OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1872-1963, October 28, 1875, Image 2

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evening. find raHflM Dip Mckot by rq-pnipriata Tceolu*
tbm«, whirl] wer* unnulmoiiFly adopted, The
room when* the meeting was held la a
largo on**, ninJ was Idled wllli the heal
''ill.'.To, while and colored. Iti Urn ward. Mr, Rilnc
rnlidm'icd Hip proceeding*, nud nil present gave their
full attention to thr brief mid encouraging remark*: of
fi-vir.i! r:<‘iitloiTirn, who wero received with appla e
Mr. M) i rrv, In )>.:n teular, talked Rood sense to his t< I*
Jow.i'lTl.oiis. ami nflrr his remarks the meeting (!*■• il*
dt to adjourn until Hdtmlay evening. who;) promlm i.l
speakers will address the voters at the lame pin
Tho nopnbllcan Club of tho Third Ward met I**l
evening In largo numbers at No. 010 fttatc Mrcit. '!r.
1). T. Wahemau prcaiUrd.
Cor»m:s*iooer Uurdkk was tho flrnt apeaher. lie
said that, though not a candidate* for ony o.hi o, he
was, of course, willing to respond to any iinit.itiou to
rome forward and apeak. lie was a County Counnla
sloner, but he could not ray that hi* was proud of the
lonnr. I’craoually, he had never Item ollai kcd, hit
ho evil reputation of tbo Hoard reflected "ti Mm, He
and not resigned, bceauac ho thought that jierbipa if
was better for him to slay and hinder corruption s
much as ho .Quid. He waa aut a pollticl'iu, and ■-> i;
rruliy had very little to any In political mect'n-*^■•. il
ho felt the are sally for every lt**j-.»l i.. .ui
to work at this election. ilu Iml hct-u
eharoed by llio x Central ConmiHleii wllh
looking after tho Third Ward. That ward h.id been
claimed by th« lit slngltea, hut An far rw he could see,
and ho hsd loolnxt luto the matter closely, tho Itepub*
Jieatis had a decided majority. Them Win one thing
suMjiidona which he wirmnl to spoilt about in regard
to ibc action of the Cuuuty Hoard In tiamiug election
jinltya. It was uhusi lu the (.'minty Board to appoint
it upi-clal Commlleoa on Kltcllotx made up from differ*
rut jisrtica, who should nnmo tho iHillltig-nlaecs and
the judge*. Thin your, when the subject calm* before
the Hoard, n niemtirr moved that U be referred to tho
Ounmlltw on I'ublio Service, —all OppoMtlou imu.
That was doue, and the Committee made out
tho bats, aided by several of tho Op|>onlU.ni lenders
who wen* clnactoU with them. Ho n,n not anri>riscd
that tho | eoplc rose up against au la InjurUce, It wan
evident to him that Iho lleniug crowd had determined
to stuff tho ballot-boxes, and the old;' thing for Iho
Hepuhllcaus to do was to watch iho polls from mom*
In? till night,
Kir. Duma avid that Iho people of Chicago were on
theevoof an election which, though of only local tin*
)>«rUncc, atlectcd every taxpayer directly. The
apeaknr referred to Mr. Ilcalug’N utteraurca on the
I’.Utb of last December, when that politician called the
Board or Commissioners thieves and scoundrels, Vit
now he wna cunsurliug with tbeno very men, mid
went on tho ticket with Crawford and Ccnly.
Over his own signature Ueslug now asted for dm of
fice of County Treasurer in ordir to retrieve his fur* ,
tune. In one of hla North 81do speechei Hiring had
said that, whstevor tho oillce inight be worth, win tin r
SI,OOO or iiO.UUO, lie would devote tho proceeds (o llio
I>aymcilt of hla debts. This showed why ho v. antv Iho
oillce. Contrast this with tho sfatmaont of ?lr. X.oulm
lluck. 11c said that ho desired Iho olllce because be
had gone Into this contest for (ho solo purj«*eo of
rotnuviug the coiruptiou that woo now tainting nil
our public oflicw. It w»« not tu i-sary fu enu
tnoraU the other candidates. There wore two
great perils tint bean tho Kcpuhli. »us lu
this election. Ono wan the general apathy, lack
of orgauhtalion. It was nccctnary for them to turn
out en massoand vote «u chcMon day, whether the
weather be good or had. Thu other )<crn was the fact
that there were hfli Opposition judges of elooUon,
while only thirty were Kepnblicnn. The only rvmcdy
for them was to'surruuud the ballot-boiei ua a guard
and secure s fair clccilon.
Mr. Washington, colored, then followed with a short
speech. Ho said that UiL-iga were getting excited, us
might bo seen in tbc bund-wagons parading tbo streets,
and the large audiences at mootings. He sold that it
was proposed by the Upi>o.*illoiiJstn to have many re
peaters on election day, but tbo Iteptiblicans must look
out for them.
Artcr a few further remarks by several gentlemen,
the meeting adjourned.
A meeting of tho Fourteenth Ward Republicans was
held last evening at No. 497 West Chicago avenue,
William Williams In tbe chair.
Benjamin W. Goodhue wo* tbo first sneaker. Ho
ruld that Mr. Hoeing was a candidate on Ibc Oppo
sition ticket Opposition to what? Thin was a diUW
cult question to answer, but, if they were to Judge
from appearance*, opposition to truth, liberty, aud
everything that wa* decent and respectable. Tho
speaker wa* opposed to any candidate bringing for
ward bis nationality and claiming tho vuloa of those
Norn in tbe same country with himself.
Charles Shiloh, of the Fifteenth Ward, spoke briefly
of tbs dictatorial and tyrannical character of Mr. Hos
ing, which made him always remember an action up
posed to bis Interest. Tbo speaker muntlouod tbo
case of a Gorman who onen went to hir. Hosing aud
asked for tbe Utter’s Indorsement of but Dehtionfor
an office, the Indorsement being thought snllldent to
obtain the place.
“Diet yon not,” Inquired Mr. 11., “ oppose me In a
convention a year ago 7 ”
The petitioner repled that he had.
“ Well," said Ur*lL, “ you cannot have my signa
ture to your paper.”
Ex-Aid. UlO followed Mr. Shiloh. Do first rebuked
some noisy individuals In the further end of ttie ball
who were evidently trying to disturb tbe meeting. Tho
lonfmdon at once subsided, and the speaker cuntln
Louis 0. Hnok and Gen. Rodman were expected to
be present and address tbo meeting, but st to o’clock
they bad not appeared, aud, after an announcement
lhat there would be another meeting to-night In Benz's
dial), corner of Lake and Robey streets, an adjourn
ment was made,
The Republican Chib will meet this evening at 8
o’clock at Hoorn 0 Central Building, comer Wabash av
enue and Twenty-second street.
A Kecley meeting was bold last evening in
Burlington Hall. There waa a very largo and
noisy crowd in attendance.
Tbe meeting was called to order by Hr. John
W. Geary, and Hr. W. J. Clingou was elected
Chairman, Mr. William Mariga being appointed
Tbo Chairman introduced Mr. Koelcy, who
was greeted with loud applause, lie proceeded
toepeak at some lougtli upon tbo Opposition
party, giving a history of its formation, begin
aing with the Liberty League. It hod existed,
lie said, for eighteen months before liesing
joined it. Tbo speaker was frequently cheered.
Following him came Gen. I. N, Utiles, Mr.
HcEllicott, and Capt Cornell. While the latter
vos speaking, an attempt was made to break up
the meeting by a gang of Uosineitcs, who forced
their way Into the ball. A groat deal of confu
sion was created, and it was luuud impossible to
maintain order. Tbo mooting therefore ad*
tub eirrn ward.
A meeting of Michael Keoley’s friends was held last
night at 3-J8 Archer avenue, Mr. Michael Healey lu tho
chair. Tho attendance vsa small, hut speeches weru
iaado hy several geutlmeu, Ur. O'Leary waa the first
speaker, and, In a brief discounts, praised Mr. Kceley»
and. Inrcgird toMr. Hwing, said that this full ho
would bo hurled by tho irishmen face downward, and
boll would nut resurrect him.
Col. Van Arman next -i-oku at uorae length, alluding
to tho patch«d-up Convention which nominated
ilcslag, and gave for the reason of Mr. Winston’* mio.
jKixl, that Winston wanted to Ijo Congressman next
year, and having an ax to grind thought tn a sim o
Hoeing bad about lo.wo German votes in hli hrecchek
jackets which he would disproof to tno first iictsoiA
who did him a good turn, there wa» a good chance to
get an early start. Ho wondered at the course taken
by Mr. tthcridou, who had always proteued to be »
good Democrat.
Mr. David Dunne asked to U> all awed to speak as he
chose, and permission being umm-d hu made a f uW
Illumed remarks favoring tiering.
Gen. Htltcs cams forward uud addressed the meeting
In a forcible manner, hi* words being meivi ,i v ,.,y
heartily by those present. In (lie mine <>f hln re
marks ho admired tho Independent oof Kr ol« %■, uu.t
ulso tho freedom uf sjtoech indulged In by Mr, liunne
but announced himself averse to any "lom" «( Ul ,y
bind, and especially in pudllc*. He had never u
anything lu " Hum " Jieslng'n «\| retted opnh-ns
complimentary or beneficial to tho Irishmen, but .ju \
the reveise, He also simko of tho favors leeched ami
boasted ol by Mr. Hosing frum the HepiiUleau iurly,
and added that hu must Indued bo a traitor to desert
those who had treated him so wall. Gen, bllles died tbo
occurrences m thu City uf Now York ns examples uf
what would l*> seen In Chicago if (he Oppositionists
ruled, and mdulgtd lu tho prtusM of Miehaul Kiclny
to the •p. ruUtiuu of the audience, who wore tuo*tly
Irishmen and KedeyllM.
Mr, Keoluy took tno hour, and. In defending blmuclf
from tho ali-ik of u prodoiis ui-euker, said that ho hud
been a business man hero for many years, hud never
Intentionally defrauded any man of a dollar, and had
never done an Injustice to a ftUow-dtlacu. Ho hud
performed his duties lu tha oPlcm of trust ho had pre
viously held llho a servant of tho people and not tike
a bully, and his i«at actions could well lie
takio as u i'liaruuteo fur the future. Ho
alluded to tho corruption existing to the shape of
•* rings '• ta tbe Clty-lisll, in tho Hoard of Publlo
Moris, among the County ComtulMioiien, and Hi ail
uej«rtmeuu of Uoveruiiient, lu conclusion he ap
pealed to tbo iM-oplu, Irn-spectlve of color, creed, or
nationality, lu bcusif of their county, tlielr own wel*
xore, fur their ihildreti and property, to support him
at the election l| they thought turn an honest and hou*
nranlo tnon.
.. )\ . lil “I'plauee, three cheers, cries of ** We trill." end
Itrlnk* fur the crowd,' 1 thu meeting nl'mirnttl till
Indsv night <t Hesly • Hall, corner of Archer atenue
aud Mary street.
Au anti-riug mootini; of ihu tupporUra of tho
Koetoy ticket rosideut iu the .Suillt Ward was
held leal eveuittg ut ho. l»5L> West Hatrinou
kircct, aud was very uumeruusly ftlteuacd, ’me im .-t-
Ing was presided over by James Lradlcy, aud trlham
J raiicr was appolutwl hecrutory.
J. J. I’tl/gibhoa spelts Ant, Insisting that ll.tlug
was uuttuasUid by a cunveuUuu that was pocked lu Lia
imcrett, aud that tbo conventual of Ihu Jchs
of ihu ssuiu character, as a majority of the CummltUo
of Muo who were appointed to select dtkgales did bu
iu th" interest of tho “ lloss." He colUtmled tlw.t no
true Democrat could support the uuuuucu of tho Opi»-
b.tlou L'vUvenUuii, uud slated the reasons why, 110
expatiated at conaldcrabls length uu thu m-riU of
neo-. y, Uu pe.-ullar fitness fur thu oillcc, and huhtad
fur Prauk Agucw, Harney CuillQeid, *' thu late lmpm<-
i.tlou from Peoria," lillly Ouahau, and Ihe rvinuinlug
huichwdi of llcnlug, in u way that was queer.
U ileatug was ckclvd hu would Iktow the Uppoelliuu,
emhraeo Reoubllran principle* one** nor*', and at-
Uumd tn hoist (Miaricv Furwidl into the KxcciHi'*"
chair of Illinois. The speaker attended .a meeMtu: In
the laghNcnth Ward Ti.eadav evening, nl wl-.1.n .Mini
Me■t’atrrrv of the County King, nud Aid. Murphy of
!!,,• f.mnrd mug, attended, to .-rents disorder. 11.1.
\* Ik n Mr. Keel. y hud i j <>Krn, the v» ry mm v.ho cam"
fi'r Mint i nri oii l anpian i.-t him. an I won! I votn for
him neat Tin *d vy. 'I he friends of Her lug were ah nit
tiic cl; v c.r.'iiUti ji(:!>■* 1.1. ,i 11. it a refusal to miji port
H. Im: w.;oa r. fi.nii to i.-n j.i.rt the Hcm...r:i. , ie f.ir'y.
1: 11 L Him wi« mu HO. Dr. J».ivh. and Tom lloyne. two of
lie ino- 1 prominent IMuueral** In llir. Itv, reficed to
and do they no; represent tbo Uonin
i r,me party ? The eomif.v an 1 iWn-ll 1 1 •*»*•*, tli«* l.it*
ter composed of MlMntli, ?Tcftt*ntli, O’Hrlen, and
others, support llcslng only 1i mdntaiu the ringu, of
wli.i h they were tbs nuln support.
Thorion Clancy craved (ho meeting'* ntten*
lion for ii mi'iupnt to express Ids views,
those of a worktigoun. Ho spoke from no ikt
i.c.cl motive, hut his IntiTirt was that of
every workliu;niin. After twcnty-foitr years’ tc»l*
d. nr.' in Ciiicago. (Hiring all of which period 1m iu
bond aestdiiously for the lateresls of that party, he
npphed to Us representatives for aid in pro*
mrlng nu oflke. Hid bis application
was rati wllh llio rwponse, “CUuey, you
tlun'i belong to the run, - ,” end he had to lake s bn> k
Ki-a!, Us Illustrated the moral to h * drawn from hli
treatment by d» billing mi amusing anecdote, whlMi
was received with i't‘plam'o. Jl wan time for the pix*.
phi to turn to and s-lect officers from Urn best nittcrJal,
and, having dune so, cUrt them.
Mr. Frar.ler, Iho Secretary, ruceeid-’d (Thu y. nud
others followed until adjournment. Keeley wan «\*
pneted, hut failed to put In mi ajipearntu--u at
THE TK.vrit
Anif«l!ug of the Tenth War.! Independent Club
was held last evening at No. I*7 Writ M.idi.-ou cirert.
The Chairman, Mr. P. 15. OTf.vre, said Hie meeting
"h id been called to comudiT the * I-iim* of tho dlfi’crenl
candidates fur County Treasurer. There were three
candidates lu the Held, two well known gcntlemsn and
ahoy. Mr. Keetey wasnn iiiih'peudent candidate, an
Irinfamau, and a iviro-r.if. Mr. Hcslug. another can*
didate, was n n tj 'i.'.Kic ia’piilillcun, who, having tuiuk
mpted hlnueir lo*i>h* the Republican party, hud loft It
to rrpleni*h l.lw p>'- kci.s tu tho otllre of County
'l'n-aMircr. Mr. 11 1 .' k wau a tmro luy, but from whol
ho loot learned was a very good one. Keotirrltig
again I* Mr. H.ving, he said ho wan the bigor*
b.- r goil. tin’tu-eati r, xud nil that was disreputable
mid Put. T.'ic speaker then pictured the vSrlucs of
Mr, Kei !oy, who was tho enomy of everything that
was i ori'iipt, and closed by a compurlson of Kcoley
with HeMiig, allowing that tho littir had been an
i ncniy to the Irish people dntiug his life, and that he
b ><l above all others traduced the Irish character, aud
wus unworthy of n single Irish vote.
Mr. Collins followed in s brief address, Jn which
lie «avo Mr. 1 teeing a severe castigation, and urged
tile hearers to Him support of Mr. Keeley. who was no
honest nun. ono who livl to lung beat looked np to
rm a representative Irishman, ami who as County
Troaimrir would lm a cmilt to bin (>oonle, and an
earnest enemy of everything savoring of rings ami
Mr. Collins was Interrupted dining bis remarks by
the arrival of u large dcUvtatln;'., who entered tbc
room Kith three clu-en for Keeley, Col Cleary, and
Michael Mutiny.
As noon as quiet had been revtored a Mr. Dixon
came forward. And sang a rvinpatgu song for the «>ll
-of the audience, which by this time filled the
large room to overflowing,
Michael MeOiUro was next called for. and van re
ceived witb great applause. Ho said liming was n po
litical cut-throat, au l any Irishman who HttpiH>rte,l
him would sell his liirlhrlght and Hourly, The sjiezkcr
then sallied into John I', Fiucrty, saying that although
hehad the thirty-two counties of Ip.land Rt lita buck,
he hod not enough votes to make him Clerk of the Su
perior Court. [Applause.]
Mr. Ooggln followed in n calm review of tho polit
ical situation, and a comparison of tho merits of Kre-
Icy and llesiug. Hexing bad always fought the Irish,
had put his foot doivu against their holding oibco, but
now be asked them to supixjrt him,—M help him to
position whereby bo could pay bis individual dnlti.
lie had treated the Germans very little better than tie
bid tbo Irish, and hla ccudart labor bad been to unite
all other Interests to depress those he was now asking
favor of. [Applause.] Tbo speaker tiicu reform! to
some of tuu Iriffi who wero supporting Hosing,
characterizing Harney Q. Caulfield oa a “shallow
paled Individual with tho brain of a peacock and
tho votes of an ass." [Applause.) He was a disgrace
to the Irish rue, and his poeiUlnn lu mpjxjrting
ilcalug merited for him the contempt of every honest
citizen. Caulfield was contributing to Ueslng's cam
paign fund, aim every employe of (lie dty and county
was doing the same thing from for-’o rather than
choice. Every vote cast for Heslug by au Irishman
would Iw a contribution toward excluding Irishmen
from ollico in the county in tho future. When he was
Sheriff ho damned the Irish, and denied them
position, and an Treasurer ho would pur
huo the same }>olicy. [Applause.] If
he was defeated at the pulls he would go Into bank
ruptcy in ton days, and tho question was, tihould bo be
allowed to take his natural course, or rhouht befall
back upon tbo County Treasury from which lo pay bis
dubla ? [Applause.] The speaker closed by paying a
glowing tribute to the honesty and integrity «>f Mr.
Kecley, which wan received with frequent and deafen
ing applause.
Messr.i. Forhui, Fltzgibbons, North, ami Wilder
followed In sh«rt addresses, which were well received.
Tbs Ulee Club then volunteered tit appropriate
sung, alter which the meeting adjourned with three
rousing cheers.
The supporter) of Keeley lo the Eleventh Ward held
a meeting last night at Aurora Hall, No. 119 Milwaukee
avenue. Mr. C. W. Woodman railed the meeting to
order, and, on motion, was elected permanent Chair
Messrs. Thomas North and u. A. Wilder poured hot
ehot Into tbo Opposition ranks,
Mr. Woodman dixscctod tbo Ilenlng ring in an nllo
manner, and to tbo great satisfaction of the audience.
Mr, Mlcluelson mads an address Jo the ticandlnavi
an language.
Mr, lleckington made a good speech. Ho said lies
iug refused to dtxfiare himself ti Democrat until ha
found that Keeley was in thu fluid. Then ho hastened
pell mcll Into tbo Democratic camp in order lo bead
od Keeley. But H would not work. A man could hot
ride more than one horse at a time with safety.
Mr, M.irlm called on the bcuudluanans to volo for
Mr. Kcdoy. and vindicate tho principles of freedom
which they inherited from their ancestors. »lr, Will
iam iJradlsh, au old citizen of tho Eleventh Ward,
made a ringing speech. Mr. Btantun also spoke.
Tbo meeting was largely Scaualnarluu, aud wan
characterized, ss all tbe Keeley meetings seem to be,
by good mini bon, genuine enthusiasm, and a deter
mination to have a fair election at all hazards.
The Twelfth Ward liideiwudent Koeloy Club held a
meeting at tho comer of Lafllu and ICmuau streets hat
evening for the purpose of giving expression to tha
Individual sentiments of thoee present In opp>otltion to
the election of ilcstng,
I*. 11. McLogan culled the meeting to order by noru*
luatlug John McCusker Chairman, himself essaying
the rule of Secretary. On taking tho chair he called
tbe attention of those present to the numberless do*
flck-nclrs apparent to Iledntr's record, denounced him
as a miscreant with frightful emphasis, and challenged
any decent man to support hire. Having disposed of
A, 0., ho proceeded to dissect the remainder of tbs
ticket. He should support John P. Flnurty, whom be
bad known for many years as an honorable man. Ills
father, his mother, his brother, and sisters were
stretching their llly-whlto arms across tho briny At*
lautlo appealing to John for succor fur the
green 1»K ,No man could put bis Anger on
uue bi<j( on tbo record of tbe Hon. John
F. Flawy; ho was ouo of tho lirlghtest stars that evrr
glittered about tho orbit of Jupiter. He hero gave the
candidate for Ouit-rlor Court Clerkship u rest, and
reached for Col, P.Cleary, Thu Colonel was not u speak*
Ing man. as all knew, but o good man, Ho too was an
honorable man, one whose hairs had grown gray In the
fro/cii sir of Hus section. He would receive the support
uf Ihn s]>caker. Ho touched Bllverspnrre with tbe wand
of praise, and enlarged upon the virnus of Mlbo Mnl
loy, who, though a gallant yuuuc i»au ,iml a working,
man, was la bad company. Of Mr. Kceleyhu opoko
in tbe moat eulogistic turimi. Hu was a star, a inn*
nor, u leading man. The speaker bad Dover met him
hut a dozen titme, yet Ida countt uunco Indbal.d Uni
high degm- of mtt‘,sl l‘y eonipatlhlo wlih'tho possession
of a public trust, Mr. McCusker became a historian
of Kioluj'h bull, yet lualntalucd hu was no bolter, but
if ho dlil It wuh only what tituucwall Jackbuu’a brigade
would have donu under similar clrcumbtiiur.es. ilc
I' ll hick on tbe reserve* and would guldo them to vic
tory licit Tuesday. Itcturnlug to tho prime object
of his discount, ho again cauterized A, C. Ho-lug, in.
rinding hi* sou also lu the operation, and then retired
pr'iin,.dy perspiring and exhausted.
r-'l ♦ fjlii-a by J, JJ. Hpalford, J. H. Murphy, and
oUit ri-, eoudmled tho evening’s entertainment.
The Kit ley meu of tbo Twelfth Ward convened In
lumber.) la.ii night at nil Indiana street. Mr. J.
J. K- nntdy, President Of thu ludejxjndent Club, called
thu muting to order.
Mr. T. U.)ttu was tho Hist speaker. Ho nude a first
rat'- Kitky «p ( n li, ami wjm ucncruUHly applauded.
Mr. .1. J, j it/giiihuna was culled fir. Ho believed
Ibo their duly uaxt Monday as man,
»»y vlhpu-s aud Hugo. Who ttupiwrted
«»L *r \S.rt bey iUo rm i-chunis, thu maniiia.-iur
er**, tin. I.OIM men uf the «>icy v No, but the uilli-o*
Uu ’ ,orru l' l *«« who want
mlrchaulL ui,' i i‘, U , Thu hornet chisaes, tlio
standing, well known l» nil. Howm once Tmimm r.
sr“r“ K. “ u »“ «“"■« to
nor Hack. He .led to silver i|J mSt
sUshtng aalldlistiig, * $ !* g£
JialgU. JiO 1.1UU0.1 iUK.tbu H,,. lU i( i. ltly ,j k .T,t ami
Ln..u.l nil Uu ..Uil /o.m-U taibl
air. A. Hstten bad a .jm-sil.-n to n-k B <i a worklmr
man. Were they guilty Co auml dill and c^.
righh) tramped under foot, t>y tiiu mo.it curnu.t tlmr
that over existed lu this country, NuvrV.uk not'Went
td. 1“ No, no l"J Heavy Uses weio erm-umg turv
poor untn, und they would grow heavier and more
LTiirhiog under the Utslug ring.
Mr. Jteckington end other* followed, tad the meet
ing broko up with general good fectiug.
I ha mciotum of the Duuiocratlo Cook County
Central Cuuiuiutue did nut uviucu much interest
iu ihu:r‘cau-.o night. Ily 8 o’clock only niuo
.of ilium had assembled at tho tihenuau Ilomsu
to nueu-l thu aiootiug for oigauizatiou, aud half
of those wanted to got through with tho haul-
iu live mihutcr, iu order to. atioud Opputii'
linn nftihorint;!*. Tonivornry organization was
erTrctod with Milo? Knlmo Chairman nud A. Van
Jlutcn Hroiotary. An inlurtiml talk About »Uou
ni£ lUo ItapublicAtiM judgrtt mid clerk* of elec
tl f m endu'd, but a motion to adjourn
botn«» put mid carried, then* wan no
r.'lu.ti taken. .hint an tbo ntotnlwn
were ruMitng out of the room three other gentlemen
I in in an appearance end evpr. s-ed no little dlaap*
li’inlnutil over tho hmiy adjournment. To pacify
Ili'Tii the motion to adjourn wns reconsidered. and
tho «.<mo oiUcoia ekclul. At ltd* Uiuo there were
urcaent; Mdcs HelmA. Van DnrJii, J. L. Marsh, It.
If. Forrester, 11. M. Kenan, P.U lUiterty, 11. T. Weeks,
n.m Itihlnan, Ann* Vo»s, .Tamos Dooley, H. B. flood*
til. and t*. f t.i:n !: nil.
Mr. Mi.r?h < ;lt;vl the following rcrolutiou saloon
aa hu-ln. hi « ealh d for t
/•,,,)■ ,j, r;ui the !). mocratle Coatni Committee of
O.m): i-.irdy am hi favor of the np)Kilntnient of one
Kepnl n 'in Ve am! one clerk of rlcethiii la each
jT'< h . , -ati luctory to the llepubllcan Central Cam*
Mr. Vie* had no doubt that every ono present would
(■•t[ pi-r* :h" bat m nrdrr that II might have
j roi“ r cne.-t action rhould he deferred until a full
■in etlmr.
:tr. Van Burcn thonfllt Iho re«olntlno should bo put
for pas.uige or rejection at onee. If a full meeting disap
proved r f It. they could piaulfesl their disapproval by
u vota of reconsideration.
Mr. Marsh said a gn at deal of excitement bad been
gotten up over Iho mm-apnoinlmcut of Republican
indues, nud the sooner they headed It olf in this way
tilo better.
Mr. Rafferty pointed ont that tbo Couuty Board met
today. U would, therefore, bo unwise to defer tho
matter, aud ho advocated the passage of tho rum*
The Chairman, as the question of n quorum was
raised, said no rules had yet been adopted, nud tho
resolution could legitimately ho passed by ou unani
mous vote.
Mr. (Model!, while personally In favor of the resolu
tion, thought It was but Just to let tho remainder of
them have i; voice lu tho matter. Il would bo rather
ba-ty t* toko netton now.
Sir. Van Burcn behaved In acting courteously to*
wards the other membera of the Committee, but tho
no os&lty of tho csiu rciimred Immedlaio action. As
Democrats (hey waub-l to Im fMr and Jtift toward
tho enemy, and, in order to meet tho complaints, tt
was fair and Just to pax* tho resolution.
After further discussion, tho resolution tru put and
carried unr.minouMy.
The meeting then adjourned to 4 o'clock this after
His asHosemeut made* upon tho county and
citv employed a fotv days ago Id tbo Interest of
tbo Opposition party was felt ac tbo Sheriffs
cfllco yesterday. Oostavoa Kora, ono of Agnow'a
deputies, threw tbo tirobrami among bio fellows
by demanding of each ?I. r > for (ho support of Mr.
ilcsing at tbo polls, aud for luring toama for
tho conveyance of repealers, etc. To Republicans tho
demand was mode in tho shops of a “subscription,’ 1
but with tho straight-out* idi formality was dropped,
and the demand was undo direct in tbe interest of tho
party. Many of tho employe* “kicked,” but their
kicking was in vals, for they bad been given to under
stand that they must contribute or be dismissed from
tbo service. The net of contributing must have been
peculiarly distasteful to such men as Bradley and
Hutchinson, who bate Hosing, but they bad the choice
«>f submitting or doing wnr<to, Tbo exact amount
MiM'd by the assessment could not fcu ascertained, but
it Is not known that any ono positively refused to con
tribute what was demanded.
That obnoxious laxly, (be lirsing Volitleal Assess
mfut Committee or Press-Gang, went so far as to
give each of tbe poor city employ** to understand
that they must pay Hi per cent of a month's salary or
htivo Ikeir hr;KW nil uIT, One of the virtuous Com
mittee went farther by saying that “ Every of
them should pay,” and at his suggestion lists of those
who |ukt and tuoeo who did not wero to bo returned to
tho Committee by the beads of the various city do
partmenis. In tbe Board of Public Works offices,
tbits far, $ MO hare been paid In to the bookkeeper,who
was required t<> tl-wlvo the money, dome of the sums
paid are trilling, but they were drawn from tm willing
It is quite probable that those who refuse to pay will
be discharged, except In ca»es where tbeir services are
Indlspcnsaido. There will likely i* trouble with eomu
of the brads of departm? n(a and their clerks, for eonm
of tbo o|’| ositlon leaders are Insisting upon tbeir {ray
ing the sumo as the others. I’orhap* nothing will bo
dcuo about the business until after the election, and
then, U Holug Is,defeated, there will bo tbe dauco to
pay around tin* Clty-tshcll. Home of the clerks cannot
understand why they should be made to pay an asse**-
ment for a county officer's election, and say the men
In tbo County Building would nut mv a cent 1/ tho
election Vi'cru for city officers only. But onu thing Is
certain, and that is, unless they pay they will bu
A fow days ago a aaloou-kcopcr named Keller
advertised that be desired to bet a sum of money
that Hosing would bo elected, and offered odds
of stol, or SI,OOO to S2OO, on that event. Ah
hood m tbo notice met tbo eye of Mr. John
Huffman bo colled od Mr. Keller, aud desired to
have bim make good bis proposition at once;
but Mr Kollor was not so ready to bet ns bo was
to advertise; he bad beard from some of tbo
wards, aud bo probably didn't believe anything
like wbat he professed to in print. So bo
avoided tbe invitation of Mr. Hoffman, and in
formed him that bo bad bet all bis available
money and didn't propose to bock hla opinion any
further. Fobowlcg is Mr. Hoffman's loiter on (be
Chicago, Ocl.Jfil.—l have noticed ynur advertisement
in to-day’* TtttunNE offering to bet SJ.UOO to f.“ 00 that
Mr, Htslng would bo elected County Treasurer. lam
ready to accept yonr proposition, and will put up a
certified chock If you will do tbo same, In tie bands of
n responsible stakeholder. Tours, respectfully,
John Horraurr,
Noe. ISO and ISA West Washington street.
Finding Unit Mr. Keller's faith In lieatng wna bn*
(pushing, Mr. Hofftnan tried him with an offer to hot
Idm even, but It was no urej ba had seen tbo signs and
rmildn't bo induced (o throw away any money on He*,
lug and defeat,
Mr. Hoffman now desires to know If there Is any
body valiant crn"g>, In tho Hosing cause to take Mr.
Keller's niace awn mnue his offer. If such a nun can
be found ho will ba chierfully accommodated by call*
lug on Mr. Hop man ui the nddrets given.
It would Is i Uiiu plan if some one of llcaimr'a
Ai:»CH»incul Committee would come forward and put up
some of the lU-guttcu gains of that baud of rubbers,
I'rom tbe general tone lately manifested on the sub.
Ject by tho Orpoeltiou leaden, it Is doaliful whether
any bote can be had. The day after ho was nominated
."Mr Ucslng said In public that be was sure
to be elected by l.volo majorlly. Ills followers
have been slowly letting thoee figures down, until
Titeedny night a prominent County Commissioner,
strong m the Heslng fulth, said that he was not very
confident of tho city, but thought the outside towns
would make matters all right.
Very little of note could bo seen or heard at the dlf.
forent headquarters yesterday, the fever of work hav
ing struck all tno politicians and driven them out into
the field.
At the Republican Headquarters at 0 o’clock In tbe
morning the various Ward Committees conferred to.
gether as to the beat method of conducting tbo cam.
paigtu The action of the Jeffersonians Tuesday
seemed to lufuio even greater enthusiasm in the mem*
tiers, and tbe assertion was very generally made
that Hosing, having swallowed tbe Democntlo
pill without sugar-coating, and the so-called Ueooud
Convention having swallowed him In tho same way,
tbo tux-payers stood a good chance of getting an hon
est administration during tbo next two years, and
killing off thoroughly the ring uud bummer clan. The
Executive Committee held a private buslines session
at II o’clock, at which nothing was discussed of lu>
tercel to the public.
It was reported as an encouraging sign that the
young meu arc getting urouted and are organizing Suto
companies lu each precinct to defend tho (.oil*. The
name of every illegal voter will ho taken down, and tho
criminal prosecuted to conviction, if possible.
In the afternoon there were fewer present than nan
at, the common programme being to come in, talk a
moment, and dash out again to post placards or pledge
Tbe uicstlng ol (he OpixMltiuu Campaign Commit
tee lu tbo morning was well attended, and tbo reports
from thu wards encouraging. Alter that gatnsrlng
broke up. Hexing uud uue i«rty started for tits county
towns to the couth, and another party went north and
northwest. The headquarter* were deserted by all
but a few bummers fur the rest of the day.
To* meeting of stone-cutters aud other reeclunks
Tuutduy i-mumr, and their intense dwmadaU-iu of
Hoeing and lliringisni, two titled that cunning gentle*
man'# soul wnh all sorts ol discomfort, ami he in
wardly look* ou ttio stouo-ciittiug interest ss au un
pleasant thorn Jd the lledi. It now ap]<ears that be la
muting an eflotl to lirlug back the support of tbo
atono-cullm, ant by mean# which uro only suitable to
an unprincipled oilhv-seeker. HU scheme u one of
terrorism, uud lathis: ilutiiia collected the cards of
all the stoue-cullcrs in the city, uud Usa sunt to each
linn asking them to scud him their cards, with the
words “fur" or ♦*against“ Hesing written ou the
bach. On the face of it, it might appear that Hu-dug
Vi'un tuer Jy i-auvasdmt to hud his uueuglh. Hut uu
dernaalh U tlio fact, which thrusts itself to view, that
ilcaing has the Court-House la visit, sod Wishes the
stone-cutters to think that tf Hesing gets the County
'Treasury he will s. e that the stout-work for tbs (Jourt-
HouM is let to liming muti. If a stuue-cultcr refusui
to send his card to IP-siug or wrd<« uu U “ugslual
Ht-alug," then. In ram; ihu lioss is elected, firm
Imvo no duuico of doing uuy work uu that nubile
‘t his piaots merely a threat outhupsrt of llcalug,
amt many elouo-cutiors, for fear of {ajcuulary losses
1 hive written “for lifting " ou their card, nut they
hove uol Ihu least idea of voting fur him, aud they
can't control their eta]>loyes. This is rather a low
trick for thu Loud of a party to t« guilty of, aud he
may l u able to get a few votes. Nulaistrer need fes»
Ids power, however. If soy ituu sustains any loss ht
esuMt Lu votes os ho pleases, he esu uisie licolmr mi
d'tarly for lu
'ibu Uw ou this point Is very clear, hec, to. Clause
♦ » leads as lullows:
Mhuever endeavors to procure tho vote of any
uUn U'r, or thu lohucuceof any iwraaii,ur the mdatueo
oi aoy prison over au elector at au eiscUuo, for him-
Mtlf, or for or against any person, by muaus of a prom-
Us of a favor, or by moans of violimca or threats of
violence, or threats of withdrawing custom or dealing
In buslnm or trade, or wilVn inif the t’Jrtnrnl of a
rti'M, <>r In iiiging n suit or tn;mi>.vl p; '"pcutmt. or
any other throat or Inhry to l-o unlirte.l l.j him or Mb
in. -in*. .hail, on conviction Mu-roof, )>•< lined In a sum
not Mi-edhig sl,tvo,or imprl-immi-nl in Ihe tkmnty
•I'll n.n oTi-voillnn ono year. or both, hi llio dltcretion
of tur I'olirl,
MR. ur.r.M-.y
erenis to keep up his cancans with an much vigors*
cTpp. and his hope* grow brighter eret r 'lav, h» nay*.
Hu heaihpiutcra were yesterday *-j.>-.ill*! »1H» ywiplo
of much m<wo rrsp.vtablp Appec.raute than i*ui I l ®
rmi at the OnpcßlMon room*. Thn oari.lMalo him
#rtf to rrry conud-nt that he lust the head of a great
l>o|mlr.rii, rlHiiu Mich a* linn nut u*eu aita for lean,
amt Anticipate* being elected.
A Tntnf.M: reporter cdled upon Mr. Thomas Tlorne
ypatent y lo linnvlen- Mm relative to the action of
tlio Demo ratio Couavntioa. That gentleman, how
ever, podilveJy rifnsod lo attirees an optnton (hereon,
utul (K.-UncJ also to Bay anything whkb mHlfc be con
strued Into an opinion. But there was n lo.* of pad
men on .Mr. Hoynp'a manly face which speM-of dis
gust and dlt.riK'lotmtut more eloquently tti«n a
throe-column speed) could have done.
To the f-jt/or of 'lhe ChUapa j’nbunt
Cuicauo, Oct. 25.—1 t is ft well-known fact that
tho apathy of tho Republicans In going to tho
polls Hob lost many tin election. Tbs great ,J|f.
rloulty Is. a great many business men anil dorks
live at a distance of 3 to 5 miles from (heir
places of business, tml thoir noon boar is not
salftcient Urns in which to rots. Now, if tUo
merchants of Chicago would give half a holiday
on election day to tbnso who wish to voto, I
think it would increase the Republican rolo be
yond a possibility of defeat. T. G.
TiEsroxsmiUTT or nmcNsiur.
To the Kditor o/ 'I he Chtcaao Tribune.
Chicago, Oct. 27.—The processes by which n
positive good becomes a positive evil are not nl*
ways easily traced or readily defined, but tho
good or evil of a free form of government turns
so ceilniuly on tho observance or neglect of ibo
responsibilities of citizenship as connected with
the elective franchise that wo have no difficulty
in determining where neglect of duty on tho
part of the citizen has. in many instances (and
notably in this city), robbed us of the good re**
suits of our elective system, and fast*
enod on us its worst features, almost
in a permanent form.
llcloAßed from tyranny in Home eliape, in a
greeter or lusts degree, our citizens of toroigu
birtu eagerly grasp the ballot when they reach
onr ehorcts, and manliest a zeal in its use not
always tempered with a duo regard fnr rcsutU. In
proportion bn these are zealous the native-born citizen
Ignores the ballot. seldom uses it. end thousands
never go to the polls imlees urged to do bo by friendly
pohcltauon or hr Noma overwhelming revolution USo
nnr lute War. We arc not finding nay fault with par
ties who do vote, tic they native or foreign. Ills a*
privilege and duty allko Incumbent on all. nod If
neglect on the part cf any placen tho polls and results
of election* lu the hands of men who nee them un
wisely, the man who refuses to vote is Just as rwpou
nlble for these results as are those who veto a< curly
ami often,” and, whether for evil or good considera
tions, always find time to run the elections.
Jus tree form of Government, HUe this, where »>verv
man Is an integral part of the Government, am! has u
voice and vote to forming tho laws under which hj
lives, and selecting the officers to administer them, it
to but a slight remora from a criminal act to ignore
the ballot, ns ao many do. and turn it oror lu tho
rabble, who rob as of all Its good features and giro us
its worst only.
Had the business men of this dty—(he men who
have made It tbs pride of tho continent, who rained It
from Its uhos la a year after the greatoit fire ever
known In history—had these men given a portion of
their fondness qualities to the pnmarles and the elec
tions, dow any ono doubt but that oineial Integrity
Instead of corruptiou and dishonesty, would have laon
the clutracter of our city and county servants, and the
light—almost for existence—now Imminent would not
have been ii necessity. It la useless for these 4 ‘ good
citizen* ” to declare that )>oiitlcs and elections are so
corrupt that good men cannot take a part tn their
management. If corruption and chicanery character*
lio these, it to because of the absence of the bettor
forced which there grumblers could have brougb* to
beor, bad they attended both caucus and election,
railing to do this, they are full partners with tho rab
ble complained of. and here, aa everywhere, wo find
tho bperatfon of the tow of penalty : those who have
most neglected duty are the heaviest sufferers. If tho
business men of the city are penitent enough for form
er neglect to do penance at the polls Tuesday, a portion
of their " lost estate ’’ may bo recovered, foy the defeat
of the Ux-esten. Will they do it 7 West Bidz.
Zb the Editor of Th* C[hteaoo Tribunr;
Cmo.iuo, Oct. 37.—Several HUtomesU have been
published In tho Chicago newspapers regarding the
Jeffersonians, their selling out, etc. Mow permit mo
to say, lam |>enonally acquainted with over oue-half
the members of the Jeffersonian Club, and they arc
mortified and ashamed of the action of many of their
leaders in the way they conducted themselves on Tues
day In convention. A* 0. Healng had his friends
placed all through the crowd, aud they, with a few
Jeffs, kept up a shout. Then camo Doolittle, Winston,
and others, and they, with Moran, sold us out. Had
they taken Mr. Uoyno’s advice and that of ths bettor
class, the Jeffersonians would hsvo had a power.
Then • to stolid the Chairman proclaimed ths vote of
A. 0, Uooiug unanimous. True, he did, but Ik was u
Up. Them were districts represented who voted no.
Mow, a word to ths Jeffersonians : Do not cast your
vote for A. C. Healng; you will rue the day. A. 0.
Hewing wants your vote only. Did A O. lieslng ad
dross the Jeffersonian meeting as Jofferaontous ? Mo,
sir; ho treated you like slaves, aud only referred to you
once. Don’t vote for Htslug—he to a designing, clan
gerous nun. Jsrr.
Zb Ike Editor of Th* Chicipjo Tnbune.
Chicago, Oct. 37.—1 t U well known to yon that I re.
signed my commission—ton years Lieutenant—la the
regular army of Sweden la April, Ibfll. I raised a bat
tery—Compony 11, First Illinois Artillery—mostly at
my own expense, which was hoard from (sea Sher
man's Memoirs). I spent ono year—lnvoluntarily of
course—in a rebel prison, and escaped by the way of
Cape Fear River. On my arrival la New York Z fur
nished the New York Times a map of the approaches
from Fori Fisher up to Wilmington. I spent money
and time In tho u Tanner " campaign. 1 have tramped
the city and county for ten years as an underpaid sur
veyor and civil engineer. I have never held » Gov
ernment office. 1 have suffered and lost by tiro twice.
My debts are only small amounts, but my family large.
Can you have a good reason fur inserting slander, as
far as 1 am concerned, for campaign purposes 7
The only objection I have to Mr. Wolcott la a fifth
term of office. Be kind enough to use me lightly but
kindly editorially and elsewhere. Mr. liens retracts
the charge he made In this morning's inue.
Axel StLvessrjumx.
[Ur. Benz says in bis certificate that he has received
the money duo him from Ur. Olivers pane, sad will
employ him in future if be wants any surveying done.]
Hit. kaxweix'i) position inquired for.
Zb |A« Editor of The Chieiqo Tribune :
Cmcauo, Oct. 2T.—The course of some of the Imme
diate friends of Ur. Farwell lu supporting Ur. Hating
causes some Inquiry as to bis own position. When
Mr. Farwell was last elected to Congress, be was sup
ported by the Republican party and defended from the
attacks of Ur. Hosing by the entire Republican press.
Tho Republican party has an unexceptionable ticket In
the field. Its nomination was made unani
mous. The entire Republican press la supporting
that ticket as warmly as It did Ur.
Farwell and his ticket. That ticket is abused as se
verely by lining os Mr, Farwcll’s ticket was. Senator
Logan has defined Ids position, and why should not
our Congressman? Perhaps ho will jut do so. Bat
will he nut dsUy action so long that his Immediate
frLudJ will bo so fur committed that they cannot, on
(heirown view of consistency, retrace their steps?
There are many who would not do as they arc doing if
they supposed that they were running counter to tbs
wilt of Mr. Farwell, lie may think that tu opposing
Mr. Uusing he may ho charged with personal ani
mosity. Rut be can explain this point by stating that
be is a Republican, and u working for lbs Republican
ticket sud nut against any Individuals. He con take
lor his mutt?, “ Principles and nut men," and call
upon his friends to help him sustain a glorious causs
which Usslug Is trying to rentier Ignominious.
Nunfit Stoß.
r> Iht Miller q/’ Tka CMtafa iribana :
Citiosuo, Oct, 2fl.—The Jeffersonian Club ami the
Democratic party hare been sold out. For tills, Presi
dent Uoyne, of the Jeffersonian Club, la uot wholly
responsible, but tbo Committee which be appointed'
and which packed the CoutobUoq hold to-day, la. That
Committee met at the office of J, R, Doolittle,
Jr., and hedwith F, U. Winston and A, D. Waldron,
were its controlling aplrita. a Do those three men rep*
resent the Democratio party 7 1 think not. They
don't represent me, and I think Ifcty wIU And at thu
polls that no convention (lacked by them or other* can
rcpriDeitt independent Democrats. 1 shall not Ignore
llio Democratio party because It has no ticket m the
bold, but 1 shall voU> for the Republican ticket except
Mealy, lecatiao It is Inttutudy preferable to the Doollt*
tle-WlusU* bummer ticket as far as honesty and the
capacity of its candidates for lha perform an co of
olhciai duties are concerned. Juiix M. Davis,
An Independent Democrat.
To tha MUtor q/ Tkt Ckltuee rribuni r
Cmoioo, Oct, 37.—TUupieee tu the Sloats-Zaitumj
of Oct. 31, lu regard to tho reepcctabllily of civil
o Ulcers, lu which the above paper aaya that It U be
lieved that Mr. MedlU knew about thu defatoations of
David A. Qege, but passed it over to the interest* of
thu party, etlU recommending blni, etc. Now, the
question we would aek Mr. Hoeing la : Bupposlog the
above ueeurtlon to bo true, which we doubt. If be did
uot do the same for candidates of hie party by
recommending John and William Masting for public
favura, knowing the manner which they manipulated
the Home Insurance Company in liquidation, by which
thu Insured lost some tiuJuou by William Marling*a on-
Boviirid vtuck, which could nut be collected, and tho
claim sold Interne milrldarfor * mm non* through
Ibt cooultmic* of thceo In (horlun? fIUU, Mr. H*dog
consider* thorn an tomcat and upright men and worthy
of public oinro. Bil l no doubt will muUnim to do bo «■
long aalhoy continue In tb« Mint boot. Wo *ivntt an
answer. Burvtiny.
TUB omciAtj ttErmtss.
CoLtmfitm, 0.. Oet. 97.—Tho ofHclid role of
Ohio nt llio October election, as returned lo tlio
Secretory of State, shows the following results,
tho lioptiblican candidates all being elected:
Utyea* majority B,S4tt
LlenlenantOoreruor—Yonnir W7.WI
Cary 2H7,WJt
Yoniiß'a majority it,M3
Treasurer of Stale— MiliUin 3M.A77
BcLrainaf 2v.‘,714
MUlii'ui'a majority...,
Auditor of State—" iillntns,
Williams’majority. ..
Lllito’s majority 4,371
Judge Huprcnio Court—Moflvnine 2:16,914
Anhburu 232,328
MolKnluo’s majority 4,616
Member Board of Public Works—Thatrher 2W.901
OTlagan 2i'-'.ort7
Thatcher* majority.
Tho Prohibition vola on Governor wns 2,r ; 91;
tho highest. Prohibition vote was on Lieutenant*
Governor, 3,1530.
Special m.ipnlch to The Chicano Tribune
Des Moines, la., Oct. 20.—Tho following is a
list of rncmbora-olfcct to tbo Sixteenth General
1. Lee—Heury W. Itotherl*.
2. Vaa Burcu—Jauls B. Pease*.
.1. Davis— lhraho A. H’otm.
4. Appanoose—Joshua Miller.
ft. Monroe tad Wayne—Usury L. Daahloll.
0. Lucas uud Ciarlje—B. B. Bestow.
7. Decatur, eto.— Prod Toule.
8. Montgomery, etc.—Alfred Ilobanl.
!». I’o tnwattuiiiio and Mill*—George F. Wright,
10, Dee Molii' B—,T. Wilson WilUame.
11. Henry—lolm S. WooNoul,
111. Jctforsoa—Mofoi A. McCold*.
Jo, Wu|>cllo—loscph 11. Merrill'.
14. Keokuk—HohEa M. Ni;wt<vn.
Ift. Washington and Louisa— U iKmm T Tilton,
10. Dallas imd Ett:uUuoD—llknbv Tuoonbobu*.
17. C;ih«, etc.—LafoycUo Tootig*.
13. Ma)mal:u—T. 11, Gilmore*.
VJ. Marlon—Tolin L. McCormack'.
2j. Warren—William Graham.
21, Muscatlup— (Jxtbcrt If, HVorf*.
22, Heott —Jeremiah 11. ilurvhp*,
23, CUulon—.ValAamrt A, HerreJ.
21. Cedar—Henry A. Carr,
2ft. Johnson—lizcklul Olark.
2'l. lows—John S. W. Rumple*.
27. Jasper—Frank T. Campbell*.
23. Polk—Tiiojias Mitchell*.
2'J, Hardin and Humlltou—Kllaa Jcaanp*.
SO. Jackson— VfiUutm A. J/cGpmt*.
ill. Jones—Osoikib W. Lovell.'
02. Linn—Stephen L. Dows.
S 3, Ucntou—John SUauc.
ill. Mnrnball and Grundy—L. Delos Arnold.
Oft. Dubuque—Dcudlh N, Cooley.*
OH, Delaware—Lewis O. Hcricy.
37, Buchanan—M. W, Uurmon.
33, Poweshiek and Tama—lon* Conaway.*
30. Clayton— Jn!m T, Sloiitmun,
40. Fayette—William Larrubee. n
41, Allamakee—Ati/nur.' //. A'mnf.*
41 Wiuneehli-k—Georga U, WJtlott,*
43. .Mltolicll, ole,—Arad Ultclicock.
41. Black Hawk—Edward 0. .Miller.*
46. Story sad Boone—W. U. Gallup.
46. Cerro Gordo—LcrnuU Dwells.
47. Pato Alto, Webster, etc.—lildin J, Haruhorn,
43. Dmner, etc.—(llrom Bailey.*
49. Gutbrln, etc.—Samuel D. nlchols.
ftO. Woodbury, etc.—Ucorgn D. Perkins.*
Rnpubllcaus (lu romau)
Opposition (lu iUUc)
Bepubllcan roajorily....
(•) To fill vacancy,
<*) Holdover.
'XTie six wboso names are in small capitals
were elected on Anti-Monopoly tickets two years
ago, but have thin year acted with the Republic
ans, which will increase the Republican major
ity to 32. *
house or representatives.
1. Loe—W, 0. Hobbs, John Gibbons, J. N. Irwin,
3. Dee Moines—John U. dear, David Lynch,
It. Henry—William Alton, Jacob Kauffman.
4. Jefferson—W. JU 8. Blniona.
5. Vuu Huron—YAomaa CAmfp.
h. Wnpollo—i>. Jacob, W. Dlxou, Q. A, Sladton,
7. Davis— L, D. ilotihJcm.
8. Monroo—A, SL Ofiner.
10. Lucas— l). M. Barker.
11, Wayne—E. Olcmlexmleg.
13. Decatur—B, P. McNeiU.
23. Clarke—Jacob Prondfoot,
14. Ringgold and Union—Samuel McZldery,
15. Taylor—John Madden*
IC. I’ago—K. B, Hoag.
17. Fremont—William M. Brooks.
18. Mills—John Y. Stone.
ID. Pottawattamie— Daniel Hunt,
30. Montgomery and Adams—O, A. Morey.
31. Audubon, Shelby, Adair, and Cara i M. K. Camp
22, Madison—J. J. Smith.
33. Warren—Samuel Irwin.
21. Marlon— U. T. Clark, J. 0. Elliott,
30. Mahaska—W. B. Beevers, UarUn Tice,
3rt. Keokuk—B. A Cleveland, 8. A. Earned.
37. Washington—O. T. AuJd, WlUtom Said.
28. Louisa—R. E, Denton.
33. Muscatine—C. 0. Horton, E. A. J. Gray.
30. Scott— Ernst MuelUr, Evame MiraharJ, J. A,
31. Clinton—A. H. Thayer, Henry Uortsman. John A,
32. Cedar—Alex. Moffett, B. O. Scott.
33. Johnson—Kuab Clark, O, W. McCone.
31. lowa—John L. Williams.
3’>. Poweelitok—Charles T. Graver.
DC. Jasper—Ueorge U. Wilson, J. W. DewaMk
37. Polk—Joelah Given, W. 0. Madden.
JH, Dallas—T. C. Norris.
53. Guthrie—O. J. Main.
40. Harrison—A. if. Dolton,
41. Monona, Crawford, Ida, and Cherokee—George
43. Oroone, Carroll, Calhoun, and Sac—o. H. Man
43, Webster— Samuel flute*
11. Boone—Levi Colvin.
45. Story—Milton Evans.
4H. Hardin—John Hall.
47. Marshall-W. D. Mill*,
48. Oruudy—Jamaa Underwood.
43. Tama—Gamaliel Jagua,
BU, Black Hawk—U. 0. Hemenway, IT. P, Homer,
51. Denton—John McCartny, R. S. Johnson.
03. DucUanan—John Calvin.
M. Una—W. 0. Jordan, William Ure.
54. Junes—W. T. Shaw, Uaorga W. Latbrop,
56. Jackson—A*. IK. EUteart, IK. if. JieeJ,
BC, Dubuque—J. K, Graves, 2'. IK, Johnelone, TAropA
bus Crautfonl,
67. Delaware Joseph Chapman.
58. Claylou— Charles ilenUtl, Thomas D, Whits*
53. Payette— Puller.
00. Allamakee— h. Union.
01. Wiuneahlok—Warren Daaforib, M.N. Johnson.
03. Dromer—Louis Cose,
S 3. Chickasaw—John Mellugb.
04. Howard—Henry T. Itemf.
OV, Mitchell—lease P. Brush.
08. Floyd—J. D, SUepardson.
07, Butler—John palmer.
68. Franklin and Oerro Gordo—L. D, Lane.
09. Wurth, Winnebago, and Hancock—H. H. Duih.
70. Humboldt, Hamilton, aud Wright—John U Morse.
Tl. Pocahontas, Buena Vista, Palo Alto, aud Emmet—
O. 6. Roblmiou.
73. Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, and O’Brien—John F.
73. Woodfourjr, Plymouth, Sioux, and Lyon—Samuel
Itopubllcaas ™
Democrats. .****3o
Republican majority 40
Republican majority on Joint ballot
Of the flfty antt-iuouops lu tbo House it tho
l4**t HCBBion, scarce tmlf-a-dozeu have oovr boon
Denver, Col., Oct, 27.—Additional rotarnß
from the late election ehow heavy gains by the
Ropublieaue. who will havo at Uaat two-tblrda of
tho ConaUlutlonai Convention.
tfoteial Uieoateh ta Tht CAacaee Tribm*.
OmiKosu, Wu».. Oct. 87.—Tho Republican Con
vention for the First Assembly District has uom*
inatod 11. 13. Jackson, a prominent lawyer. In
the Second District the Democrats have nominated
Oeorga Doulelaon. Norwegian.
Seteial UUpalth U> TtnC% lesqw Ttibtma.
HxbwxvKSß, Wis.. Oct. 37.—The Bapublicena ol
the Town* of Milwaukee, Oranvllle, and Wanwatoea.
constituting the Tenth District** to-day nominated
Fred A. Kauthe for the Aaecmbly, and renominated
Vo.ey, the Incumbent, for bchool Bupertotondont,
They will on doubt be elected.
Lemuel Ellsworth was unanimously nominated for
the Assembly by tho Heyenth Ward Republicans to
Spatial VUpatah Is TA* Chit ass TtUntna.
DuirrsLo, N. Y., Oct. 37.—A Republican mus-mset
lug la being held to-night et Bt.Jamoe’ Hail. The
■peakera are the Moo. Rnecoe Ouok ling, the Mon. Ly
man K. Dam, and Bheroian 8. Rogers, esq., Btate Bon
ator—to be. The ball la Jammed.
Pmisoan, OX 37.—A very large Re publican —-
meeting, held at Sharon thla sveiurg, was addretssd
by Oov. Uartranft, tha Hmi. W. W. Ketch um, end the
lion, L, DmXord, of Ohlp. The Riveting wag the
largest and one of the niotleolhunlaedo ever held In
that town. A spirited iii'-ntlmi wan olsn licit) at :.‘«w
Castle, which w.in niMrcs-rd hy es-Henalor John
Boittand Capt. Anne, n| tbla city.
iiAt.riMoßK mi euicrtov.
fl.ti/mmiu', Mil,, Oct. a;,—F. (•. Lai robe, Demo
crat, wna to-dav elei-ted Mayor of tbla clly by v,7;JI ma
CaMlita M, Olay in to Utaalaalppi for the Coa
lemtlr* ticket.
If Fam Cary dowm’l cnwl out from tinder the debris
pretty boob, It will he in order to dig for the remain*.
■~fh>niioietd ReiittbUeatK
William Sprague, of Bhoda Inland, !a Is farnr of In
flation. Tbla In natural for Wllllx-t a# a tleUor, but
his creditor* would bo Inclined to differ with him on
thin point.—OncinnjU U izttU.
.237, TU3
Jiklr« Perthlng, of rsnnsylvania I Copies of that
beautiful hymn. " Lot the dead and the beautiful rial,'
ran bo obtained of the widow or oilier surviving roll
lives of llio Into William Allan. Wo mention tbla
thinking you might ba at lota for an appropriate selec
tion lo be iiidj at your funeral oo the drat Tuesday In
November,—Ware/wrrt hift.
Of the canvass In that Slate, fh« New York Tmen
eava: “Wo ara assured that the State Committee L.ia
■u its jwearailoa Inforraalloa which leuvca no doubt
whatever as to Iba success of the Ibjpnbttcan blate
ticket. A very thorough canvass of the btato Lna been
made, nod it la found that everywhere wo have made
enormous sains during the bud fortnight, and thru the,
mockery of Democratic “reform” la Ucomiugmore
and morn ohtlom to the people."
Oov, Tildou ban publiahod another picture of him
»clf In his favortto altitude of *• Ucrculw.” It may be
very prollv, bid Mr. Ttidco belters himself grossly in
regird to bla logs, and altogether cx|mw) moro of Ida
beautiful figure than la slibdly necM&uy for earn
palffn puppo**, Mr. Tildou draws tnary fancy pnr»
trait aof this kind; we may soon expect him to appear
before the pub.lc In Abyssinian uill-drena costumo,
which la said to consist of a pat of butter on the top of
tha heed.—.»ia York Twit*.
. 3,963
,2V 2,271
. 3.930
The 81, Louis has experienced &
change of heart, nad tualead of going for Jlr. Chan
dler. as It did the day after Ida appointment. r..-»v* :
'* The Demo.rallo papers are a»ii&uig £»ch Chandler
eo fearfully that we bogln to think ho mud l>e Just the
man for the place. Wo were not aevloasly In favor of
Ida appointment, *» onr readers know, but when we
opposed It we were unt aware that tha Cincinnati L'n
(jwivr uudthe Now York IPorM would undotbotwo
wing* of the Democracy la bitter denunciation nf
The Delaware tltato Journal lilts at Ibo root of the
matter In tbe following :
“ Uncertainty ms to the future Is Ibo disuse wbl U u
paralyzing tho huHitetis of tho country, clngeing tbe
machinery In oiir fmlotlu and holding (hoummts of
laboring meu In enforced idleacs.3, liusmere r.u*u cm
lOAke iholr calculations if only they have a piven con
dition o| tbo nntloual finance* to look forward to with
certainly. Tbe present stagnation may ba In part, at
Moat, attributable to tbe apprehension of coiiaiaiit in*
tormuddllug by Cougrcan with tbe currency and the
Blecnco of any fvcllug of necurlly lu tbo future,”
i « °.V^ **3e Satn Tlhltm's aea’n will ratlefr the
inflation Democracy. shaking for Ibont In W.-siem
1 cnueylranla, tho Tilnevillo Conrii r sayr>: *• Tho deop
®uu unforgiving fr cnltncnl against (he Tammnuv
Demoonta for their perfidious conduct toward our
Ohio brethren In (belt hour of trial lo universal with
lu« Democracy of tblo fltale, audit ins norvod Ui-m
rUo V L V*°r oVI Keystone Done
crats will take ntxdep backward. Every day them Is
camion fresh evldeuco that tho i«uilo rlll.dod.ic
against contraction. With tin bright prospect* bo
fnro uo, wo call mum every man to consecrate himself
to tbo good work from this time on to Ibo election."
As totbe ctfojt of tbo school-qur-rlLm ou the vote
®* OJdo, Toft, in bis Philadelphia tpce.b.
R f bo< >H»Pstlon warmed up men who mluht
othiirviflo not hsTu felt nutllrtcnt luteroat to vo‘c, and
n caused some bi-rd-mouey Democrats to vote tho li«i
pubucan ticket who would otherwise have kopo wlUi
Uidr party notwithstanding tho currency issue. Il:it
there can bo no doubt for ovory luflatlonli t who voted
tue Ilepubllcan ticket on account of tho udiocil-qnea
t on, » hundred bard-money men voted for Alien and
Cary no their allegiance to tbclr party, and nn the'r
confidence la Thurman, Ilanaoy, Wttrd. and other
Jeiucra who adviKd and urged them."
Tho Ïf Dill Allen In the l'omisytr.iala ranrusß
bitvo (Uocorored by tbo Plillr.ddnhl* Vu'.khn.
Which uyt; 1
Woare very much gr\ttlflcd to learn tb vl William
Alien, CKivomur of Ohio, end Uefoatod candidate for
re-election, has been Invited to tnko tho slump for tho
Democrotlo party in ronuaylvauU, uud that be will
rise up’and toot bis foghorn lu (hat behalf.dan
early day In nttsburg. When afflictions come, tbo
moot cfllclcnt comforter la the man who boa been
through tho tlnry furnace, who bos endured tribula
tions, and who baa that largo comp.-iaslon wbluli ia
hern of such csperlouce. Mr. Allen will thus bo very
useful to Judge Pershing on or about tboOddoyof
Senator Anthony, in bis paper, the Providence Jour
no/, earn of tbo now Secretary of tbo Interior s *• Mr.
Übandler la a bualnua man. Uo bu o great
fortune by tcgUlmatomercantile operations. lights
dlstlnguiabtxl blmncif by tba advocacy of a round
currency, and baa long been one of tho most reiialdu
and trusted leaders of tbe Republican purty. Hv ia a
man of great thorougbuevi uud industry, for which
bo will find abundant opportunity In his now position,
luidbolsnoteudllylmposodnpon. No mun In public
life ban been more nhamefully lied about, personally.
P«iUtlcally, and In orcry way In which dlwppolntcd up
plloints, eoiirtU politicians, and repulsed blai k-m&llors
cxblbU their venom; and nobody cares leas about It,**
Well-founded business uonfltlenco consulates of It
self sn Inestimably valunbla kind of currency. Where
Ibis vsluu la from uny cause materially Impaired, there
is no such thing posslblu ss a sufficiency of motiny for
tho business of tlio coimtry ; for money alono will ir.t
answer tbo needed purpose. And one of tbo essential
requisite,-) of this confidence la that tbo figures lu ac
count-books obould bare some definite mcuulng. Tho
question what Is Indicated by tho word “dollar”
needs a more saUafactory anawer than that of tho in
llatlonlsl, <• A dollar Is a dollar." One of tho meet Im
portant qualifications cf a good bookkueprr la. aa
ovurybodv knows, that bo should write a legible hand,
but no scratch that pretandod to be writing at all
could bo morn Indistinct and confusing thin tho
schemes of tho inflationists would render lhacuirloa
of thu best penman that ever exorlcd hla skill over thu
pages of a ledger.—.Ww Fort Timet.
Judge Taft, of Ohio, in hit speech at Philadelphia
Saturday night, said of the canvaaa In Ohio; “ 1
bavo heard It has been rcproccnted by toms lufluUon
iats, who aro hoping to reirlovo their furtuiiM In
remisylvanU, that thu Ohio election did not decide the
financial question. But no Issues were over mom
thoroughly canvassed, or more closely passed upon,
thim this. It was unquestionably the leading issue.
Ills not necessary to deny that tbo school question
hud Its Influence, und helped to produce the result.
. . . Evi-uuu tbo Cn'holio and school question,
there Is no reason to doubt ten Catholics voted with
the Democratic party on account of the Ocghsn law,
without any regard to the currency question, where
one Inflationist voted the Republican Uckot on thu
same Issue. If anything was ever settled by bo elec
tion, It Is most clear the paiwr-money i*sus was settled
on tho 12th of October, so far as It could be done by
tbo people of Ohio,"
The HU Louis fitpublUmi thinks the agitation of
the money question was only begun in Ohio. It says:
“Tho money question—which is more a question of
debt than ono of mouoy—will have to be fought over
again ; indeed, it will hare to be fought continuously,
till sumo ending of U shall be reached. The next
field of contest fa Congress, and tbe next opening of
tho strife is nearly at hand. Tbe mouoy problem will
bo tho overshadowing question lief oro tbu Forty-fourth
Congress, from tbe first to the lost day of tbe ap
proaching suasion. . . it will turn on the act of the
Jato session of Congress providing for the resumption
of specie-payment in 1879. . , If the struggle thus
begun should become ahw. . ■' as there Is
aomu reaeoutospprcheud.it wuum uua indecisively
la Congress, and have to bo again fought over in tbe
Presidential election, producing such a national agita
tion as Ohio has Just parsed through.
Tbo country has the greatest reason to be thankful
that Secretary Bristow la not so fond of blowing hi*
own trumpet as Xltdan Is. Mr, Urlatow has been fur
tbo past several uiuntbu engaged In rootlog out tbo
moat cxtcoalve and furmldanlo system of frauds which
ever fastened upon the public revenue. In faro of
tbo strong opposition be lias bunted down the crooked
whisky rings, has aueccufully )iru*oiutrd uumcroua
cu&cd, and lus now at Uat conipwllud (he most promi
nent otlemlen In Ht. Louis and Cincinnati to make
pleas of guilty and surrender unconditionally. This
work ha has not merely laid out. but baa actually car
ried through: and yet bow quietly has he done It all.
Hu has nut advertised htmaalf or blown his trumvot
before him. All that the pitbllo has known of ills
work has been by deeds, and not by words. But, sup
posing ho had been the sort of *• reformer " TUden »,
mixing his reform with one jiert of deeds to nine parts
of wind; Just think what an Intolerable volume of
bunxum the country would bare to digest,—.Vprfnp
jts.'d (Moss.) Utivn.
Secretary Chandler Is butter known In Detroit than
any where oUe, and this it what the Detroit I'ree l*rc»s,
the standard Democratic authority la Michigan, says
of hisnp|>olnlm»ott
*• lu ibis Stats, where Mr. Chandler Is best known,
and to which be is Indebted fur hla political fortune*!,
hU appointment will be looked upon oa in ionic re
spects s good one. fie is universally recognised os a
man of extraordinary energy, and Ids personal hon
esty bos never been questioned. It la to hla credit
that In a Congresilonil service of eighteen ytuni,
much of ittaatlmu when corruption was ramiunt,
there waa never tbs allgblcst auspidnu that his hand*
were stained with ill-gotten gains. Whatever uee ho
may hare made of bis position—however be may have
controlled Federal appointments to strengthen him In
his place, cr however unscrupulous, as Chairman of the
Republican National Executive Committee, he may
have been hi the use of anything or everything to «m
success fur his party— he has always remained, as a
Heustor and a mao, unpnrchued and unpurchasable.
As Becvolary of tbe Interior he wIU, If his past record
furnishes any ipurautoo fur the future, be thoroughly
honest himavlf, and iualal upon honesty on thu ]«rt of
his subordinates. Nor is his honesty *d the simple
minded sort which takes everything is true. His is
jwt a simple and confiding nature. On the contrary,
ha Is a man of kcon eoniproheualoo, ohrswd and ea-
6 sclous. No department under his charge could be
ouoy-coubed with fraud without his knowing U."
I.omdok, Oct. 27. —titearuaUip California, from
New* York, aud Valeria ml, from Philadelphia,
have arrived out.
Faatueu Point, Oel. 27.—dteamablp Quebec,
from Liverpool, baa arrived.
New Yobk, Oct. 27.—Arrived—titeama hip
Wielaod, from Hamburg.
QoauoTovnf, Oct. 27.~8Uamar City of Neiv
York, from flow Yofk».haa armed.
hadwat's remedies.
r. zr,:
111 fiwD One lo Twenty Minnies,
After reading this Advertisement need anvim
Mifi’er with [v.iu-
Radway’s Ready Relief
It vras (he Dr.l and is tUo
Only Pain Remedy
avdsMS *isr ' !»«
In from One to Twenty Minutes,
lihrnn)vio, h RM-ri(M”n,
nI C J?. or printed with dhUHni/'mtfrr) u, ‘ S ‘*
Radway’s Ready Relief
iDflammfttlqn of tho Kidneys, InflamraaUn.
o! tho JUlfidaor, luflommation of the Sow
Ola, Mumpa, CotiffCJUou of the
liUnKs. Boro Throat, UiflJoult
Breathing, Palpitation
of tho Heart,
_ Hyatofico,
Croup, diphtheria, Cc
.n Innuensta. nuarlncho.
Poothacho, Nonralsln. Bhoumatiao,
Cold drills, Ague Chills.
llio application of the Beady RcJiof to the „
Sudcmi'rort. 1 10 IMU ° or <iltfiuulty oalili wfll
•1 wenty dn m In half* torahler of water will. i a t i..
minutes, earn •,’ramps, flour SfomaoV n..-
bum. Sick Heirtaebp. Diarrhea, I
ia ilia Bowel*. and all Internal palm. J uuoHc.mnj
t ■na r e» ; >rt i .hr, ! J.J«l,-, v , carry B bnttlo of RAD WAV’*
111-.ADY RI.LIt.t with thorn. A fnw drnjn in water will
prJYODt sloiniw or .>aln« from cluneo of wat •* tl
bettor iban French Brandy or Dittoes aa a itlwulaaL “
Fever and Apiio cnnvl for fifty rents. ThmUM..
««‘«J«» neut In Uio world that will caro f O T- r
and all other matvln>i>, bill .ir, sparrst/ImboM
and nthor (e*m (ald.-d by lu'lray'a iMIS) aanffiL A
PadnavV fleadv llolf-f, billy cunt* per Lott ~ 1 “ M
boldlyDrupgUt*. * ‘
fitrona and traro rich Word s Incrravj of flwb md wjL-Mi
clear iktn tod beautiful complexion ascutod toaU.
Has msJ? tbo most aatnnUhln* our-s. S 5 qulek. m
rapid are tho chances tbn body unjorsodt
under tho influent o( this truly woo*
darlul medicine, that
Every Cay an Incivasc in Flesh nfll VTelgbt h
fcjoiTi and Tell.
Every drop of the SampArllliao Ilcaolvjnt oommaaU
eatca tun ugh (bo blujtl, twcat, urine, a:id oibir Soldi
oud juice* •>} ilia system, taj rigor of lifo.for It re Min
Ihj wattßS u( tbo body unU now nnd »oiunl naieniL
c'cn iJla, o.'Siiiniiitlijn, glandular dhe**e,ulaui
in tuo tDfita:, moult), tumor*, uuth-a in the (Uadaowt
n'/ior pail* «>t the ayatcm, aoru eye*, itmmorqu* ilia
cliaritea ir »m tlio oars, and the worst (onus of ikiadit
catc*, omutiiiu, favor aurc, icald hood, riagwutin, uh
rheum, crjilpuki, ache, black»pj|», worm* fulbeUnb,
turnon-, caacors In tho w.nnh, and all w*akaaloi aid
ratuml dhclmgos, night Inm ol ipsrmiuJtU
wastes of tnu life principle, aie wlttiln the eorallv* rear*
of this wonder of modern oliemlslry, and a towdiyi’ oh
will nrovo lu any cnrina using It .for elthar dlicus lu
indent power to care toem. *
If tho patient, dally becoming reduced bythsvraitM
and decomposition that ii continually pmarowlar,
ceedalu arresting time wastsi, and repair* tb* wo*
w.tll now materia) mode frrni healthy blovd.-aad this lbs
Haianp jrillUn will and does aecnre,—a corstseerUlai
fur when once this remedy comm -ueoi its work of purin
ration, and * iccrcd* In dlmlal'Mng the lew ct wnlr*.
iti repair* will be rapid, sml crory day tlio nallcal wju
fool bhneulf growing bettor and strongs-, the towel
getting better, appollto improving. sad Jlrab and *Meal
Not ouly does the Himpsrllllao Resolvent eieet IQ
knownromadUl ayrnte In taocure of Climnle. Scrofalm.
C’onilKutlonal, and hlin dheatc*. but it is tha only pod
tiro curs for
Kidney and Bladder Complaints,
Urinary and Womb DHaass*. Graval, Distal*', Drape,
stoppage of water, Incontinence of urine. Uri|.it *'*{»
ease, oibumlnuriv, anti in all cams whorMberusio bnet
dmtdopoHltH, or tho water Is thiol:, cloudy, roit-w w|Jk
•übatanoo* luo Uio white of an cfj. or thioal* lu* *#-t<
silk, or thoru laainorbM. dark, Lillou* app.-mcor, *•»
white Ixmu-diut deposits, and when there I’* pilckain&
burning sontatloa wbor pai-lng ua'.jr, and pain Wausau
of the tack and along tho lolaa.
Tumor «f Twelve Years* llrowlh Cured hi
UtJuayS ICcaolveut.
UavxnLT, Mm*.. JuU 1*&
Dn. RadviT: I hare uad ovailaa lumur lu (hei oauM
and bowed*. All the dootonaald “ Ihere V f
It." I tried e»er»tbln« that w*» r:coiiujeod:d. hutu--*
Ing helped me. 1 eew your KowlyoaU and thcJiall
would tty it! hut liadnn lalth lu It. keMU»JIUd»aJ
foied for twelve rear*. I twit fix buyloa of }'•
amiouo box of )(a<T>vat a Pills and t««i botlls* jl
ihmly Relief, and tboro 1* not a sign of tumor W l* ie_a
or foil, end I leal hotter, atnarter, and happier to*oi
have fur twelve rearr. The worU tumor wa» in the w»
alda of tin lioweia, over the sroln. I wHt« t hU
the benefit uf others. You can KNAPP.
Price, 91 per bottle.
Srora a proxnlnsat gantlcnua aodiesldantot J(M ,
(ucuteput lorTyyoais well Kuo«a to uj aaJ'P**"
publishers utroogUoat too UnlUd otau..
Nrw t'onx. Oci. U.
Bn. lUnwiT -DeanHin: lain indiiaadbf •
duly to ilis autferiji* to make a briflf. »i»i am9 ? l
MOikhiK of »>.nr m.tic;aeoii mr»aK. ‘ of I 1*?, i,i r4B J
had been afivoud with Bumu trouble iqlbJ
urinary or«*u» which acme twelve month* ef • , e *ins
in a moat terribly Aili-otingd.ajaso, tihicuilu t'“* f
all aald iraaa prostalio alrwturo la Uw uro.na.a* a •• (|
fiaiomaiiun of (ha kidneya and hliddsr. eud s* ,
thalr oplnioa that my *(*-19 d prsvsw aj
eversettlag radically cured. I had tx)«a *
phyalctau*. sad tud taken a lame ouanUhr j» *?,
pothollkipatbloaud homeotathioi bet ged k®Lfa h» too/
I Did reaiTof utooliUtDC curo.Uavltur beca mad* OJ/®"
rsniedlca, audeome four month* read shV.i 'b**a
PblUdelpbiaftatHnftitf AVniof fto*<of aenf• "jy
effected on a penoa who Dad mug b*ea
been. I wen* right off and fft *naie of JJJjJ.Tfu,- puls-,
parllla, Ib'inlvaal, Ready tlellsf, and Rw>l iro8 *
and coromaoced Whin* tbs u. In Ibis# dW* l •“« re * r
fy lelleved, and now feel g. walUa «*cioelanatL 0.
Regulating RH S
BowoU. PtU*. »Dd *U |JorM«imto'iu,iUß V«X
cer». Wk/r»Dlc3 toeUect* 0 r d«l«*' w ‘* 1
©Ublo. couUlnU* no m«oui/. mJo«r»u. or
d r3-Ob»«rTe the folio vrtna .ynpiom* w<* lUaf
I'Uordera «l th*Dl*o*li™Ufa«n»i b H J»dla £
feu. rtSgJ'SJuiS’Iji'pK 1 ji'pK
In A. H»j. JWIogMI •! |^‘ffi':‘‘ui.l.
iSdd.aVtltioyi' B.u, .',£>• «*S
bo*. Hold bj drnifUU. w
Head “ False nnd True, g
■UibtMßl |«B.

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