Newspaper Page Text
6 STATE OF TRADE. The Approach of (he Fall Trade SlllTcns (ho I.oan-Markcl. The IhinUa Not Anxious to Intend Their Discouiit'lJnes. Tho Produce Markets Again Active and Excited, Wheat, I’oik, anil Jlrnls lliiojnnl—Coin ami Hour Stronger. FINANCIAL. The planter buyer* In the fall trade have made Ihrir appearance, and the pro*perl of (uiam lnl a* well as commercial arllvlty 1* bt-igldenrd. It I* 100 soon as yrt to determine what Hie character of the season's trade will lx*. The heaviest buyer* have not mado their appearance, ami liueinca* will imt lm fairly In augurated till tho ctmdiUtm of tho harvests and the future of (be markets are determined with aomotliiug like certainty, Tho outlook, with wheat and provisions at Hiolr present figures, is felt to bo encouraging. There has naturally been no change as yet In tho loan niarkat, beyond on evident relaxation of any pagir neea tho banker* may have felt to extend their dis count line*. The belief is spreading that then* will be a sharp demand In tho fall for all (he resounc* of Hie batiks. There i* still a surplus di*po- iMo (o good outside borrower* on abort time and thn l est of paper or collaterals at easy rates, but the tendency Is evi dently to shorten the terra of such accommodation*. Half* of discount continue at tin* bank* *1.411) per cent to regular customers, with concession* of avvural per cent to independent onleidu bin rower*. On the street, tho supply of satisfactory negotiable paper la moderate. list* * are final# j*;r cent. Now York oiohango was weaker at par between banks. There li a movement of currency to the wheat dis trict*. The clearing* were J 1,000,000. TAXATION OV BANKING CAPITAL The action of a National Bank, not lung ago, In Imn*- furring a Jurga part of Its capital to 11* surplus account, baa called attention to the luxation of hanking capital, Tborowosno disguise that the motive of tho transfer Wax to avoid taxation, national. Mate, rouniy, city, and town. A somewhat similar course is tadng pur sued by many other banka in adding heavily to their surplus. This surplus ta in reality capital. It is immediately visible in the value of the shares of tho banks. It Is used as capital. It has all thu Attributes, functions, profitablcne?*, of capital. It has not Us hardens. It is capital put under another name, lu order to cacajxt taxation. II is true that thu banks pay heavy tans, lint some of them arc restating the payment of local taxes, and their general condition Is shown by their semi-annual dividends to bo profitable, for all tho taxes they have to bear. It ta hardly likely that much Attention would ho attracted to the building tip of surplus alone, but, If the practice of converting capital Into surplus for the open purpose of evading obligations to tho Govern ment hy u more shuttle of name is to extend, the Leg islature of tho State will l>o likely to step in to inter fere, l)y Her, I*s of the National Banking act, tho Na tional llauka are placed in tho same relations to'tho lecr.l State authorities as regards taxation as any other property-holders. TitS TJIEASnitV COIN BALANCE. The New York Herald publishes some figures lulls Washington aaviecs to counteract the rmm r< (flat tlo reports of the Treasury with regard to tho '• coin bal ance " were Inaccurate, It rays . Tho so-called “coin Uilmco” of tlio Treasury Is given lu our Washington Idler ns st;3,s('u,i)ui). of thO, OOit is In coin certificates, $(5,14X1,000 in silver bars, $14,000,100 In silver coin, and i24,:-00,(>i() in g. hi coin. Of this $24,-'OO,UK), (hero Is duo on A call for bonds already mudr, for inttrast duo the Ist of July and unpaid interest previously due, $10,(44),- ta 0, There are in hand and disposable), therefore, only fu,900,000 of gold coin, which may legltlnublv iw re garded -is further ruduood by thu sale of $2.000,U0u to be iiudo tliih month. It la thu largo n> i umnlation of silver retumod as coin which has led to the misappre hension in regard to thu Treasury statcnieuts ; for It was known that Iho figures rubltsbcd by the Secretary cave a statement of “coin ”in excess of the gold lu hand, it being assumed that coin meant gold, and that, therefore, thu reports were inaccurato. Tins history of German Industry after tLo Franco- German war Illustrates so veil tbo disrate and tlio euro of overproduction that wo ropriut tbo following, by tbo Derliu ccrrcßj>ondeni of thn London 3'imrs ; Encouraged by this apparent prosperity, the social latlis movement for suiue time rifo among tbo work ingmen proceeded from theory to action, sending up wagon, and, with wages, rent to twice and thrleo Its former figure. Provisions followed In duo count*. Thus, when tho crash came and reaction set In at home, German niouufacturcm nut only found tho purchasing power of their own country greatly re duced, lull, what was equally ln*l, tho coat of produc tion hud Leon increased to aUcb u degree as to render It dllllcult for them to compete in tho markets of the world. As one mill after tho other wus forced to adopt abort hour*, wages, U is true, fell; but tho price of provisions, being regulated by tho needs of tho European fatally at largo, remained what it was, and accordingly prevented the price of labor from getting buck to Anything like the figure it started from in 1871. Neither could the former frugal and tndu»- tnous habits of the hands ho quickly revived, nor the conscientious Holidlty, onro a rharacierlatlo of Ger man workmanship, he roulnrcd Immediately. Thunks to tho combined luthieucu of these various agencies, the commercial statistics of 1R73 and 1873 assumed on unprecedented character, which . struck terror into the national heart, lu 1a72, luiporlu were estimated at I.oi7,Ouo,CU'l thalers, exports reaching only 773,- UMi.uuo; In 1»73 things looked still more gloomy, im i<orts going up to l,'Av,!,ooU,l)Uo thalers, while es]ioria went down to 707,1)04),0uu thalers. When there returns of the Coimutrclal Department became known, tho nilu ot German Industry siomed to be at hand. Hut lu healthy bodice dlaoat-e effects its own cure. Thu surplus money gradually finding Its way into niher lands, Ihoru remained nothing fur tho popula tion of this country to do but to curtail expenditures and return to work in earnest. The Custom-House statistics lor 1871, though as yet Incomplete, show this process of reform to ho in full awing. OOVEUNUEKT UOND3. United Blales 6s of *ai i........1it*V I2i‘4 United Htatcs 5-jos of ’(12,. 113,-- HI .UnitedHUtes3-29sof V.i ibiu United Hiatts .'h , .‘i>b of V- lttj*4 117 6-20# of ’itr>—January and July ...ll»!,' 117*4 6-‘jUaof *o7—Jimuryand July lls 1 ; IIHU - B-20s of ’US—January and July 117»4 nm: iimo. • "nod Ho United Hlalrs nsw 6s of ’<il III I .' 114)4 United UiaU-a currency Cs 122)4 .... Gold waa 112*4(4U2*4. Greenbacks dosed at 88)* ty B‘J>4 ou tho dollar. I‘OIICIUN KXOHANUB, Sterling oiehitnao wm 44T(£r.'0; cablu tnnifen, Loudon, 4al; I’ari-, fill*. other rat« of fordjju <9xchauge oroquoUsl (freuc*) Unrmauy (rulcbrnurkx), Jlol«iuru (franc*) Jlolburt (irulldera) KwiKerlatid (franca). Hwi jcn, Kortwy, cuid Dunmurlt (Vrouuri Au»lrU (imjtor tlurlua). CITVAKD COUNTY ftONDB. Chicago CHj 7 V cl. bonds.... I'»2\ k lot. Chicago City 7si ct. iawwogo. liu fc tut. Chicago City 7 V d. waturloau 101 k hit. Chicago City 7 Vct.cortldcaUu* k Ini. Chicago City (I IW k int. Cook County 1V ct. bond 103Jtffe Int. Wont Park 7 per cent bunds BASK STOCKS. Merchant*’ National. Jr'irwi National Bank, Fifth National Bank. Commercial National Bank, German National limit. Guru Bxrbanite National Dank, City National Bank Homo NaUuuai Bank, National Bank of llllnußi, HllnoU'XTuatauilHavln«a Bank |M .... Merchant* 1 BavUia*. Laua ami Tnwt Cu...!55 Ifio Union National Baim iao Union Btock-Vard National* Wile and Leather Bank. lIIBCIU.LINEOUB. Jltil. Atled. City Hallway, BoUth Blue, ex, dfv. UJIg 1W City Juilway, West bide ! .•>, City Hallway, North bide. ~,.10il Trader*’iuauranco Company, ex. dlv lIS ~... Chamber of Commerce, cx. div 7fl 7a Chicago Uu Light and Coku Company. dlv .... in lUilcauu & Oilumtt Dock Cumptuy. Chicago k NorthwcaUro gold bonda. IHillniku I’tUccOtr Ooiunaxiy CUlrlct of Columbia B.Ha, guaranteed by the United bUtea.,,., 12 7:) CxpoaiUou atock GO LATEST. NewYobk. July 31.—Quid weak, oj>enlug at llsXt Jiilluiug to and closing at lU;,. borrowing rate# l-£4£b |*r cent. Carrying, Loans weru also made liat. Governments irregular, but la tbo mala firmer at the close/ Railroad bonds active and higher. fiiate bomb* neglected. . Block* opened steady, then became firm, fill off lat*r, and *UU Utvr became active and strung, uUU VN'iiieru * locks leading tbo advance, Northwestern be ing In the van. During the early part of the afternoon a alight falling otf occurred In consequence of nothing further being beard from tho Northwestern Direct* irs la relation tp tbo tej>orl which Vas to be node pubUe tp-dsy. An affort was msOh In push Western I’nlon to flu* fore rn dispatches from l.nmli no' a fill In Hie dine! cable shar-s. ’Hie W.nliiu p|>>ck* wore finnan, nllliioinli Hie ac tivity and etiengthof llio market to-day extended to oilier shares which have m t participated In thn recent advance. The earning* of both Hie North*. stern and Ht. I'aiil Uvula nro Increasing largely, thn gain by the Norlhwi Morn averaging about |l(),i)0» per day for nearly * week part, J’a tfle Mail was the most ae live slock of (ho day. There was nn nmiMUlly-largs bu*lnr?* in small b is of Investment shares nl gener ally full prices. The whole market dosed Arm with n di*p>-aiilon In improvement. Transactions nt He* Kbic k Exchange nugregated 117,000 abates of which 34,'C0 woro Puclfle Mall, U.OOO Western Uiilnjj, IM.ii W Northwestern, 7.000 Ht. Paul, 0,000 Erie, U'.OIXJ bake Shore, nml 4,000 Union Pacific. Money market easy si li: prime mercantile paper, a v* Umdom* receipts, $ lU,O(M. The AxMitMit Treasurer dillmrsrd |2‘o.(','o. ihciirlmts t:>.i.()on,f)oo. Sterling ordniißobanker*' lolls H' .ftS’V- , TiKday 1 * steamers for lluro; eto >k out fJ.'.0.000 In gold coin, nml In sllmt. Two hundred nml idly thousand dollar* lu gold coin, Intended for ship ment, wsa witbdrvu , ixutjjt n»xn*. ,ln I C.iiijioiis, *M llftTi lit ! New lift lotlpOft*, *B|. (.’OU|>Otl*, li.t, Coupons, Mi. Coupons, M 3. .Ct'Vj J i’M'ft, regular 110 1 1: i |t*-f'n, roii|’(in* tin i). >v.. 1 17 > t'urrcucy on 12 iy t ttrxrK itnnM. T'*nnM*i'o f*. 0M.,. »V* I VtnMnU Tf Toiiijfouo r.H, nt»v. I l .' 1 * | Muiourl On luo# Virginia »*, aid | Cnn Coupons,'hi STOCKS, Western Union Tel.. HJfa i New Jersey Central.. UN'*' Pa* me Mall ;».!'« | JU-k Island nr.,s, A lams Kxprcss I’4\ i SI. Paul hiI*- 1 * - Wclls-Fargo hi , Ht.lMul p|*l I'al American... | Wabash 6’i UniUd States 44 [ Wabash pfd... Now York Central. ..Ift't'f 1 Fort Wayne 9^'f Uric la >, { Trrrn Uauta 4 Krlopfd id Terre Haute pfd Id Harlem M 4 Chicago k Alton 10.t» 4 ' Harlem pfd Id j Chtrngo A: Alton pfd.lo7** Michigan Central.... i:TVj I Uhlo U Mississippi .. 'iJC Union Par, stuck < 4 '« | Indiana Central. lb I), Lake Shore f" ,T i < Chi., lltrr. k Qnlnrjr.ll:! Illinois Central urt'-; | Hannibal A hi. Joo. ‘it*/ (Hot. k llttsburg,,.. hi | Del., lack It WU liu.^ Northwestern 4'J% Atbntle & Pac. Tel.. ‘iU Northwestern pfd... .Vi | Central Par., ir.l I ,' Ckve.,Cia. k. C 01... It | Uulou Pac. bond*....liUS REAL ESTATE. The following insUumonta wore fllud for record Wednesday, July -1: cirr I'lMrnrvrr. West Taylor st, n u cor of May si, s f, 22x125 ft, dated July Hi $ 2,500 West Thirteenth-place, Jita ft e of Wood si, a f, "Uvi ft. ilatrd Aj rll 1U 1,300 North LaSalle *t, n e cor of Locust nt, w f, r>ux ir.f-i ft. dated -July 20 P.flOO Crawford nv, u nnd near JllversUlo boulevard, enllm Lot'J. dated JulyO 8,000 Michigan av, 230 ft a of Tliirlj-fuiirlli st, w f, 6'ixU.t 7* 111 ft; also Oakwuod boulevard. 227 • ft \v of Vincennes av, n f, 2 rOiIJA T v ft. dated July 1 (Ausoti A. Blgrlow to Jane (I. Kay).30,000 Michigan av, I'Ht. ft n of Twcnty-llnd *l, of, 2'i171 ft, withtmlMltiga,dated July 2.) (Will lam V. Kay to Emma A. Blgrlow) 30,000 Kholto st, aw cor of Uood It, of, 25x1)0 ft, dated June 17 4,000 Fig st, 4t>s ft oof Ashland av, e f, 2U124 ft, dated July 21 1,000 Orovetand court, w of Vlnrennc.s av, n f, Oox 100 ft. dated Inly « 6,000 West Chlmgo nv, sw cor of Kodzle av, 10 arms, dated July 17 8,000 blue Island av, 114 ft aw of Fifteenth ht, nwf, 24x12U ft, dated July 21 1,000 auuTii or citv i.imith. within a uadius or 7 milxs or corin-iinnwK. Niagara It. so rnr of Wallace st, nf, 4rtxl2"> ft. dated June 2(1 $ COO av, 172 ft u of Forty-fourth *t, of, 43,'* ft to alley, with barn lot, dated July lu.. 2,730 COM The following were tin the leading articles of pre twenty-four hours eudln morning, and for tho com i;.o,;imi ran.u •JO.JM Flour. brl"., bu. Corn, bu, ityt!, bu I. 11-rlcy, bu i Cl.OiH 3,OH' Grass seed, It.s, Flat rood, ItH, Cured meats.lts! !27,::rM liccf, brla | Fork, brU. ,Lard, Ibri. Tallow, lin | UUtttT. lbs ■ CU,U Uvehog*, No,.| 11,877 Cattle, No 4,rtM Hheep, No I rtA7 Hides, lbs | 197,'Jiil Hlghwlnee, brls| DM Wool, Ibfl, C3C.4 >1 POtutCIH, bu... I,.'•%*> I.mntpv, .No, ft, 7,8*<2,0T) Shingles, N0... a,f.Hj,o(i' Uib, No Wl.otW Halt. Iris ->8 Poultry, 0*..;. 2«f»j Poultry. coops,. li* I’fißß, pkg.i 7 U> Cheese. btH.... B.'jy i Drisl fruits, lbs 24, Ml Gr’uapj lev,brio Deans, bn Withdrawn from store yesterday for city con sumption ; 312 bu'wheat, 2,273 bu corn, 2,5.di bu oaht, 1,93 d tall lurley. Tho following grain waa Inspected Into store on Wednesday morning: 19 cars No. 1 spring, 1M cars No. 3 do, Cd cam No. 3 do, 14 cant rejected do, 2 cars no grado do (24A wheal); 3 ram No. 1 corn, 69 car* high mixed do, 319 ram Ko. 2 do, 109 cam rejected do, '.’s cars no grade do (till • corn); 8 cam No. 3 onto, 6- ears rejected do; 1 car no grado do (14 oats); 1 car No. 3 barley. Total, 071 cum, or 25d,000 bu. In spoi led out: 200,719 bu wheat, 192,951 bu corn, O.UG bu oaf*, 310 bu ryo, Thb receipts of (lie articles enumerated below for the week ending .Tidy 17 were: Sugars, 1,017,110 lb*; strops, 101,000 Hs* ; codec. 237,299 tl.s ; tea, 1,397,742 Its ; coitus, 4,903 IU ; tobacco, 203,143 ll*. The loading produce markets wore generally active slid stronger, buoyancy in provisions being added to a higher range in ILo principal coeval*. The European advices wore »o very much encouraging to holders as to cause a further advance In tho face of a lower gold premium, and a rise of y t o in lake freights. The crop advices from tbo other side show that buyers held otf os lung as tin y could, seeing our markets in a de pressed condition because of (heir reticence, and hoping for rtlll lower prices. There was » decided overrating of European alecks ou Lund, and, when it became certain that (he coming harvest will not bo so iHiuntjfui as bad bees oz|>oc(ed, they discover that there is a considerable shortage which mint bo supplied before (buy can ovail them selves of their new crops. Their granaries are com paratively bare, as a consequence of tbo baud to mouth policy which has characterized their conduct for sev eral mouths post. The stocks now ou tbo way thither will help materially, and may prove to bu so nearly suillcieut for present wants u to enable them to fight otf a further advance for the present. Ourowu crop prospecta ato good, audit now teems probable that Ihu depression of the past (wo years, in all branches of industry iu the United Slate*, will be removed by our ability to market largo quantities of gram at good prices. .BWS’CWJW . or. (.«ii't . 40’iQft 41 >| .sHJ>,*(«9l2V< The first cargo of wheat hlili»|xhl from this city on direct order lo Uurmauy wu forwarded ou Monday lout by Hcckel k Uoecubaimi. It Is billed through to Auiwcrii. Hitherto the requirements of (Jernuuy have been chlelty filled from England aud llusslo. waa about •• much animation In tba dry goods market ok could reasonably bo uapocted at thla •dagu of thn season. Tho demiud la strictly lu accord ance with current requirements, buyers evincing no tm liiuilim to autlcijutto want*. Prices remain steady, Thu grocery trade woe moderately active, and aiido fn>m a slightly easier feeling in coffees the auverat limn were tinnly held. flutter continues iu good lo ra) and shipping d*-mand amt remains firm, under light supplha, Clursn waa cosier, lu rfe.pons« to a decllni! at the seaboard. No changes were mado in the quotations of dried fruits and canned goods. Fish were active and tlrin,thu tendency iu mackerel being upward, Coal waa dull. Wood was lu good demand ut the recent dcdlne. Tha oil market was quoted quid, wilh turi>cuUno and carbon ollering at lower liflcca. Lard oil waa stronger, tugging was firm Svlth a.tendency 10 advsDcc. UQ k tut. A*knl, , ias r ,IW ...! .100 u.. 1 ‘Lumber was active and steady. The prospects for a prosperous fall trade are brightening, and the yard dealers arc preparing fur ttieh uu event by increasing their assortments of lumber. No udvtm-u has oc curred, but nutty grades of lumber are firm, aud all uro much steadier than they want ten days ago. Drugs and chemical* weru quiet and unchanged, except niorpbiuu was easier* and there is a alight itruspuci of an advance lu qululuv. Balt was active aud steady. Thu wool market was without material change. Umall orders are flllod at the currant figures, but the general market is slow and weak, broom-corn wu strong, owing to reports that the new crop hod sutfervU seriously during the recent heavy rains. Heeds were Inactive and nominally unchanged. Timothy buy was lu demand to UU orders, and firm miller limited offerings. I’ralrls wee quiet. Tha receipts of new bay uu wsgoua aro now liberal, and the local dealers get their supplies to a large ex tent from this ,iourcc. Hides w«ro duU and weak. Urevu fruits were gcuersUy plentiful, aud berries, ■apples, aud pears Were eaeier, Vegeta bios were lu , vxceesiTu supply and weak, especially now potatoes. IKS', Pniiltry ami engi were alow nml lower. ItOfl I’lumruTS—Were active on pork ami excited- Iy higher all round. Hogs were in good supply for thn season, but quoted stronger, ami Liverpool madetho unuiual advinrnof land per Hi j:.n on lard, while ynrk was 1* higher there, ami New York waa stronger all round, These report* did not romp In, however, (111 after our adv.uieo bad boon e*tal>llah n d, am) the local niovcmuut was chiefly duo to thn buoyancy In breadaluffs, The abort Interest In pork I* * very largo one, ami Hie dock* of meat* nro low, with a good consuming demand for (hn latter. Them- fart*, with the advtncfi In the quoted value* of grain, made the abort* think it lime to fill In, and the comp llilon among buyer* forced up price*. The speculative article* were relatively weak, after the order* had nil liven Ailed. Mk»» I’oiik—Wub qulie active, and advanced Arte pep l-rl during Hie llr*l hour, under an urgent demand from lbi> short Interest, then fell back and cloned higher Hun on Iboprevion*evening. Halo* weni report ed <d a'U brls cash id |Jil.iki ; h/A'.ii Prls seller August at tlt'.'-ftaiO.R.’j and I *4,uiH» brl* seller September at fld.DO (•• Total, Sti.Mio brl*. The market dosed rather tanu* at fje. io.i Al.d > forcnsli; fy i.;;n for Augu»t; fdd.« r»o for September; nml immlndlyat |17...*17,mi seller Hu' year. JlUra pilme pork wiw quoied at ilt>.iM(£ I.siin—Was relatively qnlvt, but advanced jut lut I! s. In sympathy witli |'ork, lieitig str.'liglv held with n light demand. Halea were reported of i.h>)o ten seller July at in.Ml; !,i.-.0 ten seller August at fPl.ftiiiß M. ll '; i.'i' Ole« Boiler Heptomlwr »l fia.TOj-1 i.Hii; nti<l •:.u Us seller tho year nl Tulal,.Visl tes. The market closed llrm at |lil. .O cash or eel Ur August; fl;i.Hd Bdlcr SeptcmWr ; and nominally at Mr.Aia— In very good demand, nml ',(■! ye per 1?> holier, witli eoinparathcly little on the market, even at (tin advance. Hales went reporloil of ;l,(i t 'Ud Ilit* shoulders, nt *V? cash, and Mseller Ho|dember; -.0.0JJ lie* short rlb'.ol U seller August, and 13V,c seller Heptrmber; vu boxes summer on at 11S e • and AO tea •umnior Hweel pickled hums (Ift Ike) at lie. Tbe market closed at H.yc for shoulders, eash or seller August, ami B\c for do seller Heplember; for long clear*, rash or suiter August, mid do teller Hcidsmber; 11, c for abort ribs, curb or teller August, ami li'.c fur do seller HfptcmlHT; PJ'.c for short clears, cash or seller August, and l‘i‘,l) for do taller Bepletnlier. Uoxeil nnuli >.,<! higher than the price for luoeo lots. boug aid short clear, boxed, riuoled at 1 lie, nml long rut bams at i’iV<iM3o, Bum* mer-cureil Kiiglish meats, H'te for shoulders, loose; 110 (or CumberUuds, Imu-d; ll ,e for long clear* do: ami tl \c fur short rlb< do; swcrbpbkbd hams, 17 lb* avotftgu, ll'jidfie. llacou meats quoted at 11(41.10 for hams, uve tor shoulders, li’ 4 c for short riba, sud Hie for sliort elears—all parked, OurAsi:—Was quirt at 7(4lUc. 11KEF I’ll'JDUl.TH—Wore quiet and nominally un changed at #4.23 for mesa; fj.'Ai for extra mcea: and |U.i Oo»'2ll.ou for hams. Tallow—Quoted at H*;c far packer’s. FLOlin—Was in hotter demand, both on local and shipping uc.'oimt, especially the latter, the recent ad vance la Europe having enabl 'd shippers to meet tho views of holders, though tho latter a»kcd a little higher figures, to '.orresiKind partially with tho further rise in wheat, blocks are rcporced light, and tho offerings were rather small. Halos were reported of IUO brta winters on private terms; :i,250 brla spring extras, partly at |','A'(*tO.OO ; and 400 brls spring superfine* at |4.IH>. Total, 3,73U brta, The market closed at tho fol lowing rungo of prices: Clinico winter extras, $(5.7.V$ 7.80 ; common to good do, (-VI.*.W; choice spring extra*, SVsH<J3.73; fair do, shipping grades, s3j2*tf r*'3,37.V: Minnesota, fbODQO.SO; patent springs, fC.:o t<iß,(K>; spring supcrfincs, JJ. jye Hour, ffi.Sd. 15iiAN—-Was qntet and timer, being quoted scarce. Bales were M tons at $13,25 on track, and |15.2.'(<51&.3U frto on board. Cohn-Miia l—Wo quote at s.l,7J'd3.47'tf per hr! for good, and f lo.Mk.C'i'.OJ per ton fur cuano. bales wuro 20 tun* at $27.u0 on track. WHEAT—Was again active and very irregular. The market rose abovo the highest point touched on Tuesday, and closed 4o higher than on Tuesday oven lug. Tho English telegrams reported heavy rains la the British Isles and higher prices, and Now York was quoted up, while tho receipts litre were smaller, and tho aspect of tho skies foreboded another storm. •These things outweighed tho effect of tho crop re ports from thu Northwest published yesterday, and made tho early fouling a buoyant one, there being a good many orders on tho Hour to buy. Most of (Lotto wern Pitvcul.illvc, however, tho bulk of thu freight room taken being sold tu he for com, and the hulk of the ontars had been filled before noun. The market then llagged, and afterwards weakened antler numer ous utters to sell, sumo from tho local shorts, and others on country account. But the demand returned towards 1 o’clock, and tho market dosed strung. Minnesota o|N-raturs were free sellers, as for two or three days past. Indicating that thu crops llioro arc satis factory, whatever they may bo on tho other aide of tho Atlantic, or wuat may have been tho effect of the re cent storms in the Northwest, It really scorned as though tho British markets are only beginning to be wakened upon Umsnbjucl. Mark Lane advanced Is tld per quarter, and with that comes tho announce ment, “ Every market is so scantily supplied that wo seem to be on tho borders of exhaustion.'* They will imdonbtidly want a great deal of our wheat yet to supply present deficiencies, inaddilioit to what is on thu way. With a scanty crop of wheat, and a wet potato season, which means a poor yield of that rout, Ureal Bntiau must bo a good customer for cereals during tho next harvest year, and that means good prices hero, even if onr crop should Ihj fully up to tho average. It was understood that there were several shipping orders on tho Hair yesterday, but most of them worn limited to figures at which thoy could not bo filled, though some were honored, and the inquiry In New York was so good that $1.35 was bid (hers for Chicago No. 2. Keller August opened at 11.17, advanced to $1.21 (■;, declined to U.l'j;,, and rcio to $1.21, closing atsl.2U*f. Keller September *uld at $1.1'(91.1U, clos ing at II.IH*; ; and seller thu year at, Seiler the month, or regular No. 2 spring, sold u( $1.12 V-'. 1.23, closing at $1.2.’, with no marked prefer ence for fresh receipts. Cush sales were reported of 5,000 bu No. I spring at do at sl.lU'i(u)l.23 ; 17,(500 bu No. 3 do at y.i'iOU bu rejected do at |l.o<k4l.o7J< ; aud 1,000 bu hy sample at H.uuqklJ o>tf, Total, 2)3,200 bu. Minnesota Wheat—Was In urgent demand, and 4(.rt}c higher, owing to a rather light supply. Kales wore 24,000 hit ut |1.2 i.i 1.23 for No. 1, aud $1,21(41,25 for No. 2. IERCIAL e receipts nnd shipments of uduco In this city during the i ft at 7 o'clock on Wednesday •expending date one year ago: ] 1874. jj 1875. | 1874. 1 4/ia» I 0,40;j‘ 3,3*:0 u.'.iai'i lon.ajil 73,7-10 ; Ml.ooi 1-7:1,071 | 11.3-HI) 30,0*1 13,400 . I 40Si :i,’i 1 1..V.-0/ iM I.C.T. 4fl,iooj n,3CUj P/280’ “*V,(’i9» "181,VW) 6.7001 733,147 960,770 | Uo, JM> 4311 3IJ 11, COO 112, 078 74.820 :i,700 «2.a:.0l 168,34;' 33.60; 00,1.79 8,310 fl.itni; f>,415 3,4001 1 117 l,an7 S7« 160,876 317,1G0 139,35.7' 433,740 4,710| 4,943,000! 3,071,3178 3 410,471 :»,T7;M»,"4!0, 1,303.00') 977,000 30J,(VK)| 300,0'«l| 101,060 3,000! 3,315 3,713 1114.018 191,915 7()l 301 lßi 4!M r.c.'j U)g I,»U 3,0H) 3s 203 COttN—Was fairly active, and UfWljtfc higher, un der a generally good demand, though Iho market waa klow m times. Liverpool win strong and New York tinner, wuihi-our receipts were not so large, and sym pathy with wheat loud ml to cause strength, the situa tion in Europ* favoring a good demand fur corn there. The shipping inquiry here was very good, and freight room Was auld to havn been engaged for nearly 350,(J1N1 bu, though It Is moro than |KM*lble that some of It will 1)0 idled with wheat. The shipment of corn at present Is believed to bs dune by local holders, there tielng Iltllo New England demand at present, and not a great one lor Europe. A bad (wtato crop means an iu creased consumption of com, but not Immwllately. The people consume the )>oiatocs tint, so as to sue them from signing, and then fall back ou Iho corn, f<ocal shorts were free buyers yesterday, believing that ths buoyant touo of wheat would eauns a permanent Improvement in tbo other grain. Seiler August opened at 73 1 ,c, advanced to 79c. and closed at 74 l ,c. Seller September sold at 73*4(3 IStfc, closing at 74 V* Heller tbo year sold at 59c. Seller tha month, or cash No, 3, sold at 73>; 74*4r, closing at 74 ifc, ana high mixed and gllt-udgod receipts of No. 2 closed at 74k,'c. Cash sulos wars reported of 41,9*0 bu high mixed at 74*474750 { 257,499 1m No. 2at 73(474*40 j 61,200 bu rejected at 71(<r.720 ; 6,009 bu by sample at 5K41i10; and «99 bu ears at 7oc, Tutal, 370,49* bu. OATS—M'cro less active and coder, except for July, which averaged **c higher. Tho trading In seller tbo month wu chlclly In scttlomout, and under a com paratively fair Inquiry July.sdv.mnKl *4O, The other optluua wore rath.-r quiet and easier, though they ad vanced early owing tothu presence of several buyers with orders; then receded In sympathy with New York, and later closed tinner In company with that market. Tho tine weather woe also favorable for tho new crops, and led many (o think (he recent reports of damage to tbo groin were exaggerated; or that at least tha injury was not extensive enough to make any ssrluua dllfcrenco iu tho crop, especially sa it Is an minimally heavy uuo. Ht Her August opened at 39»4«, sold down to 39>;r, then to 49'fc, ami closed at 4i>t4 40',c. Heller Hcptvmber auld at .H7).«i3B'fD, closing at 37*40. Bellor July sold at 69*47450*41*, closing at so 14c. Oash Ko. 2at the same m July. Hales: 10,2*0 bu Ko. aat 1. roJecU-J nt 4Tc; 1,*09 bu white at 63.>iSSu: 3,MW liu by samplo at 6-iys7>4C. Tutsi, 17,400 bu. UYK—Was oiUet and stronger, in sympathy with other grain. Thera wuro orders ou the door for o]>< Ilona, , Lul tiio otfcriugs were light, and sellers worn asking higher figures than buy ers weru wilting to pay, though they raised (heir blila Imju. Heller August was quoted at buyers, with sellers at (Me. Hoptembcr wm quoted at ilk'. Cash was quiet at 11.92 *1.93 fur No. 2. A aale of now rye was reported at nSc on track. Hales I 090 bu in small lots at $1.92; 499 bu new by •ample, at KBO ou track. UAUldtY—Waa quiet and easy, (hough stronger (hau at (hr close Tuesday evening. 'Tha mitrings for Hop teinher were larger, and the tew buyers present held otf fur lower figure*. Belter Heptcmbor oi>eued at ft.97, then sold at $1.90)4, and $1.90, closing at tho last named price. Heller October waa quoted at $1,04(31.95. Cash barley waa unquotable. In tba afternoon meaa nork wea active, and 10rrfl7jtfe lower at |‘.aM7)stf»'Jo. , J0 for Augnat, and |‘io l .»7>.. I (4‘AMO for Heptemlier. Balus: 7,710 brls at |‘JO.I7XQ>»<OS for August, S.mi.37V<*VO.OU for September. Lard waa quiet and coaler, with sales of 750 lea at 113.68 for August, and 5U.7j913.80 for Heplenibcr. Whsat was In active damaud and very firm in eym paihy wltu the foreign market*. I'rlcea rapidly ad vanced ove under limited uiferluga, and closed above the figures at 1 o’clock. Holler August sold at and closed at sl,‘.fiHi(4l,‘J3>«. Heller B<*i* lam bar auld at lUutHil.'Jo*. claalog at fl.U;,«t.Vtl. Beller July aold at Corn was stronger early but ollerwarda declined, closing a ahade Iwiier than ou ’Change, Heller August sold at 7t^(>fc7l I 4C, and closed at li\UUUc. belter bopumber dosed at 73^e. Oati went %'c higher, closing at tO\e for Angaet, and usi«c for September, Keller the year sold at 300. IHrley was stronger sarly, telling at fl.uflw, aud dosing at sl.o*l. ft «u rumored that a vassal had Uen wheat to buffalo at ia. OENERAL MARKETS. * ALCOHOD—' Wag quiet and firm at $1.30,3X31. UUUUM-COKS—Manufacturer* are buylug from baud to aioutb, and traUu lu tbo aggregate is about as good as dealers es)>ect at Ibis time lu the season, Astern parties are buying more, as U attested by the larger shipments of Uto past few days, lbs weakufts the cirrcAco tuuujjne: tiiijumiay, .hilt 22, 1875. PROVISIONS. DREADSTUFFS. observed a few days ago hi* Riven place to flrmne** In ruim-quenr.* of the reception of now* from the Bur lltiglou mhl Illinois Central Railroad districts tn the effort (hat the crop In those unctions ha* boon aerloualy damaged by wot weather. In some Holds It lias horn fontul to lm impossible to cultivate Iho corn, tn.l the weeds have got theatart so that it I* feared there wilt be a large falling off In (ho yield. Wn quote: Hood to choice hurl, 12>}(413»bos bm«h that will work Itself Into a cholco hurl broom. ll)*(413r; fair to good do, lu>f(dllo{ Inferior Lruah, HV(t'j\'c; crooked. DUTTKB--Was In light supply, and for anything tU for Hu* table Iho market wan unqualifiedly Arm. Low and inrdiuni grades were in demand for shipment Fast, and there warn also ordora here fruit) the I’acllta coast. Wo repeat our quotations : Choice to fancy yellow, 2Cuf2sc ; medium to good grades, 190180; inferior to common, Ift* Ho. BAGGlNG—Huslnrss ehowg gradual improvement, and price* of grain-bag* are ateadlly hardening. Wo quote: mark, 31c; XxjwMou, alto; Monlaup, 300; American A, 28,trfo; Arm>*kesg,2A\'c; Otter (’reek, TJc; burlap bag*,4 lm, tiles, single, ISuilOc; do double, 250200; wool lacks, 9ftrf92e. CIIEC9E—The “break w «t the East hat bad the ef fect ui weaken the views of holder*, and there waa some shading of price* all around. Wo drop our In aldo a \c, aa follows: Hood to prime factory at UH4 ll,Se; lowergratlo*ato<4i>c. COAL—Order* wore for small amounts, and were promptly tilled at the range of price* following: Lacks wjun*,; caiinet, $*.00(41l.(Hl; Hocking Val ley, fii.W; Indiana block. $0.00(43.60 ; Illinois, f*.GO (49.00. imt’Oß AND CHEMICALS—A fair order hualncßi was reported at the current prices, Tiio only notable change was a decline lu morphine, Quinine in Arm. Quotations: Arid citric, P-, $1.2501.00; acid,tartaric, powdered, lb, BCraftOc; ammonia, < &rl>, 25 .<3oc; nxle groate.doi,. $1,50(41,39; boras, ref,, lb, lOotlSc; blue vitriol, tb. lArt-Ucjeroam tartar,purs, lb, 4HiasPc; coch ineal, lloml., Ib, ttft<tß3o; chloroform, lb, (1.2V4 1.30; glycsrlue, lib hulk, It), 20030 c; gum arable, picked, 30075 c; gum arable, aorta, 2VWc; gum camphor, lb, 28030 c; gum u]>luni, tb, s7.odup7,W; gum shellac, lb, >3 done; lodine, tb, suli>li H oz, $5.(Hn 5.10; oil, castor, $1.2501,60 per gal; do, lemon, $9,0i)(45.R0 ; jMiltasa, ehlor, Hi, 3d-439i; ; potAsalnm, lod,, lb, |.i.‘i6«t3,50; quinine, sulpln, oz, $2.3502.40; red procipt, lb, $1.23(41.3d; rout tplcae, powd., Ib, $1,30(^1,76; root rhul., B. 1.. powd„ lb, $1.23(41,R0; sal epaom. Ib, 2\<430; silver, crytt., oz, $1.10(41.13; soap, Castile, gen., Ib., 10014 c; sulphur, Ib, 4* 4 (4(ic: sassafras bark, 14(418c. EGGS— Retailers aro buying only to meet dally wants, nnd price* are Tory Irregular owing to the fact that a largo proportion of the slock is out of enter. Candled bite are quoted At lJitf(4HQc. and aaloe of other packages havo been inado at Hid Uj^o. FlßH—New mackerel has made 1U appearance in the market, hut prices aro not fairly established. The “catch “1* reported light and higher pricca will very likely prevail. Cod, herring, and lako flsh were steady and tlrm. Trado was active. No, 1 Whitehall, J4*brl, No. a do, $4.73(44.88; No. 1 trout, $3.31Kd3,73: No, 1 shore mackerel, new, ys brl, $9,23cV3,30; No. I bay, so.f4K4i;.7.*>; No. 2 maca crcl, ,V brl, family mackerel, >4 brl, |4,7rtfi<3,o(>; No. 1 shore kit*, $1.4301.30; bank codfish, $3,501*5.78; George’s codfish, $3.730(1.<iU: summer-cured cod, $0,7500,00; Labrador herring aplli, hrls, iv.tAc.H.Ub: do X-brl, sl.oUrd4,T>; I*U>ra dor herring, round, brl, $7.UX47.‘45; do 3,70; scaled herring, per box, 43.445 c; Columbia Liver salmon. V-brl, $3.00ii(0.&0. FUUITB ANH NOTH—The market was devoid of new feature*. There was a quiet movement at steady price*. We continue to quote: Foiieion—Dates, fl\(.j iHgc; figs, drums, flg*, layers, H<4lso; Turkish prunes, HlfiaiHL'c; French prunes, 12«t 14c; rnislns, layers, $2,411(42.30; looho Muscalel, $3.70(4 3.K5; Valcuela, 10^(>au> 4 c ; Zanto currants, citron, 27y.2H0; lemon peel, Domestic—Aldcu aj.tdee, 17v« ll’c; Michigan apple*, 7.Vo*c; Indiana and Illinois, 6'-,'ist7o;poaches, liafvos, ftb(d'J l fc; do,mixed, gumfec; do, pared, Ih<42oc; blaeUborrlcs, H« 4 (49Vc; raspberries, 2tKf43ou; pitted cherrlea, 23i42.5e. Not*— Filberts, O0luu; almonds, Tcrragoua, 2i;«(4220; No pu« vralmits,l4(<iTsu;Grenoble walnuts, 12(413o; Bra zils, 7({(4rnßc; porans, Texas, 12’.,(i(,13c; Wllmlngluti peanuts Tomicsseo peanuts, African peanuts, B,V(aCc. UIIKKN FUUlTß—Native varieties were slow and easy, duopl peaches. Lorries wore plontlfuland lower. Quotnlloim; Orangrs, {7/i1H48.5(i per box; lemons, $4.0009.00; black raspberries, $J.75 p«r case of It) qts; do red,|l.3Uoi.oo per case of 13 *|tH; blackberries. $3.75(44.01 per case; currauls, 7Sc(4sl.Uo ;>er cose of Id <jt« ; peaches. 73c(0;1.5i) per nox or basket; apples, 2(1 (rfsoc |H>r t>ox; jieaffl, sl,(XK'vl.‘A3; blueherrlc*. SI.OO (43.60 jwp bn ; water-melons, 52.0U02.79 jwr <loz. Cal ifornia Bartlett pc<uw, $7.0007.00 per box ; do plums, Sd.OU box. UUUCEIUE3—TIio decline in gold has weakened the price of colTcos, and our quotatlous of lilu grades were reduced a *<c. Hugars continue active and strong, Ulce, nlrupH, and motusios were also moving freely at fully former quotations, Hptces wore dull, with cloves selling 2c lower. We revise our list os follows: Hick—llangoon, 0*4(37)40; Carolina, 7/4(38)40. Louisians, 7ji(<i'Bo. Cornet*—O, U. Java. 33)«R3l;<c; Java, No. 2,31 (931 Vc; choice to fancy 1110, 23 }.((X 2.P4C; good to prime do, 2J l .'rn‘ , 23Vc; common to fair,2l ■4Q| , . I *2»<c: roasting, 2U'- t (fl,vlc; Singapore Java, 25<3200; Costa Itlca, 72 (a‘JJJ<c; Maracaibo, 21(a.26c. ' Hmians—Patent cut loaf, ll*,'tfl2e; crushed and powdered, ll^i>sll*46l granulated, 11*1(411)40; A, Htandurd, do No. 2,10,* e c; B, luuc; extra O, HP,c; 0 No. 2, 10' k (4lU,Vfo; yellow, O No. I,9*;® u**c; choice brown, U)f('<>9);o; fair to prime do, 8' 4 «a{io; common do, 7i*(«i8 l <0! choice molasses sugar,common to good do, Tt^iii-Hi^c, bmt't’S—Diamond drljis, extra flue, 03i905c; good sugar-house sirup, GUta,ssa; extra do, Coi>(63c ; New Orleans molasses, choice, now, <3 <i 7Gc; do prime, OU->.700; do common to good, 55(4 000 ; Porto Itico molasses, fiCkiSSo; common mo lasses, 40r>r44c; blackstrap, 340435 c. Brier.*—Allspice, 15*4(gl0\c; cloves,‘4i’(24Bc: cas fda.3o-a3‘jo;itoppcr,2l(32l*<o ; nutmegs, $L25<31.30; Calcutta ginger, 10)<(>U6)4c. Boars—True Blue, Otic; German Mottled,o*f®7c; White Lily. C.Vr.iOxc; white Iloso, oJ4(3Uj<c; Uavou lm]>crial, Co; Coition West. 4%; (46c, HAY—Timothy was wanted to (1)1 orders, and, being scarce, ruled firm. Prairie was quiet. Now hay is now fuming in frtoly on wagons, and Is generally preferred to old by local buyers. It Is useless to press new hay and soud It forward before It has gone through tbu sweat, an the hay very soon becomes hot and worthless, and uo one will buy 1U Instances oro already reported where now pressed hay has been scot In and disposed of at a heavy loss to the shipper. Wo quote: No, 1 timothy, 118.00®KUO 5 No. 2 do, |17.i;&ii17.60; mixed do, |15.50(»il0.U0; prime upland prairie, slo.«Mt7.uu 5 No. 1 do. SlQ.OOta 16,60; No, 2, or slough. 19.00td12.00 ; now prairie hay, loose ou wagons, SIU.OO<&I3'.UU per ton ; do timothy, JlS.OtXalO.oo. HIGHWINEB—Were actlvo and firm at the quota tion of several days post, though Now York was quoted easier, the advance In corn making holders strong In their views. Bales were reported of 800 brts at I. >7 per gallon. T. O. Boyd & Co., of New York, roper' die stocks in the United HUlesat something un der 30.U00 brls, with no change during last week In the late of production. HIDES—Wore la moderate request st recent prices. Thu market is not firm st (he rocont decline, but the receipts are light, and a further drop is not likely to occur immediately. Wo quote: Green city butchers', 5)4 c; green cured light and heavy, 7)40; greon calf, 12)4«5 dry Hint blues, kip and calf, ir.os dry salted hides, U).j(3J3o; deacon Hkius, 4.7 c. Hides with one grub and over are classed ss damaged. Damaged stock brings two-thirds prices, and branded HI pur cent AIT. OJLH—Carbon tu a lower, IIS (eat declining to U)tfc, aud 15(» tout to A redaction of lo lu lur- I'OUtlae vu also noted. Other olla were without quot able change; though lard vaa decidedly firmer, owing to the enhanced coat of the raw material. We now quote: Carbon (itamUrd white), 110 deg. teat, UVo; do llllnoU legal teat, Ifld dog., laitfo; do headlight, 175 Uog„ 10)i($17c; extra winter lard oil,; No 1, vowuio; No. 3. bu@s3c! liniocd, raw, o‘ic; do boiled, 670; whale, 7A£ hOc ; sperm, $3.36(43.40; noatifoot oil, itrlctly pure, SI.l-041.7W; do, extra, $1.00; do No. 1. Wo ; bank oil, 66c; straits, flic; plumbago oil, CUftTSe; turpentine, SiuSlc; naphtha, 03 gravity, naphtha. com* iduii, l3'«l3Kc. POULTRY—ChIeVona were In moderate request and easy. The offering* were not large, but thu weather waa hot and uncomfortable for thu birds lu coope, hence prices favored buyers. Other poultry was about out nf tho market: Turkey*, Italic; chickens, old, $1.1)0(41,25: do, spring, si.7s(&j,oJ per dox; small do. *3.0091.50. HERDS—Were Inactive,'except timothy, which sold at |'1.U1 1 !<(43.7U. Quotations : Timothy, $1.3093.7(15 Hungarian, 7(MBucj clover, $7.00(47.25; flax, *1,65 5 buckwheat, Bs(4‘J3c, HALT—Was active and steady: Saginaw, Onondaga, and Canada tine, $1,50 ; ordinary conns, $1.70; dairy, without bags, $2.76; dairy, with bogs, $3.60; Ashton dairy, per sack, SI,OO. TEAS—A fair business was in progma, and the mar ket was stuady aud item aa previously quoted ; (luh- I’owutjj Mofi'KC—Choice to fancy, $1.00(41,10; good to prime, 70(48U0{ common to good. 4l>o<|soc; Wngsuey, ctiulce, 7o(4BOc; fair to good, 6004000 ] common, U5(4400, Impkuial Moxume—Oholceto fancy, huquoo; good to prime, U)A7Uo; common, 30i44U0; liugsnvy choice, iUo476a; lair to good, 60(400c: common, 309400. Jafam— Choice to fancy, new, 00935 c; do fully fair to iirlme, 70*?,75c: choice to fancy old, 70(dBOo; good to prime, do, 539060; common, 36940 c; Oou>Mo—Choice to fancy, eOcgll.OU; good to prime, 609700; common, 30940 c. WOOD—There was a fair emount'of orders for beech end maplo, at *0.60 fur the former, and at $7,63 for the Utter, delivered. VKAI-—Was lu fair supply end euy at 4i^Bc. VE(JETAIILE4—Were lower, Potatoes wore in heavy supply, with thu demand light aud confined to very choice rtpu offerings; New potatoes, $1.5093,36 per brl; green com, 15935 c i«r dot; tomaloee, 20930 c per box; Uoulhurn colons, $.1.00(49.35 per brL . WOOL—Manufacturers are ordering for immediate coneumpllon, medium grades being chiefly in request, btriclly prime tub-waahad U quoted e little higher, being in limited (lock. The Eastern markets ere rw< l«‘ftcd dull and weak under liberal receipts, aud luo absence of any demand other than that from manu facturers, who are buying, as e role, from baud to mouth. Quotations: Tub-washed, etrlctly prime. 63 (<*ssc: doi<oortu good. 4CK448«; washed fleece, flue, 3«<441c; ifo medium,4lM43tf| do coarse, JA<44ocj un washed, duo heavy to light, 25i436ut ao medium, W 4433 c; do coarse, 90<43J0. LUMBER. The wholesale market waa active yaaterday and firm. The oßartng* were light, not etceeding 19 cargoei, nearly all of which were taken by local dealer* before noon, Joiitsknd acautUng advanced 360 per m ft, ■tailing to arrive at f8.23, and other gradea wore firm in »ympathy. Vard dealer* era In the market buying to iu* kup for the fall trade. The promUa of abundant crop* throughout the Northeast and the probability that the farmer* will obUlu fair.price* for their prod* ucU U the main cauae of the better fading la the market, for good crop* and price* mean a large dumaud for lumber. The advance la grala freight*, by nerving to stiffen the rates for lumber, al«o (oiitlhutcH In make (ho market Arm. Boards nud strips were s>d I at s‘.MK'(*H'.(’o, and quoted at $3.50(4 13."0. hath were linn at ft.6o, and shingles sternly at |i.( Ralea: Cargo eehrM. Colllna, from Oconto, 240 m atrip* and boards at S9,W ; lath, $1,(10. Canto tchr Kxpre**, from Monantlque, 1( 0 m strips and hoarda. at $10.00; 70 in Norway strip* and Ituanls, at $.(.00. Bold hr lllanuharil,liorland ft Co. The yard trade continues active, and the general market la linn, The advancu In dimension lumber albiat la likely In )e followed by an Advance at Iho yards, aa many length* are already scune, and Iho quantity coming Into port 1* comparatively nmall. Foliowlngare the quotations: First clear $45.00(416.0.1 Herond clear. 1 hieh to 2 loch 4:1.00413.00 Third cicir. I Inch 3d.'HK4(7.00 Third clear, thick :i.*.00;*40.(Kl Clear flooring. Ist and 2d, rough.. bc.ini Clear aiding, let and second I'.'.DOfdiO.Oit First common aiding in.oc^n.oi) Flooring, Ural common, drrssod 30.00 * 82,n0 Flooring, second common, dressed 2 '.00(424.00 Hoi hoards, A and II 25.00(.»:i7.00 A atock boards, lUand 12 lu 3:1.00037,00 H stock board* • 21.00*27.00 H stock hoard* 15,00(4115.00 Fencing (10 ft.) lll.lHK^ll.on Common imnhcr, in ft and under Joist* and scantling, ID to 24 ft lO.Onaia.oo l*ntli 1.711(4 2.00 Aehiugloa 2,00(4 !W0 LIVE STOCK. CUICMIO. CiilUe. Ilona. Sh'tp. .. -2,0(13 12,5(10 42.7 HtffipiA — Mniiduy Tuesday.... Wsdmwitiy., Totftl : H t 5S.% nn.luo fUm« time l»»t w«elf n.Hnn i.imij Weak bafure Uit 111,311 37,731 1,173 S/iwtnfiiU Monday Tueidiy. l.m 4.273 ],U7 C.OCtt CATTI.E— A somewhat larger volume of sales than on tlio day before was accomplished yesterday, but Ibis was due to greater willingness of holders to meet tbo Tlewa of buyer*, rather than to toy legitimate Increase la (be demand. Advices from the markets below, though not positively bad, wore not calculated to call out an acllro shipping demand, and bad It but been that the receipts showed a marked decrease, t general and decided depreciation In Tables must bare resulted. For Ant and second class cattle tbo market was nliout aloud/, bnt prices'Af common to good quail* ties were unsettled and Irregular, Trading was at $3.50(36,70, with most of tbo sales at $3.00(34.C0 for loxans; at SJ. for Stockers; at fJ.MKa4.23 for uatiTo butchers' stock; and at $4.c0<30,20 for common to eboleo shipping cattle, The oubtldo quotation was obtained In only a single Instance, viz; for fourteen head averaging 1,190 the. Alexander, Cassell k Co. were the salesmen. Tbo market closed quiet and steady at the quotations following: gOOTATIOKS. Extra Dema—Graded ateora, weighing 1,150 loI.MO 1U KJ.5030.7* Choice Hooves—Fine, fat, well formed 3 year to C> year old atuara, weighing I,‘iut to 1.400 lit ft.OOAC.U flood Ucovoa— WeU-fattcuod aleera, weigh* lug 1,150 (01/ro Iba 3.50(33,75 Medium Ondca—Stucralnffilrfletdi, weigh log l.ioy to 1,300 11* Dutchem’Stock—Poor to fair aloera. anu common to choice cows, for clljr slaughter. weighing »00 to 1,100 1ta.,.,, 3,60(31.50 Stock Caltlc—Cunmiuu catUc, weighing 700 tol,03(MI)S 3,00(34.00 Inferior— Light mid thin cows, heifers, Imlln, mid ucnUwair steers 9,8<H<?3.00 Toxsa Cattle—Through drove* 3,00(44.00 C.VtfLB SALKS. .Vumtcr ami tletcrivtwn, 14 extra slcer.i C'J extra steers.. 31 choice steers, 14 choice steers, 16 choice steers, 00 choice slocrs. 10 chulcu steers 1,422 o.i.t) 14fhuko steers.. |,2'.4 0.00 Gl cbulco steers 1,2110 n.25 43 extra steers 1,449 €.CS 10 choice steers |,;i35 6.20 14 choke steers 1,216 6.40 fil good Btoors 1,27u r>,lo «U good Htccra J,tnß 6.H5 17 medium steers 1,2-70 5.37)4 ac. medium steers l t ir>7 6.20 17 good Htccra 0.60 20 good steers 1,211 ' 6.40 32 Hitchers' ateera I,IU 4.37 X TO Tcxos cuttle 1,016 4 00 (2) Texas cuttle 1,053 4.00 U'J Texas cuttle. 1,0J6 4.ini 19 Texas caltlo... i.otl 4.00 21 Toxaa cattle 1,015 U. 75 11 Texas cattle 073 11,75 17 cows yii'J Jt.f.o 20 bntchcm'cow* 700 2,02)4 JH Texas cattle 1,012 4.110 17 Tcxaa cattle 4.00 123 Texas cattle WO 1.00 127 Toms cattle 950 4.00 HO Texas cattle 030 4,00 20 Texas cattle 812 3.40 lOTexas cattle 7H2 3.30 37 Texas catllo 820 3.25 ay Texas cattle J,041 0.40 HOUB—' The position of the hog market was much (ho iqme as ou the preceding days of the wdek. Local as well as Eastern buyers wore actively engaged, ami the moderate arrivals were absorbed about as fast as un loaded from the cars, at a further appreciation of 0f.4 l()o per 100 lbs. Hales of light weights were principally at $7.50Q7.(6, and of heavy ut s7.(Khti7.4o. Then were two sales at s7.7o,—both by Bentley h Johnston. Scalawags sold at $0.50(36.76. The market closed Him, with ail sold. itoo KALIS, .Vo. Av. PrittMio. dr. J’riftA 62.. $7.70 52....182 $7.55 124.. 7.70 45....106 7.55 08.. 7.65 48....171 7.55 69.. 7,68 50....217 7.55 21. ...207 7.01 45....107 7.55 83.. .102 7.03 86,...202 7.55 77.. 7.65 63....250 7.60 48.. ..101 7.06 21....330 7,55 80.. 7.06 118.... 229 7.40 90.. ..180 7.05 172.. .263 7.40 77.. 7.03 67....225 7.40 101.. 7.00 60...;*«( 7.40 C 2....176 7.001 01....208 7.00 33.. 7.00| 63....19J 7.6(1 C 1....172 7.00, 25....230 7.60 86.. 7.CU 42....141 7.00 42.. 7.00 47....189 7.CU 40.. ..DM 7.60 60....206 7.00 47.. 7.60 100,...208 7,00 60.. ..203 7.06 30....217 7.00 62.. 7.65 40....197 7.C0 101.. 7.051 70. ...184 7.30 61.. 7.05 01....202 7.80 90.. 7.05 71....299 7.80 63.. 7.65 3-1....271 7.00 61.. ..270 7.65 74....2VJ 7.25 48.. 1.65 32....272 7,30 6IIEEP—Were In fair demand to of the 1; ime trade, and sales were mi of the day before. We quote couu $3.60(34.75. I .Vo. Av, Prie*, 33.. *7.35 02. ...iU 1.23 21.. 319 7.35 10.. .'J73 7.110 39. ...203 7.33 47.. WO 7.‘.’8 34. ...399 7.20 2tf....3-*7 7.20 54.. 7.10 41.. 7.15 37.. 290 7.0U 101. ...297 7.:» 54.. 7.35 38.. 39A 7.35 31. ...283 7.80 37 6.MJ 3ti....240 7.00 107.. 7.25 80.. .375 7.00 UJ...2J1 7.28 ' 80....307 7. ,M » ) 85....370 7.28 J 84....3U0 7,80 *> 8U....370 7.80 M 30....308 7.:W 25 48...,3b0 7.38 IK) supply the wants id* at tbo advance uoa to choice at EAST LIHBBTY. East Libxbtt, July 31.—Cattle—Receipts to-day, 1.173 head, making 3,170 for tho two days past; ar rivals to-day all for aalo boro; the market baa been lively and tho demand good, but price* ire off fully *»o all arouml; quality ranging from good to common] (teat, $0.75(47.33; medium to good, $.3.76«f1.76: common to fair, $1,13)4(35.60: bolts, $3.76(44.23; Texas, $3.00*34.00. Hons—Receipts today, 3,035 head, making 3,750 for two daya past; beat |7.00<A7.73; common, $7.4097.60. UnuF—Uecclpta to-day, f1,500 bead, making 13.200 for tbo two days; selling at $4.33(40.60. UOPFALO, , Buffalo, N. 7., July 3J,—Cattle—Uecclpta, 1.105; total fur the week, 8,343; market active, but weak at yesterday's quotation* ; a fav droves disposed of ala abode lower; about all offerings sold. Hiibkf amu Lauds—llecelpte, 3,000; total for tbo week, 10,100. Market actlro at yesterday's quotations for sheep: lambi Ji(4»tfooffj about all offering* aold. lloos— itecelvte, 1,7u0: total for the week, t»,oon; market dull; salable stock wauled ; no Yorkers offer ing ; lu fair demand at $7.60(37,75 ; a few heavy dis posed of at $7.50. ■T. LODI9. St. Loon, July 9t.—lloaa—Steady and firm; ahada hlghur; receipt*. 1,380 head: •lili>|>ern. tf1,70®7.00: bacon. ffi.80.41.105 butcher*’, 17.10&7.40. OarrLc—lnactive; lower for Tetana; good to prime native ataara.} fair, f9.4oftS.Bfl| medium, f4.MOM.IK)} choice 'icue, $1.87)4} good, $4.0004,35} fair, $3.4003.63; common to medium, $2.7009,1 D, . CINCINNATI. . CiwciMKATi, July2l.—llona—Light demand; hold era Arm; common, $7.00®7.16: light. $7,3007.83: extra butcher*’, 17.4007.4 ft | receipt*, 1,182, TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS. FOREIGN MARKETS. ltP4tU il Utwalik (a Th* Chiruyi TVUwss. Livxnroon, July 21—11 a, m.—Flouii—No, 9,32*1 No. 1, U3i. Oraim—Wheat—Winter, Ko, 3, B*6d;No. 1, 10el ■priog, No. 2, 0a 6d; No. 1, 10a; white, No. % lOe 3d; No. I,loa fid 1 club, No. 3,10 a td | No, I, lit. Corn, No. 3, £la 0J | No. 1, S4a 3d, Provisions—Pork, 74a. Lard, 68a Bd, Livkupool, July 31—3:00 p. m,—Protuiom—Lard, 60a. Pork, 75a, licit unchanged, LivrarooL, July 31—3:30 p. m.—DaxAorrurr*— ■Unchanged. Liverpool, July 31—0 p, m,—Ba**D*nJrr»—Cn ehangud. LivcurooL, July 91—0:39 p. m Oananatorra— Strong. Wheat—Winter, No. 3, Da lOd *, No. I,loa | ■priDf, No. a, 9a Id] No. I,lo* 3d; white. No. 3,10 a 0d; No. I,loafid| fiiub, No. 9,10a Tdj No. 1, 111. Lari>—file. Livbbfool, July 31— La teat.—Floor—Extra State and Wcatcra, 31a. (I BarK—Wheat—Noe. 1 to 9 apring, 9a 6dsloa 2d. Com—Mixed, 3)1 3d, Phoviiiun*—Pork—Western, Iftaj KaiUrn, Bfta. Beef—American, 73* Od. Cumberland middle*, 111, Lard—American, 60a. tinuaa—Firm; American, Hat Tallow—American, 41a. ■ Petroled ix—lie fined, Dd j aplrlta, T)f d. London, July 21,—TRn Bans o» £gaLA*D— l Tba amount of bullion that baa gnus into tho Sank of England on bahmolo-day U XJIT.noo, Consols—Moling ami account, <J4 7-1(5, llNirin fltATti Bonus—Mi, 107,1* j B7a, 107#; 10* 40a, 109# ; new Be, 10.1#. American Railroad flEcnntma—Now York Cen tral, 03 } Erie, 13# ; preferred, 39. . I’ATUB, Jltly 31.—RENTES—«3f, Frankfort, July 31.—United State* Bondi—B2a, os*,'. Antwerp, July 21.—Petroleum—33#i, OO3TON WOOL MARKET. Boston, July 31.—W00l generally unchanged; de mand fair from tutnufaeturera; price* now compara tively alcady at the low figure* previously noticed for floe wool*; inodlum lloocea amloomblut and delaine ficecr* are in demand, and manufacturer* continue to purchase all available lota. Receipt* of new har# been conilderable. There Isa good alack on tho market} Ohio and Pennsylvania fleee«a,47#(34Bo for land XX, up to 600 for medium and Ho. 1 Michigan and Wtaoon ain flecoes ; 4£kjtlflo for X and medium combing and delaine fleeces ; S’a’.'Jc for washed, and 42(«i4fl#c for nnwaahed. inciuding Kentucky and medium un washed flococa at 37®t0c. EFFECT OF THE CROP NEWS ON THE BULLS AND BEARS. Krw York, July 31.—Tho movement In breadstuff* continue* to attract general attention, and, in fact* ha* become the great tuple of discussion In financial and business circle* especially. Crop accounts from lb* other side (Europe) continue unfavorable, and tho English and American market* are aollve and on tho advance. Chicago advice* wore very Interesting to day, and tho Quotations of breadstuff* in that market were received with at much interest on Walt street as they usually are at the Produce Exchange. NEW YORK DRY-GOODS MARKET. New York, July 31.—Ther* was a fairly active movement in some description! of cotton and wollon goods, shirts and drawers, and fancy hosiery, Bleach ed shirtings vero more active, but outslda makes aro selling low. Cheviots aro in steady request. Ameri can dark, fancy print* opened at B#e, Colton flan nels were in good demand, and Kentucky Joans and repellents were more active. THE PRODUCE MARKETS. NEW YORK, SrtcM nitpalrh to I ht r/.l'utfo jyihum. New York, July 21.—Grain—'Wheal—Market 2030 better, with ft moderate export and borne trade do maud ; aalca of bu at $1.3131,118 for No. 2 Chi cago and Northwcetcrn; $1.4(1 for No. 2 Milwaukee; $1.43(41.45 for No, 1 spring ; $1.48 for No. 1 Hbeboy gau; $1.3231.41 for ungraded lowa and Minnesota spring; $1,41u51,43 for winter red Western; $1,443 1,15 for amber do, amt $1.4201,48 for while Wcitoru; alio HO,(XW bu No. 1 Minnesota, to arrive In August, at $1.43(91.40. Rye firm at 04f<f£M5c for Oneida In bond, and $1.10*41,12 for Slate. Corn 2o bolter; aalca of 154,000 bu at 873800 fur atoam Western mixed { 800 for tail do; 85c for soft Weatqru mixed,and 87,'e'c for Western mixed Inatoro. Oats a shade Arm* or; sales of 38,000 1m at 52003 c for mlxod Western, and C2(,cj070 for white Western. I’noviHio.Ns—Middles Unu at 13X C for city long clear. Lard quiet; sales of 100 tea st 13?* o for now prime ■team. 4.75(35.23 Wniairr—Market quiet at $1.21 per gat. Groceries—Hugar— Market unchanged; fair to good refining quoted at 7';i£B 3-lflc, prime at «V°» and Nos. 10 and 12 Havana at SL'QB’f o. Rico In moderate nv queat; steady prices; Carolina quoted at 7‘a380 ior fair to prime, and Uaugoun at $2.7502,87, vln gold, lit bond, (lolTco—Market firm; fair demand ; wo quote 1110 at lugold, and Maracaibo at 2ljf3 22>Jo lu gold. fToth* Attof(aled Priii.] Av. f*riet. .1,4.10 $0.70 1,;U0 0.60 .1,200 o.:io New York, July 21.—Floor—Demand fair, and prices bavo advanced; receipts, 15,000 brla; superfine Utatu add Western, $5,25(45.70; common to good extra, $5.23@G.35; good to choice, $>1,4035,80; white wheat extra, $5.8037.50; extra Ohio, fj.1037.75; 81. Louie, $0.2538.50, Uyo dour very firm; $3.0000.00, Coiin-Mkal— Advancing; $4.0<)34.50. Guaih —Wheat excited and higher; receipts. 51,000 bu; No, 2 Chicago spring, $1.5431.(15; No. 2 Milwau kee. $1.40; No, U do, $1.:)h; No. 2 Northwestern, $1.34 31.05 ; No. 1 spring, $1.4931.40; ungradoa lowa and Minnesota spring, 11.J2; winter rod Western, $1,410 1,44; smbor do, $1,4531.45 ; while do, $1.35,‘» Rye— Demand fair; market llrm; Canada lu bond, 1H38.70; Slate, $1.15. Harley nominal; malt quiet but firm. Corn—Demand fair, and prices bavo advanced ; re ceipts, 83,000 bu; Western mixed, steam, HTOBUcj do sail, 88(8 Oats firmer; receipts, 33,000 on; 523 Clc • white do, 523570. •Villi 0.37 .I.WW C.'JO , 1,4(fl 0,40 Grooebum—Bugur firmer; fair to good refining, 7?««48J4o: prime, 8 5-IOc; refined quiet Muscovado, B.<io, Molasses quiet, but firm. Kiuo quiet, but steady. Petroleum—Market dull and easier; refined, 10’* 3lU!£c; crude, s®s.‘ic, Provisions— Firmer. Pork. $21.00; August, $20.90 321.00; Hoptember, $21.00321.10. Heef sud cut meats quiet.* Dry salted shoulders, Me, tlerced ; pickled bams, middles quiet; short clear middles, city, PJLc, Lard excited and firmer; prime steam, 14o ; cash, 13o ; August, 1313-lCo ; September, 1315-1U 014 *;c. Hotter— Firmer; Western, 133230. Kuos— Heavy ; Western, UO.'j’Jlo. Cheese— Unchanged. WutsKT—Market dull at $1.71. Leatiieh—Market dull; hemlock sole, Buenos Ayres,and Itlo Qruml light middles and heavy weights, 2r0390; California do. 35027 c; common do, a3O 20 sc. Wool—Heavy; domeetle fleece, 60@03o; pulled, 300520; unwashed, 15031 c. Metals—Manufactured cooper steady; ingot lake firm at $22.87X('t20.0ti. Inm—Scotch and pig quirt and unchanged; American dull at $22.00027.00: Ruacia sheeting, $14.00. iu gold. Nulla—Cut, $3,25(4 2.&U; clinch, $5.00(50.50; horseshoe, No. 8, $20.00 (£35.00. BiLTiaonE, July 21.—Ftnun—Active and nn cliuugod. Cl bain—Wheat strong; active and higher; No. 1 Western amber, $1,45; No. 3 do, $1.12; No. 1 West* cru rod, $1.44: No. 2 do, $1,4101.12. Cora—Western excited and higher; Western mixed, 80X C - Oats quiet but Arm; Western white, 630O4o; Western mixed, C2o. Uyo firmer; 51.0uA1.03. Hit—Doll; Pennsylvania and Maryland, $21,003 30.00. PaormoKß—Quiet, but firm. ■ Pork, $31.00. Bulk meats steady; shoulders, 0c; clear rib, 12'fc0l2>{O. Bacon firm; shoulders, VJjAlOcg clear rib, Li.'ic; hams, ll(gl4Wc* Lard quiet and steady: retlued, $11.60. . Bumtn—Firm; Western extras, 23024 c; firsts, 10 33t0. Putboleou—Nominal; crude, 4Xo*7fo; refined, lIX®HX C - Covfee—Quiet, but strong; nio cargoes. 17X® 19120; jobbing, 17X03OXe. Wuuax—Quiet and steady at $1.3103,23. MEW OBLEAMH. New Obleams, July 21.—HUOAK—Steady; good Job bing demand; good common, BXo; low fair, «X 0 Nothing doing; quoted at 400700. Flouu—Quiet and firm; superfine, $1.60; tingle extra, $4.76; double,ss,oo: treble, $5.2503.73 ; choice and family, $0,0007.26. Obaih—Corn firm at 07096 c. Oats quiet at 74c. Buam—Dull; DOcAtl.Ou. Hat—Dull; choice, $25.00. OorriE—Active sod Arm; 1003O^c, Pbuvuioms—Pork firmer; mess held at $31,600 33,00. Dry salt shoulders quiet at Do. Bacon stronger t prime, l)Vo, lax, lave. .llsms—Sugar cured scarce at 13H0PU<c. Lord dull; Jobbing Usrca, UX°» keg, U? 4 'c. Codn Meal—Quiet; $3.80. Bt. Louis, Joly 31.—Floub—Higher, but nther unsettled ; superfine fall, $1.0004.25 J extra fall, $4.38 ($4.65 ; double extra fall, $1.70<4.Vi5 ; treble extra fall, |j,3505.78 s faintly winter, $0.0007.00. tiiuiN—Wheat active and higher; No. 3 red winter, $1.35 cash; t1.31X01.32 August; $1.53X01,53 Bap umber. Corn higher ; No. 3,68k005W0 cash; 700 7uxc August; 710730 September. Oats—Higher: COWOOIo cosh; 39039X0 August. I'KOVisloM—Pork higher; $20.03X030.70 cash ] s2u,<>2X July. Lard firmer; held higher; summer. 13a sakod. Bulk meats firmer ; hold higher; shoulders, BXO ; clear rib, llXo; clear, 13l<o, Bacon higher; Irregular; shoulders, &Xc] clear rib, 12X012J»o; clear, 130131*0. Wuisey—Market dull at sl.lß. ItKCBU-ra—Flour, 1,000 Iris: wheat, 33,000 bu; tors, 13,000 bu; oats, l.uOobu. PHILADELPHIA. PfIILADXLPDIA, July 91,—FLOUB—flOOd demand } extras, $1.99(94.79; Wisconsin ami Minnesota extras, (a.0.75; state, Ohio, and Indiana, $0.00^0.75; high grades, $7.00(47.91), obaim— Wheat firmly held; leaa active j red, $1.37(4 1,38; amber, $1,31J«31.40. Corn—Wanted; mixed Western, 880 ; ysUow, 68q*8!)o, Oats moderatsly act* Ivo t white, 04(4(170; mixed, Ole. Petholeum—Nominal ; refined, 10KQ10?{o; crude, BWc. whiiet—lron-bound, held at 11,99 for Wastarn. Sskds—Clover, choice, $13.00. Timothy, 99.C0A 3.35. llun«»— Steady 1 Mew York and Bradford County extras, ‘iMtflWc: firsts, 49*a340: Western extras, 310 390; Western firsts. ltg£9Uu j rolls, extras, 19(4180, Cuxsss—Quiet i Western firm at lO^lo^o; prune, Cincinnati, July 31.—Flou*—Firm and no chang ed. (1 baix—Wheat fair and advanced; red,sl.4o<ai.i3, Guru quiet *nil study at 79m4T4c. Oats quiet and Arm at 98i4t110. Uye scarce and firm at $1.30. PnovnuoNs—Pork fair | advanced to $90.00 snot and buyer July; $90.95 do August, Lard (air and firm; steam, Uko; kettle, I4ke; summer, 11K(4li\c. hulk insais quiet and firm; shoulders. 8>jo; ctur rib, 11 Vo spot aud buyer July; clear, 13k* Ilscun quiet aud firm at OVftl'lMMMiie. Wuhkt—Fair aud firm at sl.lO. Eooe—Steady aud unchanged. liUTTXß— Steady and unchanged. Cueuk—Firm and unchanged. Linsxju) mu Lakh Oil—Quiet and unchanged. TOLEDO. Tolxdo, July 41.—Flop*— Fair and firm. Uuum—Wheat active i white Michigan. $1.441 am ber do. $1.8*1; August. il.aow;b«ptembar.|lJl: Mo. 9 red, $1.35; (August, SI.MJg; September, $1.85. Corn active and higher; high-mixed, lifcej August, 7Ti,o 1 Beptsmber, 9Bc; low-mixed, 770, Gate dull; No. 3, BiH ; September, 40jf; Michigan, September, 40 uo. UttiM—Scares aud wanted, I7)f o. La** FußWata—uawego dull; 5s for wheat. BmtPTft-rinur, nonet wheat, 3,000 bu: com M.oiitvim; mite, 7,ni)3bn, 1 orn » HuiPMKHrH—Klnur, ft,non brls; wheat, 0,000 b„, com, l.ouobu; oali, H.niHi bn. *• MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee. wis., July ‘.'l,—Flour—Scarce and firm, ami biubor. Grain—Wheat eiclled and holier; No. 1 MllwimUn. 5 No. 3, $1,37# } August, (1.34 V, Corn pxcllp.l and higher; Ho. 3, Me. Oals higher; No. 3 tin ll trlry unsettled nml lower ; No. 3, Hcptcmbir. 11 to Ityn dull ami iiotnltial j oOc. 1 * Provisions— Higher. Mean pork, (30,21 ca*h. Lard HWi4l(c, • Fiiiiuiirfl—To DulTale, wheal, 3e; to Oswego, «iy- Receipts— Flour, 600 brls; wheat, H)3,l)iNl bu, ** HuiDMtMTt—Flour, 300 bria; wheat, 71,000 bu. PiTTnnunn. ITrTanonti, July ai.-UnaiN-Wheat iinseltlM. Fonuaylvatila and Ohio rod Quoted at |L:i3ftl.:<s • ... * ber and while. |i.35(41.:i9. Corn in light aum.i*, Quoted at 75(47Hr, as to Quality, *• 1 * 1 * I'K.rmtLßUM—Quiet oud stovlyt crude. (1.01 v u Parkert; refined, 10»;c, Philadelphia delivery. * AnntviD—prop Charle* Bolts, Mtulslee, IturdHr* barge Harmony, Manlatco, lumber; etmr Corona, Bl| Jo, sundries ; prop Mueaengor, HI. Jo, aundric*; atnir Chicago. Manitowoc, atmdrlca; prop fltarucca, Buff*, 10, sundries ; prop Moonmlnco, Muskegon, sundries* •cow Granger, Bt. Paul’* Pier, wood; achr MyrtleJ Muskegon, lumber; achr Henry Folgcr, Cleveland coal; prop tienrgo Dunbar, Muskegon, lumber! barge Cditoat, Muskegon, lumber ; prop Arabia, Dufl falo, sundries; achr Kale Qillett, Hay City, tel. poles • achr Thomas O. Wilson, Benton Harbor, lumber; arhr Adriatic, Muskegon, lumber; achr Tricolor, Holbml, lumber! *chr Australia, Muskegon, lumber; achr Lumberman, Black lllvcr, lumber; achr Guide EMou's Pier, bark; achr Uncoln Dali, Muskegon,' lumber ; schr Anioakcag, Ford lllvcr, lumber ; prop James Fisk, Jr., Buffalo, sundrica ; sebr Joses, Hul. land, bark ; schr Frank Crawford, Muskegon, lum ber; achr Pauline, Muskegon, lumltcr; schr Minnie Rliwaon, Menominee, lumber: achr MsJ. N, 11. Forrr While Lake, lumber, ' Clkaiikd—Schr M. O. Wikoi, Port Collmme, 33,401 bu corn 5 schr Grace A. Chnnnon, Ugdcnsbnrg, 1u,17l bu whonl; achr Lofrtnicr, Buffalo, 37,000 bu corn* schr L. Doak, Hi. Jo, 00 kegs boer: schr Kalo Kelly' Kingston, 1(1,000 bu wheal; i*]ir Mediator. Port Col borne, 17,010 bu coni; prop D. W, Huai, Buffalo, 45,500 bu com; bark Harvey BlasoH, Bufffdo, :i4.»5j 1m corn; schr Brooklyn, KlngHlon, 35,000 hu corn • sflir H. V. Bruce, Buffalo, 60,000 bn corn 5 sebr North! west. Buffalo, 30,000 bu corn ; schr Homer, Buffalo, 31,000 bu whuat; prop Uhnrlcs Holtz, Manistee, 10 bria flour, B bria pork, 10 bria bocf, and sundries ; stn.r Coruna, St. Jo, 40 kega beer, and aumlrlcis ; prop Mco senger, Benton Hiirbur, 4 brls pork, and sundries; stmr Chicago, Manitowoc, 30 bale* broom-corn, 74 bdls hldrs, :w pells, 10 brls potatoes, and sundries. Niout Clraiunckb— Htmr Chins, Erie and Buffalo, 30,C00 bu wheat, 1,5u0 brls flour. OUbdlspolU, and sun. dries; prop Tocutnsch, Port Colborne, 31,110 bu wheat • stmr Monomlneo, Muakcgun, 4 brls porh, 0 brls l«of, and sundries 5 schr Mary A. Gregory. Fish Greek, 3 brls pork, 4 brls beef, and sundries; schr G. W. Adam«, Buffalo, 77,000 bu corn; prop Cuyahoga, Duluth, 3w bu oats, 4JO brls flour, 3U bits i<ork, nml sundries; prop D, W. Powers. Port Golborno, 1H.3H0 bu wheal; bargeG, D, Iliifull, Buffalo, IM.VOO bu corn; prop Itoanokc, Buffalo, 11,00(1 bu corn. 33,00u bu oats, fui brls flour, filH) brls pork, 3UO boxes bacou, 173 bdls pelts, and sundries. Cleveland, July 21,—A mooting of the Eiccullra Oommlttcoof the International Hoard of Lake Under writers waa held hero to-day at the Kcunanl House, It waa resolved that the entire cargo and hull tarllTa <if 1875 l>e restored, to tube oiTcct from the 22d hint. Af. ter transacting some other husiuots of minor Import tauco, the meeting adjourned. Freights woro active and firm at an advance of x<*. vessels being token at Uo fur corn to Buffalo, and for wheat to Port Oollwruo. Thu charters wore: To Buffalo— Hcbrs Northwest,' Golden Fleece, Mean, J, Fnfgo, N, K, Fnlrbsnk; burgra Massillon and A. It. Mohs, corn nl 3c; prop Arabia, corn through, and prop* J, Fisk and Hlarnu'ca, wheat, corn and imls through; achr Übhlo Nun (small vessel), cum at To Port Uulburu' I —Uchr li. W, Powers, wheat at 3**o- To bat ula—John Pridgcun, corn through. Capacity—Bso,WO bu corn; 48,000 bu wheat, and let,COO bu oats. CLEVELAND. The following charters wero made on the 10th: Rlmt Inler-Uccaa and consort Argonaut, C.'.o irao; achr 8. H. Foster, samo figure; achrs Montcalm. Bentley, and and Sophia Minch, cool to Chicago at 700 free; achr Monterey, coal, Ashtabula to Chicago, 7Uc free. On the 19th, vessels wore scarce; shippers offering COo per ton on coal to Lake Michigan porta, and car Hera asking 70e. They refuse to load for anything leas, and consequently nearly all vessels clear light, Charters: Bchr Walter 1). Allen, coal from Ashtabula to Chicago at 70c per ton; adits Lvlyno Hatesand WUUazu il (inter, alone to Clovolaud on contract. i>(t)Ki(cA la Tht CMeaijo Trtbuni. Post Huron, Mich., July 21.—Pissed Dowir—Prop* Huron City, Mohawk, Colorado, Alpena and consort, Fletcher and consort; achrs Onward, Leonard, Han nah, ntpiKigrltf, Donaldson, Fayette Brawn, Arabia, Davidson, Libia Parsons, O. 0. King. Passed Ur—Props Pacific, Keweenaw, Oily of Fori Huron and consort: achr* Angus Smith, 11. A. Kent, Morning Star, Pride of America, Sweetheart, Jane Hell, Oorrllt Muir, Wind—Northeast, gentle. Wkatbeb—Fine. Post Uubum, Mich., July 21—10:40 p. m.—Down- Props Arctic. Manitoba, J. 8. Nay, and consort, Cliouncy Hurlbtil and consort; schrs ZacU Chandler, City of the Htrails, Watertown, Hattie Wells, Stampede, Yankee Blade, Magellan, Ht. Lawrence, Thomas Par* sons, David Vance, John Koilerhouse. Lotus, Clayton Bello, S. H. Kimball, Delaware. Ur—Props Wrstford, Ucotla No. 3, Holland, Prairie State; schr Fostorla. < BALTIMORE. Winn—South, gentle; weather fine. The little scow Dixie was cousamod by fire while lying alongside of the dock below Bt. Clair last night. She was cut adrift, and burned to the water’s edge. The barge Huron, which U to be converted Into a dry-dock, will have 3 feet added to her aides, and. when completed, will lake In ths largest «•*— of vessels. ILLINOIS & MICHIGAN CANAL. Diudoepobt, July 31.—CLeiBxn—prop Montaok, Lockport, 09,400 ft lumber; Ontario, Peoria. 01,131 ft lumber, 11,600 lath; Leviathan, Peoria, 80,809 fl lumber, 3,000 lath; Merchant, LaSalle. 53,330 ft lain* her,WW posts; prop Jack Robertson, Hennepin. 38,000 ft lumber. Only three or four lumber-laden vessels remained at the market last evening. ...None of the Teasels that ar rived here yesterday saw any traces of the misting balloon....The schr William Jones, which was report ed missing by several papers, was unloading her cargo of atone at Muskegon last Monday,,., The schr Pam lico, on her way from England to this city, has not yst boon heard from, though she is now ont forty-three days. OapL John PrlndlvlUe, her owner, says bu is not at all alarm ed aa to her safety, she having taken » souther ly course, which would take . considerable time at this season of the year....Tbs •chr Flying Mist is being repaired et the new yard near Clark street bridge. Tue Flying Mist U tbs vessel which had two collisions in Lake Michigan a short time ago. and lost tho son of one of her owners overboard Mr. Bnrco Miller, of the Chicago Dry- Dock Company, has been confined (o bis house by sickness during the last few days. He is, however, expected to Im out again in a day or two KitfU stve preparation* for next Saturday's yacht race srs being made, and 14 yachts have already been entered, two more than took pert In the race last Saturday. Boveral of Goodrich’s steamers. Paxton’s prop Mes senger, and the excursion boat Ben Drake will ran ex cursions to the race, which laics place from the urns place as that of last week. It is hoped that the weather will he propitious this time. BT. LOUIS. Btrmto, N. Y., July 41.—A (digram Juit recall from Port Col bo rue slates thst tho «chr Dan Marble inning a leak and aank this morning, 9 miles east of Long Point, in about *5 fathoms of water. Tbs crow escaped In a yawlboat, was picked up by . the scbr Mt, Blanc, and landed oa Long Point, from whence (be schr Sterling brought then to this port. The Marble la an old craft, and was bound from Buffalo to Detroit with 800 tons of coal Capt, 0. Talbot, a part owner, arrived here (bis even* lug with the clock under hta arm, being all the futtl tura aaved by blip. Us says the Teasel is partially In sured. The schr J. B. Webber, bound from Vermillion to fluffalo with block-stone,sprung*look,and wasrou ulo Falrport, 0., to-day, about fl p. m. The tug Not ion, with a steam pump, went from here to her assUt- The Commission, consisting of Capls, Dobbins sod Lent, the builder, Craig, and others, examined ths wreck of the Chicago hoard of Trade to-day. They found botes lb tho water-closet pipe, as has beta stated. CINCINNATI. MISCELLANEOUS^ Is sa dlnstraUou of tba wear of the Welland Csfial On vessels, it Is said that the schr Polly M.- Jloger* recently dry-docked at Milwaukee, bad bur bridge planks worn down to An loch sod even less, neceultat lug tbdr removal and replacement. ...Tbe ferry-b«*f Detroit, of the Detroit and Sandwich Hue, collided with the schr lues, one of the tow of vessels U>uJ laksu up stream by tbe tug-boat Clara. Tus force of tba collision broke tbe tow-line ana Migrated (he fleet. The damage done tin lues is slight. Fsfty dollars will probably cover It. Home difficulty was experienced Ingottlug tho seal' leredtow lu shape. Bo stye the Detroit rV« rvrii. ....The Cleveland i/rrahl states that the scow Ju“ tt cspslxad off Madison Dock, being struck by a sudden squall, tiapt. Melton of tbs schr B. 11. Foster, re ports seeing a vesasl iu dlatrsas aud buys to Sunday afternoon and Inqulr* * ■ * any aaiistauoo could be ren dered. Tboee on t* •• stated (hat they were all right sud uuukl get lUtra, The ahr Undine earns aloug after aud took off the woman . <k aud ou* M tbs saaiueu aud brought them to Buffai MARINE. PORT OF CHICAGO, JULY 21. MARINE INSURANCE. LAKE FREIGHTS CiIICAUO. PORT HURON ITEMS. LAKE MICHIGAN, cutcaoo. LAKE ERIE. nurrALO. „ Srteia l t>hpal<h M TA» CAlmm JWtohs,