Newspaper Page Text
8 THE CITY. GENERAL NSWS* Tbs sate cf (be Lakeside Entertainments ooures-ticketa will continue until every seat is •old. Over one-third the house was eold the first two days. Tbs General Assembly of the Welsh Preiby tertan Church of the United States. Jo wsslon at Scranton, Pa„ has determined to hold .Its next mooting In September, 1877, at Chicago. The Young Men's Christian Association, com mencing to-day, will bold their noonday prayer moating in Farwell Hall, continuing one bout. John V. Farwoll, President of the Assort altoo, will conduct the meeting to-day, and P. P* BUas will have charge of the Binging. Tbe O. W. C. T. U. hold a dally prayer-meet ing in lower Farwell ball at 3 p.m. All am In vited. The leaders this woekares Monday, Jure Dices Tuesday, Mrs. Willis A. Barnes t Wodnes day, Mrs. M. B. Holyoke; Thursday, 11, L. Mur tio; Friday, W. J. Kermotls Saturday, MU»s Lucia Kimball. Tha arrangements for the twenty nitrates* daily nooo service at BL Peter's Chapel, No. 113 grata street, during this week, are ae followe : Monday, tho Rev. Ur. Warren } Tuesday and Friday, tbe Rev. George 0. Street; Wednesday, the Rer. Luther Pardee; Thursday, the Rev. 11. 0. Kinney; Saturday, tbe Rev, Arthur Ritchie. Fred Nowhouae, who resides on Wentworth avenue, between Archer avenue and Twenty second etreet, attended tbe fair at Burlington flail Saturday evening, and wbilo there ho tttugbt Timothy Hickey's band in his pocket with Just about in tbe act of disappearing. Timothy is an old offender, but this is tho first tuns he was over caught m tho act. The members of the Second Regiment met at tbclr armory, on tho corner of OUnton and Jack ion streets, yesterday afternoon, and completed all minor arrangements for tho dedication of (heir armory, to takp place on tho 14th inst. Company £ mot directly after tbo regimental meeting and effected a permanent cine organ ization, by tbo election of tho following officers: President, Houry F, Donovan: Secretary. J. L. Boarko: Treasurer. John Lanlgan. The Com- Sany bavo decided to givo a grand hop at Klaro a [all on the Bth Inst. About fifty laborers gathered on the comer of BaJetod .tract cud Who Juiced CTonuo Sclurdcy .veiling, hoping to get work In cooo thoro ohon d as an attempt on tho part of the West Hldo Btroet-Car Company to Jay a track on Jlalstod, louth of Harrison. Their appearance at that point tended to convince tho neighboring rest- Scots that a real attempt would bo made to lay she track, and some excitement was caused thereby. As, however, tho hours passed away without brioging any further Indications, their ilarm subsided. After waiting around until After midnight, tho disappointed workmen dis persed. Frank Johnson, a German 25 years of ago, who stylos himself the champion pedestrian, ar rived in this city Saturday evooimr at 13 minutes of 6 o’clock, concluding a 451-mile walk along the railroad-track from Erie, resin., io eight j*vs and a half. Ho arrived in first-class condi tion, just thirteen minutes ahead of time, and * now stopping at tho Garden City Hotel, on Sherman sheet, opposite the depot. In tho :ourso of a wook or so ho iutonds to perfect ar rangements for a walk in this city of 1,200 miles iu 1.200 consecutive hours. Ho wants to boo O’Leary, and make a match with him. if agreea ble. For bis last walk ho receives 91,000, out of shot between parties in Erie of 95.000 a side. Michael Mogyakio and Joseph Schumacher, residing on what is known as Bohemian alloy, engaged in a quarrel at about 10 o'clock last evening about a girl with aname which could not be ascertained. Mogyakio ended the quarrel by (tabbing Hchumachor five times with a jack knife, twice in tbo bead, twice In the back, and pnoe in tho shoaldor-hlade. Tbo wounded man was convoyed to his residence, No. 14 Burlington street, and was attended by Dr. Goll. who prononnees tbo wounds not dangerous. Ho is a German, and is about 22 years of age. Mogysklo Is a Bohemian about 17 years of ago. After tho affray be took log-bail across several interven ing fences, and made good his oscapo. Horgt. O’Donnell and another officer immediately start* ed of! in pm suit, but up to a lata hour Lad found no traces of tho assailant. - The Communists held a secret meeting yester day afternoon at No. 629 Milwaukee avenue, principally for the purpose of taking some ac tion in regard to the coming election. Tho mooting was but slimly attended, only obout two dozen persons being present, and among them none of tbo nhtning lights. From all that could bo teamed no decisive action was taken, but the opinion seemed to prevail that it would bo in judicious’to make sopaiato nominations at this election, as tbo workingmen were not yet fully educated in the principles of Communism, and therefore would be apt to ho led astray by tho wily politicians, ic is. however, tho intention to call a mass-mooting of workingmen and enjoin upon them tho necessity of taking part In tho election and try to (defeat their arch enemy, A. 0. Baaing. astronomical. A correspondent asks, " What bright star is that southeast from Orion ?” Wo answer. Sirius is probably tho one referred to. It is the bright est star in the heavens, and is very nearly on a line passing through the three stars which form the Belt of Orion, Another correspondent asks us to state tho po sitions of the principal planets. Mercury is 31 degrees oast from the son. setting after him in the evening. Venus is de grees east from the sun, having Just passed nor superior conjunction. Mars is about 100 degrees east from tho sun, being on the meridian at half-past (1 o'clock in the evening. He is now passing out of tho constellation Sagittarius towards Capricorn. Jupiter is 33 degrees east from the sun : Uo will be in con junction with Mercury to-night. Satnro is 132‘£ degrees oast from tho sun, southing at twenty miuutoa before 1) o’clock to-night. Ho is near the two principal stars in the tail of Capricorn. Uranus is 4% degrees west from tho sun. and 6 degrees west (rum tho principal star in tho con stellation Loo. The right ascension of Neptune in 2 hours 3 minutes; his declination 10 degrees 53 minatoe north. A MTBTEBT SOLVED. - M.U.U.I QULI Thomas O'Brien has long been a standing loafer around the Adolpnl, tho management of which have often tned to solve tho mystery of his presence every night. Uo was chietly re markable for the incoherent applause which ho gave vent to at tho close of Uto most trivial pieces of business iu the plar.' lie it was who used to give tho few spasmodic claps when Pierre brushed tho enow off the stool for blind Louise, or when he covered her with his coat to keep her warm, or stretched, that dilapidated bed quilt up to her neck until her toes peeked out at tno foot of the pallet; he it was, who gave bursts of applause and laughter when La Frocbard took Dutch courage out of her bottle, or when she tried to escape at the dose of tho play. Of course everybody knew that ho had no appreciation of dramatic climax, and they reasoned that this young man was a dummy for some tailor-shop, who merely wautod to ad vertivo a good suit of clothes. Lust night he was there again, but ho will not bo there more for some time, and that tune is at tho dm. position of Justice Summerlield. John Fslm drick. of Hyde Bark, caught O’Brien's fingers clutching bis watch, and tho mystery of the Adolphi “stiff " is solved by tho inmate of a coll at tbe Armory. JUDGE MCALI4STIB. The Legal JVtrtrs says : We it stated lu some of the daily press of tbe city, that the friend* of Judge MoAfiUter are urging biro a* a candidate for Judge Gary's place. This U a tnUUke. The Judge’s friend* are urglogJUls olalma to be elected Circuit Judge iu place of Judge Tree, re signed. We uadvrilaud Judge McAllister would be willing to accept this posUlou should It be tendered him by tho puot|«. As Judge of the Recorder's Court Uo distinguished himself, and was lbs terror of evil-doers. Tho criminal portion uf (Ho community feared bit judicial |xiwer so much tbst they threatened Ids llfo. Judgu McAllister at tho Usr or un the hcuch has always bueu rccogulied by hia professions! brstbruu as a mau of great ability and power. Ills opiuloue on the Supreme bench have been able aud always vigorous. While tho profession at large would suffer a loss iu his retirement from Iho Supreme Court, the liar of this city would be greatly benefited in securing the services of #uth an able and experienced judicial officer upuu the bench uf the Cir cuit Court. HEBREW RELIEF ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL MEETING ANU ELECTION. The sixteenth aouual meeting of tho United Hebrew Belief Association wed held yesterday at ip.m. in Standard Hall, ooruor uf Michigan avenue and Thirteenth street, Tho Association was represented by the delegates from the various congregations aud orders which support tho Association. There was a fair attendance, with President Nathan F.laondrath in the chair. He opoued tbe meeting with an address of con tldetsble length in German, in which he referred to tbe work accomplished during the past year and to the general good of the Association. Tbe minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Adlar and fully accepted. Se also. read the report of (he Executive Board, which is u follows i .... Since the Isrt nwetlnf, there bee been coUected end fiUced at the disposal oMhis Beard to be distributed or charitable purpose* tbe sum of tll.Boo ... The sources of there receipts hsve been m followe : From Collection Committee of Bind eongrcgs. Hon. ...i*4(815.00 From Collection Committee of Ansbe Mssrab Congregation. ... 1,880.00 From Collection Committee of Bnay Sholom Congregation 1,800.00 From Collection Committee of Zion Congrega tion.... 888,00 Frfttn diio* of eotnjroDeuk Societies including tbe above 1,3(0.80 Tbe foregoing figure*, representing tbe greatest yaar 1 * income attained by this Association, prom that their faltb in Jewish charity hse Indeed been well founded. It U easy to give when wo alt In tbe midst of wealth and abuinlat’cs; wboo success reward* our endeavor to improve (<ur condition. Snob, however, bae oot been tbe fate of tbe business community froo> which their collections bavo been made. Frequent losses, diminished profit*.increased expenditure*, have characterized tbe busUwss history of tbe past few years. That they have not mode this elate of affairs a pretext for curtailing ttelr charitableness rclleots credit upon them. That they have realised Unit the distressing circumstances Just narrated, harassing they bars found them, hare told with leufold eifoct upon those already In need, and that they have In creased their charitable beqneils in a* wrest a ratio than their Incomes have become diminished, reflects everlasting glory upon them. The Board have expended for relief purpose* tbo sum of $11,350.32. In addition to this, they have largo quantities of medicines, clothing, blankets, and shoos, and a number of sowing machines, donated to them by other organiza-- lioua, among which are iho Chicago Relief and Aid Society, tho Oorman-Atnorican Dispensary, and tbe Young Ladies’ Bowing Society. Of Hub earn of ei2.3 - .U32, Iho greater portion was given directly to tho noodv cues, for they found that they know batter how to mako a little money go a great wnv than tho donors themselves. With such articles as coal and flour, in which there is nu advantage in buying in large quanti ties, they deviated from their policy, having expended $1,539.40 for coal, $1,230.31 for flour, ami $331.27 for medicine aud surgery. They also aided tho Young Ladies’ Sowing So ciety with S4OO. and tho Ocrmaii-American Dis pensary with $l5O. Considerable expense was also incurred in traveling. They wore aided by Mr. C. Q. Trusdoll and Mr. Dledon, otherwise they would bavo been obliged to pay out much larger sums in assistance to their poor. They are also indebted to tho following gentlemen for reduced railroad fares : \V. A. Thru!!, F. Chand ler, J. 0. Clarke, 11. 0- Wentworth, 31. Waite, F. E. Myers, Mr. Hitchcock, air. Powell, aud F. E. Munn; also to Messrs. Brown A Milho, repre sentatives of European steamship lines, for re ductions. Tho number of pcoplo relieved was 357, of rhom 171 woro assisted but once: 63 wore as- isted twice. Tho number of regular pensioners is about 60, mostly aged or infirm people, orjwidowswlth families. Tho above doce not include re cipients of sums of sl. and loss, nor those who woro aided without expense to tho Association. The following brief statement sums tip tho finan cial condition of tho Association : Receipt* Expenditures 11,3't'j.X! Deficiency of last year 41W.0J Cash on hand 44.00 Considerable fault has been found with tho old Constitution and By-laws of tho Association, and a committee of livo will be appointed to ar range a now set of laws and rules under which tho Society can bo run more expediently, accu rately, and to bettor avail. Also, tbo present system of representation is faulty, and therefore the following was prepared by a member of tbo Executive Board—a member of that order which has been tho special representative of Jewish charitv before tho American public at largo—as a Huhe'tituto for tho present system of represen tation : rtrri—Any Jewish Society contributing not lees than fifty dollars per annum. may l>o admitted by tho Executive Board to tho privileges of membership of this Arsoctatlou. .Second—Each of the present component societies of thin Association shall contribute to Ha funds not less than fifty dollars per annum. rAinJ—Each component society shall be represented In the Board of Delegates by not leas than two Dele gates. fourth— Any component society which shall eon tribute more than fifty dollars to the Treasury of this Association, shall be entitled for oacb additional one hundred dollars up to five hundred, to an additional Delegate, ami for cadi additional five hundred dollars, contrlbutcdabovethatamount, an additional Delegate; provided, however, that' In no case shall any society bo entitled to more than ten Delegates, After tho report had been road and accepted, tbo election of officers for tho ensuing year took place, Mr. Jacob Rosenborg was elected Presi dent ; Mr. Samuel Colo, Vice-President; Nelson MoiHs. Treasurer ; D. Adler. Recording Secre tary ; N. Eiaoudratlu Financial Secretary ; and Messrs. Conrad W’itkowsky, M. M. Hlrsch, ami Charles Kosminski wore made the Board of Trustees. With the installation of now officers all business changes bands, ond It rests with the now officers to appoint the committee of five to revise tho constitution and by-laws, which will probably bo done iu the coarse of a few woolisat a special mooting. Tho usual voto of thanks was tendered to tho retiring officers and to tho President, Mr. Nathan Eisoudrath, for ef ficiency and devotion to their work. With thanks to tho Jochannah Lodge for pro ceeds of on ontortainmout in behalf of tho Asso ciation, and with tho decision to Lave printed tbs address of tho President, Mr. Eiscndrath, and the reports road during the day, tho moot ing adjourned. LOCAL LETTERS. INTERESTS OP im>B PARK AND LASS. To tho Editor of The Chicago Tribune: Hide Park, Oct. 3.— l'ho ordinance for tbe al teration of tho names of tho streets of Hyde Park appears to havo excited tho just indigna tion and opposition of her citizens. Tho action of Councilman in Hyde Park appears so often prompted by what are not the requirements of tho people that it is time there was formed a ax-payers* association, which would look alter their real interests. Without co-operation in Chicago and Lake for a complete change in no menclature, to havo a change only in Hyde Park would be attended with great confusion and great trouble; and it is well to have tho ordinance repealed. Thors can bo no doubt, however, that while a partial change, such os that unadvisedly proposed for Hyde Park, when made Irrespective of Chicago and Lake, would create great confusion, if there could be co-operative action groat advantages would result to all. Bach a designation of streets, such a nomenclature of houses, as Philadelphia haa, if applied to those corpora tions, would dissipate tho great trouble which citizens now have Lu finding their way. It is shown each year that tho north part of Hyde Fatk, connecting as it does with Chicago by continuous streets and with tho Town of Lake by cast and west streets, yearly increasing in density of population and in identity of interests, are so situated as to require a distinct organiza tion from what is to care for and protect the more southern parts of Lake and Hyde Bark, and that these intercuts are more identified with Chicago. As it now is, those who have different mid opposing views—those of tho southern parts of ilydo Bark and Lake—control tho groat population adjoining tho city, oud in duce ordinances, such as that now exciting iudiguatiou. It is doulrfid to call tho attention uf the citizens who will next week assemble to (ho groat d&ugor in which the railroads place the women, children, and all who have to cross their railroad tracks. How long will tho citizens sub mit to havo tho lives of their families put iu the greatest peril ? The Htock-Vard tram, crossing m tho day the Drcxol and Clrand boulevards, cioasmg tho dummy track of Cottage Orove ave nue, crossing the other through streets, and more especially Forty-nrst, Union, and other near streets by short curves, run their traius with forty or fifty cars, so aa to cover at the same time four ot five croßniuga, and ate driven by an eugluo in tho rear, the bell of which oaunot bo hoaui at the head of the car, and where tho man (if any tnoie bo) caunot bo soon, cannot signal to the roar car, cannot communicate so as to slop the engine, thus putting in jeopardy, all the while, children who are going to school. This is a danger and a iiulhbuco winch should be abated and receive attention at this nest meeting, Tho citizens of Hyde Bark oud of Lake have a common danger to fight uud a common inter est to protect. A Citizens' Association alone will enable thorn to free themselves from dm danger, as, has boon found, i* the only method in refer ence to tho nuisance of street-cars. \\ DETECTS oy JUDUk Doom's iIUiUiIENT. To the Lditor of The Chnagu Tribune OuiOAon, Oct. 3.—Tho long and elaborate ar gument of Judge Booth before iho Philosophi cal Boclety upon " i'ho Evidence of the Insur rection of Jesus" seems to mo singularly incom plete. He made it appear, no doubt to many, that tho evidence of that event contained m the four Gospels is mesgro and contradictory, aud yet ho aid not deny, bat admitted, that that evi dence. such as it was, fully satisfied tho Apos tles, so fully that they taught it and died for it. When the learned Judge endeavors to account for tbe enlhusiaetio belief of the Apostles— of a man as acute as Baal—m tbs resurrection of JJesus, be wilt find .no explanation, but tbo reality of that Beiorreo* THE CHICAGO TRIDUNE: MONDAY OCTOBER 4, 1878. lion. Unlit be accounts for the midden appear ance and rapid growth of thin belief in the Resurrection on some rational hypothesis, or ono more satisfactory, if such a thing Is possi ble, than that which acconuts for tbe belief hr accepting the existence of tho event believed, bo meet exenso ne it we do not see why wo should give up our explanation for no explana tion at all. As the essay suggested no substi tute hypothesis, it was in the modi Important polut incomplete. W. W. Evkiits, Jn. MicnioAff homeopathic colleob. Tothi Raxtor ofThf Chicago Tribune CnicAOo. Oct. 2.—ln your isauo of to-day la a letter from your correipomlonl at Ann Arbor, Mich., in wblcb mention (• made of the so-called “flonjeopatbio College" which tbe Rogontsof the Stale University established ae a branch of the University. Itmayaewoll be stated hero that it la very doubtful If the Regents lived up (o the letter or spirit of the law in establishing the Homeopathic Department. The law passed by tho Michigan Legislature reads os follows: " The Board of itegonta of tho University of Michigan are hereby authorised to establish a Homeopathic Medical College as a branch or department of said Univer sity, wblcb shall bo located at Ann Arbor." The action of the Regents in appointing tiro Professors, one of Theory and Practice,’ - and one of •* Materia Medico," and calling Mem tho Faculty of the Homeopathic College, Is a glaring absurdity, and tho action of tlio Btslo Homeopathic Society of Michigan, in ncccptiwj each a traveaty to represent a •* homeopathic college." was hasty and imprudent. Some of the beet legal talout in Michigan, and in Chicago, do not hesitate to give an opinion that tho action of the Regents was illegal aud a fraud. It wilt become a matter of grave doubt whether tbe diplomas issued to homeopathic graduates will prove of any value wh&tovor. It is also a mat ter of doubt if tho Professors can legally draw any salary for their services. If tho question shall come before the Buprome Court, as it mav. no homeopathic or allopathic physician would testify that two Professors constitute a medical college. There are eight homeopathic colleges in tbe United States, and none have less than ulnn Professors, and tho majority have twelve or more. The Homeopathic College, established as a department of the Boston University, has a corps of ten or twelve Professors. The idea that those two Professors, untried and inexperienced, will bo ablo to cover the whole ground of homeopathic therapeutics and materia mcdica is utterly absurd, in homeo pathic colleges, the chairs of surgery, physi ology, chemistry, obstetrics, etc., aro all taught in such a maimer as to show the relationship which they bear to homeopathic practice. The homeopathists of Michigan will sooner or later find that they have boon duped, and that the apology for a college will prove a disgraceful failure. Homeopathist. DDMMV RAILROADS. To (ftsfdtler of Tho C/uciigo 'fnfcuni Chicago, Oct It.— Can you inform the publio whether or not the Citizens* Horne Hail way Com pany, which you lately called attention to as about to bosiogo the Common Council for a right of way over tho principal streets of the South Division yet unoccupied, is a steam or dummy railway company ? If it is, it should bo watched and opposed with uoabatod vigilance. If steam Is in its charter in any form, it augers no good to tho public, but rather an intention sooner or later to appropriato to itself some street for exclusive steam railroad purposes. Tho word *• dummy" Is now an equivocal term, and may bo applied to an accommodation train, and Is so applied by the raihoads leading out of this city. The charter of the above company was not on record a few days ego, as required by law, which fact looks suspicious. iNyomun. MAJOR EDWARDS* BACKER. To the Editor of Tht CJikagu Tribune Chicago, Oct. 3.—To-day’s Tribute contains on item regarding tbo purchase by mo of tbo Post and Mail, in which it ia intimated that per sons interested in certain moneyed corporations are financially backing or aiding mo. I ask for space to state that such intimation Is erroneous, and that, in any negotiations looking to tho con trol of the Post an/tMail, I have acted entirely for myeolf, in ray own behalf, am! 1 am only backed and indorsed by tho undersigned. A. W. Edwards. TJIEODOUE TILTON. Hit Lecture* in New York and Brook* lyn» Kew York Tinv.t Stpt 30. Every available scat of too vast auditorium at Cooper luetituto was filled last ovouiugoo tho occasion of tbo deliver}* of Theodore Ti Hod's now lecture outitlod “ Tho Problem of Life." Injinticipatlou of a rush for seats tho Hall was filled at an early Hour, and by clapping, stamping, and general demonstra tion!) of imiiauouce it was nought to Hasten tho lecturer to the platform. Tho ladies formed a large representation of tho general gathering, ami its spirit and feeling was expressed m loud eboers at every possible opportunity. Whoa Mosers. Fullerton. Morris, and Pearsall, counsel for Mr. Tilton in tho recent memorable trial, cn torod the hall, their appearance was greeted with loud cheers; and later, when the lecturer presented himself upon the platform, ho was the recipient of such an ovation as no more lecturer could elicit. It was manifestly baaed upon an active sympathy in a cause he was supposed to represent, not unmixed, however, with a natural fooling of curiosity at tho character of bis utter ances. Ho entered the platform unattended, and Hinging his bat and overcoat on the floor, without introduction began his lecture. Through out its delivery there was an evidence of per sonal fouling and interest unknown in his former methods and styles, sod when, with impassioned eloquence, ho made direct references to his re cent troubles, bo exhibited a passion and force which drew down loud cheers. Beginning his lecture, be observed that tbe problem of life, of which he would treat, was not that which Hux ley, with his theories of protoplasm, vainly sought to solve, but was that one which was as old os tho ages, unsettled as tho sea, and yet ever vital as human nature. For he supposed that every man had had tho same fair share of > human experience; that is, every man who had gone far enough into life to feel the burden and boat of tho day. Every mao who stood at the altar of his marriage, and looked Into tho cradles of hia children, and laid away his dead in holluwod graves,—every such man, in tbe hurly-burly of ovory-day life, asked himself what was tbe function, the mystery, the problem of every-day life ? Solomon, the wise, expressed lus opinion of it when ho said, “ Van ity of vanities, all is vanity." and Job, the pa tient mao, said. “ Cursed bo the day in which 1 was born.’’ Ho board men daily luvoigblng against tbe world, and yet ho thought that, as Oud, who made it, called It good, it was unbe coming in men, lor whom Ho made it, to pronounce it HI. It was a rich, and groat, and wonderful world, created, after Inlinito cycles of years, for man’s happiness and love. In poetic imageries ho portrayed the wondrous richness uf earth, with Us productions so multitudinous that tiio human mind hod not tho capacity to grasp the catalogue. And out of this bounty how small was each man's portion;! He would accord to man tho attainment of all the highest ambitions of tho crested universe, bo would en dow him with all tho possibilities a fertile fancy could suggest, and his possession as compared with existing things was as the posses sion of the midget of stately forest. Hence while the world was groat tbe mao's share was little: ambition was vanity, and the only chance was to surrender it, aud obtain instead the mastery over one's self. The problem of life was to tlml out tbe duly of life and tofulllllit. It was not the attainment of wealth, nor power, uor fame, nor learning, hut was, iu his judg ment. tbe development of human character. Hnpposu it was the attainment of wealth, or power, or fame, or greatness, how many men attain their ambition, and how many names of tliis ago will not posterity willingly lot die '< Carlyle said happiness was'ebeap If men only knew the proper merchant to apply to for it; and, although he did not think the market was glutted with It. immortal and exquisite was that story of mo King whose malady could be cured only by wearing tho shirt of tho happy man, and whim he found him ho hod no shirt. (Laughter.) A mau'e character was not only in ins own keeping, but it was m his own making. Ah I ho said, be meant charac ter and pot reputation. A man's character nos what he was : a man's reputation was what peo ple imagined bun to bo. [ Applause.] Character was one thing, reputation another, and sometimes they wore as far apart as the East and West, different as day and night. Character and reputation! Why, the greatest character in all history made himself of no reputation. I'ublic men are constantly mak ing and losing reputations as tho stats wont down and came up; but there was this difference, that a star that sots will rise again, but a star that (alls is lost forever. (Loeg-coutmued cheer ing.) The plants in the garden were not more numerous than the types of character, as ex pressed in asceticism and luxury, cruelly and gentleness, pride and humiliation, nedlutloa and mirth. Human nature, that ts many-sided and myriad-minded; human nntare was stole and epicurean. colihalo and social, brutal and gnntte, austere and bacchanalian, infidel and devout,—all those characteristic* existed In the human heart. The wise men seeking to develop the problem of life, looking at all these forces, would undertake to deal healthfully with all, abnormally with none. Pleasure was to be nought and despised, pain to ho shunned and to bo endured, and in the millet of all these contra* rillee, lie asked, did it over occur to them what basis had good character in the opinion of men, and how virtuous virtue must bo to bo cardinal. Proceeding to illustrate, bo said, the fortitude wbieh enabled HcmvoU and Cramer to plunge their hands Into the flro wae natural; it had no reference for religion, the one being a pagan, tbo other a Christian. Fortitude was a capacity inherent in human nature, and ho asked wan there any carnation of thamo which rebuked a grumbling at a toothache or a headache and dared to murmur at a heartache. (Applause.] Moo say the spirit is willing but tbo flesh is weak; that was a elaudor on human nature. Fortitude bore pain; courage braved peril, and which of these types was the more precious? Gibbon said that the cheapest courage was that which led men (o the battle* held, and Dr. Johnson assorted that the verr rarest quality in human nature was moral courage. Ho insisted that John Thomas ruled tho English public, while Miss Grundy governs the American public. No man in the face of public opinion would assort tin fault if ho doubted the thirty-nine articles, or deemed temperance a failure, or trial by jury a farce. Eraslue Bronson said that whilo knool mg in a Catholic church a negro knelt on each etdo of him, but it would tako Marlin Luther to reproduce that picture in a Protestant church in Boston, Ho denounced tho prevalence of fatso hood In politics, commerce, the pulpit, and in tho ladies' boudoir, and said that in this civilized nineteenth century a man forgave on injury at tbo expense of his reputation. Tho seven wise men of Athens c&cb in lus turn expressed his Idea of a ported form of government m tho following manner: Where injury to ono private citizen is treated as an injury to tho whole com* nmnity; whore tbo law has no superior; whore tho people are neither rich nor poor; where vir tue is honored and vice condemned: whore office is conferred ou good men alone; whore tho peo ple are ruled hy public opinion, not by legal en actment. and where tho laws speak with more authority than the demagogues. In no seven men of this age did such wis dom exist; it did not exist in the society in which bo moved, hut ho did not dwell among his audiouco. (Laughter.] Illustrating tho im pulses which actuated the ancients ovcu in tiioir sports, he said fame alone was tho reward of tho Olympian victors, and Herodotus did not doom it beneath him to read his works in their pres ence. What would bo said of tbo suggestion that Mr. Bancroft should in those days read bis eleven books at Barnaul's ihppodromo. ami Longfellow should compose a poem specially for tbo occasion ? Ho condemned in general, by comparison with ancient customs, tbo prevalent habits of tbo present day, aud directing attention to tbo epitaph on tbo grave of JofTursou containing tho simple inscrip tion that bo wrote tbo Declaration of Independ ence, bo said that from tho loader to the lackey all clamored for a third term. Ho encouraged a higher standard of education for children, and derided tbo false system of public morals which condemned to perdition in a woman what was pardonable in a man. Mr. Tilton also inveighed against tbo permcioussystom which was convert ing religion into a pious fraud, pulpit nroachiog to sentimentality, cultivated society to luxurious sensuality, and, Humming up, ho said wo ought to tako larger views of lire, higher views of duly, and holler views of accountability. Tho con cluding portion of his lectoro was graudly beau tiful in stylo and delivery, aud occasioned re peated outbursts of applause. Sew York Tribune, Oct, 1, Theodore Tilton lectured in tbo Brooklyn Academy of Music last evening on "The Mind.” Half an hour boforo tho lecturer appeared tbo hooso was almost full. All tho balcony and orchestra chairs were occupied, and extra seats woro placed within tho orchestra rail. Tbo first gallery could contain no more persons without crowding, and tho apoor gallery was about half full. Tbo audience was made up about equally of ladies and gentlemen. Among tho more prominent persons present woro Mr. Tilton's former counsel, Messrs. Morris, Pryor, and Pearsall, W. B. Libby, and ex-Judge Green wood. George C. Leys and Joseph Loader set not far apart in tbo front row, aud attracted curiouß glances from chose who knew their faces. Applause broke forth promptly as Mr. Tilton walked ont alotio with a quick, nervous stop in front of tho curtain and sot down. It was con tinued until, with a flunhed face, ho stopped be hind tho lecturer s stand and motioned for si looco. Thoro woro signs of fooling in his fnco and voico when in a fow warm words ho ex pressed his thanks for tbo grootlng bo bad re ceived. Tho loctare wan full of dramatic passages, which woro delivered with a tiro and cffcctivouoßS (bat produced long rounds of applauso. Abandoning his policy of tho even ing before at tbo Coupor Union, tho lecturer did not hesitate to make several direct and cutting references to his recent troubles. Thoao woro Greeted with bands of applause and a fow issca. Onco wbllo speaking with groat energy about tho inilnonco of tho moral na ture over tho mind, Mr. Tilton unexpectedly broko forth with these words: “Tou thou sand. thousand pities that tho editor of the Brooklyn Eagle forgot to surround himself with good company." This came so unexpectedly that tho hearers paused for au Instant as if m doubt, and then began to cheer and clap their hands, interrupting, tho lecturer for a full minute. Near the close of tho lecture he exclaimed, “I won’t a«k you how many are honest, for that also might bo tak en au au allusion to tho editor of tho Eagle." Another reference to ono of tho moo who played a prominent part in the late scandal Investiga tion was evidently received by tho audience as intended to bo cutting. The lecturer in quoting examples of culture, said, "Horace 1). Clatllu save ho hasn’t read a book in years. But it i-t well known that Alexander T. Htowart keeps up daily his classical studios. Which of thoao mou sets the best example before young men ? Which would ho tho best to lean upon in a dark day ? " OCEAN STEAMSHIP NEWS. New Yoiik, Oct. 3.—Arrived: (bo steamers Mosel, from Bremen ; W. A. Hcboltoo. from Rot terdam ; and Ham Weller, from Belfast. Arrived: the steamship City of Richmond, Liverpool. I’l.TiiouTii, Oct. 3.— The steamer Pommeranla, from Now York, has arrived. {Grapes and JQiid as ffledkcal Ageoist A>» York Tttnr*. At certain towns in Switzerland grapes are grown solely as medicine, and vineyards are put to no other use. Instead of drinking water, as at other places, the patient la sent out to oat grapos.aud must pick them himaolf from thevinos. Where the doctor ordmarily instructs the pa tient to drink so many glasses of water, be is boro instructed to oat just so many bunches of grtpea, and no more, it ia assumed to bo dan gerous to go beyond tbo doctor's proscription a single grape. As strange as it may appear, in valids experience the bust of good effects from the “raiam cure," or at least lliiuk that they do, and go away very well satisfied. Another popular treatment is found at Um mud-baths of Bchwalback and othor places, where (ho patients aro immersed in soft black mud up to their chins, aud remain in tho bath (or some hours. Most of them have a Hosting table boforo them upon which they keep books, cigars, or refreshments, according to tho tastes of patients. After remaining over two or three hours in the mud one is washed off with a hose pipe and put into a tepid bath. The operation is continued tho next morning, and is repealed until the patient la cured or tired. Original Water-Color Sketches. The Drat collection of original water-color sketches over offered at auction in Chicago, will be sold by Wm. A. Mutters A Co. Tuesday morning, Oct. 0, at their salesrooms, No. lOt) Hast Madison street. They are from the folio of Horatio Wslksr. Dry Goode Trade Sale. The attention of merchants Is eslled to the trade* •ale of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, which will be held by Wm. A. Uutters A Co. Tucedsy (to morrow) morning, No. 108 Madison street, near OUrk street. SBO,OOO Worth at Auction. Obtain a catalogue (now ready) of the great isle of unredeemed pledges from A. Ooldsmld's Loan Office, to be made by Wm. A. Putter's A Co., Wednesday, Oct. 0. Iry Vanity fair. Sea advertisement. Pianos and Organs. Ilsllet, Davis A Cm's Qrand, Bqusre, and Upright) and Smith's American Organa can be found only at \W W. Kimball's, corner Bute sod Adams streets, Chicago. A Life of Suffering Is often caused by ptlea. Constant application of Dal ley'a Magical Pain Kztraotor will completely ours the disease, A suss oust for akin dlitaa— also. M Visaas Usdal awarded Vanity Fair, ftsssavl. THE WARD WILL CASE. “Cabbage John’s** Advice to tho Captain. A Ghost In Court, Who Talked In Ihc German Language. Ward’s Illegitimate and Crazy Son in Ohio. Blind Tribune, Oel. 9. The question to begin on to-day was ; What did Capt. Ward toll Mr. Marlin that Cabbage John told biro? Ilia to bo remembered that when Mrs. Martin is entranced aud delivering tbo oracles of some ghostly revolator, she (loon not oven know tho purport of tho message that proceeds through her own mouth, nor does she hud out what it is, unless told by some one who hears it. Tbo Court ruled out tho question, and Mrs. Martin proceeded with her testimony. XIKS MARTIN nMOMKM. Capt. Ward said ho believed ho had been well advised by Cabbage John in regard to employing Theodore Luce in the Crystal City Glass Works enterprise. Ho brought to Mrs. Martin a speci men of tho ore from Hilvcr Islet, had it assayed or examined by Cabbago John, wbo described the richness and location of the mine it came from. Capt. Ward told Mrs. Martin in the pres ence of U. K. Booth that ho had no doubt of tho wisdom of 0. J.’s conclusions,and that ho should follow them, in accordance with that shade's advice he employed C. F. Hlewart to lake charge of tho Wyandotte rolling mills, and Col. E. M. Pierce, of Arizona, to hunt lor minerals in that Territory. Mrs. Martin has been in the habit of ascertaining tho character of individuals for Capt. Ward by "psychometrizing" their hand writing, specimens of which tho Captain would bring to her. Copt. Ward agreed to sell Mrs. Martin a lot, and gave her tho lumber to build tho house she now lives in. behind his own place, and ho promised to take Lis pay for tho lumber in sit tings, She had given tho Captain sittings when she was ho sick oho hadjto bo bolstered up in bed. While living ou Jelforson kvomto sbo had spoken of wishing to go to California, but Capt. Ward had toid her ho did not wish her to go ; that ho wanted her to stay because bo wanted Cabbage John to advise him in regard to bin business. Hlio does not know whether or not she is tho only person wbo is "controlled " by Cabbage John. "1 didn’t know but sbo had a patent ou him," explained Mr Chipman to Mr. Pond. Capt. Ward came into tbo room once when Mies Harris was there, and produced a memo randum, saying that his husiootm was very im portant, and that the communications ho receiv ed from spirits in tbo East agreed very well with those ho had procured from Cabbage John. Ho often left subjects upon which tho spirits wore to he consulted at the next interview. “ How much time did ho usually plvo tho spirits to look the business up for him?" asked Mr. Cbipmao. •* It was according (o tho oxtont and nature of tho business." tho witness said. Tho spirits ad vised Capt. Ward not to go into tho enterprise urged on him by Joab Lawrence, Onco when Mrs. Martin was at Capt. W.’s house, there wan a blind old woman there called Aunt Hasan, who wanted a sitting, and Capt* Ward told Mrs. M. that ho wished, if she had an opportunity, the would tell Aunt Hasan that Fred was not his sop ; that ho (Fred) be longed to bor bod Fbor. Unco, also, when some of tho linen came dirty from tho laundry sho was called on by Capt. Ward for an explana tion of tbo phenomenon ; ho said tboro hnu boon something put upon tho clothes that colored them, and lie wanted her to corno and seo if tho spirits through her could (ell how It camo there. Hho corno, and thoro were present I’rof. Maybow and others. When sho came out of her trance, Fred stood before her angrily accusing her of making him troublo. Sho thinks ho is m heaven now—m tho spirit-land. While Frod was accus ing her Capt. Ward broko in with on explanation Frod accused her of declaring that tho spirits sold that ho had put tho spots on tho clothes to annoy Mrs. Ward, and that ho was al ways doing that. Hho has often heard Capt. Ward say that ho had received communications from tho spirits toiling him that Fred was not liis hod. Fred was younger than tho othor boys. Cabbage Jobn ton off an idea that Senator Chandler bod drunk so much poor whisky that ho was not tit for bis place ns a legislator. Jill. POM) CnOHH-EXiVMINES JOIN. MAUTIN. Capt. Ward's ilrot business with tho witness was ia MarcU, 1870. lu tho spring or summer of 1870, ho consulted &s to Hilvor Islet; this was tho first business matter ho asked her about. Coco thoro was & break in tho mine so that tho walor came in, aud Cabbago John suggested an idea of building a coffer-dam. Immediately af ter tho Bitting in rofoiouco to Silver Islet, Capt. Ward told Mrs. Martin that (bo should invest in tho miuo. Cabbngo John was ono of tho lUO spirits that over took control of Mrs. Martin ; it was at Dr. Stone's, in Oswego, Cabbago John talked Gorman through hor to a Gorman who consulted him in tho s&mo language, which, by tbo way, Mrs. Martin did uotunUorstand, It was Dr. Stone that named tho apint “Cabbngo John.'' There aro other aciontillo men who talk through Mrs. Martin ; ono is Amos Wright, a Now York lawyer; another is an Italian astrolo ger ; another is Andrew Kurlbaldnis, a German, who enables hor to sco when blindfolded. Sbo does not understand Italian, but talks it when tho astrologer spoake through her. Of other spirits that have advised Capt. Ward through this medium aro Senator Howard, Doan Rich mond. and tho Indian girl Koniudawanda. Cab bago John’s specialty was in reading character. Once Cant, ward tufd Mrs. Martin Inal Senator Howard bad asked him through her to send n message from the Senator to Charles Howard with reference to going into tho Arizona coun try. As a general thing Cant. Ward consulted Doan Richmond on railroad enterprises, but sometimes Cabbago John spoko for Mr. Richmond. In 1872 ho consulted Cab bago John with reference to getting some suitable man to unite with bim in putting money into tbo glass-works. Ono of tho mon suggested was Tboodoro Loco, who came to Mrs. Martin and was pent by her to Capt. Ward at Cabbago John’s direction. Afterward eho hoard Capt. Ward say that ho thought Mr. Luce was a com petent and good man for tbo situation. At a sitting the day boforo bo died Capt. Ward con sulted Mrs. M. with reference to hie wife and some difficulties they bad had; also os to Beua lor Chandler and Tube Owen, tho Captain's nephew: with regard also to the currency ques tion, ami an arrangement bo had made to get up a secret convention, to moot in Lansing on the 12th of January, to sot on foot a campaign in which tho ladies were to speak; bo said further that ho h&d been advised by the spirits to accept the nomination to tbo Sunato himself, and ho believed ho would. Ho may havo boon at the house an hour and a half or two hours. It was a Now Year's Day. Cant. Ward has often con sulted with Mrs. Martin as to his rolling-mills at Wyandotte and Chicago. Once bo wanted to know about Btewart’s taking charge of tbo null at Wyandotte. John D. Boyle had wanted iron on crudtt from tbo Chicago Rolling-Mill Compa ny, and Warn bad asked ncr about that. Once he asked her about a chemical process recom mended by Cabbage John. Tho same spirit has informed Capt. Ward that in a certain railroad enterprise—she does not know what—ho was meditating, he would Huocood, but tho company would bo •• busted." as Capt. told her. and its funds rendered worthless. Hho knows Bolo man Gardner, but she never told Aunt Emily that Gardner had threatened her that if she didn’t come into court aud testify in this case ho would charge her with being Capt. Ward’s para mour, but she had heard of that roport as com ing from a servant-girl whom site had dis charged. A OHOWr TAKES THC KTAND. Mr. Pond—•• Con you cite an exhibition to the Jury of a itanco state, and talk German to thorn. Mrs. Martin?” Mra. Martin (smiling)—" Yea, air." (.Sonsa lion iu the audience.] Mr. Pond—" Talk to them, thou.” Kira. Martin promptly closed her eyoa, and, with a slightly shuddering motion, passed into the trance state. In a moment she yawned, having the presence of mind, however, or the instinct, to cover her mouth with a ueatly-glovod hand. Then aho called "Mario," ana, after a little, asked, iu language that was partly German, at least, “ Whoia It that speaks with mo?” Now the counsel waa nonplussed, and there was a lit* tie bantering of Mr. i’ond, the Judgo telling him (hot it was his business to ask her questions, Tlio Judge also directed the stenographer to lake (low u her utterances. Mr. Pond asked, in English, that the spirit which bad possession of the witness should make himself known, liut the ghost scorned to reply to this. The atenograj her, who ta accomplished in Gorman, asked in a low tone '• Wur helssau sie ?” The answer was " Andrew Enrthaldrus." Everybody waa staring, and left the ghost to speak for him self, which was unsocial to say the least,and the spirit seemed to regard his treatment in that way, (or he twice maae a remark iu recognizable German that was understood to bo the expression of a wish that some one would speak to him, for b« couldn't it»y loog. ilut no mors questions were asked, and after a trance of not more than five minutes or so, Mm. Martin's oyos gave symptoms of opening, Plio shuddered violently, started forward, clutching the air with her hand, and opened her eyes suddenly with a bewildered stare like that of a person who hna been started out of a sound sloop. Tbo following conversa tion followed this exhibition : Mr. Pond—" Can younlato wbat has bean tak log placo i" Mrs. Martin (solemnly)— *’No, air, I can not. ’’ Mr. P. (sternly)—" Yon at&to that upon your oatb ?” Mra. M.—" Yea, air.” Mr. P.—"Do you understand the Qomian language?" Sira. M.—"No, air t I understand a few wmls." "Mr. Cblpman re-examines s Tho proeewi of psychometrizing letters lies in placing them npon her forehead, whou alio sees (bo writer and la ablo to describe bis character. Mr. Pond asked tbo witnoaa to psychometrize a letter, nnd she declined in aratbcretaloly man ner, aaying that nho had an ofllco whore eho would attend to business. Tho Judge docllocd to Allow tljo mtroducllou of tbia performance, and Mr. Pond excepted. WIM.IAM n. ELT, the young gentleman who ia engaged to Mins Mary Watd, wan aworn, and idenliliod the anony mous letter alleged to have been sent him by Mra. Ward with the purpose of breaking off tho match. Ho wan cross-examined somewhat clone ly an to tho movementn of Capt. Wnrd’n Bonn Im mediately ou, tho announcomont of his death, and tho fact was ascortalnud that Milton caaio up town at onco with Charles and tbo witness, Mr. Kly, and loft tbo ntbora at tbo Moffat Block, with Intent to call on n lawyor. The next witness was Mllß, JANH PEMINO. Mrs. Doming liven in Madison, Clinton County, 0. Hho lived in Detroit three years, coming boro about eighteen yearn ago. She know Capt. Ward, becoming acquainted with him Rome tbroo wookn after "ho camo boro. She bad taken up her residence hero to practice as a clairvoyant. Hero followed a discussion an to whether tho witness should bo allowed to testify that Cart. Ward had nti illogitinmto nnd crazy rod in Obit;, tho purposo being to show that tbo first Mra. Ward wan not to be hold ncouunlablo for tho In sanity of his descendants. Tho form of tho question was vatied ami tho testimony intro duced, tho profononls constantly objecting. Tho witness had known *ncu a child. Ha mother was Kato Moran. Mrs. Doming bad taken care of it at her houso. Capt. Ward had spoken to her about it ns his child. Tho mother was 1M yearn old at tho time of its birth. Capt. Ward sent her to Mrs. Homing’s house, in com pany with T. C. Owen, nnd soudiug a letter say ing that ho would take care of it. Tho child Is now at Mrs. Dcmlng’s houso, and in very insane most of tho Unto, Uuviug boon ho from bis birth. His mother nan sane. Tho contestant* proponed to abow by (his same witness that Capt. Ward was in tho habit of try ing to buvo thoso in whom ho took an interest examined clairvoyontly, in order to learn wlmt lie could about tlicir character, and that ho long ago attempted tide experiment with the present Mrs. Waul when alio wan Mies Kate Lyon. Ho waa niiHucccaaful, because Mies Lyon declined to see tho clairvoyant. SivnllotriiiQ- a Cent* Dr. Gibbs, one of tho editors of IlaWa Journal of Health, who ia himself an educated physician and surgeon, while on a railroad train tho other dav, was consulted hy ono of tho employes on tho train in relation to bin httlo hoy, who had that morning swallowed a cent. “What have you done for him?” asked tho doctor. “Wo gave him a dose of castor-oil," was tho reply. “ Good practice so far; as soon at you roach homo give him tho whites of throe raw eggs daily ; lot bis diet ho broad and milk, and nothing sour." Thu directions were followed faithfully, the whiles of the eggs repealed every day, and tho dose of oil at night; and on tho fourth day the cent was discharged. It was one of tho now copper coins, and considerably corroded by tho action of the gastric Juices. Hinco fatal results often follow tho swallowing of a copper com, tho Judicious treatment navtaod in tins instance should bo re momborod by alt who have tho enro of children. Tho essential points to bo borne in mind are simply tbaso: Albumen, or the whites of eggs, a bland diet free from acids, and castor oil. DEATHS. COLLINS—At the residence of her parents, in this city, on Hept. 21>, Henrietta. oldest child of E. A. Col lins. late ol Birmingham, England. r*s~ Birmingham papers phwsu copy. DWIGHT—On the !kl lust., Stephen W,, son of Ho mer and Ellen M, Dwight, aged 11 months. Funeral Monday, Oct. 4, ut 3 p. m., at No. 1143 South Dearborn-si. t XT* HprlngOcld (Mas*.) paper* please copy. RVMONDS—On Sunday morning, Oct. 3, Julia Akcrly, wife of Henry it. Hymonds, aged ;i;i year*. Fuucril from the residence, :wo Ashlandav,, Tuee duy. Oct. 5, at 11 o’clock n. tn. ur~ New York City papers please copy. MeWADE—Tho funeral of Sarah Francis MeWade, aged IS years, only child of Sirs. C, W, lloberts. will take place at it p. in. to-day, at her home, No. *JU Hast ludlaua-*t. I (Friends of the family aro invited to attend, Ornco •ml cemetery. SPECIAL NOTICES. c&X Centaur Liniments fj t'Si sllay psln, rutdua swellings, heal turns, and will euro rheumatism, iT/rphr spavin, end flrih. bone and muscle | * -f-f-lU ailments. Tho White Wrapper Is * for family mo, tho Yellow Wrapiicr U for animals. Wfjt Windsob, Mlrh., Dec. 10, 7874.—Mr. Riley Iloncc, of this place, an aged man, has had a wonder ful cure hy your liniment, and hu wauls U made known for tho benefit of mankind. Tho following is his affidavit: Yours truly, L, McQUOWN, State nf Michigan, County of Eaton, ss. Riley llnuco, ou his oath, says : That for (be last ten years hi has teen very severely stfiictod with tho rheumatism, and hsi, been for tho last sis years en tirely helpless insomuch that he could hardly move, and had given up all hopea of ever being helped. And deponent further save that about five months sgo, 1 romiuenoed the using of Centaur Liniment, and It has produced wonderful results, and now 1 feel almost as well ns over, RILEY RANCH. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of Dee, 1874. Lponipas McQuown, j unties of the Peace. Hold hy all druggists—SO cents and >1 per bottle. Kloctro Silicon Has received (he sward of the American Institute of New York as tho hast witch, known for olraulug and polUtdug nil tlno imiulllo surfaces. It la pure liilu.uria, contains noadmtsiuro, will nut.cratch oreorrodo. and produooa the moat surprising poUtli wlUihut little labor. It should bo tn every well rognluled house. Hold by lluusi) Fur. nhhora, Uru«trt*U, ,)«wjlor» and Grocers. AgonU,, MoOULLOOH A 00.. hi sad UdHautb Water •l.t Chicago. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, TTtURST A BRADLEY MANUFACTURING COM (' pany—Plows. Riding and Walking Cultivators, bulky Hay Raku, and U. ft. Horapers. 67 to Cl North Dei plaloes-st. AWNINGS, TENTS, AND WAGON-COVERS. Flags and uannkrs-cotton duck. GILBERT HUBBARD A CO., !HCI to lid Suulh Water-lit., Corner ilfth-av., Chicago. TWINE 3 Ain) CORDAGE. Manilla ani> sisal uoi% flump tad Manilla LalUjirti, Steal and Inm Wlm flop*. OILIiKHT HUMUAIU) A CO., iai3 to i»« South VVnU»f-»t.. Chicago. SAVINGS BANKS. 'PUB BTATR RAVINliti IN.STU UTION- X BU and si LaSalJ»-»t., CUlcsifo, 111 Sis per oeptlolaroit paid oo acpoelU, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. TEmDWAUD. There will be a incoUn;; of the llepiibllcao Excctillre CommlttiH) of (lie Third Ward ou Tuvuduy oveuiug at H oVlocli. at No. 4«U Htatc-st. AUCTION SALES. liy \VM. F. IIOOOUS & co. CATALOGUE SALE OP ELEGANT FURNITURE At (he ilUrblp-frpnt Kctldt’iirr* «75 WAU ur.N-AV., mvuv iiubffy-itt.t TUESDAY MOUSING, Oct. fl, at 10 o'clock, conaletlug of a largo ami elegant lot of HmtaebuM Goode of beat males ami but lilllu uicd, conalatlug of a lawioq Dia mond Furnace and Healing (iw ITtturva com* S'etc, Velvet and Eugllah iMjy linmela Carpet*. lliir aUreaaes, lied* and budding, Oil Pulullnge, Staiuway Pianoforte, Mantel Mirror and Ornament*, elegant Marble-top Klduboard and Uook-Caar, rich Parlor Set, Kitchen linage, etc., etc,, tho whole coating aomu Si!,(KKI. I’artloa can procure catalogue* by calling at ibu office, (U 6 and 64d Wcat Lake-at., Monday before aale. WM, F, UODGLS k CO., Auctioneers, C3d and Cta Wcat Lake-at. Ily 8, DINGUH ate CO., Auctioneers, 60 and BJ East lUadolpb-at, THIS DAY, at 10 a. m, AUCTION BALE OF ELEGANT OIL PAINTINGS Wednesday, at 10 a., in. Itaaular auction aale rf boaiehold goods of every description, both new ill •eoond'Uind. AUCTION SALES. liY G. & , CSamt 70 Wsbssh trentis. DR-ST GOODSAT ATJOTXOTi TWO tJKHAT HAtiKMt V 1 TUESDAY. Oct. B, anrt THUUaDAY, Oct. 7. Areoni (be specialties for Tnomlay the following are c/mstV'ij onas I'WgroM Table Cutlery {all firsts) of the \. ftW celebrated American manufactures, .John Iliurl a >w i-nmaon, Qondnow H Co., and the N. Y. Knife sale peremptory. Bilver-iilated Goode in Knives, Fo-li* Hpoons, etc. First offerings of Woolens and Knit Goods, embracing every stylo and variety of ets, Hearts, Hoods, Nuhtas, Wristlets, Dootcce r ,V New attractions in Felt Skirts, Fancy Shawls, TrlmuM lints, Dead Goods, Lares, Dress Trimmings, Volvt« Linings. Hamburg*, I‘lano Covers, Umbrellas, J...J Pipes, Gents’Sus]M>nders, Notions, etc. 40 styles Gnu* Underwear In winter weights. Gents’, Hoys’ „i Youths’ Fall and Winter styles Hate and Caps’ dozen Hair. Shoe, and Cloth finishes, complete t- Plain and Fancy Hosiery. OLOVF.3 in every style at variety—the most extensive linn in thn dty. New t j elegant linn of Cloths, Fancy Oaailmeres, Cottons*« (extra we'gktn), Tweeds, KepoUitnls, etc. A fins a? play of Linen Goods, Hhfs., Cloths, Towels, Crw. and Dimasks. CAIH’KTH. An eniirs t now Hns, including onr own 2 and JH'lyn and CoilJ Chain Goods In choice patterns. Carpets sold n o’clock. Dry Goods sale at tho usual hour, 9;ao a *, GKO. P. OOHE A Co,, 08 and 70 Wabssb-av BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS AT AUCTION, BY CATALOGUE, On Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 91-2 a. m. sliarp. LEADING MANUFACTURES of aQ grades of goods will bo reprosontod, | n , eluding OUR OWN SUCKER BOOTS, Jr F. PRATT & OO. t WOMEN’S PuJh WEAR. Also, FUR-LINED and BEAVER GOODS in great variety. OEO. r. GOItE k CO„ (W and 70 Wabaih-sv, Thursday, Oct. 7, REGULAR THURSDAY'S BALE of STAPLE ASB FANCY 0 DRY GOODS. An entirely new am! very choice lino of Ostrich Tic* plumes, and Feathera, the boat yet offered. Also, now Hues Piero Good?, Notions, Hosiery, XJn. derwear, Linens, White Good*, Uamburgt, Felt Skirts Shawls, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Plano Covers, lutj anil Caps. Gloves, Rrushea, Cutlery, Plated Wire Dress Trimmings. Cloths, Cassimerca, Catloiudet Linings, Ac., Ac., Ac. ” CARPETS. A fresh lino will lie shown In very choice pattern In 2 and :i-pty, and Colton Chains, Ac. Visitors to trio Exposition are invited to Inspect « cplabllahmcnt, tho finest of its kind in America, GUO. 1». GORE A CO., C 8 and 70 Wabaih-sv, WM, A. BUTTERS & CO., AUCTIONEERS. 1W MADISON-ST. Bay Horse, Harness, Conn & Tonßroeke Buggy, 1 Open and 1 Top Buggy, TUESDAY MOENIITft, Out 5, at lOoWk Id rear of Bntleru A Co.’fl Auction Rooms, lOd solicit. TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 5, AT 0;30 O'CLOCK, At Saksruom. 109 Madlson-it, second floor. BUTTERS & CO.’S REGULAB Trade Sale IDIR/y GJ-OOIDS, Woolens, Clothing’, Cloths, CABBlmorffl. Bblrta, Drawers, Ladles' Skirts, QenU’ Finn Shirts, Ladles' and Gents' Hosiery,sqi Furnishing Goods, Irlnb Lioeas, Dress Goods, Fine Linn Linen Uilk'fs, Shirt Fronts, Laco Edgings and Insertions, Full linn L»co Collars and Raebea' Hals, Capa, Gloves, Gauntlets, Notions, Cutliry, Roots and Shoes. TUESDAY MORNING, Oct. 6, at 11 o’clock, at salesroom, 103 East Madlson-st. Forty Original Water-Color ttles, Birds, Fruits, and Flower Pieces, from the folio ot HORATIO WALKER, will bo sold st auction b/WUh lam A. Butters A Co. WEDNESDAY, OOT. 0. AT 12 O’CLOCK, GREAT AUCTION SALE SBO,OOO WOnTH UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, FHOU i. GDLOSXID'S LOAH OITIC& By Catalogue, By WILLIAM A. BUTTERS & CO., Auctioneers, At their Salesroom, 108 East Matllson-st. Catalogue, with full dercrlption of tho Good", ng ho bad of tho Auctioneers, or A, QOLDSMID, 81 Msdison-st., Monday morning. BUTTERS & CO,*3 REGULAR TRADE BALE THURSDAY MORNING, Oct. 7. at »:30 o’clock. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, WOOLENS, OLOTHINO, Buck, Sheep, and Kid Gloves, Gauntlets, and MU*. Csrdlgau .lackctK, Shirts, Drawers, and Skirts, Wool Hosiery, Suspenders, White Goods, lines*. Embroideries, Edgings, Notions, Hats, Caps, SOOTS, SHOES, 33X0., Ou Sucoud Floor Salesroom, Idtf Madleon-sU BUTTERS & CO'S REGULAR SATURDAY Sill HOUSEHOLD GOODS OP ALL KINDS. CARPETS, PIANOS, NEW FURNITURE, «d MERCHANDISE OP EVERY VARIETY. Saturday Horning, Oct. D:JOo*do?k. By JAS. I*. MeNAMAICA & CO,, 117 Washlngtou-st. 2,000 operas BOOTS & SHOES AT AUCTION. TUESDAY MORNING, Oct. 6. at 8;:W o'clock. « will sell a complete ajsortinent of Calf, tUp. and Spill Boots; Pebble, Gnat, and Calf Hhoca; Dull and tw Congress and Alexis; Serge, Kid, sud Coat PoL aoA Ties. 200 Doa. Philadelphia Shoos. 100 Dob. Now York, 100 Doz.' Oity-mado Caoks. ALSO, 250 Oasos Original Suokor Booty WARRANTED GENUINE •TAR. I*. McNAiIAUA A CO., AttcUfc_ By XILIHON/IMmiCKO Y & CO. RETAIL BXOOK OP SBAQOtfASLB OLOTfIO® A.T AXTOXIOIsr, TUESDAY UUHNINO, Ort,s, at fc;W o’etoek, »* «*■ Stores, 81 old 83 Uandolnh-st., »largo stock of atilo, Heady-Made Clothing—Orerroat*, Hulls, Cost*. Punts, Vest', etc*. After which wo will offer sUW mock of New and Second-hand Furniture, Carp*“» Stoves, and General Housekeeping Oooda. LUSON, HOMKUOY A Cft, Auctioneer*. Superb Collection OP ORIGINAL EiopPaiiti® Oot. d and 7, at 7i30 on tha Evening of e«i Day, at the Art Gallery 105 Wabflflh-av. 7hia wolMcnown collection of Eiropean Paintings, ooxnprlsina tnow eminent Artiste of tbo Hunich and Dusseldori Schools, is undoubtedly (ho most IMPORTANT ART SALE That has over taken plaoo west of This oolleotion is now on free exhibit#** day and evening, at 165 Wabash-av.iWW" Catalogues can bo had and seats reser* tot the sale. Wfcnn BUBON, FOMBBO7 * CO* Auctions***