Newspaper Page Text
16 THE CITY. GENERAL NEWS. North Bide Hebrew Congregation (Chebra Seneaaa Israel) held their first regular Sabbath service at No. 40 Clyboam avenue yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. i The temperature yesterday m observed by Maoa-ee, optician, 88 Madieon street (Tbxbuhx Building), was, at Ba. J 8 deg.; 10 a. 84 ; X 2 m., 83 i 3 p. m., 91 ; Bp. m., 83. John Hartford, a young man 19 years old, was drowned in Mud Lake, between the railroad bridge and tbe Bridewell, about 4 o'clock yester , day afternoon, while bathing. His home was at No. 242 Coolidge street. v About 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning, while Henry Post, acarpentor,>aa repairinga transom (Window at No. 182 North Clark street, be fell ' •upon the light of glass and received some severe cots about his head and face. * Special Agent of tbe Treasury Department , Sail Is again in this city looking up facta and figures relative to the appraisement of imported : goods, and will probably interview the leading importers here to ascertain their views on tbo ; subject of the unjust discrimination which the i New York importers would like to burden Chica go with. \ Mr, Selig of No. 283 North Clark street, at ▼hose tobacco store some cigars were recenilv ( seized on the ground that they were removed ‘from the place of manufacture without being properly stamped, states that tbe onlv fault on his cart was that the cigars were on the wrong shelf. The error was a technical one, involving . no fraud. Yesterday afternoon during the progress of Quinn's experiments with Boyton’a Ufe-pre eerring apparatus, two accidents occurred. *While some person was endeavoring to lift a keg ;of beer from Tim Bradley's yacht Fleowing into . tbe Water-Works crib, it fell and struck a Balti more gentleman on tbe head, making a severe gash. While the keeper of tbe crib and his wife were engaged in hoisting a small boat into the bnilding ono of tbe ropes caught one of the woman's fingers in such a manner as to tear it from tbe band. She was removed to the County Hospital for coxa. ) It seems that James E. Killer, the whisky-ring ’ martyr, haa been exposed to the attacks of a 1 man or men who have been dogging bis foot steps, bat these men are not known nor thought to be whisky men, or in the em ploy of the latter. An officer high in authority ears that Miller was shot by one of the parties who followed him, and that the wound in his : arm is snfficient proof of the statement. Ho , will probably be crippled for life. Miller U stall ; at Waterford. Pa., and will return here when re- S aired by Court. There are other witnesses in io cases against the whisky-ring who are just as • important as Miller, and aho will appear when ' wanted. TOBIN. Mrs. Tobin was a wom&o, and like most of her sex, she wore the fashionable red and white striped hose. Ur. Tobin was a man, a hard working. honest mao. But when his mother-in law died, he celebrated down town. He ordered, beer and whisky straights, and sandwiches, and' wont to sleep. Then he woke up and encored' the orchestrion and was pat out. Row Tobin was naturally a homo man, end he started borne. But fate and bad whisky were against him, and he brought up against a harbor-pole. And the more he tried ’ to pass that barber-pole, tho more be cotildi.’t. After several efforts be backed up against a lamp-post to think. First bo thought of bis dead mother-in-law. Then of the music-hall policeman. And aftef a ehort soliloquy ha call ed out: “ M’riar.” No answer. *• M’riar To bin.*' Still no rcplv. After another short solil oquy ho muttered to himself; “Now what (Mam woman's that Jackin’ me ?” THE CKIAIi EXCHANGE. i A meeting of the coal dealeis was held yester day afternoon at tho Coal Exchange in Metro . poiitan Block. f The Secretary reported that the receipts of anthracite coal this year bad been 263.C60 tons; receipts last year to the same date, 243,618 tons; the apparent excess this year being about 17,000 tens. There had been received of bituminous coal this year 102,030 tons; last year, 144,317; leaving a deficiency.this year of 42.000 tons. The firm' of F. Schroeder & Son was. on mo tion. admitted to membership, and G. S. Hale was reinstated as a member. sir. C. H. Dyer stated that tho Committee of lour for making amendments to the Constitu tion had held no meeting. The report was therefore postponed for one week. Mr. Bobert l*aw stated that there were nu merous charitable institutions in the city which gave turn serious trouble from their import uni te. He therefore suggested that such institu tions be supplied at oet cost. On motion, a eem suttee of five consisting of Messrs. Law, Hoole, Golbnre, Evan, and Hatheway, was ap pointed to determine bow much coal shall be demanded from each dealer, and at what price. The meeting then adjourned. sankey’s letter. The following is the letter from Banker found oo the man Clark who has just been sent to an insane aajlom on the order of the Criminal Court » Tnrz, Oct. G.—Dzan Brotheb Cxjlbk : Ton 'Brill thick strange to get a letter from ,mo, so fsr away. Bat still 1 hope jon will not hive forgotten that you have a friend over the sea, nay, more than one, for Brother Moody has not forgotten you, We hope you are quite well this summer. I thought I would have been starting for home by this time, but the work of the Lord it eo great in our meet* lugs that w« dare not leave it now. They want as aQ over England, We do stay too long in one We lave been here seven weeks, and the work la just com menced. I like old England very much—the people are very kind—but still, I love America better. We may not get away before next year, but I trust God will blees the work in Chicago; and when the new church is ready we will be glad to get M and have some good ola-faahioned meetings there. I am con vinced that the hand of the Lord to in this matter. So we will Juat go on and tell and sing the sweet story of Jeeafi’ love, Give my love to all dear friecds who ask about the absent singer. Give my kind regards to Mrs. Wilson, if you sec her. I will write to them all as aoou as I can get time. May tho Lord bless you, dear brother, and should wo not meot again on earth, we will meet In Heaven. iiour brother. INQUEST ox mbs. GEORGE. The inquest on tbo body of Mrs. George, who died from the effects of a wound inflicted by •Mts. Sacksteder Friday night, was held at tbo Axmorv yesterday afternoon. The first witness was the accused (Mrs. Sacksteder) herself, who an ado substantially the same statement as was published in yesterday’s Tribune. Dr. Hooper, who was next examined, stated that deceased died from the effects of a out in the jugular vein, evidently caused by a penknife, and that about a gallon of blood was found in her chest. George B. Sacksteder, husband of the mur deress. testified as to the quarrel which occurred between his wife and deceased. He tried to pacify them but without effect, and be know nothing more until he was orrrestod and was told that Mrs. George was dead The jury then retired, and after an absence of ten minutes delivered tbo following verdict: 44 We find that Elizabeth George came to her death by a wound inflicted by a kuife in the hands of Maty Sacksteder. We therefore rec ommend that Mary Sacksteder be committed to the Grand Jury.*’ The husband of accused was discharged. PERSONA!* Archdeacon Gilson, of Stafford, England, is a prominent arrival at the Tremoot House. The Bev. A. T. Piejsm, of Detroit, is at the Tremont House. Jlemrß. Louis and Charles G. Dyer, sous of Dr. IlTet, left town Uat evening. The former roos to resume his studies at Oxford CoUece. and the latter goes to Venice, Italy. . „ hotil ABSIVALS. MtSbcSJ; J. f; arTi ‘- Col. r. Cramer, OAlo ; G. E. MerchtoLlSw^S 66 . 1 *?/ ■C. Porklna. Providence; p. n. Coll^CtadSSu’• j' A. Harris, Pittsburg; TV, ftteomPhiiL delphla..., Tmnont Houle— T. en, Glasgow: E. W. Denver, yew “S' W. J. Spicer. Buffalo; A. T. Pleraon, D D Dairofi • |.O.Bddw?n, Quincy ; F. W. re*"few* j’ B- Filbiso, Bafteio ; A. H. G*w, C. B. Child*? Lodl don; K.S.BottoncuilO, Detroit; Charle* BidwelL Peori* ; John a. Miner, Sandusky; Jay D. Oidr Bnfl f*lo; G. M. Gilbert, Sioux City Palmer i/otur—W P. Kellogg, Detroit; H. C. Miller, Fort M»di*cm ;C* a, Mann, Philadelphia; George J. Kew York • T. Volfe, Louisville; C. C, Paine, New York • C, A. lake. St, Charles; James Calef* New York; James L. Breese, Sew York* H. B. Ktson, Troy; Theodore Ransom. Detroit; Max Meyer. Omaha; James Q. Freeman. Arizona; 8. W, Pickering, Now York; W. fl. Cobb, Cincinnati; W. D Van Blarcam, St. Louis; E. B. Eliots. WsaUngton.. .* Grand Pan nr—Robert Stewart, Baltimore; Thomas B. Patton, Pliliadglplila; w. C, Wilkinson, Snrimz hrfd; F. D. Borthet. New York: W. G. Balhntine, Bipon; J. K. Miller, Chiliioothe; F. Jones, St. Louis: OL B. Dimcnd, Jr., Philadelphia; T, H. Peton, Erie; H*xy Addama, Helena; F. D. GravM, Micldgan. MRS. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. inTra fsoai db. it. j. pattehsoit. ft&e'Bdffer of The Chitzoo TrJmno Batavia, Hi„ Aug. 23.—1 t is no fault of mine *BSt the sad case of Mrs. Lincoln has been again Skill the papers of the land. But now that to many incorrect statements have been made, I dawn it proper to correct some of them. On the 19th of May laet, Mn. Lincoln, being In court, wu declared “ insane, and a fit subject for treatment in & State Hospital for the In sane.” The warrant for commitment trae at the request of her friends, directed to the un dersigned, commanding him “ forthwith to ar rest and convoy her to Bellevue Place, Batavia, Hi.” It has been publicly stated tbai I have “cer tified” to the recovery, or mental soundness, of Mrs. Lincoln. This is not true. She is cer tainly much improved, both mentally and physically; bnt I have not at any time regarded her as a person of sound mind. 1 beard all the testimony at the trial, May 19, and saw no reason then to doubt tbe correotneea of tho verdict of the jury, I believe her to be now insane. The question of Mrs. Lincoln's removal from this place, notwithstanding her mental impair ment, has received careful consideration from her conservator, Mr. Robert T. Lincoln, and my self. Tho proposition having having been made that she should go and live with her sister, Airs. Edwards, in Springfield, lat ones said that if she would do this in good faith, and thus secure a quiet home for herself, I should favor it, “ un less her condition should change for tbo worse.” This was written to Mr. Robert T, Lincoln in a letter addressed to bun on the 9th met. And this la all there is of the “ certificate” said to Xiavcfcbeen trrren fay me of tho •* recovery ” or •• mental soundness ”of Mrs. Lincoln, lu ac cordance with the above conditional sanction of the proposition for removal, I have occasion to know that Robert T. Lincoln made efforts to perfect arrangements for the transfer of Mrs. Lincoln to Springfield. It is well known that there are certain insane persons who need what in medico-legal science is termed interdiction, which does not necessari ly imply restraint. If time should show that Mrs. Lincoln needs only tbo former, without the latter, all will rejoico to see any possible en largement of her privileges. And now, although the conditions upon which. 06 the 9th inst., I favored her removal, have been modmed by the presence of a greater dCgrea of mental purturoatioa than at that time existed, I am still unwilling to throw any obstacle in the wav of giving her an opportunity to have a boms with her sister. But lam willing to record the opin ion that such is the character of her malady she will not he content to do this, and that tbe experiment, if made, will result only in giving the coveted opportunity to make extended ram bles, to renew the indulgence of her purchasing mania, and other morbid mental manifestations. In regard to tbe treatment of Mrs. Lincoln while under my care, it has been stated that sue has been “kept in close confinement,” “virtu ally imprisoned behind grates and bars.” “ lock ed by her jailer as a prisoner,” “incarcerated,” etc., etc. These and other like harsh terms are not used in tbo interest of truth. They are unjust, and do no credit to those who apply them to the case of Mrs. Lin coln. She need not remain in doors unless by her own choice more than two or three waking boors of any day. A carriage id always at her com mand. She may nde or walk when and where she pleases, on condition that she shall reture at proper hours, and be accompanied by some suit able person or persons. She receives calls from ladies of her acquaintance in Batavia, and may return them, bae has been called upon bv Gen. Faruswoith, of St Charles, and by some of her relatives in Springfield. She has had, until the 16th lost., private unrestricted personal intercourse with Judge Bradwell, who. io a threatening and insulting letter to me, calls himself “ her legal adviser And friend." The wife of Judge Brad well, until the date above named,., has been permitted repeatedly to visit Mrs. Lincoln, write her numerous loiters, bear messages and packages of letters from her, and lodge over night with her in her room. As to “guarded windows,” f have only to say they are made as unobjectionable as it is possi ble to make them. A light ornamental screen was at first placed before Mrs. Lincoln’s win dows. These were subsequently removed. But when it is remembered that the same evening on which Airs. Lincoln was de clared insane she attempted suicide, all right-minded persons will agree that guarded windows were among the proper precautions against accident. As to “ barred doors," there are none at Belle vue Place. Mrs. Linopin’s doors loading to tho outer world are never locked during the dav time. The outer door only is locked at bed- time at night by her private attendant and the key retained by the attendant, who deeps in an adjoining room communicating with that of Mrs. Lincoln. This, to my mind, is the proper tain* to do. Mrs. Lincoln has been placed where she is under the foims of law, and, if any have a griev ance, the Jaw is open to them, 'fins sad case has commanded the constant endeavors of those who hare the care of her unselfishly to do the best for Mrs. Lincoln. FIGHTING THE FIRE LIMITS. ANOTHER MEETDCO OF THE DISAFFECTED. A motley crowd of about 100 disappointed office-seekers, Communists, loafers, intermingled with a few honest workingmen who merely came fo see tbe fun, held another fire limits meeting last evening at Lochoer’a Hal!, No. 460 Milwau kee avenue. This meeting was gotten up by the s*me parties who engineeied the one at Ogden's Grove two weeks ago. The object of those meetings is less to work for & contraction of the fire limits, for nearly all those attending the meetings do not care whether the city is built of wood or brick, having never paid a cent of taxes in their life, but to bring a somi-Communistlc organization styled the Guard of the Republic into prominence, and help its loaders into office. It seems that the better class of workingmen bavo already become aware of this fact, and for this reason tbe meet ing last evening was but pooriy attended, ana the next one will undoubtedly fare wotse. Tbe fire limits question has been chosen by these hungry politicians because they thought it most calcu lated to enthuse tbe workingmen. They, how> ever, do not enthuse worth a cent. Most of them have ccme to the conclusion that it is as cheap to build of brick as wood, and those who have not, are too wide awako not to see through the flimsy pretenses of this clamorous body of office-seekers, and will have nothing to do with them. In&D. Sanest, The meeting was called to order by Mr. John W. Hoffman, who stated that was to protest against the present extended flm iimita. They had a similar meeting on the North Side, a couple of weeks previous, and resolutions were passed asking tbo Common Council to change the present fire-ordioaoce. They had thought it beat to give tbo Buffering workingmen of the West Side a chance to ex press their indignation at haring the fire-limits coextensive ffitb (be city limits. Mr. C. F. Harteman was elected Chairman, and Mr. Henry Miller, Secretary. was the first speaker. Ho said all beginning was hard, as the thief said wheu he first stole au auvil, and it was hard to inaugurate a new move ment for the overthrow of corruption and fraud. He could only refer to-the corruption among the County Commissioners, who only a few weeks ago perpetrated, a steal in giving away the county printing to the Union and Courier, the first cue being a paper of no account at all, and the second bad hardly more Chau five read ers. Such corruption as existed among the officials in this city did not exist in any place in the world, not even in monarchical Europe. It was foolish to claim that a small frame house would make a worse fire than a large brick building. The wealthy classee were making this outcry for brick build ings because they would not tolerate a poor man alongside of them. The chief aim of these people was to drive the poor workingmen out of the city altogether, and keep them in slavery and poverty forever. Bat the time would come if they all worked together man to man and shoulder to shoulder when these corruptionists would be driven fiom their stroogoolds by the outraged people, and then this city wojld be come tree indeed, and the workingmen would be allowed to build their houses of whatever ma terial they chose. H!L GAEL SAVSSSEB, the neat speaker, deplored the fact that the meeting was not better attended, but the reason was that a mistake had been made in the selec tion of the hall; they ought to have moved fur ther out of the city, where the people were Buf fering more from the present fire ordinance. It waa foolish to assert that a Brick house could be built ae cheap as a frame one. and besides a fcnok bouse could not be moved from one lot upon another as a frame building could. Through the present ordinance workingmenwere prevent ed from budding a home of their- own. They even were compelled to sell the lots they already possessed, because they could not afford to build of brick. Ho attacked Greenebaum and others who were in favor of extended tire-limits, acd claimed that they wore actuated by. selfish purposes only, owmmrr-ro tracts of lands out side the cilr limits. If the meetings had been six times ss targe, their moral force would have had no weight witn the Council They had no 830,000 to give away like the railroad companies and without imoney nothing could be Vottan through the_ present Council. _ They therefore B. J. Pattebsox. THE OBJECT OF THE MEETING MR. C. ARNOLD THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE; SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1875.-SIXTEEN PAGES. most work at the next election, and select sucn men to represent them in the Council as wouli work for the rights of tbo people only. This meeting was but a continuance of that hold on the North Side, and otoor meetings would bo bold in other sections until the whole city was full? aroused. Mr. John W. Hoffman then introduced the tame multitude of “whereases” and “ro solrode ” passed at tbe North Bido meeting, and, after being eulogized by Mr. Charles Haussocr for nearly an hour, he particularly dwelling upon the probability of on earthquake being just as probable as another great conflagration, (boy were unanimously adopted. Messrs. Thompson, Louis Wellie, and several others, dwelt at length upon the corruption ex isting in the city, and the necessity of the con traction of tbe fire limits. The meeting then adjourned. _ THE CADET CORPS. ABBANOINO FOB THE BEOKIOS. The surviving members of tbe old United States Cadet Corps met at the finennaa House last evening for the purpose of a general reor ganization, the adoption of a constitution and a set of by-laws, and to receive tbe report of the Committee on Reunion and Banquet. Maj. B. B. Knox presided, and Qoodie True officiated as Secretary. Comrade Flovd introduced a resolution that the names of all deceased members, together with their rank in tho volunteer or regular army,, be inscribed in golden letters on tne flag won in 1859, and heU against all companies, either in Canada or the United States. The constitution and by-laws were adopted article by article. , ... . On motion of Comrade Floyd, all withdrawn members arc eligible to membershio in the organization just formed. Comrade Bose, of tbe Committee on Reunion and Banauet. to bo held Sept. 16, reported that the Committee bad made all arrangements ex cept tho loca'ion. It was thoir sense that tbe banquet should bd a Tory rechorcho one, and , should be held at some of the first-class hotels. Tho mosio is to be furnished by about ten pieces, played as nearly as possible by members of tbo old Light Guard Band. In viow of the fact that tho Cadets were tbe only company who went into active service and c&mo out of it without touching a drop of liquor, it w&s the sense of tbe Committee that tbe haoquot should be in commemoration of their good conduct, and that consequently no wines or liquors should be drank on that occa sion. The programme is to bo gotten up in the finest stvla on white satin. Balloting for officers then ensued, with tho following result: President —H> Dwight, la3lq, New York, J'irsl yu'*~hre&:deut — Joseph Lewis. Second Vice ■ Preti ten'.—Ed ward B. Knox, Secretary — l. Goodio True. Ctistodum —Comradn Bo'sford. Serpeant-at-Arms — Comrade Boss. On motion of Conrado Ross, a committee ap pointed at a previous meeting was empowered to make all arrangements for the banquet. Messrs. Knox. True, and Botsford were appointed to attend to inscribing the champion colors with the names of all deceased members. Adjourned. THE COUNTY BUILDING. The Jail was emptied of its insane inmates yesterday, all of them being taken to Jefferson. Aid. Fitzgerald was around the building yes terday afternoon. He promised to come over again to-morrow to tell what be knows about the Wabash avenue railway. Gon. Lieb’s office has been robbed in the last few days. The petition attached to a certain order of the Court in the matter of the incor poration of Riverside is missing. The bail of Henry and Sophia Smith, indicted for abducting two little girls, was fixed yester day by Judge Farwell at SI,OOO in each case. An attempt was made subsequently to got their re lease, but the bail was not forthcoming. An injunction was issued on the application of Mike Evans in tho Criminal Court yesterday morning restraining John Hickey, his partner, from any farther action in the name of tho firm with the film's property- A Receiver will be ap pointed to-morrow, who will step in between me quarreling partners. The Grand Jury did several hours* work yes terday morning in the attempt to dear off the docket. Quite a number of cases were disposed of, all of a minor character. It was rumored during the day that eomplaint had been.' or* would bo, made acamst certain bogus insurance firms or companies doing business in the city, but noiiiing definite couM bo learned, except ; that prominent insurance . had been knock ing at the jury room clours daring the fore noon. CAUGHT. A minister of this city yesterday dropped in noon tne Assistant County Treasurer to par his tares. While occupying a seat at the desk his ore caught a miniature coffin, which upon rais ing the lid showed these words; "Thisman was talked to death.” Taking hold of tne article, the reverend gentleman grave ly asked if it was kept there as a reminder of tho certainty of death. No reply being made, be examined it carefully, and at the same time entered into a short disserta tion on the solemnity of the death-bod. and the necessity of a change of heart to lighten tbe pangs of that trying hour. Mr. Bore sat* pasaivelv by, expecting every moment to ceo the reverend gentleman raise the lid in his examina tion, and expose the motto. He was not disap pointed; but when the lid came up it as quickly went down again. Laying the coffin down qmetiy, the reverend gentleman could not suppress a smile. He acknowledged the sell by inquiring whether or not the poor creature had been talked to death *by a preacher. He paid his taxes, toon his receipt, and left the office a wiser man. rUEI.TO CHABITIES. The Joint Committee on Public Charities and Service was engaged yesterday afternoon exam ining into eamblea of coal and the propositions of the various bidders to supply the countv. The lowest bid was $3.38 for Wilmington coal, from 11. D. Pratt, of this city. In connection with this bid tbs Committee was in recemt of a communication from the coal-producers of Wilmington, stating that the same was a fraud. Sir. Pratt was present to defend him self, and, in reply to questions, ssid he was not a dealer in coal, but proposed to open a mins at Gardner, on the Chicago & Alton Bead, in the event of the contract being awaided him, and that ho had a favorable offer. He also stated that he would give the necessary bond for the faithful execution of the contract. The Com mittee was inclined to doubt his ability to fur nish the coal of the quality shown at the price named, and adjourned without takingany action JAIL AFFAIU". The Committee on Jail and Jail Accounts held a meeting yesterday afternoon, and approved of a mil amounting to 8460 for reporting tbo Tur ner case. The bills for boaidiug the jurors in tbo s&mo case were laid over for farther examin ation. _ The petition of the Coroner asking for an assistant was acted upon adversely. An ad vertising bill amounting to $136.93, contracted by the Principal of the Normal School, looked a little mysterious, especially since it came from ux advertising agent, and lacked anv explana tion whatever, and as a consequence was pigeon holed. ° AGNEW*S LAST ORDER. Sheriff Agnow yesterday issued the following ordered bis Deputies: * Hereafter you will pleas© make no returns In execu tione at reooest of plaintiffs’ attorneys until you have nwt made demand on defendant, or until the time for collection has run out. Executions must be returned promptly when collected, or the time for collection has expired. No process of any description must be taken oiftoef uat has been recorded In »»« THE CITY-HALL. Assistant Corporation Counsel Frank Adams will return from hia vacation' in Minnesota some day this week. The neir Madison street bridge tu turned over to the city bj the contractors last evening. The horse-eara reeume their old routes to-day. Mayor Coiyin yesterday appointed Daniel k ““3[ i* nd 01a OIOSBn to the vacancies 1 C 0 remoralof Messrs. Houghton and Coey from Snpt. Bailey’s force. O Colvin rushed all hie work through by 3 o cloctves.erday aftoraooo, and toen he start ed off with a nart, of Aldermen /or Sox Lake They wnl return Monday forenoon. Simultaneous with the removals of Messrs Maynard, Coey, and Houghton, Mayor Colvin also removed George Watsol. a (instable in th? employer the Board of Public Works. Aid! Hints a brother, Sam, ia his successor. The Board of Public Works yesterday onened twenty-eight bids for the construction elf the Blue Maud evenne viaduct. Tne lowest bid was that of C. h Colburn, who bids *11.23 for the ma sonry and 48 centa for the filUog of proaohes. The City Collector yesterday received *83,000 on city taxes. In view of the fact that delin quents are paring up at a reasonably rapid rate. Comptroller Hayes authorized the Collector to ' leave off the costs on the amounts of taxes now being paid in- Tbo costa average about 2 cents to each dollar of taxes. The Committee of contractors appointed to wait upon Mayor Colvin and urge tbe retaining of Mr. Maynard, called yesterday. After a long conference they compromised the matter on con dition that Mr. Maynard was to have some other position. The Mayor promised to sea what place be could give him, and thus the matter euds for tho present. One of tbo afternoon papers makes an un warranted attack,upon George Houghton, Mr. Maynard's successor. Mr. Hongbton is an old and reliable contractor, formerly of the firm of Btudiey £ Houghton. They bniit tbe United States Express bnilding, end tbe substantiality of that structure has had such a salutary effect on Mayor Colvin that bo has made Hr. Houghton one of bis numerous proteges. If the bookkeeper of the Post and Mail staff will call upon Bookkeeper Johnson of tbe Board of .Public Works, ho will have tho entire report of the Board full; explained to him, and if after full explanation he still finds any inaccuracies, Mr. Johnson promises to resign and give tbe young man a show for a good position. There is known to be but oco small error in the whole report, and the Post and Mail bos not yet found that out, and probably never will. Last winter along tbe line of Prairie and Indi ana avenues, between Sixteenth and Thirty-first streets, considerable trouble was experienced with the water-pipes freezing. The Board of Public Works have just completed the lowering and enlargement of these water-mains, and now give notice that property-owners must also lower their connections, as in no case hereafter will any permission be given to tear tip tbo street pavement for the purpose of thawing out frozen pipes. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Unity Church, at Oak Park, will be reopened next Snnday, when the Bev. Mr. Hinds will preach, he haring accepted a call from the So ciety. The Rev. Dr. Butler, of this city, who has jnst returod from Rome, where'he has been for tbe benefit of his health, Trill preach to-day in the Ghtucb of toe Holy Name. The Bor. D. A. Wallace, IX D., President of Monmouth College, will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p.m. in tbe United Presbyterian Church, corner of Monroe and Paulina atresia. The “Artiste* Committee” is requested to meet at the Chicago Department, Exposition Building, to-morrow at 10 o'clock a. m. The presence of all members of the Committee is necessary. Any one desiring to visit Geneva Lake, Wia., baa an excellent opportunity in the excursion, under the auspices of tbe Western Avenue Bap tist Church, Tuesday, Sept. 7. The price of tickets is very low—only £2 for the round trip, which ongnt to secure an immense patronage. The train will leave Canal street (near the south west comer of Kinzte) at 7:45 a. m., and Genova Lake about 4:30 p. m. Next Sunday, Sept. 5, a new term will com mence in the Sabbath and Sunday-school of the Zion Congregation, in the temple on the comer of Jackson and Sangamon streets. The school will be undertbe superintendence of Dr. Felsea tbal, and the services of very efficient teachers (Mrs. J. W. Strauss, Mr. Kiss, and Mr. Eliaasof) have been secured to instruct in the various classes. The Mission and Jubilee, which was begun last Sunday m St. Marj’a Chuich by the Jesuit Fathers, will close Tuesday night. The Bov. Father Damon will preach to-day, morning and eves:ing. The subject in the evening will he “ The Holy i? aci ifico.of the Maes,” and Tuesday evening he will deliver bis grand closing lecture, “ The Catholic Church Proved to.Bo the Church of God by Her Works.” One week from to-day the corner-stone of the new Catholic Church at tbo corner of Kossuth and Wallace streets will be laid with all the ser vices of the Church. The name of the new par ish will be All Saints’. The pastor is FatherE. J. Dunne. Tbe Bev. Father Biordan will preach the dedicatory sermon. The structure is built of brick on a stone foundation, and is 103x58 in outside measurements. The first move towards the formation of the new parish was mode just five months ago. T. M. O. A. NOTES. A meeting to bear reports from the great re ligions awakening in Great Britain by Moody and Sankey will bo held in Farwoll Hall this evening, when John V. Farwell. President of tho Y. M. O. A., who has just returned from Don don, will give an interesting account of the woik, followed by Maj. D. W. Whittle, tho lay evangelist. The two gentlemen from Lc 'don who were expected have been detained on tho way, and will speak next Sunday evening. The doors of the bail will be open this evening at 7 o'clock. A maas-meotiog for all Sunday-school teach ers in ;he city will bo bald in Farwoll Hall Wednesday evening* and addresses will be deliv ered by the Ber. John Hall, B. B„ and the Bov. J. H, Vincent, D. 8.. of New York, and the Rev. Warren Randolph, B. 8., of Philadelphia, three of the most prominent Sunday-school workers in the East. CENTENARY CHURCH CHOIR. Baring the cost ten months the choir of Cen tenary Church, under the direction of its able leader, Mr. O. 0. Blackman, will give five con certs. The programmes ore to be of from an hoar to no boar and a half in duration, and 25 cents admission will be charged. The plan of Mr. Blackman is to give such an entertainment as it shall be possible to prepare for thoroughly in regular weekly rehearsals, without subject ing members to the demoralizing and disinte grating effects of arduous extra work. It is his desire, also, to avoid the jealousies and hates which hatch so niultifariously from the ordinary church concert, aud. to this end. the members will be confined to choral pieces, and the aid of onteido people secured to variegate the per formances. This departure from long, tiresome programmes, and much ado about what is af terwards always voted to have been nothing, was tried b? the Philhannonic Society of Mans field, CL a few yeaia ago, with really astonish ing success, and like hopes are entertained here. The choir is one of tho best volunteer organiza i lions in the city, and sings as good music as is attempted by any musical body in the city, ama teur or hired. The funds accruing from the concerts will be applied to replenish their li brary with additional compositions of the great composers. CRIMINAL Michael Mblleu was arrested last evening on charge of stealing a pair of boots and a pair of pantaloons from Gustavos Bavis.oXNo. 358 West Lake street Gustav Klunbrecht mourns over his folly in making way with S2OO of the Woldheim Ceme tery Association's money, while acting as col lector for that organization, and is a prisoner at the Chicago Avenue Station. A Marion County Granger “loaned" $250 to two swindlers yesterday, receiving in return a bogus check on the First National Bank. He complained of bis loss at the Chicago Avenue Police Station, but np to last accounts the offi cers had not found the confidence operators. Some legal, or illegal, shark has been going among the whisky men and filling them fall of belief that he has gotten things fixed through headquarters at Washington, and can save them from prosecution here. The follow is probably up to some blackmailing dodge. About 10 o'clock last night a stabbing affair occurred on Union street, near Thirty-first. Patrick Ready and Martin Cody quarreled over somo trivia! matter, when the latter stabbed the former in the arm and forehead. The wounds are severe but cot dangerous. Br.Bidwoll at tended the injured mao, aod Officer Norton ar rested Cody. A sneak-thief named John Miller stole a vain able French clock oat of tho house of George Schneider, President of the National Bank of Illinois, night before last, while that gentleman was rejoicing with soma friends over the sate retain of his daughter from Europe. Miller offered it for sale at the bouse of Officer Ripley. No. 2S Portland avenue, aod was arrested by the latter while so doing. Tb© prisoner will bo tried by the Criminal Court. SUBURBAN. LAKK. The Water-Worka, for which the town has paid so much, are daily showing their benefits. Sick ness in the town is now a very rare visitor, and the pore lake water makes the inhabitants fcol considerably better than when they were uiii.c surface water. Last winter one pump with fit teen revolutions was sufficient, but now two pumps are continually kept in operation, with thirty-five revolutions per minute. About 1,000,000 gallons of water are consumed daily, ' ..The Board have lately been doing nothing but auditing bills and attending to their minor town duties/ The weather aeenu to have a had effect on their attendance. Monday, Sept G. they will meet in' joint session with the Hyde Park Trus tees to dieensj tho water question. The schools will open Monday, Sept 6. The Board of Education, for tbe purpose of finishing whatever arrangements mav be necessary for the coming school-term, will meet at the High School at Englewood, Fri day. Mr. Warren Wilkie, the new Superintend ent, will meet the teachers at the same place Saturday, The Euglowood Baptists held their last regu lar sociable Thursday evening at the residence of Mr, L. P. Maynard. THE RIFLE CLUB. Trying the Grounds Along* tbe .Lake Shore. The Gentlemen Who Served as Pioneers Yesterday. Advantages of the Site Selected by Them. Tho Chicago Rifle Club took the field yester day. They attacked, with great enthaniaam, the lake chore division of the South Park, and played to a nicety the cloud-compelling Jove. At noon the warriors took tho Hyde Park accom modation-train to South Park elation. All were fully armed and equipped. The following bravos responded to the call of gunpowder and glory; Geo. Julius White. Judge Jameson, Col. Thomp son, H. H. Handy, H. W, S. Cleveland, George Beuttenmu.'lor, S. B. Sexton, Judge Bradwell, C. Fuller. John Muir, Dr. Williams, John Bums, S. W. Burnham, and H. G. Howe. ran weather. Tho enn was exceedingly hot and the wind was correspondingly high,—circumstances not at all calculated to promote accuracy of aim or stead iness of nerve. The olnb men were armed in a miscellaneous manner, and regarded the whole affair as a preliminary meeting. Some very good shooting was done when tbe wind went down, and, strange to say, moat of the gentlemen did better at tho 200 than at tho 100 yard range. Nearly all of them wore quite unused to rifle-shooting, and, al though many of the bullets went outeide tbe rings and did not count, comparatively few “ goose-eggs ” were recorded. RIB. 11. IT. 8. CLEVELAND acted as Captain, and gave very general satisfac tion. lie scored some bull's-eyes himself, and. with an inferior ride, hold bis own against the ebamtnons who cained the improved weapons. Mr. Cleveland’s choice shooter is now absent on tbo Mississippi, whore hi.i gun is having a high time among large and small game. THE GROUNDS SELECTED for the shooting are very conveniently situated, and offer lair facilities for long-range and short range practice. In firing for abortrange, tho men bava to face the lake shore, which is pro tected by a lino of high embankments, admira bly calculated to stop tbo bullets in tbeir mad career. By shooting in the edge of the woods to tbe south, and firing in a northerly di rection, onliqtiely toward tbe Jake, a range of 1,300 yards can be obtained. This is very satisfactory, although most members of tbe Club would prefer Gale wood, only that the railroad facilities are tofe nearly so good. Therefore, they must make the most of the grounds selected, which cau be im proved at very little expense. Targets must be constructed and a svetem of signals agreed upon. Also, a pit must be dug out and foi tilled for tbe marker, and. lu fact, the example of Creodmoor must be followed as closely as possible. THE TRIAL'UF YESTERDAY need not be subjected to criticism. It, stall events, evinced a fine spirit, and gave promise pf better things in the future. Some very creditable shots were made bv Judge Bradweii, Gen, White, S. B. Sexton, H. H. Handy, John Ennis, Dr. Williams, George Bomten muller, H, W. S. Cleveland, and others. With the wind more favorable tbe scores would hive been far better. Next time the gentlemen will, no doubt, eclipse the performance of yesterday. So far as heard from, no simple-minded cow or wandering Granger has been killed or wounded, although as the afternoon advanced tbe firing became a regular fusillade. The party practiced for more thau three hours, and retired from the field jubilant in their ability to hit oven so small a mark os a hay-stack. It is supposed that rifle-shooting will take place of base-ball as a national amusement. No doubt “teams ” will be raised by the different profea «iou* in this city. If so, The Tribune reporter begs leave to recummeuu to tbe news paper fraternity as a champion of their skill. He beat everything on record, having made five “goose eggs” in rapid succession, and with incredible accuracy. Modesty compels tbsi knight of the pencil to refrain from invidious comparisons. His opinion of bis own prowess has nseu so high that he has no hesita tion in betting that ha would hit Mont ~Rlann at 100 yards once out of every three shots. Now that the bail has fairly opened, tho public may expect something stirr ing from the Chicago Rifle Club. Should there be any sudden death from gunshot wounds over in Michigan, at any point facing tbe South Park, let not the Michiganders blame the Chicago riflemen for the result. They ought ’to build a protecting wall along their coast, so that all neks may be avoided. It is rumored that a picked Chicago eight in tend to challenge tbe heroes of Greedmoor and Dollyxnount before another year bas passed. WASHINGTON. THAT BAFB-BUBOUtBT GASS. • Special Dispatch to The Chicaao Tribune , Washington, B. 0., Aug. 23. —Tho story of the District safe-burglary business is not yet ended. The Attorney-General is determined that the matter shall not be drooped where it is, and will press the cases to another trial. The present status is that the indictment is quashed upon a technical plea of an in the drawing of the Grand Jury. The law provides that the jurymen shall possess certain property and other qualifications. The Grand Jury which indicted Bick Harrington did not possess tho qualification, and it was charged at tho time that the jury was designedly so selected by tbo Attorney-General. Pierrepoat has obtained a pledge from H. Wells, the new Bistrict-Attorney, that these cases will be prosecuted. ASSISTANT ATTOBNET-GENEBAI* Edwin M. Smith, of Massachusetts, has ac cepted the office of First Assistant Attorney- General. The Graphic Company has been awarded tbs bid for printing the internal revenue bank checks. Their bid has been the lowest from the first. HA VAX,. Both the North Atlantic and South Pacific squadrons will rendezvous at Panama and Aspm wali during the rebellion on the Isthmus. Our Government has been folly advised of tbo progress of tho political trembles there, and weeks ago, at the suggestion of tho State De triment, Rear-Admiral Malaney was ordered to icep several of the vessels of his squadron at Aspinwali. The Richmond and Omaha are at Panama, the Bbawmnt at AspinwalL ANOTHER NEST OF FRAUDS. A few weeks ago it was stated In this correspondence that the Secretary of the Treasury had ordered a rigid ex amination ’ into affairs of distillers, on the Pacific Coast, and the reports to-day re ceived by telegram from Government agents are to the effect that for years there has been a somatic defrauding of the revenue by manufac turers of brandy. The report also indicates complicity on the put of Internal Revenue of ficials. Seizure will follow, aod prosecutions be commenced against a number of prominent busi ness firms in San Francisco. llothe AMoaated Press,] comaasiosa sig>ed. Washington, D. 0., Aug. 28.— The President baa signed the following commissions: Gerry W, Hazleton, United States Attorney for the _ Eastern District of Wisconsin; Thomas H. nrc .„ crcaiscuto *coic Prcsnell, of Minnesota. Receiver of Put- OCtAri alcAlHonlr Rina, lie Moneys at Duluth; Paul C. Slet- New Tons, Aug. 23.—Steamships Montana and ton, of Minnesota, Receiver of Public City of Richmond, from Llveqool, and Italy, Moneys at Detroit; Lorew LUtol, of Minne- from London, have arrived. t Bita, Register of the Land Office at Alexandria, on c fQ , • n .tw i Jljon.; George B. Foie ore. of Minnesota. Bel Tanjamu Ang. aa.-SteameSps Greet West ceivcr of Pnblio Moneys at Taylor’s Falla, Minn. f ro * ro ™ ; Vanguard, the $47,000 bobsebt. fro® Philadelphia ; and Polynefcan, from Quo* Henry H. Wells, United States Attorney bee, taye arrived oat. j for tho District of Columbia, London, Aug. 23.—Steamship Holland, from and counsel for the Government New lork, has arrived out. J baa applied to Judge Wylie for an order to sell the property of Wußazn B. Ottman on suit to recover the amount alleged to have been stolen by him from the Treasury in connection . with faalieck and Brown, but the Judge u>day in formed them he could see no authority under the statute for such, an order at this time. LOCAL POLITICS. Tho Seventeenth Ward Democ racy Show Their Fighting Qualities. What Correspondents Have to Say Con cerning the County Treasur ership. RIOTOUS DEMOCRACY. rarrao to omiasizE is the sEVEornarrn. A meeting was held at No. 177 North Wells street last evening to organize a branch of the Jeffersonian Club. Tho attendance was small, the non-voting element predominating, bnt those present were true disciples of the origins! or contra! Club, which has been charac terized by its noise, disagreements, and mob bisfr ’penalties. James Ennis, who was sent from the central Club for that purpose, called the crowd to order, and stated the object of the meeting to bo to organize for the campaign in opposition to “ Orantism, third-term!am, aod corruption.” Ho was subsequently called temporarily to the chair, which was a beer-keg In the rear of the room secreted behind a pool-table. Upon his ting the chair the greatest confu sion, approximating a mob. ensued, in which,a half-dozen were on toe floor at tho same time, making motions, speeches, and oaths in English and German. Out of tho confusion It was indistinctly under stood that an effort had been on foot to elect a President of the Clnb in advance of its forma tion. 'Adolphus Schoeninger and Bobart loahey wore finally placed in nomination, which was tho signal for AKOTHEB BCZIIE, disgraceful to all concerned, and beyond de scription. A voice tvm heard amid the din attacking Mr. Leahey because ha was an Irishman, which aroused bio iro, and made him say some ugly things, and to denounce the whole movement in the bitterest tonus. Finally the election was proceeded with, the Chair adopting the novel plan of having the crowd march around the pool-table, and give their names to the Secretary as they passed. The plan worked well, and the bovs enjoyed it heartily, mauy of them succeeding in passing aronnd seveial times. The result was finally announced as the elec tion of Schooninger, whereupon Mr. Leahey de clared in an excited manner that be bad been SWINDLED OUT of an election. Ho waa joined iu hie remonatranca by hi# Irish friends, who said the ward contained about 400 Irish voters who might , he needed at the polls this fall, but who would bo wanting in tba war on the Republican party if they were to bo treated as they had been at that meeting. Mr. Leahey waa finally appeased, however, and induced to accept the position of Vico- President, with John Alnrkey to assist him. Dr, Shippers and David Smith were after a manner elected Secretaries, and Messrs. Zimpel, Murkey, Wheeler, Leahey, and Doric, a committee to select a Ward Contra! Committee for the club, to report at the nest meeting. The remainder of toe time of the meeting was given to personal wrangles between the speakers and the chair, which at tunes threaten ed to lead to blows, and probably blood-letting. On the whole, a moro disgraceful, inharmoni ous, unrepresentative body never assembled in the Seventeenth Ward. Had all been drunk or insane, the meeting, from the President down, could not have possibly been more boisterous or indecorous. THE COUNTY TREASURERSHIP WHY NOT AN AXBBIUAN ? To the Editor of The Chicago Inbui»e: Chicago, Aug. 2S.—lu your issue of Prlday there appears an article on this subject which contains some incorrect and, decidedly objec tionable statements. It says the Republican party have been for some time endeavoring to find some prominent and popular German who would accept the nomination, but as soon as they proposed it to such an one he declined, and up to the present time no German of. any note has been discovered who would consent to run. The reach is the leading men among the Repub licans have been casting about for one of some other nationality, and have found an Irishman who will undertake tbs job. There it is in a nutshell. A foreigner we must have. A Ger man we can’t get, so an will do. As an American citizen I would ask, c«to —•» no fights that the political parties are bound to respect.- nasutuuwTuw this that the Ameiican people most submit to see placed in position of public trust first a Ger- | man, then an Irishman, then a German, next an , Irishman, with scarce ever an American sand- J wicbed in between ? If the Teutons and the Celrs, because they are such, are to displace the free-born American in Council Chamber, Legis lative hails, and positions of public trust, bow long will it bo ere the beer-guzzling iniidel characteristics of the one md whisky loving, irascible propensities of the other displace the law-abiding, elevating tendencies of tbo American nation ? It seems to me time for the American people to rise in their might, and declare by tbeir votes that they will not allow the admininistration of tbeir sffaira to pass out of their hands by default, bni declare in an un mistakable voice, We have non and candidates of undoubted honor and fiuess, and we will«ob tain them ere the scepiro d power departs from us forever. A Totes, THOMAS A.* 'o tie Editor of The Cfuetaa Tribune: Chicago, Aug. 28.— A statement in a late ar- tide on this subject demands contradiction* It says only one candidate (A* C. Hesing) baa been announced foe tint position. The came ot Thomas A. Hill was announced in all of the pa pers some three veeks ago, and has been inci dentally mentioned several times since in con nection with the office. Hr. Hill Is an old resident and well-known real estate man with an unblemished record, and would fill the office to eke satisfaction of the people and honor to the party. If each men as Mr. Hill can be found to fill our offices let the Republican partv look toita interest and the welfare of the people and nm them, instead of the perpetual office-seekers, who are constantly urging them selves to the front andaskingforsometbicg. A Repcbucax Note.—The statement in Tim Tmsmz wu that Mr. Easing was the only candidate on the Democratic ticket. THE WEATHER, Wasihhotow, D. C.. Aug. 29—1 a. m,—For the Ohio Valley and the Upper Lake Ilegicn, partly cloudy weather and light rains, wilhaoitherly to westerly winds, and falling barometer coring the day, followed by clearing and cooler weather. LOCAL OBSERVATION. Chicago, Aug. 28. ißar.iTArj/it. Time. 72;5., fresh 53 3. W„ fresh,. 44.3., fresh fresh 728., freeh^..... 733., gent1e....... 6:53 a. rn.i30.03. 73) 11:18 m. >29.1*8. 83 j 2UX)p.m.i29.93 l 85 3:58 p. m, 33.91 &> 9:00 p. m. 23.91 7~) 10:18 p. m. 29.94 73f Maximum thenaometet, 8>; minisnm, 69. GENERAL OKSERTATIONS. Chicago. Aug. 2t—Midnight. Station. {fiar.tTViri rtnd. Bi.rn.rck .. •iJ.731....(K. W. lighl.l 03 Cleir. Cheyenne..{3o.o3?....ffiL, fie5h....?..... Clear. Cincinnati,. 29.941 76 Chicago.... 30.02| 73‘S. £., light.. .... Clear. Cleveland.. *30.051 65 8, jentleu ..... Clear. Duluth..... 129.83 60 S. W..fentle. .65 dear. Escanaba ..{29.83 65 freth Cloudy. Ft. 0ib50n.i29.96 72 S. Keokai.... 30.23 72/ S. W„gmtle. .07 Fair. Lacrosse ~29.05 641W-freal.... .47 Fair. Leaven w*th (29.94 73 Calm 04 Cloudy. Milwaukee. 29.95 73'8. W n fnah. .... Cloudy. 0maha.....-30.01 62 ; W„ genth... .... Threatening Toledo 130.01 71 EL. fresh.... .... Clear. Yankton ...{30.01 67 3. W., lights] f. .Clear. GOETHE'S BIRTHOLY. New Ton*, Aug. 28, —To-day being the one hundred and twenty-sixth anniieraary of the birthday of Goethe, it was averred by the Goethe dob with a conoort and, apptopdale %&• THE OILMAN, CLINTON & SPRINQFIELBL Special Dispatch to Tie Chicago Tribune SpßcransiD, IU., Aug. 23—The long confro versy over the Gilman, Clinton A Springfield Railroad was partially settled to-day. Hr. Chanes B. Seyton. Ageat for the Trustees under the mortgage, arrived with the order from Jndg# Tipton, relieving Mr. Hinckley, his and turning the road over to the Trustees. M r , Hinckley, who had been anticipating the onfcf, bad everything in shape, and immediately, upon the application of Mr. Seyton, he turned over to Mm all the property in bis charge, and then sent over the lines the following order: Springfield, lIL, Aug. 23. r 0 a U officer* agents ana employes of the GJinan, Canton & Svriuatsk Hoad: The McLean Circuit Court, having ordered that the Gilman. Clinton & Springfleld Railroad bad*, livered to Thomas A. Scott and Hugh J. Jewett, trea ties under the mortgage, you are hereby notified that 1 have this day delivered to sold trustees the property of said railroad, and that said trustees have aopobted C. S. Seyton, Esq., Agent, from whom you will recall! your future orders. Respectfully, T. E. Hctoxltt, Beeetrac. Mr. Seyton then caused to bo promulgated th# following order: Oilman, Clinton t Springfield TtiTr.inT* o* vice of the Trustees, Springfield, liL, Aug 28L 1875—1 n pursuance of an order of the Circuit Court of McLean County, HL, and by virtue of power* Is us vested by a deed of trust and supplement the undersigned have this day taken possession of au lbs property of the Oilman, Clinton ts Springfield BaOread Company in the State of Illinois. Mr. T. J. Hades will set as Superintendent, and Mr. J. W. Luxe as Gen eral Auditor and Ticket Agent. The other officer* sad agents, with the exceptions above named, now en gaged in operating the road, will be continued m their present positions until further notice. AU reports will be made and all moneys paid over to Charles 8. So lon, our duly consdtuied Agent. Thoxis Scott. lIDQH J. JgWTTT, TntstMi. Cbisks S. Emm, - Agent for Trustees, Springfield, HU The management of Mr. Hinckley has not been only satisfactory to the people of Spring* field end along the line, bat u bos been tinea- Sr& dsrsffl “i" in good condition. Mr. Hinckley entered into possession of the road against much bitter feel ing, bat be leaves nub tbe respect of ad. Mr. Seyton relieves Mr. Cockling, Superintend* eot, and Mr. Rickard. Auditor. These officers have been efficient, and their departure frozaitie road is to be regretted. It is believed cnat the Hlioois Central vtO.' sooner or later, get possession of this road, ana each a policy is to be desired. Mr. Hudson, tbs new Superintendent, is an old railroad man, and bas been connected with tbe road from tbe be* ginning, recently as General Freight Agent. Fobd dd Lao, Wia., Aug. 23.—L. A. Emotion, who has been General Passenger Agent, and Acting Superintendent of Che Sheboygan A Food da Lao Bailway since May, 187 L baa resigned, and will leave the service or the road on Tuesday next. LaSalle, XU., Aug. 28. —Abbxtxd st Brrt»— Steamer City of Peoria, towing canal-boats Andrew Jackson and Gold Hooter, both with corn for Chicago. ■ Depakted —Propeller Whale and her bargee Friendship, both with lumber, for Beards to wo { canal-boat Roebuck, with lumber, for Beard* town; steamer City ot Peon a, light, for Pam. ; Passed isto Caxal—Gold Hunter, with eon for Chicago ; canal repairer No. 4, light, foe Ottawa. Passed Out—Prop Whale and her berg* Friendship, both with lumber for Beardatowo. Ten feet of water in the mitrecell of Lock 15» Wind southwest. * Bbidqepobt, lIL, Aug. 23.—Abutted— North Star. Cutaway, 6,000 bu com; Maple Lea£ Borneo, 4.720 bu corn; Drill, East Morris* 123 tons coal; prop Montauk, Lockport, 1,050 brls flour; First National. Joliet, 1,723 empty bris; Geo. Sherman, Morns, 6,000 bu corn, 3,000 brls seed. t Cleabkd—John Carter, LaSalle, 93.530 feel lumber, 8,850 lath; Danube, Ottawa, 71,870 feel lumber; First National, Birds Bridge, 19,300 feet lumber; Neptune, 30,441 feet lumber, 200 a shingles, 100 m lath for Seneca, and 11,686 feet lumber and 60 in shingles for Morris; O. Lj Booth, Sparland, 96 m lumber; prop Good. Sparland, 45.558 feet lumber, 30 m lath, 75 a shingles; Col. Taylor, Sparland, 86,020 feed lumber, 10,100 lath, 400 posts. Wind. j/oml VTther. Clear. ... Fair. ... Fair. ... Fair. ... Cloudy. ... Cloudy. Post Huron. Mich., Aug. 28.—Pam® Dows—Props Blaine, St, Joseph, Kcwee* new, Paasaic, Annie Smith, Mary Pringle sad barges, Bose and barges. Bast Saginaw and barges, Wetmoro and consorts; schrs Tristda4f Oliver Culver, Seakirk, City of the Btrsitti James Wade, Bscanaba. i Passed Up—Props Merchant, Sovereign, Ban pire State, Canisteo ; schrs J. B. Noyes, SL BoM ger. Newsboy, Margaret Muir, Joeeph P*w*f Bails, City of Buffalo, J. Maria Scott, BwJ MllcheQ, Mary Amelia, Newell Hubbard, I® peering. Visd— Southwest, light. . The tog Biver Queen, while towing a nit <J boon-poles below St, Clair, biowed out a j«w last night, and bad to return to Detroit fer f* scow Moses Gage ran into the ferryhaj Santa here last night, and carried away her pwt dlo-inx. The damage is about SIOO. I/tan WVafA^r. iveeuxt Uuoatrh to The Chrcaac '/rtbane. ! Poit Huron. Mich., Ane. 23.—Down—***3 Japac, Scotia, Holland, Philadelphia, Viennaaoj consort, Tosomite and consort; schrs it * Meiritk, C. P. Minch, WUiie Seller, BeOe scorn, F, L. Danfortb, Favorite, JohnOWft Mouior. i Up-Props Dunkirk and barges, Bnfflu* barge; sebra Southampton, John Kia<Bt JUP sr ian, Cieeack, Light Guard. NEW YORK 14 ÜBERAL&” _ . Hew Tom, Aug. *U*n{Pfg* can" itaU Oooywrtfam vfll U haMfili** SapfcSt B - * 25«2 P D rV^r r li u^^t? Doem composed bv Barard Tavin? -Vi * “To the JUnes of oSIS -hr E?* * '*?“*» Prof. W. C. iliUJaar. V B-Leonard and WONDERFUL DISCOVERT. A Gave Hewn Ont of Solid Hock on Island in Wltn a Wooden tcj-. tUl ** Sveeiai Wijjoton to The Ch(ea m Tramu. DiviHMBT. la., An". 23.—A remarkable «. f”? w " 0,1 » n “>“d to the KieebwM 8 miles below here, yeeterday, by fishermen. It wee a subterranean earn ban. onto! the solid ruck, which was huge rock, and which was reached bj 6t^ P t u 1 ? 8 floorof this enbterrmoean winch bad undoubted!* been made years ago was thick* strewn ashes. the eharred remain. * bOQW, ftod a enbatance which they too* to be dead leaves first wetted, tbeo pressed tZ geihor. and resembling in color and solidity tba ? om Among the <hv aah*Tth~ picked np three tusks about tbo size of S*-“? ««11 tower the boat-hook ’Uto a hard substance which proved to bo a skull, brown as polished walnut, nwflS SX? 1 "* 6 * of . On tnrtber examination, almost a complete skd! Eton was discovered. Bat the most .“snl lar part came to lignt in the hncti™ P Btrifioi toatoor buckles, and a wooden leg which continued the right extremity, that innh h n S[> boßn «»oved .bout midway between tta hip and knee. This is a very interesting discov ery, proving thst a knowledge of broma™ among the learning of tho aboriginal Americana. ™.w t i me ? l i ail . I fr* l Bnr S er 7 >o those dayswas equal at least to the adaptation of a timber ex tremitj. THE TE3CAIT BORDER. ntiican murderers and TtaleTea. WuanoTos, D. C., Ang. 23—InfoniaUot, haa seen received from a prominent officer on the Bio Grande to the effect that cattio stealing and murders of peaceable American citizens ara Btui penetrated by Mexican marauders, and in all probability tbev will cootinne in spite of the w ® caQ e6n( i tbwe nnlasa we can break nn the bands of assassins and thieves on either aids of the mer, and as far in the interior of Morin* as may be found necessary. RAILROADS. RESIGNED. Special Dispatch to The Chicago Tribune, MARI3HB NEWS. ILLINOIS RIVER AND CANAL. Special Ihavatch to The Chicago Tribune. PORT HURON ITEMS. Special iHcpateh to The Chicago Triban*,