. But wiry English Congregatlonallsts, or such of them as accept Dr. Darker as their mouthpiece, should Anticipate nncli a verdict, is only to bo explained by that impulsive—wo might almost say reckless—generosity of fooling which sotuo tlmos Ijelrays good mon Into unseemly and com promising acts that provoko merited robnko. Wo sincerely wish tliat (lie atingiug comments of the Time# of yesterday on tins untoward inci dent wore lose deserved. Wo print elsewhere a manly protest from the Hot. Edward White against the action taken on Sunday ovooing at llio City lomplo, which in not the less forcible because ft is bo reluctantly put forth and respectfully worded. Ills weighty ob jections to the high-flown message sent to Now Vork will probably appear to many of our road era as well as to ourselves to be quite unanswer able. The abstention of Mr. White, and of such Congregational ministers as may »Broe with him, from signing the proposed address to Mr. Beech er will wo fully believe, have a more wholesome moral influence than would a general adhesion to that mistimed document. TUB ENULItUI NONCONFORMISTS DIVIDED IN OPIN ION. Pall Hall a<unte. There appears to bo a division among too En glish Nonconformists with respect to the case of the Hcv. H. Ward Beecher. The Her. Edward White, of Konlishlowo, has published a protest against the proposed letter of coniidonce drawn op at the City Temple by Drs. Darker, Raleigh, and Allon, audio Hits ho Is snpported by the j\oncoi\fbniiM. Tbo Ilov. George (illllilan, of Dundee, has addressed a letter to the Chris tian World, in which ho expresses Ids belief that Mr. Beecher is guilty; but the Journal in question refuses to give publicity to the let ter, on the ground that the terms employed by Mr. Gil Allan are "distinctively libel ous." and, in the editor’s opinion, moat un warrantable. Dr. Joseph Darker contributes to the same newspaper a long article, in which he states that, after a careful perusal of every lino of the verbatim report of the trial, ho focln that the charge made by Tboodoro Tilton ban boon "utterly and triumphantly replied to by tho roost satisfactory evidence." lie adds that ho has groat Joy In stating that every English min ister with whom ho is acquainted in iu deep sym pathy with Mr. Beecher. Dr. Darker greatly ad mires tho " frank candor” of Mr. Beoohor'rt evi dence. " I have felt," he says, “ that in quoting incidents and dales, and iu putting together recollections and facts, 1 should certainly Lave convicted myself a hundred times over. Woo ho to mo In tlm day whan I have to roly upon mere memory for vindication. Tho very small est Tilton in the devil's employ will see mo sen tenced to penal servitude for life ou that un happy day/' AlTlUlf OT TOO MUCH SENTIMENTALISM. London S'firt, Tho ovidonco given iu this unfortunate trial conllnns a belief which a good many persons in America had begun to entertain long before the oponftig of this controversy—tho belief that tho hiiluonco of Plymouth Church was becoming rather, too hysterical and morbid to produao any beneficial results. Tho picture which tho trial enables us to draw of that social and religious circle Is u strange one ; full of paradox, full of what might acorn almost impossible contradic tion. Tho atmosphere of that circle was charged and surcharged with sentimentalism. Wo need hardly say that Mr. Tilton himsotf, with all his theories, his dreams, his passionate friendships, his gushing affections, aud his generally tremendous “views of life," was first tlio devoted pupil, then tho faithful friend, audatlastalmost tho hold rival of Mr. Bccchor. No doubt such a society as this may often do groat good, oven if in an odd sort of way. Wo uo not dispute tho services which Mr. Beechcr and Mr. Tilton, and all their tribes of admiring ladloff, rendered during tho progress of tho civil war to the cause of emancipation. If tho Beecher trial carries any moral with it, per haps it is the warning that oven tho best inton tioued hysteria is nob tho spirit which cau bo safely trusted to couduct men and women to a hotter life. Perhaps, too, it may bo questioned whether the effect of tho trial is in favor of Con gregational Popes. Mortal man is never half so likely to do foolish things as when tho idolatry of the circle to which bo gives laws has per suaded him that ho is infallible. A VEUDICT Foil EITUCU HIDE IMPOHBIULE. London TtUgtaph, Putting aside a whole host of irrelevant top ics, tho point at issue was ono of the relative credibility attaching to two opposite interpreta tions of certain letters. Had it not boon for these documents, tho charge brought against Mr. Boocbor, whether true or false, could never have been sustained. Our own impression Is that, in tbo absence of more definite and abso lute proof thau was forthcoming, a British Jury would have hesitated before they had found Mrs. Tlltuu guilty of adultery. At tho same time, in tho face of Mr. Beecher’s own letters, the defendant could not have been declared In nocent by tho verdict; and, if our law had per mitted suoh a Adding, “Notproven” would havp boon tho decision of any KucliSh court in tho suit of “Tilton agt. Beecher.’ —Pall Mall Gaietle. A VERDICT AGAINST EMOTIONAL FOBCINO UOCSEfI. ihutctuMcr AUnmimr find Times. Tho Jury Imvo professed themselves unable to decide an to the truth of this charge, and we ahal! certainly nut undertake to doeido a point on which they could not agree. Wo nre tho iced disposed to do so because, on any show lug, moat of tuo parties to tho strange transactions which were narrated daring this trial appear td have acted in a maimer hardly consistent with one’s nation of tho behavior of rational beings. Who ever is innocent and whoever is not, quite sufll clont has come out on this trial to ounlirm oar skepticism as to the beneficial effects of such emotional forcing houses as tho Plymouth Church. Old-fashioned morality and common sense religion are, no doubt,’ rather humdrum things; but they stand wear and tear bettor than some of tho new-fangled substitutes.far them. A WAUNINO AGAINST SESBATIONAI\eUOION. •nn’» * * pi retman't Journal, "* Whatever opinion may bo formed of Beecher's actual guilt, it in at leant certain that these wretched proceedings exhibited bis moral char* actor in a light which in anything but ft pleasant one. His tears and sighs, his canting in the day of. prosperity, and whining in the boor of adversity; the unctuous erotism of his language, the vanity and impudence which never failed him—all tended to make up a moat sickening picture. Kvon supposing that he was innocent of the worst, laid to his charge, a supposition which makes a great demand on human credulity, ho, by his own confession, addressed to the wifo of his friend language unworthy of a gentleman, a man of honor, and a Christian minister. The fact was that Beecher hod so long labored to sweeten homeopathio doses of religion foe the Now York plutocracy that ho lost all moral sense, and built an for himself a Christian ideal which had nothing in common with the teachings of Christianity, and from which alt traoo of duty and restraint wore carefully eliminated. The fate of the greatest of sensational religionists la a warning (bat sensational rellalon tends to develop a condition in which the religion disappears, and the sensa tionalism alone remains.^ JUDGE NEILSON. UIB BZUEV. Whatever may be (be direraUy or conflict of opinion u to (bo lAßcufiel DivrlU of tbe quoelum in tlm «ult of Tlllou egt. boccber, there on be bat one opinion 1 m to tbu temper end wliulom of Judge Nelieon io ure ■ldiug over the trial. On tbe fiueeilau of fact lobe •ettlwl by tbe jury, no one from the charge oan tell vrhal the Judge think*,—independent. Thoro le no impropriety. uosr that tbe trial is over, fu tolling wliat id Juago Koliaon'd pomonal opinion. Hid Honor believes that Henry Ward Be collar U guilty of adultery.—AVuj York Bun. Tlio Champion iiuby, Svrinofield (1/att.) Jltpubliean. The boy-child of D. J, Bhoa, bom last Thurs day evening, was weighed immediately after its birth by Dr. llioe. in the. presence of a dozen wituoeeea, with balance scales, &ud weighed 20 pounds and two oduces. This weight can bo ro lled upon, and is alao vorlf.ed by measurements 0/ the child taken yesterday nmorlng, sixty houmafter its birth. Tho horizontal circum ference of its head is 1(3 inches; the perpen dicular circumference. I(J>£ inches; length of child. 23Jf iuohes 1 dielaiice from shoulder to shoulder over the chest, 20>£ inches ; iu short the child Uos largo : m an ordinary babe a year old, and is well and flourishing. That those liguresaro entirely unparalleled is proved by medical works, winch give instances of infants weighing 13 of U pounds at bum, but generally soout tho Idea of grpator weights. Quo author, indeed, tells of a still-born child of 17 pounds and a scarcely authentic ease of a still-bora child oyer 11) pounds, but gives 15 pounds as tho maximum weight, aud about ?H pounds as ths average weight of living Infants. This is (he flrst chUd of the parents, both of whom are of Irish descent. The mother Is 0 feet 4 tnchaa big* 23 years old. weighs 136 pounds when in good hesltb, aud bean her oonfloomant »*n The father is 23 years old, and uusa man of ttumml ait* Vl THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: THURSDAY, JULY 22, 187”., PROVIDING FOR A FRIEND. Ulstory of n Transiiethm In Cook Comity I-’iimilh. Attempt to Make tho Humane Society a Catspnw of tbo County Board. Why Their 1(12,000 Appropriation Was Made and Ilcvoked, Corruption in politics has become so common of late that ordinary “ transactions ** are scarce ly worthy of mention. JJargaln. and sale of ofllco form tho principal occupation of some politicians, and between tho Aldermen and tho County Commissioners Chicago is getting to bo TJIOROtmiILV I'Lt.’CREI). Jobs are constantly being put up, and ringa and combinations are being formed on every ham], and tho chief emulation among officials seems to he as to which shall got away with the most of the public money, Homo of the ne farious transactions of tho County Commission ers have boon already shown up from time to time iu The Trirune, and although much in dignation has boon aroused in tho public mind against them these oHlcialn do not appear to bo warned, but continue to take advantage of their position by helping themselves and their ring cronisa out of tho public treasury. TILE LATEST INSTANCE of their unconquerable tendency to do unto Uuimuoivcs oh Ihiiv would have others do unto thorn was developed at tho last meeting of tho Board on Monday afternoon, although tho full particulars wore not known until lator. It seems that on the Ist of May Messrs. Derioksou and Boro, ronrosouting tho Board of Directors of tho Illinois Humane Hociety, mode application to the Board of County Commissioners for AN APPROPRIATION of $3,000 towards paying tho expenses of tho Hociety. Tho application was loforrcd to tho Committee on Dubiio Service, consisting of Messrs. Conly, McCaffrey, Johnson, Carroll, and Bchmidt. Homo tiino afterwards Mr. Derickson, who, os tho President of tho Humane Hocioty, Interoslod himself greatly Id obtaining tho appropriation, learned that the Commitloo would probably re port adversely upon the application. He, how ever, was Hlill hoping that the Committee woiim change tlioir minds. or that tho Board would grant tlio amount, notwUluUomling aa odvocuo report, when one dav bo was WAITED VPON by a man giving his name oa King, who applied (o Mr. Boriuksou for a position iu tho Humauo Hocioty. To this application Mr. DerickHon re plied that tho flnances of the Hociely would not admit of any further expense for help, but if tho appropriation was obtained Irom the County Board there might bo room for another assistant. Ho did, at tho time, think favorably of tho ap plication, although not knowing anything about tho applicant. A few days after tho conversation with King, Mr. Borlokson learned that tho Com mittee ou I’ublio Service had, indeed, re ported adversely os to tlio appropriation. Thinking that all was over, Mr. Dcrlcksoa gave no more thought to tho matter or to tho applica tion of tho man King. Ho was therefore not & lilllu surprised to receive ANOTHER VISIT PROM KINO. who renewed his application, and stated distinctly that ho could control two mouthers of tho Com mittee, and of tho County Board. Messrs. Corroll and McCaffrey. Ho further offered to guarantee that that Committee would reconsider tboir vote, and would report iu lavor of grouting tho appro priation, that ho, King, should rocoivo an appointment in the Humane Hocioty at u salary of iI,Ui)U pur annum. This proposition was modo directly to* Mr. Boricksou in such a way that thoro could be no misunderstanding. Mr. Bericksou replied that ho would nut bo party to auy such arrange ment, his principles being entirely opposed to bargains iu politics. On tho following day ex-Ald. Frisbio, a neighbor and personal friend of Mr. Bcriok son, called upon that gentleman, and reiterated the name proposition which King hod made ou tho previous day. He said that tho money could bo got from tho County Board if only King eonld obtain employment from tbo Society. Sir. Dorickson ogam refused; hut, notwithstanding this, Mr. Frisbio went to tho Commissioners and repre sented matters iu such a way that tho Committee actually BEBCINDED ITS ACTION and reported favorably. Tho Board then grant ed an appropriation of $2,000. Immediately upon this action. King called again upon Mr. Bcricksou and couAAntly aSkod him when ho should enter upon his duties. Mr. Berlckson was somewhat taken back by tho “oboek" of the man, but, ou recovering his self-possession, stated that tho Humane Hocioty was not tu need of any more help, and that if It wore, it certainly would not employ auy such parson as ho had shown himself to bo. King then loft, and shortly afterward Mr. Dffrickson was In formed that unless ho employed tho man King tho Board would rescind tbo appropriation. His only reply was that if tho Board choso to do so it might, but IT MOST HOT DICTATE as to who abould bo employed by tlio Society. TUo mult won that. at tbo mooting of tbo Oouuty Board la*t Monday, tlio appropriation of $2,000 which bod boon granted to tlio Illinois Humane Society wan roTokod. And tbat la tho whole story. It may bo addod that King, tho ohiof actor in this curious trans action, win formerly au Assistant Assessor on tbo West Side, and la known only os A SMALL WlllE-PULLEU and a wluppor-ln, which accounts for his iufla onco with iiifj members of the County Hoard, and particularly with Messrs. Carroll aud McCaffrey. GOLD AND GREENBACKS. To the Editor of The Chicago Tribune, Mouninq Bun, la., July 17.—Your quol&tion of prices of grooubacks instead of prices of gold Is tho moat forcible financial writing you can possi bly have. It makes apparent lu a very realistic bodbo tho difference between gold aud paper, aud takes away all doluslou tbat hangs around tho old plan. In this way people wilt seize hold of the main idea that greenbacks are not money, or, at least, that they are dejmctaled. Many people are confused os to what the dollar is; this will correct that. Welling you success iu your efforts for a sound currency, respectfully, yours, 11, 0. Juunbon. Bullduiff a l&ouwe lu Klffhl Hour** PhitaJelvMa Leaner, A gentleman In Lancaster, who is said to have built a two-story brick house there in nineteen hours, intends to build a similar house, 21 by 40 feet, ou the Centennial grounds, next summer, and to do tho work in eiohi /tours. The cornice is to be of galvanized Iron, and tho contractor for that part of the work is to be allowed half au hour In which to put it up, although ho thinks be can do it in half the time. LOST AND FOUND! tfOUND-A DARK lIAY UAUK. WU'll WIIITU tw .° bind i*ot white, and long tall. Inquire ut JOHN lIABbU, Austin. Cook tJountj. 111, __ L<MT-ON yUKBUI y7jl)i.Y a»; IN VtOWmfor Halitcd it., Hluo Itlaad a*., Harrison, or Morgan ata., * IsOy • soli) pin, *ol with pearls auJ rul>l««, a Urge V* t, if ,D . c A n /,SI reward to the Under. Return To J- W. UA(JKAULAN|{,7 Illuu Ulandav., orSM. LoaT-oN'ttomaouuTW-aT.T A'ouu) chain and blue enameled locket. Lure at 43 sod be ro warded, t.qSX-TUEaUAY AVTKIINUUN, NIUU HUM XX boldl.Parlt, two boreoe.une orem-oolored, with whllo .LludfSot, long blaok tail end mane, and whlto slripn I 4 Uoe; uUiorono brawn, with while hlud IcKit.TiUck tall aod maao. Any lalunuaUoa received at IS Milwaukee-ar. LOST-MONUAY AFrKUNOOS.'jULY 20. ON LIN- Ooln-sv. car, or on Washington-*!.. hetutou Clark CTUAYKU OU HTOLKN—FUOM ftil'Wl'Sf MADI- O euu-et.. on Uu» ol«hlu( the lull ioat., a brown huraa I* nanda high, with white atar on foruhrad, largo acar on right Wad to.*, and a “rat tali.’ l A luktaUerjwanl will toW 1 * rutl4ra 4 “° T# addieea. OAUl'itN. nuKUNui^uT.y^i^r^iiriiA^uoiwKTC X which owner can Late by iirotlng iiroi.urt)' and paying charge*, at Ull'OllKlX'a livery stable. tsaJWecl Lake »t.. ournur Hoyue. INSTRUCTION. Aymst-Cl-AM TIUCUKU, IIAVIMJ BYMPATIIY (ur those of limited means who are anxious to obtain imulosl liuUueiiun, but ere tu»bU to Jo •*> owing la high iirlcus, has made snsagmuooU whereby *ll etu gut piano Instruction at a vary small tspsoso. k'or paruauJar* ad drwaa X U Trtbmw uffioo. BOOKS. dIK PAH) FOR WkUaTKU'tt DICTIONARY. UN •Par band conatanUf a vbuico stock of aocuodhaud books. UlUlKltr, ItA South Ul»rk-«t. CLAIRVOYANTS. vf 80. Louiti. from nimiorr. is wkix |*i■ known ae ths saoet tellable elafcmwaet. VS CITY REAL ESTATE. MOIt SAM: SHARI', NO DELAY-H3 WEST I Randolph -at.; •!*',. o-irti-r A rclicr-av. and Stale it. »rif| mi fontnnsiat*. near -i, ’I wait, no dm* (-) loao. Room V. Hfl Ka*t Mad.»-.n«t, M. O. HDINi:, I/on RAI.R- north' iiKAßiiouNar., between I Dlrlalon and Hoethn, iMl'.ilM feet, aa*t front, for *l,WOjf Ukan (lil« week. Jt H. ft W. o. McCORMIUK, Room I McCormick Hall, nr Room I ltna|>cr Block. iaor' hai.l-a"' pleasant iiomk,' km' west L 1 Washington «L. 30 foot tot, frame home end barn. Part payment In lot*, balance long Hrnn. Nn money m ■itilrod nnle«*preferred. S. K. MKIUUI.M at Richard*, Shaw, Pitch ft Whitlow’*, comer hutoand Madlaon *t«. liniß SALK—A OKM t)P AR F. MID KNU HO f7MOJlfl'f ft' Sid", cnnrenLml to (main***, atone front, throe *u.« rlet, high basement, twelre room*, cellar, laundry, coal-ranlt, tplaodld aM-hit'if*, and furnace; will he •old aljt bargain. Addrei* OWNKit A, Tribune ofllco. r - Tn HAf.K'-COri’AOKT”*i" it*h'imm”isff - BOOTH Doa»l*orn-»l, with laaanof Im at low rental; a groat bargain. .IAMBS McDAULKV. Room 4. 113 laiSallc *t. I>OR HALE -AT fIM BAL’H—ITNK RESIfIRNHE I 1 |nt* near oatl dirjiloa of Mouth Park, Addroi* V C 1., 4Ti Fnlton-at. Tit OR HALK-V)R RXflll ANOK T& PHKT ON i 1 l ourlb av. i would nictianaa for acre proiiertl aoutli. AptilytoCHAUß ft ARKLIo UtDearborn at. TAOU iiALB-IIOUMK AND I/rr WORTH ti.MOPOR J- 1 .. II.1W: home and lot wnrtb *:i,W3forL, WHI I N rV> HA laHalle nt,, baacre: nt. litfllt KALK-AT A HACRiPIOP.-f)1l I 1 Imia'AH) wr l«it on Cotlace (Irnrn ar.. »nmh of Thlrty aeteath-at.: »« feet nr lr«* In Wnr>dltwn, near elation and Hotitb Park; I 1: acrua on Hatiicd-at.. :o Mkn.Vla*. Tcryehrtn. 1L fIHOMSMAN, Room 11, 91 Sladlaon-at. BUBURBANBEAL ESTATE. fjioii SALIC—TWO JiOTR NKAIV ” U ATI! OWO I' icnool and church at Wa«hln*hin llH*hte. A bar jtajn for cash. JAMKM UcCAI/LhY, ll«mj 4,123 U f‘ pur haiTk—pa rt'traT) t', 9 n77trM** ifolniß - ’ tlf 1 Knuluwood i 3 bar window*; «a*t front; lane lot and Lam; long time. liullD, M) tAuhlugtun-at. MOU" RATtt-MINHf)A'LB-l/ITH~H()i‘|) IN THIS ft 1 beautiful auhurb, 174 feel ahum Urn lake; only in inline from eltr-liinlta; without any cub payment, and nionav loaned lor Improfameot, o. U. liOWLKs, 110 llearborn-at. rR HALE—THE CREAM OF SOUTH KNOLB wood, lot* ttii 136 foot. In Hill ft Pike** SnlHllrUlon, noardntv.i; ♦lid, nayaldo flu down, and AS per month. MATHHN 111LUVTWaablnglon-eL TAOII HALK-OH KXOHANHF, FOR IMPROVED, ft’ unincumbered city lot, an Id-room rexldonce and ground*, a beautiful location, at Oak Park, for c.tih tod time; will eoll at dreadful aacrltlce. Addrou N 33, I tlb une oftico. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. 1,1011 BALR-OR RXCHIAKOK-A I.7nOK~MJ>T X* borof woll-lneatcd Illinois aud low* (»nnt GIt’F FIN A LHWIf}, Iloomo Major block, corner of Madison and LoMaliests. 130R HALK-OR KXCHANGK-GOOD IU.InoW 1 farm ltnds;«lll bo told ter; cheap. wnrchangnd for unincumbered 1 city {property, CiKIVFIN A LKWiM, Hoorn 9 Major block, corner of LaSalle and Mudlu.n its. REAL ESTATE WANTED. _ ■\ITANTRD—A J-OT 7k UU lUdFKRT FRONT, A COR it nor preferred. west of tiitH-ii-sl., south of N. W. U.U.. north of Folk, and can of Westoro-ar., lor a oath cimlotnor; all oath and at bed-rock prices. Uwnrn only will answer, giving description of proixirty, its situation, and price. Address A. F, DOWNS A CO., IbU Wash ln*Um-«U, Rooms If ami 19, main flour. WANTHD-ON STATR-fiT., NORTIIOK THIRTY IIrat-st., good atoro and lot, with possession, for caah. J. 11. KKRI.KH, 146 (llark-at. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. * UCTION-WKHTON'a RANT WASHING- J\. tnn-st .. have sales of Imrsm. carriages and bamow, Tuesdays, Thursdays. and Saturdays at To Ampio time given U) lo*t all horse* told under war rantee. Wo can roll a number pf good hnnei atprtratn aale or auction Uil* week, at priooe ranging from i|UD to dAjO per Lead. ’if AUCTION, ATMARTIN'ff HAZAAR, NOS. £57 yV and 261) Htatc-st.—Regular auction rale on Matur day morning u( home*, camagea. buggtea, and liarneti. A YINK HTOUK OF OARRIAGKB, PARK FIIAR- Umi, bamuclioi. Uockawaytjislide seats, jumpscats, phaetons, and buggtoa. at 37 and 29 Sooth Clinton-eL 11. 11. ItlLlh I pOR HAMC-ONK FINK UAFFI.K URAY (JKI.I). lag. Itbf bands high, wolghlug o»er I.ICO poundv; ran trot in 3V, and weiradaiibHl fur family driving; i.rlco 000 black gelding. H hand* blah, same weight, ixirtoclly go title, price (2uJ. Ono blaok gelding, 16S liamlv high; can trot clove to 3 mlnutei; price ifc:w,. All of the above himcs have co>kl me non and till* and are perfectly eound and 7 yuan old. Addrcav Fillbl NA VIONALjIANK. baraboo, WU, IpOR SALK-1 LKATHKirTOP lIIICITIY. I TWO- X' aoaUid democrat, cheap. Call at 193 Wo it Men- PM-lU I,’UU SALK—I 'hPAN'MATCHKU SOUIIKL HOKBKS r , X 1 weigh about 3,400. 800 thorn at KHWaahinttnu-aL 11. F. UKAI). uok 'BALB-VALUAULK PAIR COAOU lIORHKS X' and carriage at a aacrltiee, at our sUblos. WHHT A CO., corner LaSalle and Ohiu-aU. i.AOR BALK-A FINK IIOUSK AND lIUUOY. ALSO i! Cline hnroee and elegant carriage. Apply to JIT MUM HAUER A CO., comer Stale and Alonruo-ila., Falmer House. IjV6r BALK-MULKR, YOUNG, SO UNO, WKI.L I 1 broken, at /rum sloo to IXO per span: single at from SBO to 9136. Inquire at Nn, 11 Chamber of Unmmerre, Fur*—Nkw 'i-or hugoytakf.n on DRitrr Will bo sold at a bargain. LOCJMIM, AVKRV A CO.. 23 Randolph-st.. up-atalrs. WANTKIi-TO llfllK-A GOOD TOP BUGGY FOR VI two or three mouths. Wilt gunrautae careful use. or will trade for some 40 acres of good laud la luwa. Gall at 76 Mtato-st. WANTED -GOOD YOUNG, HOUND. MEDIUM* ilced business horen fur light work nn tho street. Moit bo all right la every respect, ami mid very cheap for cash. Nfijnckoya nerd apply. FUASIKE'M Collect* lug Agency, State and Munruesu WANTKIX— A GOOD BUSINESS TOP BUGGY, new or nearly now, In exchange (or aa*h. door*, and other mill wura. AddroaeZ74« Tribune office- BOARDING AND LODGING. Wnst Sin*- TO NORTH SANOAMOKST.—BOARDING FOR J.«J ladloa or gentleman $4 to #'l pur week lu private family; alaobarn to runtwithOstalla. ilO AIJKRDRKN-Sr.—NIUKLY FURNISHED JjJj rnunu, with or without lioard, for married couple* or young people: location .bouse, and surrounding* moat lurking; all modem com/nri*; one nice room very low to two young ladles; only half block from Midlson-sl. can. »»/* I tV RST UANDOLPII-ST.-NICKI.V-FUK* OUT nlahed front room for two or three ladles or gen* tlomen, 44.60 each; alnglo room, 46 j day board. 44;10* cation good. _______ QOUTIIKAHT OORNRR SHELDON AND RAN* iJ doliHi-ata.—A vory large, elegant room, fronting on Kholdon at., near parks bouse flrst-dsns In every respect; family small; table excellent; terms reasonable. rmiRKK * nVok"'rooms to"Yient.' wmfhotm I board, In a small private family on West Washington* at,. Jueteaet of park; bouao has all Improvements. Ad* drees V 11, Tribune office. Sonth Sldn. BRT.DRIDGK COURT-FURNISHED FRONT and back ptriorlo rent, with nr without board: also a lady room-mate wanted. Hoard from gS to $7 per week. 1 *J HtjAN*AV.. NEAR UAKLAND HTATION-FUJL JO nisbed rooms and board fur 3or 4 gentlemen; no other boarders. __ To AND 45 BAHT MaNHOK'fiT., OPPOSITE tu Palmer House—Now, clean, tingle room*. plenti ful table; 45 to 47 5 weak table board, 44* English house. dOO ANIJ UN* ‘x-liO (umlabod rooms to rent, with board; tortus mud* orate. AKA MIUHIOAN-AV.-FURNIBHED OR UNFUR* J;U t nlshed rooms, with board; day boarders accom modated ; reference* required. 7TI ANU7M WABASH AV.—PLKABANT ROOMS. I Ui. furnished or unfurnished, with board. Refer* onees exchanged. 009 WAHAHII-AV.-9 LARGE, HANDSOMELY* furnished siiuaro rooms, one an slcovo; both newly painted Msanwl; also a small room: will be lot sep arate or connected at a low jirtco to permanent parties; board If doslred; bsaullfol location, near Kiguteenth st. fl7n _ INUIANA.AVT^I’LKAbANTFUUNTiIUUM; liUl with board; small family. BKiIIAHLK~ROOMH WITH GOOD BOARD, AT 75d Miuhlgan-av.; rofsnmcos exchanged. Hotel** ■VTKVADA HOTEL, I<3 AND IW WABAHU-AV v IN between MadUuu ami Monroe sts.-Room, with hoard, 41.5010 43 per day 1 47 to 4loper week; day board. 46 per week. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. WUUNITUUK OF ALL KINDS ON INSTALL 1' uioDti at price* lower then ever before ollerud. Mar ble-lop chamber tele at (V, fU, Abu, <75, former prim-* $75 to $1J0; haudromo marblo-top dressing caao act* 87i; latest stylos parlor eulu In all color*,-avlth upholstered book* ami rich putting at |75. usually told at eliw ami upwards richultuhparlor suits, with puttings, at fltt and flu, usually told at 1175 ami f3oot>/ olhor bouaci im pound hairmaltreats*. beettick,(or flat elegant marble top centre Üblui f7, fU, f 10, fli, Alb. Now U lb* Ulue to seloot your furniture. lluurea furnished throughout, and payments Ukea monthly. U la fur your In ternal to examine oar aleck tad price*. Fur cub or laataUineoUour prices aod tunn* era unequaled, hubur ban people can care money by visiting our Inman. KM -I'IUE FAjtLUli UKDUTKAII CO., Had Wee! ilodlaon-it. tfbUIULB-ALLTIIU FUUNITUUU IN A SMALL X house; alto liorfM. homo**, am) top-baggy. Ad dr*** 11 Ui, Tribune_omoe. f \N EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS- -STOVES, FOIL \J nllare. carpets, and bouaofurnlablag good*. The only lumeo la Chicago that can furalah a bouse oooiplsle wllb nreb-claainew good*. Poor tloortof our now stone front stork building (tti|!l6) am filled with choice good*, which will be aold it reasonable prlcee on eaay monthly payment*. LOWELL UUOS. A i)O., 7W Weet Modi euu-sl. MUSICAL*, Ahkakd-nbw Bias WALNUT AND TKltllY parlor suit, seven piece*, for fIA; a very rich and elegant walnut parlor sulk, finely oarved and pollabod, covered with SpUndld allk brooada, entirely new, fuel Ittq. for ealo at «lU. MARTIN’S. Ilesldencs 673 Wo bathsv. WK HAVE A VAHIKTY OF PIANOS ON HAND forrent cheap; ft nor month and upward*) now nlaiioa for Md un butter term* thou ever be- Iwre._N. (IUOI.D a SON. KS Kuto-st- _ _ tirn ' vlLt< *>yV. a cjcw)d""BHo<‘)nivhani) •JitiU Klajvi. •£ l*L}f for a learuar. itoul and cotar with It. MAIITIN'S, Kaaidenco 073 Waboab ar. iNtl.f n WILL BOY A HUAND-NBW*AND UAU <]>•, X'V/ nluconl roaewood piano.furto, 7S uetaiea. otetilruug boaa. agratfe attacbmont, lull ironiiarao, ireach grand aollaa, now Improved ocale, and elogant ruaewood coau, wtlu uiua molding*, aerurntlau pllnllt. finely oarved leu* and I*re. alyl* Loots XIV., inonulso lurer* pneo, LOO; will sail, with stool sad cover, fur fjtOl warranted fur Are yean. Ills sntbely new, being one of Ilia atock bougUlat osalgnoe's isle In New York. UAUTIN’b, Bealdaaoa 673 av,, nutlh of Font- Ueutli-st. SEWING MACHINES, UINOKII OFFIOB Q» A. J. »>l WEST O Midlaon si.—Maohtae* told ub mualhly uaymeute. rtnUHl, exchanged, and repaired. rnillUTY SEWINO-MAOUINUS, KUBHAOIMOTIX WalMalMf* TO RENT—HOUSES. rroju.Nj - on a term hi- yi.ars, the well. 1 known place ralla-l " lone Plan*," on ih" Hr.tud boiltctard, Jn«l north of Month Tick. Il'iun l of 2J room* »nr| 15 acre* of ground w.dleorero.l win, m,vl- i f „-« tarn, etc. Furiitturi ami carriage* for rt 1i i mil iak.» real eatate Mr furnltnm and ttrat year 1 * rent ilm vlacn would make* nr'l claa* road h'xi«e. Aindr at Room o HA Kant Madlaoh-at. H. O. STONE, V 1 lwmi 9 * fjnj UKNT-NRW ODTAODN SfofoK' FRONTS, 15 I remit. laundry, hath, Me., band'omo lawn* In front, and fine ahadn-lroe*. Abo now brick*. SI ari l M room*, wxlorri eotir.inli acw, beautifully shaded, ir <m *>i u> till. S. S. IIA YES. 7 Metropolitan Itl.rck. fl’f) RENT-NORTH HIDE-BEST LOuTkfplNfT; i Ibfoo itury and baaemont taotue*, 4*oo i« ti. jtt n year • two alrry and baaement*. (•*») to *lm). R. H. A W. tj. MrCORMIOK, Room 1 McCormick Hall, oortier Clark and Klnrieif*. fpfl ' UkKT-KKAUnr.rXCrjj,H PARKrTN - KIRHT. J. clssi rondmoo nuart'ir, a 3 ilory baaemenl brick, lu room*,and afl imprutemenla; brick barn. Snmndaairn hlo rooma and Data. CHAM. N. HALK, lUndolpli-M, f|MJ lIK.HT-VP.ny why 'klpuantthukk-stouy i- »t.>na-frnnt h'x»«*>, with Taree Rrnondi, on the north wnalcorner Aililaod-ar. and Jaokton-at. riH) RKNT-23 tiIUIVKLANiI PARK. tiOOH mJUSK' J. with mndam lmtiro»«ro»nU; one of the fmeat [oca turn* pi the city; full flow of lake. Appl/ on promt***, oral t‘JI Vioeemiot.BT. fpo7u«HT-'lf.w' PR AIRIK- A V. —K NT I R~K LV NEMT I. whit* marblo; octaaon front; all motion: conrco ienriMt rontlnw. fmjnlie of O. IV, PAItDRIDUR, 114 State it. riN/RKNf-NKWltßlf'k libusk NEAR LINCOLN ft. Park, In room*.water, km. and hath ;nPe rcrldcnce, pleaettii_ nclKbLortiocrd. onl/ *ii. C. ti. WALLER, 41 South Hlark-etßoom 11. rpo HP.NT r H«UhK oFtkjT*IIOOMH; M) PKH X month. J’W>, 1 nbuno n( rfHi'R V. Nf‘ I - UHNIrt in: II i Thlrty-firat-»l. lUUoo. J, M. pk-STANA. to Dear horn-at, TO BENT—ROOMS. rno RHKT—TWO SUITES OP IHUR lUrOMS FOR 1 Aholodgliig-rooua, wliti or without board, at 1514 North State at. rho UV.NT-PIVR'ROOMS. WATRR IN kITCHHNT X ijlu per month; 4 nxmir, slo i«r month; 4-rwimcd bon to, <4. AtlWWeat llarrt».>nel, MVJ RENT- CIIKAP- P.I.EOANTI.Y ~P!mM“H KD 1. momi, "inclo or mil.'*. Rellglo-Pliilotniibtcal Pul.- llahlna Rome Building, IPI lli arhom-wt., eouth of P. <l. rpo RKNT-ONti ROOM TO A RKSPRCTARLR ft dr; one employed during the flay prutorred; runt *6; at Ctf WalnuPai. f|HI RENT—COMFORTAHI.K AND iTNIH.V'-i Ulf i. nlabod room*. In lr:*t Pcailonin tl.o cuy, L» day, week, nr rauntli, RimidlH, TI Monrou-tt., near Slate. rno UHNT-IT7 WEST MuNROF-ST, -nice HHITP. ft Affront rumua; alau uno largo back room, with or without board; all niodemimprmrin.ini". rhO UKNT-»tA NDM)MV. I,V FURNISH KD ROOMS'; X bcit local lon In tho city and luwcst rents. 101 huuth Clark-st.. Room K fro ItKNT—CMKAP—S ROOMS, NICKLY FURS- X Disbud, rr.tuploic, sulL-iblu fur huusukiivplug. UJ3 Dlviilongt. Cara by tno door. r pO IIRNT-FURNISHKO ROOM,' TUP. UOOLKRT X and roost pleasant in Iho city. 17 y hast \\ ashlngteu sr., Room H, rpo" It RN'i—VFRY"FLKASA NT nV»Nr'iIOOMS, X nicely furnished, sulUblj fur gentleman and wife or wnglwgenjlyinwn. _ 73 Fast Van Hnp»ri-«». TO RENT—STORES. OFFICES, &o. Stores. TO RRNT-A NTTW RRICK MTORR. LAST IN* A block of ala; will not lu future* lor hardware or food store, or oilier desirable business, CHAHLhS N. HALF, 163 llandidph-At. fro RKNT—HTORK, NK A R Cl, AHK ST., ON MOUTH X Water-it., now used for produce conmiicri'in. with few fixtures for ssleehotpi nmt low to good parties. Ad dress \V 61, Tribune office. f PO RKNT—IN' PKRFKCIT ORDER; A stTltl.R FOR X fo linrMM; alro more corner ni lAki> and llatiled-ita. F. MARKS, |46 Well Twelfth**!. r INI) RENT—BTORR - AND HARBMKNT, ISO MTATK- X at., near Van Huron. Good store. rent very low. t.~. 8. V.'AM.FU. 41 South Clark-st., Ibx.m 11. WANTED—TO RENT. WANTED— TO RKNT—TUUKK OR FOUR NICK room* fur housekeeping, rent low, in good neighbor- Hood. Addrmw It <M. ISlbuno office. TV ANTKD^-To“RKNf-ON ’TIH^StTuYII - SIDIC • f north of Twelfth vt., tumui nt fruin nftocn to twenty rooms or accumland third ii<H>r« of building con venient to buiincaa. Addrett Y!S, Tribune office. TyANTKD-TO KkNT Oil" LHASF-FUH SKVKJf TT or ton yean, a lot W feel front on one of the Mouth 81.1c iinev of airoet-carr. for orectKm uf greenhouses. Owner* only address M 3). Tribune office. W ANtkD-TO RKNf-A FI.AT OK FOUR UOOUM, nr a cottage or four rooms lu some pleasant locality. Address V W, Tribune office. WANTRII—TO RKNT—WITIIIN IIAI.K A Mli.K of Tlurty-first-st. and llutuge Grove, two-siory or two story and ba*emenl, will) bath, etc., low rent, fur cash. Addrvas HUILDKII, 391 l>lriilua-«t. BUSINESS CHANGES. AMKATMARKKT FOItKALK OHKAPON RASY terms, now doing a splendid business, and can bo doubled by th.< right man; or would take partner with s k o>l cash. Address Z 40, Tribune uffico. \ oood’m'ahket voji ham: oiTitknt,duino it. a good business. Inquire at nil West Randulpb-at. APIRHT-CLAHS 81'OUK OF UOOTK ANl> MIIOKB for sale; la a good town ou the U., Jl. A O, U. It. j will bo mid cheap tur cash. In.iulro uf L. G. VOIC A CO.. 11l and 113 Wabash-av., Chicago. NY bUSINKSK MAN ‘WITH ?!>» TO 83U0 CAN y V secure the greatest cbanooui make money iouuodUie ly by calling at Ileum 40 Ashland block. 4 GOOD OHANCK—A PARTY WITH - A CASH /a. ea|.lta) of 97,(>ki, and corcp'*t<>nt to take charge of a lototbuoka, can hod an opportunity by addressing Y S3, Tribune otilcu. Good ruforancu rwjulrod and aatufacUou aocurod. H'"bTKL AND UOAUbINO-lIOURn, to rent; bar fixtures fur tale cheap. No. 833 South lialstodst STORE FiXTURKS AND FINK LIQUORS TOR aale at a bargain. 143 Monroe at. SAI.OON STOCK ANU FIXTUnnsTKOirSALn AT 606 South Malo-st. OALOON ANb'LbDfVrNbOlduSßTbir'RAJ.lC ON iJ reasonable tonus; or will exchange (or other bualueea. 4«4» South C.atk-at SHppA'nb a tmgbY’h mk'rT X chant Mill* of Furtbcott. Kansas. for sale. The on tiro mill property, or au audivulid hajf interest of tlio same, consisting of Ilia run of burr*, sufficient bolting capacity and |«wnr lor the same for Hour and meal, a Stillwell Heater all complete and now running, with all tlio Improved modern machinery for a ttrst-claa* merchant mill, Ita Hour haa a reputation in thli State and Toxaa equal toSL Ixiula beat brands. With the al*oiearo au city lots, warobonse, bam, corn-crib, coslsoslm, one • nan of hnraea and two wagon*, all tool* and root, able flztnniH, oflico furniture, including safe, togotbor with our well-oslabllihed business. Title perfect. For further particular* Inquire o( olthsror bolh of tbn under* aimed. KHKPARD A HIGIIY, D. F. HIIKPAKD. THKUON 11IUBV. or 11. A 1- CHASE, Ht, Louis.’ \yodr.KN mii.l’fo’u rai.r-a wooi^ tT cd roll! on lineo( U. K,, In Central Illinois; ma* chlnery as good a* now and complete In all departments; building brick: ateam power: imw In operation. lining a prosperous business; will I* sold at a bargain on easy term*. For particulars address W. 11. DILLINGHAM, No. lilt Maln-el., 1/mlavlUe. Kr. MISCELLANEOUS. V WrtNDKH!—A. J. SEYMOUR, THK MIND- J\ reader. Masonic Building, comer HaliiuJ and Han* iJolph-sl*., Ilooro 11, wdl give readings from i in 5, and 7tnltlp.m. Parties wishing enterialnmouts, office, or society readings call or addrvse as shot a. ADVKRTISKiIti WHO DKHIKH TO RHAOH t'OUN* try readora can do so In the b<*et aud cheapest manner by using one or mom sections of Kellogg’* Orest News, paper tests, Apply toA.N. KELLOGG. TU Jaoks>m*at. A’ ’LL GOOD CAST-OFF CLOTIiIN(i~BoUiHIT AT the highest price, by JONAH A. DRKLSMA, W7 HouthClarkst. Notice hyunali promptly attended to. All uaku PAiiTVoR cast-off clothing and mlscellanoons rood* of any kind by sending a lot tor to JONAH GELUEII, 633 Stale st. 1r»OIt ADOI*TION--A NICK, HKAI.THY (ilitll AGP. 1 7. Address il P. 53 Peareon-st., or call alter lip. m. *\T LAD IKHAND’ bOMKHTIUH-WK WOULD J.* like Pi draw the attention of thorn In want of (irat • class female help and tlrsl-clsss female help in want of employment to our (Hike. Wo claim to give mure satis faction lo all than any other office In Hilarity. Please glveuaa trial It/on have tallwl elsewhere. No charge to girl.._ Mn. BAKER, 416 Wabash-av. N" *6viok To'HTONK-OUITkRM -fllK MKMBKHB of the General Union of Htuno-Cutters’ Ass jclatlua of the United Blatea am requrstod to pay an attention to adverUseuante furstuna-ctutorsln the Oily of Clevuland, Üblo. By order of Cleveland Branch. SOMBTHINO NRW—WR MAKE K HPKfTIALtV'OP the Importatlnn of the latest foreign nuvi'Rius, and will forward samples of inch as will tind rvady sale at large pruhUon nweitit of 41, Our agenie are realltltig targe turns dally. We tbn g<Kids at a vory small margin above t lio cost of lijiiH.rtatkm. Aridreis 51 AN* HATfAN NOVELTY CO., liti Jobn st., New York. V*TANTEI)-TW6 UODD Kit AS-TK'HOlTsi'S, ‘ WEST >V Hldo. lor muring. U. 11. LAWTON, Room IMolh odltt Church Block. WANTED— lUDH ON MAKING WINDOW-KIfAMK.S sod iulitlug fur three buildings. Apply at UoomdJ Reaper lllook, cursor Clark and Wiahlngron-sta. ATCIUCS FO»FBAUrATTfPMAZr» ilea, eurnor Mouruo and Clark-it*. * idhn sniiWEiZEivs Lfrs.* XOUU, Ladle*' and (lentlomen'e T.uueh and Uoflei* U9 and l&l Madlson-st., near 1-aHaHe, (Tradu-Mark: Umthor Jonathan) (Jolfee, Tea, Chocolate, Milk, Omelet*, Fried, ami eutambled Krgi, llam and Egg*, “* Beef Broth. Toast, UeUibeg, Cold cut* nf Beef, Vea), Hem. Tongue, ele., Pork and Means, Pastry, Pudding,lce-Cream, eta. Oatmeal Porriilgu. JUceand Milk, Mush and Milk, and least if not last (ho sanitary, bjul-nlo food of _ . Cracked Wheat 1 To thoeaof sedentary habile theuse of wheal prepared la tbl* form cauuulbo too highly estimated, aud wuua it baa boon mod by euoh uorsoat, lla virtues have made It a favorite article of dally food. Its afloclmi ihoitmuaoh la toothing, Imparting a high degree of nutrition, promote* a bialtny action, similar to that Induced by imlleluua oxerclsu- OunaUpatlon, mostly the cauao of 111 health and ooom nuunt suffering, la naturally ovurcume by Uta (requeue or dolly use of Uaa food. InfaoLthj , Crackud Wln-at laatonoethe frlun i of both the healthy and the pailonU Served from 7 a. in - lutu. m. FOR BALL. lAUU HALU—DIAMONDS, DIAMoND.S-AT I,ll'- I 1 MAN’S Loan OUloe, Monroe tod Clark sta. ii> 6il 8 ALE -N K W M AIAHOIN "* BAFK,“i~iIY”I X 1 fuel, with burglar boi, at sgiont bsrgalu; also mar ble-top nonao nfu- J. 11. OIIAUIIKIIa A U()., corner MEDICAL. WANTED - SUFFKUKIIS FUOU ANY FOHM OF diauast), nu matter of how l->ug ataudiog, or who failed to care you. go to the Stale medical unices. If? South Ulark-at., Chicago, and bu purnmpeollyjurmL__ - PERSONAE. PKKSONAL— M. (J. lIIJUT, FIUNTEB. Oli ANY lUdeeeg* TewpU, Uhleaga. WANTED—MALE BoolikcADern. Clerkn« 4co. UrANTF.D-UOOKKKKI'KR-WK CAN OFFER A • > fair ealary toa good accountant and bualneii man "liu can furnion (omit money to lie tiaol in loer.'aiing ll» Inuioeaa, for which there U a demand. Addm* It 11, North hide Fott Otflco. WAisTKn-A.V KXI l ERIKNi;i.It SAMTh" . man. Apply loCARSON, I'lllTK, SUurTACO., Madlaonand Franklin-oli. Trnrtff*. \V AT OCR FAC- A rf)* ir> ’ Born#r Ecorla and Ilarrleou-iU, F. .SrUItUKS WANTKi)-pIIST 1J1.15S HARD.WOOD FINISH- WellMt. I " 1 ' " M IMMM, A THOMAS’, KW North OAiU’KNTKUS AT ROOM 10. I*l _»» Dearborn -at., el v o'clock tbi* morning. W A „? T t l ; : , W “i* IIAUIfKIt, AT WENO MUNSU.V, lil ’ uaI>KIkChD. WANTKD-CARPENTKIW TO KlliUllE OsTTuT Idetlng work on bnlldlng U»'wilt HarVi«on it KrcijyiblatjaruUhod. Job to bo let at Bp. SOJ.’ \V ftfc Kf ,7VK 1110 ti P. H f 1* R ioR foorlli 1 *) * aljwb on Mlchlgau-ar.. neat Twenty \V W3 WKHT MAbf. VfA ~A~ibOD~C A K It’ll A KKIL “VY WKST WANTIU>-A~ OABIUAOK W<mrrWORKFH"7() work on repairing, at M. HuPKINS. rear CM Weil is<uaua*it. Emplovnent Acencinn. \\TAWTKD—LAIIDUKIW FOB UAII.ROADfI, RAW f T mill, farm, and city, free fare: Id yi.ona men Imp lilbt wurk in city. K. A, ANOKU* UAKontU WateraL. WANTKD-30 FARM AND f*i SAWMILL HANDS, 1 foreman, and 1 (lacker; (he lilsboat wagoi paid. M South Water »(_.. K. ,(1. IIAIUII'I. WANTKD-74 HAILIUIAD LABOHKUB FOR OHIO, Wiecomln. and Illinole. fmo fare: 2fi farm ijandi, 6 tie choppere and bark peeiora. It. F. OHHISTIAN. 11l South Walont.. Uoom 1. \\T A NTKD-WO RAILROAD LAIIcYrERS, #T?S »* per day; boteami. iM pop day, aaw mill. lann. and ri tarry n,)•(■; fnm faro. ApplytoU. V. SNKLL A CO., ii Vteit Randolph hi. Minoelldßeoiiw- \a'anti:d-m coal miners AT MINONK, ILL,: »» full work guaranteed: Ihoro 1* no (trlko or trouble ol any kind. In-julro at 1M LaSalle eb \\r AN T E D-HALKKMEN' FOR CITY; ALSO.' • T . , agent* for every town; exelnilre control, for itaplo tttlcU. Ibeiiu 66 Riclianga limidinir, coruar Waahlng ton and f.lark-RU. Chicago Merchannlao Co. \\ T ANTRI) -PXPKKIKNORD't AOKNTS, NOW traveling, tnaelluur Hu* whlskloe and llquera to nmesutfl Kna (Doa moo, ua commiiikia. Address S SS, Iribuno otbco. W A MP n ~? AND WOMEN OK KNKROY AND ” ordinary business capacity m handle good* that will * I?** 1 t(J •*>l' tx'rann on an outlay of tM to flltii; will eboorfiilly send $1 sample* free tsi parties seeking business, but have no time nor iwdi to throw away op oth-rs; iirre'.-talkera. boy*. an<l peddlers not A,lJr J’.**' wltt » •Ump, RAY A CO., ChUago, cl USalliit.i llwin 5, WANT El) -GOOD SALESMEN TO BELL OUR »■ chrotnoa. needles, and novelties. We keep a com plate tine of tho latest and best-selling nmsl* iirwont, and defy competition on price*. Cali and we will show you the largest and mo«t complete Block of can. .f n^, t *^^ wa rM:<;tt»htu6/no. O. M. LIN. IN_OTUN. 141 btate-st., Chicago. lUANTP.D-MKN WHO WANT BUSINERH, CITY • v nr country. Uj aell chromes and nrw norslttea. Olrea li <*»•»* percent**!!}. American Novelty Company, 113 East Madiaen-it., Room ly, VVf A NTKU—TIIRKK ~aT CANVASSERSi~NONB vi other* need apply. OH 8, W and»J Filth-av. WANTED-ANY MAN THAT CANTTkt an Interest m a good rtlnlng-nwim ice cream place <jf City that will pay him and do risk. Call ou A CO.. Konm 18 Bryant block. \\rANTKf)-A UAH OR, STOUT HOY WHO UNDHR *• stand* running a Gordon pros*, ami la willing to make himself generally useful. Apply at Hotel “to portar ulfice, 134 Washlngton-aU. between to and II a. m. Inquire for Mr. RICK. WANf KD-410 WaITtS YOU IN BUSINESS FOB yourself: something original; double jnor money. Manager with «2(0 wanted. Call Hoorn <d Ashland Hlrrk. \\rANtlil)-CAXVABSiiKS FUlf thk“kntirk '• Ncrthwoft; also sir general sgeota (»ra I.astern pnbllcatlon; no other work!tn compete with it. We pay large commission*. Our agenta make from i-«i to Vlns per Applicants most hare n lltllo mnneyto l>uy forapjck. Iloum 17 Kwing IHuck. North Ulark-st., corner Keuzlo. WANTKP-A FIRBT-ULARR traveling tf.a aab-emao, who understands tho businosa, ha* an es tablished nmie, and can command a largo trade on the r ','ad In that specialty. Addroaa, naming refcreuoea, CHINA, care Carrier No. I. WANTKIi— A MAN f)F ABILITY AND KNKItGY to take charge <>f advertising and publication of seme work* nf great public Interest: must have a few thousand dollar*Ui'invest; will lx> a permanent aod paying basi nets. AdJress, fur 3 days, 'L 19. Tribune otfice. WANTHD-lf" MI’N To“PUJ.irKLA“xrWAftKS, 81 v i perday and Imard: tramportailun furnished by ap. plying b. C. B. CRAM. 87 Soutl* Clark-it. \\r ANT P.D -T1! RR K nooii FAItM HANUSTONR I* a good stacker; Americana preferred. Gall b<— ilAirr 11 Bnd 13 m * 4t 63 Nonh Je* o ” o0 -**-* A. N. \V ANTKD-A MAN TO THAVKI, WITH A BTKRIG il optlcon »o delineate; must bo a fluent speaker. Address >V fi, Tribnueoffice, relorencet. W~ ANTivU-A'nßst-CLASa to sell med!cln« with a novetry entertainment. For parlicuiara call a|w Kuhn's Hotel, between Madlsou and Alonroo-sta., on lioartMro. between 13 m. andSp. m. N. W. TRACY. WANTED— .1 MEN OF OOOD 81-BINBHS QOALl tfee, as general agents In Detroit, Fond du L*o. Wls. and l>e* Mumoa. Ja.; business strictly logittma(«; psy will l*e euual to Iron* fa» to #33omonthly: responsible partlna only need apply: no letters answered. Call at 614 North Clark-at.. niinalrs, left aide, from Uto4p. m. WANTED—FEMALE HELP. Domnatioß. WANTED-IMMKTUATKLY-AT 10* WEST MON roc»t..a girl to do general homework. W" anted—<v~ good, strong ok km a"n~no iT* wcgian, Swedish. or Scandinavian girl to do general bnuscwuik, at 727 West Munrue-st. WA NT KlCX~GoTfir-L’OO kT".VAsTfKU~AND Ironon most eotne recommended. 128 Twenty. f.inrtli-m. \\rANTED-FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, A M lir»t-cUae girl. Applj, with rolureaccs, at 1063 Wabash-av. \V'ANTFD-»IFUMAN. oh NORWEGIAN (lIIU, >» to (In general buusework. 775 West Jackson-sU. Im*. tween winchester av. and Roboy-st.; (ami); of four. Call between 8 and 8 o’clock. \\rANTKD-A GIRL AT 4»’WI : ;.ST r MADISOis‘BT., • * lor general housework; must te good washer and iruuer, no Irish. U' AN I’KI) - A GOOD SECOND GIRL. WHO UN* dent amis her duties thoroughly; good references are rwqulrud. Call at 7W Mfchlgtn-av. W r A NTED-G IK LTO do'g knkualhousework. _ Infinite at U7fl ImlUna-av. WANTKD-TWo' GOOD Seeds; reference required. AS Douglas Place, near monument. W ANTED—A GOOD GIRL AT W WKMT HA ID riioa st.; Onnuan or Scandinavian preforrod. \V AN TRD-GOOD C()OK AND~RKCONirdrUL~Tf J l_M7 Mlehlgan-av. Call lor two days. WANTHD-Ol HL-I.AItGK WAflltS TO A OAPA bIe Swede, llano, or German girl, in smalt family. alSiUak av., near Douglaa-place. WANTED— OIUL TO COOK, WASH, AND lUOfC 33h I’ark av. . T\f ANTED-FEMALK URSTAURANf~COOir^T‘ 11 663 Staie-it., this morning. WANI ED-GF.UMAN OR SWKKIHMI GIRL IT for general housework in private family. No. 369 Hast Chlcago-av. WANTED— A GERMAN^OH HWEDK GIRL ONE coraooUint In dn general housework for email private family. No. Kid MltihTgao-av. \\f ANtKD—A SWKI)K OH~OKKMAN GIRL Tl 1*1)0 T T goneral bnusework In a small family at No. 798 Wa- Call within two days. WANTED- A*CuJIPKTKNT GIRL TO DO GKN* era) honsuwnrk in a small Lundy; city roferenoos re quired. Apply at All West Madlaon-at. WANTED- A OOMPKTKNT COOK WITH GOOD roferences In a private boarding house. Apply alter 8 o'elock at 283 Mlchtgan-av. WANTED-TWU GOOD OlUlii FOR GENERAL housework._Apply at 9H Uosh st. _______ WANTED—AN KXFEIUENCKD COOK. AT 97 11 Wuut Madlaon-at. WANTED-A GIRL TO DO GENERA I. HOUSE- urorkj Apply at 81 lionoro st.. near Jackson. Soamßcrontoa. • WANTED— A FIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS, COM potent on lofanu* wardrobe. Call at 9d Ashland* a»., with referuncu. N Tirana- WANTKD-A YOUNU NUUSK-OIRL, BWEUI3U or Norwegian preferred. Illy I'rtlno-av. ANTED-A* WET MJUSK7 APPLY UETWKRN Hand I, at Dll. MAUGUElUrSofllca. 1U South Clark-»t., HoomelandS, * i*nunaroiten. WANTRD-ONK WASHWOMAN AND TWO ladin* 1 elothea Ironen. Nona but tba beat need ap ply. No. lOhhoniiau-it., mbaaement. \V ANTHIV—\:noOD. MTEA OY WASHER. APPLY VV at 4JI Weet Madison at. UODWIN A UU. Cmvlonuout Aaesoui. \I7ANTKD -GERMAN AND SCANDINAVIAN IT girls lor private families, hotel*, lanndriea, oily,and country, at Mrv. DUHKK’S Omco, MO Milwaukee av. MUoallaacona. \\rANTED-I.ADY CI.KUK AH COPYIST: MUST 1 1 write good band and hare few hundred dollar* to Joan amplojur. Heourily and roforuuca given. Addreta V W, Tribune otlloo. ___ PARTNERS WANTED, PARTNER WANTKD-A UAUK CHANCE FOR A party with from tioUCl to totako part liiimwl lu 4 hotel OLiimatU one of the leading railroad drpeu la tblarlljr. n»na imi prlnclnaUdualt with. Addru**. lot 'live days, WsiV Tribune ufllcii. __ DARiNKIt WANTKD- A HARK (UIANUEVoif AN 1 energetic buslnuee man who 1* wllllog to iur*«t fed) or mora m a wnlljiaylug honor tnuioea*. lor particular* addreaaTOT, Trlonuo uifeo. , PARTNER* WANTED'O. WHO will Uka actlre part in proiilabl*, leglilwaUt business, IlufervticM given and ti-dulrxJ. Principles only need addrewt P II ft, care F. U. Ho* Wt _ I>AKTSKHAVANTBD- WITH IN PHODUON 1 i-oiumU-loii hmlno.., by a party who controls a large iratlo. Addre«i, with roal name, where IniarvleV Can M bad, W 77, Tribune offica._ TJARTNKIt WANTED- WITH aiQUO TO •4,000. IN A X reapunalhlu manufacturing builnaaei trade ealah.; »h u> running: tuple good*. Addrese V'A Tribune cihce. MACHINERY. WANTED— NKW UU UACHtN* SITUATIONS -WANTED--MALE^ riooltkotvnflr*. Glories. &n. CUUATHJtf WANTKD-MY A Vol/tRi HAN OF M O a* ai'lttant bookkeeper, nr In any capacity wbrn> In* can makei nmlul. Small aalary, good reference, Addree* T in*, Tribune office. S*!TUAtH»NWANTICD-A YOUNG MAN OF Goon JJ rdue-atlon. whomeane boaineia, wonld like apoiltlm In a flnt-claa* bmite, wlud-iale preferred: aalarynoob- Ject-. ha« bad eiperienos In the Artiz and book budnma. Add/ee* X W, Tribune office. Traa«»- SITUATION WANTED-BY A FIRST-CLASS kJI bread.■baker, competent U» take charge. Apply at U9 Writ llohliard il. situation wantkd-ah wioMAKEirou iVmi£ i-J man In hair factory by a (horouglily-etperfOnced hand. AddraM T W, Talbuoe office, SITUATION WANTKD-ijy A YOUNW MAN A3 O fireman or engineer: hashadaorcralyran'eaponenfc: beat of reference!. Addroii I* I*. Tribune office. Oonokmon. T<mra«tor*. &o, SITUATION WANTKD-lIY A YOUNG MAN IN A prlratn family to take care of hr.nee and make him jielf uiolnl about the hnoae. Haro no objection to go nut in the country. Apply at At Kuperior-it. S’ ifUAT ION 'WANTED -BY A FntRT ti'i.ASS coachman: haa had aoTcral years* experience; of»obar and eteady habile: I* not afraid of work; bolt of refer ence!. Addroee N <’?, Tribune office. eiTUATJON’ WANTKD-AH' COa7'HmSn' IIY A O joiiiitf man who ha* good city reference*. I* willing tomakeiilmealf generally awful. Addroei (). 0. OANTit, N'x.kUtu] PA Dearhera-«t. crrnvrioNs wantkd-ah mAUHJiAN and > l e<Hik by a man and wW«: no children; I’roiaaUnd; u:ut»r»t»n.l t heir bualneea In every bran< h, and willing to n.ike i iiPMiM.iut! generally o*nful on moderato wager, r ini cl.T«a telernncoi. I‘loaia addrene X A, Tylbifno olllco. OITHAYInN WANTkD -AH _ C OAOHU A N .’TIV A r.jSwop.; mu'leMtnnd* hnrMM: I* willing to worV;clty mfun-m:.-*. A<Mr« M xM, Trlhnno odlcu. .. Miucolinnoonst errUATION WASTED -AS CLBHK IN A OIMIOKRY t J atr-re or moat market, by * Trying man of oiiiarb tire; I*..* hi iown; gr,.*) fulerunoee. Audrcii A I’ O, ltd Writ WaihdU'tmi-n. CMUATIO.N WANTFU-Uy A RESPItt/TAni.r? tj man of nnbleuililud di»ri.:Jfr aa nlgbt walcbiuau: city referenco* given. Apply hi s-7 Wort Lake-it. bITUATIOK WANTKD-AH RAHTENDKIt HY A O fe*pectAldey ( mujtman»hr)haHh: U I f ,ur joara* ox porieuce. Addnyi N T", rnbun» olhen. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB Dom nation- SITUATION WANTKD-IIV A CIRL Kf)it OFNKR- O al houaework In a (mail fatuily. Flea to call lor two day* at 6'l.lobnaunit. SITUATION WANTWI-TO COOK, WASH AND O Inm. Apply at 1M West Van Bim-nst. S’ ITUATION WaNTED-AH’ HKOOND “lN'"‘A private family. In luireat IBi Urchard-st. £we<in. CITUATION WANTED-BY A (50017 UJltl. TO no O second work in a private family. Please call at c-7 Butterfield at. Situ ation wanted - a young rnlrir-j i vi: aus old. arrived :i tnon'be ago irons Norway. wishes a strsdy place in a respectable Scandinavian family. Call at IW West liarriaon-at, to tuu store. SITUATION WANTKD-BY Oglrl toiin second work in a prirato family. I‘le.sao cull at or address No. IHKangersi. SITUATIONS WAN l'KI)~HY• TWO GERMAN girl*, one to do cooking and the other rceond worn*ln a private family nr in a prlvaio boarding-house. rtuaso call for two day* at 2rtd Divisionst. c^^u^ATK^N^AN^KD-lVY^r:nT)^^T^isffti■■u^ ) |; r c O In a restaurant; understands tiowlogcl orders of all klml*. Address No. tit Ontarm-st. * SITUATION WANTED-AS SECOND 01111. IN A vj private family; no objection to the country; good ref erence. No. 238 Cslumoi-nv. CITUATH>n“waNTKD-I»Y a NORWEGIAN fiillL O Indusouond work or general hmux-w rk iu n small family, Call or address OT, £»l Orelmrd-st. SITUATION WANTKI) - ItV. A fsTRAPV lllttl. O lorgenural housework In a private family. eail at M W hito-si.. North Mde, situation"wa&tkp-iiy“a'yT7un(j'7jiiii, to O do second work or huiuowutk. I'iciso cull at K*i Hwu gsmon-st., in rear. SITUATION WANTKIi-liV A It vi.SPRt;T.\ Ml.'ti s J Bwcdish girl as limt-cUs* cook in Hie bnt Ainivican family ; DO'pieallnnablu roieronc-. 2>; i'ost Dlrl*l in-st. situation wantkp-to d<» worn; O and tako cars of clillilpm and ilo UiMit Imu-onork in a privaio famlly; good references. 111 ontariost. SITUATION WANTKP-TO COOK.'WASH', AND iruu iu private family. Apply at N'c. Stato-st. SITUATION WANTRpTVo flu INTO TUB f'OUN- O try, bya respectabio woman, an<l d;i g<.m}rtl tmuso. work In a famllr nf grown poopto. Good city rclurojcc*. Apply at 87HSI hlale-al. CITUATib.V WANTED—BY AN KXi’KIUKNCI.D ► J Hcntcli girl at c*e>k. to wash and iron, <>r as laun lrcss. Good references. Call at 144 TwimltrUi-tl. Situation' wanted-to do g knku'al houh'r. work in a small family nr arcond work. Heat ol dty rofvroncM. Apply at 814 South I*ark-av, cituation' wanthd-by X'oompktknt - knl O srHall person to do second work In a private famllr; on objection to tho can of children. Address KB, U Archcr-ar. CITUATION WANTED—BYA FIKHT-OLASB M RAT O and paetry cook; .Scotch girl with boat otty roloicnces assuch ; will go in conntrytf place sulU. I'leaao call at 41S Wabash-ar. CITUATION WANTED- FOR A MOST UXCKLUiAT O Norwegian girl to dogenerallgmsowork; con command the Lust of city rufereucee. ICthiaie-st. Nnrsna. CITUATION WANTED—i'O TAKR FULL tniAßGlt kJ of one or two children and mnk* for two days at Ikl Jacks .n-it., Uuman's 11,„m-. SirUATHi.'T W , ANfKI)-~ltV~\N' A M l r . It I(' A N~l i 11; 1. totako ehargu nf oliildren and do ae.viog; cn. furnl-h machine. Address fur two days M A M.Uuutu 0 Woman's CITUATIOM WANTKD-lIY A YOUNG WnMAVAS O wot nurse, with mvu Inbr, on pi uty of toll It tor two; liudii objection to a »hori distance in the country, Ad* drew T 61, Tribune nlllcn. Employment Atrentn. CITITATJONS WANTED—LADIES HOTEL, AM) O restauranUioolwrs, wishing good help (or ulty or c ,un. try, apply at the Mar Intelllguuw UUlco, 12d West ,\lu» ruest. SITUATIONS WANTED—FAMILIES IN* WANT oi O good Kcamlln.uiai) and Girtnnu hrlp can bo supplied at Mrs. UUSKI-TB uihco, (90 Mllwaukoe-av. SITUATIONS WANTKD-LAIHEs" JN _ 'WAVf~OF O flrst-clas* female help can bo sultdl on short notlae by applying to Mrs. S. LAI’UiSE. 384 West MadU<m-«l. Mi«rollnnnona* SITUATION WAMKD-HY A GERMAN GIRL TO 17 dark In a c<>n(>>ctli>ti>iry or bakury; good rolcruuecs. Call or address ftti North Clsrkst. FINANCIAL. A TRUST OKED FOR <11,(100. INTKIIUsT’IO PER cent. 3* years to run. aoL-uml by Impnived, nnwlm-t- Ire ln«ldn property worth <2B, uu, for aalo by JAAIEb it. HUUUNIN. M JxSallest., basement. Cio.MMK.RCIAL PAPER AND MORTGAGE! > bought and sold; loans maJu on real enatu. JiU* GBNK U. LUNG A HIUJ., 73 EAst^Vashlngton-.t. 1 HAVE MONEY TO LOAN AT FROM#TO lirpKf| J. coni <m mortgages LAZARUS SILVERMAN, Hanker, Chamber ol Commerce, Chicago. Money tu loan on watches, diamonds.* bonds, etc., at LAUNDER’;* private office, JiD Randolph*;., near Clark. Kstal^Ubedi&l. \f onkv "to ia)an-in' sumsTto sOit~G6ots M building loans mode. J. HENRY KOFF, II Reaper llluek, iftClark-at. __ Money to loan'on Chicago real estate at 8 per cent. Small sums at lowest rale*. K. 0. COLE A (JO., 11l Dearborn at. Money to ujas in any sum at the private office of the Diamond Purchasing anil.Loan Co,, Hoorn 8 Howe Haildlog, corner State and Jackaoa-ats. M' ONEY TO LOAN AT B AND 9 PER UKNT U.* sums of $3,50U and upwards, no inipruvud pmourty U or near Chicago. F.JJ. JI’AVLOIt, HR Deatborn-su TO IAIAN HDM.S TO UIAN x at H imr cout luiercat on good Improved city properly. SAMUEL UKHU. 114 Dearborn*!. fin’ uian-sums’ oF'iiui Tt> si.uia. 6 to 15 1 months; tmrehnao nmuoy nmrtgagea bought anil g xxl collaterals. W. uITAVVAY, U7 Clark-«t.,ltooiu H, _ WK AUl ; : PIU:i , AHEI) TO"iSAKIC"I>OANS\Vn’H out delay. In amounts ss wanted, <>n inddo Improved nr unimproved property. LL OSUOIIN A fcUN, HMUHaUe-st. IVAHTKD-«5.«W on a choice lot ffl YV Evanston worth AIS.DU: will pay Id l‘?r cent; no eommUalons. H. D. COIXIAN, lit Dvarbornst.. Room 6* - c7w\ Hll A U ICS OUAUASTEKD SIDUK fsr OIM/ sale. Apply at No. i bi nmi TO IX)AN FOR ONE*oR FWO YEARS on real asuteln Cwik County. Lit aonll* cants bring tholr afcetrac J of till" to SI. A. KOHKIi A SON, atlurneys fur Under, Nus. kand 6 Central Uulim lll.«t. * i\f\ fin/l TO LOAN H’O'KIIORNTojfOIIL OiOO.dlH) eago real eetato. EUGENE 0. LONGA 111t0..73Ea»( Wsililngton-at. TO EXCHANGE. U^iW’HXMIE-LOTIUin'.COnNKIIOPFbIITY- ii^fiKav.risreta^a!* 1 biTHOMASEVAN*. &a Waahlngtoo-at.. Hoorn*. K h,llVlh."'m.ed dUlriot, South Hide, for bon* and lot on Weal aide, or vacant comer lot. Van Huruti or llarrlwifi-it" t'rolrmd. JOHN DOWNEY, 30S Weil HarrUn *«• f|U) KXmiANUB-A KAHU UAUUAIN-1 II.VVH 1 n iue hu*mo»* and roalJuuce property, u«iw, on good bailed itrem. which will pay largo rental*. Ughl in* • ciiintiraoie. Lait make up a tradu of (row *i,u<o to »ic.u«jo l ■ml >lll take (arena or good ooootrr reald'*noo*, cmarol' fill) EXt})(ANGK-83**AUHE STOCK KAHM 6t J. mile* nut of Chicago, Uno lrntiK»»omi>nli, largo or* chard, and running water; price lift, up. clear of Inctua hranco; want tuaidjauco In Chicago: will a«.unio atuallia* eumbranee. I*. A. GIDUKHT, £7 Wa»hinjU»o-»t. ’ IIU> EXCHANGERS!) AOUEH NEAR WASHINGTON X Heights. near deimt anJ c»r »lio[>»ol tV, U. AV. Railroad. Ooodubauce for •ulwllvDion. Wllloiohanee lorelaarhouaeandlutaud awue caab. Apply to E. B. DItEYEK. 71 Dearborn *l. TO KXOIIANUK—ViIIIiT-Dl.Alis KPSIIiUNOfI properly near iJucolu I'ark wnrih *ll>>,oWi alaolaka alinre property worth *7u,io; al»o 40 acres adjoining the City <>« Uoohaetor. kliun..h<r real oaUto., uulucuiuUted, in Chicago or Illinois. OWNED, 1W fldarbornti., Hoom t. ] rro' EXCHANu'E-Ni:w J-uotiii 146 use wirii* X lot, Wmi Side. Will take ln>r»o and buggy aa tlral payment, balance In w»uihl> |mjmanU. ig lota near muok-Yard*. fIOU to ftor each; ftfaii, balance on intuit. Oihco, Koout V. 1W East llaUiaOD at. «• O. rr6“ErOUAN(D<I'IWATTNp’!ANAT7Af^7^ IR 7 JLp..?.‘a rl -i*ikY l “jAMKa L A’brfim^ , sfSss? Jf*fJ W’“ anted-stouk fir goods woiim imm.W *IO,OO lor o*»h and teal aaUta. S. U. LINuLK, Hoom 11, IP7 Dearborn-at. DIVORCES. OBTAINED, NOT YBAUIK JJ tueutly. ree afigr deetM. Ten year** piaetioglg he geuft* ni Ohieago. Addxta* Uua l^il. 3