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4 ‘HE TRIBUNE. TERMS OF Tl airs* or •nbuinnrmnit (nvmx n» iprijrca). Pnntacr Prepaid nt MiU Ofllee. DHI». 1 Tour Oin.nO | WVMd,. i yrnr....* I .lift Trt-Weeklr lUaO Fire eoplM 7,.'i0 bnnda; iMttliin, 1 Tonooplai.. l-I.UO rfunbl«*be*t ft .001 Itori* of a joar al the him rata. Wiirrsn—One active agent tn each town tad village. fipe«ul arrangement® made with ttioli. Specimen copies lent free. To prevent delay and mlnlahe*, he tare nnd gtra Pmt-onirn addreaa in full, inclmlmg Stale ami County. Jtemlttanceo may b(> made either by draft, eiprese, Post-Office order, or in rtgiatmd tetter*, at our rltk. tram* to city ■ciuciuiutti*. Dally, delivered, Knmlny excepted, 23 cent* per week. Daily, delivered, Sunday liu-lmled, JIO cent* | er week. Addrtea THE TKIUUNE COMPANY, Comer Ifadiann and Daarborn-ila., Chicago, 111 AMUSEMENTS, HOOLETB THEATER—llatiilf>]jh atreef. between Clark ami Luflnll®. Rogtgeioeiii of tlto Union Square Company. “ TO® Two Orphans," ACADEMY OP MUSlC—Ualitn) «lrrel, between Wartleoß ami Monro®. Engagement of Itolxrt Mo- Wade, *• Ilory (V.Mor® " and *■ DK-k Mlt Libre® Eye*." (£hi CPyictt-ija Qvt'ilmnc. Thursday Morning, July 22, 1870. Greenbacks wore stronger yesterday, open ing at 88), rising to 89), and closing at 88$. Two more victims are added to tho list of those in Germany who rested under tho de lusion that freedom of speech nnd of the press was a safe indulgence. Baron Lob and one Siol, tho latter tho editor of the 1 rnicr land, an Ultramontane journal, were yester day convicted of treasonable utterances aud sentenced to imprisonment. Tbo Connecticut House of Representative!! yesterday decided, by a vote of 102 to 82, to lot Rome future Legislature have the honor, ir it in ro inclined, of conferring the privilege of voting in Presidential elections on the ladies of the Nutmeg State. The matter has been pending before tbo body for several weeks, the Committee’s report being unaui mously in favor of granting the right. The people of Decatur, HI., are laboring under an attack of gold excitement attendant upon the discovery, upon a farm near that city, of gold in Rmall quantities. Some nug gets wore found in a cornfield, just where any Illinois farmer can find gold if bo uses tho right sort of mining tools, and the Decatur folk are greatly elated at tho prospect of hav ing a new Eldorado right ot their doors. A final decree was entered yesterday in the United States Circuit Court in tho Rockford, Rock Island <k St. Louis Railroad ease. Tho decree orders a foreclosure and sale under tho first and second mortgages, covering an estimated total of $11,251,633.30 in gold. The property to bo sold includes tracks aud appurtenances, contracts, leases, rolling stock, real estate, etc., tbo salo to be abso lute, and not subject to redemption. In England, when a bankrupt succeeds in concealing his financial rottenness and in ne gotiating bis paper to innocent and un suspecting people, they call it obtain ing money by false and proa •onto the swindlers. Two members of a London firm which bad recently suspended woro yesterday arraigned on this charge, and hold in bail of SIO,OOO each. The operation of a similar procedure in Chicago would have on unpleasant effect upon a certain great financier not now in tho banking business. A large number of thogonorous and humane ladies and gentlemen of Chicago have inter •stod themselves in the merciful project of establishing in this city a system of floating hospitals for the benefit of tho sick children of poor people, to whom the fresh, pure, cool air of Lake Michigan in these hot sum mer months will be medicine nuch ns no money could buy. Tho philanthropic pro* joet has assumed a definite shape, and an as sociation has been organized to solicit funds and carry out tho plan without delay. It iso worthy and a beautiful charity, and ono Which will receive liberal support. Concerning the proceedings at a purely se cret Cabinet meeting in Washington yester day, not a little is contained In our Washing ton dispatches. Itphas leaked out that tho President’s unexpected visit to tho Capitol, and tho session of the CoUnet colled forth with, had Bomothing to do with tho removal of I isuer, the Prasecutiug-Attornoy of tho District, and the newspaper correspondents were successful in ascertaining Fisher's fate. That he is to be removed eventually there is no doubt, and tho only favor ho has been able to obtain Is on opportunity of clearing himself of tho charges against him. There is no disagreement on tho subject bo* tween tho President and his Cabinet, and no prospect of o rupture. Delano and tho Marsh charges were also taken under advise* ment, with tho result, it is believed, that the Secretary of tho Interior will not vacate his portfolio until after those charges have boon investigated. i The nomination of Mr. George L. Dunlap as City Marshal was submitted to the Com mon Connell last evening, and was referred to tho Committee on Police, with instruc tions to report at or before tho next regular meeting. There Is now good reason to an. tioipate that tho nomination of Mr, Dunlap will be confirmed by the Council, though tho supporters of Hioxet will doubtless moke his permanent retention as Deputy-Supcriutuml ent a condition of their assent to Mr. Dun* lap’s appointment, in spite of tho fact that snob an officer will not be needed, and that was not contemplated in tho ordinonco abolishing tho Board of Police. Tho crea tion or continuance of an unnecessary sub ordinate office, however, is of small impor tance compared with tho advantage of having a competent and onorgotio at the head of tho Police Department. Tho Council had also under consideration a prop osition, tho adoption of which will meet with general approval,—that of vesting in the Fire-Marshal the absolute power of removal and appointment in his Depart meat, without consulting anybody. In no other way can a perfect military discipline, such as should obtain In tbe Fire Department, bo secured. Altogether, tho outlook for these two important bronchos of the municipal ser vice is not so bad after all. It has improved since Monday night. The Chicago produce markets were again stronger Yesterday. Mess pork advanced 800 per bcl under an urgent demand, and closed Wo higher, at $80.20 for August, and $20.40 for September. Lard was quiet and Iflo pet 100 ba closing at $10.65 for August, nncl for September. Monbi wore active nncl higher, at 810 for shoulders, 11 ;o for shorty ribs, and ll'Jo for short clears, ifighwinos were active and unchanged nt $1.17 per gallon. Lake freights were active mid ic higher, nt ;lc for corn to Buffalo, rionr was in better demand nncl stronger. Wheat was active, nnd (5c higher, closing nt cosh, and $1,22} sailor August. Corn was active, nnd 1)@1 jo higher, cloning at 7-1 Jo cash, and 7-lj{o for August. Oats wore quint nnd irregular, closing at file for July, and -10) c for August Uyo was quiet nnd stronger, nt 80@8lc for August. Barley wns dull, closing at ijl.on for September. Hogs were active and ruled firm at fitS'lOc advance, with solos chiefly nt sjT.tMffr7.l».". Cattle were in rood* ornto demnnd and wore easy. Sheep wore in fair demand nt steady prices. Tho Bonkers’ Convention, which is com posed mostly of Cashiers of tho National Banks throughout tho country, have, among other resolutions, adopted ono favoring tho resumption of specie payments, and calling upon every citizen to hasten the day when every promise of tho Government to pay a dollar shall bo redeemed in coin. This expression is one of considerable importance. Tho Saratoga Convention may bo fairly con strand to represent tho preponderance of sentiment of tho hankers of this country. Their declaration means, therefore, that they are willing to redeem tho notes they issue in gold whenever tho Government is prepared to do tho same thing, or fund its notes, and that they ore anxious that this timo should bo hastened. Of course they will not re deem in gold so long as greenbacks remain legal-tenders, and it would be folly for them to attempt to do so. But this declaration of theirs shows an honesty of purpose and de gree of courage and intelligence that are creditable to tho bankers of tho United States, and thoy can scarcely fail to exert an impor tant influence in tho right direction. INCREASE OF AVAILABLE GOLD. Wo print this morning a well-writton arti cle upon the subject of reducing the demand for gold, and thus hastening the advance of greenbacks towards par. That part of the proposition to receive interest coupons in payment of duties wo indorse, as that measure was suggested some years ago in Tun Tribune, but, owing to tbo occupation of tbo public mind with reconstruction and inoro exciting topics, the subject was not pressed upon public attention. The proposition is a plain one. Wo annually collect $163,000,000 of duty from imports, and this is received in gold. Tbo Government has imperative use for coin for two purposes. Ono of theso is tlto payment of interest on tho public debt, amounting to $107,000,000 annually, and the other is for tho sinking fund, 1 por cent on the amount of tho public debt, averaging $20,000,000 annually. Those two items now aggregate $127,000,000 of gold imperatively required annually. There is, therefore, a surplus jsocoipt of gold equal to $37,000,000. This surplus, with its an nual accumulation, is kept in tho Treasury, aud hold in readiness to pay out in tho pur chase of bonds, or to soli for greenbacks, and use for general expenses to whatever extent tho internal revenue is deficient. But, in ad dition to this surplus, tho Government keeps on hand twenty tq fifty millions of coin to redeem tho coupons of tho bonded debt os they fall duo from time to tirfe. There is generally a coin balance in tho Treasury of idle gold of fifty to eighty or ninety millions. Tbo only gold paid to tho Government is for duties on imports, and tho only present commercial uses for gold is to pay duties aud to export as bullion in settlement of balances in European, Cuban, Brazilian, and Chinese trade, and to pay interest on various kinds of American securities held abroad, aud tbo traveling expenses of American tourists in foreign countries. On this point our corre spondent intelligently observes that gold Is ono of our industrial products, and that, be ing produced in surplus, we export it just os wo export cotton or any other product. Those who grieve over tho exportation of gold might with as much gousisteuey complain of the ex port of com or provisions. Tho national misfortune is, that, while tho world would rather have oar manufactures than our gold, our tariff laws practically prohibit their ex portation by rendering it too expensive to export manufactures. At the close of business June 30, 1875, there were in tho Treasury $79,854,000 of gold ; at that some date tho interest duo *nd payable was $128,450,000, leaving a surplus of $51,000,000. After paying the July interest tho gold in tho Treasury will accumulate, paying out small sums for interest in August, September, ami then another $28,460,000 in January, and small payments in March and May. The average surplus on Laud, tho year round, after paying tho interest and tho sinking fund, will exceed $50,000,000 or $60,000,000. This amount of gold, thus car ried from quarter to quarter and year to year, boars no interest, and earns nothing for tho Treasury. 'Tho surplus would be much greater if the Secretary did not go into tho market and buy up greenbacks at the current rotes,—tho “premium" on this transaction exceeding five millions of dollars a year. Tho merchants of tho United States in order to pay duties have to parchose $109,000,000 of gold annually, of winch tho Government carries $50,000,000 or more without interest. It collects $109,000,000, pays $127,000,000 for interest and to tho sinking fund, sells $90,000,000 for green backs, and at the same time keeps a i orpins of $50,000,000 or $00,000,000 unemployed. As $107,000,000 of tills gold is intended ex clusively to pay tho interest coupons when due, we can discover no impropriety, wrong, or derangement in receiving those coupons at their value in place of gold for duties. Thus, 1 after tho Ist of January, 1870, there will bo held $28,000,000 of interest coupons payable on the Ist of July, or six months later. If tho United Slates would receive these coupons as equivalent for gold in payment of duties, it would have the effect of placing $28,500,000 in gold in the market available in payment of duties to the amount of their face value. Tho coupons on all tho other bonds being in like manner available, the aggregate of coupons at one time on the market would be equal to one-balf tbe whole amount of interest on tho public debt, or $63,500,000. Thu men who are com. polled to purchase gold to pay customs duties would then have a choice between purchas ing gold coin or interest coupons t the avail able par funds to pay duties would then be increased by tbe addition of $53,000,000 of coupons always on the market. Assuming that these coupons would bo purchased at less than the ordinary premium on gold paid into the Treasury for duties, the Govern ment would pay its coupons as fast os they were presented for duties, instead of collect ing gold and keeping it idle until the coupons matured. Thy Government hat no other use THE CHICAGO TUIIIUNE: TIIirRSDAY, JULY 22. 1875, for gold to the extent of the coupons except to redeem those very coupons. When a coupon is received for duties it is paid and ready for cancellation. I'lncing the receipt of the coupons nt an Average of three months before their maturity, the United States would offer a slight but all-sufficient induce ment to hnvo those coupons put on the market. To thus accept these coupons would fur nish a constant check oft the gold-room. The amount of gold which speculators would bo compelled to carry would be thus increased, and permanently, and such a thing as main taining a speculative demand for coin for that purpose would be rendered far more difficult. There would bo $107,000,01)0 of gold coupons put on tho market every year} these would lie in constant competition with the gold held by tlie speculators, and the result would bo Hint the premium would not bo subject to sudden advances, aud would of necessity gravitate to that ralo warranted by tho re duced demand. We do not agree, however, with the proposition to receive greenbacks in payment of duties. Tho value of greenbacks is not a fixed ouo. It is subject to fluctua tions, and thcro would bo no certainty in tho value of that portion of the revenue received in that form. There is a wide difference between them and tho coupons. Tho latter ore equivalent to gold mid redeemable nt a fixed date. Their pay ment is nu annual charge on the Government, mid to receive thgm in payment of duties would bo merely to make tho gold surplus now idle in tho Treasury available to restore the credit of tho Government and reduce its indebtedness by tho purchase of bonds. There may be objections to this plan. Lot us hear what thoy are, and they will ho duly considered. OEN. SHERMAN AND SHILOH AGAIN. It seems that the criticism upon Gen. Sircn man for saying that “ Gen. Grant did not make an official report of the battle of Shiloh ” originated with the Louisville Courier-Jour nal, and was made “to show the author’s general inaccuracy.” The Courier-Journal returns to the charge after reading Tins Trib une's semi-official explanation of the matter, and finds in Iho 41 Itohcllion Record ” a brief letter written by Gen. Grant to Gen. Hal lrck’b Assistant-Adjutant-Gencral, and gives some extracts which we produce os on inter esting bit of history: Heaoquabtkbs District Tcmut Tehhicmbi, JTTMDono, April 9, IHSa.— To Capt. M. H. McLean, A. A, U., Department 9/ MttrUrippt, XL Loult : Cap taim: It becomes my duty again to report mother battle fought between two great armies, one contend ing for the maintenance of the beet Government ever devised, and the other for its denlrnctlon. It Is pleas ant to record the auccosa of the Army contending for the former principle. On Sunday morning our pickets were attacked and driven in by the enemy. Immediately the five divis ion* stationed at ihla place ware drawn up in line of battle to moot them. Tbo battle soon waxed warm on the left and centre, varying at lime* to all part* of ttia line. There waa the must continuous firing of musketry and artillery ever heard on this continent kept up «nui nightfall. Tho enemy baring forced tbo centre line to fall bact nearly half way from tbolr camps to the landing, at a late boor in the afternoon a desperate effort was mado by the enemy to turn our left and got possession of tbs landing, transports, ho, , , . As there U a doop aud tmparaable ravine for artillery and cavalry, and very difficult for lufanlry at tbie point, no troops wore stationed bore except the neces sary artillerists and a small infantry force for tbolr support. Just at this moment the advance of JlaJ.- Gen. Ddelu’s column and* part of the division of Oon. Nelson arrived, the two Generals named being present. An advance woe immediately made upon the point of attack, and the enemy waa soon driven back. In this repulse much Is duo to the presence of the gun boats . . . and Uiolr able commanders. . , . During the night the divisions under Cans, Gan- VERDE* and McCook arrived. . . . 1 Inclose herewith a report of Gen. SnitKAn which will explain more fully the result of the pursuit, and of the part taken by each separate command. . , , It scorns, then, that Goa. Quint did make a report, which was perhaps official in its character, since it was sout to the Adjutaut- Oonorol of tho officer commanding the de partment. But wo foil to boo that this in validates tho explanation which wo mode of tho matter, or that it illustrates Ocn. Sher man's “ general inaccuracy-" Gen. Sherman had before him a volume containing one hun dred and sixteen reports, which had been transmitted to tho Bonato by tho Secretary of War, in response to a call of that body, as all the official reports of tho “ Battles of Pitts burg Lauding." This was certainly full war rant for Gen. Sherman's statement, and it was not incumbent on him to look further for a report which tho Secretary of War did not have long after the battle, and after ho had received one hundred and sixteen other reports about the same battles. Hither tho Secretary of War did not re gard Gen. Grant's loiter to Capt McLean as on official report, or olso Gan. Halleok did not so regard it, and did not transmit it to the Secretary of War. Tho Courier-Jour nal inclines to tho latter opinion, but either prohibits tho citation of this letter os a proof of Gen. Sherman’s 44 general inaccuracy." The Pittsburg Chronicle, commenting on the matter, assigns os a reason why Gen. Grant never made on official report that he conld not do so without reflecting upon the judg ment of Ocn. Prentiss, who was captured, with tho most of his brigade, on the morning of tho first day's battle, but this is manifestly incorrect, since Gen. Grant, in his letter to Capt McLean quoted above, makes a com plimentary allusion to Gen. Prentiss. The gist of tho whole matter is that Gen. Grant wrote a letter to Gen. llallzos’b Adjutant, which either Gen. Halleok or the Secretary of War did not regard as an official report, and which was not included among tho other official reports Kent to the Senate. This fully justiUoe Goa. Sherman’s statement The statement is mode that a man named Oilliouin, who was one of the charter elec tion judges m the Twentieth Word, and who la now under indictment for eluding ballot boxes in behalf of the charter, haa been ap pointed, stated, to the position of street foreman by the Board of Pnblio Works, at the dictation of the Mayor. This is said and believed not to be the drat nor tbo only in stance of rewarding political kuavory. Mr. Hduux Used, ex-haokmou, who served as judge at the extraordinary election in the Second Ward, has likewise been rewarded by a place in the city service. Minx SumuniN professes to know of other similar cases, and it is said bo will mako a sworn statement, giving names and facts. It appears that Mr. Colvin, believing himself to bo possessed of full power to romovo all the Com missioners of oil the Boards, forces his ap pointments upon them. This would be in decorous, even if they wero made with good motives, and we fail to see how the members of the Board of Public Works can retain their self-respect and submit to this dictation. They might better give np their places thap stand sponsors for such appointments as have been reported lately. As to the Major's shore in the matter, he seems to bo utterly Indifferent as to what the opinion of good eitUene and tax-payers may be. It la either (hot, or he ll under some unknown influence flint control.* his action against bis bettor judgment. Hut If a Twentieth Ward ballot-box-Kluffcr is to bo rewarded with an official place, Imw much more do the judges ami ballot-bex stuffers of tho First Want and some other wants deserve olllcc ? Take tho First Ward for an instance. Tho legal vote of tho First Ward lost fall, in an exciting Congressional and general election, was only l,n:il; while the vote cast in tho Third Ward wan -,141, or more than twice an many. Yet at tho charter election, while the Third Ward cast only ÜB7 votes* under tho samo excite ment that existed In tho First Wanl, that wanlls returned as having cast 1,702 (1,803 for and U7 against tho charter), or nearly twice as many as the legal vole of the ward, flvo times as manyas were voted in tho Third Ward, which has twice tho number of legal voters, and at least ten times ns many as tho number of legal votes actually cast in tho ward. In other words, tho stuffed ballots in tho First Ward probobly amounted to 1,500. Now why isn’t somebody rewarded for this work by an official position? Is it because tho persons who did tho ballot-box-stuffing in the First Ward have more valuable benefits from tbo present system of municipal man agement, and do not need any paltry offices? If not this, it is evidently an injustice to the First Ward ballot-box-Ktuffers to ignore them, when tbo minor offices are being divided up among tbo ballot-box-Bluffers in the other wards, INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. Mr. Ciunixs Keade, the novelist, has ad dressed an open letter to tho Now York Tribune upon tbo question of copyright, in which he takes tho broad ground that copy right is not a monopoly, and sensationally offers to bet XluO to XSO that it is not, and names certain referees to docido it. Tbo letter is written in his customary inflated and stilted stylo, and abounds with a little moro than his customary vanity, solf-concclt, and personal abuse. All who oppose his proposi tion are set down ns 41 muddle-bonds, knaves, fools, and pettifoggers. H That Mr. Blade himself bos not suffered by a want of copy right is shown by tho fact that ho admits 44 our homo market is not seriously injured by American piracy, but hie (tho American’s) home market is," and ho odds: Tbo remuneration of tbo oiiablltbed American author la artificially lowered by the crushing compe tition of fltnlen goods, ami, as for the yanng American author, however liromlalug bio genlua, be la generally nipped In tbo bud. 1 can giro tho very prorcea. Ho brlnga the publisher bla u&uuacrlpt. which repreaenU months of labor, and of debt; beoauao U1 the tlmo a man la writing without wages the butebor'e bill and beker'a are growing foot and high. Hla manuscript la the work of an alio novice; there are soma genuine observations of American life and manners, and oonio aparka of true mental fire; but tliero are defects of workmanablp; tbo man needo advtco and practice. Well, under jual laws, hla countryman, tbo pubUxbor, would nurse him; but oa tblnga are be dsclines to buy, at over so cheap a rate, tbo work of promise, be cause bo can obtain gratia works written with a certain mechanical dexterity by humdrum but practiced En glish writers. At Jtbo risk of being sot down in Mr. Beade's category of “ muddle-hoods, knaves, fools, and pettifoggers,'' wo very seriously question whether American genius is being driven oat of tho book-market at all by "American piracy," os Mr. Beads colls it. Stale stuff and trash may suffer in tho com petition with Euglish stale stuff and trash, but respectable and competent authors al ways find a market for their work at a fair price. The publishers will bear witness that tho market is now overstocked with authors. English books are in tho main cheap, and, under tho spur of tho competition of cheap ness, American books are mode cheaper. Being made cheaper, their solo Is enhanced. Cheap English books means cheap American books, and viu txrsa. Protect English books with a copyright monopoly in the United States, and immediately the price will bo put up. Tho dollar book will become a two dollor book. The two-dollar book a three or four dollar book, and so on. The American books will follow suit. The absence of on international copyright means a full market of choap-sclliug books, and a wide diffusion of knowledge and information. Tho copy right can have no other effect than to increase tho price, and eventually make literature a costly luxury. As only high-priced books can hold their own against the monopoly of a copyright, all cheap labor must bo crushed out, and a favored few will enjoy tho extor tionate emoluments of their profession. High-priced and high-toned authors may have rights, but tho public also has rights, and, if it has one right more positive than another, it is that of obtaining knowledge as cheaply as possible. A HUMAN BEE-HIVE. Tbo United Kingdom of England and Wales, Scotlandand Ireland, with the Channel Islands thrown in, are only twice as largo in area as the Btato of Illinois, but they are all the “world’sworkshop," and ore supplying the unoccupied parts of tbo habitable world not only with manufactures and capital, but with men. One of their largest exports is human flesh and blood, done up in individual pack ages, and slapped across oceans and seas. The tide of emigration has been flowing over since the first English settlement was made on the American coast, more than 260 years ago. It has had its ebbs and floods, but has never been wholly cut off. Even during the llevo- Intion, some of the British soldiers who come to prevent our independence remained to en joy it Emigration from the United Kingdom at tracted comparatively little attention before 1816. It deserved little, for by that year it had attained scanty proportions. The num ber of persons emigrating was only 2,081. The next year it rose to 12,610, and there was a steady advance until 1810, when the number was 84,987. The average for the next ten years was not not as great as this, hut American flush times when wo wore rushing upon the crisis of 1880.7 attracted crowds of British and Irish subjects. In the five yean from 1880 to 1884, inclusive, the oggregato number of emigrants from the United Kingdom to America was 881,060. This was thought enormous, but it is only a little more than the annual average now. Up to this time (1834), more persona bod emi grated to the British Colonies In North Amer ica than to the United States. Very many of them had made Canada only a half-way bouse on their journey to the “States,” but numbers bod changed their homo and not their flag. The tide turned in 1834. As lale as 1680, however, the emigra tion of the lost twenty-five years had sent 409,800 to the Colonies and only 417,- 706 to the “States.” But from 1840 the figures were respectively to the Canadas 003,- 760, and to the “States" 4,720,670. The official record of emigration from 1840 to 1873 registers every great economic event of that time,—the Irish famine, the discov ery of gold in California and Australia, the American financial panic of 1857, the Civil War, etc. The '67 crisis out do w British emigration to this country from 128,805 in 1857 to /Vf> t 7in in 1858. Tbo outbreak of tlio Civil War reduced it from 87,500 in 18(H) to 4!),7d4 in 18(51. THo Irish famine forced it up from H'J,25!) In 1840 to 142,151 in 1817, anil 188,255 in 18t8, an d 215,450 in 181!), and 250,885 in 1850. Corresponding figures for the North American Colonics were 4:1,450 in 1810, and 100,080 in 1817, when it suddenly dropped to 51,005 in 18(8. When gold was discovered in Australia, tho number of emigrants thither quadrupled in a year. From 21,552 in 1851 it became 87,881 in 1852, and 01,401 tho noxtycar,and 85,2117 the next, or 1854. It continued to decline in Australia down to 12,227 in 1870. In 1875 tbo total number of emigrants from tbo United Kingdom was 510,012, or about 1 per cent of the wbolo'population of the King dom. Of those persons, 255,075 camo to tbo United Stales. This rale of decrease exceeds tho annual average increase of tbo llritisb population between 1801 and 1871. For those ton years it was only 8.8 per cent, lint tho great proporlionnlo lo r ;s was from Ireland. Nevertheless, population is now increasing more rapidly than emigration and death to gethor can thin it. According to tbo report of the Registrar-General, tho not daily in crease In tho population of tbo United King dom is 705. In 18G5, tbo total population was 20,801,008. In 1874 it was 52,412,000. Tho wonderful fact shown by these figures is, that this little cluster of islands on tbo western shore of Europe should produce such enormous numbers of human beings. England and Wales, in which the land Is owned by comparatively few persons, are moro densely populated than ouy other country in Europe except jßclgium, which is a land of manufactures and form patches. Yot tho density increases every year, despite the hundreds of thousand who leave tho teeming shores of Old England and ancient Erin for tho Now World. It would bo an in teresting study to trace tho effect of llritisb emigration upon British trade, and discover how much of tho vast commerce of tho United Kingdom consists of buying from and selling to ex-Britons. Wo shall return to this thome hereafter. THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF WOMEN. Vassar College, when it was founded, was the best institution of the sort in the United States. It is hereafter to have competitors which may eclipse it. Not that it has retro graded. It seems to have advanced. It has, moreover, the groat advantage of several years' experience. But Matthew Vassals donation of the money set nu example which has since boon followed, and, like most ex amples, improved upon. Next fall will see the opening of two largo colleges designed for feminine education, and apparently most wisely planned. Each has peculiar features. The experience of the next ten years, in them and in Vnssar, will go far towards settling various vexed questions about the education of women. Sago College will bo an experiment in modified co-education. When Cornell Uni versity was organized, iho seal chosen for it bore Ezra Cornell's saying that ho wished to found an institution in which any one could bo taught anything. Bnt tho saying was forthwith falsified by tho refusal of tho authorities to admit women as students. Some time ago, tho Hon. 11. W. Sage offered tho University $1500,000 on condition that the monoy should bo used in promoting tho liighor education of women. Tho offer was too great to be rejected. The Trustees swal lowed their scruples against co-education and pocketed tho cosh. Hence Sago College. Its ample roof is to shelter 120youngwomon, who will follow tho some course of studies as iho Cornell boys do. They arc to attend certain lectures and recitations with tho mole members of tho Univer sity, but will have separate instruc tion in other brunches. The University will grant them tho somo degrees bestowed upon male graduates. Sago College will practically bo one of a group of colleges which together fonn Cornell University. It Is said to have boon suggested by tho success of Girton College, at Cambridge, in which Euglish women are getting a university edu cation, and which hopes oro long to be fully recognized as part of tho University. Tho other now college bears tho beautiful and uncommon name of Smith. It is the child of Miss Sophia Smith, of Hatfield, Mass., whoso brother loft her $200,000 fif teen years ago. She decided to use it to en dow some charitable institution, but hes itated between two extremes, —an asylum for the deaf and dumb and a college for women. She finally decided in favor of tbo latter. After ton years' study of tho question of female education, she made up her mind, made her will, and died. The buildings of Smith College have been erected at Northampton, Mass., and tho first class will be admitted next fall. Tito President is Prof, (now Congressman) Seelyb. Tho Col lege contains no dormitories. Tho students are to board in tho village, live in tho fam ilies of tho Professors, or practice co-oporalivo housekeeping in cottages built on the College grounds. The course of study is to bo oa comprehensive as that of Yale or Harvard, and Ute examination for admission is proposed to be as thorough as it is in those Univer sities. It will be seen (hat Vassor, Sago, and Smith Colleges differ radically in their funda mental principles. Educators everywhere will watch the three with interest. AN INTERNATIONAL WRONG. The llov. Leonajuj W. Bacon has contribut ed a paper to the July number of Lippinccil't Magazine entitled “ Searching for a Grave in a Strange Land ” which contains some Inter esting facts touching the laws of Switzer land regulating cemeteries, showing that it Is impossible to obtain a grave there in porpo talty. The law of burial provides that the commune shall furnish a grave without charge for a term of fifteen years, which is considered a reasonable time for a body to re turn to dust. For 300 francs one may secure possession of the grave for thirty years, with the privilege of renewing the lease at the end of that time for thirty years more. By paying 1,600 francs down, the lessee can secure undisturbed possession for ninety-nine years. At the end of that time, however, the monuments are removed, and the bodies likewise, if anything is left of them. There ore no receiving-vaults, al though some of the older' families have pri vate vaults in the graveyards j but that is all, and the State does not encourage private or family burial-places. • There is another peculiarity of the laws re lating to oemeteriee, made by recent enact ment, which is peculiarly distressing to for eigners. A bill was recently introduced pro viding as follows: 1. The control of burUl-placea beloafi to the civil oothoritj. 3, It la ttu duty of thU oulbonty to mo tbtl Ut« body of tmy iliwaufl porwa !>• d*o*at]r InUrred la Um eemeUiy qI tU ooiwntuw nbm tb* dtoa— bu Mmb sUet, foUowlM lb* rtfola o*d« of tba gmu. I. K» «u*(Uoa iteU M boaiU (g thil nil*, ttokoi by antlmriutlon of the pollen In favor of famine* po*. •ruing separate burtal-pUr**, cr In rato the relative* of a jH raoo dyiny at a dl*ttnn> from hlv place of lilrlh or rnaliWnra ask to he nuthorlted to transport the body to either of these places. This hill wan passed, with the exception of tho third paragraph, which was stricken out, and thus prevents foreigners whoso friends or relatives die in Switzerland from transporting their bodies to their native places. Under this law, every American family suffering a bereavement in Switzer land would bo immediately prevented by tho police from Bonding tho remains of the lovod one homo, and would be compelled to bury the body in the regular order of tbo graves in a Swiss cemetery, to bo disinterred In the regular order by tbo sexton when its turn came round. As a remedy for this, Dr. Ba con suggests that (be Government should tako measures to secure some little plots of ground at a few of tbo principal centres of American (ravel to be used as ceme teries, whore the dead might rest without danger of disturbance. They would bo taken care of and adorned by the American mi dSuta, and iu time would become delightful places of resort like tbo English cemeteries at Home and Florence.* In tho rmh and hurry of this material age, Dr. Bacon’s proposition may nob receive attention, but it nevertheless deserves it- Such regulations as those which exist in Switzerland will always be a drawback upon tho pleasure of travelers, as well as a positive injustice, if not outrage. Those little plots could be purchased very cheaply and would always bo kept in order by American residents. It would require very little outlay, and would make reparation for a groat international wrong. Public Indignation at tbe craft; Imposition practiced some months ago lu Philadelphia, and remembered ns “ Tbo Katjb Kino Fraud,” bos scarcely subsided when the insanity of tbo prln oipal yictim, Mr. lIonEUT Bale Owen, la an* nouncod to royiyo It with increased bitterness. Almost alnmUanoously with this sad event comes a story from Brooklyn of a baro*faccd repetition of tbo Katie Kino fraud In tbat city by tbo very naino impostor whom Mr. Oweiv ruthlessly ex posed. immediately after tbe newspapers pub lished Mrs. Holmes as a common client, sbo called upon tbo Spiritualists of tbo United Htateo to protect her from want, bums of mono; bavo been sent her from different parts of tbo conn try. Tbe Spiritualists of Brooklyn invited her to visit that city and exhibit her pownrs. After many attentive examinations 6f Katie King and John King, who materialized much in tbo same way os before, tbo Spiritualistic Society detected tbo rubbor-mashs and other apparatus used by tbe medium, and again ex posed her. In a report published officially by tbo Society in tbe Manner of LUjht, they srty: “We unhesitatingly declare tbat, as Mrs. Holmes has failed In every instance to give us satisfactory proof of her genuineness, uo bailors tbat her manifestations in Brooklyu were gross frauds, practiced upon as earnest, sincere, and bumble an assembly of investigators as over mot, who feel tbat their holiest and moot sacred feel ings have been outraged by tbo Imposition prac ticed upon them, and which tbo refusal of Mrs. Holmes to vindicate herself clearly proves.” This second expose Is not important Tbe credulity which provided Mrs. Holmes with supporters and adherents after tbo first, will b« proof against a thousand subsequent decoctions. PEE3OSAL. Count Yon Arolm is at Carlsbad. Els health’s bid, too. Tom Hugbos is suffering from inflammatory rheumatism. Moody and Bankoy leave Liverpool for Now York on Aug. 4. Cbaucor’s famous Tabard Inn, in the Borough, London, is being pulled down. Edward Baxter, a promiuoot lawyer of villo, Toon., is visiting in the city for a fowdays. Irving notv threatens to ptav Macbclh, just to got hU hand In for Cardinal Hole In “Queen Mary." “Carl Pretzel” promises for bis Weekly, on Saturday, pictures of Donaldson andQrlmwuod from photographs. Shearman’s departure for Europe has alarmed the Hollanders. They expect the total destruc tion of their dykes. "She smoked 100 pipefuls of opium in one day,” is the simple legend on tho gravo-stono of a woman In Carson, Nov. The Indianapolis Herald mildly, but firmly, protests against tho extravagance of putting “ $2 worth of collar on 25 cents worth of dog.” Little Bammie Bcndol, of Varmilionville, La., aged 10 years, has immortalized himself by cap tuviug a burglar in tho acf of robbing a money drawer. Tennyson’s “ Queen Mary ” has not met with a surprising sale. It is to bo feared that his association with the Batemans hos not helped him materially. “ Ills life was a complete riddle." says a Texas paper of a gentleman who recently put a charge of twentymo buckshot into hlmiolf. Wo should say Cis death was a pretty complete one, too. Tho Bev. J. 8. Norris, pastor of the Methodist Church at Dundee, 111., was in the city yester day with his newly-woddod bride. Tho happy coople have started for an extended tour in the East. Mr. George 0. Bates, of Salt Lako City, for merly of Chicago, was threatened with treatment for contempt by Judge Boreman. He explained matters satisfactorily, and escaped with a fine of SSO. What—oh! what—haa that bright and capable little soubrotte, Sydney Cowell, done to be called by the Now York Herald “another Lolta"? Does not the groat O’Keiiy know an artist from an autlo ? Inflation is what supports the rotten "Ohio canvass” of which we hear eo much nowadays. Reckless political aeronauts had better take to heart the fate of Donaldson, victim of poor ragi and bad gas. A Springfield (Mass.) father has told the champion avoirdupois fable. Uis baby weighed *2O pounds 9 ounce* when H was born. Such babies generally grow the other way, and lose 12 pounds or so In a fortnight. The Ulases Conway have been frozen out of tbolr management of tbo Brooklyn Theatre. They sign a roioase of the building, and receive a receipt .in full from the Building Company. They sail for Europe shortly. Miss Emily Failhfull, lu a recent lecture, "paid a high compliment to American ladies"} which is another periphrastic Intimation that she did not bolieve all sheheard about the ladies who crowded the Brooklyn court-room some time ago. Aid. George White stana for Providence Jl. 1., whore his family reside, this morning, lie will he absent about three weeks. The Alderman, who la a native of "little Ithody," has not been book to his ".native heath " for about ten years. At the Fantasies Psrisieones, a theatre in Brussels, smoking has always been permitted dnrfog the performances. Mow a notice is post ed in front of every seati "Mo smoking la allowed during the engagement of Mile. Bo as sail.- The last of tbs Eahn quartet, of Baltimore, Is dead. They were bom Feb. 16. Three of them lived but one month, and perished from catarrh. Katie, the last, Improved In condition very feat, but died of whooplng*ooagb at the age of 6 months. John Worth, a Philadelphia actor, while bath ing, tbe other day, sank, and was taken out of tbs wster apparently dead. Bla friends worked for aa hour to reeusdtaU him, but, felling, abandoned tin* Aa Englishman named Dz, Mlcholson, happening along, applied the Stltob. tor proceaa of artificial respiration, and reelorod Worth to hfo. Goorgo Dovelin, of Cambridge, will never tefl tho truth again. Ho applied for a license to run a saloon, was asked If ho over got drank, replied In tbo affirmative, and wan refused. Tho name of Washington is poison to him. for ho Raw hie mendacious follow-applicauts all obtain llcenece. Florence Marryalt (Mrs. noss-Churcb) In to be not far from 40 years old, and the mother of amarrlod daughter, botahe is generally spoken of as a young lady. Sbo is a blonde of the pure English typo, and does not look more than SO years old. Him is Raid to bate giVou up her idea of coming to this country to read. The present Duke of Argyll Is not only m honorable and intelleetnal man, but bo has trained up hie family to Imitate bin virtues. Ooe of bis sons, Lord Walter Campbell, Is a member of tbo •lock-broking firm of liolbert, WaggA Campbell; anoilier is in acorn-dealing Am. while the (bird ie studying for tbo bar. The Argyll family appear to be mou os well as nolle, moq. Ah Mrs. Wilson, formerly Angnnta J. Evans, h about to publish a new novel, wo give a sped men of her stylo: In one of her books, where a heroine bonds over her dying adored one, and auks, " Can 1 do anything for you, my beloved, in this agonizing lioiir?” bo responds: “Yea, my angel. Go to yonder abolf (pointing with pallid finger to tbo libraty-sbolves in the corner), and, selecting the proper volume, bring it hither, end read to me in the original Greek Procolua’ loiter to AgatboclOß."— St, Louis lUpuhtiean. An applicant at the riilladolpbia Ledger office for an original poom on the death of bis Chris, tian, carpet-weaving uncle, after many aamploa, accepted the following: O. Death comes whoa we liut expect Tli* ehoien pimple to select; Thu* Uppeiihflm, the os r pot-weaver. Wan carried off by bilious fever, On high ha’ll too bin wife and five Children, who are not alive. Those bo'll clasp. without thought of learlnf Anil coming bus tocarpet-weavuig. (Inns to moot Mrs, Opponbelm. Original, 5J.73. O. W, 0„ A.lf, A funny story is told of tbe late Mr. Conway and Bolvil Ilyin. Ryan was engaged to play the part of an ape In an afterpiece, Ur. Conway pre viously appearing as Cato. Meeting tbo trage dian one day after the performance, Ryan asked him: “Which way do you go, Mr. Conway?" “ I, sir,” said the tragedian, “am about to walk up Broadway.” “ Ah, llion 1 will accompany you," said tbo other. “Accompany me, sir?” replied Conway, with a glare tbat astonished tbs other. “ No, sir, nevah! Cato arm In arm with a ring-tailed monkey, air? No, air I” And be stalked awav. Tbo late Grand Jury of Alameda County, Cal,, in tbe performance of their duty paid a visit to tbo County Hospital. They reported as fol lows : “ Wo found a human skeleton in n box on the roof of a shed exposed to the weathor, and tie Inmates made sorioui complaints of tbe manner in which skeletons are exposed and sub jects treated. It has a doprestUng effect upon invalids. If it is necessary for anatomical sci ence to totain such skeletons, we would recom mend that a uuitublo plaeo ho provided for tbs preservation and keeping of tho same out ol sight of tho patient*. Wo were infdrmod by tho Steward that about throe months ago a skeleton was sent to Hau Francisco. Its preparation vu witnessed by uomo of tbe patients. . Wo believe that all such proceedings are in violation of tbe spirit ana letter of the law, and offensive to pub lic taste and decency, and that all bartering In such remains should bo prohibited.” HOTEL AIIBIVALS, Palmer tlouu— James Sboeuborger, Cincinnati ; J, It. i>lclle, Missouri j 0. B. Myera, Uadue ; W. T. C«r nil, Philadelphia ; J. L. Weed. Now Yos-i ; S. Bowler, Philadelphia; D. If. HartwcU. Davenport; A, D. Ad ams, Cleveland : Jacob Buck, Pittsburg I Robert Douglass, Indianapolis ; J. 11. Knight. South Bend: y. w. Jonklue, Masaaduisittla ; Jobu Q. Bourke, U, 8, A. ; Max Mejfr, Omaha; James U, Bvarta, Ireland; J. B. Grayson, Alabama; J. H. Caldwell, St, Louis; 0. E. Mason, Detroit; J. 1), Alexander, Bochcster; Louis MoudeL Hong Kong; A. 11. Uurhom, Cluvolsnd; William A. Wobb, Nashville; F. B. Brewer, New York; 8. E. Auetln, Louisville; L. Scranton, Mobile; George B. Kent. Hjrstuw; W. 11. Barrie, Buffalo; O. W. Bin mon, Boston....LVaiil j\wijle— J. Caao, Cleveland; J, il. Odium; Toledo; W. A. Urdd&n, Now Albany; j, H. Ktasstn, New York; J. J. Turner, Baltimore; 0, Oulleiu Lmiiavlllo; John O. Griswold, Buffalo; J, H. Crowell. Texas; L. M. Walcrs, Galveston; A. H. Jones, Jersey City; Denis Long. Louisville; J. Burnet, CiuclunaU: G. Cohen. Albany; M. Fisher, Davenport; 11. Helluc, Parle; A. J. Wars, Pekin; John Jameson, Detroit; A. C. Thompson. St. Louis.... Tramont Uo uu —W. N. Haines, Baltimore ;0. 0, Woodworth, Brook lyn ;J. 11. Holliday, St. Louts; J. W. Bodofer, Council Bluffs ; Henry Freund, Now York : A. Walker, Oindo mtl; If. C. Swift, Cluvehui'l; Dudley Hall, Boston *A. Ilnllman, New York; Dr. J, U. Siewart, Winona.... tfArmnn lloune— Liout.-Uov. A. A. Glenn, Mount Sterling; If. W. Richards, New York; U, It. McCoy, Fulton; 11. U. Oaloa, New York; B. F. Harris, Rochester; O, N. Boirce. Dayton ; Charles 8. Brooks, New York; J. M. Smith, Mineral Point; J, B. Gilmore. Bock Island; Goorgo Mucker, New York. OUEEENT OPINION, The fact of the matter seems to be that Alien has gone over to Cary on the rag-baby issue, and Cary to Allen on the question of whisky. The two are‘now in a beautiful state of harmony. —‘Cincinnati Uaidie. The New York papers are making no end of fun ovor the sudden acooauon >of Mr. Lieut.- Oov. Dorshoiracr to tho Governorship. Nr. Tilden has gone to Long Branch, and it is a fad that the Now York constitution makes absence from tho State, oxceut at tho bend of a military forco in time of war, a vacation of the office. The Boston HUoi Is unbind enough to recok loot that Ham Cary, of Ohio, while m Ireland, some six years ago, told a gratified audience tbil he had said a thousand times in his own coon* try, if ho wore not an American, ho would prefer to bo an Irishman; and, directly after, in a lec ture at Manchester, mentioned to tho Johnny Bulls that he was proud of his direct descent from an Englishman and a Pilgrim Father. “ Who is he, any way 2”’ asks the puzzled ViloU No question of tho day emits so great is amount and variety of theoretic drivel ss the finances. Every political quaok-doolor In tbi land has his remedy, there being, in reality, but one thing to do, wbloh is to wait and save Until the Government is able to pay gold for ill greenbacks, dollar in and dollar out. Tho way to resume is to resume—when wo si's able. Io the meantime the cry for “more money," whilst It mav delude the ignorant with a glittering no tion of plenty, is, whore it has any distinct moaning and purpose, a sugar-coated plea for repudiation, prefacing the overthrow of tbs national credit, tho desecration of the national faith and honor, tho obliteration of all national sentiment founded in an honest, solf-resDoctiog manhood, and the ultimate destruction of liberty itself. This is why wo oppose inflation.—Aouw* ville Courier* Journal, Boft-hoadod soft-money people, when they come to discover (heir true position, are Ukoly to find themselves uncomfortably hedged about upon tbs East and the West, the North and the Booth, by a somewhat hard-headed, uncompro mising set of hard-monoy people. There are Texas and California, for instance, where, to most Intents sod purposes, the Legal-Teuder act is a dead totter, whore a dollar is a dollar, and so unfulfilled promise of a dollar Is mere depred ated paper. These States have never loft ike specie basis, sod don't intend to do so, no met* ter who gets drunk over the fumes of tbs iulU* tion puuob-bowl. It Is remarkable that these States have suffered leas from the panic, ecu, with one or two possible exceptions, are tinea* dally in better plight than any other States in the Union. In population, wealth, and Indus* try, Texas is probably growing at s more rapid pace than any other Btate, partly became its people are among the most energetic and progressive in America, mainly because (be foundations of it* business end industry are laid upon tbe onfall* ins basis of gold sod silver money, California, being older in development than Texas, is proba* bly making lees rapid progress; hut its thrift end accumulations, uninterrupted by losses fro® panics sod shifting vetoes, fairly entitle it to be pronounced the most solidly prosperous Stale. The deposits in its savings banks alone ore ataU« at nearly $70,000,000, belonging to about W.WJJ depositors, end making an average of more than #BOO for each depositor, lu laying up these savings, the thrifty people of California nave, ia tbe average, probably done no bettor than the thrifty people on the Eastern seaboard. moral of the story is, that the savers lu hare* money California have kept their savings, wows tbe savers la tbe psper-mooey, panic-swept *aei have been compelled to eat up their saving* *° ds/auit 01 wages.- J(*it fork Worth