Newspaper Page Text
COUNTY AFFAIRS. Dcsljjnatliiff tlio Stono for llio Kow Opnrt-l louse. It Miut Como from tho Cook or Will County Qnnrrios, Tlio Olijoot Is to Head Off tlio Common Council, Quarterly fioport of tlio County Agent—An Extravagant Office, Toll-Boads—Tho Abstract blatter. An adjourned meeting of tho County Board was hold yontorday aflernocm, Commissioner Jones in tho chair; present, Commissioners Hoitiiig* Bussell, Clough, Guenther, McCaffrey, Basse, Schmidt, Cuuly, Johnson, Carroll, ami Holdou, COffJJTT HOADS. A report of tho Bond Inspectors was submit ted. Tho ropori sot forth that the Evanston and Ilosohill roiul, from tho city limits to Grace land, was in bad repair, but boyoud that point wan in {lvst-clami condition. Tbo Milwaukee av enue ami Wheeling road wan in good condition, with few exceptions. Tho Ellison and Wheeling road was in fair condition, except one mile on the north oud. over which no toll was charged. Tho Lincoln avenue and Niles Centro road was in condition, hut two bridges wore needed at tho Intersection of tho Mecklenburg road, and also a railing for tho biidgo across the big slough, and otljcr repairs. Tho Lake street uud Oak Park road was in good condition from Oak Bark to Austin, but from Austin to tlio city limits it was in bad condition, Justifying tbo throwing open of tlio gates. Tbo report lad to Romo discussion, and was finally referred to tbo Committee on Hoads and Bridged. The call of Committees was commenced, and tho reports wore severally concurred In. Among other reports were tbo pay-rolls of tbo several county departments. •rim county aorsv'h imronT was presented, from which tho following is ab stracted s Tho report allows that, during tlio quarter ending Kept. 1. 2,171 persons or families had toon uiilod. and t)i» iiuinhm* remaining on tho hooks was l. Hl!) families, against 2,102 at llio end of tho previous quarter. The number of families nidi-d uno month was 21S ; two mouths, 21)3; threo months, 230. Tho cannon of dwlioua wore given as follows : Widows withfamilies. 1,:U7 Marriage ami vtcUmvn IMinill.M whoso h.iads woru out of work. Jiwcrli'it by hiubouil" Aged widows Ag«'d widowers ‘il Thoso aided nnddedna follows: West Division. 1.5173; North Divlbion, 401; Month Division, 5137. lino hundred mid eighty-two wero Americana, I2H HohemUtiH. CO English. 173 Gormans. 1)(J5 Dish, 177 Bcuudluaviaim, CO Doles, and 30 Cana diioa. i'lnjntimbnr of pabsom ipanod during llm qnnr tor nos milt to (ho ilospilal, 253; sent to tlm I’oor-Uonwo, KJH ; intorrod. HUI; received medical Ircatuicut at tliolr homes, 230 } lusauo cases tried at county's oxpunso, 7U. Tlio offico expousou from disbursomoota to tho needy woics Groceries Meal Jinad... IrMi^portailon....... ■WtUHI C’iul InliTincnl TroiFi'H nud crutches, Lodglug Itsnt. Honln, slntloncry, otc. Ua1aiita..,........... Total expended, Goods un hand. Total expenses for the quarter. Tho lupurt conuludou by returning thunks to tho t’ommlUoo un Public Cbniitios fur Us many kiudncsiioe, and by directing attention to thu fact Unit tho expense* for the quarter wore $•31,0111) ices thou lor tho previous ono. TOO KWK.NHIVK. Ccmmiawlonor CluugU inquired how it waa that in tlio summer months tbo olhco expenses wore no largo. Commlhsionor Holiftm replied that tho Com mittee had found u name added to (ho list of em ployes without authority, which hud boon striuk en'off. Commissioner Clough imid the ntlkowas en tirely too expensive, and tho employes 100 numer ous for tho sousoii. Hu had learned that there were as many persons employed at this nQicn ov*ry day as'llioro woro daily applicants for re lief. Commissioner Gumithor (bought if (hn men had been employed llieru they ought to bo paid, ami if tho Chairman bad done bis duty he must liavo boon cognizant of tlio surplus of employes. Hiuco tho men had boon at work, thoy ought to bo paid. Coimniasionor Hunan moved that tlio County >gont’a oftico ho invmdigaiod by the Hoard. Commissioner Clough moved that tlio report to recommitted. Cotnmisaionor Schmidt moved ns a substitute that tho report bo adopted, and that, tho Coui mitlcu ou I’nbliu Charities be liibtructod to itivcntlgalo the management of tho ofUco ‘•ml report to tho Hoard. Tho substituCo prevailed by tv voto of 11 to 1. TUB HQIIUAL SCHOOL. Tbo Joint CouuniUeo on FubUu Hmldings and £du.mtiou icportod, tlunigh not uiianimopidv, on tlm proposals for tlio erection of tlio Student's Hall at Englewood. The report led to some discussion, iu which it was brought out that tho partios to whom, it had been recommended that tho contract for cut stono bo awarded, Hurklmrdt fc Co., wero not bidders with tlio others, Imt brought in their bid afterwaid in an irregular form. Commissioner Johnson replied that tlio work had not boun let to tho lowest bidder. McKcon A Co., bocaueo tho ctnmlv hud hod nomo trouble with them before, and It had boon doomed bout to let tli* work to Mimohody also. Commissioner McCaffrey said Mr. McKoon was % good, reliabio man, and would bo able to Jill tbo contract If it woro given him. A general discussion ensued, in which tho acliou of tho Comimtlso in rocummcuditig tho sward of tho out stone (o partios who woro not bidders, uud whoso Lid had never boon referred to it. wan severely censured. The roport was Dually amended by striking tut Ihu mono of Hurkhardk ft Co., oud inserting tho name of William MuKoou ft Co., ou motion of Comimsuionor McCaffrey, Commisaionor Kchmidt offered a further amendment, that tho name of Doulln. to whom It wna pt opened to award the tin-work, bo strick en out, and the name of Thloimau bo substi tuted. ... Commissioner Schmidt's amendment was lost, end tho report, as amended, prevailed. A resolution was then inlloduced by Commie iiouer McCaffrey, at the mstanca of Mayor Col vin. inviting thu city authorities to ecotuapeuy the Hoard on a visit to iho Comity Farm on some day yet to ho Hied. Adopted 7 Comroitstouot OarroU lutroducod a rosolullon aulhorizlug tha county to repair tho oonuty uor lion of tbo roof of tbo City-iiall. Itofurred. | UOUiIT-UOUalt STUNK. ( Commissioner Couly Introduced tho following: ■ Wm-.nuif, Experience has fully demonstrated that I ihu Cook County llm.-atrtne Is unexcelledffii it ! aiitlbeautr os a btUirilug material ( and 1 ' Wiikuuu, HI urn lUu grunt Uro of 18U uld llm«~ (loiio lua Urn largely tuedtu rclmlldlog Cblcsuo and ! it. further utu would lend to promote uniformity and i lunnolty iu lbs spi-utruuus «u the oity ; Hi* rotor® Itetoleed, That tho Cook C'uuuly Courl-lloiuo ex cavaliou fnr which Is now In |iroprg*a on Dlor.k JJ Original Tavru of Chicago, ahall built mid cum •iru. tfd, so far as lint sauiu can be iiaod, uf Cook O mnty Ilnn-slimc, and tins Hoard duos borul.y adopt tU* tald UiovkUmt as the material fur soaitiuciimi Mid building. Tho resolutions were I&iil over under the rules alter a spirited discussion. v Tho election of three gravel-road inspectors *ae then ) roooeded with, and resulted as fol- Fred Tosch, John AloCaffrej and J. \f, iiuuey. TDK IBSTIUCT-JOB. Commissioner (iuoulhor thou called up his resolution, offered at tho last meeting or the Hoard, to reconsider the vote by wnich tho I’oluer abatract-books had been purchased. A storm of opposition followed, with the usual 4 motion to adjourn. The motion to adjourn was loot, hut before the Queuthor resolution could,bo presented Commlnfllonor MflCttfTroy callod tip Uio roHolu. of CommlKtiionor i'only, wliich bad boon laid ovm - . TilH STOJJB AftAt.V. Fomo sharp parliumnnUry j rnclieo followed, and tho Chair finally decided that CummiHnlonor McCaffrey's motion wan in oidr-r. Tlio ('only rcßoliitloiiH worn then taken up. (JnmtuisHtonor Holdou moved (lint they bo nmrmled to read ” Cook ntid Will Counties," so Hint competition might not lies cut off, Coimnifiiionor Ihis*o Imped tlmro would bo no bind >• (union in the mnltnr, and (hat llio city authorities would at least bo consulted bofoio the resolutions were passed. Commisslonor Coaly urged tlio adoption of tlio resolutions. lloliad introduced them sim ply to defeat the action of tho city in its purpose to force tho use of puincy Htntm in the erection of llio city's half of (bo Court-House. which action bo understood was arranged to bo Caltou Monday. Ho Imped the resolutions would bo ndiiplod, ovnn if tlmy worn afterwards rescinded. (h>umua*U>ncr clmigb thought that it would bn Ciiiio enough for aclniii In selecting tlio Btono when Um Hoard was ready In advertise for pro posals for tbo erection of tbn Courl-lIoUBo. He did out believe there were mure than tiro owners of quarries in Cook County: and, for one, bo uaa not willing to enter into an ugrccmont to give Hume few mr>n a '‘corner” on the county in advance. If lliu ruaoltUiun wero over adopt ed, It was. well known lliat llio rescind ing of It would bo Impossible. Ho Imped to see tbo resolution deferred, and as a member of tbo Hoard atul a rcproacuta livo of Um public Interest bo would novel- rlvo lilh vote for the purchase of any kind of atouo at this lime. Hu (iould not bo frightened by any throats of llio Cnmtnon Council oranv other bodv to diverge from bln plain bno of duty to tbo publid In llio matter. He was not opposed to Um une of Dumont or Cook County stono, but when ready for Um building would open tbo mutter to tlio world, and would select tbo best stono that could bo bad fur tbo least nioucy, without regard to locality. Tbo amendment of Commissioner Iloldon, to Insert “Will Comity” In tbo resolution, was subsequently put, and prevailed by tbo follow ing vutu: IVih—Clough, HcrtlUß, Holden, Jones, McCaffrey, Schmidt—S. A’<ij/«—Uumo, Carroll, Cnnly, Guenther, Johnson—B. Commissioner Clough moved that the passage of the resolution bo deferred until such time ns tbo number of quarries in tbo two counties could bo determined. Tho motion was lost br tbo following vote, after oonnldcrnblo wrangling: JViM— llusno, Clough, HirtllUf, .Jours—4. Aftw—Carroll, Coaly, iluldun, Johnson, McCaffrey, (fchnildt—fl. Tho resolutions bh Amended wore then put upon their passage, witli the following result i JVfld—Carroll, Conly, Hurting, Holdou, Johnson, Joili:", McCaffrey, H-lmifdl H. Ann—Cluilgh, iluatie—2. On tbo two Inst votes Commissioners Guen ther and Bussell did not vote. Thu former had loft the room and was occupying a scat in a side room, while tlio liUlor bud taken tho precaution to start for homo nt tlio lirst signs of war. Commissioner Carroll moved to adjourn, but Commissioner Clough reminded him that the Guenther reconsideration resolution was before the Board. Thin was tho signal for another deluge of HpeoeUPs and motions, in tlio midst of which tbo Board was declared adjourned. TilK UIVAL iXAIVILISTS, Letter from F. f,. liavonport—Nearly n niche llciwfcn Hurry Sullivan tin(l Clmrloi Cuylun j\Vir York Uxhrti-*, A up. 31. Romo of iho papers liavo boon industriously endeavoring to foment a revival of tlio Aotor pluco ( riot, on thu cant basis of nationality, on* account of tint appearance, last night, of Mr. Hurry Hullivan at JlimtU's Theatre ami Mr. E. L. Duvonport at the Grand Opora-Hom»o, tho latter having thu support of wliat tho programmes and advotiiHnuiunlß staled wore “ Amorican artists." At ilio lirst mimed liuimo ttiero warn the Sixty ninth Regiment, with nodding plumes and bright uniforms, tho Amorican Itillo Team, tho festooned Hags of England, Ireland, and Ameri ca : while outside there was a crowd of same 20,- (imi men, women, and children waiting to soo tho torchlight procosssion. At tlio Grand Opera-House tho stage hoses wero slightly decorated with rod, white, and bine streamers, hut there was no soldiery, ritlo team, or other spoolnltioA to wel come Air. Davenport. Iho gallery Was jammed, and the remainder of tlio house well illlod. When tho orchestra played the overture, composed of national airs, there wnn a general howl of appro bation. It was evidently an “American" audience, uud a thoroughly demonstrative ono ut that. Over at tho other house, tlio hand of the Sixty-ninth Itoglmcnt, stationed in tho lobby, struck up “Hail to (ho Chief" when Iho curtain roso on tho platform at Elsinore, and Dornardo and Francisco wore grumbling over thu cold weather, with tho ther mometer up in the nineties in tho auditorium. Hero, at the Grand Oporu-ilouso, they had no brass hand, Imt tho ‘•boys 0 wero continually doing things quite ns incongruous as this, anil kept up instructive and animated conversations with tho actors upon the stage. At neither huiiuo, though, was there a show of anything but tho utmost good order, and further than putting money in the pockets of tho man agers uf both establishments tno people did nothing out uf the way. Au Artomus Ward would have said, they did uot riot worth a cent. It wan impossible to manufacture a single thoatrlc nl “bloody shirt." Nobody would commit an outrage, but preferred, rather, to have a jolly lime and enjoy the imirio ami the fireworks. 8o there was no ro-ciiuclion of tho terrible accuea of Aslor place: there was no soldiery save in the most peaceful mood, and tho rillo team' drunk clarct-punch up in iho manager's otllco of HuoUi’h Theatre, and told their friends how royally tho Irishmen had treated them. Twen ty-third street wan livelier than it had been for Home time, what with calciums, flags, fireworks, torchlights, bands, etc. ■ hut those wore all that constituted tho threatened omouto. New Yoiik, Aug. 3(J.—liarry Hullivan. the tra gedian, appeared in Hamlet to-night at Hnnlh’o Theatre. The house wan crowded. Col. GiUocsluovo aud other mombora of tho American team occupied a box and received a cordial ovation. Tho Blity-nlnlh Uriah) Itogimonb was present in full (bice in compliment to. tho Amorican ICUIo Team and to Hurry Hullivan. Mr. K. L. Davenport appoorod at tho Grand Gpora-Houso, also in Hamid. The following card from Mr. Davenport appears iu tho HeraM of to-day •. On my arrival Imre from my quiet mountain homo this meriting. Uwu my first dmy and dlcmum to |)ci ii*othc columns of your Journal, wherein I found un editorial beaded, “American Art*aud American Artls(n,"from which I learned Hint Mr. Davenport baa Informed ua that “tho New York public will be afforded in opportunlly to Judge whether Amorican actors c»u render Mhaksiwaro’s miwtcrploeo un Monday night at tho Omni Opcro-lluuae, when Ur. Davenport and au American comtauy will appear hi •'llainloi.” AU thin in Greek tome. 1 beir to nay tint nil I know of the matter le, that 1 waa ap plied to by thu management of llte Grand Opera-Houaa to lommtuco au eiigjaumuit at that uttabhahment on the :-.(Jlh iiiat., la tho character of JlamUl,tOT curtain considerations. Vmwinlng llmi I bavo a perfect right to nrraUßu my owu busluesa malUn. 1 tinned tho negotiation, and um boro to dl«- charge my duties to ray employers, the public. and tnyacl/. 1 have nothing whatever to do with the •uoomiccineuta or advertisements of tho loimagrnifhl of thu Grand Ojura lloiue, nor do I uro pose tuluve any. I’crmlt tun here to disavow atf In tention nf degrading my art, and I aia lamtvdiat anrprUed to find that lliu saiuo pen that pronounces mo “a flood and accomplished actor, none better." etc., should bccuio mo of guch an act. 1 hu.’u never truckled (a tho public or preta for favor, having Icon always ready and willing, as now. l» stand upon ray own merits. I havo nodlslreto“ch»Uougoa lorelgucr, 1 * UorfwoQld 1 de ■coud so low lu Ihw asllmatlon uf my friends as to apjx-il to any feeling whatever save that baaed upon pure Intention* and good will to all maotlnd. 1 have no deuru to “revive old animosities" with which 1 had mi contraction whatever, True, “I never resolved aught but courtesy when lu Eugtaud," and that during seven years' sojourn there, and it has ever been my study to reciprocate 11 whenever in my power. I had (he pleasure of meeting Sir. Harry BuiUvan while in Huglaiid, and he subsequently played iu tuy theatre in ilusUm in 1H»0. J found him then, as I am cuclatn 1 bhall find him now, u une artist ami afiomloman.fluJ ho mu hare no uioro sincere wisher for all the micros hie inienui and gemue con eoaound than your ulodieut servant. .$ I.TJViI . 7,<:i1 , .'.3:f . 4,! 1U..M1 . J,Ux».l;j . pi4,iir» . a IW.IN> . jn.fu . JiD.tW .|IO I O.VS.tW .$ a‘H.OO . 2JD.H3 . si,:mi.t'ti .$ 3,903.52 41V51U1 . i.wy.ui . SIH.CMI .10 mien. New York i'mrt, Aun. 91, Tho reception of Mr. Harpy Sullivan last night at liuuth's theatre was, as regards numbers, all that the enterprising management ooiiid have desired. The details of the affair had been ar ranged beforehand, and the material necessary for the carrying out of the programme wore sup plied throughout with a lavish hand. The thea tre, inside and out, was abundantly decorated with all manner of bunting, and the banuere of England, Ireland, and America wore umsplcu ous. Iho Huty-uiulh llegimout, iull strong, in full uniform, but without their arms, occupied the first five rows of chain in the balcony, and thu American llitle Team, Lleut.-Oov. Dorebei mor. Uov. Alvurd, and the members of the Assem bly Commute* on Quarantine and Emigration, filled the proscenium hoxea uu either baud. Bur mounting the boxes were the respeolivo en signs of America. Ireland, and EukUnd, attuned io such a uiatmor as to give the last named the most prominent position of the audience and tho occasion. The galleries, and even % portion of tho balcony, wore literally packed wiiu an ar ray of costless and ofttimos vesilosa sight-seers Their first conspicuous ••hair* was to hall the eutraooooftUo‘ > Q^ou^ , with tuajuliuous and THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER !5, 1875. prnlmi(»rt(l rlioniim'. tiri'lor lli>i Impr-M'-iim Ibat lint venerable rrl:i. -In \« bi tlio of tin* fvou» hitf. Thin iiiir'‘fi s!m iI iv wrnt fin without any mv i< 0.-ibh hilrmn-tinn’ until ilia miilrllf <ij" i|r- r.iinili u-;L, wJit-n n ti-u»|ioraijr ilii tin.jjii .it .it uni yall. rv. uccotiii’AiitD'l by volleys nf lii' •■ -h ati i hlimttß of -Throw him ovnr," nitommi Iho jiotoiiuv of Um pntocn ro* tailu.l nt llio nalnoli in tlio noKltboibooil of Ibo theatre. Tho order pHtHorvon however, wan. r.M a whole, fair, the mrinhorn of Uio Hlxty-molh capooially comlnctin« lli« iuhgivoh with illgnity, which ujilfil to their repntnliou for aobricly ami «)im.'ipliiio. After tlio perlonu anen the ir;»iiiienl, headed by * motley thronj; of mon mid boyH. bo»Hn« propertied to UinViUh Avcuuo Hotel, wheto Mr. Humvan, m rohiioiiHo to repealed callu, appeared dpon t li*» balcony, anil esprcwfced Itln wcl;n(iivtrd(Tiin*nta In an appropriate manner. Hboil "iiechea wt-ru made by Col. Ojldeialeovc. ol the Amurlaui Tram, ami other*. ami lifter a rer/mado by O'Ui icii’h ami Oporii’s orclioetua, tLo audience disyotued. amp.iiica;-*. Koo York Jim iW, dm/. .11, When tbo curtain roso on Um play of "Ham let,” with Mr. K. I|. Davenport in Um role, at tbo (Irand Opera House, last evening. lliu placo was lilted. Tlmro was a row of sous boro mid there over tbo liouso unoccupied, but Urn casual spec tator was given tbo impression that stainling ruota only remained, ami ibis wan Um case later on. I'roin tlio lueiiiaut tbo doors wnru thrown opcUi until after llio performance was steadily under way. a ceaseless luream of people pouted into tbo broad vcnltbulo of Um theatre and stood In lung columns, single Jile. a.suitiug tbuir turn at tho ticket ollicc. it «vun a croud of uncommon character. Homctblng be yond tbo mero cutioeity of arcing .Mr. im vonport net Jhiu.kt impelKd them to tbo Grand Opera-House. It v.nn an " American " crowd present to son and hoar Jhvnht aided by an American, supported by an American com pany. When Um orchestra mounted upward Into Um Ucr.h air ami tho bright gaslight fnmi the gloomy roeefsea beneath tho stage it i uccivod a moderate ovation, but when full soon it btoko out with “Hail Columbia," tho bouse shook with llm long reverberating peals of applause. This was followed in rapid succession t>v “Mv Mary land,” “Dixie,” “Tramp, Tramp, 1 ' amf a few oilier purely native aim, all of which received duo homage from tbo gods In tbo gallery. When, however, tho conductor shrewdly pausing for . a few moments to allow a triilo of the ether of amor ]>ntruv to cnuporaic, struck up with tbo full forco of bis rather limited airing band “Tbo Star .Spangled Danner," tbo enthusiasm reached its climax. A hurricane of yells, cheers, and whistles swept downward from the gallery and from (ho Hour back to tho gallery again. Klrangcrs from tho country stand in amaze ment. Not being in tho secret of thissiugularly warm reception of tlm national airs, they must have been a good deal puzzled to find such nn effervescing loyalty In a city go cosmopolitan as NowVork. Again mid again tbo cheering roso with tho notes of Um grand old national anthem. Men clapped tlmir bunds and women waved tboir handkerchiefs art perhaps they never clapped band* or waved handkerchiefs in a theatre before over “Tho Htar Hpangiod Jlatmor.” Tho vast area of tho theatre to one who eat near tlio orchestra seemed to bo an un dulating sea of faces. Gallery blended Into fam ily circle, and fnmilycirclointonuditorinm,while put a single inch of space appeared to bo unoc cupied. Never was an audience in a liner mood of uncritical gonoroslly. The worst actor breath ing might corno and go and got u volley of ap plause hi tho wuku of Ida oxit. It was a most benevolent and large-hearted audience. 'When Jkimlrl (Mr, E, D. Gavcnpot t). paring slowly with tbo Impressive and immemorial singe stride. across Um Hour, halted with meditative air to tho right of tho fool lights, ho was received with tbo wildest dcnionriialions. Tho godu sprang to thoir foot, waved their bats, coats, ami handkerchiefs, and shouted like Trojans. Tho family circlo entirely forgot iin decorum, and where the most refined element of tlio audi ence was to sit I lie scone was like mid night at Tammany Hull alter u Democratic State victory. juraiY srr.uvAß i.v a ki;w hole. tirifiklyn Arvu*, Au<i, 2 J . Yostordav afternoon Mr. Harry KttlUvan, who is •• billet! " at Hooth's ns “tho grout Irish tragedian." wad posing in tho bar-room of tlio Fifth Avenue Koto), iu tho eight of admiring multitudes. Enter Goorgo Hntlor, accnnipanlod by tho Fal fltolllnn dramatist. Charles Gaylcr. '■ What ho ! Landlord! Jluiiho I Wino hero 1" Wiuo is produced, and Uutlor Introduces Sullivan mid Gaylcr. Mr. Clavier is introduced aa " the groat American dramatist." .Mr. Unliivau iutorjocU n laugh uud tbo incredulous romarli, “ as if thoro over wore or ovor would bo aD*Amorlcau dramat ist 1" This touched tho etont pontloraan on a tender spot, and ho determined to get even with tlm great tragedian, which, after patient nailing, ho managed to do iu tbo following language: “1 say, Hullivan, I saw you play when you wore horn twenty years ago. You were twenty years younger, and you ployed fairly. I don’t know whether you bavo gone ahead or backward siiioo that timo, and 1 think it a doubtful matter yot, Tlion, 1 remember distinctly, you called yourself tlio groat English tragedian. Now you call yourself the groat Irish actor. YottVo loft people in such doubt by tbeso contradictious iu regard to your birth that folks, including myself, Login to think yon’m a mongrel." On this, “Harry" raised bis heavy eauo and brought it down with a tremendous whnek an tho head of " iho great American dramatist." Hut lor, the JonmullHtic Hotspur of tlio poriod, got into Iho row, and set Uuvlor In tho background. Mr. Hullivan wanted Uutlor to lot him go, or take tho consequences. Tho Free lance man preferred (ho latter, and (ho roaiilt was a prnUv little combat, with real Lloud and a roslistic finish, it all ended mth “Harry" having his two oyee blackened, and hia fare swelled and bruised out of all symmetry. Tho nffalr created a tremendous oxcitomont, and tho details wore all thu talk In theatrical circles last evening. Thoro woro no arrests made. As Mi. Hullivan is to appear as Hamid on Monday, some curiosity In rife os to how no will manage Lis facial “make up" for tbo occasion. CURRENT OPINION. “When you hear a man talking about what nobody cleo understands and ho don’t under stand himHolf, that’smutaphysicu,"said aScotcli man. YVliat a vivid idea it gives of Wendell Phillips' lucubrations ou tho currency question. Motion Journal. Tho inflationist never Rota enough money. ITo la engaged in an hopeless an enterprise aa that of tbo mao who attempt# to drink all tho whisky and smoko all tho tobacco. Tho truth in. tho world cannot be run on paper money.—Cincin nati Commercial. For our part, wo cannot noo a necessity for providing a machine for Government loans to bondholders. Wo cannot ifoo what nood a bond bolder haa to borrow money, whon ho can any day convert hi# bond Into money la tho market. —Cincinnati Gazette. Tho Inflation demagoguea lu Ohio will try to mabo political capital oat of tho failure of the Dank of California, for thoy have a profound trust in popular ignorance. It la possible that voters who aro too stupid to see through their other fallacies may also lie deluded by this.—AVio I’orfc iieroUl. What tto desire is not bo many now colleges, but the strengthening o{ tho old ones. Hotter far to havo IWo universities liko StrasLurg, Loip -810, Heidelberg, Oxford, and Cambridgn than have a hundred small, straggling, indifferent col* leges, without reputation, roaourcoa, or culturo. —AVte York Herald. Lot tho soup and bonk-houso ho put in full operation. Lot all who apply bo provided with meals and lodging, and thou let them ho sot to work cleaning tho streets, or In Hitch uthor em ployment aa may be made remunerative to tho city, Tho plan Ih temple enough, and it makes poverty roapectablo to an extent to which men dicancy can never exalt it. Another thing, it culls tho thief from honest poverty.— at, Louis Republican. , Tho now Corporation Counsel of Now York Ur. Whitnoy, doesn't mart off bko a demagogue, at all events. Uu official opinion that the Al dermen havo no authority to order (ho Depart ments to pay more than (he market price for unskilled labor, or to say anything about tho matter any way. is*good grit a,< noil as good law. John Kelly ami tho Tammany Society Uuvu pub licly censured tho policy of tho Departments In that respoot, and wept on tho neck of tho op pressed laborer.— Spriwjjlelti Republican. Bpoaklug of (ho striped stockings, Jennie Juno says, with great good scuso : A lady may Wear, as many do, tho finest of ailk, the most delicate of thread, hUo may match (ho tints of her dross, and thus harmonize every portion of her toilet with perfect propriety \ but when she wears hosiery only lit fur a harlequin and shortens her dross in front to a vulgar extreme, to show it. there is very little or modesty or wontatihcod left that would not bo aacritlobd to vanity and love of display. According to Groce Greenwood, (he authori ties of El Faso County, Colorado, have Lqcn guilty of h very shabby trick, In selling her UlUc vneMMn borne at Manltnn t< ir tasen, without f:iviii;c ncr or her l.mDtml proj.or i.'itii'-.ntinii, I • •■•i.iiilt) tli'-ni (o tij •' : their t.ix hn.i.’iiioo CrVn w :!{.■•! n ropi.i.n f:nl I tll r :cti from K >D* /..■ 11J11'11 oiEfiil tn m iks U;<* .<j',- 11 :.n - 'J h*.'nipbfc Invo nifmmUriwl that eh > ha/ | aid all ltd *in« a ibounainl foi l bv Urn rljrvmiijti.* Ictteis alio baa written furit folnr.idu, ulucb linv.t attracted liundi-.U i-f lic.tUli«;-«t:ol;er» Uullicr.— Uvrl/vrA l.'ij'iniiif. yo ir? ago tbo Uri-nb!icui City Govern* tnent uf Cbii-apo ended lh« Hon. .J. C. I’ii UarO fiotii Him po-ition of Huperinienlaot of i'ublid Inatrin turn m thin Hl&lo. and nudo tiim Kupojin lendont of Hrhoolniti lliatritv. Hilico (ben ho bn* labored diligently mu) fruitfully, and. with corruption nit around him. ha has remained above miHpicioti. 'Jim rfaiilt of Ida labors h a l>«Win acbool system hi Cbic.vo übich ban not ilsnaporlor upon Him continent. lint now iho Uomoeraw b»vo obtained control of Hut Govern niofit of Hint city, ami n rmmmient is liiannurat* ti'l to remove him, fur tbo purpose, no doubt, of Itmlabinf? Homo serviceable (uliUciao. Mayor Colvin, \tlio in iho lio.t'iof tli<* H-lmmo, tnaaslc.-rl why hu whh In fnvor of ih» rcmoviil of Mr. I'icli ard, to wliirh ho iojj'icJ : “llccatiHO Lie lias bftnri Hicri' tuo loin;.’’ (Jno mU'lit mtpposo that lonp Hcj vico in aucli a pu-utinn would rather bo a reason tvhv an olrioer hlioiiM not bn removed, ea* pocially wh.-n, hh in tho cano of Mr. i’ickarJ, lio luih f'Ciforniej tlio diiliea in atich u manner that no word of complaint ban boon beard. \\’o pro (Jiot that if Urn coiißpiruey for bin removal mto» reodH, it will roact v.ilb cniHlmiK tfloct upon tbc Bemocrary of CbicsK f >.—.Vd'r.udv .‘-.u'intL CITY REAL ESTATE. lei'll SAI.E -IIOOSEH AND l,<»fS -c’i.EijA-Nt'c 'ti{. I l.iilon tiirvrlil.*-trotjl luiuic* wpli inar’.lM iii*iit»U. hu!. 41,1 colii wetcr. liAiii-ro-mi*. nii'lall rn rnn>eii|,.iic"“ rot neck lu loei Ir< iu tlm atroot. l.aa Uu I-mi j |. u tu> Blnl aurroUMliniia i fine •find''.tree*, nmt ■•Hti-wAlka paeoil wltlt Uloii nelybliorliiiod uneiceMl'iiinliln; tt ry central nnl elrileo loeaUnn. w and n,»t <.( Union Park; on eaif tertna, wtcli a llhcrtl <ll*''<>unt for cs»h. (irtcp* very low. Ali>n eni illnr li'.ui i< of loi roomt In (lie Minn noUthhoUiooil, vary eln'Ap. A* timet Imiiior# Oimh Ik)iiio4 will »dv»iico itrcitly In taluj. H»mn o( ihrtn will lie renloo m imnip* l.rincmr R .od rorr-ri-nccn. H. N. HAYES, No. 7 iloirt.poliUn Jlloel:. M l*vs.tll'i-«t. SAbE OR EXOII\N(IK-1 Vjß' CU-Alt PROK i 1 efly, I wo-Uorr lirlek homo om) tanniueni. with n well I’ cleei bonice with all mode rn liii(itov.'Meu»«, on .Houih Hido, near aircot cir* and ninnibnro, m nioice neiafil"ir bood, (nrralooii moußily pjyiucr.:* or o Immlm to euit iitfrcijaior, or rent. Aim nnn on IVwt ft do. Innulra at b 7 HValn-»l. JuIISCOVF.VU. inquire won'.sa'lk-Tilat VKiiv Djisiuaulk a s tokv X and baiemeDt ah>ne fr<>nl residence, s„. Of, c»lu* Ttiol nr.; In (•orfod otdor; will bo fluid In but liulo over half 111 value II taken at once. Alio aovoral other choice roildoncet on flouth and North flldaa at present bottom tljrurcs. 11, W, THOMAS, 13J Minim al., corner of .M&.jUm. SALir AT A‘.SA(;iaV(('T.'-TiTKNOK! ftiiA.ST ,*■ corner o( Twpfth and I)r*idalnr*.Me, 45«12J fc.-t, will im.nld very .low forcu.h. Alai. Ilia mirtheaat comer of 'l'h'tlv.arr.ot.-1.M.. ftilfiflfcot. SAM UKL M ilit, No. lit iiuarboru-«t. non sALK-mticii animuj niicr. *12.: r u*\. worth don-t mb. a It. Addrc.s W \\ l , mom Jo Mnfir lUock. nOItSALK-A CIIHAT HAliavlN-nii.sT-M.As.S I rntldoxpo and lut feat,, worth to-day if H.wt. Adtln-sa W VV, Room W Major llluck. ] I k)KRAI.K~IIH!:ATIIAII(IAI.sCKP.Rn»RNi;ii ANii I lot 114:1 Tralrlu-av., north of Tweutj.nfih-at., U room* l ino.torn improvement* i le«a than croumJ value. nnß salk-at a .sac hutch-^(jirkx't.irANtiirr JL l()h to 3«,<J Icel or lot* on Cotlntfo Ororoer., aouth of Ililrij-aorcnth at.: S’i Mot In Womllawn, near station ami South park i U( anroa <m ll&Utad-atnorth «(draco laud-ar. IS, OUOS.S.MAN, Hoorn |J, US MadlauU-at. noil .SALK-a’ NKU* 2'hTOUY AM) ItAHKMiIXf r brick hnn«fl and lutuoitAf Lincoln Park, It) t<.orna Injldoa hatli-M-r.m. tSl.loj cash, l.aluuco timo. AdctreaiHh, 1 rllmmi iidlcf. non mam: 41 floor i.iif'o.v'AiioiiioAN-AV . *’lhu<"Uli Chinch, m aim i-tic. N. MON IIOK, Itooni la liawlcy UalldlriK, oorncr Dcorpont end Alailla<m-«tk. niill KALIf-FfNlTyiiriCK lll'sffmNtiK ON Wl'hf I 1 Aliinnm-it.. near Conlanarv Church: dr»t-cl«»a In otnrjf ricipcet. Ti ma oaay. MllAi) X’iljiSallo »L FOil K A LK(no CASH ' WILL' HU V'CHo'ICK lot. !aultl7, on Kurlr*aUth-»t.. near AVnmllawn av., if tskon at onco; owner wanta uioacy, Addreae SML Till iioeohice. ii’OU ft A LK—LA 110 KlliilOK UKSIOKNCE, SUXfiil,' x' prcst-hrlck clnrant mum*, lunmot*. water.uml yra* In txiURO; i’<M>d anwarAun: tiA* line lot, with troe*. end la m-ar depot uu.k-ITurßoti ar., cast (mu' north of Tifty tli.rd-al. 11. A. Ul.ltlCH, hJ Jkarhorn «f. jr/01l SALK-TIIH "lIKHT COUMCIt ON MILTON- I S’lxltd, Boiilheiwt front, ernor of Onklcy ai,: a harariln If anid at (iqcii. Apply at Aid FulUm-it. or SouthCUrk-rt. M. HALL. noil hA iiAiik’ tifiXncrfi u~rvitciiXslTa i corf new brick Imufo In heat t ’caMi.n «n the Smith side; only a atnall parnmnt down ami halnncnto ■nil purcluiMcr: nmntlilv if <le<|rad; will «hc a harealn to a k<k»l parly _\V. U. COUIMiK. la Tribune Huildln*. noil RAL K — *t) 11 ~KX <I i fAN < NICK “iIOUHK 1. and lot In comploluordur; 13 mom*: u'md nelKhhor hood on Weu SMo. Aim uueou North .Side; low. Call on OWNKII. I» lt|vcr-«t. SUBURBAN HEAL ESTATE. re KXnrrAN(IK-IN (a.i;N<;uK-6NK nr li inro, 'ajj4t, a r.-om*, fl. Ad. Ono now I,‘valcrr ci Uaj;n, brie ~ baiciuonl. bay window and marble mantel, ft.•hi'. Twii.iPny bnum, > r."*m*. brick lia<mncnt. well and elitorn, ami ixmcrlnt. lUMlifl, Buhoap. Fine uriiTc lots, finalitl.-oei* mid ndcwaUa built, and woll locaica. «t iff., ifti. if*, and flu per loot; mouthly pay inonta. Tree faje u> iso prupotty. MOHTO.N CITLVi:U, - Jliifinr 4 Motrcpnllnn HlocV. LIOII SALK—OH KXCIIANOK- KLKIiANT SUli- X 1 urban rorldenco in one of tho llnost .suburb* on Iho north *buf«, Itu (not alnvo ibo lake. uew. lavno brick, fmnli loulb and nast, broad pla/zu, connorvaLity, beau tiful BTuunda, 4 acrOft, near auiUon. cvy dlitanoo from tbo city; coat S3p,CU): muat bo Hold at nnco; want (tn niodlalooßcr; lurue lamlacatm viow of tlia property and aurruundtnua can be icon ut uur odico; *alo |* iiikcul ; beat ortur takot If. NIUIIOLR, JiUAOa A CO.? 146 Uoarborn-it. VjSUR SALK—IN I*N{»LP.WOOI», *A FINK COTTAOR 1' and twu-atoiy bouae, neardcpnt; Inks water: elegant place in Month K'.mjlon. All 011 cuvMiiu; tnonilily payment* If dctlrcd. TILLOT3ON DUOS,, p 3 Waihlasioosl. sau:-*ioo will nuv a ekautiful lot J' at Park Üblge: 41ft clown ami if 6 a nmntli until paid; ono block from depot. Protvoityrhownfroe. Uhuap ot properly in, market. Also. lot* at ramoterm* and prioc*. lllA lIUOWN, ltj Room 4. Foil ciiAMiiuiroFco'iT merre/or nice bonne* and lotmn eary payment*. In thn biMUti/ul auburbul .Morgan Park, Melton) faollUiua thubcM in (liecountry, and railroad taro only lU coula. UEU. 11. ULABKK. Agent, _ . Ipull SALE—UKNT, AND KXUIIANOK-KNULK -1 wood residence properly, Improved and vacant. The rnoat doalrablu la Koglawuod. K. U UANKIELD, 67 JatSallo-at. Ij’bu'HALR—UNIMPIIOVKD LOTS ON MADISON* 1' it. and Mouro(v»U, jnat wait <d city limit*, for ltu* prorod prujiorty loaldo. J. H. KHKLKII, US(jla:k-«t. IdOß* KALB—AND KXOIVANOK -NOHI’ll MlTmii 1' mldenco property, improved and vacant; the moat rtedrahlo north of Chicago. K. L. CANFIKMI, 67 Ijv Salla-it. COUNTRY BEAL ESTATE* UORBALB—I3,OOO aVjKEHOF LAND SITUATED IN 1} Trinity Utmuiy, Teiaa. aurvoyad la altamaui too tloni. Principally plno land* of Out boat iintlitr, and fret from undargmwUt. Uumo good fanning land* ami excellent itock range; high and noaitby. and convenient to navlgaliliv atreatn*. 'lUtoa txtrtuot; itrtoo, 760 to |l. AddmnJ. I’OITEVISNT, No. 3.541 uliroaL. HI. Loula. Mo. Poll SALE—DU KXCIIANUK—IOWA LANDS, WELL located in Hioux and Palo Alin {'onntl>», for L'uok Conuty iiMperty, by B. W. UYUAN. JH.. A CO., Itoora U. IVi REAL ESTATE WANTED. \\f ANTED—IiIAICK OB UUII.DINO. CENTRALLV fl located In Übieago, in mehange for |lW,nno e.pilty In Chicago hnuHt anil inla. good larma, village Property, Sand*, valuable mill, and choice luburbaii tula, only lo.Ufl iuoumbrance ua above, rolling 00 but ttarco tdet'ni: would exebange acme piece* for ttocka of good*— liardwaro. groceile*, aiaUonerr, etc., m city or country fewui: will awaiui. H. U. WELLS, Ind DoarL.irn-at. Office hour*, lu a. m. to 3 0, m. BOARDING AND LODGING. Sonth Sirto. Ol 4IIOIIKJAN.AV.-DAY HOARD PKR WKKK. L tj; turoUhiul rooms, without bmird, p«r mimilli, *7 Id «A): furnished rooms, with Ixiard, par wool;. f:> Ui SO. ‘jHl MIOHIOAN-AV.-TO RENT, WiVH IIOARIL *MA> second lluiir entire. UDliirnlabcd, ur lu suite* Fronting lake I’ark. Very desirable. Aluo, single room fur gsullomao. rtiih MIGIIIGAN A V. - a cmipurV>V"o6Tni“ UOW paylnr,iH!nnanerrtboarderswhow|llfiimiihfliHr own rwom ctu secure drst-vlaaa aoou tutu odat lefts by apply ing, __ tjr,o iIIQIIIOAN»AV—LAROB.'PLKASANPHOOMB | iMf and good board la private family. Rufsreucua exchanged. Hotfll*. I>OOIIRHTKR HOUSE, NO. US SOUTH CLARK-ST., it nearly opposite Pacino UoUil-<5 per week; day board S3.P'. who u«e of piano. . BOARD WANTED. IJOARD—A OKNTI.HMaN WISHESUOARU. WITH J 3 room, in a prlrauj fatally, when) Uicro are f*w or no oiher boaidori. Must bo aear Twuuty-*wcuad-it. Y iH, ‘i'dbuaa office. Board mv oi i; niu) - witji niuk room.'in riii: vato family, by gouUotuau and wtlo. Adilreu g W. Tilbuue offite. _ HOARD -ONE.FURNISHED ROHM aWd HOARD J> fur two ladle* ou »ne of tho arenuesrait ui Male Real »{ ro!««tico, Ad> ilri-ii. Kivlug loc-atioa and tarnw. G. U, bKEUK, 77 Clark at. I_PARTNERSWANTED' ~ liAUTNItU WANTKD-A UKNTI.tMANWIfcTHAH X built upaaafe aud pratilAble luuibey buaivu vrlilna to aycutu auiuo nldUloiul capital; %ak» by car uuly. AilJreaj, lor oao wuek. OUNN. 121 Doartoro lt.__ IJAHT.NICU'wANTHU-IVITU iXM OAMtV. STOirK X on band that will roluro dloO. To tburigbtparly tui* is a ram vbance. _Addrm U 7y. Trtbunu office. IJAUTNKR WANTKU-’in a LlVuLli X general commUiWn butlnaaa; a yunug, ac-fvo man. with a oaah capital uf gl.Mal to H,M, to Irani iu llio oDuulry (ur the purpu«u of lucreulug tliu bualivii. Thu*jencu»giv«Baodie<4Ulfed. AdJrua fl BU, Trio- IJ A bTNd'.irVVA NTKD--X YOUNU "if AN WITH A X .inalloai.liallualiebtniaimU.itudn* husbuu. well .■iiatill»ti«d, l ull at 474 Cuwtrvuar., comer kauri-*!.. beuevu i anil tl u’clneW. J. A. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. I 1 W yard* veoh; will wll separate or togelh-r. at ball price. ITJ Wc.i Jladucu-.i. if 'you iiavk liouskiioi.D I'UjTxTrfiiE oil “iff TiF w mU ' «**«“ u “ tu ' l " TO RENT-HOUSf.S, f pi> rknt-.vnv ", ■.•.0-’-rony ibiU’k jo it* ” 1 1' ' '-r: r! -:. i 'T' A ' .r.,1 l!(, ..II i To li;..’,r->KW BBIEK AND 1 H\M!-: UM >; s !. •!'. *>'. ’•V'. i'.nd Pi. E>r »ili“ .in *.ViVilr pay. turn;*. JOHN V. J.B Kill!A UT, 1:.7 Wmhinr■< n f IM» Rpsv lIOIM., WEI,I, \JI\PIKJ» K'U i am! 1 lly l)oardin<'lio'n«; l> rill ,n : will I." r<’ntrl low i<»a (j .<)j tenant. JACOB C, M,*011,1., 77 Chirk -I. rni) RENT NEW COiTAOi: OR ■ ROOMS; KENT J. t»kon In fiirrnct* for *4i'K». 13 J f.e.saPe »•., liy.m iv. »ro rest i.aroi: wiMimv riM.Mi; noum'. I 11 A! In'll M rt. 'rut. -t t r-tCI-t fir a liuicltn I.aiding hMi*'i. M. IJKAf.. II) UmII- m. rpo RENT - If<>UAH AND I.'iT. WITH BAR.V. NBA 51 A .t.'llrr'un l'ar<, S“. 7 u !/n<tnl<**i.. f. r.M.rm, nil i.r tirr timn’ii. I'm iMtCcalart ftml kr> laqnirn «t VA W«it Vaii Biro nt. h’iTrent .twn smfjV' basY .uknt ifn 11 I In HI Uiifty tlPn *!.. K,tant V«muu-»r„ »Hh ii.irn. jfi;. !u A|i; lr i«l jKfIuIIKJ?. ___ 'P<I.REST WEST SIDK-dii NoitTH iciUMNA-hT. I II U'o -<l l» rximr. In yivut > nli r. Apply to fbo owner, 1' > Sure Pviliha-M., fr.,m r, till 7 |I. tn. ■ rj’ri RENT—IJiJUSK NO. w CAI.UMKT-AV. f ro »iKNT~T\voVruuy’’iii)U.sjC'v In’toMt*. on I »A>:k«’.n-ii.. neat't'r.inir, to a ftneli ftmlly. sie. J. 11. kI'.M.KR, iijt;;*ik «. 'I’O RENT HSIOItV liitll.K IBiUMI CORNMi 1 C>4< an I Ililti')) i bu:i :«Tl intiil'Tii Irnp/nremonle i n-ul in T< i/u r;u*i»j in in r>f May la » uilsUctory I«d* aal. MEAD .1 cdk, UlEaSaU,,.*', Suburban' rpo RENT-DRsmARbE rv IMVFXS- J wood; iJiS pur inbuilt. UUBEItT BKEEII. U.l Modi* eon-it. rpi> RKNT-IJIOUf.AND PAUK IIEiIDE.VCE.VimT I nliftert, *r..utKl». |i» i'/(.wnji>n niilrr; t iutrally IfPitcU. CANTIM.H. 671/isalJ TO RENT--ROOMS. f PO RENT-FORM HIEtJ ROOM:! Mil- IKIUSIh J k*st'i'ii* tn • AnU T: r»ini» i*2 to week. It-injuV Bi .cti. Ik 7 MU.i4uki ;--A», , fjM) RENT - HHBiM AND ri\K ~ Rut Ills TO- J Rttlier or wj oraio. Ter particular! In.juiro on Irto promliui, tYJ StAlc-nt. ri'O RENT—M-’RNISHKD lI«>O.MH Foil lIoU.SE -1 kt'OplOK. L"J7 .N'lnM l.hrk-*!. M’DIIKNI-OJ HAST RAND')M'iI Sr 7, KI.KUANT I (utniahod mam la a .prUaiu French family; very niodnreto real. ri’O IIK.NT-CJOOD BDUMS, FURNISHED Oil UN- J furnlihod, with (f»« an I hot aad cold water. riierouo-a ta<|t>irod. ta>Cenir<j.«r. FpO RENT-KbKnANTI.Y.I URNISIIED ROOMS. i*3 I In i|7 |**t T’i,( 1 ,* .i.jUcil Pnl.K.Miut litiuao lluiliJlfijr, 3*l Deail. ni i1.,1«M |.[o:ki of P.o. M’O RENT-O:.' J lioll ard IVri’fm s»*.. npii'T p-'.n of hnu.«' , l Inp .od order: wator: 6rncir,»; renifll per tnnalli. Imiuira ol •M. HAM., *':<7 Fulton «(. TO RENT—STORES. OFFICES. &c. StoroK. rro niis'T-Pronn and haskmrnt ss-i htati:. J at., near Vaa ilnrva; utco atoro and cb’.ap. CJ. 8. WALLKH. <1 Clirk-ir., Komi. 11. rro kknt-moui: ii 3 wkst MADfMON.sf.rwrrii 1 ahelvlttK end int-hi'iuea: rood locailca; rent lot*. OWNKIi, Hrwiu Republic Life Uo'ldlr;:?. fPO URNT-O-VK-MALP Oi: TUH" WIIo'lR STORK J II 11 Kart Randolph-»t.; b- at 1.-mlou on Urn atr.f t for riiitr .'i'l oihcn. (fnii*furultlilmr a ,od», or a>’ atom: nmap ram : null ai_MufO- WANTED—TO RENT. WANTED -TO ULST-WK WANT DWRI.UNOA >) of all <li'«crli‘U..U'. !lr«t cli»'. tuodiuai aud mull, for jfrtnd tenant*. (Mm-rf will commit tlmlr lidun .te t>y kaviiiK their property with in to ram. AVAL il. KAMI*- HO.Vjfco,. 141 LaSalle-st., otla llf-ek. \\MNTKD—TO RKNT-A ‘ M oaat of Sutoaml a >rth of Kitt’i’oen-n-.t,; would like to hoard owner s jr rent. Addrcrs s £», Tribune office. \\TANTKD-Tl l UKSTITf HULK YOUNO (JK.NTLE >I nn u wish two nloely Pirnialu’d ram.a, or *oparM'-, North Hide, anuih of Superiorand eaat of Clark at, V 44. 'lrlliUimolbco. 1<» Ll'.M-ltY TWO VoYNii'tSK.4- >» il'tni’i. fori (•S'*,! mom*. wittJ hull., with <rui’h uol hoard. In .. roapcoiahli’ lainily ui.oru u<> ..liter h urrl'T* are Ml.'T.; h cull’d oil nnj of tn • (.<■t(«.r ;.v mu -« hatvr.-ua I i«li .'i utli ami Tw< nty-u’c ud-«t»., or tuct’v* o.i flic fjkko I’atk. I’ r< urcocca fliveu uud re imrcd. Addrct* Y IK. 'J’rlhun.i ollico. WAN'IKP -TO UKNT-A LAIUiK SULTII Oil CAST uufurolahod room on North Snlu. W (4, Tribune ollicn. FI NAN Cl Ai« 1 COMMF.UCIAL VAVltn, NOTHN WITH COM J\ latcrr.U, and nmritfanca, housht and told. WAAL! tiIIKLNKHAU.M A CO., No, Hi Tifth-nv. ADVANCHR MADF ON IUAM«>NI»fI: WATCirwr Ininds, etc-, at LAUMUiIIV private olitoo, IJo l!«m1olph-*t., nr-arChfk. K<iahlMicd p.M. /t() M M KHCI A L J'AI’KII AM) MoufiMCKS AT houffln ami «oIJ. i<uru invdo uu real oiueo at ■« per coni. hUaKNK C. LOMU A IJUO., T 2 Kan Warhlnc luu-at. MONKV TO LOAN ON ItKAL KSTATK 3 Of! fi yean, at fi per coaf. Sunil lmn< at lnuct rate. Waul n.iuo O-uiuoih paper. 11. C. A CO., 1(4 Uuarhorn-it. Money on hand to loan, son r. vkaiis. on (.•■ml r< »1 c*:ato. J. 11KNUY KuTK, 14 Hooper llluck. Hj Claik-at. rf.OAN iflo.fxi! AT fl I*l’ll CENT: ALSO. OTHKU aiimimtf- at l* and Id pur cent: turn! t In r.aiid 1 can bo rl nod at unco. NICHOLS. iIUAUU A CO., 146 Dear* Lurnst. W’K iIAVC fci',”/); CAN LOAN AT U ANh'llW ON Improved prni oriyt nvnnoy all ready. I'.UUIiNIC C. L‘)NU A JUiO.. 1i Last AVa* \\T.wrKD -LOAN OP fl.-ju) UU fl/«i O.V'i.OT AT *• K-nwtu.J, nr-ir IVrty-»Uth-*t. and Woi.dUwo-av. Will pay 11 po.- i i'p- lnlin’>t ami 2> parcoul cummliiluo. AddreiaN 111'. Trlltuuo uilice. \\rANTKl*—’i'O IIOHKOW I«:w l ull TWO VKAICS »l or binuor on an liopruvinc Mlfhiyaa fruit farm,worth now UJ.Um. Addro'e TM. Tribitao oifioo. \V r ASTKD-ei.ta) KOin iIHKK OH SIX MONtTdT VI chattel wcurity wurth f4.'> i’; will pay liborally. I’arty rotponsible. Addtrai H £l. 'I ribuno odico. Q PKK CKNT-iIONKY TO LOAN ON AI'PHoVKD O real oatvioaecurity, by K. W. HYMAN, JH., A CO.. Hoorn 11, Jf« LaSallen. <j*l To liOAN ON A CnOICK I'AU.M IN •7l.o \l\f Northern IHlnm*. K UIIIALL 4 FIIAKC, So Metropolitan blue*. Kdt.dolph-rt. twin to loan on coo'd ■ IMFUOVKD •PU. IMM I f.’hlcaco real oir.uo at P percent Intereat; ■l‘i> tuitii of ffl.toj ami a-'.iuj r.i Inwmt current rtUd. SAMUI'LCI'IIK, 111 Dcarlkirn-bt. £/\ fU\i\ T° LOAN UN .MORfoTtliON \Vlliri.K M I «ir lu part, on abort uuju. AUdro** Him, Tnli 11110 nffii'O. HORSES AND CARRIAGES* VuriTON SALKS OF HOUSES, "uAiniIAOKS, J\ and harne** ovurr Tuoulay, TlmrvuKT, and Saturday, ■'(immotiolag nt lu a. m , at U'l.STi )N A C.’O.’b Auction ibxnua, Nut. M<Oand Uw Kant Washington*). Stock on hand at private *ale. Amnio time given to U*l all burses auld under a warrantee AFINE "fitOL'lC OF FAMILY CARHIAOKIL TOP ami upon bugglei, pliactona, aliJn-mat*. ole., at tho umoa. a? and 29 South OlinUm-al. 11. A'‘ T AUUnONrSfAUTIN ; S 'iiAkTakT367 AND 269 Stata-aU—lUigular auction saloon Saturday morning of good horaoa, elegant phantom, nckaway. nark pliaeloiu, top and op*n baggie*. concord* and banana wagon*. liaroeM, ate. 1‘ lull KAI.K—VKIIY fjIIKAP, 2LA U(SK FINK6-YKAH old faurtet, double hamou. and buggy. Iloraea aru In flr»t-ol**» condition: tiioi will go at a bargain lor caah. T. 11. BOYD, Room 11, Ho M*di*on-*L riori salis-a good hoilsil suitable fob J? buggy or aaddle, and warranted porfeuily tound. Applyjbla fonwoon at s*# Mouth Fooria-it. T>OR BALB-A FINK. DAIIK liAY liTiTLSK, 8 I’ year* old, kind and gentle everyway, and a ipvhl worker; lultable for a grocery, delivery, or buggy boras. Impilro at 7 Contxs-ar. lur four day*. F’Oll SALK—A OOub~WoUK HOKSK. 13 CVVT., 7 year* old. warranted aonndaud a worker: to bo •old roaaoaabla, at the owner baa no uao fur him. Apply at carpeotoTtbop, ii FaitTweldb ia CTYLIBU OYSTER AND 1 'i FLIVIlUfATToNS' O lion material and wi<rkman«hji>, cheap fur caah; ‘large itiwk 00 band at HAHTIN'S carrlago-ahop, id Cana] *t. BUSINESS CHANCES. ( UIANt.'H TO OPEN OYSTER SALOON OIILUNOH. V ' bar; boat location In city: to the right perwm good in dncomonuwlllbeoifurod. Addrvia N tH. Tribuiiuutbco. f} UOrT.RY. tlVuU}, AND' dTUEU~UUftISV.SS‘fs' yi tere«t* for .tala. nr,picbango. Fartnonhlpa nego tiated. J. M. ItI'.VIvULY A CU., Boom 7, 67 \vaihlag toa-tl. n"‘ AI.F INTEREST IN BAMPi'IUIOOM FOR HALIL 119 bast Randolph it., under Dooley's Tlioalr^. UKMTAinUriT A>Mic6.NKKCfll).SF.({y. A KPLKN~ did business, will be sold at a bargain: II not told privately befnm the At day of Eoptcmbur. will bn closed oik under chattel mortgage at auction on that duy: lhn fountain alone cost s<xu. THOMAS A CO , I9lf,'lurk-at. cri.HNiun 'c onfrctio nei i v r AniT itfstau• D rant, withlouulalu costing*o6o, forsalo underchat tel mortgage, (hu on,ruing at auction at tF.tii nVbu-k. without reserve. .ti West bladUoa-ai. O. L. MEVKUS A 00., Mortgagees. UTOVK HTORB WITH 001)1) TIN’-fIHOP AND JOB O trade, for tala, dost the spol for the right one; loot* It in No. 1. Takes a HUIo mmoy Uiauttli) U. Don't oomo without It. SAfi Weil Madl»>o it, rinjK KLKHOHN FURNITURE STORK FOR SALK: .1 business of 2uyears' standing. Thestock, too U, and fixture* will be ml Jat a bargain. Call on oraddreieD. it. JOHNSON, Klktiuru, Walworth County, \Vt«. rniiKVrrpKST CIO All STAND ON>tlK wkst'kidk i fntulwi mustbnanld thiswask ;oiu going East, Au ply at rH Must *[ nyr'yiu:m;VA-jru;KlNt^r-iN •j*‘t‘WU I boilniM. Dali at aj West Randolph and lu rsstlgaie. U. V. HNELI, A CO. LOST AND FOUND. L’OUND -A SI'UAYKD COW. OWNER OANHAvH I 1 it by PfOTlug properly aud paying oxpuutua. 417 neat KrU it. T ObT^VALISE AND Ij ovoalu*. on rourleontli at., l»Kwuuu Wabuh aud inillatia-ata. l-'lnder will be liberally rewarded at 67J WaLaaUav. T GST. ’TAKEN. OR hV'ilCHN“t : urni*Tir<U)7 JJ Letter A Co. 1 * aUiro, Waabiugion-ei., Thmaiay atiotn Wu, Kept. 3. a Urgit Lav huriu, li lean uU, at tavhed to a b'p buggy, >aolul <>a. A lilwral reward will be i»aid for tliu lujiira of ttioliur.j aud buggy, or fur lu fur malum ihu willlead ta tuelr r.curcry by Uiu t’cthUgu (Jeunpauy. birth i*h>r. 7 OJvT-AT OUACJKLAND. iTll ON TiVk ROAD Jj thunto, no Wodneidry, Hopf. I. agoldou bwft* liJlm* wslcl). itouer will be well xuwarded by ruUirulug same to tit Worth Franklln st. MDSiCAX.. I.IUU H.U.K-A MOST KLKUAM’ . T s » Ol,“fAVI'. ' pla’u, now, standard tnako; buo lotju; tonus to lull; araorliicu. 3VI Oakat. ONE MaU-MMOKM'* MIAKJ.V NKVV — OAUVSIi lug* 7oclaropiauo. SI'S, rum! piano, SW. Tureut frua 4U up. M.iauy w biaueti iUnojaa'l tuxolloro. UK WIIT. m siato^t. J ‘ Divorces- i. t r o a i.i. yolif a i m:T>. not an aud. oleully. Tea after decree. Ten yean’ practiced Iby eeiuU ai CUosgc. AddtesaYusi-uaUe iMglwf, WANTED—MALE HELP. TjnoliUcoM«r«. Clorlc*i. An* WAV mi -a a nxiv.urnM.'Ki). uKT.iAiir.K »• t,...j.-r. »>n) in l»r<nu ii flu’l wjth li..»rtJ hn«ti"i4. f:>nl iiaviM ao I niTeiicni. £’ TrilmiM U'ANn-O-A "HA V Kl.lNf* HA Mi.SM AN. O.VM • > fully n'-.'itulnt •<! with (tin i*li't)»»sl<» prn»|ilnn And fr cirmniie. AiMrcti, nr npj-lfnt W And 62 Mlotil* \V AMID’ A VOI’NO MAN IN OFFIf'K, HOOD ’• (• "u.iui, ail v A'Mt kiiovtlodse n( IjOoVkrt-i'lnK'• n.i*l ..,(,/•?•( .„ PA .,,| At to (Jrtf I •• tisn . Ad.!•'}-« VA, orfje<*. U'AN nil A YdI.’NO MAN' AS _AiMr«««, ‘"ii i! .n Uriri ii/, l'u>, TtlhmiafifHco. Tmaoi). ■\\ T AN T K r »-A rinsi ci.AS.i RARUKIt. INQUIRR 1 i.»nlj •n'Tond-M. «'Ai<l’K.Vri'.m ; Cl'.NI f.KMI'.T WITH »* -,5 r'/>rr>i;»mt :ii| «ln;. r; imirt m»u can '"in R-.t a MU.VKA & co.. ta) Waiting* a failin','fonKK in:ifinnn'iiNii: » V willing to work ami who thon-nuMr tanlandt hit uu'iho«<; no oth'jr api'l;. ifil Mvli« in*l. U r A VI'KD-TWi) UOO/> I'AlMiaiS AM* r;Al,>’f. inln'rg. Coni') pfuparod lo goto work, Krt .N .rfi LoPalle-^t. \\TAS m» A (KIOH MAN TO Wuhk (>S KllAl’kil M and molding niv.httjp. HI and 'J~, Van ItJrtm-tl. WA.N’fKD • A I KW (JAIU'K.VI KUH ANf> I.AHdll or*: tloA'ly work. Apply at coruor ( nr. tod I'Dlrtymat-at. WANrr;U“iuouutji)iu,\iUMCNn;riH to wouk AiUlenoo; (nrm« raili ant »nit-li\lf peril <*>ta(o at c»»h jiflco*. and pruipt par- MOiITON WL* VKK, Kuon|4 MotfopuMnn w A!»thf) -THIS MOUVIXO, TWO UAUPftNTKRS" If 111 Weil firing l<ml*. A NO. I KAWVKIi KOH HASH' 11 d'Kir*. o*c.: rt'ini* hut flr*t-cla«i lian'ti med B|»i,ly. (U.STKINJIKI/A NIMMBX. ltd W«; Twenty, ice oil J-St. ■\\/ANTKH-.A mYi.LKR, AT M AND Cl NORTH 11 t.uunl-it. Apply early. Hi’AN HD-A i iIIHT CI.ASS CU.''TO»t'r;UrTEU T 7) *» K<> (<• tv placo a abort di«t/.nor /mm rhieici*; must hrlnit tlrvt cl-M reftrouee* a* to •blll'y ami character; Ji .ri* <lll ryr need apply. JMCIUK, ICUSKNHLATU Jt Cu.. Unite and \V’aUa«u*aT. \\ r A.VTI.I) r.IUHT AIOKK I‘IiAhTKRKiwVNOnTIi it Kcmmnt and Hopbla-aU.: 43.73 per d\y._ Apply at tmtUlnvi. _ _ IV'AM'i:!)-?/' CAICI’KSrKKH UN Hl’ATIi-St., 11 »i«*r the turner o( I‘nUc ; lirtnx your tooli. \I'ANTKIJ-A r.OO o'rf NSK R AT SmIvKSTMAD. _»> JOHN lIL’CIiUKY. EmDlnvnjont Aconcloa. Wantri) im k-ui.u-ivo i.abdurrb poh U T>;.. Mand i;«||r a-| | n Iowa; ware*, «1.T4 i'T day; lcc« far’; 4-•» IHh.ioU .*J farm bands, AI acid U ' r ' CHUI ‘ uIA - v > ia Son eh Water. U r A MT.D 16 >A It Mil A N DsT * jif I’fJi MONTH; 2t»t for railroad, [fi for .(nan (loarrii**; 41.76 per day s 10 fur saw-rnd). K. A. A.MJKLI*. booth Water-st. \VA-ntku“man cook Fujicountry's 86 farm ..*!' l . r*drn*(»n, <|iiarryini;n, etc. A. H.,IA O l(Ah..\ A CO., 21 W on Itandolph-st. \\*ANTKI>-It) I.FAVK Tills DAY, 16 itl V ON >» gra>el*tratn. ti. 7.1 r>rt day: Mon farms. ®l* pi r mimCi ni l Vw*r|. all tall aud wliiicr. 3C3 South Water* W'ANTUD -UAIChiIAIV.’tT.N, WdOD-CIIOI’PKKS, linn hr.rjds. and mi. luiuds; Iroo faro. AN* DlirAV <>. BIND A CD., n North Ulark-sf. WANTKD-iMJ it A 11,1(0 A(1 1. AMOItRUS YOU • * lowa ; per day; 16*1 on rep urn, 41.60 per day; Mw mill and tarmhands; all freo fare, at 23 West Kan diipbui. c. v. a.vct.i. a i;o. MlaroilAnoonn* ■\\rANTi:r»-MK.N OF (iKMT.CI, APrnAnA.NX’F. ' v iaid l.Uklno*. In>d, and a c»«b e-iplttl nf tS*>. )Jl». or ftltr), for a conUrti, pertnaava:, and reruuiiuMtive hultir,*. luitahln for uthor i*». Hr* uuaramre a pMtVt »l s7i)a week, and will «cad 41 sauiple* and lull part ten* ni*ati» btialnoa*. S!rm*Malker«. pnldicis, and boja pe-d nut applj pmonillj or oilier vlj*. AddroM. with rtamp, liXy A CO., '.I DaSallr-it. A' HINOI.R MAN THAT CaN TKN!) • f bar ar.d make hinnolf naoful about a holel; wililep to ro!jif:i n n- " wl*h pi’ull rnlaiv. Applj i.f '’tlranperr’ ” If .rrneriy I'owull iloutoh Corner Milwaukee and Ar- ___ ■\\rANTF.I)-2&\ r OAU MISCUS AT MIStiNK, H.f..' rl Full work yiirauleod; then l Uno skrlks or trouble of any kind. Irn(<ilrn ai U 1 I.iSallt»*«t. \UANTKH-A TIKmdUOJILY COSII’KTKNT */ a.ilo»tnin to icll whip* by aample fur a man a'anfurlng hoii«<>; oiio who has Iravejrd for a wholesale saildlerj hktdwaro hump, and aocaatotped to handling whip*. No ono uho has not Ind antuc cxperlrnco In hand* Jin,: whips nerd apply. Address M ANUKAC l UUKIb 300 West llaltiniore-st. (op-fiairrl, UalUinutc, JU. \\f ANTRIJ- Mf!N TO .SKM. I.V OFITCns, KTOUKS. >1 and fsßitliei. ioi/loc and Imltdlihlft pencils, new clmmi'H. rrg u*|prs. and bias cntiors; also, good articles lor e till hi cions and fain* American Novelty Company, 113 Ka*l iladiom st.. Itrom l!*> \\* ANTFP-A 1 AhVI'IITISiNU FOI'ICTTOIt, HA 1.- M ary or commission. K. 11. MoUITMKII A CO., 1)1 VVakhliißtou'St., up.slain. \irANTBli -- A" FTRSf-OI.ASS ADVI'.nriSINO s> agnut: tf-inimr week paid. <Cnll at SKAIW BROS. •V 1.’0., Ibxini B hsrl.aiitfu liiilldlng. WANTKIi* MAN WITH IIOUSK aM) - TAUKLIt • i P>r leiUtine l iltta; slcaily work. Apply at corner 1 and C.df.UM lirovc-av. \V AN ‘ r 'Hi»-labdiu;hs“ in' iiu;invivotTh~Anri ' f 'Vlnnetka ; work all «lnt"r; part cash part towards lot. SllCAliS A Cd., liO Wa*hlngton*st. \\ r ANT«:P-A BTKADY YOUNG MAN. A GOOD vT cli-ucc for a« iiorson, at tho new Photo* graph gallery lul Wrsr M«dl%nn*bt. WANTUIC-A BOV FUOM 14 TO 19 T YKAUH • • Must ho able U> uko care ol bursts. Call at liU West Mai Una-at., HIND KU ottW. WANTED -AN UNMAUiIIKD MAN'AND WOMAN in work nn farm mid ilu b.maowurk In country; man no«t lie Ur*l-rla*i farmer; ni/urencß rcvpjjreil. Apply at 6CB Co tug j (irovf»v., (tomb to 11 a. □>. \\rANTr.O-TWKNTV MKN Tu WORK. IN LUM t I ber-yard corner J,umb"r and UanMsts. \VANTKL)-A MAN TO VaK »T Cl I ABO * f dt’.ico; liberal Ml try in Id; adr renulrnd; also a partner; InroiUcatUia solicited. Apply at 186 Sooth Clark-at.. Ho«m 6. • WANTHR-C ANVASSKUS IN TUK (51TV AND country to-<<‘ll our houm hnld dinner. needle*, m»e aliioa. and . t.r.un rf. Kmt |> thu time to makn innocy. Wo have tho largoM and nin.l complete Block of fait arltlug articles i;t An. tries. Call and investigate or a*nd for catalogue. Draw* nml p'Ticrat ng'nita promptly aup piled. C.M. LIM.NiiTON, Ul Stalest., Chicago. tUAKfkb-AN omUK HU RAND HOY 13 TO"U Tr yaaranM. Address It lilt, I'nlunm office. WANTI'D-AN OFFUIK HOV.~ CAM.' HKTWRKNI and C o'clock Friday altoruoon. MANN HUUTII 15KH, 87 Michigan-*?. W' ANTkb-HH,SPKOTAHU{ WORK AND GOOD jay for genteel parties. At>;>l.vat onoo, Boom© OUallliwak. corner Maillson and LaSallesta. WANTED-TEMALE KELP. Domo«ilica. TITANTKD—A TOOK AND A TAHI.R WAITKII AT 1 1 lirurjrs' llotcl. Union Sloek-Vard*. WANT kl>—A OIirCFOK KKNKRAL UOUHEWOUK Inaaniall family. Uall at tbe drug More, cursor DlrlaJnn and tioilgwlok-ata. WANTKD-A GOOn n*IUI. TO DO COOKING AT 9t Atbland-av.. corner Monroe. WANTI!i>-A~Yi»UNO OIRL TO DO UQIIT lumacwork at 2M Warten-ar. WANTHb-tlliU. FIJR (11’.SHRAL lIOURKWOHIC: _tnuat be good waaber and troaer. 6tt Wail luke-at. WANTED— A (iIKL AOKD ABbUt'M'YKAHfl'i'D do lecond-worb and Uke caro of ohildren. itelor* encM mtulrrd. Apply to 1131 l’ralrle«a», VV,^ANTKD—A HMAHT, UAPAHI.K' Glfti. TO DO It general bonaework. Call at 3U3 ÜbeatnuUat., near llearlxirn. YITANTmi-A good COOK AND LAUNbKKaS, 1T aim (ncnmbgtrl, at MA Wabash ar. WA.NTKH-a' GOOD <rmb IN a FAMiT7v“ot’ three \\KaNTKD-a' GOOD GIRL TO DO tIKNERAL 11 huu.i’work In a family of two, aim help Uke oaro of baby. Apply bulwoou 8 and Id o'clock Utla morning at 411 Mlcugan.av. _ WANTED-SWRUR OR OKRMAN (IHU, TO DO general homework In auall family, at i<J Ugdon-av., corner .lackaon-al. \\r ANTFD—A lIIHL FOB UItNKKAI. JIOUSK* It work in a private faimb’: conio proparod to cnw menoa work Immediately, til Warren-av., between Uiavtu and OAktoyyU. WASTFD-AHUANDiNA'viXsbIULfODO GKS 1t oral housework In a small tamily, at 1181 Mlcbl* gan-ar. \|7 ANTKD-A lillOD NUKVANT iTI UL TO DO UKN- Tv rral bxiucwurk In a imall lamlly ; German pre ferred. A|i|iljnl 7a Wail Slonmo at. ______ Vir antril-a" cniL To“i>o liia.ilkku work; » ami w*U on uMo. Applyln baeomcot at Oi Waal Washington-*!. _ \% r ANTKn—AT fiT. DRNIM, Ci)ltNK]rXfxu7soß 1T and tJi-itilalno* *’*.. one dlib girl. one dining-room girl, onu cbauiuenuaid . um»« bo ei|w»rlonced. Vi?ANTKO-XniKL foiion'K'"WASH. AND IRON. Tf Alio, a aerond girl to aa«tn with vnuhiag and Una- Inf. Ajtl'ljr at corner rourtouath-at. WONTED-GIRL FOR ORNERAL HOUSEWORK to Unit Ir of two; niuat bn a good 000 k 1 oolrUbnead apply. Jlb’Went Sfinmetrosttna. WfANTCD-A ruw rmahtiiihm to i,barn \Y dressmaking, at MISS HROWN'S, CIA Collage Gruve-av., iipptistUi_pouglai Uouao. Ttnraeu< YITANTED—A GOOD GERMAN WURfIIWUUL. AP IT ply at 13 Klglitouiitli-al. WANTED- A Nimsn UKTWBKNI9 AND 14 YEARS IT old at <3 south l.lncoluat. Laundresses, WANTKD— STAROUKK AND IKONKtt AT4(k) WA. bail) ov., French laundry. Cmolovxnent Affanolot. \Tr ANTBD-.URUM AN.SWttUK. ANDOIRLSOF ANY it nallunaluy, to dll dret-cla** place* In oUy or coon *,KS' \ITANTED - OWMAN AND KUANDINAVIAN vv girl* for private Umlllea, buteli. laundrfo., city and country, at »lr«. UUdKli’S olllco, W klllwaukwe-ar. TOR SAU. li' Dll SAI K—COI.LKCTION OF IIOT IIOIMK AND .1’ gruvu-buuta plain*. U draeduae, geanorad*.ute. IbUisat*opportunity to bur * iiuu good Ullage übi-ap. Thu c .llucil ju b“-» u en. eu<l ad luiurmatiuo lurnblird on appilcallun to O. W. KUSd, 13 Wcaiuru-av., Clilouuu. liSoR BALR-liU ALL *1? kind* and lira*, new and aecund-hand. with ramp a.iulpago tl tiro mutt Uuirntrud kind. Uoiarninaut Guixflllcpot, Uka it., Cnlcig*). . li'OH SAI.R-TWO ‘WALL T\9o J? «muio.»7b*r.leifo»hcl‘U>«r.*uJ by*u*. oue «Uow c.w«*u I «l«»k; clearing c ut. Um daraMiarUearoi *nd tool* SutoittparutmibuluujubiJingpiloei. “V 5U Laat Ran tlulpU-al. . AGEN I’S WAhl ED, A OKSTS WaN IRD -T HK t/RNT UKY^ A Root ayeuu tu clover. Ouo reporu lllty UU>*?RV d OU., itulUaapUl*. SITUATIONS WANTr.D--MALIW •t*on7tl:Pot»rrs. Clor!e*> &o. CiruATioN ■w.\:;tkj>-a vounu man nru. or O «.virt hniint'i w!*Vl to ImtM for * rrltsMo «• j'rnfjrr hr-iM<»: well Aetpiaiotml throiiffti Imra, ilioni’Kjtn, fttnl Wj»crrtiin; lioiiot roferoncss glton. Ail* <lr6M H )I*. 1 nlmnn MHo*. WANT' u •mvr»l y«ar* huila"«* ni-orlonci fa (Jhlciao, wl'h •.line* tr-tr >rMtin tn.T-Mutil" or cumrnlMVin boa»u s would n-it ~li]'t; in iriTollnrf ; bait of roforOnec*. AdJrci* ft £.», I iJljob.miisoa. v*rn;.\T(«).v wa.ntki)' by'a iujsisbs* ma* ijf l; anr mji.icjfy wlinri- iiu run m»l»» hint wilt tt-ofol 1 *erJ br»t of rciori-nros ahdcnih torurliy tn amount of fSoOJi ho*i)c>il, N_H TnbanootSri*. CITIYaTIVjx WA.NTKD-UY A V'HJVIi MAN AS O iwkke'inir. or : hato ffotrV oraotltfll n«« Roriooco ;lu*tnfcily rviaranco t hav* rncomiupiKUUoa •oni formrp t-miilopor. A(Mru« K Si, Trltinmi omc*. CITI'ATIO.V av\vSYkT» Yir ~A * had pmcUml aipoi |*nco ; vnlanr not to maurlal o> a mi*. Manual plaeo. Adlrm (4 to, TtUiuuo ottiec, Trnaoa. SITUATION WANTFP—TO BTRAM AND OAR- O llttrrt A" foreman or iniiorlntoniUnt laeiiforcho wlmm, !>/a prAflteal man of 15years' ju year* na foreman: mil/ un>lor«taml« (ho hii*lnoi« in all na brnn<'liQ*; niakra »p«cl!ic»tlunv (nil«, olo.: bit cutup l-Jlow i>ro«auraanp.inttit; •Athfaclnrjr rpfnrooeti *lr«n. Api»l| or addtM* J. IIBK. kli Weat WMblogtua-tl* out* C 441 >. Ilf. Coachmen. Toattmtoni. Ac- SITUATIONS WAKTKD-BV A YOUNG MAN AND *. ntm to lake eve of horaea am! make hl/melf gat), frsliy n-i fnl. »ti<J rlin other to cxik or do general ho(i*<f' w if., Wurfcii no nhjrtcf: a.good buino djilrvd. Call aft forty hnrti* and JluiterfteW-afa. W*"*"- ... .. UOAUHMAN; WOHK »' I%'inVoii r n " ,limi! W >»&Q wood »ppl/. AdJroM B OITIiA MO.N \V \ NTCD-MY A VOU.NCI MAN AS ftlSuLSte?' 7 w,,ron: ro/flronco, * ,ten - AddrWt SITUATION WaNTKJ) .IIY K OOMPKTHKT YOUtffJ k ’ tr»n aa i*nrtcr rr vor.4 In m«l,> liouas;flr«t oliM rofpr»nco slvsn. ArMrr»«« ;,j.'l’rib-mp ufflci*. ‘ SITUATION V/ANTKI.-IlY’ A VOU.VO lIASV 2f Jp r«M of •«". who ha* « year*’ *'tp<irlonco iq pieklu* rpcßiTinc nty xuoda. Upii city rcfcroncei. lAddnu* I* 3:», 1 nhunn nili«y. SITUATIONS WANTED-ffiMAL: Dnmnnticn. CITUATION WANTKD-HV A .KKAT AND TIB'S O hjTed'; *rtrl fur anconJ worle or loklnc earn of children: R .nth Hlilo preferred. Apply at«« Voroi>n-.jT.,a<mih oi riilri'-.illni t. SITUATION WAVm)~UV A SWKUI.SHuiiuTTO O co-ik, wsrb, ami Iron, or housework In private family, city or country; refwotica, 410 Wftha»n-*v. QITUATION WANTKD'hy'A\uiMllKDlv7rjfAH kJ to d™ jren"r*l dnni**lle w >rk. where duties art) not too ardoous; wage* no object. Atfdroia.Sf, Trtbuno ethers. situation WANTKh-ny a ok/mian cimr, r«> O do cooklm* n’id general nnuMUorV ; good references. Fleam call at 231 Ka»t Division *st. QJirUATIO.V WAMHO-A8 (jilOK IN A FIRST, k j class boarding.lum»e or la a Hnt-clssa private family. Please cal) at 573 Hlaiest. eitWAtio.V" WANTKD-IIVA GOOD GIRL TO DO O g*n?r*l hotuswurk la a hr.t-chua lam Hr. Address XM l.’aldtnet-av. CJITIfATION WANTFD-liV A YOUNG (11HU IN A O private (amlD 1 , (o do cooking. washing, sod ironing. Call at the haiomont dour at 1(3 White**!., North Sid*. CITUATION WANTKD-BV AN AMRRIOAN O to do loautiil work or cars (or children ami lew; wage* u i object; 1 want a lioinu; ot references. Plsasoad dn'W Immediately, y I up. Tribune nfllce. bITUATION WANT F.Ii-U V A ORHMAN (HIM., fo O d'i kitchen r*«rk. CJ IVosaon-st., tuar Chiaigo-ar. cni. r AT( iN \vant for * ’ general housework In a private tamilr* Uall at IS3 V iwl i liicaso-av., in rear. CITUs VION WANTKU-FOn IIDUSUWOKK IN A O Kinall American famllr: a R'kkl homo the main object, t In cltr nr cojntrv. Apply to-day at 14 HUby-place, bo tweeu iiiitiLaril And Klntie-«is. No |K>«ial cards. CITUATIONMVA.V \ KD'“ jIV A YOU NO WmoW iT? O T' lir'-iiir nt u limiikj ulc'io »ho can make bortolf reli ef ally uv '.nl. OHI. Triliimeii6ce. SITUATION WANTKU -11 V AN A.MKItICAN 01RL kj In a private ramilj nr l oantinff-huuve to do yonml h lurr.iork or kllehcn-wuck. Ficaao mill at 119 WeuV wcirtlinT. WITCATIO.V WANTHD - TD l>(» OHNFRAI* IIOUBIS* vl> work la a nt’.if, h 'no»t p •non; a tjmnl bnuie more of an obj.’r t than bltf wacoi,. Call in the morning at ISB Kiylihvntti-at. rUATION WANTF.D-BY 1 A PUOtKSTANT GIRL J lo do general hiitm>wnrk or up stall* work. Apply Inwn-statr*. 7X Kultrin-st. SITUATION WANTKD-IIY A BKSI’FCTABLB Ottltl. to do kitchen or Honeral housework. Call at No. I*l Kart IcdUna st.. fur two days. SITUATION WANTF.D-HY A>liiST-UI7ABS!;OOiC O (Swcdu), in best American family. £7O Kaet Dlvis i>.n*«t. CITUATKIN WANTKD-nr A (illlhTO i-j do general housework In a stnall family. West Sid* prefened. I'leasojall at W Hlckory-av., Jinrth Side. SITUATION WANTKiI—BY A'VKRY'cOMPKTKNT tic »len girl lo do t tin general work of* small iawily. IJelsreaoes. Hear of 149 Klghtacnth-tU SITUATION WANTKD-BV A BKHPKOTAOLB country girl, to do goners! housework or second. S«nmfitrnn«oa. OITUA’IION WANrF.D-BV A LADY JUST COMI O tothori'yas seam,truss. Address MISS KKLLY, care of L. V(. Jleck. F.ngluwood. Etm>lorment Atrents. CITUATIONP WANTRU-FAMILIKS IN WANT OP O ci»id HcMiJlnaTisn and Herman help can bo aunuliud ai Airs. BUHKR’SotHce. HJMllwaakoe-av. Situations wanted—l/Tdies in want op fust-class louatn bolp can Lo suited on ibort notice byapplylngto .Mrs. M. I.ATIttSK, Wffwf Madlmn-et. MISCELLANEOUS. A A A WANTKP.-WK PURCIIASB AND w » pay wall for jndgmonU, aooonnla, and note* against parties employed on wage* or aalarr. HI’KAK A (JO,, Itl LaSalls-et,, Knew SB. Oat this oat. A]J.IjObO~OAHfrOFK^IJOT|IINO^K)IW!if^AT (bn highest jwico hy JONAH A. DKKHHMA. 29] Smith Clark-at. holloa by null promptly attend ad to. LL OABII I'AIU kbK OAHt.OKF CLOTHING AND miscellaneous goods of any kind by sending a lottoi to JONAS OKLDKIt. 633 HUte-tt, I,’ ITIIKU SHX SuVl'EillNti WITH ANY FORM OF i dlrenii*. no mnttor bow had. ot bow long ■lauding, or who failed to corn thorti. call or write RtaUi Medical Of fle»i, 1»7 South Clark-*;., Chicago, and bo permanently cured; charges reasonable. 1 f tod desire hound lungs. health. and J comfort, traar » Graduated Cboat and bong I’rnfeoUir. Sold otorywtiom. Hy mail. iI.N). ISAAC A. BlNUblt, manufacturer, CM Broadway, New York. •pKISMOIU IUIIAVAY-HUHUO TK6T—TIJEHH J- will he an exhibition of the so-called ono-raU railway, at Niity**arenih‘i(.„ Uldo park, on Friday afternoon, hcpl. 3, at 4 o'clock. Tho public aso Invited. Take 3 p. m. train to Oakwood oUUun, tbrtw blocks from tho priatnold road. \\> A .NTKI I- N ()*N -1T MO N PRINTING KBTAHUSII. if maula. thoroughly euulupod, and ready U» cwatAof for tho printing of a Hnt-claaa weekly puidlisathin, can atldreaa aa undenlguod atatlng (tried of oompoaltiou uor cm, hrorier type. Will arorago Itd.UAI tuna per vrock. T 64. Tribune omoa. V\TANTED—FUKNACK FOII MY WKW OOTTAOB Tr of 8 rooma, to bo paid for In rent of same. Addruaa It 80, Tribune oliloa. MACHINERY. AT KOCIIKSTBR MAOHINKRV MaNUFAOTUR- Ing Company, S 3 and 40 South Canal-at.. Chicago, nil iDea of engluoa, ballon, and aaw.milla. tub. door, and blind machinery, planer and mateben, inrfacen; our planer and matcher* can be ebangod to tuifaelng without ■ pipping the machine by moving a lerorj cnglna-tatbea. dtllla, Iron nlanon, stare, beading and thing In machinery, leather and robber bolting, tawa, and machinery tup* pile*. A Into! aoooad-baou macbtnoryof different kinds at Itochoiter Machlnory Manofacturtug Company.3o and 4d South Canal-at., Chicago. A" T KtUKVVoOD A DUNKIRK'S, 171 AND 171 Lak»*at., tnaoblna-abop, foundry, plasiug milb saati and doorfactory enalpmoau. machlnlau* aappllaa. AT KIRKWOOD A DUNKLEK'B. 171 AND I7| Laku et., ateam engine* and boilers, (team pumps. Asbestos (team packing and roottng. engueon' supplua. YJOR SALE—ONK FOtJT LATIIK' n-'lNOrt SWINUT L* 4 (oot bod, flnnly Unlihcd ana Htiod with 6lach llnr tan obaok, No. 3 Mono drill chuck, slide mat, etc., etc. Also, one very complete band planer, capacity MiUidU \VANTRn-BTBAM.KNOINK OF ABOUT *O - horse power, cylinder alwot Inehea: tanstba cheap, a goo.l machine, nut worn. Address, giving de> seriptloo and price, J. 11, MOTT A CO., No. 1 training, tou Block. \VANT«n-A fiIIOOND-IIAND KNOW* FROM W VV to Mi hone power. In'iulr* of CHICAGO FAOIt* INO AND PROVISION CO., 153 Mooroe-at. TO £2COHANG£* TTIQR F.XOHANOB-FINH fi 9IS.CUD LOT AND P UuuM, South SlJa. Want gmco rr orotnar a took* tot lota anil cash. W. ft, WKIXS, 137 Sooth Clark-at., Room 15. fliO HXijHANaK-IUO.Uii EQUITY INCIUOAQO X city Unproved property. Urmf. Mode,, village borne* and lot*. clear suburban choice lata, oud valuable mill, lor building or Mock In Chicago, incumbrance on above only gIB,CuT, re* tin* on only, ihrre piece* of tbe property. Owner nuu-rvaldout, and will aainma. Several piaeoa oaa oe eiebangtd for eu*k* 01 foudi, hanlvaro, groceries, ilaliosoiT. elo., In chy or country (own*. o, K. WELLS, iMDaarbom-st. Place hour* lu a. m. to Bp. a. f|H> inbidk city LOTS X and sulmrhvn on wmtu alioro (or bouao and lot or email farm. In Kotor Hock RlverooanUy. j. 0. OAK. UIGUS, lifl Dearborn-*!., Room 10. fpoTxciuNDK-A boon btook farm near i WooiUioek, with Hock all 00,' tor any good property. AddreM I*li, Tribune office. i I B()*‘ K XOl IA N« IK -i M POSING RKSIDKNCKa AT 1 Highland KrtrV. Ulgbwaod, and tVlunatka, two and threo •toflra. with lower*, big window*, all mudarn Ini protanienU: will tnakp greatest fndaoemoma to good lamllioi. kIRAUS A CO., lOO' iIH) 'KXCUANOK—tfAIII! OF Id) aCRKS, NKAIi i La Croati-. Wla., Including atook. oropa, ate., lor bous-’ and ‘>lU thU oily. QUO. V. UVULt,'U3 Ledall* el,, Ro»m U. MEWINGMACHINCS. ’ a i.l kinds, Bfcrntu ui7juinkh? and ia)wer Vhjya olaoaettore; every machine warraolad; al OKU-I’, GOHB i CiJ.n, a>3 and To Wabaib-ar. QIN OBR FAUILY HHWiNO M.UfInNKi'V«YoiC *SO: O pearly uwi baa aUaubmouta, loaf table, cover, and drawaro. CArtfli. No. »l Mlcf»lfi*« at. ’ ‘ ginorh orriniYoc a. ’’j.'kuloiikkt, »a west Uadlion-at.—Siugor laaohloea auld uu uiontbly pay ttwcita*. alto macbinca ntcKenaod and vented. P£Rk»dNALI PKIIdONAI.-OUACiEi'VoUU COSTAL CARD RK culvod. Hero forgotten number. WrUdagalu, Diva number aod »taw lime. HMD. _ lIIfIONAI/—WILLRBRTLUWKNI PLKAHBBKNO addrew tj Adami Hulun, corner Clark and UarrUon* au. WMF. INfITHrOTIOM. AOKAiThaTB OK UARTMOUrU. AON W. WHO lia* been lor two yeaia lu New Haven coaching Yale etudema and biting boya for colUgo*. detlrwa (wo pu pil* wlie are wllliug uulu thorough work, and who wi*h P» lave oaoer uojeart to the fltfor aUiegg, AddmaTlft 'Tribune ettaa. 3