Newspaper Page Text
8 THE CITY. GENERAL NEWS. The temperature yesterday, ae observed by Uanaeaa, optician, 88 Madison street, Twnun* Bonding, waa at Ba.m. 66 degrees; 10 a. m., 83 1 22 01, Cfl; Bp. m., 71; Bp. m., 68. Barom eter, Ba. zn, 38.80 j Ip. m. t 28.43, ' Abont 0 o’clock yesterday morning a lad 6 yoara of ago, named James Prize), was ran over by a train on the Northwestern Hoad at Jefferson street crossing and bad bis right leg amputated above the knoo Joint. He was taken to the residence of bis parents, at No. 10 Hub bard street, when Dr. Isham attended to tho in- Jnry. Before Bnrleigh, the ex-bllUardist, wont to Now Orleans, lp> borrowed money for the top from Prank Fitch and Mr. Deuicomo. This he never repaid, and Fitch, etc., garnisheed tho Brunswick & Bailee Manufacturing Company for wages duo Burleigh. Tiro garnishee was paid yesterday at Justice Haiooa r Court. Tho amount was about £IOO. Tits Tjwbunc Is requested to call the attention of tbo publishers Of newspapers throughout (ho Btato to the fact that tbo Illinois lleadqnarters at the Philadelphia Centennial will be complet ed abont April 15. and that, commencing with ib&t date, they ate requested to send thereto copies of their papers, whore tho samo will bo kept on file. While Anna Graham, a servant in the employ of Bamuet Gehr, residing at No. 8m Chicago avetme, was washing windows yesterday morn ing, sbo lost her balance and felt from tho second story to tho basement, a distance of abont 16 feet. Sbo fractured her right arm, aud was otherwise severely though not dangerously bruised. Bo eays Dr. Hooper, who attended her. This year's Exposition will eommeuee Sopt. 6 and clone Got. 9. Tbo children of the public schools of tho city will bo among tbo exhibitors. They have prepared duplicates of their contri butions for tho Contonulai, and to thoso will ho assigned an important place iu tho Inter-State display. Bocrotary Bayaolds expects to bavo an excellent exhibition of paintings. In some re spects bettor than that of last year. Abont 6 o'clock last evening a boy 6 years of ago, son of John O'Coo nor, residing at No. 77 Canalport avenue, had hia left leg broken below the knee under tho following circumstances. The boy, in company with several playmates, was jumping rope at the corner of Spring street and Canalport avenue, when a young man named Frederick Corckleia tripped on the rope, and fell upon tho boy with tho result stated, lie was taken homo aud a physician colled. Mrs. Fannie Brown, of this city, has had a singular streak of lack. Yesterday a lady ap peared at police headquarters, aud stated that ebe waa Mrs. Brown's mother, and that eho had come from Otica in search for her. By means of a photograph tho object of the old lady's search was identified, and shortly afterwards brought to tbo Central Station, where there was a joyful meeting between tho long-neparatod relatives, 'To add to the interest of tho econo, (be old Indy stated that Mrs. Brown was heiress to £IO,OOO, left by a deceased uncle. In regard to tbe appointment of election Judges, a number of plans bavo been suggested which are calculated to oqaalizo matters and secure honest men for tbo position. Ono of tbo latest of these ideas is that tho Central Commit tees of both parties lo each ward present to the City Connell two names from each elec tion precinct. From tho four thus obtained It Is proposed that tbo Council select throe—two Republicans and ono Democrat in the Republican wards, and two Democrats and one Republican in tho Demo cratic wards. The plan is worthy of considera tion. The Northern Illinois Association of Spirllnal lets met is their Fifteenth Annual Convention At Qrow’s Opera Hall yesterday afternoon. Tbe President, O. E. Howard, and the Vico-Prcsl doot, Dr, Joliet il. Severance wore unavoidably absent, and in consequence the mooting Tester* day was hot little more than an informal one. The business of the Convention will be traua acted at the mootings this morning and after noon. Daring the Convention addresses will bo delivered by Mies Safilo 31. Johnson, Dr. Juliet 11. Severance, Mrs. H. 3lorso, Mrs. L. E. Bailor, Copt. 11. U. Brown, Dr. Sam Mayiroll, E. V. Wilson and others. Tbe creditors of Messrs. Cragln Brothers A Chandler, tbo hardware dealers, No. US Lake street, who rccontly suspended, hold a mooting yesterday at the establishment of tbe firm, who presented a statement of tbotr indebtedness and assets. They were asked by tbo creditors what per contngo tboy thought they could pav, but the gentlemen concluded to luavo that to bo de cided by tbo creditors, after examining their books. There was quite a lengthy discussion, but tbo action of tbo meeting u&a harmonious, tbo evident intention being to do all that was possible to help tbo firm and allow them to con tinue in busmens. A Committee of three was appointed to consider tbo matter of a compro mise. 11 will report at a future time. There Is considerable dissatisfaction among tbo conductors on tbo Madison and Baudolpb street linos of borso-cars, regarding tbo patent register which tney are required to carry sue }>ondod from tbo shoulder. They are not al owod to see Abo register after handing it in at tbe office, and consequently do not know wheth er tbov are treated fairly or not. Borne assort that tbe register like tbe Tice motor, is n worth less piece of moi'hsnlsm, and that tbo registra tion of fares by it is but little bettor than gooes work. Tho conductors claim that they are cheated day by day out of sums varying from 10 cents to rl. Yesterday two cars on tbo Han dolpb-streot lino were laid off, because there were no conductors to run them. These regis ters, however, have beau thoroughly toetca at tbo East, and aro found to bo oaly too accurate. That is what hurts tbo conductors. tqb rotmDLJha’b nouns. Tbo Foundling s Homo was not forgotten dar ing ibo month of February, it bos been pros pering, and been kindly romomberod by its friends. From faith's JtccortU for March tbe following is taken: Tuetday, Feb, I—Was rather a tfireary prospect for visitors, so cold and stormy, but til o Lord was mind ful of ua. even in the storm. Our tint remembrance was a piece of sheeting sent us by a few guillemon la I*. H L.’s store. Then a lady brought lu tl.Ct from her Sunday-school class, just ia time to piyfor uio milk for the day. In tbe afternoon an eurclopa with another donation of U 8 cents I rom Willy k Dolly’s coutrlbotiou-box, Bill! later tho Lord stnt a jhc»i«j gar who hastily dropped a sealed envelope la ttio Ikji und went out. When this was opo. nvd it waa found to contain $35, and, with it. we arottbleto supply tbo many needs. Wo wish this unknown friend could know the value of her visit to us oi i this day especial ly, but thoro is One who knows, and He will recom pense. Tbe month closed with thirty-suvon adults and sixty babies in the family. aucitoscopT. Tbe State Mlsroscoiilcal Society 1 (old rv meeting at tho Academy ,of Bcioucea last 'night, with a largo attendance. The President introduced Dr. J. N. Donfortb, who spoke on tho process of repair in animal existence, tho address being notes taken from observations on a wound lu the tongue of a cuianzed frog. Tbo lecture proved to he very interesting throughout, and was listened to with marked attention, Tbo subject was illustrated bv drawings and plates prepared by Poof. B. N. Piper, is a manner peculiarly his own. There wore on exhibition several specimens of tbe tongues of curarized frogs, and tne microscope showed tho circulation at the blood through the veins and arteries of the tongue ia a beautiful manner. W. 11. Summers also exhibited an attachment to a student’ll lamp for ttie purpose of Increasing its usefulness as a moans of KchC for micro acopical purposes. THE IUTB Mils. ELY. The Ladles'Hospital Fruit Mission met yes terday to exprosa tbeir sorrow at the death of Mrs. Hd ward illy, their beloved and oindent Treasurer, ami as a slight tribute of tboir re spect, friendship, and regard (or her, they adopt ed the following resolutions: flcwbwf. That u her death wa deplore the lom of a kind friend and Colaborer, great lu her charillea, be. loved by the poor, and whose lUe U well worthy of our loilUUun. lUeoiutS, That we tender to bar bnaband and family, wboaa lom U Irrcjwrable.our sincere, earmat aympatUy and condolence. knowing that lu her lots they havu suffered more than words can express. cuKii* summiiak tuainb. A meeting of rcaidoota on tbo lino of tbe Milwaukee Division of the Northwestern Hoad waa held yesterday afternoon in tbe office of Warren, Keeney & Co., to take measures to pro* cure from tbs Company tbe running of a cheap train, with more accommodations than aro now given. About forty persons wore present, rep. resenting tbe Towns of llavenswood. Bummer dale, Itogere Hark, tbo three Kvaustous. and Wilmette. It was settled to adjourn to Monday at 3 p. m. In tbe dob-room of tbe Sherman House, at which time and place theio ia expected to be a large representation of all tbo towns ou tbe line, Tbo Committee on Resolutions will present a series of resolutions to that meeting for consideration and, perhaps, adoption. It baa been before noted that Gen. /. D. Web ikt im suttcring torn m acute attack of ty* phold pneumonia. Yesterday bo grow worse, and daring the afternoon It wn.* {sported that ho could not outlive tho night. During tho evening he Improved somewhat, and an inquiry as to bis condition made at midnight was answered with the information that ho was considerably easier and better. THE " TIMES.” It OAS GONE OTEU TO TUB DSMOCIIAOT. Por two or throe days past there baa been a good deal of quiet ohuealing among tbo leaders of tho Democratic parly in this city over the fact that arrangements bad boon almost, if not absolutely, consummated whereby tho party will bo placed in tho possession of an organ, which shall givo utterance to nothing but genuine yard-wide, dyod-ln-tbo-wool Bonrbumsm. Bomo two or throo weeks ago propositions were mado to purchase tbo Courier, and an agreement was made, though not placed iu writing, whereby several loading Democrats woro to obtain tbo control of that paper. Percy, however, changed bin mind, doubled np Ins price, and thought be had a sure thing. Tbo trade fell through, and tho Democrats turned their attention elsewhere. Tho recent visit of Dan O'Hara, Fred Winston. Tom Hoyno, and n few other loaders of tbo groat imterriflod to Washington, while It was nob successful in ob taining for Chicago tho honor of holding tho Democratic Natioual Convention, was not a fail ure. Those gentlemen thoro met Gov. Tildon, of Now York, and other A No. 1 Eastern Demo crats, to whom was explained the absolute neces sity of an organ In tho West. They pleaded that now was tho accepted time, and (bo day of salvation; that tho groat Democratic heart of the Northwest was boating londiy for ah organ, and if tbo Eastern Democrats wanted to do anything towards securing tho victory in tbo approaching Presidential race, they should come down with pecuniary assistance for either tho purchase or maintenance of a strict party iuno-griodor. Tbo proposition was taken un der advisement, and a favorable answer was returned. Bam Tildon agreed, on behalf of himself ami a few political friends, to put up £50,000. Other distinguished opponents of Re publicanism agreed (o subscribe, and (ho Chi cago Committee came home In tho most joyous manner. The toasts that were dramc to tho suc cess of tho schemo wore numerous, and hope boat high whore hope had boon a strauger for many years. Some six months ago, the story ires current in newspaper and political circles that J. Kterlmg Motion, a prominent citizen of Nebraska, was about to come to this city and secure a half-in terest in the Times, and assume tbo manage meut thereof, while Mr. Storey was in Europe, a trip which that gentleman contemplated at that time. For eotao reason or another the scheme fell through. Mr. Morton did not purchase the half interest in the Times, and Mr. Storey did not go to Earopo. On tho return of Messrs. O'llara. Hoyno, et al., with tho promises of tho Eastern Domocrstlo magnates, negotiations wore entered into with Mr. Morton, who by tho way is an in timate friend of Mr. Storey, whereby he might bo induced to renew bin dosiro for fame and glory as tho editor-in-chief of the Times, lie agreed to do so. Several conferences wore then hold with the “old man persistent," and a basis for a trade was agreed upon. The Times property, buildings, machin ery, etc., were scheduled and appraised, and a completion of . figures w«s achieved, showing tho expenses and receipts of tbo establishment. That tbo array of numerals proved satisfactory, Booms evident from tbo foot that arrangements havo boon per fected within a day or two far changes in the editorial staff. Mr. John D. Bolhwoll, late of tho Courier, will assume an important editorial function under tho now management, which, it is stated, will go into effect about the Ist prox. It Is rooro than hkoly that tho gonial Dan O’ilara, who has abjured ail dosiro for ofilco-holdlng, will havo something to sav about tho editorial conduct of tho paper, and may contribute daily his views on tho situation for tbo delectation of tbo patrons of tho paper. Tho price agreed upon has not transpired, as those who aro inter ested decline to tnako it public. THE FARCE OF INVESTIGATION." AS PLATED BY THE COUNTY BOARD COKTANT. Again tbo iovostigatlon of Recorder Jim Stew art la postponed. It trill bo remembered that tbo Committee on Public Records of tbo County Board agreed to meet at the Recorder's office Wednesday morning and .begin a thorough examination of the books, bnt only Commission* or Malloy made himself conspicuous by his presence. Bo nothing was done that day; nor tbo next. After patting off the preliminaries as long as consistent with tbo tomoer of tbo public, the Committee Anally camo together yesterday morning. Tboy were in no haste, however, but dropped ia singly and at gontaol intervals. Com* missioncr Johnson was the first to arrive on tbe scene, though be was not directly connected with the investigation. 110 mado bis ap* pearance at half-past 0 o’clock, which was an extraordinarily early hour, to bo suro,for a county official. Ho wound np his talking apparatus, and, having firmly secured Stewart in a corner, sot it going. By*and-by in came Com missioner Hoiuoo, followed by Muiloy, and, after another Interval, Coals and Carroll. Somo time was snoot in tbo usual polite interchange of compliments respecting the weather. The Recorder was on band, having recovered from bis sudden attack of sickness, which prostiatod him on tbo day when the Committee previously met, bat which miraculously loft him as soon as the Committee had adjourned. lie wont around from one Commissioner to the other PLEADING TO BE INVESTIGATED. He wanted his innocence to bo shown at once, and the sooner tho Committee walked into hh» books tbo bolter. It should bo explained that bo bod previously boon bolding mysterious con sultations with (bo members of tbe Commi.too separately. As for those gentlemen, tboy wan dered around tho office with a wilted and bewil dered air, and evidently wanted to got away as soon as tboy decently could, Chief-Clerk Over lock made one or two weak attempts to sbow them tbo receipt-book and tbe pay-roll, bat bo might as well have exhibited to them a tablet of hieroglyphics, Tboy did not persevere. At about 11 o'clock they assembled in Stewart's private of fice and began a conference as to TUB VLAN TO BB BUMPED. Commissioner Mulloy, Chairman of tbo Com mittee, acted as moderator. Commissioner Holden thought they had better decide upon some definite course of action. For bis part, bo did not boliove there was anything wrong in tbe Becordor's office, but tbe Board bod instructed them to investigate, and there fore they ought to Investigate. Ho did not boo exactly how they were to get at it. Commissioner Carroll seconded tbo sentiment of bis colleague os to tho correct condition of tbo Becordet’s accounts. lie had hoard it stated Inst tbo Hecordor was behind in bis cosh, and had not pain his employes, but be did not bo , ll ,° WM favocof immediate action. Commissioner Holden suggested that three exports be called lu to aid tbo Committee, ouo to bo appointed by each member, to aa through tho booke carefully, oven if it took a week. „ _ _ . rXI'EUTU. "• at ihia point came In. Ho Is puo of Btowsrts bondsmen. iloldea said that ho would soloct OnaUan u ono of the experts. Mr. Onabau replied that be an interested party, but be would servo aa one of the oxnorta without compensation. * Commissioner Carroll said he would co and look up au export. Uo put bis bead outside of the door and vriokod at a man who waa Billing outsldo, wboroupon tbo party entered and was introduced to tbo other .Commissioners as l * jj r Hitchcock.” Tbo new arrival ostentatiously ad vauced to tbo Recorder and said : 11 llow dy’o do, Mr. Btewart. 1 believe 1 never root you boforo. I never wan in your office." Btewart shook bands with him very gravely, Tbo farco wps very poorly played, however, as any ono could boo that it woa all for etlock. Now came Mulloy’s turn. He said that be bad no export at band, and would uot bo abto to E reduce one boforo Monday. Tbo other mom* ors of tbo Committee expostulated with him, assuming an air of severe morality that would have suited Maobiavelli,* bad that personage been gifted with au Hibernian accent. It was no go. Mulloy refused to be convinced. He would not go on with the proceedings until Mon* day. Hu they, much agalust their manifest feel ings, wero forced to submit to the delay, and tbuCoamittoo adjourned until Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock. DKIHNU TUB CPUTAIW. Hitchcock Is a young follow who was for somo time employed lu the County Clerk's office, but waa discharged wbeu the forco was reduced in December, tor two months be has been haunt ing Stewart to secure a place in tbe llecordor’s «“ce, and his observation to tbe Ilecorder that it waa the first.time be bad over met him, was either au incomplete sentence—tbe worda ‘'this morning '* being accidentally omitted—or It was a rather clumsy piece of amateur acting Tbo public need not be surprised if Hitchcock has a clerkship in the office m throe weeks Again tbouau bad been in coueultatiou with Carroll' and bad como to tbe office with him. Tbo Com raiisiooer remarked that be would look arouud and see if be could Hud au export. Ho looked out iu tho ball and remarked, with over* sign uf amazement, •• Why, here's tbs very man 1 waut " .A* Ur as can bo learned, the whole thing vaa THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: SATURDAY, MARCH 11. 1876-TWELVE PAGES. fixed tip at tbs conference held by Carroll and Biowait Tuesday night. ALD. M’CLORY. ACTION OP TUB COMMON OODKCIX* A called mooting of the Common Connell was held yesterday afternoon to take action on tho death of Aid. McClory, Tho attendance was a very foil ono. Tho obair and desk of tho de ceased Alderman were ornamented with crape in token of tho grief of tho Council. On taking the chair President Dixon said that tho meeting had been called in response to a general desire to take some action on account of tho sad event which had saddened their hearts. Tho calamity was tho more deeply felt because ovory member of the Council had so familiarly known deceased ; they had mot him in the Council chambers Tuesday evening, and tho speaker said that ho hod soon him in the Mayor's cilice oolv two hours before the sad accident had happened. Ho was at that time on a mis sion of charity—one congenial to hia tortnpora tnent. Tho speaKor ban seen deceased before him for four years, nud had always recognized him as a worthy man. ALD. COLLEUTOS said (fist it hod become his sad duty (0 announce tho death of his colleague, anil tho burden was made heavier by tho (ntrmato relations which ho had sustained to deceased, which mode It tho most distressing occurrouco of his life. Mr. McClory was true as steel to hie friends, nud kind and thoughtful iu his domestic relations. After passing some further compliments to tho character of deceased, tho speaker offered tho following resolutions: WnxnxAft. Divine Providence has removed from life and our midst our respected, honored, and beloved colleague Patrick McClory; therefore bo It iUtaltAt, That, while we receive the bereavement with due submission, we would express our deep sor row at the loss which wo, in common with his friends and tbo public, have sustained. Deceased had been a resident of Chicago for many years, during which period he had filled many positions of Importance and trust, and to bis credit it may truthfully Do said that In ell his associations public and private bo Imre a character above reproach. Ito was respected and es teemed by ail who knew him, and bw loss brings sor row to a very large circle of mourning friends, a loss infinitely mors severe by the particular conjuncture In which ithappened. JleaoteeJ, That the City Connell hereby tender to (he bereaved family their heartfelt sympithy in this their hour of deep distress and affliction, and direct that these resolutions of respect and oomJolonoobo promul gated to the various departments of tho City Govern ment; and that all city offices be closed for ono day Immediately following the adoption hereof. JUenltrd, That this Council, os a mark of respect to the memory of the Alderman Patrick McClory, do at tend his funeral, and that o committee of three from each division of tbo city bo appointed by tbe Obair to make UlO necessary arrangements. Jleiolved, That tho City Clerk bo and he is hereby di rected to spread upon tho Journal of this Council tbo foregoing resolutions, nnd that copies thereof bo fur nished to tbo press for publication, and also a copy be scut lo the family of deceased. ALP. BCHAVFNSR in seconding tho resolutions, said he desired to pay a tribute of respect to the high regard in wnicb lie held (bo late Patrick McClory. This was the first time tho Council bad, during tho speaker's term of service in it, been called on to mourn tho loss of a member. Ho had always found deceased courteous, generous, and bind, and it bad always scorned bis greatest pleasure to bo of service to some quo. The speaker clon ed by warning his bearers that any one or them might bo tbe noxt to no called on by Death, and it therefore behooved them to bo prepared fur his visit. Tbo resolutions woro (ben passed by a unani mous voto. On motion of Aid. Richardson it waa voted that tho Connell moot in its chamber at 9 this morning to attend tho funeral of Mr. McClory. Aid. Cullorloa announced that tho mmains would leave tbo bonao of deceased at 10 o'clock this morning, and would bo taken to tbo Church of tho Sacred Heart, corner of Nineteenth and John streets. They would aftorwarda bo taken to tho Northwestern depot, and thence by train, at 11:30, to Calvary Cemetery, OS MOTION OF ALD. inLUTIEW tbo following resolution was adopted OK MOTION OF ALD. inUJIIETII Hf Hotted, That this Connell extend to tbo Board of County CommUaloacn an Invitation to attend Uio funeral of our deceased brother l*alrlck McClory. Tbo President announced as tbo Committee of Arrangements for tbo funoral tbo following Aldermen: Collerton, Hildreth, Campbell, Lougachor, Lynch, Mabr, Richardson, Warren, and Btono of the Fourth Ward. On motkm of Aid. Quirk the beads of all de partments and all city officers were invited to attend tbo funoral. On motion of Aid. Fitzgerald tho Connell ad journed. EVANS’ PROGRESS. TESrEBDAT's COLLECTIONS. The time allotted to Mike Evans for collecting the personal taxes, and lu fact of oil the Town* Collectors, expired yontosday by Umitailon of tbo warrant given them under the State law. However, the County Treasurer baa extended tbo time for collecting tbo persons! tax by the Collectors to tbo 20tb lost. It is claimed that* under this extension tho Collectors can still go on and make levies for persona! taxes. Tbcro Is a division of opinion on this subject, and emi nent legal talent bold that no levies can now bo made by the Town-Collectors, as tbo warrant limited them to tbo 10th of March, and no ex tension could bo bad unless the .Legislature bad grantod that power. County-Attorney Boun treo, so Miko Evans says, bos told him that bo could still levy where the payment of personal taxes is refused, but Mike prefers to got other legal ad vice upon the subject before endeavoring to force a collection, Tbo South Town Collector's office was crowd ed nearly all day yesterday by people who came there to pay tbolr taxes. Tko receipts wore very large, and will aggregate over $50,000. Among those who paid were tbo Tbird National Bank, about $16,«00{ tbo Union National, nearly $23,000, iuclodiog taxes on real estate; Hoatu A Milligan, $1,725.60; J. A E. W. Block!, 20 Market street, $591. Borne of tbo taxes wore collected after levies bad been made. During tbo day tbo millinery establishment of 35, J. liobsoo. No. Cl Washington street, was taken possession of by a custodian, for a tax of $609,40. This, however, will bo amicably set tled. Mr. ’William IT. Coolbangb is without doubt tbe heaviest taxed mau for personal property at his roaidenoo. Tbo fool of an Assessor placed tbo estimate for household effects at $12,000, which tbe State Board liberally raised 62 per coot, making it slß,2iu in all. This seems liko idling it on out of all proportion. The Union National Bank is also taxed twice on a portion of its capital stock, as a part is invested lb real estate, which is taxed os well as the shares. This seems unjust, and (ho same thing has been done with several other National Banks, which own their banking buildings. Mike will continue in office ton days longer, and will have his ropoit ready about April 1. Tho delinquent lists aro now being made out, and will bo completed about tbo 25tU lust. lu tho meantime, parties desirous of paying their real estate taxes can do so, and save costs of ad vertising, ole. Evans says there is about $150,- OUU of personal tax which ho cannot collect at all, tho parties having sold out, or loft town. THE COUNTY BUILDING. Tbe Collector of tho Tbwn of Niles yesterday turned bis books and casb over to the County Treasurer. Judge McAllister was bettor yostordar, and, dropping Into tbo building, said be hoped to be ready for work Monday. W. Bidnoy Young, lately connected with Mo. Vlckor's Theatre, was yootorday consigned to tbo insane department of the County Jail. The County Agent roporta that be is now mak ing a revlsitatiou of tboso receiving suppliee from the county, with a view to cutting down the list to the lowest possible number. Coroner Oletzsch u mentioned, among many others, aa a candidate for Sheriff ibis fall, tiinoo tbo party electing him baa given up tbo ghost, however, bis party affiliations for tbo future aro a little uncertain. Tbo Grand Jury yesterday gave some alien tlou to tbo Wilcke murder case, which is so old that most people have lust sight of It. Aa usual witnesses wero scares, and the case bad to bo deferred until tbis morning. Tbe Road Inspectors of tbe county yesterday ordered all toll-gates to ho thrown open, except ou tbo KUtou and Northwestern road*. Tbis Is a triumph of tbo public over the Countv Hoard aud tbo owuers of tho roads. 1 Homo timo ago Superintendent Hiokev aakod tbo County Hoard to appoint au attorney to prosecute cases iu tbe Polico Courts. Tbo q<h cessuv of such an appointment wiii be laid bo* loro Judge MoAUUter Monday, and tbo Hoard will act ou bis advice. Commissioner Cleary carries in bis pocket al. ready tho names of twenty-five persona who aro enxioua to sorvo ou tho next Grand Jury. This fact will convoy to (he public an idea of tbe de sirableness, in tbe eyes of a cousin class, of be ing sppolnted Jurors. i In 1872 1). S. Fisk petitioned tbe County Board for the payment of a county bond for £fiUo, which had been dootroyod by tbe Are of 1671. The charred remains of tho bond are host the property of the county. Tho petition wm yesterday revived, and will receive early at tention. P. F. Cote, the forger, who was tried la Will Countv some time ago and convicted, and tlmongb a quibble secured a new trial, will havo bin second (rial la tbo Criminal Court Monday. Among tbe witnessed for (be prosecution will bo Judgo Molloborls, of Will County, TheolTonßO it appears waa committed In this county, but Ode waa living in Will at tbo time. in reply to tbo resolutions of tbo Republican Connell calling upon Commissioners Ayars and Taiior to resign, they Bay tb&t thoy were elected without any pledges to tbo party or anybodr cine. Thoy do not seem Inclined to reconsider tbcdr action In voting the Sheriff additional com powmilon for dieting prisoners, but at tbo same time they cannot conceal their soreness at tho rebuke administered (bom in the matter bv tholr party nnsoclalea. Will they ask a reconsidera tion so as to change tholr votes ? J. M. Hanson, of Brooklyn, a oopltallst, and holder of a considerable amount of Cook County bonds, b&a addressed tbo County Treasurer m reference to tbo now Court-House, inclosing a lengthy description of a court-house and city hall Just completed in that city at a cost of £1,328,676.78. Ho says tho building Is without Its equal in tbo country, is Just what Chicago wants, and bis object In writing was to have the authorities Inspect it before lotting the contracts for the Court-House, oto Tho description, If not overdrawn, would lead ouo to suppose that a similar structure would moot the wants of this county and cltv, and tbo fact that its cost is a little more than half what Is proposed to bo expended here would seem to make It advisable to examine plans astloat. If tbo examination dooo nothing else, it may load as out of our present architect war. TUB JJOSTiTAL JOD. Tbo lotting of tbb contract to Sexton for tho work on tbo now Hospital by tba County Board, in tho face of tbo foot that tboro woro lower and equally responsi ble bidders, will, • it is highly probable, bo reconsidered. Thero Is great dissatisfaction among some members of the Board with tbe conduct of Architect Cochrane in tbo matter, tbo allegation being that bio estimate was en tirely too high, and that bo manifested an undue interest iu having tbo award made to Sexton. A reconsideration, however, can amount to but little, for the reason that K would not materially ebaugo tbo lotting,—that ie, it would leave tbo job practically whore it now is, in tho bands mostly of men -who have enbeistodoa county contracts, so skillfully have the bids been made. If there bos boon any money used to eoouro tbo award to Sexton, it ie thought that it has boon disbursed by tbe old combination of contractors, with tbe understanding that they would coma ia under blm as subcontractors, which, as already intimated, nas been agreed up on, to which compact be must bare been a party. It ia apparent that tbo only hope the jmbllo have for relief in tbo matter u to bo found In tbo better members of UlO Board in quiring into tbo conduct of tbo architect and tbo correctness of his estimates, and by roadvor tifling for bids. A simple reconsideration of Sexton's contract, it is evident, would leave tbo work Just whore it is, and result in covering up whatever of wrong thoro was lo tbe original lot ting of tbo contract. THE CITY-HALL. Tho City Collector took in about $1,300 yes terday. Assistant City-Attorucy Tnthill has been re markably successful iu tbo cose of Jerome rs. Tbo City, whoro largo damages were claimed. TUo City Treasurer's receipts yesterday woro $1,815 from water-ronto, $Bl7 from tbo City Col lector, and about SII,OOO from tbo redemption of tax certificates. Tbo Judiciary Committee could not hold a meeting yesterday afternoon, on account of the session of tbo Oouocll and other business con nected therewith. A call has boon made for Monday at a p. im, In the City Clark’s office. The Council decided, yesterday afternoon, that the city offices should bo closed to-day as tbo heads of tbo departments, tbo chief depu ties, and many employes wish to attend tbo funeral of Aid. McOlory with tho Aldermen. The services commence at 10 o'clock at the home of the deceased, No. 638 Contro avenue. Police Officers Race and Watson had a farther examination yesterday on tho' charge preferred by a man who complained that ho had been abused whlto boiog arrested. The facts show that tbo complainant was drunk and fighting with his wife, and that perhaps the arrest was a little too violent. The officers will probably got a “ lecture " on tho principles of humanity from Bapt. Mickey. The idea tnat, when a mao has been arrested after fighting tbo officers to tho best of his strength and has come out second best, bo can immediately pro cure their discharge through the Influence of some pot-houso politician, has become very com mon Otlatß. CRIMINAL. Patrick Moore, of questionable reputation, was arrested and locked up lost evening for stealing a sot of harness. John Spence and William White, charged with robbing a jewelry store at No. 230 Blue Island nvoano of a number of watches, worth about S3OO, were examined before Scully yesterday and bound over to the Criminal'Ooart. Frank Hart, an actor, was before Justice Foote .yesterday charged with attempted bur glary, but tbo evidence showed that be was on a little spree, and had smashed la a window-pane 11 for fun.” He was lined $2 and costs for disor derly conduct. Wallace Bennett, an auctioneer who inveigles Innocents into purchasing brass Jewelry at No. 110 Olxrk street, was arrested yesterday for swindling J. D. Little, of Cairo, in the sale of a bogus watch. Ho is in the A tmory. The Coroner bold an Inquest on the bodv of William Blair yesterday, whoso death reunited from a blow received last Friday nignt on Kinzie street, while attempting to escape with a bag of salt moat. The jury returned a verdict that death was occasioned by a blow from some sharp weapon, inflicted by John lludoll. a fireman, lie was summoned to appear and testify, which ho failed to do, and was ordered under arrest and to bo couflued in the County Jail to await the action of the Grand Jury. Henry Brockner was arrested yesterday after noon and lodgcd'in the Chicago Avenue Station, charged with assaulting Mrs. Bora Titiaw Mon day night. The victim, an old woman who has but recently been discharged from the County Hospital, resides at No. 125 Townsend street. Last Monday night Brockner visited the prom ises, and white there decoyed the helpless woman into the collar and accomplished his vile purpose. Ho was released on nail, and an ex amination will bo had on tbo 20th inst. Brock tier is about GO years old, a shoemaker, and mar ried. W.,P. Williams, who was arrested last Bator* day night for attempting. with •• Cab bage" Ryan, to blackmail an employe of the Adams Express Company a nook previously, was arraigned before Justice Salis bury yesterday morning. The prisoner, vritb Uy an, visited their victim at bis residence on Des piainos street, and assuming to bo officers of the secret service accused him of passing counter feit-nickels. They agreed to settle tbo matter for 9100, which ho consented to pay, and gavo them 920 os an evidence of his sincerity* lie prom ised to pay the balauco within a week. Laet Baturday ho met the leecehes at the corner of Polk and Ilalatod streets, when Williams was so cured, Uyan escaping. He was held in bonds of 91,000 to await the action of tho Grand Jury. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tho tlmo of arrival of tbo Chicago and Elgin delegates from the Chicago, Danville A Vin cennes depot has been changed to 1 p. m., In eload ofßp. m. A lecture will be delivered to-morrow after noon at 3 o’clock, at Preja Hall, No. 16S Chicago avenue, by Mr. Charles J. Buudell, on “Tho American Republic,” Tbo Philosophical Society will be addressed this evening by Prof. Samuel Willard, of this city, on “ Christianity and Modern Civilization Historically Considered.” Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bryant, a Isdy of literary at tainments, will lecture Sunday at 8 p. m. In the Dime Conroe at Crow’s Opera-Halt Subject t “The Genius of Napoleon.” The remains of Lottie Thomas, only daughter of the Rev. H. W. and Mrs, E. O. Thomas, will roach the city from Aurora this morning at P.-45 o clock. Carriages will proceed direct from tbo depot to Uoaohdl. Dr. Thomas is slowly Im proving. Tbo Right Reverend and distinguished prol ate, fltohop Ksios, of Wheeling, y 2. vUi oHci- Ate In St. Bridget's Church to-morrow, And p,roach at the solemn high mass. Ho wilt lootnre at 7:30 p. in. for tho benefit of the Bt. Vincent do Paul's Society. Uli well-known powers as an ovntor caunot fall to attract an Immense audi ence. Tbo Sunday leoturo 10-roorrow afternoon at McCormick Halt will bo by Prof. W. D. Gun ning, who will deliver for tho first and only time title season bis now scioiitiOo and literary lecture on •' Flowers and Tholr Friends." Tho lecturer wfll illustrate his remarks by copious drawings on tho blackboard in chalk aud crayon. Admis sion 20 cents. STATE AFFAIRS. WISCONSIN. THE ArrontIONMENT DILL, Special DUoaleh to Tho CMeaoo Tribune, Madison, Wis., March 10,— Tbo Apportion ment bill was not printed till this afternoon, nnd, after quite a sharp debate in tho Senate, it waa mado a special order ibis evening and unlit disposed of. It is ovldoa t (bat it will be op posed by tho Democrats generally, and several Republicans, and cannot pnss without material amendment. Bomo of tbo districts carried out are fearful to contemplate. It is likely to delay adjournment and imperil some important bills. IN TUB SENATE, a communication was received from the Trus tees of tho Hospital for the Insane, that its ap propriation loft tbo hospital some £1,600 short for expenses. A Senate resolution for tbe appointment of a Committee lo examine as to tbo propriety of changing tbo site of tbo Btato Prison, and con verting tho present buildings into an asylum for tbo Incurably Insane, was amended so os to pro vide for a report to (bo noxt Legislature, and adopted after considerable dobato. Tbo Senate ordered to a third reading a bill to Ax tbo sal aries of State oQlcers, aud provide for the safe keeping of public funds, cutting off foes, and providing that loaning public moneys for private advantage should bo embezzlement, to take ef fect from January, 1678. Thero was a largo discussion on appropriations for Milwaukee and other charitable institutions, which passed reduced to £SOO, to six Milwaukee institutions, one each at Baclno, Manitowoc, Green Day, and Fond da Lao. Bills passed to appropriate to the Directors of tbo Btato Prison to provide hospital accommoda tion for criminal insane; appropriating $7,500 for stationery; authorizing cities to make ap propriations for colobrating tbo 4tb of Jnly, 1816; to amend Chap. 13, Revised Statutes, re lating to couuty officers. IN TUB ASSEMBLY this morning a communication was received from ex-Qov. Taylor, explaining bis disburse ments from tbo contingent and special funds, claiming that items and vouchors bad boon fur nished an much as was customary; that the ex penditures, wbilo larger than those of Qor. Washburn, woro'less than those of bis prede cessors. and necessarily increased by tbo en forcement of tho Potter law. Senate bills woro concurred in to provide for a clerk to tbe Obiof-Juatlco of (be Supremo Court; relating to trespassers on Stato lands, aud transferring tbo appointment of agonts to care for such lands from tbo Btato Laud Com missioners to tbo Governor. Several Assembly bills passed: To provido for tbo bettor protection of hfo in theatres, con cert-halls, lecture-rooms, and public school housos; relating to tbo disposition of real or personal property of paupors; to giro widows the right to cbooao something else m lieu of bothroal and personalestate willed to them; to protect purchasers of railroad land-grant lands in this State; to prohibit County Judges who have civil juries exacting probate fees: to reor ganize the State Board of Chatlties ana Reform. A bill was Indefinitely postponed to encourage the development of mines in Southwestern Wis consin. which appropriates SIOO,OUO as a 'pre mium to any party or company making dis coveries of ore la the lower magnesian lime stone. F&ESCKTATION TO TUC SFEAXEU. This afternoon Speaker riiloid, who has mode an uuusually popular presiding officer, was made tho recipient of a very handsome lot of silver ware, of Wisconsin manufacture, of fifteen pieces, including a largo silver salvor, turn, and tea set. A complimentary presentation speech woe made by Mr. Loee, tho Domoorotlo loader, and the Speaker mode an eloquent response, ex pressing thanks for the kindness of the mem bore, and In which wero tho following passages : Not Mono ato out pleasant associations, so dear to os oft, a source of congratulation. la my oplnl on tho conservative legislation of tbU session bu been of the greatest value to the State, restoring tbo impaired credit of tta great enterprises, and advancing lie pros perity far forward. At least, let us hope that such will be tbo result. If an error bos been com mitted. it is certain that wo can retrace our steps, and we will do eo if an at tempt shall bo made to take undue advantage of tti« franchisee which we have hero conferred anew and nndor more solemn sanctions upon tbo great cor porations of the State. With the past experience ss a guide, 1 believe they will respect the rights of the people, and, in return, secure tbo fullest confidence and support of oil olossee of citizens. This la the Centennial year. Our nation bos passed through for eign wars and domestic rebellion of the greatest magnitude. Its Integrity and power are unshaken. As the march of civilization has progressed west ward, tbo number of stars upon the sky-blue field of oar country's Hag has increased, and no blemish stains Us nch ami ample folds. In com mencing the second hundred years with Its future a blank amt unwritten volume, let us do so In the same spirit with which our fathers commenced the first hundred years,—patriotically, honestly, with perfect faith in the traditions end principles upon which the Government Is founded as upon a rock, and deter mined that by no folly, nor waywardness, nor weak ness, nor corruption, of ours shall the vessel suffer shipwreck which la freighted with the world’s beat hopes sod brightest denudes. BUSINESS BESCMBP. Considerable time was spent in*Committee of tbo Whole, and a largo number of bills consid ered in Committee of the Whole and ordered to a third reading, The bill providing for tbo ex pense of publishing local laws was debated at some length, indefinite postponement refused, and ordered to a third reading. EVENING. The Assembly to-night concurred in bills ap propriating $20,000 to rebuild a portion of thu Blind Asylum at Janesville; amending the charter of tho Milwaukee A Beloit llailroad; and a resolution proposing an amendment of the Constitution increasing tho number of Su premo Court Judges to flvo. There was much talk on tb« Senate bill making incurable insanity ground for divorce under cer tain restrictions, and it was indelhutoly post poned— 50 to 80, Tho Assembly refused indefinitely to postpone bills appropriating money to Milwaukee charita ble institutions, and adjourned pointing a vote on third reading. In tbo Senate this evening, the vote by which tho hill regulating tho licenses of hawkers and peddlers, inde/liiitoly postponed yesterday, was reconsidered, and tbo hill passed. Tho Apportionment bill was taken up, some amendments adopted, and farther ciumlaoralion postponed until to-morrow morning. Tho Finance Committee boa reported Us hill. Tho State (ax levy is fixed at $380,000. Assembly bills wore concurred in to amend the charter of Whitewater ; to amend tho hank ing laws so as not to allow savings hanks to take Eastern or Southern mortgages as security j to authorize raising a dam on Book lUver at Janes ville ; authorizing a viaduct over tho St. Paul llailroad near Milwaukee. A bill was indefinitely postponed to afford ad ditional protection against threshing-machine accidents. HEW ATI'OINTMCXT. Tho Hon. 7. 11. Poster, of Winnebago County, a resident of this State thirtv years, and two years an Assemblyman, a very competent man, familiar with public business, and troll known throughout tbo Htato, has bocn appointed Clerk of the Hallway Communion. IOWA. LEGISLATORS. Des Moines, la,, March 10.—Tho Senate, last evening, passed bills to prohibit the sale of In toxicating liquor within 2 -miles of any incor porated city ; to allow days of grace to sight drafts; a bill repealing tho law compelling County Superintendents to visit schools; to en large the powers of Supervisors relative to building bridges ; fixing the fees of constables at 91 for summoning a Jar or; fa repeal See. 676, in relation to the terms of Uoad Super visors ; to provide for tho taking of property by the State for public use; In relation to assign ments for the benefit or creditors. Tho House passed tbo bill changing the tlmo of the assessment of railroad property from April 16 to March 25 1 also to make taxes duo Jao. 1 and delinquent May 1; also the bill to re store tbo death-penalty, by a vote of 86 to 13 t also to provide aa industrial department for the Blind Asylum. The bill providing for local op tion liquor-law «u laid ou the table, by a vote of 81 to 43, ■ The House this morning passed the bill authorizing the isle of toads sad town, Mt la- certain canoe, for loss than tho taioe, Interest, and penalty. Tho Honeo concurred la the Senate imbnillnts allowing days of grace (o cliecke, drafts, and bills of exchange. Tbs House had passed a bill denying the grace. Discussion ou tbo Railroad Tariff bill was re* Burned on tho substitute offered hr Mr. Stone, or Mills, to repeal tho fixed schedule of rates and restore the law of the code of 167.1. Tho debate continued to tho hour of adjournment without coming to a rote. In tbo Senate, thin morning, the House Capital Punishment hill wa« made tho special order tor next Wednesday. Tho Railroad Tariff bill was postponed to Monday. Tho-bill was passed forbidding tbo uso of screened windows and doors of saloonss also tho bill to extend ami confirm taxon voted to aid railroads. A largo number of bills wore road and refer red. Dm Moines, la.. March 10.—Tho Senate Com mittee on Appropriations reported bills to-dav recommending the appropriation of $300,000 to tbo various institutions. Tho Sonata passed hills appropriating $17,470 to tho Stato University, and ’establishing two Homeopathic chairs in (he Medical Department; also a bill appropriating $104,000 to the ludc pondenco Asylum for tue Insane; also $21,000 to tho Mount Pleasant Asylum. Tho Houso devoted most of to-day to the rail road tariff question, and haa substantially agreed to tho Thayer bill, which provides for n Commis sioner, but the Houso refused to change Its clom hitkation and it stands as in the present law. Tho Commission aro allowed a‘'sliding scale '* of 20 per cunt abovo or below tbo old schedule, and allows a fee of 20 coats on all packages re quiring bills of lading. VIRGINIA* NOT ANT, Richmond, Va., March 10.— Desolations of fered In the Legislature requesting Virginia members of Congress to vote for a subsidy to tho Texas Pacific Railroad wore defeated by a voto of 22 to 14. Tbo ground taken by opponents was that it was not a Bouthorn road. OHIO. JUDICIAL APPOINTMENT. Columbus, 0., March 10.—Judge 11. 0. Whit man, of tho Bapromo Court, to-day resigned bis {tosUion, and Got. Hayes at onco soot to tha Jenato tho uamo of Thomas Q. Ashburn, of Clormont County, to HU this vacancy. THE TARIFF IN CANADA. Tho Protectionist* Defeated in the JGomliilon Parliament—Tho Govern* ment Sustained by u Largo jriu. Jorlty. Ottawa, Can,, March B.—la (bo House last night, Mr. Workman moved an amendment to tho motion to go into Committee on the Supply bill. Tbo amendment road oa followst Tbit House deeply regrets that tbo Government has not proposed to Parliament a policy of Increased pro tection to our various and Important manufacturing industry,—the large amount now Invested therein and their present depressed condition rendering such n policy necessary to restore them to aconditlon of pros perity. Mr. Workman eupportod the smondmont in a long speech, recapitulating arguments previous ly addressed to tho House on tbo same subject. A number of members spoke for and against tbo amendment. 1 Bir John A. Macdonald said ho'wolcoracd Mr. Workman’s motion as one of direct want of con lldonce in the Government, and expressed tho opinion that tho circumstances of tbo country called for a roller of protection both to manu facturers and agriculturists. Ho read a passage from an edition of John Stuart Mill’s work in support of protection, aod said our national ob ligations would require for many years to como heavy taxation, and direct taxation was an im possibility. This, ho argued, made on Increase in customs duties essential, and he alleged that tho policy of his Government since IKJ9 had boon tho same os that ho now advocated and applaud ed. Tbo national policy of 1870 and 1871 admit ted that slaughtering could not bo prevented, but though it could be alleviated. Mr. Mackenzie in reply reminded Mr. Mao donald that John Stuart Mill had, in a letter to Horace Qrooloy, publicly withdrawn tho state ments he made on protection. Mr. Mackenzie avowed his life-long disapproval of protection, and Illustrated the success of free trade by rof oronco to tho roporQ of tho BminU Navigation laws on tbo one hand, and tho ovils of protec tion by its effect on American shipping on tho oilier. Ho wont on to show that protection, if effectual, meant no revenue from customs, and a poll-tax upon tho people to supply the de ficiency. At tnq conclusion of Mr. Mackenzie's speech tho house divided on tbo amendment, and tbo vote stood: Yeas, 61 j nays, 110. “Of All Sad Worda of XonEraoor Pon, the saddest are these, ‘lt might have been,’ " sang a South Side merchant after receiving a cnrtaln-locturo from his wife for sending homo another machine when she wanted a “Domestic.” However, ho coiled at the “ Domestic " ofllco the next day, and arranged for an exchange, which proved satisfactory. The Boot & Sons Muolo Company offer special inducements to buyers at wholesale and retail of anything In tbs lino of musical merchandise, sheet music, pianos, ond organs. Their extensive ca tabllshment at ISO State street is a point of Interest, The “ Hummingbird ” Pianos, the best medium priced piano In the market, less than 5 feet long and 3 wide, seven octavo, well adapted to small parlors, for solo or rent very reasonable by Pci ton k Pomeroy, No. 231 state street The Ladles* Pronunclamento t TVhffo protesting against all the old, worthless don* triflccs now In the market, tbo ladles, with one con sent, have adopted the Sozodoktos tbo one thing needful to Insure the Integrity of the teeth and a fra* grunt breath. Black Hills, Now map Black Hills and Dlg-llom Valley gold re gions ; all the latest information In it; new, correct, and Invaluable, Colored pocket edition mailed, post paid, Sot 91, Compton it Co., Publishers, St. Louis. Lundhorg's Perfumes are like natural flowers and bouquets The Government of Spain bns conferred upon Dr. do Jongh the Commandershlp, with the Star, of the order of Isabella la CotoUcs, and the Oommsndershlp of the Order of Charles Iff., in recognition of bis scientific researches into the nature and properties of Ood Liver Oil, Dr. de Jougb’a Light- Brown Cod Liver Oil Is sold In capsuled Imperial half flats, ft, by all druggists. Solo cousigucee, Ansar, lartford A Co., London. Bole agents for the United Stales, John P, Henry, Curran A* Co., New York. MARRIAGES. BENDRIDOE—JONES—At the Church of tbeEpipb . any, by tbo llor. Henry O, Perry. Rector of AU-Balnl*' Episcopal Church, Chicago, March 0, Thomas T, Bun bridge. Esq., and Miss Elizabeth S. Jones, both of the City of Lafayette, Ind. DEATHS. UOVEV—In Glencoe, 111,, March 10, of abscess of liver, J. W. Parker Ilovcy, aged 37. llADUiy—Friday. lOUt lost., of croup, George Malgne Hadley, egcd fl mouths, Infant sou of George J. and Cornelia V. Hadley. funeral from residence of parents, 850 Fulton-si., at 1 p. m. to-diy. STEWART—The-Rev. John Stewart, of the Ohio Conference of the M. E. Church, died March 10, aged 80 years. funeral from bla residence. 304 West IndUne-eL, at 1 o'clock p, m. to-morrow. carriages to Rosehlll Cem etery. OOUOII—March 9, Kate Tlghe, wife of Jamee W. Gough. funeral this morning at 10 o'clock. ffV~Columbua and Cincinnati papers plosao copy. McALLABTER—In this dty. on Wednesday, March 8, of typhoid fever, 11. Alfred McAllister, aged 38, (inutile Hock and Oliuton paper* please copy, BRADLEY—On Wednesday, March B, Tp. tn., at the realdence of her slater, lira Collins, lot South Olaric ■t., Mrs, E, U, Bradley, with cancer In the breast, aged 86 years. tV'liaatluge and Lake Oily, Mlan„ papers please cop/. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FIRST WARD, The First Ward Auxiliary Republican Club will meet this evening at 7:30 at Republican Headquarters, cor ner Clark and Lake streets. Full attendance Is de sired, as delegates are to be elected to the South Town Convention, j, o. Rmiokuiuooxxb, President. THIRD WARD INDEPENDENTS. The friends of the Independent Greenback party are invited to meet this evening at 8 o'clock at 683 State street for organisation of a Third. Word Club, By order of Committee. SEVENTH WARD. A meeting of tbe eltixeus and tax-payers of the new Seventh Ward will bo held at Matkmano's Hall, iwt Bine Island avenue, tbia evening. AU those opposed to Colvin and hie regime will attend. Good epeekuw will address the mee ting. BBVeHTBBHTH WABD. The Seventeenth (formerly tbe Eighth Ward) Republican Club will hold tkelr regular maiUtw mtk •Tcoihg at ftUlulti Mwtol M 4 v AUCTION SAXES. wmTArirum®w~s'oor .UOTIOMKRIIB, 111.UdWADASII.AV? Wm. A. Butters & Co.. AtJOTIONEBRS,! 1 HAVE REMOVED TO Judge Skinner’s New Building Kortbeaat comer of Wabaah-av. and Madhan-it. BUTTERS k CO.’S REGULAR SATURDAY M OB' OVER 900 LOTS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Now Furniture, Now and TTaod Carnots. f Handsome Pianos. Oil Paintings, White Granite, Glassware, Chimneys. Fine Table Cutlery, Stoves, and Other Morohandlso. SATURDAY MORNING, March 11, at 9:30 o’cVL At New Store, 118 it 1 2a Wabwh-av., * N. E. comer Madhon-at. A. LIPMAN, Pawnbroker, Will bold his next Bats of 1 FORFEITED FLEDGES At Sutters & Co.’s New Auction Honse, northeast out ucr of Wabaeh-av. and Madlsou-ct., MONDAY MORNING. March 13. at 10 o’clock. The Block to be sold la very targe and varied, ainoas which will bo found Fln6 Quid and Biker Watcbu of every make and quality, Fine Diamond* and Diamond Jewelry, Fine Gold Chain* of every style, Fine Qqm Sele, Sterling Oliver, Opera Olaenoa, ho., Ae. Wif. A. DUTTEIifI ft CO., Auctionew. DOTTERS A CO.’S REGULAR TRADE SAUj WHITE, YELLOW, AND SOOiaNOIIAM WARS, PINE TABLE CUTLEBY, OAHPETS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 10, at 9:30 o’rfocfc At Now Btoro, northcant corner of W'ahaah-ar. *U Madlaon-st. ROTTERS & CO.’S REGDRAR TRADE SALE lOUFfS" GOODS, Fine Custom-Made Olothlnjr, Woolens, Hats, Caps, Hoots, Shoos,eto., THURSDAY MORNING, March 10, at 9:30 o’clock, At Now Store, northeast corner of SVabaak-av. ui Mttdiaon-et. liY G. I*. GOUti & CO„ 6S and 70 Wabaah-av. ON SATURDAY, MARCH 11, AT 9:30 O'CLOQ, Wo shall offer a very large assortment of Household Furniture, 6 crates W. O. Crockery In open lots, 75 cases Taa. biers. AT 10:30 O'CLOCK, Chamber Sets, with Dressing Cases, and MorMs sal Wood Top Bureaus, Parlor Hots in every stylo, hook Cases, Walnut Wardrobes, Extension and Dre*Uul| Tables, elegant Marble and Wood Top Tables, Wahat Chairs and Hackers, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Hah Trees, j Hair, Wool, and llunk Mattresses, Whatnots, and OIDco Desks, Mew and fJecoad-hand Oarptlv Hhowcascs, 200 assorted Baskets, GEO. P. GOIIE & CO- Auctioneer*, Brt and 70 Wabash-sr, Scconl Great Auction Me Sale!. Dry Goods I ’ Clothing I Carpets 1 DRY GOODS AND CARPETS IN ALL THEIR VARIETY. A special Attraction In Hoys', Youth’s, and Cblldmk CLOTHING. ' Spring styles, assorted fabrics, and nlocly tfsertri sizes. All PRIME, FRESH GOODS. Tuesday, Mart* 11, 9JO a. m. GEO. P. aOUE k CO., OUB THIRD. GREAT AHOTION 3AIB OP SPUING STYLES Boots, Sloes&Sliiors Will bo held on WEDNESDAY, March 18. at v:3O a. o. prompt. For a display of Medium and Fine Grab Goods, FREE TO HELL, no bettor opportunity feu bayera has over been offered in this city, GEO. I'. GORE h CO., (\H and 70 WabMti»«r. By liLISON, POMISKOV & CO. 81 and 8(1 Raudolph-ct. BANKRUPT SALE •A.T jfiLTTCTXOISr, Satarday Morning:, March 11, nt 10 o‘clocX At Store corner Van Buren and UalilcJ-efs. By order of Col, QKO. IV. CAM DELL, Assignee, vi wtU noli the cullro stock of Alex. Uothm, bankrupt, consisting of 150 ASSORTED TRUNKS, SATCHELS, ho, UMBRELLAS, STRAPS, Ac., SS BOLLS CARPET, Oil Cloth. Pillows, Comforters, LOUNGES,WAIIDnOBBS, CUPBOARDS, CHILDS' OAIUUAGB3, SIDEDOARC, 200 Assorted Chairs, Extension Tnbloa, Bedsteads, and a Qenertl Stock Furniture, now, nil made for Custom Work. THE CMS SALE (Mil OIL PAINTINGS,' At 197 State-st., This Morning nt 10 o’clock, This Afternoon at 8:30 o’ctooX Every Picture to bo sold regardless of consequences. Lovers of Pino ArlUtic Paintings attend this salt. ELIBQN. POMEROY k CO.. Auctioneer S. 1> INGEE & CO., Auctioneers, 274 and 27<1 East MadUon-ut,, neartki Bridge, THIS BAY, AT 10 A. M., GSEAT BANKRUPT Sill, Being the Block of a Dealer, new and stylish Put* and Chamber Bets, Marble-Top and Extension TslM Lawyers’Easy Chairs, Book-Ounce,Wnrdroltcs, sudStfr retarles, fine Hair, Moss, Wool, and Husk Matlmin) Also, Immense Chattel-Mortgage Bala of all ktadsof HOUSEHOLD EUUNITUKU, Brussels, 3-Ply, end Ingrain Oariiets, Cooking ael Heating Btoves, CrocKery, H. P. Ware, end atsssnu! two Pianos, BTOUKof OIIOOEIHES, and inUoclUo«=* Merchandise. This entire sale to be conducted wUw out reserve. By FItANK POKTiOlt"* CO., Auctioneers, 170 Eaet Madbun-ni. WILL BE SOLD THIS A. M., AT 10 O'CLOCK. * ULUQK AMD COUVUTS VABIKTT OV M. T. AND PLAIN CHAMBER-SETS) Elegant Parlor Suita, Marble-Top Tables. Lousrt Softs, Enay Chain, Wardrobes, Commodes, C»ae-stskv Chairs, Hookers, etc., etc. We shall alao sell a large stock of OXD-JIAND CARPETS, snd a full variety of VLATU) WARE. 00 Caddies of TEA, in Dockages of ft upwards, the balance of tho stock of a Dealer. T« w sold without reserve. liy JAS. I». JUoMAJUAItA & CO, 117 VTahuh-er., N. W. corner Madbou-st. Second Spring Trade Sale Of 2,500 Cases Soots anil Sis A/r -A.'U'OTXOX'T, Tuesday Uomlng, Match 14, at 0# o'clock Splendid new stock of Congress, Alexis Ties. Boots, Ladles', Mlaaea*, and Children's Shoes so* BJ.f Colored Shoes, »U kinds, HO JA&JP. MoX.AMARA k CO., Auctioneer, By UIUAM BitUtili, iod Firth-AT. CHATTEL-MORTGAGE SALE of W«rtta«/»•? end Types, atlOd Futh-av., Saturday, March p. m. Will be told one Quarter Peerless FriuhM Frees, la order, about GO Foute well-selected Fouls, oomprUwg latest stylos: also lies, and other Types, Old Styles; Stands, Casce^tI** 1 ** Cabinet, Rules, Leeds, all necessary for e hr***'*? OiDoe, which cost about SXOOO. TUOEhUtwj* BROWN. Mortgagees. HIRAM BBPBH- Auction*^ GMOf gas*’*®