Newspaper Page Text
WISCONSIN. Tlio Political Canvass of 1875 In lindgcr State. Clitoring Prospects of Republican Sue cost at the Coming Election. The Republicans Unanimous and Hope ful—The Opposition Discordant and Despondent. Disgust Among His Own Partisans at the Impending Renomination of Got. Taylor. Rebellion Already Broken Out Amonj tho "Re formers,” and Hie ” Reform " Fraud About Played Out BptHalCorrnpondfnei of Tht Chicago Trduiu. Madison, Wls., Aug. 31.—1 t la ncaily tiro months since tho Republican State Convention was held In this city, and wo aro now on me eve or another convention, called by no name, but to which thOBO indorsing the “ People's Iloform" platform of 1&73, and the declaration of tho Reform and Independent members of the Legislature in 1375. aro in vited; the primaries for which arc called under tho various names of “ Iloform." •‘Democrat," and * Liberal Democtat.’’ The Convention Is to moot on Wednesday of next week, during tho tlmo of tho State Pair at Mil waukee.—that place and time having boon se lected with a view of getting a goodly number of Grangers—particularly ihoso connected with tho Stale Agricultural Society, of which Gov. Taylor has boon President—tinder tho tutelage of Democratic politicians. Two months have wrought a groat change in tho aspect of our politics. Only a few weeks ago fears wore felt that different factions of tho Republican parly, discordant and belligerent, would meet in Con vention to contest with each other for suprem acy with suets zeal and billerncßH that the parly would bo rent in twain, whichever c#mo out ahead.—alienating so many that defeat would bo Juoritablo. Instead, when tho delegates came together, their chief dosiro seemed to bo. to do what would bo best to promote tho common good ; there was a gen eral disposition to concede preferences for men sod measures. il others woro thowu to bo better adapted to win. Tho Convention was har monicas mid antimsiastio ; an excellent ticket was nominated, representing dilforout parts of tho btato, du'.crent occupations and interests, and different nationalitico ; a genernlir-acccpja bio platform was adopted; and tho party thor oughly reunited, determined to organize and work to ulepobseeu tho bogus UnforuiotH and GAIN CONTROL or TIIC STATE. The nctif.u of tho Convention received a more general and hearty indorsement than ever bo lero, with baldly a bic&tU of Uult-thidmg. and % gcucml disposition woa shown to take hold ami elect its ticket. The Democrats opened their batteries of false hood and übuso on some of tho Republican can didates.; but their fuo has proved ineffectual, aud Las been nearly silenced. The worst thing they could liud to say about our candidate for Governor, Harrison Ludiugton, was to cry that ho was a “Know-Nothing,” and to euot? tn him the Know-Nothing oath and obnoxious Know-Nothing expmstonti, because, for a Joke, bis name was put cn a lilimoiu Electoral ticket In 1859. when he was a supporter of Premout. Thi* ciy Lao lost its terrors, however, in view of Iho fact that ."Jr. Ludingion’uimmediate corn-lit- □cuts, who nro largely foreigners. have i-hown their disbelief in his entertaining nuy proscrip tive notions, by voting for ana ejecting him over forcigucis whoso politics cere more in accord with their own; aud the further fact that Mr. Lndiogfou, in tho beetowment of places within bis gift, has given a large time of thorn to men who were born in other lands. Maj. Dietz, our cauoiiate for Slate Treasurer, was assailed because, at tbo lime of tho great panic in 1873, he happened to have some money dopobited iu hanks which failed, especially a sum of $19,009, at the request of tho Treasurer of lbs Btuto Hospital for the Inoauo, in tho Dank of Maduoo hero, in which ho was interested, but which was unable to stand the pressure. Though it was clearly shown (hat Maj. Hauls', bad made good his accounts with the State, ami It had not lost a cent, tho changes were rung of the enormity of his having SIO,OOO of tho State’s money in a “ rotten hank,” till one day Mr. Hobkirk, of the Corn Exchange Dank of Waupuu. disappoaicd, and it was found that the Deform Worden of tho Stale Prison HAD SIO,OOO IN A “ROTTEN SANK” THERE. Since then that issuo has been dropped,—all tlio more readily, too, because it appeared that the present State Treasurer was pursuing tho lime policy, aud keeping deposits not only in Jthcr people's banks, but, to a largo amount, in one whereof bo was chief owner. A ehiing effort bos been made to excito preju dice. especially among bis countrymen, against lie Republican candidate for Uocrotary of Stale, liana 11. Warner, on tbe alleged ground that ho was crowded on tbe Convention instead of other Norwegians who would have been more acceptable; whereas, no ono olso who would ac cept had any considerable number of supporters in tho Convention, and the Norwegians of the northwestern part of tbe Stale, where he is best known, warmly supported.nira; and on tho fur ther claim that ho was not a lit representative of the Norwegian nationality, because ho was brought up by a Gorman, and hod not distinct ively identified himself with his countrymen,— it being oven asserted that ho was not a Nor wegian at all, and could not wiite aud speak the language. The facts bavo boon developed, showing his Norwegian birth, his orphanage, [be creditable and patriotic manner in which ho bad worked bis way and won honor and esteem among his countrymen and all who knew him; and, wherever be goes, his appearance stiuucei opposition. In view of (he above foots, tbe Republicans have good obound to hope foq success in this fall’s campaign, against even a united Opposition. Furthermore, nearly all the Re publicans who, discouraged by wrongs wlUuu their own party, as Liberals in 1872 or Reform ers in 1873, Joined hands with the Democrats, are returning to tho Republican fold.—'almost tbo only exceptions being those who have ob tained or expeot office from their now allies. They have seen the emptiness of Reform profes sions, and tbe dangers of allotting the Democ racy to gain control of the destinies of the nation. They are alarmed, too. by tbe demauds of some of the Democratic organa of the Htato, —among other things, the entire repeal of the Registry law, now limited to cities aud vil lages; the farther removal of restrictions ou the sale of liquor: tbe abolition of the biate Board of Oharitlea and Reforms, whose oversight of the charitable and penal institu tions of the State has been productive of so much good; an inflation of the currency, after tbe manner of tbe Ohio Democracy,—md con cluded that tbe best place to work for needed civil reforms is la the ranks of the Republican party. If the Democracy of tbe State were harmoni cas and enthusiastic, they could hardly expect to aaoceed in this State this fail. Such a com bination of heterogeneous elements as secured su unexpected triumph two yean ago CANNOT AGAIN UK rOUUKI). Notes cannot again be obtained on tbe false torstenift* of two yean ago; nor la the Wbiakv Ring ia position now. as then, to apoud ita feus or thousands of dollars to secure the sac cess of Us friends, some of whom were sup- P°ued at the same time by those professing ["opemcce. Nor can the influence of a pow [rial railroad corporation bo secured to labor wild Qtiugen for tho same ticket. f*'t years have there been such division IQ d strife among tbe Democracy of tho Bute B M *!?*’ T be Admiulstiatiou having delenuin ■J* that lu members shall be renominated, H earnest and outspoken opposition to tbe con tinuance in power of tho present incompetent r M d bn been developed, and will not dawn at •J*; bidding of any men. There have been mut- discontent fora long time, aud curses, «»t loud bat deep, have been visited ou the o'ad of Qov. Taylor almost ever since be went >ttoo. One teaeon va that be toand U Im* noPHiblo (o keep tho ho hvl made of giving paying places «« llm rewind of support In cbho of Hiiccern ; mid lio »« «>i»t nty accused of treachery and falsehood In regard to Appoint* monte. Iho grievance of Sat fllaiU. who wanted to ho JUilrond CommiKnioncr or HlaP-rmon Warden, in of tlda clara. Other*. however, wero msOUHTKI* AND IIKMIMATEII at the hearing and tho action of the man whom they had elevated ahovo liii* capably or liona. There i» hardly a prominent Oomociat licro at the Capital who has not repeatedly and emphatically expressed Ida diawlisfadlon. Moat, however, concluded that ho had made ho ranch capital among tho masHoa, who did not know him bo well an those who saw more of him, out of tho subjugation of tho railroads, that, j weak aa ho wan. ho waa their strongest man, and hia ronomlnotion waa inevitable. There wero aotno, however, who could not oco It in that light, and a few of thorn met in Mil* waukooo fortnight ago to commit aa to what could ho done about it. They found tho Oof* ernor’e Private Hccrelary at their place of moot ing, to spot them; hut they met notwithstand ing. and, supposing they wero hylhcniaelvos, ox* preased their opinion of Ida incapacity and mi* worthincea m language that waucxtfcmolv plain, and waa quite shocking when put in print next morning by a *' chid among thorn lakm Those participating In loo.mooting, capccially those unquahliodly opposed to tho <* ovo ™" r .* ronomlnotion, were denounced without dint by hia organa in Milwaukee.-which, by ho way, quarrel between tbcraHoWosllhocali and dope, i ami by hlaporaonal organ here, ns If they had no right to exprcaa an opinion or to c.ppono {«■<•"»- tmtiauco where ho wan bringing reproach on I h party and tho Blalo, Tlhh aroused their Iro. ami a few, who could not ho donned aa eorolicada. drew up a document severely analgnlnfS «»« Governor, to which they afllxcd their names, and now tho vials of wrath have been on them. They still live, however, and pro* pOBO tO noiiT it oct to rmt ninsn EN ’ B ' . Thov allowed up voiy clearly bow uuw(«o and virion. w tho Governor s coimo In the a r „“„Ti.U U >.T- economy 0 lim mainly brou confined to to marvatioii wages the pay of employes al jut tho winch. by the wav, haß ho incontsod the (abortus, clMflee boro that they vow von ? P c 1 a “ co ; il f L other poiutH against him. they might bar o *ddod that many of hm appointments to our atnto luHUnliona havo been of tho most un worthy cbaraccor. oml havo bred bo much mb chiof in Uiphb lußtltutimuj-aa in lbs Imluatilal School at Woukeaba, tho Deaf and Dumb l»Hti ime at llolnvnu. the Institute for tho Wind at Janesville—that llio friomlH of our Stale ebari tab'o ponal, ami educational inHhtu:lona feel It moHt hazardous to their welfare to have him continued iu power. • A Hiuco the pronunciamonlo roforrod to. the editor of tho only Democratic Norwegian paper iu tho State, the J.ibcraU' Jknnokrat, lion become diHgustcd wilh Democracy when expounded to menu support of Tavlor for Governor, and has noli ou'. mid now the Governor’* organ teema mtu abuse of him. Kvorv day, Demociatß whoHo time, money, nod elTortß havo heretofore been freely given to aid tho party, declare they wii.l. Nor urr a jinokr ’ Tnvlor la renominated, oh they forobodo ho ill lie. Such lovelatioiis aro threatened by those who have been behind tho scenes »a must make it very unpleasant for Ills Excellency if ho is again put on tho course at Milwaukee noxc week. The disaffection m much more wide* spread and doap-He«lcd than ho supposes. Ihcroisscmo special opposition, here and elsewhere, especially among hn* own country men, to tho reuommalum of Secretary Doyle, who is accused, iu a three-column article, by au Oshki.Bii Democrat, of gross malfeasance, iu allowing Insurance (Jomputih s to transact huul nciH in tho State contrary to law. Another clement of discord will bo tho Chair manship of tho State Committee, unless Rail road Commissioner Paul magnanimously de clines a continuance. tiloto-Ueologist Wight, many of tho Germans, and others, vigorously oppose his re-election. Those best posted on the political situation are couJldcut that, with reasonable efforts ou tho part of Republicans, whatever tho action of tho Convention at Milwaukee, the Democratic party will be defeated in November by as large a ma jority as It bad iu its lavortivo yean ago. * Pure. FINNEY AND MASONRY. To t.'ie Editor of 7he Chxeaao TrV.une. Wheaton, 111., Aug. 31.—My attention has been colled toTim Tribune's omission, iu its notice of Chailes O. Eitiney, lato President of Oboiliu College, and known and honored more widely than almost any other Christian minister of his ago, of any mention of his sentiments and writings on Secret Societies. To omit from au otherwise full catalogue Mr. Finney’s book ou Froc-Masonry, If an intentional omission, would bo damaging to tho credit of o pnhho journal for fairness and newspaper integrity. It Is pre sumed that your ouuesiou wee not such, but mat you will bo glad to have me say to your readers concerning this truly great man that, initialed aud made a Master Mason in early life, ho bMd to mo, ”As soon as I was converted to Christ, my mural nature loathed it, ana 1 imme diately demanded my discharge from tho Lodge.” This was before tho death of Morgan. Ho moK no part in tbo political Anti-Masonry which lollowod. Hut when, after tho fall of LSUU Lodges by those discussions, ho saw the Order returning to popularity and power, ho wrote aud published “Fumey ou Jlaaoury,” one of tho ablest books ho over wrote, aud which was omitted bv Tun Twrune writer in giving a list of his works. Vury respectfully yours, etc., J. lILANCIIAUD. THE POWER THAT ENDURES. Amidst (be changing sconce of time, ’Mid Arctic cold uim Tropic clime, Unmoved by bale or fear; Tuungb ustiuu rise, or notion wane, Thougu icon recede, or mountain-chain Dituolvo aud disappear,— Tlioro dwells a )K>wcr that'# atlU serene Though Time grow old ; for, halo and groan, It 10-iU immortal youth: Thin power, that measure* tiros and space, Nor mortal knows ita natal place, la Truth—unchanging Truth, It knew the (Ind-creatcd alar; It naw the kuulluht {rum utar Byroad o'er the primal gloom i It saw tuu deluged KurlU urine; U aavr great Uaoet near the skies. And meet Us sudden doom; It knew the I'haruoha, sou# nud sire,— It saw tho last of them caj.lre, Aud stood beside his bier; It was IQu hand along the wall la proud lidluhazaar'a bauquct-hall, That spread uppolKug fuar. II saw carved out the Theban gates, Tuo wonder ut tho World's estates, Aud crumble all uiuite; It ground more finely than the mills Of all the Uods on Hume’# proud tails ; It knew the Co-aara* Ihroue; It walked with PsUJarcha of yore; Two* with the Judges when they wore Their robes from pauduu free; Time’s scroll to I’rophoU Ik tmroUed When they of wonders meat foretold The dUunt years should eve. It heard the Man of Love aud Tears Discourse to «UU or doubtlngtars Uow soul# irom gum might fit a , It heard liliu #j>vak the August Name, Aud to lit# lUlcuera proclaim, •• The Truth ahall uiako you free." *TU IUU tho candid over aetk: *Twa# nut alouo fur Mole Greek Nor for the favored Jew! •Tie manor to no ruco alone,— No Empire hold# it for Ita own,— No language, old or uew. Ita heritage t« with the Juat; lu guidance they securely trust Wjjo battle fur the Right; It la tbe pillared cloud by day, The abaft of llama that load* the way Through Error's aombre night t It la the compos* and it* star; Tu Fame that alauder canuol mar; *Tlt Wisdom's auUd ground | For it (bo aiudent’e oil burns tow, With it, Art’s grand creation* glow; Tls Muaio’a perfect sound It is tbe ring of metal pure t It U the Uudmork, firm aud sorst The beacou ou the hill; It la the fountain, strong nod clear; Tie day and uighl, each season, year, That Time's procession fill. As grandly ou it ipraad* its away, The sounds of discord die away, Nor ancient feud remains: It guards the weak, controls tbe strong, Defend* the Right, coudarout the Wrung, , Aud each Just cause main tain*. It tells bow all, though email or great. Or poor or amnia lu estate, From oue Ad-Father came; Aud they who shun this duty clear. To aid the ead aud helpless here, No sweet reword may claim. Let Truth be thau our uollcet aim 1 lu every actlou let Its uame Our constant watchword be. It may he fur a time o'ercast; Fear uot, true soul, for, at the tost, It wlua the victory. AF.O. or Umiom LooaaKo. 9,1, o. O, F. Qov. Tildea is a bachelor, and worth $5,000,- COO. If he should happen to be elected Presi dent be would probably have no difficulty in i|jidJo£i>uu nUtttaUißMrjWK.— JtulUuuynHi THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1875.—TWELVE' PAGES. COPPER. Till! Mti:Dlu<>>> I-rf-BlHlnllvc Uxcur- Hlun to tlio Upper I’on- Insula. A Visit to the Calumet and Heola Mine, tba Richest in tho World. Taking a Trip to Hie Ismer Regions— Descending HOI) Feet on u “ Mnn-F.iigine.” Tho Operations of Drilling, Blasting, Stamp ing, and Smelling, Some Stupendous Statistics—A Mine that Has Paid $6,250,000 In Dividends. npedal Ctrrrttjxindenet of The Chicago Tribun*. Ass Aruoii, lllcb., Aug. 31.—The copper mines of Lake Superior are THE WOSMtt OV THE WORLD. Their vast resources ato perhaps nnequaled by Ihoso of any other business of like dimensions, and certainly far surpses all other results in mlulna. Untold ages ot time lavo swept by while thin great storehouse of wealth hah boon locked up from man, and it in but recently that the door has been opened ami the contents re vealed. Ah elsewhere, and at other times, tho great world baa kept in reserve its treasures till needed ; so hero, In vaults from which “ Uneven do not break through and steal," she baa kept a copper-fund in reserve, but ready for delivery on demand. Copper ia not a thing of modern times, how ever. Wo read ihnl it was one of tho rnwr metals known to man, and that Tubal-Gain was “an instructor of every artillcer in brand am] Iron.” Job lolls us that “Iron is taken out of tho earth, and brass Is molten out of the mono.” Tho rulers of Egypt worked a copper-mine in tbo I’otiiobiila of Hinai in too fourth dynasty. It was owed by tho Syr ians, I’butuicians, Greeks, and Homans, in the manufacture of monuments and statues of bronze. It required 900 camels to carry away tho pieces of biouzo from the Colossus of Rhodes, nine centuries after this structure hod been tumbled into the dust. Obscure races before tbo Indian used this mcla), as shown by tho relics now and then turned up from tho soil. Tho Aztecs of Mexico used it id their chisels ami axes; it has been found, according to Pros colt, iu largo, half-finished blocks of granite, in the quarries of 31111 a. Tho Peruvians and Bean* dinavians employed it for various uses ; and an cient coins everywhere were made of copper. Our ancestors employed it for purposes that we can* not, as wo find the Pihlo full of references to its use iu chains, pillars, lovers, mirrors, helmets, spears, etc. Evan hows of copper were used by them. Tnoy must have known some secret of alloying or tempering which wo do not possess, About the only mines iu tho world that are those at Lake Superior. IHI2, this waa u wild, almost macccsei bio region, occupied by the lo diana and wild beasts. Irou and copper were so abundant that tho savage found them upon tho surface of tho gruund, and fash ioned them into tools; ao lie told tbo white man of their existence wheu the latter came to this region. After 1844, the country waa rapidly explored and Bottled by English adventurers. Dr. Doug las Houghton, tho Htato Geologist, was the first to call attention to tho wealth of copper hero, la 1845. the ClilT Mine waa opened, and tho work of copper-mining really began. Tho liclicst deposits lie on howeenaw Point, and tho most fortunate of the mines at present are tho Calumet aud Hocla. which in reality are one. The Legislative excursion party visited this mine, and, as one of tho company, I tried to got a true idea of its extent, and of tho manner of its work. Although a portraval by a feoblo pen must compare ignobly with the reality, yet 1 shnll state simply furls that will hardly ho credited, so aalouUUiogly productive is this great enterprise. OI'ENINO or THE GREATEST MINE IN THE WOULD. The Calumot and Hecla Mina was opened in 13C7,—0n0 having boon discovered in tins place two years before b.r Edward J. Hulburt. It Boon revealed the fact that tho mine wan to bo a piotltablo ono. Heavy capitalists were introduced to it, and their money nan invested. A Company waa organized with a capital Block of 80.000 sliaros at & par value of per eharo; $4,000,000 won expended in equipping tho mine, ami £450,000 in building stamp-mills. Home shares changed hands at an early day at $6 eacti: hut the Company was con fident of success, and kept earnestly and Hteadily at work. To-day those ahaica cannot bo bought for $l5O each; in fact. tlnjlr owners cannot bo induced to part with them at any reasonable price. Quincy A. Shaw, of Dea ton. is President of tho Company, and Alexander Agassiz is ouo of the largest stockholders. Mr. Agassiz spout last year at tho mine, with his family. Tho work is superintended by Mr. J. N. Wright, who gets tho comfortable salary of SIO,OOO a yoor. Although, as already stated, tbo two mines aro virtually ono, oach keeps a sepa rate account of its products and expenses, and is looked after by its own subordinate Superin tendent. Upwards of 3.500 MEN AHR EMPLOTEI) by tho Company, aud the mines support a pop ulation of 5,000 people. Many of the workmen bavo families, aud their homes make tho thriv ing and beautiful Villago of Calumet. It was a matter of surprise to Hud here such a town, with its hotels and business-houses, aud, above all, a magmticout school-building of stone aud wood, just completed at a cost of $75,000 or SBO,OOO. It took away all ideas of “ wilderness " and “ aborigines" that bad been flitting through tho minds of those visitors. Cue thousand men work underground in drilling and blasting the rock and in loading it into cars, In which it is hauled to (ho surface. A DESCENT INTO A MINE. I was fortunate enough to he one of a party of six to tike a trip to tho “ lower regions.” Tho other members of tho party worol’iof, C. K. Adams, of Michigan University; tho Ilou. Charles W. Olisbeo, of CaßsopoUs, Iteador in tho House of Representatives at Washington 5 tho Hon. E. O. D. Holden, Secretary of Blsto; C. O. Allison, of tho Sniioiial democrat , Cass opolis; and Charlea A. Drodio, repro sontative of tho Detroit Free Press. Tbe par ty did not imagine that they were on tho road to that fabled Hades which &noas visited, for nothing ou the way suggested it hut the down ward movement aud the blackest darkness. In stead of Increasing warmth the characteristics of Iho atmosphere woro cold and dampness. Bofoje entering, wo wore clad in minors' suits and provided with candles, one lighted and in the hand, while tho other rested in one of our capacious pockets, to he nsod in emergency. The descent was made for 800 foot on A MAK-ENOIHS,” which 1b perfectly safe, and works somewhat m follows { Timbers 0 or 8 inches square oro bolted together at the ends, till one continuous piece Is obtained long enough to reach the required die* tance into the mine. This rests upon wheels, which move on the Inclined plane of the shaft of the mine. The whole is operated by steam-pow er, and ie drawn upwards about 20 feet, and then allowed to return slowly. This alternate motion of up aud down is all it has; hut by its side is another of like construction aud movement except that this moves upward, while the other goes downward, aud vice vena. Those timbers, at distances of 10 feet or thereabouts, aro surmounted by platforms large enough for a man to stand upon. The passenger steps upon one of these, and descends 20 feet: then, stepping to the opposite platform, which is ready to receive him, ho goes still farther on his wayj aud, lu the course of too minutes, has leached the bottom. (The ether COO feet Is traversed on ladders.) This mode of descent is easy aud very safe. No one, unless exceedingly heedless, can meet with an accident; and yet. we were told by our guides that miners who have worked here for years never rode upon this •• engine" without fear, and that inauv times they have preferred to climb the whole distance on ladders. On lauding at the bottom, we were conducted through the drifta in all directions, and shown the various processes of DlllLUNa AND BtASTINO. While It takes boars to force a drill with sledge hammers into the solid rock, a drill operated by compressed air does the work in a few minutes, llotu methods are osed. The rock, *heu blasted, is in Urge masses of tons' weight. These are rolled into oars and hauled out of the mioa on the iucltnad railway by steam-power, The whole Sstem of work U so perftet that the workman tho rntao has hot to mu * beU-rope, tfgntUa* an operator at tho engine a half-mile away, and tho oro Htar.’H on ilrt upward trip. This operator never kc»>h tho load ho has caused to he hauled up. and vet with perfect accuracy, guided by a ncaln before him, lio rims it out of tho mine upon an elevated track, and cause* it to ho dumped into rallroad-carfl hclow, which In turn carry tho oro to tho stamp-mill or to tho '•rmshor.” A« wo grope about tho dark recesses of tho mmo, wo are impressed by tho dorp darkness, which our single lights cannot penetrate farther that! a few feet, and by tho stillness an wo listen, broken only hy the shout of eomo truck man an ho pUßhen his load of rro along tho drift, or hy sntnn distant hlsst. yet the scene Ib inde scribably beautiful as our lights arn rcilected from tho glittering surfaces of tho copper crvstalrt. Tho men at work hero aro mostly Welsh, who seem to have a special lining for thin bUKiti«>rtn. Thoy work by tho fathom, find earn from 979 to S9O a month. TJiis mine is well supplied with fresh air, Kiirl ifl umto freo from writer; it cannot bo a very unhealthy place to work. aro full of interest, for litre the copper in sepa rated from tho refuse. iVmerlul machinery pound* tho ore to tho consistency of powder, when, by a free use of water and sieves, the cop per Is freed from iho other material. Much of it. of course, is very line, hut Holid nug gets of (several pounds* weight aro often obtained. i'ut into barrels, it tlinu goes to thn smeUing-furnaro, and ih subjected to transformation into ingots, bars, and plates, when it in ready for tho market. Most of It is shipped to Moslem cities, wnoro it sells for a price varying ftcro 22 to 25 cents a pound. Tho Htamp-tuilirt of the (’alumot and Jlccla Companies are located 5 miles from their mine, and on the bank of Torch bake. A rail road connects the two, affording quick and easy communication. The vein of copper worked by thin Company runs nearly noith ami south on Kewee naw Fuint, ami extends into tho earth at an angle of 130 dcgicoa, and to a depth immeasurable, so far «w in known. Thn increas ing depth of the mine shown no diminution m the quantity or quality of tho ore. Tho vein varltH in lluckucHH from 12 to 15 feet. It has been worked over a distance of 1 mile In length, mid is known to ho as good for another mile. The mine is practically inexhaustible. IMPORTANT HTATIRtK H. The following statistics will corroborate all that bait been raid auout tho magnitude of this mmot lu 1873 it declared a dividend of 91,200,000, and its total dividend* have been 90.250,00(1. During tho year onding July 1. 1807. it nroducod 075 (ouh and 003 pounds of oro. Tho increase from tlim amount uaa been gtadual, till, during tho year muling Deo, 31, 1873. 0,750 tons woro raised. Tho total product of tho mine during tho four years pre ceding and Including 1873 woh over 32.973 ions, and there have been taken from tho mmo. slnco its opening to tho close of 1873, 42.350 tons. Tho whole amount of dividends declared hy all tho paying mines to theclose of 1873 is $13,720.* 000. aiid tho whole amount of coppor-ore raised Up to 1874 is 195.033 tons. Tho annexed tablo shown tho amount of in got-connor produced in this region since tho lirnt mines were opened, and its total value. Tho rapid iuctoass id its } reduction wilt also bu noticed: Ipproxiruate etaUinent t/tnoot-cnpper produced, and Upvalue: MS to 1859. ileforo tho year 1873 Total, That this business is destined to become a leading one in tbo countrv, if not already so. there is no doubt. It is to be borne in mind that mining in the Upper Peninsula ih still in its lufaucy. Tbo Companies are Just beginning to got familiar with (heir work, and so oro becom ing able to make tbo most of tboir opportuni ties. Them is no Indication of exhaustion yet, nor probability that tbo work of centuries can ma terially diminish tbo supply of ibis vast store house of wealth. The business wilt oxalt not only tbo Great Northwest, but especially our own State; and it is quite likely that tlio most liberal aid will bo granted by the authorities hereafter in developing this region. Q. I’. B. THE LIQUOII QUESTION. A memorial to Conpreas* To Ihe I'cvplc of Indiana : The accompany ing- memorial to Congress is herewith mibmiitcd to the voters and women of lodtaua fur their signatures. Its sncclflcattous were determined by tlio late Biale Temperance Convention, and tho Executive Bnard of tbo Woman’s Chriatiau Tcmperauco Union instructed to prepare tlio racmonol and issue it for signatures. It ia tbo hope of thoao who have thin matter moat at heart, that it maybe presented to every man ami woman tn Indiana, and go to Congress this win* tor with tbo name of a majority of the voters of tbo State, and aa many of tho women aa pos sible. Forward all names to Mrs. Z. G-. Wallace. No. 272 North New Jersey street, Indianapolis, bolero Dec. 1. 1875. The Hon. William Baxter to represent the temperance voteis, Charles F. Cofllu the State charities, tho Iter. Dr. J.ll.Bayliss the churches, and Mrs. Z. O. Wallace the women of Indiana, were appointed a committee by tbe State Con vention. to present ibis memorial ol Washing ton during tlio coming winter. It is also con templated asking tbe co-operation of the other eighteen States* organized under tbo Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in a similar me morial Mna. Z. Q. Wallace, Pres't, Mus Auoktta llott. Cor. Soc'y, " Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of Indi ana. To thr Honorable Kmat* and llotui o.f Jleprtuniatitet vf tit* UmUd Stales, m Conarett artetnbtrd: Whereas, The liquor traSlo is fraught with evil to tho property, health, homes, lives, and peace of our citizens; and Wurbbah, Governments are instituted to see care tho jioaco. prosperity, and well-being of tb citlzeu; therefore, We. tbo undersigned citizens of (ho State of Indiana, hereby pray your honorable body— /’trsf—To appoint a commission to investl gate and report tbs effects of the liquor traftio in tho United States, on the health, intelligence, Industry, prosperity, crime, and pauperism of the individuals; also upon taxation, revenue, and tbe genera) welfare of tbo country. Second—To prohibit tbo importation of alco holic liquors from foreign countries. Third—To prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors as a beverage in tbe District of Columbia, in tho Territories of tbe United States, and all places whore Congress exorcises ezdUHivo legislation. yourth—'io require totel abstinence from alcliolio liquors as a beverage, on tbe part of all officials and subordinates in tbe civil, mlU tar*, and naval service of tbe United Sutso. And wo will continue to pray. ELAINE’S SONQ TO LANCELOT. Yea ! I shall sleep, Heed not this idle sobbing: UUcd oVr my aoui the lovo-llght of your eye*. Soou. aoou this heart alutl cms 1U painful throb* Mug, To seek (bo soundless iu and silent skits. B)ch j>, dreamless tlevp, will como forever more. With neither peat to mourn, Dor future to deplore* Ye* I I shall sleep. Tbe nightingale is singing: K iUoru has deeply pierced her gentle breut: fl Those troubled notes within my soul are ringing, w lint I must shortly sleep, sod she must rest. Uod bears tby plaint, sweet Philomel: lie bean. As Do baa beard tbe plaint of man through all tbe Yean. Y*e I I must sleep. Too long the day has tarried, Aud oh I too hard the ways of God and men. Though bravo the hurt, and groat the hoiw It carried, j u tain lu longing wish tor happtnoaa has beau. Dut I can rest In this sweet, slleut dell; And thou wilt say, Beloved, aoftly, “ It la welt.” Lilly Lax s. NEW TANNING PROCESS. titteeial Corrtirondmco of The ChUaw Tribune, Des Moinxs. Is.. Aug. 80.—Iowa mil soon be independent of oak-forests and hemlock-swamps. A now process of tanning leather, by using the tanuiug-plauC instead of bark, has been fully tested aud proved successful. One ton of the plant ‘ will tan 400 pounds of leather, which is more than the earns weight of hark will do. Dark costa about sl3 per too. tbe plant not to exceed $5, and the latter produces a bolter quality of leather. Tbo plant grow' l ! wild in this Btate in large quantities. In a single tract in tbe western part of tbe Htalu there la over 18,000 acres, which will produce 3 tons to the acre. lowa now has the means to make Us own leather. The process of tannins Is precisely the same as with hark, except that tbs Jules of the plant, prodaoed by steaming, is Mad instead of haria Waukesha Enjoying the Late Freaks of the Weather-Clerk—Rosea Bloom ing a Second Time. Shipments of Mineral Walera—Dullness In Ileal Estate—l>alc Arrivals— The Dodge Club. Events at St. Charles and Geneva—A Wed ding and a Picnic—Personal Notes. WAUKESHA. 03 iff the siudk. Atwfaf Corre»f’f>n4rnf* o/ Th* CAieaff» Tnbuns. Wai.kcsiu, Win., Kept. 2.~llave wo not made a mistake in our reckoning, and does not our calendar need revising again? Hurely. for the last few days tho warmth of midsummer has been upon un rattier than tho cool of au. tumn, Tho vegetation that ten days ago shiv ered in tho cold is now shriveled with tho boat; and tho roses, eomo of them, thinking that sum mer han come again, aro blooming for tho second time. Tho cooling showers this morning axe in deed refreshing. Tishing-parties to Fcwaukes Lake are all the rage Just now, and extravagant success im re ported by tho disciples of Hir Isaac. Lakeside wart full last week ; 120 spent Sunday there. I'IIOOUESS. The Carney Opera-House is nearly completed, and there in little doubt but that it will meet tho want ho long felt of a suitable place for public amusemente. The hull proper Ih 70 by 30 feet : the gallery and dtcss-circle extend around throe sides, and the entire seating capacity is some thing over COO. Due attention has ocon given to tho acoustics and ventilation of tho room. Tho stage is well arranged. Tho scenery was designed by Mr. Trank Kkllf, of Chicago. Tho general good effect of tho whole is largely duo to tho taste and skill of Mr. C. 8. Hartwell, of this place, who received the contract for (he woodwork. Our citizens will appreciate tho business enterprise of Mrs. E. H. Carney that has famished a ball ao neat and desirable. We may expect a groat improve ment in the number and style of our pubho en tertainments now that wo have so inviting a placo iu which to sco and bo aeon. There baa been considerable building going on during the summer. Growth and progress are manifest on every aide. Ac the same time, many of tbo moat desirable placoa are offered for sale, and it w a matter of surprise among tbo visitors that, in no thriving a town. such should be the case. The high prices at wbu.i propel ty is bold, and (he fact that scarcely any b*1?« are actually mad®, probably explains it. Owners would bo perfectly willing to dispose of their property at a handsome advantage, and with the profits put up modem houses, while purchasers prefer to build to suit themselves, rather than buy old bouses at exorbitant pr'cee. It is noticeable that there are no buildings waiting lor occu pants ; scarcely a vacant room con bo found in 1ox>». Value. IS."", fd.OOO.WIO a.'oo 3,5"0 I,h>i,UUO 4.S(KJ 2,«U".(*U C,WO .'l,:i:s7.-'VOO C.'.U) 4,4.0,(100 d.vfl G.uo.oco 7.000 6,14.\U00 7.0 m 4,70),(4)0 8,230 4 140,000 o.iki 4,s'jj.oee la/jtw r.uw.iJw lu.ctfi r..c.):,vio Vi,*r»7 6,1T1,:«V1 1V.1U2 7,774.720 lI.VUI 8,200,000 the town. Tbo plank walks that have recentlv been laid in different p&cta of the village ate a groat improvement on tbo rough stone blocks that have ro long hardened (lie solos of this w«i»' community. Too old walks form an civ .<? foundation for the now ones; and, tboiigii .. .icoms too bad to cover up the curious old fossils, and (be gratis growing between the cracas in such a pictur esque way. tbo board walks are vastly better and mure comfortable. .142,'.'83 $84,303,82-’) The Union School and Cairoll College opened this week. —the former under the charge of .Mr. W. J. Bowen, nod tbo latter with Prof. W. L. liankin os Principal. Tno many friends and patroua of tbo College expect greater prosperity ami success for the institution! than ever before. It aims to be a thorough academy and training school for teachers. The course of study is very attractive. Gver seventy-five atu dents have been enrolled. It is confidently hoped that the endowment fund will be well under way before the year closes. Tbo .Milwaukee District Methodist Confer ence is in session boro this week. The Kov. Mr. Stowe, Presiding Elder of the district t the Kev. 31 r. Haddock, of llaciiio ; tbo Ilsv. Mr. lioskms, ot Milwaukee, and many others, are present. Yesterday afternoon quite a lively discussion followed an essay upon the ••Atonement,” written by the liov. IV. E. Walker, of Pevraukea. The Rev. Mr, Brown, of Oconomowoc. preached lu the Baptist Church last Sunday evening, giving some account of tbe Jabora of Messrs. Moody and Ssukey. The Bov. Ur. Martin, of Mazomanie. aod tbo Rev. Mr. Faseotl, uf Miltou, are spending a few daya hare. Tho Hon. Vernon Ticbcuor haa gone to lowa to visit bin sou. Mr. Frier and Mr. King, of Chicago, have been at W. S. Green's. The Hon. C. Q. Heath was in town tost week. Tho Hon. C’barlee 0. Williams, M. C., spent a few daya at Waukesha lately. Three highwaymen attempted to rob the ear from Oconomowoc last Tuesday. They ti&ro captured tbo same day. aod lodged in the County Jail yesterday. They wore taken bock to Ocono mowoo for trial. The tsummev-lijno, when nearly all who pat ronize mineral waters are off to tbo springe, and drinking at the fountain-bead, is tbe poorest time * for shipments; but about 2,000 barrels of Bethoeda have been ordered from different parts of the coun try during the lost four month*. Something over 200 arrivals at ihe various hotels are reported in tho last 2 J laimU’alcr, A. largo number are from Chicago ; among them ate the following: K_ 1». Chase, U. B. Janwwon, H. L. Wttbauie, P. J. Qealy, I*. H. ijoirk, William K. Bounin. Mrx. Tburu* tuu, Blue Klnatclu, J. IL. lltavkcu, U, Tnecuer. Mr*. Joseph Mac Donald, K. U. Brok Mao, J. K. Hardy. Georgs Eeer, Jobs Alston and wife. Alias Annie Ala ion, F. D. Ala urn, Charles Hepcr, W. 11. lirafford, Mn, L. Lafim and son, Mias Nina Kent, 11. UuaaelL U. Lowry and daughter, Charles Fargo and wifs. allsa Fargo, Mlaa Gilbert, A. U, Dewy.J. A. Davol and wite, K. \V. Noyes aud wife. B. M. Taylor, D. A. Gag*, I>. A. Hall, 6. F. Gala, Charles J. Witte, J. C. CarroU, D. Andrews, W. H. Andrew*, Mias Whipple, Mr*. W. c, Biustt, Mias A. M. Bluett. Col. George T. CUn*. MEMORIAL. Bometlaea we have to go away from home to see ourselves as others see us. Xu a late Mil waukee paper occurs tho following paragraph concerning one of the leading interests of the village : Th« wooUa-milt at Wauksstia, eae of the beet m»a ■gttl aud uoit profitable manufactories la Uie Stale, baa never teaaed running up to 1U fuilaat capacity during all tbe bard time*. Under the very able management of Mr. lUcbard Utreet, the Superintendent, the finest clothe, caMlmcrea, etc., are turned out. Paring the year tbe null will continue at leaat ISO,OOO pounds of wool. Tbe mill emuloys aeventy bauds, and pays out upward* of 12,500 a month In 1U pay-roll. Mr, direst liia Jim completed a contract of 2,030 abawla for Fkld, Letter It Co., of Chicago. He baa now to bla looms a targe lot of entirely new patients of cassitneres and coating* for winter wear. Tbe products of ibis manufactory made a fine display at tbe different fairs and expositions laat fall, and undoubtedly this year they wiU have a atiU greater variety of goods on exhi bition. The bop at tbo Bruce House to-night promises to bo one of the most enjoyable par ties of tbo season. There baa been a lull to tbo social festivities of tbe town since Jack Frost's last appearance. Tbo Dodge Club, a aocrot society composed of three popular young gentlemen of the place, is ouo of its prominent social (oaturos atpiosout. It la quite a mysterious affair; its members Uavo tbetr secret sessions, their lodges, and pass-words. All plans for picnics, parties, and pleasure excursions of every sort either orlg iuato in tbeir fertile minds, or are subjected to thorn for sauctlou and approval. Of the object and origin of this wonderful Club no oue kuows, but it seems to he a continuation of New Year’s customs, and to be devoted to making calls upon (he young ladies. On a certain even ing of each week those young gentlemeu ere sure to make tbeir appearauco at somebody’s bouse, well supplied with confections, conun drums, and compliments, and. as they are lively aud agreeable, and quite general in tbalr atten tions, they axe always most ootdially received. Bx. CkißLXd. JU., Bopt. 9.-. Our city la becom ing more aud more lively. The grand event of (be season is tbe marriage of Ur. Carl Doemau to Miss Belle MoMaater, both of Bt. Charles, by the Iter. E. N. Andrews, Congregational pastor. The ceremony took place at the residence of (be bride’s parsnts, Wednesday, Bent. 1* at 11 o’clock a. m. Both partita stand vary high In tbs oily, belonging to tbs test families. Tbs happy era* VICINAL. It VIAL ESTATE. schools. ETC. THE WOOLEJC /ACTOUT. SOCIETY. ST. CHARLES. A MABBIAOX. Bveeial CVrrwpondrnee of The Chicago Tribune, pie were Attended by a largo number of tbetr friends. Among whom wore Mr. And Mm. I), h. ZabrDkle, Capl. and Mrs. Doornail, Mr. and Airs. Frank AlcAlastor, Air. and Mrs. 11. 11. Smith of Turner Junction, Mm. Atkinson, Mrs. Meredith of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Coles herry of Lodi, III.; C. P. Dussoy of Aurora, III.; Dr. Bussey, Edward Bosnian, Alisa Kato MeAlaa- Icr. Mr. A. Merrill of the Bt. Charles Leader, and Miss Townsend. The bridal presents wore numerous and beautiful: A solid silver berry* basket from Dr. Bussey; silver card* basket from C. F. Bnsaey; silver fruit-dish from Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Za bmkie; card-basket from Mies Kale McMaster ; ' set of silver teaspoons and forks from Airs. Booman; an elegant silver card-case from Mr. Carl jtoeman to his bride; a pair of gold brace lets from Edward Doetuan; a magnificent gold watch and chain from Capt. Boeman to the bndoj Hhakspcaie's complete works, from Mr. and Mrs. Maim: an elegant fan from Mis. 11. il, Hrailli. After partaking of a bridal banquet, the happy couple took the cars for the East, on a bridal tour, on which they will he gone about four weeks. riosic. The Congregational Church of tbia city gave a fiicnic at Town's Grove, between Geneva and {atari*. The grove in one of the finest spots on the Fox River. It le the private park to the residence of its generous ami kind proprietor. Mr. Town. The osual games and accompani ments were freely indulged in, and a moat pleas ant time was the experience of ail. Among those recognized mav Ihj laoutioood Mr. and Mrs. 1). L. /abmkie 3lre. and Mra. Furnold, the Iter. K, N. Anderson and wife. Mr. ami Mra. L. C. Ward, .Mra. Ed Bros*, Mra. JJ, C. Cregior, Sira. 8. B. Hula. Mra. Bowman, 3lrs. John Strader. Mra. J, N. Lloyd. Mian Emma ZabrinKie, Silas Florence O'Bryan of New York, Mian Braunbold, Mlaa Bello Kelley, Miss Winioritigbam. .Mies I'lmnber, Mlaa Flor ence Cicgicr, Miss M. Loutloy, Mififl May liroHo, Mms Hmob Gillot. Mina Lihbie Vcodor, Mina Kltio Maybourn, Min# Jennie Durant, Mr. Arthur Morrill of tbu Kt. Charier Jsa>i?r. Mr. Mooro, Frank Baird. George Bcnnott of Geneva, James By era of Ktaoston, Kd Bowman. 11. M. Greene ot Saratoga, and Charles 51. Warren of Chicago. I'KIISONALS. Miss L,iUio Farron. who baa boon here on a visit tor tbo pant two weeks, baa returned to ber homo in Chicago. Cbarloa T. 1-arson, graduate of tbo Union Law College of Chicago, ia visiting hia aunt, Mra. Rood Farson. Oapt. Boflraati’ri now and elegant store will soon be ready for occupancv. Uur wortbv Postmaster. Esquire Bill, has re turned home from a sojourn at Spring Lake, whore ho has been rusticating during the bum* mer-mouths for hia health. Mr. William Bcotl'a hoteo and buggy, while standing in front of .Mr. Cregior's residence, marled off ou their own book.—the buggy turn- ing over and breaking ; no damage othtrwiso. Wilbur C. Hunt, a young and promising law yer. who lately graduated in Chicago, has been appointed City Attorney. Mus Lizzie Eastman’is visiting with Gov. Bev eridge at Springfield. Monday morning the gouu people of Geneva wero happily surprised by a visit from Brother Moody's church. Fifteen car-loads of picnickers spent the day on Herrington's Island. Mins Ueteu Heath, of Chicago, U visiting with ber triend, 3l|kh Jessie Conant. Miss Ylamie H, Mernmtn, of Saratoga, ia vis iting her friends in this place. T. C. Veodcr. John Htrader, Cbarloa Anderson, William Stryker. William Marshall. J. Nuts Lloyd, and the liev, Mr. Scott, started for Nebraska, on a pleasure-trip, last Tuesday. Mrs. Sarah L. Utter, of New York, who has been visiting at Cregior'a summer residence, is now visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Wells, of Chicago. KXOXVILLE* The City—St« Mary’s School* and the Sw«tlUh>Amencau €ollecc< Special Ctrr <*wndmf« fj Tht C/sumuo lYtSun*. Knoxville. 111., Aug. 31.— There are few places presenting more business advantages to the sur rouuding country than Knoxville, sod none more desirable and ploaeaut as a place of real* deuce. The erection of the new store-buildings on the north side of the Square, the Kite of the late disastrous fire, discloses to the moat casual observer the facts of its recuperative force (ro tired as it is) and the vitality of ita cosiness re sources. The work of rebuilding has been pushed forward with groat vigor. This, together with the rapid headway already made in the con struction of the new High-School, on Main street,—a building which will compare favora bly with any of its class in this section of tho country,—and the progress made iu the erection of the Swodieh'Aiuericaa College, indicate a spirit of enterprise and business activity for which Knoxville is lastly distinguished j sud the incessant click of the mason’s trowel on the main thoroughfare for weeks past adds a now chord of music to Knoxville and mingles sopo rlously in tho noisy hum of its business mart. It would naturally bo supposed that the recent loss of the County Beat would have been a severe blow to the bones of the community, and the late destruction by tire of some or her finest business buildings would have toon felt as an additioual misfortune; but to-day little it any despondency is visible. She seems soon to have rallied, at*] from these disas ters to have directed her eoerglcs to other sources of improvement and distinction,— manifesting clearly a spirit to still beautify Knoxville and the advantageous site which she j occupies as a city. RT. mart's school. One of its noblest features, Bt. Mary’s School, (be palatial home of educational refinement, is of tbe city a vital part. Munificently endowed by tbe generosity of one of Knoxville's most prominent and wealthy citizens, tbe Hon. James Knox, and sustained by patronage from various soctinea, tbo East and tbe Far West, the North and fbo South, under the efficient direction and managerial tact of its talented Superintendent, Doctor C. W. Leffiogwoil, aided by a well-chosen faculty, and tbe perfect harmony and home like air which jxirvado tbe interior management, this institution bids fair to place itself as prominent in tbo front rank, with educational facilities second to none throughout tba length and bredth of tbe land. Xu outward appearance it is imposing to the eye of tbs stranger, by its stately proportions and architectural beauty; the interior ia embellished by art aud taste be stowed with a lavish band.—paintings, sculpture, ornamentations of artistic boautv ; aud all the appliances of a thoroughly classical andscientifio school ar« evident throughout. * TUK aWKUIHU-AHCUICAN COLLZOE, now in course of erection, is another bring evi dence of the philanthropy of tbo benefactor of Bt. Mary’s. It la a significant feature in the his tory of Knoxville in tbo future,—eugrafung upon our soil and identifying with an American insti tution tbe acioua of a foreigu race, who in time will assimilate, by the force of educational affin ities, with the freemen of our American Itejmb llc, giving to tbe future multiplied forma in evi dence of the great work now but just begun. Tbs Bwedos, as a cues, are energetic, physically and intellectually, readily adapt ing themselves and their interests to those | with whom they affiliate. This, the country of their adoption, welcomes them to her soil with a willing heart and an open hand, —a token of which is tbo establishment of a College for the education of their youth. The College, of which Mr. Knox is tbe founder, in architectural design is ebaato and imposing, and, when fin ished. will be another structural adornment to Knoxville. Situated at the terminus of Main street, within the cily limits, on the east, it ia retired, (bough easily accessible. It will em bellish tbat portion of the city, and prove an in teresting feature. The Bile ia wall chosen, hav ing been selected with discerning judgment. Knoxville has reason to congratulate herself and to be justly proud of her educational edi fices. Tip. DAYS OF ABSENCE. LOT* U a Ump unieen, burala* to wuU.-.V. J*. WUHt. They tell me tbou art happy. Have tns days ef ab sence chilled AU the fervor of the passion that thy heart onoe fondly thrilled T Dees no thought of vanished pleaiorea waken m thy memory now .... E’en cut leu oar recollection of thy first sod fondest vowt It the out Indeed forgotten T Can th* heart to aoon Uu ■ UghUy ottered Wt tb6d 00 la ueb iiuujy bope than endad»—fadad to return no Uoat Saanadow of MlrangamantUngu now tad»T*r norat Yat, amid tba day* unnumbered, aoma of plauura And dMpbU T irtmiii U» /»«»• forgdJolMM, tot A lainu Iroa tin oiMuTlo HAY-FEVER. Tho Won of a Regular Sufferer fron This Annoying Complaint. An Additional Affilcdon Till, Year “ On Horror’s Head, Horrors Accumulate.” To th« Editor of Th* Chlettno Tribun* • Btkaumo, 111., Bept. I.—Unfortunately I to oooof tbe sufferers from tho annual ttUok ol what Is known ta Hay-Fever. For more than half-a-ecore of years I have borne up under IU terrible afflictions with such patience and forti tude as I coaid muster from year to year. Borne* times 1 bare felt that my powers of endurance were all gone; and once I did flee to the cold, bracing lule of Mackinaw, where relief speedily came. Hut this means money and valuable time; hence, as a rule, I bare remained here and suf fered It oat. If the tantalizing disease itself were all I bad to endure, X might have some courage to “fight it oat on that line" until frost comes. Iq seasons gone by I bare bad to ton the gauntlet of every old woman whim and quack-doctor 1 was nnforto* nalo enough to meet with. Ono doctor was sure that electricity was a sure cure ; and, as a Uay- Fevcr sufferer will submit to anything in sci ence and old-fogy doctors in finding a remedy, so X resigned myself into electric baths until I was a walkiog lightning-rod, with every hair on ond from its effects. Another wan euro of some thing else, and I tried all, until therowas hardly enough of uo loft lomako a respectable sneezo; and, if Hay-Fever had any respect for itself, 'the doctors, or tho speech of tho people, it would nave boou ashamed (o hang on to a man so long aftor bo had surrendered and spoke for liis cofiln. All these and many more 1 have endured, and can endure; but the present season has developed a new afflic tion, that promises to overwhelm all others, and what little there is of Hay-Favor sufferers with it. Beside It, all the rest of our sorrows and sufferings dwarf into insignificance. Let me tell what it is. and bow 1 discovered it. Whether yoa know it or not, it ia true that Hay-Fever commences about tbe 16th of Angart every year, and lasts until frost comes. Prompt ly It made its appearance this year, and. as 1 was walking through this quick, hard-working city, I was doing a largo amount of sneezing. 1 had got used to seeing people took and won der. tho doge ruth from tho sidewalk, and httlo children gather in groups and laugh at mo. All tbis I can patiently pass by unnoticed; hot, tho first lime I under took to go out this year, a friend stopped me and inquired, “ What is the matter ? " Between a sneeze, and a desire to, and a false alarm. I made out to gasp out, through ray nose ana handkerchief, “Got tbe Hay-Fever." “Oh!" said my friend, “got tbe Hay-Fovor. have you ? I Does it affect you in the same way it does Henry Ward Beecher ? " The sty, Insinuating look ha gave me told volumes of moaning, and for a moment I was filled with a alckly-looking dis gust, and then 1 honied along. 1 went Into a bank to do some business, when the same ques- . lions were asked and Uao answers returned as before. 1 began to get amazed, but pretended not to let on that 1 know what they meant. But let mo go where I will. I bear this same insinu ating wonder about Its affecting me as it does Beecher! Even tbe ladies will inquire what ails me, when tbor know as veil as 1 do; and. when 1 tell them, they start off, throw a knowing glance back, and, with a forking dovil in their 1 eye, say, “ 1 believe Mr. Beecher is troubled in the someway!" To such an extent has this thing gone that even our clergymen tnsinuais that there is something suspicious connected with the having Hay-Fever. The very idea of enduring thl* new affliction drives mo almost wild. , , , From the first moment I bad tbis malady, X was given to understand that it was an aristocratic? disease. X’rof. Waylaud save it broke out soma 260 years ago, among the Royal family of En gland : and that it has steadily maintained US great preference for that claae of people since then. So fully is thin believed that 1 have beard people wish they could have it. Certain it is that, until the year of oar Lord 1876, the dis ease has nover been known to contract bod hab its, or mix with bad company, hot has retained I is ancient reputation unsullied. Cau it bo that 1 «e are to bo deprived of this satisfaction? Is it possible that we poor sufferers from it must So through lifo with a world insinuating that the avmg of Har-Fever implies something not re spectable ? We call upon the great and influ ential Hay-Fever Batterers to eater their indignant protest against this base attempt to not only ruin os In our good name, but to rob this disease of every redeeming trait there is in it. If needs bo. let us imitate political parties, pig-iron men, bankers, churches, and everybody else, by calling a National Convention of “An nual Sneezers”; and there, in thunder-tonea that shall attract even Europe, enter our solemn and indignant protest against this new and dangerous attempt to crush out our liberty to sneeze annually, aristocratically, and respect ably. Am iNpuiNOKT Sonrznxu, Jk Duel About a Hat* Artent Ucmuait'i Paris Ulttr in Sete Tork Tribunt 1 once bad a bat adventure myself. It wu la 1850. X was at tbo ball of the Hotel de Villa, escorting Mmo. Victor Hugo, while M. Hugo gave his arm to lime. Houaaayo. There waa a chair empty and the ooe next to it contained a hat. I took up the hat and gave the chair to Mme. Hairo. Of eoorao 1 did not propose to hold the hat all night, so pot it on the floor. XU owner soon arrived. It waa a celebrated daoliat, M. Hherbetto, a Deputy from Boiaaona. He came straight to the chair which bad bad the honor of holding hia bat. He waa about to attack Mme. Victor Hugo, but, aa X waa talking with her, ha turned upon mo. , . “Is it you. sir, who have displaced my bat ? •» Yea, air.” "Did youjput it on the floor ?" “Do vou think I ought to have put it on my head?" “ Itut, air, you have maul led me. Here ia my card.*' X took oat a card and threw it In bia bat. “Monsieur!" said the Deputy, furiously, “do yon suppose I am going to pick up my bat r" “Do you suppose." I said, “ that lam going to nut it on your bead?" . , Victor Hugo laughed, Mme. Hugo smiled, but Mme. Houasave waa not at all amused. ••I require, air," said the Deputy of Soiaaona, “that you replace my bat on the chair where it waa." I began to langb, A little circle bad gathered. M. Bherbette finally picked op hia hat under pretext of uking my card. “ Monsieur Araene Houasaye," he said. “We are from the same place, a reason more for oar mooting." “ I await your seconds, M. Bborbelle, I re plied. _ “At what hour?" “At this hour. T?e can flgbt aa soon aa wo leave the ball." M. Bherbette bowed to tbatwo ladies, and went off in search of two seconds. I asked liclor Hugo and the Marquis de Xlelloy to act « of witnesses in ibis ridiculous affair, M. Bherbette ■ seconds soon appeared. Xt was decided that we should flgbt with pistols at 20 paces at the Hois Ido Boulogne at daybreak. It was then baldly midnight, but we resolved to pass tbe rest of the stent u Hi, bill. At th.t tin. I™> wy *o»4 of ..Itilng, They told Umt. aouinty. tint tbo afT*ir was amicably Milled, w dud w. amused ourselves pleasantly until nearly dawn. As ill-luck would have it. we all met la the cloakroom, principals and eeoooda. “It ia a nuisance," said one of Bherbette a aeconda, “to go to the Hois in ibis snow storm." “ Ooma." said tbe other Uncbiogljf to M. Bherbette, “a* yon are the injured party, you can apologize." ‘•Never!” said If. Bherbette. Tbo two seconds came to me. “ Bay one word to free us from tbia task. We want to go to bod." “Never!” 1 cried in my tom. M. Bherbette put on bta bat with a slant over tbe right ear. I pat on mine with a slant over tbe left. The four seconds besieged ua, and said they would not accompany ua unless we weremoregood aatuxod **“ After all," said Vidov Hugo, “ X think that Araene Houasaye, having insulted only M. Bher> hetto’a bat, might make bis ecologies to It." At this moment e word from M. Bherbette changed the face of things. “If M. Araene Hous aayo declares that In offending my bat he did not mean to offend me 1 will hold myself satisfied with this declaration." _ I declared that I had not aimed at'M. Bherbette under bis hat and tbe duel waa at aa end. It was agreed. In the verbal procea-verbal, that when ever we met thereafter wo were to aalate each other by a touch of the bat. To put tho cue Into flguraa u nearly met m poaaibla, f d.OOO per annum would bo regard ad m an exceptional price to pay to tbamao biaetquat* ifled iu the country to train our aooa j while a ttnt-olau architect would receive u much for a ■iugle building s a popular preacher would be ffiveu double that earn per annumj and an actor whooouldentertainua with uhaarty alaujth aa Botham, or show aa orally a faaa u ki*a mil* ton. would clear twice aa much ia • ttaalht rork IWbuo* 3