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the interior department. Gecrrfftry Clmndlcr’fl Report Cov« crliitf tlio JjUHt 1-lHCrtl Year. Bales of Public lands, and Operations ia the Patent-Ofiico. Xbo General SHimdon of the Indian Ser vice Regarded ns Enconragtair* freto and Figures Concerning tlio Various Pacino Railways. Geological and Geographical Survey of tho Territories. Secretary Chandler hue Bubmlltcd tho follow ing report of tho operations of tlio Department •f tbo Interior for tho last fiscal year: PUiII.IC I.A.VDS. During tho year ending Juno 30, 1876, publio lauds woro disposed uf os follows: c«ll Micf. Military* warrant location*, Homestead ciitrloH.... Tiinbcf-cnlluro entries Agricultural Uullogn scrip la.-atlous AlVfoviil to HlrttvH on Hwanip Certified to railroads Certified fur agricultural colleges... CiiUflevl fur coßHuon Reboots .... Certified for uulmeltioi Approved to Hlotca for interna] hnprnro tllt'llt*.... Slum liali-brcod-Kcriii Id* ut.ons Clilppowa half-brecii-».Tl]) locations Total 7,071,971.30 A quantity less by 2,159,C0i.0il aero* tLinn that disposed ot tho preceding year. Tho ca«U to crisis wero $1,770,010.27 5 a sura less by $090,- 322,23 than tlmt received tbo previous year. Dur ing the year 20,077,531.19 acres were antvoyod, making. with tlio <|umi|)(y previously surveyed, (J(j0,25;i,091.21 acres, leaving yet to bo surveyed 1,151.171,702.70 acres. Tho quantity ot laud dis posed of unitor iho homefltoad and Umber cul ture lawn nan Ichs by about 1,500,000 acres ttinn that eo disponed of tbo year immediately preced ing. Aside from considerations, however, which aro temporary in their clioraclcr, a steady dimiuu lion of Buch ontricn may hereafter ho expected, prosing out of the fact that the bent lands auh jeet to such entries have, in groat measure, boon already dispensed of. Tlio UomruisHioucr Ap pointed by you, under the act of 2Uth Juno. 1874, to make nod report to thin Department a hat of all Dritlsh subjects who, on the 15th of June, 181(1, nero in tho occupation of land lawfully acquired, within tho limits of tho award of Ills Majesty tho Emperor of (lormnny, to golhor with a description of tho land actually occupied by each person at that date, satisfac torily nerrormtd his duticn. lie repotted tliftt after duo uoiico no UntiHh subject presented any claim under tho nut. You accordingly, on tbo 2d of August lant, issued a proclamation terminat ing the withdrawal made by your previous proc lamation of tbo 4th February, 187:1, aba tho lands aro now open to disposal fea other public lauds. During tho year ending tlio 30th ultimo 21, ISO applications for patents were tiled, ami 14,2.1(1 patents, including reissued and designs, Insuod ; 42 application* for extensions wore made, and Bl patcotn extended; 3,052 caveats woio filed; 2,495 patents wore granted, hut not issued by reason of DOU-pnymoDt of the filial fees ; 051 applied* tious for the registration of trade-marlin were received, and 093 trade-marks wore registered. The number of patents issued during suld year exceeded those of tho preceding year by (585. The total amount received during the year from fees, etc., wan $732,285.87, and tho total expen ditures were $708,874.35, leaving an unexpended Valauco of $28,411.52. I.VmAX AFFAIRS. The general eiluatlon of the Indian service cay bo regarded as encouraging. At tbo Im ronaut Agencies of Hod Cloud and Spotted Tail, in tbo Dakota or Bronx nation, however, cue of tho principal elements of success— a pro ductive soil—ls wauling. Tho removal ot those Agencies to the Missouri Homo point or points between tho m-jutla of tho Che,venue llivor and Fort Ilandall, to bo hereafter deter mined upon, will result in a greater oconotnv and convenience of supplv, and greater facility to restrain and coorce iof factory Indians. Thu failure of tho negotiations for tbo rcliiinuish aont of tho Dlack Hills ucccHsUatus tho adop tion of some measures to relieve tho Depart ment of a great embarrassment. For two years tho CJovonunont has been ap propilating about $1,250,000 for tbo subsirtotieo of ftloux of various tribes. It is submitted, therefore, under these circumstances, for the consideration of Congress, whether it would not fee Justifiable and proper to malio future appro priations for supplies to this people contingent cu tbeir relinquishment of tho gold-liulds in tho black Hills, uud the right of way thereto. It Would ho beneficial to the Indian service, in my opinion, and would pnuuuto its efficiency, If tho laws preventing the detail or army otlicers for civil service wore so far moulded as to allow tbeir employment in tlio Indian service at the discretion of thu Pronidont, in cai<o of rruer genev, Thoro aro (dill nemo roving bands of hostile Sioux in tho jbg Horn and Powder Itivor country of Dakota oner Montana which should l« subjugated and coni))clled to cease their raids and depredations npou other tribes and upon the wtntca. When (his is done there will be hut littlo trouble, with a fair degree of tact, intelli gence, and force to control our entire Indian Vopulltioa. annual report of tiio Commissioner of rouaiouH shows that the number of pensioners CD tho roll continues to decrease. Thoro has tot, however, been a corresponding reduction in tbo animal charge tn tlio Obvormnont on this ac count, for, while the toll has decreased 1.420 In Dumber during (ho last fiscal year, tho total an- Du&l rato is $14,733.13 in oxccsa of that of tho preceding year. On tho 30th of June, 1874, the tamos of 235.241 pensioners wore borne on tlio foils, at an annual aggregate tale of $2(5.214.- H 6.40, During tho year next ensuing, 11,557 Dimes woro added to thu roll, and 12,1177 dropped therefrom for various causes, leaving tho names of 231,821 persons on tho roll Juno 30, 1876, *hoso pensions annually aggregate tho sum of $15,289,510.63, Of the laltor number, 210,303 were army pensioners, 305.179 of whom wore Invalids, and 104,885 widows and dependent relatives; 3,420 wore navy pensioners, of whom 1.630 were invalids, and 1,781 widows, etc., and 21,038 were pooulotiers of tho War of iHtu, 15.875 of whom woro survivors, ami 5,163 wid ows; a total of 234,821 ponnionors. During said jaar the payments from tho appropriations for passions were as follows: To army invalids, “11,748,433.79: to army widows and dependent rclativod, $15,525,734.30; to navy Invalids, $185,- 675.02; to navy widows, etc., $334.072.(55; to sur tltow of tho War of 1312, $1,855.59X80, and to widows of soldiers in that war. $533,000.21; in sfi, f 29,683,110.03, which amount includes tho expenses of disbursement. It ia estimated that Ihe sum of $29,535,000 will bo required foe tho FBDaioa-sorvico during tlio next fiscal year: whicli amount ia loss oy $905,000 than the oati (Date submitted for (ho ourrout fiscal year. EDUCATION. Abo demand upon the ollico for information Opou special topics baa boon met, lo part, by (be I’Ubllcktiouot eight pamphlets, coutoiulnßiuaU "W octavo pages. A special report is noW iu fourao of preparation In regard to pnblio librae nee m tbe united titatee, including those of tcbooU, colleges, aociotum, eta., wbiuh will fur- J>»b intcroßling statistics, and show tboir bln* toncal development, classification, management, tod circulation. The Commissioner alludes to the embarrassment eucountcpod by tbe promot ers of education in tUoaetitatoa wherein slavery Its loon more recently abolished, and recoin* uatids tbe adoption of appropriate robot mean* urea by the General Government. CENsi'S. Tbe work of tbo (Jammu Office during (be past Cw »l year ban couaialou principally of corro •puudcnce relating to the publication Of tbo census of 1870. tbs projected Hlate censuses of and tbs International Statistical Congress to t>o bold in Hungary in 1879, conducted by tbo ouportutendant at bis homo. Hie Superintend set U of opinion that some disappointment will be felt by those Interested iu tbo progress of sta tistics iu tho United Hiatus at tbe comparatively mull results to be derived from tbo anticipated etate censuses of 1875. llorcj>orts that cciisubos, jeers or less complete and formal, have been lakou during the present year under Htats laws led by Htais agencies oulym tbe followiug nauiodtttatos: Florida. lowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Alaeaacbußoits, jlinnosou, Nobiaska. Nevada, f*' * Jersey, New York, Oregon, ilbode Island, vui Wisconsin, and that a cuuius of tbs popula uuq of Michigan was takeu iu 187 L full results ««bicb Lave been published. Thu Huperm wodent slates that ouougn is already known of ms results of (bo censuses of 1875 to indicate QQUo clearly that tbe progress of our population received a temporary check. 11AILWAVS. 08 facta and figures herein set forth are com yiu-a fioin tbe annual reports of the companies, block of the Union I’aciUu Itailruad Company to tho amount of *30.7*8.000 has been sub scribed, of which $19,703.909 has berm paid. Tho receipts fur tlio ymr ending June 00, from tbs irniisportatlrm of pa*Ronrnrn, wero $(.408,606,15; of freight, ©C.rr0T017.59, and fron» mDcellauooiifl eourceii, $1,048,417,89 5 total, $11,522,021.51. These figures include “tho amounts corned from, but withheld by, tho United Hlitc* for transportation of Us i-shboii- K<r«, freight, nml mulls." Tho exponsi of opcralinc tho mad for tho .roar wan $5,271,955.87, tearing not earnings $9,148,205.97. Tho oiiliro coat of tho tntul ami fixtures to JOili .Inno, 1H75, wan $113,599,352. Tho construction account of tho Omaha bridgA flhowsils coat to have been $3,899,491.72. The total bonded Indebtedness of tho Company Is shown to be 972,457,512, of which 927,220,512 Is duo to the United Htaten. 'i'ho amount of etock of tho Central Pacific Railroad Company subscribed is $92,908,800, of which $51,376,9X10 has been pah), Tho receipts fur tho year ending Juno 80, 1875, from Irani* porlnlion of passengers, trrro $5,110,129.18; ami of freight* $8,903,591,09; total. $13,912,- HH1.14. Tho operating expenses of the road for tho year wero $5,901,291.1)1. leaving net comings to tho amount of 18.011.498,11. At tho clone of aahl roar the Indebtedness of tho Company amounted lo 980,108,088.11, of which $27,855,080 in duo to tho United Htaten. This Company em brace?. by consolidation (bowldoa tho original Cen tral Pacitlo Company), tho Western Paciiic. the California it Oregon, tho Han Francisco, Oak land >t Alameda, and tho Hun Joaquin Valley Companlce. Htock of tho Central Branch union Pacific Railroad Company to tho amount of £1,500,0101 way subscribed, of which $030,000 has been paid. Tho receipts for transportation of passengers for thn year finding the noth of Juno. 1875, were $20,405.80: ami for freight, $77,021.58; total, $112,510.83. Tho aclu&l amount expended for Bald year—"running expenses end repaint"—• won $122,188.42. The cost of tho road ami fix tures has hcou 93,702,705. Tho total amount of tho indebtedness, In addition to tho Government Inane and llrat mortgage of 91,000,000 and In tercut unpaid, is 920.1.902.62, which Indebtedness ia mndo up of tho following kinds: Money bor rowed to toko up coupons and pay Internal revenue claims aud debts-and liabilities of tbo Company. The amount of etock of tho Kansas P&ciflo Railway Company subscribed is 99.092,500, and »tho amount paid in is $9,089,050. Total amount of stock alhmod by law, $10,900,090. Tho re ceipts for tho transportation of passengers fur the year ending 30th June, 1875, wore $1,372*- 175.91; f0rfr0ight.91,094.111.59; miscellaneous earnings, $12,m)9.40 ; total, $3,399,308.90. Bx penso of oi>orating tbo road for tho year, $206.- 674.22, leaving not earnings 91,212,722.93. Tho coat of construction and equipment of 972 miles (main and branch lino) has been $11,359,510.09. The total funded debt of tho Company is $27,- 312.609, of which 99,291,099 is due tho United Staton; other liabilities and indebtedness, $2,721,375.41; total debt, $3(1,995,975.41. Htock of the Hiout City A Pacitlo Railroad Company to tho amount or $4,478,500 has been subscribed, of which $1,791,409 has boon paid hi. The receipts for tbo year ending 30th Juno, 1«75, from the transportation of p&xbookcts, were 975,850.72; of freight, $181,094.29; from cxprCo J , 93.515.85; ami from miscellaneous sources, $7,101.71; total, $208,077.59. The ex petiHos of the road and llxturoß during that period wero $217,917.01, leaving net earnings $50,100.58. Interest paid on firm mortgage bonds during tho year, $97,980. Tho bonded indebtedness of the Company is $2,220,229. ot w inch $1,928,220 is duo to the United Heaton. The lloating debt is $00,571.97. Tho stock subscription of Clio Southern Pa cific Railroad company of California is $22,- 770,290, of which $22,412,200 has been paid in. The amount received for transportation of pan- Bongers for thn rear ending 29th Juno, 1875, wns $791,927.91 ; of freight, $998,899.01; total, $1,799,509,02. Tho espouses of tho road and its fixtures fur tbo year woro $773,485,53. leav ing not earnings, £‘987,021.09. Tho indebted ness of the Company La $11,319,090. On tho 22d day of August last, you accepted a section of this Company's road, 2d miles, making 129.39 uiiloa of mam lino. By the twonty-lhml flec tion of tho act of 3d March. 1871. iucorjrarallng tho Texas Pacitlo Railroad Company, tho Huuthurn Facifio Railroad Company of Cali fornia was authorized to cutistiuct a lino of rail toad from a point at or near Tehuchapa Pass, by way of Los Angeles, to tho Texas Pacific Railroad, at or near the Colorado Rivar. One hundred mijos of this'Uun Imvo been completed and accepted, 50 miles of which woro accepted by you ou the lllti luet. Northern Pacitlo Railroad stock to tho amount of $199,099,099 has been subscribed, and certifi cates for 202,229 shares of $199 each have boon issued. No now surveys and no ebango of lino of rood have been ‘made. Tho amount re ceived from passengers during tho last fiscal year on tho Pacific, Dakota, and Minnesota di vlelous was $178,321.98; the amount received from freight transportation ou those divisions for that period was $371,901.21; earnings, $905.- 041.93. Tho operating expenses for the year woro $501,489.29. Net earnings (exclusive of mail earnings ou tho Dakota division), $103,- 553.27. The Indebtedness of tho Company is as follows: First mortgage bonds, $10,207,599; land warrant bonds and scrip Issued for interest, $752,950.99 ; lloating debt, mainly notes of tho Company, S9SI,UOU; total, $31,611,590.90. No report of tho Atlantic A Pacific Railroad Company has been received. On tho 32d of January last a section of 18.81 miles of tho Cairo A Fulton Railroad, extending fiom Fulton to Texarkana, iu Arkansas, was accepted, as well as 89.75 miles, extending from a point on tho Mississippi River, opposite tho month of tho Ohio River, to tho boundary lino between Missouri and Arkansas. Tilts road is now completed. UutholGthof Juno last another section (20 miles) of tho Little Rock it Fort Smith Rail road was accepted, making 130 miles completed and accepted. Texas A Pacific Railway Block to tbo amount of $59,000,900 is authorized by law, of which $1,999,900 has been Issued. Its indebtedness is as follows: Capital stock issued. $1,909.099; 9 per cent gold construction bonds Ibhucil, $lO,- 993,900 ; 7 per cent currency laud-grant bonds iBHUod, $9,352,991). Debt of tho Houtboru Pacific Railroad Company to tho Htalo of Texas, summed by tho Texas A Pacific Railway Com pany, $299,685.00; Coating debt, $222,200.30; entire indebtedness, $21,479,089.20. Tho re ceipts of the Company for tho year ending 30th Juno. 1975, wore: From passengers, $331,081, M ; freight, $741,701.87; express sorvico, $11,407.92; mail, $39,749.32; telegraph, $7,972.79; rentals, $71,134.01: miscellaneous, $3,343.10; total, $1,300,902.71. Tho expanses for tho same period wero t Fur conducting transportation, $229,719.90; motive power, $291,975.32 j main tenance of way, $221,571.52 ; maintenance of cars, $79,253.04 ; general expense, $44,809.01; total, $793,889.27 ; leaving net earnings, $698,- 972.24. There are 229 miles of this road in oper ation, 0 miles thereof hiving been completed since last report; 109 mhos are graded, bridged, and tied, ready for tho iron. Ou tho 9(h August last you accepted those portions of this road ex tending from Marshall to tho boundary Uuo di viding Texas and Louisiana, from Marshall to Texarkana, Ark., and from Khermao to Brooks tun, Tex., the act of 33<l Juno, 1874(18 atat., 197), having declared said portions to "dodeem ed and taken to be a part of the Bald Texas A Pacific Railway, and shall hereafter bo subject to all the provisions and limitations of tho act of Congress incorporating said Company, and of tho supplements thereto." i'ho Company’s assets are as follows: Throe hundred and twenty-nix miles of constructed ami equipped road; 199 miles of partly constructed and equipped road; 259 mlloa of telegraph Une.> $31,819.238.21; bllla and accounts receivable, $94,384.73; cash ou hand, $13,411.09; material ou hand, $85,191.01; total, $31,479,089.2(1. Denver Pacific Railroad stock to tho amount of $1,090,099 has boon authorized by law, sub scribed, and paid iu. Moneys received for trans portation of passengers for tbo year ending J uho 80,1875, $161,481.39; for freight, $134,329.60; miscellaneous earnings, $5.984.59; total, $882,- 865.99. Expenses for tho above year, $133,976: leaving net earnings, $319,329.99. Cost and equipment of road, $9,492,800. Tho indebt edness of tho Company to that dale was $2,613,- 889.05. A err*. , 74JS,«:H.;W . 3;i7,00«.i)0 . 4rt;,H7tU7 , 9,4!M.0‘J . 47,7ia.'A'» . !W,!1!«.2t . 1fi,454.U* B,nn.r. J.SJMS 11.1H1.fi4 11KNXVOLBNT iNWntDTIOKfI. During the year sudmg dune 80. 1675, 912 patients woro under treatment in tbo Govern ment Hospital for tbe Insane, an Increase of 93 over Ibo number treated Urn preceding year. During tbo laal fiscal year tbe expenditures for support of tbo hospital, and for tbo necessary re pairs and improvements authorised by Congress at IU last session, amounted to $109,1125.69. Tbo Hoard of \ isitora state that tut 603 patients can bo properly accommodated iutlm present hospital building, whereas On tbe BUth of Hop tember last 727 persons wore under treatment therein, being 194 patients In excess of its proper capacity. After duo consideration tbo Hoard have reached tbo unanimous conclusion that tbo beat plan will be to erect a separate building for female patients. During tbo year ending dune flu, 1876, 102 pupils, thirteen of wbou were fe males, received tuition in the Columbia Institu tion fur tbo Deaf and Dumb. The estimates : submitted for the next Usual year are in all $119,000. During ibo last Usual year 2 609 women received treatment at tbo Columbia Hos pital for Women and Lying-iu Asylum, of whom 2,681 were received during tbe year. Tbo esti mates for the next Usual year are a total of $39,800. OEOI.OOIfAL BOUVET. The results of tbo geological aud geographical survey of tbo Territories, conducted during tbo rim Chicago tribune; Friday, December 10, 1875. prst season by Messrs, ITaydcn and Powell, tin der the direction of (Ins Department, will, it is believed, equal in interest and irupoilanca ttv>eu of any previous year. Tho survey under I*. V. Hayden continued Its labors of tho two preced ing yoara in the Territory of Colorado. Tho survey of the southern ami southwestern portions of Colorado has been completed. Tho total aica surveyed was about 19,000 square miles, pmtions of which acre rugged. f Jh© exploration of too lomatkablo prehistoric ruins of tiuiithora Colorado, glimpses of which wero obtain ed the preceding season, was continued with groat success. The survey under J. W. Powell continued the labors of (ho preceding year lu tho Territory of Utah. Nearly ton thou sand square miles of country were Piirvovod dur ing the season Just closed.' 'Jho whole area sur veyed during tiro season In classified by Mr. Powell as follows: Pasture lands. 50 per coni'; limber lauds, tfper cent; mineral lands, 4 per cent; irrigable lands, lees than X per c«nt; and the remainder, over 39 per cent, waste lands. .. J*. ,T .A,,.. The new jail in aud for tbo District of Colom bia is rapidly approaching completion. 'Jlio Hitporrißing Architect Hlalcs that, upon tho com pletion of tho Jail, (ho several appropriations mode by Congress for the purpose, amounting to tho sum of $535,543.91, will have boon ex pended. Ho submits estimates of a total sum of $97,099. Tlilsmun, if appropriated, when added to former appropriations, would make tbo total cost of tho Jail $902,548.92. STROUSBERG. The Great European Bankrupt, and the Causes of His Downfall. Meeting of Ills Creditors at, Berlin-* Voport of tbo Special Commissar/ on Ills Case. Ctrraipondtnet Lon ft am Tim**. Derli.v, Nov. 17.—Yesterday tlio creditors of Mr. Strousborg assembled in tlio ball of tbo Uorlin Civil Court to lioar tbo reports of tbo magistrate and Special Commissary to whose care tbo estate of tbo debtor is intrusted. Judge Benoko, the magistrate, opened the meeting with tbo declaration that neither ho nor tbo Special Commissary could undertake to give oven bo approximately correct idea of tbo state of the case. The real estate of the debtor won very con* aldorable, but no note tbo mortgages and other obligations contracted, 'lire personal property was comparatively small, but, perhaps, might bo somewhat increased by (bo solo of super* numerary goods and chattels and by tbo die solving of questionable contracts. But, al though it was Impossible to epc&K with certain ty upon tbo prospects of the case, bo, tbo magistrate, thought it b!s dtilv to express oven now a belief that tbo whole mass of unprivileged creditors, and more especially those who held no mortgages, could hardly hope to got much. In all probability, tbo dividend allotted to them would bo small. Tbo meeting having confirmed tlio choice of (bo Hpccial Commissary appointed by the Court, HerrDielltz. tlio gentleman nominated, addressed those assembled at considerable length. 1 sub join tlio principal facts of his report; “ At lha beginning of 1870 the debtor was at the height of bis commercial career. Ho was engaged io constructing tlio great Roumanian Hallway network, os well as a number of other linos in different parts of the country, in Hungary bo bad tbo Northeastern in band; in Russia, the Brcst-Orayovo; in Ger many, the llalle-Ror&u, tbo Ilauover-Alicnboken, ami the Bcrhn-l’oecu lines, llcsides’tncsc, ho had acquired other railway concessions wlilch were to bo begun incontinently; bo bad just formed a largo engine manufactory at Hanover, completed the Berlin Cattle-Market ami slaugh ter-houses, and was increasing and reorganizing his iron works at Dortmund and NoustatU, not to speak of other establishments ou a less gigantic scale. Not aatislled with these undertakings, bo bad purchased tbo southern citadel of Antwerp, paying 8,C00,000f, aa caution-money, and was preparing to cover the area of tbs fortifications with dwelling houses. forming a now quat tor of tbo town. In Uio midst of those gigantic speculation* bo was surprised by the outbreak of the war between Germany and Franco. The blow thus indicted was terrible, and bo never recovered it. Exerting himself to the utmost, ho, indeed, succeeded In carrying on bis railway lines, ami before tbo end of 1870 completed llii greater part of the Bouraanlan Hallway, as well as parts of the ilallo-Horau lino, and the whole of the liorliu-Poaon hue. But, as the Railway Direc tors whose lines ho constructed wero paying bid) with shares, which in tbo financial depres sion canted by the war could only be disposed of at a considerable loss, millions tbo debtor bad counted upon wore never realized. Uthor mill ions wore lost by tbo shareholders of tbo Brcst- Grayovo lino discontinuing the payment of in stallments. If these accidents wont far to make a catastrophe inevitable, tbo embarrass ments of the debtor reached an ahlo height upon the refusal of the lUni manian Government to pay the January interest of tbo Roumanian lines early in IH7I. The pres ami eons of the question have been so often discussed that it would bo needless to enter upon the merits of tho case; but it may bo moot looert that, though Mr. Strousbei gbeld tho Iloumaulan Government responsible fur tho interest duo, lie, ‘ on tbo refusal of the Bucharest authorities to pay, endeavored to establish a Jtail way Construction Company, to which bo meant to band over tlio creator part of bis property and undertaking*, upon condition of Uio now concern advancing 2,000,000 thalers to satisfy tho claims of tbo Roumanian shareholders. Thanks, however, to tbo long continuance of tho war, tbo projected company could not be established, and tbo Roumanian interest remained unpaid. From that mo ment tbo erodit of the debtor, almost unlimited up to Dffl, was shaken. T’ho expedient bo then resorted to for the payment of the Rou manian interest was tbo formation of a now Roumanian company, who engaged to taka up Uio coupon and complete tbo hues on condition of the debtor paying tbo G.UOO.OUO thalers. Ooe-tblrd of this largo aura ho liquidated after tho sale of his extensive ironworksut Dortmund; a second third was advanced by the Berlin Discount Company on the acciirity-of tho debt or’s German estates; for tbo lait third bo mort gaged bis Bohemian estates and hia Gorman mines to the Roumanian Railway Company. Of tbo debt thus contracted, Mr. Htrousborg re funded 700,000 thalers to tbo Discount Com faoy and 400,000 thalers to tbo Roumanian tailway Company. Hating completed these financial operations early In 187 U, tbo debtor was anxious to retrieve bta fortunes by a fur ther restriction of his scheme*. Ho sold tbo Hanover Engine Manufactory, tho Berlin Cattle- Market, tbo Neustadt Ironworks, and the Hiogen iron and coal mines; bo coded tbo Hunga rian Northeastern lino to tho Vicuna Union Banks end effected some other minor reductions of a similar nature. But, in spite of his earnest striving to consolidate bis affalw, bo found it impossible to go on with tbo other railway conoonsions, and forfeited tbo ouormous sums deposited as cautiou-uiouoy. The only railways kept were tbo Brest-Orayovo, tbo Ilillo-Boran, and tbo Ilanover-AUenboakcn lines, with the construction of which bo wont on. As this could be hardly a profitable business after Uio depression of tho shares during the war, tho debtor conceived tho plan of recovering strength by the development of his Zbirow estates. This very oxtousivo property, abounding in iron, coal, and wood, offered a fair field for the uncommon enterprise of tbo man. Having purchased ooruo more ooal mines in Bohemia and HUcsia, ho formed at Zblrow a large railway carriage manu factory, a locomotive manufactory, » rail way wheel manufactory, a tolling-mill, a Bessemer iron-woras, of puddling fur naces, blasting furnaces, etc. To connect thoso various works bo laid down a railway 85 miles in length on his own property, and built a ;>erfect city for workmen. At the same time be endeav ored to gam a footing in England, but, be fore this could be done, ho hod to imrry back to Germany to meet financial difficulties incurred by the immense scale of bis Bohemian works. The sale oMns famous picture gallery and of the Antwerp concession supplied ium once more with funds. In Uoptsmber, JBRI, ho parted with the right to finish tho llanovor- Altonbokon Railway fur a consideration j but he finished and opened for irsillo tho ilalle- Horau and Broal-Orayovo lines. In 1874 lie concluded an agreement with M, I’olyakolT, the Rutvivu railway contractor, in which he engaged to supply him with 3,000 railway car riages within a very short period of time. To carry out this contract hu further cnlacgcd bln Zbirow manufactory, and imrchased another rail way carnage manufactory at Bubtia, near Brogue. Tbs carriages made under tlio contract were des tined fur tbo Korsk-Charkoff lino, which paid tbo debtor with debentures,ou which the Moscow Com mercial Batik advanced cosh. Thus arose tho connection between tbo debtor and that bank, lately in everybody's moutb. The 2,000 carnages finished aod delivered, the debtor entered into an agreement to aupplv 2,000 more, the Moscow Commercial Bank advancing 1,800,000 roubles cn tbo strength of this contract. Tims hn»llv employed, tho debtor in tlio beginning of 1475 bought back the Ntistndt Iron-Work* and Hiognn mines, acquired tbo .Marla Ironworks at Hsntnie. *ami greatly improved atwl Milled to them all. Ho hkowisn bought at Rt. I’etoisburg a railway carriage manufactory, bat failed to not orders. The same period of bia commercial activity wan marked by threo mere un dertaking* of an Important naltno. Barly in 1875 ho acquired tin) Moblthour-Wcida Hallway from Us originators, engaging to complete tlio linn for 1,7b),00b thalers worth of shares. But the shires proved a drug In Um market, and the lino. turning out a (load loss, gradually went down from lift to 0. There wore about SOfl.OdO thalers mote required to complete tlio lino; bat, no tho concent wan M.Utngolh*r shaky, It would bo useless to go on with it. In deed. tho Kitocial (JommiHsary bad thought it his dnly to suspend traffic. Kocm after tlio conclusion of thl* unprofitable business tho debtor undertook tho couslAction ot tho Waag Valley Bailwav, In Hungary, for tl»o sum of f 1.450.000 florins. Ho had nearly completed this railway, although the 1A per cent debentures with which ho was paid remain excluded from tho money-market. His efforts to olialn tboir admission to tho Vienna Exchange nociobow or’ other did not succeed. Tho Special Commissary bad suspended tho works, winch, however, would bo corriod on by tlio Company, «tid when complotod wore sum to run up tho value of tho debentures to a high figure. Hr. Hlrcmsherg's last conocsslou wad for a lino Irom Paris to Narlxmno, 650 miles long. Tor this Imo tlio gen eral surveys were completed, Hie detailed plans and maps for tho distance, Boiirgoa- Kentineda-llolnndo, being already in tba hands of tho French Mioistorof X’ublic \Vorkn. before the works could bo begun the caution-man»v de posited had to be increased by Cdo,uMf. To de lay (ho expense of surveys, etc., Urn debtor bad received from tho company B.75‘VJ(4)f la shares, which bo mortgaged to tlio Mos cow Commercial Hank shortly before his failure, tbo debtor, oa a last attempt to »avo himself, projected tlio establishment of a joint stock company, to which ho handed over his German ami Bohemian mines and Iron work-*. Tho capital of tho Company »w fixed at 37,000,00(1 marks, 80,000,000 of whicli were paid to tho debtor in shares, while 7.0i)0,000 In mortgages fell to tho Company. Tho transaction was accompanied by thooonclu- Mon of a contract between tho Company and Mr. 1 Ktroofiberg, under which tho debtor tho imnnont ho parted with bis works reacquired bis hold upon them by routing all from tho Company, litt ho wan not only tbo I’crtnicr-Goncral of (lie Com pany—ho was likewise, tho only shareholder and the only controlling director of it. '1 be principal diflicultvof the liquidation wasin tho Internation al character of tbo bankruptcy, nod the different legislations of tho countries involved. Some advantage, however, creditors might hnpo to derive from tho Austro-I’rusßiau Convention or 1811, under which German creditors might assert their claims, either at Berlin or at Prague, according as they thought lit. The Hussion and English aspect of tho caso was different. Contrary to what had been stated, «r> real prop erly ha<l been banded over by tlio debtor to bis wile, excepting the Elbiofi Ilailwav Can iage man ufactory- Mrs. Htrousberg bad at oncouoclorod her willingness to yield up this manufactory to horliasbaiurs creditors, Iml its value m a bank ruptcy case was doubtful. Tlio debtor owned in Germany tbo landed estates of Badawnitz, VTomwcllno, AU-Loubo, rriebish, Garth, Llsao, PelmeD, tVorinon, DiopeiuMMV NS’&lLersdorf, . and Moholz, In oddilion to these ho owned a house at Noldonburg, and a mansion and villa, with a good deal of bnilding laud at Berlin. Tho valno of his real property in Germany was ofliciafly estimated at 1C,3H».151 marks; but as tho mortgages amounted to 18,818,890 marks, the utmost tbo creditors could hope to realize by bale was about B,()uu,ood marks. The Nciistadt Ironworks with the landed estate of Xnverlab, as well as divers iron mines in tho Hiogerland and Harz and tho Maria lion Vi'orka at l3antsic, had been sold by tho debtor to the reccully-e.Hlab’ished company, of which ho was tlio only shareholder; but their actual extradi tion to tbo Company bad not yet been made. Tho personal estate ot tbo debtor in Germany, so far ns could bo seen, confuted of tbo following iteron: 1. Cash, 22,000 marks. 2. Asliarolntho Zoological Garden Company of 751) marks. 8. A library estimated at (50.020 marks. 4. Furni ture In tbo Berlin mansion, 70,1KK) marks. 5, Objects of art In the Berlin munition, 81,000 marks. 6. Cooking apuarotus, oto„ 10,000 marks. Adding to this some minor amounts, they got a total of 1218,585 marks, against ‘ priv ileged claims* ('operatives, workmen, etc.), reaching to 122,000 marks. From all this, they could not but arrive at the conclusion that tho liquidation of the ease would occupy some four or llvo years, at tho end of which creditors might hope to receive a trilling fraction ot their de mands. It might ho dilfcrent uero tho debts free, and in a position to co-oporato with tbom for tho reconstruction of the shattered fabric before thorn. Their special commissary had thought it his primary duly U> do all in bis power to obtain Mr. Htrousborg’s release from a debtors’ prison in llussia.” After this report (Uo mooting proceeded to nominate seven gentlemen from among tboß) present to act aa assistants of tbo special com missary. Tho formal election of these men was put oIT sine die. Of tbo I*rajj«o meeting of creditors It may bo mentioned that the Boko of Botibor and Count of the Roumanian railways, declared tboir intention to proceed to Moscow and exert themselves for the release of the debtor, whoso presence was so imperatively necessary. A number of Bohemian merchants, creditors, and workmen signed a petition to the Austrian Board of Trade likewise requesting . diplomatic Intervention for Mr. tilrouabarg’s re lease. Meanwhile Mr. Stronsberg, as (bo Moscow Ornette toll* us, 1b located in what in called llio Nobility Quarter of tbs Moscow debtors’ prison, Whoa nuked by tbo judge what wore tho mo tived prompting liia last journey to Kuania. Mr. Btroosberg atatod that if tbo Moscow Commer cial Hank bad advanced him a,DUO.OOO roubles moro, ho, as well am tbo batik, would bayo been spared the present cataatropbo. Premium Oyster-Knicr. Flrmm'jtiurg (Kv.) /iftnocrof. As an oyster-eater Joe Johnson in a sneeam*. Last Saturday night Joe made a wager of a half* can of oysters tuat bo could cal one dozao qf raw oyetem rolled m brown sugar. Tide ho accom pliphed with case. lie then proposed for anoth er balf-cau that ho could eat two dozen more eoasoiiod wills sugar, vinegar, aud salt. Ho was quickly taken up, and In less than three shakes of a sheep's tail Joe swallowed thorn down, nod, miliko tho iTonchtuao’rt oyster, they stuck. Just for tbo fun of It, and to satisfy a side bet, bo ate up (ho balance in tho can, some three or four dozen, without seasoning of auy kind. 110 then proposed on toil °f this to oat a cau of cove oysters, which bo did. He then look bis win nings aud started borne with a handful of pea nuts, rating as be went. He ta an ox-Botirbon, ami of course Craddock wdl make the usual, crow over bis remarkable performance with raw oysters. TO EXCHANGE. aH) UXCHANOK-A NICK HUIIUIUUN lILSI . ilenoe, beautifully loealod, now homo, Ursa lot. near depot, (or Northern Tciaa laudf. C 74, Tribune office. rro "i£x6iUNl;ti~TVvu7sronY iluii ; K“TlobdK i on Wiliy.hrat-el. boulevard, near Dyda Fark Depot; •U modern Approvement* i will Ukogo.*l property. clear, of Um value, or will root cheap. Addreaa Box to, Hyde I’ark I’uai-uffioo, rpo KXOHANaK-A 2-BTOIIY IIASIiMIiNT UIUCU X bouae. on Weatcru-av., near Indiana-d.; want unlui proved Wcilora lamia. 44 fuel on Alarkot-ai.. near Adame: want bout* and lot on Woet Mdu. F. A. WBAUK, PA Wa»Ulugton-fl., Hoorn (■ . tXCHANUK-tiuO ACRES OF il blaok walnnt timber and coal land f»r a flock nf duelling, boot* ami aliooa, or hardware: price AH pof aero. Addroiall7, Tribune office, TO SIOO,OOO HTOOK OF DRY IT good*in exchange lor cOulcn roal ulaio, iiuln» cumbered: will pay part oaab. Addroaa A. BAXTER, cate Trlbunn uAeo. PARTNERbWANTED: IkAHTNKH'vfANTKn-A «odl) MgUAItK MAN, with |(,OW) ready cath, toi-unageln a aery pluaaant and tulcily legitimate manufacturing bualueae: money tinned every thirty daya. Apply at WO WaPaab-er., up a I lira. PAIIT.NHII WANTKD—WITH ♦MM'. TO .IOIN iIK X tu a bualuoaa that will pay AM U> »u par eem, and will bo good fur not fito yoara. Tbuae who are afraid of (he word * ‘ paMuH’ l uot wauled. Addreaa ( 8, Ttlbuua oftice. TJAUTNKU WANTKD—WITH •AOOI TO TO X lake place of retiring parlour fu an old bouiu doing ag-tud Hade. I'atiy wito ilierooueyeaa mako a ptuiip aide lotealu’cnl. Addtoaai to. lribuiittußito. I>AIfTNKinVANTHn-I*AI(TV WITH «T,KO toUifC. X 100, wlablPg In engage ellber aolltcli or aaapoutal partner, cuu airaugu wiiii a good bouae of long itaauiug and gnoii trade. Tarty luvaatiug can draw Ida pmflia ninnuil)' urotbutwlae. Addroaa A. UOUtaUH, Dux 11J, VoaPUßloo. ■ FOR. hAIiE. I.’Oil SALK - CHliAl’ I'Oll CAKiI, to COKHS 1} ruble atuud. Addroaa LUk'Tobuue uOica. 7.T 9>( SALK—THItKK LAItliU HOUND FOT HKI I.Y X* lirtling tlotra wliii pljo new, In tiral claaa order; coat quo aacb: wi’l null |.,r Apply at Ouroruwaut guoda depot, |p4 au|l IW. I wriest. |;'ORKAi.K-uii;rrAuvcLornrßuro\'Kiu:oArs, X 1 jackula, |*aau. bait, abitia;alao woolen blanksta, rubber PlaukuU: the aburo at wbulcaalo aud retail. Ap ply at UeterpiAeul Oouda Depot, Ikiand 107 Lake*a(. 1.70 K SALU-BOAIiU OF TUADIfi 'MUMUbUSIIII , X ( (or caati. Addrcta U 90, Tribune office. BOOKS. ' /'tIIHAF LAW-BOOKS WANTKD. ADiHUSSU U, T-f __ 1 ld*7 rC- lilA-SKND VOU~ FllU-y.LIST OF Nl'.W ini«)U>okei (nailed upua anpticaUuu. MUXUU'S l.'llbAl* BUOlxfiTOKn, liC Mudimu .i., baituc .1, CITY REAL ESTATE. 1,101 l HAI.K-A OEM OKA ItK.SIHKNCK ON NORTH I 1 Mrtff, iwitta 13 r<vim«. a p*rfaf.v hi>mn; can a»ll nine carpet*; »!•<• nonte on Wwt Hide, Immedi ate t>«M<“«lnn. Oall at 39 RRer »t. IPDR fIAI.B-'RPHinkNER AND RHSTNFSSTUOP. J' -rtylnallpart-ofMwcMy. It, S. AW. O. McGUR MICK, Jl'tomt I and 3 Reaper Block. ipOHAAI.K- TtVO-S'l DRV ABl>lt.Cftr.Ml'.NT IHUEK 1 (! on llo*cn-ar,. and t<*o *tnrr hflek e^rnrf I’lfi} lourili at. and Jncnmiiranca h»hl: midi i'»i , ranii l i Addms FRANK RAYMOND, 771 8-. nth i.'arial »l. FdRS tU’ sil Kr.T ON !f, I.ASAI.r.R ST., NFAU nrar NotKi-ar.; oa«t Iront. Frlev 93.90. on tar* aa *f Ormt. (J/nim frnnln for two yean, wltb 4 arr cent, In'|tilr« of .lAGOO WEID and UKO. A. HEAVKIUVH, 114 De*rUirn-«t. TWHi' fOU-F- im KXOITANOK —TWO 2-STOHY 1' brick hout-n and !<>*•. with all mder* Improvsraaau. W. Jl. J.A NO I.KV, ois.iutli OUrk-»l. ipOR HAI.K-DHKAP-TW*) RUJCKH OF FORTY- I 1 el*bt Jot* aacli in Koutn (Pileao-*, VVlilifnrd'a Riibdl* vltlon. Addro«( H. H. 11. JOHXsfuN. St. Paul, Minn. SDBTJRBAN REAL ESTATE. Ti'OU KAI ,K-M (TitO AM VK\wC~i',V,'V. u 7» 1' 13 tn I tea; O 10 cent* far.; tZ c <rnmnt.i. tlon per rear; tralna each way <t,Mir; Alt') Satorday al«bl and Sunday Iralna. Tlis Park a growing rj>nir)> on theeaat.m iVj\,not the.lcra'lon aelocted by ttie Oot.rn njoctforibe atic of tlio Lake Surrey Obfervatory, now h>illdln«, Arteaiaii well waier enppll-d Irrm. sdind facllKira nn*urpaaa.d. Ml. Verrviu Aeadcnir lor Gin. A yovnc ladlea*- ■eiauiary ««d the pnblle ach-x.l. llr,iia*a built to ord-r, aud aoMon time. Cottagee an 1 liotiaea nnw completed and for a* Id Neat c iMag". f|,o caali and til por mouth. bandaome hntsan. 9bOca»b and The i.Viinpany employ own Arelil* (cot and SupvHntendeot. end tmila only in a tnlHttanlial and durable rnann*r. Free ride to rlilt nroperty eiery day before 13 v'clnrk. OEuIUiK H. ULAUKE. AffAUt, No. 11 Obambnrof o«nnm»rr.. ipiilt fiAI.K-riu FXCHANOE NlftV 2-SfORV i* »uuae. WiO. II rooina. rod 1-rt lWil». In Ol jnro., iIOUIVN CULVER. Room 4 MetrupallUn block. noil SALK-TWO STVLISII OOTHIU AND SWISS X' botia'-a, Jnet tiniahed, mi adj-dnlna Ima nf lo loot uarti, et Normal Sctioul, Pnclowuod: brick batdmonta, marble man’ll-, Inaide blind*, etc. ’“f'lcaih, balance lone litaa. S'lxmiLSA WAlta, MWaihlncton-at. ____ IROK HAI.H-flin WILL HUY A PR A t’TIVuL 1/JT I; at CJlenrne; #ll cloirn, and balance In (i munibly jtayoiauia. IRA filtoWN, H 3 UHallo-.t., U/.om 4. TpOR RALK.-J2CO WILL RUV A HKAHTJFOI. IA>T B at Park Ridge: down and #9 monthly fur tbe Lai* anew. lUA RItOWN. lit USalle-»t.. Room 4. ___ rnoa haTr-a'small. iii proved faux* in in i’ diana. fto mlleo from dry. Good boo»e, barn, orchard, etc. Price. *3,ufl. F.ntr tenet KUen. JAMES H. lIIU, StUearlnim-at.. Hoorn 4. ’ _REAE ESTATEJW ANTED. \t r a NTKD -to'"h uV-V iious k”a tfrThorTf'Wt *■ 'V ctaie nr,««; North Sbl«. tmod nelitbbcrhwxl, J, NTOODIIKfIMIK, .Tn.. R» tn 13. Ur* TO RENT-HOUSES^ rt\U HK.NT—TiII) 3 STORY A.ND BASK MK.NT lIICJCKI 1 hmi»» No. 6*3 Wahl.!: *ir.. near Knnrtertnii-«t.; I>m All mod-rn lmt'rovjtn'‘nu. both hut and cMd water, mu! rratlunarr wash afanda, Two (tor? brick barn to rear. Will rest vary cheap. H. T. MARTIN, 161 hiaiiwt, M’O KKN I’-Clli- Ar, RUICK lIoL'.SR "ok JO UOOMS, 1. 1M Thronp af : at«a 118 Thronp-it.. and «talde. Mo thoowncr, 2>t WodlWaabinglon-et. JOHN MACLEOD. rroYinM , -i7ow,~To "a“ responsible tenant.' .1 reridetirn, fashionably located oh North Sldo; parMr,. HtUDg-nn.iD, batlT-ro-nii. water-clnant. dlntnc-room. and kitchen <m tint floor; tlfehorj.rrvinia ami amp.o rlmot« r.n roconJ floor; calUr.oto. { <!«»t and touch oipoauro. OHO. 11. ROZBT. 1W WaahlngtoD »t. TO RKNT-A KimNISHED HOUSE. ON MTCHL lean er., near Twelftn-«t. Apply, between 10 and li, at Room 10, 131 Sooth Clark it. TO RENT—NEAR LINCOLN PARK-FINF I.OCA tlon—a nloo calory and bawtneiit brick, moditn tin j^mrrmenf*; ei» ftitnnu lo bnutc; 9(0. One<Vrooni nit, all Inipruretuonu; beat ttory; 4ii. CIIAS. «. HALE, 103 Itandotph *t._ TO HR.VT—VKRV I.HW, A VERY PLEASANT iHtory brick Uuu«a, with ID mom*, on the North Mil", only 10 minutca’ walk from corner htata and Waahlng- Uio-ilr, .MKADACOK, liSUMallo-it. fPO RENT-HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OFTHE CITY. X 2-*u»r7 and b»*"tno. n, .ftl to <75 per month : 3 mory and liMcmrnU, to sl(a* par month. It. K. £ W. (j. McCUIt.MICK, lt' o:n* 1 and 3 Reaper Block. rpo RENT-757 WAB'aSH-AV -MAP.m.K FRONT. 13 X romut, modern iini.roi-cmunta, large lot, choip to a good tonarvt._«lOKL BIGELOW, 376 Statmat. ffuTRENT—HOUSKH—BRICK—GOOD LOCATION ; I. S*". bath, at flu. sis, Jplit-to, <ls. *■>:. 41b, 4jh, gr>. |Ai. !*.¥>■ i*l,l. W. 1,. PA VIS. ifoluad »>pti.«t. TO RENT—ROOMS. rpo RENT-WELL-FURNISHED WAUMFD ROOMS. X SS.W to 47 per wook. Kallcl»'Phll<>«opli|eal PuMhliliig Hr.uie, TJ7 f iiurlh ar., tarn bloHa *jUth of Poat-Olheo. KuTrNisTfKO~YoomsT L best Mention In the el'j, from<l7 to <ii a mouth, at ICI South Clark at.. Room 11. rno rent-nicely i- cp-nished rooms, with X or without board. Kingsbury lilock, JUndolph-af., wear Clark. _Applr at Ibam ;v. rpt)' RENT-IaTaND IS KANDOUMI-ST., NEAR X Clark, InmUhed room*, cheap, for gantlemea. Warm building. TO KENT—STORES'brriCES. &o Miafnllnnenna. TO RENT—A NEW BRICK FACTORY. TURFE STO rli tand banemant, MO by :ii feet, with ragtue-h'>u»e, dry-ruum, bmibor-jard, and rtaodt, now 35-horM power engine, lino (hatting, cry water, railroad mile track, etc,: to respbnmblo tnaa will guarantor reletting of part Mr ennngn to pay runt. Addroaa J* ROSS, Rux liSl, Rock ford. 111. WANTED—TO RENT. UTANTEO-TO RENT—A HOUSE OP 10 ROOMS. I F In mixk! JnealioU, Went Side, for which I eipect So pay • mmlorato price, Resit aare. Addraaa U W, Tribune oftico. WANTKD-TO Kf.NT-BUiUROO.M.S POKIIOUSK keeping pimxitea; location Wabtih-av.; too tint floor anil all modern coDiptiiencoa ; unturulahed; lent r<*ftvonaM<».~Addref» Mm. C. HAAS. IfU Writ Ma^iaon-at. FINANCIAL. A A.-TO LOAN-MONEY ON CHICAGO 11101’- erty for a tarns of yeara at following ra'"«: On improved buuueu property in iiuna of *IO,WO and tspwanla at H p**r c<*nt. On flrat.claaa ivaidaace property, in autnaof }l.WOaad upward*, at H rrr cent, biuali »umi aud on unimproved at in j<*r cent. J. D. 11AUVEV, Mortgaga I* an*, #0 TVaihlngton-at., corner Dearborn. Pl , nanU nn Chicago real o*tate wanted. A. M. MOUItU A CUMMINGS, llnand 121 La.talle-at. ADVANCES MADK ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES/ Iwada, ate-,, at LAUNDERS* private otOco, 12J lUndoliili-sU. near Clark. Kaiabllitsed l&H. * I COMMERCIAL NOTES, MORTGAGI-S. LOCAL J 1 nock*, city cortlhoati**, bought and mid. ISAAC! (IKKK.NKIIAUM A CO., Nu. Hi) Psfth-av. C" O.MMKUCIAL PAPER HOUOIfT AMI SOLD. Money to loan on improve*! real o*)a*<> at *, 1 1 , amt ansall amuissst* at ID nor earn, LUOESLC. LONG A lIUO., 73 T HAVE . GASIfiS'HAND TO LOAN IN SUMS ,(. to au", from $l.O 0t» SIU.OC, at 10 por cant; r.o enmnsUaluo. J. HILTON Ol.lVhU, Room 37. No. b.'i Clark-at. > TONEY’IS HAND TO LOAN AT b ASH V PER i>X cant oss Chicago property. Soma •» wanted. J, 11. lIEEH, Saw York. JpHNJT, AVERY, U^U«»He-»l._.Chle«gß.__ Musky to loan at h per cent interest on city Improved real estate. In aunii ol ’* ami upward*. Apply to O. It. FIELD A CO., U Portland ItWk. Money at pWr ‘cent os' improved real ertata Id Chicago, or IlllooU fanni within 100 mllca. 11. L. PICASK, Realtor ilk'ck. CM ALL SUMS OF'MONKY TO LOAN ON HOUSE. O bnlrl ffooila, planoa, wal>'h»>. diaimraila. and other good cnilaUjrala._ lUSonth Clark at., JtonnS. I'o i/iAN—Money*in bums’ op tt,mi onCUtcaiio real ailala aecuriiy, Uuprorad preferred, at tiirnut rate*: lartiu iuni> at a par conl;caah la baud. HtO LOAN—MONEY ON WAKEIIOUBB URCRIPTS, J furniture, and olhurgiMMj c«ll.ticrala. jAAIESii, STOREY, private hanker, M IxSaltu-at., Room9o. WANTED— TO lumiiOtVwifIO.UJO'ONOOODGiiA'K tel aOcurltf w»rib four tlmca Shu above amount, fur on* or two jean. Will par Itstaraat monthly or ottiurwbo. Adilrvaa 1132, Tribune utlica. WANTED— TO NHOOTIATE A U)AN OP ItJ.lXi) fur a good party on mil a«U(e, near the Flfty-fifUi a(. Slailuo Ji I'Uiaburg, Pori U'aitio;A Clslcaso lUllroad. fur lussgur abort ttnsu. W. K, THOMPSON, Huocis 13, Dctrliorn-il. Cfu/W\-l'W». #*», *I.UW TO LOAN ON CITY Oil !N)UU llyde Farit property. TUIINKU A BOND. U'J Waiblngumet. d.f> linn-< I ' i ‘W,l3,'«)TOl.OAN AT CURRENT JJ'.i.VJUVJ rai«« on tlbloaga real eatatet Improved preferred. TURNER A UUM). led WaabUmuin-at. (tin nnn-siKini ro“i.oAN at b pkuoknt •rIu.UUU inlere-t «n productive city realu.tata, Small conmilaalon. WM. l.lslihl.liV, Uoutu 14 ileUro dial Church Block, iifin nri/i in hand, toloanon improved Jril/.UUU Inrido property at S par coni. Alan, IW,OOO at H par cant. WTLsON A Clark-il. Twin To'I.OAN IN BUMS OK IMIOM tI'AO.UUU is.nvito illO.Uklan wall locale.) Chicago property. A pill/ to W, D. KICUb'OOT A CO., U Kaat Waahlngtno-at. , 5. V~r min ON HAND TO LOAN IN HUMS TO O'XiJ.oin/ ault on real mtate, and bur mortgage mnea. W. M. WILT.NEU. 17a UHaUt-ai.. Hwn 1. MACHINERY. T/lUR KALK-KNtJINES, HIRAM PUMP, AND I' heavy aliasing; two 19. onu ‘JO. and one 6i horto pjvaur new Wdla uurrfnea luatuck (any air a made lomdur j aeml for circular); alao ono aecond baud W-borfe puwer engine. In go.<d order and cheap; on* Kuuwlea No. 6 et.-am-pump uted twotnoothi, aud guod a. now; aUo I*o fust new 9,' a in 6H Incb aballlng, all lined up wltb oui.. Imga and boioa. (or luaa Ilian It cap be made. Vfalla Kngiue Worka. llOHontli Cbatoo-at. T.XOU HAI.U-SICCU.NU-UANU UNUINHB-9 blX i' b.,tao Puitaldoa. ■i Kiglil-liorao porUbloa. I Ton b >rati |K.rial>lo. 1 blglil'tioraooß irucka. la prlmo i rdcr and warrauto.l. New onolone of all •uea built lo cider. UICH.UtDS IKON WoKKS, 47 and 41) t»iutb JoOt rauti-at. hIU IIAO iIANUI’ACTUIttitS AND TltlNfkliH i For a Jlei'DO C ollrull A llal cnck bag printing j rv»a; aire ul bed.plain between bearera, laud |nobia; 'i Ink f.>uataiiia, under dlatrlbuifon, built fur the puain«>a. and all lu put let t order: price lew and uu vaay lerua to g<’;’d uarilea. Addroaa li. M. HINSDII.L, GtauJ l<ai>tJa ( Slicb. _ WANTICD-A llmm bKCOND-HAfj'D, IRON planer, 7 fcol or larger. .1. HKlDf.blt A 1)110., corner laiumia au<l Twentyaec.ipd DIVORCES. 1 kIVOKUKS I,KOAI.|TyV»UTAINFI> 10a CAlJbl!; IJ aoaptlal avoided 1 fee alter dootuo. Addroaa I*. O. U.ixSH, Cbicagd. T\IVOHOES—LKOAI.LV OBTAINI-D, Not FRAUD i ) ulonlly. Too after decree. tla«o« yeara’puciico latbacourtaofl’blcagn. Addreai »o;M)flcaßuO<uL lItSTUDCTIOh WANTKD -LAI>VtS AN DtIKNTLKUKS TO USA UN • telegraphing, mill.>n to be Juki out of aalary after altuAliui. Ij aeuurud. NuriUweet curue' GarJu.t liwu.u. WANTEDj-MALE HELJK Bookkeeper*. Clerk*. £to. WANTED-ny A LABOR NKtV YORK DRY »* iroMa Irtiporttiw and Jobbing Ima*. «K|n«mi*t) wbo can «'<ntrr4 l«r(» trada ■> nnna ntbera apply, Addroaa J/>«k’t"Oi N«» York I*. O. Tra<ie«< W astro-\ noon imiaTt.RooMBKU *nm nn<lar«ianiia Hl* Ln«in'»i. Applr to CHICAGO PACKING ANI> PHOVIMoN CO., fel M',nro->-«». Xvautkd-tis hoofkka. "apply to h. chip* » f n i 11, Mnnteantb and liror«-*t*., CHlcago. W"a.ntki»-uauiuagk ‘wdoi>’wojikman“at ITS Waal Adaraa-at. WANTKf>-OOOI) OAH-n ri RK: MUSTBRBKAUY to go to «<>rk (hit morning. 74 \Ve«l I.aka tl. Want ri>-v orMinuu rriotTw WAiiASii • r,, up-alalr*. W‘ ANTKIJ-TWO'~OTUR7ATnc”i*ALNTKi«H, ONH MackvntlV* hMpir. 40“ Weft M»d.»on*t. SraoloTinont Atr<mt»- TTTANTEU-ton MKN FOR A NEW RAILROAD IN • T MUi.url. I. farm livid*; cheap tlckula *'dd South, ANDREW G. RING A Co.. 17 North Clark *!. I\7ANTRI)-5. W nAll.ttOAlVl.XltunH»HF\)lVTTfS TT Morjtti: wage*, #1 .nt and 41.76: tlx month*’work; INI rnik-mon ami imp foreman: M> famlllr* for MImIi •Ippl: 60 laborer* for Southern Indiana; 4u (or atauort work near (he city. in woodehupperi, Ac. Cheap ticket* rold to laborer* going doom. It. F, CIIJUsiTAN, HI South Walef-*t., Room I. MisrnUnnnopa. ‘tT'ANTEI)—MEN OF GENTEEL APPEARANCE vt au l aterage tael for a bualnia* that wn guaranid will par t:n a week on a mill mroitmout. *f aamplM tent for trial lo men who mean Imitate*. Blntet Wlkpta imad rvrt apply. RAY A CO., Chicago. CU-aSaR* «t. \iT ANTED -STREET H A LI'S MKN~KVEKYW UK It K >1 t■> ioll iiio toy bird and cage, toy watch, and other lightning aelhny nofoltiea; now li Urn time to coin mom>r and «•> hair t.o bm uotcldea. O. M. IJNINUTON, HI, Cldcago, •nm to i«,l i,ow artlcliw, cbmmoa, and jowclry. Outfit, U 7 to .«in. Para largeit p»reenlar<». AMKKIOAN NOVELTY COMPANY, 113 Koat AladU lon il., llooin l.b \ITANTKD *A NO. f TR\VKF.I.VfI RAI.ESSfAN, » Uitol In lowa and «ei| bo'll and aho«a byaampln. A maa with oitwrieno. an I ar imlated with tbn lowa trade can procure a good aituatiun. Addreaa VN, La* fnyette, Iti'ilana. WANTED— AGE VTH IN EVERY CITY AND TOWN can c>*r make fj-’ a day by t. litng a new and ol»« ganf toy fnr CbrtiUnai. Call aiSoutt, Canal el., ot'-stain. WTANTED—ONE oil TWO GOOD MEN To HELL »V leather tewing maetiiuea. Apply to PAUtf nuo. * co. WrANTKD-noy to no ERRANDS AND OFi lOR • T work In commission b'"»se, *'■•> writes a g»od band. AdamsUAUUuLL A MArKR, 2i Metropolitan lluUdlcg. T\>a'NTED-CANVAASKU.H AND STREET SM.l.rt >V in»n to sell • few nureltlee put nut; soil Ilk b"t cakes. C*ll and sno them nr send (or circular. O. M. I.ININGTo.N, Ml Stitc-st., Chicago. \ir ANTRD-A YOUNO man at Tim NEWPHO • r Uitfraph-KSllor}, M West Madison st. A guud chance far a itiliable per* >n. _ WANTED— A SINGLE MAS T'O DO FARM >• work ; rtnidr cinplni njf’nl Uj a good, willing wan. Call at Hn-ira l-:, Ira (Jlark-.t. \\7 ANTKD—A ItOV it V'KUtS OK AGR TO RUN rr Address II I*l..Tribuneoffice. W*anted-a' good'hov to'"fit jn looking^ glaa«e«, and to do all kinds of work la packing* room. *SOI Wat.a'h-aT, \\ rANT ED - AT. IV R MAN IN EVERY CITV AND it town In the world. You can tnakn Sii< a day celling car«T-C f >|i;-lajr R'x’k: no press. wafer, or brush re* oulred. Krrelslor MangfaefrngCo.. IB Tribune llulldlng. WAN TED—f EftIALE HELP. Domestic*. TVANTnn-A GOOD niltL TO PO nr.N'RUATi »T Imuferrork In a prl*alo family. Otno to ttio aido d‘*or and tom* prepared w atay. i^iCalmutil-ar. WaStkij-a Tinv*omr, xou'dinlno-uuom sod U> M«Ut Bt -G Ohio-it. W* ANTKD-C.lUirTO TAK« CAKK OF UUILDItKS »n<l dn •oeoo‘l work. SweilUh nr NorwfsUn prefer* rM; w»ee*,ifl»’erw»ck. Apply Bt ;&VTbll«'«i„ LatwoeO I j.Stlio ana oIU-Bl*., North SMo. W" ANTRD-A OOOli GERMAN OU NORWEGIAN Ctrl for sroarai boutowork. Steady •itnatloO. AO dr«t«. with rrteniucer, H S 3, Trlbnna ottice. IL'ANTED-A PROTESTANT (iTKL TO DO GEN i f aral tioutework. at '67 W«t Adams-it. \VA* STE I ) - A GIRL TO DO KECOND WORD, AT • T M 3 Sltchlgan-ar. References rv f |tilred. \VANTKD-A PROTESTANT 01111. TO DO GRN- I > e'tl lioiitonurk In a mall family; mull f'wik. Watb, and Iron well, and bavo gogd reference. Apply at gfl Wtharb-av. W' AN TED-GI l(L l op. GENERAL HOfSI'WORK'j Grrtnia c-r Strode preferred. 577 Chestmu-st. Miacollimnonn* \TTAKTRn—AOHNTrf TO REEL ARTICLES WANT »? iil In every family, ilia inducement*. UUUII A GARY. «0 and fU West Sfadinn-st. ‘WANTKii-HAI.f.KT LADIES fOH THE WEPT \ i Milo Opera-llnuse. Randolph and Jelltrtun-iU. Apply between 13 and 3 o'clock. good ladies that can »» tl« comforts fast. bUwuly work. Call albSluin dolpll-af. BOARDING AND LODGING. 'W#*t Sid**. OfIQ WEST liA KE-ST.-COMFORT A RLE nOMC- FurnUhrd rooms, with a<n«l board, at (6 par week; without board, only |3 per week. Pnntji Sidw. SELDRIDOn-fOrRT— (inNTLE.MFN OTI LADIES can hud oicely-iurnUhrd r'omi, «01l bvau-d, rood board, «nd comfort of a_ulcobnme, $5 to |7 por week. *»ri peck • court fuiintsiied on unfur. t)0 alabed room* U> rent.with Iward; term* moderate, r'h VAN~IIURKN • fiT.. NEAR STATE - NEW I U boardlng-honae; board forUdiea or gonlUmra, $4 to to per week, trilb uaeof piano. i r.r.i vrESTii - sr. - msoi.h J o*J‘i room*, with board, 94. Mtog(l.6upar week; day* board, f 3.50 per week. SOUTJt STATK-ST. - PLEASANT ROOMS OUU with board. *l> Q _ f~MIO II J( iA nTvV. - A SUITE OFFURSISiIRD OOt r»nni», aecmd tWJ ttnnt. to tealwith board, licit nf references siren and required. Ton WAIIASII-AV.'- FRONT ALCOVK ROOM, .I' •Jtf unfurnUlie l eteept carpet: hot and cold water, Ri*QU<l. and clueet; alio, steely fnrniabed book room. Flrat-claa* rofurencea. 1 Y,-f WAKASI!• AV.—KRONT ROOMS, fiEPABATK J Xt-li. or together; good table inn plraaanl clrvie, M tory reasonable rate*: winter arrangement*. niWO OF.NTf.EMP. N ,*0 U A OPNTTTRM AN* AND HIS 1 wife, can secure board in a strictly private tsmllr <>n AVabarh-av., near TLlrtj-fifth-au Auurou II tS, Trlb. une North Std*. OQO ONTARIO ST., HAST t»F CLARIv-NIORLT fiirniitiol runni*. flOto if 2.l per month, with or without board; bath, belaud cold water; healed briar* haco, (iro ONTAHIO.HT.-A NRM' SECOND FLOOR. *.f lOwilh all the mcxlern cimvrnlences. nnlnrnlahed, to rvnt. etiber together or »eptralol>, with board. Hotwl*. TOEVADA ROTFIfc ItH AND 'WADARn-AV., JN uear Mnanxi-at.—O.mhl bnard fur tho wlnb-r. to 51 5 per week, I lay board, $3 per wouk. TraoileoU, l.Mtoiipwrdar. \\f (3OD’S'IIOTKL-51 AND a; WASIIiNUTON.ST.- » T Room*, with board, if 7to ®IO per wuok; day board, 15.50 per wock; traoalnnt, fi per day. BUSINESS CHANGES, AN HXPKUIKNORI) OfmnKSPoNDKNT AND bookkeeper, A. F. A A. Maaoo, can eiwuro an Inlor ent in nthoe buatneM payloa a not Income of e*lab« lidted 9 year*, iluatuuu ability and capital rwqulrod. Addrea* 1,78,1 rlbuiui ortico. AVvkLURSI'AIiLHIIKDI"hTOVK 1 "hTOVK ANli' HaßD wrare etore tor ealo. with lamu work-ahop, with or wilboatatock. Ml and vidstats-at. A’ 'OKIIOUIIV STORK FOR HAI.H AT NOUTiI city llinlte. in ilrat clae* location; *.ciO down, balance »ccti red jut per. Apply toJJ. WJLLIASIS.IiI South Clark- It., Illkltull, r lIiHHT-C’LASS IMPROVED FARSI to KXOIIANOK I' fur grocery at<iro. with atm* i iab. if nocumry. lei' Ulark-et., Room It. S. W. HULL. bTOck' AND (JOOI) W(LL OF A WHOLESALE O Ibiunr bualnMa. with a bar attached, for *alo; aplrn did locaticii aud good ruaauuw fur eolilog, Addraaa O 57, Trtbune oltico. rhwo.sKT wnor,KN*Mii.i, i no i’ er ati ov. ht ea s f J. power, brick btuMingi. (or aaie ala bargain, lur iwrtlcnlara adilroaa ATKINSON A TO I’Ll rF, I’ltia hold, lit. / fl'O CUSTOM HOOT AMJ hIIOK MAKEKS-A X food buntin'** with and lot fpr »alo: about -S dillpi from thi* city, on railroad; ball iha purch#**money for bnuM and lot ran Ha fur a inia nf tear* if jirefcrteu. For patuaulatn apply W FAUK TiBUB. A CO., 4Vand til iwkatt. VirANTKP—AN INTERVIEW WITH ONE WHO IT can negotiate for the aala by state and co'miy right* nC onatif the beat intention* out; appreciate!! by allwbao aaonj it ornamental, aud t»«l m w»ery ttuoao In tbe country. Addroaa 1 U 7. Tribune office. WHO WANTS A COOP HUSI.VKSM AND PAV II for It outof protitiT Muallpajuunidownj balano* onayoar. Call to-day at 193 Uko at, up-»ialrt. VirANTKI)—AN \\ with a caih capital of *A. i**J r> taka Inleroat In and general management of a T»rs» factory employing ICO workman, near Chicago. lor lb? manufacture of » birautw ful atyla (uewly-lnieM*! auJ l atoniod) InalAo wlnduW. blind*. Only two ilrollar taciortPa In thu liolPad hf»W», both In lUiieru StaU‘«. lu juir? * Room H lUUgio-FiJlio •ophlctl Fubllahliig llou*e Hull-ling, W Fourth**. HORS ES A yPCARKIAGES. ' AT TATTKRSALLS. I. 3, a 7 40,1 9 Ab’itroo-at,, cornar Michigan-**., buraat, carriage*, coupe rockaway*. buggiaa, phaeton*. rad wagon*, double and aingle ham***. borae-blanketa, tat* robe*, altotleleUi, boll*, whip*, ate., at auoUuupnco*. K. P. JIAII.bV. proprietor. AUCTION SAI.ICM OF HOHbKS. OAItnrAfJK.H, A *nJ linnet* eery Tueaday. TbntaJar. and Saturday, i.dilwtn. ingat 111 a. in,, at WI'SToN A CM. ’H Auction Mouina, No*- Iwiand VM Ka«v AVaahvngton-aU hl;>ck ou band at prUate aa.a. Ample time gireu to teat ail bunae a.dd under a warrantee I.SOlt SAI.K-THE UAY (TiOPINO, KTHAN A.LI.KN, J 1 ,/r., b year* old J ha* trotted lu 2:0 to road-wagou tin* fall; eaolrutlnJitotoliarmia*! la a co-ul pole can be toon at UAVIS’ Urcry llaru uuFaubna it., near \ au lluten-at. HUIISKjI WINTEUKP IN TfllM-«;j.Aha at our farm, 2 mllut a.iotu of llin>Jale. Apply tu HAKKII liKUH., 6) booth Alarket il. I'.WILL KEU, TWO OK TIIKKK NICK CUTTKIIH. i ooa2-ioat«d: one pair light bob v* proaa-waguii, at lift Weal Adatoi-*l. JOHN ÜbAUNhY. VITANTKIt—TIfTY HKAU OF HOILSKS, WKiailT W frutulMUo l.v*-'. fur *bUb cub * hV ) Mn-rVtt ,jr to 738 but*.»t. after If a. m. tb»* day. JUUNjsUITYH. T\r'ANl>ll-TO HL'Y A I.IIJUT BUT BTItONCI W'‘".i “I, J.V i:.«»■> cbjap. At |>l North lieid iIMjJaUM” tiEWINQMACHXNESh VnnisiM-l.isd HE WIN a MAOUINBB OK ALL L' kiud* eld tnacblue* taken Ineionangai repairing and admiiing. aud guaranteed: Id vaurataen uauuidat ?i?» Hall Treadle Ileum*. J«I bWU-it. L-rMiUUOmcVoF A. J. MBLUUEUt.tU WEST i> Maduon-au-Macbinua t'dd on monthly yaynmnUi u,»i'LH.«» “i* lianeed. ruualred. audrauutd. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. Bookfce«t>«r». Clorka* See. CmjAno.'f WANTED-l»Y AN KNEROimO AND O eip<*rlenftM a |*r«a mareantlla bn»i» bom, back, or Inicirmeenfflci*. nw nr b»for« Jan. It 1* Itawmchly oompfltaot, and »p*nba Onrman; fltit.cfaM roforancwgtwi, Inclining rmplnyarj mpd' , ratn •alary r»pactr<l. any n*f»rr pnaltHn n( trait «U 1 b# aatwptabU. A4rlr*M K 9>. Trlbnm nlDnr. C .lO* ».AN.-H-ItAVR HAD TKX YRARS* ►J expertonc*wllh m«rah*Trli«4 *<mor»llr. both m ni»n *ml p>irch»**r. WonM uk* • Igmntt «nr c»t>«elly Wi«Wi*#t*9r) H nnr ro*T>' , cUbl'> bmlpf **, C»» AraUh **l7 b«U of ntfwmcM hers «tul In mh'T cttlM, Adrtr«*« I* I:'. Ttibiia* offlro. UItIMTIO.V‘WANrKJ»-AS TRAVELING HALES ij man (or a wholesale boot and ahoe hpu»* in Kanaaa nr Mi*«<nirl. Ffato traveled in ml* territory ami can con»- iwirM a Iradn. Rll. Trtbnne wf en. SITUATION Wa'NTRP-Xn INTKF,MOUNT MAN, O ryiycaranf age, who la a good penman, and who can r<*.vl, write, and *poak the KnglMi, German, and Scan'll mi tm t Haul*h. Hwodlih. and Norwegian) language* ilu- CT'lr. "Mi'll employmentln an nfPon or atore. lln Li • drauglitiman (machlm-drawlng) by occupation, but uo> demand* bookkeeping well. He U not afraid o( ban! work. AddrrM I li, 'irihunaoffiee. wirbAffoN WANTED-A HIGUI,Y.EDUCATED O young man will work in alaw-offled far iM wwikly, «t will purch*** a fp»i ln(nro«| in a reipectable firm. Ad drr*>, till Imli liur., tj M, Tribune offlee. CITUATIGN WANTED-! WILL PAY *23 WASH *-J fora Htuatlnn m anycapacity. Good penman, quick and correct at ligore*. Salary not an much objeei aa a • mady rd»co and plenty of work. Lett ol retaroocoa giv cn. Adilrrta Ltjf, Tribune office. CITIJATfoN WANTED-AH DRUG CLERK RY A x J voting man who ha* had fniryear*' nTporfano'J In tha tailne«». Quod CITUATIOjT■■WA.NTEI)-ISY‘A“«OOk AND STA* O lloncir elork: will go In theeoant/y. Xloj* of refer* cnm. Addro** 111 liunry-it. SITUATION WANTKD-HY A UOOD nUrtINRS* I j man. In cllr or country, aa clerk, tmndlng man. oor n;aj)ond«int, or tmolkepper. Can <lj anything. Addreaa M 6.1 rlbune odice. Trade*. CITUATfON WANTED-IN CHICAGO OR ELSE. O where. I y a good euttor and tallnr, wno haibeen e«i tabliihed Inmaoil. and been nii.iad l>* burglar*; abki M Ibduco trade. Call, or addreta ♦<? Dtrialon it., noaa Well*. CITLTA’I ION WaNTED-IJV A GOOD NORWEGIAN t v nt bolatcrer; a true and ateadr man, but a auangor In ihoeiry. Addreaa MP, 3bQ North Uqlud-iu MimnUfmoon*. SITUATION WANTED- UY A YOUNG MAN OP good oQucatlon. la willing to work and dn whaterer la UITUATION WANTED-RV A Q man aa watchman, and It willing to do whatever U rodnfreef. Andrei* DCS,Tribune office. SITUATIONS WANTED--FEMALE Damnation. cituation WANTEu-ny a comprtpnt girl O for general homework la prlrate famdr; good refer ence. Address tonUr KM. 1 libaneoltloo. SITUATION WANTED-nV a' woman, with sj child M months old; no ohJ"cMmi wh.-iticr Jn tha , ' llr ?. nr clty-Appl/ at tbs liomo of tbo iYlondlesii. Mlu. McyUAID. CJTUATION WANTED—UV A COOK. APPLY KOI? O two days at U C.inalport*ar. ( West bide. CTTUATI.iN IN RKSTAUiu »2 am or bold; good references. Address L 69, 'l'nbuni c!nc*i. CITUaTION WANTKU-RY A SWEDISH r.lHl. TO • J do general iiutauwurk aud second work. Please call at CO Archer ar. citiTatiun \Va.NTED-HY A GOOD SWEDISH £5 gfrlto do general homework In a small fatnllr. lalTor address AL 1U KedcUck-et.* up-ataire. North ildo preferred. CITUATIOM WA.V’rKb—IlY A COLORED WOMAN'; t-T erpeneneed in cooking, waetaog, and troolng; tin ob« uts to distance. Call at l.'.j Doarbornst., Room di u;«-*iatrs, until Saturday morning. SITUATION WANTED—UY A WBLCII'OIRL, IN Oclty or emtalry,ascook, or cook, wash, sod Iron. ilof croncra, 4lt> Wabaib-ar. b ITU ATI ON WANTED—IIY A GOOD. WILLING O frirl in aalra prirato family. Apply at Galea Stock- Knit’Hotel, Haliiedit. ciTiiATioN wanted -by a eTrsi-cuass giul >j to de general housowurk. lajmrjatlD Kut Dlvla lunti. 9rn.tnsTr «<«<}*• SITUATION WA.STtD-RY A GOOD BEWRR IN prince families; i»a good Ums-uUnuiur. Ilir3, frib unu cttioe. ‘ IVnrara. CITUATION WANtED-RV A RESPECTABLE UN. vO (Hth girt aanart**.or table girl In a Liardlng-hoa*’, «.r fiid.) general buuujwork in a small family. F«?. Trtb* HnnmllflAOor*. QITTATTON WaNTKD-UY A RESPECTABLE O lady at housekeeper la a gnntlcimn** brute, wnrrn ■hr can k>'ep li-r little girl of 6 year* with bur. Pleaae call or adtlrcta 31 r». », lullUVtt Madlton-tt. ’Emplovmimt AconoJ(i«> QITDATIONH tVANTKD-PA.MIUKS IN WATT OP O good Scandinavian and German help can beaupntlcd at kills. DllsK.K'Soaic», Bt) Mllwaakee-ar. ITUATION wANTRn-i.tnrKs* !V“\vXN1 r OP Jir»t-cU«t fatnale b“lp of all na’lonalliiei eta 1h» snllM on abort notice by applying to Mr*. s. LAPKIhE, Ml West Madlinust. UDSICAI*. * FEW FINE ROSEWOOD PIANOS. SQUARE JV (rami mo, u*>d initn nn» tn three montbi, at (iw| a« now; price, (3'A. Kaeh warranted 6 years. UI.CU'S Temple tif Music, tf] Van B“KST AND'CHFAPESf-TiIK'NICHUI.aON CAIH* n.l organ; prim if.7o end upward; wbnlcaale aud retail >t factory. KiohnUonOryan Compeny.tajndlanaai. /Sli IOKRR IN O PIANOS, (IHANU, SQUARE, AM) V_' upright; belt in the world; sweeten toned; moat dur nbioiaoid onmouihly or quarterly paymenUat HEED'S Tempie oKdualc, 9i Van llurcnat. n AINKS iniOA.• PIANOS: AU, -MODERN IM prorement*. rich rosewood easai, full, clear ton*, (Mi]* action; price* low; tcnnaol payment otay. HERD'S Temple of Mnaio, 83 Van Barcn-et. ■MLA.NOS ON TIMR—FIHST OLASS; PRICKS VERY JL low. Term*: ilOpermontb, remainder end of oao year; or t2Bcaah and $U per month until pianola paid tnr: or |W cash ami fdipermonth; or fim caaii and IIS i or in.mih. uid piano* taken at cash valuation. REED'S Tetopleof .Muaie, w Van llnren-at. ' pEKD* SON’S UKOAN.S; SWEETF-ST QUALITY JV ofton6;newait ifylo of cite;*oMon monthly oi quarterly payment*. Ri-ED'3 Temple oi Mnaio, 83 Van lluton-at. r“ RENT-NBW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. Money applied if purchased. HEED’S Temple of Mnilc. ID Van iluren U. \irANTRb-TO I’UmmASl'-STRINWAY UP. it right piano; giro price auu where It oab bo toon. Addrete 11 Oil. Trtbnnn office. . RUV A VERY KI.KDANT ROSE* Owl'll wood 7 l ioctavepianoforte. French grand ao* tlnn. overstrung bates, acralle attachment and all lain Improvement*. round corner*, carved leg* anil lyre. atool and cover included. MARTIN'S special bargain!, Rit btato-U. MISCELLA N EOT3S. a N KXPKliiENOfat) I’HVMCIAN WANTS A U). cation, city nr r.iuntrr; would Ulo a partnerahlp with an wtabllabwd ph>*lcisu. AdJreaa 11 Tribtuao ortire. ____ *4 LL OASH PA"ib FtIRUAST-OFF CI.OTHINO AND JV inUccllaneotia p»'.l» of any kind by winding a lettei to JONAS OKLDKU. 6/tSiatoat. A DVKRflskll.S WHO DRSIHK TO HKAOII COUN* J\ fry rcular* can do an Ip Hie beat and chaapwat mao* ner by uaiDCuneorm' reapciiona nf Kelloeg'a Groat New*- paper IJate. Apply to A. N. Jackeon-at.* ATxdthtTT LiA.vr-oKF clojuinu RouoiiT at the blchMl priee by.IONAH A. DRIKUMA, Xf7 South Clark atreet. _Order* by mail promptly attended to. Notice to’Tint hkhrrwh of oh’iuaoo-a boy nf R year* old will road.Mayor* on Friday own, luaat baltvaui P- m.. tbs loth luab, and Saturday niomlDß at b a. to., tho lit la Inal., In the ’fnnier Hall, 71 aud 7d Wrtt Tajlor-at. TiekeU can be bad at DM State at., and 517 Sonth Canal-at.. and t£l South Clark-at. All U.venef dae alncitiff will rleaeocall aud ane the wonder olineaire. I.UVIN, i’realdont Coufrecatlou Ohany SholowAUrjawpol. fi , RUs'sES—TO THE MUDIUAb mOKESSION-l J have treated heruia thirty yuare eonaunliy. 1 bare ixirfefied a trtia* fareupertor to all other*. m<>nt t>arUk'i>. larly ao lu very bad cate* <>| ail kind*. I'leaao tend me liin wi’rat. and krtor wearing the (ru»* threu day* tbu pa tiuntthall bare bia money back, 11 deal red. Offlc*. 45 H.uth U*rk-*t., Chicago. Room 5. DU. N. W. llUli- HARD. Tt^ANTKD—A JO'U OF ■IUCK-POINtjNO DONO r I immediately. UUOKOttlt HESS A CO„ lid Dear* Vom-*t. \\7 ANTKP—TO I’AINTKKB-XKAl.bit I’UttIMKAL.i • T fur tuck-pointlng and pi'iicUing Hemlock muck, renter Michigan and Ncrllt aud painting comics and window*. Addieaa If. 11.llAATi-, cat* Fa cltlo llot«l. JLOST AND fOOND. L'OUNP-a'MARE AMOl'f NOV. iiTU. THIS ownerl«rripwwteui'icall at Superintendent’* oflico U. West llWltion Kallas/, and prove properly, pay charge*. and taka her an*) ■ L* oaT-«»»HKWAiti)-i white iiUfXTEimmu HUP, wlih half dark hdndle bead and two brtudle •nolaon back: l**P"ut 8 immtn* old, and aniwara to the uauoof Pick. TorialcmiatloujiaUatlAi^ouibCUrk-at. r o.yr—account-hook, contained /“hay I j tieketa and aom* commutation ticket* on Rack lalatid Railroad. *i reward for rnura t/iF.O'NEAL‘B, lt£l Btataat., or Tumiy-tcct-pi Stmt Fotico-SlaUou. , TOHT—OOLP KNiMKI.EII iUUOkLKT. MARKED Jj a. VAN AUMAN. aihtandatd lUU, Tucadarcfa ntng, I>co. 7: will betullably rewarded by leaving It at 7 Ta« a lU>* ■ V OST-- WKPNFSPAY, IN A WAUAbHAV. CAB, A JJ lady’* iiiiinicoo pocket-book, containing *oma money and papora ol no ralua except to owner. In* IlndarwUl In, rewarded by baring It With A. J. lIUAPIiuUD, 74 tVaatilugt<>u*»i., Latomanl. LOST. bTUAYKP, ok tVV’OI.KN—FIVOM IN fhpnt of No. t Fatk-row, about 6 o'clock on Wednatday oronliii:. Poo. 8, a dark ryan mara about 1& hand* talgb, wiiSwiilto tiar on fnrtbiiad, attachad to a Coat) A Ton broke Concord lotybugwy, lataly repaiDted. K aaUaUa ioryn<Hard will be paid fur tbuU return to tlie owuarm JiOGKUH A CO.. 11l Markat-aU 1 UM-WJiPNIiSUAY KVKNINU, A MINK BOA,! JJ on tbo way from comer W«llt-it. anti Noitb-ar. w clark tt. and (beau* amitb lo tloblller-it, A liberal ra> ward i>ald uti return lu AM North Clark-*t. L‘ OST-NKAUFUKIUUT MKl'OT'o’f IIt K WISIM.V -■lnPivUluu vf Chicago A Natlbwactom Jialiro«d, a kay-Up. A reward will bo paid for it* return to J. PICK,, buh, W 7 Uonth Clark -at, _____ Lost-on TWKNTy-abooND HT. last monpay aliurnoou.arad Anyone ruiurulng tba lame to MTwenty■•ucuodat, wUlbeautw ably rewarded, L' ORT-A litAltOSD FIX. TWKSTY POLLAU3 renaid will ba paid for It at T<6 Sutu-at. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 1 ton • chamber aet. tUat-cla** make, and good a* uaw; util tall sbt-ap fur catb. fl' lu'iiAbk—a "coop beconlC If band cooking atoro; meat bo Tory ebaap for catn. Addra»a *>■»*! att l cual yard. 701 M ««t ti. UEDXOix. All FBHSOJiS wUo VIIK bUFMCHIN‘I WITH auy Ivrtn of dl*ea*a, no matter how bad, of bow long a landtag, nor who ba* f*U*d to>o ur* I Uaw. go to Utf btata Medical odicca, 1:7 BuaiL CUrk-aU, LldCago.aad 3