now IhAn they bar* been at an? limn this fO»ou. owing to tho Increase In lnmbor-nte*. Aa bit’ll atlpfr I,O‘W U jal ItfJ the city to look after tlm *r asxlaliniß from la-roln Iho gening, bus la not limiting much. Tho icUV Voumr Utidc*, wilh "tniio from Kolty’* Island, I* reported Bhoremd attult nt Dunkirk. Gjpt. U Dlrulck will Klobrr«ud nco what am he dene. Ouito n h«avr itsMtly «!»'«* baa t rcvrilM hero all day. ifctalolng nil nothin l«rl. ThoOiptilii of tho bark favorite ro wu » Sotede, ai-ova Long Pnitil, |.« reported full if liter. Ujiul ficlghn ute w.aktr. ybipmanU have pomade to-day at n>jc on wheat, to on com, ami on oa!a to hew York. ERIE. fptrinl ni*vol>-/. fn The Chtrrtao Tribune. f«, Oct. 27.—AnriTXLr—From {’h!c.->gf», prop Citnpbcll; from Milwaukee, nchr llivcaiac. BKtim—-0,0.0 t/u wheat, £*,4T3 brls Hour. Cmsrtr..'—Sclir Moddtii'-Hird, cod to Chicago at |l.loT*rb"i. 8 Alfrrillo Hi'.tu Lin been prevailing upon td to-day. MH-oru »ej«eh woro drtvrn In Lrre wind. teiJ. lw;> vjv/Hj In jiurt attruinb-d b> (pit?, but tinfor.C'l-a-It by the fjty of Ilia storm. Nodlsss. reported. VESSELS PO3SED TORT HURON. .‘■'ptel'tl UltjHtlrh t.i rki r/ifftij-j Tril -Ht. Peß, Mich., Oct. 2?.—Down—Props Cub; B;cirdiOil coa'ort; schr lUsca. rf-%fj-s Wavcny, St. Joieph, Aryylo ami const idn Kilf»Rp, Winnie filawsou, .Marla .'.UrUii, Willi Jow, Harv- ft Horne. Unp—West, l ri»-k; weather clmirj v. TMtehr .1. O. Thsjrr has urriveef up, minus Li fbboom, which w. b taken out by the proo Scotia i SiHta. 8h« tei olrn here. foil llvnoji, Mich., Oct. *J7—JO p. m —Down !•><’Ktnui ; -H.hni PceliUgo, Jlarcimo. 1L C«d,iml Whltn 01 md. l/’f-Prcf’ "‘eslf •(!, M.mielee, Trader ami Larne pilule and bnrgc. UliDCOCta—SihtM Slnr-son, Marla Marlin. SI linen*. Zadi Chandler, Maggie Mcltay. Tfisfr-West, Kcntlo: w-athcr, line. !drZick Chandler rctiirnnd litre this crenltg vHU let ciianl! badly epm, and sdir St. Lawicmto with iwJiUgone. ILLINOIS RIVER AMD CANAL. frWW Hi'pjirh /„ />r.—Go!d-lluut< t u3ul& 6jSUO bn oats ; Gcu. Sherman, MuTle, (V.Uki Li ten; i. Weolscn, Morris d,0«.0 t 33 * 300 L“h; Friendship. Seucca, 10J.’ r . G , to, al J * S* uecs t i o.v a ft lumber; Q. LBmli, JoLef, Jsm liunber, <0 in staves. MISCELLANEOUS. iflJirrtchfrom I'oit Colhorao itatco thatthoechr Kelklie. wheat fcden, went ashore yesterday laoru bf «fl that harbor, while the wind was blowing a gaio fratb* Wt*f The Detroit Tribune utatea that the ijArnWga C. J. Kershaw run aground Saturday In ot tho tug Winslow her all beurlly lad-m with «Ji from Diidulo for Chicago. Thu Kcr £f -Th?.V»‘ 7 t V ol w °, Ht r William LewULssJiißt LuDalo upon her first trip for objcctlre point Is r?netangut*hono. tit , UlU i! trfl, f r Ihcucc returns to T« thl °u° d bring* u low! to UiilTnlo. iAr . ril l rlle ! tctlw *' IHirm feet. All lb»oS» .v buon frwiutnt hcrokforu. this Is the fibo cousd bo induced to accept, with «. Uko satisfactory ruaulia." UMirtaeftiT 18 2 8l F \ oi \ t " h!L ' h ba" been laid up hniaM,. w for . ,ho I** l months, wo* sunk this sidoof (be i ilc U'omcuado deck forward, Kit' hM 6taß S oaftof *b« pilot house, is out oi tSiu sa. D tl ‘1 ."i-'Wevroj l to the depth of 3 foel. ° ’ ' , ‘" l "‘ o “ d ~ telegraphic brevities. twSyilgS*"" 0 ' f 0“ “ Kurrlff Sim o * cl,om obl oilutß over the dla nTOiSalrf“nT oountJr ’ ,u tbo “ ou ‘ h - p ““ iu p “ y - Cdltor Who in Glad tho Fight In Over, Thera U .1 ®*ethnd PiauuDcaUr, liH' 0 substantial joy for tho editor 0110111 t“ 11ll “i which l)ur‘u K tbo fronrotß of pioloaisd C ™*P C|l “'l to bold a sort of calliore leveß ‘ T’boroialbofluon bim,TiZVll“ ' o,r ‘“f™ were sovcral variolioß of 10 “ r° Oovoriimant {to of no??" .. Lot tbo Uoverumout tuko u «bM ta „| ho “Tt "teka pa|»r WajV yao can oil, and ■Unit'" a,!i “ *1 *°llßr, and tbat'a tha n b lnl lex ti* ibo man wll ° dr JPP fI J in l»*0uld .btioll V.Etamonetizo Bold!'' tdsitf.qniiiu t,. ,b ? f/Htcml balr iobo up *'•»«, an b.SP.a lbo , ' rol ; ul porouinuo i "it'll b «SoouL only Sit “ f t ? rb “"““ 1 -" Aud tbon » tot TK°“ Rb tha banlaiera, "D-_n •teba, the edi.tri?. E"* n "badrana up a chair, 1,1 o*i c.,. e ~onc. l for half an hour m ;«'tl»«ar,, .. Q * c . r 9"“ .“‘.a paper, and ibeu E 1 *- TbVm.ii w? um bait on general priuei tola? a u Si?.'" Ul 1,“" b “ tblDk “ b " aocs iSrLf, l', bca 9 |UI “‘°aay, "I told you JrthMr, ch“ct eamranuicaloß iu “» iduot'Sb‘h S5 oll V ouo “ rui eiomid Jifttba, a demJatSSo’ b , rMtb •“ aaplono and cditor*<« B * Mani of steam pours out of S* la«Jd°o P r haa° lo“ ‘*i Urln S the couvorßa at tiieee [. b j 8 011 R e ‘ uc6 ceaaoU to com- Sf«>cai»ii“., I , r Pm “V uu ß people—only tlia to BlucUcomS *° that lboce«- '“I, >«jaccop“aJl* Ull lU “ ““ d ° f **“ b,lll ° ia £ “I»UI, Travel,,, on Oliicnira and S[f,lr M **l, Louts. J» 811 n tlilor ' rec °ntly made a 52f« • took "bo,u U V, I . 011 «'“1 baa S t ***alehoß ww l. J ’ Tll » New York Mm "*• boaig. wt »«he says about Chicago aud "*• -aa ta/i” .V 1 B ° a fortunate la Our W‘4«f statistical to»« dial HI Wlil be pleased taw »noUbfa imV. c i ,Jrb# a,d yet been 3L^ iU^arJ .uiiiwSl?i?a 1,0f0UU(l ta 8| ' hoala ddrnu*y. B i ** wl dch a man announced him to Uifl'2uife^ U . U n y J lr ‘ VfU «u Mon 3la?H ct *«nd wtheratSuM 1 ’ 4x4 make fortui Be was dlaaiipuiut tyffff klaj Uut« Xhe • ?n^ u »’H illUua ®oi kiudly n*i£*‘morti ugi m•it . t" 0 ! 1 ! 1 ut be up to the *nTd^ Cui « mwuuli« . f vriWo»(ih# uiiuo by kSJ i??* In ri>Mri * to b® known) wu “iClurtLfi*, 1 !,""' 4 ■‘•"awe he gave the prisoners FOREIGN. Denial of Uto Deport tlmt Kervla Has Deelaretl War. Tho Scandalous Story Concerning King Alfonso Discredited. riijHldnns DerlnrnVon Arnlm UnnNoto Dmliiro Ills Sentence. Execution of Fivo Assassins of tho Amer ican Missionary in Mexico. TURKEY. A PENIAL. X.ONPON, Oct. 27.—The JleuterTelegram Com pany lias rcceivotl diepstcbca denying the atato m< nt made in tbo .Sfoudnn/’a Vienna special to the effect that tho Servian fikuptschina had voted In favor of going to war with Tmtiey. HERZEGOVINIAN IlKnj-I.'.EH. A correspondent of tho London Titncf, writ ing from Niaano, Montenegro, gives tbo follow ing account of tho condition aud grievances of tbo refugees from Herzegovina, of whom there wore estimated lube JJU.UjOcn the of Ben- Umber: “ \»o wont to see some of tbo fugi tncs, for tlio moot | an uoinon, in nucha stale of rags and tnwory that they would not bo al lowed to Log m iho strools of London, with two cr three old mon past tbo lighting ago even In this conn try. \to overtook one going to the war wjo bad forgotten whether ho was 75 or 7(1. At uiyroduosi n»y companion asked what made them ea-.o lionio to como hero. They did not so'm to liavo any ilrilnitc idea, exropL it wan to cnoiipo from tho Turkm It was evidently a g-m --ernt pnnic m tho insmTcctieun. When question ed as to their special grievances, they ail eald thinca —tho Turks robbed them, took whatm,pi wanted—their animals, wbat they Into in thrir ItonscK, aud oven their daughters when they took a fancy to thorn, and they never naw them any more.” Tl reev'h LAST FINANCIAL MEATERT. Vienna, Oct. 11,—There haolttun an exebango of idi'im among the powers couooiniug the lust financiall measure of Turkey. Witfi tbo cxccp t:on of trunco, nlisch has not yet spokon, tho others sco no grounds for auv representation or remonstrance In it. GRAIN, Tin; ROYAL SCANDAL HTOUY DENIED, Wasuinuton, D. c., Oct. 2V. —Advices from London deny tho story of “ love uud adßaH.sUiA tiou," in which tho Kiug of Spam aud tho Buko do Sexto are represented ca tho principal actors. One vcislou, speaking of tho wife aud daughter of tho Hpanish Colonel, shows its falsity from Iho fact that tlio Colonel mentioned is well .mown in New York, whero ho rcn:/Icd a long tuno, ami maniod an Amoilctm lady, who has no daughter, and tbo goutlcinnn. in-toal of be ing us/iiemiatcd, is alivo m.d in comfortable circumstances. GERMANY. MEETING OF I’AULJAUENT. Berlin, Oct. 27.—Tho Ueimun Farlixmcut met to-day. Tho Jjmpcior Wiliiam wca absont oti account of indisj*oeitioD. His opcocb was read by llrrr Belt-ruck, tbo Minister of Btato. Urn Majesty *ayc that eo fur ashmnan judgment can diacurn. peace is moro asMirod now than at any timo during tbo tv.onty yoats preceding tlio tecoustiuctioii of tb* Empire. TAVAIUAN PCI.ITIC3. Mt'Ninr, Oct. 27.—Tho Altgnueinr /.n'uu.j itutc. thxt tbo Bavarian (Juambor will be cuavcuptl ciiiiy in Jauuaiy. It will nut do dh-bulvod unless it cause* a deadlock bv reject ing tho (tovernment’s financial measure. London. Oct. 2d—(s u. to.—A special from Ber lin eavs it is now settled thnt Frinco Frederick JJ Ilham, “ Uucer Fritz,” will certainly go to the i hiudclphia CcnlCLulal Exhibifiim. It is also stated chat bis oldest sen will accompany. VON AIt.M.H. London, Oct. 23—7 a. in.—A special from Ber lin nlaics that a council of phTsicnns, acting in behalf of tho Supreme Court, declared that Count Yon Aruim is unable to hour tin prolonged imprisonment to which ho has boon sentenced. MEXICO. rr.oEocirED. City of Mexico. Oct. 20.—Tbo Chamber of Deputies was prorogued on tbo 15lb. Tbo extraordinary powers of tbo Executive wore voted by 130 against 14. ASSASMNS EXECUTED. Advices from Guadalajara to tbe IGth state that live participants in the murder of tbe American iniHJ-lonary. John L. Stephens, which occurred iu Abatuluco iu March, 1870, bad boon executed. OCEANICA. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. San Fiianchco. Oct. 27.—Arrived, A. 8. N. Co.’s steamer McGregor, from Sydney, \m Auckland ami Honolulu. SEW SOI'TU WALES. Nows from Now South Woles, in tbo absence of exciting political matter, is comparatively unimportant. The only anticipations indulged iu in regard to tbo buniuoss or tbo noxt session of Parliament bad reference to tbo extension of tbo railways. During tbo month there baa been marked In activity in mining matters. Scarcely any now holds bad been opened. Nearly all tbo old work* lug mines had been unusually quiet. Tbo wool crop promises well. VICTORIA. Tbo International Exhibition was opened on tbo Slut of August. Parliament met on tho 7tb of September. Tbo Chief Secretary made a statement that tbo Government intended to provide by way of loan for tbo building of schools, and would tako stops to cuforco tbo compulsory clause of tbe Education act, and establish night schools in ceuties of population. Tho Govern ment intended to pioposo a loau of £IOO,OOO fur public works. Wheat tirm at 5s 9>£d, A motion of want of confidence in tbo Minis try waa under debate in tbo Assembly Sept. 23, and promised to continue for a week at least. It was thought that tbe Grabam-Derry Govern ment was doomed. borrn Australia. A mngnlflcent discovcrv bad been mode at tbo Moonta Mines of a lodo 6 feet wide of rich ore, which would work for years. NEW 2E.ILAND. Wheat market dull. A motion for tbo abolition of the provinces was carried by e majontv of 52 to 17, QUEENSLAND. The Governor proiogucd Parliament on Sent. 10, until Nov. 2J. Late returns of tbo various tanks trading in tho Colomee, indicate a steady expansion of Colonial trade and commerce. CENTRAL ASIA. ANOTHER IKBCRRECnoN, London, Got. 27.—Tbo insurrection in Kho kind has been renewed, and (ho new Kbao bos fled to Kbadjiod. RUSSIAN OPERATIONS. Bkiili.v, Oct. 11,-A email Russian force has boon dispatched from rondjokent iu the direc tion of Garni, the Capital of iluhamed Racblm Bbah, ruler of Karaleghm. Oanu is situated about 180 mil os south of Kbokand, and au many north of Feizabad. in Badakshau. Oarm and tlio whole country of Karatoghiu. in the British Government maps, appear as Afghan tor nlory, though tho liuuuiauu regard Muliamed Racbiu as a vassal of Bokhara. The inhabitants of this mountainous region aro stated to hare mado an aitomni to attack Russian territory dunug (bo late Khokand rebellion ; it was only owing to the fidelity of the Upper Zarafshan Vol ley tribes that the Karateghm people wore pre vented from penetrating across the hills to Ura tube, and it is to protect the Matcha or Upper Zarafehau Valley that the present expedi lon. which seoms to be a dofonalyo one, is underi Gen. von Kanfmaim has boon proeeuted by the Czar with a golden sword, bearing the luhcrin tlon, “ i’or ibo defeat of the KhoCandora.» HOLLAND AND VENEZUELA. THE IHTEUKUITKU mi'LUXUno DELATIONS, The Hague, Got. U.—ln today's sitting of the Hecond Chamber, the Minister fot Foreign Affairs, replying to a question from M. Vander putte, gavo a detailed account of the origin'of tho difference between tho Venezuelan and Neilherlauds Governments, aud confirmed the tuteUigeuoo that the Venezuelan Minister had left the Uasue because Holland would not withdraw , her demand tor (ho reopening of (wo Venezuelan TMK CHICAGO T t-nrt!>. * Tho present si tn niton,” conclude 1 tJjr» Mini, Her for foreign AiTmra, “is tint of (nt rr rnr tci,] plornitic r-liiionu. It hunt of Aim turn 1/* omiho mioftfiim;--, hut fiurlous Miuigb to connnH prudence." Tho Olmmhor agreed to ad journ lljo debate ou this matter. VENEZUELA. THE CROPS. L\orATBA, Oct. 10.—Tho crops of coffeo and cocoa in Venezuela trill bo abundant. .tinny citizens of Caracas and other cities will be present at tho opening of tbo Centennial in Philadelphia. THE POPE. WHAT HE (Util TO FRENCH mount Home, Oct. U.—Tbo Fopo, la receiving tho pilgrims from tbo Dioceses of Uo«ancon, said llio Catholic movement in Franco was a gnyH fact, and that the great majority of Iho F/Lureit pcoplo wore sincerely Catholic. Hb Uolinoa.t added i “ 1 odmiro tbo regoocrailon of Fraflco ; her commerco Uoarlshes, her crops arc plentiful, and money circulates there in nbaudauco, wldlo clsowhero, and especially in Italy, it is disap pearing.” GREAT BRITAIN. THE FLOODS. London Ttinm. Dandcby, OoL 11.—The flowl is ropidiy sub eidtog at Banbury. A groat deal of the ballast on the Great Western Hallway lias boon swept away, aud tho permanent way-men are ropairing the damage. On Humtay a lad 12 years of ago. named Bontham, wan drowned at Adtlerbnry. Tho accident happened near tho Banbury .t Cheltenham Ball way works, which were inundated, and a por tion of tho plant used in tho construction of tho new lino haa been swept away. Tho through tjafiic on the Northwester A ilanbnry Hallway was completely slopped 10-dav. Tho ballast ami slcoporaon tho hue between TowcceterauJ Hoimdon wore swept away, and gangs of men are at work repairing the damage, a new i.ridgo on tho Banbury ic Cheltenham Hallway has been conHidcratdy damaged, aud tbo works at tbH end generally have shlfered. IJiclhteb, Oct. ll.—Tho groat tloorls In tbirt district are but alowly rubeidjig, more rain hav ing fallen yesterday aud to-dav, and many of tho roads ai.d footwaja arr Impjwaahlo lo foot trayolcrs except by means of Trading. Tho mami sower on tbo outskirts of tlm town hae bnrst, and mauv of the tradesmen of tbo town have Bulforod loss through thoir nndergroand stores having been flooded. About twelve head of sboop and pigs have been drowned in tho mead ows, and more arc reported missing. A lad named Plant, a native of Charndou, while re turning homo from Jiicoster with bio father, uaa drowned near Launton Station, on tbo North western Hatlway, about midnight on Saturday. Blaekjii.'jin, Oct. 11.- Thoro have lieen groat floods in tbo Caldcr, the lloddcr, and the Bib bio. Ham has fallen freely during tbo dav. Oct. ll.—Tho water in tbo eastern and western pai taof Leiceuter rose uo rapidiy on Bnndaymornlugby the overflown! tbecanal and tbo Boar that the inhabitants in mo&t parts luul not timo to rumovo thoir goods to places of safety, and bad to betuko themselves to their nppor rooms, where they were involuutari- Iv imprisoned for tho remainder of tho day, leaving their furniture to float about in tho lower rooms In water to tho depth of from fl to •! feet. Bo groat was tbo rush of water across Bolgravc-rosd, ono of tbo principal thoroughfares in tho eastern outsKirts uf tho town, that a strong wall aud several btick Bummor-honses in allotment gardens doao bv wore wished down and carried awav. aud acres of surrounding land wore ' inundated, presenting tho appearance of an inland sea. In tho county the floods aocra to have been tbo heaviest in tho direction of Biaby, the wb'do country in that direction proi'cntlug tho appearance of a lake. Hero Mrs. Alton lost • i - Fhtop ; und between Ayleitouo uud Lcicoster ft hli-ge number of cattle Sud sheep which had Jx!cu pouted in holds adjoining tbo canal have boon washed away aud drowned, while a num ber of pigs are also missing. At (ilenileld. where a railway bridge on the Leicester «t Bwauumplon Hallway was washed away, as well as a portion of the embankment, tbo floods wore also very deep, aud, again occurring in tbo night, caused tho wildest confusion to prevail. Mabkkt Habborouou, Oct. 11. —A heavy fall of rain, commencing at 1:30 p. m. on Saturday, at Market llarbotougb, and continuing until midnight, had caused tbo Welland to overflow itu haute, laying an uunsual quantity of laud under water. The line of tho flood in the town street la Iho highest that has been marked dur ing tbo taut illty years. Tho quantity of i ram which foil dining the twelve horns amount ed to 2.15 inches. NoTTryoimi. Oct. 11.—Owing to tbo torrents of ram which fell on Saturday and during Jaat night, tbo Trent has In many places overflowed Ua banks, and considerable tracts of land m tbo valley of the river are inundated. No casual* tics are repotted, as tbo water in ibis diatrict did not mo with aulfleient rapidity to carry off live otock. It is likely, however, that poUtoca and other root crops will Buffer from the excessive moisture. Oxford, Oct. 11.—'Thero arc vast shoots of water both iu Christ Cbmcb and Port Meadows and tbo intermediate neighborhood of tbo river’s course. Tbo drainage works, which wore going on so successfully, havo boon brought to a com plete standstill, tbe excavations being fllled with water. Pcnkridoe, Oct. 11.—The heavy rains of Sat urday and Sunday havo douo great damage to many of the collieries iu South Stafford. The wordings were found so completely inundate 1 that several days must elapse before operations can bo resumed. Towomru. Oct. 10.—Yesterday (Saturdav) ovomng, tbo 9tb lost., a torritto storm brofta over rhls town and noigbboibood. In a very short time tbo rivulot which moandore along by tbn Last and West Junction Itailwav, crossing it here and there, and falling into tho Tow at tbo above town, was swollen into a torrent. Tho scene of devastation to day (Sunday) is vorv striking For fully of a mile, from just be low tbo Greens Norton Junollou of tbo Last and West Junction Hallway with tbo Northampton A Danbury Lino, tbo permanent wav of tbe former la completely ewopt away, with the exception of a few isolated spots. Tbo ballast has drifted in some places to about 50 yards across tbo adjacent meadows, ana undoubtedly very much is carried Into tbe bed of tbo rivulot. Tbo sleep ers. with tbo rails attached, havo sunk 2 or 3 foot in some places, and hero and there they are in clined at an analo of sbout 35 dog. Similar de vastation has occurred st several points on tbe lino, but not to so groat an extent. It is sup posed that (bo trade on the iiuo will necessarily bo suspended for at least a week. In tbe lower part or the town many bouses were Inundated. UAILROAD NEWS, LOOKING AFTER THE LOW RATES. Tbo Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners are about to stir up another fuss with tbe rail roftls. They have found out tbat'ali tbo roods in tbo State aio evading tbo law as regards pas eenget rates by soiling commutation, 1,000 milts, and round trip tickets at reduced rates. They are bound to look into this and slop it if possible, and therefore tbov have sent the fol lowing communication to tbs various roads in tbe State, m order to find out to what extent tbe practice has been carried on t Railikud and Wabbhoosb Comnamo.H, Spawn ricLu, 111., Ort. tW.—Siu; Please prepuro amt for ward to this ofllco at yoar earliest convenience a btalemenl of tbo rates of faro charged by you for round-tri*. pstssnger tlcke's, and If such Uckvta are soldloab'l from all stations; also rotes charged by you for coS’mutaUou, tbouean, A. ilr.ows, jAMaa tiTi-PLE, Commissioners. It is hoped, in tho iutorcatof tho people, and especially those living In Chicago, that the CommisHlonora will lot this matter alone. The commutation tickets are mostly issued to suiuir bau towns for Ibo beuelU of those living outside the city, but who have their business here. If these people were compelled to pav the high rates estab lished by the Commissioners, and which woro mainly intended for long distances, ihov would be compelled to move into tho city, and suburban properly would greatly depreciate. Iho law requires that the roads shall make no discriminations in fares of anyone place: this they cannot do unless they soil commutation tickets to all points, which is a real impossibili ty. The Commissioners need not trouble them selves that tho roads charge too little. All that they aro required to do is to see that they do not charge too much. THE ST. LOUIS RAILROAD CONVENTION. Special Dispatch la tt.e Chicane TriOuiu. fipßwuirutLD, 111., Oct. a?.— The Governor has appointed the following gentlemen as delegates In behalf of the State to the Southern I’adtlo Bail way Convention to bo bold iu St. Louie Nov. . * „. J ; * } * of Chicago; T. B. Blaokstono, of Chicago: J. M. Walker, of Chicago: J. M. Douglass, of Chicago 5 George Armour, of Cbl {A* Uuwkley, of Chicago; l\ L. Cable, oHlock Island i Jesse B. Uildrup, of Belvidero: Thomas line]], of Clinton j T. J, Carter, of ItIISUJVE; TUrHSUAV. orTOnHK 3875. Hr;rl , HSc 1,1 ; a A. B.wlnr, or Hnrm;-(M I • NVilhnm IlctMvk. of or,,iw'.: of .Mount Htf.-Ilinsc; J niililm Blud-s, of W Ha; J.M. L’ttilov. of Fm-mirt: \V. il. I;,d„r of hflliiKJmm: Oeoige W. lMr!:or. of finn v-n. lor>: Channcoy Hardin. of Monmouth ; p. s Taylor, of Cairo; W. C. FJai/a. of Moro : ami 11)6 President of tho Peons Board of FREIGHT AGENTS* NOT'CE. Ths Genera! IToight Arc-otw of tho road* load ing out of I'aorja havo lapin.-l Iho folloaiu;’no tice to Railroad Contracting and Lino Agents s In order to oterwme the evil Jurrloforo prarfJrr.l of ire-lltlDa and lining MJI« of fur j r-jponr ~f }w£ ' ‘r », * op,H nt the ruilrwMi.% jofi o,» n/tol Ur °/ triCtly . °'* ,rrvo *nd enforce Ibofoik-u. liig order: On and after Get. ■,*•( no nccnl or .., P . i«7bt« 1'! *** "i rc V rt , or 1,1,1 " f for freight of w ’**° »-y Hbipter, or from .i . a .‘? r ’, ia . l ! af or ljo k!l,, wt. by vtvp-t eiaialmlion. tlml tho freUthl la «otu.\Uy In tL «r!tbaluS car nitrnlw’rn on billing *:i;, c-.r-i 'ound with rip Vi! Ul ° car J" 1,1 l""****l"ii -.r ni-v.l moving it. Afff nla of line* working over our r r,/U not ut™ "7'r I. ■ Jii«c. 1r tV S2 ls=” agent of the road trausj.urtuig U. f THE DAKOTA SOUTHERN. SpMtti tAmntrh It The Chd*n / nnunr Sioux Cur, la., Oct. 27.-At the annual mccU ing of the btodcholdoia of the Dakota Southern Ilaiftoad. held at the Bt. Charles Hotel, I'ank ton, last night, the following Board of Directors were elected for the ensuing year: O. C. Wick er, J. 11. VTcker, Chicago; 8. ilecilmg, Sioux AV, A. Hurloigli, W. W. JJrooHioga, and Dr. j. a. rotter. Yankton. The followimr ofli cers of tho road were elected: C. U. Wicker Ircj.iJcnt; W. W. Hrookm-i., Tics-Wmitlont’; >i. u. Wicker, General ilauagor; J. s. iieck hog. Geueral Superintendent; J. J;. iiarauu Secretary. RESIGNATION. Sptcint DiJtpaUn to The Chictuto Tribune. Cedab Rapids, la., Oct. 27. W. |j. peKft hono, for tho phut flv© ycar.i Superintoudenl of tho Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Rail way, has resigned, to accept a almihtr position on some loading lino from Cnicago, Xiis suc cessor is uot yet announced. SPOUTING. THE TRIGGER. Special Dispatch to Ike Chita to Tribune, fs.EAßurrl.AKis. Ind., Oct. 27.-Tho rule-match Pleasant Lake, ind., between teams of hix etvch from the Jacksonville Rule Club.of Jackson, Mich., tho Indiano Amateur Rilio Club, of Tori Wayne, Xml., anJ tbo Chicago Jiltlo Club, has not boon decided, and, by agreement, the same is to bo determined by shooting a match of seven Bconng and twoeighting shots at Jackson, Mich., on Wednesday, Nov. il). 1875, tho nmo tocora raenco at y o’clock. All dldanco, 500 yard* : team of bjx each, tbo place of anoutiug being changed to Jackson by reason of the Jackson team lead ing tho score at tho time tbo match wan declared olf ou account of darkness. Tuo following aru the scores made: Chicago Team «t 200 yards, «; .Taokeoa Trim at 200 yards, S 4 s Fort Wayne Team at xiw yj rdi, VO H-Jor? at 30 Hide (hub Tc»m • u**?! 11- ; * » 5 a-1J J. A. i'..rWti(itoa 3 n .j V-V; “ Jlr s ° 3-17 J. Uirnnglon a 4 4 0-10 u 3 * A. a. iittfkl ..5 *jj [) ~i Imlbna Araatrnr It tile Association, of fort Wavue* Col, Janita C. IJ< rk 3 3 a V.*,, Capt, \V, W. Htinuott '4 ;j r, -,_i7 iJr. P.lJ.Wclsm i ‘i_\l S. Hopkins 4 U 0— (1 Lol, T, H. Conlrcy 5 3 a , OfiuA.F. Bcvitreaux .4 4 a o—ll ChicagoKitie Cub: u u Col. 11. s. Thovipsou 4 4 4 s_i7 «. u.H,xion..?. ; , 1 Szi; l>r. T. 11, Williams j 4 •• ,> u Tho lion, J, R. liradwcll a 4 0 o— t George WlUord 0 3 (►_ 7 George ReuthmmuUer 3 u u a During tho shooting at 200 yards tho wind wae blowing verv high ana unsteady down the lake over widen the shooting took place, and a high score was nearly impossible. Tho Chicago team do not tael discouraged at the result, aud are still determined to bring the silver pitcher to Chicago. BASt.QALL. ATHLETICS—UUOW.HS. Special Dxtvatch to The Chteayo Tribune. PniLALEU-niA, Pa.. Oct. 27.—The St. Louie Club kept up tbo unenviable notoriety they have gained by leaving the ball-Ueld this afternoon, and refusing to play the Atbletiou, because tho latter objected to MoGoary playing with the St. Loma, that player claiming to bo released from tho Philadelphian ou Monday last, hut that Uimsy pretense being overruled by tho fact 'hat ho hud played the day following with that club aud thus made himself again a member. Tho umpire, Uouhel, rotused to call the game unless the Bt. Louis would consent to plav without McQoary, hut they preferred forfeiting their third consecutive game to the Athletics. lUHTfoiiDa—cmcjiuoa. ILufrrauo, Couu., OoU 27. Ease-ball; Hart fordu, 17; Chmagos, C. TENNESSEE SPORTSMEN. mitP-SIIOOTUO AND DOO-BUOW. MEsri-ms, Tonu., Oct. 27.—Atthomeeting of tbo Tennessee Sportmeu’a Association to-day tbc medal, open to members only, for 60 double birds, was won by Dr. D. D. Haundere, making a clean score. Tbo purao of SSOO, sls entrances, 10 single birds, 31 entries, was won by William DowKs, of Memphis, score 10 { second money, wou byJ. 11. Acubu, of .Memphis, score 0 ; third money, ti. D. Hunter, Elkhart, 111., score 8; fourth money, b. I :uiolj, Chicago, score 7; lUibmonoy. H. C. i'icrco, tit, Louis, score 6. Iu tile bench uhmv of Held done, premiuma wore .iv.tdoJ na follows , Eogliah Betters, best don, first, toL. BuiilU, of Canada, doe Leicealon aecuotl, J. 11, Whitman. Chicago, dog Grelhm. Boat bitch, 1. H. Smtut’a Victreas t heal pup, J. 11. \\ hitman a Count. Uordcn aoltera—lleal dog Edmund 11. Qill, of Now York, Xllp; test bitch Dr. Tliorulon, of Lexington, Ky„ Mot; best pnp, T. M. llouaef.ll, of Ark Jtoci. lii.h, Set tera-Dost dog, Arnold Ilurgeaa, of Maravllle 1t... Ilufua 1 boat bitch, W. H. Whitman, of Chh cago, Ori ay. Booepstaka —L. 11. Bmith'a Paria. Poinlors-J. Si. Taylor took Brat aud aecoud for bast dog: Charleo Mlllor, of Mem- Phia, lauuy, aa beat bitclii ami Arthur Gibson, of Memphis, Docks, as boat pup. THE TURF. WABUIMOTOK IIAO£a. WaaniNQTox, D. 0.. Oct. 27 The first race, mile-dash, all ages, was won by Ozark. Net tie Norton second, Galway third. No time taken The second race, Iht mllen, for S-vear-olda, was wou by bpriagleu Weathcrby eecoud. Tim* iho third race, mils baata, nek won by Witlio Burko. uautury aacoud, Bmait third. limn i:si,'.', 1:05. THE WEATHER. Wisumosox, D. C„ Oat, J 9-1 a. m.-For tba lakes ana Ibence to tba Miaaouri and Ohio Val loya, (ailing barometer, nonbeast to aoutheaal irmd», "armor, partially cloudy iroatbar, and oo eatuoual iftiu. LOCAL OBSIUTATION. UtUOAQO, Oct 27 _2 i rhr l liu -\ | /fmiipCf/ieT; 6:53 a. in, W.Ol as 61 JC.W., fre*b.. " rilV a. di.IW.V9 43 67 N.E., fre*h * F*lr! fc*«P. m. ».M Id, «j 8. w. B«ntle..i.. Tar 3*3 p. io.hw.iWl 46 61 K., gf'nUe.,,.. Clomlv »;oo P. 191 7a,S. V Vw ,y * io;iß,.. tujjj.tiA 49. i:::::c*oudv. Maximum thermometer, ftfl; minimum, afl, OKNKItaL OB9LUTATIONU. OntCAoo. Oot. aT—Mldnlgbt. Ma?i.»n, LMr.jT'Ar it tnd. tout I tVkhWT Cheycnuc.. 120.70 41 N. IV., Lriak, .... Chicago....{ 45 d, E., fresh Idoudr, i>4VtUi>url .1.y.J0 «li K., freak, Cloudy Duluth —Bl E. (rWhl.: to S' Denver ....ji'J.7l W|B.*K. l giutl« ! 01« r. bmnaba.. a . th, Irish Cloudy. L4CroMi , ...Ly.7« 4ti 8. K., I'ruah Cioudy. Leavaivr’lhlW.Oi ca|s., freeh C'uiidv .Mars] Mia. £., brisk.. .i* Cloudy. DlUuu JS>.7i' €11,8., 1ir1ak...,. ~,,, Clear * fort Uarry.lai.7di 20,8. K., frsidt.. .W Light* anew. HYMENEAL SpteieU ViipaUh to The CAicom Tribune. BLOOJH.NOTOK, lIL, Dot. 27.—Charles L. Cspan, of tho-iirm of Williams, Burr & Capon, leading lawyers of tho McLean County Bor, was to-day married in lllae Ella E. Brlgga, a wealthy and accotuplikbed lady o( tblaoity. Tba wedding was quiet and unostentatious. ° MICHIGAN SAVINGS BANKS. Special Vttoaich to TAt Ckioaoo Tnbutu, Mich.,Oct. 26.—Liston savings banks report to Uto Slato Treasurer total resources, rs,'“)'\ {I’J.rJl, ami total liabilities tho Ho- I'Ooro-'n : Loh.ii* :i;;d -n ■ • i . ;ui,, i j.' 1777.07. ; ' '' ; lV real cat-jo Cf, I duo fi'O'lJ |-J’, .. , | ; *1 ; 7J.J.7' ; ovt i J.afii. >LI!(;.3 !. Rial ilni-jtVci fHl. ff •<<:,.»*,U ; *unpricß of reHo uiiuun wan adopted ;»* U.., that it in tho houmien duty uf ovciv one hupibr.-l svslcmati eallylog.vna dunportujr, of |,i« sunrianco for Hpreadof and the Halvafum of moo. Thei rcr-irt of thn CommiUee to whom was re ferrefl iho report of ibo Cominmajon for Home Allusions to Colored I’eonlu waa lead. Tho re port stated that the Committee wtro yratiai'J to announce that the administration of lh» Lem mlsaloo had been found praiseworthv in cvciv respect. Tho peenotarv rospoiisihihlioH of the Board bad boon ftrictlv lan t nithm its re sources. Tho report BURRoaUsI that tho nork mgs of the Commission hereafter bo coniined as far ae possible within the auuthem cities, and ibat horealtcr operations for tho Commission in nn educational directl«»n bo, asanonoral nilo. to aid only church normal schools for cuurches, or church normal rchools for clergymen. THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. I’JTTSfluuo, Oct. 27.—Tho second day’s session of tho Evangelical Alliance aesemhled this morniiiK at half-past 2, vrilh a largo attendance aoA growing interest. In tho morning tho sub ject of “A Union of Christendom” was pre sented in able paparu by Dr. liudlngton. of Brooklyn, and the Iter. Mr. Clause, of New York. And followed by a general discussion. Ju tho af ternoon Dr. Vincent, of tho Methodist Church. HOoke on tho subject of 4, .Snnday-8chooJ»,” and J)r. Gerhart, of Oeitysvill**, ami Dr. Schaff. of >eiMork, discussed “Biblo Jlevisbui.” In the evening semiou J> r . Hoacock. of Buffalo, and Liahop Footer delivered an address on the ho-t moihod of teaching tlu> masHoa with lh« Gospel, and, after tlie benediction had been pronouncod, tho Conference adjourned till to-morrow. REVIVAL AT ROCKFORD. StxeUt Corre-ioomJcnee tf Tf\* Chxeaw Tnbun*. KocKror.b, 111., Oct. 20.—Rockfoid has boon more extensively advertised during tbe past six months than any city of Its bizo m the United .States. First, the invitation of Jeff Davis. and tbe subsequent dnel; second, tbo shocking libel do famiugtho character of Mias Alice A. Early, priut c J in the Chicago 1 tmts, and tbe subsequent con- Hpiracy and arrest of Flynn and Wilkie. These matters, interspersed with occasional outbreaks of excitement peculiar to such cities as Rock ford, and tbo lato injunction, have been tho means of keeping her constantly before ihc public. Last spring, a great temperance-revival broke out hero, beaded by the reformer. Frank Murphy, when, amid tbe tinging of hymns, the plaudits of tho crusaders, and tbo hisses of the liqaor-mon, hun dreds of drunkards camo forward and enthusiastically i.woro forever to relinquish cucatoim and mint-juleps, and devote tho re mainder of their hvoa to tho Gospel and tem perance, Rockford 10-day furniahee tho Ameri can world with ten teformed drunkards who aro engaged in tho work of pitching into old Kmc Alcohol. Last week, CoLHcott. from Boston, and j Cape. Doan. endeavored to rekindle tbodving cm j ter* of last spring's Temperunco-Ure. but, from somo causa or other, faded, otter several days of bard work, to ignite tho smouldering ashes. »o aro now. however, on the eve of on excite ment that bids fair to again reinstate Rockford before the public, and an oranpeUring work will soon bo commenced hero that is bound to travel throughout tho ouliro country, and create a sensation little in ferior to that created by Moody and Saukey in Lugland. in a few days tho sinners of Rock ford will he metunhoncally swept down liko tho slam upon a battleileld, os broadside alter broad side from tbo ormy of tho Jxnd is flred into their ranks. The religious camraign will bo oi>cnod hero by tbo celebrated California street preacher, Wtd;am Taylor, on tho 31st of tins mouth. This man counts his con verts m all parts of the woild by hundreds aud thousands, lie used to pour tho unadulterated truth right down the threatening mouths of gamblers pistols in California, aud tho relation of his marvelous adventures is not tho least in teresting part of his pleaching. Rut Taylor is not tho oaiv revivalist expected. There will bo Earle, tho groat Baptist; Ham mond, the celebrated Prcsbvtorian; and Whistle and Bliss, the Congregationalism. Tho largest buildings in the city have been hired for many nights. Multitude* of people aro expected from Southern Wisconsin, and from all parts of tho rural districts. Those meetings will ho con ducted in much tho same manner as aro those of Moody and All tho church-choirs in town will become o union choir lor several weeks, which, with the preaching, will kindle a flamo of religion in Rockford that will not ho easily extinguished. THE OHIO ELECTION IN EXOLAND. Tlie Defeat of the XutlntloiauitH~En> tfltNli Investment's iu American .Sc cnntlcH—ihiect on the i'vesideutim Election* London Stindard, Ocf. H. The Democrats have lost the one important election of Uio present year. The contest in Ohio, which for niuuths past baa beta exciting so much interest throughout the United btatos, aud promising to fore shadow thu result of the Presidential campaign twelve months hence, uaa fought on Tuesday last, aud the Republicans proved victorious Ov a large majoritv. * At the beguming of the canvass all the evi dence seemed to show that the majority of the l>eojilo of Ohio wore in favor of a further issue of greenbacks. Certainly among the Repub licans there was a strung tendency in that direction. It Is reas-iuring, then, to liud that discussion has availed to change tbo iua- Jomylnto a minority. No doubt, tbosuppoit of inflation was anther departure from prluc.pJo ou the part of the Democrats than on that of tho Republicans, and it is reasonable to suppose that, as the discussion went on, and tbo real points at issue came to bo generally understood, many staunch Democrats shrank fiom giving tbeir adhesion to a policy which is iu flagrant conliadictiou with all tbeir antecedents. Looked at in its oroad aspect from tbo point of viowof impartial foreigners, the result of Ine election is eminently sathiaciory. U removes all fear of inflation and repudiation. The ugly feature la many of tbo Uomocraiio speeches iu Ibis Ohio canvass was Um they did not merely call out lor mcro pa; or money,—that might bavo sprung from mere onoue ons theory,—but inoy also endeavored to rouse odium against tbo public creditor. Very largo numbers of Englishmen have invested their savings in American securities of all kinds and it is a legitimate subject for congratulation that polilioikiis animated by ill-feeling to such investors have failed lo secure a position in which thuy might have been ablo to work mischief. Thus have selected their own ground and fought out tbo battle, and a* thov have been signally defeated wo may hope ibat inflationists and repudi&tioniets will disappear from American politics. I’oluiciansof the same kind weio a little while ago prominent iu the Republican party; they have boon relegated to obscumy. It is to bo hoped that Uio same fate will now befall tbs Aliens and the Carrs of Ohio. In the interests of tbo Democratic party itsolf lb seems to us that the result of Tuesday's election must bo considered beneficial. If tbo inflationists bod corned Ohio they would most probably bavo also been successful in reuusylvauia three weeks hence. Tuey would then have been able to appear iu the National Democratic Convention next session with the almost un divided strength of the ‘West at I heir back, and lo insist, if not upon the choice of a Presidential candidate, at least uuou sumo con cession to their views in the platform. Thta the delegates from Now York and New England could not have agreed to; and consequently there would have been grave danger of u split in tbo parly. Nour lli.t peril la rouumil. Iho iuflutionista uro crushed, and the control of tbo Democrat.o party parses by right to Gov. Ttidou, of Now fork, aud bis friends. The main result of Tuesdays vole, then, ii to clear the Deiuowauc party from (ho suspicion of being tainted with inflationist or renudialtonist views, to insure its ilrloiity to its old bistono principles, aud to strengthen the probability that Gov. Tildeu will bs the Demo cratic candidate for the Piosidtmcy next year. Unquestionably the loss of Ohio strips it of some prestige, For two years the party bas boon making extraordinary gains. Tuoaday's Election will generally be regarded as proof that the tide bas turned, aud if Pennsyl vania is retained by the Republicans tbc Demo crats vill suffer serious doprosciuu. Hut whether tho elemron has weakened tho party or not. It ' IM certainly freed it from an incubus that ij*itrTit Jmvo rpipltf tl I', nou «-ru Democrats ore a;i strongly in favor of bard nimmv m t)if» iP ruhli-nuH. B :ih parties, we jiisy asstjmo. ihorcfuro, will declare for rosiuup 1.l ,1Cr ° thou, so far us one can «t 4, Mil, the qncßilotm of denominational education and reform. RAILROAD CONDUCTORS’ INSURANCE ASSO. CIATIOM. KkwAobk. Oct. 27.—Tbo eighth annual Con vention of tbo Hailroad Conductors’ Life Insur ance Association of the United States and tbo Canadas opened its soision this morning in the Oratid Central Hotel. The I'rc idout. J. \V Heyinour. of lue Illinois Central Itailroa 1, railed tbo xidr h» order, and piavrr was offered bv the l»or. Hr. Miller, of lirooklm. About 125 (telesales aero present, and many ladies occu pied seats in tbo Convention. Mato Census-iieiurus* .1 <.'* fOVr. The eonsus of tho ftato »» now oflieiolfy pro mul»ratod Bbows tho population of to bo 1.Ci>1.t552. Ajicoaipned with 1-7 U, abea the Upitod States censtu gave nu a populatlouof l. loT.Ddl, theie has been a gain in live years of wbicb is iy.3 per cent. Tho cmeui* of .'•iw lori: f*howa a piopulatiori of 4'iis,6tH. por Uicblgnti tliia year reports ‘-•t st-O Jl population, ngalnst 1,19i,03a in 1870. wbiLii w a Khiu of HO/J72 and of 12.7 p-r cent. lta 1 t mr counties closely estimated), has iri'iru R ? aln ' fc 70d. the incroaeo being «r-,V!;I an • I ,M cent * Uouieiana foote up R ; .,.OJ'D. «c«u,ai 72C.U15 m 1870 ; tho urowtli la Adl' nMi 1,5 ?,or cer>l * ilio »fcVrcg»to popu* la.ion of tbcKo five btaton, two Eastern, two JUHtorn. and one Southern, was 8.100.700 in L i ll) I’m. being nu increase ?«i!:l.ifcV i w“ llve,e * n,< ~rof H‘l per cent. It li thu I|JO avo '*K* K»in InVnHci n’ l ° CO,UJIr7 IH ;! u -b’ "o groat, because, althoupbthe average of ibebigan and Almuel sola may accurately tbo growth of tbo rl^.i l lt ° tber ? T( T have mcroaseil more rapidly than most odior States m their rc-Dective sectioiiß. But wo shall bo safe enough in asanm lug a general increase of Id per cent in tb* tiro vears. which would make our present national population 4C.k7tUsl>. AMUSEMENTS.. ADELPHI THEATRE, Corner Dearborn and Monroo-ato. This (Thursday) Oct. w, 1*75, T h« (rtwttomedha. W. T. MeWiUo; bet vre*k of Mra. Gao. Uare; last w-ck of tbo of tbo world, tbo Lentcni; U«t week of tea?lev and iiiigbe* illto Lea and Little Kwa. * McCtakih jrtat actuation drama, THROUGH EY DAYU6HT: Or, Xew York in Slices. Popular lYlcca— 7sr. :,oe, 25e. am) lie. In elaborate preparation—** Udl’Kl.'* STAR LECTURE COURSE Wrrt appearance of the Famous Poet, JOAQUIN t’nlon Park Clmrcfc, H/fl] Tuesday, Nov. 8. If B I HOOLET’S THEATEE. HAGUIUL * lUMULV Lceaecfl, IMMEIfSH T-l i «|i Of the Great Song aail Uanec Arista, JOHNSON Sc BRX7NO. TUE FAMOUS CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS, ArknowJ. deed Hit Star Tmoiw of the World. An en tire New Hill th:» week. Even- evening and Wnduea. day and Saturday Matlacca. DANCING ACADEMIES OF lARTINE. N’OBTH SIDF—272 CMraco-ar. ALL CLASHES WILL fll'tS uN TiRIISDAY. BUVTII SIDE—IOIU liulmnyar WEST HIDE—A 3 Ada-»t. SUNDAY LEOTDEE SOCIETY. McCOimiCK HALL. Sunday,Oo!. 31. 3p. nj, Admls* STT'^jNrrroisr On ** fUIEELEY, HEWAHD, AND WEED." Doom oj>i'n at 3 and clos* at 3. Tlckt-u, each (tout! for anr lecture, for wle at Jauaen, ifcClura h Coll 7 Hut*, el. Nov. T—HuNCI'KE D. CONWAY. MoVIOKEB’S THEATRE. I'or one week only and Saturday Matinee, the Gor geous Spectacle and Moral Drama, The Sea of Ice. The FrorenDf«i>—Aurora Bopeahs—The Coast of Mexico, Monday— 3lp. JAMBS LEWIS In THK BIG BONANZA. 00L. WOOD’S MUSEm Thursday at 2 n. m., WIDOW HUNT. And at s ii. m., EOMA.NOB OP ELPEN TOWEH. TaS'&X° CU “ " *“ J 8 “U-IONIAK iiSn&Slhi UXCLK ™ rs OA “ S “> MoCOBMIOK'S MPSIO TTAT.T, PROF. PEPPER, THIS EVENING at P. Last Matinee, 30, at 3. Four Entertainments in one. vir: Holentlfln Lecture. Novel ttb i u J°'! ri >. My * tfr,oUß uh3 "‘‘ Optical Diorama. Admission. 25 rents: Reserved, Me. Admission at Jl«tluee, with reserved scat, r,o; Children, ditto. 15c. . The grand pluno by W. \V. Kimball ft Co. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL OH’OH Corner West Washington and Aun-su. The ORGAN RECITALS of Mr. 11. Chrenro Fddy will late P«» hereafter every Hatunlay alieruoon at ;i .£* ~i ? e . l,ia l u * y Qwlelte" will assist st the neat Recital baltmlay afternoon, Oct, GO, THE MIND READER. Mr. J. Jl. BItOWN, the Mind-Reader, la prepared to accept a limited numlmr of engagements for eaurlalu menu in ad mining towns, prior to bis r.*c«!.»r lecture tour with Redpath, which cotntet life* Nav. .‘J, AJ. drcsqJ. it. BROWN, Tremont House, CDl<-i ; r-►. NOTICE, Tai Mlsiiiis. The condition of the Oity Finance* re. quires that a more stringent rule for the re demption of Tax Certificates held by the city shall be enioroed. Public Notice la hereby given that on the Ist of November next, the premium on the sola of 1874 will be raised to 2D per cent, and on all certificates Issued at the present sale 0 per oont per month will be charged until further notice. S. B. HAYES, Comptroller. Chlrsgo. 0.-t, H, H?>. WINTER RESORT. WINTER RESORT^ IV>yal Vl.toiU tluti'i, Kuuu, N. K, llsbsniaa,—Will otiun .Nuv. |. steamer wilt leave Now York Nov. i for Nassau dlnvt. Hteniaers will leave Bavannah, «a tveo Mda)send make(be trip iu low tluu ‘J days. Yho teitii'vrduro cf Nassau test winter did not vary but 4 -5 from ws, makingit the moto doUgliUnl dimula iu the world. For luutioulsra, address .lAMIIS UDOKItWOOD. 7fls Broadway. N. Y. EDUCATIONAL.. O. DA BILVA ~ . ..MBS. ALEX.’ iIUADFORDtt (fonnerly sirs. Ogden lloiiuun's) llngiuh, I’/eueh, aC(i bsy BlLoul for Voimg U ‘l* c * ““ dhldrec, with calUUeuks. So. li uv.l Now Vi’fk. Keyptus bej t. - J7. Aj» plication may be made by lot ter or vtir»yually,asshole. SCALES. .JDSXT FAIRBANKS' F? SCA LE S °* AU - KINDS, .FAIRBANKS,MORSE * OQ, / 111 i 113 Ukc St.. Chicago. Sc wxeful to buy ouly the Ocauiac, ,._W«RTS. _ rftgSx A Good Shirt. *'£bs foW9 A ? 00d Stlrt, $1.78 y& l k A Good Shirt, $2.00 ;• "!>» ™«M STOCK. ■A'vCZvL--'’** fi nmTSioorhi ...... ■a,u,s,»i w ,. »»' e?"™;::::;::;:::;:: : ' ■' ’ Jjj r ‘ j I’ttui kVpm;;*;.*.;* aitotiMva l.ikn htpriM Ml'.rin»4 l.iko »-orpot cfirui-r n| R . A—Depot comer of Canal ami Ki „ , , MICHIGAN CENTRA!. Jttvot, Joni 0/ Laka-*t„ anil j f.J I,'litrk‘il,, ivilKt _uml C 5 Tnnaai Lotui. I I JUJI fTi* mate lia«) >77...,., _ ~ Pv }s2* *•: V.V'V -'‘Accommodation., •4-''iin m •! Atlantic Kao e*. ’* > V-ir I! Hl' i s Si’T™ 1 * 9 “ d ‘ “■ i**' •Sunday Ra. •• t?>turtla» and SomUy *i, ""** . CHICAGO. ALTOV & ST. LOulS. SKs..- 1 !# *“***•«•• | A«*e. Arrtet, KatuuOltrandDearerFaitPa. «li-m boob ««• finite and Stmntfrteld K*..„ • v-S£‘2,° • ?liS 2* ™* •St. Louia, fcerlDßhcM U.u ? tl&tZ* P B6r j*» Kaoao* i Uuriiniftoa.... • 9 : oo£ • Vdlin m\ * fV rU * Hurllnatun... • y uj 0 In 71/1 ?' 2 Cbtea*o« Fad o«ab Hall roaa Ki..» sjSa. ra.‘ • 7-ui* 2* J«Vi'^l r lK co ."r Et.,*ia.flJ noon • 5:10y.2l Joliet A Uwulit AoootnmodaUun. I* a :po p. tn, • 9S»a.ral‘ UKE SHORE t MICHIGAN SOUTHERN V*.®* l ® Jhse... »r -ci%j s. v. fi»u«.,...... . AiUuJio tbi.h M. daily iV.! 8 ?? Accommodation..., .Mtffit >.njree« * C'MCm MILWAUKEE ft ST v’.'JMi'i'./* and fcl j»m> l laft.i,, oppunti Siurau M |".r,V. k ’”n rrMrt ’ <« ChUD UlnHi.n. Faucagcr. Ki*V. in c ‘ roM ** Winona. M.hi J* Wjntrtapob*, Htpon. F«>!rel2 * GrMn ‘ U,< u ii*» uk «>'* uiHw* ‘Prtin;- an t-li'to A Iowa: alio. Mena.n. •ad Htewnm PwK Milwaokce. fit. Fao’i * aftlaa*! a folia. through Kipre«* ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. %/ L tk-,1. a vi/<,« a/ flawx-ur Clark. JMIRi fit, Loaii Kzpreai...,,.,. • M B». lamia t'aat Line J i-au?* 2" Cairo* Now Orleatu K* • •:« ** ™* Cairo* Now Urlaaua " » 2:«2* 2 hpnn«tlald and Paoria Kijwaaa.!l 2 : 52 l 2! £pnu«noia£i*l« Exu«wi...rn. I 8«£ £* Peonaaml Ro-ikok Ktnrww. » xJafT Uubitgu* * Sloqz City kZ!r....V • rS £ 2* IXilinuas. t Muiu Ciu Kxpreas.. • *‘sd 2 OUmaa Naww ......I.* » lifi£ 2: CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & gUINCY RAILROAD. TieJut Qfi'U.uZZSX* Mall ud Kipreta,,,, btfMtor W»«ooi'er Uutiuuoa * iuia* uitj Kid* Paultw Paai Uao, fur Omaha!*.* Kaoaaa City, LoaTeowortb, Au Aurora Paaaoncor. Aon»rm DiiLuaund HlouOjtr Kin '** J aclfig Nlabt Kip, forOrnab’a! *««• t i i y r * I'MMoworth, All n dUMtDA bu Joaepti l‘tn Orofa A coaai mod a Tki'n ii!»S«r'!fi ,roTß A «ommoo**n»r »pfOT«_AecQinniwlAUon •, t&x. BatarflaT. in* V"« *** SM „- v " l "“‘ Ti(ktt */*«. m HanfotoK.ifoZtSSnZtT ClqcXq. i ’ 13:00 nooo r 8:30 P‘ **• .MtOututiLivraMtcUUy)..:... SflOp.m.N ?:«*. m . >Vom JJJJ 1 £ INN *jn Am WNE AND KOKOMO LINE, rti'l k “ w * f 4/. lout, /taMMVtfaZf ~ r^r j .ssaa;- »•««*. hoaUrtho A Claclo- ’ 1 *-** ItullanattolU,£u^Tlli«A Clnela* * * :SOfc ' “• * m.* PITTSBURG, CINCINNATI ft ST. LOUIS RAlLnnia *“• **•«< rurntr Oiiiljn f Columbna I Huibart*R#wYQ»k ' C !!^ n * i ulUd ‘ P*™°«»*Uy or b, isall, fr.. of chars*, ooellptmmleoraerromdissasss. lilt *J ICkanuciTS 00,p1.,4ata ta tb. _JJoa Xiuw ¥wk« 7 ERH RAILROAD, ■n 1 fount, * 711 >*m .1 nJaltKirUfutt. "”**• Arrfwt, *"• 2 l*»lvow m.^Sieop.«. tllrfOp. m. t «:»»». m. JILOOp. 6;;»)a. m, * H;’ 4 * "*• * 8:30 p, m, £.:« p. m. |7Mlb. * t»;lsa, n« itTM, ‘ 7 :M a. m. • V3O 4. m. ' m •10*0 a. m. •3*Sp. Hints: luoo a. a| *TO4«.S 7 Till a. * S»5 p. lb * *~Jp. «• * 730 a. a» •tOrtM* a. * 10:00 a, 18. ■ 3:lip. a. * 4:30 p. a. * *JQp. BU t JsOOp, m. tM’Sop*. a! tlO.-oop. m, *UK«». m, • I :45 p. m, * 6:16 p, m. L****. jlrriti. Arrin. "" I A Prtos. 9M 9 .w*J 7:40 a. m. Amia ' B.■ooa. m.lf ■ 3sW p, m. i 5:13 p. to. I < lO:otTp m. I I 4:65 a. tn.l s:pa.n« 6:U»a,», B:coa. m. Jrrirt. 6:44 a. in. 1:12 p. n . m- 7dUs. m. irnw, 1*10:15 a. a.|* 4sOp, a, «• * Os'Wa. m. ItlQ iiQu. m. 11 4U>. mi IAL CARDS. DR. JAMES. Look Hospital,