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FIRES. Particulars of ihc Orrnl Calamity at Virginia City. latest Estimates Place tho Aggregate Loss at 87,500,000. Territory Desolated Three-Fourths of a mile I,oiiff and Half a Dlile Wide. Oonsldorable Suffering Exists Among the Burned-Out Population. Great Scarcity of Necessary Food, but Whisky in Abundance, Koch Need of Organized Effort in Send ing Forward Relief. property Destroyed by Fire Else* wliero Yesterday THE VIRGINIA CITY CALAMITY. ADDITIONAL PABTICIH.AU3. gm Francisco, Oct. 27.—An additional special lotbo Call from Virginia cats: At present it is impossible to stale the lohh of life. Two men itto killed on C street by a falling wall. There ire naraberlcßß rumors of other casual* tt(. lUimhcds of families nro homeless mi hungry. The school houses, the public buildups left, tie open to Am, but if immediate toliof Is not extended put mfforlng will oosuo. Uitor Ucmorailza boo reigns )u tbo city. Mon, women, and dill &t& wander about luo dtseilod streets seeking toiler. The surrounding hUln aro dotted with nnt'flrcs. A few saloons remain, but tmpplios oflicjaor have not bcou lacking, and tho btreots ttetUru ivitb a drunken mob. Too military aro jiitolUuß tho city for tho proleclioo of property. scenes during the run:. Dispatches received tills evening giro further ktiiia of (ho Virginia City coullagration, and confirming previous reports as to tho extout of tbtcaiatiiiiy. The econo during (be progress of Aefite is beyond description. Too wind blew a plo, driving tho cinders and llamcs far in ad mire of tbo burning buildings, rendering all uttmpts to cheek the progress of the lire futile, (hut powder was freely need to blow :p the buildings, and fioqucut heavy explosions shook tbo e&rtb. Tho roof rf (be Catholic Church waa blown 100 I«t la the air, leaving tho bare walls standing. B, 8 (/decs all excitement was at its height. Ike streets wore tided with people, teamsters itrargling through tho lire, fighting at present ibis points; women shrieking their cncH of fiwjulr; curses of enraged men; tho roar of fiats, dull reports of explosions, as building (tierLnlloing took tiro; tho heavy thud and oub of falling waits; tho map of bursting boo bars and doors; tho howl of tho pie, all went to mako up a terns of indescribable hoiror. By 10 i o. the Co>.Bolid.tted Virginia hoisting Tctki building and mill wero wrapped in fiicoM, and suuu foil. Thu new California stamp tod) then |l prey to tho tho. which swept buibiaafew rods or C. A C. hoisting works, Then the veering of (ho wind turned tho llamcs, ut carried (hem to the Opine works, which icon fell in. Tho shaft timbers caught lire, but •tie extinguished without doing much damage, fit li a. a. tbo llamcs bod spout their fury ; tho riid Aed &*ay, leaving a bed of smoldering mu three-quarters of a mile long and half a auls wide. TUB FEELING ON THE STREET (dimming Is better tbau yesterday, and ihoro iitai disposition to magnify tlio disaster. Con* trsdictory repens are still floating about con* wtnng too fire iu (bo Ophlr shaft, sonio pro* f«emg to boliovo that tho damage Is known by Utidera to lo much greater than admitted. Tti moat authentic information, however, U tint lbs abaft ha’fc Buffered no material injury, li ii repertod on apparently good authority that tie now lioLtlng-works of the Ulf Wublugton miuo, which are similar Clever and pattern to those of the Consol* iAthdVirginia, will besot tip on tbo latter miuo titbout delay, iho works aro now on iho Ltdf ttaihiuptoo grounds, but not yet in posi t;«n, tod can be mode available ou the Consol* mUd\hgiDia in a voiy short time. WelMnfoimed partus state coniidonlially that pJCMlidftipa Virginia will pay &) dividends tor {■out (luce mouths, until Usings ace iu lull headway again. No definite advices received yet M to the extent of uamago to tho several imolved. Tbo lota! loss by “U»uo(t placed at from $3.000,000 to $4,000,- .. TUK MINING WORKS. iM J oat Ibis evening publishes an account of {“interne* with Mr. Flood, of tho Arm of ttWiOßilen. Flood stated lhat the woik of (be damages to tho works and mills of u« lontobdated Viigiuia&ud California mines u m_ pushed to completion w.tutho utmost ?*P*4i: Hat tho Gould A Cmry shott and ttit 9 WOl of no use to them, and yf* ,ll# production of the mine must cease rr *“• old works could bo repaired or odbb obtained. Flood was dlain tt*i „ l ° cx iweta an opinion as to J“*u»pllrof tune it would take to got la work fcfw M i r •i' a,n * fctit inumated something over n»<l “*?*’ ■syioff it would bo foolish to hold , fc too early resumption, Flood slated Viui °"*rbad been received from tho Lady . Company of tlieir now hoisting Tt>« , c,, at tho Union Foundry. «tn» ? r « wli ich Al ° a duplicate in many ro ll i... I®® 8 ® destroyed, wou.d bo purchased tau* l be made available. All that hi «ki Bini * with deiinllrnoßs about, fruit i.i UjQt * or was that tho most straw vl. 10 01 Proceeding that suggested Itself F UrßU ®d. whether of buying no* abii rc . M,rtn ? the old. lie did not know to •onidii. 1 ,iw oIJ *°rks were Injured, hut it tlr*. a certalotv that the bed ttithiA 0 ,. 01 icr °* tllo h)°st Bolld parla of toe Urn if .i B ™, *° un d and uumjuied. but dan !: “>O, leaat surposahlo damage were UttiilL* 00 1,0 to expect that tho thi coniu bo made inside of Wtifid T! 1 ’ or ® vou • considerably longer tannJii. ~6 ODl, olldated Virginia battery and toonu Jj. 81 ® tu " would be also repaired as tWIKSK. F. 1 ! 0 tmiro *• a m,u COHt ket ikan ’ 1 pan portion of it was lu hrr»»?! CTotiijohGatcJ Virginia mill was also iWatoM Bmi compioie. Tho difficulty kfctotn!- , .. lou » however, dues not lie m t *Hbuihm.°( facilities, for, until now li 4 7;®Bla were erected, tocoutae could bo •bek *J? # and Morgan mills, iw'fl 118 * * n c *Pttc.ty to the one inuil mui , l,lor ° were several other ‘•"imtitirtß * i wtilcb could be called into ' a kdiin», » r °K ft r<ls the Ophlr mine and L . <3B r “ elve<J to-day show that tho ®ud me boilers and most of tho Wou Cu^V 81 . 011 to ,bo s *ock Exchange from W C^foi,.u to * dßy 6a >'** the vault of tho lianu .^ KeDCy WM blown open (bis td) |»5’ 1 T 4 J h ® ticasore removed to tho Gold **Vo*tia «.i7 vcr *t deaths have occurred from bi»t "* B *«‘ewtnt, and typhoid fover com* ' J’EUW. ciu*irt, z ., movement has yet been made in . r ®bet of the Virginia people. t lUtor<ur u 1 d to contribute liberally, ejon* ».** confluod to bis bod by illuoas, w cowe forwuid to head a the exception of 90,000 sub by ttie Stock Board/uolU ?^'c.Bin^,n‘ ,t i u ® ~c u has been dune. Sacra* to hA„ I *ud Los Angelos have for- B °Phhea to some extent, fclttl inJL«? Probably bo a pretty owramaot through the titalo. The California Theatre will r;to a benefit for the aiiffcrorn Banialar evening. Tho morning papeia will urge tho ncccmnty of organization, ami no doubt noniotliiiig will hn done tomorrow. A apodal dhmah.-h to llio CfiH thin evening h»>h Uio hint btmincM nion cHlimftlo llio lonn at a7.800.0D0, ono-thiid in foreign companies, tho rcHt in local companion. A largo number of. women ami children have been tent to Carton, Cold lliil. Itonn, and Califonila. To-dav thorn wan light wind and fhoffcry weather threatening, Hundreds are IN THE BRINS, torching for articles of value. Safes are being pulled mil and vaults bureted otion. The vault oflhotUuk of Califoima In all right. Only a fair papers were lost. aid.*! Carson sent a sar-lond of provisions for 2.500. and thov aro being dealt out at tlio First Ward Soliool-llouhc. Bono. Goltl IIHI, and other towns, am sending fool ami clothing. There aro fully fI.UOO pooplo wlihoul food, bods, roofs, or money. Of these, fully 500 am without necessary dollies, hhould harsh weather soon sot in, much suffering must ensuo. prospective. Tbo throe Injured mhios camiol, Iho employ cm say, got buildings am) machinery under siitv days. Tho rebuilding will go on all over Mm city, and thin will give labpr to hundreds in cleaning mines, etc. PLUCKY. Tho poopln am In good s-urife. am), while ter ribly afflicted, nro tho pluckiest, bravest lot 1 ov er Imd to do wltli. Hon lrodsaro too proud to say thoy need help. nml tho ladles go nut and find women and children ncmlinc food, but ashamed lobcgU. Thin fooling is rolnxlng, however, under tho hind offices of tho Belief Committee. which in already i nrtly organized. Borao Khanties aro already being put up. Workmen aro busy shutting off tho broken tmor and gas pipes, and getting tho worst debris out of tbo 6trflo'“. Homo of tbo streets nro utterly Impassable, choked with ruins. Tho ferocity of tbo flm Is soon iu tho twisted, warned iron work and heavy walls drawn out of shape. The dangerous walla am being blown un every few minutes, and others arc being pukhed over. Tho HtrcolH and open lota present a sccno of indexctlbablo confusion, lumbered with broken furniture, damaged goods, and broken ma chinery. Tho machinery of tbo hoisting works Lm imd is believed to bo badly damaged, but not utterly mined. THE MINES. Tho water lu tho Consolidated Virginia is being pumped off through tho Gould and Curry and other nuuea, but tho pumuiuc faclliilen thus for are inadequate. Last night the air shaft of tho Andes mine was on fire, and scut up n column of llamcs 150 feet high. It is believed Al will burn out tho shaft and go no further, Communication being pretty well cut off liolow. This mine is on the south of the region of the fire, and above it, and took from living cinders. Its buildings aro not burned. Information about the mines is that all the men got out without injury v. ith tho exception that some of tho burn* mg timbers of Ihu Oplnr shaft fell down it and sent gases, as of burning wood, up Quuld fc Ciiiith shaft. Water was lifted uoftad then dropped back, forcing tho gases back. It is bo* liovud there is no tlrolnOphir at all. Water, however, is kept on tho abaft. TUB GOLD YIELD. Washington, D. C„ Oct. 27.—Dr. Llndcrmoo, Director of tho Mint, ej-timulos timt by tho Vir ginia City tiro tho supply of bullion will bo cut off to tho extent ol #1,01)0.050 per month for four months, and (bo supply of silver bullion #1,500,000 por month for tho sumo length of tune. OTHER FIRES. NEAR OALEHUmid. ILL. foetta* Lumteh to The Chicago Tribune. Galeiiiiuro, 111., Oct. 27.—Tho soap factory of Clißilcs Finer A Co., located a few miles smith of this city, was destroyed by tire lost night. Loss, #800; insurance, SSOO, AT WILKESRAURB, PA. Sfpreiat Uiaoateh to The Chxrano Tribune. WrL.iEHHAr.RE, Pa.. Oct. 27.—Last night, dur ing a sudden thunder-storm winen parsed over this city, Paine’s oil depot was strums by light ning and entirely dostioyed, with anout 1,100 oairels of oil. With great dilflculty tbo tlio de partment succeeded lu saving tho railroad depots and other adjacent buildings. NEAR EDWAUDHVII.LE, ILL. sj*rm{ l)itpdh-h to The Chicago /Vienne, Alton. IU., Oct. 27.—A largo barn belonging to J. C. Burroughs, on liih farm 2 miles north of Edwardsville, whs destroyed by fire today about 12 o’clock. Loss on barn and contents. $3,000 ; insurance, $1,500. Origin of the tire nut known. AT KALAMAZOO, MICII. Special Pwatch to J i,r C/.icnoo Tribune. Kalamazoo, Mich.. Oct. 27.—Tho works of tho Mastic homing Manufacturing Company wero totally consumed by fire tins aiieruoon at half past i. Almost a total loss. Loss, SIO,OOO. Origin of tho lire unknown. AT LITTLE ROCK. Little Bock, Oct. 27.—Tho oil house at tho depot of tbo 28 1. Louis, Iron Mountain & South ern Builroad aas burned last night. AT I’EKIN, ILL. SvesUl VHtaleh to The L'htcaan 1 rlbune. Pekin, 111., Oct. 27.—Just before U o’clock last night fito wao discovered nearly opposite tho City Hotel, in an old mill now occupied by a hay-press, and by midnight the building and contents, including a horse, wero consumed, and also two blacksmith-shops, a barn, and throe buildings used bb dwelling-houses. Tho loss w comparatively incomiderablo. ami was insured in HmaU sums for S7OJ. The fire was incen diary. IN CHICAGO. Tlio alarm of fire at 2:50 o'clock Ust evening from Box H 23 wan caused bv a fire in the two story fralno building, No. sii2 Larraoeo street, owned and occupied by Mr. Urban. Damage nominal; fully Insured. CASUALTIES. FOUND IN THE RIVER. Lbavenwoutr, Kan., Oct. 27.—Tbo body of a young and beautiful woman, aged about 25 years, was found in Iho river hero to*day. The corpse wan richly dressed, wearing a puipto silk dress, and ueut breastpin and earrings. In a pocket of tbo dress was found a pockotbook containing $175 In money, also & card-case containing cuius hearing tho name of .'ll. At. Blackwell. A chock for baggage to Leaven worth ami letters from Chicago to Kansas City wore also discovered in tho pocket of iho dress. A horrible mystery is connected with tho affair, and the police will do their utmost to ferret it out. SUFFOCATED OY COAL-O VS, Nkw Orleans, La., Oct. 27.—James ilobineon, (bird engineer of tho steamship Loyal Htundanl, was fomul dead hi bis stateroom this morning, and William Johnson, second engineer, In tho same room, not expected to recover. The cause is supposed to be ibo escapo of gua from oool* bunkers through tho ffoor of tuo state-room, which is immediately over Um bunkers, liobm sou is a native of England, aged 21). Ho leaves a wife and t«o children. Johnson Is a native of England, aged i; 8, and has a wife and three chil dren. ANOTHER RAILROAD FATALITY. Frmnußu, Fa., Oct. 27.—As Henry Smith and wife wore attempting to get aboard a jiasHonger (rain In Allegheny this evening they were struck by a Shifting engine and run down. Tbo lady was instantly killed, her husband escaping with alight Injuries. Mr. Smith ih bookkeeper and cashier of tue Pittsburg Locomotive Works, and resides iu Allegheny. FATAL COLLISION. Toledo, 0., Oct. 27.—The wesl-bouod train on the Lake Hboro Hallway ibis afternoon, when near Quincy, Mich., ran Into a wagon containing • man named Norton, aged 21, and hie mother, aged C 5, killing both almost Instantly. Tho hursqs stopped on the (rack <n front of the ap proaching train, and refused to move. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Ralston, Pa., Oct. 27*—Tho cars on the big plane ran away to day, caused by tho bresklog of (ho rope which controls tho brake. John Burke had his head ent off ; George Htlckle was fatalW, ami John Bides, a book and shoo agent, was seriously, injured. ASHORE. Post Rowah, Out., Oct. 27.—Schooner Stam pede. from Sheboygan to Buffalo, with wheat* ia taboro full of water west of Long Point Cut. The cargo will prove a loss. The vessel may bo got off. The mate, Tobias Tbeau, was drowned. THE NEW MICHIGAN CAPITCL. SyMal Dmvat<M9 Tht Chuaon Trxbuiu. Lamsjmo, Mich., Oct. 27.—Quo milUou three hundred and alxty-llvo tbousaod Uollarw is the aggregate appropriation for building the new Capitol, and there baa been expended $574.- 1*1)0.18, leaving $7n0,71*0.83 of the appropriation unexpended. The aiuouut expended the present lleoal year u $217,027.00. TIIE CHICAGO TRIBUNE* THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. 187.", WASHINGTON. Ex-Gov. Walker, of Virginia, a Prominent Candidate for tho Speakership. Fernando U'ood Declines lo Abate Ills Elforls in That Direction. Arguments in the Supremo Court in the Faoiflo Railroad Case. A Acff Commission to Settio (lie Canadian Fisheries (Jncslion. Agricultural Department Estimates ol the Grain Crops of 1875. Nov. 25 Appointed ns a L)ny of National TliankHglviiif'. THE SPEAKERSHIP. A NBW CANDIDATE. Mwewf Pmpatch to The Chieaoo Tribune. Wabuinoton, D. C., Oct. 27.—1 t has bc»n un derstood that them has been for some time a qulot understanding between tho supporters of Tildcn (or President, Id Now York and New England, and tho supporters of Mr. Herr, of Indiana, far Speaker throughout the country generally, of a reciprocal nature. Kerr’s friends have been auro of tlio support of tho TddooUcs on tho ground that tho Speaker of tho lloitso and tho cnodidato for Presi dent ought not to both ho taken ft mu tbo same section. Quito recently, however, tho fact has been developed ihat tho Now York and Now England Democrats have been very quietly setting things up to sncuio tho election of os- Gov. Walker, of Virginia, an Hpoakcr. The movement has already assumed formidable pro portions, mid will doubtless give rise to a great deal of bad fooliug. Tho canvass for the Hpeak oiehip is dally growing more hooted and acri monious. lERNANDO WOOD will take np his residence here Nor. 18, and will then formally open his campaign top tbo Speak ership. Attempts havo been mado recently to induce bim to withdraw in fnvor of ItauanM. Wood, wltliin a few days, Lao, however, said that ho will under no ciicumstanceH withdraw; that ho entered upon his candidature in good faith, and proposes to mako the contest. The appearance of Fernando Wood hero at that lime will undoubtedly bring tho other candidates for Speaker boro, and the political season may bo expected to be actively begun Not. 15. THE UNION PACIFIC CASE. AnODMENffI IN THE SUI’REME COURT. Washington, D. C,, Oct. 27.—1 n tho Supremo Court to-day tho Government appeal from tho decision of tho Court of Claims ia tho Umoa Pacific ease came up for argument. Tlio sub stantial question presented by this case is whether, by tho construction of tho act of l«C2 t incorporating tho Union i’acilic llailroad Com* pany. as amended by tbo net of 18C4. tho United States, whenever it p%ye interest upon tho bonds issued to aid m tho construction of tbo road, is outillod to ouforco Immodiato payment thereof from tho Company by suit or other wise. or whether such reimbursement can bo obtained only by tbo application of o:ie baif the compensation duo tho Company for services rendered to thu Government. and 5 per cent of (ho not earnings of tho road after its completion. Tho Company iuflisl that tbo latter construction is obvious atiJ just, end consequently that it is entitled to re cover tho amount herein claimed, being one half of the sum duo for compensation, as stated. The Government does not pretend, as assoucJ by tho Company, that it may withhold (ids half by force of any authority to that effect expressed in tho statutes, but solely upon ihu ground Unit upon payment of iuteu-st on tho bonus it there upon becomes to that extent creditor of tbo Company entitled to tmmeduto iailursemcut of (no sum paid, rccovoraolo by suit or offset. Tho Company contend that tho fiamowork of tbo clui ter. tho declared national i.urposoa It sola forth, tho Government control os&umod, IhopnbUoußOßto which tuo work, when com pleted, was to be subjected. and finally tho increased public aid promised by tbo act of ISCI, when it was found that tho requisite capital could not bo obtained under the act of 1862, —all, it is said, concur to establish tbit tbo no.k was doomed by tbo Government of such paramount national Impoitanco that only by narrow, illiberal, and strained construction con it now bo contended that any of the Government aid afforded, whether of bonds or land, should bo regai dod as donations to tbo Company. Plainly, it is said they weio not such, but aro to ho viewed os rea sonable national contributions to aid in tbo con struction Of a great national highway along public domain, connecting the Bast with tho West by telegraph and railway. It is then con tended that, by tho provisions of the charter, which Are examined at length, the Company wus not bound either expressly or by implication tin mediately to rcimburso tho Government for tlio interest it should pay upou bonds, nor until their maturity. The Attorney-General submits (bat tho plain meaning and Intent of Congress, apparent from all the statutes when construed together, is that the United Htutos are entitled— under the char ier accepted by the Company—to retain the whole value of' the services rendered to ibo United Htaioa toward the payment of Intercut advanced by the Government upon tbo bond* loaned to tbo Company. The Attorney-General says that, if tbo i.idcmont below iu favor of tbo Company is sustained. *:i.bO,UOO.O(iOnill bo tains* ferred to the btockholdma of these roads. If, says tho AUocnoy*Goucral t this Judgment bo sustained, before a single generation shall have passed tho Government wilt have paid for (ho different Pacific Companies $318,035,71-1 in inter est alone, loss only uuo-balf tho charges (or set vices, iho other' half being paid by tbo Govern mont. THE CANADIAN FISHERIES. «u dominion’s claims to im strrLtn v.t abbi- W*biiinotow, D. C., Oct. 27.—An absurd re port has reached hero from Canada that (lioileh* log interest (here is claiming that tho Commis sion which U to assemble some day soon at Hali fax, uml*T tho provisions of iho Treaty of Wash ington, Is sure to a*arJ tho Canadian Govern ment $4,000,000 or $5,000,000 as compensation, ou the part of (bo United titatos, for (ho privi lege of takiug and oaring 11 nb in Brit.’sh waters, and for tho privilege of landing tod making purchases during tho llshing season. Under (he Treaty of Washington the United Btates ten dered the British Government $1,000,000 for this privilege, but it was declined, and our Gov* oromeut soon after becoming satlsAcd that TUta AUGUST WAS TOO LMUiE, and fearing thut il the offer was left standing It might bo accepted upon reconsideration, with drew it, ana decided to lot tUe question bo settled by arbUiaUon. This was neatly two ycara ago. Before anything dotlalto between our country and Canada could bo arranged m re gard to tUo appointment of lire OouuulaAluo. Uio llccipiociiy treaty wah agreed upon, and by I’resideol Grant aeot to Uio Senate for ratifica tion. Tbo Senate, at tbo lost session. considered tbifl treaty, which was to bo accepted by Canada as a full compensation for the fishing privileges. The treaty was not satisfactory to the Senate, and it waa rejected, tbo effect of which was to remand the nshery question bock to arbitration. Up to tula uato no ovm'un actios naa bebh takes by our Government toward selection of a Com missioner, but there are indications that the matter will bo taken up at an early day. Our Government baa beou notified officially that Canada baa appointed Sir A. T. Galt to repio aent her aa an arbitrator, and Mr. Ford to act as her agent. TUo United States will name a Com misaluuer, and tbo third will bo designated by (be Austrian Minister at Loudon. The an nouncement baa bccu made (bat Lloul.-Oov. Clifford, of Massachusetts, has been appointed u United Slates Commissioner, nut tbia la in correct. While our authorities may have con sidered this matter unofficially, no official action baa yet been taken. Mr. Clifford ia in Buropo. and it in ascertained he has not been appointed as yet t ao the statement to the contrary, to say (he least, ia premature. It ia believed here that tbia Commission, which will moot at Halifax, will not name a larger amount than $4W,000 or 9600,000 as com- ronnatioii ia full to Canada for tbo right lo flub in her wntcrit. POSTAL MATTERS. I.ntmil OVERLAND MAILS. 'iyei'ti I>U;.a'rU to The ChitAO'i Tribune, V\Asmx.iT ’N, If. C.. Oft, 27.—The Post-Office Department is in corresnendanco with the fjnt ish postal authorities relative lo a modification of tho present postal treaty with Great Britain ho far as regards postage on British cloned mail* from Now York to Han Ft&ncisco. Thin route was oflpeclally excepted from the operations of (ho treaty of Dome. Tho present treaty requires Great Ihilain to pay CO per pound for let ter mniltf, and 0 cents per pound for paper mails. It coh(h tho United fitates 2d cornu per pound to transport the mall from New York to Ran Francisco irrespective of the dot's of matter. This in tho compensation received hr tho railroads. Our Post-Office De railment has proposed to Great Dntain that the treaty shall bo modified no that British closed mails shall pay 2S emits per pound for all clauses of mail matter. This proposition contemplates ABOLISHING THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN LETTER AND I‘Al’Lll MAIL, as them is no such distlucilou in (his country. I he psi hiho to cur Department of carrying the Driij»h chi Mid mail is verv cous.dorakle. as the Da; cr mail tlnough to Australia seldom weighs lees than 5 tons, * THE FAST MAIL-TRAINS. Tho ponnauciit succor!! of the fu-i mail-trains apnenrs to dopood upon tlio result of too weigh ing of tho mails In December and January. If tlio railroad companies Hod that their compen sation under Iho now system very nearly approx imates tho slim reedved under the former sys tem they will bo willing to continue tho trains. If (he contrary is tho case, It is not improbable that tho companies may bn unwilling to continue tho trains. Tbo Post-Office Department cstl mated that tho railroads would receive about $23,000 annually less undor the fast-train sys tem. ANOTHER FAST TRAIN. Tho Post-Office Department proposes to run a fast mail-tram over Iho Baltimore & Ohio Ball road between Baltimore. Washington, and Chi cago, commencing Nov. 1. Tbo train will leave Baltimore nt C a. in., and reach Chicago in twen ty-six or twanty-eovon hours from Baltimore, or in twelve hours’leas time than formerly—about 9 a. m. thu following day. NOTES AND NEWS. TUB INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. filtscial Puvoteh to The Vhiencn tribune. Wasiiikotoh, 1). C. ( Oct. 27.—Zach Chandler bus taken two significant steps with regard to officers id tbo Interior Department, lie bas issued & circular fornidding clerks to recom mend persons for appointment, or to give any information concerning vacancies: also a circu lar (liiccting clones to report tbo State from which they wore appointed. CIIIMINAh IICCOIID. Tbo Increase in iho number of grave criminal ofTc iiHofl within this District is slrikiuir'y shown by tbo number of canoa entered upon the docket of tbo Criminal Court, which now tries females only. roribcycarombiigOot. 1,1574, there were 151) cace» entered, while for the year ending with Oct. 1. H 75, tliero wero (i! 2 cases, three of rim United Huuoh prosecutors in tbo Court neing called at different times during tbo latter year to answer indictmentM, where tliov bad been accustomed to prosecute crime In tbo name of the United States, HEVU.VDF. APPOINTMENT*. Georpo 0. W. Yoderbas boon appointed Inter nal llm'ouuo Gauger for tho Fourth District of Ohio. THASr.MUVINfI. Tbo President to-day i-suod bis proclamation, designating tho 25th day of November as a tny of thanksgiving aud prayer throughout the United Stales. i'uur. urmn-pruvEUY, The annual report of the freo-d-diverv division of the Bnsl-Ofilco Department bhowu that there are now employed by ihat branch of tho service 2,1!)5 earners, distributed among a total of eighty-seven offices, and that they delivered during tbo fiscal year nearly 228,000,000 letters, od.m)j.oiio nowspapem. and some 31.000,000 poslal-canD, besides co’loctiug about 213,000,- 000 pieces of various kinds. 'lho total cost of tho service nos sl, ami tbo receipts from postage ou local matter amounted to u1.h17.n59. As compared with tbo preceding tb-cal year these aggregates show au Increase iu the number of earners of lid, and in (bo num ber of pieces handled of 71,000.000, together with an increase of 4 per cent in tho cost of the service, ami uf 21 per cent m the receipts from local postage, which now for tho hist time ex ceed tho oust of tho froo-dellvery system. tub chops. The agricultural returns for October show that tlio wheat crop ot tho present your is a short one. atul tlieio is a marked deterioration in quality. Tho average thus far reported is about St) por cent ol last year's production. It this indicates tlio total depreciation, K amounts to nearly ii2.ooO.otH) barbels, and gives tbo crop at 210,000,000 bushels. In quality the crop averages J 4 per cent below sound condition. Tbo condition ot tno corn crop is exceptionally high. Tlio produce exported Ibis year falls short of 1871 about 4 per cent. Tbo oats product 5 per cent greater than last year. The pota'oo crop promises tube extraordiuary, both in viold and quality. Tobacco la 2 per cent above tbo average. Dtrlov is 87 per cent of last year’s cron, and buckwheat not far from the average. prospective nrarovALS. It is believed that there will soon bo extensive changed made among employes of tho Interior Deportment on persona) or political grounds. INDIAN AFFAIRS. WORK OP THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Ff.exat Ihvvnteh In The Vhifwio IVietm*. Indianapolis. lud., Oct. 27.—Tbo Executive Committee of the Society of Friends on Indian Affairs met hero to-day, and will remain iu ses sion for sovotal days. Tbo Committee is com posed of two members from oaub yearly meet ing of Friends, all being requested to furnish a quota of $3,000 each for tbo use of tho Commit tee during tho current year, Tho representa tives arc m follows: New England, Edward Howland and Edward Earle; Now York, William 11. Collins and Benjamin Latham; Ohio, John Butler; Indiana, Charles Coffin, Amos Poane. aud Barnabas C. Hobbs; lowa, JcpthA W. Morgan ; Kansas, Andrew C. Will iams and Washington Hadlov. Tbe represent atives from Philadelphia, Baltlraoto. aud North Carolina, have not arrived, itoroabua O. Hobbs provides. Tbo report of tho Troisurcr shows that the Sociutv had met the expenses of tho Agoiiciurt out of their own funds. Tho appro priations of Congress amounted to about t-Ul.Ojn, which is rather an insufficient sum to provide educational facilities for 20,000 Indians. Dr. William Nicholson, of Lawrence, Kan., is tho General Agent. Ho mado a report to the i ummiltoo lor Bontorobor, which contains nothing of ucnotal interest save a statement lOfeiTing to the recent Investigation of Indian (.(fair*, that no clmigos affecting the honesty and faithfulness of Gibson could possi bly bo sustained. Ho charges that tho Indian Bureau disregarded his request for authority lor Ins Agents to secure supplies of commissary stores in case of a fat! iu h of transporta I ion, and, as accuse quenca, scarcely nay of the supplies lying at the iabroad were forwarded to tho agencies during the first quarter of this Usual year, while tbe In dians wore suffering with hunger sud disease. Nicholson says, in oouelusion i "Tho contracts for transput tation soem to be drawn with tbo same looaenesa as those ot Uat year, and it would seem that tho Government has no redress unou (he contractor provided ho effects the transportation by tho o!oso uf (he fiscal year. Tho plan for removing tho InJiaoa of tho Houthwest to tho eastern i art of tlio territory was liberally arranged for'by Congress, and confidently expected by tlio Com mittee at bs last meet’inr. It Is only necessary to ear that it baa totally failed." The repoit of Enoch Hoag, Uoueral Superintendent of Agencies, for the year 1875, was read. U embraces reports from all tbo agencies, aud gives the following information t •• There are six agencies,—tho Kiowa and Com anche, CTieyeuao and Arapahoe, Wichita, Bao and Fox. Osage aud Quapaw. besides which there are tho Kansas tribes, and the Chippewa aud Munsue or (Junatlan Indians." Tho tallow ing etatistlcs sio given : Population, 15,- Ui'i; number of schools, 15; number of scholars, 83d; amount contributed, by religious denominations. $379,043; Indians who wear citizens’di ess, 8,753; acres cultivated by Indians. 14,449: bushels cf com raised, 820, • 630; bu-hfls of wheat. 2i,032; bushels of oats. 6.03 U; buahels uf beans, 2,629; bushels of tioiaioss, 17.102; bushels ot other vegv abiug 2.024; tons of bav cut, 4,991); number of bones owned by Indiana, 25.• 065: mules. 021; cattle, 0,680; swine, 12.268; coids of wood cut by Indians, 443; bouses occu pied by Indians, 1,042, The following otlicers of tbo Society weie elected i Clerk—James CJ. Hboads. of Philadelphia, Treasurer—Charles T. Cotllu, uf lUchuwua. General Agent—Dr. Nich olson. CRIMINAL HEWS. Conviction and Capital Sentence of the Murderer of Noc, at New York. Capture of Tlirco of tin* I'artlci limits in the Denver Horror. llcuipt by TMsnfTcclcd Students to Blow Up Hartford College. Sad Sequence of the Mental Mist Which Enveloped Mr. Fogg, of 3t, Louis. A War of Bacen Now Waging in Pulaski County, Ky. THE HULIMOIS KU KLU/. fipftial hi>poU‘!t to i h* Cturivt'i Majiio.v. Williamson County, 111., net. ‘JT.- Tho Circuit Court term, which commenced Met. H ami terminated tho !Hut. wos tli-: i im portant in its results over held in thi.t section of tbo country. A synopsis of what has boon «c --complishod in tho land of the vendetta ih here with appended. A nollc-pros. was entered iu tbo ease of Fielding Henderson, charged with tho hilling of Vincent Hlnrhccitfe. for lack of evidence. P. Henderson, convicted of malicious mischief, was sent to tho PenUeii* Uary for one year. Throe charges of assault to kill Capt, George W. Hisnoy against Timntlir Coylo were dismissed, thoconfcHSion of Motshail Crain having oxhonoralcd him. Milton Baxter, charged with murdering Vincent IJinchccliffe. gave bail iu tho sum of 83,003, and had his case continued. In the case of tbo State vs. William J. Crain, alias “Big Jeff Crain.'’ alias "Block Bill Crnin,’’ and Nash W. Crain, atlas “ Yellow Bill Crain," lor the murder of William Spence, the first was granted & change of Touao to Alexander County, and will bo tried In January. “Yellow Bill" was ad mitted to bail in the sum of $5,000. Marshall Crain, who pleaded guilty to tbo murder of Will iam Hponco, sod now under sentence of death, baa boon very penitent, and bia enm are connlautly beard by those in proximity to bm call. Ho now entertains tbo bopo that bo can purifv bia soul by embracing religion. Ho bold up nub remarkable courage until Friday last, nben bo broko down com pletely, and confessed that he was not only tbo ansasHio of William Spence but also of t’a: t. SiKDoy, and that bo swore against Baker to save bis own life. On tbo day mentioned bo bad George Sisnov. Jr., called to bia cell, and told him that he was tbo murderer of bis father. Ho prostrated himself before the young nun, and asked bis forgiveness. S'lsney replied that bo could not forgive the murderer of bis father, as forgiveness for such a crime would ho uuiiat Crain remarked that bo was not in his right miud when be committed tbo deed. THE MERCENARY MURDER AT SAGINAW. flje i'll VUpiUh to The Chicago Tribune, East Sauinaw, Mich.. Oct. 27. — 1 telegraphed you yesterday of tho murder of William Stewart, wholesale liquor dealer at Au Sable, bis body boing found yesterdav morning on the street. A Coroner's jury brought in a verdict that be came to death by blows from some sharp instrument. A man named Fa'riugion bas been arrested, charged with murder, and a woman named Biversas au accomplice. Blood was found on Farrington’s promises on tbo door, and on the curtains aud windows, and stains of blood on tbo floor which bo bad attempted to cleanup. Farrington States that three masked men came into his shop to divido tbo money they bad taken from tbo maa they had kilted. In dividing it, they got into a quarrel, and one kicked the other in the face, causing the blood in bis place. The murdered man was found hut u few steps from Farrington's place. Tho proof against Farrington is voiy strong. Ho bas served a term in tbo Prison, and bos a hard name. Tho people are greatly excited, aud with diiliculty were kept from lynching him. MEMPHIS ITEMS. Memphis. Tout), Ocu 2".—-McCombs. Jr., who has figured hc»e since tbo War asaclalm-agont, was sent to jail to-day by United States Com* mlesiouor Garrett, in default of $3,000 bail, on a charge of being a warty in tbs attempt to defraud tbo Government in bounty claims of colored soldiers. In tbo case of Joseph M. Tighe, before Judge Hay, on a writ of habeas corpus, as lonorted last night, tho Judge hold that tbo requisition was detective, sod continued tbo case until tbs 4tb i.{ November m order to give time to amend tbo requisition, aud Tigbo was held in $2,000 until tuat time. Gov. Porter, having beard of tho manner iu wnich A. M. Smith arrested Tighe, telegraphed Sheriff Anderson not to turn Tighe over to Smith, as he would appoint another messenger to-day. Tighe swore out two warrants against A. M. Smith. J. J. Smith. K. M. Shaw, and Plank Trantliam, one alleging that Tighe was abducted by (hem, and the oihtr that ho was confined in a room, pistols present* cd at bis bead, and his life threatened. They wero all arrested and bold m bail to answer to morrow. ATTEMPTED MURDER AND SUICIDE. Bt. I-new, Oct. 27.—About 5 o'clock this even ing I). It. Fogg, a young man about 21 years old, an advertising agent for tho Chromch\ called at tbo house of Mrs. Flachtnau. No. IMG North Sixteenth street, to boo her daughter Tanlma, and after a few momenta' conversation with the latter shot her with a derringer, tho hall entering her loft breast, 3 incite be low tbe nipple, but striking a rib glanced round and inflicted only a eovero flesh wound. Fogg then draw a short dagger and stabbed bira-clf twice iu tbe loft breat, 2 inched below tho nipple, and onco in tbo loft side, under tbo arm, causing wounds which will no doubt prove fatal. It appears that Fogg was engaged to tho girl, but she, being only 10 yeata of age, her mother opposed the match, and bad forbidden Fogg tho bouse. Tide seems to have affected tho young man’s mind, and, la a fit of despondency or doe] air. ho determined to end tbo hfo of both his aftiancod and himself. THE DENVER TRAGEDY. Denver, Col., Oct. 27.—Three of the par ticipants in tbo murder of the four Italians in (his city recently have been arrested. Omi of them, uu Italian, confesses to having played bis harp while five olhcra cut Iho throats of their victims. Throe of the murderers, Galatli ami T’rnuk Ihiliilcre, Italians. am] a Mexican, arc still at large, but it is thought that they will bo overtaken in a few hours. IndiguatKm is in tense, but It is believed that tbo cuipnts will bo dealt with according to law. THE TAMMANY RING SUITS. New York, Oct. 27.— Surrogate Hutchins to- tbo Vailed Stales Trust Company to pay user to the Ktato olticors ss!i(),4fts, iu satisfaction of a Judgment of tbo Hnpremo Court against tbo estate of Watson. one of tbo Tweed ring suits. Tbo remainder of tbo funds in tbo bonds of tbo Trust Company, after (bo payment of counsel ami Trustee foes, is ordered to bo paid to Watson's widow, as admiiiisiratitz, for tbo btuolU of tbo creditors of tbo estate. RAILROAD THIEF CAUGHT. Si'/eiai l)isi>atch to Tht Chicano Jr, by ns, Danville, 111.. Oct. 27.—A railruad-IhUl named John W. Stiles was arrested boro to-day, and a largo amount of bale, shirts, stockings, and other articles of wearing-apparel, was found in his bouse. It is thought bv tbe auibnrities hero that this arrest will lead to a general ex lioso of a gang of ruilroad*lbiovos, who have icon committing depredations on tbo different roads here for several mouths. A PRISONER SHOT. Cincinnati, (Jet. 27.—A man namsd H. C. Johnson was shot and instantly killed, at an early hour this morning, while being conveyed to the station-houso by the police. It is not clear where tbo shot caroo from, though, it is cupoosed to have been from Otlioc; l)o times is- Tolvor, as bo was endeavoring to mtimidatu (be prisoner at tbo time, tbo tatter offering consid erable resislanco. Johnson was employed in a leather store. THE ILLINOIS COUNTERFEITERS. Sitciul UtiWtch to Tm Chtcuuj Tribune, SvMXomuUlL, Oct. 27.-TboCeotralia coun terfeiters were brought before Undid States Commissioner Adams to-day. Tboir counsel, the Hon. A. h. Knapp, waived examination, and wore committed In default of lienvy ball. an f II mh: Nolmn Drig f jH, S<lM(jo« Mrs. Driggs. An.met Sl;;i(or. miO.CIH; I.lJhoUfl find Hubnra Sindioit. *1 ) r "‘) mdi. Tv»r old ocean o ,\uv. pottery. Oct. 21. The -file of H. P. ArcJisr a:;ajn<t the Ocean Nsinnal Bank was resumed to-day. r. S. Mtovm»o;i. Cashier of tbo bank 'vhon it wa« robbed, tuid dent, testified that bo bad no idea that tbo bank won lobe robbed, all a>s n niotis to the contrary MotmthKtaiiditig; that be bad neither planned ilio nor had anything to do with itu ac roiiijilinbineiit. •JAIL E-CA^E. .’■pvirti 'h !o I fa i.'lifi',,. Tri'SJn*. Namivii.u:, Term., Oct. 27.—Sam Winston, who deliberately murdered Monroe 1-ulton, who had given no provocation, st Mtitfro {-boio, a year ago, (‘Heaped from tho Murficcabo it Jail at Vi o’clock jvrtr.-rdsy nrrrumr by eaujug tbo tar* of bin window, r;«j> Vackoy, a noiuiioua robber, escaped with him. A CUV FAWKES PLST. Boston, Oct. 27,—A quantity of nllro-glycerlno was exploded last night under a window of Har vard College building, ami several hundred pones of glass uhalicred. it was a narrow es cape from more rcriona damage. Home of tho students, it la said, wore tbo porpotraloia. FATAL FAMILY QUARREL, Nun Vouk, Oct. 27.—John and Tiiomaa Dow dnll. labor and aoo, lio.*M Henry wlroct, quar r*■*!>-! early thin morning, whilo drunk, and the father fatally shut bis non. CAPITAL SENTENC-. New Vouk, Oct. 27.—John Nolan, Indicted for tbo ninrd-r of James 11. Noe. was this evening convicted in tho Over and Terminer, and sen tenced to be banged Doc. 10. WAR Of RACES IN KENTUCKY. H\f n *k, f•.;>!„!t; Com ipondenei Horn f. Iit t s,rUr, \ou published Buino liui ) since an account of tho war between tne negroes and native*, and tbo excitement caused by it. Well, hOKtilitlea hare commenced again between the same par lies. It seems that three negroes in tho employ of Mr. Ciimmiugs were on their way from tits place to Mr. Tania 1 store, 2Y t miloa from tbo former place. When pausing tbo saloon of Will iam llclbm tliev were stopped bv him, and bo commenced talking to them. While talking to them lied and John Helton stopped out of tho houeo and fired on tbo parlv. but with what ef fect la not oscortainod at this writing. Tho ne groes at ouco made tbeir way back to their camps and told tbeir story. It was but few min utes after, another negro was panning along and was stopped by tbo same parties, but it is not Decennary to alaco wbat occurred, as be tells his own tale. On learning that one of tbeir party nero m tho hands of tho Heltons and likely to bo foully dealt with, they resolved to rescue him at all hazards. In a few moments about thirty of the negroes had started to the rescue. When they arrived ut tho house whore tho suootme occurred they were toM tbo whites had st&rlea to Beaver Creek, or Tlat Bock, whore a sister of tho Heltons live. Tho negroes were not long in reaching the place, being only a short distance behind the Helton party, eight in number; but when the negroes aimed there were only two to ho found, John Holton and Jo HoTowar, who were guaiding tho neg’o they had captured. Holloway at once hid himself be tween two beds, but did not escape altogether; ho was shot iu the hand and shoulder, though not seriously. John llcitua was instantly killed, when tbo negroes returned to their camp, after releasing tho captured negro. Tho negroes scorn determined to stay on tuo work noth it is completed, and defend* thom> elves from any tvud aM avgicssors. Mr. Cummings is using every effort iu his power to restore peace iu ttua vicini ty. Mr. Cunifulnpß says he is willing to lot tbo authorities settle ih’odiUlculty if tho> will take it into their bauds, an it is os necessary to the progreea of Lis work as it i» to tho interest of the community st large. 1 am sure be vs ad vieiug the negroes iu his employ to tike no stops thm sill cudaußor tho peace and vMI-beiog of the commmntv. 1 think the trouble to-dav orig inated iu tbo return of some negroes who have bueu pone ever since the killing of Peter Hcl tua. it is reported that his friends hare keen trying to raise s party to capture them since thVir retain. They say tbov oulv want those in- Vo; csted in the killing ot i’eto. But those tired on Ibis morning wore not concerned In that ef iruy and fell u*j fear whatever of being molest ed, hence they were passing by the saloon kept by a brother of Pete llcltuu. Below I give tho statement of the captured negto : Lee Weaver, colored, states : I Lave been Lore only four days; .• from McNamara's work outhoC, H. lUt.way, and wjb going over to Douglas tr Doty’* work, uid when ILo saloon of VViUlam Helton 1 was billed by tied Helton, who nuked me If 1 Lad «ccu nnvthlng of the boys that was shot at this morn ing. 1 unsw. nd no; that I did not know that any body had boon shot at. I had tnv hands In my pock eu st the time; Lo ordered me to take them out; be tliou searched Hum ami look from me one Un-dnliar and two Uve-dullar hills and my knife—nut worth 10 cents. 110 look mi* Into Uio saloon, and Lo and Lis party Up*oU out about f4.s'i of my money, after which they starlM with me lo Denver Creek. They had put a rop» arounJ my nock, and in this condition 1 was cacortcd by Did and John iirldoo, one Hollo wav, and live others,—aU armed with rifles except tuo IHsbuicu, who had clubs. I waa told I would bo hung at 6 ovlxk; but after wo arrived at Beaver, John Helton and Holloway were left with nu< with the rope still around my neck, while lied said he was going after reinforcements lo attack tho negroes at Cummings’ at night, but we hod only been here about an hour when the men who were shot at previous to my capture camo np Id force and do inanded admlllaiuc to the house, which was refused, when the door waa broken In and IMlanandUoUuaay were fired upon, tho second shot taking etu<l lo lleltou’a breast and tho third In his head, killing him instantly. Itodi.d holding the roi« that waa around iuy nock. Uodowsy. who hod hid himself between two beds on tho first alarm, nos shot In the hand and shoulder, though not seriously. Ho bogged for his Mlo, saying that he waa an Innocent party, though Uo told mo on tbo way hero that he had come 20 miles to uaiilst In an stuck to bo made on tho ncirroes at Ccromlugft’ to-night. Of course tho boys re), axed cio at once, for which they have my heariMt thanks. Winco tho WlUiir of John Helton and the wounding ot' two oi throe others there has been bat Ihtlo demonstration by the boUißtrents. The negroes of Catnmiatpr work are well armed. It is said that tho muskets which they hare were placed in their bauds bv the contrac tors. It appears that this waa the only resort, as the work could cot bo prosecuted so lung os tho hands had no arms with which to defend themselves. Ilenry luraan and several others who were altogether innocent have been shot at by the negroes iu tho last few days. Tho negroes were mistaken in that they guessed those meu wore oncmuH, To show the extent of this warfare, it in said that one day last week thirty-nine negroes went to the house of Mrs. McCabe, anm-a with now muskets and pu-tols, hunting for the Holtons, though they seemed to have no ill-will toward any ono except the Holtons and their allies. A N "HONORAOLE" fORCER. Mr. T.ncius W. i’oud, of Worcester. Mona., who protlxod Honorable to bit* mono, baa boon lamented for aontowcoka past as a prominent addition to the list of unaccountable disappear ances. His absence is now regretted by tlio largo number of persons whom ha swindled. His cuatom was to remove by some chemical preparation all tho writing on notea in bl» pos actuion except tho signatures. aud till thorn cp with increased amounts. The microscope has now revealed tho trickery that was perpetrated, atisniciou having boon previously excited by people finding their names oftlsed to cotes which they were ceilain they never engaged to puv Out of notes to tho amount of £dU.UoO, only one genuine uno baa boon found. Uno, curiously enough, had been altered from TI.dPU to SSOO. U la now known that two or three years ago a man visited Worcester f. r tho' a-tlio (, f Belling an add to remove biota and wrong figures from account books. Kang men at once felt that it might tw used for nefarious purposes. U also proved to bo so ex ceedingly volatile that it was nut deemed prmU able to beep it on ssls. It is conjectured that Pi,ml mimt have bought acme of the stuff, it }ua been supposed that bo pimped, or was thrown, from a Long Island Sound steamer, and sumo still think that such was his futo. There am rumors, bossier, that bo is at Hamilton, Utitaiiu, and la insane. Mr. Pood was a prominent man in WoweHcr. and was something of a fioblician, having served at least one term in tho Massachusetts Hcuata. Uo was an extensive mauufactmer, aud bad been esteemed as a man of tutogi by. llotv l.iillo Allen Vied. i St, /UU I fIVWAT. Not long ago the U«v. Mr. Wiusur, of lied Wing, Maun., met with a painful huu in the burning of bis daughter Alice. Her breast, ah* demon, legs, anus, aud bauds wore shockingly tinned, amt after a few hours ebe died, Bbe was only about J vears o d, aud. as sbe lingered between heaven sud earth a Utlio while, abo hbJcM bcr mother to Ho on tho bed with het% amt, when thffl requfitt wm printed, aUe aatd, “Hing to mo ‘T om .loans’Milo lamb/” As her «tnckon mother tried to press back the torrent of grief that welled np In hor heart, and name 1110 words, tho dear little sufferer mono an ef fort, with her failinc atreagUi. tj put one of tier crisped arms around her'neck. Afterward*, oa death drew near, sbo requested her father to Sinn “ Iloek of ages, cleft for mo," and aeemod to be eoothed bv (hose grand old wovda. BUSINESS NOTICES. Ilnrnrd’ii Coconino for tho hair ha* stood the test of time nod competition. It bat estab lished a reputation for purity and efficacy )n trery quarter of the world. For twenty years It has been a favorite with the people and a leader with the trade. Tho name "Cocoalne’’ has become a valuable prop erly, We have (atablisbod onr sole light to 1M or* in rmral suits at law, thus protecting the public and ourselves from Imposition. SILKS. WAYS TO TRADE ON THE WEST SIDE.” BARGAINS in Cirsi ai Fait? SILKS at Tin; GREAT WEST END DRY GOODS HODSE, Lot of Fsn?y Silks reduced (o C 3 ct*. Large line Dark Colored Fancy Silks, 75 cU., worth Jl, Line of lllack Ground White Slrlce Silks, 75 ou. Lino of lllack Ground White Stiij-o Silks, Hi cl*.. regu lar ILUp; goods. Line of Black Ground White Stripe and Chock Silks, sl, worth ft. 25. Line of Heavy, Itl-b, and Wide Black and White Strip* Oros Oraloe, *l.-70, regular $J good!). Largo Variety Choice New Autumn Shades In Cheney’* Atoerlcan'Sllks. Line of llanJHome Colored Lyon* Oroa Grain*, $1.73, regular (2 rjtiaJJty. Lino of Rich Colored Lyont Oroa Oralm, $2.25, price clMOwhere 13,50. Also, Choice Evening Shadca la Uio tiro above quail* IJno of Colored Trimming Silks, alsl and $1.3-% Bargain* in Lyons Cloak Velvet*, including an extra cheap quality, at $10.50. ATjSO, AComplete and Full Lino of tbo Justly celebrated “ CACHEMIRE MILANO,” for which wo ate Role Agenla In Chicago, and which H undoubtedly the Moot Durable, as It la alto the lUcii* cat. Most Elegnut, and Cticojicßt BLACK LYOHS BROS BRAD! IMPORTED, This Silk has a Deep Rich Satin Lustre and Hatch* less Shade. We warrant the Durability of every yard we scIL Look at Cwhemiro Hilano, quality F, at $3, the Cheapest Silk in America, equal to any &.&0 Silk, CARSON, PffilE &CO, Madison and Peoria-sts. SOILED BLANKETS. W.A.S.&CO. A TEW PAIRS MORE OF THOSE Soiled Blankets LEFT, WHICH WE OFFER AT A GREAT REJECTION FP.OM REGULAR PRICES. f. i SIMPSON & Cfl„ SUCCESSORS TO SIMPSON, NORWELL & CO., 79 & 81 State-st. JLAC£S. LACES! HTJSSIAN CASHMERE LACE (that new laoo) in all colors—Cardi nal Rod, Eoru, Seal Brown, Black, and Navy Blue. _ Tho latest •' novelties" in Point Laoo Bows, Point Applique, Point Duchess, and Antique Lace Ends. Boavla, Tioa.&o. Point and Point Appliquo, Thread Laos, Barbes, Handk'fs, Collarettes, Ooili’uros, Sea. Beal Laoos of all kinds by the yard. FRENCH’S, 1© 3 S T-A-TB-S T- a STOVES, STOVES. Ifyou want anything in the line of Stores* examine tho “New Superb Parlor,** “Superb Range,*’ with Elevated Closet, and “Superb Cook Stove.” You will find the largest as* lortmoat and lowest prices la the city. JOHN D. MACLEAN, OIL TANKS. a Wilson & Evendbkps OIL TANKS, MKASUnVNO PUMP, 47 & 40 Welt Ul» St. OKXOAOO. Scud foJ Catalogue. Xt*nt4<j,nut»n* «t BVBNDBN’S WOOD.OO trEBED CANS. 5