Newspaper Page Text
THE ARMY. V7liat tho Secretary of War Eos to Say in His An nual Report. 7lie Growing Imporlanco and Ef* Qclcnry of the signal . Service. in Increase of Engineers Neces sary to Operate Our Tor pedo Defenses, the Militia and the Arsenals—Larger Appropriations Needed, Urgent Keconiincmlnlloii.s ns to tho SencoiiHt Uelunsos. Various Other Hatters to Which tho *• Nation of Congress Is Called. THE ARMY. JKOTAI. WTO JIT O* TUB HIiCI'.CTATIT OP WAII. V.’AaimioTOK. D. 0., Dos. o.—Tho following eomptidc* Ml tho important foataros in tho re port of tho Sccr.'tAry of War on tho operations* or tiio Pepurtmaut fur tho lieoal year outline Jooattd, IriTJ t .Sot. i’.Jnl j.—J.V. PrcrUUnt: lam gratified to Lo able to itat* that, »iuc<l Jtiylait eniuul rciiorl, u BJUkeu trnjiroTnmont Jin* t»Ju*a ylac jin the wenue of titiMrvKVt Tuo army N now rcJucau to m'iw men. pt.-ruillOK was returned In November, for tho purrofioof kcrjlug up tho ■ti.ndard numl-or. fiul, mi deraaraiuitjatem m tho aaUctlou of tho men, the (Uii t l * rctruii* no?.' raivivod I* of a curtrlor ij.iulity rteuuJubcrord.jiiflujM i,. fl u U( hrgolv reduce I Wnj about *,ltw lew th..n dnrtn? the iirevlnut rmr. fbtl* the number of rc-imliftaiauUi Jm tum-aMd Marl; ilio i:tato of conk uti. tent liit.n ahuvru Hdce. in a great incttur.% to tho ccrf.'inf hiutnn of pyeiilblUhoo, m»lcn imuw praJtutoil l>y iruvtu of irntcr, and iu:on!u tao uoitJl- r mi <>>>;.,.riuuliy to do Miiwaaaviiicaw.lli, and recolvo Uiltmi for tho miuo until tho enu uf hia ts; m xm; bwnax. Bt:tvice. Oarlw«»o paiit>Mr,MJ slgiul-tMloua have been tnlatilued, to til* iho *v»tcin of tt-tlons of obterva flcairom winch reports uio ncecw-ary to enable warn bfW be CiWoo- tbo approach and force of atom* lad of ether luoteorlo change*, fur the uunclHof iwrl nliurat and ccmmtrcl.;! Imerrots. A series of d” Jr ÜbgraphlC repair fioai a.ntioi.a in lUe Weal Indies liltndiD# from Cuba, by Jamaica, to iUrUJcfl and Uie Windward Islands, lu* Uc-eii maud ’.I for Ti*l<waaof dejection* from tho oWro eflMKlgnU-OflUfr, I row Iho reports thcie received tu oontmtied during tbu year. A mluute axamina! tenet these dcuDcuouv, and a com arlaou wlthlhe iwteorie chait|/«s afterward occurring wl.hln the dh- Uirt to Which each ha* had reference, have rlvcu the ai«imftrcaaiag«o(*7V-10tts TciheJ. A comparl 'tlu‘ “'.'"to of fcrtcMl:ij y«*ra exhibits an Improvement in accur-er rlh oa:b aucceedhig year, 3 The dutiLy of tauiiouary day and bight a'gnalu won lb* uto, and at tho prwi ports of the United SutM Dpon the Atlantic and Utuf tutuia, ha* boon mds iyaUiinatlcaJly on occaolous uf tuppou-d special Cans®. Of the total number of cautionary ahniale OM dtapUjcdL 70 per cent hao been afterwards ro jetiadu JhtllAad. lo puriuanM of (ho acts cf Cooarcaa ai tirorod re ifetUraly Juno 8, Jo7l, Juno 2J, idff, ana March 3 U,J.tutborlaln{( tho construction and operation ol UlfjMVblc Uhod In the Interior and upon the frontier. tooQftctlug: tallltary pojls. an J for the protection ol tta | Oyuultona from Xudiuo nud other nonredatlon* >u .? ouUaled men of do aicual Service have tea dflUilfid fbr the c<n.truotlou and operation ol th«lines, and hove enter, d upon their duflcfl. The sorkaf conatrUcllon baa been m groat part doao uu dtr the crnarsl dlredlon of odloors of the Sic ad by additJounl detalio furnlahed by fwm the lexaa frontier, and in tho Indian Tor rturt, already partly, coustru.ted. .re approachinc waHetlon. I'ernuucnt buwAt will rc-ull from the MbecUOn of mUilary pewtn and will freetl; locrcaee the protection of frontier vlllno»s tpun tbe-hnas -oad Uio conutry through which they tbs (location of tho uneful rr.’-annotincotnptit of en ttoachm* metoorle clungea may bo comldmd u Mttalaed by now five years’ auccMAfui sorrice. 23m e £^i’ C tuiM r iJ aL wi ‘J 10 1121119 for iniprovomcut 9(0 Inoro vldluly, tVhM was conjecture tiecomea Hiadoly. Toe co-operation of #«i.nttflc men la a*. KrtJ. Loth at home aud abroad. Tuo buc-cm of thu tut U a «ofe indot of the reaaha of tho future lb# Chief aiguid-Udlchr makes an elaborate atato k?ol 4CU ?IV I ‘ -Ule u bir ,*J rou »f rotomroendatiou that to form ono of tho lortau* of tfao-W ar Department. I (hall, durian this XkS*? 1 ffwant to Cotisreas a plan for tho es- UUUhmout of a bureau of thLi character, which in g hidgmoot, the reiulli of tho pn*t five join hat® nhaorod uecesnry, tad which I am aura tho peouia or UstcuDiry will readily eandlon. f* p e oi NATIONAL CEMLTCmtfI. Tke total munoer of lutermema In National Ccrr.e tmei Pn June-O, lh7o, waa bcC.Oij. Tho total nuu* ofhcail-ciQLcj flul/hcii to this data la aiua, ti.i« It being vigorously prosecuted. p.iLir.r or (lUAßrtuoi’i'Eu sorrEntns. UoOeMbo authority conferred by the act of Oon frwApptovodFsu. 10. law, for lbs twdofot persona fKfcUjo ranee* of grasshopcore. tbs appropriation BlK*d iiji(i(.p the vbtrge of otUcen of tbs Bubals i- Mtauint, with Instruction! for in. oSmUmJ food to tie sufferers within tha respoddv* Elw t 7. tta ' ctlU ‘ Durifl ff the period wbeudeitl. Wton from tiio cause referred to was neatest. 1.767 - «ti^ 0 ‘ U,ued t 0 8J ' OU3 adults, and tI.UIJ yfi V ß °C “«•» "Biding In ths mates «iflaaßK)U, Nsbmka, lowu, and c»w..« .nj oi» of Dakota snl Colorado. nflVli ,h ® purpose contemplated by the act. and P.t1i.31 wn returned to tbo Treasury. * 2f£?rt? u £.*f m T orocn seacoaud. SifSLte r -P. e . r ° t ' ttacat ’ progressed satl “f "ptdly A 3 the means provided Would !?S*k-.i ' B , cbi * B ‘ wotkl ndoptod In IBfiPsro heavy •nh*bUUrlas, thoroughly protected, end arranged J*gun« sud mortars suitable to resist the attack!*! powerful iron-dads. Already some of the particularly In our larger common a «if rßfl proportion of their gun-posh Tn* battalioh op KNomssim, law of Jane 10, 1b74, reducing tbe annr bat fctnllmilod to UOO enlisted men. TbU uwober ln t. 7« «»w u»> cu.( 0, iTiitSSwS; ir£w I .h?fm or|^f uc L () f l “* duUM required of tbom. Id occur wttb a maritime power, (be want Efi"! 4 to pt.aat and openlnonrtoriSß! SS *rtoulxfolt: l aul it H.ubStted W*the ite needs oftbU bzaneb of the eorricTmay minimum organliilJon for tbo battalion ? •<* lata than 400 eullalaj mow. For Um torSdoiS tJeUom.,tb*t number la requisite. tft. V! ‘iSSwSr. 1 " 1 “ a “ 01 U,,up -8,11,1 kkvo continued, end hare “••‘u time of wu bturi!! 81 * 1 V* » aeui y *• vaato.a from running patt our «o2mtU?ry. )* cU4L ® *“ lo bold ,bcm ftn> n ..,. ' «iran. I |h MCUJU of in laat lllrtr and Ifarlro •.* WM. auch itoauS," Rrart ith tdin ' l ? l V lor , «W« roadUiona, to con. * uJ *uchaniiliarr work* !'“•{ L f Decenary to tocuru and maintain *wld£ kj«L* n j J <rinQ * | out rlianiicl between the \hi«l«ulnt!l fe ma'r? auU 01 SrSSI •>«»!ta P 0 r ?n* l °" , “a'o Ul ‘*~cU. ,cU “ u t r '““ln*rT 10 Ih. l«?l or wor * b#v * Lcen carrlwl out. The r*. ,QrT °? directs by the act to bo midi by Ss™jn, “ , tk4t aerrtoe, *U(I worn supplied to u A \ ufticer of engineer*, U«j, c. JS tofars£ J IW .. be,n deUl,ed » whoio duty It ia, i to n *°S} U V ) d *t tll of end ,uJ “Stained from time **y, eh>ltnl » <og«»hcr wlUi auen oilier In ,h* P ro ßrt*« of ibe Imiiroy®. ¥ >he t WMk^!. , li'‘ a 'i M “ 1 jwimanence l#Cr (.*■/,?„ *,' M “»7 U ueceiury to keep Oouuree* , aavl *' J « To anable this ofilcer to wffiaiiol. * ,nt ? w» annual SanSfeSSli I« . tIJO totmiatee for which •kick ,52“* “ ‘ Li "»*>»» uf »“® Chief of Engineer*, uSmtwl® wulalu* further Information in regard to &4 inmin.ii •njwum required for liteae aumn fcoO^Sd during flical y«ir u Harwich* 'i® 1 * UJB f n# for them have a* yet been .fur ‘"'“mud m. “unsawsa. 0 ' **« of ® r “*• MiaeUiJmil* Wl aodiccurate aurrer l»« long Uen JM^oroSSi?*** 8 ! 11 • ,urv *y ,B becoming more feprOfenM^uii lit ?# y ** r ,0 •• «ufiui*erlnc R* becoma uece^ary. ;Uchh*»t frolf ' of , d jHjrUou* of the river. tayroremJni. 01 ?^?*, 10 li°J* mtdo for apeclai tdo* / 0 £ ■'•flcUnt f or M»e dlaoutalon of Boodl,—a iiuoe* JtSw°f Uu,.o.Uuc*.-or for otter V«d» fflff-ja’?""." l .. wni«n .iionu b. pOou f 4 not only the oou «StL# M"»* of Uio aupey, but gi». Qfnpi»»iiT.. Z 1; dlacorering future chaugee. i'he aa?tiSL?i V. e of 111. rt»« an. •«f “ J 1 ra.»mmv>a Uul >ho «».»■»*» ; buttho engraving of Mmffe'itogl ®*'*ll“.l>tl' i»n»l ilia iopoffrn atlas will Locomph ted before Mm and of tfm current TMr, an well nai Mm text «,f th!* tmj>orlant Work, ~ P«plo p at!onM bikl survey* v/eet of Ibe HiOtu inendhn. under Mm War Heparlnimi, hive hwi *n ~r (l, fm e my 1n»l roj.orf. At tn» U;»lu wing uf tbs meal year, tlm main diviil-n» r , f lj]o Bltr , l«nvlu« t'uohilo. Cot., for Hold" of cmlotia la Houlhnru mid southwestern (Jobirad'i. Northwrttarn Kaw and .Suiili -1?m rn .. Ar * Zo,, "» where connections v »n* made with the work rt f former years, At ilia loriiimatlon In Nuvamber and XJ*coml«u - , 137*, hL. i(sa ' m|,B . work in Mima lundlllje, tha parties arera dlthandod at I’liablo, and a portion of tboaailiunia wero engaged In tula nlty lu pr.mj.-l.ur tiiMnapi and ntlicr reanlta of Mm ntrv.-y tnr ' ti ll *. . 1,, a Sob-work of tho tnsonl WMion w.m Ul* *H<;d Into two main a'cUoni, <vit;» (he inf.-nliun of MirieylDji tracts In Mobr-ado and M-hfornla • and an •JlHiicr with a *|*.Ul party was detailed l,j nmko a pre liminary survey, wit It u view to a cumr bto examination an to Mm fo.mbimy of diverting the w»ler« of the Ulvor Colorado for the purpcaea of Irrl- Ralmn ; and It In hoped that a report, imrumpanh'd by futitnatca of the coal, will ho m-nlved from Mm ontem In chaigj of tuo party In lime to ho trail* nitlcd l iCjottrom al the coming send ill. Two of tho six qiurto volume* of the reports of Mm mirvey which v. autbomnd by CoiiKreaauro In the bauds of tlio jrinter, and tin? otbern are In tm ad. vi. slate of prcpaiallon. Tbo publication of tho topographical ami «e<.hifflia»l «u lasaliecm Is procreating eatinrirtonir. The tnalti ohjonla of Mila eurrry are the j reparation ami dl.ajiiiliullon of reliable detailed lupogr lyb.caj map* of tbo Intcilor of 1110 country, and report* en to ttm iMouiros of iho regions surveyed, For Mm latter rur poie, competent ■i-luutjeia In too sp-dalllecuf geology,, pileouiol'.ffy, neology. and botany, ac company the emroyluff parti, t, with Utilo inemsoof expem-olu coinoatUou with tlio amount of Informa- Mon gained by thorn. Tim tojvofffapiil al map*, whl h farm an hu|>ortant resuit of till* mttvey, furnish In formation useful (0 tho military nortlco and to other branches of tho Onvcfunient, and especially | 0 tj 1H Immigrants who are rapldiy seltllng tlio gr-it Talh-va wc»t of tbo MUshslppl • and Iho upproprntlon asked tor ha continuance is recommended. TUB lI3TIMVTKS OR TUB UIIGP OR IS'fHNmH 3FJ •admitted OBjiaratoly, un prevented by (bat officer, Fortification, and olher work* of defcu? r ...s 3.011.000 1 uhlb bulldluga uud grounds and Waibina too Auuodu-t * Survvya itiVoo litiffltiecr depot at WibelV Polul, N. V * ” sn'oiio Oilioo :u itoo liupruvcamul of rivorauud harbors... *!**.* H.rjjbiuj TotAl *..1 3 i cVe “l years past I have called atu utlou to tho ‘* u^,lcrcaao 1“ ll»o annual appropriation AUUISO ANI> ligoipriNO TUB IIIMTIA. Tlio Annual appropriation of f.uO.uuu hjr (undo In lUIH, Wlipii tbo population wta aixiul At uio iri-ioal time, with a iiopuidtlon of over M.uUi'.Oju. tbe amount appropriated Is* aim Uiomne; mxt it la jtnjh,t«l!.lK fur (bio iiejurimcut to moot ail the tie* mwja« tii'.oa It uy tlio rtutcs and Territories, li it le tbe Inanition imd dealre of Coagrasi, an cxpmied la liie act of law, to urovido ‘•arms utid military aiulpmeuln fur tlio wliofo body of tbo mullla nf tuo Hulled bUlea," ilieti tim necei. uary ought bo KUpphad by Ui«aly luoronniiu ilio ntmunt appropriation. Tbo last o.tlcbl report «lro« (Jo aggregato liimigth of tlio militia of tbe bolted Ml.iteH: Urgiulznd, td.m; unorganized, a. 701.. !;77; and tboiv luittio doubt, were “arms am) mll.tiry eriuiimietiia" mufo frociy supplied, tuo or gnal/jd force would lie largely augmented. Tbe hope la eucerbntiod tbat Hit* may rerelvo tao nlloulion «f tbe proper luminUito of Congrcm, mid tbat farther Jr-’u Uuoii tuny be bad ut 1m next uo**iuu lu"Atiacl ruling ap. proprlatioita fur sundry dvil expenses 01 tbo Govern ment for tlio fltail >v.rending June 3n, ls7J. und for oib'.T p trpoaea,* provided fir an examination Into tbe couilmoa of tuo United biatos AIIKRNALB BAHT UP TUB UISAtHAIPPI lUVCIt, wl h a WbW of ascertaining how many could 1,0 to. without Interfering with mo ue Msiit.:s of ihoinllllary Btttlco, together with uu estimate of iho amount that cuuiil oo realized irom their auto should It ho directed by Cuugrc«i«. Tuo ii-urd appointed under Ibis iiw recommends the itumcd at i sale of Hkvsvlllu Afscmil, Maryland, ne heiug badly located, ami uf Imtulkluut capacity fur blunge to'y the expenditures necessary to Vcop it iu rqialr. 'rite Detroit Arsenal haring (wen turned over-to tbo Interior Department for tale, and the Columbus Arsenal transferred to tuo general recruiting service for depot pur- P®*®*» ‘i 1 * retention «f ati tbo remaining arsenals east ofibo Mlaalaslp) i River Is recommended wt essential for tbo necessities and proper service of the Ordnance Deportment, unless tbo plan of concemratlau proposed oy the hoard on Arsenals iu I*7l 1h carried out. Tuo pun consists In the establishment of a Grand Arsenal uf Construction iu the riduiiy of New Yoiii City re laloing tbe Hpriuglleld Armory and the Franlt’iord Arncuat as adjuncts tor luamifaoluiing i urpos-H • ro (.liningalso the Indianapolis Aroetml. Indiana 5 konno ,®c 1 Aracual, Aliatiao; Fort Monroe Arsenal, Virginia; and Augusta Arsenal, Georgia, as places for storage ami rejvalr; and aching the Allegheny, Wutcrrdet, Wa tertown, and Washington Antcuula as rapidly an circumstance* will penult,-Urn proceeds of inch saloj to oe djvolcd to tbo purchaso of a site, uu.l tuo predion of shops, storehouses, and other works for lh« Grand Ar.'iemil, 'iba aioonut that can probably ba rualkod irum tbo sale* will bo over f0,000,t-yo, * \ TUB noon ISLAND arsenal, P r « e n { uucosupl«.tea state, now suppllM all tbo toilltla of moat of the HUlea and Territories drained uy Uio «rcal river and Us tributaries many of the fortresses tuut guard tba couaUhne of Hie uulf of Mei -1 co, end more luau ouehalf of odr array, now scat tered from the MUafMipjtl Jlivcr to the Jtocky Mona* taiuca and beyond. Mum completed and fully oauln ped as n manufacturing umcual, ltd capacity wilt otjual the supplying of all the armies (hat may to or illlo Valley in any war of ujo greatest mngu.tudo. A visit to (bis arauual In !r. c . too f r . * ®' ,v ® Wu B “ opportunity, to aomo ®to satisfy niytclf aa to the manner in which the appropriation nude therefor had been •». pended, ana ua totb* prugrvs* of tha various build. Inga cunuttctad with the eatauliahmout. The location of the arsons U admirable. and aa rapid progress aa pollute bus been made toward the completion of a largo number of the moat nocraaary building*. I wan very m>.cj impressed with tha sutufjctorv manner wltu which the improvements had been conducted • and am certain that, with the Inltlllgoaco and abldty t,lt eu to the work which naa been shown by the former !i‘. d . 1 ) r ®n. u . tc<)^‘ a,u<lla « olQ wwof that arsenal, the muit will bo of groat ueuotlt to the country, und that the magnitude ot the undcrtaklngwlll be fully enualed by the Importance of the retuna to bo accninml died An cadmnlo baa been submitted for the jmtvhaao of a ilte and the erection of a UAOAklS'k FOR TUB STORAGE OF GUNPOWDER. The ou y iwwder-dopot for (he use of theUenorU moot la located at tne Bt. Louis Araetul, Missouri, on the largo Government reservation a fow miles eout!i of Ht. Louta; built ta coo remote from the Atltuilc sea. board to bo of aervlce for onr wants la the Eastern auction of the country. Another depot U absolutely indispensable, to bo located at some convenient point £ ror ? our cttlca and closely-populated neighborhoods, but at a convenient distance from waieMranaportatlon on the Atlantic coast. The entire army has been supplied with mfvt nm.u and oaruimea, calibreand wo have now Ja store » reserve aiionif of these arm* of 2tJ.W». At the eud of the iinSut ?.?^« y#ar ou £ »*“« ««PPlymiy roach a total of 4),00J arms of tho uow model aud calibre.—about uiougb, In case of war, to arm can At#y«cortM. Our leldlera should be arnied weapon that ingenuity and workinsmhlp cau nro duec ; and lu our country, where amice aro lo bo an* prorlacd, inado up on the IneUut by recruits from the **>• Vion, the want of military dJaotpUno and training abould bo aa much na possible compoueatuJ . f . or byth" quality of the weapon tbo soldier felonse Ourogocaala should, tnorefore, be well stocked at all * UrfiQ re ** m ,u l*P‘y of tbo best rifles and During tbo past year tbo AUIIAUBNT or OUU 8&AC018T DBt'BMSB M lo ? ilou 0( tUa and a board of dlsUngutibod ordunnee omeeni baa been In eeealon. endeavorlug to obtain all the date notilhls *fUi the very maugro resources at Its command. Its f** 5, ]*',*• w: * B B ** Dt t 0 Comtrosa by tliu bweldesit In a apodal message, urging " the absolute necessity for inunadlaU proviaiou by Congress for tbs procurement of heavy cannon"; oddiuw that “I’ho fop legislation on (ha armameut of for. tlflcatioua ought no 1 Jugcr bo disregarded, if Cougn'M ln JT c ? J° Pteparo tbo important material without which future wura must luevlUby lean to dls. *■**?• Au appropriation of 873,uuu wan all that Wu /*“»» Congress ; aud the aitcnllou of (but body to this Imjwrunt subject Is urgently recoin mended, and an appropriation of the money estimated for la strongly pressed upon lla consideration TUB UfcfOllT Ofc* TUB OXBBUAL Of TUB AtIMT mera to the recent incursions cf the reservation of Blout into Northern Nebraska, mostly to steal cattle aud home from farma along the Paulite llallroad and north of It; to tbo severe and arduous winter* campaign Against the Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Comanche Indians, on tbo border of (he Staked Plains, which ra* snltcd In their disarmament audaubjcctiou U uuthorl. ty; and totho thieving Incursions of ludluua and Mexicans upon UioexuCaed border of Texas, on the ?t- 8 f if. 1 ® o f ßD . rt “*, * campaign ogslust the prods* toiy Indiana laat referred (uls uow being vhioroirslr proawuud. It Is believed that the particular bauds US*™ 11 w j*® m nulltary operations aru being conduct -110110I 10 Mexico, and, following their usual cue 4fVw depiedatlug on the aettiamonts of f£I X tTV U *V™> •‘•U’CAted to the edge ox and Into No decisive uguitbaa yet been obtained from these operations. J Ibe report of the Commanding General of the ' . , . . ~I>*I*ARTUESTOr XEXAi t ? nMruln ß (he dlfflcnl. urn dr.n,irls!i“ w «uch exittement on the Lower ceM U aud J wJjih^°J WDl i? wf the most prumiuisitoiu* cefA ana wexitay merchants of that ten of Mexico anptAr to bo regularly engaged In Biting out parties to wtuuder the •iQ.k-rsnokoaVa this ahfo of fferi»i Roporla of murder In open daylloLt of t«v«rjiinS, „f* tidcltlxeui, Including U^llte.'oSS'S‘SC dlers, and other dastardly outrage on toe i>art of three vagrant Mexicans, were made to lla ©fflSou* Commander, who Invitee attention to A* gravjrhar. aclar of the Invasion!, and the Importance of iwomjt and decisive meaaurea on the part of iha for thalr suppression. Many oMhe roi«ru froHhat locality are probably eaoaaUobal in •SuMtor'nßdan believed to have been instigated by p •ouai interests would be subserved more troupe on iho border* of Texas mb an are of undoubted reliablUty, and lueaeurw hav.i been Inalitatod by the I>e})artmont-(>jmmftuaw undo? orders from superior authority, to preserve m* w.**. rily of, andeulorcoa proper ragard fur, the tarriturv of the United Ulates. wrttory Thu Gommaudiug Oeneral of (ho DEPABTBCSX O lf TUB MISSOCnt reports the aoccesifui tenuiuatlou o( the eoanalmi against the Cheyennes. Arapthoes, Klowss. Co. ' nunchee, end other bauds of ludlins la the Soufn- 1 west, Ttt# Cbaywußti. under toctr pilndpal ChUf. rtuue Calf, surrendered themselves as prisoners of war, restoring the captive children wboee parent* bad , Ucb murdand by them. A reamaut of thU baud, comprising lie wont criminals, refused to ra-oouiTl tbo authority of u«rt prtncipAlbhtef, and aUemptod \ fHK. CHICAGO TRII’.LIA'E; ITKSIJAV. DKCE3IBETI 7,187 y. to reach Mm Plmit ronnlry, but w.'rn l;,w c-d-1 and »fi-’f a stubborn re.i.dau. ;. were * ' !| rtilll till* l;r (,( 1,, 1',,., 1,,., 1,,,. 1.-r.. rfNl I'lr M.o .i,. f,.„ i,, ,V , 11aur1.,,, ~t of 11,. .M.-vrirl ... „„ <>e. I'-em r.-'.’wrnnmUfV. ahind-nment of llm Bi.iad Jn»(fi tn his «Irj at'i in mi, v.idrb n-. a. ■ rjf lor 111. tl.-futi.lT. U|. » W ..d',.y k,,„,r,a „ f lroop«, Whlrh «i<-»tly the e»prime of tn<* mill : SSSiSS; .7C ,‘f„ .'^llSiK/ at Mm Jsrffer R .m bo s-rured. ~t l j t;t , i tf . n* loreds committed to their nurxa will ,^ r .r,({ * Tim roiwrt of Mm Mommaii.nii ; Ce-j/r.t|h« jitPAftTMK.vr nt ritr. Pburi' '.fni.ivl™, t™,„|. h .„. m iil'u the of country knoa’ii a* th> •• iba k Hill unlrsa aoniPibinn la dono t„ ni,,„in 1 ofM.tb.n of that Mellon for the mir,e-s. w 1 haro l«e , strongly attracted them by rcj 0r1,., f7I - .7U U. # naM«i # 'u UlH ‘ , Tr «' l «“» rnnVloua from tho i' U v l«U#nco han been °, ''** tmatiMioilwd penutm from iMtfidS^thVni 11 n H I , ' rv ' ui ' ,: ' emhra. luff within itx »!°I , ,hc 5 with oaiy partial ane-CMH, w! ve, v ftrlnrmit rnnsurm ‘T l - I,lirin 2 «IW p-*t year, earnest n» i'*?” 1 ~llMln *° laJ Ice tlm Stout to n. WIS " r, KhHl.i the territory in >iin>. Mon, but without sun e-M. Wlillo Mils f|no.tton re. nivlns iniKiitlleil, tbo Ucinrinmut will um avery «ter- Mon to prev-ent fodinion I vlwjoii \vnlt-> iutrurUrs upon the foaervatlon aud the Indiana o-rupyitiff it. The ropoit of tbo Uominamlmg Oeuerul of the . UEPAIITURNT or AtllffOVA .'.'.Vmil 1 '* 1 ,” 1 ?, ”/ 1,1 lltn «! r " ,r >. —nich 111. r.-.nt lu aiJilllti lu (hat section, and the rooniatiliniH of the Indian D. partintbl for troops to aid fn currylm* hi* 1 effect tbo orders and policy of ItH AaenU, ham brouffht Into motfl irjmlneu o In Uiat Territory than In other jnrts of tho rmmtry. lie rpcaV.a with com mendatiou of Um roo! r.aulta that have born oU Uh.od from tbo woilimpof the Arisons teleffraph-Ilns. which Is being extended from Camps Yerdn and Low’ ell to CamiM Grant, Kan Carlos, and At-uche alirl tlionce Into New hiexloo. He reports that thi lucre w od Bccurlly to the InhahUaniß of Arizona reuilUnir from tho rocent military opcratloni offalnat Mm Indl ttrnlmcneotiraffelsa.nltfpttihm, and the not. jlvti.Vn or Um T<,r,ltor,l,j. 1. n1 „,V lln llm settlers have felt safe to bthiff in stock, which hia iwen rtiMarl-uly atiffmcnled duHi,« tlm Miinnmr Minoru havo felt iecure In their purstilis, and ojn«<u K'VL ,in n y Valni . bl ° »n«ut#,riiMcul* r ly “f cilvo7 n, 'd are now brlna norelotiod lio thiiuff that, With a fsw years of posce and With 1 in! creueod faciUllcs of Iratupormtion, Territory will clovoloji into otto of tlio moet proauctiio of ing tho preoluns nulals, •m«o ) icm _ , oci’AttrjiKNT or xiir coLDunrt. Owing lo the dclermlnttfon of miners to Mm head waters of tlio Htiheon Uiver, allracled hy tho dlscor oiy of gold it, th jt portion of Ai.mka, and to prevent Indlauv, v.ho annually resort Uiein, Tort Wianulo was P rewnt anomalous toa.litiouof tho Territory of Alaikj, which, under ro *l ccl without Mm Jurisdiction of tho courts of law. Ibo Uoveromam— a milllarv mUcce acting as Indian Ageut—is Imltcr than uuno, out Is re lr'jlta,ti“ff t 0 ‘hose who consider Miotn .(•l. . IlQB ; c ""r 1 n L tl1 ? Bnni ° »ntl prlvlfeuos as « Itlzcus of other Tcrrllorio', Jvaco tan Im preserved and wbtloi .»y too armr. hut that nu- lu finestbu by tha United Ktatea ?v U J fn the ,a t 0 «.a Torrltcv ry, Coiiffri'Bs should c.early establish Hut f.ict l.van pruprluto loffl»l,tiun. Tuo Cuininainbnu Ucnerd ro nows « fortnvr rocommondatl-jn that Alaska hs alt.vdi u“ J l i l F ,,jn Toriilo O *■ a county, and brought mdariU civil govorument; and bis fadlJlluj far Jit* «- L.lV f *“,*■ ? t e ?'*rt ~va J >r toat ucU °a “ff such aa to Lire great wolglit to hh opiu'on. * Tho report of tho Com nan ling General of tho IJIVImOJf O lf THE ATLANTIC ca»« allenllou tu tha that bate l>oeti taken to car. r> out the provisions of thn act ofJMarch GO, ItJTO rut ativo to tbe establishment of on the Ishml of Mackinac, rJtohJgaii. Il la probable that oninato tbli Ic«l»htiou. the capacity of tho fort tor troops oalll hare to h« luorutaod. uml auouu-r company of iufiiu:r/n:jt!ouc(l then*. 17 , tXPE»Dim»M AWI> rdTTJMTCS. Tho actual expenditure* of (he War D.<- I).rlu>Bat /or the year ending June 3d, J 8.4, including nver and harbor im Tb« Mino for Uio hdlflucal year, ending' ’ 4 '' l Juno 30,1673, w0re.,,,,, 41,277,373 *>3 Showing a redaction of | j oiy wg.o The eatlmalp* for the military establish- ’ went for the vtimingtiical yOir.endlnc Junoao, Id.’T, ure Vrwn«oi«-(i Tltoie for the current year, ending Jiiue ’ ,u ,J iW, l«7ii, Were 33,4M.t«t).50 Ifelu? bo increase of 3 lKs:u>7.oy The appro priallatui far tbit purjwse for ' tlio current fiscal year were... ;j? 73; 407 rjo Ibe excess of tlio amount of the estimates for tlio 1 r C * y °V ov ? r lho »PP«»priitlon for the cur* rout year arises from UlO tact tbit, m experience hue shown, the appropriations woro not sulllclont to moet the domaudiuf ihoborvlco. When tlio carefullt. prepared estimates of the Department—baaed nnon ctbLbOou tbat haw been r.Jucc.l, b, ,mS °fj^°c lluct i‘u l oaßof lbo Bt -"e“BUiof the Army, u> au almost mathematical materially cut duvm by Congress, grave otnlarruHimonts, auoh bh r *- v ' L ‘ f j} | y faulted from tho large reduction of ILO ! r 7c! OI l" forth! Cecal year ending June fir’ iu*t' i 011- ,* D6 *' B * fl ® r **J occur. For the loet month nHaiiin V«? yeM Vfcj unoxjicaded balance of appro r,l> °f ,l >e Armyvnw only infllclem to gno each othcor and soldier about one-half ©f what tbor wore entitled to for Juno. HW, so that tiiSo remaffi duo upon contract with the Government tho amount necessary to (rive thorn tho remaining one-half u^. 8 raymaater-ariuTul It ta been In ■tructcd lo •übmltfcdeflelencyHiailmato to meet this . Hsd , “limatea submitted not been cut 2°. ,T . n i ? ' erai ml, l!ons by Congress, the appropriations would hate eumoeit to meet all legal demands upon lS‘Sk? a M W ? U H U t Vu Utl ,Jllt mw > Wany. »urplui to be turned Into the ireAsuryut unexpended balances. prepare{lou^of 1 "]!^ 0- m *^ c during the year in the OFFICIAL UGCOBDs OP TITK WAIIOPTIIK BCDCLUOtf. both Ju the I wlcral and Confederate brancnei. in order to facilitate the compilation and hl*turl<'al arrangement of the toporte and correspondence, It wan n O r U Ji-K U l' W,i f" •S print a f«w proul-tiieotu of each document, eo that the services of inure than one person could be made available on this part of the h°r t. : -- ud f? B i >, ! 1 ?. r ‘ ,cr , tbal * wbo “ authentic copies hid b.*cn printed, the danger of loss by aeddont or fire, etc., might bo avoided. 3 81 or A large nuts of material has been collected, copied, and a great portion of it printed, end. as far a* rracllca blN the.printing bu been done from original document*, when the nature of the recoids admit oL without riv by baud. This matter baa not yet otraugsurent aodclasailloettou, owing |b c dlly of selcdlug at the same time papers relating to nontomporary aobjocls. Tbs estimate for «w couantutloa of the work for the next fiscal year is «y virtue of an appropriation of .|2VWO, mule by SmovrnM*b lilßl ,CB#loß ioe Uls purchase of vrbal tv .1 « Un\l>T COLLECTION OP M’Atl-TIEWS, tlio Department baa como Into pojsesaion of a very lawnulnber of negative plates Illustration bam,., fields, fortliloallonv, cimp-tceawa, mlhtaiy tbe topography qt scctione of country over which ninny of our moat Important military operation! were conautteu, and jmoiognii.haot moat of tbo Union and ronuy of (bo Confederate odlcerj of promt* jicnco during tbe late War. For pnrpJaoa of Illustration, (base. of course, are far more accurate (ban any map could l»e made, taken aa tboy were upon lbs apot, very often Immediately before, or aubMquout to, tbeongagenißUts (bo scene of which they picture An tbla valuable pictorial blatory of tbe War la record* ed on glass jilatoa, Uablo to bu utterly destroyed or do fae«t by scctduut, tbe Department has takm measures lor securing permanent benefit to tbe Government from tbo expenditure of tbe money appropriated br Congress, ny uavtug a few proof* struck oil' trow each pint* of Important**, and In Uiat w«y producing a auf llcluut number of copies of tb&ui pictures toaecure Uieae views front destruction by any ordinary accl dant. Tbe attention of Oougreaa fs invited to thocon •iucratlun of tbo question wbutber It would not bo em inently nroper to provide for eu edition of tbeionkU urea to tUnatnto tbe blatory of tbe lUUillon, (be pren mnu| lOU Ut wb,cb ** uovr lu brogreu In ibis Depart* Information haa been received from different mUUy l ’ riv, * to nironTANT official nitoonoa, principally of tbe tats Confvdsnitv Government. vblcb they are willing to dispose of for a consideration, but forthepur JissocfwLleh there are no funds nv»uaMa at tbe disj>o*»l of this Department. Of court* those nieords are properly (bo properly of the Government : but it stems iwjHmt'jle to obtain the information uec ossary to tbelr recovery through tbe Courts, or other wlae than by rmrebar*. Ito doubt Is entertained but that many of these papers couUto daU that would en abla tbo Government lo detect many fraudulent '*• lm *i which could only bo proven to bo ench by (be agsucy of there papers; and Ula recommended that Congress, by appropriate legielallun, place tbU Do- Cartmont In a position to recover mob m property clung to its Ausa As Know Is, (bo*) Confederate PBcorcle are eo Incomplete that llio result of the com pilation will necessarily be very uosstlsfactorr to all con'wruotl, * The ctlimafce of tbe fiupcrtntendcnl of the MaiTAßt AUADBMY, which will be aubmiimd to Congress, have been care fully by myie.f lu tbe Interest of o. on uny.eud makeuedauaud for spproprlatioia beyond tbuio oocaa- I? r i[f .iV 1 ? a military nlxbltsbmeul at Writ Point, save wbat la found to bo necessary for the iaUrusu of tua terries. 1 My annual visit lo tbe Military Academy confirmed previous lini«enlima as to tbe etllcacy of tbo new acadsuilo rjgulaUous and ibe steady Improvement in dlsdid no of lb« (Jorpa of Cadals. U was gratifying lo boar the almost unlvanal comwendatlJn boiloWed upt u the first das* for prufitnanuy in sohnUiaUiu aa well oa lu all those subjeou necessary to tbo education of a soldier. 1 renew tbe rocommondattona made In my feat an nus! report for tbo establishment of a Professorship of Übatorio and Kugilsh Literature. Tbo experience of every year but serves lo oinfirm the eaucdleucy of this measure, and toslrowtbst sooner or later such a Choir will bocouiM of absolute necessity. During the part year, strenuous efiurta bare Ivcu made to bring tbe cotj a up to lu maximum strength • but the targe number of candidates falling to dim tb o examination baa rendered tbla action of the Depart, raeul nugatory. As it Is gooi'rally conceded by those couwssut wl(b the aubjsct that tbe standard of. «x --amlLatlou Is nut too hlgb, It seems evident, from (be large number of failures «ucb y.*sr, tusk eune defect exists lu tbe elmucutiry tustiualou of those ap pointed. TItLOWBTOJns NiTTONiL Pilt». On the 2tiJi of February. U7l. lb* Secretory of War lUe of Ihe United Mate* a r«- oy.Ueut. Uuatam* C. Doaae, bacond Krai- MCie aoceUod V«ii<mtoa* ex£». oluoa of 1870, 1 call attention to this axpediUca and r«'p ,it of f.ieu?. Iloatm tliJ>< dim f.,r t’m > •■ ! til iliiririir t’.n post summer, In e.,r„i,v'7 r:> , V •* ' r:.Jrr»:ii<*»r» of tArmy. I lr .v:) -1 .'7. r !*P r'-' m wh|,-j, „i K r} in .1:;- r »*( irt. wlil.-h letScti J« e i In wnit In 11 ■ V 1.11-i All n L . “ iX .Vuiim.ll I'll If t 0.1 11,.. I •♦.of Mjf’,, is;,'. :.f, r t.,;, .If Mmi*. h 1.0 ha-1 iw.-ii nia-1 .an tilwm pun-i i, v Oner,'.* 'l'it. aliiiir f.i.M i fiji.ri, a« n luMl- l-irU .p |J....iro mii.., f..r 1P... 1»„,,,, I 7' |J ’ 1 'S’" ,r,,n , or , 1 "" T.irti.itl.. of Mon. lf.n 1 Biol PPyonjirio, lylriy .| 1(1 , ltrr , f „ rr i n i". LI tn •llr«ollro loyal. Ilkß ari'l Vi.nit if tl P'.J.r fB Were (ifSl llls-mvi-red bv [u ft /Irp I ' ,0,,,e fcTl ' l "Momptnled him V tT p nlm ''' l fir, p f thin f..ik h Sr. . f;' ,V " r.mitff.l „f ,he of the 1,., trrlor , but U may nn| I* ojt of <y, f , n ' ....... *"V> I, V »'‘'l tifOlPl* Of tills I)*.- Pt Jln ! JIInVT "" I t ,h * uf inolntefor It, d Im, wliat h foir.lf.lo to ».m w,tb the Hr,it. .1 • on at lion I far v,.| vrflri ll,s V.- 1 :;. •I'l.roiirlaloljr „,||,..| •• KMii.lrMknJ." At 1-re Phf 11 tsitlfifit »X| retched e».< epl by p.ilg Slid ilPfsomo (rivet, off from the uauil route • Mil when r*lrCni U |* nv.. Vi* 11 , 1 J M t,wt and when that wm .to.i' nil- « ,».« r, " r °. r 'MmiinJcatloii, It ■ I,'lr A.,'U ”"o “m, ,t "“- u ’“ d ' »' «i>.t/,i,im,,o;io.i. ! 'Wi,oiM r ''^ ,i „ji;7!prio t i"n‘ : H;- Le t A;;,’i? ,Jr M .? '’•■'I 16 ' 1 b» ‘bo public, (he War Department coald, through Hh Engineer Corps, with oomioiuvanil W .T 7 1 !" * Viwara n^omSS r ‘lt m'. 1, * ni 114 rot<3a ,<J »"«Je wtmla U Im* port »ni for iiultiary uacr. , lroioV"!l'’;;'!f‘ oflbn , ,, ”‘ "" r ’l’ i, "y ”0ln B Hr.- ir»>o<l. llo.vtliey ran 1« t* a jiriiMeui lint “•y "»•«« ,l ; •» j. if ..Itborir, wVVi li“ ,n lo 'Vi" 4 . r . 1)e,0r . mpul *° m *^ e a "tirver of thu™ UI,J ~’ *u , 1 ,0n 1 °. ,ie f>r ltt(, ra "'P«nlM of i. r - J P fl " '. ,r Ilftr , l ' ,(J i'*f* t T lhnpiir[.oi»e of prevent* luff *|K,lhlion, whloli will otlicr« i«o fn-iuenlly ornir I hnvo nu douht that the roeuli would b« Ratiafeolorv TIMS IXTKOXATIOXAL EXllinrrio.v. The omrer deeltfiiilcd, In pnrananre of the Pr««I --deni a otclirr of Jnn, VJ, l-7(, („ take ohargeof th- - on trlLiillritt to he made by the War nnptr:ir,ft,l at ILa hilnrnational Ilxl.lbdum rf letfi. 1,.„ lU-riil Jo orein- Ize tue meaua within Uio Drparhncnt of mttkiug a du* pliy of our war.material* i-rpiol lu extent nnd varlotv loanyatainßrcontrllHitlrpi, to liko cxhlhltlon hi lhla or fonlgn coiintnus. 00-opaniljon ou the inrt of the euvpral cr-ntributirg htireme bee aortirrl through the ineolum of otllcera petcctnl by tliclr reapcctlro chlrte, and to whose duties hn hn»n mipors.ldort that of »-lleeti nPf .rranping and a «Pj*lngof the articles and matemh bo dtpij laved, imdrr the dlre.-flon of the onicrr nferred He lotal exis-ntoof n.aklng « f.,JI M ,d Mtl«fßr i ;7L . . b l . <, L« l ‘^ war * m,ll,nftl " hu baretofore been * 20 > * c °u«rei-e, »t llio last session, appropriated only ftJ3.O >0 of this amount, and bur dened (he appropriation wi(h a pro-rata ah-T-of the ?P y bu, , ,t, !P» th *‘ niJfflxt Ihs erected forlhe t C ..°i?i 1n,d, l! on i of ll,e <ot,r ® OOTemment exhibit. Experience has shown that the amount thus 1-ft for the practical exhibit of the War Dup .rtment is made* quaio, ami 1 recommend that Ooagreet eupnJeuient ino ADpropriatioa alre.uly nitdo with a further one K! 1 !, tf> J n ” ko ‘be sum of |J3'ooofor the practical exhibit of the Department. Wm, W, Hci.k.vap, HccreUrjof W»r. KU-KLUX IS OHIO. Tur and t'cntlior*, mnl a Little Pj*« tol-Practlco. Corretpoudtuee CtnrinnaU (Jafttfe,, 0., Doc. I.— Two mouths bro mob law was Inaugurated in Logan Count v by tbe hanging of James Scholl at JJoliefontaine, and now the lirst stop toward llio terrorism of tho Ku-lUux has been taken iu West LiLoity. For many years there has lived (hero a man by the narao of James Owon. Ho has raised a largo family of children, and tbe whole of them, from father down, have boon a reproach to tho neigh borhood. John Owen, a non, has solved a term iu tho Ohio reuiientiarv, and bin brother George is now a fugitive from justice. Petty thieving of every acncnp tion b laid at tiio doors of the memb'ors of tho family; honco it is no wonder thev do not »lacon iu tho affection of their neighbors, iho father is now in the neighborhood of Cd years of ago. For a long time be Las Leon in the habit of sallying forth from hi a homo after nightfall and making himeolf obnoxious hv hie general ‘•cmsscdiicoa." A favorite pastime with him was fol owing ladies on tho oiroeu, and frigutoniog them Ly bin ]/ccultar behavior. lie ha* been detected several times enoakiug about Ibo back windows of residences and peering in for the purpose of seeing ladies preparing for bed. Ouu morning last week ho was discovered sneaking about a bouso in his enstomarr man ner, and was confronted by several gentlemen, to whom ho denied evil purposes. Ho was not believed, however, and tho story of his detec tion becoming generally known, there was aroused an Intense feeling of indigna tion against him, which llnaliy grew to WRa » general expression of the feeling that ho deserved swift and heroic punishment. To thin feeling then may bo attributed the aesembiing together of about forty men at a late hour Saturday night, who ransked themselves and proceeded to Owen's house and called him out, then seized and bound him. and took him lo the common seme distance away, and after stripping him of bin clothing gave him a comnloto suit of lar, which they ornamented profusely with feathers. Tho old man borgod piteously for mere*, and nravod conicaily and zealously to his Maker, but bis torturers would not desist, and threatened to hang him unless he should 101 l what he know of numerous robberies thathavo been commuted Iu the neighborhood. Tho old mau pleaded bis innocence, and declared ho had no knowledge of the robboiiee. Then he nas released, and the mob returned lo bis house to look for hu sou John, with a view to treating him to a m.w suit like his father s. But John is a wary bird, and, smelling tbe battle from afar, be iiuiotly elolo away •• like a tnmf in luo night." But those bravo •• Itcgulatora ” had their blood : JJP- * utl rau *t have more upon ore they dispersed. »o they cast around for another victim. Iho lot fell this time to an iouocont, law-abiding gentle man. by the name of Jacob Dolby, wboao crime was tenting a room for a atloon. Going to lua house, the mob called him out. and producing a paper (the contents of which worn a noromptorv onJerlothesaloon-tenantto vacate tho room within live days), thov commanded him to sign u. Not comprehending the right of a mob to regulate bis business, ilr. Dolby drew a revolver and llrcd into tho crowd, but with no further ef fect tbau to draw to himself tbe lire from a dozen revolvers lu tbe bands of tho mobbers. Guo shot took effect in his thigh, ami brought him to the ground, but fortunately tho wound was not a serious one. This incident seemed to cool off the mobbing party, and Urey dispersed without committing further outrages. How u Wow Zeaittuder Amaomicea (hi Death oK llt» Wile. From TV ITcnarioa, Oei. 3. PIIiMD ! Sibilations 10 you. I herewiih ~nd you information for your pipor. I)o not think -'IV"‘ « ,VI 'V 1 ” 00 ■" Uio ironaiiTO, ho that tbo relations of tbia woman, whoso death 1 record, may aoo it. Sly wife, Boity ilbimona. uiou on tbo Ith of November. 1874. Great i* roy Borrow at her departing from me. ami her rule*' liven who were living near ua, She was a woman of rank, of tbo Ngaitabu tribe. I did not know and had dot auy warning of the day when abo would depart. But (die did uu a pravioibt day klto me certain loatructloua. Bbe waa not a sickly pencil, (bough she bad bocu afflicted for tbo last hu yean, but God lengthened out bor days. buflko for thatj tbia is my aong for ber ; DricenJ, <ib ton, to (hy cave. While bare I weep my lean. Like atrvaiuH from uluo eyas. Also another song: Slug, oh alog tbo Bong To tbo beloved. Oh wbero la tbo fluit that 1 may cut mycelf f Friend, do not bo weary of mv words, but give them a place in your paper, and I will aend more none io tbe days to come. _ HiIUOXA TUaNQA. IToumKA. Seiittmlier, 1873. __ _ HOUSEHOLD GOODS. IN FINK PAHIvOH HUITm-WIC WANT »,a l’h C i' > i?.« t jln? I,c, ! ,b " t ,re *“ nt *lOOlOl biri-irtvia, ami are (taeretura willing to accept vary auall prcllta u> enact cjmckaalo.: tkioßoorta aro of beat «|ua^)i/• “l in lam? &fcga« ,irieo M* ia»rlila-tonlublo, ||o; W 4 o 7 .tVndlMa*.l. #kur * o,k,u *' m * cti:w '' P«*» «<*. So. pou ■ SALK^HKAPr-nrrAiCKirTrbwT*; - *! A nlMimdlng coal-atom lor parlor at iSOCenirv av. __TO EXCHANGE. Ullll KXUIUKuk-rV« C) LOTS AT WASlfimifuN A litfigUta. ni lacuu.lm.iirc, for luii'tou. Jurn.turv. awl ‘•£U. or coal and Ktvcorl.i. Addroaa D fViTl'bSo IVWMD-WBSWIAMrB OAHU AND OUTui .Vi 1#,, “ ,UI **"»•»•«■ Worth about gl.OiO; location U r * c *‘ ko * tuuuun * AtUtaa* \V ANTKO—A STOCK OF lUiODd SUITABLE I'OK payo. I. I.OWIPI A bON. ItulJaarboro-at.. Hooni9, INSTRUCTION. I NSrUUCITON IN ALI. THK UHAKOIfkISTAIIioit 1 at IWa Boa I ana Oollw,* m ? „ltoLu Jo U b ,>'h» will keep iba aciioobruotu la order. ** \V ANUULM'LUMKS roLEAKN > » tolegrayblne, tulUoa to be pabTout of lala>y 2ltw ootatr * m> _ P£IiSONAI*. l > “l"“EVVrt“ u iV.S. v,i '“* TU,i ri - MW - CITY REAL ESTATE. f.'OV f!J.M ill' A 111- 'lDl'M.'ll UN V'JUTH ' 0 s'-ll • .m..rVM.«i». ,U .V a .lvir.,n, »to p .M-in-jn. i;iii 4t*;r» 'h’i w***••. 1 ' 1 1,1,1 , ' ll * P^'^? A, « *’ JSAC; K‘I- *' ; l'-PAIiF, f/> li ft*; uirna.' .1 n7k(D ' Mujw’a r < :u./,n l r„ h l^*1 ri I f J‘KUA.ST itn.* *- n*«r Prick linu-m. »rrj c;i"iii Wjtil l lik'i sjvssrar. “ " «'«’• ji’ui: s«i.r -iii;iir i nch a.mi ti”m-;i:';h itioi-: «• *«»«• li’lJl! .‘i.ii i: I'll;:'vri.iss r-mTAUf: ANli fpvii Ict.'.f en.iio l riper y, chc.p. In-piio at hnu.|.. K"wuh A rtw«-iiV ,{/ '? l? “AN(;i ; .TWotjoooni units iT.i,i7‘l. »> b «■ r-, -r Twr-ntr ninth and toU,,,r F°ii Vmr-iliV 1 V N A AV - ~ Nr:Ari “fWKNTlfiTif *Vh.r7r;,.,f.r,v>r fk* r; , i‘ t: ~u| * o;| al * •* p«rt, an -i MIN Wt.hlr KVm-fJ? A,A , ‘- SCBCRBA.V REAL ESTATE. 17011 RALR-fTuo W f r.l,' ii'r'v 'a ft pa i’Tl’Tr 1 nr II •tl»«f«ltia*e;sUd’wn aodttAtn^RiTuntdMhl 1 . one hlritic from railroad. Tn‘» i> thV U.‘ bur tor le»* lhan I’fotnrtr »i..,wn f- ~ rV..’ lIUMWN.iuUnalk-a;.. It'.'iM r n r '"- r “A nvjn SAI.E-0;; ‘k\.sv rkKMS.Tiii To urvr I. «rr lo>», neat and *nbittntiaidwrlhn*a in |{a«r‘tit wood and Hummerdale: Uko « airr ■ clc-i ■ UrTY., i (re(joenttralnt, K. tJKKUit, aoi«di*m.ft. 1 H»th“nkav. STATION AT JtOIITU COUNTJIY REA.L KST A T 7:. ' FOR sai.b f(rrs7).?it av’i-sta-i r-Ki'A'-urs oV J wood land lo KerrMn Uotinfr, .Mich., with »'r« n. Ihrcosh centre; 7 mllot Horn Now 1J U ;UI„ an rl -J K”i!!:'<i , 'Aii!l' m 1 1..^.l h ;o';i, l, iii,^ 1 ’ 1 ’ 1 ' <• *• "■ B.EAI, ESTATE WANTED. Tsc-s: _TO RENT-HOUSES. ei,«kA'.B- so.'011;/IHi™,;<•“ "Old on ic.oniklo lortn,. Tnln I. . 11m..-I,V nMjv'.-l U “‘““ ‘ “• "• "‘O* ’ fd.lJowilun n>o BiiOT.-roBM»HM> iiimnn; ii'ißsiiH'rir T°! lI .S. T r'!'l” ,SES ALU 1-.IUTH OFTllircfrV. ® , 7andhaaenin ta, s.ll a, Vi> t,er nofitn- a McCj lUM H,K, Itoum* I and J Ketper niook. T‘i«l l^, .TrL 1 . , l ,W !fS“W! MJK - 00 MD' t.OCATIoTT •, w.’tt I.7'v/. 1:. DA ea '' TO RENT - -ROOMS. T 9 '‘r.NT-mVf n!6oß'6i~iioL'sK~i^i' ; nv WKU '!^, n - vlsnrD waßMiui Kbovn 'ro RKMT-6 UOOMS, WATKR IK kitcfun ?m- Wr.l Wtu«. «lu; a* 1M T°rN F L ,VT r‘?°, AKn~iiPri A‘Kn6T,; Iskau n *£ ,, J r furnuhed rooms cheap, warm bnilflln#. TO Kr.XT--iiANn'i6Mi:i.v FuitNisinoTKiioNT ( I ,Qrfctlnn *n thocltr: U ret anrt ererythmo IncludeJ l<.r luoutli, ml l«l South CUiku,. lUmui if! TO UEXt—KDRNISHKD ROOM AT RKVkoNART i' 2V! Ifot MJa*joa-»n lU t “ rtl * s * Ju< l ulfo ot »*• KVAN, T°k2,fii^rlV I V'^ni OP L n,)OMS FOU HOUSn. TOBKST-s iorEv forsishfSTßßiMK witil OFFICES. So Stores. T o h. ,I .PT' 1 ; nis *»yiLDW<J NO. *1 AND (2 WA X Dun-tv,, Mil, I. Rand'dnh sort tri.Kinv ton-stt. OKOROK .V. lUndo.p *•«!.) Office** T° TIP.NT—RTORR IN MtiXDRL IJI.OrK. IV. itA ”«V/u^fcn t 0r ‘ ltoom 1( ,a; v »« or A A.-TO IA)AK-MONKV ON CHICAGO PROP /V er»y for a term of years at fdlowjnc rai’s oim«H, P ,l°8 e o,r a c-n® ,< ppop " tyla «t 410, WO and op°."S!;.Vl“™2S“ p! ” p,rt '' ‘" m ‘"< tl.MOand baiall sums and on imimpmwl it 10 p-r e»nt J. 1). HARVEY, o- ~ . , Mnrtfatrr Loan*, MWaabington-it, corner Heacb.irn. made on diamonds, watoh'kk. e,c ■• LADMIKK.S’ private otCoe, im lUnilnlpli-it.i ajar Clark. Ilatablltbed N>4. A MOKTOXciKsIocaT. ffilCSV 1 ! ISAAU BOUGHT AND HOLU." V/ Mona/ to luaa oa improved real evtx'e at “. '»7 ami u«w*' KOaK TKN nKORKr uMNniUSKS “ uau>Mu > Af °^< E ' ' ro . loan-on niAMONirsTTvifcMiErt" i» « raichlnf*. and utLrr collatorali Prlrato loan olflca. IzS Clark-itV. RwnV. MS.nSL i TO L °^ AN , AT 8 PKU CKNT INTKRBST A ® 0 k 5? si •' Mss Af 0 !?jlA T I J . T I jOA t> N IW ANY HUM AT TH K IMUVATB nArm ??» ft ; 8 1 f l , tmond * “n-liaala* and loan Co., lloomi I Howe ItulliUng. corner htatn am) Jackion its. Money' to loan in KU^'i\T7^nT*rcifv nsalfitaia. J. HKNKY KOIF.U Reaper lilock. Y r r°j^A K . in ” auM;i ° f 9s,mo at 'Tf 1 MUU »*cunlr, Improved preferred, M® sjmtfs:r_ VV A ;*iT ED “IT C) BO it ROW- fJ o, OTO ON GOOD CHAT nna Si.’fA* 1 Jtl . r tlniw til a abate amount, for “JlffilffilaTritaS iS£ MW TO tirKVßiua; ’• MA - - ?. •t,°OJ TO LOAN ON CITY Oil SWMhtaJtooal. pruper,r ' *UKK»itt A BOND, &2 OO'O^iS^^W l,ol * AT tUiIUESf $25,600 tßSt&on-?!?' ’ • K,i ‘ Uol ' l ' 1 HORSES AND CARRIAGES. SALKS C'l’ HOILSIW. CARniAOKSi* /V ami barnaaaerenr Ttwdar, Thura-la?, and Satunjar mmuoac a«ac 10 a. m.. at WtlsTO.N * CO.'b Auoif™ Not. IWaml m‘ lU.e «^c k oo a“ir" n«r AO ‘ Cla “ m# Bh,o ‘ l to •« hu ™ A T a r ' l fi« 5 .W n ' VESr ® ,l!? TATTKIWALLS. 1. 3. *V'‘ •• “d • Monnw-at., c.mar Mleuijrati-av., bonc«. VOKBALR-ON ACCOUNT OF THH DfiATlt - OF oa# l 4, t »«*noifat»y lUmbleumlfui horae. trntwd laat Maaon, when S rear* old, also Vn«M r V!5?* ur hn»il» linrae, can tn>t bailor wiiisv};' 1 Aw ’' *■ ,h ' •>"» ■* UURHAI.K-MUI.f.R-ONK KPAtf'iIFMUI.EB VIIUV L «iySi& wStteririiT \\r A NTKD -A GKOCKIfS IIEUVKU? KITT }j__ gbaap tor caah. Call with it at No. <U North WelUn! PARTNERS WANTED. Pahtncb^aotbo.^ I. carriage laolori, null torn* capital, ui locn-aao id already wall-paring lm«la*aa: one >iii(ser*laa<linß tbo bumiutt pjaUmni. Addra** FAurOUV. IflLauu office! IJAUTWKR WANTF.n-WITH «&0U fU*Hl'Puv~l J. BMd tniiidM* woman In an old eatabluhed big pARTNKKWAMrf;t)-wiTtf rs'.ooo TO UMroTU “• l*laca “I retiring partiiar In ao old hoeaa rlUnii Jiff 0 "!* r* rt / *l** ni ‘ in ®> can mako a proli* ablo inrMlnmat. AdJtetaFto, TnbuueulUco. V OAIM’NKU WASIIiU-jlMl TO I'J.UU, UH~iIAN A on ultfjr «< ht low hundred dollar* in loan on iixid No. h, MuttiClark-at., turtwodaya. WUi 1 3 V r wANI Kf I -1» Alt T V W^ira~»7:wrTOtio^ •***• wl*bliig Ui iHigaiia eltliur actively «r aa turrial partwr, cao arrange wl»n a good bo«»o 0i1..,,* standing audg.wd trade. ifariy li.itnlug cm draw Til* ..n n i l I'C U)i'‘ rUI “ en,Ua ' Add,oM A - iCOUiiUb, ki I FOR _ SALt, X FnnU A lopo knitting machine*. ia perfect order, tnat lute not kran uioi but law muniDa wnior. u. •l b* ll eil *L Acbliaai (IRAIIA if A CO.,'Hockljtd.° ll| f pO}i HALK-1 INDIAN KIGUHK, I UKHK.IHAHS. A burner store, shelving, otc. ajj Blue Utawl-ar. l^. , » l w.fL , * K « A L V ,r °/' FAI'KUIIIIAIIhS Mill A jUIoo* nUn * ottlo « , «be*P lor oatb. Addrom P r,Tribune fe^jia" Bll ifavt&ifsi urn sewing machines. I.'OR SALB-bEVi.'UAL I.ATK IMIMtOVICD SIN. J ««. Hawe. HUlooa A tiibba, Wbor lar A WUaou. Ormor A baker, WUa»u. aud M mactiluea at la*i than biUfeuat. Prliateluaegfeol, likiiam-ai., UoomS, QWOKUOFUCKOF A. J. iISUiIiKRT. Ha WEST kJ Uadlaoa-at,-Alaeblaa« a id uu m..uthl* pannoiiU' maeuloaeaaouauged, rvpaind, andreoted. ’ 'm'^“ ¥^Mas^sls£ at. bond for daicilptiro cireuUr. » •*« oaei#- WANTED— MALE HELP. TiT...-rS. 0n,13t *" nnr ". C, ''rtn. Etc. h"S«SS. SSUS \V rI'JJ i vi"r* r ' 1 ,;v 1 f! ‘'“H K KiiPMMVHri '-w'*- te:; W A ••oi.xv-tt iV'ANTTD-TrmF.E garim:ntkrs vou uoroii A, ' t ' ,r “ l <, ' u,)(lf 7 or»n.«r Kimlo andfti. AT ,u « i W A v * i:l> A ' ;<,<J,, TA 11,011 AT C.V.WKhT LAKK. \\* A VM-;iUu V ' 'L ! :, ’ ! j!' , '\r ! ' Ur - lt ' , Tf > <!'> TO tjit'lp’l*' n *»•'" •V' * r> ' ■• ** Tutlno fro.ii ChlrAff ': mint r.' -.t.; UvoniiilVfr)lrnlV/.;uVr^k A | [ ;.‘l{y.' 11 Mon * “\ A . >*k*t-oi.a:vs walk paktkv bi'ha». A,;py *'■ tli-» Aificrton Ito’Mo. IV.J U’l. , tr Ar^nta. \Y J<A IMIIMI) |,t HIUUiIW ron TIIR W AVTKD- :ro lUUKOAI) I, \ l’.')Jil;US ' Trf7Tr» -'l SS; “ A VOhffijl'S 21 vETt?r". l s"*’ P "”' 1 ••»««",H.XJW. 10) ' ItAII.ROA'Ii ..h iss,i \VA%*mkn fM.t' i,«'Vkj;s and haiC A C'/.!Vm , i '. t '7JJ?" ,nia * r *- A • lIALVOKMi.V , MUeeliAnoon*.. | II ANTHi r ,IMN GTVH TUP, RIGHT MAN A I nil*. t**' monrs '»!»'> hr.arj tr>h»lt> .Vt.- I,iirXruV. . ,'.:.' intMt loan Uv to it. K-k it | Vt*2ioy.'Rok uSus^? W A nJi £, . J rV KN sKI;K IMPiMfOFITAm.K liCI.Sf. I irtr>' Vy '(luiV- "<■■ ," L l *;.'" rif „rjiromn*. urol | ?«S1: wi ty In U mil... Uu K#m \V A .n ]’ , V'' . (: , EN . i ' K, ' : l. AI , I>i«KANOi: will piv e ;ti» c,r * •mA 11»M1 <<u'* V,n *P L Mim.V ? .2 wnt P.f trial to «!«:. Mho ti,«r A ;i l.u.ii' \,.L ’ no»<l not a ;rplr. KAV 4 n>.. ('hioir ~ « I'T.SellV-M. * l ’* UrANT RII-A MAN TO NIU.I. GOODS I.\ TOWN ■ • fo *t r.. nji to li'lid.j*;'i'.nrtir'.t'nzttr roanlry. If MiiUlil.. A«|rlr..« 11,,“ S7i, riHl-OTro. * Vr UnT’.M' . CAN VAHSU,W - AI'FIjY TO lI \W Nti {1 i 1 t <:vi ciTvbi.^'VrihT'Hm \\ » for a’i old M»ubil«n.i bu.lnni* u r»ji.<loor ulo'.. S. Mim ‘ » ; \\ *-simian Scrrlcrj of ff #nry tfuann.’Wir^lhn 1 nU”. Kl"« d ;**w t '" (>'raMn. a n.l ll *” M»V?.° lJuUutjur « B * 15 • UUaSKU* ti r W A 2T*. 0- f .‘' > ; VASSK, f s A.VD'fiTnCKT SALKS. ’J., »•"*«••» *(«" nwU,»» J 1? t ~„t: „.ij hku hfti i.WiVtfM, K.";r.",;,';s'i.' o "‘ n: “ 1 "- u - “• \V A.NTKI)—A , tBI*OT*TKK; < INK \VUO WILL I'TjT ’ i ® ol hl« tljno in mllectlug : irn«t bring* hTkf-ir fßrenCe * App/ * l Fll ° l " «*<:«. 13J ana 181 \\ rA ni PD -\~ QC ? Sr 7 ? Tl C sf ~^^ A 'l-»~vVHCKs' W ANTKD A MVR MAN IN f-fvF.TtV CITY Avn »t town In tho * Drill. Vou «*n », ir Jlln • 'VTUn rs ~Cm>,h * !I'»ok; 1,0 ur rh McMtlor VUnuliiot'fnf (.'.i., I-i Trhuii* Itnildinr. •WAWTI :i>—FEMALE HELP. Domnstir:*. WANTED-ATIItI MICHIOAN-AV., AOOODCIRL *c”«S ™ Id,? w work. (Jom * U Wr IUAXTKU-A U<i lit) KITCUL.N Hldo. t^’r * c<"k.tii,. 3.: Last iaiUana-st., .North WY^ k ¥ii;^ r S^!S«?Eg%IIS ■ waffri if girl ktu ta. AtWrwu. with rcljr»ucf»,L W A^, 1: i^ V ORJCMA.N Oli, SCANDINAVIAN sut-at | %0 d e?Bornl k°««wark. Apply at KJWaJ. ■\V r A.NTKD-\ (iOO!7 CURL FOR fJFNKRM, . * _ h 'i uw^. rk \ ,n „V" ull fatally, at IK W. MadLonit. \V V?T t i l> i7 <imL T,i> 1,0 I’AhTKV COOKING - AT _*l Ilitch HLu«n_oorr«ir Mali* and Klnzl< .«u. WANTKD A YOCT»C LAHY To 'iIiJLIGITT I'n.nt-ii >U *up. ( stalf^ Qd luuuodi*;ely at lu TTrANTKD —AN F.XIP.KItinNnPD PROTRRTANT ' n “P" *<» 'rf i">) cmldrou; Hava*, sj. Call tor oa?d»y af t-»n;a*i t»», i»u Y'-i n * NG ’ JIH . L 13 OR u YttAILS 01.1) II ft'r-’'’**-K.‘fS,?fr."4i-„".S!i l two Wfi. ut \\ fl.guiror.. Juil aor»u raUroaJ track. Junnntir oates. n-ANTED - AT WfIJOJT i KTTTIUnUNrvS n»«aooHWß.rt. 3 firtt-ola.l ihlrt-lrot.era. t'»y cjery w«ek. also a atone. boy to wiirk around Uuudr»! _ _ Homenaosor*’ \\ T ANTED -IIOIISKK EKPPIi—a WEAI/TIIT TTin » 1«.1.°7 fr w , V h . r f* t ‘ n,ld7 ‘ la * H' inpin fino nt/le, wants • iTi,"’ <ultiv«t“o ISiMi to art u funuekscoer, tfa n.ati ffli”k’«"icr iau * r ° ktpi - «>» .*.~...*' m,>lovniea * >Virtmoie». w 1 “ ~rn man and Scandinavian taundrlM, city aad oountrj, at MKo. ULAKt A i*i Miluaukoo.av. Miioeurmoon*. MUSICAL. Aciiancj: to nnv a pia.vol MM.KNDIL* STiHIK OF Mt'' AM) KM;(»ANT PIANo-fORTCS BobhlU at a ncrlilco In Now York U& ‘ Fun CASH. two nusniS'u "mVt a vkn-|’{*?/vI k dolum KMiIMNT Nf.W PIANO U TWO “°«Ssit%U 1 KS l i.V>’ t “ ,, »- T WO IIUXjmK.’AM.SIVrv nuu^KS, An Sfrietlr Firti-Oun* m K»orr Particular, aatl arc fully warrMitrd for rl*« jvare, hA I ISKaCTION Guarantee.), or .MoUut lU’/tindoA MaKII.VS hV^rIAL'HARUAINS. _ mtaTATK-Sr. ’ A FKW FJNk IHJSKWOOD ■iHXNOsT^TuTIK Ji «r»nJ utv, umc! from one to ttirwt maothi “ »• »«•») MlvlCJi’a lemidn of Mmic. w Van Uurou-at. ' /AUICKKKING IMANOS; OllANli, SQUAKK AND rmht'l'.’l-St 15 Le * ll ", th#, * lWl ‘l :•»<*•*»•» lour'd: nioetdur. UEEU-3 ft’9*L A IIANPSOMH HOSjtWOOf) PIANO, i in**®**’! 0- * o \ < ' mrun « agraffe attach. Ji*at*™ r it * l,t ~rtoo' Mi Bil * wlWor 4^! lI MaRTIN'S| S^&aesjTsssSSi. PI A NUN ON TIMK—riHHT-CLASS; PIRUKS VKKY low T™, ; $lO Per month, remainder end of onr “ ki!|s ' s piAsiis f.) UKST-»rPK«SosiiirXxiTcp -L wan!*, with i>r|v|l*irn of imrclm*. I'lin'n or "»» * l wilu * u '* M ’ Prlcu*, si, niiiii.n 4 bO.S, ,>>ni>AXS; HWIIKTEKT guAi.n-v Cl l«u*i. newest atylu n( c»»r; aol«l on iiiuultilr up p,,ft101,,, ‘ KKBD’S Tcmplopf Mu»ic“w V*ii q’oiim.Ni;w "Tn d“Ts ktTTn'imTa \‘rr mNiis! \v a-vtku- o.vk H.:c.)NiMfA>irFuv.rwnji c , , lraprn»»u»But»; at at now, r!i#»r ft»r rath. fl'iSßKLCota'S?■ UJ ' U ‘‘ J - J -*“ Z ' \V AXTKU-A rKW MOHK ruKni’i’lui.nuKN »» wnoctu tint U> (ratal wuh an if*salio»i juvenile wimpany: tutu «fi«n taicnlew can be tua. Addtutt Y», Mibuuo ottice. ' Cl‘)nn WIIX HUV A HUAND NEW AND VERY <?-jUU •Want piano, oUburtti) ttMi, rtoh canine*, full .ocuva*. aerall" auJ o»har lata Improrn. meal*: manulacMir»r*a lin price, *«o. UAUITN'S Mwcul Harealna. Ld surest. BOARDING AND LODGING. Wont Sllln, ~ ir.r.l WEST WAMII\UroN-fiT.-.PIRST.OLAS3 hmri *|.| 4rJ * wlth to |7 por weak; daj Of* 1 ' wi'.ftT lUNDU/.l'll-hT. LBA hTnT *■ roum *' b 1 ’ 41111 ' ti,r Of toutleimn. *4.60 to Sonth Si a*. 7/7 VAN niTUI'N-Hl 1 ., HBAIi STATE _ Hnv V,VA*S‘i , ,^'^ , V~i to J irJ “f“ l »'ocljluruutied , n ili»n» U r iiiJk Ur^T, w l ‘r f ’' ,, '.‘ lll ;>anl for lira winter, td to .iTto.’ b "" J ' * S >">' Tr.=.1. 0 ,.. \V ANI) M WASinNoroN'.sr *s to <S.W ix.r waokj ttanau'ut. *a par day. board wanted, nOAKD-AND UQ<).M'’ru!t ni'Alf I’MAN AND , *."• lb » prUato faiolty ilicra ara oo nthur WssA7.a Wj ““ “* L '"‘' a AGENTS WANTED. A GENTS tV ANT i i i)' It >S KL I.AI 'AT EN T AlffU A eta tnat *IU acll ai *Utit, 10) t >#r euat protit. c*lt ur aeod tooantaaad aiam.if.r taiupluana circular. JaOk •SU.N 4 Ul., jj., ,A, mil <j.' ~nu»c il. DIVORCES. :.f. T\lVOItCliS-I.i:riAIJ.YOUrAISI£U. NOT FIIaTmT XJ olcnily. F<*» *fu<r dtcni. tlorea rwr*' la tbc oouiu fti Cticuo. Addict* Foci-t/35* t/ui -5 I . 1 !E ATIO?Ir > WANTED—MALE. ; ■ iTi l ClorU*. SCO- S as hook i.M'MA' Af M . Bf,f Wl'0l«al« *X>ot ftarl -hr>a »«•. 7SiA iri'r.’K. , ;;rSS , "‘ or ' S'V.'AKi^ r*c«. nr L U , r “°. ™roanUJ«stwi. tb-iroticbl/ compnlitnf. nn.l nJIV ii^ij aocoptablo. Addran k 2'. 4 Vrilluno J>!neo/ mrt wlll »• rHAfro.V WANTKD-A.S A I HUT rr t>r> i•” <hfl AnlorlCtn W. W®uf» ’n«un.«nt| ara jimirr **»l| actinai n ”d , h » n^l\ h i C’MDATION WANTKIJ-MV*A STRADV vrmvn ?' : ' r Pontflr. wllUnt to work af anmiln/ ,IJ * month -tnd branl. Adlrr,. Ka' I>,CnS o ffic"*‘ S I Vi. A T, , ,'! N .' VANTK^r nY A Y«mNo~MAN* wir6 ,h 8 bench wlihanmi AiiUiSttV&SSisi*' “""it*... piv.i.^• Tenmntnr'i. S T,! P-PX, A , fAN 01 Jilio atiMiVaV'tit •?*?!*»i r *n* U< tV *? 6 , 01 t) o ****! would •I'ilrrrl. V ji; (;\nLM't! S 1 f#rttfoUM 11 r * SVJliT.*!?* v, '**T'r.t)-iIY A YOUNG iTH »urr rtl To* r .'Vfn*r IO n“ t>r * famJlr ;• h»TA tii'< Ir. l«n.r ».., j n ’ •'limit t« ilu nnytlilnc c<m>iui Arl-lrr*»'K«l. ? rrlbli J nnr,ne‘;‘ ,u * t ol ruUrollCr * s lT .v^y^t«xf maw *xi ™V sars 7;r,'K' ” Mf?- :"i, ~1 w.rr. Or. , j’| rf> • '. lf "' lll l *rUllna tndo ••cron,) r.«nl il «*'?'.* * jTO * rnmiAoetrl I"I nlinno ua ' l u«at. uad ©lona. WANTEn~P£MAiE S^SiV, 10 -' ’'ast™-"™Sm n rnntATn I'r.i!;."’!I’' 1 ’' < ”“ 1 .Pl'U « S' "if M.., x ffisi>=»v .* iWiilTAeZi itl?l Norm rriTilla <>l S 1 Blrl 1 w'.f.'i’ It Itl IA ’: l.i I'Jm.c call at isi Wp.t C3ro ut ttmorou, CITUATIUN VC A VTKD-UY A VTITsWfAM^Tr Dr-«ta^u h ' " aJ ,rtn - tor iwoVar yi ruATio.% wanifd-in \ gij 7>n ~i - T^ft rv~7« V'TOATIIIN WANI-KU-BV A r KspnifTiuli I'lojoral CiJ WaliAHh av." 0 W < *° J Wth “ or om< tJll UAI ItlN WANTED— Hy a I'ili-'T nr «c'«i O ciiok; |» campotent. Call at TM in<*i,i .vi U^i AS * m«ni diKir. 4at ■* Jl,clJ, buu- icr;^ar , ”'‘ d ir'iii sssr ."VSi’SS- 1 : 1 *" ““ L !5i tUfti.^* 11 “ l ““ b "' ,ul ‘ ■>•••'>'• Pon.o, i;j ilo.h'- SSg£2si| grrTTATiosr jrs™""”rm switr . p , O fajalllgg; gl.iaperday. Ad Jrw»MlVVaha/ii-aV ™ S l^i.iV°, N .^’ANTHD—AS BKA .Msf ItKS.s - 1 n —a WS'SM! 1 '- AMl ‘-« <« •mmJSSJU DRK.SSM akkK*. Tl 7 nViVtr^lt.° 0ln *‘ A<iilro « QITITATION WANTED— n\* A CPU MAN' T\nv * q AN AMERICAN PJ'IU CITtJATIOS WA N'T ICU lIKSPEfTAIU P _ Asoocioik 'pft NTKD n hTAK KMPI.OTMENT i«sAci™*.,*'ite^C'rawJitifii! Snu t 'Uu l i^H»l 1, h ft ‘ ra f I '' • ntpll'Hl t« lute!*, rosut}. «aJ nrivut* haam, «to!T both & arssS «Otl 01CQ»0*i)U. (itrU tcaldtlf •iMiallnna 4- SITUATIONS ISMS® oitiutionk tTANmai-PAUiuinlirw^TSif miscellaneous^ A U. OASH I'AIO Foil »’AST-OFF OLOTHINQanS X UVBIITI.SBIW will) DERIUE TO REACH COUN reader* car) do to In ilia bnt and chuaneaL man. i dpt b» min* oneornj.te *ee(ion« of Kalh^'eoJAt A, K. KKIiSSiSSSSSaSK-. AV-' s T°!*/HiriuNft’TtonimTat* h ,'o he » { price by JONAH A. DRIUI.SMA m» Order* by nail promptly attended to A N L°^ R *«¥«*« TO IfoivfTTuSXPffiv bright orphan bar i month* olil, of «.«'V. 01 080 L * nJdroning Ob, Cf- A i^V 1 ) »« j WNkSTma« WITH *I.OOO OR AS roo‘ L' ruiw . ... HAT.P priori re, s * l,; m “ ,b ‘ UAI(TLN\fsi>j(CULJuRQALNB. «w«.h hei Ijltok M*H > ?ngrMlDk,vfr te«rass Uij»ln> *IJ prlc»icu*r«nwedV U. T. MARTIN. 15t HTATF.ST. TP'ra* tricr paid kor yodii oast ofp S A tuw »J«i A tv °. r L ON . W «i:Ar.aiAUKiiT fix; £f,J? r j N\ l mTiV.i'‘ l, ‘J 01, / l ‘ ,#l, V'i**' \ lh “nt., «tU . J UU * W-lt. Awlgnoo of cD*i(«l mortuajo. W V iTK i , - AN^ ’IMUKDI.ATM INTERVIEW Willi a!-V.WV« o,l «"}'‘*I*l‘M 1 * l ‘ M aad c.u In biaoiiur * n*w lu»i'otn>n-tlr»t-olaa* lb erar* r* “ tf UQU,UjUj ' l»rw«Dn>liU. AddAST?^ W ANTED—* FIUMj~ UnUHkd; WILL MOVK AT » once. Waul iheui I oUkoq Ca:i*l«t. anil AiliUnil-. NVtuhlV^i l -^i. Md Jtt,kr,u * AtJdre *» mali. IHD W A >iSi^'. 00,s 11:13. AND FOUND. FOUND- AN OVKIM'OAT. TUB „baf* miuc So a ID W a tore t A bTHAVFf) AWAY l'HOM~UOill£~?W ,M J i^w?n l l U ’Vl ,ll r. rl, ' nfd •blca face. Thu liberally rewardoJ by rvturulua Iheiaml i« «»»> whet. A. IKS b? r.‘ffw*lvr “pwiaf!." 1). u. FISK 1 uu 's’ m.i/it.ol.nd r.m.lWllS“"i*b »u<r»raJ aiiiall patera Of raiaa only to oiSa? Md i*£j» Tha S '*ALI. DAY MAKE', * ebaraci. k?KASiif« T t* °* u ;’. r b*n» by payln* 01*1* *• *-A4IUS, N0.4u4 liaaa Lriu-ai., J ' A ?, ( . I 0 iVasmsTTu'KloiMirSKriiC' u “ lu - AJJwu bt, Trlbiiu* X poirar, lulok buiMlu)fi. foraala ata baraaio. »oe All ‘ l -\eu.N i tutlu*7. Viu»C Ti> Art A, K. * A. A MONTII. EV CUrka* 11 ' KvJi* a La * * 4lg,m4U Oail at Uo WASTKU-A UtlUl) TU.VVULEU TUlrt VE.ST AI? oi'ijuut whh adtctUior (*«0o) la nianuliciurw ia« a very aalabluardolu. AddtuaaU lw, Trlbuaj vftaa. | U 7 ANTED- A WAN VfUU HAS i KOU *6O TO %m 7L iJujiS;." i* ** h *“ A/U/Ji U 3 and H . £3 and 5J