Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 29. FINANCIAL. — ~~ TUB irctols’, Fanners’, & Meclaiiics’ Savings Bank, ijs CLARK-ST., CHICAGO. investment certificates. perfect ftaiity-Liteal Interest of larreiuo «f gecured on Improvftd re*! entitle. he«r- J* iDterentt payable In otmrterly Install e#tl» Rt tUe rat ® ° r7 3 ’ , ° pKr crnt * gbotrin* the orcitmulnllon of nunm ld- TiilfdTor lUc beneflt of Children or other* t Time. Accumul ited. *■"80 ftyenr*. » U2.m * Inn 18 years aifLOT 5w»;;;. 2iyc*« <iui A yearn.... 710.10 tSoZ 21 year* 2.101. M ;; a yearn 1.420.10 j'niin 18 yearn f1,41)0.70 ■SoS:::;::: «!?««.. 4,33:1.10 apoa the ba»U that latattt’, when du*. Is on u*m*i account, end Inverted In INVJCST JJJJJfj. CBRXIPIOATHU whoaotor *lool* Urn aceantu- holder ef a Certificate hat the privilege ol examlu tea Ibe condition of the tnui el any time on calling at Sttfiwol thoTiusleo. *7 ÜBeitoe forwarded, and Interest, when doe. rein iideiUed. or rumUed br draft ur upreaa to toy the United Stale*. Adders* SYDNEY MYKKR. Manner. iEM LOANS ON BUBO k COOK COfflTY RealJEstate. T. J3L. REED, maw yokk. JOHN H. AVERY, CHICAGO. 150 XjA. sallb-st. jjkVcUm facilities for financial uiY'uihUloiis in laden. MONEY TO Oa BtfJ E*t»te In Chicago amt vicinity. $ J.SOC, t ,OOJ, inlund. UEAD t COEi usaßw,^ Loans on Rea] ta Chicago acd Improved suburb*, In amua of SJ,CCO ■ad Bpvtrdt. inatlent current rates by V BAIKD k BRADLEY. PO LaSalle-**. SHOTGUNS. _ ' TORLONQ BANOS. OSH TUB mm. gdii WirneW close shooters nr no sale. Price* "I bollon Ctborfcg gnas made a specialty, anil satisfaction gu.u tailed, Bond for new pries llui. _ , 64 STATE-ST., Ohlcogo. OCEANJNAyiGATION. GUION 'LIME lIEBT-OLABS IKON STEAMSHIPS, Betw«n MEW YORK ami LIVERPOOL, calling at Queenstown, Cfttrylog the United States Mail BAPBTTT AND OOMFOBT. UTmaafershookocl to aud from the principal Eo- LeMcrt A kuksts throughout Europe. Amy geeenbbaum & co., FIFTK-AYj, ALLAN LINE OOEAN STEAMSHIPS sjlxxj Wt# unr week from and to QUEBEC, and Fctt nightly from and to BALTIMORE, to and from LIVERPOOL and GLASGOW, CWNZCTINa with ihe beat and cheapest routes to IU flinty poUTS on the CONTINENT and SCAN w:um. s Tint, fceeond, and Steerage Classen of Passage at limit Curr«A Rale*. at.t.a w & 00., Gen'l Westers Agts., 72 and 14 laballe-sl., Chicago National line of Steamships. ttITVOIIK 10 QUKEKbTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. ma, 4.071 tool Saturday, 001. »>, at J p- m, B&rV B*>b*. »»• nrtM, No*- «. nvll a. jn. nf9k£* D » t.KB toot hatorJay, Not. Uatad. m. hiYVf. t,uMtoaa Saturday, Nov. T, at ll a. m. 28. stSp. m. C W}l><», ton buraday. N«-v. «. at H %. m. C c »«a nature, geo and #"0. currency. Return tlok *« tMaced rates. Bieorago ticket-, *3O oumiocy. MiteutsorairOUrkatm lUodotpU-aU. (opnoauenow tnuOua umnet. Chicago, ONLY DIRECT LINE TO TRANCE, JbsGmralTiaateilaatlo Uoupany's Mall Steamships {•••mßewYoik mj Havre. Too splendid tomj.jod rou.fl t ur inj «.; W Qiineol (tailor mure tombe* <Ahn> ' * m ** u trom pl<rWo> W* North lUvsr, iuVu^? Lachesnet Satuidar, OeU 90 WfftWO.. Nov. U •s*)Cb. Inneii*.,., hatuiday, %■ v. 3? JBlOkoV ifi 66u> (Including wioefi jwitahto, *liu sun *l3O. aocordius u* ..coo ~u.M u .ituuj *eeeuui y , iTijudM. iw. ReWraticketsa.l redueod [W. oleara* o gtn, nltn superior aoocmmuaauuna. In* all nacatiades without erica cnaruo. bieamocS ““"iitMu V° Uul c »rry »i*or*«u paa-uugon. u _ v- UIUI.S bgnEniA.N. Agent. mi road way, N.Y. Groat Western Steamship I/iue, ....from N«w Yoik to Uilslol (Eogltod) direct, himun* S* urday, OcU 90 WrtJUVAI.L, Sutople Wo tu-aday. Nor. SR lS* l S p **»a«B, *7O: Intermediate. It&: Steerastn 43J. S^felh.*ffW.‘i 1 5lSLSri& l «ru INOKOB I LINB. TT Q nK’«»h*tutdvio OU.gow, Usrry, \J . Cabin. **di to *w, Wl IW# te^SSSMAIL. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS. i^r.l ru r°«*a will be re alvod for tbe election of KBoim for tbe County of Winnebago, at Hock* tbs i3d of November next, et k>w7^ n ?? n <‘ t tbe office of tbs County Clerk lu I’Uua *ud spcclficstlous for seld building ki”. 1 ** o *t Hieotttetaof Henry L. Qsy. architect. (j/*rdjst., Chicago, and of Holland, Perguaou k aociford, Proposal* will be tecoived lor the wrts of aald work *• specified in tbe printed which can be bad on application. Right re- f«J«t*n ? or all bids. aUSH* I4 TOOUBOJn haines. ■ooaiSu»*V fnuiuu.ncomai.t.^ J ajga/cn. Ch:t. vs, 1b75. J NOTICE. ii Meitiis. condition of the City Finances re. that a more atrlngent rule (br the re. ik*n l Q Certilloates hold by the city ftt ouUu,latof November next, the TuV 10 oa **»• of 1874 will be rataed #r wnl, and on all certificate® lamed uT? ® flß,Bol •ale o par cent per month will w «Ur»ed until further notice. qi_ A 8. 8. HAYEB, Comptroller. Oct. a, wo. <£iyicaga pail® ibtmje. TUBS. FURS! Field, Leiter & Co, STATE & WASIIINGTON-STS., Call attention of all to their magnificent as sortment of Ladies', Misses', and Children’s FURS! Made expressly for their retail trade. Line embraces all staple and fancy goods worn this season, also an elegant variety of duals ai Mats InSealandMink. They have marked them at very lowest prices, and can confidently recommend goods as best in this market. FURS! Of every description made to order, remod eled, and repaired at REASOIABLE PRICES Istate $20,000. BKTAIL STOCK. OP LADIES’ PINE FURS, Bought at Sheriff's Sale in Jlevr Tork at half usual prices. R. T. MARTIN, BALTIMORE ft OHIO COAL CO, XX Goal. DEBT DOMESTIC COAL 10 fbo market, It in clean, frco of aiil.ibur, with very little smoko, Also oil kinds of PIEDMONT (DUceflmltli'b) uUd BLAJEMD GOAL AT LOWBKT MAUIUiT BRICES, Orders by moll promptly filled, HAMILTON, HARDER S HAFEB, GENERAL OFFICE: 105 Wnshiugton-st., cor. Clark. DRANCIJ OFFICES; Cottage Grovo-nv. and Twenty-seventh-st.; Lako-st. Bridge. West Sldei2ndDooknortb from fcrlo-st. Bridge. NoHb Bide. OHIO So COAL, The cheapest and best grate and cooking coal la lh< market. CUTTING k ELLSWORTH, Bole Agents, i>o Wmblngtop-at. GROCERIES, &o. A CARD. X desire to oorreot aa impression that seems to have obtained to a certain extent, namely, thatldovotomjsaifonly to the display and sale of FINE GOODS. In refutation i beg to asy, that a larger or mor« oomn 1o to assort mohtof FAMILY GROCERIES cannot be fbund In the UNITED STATES outside of NEW YORKt In addition to which I offer DOMESTIC, 6ALIFORNIA, oad TROPI CAL FRUITS in their season. HAVANA SEGAUB, WINES, and LI QUORBoimy own Importation, whloa tor oxoellonoo and rollablUty are unsurpassed. Win© SVXoroßnut, lIcIAST MADISON-ST. A BARE OPPORTUNITY, St. Louis Hotel tor Sale, On account of the death of tbe Senior Propilolor, THE W HOLE or HALT INTEUEfiT In the furniture, outfit, and lease of one of the largest and most cen trally located Hotel* in St. tout* J* offered forfale. Tlie base baa eight year* to run: tbo building t» nearly now: the furniture and appliances modeni, »od *ll the appointments iirtctlr maV-claaa, white tm» hotel Itaell 1* doing »buslnr** equalloany to ll>* %e*t. To person* dwfrlng to go Into tbe business this la an opportunity seldom offered, end U will beet tbe closest Inspection. Tor particular* address EDW.SIID WxklAN, hlnanelal Agent, . St. Louis. Mo., Oct. I'J. Chestnut-sl. COLLEbTION'AOENO Y YOU May always find suceeaa In a credit bmlneas If debtors .lay pr< nij tly. To expect this you must push claims when due, or employ measures that will. This agency admits of no rormuomlse with bad debtors. FIIAHIEWa COLLECTION AGENCY, Corner State and Monroe-sK. miscellaneous." anrafl m hm| The most important tub- MV QD II ||| Jeot before the people is the HpIK D aubjoot oi ** Heat.** Call and Mb. Ufl. M loot at the “Tubular 6ya* UaiM * tern." CUSHINO, WAR. REN A CO.. OS WEATHER STRIPS. . KEEP OUT THE COLD! By tuvuiri your WEATUEB STfUPa Applied it ooce. Ai Um old »l4nd of KPM-KY CUOS., TrUmnofiuUdlof Willard Woodard’s Re view of Hcsing’s Ways. Large Mass-Meeting on the West Side—Other Gatherings, The Merchants Hold a Meeting in Favor of a Fair Election. The- Stoue-Cnlters and Other Mechanics Bcpudiato Hesing. His Appeal to Them Meets •with no Sympathy Whatever. The Jeffersonians Captured by the Opposition and Indorse Their Ticket. A Thousand Votes Lost by the As sessment—Finerty Meeds Money. mt Keeley’s Friends Are Doing-Work at Republican Ilcadiinnrltrs. How Mr. Hesing Fabricates Lists of A Glauco at the Political Situa tion iu Mississippi. TBtr ORGANIZE TO (JET AN HONEST ELECTION. A meeting of merchants without distinction of part? was held at the Palmer House yesterday atlcruoon, to consider the necessity and proprie ty of calling a muss-meeting of tho morchanis of this city to tabo such action as may ho deemed advisable to pro ©ct »ho purity of tho baliot-hox at tho ensuing election. The meeting was held in obedience to a call issued Monday, and signed by tho lollovring dims •. alcKludiey, Olichrlst k Co., Willard. Dncon k Co.. IlibUard, 8,-oncer k Co., lU.vrc, Thompson. A Co., Burton, llerco k Co.. iU*wlt k UI.U, Charles i*. Kellogg A Co., Htcwurt, Aldrich k Co., llurrulum, Catblu 4 May* Marshall Field, M. D. Wells k Co„ Markley,‘Ailing k Co., Allen. KclUt k Co., douid, Briggs k Co., Kellogg k Barrett, Edsou Keith, Ananas C .rlcr, Wells k Faulkner, ocorue D. Kimbark, 3. \V. Bteam* k Sons, baimiel Bliss k Co., C. S. StctUuer, J. W. Dome A Do , Uny Brim,, Sibley, Endicott k Co., C. M. Ueudursoa 4 Co, UcAttley, Dyke k Co., Among those present were 11. Bayrs, Mr. Al drich, 0. U. Henderson, Charles Cloyes, 0. I*. Kellogg, G. 8. Ingraham, Mr. Corbin. Isaac Har mon, Ur. Collins, Mr. Briggs, 8. Homier, J. M. Wright, 8. Blits, Mr. Marstou, E. Koitb, James Forsyth, D. D. Flsko, James McKiudloy. U. W. Dudley, M. D. Welle, Mr. McAuley, aud many others. The proceodinga were not prolractcd, the speeches brief and to tbu point, and tho resolution adopted unanimously. Thoso who as sembled met tor business, dtspouud of it speedi ly aud decidedly, and adjourned. * UENQY havub, GOAL. of the firm of Sayre, Thompson A Co., wm called to preside, U. W. Dudley ofUciatititf as Secretary, and IV. Aldrich elected Treasurer. Oo taking tho chair, Mr. Bayra briefly thanked tho aaaomhly for ibo honor, and sroc«eded to review the rail issued for tho meeting, 'oe action of the County Cummlßkiimera in refusing tho oiipoalUon to what la known ai the OuiKwjtlou pur tv Clio privilege of selecting a reammsblo number of judges at tho coming election wua the bail* of dispute. There were, be sold, some 210 of the Judges belonging to the Opposition parly, and very many of these wen* unscrupulous m character, whilo tho opjoalag party or parties were allowed but about thirty, many of whom were almost unknown in the parly to which it is said they belonged. And borides, these few wero located in places wuore they wore the least necessary. Now, it was well known that there wat between tue Oi imefilon party, and the Republican party, and tho Kecley faction, and all other factious or parties, a dispute which was precisely (bis: Two men having a dispute, agree to leave the decision to au ar bitrator, Would it be reasonable for either one of the disputable to insist on having tho solo appointment of the arbitrator? The action of tho County Hoard looked, be uid, like attempted fraud. 110 would cliargo fraud upon oo one man, nor any party of men, hut ne would not hesitate to uaaert that their actions looked bko premeditated frauds. U was tue duty of tax-payers to guard against this fraud, and the tituo to begin woe when it was la Its luopeucy. If that could not be done, tho people would hit a no liberties, no privileges, nor a panicle cf control over oitlce holders. Suppose this thing weut ou from year to year, what would prosily be wnrlb, what Lumnrsn would thrive? What would city Ponds be worth under such a alate of affairs? lu bis opinion it was tho 1 duty of tho merchants of this city to uka ■owe Interest In city affairs, especially when the tide of affairs was as low as at preaeut. Notoneof the g<» lutneu present, he ven tured to assert, knew whero tho tales were going, lie had been reliably informed that already the city's credit was going to pieces, ao much an that when ihoy wanted to bon ow aome money some time ago in New York they bad aome dutifully m obtaining R. The iueo.tuuU were not to uiojl aa partisans, nor aa poli ticians of suy stripe or color, but aa business men to Sunduct the election in a bueluesa-Uko manner. The polls, be maintained, must bo protected at any price, and the purity of the ballot-box preserved from ruth- U-u bunas. To himself, and ha believed the meeting also, it was not a mew question of Ucilug. Keelry, or lluck, hut u question aa to the falruaaa of the election, lie wanted to ae* tho beat nun get tho office, and tho best man was always the one who got the moat honest votes. '£S* CHAiN C£. I»ud calls were tbun made fur I’. It. Willard, Ur. Willard remarked that sinco be bad lived Chicago-, for tbe paat fourteen year#-be had never seen such a •uleof utUlraa* existed at tbe iireeent time. Never Uforu bid no seen e fraudulent division of the Judges of election made with the predetermination of tbu present division. There had always been some con siderable leaning toward* honesty sod tbe purity of Uiu ballot-box, but that time seemed to Lave luvasod away. He hoped there was some way in which tbe preaeatcoiulUutlou might bo broken. If it wi re not broken, It might easily mult lu a dlsorgaulxutiou of the Local Government. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY OCTOJSEU 27, 1875. POLITICAL Leading Business Men of (lie City Alive to (tie State of Affairs. German Adherents. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS. THE MERCHANTS. p. u. wnxAno. mb. iu>aicu vt) next called upon, and proceeded to *»j that In «U blai-oUUcaleiperlencamUila city, during the p»»t twenty.five yean, bo bad Dover actu a time when jwl. lUoaraneolow Utallbe party lu power could not at fonltbeoprooUloo at loan ouo Judge out of tbr«w. He thought tbebualocee-uitn were thoroughly awak ened to ujo ue»e#aillca of tho situation, but tho quo*, tlou vu, would their votea to projerly counted: Ho area thoroughly aware of • fecliug among buaioeaa* man that It waa uuntceaaity (or them to lake any tu lereai la etectlooa, but bad noticed (bat on thla ooc*. alou the fight bad become eolnUaue that thla feeling bad been nearly obliterated, aa it well deaenred to be. UeceoUy ha Lad noticed uue of the Urg ing meeting! of Uta cunpalgn bt the biail of » ward In which the rreperlahle classes rarely took much paint to cast their vjW, for the reason that their ticket was always eh'-bd. When he saw the en tbuslaatle meeting at Central Hall, he would not hesl lute to aay tint tbn people were thoroughly aroused pi the necessities of tho situation, and needed but a little unity to carry their point. 1/ tho County Hoard re fused to deal squarely, the prot la were Jriitlll* 1 #! In making detnanut upon (hero, andif demands did imt arrompltb Ihelr objects, there were other ways In which tiny might l>* attained. »IH. C. Sf. UE.VJIRBSOV, —.... v. .j, a lundlng member of th* cut/'ns' As*orlallr,n, f*u loved. No reasouihl* being, |,.. said, .Muld doubt that the local tkiTcnimenl was controlled b> unscrupulous rings, that would hesitate at nothing, not even at rob bing lh* treasury of millions of dollan. If Mr. listing wa* honest, >0 Ins claimed Id lie, h* was certainly in bad company, and ho himself had th* sense, to acknowledge U to several of bis friends, lie hojod to see a call for a general masr lusoUng. There was a way In which Uni influence id lb* business man could tnakn llsid! Ml, nod, hi W» (ipinlijii, a m iHA-meetlug was (he ni'>*t direct outlet to thin Inihiemc, To e*c eruin tho views of the gentlemen present, Mr, McKlndley moved that A MASS-MEETING HR GAT.Lr.P at snrh time and place ai> the f’baliuun might decide. Mr. Aldrich eccoudcd It, aud It was uiiaultnuuily cumej. Tim Chairmau cnltoil attention to the fart that th* mm County Treasurer had ronlrol of the city and county funds Loth, nnd a practical man might be aote t' clear abcut 1210,0 0. Tho Onttity 7 w*s oldlgp*! to give bonds subject to the approval of the Guiltily GomndiisluiK-rs. Mil It was probable that kiii'h bond* as thev would approve, would be worth a cent should It be necessary to fall back upon tin »e bund* to the eveut of the Treasurer falling rWt. Ho then cited tho fact that a fonner defaulting CUy Treasurer's linnds were almost if not entirely useless. Mr. Henderson apologt/e I lor hrinrpng Mr. Ilesing's iistpc forwanl In a meeting witl-h had no nominal In ( ImsiidiiH whatever, and added that lm had only i:,ken Mr. ilealng's name, as lm was nt (be head of the ticket and nereMarlly the leader of that particular party. Ue then moved that a committee be appointed to oiafi a vi rlcfl of resmutiotis auttlug fortn the ob jects which the uerebants of the city were combining to Otltjfll, Mr. Aldrich thought that the proper place for such a Aeries of resolutions would be lu llm inus.m«tlug which was < omcinpiated. He wished to Impress upon the meeting the necessity of having good epcakers 011 baud. Mr. Willard, be laid, was a famous orator, and several other gent omen ranking among Chkagu's beat Uiurchanla were not far behind him. WUH.UBUIO HV4C yvuiliM UMMI Aid. Ji«e Spalding anggealed ttiwt. as Farrell Hall, could not be obt-ined, It would 1)3 w«-Il to ujg.ige Kingsbury Ha]], or Hume oilier roDTonirut place. 31 r, lli;ud(.r<i;u ■uiwslol McCormick Hall. on ac count of lie hl/i, and wa* njtl with ►ome opln-llon. chiefly ou account of lu ditucco from tho centre of Uiu city. •Mr. Aldrich imm-d that a committee of fho be ap pointed lomrangj lue lime and place of bolding the meeting. and to nuke all arniugainunt* for speakers, etc. He propotid Mr. b-iyis fur tbo Chairman of aucli a conumliec. Mr, B.iyra declined, and AM. Jesse Hpalding was de signated' Cnaiiiu u. Tho Chair tneii appointed Mc-rr.*. Aldrich, Udse, Wriput. and .MrKtnHny b‘ the real of luu Committee, Messrs. Aldrich and Mi-Kind ley were obliged to decline, ou account of bustueM ro f|UirlOß Uieir obvcnce liom tin* city, and Mc*«r*. Briggs nud Forsythe wero appointed in their pUce*. Mr, llcimutpoii proposed that a resolution bo intro duced to the edict that nil plaits of buamesa »*e closed on the day of the dcollon, but tuls also was de ferred until the next meeting, The assembly then ad journed to await the call of the Commutee on Man- Meeting. , THE MECHANICS. NOTIIINCI 10l>0 WITH UKflftO. K maon-mectiUK of tho roucUanlca of Chicago was held last evening iu the South bide Tumor Hall, at the corner of-Via Duien and Clarlt btreotfl, ana turned out to be ono of thu strongest gatherings of the campaign. It was addressed in turn by prominotit Hopubhoatm and Demo crats, and by two candidates for tbo principal oflice ou tho ticket, and theca were qtcd calls for tho third. Tho hall wra tilled to overflowing with on audience mainly or wholly composed of blouecutiers and workingmen of other trades, and the excitement at tinea ran high. Mr. 11. F. WTlsou, Cho-raian of the meeting, called it to order about £ o'c.ock, aud explained that the object of tho g» • boring ran to give voice to tbo feeling of the sio >c-cuUcib at the action of Mr. Iloamg in lavo/mg tho übo of convict labor in cutting tho stone lor the Court-House. Ho recited at some length tho conduct ol Mr. Hosing m refusing to publish the resolutions adopted by the Union, and characterized his conduct nod that of his puptw as iriteatluuaily inimical to tUeiuicrcsts of tho workingmen. ncsoLcrioNtj. lie then read the following resolution*, which were greeted with Intense and lung-continued applause: Wucuexs. In July laid, ala regular meeting of the aiouccuturh’ Association «'f Una city, a comumtco wus appointed to draw up rc**mutio.»B remonstrating against allowing prison-labor to compete fur work ou imUic building*, with instructions to furnish o cony of said resolutions U> each of tho dally papers of the city t aud. Wiiejuus, A copy of said resolutions was furnished to tuo controlled by A. C. lieslug, with a reuucwt that they bo punhshed lu said paper; and, \SiiLitKAM. Publication of &dd rt-wjluMoua van at Gr»l refused on tho ground that the ■entmieuta cr rrested by them were contrary to those held by the managed of that paper, ul.d wore publuhcd lu » sun acuucat U.tu« tn a farmed form ; therefore tie It liffoi t 'ii. That we oeuuulor ,V« 0. Hexing nu enemy of the working classes, and that we should not ftud will U"t sin.porthtm for any pubilo oillee. Wiihius. Tito lion. Jouu Jones has by his actiou ss s member of the Hoard of County Commission.;™ proved himself ever faithful to tuo Interests of the workingmen ; ihucforo be U , /.Vs'Merd, That wo will use all honorable means to secure his rcH-tecUuu to tbuoiUco of Couuiy Commis sion, r. yui. mice. Col, Idcaby then introduced Sir. L. C. Hock, who wus greeted with great applause on taking the lloor. Ho ssld that tuo ipieatlou of the campaign wus a much muro Important one than merely whether ho or Mr. ll.Hlog suouid Ix 3 e.eclcd County Treasurer; it wim thenucsUuuoC Uw proper administration of the si- Ulrs of llio county, lie further assured hi« hearers tiiu be was uow, and bad always, been tuo friend of the workingman, and hothougut himself competent to hi*sk to them, since lie had himself been u work iuuu, sud bad served four years ut Ida ir.vio. All ho ashed ul hta hearer* was to go to the j«olle and vote os they thought was right, and If they did that 1)C felt himscljf safe. KEEI.UY. Loud call* for Revfey wcro auawered by the appear anew of turn Benttwiiuu, who w » b ort>eU*«l who a ptntm ot um.Uußu and ebetn. He said iiu regretted that bo Latl uot lavu prwuut to hear tbu mweeh of hlsffJtnd UucV. who wua bw principal competitor. lia then pawd w dctlno Ula position, premising a history of lilu troubles with Ibo Oppoeitlon Central Committee, %00, Ueeald, wtroowuon body aud breeches by Hit.- iuK> ilia object lu lOdilng <mt as au mdei.tudcul can didate wua to buut the riug* which were hamblng the funds, and mining the uUsira of the county, amt it bis termer record bad proved him wonby of the dutmort of tbe nuu*s be expected to get it. lie bad, bu raJ.t, submitted Ula cause to tbo greater and boiler Central Committee, and from thorn he expected a recommendation which would elect him. (Cnoera aud tycat applause.] COL. lUCMDT said that though ho was a IteiJUbUcan, he had been ovatUkaut Mr, KoikySi Kubcr th-u ffetitlc uiiuj or Mr. Hack would bo tlccled, and then the jio- Ijlo would h»v« »U bouuat luau. Thu >nn utlau ol (b« cuitaiuagu was whether the county funds should he hometiy accounted tor, or whether they ahuuldbe gambled ttW»y, caitiLca u. heed •aid that be bad been gratified at tbeconduct oftbe audience in tlatmiag teapfcUnUy to ilm the Uepubdc ■u and tlieii (be Independent candidate, and be thought tlKir conduct wu* cbameterlsilc of buQcnt workingmen who were willing to bear both sides. Tne (incvtlon in the canvas* wm whether the taxes, when I'dlJ, were to bo properly dlabumd. It was (lie duly of the workingman to go to tbe j«olli, compare the tickets, and rule the nut wlilcb seemed Wet (o each one. It was« greater maltrrto rath than be perhaps thought. If the affairs were honestly administered, capital would prosper and would pay good aud living wages; If, on tbe < ontmv. tbe county atfat™ were wlsnunag*d aud taxes were high, then capital could nut atlord to i«y labir wlut It olniTwtM would. OKM. 1. Jf, HTtLEA was greeted with cheers on coming forward. He Mid that all present w.rj laboring men. There wort* not five men m tlie hall who did not expect to work for a living. Ur. Il«ed and himself labored to a way called Lead labor, tut he was glad that that la bor was coualdered Just aa rssjicitahio as Ibe work of the bauds, and vice versa. Rome kinds of labor need ed some one to direct thorn, but It was comparatively anew thing in politics to have it man to Us* tbe affairs of tbe voters. New York bad hod Ihw.cs m time* past,— Dj»b Wood aud lioss Tweed, for example, —and ha supposed that they all knew What bad become of Ikiss T*etd. Ttu-re bad, he said, Wen a convonUon that day, and jt was absolutely atekealug to see men who called themselves Democrats get down and cruwl before llraiug, aud submit tbemaelves to bis control. He did not refer to Dr. Davis or Turn Uoyne, but (o others who called themselves old-line DetuoctaU, The .pcxlur then related a story illustrating tbe at tluulu of these men toward Hesiog, which was fol lowed by great applauao aud cheering. Mr. Kceu-y, who had spoken, was not tho candidate of the poiUUlatis, hut of the people, and f.'t C: t .ti son and becuu.o he hm upi>uicd by the yoJl!;d;i;s he was favored by th« j t' pU. T his U'so of pohu- aot' whom he Uad «u>i'. ; come before the j topic and claimed to to a I' m>>cra(, end then h»d opeuly advorlUsd thvt ho prot>o«(d to vIuUU (ho Ouasdtullou of tbe UUU-, which provided that all the emoluments of tbe office which be sought, beroudihe sum of II.OOJ, should go to tbs county. U, (see of this the Boea bed said ■v.t v.. vto posed to reitals his fortunes out of the Jffih ttSnla tIaUUMOf till Ur, Ibis Sou tol Loarted that he bad left (he Republican party after Ihe members had given him » sllver-attrice worth H.'.’U'l, and a carriage and team worth 1-I.WO. A man who Kiuld do u Irkk so ungrateful and abusive a* that would dcrert hi" present cotojtnions Just u readily. Tide l»<*s was lh.- only Know-Nothing In the city, and had i'iiixhl tnor«-trautda nbout nationalities than ony other iu.lll In the r|iv. . . . 'Jim speaker Hen dlscusaed Heslng’a claim to M a frknd of the workingman, and gave him* foarfu! ruling over, which whs greeted with the utmost en th’xlaam and renewed cheers, and cries of “Olvett to him." 7 lie real truth nf the Ross’ deserting the Republican ■arty w.ifl t lit. t he had f"r** n en (he dostifall and wo lit d |o Is) out uud r.n the vieiurlous side. As to he i-lea of poverty, tho r said that If ieslng was an lioucit mm who wanm-l to {•ay hlfl debts the people wo,ill not think it u great misfortune fur him t<> sell nut hit pl-deand Dnehoruea, aud ride on tbs str et-rara list; common msn. Th* flea f*r a count of the county’s money ws.imi hynny means sn Idle on*, wlon an <>u • 1..1 <''iilisli down of an evening and lose fl,tw», an I p*y it n/h an ohli lal check ou a Lank where the county’s fi.udj were kerd. rurtber, the speaker did not believe that tin I'. -** was* Dcm.Hrat at all; he was simply a foragt r who Han ci ,/i.ccicacc cc cue , cu "“i'v * had w«nd*ied away from Ms company to see if he couldn’t jtek up Honietbing. aud would shortly l-e liack again with rarwell and R'.hm, After alluding to Mr. K**ler‘s ps*t record, the sp*uU« r expressed his dwlihn! prcleretKo for him. end «iieedhlfl r*marr.s by lading lor three rlu-crstor K<srl<r, Which were given with a will which made luc glass rattle. said that he felt proudtu mt cl the i-entlsin'o lidoro him, l.eiaiise he had himself mduatid •« a slour nnli-r, He tin :i prutecded to review the rccvrdnf Mr. Ibslug bit two i>olm" only: r,r»'—He had Bald on the tub of Octblwf, IHT2. that he r.-.juiJ ralhrr have hl« daughter marry a •‘nJgS'.r’ 1 than hu frlsbrnan. ~r./,»w _ 'i, u e«j’ejkprhßd Mr. Uesln? Uklntf part lu a iijM-tlntf of the KraeraM Club, ouil ikoclug with them, and l omrllimimf money to their Treasury. lie wanted some otio to rtrouclie thosn things. Again, Sir, Hteing had promised a club of ne/roes the night after &>• woe nominated that be would ><o leick m the Henubliiau parly next fall, aud his Lieutenant, W. IV. O Hrteo, had mhl only a tew da\K afterward (hat he asked the support cf Le.-nni ratß for Heelnc bocama he was (lie only twin who could load the Democratic party of lllliiulß to tkiory m 1 7ii. lie then asked, nmld cheers, if »nn »«lv tould reconcile those statements, A voting man named Dixon, with a very fair voice, thru mix: a i ainpulgn ditty to tho praiee of K-dey, lU<tW. Nelson, aud Jones, and each verse Was re ceived with appl «iise, more, it i« to 1* link'd. for the sentiment than ihe loetry, for the latter was ex ecrable. , , CommUaloner Jones, Mr. Hudson, a practical ougl neer, John J. Healy. aud others, thou made short re marks, »»d tue moetlng adjourned. It* evident tone waa eclectic, fop wlillo these workingmen prderred RteKiy and detested fleeing, they w c ie jd enthusiastic in favor of Meerra, Ueaty, Ncmou, and Jones, of the Ih'puhlican ticket. The sirafiK in which ft desperate politician will resort are Uiosirated by am. ukfoeth to stir ups feeling tu hit favor In tiila meMlmr. He had stationed at the door of the hall a hoy with a bundle of tracts over his efirnattre. the burd-a being a prajer for help, and an assertion that he had always be**n M » friend of the workingmen. Among other argument)! used to convince them that he was not guilty of what nw charged l« the following : 41 Nobody ever applied to tuo about Ibetominnnlea tlmi. It anybody had dm u so, bo would mu c found a eytnpathlrer in mr ( and 1 mould bare endeavored to cause the publication of the communication in tho commas of the Mii.ifs-2'dimo, tho management of which Ido not centred. It la well known that lam not the editor, and only a parl-piopilelor, of the AYwife-ifetftiiig, and that Its mauugemeot is left to the dta-retlon of me editors. '* Thin was conclusively answered by one speaker, who raid that the editor haa informed him that ihe r. «otu- UunH were rejected because they were opposed to the policy of the proprietor of the paper. It w.ll, howev er, be now* to the public to learn that Mr. lining docs unicicrdsc any control over thu columuu of h!s paper. The etfort to convince anybody by the circular or tract was a dead failure, most of them being tom up aud thrown away before read. There was a serious (meatlon among fouto of the workingmen about drop ping the peddler out of « window, but letter counsel prevailed, aud ho wan allowed to distribute hin bundle. The wnole scheme was Urn worst possiulo one for Ihc author, aud did him infinitely more harm than good. REPUBLICAN HATJIERIXGS. WILLARD WOODARD. Ms HPEUCH AT TKR WKST ftIDC JILETIXO. A large ratiflcation mooting of West Hide Ho pnblicatiß was held at Martino's Had, ou Ada tlreet, Mondav evening, which was addict'd hv Willard Woodard. Owing to a lack of room, his review of tho ultaatlon could not bo published yesterday morning, but la now given lu full, as follows: It b sn obligation and duty which every cltlien owes to himself, and to community, to carefully consider (he character and relative ixislilon of (nr contending parties, and form an opinion cs to which party best represents the elements of growth which have made Chicago what it Is. These fundamental principles un- derlying ouc proeperlty, will bo found to ■ fleet favorably all elassos of people cf all nationali ties, religions, nod con.lUlous cf life. There are no more dangerous men In society than those who attempt to array sects and nationalities against each other In political combat. We arc one people. We have like purpi atho virtue and piu»penty °f Chicago, the welfare of our Slate, the unity, perpetuity, aud glory of our country. We hellevo that righteousness exalteth a nation and ala U a disgrace to any people. It do« not make any dlf fi-rcncn whether the righteousness or the aln is lu the hearts u( Aiuerletus, Ciermaus, Irlemuen, Bcandioa \lius, or KrcLCbroeu, iTolcxtant, Catholic, or lotldel. If the act Is right, it Is right In all. and should be com mended ; If U U wrong, it Is wrong iu ail, aud ehould be condemned. 1 am willing, on this plnttorm, and se a member of tbn HcpiibliCuu party, with our candidates f«r otflcee, and with our stowed principle*, to dlviiss fairly, can didly, and earnestly, without uuklmiucsa, vitupera tion aud abuse, the issues between that |>*rtfunaUiß imposition party. The Kepublican jiarty tUfl A IUSCORD. In its devotion to fre.-dom, iu its emancipation of the slave. In Us SK-rifices fur the unity ol tho ItepublP*, it has no equal iu history. It bos had (he bent elforis of tho best men of this age, Democrats and ltcput>- 11 cans alike, and In this Hut you may If you please In clude (he present candidate for Treasurer on the Op position ticket. .... , Hut I am smonlshed to hear him say Hist the proud est moment of his life was when ho was nominated as Treasurer on too Opposition ticki t, Is ho out mis taken in this 7 Was It not ween he heard the news of the election of Lincoln, of surcuse at Donaldson, Vicksburg, of the grand march to tho s«a. the Etnun dilution Proclamation, the surrender of Hlcbnumd, or the parage of the umcudmenls of ibe Constitution? Does he toilet tho»e thrills of Joy thst he hae felt as a Uepubhcsn, when victory parched U|wu our banuars over the very men to whom he wus then Ulk lug ? Oh no, bis memory tn too good end hs is too gallant and geuerotia tn forget Uial. This man pretends to be a member of the Opposition party. All of tho other lights of the movement claim that there is no such party, Wlotlou Is ready to swear by any power, on a grand caorus with other Democratic war-horse*, (hit this Is a movement of the trouble Democratic parly, of whose failures we have eard so much. Aliuf tuelr issues hs>e been rejected by the people for tho lost OlKwu yeara. “ I know It,” M.ya thocsudidsla lor Treasurer, “but if you tell the O. rmaos that they will not vote the lUktl." luted uuutUemuns, think of that. How easy this German It Uuw'dUscu thinks It U to pull the wool over your 'T.»lb candidate eays at Turner Hall: I wcnf out of tin; Uepubtlcn party Into till# Opitositlou puny mid UCttCU TUB Um’UUCAS I'AUTV Ol’T OV JW BOOTH." The modesty of Ibis statement I leave to be discussed bv ray friend* FUgg, Whiting, bimth. E. M. Ham'#, Wentworth, and the (indigent generally. It Mr. Urn* iug will ted roe of a single d«i»ruuent of Ouvermueid, city, county, or aiutc, placed In power by (he Onpoid (ion that he haa not publicly or privately denounced. I will gladly make tbe exception lit any future re* marks, hute IxgUlatmt*, Common Council, hnllco fotce, Hoard of public Work*, Major CoMo, Sheriff, and Hoard of Supervisors, coiao forward aud show thu •can of tbe stripe* w.U laid ou by th.s OiuKiaUlonUt. 1 cannot hud it lu my bnatt to »ay that you aid not dcierru them, and yon who vote lor him doubtless feel s«, but you must excuse ua from voting to keep you tu power. We thought that the salary of theTtroaurur waa Qxod at ll.WOpur annum, aud llw Supremo Court has so dodded, jet be gets fIO.OoO. Many good and lulclll gent mm cannot earn IIO.UOU a joaclu thU city. Homo of us cuu get only pi, 000, and we know many reputable cltltens who work foe fl.Ml a day, wUUU would ha only giiu a year. We do uul like to have the County Com* mitflourre get , twice as ncrn ah the law allows them, even with the opinion of iut Opinion County- Attorney that the law may be violated with impunity. We would anxiously Inquire, mnv Hut sai.irl.-a am tabllshed, and all excess is to bo paid lnU» the County Treasury, what baa Uscotne of Urgo amotmU that w. were told by (leu. Lieb that the County Clerk and Bbcrin used to make t I* Ulu the Treasury, or luiUu pockets of those officers T Is it true that the reforms of iho» aud lIJIO, and uuder oux new Constitution that we bar* tost money? Wu like the practice of je>lu.f all emoluiucuU Into tbe County Tr.usury, and of lei- Uuir contracts tu the hnUst bidder. »* •»“* elweyi done? Use Mr. Ilrsititf umP wily dur ing Ibe last year eqrceacd hit opi»."u U).»t the laws against thictre aud gj«* ahuvta hare heed cnforc«:d as they "hould U-. vu.-v baa l-« cu ItU uplulon »u IhiaiuWe t "h -u not a didati* for otiice? We place great r * word under such circumstance*. Cur molit.U ra U that hs hxa denounced Ibese msa-dho leaders of this (>upo«Uioa parly. If be has done tins to bis calm mo menta we cannot support bis party, although we have, ffaSasiK Jv £* whll* yon were Urlripff Hi* Republic* A.y ont of Its Loots are very Lad cn hard money. 5 ij nEI.tOIOCS DOtMl' « £ It has been a question of inuul -• £ tlnd», In our cit y, why it has teen necessary tor ain .audiOM* lode tarn that he was a Cithollrt. Ai. . ,rr*. uny Gath olio Issues In Ihl* contest 7 Wo think nut; and in tbi" opinion we are fl'iatalned Ly men who** opinion In reliable, Toe Church of eighteen 1 enlune* ia not tollliig hrr hauliers in tbo dunt and Krumhin for tho C'ouniy Troiaurer. With n man's religious wed political parlies have nothing to do in thin country, ft I* well tor r-oigh-n that It I" so. Wheri a cainhdalo gis s lino ih.n s n je< t with great particularity,—sudi ss telling u* tl. it •• ho nunnl it from In* mother's lireast,”—so fiH culled U|>on to sav to him ihat wn do not care almiil that, ymi may lure tulen the babyish way of anclung »r ai sorbing religion, or th« more manly way < t listen ing to tho vmc« of Nature' aud aeurming tho H.'riptiirfs, kwp It out of jio.lUifl, and l« tit l<c le* twe ru you and your ti<*l. Are you lnt»dlkeut, Indue trlou", ami honest ? That 1* ah we want to know, uud fiia' is lh' l «|iieit.on wo an* pushing Juai now In rela tion (a this ihiiKsutlon part/. ’Chore is » mystt ry la this religious matter rela tion to our candidal* on tho Oppns.lloir which 1 snlre, and resjiectfuhy auhudt to li;e i>ut>- hcg-ucruily, uud Riowu th* nilml-readtr la jsiruc uUr. If tnls earnest ami mail, who. ••*ln;ti<>Ji/itid'-d and slotie," h»fl smashed p'dln.-Hi P»rti. K, nd*«;d armies ihiu.never went lowirj. hu» u devoted C.»inolle, why la it nevesoary, idler Hr mg r-ri 'iuit ur twenty years, to tell of It? it would s-mu thd eieiMwdy did ant know It 5 this Catholic light lu* le»-n uud r a bush.l. It throws suspicion on tbu sucti Cl aud al/K'irjitmu process of getting migiua. amrii i'atk <»• niAßAcmt. My friend f{• •inu pre-nlcd to th® Democrats of Tun.*r-llail a irriitl ate <>f good character with a \ignetti on <iuli < iiij.r. «*n the right vui sliver p< rvie*- and on tin Mta rsrrluge, a Sj>. n «f lion«», ami a tirgio drc»*e 1 ;n lir»r>. fill* ttrllOoate wart signed I y Chari'y p.irwe.l, N. 11. Judd. au>l other*. id what hsee n.eo have »® .ome at last r ‘— *UCU 1 read tuat part of Iri'-ud llexiugfl aiee-jii and look 10 the crowd to whom the rerun -u e w.« ure<“ , itied amt the high (it.mailoD iu wiikh the-y I. « ever mod the Plgoi-r*. although not given to laughter my vest hut* tons were ejcefllngly Hidangired. Mhul did they make Kioto j repent* for" Ws»s it for ihc *unport of the corrupt ikpuhli.tu party? these ImG-s you know, friend Ileelug, were given siuco tint tire. Bine® the re-election of Grant, since the election of Gov. Jlmeridgo, since Cf>‘dit-Mnniber, eii*< »• c:«*l fai'fl wtrke-in<MP. Was It a reward for wkk* duo* 7 lr»o nuke rwitjtmion, return tue hcrvne, return lot carriage, return tho negro, and If he 1* a* good a* John di ne* wo will run mm for TVeaenrer licit Umc. inope men, the leaden cf the Jlepublnau party, cannot bmo t>ieii *o had if «lav appmlainl virtue and talent to in* tun* of f l.'oo. We have known nu-u wno huvu lost all in Uio War who Lave not eoeiircd as inu.h. from Mr. llesltg’s prcs'til standpoint It opens up the lon tlut this money mtguluave been Im properly obtained, and he knew It will her A«;cßiT omcr. M'e are willing to that we are confuted | on Ibis point. On tho theory that Mr. H< »lm: i" «*ti l aide man, and powerful in hlx* party, and hub i-bornl I fiUecu years for !?• succc-i"*, stid even voted agaUuil lue Democratic party tu l-vll. sud all for no corn! ler bUuu Out me love nl truth, 1; I* • bad recommendation I for tlie Democratic party with whom ho now acts ! 'lneytnust have be* nail wrong. Ills certificate for i the Democratic party Is not as good a< Mr. Judd# lb for him. lie Mis his attd.cacc thst he reinsert the Collector's o-‘ce. How about Mr. Hauler? Waslbnt a sop for lu. fjafji’Zf tmvj 7 Attain he tells ub Uut a rarload of Egyptians out biro on hi* way to Spring tklJ and ..nerd him the ldem<?n.,nf.-Uov.;niorinlp— whb hbe refused. It l.i onlv juv->*»ry to remark (be salary for that otHce is worth omy h »l."K> a year, ami requires several inonius 1 bard Utwr. Mr. Jiraiatf did bold the ollico of Sheriff when tl bad large fees. He mav have bad eome altars tu the fc»*s cf other offices. Wo will leave that to him. tie bus lad tbc city printing at paying rales for a number nf viars, and tus It still. 1 assume that there may be dtlcuus as able ns be, anion# whom may oe found tnauyOormshs, vet very few have been honored to tho ettrttt ho ui«, We do not complain of (ho past now, but in the election this year ne must overlook the declining modesty of our friend. ah a rtiOPUtr. Mr. Ilesiojr prophesies Cut 10.000 votes will be gjwn for Justice, be do not care so much alKuil tho niajortly an me good government. That Is the dlryct Untie. We want no stronger condemnation of this party which ho now desires to continue than h .vo 1 rocneded from hl« own tips. Every man who is sU- Istled, suJ hat not Iclb ved bis statomeiilo about the city and county njlloen, should vote fur him. Tho»e wuo believe tLin should vote against him. T>e tuink that be has mixed matters. k . , Every roan who believes that It Is a combination of the be»t elements of oar city übould support Mr. lie#- mg earnestly. Nuwjs a time for Uu»o who object to Htrlko a blow that wnl render another victory ol such I » Know-Nothing party (mi oasible. What ha* the Op- | position partv done for tbo lalnring man ? what have they done tuiurnUh employment In building our city and county building# 7 Did we ever have le-s im provements, or more money squandered? what was want 1* to hare public improvements go on, and inch a reduction of salaries that tue county pays no more for laborthm tbe citizen. I lure read car.-fally til the apeoebes made by tbe Opposition. Ttiey have NO HILTCT ON THE riNANCUb I'UOltUiM. It (a all talk, talk about tbo bloated bondholder and the persons! history of tbe personal worth and prowess of each candidate hr hlmse.f. Even tbo ataUatuan ntid oraator. Oanlrtelti, la toe dtsensolcm of our coun ty snd national Hsucn, use* tno following language: •• Wo must say • («ct out Mr. roatmustcr, g;t out Mr. Collector. We must have the orticos.’" Tuc*e are tho principles of th# new party as expounded by this great leader. ANXtETT OF OCtt CANDIDATE. Mr. U«lng threatens to hook Mr. Hui t. We banliy know vital lie tuctua to do. The word ha* several meaoingn. and we do not know which to Uke. Too word nlgnitU* to push with honm, which cannot bo hl» Intent, for, however bad we have talked about him, we have not accused him of bating hoof* and horns. The word also uiceat to entrap and ensnare by arnfl ■*. Voung Huck will lake caro of that. The word uleo moans to roo or *UaU Here are our fears. If our candid ita or any thing else should fall Into the hands of those follows who have been taking Illegal aalarirs and telling cuutmta to the highest bidder he H gone. We shall never sew him again on earth. I’lay fair, friend Ueaing, and do not set these fellows onto our candidate. Olvetho \ oung man # chance. Tar great danger of Mr. Hrelng as a Treasurer, If his amoolography may bo relied up on, consists In his beef trait* as explained by himself. He owes deUU which he cannot now pay. lie Is not to bUxm< for that. H« desires to pay bis debts. 1 bat Is commendable. He is geucroii* and It la bard for him to tefnse to pay when the money can be reached. It le a matter of public notoriety that he seeks Ibis oftlce TO VAT ms DEBTS. HU creditors will press huu the moment ho is elected. With an honest, generous nature, bow lung will It bu before tbo County Trauiury will bo unloaded to meet these demands: Turrets but |l.OtO» year lu the of fice, aud we submit to his friends that It would !*• bet ter to relieve bun from uw temptation. We must not place a mumbling-block In our brother’s way. Hu point with pride to our ticket. We ask a proper con •lderutloa of our plans and purposes, and an earnest support from tb<*i<» who believe u» to bo rigid. No amount of fault-finding In the future van retrieve lh» losa of wbnl can lw so easily obtained now by voting on the lid day of November. WEST SIDE MASS-MEETING. OIUSD OATUEULVO 1M TUB HUSO WABM. A Ilopublicau mass-meeting wo» boltl last oven log iu Twelfth etrcct Tucaoc-lUU. 'lucre wuu a largo attendance, nolnitbatandiog tue tad weather. Tbe bull was uncomfortably cold, but the people were well warmed up by a number c< excellent Bpeechce, varied by several *uus* which were well rcuderod by i'raua Lombard o Among the notables present on the platform were Memra. t». N.Sir^nt.Qeorrfc U. struma. tiwr ea 11. ll.nj.Joim bcaujHU, Cupf. Jotm Morph), Aid. David Morphy, «x-.\hl. John McUmu's, Loui* lloci, John Lyle Kmg, and Aid. Ihxou. . «r The uoeliotf waa called to «;r.ur a few i "d« u |* , » I Jf* ter B o’clock, aud Mr. M. M. MlUr w« vtectud Ooalf. jolm Bclimeltz .utrd »i.l «» •?»*«• »P --nolittwl had nol yol arrival, U* (beitfuri* it'ijuvotcU fir. Ulc““l“ I.! Uvor U.« nrrUlW »KH KOI. I*.- Undnary lamurlw, MB. JIJi’IUKUH arcke iu German, autlmt mat that rnrtton of th» city liuii betu claimed ibur. iy upi-*»»UUm in aentlmaut, Tue Urge utteudame at Hm pr.-atnt wecllng allowed *“?*oK o.?i w3?br n MUR will. SeUau«*r."lu!l W an impromptu aong (uU of local bit*. whii'U waa vucileroualy applauded. ’ tdk Hot*» l>. W. M»*« wu than UitruU ><-'• 'l. and aaid that lia bad coma there to «alk la the audience about their Internal#. A umn h««t aaid to bim » daya before, flluuu, you ought to toiu Ui« Ua replied that, although m* hm,i i*au di n.»Jd from omce, be would rather aervn lo a lianv of Jicueat men than In a party beaded by Ilea. . tutf ‘ lie bad uot come to abuao Ueaiug, but be would aav that llc»lug w»a a Lad leader, The speaker wauled io»av tcmeibiug about Chicago,—a city that bo w*» t.rxu’dc* lire in. It vrab neccaaary tbal. luordcr lo iitiJu i-roaiviny, the uty abould bare good goreni m. nt.* A Iricud Of' hia bad flailed all Ibo criut fill:* of the country* und bud aaid tiiai be bad never aoen a city with an m»uy flue buddings, and exhibiting em u lbr.fl aud energy, lint Use Idea wan gaining ground throughoutluo ouu. iretbat Chicago waa la the baud* cl a riug of corrupt uibciala, 'X'bo Idea muit bo controvorlcd, .... , Tb<> speaker r«ad extracts from tbe speech ox tua Ilou. Thomas Uoyne at tbo U. wocraUo Oouvamlon, , referring to the Obpoaliiou juny #a ballot-box aluil* eta* aua yet Uio V<mveuti"U had Indorsed (lie iiciui- , nations of tbe Lallot-lwaiumimg party. Ho b«j «al lhat the Ilepubllcam would iowe mu .arly lo tbe |wiU uud prevent any dtihou.-at procedures. Why, ho aaktd, abould tbo lu-pub -leans stick to gidUor uttbUvlvcthm? U.camo next year will como ft.Mtfonfi .lieu * * ““‘ 'f. dllng and clow* contest throughout tbe louutry. It waa ueca>airy tor aveev Republican lo bo up and doing all In bla power oven at tula local election to aaouru tbo aucewaa of the party. As a party, H bad the beat aud pur eat party that ever oxiated. Klect wood men. Oat a aooJrapulaUon lor our city, The Chairman Cicu Introduced «B, LOU» UfiCSi fftu Hit Ul.> M awl U» u NUMBER 63. (be reoreientatlvo of (he reapeetahle element «f the dty. iln would cot Pay anything agamsl Mr. llentng |*tT*on.iUy. lie would only §ajr that ibla large meeting showed that Mr. Ilefllng did not carry the German vole In his breeches pocket. The people paid about |7,'(lo,oWin lines,moat of which (oca la lljoi-OQfliriiction of public building*. Thee u time plenty of opportunity fop corrupt oillclala to Meal In riwar Hug cuntnwtp. Me hoped lha peoply would leal how it Interested (hem to elect honeal itiMJ. .sn il aimn war Murry Nelson, who win i candidate fur Ui- ;it* (Junuuliuuoucr on Ihu 11-piiulkuU tKAct, lA.-J 14-:« M C'-jU itir.ihy followed wjlb n few remark*. MU. folts I.Thn KINO wv* the nest sp-iA r. (In tegifi by paying that tbl 'i'.'; u .u *t t-«-n- at th® ek- thm w.i* u<*t whether tip: Jt-put.hc in-* <-r I*mo: at e ►!* mid *ucc..e 1. Ta;.i b'if a j hi’ •: iinp-iign, mi.irdllig to I.hi Ufa. It wus pirjply d 'pif'iUo of putting lioueet mra iu i-BU'c iu our i lly, who cU-uM conduct affairs honestly end peonomnwlly, 'I ik- lbpurth-an* had put forward .1 *rl rf candidates woo p*.oM ino right fpi;Uiflc.iUons. ’lb* bead rf the i»i p'-Gilon ticket, it *tc* well known, wlrhei t.< »,*■ elected in order to bolster up h’i filling fortune*, .Mr. Hurt, he paid, wv* i gentleman who hul l>ced BU gsred for many a ear* In iu*nm ** In this uly. and had teemed a compeica- y, and had no m-aa or dc*iro for tue oll)o In order to in d:c nn-u^y. The oltice* of the V niuiy *1 rennirer end County c’ommfHfioner were f.hrled, nui it «-.> w<il known that lll'* Oj.|**>ition cunli-i.ihe pjuglit tl.'.m to order to make Doney. and they did not ci[f i to Mup abort with the Hilary nil dl-d ny the Cou*:!’. nlon. tUK IION. O, U SUNN w»* failed for, and wald that Ih" oiny rjaron why Ln pjiok*! during tU« i amp.k'h w.i* hecnihc n®h .d Un'**n tn it tli- Opi-otilloh can did iteii were ou.le.ivor ug to retire ihe f .'-cilon hy Jinhuti Ht me-mi. Ho a“k>.-d oil right-minded clll/'-i:» to g» to tint l*olls. armed if nece»Mry, In «inl< rto enforce lliolr rlgat*. Why, ha a*ked, did the Cmtuy tUaitiis’lon-rs r.ifosc to allow Jlepunlicjn judges of rlectim 7 In c-iu.*- they Intcud ed to ewe>p the elcoti Jii by hillf't.ptu.Uwg and tdogul and tufauioii* ttie.n*. (AppGuse.J The nidging than adjourned. MINOR M-hTtNGS. THE filXTlr WAEf. Tho Bepnblicaus of tho Sixth Ward bald a meeting last oveoiug at the corner of Thirty fitrit nml Arnold htieetit. Joseph I!. Hade..Ho w»» ch'jacu Chairman, aud Martin Beat Secro tary. Mr. Many Nolson was fret introduced. Hocald though ho was iiogioat spceoli-maliur, bo would Hay a word. lie did not come to tulle national } oliii'v. although he wj> a Itepubllcan ; hut this waa a local >ll, mul the only ijuettioo should he na to inn titufun of tho ineu uuiuiiJuU'J lor tho oill M. Ue ilnl not UUn\c in Tuitog lor any tuan because Ue want td the out e. Hetuld Chicago owed him nothing. lie rune hero twenty jesro ugo, uiid hid heuu tu bu-lu*ss ; nmt, iu«U'*d of Chicago owing him anything. ij. ; f,,.t lit .t no owed much to caicsso. and hi" (neud'i told h.ui he ought to ruu for County CumiiiWma.'r. It wut uu imjKiruul position,—toon so tOuu au> other plate uu tuc ticket, It wan of more real practice! Uni-orimc*! tu the cituens of Cblcsgr woo were County CommiMluuers than who wore members o( Cutigr.-«i, He did not douht there was a de,literate intention to carry tho election hy hulloubo* Hiuihiift. not, |icthjf.H, hy tho candidates fur oUKmb, but mill thnr<- watt nn-li mi intention, Thr I-ccplo must organlso to prevent this. The t+ople, not the nwaker, wer# to rlcclJo whether ho hu wanted to serve them in ths llotrd uf County Commissioners, If they desired It, I he would perve tu**m; if inn, he wan couteot. U* clorod ny impressing u]mn cue meeting the Importance of thorough organi/aiilon on election-day to guard again*! fraud. lie tbit the hltth Ward had been somewhat neglected by the Central Commit tee in their nmjwigu airaugeueoi*. He would iw to It personally that it wai better attended to during Uw remaining days of tho canvass. Messrs. burn*, JUdmllTe, and others followed with spirited epoeahee, after wulcn the meeting adjourned. TUB TBNTIt WiUIl. Tlia T«nth Wart! IlapubUoin Club held * toeetln* Uatereningat JuatUe Sallabury’a office, wblcb «aa generally attended h j members of tbe party. Jtuttco Salisbury woa ca Jt* *» tbe cbalr. and iL Conrad elect ed secretary. A icstiuuuioatlou from Gen. Mann, of the Campaign Committee), wait read, in which It iran •oggeatcu that a Captain be appointed for each rotlng precinct, be lo apixilut a Lieutenant and aatislants, the Captain to rciKjrl to tbu lU-puuhcan headquarters at oti'-e. Ou motion, the following gentlemen wen* appointed Committee* to work at tlie acveral precinct irjlJs on tiectlou-day, the Cuairnuu of c*fh to report ut BepuhUctu hcatniuartcn*: Find Precinct—lt. A. Wilaatm, J. A. MKJrath, E. MorriMU, John Kline, ami George Wright; Bocoud I’rcoluct-—J. Hodman, John Brennan, Ai.uer Snlum, J. J. Brown, ami W. \V. Kennedy; Third Product—A, E. Blahop. B. W. Clark, Hr William Bolllt, J. BledKr, and U. C. Dean; Fourth iTeclnel—W, 11. Tbomi«"D, O. 11. O.lrer, T» M. Avery. T. 1L Hurkltt, and J. J. Montague. A motion waa also adopted (hat the Chatman of euch precinct appoint two men who rhould he preacut at the potla and count each badol deposited OU elec tion-day, Tue bleating trsa addrrned by O. W. Knox, who re* gamed Iho election of the ticket aa iudl*i>eD»vilfl to the well-being of Iho county. At the conclud n of eomr further buitticua of an unimportant character, the meeting adjourned. TUB ELETEjrrH WARD. At a meeting of the E.cvcuih Ward Republican Club, held laat evening at No. I*s Went Lake street, Itwaa decided to bold a n»«-mretlng some evening this week, the date and place of meeting to bo hereafter determined. THE 3EFFEKSOXUXS. MEETING OF THE MODEL CONVEN TION. at a. uotst’a sracn. Tbo Jeffcrsoniaue held thou Convention la Uuiau Hitt, comer of Clatk and Monroe streets, yemcidar, and their action lu regard to the county ticket uho.vß very plainly by what ele ment il la coutrol’ed. It was OHtomiihW a con vouitonof Democrats, who wore to enunciate Dctuociutio vloua aud principles, and Tliomaa Iloyuo's speech aud the oclun of the Con vention Bbovr how admirably the doctrine wa» carried out. There were a good many respectable nenllo meu present aa delegatee, but the ward bummer was (bore as well as the wire pullers, and the horde of petty ijglitr who baup on tbo oulskirtu of local polltlce, pick* lug OP heto aud there the bone which lu throws iu their way. Among tha prominent Dcwocrate present were Dmil Ricliter, Juntos Bullivao, Jolm Obadialt Jaeliuoit, Dr. Wickeruliam, Voter Hand, Aid. Ryau, Col. Ctldwiu, J. M. Van Oodel, Tat Mollugb, Theodore F. Goroult, Tom Lonergaa, Melville W. Falter, J. Adams, Mark Bb**rtdao, A. 0. Heslog, F, 11. Winston, Oon. F. T. Bhernna, John MrC-ttfrey, Judga oils. Uoorgo W. Uougutcumn buuutor Elites He boo, Jobsi alolr, John B.lunk, Ju itfu Vau Uuren, St fldr H'llherlanu, Uernird CUuagbm. IU E, Ox>Jdl. Jail is Rrt«mhal, U. Kassulmao, Ultu Dealing, Edward Mildh«, ex-Ald. Uomgomcry, Curries Kcru, Ifms Hcrqlnu, Jacob Lenten, Aul ui Usrg, Col. Aina >ol*, j,.bu line, WlllUm Bmlili, Frank 6*- -bwolufurtb. Fat U'lirloii, Ttiomai llnjiu", Joan G-utiuk, Charles Detmdiy, Jobu Ooml.key, John Uoniv. A, tijtioeulug. er, Justice U-imiulll, Dau bkoliy, Frank Aguuw, and 001, Oamctou. . , , , There wm. a largo element of dlaomcrly characters present, as was uevcioped lu tue' noisy, and at Uaics uuroinouK, stems which cium* I. liuwover, fop s genuine Detnocrailo Convention, It was i|ulto respect* able, and veciuuly a great buvravoiueul ou Itoo mob which uninitiated iho ticket het'lod by A. 0. IXcsln® and which was swallowed whole jeaerday, Tuo Convention WaS taunt to order about lltji oUwk by 'it A,, »!■’ Mr. U. W. Itobtnsuu at i«ruumsut oiulriuan. luo gentleman was unanimously cbuscii. AUUUU.H3 Oi' 310. nouiHtos. In taking tbu rluir, itr. Uol-liaoa thanked the Con t. ullou for tbe unetpe-ied honor conferred upon him. lie w.i* uni able 10 s uu> the o.ijerl of the Convention, lie was. however, familiar wiib the principles tbo Jcf frr-oni m rinl> bad pion.ttlgated to the world, aud be Vu«w that U was a dub watch sought not to promoto tK'i J « loolllcef but..ought to pro, (iiulgste %bul uvlng principles, They bad not assembled to coutithule to tbo defeat of this or tb-t wtu, but with a higher motive in vi-w They bad orgoulred uj>ofl principles vYul 10 tbs iiuiutmunce of Government sud ua tiunal prosperity, aud be believed the principles they vmr*> advocating were essoutisl to tbe perpetuation of the American Government. lOaeors.J Local matters were not merely the scope of lbs Club, but when tbs immiplca unbodied lu (belt platform wereatUsua tbeu tucy propos'd to cornu to tbe front, [Cboara.J ll was Uiieied such sq occasion existed now. [Ue> Hewed cbt-ers.l lie would endeavor as Chairman to iiri>m<uu their action, and asked fur tbe co-open.ll<m of the Ctinwailou l» maintilulng order aud la secuc> lug tbe objects of tbe meeting. lUUeera.J A DB3IOC)UTtO Ofktcil. Ur, Miles KebtM suggoalcd tbat as Thomas lloym was priwcut be should address tbe Convention, and give them au uld'faabiuued UautocfaUC Utk, Ur. Uuyns was loudly called fur, AUbßEid or UU. UOTKB. Ur. lioyueTheu Niej'iKxl lo the trout and made I •ptech full of Uf« WiJ vnjur, wlileb wwnwd tUu (UN ttftua kilo a pitch ui «u»bu»l#»m. U* arid m uut »ovum u (o suppoM that be emuod ivd anylblau llko the DtouOcruUo waUucut rtf lUUcuaimuulty. Xk tru»e*c«eUJu«lyßr»tityUigU>liUi to Bt-e, otter btteeu jo*rn of udvareUy, so uunyfaM toaolber, lb a vary aupeanoco of whom In a room uj tbla ouriboJ tbo uolitlcal a«no»pb#ro, and bum UI erty enjoyable. (CboeraJ Ho aa* a (Uwa omiUb uiwu the luiuro ot our country. la tba ObiUm* had »uud, lb# priodpJee of ttk> Jefferaonlaa OJubal tba oU-time pctuciplea of Uw Domocratlo p*rlj lCUoaw.l They Uvid W tailora aud r«rirt ltu(