Newspaper Page Text
6 FINANCE AND TRADE. Tlio Principal Features of Ike lionn Market for tlio "Week. Business Growing Hero Quiet-Increas ing Remittances of How York Exchange. The Produce Markets Irregular- Wheat Very Weak. Other Grain and Provlsiono Steadier— Progress of Packing. FINANCIAL. Theta has b*rn a nntleeablo lack of mailer for com* merit in tlio local financial situation during the past wick. Jt ffl sddom that November closes with so gen eral a fluid in every department of tbo loin market. Tim i*ml» tipon Ibo banks for accommodation arc in creasing iu volume apparently, The winter is going to lo a very easy one flnandally—aa far as dm rase of iHirrowing by tboso who don't need to borrow i* concerned. Tbo revision nf credits has been so (borough, end tbo promptness of collection* is such, that the amount of commercial paper offered tbo banks ia very small. OntbolWard of Trade, and among the packers, who usually employ a targe pro* portion of tbo means of the banka at this season, everything ia rrry atilt. Notwithstanding the abort crop abroad, and sofaraa quality la concerned, In tlila country, there baa been a fall to prices; specula tion baa been staggered; and (bo legitimate business has not gone beyond a narrow boundary. Tbo packers aro U bind tins fall, but aro expected soon to put tbdr paper afloat. Hates of discount at the banks are P(SI0 per rent to regular customers ; concessions of 2 or U per cent arc made to good outside borrowers. On tbo street business la dull, Jlatca aro per cent. The orders from tho country for Now York cichango worn heavy, largo remittances baring to be made to settle country Indebtedness. Sales wero made between banks at par. Tho movement of currency to the country Is de creasing. Manager Hale, of Iho Clraririft-lfoupp, reports tho clearings of the Chicago banka for tho week aa follows: Monday ... Tncmlny, M’rdnmlay ThurKdjy,. Friday Hatuidty.., ,$ ( I .u;i 1 ,i07.:U | . 4,C11,417,61 jy7.'df.U7 . 6,7* ~ 2."c.4'i . r,Ko.'J:'(i.9o Total *30,10.1,013.7« $3,237,303.73 Cirrr><p.iu.llug week last 31,114,130.49 iJwf. Jfil'd, .Hi United Slates Ca of *ai, United Staten 5-20 aof V 3 115’i Wild of "C3—Jantury anil July IPJ\‘ 0-:db of T.7—January and July UP; 6-2(U of Ms—January and July up, Pmus 117 l.'nitrd Ktimsnewfisot 'HI Hip; United States cumncy Cs, cxlat PJl*. Gold was JI3&3IUV- OItEENTACKH. Greenbacks were etutsen the dollar. FOIir.UIN F.XCIIANUE. Sterling exchange Cable transfers—Pari* . London raHn. francs Oi-rmany, irndmiarks „ JJ.lfflnm, frAnm r>l7v; Holland. KiUJdcru 40', 4 1 H'vlUrrl.inil, frani's. 017 V .'U\' Hwcdoa, Norway, and Dinmark.truutr .... u;,,, Au*trl», paper florins 41 CUT AM) COU.STT BONDS. ISV.U Chicapo Cilj* 7fJ ct, bonda.... 1W A; lot, CliKa«n City 7 V cUeowerngo. ICI & luU CMi'ait'j t’lly 7 V e L wafer lout. HU hint (,'ook County 7 Vet. bonds.;.. 10i,V h luU UV«t I'ark 7 V <-'(• bonda 91 h lot, "NorlU ClikaßO 7 V cl. bond* (Lincoln i’ark) iIISCELLA.NEOCS. IUL A w*. City Hallway, Ponth Bide, ez-dtr I'Mtf J.t;?-; City lUUvray, West Side, ox-dlr. Cl) City Uiiliwoy, North Hldo 11J Trudcru’ liumranco Company 125 Clumlmr of Commerce.. Chicago Gan F.iKht and Coke Company Chicago & North weitirh cold bonds. ox Int Exposition stock. LATCBT. NrwYona, Deo. 4.—Gold opened and cloned at ill-,, tho two extremesof llioday having been 111*, and Hl l .'. JUUs paid for carrying, IX, 1, and 3 per tent. I,<>ana were also made Hat, (luvemments dull am] lower. Kallmad bonds quiet and firm. This afternoon Clil raqo .V Northwestern cot solldatol coupon gold bonds sold at Hi *:« Dock Island 7a at III)'. , and Erlo seconds st I"l’,'. State bonds qnlet and prices nominal. Tho stock market was weak aud lower In tbo early doling, tho docllno r&uglnp from’<* to 3\ per cent. Villon I’ai’ltlc fell ott to 7CX, Michigan Central to 6U 7*3011)0 Mail to 40ij. Lake Hlioro tu Northwestern to Bbx. Chios to 17, and Wont trn Union to 75',. Towards fl o'clock tho market Pe-ame Ilrmer, and a recovery of V to 2’,' per cent to >h place, Union Pacific leading the Improvement with an advance of 7-4*£. Mtelilgan Central recovered to ill. Northwest to 33, I’acihc Malt to 40*.*, and West cm Union to 75>;- Atlantic k I’aclllo Telegraph ad vanced to 30. At the second call the market wag strong, and, during tho laat hour of business, higher, when Western roads were prominent in the Improve ment. Viilon I’aclflo advanced to 74*,', Northwest to iCJ, preferred to Si*;, Hhoro to rOtf, Michigan Central toCl*;,Bt, l*atd to 86, preferred to no*;, At lantic k Pacific Telegraph to 23';, Pacific Mail to 41, nml Western Union to 75?;. Thu market closed dull and steady. ’Transactions on Exchange aggregated 13H.ICD shures, of which s,:to*> were Erie, 63,100 Lake Hburc, C,OW Northwestern. 31,000 I’adtlc Mail, 10. WO Western Union, 0,150 Union Pacific, 4,000 Atlantic L J“i»i'llic Telegraph, and 4,71*) Michigan Central, Money market easy at per cent, Drimo mer cantile paper «»<«7,. Tlik Aeaistnut Treasurer dlslitTrsed iMO.OOJ ; custom fe-; clearings, $33,000, Uterliug exchange, 4«3(-(44T, OOVEIUTORTTO, . I KcWt'U,. I KMOi(... .U) | COUJIOUB roiipous, ’.-l. •Coupons, V*. New 4Vnrp<«nx, M 7 I Currency &■ .fil v, CuiIJOUB, *0;) 12-j‘f I ftTfciv. i>r»srm. Tcnncrare, old 1 Virginia, new 8* 'iVnra'-fiotf, DtW 4JV* kllssoufl IWV Vagmla, .old :»7 I VVcwlem Colon Tel.. 75‘ 4 , I’aclfic Mail. 4U*» Adams Express HU Wclls-Eurg0......... ftl American CO N. J. Central lot’f IhwV Uland t"ji. Ht. Paul HI. Paul pfd Crtij' tVatash ft W«l>aih j»W. Kurl Wiiyiin. Trrr* llatiict U. H. Ktpmw BI H ZVew York Ccutral,,. 105*4 Krio ](>*4 Kriupfd.. Harlem lit Harlem jiM I ia Miehlgau Central..,. (>IV U. I*. stork 77,'* Lakofihoro... fllt’i' Illinois Central...... t'Wv, k IMUUvug..., MorlhwwUrti Northwestern pW*** M’j C.. C„ C. k I fill* Thu weekly bank stateon SvCTutao, SOsV»uu; aiverte, i <rn<h‘T*, decrease, 10,100; elrettlaUuu, doci cmac, *1.177, m Terre Haute |.frt aojtf Cbirißu k AUua 'j7 ('lilriKD k Alton jifJ.Hil Ohio U 17 Indiana Central 41; Chi., IJnr. k yulnry.JU llamilhal k HI. Juu,. ai I»fl„ I*ck k \Vc»t....iv.n; Atlantic k i’ar, Td... *ji*. Central l*ae. bonda...lo /If. I*. Load* i n*, tent hi an follow* : Loam, dccreiac, ft, 101,(Ml; lct'4> <0; tlepoMtn, deoreaiie, fi,. iue, S£kJ,CUU i ttukitvc, tie- COMMERCIAL. Tlio following wero tho receipts and ahlpraonU of (lie Ituiliiiß articles of produce lu this city during Iho twenty-four hours ending at 7 o’clock ou Saturday morning, and fur tho corresponding data one year ago: j 1 *73, J 1«74. |j 1873. 1871. 14,877') 7,003 U.!iCO mill 71»,8:UIJ f.0.-.M; B,Mt7 JW.IiV 4U.650 87,034 7.N13 ia,im ai.iiol ia,o.»« 6,05; 1,45'J 45C 730 F»"iir, LrU, SVlll'.lt, bn., Corn, Lu.... Oats. Lu, llje, Lu Harley, Lu.,,.. liru>s seed, R.M. 1-Us seed, !U.. llroonj-coru,!'-# Cur'd ikef, LrU jvrU, Lr1a..,,.. Jjinl, tie ‘J.Jiil 1V'"01 4, DUO 8,11)1 *VoM I 10.’,202 ■ tv.sw 410.2 1[ U2U| UI,.VJO| < j.rtvoj 4j,‘joi) C7J. uul C'JI.OH J'.'.CdJ.tVJ 2,2Ji,56(J a >i| «li j;w| 2hh W, 150|| a,"--’ 1.447 <’U 15ot | 1,441 10,0401 Co7,'iiv. 40-1.13'J I'.-M>|| U.4H at.lNjl 41.400 . 101,4H1 fJ.U 41 btl.Ji/yi »• 073 1,330) UVJ 19,«4-‘ 14,607. a.Mh 4,b'i3 a.WttJ 1,443 '4,11-1 •A>»; 1,6‘J1, HU l.tiin 43(1 370,011 401,WAJ aou.iwa ISC.'.IKI dlcj OJ3|j *i(6l rtril Ttlli.ur, It* liuticr, 11*...., UrcAt>v<i bug*.. IJVU bOtf*.NO,. flattie, N 0...... HU*upt N 0...... Ulde*. lililbwiUM, LrU Wool, 1U ivutcca, bu... Lumber, No. It, tlbiuglM, N 0... I*tb, Ne 113,455( lUV.UUO, 313,1K*) JCD.MU 73!), 4U5 05*1 :i*o I.MLuU iM.COij 1,679, W-0 1,12<5, CH) a,CM,UU* l,ilw,oUO| MU.UOoi Oil.) (x) j *7,000 r.y.u I 150) 1,« u! 4,121 34,1'.V)' Ss,2Ui| 1i,47u 115,Ji1l 340 1371 718 tM 357 111 431 Ml 130 M. 040 $3,877 40,C00 ‘■El S x:c: % B*ll, Lri*. Poultry, ii.s I J'oultry, conje.l Came, j>kga.... Eggs. )ikgi I Chctac, Lxa....| X>rled fruits, Its! O. apples, brie.) Uay, t0u5.,,,,,1 Withdrawn from rtoro rn Friday for city con #Tin’|itii n: li 2V) bu wheal, ".'>7 bn corn, 2,i*i3bii oats, •J-J I n ry,\ I,IT! Ini barley. •j ho f.>!;.'«■ ingrain «a« inspected lut<> rl*ir<* on Saturday morning; scars No, 1 rlnp, 1.13 earn No. 3 Ji*, fill cars No. iKI-*, 3J ran* rejected do, 3 cars no grado do (J 17 v.lje:»t, 'J per mil of whirl* belonged to lfio tijip-r ; 0 *vr* hlgn-tnlied corn, IS earn No. 3 do, lit earn rtvclnd do, 13 ears no gradO do 03 corn); l* ear* white n.iN, li cam No. - do, 3 ram re jected do (id oi’r'; Sear* No. i ryn; 4 cam No. 3 Inrley, 0 cars No. JJ do, •"> c,m rejected do. Total, 3.17 ran, or 124,T0 Ini. I; "i ? t. d out: 23,53* Inj wheat, ip.cco bu coin, n.t.'J bu oat-, 4,233 bu rye, 3,247 bu boiley. The following wero Ih" receipts and shipments of lircadstufls and live slock at this point during tho I’fiol week and for the corresponding weeks ending na dated: />(V|V/« ls7.*i, h:.*. IHTI. Flntir, lifls,. M.xfU r>V-VH ' *-,747 Wheat, bn 1H.1.M Ml.Ooj niM.o.vj Corn, im l“f.7.'t 317,3 M O.iln, bit 11.-.' HiT J44.;W1 tV'M *,4 M U.-.M U.rloy.bu W.0'.1 lU.IUT 10.-J) |trc»Hi“l hoK". No ;rti l.'o VIM l.he hop*. No inft.rvu oj.iwj j.> CaUle, No V.'.Ui) J.'.o.J W'.W shiftmen n Flour, fIVTCn i-'W *V. V * Wheat, bit 4tfl» 411,.m0 Corn, bu, Oils, l>n., live, bu., iMrlVy,hu!'!!'.'”““ 23.1H.1 2V<-‘2 Dressed hogs, No :j!I . M 4.» J o Lire hogv, No 17,7 * I M.'.'.b M.nifi Cuttle, No T.-'l'l’J) The following won’ tl.o expert* of Hour, wheat, ami corn from Now York during tho past week and the week previous: V' 1 :. y. nr. Flortr, brls 12,.’7! 4.3i>), (in aw.o-'o Com, 1,11 m,rw 17V33 There was more activity In produce circles on Ralur ilay. willi o ronthmed downward tendency In bread stuffs, and a dull tone in tin* few ease* whoru prices xmeuol materially lower. Tho trading w»» chictly speculative, and hsd direct reference to tLo Lome proepeels fur Itio winter on which wo have just on* it-id, tho probability Ixilng that wo shall bo cotnpara* lively Isolated from tho Ikud In regard to tho grain movement till the opening of navigation. Hhipnunts promise to be active this winter only iu live stock and provisions. The drygoods market presented no new features. In a few departments there wan activity, but iho gen eral market—no is Invariably too caso at this stage of the season—wears an air of quiet. Prices were firmer all around, while In hrown cottons, drills, and standard cotton productions generally there won a hardening tendency. Groceries were moving on a generous scale, and both ataplo and fancy lines were bold firmly, Tho only article showing a change’ In values was 1110 coffee, m which a further advance of ,tfc wa? eslab lfnhcd. Sugars were strong at tho advance noted earlier in tho week. There were no important changes In the butter and cheoso markets, both of those article mooting with a moderate demand nt about steady figures. Dried fruits were quoted quiet at firmly maintained price*. I'i»h remain dull. Lako fish aro very firm, and with very material Increase In tho demand prices would very likely advance. No changes were apfarent in tho bagging, leather, coal, and wood markets. Tho oil trade was quiet at for mer quotations. Tho tendency in carbon was rather upward. /lulanrf*. 2,021,713.13 UD 1 , U>'. IS'J't 117 s , IH-.-4 The yard dealers report a fair demand for Inmiwr nl unchanged prices. The offerings at tho docks wero light and tho season for lake receipts ia vertically at an end. A few random cargoes nro expected, but vessels arc not now going out fur lumber. In Iron and steel tlicro were no noticeable changes. Trade Is moderate and rales nro Romctlmrs t-lnded for largo orders,as has hern the custom for some time past. Balt wan steady at the decline of 10i<M3o per Lrl for flue, announced Saturday, coarse ami otlu r grades remain ing as heretofore. The broom-corn market was fairly 31 tlvc tint nary, owing to continued liberal receipts Hay was (pilot and steady. S-oJo were rather quiet, but Arm, except these varieties that are now out of H-am. Vi'onl. hops, and hides were unchanged. There was no change In green fnills. Potatoes were dull and easy, though no car-lots Were offered. Thu farmers am supplying tho retail trade of tho city, and at such low prices that outside shippers cannot com pete with them without sustaining a loss. There Is very little inquiry on tho street, and tliat is restricted to small lots from store. The poultry market was ;i7.v ti:t\ fairly active tut copy, as receivers were anxious to close out, tho weather be'n? bad for holding over tho Block, a largo proportion of which was not In first-das.} W&int condition. OTtAT? ork Prcdt ilio \n»;i'io iuary hi tl a and sea) w York cai Tho Now Yo following ait tl Mttifk la oral lalloa at lain lalion, llio Now BtV 83 V 30 33 Now York. Albany.,.. .Id, I,o>| i,:K,i,m I,UW.I“U r.'luju* j tJ. -try imj 731. (51 Chicago.,.. Milwaukee. Duluth .... Toledo. •Oswego.. St. Loaln. IVurU.... 1,1»l 317,M0., av.:c4 2.5,rn) liw.oi;* 1, 111). 734 309,414 tjXt.UHi Miuilresl •t’bllailclphia. MUlllnioru... Ijike shiiun'ta IUII shlp’nts. UuN.Y.vaiiaU 16.7d3.t3« PS.IM.iM 14,2 U, hli 1U,743,1UU*-- 11,4k*,4ie n.'ry.iv 9,71>i.L3l W’k N«tt.S7.*7s 4Vk N0v.20,’71 U”k N0t.13,’75 W’k Nov,(3. ’7ft( W'kOet3i) l *7s| W’k Octlrt,’7.M W'kNuv. aj.’7S •Kitlmatod, The risible supply of wheat In American AlUntlo sealHiard t*orh» au*l at lake jiorts, plus the amount lu transit by rail on the lakes,frozen In on New York canalrt and afloat on eanal-l>oatH lu Nuw York harbor, was on the Ist of December, lttf.7, at«oul It),oo*i,UoO bn. Tho stock of Hour In New York Is largo for the season- Tho seeding of wheat in Franco M well as tn tho Urltlsh laics has been delayed by heavy rains, and tho breadth of land under wheat cron will, it is uolloved, bo very considerably diminished below tho usual aver age, iu Hcotlaud and lu England complaints aro made that (he heavy lands aro still unsoednl. In (bo Bouth of France as wed ns hi Urlllany, Normandy and tho North, (he sowing of wheat was suspended by theheavy rain falls that had saturated the aoll, preventing agri cultural work. IS WHEAT A OOOD PURCHASE ? McOnroon, la., Deo. a, 1875.— T0 the KtUtor of The Chicugn Tribune: Having been a subscriber to your paper for quite a number of year*, I venture to tako Iho liberty Of interviewing you upon tho future of wheat, - ilnuy grain mm In (his section of the country men of good Judgment and shrewd foresight; men who pretend to know of what they speak,—confidently assure mo that them Is money in buying wheat; that, In view of tho very short crop ah over the world, there J* sure to tw a largo advance in tho price of this cereal at no very distant day, and that a purchase is sure to pay largo profit. Mill you please give m« your view* upon this sub ject. I* It, In your opinion, a safe venture to engage in, and does 11 promise profit? In tho oveut of an advance, arc you of tho opinion that such advance will como before the let of January 7 If sure of not losing, 1 would i>o glad to buy some wheat. 1 run of lurd to chance any profit there might be lu a purchase If I c-n only bo assured against lon*. Your reply will govern me very much In my action. 1 notice by your paper of yesterday that there Is In sight U|um tho other side of tho water .t 1.000,000 bu of wheat, uni upon this side 18,000,000, making, In all. hi sight to-day, 40,000,000 bu. 1 learn from auotlier source that Urn yearly requirements of Uroat Hrltaln, over and übuvu her homo product, aro, ordinarily, about 7V00,000, or, say, alnmt 6U.000.0b0 bu fur tho remaining nluo months of tho entreid year, assuming lu-r demand for this year to lie about tho same as that of other year*. Now, what I would like to know la thia: whitheMlfia 4‘.',000,<)00 bu uow lu sight cut* any figure in tho way of supplying or making up this do fleb ncy of, say, .'.fi.iKW.Oyn, and If so, to what extent. /’trend— l bi« that the receipts of wheat at Chicago, Milwaukee. Onvn hay, ami Duluth, alnco Hepl. I have reached tho unprecsiiunted amount of nearly, or quite, U2,00u,<:00 bu. how, no one lu the trade In this seen* u estimates that over 23 percent of the crop of (ho Northwest has as yul b» cu marketed; and. If this estimalo l>e a correct one, It shows that there Is yet hi first hands of tho crop of is?:, from fiU.uoo.OnU to W.OOO.OiW bu of Wheal m Mlomaots, lowa, Wisconsin, and Northern Illinois, which has yet got to seek England for a market. What, if any, tearing will this have upon England's supply ami markets, and will It, hi your opinion, have any affect hi kei plug the price down across tho water 7 1 suppose, with the amount of wheat there Is lu this country, it U Idle til look fur any advanco upon this rids of the water Im>- furo one is first established up«u the ©thsr aide. If I ■ remember rightly, England was favored during Iho past smutn<-r with about (ho same amount of moisturu that wo received hi this country, aud if this moisture produced it,u tame ef fects ujn)u her crons which it did upon ours, la there nut a ixisslblllty of her crop for ld<s proving, hka ours, a very large, instead of averjr short, mu; in which caso may nut her deficiency ruu below that of ordinary years—U*h»w, say CO.MjO.OOU bu 7 27>irJ—I notice that wheat lu your market U selling about U« per bu al>ove the pricu of emu year ago, aud yet it U c ucedvd by all grain men that tho Intrinsic talus of the crop of 1*76 Is at least 15c 6rio»c that i.f 1874. Has this any bearing ujoa the future of wheat values 7 One question moro ana I bavo done. If England* deficiency lor the coming ulna mouth* be as alali-l, W.imai.Uoo lu, or thereabouts, and this amount Ls> to day largely in sight, where sho can almost place her upon It, at fur own price, would ahe not be au old gooes to ruu prices up upon herself: and If ahe doesn't do It, what show or what sure thing I* (hero, la view of tho above figure*, for our getUujrujr ad- vancoatall? if Kngland knows whore* her supply Ilia to-day, and that Ibis amount Aa« ‘}<>t to I* sent la lirr v-.arkrt tn hr *«M n( trhnt'rrr prfre th* is irtHine to » i v/. r iV, and that by keeping quiet she can supply her demand upon her own terms, will alio lwi apt. sun -1 ly b* Gratify a few who may l>o holding wheat for an advance ui>ot) (bis side of tho water, to pay 10a or 11a for what she knows she can equally well buy for Oe, and |n>sslbly 8a or Ix*lnw7 KnghmFs character for shrowdnrs*, In buying and selling, has never yet suffered, but n iransactlod of this tialuro would soon call it in question. In conclusion, upon receipt of your answer to Iheso various points and bearings upon tho wheat (ratio, 1 shall tb rldc whether to follow the advlen of my friends hero or whether to let the trade entirely alone, * C. R. TVo giro plneo to (he ab..vo communication Ihtauso It contains foal for Ihought shout profit nr loss tn dealing tn fo *d for the body. Our enrrespondrnl. atnl other reader*. rnu«t answer these questions for him self and them**'lves, Tim problem is a part of ttm Im portant enigma of life, ami he who attempt.* to solve either for another party 100 often puts his font In It. Tho province of the commercial department of a news, piper, ns we understand it, Is to publish all the fads bearing on Iho rnurso of the market*, and also to state the way In which those facts ail'i rt tbs market In tho present. The latter Is tho cur rent tone—tho feeling or operators, so far as It can Ik* understood. If (ho tone of tho market Is bearish, that of the rejK'rt should bo so 100. If tho tono l*o bullish, that of Iho faithful report will bo bullish like wise!, Tho one should bo a mirror rclter llon of tho other. It Is of comparatively llttlo consequence what tho views of tho reporter may bo «v --girding the future of prices; but It In of Ini)>ortanco that ho should present tho views of tho mass of oper ators, which constitute the current tono of the market. That lono may l*o described iu the langurgo of tho higher mathematics ns tho differential of n variable quantity, (he Integral of which can seldom lie found cvcopt bv successive apprnlmations, and generally esnnot bo obtained by any known process.—-[Commer cial Kd.J D'f, n. /v* 4, .W. 27, 1.™,;!-.'. !. ■ Ur.!.4 -‘J .nft.nm jn.r. 2 r.'.Jli V,M» A.l'.w 11/00 110(1 PRODUCTS—Were only in moderate request ami rather tame, though tho market was firm early In consequence of a falling off In tho supply of hogs, though (ho market for tho animal was no stronger. The movement was chlnfiy In pork, other product be ing rather slow, Tho week’s record shows a material falling off In activity In parking. Cincinnati being tho only principal point which has douo anything like as much as st this dsto last year, and stocks of product was light all over the country. Packers do not cars to stock up, as they consider hogs to bo too high for safety, though conditions nro a little more favorable than a week ago, Tim present weather is highly favor able to feeding, and tho prospect now la that, while the season Is late. It will compare favorably wllh past seasons In the quality of tho hogs, which will make amends for any deficit ncy in tho number marketed. Shipments—Thn Dji/.v Cbfmam'frtl J‘ri*-rt gives tho,following as tho shipments from this city: /.rt'f J'r>ti<vtt t.n»t Wick end'cgi Dec. 0. - I f.K Dec. 0. 1*75 .*» 7.MO] .(,»■ |.rr.J,4T5: ....rrt.fin'.i Sawo week, 18741 S.Wll 7.6W| I.WJi 1,3H),016| V,U.T7,7.VJ JSlncnNoT. 1.’75, 33,Htl a\HM; 4«b>il,W4'4J,V7ui\£t S#mo 37.K4 37.W*! 4, M 3 4.44J.413i 31,7«.U0 Own Ham*— Stripped for tho wrck, 011,02'J piece*, agulnet picccH name week last yt-ar; biii ’o Nov. ‘l, Iht&i 17j,03J plocca, aitaiust 933,177 pieces thu cor* period In 1574. Stock*—The following worn the stocks of pork and Urd in thla dly at tho dates named : fork, hrl «. Lanl, t‘t, Dec. 1. lfi7,' 2,HU 7,013 Nov, LIT, I»7 I D ) 0,173 Nor, ‘i <, 15J3... CiD 4,-tai Nov. U, 1*73 T 73 4 ,(V.7 Nov. C, WO 2.6D0 V.3'U Packimi—The following Is the record of packing la Chicago j Hlncn Nor. 1,1975. Hamo time, 15'1... Same time, 1»7:)... Bamo Mine, 1H7J... Tho Sc-lot.iry of the Chicago P,idlers’ Association fiimiKlicH the fallowing record of packing at tho prin cipal point*; n.'iVs, Chicago... Cincinnati, St. Louis. Milwaukee f.-'.Oi 0 IM,ik-7 Louisville 1ii.!.r90 3M.IH JuUUiiaixoU ... 11(1, '-iD 27VCM I’corla, 111 Js.HO cn.ixo H2,7t;.i DttMoine 4iU7d 74,n17 Collar llu(ildd 21.101 2.» v 0J 51,- 20 Habula, U »i.M» lu.W.t ;)7,:iH XaAlitlllc, Tciim 4,211 8,7(0 12,300 Evansville. Iml u,:;o'j b/.o'i 15,180 Keokuk, la 4,200 :n, <;(>•» r-VW Cbtllkolbe. 0 0. I.VO 12.23-1 Xenia, 0 0,000 :i,M»O 1H.542 La OranßD. Mo l;ifl 6,000 7.0i»7 Mm» I'oiik—Waa moderately actlro, fttid advanced 10i*13'.;c pur brl early, but n part of the advantage wart lost ero tho clone, tho market ruling steady at a slight deehno from top prices. Sales wore reported of t>2o brl» rush at SlO.l VglD.'JO; a,350 brls seller tho month at $19.07>. (319,17*4 ; ftyo brl* seller January at UW.'UJrf lai-.V-M; t,3T>O brlit seller February at $19.35 19.37 V ; nii’l 1.0/0 brla seller March at $19.50<>« 10.5. p >. Total, 9,Hiit brls. The market closed ntcody at $19.15 cash, |l'J.m; seller the year, tl9,3oi<r 19,33 hi roller January, $19.30 seller February, and at $19.15(<t!19,50 for March. JN mom luce t'.xeht e Hiipjily of tho I'rinrti aboard ihi anal*, and ’rcrn. hunne ll* if Kriiln, < Ijial )M>in Hirta, ia 1 by rail, 'tekhj voa tho oiiiuirii'iaK lllo nts of aconnm traiiHlt on tho , Not. 27,1875: ITiino mean wan quoted at and eifra prlrando nt st4.bOd| Bale* were 70 brl* prime act* at $17.30. Laiu>—Was quiet and per *OO Ihrt higher, under a fair demand In proportion to tho tmpply. Sale* were reported of 3,250 tea cash at *I2.I7X<'C 12.30 ; 330 ten seller (he month at $13.13; 7’U tea seller January at and 3.f1u0 ten seller Feb ruary at SI2.UU'*TJ.U9. Total, 5,750 tea. The market cloned quiet at #l3.l7t*t* 12.30 caah; |13.16ai2.17>; roller the year 5 $12.23!<|#12.21 for January; $12.25 fur February ; and at $12.4i(f|13.47X for March. Meath—Were quiet and t&mu at former prices, with very little demand, and not much uttering. Tito ship* tnouU of tho past week have been large, but that fact docs not nero-Marliy involve large sales, as several bouses now pack exclusively for the English Trinket and forward their product direct without selling It here. Tho business do«i not Increase tho volume of transactions on ’Change, but It finds employ* merit for msny workers, and for much capital, i’art salted were quoted as follows: Hhouldora, 7*; c ixixcd; do seller January, 7c; long cleats, o;,c txixed ; do seller Jnnnarv, 0 *«' c; short ribs, boxed, iu f<*lo^c; do seller January', loyc; do seller January, I0*;c; long and short dears, boxed, seller December, 10Q10*.c; do seller January, 10c; Cumberland*. boxed, 10^,o cash, and for January; sweet-pickled bams, do seller January, lUXc asked. For March dell very, shoul ders were quoted at 7\ic, short ribs 10,i»c. and short clears lOVc, all loose. Green meats quoted at 45*;0 fv>r shouldtrs, O.’Jcfor brnn dears, for short ribs, o?,c for abort cleats, and Ol;c<IOc for hams, Bacon meals steady at'Jo for shoulders, 13X<* for short ribs, IJo for short rlears, and I0l;9l4o for bams. Bales were reported of »!A boxes shoulders at It* short ribs seller March at IC'.c; 330, MX) lbs do seller April at luhfn; W) boxes do at 100 ca«h; 150 boxes do (aprclal cut) st lutfo; 300 troies long and short dears at IU',O; and 5,000 pcs preen hams (10 lbs) atfl*(c, OnßAsr—'Was nominal at 7(#|'Jc. BEEF PUODUUTH—Were steady and quiet at*9,7fl laio.oo for mess, for extra mus, and siu,«M‘ii.oofor hams, TohLow—Was quoted at B.Vc, 'p/ : i4,ix«) 854.7 M Wi. s *' s*:i,un' 1V,414' tua.w; 4.(0K1 411, Mil 4i-*,(i;<s 13VBI 2.741 «|l>49 *127.* I# IT, NIC £4,l«i 4.‘. t .<‘ 4J.311 27. ff* SS.UH 2KUMI JUU.SIO 1*1,33:. 01,414 6*1,411 f,97tJ fid,mil lb, uw TJi.iW s.’o,ixw ):<),tni S**J.l4d »'*s.34** IHS,UIU 975.000 8,441,799 3,809,878 20.474 ;i,7v1.2-f7!3,Vi5.37H 449,1*1 U. .117,1103, itU.m9;44>) l 974 3,619,47.1,3,178,1134 419,447 3,191,47C1 3,045,854 270. ■\ | tO,IW 1.474, CB 1 .T21.!*19 •J,'Hl.iae|l, 0*51.417:813. lirj 3.073.1*0111,863.4841134,7tti 1^54,())V) 4,513,1113 4.D7C.KW 4, i,»*1,f.35 5. .i,i:;ui7 rLOUR— ‘Wm quiet and weak. There vu some in* qulry from shippers early, but they Boon drew off when wheat began to break, and left (ho Hold to local buyer*, who took very sparingly at eorno reduction in price*. Hates were reported of brl* winters, part ly at 17.50; Cl 3 brls spring extras, chiefly on private terms; 123 brls rye dour, partly at fI.'JS ; and 210 brls buckwheat do at $3.75 @O.OO. Total, 1,002 brls. The market closed nominally at the following range of prices: Choice winter extras, |i1.25@T,25; common to good do, 13.23(^0.00; spring extras, |4.25@(.00; good do, f4.7&<}£.(K); choice do, $5,25(<46.50; patents do, SO.6C@ 7.25 , spring superflnea, fd.OO@4.ftO; ryo flour, |2.25 @4.40; snd buckwheat do, $5.50@5,75. Uium—Was quiet tad firm at the recent advance. Hulca were 20 Com it 113.00(31X50 on track. CouN-MtAL—Was uouiluul at f1T.50 fur coareo os track. WHKAT—Wa* active and weak, declining 17icr« r lm, under heavy offerings. Tlio reports from Liver* Ixhil were conflicting, but that market waa generally understood to bo dull, though one dispatch quoted a firmer feeling, New York was dull, with buyer*scarce, and aoroo holder* here were quite demurallfod. The market started downward* under continued aelllog by local longs, and then was further weakened liy largo olferinga from commleaion men who held lots on which thotnsrglna had runout, sndaoldln sclr-protcctlon. The ahurt* took bold very freely attho resulting dc< cllno, aome largo blocks being filled In, and ao many urdur* were on hand to buy for next month at SI.OO that the market reacted slightly when that point waa reached. Tliero wae aome inquiry for tho low grades fur shipment, at lower prices, No. 0 declining lo i*r lm, but thu bulk of tho trading was fur future. Tho receipts wm> larger, and tliu latest figuring on tbu visible supply makes It aggregate 18,700,000 bu, whllo tho repurta trom tho country indicato that s good deal inuro grain la ready to find a market. Under thoso circumstances the feeling wo* decidedly bearish, even those who have hitherto been firmest In their confidence that wheat was good proj'erty to hold turned round on Saturday to the other side. Many (nought it probable that there will bo an upward re action from fI.OO, but very few acetned to entertain tho hope that It will not soon take another (urn down wards. There is bo little consuming demand for tho property, and ao little hopo of any demand on the West Dll Eastern accumulations are worked off, that capital Is fighting ahy of wheat, and not over anxious even to carry it on current lutmlums for future delivery. UdU-r January opened at sl.olrose to sl,UJ‘ a . re coded tojl.ol advanced to ll.ui, and then declined almost steadily to sl.(A>, reacted to sl.Q»>,, and closed (.111,00. Heller the month sold at VJcr«|l.ol, and the bulk of the car-lute of Mo. 51 at after the early dcclluo, both closing at W)c. Heller February sold at sl.Ol lt'utl.o3l%. and seller May at SI.UJ‘,<.4 I.UX, lioth closing at the Inside. No. 3 spring closed dull at hie. (kuh sales were reported of 400 bu Ko. 1 spring at $1.03; HU,bu No. 51 do at UUassl,ol; -7.t>JO bu No. 3do at 84c; 800 bu do (Northwestern) at lu.buo bu No. 3do at 71o:aod 3,4011 bu by ssiiiploat Total, IJI.OOObu. Mihmimut* Wutxr—Was more active, but declined HtUvC on No. 1 and WHi c on Mo. 'J, In ayiuj clhy watt tho general market. Hales wtro'i.liM bu Nu. Isi lUiOlUlK; 33,0)0 bu Mo. 3at ll.OCtf l.uujv ; and iuo bu by umpla at H.OJ, on track. Total, ua.iou bu. COUN—\Va* moderately active and nuaettleJ, the market for this mouth rouging from j«o bslnw to THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE; MONDAY. DECEMBER «. 1875. rlwto (hn latest prices of Friday, Mid lifting weal; near tue close. The mnru deterred dchvoriei averaged a shade firmer, But wen* generally dull, the principal business transacted Wing tho illllug nr settlement of contracts for this year. Liverpool was reported .id per 4Kii llw higher, and New York was Arm, though quiet, while our receipts worn rathnr light (nnly 5.1 car* loads), and the summing up of the dally ro|vorf« for tho week Indicates a decrease of nearly HO,non bu In the stocks in atom. This, with the fart of an already revere decline, canned a littlo more .-nilrty to provblo for contracts which expire on New Year's eve. as (he shortage 1* large compared with onr stocks In store, bullhorn waa little disposition to buy for further ahead, an corn could scarcely maintain natural strength if (here should bo a further decline In wheat. Haller the month, or year, opened at 15/, c. advanced to IOMc. fell o(T to 43*,0, rose to tfle, declined to 4'», c, and closed at 45,Vr. Holler January sold at 43V(»44c. seller February at 43,V(»44c, and seller May at 4i>V4 4fi\c. Cash No. 2 closed at 4rt',c, and high-mixed ut 4’l'aC, Cash sales were reported of I.RUO Im high-mixed at«Hf«4<l.*iCS «*,aoO bit No. a at 4(V<4«o*;«‘; 4,400 hu rejected at 440UVjc: 1,200 bu new do atllHo: 4iW hu do, klln-drlcd, at 40c; l.fioO Im no grade at ItOc; 400 hu new ears at 41c; 1 ,‘>v» Im do at 43c, delivered, and 13,- HO'i bu by sample at Mw.4;ir. Total. BJ.rtM) bu, OATS—AVero moderately active and easier. Iml steady at the decline. The demand was chloOyfrorn the shorts for thlsYnonth. who were settling or traits* fcrrlng (heir contracts to (ho next, and there was more (ratling In January Ilian usual. Tbo receipts were small, and there w.vs no “ news ” front Now York, and the consumptive demand for rash continues higher. The stock in store has Increased slightly during the week. Halter Pocomlwr aohl at 33M4201»c, and closed atW’«e, Heller January sold at 30(J3i)S'(% closing at the Inside, May sold nt closing with sell* cm at the Instile. Cash No. 2 closed at and re jected was scarce and strong at 2fli,ia27c. Cash silm were reported of 32,200 Im No. 3at U. , ',(<t3o.\c I 7,200 )m by sample at 21),430c on iraek ; 3,100 bu at .09(33(30 free on l>osrd. Total, .lI.KOO bu, UYK—Was In moderate re<ptsst and steady at WMS Hoc No. 3, and Cl v4CSa for rejected. The re ceipts were small, ami no rejected was offered. Cash sales Include 3,400 bu No. 3 at the outside in favorite house. A^swr.n. PROVISIONS. BAULKY—Was quiet and easier, the general market being weak. The receipts continue light, hut tho slock in store Is increasing, and consumers arc still discriminating against Western No. 3. which Is used only to speculate on. Home think tho coun try Is getting tired of carrying the stuff, and that the volume of receipts will ta soon increased so that prices will descend to a point where brewers will bo willing to take bold. Another Indication of weak ness Is the fart that the December shorts arc changing their deals Into January, which, ns compared to the former, Hat a discount of, He. Tho trailing was very light H iturday, and chiefly in settlement ami chang ing into tho longer futures. Heller December opened nt 84c, touched 83c, sad closed at Heller Jsnnary sold at 83V4MC, and closed stronger at 84c. February sold at closing at tho outside. No, 3 was lower, soiling at 630 In A., D, Jk Uo.’s, and 54c In N. H, houses. Rejected sold at 40<S43e for strictly fresh In N.H., and 37c for Rock Island receipts. Cash sales wero reported of J.roo hu No. 3at Bt»tfc 5 2.(VW bn No. 3at 6.1(434(1; 2.000 hu rejected at 37(313c 5 1,300 bu by sample at i'oc <> 11.03 on track, and 4QO bu at f 1.00 de livered. Total, 7,200 bu. I hird, 'Hnmf, I Hid Htt, j let. | In, | lit, j /it. ' . II!!' I*® 1 .*?!?! Bi* ' UKOoM-COUS—TIio demand from manufacturers continues Rood, but Dio general market la weak, under largo offerings: Hurl, 7(4l0c; ebuleo medium, fi@7o ; good medium brush, 5,00 c; fair tushie and coven l , 4X'dsc ; Inferior, 4o*4*tfc; crooked, 3C$Sc. HAOOINCI—Tbo trado remains dull. Tbo absence of activity Is not, however, an unnsnal feature of tbo market at Ibis season of tbo ynar, aud at the low prices ruling Ihnro Is no groat anxiety to Increase sales, Stocks sro In manageable shape, and aro held with confi dence: Htsrk A, 27c; Lewiston,26fjc; Montaup, £3*<c; Ontario, 26c; American A, 21c; Amoakeag, 2l#c; bnrls]>-bsßs f 4 hu, 14(uM60; do, Mm. ISf^ltJc; gun nice, single, ISiAino; do, donblo, 3Va2Cc. HUTTKII—Tho receipts of batter cuntlnno moderate, and, under a steadily fair local and shipping demand, Into prices aro easily maintained. Stocks are not larger than usual at this season, cud holders do not look for any further Important decline in prices. Wo -ptoto as follows ; Choice to fancy yellow, medium to good grade**, IDfS'ilc; Inferior to com mon, 1!H417c; common to choko roll. t4«aic. OIIFIXK—A steady moderate local and interior de mand exists at MedFic fur fair to fancy factory. COAL—l’rlcoJ remain as before, Tliero Is less do ing thun usual, owing to tho eontinuanco of mild weather, 'We (pinto: Lehigh, J 10.50; Lackawanna, range snd nut, #IO.OO ; do egg, SVO ; cannel, $7,600 8.0 *; Hocking Valley, ffl.iV* s Indiana block, fC.oa ; Hallltrmre h Ohio, $-!. M ; Illinois, sU!o<<*R,oo. COOI’EKAOIv—HaIes: 3 cars pork barrels at JU.C" ; 1 oar do at sl.l7Jrf ; 3 ears lard tierces at outside for large. DUF.KHCD HOUR—Wore in light local demandat lower prices, Tbo offerings wero small and the weath er lad for bolding. Riles wore reported of 67 bead mixed weights at Ss.OO. 4<2,0D7 CJ-t.'.iu'J C-'l', 117 7b ilats. To tilts, pio-Kiiiij, 1 ;73-’«i!. 1K.4-'.V.. Irfrt-’T.'.. •un.n-.»7 ti-W'Vt i,uo).:mh itiMUo frio.if.t il v:l ','IID 4i, KGGH—Wero steady, at 23c fnr strictly fresh, and •rood pickled lots weru quoted at vO«SJJc. FlSH—Lake fish oro exceedingly arm, and with anything like an active demand would no doubt go higher. For saltwater flsb Urn market main tain* a steady tone. Trade was quid nl tbo prices following; No. 1 whllellsb, Jtf brl, $7,60; No. 2 do, $5,23: Nn. 1 (rout, $4.60 ; No. 1 shore mackerel, new, y brl, 112.60(313.00; No. 1 tisy, $.00vg0,23: No. 2 mackerel, y brl, $7.7.7638.00; family mackerel, y brl, $-i.7.V^r,.00; No, 1 shore kits, $2.00; No. I bay kits, *1.50; largo family kits, $1,10641,16; bank cod-fish, $7.75 40.00; George's ood-ttsh, SO,( 0(<4(i.17; now lab rador herring, sjqit, brla, $8.50(48.73; do y, hrl, $1.5'@4.7.7; fjibrador herring, round, brls, f 0,23(», C. 50 ; do y hrl, si.niiii»3,7S; sculed herring, )>or box, 44(‘> 460 ; Columbia Itiver Salmon, y brl, $H.2)V@8.59. FrtUITH AND NUTA—Them was only moderate ac tivity in the fruit trade, and prices were tho same ss for a number of days previous. Nuts were fairly act ive and generally firmer, but unchanged, except limits, which advanced a jtfes Foninlw—Dates, flfdOft'o; fitp', liyers, Ifl'nil'c; figs, drums, now, U(-415c; Turkish prunes, new, ; French prunes, Ucg-i and boxes. 10®li;o; raisins, layers, new, lii.O'kgl.lS; loose Muscatel, new; $3.60(3:1.73: Valencia, Eanto currants, 7‘*'(/4Ha; cit ron, 25(<3iTc; lemon-pccl, 20(4 22c: orsnge-pccl, 29 (322 C. ItoMrsno—Alden apples, XfiMVOc; Michigan ap ples, IGftllc; Indiana And Illinois, 9ft049 *fc; poachc*, halves, 12#(.410Ji0 • do, mixed, lOft’&llo ; do, pared, l^aific; blarkbmteadl2*{Ql3>4c; raspberries, 3804 37c; pitted cherries, 270428 c. Nuts—Filberts, Uj«(<4 12o; almonds, Tcrragona, 2lo4‘il#o; Naples walnuts, IJ<«< Ho; Gronublo walnuts, 126413 c ; Brazils, 6<a%o; pocaus. Texas, 14016 c; Wilmington peanuts, 9i<4 Ojtfo; Toontasoo peanuts, I African peanutir. 01CEEN FUUlTfl—Were In moderate retail demand at unchanged prices: I-oiiMana orangey, f0.00»l0.i>) per brj; lemons, KJ.00i957.00: now Mussina d0,'17.00 l>er hoi; winter apples, fJ.DU®J.33 per hrl In car lots; apples. s3.DU(it3.r>o jwr hrl from store: cranberries, Kl.WtgUMMperbtl; Cape Cod do, f 11.00; California I<c«rs, 1J.50i44.0U jwr hoi; Malaga grapes. $5.50 per eg or f 10,00 i*r hrl. OUOOEUIEH—Coffees wore in demand, and ntlod strung at ,tfo advance in lUo grades, Hugars were firm at tbu Improvement noted the day before. Itlcr, spices, sirups. rooIa«K«, oto., remained comparatively stoadv. We now quote; Jlicit—llaugooo, 7o; Carolina, 7K@9c; Louisians, 7(^7)-*c, Coweta—O. O. Java, C3^(S34Jtfc; Java No, 3, 30® 31c; choice to fancy Itio, good to prime do, 31vC«4350; common to fair, 3:u.<‘®3t]«o: roast ing. 93i(«33 Vo : Bings pore Java, 36®3TJrfo; Costa Hlca, 3<r'4260; Maracaibo, 25®36c. umuua—latent cat loaf, HVftLlVo; ernsbod and powdered, UVOH Vo; granulated, ilor A, standard, 10',(41UUcj do No. 2, 10,k(®l01,o; 11,10',o; extra O, 9Vc; C No, 2,9»,°l yellow 0 No, l.UJtfo! chotoo brown, t>i49Vo; fair to prime do, H&oJHVc; common do, 7?«<3BVe: choice molasses sugar. (M'lyo; common to good do, 7V® Wat New Orleans, SmUPß—Osllforula sugar-loaf drips, TJ®73o ;* dia mond drips, f 1.05(41.10; silver drips, extra tine. (VH9 06c; good sugsr-houao sirup, 50(i|&>c: extra do, 06(4 COc; Now Orleans molasses, choice old, 6'®C.oo; do prime, 63®SBc; do common to good. 48(450o« do choice new. 70(4730; prime do. CocrfdSc; Porto uleo molasses, CU®66c; common molasses, BS<44Jo; black strap. lih^ifjc. Bpioca—Allspice, l7(»IBo{ Moves, ftV363o; cassia, 90 ''•tJJo; inippcr, 3J(*3OV°; nutmegs, $1,35(01,89; Cal cutta ginger, isuigiajfc. Ho*ra—True liluo, 6>tfo: German Mottled, OtfQla; WliUo Lily, J white lto«o, 6J4(4CVo: oavon Imperial, Ac: Golden West, 4 Voßr. Brinou—Excelsior, laundry, 6V®7o; do, gloss, 7V (4Uo; do com, KlngiforJ, pure, 7^o; do sil ver gloss. 9JhVVM>: (locum. KMlOjtfo. HAY—Was quiet and steady. The offerings were fair, hut there was very little Inquiry either from local dealers or shippers. A sale of choice upland was re ported at bettor prices than those recently obtainable : No. 1 timothy, |15.60®1A.00: N 0.3 do, f 13.00; mixed, f 10.00; upland prairie, $19.60(411.00; fair to good prairie. 98,50(49.00: slough. $7.0007.60. DREADSTUFFS. GENERAL MARKETS. ALCOHOL—'Was Arm at IIIUIIWINEH—Ware quiet and steady. Falos wero noted of 1W brls at sl,ll per gallon, at which figure tho market dosed rather firm. HIDES—Woro rather slow at the recent reduction. The ottering* were liberal, but buyer* were operating cautiously, and many Wore disposed to hold off. Quota* tloQ*: (Jmm city butchers', 6,k(4tto • green cured, light and hoary, "Jfo; pm cured, 7c: grocu salted kip, ixa; green cal/, 1901'Jko; dint dry hide*, hip and coif, 16k <4llk; dry salted hide*. 19019Wc; deacon skins, 45 W’Oc. Damaged stock brings two-third* price, and branded 10 per cent off. Bbocp pelts, wool estimated aa washed. i>er tb, 50043 r. HOPS—wero quiet and unchanged, Wisconsin* (ire quoted at tqAl'Jko, JTho Eastern market la altil dull and eaay, ana exjiortcrs are doing UUle. IIIUN AND bl'HEL—Wore lu moderate demand and tolerably steady. Tho given rata for common iron U sometimes shaded for largo lot*. Quotations: Com* mon iron, 'iy,a rates ; honeshoelron, 4(44k0> Norway iron, 7(«» itc; Norway nail rods, UC49ko; English spring atuel, O011o: American caat siwlog ateeL Jl0l6o; steel lire, k Inch, *0lOo; tool sled, American. out* 16c; do English, 39c, LUMIIMU—Thu demand for lumber at tho yards was fair for tho aeaaon, and price* were steady all round. Nothing was ottered at the docks, and only three or lour more cargoes are eipccted m this Mason. Fol lowing are the yard quotations ; Vlrat andsocoudclear ,|i0.00((|l3.00 Third clear. 1 tucb 9-5.00097.00 Third clear, thick 96.00(4 Clear flooring, first and soeftid, rougn.. J 9.0009-5.00 Clear aiding, brat and second 18.u00*10.00 First common aiding 1*1.00017,00 Flooring, first common, dressed lU.OO a Flooring, second common, dressed 34.000*5.00 Dux board*, A 96.09097 00 Dox boards. U 35.00097.00 A stuck boards, 10 and 13 in 95.90037.00 D stock boards 35.1XM37.00 « stork boards 16,00(416,00 Minting |9.0a«l»,00 Common lumber, 19 ft and under 11,00013.00 Joist* and scan thug, 30 to ill ft......... J2,00u16.u) lalU 1.76(4 2,00 Ashimdcs 9.750 9.0» fchluglcs OU Itack 9.5 {4 3.69j* OlLK—There were no prlro changes lu this chibs of goods. A moderate business was la progress st the quotations fallowing : C«rbon (sian'lara white), 115 deg. lost, 19Vo; da Illinois legal tost, 1W Uog„ U‘jc ; do huud-light, 176 deg., JOkHl'C extra winter lard oil, fd.OVUO; No. 1, SI.OO No. 3, 78,4 Wo: linseed, raw, 03c; tailed, flies whale, wluier bleached, 7H9*oe: sperm, $3.11,4 3.3.1 5 neatsfoot oil, strictly pure, $1.11(41.30; do ex tra, Die; do No. 1,81 c; hank oil, fiiv; stratls, flic ; plumlmgooll.f.o(i7so: tun'entlno, 4.*(U47cs naphtha, ft) gravity, 15c; naphtha, common, 12(g13c; West Vlr gtniaolls, natural, 53 deg.,330; natural, 30deg., 10c; reduced, 38 deg.. 32(433c. FOULTRY AND UAMH—Tito offerings wens lilt* crab but generally In poor condition, llto weather lie* log soft, hence sellers worn anxious to d«*o out, end shaded prices a Utile In order to do so. The local de mand was fair. I’ralrlo chlcknns were steady, lifting In llmlled supply, as usual In the oarly part of llto winter, and in good request for shipment East, other ganto was easy : Chickens, $3.10(33,00; do dressed. 8.4 |oc per lb ; live turkeys, 8.40 c ; do dressed, Mai2c ; ducks, $1.33; dortressed. ll(412c: geese, s7.r>o.»H.o>; doilrissetl, $8.00(49.00; prairie chickens, $3.00(41.31; i«rtrldgQß, $1.33(5'1.50; mull, s3.lK> • mallard ducks, f.1,1'0; small do, sl.lO. venison. ID(^r>c. POTATOES—Were quid and unchanged. No car lots were offered, ami thodcmati'l for store lots was Untiled, as most of the retailers arc temporarily sup plied, or buy dally of the farmers, wbo aro rushing their stock In during the spell of warm weather. HEEDS—Timothy and clover worn rather aulct, hut firm, especially (ho good sample*. Tito offerings of clover were a little larger and Ihe demand less nrg ml, Iml recent prices went maintained. Htlotwero m.;'lo at ffl.T'frtfl.vo for medium, and at $7,00 for mamnndt. Timothy was quoted at lioOyJHA Fla* was active, at $1.31(41.13.1 *». HALT—AVas sleady at the recent decline. Following arc the quotations: Onondaga and Higluaw, fine, $1.33; Canada, do, $1,40; ordinary coarse, ft.7o; dairy, without bags, |i,75; dairy, with bags, $1.50; Ashton dairy, per sack. $1.50. TEAS—A fair movement w«« reported at Arm prices. On all aides there la a feeling that •* bottom figures ” have been reached, and that anr changes that may take place In the near future must bo to the taneflt of holders. Following are the prices current: Gnsrow m-.n—Common. 33C44f1c; good do, tootle; medium, 45 4450 c; good do, 00.451 c; fine, 6V4(VK!j finest, ci'f.Jflir; choice, choicest, Motile; fancy. $1.10(41.3.*. 1 iMrKRtAt/—Common, U 0 rf:ißc;goo«i do. 3.1.440 c; medi um, 40(445c; good do. 45(£50; tlne,lo.i' ‘1o; finest, 55 (4floc; choice, COAfJc; choicest, ,0 0.710. JapaHt*— Common, 35n37c; good common, 3M(S4Oc; medium, 40.443 c; good medium, 45(<510c; fine, 50415 c; finest; 61f4W10; choice. n0(4«1c; cholcent, 7.V4HOc. Oot.oS(H —Common, 38 a3oc; good common. 32,«f:iic; medium, 35(4<0c; good medium, tootle; fine. 4C<4soc; finest, 60«'3c: choice, BSailOe: choicest, t-O^sie. WOOD—Was in fair demand at unchanged prices. Wc quote maple at sl.lO, beech ot $7.50, and slabs nt ; $1.50, delivered. WOOL—Was quiet and unchanged: Tub-washed, rirlinc, 60(i|B3c; do, poor to good, 44«4a.;s washed 11, «'o. fine, ;W(4<Uc; do, medium, 43(444c ; do. coarse, <;B<44(>c ; unwashed, fine heavy to light, 33(327e ; do, medium, tllOXJo; do, coarse, 3B t >.3oc. LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. C 'iitUe, J/srs, Shf*P, 1.11. i IViSi yr>i fiWlp U Monday... . Tuesday c.iirt 2,00 ii 4.AM 4.3:11 9,677 2 ','IH J I,HUI 11,63:1 IV-'J 1,624 HOO It.thrj jjgj Wednesday. Thursday.. Friday Saturday... Total 1*7,M1 11,03.1 Ramo week In 1874 1 173,*04 0,423 l.a»t week 11,634 1-13,243 11,101 From Jan. Ito Hoc. 1 867.613 9,441,1*07 364,66'! Kanin limo last year.......7U1,(V.4 3,730,671 333,303 Increase G6,W5 73,3*-1 Decrease ..... 244,707 .... Shipment*-- Monday ■ 7 k 9 2,(04 1,02:5 Tiiculiiy TII'J 2,(h’i4 027 Wednesday 2.J(/0 D.r.71 Thursday. 1,818 3.(21 Friday. Total H,lbO 11,807 7,387 The Utica Herald publishes a statement obtained from (ton, Priest, of tlio Sow York Central, of the number of ears of lire stock that have pasted a given point on that road during tho past cloven year*. It la aa follows: r . .TOTAt. KUMTIER CA» , < 'lUtlf. Ih‘III !*. 1851 9.799 1,734 1,21.7 9,17.1 18U.7 11,111 987 U,';l! iso6 ii.Bna >-54 2,wi 18ft” 11 1 -t >'■( 2,>:i 7o« 3,1 H 1808. 11,710 :i,lil I,l*ll 3,741 1800 ln.o.'U is;o h,:i :;i i.oio 18,81 V! 51,152 1.6)7 11,011 i 2l,'Jf)7 3,310 2,163 13..797 U,..Ul 1,8. »J 1;rj783 20,783 Totals 10H,Q88 29.018 13.961 6t,n91 OATTldv—There was a moderately active csUlj trade throughout tho past week at prices not varying materially from those of tho weok before. Tho supply was more than ordinarily liberal for tho season amounting to 18,700 head; against 13,028 head last week, and 13,403 head for (he corresponding week of Ids year, but tho receipts at Eastern points appear to hsvo been leas than usual, and tho resulting firmness of prices there called out a free shipping movement, under, which receivers wore enabled to fully sustain former quotations, Tho extreme rang s of sales was $3.33i£0.73, though (hero was very Utile trading below $3.00 or above $3.60, while got the bulk of the offerings, Block cattle are still meeting with a very good demand, mid are eatable at SI.OO (23.73 fur common to good thrifty droves, averaging from too to 1,000 Its. Tho receipts embraced a smaller percentage than usual of Texas cattle, ami, notwithstanding the comparative scarcity of choice beeves, the average quality waa bet ter than for a number of weeks previous, From now until tbo cud of Ibo year tho supply of poultry and game may bo expected to bo abundant, and, unless the receipts of beeves are kept dowu to more moder ate dimensions, tbo operations of Western shippers wlir very likely bo attended with unprofitable results. Saturday was a moderately active day. and the mar ket had a steady (one. Huippers, feeders, and local butchers, wore In fair attendance, and between them the major part of tho supply was absorbed. QUOTATtOSS. Chokfl Beeves—Fine, tat, well-formed 3 year to 6 year old steers, weighing 1,300 to 1,50011* s3.So®fl.lo Good Hooves—Wvlt-faltsued B too in, weigh ing MW to 1,300 IU 4.0005.33 Medium Grade*—Rlccr* in fair flesh, vrclali log 1,100 to 1,250 tbs 4.00(34.60 Hatchers' Block—l*oor to fair steers, and common to choice cows, for city slaughter, weighing 800 to 1.100 tbs 3.73(31.00 Slock Osttle—Common cattle, weighing 800 to UNO the 3.0003.T5 Inferior—Light and thin cows, heifers, stags; hulls, and scalawag steers 9.00512.60 Texas Cattle—Through droves 3.73<34.0d HOGS—The week opened dull snd heavy, and re mained in (bat condition np to ihn close of Thursday. At that time vslues showed s shrinkage, as compared with tbs closing quotations of tho previous wmk, of 23,«30c1n packers' grades, and 10416 a in shipping hogs. The diminished receipts of Friday enabled sell ers to regain a small part—6®loo—of thsdeeline, hut tho market at ths dose again gars signs of weakness, aud should this week’s supply turn out to he as largo as anticipated holders may find somo difficulty In main taining present quotations. Tho operations of shl|>- iwrs did not cut a very Important figure, the total of these purchases scarcely reaching 10,000 head. Tho range of tales was M.600T.00, with moat of the trading at $6.65(547.00. Saturday's market was quiet. Packers held off. and shippers also seemed Inclined to purchase lightly at the advance of the day before. The smtll supply served to prevent any Important decline, though there waea weak feeling it the cloee. Halos were reported at f5.50-n 7.50 for coarse rough to extra Philadelphia grades—the bulk at $0.76(47.00 for common to choice packing grades. noo BALKS, -Vs. utt. Prlrs.l.Vo, Av, iVicr.l.Yo. At. Prtee, HU. ..371 $0.90 111....279 $0.76 1W....174 f 1.70 81.. fi.9o; 82. ...280 «.Ho| 20....31»7 6.80 47.. a.901|13,...8T8 6.»o; 23... 250 7.00 184.. 0.00 132.,,,201 6.76'J1....385 6.H5 37.. 7.601 50....290 6.H0 58....349 6,00 128.. 6.8 m 73. ...393 6.70| 37....3:4 7.10 108.. 7,00 83..,.203 6,75 50,,.,319 7.11) 85.. 6.86 118....313 0.25 49....273 7.0) 48.. 6.90 34....200 0.90 23.. .199 7.00 180.. 7.08 07....350 6.60 89.,..3riJ O.Bd 160.. ..259 6.70 41....367 6.76 5J....384 6.N) 110.. ..370 0.79 60....360 O.HO 84....199 6.90 66.. .194 6.90 105....H01 6.*0 88....1'.>1 6.90 111.. 6.90 83....373 (1.73 41.,.,037 7.10 48....179 6.90 118....379 6.00, 44....173 0.90 BUEEP—Tbs market for (b« week under review had no distinguishing features. Under a well-sustained local and Eastern demand, the dally receipts, though liberal, were easily disposed of, and at the close the feeling waa firm at f3.80C43.76 per 100 R>a for common to medium, and at $4.00(44.30 fur good (o choice. Wo quote the extrema range of prices at $3.0004.73. BT. 14)010. Bt. Ixjcii, Deo, 4.—Hoos—Firm and actiTe t pens clear: Yorkers, 1*1.60040.76; packing, 9*Uf107.00. Gattlk—Market dull; demand light; good to choice native steers, 95.35(40.19k I medium to fair, 93.A009.00 t common, 93.9503.50 4 cows, 99.5009,60; Blockers. 9a.60C44.00; feeders. 11.0004.97)4; good to obalee Texans, $9,50<41.00; medium to fair, 93.750 9.95; common, 19.3503.50. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS. FOREIGN MARKETS. fascial liliraleh to Th» CAinvt fWAuss. Livnrooh, Dec. 4—11:90 a. m.—Fnoua—No. 1, 30* 0d; No. 3, 3<a Od. OnaiM—Wheat—Winter, No. I,los Id; N 0.3,.3, IDs: spring, No. 1,10 s; No. 3, oa4d; white, No. 1, Us Id; No. 3. 10 s Od; club, No. I, lls 7d 5 No. a, 11s 3d. Corn, 32s Cd. l*ttoviaiOH»—Pork, 965, Lard, 67a Cd. Idvsspoot, Doc. 4—3:90 p. m.—Cowt—33s Cd. Heat unchanged. Livxbpool, Doc, '4—Evening.—Goan Western mixed, 91s Od. London. Doe. 4—Evening.—Consol* for money, 61; account, 94. AuuioaM Bkoobitiks—’o6s, 1031/; 07s. 100 k; Id* 4(M, m\i new 6s, 104 k 5 New York CsnUal, 60; Erls, 14'« ; iweferred, 91, Itsnwso PfcTEOLKDM—IIVd. Pants, Doc. 4.—Ueutes, O'! 61%e, Hunkiout, Dec, 4.—New As, 63J4, BOSTON WOOL MARKET. Boston, Dec. 4.—Wool— Domestic in good dsms&d • sales a fair average of all kind* { prlcet well sustained; Ohio sod Pennsylvania fine fleeces, Including X and XX, principally 160450 ; medium aud XXX, 18050 c ; medium aud No. I fleccca in demand aud firm at 4SO 60c ; lu Michigan and Wisconsin fleeces very UtUo has keen dons; ccmbing and detains fleeceu continue in demand, with aolsa at 490610 5 washed, 40049*0 ; uu* washed, Inrlmliug several lots of Kentucky, 40rf<|v;cj pulled wools bate been selling moderately, Supplies cumins In qullo freely; *u|>er, 40(£50e, Including choice tuul Main*. SOUTHERN COTTON MARKETS. New Oni.KAKs, Dec. 4.—Cotton inurement partially siisjxndcd i»y ram-storm. Bales, 1,000 bales; prices steady, nml quotation* unchanged, Receipts, not, Voo halo*; grnsr, n,iW7 bales; exports lo tho Conti nent, 9,nun halts; fiiock, pjfl,l9 (bales; unsold, Rf'.nCO lialm, a largo part of which (• withheld from market or not yet sampled. OAtvysroN, Dee. 4.—Cotton dull; middlings, Receipts, 9,411 halos; groi*, 9,433 ; exports coastwise, 7,f>74; salos, 1,379, • CiiAßtwoK, Dec. 4,—Colton easy; middlings, 11»; (311 iMlte; ucl receipts, 2,337 bales; osi>orta to Great Itrltaln, 9,030 ; sale*, 1,r,0u. MouiLr, Doc, 4.—Collon weak; middlings, 13',0; net receipts, 3,483 Kales 5 exports to the Continent, 3i“i!0; coast who, 1,5;o ; sales, 800. Savannah, Doo. 4.—Cotton dull; middlings, 12 »,'o 5 receipts, 3,1539 bales; exports to the Cuutluent, 8,017; coastwise, Iflt. NEW YORK DRY-OGOOfI MARKET. NuwTouk, Dec. 4.—The juiekagp trade Is sluggish in all Its branches, and tne piece distribution light. Cotlou goods quiet. Lonsdale, Hope, and Dlackstone AA bleached shirtings have been closed out by agents, and order* are taken at value. Plaid prints in fair de mand. and good stylos closely sold up. Woolen goods continued quiet. Fancy knit hosiery goods lu fair re* quest. Foreign gouds remained very quiet. PITTSBURG OIL MARKET. TrrTsncso, Dec. 4.—lkdroleum dull; mtdo, at Parker's; reflued, 12%0, Philadelphia delivery. THE PRODUCE MARKETS. NEW YORK. r,r*fM lUipnleft In Tht Chirngo Trihunf. Nrw Your, Dec. 4.—QnAiif—-Wheat— Market dull and slightly In buyer’s favor; sales 40,000 bu at $1.02 I.OA for rejected spring; 11.03Q1.23 for ungraded spring; for No. 3 Chicago ; nominally $1.30 it 1.27 for No. 9 Milwaukee; $1.3401.38f0r No. 1 spring; 11.1' for now and old winter red West ern; for do amber Western; and |1.3104 1.47 for white Weslcrn. All tho quotations are more or leas nominal, Ryo quiet and firm at 87(£00o for Western; 93ft33c for Blate, and 900 for Canada Iu bond. Barley firmer; sales 44,000 bn sit-rowed State nt $1,12 In store. Corn dull; sales 30,000 boat 73ft 73Vc for steam Western mixed ; 74ft74>$e for sail do; forfor high mixed and yellow Western; C2«»70o for new Western mixed; 700 for new yellow Houthcrn; and 73,Vfc for now and old Western mixed. Oats firm and moderately active ; sales, 44,000 bti at 43M49MC for mixed Wcslcm slid Btalc, and 43in 320 for white Western and State ; also 1 car of very choice white Htate at r>4n on track. Provisions—Middles heavy at for long clear. Lard firm ; sales 100 tea at PJ'.MI'J 13-lCc for prime steam. WniSKt—Market Ann; sales, 100 brla at sl.lO tier gallon. Onocßntmt—fhtgar market firmer, with fair demand: fair to good refining In quoted at Hijwaw,; prime at H :i l«U«*,c. and New. lOand 12 Havana at Coffee market unchanged ; moderate Jobbing inquiry; Itlo la quoted nl Jn gold, and Maracaibo at IDJtfQ-Jlitfc In gold. Tallow— ltulca firm; country and city arc quoted at * 2,5.79 1,018 lib Me AnnHal(d /Ve»*.) New lonic. Dec. 4. Flouh— Market dull and strongly lu buyers' favor, Receipts, 2f),wX) brla: fiiiDcrrtno State and Western, fi.SOGM.'->o; com mon to good o*lra, Jl.WXdS.ftO • good to choice, $.\55(3®.00; white wheal extra. s<Uo(ftH.oo ; extra Ohio, St. Louis, S.V.!S:*tMK); Mlimeaota patent process, extra good to prime, SO.flOft7.'J3; eboleo to double extra, $7.20®0.50. Ilya flour dull at fi.23«>. Corn-Meal—Quiet and nnrhanged. Grain—Wheat, rocciplfl, 41,000 bu; lower, cloning a little more steady at the decline; moderutn oxiKirl Inquiry, chlolly to fill pressing freights. Rejected si ring, Jl.Olc.l.or.pgood ungraded and mixed do, $1.2:1; No. :i Chicago spring. $1.10; No. 2 nominal; no quotations; No. 2 Milwaukee, st.27(<>, J. 23: No. 3 do, $1.13; Northwestern spring. ruminon, $1.13; No. 1 Milwaukee and Minnesota. sl.3* ; winter ml Western, new, $I.I2(Sl.l;i; Nn. 3 Minnesota, II.IC. llyo steady ; State, OU'rfOV. Harley active and higher; 2-rowod dialo, »orif<sl.oo; Canada West. $1.10»1,1J. Malt quirt amt unchanged. Com quiet and unchanged j receipts, 31,000 bo. Oats steady with a inodorntn dn manil J receipts, 2i.C00 bit; Western mixed aud Slate, IS'Vf4Ko; white Wodcrn and Slate, 40i£32c, Hat—Firm; shipping, 7ij(.£TV, Hors —Quiet; Kastcruaml Western, l(i<3l3c: Now York State. 12<- Hie. ti.'l 3,19') Orocciueh—Uio cofTco quirt, but firm: cartoon, gold; Jobbing, in gold. Hucrar quiet, but firm ; fair to Rood refining, ; prime, 8*; c; refined unchanged. Molasses—Sow Orleans quiet, but firm, at hoary; Carolina, l»rmoi,KUM—gulet, but firm; crude, 7 a ; refined, KruAiSftn niaiw-“Heavy at 7iM<."c. Brnirrs TonpcjmxK—Ucavy Kiii.m— Finn. l.KjkTHEii—llomlork solo, Huonoi Ayren, and Itlo Grande, llitht middles and heavy wolghta. J California do, 2t@2rt,V,c; common do, 3JV<j>‘ißc. Wool—Firm: domesticlleeco, 23(j02c; jitilled,2oa 17e • unwashed, Fuyvitiioxs—Fork—Market coaler: now mess, unln "jwetoil, S2?.2S(i|3MO; December, llocf —Market dull. Cut meats ijulst; Western long Hear, 10\c; city do, lljjc. Lard easier: nrlmo steam, tIJ.H7>;<2U IWCc, Uorrrn—Western. HVS2So ; fllate, 23332 c. Market drill at WnuxT—Firmer At f l.lfl. Mrtau— Matifactnred copper quirt but afoadyj In got l*ka quint but Arm; plg-lron, Hcotcb. quiet and unchanged; American, 51U.U0152J.00: iluaabt sheet ing, iu gold. nalh— Heavy, cut, 3c; clinch, $1.5035.60; borscaboo unchanged. Mu-wackf*, Dec. «.—Flock— Fntlrely nominal. (iHAtN—Wheat weak ; No. 1 Milwaukee, f 1.07 | bard, 11.13 ; No. *i Milwaukee, ; January, 3, Bjl' v 'c, Com dull; No, 2, 6Ue. Data coaler, wltb a fair demand ; No. 2, 3lc. Harley easier aud more act ive; No. 2, December anil January, 97>tfc ; No. 3, Pljtfc. Hye quiet anil entirely nominal; No. 1, 70,W*«life. I’uovimonm—Neglected. Me» rork. |1u.37 V. Lard —l*rime, 1J Dry-tailed shoulder*, 7e. lltortrr*—Flour, 7,000 brla; wboaf, 141,000 bo, HmrauMTs—Flour, S'HJ brla ; wheat, 700 bu. fiiLTtuobX, Doc. I.—Flock—Quiet, study, and unrhaiwed. Qiuur—'Wheat active, firm, amt unchanged. Corn- Old Western mind nominally <oc; now do, £fc. Oata dull; Western while, 43&450; mired, 3V£4oc. llyo qnlel and lower at TO^sOc, JUr—Unchanged* I'noviatoKa— Quiet and unchanged, IhJTTKH—Firm, active, aud unchanged, I'ETBOLacM—unioUled; crude, tiiio I refined, 13*fc. Corn*-Quiet, firm, and unchanged. Wiuaax—Dull and atendy at>;. piulauelpuia. Philadelphia* Duo. a.—lttiuoledm—Firmer; re fined, crude, lu.Sfc. Flour—Quiet; extra, $3.41; lowa, Wlsconnln. and Minnesota extra family, sa.oou*G.7s; Ohio, Indiana, ami Utate, |n.OO£S.AO ; high grades, |7.00<a8.75. Grain—Wheat—Market dull; iVunaylraula red, 5!,3G«*1.40; Western do, J1.00id1.15; amber, |I.4H. Hyo,b7ntWo. Corn—Market dull; yellow, old, 74|<(3 70o; new do, Rbr4o7c. Oats, white, H130O0: mixed. 40r<4130, Harley—Market dull. Malt do. PnonatoM*—Meaa pork, jaXBUtd'JS.OU Heel baus, 120.D014 22.00. Hctte»—:tta«o; first*, D0<3320; seconds, I’QZje for Hew York State and Uradford County ; Pennsyl vania and Western extra, ttiQUlo; Ante, 'M&IOc ; second*, IDO^Oe. Cirauß—Western fine, 1QX&130 ; do prime, 11X0 13c, * Eoos—Firm ; Western freak, 515330. Wuuar—iron buuml, Jl.lfi. Bt. Lorn, Deo. 4.— Floub— Only local demand. OmiN—Wheat dull ami lower: No. 3 red winter, ft.4lKjl.ta, cash; f 1.47 January; No. a do, U.2A ltd, caah. Corn dull and drooping; No. 2 mixed, 42(4 4JVtfc, cash ; 4‘Jo December. Data dull and lower to ■ell; No. S, <riu bid regular; bid fruab; aatea at U3c (or December, Darloy and rye dull but un changed. , . _ I’oonsioKS—Fork dull and lower; offered atfw.oo caah; 91H.37K next vrack. Lard—Marketdullat|ia,«o up cuuutrr ; held at $12.12# bon. Dul* and green meata dull but unchanged. WutauY—steady and unchanged at ft.l 3. ItßcXiPra—Flour, 4.000 brla; wheat, fl,ooo bn; con*, I*o,ooo bu; oata, 3,000 bu; rye, 1,000 buj bar ley none. CINCINNATI. CtNOINNATT, DOC. 4.—ItOM-Quiet **»« tin- C *Gasii!—Wheat steady, with moderate demand at tl.l6dil.Bd. Com quiet and unchanged; now. *MSOc. Data quiot but steady at OiMiJte. Darley quiet and un changed. Itye quiet and unchanged at JateSdc. Piu/viaiox*—Pore fair and Ann at $31.00 spot sod February. Lard opened firm but cloaed dull: uteaai, I'JWWUJifI *povs lac February; !3\(o buyer l ehruary, ctStai tSih tSLrToir; kettle, HMW*c. ,110000- (July umited Jobbing demand. Croon meats laactlre J •alee Leary j aide*. id*o: ham*, 14« o j average, 10£ c. Wuuat—Quiet but ateady at sl.lß. TOLEDO. Toledo, Dec. 4,—Flour—Quiet and unchanged, tiuoin—Wheat Armor and held higher 1 ho. 3 white Wabaeh. Il.'ilt No. I white Michigan, $1,35 : amber Michigan, December, fl.lii*. S Fobuary, J 1.31; March, fl.Vt: No.3do,UTo; No. 3 red, $1.31} No. 3 do, St.Olt relected. 6dc. Com firmer and held high er: high mixed, 6005 December, lla \ new, apol, 470; January, 4ne; ailtheyear. 47>4 t> : low mixed, Bio; new, iUMOi Mo. 8 white, 48c; no grade. MM | new, 45110 s damaged, 4V. Data quiet and unchanged. Olutkr Baan—Steady 5 moderate demand | $7,13(3 T.W. Hooi— Bleady; moderate demand ; S*.M. Jltcaipre—Flour, none; wheat, IJ,(XX) bu | corn, 47.00 bu; otta, TuObu. Suipmanto—Flour, none; wheat, 6,000 bu; eom, Sl.Otw bu; oate, 13.000 bo. LOUISTILLY. Lodixville, Dee. 4.—Floor—Quiet and unchanged. Uiulm—Wbval— Market dull at $1.10(41.20. Cora »kady. with a ftdrdbuiand; now ear, 4U.j410. Oate qi.iut, Lut steady. ilye quiet and unchanged at 79c. I’tmviiiONo—Latter, but not qUotatly lover. Pork, FILM). Hulk meats —Shoulder*, 1>»o; aides, lUV. Lard—Three, J13.U0: keg, |U.CO. U uukX—Qulwl and unchanged at sl.lO. liOuroN. Domom, Dec. 4.— Floob— Unchanged; aaltfl amalL Uaaut—Corn, mixed and yellow old, 770(t0e (new T4ft73e. Oatx—Market dull; Western mixed ami 4'jhj3oo ; reject*!, •. w AtiuiTsn—Prop l*nrlags, llu.Talo, sundries; »f, Charles Itellr, Manleteo, lumber. ' 9 Nmitt Ci.tAnANcr.H—Rlmr Oeoulo, Klml ojggut, t «- :tu drloa; slmr Milwaukee, 131 Iris oil and tuuj •,.! amir lUcluc, 43 hills nlit-ep pel's. “ 1 A very tlilck fegwas spread orcr Lake Michigan %U day Ksturdsy, making It Impossible M tugs to side. The woAlhcr was still thick yesterday, |,t;t cleared up sufTicicutly to allow the prop furl was lying milsldn at nut bar, to coma In. (>,, Portage, no vessels of any kind arrived durln;; day,,.. The rchr Two Fannies, whloh j*a!i<ire « Kewaunee, was pulled off Friday by ttio tug q- nfc Drown, and was (akroto Manitowoc. Two.ihlMi n » her cargo of lumber had to l«s Jettisoned could bo released. Bks will bo brought to Uila)«tt ay soon ss the wenthtr permits.... The liigLtuj,. bus received a new wheel and been lrou-plab>dmjj| lo bo ablo to work in the icu...,Onpt. Joe (id--.* Imlter known ss "Fancy .Too,” went lo L'dro m a fow days ago to take a rest from tho severe Jai„* r , £; IsHt summer and restore his falling cjoxtglu, As i,i Intended to remain Mouth twoorlbroo month« g r ..., was the surprise when ho suddenly reap; can-,I uVn? the boys on the docks last Haturdnv. Tho rc.w., n ,5 Handsome Joe coming hack so suddenly was, tim» i u ,. at tin lime he arrived at tho ancient Kgvj lUn ' order was issued by (lie city authorities to clear (hr. borough of nil gamblers and other dlsropuUMo eliir ncters. Nothing was morn natural than to mlsUkatmJ handsome tug Onplaln for a gambler, nml Id wu at once notified to leave town within forty-eight h<uir*«» : go to the look-up, Joo did nut stand upon the orJ,« of going, but went nt once, and In hi* hurry to »..* away forgot to take along his new overcoat, it mi*', however, bo stated that a great injustice wii do-jl Jue by the authorities of Cairo. and (hoy ought lo make reparation at <mro, Though Jos to >ka lita a is lined gambler and confidence man, yet tt Ih a fot pjH (hero Is not a mure honest ami squnrer tug Captain in Chicago. He does lint know the diirercmo Ictvrrrn the nec of spades and queen of heart", and never c,m. bled lo his life, unless tho throwing of dice f> r tu drinks at Oilman's may do designated \tj that min* ....Tho prop Norman, of Leopold & Austrlan'i L,fcl Superior Line, wan expected to srrlvd hero yciitrr Uy with the crew of tho prun Missouri, from in at .Mnd Lake. Bho had, however, not arrived nt a late imi last evening, which I* probably owln,; p, the unfavorable state of tho weattrr The tugs Satisfaction amt Den j) f ' a "j^ have gone Into winter quarters,... The tug Ooorgj ;»• Wood Is going to tow tho s.-hr Beotia to Milwaukee u* soon*ss tho weather will permit.... Several tn, Oaptaln* complain that tho small bescun at the trance to this harbor was not lighted before <layU«h* on Saturday.... Tho schr L. W, Terry Is King f..-. iHUtml at the pier.... The damage to the l<nr'k Parana w*s found u|)on examination to Ito very slight. The oakum had worked out of her scams, which catne-d her sinking. She came out of dry-dock Rdtir. day looking ns trim and snug as ever... .Tho rshrs j, M. Forrest and Kd K- ly are undergoing repair* it iki docks of tho Chicago Dry-Dock Company. PORT HURON MARINE NF-vft. Nficftat I)iiritlth In I A« ChlfiMti Tritiulf. Port Huron, Mich., Doc, f>.— Down— l*rofj Cub orailo, City of Fremont, Rureln, Scotia. Wind—North, gentle. WtATnun—Cloudy, with light n*!n. The tng Gladiator arrived (lita evening will) the *!:t 81. Lawrence, which vu ashore at lltavk Him, n«i •Alpena. Tbo Bt. lAwrenea wan In rudi shallow order that the tug could not roich In-r. The prop U-rUeijr was at hand, and. twlng of llgtil draft, au. ceeiJH palling her oft, Tlis vessel la not lotting. hat will t« unloaded Olid docked, and will lay up at this port. Tho prop Tubs, «Mi herbal trip down ft nnfffb, passed (bo spar and Raff of soma craft, (.ticking ont (if tho water, between Colchester Point and Point aa Police light, 6 mlloi to westward of Point an Polite, tod directly Id tho usual course taken by vowel*..., Very heavy Ico was encountered Thursday night ami during Friday In the vicinity of tho Sf. Clair i bis. Tho prop Oily of Xcw Baltimore Blurted up Tlmnday, but wm obliged to return, also tho prop Wonntia and atoim hargo M. Mills. During Saturday, however, they tav needed in cutting tbelr way through. 8 »y» tho Detroit TrtbHtu of Saturday ! •• Tho prop P.ovnOke, Ixnimi down from Chicago and Milwaukee with a full load of freight, ran ort Pccho Inland yesterday. Hho Is resting In about 11 nr Pi feet cl water, and tho leg wa* crowding her during the diy* The ferryboat Victoria loft about 5 p. ni, to render her DBrfliitaucc. Hho will bo lightered off."....The following table shows tho number of vessels that arrived and cleared from Day City for tho hcuuod of u;5; .t umber rr.isc’t. Tomi'i'e. Crrf, I,«U ;v-4,7(iJ »,451 I.PI, Jo.ujl Arrived, Cleared. This does not Include vcpbolh trading to points wjtti* in tho district, nor thnso miming hi end nut of Ck rlverouthronghckarances....Tho Hay City con* spondent of the Detroit J’ott baa the following la regard to tho schr Favorite, frozen rant In Hay: “Tho schr Favorite has been beard from. One of tho crow walked ashore on the lee yesterday, landing tear Aranac, and reports the boat aud crow all safe, hut In need of assistance. Two expedition*, oun from this city and tho other from Aranac, started mil this inorulng to rcHOite the Ice-bound men, who num ber two Leahies (ho Captain, CapMlazen has hoidt of friends here, and his safety la welcome news to all, * TIIK HBAHON'H HtlOtmd. Tholako reason fa now practically ended, for, al» though navigation Is still open, the weather is severe, nml all iimnnmrc risks dose today. Tlie figures will show what is pretty well understood lu this ucltfhl>or* hood, that the season of 1*75 has been marked by al« most unprecedented depression of the grain ami carry* Ing trade. The November receipts by bbo IhU year, however, are larger than usual. Thun. lucludlng flom reduced to grain, the account standi ~ November, 1373, November, JH74, STIt.'WAORfrE. November, 1875 H,‘J77,4 v i Dut from the opening to Dec, 1 the com parboil show* (bo decroaao iu tbu aggregate of over 4.i)jo,(jou 1 Onemnj to Dec. 1, 1873 While the total receipts at llila i>olnt by hlto ami nil for tbo season of 1879 compare with those uf last year as follows: lly hk3. Uy rail., Tbua tho total falling off for the ■■‘aaou la U.o«V 000 bu; but It la worth noting that the deenuut hj rail la Juit dbubla that by lake,— UuiTatn I*xvrfft. Iki Bill I fttMiSr&wM 4i|Jl AIU JL U Holiday Good*. STRlß'fllt V® "*** V " mow. UR M*4i*oa-»t., CM* CAEO. Bond for itnecftptlre ca'aloguo. tfiM M^UtuMlt 1.1 m *jl |r, maAartaUt At*#**# &I ILJ g|j th^pMt partenee sw*silliiil>ort ghl losa«e by dream*, pimple* oo tbo (*co,lo»t manhood, can positively bo corrJ. l.ulloi wanting the moat delicate attention, e*ll or jjdta. I'leoaant Imni, tor pstlaiiU, A book (nr (ku millluo, MtrrlAtio Guide, which lull* you alt about ihe*oU>»«»*e*-* who should marry—why nut— lo 0011 U to pay pwiMe. nr. Jsruo* has 3i) room* and Parlor*. _ You soe ho one but tn* Doctor. OiHce hour*, o a. m. to 7p. in. Sundays, lUWI* a, m. All business *tilctly conildenUat IrUfTM Thirty yea** London llospltsl PraotSoe, cur« pt«at© «b«» eases luunudlsUilj, without mercury: also L(J»» *IA,« IIOUD. nurrom doblllty, caaied by error* o/ yodlh. Tn# yuan# and old are quickly restored to ruAniy rlxor airaa ear* should call or wrlw. One miejglw J**“r cleat. Lldice strictly private. Wo. 130 Wu*t iindUon M. ggfflH Dr. Kean, 300 SOUTH OLAIiK-BT.. OIHOAQO, «UUmuulM, pw»ll« /"if S'S ou all ebruute or nervous disease*. DU. J KKArtuiue DB. STONE, whoVa^irraSmue^B 171 Madltoa-sl.. UWeajy. lU., twalasU {ft l,ui, illustrated. Mid circular* seat, tooled, fur Istaaip*. DBTtT - T.OROSaMAN’3 SPECIFIC MIXTURE la a aare cure for Private Dlseaser. POtt riALE 11V AIaL DUtIUUNT* BT. LOUIS. MARINE. PORT OF CHICAGO, DEC. 0. LAKE MICHIGAN. ruicAflo. MISCETLLANIIOU3. ISTt. 1913. .01.010,(110 67.17J.8i3 .;i3,4UJ,C»U 21,h0,ui4 .01,003,300 ai.'jt'.'.yii SCALESi jfSM FA I R B A fJ K S' bTANU.VKU jfc* SC AL ES {rAIRBANKB.MOR«CAOa r in Si 118 Lake St., Chicago, lie careful to buyonly theOcnu!«, DOLLAR STORE, MEDICAL CARDS, r.utheli. .5.651.11 J Outhtlt, .ri'Si^cio .87,m,W»