Newspaper Page Text
4 TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. fUTEi rr »ri*AfKiPTro* (tatam-k t* autafckV Pnitner I’rrpnlil nl till* OHlrc. IV.rt'' "t j-irM «nme rate. Milli’il mrn wi.riii f.<r 1.0(1 Hunrlnj l.lliiiriry no t KHliclous douliln »Un-t 0.0(1 Tri-Wf-Ulj, 1 year 1|..-,0 l’nr:» n( jr-ar at *»m* rate, wrriat BonioM. postpaid. Oneeepr, par rear 81..10 tilul>»t tlrr. per «v,py |,;to Olnli nf twrnl/. per onpr 1.1,1 The poatape I* I ft emti a year, which wo will prepay. Specimen coplia aent free. To prevent delay and mUlokcn, It bum and tfve r<»t-Offlce addreea In full, Including Slatoand County. RcmltUureamay be made cither by draft, rspmir, rn*t»OfDce order, or in rcplalcrcd Idler*, at our risk. TFUMB TO CITt Btrtt'ClUnfT.*. Ditty, dclirrml. Sunday rxrrptM, •2 ft cptil* per nrV. Daily, doUvorecl, Sunday included. ftO rent* i**r week. Addrcßß TIIK TIIIDUNE CO.MI’ANV, Corner Madl*on and Dearborn-att,. Chicago, HI. AMUSEMENTS. HOOI.EVf? THEATRE—Randolph itreet, between Clark and laSallo, Lugngcmeut of tho California Minstrel*. McVirREIT* THEATRE—Madieon alrctt, between Doarlwrn and State. “ The Boa of 100,’ 1 ADELPHI THEATRE—Dearborn street, corner Momor. Variety performance. WOOD’S MUSEUM—Monroe etrecl, between Dear* born mid Stale. Afternoon, " Tho Widow Hunt.’ Evening, “ Tho iloninuco of Elfln Tower,* 1 MoCORMIUK HADE—North Clark ctrcoU corner of Flnrlo. Kntertklnmeut by I’rof. Pepper. £ljt dnyifaiyy ©rikmc. Thursday Morning, October 98, 1876. Greenbacks, ot tho Now York Gold Ex* change yesterday, fell from Bi»jJ to £(!*, re acted to 80j|, and closed ot 80}. Tho tolo in lowa for Governor, oflidftl from nil but sixteen counties, shows ft majority for Kirkwood, Republican, of UI,U3«!. * Lntor accounts of the extensive fire ot Virginia City estimate the total valuo of property destroyed at if 7,A0f),000. Dr, Lin oeuman, Director of the Mint, is nuthority for the statement (hat the conflagration will result in n decrease of $1,000,000 per month of gold bullion, and of $1,1100,000 per month of silver at Virginia City for tho next four months. An additional element of horror is con* tribulcd to the recent tragedy at Denver by tbo confession of ouo of tho Italians arrested as a participant in tho quadruple murder. His statement is that he sat near by and played his harp whilo tho other five cut tho throats of their victims. Three of tho musical butchers are now in custody, and tho remaining three are likely to bo cap* tured. llotnrns for tho month of Oclobor, received by the National Bureau of Agriculture, show that tho wheat crop in tho United States for 1875 is a short one, aud that thcro is a marked deterioration in quality. So far as Reported tbo average product is about 80 per cent of that of last year, and if this rato holds good, tho total falling oil will amount to 02,000,000 bushels, with a depreciation of 14 per cent in quality. Tho quality of corn, howovor, is exceptionally high, with n de crease in production of about 4 per cent as compared with 1871. It is anticipated that Washington will bo the uccno of stirring political movements goon after tho 15th of November, that being the duto of Feunando Wood’s occupancy of his hospitable mansion at tho Capital. Tho ar rival of this crafty wire-puller will bo tho signal for active operations by all tho aspir ants to the Speakership of tho Dcmocratio Congress. Fernando declares Lis intention to make tho fight a hot one ; Kcnn, of In diana, relies upon a coalition with tho Tildes won, basing his expectations upon tho theory fhat New York cannot urge candidates for both tho Presidency and tho Speakership at tho soino time; Ham Randall is still hope ful, though not so confident as ho was two mouths ago; whilo ex-Gov. Walked, of West Virginia, is mentioned as likely to figure con rrpicuoufily as the favorite of tho Eastern members, and as a candidate who stands in uobody’s light for the Presidency. Tho Canadian fisheries question, which has occupied tho attention of tho United States Government many times during tho last fifty years, and a settlement of which was attempt ed in tho Treaty of Washington, has appear ed once more on tho surface, and it is pro posed to reach mi adjustment by orbitralion through Commissioners to bo composed of threo members, tho UnitedStutes and Canada to select one each, the third to bo named by tho Austrian Minister at Loudon. Tho Do minion Government has high notions on this Mibjcct, und tho price she names os an eqniv ulent for tlm surrender of what she is pleased i<> call her grot fishing privileges is truly stu pendous. Most of tho exclusive righlselnimed l>y Canada aro and have been considered by our ablest statesmen os rights pertaining to nil nations. It is presumed that in tho nomlng arbitration this view will be strongly pressed by our representative, aud that tho old Canadian pretensions iu this lino will weigh little ia tho settlement of the con trovorsy. Tho Committee of Merchants, consisting of Messrs. Sualdino, Keulouo, Wihout, Ai,- imicu, and Buss, hnvo issued a call, which >ro print this morning, fora mass-meeting to be held next Friday evening at Harwell flail, to protest against the action of 11m desperate King of tho County Hoard iu re fusing to give both parties a proper ropru kfutatiou on tbo Flection Hoards, aud also to take such other action ns may bo suggested to protect tho purity of tho ballot-box at tho approaching election. Tills movement is non-partisan. It represents tho lumber in terest, Urn Hoard of Trade interests, tho dry goods interest, the grocers, hardware men, mul all other branches of Chicago trade and commerce. It is suggested by the sad oxperi iMico of other cities in which corrupt local politics has injured business. U is intended to head off tho proposed ballot-box stuffing imxt Tuesday, and to cheek the danger of corrupting elections while there is yot time. There aro G.OOO merchants In the City of Chi cago, and they should fill Harwell Hall next Hriilay evening, without any respect to party, ;o protest against tbo most serious danger that has ever threatened this city. Tho Chicago produce markets were steadier yesterday. Mess pork was iu fair demand ami firmer, closing at $21.G0 for October, and SIB.UO seller tbo year. Lard was quiet and firm, dosingat SIO.OO per 100 Ibsfor new, and SUV.':. Ncllor tho year. Meats were quiet and easier, at cSAc for part salted shoulders (boxed), ll£o lor abort ribs do, and 12jc for short clear do. Highwiucs were quiet and steady, at •>1. 13 per gallon. Lake were quiet mul strong, At for com to nnffnlo. I'lmir wn-i more notice mid nnclmngod. "Wliont was notice nml IV higher, closing nl •il.lL'l !* I .oil i’ fi)r November. Corn nctivc nml '.c higher, closing aI .Me nvdi. mid .V.’.r for November. Otis wire in fair ilcmnml mul firmer, closing nl Jld’.e cash, nml ;i*jjc for November. llye wns quiet nt 7i)c. Hurley was nclivo nml stronger, closing nt h7o cnsli. nml Wljcfor November. Hogs were quiet, nml closed wonk. Sides nt sti.r*ofn) H.l’.j. Cnllle nml sheep wore unchnnged. One hundred dollars in gold would buy .8 Kb 00 Argument is now being hoard *by tho United Slates Supremo Court, in tho case of tho Government against tho Union Pacific Railroad Company, to compel the latter to reimburse the Government for interest paid upon tho bonds loaned *o assist in the con* stmetion of tho road, or, more specifically, to permit tho Government to withhold the en tire amount duo tho Company for tr.msportn lion ami apply tho sumo ns r.u offset lo (ho claim for tho payment of interrst on tho bonds. An idea of the magnitude of tho issuo now ponding in the Supremo Court is furnished by Attorney-General Piebrepost’b statement, that a decision in favor of the Company will bo equivalent to a gain of iJi’OO.tKKt.oot) to tho stockholders of the Pacific Railroads, and that, before a single generation shall have passed, tho Govern ment will have paid, in tho shape of interest aloue, for tho different Pacific Railway Com panies, (ho enormous sum of $!ll£,Od”vl(, less only tho deduction of ono-half the Com panies’ charges for services rendered the Government from year to year. THE BALLOT-BOX GUARDS, Tho Sixteenth Ward Republican Club has sot an excellent example for tho course that ought to ho pursued with reference to tho proposed stuffing of the ballot-boxes. They Lave organized what they call “Ballot-Box Guards,” who are to bo officered by a Cap tain, n First and Second Lieutenant, and ilvo Sergeants. Tho self-imposed duty of this organization is to stand by tho polls and pro tect them against fraud on election day. Such an organization should bo formed by the honest voters in every ward in tho city, and it should count among its members all tho active and stalwart young men in tho ward who aro interested in an honest elec tion. Tho particular function of tho Ballot-Box Guards should bo to protect tho challengers in their rights. Wo reproduce tho section of the Election law defining theso rights : The Judges of election thill allow at ieut one ami not more (ban two legal voters of each party (o tho content, to bo choicn by tbo parties rctpcclivdy, In the room where tho election is held, to act os chat* leugors of voter* at such election; and each chal lenges may remain with the board of election until the votes are all canvassed and the roault declared. In conformance with this provision, tho Kopublican Campaign Committee, with tho advice and help of gentlemen living in tho various wards, will unquestionably select two men to act as challengers at every prooinct. It will then bo for tho Ballot-Box Guards in each ward to watch their precincts for tbo double purpose of seeing that tho challengers do their duty faithfully and unflinchingly, and to sco that they aro not prohibited by strategy, intimidation, or violence from remaining with tho ballot-boxes from tbo opening of tho polls until the voto shall havo been counted. Tho Election law likewise requires (Sec. 50) that there shall bo no adjournment and no recess until tho votes shall have been counted and the result publicly announced. Tho Ballot- Box Guards can also see that this provision of tho law is not violated. Tho merchants of tho city tiro doing well to organize a protest against tho threatened corruption of tho ballot-box. If election frauds are permitted to bccomo tho rule, in stead of the exception, in this city, tho mcr cautilo community of Chicago may expect to suffer as tho business of New York and Haiti more has suffered from tho same cause, IT tho Chicago merchants would prevent theso frauds, they should go at it in apractical way. Their intluenco will count for nothing with tho people who aro deliberately proposing to stuff tho ballot-boxes. Speech-making will not holp tho matter. A largo mooting will make no impression upon the County Commissioners, nor tho Opposition judges, nor tho roughs who will gather at tho polls iu tho interest of tho Itausa ticket, lint there aro two ways iu which theso mer chants can do practical service, viz. s (1) By dosing their establishments a part of tho day on condition that their employes shall spend a portion of tho time nt tho polls doing service as voters and as Hollot-Hox Guards ; and (11) by raising a fund for tho payment of tho challengers to bo selected by tho Hopub licau Committee for each precinct, to remain hy tho ballot-boxes from tho opening of tho polls till after tho vote shall have been count ed and tho result announced. Tho Cincinnati pcoplu havo recently dem onstroted that ballot-box stuffing may bo de feated by eternal vigilance. One year ogo tho Democrats carried that city by fi,ooo ma jority,— no unusual a majority that it was felt that it could only havo neeu ob tained by fraud. This year tho honest voters organized in every ward, as wo havo suggested they shall orgnnizo in Chi cago, aud remained by tho ballot-taxes till the vote was counted. They gave special at tention to those words where tho Democratic vote of lost year wos strangely excessive. Tim result was that the vote in such words was reduced to its proper proportions, and the city went llepnblican by 1,(100 majority. There is no registry law in Ohio, and the people were deprived of this protection uh they will he In Chicago nt this election ; and it is universally admitted that, if theso ex traordinary precautions had not been tak en, there would have been frauds this year os there were last year with a similar result. >\hat Cincinnati has done Chicago may do, as it is just as imperative hero as it was there ; but to defeat the Chicago ballot-box staffers, with nil tho election judges and all the roughs in tho city on their side, will re quire unflinching courage, perfect oryaniza tion, and untiring vigUauce uoxt Tucseay. Elsewhere iu this issuo will bo found an address delivered iu Ht. Louis on -Monday by tbo Kov. Josti'U, u Catholic priest. This clerical gentleman is by no menus mealy-mouthed in his utterances. Ho asserts that the Catholio Church is being persecuted in tho United States; aud cites, us instances of this persecution, the efforts to preserve tlm publiu schools from sectarianism, and tho movements in behalf of compulsory education. Ho declares that tbo Ktuto cannot bo independent of tho Church, as the latter is infallible iu everything; that a Catholic must be bitch politiically as well us religiously; and (hot, consequently, it is tho duly of every Catholic, iu casting his veto at any election, to placo it whore It will do his Church tho most good. Protestant THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2?, 1875, imd, according lo Father Henning, Is already on its last logs. ami will soon bo swept from tin- face of llio r.irtb ; and. when that event nlmll haw oeouiTi (J, will rome **n time (•f puin'ii ntul qumt nnb'i* will r<ign in M iivsnw ; everything will bo lovt Iy, and the Pnpnl goose will hnng at nn exceedingly lofty elevation. All friends of onr common-school system will do well to peruse thix outspoken diatribe against that bulwark of our republi can institutions, and, thus forewarned, be. come forearmed for its defense. POSTING HIS OWN SHAMS. Tim W't-ih-Ztifitnff, or Mr. Hehino through tho Sl'Vit-i'/.i itmnj, with ft HhmncfneedneKS which is simply unpftrnllclod, is now parading a letter to himself upon tho occasion of his departure for Europe guv year* ago, and ac companying ft service of plate, signed by prominent Republicans. This letter ho now sets forth, iril/iont dots, ns a certificate of present good political character ! Wlmt were the circumstances under which this letter was drawn and signed? At tho time this pintc-prcsontatiou occurred Sir. llkmno was on tho evo of departure for Europe to place his son in college, and it was understood that ho would bo absent three or four years. This was in tho fall of ISlifk, six years ago, ot a time when Mr. Ilcsixn was an active and energetic .Republican editor and politician. It was at a time when ho was not an apostate to his party and an ingroto to his friends. It was at ft time when ho hod not gone into Bum mer and Opposition parties. It was at a timo when ho had not joined the BoaUawngs cud tax-eaters, and become tho loader of loafers, bummers, and tho criminal classes. Ho was then on tho side of decency, morality, correct principles, and of political honesty. His friends improved tho occasion to give him ft supper nt tho Briggs House, and before tho evening of tho supper two papers were drawn up by some of Mr. Hesinq’s confidential friends, perhaps by Mr. Raster, tho ono testifying to tho general respect felt for him by his party friends, and tho other calling for subscriptions for a service of plate. These papers were circu lated by some of his intimates, and tho gen tlemen to whom they were presented signed them for tho reason that iLr. llesino had al ways acted with thorn in political matters, had been tho advocate of Republican princi ples and a prominent German leader of tho Republican party. They signed their names, they gave him the supper. They presented him tho pinto. They bade him good-bye, and wished him well Now, in tho name of all that is decent, so cially and politically, what does Mr. Hesino expect to gain by publishing this farewell letter six years after date? His relations to tho men who signed those papers are now totally changed. Ho is now working against tho parly of which ho then was a leader; ho is now tho loader of tho bad and dangerous elements in this city. Upon what possible grounds can ho explain this publication of a certificate of Am own fall and dishonor? Tin: Tiiiddne or tho Journal might have published it os a fit object at which to point tho finger of scorn, but that tho Staatn-Zcitung should print this evidence of his backsliding almost surpasses belief. PROSPERITY OP WAR. In tho Chicago inflation organ wo find tbo following picture of happy, prosperous, good times when tho country was being con sumed by tho flames of war: During tbo War, when tho governmental expendi tures for Hie support of tbo army and the civil service wero at noo time 13,000,000 per day; when taica were high—never bo high before nor aluce—oven to tbo ex tent of necessitating a burden upon all Internal aa well as external industry, the whole country was pros perous because the people of tho whole country wero em ployed. Tbo burdens of taxation, direct and Indirect, never before nor since rested so lightly upon the shoulders of tho masses. Public improvements wero inaugurated and prosecuted generously. Private en terprise* in which the public was benefited were es tablished sad maintained on a liberal scale. Prosperity was seen on every hand. This season of universal “ prosperity " was when there were half a million of young am! able-bodied men of tho North, who had been withdrawn from happy homes and peaceful industry,—languishing iu tho hospitals, dying of their wounds and diseases, or were lying in their cold graves. At tho samo Umo there were a million of other young mon of tho North bearing orms in tho field, suffering and enduring the perils aud hardships of bloody war. On tho other sido of tho lino tho whole population was enlisted in ouo way or tho other iu tho 'War. Immense hospi tals, prisons, aud gravo-yords at tested tho general prosperity! There, too, tho men had perished by tbo tons of thousands, and there, too, as nt tho North, each village had its population of widows and orphans, celebrating tho unprecedented prosperity of tho nt last happy laud I Tho land was filled with tears and desolation, but tho camp-followers hod a harvest plan* dering tho living, tho dying, and tho dead. It was a glorious time,— millions of armed men seeking tho destruction of each other ; armies and navies burning and destroying property at tho rate of millions of dollars a day. Never was there such a season of ‘•prosperity." Hounty-Jurapors grow rich ; corrupt Congressmen rccoivod large divi dends ; subsidy-brokers drove a rushing busi ness; contractors robbed right and left; there was not a dishonest man in all tho land who did not prosper as dishonest, men bad never prospered before. It was the time of borrowing money. The Government borrowed from $2,000,000 to a day, and spent it for powder and rifles and instruments of destruction, for paper shoes, shoddy clothing, and for distri butiouuumng tho hungry vultures that flocked to tho putrid carcases of tho War. , Hut it was a prosperous time 1 Thoprinting-pressos were busy issuing “money" ami bonds,—ls suing printed mortgages on tlm future for u hundred years. Blueing judgments on tho property of subsequent generations to enrich tho thieves and villains, vagabonds and adventurers who howled like blood hounds for thu blood of tho brave, patriotic, and honest. “Prosperity was on every hand," —the price of blood rau high, and dis honest contractors aud loyal place-holders thought there never hud been such prosperi ty. They think so yet, und hero in Chicago, iu IS7'), is their organ lamenting over tho “ good old times of tho War," when tho Gov eminent was spending three millions of dol lars a day iu contracts, and whoa “ prosperi ty was seen on every hand." The argument of this class demands a re newal of tho War; that a navy bo built, that a million and a half of men bo ormed, aud clothed, aud put in tho field; that theso ar mies skull ravage and destroy; that producers bo taken from industry and applied to de struction ; that tho Government will spend three to five millions of dollars a day ; that money shall bo cheap; that contracts be abun dant ; and that a now season of robbery, plunder, and corruption bo inaugurated, aud “prosperity ro-cstablishod on every band." 1 "Why Rhonlil tills prosperity not lio made per- Ipettul? Why should not war he made Iho piii|'ot.» of iho (lovormmut ’! Why not a n«»* with Mexico, n:ul another with England, and another with Spain * The mere mention of Iho contracts ami plunder of three ware, Am! (ho roams of greenbacks required. in enough to inflame Iho imagination of the plunderer* to fever heat. If to ho prosper ouh wo must have war, why not then convert this into a military Republic, ami havo war a perpetual institution ? The prosperity of in. tlatiou is like that of war. It Is Iho harvest of fraud, robbery, extravagance, deslruutlon, and death. It is tho paradise of the Rambler and Iho thief, this speculator and the plun derer. PROTECT THE BALLOT-BOX. Tho political prostitutes of Chicago have notified tho tax-payers of Iho city, through their representatives on tho County Hoard, that they mean to Bluff the ballot-boxes at tho next election. This is tho only explana tion of tho refusal of tho just demand that tho Republican party should bo represented on tho lint of judges of election at every poll. Tho judges whom Mr. Hesino had appointed at his secret confab with tho Committee on Public Service of the Comity Hoard are ex pected to falsify tho voice of tho people. That is what they are chosen for. The old Tammany trick of haring duplicate ballot boxes, properly filled beforehand, substituted for those used at certain polls during tho cltctiou, is to ho tried by our Tammany. Two boxes wero stolen before tho spring election, and doubtless served as models for false boxes that were used then. This game is to bo tried again. Tho old games of stuffing tho hoses, of repeating, of rioting, will also ho tried. Tho citizens of Chicago are duly notified that our Tammany dynasty means to perpetuate its power by tho same means that tho Tammany Ring of Now York used to maintain Itself. What are they going to do about it ? Wo can tell them what to do. Let every ward-club call for volunteers forthwith and organize resolute, strong young men into n committee for the protection of the ballot-box in that ward. Let this Committee bo at tbo polls from tho time tho polls open until tho voting ends and tho votes nro counted. Lot it keep an independent list of tho number of votes cast, and, as far ns possible, of tbo number cost for each ticket. Let it exorcise tho legal right of challenge. If any attempt is made to steal the ballot-box or to commit fraud in tho counting, lot tho Committee pro vent it,“by force, if necessary. If felons, and gamblers, and amateur pugilists try to possess themselves of tho polls, they will be gin a game that two can play at. A bullet fired into such a crowd cannot well go amiss. Tho time is short. Five days honco tbo election is to bo held. If tho Coimmttco on Public Service had distributed circulars announcing its intention to commit n sweep ing fraud in order to insure tho election of Mr. llesino and his Tammany colleagues, tho declaration could not bo plainer. Tho duty of honest men is clear. It is not enough for them to go to tho polls. Somo of thorn must stay there during tho day. This must not bo loft to chance. Organiza tion is absolutely necessary. Tho ward-clubs should vio with each other in forming com mittees for tho protection of tho ballot-box. It will bo easier to throttle our Tweeds now than hereafter. HEIN BIOS VON STEIN. Germany has taken up tho practice of hero-worship with a vigor that must warm tho cockles of Carlyle's heart. I'ho lost person to receive a monument is Heinrich Friedrich Karl, Baron von Stein, whoso statue was unveiled in Berlin, Tuesday, by tho Prince Imperial, “Onr Fritz.” This eminent statesman, the forerunner of Bis marck, whoso peaceful victories mado tiih bloody ones of 18Gli and 1870 possible, is lit tle known to-day. Ho was a groat states man, not a groat fighter. A blood-stain on the page of history attracts more attention Ilian tho details of a peaceful revolution. The latter is apt to ho by far tho moro im portant. Tho man who now stands glorified in bronze at Berlin was tho author of whnt is known to every deep student of pol itics as “Stein’s System.” That sys tom has made Prussia tho strongest Power in Europe. Tho resources of tho Empire rest on tho broad foundations built up by tho reforms devised and perfected by Stein and his famous pupil, Uardenhero.* Tho work of tho two is so intimately associated that tho laws they had passed aro usually spoken of as the Stein-Haudendero system. Stein, after an honorable hut subordiu&to career in politics, was colled to tho head of tho Prus sian Ministry in 1807. Tho country at that tirao wos completely in tho hands of Na poleon. Tho King was obliged to ask tho French Emperor whether ho would approve of this choice. Ho graciously assented, for ho was ignorant of tho fact that tho new Min istor was at heart bitterly Lostilo to French BUpremaoy. He learned his mistake within a year, and his imperious mandate to the Prussian ruler compelled tho withdrawal of tho Miuistor in November, 1808. Within this brief twelvemonth, Stein carried some remarkable reforms, and planned others which ho left to his successor, Hardf-niierci, to accomplish. Among these reforms were the abolition of serfage, tho taxation of the nobility, universal military service, universal education, and u sweeping laud-law, which produced as marvelous a change as tho land-laws which were born of tho French devolution. It erected tho force of yeomanry, which U now tho strength of Prussia, and tho backbone of oil peaceful government in Frouco. England had such yeomanry once. Her policy of concentrat ing, instead of dividing, her land has changed her yeomen of the’past into tho starve ling paupers of the present. Un der tho Prusiian system, a tenant farmer can buy tho land ho tills at a sum equal to a thirty-year purchase. If ho has not the money, tho Stato gives tho landlord a bond and collects from tho tenant a yearly sum which extinguishes, within thirty-ouo yours, tho principal and interest of tho bomb No one familiar with the economic history of tho land-question can doubt that this extreme case of Slate interference is tho secret of tho Amazing strength of X’russia to-day. It cre ated tho common people, raised them from brutish hewers of wood and drawers of water to men. If tho mere catalogue of Stein’s reforms is so amazing, what must tho reforms themselves hove been ? This man’s life was a blessing to tho world. Germany honors herself in honoring him. There bone important fact with reference ♦to the election next Tuesday which the peo ple of tliis city should remember. The Op position party and the rings in the Coanty Hoard and City-Hall have already recognized it, and ore shivering in their boots at the pos sibility of defeat. Ur. Hexing knows, the County Board knows, the whole crowd of bummers know, that if the Dcvil-Fbh party is defeated next Tuesday it will not only wipe nut tho present corrupt county Ring, hut it is tantamount to the defeat of tho city bum mers in their designs upon tho city next year. If tho Devil-Fish party Is defeated next Tuos day, tho same power will vise up stronger than ever next April, npset tho whole gang in tho City.Hatl, and spoil all (ho plan* they hove laid for plundering tho city for years to come. All the good things they nro expecting to cn joy, all tho little schemes of plunder they havo nil their dreams of spoils, all their plots of fraud and corrup. lion, will bo swept away from them. Hence not only are Mr. llesino and tho Devil- Fish candidates on tho county ticket alarmed, but the whole mob of county and city officials also, and they ore making common cause in (ho fight. If, therefore, the Kcpubltcans win tho fight next Tuesday, they will clean out tho whole corrupt crowd. They, will secure the purification of county and city politics if they gain tho preliminary battle, ami to this end they should bend nil tbeir energies. Tho prize is worth contending for, and from this standpoint tho contest grows bo momentous that every Republican in the city and county, every man who is in favor of political honesty and purity and good government, should givo his individual ser vices to the great work. Mr. llesino, in order (hot ho may bo elected to tho rich pickings of tho County Treasury, asks Uio people to vote for tho re election of two of tho men whom ho has de nounced es members of tho Ring, and to chooso three others of tho same character for the County Hoard, just after tbot King has necessitated tho raising of the county tax levy from four milk the last year to something more than six and a half milk the com fog year. This is an increase by more than oar-half of what tho levy was lost year, and within ouo mill of tho constitutional limit. Another year of Ring rnlo in tho County Board will reach tho limit, and probably on on increased valuation. Tho interest and temporary loan account has been increased over .SIIO,OOO. Tho estimated deficiency in tho County Clerk's office is $17,000, though this office used to yield a fortune for its occupant ovory term when tho fees belonged to the incumbent. Tho estimated deficiency in Iho Sheriff’s office is s77,ndO (not including tho dieting of prison ers, which is $120,000 more), though tho Slier ill's office formerly yielded a fortune ovory term to its occupant when tho foes belonged to tbo incumbent. Last year tho deficiency in tho Sheriff'soffico was only $0i»,300,~512,- 000 less. Tho expenses of tho Coroner's de partment have been increased from slo,fioo to $10,1200. And ho on. These aro samples of how it is done. And Hr. llesino, after having denounced tho Ring ns a pack of d~ scoundrels, now supports two of tho mem bers for re-election, and has put up two oth ers of tho Home calibre to tako tbo places of two honest men“Ci.ouoii and Jones —who havo uniformly voted ogainut tho Ring. If tho lax-payers yield to Mr. llesino in this matter, they will havo no rifjht to complain at being bled. Tho Chicago Times Ims certainly siren tho history of that SI,OOO chock of County Trcos nrer IHller's with great particularity, which it charges that ho recently made out in pay* incut of a loss at ouo sitting at tho game of poker. It gives tho namo ct£ tho hotel at which tho loss is said to haro been m^slo; tho name of tho Now York gamblnr who is said to have won tho money; tho namo of tho gentleman who is said to have cashed it, and to whom its payment was subsequently re fused ; and also tho names of threo or four gentlemen who aro alleged to Imvo seen .the chock, Tho Times further says that tho check was paid only at tho instance of Mr. Hesin.s, who feared tho result of an exposure ; ami finally says to Mr. Miller, 4C Better own up 4 and save the production of documentary proof, which is in tbio possession of tho Times, and can bo produced." Now, if this charge Is true, it is a serious matter. If tho man controlling tho county moneys has lost SI,OOO, in addition to all the money in Ids pocket, at a single game of poker, ho can scarcely escape tho sus picion that ho has lost other sums at other times. And if all this is true, tho people will certainly hesitate about electing a man of the present Treasurer’s choice to succeed Idm aud count the money, Jf there is any truth in this story, it is manifestly tho hotter policy to elect somebody whom tho present Treasurer docs not want to aount tbo money. - Wo print this morning a letter from Judge Henry G. Miller, who, as ono of the organ izers of tho Jeffersonian Club, protests against tho indorsement of tho Hesino ticket, and refuses to stand by it. As ho was ono of a number who entered tho Jeffer sonian Club with a view to tho purification of politics, ho is naturally outraged at heiug be trayed into the hands of tho enemy, and is entitled to this public disavowal of any part in tbo disreputable transaction. It is to bo regretted that, familiar ns ho must be with tho history of the trado, ho hau not taken this occasion to expose it. But etcry other member of the Jeffersonian Club who went into it with tho same sincere motives that actuated Judge Miller will, like him, refuse to bo whipped into tho service of tho very class of men whom tho Club was organized to oppose. ’ Tb Iht KiUtor o/ TktChiroQa TVilwa* Chicago, Oct. U7.— Will you pleaae print in bold typo a list of (hoao County Commlaslonera who voted (ißaimt Allowing At leaat on< Judge of tl&allon to each party «t the voting places 7 We want this Hat to pre serve for future reference, ao we think th<Me who wont Allow fair play at election* are not honeti enough to mult our vote* for any ofllce hereafter. TiiiiiTcKNitt W’aud Inukpim:oknt Clod. Tho names of tho Commissioners refusing this act of Justice arc: ijoi,i>i;n, McCaffrey, (7AKKOI.L, JUIINKON, CONI.V, I.tINKKIJAN. nmiTIMJ. Jt IJHHEI.L, NCIIMIDT, . When Mr. Hcck subscribed two thousand five hundred dollars to acampaigu fund raised to se cure his own election, Mr, llehino boiled over with virtuous indignation. Now Mr. UsaiNo, to raise funds to secure his own election, has, through hi* Committee, made a levy of from iso to livo hundred dollars each upon the city and county ottlmals, and 10 per cent on the yearly salaries of their clems and employes, which they have to pay on penalty of their removal. The atrocious conduct of Ur. Hock which moved Mr. Hesinq to bursting indignation will now be duly appreciated. When bis electioneering expenses were to oo provided for, Mr. Muck put Lb hand into bis own pocket for the money. Ur. ZJts sko, to provide for bis electioneering expenses, puts hb baud into other people's pockets. The beauties of South American polities are again illustrated. A short time ago, the State of Panama declared war against the United BUles of Colombia, of which It was one. Now comes the nows that tbe "National Govern ment" has overturned the "Bute Govern ment." It performed tbb slight task “without disorder of any kind." The late President of Panama ia In Jill. Ho h more fortunate than the average Sou’.h American ruler. Tim litUor lit usually deposed, not bv another Government, but by his (V.mi h ;il >jr uts • and tho subjects, rattier than go to the unnceoNsary cvprnno of boarding (heir l.uo nii| ciior in Jail, have no ui/Iy ■mbit of dropping him off tho most convenient high toner, or toiling him m oil, nr stabling him. or beheading him, or tho modem nro so in Hutto in variety that it would require too much npneo to cata logue thorn. Their end ia alwavs tho same, and it involves tho ottd of the ex-ruler's life. Ho tho Panama tnnn ia to bo congratulated. Iln luu boon paved from bin subjects. Ho may not en joy packing bin tlmmbrt in jail, but thin in surely hotter than having no mouth with which to catiy out this monotonous {douHiiro. Tho New York Commrrmif Advrrllr.rr firoa tho following red-hot shot at Gov. Tildbn s We repent, (hot If wo enn secure ab wllnciics Ibo oftlcera of Iho back whore Tildkx kept lib Imnlt-uo foinit lout full, we Lt-Jlcvc wo enn prove Unit be com milled constructive perjury In Inking Iho oath of ofticoon tbe Int of Jnmmry Inst. Weein only secure Ibis evidence by a libel Bitlt. We therefore clinrg > that we are led to bollevo from informal! *n received, wo can show bo furnished money to indirectly corrupt Ibe liftllnl-hot and to snbiidlco lUo prets, including too New York 7 lijin.t. Will some of Tu.drn k friends 50 before tho Grand Jury and procure a Mil of In iclmcnt, nnd give im n chance to show tip tbe most tuccisiful intuit In the country 7 U In a very largo chip which tho Comuwrrinl Advertiser hae laid on Its pbouldor. Will Gov. Tildeh or aomo of bin friends dare to knock it of! ? If the charge of tbo C. A. in untrue, most certainly it ought to bo prosecuted for libel. A St. I.ouib special dispatch stated the other day that Commodora OarmtHox. of New York, proponed to furumb tho funds to purchase tho H'orW newspaper and convert it into an intlation organ. Tho reason therefor was stated to bo time tho Commodore had Presidential aspiintions, and would lino to bo tho rag-money csudidite iu 1870. A poisoual friend of tho Commodore, who road tho dispatch, writes us from Now York saying that tho report ia cot only uotruo but ridiculous; that the Commedoro is net an iull.i tionist but a ronmnptloniHt, and has no Presi dential aspirations whatever. Ex-Gov, Moses, of South Carolina, according to llio Wilmington (X, C.) Star, Lad concocted a eclionio for a railroad serous the African Con* Uncut, from Liberia to (ho Rod Son. His oxpo ricncos in South Caioliua railroad steals lias satisllcd him there's money in it, and at tho next session of Congress ho will apply fur a charter for thu African transccminehtai railway, and md: Govornmout aid, indirect, it is pre sumed, with Romo JLiborian colonization Hchomo attached. Tho school-question is tho coming issue in the opinion of the Louisville Coinkr-./uurnaf. which, apropos Auxn’h stumping I’cnusylvmna m behalf of tho rag-iutnnt. oayst William Allen will go to IVnmiylvntifa In nj cik, but if William Allen could not save llio ragged lio*- lard from cleulh wlu-n It was full of vigor, ho# van ho ri-strue It to life new Unit it Is dead; . , . Tine wu inUHt look beyond tbo Unuiidal problem for an lnniie, and we believe it may Lo found imperfectly and chmitily czpreaved in Gvti. Okas r'a DinMulncs upsocli. Tbo anti-Tammany revolt led by John Mon merry and Recorderllackrtt is gaining strength and extending rapidly throughout tho metropo lis. Tho New York Ikrald says s Tbo politics of the city iro Junt now In a chaotic state. Tammany Is weakened nnd alarmed bystruiig symptomn of Democratic rclnUlou, ami ttic uvciilh of Uni preucut ex Ring week will determine whether thu arrogant one-man power, which, llmt under Twled and now under Mr. Kullt, his ho long cuilaved tho Dctuucrtcy of this city, will bo broken and shat tered lu this canvass. Tbo Republican Club of tho Sixtoonth Ward baa organized acompony of “Ballot-Box Guards." A good exatuplo this. Lot tho other waid clubs do lihowiso. Binco tbo men whom Mr. Uebino called “thieves, rascals, and damned sconmlrols" a short tnno ago havo boldly an nounced their purpose of stuffing tho ballot boxes in order to elect fir. Hksino to oilier, guards ate needed in order to keep the smiting out and knock tho stalling out of those boxes. For contributing liberally to (ho campaign fund, Mr. llcck was denounced by Mr. The denunciation was fierce, bold, nnd uncom promising, as must needs bo that of llm virtue which is proof against tho thing denounced. Mr. never thought of such a thine ns contribatiug liberally to tbo campaign fund to aid in ilia owu election; ho only lovios on tho clerks in iho city and county uiliccs for that. Mr. Hkbino scorns to entertain nice eeruploD as to tlio use of money in this election, and when it comes to patting his hand into Lis pocket ho does not do it. Ho only levies assocsnient* on tho clerks and cmnloycs of tho city and county odiciats, and leaves them tbo alturuativo of paying cr resigning. Tlio Dovil-Fisb cnndidatea am all Know-Noth ings. Ibeyrofußo to lot a single native-born citizen run on tboir ticket. When they ask tlio people, next Tuesday, to give them am) ofllce?, and chancoa to steal, tbo people will very appropriately answer, “ No, nothing." By some blondor or tbo reporter, Mr. J. M. Van Osuel was set down na one of the promt nout Democrats at tbo •• Jeff" Convention. Mr. Yak OauELbaH boon iu tbo habit of voting tbo straight liopubiicau ticket for about a quarter of a ceutury. 3lr. IlEsina Bays ho is in favor of a revenue tariff. What in bis idea of tbo best taiiff for revenue,—0 per cent ou tlio county deposits ? What tbo poopio need now is not only an hon est County Treasurer, but an honest count of tbo Treasury. The lionoßt voters of Chicago have prepared a fluent for tbo Dovil-Fisb. PERSONAL, (lon. Grant weighs 187 pounds. You Billow is fond of tbo theatre. P. T. Ilarnum and wife are nt tlio Palmer. Joe Jefferson was In Paris at last accounts. Titlons speaks English, German. French, and Italian. Tlio girl of the period, says tlio Boston (Hoh,\ la Polly Ticks. Tbo Hon. John Iff Hawley, of Rock Inland. Id at the Pacillc, The Hoo. John W. Biluch, of Vermont, atopa at tbo Tromout. Oen. George W. Cummings, of Couucil Bluffs, la a guest at tbo Tromout. Col. P. M. Bracltloy, U. 8. A,, from Pi. Scott, la quartered at tbo Hhormau. Alexander Stephens la still iu a condition to excite the apprehensions of hla fnettde. Edwin Booth had a moat enthusiastic recep llou as JlamUt m Now Vork Monday night. The New York Times has made arrangements with Mr. Robert Browning for a new poem from his pen. The Hon. A. M. Siluson, of Washington, and the Hon. James 11. Durgin, of Boston, are at the Sherman. Carl Sohura has been prevented from keeping a lecture-engagement in Philadelphia by illness in bis family. Landis will bo indicted for the murder of Oar ruth at the January term, but his case Is much that a verdict for a lower degree will be admissi ble. A local paper in Scotland advertises for “a boy to open ovsters with a refoionce.” A youth so equipped would make the world bis oyster, no doubt. Von Bulow says he likes the New England bet ter than the Old, and says that, considering the size, there is nothing to equal Boston Common In England. Bonn Platt reached America Just as the an nouncement was made that Mr. Chand'er bad been appointed Secretary of the Interior. He immediately aont on bis scalp to Washington os n poiice-offcring to the now Mccrotarv, and aske-d permission to bitng the rest of himself at n more convenient •ctnon. Tho Hev. Murphy, who lin hsnn tilling at ’toutred, admits that the IVj.q cuu H in ami i» (flit** linbio to go to hell tliorofor. ThU in ft 1 e ure ou “ Pupil Tufa!libility,*' U in paid that all tlio principal aeronauts Iq America am rigid (omporanco nun, recognising the necos-ity of a clear head and a c«ot brain* Donaldson did not mo toa or co Joo, or any forta of spirituous Ihpior. Mr. 11. P. Htraino, who has long boon coo. neotml with Iho Hlgiial Hervico at brand llavon. Midi., liau boon transferred to Chicago in tl* enm pe.rv.o*, Mr.H.raino is highly ei.okouol find regretted by tho Grand Haven people. A wise child who knows better than Ids own father, wan recently corrected for lolling tho truth. Ho called hlr parent a d-d fool. Tin corrector tiled to jimtifv bin c niUnct bv paying that hn did not whip Iho boy for lying, but for breaking tho fifth commandmoiu. A colored nun calhug himmlf Ilouzo Da Lon who claitiiH that ho traveled cloven ycira wiib l)i. Ijiv.ii|;nlono in Africa, is now Icctmiogia Wiacotmin. Certain gomloinon in Tr«nipeauloau County have in piiio I fer nU credential •, nnd lt might bo an act of kindness on hid part to p ro . dueo them. Mrs. ll'ackford, tho hnroino of the P.aanian diamund robbery. ins readied tho acme of uoi o . rlnty. H-.r adventures luvnncpn published such eclat that the Pai isi um bought u,. every cop? on sale witlini a few hour.. Hln writes, among other things, M Wo spent a week lu Rome,—j Us t tune orioiinli to kiss the Pole's toe "! It la reported in H.iston that the Park Street Church, winch recently enjoyed the ruiim.ra lions of the Ilev. Adironda.rU Hurray, has soul a Committee to Now Vers to nrgo the Hey. Stephen 11, Tyng. .fr., to become its pr.s of. it is a CongrngaMonal Church, and Hr. Tyng connected ( remotely) with thoEpij. copal Church. Mr. CrofTm's challenge to MaJ. Whittle is not approved by llio Si. Paul papers. Tlio Pionw J'rci* wavs that icligious dn-cnsHious eucli as Mr. Crolfut invited oro placed nnd«r llio ban by an unwritten but respected law of Bocioiy, and tboae who dtro religious teachers to a public ox aminatirm of their tnitb "lay themselves liable as enemies of Ibo public good." Miss May Howard, formerly of Wood's Moao* um, in this city, made? liar debut as a star achess in Louidril.n last ni'jhc. Tho Commnraal of Hiniday bespoke for lior a favorablo reception iq an article nearly a coliimii long. Tmi play last night wa» ‘’Tho Geneva Cross." "Tbo Wan* dcring iloir,” which is said to bo the jror erty «f Miss Howard, will also ho produced dur ing tho Louisville engagement. dim Bantams ta it tho douolo parts of I‘hiiip and I'talUpm, Dr. T. DuWilt Tnlmage, in bio C/iritlinn a Work, speaks in very high terms of tho spirit of forbearance nod brotherhood manifested by the PhiiadHlphia Christians in tho negotiations touching the engagement of Moedv and Baukoy, It will bo rememborod that tho evangelists bad unwillingly agreed to opou in Brooklyn ami Phil adelphia at about tho same time. Philadelphia thirdly yielded. Dr. Talmago dcclaiej that lu never caw anything iuoio magnanimous, and that, though ho does not know haw St. Louis and Chi* ergo icol toward each other, ho is sure Pbiladel phia mid Brooklyn are fast friends forever. Qush Yankee shrewdness: Two Xaahua(N. II.) mor* chants were icccntlv running cadi other oa stockings. Tho lirtt trader marked down the specimens at his door, and, after his rival had passed and nr,t?d tho change, resumed tho for mer pr.ccs. Tho trick was repeated, every morn ing. for a week or moio, mail tho bocodi! trader mis soiling stocking.* which cost at wholesale 23 cents for 5 con s. This was tho first trader’! onpermnity. Ho engaged tin services of moral girls un.l boys, nnd before tho nocorul trader trai uwaro of the fac; his whole >too»; of elockhge had boon transferred to tho counter of tia rival at 5 ceuls par pair, and were being sold bvbfni as “ a bankrupt lot—at a groat sacihico"—ini yet at n splendid profit. Romo mhchiovous person has attempted to ciicu'am a Ldso report tc. pouting an alleged accident to her Majesty's slip Alert, in tho Polar regions, by inchs.iig tho following, writtoa in pencil, o.n a biiic.ll scrap of paper, put into a small boric, which was plotted up on tho b:ach at Clonakiltv, Ireland : “ On board the Alert; Unco days from Disco j broken by iceberg, sink* iug. lithJuly. God help us." Tho Admiralty havo issued a proclamation denouncing thodlo* graceful system of putting tlm) untmtha Afloat* Tho Alert wiia seen on tho 17 h L of July by tha Valorous all well, and tho bottle, if thrown over board on the ISih of July, mum have been carried by currents 2.U()U miles in slxty-oiaht days, or at tho rate of 31 miles a day, nhicali not posbihle. Tbo Dubuque papers describe tbo toilet of tbs lady lawyer, Min. J. Ellon Foster. who icceutly appeared before the lowa tiuprerae Court We tiro iniormod that slit wore n rick black silk, without ornamentation of furbelows, overskirt, or anything else upon tbo doraitram, which gracefully uangiit up en panior, ami thus tbo dreary plainness was relieved. A plain black Bilk hat, oulivouod with some tlo 'ers, a velvet sacpio, with a (rimming of guipure loco, ami I pink Bilk necktie, complotea the lady’s costume. It hliowb a singular want of enterprise on tbl part of tbo law-repoiters in Chicago diet uoao* count has yet been given of tbo varied ami els* gant costumes of the lawyer* practicing at our bar. Nobody knows whether tbo llou. Emery Htoira wears a denii ora full train, or whethertli black silk hut of the Assistant Htato’s Attorney ll enlivened in any manner whatever. A prominent Judge in Illinois, who la univer sally esteemed and respected, is known to lits In* tint ito friends ou “ The Wolf.” lie oaruod tbo sobriquet by a curious adventure in Wisconsin. Many you re ago bo was traveling a lonely road in tbo southern portion of tbo State ou borsaback A branch came athwart bis face, and knocked off his spectacles. Without bis s ootncles tbo Judge wos os blind as n bat. Flo could not think of proceeding on ins journey until be bad found them. Accord.ugly ho sitpoed from bis hoisa, and, holdiug the bridle in one baud, began search ing for tbo lost “eyes” o;j "all-fours.” The horse was restive, and spectacles ibl Judgo ccmld boo no spectacles. The March lone and anxious. Finally, in the distance was heard the howling of prairie wolves. Tlio horse plunged ami snorted ; tbo spectacles remain bidden; the lawyer was In despair. Finally* M tbo wolves woro almost ut bis lieole, be leipe upon his horso, giving a free rein, ami waa sooo ruling blindly away to safety. When the dang® was past bo reached forward to sooth and caro his frightened horse, and tangled m the man lie found what bo had lung sought end mournoa because ho found tlnm not—the ills friends heard of Ids narrow (his dav ho has lenuined "The Wolf in pH’ and confidential intercourse. norm. AiimvAW. piUmrr tlou»e- MuJ. U It. Utiford, Hoed W«« -; V Murray Hour. U. 8. A.: W. W. U-.1l and Lue> JJjg Uuuul .in ; John Walwu. Jr., Loiel'm, Ln<.. , Crook. U 8. A.; S. Jt. and K. U. York; \V. T. llukUi-b. fleorsetown. fojW ola, Uojtou; Alorijau t aughito, Jr* 10 !*.,.. W. M. Pratt, i'rovldcDce; !>. )'• u ?i*V .. cliiDtttl; K. P. Lyman, New Uoi'i C. Campbell. tluclDD'n W, H. Pope, Uotroll; Lyman A. Ura*n. ® r u< B. A. liulgsr, Doatou; J. L. D-iauo, UM>, Hobart. Cta : uiutl; AL l>. TaUle. >«w Havcu. «»> KdV.Prc.loJ, lUrtfo.-J : J. tt. Child*. A. K. Hoot, Alton; A. fl. HlurUviut, John J. beott, BujwrinleoJent join Work*; Wcnlcjr IteaueaJ, Dvslfmn nJ,j{ 0 ii,... l oaiiby, £ugl.u<l; B. ApplL-iou. > 1 lleQ rt / rcinoiit UoHMt'—J. D. roalor. U«lr - > # y J, Alluil, at. I-iuU: John J. Mtoheo, U-croh. “ u KOottou, Jou»vilhi i D. 1. C. <-'• Hill, IMo i Como Folio*. .* ,IU !!;5„y I„lull MlliJr. W.roo», loS.i V. 0.1.1fJ„o.l o. D. Ulhtoli, Now Turk i J. 11. A. A li.Tjoii, Foorlo ! W. I 1 FllUhom. .. u Eulriklu“ g iha ». 11. SA. ii£ Urcou, Keokuk....iAiraiiA "“““T* jjiolljul Hon rriudaou; Ihooioo ~c , fl 'SjhitoToJl* Col. F. 11. IK'urj, -'«» k“ k 11' ? lit I“* lao J John 1-ooreuco. Darham, J New VorkS '«V. C. Eawyer, Ctlc* J C <l. *• n.„p. uitouT (*. A. llurfioaa. bumford. £r, O. * P. I*. B.: U. A. SiorauJC'U.intUumTr...^ lliokfoxd, BoUuwtvr.