Newspaper Page Text
Bf« »rrr*tefl» and he w»» hfM otct tinker •»)« holl to mnmcr to on'ragcd JuMlco to-day. r h«m»lnrtolil«mJUj Mold «s« Melt all day yoatrrday *j aerount of thin affair and mold not pet nle.ini nn, H,owa* propelled up the tljer I»y the aid of nnr* in jiehandn of Uin deckhand* ....The nchr John Rclnirltn if Milwaukee, outward Itouud, collided with the hargo Irgnoaut. liuraril hound, near the North i'icr, Friday a njb» # The HchuoUo loet her headgear and rolimud In llij* port for repair*. Me loft again Saturday nfler doo» .... A rolllnion t*lwe*u (ho nchr J, I'Aater and ilio ff lir l/'tuv Jobnnou occurred ott Saturday in (be South jlratch, by which the former vowel wag rotialderahly jnjiiTtl. Tlie damage done to the .Tolmioti wan ctt|(il....The prop B. J», Hurd, of f/Kipold & Auk. Uintfa faikn finjwrlor Line, which tan aground and spring a leak In the Baiill Ulvrr, arrived hero Saturday in m apparently good condition, Hbo util go into dry-look lor at onro. tinvijm woi.p. •nemwasayonng shepherd who thought It great HP»A to about '* wolf, wiilf," and when the peasants <nte to IcfK (ho wild was( t lie trim greatly rejoiced bo* ease tht»y believed UW false alarms. Finally llio wolf rally rame aud began in tear Up Id* sheep. He shoot il again " bdl/. wolf," lint ho had tooled the i>caiund* nottett that lti**y would l>cllnvo lilm no longer, am] hey stayed away, and the flock of the foolish "hepherd (» annihilated. Thft vosetjl CiipUiue am Just now in* riulglug in (he eamo kind of sport at that foolish shep herd, Ott day* when a largo fleet Is com* jngtn.or when Ihore Sm rough weal her, (bey hoist die signal of Uialrcsa when nearing thin port, no an to make the tugs Iwllovo they rually am in distress, and thus get towed In without delay. Ho common has linn nefarious custom Ixxtomo, that tugs lake no further notice of It *t all. It la the S' , -ucral opinion tint ttio aftlir Onondaga would be ettll afloat, and tho cental tapt. Italu allll nlhc, had It not been for thin practice. The Onondaga I" Raid to ham been laying off (ho Ma rino Hospital with b« flag of distress displayed all day, but the toga lock no notlco of It, believing It to l>o »ruse»« usual. Hut not only at tills port Jiu thin rmtlco become common, hut also at the lower lake ports, on will Im Keen by llio following from the JlnlTnlo Conner .• “ Tho established and linlvrrsaflypractlccd f.ux'nm among vrastd Captain* on thrae Uken when requiring ino usHistauno of a tug to low (hem In port is to Imist tho mtml signal to tho masthead, while In case of dlrires* tt In lowered half way. Of Into 11 hca been notlceublo that sump mas ters when tn want of a tug display the flag of distress, and the consequence in that tugs respond at once, tomctlmcs leaving a low to tender assistance." 0 hand iiavjw. Sptfinl Pitrxttrh to Ti* (.’hfrajo Trtbunt. Oaum tUvr.B, Mich., Oct, a.— A violent southwest wtnd-atorm won experienced on this shore Uat night and part of to-day. Owing to the heavy rca running, tha harbor fa filled with various craft, freighted and light, seeking shelter. The rchr W. H. Willard, light, from Chicago to (hi* port, was beached above the North pief tHIs Working. It Js expected she will bo f<*t off to-night without much damage, nba having |cea scuttled to prevent her pounding on the beach. LAKE ERIE. SpiHitf Dlnntfh It Jfi« CMmao Bsts, Pa., Oct, 3,—Tlio prop Philadelphia left for TWoago Uila evening. The props Annie Voting ami [tiomaa n. Scott, of tbe Anchor Line, have gone into rlntcr quartern here. It was tbo Intention if the managers to tun them imtll (ho does if navigation, titit tha low freight# paid will not «ar -aiit thetr bringing out. They aro both loaded with alt for Chicago, which will not bo delivered before jolt erring. Pour Government elmre—the Michigan, ?my, Adfia, and Survivor—oro now anchored in mir jarher. The lira latter boats are engaged iu the past survey of t«ke Erie. Seven propeller# and four rhooners come In to-day. Tbo latest reports from lung I*olol aro that Iho Cargos aro atUl ashore there. PORT HURON NEWS. Pont llcbojt, Mich., Oct. U.—Down—Props fit. Joseph. Manistee, Dean Richmond, Holland, Dahlia, ioU« Crouse and barge. Day City and barges, Elmira md barge*. Scbra Mew Hampshire, 8. 1\ Tildcn, Clara Parker, 000. Sherman. • fjp—Props Passaic, Montana. 8L Panl, Bt. Loni*. CKy of Toledo. Hnnttaca, Wtnona, T«c«m*ch, Hparta ml consort, lUlolah and consort. Rchm Reindeer, Louisa, Curlew, Exile, Anns Marta, Jane Bell, Duncan City. Wiso—floulb. fresh, W lathed— Pino. ILLINOIS CANAL AND RIVER. ttp«elaf DtiPrtUh It 77i» Chicagt Trlhun*., Ilf., Oct. a.—AniuvCD hr Rivxn—Stmr Stile of Ottawa, light, from Peru. Departed— Slmr Francis, light, to Peoria. Passed ntio Canal—Stmr Bello of Ottawa, light, to Ottawa. Passed Otrr—Slmr France*, light, from Chicago: toil* illdalc, with salt, and Cold Hunter with hard urt, beta for UiStUo. <i fslsoftct 3 inches on mltmill of Loch 15, gradually falling. Thu prop China arrived by canal yesterday with rvrcluadlee for LsSallo from Chicago, and departed vUdod with oaU for Chicago. FOREION TRAFFIC. ftxmcas TBiua ARniTKD rnoa posejon posts BErrEMBEU, I(JT3, (Sal#. Ao. Tennant. Crrtr. fc/gt I fr-o (i fichooaen..., I an g Totals.. <x TUI 17 jjusioiM vessels cleabko ron roamoK tort*, kev- TKAUISIt, 1075, .Chu. -Vo. Tonnnae. Crrtr. ftdtooner....... 2,i «2<a 0(3 IwptUers a "so Totals 31 i 0,123 EOXClatf VESSELS ABHtVRD KHOX ECHEION POSTS sEWEaiujta, is;e. ' m *P aUt Ao, Tonwure. Cm r. <W»°°UBrt 0 I.BJI 45 tTepoher*......, -I •,»w Tot* l * 10 jj7 Ickiom Tjuauj clearer ron foreign i-onxs. rev tuxwai, 187.% 1 f*S*n - V J T °'i m oir Cm /s i SSB S ~~ ill U <,717 ARRIVED AND CLEARED DURING SEPTEMBER. COiBTWIfiB ABJIIVALB. • V(> - Tonmne. Ctfif. SS*”; «7 :w,w.i i.cai £®E Um wt i&v/Kui a,wis f“f” >1 0,717 asi» "rtf* 5 1.12,1 4| Totfil * ISMW IUM coisxwiaa cLtxnAscre, ftLour- Ao. Creir. 5S“«!i fi7 afl * : ‘ 73 !♦«» £,*? ai 11.110 273 ToUU Mat 401,701 lU.CCO n rI SE , L ;T R^NSFERS DURING SEPTEMBER, 1875. fertalfodit Duila, 11. Marshall to O. Nolaou, |350. Tug A. L. Griffin, E. DaWUeio 11. DaUike, $1,030. liowf °* D * Janilta * ' v ' to O. & W, Guthrie, laS’I JJiJ; LulJ lnJ “• Stono lo F. aemnr .nd i „ MISCELLANEOUS, wa teg 8. 8. Cox la on Lor way to East Tawaa, <0 raf,# *he >cbr Emeu recently sunk TL» Detroit Tug Atßoclotiou aro about *cuj. oi toe tug Crusader to the vtclulty of Chotoygan and *u“J' *• °“ hand when required as a wrecker. SUNDAY’S NIiWS. i. Local. rfl. 4 Of the Stockholders of tho maouaS Si? 0 * 1 . , Uaak . Saturday It was un •woeiMiy agreed to go Into liquidation. game between the Chicago and Bt. B»Sdaf?n b i 11 cl H la . , Waa in this city l!“TOwo,sS u i. Ju '“ vcl ° ry r “' tu ° ,onao * suß:^ES«)teh«s;?. bMu "“ d * Sta* Start?, u tbo n "P“W(f«<> CMitral Oom ‘r roaolvoil to boU a county ISiSS.-**}. 10 bo volad tor la Bovembor R. jvS fo, d , “I? 01oa \ th ‘ »ta tost, for tho city prlmarlea ;t ere also • Cuicaqo, Oct. 2.—l’uro and Speedy Justice, at n niJtI SEV f?^ RE * « the least possible coat both to suitors and aocie* '•> l .bout l *°* To Bora<,tor Nw ly. U Mmotblng eroitly lo bo wl.bod for, «ud Ktnry w»m , . , which our preeont civilization docs not afford, “ueb"is d 10 01 ‘ho flr.t olopo low.rclo judicial firAK« i i « *. reform Is an examination and remodeling of our “ liiry»y.( o m, but I oappoao Tub Tninra«oould CJatholicß bonft *ni> »n hardly have opened Its columns to anydiscussiou ‘ Ud T " aUU onivif tlenas ll * T “ ‘'“Wo l to borybl. Si'rtiJ'*/'.',!* 1 '*'“ la “ 1: m * i “ 11 Sar *“»“» MrW “ <0 bo not tou IU.U thro* f«S.fe k db 0 . r Jf ,i l , , st “ u .,l^? m “ a - A W* coX'tJi'. e d“W^' t 0 S ’ 1 “ to noon .c tot boar of i«? • 18 ‘ußlUuUon previous it E\fth—K swuirtwiV number of Mjm jarvDiw, .» )euu,tJ : Xhadeppeitaexceeded the ?*•** salines, to «upply the idacea of a{S?M* Cotfe tljo T»»U» by *76O,WW. Throughout **?>“»“ from *uy of tie couru. tUlk “ »'*« laiion rffc* fcQ d caunona emphasized the atali* *WA—No challenges, except for caua*. T 0 ® ot People. • u At that time I had paid no special attention t« J kS« Job* 1 , “ BUBt bonorto ,ho rae “o»yo» {icuof'Tbo moouSunlifoVli" b « ri ‘“'i- THE LAW, Business Trmisncteil In the Bocal Courts Hulimlily, Bill Against David Blakeloy—Record of judgments and New Suita. A legal Correspondent Dismisses llio Jury System-Opinion of Law yens on llio .Subject. CHICAGO COURTS. TIIM. TO HBT ABIPR HAI.E. Jobo M. Arwedson filed a bill Haltmlay gainst IlftVltl Blakoloy, B. K. Gallup, ami others, to Hot ftflido ft conveyance of a lot in Ulvotnido to Mm. Ada Blakeley. Tlio complainant males that in August, 1872, Blakeley made r nolo for ♦2,500, payable in one year, which wan indorsed lo him. It xtM not paid at maturity, and in Juno last ho began a suit for tho amount. About a month after, an attachment in aid wan sued out and levied ou Blakeley’s intercut in Lot 992, Block 10, of the third division of Bivereide. This lot was in Juno, 1870, sold by tho Rivor nido Improvement Company lo Mrs. Ada I*. Blakeley, wile of David Blakeley, but Arwodsoo charges ttiat she never paid »oy part of tho pur chase price, but that It was all paid by her hue band, and that tho lot Is In truth Ids property. It is also alleged that at tho time of tho sale Blakeley was largely indebted tovarious creditors, and was in fact insolvent, and that tbo deed was made to Ida wife for tho purpose of defrauding his creditors. A house worth 320.01 M) was short ly afterward erected ou tho lot, which, it is claimed, was paid for with defendant’s money. In March, 1872, ft inmt-dcod was made on the property in question to B. K. Gallup to secure the payment of Sr»,OOQ, and, an this baa not been paid, tbo Truatoo la about to sell. Ilia complainant allogon that tbo conveyance to Mrs. Blakeley iaacloudon Blakeley’s title, and asks that it may bo removed, so that the land may bo subjected to tho hen of Ida at tachment- 110 aleo desire* that tbo Tjuhloo, Gallup, may ho required to pay over to him auv Butplua that may remain after the payment of the amount duo under tbo trust deed, and that Blakeley and bis wife may ho restrained from selling tho property nr.til bla claim la paid. DILL TO REMOVE CLOUD. John Lflf, Edward Fouler, and Adam J. Week lor. exocuton of tbo.wiU of William I,ill, deceased, filed a bill m the Circuit Court Saturday aaain-i Martha L. Barker to aot awiuo a quit-efaim deed to certain property. Complainants state tbal ' :l r * i. . diod ‘“August last, owning . V*o imo * besides other property. Lota o, 0,7, and 8 in Llll’a Subdivision of Dlock 11 'I an ? ot,lorß Subdivision of Out-Lota 11 and 12. in tho Canal Trustees’ Subdivision of tK?r { f o, » ? 4 ' ° r September, 1575. aqu afra deed was recorded purporting to bo by William Llll. dated Fob. 24. 1875, and convoying the abovo-named lota to Martha L. Barber for tho consideration of sl. The com pmidanta aiiego that tho name algnod to that . d .. W08 no ‘ * n tbo handwriting of Mr. LiJJ, that the docnmonl la forged and fraudulent, and they therefore pray that it may bo aet aside and declared to bo of no affect. TUB STATE INSURANCE COMPANY, Tho AsMpnoo of the defunct Slato Insnraoco Company, Homer Cook, filed bin monthly report Saturday, aa follows : Amount on hand Aug. Nt itcocipts. ToM .720.744 71 P»lrt Charter Oak Insurance Com- ' 1 V*‘>? fur am aa 3UU vranl property *19,13.1,00 TaiMnnaanic 32t> 7i» Aaalgnco's account 73*21 Balance cm hand .......TTmTsI TUG UttEAT WF.STITIIN INfiPrUXCE COMPANY * proflouta tiio folloffiii# exhibit of Ua comlition el present s naktic. m h.oa Aug. 31 moa.w KccclpUr ainco wi W Total.. Disbursed. Btlauco os bond |38,w0.a7 ANNOUNCEMENTS. TT^?* l l , Vr i * B,b ® flrst d»Tof Jbe him In iba UoitoU Slftlcß Circuit ami HupcHor Courla. j Judge Uiodgolfc wjii bo in totru roguJorty J_udqo MooroulN bo in court daily as usual. Tho Circuit Court will commence tbo roll"of oases jriili a jury today. uAmcnvi'Tcr ITEMS. ol.£!V* foW !y*^ o| * o,,, R dry-poods merchant at "&i South Hoisted Blrcot, in iJjib city. iiloJ a voluntary petition in bankruptcy Saturday. Ul» doDJa amount to about $21,000. Hi s asset* »ro a Block of poods estimated to bo worth sll,. ys-J.tV7, which ho assigned soiho time quo to J. M. Ohuor for tho bonollt of his creditors. Air. Ohnor was appointed provluional Assignee by tho Itegudor, and lira bund lixud at $12,000. An order \vunalHODJttdo for o cowpobition moonin' to bo hold Oct. 18. " I'raiJciß 31. Hunttlieo was appointed nrovlftloual Apßißuco of Ooorgo W. Varkwr under a boud for SU,UUO« Horace Smith, of Ohio, Bureau County, also flied a voluntary petition to bo declared bank rupt. JJjoeooui'cd debto mo ia, OU. 15, secured by ft 1 !* 01 m ° rt ff a R 0 oo stock and lUturea valued ■t S' 1,001). J'Jjo unsecured claims amount to 80,705.18. The assets are tho stock above men tlouod, valued at $5,000, and $1,600 worth of notca and accounts. Tho case woe referred to Jlcrpetcr Johvson. A second dividend of 1 percent wan declared Saturday Jo the matter of Peony, Weeks, .t Co. aud another email percomaßo will bo paid. ’ A first dividend meeting in tho case of Storey 4 Alien wdl bo hold at 2 p. m. to-dov. jWEWoa ooimr is um eV. _ JoUiu williams began a suit iu trespass against T, M. Brad/oy, laying damages nt id.OW). Andrew L. and William F. Hunt B uod J. L. Campbell for SI,OOO. Tho National Bank of the Hfaia of Now York uegun a suit tu attachment against T. H. Brvan, Qeorgo V. Bryan, J. B. Knight, and B. 11. liopl per, to recover $3,000. circuit count. James H. Bowen, claiming an undivided third of the past half of Hco. Id, 87, 11, died a bill against Charles A. Gregory and the Cook County Laud Company to restrain thorn from commit ting waste by cutting down trees or building houses on the land above mentioned, ® COUNTY COURT. la (ho estato of Michael Tracer, the will wan proven and letters testamentary were granted to Bridget Tracey, under bond for si,ioU, In tho estate of Christian Joss, the w}]| was proven, and letters wero granted to Catherine Joss, under bond for SIO,OOO. TUB CALL. Jduob Gam—l to 20. Jvi/ae Mooae—X, 2, and 3. JuixiK ilooEua—X to 2u. Jupoe Boom—X to 15. Jt'pouexrg. Boptwon Cooar—CoxKUsflioKi—John T dm. mMero y». Horace Smltb, 1J,*'5.5;>.-(ieor tf s 8. Uocrig V. Timothy Wri«ut, U.484.17.-D. M. Tucker va"£ llUOt. (ial.o'J, Circuit poo»T—Jcooa—o. B, OuWcret aUve, ItudoliiU A. Slomor, f332,7J. w THE JURY SYSTEM, LETTER FRQU A LAVTVEB. 7a till Editor nf the K'hieago Tribune ,* THE CHICAfIO TRinuiVE; MONDAY, OCTOBETI 4, 1975. ■noh a collodion of 'facts In regard to llio jury ovKflm ah would form a real contribution to ho cinl scieneo, ami although I bare never yet been amo to do nioro than make a Might proilmuiary mirvov of the ground, a fmvcotwtderalioiiH have occurred to mo, which may ho of Homo valno in Jour m*om*mun. Wih ail rospoct bnlb for tbo ability and the earnestness of Tiip. Tniin;;<e, it is very doubtful whether Ha method of attack upon tbo Jury system will Brims# rntioli general Interest, J**o ono has vot accepted tbo cordial tender of your colmnna to IboHo who have thought upon tbo mibjeet, which Ik almost positive evidence that vory few persons care imicb about it; and without having noon any of your exchange*, 1 can bo almost sure that few have alluded to your nrticlca. and fewer Btill bavo mado any valuable suggestions. 1 ntn led In this belief because this result has hitherto Invariably followed Kimilar at* tempts to awaken Interim on thin subject. In forming a plan for the study of thojury system, the ftrut step, obviously, wan to examine WHAT HAP ItKKN HAH) AflOUr IT lIITIIIUtT'W Tim bookw—Forsyth, iHackatouo, l*algrav», 31a!* lam, and the rcst-arn mostly written by law yer ; ftro apt to bo rhetorical rather than saiis factory (u regard to tbo practical working of tbo system, and arc almost worthless an aids In judging of tin present value. For this purpose tbo best preliminary atou in an examination of I-.nghsh and American pamnbletH and periodical IHoiaturo amen live revolution of IG*l. I h ftV o examined a pood many pamphlets, and have potto through. [ should think, about otio-foimh or tbo law, and graver literary magazines in tbo hngliHlii language, carefully reading ovory arti cle relating to iin* subject, and taking notes of tbo most Important. Tho oarlbist tracts wliicb I have road arc tho two well-known pamphlet* MWibw) rnopoctiroty to Kir John /tnwloj nml l.ord Homers, printed about lb© time of Ihn }?». gush revolution. Homo of the most Instructive attiolofl are those preceding and following tho introduct on of (be Jury in cl vllcaunoH in Heotltnd early in tbo present century. A« might ho ex pected. most of these writers favor tbo jury Imth J» civil and criminal canes, although there is considerable diversity of opinion os to requiring unanimity in verdicts; but the feature which m f°« f ln,ck n «° W , M 1,10 ®»Woo«o that, in spito of the general enthusiasm tn favor of this most Coetl mr ° f Ant{lo ’‘ Sllxou institutions, there baa A comrtaht vsnEnctrnnnsT nr m**ATiapAonotf with its practical working*, which is to bo traced wSS m w ,n|bo " ia ß azl »» articles themselves, tout mow frequently Jn their allusions to cur rent opinion and conversation, and Jot* tony in reforonjoa to newspaper discussion, lor some years past tbo discussions liavo dovel oped o low winch has been followed with olmost unfailing regularity. There la a noted trial, au absurd or suspicions verdict, an excited newspa per discussion, ono or two pamphlets, or s hook, some learned reviews la tho magazines, and the end of tho paroxysm. In these discussions, for the past 200 years, (he arguments bavo been tho same and identical with those which Tub immJ.VE is now using or attacking, and tho dis cussions have been, in this country, singularly barren of rosuita, Tho only thing which seems to point to any popular intorost—and popular interest is essential in any subject which must bo treated by constitutional amendment— in tho increasing frequency of tbcao dlacußßiona. ibo last was quite general, and occurred only about throe years ago. It developed no now points or arguments, but produced excellent summaries of tho old ones, notably those In tho Western Jlevicio for April, 1872, rather opposing the Hyatern, and in hos, 417 and iUO (18731 of (ho A aiton, decidedly favoring It. a Mona coimHciKo ueahqk for not expecting any immediate popular Inter est in this subject, is the fact that tho public Uooe not make nice distinctions, ami cannot bo moved except by flagrant and cJcarly-provon nbiisoß; and whatever some of ua may behove, it certainly has never yet loon shown that the Jury system is not our host attainable method of administering justice. Any examination of this question, to bo productive of valuable results, must begin with an intelligent division of the subject, and proceed with care lully-cooßidorod inquiries so directed as lo bring out the results of experience under out own and other system*, and the present opinions • of competent observers in all countries. U was iny hope to wsioct a department of this inquiry m which I might gather some facts which would form a real contribution to knowledge on line subject, but my preliminary eurvey convinced mo that any really valuable work would require an amount of time at present beyond my power to bcslow, and 1 allude to this only to say that, if any.intcrosl in this subject exists in that city, would be cosy for those interested to COMOINB INTO A IITII.B CI.CB, .120,*97.71 147.00 .130,211.03 . 332.11 which would "bo able to do Hume valuable work ilio wav to do this is under tbo auspices of the America! Social Hdouco Association. This Society, übcro Jlvo or moro of it a members aro gathered iu anv locality, will organize thorn into a “ section,” and rouilor thorn special assistance jn tbo prosecu tion of any work they may undertake. Of such a body I snould bo very glad to form one. wheth er for tbo purpose of inquiry into tbo Jury gya tom or for any similar work. A year or two ago tbo Society bad no womboro ronldcntin Chicago, a fact which is by no means to our credit, and if there aro any persons in tbo city who aro inter ested iu such iuquiricßau Uroßociotymulortakos and aro willing to dovoto somo of tbolr leisure boure to real work, tbero is uow a favorable timo and a profitable question to work upon, and I ' suggest that they communicate with tbo editor i or luk rmnuNu. who, 1 am sure, will bo glad to 1 promoto tbo object by assisting to bring tboso inloroatod together. As I suppose no ouo can doubt that tbero aro some features of our Jury system which no ought to retain, a discunsiou wuoso object is a cruicnl analysis of tbo subject, with tbo view of lUhTINOUIdUIKO THE OOOU FflOU TJIB £VJI* | would be iuuio useful Uiau a relentless attack upon tbo whole. Whoever attacks tho Jury system, at this staso, ought—unions ho really favors destruction of tho wholo fabrio—to state cloany whotUor ho refers to— Civil or criminal cases; Tho requirement of unanimity in decisions s Urban or rural juries 5 Tho quaiilicatlous of jurors; Tho method of (heir selection 5 Uniuj partial, ordinary, or very important eases 5 ItiO buithm of Jury service 5 Or, finally, perhaps, tho length ot term of oniL'o, No social institution over attaiuod such vital ity as tho jury system shows, without ih'ssossiiiu qualities ot the uimoat value. Our object should bo to ascertain what features of tbo jury eyrtom arc vital and permanent, and whataccos- 1 uory and transient. if tho system has over been subjected to such on analysis 1 do not know it ' but it is very possible that some Gorman student ■ bos done it. | Mvo.iu liollof-it tbs UUIa >(nd; I luroKina entitles mo to belief—is that “ TUE HEAL OElllt Ot IMMORTALITY to the system must-i only In tho division of the questions of law fiom questions of fact, and their decision by different persons, a tirao tico familiar to the Jurisprudence of th Ituinans, auj, bo far as I know, original wild •hem. It seems tu mo that the number of the urois, their qaalillcations, the mode of their so* ecUon, and oven (ho drawing them, for such service, directly from tho body of tho people, are features as to which opinion and practice must vary with the difference in tho times, and tho ua* tmo wid degree of cmlliatUm iu different couu. trios. I might bo willing to trust my cone with the average rural jury In .Ua»,<aohiisotts. and yut fool very unsafe with an average Jury Jo Missis- FOU LIQUT ON QDMTIONB OF LEfIAL roOCBDUBB wo naturally look to members of the legal pro* Xeaaiou. hoc more thau two years h won my outturn to auk all lanryera whom I mot whether, iflhey had an intricate cane, but quo la which they were Bare they wore right, they would pre fer a (rial by Judge, or trial by jury, to wfiiou the reply was Invariably au expressed preference for a trial by a Judge \ while on the other band, they exproiaad equally positive preferences for trial by junr la ia which they might have double as to the Justice of their cause. I suppose I hare put theae questions to Rttr practicing attorneys, representing all grades and • wide distribution of locality. i'Ko ropliis Bhowed entire uuauimity of oploloo, and I do not behove any lawyer thinks otlisrwta t but of tha whole number questioned. j found only three who favored auy change in the system, aud not one who mauifoatad auy Buecial Interest iu the matter. The replica of theao UwyOM were, in effect, atalemomeof thole belief that (be jury system did not tend to secure Juailco in intricate causes, aud yet nut one ofOiera cared Vo see any chanae. Of comae thcaa dfiy might have been exception*, but my iuqmnea lod mo to the belief that wo need not expect efforU for reform, or ioveailgaliou of the Jury system, to originate with the lawyer*. Tbia subject is full of lutoroat to ma, and it aeoms to bo to Tub Tbiuonb: but I fear neither of ua will bo alio to arouse the attention of the geuoral public. ELSEWHERE. A GLEBE OF tUE ILLINOIS SVtfBBUS COUUT IN TUOL'BLe. Mr. Wilbanks, who is one of the Clerks of tho lUiuola Supreme Court, is also au attorney, and resides at Alt. Vernon, tie has been ordered by tho Supreme Court, now iu session at Ottawa, to show cause, if any, why his name ahouW not be o&bl!? *V*® U*J ot *tiorneya in this Blue. Ttie rula is mads returnable Oct. i. Mr. Wil b*aka la teeaaad of malpractice m uU pcafeatlou an Rti Attornr-y. A Hoiilhern Illinois rom-spoud *n’-o! tho HI. Loni* mil y, M;H followinj; statement of ibo ; TJm Information was filed by (Mnml.ts A, KMW, >.“1,. ~f th« , irm „f \ hl * /-lac*. and U a doomi n'<-rnlirvdn« Omfe f/mti .* nf rr *T’- T»i« I’Nm'ipal cisr*--, and <iu which ttii* prc-ociUon mainly r*si,art etoi.-z/lc* inf»ilof various sums of money nt dllTerpnf times arnoufitlrnr (n (fin Amdljcr charo • tho prosecution cUlm i„ I*, «m t |.ortol |,y iwanlwrldMn-. I.i llio ol,l«l,ilii« „t 1,, t.i,, pretense#, Hi'S amount rfnlni"-I to hare j- tn f L c u-,, 1 under (tin latter. hira- liclntf fjou ! r l r,t r,mr; "'‘ ' ftf ' ,|:ifl,r,,,nll '‘O v 1 tho attorney f<»r tli<» flrrn of iurrar fc Wilson, ..t (jhirjtfo. « u d „ i^S n T 1,1 hi " ha, " ! " "tmdry note# lln '"a'dimes by minus ,r --ilr* In Hotilliifir Illinois. said heluu comtnonlv known m monthly tn*tallin-r,t n .(o« A?rto«J « »n "" r '..A «,i! nifltSlU, olio •I»tne» l>. .Johnson, i>l in}* ,•»»• l mrSn^,> , 'T'; n,o,, ri’ 1 P»*'i"« llCMM?;. £ ' , U l . N ' r ’ A'l'-fwar.)., thn prosecution ft n«nor for noll-eiioti, on ), ,j„,„.„.,| i,, r fp^ , .7„?wV ,, 'li M,r ‘‘'‘ , hot All, lint m-rdy a "■Ti'rv 1 ! ,ir "'V 1 - %lA*i in lrl wa " to Mw.| y, *»«« *<nn or rm. acionitt was flared in tho hands of E. 11. I’aUon. £wiLtT t nV,' , {f thi9 ***”-• f ° r «uVci).i; n x ;.f . * 1 . ,0 1 "*» Mann* n, son nr Sydney (then d i a«d administrator of liln mute. Hlmrlly af \7* 3 n r,i ' Mention g.wo tl,- money u, Vhn UooiT,' Tui W ?i" M* Mt * Vfrt “’ n * >i ‘ l ‘ InMrno J ofr<(ir nettle (lie account BRiJn-t lilk father, jjr luroiia, lu o cunvoraatlim willi Mr. Wlltnn);., mVu tl'juvl (ho fact to film, dikJ (ho latter toM llicoih in .. no w \h Urn att'inic-y f-,r, Mirh-l H 11. mkl iroi/hJ f.rcliit for the inoiH-y, whloh ho dM. Home l (no nflorward-, oilU waa l.nitißht infill,at Marnion for the iita.mnt,urt'l not until tho cauoo nraa ahmil rcarliMl on tho docket did the facta jneiitlunisil como to liuhi wiR» • co« f pro«lM wi effected, and tho nuit waa withdrawn. Nuuktouii other amdnvlta aro Included In Iho In. formation, nf somewhat similar Import. Yntir correspondent soiißht to ohloln from defend, ant's couuw'l a slalcment of (heir side nf tho cm* hot iw a ci)}>y of Iho JuPmnaUmi ha* wot vet rcaclwi them, they were unable to d„ so. The folJowj n *, (fll *. baDj ** 1 10 mr » bowover, which 1 Insert vcr. "fCMftmftHotaitft tiro«oent!on brought hr KMlor fftovPii l? ont of lila • l-rliarao by Wihank* f?„m i. 4 ofllcoof thoCkrk, nnd non® of the rlmuM havMh» 11**411 wbaUvrr ' 114 Wilbanks will dhow ou WiHiaMkfl ba*t Iweti c, ork of the Supreme Court for tbo Southern Division of tbo Hlato Sot eight ftan. SUBURBAN NEWS’ WUVIAVOX. Tbe pastor of tbo Methodist Episcopal Chnrcb preached bis last and farewell sermon yesterday evening. Tbo subject of (bo d/.-icourso won ‘‘Christian Citizenship." Cotiaiderablo excitement was occasioned In the village by a runaway Tuesday afternoon. Mr lluddock and lullo daughter were out driving, and wbilo on ono of the principal streets a dog rushed out and barked at tbo horse, frightening tbo animal bo that ho broke Into a violent run, becoming aJmost instantly unmanageable. The gentleman was thrown out, but fortunately received no lu juriofl, with the exception of uomo Blight bruises. His little daughter, jo being thrown out, struck her wrist, dislocating it, and causing bor aucb in tense pain that she fainted,,but nbo apparent)}' received no fatal or internal Injuries, for ebon bUo recovered from her swoon she was able to walk, ibo buggy wan completely demoinbed. ibo became disengaged from tho vehicle near the Du Page House, ami at (ant accounts was, line the celobmtod “ cork leg," still going. it baa been tbo usual custom for the acboow bojs to jump ou to passing traiuH fur a ride, thus endangering their lives, breaking a limb, or .otherwise injuring themselves. Losidcs violating a Htato law. Jtecoutly Charles 11. Fuller, the ticket agent, made complaint befote Justice Sedgwick, and a summons was issued against Elmer Buichffe, Cbarlca Ooorbolzcr. \Yilbo J alette, Charles Spatcber, and William I.oeia for mo Violation of tbo Buto Jaw j u jumping ou to trains. A hearing «;« , ba <l before Juuiico Sedgwick. Charles fapaktreo was oxcueed after promising ho would uovoc again jump ou tbo cats, unless bo bad business there. Wtllio VsleUa took an oath that ho bad the permission of tbu engineers to cot ou Uiq traiua, wUonmpou Uo was pardoned, ibo other boys wore flood each ?I and co-un Ibo Justice luforming them that if tbov swu' caught jumping on tho trains again, bu should lino them 9116 cadi. Tbo larmota around Wheaton havo boon an- Doyod bv eomo person, or thing, stealing the.r Buuop. Every effort at detection, so tar, has proved unavailing. It seems ovUlon*., to guard against tbo marauders that tho formers will have to form a protective company. Mr. 0. IK Wilcox cujoyeu for a day or bo a visit from bis friend Mr. Werner, ot Marshall town, la. Mr. C, A. Duff, lately from Southern Illinois, has entered into partnorship in tbo law Im-mioss with W. G. Smith, State’s Attnrnev, and has been in attendance at tho Court just closed hero Mr-E llUßSoi] Smith, editor of tho Wheaton Uinovtan % tho village's pride, and wife have , u»t returned from a visit to bis old homo in Monmouth. Mrs. Ward, will remove to Chicago for tho winter. Mts. buyer, of Wayuo, will occupy her residence. J Miss JJonriotto Muzzy has rolurned from her summer vacation, recuperated in spirits and .Mr. Eil S. Prido, of S.iujutuck, Mich., made um Cnouda Uoru a Ujiug rinit. Ono evening of wook tho members of tho \\osleyim Church and a largo number of tho fncmde of the ilov. W. I’mkucy mot at hie reri tloViCu.*,, **o l llau tins oveniug’a Biiojt whs ytoll lata, aua vtaß aa follows; Mr. and Mm. riii.muv wcto at Couiorotjce, and wore oxpoclol homo about 1 that evening. 'i'ho Uiends, wani ng to aurpnao thorn, intended to fnvo lull iion- HoaMou of thoir houao. uu.l to havo all tho guoaU aaaouiblcd hotoro thou arnval. What was thoir dismay when, in luo midet or ih*u preparation, about 0 o'clock in tho nflcrn -*>u tlmro wallkod in upon thorn Mr. aivi Mrs. uoy, having reached homo Bam>< houn bolero thoy wero oxpoctod. An album, nmlt. droning, cown, uiut a pair of alippeci worn tho tukom lolt by HioßiitmiH to show. in a moa-ujro. tho luvo tho church boar thoir pastor aim wife. AVUOIWk. Tho Kano Comity llepnbllcan Convention has been called for tho ICth of October to nominate candidates for tht> coming election. tbo call for a Convention tho number of caudvUtce denirous of official honor haa boon increasing. Thu chief interest in tho coming campaign aj* pears to bo centered iu tbe raco for the County TroasutowlilD. Among tbo candidates for nom ination tho most prominent hi Alonzo D. Brady. Tho other names likely to bo presented at the Convention will bo Delos Q. Lake, an Intelligent and well-to-do farmer maiding wont of Aurora and Mr. Tliomoa Tolmou, of the Union National Bank, Aurora. Mr. James 1, Ijolila opoos the lecture season hero Wednesday wub one of hitt most brilliaut lectures. So friH\uou( and flagrant have become tha vio lations ol tbo Lniuor ordinance. that lb© atton tiou of Uio City Council bas boon called to the matter, cud they uiatnictod tb© City Marshal at their last meeting to prosooutu every violator of the ordiuauco. Mr. J. li. Uiabop and family have recently re turned from a eia-montha 1 solouru among Eastern friends. Mu* Anna 11. Ilolgnold, of this city, received tha tint premium at tho State fair at Ottawa for (ho liuost pencil drawings. Mr. 12. S-Purdy baa gou© to visit friends in Loavcnwortn, Kan., Henry Maseey baa returned from a protracted vlait to Uio scenes of bia youthful mischievous uob9 m Vermont. Mr». K. L. llrown hu wlurntd from » iLre. months visit in the Last. Tliollov.S. A. W. Jewett baring spent the al lotted lime iu charge of tbo Kiwi ft. & CUucob duly W 1 tQ aomß otuor tleU of .APCHVILL&, lloyce 4 Scott, engaged in the banking bus iness hero for tbo past two yea«, have dissolved partnership. Tbo business of the institution will bo carried ou hereafter by Mr. Scott. The Naperville Literary Association have aU ready engaged a number of promiuont Jcctur. ers for tbo fall and winter lecture course. Tbo names of the lecturers and eubjecta will bo an uouucod in a few days. Till) liouho of Mr. Malt Stephana traa enlureil recently uuJ sat) worth ol carpenter.' looja «ro loo. Kitouaivo preparation# are Uiox made to make (iu) tint exhibition of toe N«n*rvi)io Lit erary Association a euccose. Tho colloro node tu-tiUvoadiouroed their me«liiiu« iu order to attend Ilia exhibition. Mr. >»d Mm. I-id.lyco.t. or Cauada, who luvo Iwon rlallm# at Mr. LuaJf’t, tuvo rclutuod homo, accompauioj by Mim Emm* Luudy, who I* w ayauJ iba «uutr vialtUig ln«a<U ta c*u*di _ sfri>, f.'har?r*ft riro/«£o{ to Oonlral Illuiusrt. b*ft returned from a .Mr. AifrO'l fttrontr. who for tho pft«k two wecl.rt bar been vinliim» Ithuhlb in Onvelaud 0., hnn return*'] bome. .Mm. TllliHoii, of NoifJorpov, in a rhcbl of Mr. ierhiftfi. Mini f.tinr. recotitly from I’utfland, in fltiondioir a few wuelis »i tbo Hall matiniou. ntOfIITXT I'AIIK. An improvommn Ijm boon rnado in tho fur niabinj;, h/ tho PchooJ authorilfe*. of a good, HuhHianiiat plank aroand tho preralafta. Tim Ulilo Jfulri Hocloty In fail of life and en- ’Jhctr next cntortalnnteol wJiJ occur i’ridny. ?fr. d.imefl flarimfernhaa found a nurchaaer for bin h.iii-o otid lot, am] ho Inlmida to beutn work iiiiniisiiiatoiy on «mni.. : r. Jn tbo meanwbiJobo win iiihai.n Dm rcHidcnco tornicrly owned by j. »V. .tiorera. Tlmo N.w Enjsl.nil « »l 1 111,11 ,ndiv Bvwilr.i:. Tho cnlcrUin- S' * ™ K"<rn by 11,0 Udicn or llm Ulilo j>iilci Hoenur, Q/rno « number of tho prominent citizona of I toanoct J ark and vicimiy mot at tbo rcMidenco ii * * Wayiu-.r Katuulay ttcuintj, for fio purpot'i of lakhm i,e C «ary 01.-pa tmtaida e>,ufiti*Um' an (jiM- J cllowß J.od«o in llio Park. Tb« uvid<-nt car ami ehtlmaiaam of tho trentlomcn ni]»un woii for tho Bucc*na of tho S*veral coinmittcefl worn appointed, which aro to r*, ort at tbo r.Mno place Ka< utday All friend* of tho Order aro cordially uivitod to bo pm cut I/>MI1AI1». A Botflro accident happened to tho boo of Marlin ilo«an Joit Ibursdaf. J to fried fo board a paMinß train, but, rniHHina bin bold, ho fell heavily on tho ond of a tie. culling and bis ky in a Htiockiiiß manner. Mr. K, T. Cushlriß and wife depart for their new bom* In the city Monday mummif. Their Hociely will bo tailed by their many warm friend*. 3 It iH rumored that W. H. J'ackard And wife aro gOi»K to aim ton, T.. in .jUtiit of health. Lad ilitimday morning Jnmoi F. Ciatlin utart od for CabloffjJa to join hi* fnrabd Wjfo, vorr nnfavorable nows having boon reccirod from her. Tbo social bon given by Mr. Jacobn at bi» hall » - . ~rc,a7oVe,,u,« proved a very otiloviiblo affair throughout, ami those who woro so for limalo an to bate attended «iii eagerly await the announcement of its succesfior. Tbo rumor that a certain person boldine a iloromiacut office will tiro a select ball In honor of the Captain, tlio llrst of tho week, baa act all tho young folks on tbo <\wi vivo. O.VK PillK. Col. S. F. Ilobb, wife, and daughter*, and Mr, Tom Ilobb, of Dark Midge, and Mr. h. C. ;Cob Uue, wife, and daughter, of Norwood Park, wore the guests yesterday of Gcorgo F. Fodter and family. Ihe Sunday paper*. 11 Ib rumored, will not hereafter reach Oak Dark until tho afternoon church train, the early i o'clock freight having been taken off. Tho want of The Tmmmr is keenly felt early in tho morning, and tbo lato Arrangements arc s di-apnoiutmeut to every body. J MIIUNERY. 124 STATB-ST, MaraMofJMm IMIIITS, Birds, Wings, I’inracs, Ost. Tips, Blowers, etc. TRIIM£S GOODS, Slrangori will And n large variety to select from. Orders promptly executed. oct VELVETS, Grenadines, Tlbbuo, etc. 124 STATB-ST. BEHOVED Prom 341 Wort WEBSTERS’. x suss, ai.ex, ujaDromr.s (formfrly Mr”. Oiulcn lloft man'e) Laclish, French ■lu! German Hoarding aud Pay School for Young Lai * n< l thldreu, mth cullMhinlca. No. 11 ffwl IhtrtyHlfjhtli-si., New York, S jj.t. 27. Ap plication may l>e made hy totter or personally, oa above. miohigajj snaisAßy, at kalamazooT l.xcclh nt facilities Ut ro ollcred for Ihumimh mitri/c* t'uniuvu txlffulrtt cours.\ Th- School la a truly Clirlui.n hunic. J.x].c;nitß only |l7-'' jaT year, Hu pc* rerior for tLo aludy of Mimic, Painting. Pom/mj £ U I/>culiun healthy and «U --JLhi/nJ. Home ra.-.imf. k yc{ remain. Apply for rata- V>i to the Principal, MIHH JI.ANNEITL tl>ilLU, HuUmason, Ulcll, WILLCOX & GIBBS 1 M SEWING MACHIN ES. jjavi; i ov svvs tub NEW AUTOMATIC f <.rrnie*t Hrivlng Machine Invention ofthodny C'ontplutoly UcvoliiHiiiil/.cm Machine Sewing. ifriiiovvenlimmculMe*. Perfect ami Durable \y» r k ahvuy* assured. No Instruction or Experience rrnulred. Practically without a Tension. .Most Powerful Feed ever invented, »irSif(eli ifeguiator. Tho Only Machine In the World with Auto umlir Tenslou. Absolutely Noiseless In Operation. Other Now ami Valuable Fenturua. Call and Investigate AT SALESROOM OP Wilicor & Gi&lis Sewiag-EtactmiG Company 20D Wuliasli-av.. corner Adanis-st. N E\V_P D BLI CATIONS. JUST ALLHIONU’S JfliW WOUK, a iMOTtOMAav or PKOSE QUOTATIONS From Socrates to Macaulay. With Indoxca. • By 3. AUSTIN ALUDOIjE, Author of “ A Dii-tlotjjry Author*," •• a Dictionary of Poetical (juot:Uloun, ,< etc. 4 Largo Hvo. Extra (Both, $.1.00 j Pull Qllt,, Thli work forma a handsome octavo volumo offrti ragea. embracing nearly nine ihoutaud nuolaliona tram flvo hundred and foriy.four aulhors, covertua (lie period from tue time of Hocrutes to that of Macau lay. The DklUmary of iToac Quotation* ”is leaned uniform wltfi tho •* Poetical Quotation*." and u a like valuable work, without which no library cau property be coQaidered complotr. * ‘ ' A CUAIMUNU NEW NOVEU tINDEB THE STORKS’ NEST. Prom the German of A. E. KaUca, By EMILV U. STEISEsTEL. limo. Extra Cloth. 11/J3. A highly attractive novel, with a deeply iotereatlog plot or •• u\)«iacy, M which thautba the aticctiou of the reader throughout the atnry. * t *Por tale by all Dookiellera, or will beaeotby mall, |-o*tjui J, on receipt of price, by J. B. LIPPINOOTT & CO,, Publishers, 713 and 717 MukH-,1.1 ftiliJalytli. fiCAL£B, «/*TTr FAIRBANKS' ¥<—-JT 4TANDABO STL SCALES . P *■ I Of AUL KINDS. ,f AIRBANKd.MORSe & 00, 111 J; 113 l.ak e St. t ChkJ^o. He taielultu buy only the Genuine. AMUSEMENTS, ADELI PHI THEATEE. THIS JvTOltflJ.A.'sr, OCT. 4, i: N TIKI! cII,I yf • Rattling Variety Bill I AT roPOI.AU lHu.Ts'-r, ri^. ( r> cl*., JS'Jct",, and 7'icU. N'>nlrif,, r Mrurln«. ■*?! 1 ««» •* "■nfoMi, l |...| fritl.'ti... |i„)f ,'' lh«llrc4ll)r|«HMUi W( {l,.r.m‘»Ntm ) jt \ \’m IMUtKi:. Hi- fam-i.i- h n i \i -• ’r MiJ'HiSr *»«* m.j ry ul’m. Tli..- r-ijt ihr Vorjii'f. Mi»« JKSVtI' W\l>|* rii*ivinj-i kji>«, l'Xaxll.s makuh. jjiTo"vi7iTif r A^rKAv""' . »v?u i.V/u N '’ tuf flri ’> Uwiro ArttuM, fjoi W>« liltuH. In a »v ryiaHitr.i f,„fy S-li,. >l,l LI'S I'KI ITi;s‘ Jif>HA AM» AMI /i, * * Tb<i«r**;it Clog JoM.y AS!) WATITn MaMef V|cn|r»’rt Trly l> rtf “HIMT " a j-kiut-ictlv immiivsi;, lt“ni' ml,« r—popular Itio m jimp* fiopuiar relit* kinl .A) cent* • tuM’itr.i, * STAR LECTURE COURSE. V O-KriG-IST. James fields. /nmi<7'irn( i.frtnre, *• r.” To-Morrow aviglit. , i: ‘ ' f rrr'-T 7.V. op In r*<haitß ■,im - ° ,ow - rWfi .<■ .shw.dox. __ f »* um fr-m 'JJ stat.-M. HOOLEY'S THEATEE, .IICIMIAV, OCT* i, COX'TTXXtf'U’EID SUCCESS Vi' TIIK rAVu\:>s CaliforniaMnstrels! lloiih. h ulKbtly. Third arid la*t wwk of tho oi n 'A rf "l THK TWO O>>MT.S.S. I ' VtU,ll< * alii "'«<iuvwiay aii«J haturd.iy MoVIOKER’S THEATRE. ***** ■»«» The Sea of Ice \ or, The Thirst for Gold, iwcntol fa » manner perfect lu rlotMl, wm 4 fr,u su» . Ug Ti ra ? at ° efi-iM*: The Mn'inj- ill £** * f . Tllc Aurora Hon.-aiia ; TUo MotlicrV J’wt-f • Hreakiotf of tbo loe-liouml O.can j Tli- Ona-t of Merfeo. Hut oho week can po*eii>|]r )*> given to thh elaborrfe pf'«ln« tiou, <« on ilunaap, Vet. if, wiU ail pear tbo eminent * JOHN McCULLOfua &a THE GLADIATOR. ANNOUNCEMENT. WALTER C. LYMAN, Elocutionist, will rcßtimo bin tc.vhliifj Oct. 0. Rend for circular. AOjlreFß him at Athenaeum, tv. TVa»hmirtoii-i>t. h,.©- «ial r/ayra at Athenaeum begin next Katurday at 10 a. in., and I nday at a p. m. AOADEMY_OF MUSIC, SHrx3xra-^.-w3xr. I’optilsr I'rlcra—in. &0, and 2 A rente. MntiPeea Wednemhy and »atiir>hr. EDUCATIONAL. ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN Family and Day School. MISS M. LOUISE PUTNAM TUU OHO lli<' tenth s tar of her Jehoo!. Nt hi rrai dcucf, No. 03 Marlboroueh-st., Loei.'u, tlaß.tacbiuotu, bopt. ay, 1-j73. i. 5S fC w *£ r, r , rrn . !ns * on , l ° patron. RlphMter. n«j- J*- 1 Ij| »boj> of Miia»srLniotta; to F. I). Humimfton, D. I).. JlH'iop of OuiraJ >t-w Wk ; Hon. Wm. M. Kvafta. Xc \r York- Uev. A. V. I’eabody, 1). D., Uartat'JUul’lfcWUy, * n»m rCUlarß adJfowlUff Mint J*nU ADAME 0. DA BILVA ISS. w, , x - G. BRYAN’S BOARDING-SCHOOL For \oiinft L-ullc. liJtavia. }». Y, F..r wfercucca In q«ir« oi hUlo rf Attorney Cfurfea If. Uct-J. i‘i;i;k.-<kii,i.'N. V.i iiii.itauv acamimjv. Ot'Wjß Hoiit. H, I*:'.. n. W Oyimin.jmn. OIW tier year. All'llMeter*. WUU.IU' >j Do.\Al.l». 1 REAL ESTATE. sale: 308.000 ACHES VAIDASIB BANDS IN KANSAS Ujr direction of the Honorable S -erotary of the Inf trior tho undcoitmed will r.ceuo n-ab d bid* lor tbo puri-nato o mu or all .if tin un«o!d l»ml. «i',i »| iho »?Xli S? iilEfn r “ ,<n ' 'A 0 s, »“ ! " f Kan-as rtnl.r,,.-.f Si'rlt' n ” ** jpsaetally known aa ibu •' Cucrvikeo * lan 'j* ft f°offered fur tale in compliance win, (ha {, T ,‘vi’** "* au ac ‘ "f L,;nsr.**t approved .May U, UP* •L?.’'* • S * U |,M V, L,, '* r<> - ~n - (•}'- W nod KM ’ rh l . * e J 'V 1,0 ‘V‘* 'uioo iil«ho,( bidder for cash, Jnonyn. Itle.not etceod i lit om. hundred and ilm * C im, at*"t lV ,s . tL .‘? lH . o 'i ,ullar, d ,rracro or *U of mid Units biinr oa»i ui iho Atk&nvkt UUor. and "im dnlUr ami ntu’ cum» per Boro fur such Jnm)« m lie w,-st >,f raid rlr«»r ’ m*\ r }*'•• }hn laid, hereby offered for •ale by their proper Icjil iidxlirinl im. ami lii.ijcari,!» rbo jufnfmwmprl.-.. ar which cacl, tract l\ bold, will Ii) mail ui iiioail.lroi* of aurporajn nukintfapidiniti'a tlu-n lur to (ho I oininlAsioticr of the (i. n. r .l 1 aii<l tmAf Voi* 110 Hocrjrer »f n,j o;bc. »ai »> i.'lilta and lnilc|Himi<>nce, Kaiitac I'cra.nt off'-Tiiuf to purebare may bid for at manr (ra ft »' V ,c> "'V de “ ro - L “» «<•“ Wd «m«t bo and »raiod, and ninjt bo lor not rn»rc than . nolmudr.d ftmj autv a>-re» (and conform to Ibo Icsnl subdui-nm* ! embraced in (be list). * ' * ' * Unit mutt Im accompanied by feu per rent of Ibo atvv.unf bid at acuamaUmof tbotai! faith of no,; bidder, wiilcbsuni. tii c».o(ho land U awarded ami tbo »i>l paid, Will l|« forlulted. MmuM any bid l o rrj.vied, liio ctin deiMialii-d will bo rciurwed fi> ibo i’r"i'cr i- irty. Fnrtlr# iflimo bids are accepted will 1.,, notiiicd of Vurh acoupiaiicn at toon alter Ibo opntikntr of (ho bi.Uaa pracii cabb', andjt within lortrda). alter »udi n..().•» lu.Won duly Untied pajjnent HI lull bo nut jna-v. V. tit■* r..n, m i*. tinner of th« ti.ucral Ijtod Util, oof the amount bid, ibo lom lV’° n w^ctl * uctl ***• Oiadu will be tubyoct Tb.« ten per r*n» d«*pn»lt ronulreil to a. o .mrianv bid* may be roo.lilnd lo (Vtl-Oibui oMu », .•ornn.-nl.-* of du> posit, out tilled eboekton tome CJ..»oriuiioui <l.-|-Miiory payabin iu ihg untcr of the Coniiiihiiunor u< Ihotivuoral Land Orticn. nr in currency. Mru<d lu f ° iu£t an* *nd all UJ» it eiptetily rs* All bldjmutt boaealt'd and a«Mro‘K‘d t« th« "Cum inbil’iQcr of tin lioneral laul tube-, Waihlnffoo. J>. O.V* ami Indorsed •• lsia« for t lnroloj .strip land*.' 1 llltts will bo ronol.o las ab-te linltod Until IJoVlntV noon of iho llilrib-tb day i f .Vov. iulu-r, UTj, af«r trblc-h they will be duly and acted upon. . «• *• mmDBTT. WaastwOTOtt, l>. if ..■wpiembw. U. W.v. UNDERTAKEH GOODS. HEARSES. CHEAP, PINE, ELEGANT, NOV. EL, VARIED. CIi.VIVII, UltlQKn &> CO., tvo-.n HV.. KlgblU-.t,, Qindnmll. o. VKACTIONAL CORHCNCY. ' $5.00 Packages OF FRACTIONAL CIMICr IN EXOIUNOB run Bi of National Curacy, AT TRIBUNE OPFIOE Railhoah time rAata ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TBAII etfie«no* Nonrimesrsmi nuin , tt.,eor**r n( M, dspKi. •r««IAcPMt Lioj • i l,l. tii i;iitji.,M*; 0 <|U(mg»o .Vl«bt Kti t( , oOn an* Mfbt ICiproi, 8 Ik • turn A Dobtniua ftcprxii!.. ■ >■ 4 lluliotjUH KiurMi... * :• Kxprq'i . M' 1 i-twijijr ? v, r ’ j'; 1 **■> Lijmcm,, *?[■ I‘. mot);, hcnV'nii*’" * ‘»l. k" .■ ’ ••■••••• , I « t|«'. a I PV ■. f. I « \\-no. m. a. to . J'/' *• ">• 1 ’ 3:30(1. rtj jj .ii i>. m.j* 4:16 *.m, • ■.41 %. m.ll 4-in n, in. J S.i ft, in, J 4 :'<l |>. m. »i». J * 7;:*) p. m. p * n - I 6n*» ■ m. *l»*. m./* 7rfh ».in. MiFni>. m. » 4.«i0. a t!» 4.ip. m. | 7:lt>«. m. Minin p. m. m . * f-'Wp. m.pirtsi*. ni. * w.l* < n>. /urof. r ; eNTR^- . * ■ •’ h- 11,, i, Snfin.*ti, 'ail entntt nr Randolph, M»ll ftlurruJa ||3B) T7T:- —: —>—— } ,# * KiproM m ' \ i-Vp. m, ’iiu'.t " Acc<iroin»iaMwo. ••••* * »-• ?.' I 0 * p> re * >'untie Kir* ,; , ’ *»< >n. Mo.-Sn*. biptaif ' «•< 11 w*. m. Mrsßp'iiV'}*' -OOP. n». ’ •*'' , i >i * m, Kx. an<l Kuaaaj r.\. "* . CWMfIiJ. ALTO’J \ bT. Lou(s. I'/in.-fr. * wni' P't-’t., and eorntr fefflaas!; shore & Michigan soi M»I1. main linn. Serial s. V. K* >pr6U' *u itf. tMU«. ro.| 8:00 p. tn Hno. A {trir!. C ‘JoitVVrU HtainJ *Vii»| ra- :00 *‘ a ' Njtft,.i%rev;;;i;m;in*b&oittl 3:Wr) - “• 1,:,0 m “‘ f - < m* v . n . n*n % . w . r«EI/i #fl - Mllwl >UKEe» ST. PAUL RAILROAD. C., " '" r "pt M'i'h~>n nni fannl.tit, Tirkrt nH»* ml/, f.lark-rt,,, uppuiiuShermnn /{<tut r , anti atOtpt**’ M Jte k " t p "'"’ <>» CWoo ' ft.■oh' 1 , liiroiigh f.tptou, - •* - - - t t 7:ft a.m. r. .W 1 . 015 . CE S t .ML BAILBOta Dipalfjfaol nr Xit'-'l. ani t,nt nf t»rn»A.* M . Rl.LoqliEtpm 5 M, Loal» J aat 1.iue,..,,,, "I, J airo* New Orleans iii.i Cairo* XawotUana Kt.. I. aod IV.rta Kaproaa. 'i I’eurtiand Re..kuK Kapivaa '« ftuOngue * filcrax City Kr. 1* 8:10 a. m. ('p. m. * m, 1J B.tOo. m. m. :J 8:40 p. m. i* B;Mp. m. i* 9:39 a. id. *9;2lp. id. *5:15 d. m. i „ CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Id Drrou jovt o/ JnJion MUINCY RAILROAD, V 9; a f-om<l rteiui Qfle**, kJGtsrkJt* Uall «od Eiprett, , llfcW4 ***J rtireautr I'lkuu'if puriuuoe A sjoai (!U» kYm^® PwJUc l a»i }jae. Ur On/ah*"* * vt . u .* M Ultx, Loaveuworiii. At cbiwsu A St. U%i> ti*vte*». s AUr«ir» l*M«otiKor.< ~ebi»» J, ft jSSSTSS''*’’ fi"«S» r "« , i roT ° Accl *n»»>'s*l£>o| ti"2s« r «*H ru,> Accommodation Uownor »Orn*« Accommodation!- •lii-buM.,,. lEi. to^risTTui, * J :*> ft. id. * ,- ?i *• m ' 'ibi-ooai to! jjj. tinrOOp, in. * S;IS j». m. * in, * J ' Mp. ro. . 1:00 p. m. * p. in. UO:Wp. m. ft 10:00 p. m. !•»:«*. n, ; J:«p. m. 6:l* in. /Vow mint Ticket & n , ui 1 '*»>"“• 1 Clncln. ft™, AIR lINE * ND KOKOMO LINE. jn iat i«w-* ,r<ttSiJ *' TUJ ‘* t Vfict, U 1 Ifnrt. Arritt, In ft.H o . a . po, iV LooI * Tlllo<k Ciocln. ‘ * 8:10 ft.a. • 8--MP. m. 7:10*. ra. ft^l 1 *?“ R .°;fJ N 5 1 , !,, ! AII & , sr - “01J RAIIBOM. Coliimhii*. Pltt'bur* A New York! J C./u7i.Lu*!p.7uiVuV«TN«wYoVk(* * n * * _>■«».! ‘.j g \ , PITISBUHti, FI. WAYHEft CwMOO mttHMy. j | I* «r»it. J !f7:lrMj, m. { 8: «)|i. tu. ♦<:».». m. 5 sl5 1». >n.ft.m, „„,“,* ITI “ OR MpHin.Miißow id,ut“\.l' xr \ nl , L*w*ituti i ituilUim an 4 itn*si J '*'*<' uj \C!u^T,u 41 ' M Clark-tU, p»T V.irmv. , J*.idtu: l-llm-n - . I »'t i.iuv. Mail ; | Arrin, Similar* Rieonted, l.d'ni-. Daily * :-Ti a. ni. B'Hi |i, m CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND i PACIFIC RAILROAD. ( Ctatt, Jrr,n, Otnftbft.lA-ftfenw’thAAtchUQnnft'MtH , • j-’ n „ r. ruAcocmm^ftiiua,.... .4,, ,*• Mtfjiii.ipfoM o. g: t Sfls- *•. NOTICE. DIVIDEND NOTICE. lor " f llO rra,,or ’* ln*nranr.> Company Lavo doclafcd ft dividend of ihrto <J) |*> capital Block of *alii Comiuuf for th* Clrv 1111 V* n - W»W»»lUiioJUr«of ih« “>»W s»«uila7Cli«mje r of Commemi, I*. wIIMI., on auci after tiio Icnli tnM. U.J. SMITH. Secretary. 111. J tllifli tl»l he,< * "*.lb° tirofenloa/ori-for £i roArt-Ait And kiMti. cuc« all luii'utuai, a bo 'k fur tbs inlU|»a, fret, or 10 {•or.U u> u-i MjutU**, U*V Hatrgr, t'*£ Imiwtjiic*, PtmiiK-fon ib» b*co, etc. Udio* nqulrlb* Ui.*niu»c (Jj/icaie »(ti-uii ,n. wtn.i ht*tt«bo*rU. nio.udlor J*rliu. ftlnuili ci>uml*uji«l. Udioe. 9a. m. until J d. m. buoila)», in to la, l«t. J*mo« l\ OJ inin, u( Inv.u* liad iK>i'ai» h.njuui (iraclku, lo CAiijnif foa »oo auout *i ul ***** * bavo twenty roumi tn<fp«r(c.r». DrLITTLE 3U}i'«r»' KotplUl practice, curut nmat« dliaaaaa juiuk'.lj4 .- y wubouMitarciiry; lULIMI UANJIOOIV nufuuii JubiUjjf, c4U»ed by ofror» «il youth. Tba yo<ioi uqiiltli 1 * matured to manly *i*or. Blr/nam »li<>ulJ call or write. Ona iatorthw It qaJte (uQaieat. Utficoitrictly prime. No. m WToU M«Uaon<t. w 'ciruKt NOCUItB! rr m> x'ayii Ur. Kean, 300 BOOTH OOABK.Sr.. OIUOAQO, 0/ii .il, frMot ou»r«u uu!. ,Uv i.u l^, t, . , -I'-orte., IJU. J. KUAN 1. Co* xiVn-»! lc * a 1° **»/ wiw WMrrtait cun* or do p«j>. 9*.g.t01 u. a. 5 buod*>* irom * U. DB. T. j. GROSSMAN’S SPECIPIO MIXTURE U a »arg euro for I‘rWkW UUeurn*. FOU *Ai.E UY ALL UUViHiIHTH. m hTONK. 171 SUPISON-Sr., CJJILMUU. JLfc., 1J IremU mil ouroulc, Mtu«l, mud prim* dUmtMi. lloniT liml Nurnkuatm mud impose/ pmrmmnautlj oarwj. Umll> etucm »ottl «*>mtj»boi«. Cun»uUmU->a from, pmt*m*Tljur clrouUr* »«ut lorlwo tUiup*. Or. STONK l» m* eoi/ «pMUAxmk lu Uw alt/ «tw U A cad Mia »a B»vllw>i 7 '3'lflp. m. S:IU p. to. 7sin#, n. 3 :10 p. Ib I* ?:lOP. m. |* 3:10 p. m. i* 9 rj*) a. m. Arrive, 6:40 a.m. fl^OpTm! * 7 :W p. in, < i iTOa, tn. * 7 :50 p. ml \ i m. m. 1 .:10a.m. * in. * 9;*np, m. * 7#« a. m. -4rm«. * Q * 3;W p, m, •B^p;S: **;S3p. n. t ; :li> a. m. * B'IS a, ra. »!»•« m* ’I;M a ta. lo:H> a. m. * ?nw a, ra. ♦ 1M a. m- t 7 ill ». n. * 3:05 p. m. * *rlip. in. * 7i30 &. tn. s**t TWnfw. <’l M J ryot. I* 8 JOp, m. I* 7:15«. m. Arrin. 7:40 «. O. J-.'-!>• m. T.'jl ft. ni4