Newspaper Page Text
CITY RCAL ESTATE* A SACWFICE-AX ELEGANT h storv and basemcut .brick store, and lot 2SXIBO covers lot), south front, on Lake-st.. between Sffiu and dark-fits., half block from Tremont oSSeTsamc from Commercial Hotel, l block Jfrpm House; one of the finest locations for jobbing boSnessln Chicago; it will be sold at a great bargain store. Grooms over, and lot 24x123, ,*r h front. No. 1065 West LMadlson-st,; lot alone Is vorth tins money. Where else can you buy on Madison* t if ”uallied-ft,, framed store, dwell .,„Vovor. ami lot 25x125, between Thirty-Urn and Ship»v*«aeoud*sts. Thu is certainly a bargain: 1 « brick dwelling, and lot thirl GO, south Ashlaud*av. and Lafiin-sc., on Monroe it This is the beat bargain offered on tbo West Side, tviii be sold at a oargalo—Dwelling and lot corner of prilrle-av. and Tweaiy-slxth-st., 50 or 25 feet with «xi U rcr‘ foot—Lots 25, 50, or 100 feet front by ICO feet l u n mlrlc and Indlana-avs, between Forty-scc -srfi acd Forty-thlrd-si*. '1 his block Is building up fast SWties who are boyiag lota, irtwuM feet, with buildings, comer of Twelfth and Browa-sw., will be sold for less than $3,000. Want an °«* r *2CO—<Bxloo feet, with 20-room tenement-house, on avewart-av., near F ourtcenth-st.; rent* now for S3O acres, elegantly set with all kinds of fruit* -Twiihrubbery, 100 nice fruit-trees, fine spring of tact water, new bam, and first-class 10-room dwelling. wMncks from ueput, In Aurora, 111.; city of 15.0,0 ry, u i fl . the improvements alone arc worth $5,000; will JSlYor SS, 50j; 40 miles from Chicago, it Is certainly cheap at jjqtd. Room?, 179 Madlson-st, 5" SU.E-L465 SOUTH DEAHBORN-ST.. -•-story and basement house, fifteen rooms; lot 25X125 feet: rented for $22.50 per mouth; only $2,000; two buildings: lot 50x100 «w*Jbarn;lot3oxi2sfcet: 0n1y53,300. It licheap. three lots 23x125feet, between Polk and Tirior. east front, next to two brick houses; eewer in raitt; only S7OU each: worth Si.ww. ihrdcn-av,. southwest of LcavHt-st., one lot SBOO. North Sheldoh-su, 115,117 and 119; 2-story and base nait bricks, $2,600 and $2,700. The houses could hot mult for the money. ** K. C. COLE, 144 Dearborn-fit. SALE-CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS-50 FEET * cast jront, Mlcblgan-av. Boulevard, near Twenty* MTih-ft; 40 feet cast front. Mlcblgan-av. Boulevard, rear Thlrtleth-*t.; 50 feet east front, Mlcblgan-av. noulcvard. near Thlrty-sccond-st.; 100 feet east front, tilctihran-a*. Boulevard, near Thlrty-fourth-st.; 130 f,*t-corner Mictugan-av. Boulevard and Twenty nlQih-st.; 60 feet, east and south Iront, corner Wa hisb-av. and Tw-eruy-fliiih-st. Apply to JOHN P. uIiSGIvIL Room 1 Washington Block, southwest cor per Washlngton-st. and Fiun-av. F* U SALE—BY J. B. KEELER, 163 CLARK-ST.— Good brick bouse (12 rooms), barn, and lot, cast of Union Park, s4,suj. First-class brick house near Lincoln Fork (two-story and basement), and lot 30x146, $6,000. lndlant-av.. near Twenty-nlnth-sc.. fine two-story and basement brick house, and lot 25x180. Loisoußutterfleld-st,, near Twenty-oiath. $350. rSoR SALE—7SX2IO FEET, EAST FRONT, ON P Michlcan-av,, near Thtrty-fieventh-st.; 149 leet corner of Üblrty-fieveath-st.; and 25 feet near Thirty* ?xth-si. THOiIAS A BRAGG, 132 Lasallc-st. V?OKSALE—CHOICE LOT ON BISHOP-COURT AT r & sacrifice: also, several fine lots on &lllwat)kee-av. and others in Mcitcynold’s Subdivision at very low flgures. GARNETT & TUOMASSON, 176 Dearborn. fl SALE—FURNISHED. HOUSE; X 2 ROOMS; centrally located; reasonable rent: A No. 1 loca-. tloa; easy terms. Grocery store on a good corner: cash trade: 51,500 stock; want cash; no trade. GRIFFIN & DWIGHT, corner Washington and iialsted-sU. - ■ Fob sale— by d. p. Newell, iss west uadi son-st.—49acres just west of jockey Club Crack, cheap: cottage and lot on Fulton-su, near Lincoln; borne and lot oaGrcen-st-, near Monroe; choice lot on -tdams-su. near iionorc; northwest and southwest corners Warrea-av. and Hoyue-st.; good brick houso on Park-av.; several pieces on West Madlson-st.; 91 feet, between Madison and Monroe-st., near Ashland av,; four bouses, with lots, for £7,000. For sale-and exchange—houses and lots In all parts of city and at Hyde Sark, several good farms, etc. B. A. ULRiCH. 99 Washtagton-si. , FOR SALE-BRICK BASEMENT COTTAGE AND lotonTwcnty-fifth-st., near Calumet-av., $2,000. YHOMaiABUAGG. 132 LaSalle-St. 1?OB SALE—TO MANUFACTO HERS-WE OFFER . land 00 the North Branch,near Milwaukee Railroad bridge. Ins, id, or 15 acre-tracts, suitable ror the larg est e»iabll»nmcnts. Price low to those buying for im mediate use. A. T. &C. W. FULLERTON, 94 Dear bora-sh. Room 4. fOB SALE-STONE FRONT HOUSE ON INDIAN A ar., near Tweuiy-nlaih-st.. with good brick barn; price $6,500—a bargain. Apmy to joH.s P. OL.INGER, Ruam l Washington Block, southwest corner Washing tou-st.and Flfth-av. . E'OR SALE-40 FEET ON STATE-ST.,• NEAR X 1 Van Burca-st., cheap: ou feet on State-si., near Twcnty-niuih-bt.: 24 feet on Madlson-st.« near West ern-av. Apuly to Juil.\ p. OLiNoER, Room 1 Woah lugtua Block, southwest corner Washington-fit. and Fmh-av. FOR SALE—49XI6I FEET, SOUTHWEST COKNEP. indlaua-av. and Thlrty-sccond-st., very cheap; al so. several east end west-front inside lota on same av enue. TiiOMAd at BRAGG, 332 LaSalie-st. For sale-house and lot on fortieth-st. (first street south of uakwood-houlcvard); prem ises In good condition, and convenient to both Hyde Park muss ana co.uue urovc-av, horse-cars. Also, hoc lot on Dearborn-ay., irontlng west.on "Wasmngtuu Square. GEuuGE 31. ROGUE. 8 Reaper Block. 97 Clark-C. Fob sale-very cheap-the desirable dwelling, with lot Soxi2o feet, .no. 13. Laxe-av.; contains 12 rooms and haa ail uumcra. Ironrovcroenis; lue neighborhood IB cxcchchL., being /ukt-'JudLh'of Inmgias Monument: cbe property accessible by steam ana •treet-cars. * Apply to W. D. KEItFOO f & CO., no East Wa&lungum-su T7OB SALE-ESPECIAL BARGAINS A GOOD X cottage; a two-story brick house; bouses and loU on Mlchlgan-av. KhSLEK BROS.. 146 Lasalle-st. „ FOB SALE—STONE HOUSE, 27 FEET FRONT, brick ooro. -northwest comer of Xndtaua-av. and Tblny-tccoad-st, THuMaSssBkAGG, 132 haSalle-st. F” OUSALE—A HOUSE AND CORNER LOT, WITH a store and 12 rooms: a good location. Inquire at 771 liueb&rd-il. FOR SALE-161 FT. SOUTH. 76 EAST front, on University Grounds: choice: great bargain. D. HENRV SUfcLDO.N, 122Fiftn-ttV. • FR SALE-AN ELEGANT DWELLING KESl decce, with large garden. In the very oust location fax the city. G 55, Tribune otnee. VOH SALE-40 FEET ON OAK-ST.. NEAR LA X Salle-st., at a sacrifice If sold at once. C. J. HAM BLLTON, 14Rcaper iiiuck. . t?OR SALE—TJ3E CHEAPEST LOT ON DEARBORN- X av. J. G. HAMILTON, 103 Washlagtou-st. FOlt SALE-COTTAGE ASIPLOT ON DEAR bcrn-ii., near Thirty-first. Price 32.000. Inquire of FRANK RILuLE, southeast corner State and Tnlr ir-fim-st. j?OR SALE-THE BEST INVESTMENT IN CEN- L tral improved business-property that can be pur sued for 3UXXOOO. HENRY WALLER, Jr- 9* Waah- Inglon-YL . - For sale-a large double brick house, cost over sh, 000,' with lot 10 j feet front, near corner or Fnllerton and Wcstcrn-ara.; photograph at our office: want an ocer. THOMAS & BRAGG, 132 LaSalle. FJB S ALE— ST AT E-3 T. VACANT LOT, NEAR Peck-court: great bargain: must be sold. HENRY WALLER, Jr., 91 WasliUiglOD-sL. ■ FB SALE-SOME OF THE BEST IMPROVED central business property in the city; well rented; £am particulars beforeabuylng. J. P. WHITE, 110 Xicarbom-Bi., mala floor. PR SALE-A LARGE LIST OF GOOD CITY property, some of wnlcU can be bought extremely ior for cash, j. i», WHITE, HO Dear horn-at., main Coor. - . . FK SALE—679 WEST MONKOE-ST.. 2-STOKV and basement brick house; good condition; cneap; cash ana crealt. GEO. MILLS. ROGERS, Room 25, iSiDearborn-sL PJR BALE-2S FEET ON STATE-ST., BETWEEN 1 hlrty-fourth and Thirty-flfth-stA, cheap. THOMAS ttiUlAGu, 132 LaSalle-st. * FB faALK—ON HICIIIGAN-AV.. EAST FRONT, nrar Tweary-teveuih-st., one lot at a sacrifice If laxen this uccjl GARNETT & TUOMaSjsON, 176 Dcarborn-aL •» ■pop. SALK-ON MICHIGAN-AV.. NEAR THIRTY - - A iscomi-et., stone-front residence, twojtorieaabd $8,500. HENRY WALLER. JR., 94 Wash laciou-n. POR SALE—ON MICHIGAN-AV., NEAR THIRTY'- vacant lot 5*3 feet front, very cheap. ii£Miy WALLER, JR., 84 Washingion-Si. V°? ;’?A Lt -FXNE STONE-FRONT -BUSINESS on West Maduon-st.; rent, at HENRY WALLER, JR.,,94 Wash- pOR SALE-VACANT WEST MADISON-ST. PROP t, xcS} 7 , &l a bargain. HENRY WALLER, JR.. »• Waeutu K ;on.«. pOfcSALE-asXJTOFEET. SOUTHWEST CORNER Aiu7?£ :ed,UMI Tmrty-fourth-si., $2,230. THOMAS g j*UAOu. 122 La»aiie-au P°?r.. bA « LI ;“ UU RENT—CHEAP TO GOOD TEN lar*e Mu^c building on West Wasuington onJ mi nr . *£}*•* flnMl *‘*ll In w«t Division. ft ml only vuuidn.^u.^i r V k J! l i t^ t>lc lor church or nubile hall, or buses. Xl inuuS e^ <, in« t ' u } ,c !?. l,K lor manuUctunug pur iKPOWtiS ******* lru4t *******Bank o I t\ F°tott S tS} o EAST - ynONT F°?«1 5 « BCAOUMS2 LibnUu-VT • W nl oner - THOMAS A P°R SALB-M9 CALUUET-AV.. BRICK unnsif A two-su>nr and cellar, brick wrT »iTi u °USb* i e «; KMH TUOMAaA PUK SALE—COTTAGE AND LOT oT~ashi ,v~ ta&j&'SlgSSg* •** P o!> - s -' LB-m E NEW BRICK. HOUSE AND LOT F°?nt S A LE .'Z i:LBGi ~ ST HtSIHESCE, LARGE Hadc- F°.C% Sa l*E—so* FEET ON INDIAN A-AV.. NEAR S I>erloot - THOMAS A BRAGG? Fh?. SA . t ?- s - BOOM hodse, iraa s closets ie»r »T ?- J S",•> “‘l? 18 '"*'*’ ctK - AQd two-Kory 6»rn, i ?- P'-fect- But otter, tula week late* u. j 44, Tribune office. F°sll 1 S t A^" E,:a JS »aSKK TOOK MONEY a.. 67 , u , sa ' D '* r -- wmueMi comer of JncSsoa io<d ' l ' ,v '’, *8 on JociGon-st., soon oo ora“£k? si .*•“* f ■o'.H o rlzea to tell at sso per loot iujtc JrucgUu mi outers-warning a JKfomS. £?"'*•««• I'ltotlorirtQUtetof dfu, - F°-rt S v^ E ,n?ii U 2. JMfSbVEO BUSINESS PHOP UNO Kee ’ ttV ** »ta«acrlfice. J.OHLEB x*w» wDearooru-st-, Room s. T^^ t^_ALS— FOß JNVESTitENT OR USE. THP •?. offermr^ C^S? t S e T ( ? Ol i* e&t i UaCoIa Pjir *L which l A o E a^d..nm ADE 7 T i HAT FI^E BnICK o ne?,Tf^ ellln * t ‘ “« re ® ~or> =* (all well T- Wt£S° loS F mn ■I?. I '- - S ° a il4rrii ' :,a -' lt - UABViSr INE KESIDEN-CES AND 0 Borin bid A THOMAS A CORNER CONGRESS AND joe, nSSIJS, J«k*offinearLafila; nsfseu Mon- h - Madison, near Laflio;anda tavutam H. t c“i* o aV°Mci2rg?i£“ ufe ll ““ W “‘ CITY KEAEi ESTAT PR SALE— HOUS ES—E AS Y XL RMS: . so,soo—Waahmgton-st., cast of Union Park, mar ble front and brick bain. - sr>,. r KK>— extra good octagon front brick, standing alone; desirable neighborhood. s2,soo—Monthly payments, a good comer house and lot, near Madlson-st. cars.; bath, &c, S3,ooo— JneksoD-st., near Aberdeen, 2-story frame house and wide lot. LOTS. Sacrifice—A beautiful lot, facing south, desirable location. South Division, near 1. C. U. R, and horse cars; a great bargain for a few {lays. ; slls—Adams and Wood-sts., southwest corner. S i iOr-Outarlu-st..near Plne-st, boulevard. sl2s—Ashiand-av., elegant east-front lot; nothing now to be had there less than $!65. • ~ J. C. MAGiLL. 80 Washlngtoa-st. FOR SALE—I HAVE SOME OF THE BEST BAR gains in bouses and lota, from desirable little homes to elegant residences. In each division of the city, at one-third the price a few years ago, and paying 8 per cent net. Also, business property. Some can exchange. LUMLEY INGLEDEW, H 2 Dcarboro-st., Room 0. For sale-so feet on mighipan-av.. be tween Fortieth and Forty-first-st*., west front, SSO per foot. Address Js. Tribune office. Fur sale-house and lot on hubbard-st., $1,800; rented at *lB per month; or will exchange for cargo of lumber. Address ADJ, P.-O. Box 513. T?OR SALE—4OXICO FEET ON FOURTH-AV., WITH JC large brick stable, near Van Buren-st. P. O NEILL, 182 SUte-sL F)R SALE-CHEAP FOR CASH—A LARGE COT tage, 50x125 feet lot, 124 Lytle-st, Inquire on the premises. I?OR SALE-810 BaRGXiN-LOT 30X125 FEET, with good house and bam, 005 West Madlson-st., incumbrance of $1,500 to run 4 years, will sell equity this week for $1,300 cash. Address RuBT. S, WIL COX. 114 East Madison-sL. wlth Race Bros. SUBURBAN BEAL ESTATE. T7-OR SALE-FIVE OB TEN ACP.ES AT STOCK- L Yards, so cheap that a party can treble his money by suboividlngaud selling lots immediately: water and sidewalks; after four days the price of all our property on Ashlaud-av. andFony-seventh-st. will be advanced. Twelve new nouses go up immediately. Go out and see our new city, aud come aud see our plats. Go quickly If you want a choice bargain. GARNETT &THOMAS SON, 176 Dearborn-st. • ; * For sale-choice corner gbove lot at Kenwood for S2O: 50 feet on Fifty-thlrd-st.. Sl7; on Jelferson-av., near Flfcy-fifth-su, S2O. B. A. ULRICH, i>9 Wasblagton-st. • EOR SALK-SIOO WILL BUY A BEAUTIFUL LOT oue block from hotel at Lagrange. 7 miles from Chicago: Sir* down and S 5 monthly; cheapest property in market, and shown free: abstract free: railroad tore, 1U cents. IKA BROWN, 142 LaSalle-st.. itoomS. 1?OK SALE—A CHOICE LIST OF EVANSTON . dwellings and vacant lot*. J. G. HAMILTON, 103 Wasbingtou-sL FOR SALE-TWO LOTS AND 7*ROOM HOUSE partly completed, at Washington Heights; only S3SQ. JUfIN C. LONG, 74Waihinglup-st. For sale—or exchange— a beautiful home In Lake View, near the lake. Want a Mich igan farm, mock. and Implements. Address H, JACOB* *BUN, Box 12.000. city. COUNTRY BEAL ESTATE* FOR SALE—SIO PER ACRE—I6O ACRE FARM. 7- room Jratne dwelling (new;, cost s*3o; 100 acres under fence and plow: stables, sheds.corn-cribs, water, young orchard, etc., the very best of farm land; im provements would cost now $2,000; will sell for 51,600 on easy terms; near Sioux City. In "Woodbury County, la.; It’s a bargain. SI,OOO-5 o.‘ down. 100-acrc farm, all under No. l fence: house of 3 rooms, 55 acres in corn, 15 acres tim ber. 5 miles from £losn, Monona County, la.: great bargain. . 78-acre farm, half-mile from Connty-Honse. in Cook County, 111.. 8 miles from Chicago, elegant frame dwell ing. 10 rooms, good barns, water, etc.; first-class place. $3,700—17-acre farm, one block from depot at Park Ridge; good 7-room dwelling, barn, etc,, farm all un denlratned, 12 miles from the Court-House; if you will look at it you will buy. $3.500— i0 acres, elegantly Imnroved with all kinds of fruits and aurubbery; fine spring of water, with a splen did 10-room frame dwelling, newly papered and paint ed. flm-class barn, three blocks from depot, in At* rora, 111,: this is the greatest bargain ever ottered In Illinois; Aurora Isa city of 1Q.1.100 people; the house alone is worth $4,000 to-day: splendid home. T. B. BOYD. Room 7, 179 Madlson-sL Fob sale-to stock-raisers and farmers -One-half Interest in a farm lu Missouri, situated three miles from a railroad. The farm consists of 1.209 acres, 400 acres fenced and Improved, the balance pos ture and timber land, with running water. It 1* well stocked with cattle, horses, and hogs. A good mm wanted to purchase an Interest and take the manage ment of the outness. 1 here is a good house with eight rooms. large barn and sheds; lee ami milk bouse. No one need answer who has not from S3.ux) to 53.000 to Invest. Address STOCK-RAISER. Tribune office. l?OR SALE-VERY HANDSOME FARM 144 ACRES. Jj well Improved, live miles from Kenosha, adjoining depot: an hour and three-quarters from Chicago: com mutation rates; full view of lake; orchard aud fruits; good buildings: imng mineral springs. On cash and time. For particulars address BOND & NEWEtiL, Kenosha. Wls. • T^ORSALE—OREXCHANGE—AN ELEGANT HOME r stead with 8 acres, near New York City, on the Hudson Given-Is all clear of incumbrance; will ex change for Chicago property, either Improved or va cant. and assume or pay cash not to exceed 520,000. Views efthe place, with further information, at the Real-Estate Office of GRIFFIN & DWIGHT, comer Washington and iiaUted-sta. FUJI SALK—THREE MCE FARMS IN THE great fruit and stock region of Southern mmols for sale or exchange for Chicago or suburban property. Adnresa T. H. JONES, Jotmsonvllle, Wayne County, 111. For sale-or exchange—io acres of un- Improved land five miles from Muskegon, in Mus kegon county, Michigan, good farming laud, and will dnake.good.fmlt farm;.ryssMus.for selling, it is too far awhv front home. * Address H M.GOODWIN, Makando, Jackson County, 111. . i? lands m lowa at half value; located tec years: perfect title and good reasons for selling. Address D 43, Tribune - , Foa sale-ou exchange-625 acres first class farming land. JOO miles south of Chicago, on long time or for good city equity. Address U 55, Trib une ol&oe. . UEAL ESTATE WANTED. 117 ANTED—V7B HAVE CASH CUSTOMERS WHO • r desire to nurchase three residence lots in Hyde Park. Thev must be bargains: i. Lot 50 feet by good ueptn. east of Drcxcl Boule vard and south or Thtrty-ninth-st. .2. Lot 2> ox2oo cast of DrexeL between Forty-third and Forty-sevcnth-sts. . 3. Lot aoxis*i. east of Woodlawn-av., between Fifty-fifth and Flfty-sevemh-sts. • TURNER & BOND, 102 Washlngton-st. STATK-ST. PROPERTY, V\ . between Harrison and Twelfth-st.; must be cheap. HENRY WALLER, JR., 94 Washlngton-st. \TTANTED-THR BEST BRICK H()Use ON WEST yy Side for $3.500; prefer two-story and cellar. D. P. NEWELL. 188 West Madlson-su ANTED—FOR MANDFACTDRIKGrPDRPOSES. ' i sto 8 acres of land on the Hue of some A I rail road (the Northwestern preferred), and Inside the city limits; must be accessible for the workmen. Address U 76, Tribune otllce. and give location and price. VX7ANTED—IMPROVED PROPERTY,CENTRALLY » located. Parties wishing to sell will please leave description and price at my ofiice. JOHN P.OLINGER, Room 3, Washington Block, southwest comer Wash ington-st. and Flfth-av. • WANTED-A FACTORY BUILDING. SAT fOX lUGfeet, 3 stories, with about IOJ feet yard room attached; Northwest Side preferred; will etcher buy for cash or lease for term of years, or will buy a sice, say jjoxiSO: must be cheap or no sale. Address H 88, Tribune otfice. - • \T7ANTED—RESIDENCE ON ONE OF THE AVE- Vy nue*, south of Twenty-secoud-st. and cost of State, worth 53.000 to 310.UX). We hare several cus tomers for houses from $5,000 upwards. Also cash customer for improved lot within five blocks of Court- Housc._W. basement 148 LaSalle. TT7ANTED-I HAVE $2,000 CASH AND WISH TO Y? buy cither on-State or Deorborn-st., north of Thlrty-tuth-st.; an improved lot lor it; must be a bar gain. State price, dx., to J 36, Tribune oflicc. ' SEWEIVG JUACm.X£S; All kinds of new and second-hand sew lug-machlucs at S.’» to S lO each, and warranted. Two latest improved medium Singers at $lO each. Olfice. 297 South Haistcd-wt. X T E»' HDME3TJC MACHINES SOLD CHEAP FOB i.v crtßh or on catty puymems. New Sinner machines from 320 up. Second-hand machines of all kinds from $5 to 310. All kinds repaired and warranted. 412 West Madison-su J. C. SPENCER. Open evenings. XTEW AND SECOND’D AND SINGERS AND OTHER JL> first-class machines at onu-thlrd value. Loan of fice, 126 Clark-st., up-stairs, KOOUY2. ' J SINGER OFFICE, 238 SOUTH HALSTED-ST.— ' Genuine Singers at a large discount for cash on monthly payments; rented and exchanged, several good machines from S 5 to S2O. • . - rpHB GENUINE SINGER SEWING-MACHINES i. sold on easy monthly payments or cheap for cash. Machines rented, repaired, aud exchanged. 513 west Madlson-st._ W* £ GUARANTEE Sfl WORTH OF WORK EVERT week 10 ladies who buy genuine Singers of us and pay first payment. 255 est Madteon-sc. WANTED A WILSON SEWING-MACHINE, latest improvements; will pay cash. Address 146 South Water-sr., Room 5. CLAIUVOVAI\’jr.S Glairvoyanck-a test-no imposition— Look here—The greatest IndeDcmienc business and medical clairvoyant Is MRS. POUTER, born with * natural gift. Shu has been tested by some of Hie great nobility of Europe and America. Telia you the name of the one you will mam*; thatot her visitor; also.deceased.aud friends In lull; shows likenesses; has that great French secret for such os love and spefcly marriages; cures all diseases; she succeeds where all othersfalL Fees. fiOc and sl. Parties residing put of the city can consult MRS. PORTER by letter. Inclosing aluckof hair, Si. andstamp. Office oj2 wabaah-ar., ncarThtrtecuth-sr, No gents. piONSDLT MADAME CLARE, NATURAL CLAIR- V-/ Toyant and renowned charm worker; always re liable, and never falls. Gents, 50 cents; ladles, 23 cents. lio West Polk-st.. near Clinton, lower floor. pOR A CORRECT- BEADING OP -THE PAST. X present, and future, go toil. A. GENEVIA, S7O West Lakc-st. GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE IN TROUBLE OB neaty hearted—Go see the seventh daughter of the seventh son. the wonder of the new world, .telling past, ; Present, and future; also of lost or stolen goods: brings the separated together, ana makes home happy through charm*: half-price to the poor; satisfaction or no pay. ffik* WestHubbard-tL, near Curtis. MME.TERHUNE. M~ME. DELAFOREtT" CLAlß voyaat and magnetic physician of (ho age: guar antees complete sacisfdctiou or money refunded; gives charms that are Infallible. 420State-«u A/IRS.BREED-CIRCLES SUNDAYS AND WKDNES ILL days at 6p. m. and Fridays at d p.m.: ladles only; sittings dally. 16 Ada-it. __ MME. MILSOM, CLAIRVOYANT, REMOVED TO 1475 South State-*;., over Post-office; esc. 1665. 4|* 1 /|| || | REWARD-MADAM MAYNARD, MED «iDX«UUU Jam, tells anything you wish to know, wnat Is best for you to do; charms free for love, luck, or business. Materialising seances Sunday and Thurs day evening. Her son. Dr. Mathew, cures nervous de buity and all other diseases. 87 West Maakoo-«t- PATEi'STb. Lb. coltland & co.. solicitors of pat • cuts, 7u Lacalle-st., entcago. 111. Caveats filed,. trade-marks protected, and a general patent business transacted. Call or adJrcs* for particulars. Patents, trade-marks, caveats-munn & CO., *J7 Park Row. New York, proprietors of the ••sclcnitfic American.” _ 4 . Thlrty-iour vears’ sxperlcnce as solicitors of patents. Hand-book on Patents, with full directions add ad vice, sent free. • THE CHICAGO TRIBUNEt SUNDAY. JULY 27, 1879-SIXTEEN PAGES TO BEYT-HOUSEi. West Sice* TO RENT—BY D. P. NEWELL, 188 WEST UADI* son-st.; TiOto West Madlson-st. 30* Hmore-Rt. 628 Carroll-a v. Flats, Madison and Ualsted. rpO BENT— 333 WAR REN-AY., NEAR HOYNE- I St., 10-room house In superb condition. S3O. C. J. H AMBLE TON. ivsClark-st., Room 14. ry O RENT-520 WEST WASHINGTON-ST, PAR- A tics would take board for rent If desired. Apply on premises. . r) RENT—2-STORY AND BASEMENT OCTAGON* front brick house, 42 Seeley-av., in splendid order, all conveniences, low. O. M. SOPER. 19 Uonore-st. rRENT— 554 CARROLL-AV.. A NEAT COTTAGE of 7 rooms, completely furnished, and in perfect order. Apply at above number, TO RENT—SI4 PER MONTH-FINE FRAME dwclllng-boaso 11 Barvard-st. Inquire at 505 Wcstern-av. rPO RENT—IIO OAKLEY-AV, AND 933 MONROE- X su, stone fronts, kitchen and dining-room oa par lor floor: every convenience and improvement; gas fixtures, furnace, etc. U. POTWIN, 126 Washlngton st.. Room 44. fPO RENT-MARBLE. MODERN HOUSE. 12 X rooms, near Union Park. $35; splendid neighbor hood. EUMUNDU. STILES. 99Madlson-st., Room?. f|X* KENT—A TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT X Btouti-frout house with all modern Improvements,* No. 328 West Adama-st. Inquire at 330. TO RENT—A FURNISHED HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS on the West side to ageutlcman and wife who will board myself* wife, audcbUd. Address XXX. Tribune. fpO^REST— FURNISHED,UNTIL MAY 1 OP. LONG- X cr time. IH-story cottage 84 South Saugamon-at. South Side* TO RENT—THE 3-STORY AND BASEMENT MAR* ble-front house No. 27 Twenty* fifih-st.. 14 rooms. In complete order, gas-fixtures, furnace, hoc and cold water: location very desirable, convenient to -steam and horse cars; rent low to good party. Apply at 13 Chamber of Commerce. rpO RENT—7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE NO. 1860 1 South Dearborn-sc.. and flats on Wabash-av. A. U. LORD, 131 Randolph-s,Ly Room 1. X frame, brick baacmcnt. Inquire of GEO. G. NEW BDRY, 164 LaSalle-at, ryo kknt-S3O per month-elegant mar- X ble-front dwelling, 1455 Pralrlc-av. Inquire at 133 Dearborn-fit., in bank. . * fPO RENT—PRIVATE RESIDENCE, YTELL FUR- X nlfihed, No. nSlPralrle-av., second door south of Twcuty-accoQd-st.. # CoDtalulng il rooms, sub-cellar, ami large brick-barn, with 30 ft lot: will rent only to private family, and reliable. Possession Sept. l. Ad dress K. 233 aute-st.. Room 10. fro RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE U HUBBARD* X’ court, eight rooms, modern improvements, to small family of adults; also furnished rooms. J. (j. DWEN, 15 Hubbard-court. r !'O RENT—IOS6 PRaIRIE-AV., TWO-STOUY AND X basement stone-front,'l2 rdotns: U3somh Park av., two-story and basement brown atone front, n rooms;3BCottage Grove-av,, 5-room cottage: 1053 In diaua-ar., 7-room cottage. ,A. D. HYDE,- Room 10. 128 Dearborn-st, rpORENT—NO. 1419 MICHIGAN-AV.. 10 ROOMS. 1 all modern Improvements, nice yards, etc., only Slst»er month. Apply to GEORGE NICHOLS, 146 Madlson-su, Room 9. TO KENT—MICHIGAN-AV., NO. 501. FIFTEEN room house; furniture forsolc cheap: parties buy ing will have the cheapest rent lu city; or will rent a part, furnished or unfurnished, to responsible tenant; the owner wants to leave the city. -. • TO RENT—FURNISHED HOUSE, WABASII-AV., near Founeculh-at., till May 1. Address H 43, Tribune office. TO BENT-LARGE RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS. 1160 indiana-av., low to right party. THOMAS BRAGG. 132LaSalle-st. fPO RENT—UB PRAIRIE-AV.. GOOD FRAME X house, without basement; has been put in hue order: large lot, plenty of anode, etc; THOMAS & BRAGG, 132La8alle-st. TO RF.NT-TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK house on Vinceuues-nlace, §2O. THOMAS & BRAGG. 132 LaSalic-at. ■ • ' ■ ifortti Sice. TO RENT-FINK 3-STORY AND BASEMENT Oc tagon stone-front house with all modem Improve ments. No, 377 Dcorboru-av.; will be rented very low. Apply to W. D. KKUFOOT & CO., 90 Washington-*;. '"po KENT—FirKNUSHED OR UNPURNISUKdT~A i handsome double house, in perfect order. Apply to ROBERT COLLVER. 500 North LnSaljc-st. 'PO RENT-NORTH SIDE-BRICK COTTAGE, SIX JL rooms, gas. water, etc., one block from street cars. .Apply at No. 57 Granger-st. r pU RENT—DWELLING 2DO EUIE-ST.. ONE DOOR x west of State-st. inquire of owner, 42 and 41 Lake-si. r PO RENT—THE COTTAGE AND BEAUTIFUL I grounds 400 Orcbard-st., near Belden-av.; rent, S3O a month. Apply to A. F, STEVENSON, 38 Clark su. Room 2. 'POIiEST-408 lIUULBUT-GT., OCTAGON BRICK; x 495 Bcldcu-av., hrlck. near Lincoln Bark: no basements, 8 rooms. M. FOR TER, H Grant-place. rpO RENT-AN ELEGANT 10-ROOM AND ATTIC X and all modern Improvements, brick building. 216 Casa-st,,corner of Chestnut,cast front. E. S. DREYER A CO,, 8d East Waahlngtuu-st. IfllaicelltMieous* rpO RENT—BY BAIRD A BRADLEY, BOOM 18, CO X LaSalle-st.: SOUTH SIDE. R 4 Vlncennes-av., 3-story and basement atone front. 103 Vincecncs-av., 2-story and basement stone front. 171 Calumci-av., 3-story and basement stone front. 6 Groveland-court, 2-story and-basement brick, sls; 1812 and 1824 Wabash-av., and basement stone front. 198 Tweniy-fifth-st., 3-story and basement brick, S3O. 1273 Indiana-av., 2-story frame, second tloor, five rooms. Rooms for families, 112 and 114 Cottage Grore-av. $7.00 to $lO. WEST SIDE. 530 and 532 Carroll-av., 2;Btory and basement stone fronts.. 515 Carroll-ar., 2-story and basement stone. S3O. SfrJPark-av., 2-story ami basement bricks, 330. 170 North Westcrn-av., near llubbard-s:., 2-story and basement brick, near Indlann-st. and steam curs. $lB. Rooms for families northwest corner Sangamon sad Fulton-sts.. $lO. Rooms for families at 784 Carroll-av.; also barn. Cottage on, nearNorth-av.,s9 per month. 688 west Madlson-fit., meat market. 742 West Lake-st.. 2-story and basement frame. NORTH SIDE. 2-atorr and basement crick, Delawaro-placc, near Pine. 9bHuron-st., first floor and basement. STOKES. 187, 189, and 191 Cottage Grore-av., corner Twenty* slxth-sc., fronting on Cottage Grove and south Park avs. 169 Archer-ar. 14 North Canal-st. 388 Larrabee-st. , 306 North Wetls-st. SUBURBAN. Suburban property on the North Shore. At South Evanston—Two 2-story frame houses; will be nut In good condition and rented at low rates. At Evanston—A 2-story frame dwelling at north end of University Grove, on blntf overlooking the lake; will be put In good order and rented very cheap. At North Evanston, Glencoe, Highland Park, and Htghwood. pleasantly located residences at very low rates. 2-story frame. 2 blocks from Hyde Park Depot. sls. 2-atory frame, with lot looxsuo. on Forty-seventh st. (Kenwood Station) and Eg&ndalc-av. Large brick and frame gothic cottage, east front, on South Park, convenient to ludiana-av. and steam cars, with large lor and barn. In complete order. 2-story brick, cottage style, at Normalvllle, Engle wood, near the Normal School and depot. 'PO RENT-BY GRIFFIN & DWIGHT, CORNER 1 Washington and Halstcd-sts.: Houses, brick and frame, 312.50 to 350 per month; flats. 34 to S2O per month. West Side: 338'and 341 East ludiana-st.. stone fronts, North Side; houses rented and rents collected; West Side property made a specialty. - Ssburboxu rpo RENT-HOUSE AND LOT UN FORTIRTTT-ST. 1 (first street south of Oacwood-boalcvard): premises in good condition and convenient to both Hyde Park trains and Cottage Orove-av. horse-cars. GEORGE M. POGUE, 8 Reaper Block, 87 Clark-st. • 'PO RENT-LARGE SUBURBAN HOUSE,2S ROOMS, 1 partly tunilshed, very desirable, and low rent. Boarders can be had. For sale. F 92; Tribune oiHce. rpo RENT—FURNISH hi) OR UNFURNISHED, X 2-rtory house, beautiful grove, convenient to cars, Hyde Parte. Adoress H 39, Tribune otllce. ''l*o RENT-TWO FURNISHED 1100 MS. FRONT I parlor and bedroom, or two bedrooms for two or fonr persons at Kenwood, one block froom Station. Address Hll t _Trlbunc oflicc. XO HESiT-FLATS. Wortb Sice* rpo rent-a Flat 'of .% rooms, with all J. modern Iroprovementg., 460 North Clark-st. 'fO RENT—THE MIDDLE FLATS OF NO. 167 EAST X Olno-st. and 203 North Clark-st.: six rooms each. A. T. GALT. 79 Dearbom-st.. Room 3. npo RENT-FLAT OF 7 ROOMS. NO. 16 RUSH ST.. JL corner of Michigan. F. W. SPRINGER, 87 Dear born-st. • KENT—THREE AND FOUR ROOM FLATS. . one for Slu; modern Improvements; first-class building. '-JESSE HOLLADAY, Room 21 Ewing BlocK, North Clark-st. rpo RENT—TWO FLATS FOR ONE OR TWO. X families, on North Clark-st.. near Lincoln Park. E. S. URETER <t CD., 88 East Wdablugton-Bt. rpO RENT-TO ADULTS ONLY—A FURNISHED 1 flat; one of the best on the North side; seven rooms, besides drying-room and cellar. Address J 17, Tribune office. • * tUest Sides r RENT-104 SOUTH PAULTNA-ST.. FIRST floor s-room flat of a new house, very convenient and stylish. hot and cold water, etc. Price $23. . I'O RENT-FLATS AND ROOMS INTHE BRICK block corner Monroe and Desplaluea-srs. .Inquire of J. M. W. JONES, corner Monroe and Dearborn-ats. 'l*o RENT-FLAT 76 PAULINA-ST., NEAR iIADI- X sod. 4 rooms and two closets. sl2. South Side» TO BENT-FLAT OF 5 ROOMS, NO. 254 THIRTY flrst-st., near Mlchlgaa-av. F. TV. SPRINGER,B7 Dearborn-st. _ rpO KENT-FLAT OF SEVEN ROOMS AT 204 X Washlngton-st. Inquire la store. 10 BENT-BOOHSi West Side* TO HEKT-ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UN FUR -1 nlimed, Hagle or in auitee. la tnit decent marble- I rout terrace, a) Cieden-av.. facias Union Farit, cheap, rHORRENT—FURNISItED BED-ROuM_ WITH USE I 0 f front parlor, to ladf. Call at I—6 South Green* »c„ after Sunday. ■ - . -po RENT-.VE(YLY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE, X southwest corner Peoria and Raadolph-sta; SI.OO per week. 'PO RENT-2 LARGE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED X rooms for gentlemen; term* reasonable. 57oouth GFeea-sc. PO'RENT-PLEASANT BOOMS FOB HOUSEKEEP -1 ing. Every convenience. 48 Warren-av.. Union Park. rpO RENT—A NICELY-FURNISHED FRONT PAB- X lor, with tor without board, also small room. Aberdeen-fit. / 'PO BENT—FIVE ROOMS SUITABLE FOR LIGHT X housekeeping. 157 South Peorla-sc, corner Jack son. inquire on premises. r PO RENT-ONE FLOOR IN A SWELL-FRONT X brick house. 148 West Jackson-st. rpO RENT—4 OB 5 ROOMS FOB HOUSEKEEPING; X range, bath-room, gas, etc. 372 West Washlng ton-st. TO BEiTT-ROOMS. West Slae—Continued. RENT—NEATLY FURNISHED AND PLEAS- X antly located double or single rooms, without board, to let allow rates. Applyatoace, 40a West Waablng ton-st. rpn RTtVT—FIRST FLOOR, 5 LARGE Ttnnxtß 4* X South Monran-sL TO RENT—PLEASANT UNFURNISHED ROOMS at West TVashlngton-st.: also, one; furnished room, to rpO RENT-A FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, $5 A X month, at 180 South Grcea-st. fjpO RENT—NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI- X vate family of two-_ 193 W eat Adams-st. rpO~ RENT—NICELY FURNISHED'hoUSEKEEP- X ing and couple of lodging rooms. 145 South Hoi sted-st. - soutn siae* TO BENT—A SUITE, NICE* ly furnished, to gentlemen; also front alcove room. 823 Wabash-av. HM) RENT— UNFURNISHED ROOMS OF4TUBFOK X light housekeeping, in good order, at 269 to 273 South ciark-st. D. HORTON. Room ll Reaper Block. f| 'O RENT— 252 WABASH-A V.-FIKST-CLASS FDR- X mshed rooms. References exchanged. rPO RENT-VERY LOW-FINE SUITE OF ROOMS X on second ijoorof 135 South Clark-at..corner Mad ison. suitable /Or doctors or dentist’s office. Inauire at 133 De*arborn-st., in bank. 'ryo RENT-NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR • 1 one or two gentlemen, with use of barn. 508 Wa bash-av. . ! fpo RENT— CHEAP-FIVE ROOMS AX 758 MICHI- X gau-av., 'PO RENT—ELEGANT SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS. 1 suitable for three gentlemen. Also other first-class rooms; clean and cool, at reasonable rent. Apply at 47 LaSallc-st.. Room 3. rpO RENT-3 NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. X with splendid lake view; use of bath; cn suite or single. 2d Jxiaiana-av. ' rpO RENT—A FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR TO X one or two gentlemen. Inquire at 115 i'hlrd-av. rpO RENT-494 WABASH-AV.. ALCOVE UN- X furnished with or without board, also small rooms. fro RENT-ONE SUITE AND ONE SINGLE ROOM. X all hnudsomoly furnished. In finest location on South side, to gentlemen. ■ References exchanged. H €9. Tribune office. . rpO RENT—A SUITE OF THREE UNFURNISHED X rooms in a private family on Wabaah-av., between Twelfth and Thlrtecnth-si*.; also a large brick barn. Address F 70. Tribune ofllce. rpO RENT—NO. 21 EAST HARRISON-ST.—A PEW X nicely-furnished rooms, cd squo or single, at SVSO, $2, and $3.75 per week. % rpo RENT-PLEASANT AND ELEGANTLY FUR- X nlahcd rooms, eu suite Or single. 291 aud 293 Wa* bash-av. Inquire Suite 8. rpo RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOMS, ELEGANTLY JL furnbncd, single or cn suite: use of bath-room: central location. Room 16. third floor, lUB East Adams. •rpO RENT-O.nE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT JL room, with bath, at 7«8 Wabaah-ar. ‘ rpo RENT—FURNISHED ROOMSi EN SUITE, COM- X piete for housekeeping: also, other rooms. Apply at No. 620 South Statc-st. rpO RENT-FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED J rooms to gentlemen only. Apply to Rooms, north east corner Lake and clark-sts. rpO RENT—ROOMS IN O’NEILL BUILDING, COU- X_ner state ami Uarrison-sts. Apply to JANITOR. rpO RENT—ROOMS, FURNISHED AND UNFUR- X niahed, cheap; references required. 564 Micnl gan-av. ___ rpo RENT—TO GENTLEMEN ONLY—VERY DE • X airahio unfurnished rooms. Apply.atitoomia, 48 aml4BCiark*st., adjoining Sherman House. rpo REST—FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED AND X unfurnished, ut 78 East Van Durcu-it. rpo" RENT-BACK AND FRONT PARLORS. VERY X reasonable, to responsible gentlemen. 388 Wabash. rpo RENT-5 ELEGANT ROOMS FOR LIGHT X housekeeping: rent reasonable to good panics. 1151 Wapasu-av. rpO RENT-NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE X or eu suite, in business centre. Rates moderate. Transient* accommodated. 140 state-st. rpO RENT-BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOMS. X_3o2 Mlchfgan-av. rpO RENT-PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS, sIN- X glc and suite; can he arranged for light housekeep ing. 473 Mlchlgau-av. rpo RENT—NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS.SINGLY X or cn suite. 131 Twcnty-sccond-st. rpo RENT-PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM WITH X private family, hut and cold water, sic Wabash-uv. fpb RENT—NICELY-FURNISHED ROOM, HOT X and cold water. 571 W’abash-av. 'PO RENT-PLEASANT ROOMS AT 74 TWENTY- X fourcb-st., with or without board. rpO KENT—CHEAP—TO GOOD’PAUTIES, PARLOR 1 door, with easement; splendid order: large yard: goodlocatlou. Itm \vubusn-av..uearTwenty-fourin-nt. North Side* rpO RENT— IN QUIET PRIVATE FAMILY ON X Dcarburo-av.,a large nlcetv furnished trout room, with hot and cold water, to one or two gentlemen. Terms such as u> insure satisfaction. Address G 87, Tribune office. _ - rpo UENT-FOR ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN, A . X njee, with oil Improvement, furnished front alcove room. 168 Last Lrle-at. . rpo RENT-225 NORTH LABALLE-ST.-NICELY- X furnished room without board, rpo“IENI-WITHOUT BOARD-LARGE SINGLE X room at 71 North Statq-st.. . TO RENT—WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. NORTH Side, live minutes’walk from State-st. bridge: hot and cold water and use of bath; private family. Ad dress J 12. Trlbuno office^ fPO KENT—2O2 ERIE-ST., ELEGANTLY FUR- X _nlshed rooms; bath-room on the floor. 'PORENT—A XICKLY-FCll'SlSllt.U ROOM ON X Aral floor to gentlemen only, Private family. 2-10 Dearborn-ay. 'PO RENT-TWO ELEGANTLY-FURNISHED x rooms In a private family and very desirable loca tion. Andress J 37,’tribune office. TO RENT—AN ALCOVE FRONT BOOM, FUB nlsbed. 352Chlu>go»av. miscellaneous* TO RENT-ELEGANTLY KURNiSHF.D ROOMS TO quiet transients. Si per day; location ceutraL Ad dress TbO. Tribune office. 'PO KENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR X gentleman and lady; board for lady only. Address F 83, Tribune office. 'pO RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LADIES OB X gentlemen. J 15, Tribune office. TO RENT-ST6KES, OFFIC£S, ifl£O Stores* * TO KENT—NO. 704 STATE-ST., SMALL STORE, with 2 rooms back, only Sir# per month; large show window. JOHN C, LONG, 74 Washiugton-st. 'PO**I»KNT—STORE .AND BASEMENT NO. 310 X West l(andolph*i>t. A. H. LORD* 151 Baudolpu st,,Room 1. 'PO RENT—STORE 313 STATE-ST.. GOOD LOCA- X tiou, seutiow. J. G, HAMILTON, 108 Washing ton-st. TO RENT-STORE 31 MICIIIGAN-AV., NEAR X Sooth Wwer-sL, 25x150 feet, 4-story and base ment. WM. C. DO W. Room 8 Tribune Building. 'PO RENT—STOKE CORNER OF WEST*WASH- X Ington and Grccn-sts. THOMAS & BRAGG, 132 LaSaUo-st. Offices* rpO BENT OFFICES- SECOND AND THIRD X doors, corner LaSalle and Adams, opposite Law Library. Desk room cheap in basement. 2u4 LaSalle. TO RENT—CHEAP—SPLENDID REAR - OFFICE* convenient to Board of Trade and commission business. Call at State Line office, IC6 Randolph-st. HUsceliaatsso* TO RENT-BASEMENTS. OFFICE AND HOUSE keeping rooms, on-South Ciark-st.; rents low to good tenants. Apply to MALCOM MuNEILL,224 South Clark-st. TO RENT—TWO LIGHT LOFTS (NEAR STATE X and Madlaon-sts.) titled up with Baxter engine and shafting fur running sewing-machines. Address H 100, Tribune office. • 'I'ORENT-A LARGE BASEM ENT FOR STORAGE, 1 well lighted. South Water and Dearbom-sts.. Ap ply to L. BURTON, *3 LaSnlle-st. 'PO KENT—MIDDLE SALOON, WELL FURNISHED, X to gentleman and lady. J 22, Tribune office. WANTED TO BENT* WANTED-TO BENT-WE HAVE AFEWINQUIR les for houses south of Twenty-secuud-st.* at nut overssoper month. W. S. ELLIO'XT CD., Base ment, 148 LaSaile-sc. \X7 ANTED—TO RENT-3 OR4 ROOMS FOR HOUSE- S' V keeping, north of Twenty-second and east of State, south of Division and east of Clark; must be cheap. GGB, Tribune office. WANTED— TO KENT—BY A GENTLEMAN AND wife 2or 3 airy rooms, unfurnished, except car pets, In a pleasant location on South Side. No response will be considered unless It describes the accommoda tions, and states location and terms. G 69, Tribune. WANTED-TO bent—a dining-room by man ancljwlfo In good location, with not less than ten boarders: will board owner for rent; references given. G 74, Tribune odlce. \X7ANTED—TO KENT—FURNISHED ROOM FOB vV 2 gentlemen lu a private family, with breakfast and supper preferred. North bide. Address, Imme diate! v, U 48, Tribune office. VXT ANTED—TO REST—A SMALL, NEAT HOUSE. W convenient to Kenwood or Hyde Park Stations; immediate possession not essential; will pay bonus for (■favorable lease. Address G 72, Tribune office. ANTED—TO REN'T-A SASH, DOOR, AND » V blind factory, ;wilh machinery. Address G 77, Tribune oillce. WANTED-TO KENT-BY GENTLEMAN. A SPA clous room on North Side, near the luce; smr.ll bouse preferred. Kent must be moderate. Address 0 40, Tribune office. WANTED-TO RENT—FURNISHED, LARGE front or alcove room, with or without board, for gent and wife: would like small Darn. Give price and location. Address F 38, Tribune office. WANTED-TO RENT-THREE OR FOUR ROOMS, furalsncd, suitable for light housekeeping, la a pleasant and quiet part of the city. Address, stating location and terms, G 54, Tribune office. \X r ANTED—TO BENT-BT GENT AND WIFE, A VV flat or house of abouterooms, on North Side, in good nelgb borhood. Address, stating location aud price, G 88, Tribune office. tTfANTED-TO BENT-BT A YOUNG LADY Ell- VV piofed during the day, a nicely-furnished room. South bide, between Harrison aud Slxteeuth-st., with or without board. Adores* F as. Tribune office. WANTED-TO BENT—FURNISHED ROOM, OR rooms, with bathing facilities, and breakfast, by a middle-aged gentleman; location north of Lincoln Park; would prefer small, unobtrusive family, without other boarders; would also like staple accommodations for horse. Address G uo, Tribune office. • • WANTED-TO. RENT-A COTTAGE OF6 ROOMS, Vt not over a mile from Court-House, in'good local ly, for moderate rent- Address H 64, Tribune office. \i;anted-to jbest-a c6nve.nie\t~cot* Vt tage, or 3or 4 rooms. In good location: South Side preferred: rent low and pay prompt. Address, etatlnglocation, price, etc., H 84* Tribune office. WANTED-TO RENT—A COTTAGE AT HYDE Park, near station, well finished. SLOSSON A CO., 1&5 LaSalle-st. \T7ANTED—TO KENT—FOR A YEAR OR MORE. VV n pleasant house, furnished or unfurnished, on the North Side: neighborhood of St. James* Church preferred. Address H 82. Tribune office. WAOTED TO BEN' W7 ANTED-TO RfcNT-UY TWO LADIES. MOTHER t V and daughter. a largo nicely furnished front room or suite In private family on North Side, south of Nortn-av. and east of LaSalle-st.: must be In good location with pleasant surroundings and contlguoo* to good day board. Address H9L TrTbnne office. W~ RENT-SHOULD LIKE TO RENT a furnished house for a few months. Anyone leaving the city and desirous of having their house taken care of In their absence, please address H 85, Tribune office. WANTED— TO JtENT—AUG. 1, SMALL HOUSE situated on North or South Side; rent must be reasonable, F 43, Tribune office. • WANTED-TO KENT—BY A FAMILY OF TWO, cottage or 2-story dwelling, with barn; rent not to exceed £3O. Address F 37, Trlnune office. \\f ANTED—TO RENT-SIX OR SEVEN ROOMS > V suitable for housekeeping, on West Side, between Vanßuren and Fulton-sta. and Feoria and Ann and Ccutrc-av.; must have gas. Address MCA. m South Peorla-st. YX7ANTED—TO RENT—A HOUSE WITH FROM tt eight to tun rooms, with modern Improvements, In a good location; rent not to exceed $35 per month. Address U 3, Tribune office, WANTED— TO RENT-BT QUIET YOUNG couple, two furnished or unfurnished front rooms in strictly private family; South Side.cast of Statc-st.: references; state terms. H 7, Tribune office. TITANTED—TU RENT—THE”FIRST OR SECOND ff floor of a desirable residence, unfurnished, with or without ooard. H 4. Tribune office. W ANTED-TO RENT-A PROFESSOR OF MUSIC wishes a nfco furnished room lu payment of piano lessons and shect-muslc! H 08. Tribune office. WANTED-TO AND BASE ment brick house: about 10 rooms, modem Im provements. ou South Side, with barn, furnished or uurarnUhed; prompt pay and A 1 references. Address J 33, Tribune office. W ANTED—TO RENT-HOUSE NOT LESS THAN 7 rooms, with barn, near the lake. Address H itf, Tribune office. WANTED-TO RENT-A SMALL DWELLING house on the South Side near Tblrty-flrst-st.; or North Sice near Lincoln Park; prompt pay; no call dren. Address, stating lowest terms H 38. Tribune. WANTED-TO KENT —I UNFURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, 10 minutes' walk from Randolph and Wahush-ar;; must have water and water closet: references exchanged. Address G \V, 23 and 34 Rlver-sc. \\7 ANTED—TO RENT-ROOM WITH OR WITH tt outboard, In a strictly private family, for two gentlemen, located between Green and Aberdeen, Jackson and Uarrlioa-sts. J 6. Tribune office. WANTED— TO RENT—A FURNISHED ROOM FOR two gentlemen, oh South Side north of Twelfth fit.: references given. Address, stating terms, must be cheap, J 7, Tribune office. \XTANTKD-TO LEASE-HOUSE AND BARN, tt with several acres, at Lawndale. Address U 40. Tribune office. Wanted-to rent-on or before aug. 10, VV 3or 4 rooms, with closets and water, for house keening in house occupied by private family; North or South&lde; refcrenceatstate location aua price, H 83, Tribune office. TXf ANTED—TO KENT—A LARGE FURNISHED VV house, near business centre: or 4or 6 rooms, fur nished, for light housekeeping. G 47. Tribune office. V\r AN TED-TO RENT-3 OR 4 ROOMS FOR HOUSE VV • keeping: two in family: must be east of ciark-sc. and south of L’hlcago-av. o 100, Tribune office. WANTED-TO RENT—A COTTAGE IN GOOD - neighborhood. Address H 47, Tribune office. \\7“ANTED-TO RENT-A LARGE BARN FOR Vt three horses, on West Side. Addre&a VHRTS& BCHOLLE, 222Wahosh-av. \XT ANTED—TO RENT-BY MAN AND WIFE, f V suite of rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board, in family where there are uo board ers or lodgdrs;' east of State, north of Twenty-flfth; good references—-Address J. 38. Tribune office. .FINANCIAL, An intelligent, self-supporting lady in temporary-need seeks u loan from a gentleman of means, lor which security could bo given, and In terest if desired. H 23, Tribune office. a dvances made on diamonds, watches. etc... at one-half brokers’ rates. D. LAUNDER, Roomsbaud C. 120 Randolph-at. Kesiabllahed 1834. All savings-bank books, receivers’ cer tlflcates, county orders and city serin bought and sold, and loans negotiated, by IRA HOLMES, general broker, 86 Washington-st. A NY AMOUNT TO LOAN ON FURNITURE'AND fX pianos, without removal, isi Kandolph-at., Room 4, A PRIVATE PARTY WILL LOAN ON FURNI - and pianos, without removal and other valuables, at reduced rates. Describe security. H 61, Tribune office. ANY AMOUNTS TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES on furniture, pianos, ere., without removal. C. B. WILSON, Room n. H 3 Dearborn-st.' . Al COMMERCIAL PAPER. NOTES WITH COL 'laterals, mortgages. *nd oilier securities bought and sold. ISAAC GREENEBAUM & CO.. 110 Flfth-av. ANY AMOUNTS TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, without removal, pianos and other good securities, in sums to suit. 13d Dearhorn-sc., Rooms i? and 18. ANY SUM TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, etc., without removoL and other securities, at low rates. W. N. ALLEY. iSdDearburn-et., Room 4. CVASH PAID. FUR OLD-GOLD and silver /Money to loan oa watches, diamonds, and vuluaoio* of every description at 60LD3MU/S Lion aud Bullion OfficcCflcenaed). UO East Madlaon-st. Established 1885. CtASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT LIFE-INSUR i aurance policies. D. W. SUTHERLAND, at Clark. I?OR SALE-DIRT CULAP-ONS SHARE OF THE 1 Prairie Farmer Co. Apply to 11. J. DETMEHS, 372 Cottage Grove-av. •' • ■ r oans. large or small, made on fur flui uiture or othergood collateral without removal or publicity, at lowest rates. Room su Reaper Block. \f ONEY~tcTloan'on FURNITURE. PIANOS. iVX machinery, and-other good securities. No. 100 Dearborn-at. K.WINNE. \TDNEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT. AT LOW iIX est current rate*, on Improved city property, J. & J. M. GAMBLE, -to Dearborn-st., Rooms 5 and 8. \4ONEY TO LOAN-AT LOW KATES OF IN ivX terest on tirat-v engage real-estate security, CHANDLER & CO., 72 Dearborn-st. T)IANOS—MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS X pianos at 10 percent per annum, storage free. H 87, Tribune office. . rro LOaN-SKVERAL SUMS OF SSOO, 52,000. X $5,000, 510.UX). and $13,000 on Improved city property at favorable rates. BEVERIDGE & DEWEY, »5 Dearborn-st. * rpHE ADVERTISER WISHES ,T 0 BORROW $2,500 X on the best real estate security; will pay 7 per cent, but no commission. Address J 20. Tribune office. rpO LOAN-MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT OVER X SI,OOO. on good city property at lowest rates. THOMAS & BRAGG. 122 LaSalle-fit. TO LOAN-SUMS OF s'*oo TO 83,000 TO LOAN on real estate at 7 per cent: no commissions. JOHN MILTON OLIVER. Room 37, No. 07 Clark-st. WANTED— 50,000 AT 7 PER CENT FOR 5 YEARS on manufacturing property worth nearly three times that amount, G 35, Tribune office. ■ TXT ANTED—S2,OOO DN~CHATTEL MORTGAGE. V\ SSOO to be returned every a months. Address J 18, Tribune office.. , WANTED— A LOAN OF $5,000 FOR 3 OK 5 years on Improved, well-rented city real estate. HUTCHINSON BROS.. 85 Washlngton-st., Room 8. WANTED— $3,500 ON BEST VACANT PROPERTY In city; will pay 0 per cent. H ao. Tribune office. 7 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT i on good city property and Improved farms. W. if. WILLNER, 12SLaSallo-3t., Room 4. SI,OOO, AND LARGER AMOUNTS •TO loan on city property at lowest rates. PETERSON & BAY. IG4 Randolnh-gt. . (tr»l mw I TO $5,000 TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS L.UUU city Improvea property, H. J. WALL INGFORD, Room 2li. HO Dc&rborn-at. • d? I /UW I WANTED FOR ONE YEAR; WILL PAY uoI«UL/U 15 per cent; security atone and brick building on long leasehold In business centre, worth SIO,OOO. Address J Id, Tribune office. Sr / \f\t \ TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON IM proved property: 7 and 8 percent; no commission. E. GRACE, southeast corner Clark and Jackson-sta. 1 f\f\ f\i in TO LOAN ON GOOD IMPROVED CHI XUU.UUU cago real estate at 7 percent. *H. J. CHRISTOPH, 157 Randolph-st. FOR SALE. For sale-we are selling an unlaun dried shirt made of Wamautta muslin and 2.300 ex tra heavy linen, all finished and ready to laundry, for Si each or This Is unequaled by any other shlrt-housc In the world. Quick sales and small profits aro what wo want. Call and see them. Best quality (pantaloon cut) Jean drawers, the finest made, for 75 cents a pair, sold everywhere for $1.25.** Seeourncw patent yoke-band collars at 20 cents each, ors2oer dozen. Largeststockaud aisorementof linen collars ana cuffs In the city. Give us a trial. **LONESTAR” SHIRT CO., lU3 Dearhorn-st., opposite Honors Block. Fob sale-cheap-a complete file of the Chicago Tribune, daily and Sunday edition, for 1878. Make me an offer. Addreaa F 27. Tribune office. For sale—at a great bargain—marble mantels, bath tubs, lead pipe. etc.: might ex change for horse and phaeton. Address * so. Tribuns. For sale-house to be moved-two-stort frame dwuuinff 109 Em Kpurteeath-at., In good repair: will sell cheap. Call or address JQHN GEAKi, •257 Cottage Grove-av. . OR SALE—IB OIL-LAMPS. WITH NEWEST style patent reflectors, at SO cents each, any quan tity: 2 gas-fixtures at $5 each, worth S 3 each; 3 outside • showcases at S 3 aud SS each: small counter cash-desk at£3; escoo/satsocents each; some framed picture* at 44 each, worths 10 each; all these goods are perfect .and extra cheap: have uo use or room for them. 103 Dcarborn-st, « Fob sale-three good billiard-tables. complete, one S3O; also three pool-tables; ivory bolls, good as new.. 229 Fiftn-av. • Fob sale-an elevator, apply to g. w. BEADY, at3d4Nortb-ar. . F“ OR SALE-FOB A FEW DAYS. THE BEST HARD coal f0r£4.23 perton. delivered, full weight. 395 West Madl&on-st. 170 R SALE—ONECn,OOO-POUND RAIbROD-TIiACK ' scale. In gdoa order, for one-half Its value.. in quire op addreis LOOMIS & FULLH TT, 27S and 160 Mather-st.. Chicago. For salk-a'nicb 4-oab bow boat, all compline: also, movable mast and sail for use at pleasure, i. 11. BUSH. 163 Randolph-au. Boom <O. trOR SALE-CIIEAP-TWO MILCH COWS. OK EX i; change for a road wagon and harness. Call after 6 p. m. at i.;d South Morgau-st. T7OB SAMI-SIX BATHTUBS WITH riXTIIIiKS, 1. copper, rull-size. accoad-hsnd; also a circulating boiler aud tans; must be eold; call, and fee them MOu day or Tuesday at 173 West Maduoo-»t.. basement. WATCHES A.\B JEWLXBV* B' ’ I HAVE BOUGHT AT A great sacrifice; must be sold immediately; call aud examine and secure a great bargain. A. LAL DEKBAOK, diamond Jewelry manufacturer, <o Madl aon-st., corner of State, second floor. Fob sale-a fine stem-winding gold watch, American movements. In pawn for 53J: will sell for S4O. Address J 19, Tribune office. M'HE BOSS WATCH IS -NOT IS PAWS. BUT I X don’t know bow soon It may be unless 1 sell it. Made to order for a railroad conductor a few mootos ago, It la a 4 o*. solid a«ld case, with a B.JJ. Be)- «ond movement. Cost 5225: and sioo cash will take it on Monday, Mast have money. Addrcu G 41, BHILDHTG KL&TSBUi* OT- LOUTS PREMIUM BRICK. 830; MICHIGAN. O $22: Ohio, $18; Indiana, si4andSi6; Phhadelphl*, 540; Baltimore, $45. HALE &CO.. 66 Lafca.le-st. ... HOBSES AJjP CABBIAGia* A T 625 MADISON-ST.. A CAR-LOAD OF HORSES -iA. and mares: will sell or trade. • One nice pony. s£>: one 3-sprlug delivery wagon. S3U: one express Harness. |n» A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP FAMILY CAB rlages, boggles, phaetons, aide-bar road wagons, harness, etc., at lew prices. H. B. HILL, 39i and 396 Wabash-av. A FEW FINE SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES for sale at low prices, at J. SAWYER’S Stables, Nos. 9 and 21 Thlrd-ar. A LOT OP SECOND-HAND BUGGIES OF ALL kinds at a bargain: also first-class new baggies, our own make, and delivery-wagons. WUI sell very cheap this week at 715 Wabosn-av, F)R SALE-THE PROPERTY OF A WIDOW lady, a bright bay horse, 6 years of age, hands high; he la without spot or blemish, and will stand any place without being hitched, and the most timid person can drive him, and he trotted lost fail In 2:43, being hl» first and last time on the track; also one good and very stylish sorrel horse; he Is of the same age, ic hands high, etoutlv built; he would make a fine horse for a coupe or delivery wagon; he weighs Just l,A*>u pounds; also a park phaeton and side-bar top buggy made by R. U. Stivers, of New York, and harness, to be sold together or separate, very reasonable. 1 want to sell, and any person wishing a trial of ten davs with cither ofthe horses con have It, Apply at the bam In the rear of residence. Ko. 25 Indlana-ar. FOB SALE—SQUARE BOX WAGON, SHIFTING top, three springs, two seats, room for three: shafts and pole: In perfect order for immediate use: suitable for business or pleasure; weighs 500 pounds, and strong. One set doable harness, perfect. Also, new custom made light open road buggy, aide springs, Dexter pat tern. All cheap for cash. 122 Mlchlgan-av., near cor ner Madtaon-at. T7OB SALE-CHEAP-2 KICK a-SEATED CAR JC rinses, l nice jump seat. 2 basket phaetons and several new and second-hand buggies and road wagons, also a flue sulky. TJI and 7>g Stacc-su E. C. HAYDh. Forsale-black GELDING IGJ* HANDS, SUED in Kentuckv, 6years oldjagrceuone: nurcgalt*d; sound and kind; no vices or tricks of any kind; a gentle man’s fine road-horse: sent him to track UtbJune; trotted Wednesday, July 23, full mile in 2:35; last Quar ter In 38 seconds: will sell for what he la worth and take good top buggy in the deal. Address Lock Box IS6, Madison, Wla. For sale-or exchange-a good team of black marcs: can be driven single or double; per fectly safe and beat kind of saddle horses; will exchange for another larger horse or sell cheap for cash, having no use for two horses. Address G 71. Tribune office. For sale-cheap—a nearly new phaeton. Apply at 442 Sooth Halsied-st.. up-stalr»« For sale-a new side-bar brewster spring top buggy with Dole and shafts; will sell for 8140 if taken at once. Can he seen at 770 West Won roc-at. POB SALE-CHEAP—A. FINK SEW LAN’DAU- I. Icitc rockaway <new style six-seated family car riage); first-class city moke. Can be seen at Nos. 302 and 304 Wab&dh-av. For sale-a bay make, cheap, w. b. w.. 650 Sedgwlck-st. T7OK SALE—CHEAP—A TOP DELIVERY WAGON, X with tongue and shafts. Inquire at B. F. RAN SOM’S stable. 4-#7 Cottage Grovo-av. UOR SALE-BY OWNER-LARGE BLACK COUPE JO horse, sound and gentle. HARVEY, clothier, 84 State-st. For sale-second-hand light double family carriage, eliptlcand C springs, sound leather sjspeusloa-top. newly painted, and in good condition In every respect. 122 Mlchlgan-ar. T7OR SALS—BAY COUPE HORSE. 165* HANDS X high. 6 years old; also, matched pair of bay geld ings. 6 years old. 10 hands high. This stock Is from the country, and all sound and right In every respect. Will satisfy any party that wants good sloes. Address G 30, Tribune otnee. I7OK SALE-AN OPEN-HACK AT 07 AND 99 WEST X 1 Lake-st. T?OR SALE ONE CAR-LOAD FIRST-CLASS X heavy draft and driving horses.’ lust arrived this morning from the country. bvA. E. EOEIIN, In rear of 5G9 West Twelfth-st.. corner Loomis. Chicago. For sale-splendid i,300-pound horse cbeap—suitable for carriage. Address G 63. Trib une office. For salk-a number of finely-bred fil- Ilesfrom i to 4 years old: also, one or two stallions. Address P. L. HASSCOM. lOe Jladison-st. For sale-one carload of no. i extra heavy horses, weighing from I.SuO to l.soolbs; also oue pair of dapple-gray coach horses, 5 and 6years old: and oau dapple-gray coupe hone. Call In rear of 133 West TweUlh-st. PETEK GLYNN. For sale—livery stock-x havf. fifteen horses and mares, all sizes, that 1 must sell this week: also 20 open and top buggies, and 3 carriages, harness, etc. 371 West Flfccenm-sL, first house east of Centre-ar.. West Side. • • FOR SALE-CHEAP-ONE HORSE FIT FOR GEN-* oral use. Inquire at liquor-store.3so South Ilalateu. I7OR SALE-5 GOOD SINGLE-DRIVING HOlthKS. X speedy:, also one sfde-anrlng and oue end-spring top buggies, at 4U7 West Madlsoa-st. I?0R SALE—PHAETON AND PONY, ENTIRE OR X separate. Call atfrg) West Madison-at. . FUR SALE—AT AUCTION-FIRST-CLASS HORSE, harness, and grocery• wagon, at HOIKS. FAY ± CONKEY’S, 76 Wabaah-av., Monday morning, at 9 o’clock. PR SALE—A PAIR OF HORSES THAT CAN TROT In 3:40: also pair trot 3:50: single horse trot 3:35: single horse trot 3:4u: single horse trot*u:.'>or also sev eral good business horses. OsuAR FIELD, 105 Mich- Igan-av. PiR SALB-A FIRST-CLASS NEW EXPRESS wagon. cheap, suitable for grocery. 30 ana ns West Madlsou-n. For sale-a fine 7-year-old coupe horse, 10 banos high, gentle and kind; also a fine, large phaeton-horse, ft years old. Both are flue saddle-horses. One floe square-box top buggy; one three-spring demo crat wagon. ftJOWcat Wasmngtoa-st. • . For sale-bay horse, ie hands, weighs I.sou pounds, 6 years old; not afraid of cars,gentle and sound. Can he seen at 183 West t onrrecutu-st. T?OK SALE—COUPE~IWICKAIVAY. NEARLY NEW. X Can be seen at EDGEUTON’S Stables, 37 and 39 Fourtccnth-sc. Price, Sdou. / ■ ‘ For sale-i have three new top buggies that 1 will sell at an extremely low price. Cal! and see. :iis West Taylor-at. • HOR SALE-SQUARE BOX TOR BDGGT,BROWN’S X mate. In good order, at 1003 Mlcblgau-ar. P’ R SALE-Q S E~OPEN B UGGV,”O K WILL TRADE for good horse.' UNION FURNITURE CO., 5U3 West Madtson-sc. FOR SAIiE—A SHIFTING GLASS FRONT, FLAT form springs, four-seated family carriage, almost new. Price, S2uo. Con be seen as 147 South bangs mun-st. For SALE-ONE PONT. SADDLE, AND BRIDLE; most bo soid. WRIGHT’S Llrery, 250 Klnzle-st. FOR SALE-A GOOD TOP BUGGT7 PENNOVER matte: no use for It. and will sell cheat*; can be seen alter 6 p. m. at 1245 Mlchlgan-av. IM)R SALE-CHEAP-2 MCE 3-SEATED CAR rlagea. 2 basket pnaetons. and several new and sec ond-band buggies and road wagons, also a due sulky. 731 and 733 State-St. E. C. Ha YDK. • ‘ For sale-cheap-2 good driving horses. 2 farm wagons, l delivery wagon. 1U good second hand aud all kinds of harness, at 70 South Canal-st. ‘ T?OR SALE-CHEAP-A GOOD SECOND-HAND X Cuan A Tenßrocke top buggy In good order,for SSO If taken at once, acsai South ilatsted-at. IVOR S:\LE-CHKAP-MEDia.M WEIGHTSQUARK- X box tup buggy: also. light double harness. Inquire at 41 Reaper Block. t?OR SALE-12 DRAFT AND. DRIVING HORSES. X price from $25 to SBS; 5 good top • buggies, 4 ex press wagons, and harnesses, at lu Blue isiuid-ar. F'OR SALE—A TOP BUGGY IN GOOD ORDER, OR would exchange for a horse. Call at DU West Mad laon-au Must be sold to pay charges: i second hand basket phaeton, first-class: 1 patent-wheel top-buggy, as good as new: 2 other open buggies, very cheap; l heavy three-spring wagon, as goon as new; also 5 horses and mares lit tor draft or business; 4 seta of single and double harness, as good as new; will sell together or separate. 213 West Twelfcb-sc., corner of Desplalnes. . PENNOYKK * CO,. 3to TO 3P6 WABASH-AV., MANUFACTURERS OF FINK CARRIAGES. We have In stock a choice selection of desirable car riages. perfectly fintaned. and the standard for general excellence, our side-spring business buggies and low elliptic-spring pleasure wagons have a sale unequoled by any other first-class vehicle. Juatarnved. an as sortment of the celebrated Abbott, Downing A Co.’s Concord express wagons and trucks. All our prices ex tremely reasonable. . . „ t w , We also have a large stock of first-class second-hand buggies In fine order, many but little worn, and to close them out will make very low prices. Rig for lady-chestnut horse, d years old, perfectly kind for child to drive, sound; nhae ton In good order, but little used. 90 Twenty-sccond-st. Very nobby rig-coal-black horse. is« bands. 8 year* old. perfectly sound, and kind for most timid perion to drive, and most stylish In the city; side-bar buggy. In perfect order, best make, os good as new; owner away. Can be seen at 88 Twenty second-st. . rpo EXCHANGE—A BAY*. BOKSB, 15K HANDS 1 hlch. Hycarsold; can trotin2:so; a square box top buggy, ns good as new, for a second-hand coupe. Address H 34. Tribune otflco. WTIhL GIVE $5 PER MONTH FOR USB OF VV horse and buggy: good pasture and light use. G 60. Tribune office. WANTED-GOOD HORSE, PHAETON. AND harness, or either, (or floe hunting-case watches, one stem-winder. Address F 80, Trtoune office. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED AND KESPONSI bIc horseman would like a good horse for bis keeping for a month or two. Hm. Trt bane office. WANT TO PAY SIOO CASH FOB A GOOD SPAN of mares used to travel.. O 07. Tribune office. VUANTED—FOR CASH-A SMALL HORSE, GOOD VV looking, black preferred, young and sound. 14 hands high, suitable for a lady to ride ana drive. Ad dress U 7A Tribune office. tTTANTED—SECOND-HAND TWO-SEATED OK W Jump-seat one-horse buggy In goo dorter at» bargain, to fill country order, a. A. aBQPTT&CO., corner Dench and Sebor-sts.. opposite 319 south Canal. WANTED— A WELL BROKE FAMILY HORSE, for which I will pay cash. Call Monday or Tues day at Room 10.137 East Maulsoa-at. . Wanted— astylish ladysdriving horse and phaeton. AdoresaG 9L JTrlbane office. ANDBGGqr.'oR'EITJTEK. In exchange for a handsome oil painting (targe size) in elegant gold frame, worth $l5O cash. Address J 30, Tribune office. ; Wanted-to sell or trade-* else east bone: No. I, guaranteed. Calf at RYAN S, corner of Michigan and cass-tta. DANDI. _ WANTED-A DRIVING-HORSE THAT CAN TROT iu 2:40; price must be low. Address«M3^Tribune^ OFFICE FJU RNITcHL* SoiPsALE-CnEAl’-FIXTGRES OF_A CIGAR J? store, almost new. Address J 5« Trloune office. F~tTr eleoant OAK AND plate glass show case, suitable for the ®??£itioo of millinery or furalililoEKooiU. ttUI low ‘ W K rUkLOCK A CO., 21land -13 Madison st. tttAntED—OFFICE DESK, SIZE ADOUI’ 30X43 W Inches, with drawers underneath; must be sub stantlai maks andlow price. Address F 84. irihune. CANT OFF CIjOTHINCm FOR LADIES* AND GENTLE- carpet* anti beddJns. CHI or address E. HERnCiIEL 540 State-at. /-•ASH PAID FOB CAST-OFF CLOTHING AT. I. 0 GELDEtt'S, SW SUtc-sL Orders by mall promptly attended to. . • ;—; Oft I STATE -ST.-PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH oUx price for ladles’and ffenUeaen s cut-011 doth jaj. Address MR. or MRS. ANDREWS. BUSINESS CHANCES* A 12,500 STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE for sale at Chicago wbolcsjue price* In Carr Sta tion. on C. * X. vv. K. R., 39 mllea from Chicago Cash or part cash and good security for balance. Bund ing lor sale or low rfeat Poet-offlcewUh buslneaswlll ray more than half of rent Poor health cause for selling. Address JOHN A. NISH, Cary Station. 111. A RARE CHANCE FOB A MAN WITH FROM SI.OOO to 52.C00: the undersigned for the want of capital will sell a one-tnlrd Interest in a new and valu able patent not yet Introduced. Call or address S 9 WILLIAMS & CO., 80 Went Van Boren-st. Tgood PARTY desiring TO INVEST SMALL S\, capital In a promising enterprise will please ad dress. stating where interview can be had. G 4j. Trib une oflice. A BARGAIN, IF TAKEN AT ONCE—THE FURNI - and lease of 19 rooms for sale, centrally lo cated. 103 Washingtoa-st., Boom 60. A WELL-ESTABLISHED GOOD-PAYING BDsl ness for sale, or exchange fo* Improved real estate. Call between 7 and ua.m. at 3:#) Ohlo-at. AFIRST-CLAS3 MEAT AND PROVISION MAR ket, on one of the main streets In tbe city, for sale, or half-interest; doing a cash business; must b« a good business man. Address Y 22. Tribune ©See. Boarding-house, u rooms, well furnish’ ed. lull, andnajlng: location best on West Side, near Madlson-st.; sickness of owner compels a sale* inquire at 152 Dearbom-sL. Room 4. CAPITALISTS ABE BESPECTPULLPINVITEDTO call at 123 Dcarbora-st.. basement. tod Investigate a valuable, legitimate business, requiring tome money. Profits large. I?OR SALE—EI2-OW—BANKING-HOUSE BDILD . IL S, SUU.OJU: vaults, SH.uoo; urn's burglar aafe. SI. 800; Sanwofs jime-loclc, S4on. Thu only bank in ft city o t B.UOJ people. One of mo Ivootcua* ufacturlng cities In Illinois, 3 railroad*, and on aarln*- bio river. KO mlicsfrom Chicago. Parties miring cause of sale; SOO,OOO now on deposit. Business for the year closed July I. 1879: net pro flu. g-.ur«, Thu Is the best business opening in the United states. An** young or old man who wants to make money, tats U ttw chance. Call and seems if vou waut ft bantine-boasc that pays a larger net proflt than any bank in the Union for the capital invested. Bo cot bother unless you mean business. This Uno humbug. We will pay all expenses to see It from any part of the Union, ir not as we represent it to be in this notice. T. B. BOYD. Koom 7, 170 Modi«OD»st. For sale-only one chance offered in a life to buy the great Twenty-sccond-sc. Pal ace Market and Packing-Mouse. Tno reputation and business of ibis well known bouse speak tor them selves. and need no comments; second to none in this city as regards business, location, and reputation. 1 he proprietor Is compelled to leave the citv fur some mouths to come on business over wblcb be has no con trol. Only lor this no fair Inducement coulu buy it. No man or set of men need apply unless they hart plenty of money and mean business. The wholeaaU and retail trade of this house Is unlimited. Wanted—A good, first-class city itaJlsman who doei not drink, smoke, or use profane language. Apply at 104 and loeTwenty-second-st. J. D. L. HaRVEv. Fine opening in drug business-a fink store well established, doing good business. In one of the best business towns on too Chicago & North western Railroad. about ioo miles west of Chicago. - Address M. L. GREENWOOD. Pccatoolca, HI. . For sale—a third interest in mines in the new silver district la Arizona for S4,«uo cash: this is a rare opportunity to purchase of original prospectors; party must be la every way acceptable to advertiser: particulars on Interview. Address J li. Tribune office.. For sale or rent—brick banking-house. with vaults nod uurglar-proof safes, ail in fine or der. and located in a growing and prosperous city in Central lowa. This worth investigating, as ft Is a chance very seldom offered. Address C. BUSINESS. Tribune office. FOR SALK DRUG-STORK. AT A BARGAIN; terms easy: the finest store In the city: well located: rent low, and doing a good business: will invoice about. $4,000; good reason for selling. L. L. LANE, No. 306 B-ady-sL, Davenport, lowa. . For sale-at a great bargain—the stock in trade, tools and fixtures, and good wll. of black smith shop in a town of 6,0i0 inhabitants. About twelve miles irom Chicago Court-House. This Is a good chance for a man with a little money to step into a good business. Address F 75. Tribune office. For sale-boots and shoes, and fixtures offlneiy-located store: old-established trade. Own er lias other business to attend to. Address J Trib une office. FOR SALE-HALL’S LAUNDRY. 110 SOUTH DBS plalnes-st.. cheap for cash:, going away. For sale-first-class meat-market on South Side, largo cash custom: sales. S sOOO a month: must sell on account of sickness of owner: terms very easy. Apply to K. F. WINSLOW, 186 West Madlson-at. - Fob s alk-thk trisco. newsboy, and look out mines on Grape Creek. Fremont Co.. Colorado: SS.OUJ down. on time or Improved Chicago property. Address at once H 10. Tribune office. For"sale-at A SACKIFICE-A LIVERY STOCK; consisting of top-buggies, two-scated buggy, car riages. flue driving borsjs, and harness of ail kinds: must be sold this week as I hare other business. At 501 South HalsCed-sL T7OR SALE-OKTO EXCHANGE FOR REAL ES- X tain—A ten-year old established crockery-store; centrally located. Inquire of CIiAS. PICK, cornet Franklin and Randolph -sts. • FOR SALK-13 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS cheap for cash, la business centre: suitable for a ladv to run; am leaving tne city. Address H3o,Tno une office. ~ r?OR SALE-BEST LUNCH-C AU AND FURNITpRK, X at a bargain. 117 Dcarhorn-st. For sale-an interest in* a business pay- Inganrofltof $lO9 on each machine: protected by patcuu just granted: now preparing the September Exposition, wltn gross profits alm«m unlimited; |l,uo toSs.onn required, and must sec mo in Culcago. IN VENTOR. P.-O. BOX 313. For sale-or rent-saloon and kestau rant. Inquire at 35 East Klozle-n., np-atalr*. Fob sale— cheap—the most elegantly fitted beer and samole room In the vicinity of Board of Trade. GOODWIN A CU., 338 West Madlson-st. FOK SALE-A CASH BUSINESS WITH YEARLY net profit of from ss,OUi to S7.CCO; reason, retiring from business. G ftti. Tnoune office. FOR SALE-MARKET, .NO. ‘221 WEST RANDOLPH at. sold cosh location; raicblnrry. Ice-houso. mar ble-top tables, etc. No. I stand; SJOQ cash. F" o’rsale-a family liquor-stork. WITH established trad'.-; present owner going loco other busßies*. Inquire of owner atiuu Arcner-ar.. north west corner of Halated-at. 1?0B SALE—THE MURFHF.Y MARKET, 40« WEST 1 Mad>son-aC. Inquire at Room 8, 148 Madlson-s:.. of mortgagee. ■ r?on sall-wholksalr and retail liquor JC business; splendid location; old established trade. Address F 42, Tribune office. • FOR SALE-HALF INTEREST IN AN ESTABLISH ed mercantile business. South Side; about $1,500 required; no trade. 1124. Tribune office. COR SALE-A -FRESH STOCK OP GROCERIES, X. drygoods. 1 amt notions in a suburban town; ouly one tu the place; splendid traao; post-office pays reut: about si,coo stock; sickness only reason for selling. Address G 89. Tribune office. FOR SALE-A GOOD-PAVING RESTAURANT. Fix tures new; good locality: good reason for selling; rent, sao per month. 901 Cottage Grove-av.. For SALK—a business suitable for a man with small capital, not afraid to work: can clear fromSlOtosi2 per week. Inquire for JOHN. ,utui Wescßandolph-st., if teru o’clock p-~ m. FOR SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF GROCERY store doing a good business. Established ten years. Address F 79, Tribune office. ,r?OH sale-or exchange—planino-mill X and factory worth S2u.(XX); want an offer; eaij payments. Address G 70. ’IIIOOOO office. FOR SALE-LUNCH-CAR; GOOD LOCATION. K South TVacer-st._ T7OR SALE—THE CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE X locatwlat 40 West Madlson-st., Chicago, with an established trade, both regular and transient: IQ years’ location, and doing a paying business. To oe sold on accuuncof thodcainof the proprietor. Mr*. A. FOOT, 40 West MadUou-ac. /GROCERY STOR v IN A LIVE CITY OF7.OUOFOB \7 sale; cash trade; three years* lease: stock 52,5«)0U» 82.700; a splendid chance. Address Leek Box 1041. Sterling. Whiteside Co.. HI. I OFFER FOR SALK 184 SHARES OF STOCK IN the Chicago Dally Telegraph Company; will giro par for more stock. Address Non-Resident, Briggs House R00m54. Chicago. \ ~ Laundry for sale, in good location on South side, doing first-class business; a splendid chance for parties with small capital. Address J 27, Tribune office. MEriCHANT-TAILdRINGIESTABLISUMENT FOR sale lu Topeka. Kas. Will Invoice 51,200 to #1,500. Clean new slock. Address SWALLOW. RKED £ Ct>., Topeka. Kas. . - ON ACCOUNT OF DESIRING TO GO TO EUROPE I will sell my confectionery and bakery ala vers low priest It fa situated on the best street on the North Slue; a first-class place for Ice-cream and soda-water stand. Address G 3d. Tribune office. . . rpO PHYSICIANS—I HAVE A SURGICAL SPE- X clalt.y established In a growing city, and want a medical gentleman with some means to join me: an excellent opening (or ibe right man. Address Dr. LACKhT, Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED— GENERAL AGENTS FOR OUR LOCD speaklog telephones: exclusive territory given. Room 40,113 Lahaile-aL 2IAGHINEBX. ASSIGNEE'S SALE-CONSISTING OF IRON AND wookworklnz machinery, engines, mill and ma chine shop supplies, every day this week at 217 Latte - st. C. u. RICE A CO. • For sale—engines from 3 to 200 horse power: portable engines from «to 25 horso power; a good assortment of fire-box boilers: tubular ooilej* from 4 to ho horse power: several two-fin: hollers: a lot of old boiler shells suitable for tonics: a lot of tanks and kettles: 2 trip-hammers, 2 drop-hammers, 3 screw presses, baud and power punches and shears; a lot of jack screws: second-hand pipe, smoke stack, crimping machines, forges, anvils, bellows; manufacturer of vises aud tools; machine work and boiler work prompt ly executed at SPRINGER'S machinery depot, 52 to fid bouthUlnton-sc. T/OR SALE—t)NK 48-INCH LOCOMOTIVE BOILER X 1 about 44 horse power: one 3xß upright holler, 10 horse power: one Sxoticbt tank and one 7x4 tight tank; all in perfect order. HAT A PRENTICE. 37 South Canai-it. T7OR SALE-CHEAP-A FIRST-CLASS PARKER’S i; doable beaded pateutsandpajierlog machine. Call at 230 West Ohlo-SL WANTED— ON MONDAY, A NO. 308 4 STEAM pump in good working order at foundry 1058 South Halsted-st.-; state price. J NSTEUGTI OH* CHICAGO KINDERGARTEN TRAINING-SCHOOL. For circulars apply to MRS. ALICE H. PUTNAM, 52 South Park-av., Chicago. Experienced music-teacher will oivk lessons for 25 cents, with piano for practice. H. CLARK, care Carrier 24, West Side. . YV ALTER C. LYMAN. ELOCUTIONIST, S6fit£ Wabash-av. See amusement column. \\r ANTKD-LESsONS IN LANDSCAPE AND Ma il rlne drawing aud painting, at my boose, near Tblrteench-BU and Micmgaa-av.; state price per las son. 11 79, 'irihune office. PRINTING MATERIAL* 1?0I» SALE—CHEAP—ONE 54-MEDIUM LIBERTY 'printing-press: also K-mediora printing-press, with or without steam attachments. Room 60 Reaper Block. fifir WILL BUY A SELF-INSING PRESS. 13 foots of type, and rest of complete outfit for job printing work; all Iu good order. Address a w u<* Michigau-av. * 15