Newspaper Page Text
6 FINANCE AND TRADE. Dad Weather Intcrfcriiiff wii Country Collections. More Renewals of Paper—Diminished Outflow of Currency. Iho Produce markets Moderately Stoauy* Wheat, Pork, and Lord Steadier. Ouuud BcaU Klrflng—Oals and Barky I’inn—florc lelhltj In Parkins Expected. FINANCIAL, The dullness in every direction among the banks wan unmistakable. Tho wretched weather of the past week lias interrupted trade to Uie country and hindered rniiecllone. Merchants in tbla city arn conaer|uontly renewing a conaltlersblo part of the paper that la fall ing duo at this time. Very little new paper la pre sented from that, or, Indeed, from any other source. 'lho demand for aecomraodalJona from packers, manu facturers, and others, la limited to the lowest joint, and tho hanks begin to look with some dlssntis. Jdclliß «i ttio stagnation of business. Tho loana ble resources at their command are more than ampto to meet all tho requirement* of tho business of tho city. There is a growing surplus on their hands, and any new or special enterprise that needed extra accom modations could easily obtain tbenvat favorable ratal Unfortunately tho general condition of strain la such that few auch calls aro made upon tho banking re aourres of tho city. Halm of dlaconnt at the banka are 8(%10 jwr mil ( regular cnatomeni • to the few Independent borrowci Him apply for loans bettor rnteaam made. On tho ilrrct ralea am (to 18 per cent, with an aimoti elate of the market Them were ouly a lew ordcra from tho country for lurroncr. hew York exchange was in loss demand. Sales wore mailo between banks at par to 'JSo premium for f I,MO. The clearings were fd.HOO.OOO, RCCOMUENDINO NormiEii.v pAnno BONDS. The Court of Appeals of Maryland has docidod that a bauk-tcltcr who Induced a ilcj-cwltor to invest In tlio bcuda of the Northern I*solllo Railroad at par, sfnoo fallen In value to about 15a on tho dollar, was responsible for tbo loss, Inthocaso in question the depositor was led to make the Investment upon tho statement of tho Teller that a person Id whom ho had great confidence hid bought soma of the bonds. This proved to bo untrue, and the Teller has been held to make the loss good. cuicaoo * ironTmrBRTER.x. The attack on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad In tho New York Block Exchange was anticipated by the publication In the New York lltrald'a financial coliimnof some unfriendly comments on the state* went of the October earnings of the road. Tho JVnaii. evil Chronicle of Dec. 4 said: The October earnings of tbo Northwestern lUllroid «oUio up net—that Is, after paying expenses, illowlng for interest on bontfs and prorating acttle nenta with other Hum. This la about tbe largest net he * BU * a moat^’*l business In tho history of Cn this the Herald says t “y M . u the result stated is at ihs rate ® nr annum as applicable to dhi,lends, or iLoul HI per cent on both dacron of stock. If tho talemem la to bo credited it clearly demonstrates that hero in no m-ccsalty for a repeal of tho "Potler Uw.” Sr* .}»i» T ° W one cannot fall to wonder at tho hort-Blghtedncsa of the managers In permitting smli > publtctttion at this jiartlculur moment. Tho*sUto* Si Jni T v°Mf r, ti J - r r , ‘ s * u, l n,luJ ‘l>o famous circular n y J ,f over 1,10 "lenuturu of the Trcas* Sfl l Cow *“ in >’ cuutalned a statement as ouoMS. The net oarnlugs of said Cotunany. after S'JS' T" 1 ,I*"* 1 *"* rmt of I.L.D.f’IS" utereflt on bonds, including interest on gold-loan , ou .'ji , .^ er l 1 t . I,:l ' ; ' : 'J c 7 the fiscal year emtiug May i, In.o. This statement was considered as vi-rv fa* arable, and was "agood enough Morgan” until tho . l»j « arariis< of Mm regular annual report, smno two n U . t H«c atCr i <V?‘ °L I, y. m *‘ , ° u l* to ‘b® saiao date. May 1), disclii-ud the fact that from tho Treasurer’s tig* oln nf ß r, WM lo I>c deducted tho utni of pW, w*l, being the amount of interest on tint on .of 'i'S.prtci,,,-roads, and tha cost of or srel! ig tho same, la exci ss of tho gross receipts of said mils. This trltllug deduction reduced tho “net earn ips to ?-*«,2C« for tho year, or only about sloo,iH)9 c ri' than wo are now invited to “takoln” for tho ugle month of October. Tbs statement, however l '* l, “ vo Fallen ‘'stUl lower,” for Urn slock* of tho ompany close tho week at a decline of X per coni on ‘Vrr. a / tld ■* In,,1 n , , , b ? preferred, being resjiecilve iirtnV uil-Mfc W ‘“ I ‘ m “ t ‘ ,rl “* NEW TORK BATINO3 HASHB, The German Up-town Barings Bank of Now York ispcmledon Monday. Tho failure laabadono, tho mds of Uio bank having, contrary to law, been Jo lted In call loans to friends of its olllcire. There is deficiency of about llO.Ouo, Tho Mechanics’ and raders’ Savings Bank, in lbs Bowery, la being run Tho runs upon tho North Blvcr Bauk, oml o Franklin Havings Bauk continue. Tho Teo o’s Bauk and tho Mutual Benefit Barings >nk, are being wound np. An a specimen of tho anucr in which the now frantically twdoua ink Examiner baa done his duty. It may bo ro arked that tho YorkvlUo Savings Bank has been al* wed without molestation to run two years with a fldency. ItUverywoli to have examiner*, but cy themselves ought to bo examined. uoveuhjiekt uoki>3. 1M matt, n t d( bi r'.'n uni huuh b-vim or v- r . ins - .' D»of ’Ci—Jttuunry Bud JuJy ( •of ’o7—Jamiory and Julr IW, i'-h* U* of Vi9—January aadJJuly 12.* V 7 1 1 jT-i* UodHtitca nowCaot 'rtl lit)', . 1171*- Uea bUuoa cumucy Ca, oalnl 141», ouU). loia was uiuxNiucns. irecubaclia wfro BT.VsHT.'.c ou (ho dollar. cur AND COUNTY BONUJ, IcaKo City 7 Vet. bond At lot. City 7 V ct. mmerngo. 101 At tut. l<-»KuCUy7 Vet. walorluau. 1«* ft tut. i)k Oniiity 7 Vet. bond*.... l«v Jut. *>t l»rk 7 y ct. rlh Olilraun 7 Vet. bon.U Uucolul’ark), WIUCtIXA.SEODH. *7 Hallway, South Ship, et-dlv I<IJW ti ty Uallway, sVcat Hide, ci-Ulv. I3ij |;jjU ty Hallway, hiurtlj Hide U-j * •uclera' lomnun Compsuy lumber of Commerce,, 70 *77** l dcago Ota Light and Coko Company ~,, 180 dcsgo * Northwestern gold bonds. 83 flu ;po*lllou stock yg LATEST. Ne-,v loan, Dec. o.—Gold opened ot 114’,', and closed 114,’.;, all the bale* of the day Laving been at thoeo Mtv». The ratoa for borrowing wore Oat to I-Ci per jra, but finally 3 jwr cent was paid i 0 have UUacea tried, lovornmenti were steady. liar illroad bonds were strouK ami for Piciflc*. -'do t Wabuli second! declined to vj%. late securities were quiet. rh« stock market opened Arm. and rrlfot advanced Iho general list, but niter tbo flret call a reaction >k jilaco, followed later by a recovery under brisk buying movement. Lake bhore ad need to C2V» declined to 01V, rallied to and wua active. KorUiwteteru shares to strong, common ranging from a.i« to oo»;. and t-ferrad from 68 to MV. Union I'aolrfo rose to 7tw il Western Union to 77,*/. At the close price* wen, ver on sale* to real!re. Isdcu Shore declined to CO«/. Ie to 16W, bt. I'aul to preferred to Cfljtf, Norm* stem to atltf , preferred to 6i»f, Onion Toclflo to 77 rifle Mall to to.*;, Ohio# to 17‘i, Atlantic & l>rltto tegraph to 1H«(, and Western Union to 7dV, United no* Lxpress advanced to M, and then reacted to ’*• An oiudol sunomicemrnt was inado from Doe. ithaltho regular 2 |>cr cent quarterly dividend on lion Tactile has been dcclired jayable Jan. 1. Lite t'zvrru says : “ The cillccra of tho Chicago & rUnvcsU'ru Itallway Uoiujiauy have discovered an rtiiiua conspiracy to Injure Iho credit of the Com* uy and depress Ita securities. They have taken the 10 ljrU) ‘ < 40 J*“ Uc# parties engaged Trur -ruDucuona BCfroptpd JII.W 0 iljarcu. of which .oww««i*aao fc M3\, IU,O«j w.nUru lM», JIS •ortiiwutcm common, 8,600 interred, B.ouO Bt. I'aiil 'CIT"' ‘“.™" ErU. mi L»» 0 luney r&syj 4^. rime im-rcsutuu i>si«r, r>v,ir iistoms recvlpio, t-UD.ixw. he Assistant Treasurer UUburaed 1180.000. Iwiriugs, fdrt.hsi.uoo. ' ' tt-rUug yulet j 481.^1^187^. UMVCUNUIKTK. pons, ’hi 1UJ«; New 91 117 v Ka*,'w liar; ""V;*'ll7b ' t;oiii»oui. • ***U7v *W littH OurcMtcyCk... .laa* poii», *e» MTATB UOHDI. HM*M, old 4fl | VlfuiLU,mw UW«, new 4;»5f Mlaaouri. jmla, old #7 j sroexs. Hen. Union Tol.. 70fj iN. J. Central * tlc 4u* Buck Island .....i-u w uiVf;* 1 -“* 8U I ’» u| ocw u * Ftr «0 Hi* tit. Paul ufd M* Wabaah.... i? t. Krpreaa 67 Wabaabpfd 7 • r York Central...lMJf Port Wayne ol ' VJ; »•* T«m Hants .. 6 . Chicago 4 Alton 91 h 1 * JM Chicago 4 Alton ufd lu wgauCentral..,. «|* JtoiSTpR.. 17V V.P.ilork lakcHhnro <o •„ 111 i(in In rVti1n1...... ‘ ... . m I <•. , " . Illllllltl.l A i'l. .UQ,, •’ | clrr. k I’iMslmrg., t»:i U.-t., Lack fc Weat...,l'.’o Northwestern :U',' Atlantic k i’ac.TO... Isif Northwestern pfd... «.*.». j Central Tar. boml*,..lo'W C.. C.,C. & 1 67s ! V. r. tfinc!l 104>f MISIXO HTOf’KR. Sax Ftuxrisro. Uio. ti.-Uonsolldated Virginia, bluti'f, JO', ; * granted ll.Mur, higher, Ml; Vel- Inw Jnckei, hjrfinr, tiU; (liliforni.i. m 2; Onblr. RMV; 11-ilc Nnrcrosp, loj; Sivncc, 101; Oonflcbnro, 101; r,icboi)ii.>f bus ; Overman, lot; .Justice, 10ah: Caledonia, lot;-;. REAL ESTATE. Th« following Instruments were litod for record Thursday, Dec. 0: Irvingplaea, 314 P-in fin of iii.rn.inji *t. « r. •-"*134 JMi) ft, Willi building, dated Dec, M..s IO.SOO Archer nv, n vr cor of Twriilj-w>eoinl at, a f, an 4>ioxiooit, with huiidiug, dated Dee. 11... 7.000 Cherry nv, 44 fl a of Dlvltdcm at. 0 f, 23 fl to al* ley, with other property, dated Dee. a 4 000 Yager at. nororof Ktrule at, w f, l.V.'h'xl'jn fi, with 13t«, fl no;ir tile aloro, d.ded Dee, «... 7.W0 Lontnl* at, rO ft n of Jnchaon at, w f, Box7:i ft. dated Sept. It o.siift Milwaukee av. '.'Wt nw of Jatio at, u of, j.x 133 fl, dated Dae. 8 J.COO Weal Adanm nl, 00u ( /t w ' xll»fl. dated Dee. 7... Central Park nv, a w cor« acres, data! Dec. 7...., West Mnnroo st, utj ft w r>rt l i*iai 11, with Imllilinc, dated Dr, H Calumet nv, ICO It n of Oauo *t, w f, UslJO It, daU-dJuno 21 North Iloynoav, 73 ft nof I.ulvck fit, of, 7.’t 100 ft,dated Dec. H Bhrnarnk fit, BO ft e of Uauhleimw *v, a f, BO* 131 ft,dalod Nor, 21 1,200 Tbfi iirerataw No. South llobey st, dated Dec.« Ttio i>rurulitca No, 1 Aldluo dated Dec. Wrat polk fi',lll ft w of Uflin fiV,'nf.'iaiiM ft, dated Nor. :l»* 7;^) Slide Bt, 131 ft n of Crlppon at, w f, i'ul'HV ft) dated Juno 23 3 215 Thlrtydldr.l at, l.'.tfft wof Wabash av.n f, Id ’ .‘MOiytt 0-1011, with bulldlnff, dated Nov, 2ti, 7,ft00 'Vabash uv, «2 If a of Thirty-tuird fit, c f. W v xllO r.-lo It, with InilMlnff. dated N0v.!!»..!. 9 sfO fton-m or cm limits wirtinr a tunica or 7 im.u or ooum-nornt. Fullerton ar, n e corner of Kemlnary ar, a f, ft, dated Dee. * % q aooiji or our LDtir* within a nAUiua or 7 iulu or (XHIUT-HOOR. Hyde Park av, 71 nft of Walunl si, w f, rox Jin ft, dated Dec. fl * g ojgj Sheridan av, 125 ft s of Forty-fifth st, v f. OCt 134 ft, dated Sept. 20 goo Sheridan av, 07 ft oof Forty-sixth st, wf, 7&« 131 ft, dated Sept. 23 cjq Fight lots In Block :i in Hnperior Court parti* tion of Lot 3, in s of no V, Beo 4, ad, 14, dated Oct. 3 ... 7,fiCo COMMERCIAL. The following were tlio receipts 4nd shipment* of the leadlngartlcloa of produce tn this dty during the twenty-four hours ending at 7 o’clock on Thursday morning, and for the corresponding data one year ago • Flour, brls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, 1ni.... Oats, bu.... wli-iul 17,2.3) Bye, Ini I I,!: I *'] Barky, lm 7,.'>.vi| Ontu aeml. lit.! 1-lax need. )!,».. 21 11 Ihwm-coni, W>a| B,7.Kij Cur'd niCß 3.'tl..*iX) Ucef, 1ir15...,.,l ul J’ork, trlfl J | lard, R* IHfl.COij Tallow, ll* IJ.ttl llultcr. lliu C1,.1.i0| Driitard hop*., J;t:u Live hops. No.. Irt,ou*| Cattle, No Sheer, Nl> 1.« Kri Hide*, it*. au-*,ar<i» lllKhwinoa, brio li> I Wool, It* 49,4 T 0! Lumber, No. ft. 00-. i Blilngle*, N 0... 1,100,WM Lath, Nc 6CJ.000 Balt, tirlp itoultry, 1t*..., MCI I’oultry, roups. 13,r'.*.’ Oatue, !>kpH,... l;ij Kfftja. jikira 7 Choear, bxa.... :tj" Dried fruit*, H h f,jj O. applca, brb. 10 Hay, toua 210] Withdrawn from afore o □mutton: 2,009 bu wheal at", 0011 m rye. Tho following grain to impeded Into atere on Thursday morning s 13 can No. 1 spring, b" can No. 3 do, Si cam Now 3 do, Si cars rejected do, 1 car no grado do (181 whoal); 10 cars No. 2 com, fl cam rejected do, 1 car no grade (17 corn); i cara white cats, C cam No. a do, 1 car no grade (lOoale); i cam No. 2 rye, 2 cara rejected do; S cars No. 3 barley, 7 cara Ko.:i do. Total, 231 cara, or 70,000 bu. Impeded ont: 12,723 bo wheat, 15,270 bu cor®, 333 bu rye. J,M) bu liarloy. It !■ understood lobe Intended to commence with th® now year a new iqslcin of gathering daily atutis ttca for tlio Hoard of Trad®, which will bo a great Im provement upon (ho old, and obviate tha necessity of making the complaints not Infrequently heard in the paat. Wo miggrv.l (hat tt would lo mU to requeet tho warehousemen to send In (heir weekly statements of grain In aloro to the Secretary of the Hoard of Trad®, and Instruct the Boendarr to ware those rcturna for the Information oi members, eo that parlies Interested la tho trade may ho ahlo to know how mneb gralaof any particular grade is in sloro, Inalead of how much aomo people think there ought to loon hand. Tho latter If of no use what oyrr except aa a fine specimen of m! tape. Tho leading produce markets were rather quiet yea. terday, and steadier. Thera was a good deal of hold* lugolf, tho shorts waiting for a docline before Ih. y would till, and the longs looking for an advance on which they could sell; neither class being disposed to trodo extensively at current quotations. The day was a gloomy on® outaldo, ami the character of the weather seemed to be redocUd into several of (he markets, making litem dull, though without special weakness. Thor® was a quiet movement In domeall® ary-goods St flrmly-malntalned price®. The tendenceyln un bleached cottons, drills, and some of the most popular lines of bleached sheetings and shirtings, la upward. Groceries wero moving with some freedom, and au (ho staple articles were Arm. Hatter and cheese met with oidy a moderate Inquiry, and prices were not subject od to any quotable change. Tho demaud for foreign dried fruita coutiuuca active, while In domestic Tori*- Uca the movement is sluggish, Jfo price changes were noted, except a tfo decline In Turkey primes. There was a light demand for tlsli at former quotations. Trices of coal and wood wore the samo as for a month P 44 *' - bagging, tubaceo, and oils were quoted unchanged. 05 & lot. X.umLc*r mm rather qtilet. the lad weather baring considerably diminished the demand, which, however, !■ not expected to be vary largo at tide Umo In the sea eon. Hrlccs aro steady as a rule, shd common grad* aro firmly held, as tho stock la supposed to bo not more than sufildeot to meet the vanU of the trade until tho opening of another season. Hardware metals, and uaiia wore steady and lu moderate de mand. the orders being principally from the Interior ami generally for small loU to complete assortments Therv waa a Ultio more lifolu the wool market, and some qualities wore quoted firm, Hroom-com was fairiy actlro at unchanged prices. Timothy, clover, and liar sml were firmer under a limited supply aud comparatively good Inquiry. Hides were easy, though dealers were taking the stock offsred at recent price*. There were no changes In green fruits. Choice game and poultry were more active and steadier, but poor stock was slow aud easy. I.UMJIEU HUVPLT. Tho Xorthuetitrn J.umbtrman for December con- Uiue (ho followlUß lUtoment, which It bupihmm to Mprwent ari'roJlmatdy tho eupply of standing pise t ml«p in th«t section of lbs Northwest lying betwcim !, "i* 0 ”* of Laku Michigan sod the hrodwsterS of „ “ ,|MlF "'Pl'* lUtop, including « portion of the Northern ivnttnula of Michigan. The fullovina re auiU oro obtained by as* timing u * basis that on tho avcrsgo there are l.wo ft of lumber to the sere. or <W,OUI ft iu each 40 K n», *• w wo mere, or Xatnt of river, Uirnthf/t, i%Jf Escauaba, l*ord, and nmotr. Cedar, M NM-400 I3OOWOOOO sr M m *>}?>*** iv«a!iwviw OmVi tS it rii -. ! ’60 IWU.MIVOO "*•*“ “wow tlo Uuuuico Wolf WUcuukia.... Yi-Uuw U’ uomooie ami Chip* I own. .... n sho,iflo,ooo ,u V*Ui)o *U,iau JM# fi.CC7.MU H.COI DiVok\7«r,«.*.”i«,v.'r<i vM.’tw’o ViiiiVuMi^uki Ht, Croix, J7u M'C'J»u!ijui Jfl i#%Mi •MiS’.iSlS! Total m aj.fliy.jw a ( !,-iTH.9so,ww Tbo atipply on tba streams flowing Into Lake MicbU Kau, between Milwaukee and titurgeon Bay, an<| ou tbo east eboro of Otecn Bay, Including tbo lamU lu Oio vicinity of Ureea Bay City. U practically ©ibau.u ed« Atl'wolllveroaud Kewauuootbo milk aru cuu Uug noma pine, tut tbledy for local um. Tbo former iwiui ablj)|H.‘(| only about ft to tbla market ihla •oaauii. lu tbo vicinity of Laka WUinebagu, and tba amail lake* uaar tbo ouuQuanoa of tbo Fox and IVulf Itlvora, tbo oupply la not largo enough to admit of ia- Uuuivo pperatlona, and tbo Wolf will aooo ooaaa to bo a prominent lumbering atrerjn. Largo quantities of rtavee u re nnnnfsnMmt In tbo A'.Mit* near Jska Indiana Central •!>; l'hi„ Rnr. k ynlncy..U4if llannttial h St. .100.. VI Winnebago. An Important Inmbfp.prodnclng dlnlrlrt „ on Iho west H l0r » or (Irrfln IJiy, between himtnico River and Llltln liny do Nortel. Mill® In known concerning (hat part of tlio Upper I’tn- Inmila of Michigan lying north and m«t of Mranaba, and extending lef lata Superior. ~ ~ pot,lltf y J" Juat beginning to attract attention. At present MonaaU<ino la llie mod Im portant shipping point | n Uio dialrlcl. In North wcatorn Wisconsin tbero Ja a Urge, almost undsvrl ope-l country. On th« Upper Wisconsin and Iho Chippewa and 11s tributaries aro found tho lineal pin® tnda left In the Nnrthwc«t. Much ef tbotlmber land in thra® region* U lying Idio at present, and probably ■will be nnlil the conslruchnn of railroads through th« cmintry renders them accessible. There la also a considerable trad of Umber, not thoroughly explored. In tho Tldnity Of Duluth and along the south shorn of I.nko Superior, extending aa far east as Keweenaw Day, which U not included In tho estimates given alKivo. At tho present ralo of production in theis districts, which in 187* waa about 1,5C0,000,000 ft, the supply of timber in this vast tract will be eihaiul ed In VI >, years. And yet Iho lumbermen are clam orous for protection. They want the Uovermnent to aid them In their remorseless destruction of tb« great pine forests of tb® Northwest. of Lincoln Vl,’ s’ f.’si .. PROVISIONS. ll(Kl rnomrcTa— Were moderately actito and vary irregular. Jloga wore stronger, under the fact of a continued small supply, the arrival* not being sum. Heut to keep our packers engage,!, without allowing any for shipment, But it waa stated that ftog-dealers hare telegraphed tnio the country to tncreaso consign ments to this market, and that mado ipcculstlve o]>rr atora anticipate lower prices, for which reason they oiTered pork and lard for future delivery vary freely, while the packers held off. except m buyers would bid former prices. For Uiis reason meats wore alrong. it is now thought probable that hogs will como for ward in numbers sufficient to keep all tho bouses at work, though not to (heir full capacity, which Is not far short of 50,000 per day. The existence of this Im. mouse capacity has been partly the means of keening up the prices of hogs, as It baa made competition keen between buyers. Uses Poiik—Was active, and declined IQWQjse brl, under fro offerings for future, induced by the ex pectation of larger supplies of hogs. Rales were ro portecl of 70 brls rash at *19.35 : 3,780 brls seller the * n Mlor Jamiry at aaa brls seller February at Total, i;t,:rjo brls. Tho market closed tamo at IlD.WkiQln.jj cash or seller tha year *'£•*» •eHi'f January, *l9. W seller February, and |IO.W to 19-I*o fur March. if Twcntjviivili st, ft nf California av, 11 f. 10,0(0 Prime mesa pork was quoted at f17.75«13.00. and extra prime do at sl4.2srfci i.:.0. Laßii->Was loss active, and a shade easier, though reported Cd per 113 lbs higher in Elvcrjtool, and CC o pcr liwiUnp In New Yon. Tho market hero sym* jmlLlr.ed wllli.pork ; there woa little demand except fortebmary, Hales were reported ofasu tea seller the month, at $13.33* ; 3,000 tea seller January at $t3.33(A13.40 ; slid <>,OOJ to sseller February at $12.45 (<t12.54*, Total, H,35i) tes. Tho market closed steady at cash or seller the year, $13,35.» 1--3* H for January, J13.450413.47tf for February, and at tli.fituiS.W't for March Meats—Were uuumally active, and firmer all round. There was a good demand at current quotations, and largo orders, which wore not filled, because they were limited below the views of buyers; these were chiefly for future delivery. Tho lower temperature Invited carers to operate, and tbsro wra more inquiry for green meats, but tbo movement was chiefly In loU for Immediate shipment, outside of sumo round lots sold to to dillvered after the clcaa of tho packing season. I’an salted wore quoted os follows: Shoulders, 7\,c boxed; do toller January, 7'.0; long cloare, lie |*»«d sdo *f‘ , ler Jamiarv, si*c; short ribs, boxed. do seller January. 10.',o;ahort clears, b«)ied. lOHc; do sailer January, long and short clears, boxed, roller December, lo*c; do seller Jan uary, 10', os Cumberland*, itoxod, bl'.c cash, and 10c for January; sweot-plckled Lams, 10V(ill hici do seller January, 10,\o asked. For March delivery, shout* ders were quoted at 7,'< c, short ribs li)*c. and short clears 10‘,e, all loose. Urcen meats quoted at C\o for ahouiders, 9*c for long dears, P»|e for short ribs, 100 for short clears, and l(K<lOWc for hams. Bacon most* steady at Pc for shoulders, i2,*o for short ribs, Kle for sliort clears, and 13\ai4e for-hams. Kalis were reported of 2(1,00 ) 1U shoulders at 7c; 40 boxes doat7,hc; lisi.oou ha short clears seller April at lie; i'JO boxes long and short clears at 10*0; 3Ai,dO:) lbs green short rP-n at S(U.V*9.&) per 100 lbs; ciu.OuU Ins salted do ut 10c cosh, iuj;o fop March, and lo«.p, for April; 390 boxes do at 10* c; 500,000 1U and 10,000 in.igp.Hii hams at luc for 10-lb averages, an lu<%c lor IMS do ; 25 tea bacon hams at lie ; oml 25 lbs pigs tongues at f.^r, Onusr->V*s nominal at 7y39r. lIHEF PRODUCTS—Were steady and quiet at $0.76 (aiu.oo for muss, $i0.75-.iit.uu for extra moro. and s2ti.i IXW 21.00 for hams. ‘ Tallow—Was quoted at B,Vc. 11774. R.40J.1 10.3;'2 J 1,045 u.fKt 2 <,<*,. .till 15,5:41 14,|511'| ■ ;,51n 5,9*12 750 ;• 7e5 1,100 14,t4'i ( | • 7,.Wj 4.74(5 87,0 >5 j an.;, - 45,3.8 2,10' 115,129 21,000 a*,«KKi| 47,15,'i| 20,012 8*5,4>0 1,032,311 3,044,741 (inti 2?n i«i 2,f»ii row I*l,B-11 BlM'ir.M 301,1125 11,22*. IKi.'.'j.l 10-V'iu aft.oio 41*7 I' 2 1.279 U1.10.i IMi , 5.709 a«*, 5 W!l 3,017 i Vtl l.ftxst 85I,l;»;i 152,740 222.«0(» lii 2 5!2 30* 79,i:wi[ 100,020 77.580 70 . 312.000 1,871,(HO ‘‘(ilw'iV) 85-o,out) 6w,u00 204,uu0 43,7i;<i| 24,133 #4.100 <ii> !!!!!”*'!!!!!!!!! mvi an 1,25’'1l 77 IK.H 1111 I*l IfKI aioil :tj io oa Wedrcaday for city con it, 1.752 bu com, I,SM bi ri.OLT.-W4B dull ami nominally unchanged, doai ere having grown tired of fruiUcas offer* to make eon cwiiona Jn order to obtain custom. Tbo local trade continue* to take sparingly, while shipper* hold off for quotation* below the coat of manufacture, Hale* won reported of an brld spring extras, partly at $3.20(9 6.25 ; and J3O brin rye flour, partly at $4.23, Total, l.Ua brls. Tho market closed nominally at the follow ing range of pnety : Choice winter oxtraa, $7.0097.70; common to good do. f.vr».3«.tw ; spring extraa, $4.33 @1.50; good do, |1.715@.1.0U; Choice do, $*i.25@9.50 J patent* do, $0.9097.25 ; Minnesota, #3,2590.23; spring superflnes, f2.75,«;.1. , :.3; rye flour, $1.2391,40; and buckwheat do, $5.3093.73, lliiAN—Wo* dull aud weak. Bales were 20 ion* at $12.00 on track; and 10 lona at (12.50 to arrive. Co CN-XIEAL—Woa nominal at $17.50(a ld.oo forcoarso on track. # WHEAT—Wan relatively quiet, and Irregular within narrower limits, averaging about the latest quotations of Wednesday, Liverpool wan unchanged, ami there waa “no business yet"ln Now York, Wliilo our receipts were only moderate, though somewhat larger than the previous day. Hence there was no strong prcnuire cither way, and the apparent absence of order* from outside threw the buMuorn chiefly Into the bands of local dealers. Tbs tone was, however, rather a Arm one, aa several parties stood ready to take bold at a fraction above a dollar, and bougnl ralber freely whenever the market weakened to meet their vlowa which resulted In a slight reaction. There was a mod erate inquiry for shipment, hut moat of urn trading seemed to hare rcferoucs to the existence of certain privileges to deliver wheat In the neighborhood of 11.00 for January, and the parlies who bad sold them was Interested la keeping up the price; st the same time the situation was generally considered aa mere hoi'cful than heretofore. Not that a big advance la cx pe;hHl, but that it was thought probable that tho re cent weakness has exhausted Itself, as the worst la now known about tho European situation, and It Is expected that there will i>o a gradual Icascnlou of stocks on the other side of tho Atlantic, aa ahln meuta from northern ports will soon bo slopi-ed by the lee of winter. There la now no doubt that the surplus of Ilussia was very much underrated, nut the HCIUOU fur autumn sowing has been unmoral bio over a largo area In Europe, and that fact may Stimulate prices there, as threatening tho next cron Boiler January opened here at f 1.01, receded to il.OO'f. I?*?.*}•*!*Hi »ud varied several times between a,H * l -°l, It.OOM. Keller tbs month hobUtli.ocMLulv closings* JUKI, Haller February "°> J , at and seller May at |l.lot4l.lU‘;, the letter closing at tho Inildo. Cash No. a aprlng closed at SI.OO, and Ho.:»do at KOVo. ciaab ealiw wore reported of i.ikxi bu Ho. i spring at tI.M; tw.auo bu do at gl.WHdl.OO?;; 10,(100 bu Ho. a do at HOft 80 jc; 14.8U1 bu rejected do at 6To S I.OCU bu do (H. H ) “ l bu by kampla at ttfl«85o; and l.iuObudo at 11.1.1, free ou board. Total, I*l,ooo bu. MjjrncsoTA WitmT-Waa in fair demand for Ho. % . w “ Armor, while the other grade waa un changed. Bales wore reported of ],4tU bn Mo. 1 ai i,BOO ! bn U<l a,<W ta N °‘ 2at Total, COHN—Was quid, but advanced He on deliveries for thU month, very lltUo other busUuas being done. - V . UoU of °l H 'rators Was chiefly concentrated on li! 2 f dlerUw TMk trades, the tone uf the market In which wae entirely governed by West ern Influences. Liverpool was reported easier, and tuat made buyen hold off from the longer futures The roce pts here wvrevt-rvamaU, and the shipments fair for the season, while tuo weather, though a lliilo harder than hcrelofero, la not favorable to ths drying out of tbs new corn, which needs some good freellou before much of U will bo lit for market. There was a recession In tho strength early because of the frost, hut the tone aoon Improved when it was found that I the weather was really mild, and thought not Improb present °f temperature may last till towards Christmas, Aa the dual fur this mouth la a very large one yet, and the quantity of merchantable coro . H ep ? ,a ‘l l * ll * email, with no bone of receiving much before the New Year, uuksa It should soon turn wy oold, the situation here la a strong one fop this mouth, end may yet dovelupu luto « hrst-dass squeeze. It la now whispered that two men havttgotthsdcaliu tlu-lr own tiauds, and have luudu calculations fur a regular corner, but there U reason to doubt it, though the situation favors it If the rules would penult. Hevcral attempts to get un a comer bars oven unsuccessful, ami tho abort seller* gathered ajnfldeuoe enough from that fact to sell corn very heavily. We Cote that the lungs liavo been wililntt ouougU to eetUe for two or three days lost. Seller the month, or year, opened at 47Lc, and advanced to 4«**c, cloalng castor at Be er January soJd at closing at 4V. Bellor February sold at 44k,«t5c, and sutler Uav *t47V«47Xc. Cash No. 1 lug scarcdv any ou sale. Cash sales *.-« reported of 4I»0 bn old high mixed at f-Oo; 4,4 iX) bu new do at pj>, liu No. 3mt 4'J , bu iio Cdo at 3C<£J7o; 40U bu old high mixed ai flic free on rd: 400 tm care at 40c; wki bu do at 43j delivered • 14,400 bu by sample at UU(4 Ilk-, Total, 86,400 bu. * OATl*—Were quiet and a shade Uniter, the advance being In cash and seller May, The receipts were light, and New York was quoted Arm, aud the offer lugs were limited, but the market opened alow aud easy in company with corn, and then adtaurtd with it and tinder a slightly Improved demand, and closed Arm at the outside figures uf the day. Keller tha mouth open- i caatuotjcaudeold to aoy,«, closing at UiPtoitkvd Weller January *uld at cawing at jnu<ta I w *ud May ranged from at‘,r«ai»/c. cosh closed 4IU) ,s*3oXc. Hamplts were quiet. Itojeoted sold at 1 Lash aalcs were reported of at,Soo bu No aai oOVflWt.o; UN) bu rejvctbd at 37c ; 8.400 bu by aam- i te. w ?S'i°u Sftr* bu lo “ “* c rr “ » , i rices varied according to the location uf the ncclots. • No rejected was offered, aud distillers were luppljlmi themrelres wHU M«Ca ai rejretei wm qhoted tl #4Q».6c. ogtlooa were lusct/vc, gales wore THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: FRIDAY, DECT BREAD3TUFFS. quiet fto>! unrhangod. The demand was chiefly for apples, (bu choice varieties of which were steady, while common and soft fruit won r 'in £r ‘ *r r ? RU . ,M f’ ric<w: oranges, #o.uo i1 I w.^ e^ brl L , ' , ? 10M ' new Messina do, |7.Wper hoi; winter apples, M.UOc*3.SO per brl from cranberries, $0.600s lujui per brl! Cepe Cod do, a!'n * A * W l * r . ko « or MO.W per brl. rads «u moderately atlvs at prlcia allowing no quotablo rar'atlon from thoso current on the'preceding days of the week. Wa repeat our list s »^V? ,£ ■~ itangoo,, • 7c l c *roUua, 7*<gße; Louisiana, cufHini-o.g. J«T», •■okmmvo; Jm No. a, ana a . lu: S? , Jfn. , ° l “'» "* »X«».U'o; «ocrt to iirtina <lO, common to fair, 3lw«3*vo: roMt- Kucumj—l*«lent cut loaf, ll*;(»ii*re; crushed and l^^V l,^ 1 ». 0 Sp r “ , ' ta A,standard. IO\QIOWc; do No. a, B.lO'ic: extra 0 i‘ io: y . cnow .° No ' la ,J Xo; choice brown V* |,ril ? ,e Uo » i common do 7-\»»'}C; choice molasses burst. 9,491*0! common to good do. 7 ; New Orleans, TWC-V-’c. ninui'ft—C»llfonila sugar-loaf drips, 73(«73c: div mood drips, $1.09(41.10; silver driiw, extra fine, (Wvn J®®s Boo«»«Uff»r-hoU*e alrnp,Bo«ssc: extra do. U(4 COo, Nbw Orleans molasses, choice old, 66(400(5 • do jirlnie, do common to good, 4«;«,Wc: do choice new, 70-<*79c; prime do, molasses, wi^Mo; common molasses, 0861 4 Jo: black* strapv 31 u\ irjc. BPTCES— A 3hplce,l7«lßo; rloret, maria. 30 eOJu! pcpjw.O'XaJOHc; nutmegs, |1,25;A1.30; (jaV eutt»glngnr,iai4(Slu><(\ ’ w?S* l 7T T ?* #I,llie ' 0 >' o i German Mottled, fIVWJo: While IJljr. 6,W<<»oWo; While lUwo, Eavoh Impcriri, do: Gulden West, 4S*(39c! *’ BTaucu-Excelß lol -, laundry. O'.'(*7o; do, gloss, 7w OOc, decora,7(S'JAio; KlngshmJ. purßjt'jc; do all* docoro, ' IIAY-»Wae In moderate demand and firm. The receipts were larger, but the oflerluga of loose hay have fallen o£f, owing to bod roads, aud retailers were looking more to tho market for pressed foraupnlle*. Iho lower graded of timothy were higher, quotations: timothy. |l9.9U«lfl.onj No. 2 do. i 13.00513.60 mixed, 719.60] upland prairie, |11.00(dll.60 s fair to B°P‘J I' l ’* l * lo . i8.6Wd10.00! slough, $7,00(47.60. 11 Kill WIN EH—Were quiet and unchanged. Boles were reported of 100 brU at $1.14 por galloiT. There- New , Yo . r * ' w . ef ® liMry yesterday, and that market waa a shade easier In conic-inence. HIDI-.B—Wore easy at the quoted prices. Dealers wore bu) lug aud shipping to the Eastern markets. The New York Mereautilt JourmU gives the following re* jm; or 18. .lot. Of hide, In IL.t m.rk.l on u ■« i i-l^ 9 *} 1 l toc *, oa 1141111 amountsto 170.800 hides and hales East India, as compared wttix 398 HOO hldea and 1,577 bales East India at the esmelimoin 1574, and 49,800 hides and 7-9 bain liut IndS ,“ 4UIU , »*«• 1“ Quotstloua: Green city butchers, j green cured, lirhl and heavy, TWo; part cured, 7o; green aaltsd kln.7ku* grwiumlf, I'MI Jko; fllut dry hides, kip aud coft. 15 v? ‘ *n deacon aklus, 48 (450 c. Damaged stock brings (wo-thirdv price, and branded 10 pur cent off. Uheep pelts, wool i-atim«tiwi as washed, per lb, 00-3330. noi’B—Were oulol aud steady at 8f4120 LEA! unit—The demand was light tor the season. I*riCMi remain llrm as follow* : _ „ ~ . HEMLOCK, S 0 ’** • • l.U* Uuo I Jjva j» O-Uf, No.a„ lM b-«1.(J6 Uaffaloalaucti* ~ No. 1..., ,6gji.oo tor nolo (Lent) 83(* 37 K1pe...... . ...f B 0 .» 78 *‘D. A.’’Bola.,. 3>J<S 31 Upper, No. 1.,/ S3* 88 "u. a. Q. D " * Up|tir, N 0.«... ly, *si Hu u, "‘rum aly 31 Insole.., OAtfl WJf‘H.3O I HtnuM, Mill VO I Bole. !*** si I „ huikoii i Cali I.BUW3.UU 1. LUMIIKU—Km iutuodorai cargo of lumber fend a few *6 •ale dock*, and two or thru ikm (mJ. iolluwlug are Uiu yi i’irat ami secondclear, Xtdrd clear. 1 locti. Ujjp«r. Tmmcjoar:w,ri:: ; aa’oftS “V d Mct,n ‘ , » wu*a‘* ai.W^ivw) Uuar aiding, drat »d 4 *ocoud..,, - 1B.00C41IHM) Nim common Hiding iHOoAn m • Flooring, fint commoD, dreoaod "* a 0.00,4,.* >i S;SS! 1 i ;!« k k Si. 1 " ‘h'!“ : ■■■ ■■ ■ ■ :::: •' IS'S f VuUO|i(*« llLlUtai!) AA Common lumUr, la ft and under,,,,,,, ll.ooaixoo - JoUU yid acautUag, 20 to 2i ft.....:..; UOoSftflO 1 , j-™*** BhlsgU-a outr^’k..' oaoSoSw lx«uSf at ... * v xl< * »iA.aoi roofing, u&ao, ia lo.uo* i>w i* l * o- 7&o ’ bar.SWc: taut ■Coyym—Boitoma. Smoj copp.,* j te- ? T S*'?-*' ull “■O.'iovo: I No. M, ftfo ntoa; Boat* Iron,V toi2 InduaiTV reported nf 2,400 bn No, 3 At and 173 bn by sample at ' 3 BARI.I.k—Mas quiet but steady, and firmer for Ihix nionth «ml ra»h under limited offering* and a mod rtato inquiry from the aborts. lint a good many •IktU worn holding bark In anticipation of larger re« i Hihb, parllniUrly of (Tanada Iwrley, which they th i«nht might imhn-fl holders to offer Western wllfi ™ '"I, Itr 1 tr especially M Ahortnuo has l*>en Min.hlrrabty rr>< | nce , | wßjjin tlin r# ai few days. The 10 cnr *. mostly No. :t f ttclnif i?! I h'*,' p,1 lf !!l , i* n, VV 1 TV ffn " * E dipping demand Vi 3 T ,11L 1 hU "\' r R,lp " f,f No. 1 were Rejected was fltM'ly at .ip .<#4.i. (.Mil No. 2 wa* quoted at 87e. Halter ISeM ,ml '-'wl i wn " nwt«A at ftVrfMCWo. if bf,l !-7, * l both dosing with r» f i 2T? bI J. °. n * , ' l '* "ulc* were reported r< ‘V 1 ,, N V*J* 3t - 5 WJcofril alflSS lc\ S;SS bn? lj Mn,, ' e <:,a£K ' o on twrt - total, LATKRT. ‘ a » ln I h . 9 * ft<,rn ,? o:i Provisions were In moderate domamt, ami gsiirrdly slraily. Hales: 1,760 brls uiena {'i n2 1 if 1 **2^^ 11> ' JJ /■'"" Doeemlwr. and |ll>.4(S>4 1-1.45 seller february, 1,350 lea lard at fU.OjJ ssiior January, aiid |l*i,47« seller February; 4<) boxMßhonlder* st7'.te; 40.W0 Its short tlbs at ft)?; 10 lioxet short cleat si litjfe, * Wheat was aetivd; and \<a He lower tinder r pres stiro to Ml, Induced liy roinifts of haarltieos in New lork and an exiwcted drop abroad. Holler January sold at lI.OOHw 1.00, and closed at ll.CHli^l, oo',. D<i cembapsoU al and elosed eivsy at ths In-a able. Slay ranged from « n d Pehrnary from fl.Ol'iAl.ol%', the latter closing st the Inside, Com was quiet sml easy, closing st 4tVe for IMcem her, with sales at 4H',e, and nt 45« seller# for January. Data were very quiet. May told at hlbc. and Jan. Uary was quottHl at 00, Hr, Hurley waa quiet and stronger, lolliDg at 87</c for December, TAU, lidAni). 1 41 I.IJ IHMIII/, McsiporlcwM fnlrlyacllve and 7Ve lower, closing at SI9.I6'*HM7X seller Dertmlwr, and fl'.i.Sluiijo ; * for Fshrtiary. Ralea; n.oyu brU at |ty.l6tJltf.l7»T seller Decemlwr, and |l».2i aellnp February. lard was in fair roqUcat and stronger, with sales of 3.000 tea at $12.36 sailor Jauuaiy, sud <13.60 seller February. GENERAL MARKETS. ATJ7OUOI>—Was quiet and steady al <3.23. DRouJl-CORN—IThe 1 The demand from manufacturers contlnliea excellent, and prices for tho belter grades are steady. Choice old burl, 10<%ilc; burl, choice medium, C<37c ; good medium brush, 6(sCc; fair Insldo and covers, 4^uiso; Infsrlor, crooked, 3(3 sc, BUTTER—A reasonably sollra local demand wu reported, and a fair Eastern movement was also noted at fairly study prices. Np mors choice butler than Is required to moot local wants la arriving, and hence thbre Is among holders a firm feeling. We quote: Choice to fancy yellow, W(SS2o; medium to good grades, losses Inferior to common, 13£17e; ootn mon to choice roll, 18(333c. BAGGING—HaIos wero restricted In amenmt, the few orders received being for small quantities to Bull current demands. iTfcra remain as before. Stark A. 27c ; Lcwlslou, 25»<c; Montsup, Ontario, 23c; American A, 2»c; Amoskeag, burlsn-bagl, i Im, 14 <418o; do, B bu.l6((jmo{ guunles, single, 15C4 KJc ; do. double. IVJFMe. * * w CHKPhlK—Bnslncsa was fair for the season, and prices again ruled steady at liaiUo for common to fancy factory. CuAL—The continued mild weather Insures ertn* (limed dullness In tho cosl trade, Tho market, how. ever, remains firm as previously quoted. l*blgh, I10.M; Lackawanna, range sml nut, flfl.oo: do egg, <-'.50 5 canneL $7.00138.60 5 Uoctlng Valley, M. 6»! Indiana block, |i),o(l; Balllaioro 81 Uhlo, <0.60: mu nois, f4.60i*5.00. ’ • goods were In fair request, I-arge liercvs sold at <1.45 and pork barrels at $1 a* one car Being reported at sl.lO. ' DUt.'HBED 11008—The Weather was a little mom favorable and live product was stronger, but holders were anxious to aeU, although tho offerings were again very small. The demand Is light and chiefly local, few shippers having yet appeared In tho market Choice shipping lom wore quoted nt H.OO'aH.I2V. and at S’ I ™* *' o * 8llC( * : 100 oail B °lt (Wednesday p. m.) F.Goß—Wore dull and easy. The offerings wero large, eai'ccmlly of pi'kled, and sonio dealers report having recclyed odvircß of llls-rsl shipments from tho country. Tho demand was chiefly local. Fresh pack, age* wero quoted at plcklodat icaaSa, ac cording lo eondltlon. ’ .. l '' I ,f i 'i l-Uo i n l'" r .1 t "' dj , llu, ° <• l"*lnß .lorn. In thn llah market, DtpemlKT being tho dullest mouth of all the year; but stocks are In manageable shape and U 1 . 0.. of pI ? CM iB firm * We quote: No. 1 whltoflsh. *tf brl, S7.GOj No. a do. SS.ID No. I No, 1 ahoro tntekenJ, now/ u brl. lUBoQlh.OO; No. I hay, |.OO-#y.35; No. 2 mack ‘ re h h brl, family mackerel, %£ lirl. No. labors kits, No. 1 feay kHs! ~ink ood-Arii <5.76r,4fl oo; Georgo s ood-nsh, W.ooi^fl.®; now Dab! • ff* .•I 1 * I .** LrL, « *d^kWL7s; do V brL . ]!f^! or -5 trriu ßj round* brie. W. 26*} 0.80, d0br1,f.1.60(n3..8; scaled herring, per Iwx, 44ia 460; Columbia lUvsr Halmun, Jtf brl. S 8 ‘JSfiBK fui FRUITS AND NUTS-Foreign varicliM wSo art- Ivo; domestic* remain dull. No Important price change* wero noted, as follows; Fcmmaw—Dates SSSJE: ag% drums, new.’ 14^150; Turkish prune*, new, 1>*@8o; trench prune*, kegs and boxes, lOQlilo; radius! larers. now, looas Alnacatel, .new 5 $3.4033.50: z . nnto currants, ciu mi, 3S(A'J7c ;lomou.peel,a^TJc; orange- pee1,20®220. DoaEßTio—Aldon apple*, lH(A20o; Michigan apples 10(41U« 4 'o; Indiana ami Illinois, poaches! do, mixed, 10**11?• ?rt* l9o iA blackberries, 5 raapbcrrki. J7o 5 pitted cherries, NOT*-FllUirla, llu,| li?V.l£w£ ,>, ?, erra « 01l! i- 2ira2i*c- N» P i« walnut*. 14tAlBo; Orouoble walnuts, Draxlls. 8644W(c* peeansj Texas, 14<318c; AVUmlngloa |«autits, (hij Tennessee peanut*, African i«anuls. •rooc. Kjjj 1.0031.40 ‘to deiiiaud and atoady. a hiUffin wera offered at (Ito o utun boat-loada are et rani quoUUuua: ■ 5.1,00(437.00 ,( •DIRER 10, 1575. |To; do, No. l.afalnrd, 17c; American Russia A. 14c: », He. Mirk—Noa. Ito it. 0e •5,7 to too: jo to n lie: 13,11.140: lit and 14. 12 '; l.lnnd Jil, Moj n. lie; 1A Ifio; 10. 10c; 9d, 3oe* full bundle*, per rent dl*. count: fence wire, Rue; do, nmall lot*, R».c, NAILS—Were quiet and atesdv At |3,13<4, OlLS—There was a qul-1 market at unchanged prior a Carbon, however. I wa« firmer, and seemed In n f.iir way to Rf> higher, We qtmte; Carbon (standard while). ll> deg. te«t, lavjfl; do Illinois legal to«t, ir,n deg I*MC I do head-llght, 176 deg., Irt.S>«*l7n; extra whiter .lard oil, 11.0**1.10; No. 1, #I.OU; No. •• 7»(*H'V . lln*erd. raw, ; bolted, file; whs’*, winter bleached! 1 sperm, $2.15(42.25 1 neatsfoot nil, atrlrtlv pure! $1.15(j|1.20; iluextra, 95c; do No. I, ft7o;bank oil. 5o«-; alrallA, 53c; plumbago oil, 60(4760; turpentine,4.*>ai7e; naphtha, 03 gravity, 10n$ naphtha, common. 12(4100; West Virginia oila, natural. 39 deg., Ilio; natural, SO deg., ilpo; reduced, 23 deg., 22(4 35r. rnULTUY AND GAMB—Dhole* fre*h poultry wav stronger. under a bettor demand, and owing to the coder weather, which made buyer* willing to fakn bold. The shipments exceeded the receipt*. |',.or aloek waa abundant and weak. Game was Arm, quail being quotably higher. Venlaon, which was unusual ly plentiful, la perhaps an exccpilnn. Quotations: Chicken*, U.rojH.oo; do dressed, flwUJo per Jh; tur kej«, dressed, y,.412e ducks. 1-1.25; do dressed, lie; oeeae, |7.W),*‘.MW 5 do dressed, <r,oqfso.oo; prairie chickens, |V0;45.7R; parlridgca.fil.RO; quail, fLU-V* 9.00; mallard diicka, |iUD 1 amall do, fi.So, Vanliun. aaddlen, We. J'UTaYokn—TVrro quid and mirhangod. There, tall tMon la light, and there 1« little Inquiry for car lota, and tiono waa niTered. The winter Block in the IvandM of {Kith ralail groccra and dewdora la thought to be much largup than many peoylo eui riooed, C.iriotS of J«'“';*> , 'lowa were anlable at 33e, dellvere-l. ii« 1. « s “^ l J no ** , J r n,,< * c l nT °k wore In fair renunl, . m ri! °V tl llP«ner. Timothy mngeil from < , Jrtvo r from nna a nm.\ll lot of Mi. brou «‘ t, Fla* told at n i o r i nov . co, ‘ llnß r<, fward in small qnnntUloa, but ‘ v ,V ffrr,n K" 1" not Biifllrluiil lo caurnj e Te ,h 8 cron la abort and nra not ?A'!oe U *MuPni r in , ? , i 1 I"’ 1, 1 ‘ “tigsrlan sold at il’i Tn l . ?' 1 l ’ ,,cb whem wero Inactive. tbAniintMUnaf^ML’^f 1 ? 10 ,!, ‘ ,nnnil - Following UFO ImiiW.!?!*! lota: Onondaga and a.»gln.-nr, flu*,•l.3j, Canada, d0.f1.40: ordinary eotrsa II 70! dairy, without bags. |J.75; dalry. withln.oa Itso Ashton dairy, per sack, |4.80. * ° c ‘ *‘ uu ' TEAR—There la continued Improvement In tbonnat. lion of tho toa market. Tho volume of Bales la dallr Incrcailng, and tho general t.ndency 0” price? J tlronglr upHanL Wo still quoin: Gunpowin n-Cer.. mon, fcatOfj R«d do, Joaisc i ™S,n i 5 V Mo; Rood do. MrMSci nffi. ! cboleo, io(»7se; choicest, 00, itasct fancy tl iii C<41.30. I«pr.nUL—Common, good dof -is iiMOe I tuodlum, 40<J43i:; good do, 47@50; finn, £ortio..c; finest, 55 /liOd: choice, Co,*r3c; choicest Japako—Common, D 3 * n7c; good comme.i JK,d«c: ttoJlido, 4U.RI.V; R0..1 ninli™, fine, 50^55c 5 finest, RSfitlidc; choice. co^Mc; choicest’ i.iifftHOo. Oor.oHos—Cnftmion, goodcommiin’ 112.<*35e• medium, good uiedfum, 40irit.*c* fine, 45®50c; finest, 50<i530; choice, choice*t! 60(4H5c. * . WOOD—Sties wow effoctad at sft,ss for mania, at $«.60 for beech, and |YSO lor slabs—delivered. M'OOL—Was In Utter demand, and totno ntialltfcs were firm. Tho following sales wero reported: 1 500 u “ w “ hp<l porablngal DTe; 10.0(H) K.s fins washed ot 40«; 6,000 lbs fine and medium st 41c; 701 lbs tiilw wnahsd at 48c, 1,000 lbs at 60c 5 1,000 th* scoured at cue Quotations: Tilb-woshod, prime, C05»83o; do, poor to sood, 44(*4Re; washed fleece, fine, iMuttoo : do, mo lum, 42C3440; do, eosrae, ÜB(%4iki; unwashed, fins .heavy to light, 2C(j|27c; do, medium, 3iaUoo ; do. coarse, f , , LIVE STOCK. OIUCAQO. Kefeibti— Moudsy Tueidsy..,., AVcdoctday.. Thursday... „ TnUl 12.741) C'-V-OO 5,715 S«me time l««f week f.o.'im 0,H5 Week before List Ik,SH7 C7,'joiJ 7,*s- ShwmtttU-~ ' Monday,.. Tuesday... Wednesday T °l“l 3,ftTU C,7tiS 2.H71 C.VTTLB— It was a doll ami unsatisfactory market* flay. Thera was at least twice aa much Block as there was any legitimate demand for, ami, to effect sales, H wm necessary to freely shade former iiricea. The fact.,that the supply was unusually large for the season would not alone hare seriously disturbed maaknt values, but Rollers had lu addition the decreasing new* from the East to contend with. Butchers* atnlT and medium qualities, such iw Pittsburgaftd thedroesed«bMf trade seek, woro “off” -V<3?*c from Monday’s quotations,while other grade* Buffered to the extent of about He. Tlio recent raina have left the pens In a filthy condition, and the cattle .presented a very uninviting appearance, nud taken all la all the position of the market waa most unsatisfactory to buyers and sellers alike. There waa a sale by Wood Bros, of fancy Illinois steers at {7.00. but the day a work was principally at nrlcoa below $.1.( 0, IWW®5.'-3 5 Stockers at f'J.75(Ji0.73; Texans at |J.40(?#4.y0, and common to choice shipping steers at |4.uO<as.BM, CalvM woro Inquired for at $3.50 j»s.f.u for common eoatao heavy to choice light. „ QUOTATIONS. Choice Deere#—Pine, tat, well-formed 3 year to 6 year old atccra, weighing 1,30 a to 1,500 lbs. K iD/imn Good Deeres—Well-fattened steers, wolcli- ’ In* MW) to 1.300 He . 4.80a52S Medium Grade#—Btcer* In,fair lioah. welch- *** log I,looto 1,300 U)fl 400(44 B 0 Butchers’ Stock—Door to fair atocn, and 3 ' common to choice cow#, for cily alauahtor. wclbMdc 800 to 1.100 lb# 2.5033.75 Block (JstUtv-Comroon rattle, weighing 800 i.H’JC-tiii 2 -’«SI7S ■tags, Imiu, am Texas Cattle—Thr lIUU3—The mat Tancod sharply, 1 looked for, the toil number fell ao far Itiat It proved an < notch, and 10C to tbe adrai The amillnora o few days it said condition of the cc rains havo rendcre hut Utile, packers i 7,‘.*5 for commor range of sates wr mil Uiln cows,' taoifen, taeaUwag ateera . 2.00«3.5U ongb drove© 2.40^4.00 rket waa active and nricoa again ad* lailead of tho 20,000 or l*.uw how iulfor (bo day war in,850. TLia r abort of the (ratio requirements my teak lo more up prlcoa another MloO «u accordingly added moo of tba clay before, of onr receipt* during tho paat . to bo chleflly attributable to tho :oun(ry roada, which tbo lato heavy ed almost Impaatablo. Shipper* did •©curing moat of tbeho*n at 17.004 a .Prtme ffndoa. The extreme a td.7ftM7.yo. . aoa Hus. Av, /Vice.l,* 60.. . .Hiß |7.!W . :i9....ai0 7.10 M.... 321 7.10 40.. .315 7.21) I fi11....293 7,05 ' C4.,..it34 7,20 10*1....271 7.24 103....2*0 7.10 01.. .331 7.: d» 49.. ..333 7.24 5UM....280 7.25 04.. 7.24 M....2H 7.24 1U....280 7.24 -Ve. ,4r. Priet, 29.. 1165 $7.33 9.1.. 0113 7.3.1 01. . 7.110 47.. .060 7.U0 95.. 7.25 45.. 7.15 65.. 7.13 67.. ..260 7.00 45.. 7.20 411.. 3U 7.20 61.. ..287 7.18 40.. ..105 7,10 48.. .2(59 7.10 63.. 7.09 33.. 7.05 69.. 7.10 22.. , .209 7.23 43.. ..324 7.29 1D1....285 7.2.5 31. ...183 7.10 49.. 7.20 02.. 397 7.20 40.. 7.20 61.. 7.20 49.. ..!118 7.20 07.. 7.20 95.. , ,298 7.30 46.. 7.20 69.. 7.13 61. ..271 7.10 3.1.. C4D 7.20 31.. 7.20 23.. 249 7.10 35.. 7.10 42.. .817 7.20 11.. ..101 7.20 81....1W.1 T. 20 0,00 81....800 7.00 93.. 7,08 M....1W7 7.00 6J....3C0 7.1(5 60....104 7.00 60.. 7.20 I 43....303 7.20 , BllEEl’—Were fa ile'maud at $3.75(35.00 for com. mi’ii to ebolce, U)» market ruling firm at the above ~ NEW TOUK. vet), mak lag *,900 since MomUv, against 9,430 at (he urns time iMt week. Good cattle wore scarce, aml readily sold at former prices. Common to medium native* and all grades of Texas and Oberokea cattle wet* dull and o^ t ,f.. l , h,d * <tt ' tll 7^ u ' !Uoo i a few fancy ateoni soma of tba roughest dry cows. 7 vra live weight, for bulls. * .. L*uus-lUicolpli.4.Ro0 l making 10.050 for three days, against 4,*!60 tbo same time last week* market steady ( large busloeee; 4jtf«fl,»io for common w£l£V b f ep . ; mw toe 1)001 lu 8^ HWiwe—Arrlvtls, <,WO, making 13,073 for three VM at the tame time last wuok: mar- and weak! 4 car-load# fair Ohio hogs, 133 lbs. at ! city dressed dull and lower _ BUFFALO. Kuiro'i'.d-r “**" '■-iridiiii^ a.v“^s^!‘£if ,, “r n “ elIlU ' 1,600 i« ra.rkd 11. o*y, price*XC*»io aanoco orer u/t week* quou- ai* a? 2J<3 30 SWI 40 aou 41 1100.-RoeeliU*, 0,300; total for the week. 20,800: >” j 4 full of “““M Htovk; York. TU3 * UW,W * IMOMO; bmy, |7.oua _ HAST LICtBTY. 1 Dw5 *- O.—CiTTLE—ltrcelpla txlar, 891 head, or IB cara of through and i earn of kooJ a »®4* bead for the three day* ; Kit, *£ S oo * l -14.53(45.60 { oommoh to i«r, IJ.ttH3i.uo { atockofa, ri.75a3.23 ; Vuila, |2.UO# *°^ i3r h. l » w *t «•“«« 13,585 for the A yotkeri|,|ii.(So^c.«); beat, f7.51i3T.60. . “o | l*r~.Recelpt* to-day, 600 bead. pairing 7.400 for Ul. UUM lUj. I HU,, u , »T. LOUW. . 0-—OATTL*—rover «n 3 i weak j i 1 * 1 .I’® 1 ’® •Nl'Plb« itMn. sj.aft(4s.Bt>tf; fur to . Utfbt 14.00(44.60 { cuwa, |a.6o(» ■locker*, feeder*, f«.U; good tb • Tex»u», meilhun to fair, |S.OO& . common, fa.60f14.00. cio*ed liigbuf ou boat grade*; extra bury, V St. choice chuioa JJ.-J5; i „ CIKCIKIf ATt. OivcimriTf, Dec. 9.—llou*—Active tod advanced: couuqou, 10.75C47.10; fair to good packing, ; choice heavy, |7.61; j*<u doored: rccelpu. g.soo: MiipsubU, QOUO. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS. FOREIGN MARKETS. I DlntUA (« 111 UAieufo 7Yibu*f. f laTOBPoot, Dm, 9 —11:00 a. m.—Flour—No. 1, >*So Mi, U» U. K <Hum—mat—Winter, Ho. I,loa (d j winter. No. 3, 101; spring, No. I, 10i ; No. 3, M 44: whllo. Ko, 1, tl* I'tj No. 3, IfN 0.1 • rlult. No. 1, Ila7d{ Mo. 9, ]U gj Corn—No. 1,34«; No. J, 3ta rd. J’HOVIIIONB—I'orIf, 9'.1, Lard. Bft*. Livtni-oou Dec, C—t:;to r. ui.—l’EOtaious—Pork, Lard, J .^ , y no, -l )o f. o—l P. tn.—COHN—No. 1,83 a Cd; iJi* CU Dpo * fl ~ r ' ; aides ' of biles, Inclitdlntt speculation, 7.00 U halos; exports, 9,000 Inins, and American, 7,000 balas: receipts, n.fioo bales; American, M)() bales. Ooiih—Western mlird. 8 hauls Cd. , rnovifttoKß-Mf*a pork.PJiC.l. MrJ-Amerlcafl,W«. m,dd!M ’ 6,1 ! ,hort cloj f tnlit- DnNDojr,, Dm. o—The Binpnnt of btilllon In tbeiDanlc f i t’l! bM ‘ l6PW '"**l jC-83,000 during (be past ™’ Tf !° l ,ro l*ortlon of tbo bank’s reserro to Ha H ?. 1 * , il * r( ‘ nt ‘ The amount of bullion withdrawn from 11m li.ntr on balance to-day 1. £70,000.’ CoHaoLs Moopy, ra 11 1! ; act,milt, 01 MO, Aimucan Hcoirnime-r.?,, j0.i,.„; naw la. lotu l.rle(l3<f; preferred, 31,—Vis cd. I'tTnoi.r.tJtf—Refined, . I.inskkd Oil— a - ,*, Rrrnii Oir.-O7irf lifts. Dec. t>.—Restki—ccf C."c. Thk Dawk or Fiumm-Tha aped. In llm Bank of ™jj™ int «M«l 0J.J23.000 franca during the pail v..,.,f' oIITHE l N cotton MARKETS. „ S Uni.r.aira, Deo. o.—Collon, demand good ; talc. ~wo bak.j quotation! unchanged; receipt., nol 0,410 Ijalce; pr.»e, «,77y; caporla to llm continent 13,G10; Block, 303,0.*8. Galveston, Dee, o.—Cotton firm with good d< maud ; offering* high; middling., ta«<c • not rocelpti 2 CM* 1 *** * r °* S ’ 81,7{ ei P° rti « coaalwlae, 2,080; ealei SaTATWiit, Dec. 0.-Cotlim, eleady; mlddllnge, H.-.c 7 net reeel|.le, 3,322 bate. ; groae, 0,102; einorta to trance, 1,00.1; Baku, 2,701. Monti.*, Ala., Dee. o.—Cotton quiet; middling*, I3>,c; net receipt*, 1,041 laloa; U tbo Clunuil. 9«3 • cnaatwlse, 430; aalc*, 100. TT o*’ 0 *’ 9 ‘~ Cot ‘on quiet; middlings, 73\«1213-lCc; net receipts, 2,1>00 bales; exports to tho.ConUncut,a,77U; Coastwise, 1,731; sales. 4CO. NEW YORK DRY-GOODS MARKET. NnwkonK, Dee, 9.—The package trade lu.cotton Boofli wan moderate, with the most cctlrtty in brown eucctlngfl and cotton llamiols. bleached shirtings were quiet, and ballon shirtings iml Knight cambrics were reduced by tho agents, Thud print* were In steady request, but robes were less active. Taney ™7'l ncr " " ml worsted coatinga were rather more mu t dl,rHk,n ». MUnets. and Joans were quiet. Torclgu goods were dull. Cim.m n* ! PETROLEUM MARKET, cut KURD, 0„ nto. o— l’elroltntn arm; dom.nj E°*vy ; .Unilanl wliito (IXO test), „ r i m , wL . ta (Ijo, 10','c lu cdr-lot. for cash. CaltU. Ilngt, Sh»fn, .... 2.o'Jd 17,276 l.tlU .... 4,067 10,460 |,;tH .... 3,‘J'i3 Hi,MH .... U,:m 15,8.86 J, 4:1.1 PITTSBURG PETROLEUM MARKET 1 a.-Tetrolomu firm; crude,' II.CO^ Ihiry. ' ‘ 1J ’ ,C ' ™>“WpU» do. WILMINGTON TURPENTINE MARKET " »■* woiow, Dee. o.—spirits Of turpentine firm 33^0. Ml 3.44 J KID 1,5) ■'6 IHI I,MJ tfjtf SJI THE PRODUCE MARKETS. NEW tong. Aririrtf Dltpnteh to Tho CMeage Tribune New Von., D. C . u—OiuiK-Whß.t-M.rkrt Riil.t : slightly in buyers’favor; sates of 41,000 bu; n.ooa I.OJ for rejected spring; for ungraded spring; H.KXSI.I3 for No, 3 Chicago; SI.U for No, 3 Milwaukee; No. 3 Chicago nominal; st.2Cst *>7 for No. 3 Milwaukee); $!.32(%1.33 for No. I spring ; fj.u (31.35 for new and old winter red Western; tt.llra 1.33 for do amber Western ; and IL32QMS for whlto Western. Ilyo scares and Orm *l mj, 900 for Western; OiQWo fop state; and 906 for Canada in bond, barley quiet and firm • aatca of 2,500 bu two-rowod Stato at SI.OO, and 7,000 bu do cholco Jefferson County at (1.12 lu atom. Com quiet, without dccldml change in price; salat of 33,000 bu at Tie for steam Western mixed; Tltfofor do; 730 for high mixed and yellow; and M<*7oc for new Wort, em mixed. Oat* without decided change; sales of 41,000 bu at 43f<*49c for mixed Western and State, and for wnlto Western and Stale, Incloding No’a Milwaukee at 490 afloat, and old No, 2 Chicago at lie in store. Pbovuion*— Middles firm al 10> 4 ''*Ue for long clear. Lard Arm; tales of 100 tee at Mflo for prime steam. Whisht—The market la quiot j sales of CO brla $1.17 per gallon. OnooEiiiEs—Sugar—Market Arm; moderate In •Vilry; fait to good refining quoted at BVftßQei prlmo at 8 O-lCfge ; No*. 10 and la Havana at* «* ®®Y e * Cofree—: Market quiet and unchanged; Rio quoted at lH*o2lc In gold, and Maracaibo at ID*O 21><c In gold. Tea—Market linn; fair demand. Tallow— Rules quiet and Arm; prime country and city quoted at ~ „ „ th* AnetiaM frm.l „ New X°nx, Deo. o.— Cotton— Firm at l.tifdiia ■i'io 0 ’ futures dosed steady ; December, 13 3-]c<£l3 7-320! January, Uiw»2ol3 6-16 c; February, la 13-3 in i ?i ar i April. 13 aSaaojiay 14 3-Ui9U',o June, It MO; July. 11 T-UWliuei Aupuat, It 17-3201419-32 C. ” 1 lour—Without decided change; moderate d®. r -r ?'- IS,WO brl ! 5 ■noorflpoflutoand TVeat ~~'w ,40 ?V 75 ! Common to goodextra, $1.9008.43 9n?i*. t 0 wheat extra, so.u*(j 7.00, extra Ohio, S3.tA>OT.4Dt Hi, Lonlt, f5.lO0U.OO: ?“ ,0 . nt P ro t^* B * ® xtr * « 00(l to prime, fl.’j UU# oxtr “» t 7 * Bo ®'*'* s0 * Hje«t>uf CouN-Mxau— Steady; Weatern,51.13:33.75. Gnaw—Wheal dull; In buyers' favor* reeeinlt spring, |l.olj ungraded ipSlff* WflS** % a Milwaukee, I1.13M1.14; No, 2,Milwaukee, ll.*o 5 No. *J Cblcugo spring, $1.23<41,25. Rye acorco and Ann, at 83090 a for Western. Barley 2i U J« .* J ) n ycr> i ? ud Bc hent apart; two-rowed Slate. ?!. i : t , ? u!el and n pcbangod. Corn opened dull and dosed bcavyand lower; receipt*, 37,000 bus Western mixed. 73 Vo for aloam, and 71070 a fop salt; high-mixed ami yellow Western, 76c; white Weatern, 73a; new Western mixed, 64«T0at new and old West f™, I?.* 1 ® 11 * Oats steady; receipt#, 17,000 bu 5 Worn mixed, 43012 c; white do, «o ifloil; old No, 2 Chicago, 48c In store. Hat—Finn and unchanged. n coffee quiet and nomltidl: cargoes, » W lo in gold; Jobbing, 18,*0220 iu gofd. Hnrar «u - i 5* T *’ “i/i an “ ott >«d J fair togood reflnlug, 8 3-18 teflned, moderate de -10 *, ra . lo '» c ', Molasses—New Orloaus la fair request; good to choice, B3OOJc. like quiet fend un changed. Quiet,but aloady; crude,To; refined. 19.*012*0, * ~ HritAWan Ream—Steady; 11.7001.77 V. Bpimxb or Tobtentike—37t*. Eons—Firm ; Weatern, 20082. • u?. vtH iS! , Sr 7> £. l ’ k flrra ® r * uninspected now mess, *H.87K022.00; December, $21.33. Hccf Steady; new P ala mea*. Il*e; extra do,U*o. Out meats—Western qnict, middles firm; Weatern long-clear, aftiJJSf!? er » P rll “»»t«wn. 190UM6a; December, 13 I-ICOI3 l fC, I’flme firm; others heavy J Western, If I.Vo. Av. Priet. i 4J....2H0 J 7.20 40.. 7.20 67.. 7,15 49.. ..190 7.15 1120.. ..242 7.15 1 03....810 7.15 ai..,.ai4 7,1-jjtf 6JJ..2-VI 7.16 44.. ..253 7.15 «7....213 7.15 49.. 7.15 114.. 7.19 41.. 7.15 U04....3U0 7.10 07.. 7.10 21.. 7.10 02. ...221 7.10 •9....1W1 7.10 3V....210 7.10 51.. 7.10 60., ,960 7.10 97.. 7.10 20.. .'J7H 7.06 06.. I'Jl 7.03 61 >...210 7.00 60.. ..205 7.00 00....200 7.00 65.. 238 7.00 37.. ..277 0.93 97.. 0.90 CitßrßK—Quiet 5 Wuuxt— Quiet. BALTIKORE. B/wimom. Doc. v.—Cwrtofi—Dull And wink; low middling, 12‘fc. 1 Flour—Steady, and nnchanged. Guam—lVheat firm and Unchanged. Corn quiet and steady! Haulhero white, old, new, SHI4 COo; Bouthern. yellow, old, 70o: now, 3«<a|ru); Woit erumlxcd, old, fl«c; now, Oats quiet and firm: Weatom white, 420130; Western mixed, SOailo. Uyi firmer; fsUQguoo. ' Hat—Unchanged, Provision*—Pinner, not quolably higher. Pork, new, $22.30. Hulk m«*U unsetllvd ; ahouhtert, 8c; clear rib aides, 11011*0, loose; itocked, HUtellue. mam scarce and firm; abpulder*. lO',6IUc: clear rib aides. 13*0110; bams, 13*0180. Lard steady; crude, 13*0; roaned. I4e. . * Uuttkb—Steady, firm, aadunchanged. I‘itrolbom—Unchanged. Corrsc—Nominally unchanged. Wmsai—Dull; $1,1001.18*. Pim-ADKLI'IUA. Puxladblfuu, Dec. 3.—Hums—Clover In good de mand ; lie. Flax, 91.00. Timothy, $2.8203,73. l*sruoLtuif—Nwalually 12‘,0 for rohued: 10*0 10*o for erode, Flour—Qutet end unchanged. Rye Hour, t3.l2te for prime, n Oiini-Wheat in fklr request; sales of Pennsyl vania red 5tf1.J701.33: Weatern red at t1.06ii1.12* amber at $1.4001.42. Itye—OTo for old. Corn scarce and Ann; new plenty and dull; old yellowk T3A73o* new do, 630 COo; mixed, 71e; whUe,eoo(iia. tew leas active; white, 46050 a; mixed and sialasd Jolto. ' Wbiskt—sl.lo for Westers. liUTTKU—Market fairly active; New York and Bradford County extras, 3|0330; do firsts. 300320* Western extras, 80022 c j Uo firsts, 27029 c; robs. Western, IKhiJlo; do firsts, Ouxrsb-DuU and nominal; New York fancy, l|*o; do prime. lJ*0l3*o; Woeternflne, 12*0130. Eaos—Quiet, lucrotaed receipts; Western fresh, so 0410, „ , „ 6T. LOUIS. Bt. Loom, Deo. u.—Conon--flteatlT tod un changed ; salsa of 4,000 halt*. 1 JTLooa— uull, but unchanged. sa? lu, *L“ Wlietl hl « bw ; No- red winter, f 1.1*01,0 V “I “,*«•»» U.<4»1.49tf Januar/j No.Ud* !;?«««» e » h * SS rD P» olc k/ ; dltttcult to give BOCU l?i n ,? U V u,I V, No.Umlied, UWHo cash; 43A,£ lurft a°.l*«°? * •“* trai • No * 4J * U&UxZ Uarley—All offerings taken m best graded ; olhorsvvrT U!" ilim “M*o S N “ tU “ ,ra ’ W JUW, - 3i «»• 4"U* I’roviKioNS—I'ork higher t #W.95«20.«>. * Lard bigt* er: <li.alJ4«clthfid asked; Ili/A'Ud. Bulk meats lillllicr: to*,® according to age, Oreeu iiieata nnn.inaiiy higher; no talus, llacou steady aud flrtu l shoulder*. 10a; .idea, r VViusKV—'juU-taud unchanged; SI.IX lisxcipn—Hour, R,l<W Iris { Wheal. 9,000 bu; STloS!" ta! 3 ' ooo * I*. 1,000 bUi u* Tonne), Dee. O—rUuifSiill, December. «1.17* cora,'lltltHAMmoatll i/flo bn* * Whont ' 10 ' tw „ ■ Ull,tfAl’KEt Mtt.WiUKKR, Dec. U,-Fimi,t_n.i.,-, Uhajk—Wheat steady; n” 1 No. o MllSkrV '! S v.-'oVn^ l 'S'iJSuiVn &T"* 1 ■ ho “ M "> '»• i »lddl»: _ CINCINNATI. ; 10,^ in?u7Asr;"Sss=s*A';,. ,i ?;? r i. t s lair and Ann; Canada ti ism ai * d^ Jw i •tetdy, 7f<Acl>c. ' Ry 0 tl ,„ ct l’aori.ioN»_pnr)t dull; sale* nf rrjmhr at em M I.ard fair and tlnn ; steam I'Uiaii i J*' . 8t .»2°.00. .Harcli; a i* SUV LI'I-'"'' W?»^af7%£^vSg^ Donln—Quiet and unchanged. _ NSW OULEASH. New Obmukk, Ij.. Dec o— n , 450; choice Qalona, file Btß of ht * J "uia at - - BOSTON, * U pSSwig No. ai white rejected, 4K4l(c; So. 1 white,™ «»“ _ iiurrAU). ’ Bnfraiji, Dec. o.—(lnAin—tviicat nerleeled and .w Iroly nominal. LMrn dull; mi aula.. I|jTi,Li??,JJ “o¥’«s: B p l £ tel, w «.<*&,wa Marine. PORT or CHICAGO, DEC. 0 Aimivin—Schr Lucid Graham, Gncu bay fl,*,* schp Oniham Bros.. Green bay, fish - schr’v i Gregory. Green Bay, fish. ‘ L s All * u r H<sLr N ? r,h HtB r« Tenlwstrr, CO ton* hay! schr Spry, Saugatuck, acu green hides. * LAKE MICHIGAN. CHIOAOO Tho tug Annlo I*. Smith wont into winter qnsrferi yesterday... The achr Alary Gregory, capL N. Haun. ders, which has been on a fishing expedition la the upper part of Lake Michigan, returned yesterday with alarge cargo of fish.... Tho scow B. ]>. Wilson kfl hero yesterday for tho east shore, and if tho weather permits will return wllh a cargo of wood.... The bark u,?J^ n . 1,,#,W * nt Into yceterday. Bbe Win be surveyed to-day so that her damages e*n !uwni , nh , l lo f’**it l ii* Ol,^ Hp Kere,lftw left here tv«lne£ 11*7 n . ®^rt for Milwaukee with tho schr Moonlight Uhen ulf Grosso I'olht ahn was compelled on uccomj of the rough weatlu-r lo let go of her low. ThaXrl shew arrived at Milwnnkcu yesterday, but nothing has yet been heard of tho Moonlight. nouangnai LAKE ERIE. EIUB. fireeialntipnlehlo The ChUaon Trlivn* _Enre, l’a., Drc.9.—Arrivals from Chicago, prop Egyptian and selir I’ellcan; from Toledo, tchr Man. men YalJey. These are the last boats of the eeashn. Nartgatlon has now virtually closed. The vwseu b, “ k ’ Hisa _ THE ERIE CANAL. SonsHRaTADT, Deo. U.—The oaual-breaker Is al work weat of here, and the lea wa* broken from Ful tonville tol > hUHp*a Lock yesterday. If mild woathup continues some of the boat* will gel through Albany, pec. 9.—The wstor will b» kept fn Iho "dork! °° r ““ 0411,1 ““ill llSths! PORT HURON NEWS. Port Hduox, Mlob., Doe, U,—The barge Warner hil been released from the Foxoa. th 6 brig IhUdui baa been hid up at Cheboygan. TUoacbra Granada and Groton Are Aim* 1» Duncan SM. Ti l V. m '“” a *'“ r> *°"“ ve ASwu KwS’i.jr* u *> it " _ MISCELLANEOUS. Tbe pphp Cbrntncey Hurlbul, which has been run nlnglnocnneclflfcwllb UmOntnd Trunk Road from Sarnia to Chicago, has arrived at Detroit, fad will go into winter quarters at that point.,.. The steam-barge Egyptian, and ber ccnsorl Pelican, report Urge field* of lee In tbs Straits, extending Uio entire Icnglb.... A gong of men Art now engaged in trying to ral#e out of the breakers the schr Otm. wbleh went oh tbo beach near Bt. Joseph a few weeks sgo. The Gem is owned bv O, Jetbormnn, of Chlcago....Th# iron-ore rebre C, Nllaon ano Kale L. Prince, owned by C»pt. 0. M. Llod- Cblcilgo. will winter at fit. Jo»Qnb...,'ih9 wrecking expedition fof the relief of the acht Mary T. Perew, uliuro in the Htralts, baa been unable to accomplish anything. The Psrow 1# aluiort completely snUmergcd, slid only t mLi* j** ll “ tbofß Hip °2.T efeU ta » IHMt height With a thick coattug of ice..,. The Secretary of (bo Treasury recommends the following appropriations for licit, i-n.VW UI H, U *fJ a U , ka V ? ,ot 108 B, sn*la «t AlcOilpln’s lont, Btrail# of Mackinaw, |3,ocos poro Marnucita lS!*^ ,a ’? 0 2 : t°/- Polat n « ht - Tll -. 17,000: Mdwau “ Idee hoadUghte on ftorUiwrrt ef** fl^t,, l *.{® ,ww,,, *jA dlspoleh from Port Cutboma at the prop Ocean started down tbo Canal f.w HI. Catharines Tuesday, ftnd arrived at Allenburgcn the same day. HUohad but llitle dlillcully from Uio n?’*Y?r bo n dallon of tbo Ufu-tavlog atetion at Grand Haven Was completed Monday. The material foa the superstructure 1* on band, aSd It will bo flulah ed in s theft time. tjib mint oapai. Tha reason why no effort baa liei'n made lo rclcits tbs graiu-ltdtm canal-boats froxen in on Hie canal Is staled to he plainly obvious lo those who have bren East and viewed (be situation. Iu certain locaUtk* the lee Is reported lo be wry heavy. Kile# Cose, who baa recently retimed from the Kaat, reports tbo Ice S to S Inches tblck in tbo oaual at Csuajobarte. UwlU require a long spell of warn weather tn thaw It, Mpecially without roplons warm ratns. So long u the Hudson Hirer remains frozen Solid it U doomed foollin And Inexpedient to expend much lime and money hi forcing a passage tut the canal-boats to jnd Albany, with no prospects ©f- getting through to New York.— Hufalo Jixvrm. pIEDIOAI. CARDS. ea*r» o( i-TlTmU^olinW- In' ill thjdr siocd'sUljs htsdo/ tli* *^^N^SKfßc7^i^^EwjL* iro^***^an o ° r * b d^ Mfc aui. hmunmi »» I'likiii'a*, mglA* lots >t ly drtsin-. Simple* im the (see, lust inaiihixvl. can pmltlvely bocmd. adlsi wan'lug the m»tt ilotlcalo attention. cell urwrlto., Pleasant Homo (or patients. A book (or the million. Marriage (lulde, which tells you nil about these diaoate*— who should marry—why Hot—lo cants In pay pottage. I'r. James has 8U rooms ami parlors. Yon Sue ae one but lbs Doctor. Olfloo hours, 9a. ni. to 7 |>. hi. Sundays, 10 ta I J s. ts. All buttons Strictly cnftfldontlat. BfMfTM Thirty years* London Hospital practice, cures print# dis taste Immediately, without mercury; also J.U.VI MA>- UOOU, nervous debility, caused by errors ol runlh. lus young and old art quickly reilvrod to manly vigor, ntrsa* gars should call or write. One tutorvlew Is quits suO cleat. UUoe strictly private. No. 1U West kladuousu GUIDE sK*^- U UIKJ b science of irp.vductlon 1 testa betrnfy nappy la thatDsrrird relation. Plait and trc.i.-. young sna middle sgvtl should read end mrwrvvit.U contains luibnuation, which pu Ons can adorn to b* *■-’>- cuti uu how (0 prcasrvs the health, aud cowpltsion, suh gfvslo (kdrd checks tha trtshocM 01 youth; the ana poly true Marriage Quid* In ths world.lWc* /<**< 1 ute by Util. Tbs author may be ivuauttnl Earmuaiiy u> ty mall on soy oMhsiuhlcct* ntniiuncdiu bit wuik.AJOrua pt. A. O. uLHs, UTtiVaahlugUat A., Chicago ilh. Dr. Kean. 175 Soil! Clait-it, Miner ol Koine, Clitato. May be consulted. personally or by mall, (roaof ebarxr, on all ebroulo <« uerrous dtsuaaoa. UK. J KU AN u uia only physician la the city who warrants curat or no pay. Offioa hours, ua. n. to Ip. a.| hoadayalrauilUU.