Newspaper Page Text
THE ASTORS. An Cnjilonsnnt Plcfnro of tlio Itc uinrktiblo I’umlly. Thoir Inordinate Ora«p After the Al mighty Sellar. The Aster Library No Great Shakes After All. Modern inconveniences of (lio Astor Jlomestfad—Joaquin Miller, Spttxal Cerre-nondence of Tit Chfcaco Tribunt. New Vonrc, I)w. 7.—Yesterday I passed on tbs moot a (all gaitloman something over 0 feet, *i)d broad in proportion. Ha attracted myalten t >n, first by lis height, then by his noso. His companion had a Beared look which I could not i.udorataiid until I recognized the gentleman’s hobo,— l say recognized, because that nos# is eno of tho landmarks of Now York City, and dales back to tho Uat century, and ovon to the century before that. I don’t wonder that his companion looked scared, for tho tread hosida him was the tread of nearly fifty millions. Tho noso was TTTB ASTOR KOSS, and Us owner was John Jacob of that nemo, grandson of tho John Jacob who, In a long life time of great labor, systematic avarice, and un remitting moaunces, laid tho' foundation of the .great Astor estate. Vho Astor noso comes ft gt-cat deal nearer to the horizontal lino than poor people can affonjto come. I’laco this self asserting organ in this middle of a stolid faco fringed by whiskers something more than yel low, and something less than rod; act tho head on a groat stout body; clotho tho mao plainly and well; and you have John Jacob Astor, the reheat man in thin connin'. Itlsnotungonor eruus to say that no ono who has seen him will venture todouythnt * ms OItANDFATfIRB WAS A nUTCIIEn. Tbo Astors only gel into tho newspapers when one of them dies. It is a family principle to shim all such notoriety; and tbo head of tbo hmißO who had just died had trained his de pendents so well to this habit that ovon his mou of bitßxncea refused, tho day of his death, to giro tho reporters tho slightest information re garding him. They would not ovon say where bo was born, or indulge in tho slightest reminiscence of his oarly business career. WHAT 13 TIJOUOItT 01* TUB ASTOAS tiy tho noAspopors hero, and what is thought of thorn by tho pooplo, aro two very different ttuags. In the newspapers they ate lauded in good and careful citizens who refuse to amotion any doubtful speculation, or to give to undeserving objects, but who do givo quietly and uitji discrimination, and who manage their v.ißt property with a view to tbo public good. Manvovon go beyond this, and laud them as ban-factors to whom tho city is greatly iu debt. Tlio public fail to discover many signs of tliis clandestine bouevolcnco. Thoy hair of an occasional gift of gold candle eud.s to Trinity Church, or of a few thousand to tame charily; bat for giving on a stale at all in proportion to their lucomq thoy look, and J<mL In vain. The Asters mako very sale moin l-m of a community, hut thoir hoc might last an) nig as tho Pharaohs of Egypt, and tbs world t. ( Id bo none tho bolter forihoir having boon in Tho total gifts towards THE ASTOU UUItART, 4 el rut which wo hear so much, including land, Lu Idimrs, and books, were not more than $7(10, 0 0,— considerably loss than Mr. Aster’s income f..r a year at a low estimate. Tho library is ix 3by those who aro quahliod to speak to ho v> 7 incomplete in many departments. It is an a .ml fact that during tlio War tho periodicals %'TO cut oS on account of the expense, and b-vo never been renewed. Tho dorks aro paid tnfan salaries,.and it was with groat difficulty they secured nu Increase during tho War. Tlio library is open only from 1(1 to 4 o’clock, and is utterly useless to that portion of loa community which earns its living by labor betwoon those hours. Of this $700,000 <400,000 was the origi nal gift‘of old John Jacob Aston and tho re mainder came front his son. Is U ouly Justice to the Af-lora to say that they ham kont their ebamahlo gifts so secret that uo cue hnu auy dclluito idea as to tboir aroouut. Some uotioa of what they might give may ho in (erred from the KHTiiuTB or am. artoh’s rnopEETT which comes to me from ono of his relatives, lie said, what 1 do not think is generally known, that William 11. Astor, at tho time ho inherited Ins father's estate, was already worth $15,000,- 000. Tart of (hia was tho money which his unde. Henry Aetor, left him ; part of it was tho value of tho Asior House, which his father gave him; and tho rcstwaa made in business with hia own and hia father’s capita). This gen* tlemau estimated tho fortune loft by Will iam 13. Astor at about $00,000,000, making allowances, of course, for tho depredation in teal estate, and in stocks and bonds of all kinds. This is, of coutso, rather a low estimate than olhetvtieo, but it is much nearer the truth than (he wild guesses which some of the newspaper* have been malting. • Fetor Cooper sot tho coun try editors all crazy with the Idea that the Aster estate amounted to $1200.000,000. From tlw reckless way in which they have slung these fig ures, I have boon led to infer that the country editor is not accustomed to seeing more than $10,000,000 or $10,000,000 token iu overbid coun ter In a biuglo day. uviaiYuunr ue3iemuers pauton’s stout about the way John Jacob Astor lost SUM),OOO, because ho was too moan to buy a SSOO chro nometer; and how ho kept a sea-cap tain and bla crew at work for two ilavs to got out a cask of wine for i im from the hold of his vessel, and then cart- ully omitted to eoud him somu of the wino, ,*L;, j was tho poor recompense ha bad promised b;m Borne things lam told load mo to believe that the Astor family has not changed iu that renji' cl. Until last year the family occupied a largi, double, plain brick house, next door to Um Astor Library. Then they forsook It for a Doun) on Fifth avenue, next door to John Ja>u;), the eldest son. The well-known res buiraut-koepor bought the house, and found, to Ins amazement, that he would be obliged to tpond several thousand dollars to mike it at all aalutablo. It had uo gas above the parlor floor, md no water above tho basement, and HO MODBUN CON VENIHNOEH, I ih said, anywhere; all tho water that wan used U.v Gorraats carried up by hand. Meanwhile, the guests of the family dined off solid cold phtes, qud fancied themselves la a palace. It is i't often that I descend to Jeuklnalsm, but those facia seem to throw considerable light ou the Hick ut Astor controversy. Any pangs of coif (ciunco Imlghthavosuflorod on discovering that k dozen millions bod been left by Mr. Astor’e hdl tor ohanlable objects ore spared mo by the disclosure of the items of tho will. Two hundred '•housamlto the Astor Library, #60,000 to per haps half-a-do*ca societies, S2OO a year to the Widow of Benjamin Astor. and SIO,OOO to four faithful dork*, $2,500 each, and alt tho roat, after giving handsome portions to the daughters, fa equally divided between Uu> two eons. John Jacob and William. In the face of theso figures, (bo statement that tho pall-bearers wore to got a fcilMon apiece looks like a campaign lie. ] may add that tub fofdlar opinion or tus astoks is such, the newspapers of the country to tho contrary notwithstanding, that If anybody or anything outside of tho Astor family had got anything worth mentioning, there would have been two or tiireo bun- Orod thousand strokes of paralysis >n tbU immediate neighborhood. It Is a little rariou (bat William B. Astor has left half as to omsldo objects as his father, and was tbreecr four times os rich. And John Jacob A*lor a very moan mao. wonder the Aston are praised as “ may had boon noted philanthropists. This is kvcildof snubs, and even literary snobs. It ats not long ago that JOIODI.f MIIXXU n« considerably disregarded, not to say over lookod, by several literary persons at a social gathering. When Lord Houghton arrived aud greeted him very warmly, evidently as a former aha intimate friend, a auddeo change cams over Our literary friends, Brown, who edits the K ,!* magazine » Jones, who writes sonnets for »i itobiusou, who contributes the serial stories: aid Hmitb, who makes such good speeches when L> cau get a good dinner and good company, all d'.jvsrwd that Miller was a very ins fellow, *1 tbo whole coieue called onnimtue tury day. Mcst. * Tho Cihoel.llueluoss Imposed. Ltitstnwrth (£an.) I’rof. Baldwin has (old all about all the eplrit mysteries, including ibat of Katie King. At u ' exhibition bo turned water into wum by sim- I>f lowing it from a pitcher into a glass. This wm done with chemicals. Tueu the pillory was forward, aud Mrs. Baldwin waa firmly pocnred therein. Tho lock nil sealed, and Ilia duets of the cabinet woro cloned. In a few boo ends tho doom wore opened, and tho lady walked forth free. Tho explanation Ih simple. Tho Jady haa a small who with which alio picka the lock, after llrat removing tlio wax, and then lib erates licrnolf. There Ih enough room allowed her arma to reach the loch, though it is Rooming* ly impmudbio to do an. Tho peal is easily put over tho kcy-holoof tho lock again without being broken. 'Jbo "spirit tie" wan then ca poned. Mediums profess that the spirits tie and untie them, but the Professor explained how by a clover nanipn’ation of tho rones Hioho apuntlcH tied and untied IhomHOlvea. The Tro feßHor also said that tho “apirU-tlo" wan much more secure than auy "coraraitloo-tlo” he over know. Ho then related a 111 tlo incident regard ing tho humbuggery practiced by tho great Kildr llrothora. Ho was walking in a garden wiln William Eddy, and bin attention was attracted toward a piece of nhito paner which was being tossed around by the wind. William said that by simply waving bln hand ho could got enough electricity from tho clouds to set tho paper on fire. Ho then turned to Horatio and told him to tilaco a stouo ou tho paper. Horatio did so, and ho turned his eye on the paper, aud in a moment it was burnt up. Tlio brother Horatio, explained thorrofcssor.whon ho placed tho stone upon tho paper, poured a drop or so of a mixture or phos phorus and carbon upon tho said paper. TbU, ar eoou as it became dry, iguiloJ, and tho medi um called upon Itnldwfu to view tho woudorful spiritual manifestation. IOWA. A Noinblo Wedding’— I Tho State Reform School, Man ts. Woman—Appendix (o a Shoot ing Affair— I Tlio Nankin and Brandt Cases, K KOTAtII.E WF.DDIJfO, Rpeciat Correrpondenre of The Chieano Tribune. I)eh Mojneh, la., Dec. B.—Last evening, Col. 11. L. Swords, commission-merchant, of Chicago, and Miss Killy Allou, daughter of I).-F. Allen, iholato hanker, woro united iu wedlock’s bonds, at tho residence of tho bndo’s father. It was not tho dostgu of tho parties to make an osten tatious display, and, except a few family friends resident hero, no Invitations woro sent out; hut tho host of friends of CoL Hwords, who cauio from tho Host and Houlh, made it altogether a good gathering. Among those present from tho Booth was Ex-Gov. War moth, of Louisiana, who is a warm friend of tho bridegroom, as evidenced in his presence. The couple wero united by tho Ilov. J. A. Nosh, of this city, who, more than (wouty-two years ago, Joined tho father and mother of tho bride. Tho Hovorcud father iu Israel mado iho occa sion tho (ext of interesting and impressive reminiscences, ho having been, as woro tho father aud mother of tho bride, pioneer set tlers iu this county. Tho brido la a native of this city, and elio is loved by all, and is widely known and big bly es teemed for her uoblo qualities of mind mid heart. Beared, as she has been. In all tho lux ury which wealth, can give, she possessed thuso womanly graces aud virtues which commanded tho osteem of all. Id whatever elation of IITo she may bo, sho will draw around her friends who will lovo her for her womanly worth and character. Col. Swords, tbo groom, is a busi ness-man of Chicago, a native of tho Hub, from a family of good repute. He served through tho War in the Uuiuu array, was several times wounded, twioo captured, and won promotion by a brilliant and worthy record. At tho close of the War ho located at Now Orleans, where ho enlisted somewhat In politics, and be came identified with the leading men of that section, who expressed thoir esteem for him by thoir presence last evening. Bald ox-Qov. War moth. “1 know him well; ho is a true gentle man." Wo of Hoa Moines know ho has won a true lady and nobio woman for a wife. Tho presents to tbo twain wero numerous aud valuable, being muotly from visitors from abroad, though tho homo friends of tho bride did not forgot her. as was testified in many tributes of lovo. The bridal party loft for Chicago at'midnight, whore they will at once sot up housekeeping. Tho boy captured hero, supposed to bo Charlie Rosa, has elicited the following letter, received bore yesterday, from Charlie's father : James Hunter, Ikl Uoiim, Jn.— Dun Bin: You may have wondered why, on receipt of your telegram of yesterday, 1 did not take tho first train for your place to tee the child you reported as being my little boy. But did you know tbs many hundred* of chil dren reported to mo In all parts of our country, as veil M on tho water, you would not be at all anion lahed. Ouly yesterday 1 bad three reported In widely Uldcrcnl Btalos. and to run them out m person Is Im possible. I nave therefore to resort to the telegraph or write for photos, iu order to be certain that I do not pass by the right one. Besides, this long-continued trouble has broken up my business, and I am now re duced to absolute penury,— dejmmdunt wholly for the present on others for the maintenance of my family, with health broken, and continued anilely and sus pense, 1 drag an existence along, still hoping to re cover my child, with, as yet. hut little prospects. The Western Union Telegraph Company hare been very kind to me In affording me every facility they can to run anything out 1 can through their lines (free of expense), which to me Is a very great manor. 1 doubt very much if tho buy you report is my ealld, but still 1 aboil bo alio to definitely decide it when (bo photo roaches mo. 1 will telegraph tho re sult of my coucluulona. Thanking you for tho Interest you have taken In Ibis matter, I am must respectfully yours, GunuTiiH K. Bosa. A dispatch was also received yesterday, stating that the photograph had,beou received, and it is not the hoy. tue statu reform school. The Board of Trustees of the itoform School have filed with tho Governor their report of tho recent investigation. They take issue squarely with the Committee appointed,by the Governor, who made their ropott a tew days since. The report la very long, and reviews the testimony upon all the charges, which were as follows i 1. Willful lying, and an attempt to purchase land (known aa the Eggleston laud) at a low price, with the latent to sell the earn* to tbs Bis to (or an lournued price, thereby drawing money from (be Btste Treas ury for hts iMsraooal benefit. n. Insufficient and unwholesome food for the in mutes of sold school. 0. Insufficiency of clothing, In quantity and quality, to protect the boys from the mvlcmtncy of the weather.' 4. Cruel treatment, both lu whipping and imprison ment. Upon these the Committee oime to the follow ing conclusion i 1. There la no evidence to show that Mr. McCarty attempted to defraud the BUto in the purchase of land ' for the nae of tho school. ■J That the boys have bad •sufficient quantity of good, wholesome food; and reports to the contrary are false. it. Thai the clothing is as comfortable, ami good, end Cue, aa U ordinarily furulabod buys of like ages throughout the Bute. i. That the punishments by whipping »nd Imprison ment have been uuuucssaarlly covers aud frequent; and that all dangerous and corpural puulahmuuU should U discarded. Tho Committee find that McCarty’s accounts were a lUtlo crooked; that he had drawn money from the titato for boys who were not on tho rolls ; hut they did not think ho intended to de fraud (he State,—bo did not know how to koop accounts auy better. It will be recollected that an expert accountant found a discrepancy of over SI,OOO in bis accounts; also, an overdraft on the til ate for boys, running through nearly every month. This report Is on a par with the majority of such documents. Tho Board know the charges had existed for mouths aud mouths, and they neglected to attend to them until dogged to it by the Governor, aud then, to guard against a whitewash-report, the Governor appointed a Special Committee to conduct tho investigation ; for bo itjknowa that the Trustees bad no power to bring a tingle witness before them, or to moke an investigation under any color of lav. The Governor's Committee had this power under the statute. Tho Trustees naturally would shrink from the Imputation of ao gross a dereliction of duly as U jmt forth in tho report of Messrs. Dodgo and Leas. MOM TS. WOMOK, Tbe case of Hug vs. (look, to contest tbs right of Miss Elizabeth Cook to bold tbe office of County Superintendent of Schools, has been de cided, in Warren County, in favor of Miss Cook. She was elected) Uu£t waa defeated. lie averted that, being a woman, she eouldoot hold an eleotive office. He baa appealed to the Supreme Court. There he will get beaten again. There is but one prohibition in ail (he statutes or Constitution of lowa against women bolding any office to which she may be elected, and that is membership m the Legislature, lu this case the Constitution soys only white male citizens are eligible. Por all other offices the word “poison" Is used, aud "be" or “him." The Supremo Court has declued that "be "or '‘him” applies to both sexes in law. Mr. Has will dud his cake is already “cooked. 1 ’ ifravuix to a suoorma amis. The other day i sent Tua Tuiduhs au account of an affair wherein » man named Dudley, in Tama County, wanted Hattie Buufbard fur a ,nU«. toil UM ,U'< uwuiu: uU b». : Ua vr.vt to THE CHICAGO TR IRENE: FRIDAY, DECEMRER 10, 1875, a mooting, whore ho saw Hattie with another man, whereupon ho drow a revolver and shot himself then and there, hut not fatally. Tho next day, the other roan, with Hatlio, wont to Toledo to * got a license for marriage. 'Jim old lady telegraphed tho Clerk not to grant it. Tho man put Hattie in rare of a friend, and returned, flo interviewed tlio old lady, and obtained a reversal of tier order to the Clerk; when he went back, got his license, and went homo with Hattie an bin wife. Now tho other fellow 1s madder than ever, hut ho won’t shout again. TOR nANKIK PRfAT.OATION. Of tho $38,000 of Agricultural College funds taken by ox-Trcamiror Is probable there will he secured about half tho amount. Htalo-Tioasiiror Christy was aujioinlod a Hpoelal Committee to tako charge of tho matter and clone it up. Ho reports to tho Rtato Auditor the total amount received to Nov. 1 as follows: Canh and uotca from College Trustees % <,473.49 Interest TOO.irj lU'nls 57(1.05 bale of lands 14,117.02 fid.wi.M There is still In possession of the Rtato real es tate valued at $(1,300. tub nnAHUT case. Tho lowa Buptomo Court in in aeaalon, with several important eases ou tho docket. It Is ru mored, yet tho Court refuse to affirm It. that Judge Colo is preparing tho opinion of tho Court in tho Urandt case, ou a motion for rehearing. Now tho newspapers need not got up and howl over this, for, by a rulo of tbo Court, tho case fell to Judge Colo by lot. and wo havo no choico In tho matter. This Is the manner in which all opinions aro assigned in this Court. Saturday morning, a ton of Mr. Higgins, of thin city, wont into tho bam, and on tbo floor found a cigar-box filled with Jewelry. Ho carried it to tho house. Tho original tags woro attached, showing it to belong to a peddler or some store. Ho wont back, fod tho horeoe, and turned up in tho hav a man asleep. Tho fellow aroused aud called fur his box; but Mr, Higgins would not return Uto him, aud ho loft. Yesterday portion wero hero named M. K. Walker and W. 11. Keoler, from Otloy, to find goods taken from their stores Friday night to tho value of several hun dred dollars. They found a portion of thou among this jewelry. KIDNAPriKO. Dr. P. E. Minkler anil wife, of filalo Centre, were divorced. Tho question of tlio custody of tho two cUildrou was not definitely soltlecl, but each took ouo, a boy. Tho wife married again. A Abort time since, tlio father visitod the boy at bis mother's house, and took him out for a walk, sluco when tlio mother has not soon her boy. Tlio mother has commenced suit against tbo father for kidnapping, and ha has been arrested. Judge Rothrock. In tho Clinton District Court, has decided that the samo liability exists under tbo statute for soiling boor to a habitual drunk ard as fat soiling intoxicating liquor. This la tho first docisiou of tho kind in thla Stale. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS. Au F.xcltinir Eplaode in a Phlladol l>ltlu Court. evtetal Duvateh to 7ht Chteaoo Inlmne. Philaceliuja, Pa., Deo. O.—A curious out come of tlio celebrated Katie King spiritualistic fraud was developed to-day before Police, Justice Smith, of tho Fifth District Court. Ur. U. Hub erts, a prominent and wealthy citizen of liur llogtoo, N> J., a village distant a few mites from Philadelphia, and who formerly was a merchant and resident of this city, charged A. E. Bmylhc. publisher of tbo Evening Herald, with libel, tlio allegation being that tho news paper named on Saturday last printed a derisive and libolous account of a soanco given on tho previous ovenipg iu Camdou by Hr. Roberts and his daughters, and at which thoy presented a figure or ghost which they claimed was that of tho “spirit * known as Ratio King. Tho trial, which was a preliminary one, was made oxciting by tho coutost betwoon tho Spir itualists and tho editor, tho farmer denouncing tho latter as a liboler sod liar, and the latter retorting bv * calling Me. Roberts a lunatic or knave. At ono umo the oxcilomoui ran so high that the officers of tho Court had to enforce order. Mr. Smylho, tbo editor of tho Herald, was hold iu SI,OOO bail to answer at Court, after a full hoariug, and tho ease woe adjourned. Mr. Rob erts. tho proaocutor. Is a gentleman who was formerly known for hit intelligence, and is now for his wealth. Ho was tho llrm friood of tho Aolwoßoe, who practiced tho Katie King fraud, and even to-day io a conversation with yonr cor respondent expressed his Arm faith io lbs reality of the spoctro tho Holmeses bad once conjured up, and which deluded Robert Halo Owou. GAS AT MORRIS. ILL XpeeM Onrttpo-vltnet q/ The Chi ruga IWftwis, Motmifl, IU., Doc. 7.—Last evening, for tho first time In tho apace of over C.OOO years, baa the geographical location now known oa the City of Morris had tho material darkness which’ has so long hung about her dispelled by the illuminating power of gaslight; for tho first time did its brilliant gleams, radiating from hundreds of burners, light up the numerous places of business along tho streets, and create a now smile of satisfaction upon the contenancca of both proprietors and dorks, add another gonial woloome-ia to tho pao«or-bv. and supply a loug-fott want in light ing up tho fatiguing pathway of tho belated pil grim in hia uneven journey from the fascinating club-room to tho bosom of his homo and loved ones. The introduction of gas is certainly an im portant event in the history of tho city. It speaks volumes in praise of the enterprise of her citizens, and goes far towards placing her iu tho foremost line of rank among her eistorclties of the State. Tho event was attended with ap propriate ceremonies, speech-making, eto., interspersed with excellent musio by the Moaris Silver Comet Hand. Tho programme, as intended, including serenades and torchlight procession, could not be fully carried out on account of tho excessively inclem ent weather; but, notwithstanding this obsta cle, the demonstration on the part of the citi zens was sufficient to warrant the fullest appro* ciution of tho enterprise. . CHURCH-DEDICATION. Special Correspondence of The Chieaaa TVibtine. Dwight, 111., Doo. 7.—A church under the management of tho CongregatlouaUsts was dedi cated bn Sunday, at Broughton, 10 miles south east of hero. The Bev. M. W. Wbittelsey, Su perintendent of Missions, preached the dedica tion sermon. Tho Bev. Messrs. J. A. Allen, A. D. Strong, W. 1L George, and F. IX. Smith as sisted in the services. Tho ohurcb is 2d by do, and has shed-accommodations for thirty teams. There is uo other house of worship within 12 miles. Chastising: a Tramp* Kaelon (Pu.) Star, On Tuesday evening a tramp called at Ur. Uamerslv's, at Traveruor’e Woods, and asked for a glass of water, stating that lie was so hungry, ami bo bad no place to sleep at nlgbt. Ur. Hamersly took pity on him, took him in, pave him supper, a bod to sleep in, and breakfast next morning. When bo was leaving, Mr. llamorsly noticed a great Improvement hi bis personal appearance. Tbo night before bo waa luin and sparer the next morning bo*was fat and pussy. Huapoctiog that something might bo wrong, Mr. Hamersly proceeded to examine Ur. Tramp critically, and found that bo had appropriated to bis own use numer ous articles of Ur. Hamorsly's clothing, which bo bad put under bis own rags, ami bad stuffed his wallet full of such useful articles as ho could Qud about the promises. Having the dead wood on Ur. Tramp, Ur. Ham ersiy snatched him into hla moat-house and locked him in, aud kept him confined until he went to (ho woods and cut a big black-gum. Ho then returned to the meat-house, unlocked (tie door, turned out Mr. Tramp, aud bid him cut aud run. Tramp obeyed orders with military atacrltv, but he had not cleared the door-sill be fore Ur. llamorsly commenced his part of the performance, giving him tbo black-gum awileb for every jump for about half a mile. He laid on tbo stripes fast aud beavy, aud better time was never made from Traverner’s Woods to Potts’ Mill, and sever did a tramp get better paid for the abuse of hospitality than Mr. Uam ersly gave (his thieving rascal. A Young Alun Shoots Of! a Uevalvei In Ills Sleep, To the J-Mttqr of the 'Hmee. The other morning, when Mr. Moser (a dork in Emory's clothing-house, at Pheuixviue) got up be was surprised to see a large bole burnt iu the curtain that partitions off the dressing-room from the sal os-room. Ills revolver was minus a charge, aud there was a mark of a bullet lu tbo counter oppoeito. Just about that time he remembered of dreaming about rubbers during the night, and aa he is in the liabit of walking in bis sleep, it is supposed be did the ebooting while asleep, tieveral nights previously the store was broken into by burglars, . but be routed tbaat with the ud of bis roralTor. THE COURTS. Report of tho Receiver of the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Road. The Ex-Pollco Commissioners Sue for Alleged Arrears of Pay, Record of Judgments and Now Suita. CHICAGO. THE TOLEDO, PEORIA A WAIIBAW RAILROAD. Tho following la tho report of A. L. Hopkins, Jlocoivcrof tho Toledo, Peoria .t Warsaw Hall* road, for tho mouths of October ami November: nrcEHTs, To balance caah ou hand Oct. 1.,.,'. $ 40,800.10 Received from local freight accounts fur Hupterober ami October 114,713.11 Through freight* for July ami August.... h,liU,‘Jo J-o~»l passenger accounts Hcptember and Oi:to»**r 31,570.16 Tlirotigh ]sißacngiT account* July i ( fdc.oß Car aervlce account July and Auguat a.MO.Ri Kzprcnt eorniiißa OctoUr WM M-tll earnings July, Auguat, and September. 3,1*46.45 Mia, rilaneoua earning* September and Octo. Ut J,r,i«,20 foreign roads, overohargefl, etc a,757.17 Total receipts for October.... tlbS.i.'d.bO Krcclpta for November— For local freights October and November..! D4.915.f17 Through freight* July am) Heptotaber..,... lt,u4li/0 iiaßßunger accounta October ami No* Tcml*r. 24,410.73 Through pauouger accounts August and bepteml«r 4,U15.C7 Car service acconnls August and Hcptem* licr f1,*>07.r.9 Hijm** earning* Octoljor and November.. 1,3-u.oo IliaepUnueoua eaßiinga Keptember and Oc» t011er..... 3,131.08 foreigu rutdß, overcharguß, etc. 3 t OAJ.r6 Total receipt* for November....T. (150,8(13.14 For Oclobor— Paid for local freight account* ........I 9,313.05 I"ald fiir through freight acc0unt*..,.,...,. i,C2*.H l*aid fur through ticket accounts 17,451.:'0 I'altl fur car aorvlco ocoounts..,., 0,;17J.9.l Raid fur limuruuco accounts 5i.C71.00 I’ald fur Keokuk aud Hauiiltm) bridge lolls, 1,35(1J4 Paid for rent of road am! bridge,... 3,750.00 Paid for Arril, July, and August vouchers.. !1*,r,“1.40 I’altl for Hcjitcmbor voueben 113.940.84 I’aid fur Hepiemlirr overcharge vouchers.... 4,139,81 I'ald lor Bupkiubcr pay-rolls 46,001.115 Total eipendllurea for October.. .|145,(rJU.70 Tor November— Local fremiti account* ,‘L, | i0,ft1f1.52 Through tfelpiit accounts 7,2U.M Through Ucki-t account*,... 10,»71.Hrt Car aenireaccouuis G.l'iQ.o Kent of rourt ami bridge 3,7Sn.i>o Keokuk ami Hamilton bridge lolls v.S H.'JT October vouchor* B.V.t'KM) October overcharge voucher*..... 4,00&.;i0 November vouchor* 8,C31.7i February, March, August, and bcpltuibtr roll* 312.75 October pay-rolls BI.IU'Mt November pay-roll* 2, - i7S.t5 IW.CAVITfLATIOK. Total receipts for October and November, including balance Oct. 1 fM6.rttt.23 Total expenditure* :it7,2br>.B2 Balance on band Doc. 1 $ 10,354.11 Tbo report was referred to tbo Master, who approved it, and an order was entered approving (bo Master's report, and directing lbs payment of ?2,00d to tbs Hccoivor on. account of bis ser vices. DIVORCES. In Jnly* 187-1, Job Marker tried tbo lottery of marriage, and drew a blank; in fact, something worse than a blank, for be is now anxious to get. rid of bis prize. Tbo lady’s tmmo was Ellon Wilson, and tbo tuarriago look place July 22. JB7L Tor a fow months every thing . wont along happily, but NoUie soon began to indulge her playfulness in throw ing kccoseuo lamps at him, and threatening to oarvo him up for tho benefit of science in gen eral, and herself in particular. Job tried to imi tate his namesake of old, aud declined to re* tnliato in kind. Out tho fun lust Its hoartiuosß to him. In fact, it seemed rather like the story of the frogs and tho boys, and after eix months* of en durance Job’* patience ran out, and bo suddenly loft the house. Ellen then kept open bouse alone for awhile, but in an evil moment alio ad mitted a masculine friend, and tbo consequences wore so serious that Job thinks bo has the best reasons in tbo world for seeking a divorce. Wilbclroina Kruoncko took unto herself a help mate named Henry Krooucko in January, 1872, but It seems hbo failed to make herself suffi ciently well acquainted with bis peculiarities of temper, and now, having proved him nearly four years and found him wanting, she asks to bo rid of him, so that she can make another nuloc tion. It appears that Henry devoted himself early and often to drink, and beat and otherwise abused her, so she baa been obliged to leave him. This amiable man is tbo proprietor of a tobacco store. No. d23!<f Hjntb Canal street, but bo is threatening to sell out in ordor to pre vent her getting any of Iris property. Bho there fore anus for tho usual divorce, and also an in junction to prevent bun from disposing of bis property. Elizabeth Hobenstoin complains that hor hus band. William ilobonstoin, is too fond of liquid groceries, and sbo solemnly declares her inten tion to havo nothing more to do with him if sbo can got a divorce. TUB POLICE rOJIUISHIONEnS. Messrs. Bhoridau, Klokso, ami Itoiio, late Po lico Commissioners of tins city, whoso short comings end eccentricities have formed subject for many a newspaper article, have boon reason ably quiet atuco their legal death, but they are now threatening to prove rather lively ghosts. Yesterday each of them began a suit In the Cir cuit Court against the city to recover balance*) duo them, os they claim, for their services while Police Commissioners. Ur. nlokko reckons hid balance at 9550. being for salary from Juno 1 to Aug. (>, 1875. Mr. Ik no will bo content with a similar amount, while Mark Bhoridau claims a balance of $<1,550 for services from Jane 1 to Bee. 0. declara tion Is not remarkable for length or minute ness of explanation, containing only what are called the " common counts/’ but a brief bill of particulars shows the nature of the cause of action. Messrs. Fuller & Bmilh appear as the attorneys. UMTED STATES COOTITS. Olios B. Miller and Charoberlaiu, for the use of O. B. Miller, sued 11. W.Wothoroll for 91,000. John Hock, for tbo use of 8. Q. Lane ot at., began a suit for 910,000 against tbo Pittsburg, Cincinnati «k Bt. Louis Railway Company. nASKiiurror itkus. George IT. Lauphoro was appointed Provisional Assignee of John J. Irvine. John 12. Farnsworth filed a confession of bankruptcy ami was adjudicated bankrupt there on, the warrant being made returnable Jau. 0, 1870. Th* first dividend meeting in tbo oaae of A. C. Brown will bo held this morning at the Register's office. MJTKUIOA OQCTTVT IH THIEF. L. B. Walker began aftuit in attachment against Patrick Brail/ to recover 1*1.016. Carrie M. Watson sued Jamee L. and Frank W. Campbell for 91.000. J. L. Arnold began a emit in trespass against tbo City of Chicago, laying damages at 910,000. Mary E. Eltonnan filed a bill against J. Hans* sen and i\ M. Cbapuiau. to foreclose a trust dood for 93.800 ou the B. W. )i of the 8. li. of Hoc. 23, 41,13. D. (loetz A Bro. brought a suit for 94,000 against Benjamin Bchoonomao, Samuel tiohoon- Oman, and Benjamin Kisondrath. CIRCUIT COURT. Axel lialgron began a suit in eovensnt against William McLacblan, to recover 91,000 damages for an alleged breach of covenant. John lied sued the same party for a similar amount. Louis Kasteua sued John B. Walsh for 9LOOO. 12. F. O. Klokke brought suit for a Uko amount against the City of Chicago. COUWTV COURT. In tho estato of John Nolan a grant of admin istration was made to Jeremiah Cluwry, under bond for 910,000. In the estate of Qoorge F. Arms the will was proven, aud letters testamentary were granted to Mary W. Arms, under bond for 940,000. Frances McNally, John Piano, aud Minnie Heine were adjudged insane. The case of Mias A. Valouta was dismissed ou motion of tho Couuty Attorney. oßninraL court. John Johnson aud George Boon were arraigned on the charge of larceny, pleaded guilty, and sentence was suspended. John Meyers pleaded guilty to petit larceny, and vasseuteuoed to aixty days m tho County Jail. John Madden pleaded guilty to larceny, and was sentenced to four mouths at the Douse of Correction. Jams* Kctmedy was tried for larceny and ao quitted. Thomas Laud was tried for larceoy. found guilty, and motion for a new trial was entered, Frederick Meyer was tried for larceny, found guilty, aud recommended fur moroy, Bcutonce, 0110 day io County Jail. Eight prisoners wore discharged from- the County Jail flyMtstday, no bfiia boiog found against them. TUB COLL. * Jvpoh fiLOh«w~iyiW(i«dof calendar. Joivh; (ianr—l94. 11)0 to 201, 200 to 215 in cluHivn. Jr;/oiR Moour-10, 17, I*. Jurok hofir.its—.‘iot caeo 6C3, and calendar Nob. 181 to IH3 Inrlnslvo, .Iro tK Hoorn—No rail. Juuob McAp.mhtku—l72. 173, 174. 175, 183 to IB*l. 188. 18(1. 193 to 15*0, nil inclusive Jltxjs I-’auwell—No cull. Hjcrrrn Rtatpb f'incrir Cornr—JenoE BtonorrT lLmfurd Lockwood vi, Town ot l.eiiertuwa, St.wi.o-t. Umitmi Rtatm District Cocnr—lcpoe Hi.odoett —Charles .lone* vb. Kcuw J. D. Chapin i decree, Htrpßßtou Court—Cn»r»n»lov«—■Thomas U, JJar* Ver ol til, r«. Ffoieii F. c.’-de, (l.w.rA. .UuxiEHawt—V, W. Knowbonk v«. Bernard abldor IT, fnao.oo,—leterllughra vs. Orville I*. Curran. (i'H.Bl, — 4. 1). Lrnuck v«. Edward M. Crandall ami Chari”* 11. Klrkham, J257.C0.—H. N. Hibbard vs. Lucy M. Oaylord, |15(1,C2.-W. K. While cl *!. vs, Fr.J Finkan. V, Ajrr ct nl. v*. Herman Fromhold, $!W.3>,—J. O. Wilro* rt nl. vs, I*. D. Oarrily, (901.—C. Sf. Iziral vs. Mb ha»l Evan* am! John Hickey, (I.W.T*. —1/juta JlMuke v*. AR*rt Heegert. !it,7.—Abram Hurr-eks »l nl. v*. Alanson Hob liii'in, (.•r>3.07.—11, C. Frank ct al, re. LU«L f 101. H.—Daniel O'Ktdwln, Jr. va. Jjiur-a M' Kiimey, |- > ,7'B.3o.—Ham* vb. James McKinney ami Ifenry st. Taylor, (3(lJ.—Daniel Wearer vs. I.turln I*. Hilliard, (*1 VSU.—O. Klndllnger et al. v. Patrick .1. l.m-taee, (701,51.—City of Chicago vb. Chicago Went Division Jlallway, |l*l7.a-'>, John Forsythe v*. City of Chicago, (34 J.76.—W. W. Fllnlet al. vs. Trod Zlnkan, (4M..V,. Crnccrr Count—CoivrraßioTß—Henry W. King et al. vs. K. tV. Jlurllmt ami Frank Ilurlbut. f'Oo.— Ralph Ktneraou it al. tb. Alonzo W, Webster and George F. Work. II14.“8, •ItTKHt Room—German National Bank tb. Thomas Oal/orn. Jiiixir McAllister—W, R. Johnston tb, F. W, Torch ; rerdict, (-‘<0.17, and ronllou for now trial. ELSEWHERE. THE IfUtSEBOTA T.tQUon LAW. y>npa/rA t« The Chicago Tribune. flr. Paui. Minn., Doc. I.— Oo .au appeal case from Olmsted County, the Htipremo Court of this Htate has filed an opinion affirming the con stitutionality of tho law of 1874, which levied an animal tax of (10 on each li'iuor-fiollor to create a fund for founding and maintaining an inebri ate anylum. Homo (13,000 wore collected In 1874, when, on a test-cane brought iu tho ('nmmnn Pleas Court of Itamscy ((entity, Judge Hall decided tho law unconstitutional, and (ho dedn ion being gonorally accepted, do attempt was made to collect tho remaiudor of tho taxes for 1871. or any this year. JiirMco Perry diHaents, tho being niailo by Chitf-Juaiico aud Aeaociato Cornell. ITALY. Purchase of llallwnr* hr (he State, Jlonß, Nov. HO.—Tiro Opinions of this evening save tho repurchase of tbo railways of Upper Half by tbo btato ban boon woll received. It ro niinJa its readers of tbo unsatisfactory position of tbo Company, and of tbo fact that there were several differences pending between it and tbo Government. Tho Opining be lieves that tho Convention will lead to tbo repurchase of tbo other Italian Hoes, and it advises that tho manage ment should bo banded over to tbo administra tion during tbo autumn. It adds: “Italy's finances will not boro any considerable burden to bear, and tho future developments of tbo hues will bo fill in favor of tbo Ktato. Tho purebnso-mouey will bo paid in groat pait by annuities." .fau/jiu.ia There is no foundation for a rumor published by houo newspapers of an int'iided issue of an intended 39,uU0,0()d lire of rente on account of tbo railway convention. fOHBIO.V liEI.ATUINS. Home. Not. 24.—1 n to-day’s silting in the Chamber of Deputies the discussion of the esti mates of tbo Ministry for Foreign Affairs was conimnod. Bignor Maurigi expressed gratifica tion at tbo (act of tho Italian legation at Berlin having been raised to tbo rank of an Embassy, and hoped that next year Italy would bo repre sented in the other great States of Eutofio by diplomatic ageing of the first rank. Signor Masson also congratulat'd tbo country upon tbo change, which, be eaid. would rtrengtbcn tbc friendshipwnbidst mg between King Victor Emmanuel ami tbo Em peror William, as well os botweuu the Italian and German nations, lie tbauaed tho City of Milan (or tho reception it bail accorded to the Emperor of Germany, and Venice for tbo welcome it gave tbo Emperor of Austria, wines visit also possess ed great political importance. Biguor Viacom! Veoonla, tbo Minister for Foreign Affairs, eaid ho bad already bad an opportunity ot expressing tbo sentiments of the Govero uioni in regard to tbo visit of the Emperor Francis Joseph, and ho now wished to Join in tbo views uttored by tbo previous speakers ou tho subject of tbo visit of Empotor William. This event bod rendered tbo friendship of the two sovereigns aud their subjects more manifest than over, and afforded a pledge of lasting peace. With regard to tbo wishes uttered by Bignor Maurigi, liu acknowledged that tho eleva tion of the legation at Berlin to tbo rank of aa Embassy could not remain au isolated fact, bnt tho rising of tbo other Legations in iiko manner must bo dependent upon suitable occasions ana log or agreements which may sueccsHively bo entered into. Biguor Diccolh asked whether tbo llopublio of San Halrodor bod given sati-faction (or tbo losses iulllctod upon Italian subjects re siding there. Bignor Visconti Veuosta replied that be lutd obtained roparatiou of a political na ture, but that an objection bad boon msed to the payment of damages. The Italian Govern ment would insist upou its rights. All the claus es of tho budget for the Ministry of Foreign Af faire were eauctionod. Negotiations have boon opened between Aus tria and Italy for raising their respective Lega tions to Bmbaseies. An Obtrusive lltrd* JluJTalo CiiurUr, Friday afternoon, a well-bred and exceeding ly dignified young lady of this city entered a llohsis to make a purchase, when she was ac costed as follows by a shrill voice resembling that of an aged lady: “ Shut the door; don't yon know any better ? It’s cold outside/' Ycry much overcome with mortification and embarrassment, ebo looked about for the speaker, aaying, " Pardon mo, madam, buttbo wind blew so, I could hardly close the door/' "Well, mind your eye, Miss. and don’t doit again.” repeated the voice, when to her great astonishment the young lady ilisooveied chat shohad boon convening with a well educated and certainly very familiar poll-parrot. Annoy ed at the bird for deceiving her so. the young lady turned her book to the cage and was latent upon examining some flowers. Suddenly the same voice, or what seemed to be, mud to her, *• What can I do for you, Miss “If you hold your tongue I shall be gratified above all things,” replied the young Miss, turn ing around os ebo spoke, and discovering the lady proprietor standing in her presence. Iho dcnouiinciit was surprising. A FAMOUS MEDICAL INSTITUTION. Chicago Ti'hu’*. "The name of Dr. 1L V. I’iorco, of Buffalo, N. Y., baa become as familiar to tbo poopto all over tbo country, aa * household words.’ Ilia won derful remedies, his pamphlets and hooka, and his large medical experience, have brought him Into promluoDco and given him a solid reputa tion. Tbo Times, lo the present issue, presents a whole-page communication from Dr. Pieros, aud our readers may gain from it some idea of the vast proportions of his business and tho merits of hia medicines, lie has at Buffalo a mammoth establishment, appropriately named •‘Tbo World’s Dispensary/'whore patiouta are treated and tho remedies compounded. Jisrs nearly a hundred persons are employed In the several departments, and a corps of able and skilled physicians stand ready to alleviate the sufferings of humanity by the most approved methods. These physicians are in frequent con sultation with Dr. I'joico, and their combined experience u brought to hear on tho successful treatment ol obstinate cases. The Doctor is a mao of a largo medical experience, aud his ex tensive knowledge of materia medica has been acknowledged by presentations of degrees from two of the first medical collegea iu the land." If you would patronize medicines, scientifically prepared by a skilled physloiauaud chemist, use Dr. Pierce’s Family Medicines, Golden Medical Discovery la nutritious, tonic, alterative, aud blood-cleansing, aud an unoqnaicd Cough Ueniody 5 Pleasant Purgative Pellets, scarcely larger than mustard seeds, constitute an agreea ble and reliable physic ; Favorite Prescription, a remedy for debilitated females; Extract of Binart-Woed, a magical remedy for Pain, Bowel Complaints, and an unoqualed Liniment for both human and hocso-ficsh; while his Dc Bags’* Catarrh Kemedy is known tho world over as the greatest specific for Catarrh aud •* Cold iq the Head " aver given to tho public. Bold, by all druggist*. AMUSEMENTS. ADELPHI THEATRE, Cnnicr Monroe on<l Dearborn-*!*. THIS YUMMY. Dw, s>. iTRE HEW VARIEIT MOSirAMMBA pnnim OIXJRIUUd SUCCESS, unliiU j II:!is r ,3Crowded D'smlill! Weillisr. Wallers and Morton, rmrrfitriTt' HftVls find His 1)0**, TR Ilf 111 PH i Andy & Annie Hu*he», UUUllil Hi Ansi© Bohoit, Joo Oulick, nn mrtn Th ® Empire Children, (IP THE ' Hurley ami Marr, ,IlJ j I Noll West, ' Alfred Liston, HTTfI I And tlic Great A»Mfbl Company In 1 tbe P«naaMonal Drama, iPiratea of the Chesapeake. Grand MaMn<* for Ladbs afld OlillJrcn, Haturday, at a p. and M.% STAE LECTUEE COTJESE, The Eloquent Biographical Lecturer, HON, WM, ■'■“■s*.— FARMS. Admlralon, f.O rta.; n*«or»i«s Heat", 71 rfa,. or la chime!'-for “ option Tlekiti,? at Jafwn, McCiurg ft Co.V, ll* Carpmt/r «f ;-AW</t,n, HEW OHIO AGO_ THEATEE. KELLY & LEON’S MINSTRELS. Thl* (Friday) Kvrnlr.p, Doc. 10, 1 •sT* BENEFIT OP MR. EDWIN KELLY, lU*«rTfxl K**ot, Me; Balcony, Rcrurod, 3.1 c. Oil AN I) MATINKT-: HATFIiDAY, l»rr, 11, at 3;3Q ©’clock. Admlwlmi to kAathirn*. ‘i'< and Mr, COLISEUM. JtOKPAT, Dr**. 0, tliedurpnllo Wonder, B.A.B'Sr BINDLEY, (Only S Year* OM), In Character flotu;*. and Mualcal J*rrform9ncf* <nj tlra ** llobktonlcon'’ and Mnalcal OlMan. ln% la owlume a*; ** Miildoon, the Solid Man,” *S:c M A«aMM by her father, PUOF. DXNDLIiY, tha crla. braird Concertina I'laycr. McVIOKEira THEATRE, Fngaßomcnt of ttK'JfavorlU young a etna*. MISS MAY HOWARD! Thursday, Friday, toil Saturday KlghU, tho bnll lant new comedy, SOi.rDSILVrU. Saturday Matins*. last timo of ttie NEW MAGDALEN Monday, HAT HOWARD lu a new specially. EOOLEY’S THEATRE, MAGUIRE ft UAVIiULV LKRBRP.S Monday, Dec. C—Flrnt ai>j*»ranre iu rich! months of the great Plantation Song and Dance Arli<U, liLV.N. OLDS DUOS., Ueargo and Charles, with the famous CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS I Entire Sew Programme for this week. Every •■r*n- Ingarni Wednesday and Saturday Matinee*. Adrala aion to Matinees, 25 and £0 eta. Monday, Dvc. 13—First appearance of the greatest of all Irish Comedy Sketch Artiala, Uioai.y A UiitNtr, COL WOOHSMUSEUM. Thursday and Friduy Matinee", CAMTI.I.K, Thor** Jay, Friday, and Saturday Evening*. hlho Saturday ■Matinee, DKiIOHAH. of Tiie Jd* ieh Malden's Wrongs. GENERAXNOTIC£S. NOTICE.' The Efglflcrcd Oonatrnotioa Dorala nf the Chjcogs Qaa Light and Coku Couiruuy, standing on the hooka of r»U Company, In thu inllowliifj names, towit: K. L. Atwater, W. >L Anthony, .Hex. Drown, J. A, Drown, Jr„ H. Doiveti, Gm, Drown, K.»ra)i A. Drown, John N'. Drown. J. Deochur, D. P. Dncou. Jar. IC, Dur tls. O. Dronson, C. O. Drowsier, Wra. Drown, M, 0. Darker, isalicllii Drown, (i. H. Drown and others, I', Dlackman, K. Drtnchund, Jane H. Brown, c. 1L Dili, Jr., P. Dronson, H, D. Cobh, T. I*. Code, MaryO. Chase. IhniJ, Carter, (j. D, Uurhart, F. D. Cooley, M. J. Culdwi’U, ladale of W. J. Can* r. J. C. Dawson, JL T. Dickey, C. D. Dlrkvy, -T. H. Dnubani. Thos. H. Dtxnn, Alice EsUm, >h FraiikrUthal, S, It. Pri-cmaa, I’ldellty, Ins. T. A S. Deposit Co., \V. 1L Urohatu. U. A, Ciruen way, .1. H. lluhl eil, li. HofTnian, 11. Ilulinfweil. lee, K. 11. Huddiick. 11. Ingham. IV. \V. Keen, Karsh D, Keen, .4. D. Kaeii, C. D. K*«ii, M. D. Keen, Guardian, T. 11, Kertley, 11. S. Kellogg, J. 8. M, A. Ixarltt, O. I!. Mil com, Henry Meigs, F. Muniuand, .1. 8. Mason, N. H. Morrison. SI. D, Mitchell, O. H. Mitchell, 11. TL Magic, Men-bnal*’ Kos-luga, Dun, mid Trnai Comiiony, TV. L. N'ewberry, J. H. Newlterrv, tieorgo Nugent, P. F. \V. I’wh, M. K. Peck. F.W. I‘c-k, A. SI. (Juauditijj C. J. Duaiell, George Smith k Co.. larwul Bhtddou, li. Kchuhart. S. A. Smith, S. Hla union, E. J. I*. Shield*, fitmrgo F. HtOQu, .7, W. Kt&rr. TV. Alexander Smith, U. Shipley, Ocrrllt H. Smith, E. I, Tiokham, Trustee, J. Thornton, Joseph K. TomiJo, Moaca Taylor, J. SI. Underwood, A, It. Van Nest, Julia A. Von Ness, E. Van Nous, ILl*. TVard. C. P. TVHUama, 11. TYuheter, D. b. Wuwu. T. J. TVUaou, treorgo TYDdca, J. K. TVailace, A. U. rt'ujt, E. V. TVillard, Joeoi'h YVhitalcr, L. T. Watkins, JL U TTinthrop, Trustee, P. L. Toe, Henry Young, .Tames H. Young, Henry L. Young, and l>earlnc fno follrrwtng numbcni, to-wit; Kos. Mi, 4J1.1,807,1,1kiH, l,Ulfl, fG’J. I •jfll, fi|, 44U, 27. STU, iW. 457, J,»7. S 3, S 3, 35‘J. 467. 4W. 463, 2> - d, 677, 1,33», l,<m, I,'MO, l.xrj, 1,414, 4R(, M, 276, 27", 490. CU3, Oil, 64, iWJ, l,U r >J, 487. 4ITJ, 7U, 29", Ml. <OO. f 99, 1,110, 70.’, CUii, 78, 3'.)3, ,M 7, 706. !4).4. I.KU. 1.4 U W 9, !,:»«, 1,412, 1.37 J. 87, 716. 1.JJ1,1,141. MI, ’J*.', 313, 1.202. 627. Tl3,trj3, Vi>, 727. IGL. 221.7.31,723, 0:11,1.I5A, 3V6, 731, IU. 114, 333, 734,1,367, 741, 1,171, I.IES. 1.30*1. 1.440. 12.1. 124, lift. 137. 343, 550, l.tlKi, 561. 630,41(1, 026 418, 144, 847, 664, 747.937.1.167, 1.306. 1.334, 662, .Vd, 757, 75a, 7*'i3, 1,374, 1,3«. 170, 071, 764, 1,03 ft, 1,431, 37J, 573. 764. Vii, 1.306, 677, J 77, IbO, 311, 377, 6<a 1"), hit, 1,251, 1,216, f.SH, lid, 192, l"1, SW, 301, 7-0, OOC. 5 *7, 1.327, 1,279, 5VJ.39H. CW, V-IW, 1,3-51, 1,333, 207, 3t(C, 207, 290, 210, 401, 211, 4tlJ, 313, 404, are, by resolution of (he lioard of Directors of aotd Oonipiuy, orderoil to bo called in and jwltlj and Uio asms wilt lo re* deomt-d at tba office of the Oomi>any on ami after the Ist day of January, A. D. It)7G. Thu bidden of saldi UiDds on bi-rohy notlAcil thereof, uud that on ami after the Bald lat day of January, A. D. 1376. tbo said bonds will eeaso to Lear interest. Dy order of the Hoard of Directors, Z. T. WATKINS, President, JAMES K. DTJDTI3, Becwtary, Chioigo, Hi., Nov. 31,1876. BTOCKHOLDEUS' MEETING. The ftumu) mooting of the Stockholder* of the nmi NATIONAL DANK OF CHICAGO for the election of Dlreclorn for tho onaulotf year will In? held »t the otlice of avid Sauk In Qhieago, on Tuetday, Jan* nary 11, 1870, between the hrmrt of 1) and 4 p. a. IHAAO O. LOSIDADD, CftsUler. Chicago, Deo. 7. 1875. OPTICIANS. jami:s vr. qukkn & co., OPTICIANS, 084 Chflftitmt«»t.* OUI UronUnmyi Philadelphia. Ne«r York. Spectacle*, Kvo Oianea, Spy Qltttee, Tele*coj>ee, Opera and Field OlatMat, Ktureceouj** tud Vluwa, Mlcroecopce of nil graden, Mathematical, Drawing, and Surveying InatrumenU and MalcrUla of all de scription*. llimuraUol Cfctalognea to any addreee. IP ceota each. EDUCATIONAL; mOHIGAIf BEMHIABT, at KALAMAZOO, Kutdlutit facilities hero oQcrud fur thorough (umLutu extended e«urif, Thw Hdioul U u truly Chrlallan hums. Kipauara only (ITSju-r yeir. Supa pertur advantages for tfao atudy oi Alu«l>’ t Tainting, and Undent Languages, healthy and tie* lightful. Burnt warn lea yol rumaiti. Apply fur rata, logua and furthrrlufirmatlnn to Uiu ipa). UldS JEANNETTE tT-dUDt. Kalamaxuo. Midi. WINTER RESORTS. ~ ~~ RESORT, ROYAL VICTORIA HOTEL, Naaaau, N. 1% Haha. mu—Nutf tijH-u, The mini delightful i-UuiaUt iu the world. Htc&imrr* will leave Havannab, Ua., every Icq day*, and make (lit Inp in twu day*. For particular* Address JAH. UDUKUWOOD, TS * Broadway, N. y. ST AUGUSTINE HOTEI7~ Bt. Auffuatino. Florida. Tbl> Hotel, having teui doul ied in alto, and entire* ly refurnished, la tow tho largest hotel In Florida, A Dining-room, acalfng 3W, haa boon addod: Uu, Wee trio Annunciator, Rath Houma, Telegraph OUtre. Ac, E. jJ. VAILIi, Proprietor. $5.00 Packages op MTIOII CCRREHCF IN RXOIUNGB FOB Bills of National Currency, AT TRIBUKE OFFICE RAILROAD TIME TABLE, ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF' TRAINS **n,AITATtoj»O» RFrrurtffK -▼ flitirdi* «I. I Mond*/«*eept»il, j X* rlro aondii *t 8:00 «. ci. | D*Ut. CHICAOOS NORTHWESTERN RMIRm ItfW VJlttt, ((upvii. {.shtTnnn .<<l /75 d«»L «f. t turttfr Mfiinn-tt,, an 4 at lh» dtptft, «’’iclflo Patt I.lno I nliulrti'jue Day Ur. ?la Clinton..) ol)jt>u.|iio Nlcllt Kt. ria Clinton. 'lOnialii .Night Piprcti nl nvp-.rt \ Ontijiinn Kaor***.. 'il'rp'-poH t Dtihti'iQA KtprMC. I'NjllWßtiVen Ka«t Mail (Honda?). Kxprr»*...! Mlilwatiko* I’lMMnffrtr AMllwntikpn I’m<ongor MtrcenUat Kiptom RMn'll.o-i.t Klrrjr Kinre.n*;.!.!, ><Ht. Paul 4*\Vln'ina Kipmi..,.J fcManpiotlo Kiiirr«« i Uko l>.i,rr M 1 AU*ti<nfc lftk« K<vrv« I •-flppotcomproi tVHManrf'kl k—Depot corner oi ctoai and Kl a. m. HI M»ip, m. HI :00 p. m. . m. » •Ilri'ilp. m. • 7:M*. m. I * Bjnoa. m. *1 * 9:IS *. m. I * 6:uop. m. * tlljffJp. in. 5 * O-.SOa. m. ; m. • f P:»Op.m. •l«:iKJp. m. * 4:iop. m. i‘ 4;<sp. to. Inna-ata. luiie**U. L RAILROAD. •'not nf TVrwJy.rrfcmrf-rt. ait tomtr of JiandolpK, Michigan central , .font nf nn-t ft rirk't.wr.r', fl 7 rhtrk.'l., ,;u(h'a and I*6 hil‘ •(., rr.jn’-n' f|w», t.rarf. J A refer. Mall (ria mala line) r,w a. «.!• Bdop.m. I|»v Kiproaa . • ►.uTri «. m .;» BrfWp. m . Kalamai'w) Accommodation • 4 -no p. m. [MO-20 a ca. Atlantic Kjpr*i«((l«llT) 5 B:iSn. m. 1} *:.*} «. m. Mghl K«im-» f‘SI COp. u.I;*7KJO a,m. IUI-IUB AKU MUBKXUON. : Morning KiprMi • « r no a. m. • Bdflp. m. M«(ll KlpfpM._. t H.-UJ n, ,ji. ‘ 7 rflQ ». m, *Sunday Ks. 2*t*atanlar and Monday Ki^ Chicago, Alton ast. louis. and rSlraya. Kanin* City and Denttr Short ttnu t*i*a flip'll, ifnt SU*.'nmr Mtdhon-it, O/htn; At Vinat. and »J ll*n>Mph-*t, Loan. 1 Arrto*. RamaaOltyand Dcnrar Fiat Ki.i’l BU IxiulatnabnrlnaflaM Bu i>ouia, Bpriacilald A T«iu..i| IVerla Day F.anr:-«« * <lbtca*oa Wrtneah Hallman R«. * Mn-ator, Waahiagtnn Ki. *1 Joliet A Uwitfbt AaoxniDudaUan. I* ’l2rOrt noon * Ado 0. m. I 9;SW a. m. » 7:60 D. HU I 9:iS r, na If > :30a, ra. ’ m. * T;B#p. ta * a. m.i* 7:li|d. ra. •12 :rtry noon 1 * 3:10 p. ra. • 4;.lo n. m.l* 9:30 a. ra. LAKE SHORE A MICHIG; JAN SOUTHERN. Mall. Wt mala line 8:10 a. m. 6:16 p. ra. bl-Tclal .V. Y, kipr-wt nili.m. 9:oop.ra. Atlantic ftanrnn. dally kdSp.m. fiMa.ra. Michigan Accommodation. .V,«ip. m.l 11:10 a. ra. Melit Kxnrrn f M:3 Dp.m. 4 6:40 a. m. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILROAD. Talon liir‘,l, nnw Haditon and Canmt*rte. Tlrktt OJtee, CSS-juih r/urt-tf., nppunU SJkerman Maine, and at Depet, Wlacontin A Mlnasiofa Through) *>‘ , . H ? pr V* r;,\ *9:46 a. m. «4:COp, m. Tftlicoiuln, Jowa, aad Stinaoaota «*P«V TV. v. a. MlrOTa.m. YTliconaln and Minooiota Night' »<<ngar. v _. Ml:oop.m. *7:43 p.m. All fralnamn via 3t|fwatik M . Ticket* for St. Panland Atlrja"at/oU»irn good <Hih<ir via Madison and Prairie da CLIeo, or via wstotUwn, I.tCroaxo, aoJ Winona. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Depot,feet or' tea */■«». oudjoet of laentii-errond'ii. n>u M. lamia Express Nf.Luul* Post l,mo„ C airo A Ns w Urluaiw Kx Cairo* New Orluui Ex Nprlngfield mod Peoria Kxptets. l-'pnaaDsid Night Hiiirt**. Peons and Ko «kuk Kxur. 5i.... Hahn Que k Sioux City Kx 1 OiLu-jue A nimix City Express. Gjlniau Passeager... . • *;SOa. o. • ■ I B:tap. in. 1 . • B:.'0 a. M.i* 1 :U;r.;S:k .ll *t:«3p. m.'l • I* 8-*6 p. «>.(• . • m! • 4-JWti. m. • CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & UUINCY RAILROAD, Depot', jo-d of jM~'-rl., Judiona-at. and Sului rA-«_ uh-t t'awtr and .SUttrnthati, Ticket Often, U OUr'iM "* a uUuldonjit ’ ( L-ate. | Jrrtce, Mail and Kapm* I*~7;M*T m" uttaMa sad rttruaior Pa.sehtfer.,* r-.To a. ra . • ;ho{;; }J? Dubuuus * Oily Ktp '• p-tos. tn, • 4-. TI V ™ ' Pacuie tot Uas. (or Uiuaiia.'MsxU a. m. • 4;iop. m‘ Kautos CiUr, OaaTMiwortU. Ai-I M m ‘ elitien A St. Joacpn m. 1* 4:03 p. tn, Trias Kxproaa !»10*0a.m. 1 } 7:15 a. ra. r. Uru . r *. 3:lft p. tn.f M:li a. in. MeadftU.U(iawaAntrcalorPaa«,* 4;.*J p. m. '* a. in. Aun»ra Paaamgrr • ra. • a ni. Aurora Paosoncm-(Hanlay) Dulmons A Stnuauitr Exp. ... 1* ra .* i-y s m PsclUo Night Kxo. for lhaaba..■ I10:73y. u. ; 7iUa.ini Kansas Oily. l,**TMjwurth, At* 1 cblsonA Hu Jotsph Exp tio-rop. ra.if 7:lft a. m. Cfuwner sC-nneAcc'iunuolstlon *U;uj*. m..* 23)5 p. in, i’ownrr sflrore Accnruniodsihia.* l•!'»«*. ut. * ft i>o.iu. Downer’allroro^cn.rrnnjdaritn • n. m. : * 7-’si a. ra. •Kx.Sumlad. tEr. HatnrdayJKxr»tonVoy ’ „ . ERIE AND CHICAGO LINS. jlrpol. Kxr<u*U>n liu.ldinjf. TirKrt tr’ice, lUI Clarke!., cos. T Day Hipm«-*ritllmin Draw.! I *” ing-H'xnn (.Vara. (l , i Atlantic P.ipre**—Pullniau I'al-’ i ace DraningGloini Sloeping; i [ fiioap.m. l PrlOa.m. Onlyllnenmalagtliahotel cars to New York. KANKAKEE LINE. Fnm Central Ptpot, jo of loke-et., andtirpel J"oU t*ruiid-*t, I ,fiit vjirr, 131 iiandu!p\-i:., mil at drpit. Lutre. j Arrict, IndUnapolla,LouliTllledClacln-l I nati Hay Kxi,re-i» .. 8:16 A. a. • 8;S0p. n. InOunaisilU.iAiuixtiUsA Cloeiu nan Night Expraia(dally) 1 83W p. ra. I* 7:16 a. m. *■'’ CINCINNATI AIR LINE AND KOKOMO LINE. /Von IHtUkura, t'inrlnnaU d: £(, louii ILtdwi depit, e»r. s«f rliiiion and t'arrull-it*,, »nt side. Ticket eflet. 11l _ HandiA/dt-n,, and a( drpof. | Acute. Arrive, lodlanspolKlionlftllle A Clacln-' natl Day Exjireas . • 8:15 a. a. • 0:00 d. ra. IndlaDaisjllf. LoutirilloA Claciu.l Ottii (daily) ...1 8:00 p. ra. 7:31 a. a. _PITTSOURO, CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. ftuwi depot, mrner W'/(«»*■ and Carroll-Ut., Ir«l Side. /i>Ar< ujice, 121 /t'lndiWpA.if., and nl depot. Colamtina.Plttiborg A New York! ” Day Kapnue ,• | : lsa. m. • 9.-00 p.m. Columbiu.l’iiixburg ANei» Votll NlghvK»pre»»Ulady) J B;OOp. m, 7:20 a. a.- PITTSBURh, FT. WATNE4 CHICAGO RAILWAY. Day Exprati.. , I'aaaeiigrr Facltio Kxunm. Fail Line Mail, • i S:iU p. to. I i ftsl&p. m. T l0;00p in. 4I ft;o6 a. «n. * , • SumUreicepieil. {Dally, tEiooptMonday*. t Ea« c«*pt Saturday! tad Sunday*. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. Skatiu Ifatt ji mt r.ur u/ i.'xpotiiion JiuitJing «nJ a/ TutHiv-HCunl-tl, l>rt<ot cortirr Mxduan-tt. and MirSujaiiav, I'Ovftflet* Mi Claf/Mh, ojrtur U‘<uA> innou, • 6-2 U a. m.l • a. m. I p, CM Accommodation., Ali/nuiij l.tprfta. Krenfiut K*jin-»a. 'SaadanoicepttfcL {Daily, CHICAGO. ROCKISLANO&PACIFICRAILROAI Dtiwl, t¥rntrttf’ Ton iiur<n and TfdUtvtUt Pratt/ iUe&U t!9UI, _ ORitba,LeaTenw*|bAAteUwnEU *lOr,K)a. pi. * 4tfop. m. Ft-nAoeommuOatioa * 6a»n. m. * 9:80 a. a. MebtKnpreaa itlO.DQp. m. 14/4 OCEAN NAVIGATION. National Line of Steamships. HEW YORK TO (jUUKNBTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, n’ALY, AMI lon* Thursday. Deo. 9. at 3.JG p. ui. u>ns Saturday, Doc- 11, at 3 p. in. ENGLAND, <,H<dUn»j -Kaiarday, l»« o, 1% at 9a. u. EGYPT, 6,4 a mo* Saturday. i>wo.Uu, aid a. m. l*U!t LOKUUM UIUIOT. HOLLAND. S.M7 ™,“ u-day.lluuVu. a« S:» j>. n. Cabin putasc, 84) ami 9*o, currensy. Return tick «a at reduced tales. Nt*erage drketi. 126 ouriaooy. Nunn as si eoroar Clark and Ilaadolpb.aU. (opposite na# Ahcnuan Huuto). Chicago. ONIY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. TiwUaiioralTfaiuallaoHo Luwpaoj’a Mali Bteamahlpa between New Y*uk oud Havre, tailing at Plymouth, tj. 1). Thu splendid vi-ssels on lid* favorite routt lor tba Continent f being oiorw southerly than any other), will tall (ruu t’lor No. Ui, North Rivar, as fellows i LAIiIIADUIt, {tanglier Batnrdav, Deo. 11 RttltitlKit. Daure Saturday, PRICK OF P.VStf.tGK IN UOU> (Including «tua|t Vint cabin, glluaud Uj-U, anoordlng lo accommodation t acuouduatun, i." 2; tultJ. ah l . Return ttokata at niiad rate., biocrago dze. with superior aeocaunuoauuna, in cluding ail u»co»**rio« without utia charge. ' hfeamai* matkuJ iuu» * Jdiu'i carry steerage passenger*. LOUIS I)aUKRIA6LA*eut, U Uruadway, N.T. <Jrcut Wcuteru Btoumship Llue. Pn>» Now York to Uriatol (England) direct, SiIJIKKJiHT, Western Ha turd ay Dee. IS OUK.VT WK&TKUN, Windham.,.,.,Wednesday, Jan. i Cabin Pawaao, *7O; Intermediate. Bi 4; Mtearaae, •». SCALES) C FAIRBANKS' bI'AUhAUU SCALES ■id or au. attnx. AOO. JWIWpRK Uidf 113LakoSL,Chicaga ™ BccurefuitohiiyoulrttieGenuioa, bollar atoRE. XI nil f Casa, iknd tat deafirinthra 7 * 3:tfl p, m« * 3Uu p, pi. J «:2n», m. l m * 4Hfip. m. * 7:00*. m. j,4:00p, pi, •lOi.Ta*. m, ’ 4:nop. m. 7:.t>p. m. IliluS: S: I* 6:30*. m, 1*10:15(1. pi. ~:nop. rn. <4rr(»a. 7:Mp. m. 7::«ia. m. 7:56 p. m. 7:10 a. m. ’6:ifto. ra. 7:iSa. ra. a. m. n:(9p. m, 7 .-*.O a. ra Arrive, ’ 8 tOO p. m* 1 6:36 a. m. h 0:10 n. m. 'BtflOft. 81. 1 ftiU p. w. Arriu, (0:40 a. tn. 181 to a. m, *>:lti p. in.