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Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1872-1963, November 21, 1878, Image 6

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Government Bonds Steady and
Cold Unchanged.
Chicago Money Market Dull-
Sudden Drop in Alton.
Tie Protore Barketi Bora Acflve—Hags In large
Supply and Lomf-Pmiiioai
Breadstuff Higher—'Wheat Somewhat Ex
cited by the Enmots of
a Corner.
Government bonds were modsrately active, bnt
not so buoyant as they bare been since tbe elec
tion. There was a decline In the Chicago.bid
Quotations In the Oa of 1881 from 103 V to JUB!S.
and In the HMDs from 107 H to IWN- The cor*
reticy Os were qnoted at an advance of H at 121.
The opening New YorK blda for tbe coupon jsanea
arerotda of 1831, l(»Xsft*3oa of 1807, 103*5
fj*2oiof 1808, 100. ajles; 10*40s, 107J4, sales;
6s, 105 H; 4Ht, 104Htnew4». 100 -
The Bupnly of the 4a of small denominations baa
been about all absorbed by tbe demand. Even the
SSOO 4s nre scarce. Tbe Chicago dealers ere sab
scribing for the araall -I*. The street nrlce and the
Government price have been brought eo nearly to*
gather by the recent heavy porchaeea that there le
Jean than Hi difference In favor of the aired price,
nrd this I* only for large amount*. On email trans
actions the dealers now charge the Government
price, which amounts, with accrued interest, to
about 100<4 in currency.
The heavy orders for the new 4a at homo and
abroad since the olectlon-the First National of
New York alone subscribing on Saturday for
$D,000,000-etiaWed Secretary Sherman toliine bis
acronty-second call of last Saturday for the redemp
tion of $3,000,000 bonds of 1805. The call Is for
ss.ooo,ooo—coupon $2,000,000 and registered
$3,000,000 of the bonds dated July 1, 1803. and
redeemable after July 1, 1870. at the option of
the Government. The principal end Interest will
bo paid at the Treasury on and after Feb. 10,1873,
on which dale Interest will cease. This reduces
tho amount uncalled of the consols of 1805 to
$ JO. 085,750. Tho total of the 5-20 bonds called
for redemption this year amounts to $85,000.000,
nud this makes a reduction of 2 per cent Interest
on that amount cf tho national debt. This
activity In refunding accounts for tho weakness of
the older insae*.
Gold was dull and steady at 100 H. The commer
cial movement of gold at New York up to tbo end
of last week nhowa exports since Jan. 1 of sll,-
402,300, against exports for tho same period In
1877 of 321,107,383, In 1870 of $43,003,080, In
3875 of $08,301,842, In 1874 of $40,304,822, In
1873 of $45,020,808, and In 1872 of $130,858,005.
The imports ainco Jan. 1 have been 818,371.718.
again*! for the same period In 18770 f 812,844.800,
In 177(30f 811,424.053. In 18750 f $11,344,124,
In 1874 of $5,512,072, In 1873 of $17,020,770,
mid in 1873 of |5.350,01«.
Uiiolncßß In the foreign exchange market bare
continues to bo mostly la provision bills. Very
few grain bills are offered. Rates are weak,
tbougti there is little quotable change. Tbe posted
raws for bankers’ bills, elerllng, vrera 482 (or
sixty days and IROH for sight; actual rates were
481;* and 485*4 for sight. Sixty-day grain bills,
sterling, wore 47UH currency, and French grain
bills were 520 H currency. The prospects are that
rates will rule weaker, as the Interference of the
election excitement with the movement of cotton
In' the >onih has ended, and cotton bills are now
reported at New York as coming forward freely.
At tho corresponding date of last year the nominal
aikmg rule* Mr sterling were 481 and 48-iH.
Consols in liOtuion opened at 95 o*lo, and ad
vanced late in tlic day to 05 11*10, where they
closed. The extraordinary »t«P of lowering tUa
quotations of all the principal bank atocks
by Si 00 has been taken by the Committee
ut me Edinburg Stock Exchange. The
capital of ell the Scotch banka now doing basi
lic** amount* to $45,000,000 at par, and the
market vnhie of tho atock la 8133,500,000. The
London A'conomitt think* that an act of thla kind
Effecting 14.000 abareholders and ao large an
amount of money prim* distinctly tho necessity
of removing ahnrea of thla description from the in*
fluence of the Stock Exchange.
Tht Chicago discount market was dull, Appli
cation* (or loan* hare not been pressing, Kate*
remain et OQ.IO per cent to regular customers,
with *v eclt l rates to some Independent borrowers.
Tho cnrrency shipments were rather below the
average. The receipts of hogs continue very
large, Imt the aroouut of cnrrency required to
handle the heavy receipts It not as large as that
nvuded for the smaller recslpta at blghsr prices
lost year.
New York oxchenge sold between banks at SCO
50c nor SI,OOO premium.
Tho clearings wore $3,100,000.
There were sales of Lincoln Parkbonde at 100 K.
Chicago City's, long, at 10CJ<. and of 0 per cent
water bonds, short, a small lot. at lOOg.
The feature of the day in stocks woe the stuck
on Allou. The stock opened st 80(4, the figure
aiuut which it has been wobbling for some weeke,
but fvas rapidly forced down by sales to 7814. At
the close there was a alight recovery to 70jg, bat
the stock was weak. Advices from New York
■ tiled that the decline wee caused by tbs publics*
lion In this paper of the details of the formidable
scheme of competition planned by Hopkins, of
tho Wabaab, and Commodore Osmsoa, of tho
Missouri Pacific. This new comblnatloo, which
waa first published Id Tub Tuibuni, coolemolatee
n new through line from Toledo to Kansas City py
the way of Chicago. The Wabash la to supply the
inlHstuglink by building a line from Chicago to De*
catnr. There will then bo a determined struggle
between the Wabash, Missouri Pacific, and Kansu
City A Northern on one aide, and the Alton on tho
other, fcfr the through business. The recant weak*
ness In Illinois Central, which would be afiectcd to
eome extent by tho new combination, la attributed
to tho same cause.
Thl* new scheme, If carried oat, will be more
than a railroad war. It will oe a war of cities. The
Wabash hae been run vljroromly on the theory of
Me gifted Toledo manager that Chicago moat be de*
alrojcd—Chicago dclcoda eat
Uut it will take a year and a half for the Wabaab
to tret Ms new line ready. The Alton's road to
Kauiae City will bo finished Ibis winter, and then
thu Alton wilt have a new and cheap through
lino entirely Ua own, with which It can
probably do builnes# aa cheap at any
other company. The Alton'* receipt# are nine*
tonthi earned by its local business. Tbe local
b.isincss of lu new extension la already targe. The
through builooia la a secondary consideration,
mill (be Alton's stock la a fair subject of attack on
Well etre t, If those who are inside AM know Its
real condition do not care to defend it, and bare
nut thu conildcDco or the cash to buy It up whan tt
is ottered Delow Its value. boat year at this time
the stock was telling at U2* to 1011. Ila earning*
show an Increase for tbe first week of November of
90,000, and from Jan. 1 to Nov. 7of SX7B,2US,
but the stock has not gone above 85. aad for some
months has been about HI, or less.
Wabash did out gain what Alton lost. It opened
at 22*, sold up to tfdii and down to 22*, where U
The Granger stocks were eUady. Thera was a
rise uf HtnNorthwesicouutoti,to443, and of J* in
the preferred, to 77*. St. Paul common ad*
vanced 54, to 33*. and tbe preferred opened and
closed atCß*, after selling up to (10*.
The gains of the day, beside tbe above, were
Michigan Central *, to 00; Illinois Central *, to
Tdij: C., C. A I. C. *, to 4J4; Usnmhal A BL
Joe preferred H. to 30; Delaware A Uudson *. to
44; Jersey Central I*, to 31*: Western Union *,
to DO*: Atlantic A Pacific *« to 28*.
The loesee of tbe day were take Shore *. to
R8?4; Dock Island *, to X1B? Alton I*. to 7U*.
the preferred *, to 102*; Erl# H« k> IB*; Wa*
bash to 22*; 0., C., C. AL*. to 30*; Del*-
ware A Lackawanna Is* to 50.
Northwest cold bolds were 106*, and Bt. Paul
Sinking Funds. 100,<.
In the rstlroad bond market. In Mew York on
Vouday, the largest transactions were In St. Paul
Kinking Fuads. which advanced to 100,-4 rise of
is. The largest advance waa 3* per cent., In Bt.
VauV \t'Ucego at Milwaukee Division). The other
* cbau7«« were asfollowa: An advance of X* In Jer*
se>- Central convertible sweated, IV$ In Jersey
Central Urns console assented, 1* iufet. Paul 7s
gold, t per cent lu St. Paul (La Crude DIvlsloo),
* In New York Kluvslcd Ualiroad firsts, * In
oriat Western eocenes (ex. coupon), * lu North
western gold 7e, and * lu Southern
gwaniKoed. C., C. Ai. There was a
decline of 1* in Denver A lUo (iruuds firsts, X per
Ohlo-ot ail»m*auii>l eiuvoade.. 8. It Mtiirnirt.
Kansas A Texas seconds, % In Ohio A Mississippi
In railroad bonds In the New York market on
Monday, New Jersey Central ataented conTcrtlblea
Advanced from 71 to 7.7; do console, from 72 to
734; do consols, nnatsented, from 87(4 to 88; do
adjustments, from 71 to 82. St. Paul firsts, I.
A M. Division, from 1074 to 111; do, La
Croaee Division, from 108* to 110; do, gold 7s.
from !05*tol0T; do. Sinking Ponds, from WV
to 100. Northwcatorn gold eonpons, from 105 to
103*; do registered, from 104 to 103. Canada
Southern Sinking Ponds, from 73 to 754,
and Oreat.Westem first* of 1888. ex. coupon,
from 103 to 105. Ohio A Mississippi consols de
clined to 1044, and do aeeonda to 70, while do
Sinking Ponds advanced to 103. Wabash «z. cou
pon convertibles fell off from 00 to f>o. and niter
ward recovered. New York .Elevated firsts rose
from 004 to OS, and rsactert to 014- Kansas A
Texas seconds fell off from 12* to 11*, and ad
vanced to 12*. Lehigh A Wtlkesbarra console,
assented, advanced to 44. Fort Wayne firsts to
121*. do seconds to 117*, and do thirds to 107 H.
In Slats bonds, Lonlslana consols advanced from
70VTto T»4, and closed at 77.
The Atchison and other Western railroad securi
ties were quoted on Honduras follows: In rail
road bonds, Atchison firsts remained at 107*0
108; Atchison land-grants advanced 4. to 100*
bid: and Atchison aeeonda were firm at 102*0
1034. In railroad stocks, Atchison A Topeka
declined *. to 83, closing at 8340834; Kansas
City A Topeka was steady at 884080; Kansas
Pacific was offered at G*; Pueblo A Arkansas
Valley advanced H* to 044, closing at 040044.
Pennsylvania sold Moadayat32* and 32*. It
still refuse* to fnlfltl the Philadelphia Udgtr't
prediction of 40.
DaUlmots A Ohio continue* to advance. On
Monday 41 shares of the common stock sold in lota
at 674. an advance of 4 P«r cant Several lots
of dividend scrip, aggregating $384, sold at 81.
The decrease In Honnloal A fit. Joe is attributed
oy the Eastern papers to cutting of rates on busi
ness west of the Missouri Rivet.
Toe will o' the wlep of a new telegraph company
tikept by Jay Oonld dancing before the slock
market. The New York Tribune says:
The prelectors of the proposed now telegraph
company held a conference on Saturday without
arriving at any definite results. Tbe managers of
the Western Union claim tbst Its contract with the
New York. I-ake Erie A Western Kailway Com
pany waa not disturbed by tho recent oale and re
construction, because the Western Union Com
pany was nut made a defendant In tbe foreclosure
suit. On tbe other band, It 1s claimed by the rail
way officers (hat tbe contract provides for ita
termination hy giving a specified notice, which has
been compiled with, and, as the company owns
and regulates Ua own wires, that the Western
Union >a using them now on sufferance. Jay Gould
stated that tbo question of organizing a new tele
graph company was under consideration, and that
tbe prospects (or such an organization wero very
favorable. The petition for a division of tbe
Western Union surplus has not yet been served on
President Green.
A favorable effect baa been produced on coal
•tocks by tbe action of the Board of Control at tho
meeting In Philadelphia, they fixing the quota for
the year at 17,000.000 tona, and permitting each
interest to supply the quota of 1,800,000 tons for
November and 3,000,000 tons for December when
evar it might be desirable.
Rumors about Chicago (b Canada Southern are
that an arrangement is being made which will make
Us stock as valuable as Canada Southern. The
Poll bears of private transactions In Chicago A
Canada Southern stock at 13&15, and In Toledo,
Canada Southern A Detroit itock at 20®85.
The Canada Southern bond*, now telling at 75,
In two year* become 5 per cent obligations of the
Naw York Central & Hudson River Hoad. The
New York A’rsnltiy Pott thinks (he present price
tow. ond calculates thst at the 6 per cent bonds of
the Illinois Central and Chicago. Burlington A
(julncyar«aelllngato2O(>7Hi tbo Canada South
erns will be worth 00 at least when they become
obligations of tbe New York Central, and that
1 there Is money In them at their preacul price. Tho
recent statement of tbo Canada Southern to the
Stock Exchange te In conflict with Ua circular of
October, 1877, In claiming $040,000 of Canada
Southern Bridge Company’s bonds among its as
sets. Those bond* are stated by the circular to
have been pledged to tbe Trustees of tbe now mort
Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe earning* and ex* j
penses Mr September, 1878, reported tn detail, 1
■how net earning* in that month of $1,333,994, 1
agalnit $835,457 in September, 1877. Tho mile*
age w»a 780.0, against 730.10. 1
The docreaie In tho earning* of Milwaukee & St.
Paul in tho second week of November was
Chicago A Northweetcra groe* canine# in the
first two week* of November are reported to abow
an Increase of $40,900. .
Rock Island earnings for the lint weak of
November show a gain of SOO,OOO.
The latest railroad earnings reported are tabu
lated as follow* by the Commtreial and Financial
Met or me. IH7B. . 1*77.
Atcb., Top. A 8. Fe.. Ist w’k Nov. • icit.uio't 7MWO
AUsntlcAGU We»t.. September.. SM.H-Ji 380.U71
Atlsnllc.Ulu. AOUIo September..
Mur., C. ItapldsAN.. Jstw'kNov. IHU-I Sl.kti
liar. A Mo. H. U. IdK August JM.32D 123,147
Cairo *Bl Louis October..... 31.wu! 24.0’j0
Central Pacific Oct0ber.....
Ctilcsgo A Alton Ist w'k Nov. U 0.712 KT.RUJ
Chicago, lltir. AQ.... Heotcinber.. J,3*2,122,1,300.310
Chicago A RtiU'rn IP. Ist v'k Nor. 20,18) 17.023
Chicago. MU. A»u I*. Ist Wk Nov. ikjhu»| 241.277
Chicago A Northwest. October t,ftoH.B-n 1 1,r.i**.770
Chicago, It. I. A t'ac.iHei'lrniber.. B.'-B.;i3«i TtH.377
Clev.. Ml. V.A D October nsiot M7./.WI
Dakota Southern .beptnuber.. 17.4J1 av.Jii
I'oiiTer A KtuOramlu. list w'k Nov. 3«,uuo 17, W
Putmaue Ahtoux City'October..... I'l.n'tl 12\77t»
Krle.r. July 1.137.HU) I.Oil.'.nr,
Ualv., 11. AUaa Aiit..ilscpltiribcr.. i:i7.144 W.mu
Grand l.apldi A t0i1... I August...... KM.S*} wi,a*i
Grand Trunk ;W’kcmLN2! H 0.177 3I7,:»»
Great Weaiern. W’k end. Nu; *7,781 ui.3.X>
llou.too A Teias Can. H«j>tombor..l 332.5 V, 337,132
lit. com. (111. Unej.. October 4wU3u 812.1)0
111. Cent., lowa Ultra .October 142. HX 3>t.2tsu
ImJUnsp. 1)1. A W...loctober. ... 119,141 llb.uil
tat. A orcat North..ioctuber 22U.CU7 181.22 U
Kansas Pacific list w'k Nov. 122.312 Uh. 318
Mo., tisu. A Tex. ...{lst w’kNor. U7,uiu R(,*2S>
Mobile A Ohio |AUgU«t 114,07)1 123.714
Nath. Ch. AM. L.... September.. 12J.4D7 137,424
Paducah A Elizabeth :kl w k oct.. 4.774 8.214
I‘aUucalt A MePiphUkOd w'B IKI.. I.UW 4.2 W)
I'lilltdclpblaA Crte..[bvpieiniier.. 28h.i«1: 323.81*)
Phils. A Reading.... beLlcmber.. 770,441*1,027.410
81. L. A. AT. il. bra. October .‘•3,7.'-0 02.230
bt. L. Iron U. A ».... Ist w’k Nor. H 0.40» 110.7 M
HU L. K. C. A No ... lit w’k Nov. 03.1W0 78,773
HU U. A H. g. (Hu U. 3d w’k Oct.. J7.OW IU.4UJ
bu L. A b. K. (Ky.I.IbU v’k oct.. tu.123 8.2;<l
ht. L. AB. K. iTeun.) Ud w'k Oct.. *.210 a.:**
ht. I*. AH. City iHepterobsr.. 02.0)8 01,7 *0
bclolo Valley .October.l... 28,0*3 IX4IB
8. Cll/A bt. Paul... Ihepieiober.. WJ.4M 42.228
Houtberu UlDonesoia September.. 34..V18 12:1.331
Tol., Peo. A Warsaw Ist w’k Nov. 22.b»u 28.043
Union Pacloe. October |,3uu.h7w1,183.403
Wabash list w'k Nov. 117.2U7i 1*1,112
The following shows tbs fluctuations of these*
tlve atocks:
w~t rn r
•™“- It I ? I t
N. Y.CenUal.,.l tfij U((4
Mteli. Central...* 88k OHJ4 0J 8-M (W
Lake Shore «*JI: O*U wh o^4
C.AN. Western. 44H. 44>* 4IW **, 441*
EESBeh Si|lll
C..IU I. APaclOo ]is*(w| llafi ll* 11a
Illinois CeutroL. 77(4 7flH 70M *0 1 ItHg
C.. B. A Quincy. 110t*.,...... .... . r ........ .......
Chicago A Alton. «J*4 Bu*t 7W*l a 7M
lloprcfemd 102(4' 102 Q; ...1.. .•••{ lO2V
Uuluo Pacific... ......1«... 1,,,.....1 tie
kria.T ie 18H i*H te> H
Wabash Itallway X-H 22(11 22Q 22U
Ohio A Mil* 7V| 1 IK 1 \ 1
C..C..C. Aind.. 31 31 31 »<M
C..C. AI. C..,.. 4H 4M * 41
11. ABl. Jo 13(4 IJli 13K I3W| l'-(*
l»o prefaiTVil 30 38(« 38(4 3u
Dell A Hudson... 4i'.< «| 404 4JH 44J4
U.,Laek.A WesU &c$ UH bov, 4:»J* ou s
N. J. Central.... 3l!j 30 31k 9u 31k
W. Union Te 1.... m]>* WH
A. AP. Tsl to 2*" 2b»g 28 L 2*(i
The following are the quoUtlooain comae? ta
tbia market of coJna, bought end aoM:
BUt. AlktH.
Trad* dollar*.... $ U • DO*
K*w«Ui« tfraliu) dollar*. 1.00
Amcrlcaukilvcr. lulvca aud aauwn,
1 per ccui dltcuuul Id currency,
Uaxlcfo dollar*, old and new....,
koKlUa aitver.
I|n*l*iU auVev«Vfu.
Twtaty fnuct
Twenty uiirlti 4.W 4.77
bptuliu doubUMiti . ivirt in.au
Ueil£*o JoabluoM JVM is.u)
Uold tad sliver (toilers were 100 H iu curreacj.
jrou&um BZCtUMOB.
• Btd, Jtktd.
DnlUdOtatMOiot «i iu*M l(Mi
CuiMhio44ue»ft*2Uiur«n iuis iu»3
Called bum ft-au*o vr uxm tui
UslUd*Umft‘2M9r’tM lirtU iwu
UulUli 4UM 10-408 107)2 107*
Called bum »■« Si ul 81 luftfe Uf.‘ ,
Culled HUUiU*
Colled bum flew 4 per cent oouyow ia> * lOu£
Colled bum eurwucjru* Ml
ChkMoCUyTpcrMDVbooAiUou) *u»*» *m
CUcweuCKt 7 perceut »ew«rMo «iui
i cum wiUer lo*onwu*)'lu7 Mui
VuvkTeiintjrTpvrceolbvihtoCtoogJ *l'«
Lluculu »*4rk7 wirceatbwuu# vjW .....
Uu Bfcllwsf U»**ilU lUdeL 4W 1U
City Hallway f Wert Side).. ••• \ J2 U
CUy Hallway (North BMc), fi.dlT ~B* 4 J-*"
North Side hallway bond*
Chamber of commerce-
3Veu Division Hallway 7 per cent cerl«.. .. ..
city scrip **
•And Interest.
To rn mil/rn AtmWeA Prm. ,
New York, Not. 20.-oold quiet at 100 H.
Carrying rates, M©2«. Betfowlng rates flat at 1 ,
Governments were Arm.
Railroad bond* were atron(« Missouri, Eaaiae
A Texas notably ao.
Stale securities were itetdy.
C. K. Camion baa been elected President of
the Wabash Railway Company* rice Jamei A.
Roosevelt, realgaed.
The ilock market to-day waa aoraowtaat Irrcgn
lar. Lake Sbore, Northwestern, and St. Paul de
clined ?4©H In early dealings, but toward! the
close became strong and advanced North
western abatce fold np to the highest of the
season. The coal slocks, after declining HOlii.
recovered the extreme flnctnationa being
In New Jersey Central. Western Union fell oIT
but subsequently more than recovered the decline.
Chicago A Alton broke from BOk to 7HK, rallied
to 70k. and closed at TBH bid. Illinois Central
declined to 70, against 77k at the close yesterday,
bat recovered to 70* bid. Investment shares gen
erally were strong and In good demand. The en
; tire market closed Arm. Transactions were 114, •
000 shares, of which 20,000 were Lake Shore,
2.000 Wabash. 14,000 Northwestern common.
11.000 preferred. 2,000 Rock Island. 0,000 St.
Paul common, 0.000 preferred, 19.000 Lacks
wanna, 3,000 New Jersey Central. J.OOOUblos,
8.000 Wendrn Union. 2,0005 t. Lonla, Kansas
City ,t Northern, and 7,000 Missouri, Ksniaa <t
T Money market active at 3®fl, closing at 0. Prime
mercantile paper. 4H©s!t. .
The Assistant Treasurer disbursed Mi 1,000.
Customs receipts. $205,000.
Clearings, $9,000,000. 14
Sterling exchange, sixty days, quiet at 481 k;
eight exchange. 480. . .... ~
liar silver, here. 110 k greenback! and 110 gold.
Subsidiary silver coin !4® 1 per cent discount.
Coupons of 1881 U**t New4«s RMM
New ius HOh New 4« ....noli
Coupon^67<!* IHSHIJO-40S KTO
Coupons, 60S ft*
Newos ..io.vqiCuireucy os tut
W. U. Telegraph.... MHC.. C.. 0. AI .........
Quicksilver to (New Jersey Central... 31
Quicksilver, pfd WM, Rock Island
Pacific Mall taS.St, Pau1....,
Marlnota KWH si. Paul, pfd GAH
Marlpora, pfd KWk Wabash aa
Adams Kipras* too jFoUWajne wHi
Wells. Fargo Terre Haute U
American fciprest ... 4UH Terre Haute, pfd 7
U. a. Kiiiress 47 Ch cagoA A1t0n....... 7SJ4
\ y, central HIM Chicago A Alton.pfd..leak
ikNOhiuAMlaslialppl..... 7
larlem ...... 40QA.AP. Telegraph.... a*M
Michigan Central fWH MUionrl Pacific ijj
’anama 123 IC., 11. A U ........HUM
Inlon Paclflc fl« (Hannibal ABC J0e.... law 1
,ako Shore... fl-44 11. Ate Joe, pfd.. •• 1
illnols central 7«U c. P. bond; cn«
t;. & i» fll-» U. P. bonds 107
Northwestern V4*t U. P. Land Grant* ....iovN
Northwestern. pfd.... Trie U. P BinklngKnnda..lU'jl4
1 stats nouns. ~ __
Tennessee as. old ai« yirglnfaOs, old a
Tennessee now U*. [Virginia 6s, now 33
| Missouritis..., to>'w
Spreiaf Dltpnteh to The Tribune,
New Tour, Nov.. 20,—The Public to-morrow
will gat: •• Clearing-house retnrne show that tho
following cltlcaguloed: New York. 14 5-10: Sun
Francisco. K-10; 8k Lonla, 9: Lonlavllle. 113-10.
The following have lost: Boston. 8 7-10: Phila
delphia, 20 4-10; Chicago, 1 1-10; Cincinnati,
H 5-10; Baltimore, 183-10; New Orleans, 177-10;
Milwaukee. 35 1-10; Pittsburg, II 0-10;
Indianapolis, 75; New .Haven, 10 2-10;
Lowell. 24 U-10; Syracuse, 13. The very hand
some increase at New York (a on evidence of the
general condition of business In all Its branches.
Ot that Increase fully 115-10 per cent represents
payments not arising from stock speculation; and
tne transactions of many other cities which meet
here ami settle through the New York Clearing.
House show that the Improvement la not at all
local tn Us character. The goods paid for in this
city last week exceed in bushels, pounds, and
yards those pfcld for daring the corresponding
week of last tear by more than 85 por cent, and in
value by more than lb percent. Confidence as to
tho future begins to bear fruit. ”
Sam Francisco, Nov. 2D.—Following were the
closing quotations at the block Hoard:
Alpha.. »H Hale A Norcross. IM
AIU. 7» Julia Consolidated... ■ 3H
Helcher *H Justice. W
Heat A Uelcher. la [Mexican..
jlu'.lion 7 [Northern Uclle to
Caledonia uQophtr. n-H
California m (Herman.. 14
Chollar 8U | Raymond A Kly OH
Consolidated Virginia Hl<Havt*e. J'H
Crown Point.., h ihlerra Nevada......... ttl
KurekaConsulldaied.. 32 [Union Consolidated... 0114
Exchequer AQ Yellow Jacket.... ia
Mould « Curry oh ii0d1e...,, 18
| UrandPrUe hw
Nb« Orleans. Not. 30.—Cold, lOOQ®100(4,
Sight exchange on New York, H discount.
Sterling exchange, bankers'bills, 48S.
London. Not. CO.— ConeoU, money, 05ll*10
account, 05ii» __
American eecnrllles—Reading, 13H; Erie, 19 K
preferred, ,’l3.
United Statea bond*—'o7i, 108(4; 10*401,100Si
new A*. 108Si;4Hi. 1004.
PAtus, Nov. SO.— Rentes, llOfdOc.
The following instrumeaU were filed for record
Toeiday, Nov. SO:
Clyboao ar, new ffiiiinilt ar, • wf. senoo
fltand other proiwrtv). datedJnne3o(Will»
lam Marry to c. Willard) 98,900
Carroll ar. 340 ft wof Paulina rt, nr, 48xi3t
ft, improved, dated hept. it (William Oho* „
naucr to Uorathea Walltrann) 8,000
Wabailt ar, &I 4 o>lo ft aof Fourteenth it, p f.
aaaldoll, dated ft or, 3d (William U. Wilbur _ „
el at toll. I'. lluieUinarn) 4.900
Falrdeld av, IMltnof Pulton it, el, 31x)33
It. dated Not. id til. L. I’ene to A. Ithcll). 800
Booth Dearborn it. I 3» It • of TUlrty-nrit it, e
f, anxi to ft, dated Nor. i,i (Johu Canon to
Edward Conley) • 3.U0
Stewart or. n w cor of Tweulj-iecond it. • f,
lUMaxiouft, dated Nor. lit (M. L. Pearce to
Walter Conway) 8,200
Weat Jackson it. a.'iuiteof Waihtcnaw ar. n
t. 23X100 It, dated Nor. isu(F. w. cronkhlle
to CotuincrcUl National Dank of Chlcaito)..,. 000
Cook at, 171 Itnof Weil IweoiyiUth-n. of.
1244x123 ft, dated Slept. 8 (John It, Auder*
■on (o 11. O. McArthur) 1,180
Ltncoln place, het Wehiterar and tojmla it, i
4i*44xUJU4*U)ft. dated Nor. 3U(Jacob Koch
to ocbmuti A Mauer) 2,500
East 131 ft (except e 03 ft for itreot) of u w W
l.ot I, of « H g v H Hee. 'P*, 40. 14, dated
Nor. in (P. L. and D. T. Elston to Itobcrt It.
Clark ctal.) « 1.700
south or cttr limits, within * uamue or aariM
wilisor Tint tounr-iiouak.
Athiaod ar. • e cor of Forty-seventh at. w f.
47x131 ft. dated Nov. JJ (NeUon Tbumawuo
to U. K. Wllimott et al.) 9 COO
Greenwood ar. het Porty*lhlrd ami Forty*
, fourth its, ef, 73x13d iMOfu dated Nor, i.t
(Calvin F- Hull toriolomou'iurck) 8,830
JelTeraun it, ;au fl ■ of Flny-thlrd it, o f. fto*
. Ifto ft, dated Au*.l (William L. Potter to It.
U. Uaraard) 4,900
‘no ' ~
Following were latoal quotation* for Norcnsber
delivery on tbs leading article* for iMt two day*:
Tuuriav. Wtfne*ti-iu.
.« «.*0 » 0.7 A
A.til n.H>
luff H a.o?M
4.10 4.10
Mm pork ..
bbouider*. buied.
Wmrt riba, boxed.
*.* "WnUky
sr-*H '».■«
Vhl au*
44* 4i
tel ict
VH«4H J'-iWH
igwert C&o ivcclpu and ablpmenU
; artltUi of prudura In this city Cur*
ly-foarboura ending at 7 o'clock on
lorntug, and fur Ibu correapoadlntf
uouiiia uo;
Live Uon
Tlw Jullowi
of tb« Icadlutf
w ' Intf tue tweot]
l»H Wetiuutday m<
'f* dan twalva •
1 7
»M 3
*J>% 44
4:/!» fit
30 31
& '
'*'*ll,o7s 15.101
1U.045 73.3*
#3.10* 13MH>
S7.**u 3<i.4M.
93,638 at.iiT
H3.M40 n;.?u'
lit*,Ul> 9U7.W0,
1. 801,14*
108.HUU 11J* 143.
31.400 1*9,00.1
37>/7 10,1*4)
’"iwifttl IM.SM)
3,603 M.I3J:
Old 834
330,031 911,130
60 ISO.
170.000 304.700
T.Oti* 3,1*71'
13.004 13,1441
7M IHl!
8,670 7,773
0.154, 1,70*-
Ni uU)
47H 810
1,031 1.416
111,071 6,411.
I yiour. Ur it....
Wbeai, 1iu....
Ogre. bu.......
i tala, bu
tyc, bu
•aria/. bit
(irtMWui. ItM
'. ami. 1b*....
Lcurn. 1b*....
mtau. iba,.
laef, loa
la«f, btlt
*grk, brla
.aid? 1bt......
'’allow, 1b*....
luutr. Iba...
>. bon. N 0...
.Itc lion, No.
Caul*. N 0.....
bbaao. Mo
iiidca. 1b*.,...
WouL lb*
SitUUMW. bu..
oal. 1u0a.....
liar, tuai.
Lumber, u U.
Fhloglu*. m...
ball. bri*
Poultry, a*...
Poultry, coop*.
Kuna, ok**....
Lli(«aa, baa...
(i. apple*, brla
Lean*, bu
M 70
4.84 4.h8
bUtytayt. Sight
.. . 4M3 4MU
ft IM
6W« ftH
40* 4u ;
Withdrawn from store during
consumption: 887 bu corn, 8001
rye. 4,541 bu bsrlef.
The following grain wm Inspected Into store la
this city yesterday morning: 4 cars No. Sautter
wheat, 2 cart No. 1 red. BO can No. B do, 4 cars
No. 0 do. 1 car rejected (40 winter wheal), 1 car
mixed wheat, 10 con No. 2 hard, 70 cars No. 2
spring, 05 con No. 3 do. 82 cars'rtjected do, 3
cars no grade (273 snrlrg wheal); 38 cars high*
mixed corn, Mean new do, 13 cars and 6.500 bu
new mixed. 71 cars No. 2 corn, r >l cars reject*
cd, 2 cure no trade 1183 corn); can while oats,
40 cars sud 3,800 bu No. 2 mfetd. 10 curs reject
ed ii£ oats); 13cus No. 2 rye, 4 cars rejected;
8 cars extra No. 3 barley, 13 cars ordinary No. 3
do, 1 car feed, 2 cart no grade (10 barley). Total
(507 car*). 240,000 bu. Inspected out: 83,08-1
bu wheat, 04.001 bn corn, 24,488 b« oats, 5,805
bn rye, 11,143 bn barlev.
The Directors of the Board of Trade have adopt
ed an amendment to the rnles governing (he In
spection of provisions. It Is to the effect that,
while the rnles shall b« construed liberally, they
shall not be regarded as authorizing departures
from usage In the business. The change la under
stood to be Intended to prevent in the future such
practices as giving little meat to the shoulder and
nearly all to the middle, which ham been indulged
in by some packers. The shoulder ent will be In
the future a square one, as It used to be.
Some of our provision operators ask what will be
the effect of the present mild weather on the lard
market. With plenty of cheap corn and little
waste of material In sustaining the healthy tem
perature, one pound or lard p«r day Is gained hy
inch of 0.000,000 hogs. They ore afraid the mar
ket cannot aland this Increase In tbe supply. Bnt
we are down to very low already that tbere cannot
be much more dirt between us and hard-pan.
Tbe leading produce markets were irregular yes
terday. In the same directional on previous days
In the week. Provisions were rendered tame by
the fact of large receipts of nogs, and conse
quently lower prices. Wheat was advanced fur
ther by the fears of a squeeze In December, though
not a few professed (o believe that the' whispers
to that effect were only put in circulation as a ruse
to enable holders to realise at a profit now. At
the same time, the “news,” if it be news, that
prominent New Yorkers have got hold of the deal,
brought out more buying orders and madolho mar
ket stiff, though those orders were ell filled long
before the close. Com was firm, In sympathy with
wheat, Oats and rys also advanced, and barley
was strong early, bnt slnmpy towards the last.
Tha'tradlng was cblclty In futures.
There was nothing new to be said of the market
for staple and fancy dry goods. For the season
tho demand Is fair, and that Is all. Prices remain
steady. Groceries wero In very good request, and,
excepting an He decline In sugars, there were no
price-changes, though coffees, sirups, and molas
ses were not particularly firm. The demand for
dried fruits was reported liberal, and previous
prices were very generally sustained. Fish con
tinue quiet. Lake fish, owing to continued light
arrival*, bavo advanced 25c per H'brl. Bank cod
and Holland herring were lower. In tho canned
goods market there was fair activity, and prices
generally were firm. Butter and cheese remained
doll and unchanged. There were quiet markets for
leather, bagging, tobacco, coal, and wood. Oils
were generally steady. Turpentine waa quoted
The yard lumber market was fairly active and
steady. At tbe saledockatbeofferingsweresroall,
and the receipts henceforth will bo light. Cargoes
■old readily, especially tbo two-inch stuff. Tho
wool market was quiet nod steady. Broom-corn
waa lu good demand at currant prices, and tbs of
ferings wore liberal, and comprised all grades.
Seeds wero rathcrquict and steady. The offerings
were small. The sales of hay wero again meagre,
and recent prices were maintained, tho supply be
ing light. Hides were In fair demand at tho lata
decline. Potatoes were firm under a continued
good local and shipping inquiry, with moderate of
ferings of tbe best varieties. Poultry and gnmo
wero plenty and dull, tho demand being chiefly
local, ami (ho weather bad for carrying stock.
Lake freights wore dull and nearly nominal at
a shade bolter rate, 4Hc being bid for a vessel to
carry wheat to Buffalo. Room was taken for
20,000 bu wheat and 127,000 bu corn.
Through rates by lake and rad were quiet at
13He corn and 14VJc wheat to Now York, and
10c corn to Boston. Lake and canal rates wore
nominal at lOOIOHo on corn and 11c on wheat to
New York.
Rail freights were unchanged. Grain was qnoted
at 30c per 100 Iba to Now York, and fourth class
at 35e. which Includes meats. An advance is
promised to occur, on the 231 h Inst., but parties
who are posted say It would be well to stop tho
catting of rates from other points before adding to
t&e tariff on gooda carried from Chicago to the sea-
board. There seems to be no doubt that such
shading la extensively resorted to.
Nor.*2o.—llecelpts—Flour, IQ,■J4O brli; wheal,
210,887 ba; com, 00,600 bn; oat*, 00,240 ba;
corti'ineftl.o3s pkgs; rye, 54.348 bn; bailey,7l.4oo
bo; malt, 204 bu; pork, 417 brla; bee/, 2,147
pkcs; cut-roenis, 3,365 pkgs; lard, 4,101 pkgs;
whisky. 047 hrli.
Exports—Twenty-fonr boors-FJonr, 0,000brls:
wheat, 28,000 bu; com, 20,000 bu; oats, 1,000
Tbo following table nbuwa tbo qnaniuterot flbnr;
wheat end corn imported into tbo United Kingdom
for the periods named: __
ffttktndtna Wtrtttndtng
iV«»r. in, IH7H. A/)p. 17. 1577.
Flour, sacks. name® ia,ix» nuoooci 73,000
Wheel, ore. itu.iKvwioo.uju 2H3.oooM2yi.ixjU
com, nr* iuu,UM*i3o l uui so.ojum os.too
Tbo following abowa the receipts and shipments
of wheat at points named yealctday:
New York.
Bt. Louis...
at Chicago Customs. Nor. 30—N. Bruno, Sbrls
cod liver oil; Tbe Chicane Hlamplng C0.,583 boxes
tin plate; F. W. Iloyne & Co., 6 hogsheads ale,
JO casks ale, r»0 brls bottled stout, 00 brla bottled
ginger alo; Field, Loltor & Co.. 10 caaeaundl
bale dry goods; Chapin <t Oore, 1 quarter-cask
ram; Cabn« vvampoM «& Co., 17 cases rum and
cognac, 2 cases champagne; Callahan* McNeills,
4 bales dry good#; Charles P. Cuagcsball, lease
water colors; 11. Cbannon A Co.,S colls wire rope;
J, W, Doane&Co.. 000 brls currants; Cobb, Wills
& Wheeler, 250 brls currants; John W. Wills, IHO
casks ulckles; T. N. Bond, IS bales burltps; Peter
Hvauoe, 73 brls herrings. Collections, 14,4112.10.
To (As Editor n) The Tribune.
Cnioioo, Nov. 14.—1 notice In your commercial
department this morning an extract from the To*
room 0101/t, saying Uiat the exportation of live
cattle from the United States to England mual
cease this year, if tbe act reccntlr passed lo £n*
gland be strictly construed. Further on you
say, “Illuoka as though the American trade
would bo In dead meats, at least fur Ibe immediate
future, and that branch Is now definitely settled to
be lesa prufltabJo than the export of lire animals."
My friends tell me, who have lately been in
Europe, last one of the principal causes of loss to
shippers of dreased meal Is, that proper methods
havo not been taken lo carry tbe moat on the
steamer and lo take care of It after its arrival lo
Tbe Austrian B. It Club lately Investigated our
system of carrying meat, ami reported “that it
farced water from thu ice upon tbe meat, inducing
It is pretty well undorctood that tbe Livestock
Rvouer lluig in Chicago now control aoout all ibe
carrying capacity of the steamers from New York,
both in cattle and in uead moat.
If with proper means beef can be transported suc
cessfully from Denver to IMilladdptm, I aoo uo
reason wby U should nut be earned from New
Yura lo Liverpool with the ume success. The
failure teems to have been with tbo methods and
not with the beef. Aa America bus large Interests
hi maintaining this business, 1 ahuiild think it
would be well lor parties Interested to look up
soluble methods. - Exroiixxu.
1 ~VjO
HOQ PUODUCTB—Were lame and cuter. The re
ceipt* uf boa* were larger, accompanied by another
drop la orlcet. and {.tvcrpout wn weak on product,
which cautcd a downward tendency bare, though bold*
enol export artlclee were not very free tellm at *
further decline. The reported ablpmeoialof lard and
ueau were large, but im equal lo tba d«Uy pfoduc-
M*Ml*oßK-~Waatame, and declined 9<*7KB per brl,
the offering* fur future delivery being apparently much
irreatcr than tbe demand.' Kale* were reported uf too
trlaeoot at tu.bO; 310 brla do(new)at M.ldHi•J.d’iJ
brlaaeller December at »«.77H®6.n»»{ 3,6W> brlt aeller
Januaryat |B.l*l߮ri.l7l*s and :i.tc o brla taller Feb
ruary at sß.ao. Total. 0.000 brla. The market
cloacdume»tto.7lMad.Mifvr oUtpot, li for
new do. Bd.7*w«.7;Va (or Ueeernter.art.Utaatf. 13 aeller
January and gk.i fur February.
Prime me** pork wavouuuaat sT,7b<*>4.GO.
Laiiu-Waa much more active, but declined fto per
lUolUlaayuipaiby with poilc. Sale* were reported of
I.UW tc* *pot at *.OO tea aeller liecumbor
•t g'».«7t«(it.VWi ».a&> tc« M*ller January at g'l.liJHra
a.tk>'.aud u.‘J3o tea teller February at Cd Ukli'dd.'A.
lotai, ly..votca. Tbu market cloaca steady a: tu-rfoi*
ft!*', for apot, aeller Sottiuticr. B>. HiM*
r>.Na»eli<f|December. t aeller January, and
gl).ua*dß*U fur February.
Vliar«?w«nsiaUidu lower, with inpirently « boor
demand, Liverpool reported a dor line of od per Ilk lb*
all round, taking the market out of (be band* of ahlu
pora, except at prlcca which bolder* proJiuted them
aclvea unable to accent. sate* veto reported of bo.i*u
the •Imulder* at «j.89482.vu: <0 buxva do at j»a.O7W;
7U.00H-* abort rIU at *3.«7n aadtxitfl* teller
January; 40 ouxeadoun private term*: 89 boictloug
clear* on private tennt: 4i-» l<oxca lung and abort clean
at 84. lui -too hove* abort clear* at 81. 1W4.3U teller !a*t
week In Decembers and 3.ux> pc* green ImiutUdlU)
at 14c. The following were U« cloalug price* per lui
lUa on leading cut*; .
#07. 310
2.14 a
i, out
I Tutaday for city
ta onu. l.DM^bu
■WfluJ-i Snort I L. unit \ Short
>iert. I rtl*t. I S.eUurs. clturi.
I.oo«. {urt cured....T »X(w ;*3.uo j sa.ui
IkatjJ a-ur* -i.it> 4.14* 4.-4 ,
UcoiUiOcr. bjxcil a.i4 I 4.«7'V 4.U* 4.a-W
JaOlUAfjr. il. 10 I 4.14
IjORC draft quoted at s9.ooioo»eand $4.05 bored:
rumberlaml*,4M«4Mc boxed: Tong-cut
sweetrlrkicd hams, ASi'itOi-Jfor 10 to mi* average:
green bam*. 4H<i4»4c for mm« average: grcrn shoot
rtPn*‘eon*oHotr>jl st A<(«4fl for shoulder*. 4*f9V for
short rib*. A9.v<e for short dears, for hams,
for white. ftUeforvery
choice do. 4*94*1.* (or yellow. ami far brown.
HBEK l*m)DlfCTJ»—Were *l»adr and quiet ft $7.7-59
B.on for mc«, $8.»09*.75f0r extra mess, and $M.509
1 VaLtlow— 'Was quiet at casMo for city and 090>f o for
country. _____
7LODn-W*i more active, and firmer In sympathy
with wheat Thera wax a moderate demand from ship
per*, and they took a couple of round lota, while the
local trade wae rather alow. Sales were reported of
8.330 brie winters on prlrate (emit Tio brla springs,
chiefly at f3.5093.50t 100 hrta rye flour on prlrate
tenmt and 10 brie buckwheat do at $4,374. To
tal, .1.070 brls. The following was the range of asking
quotations: Choice to farorlte brand* of whltowlnter*.
f4.509ft.00: fair to Rood brands of white winters, $3,674
04.35; good to choice red winters, $4.(094.75: prime
to choice springs, f4.3S9t.SOi fair to gooa spring,
tj.ftooi.oo: fair to good Minnesota spring*, f t.u»9
g.Aut choice to fancy Minnesota springs. ts.on9A.so:
patent springs. fd.uo97.ftot low grades, f&soo&oo.
Buckwheat flour, t 4.8091.79 per brl.
Bnan>-'Was quiet, and asbsde firmer. Sale* were 40
tons $7.5097.634 per ton on track, nnd $7.73 free on
board ears.
Cor**Msal—Coarse was nominal at about Sia.oo per
Middlikos—Sale was reported of io tons at $8.75 per
ton free on board ear.
sriUNO WHEAT*-Was more than usually active,
and Irregularly stronger, being excited early, and less
firm In the latter part of the session. The market for
next month advanced tjfic and closed Ht above the
latest pries of Tuesday. Liverpool was very quiet, but
cargoes were reported a shade firmer In the British
market*, ami New York was early quoted stronger,
while our receipta were rather smaller than (he recent
•rerace. The chief cause of the strength was, how
ever. the report published In the morning paper* tothfl
effect that Ntw York parties have gained control of
this msrkcf, as well as the one In Mllwnnket. for nest
month. Such a thing ha* been more than half suspect*
edbv thu knowing ones here for a couple of weeks past,
but the crowd laughed at the Idea as absurd. The
“news" was regarded br some as a men
blind, bnt It made a good many of the
short* nervous, *nd the better demand put
up prices, home rather round lot* were bought on
telegraphic orders. There w,u a moderate shii'ping de
mand, but only for the lower grade*. Seller Dccom*
her opened at aold at flutfc, advanced to
and declined to «ic, closing at MWc. Seller
January ranged at 83M9&*>e. closing at H4HC. Seller
the month w*a quiet at KiM9*Mhc. closing at kihc.
(tegular and gilt edged receipt* of No, 3 both clqied at
hoUc. foot sale* warn reported of 4R,i*)o bn No, 3at
BhW*ft4H C : 25.400 bn ho. nat 70970!4ct r.j.cnubu re
jected at r.7h9s»cs »n bn No. 2 mixed atsnct boo
0,400 hu by sample at :<6978C. Total. iun.o<i)bu.
WihTKii VTagar—Was in very good demand for ship
ment, and advanced le perbu, No. 3 red closing at
«*Ut. Setter December sold at Spot sale*
wera reported of u.4tw bu N 0.3 red at *B!49'9Hct
I.ooobu No. 3at (trie. (N. tt. receipts of do nominal
nt7oc)i and 4,400 bn by sample at 7349J84C. Toul,
**OoUN—Was active, chiefly In future*, and averaged
firmer, though the higher price* were not maintained
to the close. The British markets wero firm, anil New
York stronger, while our receipt* were rather light.
This, and sympathy with wheat, caused an advance in
futures, hut the market fell hack when It was found
that cash lots were not In great demand, shipper* did
nut care to buy much at a premium over December de
liveries, as they were apprehensive that the gram might
not bu able to go through Co the seaboard by all water.
Dejected sold Uc lower than on Tuesday. Seller Dc*
cember opened at x’HC. advanced to at, and declined
to.Tifeent the close, Seller Jonuarysoidntaavvnxinc,
seller Slay at 3o>krt3s4c. and this mouth ataa>s9J3ci
all closing at Inside Prices. Car .lota of
No. u closed nt about ivJhe. and high*
mixed ntssc asked. Spot sales were reported of 2fl,ea«)
bu high mixed at tuesxiMot a.nuo im now do at
ai’fuaWet 3,t00 bu new do mlxcdat 2i'Vlc:o",f»»o
bn No. j atOTWttXlct IT.rwMm rejected at 3 iH''(£htei
m 000 bu by sample atlMMUftJu on track: n.uuubu ears
at xw delivered: 4nobu do at 33c. Total, iuu,S(y>liu.
OATS-Wero In fair rcouest and firm. Cush oats ad*
vanced?jaWc under n fair shipping Inun'ry with very
light offerings, and futures followed suit. The receipt*
werolarger, but few out* came on the market except
as ■ample*. The latter were active. No. U sold at
aoM9‘4&c, and closed at juHe, No. 3 white sold at
u1+193-c. and rejected at Inc. December sold at
•JhiuiWHc. nod closed at 30Mc. .January brought
yoHW-iWac. and May vfle, closing at xiVtc. Cash sales
were reported of a.OOiiu No. 3 white at 31A923C:
7, n(g» huXo. 2 at iw*6**)Kcs 000 bu rejected atieci
) 1,400 bu sample aUHtt'JiMc on track: amiia.wwbu
da st luW9.ocfrceon board. Total, an,onobu.
KVE-was In fair demand ami 4o higher, 'i lia of*
fcrhiga were smith. while there was a good Inquiry
from shunt, and It was reported that an export order
wason the floor. No. 2 told at 45C. and rejected at
41e. December was nominally firm at 4.V49t.'>‘<c, and
January at 4»tt*c. Cash sales were reported of 3.U>) bu
No. 3a jiact4is»bu rejected Bt4lc;g.4uubu bvsamideat
vog.4.kjon truck: ami -’.ooobu do at 459460 free on
hoard. ToUl. fl.wubu. „ ... .
BAULKY—Was outer. The market opened higher
on account of lh« light receipt*. only in car* I«-lng In
spected In, but buyers uld not lake hold as sellers ex*
peeled tbey would, and the strength soon gave place to
weakness. A few cats of No. 3 for December delivery
sold early at ur.9nuc, and ilia closing range was oo9u;<e,
sellers being at the outside. January closed early at
p:t9lMc, and No. 2at 03c. There was some demand for
extra a. which closed lament AOcln A., D. A Co.'s and
at 47c In other houses: do fur December sold and closed
atsHHc, and January at 4i»He early, closing at 4ne. No.
a was slow at :wc, and A.. U,« Co.'s receipts were
quoted st 37c. Feed was quiet at 3Ac. Cash sales were
reported of u.aoatmextraaat479'>ic: sooini No. aai
».*«: d.4CO bn by sample at irfH’-Mittcon track, and DUO
im do at sastftHo f rro on board. Total. io,2uobu.
Wheat was eaater. Hale* u-ii.i •übu at RtUOG'Hc tor
January, and KiUtixtc for December.
Com-7.'i.uxi bu. at :«Hc for November, 32J4033J4C
for December, and wiWMe fur January.
Harley—3,ooo bu for January at Wc.
tieia pork-'iuu) brl*. at eo.K) for December, and
$f».U*W. UH for January. A
f,i»r<t-U3<i u*a aaller January at 10.00.
1 finorßTib»-l"o:io3 Ibi, at W.M for January and
(e.ubfpr February.
Wheat was fatrlr active and firmer at the cloee. De
cember *old at and doted at mH®B4)4O.
January told at HiwEStHc. and cioecd aOMHOMHc.
Corn was aieady. December sold at :uHCeJ-Ke. and
doted at a4{c. January 10W at :kwM2L.c. closing at
die outside. May closed at :iAhc, and sold at If-MHS'fc.
Out* were quiet at >*H« for December or January.
Meu itork-i.ooubrla teller January at 53. 10.
Lard-3,oun tea at fd-ou tor February, S3.W for Jan*
nary. 83.H)/orca*h or December.
bhort ribs wero steady, wttbaaleaof 100,OX) Ibe for
January at 83. ns.
Charters were tnadofor2o,CWlu wheat and 05,000
bu corn.
HeetuiU. BMpmtntt,
. ui.d'O 43. J 11)
.IMJ.UW Ml,ia*»
, 33,1*1 37,03*
. 07.000 7U.1X0
. 40.1 ai 7.UW
~UU,fiCO 40.000
. kuvd »*h,uou
Mcaa pork wetqnlet andenav. closing el 13.0714®*!. 10
for January. Sd.uhMß.3a for February, and Bd.73aO.rtJ
tor December. Hale* 1,750 brla at fd-tufor January
and S*.ZiH for February.
Lard wa*»teadv at BVHO39.MM for January. 89.H7J4
OS.uu for February, and 83.(4(83.82)4 for December.
Bales 1,000 tea at 4«.oo for February.
BRANS—Were In fair demand at 81.4K51.00 per bo.
. BUOOSI CORN-Waa steady under a ceotlniied good
Inquiry from Eastern parties. The receipts are
llberaL and Ibe atock la large: Floe green carpet
brush, 4c; green hurl, aHc;rcd*tlpi>edhurL So; fins
green, with hurt enough to work It, 3H®iHc; red-tip*
peddo, atisKct Inferior, 2J4®2J«ci crooked. l®2Hc.
UUTTKII-Frevlou* prices were being obtained for
good to fancy qualities, other grades remained weak
and variable. Shippers wero doing hut little, ami ex*
porters less. Local consumer* bought with some free*
dom.hut ibe demand did not equal the current receipts.
We quote: Creamery, 30®24u: good to choice dairy.
ISd'.Dc; medium. |3Mt4ci Inferior to common, 7®loc.
BAGGING— I There was a quiet and unchanged mar*
keu Bales were clfeclcd at the following range of
prices: Burk. 23)40*. Brighton A. 32c; Lowlstun. 2l«t
Otter Creek. 20c 1 American, lotic; burlap*, 4 and 8
bu, 13®140t gunnies, single, 14®i3c; double, iDOJict
wool tacks, 40®t.%e.
2 o’clock call.
CHEESE—A light movement waa reported at about
former pricer, tbe feeling being Juil a trifle Headier.
In sympathy with firmer New York advice*. Wo again
quote as follows: beptembsr and Ovtolwr, full cruam.
HW®<ci August do, Htfslfc; part ikiui, Os-Uigc; low
grade. 2®tc.
COAL—In the coal market nothing new was noted.
Trade waa quiet, owing to tbe continued mildness of
tha weather. Friers range as follow*: Lecxawan*
na,largo egg. 80.23: small i-gx. 80.23: nut. #a.O)j
range. s«J.«n Piedmont, 87.txt: liTumuuiv, 80. U): Erie,
avou: UslttmorsAi Ohio, 8i.23qt4.7A: Mlnoiik. 83..’/);
Wilmington, 82.00; Garuberrle, 84.7-3: Indiana block,
* COOPERAGE—l’ackera* good* were In fair requett at
recent prices: Fork borruls. it.l-SfilM'-i lard tlcrcr*,
81.4Uai.13. Wlilakv Urrels, 81.4UJI.ftOs uleoholdo.
I.auul.ui*. Bucked whisky barrel itnru*, 827.0®
2S.uu per I.u«: bucked pork do. Bl3.iak4H.uOi and do
tierce. 823,‘»*A27.0). Hough Haves oru 82.U0*8.uU
lest. Tierce hoop*. Blo.oat|s.f<t
DllUUa AND CHEMICAL*—Were In fair de
mand and steady. Following 1* the I'rice-litt:
Acid, ullrlc. 73>*hOci acid, tartaric. », ivn. sire
33c: ommooli, tarb, ’jUwi&c; axle*tfrca««, per dus.
81.0001.33: borsi. rvfiucd. », OCtliN*: blue t Hrlol. b. Id
Asluet cream tartar, pure. b>. XIA3V: cocluncsl.
Honduras, ». 7.VaHoc; cuturuform, A. e3c: ghrcenne,
bulk. 8, 17U2Ae; gum arable, picked. (Wxsooc:
gum arable, sorli, 3St:i-'>ct gtim camphor. ».
ill,-: gum ooliim. a, 84.73; gum siwi'ac, r, 3>> u-,ci
lodine, ft. 83.tUA3.3*»! uiurphto. sulnb., os. 83.3*v»
3.73 i ofl.rastor.ai.uwil.iupcr gal: do, Icmuu. IJ.Oj;
rotaau. chbw.. i, ZMi23c: p<uas«lum. lud.. a. is.txi
U 5.73; quinine, sulrn., ui, #:i.**.'»: red preclplt, >. HA'S
tiocs root Ipecac, powd., a, Bl.HMi.un root, rlieL.K.
L.. powd.. 8. 81.23*1.50; *aVv». Kpsom. 8. JSwse:
■liver cryst., oa. uH-urLOO: roap. Csullc. tren.. n. uqa
12c; sulphur. 8. 44Wc: SMsatra* bark. lo«i2cscaua*
jf seed, 4U&HO per ll>; hemp do. 2 W3c per 8
KGOh-Weru sieady at I7ul»c for fresh packages.
The luppltc* are liberal.
Flßli-Whlicftst; coutlnue to come forward verv
aparlngly, and the market It itrongcr. an advance of
23c per H-brl being noted. Bank vudfinb Is lower, and
• mull seduction In the price of Holland herring Is
also noted. We revise our ixtaaiollawa! No. I white*
Din. per )vbrl,f2.3u: family wliKeflib. Bt.7dOl.ui;
trout. 82.U>®2.ui 1 mackerel, extra mess. H-brl,
812.30; select uicts. wr 1%-brl. iiu.m; extra shore,
8IS.0»: do. No. I anure. 810,30; do. No. I bay.
87.3009.00; do. No. 2 *bore, Bd.HxEo.7li No. 2
bar. «d.73«7.u>: fat family do. new, x-brl, 82.00
mX23: No. 1 bar. kits, at.oouil.s-i: do. uedlum,
Bt.UAEI.IO, family kiU. 74«*51.U)1 George’s cod
dsb, astro. 83.«XAAA.23i book cud, Bl.l*xAl.2A; com*
pressed cod. uc:*dre»scd do. 7c; Labrador berrlug.
kidlt. brls. 87.101 do round, brla 80 lx>W-40; do.
u-brli, 83.30: Holland herring. Bl.rxil.t3: smoked
halibut. MgrUc; scaled btrrtng. per box. 33C: slock
fl»h. Uc; California salmon, brls. 813.3 b; do. K-brU,
*VlfuiT9 AND NUTS-A liberal business mi doing
at about former quuialluu*. Wo repeat: -
Fonsiun— Uaiea 3srf3V k c: fig*, layers. ISUISfI! Turk*
Itbpruoes, OUv*7lfo: French do, kegs. new. dViaUc;
do.boxex, IKSidc: rallies, layer*. Bl>3ai.B3i London
layers, new. BLS'Ls2.3U: loose Muscatel, Bt.u<x*l.Uo:
Valencia*, now, u.VETc; Zeutu cutrenia. 4)*A3cj cit
ron, I»HAI3V*c.
DtiMsaiio— Alden apples, uatOAs New York end
kllchlgau. 4S»IHc: Soolhern. 2(il»ji»c; Ohio. 3<W-Vtt i::
peach.*, unt'sreo. lulveo. 3S4<dic; do, quarters, 3WE
4c; raspberries. 22«22ct blackberries. *tfd)4ci plued
cherries, 2)w22c. . _
N’-'TS-Flinuru, toailc; tlmoods. Tarragona, ITS®
18c; Naples walnuts. tA®ioc: llraxiU, 6'f odHic; Texas
peeso*. river pecans. 31v*2tfcs WJiuiliigtou pea
nuts, OlViJaci TcnoeoK-e do- 4X<i*Ac; MrglgU do. <xs
Ci GItEEN FRUITS-Wcra plenty and. In moderate l re
quest. No cbougtt in prices took place, though they
wero weak for some varieties of fruit. Iho large sup
ply end mild weather mage seller* unxtoui to reduco
sunidivs: Apples. ttt car-lot*, and 81.40
U2.lv per bti; cranberries, cultivated,, ia.HNad.lo per
bri: do wild. B:.uxtd.u;. lemons. Malaga. f«.u.ce
Mesbja. fti.oXST.OO per box: California Dean.
83.23U3.7', per. box; Malaga grapes. per
brl: coast orange*. Bd.uxg7.oU Per brl: »cst iuduao,
8d HK.47.0u per box. ... .
uuucalllts-bugxr* remain Inactive and price* are
weak, arcaucUoao/au Reusing notud. Coffrc* were
unchanged, though tu caauuou to good Uio styles tbs
tendency of the market la In on enaler condition. fllrnna
and meliMei were without poilllre atrenirth. Rice,
<tpirp". aonpa, eto., remained iteady. WenowqnotoM
f °]{"(^*Yr*rol |n a, fl'<374ci !,calitana, oX»7J<ct Ran-
KC |;orr*K-Mendallnjr. .lata. 27<an>cj O. 0. .Tara. 213
2W. vlwke to fancy i«o. fJKAIHXcti itood to prime.
in’t'ftiTMc; common to folr, H'JUCi rotailpf. 13X3
1 Pcmina—ratont ent loaf, I0!(3l(ASci ernahed, 103
tuMej irrannlated, powdered, A
•ramlard, do So. a, WaPcj ettrv C. «W»
BXci C ko, I. h(u4H’(oi c So. a. 7U3«tj rellojf. nW'-a
7Hrj New Orleana eWlnert, W(«i')4es do prime to
clmlec. do fully fair to prime. 7Q7XCi do fair,
MfrtOHci do, common, CXtfOXc.
H n, rH a~(;ollfomia aimr-ioaf drip#. WfiHW
nUallrnrdnpa. »w«-'iOci pood ttitarhoule a
w»c« eitra do. 4«w43c. New Orleana molaa
choice, t.oouet do prime, 4.'««tt*t fair, 4t
old. .‘»io4oct common molasae*. 32<*3hcj bit
clorea, c^sla,
anirici repp* 1 ?. I<!4<il.'»C! natroej*. No. I.CMitfiet
Cl UAT—(va* ln‘ltur local reuueit ami Brm on »eeotiflt
of imall offering*. No. J Ulnoiny, 8*u»»«
No,ado. inUoddo, fO.noafl.iVl! upland pratrle.
«7.(»«47,23. and No. I. I* . .. .
UlUKs—Wrro In fair demand at the Inaldc figure* on
the atreeti Cured hide*. light, *KB7Kct do, heeyy,
7«7kot do. damaged. fiHttfcj tcrccn, ?fe<aw3<st CJUf.
lo’igdialredklp. 7H<.'t7H«t dWcona. 40dt do. Mot, MH
arse! nryaaitod, lo®i2c» ( |fttea cltyMmicbcra, cow*,
»tf reported ‘Mr and nothing
more, meet were firm and unchaofcW. lielowinne
Calf. No. I • poat.uo l.lne t 81® 80
Calf. No,a By* ssiiiaitaio *ian*a-
Veal*, NA 1.... 7.'wa wltcr *0ia........ ava m
veal*, No. 3.... 60® 7SiChlc*go*oie.... a** jw
Rtp 40® 7»> " It. A." »olc. .. ut® ao
upper. Ha 1.... 31* 33, “U. A. O. U.”
Upper. No. 3.. IMi 30: tote 33® SA
(*)* 05 Solo
Calf i
olt.S—Carbon continue* actlro. Jtost other tinea
were quiet. •» here ww a firmer market for turpentine.
Wo quotes Carbon lio dcp. teat, 13c; carbon. Illinois
lesitf. ino dcp. teat, Hjiet headlight, 175 dep. teat.
ISmcs Michigan, legal teit, suet extra winter strained
lira oi), (V7<ji No. 1, Met No. 3. 4-<c; Unwed, riw vn
t>olkm), ojcs wliaie, winter-bleached. o ,> ci aperm. Sl.SOt
ncatafoot oil. strictly pure, 85ct do extra. 70c; do No.
I, We; nanlt oil, 4.<cj atralia. l«c: miner* oil. r.Tc;
tur|>enttnc. U3ci naphtha, deodorlted, ra pr»Tlty. 14Cj
gasoline, deodorlxcd. 7» deft.. 13c: paaollne, H 7 deg.,
lues Weat Virginia, natural, 34 deg.. IOC; natural. JU
dea., 3oc; reduced, an dcp., 3t)A3sc. . .
nKJI/nnf ami t»AMK.-Wero Tery plenty and
alow. Thu weather vra* warm, and kept ahippera out,
thni tearing the atock to ho taken by tho city trade.
The local demand waa only fair, and 1 ticca tended
downward: Ure freah ehlcfcena, tJ.mtli.S'i per .dots
drened do. Wtat luo turkey*. Wtediet drcaaed do,
awuc; geeie. Bo.9odrt.AO; dttrk*. Bi3rt; do dmicd.
Matho; nralrle-chlcltena. 8-l-oUd.i.9Ut quall.9occaßi.UJt
mallard ducka, 83.00: asuall ducka, 81.9U03.UU; Tool*
* potatoes—-TVere to moderate request, Choice can
were scarce and held »toldprlcn. Inerewaslesiln*
qurr from ililnpcr*. I’eaonblowatre quoted at so®Oi)c,
and ro*o at WKt.V’C. Mixed at J.l® vie,
SALT—Wat itetdr and Id fair demand: Pine salt,
pOc per brls ordinary cnane, per Ml. gl.OOOJ.audo
per sack of S4u lbs, $1.90} Ashton dairy, S3.U) per
11 s C KKDB—Were In falrfrequest, the orden usually calling
foramalllota. The receipts were small.' Timothy told
at tl.uiHaiOO, and clorer at t:uioit4.o9. Flax wax
quiet at gl. iKXam. and Hungarian or millet at tfcqfttoc.
The shipments are chiefly by lake, which It the cheap*
cat route. .. . . ..
tKAS—There wu a good aeaaonabla demand and a
fairly steady act of prlcet. Following are the quota*
guntowdir—Common. ssosoct good o. 33®a6e:d
medium, 3H®43c:gooddo. 45«50c: flnc.etXJVlcs flnett.
fjtadoc; choice, usuTOct choicest, 79®scct faucy, uoc®
—Common, 33®3Aet good do, 30®3Sej me*
dlum, a'tUJflcs good do, -tuotlSct fine, 4.l®VMt flnett,
6u*s-‘>cj choice, oxwmci cholceat, o«®73c.
Vuiinu liraox— common, 3l<43Jc: good do. 3Sft33ct
medium. av*:inci good d0.4004.<ei floe. 4MMhci flnett,
aofitnacs choice, aon'e: climcest, Karoo.*.
Javan—common, Ihussos good common, soasost
medium. 3J®33c; good medium. 3«®4oet fine, 4caisci
finest, 430.MJC} choice, 60a.V*o: cholceat, aad',o.
OoLOKu-Common, 30W3.ics good common. 3R®3lei
medium, :i9wiimet good medium, 38dM0u: Rne, 4‘Mf49ci
finest, 90Ct9:ics choice. 66®v<ct choicest, nua7oc,
WOOD—Wat quoted dull nt $«.(«» Mr beech, and S7.U)
formsnle, andat gl.axai.'tirur alaba. delivered, . .
WilldKV—Wat unchanged, talea being reported of
OM hrla at SI.OO. New York waa quoted at SI.OB, Cin
cinnati at $1.09, ana Peoria at si.w.
WOOL—Was quiet and steady. A Boston circular.
Nor. I, tiate* Hint *‘tna stock on hand nt the present
time, upon Inquiry of tnlrtedn of the largest dealers,
Is al>out iMrto,two lbs leas ihan last year. The Imports
of foreign for tho first three onmera of the year were
some lbs less than lost year, the must marked
falling oil having been lathe Imports of flno wools
from England, Australia, nnd tliu Cape of Good Ilopo.
It continues to ho evident that manufacturers sro coo*
turning much more domestic wool than last year, nnd
that stocks will bo worked upquileclose," quotations:
Washed fleece, 2RA3Ic: medium unwashed wool. 3-Oa
Sle: One do In good condition. HkitJOet unwashed, iota
l(icitub*washcd. choice. smwwci common tofalr do,
hutdSict Colorado, medium good condition, 2J4*2oci
cuuimoo, l߮3Uoi coarse, iswisc.
C vine. Jfoas. SKeeo.
I,J4J £1.3:14 4
3,RUi 40, tCi3 010
4,10 U fil.fJG I.IXI
Tout .. ua,«« a.OfW
Santa time tut \ree)c....t(*HW iiu.iT'i o, if>r
Week before laat 13.0WJ W,!W7 8,83!
83 3,000
3H) U.UO3
CATTLK—TIicre waaa cowlderably Inereaaod sop
ply, but the number fell abort of the average, and.
under a stood demand from local buyera and a fair ship*
ping Inquiry about everything wai disposed of. aad tbo
dvntteb’dfrtht'ffay buforn w»# : fuliy'*a»lslahU.*; Hut
little Improvement In quality vaa observable. Thera
were a few good to prime droves, for which »3.WX>
4.30 was obtained, aad In two or three Instances a shade
higher figures wore paid, though sales at over tJ.oo
comprised only a small percentage of the offering.
Most of the slock crossed tbo scales at I2.wxt3.an for
drotea salted to the wants of the loeaUfada and feed'
era. Included In the receipts are a few bunches of
Western cattle, among the number 123 Colorado*
Tessa averaging w 2 lbs, at ta.au.hy lloscnbaum, lias*
A Co.; 106 do, averaging POO lbs, at <3.30, by Gregory.
Cooley A Co.t and 22 Tessa, averaging HAS lb*, at
53.2 U. by It, btrahorn A Co, veals woru more plentiful
than mual, aad tales dragged at 82.7394.73 per MW
. lbs fur thin coarse heavy to choice light. Blockers sold
at fixWM.i.no and uowa at t3.24w.'.73, Thu market
closed Heady at an advance atnee baiurdnyof t-taosc,
the improvement in butchers* and cornier*’ stuff being
the most marked.
Extra Deorea—Graded •teera.welkhlog 1,400 __ _
m and upward* M>6o9iw
Cholc* Oeerea—Fine, fat. well-farmed
■leer*, wukhlnc i.tuoto i,er<n at..... 4.1094.60
Good lleorct—WHl-fatleued tusert, weigh*
(Diet, t&oto >.X<O»« 9.6094.00
Medium tlradea—steurala fa)rOc»b, weigh*
Inffl.uSOtii t.omita 3.1609.60
Dulthcra* Stock-Poor to common aieera atul
rommun to choke cowt, fur city alaughter „
welitltlnßHmo 1.000 fti 2.3099.00
Stock Catuu-Cotmmm cattle, weighing TOO __
tiil.U’Ai 2.8009.00
Inferior—Light and thin cor
built, tod acaUwmt tleor
Veait-Per too ftafuttlvet).
lira, holfvr«.KattS.
j.7 r <axco
•Ca. An. i'rir.i, A'.i. At. me*.
11l 1,440 $1.90 i:t l*M 2.87*
in i. am 4.u» 4t,.„, mi xh»
a*i a. 79 a 4 i.iui a, ha
tu i.'idii a.7-* I a dockers. oi7 a.no
12 ~,.1.47.1 ji.ua li u*r4 a.w
i,. |,4M s. HA Ji i,um a .*>
a*>4 a.B>i 4A too a.M>
ns t.asa si. To. irj l.uii a.7A
«o i.oao :i.:i7* anstockcr*. tea «.**.»
i<sii;oi.»Tex u.»o ».:io atcows..... mo a. 70
ijmCoi.-tox Kri a.:w au l.uin a.t«
t.au u.an 44e0w5..... too imo
in i.un a.v<> vo tow* ti>s v.oo
aa Texan*.. h»4 a.an 14cows 87'i a..v»
M....r»..*.1.ia4 a.ia* it) 1,114 a.w
i-j i.ioo :i io meows ... iwh a..vi
sa i.uni «.u* lastoeicers. »ia a.v)
mo a.oo 4HC.W# .... oia a. 4-»,
la i.uoi a.isi ui7 a.;i7*
i.4ao a.HTIf aastocKurs. &oo a.aa
yo iMs a. at I
HOOtt-Ther* was a further aousmag of prices
rcsUirtlir, though toe decline was Ims severe than
initrUtliavelwen expected. In view of the heavy rtm
ao<l continued warm weather. Trade opened slow,
buyer* refusing to take the hog* at Tuesday's ditures.
At-tc oft trade Became brill, and did not slacken mull
pnrur much Uto outlru supply bad been weighed.
ilo»loftho trading wu* at <d.«r>dd.K'>. though the
extrema range was tJ.otsgd.ldl4 for skips to fancy
grades. Common to prime light sold at *J.OubSX7"j
poor iu prime heavy packers* grades at 9 J.UMJ.u t and
fair to choice’heavy shippers at |'J.eoi»a.iU. Tbero
wets only * lew scattering sale* at a higher erica than
aa.ua. All talcs are made subject to a •tirlucags of 40
IU fur cadi piggy sow. and*) ms for each stag.
Uoii sales.
Jfa. As. IVfee. i,V«. At. met,
I 40....075 $-1.(0 Ad.... Aid s*.«.»
I no....nan a,in w....vw a.ha
2.0 a.Uj
u,„...x.<0 a.oo
K7....aw :i.u)
77.. 2.10
4H....04J a. no
4V...H2M 2.00
4H....315 2.t0
04)....*'7 2.00
4i*....;*3 auo
AJ ...blli 2.10
ki... :iu a.uu
62.. ..WJ 2.14*
M....3J4 2.(4)
11M....2J2 2.HA
i.*.,..aiM a.*a
<•»....avi a.Hft
74.. a.mi
1H....a»1J V.KO
4t....bU a.Mi
&5...,a;t» at mi
37.. a.t-i
u0....a77 2. mi
H5....ai7 a.mi
liw..,.iui a.ho
7:>....au a.«o
85.... a-ct a.Mi
wi..,,a70 a.ho
Mi....ad 7 U.MI
a. 75
: 07....810 a. 75
aß"r£3 a.**
»*.... 3.70
ai....3»t x:r,
U*....3-vV 3.70
33....3WJ 9.75
HU....3*} 3.79
40.. .301 SLOT J1....1WJ 3.7*
xk> &*»...» ikj 3.07)4
40.. 47....3U 3,70
«4..,.3<0 3.M 3*....101 3.TU I
M-...JCW a.hft (10....334 3.70 .
bliKKl’-Thcra waa a fair local Inquiry, and aalea
wer«f«por»eda4f*.7f*(M.3dforfalrio rood uualiilea.
CUulcu would Mil at wblla U would bu dlf»
Hculliodupctfu of lufcrlur KraJu* 4l <3.34443.30.
* .u.tr au.H. _
A'«, At- frit*. I .>•«• Ap~ /Vi««. I Ha. , At- PrU4.
419.. 0463.12* M0*.... tt) $2.10 I 2U....1U413.(0
224.. M 2.W I 40..,, 76 2.67*1 c
Buffalo. Nor. aa—C**rH.*—iteccfpti. i.twtj mar
ket active asdlutrer; prlo#r)ool9a below Wednesday!
elude# Hctr*. *4.6x44.10; soul xUlppcr*, t4.U*»4.*it
medium. common. 6J.ui63.9L); »u>c*ere
la fair demand; VVeOeru.
puted of.
btiKiF and Lahoo—lUccfot*. Stfft 'marketdal], and
deuiaud Hutu: fair W good Westerntbeep. 6J.2JwJ.6-n
common, 12.00; Colorado, 6-1.00; extra Welter*. (4.10
4*4,110; 12 car* ouaulU. i’i.h
liyu*—Uecvli't*. 7.249; market ooeocd. active fojr
Yorker*; clotca weak ou account of unfavorable re*
purl* from the Wexts Yorker*, good to choke. 62.7U4
2.0 J: cxtr*. 63.00: bear/. |2.uVa i.oj; extra (elected.
6J. lu: (tore pig*. |;.4o>#i.tWi all offering* dlapwad of.
Kaer Livsxtt. Pa.. N*or. an.—CxrrLt-Becclpt* to
day. 126 bead of local; noue through; total (or two
Uajt. oJO tiC bd. oil (or axle here, and a)) auid out except
Ute errlv»U: ao crime cattle ou the market; fair to
good. l,2uo*ai.Joo 10*. 6J.7M64.0u; couimuu, I.dux*
i.loO It.*, 6'XMXad.Hu: tiockera. 7u*6*uu lu, |i,OM
J.x>; feeder*. 4.uou»l.luu|u*. fXUUuI.Ou.
hour—Kecxli/U 10-axy. l.lii head; total for two
dot*. i,4ij; Vork«r*. 42.7Uu2.eU; Philadelphia*, 62.10
(gi.nt, - •
auxai*—lCecelpU to-day, WO bead; total for two
day*. t,tOO;,SwUiUi2dolu*.
.NXW ronK.
Kxw Voux'J Nor. 2u.-U**va«— Receipt* for tvo
d*v». lucbtdfni; locar* for export. J.uou; market %
Uuie uivT* active, aud a «bade timer; rang* 6>tcto
IOC, accnp«»trto qn«lltyt etporti. 120 u»* ,
courier* brw, and sno carcase* motion HTt|
flnutr Ain I,*moi-Uccplpi» for two e,-. .
market TeW qutrt, and without decided chaa*r?a
tot 'two daya. not *
phan*e JiM'flfe. butt little better demand
nr. i,otnp.
Br. Lot.te. Xnr. 30.— CArri.r-Qnlet Mid n «rh.« .
anpply canalii of butcher*’ atiiff. whirh Irrr
luttloii* ad»Mtlon*t reccfnta, 1,711)1 ahlnmetiiV
BitiET-Onll and tmchan*eii, Tory little tamalw. w ;
celpta, soot alilpmenta. none. ' oemaadt re*
mSUW '
Mi Ctllfnr*
iwes, new.
<ua4r>et <to
lack atrtp,
, The cargo market waa unchanged. Abont a
canoe* were at the dock*, and termi aalei
to the local trade. No change* In price, or ',,
standard piece ataff, which U becoming ic*ree £• u
Tetdilr at 87.35, and lower grade* at *7.i„ inrh’ii/rn
her wa* quoted at BA.3MW.SO, and Ihebeticrnnaii
at Ciaoudllt.oo. Lath were quiet at at " I
■hlnglea dull at 51.7-K4XU), " na
The yard dealer* reporta fairtrade. Wenernh.,*
era are Kill la the market, and the demand ir um ,hu
State la unabated. Common Inmbor UcWcft*t,»M
for. The market I* iteadlor ou account of •mailer «•
Ptmandaeeondclear. iHtnaa inch <33 nu,,
Third clear, m to 9 men?.
Third clear, Inch
yintandeteardrcMedalding tU,**
Fmteommon drewed aiding
Flooring, flmcoramon, dte>«ed
'Flooring. •econdeomtnon, drrtied
Hoofing, thlnl common. rtri*a»crt .
Boxboard*. A, 13 Ineiie* and onward*. ... at rvv»ir/
Boxboardi, U. isinchna and upward*..,,. .-n r»*Vn^l
Uo* boanl#. 0 17
A atoek imard*. 10 to 13 Inch, rough
natnekboard*, ir>to 13 inen -aoE*-
C»tockbo*rd*. loto 13 tncli m (naT,',,;
l» orcommon atoek board* n'ai3 1 r.l
mein*. No. I ic.WM 1 5
Fencing. N 0.3 V(>i3,VJ
Commonboard* to.oo« i,n
cull hoard*..... Von® 0 5
Hlmen»lon**tuff o.ftora i ,n
lHmenai(in*»tHi7.3o to non in
Cull*. 3 Inch... h rvioi
Pickets. rough aod select...... TOxati 5,
picket*, idect. drewed, and headed i4;rri
l.ath. l.fwya i n
Phingles, “A"*tandardtoextra dry..... 2.214* jin
Shingle*, atandard green 2.0*4
Shingle*. No. I i.u»» j r.
Cedar a.oy® 2 iQ
,S3H >0
The following were received by the duetto Boirj «r
Liv*arooi, Not. 30— 11 '.30 a. m.—Flour. «>aair
winter,Be 7d®a* lOdt wring. TaOdOOsMi wh!te.B«cja
0* lOdi club, MOdOlOtad. Coro, 23S0da33«W. Port,
4Si. Lard, sat od. ‘
LTtkrpoou li9op. ro.— Lard, sat. ncitnochsnp»d,
LtrißPooL, Nor. sa—Prime men pork-Kutori
60s: Western, 44t. Dtcon—New Cumberland*, sir
thort riba, S2ii long clear, 27*i ibort clear, r.a;
shoulders, 245. llama, 44a od. Lard, ana. rust
meaa beef, market bare. India men beef. 70s;extn
India meat, P2a. Cheese. 47a. Tallow. 37*.
Lonmin. Nor. •ja-LintßPOOL— Wheat very quid.
Hark Link- Wheat a ihadn dcarcri there Is aCoail.
nenlal dcmandi f^ average red winter. 4jtoJ. o>r»
firm. Cargoes on pasugo-Wbeat held firmly.
Spietal Dltpalch to The Tribune.
LtrRRPOOt, Nor. SO-llsDO a. m.—Flour, No. |, d;
No. 3. I Os.
Grain-Wheat—Winter, No. ). Paioij No. 2,B»yj :
spring. No. I. OS 6d: No. 3,7 s Odt white. No. i,m
10d| No. 3. Osodi clnb, No. 1, lot 3d: No. 3, Osftl
Corn-New. No. I. 33sOdt No. 2,33 s Od.
PROVisiONa-Poik, 43i. Lard, 33t ivl.
Liverpool, Nor. 20.— Cotton— Moderate Inquiry at
fllHcaodt sales, fl.iro bales} speculation tod export.
Lean American, fi,soo.
Lard— American, sat.
RtMx-Coramon, 4ti)dspale, Pa lOd.
London. Nov. go.—riiPtNxo Pkißotgric-sHWlfl
LINSBRD OlL—3ss® 2.'* Od.
Spirits or ToipgßTiNg-sst Bd®22« od.
ANiwinr, Nor. 30.—PktiioLBUM-22t3d,
Sptdal Pltpateh to Tho Tribvnt.
Nrw York, Not. 30.-orain—'Winter whest qnfts
freely dealt In at on Improvement of K-gtSc per be,
reactlnfe toward the close H®Hc from the blfhert
figures, leafing off feverishly nnd Irregularly) better
grades of white lo fair request at an advance of shout
le per but spring attracted more attention) quoted
up IASs on No. 0, closing at 2o above yeiterdiy’i
figures) cable advices of somewhat brisker nt steadier
markets: g,ooo bu No. 3 Northwestern spring. Korea*
ber option. In settlement, reported at (*c. Con bp K
GtMe, generally about He per but mixed Western «a
470. Uyo steady. Oats In light demand, and a trifle
lower, closing weak; e,aoo bu mixed Weitcni st 9
Provtsioxs— Mess pork very alow at filler mm
Western mess In alack demand at a Mile lower mn.
November option doling nominal, December. 17.V4
7.r>9, and new January Cut tneauhltu
request. Bacon eaalerj adeaof 330 bzi long ini lion
clear, for P ecember delivery, at Wesieta netn
lard Inactive for early delivery at a declines W)to»l
t5.17M98.30, closing at to. 17M bid. and fe..*OutM.
Taitow-Quleit prime to choice. CM'&oMc.
>i'AcdA«i>~lfefr rcrjr dull on ■ buU 0/ 7d7Me /orftJr
to goo«l refining Cuba: refined moderately aougbt.
Wimitr-200brla atfl.uTM. ahowlngadecilae.
FnauiHra—Duilneaa on a mulcted acaleiapfcnUtln
manipulation of grain valuta operated agalnx id m»*
ward movement! rate* on room for grain firorvdiblp
poraj through freight* (cm actives for Liverpool «•
gagemeaU Included 14000 bu wheat at 7d per bu.
To Ills irrstem Auoetoted i'rrrj-
Niw Your, Nov. 30.—Cottok—Quiet and uncb»ai*4s
futureaqulett November, t>.S»c; December. o.’JJc-. jtft
uarjr. 0.-toct February. o.fioet March, u.7uci April.
Oulett receipt* 15,1)00 brill euper State and
Western. •a.UOOXO.'U common to good extra, lx.)
44.1.1i.tt good to choice, s4.UUAI.Shs white wheats*-
tra. antra Ohio. S3.hv*s.(«j; Bt. henn,
t. Minnesota patentproccaa. *.vw*a<i.iv
Cliuor—Wheat hljlu/j rccefina. tMMUfhu: relecud
iprlng. 80e; ungraded Nebraska anting. utc; sv-*
•urlna, MKtXiCct ungraded red. gi.nfWi.tHC ho- 2r» J i
• t.iOXOMWSt Mi. 1 red. fl.w-.UMl'Hji uoerJJM
amber, No. i ainuor.
mulct! while. *l.«ij«i.iu: No. a wlihe. »i ; Wj ho. I
white. ft.nmi.ratWi cilra white. »l. IWI.US. Hr<-
Market dull 1 Weatcrn, OTfl-Me. Harley heavy. Me t
dull and nominal. Corn (Maher: rccclnu
ungraded. 4lWl7ci No. a, <4«s; strainer. 4*ww«7et >a.
u. 47Wai7kici yellow Western, 4i»'ac. oati-Ma'ifrt
dullt receipt*. iw,ow)bu: No. b white. So
•i white, nact No. t while, aftet mixed do, AxgJlc. *roi«
do. aoh'w itlc.
lUv-Uulet and unchanged.
Hot'*—Flmaud unchanged.
Uaooaai aa-Cofleo quiet and unchanged sugar nop
Innlljr uncbanncdi falrto good refining. i(*7}4c.
laMcanulct and unchanged. Klee quiet. , .
I'antoLKhu—MarketUulll united,tdJiiddaJic, cm*
SUci i-utlued. bite. .
TaCLrtW—Steady atmVJOO-ldC.
UaaiN—tfuiett <».asdal.4«.
Ti'iinsirrms-bteadvat domain.
Kona—Unaettledt Western. aawitfe. ,
Luauiau-Mruu hemlock #••!« Ilucno* Arrea «*
Ill'» Urando light tmddtaa and heavy weight*. **
**{sool.—Market dull: domeello fleece. puU*
cd, IB<A:f7c: unwashed, MW-7Ui Texas. incite.
(icef quiet and unchanged, tut »**“
atoadyi low dear middle*. 4Hct short do, oc.
moreactive: prime aaeun. fei.l7W<Ad.t)u.
llorraa-MarkeiduUi tteaiom. iWdfc.
Ciiiaaa-Keavyt Western. i’Mjnc.
Winaav—Mora active at il.ojM.
M grata—Manufactured copper quiet and iwattm
tngut lake.IWIWWCS pure BcoUih,3gKW44c: Ain art**
i;,«#i7c. Iltmia (heeling. lOHdl'^fc.
Nails—Cut, tJ.|s| clinch. wi.xmas.79.
Ualtiuou. MJ-, Nor. do.-FLor»-Duii, WN»
*ttou«l No. 2 I'enutj lv«nl»red. *l-'Vh whl
cm winter red, ejwt mid November,
December. iMvWlMMtiJei Januery,
Con—Weelfro dull and C4»lrrt iVc*wr» m|«f
nud Noreni'Hir, 47<4a*ci Drceuitjcr.
uuy. ♦o’-icWdi »vc»iuoT, »wwjc. Uwt* i i‘ .
WoJierii while. J7WiHc} oonilied.d-4tf.Ucj rna
trivial*. Jltf.tK. lire alow but •icaJj'.
»nd uaeiupxeJ.
Vnovuio**—Very oulci; Jobbing only, Itwctm*
loklly uitcbamted. . . ~
livrntn—Kuler, but DoiguoUbly lower- _ u
I’btiuu.xuu— ijulcibut very ttcudys crude, 7>*cj
fl ijoKre’i-UuU»aduomln»U JUo canoe*, UtflCc.
Wnukt-U\»U but *l.ll*.
KnmoiiT*—To Liverpool per Moetner guiei.i'****
|M S«MIfT»-Fto»t.3.«Wl>rl.l wUe.l.«>.a«bUi
43..-AJUUS oau, l.U>»but r>e, MWJ bu.
Miupuaxi*—Wiiem, oi.oou bus com. AW*” 4 -
i/ito. At. Frit*.
lut <2.70
87.. ..221 2. To
U2....228 a.7i)
U7..,.m» 2.83
23.. a.a>
21 ...171 •.'.(I)
3t....gm a.us
37.. 2.03
(W....1U! a.tu
28.. 318 2.03
22.. 3.81
1u0....»i« 2.0,1
11.. 2.0>
OU ...|uu 2.81
82.. ..188 2.0.3
62.. ..211 2.0(1
53.. ..£>6 2.0.)
1(4....313 2.83
61.. ai»
67.. .210 2 83
M....2UU 2.83
82.. ..218 3.50
CIMIIIKKATI. NOV. iO.-O»rWK-fll«*0/ •( «•
FLoim—Uull Ml! ilrowplcitf. ... receipt*
dutU n-rt and wM*«*d«ui»oi
0.4U1 but •Wpmaui*. a6oi ba. (^ r n lu v^^* u i a
tad j.rtce* * •hade nl«h«r at 3J434C. Omi
mtur demand. tladMito. Itjr* ‘iuliU *>“* artu * “
MW. Llatlfc «le»djf *ud uoclnuwed. ..
pKo»uiu«»-l'orH.qulßH Hour. rt J 4U j,
uKciL Lord In fair deoi.uid,bui 5{l u " tr TJu 411 j ui*
i* vfU. kaltlM ttuK&illsU* llUi* IliOO , „<.h.iu*
chadded. Uoteduicat* Id L»ifW
drrii(i3.l» ny»eu>beft null
llacetabvrt **H«rU*;*»*• Jiu“./aBJ «lwf‘
loo* clear. 11.10 dm half IJecemtieft wo*
«UM. »* VtK:ceint«r. Uacou Inactive at *•*••** **-*•
arm, W«»urt
fancy «s.^,V a iffic.
Rcum, laiiWUctcoulc* tcutraiObw, iwo
Ltxaaau oiL-Kirni at SoU- oc.
as® »»«?. •as «•
. s , .hk-SuSS,
ss&s’&s*sss waai“
jvmoaa—Dull and unchanged, Lard dull and ufl
c if;sj-Q Ul « srurws K
Bradford County (ft.) extra* ai#**-!
“Eio “vSii W.«<ra.
p:;e* SKd'fliV * usa St
U«o“i“.-Vlu«r.fi.»u Ml*i • ll “ u
iiouobus o*U. «.tMlbu.
HiLWlUili- _ „„._n u i,t and
uiutahm. Wto.. *o». ao-noca^**
Jkiuitpi iitiilitVffi No. 0 MllwiulHt '2*
Can* IBjjy
n*u>*oMi“« r % *»o. d. #**?TKa?s«>rloif. c*ih-
Nq- tr*tc,.*iJ*rl*yun*cUlod;Ho* J * prw *
Bmi-*aj.T*-*Wuf. H.OU brW. wo
•* tofUViU.** . k . dull at *•
l-OUmiLLE. JKOf. -W.-CotJO* UUltl/.
Vlohb—U*/KJI tlolli ckir*. , ,vU7.0.-,„
f S.MJwtJ.TV. Sooa, *&£
uanx-VThe»t oruicr; *«d- h V£*
C«fa-M4X«#» * MUI s#w '
97.. a. 61
211.. 144 2.6(1
At 2.10
46.. ..241 2.29

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