Newspaper Page Text
AMONG THE STARS, A Midsummer Nlsbt Visit to Ibe Dear born Obscrralory. Telesoopio View of Planets, Nebula), and Stars. Manipulation of (lie Instrument—The Eye-Pieces. Persons Who Arc Entitled to Uso tlio Telescope. Necessity for Raising Money. Oo Invitation from lioadquartor*, a represent atlvo of The Tuiiiune paid a visit to the Dear born Observatory a fow ovcnlnffa ago for thn purpose of taking a peep through the big tel escope and at its surrounding*. Tito Observatory is, as many of our readers are aware, located ju*t west of tho Douglas Unlvcridly at Cotlnpo Grove, being, in fact, a part of tho same building, it bos boon stand ing there for aomo ton years past, bat until quite recently so liltlo has Leon said about It and rtono with it that very fow people seemed to bo conscious of ffb existence. ESTEtUNO THE mJH.mHU by tlio eastern doorway, Ilia reporter toils tip four flights of stairs, through a narrow, dark passage, and finds liirnHolf in aroom ornamented .on one oido by a clock, while ou tbo othcrlsrangod o mass of paper-covered, ponderous tomes, ecrconed oil by a high railing. His Journey, bowoycr. is not yet dono. Still another long binding staircase, through another passage, dark as Erebus, and ho Hilda himself in a dimly lighted apartment, thoroughly warmed by Ilia exertion of mounting so near to tbo stars, and in tbo presence of a parly of eomo dozen ladies and gentlemen., At tbo moment of Ins arrival, tho tolcscopo min pointed,upon some celestial object, and, on a tall otop-laddcr at tbo eye end of tbo Instru ment stood a Indy peering through It, while tlio gentleman In charge wan performing a liko operation upon what afterwards proved to bo a little toloncopo, secured fast to tbo side of the largo otio, by the aid of which obunrvntlon ho was enabled to turn tho instrument in tho direc tion of tho star, so aa to keep It in tho Held of viow of tbo visitor. From tho remarks made on tho step-lsddor by that lady, and some half dozen others, an thoy observed the object in sticcefulon, tho reporter learned that their attention was engaged in tbo examination of what is called tub oT.onni.AU rursmi in, consisting of tern of thousands of stars, invisi ble to tbo naked oyo. •• Can this dilator bo peon without tho aid of Mio lolcscopo f" askod tho reporter. Oh, you 1” was tho ronlv ; “it In there.” And thorn it certainly was. but it re quired several mitral cn' tracing out of linen among tbo stars boforo tho soaroiior suc ceeded m Using Ids ovo upon a hazy patch of cloud scarcely tho sizo of a pill-box, which was all tbot could bo discerned of tho glorious clcetor which, viewed with tbo aid of tbo tdoLCopo, lit erally blazed, a doimo mass of brilliant gems. l(o hoard many exclamations of, “glorious,” “imßulflcont,” "superb " “wonderful.” “splen «V d," “ irf’nt It nice," and oo on, tluough a wine ifarro of adjectives, and became oonsidorably interested bv tbo time that lii:» turncamo to look at tho object. And it was really wonderful. Scattered all over tbo apparent field of vlow of tho tolencopo wero what might ho called a “number" of stars but that thoy scorned to ho rnimbcrless. A litllo otfort to count a fow of thoso lying Jo tho mast scattered portions of the group was soon abandoned as hopeless. Tlio reporter oeked how many stara thero nro in that clustor, and was informed “ tons of thousands, probably millions; it, however, occupies considorablo less angular spneo Ilian does tho full moon.” “I think," aaid tbo reporter, “X was taught when at eehool that tho moon ia about 2,000 miles iu diameter. Cou wo infer that that clus ter in eo largo ?" “ *pio inference Is scarcely warranted by the fact,” answered tbo oatronomcr. “Tho ap parent size of an object decreases with ita distance, Tho mouu is h»s than a Quarter of a million of miles from our 03*0. If that clustor were only as far away as the sun, it would bo 400 times further off than tho moon and, if it appeared of tho same t. lzo as tho moon, would ho nearly 100 times larger m every direction, nr smoothing less than a million miles Id diameter. Hut Clio fact is that tho duster is many thousands of times farther away chan tho euu. Itisprnhablo that ui.vcrd of thoso stare that you eco there are each of them LAUGISU TUAN (Il'K SUN. and It is highly prjhabio that tbo least of those ▼ifliblo 1b huger than tho plonot Jupiter. Ana 1 for thin rea«on: Wo know they aro bo far a.vny that miles* they were nt least an largo oh Jupiter, they would not ha vieiblo to our eyes at Bitch Immense di^nnco'i." ‘•Well,” Haiid tho reporter, M I oonld ask a proat many qiicotlond about Hut object, but will cuuirint myself with ouo, lost I trospis* too much on your time ;Is it probable that thoso etarn aro nil imna ?” “ fboy aro all nano In thin respect, that, like our euo. they aro self dumluouH, but whether or not each ouo of them in, like our aim. Hurroumi •d .by its own family of , pianola, is a Question which astronomical science Ik not yin ■bio to aclvc. and probablv.uoVor will bu ; U is even beyond tho power of tho Imagination to conceive the conditions uuder which motion among such planets could bo kept up. And y«t alter all, it in not impossible that that duster In but a condensed reproeonUtivo of tho system of stars with which our «uu in most intimatolv connected.” THE next owcct to which tho ftttoutiou of tho vwltora wa« direct •d «aa tbo uiinulur uobnla lu Lvra Au thruugb tho glass failing to rovoal Uto tbo reporter, ha iuquirod If it was Tisiblo to tho naked oye. and •learned tbatit re quired a tolcHCcpe of modorulo power to boo U tnmply aa a opeok of cloud. Then came tbo qiiostioii meulttUy framed, “How aro you going to nod Uh" but uot wiahing to expose hie igno too plainly, he decided to wait and moo. Jio expected the ostronomor would tutu tho th^ De nia^ U< ls lU, » t , tllo u. OI ' CDIDR Wllß ®PPOflito im An » of . tho . ob J ect - then search ?nT B .Ji ho Bt . ard , for ‘ bo nebula, but no whioi, hati y , 030,11111 caloululßtlmi, i»hlcU did uot Boom to occupy moro tbau ten Mocomls, was made by tho astronomer, and the announcement ” thlrtr-two, llfty-threo sbSv,. U M i h °l‘» rB . t,v . euty ' ,,luo oJuutßß w«at,” Ibou turning tba instrument rouud. and looking ■t a couplo of divided circles till the induros came ouposite a certain tlgure on theio circles ,U,t U ‘“ polatA inff know how it waa powsiblo to URtU ” 4 Want t 0 POINT THE IMSTIUrMEMT ACCUBATM r ■tanv time upon a oßlesHal obinotS'T » not visible allij the naked eve w ? a Jocta aro coustantly in motion. ’ * OCO tlloao ob * “The Quotation is . k <H astronomer, “Ibo taloocopo is aet’tni. tauen of the star north or south of ? “* and then toils distance owt plane of the meridian.” 'Lhe tho ■top to uk how those quantities Joe. be might tbul bliueeli |osm maze of explanation, which witl,n,,r £f bguieulug him, uuuia weary lb,olher pertolu Hut, oh, what an object 1 Imagine- n ■jblo, a loco collar changed uSul ■bmmg with a pale radiance around ad ark opening in which a hasty glance failed to reveal tbo prcsoooo Of a single star. ‘lUe reLorul *»ntod to know in what respect this nebula diF ‘‘'Md from tho oilier, and luarosd that this i« . ? Q n u l u t UD ?. wbil# otll#r t* •onwliotMaii ca led. but improperly. ““ M ** ‘ 'ybu, then, is a tfuo nebula t .i„ Tr.° Wt }f? °®bula, from (bo Latin, mesne iuSrf ke *f lbe true nebula is a m&as of cloud lustoad of an auaemblage of stare.” ilut how do you know that tbU object la not £*.. l* 'Vi a, } Jof “tare? 1 remember to Lave a tb# V tbula) ar * MoolvabU into r <, l h.“ u ;i!!io“S d , * IMCOI “* k “°* u uMd " ,ba rlol a w, J°Mn*sS?5 o £u! eorrected tbe. •.tor. Wo uuw know (bat many of thoao objects ■ro rflilly maeuet of eloiirt-Ilko matter, which, if Iho La Placn (henry of tho formation of tin nmverno bo accented, wo muni reward an tloalinjr world-mattor not yet condcnncd into a nolle! form.” “ How dnoo thin nnoolrnscopo kliow that ? ” "Kasdv enough, though perhaps it would bo dinicult for mo ro convoy an inio[Jjidbl« oxplona lion of if, without ilie aid of a dinuram. Kuliicn H to My that different conditions of matter pivo out different qualities nf light; what is called Iho apoctrum of a nebula nr a star j« a loop rio lion of light formed by passing n ray from an or* bit through a piisin which in onJinarily of glass, •i-'bat ribbon of light in crossed by many lino l.noa in tho case of n star. while the tight from a nebula only givey IbOHn linen which generally ulnulo oil lo form imlmlinci bands, Instead of Iho well-defined sharp Into coming from tho star which contains matter in a tnoru oomlensod con- Union. Tliern nro. however, objects which pro* sent both tboso a) poarancost for instance, tho celebrated nobnls in Orion, which loa penuino maun of pan, sprinkled horo and there with nu merous stars, about forty-eight of which have been counted. Tho nebula itself given the pan bands in the spectrum, while tho stars show the hammer linos which indicate that they arc pro* duced l»v star light. “Jlavo yon any Idea of run size op that nebuia?” queried tho reporter. •* No." was tho reply j “ but It In probably very, very largo ; certainly it occupies a greater npaeo than the whole solar system, and probably very much more than that. Wo have, however, formed boiuo Idea of tho bizor of Homo of tho nolmbrn, an that In Andromeda, tho distance through which exceeds our distance from tho planet Nop* tune, which is 'J.SOU.btKI.hOO miles from tho sun. If wo could stand at ono side of that nebula, and It wero possible for a Hash of lightning to occur at tho other, tho phenomenon would bo visible to uh about two months afeor It occurred.'’ RATOON. Anri non- it in tunc to poy nttonllon to tho planot Hnturn. Tlio reporter expected to boo tfic telescope turned nt mice upon tbal luminary, hoboing promiuout enough to tlio naked oyo, shining in the BoutlicsHtcm quarter of tho heavens, Hut no. Tho former proocßs wan re peated; tho instrument wart set by declination and meridian distance an before, tho dome turned round to tho ptopor position, and to, tiioro wan (ho plauet bla/iug in all its glory. Ap pearing to tho caked oyo rut a star considerably lean brilliant than some of those thou above tho horizon, ho became a wonderful looking object In tlio telcnoopo. a huge body of light circled by linos lino no bairn, which tlio antrouomcr said wore tho cloud bolls in liln atmosphere. ilo wan aeon to bo also mtrrounded by a moßnillcont ring system, and outflido of that were aovorai(.peeks of light which were ascertained to bo tlio s/iltol litca of (ho planet, Tho first exclamation wliicli rose to the lips of tho reporter won, Tliat is a great deal prettier than any of tho pictures I have boon in (ho bonks, but after all it is not half bo distinct." To which tho astronomer replied (hat *• that is a fault of nil star pictures. Thoy represent tho thing much plainer than It is. For instance " fluid Ixo, " you liavo to look vorv aharply at tho ring system to «co near tho apparent ends a film of darkness which ehows (ho position of Ihoepaco in tlio two broad rings. In tho pict ures ibis is roproßonlod as a well-defined black band. Home four or five years buo. wlicn tlio piano of the rinnu won moro nearly perpendic ular to tiio oyo of tlio observer, it was prumiblo to boo tliat dark space much moro distinctly than now, hut it wan necessary to watch it vorycloso ly in order to trace it all round ouo nido of tlio ling, arid on tho other sido it wno partially hid den by'tho disc of tho planot." " How wide aro those rings ?" “ Oh,” nald tho informant, “thoy extend in ico nearly 170,000 miles, and aro distant, just now. a tiltlo morn (him Wlfi.noci.non iniioa" “ And those utatoihtcH, how big uro tlioy? continued tbo ‘ iuuuhtUor, JIo gathered from r\hat followed that tlio nmallcet of thouo that cun ho itcen lo about a thousand mile* in diame ter, or nhout half tho iiucnl dimensions of our moon. Some are mill emallor. One of thorn, tho most recently discovered, is estimated to bo notnioro than IMnilloa in character,but it requires a vory clear eky and ft higher magnifying power than tlu.t to enable u«i to boo it nt oil. ’lt up. pears even then ae a ctar of tho seventeenth magnitude, which is perceptible only by tho aid of tlra very best of telescopes. “You uay you can nee it with a muiiKU iwojavYiNu powen. What do you moan ?”* •*1 menu that the magnifying power of tbo iu. atruiuout does not entirely depend upon the size of the glass at what le called the objcct-omi of tno tolo.-copo, but upon tlio oyc-picco, end tbe instrument in fitted with uovoral such, tbe one being chosen which is beat adapted to tbe time and object of observation. •’ “Wby don’t vou put iu a higher magnifying power now?” * * K “■Wo will try It, and see tho effect.” Accord ingly, the next few bccouclb wore occupied In taking out one piece of metal and putting In another, and thou the reporter was directed to look. Ho now the planet much larger than be fore, but it was little bettor than usheet of light, no tracing of lino linos on the body of tbo ilanot, and not a sign of darkness in tbo rlngH. lo iuulcatod Ibis fact to tbo odlronomcr, who replied that It wad just an bo bad expected. “ You see, aald ho, “ that It la not always tbo lariroat machine that is tbo moat useful. Tho fact in that when wo arc looking through cloud-vanor In our own atmosphere, the instrument magnifies Unit os much ns it magnifies tbo etara, ami the on v effect is to diminish tho distinctness of tbo object m the field of view. Now, look at tbo piauot through ' Tins SMALL TELESCOPE.” iho reporter did ho, and haw very little boeldea a largo star. Having aceu it through tho largo DM, DO.could detect J..tti.i ßß of li K |.t .rl.icli ebowed (lie pneiaone or ivhat mev bo deecribcd aa .bo endM of tbo ring, but it was a varv c00t ,.", And ‘ bnt la wliatyou bavo been loultinrr at all the time," aaid be. ’ the astronomer, “and that is all (hut I bavo to look at during two hours or ““ "be” I «m exhibiting tbaao objects to visitors. Jbo reporter observed that it was an occupation proaalc enongb. ca poclnlly after many repetitions. Ho then wam odtokuow m . WITAT COMPENSATION A nmi rouomor r i !CoUoA for hliaarduotm labors. A little couvornalion on this uomt, mostly car bovont, after tho other viaitoro had iISS™. .““a lb ° “‘fO'Wßidr hod cloeod up tbo windows, and waa preparing tn loavo. elicited tho facto (hat the Obaervutory had boon lu an Itopeotmlott. oontUliou for aararol It bail beau otetidlog Idle, pot oply I™r nautof fuuda to nut it. but alio boomwltwaa iu an abaolutolv uuiiaaablo condmnu otborwieo A blue moro tbait a year ago au effort woa made ; o b,u.'l\°»l , ;.a“ •«■>'»*« of llfe-lpombcr bU' iB at *IOO each a fund of »a,OOO rniHe(i r“t b ““ «P«ndod io rebuilding tba doml and In redding the telescope. The reporter remembered having vlalted tba Olmnatory aovoral jeara ego, and noted mao” THE GREAT CHANGE IK AITBAIUKOE. Wftrt nr bei p ,8 P l)e nc»\cap that seemed constructed of Iron, wuli no outlet to tho sky, but aovoral ponderous irou doors that would uot move either by force o? coaxing. In tbo now dome these wore replaced by inovoblo windows, which slide up amt down, allowing the telescope to be pointed directly upon tbu star, and imparting a light, alrv an loaranoo to tbo Inside of the'building. Ho* was informed that tho money wae all expended In thiiHO Improvements, which had resulted iu nut ting tho telescope into lirst-class working condi tion, no that in its appliances It is now not in ferior to any Instrument m the world : while In ES‘li I*l 1 * 1^ 0 i ly A a l' perior In tO6 United UlatM, that being tho telescope recently placed if? w bß i .United States Naval Observatory •t Washington. Ho was told that an effort Is now being made to raise an endowment • boa t $50,000, tbo interost on which will be applied to paying the salary of a compe tent astronomer and aaaiutant. and to meet our roiit expenses in tbe shape of gas, coal, laran ot. books, and tbo other etceteras of expense in ® jyall-tsffulated observatory. L«i. bo M P«fter asked If tho Instrument is now Jod h!/ 0r Ul ? al original reee.rch, l nf0 ' nll ;il lli.t It le not. Tbo genlle- iTO olgble nor week to ble Si.ll ' tbrougb Ibo man toleeoono, , “ lul u “ oof tl>« big one o m ,T„ ' b ' r 1 “° nor Iddleetioii afterward, ouo. TO. , 01 O'lllcellv aiamluo old ooee. lb. roporter tbeu iorjuired wbo ua rr. APMITTEU AS VISITORS. omorcomplebied. boWow! ibitb, wit ffi°b r^ d arsirsssiK-s for the gratUlcation of their oiuloaiii h “ t,rae The reporter next sought to ascertain »h.» be waa going (0 do about It Th« -., wbat tepltod ,b»t be bed .bout eooelJdSl up. While ho waa uot 00 y willing but. ll to give u niucb of bl. ItoS J h. oomd SliS'ft foster au iuteraat In (ha boll) build up Ul wdowueul fund, mlialdu ” TOE CHICAGO TRIBUNE; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1875.-TWELVE PAGES rman for the amusement I roneont to play llio bL of a iitiH' dllarioouH public. From nil of thK anti mooli moro which M not here rccotdod, the reporter of Tint TiunrM* con fliidcd tliab tho lioarburn Observatory i* mi institution of which tlm city outfit at onco to hu prom/tin! (o ho aHlminod. That on'iiifltrimient which, when it wah hrutiijht hero ten jciub b<*o, wan tlio liupcst in tho world, and oven now ha.i hut two or throe uurerioro, should ho allowed to lit* ho loop >ni*Joilounljr mutiny, while the tid oacopoH of other placet! have boon used to ho pood advantage, ih a ncdenliiic ahum'!. Tim ObsorviUory oupht to bo put nl onco til a flood working Lftflie, Rtid tint can only ho dono by our wealthy citizonn coming forward Mid B'il,Hcribinp liberally towards it. it in under* rlood that a few eucu nubficriplioiia iiavo already hoon mod--, and that arrangemotitH are now in projjreuß for taking a nyfltematlc courio to ae onto tho remainder. Coitainirno one who haw tho roimtation of the city or tho advancement of Hdmitifio research at heart should for a moment hesitate to contribute liberally when colled upou. MAKINH NIiWS. POffT OF CHICAOn. SEPT. 3. Annivsn—flehr Pends, Whilo Lskn, iumbep; prop Rky L«rk, Michigan City, towing flat; prop J. if. Owen, Kacatiata, Iron ore; bgn Jennie Linn, E*canal«, iron ore $ eclir A. M. Ikern, Whlto Lake, lumber; *cbr Chicago, Milwaukee, aundrlcii; achr Myrtle, Muakegou, lumber; schr Kouatnr, Ouwcgo, coal; sciir C. Michel son, Ludliigtoii, limibcr; achr C. If. Hackloy, Mub kegon, lumber; rrbr MaJ. N.H. Ferry, Manistee, lm«. I»cr; ichr A. Bust, Muskogon, lumber; achr Amaranth Orcrn Hoy, wood; echr M. Mueller, Muskegon,’ lumber; achr Andrew Jackson, Ludlngton, lumber* Bchr Great Wcat, Oconto, lumber; «cbr Samuel h Watson, Buffalo, coal • m*lxr Kate Lyons, Muskegon’ lumber; nchr Mary Ludwig, Ludlngton, wood; b<-ow J. F. I’rinro, Muskegon, bark ; schr S. ]», Wilson, Ic. land, lumber ; schr Topsey, Muskegon. lumber ; schr J. and A. fitruuacb, Manistee, lumber; achr Wlllio LiuJct, Ludliigl-ju, lumber; schr a. J. Luff, Ford Hirer, lumber; acbr I'. H. Marsh, Cleveland, coal; echr Iwo Ur'dlim, Ludlngton, lumber; brig Com merce, Menominee, lumber; achr Willie Jonc«, Hgeon Lake, lumber; echr Advance, White Lake, lumber ; «chr Florotla, Ornud Iraverse, wood; achr Pilgrim, Grand Tra *ootJ '• ■d»r Clara. Manistee, lumber ; P/°IL i' ,ia y t , " l Manistee, lumlwr; targe Harmony, Maniitee, lumber; etnir Corona, Bt. Jo. sundries; prnn Mnnsengor, fit. Jo, Bundrles; aolir onest John. White Like, lumber; schr Japan. North Hay, telegraph poles ; *hf Lyman M. Dark, Ontona gon, lumber; echr Sardinia, wood ; achr Jnmoa H. Bentley. Aahtabula, coal; achr Beloit, Alaska, cedar posts ; prop Annie Laurie, Do Pcre. pig- Iron; prop Menominee, Muskegon, sundries ; a:br Addle, Benton Harbor, lumber; achr Vermont, Muskegon, lumlwr; achr Margaret Dali, wtnlo Loko, lumber; prop Arizona, Buffalo, sundries; prop Htarucca, Buffalo. Bimdrios; •chr I* V. Shepard, Muskegon, lumber; athr.l. W. Joucb, Ludlngton, lumber; echr J, W. Brown, Mua kegon, lumber; echr Jane lUlstou, Charlotte, coal* schr.l. IJean. Jr., Muskegon, lumber; scow Granger Smgatuck, lumber; schr lliillle Pleher, Keller's rler, lumber; schr It. O. Crawford, Og-uiU Biy, tele graph poles: «ehr Ficctwlng. Oraud Traverse, wood: r.tnv Magdalena, Ludwig’* Tier, wood; «;hr Jessie, Maulnleo, lumber; schr New Dominion, Kin tardinc, salt; schr Thistle, Oswego, lumber and coal • schr Truman Mofs, MutilMcc, Inmltcr; prop M. Groh* Manistee, lumber; schr Duncan Cltv, Duncan Cltv lumber; barge Windsor. Manbteu. lumber. Cleared— Hrhr J. M. Hutchinson, Buffalo. 67.000 bu corn; bark Uuadllla, Iluffa'o, 2iJ,000 tin corn : achr tljen Hpry, Unffiilo, lu corn; schr HtcUsrd Lmplro Pier, 10 brla flour and sundries; prop Cltv of Travrr«. Troversodty. l.OfKfbu corn and nundrlea* sehrilanH Cro-kcr. Prnsaultee, jm burnt* and sun! drlea; ptmr Chicago, Manitowoc, la bales broomcoru and lull green hide.*; schr Throe Brothers, Buffalo. 2.l,t>s» bu corn, 40 bdls sheep j«lts, and sundries; achr Aunio \aug|iii, Buffalo, bu oat*; prop Ariacua. u ! Cil t m;lir Butcher IJ.iy, Buffalo, 2J.0J0 bit wheat: sclir T. H, Howland, Buffalo, stl.ood bit wheat; schr D. E. Bailey, Buffalo. fd.noo bu corn • *" ,, ' rL * ' nn ' alkMtburg, fiiilfou's Bav. 100 tm oats and Hiindrioa ; prop lliihulu, Buffalo, 40,000 bu wheat Detroit 2(W brla ’iPmr; ’ prop Chari.*; Ithds. Manistee, 300 bn aue, 10 brln pork, and Biimlrlos ; prop Massonger, fit. Jo, fi brla flour, and Bun-lrlos ; stmr Corona, St. Jo. euoJrloi. ' Nionr CL.EAUA.dcta—Hirnr Oconto, Green Bay. 0.1 hrls pork, .. tea lard, and sundries ; prop Menominee Muskegon, 10 iirls liork, and enmities; almr Nnshtn Ogdeusbnrg, I'J.P’IO bu corn, 100 Tris Ilnur, joo brls pork, and aundrh a ; schr Tri-Color, Uollan'l, 6UO bu corn; prop J, L. Hurd, Marquette, (Wi bu corn, "O-'Q Lu oal«, lu coses bird, 20 tulw butter, and suadrlci.’ LAKE FREIGHTS. CUICAQO. Freights wore fairly active, at Qs for corn and 3V« for wlieat to Buffalo, tho capacity taken approximation 220,000 bu wheat, ISO.OOjbu corn, and <O,OOO bu oata. Charter*; Toßoffolo-tflchrs It. Winalow, I). P. Dob* niiw 1 w l, w tld J re \!* wn , Rt 2c : sekra Howland, flan 13 ego, J. U. Mead, barge Townsend, and P. Palmi. wheat at 3>|c. To KlngMon—Bchr II B. Moore, wheat on prlTntu terms. To Port Colboruo—flchr K. It niakc, wheal on private terms. To Ogdcnsburg—Schr vMnona, oats through. To Raruia—Props Caldwell and CromwrlJ, corn and oats through, la the after, noon the ntlir Lceland for wheat to port Oolbome at a»,c, and a tcmfl for fiO.n&j bu wheat to Buffalo nrob. Total capacity, 71,U0J bu« 1 MILWATOBB. On the 2d grain-freights quiet and unchanged. The •"hr John S:hucltowaa chartered for wheat lo Port Colhorno atSAi'c. nerPAto. On the Ist the following charter* were reported Prop Bradbury tod coniorls. .Morning BUr am Evening Star, all to arrive, ccal to Chicago, $1 pc: ton j steam-barge J.irvla Lord, bark Constitution, cot to Chicago, |1 per ton ; aehr FavorPe, name; scln Champion, to arrive, rail Jn bulk to Chicago, tl nei ton J schr Mary Ehsalwlb, to arrive, coal to Wlhriu kep, |l per ton ; Park o. K. Nlms, to arrive, coal u Chicago. |1 jtcr ton; ei hra fiasco and Louie Wells, •ami to Hhctoygan at 11.13;,,' per (on. PPTEOIT. Freights Iwgan to stlijeu up to the Ist. Wheat to Moutreal, 7Vo; to Oswego, 4»|<n Oo; to Buffalo, 3J<c. Glllet & Hall load (ho prop Canada with 17,000 bu wheat for Montreal; terms private. Cipu J. Pridgoou reports the prop J, Prldgnon, Jr., ami barges Piqul mal,^udaHlllin« HUr ‘ ,ull h Mny City to Milwaukee ■ml Chicago, ut Iflo. Whitaker ft Co. report the ochre Sweetheart and Grenada, plaster, Alabaster to MU waukoo, p. t. C. W. Norton reports tho prop ArgyK wheat and corn, Lako Erie to Montreal, 7u gold, and deck-load of lumber for Kingston at f i per xa gold. OCEAN RIEIQHTS AT BOSTON. . fljivriivl nupaleh to n* Chicago Trlbunt. Boston, fiopt. U.—James E. Woods, freight brokfr, No. 07 Btato street, Boston, reports European freights •s follows: The market la very dull, with declining rates. Bui few vessels are In ]K)rf, and tho demand from shippers is very alight. No grain charters nave l»eu effected during the week. The steamer flan Marcaa baa taken , tho berth for Liverpool, and has engaged 45,000 bushels of com ■t «d, and primage for CO lbs. An Americau n° n " ch *f‘« r «d to load an eutlro h« r hm. An Iron ship of £ k sV h 0 fnr teuton, ana la Joking grain at flour at Ba, and nil cake at 3(>a ra i c “ for Llv °n>ool i.y atenm are. Waperton C ® B^d; fIoUT » 2 “ fld »8s; ptoritlona,aj(i LAKE MICHIGAN. cntoAoo. A brisk wind was blowing from tho west jaderdav, which bad tbo effect to bring in quite a Urge fleet.... Tho mammoth prop Oomumdoro, after unloadiug her cargo -of salt near Twenty-iecond street, will come down to the dock of the Anchor Line, ot tho f,wt of tsinallß stmt, where she can bo Inspected by those wishing to see an exceedingly flue croft... .The veosel owners at Oswego, Sodas, and Genesee hove refused for some time past to carry coal from tho?« points to Chicago at 11.23, tbo ruling rale, Adlapstcb received here yreterd.y announces that the difficulty hu been settled, and that hereafter 91,90 per ion will be pa-d.,..A sailor on the schr Julia B. Merrill fdl t thTJl 318 J l ™} whfl« hoist* ea?v U imi U * look illt matter v. ry eeay, and coolly swam ashore, thus swindling I l ' *, Job r • ■*“’ *Ut 1 “? 0 SrM b dlv.Wk , 8 bwu M*g»g*d fur Hill two ur inree aavsiu making exonrslou iriM hotweeu am. UMO h U , 0f Ujo lu ß Wood for the pur. KKiS ihri?nfw d mTi? VMMI who do * U .* ,w#m U»«w will be some Johnli ydo . not com ® 10 t®ma soon.... The coru° dntwln^iw^f o^'*, 41 > e,,#rJ *y with 97,000 hu SSa^sssfeg: Oflliw a , nw 00 w “* *« ‘he sum 01 •mu' w . U * 6 ® u ■ prixo for the next vacbt-r*c« Tu'i'Jer 0 wbhh > WM n oh, . u * Uckf(l schr lo|«ey, which was being towed up the river vesterdsr afternoon, injuring her conelderslity.... Wells street tS» “.4 forvohldMd^ngS slrueM Mug railroad tracks on tho Monday. ' Md ,t,cct * cir * probably run over It 'hhlNO'S niVER AND CANAL. etoeefili JJltt-aleh to Th» Chicago Triiunt. LaSallk, ill., fiopt. a.—Aeuivsdsvßjvu Canal boat J. Bouchard, from Peru, with corn, DarAETan—Nothing. Pauan isto Carter, from v-«vUf UuecbKii. (Tom ivru, both »nb com for cut **««» opt—Netting. KUI« f».t awiaclw of wotor on (to mltenlll or ZSJ' lcS ,Ull Vlai IKumuom, a., 8., c 3 itaivro Uomlng M*hl, C) Ini corn . r, 700 h»i «V)rn ; TlrlJJlant, Morrlu. r,.000 . jirrp Klriff Uro*., Ktnkihre F«cd*r, Umo Im oitn, l.Wki liti Mojilmilc. aiiflb-i l.tln flour; Ci)»g4, Jl-meu, v,Wj l, u u^, 2,oo»ljii .;'jrn. 1 Cr.p<nKf>—‘lhamroctf, N™,l C f, W.r.-a ft (P...M It linnt..-rr o ll“S, r V Mnn Jp. v.-.n fl liitii-,i r r l'H in rJihmlc*. p MISCfLLANtOUS. Aug. 31 thrro was c fwt of water oti Carroll! m Hrr, (lovcrnmei.l nißaaurtnicnt....Tho tolal amount of Insurance on dm cargo of the ttmr Persian wa< IVV'W, and nothing »n ihr* hull ....The raft of tlni>cr rcjtorl>il floating in the vicinity of the fiaod Hills last wrck belongs to thr, tug nwm’s tow. film was Ueavorlng at last arwonts to get the fragments to ?r, M P .".’« Th ' ! , * hr n»tv t ashore on a rerf mar Heaths Door, sue,,,,p.j In getting off without n>l>i anco Saturday night, and proceeded to ll*rauaha for Ifcn ore. film competed her cargo Monday evening and towed out but ran whore on h*r first tack i.-ar l.scanal* Point, whore six; still remained at the latest Myi.w, leaking badly.... William L, Force,a rcnldmt of o eoo, and Captain of the echr Henator, fell overboard Wednesday morning and was drowned. He waa 3-f.ara of ago and mu,A resulted. He leave* a wife and one chlld..,.Hays the UufTalo f/xprci*.• •'J'rop Ii i 7.» , !£w pb *i I l * r,rr * ,n K I.ACO tone of salt in hulk f.V !•v' I w«f«P»«iili»c|*r ton, to 14i delivered ol ■‘ R T»7i“ !n * l » tof np»n7 Kit i ready to start Uie ,™{:,, £m "‘u keß t l ™V ,r W: l ‘ crß f ‘ f «*« Anchor line ooMm ,Tc . . ’ an ' l U ‘ T ' ,pllr,,re '> Chicago at flu option of Hie Comj any, before nr*t spring.* . .The m w steam rraft now on the stalls at fit. (jatherlma forth o Oswrgofc Hay ofQnlnle Navigation Company! * l 'J’° Ut, ' ,ch r l tnree weeks. film la de s- rlbed aa a haml«omcly-bulU boat, one that will be an lumrr to Lake Ontario. film will 1* ,?«. “5 the « oJi wegr." film la IU feet long over nfl, 2“ ta g|Dch£ beam, and '.I feet depth of h01d...,A olMiatr! from iMrolt Mafra that the prim Asia, bound up, collided with the a-hr Levi Itaweon, bound down in tow i.f n,,. tug yuayle, while In the rapids Thorsday night. Ihe Aa.a struck the Ilawaon on h-t jwrt Ikivv, carrying away her headgear and knocking a hole Inmrbow wh!ch caused her to leak fcvdly. The Itawam is loud! Ik** 1 orUu^ 0 ' Hhe was taken In charge bytho tug Itescne. A •team-pump waa placed on board, and the Ilctcuo left for IluiTulo with ht r In tow ....The Detroit Free /Ycis of Thursday says- •• \ dense fog, such aa baa not been experienced at this tort for some time, made navigation dangerous ul dav Lreak ycstcrdsy morning. Thestmr Northwest, the echr Niagara No. 1, the prop City of Port Huron, and m '#*“ ol , bcr were detained In the river until the fog cleared away. Neither the upper nor lower lights were visible, and fog.l*n« niJ ,| whfs l.£ had to ho brought Into requisition,’*,. ~Kuv« thoDs- l r ° °* T,n,ri, ' 1 1 a )'' “ The tug I.lvlnghloue, which paesoddown some Java since, has arrived at Tot.a waiul i all right. It will l>e remembered that th* Uv. Ingsloiio had one of the largest rafts ever known to J* 1 1 1^ 1 of «j*»ard of :i,(w).rr,o feet. f,I'* 1 '* V. I,ak ? , ' rlc f . or * PU <W", and most of the time experienced very heavy weather, which at times threatened to tear the raft to plows. Hut good pulling and careful management prevailed, and the reached “JjJ deslluatlon safely, I’owcr and skill will THE RARK CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE. Some of the newspapers scam determined to pass on tbo merits of ib« Chicago Board of Trade case before tbo evidence Is all In. Recently a Chicago evening pnjicr pubbsbed lhe statement of tbo cook cf tbo Rescue, which alleges that the boles in the water closet pipe wore tbo work of one of the divers under water. Capt. Mcrriraau, of tbo Rescue, pronounced tbo whole story utterly false. He Informed ua yester day that (be cook In question was only on board the Rescue for fourteen clays, and that was while they were laboring at the Board of Trade. From tbo manner In which tbo vesaM's cabin was wrecked it was au utter Impossibility for a diver lo go Into tho cabin while Rite vu under water, and the holes In tho walerK'Joacl plpo could not have been ma«lo from tho ouUUu without a staging being erect ed aloiignido the Teasel by tho diver, aa oho was almost on on oven keel, ami It wag clearly evident that they wore made from tho Inside, AfUr there*. Pc waarateed. Itwna discovered that tho top of tho rablu hid fallen in, and was eo wedged down that It had to bo sawed Into four jilocea to bo removed. Cant. Mcrritnan says that aa eoou the vessel was rained two dh'luU’rested jKsrsona wore appointed, one of ?° hfcnd tl . aU ,imw * after (bo vessel was brought into port, and that while elm waa being bruimht Into port he did not allow any one to go on - f«rlh«rmora atatoa that when the vessel was rained lost fali and lowed 13 raika towards tho ahoro «ho was perfectly Intact, and had not loot her , BU j! crcd * Qy other injury that ho could atm. Mr. I-red bharpe, n diver In the employ of the Com. pany, asserts that a crowbar was u»ed on tho ,m * nnfio w hHe 'he was under water, and at taut time it was used to roloaae the anchor from tho chain. Ho suo stales tliat he waa the only diver em eloved on the after portion of (lievcaael imthe fall, Iml that when tho vessel was raked and brought Into 3’KuSSo ™ n,lleJ OT " u “ «r^ ,, K & . I . errlm ? n# . u,e,Uiattliecliafln 'T on the sides of too bottom, (bo damage to the rudder-post and (be keel at the atom, waa oil doun after she vu first r?l l , b, ', , . , m 011 .* akcn lnland 13 “‘I". n« la con. fldent of b a ability to prove ibis to ibe satisfaction of anj unprojured person, Moreover bia atatemenu la regard to the reaaol’a condition andthoboloa iu tbo waicr-cinsct pipe are fully sustained by the ro port of tbo Coaunlneioncra who were ap. by tbo underwriters to inspect the Board of Trade. Tbo report la made oat and signed but not yet made public. But we can aay from peraonal knowledge that tbc Commbßtonera unanimously eiprera tbe opinion that the boles (about twenty-five in number) found in tbo plpo uuat havo teen made from tbo Inside and from above, and that the leakage resulting from these boles would burn boon sulUciont to sink tbo vessel In about the tbuo In wblcb aho la aaid to bare been leaking. Th» Commis sioners examined tbo wreck Immediately on her arriv al hero and also after abe was placed In dry-dock, when her entire bottom waa expoaod lo view. Alter UHlug oil tbo circumstances Into consideration they wore of tbo onlnlou that tbe cause of tbe Board nf Trades oinking was tbo holes lu the water-closet Weidn not aee Iho sense of continuing tbia discus, slou in tbo newspapers when ilia wboie matter lunet come before tbo proper tribunal for dual aeltlemenl. Butao much boo been said on the other aide that wo deem it simple JuaUce to Capt. Mcrrimaa and hie crew to give tbeae plain fa:U.— Jlufalo Commercial A (• 9 "rpscr. ‘‘TWA HOPES AT HAME," Farwell Flail, Monday, Sept. 8, and every evening at 8, Kennedy’s Sonfrs of Scotland. Mr. Kennedy will be assisted liy WTBB HELEN KENNEDY Ronrano MISS MARJORY KENNEDY.Ctou^Ito MR. DAVID KENNEDY . ’.Tenor MU. ROBERT KENNEDY.”.. Hit. JAMES KENNEDVw..V...V". ".V. .Vuritoa.: Entire change of prooramme each evening. PROGRAMME FOR MONDAY. “ Pianoforte Duet." ... “My alu Fireside.” 4 There’s na« luck aboot tbs bouse.” *• Como under my Plaidle." Olf* (flvo_voices)—•• Hall. Smiling Morn.” The March of the Cameron Men.’’ Humorous Trio-** Dame Durden.” '• The laugawa’Shin." Glee (five voices)—" Strjke Hie Lyre.** “ The Land o’ the leal." “ Boots wba lu's wl* Wallace bled.” Pianoforte—Reels and Strathsiwya.” .. « . 4 Jt!? Hon?-" Vo Ranke and Urae..” Bonnlf Wnce Charlie." " The LMrd o' Cockpen." ** O Rowan Tree." " Kathleen Mavoururen.” s, ry . « ow °° r John aoebt me for bla wife." Glee (six voices)—" The Cloud-Gapt Tower*." • "AilUlerUacaUiaier.’’ 11 The Star-Spangled Banner." •’ Auld Lang Syne." Admission, 50c and tl. Tickets may bo had and Boats secured at Lyon it Mealy's Music Store, fitato-el. NEW CHICAGO THEATRE. Clark atrcct, near Randolph, oppoaito Sherman Ilouae, THE NEW COMEDY, HEARTS AND DIAMONDS, by a Gentleman of Chicago, Characters fromßeal Life; by lb* Brilliant Comedy Conimnv Evuy Mght and (Saturday Matinee. bwU for Sale quo week In advance. [OEEfi'S THEATRE, LAST WEEK BUT ONE 01* Bip-WT:3Sr AODA.3VCS, »Tjo will appear for the Aral time iu two vein in the beautiful drama BNOOH -AJRXaEISr, ■‘‘“iiMt out, Now floeuotr, m H.turd.y—Only ENOCH ARPES U.Unno. AOADEMY OF MUSIC. GREAT SUCCESS OF THE Bronnan & Ware Combination. A BIG HIT. COMIC OPERA, THREE SISTERS. EQOLEY'S THEATRE. GRAND MATI2TEB THIS DAY at 3 P, M. Evening performance at Bp. m. The famoua California Minstrels! Intbidto. Kmenoo, JUc, Arllomoi., Kombbi. Uwd ADELPHI THEATRE at?? * ep *’ < ~ OUANI> GALA UATINBR OLIVER DOUD BYRON - Id hia gvftftt SeoMtton Drama, XDOISTwA-XjID 3VC 3 K:^'V' Remember—LaU Matinee ox the season. * educational. fes# ?fir tMP • V-'. Dmm'w i(iM jjjn,., m SIXTY-THIRD SESSION fltiidl. ' win h* rr-xiimwj Titmlajr, Hrpl 7. lo«ijm iiMrcM tL» I'r'Mdent. UEV. i*. J. c;oi/)VIN, C. S. 0., ST. JIAKV'W ACMJM3MV, .NOTUIi DA.MK, I.MI. ir* “‘rSiTii” 0 ?: ♦ kHI'AUT'M’KMT, under th«* direction of twelß lev-her* of Instrumental and two of Voral Mn. wosS«'llf , K jr?,?o he I,h, ‘ ° f lhe claM,cal ccm^r- In Um ART' DEPARTMENT the « ft me P rlnel*den which form the basin of Instruction in thegreat Art ar * oUll ' oJi e d In the Course of Drawing and Painting. I’iil jlB In tbo H lio'il of De«lgn or Munir mar ptir*no ■'l*m" 1 i°"7' «»■» »»>« *« tn the Academical nr Classical Department lor catalogue, address MOTHER SUl'Kiao?', Hl * Academy, Notre Dame, In*!. n-A.61W13 OOXjXjEGE. Ibe School of Letters, Urn H denlifl- Hcbool, and tbo p^I'*' 1 '*' :t ltadlie Cijl! '-8 c will reopen Wednta- Tlia restoration of Taylor Jlsll, with many Improve niciita, and a new Laboratory and (lymm.rium wbl h are to be finished boforu the term oj*us will add ruucb totheadvaiilag.aof tin-InilUiitlon. “ CU cor adxolsilou apply to RtV. JAMES DK KOVEN, D. D., „ ... , . Uadnn College, Racine, Wis, mwm WV. «" ** *i #d #t Mt-ninrg H C ..V Sl;““a'' at *'■' , " l u, ° - M ' r - UTTION COLLEGE OF LAW Of tbo Univeisity of Chicago, and the Northwestern CulveiTltv, rl-«td 11* seitond j<*r with H'J stu.lints, Ls-Lultcd States Senators Trumbull ami Doolittle Jiiflgc Booth ami JTofa. Den«low and Meyer*, taught four hours dJily, and ITJ lawyers lectured in thlsc.l legeJniit year, besides a course by Dr. Davis on caUurupmdence. The Hon. H. IJ. Hurd. Reviser cf the Statutes. is added to the faculty for the coming year. lUK>t>euß Sept. IS. Terms fiO i«r year of nine months. Diploma Admits to the liar. Fur catalogue-! V£ NSLO ' V ’ Sccritir? ' M ' lr,h " M Litob ScicDtil! Sckoob Harvard University Tbla arfjonl prorhW a four years’ course In Fusrl nccring, leading to the degree of Cird Engineer, or Mining Engineer; and three ycai>’ courses In Chcui-i Utry, la Natural History, and tn Miithematlrs, and Astronomy, each of which leads to the degree of o *' ’m A J*‘i r,,ou of ,Lc imdnicthm is the Mns as that given to undergraduates In (be College. Students of the Scientific School can occupy rooms lu College Bulldmgs and board at Memorial Hall. The opportu nltles for students In all the branches alwvomciiiloued tohT,?>7. C ' l V ,he b'ulver-lty 1-cing amply provided with lalioritorics. apparatus, nnd collection*. Kxami notion* for admission will be held Sept. flu and Out. 1 beginning at B■. m. Fur Information. address ' JAMIES tv. HARRIS, Secretary, ST. JOHN’S SCHOOL a-a.,-!.., School for T0i1,,! fj.Uci „„| TllKOUUIli: 1KV1511.11,,., or 2i Thlny-aocomUt., M-w York. Ur. Irviuu'a cll * ( » f,jr V. 1 , 8 ••utly of tbe Eugllali LaiigiUKe aua Utorutiire, m illuittratmg aud jihmtralo.l by 111*, tory. wllh rcadlujfß fro.'i tho (*■*! sutbon, will beiria l?.. 2 i 0 ”» n i»* H ‘". dMC fnr ,hc «nd crttl- al •tu Jy of Ibe Fine Arl.i will bcpm at tho ratno time. The lalllrrm l<eplm oo Weduwdtv, Kent. 29. lifts For Circulars am] mtarnutlon above. FEMALE ' -- . - —***£ COLLEGE. MOISUAN PARK (near Chicago). The college building in entirely ® v . c fy. modern convenience, is handsomely uA,. f '•Uuhti.-d by gas, by furnaces, and suth. plied wllb water Introduced by pipe* throughout the nou«c. The location commands a view of Lakes Cain met and Michigan, Sonin Chicago, the trulna on sla mifcrcnt railroads, and In the. distance tho great city of The faculty cuiHsts of elortn professors and six lady teachers. The neat session opens Sept, 11 fm- drciiU’s address the President, «. Tliayer, or Uio ITinelpa!, Mra. Mary Holds, Boom A. Lakeside Building, Chicago. Oflkehoun from in a. in. to 12 m H. B. BRYANT’S (Br/ant & Stratton) Chicago Business Collogo _ AND ENGLISH TRAINING SCHOOL. Htale-st., southeast cor. Washington, Chicago, 111. The largest and mo«l thorough insUtmlou of the klud In America. Send for circular. ST. IGNATIUS COLLEGE. 413 West Twolflh-st., CHICAGO, ILL. Studies will bo resumed in this InitltnlJon Monday. Bopt, 0. Tuition, per term of ten months, J6O. *' or catalogues or information, apply to UE\» Jh’U. H. A EltjjlN', H. J,, VJciyPrctldenl, ST. XAVIER'S - AOADEMX Waba.<h-av.. corner Twenty-nlnth-st., Will bo open for the reception of boarders snd day scholars on Monday, Sept. 6. For catalogue address * . Tin: imIHCTUEss. Monticello Female Seminary. next term of tliia inititutlon will commence on Thursday, 17lb Beplcml*cr. inufead of the pth fas Heretofore notified), in consequence nf Improvements c, £lV , Fo . r Catalogues address Mlaa U. n. HASKELL, Principal. 6. DA HILVA^ MRS. ALEX, BRADFORD’S (formerly Mra. Ogden Hodman’#) English, French, and Osrmaa Boarding and Day School for Young Lai S. 1 . e .'L ,u 'J CUldren, with calisthenics. No. n West 11 •» York. Reopens Sept. 27. Ap plication may Ik made by loiter or personally, as above. N. W. O. UNIVERSITYr , hren l T H l i l l t BWB,on of InstlluUoa will open In the now buildings— the most complete now on the *, mUt * of tills city, Sept. 16. Full 1 acuity; six courses of study; both derived. For catalogues sddrm# O. R. HOL or °- A - uD “ aE9a . Mt. Pleasant Military Academy. .i A «nSL ef i. Bo^S, V BeLQO J f° r Voting Men and Boys, at Sing Sing, N, Y.. on the HudaonT A full grided course of instruction. Diplomas at graduation. MU- Jlajy organUatlon rompleio and thorough. Grounds beautiful and building# commodious. Forty-second year Itegms Sept. 18. Rend for circular containing Chicago references. J. HOWE ALLEN, Principal. “ MLLE. BROUSSAIS tnd En G ,lah School for Young Ladlfi, Ml Ulchlgan-av., near Slxteenth-st., on Mon dav. bopt. ri. bpecial alteuUuu given to tbu thorough Boys Fitted for College or Easiness, In ft good country home, with • geueroiu table, ample play grounds, and healthful olinuto, umlar the caio of u * cb «f- *fb« number of boy» limited to 1«. Thui U.'U ncliool soar of 40 wedia bruitia lifti'irr?'V’ l, i l r» 7s * . r ctrc,iuru •‘Ww** j, w, dm, Rural Home, pownal, vt. NOETH SIDE—WASHXHOTON PAEK. OUut. lor boy. o( .11 uii. For tlrouUrt, with do- Ullr, .ddrci. or .pply lu iwraon, 11 In 1 J,;IV, CECIL BAUMS', A. B , Room 8 Hawley UultJlug, MRS, W. G. BRYAH'S BOARDING-SCHOOL DIOAUIIOKX SKMLNAItV, Wabath-av. A Hoarding and Day School of the beat claaa for young ladle*, with dettanmenU of language*, of art. WIU reopen Kept. U. NCIVOOI, OF .RI.UiS, Fur circular, Addroaa 11. D. BENNETT, Ann Arbor. Mlrh. MT. VERNON INSTITUTE FOR YOUNO LA dice and Little Girl*, K-talllubed lu DS9. Mr*. I- Junta and Mre. Maitland, Principal*. Board lug and Day School. English, French, German, and Latin, French t* aroken in the family. No. 4S Mt. Veruon Piaoo, BALTIMORE. Iklcreucca given cu application. * I) RADFORD 8 STUDENTS I HOME. A BOYS’ 13 School, Middletown, Conn. Delightful situation, uptriur accommodation*. Military drill. Thorough thool. Addruae iter. J, 11. BRADFORD, la AIUS FOKKST ACAI>I:MV, A college preparatory school fur bora, Fall term be glna Sept V. A, 11. BABIN, Principal. (DR *7 00 PER QUMITER. No extras. Media yG 4* Academy for Iluya. PJ tnllea from Philadel phia. lo Instructor*. S. O. BIIOIiTLIDQE (Harvard A. ML), Madia. Pa. KIARSAROB SCHOOL FOR HOYS, North Conway, N, H, ibe School reopena Seph 8. For catalogue or admission, addreat t ___ FREDERICK THOMPSON, Prlnelpal. WEST KND INSTITDTK, MRsTfiT L. OADyT Prluolpal. New Harm, Conn. band fur circular. EDUCATIONAL. OOLLEOIATE raPAETMESi' OF t.aft- FOIiEST UNIVERSITY, L-»ko Forest Untm* I-' r lv ~u ll "‘ tJ »J’ ot flvpfeml'cr. 1h75. Il'1 l ' 1 r who has been cWtrd rroiAt i'v L'.W;, 11 * l ' ( T " 1 fr “ Hie pri'ernt, and will i:t ’’l j">lii‘rnciif. Hot. John 11. Itcw y,, y ./ r | I '' ,r -7n AJlrhtran, and Hot. James 11. ■ ,f< ,Vi T i ' r, i ljlv ' J *' «M»)nted Profifl. the 1,. iMißmif < f i'i . l> p,l, ' r "P'tti th«lr dutlca o ■h.wiU h,! TV , *-«•»• W. A Iroliinan tnhV rhw • * i.I t’h '-i i a,l, ’ u : ' ull for admlsflion v ' s: r : lam! I'.rk. j«. \y, j-ait. rH ~, > l ‘" T‘"n. ni^h- A. i;. KiftciU'i-, \V. hr,-". U. j:‘ r rn ,nl. ! r ~elli lii»*ru of DYHHEHFDBTH COLLEGE! - rounJoJl.-LH tac«,i. mta i lW) . Tor eat*- the wr j,.known H„ Mn ,., s oile ff o at No tfi Eirt Itmd.dph-a!., tj.i, itwiti.ilon omhrarVs t, law ircparr.tor;-arl.-.K Olm ()tr> /fnn V adJoinlriH tliu Turnrp on North CUrk-xl., anil Ihf other at Die rorui-r of lialaird and l-„ik «t- , « WralHido. Into theNo Huhooh ly.v* au-1 inr*a of all aifc* are recihed. Tbeco.irre of rt»J y Kdr-a all the Roumot) Lngjlah Itsuclh-b, also lnn«tiai/ra, matho niatlca, pbvric“, r*..\ Of langnaifca r ir oniln f?.nhL S tf o" ,Ot ! , h f,oe 7 inn - r,,f ,he W'lireninre of piaplta In the norlhwwlmi part of thu cit», nrtrato oinulbiiifta run ililJy from the corurr of M‘ilwauk*>f. ■v. and Can entrr-at. to the North Ridf f.Vlnm ui.d No r *iar«o li made for r!-lit u. .1- jiarttnpMs will P>-oiwTj ou Sent. C, Thu «oii':ral olheo la at No, HP Kami Jlindol|,fi-flt. DIRECTORY. .A’™. 1 of nearly 2U:i Hfloa, complied expreeslr aan f’J, to 61 > and KUirdlana in p. loctinj? a «o t nnoJ " f 411 tLO afltfl-lIH rp t° 11 Ilp United Hlatea; Information in r*- J' o “ 11)0 «J»wih are located, tho h- n ,f' , r^ lr l a ‘ 1 etc.; also a deeerl|>. *«..?» t, ‘ mrEt 8 nt free upon ai't ii-ation. Po»|rq(> ( prenta ° rk nty ril ' T lir,Jl<lw# y aud I'uurteonth- L .A, W SC EC OOL, HAEVAED UNXVEESITY. yr V ll,:3 -’ 7 ' 1 *>“ '«mn on Thimol.r, Mijl. .*O. Ain-»aniin:iti«n for ndmlrrlou to advMti. /i dav‘ Orf T l \ bC | h 'V' l m T “ ur " ,U >'' « 3 l»t. W. aod Fril Sr»S t w.»‘l , at ? a - "»• TJuintday. Jf„ th/ , ;^t a vo"r y . A * «**> d.air *h n P r l,raot, , ,nr 111 « m.dldSto /.* a . wl '° *«'•« «"'t n>c> Ivr I a rol!e«c Humtion will furllmrtiff* „ r .r a l’ r . el,rnll ‘ Bf y •ximlMMiuti. ’ f<»r fnriliLr information and for i* cin-ulnr Kivii.u full imr Ucuhra addn-u JOHN H. AUWjLD, Uh« r i«.! PHESTON COTTAGU SCHOOL, AF T nr^K , ;^ ,, ,':[;, r ." n ;'S:.,- I , r^v.i, n IW with bi-tt odurailnrml ..(ivanU«fl«, la nrml'dhi mu kJ, 1 * *? eatieclall/ ritominendnd to the nnVco ADVANTAGES And for the facdltiea it aflnnla in Allitijr th-inaolnw nf C^ m> -f tiroa, Art tJallartni, anJ Muaeuma of Hoalnn. Rofnreuce. to patron*! ai.o, cucultn will £ lurulalicd tin «{i[,liration to tbo, _ . MIaSiIULIA A. U iLHiNewton, Man WOMBS HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLE Of Chlcaip, The Hlxth Annual Course of Leciurej c-tuimom c* ou Tuesday. Oct. C. D 75, * n d rill continue institution offers to ladle* rM ii ( il thorough medlral education find-clam f n . ai ,„7 ‘ DiMectlns material “ ’1 ) ’ I clinical advantace* muuir paw u.l. ‘or catalogue nr further Information nddrem llic buciuurj. W. OOUntKY DYAH, 31. V.. f U C Iro.ulciitnf Faculty. T. DA Via FITCH. 31. b ‘ hu.retary, . H jt> \t cat 3iouroo-tt. * ’’ UNIYEESITY. OF CHICAGO opens for examinations, Bcpt. 10.1975. |. Colleco 0 f I.itemt.ire and the Arte. Donbas College. 2. oSL Jviu , . vn V; A(rriL '. lt ! t ; ,r - , T Civil Knplowrtiiu, etc. T ColJcjjO i f Aildreaa \. D. Deualow, Emj., flerro tv t ," llrffß^ f JUiali Mudlcal ColJcue. PrpWent Indies admitted to all del partrnente. Mis* M. Chapin, Hnpt, Tuition. *7O lusTiv * a :? u . to I****' Address E. H. Luivtt,,t >‘* J * °* Duimouaus, cnth ? car . o,>cna 15 - Superior advant l d . e ,1 ,1r ; I " et ‘ t > CJawlMl, KuklUli, Kuropraa ?“, d Il } sl . ull * can taler for cither courac, for or thw ■‘udJ’of Art uloue. £oc»- i’ . a T/{,°‘ CL > I’uS'linfpi ample, and all tho appolntraeala for either boarding or day pnril tmanrpaased. -. MISS OIOIOU, I'rtiiclpal. PENNSYLVANIA MTTrTTABY ACADEMY, e . Chi'<ior, r*.--iFor Itoanlon nnlr.) .oSSsnss MTS' SEIM7, 12(3# and 130 North Dearborn-lit., Chicago, will open Wednesday. Sept. 15. KINDICKGABTEiV, In connertlnu wtlh lb. Srailnarr, Mill qi«d >1 lb. umo tnae, with inm-seed facilities and accommodations. ELMHUEST HOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, f" r youaij Lidice and Olrli, will reopen Monday. Bent. Uattlmhurat. Id miles from Chicago, ou the Galena plvJflon of tbu N. \V. It, U, Location healthy and beautiful. Grounds over 13 acres In extent. Teachers Native tcaehcni of German and rreneb. MilH. 1.. N. CITTEII. late Head AsMcunt of ctillr Dtrt ° n Scllool, Cljlca d l, « Principal. Bond for Clr- Till; ('UTIIRERT CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Bt. Louie, Mo., will oj-en Kept, Id, in connection with Mre. Ltißensa Culhberi’s Seminary for Young Ltfllea. Instruction thuronch in all branches, theoretical aa well aa practical, conducted ujioti Luropeau syHiein*. Term* moderate. For circulars, containing all infer matiou, address AUTIIUK J. CULSWOLD, Director, Sixteenth and Huc-ma., fit. Louie, Mo. •OEEGAEAT INSTITUTE, FOII YOUNG LADIES AND MISSES ' Boarding imd Day .School; Latin. Knfll.h, and French, rroach ti me taDK'isge of Dio Irnmlv. D'HKltVir.r.Y, 1627 & 1530 BPRUOE-ST.. PIUU., Pa. ALLEN’S ACADEMY^ 14{ and 140 Twouly-second-at., GhWqo, owns Sent, fl Prepare* lloya tlioroitflhly for tlio Sjit College* or for Bualuwa. A few good Boys rocoivid Into the family of the PrcMideui. IllA tV. AU.LN, LL.D., President, ires' SE3yEX3sr-A.8.-sr, UVK, N. V. The next session will commence S«pt. Id. For par- Oculars apply to the Principal, MILS. rt. J. LIFE. TtTRS. HVLVANUB HERD'S ITI. E.vm-isu, Fju.ncii, and OcnusN Boannnta and Dar Hciu>oi.. forYciung Indies and rhlldn-n, Noe. fl and H Last Fifly-lhtrd-sl. (Omtral Park). The Twelfth School \ear will l««(n Sept. 30.1-7.1. A Kindergarten will he oiwned Oct. 5. pupils will report for cloaalfica. tlon hfpt, ys and ‘.o, Addruss until Hcpt, 10, Navo • Ink, New Jersey, * TFOCRUt FEMALE COLLEGE, LEXINGTON. J. JL hi. Faculty able. EiUuaivc grouuda, Eicel* lent miildiii)." l , I**' Ly 8* foot, four etorlcn, contalnlm IW ftpartmcma—tila- n dtailen, ornamental, pUy. anc halbruoma; umirJ by itwun and liubUxl with «ai Duly l*o young ludica t'Ci'iiiiy a room. Coat of im. pruvrtneuU mcr fI'O.OW. Vail term commence* Bent la, 1h75. For catalogue* addrea* J. M. Hookeb. T« fADAME IJE jlllOHHAlip’oUirKira fIIENCI! i' V 1 J “"'lmp School (or Vounp UiUm, No. (WUmrch-at.. ILtttlord, Conn. Tbe f«U term will •a above l ** *** *° r * u * ona * liot » or circular*, *ddre*» Cl M IVu u i L b , N , EW v IiAVEN ‘ ct.-uoaiidino M ftnJl>*ybclinoUor Yoiwg Ladle*. Eatabllabed *“ *J»P t « -*• MU* MAIIUF.UON. t,c ll >a l. Adore** Nuw llavuu, Ct, ■* riaULASL) ' JTX WORCESTER, MAbH., Prepare, young men for Commercial, Literary, and bcjoaUlk O. A. 11., Sup’t. TU ,3S £ln*' V ’ 8 HgMfNAIjY, «>r WE«T~A»AMS ITIUKtHOI.D INSTITHTF. FREEHOLD, X. J— -1 A Hoarding School for Roy*. liuv. A. Q. CUAMHERS, Itlm-ll*!. financial HENEY S. KING & CO. BAJSTirBPtS, LONDON, ENGLAND, Opes OUIUIENT accounts uub Ranker* and Uer ciiauia iru<) of i'"i;iiuiculou. INTEREST on Moulbly lUUucc. COLLECTIONS uu all | ointi. Now Yora Agent*—Moair*. M. K. Jeaup. l*aton & 00. Liverpool Homo—Mcaara. King, RalUla It Op. ’ DISSOULTION NOTICE. mSSOLUTIOiN . Tlia ]iartuur*blpb«ru(ofor« nxUtiug batvaon tbe un. demguid, uudar tbe name and alyla of ARMOUR A TiIOMbUN, baa (bit day bean diwolvad by mutual otiu.eul. Tbu Ihi.luuis will barciiler L« luntlnuLd bv CHARLES THOMSON, vbula aulliurUed to i-ollect all the dcUi due tbu aald Qrm. T HOMAS ARMOUR Cldcago, btpt. i, lsis. CHARLES lUOMSUN. Railroad tib ARRIVAL AND DEPART. e§roi H***u }2?, ° r ft*PKnrKO7.M oapun. H’ln'lir ate<inf(vl tu, ilto tunday at <l;(ma. m . i ihu? CHICAGO JiNORTMWESTEI Ti'k'l t>B<re>, Marl..;, i.. ni||ll „ BPaelße Kan Line »UuU..,,uel»4/ r,». Mi Clinton*! Bhubuquo <>l«hL Kx. tla Cliuioi, a Omaha Nlttu Kxnra«.„,,. • riecporid i>abaau*Kiiirni« ’ f p# ?*y. abao “ Bhl ‘>roM•. t Mfi^^** 1 . I *®** Mall . t.M wak«#Kiprcii * * Milwaukee raaaeager,. } Milwaukee Paa*«n«or • Ofun Hay Kipreti JNt. I'ani Komi \ St. Paul A Winona rtxproii'.'*’ * Marquette Kiprom MtenoTa l.ake Kxpren ” tUonera Labnßxprota *” oM-.i-.a T >t k e Hi prnl( , " » <»"ne*a -aka Hi pres* * a—ltr-potcomorof Well Tami Kl k-l>opol comer of Canal and K 1 . MICHMfIN CENTRAL *S and f nil'll' 1 r ‘“ WurAcrt., aoitiAr _ ni'i L-tUr IT., Trtmonl HatUt, K'Kr.s, o .'. I .”’, Meht Kapresa....'* IJL’iJP' *"• *»:«):•. m. W£!i!liW„:* v NllfUl Kxpraaa,. * I. »•!* 7:9#p. m. * i,* 1 •*• ** t*a’urrtar aofl Sunday Kt. ... * .«/• LOUIS, Union n>p >t, tr.|( .Vi,it. {i,^ or, *f««. Kacrai City and Denrar Faal E* «l. I>,ulf anlHurlnirtieM Ki;*, •s-m . m a, i p ' yoflfiicfield A Taxaa.. 1 ! mti prrfi- -5 »■«?«•••*! ;«v«« uwlql UKE SHORE & MICHIG; Mall, rla main line ■ttfW Ksprea*. Via ’air | A ll n-? tiC * 'i*< 'SVVI* 'mat n 1 Michigan Aeeonimi^atYoa a ‘**vui airline | Mglit | Kapruo, »i« main line and! air lino | S “ J «- CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE* ST. u],j>uulf.V>rrnut r. PAUL RAfl CanrtU4li, M *»uk-»9 A Prtlflj da Chloo 1 OlVUloT). I’M»«Ui9r., U Crime, Wlnrmi. M. Paul, .Minaeapollf, lupon. i I*n ’•' t> A tirroa U *X. throaiin «d “T <;O0 P* »|*•«»• "• _JI'OIK. UitouKhK»pre«i r 9;«b.m. , r „, W N . m » ce njrai railroad. Bt. Txnli Kxpresi • Kt.J..,»i«Ka« Line "• . f-airo.t NewOrleaniKz " '* Cairo* .te* Urleani 1ix,,., U bpnagficld end FrurU Lxptsii.' * furiUKheid sight Kxrirw* i FeorUandiKckul Kiprea*. ‘ Dubuque A Sioux CUT Kx.. , • Dubuque A atom cut Expreaa.. • Gilman Ptutsfcr. (• CHICfICO, BURLINGTON A VUINCY RAILROAD. XJepeh.jovi of [.ofte-it,, Jeidinna-at, and Sirltenlh w Mail and Expreat... mtawaaud otreator Fauearar! Dubuque A aloux cut Kan.... f«f Omaha. I! h * u *** City. Leavenworth, At chlaoD A at. Joseph Hap..., Iciax l.ipu-M ' * p Aurora Faaaonger. i Ijssissssssife! ■~s*" n * r Accommodation * 7:AOa. M, >:SO a. ta. * PdJ5 a. a. •lo.Tjya. m. •IO;f)n» ta,|* tlnrtop, m.l| !*3:Up. m .,t ,• 4:2rtp. ju. * I 6JO p. tn. • , l;Wp. m. 1 i »:i> p. m. • tlU:u)p. mJ' JlOrOOp. ra. t 7:IS a. m. ■II ;(M a. m. • 2;n5 p, n. I:4{ip. m. • 6;SJ p, m , _ Bd.» p, m. * 7;3n a. m. 'K*. ln n rt ‘f. n »t M -l 13 noOB a n. tn.l* 7.,5,. „ CINCINNATI AIR LINE AND KOKOMn tmr I*LcalttlUe ± ciaeloJ IndlatuMluf^”»VlieiX ; lnc!n‘ * 8:3 ° 5,n1, * Jg 2. eA 2SLS.'^ i-Httt. j Arritt, Mall and Express •Jfron Passenger Hlffln Pa«»eDffer Itasca l****ouKar nnnday Paatengorat. g:8o a. m. 4JOp. m. B|Mp. ta. tu:4sa. m. JflSp. m. 8;«». m . ? : «P- m- 8:40 a. m, 6:00 p.m. In :05 a. m. PHISBURO, CINCINNATI A ST. LOUIS B«lLHmn c i>2s ll i?’’ rilubn '« * vo,i CiUiJinlintlKuilViiri’i’RiwYoVlir 1:20 °* m * * !; Lj I>- m. - M«a,K., 1 ,i,.ia. 1 i,i I 8.011,. ni. , PITISBURU, FT. WAYNE. CHICAOD RAILWAY. Aoif*. j Am**, 7:Ma. ro.mjp.m. 6:15 I>. ni. i«; fia. m. •»:Wpm. J*B:aoa.S 4:U a. m. • C:I0 p, au Jay Kxrross.. , 'aclflo Excreta. a OHIO RAILROAD fnS'Jf 0 !:/' I '.* rtur , V Aai-wUwn JJuildinfi and dtp* hq». J Arrltt, »:4ia. m.l 7;lSp. ta 8:35 p. m.[ 7. H JOa. a. tfall. fiundaia Ksoepted. Sxprcta. Dally CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILROAD. Bipol, corn,, V fa,, *«,.■.»! aJ.ra0,.,,. TIM.JU, Grand J\*eQle HoUl. j Itat*. I Jrriwt, »!^5 b *S I-4T,,1 7 ,, ! , * At * lll * 0BKx^ *19:16•. ni.i* VtropTe^ tirn Aooqmmodation 1* imp. a. • BslOa. ST nUhtLipret* tlo.tflp. m. :«:Ui Si OCEAN NAVIGATION. National Line of Steamships, KEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. LWO ton*.Sal unlay, SBih August. atii.m •;};) I i. A I? 1*) ion Aaturday, B*Dt. 11. at In. m WUEKN. 4.171 t 001... Saturday, Sept, illitlam' bPAI.V, g.sTl tou SnurJay, BapV at I a S* , .. ryBIO.XLoHPUAOT, n f M‘V. Wo ,otu ; vF*]?/* I *' Bepi. 4, at 7dß a. n , Cabin iiutiM, i.u aiid #«0. currency, Ratora lick' a ■ at reduced raui. Hioerage tlokata, •» oorrano* XJraita l'ir XI and upward* on Ureal Britain. OOJf * Konlteait'eonierOlirt and nan biicttuau a (U.e). uacago. ww ‘* ,n *™' toppoaii* nan ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. ilia tiencul JrasutUoUe Company 1 * Mall tilaanuhlua ANOKOR, X.IKTB. TT Cl |K»3^ , g.g U. b. co'El'.o Uo * JI * *“‘ l Grout Wostorn Htenmslilp Line. .„„ .1'”“ N »» y “'k ■“ Urtilol (Ho.I.nJ) tlireot, AHRAuON, Byiurmi Saturday, Sept. 4. Cabin Pauatro. |7O; Intvmie.liata, <sls; btcerane. gL). Kiouralou iickuu. glm. Apid> at liau'l Fnilaht Daillk Uko bhorg A Al. a. U. It. Aaam. MACHINERY. HOT WATER UNEXCELLED AS A HEATING- MEDIUM. APPARATUS ADAPED TO PUBLIO AND riUVATK BUILDINGS. SUCCESS OOAUANTEEi). BREED Sa C<X tISS-llft Went EUib(b*at.iC'luciaßaiUO« * 11 HS TABLED (IRE OF TRAINS* S(Mta,-T Saturday »• tooday excepted. fir. :RV RAIUTHT. * ,r '- Arntt, Hf-lpßa JlhfiOp’.S. m* : i»;:S::jii^s, • :iua. m. *ll.-o*. S, 9; 15 a. m. I lump, m. *#.-"0|». ni. * 7:35 P . ra . t ll:i*.p. m. I s;u) a tn. Mai'** m - . 7:ftl t».l«» •in;niß. m. • 4.(up. rn t *J5p. m. | 7tl6a. m. lOJOp. m. *, m . g;lfi «. m. |*JO:.*Ob. m. 2 : 2l p - m * * <*Op.m. <:r«p. m. * 7:3011, m. <: 15 p. in.l’ltm.’ia. m. Intte^ta, tntlo.iti. RAILRim <wt<tr, «« cornrrq/'jtandefpA* !' 3tin o, m. iJJdOo. ra. ’}7:Wa, m. I 3:10 p, oi #;loo. rn. 3:10 p. ra. ra . ]M SOUTH! Arritt, 9:10 a. in. 6Ai p. m. 9.-00 a. m. 6:00 p, m. 6:16 p, m. 8:00 a. a. 3:40 p, a. II :13 a. q. tIQiJO p.m. ILROID. Ticket OTife, "«< a I Depot, | »n House,' nn, ' «:»a. m. *7:46?. a. I 7:80 it. ta. 1 w. •* < j.’tiji. rn ,**«*• '»•! ?:?»». in \-i »• I :.’•() ,1. ra m. ! 7 ;:u a, m *: JI a. ra.i'liMn. m 5 *'P. m. } 7:10(1. m 8;m P , m. 1 : v p,, m 9:25 a. m. * flrtup, m 9:«jP. m.;» 7.10 a, a 6:15 o. ta. * 9:25 a, m Jrrtee, j* 7:40 p, a *>:<o P. m. 3J6p. a. 3:5J n. m, 7:14 ft. a. ; V:&5 »! St ’ S:W • a. lu:I0 *. m. ? : V2 *• m * £ 7:IS ft. a. Arritt. Anitt.