Newspaper Page Text
TUB CITY. GENERAL NEWS. T.lwin IT. TTea tri add to Ellen IT, Deroy for fro ftno the property on the northwest corner nf Rush and Indiana street". Mr.J.M. Van Osdel was not at the Jeffersonian Contention Tuesday, as incorrectly aUlrd yederdsy. ills sympathies are not with that act. The temperature yesterday, ne observed hy Manasso, optician, 88 Msdlaou alreot (Tmuttnr Building), wns, at 8 a. m., 40 degrees ; 10 a. m,, 40 ; 11 m., 4J ; :» p. m., 47 ; 8 p.m., 40. Peverina Ucrgelaml, a widow *ged 4(1 years, residing at No. 15 Fay sired, died of heart disease about noon yesterday. Tho Coroner has been notified, and will hold an Inquest to-day. An owner Is wauled at the Armory for two sets of harness taken from Dick Houlihan, who was arrested Monday evening by officer Foley, at tho corner of Fifth avenue and Madison street. The aelrur« of thn Metropolitan Hotel hy Hart L Rtewart, owner of ths building, on account of a debt of $2,100 for rent, will not interfere with Ihe regular business of tho house. At least so says Air. Swift, one of Iho managers. About 3 o’clock yesterday morning Eva llouiton, nlUa Marv Willard, residing at no place in particular, while drunk dtovo her (lit through a window of Mldisci Ryan's saloon, at No. 74 West Madison street, rutting the main artery in tho arm and nearly dying from loss of blood. Bho was taken to the hospital. There Is now in progress in the school-room con nected with the new All-Balnt* Church, Just com pleted, on Kossuth struct, near Wallace, a bazaar or fair in aid of tho church fund. Tho parish is a now one, ond. having built a fine edifice in thn short space of six weeks, is desirous of putting it lu a good finan cial condition. The bazaar will bo continued nil the week. Next Monday, All-Haio’s Day. the new church will bo dedicated, Bishop Foley preaching In the morn ing, and the Rev. Father Rlordsn in tho afternoon. A collision occurred on the Chicago k Pacific Rail road early Tuesday morning Just west of Turner park, which came near proving serious. Tho heavy wind of tbe night before had driven a box-car from a aide-track to Uio main track on the bridge over the Aux Plidnes River. Tho incoming stock-train came in contact with the standing car. and at tbe same time the bridge gnvo way, precipitating the locomotive ami five loaded cars into tho river. The engineer, Hall Adams, nnd bis sou, who was riding on tho engine, were severely hurt and scalded by the accident, and the brakenmn, In Jump ing from tho train, also received aomo injuries. They were immediately taken to Hndr homo* nt Elgin, and st last accounts were regarded as out of danger. Supervising Architect Potter has not yet arrived in Chicago, nor is it within the knowledge of the Ciiitom- Eduse officials when he will be here, or whether he wiU come at ell. Superintendent Hninaford received % dispatch from that gentleman Monday which con tained no Intimation that he designed visiting Chicago, nnd his conclusion seems to lie that Ihe report ts un founded. Laborers ore busily st work excavating a line on a level with tbe Use of Iho present concrete, making that continuous, connecting it with the con crete foundations of the area wall", thus procuring a substantial base for tho building. The aeltlng of stone on tho Clark street front of (ho Imlldlng will be commenced 10-flav at a point opposite Quincy street, and tbe work will bo prosecuted with vigor until conqlelion. Although 10i> stone-cutters are industriously laboring and turning out material •with dispatch, the deportment yesterday directed that ihe force he increased to 2*o, and the building of the Ousiom-Hoitßs be continued during tbe winter unleas prevented by excessive cold weather. fiONB OF TEMTKUANCC. The second day’s session of the Grand Division of tho State of Illinois opened at oo'clock yesterday morn ing in tbe ball of Garden City Division, at No. bOO West Madison street. Alter tho opening ceremonies tho an nual report ot tho Grand Scribe was submitted. It gave the statistics of the Order within tbe Jurisdiction, and its increase during tho past year. These show progress lo tbe Order and an increase of membership. Too rep >rt was referred to tho Committee on the Btate of the Order. T. M. Von Court, Grand Organizer, presented a re port of UJs doings during the post six months, accom panied by suggestions in regard to tho work. This re port took tho same direction. After the transaction of somo routine business, the Grand Division went into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Order. Short speeches worn made by quite a large number of representatives. The general report from various parts of the Btato was of progress, Ond of encouraging work. At the opening of the afternoon session J. O. Brty nan, from tho Committee of the Order, reported ujion the various papers which had been referred to tho Committee, vuiuuaun. The following resolutions, embodied In the report, were adopted: fittolctd. That wo reaffirm, In the most emphatic manner, our Irellcf In tbs efficacy of prohibitory laws, and will continue their advocacy until they are secured for the State and tho nation. Rueleed, That It is the duty of every Bon of Tem perance to forsake all political parties which are op posed in their general action to 100 temperance rctonn, ami form themselves luto separate organizations for (he nomination and election of officers, especially those of a legislative, Judicial, and administrative character. Borne other resolutions were reported and adopted relating to the private affairs of the Order. Tho resolutions above quoted called out quite a spir ited discussion, but were finally adopted. Various other matters were considered and passed upon. In tbo evening a public mooting of tho Order was held with Sheet Anchor Division at the Bethel Borne, corner of Michigan and Murkelstrcels. It was » meeting for speeches and music, and was largely en joyed. The Grand Division meets again this morning at 300 West Madison elreet, at H o’clock. DU. 3. A. lIAUN. A special meeting of the Board of Health wan hold yciterdny forenoon at their rooms in the Uonoro Block, Dearborn street, for the purpose of taking ac tion ujon tlu» death of their lato President, Ur. James 11. Hahn. There were present Inspectors Hook, Oclger, McDermott, and Sillier, Mr. Atooro being ali seut on account of severe illness. The first-named gentleman was called to the chair. The following resolutions wore submitted, and, on (be motion of Mr. SlcDermott, adopted: Wiiesra*, It has pleased an All-Wise Providence to remove from our midst our respected friend and co laborer, Dr. James A. Hahn; therefore, bo it He*oir*d. That we tender to (bo family of the de ceased our heartfelt sympathy under thu ihelr great •Ullclion. Urtoked, That the Board attend the funeral in a body, and that the members of tho Board wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and that these resolutions be spread npou the records and copies bo transmitted to tbc family of the deceased and to the dally papers. On motion nf Dr. Miller, the Board adjourned and proceeded to the Major's ofllcc to Join tho city officials who had assembled there to attend the funeral of Dr. Hahn. At the Clty-Tloll carriages were provided end the following gentlemen occupied them fop the purpose of attending the funeral s Mayor Colvin, CUyCommls- Sloner Prindlvlllc, Sanitary Superintendent Ndllcr, llealtb-Olficer itoed. HeulUi-Comtntfsumer* McDor molt and Hook, Aid. Woodman and Gunderson, ex- Aid. Montgomery, Capt. Connott, Frank Barrett, Charles Uepper, and Leonard Rolhgerber. The funeral services were conducted by Dr. Locke at Grace Church, and at their close the body was re moved to Ikueblll. BAHON EOTHSCniLD. The reception tendered to Baron Edmund Rotha child, of the Psrls house nf that Illustrious family,—a nephew of ihe renowned London financier and sou of Baron James Rothschild, who died two years ago at the French Capital,—was given last evening by prom inent citizens at tho Palm. r House. U was especially noticeable for ita tack of stlif formality and ceremony. The company of ladtui and gentlemen was .mite a largo one, and they were Introduced to the distin guished guest by Henry Orcenebaum. All the parlors were thrown open and illuminated, and (ho perfume of rich bouquets upon tbu mamtls and tables, together with the auperb evening toilettes ot the ladles, made the affair quite brilliant. Baron Rothschild la a rather tall, slim gentleman, of about 33 years, is dark oomptaiioned,wears side-whiskers,and uses eye-glasses. Among the leading citizens who weie procut, were Ciena. Full. Sheridan and Webster, Col. Fred Grant, William Broes, Robert Harris, ITcatdcnt of the Chi cago, Burlington A Quincy Hallrosd; Messrs. Nelson Maurice, A. Weltzel, D. btettauer, T. UcheniUln, Julius Rosenthal, Cisybnrgb, Einstein, and ethers, wbeso names were not ascertained. AH the gunts were accompanied by ladles, At lo o’cletk tho oiiem. biy sat down to a banquet in ihe ladles’ ordinary, where tables were decorated with flowers and ever greens, and seats wore ready for 100 persons, Tho dinner was not a public one, uud therefore no ex tended report of it was desired by those having It in charge. ALLEGED POISONING. ROME BATIIKB PEUI’LEXINd CIOODMBTAMOBB. Officer William Crook, of Uie Twenty-second Direct Elation, yesterday reported st headquarters that a woman named Mrs. AUcly, residing at No. 11 Lowe street, Lad died lust Fiidsy under circum stances that were decidedly strange, la view of assertions recently made by the husband of the deceased. Capt. Buckley detailed the officer to moke a full and thorough investigation of the case, lie called upon Mr. Henry F, AUcly, the husband of the deceased woman, and obtained from him a statement of ah the facta. Allely told him that bis wife was taken sick one week ago last Tuesday, and suffered from an Ulucso which the doctors were unable to make tut. He brat called lu Dr. By (erd, and under hla care (ho wnnm seemed to raUy somewhat. Bbe was so 1U all Wednesday that be remained homo with her. Wednesday evening and Thursday morning she Burned better, and be return ed to bis work, carriage-trimming at Jsrrett k Lewis* shop. About ! o’clock a messenger from Lome noil- Sul him that his wife was much worse. He left work Immediately, and on his way home notified Dr. N. B, Dsvts and Dr. F. U. D-Hs, who attended (he summons promptly. When he t<a bed home he found hla wife much worte, and questioned her ss (o what she bad been eating. Bbe told him she bad some Ua which (be woman up-stairs btougni her, sod also mentioned (be fact that she hid drank some of (be tea iuit previous to her Hinas, Tie sickness started with violent vomiting, which was soon «top- I ed, although (he inclination to vomit coutiuucd til through her sickness. Friday morning the woman up-stair* again visited her, and told Mr. Allely that his wife was going to die. At tie same time thu doctors and Father L. J. Dunuewereof theopimon tbst tho illness was not at ell serious. Towards sveoieg aba grew rapidly worse, and died in greet agony et T o'clock In the evening, bhe was burlea Sunday morning, the folks up-suira •zkndlng the funeral to the grave, lest Tuesday Mr. Ahely had e cup o t Ue from the woman Tip-«M{rs, and soon-Her was seized w **^ If nt |nir-!:ir t which I" rump so irrlous u« lo niw«l. t|c :» ciil for Hi* i] H-lcr, who, winn hr ftrnvcl, Slid It wr.n rndoiihti dlv i> f it-.* nf i*>bo.ilng hy antimony or olnrln It oil, Mr. A >••:>* c ciiitincicil Jim facta In « duiti oroW-lHi' --. nll.M •<«» h-' mrt no pro if Of at. tempted j h 'iiiiuj, mil reported the c..*s to the puller. OillicrCroMt nud.* Tin: t (d.i.owtNa i.'oNprsnnn nr.t-or.T of tin* affair v, eicrdii) morning : .If. r. f/ir/.vi/, (i<‘iitynl Si'iifnntrn<!nt‘- *f /Wfcc— Pm: On Mir ivh instant a woman mu» d Mr". A'le’y, ihtugal No. M Luna avenue, was smllm y attacked hv a severe vomiting. Hlic was attended by Dr. I'. U. |)«vls, who gave her a prescription, after taking wbhh rlie appeared letter, and Improved utdll Tnursday, tho loth instant, when "hn seemed to have an nllnri: slnillsr to the first. With this last ults.ic tho wntmm died, t-eforo tho doctor could hr summoned. Venn id.ij Mr. Allely expressed o de-Ire to have n cup of in or rolfro, and a woman named Mu, Annie J-awson, who lives on the second fioor of Mr. Allcly's house, ashed him to partake nf a cup of tea in he r rooms, which re quest ho complied with. Immediately after drinking llis beverage, Mr. Allely was taken with a IU of vomit ing similar to that in which his wife died. Dr. Davis was c-dol, and expressed tho opinion that he hid Veen pohom d hy a dosoof antimony, or Home similar irritant. It is a notable circumstance Mini Mrs. AUtly stated, prior to her decease, that before her tint Illness sho had taken a enp of lea from Mr-. Ltwson, and when sho was feeling belter, at st ud HI o'clock on tho day which she died, Mrs. J.a« »on hoi given another cup of ton. There Is n Biipresii.ou Mi"{ Mrs, l.iwsoii administered t tin drug caused Mrs, Allrly’s death, and also Mr. AHoh’s i.luei-s. Mr. Allely la better to-day, hut weak wtd nervous. iMrs. Ijiwhoii could havo no niollvo pt the net other than tho following : A few uays before Mrs. Allely was taken sick. Mrs. Lawson bought a pair of blankets from her, and when questioned by Mr. Ali.’iy yesterday ns to whether she paid lor them. sho repin’d llut she paid Mrs. Alieiy I eforc she died, fills. iho husband nf the dead wonifiii denies. The day follow ing Mrs. Allrly’s de.lh her shawl, worth flu, was tt - len, and thla Mr. Alieiy suspects Mr*. Lawson of hav- Jug stolen. Ilespoetfiiliy, Mii.uam Choak. Putrolmuii, T'vnily-second nlreet Station. In this reiwt then- are various minor discrepancies caused hy the lnuricd manner In which the report was nude out. Tho olficcr afterwards obtained Iho correct ami full statement, and also visile I tho doc tor, from whom ho learned that the certlflcaio of Purl*) had been procured on the assumption that tho woman d'u-l of eutcro gastritis. Under (he circumstances, it waa thought host to make AN OFFICIAL EXAMINATION of the house. Tho woman moused in a Mrs. Lawson. Hho haa lived with her husband m iho upper front rooms of Sir. Allcly's house for five montlm. and has Ih'CD ou intimate terms with tho family all tho while. Bho is about 2s years of age, raihtr slen derly built, prominent features, nud large, peculiarly-shaded gray eyo-s The surround ings are poor, but neat and comfort iblo. She docs not look at nil like one who could Ic godly* of such a crime as poisoning. Bho aay.i sho attended Mrs. Allely all through her sickness, and noted nearly nil its ]>oculiarlti<-fl. Tho lower nottlon of tho house had been painted throiiobout the week before Mru. Allely was taken sick, ami, as tho rooms were kept dote, she supposed the woman was suffering from IKilntcr's colic. Since then, however, she has loirned that painter’s colic is a most painful dUnso, and it so-ompunlod by violent spasms or convulsions, none of which Mrs, Allely experienced nnt’l a sheut time Indore her death. Mr. Alluly'it illness she attributes to tho fact that ho had been irregular In his meals ever elnce bis wife's death, and this, together with the grtef nnd tho strong liquors ho had been diinkhig, unsettled his stomach. Deeming it best to make a thorough examination of the case, Ibe offi cers thought it beat to search tho premises and hold Mrs, Lawson for an official investigation. A search of tbe rooms revealed tbe presence of nothing ut nil auspicious. Tho tea which tno lady uses and linn l>eeu using is bought at a corner grocery. It tout a | 0.-utiar greenish tinge not at all natural, butMre. Lawson says Bho ha# drank nt least four cups a day of it ever sum* sho baa beeu living there, and baa always found it good in quality. Tho otlher carried away sutnplca of sugar and other artidea in the house, nud accompanied Mrn. Lawann to the station, waere she was confined until tho examination this morning. If she is iunir cnt.—and it ib likely that sho is,—she la the victim of a i bain of clrcumiiantlai evidence which itmayi>o difficult to clear away. There is a slight possibility that the coloring of tho tea may be owing to some mineral substance which seriously affected Mrs, Alieiy while it did not leave any Imprenslon ou Mrs. I>iwaou, who habitually used it. There is another fact lu connection with the illness of Mrs. Allely that will j*rliaps acconut for the pe culiarities of hr sickness. Hho was odvancing In mi trinity, and the effect of too new paint may havn canted her death without any visible symptoms of painter’s colic. Tho matter will receive a full investi gation this morning. MASONIC. □ BAND COUNCIL Tho twenty-third annual assembly of tho Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the State of Illinois was held yesterday afternoon In tbo rooms at No. 71 Monroe street. The Council was opened lu ample form at 2 p, m. Tho election of officers resulted as follows: Grniui i'uiMunf—Edward Ulacknhuw, Urbans. JJepufjMVram/ /’ufiminf—Levi 11, Jerome. 6’rand i'hri-e ///usfrfene—John J. French. Grand l'rinciixil Conductor o/ the Hurt;—P. W. Bar clay. Urani Conductor of the Hurl;—A. A, Murray, De catur. Grand Captain qfthe Guard—A. A, tileun, Spring field. (;rand TVeasiirer— Charles Fisher, Springfield. (•Valid C/mp&nn—J. 11. Miles, Chicago. Grand .Sentinel— lt. Itoblusou. Representative* of furly-ris Councils were present, sud tho business was done with speed tnd harmony, the assembly dissolving after one session. OIIANU COJtMANDEKY. The list of the officers of the Grand Commaudery irioud yesterday was defective la two or three ,K)lute, and when corrected would be as follows : Grand C'jvunandfr —Thro. T. Gurney. J)evuli/~Gruiid Commander—D. M. Bartley. (irana Oencratltnmo— John F. Nash. Grand Caittaxn-Generai— Rouert L. Mcßintay. Grand iVehita—Nathaniel I*. Ho-ith. Grand Senior H'ard/n—Charles M. Stone. UrnndJun or Wirden—John O. Hmltb, (/rand Treasurer—Robert H. Fose. Grand Jireurdtr— James a. Miles. Grand Standard-litarer—L, L. Munn« Grand Sieord-litarer—Wonrj Turner. Grand Warden —J. O. Eiwood. Grand Captain o/tne Ouato— John 2*. Ferns, GUANI) CHAPTER. The G. R. A. Chapter of Illinois will meet in annual Convocation this morning at 10 o'clock in tho new Chicago Theatre. LOCAL LETTERS. TUBCntXINATIXO AGAINST THE SOUTH BIDE. 7b the Kdiluro/' the ChUaou Trihun* Chicago, OcU M, 1078.—' Why Is it that all of tho South Side atroet-cara charge S cents a ride and all the West Side cars 3or 3 cents 7 Docs it coat moro to lay tracks and run earn ou the South Side than In other parts of the city 7 Is It not a discrimination In rales of fare which is calculated to injure property-holders on the South Side 7 If a roan can travel to nml from his business from (bo West Side from 40 to CO per cent cheaper than ho can from the South Side, of course be will bo moro likely to rout or buy a house on the West Hide. And Is It not true that there are fewer vacant houses on (ho West Side than on the South Bide at this moment, fur this reason : lu the many advertisements under the head of " Wanted, to Rout,’’ in Sunday’s Tiudumu. I notice that a largo majority of tho advertisem want names on tho West Hide.” Three, or 3 cents a ride fur a man with a fami ly is s big thing to save lu a year, especially If hla sal aty is smalt. And to property-holders on tho South Side this a matter demanding Immediate attention. This discrimination lu fares lu favor of tho West bide will coat tho property-owners of tho Houlh Hide very seriously in the run of a few years. It ought not to be suffered to exist. If tho street railroad companies themselves, on the South Bide, could afford to keep (heir rates so much above (he rates on tho West Side, which Is very doubtful, they ought not to bo willing to sacrifice the Interests of their customers and proj'trtv owners ou the Bouth Bide as (hey arc now doing. I trust Tub Tuhjumb wIU mo the point and call puhtio attention to this very important matter. South Side. CRIMINAL. William More, alias Jack Drcnuau, whose arrest tor burglary committed In Detroit lact July was noted lust week, returned (o (he scene of his criiuo last night in charge of Detective O'Neil, of (ho Detroit force. K rising light in the profession, named Dick noull hou, will bo (tied Friday for stealing harucia. In the meantime there ii u large amount of harnetd recovered irom him awaiting Idcullfttatlou st the Armory. Dutton Johnson, accused of making the assault on Culller, Illtuets, and Langley, at No, 15tf Fourth avenue Buuday ulttraoon, was arrested yesterday, and had his case continued until Wednesday by Himmicrlteld. A paragraph In Tut Tuniuui; of Monday was to the effect that Mr#. Mnrgaiet launder, of the Kt. CLdr lloiuc. had Wen held lu MDo had for lan euy us t al oc i# W V n ‘ H * Wui discharged and her character cleared of any nupmutlDu on tb j score of that charge. ,Sl^s«l* rl sf r * * l ''^ a l'daled letident of thu noturl °“l* , * il . ter • ven we, waa locked up at the Armory lanl night obliged withi rubumg a vUltor mum dN. L. Ihomiwou of ||s, Ibo police are talking of umMimi svery l srsou who enter, a comi I* tot of Ulng robbed on Bller avenue. It seems to l* the only way to teach folks to keep away from the disreputables who reside on tho street. * u,t * " U(J At nboiit JjoO o clock yesterday afternoon a vnan ii.mcul Ft. I Oorduu, n.ui u „ Ji TiTn“l,l.iSf Willi, carp lug . UW. down tuir., 1,,. bmlaiuu ou corner of Inke and Leavitt nu*ts. nvid. nuim slipped, tod. fullingever tho tat lu to the fool of tile •tulrs, was (evenly Injured. Hu was taken borne and is hardly expected to recover, as hla *| i l4l . u broken and be has received other severe internal injuries. Thieves attempted to enter the stable in tbe j e . r of Judge Btadwell’s residence, No. vhj Michigan avenue. Tuesday night about 11 p. m, Tho Judge balug t way from home, one of the ladles telegraphed to the American District Telegraph ofllce. corner Harmon court snd State street, fur a police officer, but made » mietaka and railed for (ho Fite Department, q'be thieves lud given the wutch-dug kept lu the yard tome meal to keep him quiet. Frank Dufl'ey, of No. ii Better street, rej oris that at about 111 o'clock yesterday fuorntug threo masked men entered h;» rooms, and, whllu on* of them held a revolver lo his Lead, toe two others ransacked thu house. Not boding any thing worth seizing, they tried •to intimidate him into giving them gold, but be had no gold to give them. Alter warning him not to men tion tho afitlr, they left, and Frank U lu groat .fear* that they wIU return. The police have Investigated TITFi CHICAGO TUIIiIAT'i: THfUSDAY, 0( tbe affair a* far a* possible, hnl pan find neither “bull frogs nnd sinks," nor any evidences U a‘. Frank is a lal'ti hood. In they arc nonplussed. Benjamin lioyd nnd wife, wl o were arrested la*l wp»k nt Fulton, in this Hi de, lur rutmletlelMiig. hy Foitcd Bides Detective Tyrred.. were bronchi before l.'nitcil st lira Commlsslnnrr Hnyne ycsb.rd >y morn ing. Thn waived nu diminution, and wenltojall in .h-bnili of I nil. which wan fixod at $-10.00 mi Umt, and at ft.'i.tno on Ida wife. Tin* Boyds he’ongtolhe ran« or counterfeiters recently broken up by Hipf. Wnslilmrn. Nebon Drlgg", iw* tn.d’r arrest at bpriv.-bcid, wan the leader of Hie gang. The Boyda considc. lliclr rwii cn'lrely hopeless, and will not spend their money on a ilcfcnio<s. They were ca.igut in til- not I.f enmterf 'lthig a 1-0 tmte, and numerous l.,rger plates wit.- found in their possession. ATT KMI TKt* JAU. I»KMVrtIT, Moop after going on dnlv I o-t titgid Mr. lllekey, the lilclit sMetnUnt o! the I'* tilrsl Station, heard a sns ptenits p 'i»e ill one of Mir eclls adjoining the station, i,i, (| ntti r a litilo quiet maneuvering bo came to the eo'ji inslon Hi it louioof his prisoners were trylug to is 'itH'. ll.> summoned Detective Slmotids to bis nld, i.nil.Vi.teritir the cell.nnJcred the prisoners to siirron «i. r in-.r s »w. They feigned ignorance, tmt, after or dering them out into the hill, a short search turned up n very neat little meat saw. Farther r-ec.r It showed n hsr nf the window sawed m i.rly In two. and, hid Ibe holse not been notice I, the i-rls.mer* could easily have neaped before morning. Their iinmea are John Novella and Ocorgo Duncan, and they arc wanted for Iho rubbery of a quantity of furs nnd on other charges. One of them. Duncan, belong* to the desperate gsn ( which rolU'cd John HcheHor’s t dlor store rome days ago of about I'J.fliO worth of goods. They are Just as tlcspernlo chancier* as there arc in tho tiusiursu, and would certainly have es* raped had It not been for Mr. Hickey's vigilance. Tho saw was lowered to them from n window directly above the cel’s, mid opniing out fron the hallway in the upper story nf the Clty-Ilail. Tinßr “ pal M had cut a piece of Die eolr-mattlng on tho tlcsir of the hall, and tying .he threads together had lowered Iho saw lo tho window of the cell below. In breaking off the string Miry wi re foolish enough lo hmvn u small portion of it hanging on tho outride, thus betraying them. Home days ago Delcctms ITUot and Darson srrest ed a brace of thieves nemed Oixirge Duncan and John Novella, nud with them they captured about $6Ol worth of fnr«, packed away In » commodious trunk. The furs were found lu Andnws' ptwn-shop. ou Mouth Clark street, and were immellntcly seized mid brought to the Central Station. On the liith of the pro«ent mouth the store of luintr Herzog & Co., :ii No. ITi Btnlo street, was broken into sud rohlx'd of about $4,000 worth of choice furs. The burglars had unbacked three trunks in the rear of the, and then repacked them with tho most costly furs in tho establishment, and bid made away with (hem without leaving a single truce. For some very foolish reason Iho police eojirtnlenl the report of the robbery, anti own yesterday HnpL lllekey wimlotb to makn tho particulars known, Bhurtly ■lterwarda another fur robbery was perpetrated ut Milwaukee, anil Chief Reck telegraphed thn fact to the Chicago authorities last Saturday. Hearing nf the furs recovered at the Cen tral, Mr. Herzog yesterday called, armed with afilda vlb. and preceded to identify his properly, and iu* shied on taking it away. Andrews, tho pawnbroker, htd the presumption to threaten tbe authorities with prosecution if they did not turn it over to him, claim ing that ho hod paid for it and was the lawful owner. Tho police were determined to hold them fer the ex amination of tho Milwaukee onlhorlllcH, and refused to surrender them. Later in tho day Mr. Herzog was er-nvlm cd that tho fare were not bis. Tbe Milwaukee Chief of Police will take a look at them to-day. On hi* muni he will ho escorted by a chap la Irons, named FMward Martin, who probably knows mor* about tbo robbery than any one else. CITY-HALL. Tax certificate redemptions brought $1,008,43 yes terday. The City Collector turned in 19.4. V) and the Water Department $1,4C0 yesterday to the Treasurer. Friday afternoon Is fixed for another session of the Building Law Committee. They will probably get through then. Custodian Carman says bo bu $.'0,000 worth of stolen property tn his possession. Victims of thieves should " go fur "him. Affairs were unusually quiet around tho rookery yesterday. The funeral of Dr. llahu took away many of the officials and others. Tho scml-annualluterost on the city debt will be forwarded to New York before tho let of noxt month. Comptroller Hayes Is In that city now attending to It. Bupt. Hickey sat In Judgment on s case of maltreat ment of nu expressman by a policeman yesterday, and found U rather tedious work. The officer was not dis charged. Ex-Pollco Commissioner Mark Sheridan was around the City-Hall yesterday. He denies that ho la taking any active part in tbo political campaign. Ho consid ers hlmeelf an officer of the municipality, and, under that opinion, proposes to draw bis salary, lie has been Informed by the Comptroller that there was no fund for that purpose, but bo says be Is legally en titled to bis pay, and wilt have it—lf he can got it, Ilcslng’s presaging hare scared the city clerks so badly that they mu scarcely work, snd do nothing bat think and dream of political assessments. Some of them are said to have written tho word 41 assessment" on documents while in a state of nervousness over an eipeclcd vlrlt fiom such men ns Aguew, Hildreth. Foley, !touutri.c, and Donnehr. If the persons named do not keep away from the City-Hall, there will Ire no work done. AM. R. B. Stone says Michael Orwnehauro’s lot, corner of Randolph and Union afreets, is not worth more than $230 per front foot, while (ho Madison Street Station lot <• worth At least (400. And yet five real estate firms have valued Qroenebamn’s property at <07,000, uud that gentleman wants Uie Maulson strict properly and $30,000 to hoot for his 83 by 132 anil five useless (to the city) building*. Aid. Stouo says the city's is active business property, while Mr. Greeaebaiun’s is of a very passive kina. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The second annual dinner of the Harvard Associa tion will take place this evening at 7:JO at the Gardner House. The regular monthly meeting of tho O. W, O. T. U. will bo held in Room it. No. 144 Madison street. Friday, at 10 a, m. UlUccrs will be elected for tho ensuing year. Joaquin Miller, "tho Poet of the Sierras,” delivers the ueit lecture of the Star Coarse Tuesday evening, at Union Park Cnurch. The loctnre, which Is said to bu a very brllUaut and poetic one, is entitled " Literary Loudon.’’ A meeting of the National Poultry Association will bo held at tlio rooms uf the Prairie. Parmrr Company, No. 118 Monroe *tr>cl, at 3 p, ro. to-day. for tbs pur pose of transacting bunlnes* rditlre to the exhibition of jKiultry and pet stock, which Is to beheld In this city next January. A movement is on foot to start a dolly morning prayer meeting on (hu West Side, In the vicinity of Union Park, for bu'incxa-nun and others, before busi ness hours. Those who favor It can leave their names with tho Superintendent of the Young Men’s Christian Association, in Arcade court. Tho incidental lectures it the College of Law this week, by gentlemen outside the Family, are: Mouday and Tucs lay. at 3 p. in;, by J. 11, Biased. E*q., on Bulk ruptev; Wednesday oud Thursday, r.t 7>; p. m., by tho Hon. James P. Root, on The Constitution of Illi nois ; and Saturday, at 4 o’clock p. m., by I7of, R. L. Cumnock of the Northwestern University, on Elo cution. Judge Forrader follows, Tuesday next at 3 f>. m., ou "Remainders and Reversions.” All these ecturcs are open to attorneys and atudouta generally. The Alheusmm Invites the attention of the ladles of this city to two valuable lectures to be given in its lec ture room at UJ aud 03 Washington si reel. Tho first, by James 11. Rowland, we.» known iu a lecturer ami clocutlonUt, will bo Friday at 2:30 p. m., on the subject of Physical Culture, und prepared npcnally for ladles. Thu second will be by Airs. Waller 0. Lyman Mouday at 3:30 n. in., on "Cookery is a Hygienic Art.” Mrs, Lyman i» a graduate of the National School of Cookery lu Loudon, uud has given much time to (he inspection and study of similar Institutions lu other countries of Europe. Both lectures will be of great Interest and t radical value, and It Is to be hoped that largo burn ers of ladies will attend. Admission free to all. THE COUNTY BUILDING. County-Clerk Lleb was yesterday in receipt of the new ballot-boxes ordered a few days ago. The County Attorney, who Is the most expensive piece of political machinery run by (bo coua(y, is Just now giving s giettdealof attention to the procuring of naturalization papers. He thinks the result of the coming election, especially Its effect upon the "ring" of the County Board, depends largely upon his labors lu that direction. Commissioner Crawford put lu an appearance at the building yesterday, which entitle* him to his per diem. He wna afterward seen lu the company of s prominent (lertnuu UepubHorn dispensing clgtrs liberally. It may bo that be was seeking Kepubllcsu sympathy. If he hopes for re-clo. linu. if reports bo true, votes rather than sympathy are what he needs. The carelcfianess of to employe In the Cotmly Trees, urer’s office yeaterday, in falling to turn off the water st a hydrant after using it. resulted lu an overflow, tho effect of which was found iu the County Clerk’s office lu Iho wetting of the vault floors. Buch misfor tunes will be unknown after election, when employee halo overcome tue cxiltemont of the campalgu. .. THU OUANU JUBV. The Oreml Jury began work yesterday morning with renewed earnestness. Tho Jurors felt refreshed uml invigorated by the visit to the Poor-Farm on (he d.;y previous, and were prepared to indict almost any one. Upon their assembling thu Ant business was to ulsru’e a report which hud gained prevalence that slo,Duo had been distributed among them by I’eriolat in tnu Interest of a whitewashing report on tbs viilt to the Insane Asylum. No one confessed having re ceived any part of the sum named, end the discussion was finally dropped to give way to the testi mony of Hanua-l Ashton, who hod been sub i sensed several days ago to tell what Lo knew about the award of the contract for thu foundation for the Court-House to Mr. Hsrmi Ho was saked sundry questions bearing upon the sub ject, and. among others, whether he bad told F. U W llkle, of thu '/' twee, that If tho contract for furnish lug thu rlouu lor the Court-House was let to Walker. <d Lcmont, that A. C. lining was to receive IPjakh) t a to ured In »e.-uriug his election us County Treasured He deuivd (bat he hud ever made any such statement or that hv knew anything about the matter. It it all leged that Mr. Wilkie testified that Aihtou had made such a statement to him, and the denials lu evidence to b» so direct between not only A»bloa and Wilkie, but between Wilkie end Mike McDonald, that both Wilkie uid McDonald will be recalled to-day. Dr. liluUiardt and several other wtlnaases were examined on the some subject, flat nothing new was elicited. Thostamlnsllon will be iMntinued to-d*v, with Ihn probability Uni the Jury will tail ns I ibors and I* pr«v pared li» report. Before ndbunnlnv ycslerd-iy a roimn'tteo wss o|v to report upon the visit to the Inw«no Asylum, slid Also nt*on the Inveu ItfiUon Into the ib'rge of brlliery avamst the County H )ard. The' re orb will not be materially ditto rent from what has alrra-lv been indicated in these columns, aud wld uot he made pub* lia bcfote to-morrow. SUBURBAN, LAKE VIEW. The Board of Trustee# hold an adjourned meet'ng Tncsdiy nljilU, all tho members being present. Twen ty-seven Lida for all or part of the work on Iho en gine-house for the Water-Works were received, Con tracts were let to four different parties as follows : Ma»on-wotk to O. Kooffgcr fer {I : «o • cnr|icntiT work to B. D. Bronson for fl.aMi; iron work to F.* ratnn for $n»l; psinllng and Blazing to E. It. Hum phrey k Co. for *, making n total of $n,r.CS. a.ieff. ger Is a resident of Ijiko View, and should take tomo pride in making Ids work A No. 1. No time should bo lost in Batina up these walls, as the engines aro con tracted for delivery the middle of November, and tho frost will not stay out of the ground much longer. Eight car-lords of pipe arrived nt itavenswood vealer dny. and tho testing-machine is imirly ready fui use at that point. The) ties for llm bike-plcr nro also on the ground, nod work at that point wlil only depend on the moods of old Neptune, Ordinances were drawn lor ;IJ hydrrnta to tw> located fl on Hslsted slrc't, *■ on Dummy 110 id, 4 on Fullerton avenue, U on Belmont. 4 on Wrightwond, 4 on HheUlold, *J on Hunnyslde, uon West Railroad Park. 2 on Diver sey, non Oreeu Bay, 2 on Hu-ine.Jon Lincoln, ? on Koiithport, 1 on Pomlnary, and 4 on Dunning, The HiiKrvlsor reported that according !»• Insirno- Hons, he bad appointed an Inspector of Water pipe at a conipen* ilion of fl |wr dlun, John Hmlih. who cornea highly recommended from the Brooklyn Nuvy- Ytrd, The Supervisor was anlhorired to contract for about 200 feet of l>l and 11-inch pljio with Hie neco-n.iry valves to connect the pumping-works witb the Inlet and shoro pipes; also to provide for ad-foot Ikii i<iur on tho water lot. A petition for a sidewalk on the west shin of Wolcott street, from Stmnysldo to Wilson avenue, was granted, A petition Maned ey seventeen unking (ho removal of Williams, tho Poundon der, on Iho ground of incompetence and wrong cn.nict In iiiipoinidimt the caltic of citizens, was placed on (He as not coming within tho Jurisdiction of the H urd. The remedy is either to Impeach (bo ikdliuimni before .Tustico Ten Broeck s Court, or to withhold their suffrages at tho election next April. Ravenswood was invaded and taken poa.sesslon of Tuesday by a ministerial detachment of (bn Congre gational Church from the dly, aud a clerical atmos phere still cling»to tho place as a rcmlntaccnco. Tno cause wss tho semi-annual visit of the Chicago Asso ciation to tho church there for tho purpose of a fra ternal IntcrcliJiifio of Ideas, aud tho advancement of the welfare of said Church. inurest'iu dis cussions on questions of vital Importance to tlio re ligions world wore taken part in by tho prominent ministers of that denomination from tho city, uficr which the brethren who were not desirous of ndurn lug homo Immediately enjoyed the hospitably of tho lamed of lUvcnswood. OAR I’AIUC. A meeting of memlicrs of tho Methodist Church wan held Monday evening In (ho church-parlors to talk up the oxpediuucy of furnishing tho upper part of tho edifice.- Mr. Philander Smith was climcii Chairman, and Mr. Gcorgo Eldcrkln Secretary. Tho Indies ex pressed their interest by attending in goodly num bers, despite the dlsagrceablcncsi of tho stormy even ing. The ladies of tho Methodist Episcopal Church an nounco that they will give a reception to their recently-appointed minister, tho Rev. A. .1. Hcott, Friday evening, la the church parlors. Tho ladles sro making every effort to have the reception ouo that will bo worthy to bo remem bered by tho friends who wilt bo prcncut. Mr. and Mrs. PhilbrKk celebrated their china wed ding Monday evening. A full account of (ho happy affair wilt be given in Sunday’s Tribune. FJNAKCIAL. N'W YORK. Svfcutl Ihtpateh to The Chicnan Tribun*. New York, Oct. 27.—Mr. Aebbel P. Fitch, counsel for the depositors of tbo Third Avenue Savings Bank, returned from Albany yesterday, where bo obtained an order to show cause why an injunction should not issno against tho Third Avenue Bank in tho interest of depositors. Tho Judge would havo granted an injunction, but requested that the Receiver should bo informed of tho application for an injunction. Notice to show cause was served on Mr. Oarmor, tho Re ceiver, yestoiday, and is returnable to-day at Albany, when it will probably ho granted. Mr. Fitch, for tho depositors, Will apply for n re moval of Mr. Catinor boloro one of tho Judges of (ho courts io this cojuty. New Your, Oct. 27.—The suspension of Ira Beard, No. 457 Broadway, dealer in millinery goods, is announced. Hugh Young has made on assignment, placing his liabilities at $171.8115, and hia m-sotH at 291, a large pattof the latter being patent rights. PHILADELPHIA, Philadelphia, Oct. 27.—Tho music publish ing homo of Lee & Walker has suspended. Their liabilities aro said tn no $176,000. Tho assets of tho ilrro, including tho stock, aro estimated to bo worth over $260,000, ami if tbeir creditors are liberal it is pousib.o that a lull re turn will bo made to thorn. THE WARD WILL CASE. Special Immtrh to The Ctueaan Tribune. Detroit, Oct. 27.—Tbo Word mil cano bas now roacbod tbo argument. Tbo contestants presented their requests for charging by the Judge. It is expected (bat at least Ibis week will bo token In arguiog these requests, and that the arguments ou tbo mam question will occupy all next week. SEISMIC. Memphis, Oct. 27.—A sharp shock of earth quake wue fott hero to-night at 7:30. Holly Spbinus, Mis?., Oct. 27.—A (torero earthquake, accompanied with a loud rumbling noise, waa felt hoto at 7:30 this evening. No damage. Chicago to Now Torb—Celerity, Securi ty, and Comfort—Brie & Chicago Bail road Line via Cleveland. On Monday morning, Nov. 1,1873, at 0 o’clock, (ho first train over this route will steamout of Chicago, eastward. It will run Pullman Sleepers of the newest, moat elaborate, and comfortable pattern. At S o’clock and 5 minutes In the afternoon of the same day, the second train will depart. It will con tain Pullman Sleepers, Pullman Parlor and Drawing- Room Cars, und the famous Pullman Hotel Cun. Those superior conveniences to tho traveler mil be and abide with him ou this route clear through to New York. It is the only line which offers to make him at borne as to eating ond sleeping between the two great cities of tho Continent. Tho diagrams for tho sleeping-cars can bo seen now at lul Clark street, corner of Washington street, in this city, and accommodations lie secured for Mon day's trains. D. W. Hitchcock, General Agent. N. B.—This is the only Uuo which can oiler tbo luxury of a Pullman car between Chicago and Cleve land. D. W. UtrcucocK, General Agent, The Chicago Artists’ Sale. There have tieen many art sale* announced in this city (good collection* of art), and at the time of com* mo ucmg the sale icmo half-doreu persons comprise lu full the auctioneer's company. Thta must not lie tho caae to-night at the Ki|-o»ltlon Art-Gallery, whore, at 7:3 ii, the artlata of this city will hold a sole without re serve of aouiu of (heir latest ami beat works. This la the tint regular annual sale hold by them aluco the great fire, and, as it la fur their apodal benefit,—the sale being entirely undue tbolr control,—their call up on the artduving public should meet a hearty response in the way of a erowdud room of purchasers. As we stated before, tho sale will commence this evening at 7:90. Tho Most Novel Invention of tho Aro. One of the moil beautiful signs was seen In front of our offleo lost night, on a moving wagon, Inscribed on one side, “Uoawell’s Bay and Night blgu," and on the other the representation of an eagle displayed with all the colors of (hu rainbow, Tho sign la one of tho most attractive signs of tho age. Mr. H>.*awcll, the patentee and inventor, guarantees that It will take two thirds less gas than any otlnr illuminated sign, Ktute rights for sale, O. if. Boswell, Merchant*' Hotel, Cutcago, Worthless, WiUful, Wicked Waste Is what It stnouuis lo to uae poor stows. If you ore about buying, ask thoee using su Argsnd hase-bunicr, or a Stewart parlor, from Bolton's, 103 and 194 State street, how they like it. The 44 Factory Prices" Sid It. A party Just gave Sampson, Greene h Co., 193 and lU4 State street, a very large order for furniture. It was but a waste of time to look for lower prices. Pianos and Organs. Ballet, Dsvis Ac Co.'s Grand, Square, and Upright, and Smith’s American Organs, cau bo fouud only at W. W. Kimball's, corner Bute and Adams streets, Chicago. * Important to tbo Preservation of Teeth— John Donnell's Cherry Tooth>Paste, the moat e flics clous dentifrice known. Try It. For sale by all druggists. Wholesale agents, Torrey & Bradley, ITi and 173 Randolph street. Lnndborf's Perfumes ere like natural howars and bouquets. ITCHIER 2?, 1879. THE COURTS. The Ttlaiifftilur Thcnlricul Dud Fairly Started. Voluntary and Involuntary Bankrupts —Applications for Divorce. Record of Judgment* and Now Halts— Criminal Hnslncg*. Supreme Court Proceedings. HAVERLY. HOOLEY. AND MAGUIRE. THK TASK FAIIU.T lIKOUX. Thai litllo Bonanza—Hcoloy’e Opora-Tlomo— was attain tin* bono of coniootion io tho coii't* yesterday morning. Owing to tho clever tactics of complainant's counsel, by which they have tlniH far hoi't their client master of the situa tion, n flmnyo of bane was had from Tudgo Williams* to Judge Barwell’s forum Tho caso is now faiilr under way; hut fnrlhor than tho fact that tho favorite comedian, Billy Arlington, received as salary tho snug sum of sl2sperwoik, which appeared in an nnid.i7il which was read, nothing specially interesting or important was developed. After disposing of Iho usual roulloo business, Judge Far well announced bia readiness to proceed. Sir. Hardy then Informed the Court that on the 2dd lust, bo had filed a motion to hare llooloy and Migulro show why they should not he attached for con tempt In filing a cross LIU. As the consideration of that question would Involve a discussion of tho entire case, ho would prefer to have this motion romldeied In connection with the mol lon to dissolve the Injunction, which motion would now como before (he court. After settling this matter to the satlsfsctlon of all parties, Wr. Hardy began the desultory tusk of read ing tho huge hill of complaint filed la the case, the pmh ulnra of which have already been given by Tub Tninusy. When Mr. Hardy had concluded, Mr. Halnos beyin (ho battle ou behalf of Mr. Iloolcy by rcad'ng hfs answer, Tbe dull monotony nf thin proceeding vu occasionally enlivened by a Utile legal sparring bo tweon the rrapcctiro counsel. Mr. Hardy then offered to re id some of the sfllrtavlts in support of tho bill, which movement was atrcnuonsly objected toby Mr. Haines, that gentleman claiming that ho bad not had on opportunity cf examining them. After a lively repartee, participated in by Mr. Haloes and Messrs. Hardy and Oonstm tine, ibe Court allowed Mr. Hardy to proceed, holding that, under a decision of the Huprerao Court, affidavits filed nt any time beforo tbe hearing might bo road at the trial, This ruling of tho Court seemed to produce a it'riling effect upon Mr. Haines, and that gentleman Immediately drew from bis pockets a huge Imndto of atfidarltn all carefully prepared, and asked leave to tllo them. Mr. Hardy expresced a denire to know tho contents of these ponderous documents; but ■ ated bla willingness to alio'? them to bo (lied in case they contained no now matter. Mr. Haines disclaimed any intention of bringing In any now issues, and, after another passage at arms Irclwcen Mr. Haines and Mr. Constantino, tho affidavits wore placod on file. Tho reading of affidavits was then continued, but nothing further of interest occurred. The hearing will bo pro ceded with this morning, and, as counsel get warmed up to tho contest, a lively time may be ox* ix>;lrd, at least tho most important affidavits are yet to bo read. OTHER BUSINESS. miBTSCUNEIDEU’a TROUBLES. John Urotßcbncidor. (bo bulchor, who Tuesday laid bis grievances before tbe Court to a petition tiled by him in bankruptcy, was yesterday dis charged from the custody of (bo Sheriff on writ of habeas corpus. This was, however, to bo without prejudice to tbe right of tho plaintiff in tho writ of ca. sa. to rcarroeb him in case bo is denied a discharge in bankruptcy. Frederick Lichtonborgor tolls the story of bis mairiago with bis wife, Kuuigunda, and avers that bo has over been ready and willing to fur nish her with a suitable homo; but she utterly refuses to partake of Ills bounty, and has abandoned and de serted him. As sho still pcrs{»ls In this coarse, Fred erick prays that tho Court may add the force of judi cial sanction to this slate of affairs, and grant him a divorce. HANRRDPTRT ITEMS. In the matter of Anton Uugowittor, bankrupt, at a flret general meeting of (bo creditor* hold yesterday before Register Hibbard, Henry E. Oiler was elected assignee. Abner S. Wright was yesterday appointed Assignee In bankruptcy of Moses B. Djcou el at, vice John It. Hetinloy, who declined to not. James J. Wade, a plumber, doing business at No. 170 West Madison street, yesterday filed a voluntary petition asking to be adjudged a bankrupt. Hitt se cured liabilities aro $3,3 >7/0. His unsecured debts foot up $3/00.00, His assets are about SII,OOO, con sisting of sl,i>oo worth of real estate, 51.00 C. 47 promis sory notes. SI,OOO in open accounts, end a lot of ma chinery, stock la trade, end personal property not exempted. Tbo usual reference to tho Iloglster was mudo, am) Robert E. Jenkins was appointed provision al Assignee, UNITED STATES COURTS. Jeromlab Nadine sued James Hhunnon for 11,200. Henry 8. Clark and Allen 8. Ballard filed s bill against Alexander Vaughn and 8. B. Busbncll, to reatndn them from Infringing Dillard's )mtom for lm proving carth-iugera. An accounting is also asked ftr. superior court in nniEE. Murry Nelson brought on notion of replevin agalnat the Chicago, Burlington k Quincy Railroad Company tu recover n lot of corn tn defendant's cats. M. Mortimer and M. W. Field sued Philip Larmoa for $2 000 C. A. Lewi* filed a creditor’s bill against John A. Qage und others on a Judgment of 93,610.3:1. CIRCUIT COURT. William J, Patterson begun an action of assumpsit against Ransom xt. Clark to rccorur 113,000. Walter W. McKay sued the Ninth Presbyterian Church in an action of assumpsit for fu.OOO. COUNTY COURT. In Iho estate of Anton Rawolff, (ho will was proven and loiters testamentary wars granted to Louis Wahl, under bond for <IO,OOO. In UmosUtA of Cephas Dunnings grant of admln- Utratlon was made to 8. M. Dunning, under bond for slo,o*o, CRIMINAL COURT. John Brennan appeared, asking discharge on a writ of babuas corpus. Officer O’Neil, of Detroit, appeared about the same time, provided with a requisition for thft prisoner, who wna promptly surrendered, and soon after started for Detroit, where be is to answer sundry charges. The case of Martin Mcdsrry. William Cullen, James O’Connor, und William McFarland, charged with (he murder of Jacob Mrazck, was hoard on a motion for dincbsrge ou a writ of habeas corpus, O’Connor and Cullen wore bold far an aanault with intent to kill An-' dreua model, tho evidence proving inadequate to hold them for tho n.order of Mrazek, McOarry and Mc- F-rland wore discharged. Daniel Slattery was tried for larceny and sentenced to tho House of Corrootiou for ono year. Michael ficauluu and William Fitzgerald wore tried for larceny and found guilty, but the sentence was sunpoiidcd. John Keenan pleaded guilty to larceuy, and was sentenced to sixty dava at tbo llouce of Correction. John Scott pleaded guilty to burglary and was sen tenced to 000 year In the Penitentiary. THE CALLS. Judge Moore—No. as on hearing. Call, Nos, 37. 3d, and 39. Jcuob Ronra—Call, Noe. 100,103, 106,107,108,#00, tail no, Inc.mive. Jouob lioixus—Bet rue Jorra. Mo. 178, Cobb va. James, Call, No*, lift, 117, and 130 to 138, inc;»iivo. Brrxmon Oodbt—Coiocsmosh—A, L. Adams st si. va. John Emils, f E. Q, Tburatoa vs. Samuel B. Crocker, $ & '.( U. Joook Ganr—Chicago Rendering Companv ts. Ms- HoualFlre Insurance Company; verdict, $1,633.60. Gcrmsn-Amorlcan Hank va. Albeit Mlchelsoa and Arno Voss, $316.10,-3, Bherwln vs. John Bosnian. $119.13. * Cinoort Codbt— OoKycsaiOMs—John Burton va, 3, J, Montague, $316,08. Judob Uootu—Ale* Klngvs. Thlllp Koehler; ver dict, |lto —L. J. MUford ut ah va. John B. Mayo; ver dict. $317.42. Junau Books*— W, C. Drakmau vs. E. 8. Fowler. B. E, Uoodoll, and J. O. Walker; verdict, $3,100. ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT. PBOOEEDINUB TESTBBDAT, Ottawa, 111., Oct. 27. Supremo Court pro* ccedlags to*day s MOTIONS DECIDED. 780. Allen et at. va. Hhepard; motion reserved to the liual hearing of (he cause. 301, Guild, Jr., Impleaded, oto„ vs. The City of Chi csgo; motion allowed and leave given to hie supple* mental record. LICENSE. James Gilley will be granted s license to pmo ties law in this Biste. NEW MOTIONS. 63. Williams vs. Rhodes; appearance of Sophie Rhoden, the executrix and executor, entered, end the cauae transferred to the Control Grand Division. 3*B. Lincoln A*eoue and Miles Centre Gravel Road Company vs, Dunn : motion of the appellee for an ex tension of time to hie briefs. 633. Richards v*. Orseu; motion by the appellant to set aside tbs order of taking the cause ana for con* ttnuauce sod a writ of certiorari. UUUbUtll .UU * ..... u * ..IIIVIMM 6.1. Usrding va. The Town of Hale j the order of submission set aside by agreement; the death of A. C. Harding suggested; Georgs T. Harding, the executor, enters his sp|«srance In person, and the cause con -680. Baker va. The People ex rel Miller; leave given to file additional records. 081. Derby va. tho same; tame order. 631. Lamb vs. the same; motion on stipulation for additional time to Ale briefs by the eppellee, 663. Trout vs. the aame J same. 684. Prout and While vs. the same; same. 6.U. Lamb et al. v*. the eame; same. 666* Welch et ah vs. th* same; uas. M 7. Walter vn. the name 5 name. ftTA. It.mkln vn. (tin name; B»mr. fi'H. I,amb vn. ttio name 5 muip. fil <). Huno TS. the BAtnß I name, ft-’!. Thomas nt id. vn. llinsam.'; name, ftft'-*. ninmpof><k! vs. Iho mnn; name, firt.i. Rmkln vn. tliuname; «nmf, ' «<!>, Chatham Nifonsl Hank of New York rt. John W. Dome; appeal (llimlHned, tali, or the docket. Oil. Derby vn. Tim People «s rol, Rnmney; to abide (bo decision if* No, ft 3 • (Iravec T 9, the same) ami taken wllli that number, t'la, I'roul vs. the name; name, ft 1-1, Gayles vu. the natno; name. Ml. Iloilo th. tlie name: name. 615. Wnl'e et 01. vs. tbo name; name. 6H, Whttu vn. the name; name. 617. .Tones v*. Ibe aanin; nme. 614. I’oirmnn Tn. Bcovllle rt »1,; taken on rail. AH'. Tbo Chicago Ik Northwestern Hallway Company vn. Tbo Pecplo ex rcl. Miller; taken on calk mo. Raker vn. tbc same; taken on rail, fiftl. D-rby et nl. vn. tbo name; taken on call. t'«A3, T.imt) t*. tbo name; taken on call. (W 3. Trout ct nl. vn, the name; taken on rail. fi'l. Trout and White vn. tin same; taken mi call* C 63, I. nib et nl. vn. tbo baiiio ; Ink* n on rail. (lift. Welch ot a), vn, tbo name; taken on call. f. 57, Walker v». tbo name; taken on rail. CA <. Itankln vn. Ibn name; t ken on oull, fts>. l.nmb vh. Ibo name; taken ou call. 66'), Same vs. Hie name; taken on call. ADIODRNMBNT. Tbo Court adjourned to 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. FLSEWHERE. LCK COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT. .V|,rcfiif fifttWrA fo 7Ae CA(r<rji Triftiinr. Dixon, lib, Oct. 27.—The District Court for Lee County commenced to-day, Judge W. W. Heaton pro viding. There nro nlxty-ulno criminal cases, 171 com mon law, and 12J chancery cases. There are four men under ludlctmeut for murder. Tbo jail Is full to overflowing. THE MURDERER^CAUGHT. The Han Who Stabbed Ga!ona Ar rested Yesterday Morning. Discovery oi‘ the Bloody Kuifo in ilis Possession. • Ho Practically Admits the Crlmo. Tho murder of ttio young man John Galena, who wan killed in tho low projjgoryof John Ucaiy, No. 105 Went Lake etrooi, Monday night, tho de tails of which wore Riven in yostonlw morning's TnniDNK, was a cokl-bloododonc, and committed without even a riomblanco of cause, tho deceased having been etabbod to tho heart while trying to maintain peace. Coroner Dlotzsch yesterday afternoon irapan clod a Jury for tho purpose of holding an in quest. but, after vioning tho body, tho case was adjou.nod until 3 o'clock this afternoon. AT THE TIME OP THE AFPItAY Galena was with a party of friends, among whom were Ji sepb O’Brien, John Ityau, John Gleason, and John Bay. Tncse wore all arrested Tuesday night and locked up In tho West Madlaou Hired Station as witnesses. Yesterday morning Berjt, Thomas Simmons arrested a man named Patrick Mar tin, to whom circumstances p .lut strongly as thn mur derer, uud who docs nut protend to deny his ruIU. He waniound In tho embrace of a low prostltuto iiaoud Nellie McGuire, at a resort known as tlu Jell'emon House, No, tin Wt-et Luko street, whero hcliad en gaged a room Under tho nuroo of George Brown. When Beret, Simmons entered .Marlin denied his name and said that it was Brown. Ths oilleer told him not to lie to him, that his name was Martin and that bo Wat ARRESTED ON THE CUAnOC OF MURDER. Martin then confessed to bin name bet would not believe the officer. Hu acknowledged that bo hid been in a fight and used a knife, hut said •' You oru Jomlur ; I didn't hurt him enough to kill him.” Even nt the HtaUcu-bonio Martin declined to beieve tint Galena had died from bla wounds, but when taken to tho room WHERE THE CORPSE WAS lylnp ho turned many colors and was unable to speak for n few moments, after wUich bo said, I “ bolieru bo is rtesd now, and I suppose I shall have to suffer for It,” Uo wusscarclel, and tho bnlfo with which tho murder had been committed wjb found upon his person. It is a common clasp puckct-kulfc, with a horn htudla. The Made is 3.V iuchoa Jour, and la covered with blood, Tuo end of the blado fits ex actly wlthlu tho incision made in the counter of Heuly’s saloon, MARTIN B STATEMENT. Yesterday afternoon, by permission of Capt. Ellis, a Triodkb repcrler vulled Martin In hlu cell, and there endeavored to gain from blm a statement. In reply to the interrogatories of the reporter ho stated tint his ago was 21, and bis occupation a teamster. Reporter—Weru you lu llealy's snloou lust night 7 Martin—l was ; but 1 was so drunk I didn't know what 1 wan doing. Itep,—Did you flourish a knife in the saloon ? Martin—l might have done so, but don’t remember it. I toll you I was too-drunk. Rep,—Did you say that you could cut any one in two who luterfered with you V Marlin—l may have ssld so. “ UANO ANYHOW." Hep.—Did yon cut Galena 7 Martin—l don't know. I was too drunk. I suppose I’ll hang anyhow. Hep,—Vou don't know that. It In bettor for you to mako a clean statement. Were you ever arrested bo* foro? Martin—'Yes, for larceny. Hop.—Uow long Is it since you were released from Jail 7 Marlin—About a week. Hep.—Did you kill Galena? M.riln—l ain’t going to deny It, for 1 suppose tbeyll hang mo anil I can't help myself. Hep.—Did you do the cutting? Martin—l didn’t say I did, and lam not going (o. This ended the Interview with Marlin. Hu is a hard-looking case. His fuco I>o.irs the evidence of long dissipation and crime, and on one of tits eureka Is the mark of a deep cut received in an affray. Hu la well known to the police, and hears sn unenviable reputation. joßßrn o'ddtes, one of Galena's fileuds, who was with him when bo was killed, was also Interviewed. Ho said: Our parly had been lu the saloon, IDS West Lake street, for sonio time. Wo bad ono round of drinks aud played several games of cards. We got up then and went to the counter, aud had several wore drinks. While wo wore at the bar Paddy Murtm and another big follow came lu. Galena was talking and whirling bis huvomok, a bag in which bo carried bis lunch, lie was not saying anything, when Martin pulled out a knife aud said ho could cut nny in two who Interfered with him or bis friend, Shortly after two females came In, oue of whom was Martin's woman (Nellie McGuire], but her name 1 don't know. Galena had a talk with tuo other woman, wh m Mur* tin’s fricud came up and said something, and the dead mao HIT imr ON THE NECK with hla haversack. Thu entire party then went out. On the street, Galena was again attacked by Martin, aud the two were parted. Shortly after, Martin walked up to Galena end stabbed him twice, at the asms time saying, “ I can kill any man who Insults my friend," and then went luck into the saloon. Galena tried to walk up stairs, but fell down after going a few steps and died. He had only quit work a short time before, and Martin at the time be did tbs cutting was not very drunk. The deceased was 27 years of age, and resided at 200 South May street. A HAD HIQUT. A ltd plctura was presented at tbs West Msdliou Street Station, In the room where the corpse was lying. The aged father and mother were there. They arc poor aud mpcciahle, and John Galena waatbdrouly support, though thcyJiave another grown*np son, who Is iu Michigan. Tbs woman was crying aud wring's* her bauds, saying: "Thlils shard sight for reel O, they that took the blood nf my sou I ” and the old man was walking to aua fro. trying to hide his gnef. Gilo na born a good repuUliou among bn follow*. He was uot a hard drinker, hut a steady wbrklngmun. and not qu.arreliomo in his dlspuaitlou. Dr. ilonrotlu will make a poat-mortem szamluailon, and will make known the result at the inquest this afternoon. Lady Caroline Lamb and Lord Byrau. Mm. tfcmble, in her " Old Woman'll Oomfp" Id the October Atlantic, sarei Lady Caroline Lamb I never eaw, but, from friends of mine who were well acquainted with her, I have manifold instances of her ortraorduiary character and conduct. I remember my friend Mr. Harness tolling me that, dancing with him one night at a groat nail, alio had suddenly amazed hmi hy the challenges “Ouetb how many palrth of thock lugtb 1 nave on.” (Her Ladyship lisped, and her pattioular graolousnesa to Mr. Haines* wsa the result of Lord Uyroa’a bchool-liitlraacy with and jegatd for him.) finding hor partner quite unequal to the of div.nation tropoied to him, she put forth a very pretty little loot, from which she lifted tho petticoat ankle high, hoping out, “Thlxtb.” I believe it waa on the occasion of that same ball that she asked Lord Byron tu wait* with her, when, probably irritated by her impertiudot dis* regard of tho infirmity which was al ways so btb* ter a mortification to him, he not only refused, saying, " You snow 1 cannot," but added. *' ami you or any other woman ought not." (Uis poet ical vituj eralion of Iho dance, then first coming into vogue, will bo remembered.) Upon this rebuff the lady went to a diessing-room, and throwing open a window rushed out upon tho balcony, and exclaiming in the notdaof tit. Preax under the rooks of La Ueilleraie i •' La roche eat escarpeel I’eau eat protends!" preuearsd to precip itate herself, not Into the blue wateis of Labe Leman, but on to tho hard hearted pavement of a London street 5 which travesty of lloueeetiu's tragedy being timely averted by a friendly and firm clutch at ber lati) ship’s skirts behind, she desired to have a glass of water, which, being biougbt ber, she set ber teeth id the glass and broke It, and pro ceeded to out her throat with the jagged edges, but tbts being a'so interfered with ss Injudi cious, she woe finally persuaded to postpone her despair to a more convenient season, and go bom* to bad. X have beard another version of IhA Above attompfrd suicide, which made a pair of eeiemiru snatched form the (Iron ibln at, * •boat to be plumed m<o her homni tbo remM* of Uto lady for lior outraged feolingn. “ 1 MARRIAGES. COI.wmOOKE-HTATLEH-On Hie -fit I* Init Tl tbo rn hleir 0 of the lirldo’H 1 arentn, No. 1 1 nv.. by the Rev. Dr. Cbeuey, Mr. Wfllam Ci.l brnnw nud Mbs H. 0. Staples, nil of Chicago, No cards PATTERSON—-COOPEU—At the Prenhyterlin Church, Djnvlllr, m„ on Tuur-day, or, ai.b/n,. Rav. Dr. tc-ith. F. D. Patterson, of Now York city an.! Min Hollle M. Coin er, of Georgetown, Col., ilaticlit** of the late William Cooper. “ UfiUte * DEATHS. MOORK— Mm. KlUnbcth Moore, at bi'r'rVsM.V-V oit - M * ,j » funeral ly carrlng-s from SI. Miry’s Chnr-h t* rrW * r * oct * Bt lIJ ni ‘ Fll0 ‘" 1 " of family 2lT*Tl)(lndelpliia papers plume ropy, , REYNOLDS—On tbo 2711* of HiMnnlier, In the 7fiiK yeir of bln ago, David lloymiMs, Ksq., of s-rlnu n«* cleiin, Narbcrrb. Kuulb Wulen, father of Dr. It «• n,. Quids, of ibis <lty. •‘•twy. McQUAID—At the Hlntera’, corner of c»t>v met uv. and Tblrty-fUlh nl., niter n iuigrrlnff ii. nr «l of ronauinjitlou, Winifred, wife of M. iM Funeral at 11 0. in, to-day (Tliurmhy) irow'lfair.t tal by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. ‘ * DARSTOW—In tbld city, Henry U. Dirstow, aged Mr. Darslow was appointed United Stales Consul 1-, Rl ’tly by iTcsid *nt Tler-’c, nnl bcmorably fl-iej ~11 position up to the elo.-tlmi of Tr-sidont l.ln 010 His will bo bold at bln lato mldsn e * No u North Cnrpcuttr-nU, at 10 o’clock a. m. to-d .y ‘(Thilrj! SPECIAL NOTICES. All Old Nurse for Cliidroih “ Don’t fall to prncuro Mr*. Win l-iw’i Nuitil,* fl.„_ for calldron teething. So innlber wlm ha, ev Pr 'rffi R mil consent to In: tier child pass torutuii this crM-.l t>' lift withmit tho aid of ttJi fnvaltiilun ».rn»r*r,™ Hives ro*t to tin mn lnr, ami rnlbf ami h'sltj ,1“: chllil. Cmcs wind en||o f and* n, <|, iwfU. J ***• EEPUBUOAN MEEIINQ3 TO inoaT.^^ NINUrr.RNTU WARII.* Northwest corner Cliic:igi>-iT. end Wdle^t. TWENTIKTIt WAHD. P. U. Endcrn. IftD, 171. mui j 73 North Clirk-st. KLEVOT I SND UmiUXTIt WAtlD*. * Aurora Turner-Hall, Mllwunkvo av. To -H«n A.Loßan. J. D. Ward. D. W, Muim. CiL T.loilty, ml Oen, Hodman, will addrers tlin tntrliug. h::v, nteentii vain). No. 311 Larrabcn-r-t. i onnrrrjrru ward. Ben* Hill, 7ffl West Likert. Tuoliou.J. F, Scan* lou willaddrcsii Uio mailing. Hrru w.nn, Corner IlnnoTor and Twenty•*<»nrli-»ls, rifTU am i tXTii WAnn-. Southeast corner ridrly-tlret-eta NINTH WAIIO. No. 9J illue labud-av. EEELEY, Independent Keeby meetings will bo held tbla erea. Ing, n» follow* : nnyder’j Midi, corner of WeMcm-ar ami Indiana-ill. At Mulved’a Hull, turner Tljfrtioljj and BUle-*tfl. At T human Brady's, No. HSI Sjulh State and Eighteenth e'a, At. .1, O’Lojrf’s. No. 2:s Blue l»land-av. At ()w» ley's Hull, com r \iadiaon»nd lloboy-Bt*. At Sr.k'a Hall, rorucr Twentieth «tu] Browu-sts. At 3-1 Blue Maud-av. At Cudey's, cor* «er Thirty-third nut llalaloit-UH. At John C. Const, dlaa's, 2d ■ Blue Island-ar. At Thomas Nol&u'p, No. n South Canat-at. At 217 West Indiana-*!. AUCTION PALES. CHICAGO ARTISTS’ Sill Inter -Statu Exposition ART GALLERY, THURSDAY anil FRIDAY EVEXLXOS, Oct 23 and Sf!i, at 7 oacli evening. Tho First Regular Annual Sale of tho CUlrago comprising about Duo Hundred Choice Pictures, Comprising Bpeolmons from the most prominent Chi* cago Artists. I’i taros iironow on exhibition. EUSON. I’OMtinuy CO.. Auctioneer! AT NO. 747 WABASH-AV. THIS MORNING, At JO o’clock. Tbe Entire Honseliolfl lute, Carpels, Slaves, Crockery, Ac., tc. KLISON, rOMEROY ti CO., Auctioneers. Friday Morning, Oct, 29th, At lhaO o'clock, our regular weekly i&le AX ATTOXIOINr, An immense stock now and second-hand Farnllnrs, A splendid lino now and used Brussels, Uoqaet, Ax* mlukter, aud other cartels. Rich, elegant, tod tn*dl* um X’urlor Bulls, Walnut and Marble-Top Chamber Bote, OlUce Desks, Rook Cusco, etc., Cooking, Heating, and Parlor Moves, General Uouiekesplog Goods, Mattresses, Redding. Plated Ware, Oku Ware, Cigars, and General Merchandise. ELISON. POMEROY A CO., bl and B<l Bandolph/t. Sy =^p7§oke~&co. i 69 tad 70 Wabub Avenue. ON THURSDAY, OOT. 28, At 0:30 o’clock, Elegant Imported Vmm, Toilet Bet% Mantel Ornaments. At 10 o'clock, Household FURNITURE. 25 Elegant Parlor Hete. 10 warble and wood-lop Chamber Bcte. 200 Walnut Bedstead'. "5 mubi and woo Mop Tables. 80 marble and wood-top Hall* Trees. 60 What-Nots. 76 Bureaus and CommoJe* Sofas, LoungM, Book-Cases, I’arlor and Olflee D«k% Hhow-Casc*. Floor OU-Cloth, Eugllah Body Bru«aala, Three-Ply and Wool Carpet*, Parlor fltovfi, BWrt Safes, Pianos, etc. CEO. P. GORE A CO., Anellopeeta. . THURSDAY, OCT. 28. REGULAR AUCTION SALE OP IDIR/y GOODS, Notions, Hosiery. Underwear, Hats and Caps, Glove*, Counts and Mitts, Place Goode, Hamburg*, Dw« Trimmings, Ac, Men’s aud Boys' Clothing. Ilorss Blankets, Ac. Full line Hemp, Butch, and Ingrain CARPETS. GEO- P. UORK & CO., C« and *0 Wabaah-IV. 0H BATDEDAT, CCT 30, AT 0 O'CLOCK, 10 orates W. G. Crockery, in open lots; 500 Lamps, assorted. At 10:30 o'dock-nOUSEIIOLI) rOBSITUIUS-ru lor, Chamber, Dining-room, and Kitchen Eamlttrej Walnut Wardrobes, Book-Caaes. Sofas, ''.‘f uut Coairs, Camp Chairs, Parlorand Office De*» Khow-Caaes. Floor Oilcloths; English, 9rus*eb|,«« ThrvoPly darpets; More Baft*, Plano*, thirty 1«W Stoves, a Grover A Baker sewing-machine tco« O. P. GORE A CO., Auctioneer*. IVM. A. BUTTERS & CO., AUCTIONEER, 1W MABWON-ST. BUTTCES & C0?8 ECODLAB TRADE BAL3 THURSDAY MORNING. Oct. 33. at W'J o’clock. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Cloths, Cosaiuicrcs, and llei'sllauU, REGULAR MADE CLOTHING* Largo line of Overcoats, .»* «h» 100 SAMPLE CASES BOOTS AND SllOlS._ BUTTEES & CO.’S SATURDAY BALE Furniture, Household Cloud*, Hanoi, corpse gloves, ft*, ( SATURDAY MORNING, O- l. JW. *» bl tneir Salearuaiua, I"* M idliJU SyJAsri*." MtiNA.IIAItA At CO., •jj Ktit WuuhluaUm-tU REQUIjAU'bALEJ op BOOTS & SHOES Thursday Morning, Oct. 2S. at U) o clock. JAB. P. «.-»»« m A A CU.. AU.-tlon* l^. ‘ FINANCIAL.. SPECULATION JUST -WALL-ST. ocounencej hut ordinarily $5 la* $25,001). Lven auma as low as $1 d TMM. wbu FMUIU cu .Urt • 1«“ CELEtiItATED tliroßgJoJ GANDYim»