Newspaper Page Text
WHISKY. Tho President Dropped a Hint to Mr, Ward Yes-' terday. oil (be District-Attorney Replied by Sending on Ills Res ignation by Tel egraph. Vlmt tho Sufferer, His Friends, and Others Think About the Cause of It. ' Seems to Have Happened Dccaaso Hr. Ward Rad Too Many Friends Among tho Whis ky Hen. auk Eastman Denies tko Burner that Ho Is Will ing to Plead Guilty. ’he Report of Babcock’s In dictment Not Yet Verified moans in my power to forco the matter along. X got a Graud Jury as booh oh I could, and when cl>o indictments wen found I tried to hurry them to (rial an well as I could. Tiicro ban hcou no do'ay that 1 could avoid. 1 havu had several consultations In chambers uith Judge litoduetc, and it was found impossible 10 get Judge Hop liinfl horn any sooner than is now arranged. Thro I carao into Court nud made the motion an hnfl been printed, nod tho (Into was cut as tho Jntlgo >lioui.'lit hunt. ]{.—lluvo you any idea who will ho annotated to tho vacancy which vour resignation makes? Mr. IV.—l navo not tho leant idea or sus picion. ■ * Tho first thought that naturally possom-d tho ■ mind of the itnpiiier kfter news was to find if DISTRICT.ATTORNEY WARD. poaiilb'o wlio was ATT(mSKy> TOE CAOIiB OP IT. blags Going Crookedly at Milwaukee —TUc Plicnomcnai Net of Justice. 10 Whales and Sharks Swim Through Its Meshes, While Minnows Flounder, Spteial Duvatch to Tit Chicaoo lYibunt, i7iflniNOTON, D. C., Deo. C.—The reason of apparent delay in tbo prosecution of tbo Icago revenue cases baa been dtio largely to want of confidence in tbo personal freedom District-Attorney Ward from complications of business ebsisetor with wblaliy cstaoHoh* fits more or less involved. Within it . days facts bavo been laid before tbo rsidonc and Secretary of tbo Treas* of snob conclusive character as sad tho President to decide on the removal Ward, which will lake effect as soon as a sue- Bor has been selected. The latter is, per is, a more difficult business than would bo losed. Other persons somewhat promioont olitlcs bavo also been found to bo intorosted tmlaifly In whlskr-making establishments eh have not figured conspicuously in tho dis lures or criminal prosecutions. ia rumors which have for several days been ircalatlon concerning Chicago officials woro •rdsy far.hercd by tho of a por ous letter from Washington, whlcu, wh<>n re 'ed by Jasper D. Ward, found him in full is-blod of the office of Distnct-Atcoruo? for Northern District of Illinois; and which, iq read, pondered, aud ausworod, relegated to private hfo. he letter wa« of the hripf«st, and. written by Cretan*, was signed by E ’wards Piorropout. irney-Qenortl, aud d.itjd D c 3. It looted Jj that t e IVjJdeut was of tho opinion TBS GOOD or TOE SERVICE Id bo advance by Mr. Ward’s resignation, :h would bo acc pted wbon offered. No ox istloa, obargo, accusation, bint, or suspicion advanced in, or to be Inferred from, tbo let and, therefore, the laoa.ty of guessing was sod fall icjpo. • Ward was not lons iu making up bis mind, wdb.n a very short lime after the letter bad i received by him lie bad written out a abort ram, which was to tbo effect that he tender )■ resignation of tbo office bold by him, and 4 tbet the esmo bo accepted by the Frost- - W len this was finished and sent ho to ld a formal note to the Attorney-General, to sot by mail, in which the resigoation w as set i in a shoit, simp, and decisive manner, an came tbo reporters, and for boars they wed each other in and oat of the oilice w sat the District-Attorney. and him they ored win questions until a nervous man d have bceu driven to distraction. Tbo set did not, however, seem to care verv i about It, and took the lafiictiou with groat burner. With bis foot apou tbo desk, and 7 ensconced in a narrow corner, be leauod m bis chair of o.fica and. pleasantly an sd the questions as far os he could, or as u ho oUoao to. Of course a Tribune re r was among tbo others, and, perched upon rrow and unpleasant window-sill, bo pro ded SOME QUESTIONS, ‘Waived the following answers : >ort*i—Had you any reason, Mr. Ward, for cling any such request as boa been prof- • Ward—No intention to that effect was over aUd to me by anybody. -There wss some time ago a report that iottudod to resign to accept another posi >f more pay and less title j was (boro say in that ? W.—Well, that is a hard question to an -5 an offer was made mo which 1 should tblvhaio accepted if matters bad bconoih a than as they wore. 1 had boon for some buiklng the matter over, and 1 bad made mind to got outof this place when I uouid a clear icourd. 1 want to throw up (are of the whisky tiialu, because that • have looked bad, and I proposed to bold til they were settled one way or the other c ltoeksny action. 1 have boon getting * in shape for tbo trials, and POIHO TUB BEST 1 COULD ”• a good showing of tbo documentary ther evidence, and my successor Will find thing all ready to bis hand, and can go in laalty. * 'Can you imagine any reason for thofrost action ? W-—1 know of no reason why I could not performed the duties of the ofiice, both In W«7 oasea aod otherwise. 'What, then, could the action bays been on ? W.—l have no doubt that U waa taken bo * waa known to bavo bad acquaintance frieudablp with some of tho whisky ’no have buen indicted, aa well as some who . * known Frank Eastman for ,6w fl Dave aerved with him iu the Legis > "Dd have aUava beeu more or loss inti with turn, and of oouiso 1 should halo to tor a x.vifß 10 ms tuuoat. *■ another man whom I have known for fine u man aa lives,—aod he, too, is m *; T * , (be Government officers *** might not Do the proper person to try ’***• K Dot been the custom to allow the » it° # y • otu ® bttle latitude in such ~to allow bio to retire from ibo activu aome cases and leave them to bis as- i, l Attorney has beea-eituatod aa I „.?• lo chooae the oases wbtcb watry, and also wbat be would turn over Mandates. It has Leon frequently done. allowed the same privilege ? hmr.? lrdly ' 1 lWuk - Why. when the sua * al • oooaael for tbe whisky cuci «u ■elected to assist me, nemo of them at onco stipulated that they. shouldn't ho obliged to prosecute ccttnin limn, Wirt Dexter, for in stance, said that ho wouldn't Imvo anything to do with ’s oaau, ari l ho was engaged on that un derstanding. H.~ In ijicho dsvs of accusations and run ora you will not bo surprised to loam that you u *ro accused of Laving AN INTF.HttSr IN A DISTILLERY. IPIf,IUMU an A uiri.»m.r.»li Mr. W.—Well, if I was, there is absolutely no truth in tho rumor. 1 never had s particlo of interest In any distillery, or with any Arm on* gaged in tbo whisky buslnons In any way. To bo sure, thnro aro men, as 1 bavo before said, with whom I liavo had clone relations who have beta In tho business. Xboio Is Blmon Powell, fur instance. 1 have been connected with him In a business way for twenty-three yean. I liavo tried cases for him. have given him ad* vice, and have been financially interested with him. Helios indoiscd papor for mo, and I for him, and if he wore to como in and ask for my name on & note, ho would got it. Ihu I NEVER HAD A IlUl.tAtl'H WORTH of interest in I’owoli’a dlstllinrv. ami I nnver ex pect to have. I have never boon interested with him In hU business in any wav. It.—Mr. Dowell's place has novsr been seized, has it? Mr. W.—No. Ho la President of tbo South Branch Distilling Company, and thoro baa never hcon anything against thorn that I know of or have hoard of. They stand well as far as any information of ralno goes. But yon should un derstand that Powell has been in tho whisky business ouiv a short timo. When tho first seizures wero mode ho had been running tho place onlv about seven months. Ho Las always been m other business. ll.—You aro disposed to attribute tho Pres ident's request to tho circumstances named, are you ? Mr. W.—Yes. I prosumo that id tho reason, for there couldn’t very well ho any other. 1 gave them all at Washington to iindotaland those fiiols, howi vcr. when tho troubles commenced. ItoldKlnrr Washburn wbon ho was hero last spring nbi.ut tho whole matter. I wanted him to understand that my blood was red—that I had something beside ice-wnler In my veins— ond tlmt I couldn't feci tho name prosecuting a rnuii I had always known as a frond as if ho wero a stranger. X proximo there was sumo (men idea ns that you speak of in the minds of the officials. 11. Hon thoro neen any cnmt.hint about tho DEI AT IN rnosilCUTlNO THE CA'-ES plnco Um {tHdclmonta \veeo founl, or taofiro ? Mr. W.—Not that I know of. I look over/ Tho critical condition of tho Government busi iiceh at this time, ami the tact tlmt a largo Dum ber of wliiskv CMOB —dome HO—had boon begun under Air. Ward, and must bo prosecuted to nu rod by Homo one, led to tho thought that per haps tno select on might bo made out of the luwvors retained by Uovoiumont to asniet in tbo prosecution of tho said case*, and who wero supposed to bare pome knowledge of them. Tain brought up Mcents. Aver. Donor, end Bout ell, as tho suspicious parties, sndcaliu were made on thorn in Mr. Doiitcll said in answer to questions that ho had not tho slightest knowledge of who tins to hare tho place; had bat just hoard of tho resignation, and know nothing of tbo causes widen led to it. Tbo placo had not toco olfered to him. and ho had not Loon consulted lu wj » w.iy about it. Tuo reporter diow from Mr. BoutoH's conrc-rsa tl. u tho idea that he would accept the place if it wore offered him, and it is quite likely it mav bo, for tho reasons that ho has had the largest ionco of uov lawyer 1» tbo city in revenue and other Untied Btulos law practice, having been for ton years Asalalaut in tho District- Attorney's office under Messrs. Bass. Koitou, Oliver, and Watd. Ho loft the office in April last, at much time Mr. Buiaeuss apooiiuod. li tuo offico be given on (ho principle of deaorte gai.icd by tone erpcneuco ana knowledge, many i erbons think that Mr. Boutell stands a good bbOMlitf. Of course there are a plenty of OTUEB NAMES which have been suggested by tho friends of tho gi-mlomen to whom they oolong. Ben Ayer is regained as an excellent and competent lawyer, but 1; is doubtful whether he vuutd take the placo if it wore ottered him. Q. 0. Campbell, John Hunter, Rolen Lincoln. Mr. Burko, the present As* Want, and a largo uumbi r of others, havo had ilioir naiuM canvassed, hue nouo of have any decided pro oauueaoe over the others. 'Jho question of succession will probably be dec.dea very shortly, as Bmfmd Wtlsuu, Bodcitor cf the Tieasaiy, will omro iu-ra tuis morning, am) it Is piotiy certain that bebosamoug bis effects . A BLANK COMinsSION for the District Attorneyship of this District. Tide uill bo used, if at ail, after a coiihultatioi with Ocn. Wcb»tcr, Collector Jones, aucl a low olheis who possess the confidence of tbo Presi dent. There was a movement much talked of yester day to bring inilueiice to bear to reinstate Mr. johse 0. Glover, toe former occupant, in the office, but it, though much aiprovea by many ol tbo legal fraternity, seemed to lock the concur rence of Mt. Glover himuolf. lUCKEV’S RECOMMENDATION. Lost evening, while Gen. Webster wss con voising in toe rotunda of the Palmer House, he was suddenly a q.rouchod by J. Lyle Dickey, Corpni ntlon Counsel. Ho said, 4> l want to make a nomination, Gen. Webuter. for the office of D.stiict Attorney.” “ALa"said tbo Qenorul, “ whom do vou wish to mention? ” "800 Liu coin,” was Ibo rcpl/. Mr. Dickey thou turned upon bis boel and wont thence. Bo far as known, this is the only promi nent suggestion of this name. When ihe removal hfci-mo goneially known in tbo Government building yesterdav it formed, ofc.uisp, iho chief subject of conversation for the dav, nod the opinions exprcsieJ were very nearly unammoua on the main question—that it was sudden, and curious, and rough on Ward.. but that nobody nowadays OjulU tell what a day watt to Lung forth. Going stout, a reporter called on tbo various official*, among them J. RUSSELL JOKE.-*. Collector of tbo Purt, «bo said bo know some thing of the matter beforehand, but was not at liberty to state just bow much he did know, Distriol-Altornoy Ward bod mtioiatcd bis inten tion to resign some time previous, and bad placed tbo reason for tins contemplated action upon tbo ground that the emoluments of the office wore insufficient, and bo co.iid not afford to rumaiu iu tbo poaitiou. Why no was asked to rea-gn, Mr. Jones was unable to say. Joseph o. glover was sought and asked who Mr Ward’s probable successor would be. 110 replied that several names bud been mentioned in conuocti6ti with the oilice. tbo most prominent among which wore those of Mr. Hunter and Mr. Jkmtell. Any way." said the Judge, “it won’t bo mo, •ml Ibat's nil 1 know positively about it. I don't bay I wouldn’t lake tbo position, but I mean there is no probability that it will be offered me. luuduistaud that Mr. Hunter and Mr. Routed ore tbo prominent parties, but (bis la nut my own opinion. 1 think tbo I’realdent will bo likely to appoint a map of considerable ex perience. I suppose that, aa faraa Mr. Ward la concerned, his going oat wan Involuntary on his part, aa my loaviog was involuntury on my part, and be leaves because be was requested to do bo. Of (bo i artioa I have mentioned among the probable successor# of Mr. Ward, I only know that Ur. Uuuior is a young lawyer of good repu tation, as tu Mr. Routed also. 1 would rather prefer the latter if I bad anything to do about it, aa 1 think bo is probably tbo best fitted, from bis experience in »uch nutters, for tbo ofiice. OBN. WBUSTPR, Collector of tbo Revenue, was called upon for an opinion about tho removal, but bad none to offer. It was clear that ho know beforehand that tbo change was going to be made, but aid not profess sny great anxiety to (ell what ho kuo*. Ho was, he said, iu tho datk about who was to succeed Ur. Waid, aod bad no Idea that any one knew. Daring tbo day, Mr. Ward received a large nmnner of calls from friends sod acquaintances, who converted with bim about tho affair m which ho wan ibe moat interested party, Prominent among Ibo tbiong was Phil Wadsworth, who called .0 condole with tbo gentleman who bad lecuivod the let'or. Otnera came and went, and the ottico was comfoclably full all tbs afternoon until a Jato hour. A tUßOtt*. Among the theories t- r Mr. Ward's compulsory resignation is one which has a shadow ot | robs blliiy based on facia known to have h**ou given to tho UovoiDtoeut by a geutlemau resident m this city. A few days ago Mr. Durtou C. Coik went to Washington ostonilbly to defend tbo in terests of tbs Northwestern Road, of which be .B solicitor, against the claim of (ho UcConoel UJ AulUUiiuS Iti JLkjiJA I , UJi,i> heirs. Dot It is thought hie real mason for go* tog was to pronent to the Treasury D"partuu-nt oertain information which he bad In c.iinti-tion with Ihn whhky business in Chicago. It in nl*o said that Mr. Cook has Doeri for a humour of yea l eon bad terms with Mr. Ward, ami that any iDformrii.n, faotn, or Inferences, which ho may have known of to tho prejudice of Sir. Ward would Lavo been promptly presented l,y him to tho ofilceis of tfio Gomtimout. Mr. Cook'i) return, and tho arrival of tho lot* (er intimating tho willingness to accept Mr. Ward's resignation are connurreht if not eon* nocled. Whether it ho (rue that Mr. Cook did work for and offset Mr. Ward’r. removal cannot now ho known, but It mar ho stated, on (ho an* tborify of » gentleman at ono time connected in business with Mr. Cook, that if he had in bis poscnpuloii any knowledge to tbo projndlce of Mr. Ward It would liavo been promptly pre sented. This view of tho ciho supitosos Mr. Ward’s connection. In some way, with tbo Whin* ky King, but no evidence inis over boon adduced to show that fact. 'Jhe canons fact about tbo removal is that it should liavo como, hko thunder out of a clear oky, whero not only was it not expected, but whoro tho probabilities were that it would not fall. Thorn ban been an expression of GREAT CONPIDENCB on tho patt of tho Government officer* In tho ability and Integrity of Mr. Ward, and only a few mouths ago Uiu Hollcllor of tho Treasury flald to a TmatiNE reporter that tho ofllcor* had every confidence in tho District-Attorney, and no thought of tils removal was cnteitained. Tho inleicoco to bo drawn from that fact is, of course. that somo new dovoluuiuouts liavo caused the Treasury ofikia a to weaken in their tmst. It is safe to sav that it tho removal was made, as appears to have been tho case, because tbo whisky men were not sooner brought io trio', thou tbo consaro should have been discriminat ing enough to havo taken in Judge Bloipett, to whom it in largely duo that tho trials havo not before this boon begun. But the Judge ban an excellent defense to any charges, in tho fact that be baa boon more than busy for several months with Lis regular calendar. CHICAGO NOTES. THE CASE Or COL. CAS WAN. It was stated eomo days ago, on tho authority of a Wasuluglon dispatch, that ono or more of tho reciifieis who wero under indictment in this citv bad shown signs of weakening, and had professed a vrillingno G s to plead gumy on some counts of tbo indictments found rgamat them provided that thn o hors could bo quashed. In quiry was made at the time, but nothing could bo learned at tbo Government offices to corroborate tho truth of tho statcmotit. A later dinpatch from Washington refloated tho assertion, end said that Col. Frank Baal man, a member of tbo firm of Qoluou A Eastman, who was indicted somo timo ago for allotted frauds, and who is ono of tbo individual who for personal roa'ons District-Attorney Ward disliked to prosecute, had mado propositions to tho ojiborilioi to PLEAD OCILTV on one or mom counts, providing a no! pro?, wero ontcrod on thootlieis. Kiuco it was not likely that anything could be learned ftom tbo lanr-ofilcors of tho Government lu the present mixed condition of affairs, a rouortor yesterday called upon Col. Eastman at tho Pacific Hotel for tho purpose of seeing what bo had to say upon the suojo.'t. Cot. East man appeared greatly surprised at tbo informa tion in tbo possession of tbo news-gatherer, and hastened to give AN UNQUALIFIED DENIAL of the statement. Ho had not, ho said, made auv proposition of tbo kind, nor hai auy one op- l pioacuid him on too subject, •■lf.' 1 continued ' tho Colono\ ‘1 should bear anything about tho matter, 1 will lot yon know it at ouce," TUB lIABCOCK OoUUT-UAHTI.U. The telogiarh dispatches announced yester day that Gens. i'hil .Sheridan. A. C. Terry, and W. F. Hancock had bid! appointed us tho court-martial which is to try Orm U. 11. Babcock for alleged complicity in tbo St. Louis Whisky Bing. A reporter visited Geo. Suoiidan soon after bis sppriß.il of (no fact, and ny him was inhumed (bat tho proceeding* would, in ail probability, bo given to tho public oolno. Neither of the members of the court are known to be in favor of keening tho tei-ti raony secret, and so tho people nil! Lave a full insight into tbo (Jcnorui’d case. A prominent Government official is of the opin ion that no testimony mil be lauen. If Gen, Babcock's complicity in tho Rlug is strongly in dlealod, be has'undoubtcdlv been indicted bv a St. Louis Grand Jury, and in thl* cise tho Court of Inquiry Aonld bavo nothing to puts upon ontil after a civil tribunal bad decided tbs case, uud oven then if Babcocit was f.uintl pui ty thov coulun’t hurt him, and if innocent they couldn't vindicate him. ST. LOUIS. THIS DABCOOK WJIICIt-IR-TT. Soteiai Ditvutchto Tht Chicago Tribune, Bt. Loots, Dec. C.—No Indictment has been found against Babcock. A rumor baa been ia circulation daring tbo day that an indictment bad boon found Saturday morning, and a capias fur the arrest of Babcock was now entente for Washington. Careful inquiry shows (bat there is no foundation fortbo report, no chargra being yet preferred. The Grand Jury did no work to-day, baring ad|ournod until to-morrow morning. There ia reliable information to the effect that the Jury bare finished ibelr consid eration of the evidence against Babcock, and that an agioomont baa boon male to vote on tbo question of indictment to-morrow, Immediately after the meeting. Tbo Jury desired to consult District-Attorney Dyer upon some question of law before coming to a vote, and, as tbit official was absent from tbo city and will not return until to morrow, ad journment wsa bad until tbo desired opinion could be had. It may bo considered quho c r tain that if no bill is found to-morrow, Babcock will not bo indicted at all. The tardy action of the jnrv in failing to find an indictment has led many peojilo to behove that lie will escape on tuely. HENDERSON AND DTBB. There has been a good deal of foolish talk currant hero concerning a reputed misunder standing bt-tween ox-Heuator Ho idorson, land ing counsel lor tbo Government, find District- Ailort.ey Dvor, on account of Dyer’s disposition to favor Babcock. Booster Henderson is an tiioiltyfor the siatomout that everything has been harmonious between himself and Col, Dyer, and that he has seen nothing m the con duct of that officer to persuade bun that bo Is paitisl to Babcock, and that, if Babcock is in dicted, bo will bo piobscutod to tbo full extent of the law. A SIDE-SHOW. Judge Treat did nothing to day )n the whisky casts. The case of Bobb, an indicted rectifier, and one of the leading spirit** of what is known as the Curb-titouo Bing, will probablv come op to-morrow. Bnbb was not a member of Ibo Wbisky-Biog proper, but an actor in the side King which was organized by the Hardaways ami other emad-fry. Not having been iu ilia gioat conspiracy, his cose will uot attract much atten tion. no DBivf ncsnms until tub 16tii. Tbo first eases or note which will coma up for trial will be those of Maguire and McKee. Maguire will go to trial first, and the trial will undoubtedly begin ou the Ifith. Home very non developments ate expected. uVall. A letter has been received from John McFall. the indicted Ganger, who suddenly disappeared a few daya ago, staling that ho would return whenever wanted. Hods wanted. MILWAUKEE. orrriNo a juitt. itjxeUl DUvatcK to Tho Vtwcaon Tribunt, MjLwauxtx, Deo. fl.—The entire aosaion of Court to-day waa occupied in selecting a jury for tbo trial of Rurback and lieyuolds, rectifiers, Jointly Indicted with Tatt, tbo ax-Clauger, for conspiracy to defraud the revenue—the India rubber stamn swindle. TUB UOUSEUOLD PDRNItDnS of Louis Ilindskopf, the contumacious witness committed for contempt, was to-dsy sold by tho Iloveuuo Collector upon a warrant issued on an assessment of about $50,0110 agaimt lUnds kopl’s distillery for taxes, the payment of woicb was fraudulently evaded. The property was sold subject to a mortgage of $1,500, and waa bid in by an attorney, doubtless for Kiudjkopf. Louis imiHKty remsios comfortably eoaoonced in a roomycham bor In the jail budding, where he is supposed to be undergoing punishment for bis contempt of court in i erasing to explain the mystery or bis check-stubs, showing payment from toe Whisky lling to the official Ring. It will but slightly tax bla powera of endurance to atand (bat sort of puuiahmoot until tba January term ot the Court closes. AKOIHKB AUBZST. John Seek, a brewer, wu to-day arrested on the charge of refilling boer-ncps on which the stamps had net been doatiovcd. Toft, the convMlod ex-Gauger, and Welmer, liin fellow-atilTem*., in vet at large on hail, and no enjoy full op;mrui oily to run Petorn sentence, Jiint an Moollor, lito other convicted cx-Gauger, dxl. tkb mo viflir still in deep water. The verdict of gudiy against Taft, the ox- Oaugor, and Welmer, tho rectifier, increases the numbor of convictions in the whisky prasecu tlone hero to five, all told, Bat not ono of the organize™, managers, and protectors of the Ring is included among tho five convicts. So-no how—and amidst thedeuse fog of legal subtleties which envelops these proaecuthns, otid in which somn of tho cases would seem liable to bo lost, it is next to impossible to discover bow— no cane has yet been brought to trial which Im periled the concealed powers snd big thieves of tho King. When EUHItI.VE, THE EX-COLLECTOR, was tried, developments were expected that would disclose the true inwardness of tho Ring; but, bin indictment being for the exceedingly mild offense of neglect of official duty, tho case was open to tho easy defense which waa raado, that I'rskmo waa a guilolean Innocent, who had been imposed upon bv wicked subordinated, ami on tluit defense ho was oaeilv acquitted, a brace of his o»n subordinates talcing tbo wiU nesß'ixand anil testifying to his dento ignorance of pretty much everything connected with the management of his own office. This, too, was evidently true onooxb. Whether Kinkino was kept in ofilen because ho was a dis tinguished incapable of tho moat imbecile type, or w lielhnt ho was tolerated upon the sole condi tion that ho should lot tho office bo run exclu tivclv by tbo Ring a appointees, is Immaterial now to inquire, ilia trial iliachiiwd that while Drskino was Collector tho office was run by tho Ring's appointees.—and that was a*.l. The evi dence lu bis case indicated, with irresistible force, that the Ring opciations hero hod boon on altogether to.) oxicna.vo a scale to have been simply tbo work of tho distiller* and of the miserable small-fry Gaugers, Htorekoopers. and deputies in the Collector s olfice. Tho £5.01)0 paid by Louis Kindsko.if m rcapjuno to the fa mous dispatch from Chicago, signed A. A R., and ordering " bushels of nlwat," and to raise which tho wb<sky-Ring generally contrib uted, didn't go to the snif.ll fry. The checks for 6-03 drawn monthly lu of Roveouo-AKnut Ouiiklmg (Carpenter's appointee), ami which on the start were tuai l:cd for tho "ntachor on gli'cc—" Boas did not go to tbo Gaugers, Storekeepers, and other small fry. Neither did tbo monthly payments i f iooo, which will bo traced to Supervisor Murm. go to them. Axid thcso AHHChHiuontuof £7()0 monthly lowed upon a smglo whisky firm, indicating aggregate levitw nt £«,l)00 or £IO.OOO monthly by the Official Ring.—lo whom did thov go ? Dut the EifiUiuo trial developed nothing touch ing tho big thieves of tho Ring. Then followed the conviction of MOELLER. the cx-Oaußor, wboso remnlatcracnt to ofßco afierlils uxpOKUro was duo to Carpenter's m tluunco. It developed notlii ig save that Moeller was a party to fraudii allogetliur on too great a scalo to havo escaped tbo knowledge of bis superiors, and that the profits of tbo steals in which bo was parlict'ps criminia wore far too larpo for him to hnvo been suffered to appropriate tbo lion's share. Moeller was, However, suf fered to remain ot largo after conviction, am) forfeited bm bail instead of appearing for sen tence. Conkling. the Ross of tbc ollicial Ring, hasn't yet been Indicted, hnd it is bHteved lias alertly Hod without waiting tbo action of the Grund Jmy. taft anp wrmr.B comparatively victims. Tuft, the Gaui'or, convicted the other day, Is only ono of tho small-fry, and Y/eimor, the roc- Ufier, convicted at tbo same lime, was probably a mote dummy in whom name a small estab lishment was fur aomo time conducted. Thcso con fictions have given tbo Ring only a smalt ccaro, Tbo really guilty parties ate as yet un pxposod. The conviction, one at a lime, of tbo thieves and smaU-lrv of the Wbtnkv Ring, aua tho iruhositio:i u on them of light pmiihb raont, avails notning toward bringiug tbo really guiUy parties to justice. And tu view of tbo tendency of matters thus fur, tbo interesting QCKSY is. When will tho lodoi Ring. which did the big stealing, be doecod iuto daylight,—when will Louis llindskopf ba actually punished a< would bo any common w.tnotn in contempt, and foiced to unravel tho mysteries of tell-tale ebeok-stuos? S\heo wul Bam R.udakopf, tbo “i'nnco” of lbs Whisky Ring, bo brought to trial? Bam stood very nmr bead ia tbo Ring. and, K protend, nill not u ifTcr alaao. A vast deal moro is uoedod to explode tiro Milwaukee Whisky lling, IntrAhcbod as it is behind Its stolen mill ions and its political influence. These constl luto on enormous obstacle to tiio prcsacutors, ami it remains to bo seen whether they ill bo overcome, nr whether tbo upshot of tho cases here will bo tuo pum-hmout of a few* potty of loudora, white the guilty osca.-e altogether. {TotUt Jut iatid i'rui.l YESTERDAY. Milwaukee. Wib., Dec. 6.—'The case of Beu titcU mid iloyuolds. roolitiers. ami Taft, Gauger, camp no botoro Judge liyot in the United HUtog Circuit Couvt thla aitecuoon on a chargo of con spiracy. The Judge rtrod that Taft abould bavo asouarato A Juiy was iuii anelod as to tlio others, and their case will proceed to trial to morrow. The brewery of Jobo Bock was seized to-day la tills c.iy. Bock vrai examined before Com ratHsioovr Bloodcood on two charges, one of aftitinir fraudulent ttamps to packages contain ing fermented liquors, and tbo other of reusing s'amps on beer to re. Ho wits bold to appear at tbo January form in tbo sum of SI,OOO. POULIO VENDUE. Tlio personal property of Louis Rludskopf, now in Jail for contempt, nos Hold at auction uv the Collector of Internal to-day. It brought 81.073, and was mortgaged forsl.C2l. It watt bought in by ouo of Bimißaorfs counsel. The ualo was tob&tisfyau adi*esemtut made bv tho Commissioner of internal lleveouo of $49,000. HEADQUARTERS. INSUFFICIENT BONDS AT CHICAGO. Special jhimtch to the Chicago Tribune. Washington. D. 0., Doc. C.—A Special Agent is to be sent to Chicago to examine tbe bonds of the distillate who have resumed operation* since tlio whisky raid. It la boliored hero that some of tbo bonds nro Insutholent. ward's successor. Tlio names of Sidney Smith and Burton O. Cook bio both mentioned lata to-nlgbt at pos mblo successors to Jasper D. Ward as United Staton District-Attorney. The only reason that Is publicly Bbsignod hero lor Wam’a removal Is that ho has uot boon as energetic io prosecuting tlio whisky cases as tlio Dopaituiout has desired. His action lias boeu especially contrasted with that of Dyer at St. Lou a. UAUCOOK. Con. Babcock loaves to-morrow night for Chicago toapioar before tbo Court of Inquiry which meets on the 6tu. THE WEATHER. Washington, D. 0., Doc. 7—l a. m.—For (be Upper Lakes, northeast winds and raiu, backlog to colder northwest, with snow and falling, fol lowed by rising, baromeier. LOCAL OBSSnVATtON. omcAQo, Dec. 0. Jtnir, j/furv J’Ar f/u.j Hind. j/faifi( W'thtr, 6:09 a. m..91,03' 4fi| 99;N, E., light . .[Foagy. 11:16 a. w. 99.01! 46 bl Culm .lO oudy, 9xo p. 4 V 70iN. li„ frwb...( ThrVg. 3:63 p. m.lvO.Ml 66j MN. 1* fiesh...i .04 U. rain lt.-Odp.oi.lW.4Ul 43. 99. N. E., fresh...l I.t. rain 10:14 P. ni.UIUT 1 49; 87IN. K., gentle.l .UijCloudy. Minimum thermometer. 41. UKNfthaL OHSEItTATIONS. Cui3*oo. Dec. 0—10:18 p, m. sfateii. //ar.|lW Hind. jttamj WtaihtrT Chicago.... .9.17' 49 .N, E., gontlJ .‘JO.Cloudy, Cheyenne.. 9*.SJ| V. N.W., brisk.( (Fair, Davenport.'99.6 I i< S, E., gcntloj ,44(Ughl rata. Urecken'go.rrU.Ml 1" N, W., ircah.l .OliClear. Denver.. .|9U.UO| 07 N.W., brisk Fair. Duluib .... 99. U) HN. tV., fresh.) .04 Cloudy. Kscanalis... 99 Calm l.g.|Lt, snow, MsnioeUe..iJU.t 9| iloiE., freah.,..(... .jPoggy, Pembina... 99.1*6 ..iCalm ,01 Cloudy, Pika's I’eaklJU.Tfil cI.S, K., brisk.l Olasr. Omaha I'J '.UJi lU|N. W., brisk (Cloudy, La Crosse. iJi.fiOj Hi N.W., gentle .13 Light ruin, Ke0kuk....|99.66| fid N. W., fresh. .....Icioudy. Lo4Vtnw’Ui i 9i.79| 9. N, W., fresh. .19 Cloudy, Ft, Carry.. 9J.9M IN. E., light Fair. Ft. 0iUa0n.!.'9.77| 3i> N,,lrush UijCloudy. THE INDIAN TERRITORY. Okucloee, Ind. Ter., Dec. 4, via Uuskoqib, Dec. o.—Lachar Had-Jo wag duly installed ae principal Chief of the Creek Nation to-day by tbo National Council now iu ee««lou. With Ward Coachman ag Assistant Chief. There will be no material change lu the policy ot the new Ad ministration. Messrs. Pleasant Potter. L. D. .Mclntosh, and David Hodge left for Washing tun as delegates df the Nation. As Uisy ate all i, JLbVO'. gentlemen of culture and education, stcaking English as well an Creek, nud being well Vfr« n d in ConjrreHS'onal legislation, thov will ably rep resent then- people. an they have dono iii the pnxl in tho esuno c&; acity. TAiir,j;oi;jirr, Dec. 4. via Mn«Ko',rr. f. T., Doe. fi.-Tlm Oheruken National Council ad journed to-day after a harmonious setnion. Tho change from tbn Roes to ths Downing patty was pstceablv effected. Col. William Pont). Adair, and I). 11. Rena, worn re-elected an delegate* to Washington, Rnfue Ross and John U. Adair being added to the delegation. They will leavoenorlly to watch for aov unfavorable legislation, and protent against all Territorial bills relating to this Territory. TIII3 CISNTKNNIAU Memorial to Hr IVractUrd (o Cotlgrcws Asking lor *1,500,0110. fipfaal iHtpaleh V) Thr CVurnoo mount. Philadelphia, Deo. fi.— A joint memorial of the United Htales Centennial Commission and Centennial Board of Finance will to-morrow bo presented to Congress, soliciting the aid of that body in continuing the preparations for tho De position and representing tho inability of the Commission to complete the task assisted by tho people alone. After giving a description of tho Centennial grounds and buildings, and a history of tho work upon them up to tho present, together with information as to what is pro* posed to bo dono io tho future, the memorial sets forth tho following financial exhibit : Required to carry the work to tho opening day, £0.721,850} total rohablo stock subscriptions, including Now Jersey, $100.000; Delaware. £10,000: Con necticut, $10,000; Now Hampshire, £IO,OOO, and Wilmington, Del., £O,OOO. Gifts, conces sions, and intercut. £200.000; further conces sion®. £100,000; rcmisyhania op ropriation, £1.000,000; I'bilsdolpbia appropiiitloo, £I,OOO, OuU; total, £5.187.760. After reminding Con gress that tho appropriation for eugr.vvmg aui printing tho stock certificate has been tbo only oiroct pecuniary aid given by tno Government, the memorial concludes as follows; Tbo National Government ImpnaM upon u* Iba honorable duty of conducing this great work r,n»l likewino of procuring the money therefor. Thirty, eight foreign Governments, for themselves anil thr ;r many nrovhu-oe, colonies, sud dependencies, have, lu (he spirit of true comity, tonified lu the moat friend ly term* tbeir purpose to j urtirlpato. It was ju«tly argued that the exlub.lioti tbould, s* fir ■■ po*«lLl>-, be Hupnorlod by lb® people. Hlrngglin# again"! a ro nrnkubly prolonged financial di-primiou, the enter prise baa arrived at a p' lot whence wo can predict for it a vplendld lu heuuty. ap| roprhiti-ue**, and convenience of situation; In tbo number, variety, ex | tcnt.grure, and grandeur of the hulldiu ;e; In I be range of thought and lndu*;lry cxhiMu.d; In thonniverrallly of foreign partlrlpotlon; In the atieod.iuco frr-m all p-ri* of the country,— the exhibition wifi be greater than it* Eromutcrs dared to predict. We point to what rue oen done with a confidence of your approbation. Tao expenditure* bavo been made with economy and care. Not a dollar of debt remain* di* end unpaid, and our eeMmate* never been exccfda-1.—«ln:r«- fore we tiituk our Judgment of future neueeitlo* muy be received wllb trust. It 1* our duty, under the iav,toke'p you advjocd of our progroca. You know tbo condition of buaincea among your constituent*. Our oTorls to rtlco money bare u< rer l>ccn related to t.'ii* day, hut we need not explain why we bate not qi.ite rc iched our aim—the completion of our ta«k through the bid of the people alone, Suln rl|/tlona bar# aUckrned ixcame of a prevalent belief that tbo timo ho* arrived when Congreju may ju*Uy and wlk.ljt unlit} wherefore we pray your honorable body to ap proprj*to to u* fl,iW),lkW with which we can complete perfectly ■ all our f.repnra’louK and open the uxblh'tiuo on (bo appointed ]otb of iliy, li7o. without doht, leaving tbo current cxronies (here after to be paid by the reccl|ta. We ltj only Iho icrvanl* of the Government mrying out Ua or ders in lolobr.alng tho Centennial auuivenary of the National independence, and conducting, in the words of (bo law, “on eihlidtion of lb- ncturul resource* cf tbo country and their development, and of its progress in thorn arts which benefit mankind. In comparison with thcso of older nations." Tbo peculiar occax’ou attract* universal attention. The Lor;* products of ad cation* will l-o hire. American trogm* la art, eclouce, and manufacture*, American resoiir-e* and capjLilltUa, American life, education, and character, and tbo effect thereon of our •oil, climate, and po'lllcai institutions, wifi be tho subject* of study and rc-porj by able men from all quarters. The great raluonf aucb exhlHUon* baa boon proven. Their purpose U the adviniement of (ha rooplo by the mo*t direct methods of didualog useful knowledge. They promote Inlcnutlon d fra ternity nod peace. The celebration and exhibition of Into afford I grand opportunity to renew among our selves tbo bmidsuf brotherhood and patriotism. Per mit ua to refer to (be necessity of early action, to en treat your cvreful (onalJeruttua of a question that *;>. pern to concern closely tbo pride and honor of the country. Tho raomorial is signed br the officers of tbo Commission aod tho Doaid of Finance. A Now Yorker in England propjses to exhibit at tho Centennials faosirmlo of the house m S'ratford-00-Avou in which Hhikspeare was born, it will bs of tbo same sue and mateiial as the original, THE TOLEDO EXCURSIONISTS. Svfftot IHiratck to The Chicago Trttune. Qcinct, ID.. Deo. 6.—The delegation of the Toledo Board of Trade, accompanied by tho officers 01 the Toledo, Wabash A Woitcrn Railroad Company, were la the citv to-day in the inter cmlb of tho To'edo trade. ‘They go fiom hero to St. Louis to-monow. $73,000 A YEAR. Special DitpaUh to The Chisoea TtUxmt. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. C —CoL William B. Maun, assumed to-day the duties of tlio odico of ProtuoDotary, which is worth $76,000 per annum. Tlio True Idea of Life Snsttrnncc- Life Insurance Imta every procla (ire life u capi tal ; u having a definite, absolute value la money,— not to Itself, bat to aozne one elso who depends upon the oonUnuanc* and productiveness of ttiet life for the accomplish mini of certain pemnlary results, which are endangered bv tbe liability that tbo life may pro maturely fall; sgainst this danger U offers indemnity. Tbo Ufa of tbe busbsnd and father produces for hU family, home, food, clothes, education, sud every means of Improvement snd usefulucii; in a word, all they have and are, or can hope to bave or to be, cornea, and Is to cotro, from bis toll and csre. Tbe cost of these things from day to day la tbe money vdoo of hla Ufa to them. Bum up tbe coal of these for all tbe lime bo should live to reach the lie it of existence, and you hare the full value of bis life: the actual money capital It represents to them, that which they would Iceland are daily In danger of losing, by bia death. To Illustrate by figures : a man aged 30 hia to expend for hla family annually f 3.000 ; they will need this sum for an ludeflnlto future period, probably so long ss he rosy live. Ills average after lifetime Is, aay, 35 years, liny should, therefore, bo enabled to receive this annus) income of for that period, at least; tut this income la under con stant hazard of loss by hla death. Now, the present value of this Income, (bat is. the single aum of money which being put at 6 per cent interest will produce (he |3.MJ each year for thirty-livo years, Is |14,0J0 nearly ; this sum (hen Is the cash value of his life to his fami ly ; this is (heir own rightful properly In hla Ufo, which, instead of being secured to them beyond a per adventure, they msy at any moment loao wholly and forever; Ibis sum they must bavo ready to be pro- Tided in the emergency to tiuks (bom whole pecuniari ly for tbe lots of his Ufo, Thin la the average pecun iary equivalent of bis Ufo. This sum life Insurance does so provide. It brings together a multitude of men aged 33, end make* them agree with each other that when ono dies, the survivor* wIU pay to his family the cash value of bia life; which they accomplish, after ascemluiug tbe rate of mortaUly aud assuming a sjfo Mloofju tereat, by paying into the common fund a Hied autn each year ut their lives. The money lose falls, not on the helpless family, but on the working, producing multitude : aud by thus haring constantly provided the value of each life, every family la smo to ro elve that which its he*d would provide If living, in a word, their risk of loss has been assumed by the mul titude, and the cash value of tbo avenge lifetime of the husband aud father U aecurud (o them beyond contingency. And bo lu general terms, no matter In whit partlular personal relation uuo ouyetaudas regard* other*, whether aa hummed, parent, debtor, or otherwise tf »uy one be entitled to reculvo any benefit of hi* pre- Uaeilve energy, hu life represents bo much money oipilslwlth u constant Jixsrduf lots agjinst which life Insursu.-o furnishes ludumnUy. The uiotl any company can do J» to offer this pro tection at Its lowest actual cut* This Ulu uncle otfli-o amt only merit. And this would ba sutUolent to recMuuioud It to all right-thinking men. and would im woro it properly understood. Yot many mum io huve iuaurod with a view to personal profit from “ out deudf/'ami (bare la a widespread error la the poou- Ur mind which needs correction. Two ordinary me of the terra dividend implies a division of Hie proflu arising Irom toe employment of money. This U whit people aro led to expect In 11/o-luauninco, aud the ob ject for which many mainly Insure. It is time tin' word wat discarded, aud a mode of eiprevaiou u»r.t which ahaU convey the truth; what Is called a divi dend La simply the return of surplus, uuuocJed pre mium; the adjustment of the actual t Miie is.uimd coal of insurance. To Hoard sgidnat unforMicu con* UugendM, we charge, at the beginning of tsrh jiur. a premium which wu fully bellevu to I e too hum, and whan the experience of the year has shown just what premium-was actually needed, we roinru the unused balance, whereby the insured hu bad his Insurance at Us coet to the Company, which coat, to (tie imilili.lual, is the sum w« retain. Taste Is no profit to the in sured, but. on the contrary, a consent cost, to r« luce which to the lowest practicaplu point is ihs second lm porUui object of management, security being Aud the error la In aupposlng that these returns of surplus are actual dividends of profits, instead of I*. lag msrely t eductions of cost. Thebrrorhas had Us rise partly tu misconception, and tartly, no doubt. In the desire to avoid the prin cipal obstacle lu the way of lb* acceptance of hfu in* »unrK« upon its true merits, The obstacle I* simply *elf.»hnc»ii. A man Imnrre him««)f against the lose of his own proje.-ty hee.niM It la hi*. hi* capital, hts rifftit, and Hi iu»* f* hi* damage ami dl*tre«a ; acif-ln* I' rr i! i* at tli* ' of the ml, Hut Ufa Insurance (a ussclftfh n-t. It rails upon him to taka of U'« <'*n ;uiijk,«y, ami lay It a»ido twyond his own ron tr' l, t'i part with it now and forever, to protect others ntrilnw* & lr.«« in vrhb li ho has no re-nufary concern ; tr. c into a benefit In which he baa no share. He must sacrifice somettyn* o.’ what ho has earned, which ha like* to handle anil rail his own. The self-interest which prompts him to insure hlms if against money lo»s which he may Incur, Is precisely thMhlng in the »*>• of this unselfish a-* for llm sole benefit «>t other*. And it Is the desire to ova le th e plain fact that his led many to draw attention to the Urge returns of surplus as something produced by tlio employment of ttn* money paid for premium*, and so endeavoring to *-‘t * *ri" 30 ar *f«mcnl for life Insurance addressed to the te.flihnoM of the Insure I ns a {wrsonal profit to him, instead of seeking to bring him up to the level of his plain duty of s,-if.*actjflce. And hero is the urgu« nivnt far life insurance: it i* a nr-rr. llcluhh*. stitn'd voluntarily the and responsibility «,f a family ,• he has made them dep-mlent upon his iifa ; he has compelled them to loot to its ns ills a i their •npital—thHr all. lie has enter'd Into a solanin en. gatfement with them, and with • idoty at Urge, that ha will c«re for them in all their w»nia, atid neither lotto them a burden to tbemtedres nor the world's charily. He is responsible, amt ho alone, for tholr present and future welfare, and It bound by an obllgtllon he can not escape, and for which he must answer, to guard their future, so far ss he can, Just as curcfulyand zealously ss th<|r j resent. Their future is a dally hazard of the loss of his Ufa and what it produces far them. The risk they he.r, not be. He has Imposed it U|Kin them; he >9 bound to protect them against it; tl.i y canrnt do It Ihsoiselvct; ho his made them pow erlens to do so. And thnets but Just one way in wim-h he r«n do it; he must insure his Ufa for their U-Dcfit; ho must provide tbo sul atltiilc, the momy o [uiviiieut far his life in cate it falls ; this does U, ami tmihiog tire does U. It U Un- one iii»i n* whereby b« can fulfill bis üb'icatlons to them wlmli he cannot esc»i e. and ins obligation to society as well. He nmd far'gn hit owimeifisli pleasure and f<Tg<;‘. Ids selfish .n tlncla, to do tiu dependent ones thla eirnplc Justice, for the neglect of winch he cannot an'wer m tliem nor to his own manhood, lie must not place him«c,f m the way of their pr -tictMi. That is d.nple, wanton cruelty to tho«e who are powerless to dtfaud them selvc* against it. He bjs m right, nav, It Is cowardly In him, to leave them to bear the risk of his hfo. He must pay tlie Company to do It for them. This view cle irly understood and a-ceutod, how can men fall to Anally act uj*ui U—to do their simple duty, and for duty a s .ke ; to a e Uui the family, (he unit of society, Ujoiu whoso welfare the whole fabric thfirei nr sutlers together, Is .-trad far. tie wants supplied: that its purposes may I* fulfilled throughout its dnr.U tlnn : that every home may he made to endure while any live to love it, or need Its she t*nng gr » 7 A wise mnn. seeing Hit) te'-emu-of li-iururi'e will to careful to select a Coinpiiny UMla obi t,ud stiona (lut Los been thoroughly te-.fad in ov..rv way, an l r-on. cernlug which there uan bo no j os«ii,iuiv ot m jtaire None but the very Im. I will satisfy him. He cannot sllcrd to try experiments with therl.kof losing both his lumirancu amt his money to weak urn! do.ib*fui rorni units, but will reel: to place ids ir. a company where tbo security lurnlGbed Is a',.»olut.‘ There sra such comj aniee. And among the v.-ry I,'**, •nd, a* tho*o host acipia nted wish its atfalra fully U- L«re, standing foreuus-t, is tno CONNECTICUT Mutual Lire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn. Organized I6)C. Ann* SHUIVtt'i.M Ltibilitfes i|.» r, 1 hxKnoe ratio, 13,4 JAMES GOODWIN’ President JACOB L, CIKEI NE...:...... ......... ...sS JUUN M. TAYLuII Aaaliuut Skcrctsryi STEARNS, DICKINSON A CO., General Apeoi*. ..08. 61 »ud bj cUluagu, 111, BUSINESS NOTICES. Sure Your IDnlr.~-ir yon \VI«h toKnrc your Lilr&cil kwi. it in a strong acd bMltby condimtj, use D.irocil’* C;>-u.iine. Ii wm aiimuute tue roo.aof ine hair, aud ree.oru tbu natural aotiun u,.ou wbl-b ltd BrowUidfj.ei.dß. Twenty ago a aluith. bottle .eared « b*fly « bair In u dt»j/erute uiee, in wblcU all other treatment bad fulled; utid aiiue Uiut catty auc cen tbou.-undß of of, djiidr'in, iobi of balr and IrritaUou of tae teal]) yiulded to tbu earue remedy. HOLIDAY goods. Chas* Gossage Co . Christmas (rifts! Olotli, Silk, and Velvet Cloaks, Emb'd Silk and Fur-Lined Cloaks, Seal Sacqnos and Seta, Carriage and Evening Dresses, Elegant Suits and Shawls, India Camel's Hair Shawls, Brooho and Velvet Beaver Shawls, Heavy Scotch Shawls, Children's Suita and Shawls, Beal and Alaska Sable Muffs and Boas, Evening Silks, Eioh Black Silks, Brocaded Velvets, Fancy Camel's Hair Suit ings, Matelasse Cachmires, Cashmere Eobes and Echo Cashmeres, Poplin, Plaids, Irish Freiro, French Merinos in newest and best shades j Novelties in Eeal Laces, Points Lace Bows| Eeal Lace Scarfs and Ties; Barba Hdkfs., Collarettes, Berthas, Coiffures, and Eeal Loco articles in many now and beautiful designs. Fancy Embroidered, Initial, and Silk Hdkfs. for neok and pocket. Latest Parisian Novelties in Ladies' Neckwear, Opera Gloves, Kid and Fabric Gloves, Driving Gloves, Silk Hosiery and Underwear, Fancy Hosiery of all kinds. Imported Knit Goods, Cardigan Jackets, Mufflers, Nubias, Cans, Hoods, Shawls, Mitts, Gaiters, 40,, &0., of the best French and English manufacture, IVo ask attention to an exceedingly rich display of Fancy Goods, In Brontes, Vienna Gilt, Scotch Wood, Ivory, Pearl, Crystal, Japanese Hovolties, and ex quisite Berlin Embroideries, just opened for the Holiday Trade, which will ho found much “Leas tlmn Usual Prices.” STATE-ST. —WASHINGTON-ST. CHRISTMAS GIFTS WHICH GIVE MOST LASTING I'LEASUHE. FINE ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHIXIsrCS-S. A •unerUfollfcllDn of L'uuravlnge and Elohloge— Proof-Coiiica, Karp and fiinl. o lni| rM*luu»,->*re now for mIo atxi on etlilliltlon si iLo sturo of Messrs. JAN* faES, UcCLUita AC'.. 11: Slid 1 I t Halo-St. IIUIMAN WU.NHEIIUCII. a. E. I'FEIFI’EK, Agl. a Jobn-kU K. Y. CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Now and Choice Stock at half and two-thirds value. GOODSPEED’S. No. 208 Stntwst. PANTALOONS. CASH versus CREDIT. CHICAGO - PANTS WAKEHOUSE, 810 & Ultl WEST AIADJSON-ST. MABEy~&'PRALL, Meronant Tailors, II KUAI LONUON.J Hit CHICAGO PANTS are warranted all wool, w«U alinmk, well trliuuied, ueweet goods, best woikuuuahip, jxu'fect ill, 30.00 JX. Path, CRESS GOODS, WJLS.&Ca Mil Slaiir! DRESS GOODS AT HALF PUKE! Owing* to the depressed state of the market we have been en abled to make an extensive purchase of DRESS GOODS at about half the cost of importa tion, and shall offer them at a very small advance. SPECIAL ATTEITIi Is called to this sale, as it em*. braces lines of very desirable goods, the prices of which can not fail to meet the views of purchasers. ff, A. SIMPSON & GO., SUCCESSORS TO SIMPSON, NORWELL & CO., 79 & 81 State-st. CLOAKS, FURS, &b, Great West EM Dry Goods House. CLOAKS. GREAT SACRIFICE IN CLOAKS. Seal Cloth Cloaks, $4; formerly SB. Black Beaver Cloaks, nicely trim’d, lor $3; worth SO. Black Beaver Cloaks, fringed and braiaod, $8; formerly sl2. Black Boavor Cloaks, long French fronts, $10; formerly sls. Black Bo.ivor Cloaks, French baolc and long fronts, sl2: formerly $lB. 50 Imported Berlin Boavor Cloaks at sls; worth $26. 60 Imported Berlin Beaver Cloaks, long French ironta, elegantly' trimmed, slSend S2O: very cheap. 100 extra tine Imported Cloaks, 826, S2B, and S3O; worth nearly double. A largo lino of Moscow and Castoi Beavor Cloaks, also a full line ol Fur Boavor and Chinchilla OloakSj very cheap. 500 ilubbor Waterproof Cloaks, in Ladles’, Misses’, and sizes, from $2 to $6 each; formei price, $5 to $lO. SHAWLS. 200 Plaid Double Shawls, all wools for $5; worth $7. 200 Plaid Double Shawls at $6.60: worth $8.60. 100 Velvet Shawls, in plain centres, with borders and fancy stripes, at $8; usual price sl2. 60 Waterproof Shawls, something now. at $7.50: a bargain. A large lino of Striped Imitation India Shawls, also Paisley Shawls in single and double, much below former prices. FURS. A very largo line of Ladies’, Misses'; and Children’s Purs, greatly be* low value. Carson, Pirie & Co., MADISON AND PEORIA-STS. IT PAIS TO TRADE ON THE WEST SIDE SEWING MACHINES. BEST HOLIDAY GIFT! THE ISTEJW AUTOMATIC. Ureuteet He«viifo Moclilue Invention of ibeday Gall and Investigate AT UAIESBOOM OF ffillcoi & Gils Scwiiig-Mactis cbmpaoy, OIL TANKA a Wilson & Evenden’S jjLl OIL. TANKS. Kg-aY measuring pump, BjNyigSjSS 47 * 49 Wut Ltk. BU V) 1 obicaoOi Send for Catalogue. MuuftsUnn of UVBNDBira WOOD-OOYBBED OANB, 5