OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1872-1963, June 03, 1879, Image 11

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The Four-per-Cents Down Again
—Foreign Exchange
Chicago Discount Market
in Stocks Weak.
The Produce Markets Steadier—Pro
visions Easier, with Largs
Deliveries of Lard.
Breadstuffs Firm—-Wheat Quiet
-—Stocks of Produoa.
Bondi opened weak. The greatest decline
was in 4 per cents, which were quoted in this
market at 102% bid. against 103% hid on Satur
day, In tin; afternoon ihu murker, went oil
again tn sympathy with another decline nt New
York, and >ls were quoted In Chicago at lftl%
hid and 103% asked. Chicago dealers report
Hint they arc buying more bonds than they are
soiling. Their experience Is the same as that
of fho Now York Syndicate, the Individual mem
bers of which state Hint their purchases during
the break last week were larger than their sales.
Refunding certificates fluctuated with the bonds.
Brokers here at the opening of business paid
10%, keeping % below the Now York rate,
which was 102%, with the market reported
firm. The weakness of bonds forced the
buying price of certificates down to
302@103%, ami finally to lOJ%@JOI%. Brokers
were selling in (he afternoon nt 102<2!102%. The
changes in the senior bonds were not as great as
in fho 4s. Thu Os of 1831 were 107% bid, the Ss
109%, Uio 4%s 100%. The decline In 4 per cents
is attributed in some quarters to manipulation
by the members of the Syndicate for Uio pur
pose of getting hold of the large amounts of
refunding certificates held by the outside brokers
and dealers. The defect of such explanations
of the state of the market is that they cannot
be verified. The fact seems to be that the Syn
dicate have naturally lost their control of the
market, as they have passed their bonds over
into other hands. Prices will now bo fixed by
tbc ordinary prices of tho market, influenced by
the advertising and hurrahing of the Syndicate.
Tho common idea that largo amounts
of tho 4s aro being earned by specu
lative operators is declared incorrect by the
Financial Chronicle which stales that it has
Inquired during tho week of some ol our lead
ing bank officers, who always loan largely on
United States securities, and tho evidence they
all givo is, that they are having very limited
offerings of 4 per cents us security for
loans. The banks are carrying tho 910 certifi
cates in largo amounts, and must continue to
do so until July, when the calls mature and
tbc certificates nro convertible; but the bonds
they are not carrying, and there are but few on
the strebt. In n word, It is a remarkable cir
cumstance of this very remarkable negotia
tion that tho 4 per cents, os issued, have
gone directly into (he hands of investors.
In forecasting the future price of 4 per cents,
investors ami speculators alike should note the
significant fact that the newspapers arc almost
all “ bulls w on bonds. TUoAViutncfaf Chronicle,
the Public, tho Boston Commercial JJtUleUiiy (he
financial writeraof the New York dallies, believe
la higher prices for 4 per cents. As Journalistic
predictions of this sort ore almost invariably
wrung, it may bo eater to expect a decllnoln
Governments than a rUe.
’ There wasonlystmoderate supply of foreign ex
change bills. In Chicago sterling grain-bills were
485% tor 00-diy billy and 457% tor sight, ami
ITcnch were 518%(<v510.% for 00-daj bill* and 510.%
for sight. The actual Chicago rates lor sterling
Kcrei37@lß7% and4SS%<24BP, JnNcirYork, (he
actual rates were 4ST%IgHSt% and 450%. 'flic
posted rates for starling were 455%(2H00.
breach bankers* bills wore 515@512%.
Chicago bank clearings were -50.500,000, con
sldorably less than on the llrst day of lust
mouth. There were uu especially heavy deliv
eries, and the demand for accommodations for
liuurd of Trmlu settlements was not pressing.
Hates are s@o per cent an cull, with loans on
bonds mid refunding certificates at 4 per cent.
Time loans are 7(28 per cent, with some small
transactions at IKudO per cent. The currency
movement is still from New York to Chicago.
Thu demand for New York exchange la fair.
bocal securities arc inactive ana ilrm, with no
disposition on the pare ul holders to eel), except
at extreme prices. As indicative of thu ten
dency uf prices, wo note that In Now York Uhl
cagotn, tutig, ueu hcldut and that
for Klvcr Improvements 115 is asked.
Stocks were weak, with a decline ut the close
for nearly everything uu thu list. Tim bear
party ore jubilant, and predict a bad break, and
(hat very soon. To use one of thu agricultural
Idioms o( Wall street, It is “ between hay and
grass” in tbo market, with no very flattering
prospects for thu quality or quantity uf thu
hay. Distinguished operators have been beard
to express Dm opinion Dmt “stocks were pet
ting tired,” and their followers are dutifully
waking ready to Ue down. There Is not u stock
on (he list which these dealers can not show to
(helrowu satisfaction to bu too high, unless it
is Wabash, ft the market follow them, It Is
safe to predict a largo shrinkage lo values. Hut
with so capricious u market, it Is safer to pre
dict not at all. •> Michigan Central Is one of (ho
unlunuimtos which lias become dizzy, and it con
tinues m go down. U opened at 78%,
sold down to TO, and closed ut
fu January Jtwt this stock
was 73% ou the 2d, and 00% on the 27tli. The
range for 1878 was .58); and 75. Hut in that
year there was no such railroad war ns mnv
rages, amino talk of a now lino fur Vhu tlrjunl
Trunk. Louisville & Nashville was ono of thu
features of thu duv’s business. The opening was
wt 5T)j; (hero was a decline of 1, to f*i%, and
subsequently u recovery to 50. This ruaii, after
an unproductive interval of several years, paid
dividends in August and February lust, und Dm
present decline Is attributed wholly fo the aules
uf2s,ouQ shares without limit by the Cuy of
Louisville and twu counties of Kentucky. Luke
Shore went down from 75% to 74%. Northwest
common from U 2% to 02); j Dm preferred from
H4*( IO Pt 5 (. J j t. }*n*il lii'cllDf'd on Ji'rtltrhiif
»■■*»••• 'Mi*- tn<-1 |ii«m >,
;,nr)ri und itrn >*-*-ucu»*i *ily jmiMn/f
■**v for n >r*voinl <ron of mtecnlHtni*./.
.*». .‘lMl'inof. -akh nil’ U, I.U*T ' U-
a, ni;'t( *.* Ii J’h J liii) jin inrrn .t«i.:lii)i-il }r«n,i
V»l to UP)*. lUluuid to»L ,tu ; Oltio Ml»*
»-!*>*h>vl l Yi to nml 0., C., (J. 1. JY, lo
Mf'i. Kriu \uu notlffulily wruk. Tliu cuminnii
ilciiinud from «T;'Y to-7, untl iliu profmcd fn#m
fit tu iid)j. Kriu IkmuU lmv« rcoinUy (atU-u lu
pi'li u, iiiiil, in llm l.oiuloii Tunf», lnri/H
tt• iit>util n of Krlti Min-ki i|>nl iiomlfi have lately
i.wn boJil Inn-1; tu l.omloji by ,\o»- yurU u]»«ru
luid. VujliinAi ivus iiown UYi tnl^M; at. *Hiy
voiiinum %, Uuluwimi A HuiUuii to
N)>{; l.uckuwimnA to C.uunlu hoiulo
i-io tif tii; Kaiia.-i* »V 'l'vxmi }{ y tuli?Y» Hun*
b.n» City pwfuvrvtl % y to -l(i% l Wcatcru CuUm
lo U4‘a} Kuunttii I’nuiilc IJh to 57JY; St.
l.miU iV riun t’rnnuUcu nrtferrou to Uj (rim
to lil; Ailuntin %\i I'nciilo to
Union I'ufltlc uninvil Vi* to 7-(>Y*
.Nurl|tvu*nt yolU bond* wefo 1113Y> ux intvri‘»i
’Mi [iLTieiii: hi. I'aijl *lidiliii(-(undßt lbS.U'< Al
loimohliV, iOllJY; Cedar JUplda &
S'uriiK-rn sn, bIUY; Kup*** & Texas lirsts, 00.
lUdroud bond* In New York, on Kuturduy,
w ere In truod demand, the coid-roud* l*sue* be-
irci|er*l)y higher. I.elduh *Sc Wllkcbhuvre
consulniaicd ruse to H7J^« do, assented, tu 01l>£;
Murrl# tk Essex tlrut* In 143)Y; Amcrieuu Dock
A: InuiriiveinunlTo, to 70) Delaware & Hudson,
I‘cuusylvumu Dlvhhm, tp’jW; do, rcpUtercd t)f
iSDI, to UUJ.J; Delaware, I.Qckmvunua A} West
ern swondk to lOoJi; Canada Southern tlrsu to
81. Hume, Watertown «k Oudensburj; drat* fell
oil to 4i)(; und Kunuu* Ai Texas second* to
\Valm»b curuhips for the (bird vrtvk of May
Show a decrease o( |14,b34.
Business In ftioNew York mining slock market
wns active Inst week, According to the Now York
ffmjA/c tho transactions (n liodlc, Hulwer, (.‘on*
solidsted i’rtclflr, Bechtel, nod one up two oilier
shares completely overshadowed dealings in
other securities, am) the excitement at times no*
proiiehod a furore. There have been rich strikes
In the Hofilc, Standard, nml Consoldatcd Vndfle,
ntul others nro said to ho Impending. Rodin has
shown Uio lanrest advance,—from 921.60 to STiO.
Consolidated Racine was chocked In Us advance
In- n temporary reaction In the Ban Francisco
market, ilulwcr, Bechtel, Bdvldcre, mid May
belle have found many Purchasers. The old
hoiiivnjws, Consolidated Virginia and California,
were both actively dealt In, and show an advance
of over 91. In the local slocks Moose amt Lead
vtllo were the most active. The former 1m been
very firmly held, and shows no change in price,
while (lie latter has been slromror.
ported bv teiegrnpliwere
10 Kan Francisco Stock
M. View n
N. CJ, Virginia... 30'/,
N. c. Virginia.... ins
New York. 00
N.Donanr.a .. ...3.10
Mining stocks not rep'
quoted as follows at' tlx
Hoard Monday of last wi
Amies 4<t
Denton.. 4.80
Rent0n..........4. (IT
C. Imperial ...... 1.00
t*. Imperial ..... I.M
V. l*oinl
N. Iliinniizu ,
;N. Bonanza ,
'l*, siicrliiiin.
*. Point...
. 1
C. Dorado.
Sllrer Hill,
silver Ull).
Kciituck. ......... 4U Scorpion 2.00
1.. Kryan..... HD‘ Santiago 1U
11ryan.......... To IS. .Silver 10
L. Washington... 1.30 S.- Sliver, b. ft. ... 13
Leviathan. .. .... 73 Tmjuu... .. .... 20
Leviathan 70 Utah IH'4
Mackey 2.40 Utah IHli
Muckojr 2.40 Wort 1.10
M. View 2.00 JWanl ..l.no
The following given iho lluctuaUous of tho
leading alooka ou Friday:
Afocix Ot*e>H»o. IHghnt. l*\cfu. &n*lno.
K. Y. Central....3lo!i ... .... ll»ii
Mlchlifftu Central. 7«U 7a K 70 70?4
l.nWoShore ... 71 J «
c. a K.\Vc«tom.« i n*i os-u asfi <w.«i
Do preferred IH'i \MV» 04*,
M. I'itul.... ltoJ4 6154* Bl»i
j)o preferred Ul .... .... l*<i'j
IllinoisConirnt... H7'« H 7
Chi., llnr. &U...UU -lid
Union I’aclilc 74U ... ... 74(4
Krle S7?i "7
Wnbnsli llnilway.. *.V7»x U7*i 33J4 ;id»4
Oldo&Miss IS’» ... .... l.V.i
(?., C.. U. A 1 f,O«
If. AJyf. .la SJOli j»(Uf
11. A St. Jo,pfd.. 4‘i .... ...._ 4‘J
Pci. A Hudson... 61 51 4»V 50l£
1).,1.qck. * West. QOU 00*4 50! 4 510.
N. J. Central 53)4 53)4 61*4 63 *4
(Canada Southern. 58*4 .... .... 5H
Mo.. Has. A Tex. 15 .... .... 34»t
K. City A N. old. 41 40)5
W. Union Tel 114)4 114)4 IWS 114*4
Kansas Pacific.... SHU 58*4 57 67!*
St.L.AS*nP..... 10U Ip**
Vo preferred 12*7 .... .... Ji
Iron Mountain.... 27 a i .... ... 27
Alton 80*1 80*5
lirio preferred.... 51 .... .... stl*f
I.otilsvlllc ANnsh. f»7*4 Rtl 5(1*4 50
Atlantic A Pacific. 40 v 40! 1
Clove. .APIUa.... 00)4 tW’,
tr. S. da of 'Bl, exlnt 104*4 101)4
U. 8. now 5# of ’MI. ox Int li);i*4 iiaf*
U. S. now4!t». ex Im JOB 10U54
V. S. 4 per cent coupons .. 10314 10;i
U. 8. currency Us... . 132 ....
Hefunnlmr certificate 103*4 101)4
SMy Hnyt. Sln/d.
. 400
... 51.*. 613'i
.... 516 513! j
.... 40 40)J
t.’erinany ...
Holland... .
Aid. Aii/d.
Cblcouo Municipal 7b *ll3 nm
Chicago Water loan 7si <113% *113%
Chlcneo Municipal Us *103% •107>i
Chicago Water l««n H».. *in»'.i *lo7l]
Ohlcauu l.ltu'Ohi Park 7s ..*lO3 *lO4
Cliieuvo booth Park 75... *lo*l% *lO-114
Chicago Went Park *104% *lO5
Chicago Treasury Wairuuts tscrio). 03 PI)
Cookt’oiintyT* *113% ....
Cook County (short) 7s *lOl% *lo2»i
Cook Couniy ss'. *IOIT *102%
Cliy Hallway (Snath Hhlul lift's....
City Hallway ‘West Stile) 175
City Hallway do Tnorcent cents.,*losl4 *103%
City Ihinwny (North tdi10i.,.., ... ICO 125
l-ity Hallwayd* orih«lrio)7 p. c. hnil#*los% *lt»U‘*,
Chamber of Commerce 08 UO
*AqU Interest.
Following are Clilwiiju miutuUuiis for coins:
Trades $ U 7
Mexican (full weight) hy'j
relvn* A. HO
Nnpolemv* it.SU
Twenty murks 4.70
,Aii«trlnii llunni (paper).....
J’lvf; truncv
I’russlan Under*.
Holland guelder*..
Krouora (tmudUlU
.Muxiciuinniis. AiiiorlMntlouhluuiis
Spanish doubloons
kvwauul. imEwatsn,
101 \Vn»Ul(iKtan*«U«
Afid other uuod tecutlUcs at lowest market met,
JOHN 11. WlifiNN A CO.,
SO Walnlniiton*»t., comer Dearborn.
lllulicii prln** paid for the New U. S. 4 per cent He
Southwest i-urner LaSalle *ml nandolph'it*..
li buying ami suiting
Ami due* n Uuucral Dunking Huafaeif.
OKNlilUl, liUOKKR,
A permit rook C’miuiy Ucimu fur sola.
lUiiV lionk4 boimnt nnil »>M.
llmrlvenj' Ci-rlliloili-H Itonghi.
Highest prlco paid fori i*t cent ItulumKnirCmlrtfutc*.
v. (i. au/rojmvu.r,, *. m. mhuiiraco.,
Uacum. Now York.
t&urnsHTAhi* hwup.u * tu,
I-.**»vsMe-it., rliii-uijp.
:«C'H u UUI*I, I H.V
-ro'-Li...» ton ;• ti.i ii!«vr»,.U*f V.
}. »».r♦ imiai >U.\. .-imU; J.li.i (mtUafc.lAwt la*
nirolKliutl on amilfi'ullnu.
n-.-i'- .iJiiriTi.ii, nf ■ ■ 111* firm, nr*
li.'i-i* /• t • !».* >!*»?> *" » •'li’i’l, (
ribsf .v.vne.s.n bt.vj;
n.vrmT nr.iMißiT vaui.tx,
/u tin' Piui-nifnt oitti-i* of (tin )irc*l’ro(.f Uiiililim/,
I’rlvato ltuo-4 fur rent »t (k*iii s.'■ In *|i)|n-r voar.
I.nlMiii-ii on oiiHituuluii-ni., ami fnnn ilimrof Uaiik*
Kl’miNK C. I.ONd.
A. 0. UI.AUdiITMU.
K. AY. con Clttk *ud >l»ai»tm*»iii., Chli-iso.
limuli. I.flral ami l.aml Warrani*.
AJuhU-j- of New Vork MoeJ»
Jao.Kuil \Vuiiliii,*|on*«t.
And llivi'4|UU!Ut Km-urUlti of all Idndi.
. ICY l.aHalle-n,,
HA* you BALK,
N. K. cor. Msißion and l)oBTbvTn*»l».»
No notice required to draw money.
t). m. WVV.HON. Csshter.
Deft! In att the Iwum of U. 8. BONDS.
The NEW « PER CENTS rcmMantlvon Inin!.
I'ALLKD iv-etw ami pmos purchased or ex
eiMnirw) tn’iirri’iu MR**, .
Aim), Imy amt «itll COUNTY. C\T\, AND
Ftmmii. uosDN. . . %
DIM.H OF EXCHANGE on London. Parts,
Ih-Tiln. CnWMiiiAVrn. sud inner foreign potou.
Nhw York, Juno 2.—governments wers In-
Railroad bonds were generally firm.
State securities were mainly dull,but 10 lower
for Louisiana Os and 3s. .
TliCKtu"k market was fairly active, but specula-
I [on unsettled. In early dealings Micro wus a
slight decline, but before noon a firmer feeling
prevailed, and prices advanced % to 3%, tho lat
ter Pacific Mull. During tho afternoon coal
shares weru pressed (or sale, and fell off H to 1.
The general list was also weak, and n decline of
% to 2%, Michigan Central being conspicuous
in tlm downward movement. At the close there
was a partial recovery, but Hie market
dosed Irregular, Louisville & Nashville ad
vanced from 88% to 69, closing at Iho highest
point on tt favorable point received from’a re
reliable source at Louisville. Transactions
were 173,000 shares, U.OOU Erie, 10,000 Lake
Shore, 7,000 Wabash, 3,200 Northwestern, 1»,000
81. Pauls, 38.000 Lackawanna, 20,000 Now Jersey
Central, 4,flW Delaware & Hudson, H. 200 Morris
& Essex, 14,000 Michigan Central, 2,400 Chios,
20.000 Western Union, 19,000 Pacific Mall, 4,200
I.unlsriHu it Nashville, and 9,000 St. Louts te
San Frandsco preferred.
Munev market easy at 4@S. Prime mercantile
bankers’ bills, steady; 00
days’, 487%; sight, 489%.
Couponsof 1881... 107 V New-tpcrcent 103*1
New 08 121*4
New r, 3 100)»l
W. U. Telegraph..ll4 SU Paul, pfd DOW
(lulckellvor . ....114)4 Wabash 80jl
(JnlcKellvcr, pfd... :w Fort Wayne By*
Pacific Wall «. 1“ TwrolJaiile 31
Mariposa 10« H Tcrro Haute, pfd.. SO
Murhwoi, Old 107 Chicane Si Alton... 811*4
Adame Express.... 107!* C. A Alton, p1d....11l
Welle, Fargo it C’o.. 07H Ohio A Mississippi. 15
American Express. 47*4 De1.,1., A Western. *>l)l4
V. H. Express 4d'i A. A P. Telegraph. 40
N. Y. Central IH'M C., 11. &tt 105)4
KHo ar n. *Bt. .roe soii
Erie. pfd.. 0014 11. AS). Joe, pfd.. 42
Harlem. . ..... .. 158 Canada Southern... 08
Michltf.in Contra!.., 7054 1.. * Nashville..... 51)
Panama ...140 Kansas Pacific.... 57
Union Pacific....... 74 Kansas A Texas.... 14*4
l,nhe Shore 74*.»'8t. L. A Sail Fran.. o*i
itUuoisCentral Mlt)»]St. I*. A 8. F. pfd.. 11
Clcv. A Pittsburg.. Ht.L. AS. Ist pfd. 22
Northwestern U 2: *.N h n lIH
Northwestern, tifd. 04 »4 Cent. Pac. bonds . 12)4
C., C„ C. A 1...... f>o*i(Unlon I*ac. bonds..ll3
N. J. Central 52 U. I*. Und-arunta.m
Rock Island 1:585* U. P. Slnklng.Fdß.lU
tit. Paul 51*41
Tennessee On, old.. .TdJiVlrglnln Os, new... 06 ,
Tennessee Oh, new. 55215 Missouri ..... .....107)>
Virginia Os, 01d.... 32!i{ ,
Yjujtmsco, June 2.—Following were tbo
closing quotations at thu Stock Hoard:
Aloha 4?j
AUa 0VMc51&tn....... 4.1
Uelcher.., UcIJc 7
llchl OS Deleter 21 lophip »nu
million 7?i;OvBWM»n .. ll?i
California .... H?f Raymond A E1y.... IH*
nitollor.tpolo.il.. 8& Savage llfti
Contol. Virginia... 0?f Slerru Nevada 53%
Crown Point ...... G.‘* Union Consolldst’d, 03%
Hurolca Consol 18 YflMowJsckst...... 21%
Exchequer 8% ftadle 1... .......... 40
(ionld A Curry...,. 13 Polosl Wa
Grand Prize 4% Imperial 1%
11. AN 17J(Uomi. M BJ4
Julia ConeolfdaWd. 4ft
S.V.if 48714
018% 510%
TUfl following lastrumeota wore filed for
record Mouday, June 3:
Tlio pretulreu Xo. 3d7 North Clark at.
dated Mny HL (cHtutu or llcorgo Hurtiea
to Alexander A. Harriet) S
Cvntliln court. 451 ft h of o«dea av, o r,
CSsVHI ft, dated tietit. lb, IHTS (An*
drove I'ojiraon to Arxeliu I*. Mead)
Cyutum court, 401 ft » of WmTweuty
accmid at, c f, SAxWU ft, dutod Xov«
A. IH7T (Audrew I’oaraou to Oleu A.
lUr.iCn at, fill ft >v of tVaajitoiiutyuv, » f,
itixTHfl, dated .May Cb (Herman Kav
lu-;h Um*k to Michael Moouht)
Wright at, 110 It tv of Morgan at. n f. ICx
It (Hllb oilier pru(iuriy), dated May
17 (Myron 1.. Teuteo (trmdCe) to (I. A.
I’nnllna at, 7‘J ft ii of Mclle
UUUtU feet, Improved,
(Martin Krtiifli to Jocobb'
Thu prcmlH'S No. CO,'. Mlcl
MwyCb (it. C.» mid F. i
al. toHuruh H. o>iUun)
Wimeuav. l»d>M ft vuid. of Leavitt at. u
f,y:l r.b-inu.xlis ft, dated -Imu- C ( H|ch.
urdH. William* to AlbluC. Kliuri ....
Went Ohio at, llu’j ft \v of Aabluml nv.
n f, undivided *s«f‘- , l!aslo i .v I .ft. dated
Feb. Cl (entitle of Hendt lluiiqeu to .M,
I*. dkutvrupj
Alexander at, 2*. It w of Portland uv, a T,
Cr.xlUO ft, dated May J 1 (Muniia As
Nutria loConrudUouburger),... ~ ...
Lot JIM block 1 Starr"* E ]* SNV >i Dli Vi
Hoc I SI, Jill, Ul. dated. May id, IKT7
(Janie* It. I.eu to J. A. Lee)
iwuipi :i»
-’■*» tm vfl'j
i.ntust quotations for Juno dcJlvcrf on tho
leatlJutf arlldtu for tlm fast tiro business day*:
i>'n(tirth\v- Monday
% it. ti-hi 8 i).r.r'i
ti.or* u.ori
Klees nurk,
Hurd.... .
NtumUlun, boxed.
Siiuri ribs, boxed,
Whisky ,
L'ulllc . ..
'l'lu* following wore Uw roocljila mu) alilo*
menu of tlw loading articles of produce In tliU
city during the forty-eight Hours muling tit 7
o’clock on Monday morning, anil for llut cor
responding ilulu twelve munilis ngu:
Flour, brls.... 11,Ml 7,7w>
SVlicaU liu .. wi.lvil
Corn. Im nu.apj bio, no
ouu, tw.uui f.viiH
Itjc, bu IUI *1,074
Harley, mi 7,tt<u
(IrnMteid, JIM ac.irn
I'. I'-l.'
n.»»;m w,f. ......
i". i;ii i *. f-JJi. All,
llvt-f, JtS } ’
H'-af. In-1n..,. ! fin... ..
I I'm. ... I.J.i'll -U.'iol |..7.r"7
I III.''), It; •*..,. M4...1U -l. v U:,i 1,i.1,v»
.m.M, II.; .. [ 411, tHi ;..*»;.o(r' c-tf,
in-Vij I cl 1 .,
i.hi-iinp, .No.' ii..vu u,;**-) r.,,*;0
■ ’iitt'i*, No J -•,**»' l**i ; U,7*y , 1. 1 >i*
Mure, ..I ‘IIS' .v«ji ivnl l.ctU
iiiiict. hm.....] lui.uii! Jir.'ivu j w-j.j.oi i-i'i.iiu)
.Hi: mi
Wmii. um.u.vj.os i l kh,«,".i cuo.i'i:,
I'muitir;., itii.. ai a. mil J, ir*:r
ItiHi. tU'tn I N.l'.'ii, Tt.lCiJ H7J !«.h
llbv.liiii-. tm ( I Ki t l'*| :m
l.mnl'cr. hi/!.) H.mi.' c,u**| i C, ~,h>A a.jiv;
miimsWt. »i... vc**. t, cr, wi m
►*lf, lir( in* «,IM| I.aim
I’uuUri. Itw... dm,
Mini-. iikirm... 7:m. YU I in*, IU
CIH-vu*. liuxr*., a,.MUI' <!,.VIt t n.Ht'l’ UUI
(i. aiuili*, iirl).' 1 ( jo
Omni*, ini ;>:n> ill'll! \i~M. »$*
Withdrawn from Hturo durim; Kutnrduy fur
city euiuumiiiUm 5 bu wheat, \,VfH Im Cjv
Thu follonluKuritln was Impeded Into *'oro
lu thi* efty yeUerduyniuriilni;! 0 ted
Winter whom, I‘4 car* Xo. II do, X cur* relccted,
» i'Ht» mixed, VA car* No. 4 Uur4,140 cur* So. 4
spring (IU cur* No. 11 do, -U curl rujucted, it cur*
pourudu (.dst wheat): S curs yellow corn, 5)8
cuv* und UU,4TiU ua Ulah nilxuil corn, U cur* ncir
do, Ml cur* m*w mixed, UT4 card mid 71,1100 bu
No. 4 corn, II) car* rejected, 4 car* no prude
(I,4<U corn); 1 cur No, I out*, -Hear*No. 4,white,
04curs and J,llOUbuNo. 4 ndxcd, 44 cur* rejected
[W out*); I? eur* No. 4 rye, 1 c*r No. U burluy,
1 ear feed. Tutu) (1,700 ear*), 83.1,000 bu. In
spected mu; 47,018buwheut, 153,054 bu corn,
13,(01 bu outs, 1,003 bu barley.
The price of outs wu* not inalcrUlly inlln*
unccd by the (act that yestcrfluy uu* election*
oomethlnp like old-timo receipts of corn yes*
The following statement shows the rtlairUm*
lion of tlio hrcmlslofTs shipped from this city
dt/rlfitf fast vreokt
n>Mii v
i)y cunol
To llllfTAfo.
To Krte
T<»«»Ki|piiiblirg ....
jo Unroll.
To other n.M.porit
To .Miintrcnl
To KlnitMun *
Total* >. I
Atoo, 90,013 bit Tj
No meeting at the Hoard of Trade after 1
o’clock, no trading after tho 2 o’clock call, and
tbo Call Hoard room dosed at 2:45 p. m., are
now the rules. They will hold good till tiopt,
1, utiles* previously rescinded.
An Important advance in seeds occurred dur
ing last month, duo chiefly to fears that'the
coming crop would be short. Jho offerings
also have been light, the stock in the country
being nearly exhausted, and that horn has been
withhold or disposed of slowly at retail. Tim
othy advanced during May Hsc per bu, clover 15
(tf liOv, nod Hungarian and millet fITKrJ-tOe per hu.
People in tho trade are wondering how Cin
cinnati distillers are able to enforce tho Ohio
Idea of nuking money by selling their goods at
sl,Ol pur gtllob, which Is only lie after the W)c
duty Is paid. They say that it does not more
than nay for the raw material,—that is, tho
grain,—leaving coal, barrets, and tabor to ho
paid for out of profit and loss, unless It come
out of Iho tax,—which of course Is not a siip
posable ease. The market here was put down
to sl.Ol a few days ago, for tho purpose of
bringing the Cincinnati meu to terms; built
evidently did not touch them on their sore spot,
and the price hero was put back to $1.09.
There was a good deal of quiet f»u\t*(lnd(ng #
yesterday about tho magnitude of tho lard de
liveries. Wo do not now refer to tho number of
packages so much ns to tho quantity of lard
In each of them. Some lots of 250 tea weighed
fully 88,500 lbs, instead of tho 80,00015 & which (s
the quantity usually settled (or. Tills Is Urn full*
excess of 10 pur cent, and tho recipients did not
at all llkehavltig to pay at the rate of $0.07($ per
100 lbs for tho excess, especially as tho big Iron
bound tierces In which tho stuff was delivered
ware said to bo not regular In How York.
The stock of Isrd hero is believed to ho about
105.000 tea, there being a decrease of about
40.250.000 Iba net since March 1, as shown by
comparing receipts ami shipments, and on In
crease of 23,650,000 lbs on packing account. The
stock of pork la believed to be about 143,000
brls, being a decrease of 03,500 brls since the
close of the winter packing season. Tho lard
has been shipped out very freely, about 10,000,-
000 lbs per week, whilo scarcely ono-lhlrd of the
quantity has gone to Hew York. Uta Intimated
that some of It Is dropped at Buffalo, Albany,
and Troy, where it will lueetwllb cheap storage,
and not count In tho stock-takings of this city
and New York.
It was reported yesterday that the farmers in
not a few places afo replanting corn, as that
first sown has failed to come up, The weather
is supposed to bo against it, but they scarcely
have such weather h> the country as wo have bad
hero for two days past. Some fears were, Dow
over, expressed yesterday that wo shall have
broken weather during a considerable part of
tho time between now and next harvest, and
that the result will bo a very unequal yield, If
not a poor one, in the aggregate. These tears,
perhaps, helped to sustain tho markets in grain,
though tho further drop In lako freights had
moat to do with tho firmness la corn.
The leading produce markets were rather slow
yesterday. The first Iradlngdoy of the month
was not marked by much pressure to place stuff
received, except in lurd, the deliveries of - which
wero quito large. Deliveries of wheat were
email, and those of corn and park moderate In
volamc. The trading in provisions was mostly
In changes. That iq wheat was quoted alow,
being partially cheeked by the fact that it was a
holiday in LlyurDool, which meant no commer
cial news of value from that quarter. Thu mar
kets were relatively steady, though wheat was
nervous. Cora was firmer in spite of the biggest
receipts of the season thus far, and oats were
firmer, with n good deal of changing from Juno
into July. There was no material change hi rjo
or barley. Lake freights wore dull, though
lower, at 2o for corn by sail to Buffalo, apd rail
freights were dull because it was dllllcult to
tnako now engagements of room, the roads hav
ing already all that they can handle. Through
rates by lake and canal to New Tone were quot
ed at 0c on com.
Jobbers of staple and fancy dry goods report
u steadily good business doing, and tho tonu of
the market remains unequivocally firm both for
cottons and woolens. Groceries met with an
active demand, and prices, were fairly firm
throughout the list. Sugars show a hardening
tendency. There was a quiet market fordoiucstle
and fouev dried fruits, am( nriees were easy for
most linos. Fish were quoted us before, there
luting a liberal movement at steady figures.
Prices of butter ranged the same us on tho clos
ing days of last week, upd for good to firm table
grades the feeling was firm. No change was
apparent In the oil market, (.outlier, tobacco,
paints, and coal also were quoted unchanged.
I,umber was dud at the talc-docks. Tho
offerings were heavy, tmd buyers and sellers
were apart on prices. A lew sales wore made,
sumo common grades being easier. At the
yards the usual number of orders wero filled,
und the fluctuations in prices wore unimportant,
li’ool was firm, being In good demand and
scarce. The Western farmers are shearing,
and the dip has hardly commenced to
move out of their hands. Frlces are tending
upward, and It is reported that tho country
markets arc somewhat excited. Broom-coni
was in better request und steady. Thu sales of
hay wero somewhat less, owing to the senrity of
freight room, hut lower prices were maintained,
and dealers reported a fair local inquiry. Heeds
wore firm. Green fruits wero plenty on tho
street, and easier, except the European varieties.
The following were tho exports from the four
leading cities of tim Atlantic seaboard for tho
dates named:
(eyuuliU \tf r,
, ouldii Jimy il
:lili<uii u\\ dated
Ji. William* ub
X, 050
3.015 J
ii. oo ft 10
ji.iv.J7 n,w')U
tf,v.w» w,:«n
wn.fitH 417, anq
-n.iaii uio,wiq
a.mi) lu.iiM
4'i.uv.‘ sM.tmn
i.t.-u.sni (.am,7-
i! Vi! :
| »>m». ) Ooi*.
*tt-, w*j ' ifl^a'rii|J(SJ,wo
'3J “.SVv ........
B,»WV 307, .-Vrj flit,o3o'
PIO 1 MLIIII W,W»t ..... ..
sMS frt »,47«.
2,1* H.ai.V K>,lW>
I 41,VKJ.
j am ... U7 t ftT*j.......
I na.U)7M.oio,«n ktu7,th mrwji
ro md 14,047 bu barley itilppcd hr
llV« ‘kenti'a ll 'ftktnd'd Wttietnd'y
JfowJJl, Mow *44, June 1,
IK7O, IH7O. 1878.
Klouf. brlS.. 101,500 104, BUD 50,41).')
Wheat, 1m... 1,74.7,007 1.405,015 3,1JU,0.V1
Corn, bu l,ii;ui,7.-io 3,1*47,00*1 1,t)»4,1im
Oats, bu 20.150 4H.HSU 74,5511
Hyp, bu... .. ywvrni ih7,awi ikv*»b
Hsrltfy.hu... J. 820 10,747
Pork, brls... 4.i:!'B **.700 -Mill
l.ai-l, ih* 4,7.15.Pdf 5.7M.MJ.V 4.140,MPS
Hsvun. Ibi... ti.Jd'.’.tll'.s o. i>‘*4. 1*.,l tf.ivjo.iu)
MOMK* |.V MllllH.
The Mbiifln;; hthlo i|n* Muakii oV i’ridn
Iu New i ork mi (lit* ilat" i n,unr.:ls
I— ' jya/aiVrj/oV-k)V' l ' i '’h I
INTO, j luflt. I t(*7>*. I 1H77.
l > wi-,,uii |.wl.v*hi j.;au.m»S 4:11,070
4'ir,i»ki -m-voi gKi,<Nii .pei.siei
klUJ.'»rt a7o,mi ftPMwi: M 15.715!
I*7, »«t KVl.isrl IUJ.IK<M] Uio.7l'*
i:.A,u»v wi.wml
Tlit- Block or Hour fn Chicago Is reported ns
WI.IMbrU, npdnst MVJftubrla May 1, 1670, nnd
•jff.fWJ hrla Juno I, 1676.
Thu following \ycrc lh« stocky of pork and
lurd In Chicago, us reported by lb« SccfcUry uf
Urn “ Call ” iiuuvd, on diftds nmpcil :
JnutU .IfUt/IU, hi, i/iuisl.%
IHfn. l*Tri. 1U77.
Mo,*«ork, 177.:wu i7.VJ"d you, -n't
Lard, re* |:«7.n7U 171,»7ci -|it.2i;»
Tim utncU of nurk In Nuu* York U 02,1X17 Itrla,
ajralnstOrjOJ Lrlu M«yl, 1670, uml oj,l(Ulbrls
.liiim 1, 1676. Thu Block g(lard J fi JIO.IVH |vs,
uualnut tvl.lWfl tea May 1,1670, uml QMdl tea
Juno 1,1676.
H im loUmvliig table exhibits the stock of pro
visions lu New Orleans on the dates named:
.Vn«:io, Api-i> -.‘o,
IKlll. 1670*
Mean pork, brls., 2,7(1.!
(UUvr itotk, br1a........ ...... 7>'id M 5
Urd, tea... nr? 7HI»
1-urd, Wc«a uml pull* WO OUI
b. I*, bums, tea (fit t«
Mui-<mahimldura, cu8ku....... , 211 71
UncoilH. Jl, sldea, cask*. iVii 2TI
ilacuub. C. aidua, ctuk* 2'.’o tin
Dry suited ebuiildcr*, casks. 477 yTI
Dry suited H. It. sldva, raskn 20
Dry suited b. »/’. slims, ouku... 22 ....
IN MbW routs IbaTKItUAT.
New Youk, Juno H,—llocolpts—Klour, 17,015
brlsl wheat, AUil,l>oU bu; corn, 00)1,7(15 bj; uuls,
w/f^imiiwriHHn 1 . IW i'lhh: hi', Pui
barley, 2,550 1m; mall, 5,575 bn’, pork, 1,210
brls; beef, 2,470 tes; cut meals, 2,U52 pUgs’,
lard, 11,005 tea; whisky, -1(1 brls.
Exports-—For forty-eight hours—Flour, 11,000
brls; wheat, 211,(XX) bu; corn, 105,000 b»j outs,
28,000 bu; rye, -111,000 bu.
imtuustirm is nunoi'R,
Tho results of Import* of flour ami wheat Into
tho United Kingdom from tlie laid Suptrnn*
ber, 1878, to May 10, 1870, loan tho export*, plus
the homo deliveries of wheat, have been lor Iho
hut three years os follows:
l*7U 1R77. )H7B. .
Oil'll ferf. OuiiiUv». Qii'irlert.
7,*.m4i<i uvi-Jo.iMfi
mutant n.n.vA.v.v) 7,.vn,a.vj
Wnt Import*,..,
Homo delivery.
Total supply..„.,ta.««a.7nn in, -m PU74,ou
Consumption H.r,an.(ws H.Hiaaio Ifl. m.mo
surplus i.-iaa.ctJi i.tniu.m
pendency boa,ntts
The Official Journal gives (ho following as tbo
cereal statistics of Franco lor two years t
tffW. | 1877.
Aertnfti •. [ Quoi to*. Aermg*., | gunr/rr*.
WUoaT.~ pu’oa.3o w-MitTh-vi n.wviwiovchoiT
Mciodf.. c,t.H.wt ammo
Uye.;.,.. H.C]NMC>O 4..VW,i.im! K,,*.7a,A1l
parley... n,4H7,iiik ■aim.\7hv, r h im:i,7iv
imcKw’t I.WW.OH) 5i,010.470 1.R1M,40t S1,?«M»«U
pit*.... fI.iMi.UUJSM.W.MU)
jiffitW '’wilm’l 7, &Wm!I I.mitx. !um,..0
niiaiors a, ten,coo,' i»,qia,tco« fi, tat, too, io.wu..vin*
tMixture of wheat and rye. * Crot*.
1100 PRODUCTS—Lord was quito active, and
other product fairly so, but chiefly in changes from
one month to another there was very Kttlo new
trading. The market was caster, though hogs were
quoted Arm. hut tho feeling wqs'gcuorally o steady
one. Tbo dellvcrtcsaf lard on June contracts were
heavy, ami that brought out a need many offer
ings, those of pork were fair, and meats wore
offered quite freely. Tbo carrying charges wore
slightly wider on lard, and about the some on pork
and meals as at tho clone of Inst week. Snippers
dtdllUle; they were apparently waiting to seethe
effect of tho June settlements on the market.
Mess Point—Declined Cc per brl from the latest
prices of Saturday. Bales were reported of 0,500
brls seller Juno at 8U.57HQ0.a71i; 17,500 brls
idler July at und 0,750 brls toller
August at 80.80OU. UO. Total. 33,750 brls. Thu
market closed tame nt SUATHQU.OO for cash or
seltur Juno, 8U.700U.721* for July, snd S'l,B‘2!j
for August. Old pork was held at SU.OO. Prime
mess pork was nominal mSU.DOaO.oO, and extra
prime ut 87.7508.00.
LAim—Declined about 2Hc per 100 lbs from the
latest prices of Saturday. Sales were reported of
.150 tea a pot at 50.030a.07H; 17,500 tes sollor
Juno at sd. O.VQO.O?H: 17,250 tes seller July at
$0.12'»00.J7!*5 and 0,750 tes seller August nt
1 80.22HQ0U.25. Total. *11,850 tes. Thu market
closed tame at 80.05 spot or seller Juno, 80.12!»(c&
0.15 for seller July, and 80.20Q0.23Ji for seller
.Meats—Wore n shade easier, short ribs declin
ing about 2!lc per 100 lbs. A few purchases were
miulo for shipment. Sales weru reported of 270, -
000 lbs shoulders at sU.U?H@ : h4asnot, average;
tZl.Ufrfi.H.UTii Heller June, ami s.l.sosober Julv:
40 boxes do uc $.'1.00 spot: 20 tea swoe.-olcklcd do
ut-H{o( 500 boxes loiigaml short clears ul 84.07!}
<*(.4.7(1; and 2.750.(100 lbs short ribs at 8L460
4.50 seller Juno. 84.0004.(12‘i sollurJuly, 54.70
CM.75 fur August, and $4.821404.85 for Septem
ber. Tho following were tho closing prices on tho
leading cuts;
I L. i(-H. Short
c/<ari, <t(ars,
Loose.part cured S:i.4o
iiuscd slab 4.o‘ii* 4.10 4 .m
June, boxed .... B.f>& 4.o‘2i{ 4.70 4.HQ
July, boxed ;i.0.1 4. Wit 4.80 4.00
> S/iarl
Lun? clears quoted at 84.42>i loose, and 54.07* *
boxed; Cumberland*, S4.o2jiiy*l.7r> boxed; lomr*
cut batua, T'iiQJOc; awecupickled liutno, 7'4<3>
7iiC for 111 to 15 lb avorave: green haul*. Wifyio
for amuo averages; green shoulders.
Ilacun miutuil ut 4UGM?*c for shoulders, «">*•<&
fllic for short ribs. for abort clears, HJ4®
0c for bams, allcnnvnscilaml packed.
Uuufciß—Was qwlot tu #ri.ooj),.VJs for No. 1
white, 4!i©sc for good ycllpw, and for
BKKF PRODUCTS-Were firm and quiet at
gQ.OOOO. 25 for high. £lO. OOdblO.Cu fur uxtra
mess, and $1(1.50(317.00 for bams.
Tau.n\r—'SVas quiet ni ttftOtie for city and
Oc far coatitrv, with ante of 200 brla city at-SO.OO.
-an uAnsTjjmra. ,
FLOUR—Was more active, nearly all the ut»lls
ble offerings being taken up. There was a good
demand both on home and export account, and the
market ruled quite dm. Balaa ware repotted of
33obrla wlntdra atso.'isCt(l.SO; 1,000 brla double
extras, chiefly at $4.00£&5.00; 240 brie extras at
1,085 brU supers at 52.25:32.85;
nml 100 brla rye flour at 83.01). Total, 3, AGO LrJs.
Tuo following was the nominal ranee of prices at
the close:
Choice winters $5.50 tftfl.2s
(loot! to choice winters... 4,75 (£5.25
Fair to eood winters 4.0 n (M.ftQ
Choice Minnesota* ......... 4.G0 tfaG.Uo
Pair to good .Minnesota# 4.00 04.50
Fair to good springs ... 3.75 04.25
Low springs... 2.50 <h.U.OU
Patents 0.00 08.00
Hiun—Was fairly actlvo nml n shade firmer.
Sales wore 150 tuns at 8B.u!)08.75 per ton on
track, anil SO.UOQO.3m free ou board cars.
CoiiN-llcAt—dales were 10 lons coatso at $18.(10
per tun on truck.
MinnuNoa—Sales were SO tons at SIO.OO.
Shout*—Sale wu» mafia ot 10 tons at JU.Tu.
81'ltlNCl WUKAT—Waa quiet, but firmer. The
market for next month advanced 7 4 'c, ami closed
lie above the IntcHl quotation of Saturday, while
Juno advanced Ic, and closed l-i'tj.Jic blither.
There were no public advices from Liverpool, but .
New York was acllve, white our receipts were
larger, witli relatively small shipments. There
was no apparent reason for thu advance outside
of (ho fun of small deliveries ou June contracts.
This caused a bidding up curly, ninlur lliu Ini*
prcsslon that thuro would ha a brisk doinund to till
shorts, lint thu inquiry was light, uml the market
toon foil back. A pood deal was uttered for next
mi.mu Into iu thu session, sumo large selling orders
Jmvinp been received from the ontsldu. Thuro
was a fair (K'limiid for the current receipts nf No.
seemingly to remain In store, the market closing«t
No. tt was in fair request, but buvurs
Insisted early on u concession or lie; they after*
wards paid Saturday's latest quotation, the inur*
kut closing at hOc, or 31 ye below thu price of No,
■i. BellurJnnu sold early alol.o'. M i,declined to
sL.ni!i('4l'Ul?i,nmi closed at JJI.OHi. Boiler July
opened at i>li'a(%U(H|C, advanced iu hnfjc, tie*
cmiedtoPßMc, and closed «lPrt;»c. August was
quoted alUd closing at 114 o. Boot sales
were reportod of 87.000 bn No. rial Sl.Ol^l.ti^!.:
•JN.OOUbu No.
atilOGiUdc; titi.-UU) bu Ov sumule mollis 83c; -too
bit dont 07c. Total, 140,400 bu.
OTimn Wiikat—Sales were 400 bu No. Somber
winter at $1.07 lu store; 0,300 tm red nt yi.ui
switched; 14,400 bu winter ny sample nt uocift
81,07: I,(JOU bu No. Si Minnesota at 31. 017.1; 400
tm mixed ot 31.07; 400 Im do nt tlDc; 4UO bu wheat
screenings ul 450; 400 bu dual4oc.
UIUN—Wuh moderately active, uml stronger,
advancing and closing abovuihu
latest prices of Saturday. Thu greatest strength
wns in this month's deliveries, thutich the receipts
were very large, mid New York was limited dull,
wtdlu our shipments wore small us compared with
the receipts, Tim causes of strength werMwn;
a reduction In rate* of iruiuhlby lake, and the ux
tluvmlly cold weather, which led many to fear fur
the Integrity of thu next crop. It was ruportud
that replanting Ja u necessity in many places, nod
u good tunny operators deemed it prudent to till
their shorts, though not exactly Inclining (u the
short crop theory. They rctlectud that corn is
possibly 100 low to maKo the short side a safe one
with any but really pood prospects for thu
noil crop. Thu deliveries on June contracts were
smaller than hail been espeep-’d by tome,
MiOinfr* r* lOr-mlv ■» (;.n-d moo; ir„ i,--. fur
mix noiiiin >ci a,ipiotmc.il t<>. v.hila tliij onis
toil!: hold more ficxiv. " ’IU rHi ; imn.ili Op;.,cd
atSlVif, advanced l«) *>s V- uml nh<«,od »t‘AVrC,
belh-r JutysoblarShKjf'iJth'.e.. e|o iu .* with p, id
era pi thu oniitU'f, t*i |h r .lirtU'i r oid nr di'gi-a
l’» »*’, mid tienipmoer at l ull corn
eluted uvU-Vic, with seared,- a uliutlo of dlM.rl.ii*
limtlon in favor of high mixed. Bput sates were
rtqinriod Ml J-'I.VM) bp No. ;J uml blah mixed at
:i.V,(WI-V,e; (I,OHM high mixed at c; BMM Im
new mixed ul SJI ■*„(•; Tib mi whlleot 4De; })|,hthl
tm So. duml hmU mixed uv iiiUui:
n.htio Im iiy rumplu ui ud-Mi'i 1 ,)- on n.u-k; ;ir. iu(i
Im do at ;i.V.iis/;iTc five on hoard refs; 3,100 bq
do at in'?'lie; amt 41)0 bn curs at ;o*c. Total,
JCU.miO tm. •
O.V’fb— M’oru only fulrlv iicllvu, advancing nbout
?,»•, Tiiv receipt* were llwiul, tmt cash oal* scum
ml i<i In- KtMuv, the deliveries were reported
small. uml future* udvum-cd mulct a luirlmtnlry,
unit seller* rathur mromr liuhvlr Ideas. Thu mar*
i;envan u altunu easier at tbp close, in symnalbv
whii other i/rulu, and Nmv York >v«i reported dull
by telegraph. btdiur .Itino opened at «n‘*c, rm*«
itt'.’u’ai’, uml dim'd ui yi»/»p. duly *1)111 in shfifa
:ui\c* mu) I'hbvil it) .A itutut imiuuhi sWitff
title, uml eluted ut uuuut ynLu- No. :l broimhl
Uli?aC early, uml caMm* soli’, ul later
Uituo session. humpies wore more tictivo for ship
ment, Cash Mill'd werereported ul Jd.iMM) bn ho,
Ut|i U.CJUU bu by rumple ut 2U(t!W)rCI
uml U.uoil hn while ui JlTV'iKPjc, oil on track; uml
in.aiM) Im mixed at UJI' idi.;r.c; miii2n,4m> imwhUu
atmVfrtkie. ull free-on hoard. Toluk I"),-lilt) Im,
11 \K — hub nmet mid steady. Thoro wuusomu
iiionlry lor future* at Me for Jm»oorca*u, uml
f*lf duly, with wo ufforluip. Humpies were
in fu]r roniu'Mi. t’e*h sales «n*f# reuurtfu ol ■iiM)
Im .Vo. 1 at »Vl!«o: huu Im Nn, 5i ol .y4«i »m »«•
jucied ol 4ilc{ bt)U bu by aowulo ut.i-l'ic ou truck*
uml 2. AGO Im do ot Wo (fee pii board. Total,
|»AIfI,KV-Wou veryqulft. Nw. 2 jvoh fjuoiod
uIUUIMWt«,-uud uxtruJl utAIKWWu, No, .Isold at
Hie, A few sumpleu wentuuon by iuihi vuiiuum
or», Cash sum* wcw reported of -ton bit extra It ut
duct boo bu No. il at sum; boo tm by sample ut Ad
(ijiAac on track. Total, H.WW Im.
VrH nork—TuOdd b(U«t9».t7 l 'i for July. Lard—
OIVU U» at 60. slut* for Aujilal. b|iur( rlhs-I.'iU.O(M)
jha at 81. ?f» scllor Aut'usi. Wh.-m -•‘im.iHM) hit at
W)* f koo.%9 lyf rfSlSf VM*b fur August, Curti—
SflO.OqO b» At n:.\c for Jttnn And 8Q?t03(l!4 for
July, Gala—.*lo,ooo bn At StKJOOJjc for June.
Wheat wss steady. Bales worn reported of 73, •
000 Im at na?*c for July. No. 3 was quoted nt
7O;‘i0HOo for Juno mid HObtff 81c for July.
•Corn was Meivdti with wow of 00.000 hu atOQVi
®3UJio for July And H7SO forttogum.
OrtlH—Hslos 25,000 bn At 2H%'c fur August,
Mom pork was easier. Halos wore reported of
9.000 brls «t|U.S7H for Juno and $t».7001>.72)i
for .Inly.
Lard was quirt nt $(l. 02*403. 0." for .Time, $0,1214
011.15 for duty, and $0.2»0i1.23Ji for August.
Short ribs-200,000 ltu< at sJ.4<i seller Jiuio.
Bales of corn wore reported lo the afternoon at
OtPjiAntifto seller duly.
Moss pork brought $U.72}4 for July, and lard was
quiet at $0.13.
BROOM-COUN—Dealers report a better trade
and a steadier market. Trices aro revised as fel*
Tine green carpet brush, 9 lb,
flruon hurl
Ited'tlpood hur1.......
Kins ffreen, with hurl to work It.
Hcd-tippou do
DUTTKK—The market was firm for good to hest
grades, but was dull and heavy for tho poorer
qualities. (£untat)oDa remain as before:
ttnod to choice dairy ~
Inferior to common ... .. ~ .............. s(ft y
WAQQINO—Was quoted fairly active and firm.
Trices range as before:
mark 25)4 Durians,4 bn ~.11013
Brighton A... 25 Do, sbn ism*
tutor Creek... 90H Gunnies,»Sngt«..l:krplfl
LcwUton ..... 21',t Do. double
American i!0l{ ll’ool sacks 401M5
11U1LU1KO MATRltiALS—Wsrtf In fair request.
Trices remain as they were last week. Materials
are now plenty. Following arc the quotations:
Common brick, par m............... 5 -(.ftOift 5.0(1
Tressed brick, nor 19. OOCMH. 00
J.IIIIO, In bulk, per brl flOtfo 05
Lime, In hrja, headed 70(T6 75
Cement-*, per brl . 1.25(& 1.50
I'orllanrt ooment, per brl
American do, per brl... S.fiO© 3.75
Tl&slcrtng hair, per bu 90
Michigan stucco, per brl LOjtfh 1.40
OIIKKSB—OnIy u moderate bnslnoss was dolns
In this branch of ir.idc, and the fooling was agAin
weak, the supply exceeding the demand. Wo
Fail cream, now 7l4fft7H
Tart skim, new 5 QU
Full skim, new ~3 PAOy
Low grade ll«^-
COAlr-Wns quoted Arm at $4.hQ for anthracite,
at 84.50(35.00 for Krle, npd atlh.OO for Illinois.
COOTEffAOjf—Tork barrels sold at 85c and lard
tierces at $1.15.
KOttb—‘Wore quiet at fHftOf4o per dos for cases.
FJHII—Met with a good demand, and prides Were
aieadDr bold at the following range} _
No. 1 whltetlsh. 14 li-brl 9 4,100 4.25
Family wiiltoflsn, }4*0r1............. 1,000 9.00
Trout, li-brl. ... «... 3.000 0.75
Mackerel, extra-mess, J4-brl 12.25019.50
No. 1 shore, !4*brl.. 10.2.1010.50
No. 1 bay, J4-brt 7.000 7.95
No. 2 shore, >4-htU..,. 6,500 5.73
No. 2 bay, tj-br1,........ 4.500 4.75
Largo family „ 4.50
Fat family, new, J4*brl .. .......... 3.000 3.25
No. 1 bay. gits 1.000 l,2j>
Family kits J 7«sft 1.00
Cleorge'acodllsh, tba
Bank-cod. « lOOJfia 3.500 3.75
Compressed cod $
hrcrtsud cod GHO 7
Labrador herring, split, brls. 0.2.»
Labrador hcrrlnu. round, brls 5.750 «.00
Labrador horsing, round, H*hrta..,. , B*so
IlrtUaud herring 1.230 1,30
Huiokcd halibut,.. 11
Healed berrlnff, fl box 30© .13
California uulmmi, hria .... 13.00
California salmon, 4-brle 0.75
FJiUITS AND NUTH— Nothing nowwaa devel
oped lu this market. There was a light demand at
the range of prices given below:
.% b ©
14 O 16
«M« Mi
. 10 <& IB
. 1.66 @l.llO
. £.OO @3.10
. 1.06 @1.70
. 7? m 71i
4 a
. 11 @l6
V'lgt. layers
Turkish prunes
French prunes, kegs.
French prunes, boxes.
ilalslns, layers..
London layers
Loose Muscatel.......
Valencias, ncty
Zanto currants......
Apples, Aldoo. II ® 14
Apples, evaporated OJ4@ 10
Apples, NewTorkuDdMicblyaa.. Oil© 4U
Apples, Southern B*4® 8»
Apples, Ohio. 314® au
Poaches, unpsred, halves..... ...« 314® 4 '
Poaches, unuared, 3Vi® UK
Jlnsoborrlcs .. 30 <54 31
Pilled cherries. ■. 33 @ 84
Filberts 0 to 10
Aliuoiidi, Terroeona 10 to HO
Naples walnuts ... • ISttto 1-»14
Hnu«* £ 0 0
Texas nocans 7 to 71*
lUver pecans »;ito 8
WlUolncton peanuts, new. 0 to o|*
Tennessee peanuts, new 4 to »U
Vfiyini*peanuts. OUto OJi
UUKKN FUUITB—Wore to fair request, Worries
wore more plenty. Other domestic fruits continue
scarce. Oranges worn firm, and bananas and
prunes easy under rather frea offerings; '
Hlrawborrles, $} case of H 4 qta fH.Snto 4.00
Apples, from store H.DOto 0.50
Lemons, Vl>«x tbpOto i'i*?
I)ranuc»,Vbox.... ............ 4.fioto G.RO
Uunanss, Hlmncli... y.oo© 4.00
(frcoauuls, 9? 100 4.00
Pineapples, ifldus.., ...» I.CO® J.QO
QHO(JKUU2B~.Tobbers report a continued free
movomont in staple and fancy groceries, and the
tanu of tliu market remains tirm. Vr'o contmnp tu
quole as follows: *
Mendnllrg. Java....
O. O. Java
OxJu Jllcjl,.. ......
Cliolcu to fancy Itlo
Good (uprlinu.,,
Common to fair,
Potent cut loaf,
UnuiHfalfd ... .... .
A No.
Kxtmu . ..... .
0 No. I
C No.
Yellow... .......... ... .. ...
Now Oj-Jojum white, cJurillou....
Now drlc-Hiia prlmo to cliulcu ...
New Orleans fully fair to prime.
Now Orleans fair
California sutwrOoaf drlua...* ».
California silver drip*
New Orleans molasses, choice, .
l)o prime
Common .. ........ ...... .. ....
Common molasses
Uluck strap . ........
Calcium ylnuur.
Trim UUie.......
lilac lily
Wtiito lily
Buvuu imperial..
UtTiuuti iputilod,
J’cpc)} alassom,
K.W-M'j.n In mucVotl" and ntoui*,
Tn.i )ilipl»rfrl liV Mif> In*,
(illlt V of ino r«llratii}a lu supply cam. lol«
Imviutf tm tl*o qocl«(lo«i/: .... _
Xo, i Itn.iiriiy..,. .... .Wl.OlWhll.Rn
y ii 0,..,, .... lo.niK//Mo..‘n
Jllir .ltlo H.oofih n f oo
i'filttiul pr<lel«»... ......... K..Vl'W),lwj
xi>. I 7.0«{tt>7.30
IliDKH—Ucrts m inirrmpient »ml hU'iittr. Tito
rmrlji/s «r« »ai«U. nti<i noma or<lw4 are uniting la
winch dujilur. nro tllUmt frum at«fc:
J.liflit L'nicii hide*. W 1a.... 7*f
Heavy tha V«» 7 f fy> 712
ilnitinut'd ito, y fl
rami 1
fair, 10 mo*;
IkmcuuH, V tb..,. ~..U5 (t,i ll
Dryilfat, ifift, prime ii
Dry lllut, V ft. dumuuial.M, 11
I)ry«iiliu<irii H» (f-l'i
Jrynultcil, ftlb, duuiutfiul .............. 8
Ircca city batchers’, cowa, Via.., ~ « r»u
irutfu cU? buichura*, uttrcrtf. if 1h,,. U‘l
Bhea» lu-lla, wuoluatlumiutl, >Ub. i!H
OlLS—Wcru steady at Suturuay'i (imitations. A
fair Uumuiul existed. Wu repeal our lUt t
I'artnm, iKiduuruosteat..... 0
Curiam, Illinois Icaul, |SU (ley. lull 1)U
Carbon, liruiUltflit. 1.5 deurvea iu«V lf>U
fartiim, MlgUltfua lujwl lc*L ........ ls*±
Klauio, 151)deyrccaiosu........ ... J«
laird, extra............. M
).:inl, .No. 1 -11 l
iJW, No, 4(1
raw. ... (ly
l.liuc-yii, MloU .. .......... (it
U'liule, wluipr bleached. 5!Wh fis
tyorm ....ll.’iDicl.ii.S
Ncaufoot ult, btrlctly jiuru 7U
Ncaufoot oil, ultra,. '.. IK)
Nwtaluul ui), No, 4»
llaukull an
biralts f i. f . 40
Turpentine ill
Miner* 1 oil, extra yellow., fly
Mniurtf’o|l, while 65
Naphtha, doodutvwd.tW gravity..... tu
(imollne, deodorlxcd, 74 degree*.., 13
(laaolluv, 87 degree*.... .... 10
W «»i Virginia, natural. -8 degree* lui
Natural. UO degree*. .. ... ...... 2a
I(filucc*l, t*B degree* 154 ft 1H
IhtTATOKB—Were \n fait local rcuuo*t and
At jM.CKVfI4.2S per brl, Old nn«.m ,
.lemly nt u;/ih7“i pop t>ii, mililiK? *'<•
'Ti m '""1 " l4r,r S '«
i*nut.ru\-\VM «iow mui t»« »
las:: fk'H'k;':;'.' 1 ';"
Hnrlng chickens.. •••••••• • «;’.->oTr,‘i. n A
Turkovs, livc. in ”
Duckn. N dor. *
HUKIW—Were quiet. -'"I
w«fff H»llo larger. but they weni|« m,?i.
<*r» Ideas, and im auto*. wcrerepo«,.,) ,J "/-
ratna havu brtghietwi the imAv- rV ior n' 1 rrr,, «
Timntliy wns quoted nt Vo .mV'i ,f "»-
Cimrso milt, $ brl Ltd
Dairy, W brl, without bags 1.40
Dairy, ft brL with bugs , . 1-70
Ashton and Knrekn dairy, V sack o
TKAB-TW. market tweVllS
Trndo was siitlsfnctory. Wo quote* w Ic3lurc, <
IIYSOK. iwVptt...
OmStS iSKW Sft'B
Superior to Hue. „ HOfMO Kxtra rtm» to Bm.ll
Httra fi«o to finest ftO&W onS.!" 1 * °° Su «
Choicest 05070 Common to fair i s « n ,
urxrmvnKn. Hunerlnrio fl u-! ;S
Oonminnto fair. ..2001)0 Kilralhio
Superior to fine.. .35015 Cbnfceat
Kxlm line to finest 50000 «oicitoN-o a\V. rnv. ' Al °
OI )^^V.V.“;,V 7 ,"® HU Snpurlor to
lUlISfa-llns In moderate demand« if?!?
cent advance. Pales w«ro reported of r>ou h . ,!u
“KiS. ” ,Ua “''“wAt
WOOL—Waa In good demand, scarce, and hip.,.,
Thu receipts continuelight, and won!"“SR.
tnovhin freely In the Interior. Cray. bM
Co. Boston, write (May 111): “Tim dotnaffi-*
tinnes active forwoola now arriving In thnS?*
kot. and prices have hardened a iluio for .am.*
pradcs. Kentucky and Missouri wools hare S 5!
mcudUy «IS<i ny rnoffi*
Washed fleece wool, pa? lb , "*ol*
Medium unwashed, now
Ffno do. now ’"’'Ti-Vi
Coarso do, new * ‘ ik"7[l
T|)b*washed, cholco.now
Tpb*washed, coiumou to good. new..,. ....,•«)«'■[•
Colorado, medium to flue." ......... . ,^*2l
Colorado, common '
Colorado, coarse
:! «
.a «a
. ItfMO
OATTLE-flecolvcU during Sunday and Monday
4.000 head; efttuo tlmo last week, 3,087;
lust week, Q»,«UB, A market more thoroughly
dull and generally unsatisfactory than was j e , t<r .
day’s U would ho dinicult to Imagine. To the lari
number of cattle loft over from last week ton*
4.000 wero added during Sunday and Monday
awoilma tha autmly to aucb pcopocUona tun eni
bad tbo surroundings of tho market been fatwabj®
to activity and firmneas U would have been next ta
impossibiu to avoid a decline. When, in odrtuioa
to Hie excessive supply, the fact that New York
was reported lower Is taken Into the ac*
count, it will bo seen that tbo situation was about
as unfavorable as it could well be. There was
present about (bo usual number of bums, all
classes being fairly represented, but none waj <]|,,
posed to lalto bold save In a limited way. and
tho total offllMlcs ent n sorry tore
Aside front Texas cattle, of which about road
bead changed bunds, sales dlduot reach r.oo head.
It was by all odds tho dullest market day that
sellers have encountered within a hrelve-morufi.
Prices wero lower all around. In (Moping mdei
a decline from Friday Inst of -O0.:iOc tvasmitcd.
while in comparison with the opening price* of
last week the reduction was a good full tUfrJnc.
llow much of a docllnu there was In common qua]'
ftios it is impossible to say, as them was not
enough trading in that class to give sny fair ides
pf market values. Tbo reduction mav be ret down
anywhere from 7.»pftsl.3u, .Sales ranged from
82.30 for very common Tpxans toss,y:> fur a lo;
of fancy native fleers, sold by Ilnlmca k HeeVm
to on exporter. Texans sold at $2. ho for
Roor to good droves, averaging from r>oo to 1.001
is. Tbo market cloned hard with a two days'
supply remaining In the yards unsold.
No, At. Frier.
17 1,48015.03
30 ..1,417 4.116
18 1.380 4.8315
16 1,854 4.00
01 1,208 4.46
10 800 4.30
53 4.15 I
23 003 3.85 1
30 Texas.,. 810 8.80
20 Texao. .. 704 S.BO j
23Texas... 800 S.BO 1
74Texas,,. 820 2.70
07 Texas... 818 2.0.7
42Texas... 778 2,70 |
70.......... 7HS 2,70 I
6ft 771 2.70 I
HOGS—Received dnrfru
23,000 bead: sumo time lu
last week, 133,345. The
active market yeslordav, i
tUo close, when it slum
though the change did not
decline. Packers took I
than of late, mid, as there
demand, the simply, tho
opening doy. was easily d
from s.7u®a.2Q for at
choice heavy, with most
3, ((0 for common (o prime
3. UO far heavy puckers', ut
Id choice heavy shlppci
puckers paid $3.03. limit I
of light htigs at that iif
quiet and weak at the abc
are tuude suDjoct to a shrl
sows, aud 80 lbs for stags.
.Vo.' At. Price. No. Ar.
40 sin Sa.7o 4:..,.,... ;in* s•»..*»
322,, 070 *1.07*5 bo an 0.5.
41 BW 0.05 0H.... JUi
ai .202 a. 03 r.o 2*lß tu.
02.. .. «07 H.lJ.’i »•> 211 sv**
20 sou a.ou 21 imi a..M
ior» .2.77 a. 05 00 iso
26 176 0.03 6a 271
uw a.or> ao v.ui a-.*-*
U 4 226 0.03 61 a.-«
40. ......101 n.Ua 07 12a 3,.5»
141 ...172 0.00 07 20* ••jO
20 .......210 0.00 21 n« ;lajO
04.. ...234 O.UO 02 •■hO Aott
BO 210 0.011 42 280 . .-jO
20. .. .. IHL 0.(10 00 2»l J-j
22 JKW a.OO 40 200
20 108 0.00 on 2M) ;1;J
so sts a.oo 4i 2.i £.■«
107 203 a.uu :w.. ... 201
100 270 0.00 20 201 .U 0
10S 17H 0.(50 24 22 ( ; <•+'
114 100 o.uo r. 2 2''i ;•*
ai ssi a. nr, as aw :j;
08 242 0.65 . 20 24 •'•jj
U1........10Q 3. 63 25 H.j ;j.j»
20.. ....100 0.53 23 ;a> ••*
.280 0.55 20 211 J-W
54 ....,.,2110 0.55 47 •' ! I .(J
CS .......204 0,53 20 ' im .
BllUKl’—Tliero wub a 1 buralsnppiy.
wUhtliorecom Bvoruce,nnOi«H^r»(i>ir«<-^ 9 ’‘“ l .“
market ruled steady nt fc’l.TWj 5. on per ) <>fl
tiuor to eliulco ulmrn. Tho receipts were
1,030 JicaO.
7 <a 8
Oil-© 7 U
.. ...18 (till)
. ...,10JX©U5i
~ ... 84® 85*
HU® 8
7 H& 8
7)a® 7!U
74® 7U
4U ®43
UH (ft4o
:ui (foil!
..,,.”7 tfl.UO
....27 QIU
.... 20 ®2l
... ..is mo
......45 m?
U sls
, .. .83 ®OS
...... 5 ® 5)1
5.U® 54
-Vo, Av. pfiMAiio. ..fly
-lAU H.-J M.JKi ion 100
mi........ t») 4.tw»ijwa
froVuMwfteloi’Sho oWclal repou oMlw r9 ‘
cclpis mi<\ Hhtpments of Hvo Block for .In)• •.
cuiibidcrablo lucrena* lu thu rcculptd of lo h .
hosa, and a aligjit falllM* ojt Ju ttio receipts «
« noted. The ftvcmtfo wolKUt of tlio l>o,'d
Ilia lea* tUan for ilay, IdTds ......
hteefoia— Oatttf. //f?*, ;li>j3
teUfeS.S.::.r.%a » b
li.ft ijulm? 4a mi
(llilcaxo 4; NuciUWcalcrn... 1 •,!**•» t t.’i
rbfr«tc»d; Al'»n ,
I'Mir.M-.n; 1* • '
ruM-1... ■ '! }
s,fci(. h
K, U, L
«.»p. *v
it. & n. i’.,.
a.'*** *J
Total... ..liivtuH
liHmlvril May. ItjTd u7.U* I'*'--*
rrric..».« **■*

ilalllninro Je 01i1u,,,.. .’>^ r 5 '
V..C. * M, 1...... •'!
fclliffc-:;.:::;:::: $
Illinois Ousitrul ‘J*J
«k Ouluvy "'!* *'• Vu
riilcatjo A
CUlcatwi Alton 1.1;
u.. u.d.at, I*. «« *7::*
Average weight of liuim • "J'-crctary.
((to. i\ V'*''/. t p iiVv /oi iba
Tim ovorntfo wclulit of ihoho-’* tor j 1
patt foor/oora wu« us follow*:
January'. „ smoo amt« . fr-S*; \\
February,. .tWtt.ot) «T(.J
JUrcli,.’. ..JHUW Sfi-oi air."J
April aiB.lK) 53.J.11U ■&%" Si). 00
Mir asi.oo M.Ol
®t. I.ocm. , r »i„j,reo«*
Bt. tout*. Juno B*-p*r l »wK“‘ ,w '
won unido* wook} all kind* • , If o.
bly difliwcd; rcculpM, W>» - J*&‘ ili^ncr;
|J*i«4— F«Jr)j’ active and » * miiiuiorrt. **"*'
heavy. \orlerato i 1 .;*. l V*(nU4eH ,llta^
cr.a.6o; smooth beuvy,»Mo«p*i* , »- »j
BJ.(JOj rccolpw, 7,stWi a |urftr
erato duwajul; comiiwuto tf * too.
a.aoi receipt*, ooo; *mpm«“». «u”- ,
KB'. (,«Wi
Toma *tc«r« at U®UJ»<« Vfi‘««ifrlcily «id
live noet*. {“^S»
U‘,o; extra ami w l» rf **
yyy (it tU«
A’e. ir. PfUi,
3i Texas..., s.VUt.To
4U Texas..,, VS 3*o
34 Texas ... SU3 2,*u
34Tfx«a..., S-w v.o'i
33T«m. .. 7U 37u
47T0xa»,... 735 2.70
24T0xa«.... 815
17Texas. . 1,015 B.W
87 Texas.,,, 613 2,31
IS Texas.... 600 S.d.l
BlToxaa.... tot 2.W
10 ei»v9 Sift 2.:H
!iH Texn*..,. -tw ‘j.:id
tllTexa* ... flu «.M
120 coivs...., 6,15 2.0 J
Sunday nml Woodsy,
ist wcok, lit*, H»ii: official
arc was a aaiUfsciorn.r
uudo Urm one imdl roar
uml slt'iis of Wcaknei',
it nmoiint to a unoUbto
hold wilti more Irerduu
:a wua aho a youd
onifh prcltv larjw for Hia
dlanoacd of. Sales uugtd
dcltm to SI.(W3f),7A for
tof flic tmdln;rat&J.!Vi-*
o (jilctm KnidfH. At s'l. W ; '.
iud at 8:».50!?{.‘.J.''0 lot iilr
:ra’. la n few imimcrs
there More also sojij »jK>
tfgnrc. Tfid marker do'fi
xivoitnolidloiw. AU»dci
InUatfc of dOffn fur I'ljU
«i» 1 ■ ■.*■?*. i
•VilV; aw' ' ■,%

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