Newspaper Page Text
8 THE CITY. GENERAL NEWS. The temperature yesterday, as observed by Maoaase, optician, 80 Madison street (Tribune building), was at 8 a. tu., 85 degrees ; 10 a. m., 85 ; 15 m.. 35 ; 3 p. m., 34 ; 8 p. m„ 83. Young Ford, who shot himself last Monday evening, was still aiive at 13 o'clock last night, and, ae ho was then breathing more freely and resting easier than at tnv time sine© the occur rence, some littio hopes are entertained for his focovcry. A match game of foot-ball wae played yestof» day on the Chicago White Stocking grounds between the Chicago Fool-Rail Club and the Athletic Club of St. Ignatius College. After contesting for an hour and a half, the result at the end stood one to one. The next game wilt bo played Thursday. At the last meeting of the Board of Educa tion the subject of geometrical drawing in the schools was discussed and roferaed to the Com mittee on Text-Books, At a meeting of this Committee nold Wednesday evening it was agreed to report to tho board ia favor of laying the matter of "Hmilh'a Geometrical Drawings "over until spring, when (bo whole course of text books will bo ripped up and put together aealu, as is the custom. At tho same mooting the Com mittee agreed to recommend that (ho board buy certain of the common text-books bv the quan tity at nholoealo rates. If this were done, a saving of 40 fer coot on the retail pneo, or fcosuu £IO,OOO a jeat, would bo effected. MR. ADAMS' OPINION. By dropping out a few words lu ono paragraph of Asniidaut torpoifttion Counsel Adams’opinion on Tilley's letter, published in yesterday’s Trib une, tho mcauuig of the writer was left some what obscure. As printed tho sentence road : However this may ho, (bo agreement upon a plan by the Board of County Commissioners is the substantial thing to be looked to," etc. ft should havo been : “ However this may ho. the agreement upon a plan by tbe Board of I’ublio Wotks and the Board of County Commissioners is tho substantial thing to bo looked to,"etc. THE RET. W. Tf. HOPKINS. A reception nan Riven to the Rev. William 11. Hopkins, the now Hector of HI. Joint's, loot night in ilia basement of that ehuicli. corner of Ash land avenue and Madison street. Almost the entire congregation turned out to greet tlioir fu turc spiritual guardian, and quite an agreeable time was spent. Mr. Hopkins wan formerly Hector of Grace Church, Watertown, N. V. lie received a unanimous call to Ht. John’s a few weeks ago, and, in Hint parish offered a wider rphoro of usefulness, decided to accept it. Hla fust sermon, which made a very favorable im pression, was preached Buotiay morning. Bishop Huntington, of Central Now York, entertains u high opinion of his character and attainments. In a letter to a prominent parishioner of St. John's, Dio Bishop nays: “lie hoe a tine presence and voice, dignity and case of manner, is sensible and agreeable, keeps out of diilloulty, has no nonsense about him, never Intermeddles nut of his spfero, und. so far ns I know, is not wanting in activitv.’ 1 This does not appear too high praise. Since his arrival in the city considerable interest has been revived in St. John's Parish, ami there is groat promise of future activity. Mr. Hopkins stays with 0, H. Jordan, No. COS Jackson street, until his arrangements are com pleted. nm universitt or Chicago. It is pleasant to know arrangements have Just been made by which tbo University is relieved of its immediate and more pressing burdens. Tbo Union Mutual Lite Insurance Company is tho bolder of nit tho bonded indebtedness of tho University, amounting, together with accrued interest, to shout 9H2.000, ana both Dr. Boone, the financial agent of that Company, end tbu Finance Committee deny that thev ore or have been taking any stope to foreclose tho tnist-dred. Tho loan to tho University was originally SIOO,OOO, hut part of it has been paid by the sale of land, and tho Company announces Itself ready ami willing to loan more, should Dio University desire it. At a mooting of some of tho Trustees, held to devise ways to meet tho floating indebtedness of some 612.000 or 615,000, it wasaupgcslcd that it might bo beat to m&ko an additional lean sullicieut to tovor this amount, but nothing definite has as yet boon done in that direction. The Treasurer of tho institution stat os that he paid the Professors and tutors in full, a few days ago, for their last quitter's aaUinos. and that there aro only duo some small balances to certain olllcors who have not chosen to >'Jtaw the full amount duo thorn. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. THE SECOND XlEltriNO of the now County Board was hold yestorday af ternoon, all tho members being present. Mr. Holden presented the report of a Apodal Committee on Rules for tbo government of the Board meetings, which was a duplicate of tbo rules of the past year, with a few immaterial ai tcrotlona or transpositions. The report wae adopted without dissent. The Chairn.'an submitted a list of . THE BTANDINO COJIXHTTEEB of tbo Board fox’ the ensuing year, as follows t /'.nunc#— Holden,. Loucrgan, UerUflff, Tuber, John •ou. JudtcUxrv— Tabor, McCaffrey, Cleary. Ju}ualizaUon oj 'J'u vr*—Busse, Uuoulbcr, Holden, Avars. Burdick. y-'bl.r accords— Mull f?. Holden, Carroll. rut, ./Mitajw—Curro U. Mulloy, Burdick, i>,iO\ 4 c CViimfics— Me. Vaffivy, Louorgan, Holden, QrrU>i(l< Carroll. j-'uUu intildingt—LotH: tgan, SchmkU, Cody, Quea. tlllT Johnson. i/oi»ifJk *—Cleary. Conly, Schmidt, DusseMulloy. Aibtrufia ii—(Jueuthcr, He Hum, Burdick. J.'iktda «iw>f lindycs— Uueiit. 'cr, Buaee, Tatar. V fctrn etiut Town Account*— Ayers, uuoulber, Dusse, Cdiiiy, TalK’f. , ham—Burdick, Malloy, C WJ. _ Publ\e Atm'co—Conly, Carroll, McCaffrey, Schmidt, J(tU AetounU— Bcbtnldf,. Conly, McCaffrey, Utationeri/— Ucrllng, Lonergan, MuJ lor, Ayurs. JUinlleii. TUo report of ex-Coanty-Troan arer Millar for lliu | a«t «|unrlor and for (bo year' wu read. It mad* the lollowiog exhibit of TUB COUNTY TINAIfCEfI for the year ending Doc. C, 1875: , tiKCEirra. Balance oh hand, Dec. l, lull ....!• 07,8111.07 hi't clved irom Tliomas Mackiu, (or mate* rial around old Court-H0u5e............ 8,633.80 K. L. Rhodes, mil Cnurt-lluatHis>iuare.... 33.1.31 JoLn Jones, (orold trsttlug.... tUS C. r. Rorlolat. (or boiler 1,710.00 Jucol> Cross, CircultOourt feu 18,1(11.™ Warden County Hospital 071.00 A. J. Btwlo, Criminal CourtUM.... ‘iHd.'id County Collector, fur costs 31,130.38 Jatuea Hlowart, Recorder's otnee fees,... 16,083.3-1 Herman Ueb, County Clerk fees 35,280.08 T Bradley. late Sheriff. 0,088.08 JJondamcu of J. 11. Walab. taxof 1873..... 6,0H.f1t Board of Alford at Insane A5y1um.....,,. 153.71 Mutual Security Insurance Company, Uw uuranco on obi Court-House Otorgo Kimberly, Warden Insane Asylutt. For tavern licenses ' I'eadiem’ Uccusea 'J’eiuj'orary loans Tax of 1873 and prior years Tax ol 1871 KXI’KNDtTUSES. Paid on county orders Juror cffUUctt*. H.iperior Court T.vii'iii Juror certificates, Circuit Court. “ Juror certificates. Criminal C0urt.......!. 3U,*.H.U5 Juror certificates, County Court..... Juror certificates, Coronet’* lu'iuoata.... 7,»W.«0 Witness fee* tnn j3S*AI Temporary loans *i?’uSy ot Interest ou temporary loans Commissions. ... «»>aar.y Ualance on band Dec. 0, IOTA. UOHUim IHDKBTKONKIU, Seven per cent war bond*. duo Slay, 000.00 h.;v«n per cent war bond*,due May, IBM.. Ws WW.OO beveu per cent war bund*. due May, Public ImUdinu bouda, duo May, lUW , 1 ire Loude duo I,WO,U0(U)0 lioud uautd to the Twaauree of the True- Ui » of tho Uraceland Cemetery Improve- u.cut fuud, duo May I, le9d.« 53,000.00 Total bonded indebtedness, YKUfOtUKV uuas. Loan of Merchants’ National Uauk, at 8 per ctnt, due May 11, l«fi 9 100,000.00 Lo«u of iUrttumu’ Bavinm I-o*u h Trust Couiitany, ft j>er cent, due July U.lftlO,, 100,000.00 T0ta1.... Tutbl Amount of fire bonds not sold f 470,000.00 jlr. Miller's report as Collector mads lbs fol lowing exhibit of receipts: , To amount or tax on roal and personal Tu amount of Ux of 187 J and trior year*, sod InWrerf dus os forfeited and other To tun.lua ut on r*d l<oi<rty paid by diUtrcut cUmuuia 65.68 To amount collected alnca theUatof uu attlocUd taxes was copied. Sw.Oj Tu tax ol ix-i and prior year* collected, not charged in lax-warranU of I&T4 14,010.86 Total amount charged to County Cob lector .91,404,700.68 Among tbs items of credit* the report showed $110,550.05 of tlis taxes on personal property had been forfeited to the State. Mr. Holden mored tlio reference of the report to the Committee on Filiation. Mr. Ifurdick moved that the Committee be In strnclod # to ascertain from the County Treasurer the amount of moneva that ho had received as County Treasurer and Collector outside of his legal eftlarv. Mr. Holden contended that the motion was out of order, hut would properly come under the head of resolutions, etc. The Clietr sustained Mr. Holden, and the re poit was referred. A report was road from the Map Department showing the progress of the work. Referred to the Committee on Public Records. A communication was read from the contract ors for roofing the now Comity Hospital, noti fying the board that they would claim damages for delays. Referred to the Joint Committee on Hospital and Public buildings. A comtnuuicalion from Judge Gary, making recommendations as to the nccersary clerks fur the oitice of Clerk of the Superior Court, was road and referred to the Committee on Public Service. jlllls and petitions were then read and proper ly referred, after which the Board adjourned uutil Monday at 2 o'clock. • POLITICAL. THE JUDICIAL ELECTION, The following notices hare been issued rela tive to the Convention to be bold Monday to nominate a successor to Judge McAllister: Tbs Republican County Convention that assembled the I'JUi day of October Ust in requested to meet at tho headquarters, northeast corner of Clark and Lake streets, Saturday, Ihv. 11, at 1 o’clock p. m., forth* purpose of selecting eighty delegates from Cook County to annul the Judicial Convention railed to meet on Mon.lay. Dee. 13, for tbe purpose of nomi nating a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy in the Seventh Judicial District. Lack delegate to the County Convention la requested to tie present. I'l.n Ounr.n or tub Cook County Rkpoolioan Okn* tiul CoumrrcK, At a Joint meeting of the several County Rsntihlican Committees of Like, Du Page, Will, Kankakee, and Conk Counties,—said counties comprising tbe Seventh Judicial District of (he Stale,—it was resolved to held a Republican Convention at (he rooms northeast cor ner Clark and Lake streets. In tbe City of Chicago, on Monday, Dec. 13. at 1 o’clock p. ni., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Judgo of the Hitpreme Court, to fill the vacancy cxlvtlug m auch diatrfej. The number of delegates from eauh county to he oa fol lows: Lake County, B; Will, lit Kankakee, 7. Pen Obdeb op the Joint CorinirrsE. wAnn MucaiNUß. A largo mooting of the Tenth Ward Repub lican Club was held Wednesday evening at No. 229 West Madison street. The meeting was called to order br the President, William H. Thompson. After reading of the minutes of the previous meeting by tho Bocrelary, Martin Con rad, considerable miscellaneous local buMnens was transacted, and qnito a largo sum collected and paid to John Hoffman, Treasurer of the ward fund. Tbo meeting adjourned to Saturday evening, Pec. 18. Pursuant to tbo recommendation of the Cen tral Club, tho Pomtli Word Republicans have ef fected an organization, as previously reported. During tbo past week they have secured the flue stove 0(10 Wab&ah avenue, south of the Woodruff Hotel, which they will formally open as tho permanent headquarters of the Club Saturday evening. Joseph Mcdtll, Franklin MacYeagb, and other citizens will address the meeting, and Frank Lombard's Olee Club will also enliven the occasion with some of their most popular selections. All Interested In the honest administration of our public affairs are requeeved to no present. There will bo an adjourned meeting of the First Ward Republicans at the Republican head quarters, corner Lake and Clark streets, to night at 8 o'clock sharp, to receive and act on tbo report of tho Committee on Organization and complete the organization of the Club. All members of tho Club and tbo Republicans of tho Fiftermtb Ward are requested to meet to night at Nos. 274 and 276 Milwaukee avenue, in tho basomeut, at 8 o’clock sharp. LOCAL LETTERS. liltiULT Of A IILOJTDEC. To tht EJiter of 7'iV Chiatoo Trxbun* Chicago, Doc. o. It has come to my knowl edge that the caut» of my Incarceration baa been so misconstrued as to render some ‘explona tion necessary, atd, for numerous bona-fide rose ona, I ask you to publish tho annexed short statement: In May, 1874,1 re.ated and wont to hva in a cottage on State street, south of the city limits, but had not lived tho re ma«y days when I dis covered that my. nexD-door neighbors were not such as I should like to have my family dwell beside, and accordin ply determined to move from there as soon as* X could find a suitable place to rent. In ilho meantime my disa greeable neighbors were making things as unpleasant as they possibly could, and, as a consequent result, a compulsory ap pearance before a Hyde Park Justice, and toe payment of 615 and cot tts os a fine imposed on me by that legal lumlnai \s for having broken an ordinance of the famous township, was the first coil of tho web in which they wore encircling mo. I moved as speedily as I could to a more friendly location, and conalderec I that the sacrifices of money aod time, and lb o annoyances suffered, more than vindicated tb e law and satisfied the exactions of my forme r neighbors. Not so, however, as I was soon ai her convinced by being summoned to answer in t tie Superior Court the •ait of Isabella Torhuno f or 910,000 for defama tion of character. To tbit 11 filed answer by at torney, and thereby pn t the matter at rest for a time, daring ■which, however, I was approached by plaintiff's attorneys, who offered to compromls » the matter for tho eum of 6300. Thin occurr ed at the Stock-Yards, where I was doing some business at the time, and, as tho offer was not accepted by me, the suit, of course, went on. and was called up for hearing during one of ihn terms of this fall, when tho plaintiff got Judgment by default for 68. ICC. Whoa the ease reached tl tlo stage no farther action waa taken until my name lately appear ed in the city papers as bondsman for tbo nail of U. J. Cahill on a boud for SIO,OOO. This sum was exactly SO,OOO in excess of tbe ball given for M. J. Cahill’s liberation, which waa fixed by Judge Itogers at SI,OOO, with W. JL Masked ae tbo sworn resimnsiblo man on tbo bond, and 1 as technical unsworn bondsman to simply com ply wotb tbe legal requirement* ox the statute, which makes it necessary to have two men on a bond. Tbo erroneous addition by the city press of tbe cipher to Ibe moderately respectable sum of SI,OOO at emeu transformed It Into tbe “ solid" SIO,OOO, which excited beyond moasure tbe un just avarice and legal cupidity at my '* former neighbors” and their Forthwith they went and swore 1 waa about to leave tbe country, and obtained a writ-of case for my ar rest, and placed tbs document in the hands of an officer, telling him it waa only necessary to apprehend mo when 1 would, immediately band over the $3.106 in greenbacks, and, singular as it may seem, one or these I twyers accompanied the officer to my house on 8 atuiday night to re ceive and count tbe money and release me from eustodv In consideration the reof. Tbe green backs were not forthcoming as anticipated, and I was torn from my family an d lodged m prison, —a prisoner without a crime,, an injured man without rodruas, and a victim of injustice in ita worst form. M'jchasl hosTEs. 175,00 WI.3J 3,500.00 60.00 200,001,00 0.0'i1.33 .fl, WAU. ATUKBT BEPOBTS. Totho Miter of ThtChtetuo lyiaims. Cujcaoo, Pec. o. —Would it not be well for the press of tbls city to look a little into the char acter of tbelr Unsocial telegra,phio dispatches from New York, both “ special ” and public ? Would it not bo well to ascertain if (bo men who send Uiette dispatches art* not paid by stock jobber* (as I boiieve) for the circulation of false and damaging report*, affecting the reputation of leading railroads ? Otherwise, what is the meaning of the recent reports against the North western? and why have the dispatches been so worded as to throw suspicion ujion that road, even after Pnesrdont Keen basshowu and proved that tue reports were wholly without founda tion f “Belling abort "is an extensive business in Wall street. Having gotten out a long* line of “shorts.” tbs next tiling to do is to pot In circulation • some dunagiug report, and break down the stock, so that rheas short desists or swindlers may cover rbetr contracts at a protit. Home time ago these fellows made a raid upon Lake Bhore. and broke that down. , Last week they attacked Michigan Central, circulated a report (false of course) that there bad been an overissue of stock, and “ that great and alarml ng developments might be ex pected." Now Northwestern Is attacked m the same way and for the same purpose, of damag ing the road and swindling the public. Hursiy such things should not be permitted. II me damage were confined to (he Wall street opera tors no one would care much, hut the evil ex tends outside, and affects mao? other interests, and chocks the growth of confidence in legiti mate channels. Certainly the press of Cblcago should not allow itself to bo used in the inter ests of Wall street speculators. Scaoßfliio.v. ,„... .ir.o7fliM7.Sl .1 09,038.33 .|3,7UU,MW^O 300,000.00 ..a/j'-a.OOu.IW riBST COMB rt&ST BKB TBS. fo Uu Sditer of Tho Chkaoo J'nbutu : Obiqaoo, Deo. S.—The rentlsg of pewe at UeYicksr'a may or any rot be tbe beet way to MISCELLANEOUS. THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: FRIDAY. DEC raise money for the Central Church. That it nil! not he ae popular os the democratic method of charging a email admission foe, with no re serve* osoopt to firat camera, ie attested by the success of tho Bundav Lecture course. It la safe to sar that Prof. Swine will command a fait bonne at any (lino, and the fear ia that Me- Vieker's will bo too small rather than too largo a place lor all who doslro to hear him. Lot tin make a calculation : Prof. Swing may count on an audience of 0,000. which, at 10 cents each for fifty-two Sunders, would give a revenue of $15,- 000. Deduct from this Prof. Swing’s salary of $7,000, and vou have left with which to pav rent of hail, music, and other expenses. This plan accomplishes all that in donired, raises a revenuo with e;ise, and places the entire population on a footing of equality, which waa understood to bo the crowning cxcoltcnee of Swing’s now church. The only por-mns who should he entitled to any reserved seats are the fifty gentlemen who havo secured Prof. Swing's services by aicniog the guarantee fund. To all others apply the role of paying as you go, and first come first served. S. WASTE OF HAS. T» the KiUlor nf The Chtraffo /Vlbunr Chicago, Doc. B.—' Whether the city pays for it or not it is a useless waste of gas to have (ho street lamps burn for hours at a lime in broad daylight. It is no uncommon occurrence for (he street-lamps to be ablaze for one or two hours after tbe break of day, but yesterday morning the gas-lam. s oq Went Washington, West Ran dolph, and West Lake streets, and fur aught I know elsewhere throughout tho city, woro not extinguished until exactly fifteen minutes to 10 o'clock as timed by myself and another person. If tills waste be a loss to the One Company tho latter aught to know it, and if it bo chargeable to the city the proper officer should make a note of it ae an offset (o the Gas Company’s bills. Presuming that the city has to pay for this surplus waste, I enter my protest a* a tax-payor Against it. 1 sometimes think that the com panies instruct tbe lamp-fighters to aid them In running up as largo bills as possible against the cltv. When will the Guiumou Council adopt Mr. Colbert’s indicioua and economical tables, and when, shall wo havo a Oas Inspector to stand between the people and extortionate gas mo nopolies ? E. THE COUNTY BUILDING. Sheriff Agnow yesterday took fifteen prison ers to Joliet, two to the lloform School, ami two to the Insane Asylum. Toe case of Andrew Johansen, Indicted for the murder of Mary Ann Itydor, will bo tried tbo first thing this morning in (ho Criminal Court. Tbo work in the Sheriff’s office is rapidly in creasing as winter approaches. The prospect is that the number of processes of various kinds wifi bo doubled this mouth over the previous one. Tbo Grand Jury yesterday found eighteen true bills in jail coses. Several complaints wore board, tbo principal one being against Justice F-bcrhardt and a West Hide Constable. The complaints will be examined to-day. About noon yesterday the inmates of the Jail wore inclined to raise a howl. The butcher who had furnished tbo porter house steaks and rib-roasts failed to scud over tho daily allowance, owing to tbo depressed condition of bis finances consequent upon having passed through the bankruptcy mill tho dav previous. The dinner came, how ever, but it was a little late. MCHUT NF.bHON CONTESTS. Lato Wednesday afternoon, after the reporters had quit tho County Court, Murry* Nelson filed bis cotillon contenting tho eeata of Michael Mai- Joy and Patrick M. Cleary in tho Board of County Commissioners. A separate petition was filed against each party- They were identical, each alleging the eame elate of facts. Tho bills con tain sixteen counts, and eel up all manner of fraud. Tho following in the sub etanco of tho counts in each petition: First, that In tho different precincts 8,500 illegal votes were cast for bis opponents; second, that there were votes counted that wore not cast at all; third, that iu the First Precinct of the Twentieth Ward Republican challengers were re fused admission to tho polls, these were Lewis L. Wadsworth and George W. Bitlingor; fourth, the same was refused to William J. Howland and John Atwater, other Republican challengers, in the Second Precinct of that ward; fifth, that Simon Wallace. Chariot P. Holiuburg, and James Donahue were thus refused in tho Sixth Ward; sixth, that by such exclusion illegal votes were admitted for Mulloy and Cleary; seventh, that In tho First Precinct of tbo Twentieth Ward the ballot-box was not publicly opened and exhibited before votes were put In; eighth, that la the same precinct ballots of legal voters wore refused *, ninth, that in several precincts the votes woie deposited without being numbered ; tenth, that In the last-named pre cinct there was more votes cast than number of legal voters in tbo ward; eleventh, that iu the Flint Precinct of the Fifth Ward, 526 Nelson votes were not counted; twelfth, that iu tho Twentieth Ward. First Precinct, challenged votes were ac cepted; thirteenth, that iu tho First Precinct of tho First Ward no poll-lists were kept; fourteenth, that in the Fifth Ward one or more of the voting places were changed without proper notice; fif teenth, that there were various other Irregulari ties, all to tho disadvantage of tho petitioner; sixteenth, that by a proper count the petitioner would be entitled to the election. The petitions clone by asking tbat the election of Mulloy and Clear? bo Hot aside bv tbo Court, and tbat they bo required to appear tbo first day of tbn next term. Bummouses wore issued at once in accordance with the prayer of tbo peti tions. AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. Connty-Clork Lieb received a letter of inquiry from tbo BecreUry of Btato yesterday, asking why the certillcateaof election of Commission ers Mulloy, Cleary, and Conly bad not boon forwarded to Bpringllold. Tbo inquiry arose from tbo fact tbat it is not definitely aottlod vrbetbor Cook County la under township organi zation or not, and in couutioa not under town abip organization county officials hero to be commissioned by the Governor. Gen. Liob read tbo letter with a Jesting smile, foil back into bis cushioned chair, and felt tbat be knew a great deal more than Mr. Harlow on the subject. In other words, be thought bo know tbo county was under township organization, etc., and tbat bo had done bis duty in giving certificates of elec tion. . CRIMINAL Michael Mahoney, a notorious foot-pad, waa arrested last evoulug on a Htate warrant pro cured by William Ueaty, who aoansea Michael of having held him up and robbed him of S2O while in front of Ko. 513 Clark street last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lloyd, of No. 10 Ann street, thinks it a shame that she should Iron clothes for other peo ple, who can And no other business than hang ing around her doors and carrying off her olotbes-frame whenever her back is turned, lids was done last evening. Tbs case of James Mahoney, charged with uttering and passing f 5 counterfeit notes of the National Bank of Illinois, came up fur further hearing before Commissioner Boyne yesterday afternoon. Tbo evidence of gnilt was sufficient ly clear, and in default of S6OO ball the accused was committed. Mrs. Esther Nordeu, the keeper of a pawn shop at No. t)7tl Htato street, was arrested yester day for receiving stolen property, uu compUiui of Robert Forsyth, of Hyde Farit. Tbe gentle man said that Nellie Costello stole the watch, and she also was locked up. Justice Hummer field will decide tbe case to-day. J. C. Heed, of Prairie City, la., who was swin dled out of over $3,000 by monte man on a Chi cago, Kook Island A Pacific train, lias been thrown Into bankruptcy by his creditors, sod Ins case is now going through the courts. Mr. Heed expresses uliusoll very strongly about the Hwindla, sod proposes to prosecute the monte men to the almost extent of the law. The op erators are now lu confinement at Joliet. Charles Notts, the keeper of the house %t No. 453 I’auiiua street, in which took place the bloody affray of last Sunday night, died from the injuries he then received yesterday afternoon st the County Hospital. His injuries becoming more serious, be wss taken from the County Jail to tbe Hospital. Delew, who was so fear fully out up in the same affray, is recovering, and as the other psrtioipsots were but slightly injured no mure fetal reeuhs are anticipated. Wednesday night, a resident In the Town of Englewood discovered two men gathering up packages thrown from tho Hock Island tcoln which passed shortly after 7 o'clock. Hines the goods were thrown off the cars above tbe sta tion. the matter was reported, and the railroad officials are now trying to Hud nut which one of their employes Is la league with tbe baud of thieves. Justice Kaufmans yesterday committed Frank Bmgbam and David (loggia to the County Jail in default of 11.000 bad. They ware captured by Detectives Whalen aud Bcbaaek, of the ObU cuao Avenue Station, ami are accused of rob bing a German named Charles Kitlho, while rasGng along Wells street near the corner of Superor street. last Sunday nlcht. They knocked blm down, cut bin linn! open with ft knife, nnd robbed him of 910 add ft gold watch ami chain. Aii old gentleman named n. I). Scbroffier, bailing from Englewood, nan assaulted and robbed by ibroo men last night while passing along Iltndolph street between Canal ami the river. An overcoat, glove*, and in cavh wfta taken from him. With the assistance of two brave little boya lm pare them chaso until Officer Tompkins succeeded in capturing one of them, who was carrying away the overcoat. He f;avo the name of Michael lloanoy. and was ockod up in the Madison Street Station. A man named Harris, a ahlpcarpentor, while going horns Wednesday night was assaulted about 11 o'clock near the corner of Tniriv-tlrst and Halstcd streets, by a rowdy named Anton Simon, who relieved him of $lO, A policeman arrested Himoo and took him in tow, whno lie was assaulted from behind by tho thief's pal. Several other policemen were attracted by the tioiee, and the two wore lodged In the elation. Yesterday Simon waft held in SSOO bail to the Criminal Court, and a man named Hartford was lined S2O for toiorfoilng with an officer. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The sale of seats begins Monday for the read ing by Mrs, Scou-Buldoaa Tuesday evening. Tbo Cook Connty Principals’ Association meets at 1:30 p- m. to-morrow at No. US State street. Tbo State Microscopical Society meets this evening at the rooms of tbo Academy of Sci ences, No. 203 Wabash avenue. A mooting of persona interested in Fulton street property, west of Western avenue, will bo held at the corner of Washtenaw svenao and Fulton street, Saturday evening. Tbo sale of seats for the eloquent iectnro on “The I.ifo of Cleorge atepbonsou,” to bo given next Monday night at Plymouth Cburoh by the lion. William I'arsous, begins this morning at tbo box-office of tbo Star Course at Jansen, Mo- Olurg & Co.’s. Tbo congregation Busy Sholom wilt hold di vine services to-morrow st the now tabernacle, corner Wabash avenue and Hubbard court, for the Hist time. On this occasion tho minister of the oongiegatlou, the Rev. Hr. A. J. Messing, wili deliver a sermon in English ou the subject, “Do Thon Content.” Tbo Welsh Presbytery 1b to convene at their clmrcli. comer of Monroe and Sangamon streets, this evening at o'clock, when the Hot. William Hughes, of Bacine, Win., will preach. There will bo preaching also Saturday evening at the same hour, and Sunday at 10 a. m.. 2 p. m., and7p. m. Several nilntelere from Wisconsin are expected to bo present. This Presbytery moots uoro only onco every three years. The Committee of Nino have determined upon a general plan for tbo renting of the sittings for tbo coming year in Prof. Swing’s Central Church, wbioii it is believed will moot the ap proval of all interested, and provide in a liberal way for all who mar desire to regularly attend the services. Tbo scale of prices will range from $6 per sitting for tbo entire year up to *2o,—a very largo proportion of the seats being tinder *l2. As there is no need of more than enough money to pay actual ex penses, tbo Committee having the mat ter m charge have !bcon able to fix noon this low range of prices, and yet it is be lieved that enough money will bo secured to pay the current expenses and no other call bo >lllOOO upon the public or any appeal even be made through that church nuisance—tbo contribu tion-box. Those who desire to socure seats for the year can see a plan of the sittings m Me- Vickor’a Theatre at Jansen, McClnrg A Co.’s to day and to-morrow, tbo shoot having marked on it tbo price of the sittings. Tbo sale of scats will begin Monday morning at 0 o’clock at.-Jan son, McClure A Co.’s, and "first come first served " will be the democratic principle adher ed to,—not a seat being allowed to be marked off the shoot in advance. THE CITY-HALL Tbo City Collector took in about s3,oooyester day. The City Treasurer paid out $51,000 on the city indebtedness yesterday. The Committee on Finance meets in the Comp troller’s ofllco this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Water-rents yesterday were $3,394.88, and seal and personal property tax collections $9,035.73. The Board of Public Works issued vouchors for $12,441 to Cox Brothers toward tbo con struction of the Milwaukee avenue viaduct. It would be (o the interest of every property owner to boo that bis water-tax is paid before the 15th of the month, for thereby the 10 per cent penalty will bo avoided. The Mavor yesterday revoked the saloon license of William Murray and A. Conley, doing business at No. 12-1 East Van Dureu street. The place has lately -become the resort of thieves, and, moreover, the proprietors have reneatedly done business in a mauuer contrary to'tho city ordinances. Certain Aldermen who wore prominent in In troducing tho ordinance whereby all ccal sold by dealers most be weighed by a responsible weigher before delivery, were fuming around the City-Hall yesterday morning because tbe ordinance is not being enforced, although it was not vetoed by tho Mayor. Tho law Is one tho need of which has becu strongly felt, they say, on account of tbe short-weight robbery which has been aud is still practiced to some extent, and was introduced fii good faith. Tho only reason for Its nooenforcement Is the exchke that it was not duly published in tbe corporation paper, showing a gross neglect on the part of those whose business it is to attend to such mat ters. Wednesday's conference. The ropoitof tho conference between tho city aud town officers published in yesterday’s Tmu n.NK made Ur. Frank Adams differ from Mr. Tuley on the question whether Collectors could levy on personal property for the taxes due ou real property. The report was erroneoue. Mr. Adams does not think lawyers can differ on tho question, as the statute is plain that such a levy can be made. Us was also reported as saying that, after deducting *1,500 from 2 per cent of the taxes collected, the balance of tho 2 per cent was to be psid into (ho town or district treasury. His opinion was precisely tho reveise of that, viz., that no part of the city tax could legally be paid into a town or district treasury. GUBERNATORIAL inauguration. San Francisco, Deo. 9.— Gov. Irwin was In augurated to-day with tbe usual eoremooles. In his Inaugural bo urged tbe Legislature to bring the inllaonos of tbe State to bear on tbe General Government to procure a modification of the treaty with China with a view to tbe restriction of Chinese immigration. Also that the State should demand the return of the country to specie payments at tbo earliest possible mo ment. SICK OF « THE TWO ORPHANS.*' Meepbis, Todd., Doo. 9.—The UoKei Rankin combination, which bu been playing “ Tho Two Orphans" at tho Opera-House, haa come to grief, their baggage and effects being attached to-day by tbo landlord of a hotel, a newapaper eaUIA liehraeut, am! a bill-pouter, thus bringing their engagement to au and. Vr, Howe, This U the last day but one to get advice and an examination of your lungs " free of charge " by Dr. Howe, proprietor of the Arabian medi cines, now at the Uatteaon House. His medi cates are sold by our leading druggists. « 1 ' • Musical Boxes, richly bound music books, music folio*, music racks, piano stools and covers, and other musical goods, suit able for.bolidsy presents, at Lyon k Ueaiy’e, Bute and Monroe streets. Just Think, 80 Per Cent Lower than the prices of any other house In Chicago. Our new scale of ptiu* for well made, stylish garments we know will Induce you. Ordway k h’ewlwd, 20# Weal Madison street. Por Holiday Presents, combining taste. ulUlty, sud ornament, go early to J, M. if. Jones', No. lot Madison street. Pianos and Organs Ballet, Davis k Co.’a Grand. Square, and Upright, aud Smithh American Organs, can be found only at W. w. Kimballh, corner State and Adams streets, Chicago. The Genius of Kan was navar mors successful than whan Dailey's Maf iosi Pain Bair actor waa discovered. It is the panaesft for pain and akin diseases. M omits par box. > N Lundbort*s California Water for toilet and bath | dsUghUuU/frtgraal and refreshing <!MBEU 10, 1875. THE INSANE ASYLUM. Story of n tllnn Who Kscnpotl from Its Walls. What Ho Has to Say About tho Treat- ment of Patients. Quality of tho Food (Jlrcn Tliem«-I!oir tlic Keepers Amuse Tlicmsclrcs. The Way in Which Ho Escaped. Many rumors have been current of late in re gard to the management of affairs at tho County Insane Asylum at Jefferson. The Medical Hu* perintciidont baa boon accused of neglect of duly, and the attendants of general brutal be havior toward tho patients. It is difficult to ob tain a correct view of tho inner working of tho institution from visits tboroto. When county committees have determined to investigate mat ters, and have apprised the repot lets of such de termination, on visiting the asvlum everything is found shipshape, and the officials seem to vlo with each other lu eohoitous attention to tho un fortunates under their charge. But there 1 a something about tho establishment which gives rise to tbo suspicion that this air of cleanliness and gentleness la assumed for tbo occasion, and that affairs are not so agree able when visitors are not expected, A Tnmu.vE reporter yesterday had an interview with an es caped patient, which strengthens this impres sion. This person is not insane, but was un fortunate enough to become an Inmate of tho Asylum. Ho is subject to epileptic fits, and while mono soma four months ago was taken to tbo station by a policeman ignorant of bis ailment, brought up for examination at tbo County Court next morning while add suffering from its effects, and re manded to tbo County Asylum. His experience is an interesting commentary on tbo treat ment the patients receive, and may furnish food for the redaction of those Commissioners who make (he institution a refuge for tboir political supporters, regardless of tboir qualifications or character. Tbo interview was as follows, tbo name uf tho party Doing suppressed for obvious reasons: Reporter—Mr. A., have you any objections to telling mo your experience! in the County Insane Asylum? Air. A.—None whatever, sir. I am subject to fits, and several months ago dropped down on the street in one. A policeman took mo to the station, and next morning 1 was taken to the County Court and ordered removed to the Asy lum. 1 was taken to in the* County ’bus. and on arriving at the institution was put into the bath-tub. This was my first experience of rough treatment. 1 was perfectly scoured by tbo attendants [the speaker has the appotraacoof a cleanly maul, onoof them scrub bing mo with a bard brush. 1 was placed in Ward H. ami next morning I asked Kennedy, tbo ward-master, to got me some liniment fur a sprained ankle. The only answer 1 received was a blow on the head, which knocked me on tbo floor, and almost stunned mo. I made up my mind then to escape on the first opportunity. The following day 1 was taken out for a walk with some other patients. I saw ▲ uuakcu to run away. but was overtaken ana brought back by one of the ward-masters. Two of them took mo to the house, beating mo all the way. Another ward master came up, and saying •• So you have been running away, have you?’ struck mo a violent blow on the face. Tins faan then attempted tu kick me in tno stomach, but in defense 1 seized a chair and knocked him over, an act, I believe, which saved my life, for the follow seemed very savogo. Another attendant came and threw mo op the floor, and then kicked mo several times. After this 1 was handcuffed, and although I was sick from the ill-tic itmont I bad received, was compelled to lie upon the floor of ward 0, whore they removed mo. It.—What class of patients occupy that ward ? A.—The worst and most violent cases. It is enough to drive a man mad to bo put in there. It is nothing bat screaming, and bowling, and cursing all day long, enough to drive anybody out of nU souses. I wee put tboro to nunieh me, and It was ae bad a punishment as I ever had, both because of the noise and because 1 had to see the poor crazy follows beaten, and abused, and knocked around when they had not the sense to know whether they were doing right or wrong. 1 have soon a keeper jump on to a man aod pound and kick him almost for a word. Tbo window of the coll 1 was in faced the grave yard. and next day 1 could not help thinking that if I had died under their brutality 1 should have boon dragged there with a yoke of oxen, and that would be the last of mo. 1 was very sick, and could not help those gloomy reflections. 1 was In such a state that I Thought I was dying. I was not permitted to lio on the bod, aod was kept tightly handcuffed. . It.—What Sind of lood do thoy give the pa tients? A.—ln the morning wo got a piece of poor boil ed beef, some dry bread, and a cup of strong, miserable coffee. At dlnuor-tlme they gave as soup and bread, and for supper wo usually got uotbing but dry bread aud a cup of toa. Sometimes they gavo us dried apolos, without sugar or sweetening. No salt was furnished ua, although 1 understand it was in the establish ment. Sometimes wo got a little hominy. MALTREATUEhT. B.—How did tho Wardens afterwards treat you and tho other patients? A.—Their treatment was cruel enough to make the sanest mao mad. Some of tho patients wore afraid of them, and used to got on their knees to speak to them. I saw more knocking down aud kicking there than ever I saw in my lifo boforo. 11.—How long did you stay in that ward ? A.—About two months altogether, but I was not handcuffed all tbe time. It.—What kind of a place Is It? A.—Miserably dirty, and tbo bablts of tho pa tients, wboaro .the worst in the asylum, aro dis agreeable in the extreme. it.—Did they give you any employment ? A.—Yes; 1 made tbo boas and did tho clean ing up. It.—Whore were you placed during TUB LATTER PORTION OF YOUR BTAT ? A.—ln tbe upper ward, which is where the best patients aro kept, and which Is compara tively comfortable. There Is a reading-room at tached. but It Is little better than a saloon all day. There are no books or papers, and no minister over goes there to talk with tbe pa tioots. Tbe attendants make this room their resort, and play cards and ourso and swear at a fearful rate all day long. It.—Do the attendants drink ? A.—They do, but not openly. I attended to (ho aaid-masler’s beds ana saw empty bottles, dirty glasses, and (bo other signs of linuor drinking every morniug. Once a week (hey have a dance, which Is attended by a number of fe males In the neighborhood, and a regular spree takes place. DU. OCNKIifCIHAM. R.—Does Dr. CnuuiughamdoTote much atten tion to the patients? A.—No sbe Tory seldom visits them. If a man la dying medicine is sent him by the ward master. it is very difficult for tho aick patients toget medicine. it.—Did you over tell the doctor of your own ease ? A.—Yea. but be would not listen to roe. I was kept miserably clothed, but when one day my brother-in-law came to eee roo, they flied me np nice. -But as soon as be left they made me put on the old, dirty rags again. TBS ESCAPE. It.—How did you manage to escape ? A,-* 1 bad been planning an escape far several weeks. While the Wardens wereplaymgcardssud amvsmg themselves Sunday evening. I got out of die window of the bath-room la the fourth story, which bad no bars on It, and slid down to tbo grouud by means of a tin spout. 1 cut across the Adds, and made for Chicago. H.—Suppose a sane man is In there, bow is bs to get out ? Will tho doctor lioteu to him 9 A. It is a hard matter to get a word with him. If a man gets there ha mast stev. Besides, the longer a man stays the more liable he is to be come insane in reality, for the treatment is enough to make any one craxy. B. How many persons have they la Ward 0 ? A.—About thirty-are or forty, all of tho most violent kind. It.—Do they put people la there to pnoleh them? • A.—l suppose eo { I was put there for running away. It.—Were you beaten at any other times than those you have mentioned ? A.—no; I bad to keep very calm and <\uiet. They oould not speak civil to me, and regarded me at if 1 waa a criminal. VIOLENT OißSfl. R.—How ere (be violent oeeee treeted? A.—tibemefully. They we not permitted to lie on tbelr beds during'tbe dey, eod euy oue transgressing tbie role ie kicked, handcuffed, Mdius lood kept evey bom him. ll.—Whon n rnno to downright oiclt. «!r> tlmy loavo him Id Ills celt or have they a hospital ward? A.—There in no hospital, and he must remain in his cell. If tho doctor wished. however, ho could oaMlv find a room in which to treat nick porous. Tim noino In tho worst watds has a bad effect on those who are not welt. R.—Do they WORK THE PATIEJIT.I who ara In Rood health ? A.—Yea; a number of them work In the Rap* den and as many more ara kont carrying bricks. I think a groat mam* patients are kept for tholr labor. It.—Are the phvslcifino aware of the manner in which the patients are treated ? A.—Undoubtedly. The time I was maltreated, Dr. Lawless was present, and did not Interfere, but rather seemed to take a delight in what was going on. THE WARD-MASTEna are sporting gentlemen, and keep their boslng gtovos for practice. They llko to deal with the craEv patients, as tboy can cuff them around to tholr heart's content. It.—What kind of food do tho patients re ceive Sundays? • A.—About 10 o'clock they get breakfast, and aid dinner, which are all tho meals they got that day. A little hominy is all they get beyond the ordinary faro. This roan’s statement seems to establish tho fact that a poor quality of food is supplied tho patients, that tbov receive anything but bnroauo treatment at tho hands of their attendants, and that tbo medical Superintendent is remiss in bis duty. With regard to the first item, there in a strong suspicion of a steal being perpetrated. The lusaue Asylum is supposed to bo supplied with a bettor quality of food than the Poor- House, but this showing proves that, whatever may liave been the intnni lon in this respect, it is not carried out by those in charge. Tho Countv li >nrd had bettor look into tins matter before electing Uio oflicora of tho institution tor the ensuing year. GRAND lIAVKN, Frclglit-Trnnsshtpmcnte—Whent-Trnf tic—Uallroad-XrucUs to die SOurbor- C'ronmgi-. A’jxvirtl Correenondenee <\f The Chicago Tribune, Ouasd Hates. Dec. 7.—The growing Im portance of our port as to trade in illustrated by the largely-increased amountsof transshipments of'freight from Milwaukee to tho East by tiio Detroit A Milwaukee Raihead. During October, tho shipments worn 332 barrels of porlt, 10,060 packages or merchandise, 510 bales of wool, 7,053 sacks of food, 2,007 cases of loaf-tobacco, and 40,015 barrels of flour,—a total of 6,030 tons. During November, tbo shipments wore 80,410 barrels of flour, 000 barrels pork, 1,180 boxes of cut-meals, 13,000 packages of merchan dise. 10.1 CI sacks of iced, l.OHlbaloi of wool, CCO tiorcca of lard, 730 cases of loaf-lob&coo, and 17,007 bushels of grain. The steamers Amadou and Minneapolis arc making daily trips, while tho Company, in view of the largo wheat-tralllo, have engaged, as ad ditional boats, the Menominee and Forest City. The Common Council last night granted per mission to tbo Michigan Lake-Shore Railroad to run tbolr track across tho lower part of the city to a barbor-frontago. provided tbov allow tho Chicago, Saginaw ,t Canada lUihoad, which ex pects to reach this point next year, the use of thotr track fur a .reasonable consideration. JUGGERNAUT. Tho Great Hindoo Tomplo Tumbling: to Pieces. tndfa Carrranoiut»n(e London Time*. An event of somo importance has recently oc curred iu connection with the Tomplo of Jugger naut; it has already excited considerable inter est iu Orrissa and Bengal, and wit] he before long the subject of conversation in every town and village Id Northern and Western India. Throughout tho whole of tho Empire thero is no shruio so sacred as I'oorco, and no spot where a devout Hindoo would rather die thau beneath tho shadow of this groat fano. What Palestine and its Tomplo were to tho Jntr, Otrissa nod its Tomplo aro to a Umdoo. the native of Northern India especially fools that, until ho has taken the pilgrimage, the one great net of life has yet to be penounod. and when ho icturuH homo and tolls how he linn bathed in the sacred water, atu .of the sacred food, sat beneath tho shadow of tbo tioe. bn is looked upon as a different being. Tho tem ple, which cost half a million stalling of the money of our times, is literally black wilh age. The storms of nearly seven center os. wuicb aro ofteu so violent iu tho Day of Dcugjl. have produced little impression upon it, and until a few weeks ago it seemed ns likely t.) re main as many centuries mure. Many of tbo largo temples lo tho Province are now in ruins, but they have not fallen tbiouph tho wear &ud tear of time. A silent but oiVoctual power has boon tho causa of this destruc tion. Tho seeds of (ho pcopul and banyan trees have got lulo tbo foundations. Those have taken root; tbo sapling has forced its way through the Usances of the stones, aud iu pro cess ot years (ho whole fabric has boon loosen ed, end eventually brought down, and it seems probable that the Temple of Juggernaut will share tho same fate. At tho late car festivals, uu soon as the idols had been taken from their thrones for their auuuul excursion, several largo stones from the • inner roof foil on tho platform. Had they fallen a few minutes earlier tho idols would havo boon shattered to atoms, aud in all probability there would have been groat loss of Lie. The resi dent Magistrate applied to the Governor for nu engiueor to inspect tho damage. This was found to bo every dillicult task, as the temple is so dark. There are no apertures for the light; live or six lights aio kept burning iu tho daytime, aud. oven with these, nothing is visible hut (he idols. I’iana have boou prepared and an estimate has boon made of tbo cost. It is but veiy rarely tuat temples are repaired, aud tbo sound of the chisel aud the hammer ou the top of this great temple will do more to weaken the faith of tho Hindoo in Jug gernaut than anything that has occcurrod in the present generation. There will bo no loon of money for any estimate, ns the priests are tory wealthy, and tho annual in come of the temple is said to amount to .£68,000. The question which is agitating all priests is, what is to be done with the idols while the repairs are being made ? The ofticors of the tomplo are moat anxious to have tho idols restored to thmr tluouca. They propose that an inner ceiling of wood shall bs made to protect tbo idols and the worshipers; but there would bo so much danger, should there bo another fall of atones, that the llsjah will not consent. THE 14 INDEPENDENTS” AND THE CURRENCY QUESTION. To Uit Editor of Tht C/ucjjo TViftune Madison, Ws., Deo. 9.—Many years of expo rlenco have taught mo that bo who la " outside," and expocta to have tho laet word with an editor, only gota disappointment for his folly. 1 ox* poet nothing of the Modi and I am therefore in a position to laugh disappointment to aoorn. 1 shall not attempt to go over the ground of the argument, but will be content with “a bare allusion "to i point or two, after asking you to reinstate me in my true position, from which I was dethroned by your statement that lam "a member of the Executive Committee of the National Independent party," and that I was "a. signer of its platform and call”; neither of which statements Is true in fact. As oue who sympathizes with the general aims and purposes of the Independents, 1 was invited to be present tor advice and counsel, —nothing more. As to my propoaitionsaod statements to you of the 4tb inst., with the exception of a “ slip of the pen "os to the depreciation of greenbacks “into the 705," I stand bv alt I sold, as aud for the purposes set forth, though, in lev ers! loattvooos, 1 wss not fortunate enough to be fnlly understood by you. In my allusion to the Government discrediting Us own paper by purchasing it at a discount! and refusing to take is fur import-duties, 1 did not consider the grots turn involved as au essen tial factor in the proposition. Tub TaiuuNt. however, does so consider it, and baa reduced the probable appreciation to the science of vul gar fractious, and finds that, If the Government should receive greenbacks for •180.000,000 im port-duties, being oue-fiftietb part of tho entire clearances and financial transactions of the country, it would raise the gold-value of green backs “ just 3 per cent/* Now, if quamity of use he the essential factor of the problem, why pot the Government extend the “clearances 1 ’ and "balances’* toiUa extent of three billions, by itself dealing la tho fictions of the Exchange and the Gold-Doom, where billions are counted sod where dollars are not trm, and have the "balances" ail paid iu greenbacks ? If •160.- 000,000 would raise the gold-value of greenbacks 3 per cent, three billloes would appreciate greenbacks to near 7 per cunt above the par of gold 1 In this way, Govern ment wight bull its greenbacks to a most lavish premium, without touching a dollar of gold 1 1 fully sympathize with Xui XmaoMs la Ua •lettirt. for a•' world*® currency" ; hot tbs best »no/Ir to secure it—that’s tbo question I I sir ge*tcd (he reception of greenbacks for all Gov ernment duo-i as ono mode, and which Ta< Tnin- UNBadmitH would bo worth 2 pop coot. That’s sonuthing, Now. can Tn* Tntntrov suggest a mode that will add a or any other per cent more? Our det\rcs fop a gold-currencr, or ♦•equivalent," will notsocuro It. Wo most liavo «otaa mode. What shall it bo ? H. D. Oauvemteo, TEMPERANCE. Special DUpntth to The Chimm Tribune* LaSalle, 111., Deo. o.—Tbo Fourth Quadr!mo» trial County Convention of delegates, representing tho severs 1 lodges of Good Templars of LaSalle County, mot in this city on Tiosday afternoon last, and held tines sessions ytstordsy, closing at 10 o’clock last evening. Atont seventy-five delegates wore present, topresmtlug LaSalle. Ottawa. Moudota, North Btrosur, Earlvills, and Ollvlllo. Tho Rev. W. 11. Bmtlh, of Hcndola. presided, Tho proceedings Tors conducted with closed doors, but ars said in have been har monious and spirited. Ofllcora tore elected for the ensuing year, and tho noxt convention to to bo hold at Slroator on tho last Tuesday iq March. ARKANSAS. Little Rook, Ark., Doc. 9.—Tho Legislature in Joint Convention to-day elected Prof. Hill. <4 Calhoun County, Superintendent of Public In. structlon. BIRT.S. WhhSTEll—ltngora’Park, Dec. 6, 1875, Mis. B. T, Webster, of a eon. MARRIAGE JANKS—JOHNSON—Dec. t, 187% by (he Rev. EtV ward KulUvas, Itcclor of Trtilly Ciiurcb, Mr. John J, Janes and Mlu I'ct Johnson. DEATHS. O'BRIEN—Dec, 0,1875, Mlu Anas O'Brien, aged at rears. Funeral from No. 98 Wallor-sl. at 10 a, ra., Doc. U, to Holy Family Church, theme by can to Calvary, t Mam., p.pors idoano copy. SHORT—At ISO BntVc'rflcW-sl., Thursday, Dee. 9, James Short, aged 58 years, native of County Limer ick, Ireland. Funeral at 0:30 n. m. Sunday, from St. John’s Church to Chicago Jit Norlhwottara Depot, thonoe by cars la Calvary Cemetery, PORTER—Dec. ft, 1075, after a lingering Illness, Mrs.* Sarah Porter, tho beloved wife of the llov. Dr. Jona than G. Porter. f w Wilmington and Loekport, lib, awl Chicago p*. pent plcaae copy. MEDICAL- In not. an many nuppotc, AN INCURABLE DISEASE. Thhi fact has been fully demonstrated In more than 10,000 Cases, by DR. S. D. HOWE, or NEW YORK, TllK W. CmiptM Hor, PRpPRIETOR OF THE ARABIAN MEDICINES, Celebrated (hroughout the world for their remarkable cures. Coupiiinplioj may- certainly be cured by Uie use of Dr. Eowo’s Arabian Milk Cure. Dr. Howo’a Arabian Tonic. Dr. Howo’u Arabian Liver Pills, Till] .PILLS, By the ÜBS of which the liver 1b armis'd Into healthy (be storoicli rlo. nsrd «n<l tho bowel* regulated TUB ARABIAN TONIC Cleanse* 1 lie system of nil corruption, inakrfl new blood, givoi HtjviKpii M*.l create* an npjioUte, and ex pel* from din lump. (ibrougu tlic blood; Ibo corruption which scrofula breed* upon (hem. TUB ARABIAN MILK CURB Hlrruglhoiiß the wr*k luug.M<ri>inoln* otprclnratloa, diwolvrn the muon* and phlegm, and f.BPlels uaturs In throwing off ibo uulmilUty mailer causing the Irri tation. and i hut eouf urn; lion ii:u; be cured, Price ol Milk Cura mid Tonic, ec.b fi.OO per bottle. Pills, ‘H cents per hot. HUI.I) AT RETAIL RY DRUGGISTS. Wholojulo Agents— Fuller ii Pullor, Vna Sobaajlr, Ftovcuscn At Hold, '1 ori, Smith A Co., H. Durnhum. Hon &CJc>., c. llurlhiu & Co. social Notices. The Proudest Woman in Town is tb*» w unon «lm flr*l tried KI.KCTUD-.SILICON te polkh her *l!rtr tafjioi. }'u;h s iblnlntr, radiant, (lsa> sling lemiof •,»:* lierersocn FTclio Silicon is • natural lufuiodi.l product n( a N'ovada nilno. It duos not scratch, \*tor, or cor.itdo, hut it produces thoiuostaitoa itUltitf |K)ilih tu Un' .»r,rM o i Odd. Mlvor, snii *U flna mrfsciu. Sold by limuc riirtdsbcri. Dnitrd If, Jowcl ■rs. and Grocer*. A«i»nU. GILUtT. McOULLOCH * CU..34an<l dlhoaih Wo' ChlcsfO. , HOLIDAY GOODS. GREAT HOLIDAY SALE! BOOKS AHD BIBLES At Half and Two-thirds Value. GOOUSPEED’S, No. 208 Stato-st. AUCTION SALES. hy a. p. Goins & co., CS uid '0 \Yi\>aab*»v. On Saturday, Dec. 11, at 0:30 o'clock, 20 CRATES W. 8. CROCKERY. IN OPEN LOTS. 75 PACKAGES GLASSWARE. 10 CASKS YELLO7/ AND ROCKINGHAM WARE. AT 10:30 O'CLOCK, Household Furniture. D( Ererr Desttlptlni. tinsi'je Cltsel to Fay iJrantes. Purler Suita of every quality, Marble and Wood-Top Chamber Bela, Tainted and Enameled Fancy Bata. Book Oa*es, Wardrobea, MarhU and Wood-Top Hall Troea, Marble and Wood-Top Tables. Loungm, What nots, Fanov Camp Cbatva, Walnut Uedsteada aad'Ba rouus, Wulout Choirs and I lockers, jurlnr and Orfioa Desks, Show Oases, MtstU Carets, Velvet. Brussels, sud Wool Carpota, Manns, Floor Oil Cloth, Tarlor Stoves. OLO. T. OOUi: &_CO„ Auctioneer*. By KUSON. X*OM liitoV * CO. Friflay Morning Dec, 10, at 9:30 o’clock ODE BEQDLAE WEEKLY ADCIIOM BALE. Buyer* always And tbo laxgeat stock of New an<& Bacond-band FURNITURE, Parlor Soil* utihoUtercd In Pluali, Ren. and tM* Olotli; Chamber and Dining-room pJrnUure; a full Uuo New aud Bocond-tuud Carnet*; Lounge*. **'»*•» Book-Caa**, Ortlc* aud Parlor Dwk* ;CooklnH,UetW Job, »nd parlor Btuvr* | Crockery, Ulaa* and Plate* «“* “»“■ °’” t “ SSStoVeSot k CO.. 81 aud ufl XUuduljih-aU =3S= wSrE = BlJTTElis'afc~CO., iUcrnoNtSßrtd. it* MADiaON-gg. TBffIKRTIPT SALE DAVID W. JtMUKHUN’II .lock, ilirrori, D'D VR*. cbrumiM, Framer, soro-Fl.wre., ‘’*s?% Frldiy morning, U».-. 10, « I».»‘JSfs i2SS«L BUTTEES & 0078 BATOEDAY BALE. ttj&tffiaass ssttwaa-b - ||M Ai.dUoa .L nWAMOIAU SPBCULAT ION I3ST 'WALL-ST. 9000.000 bu been made ip » InreiW mentofSlOO. Thl* of course ia an oatraordluary SciSreuo*:but ordinarily 95 Ott realise-.. W SUS.OOU. KveO aama a* low aa $1 mo La safety lu vealed, whan faroraUo results can stow a pro&koC *l'SciUufc airing full Infomntlon, «nl fr«« bj td, * tlvlob a Y ,