Newspaper Page Text
16 REAL ESTATE. Something New in Houses—*A Fire-Proof Residence. Umisual Number of Fine Dwell- ings Now Building. Description of lie Most Interesting Speci mens of Hcuse-Arcjiitectnre. Sales and Building Permits of tlie Week—Street Improve- ments. Development of the Parks—New Ideas in Payiiig—EleTated Railroads. A fire-proof residence is something of a novelty in this country. The new residence that .burling & Whitebouse, architects, are erecting for Mr. 8. M. Nickerson, President of the First National Bank, will have this unique claim to attention. It will be, besides this, notable as the ' - LARGEST PRIVATE SOUSE In the city. In size it ranks both Mr. George M. Pullman’s Louse and that of Mr. Cyrus H. Mc- Cormick, which have been till now the Gog and Magog o£ house-architecture in this city. Mr. Nickerson’s house, which is np to the basement, stands on the northeast corner of Cass and Erie streets. The dimensions of the ground-plan arc 102xS0 feet. It will be three stories high, be sides the basement. Bedford stone will be the material of the basement, and the superstruct ure will be of Ohio stone from the Amherst quarries. Columns of granite will support the front porch. No wood will appear anywhere about the exterior, to the great gratification of those lovers of the true, the good, and beauti ful whose eyes have been made sore BT SEEING WOODEN STOOPS and porches put on $25,000 and $50,000 houses. Id too many Chicago houses expenditure seems to have run riot till the front scoop was -reached, when the easy step from sublime to the ridiculous was made in wood. The Interior of Mr. Nickerson’s house is rendered completely fire proof by the same general methods of construc tion that were followed in the Singer building, now owned by Field & Letter. The floors arc laid on iron beams, between which brick arches are sprung. These- arches are overlaid with cement. The handsome stairway thatrisea from the centre of the main hall, opposite the front ooor, will be bmlt of marble. Tile and stone will constitute most of the interior surfaces that are not decorated. The main floor will be divided into a hall 18x53, with a mar ble stairway in the centre, a parlor IS x 22, a second parlor 18x23, a library 18x23, an art gallery 23x38, lighted from above, i. dining-room 18x30, smoking-room 18x20, a gentleman’s reception-room 18x20. There will be on this floor two fire-proof vaults, a water •levator, and the kitchen and domestic offices. A novelty in the interior construction is to be the ENTIRE ABSENCE OF PLASTER. There is to be no plaster laid on any of the walls. The interior surface.will be marble, tile, orna mental woods, hangings and tapestries. Chicago has been fortunate in escaping the monotony that mars the architecture of older cities. The brown-stone fronts of New York and the brick rows of Baltimore or Philadelphia have no parallel here. A business district that has been entirely rebuilt since 1871 would nat urally present great diversities of ontlinc. In our residence quarters the fashionable tendency has been, and is, to build unlike one’s neighbor, and noti as in New York, to ape the brown stone front next door. During the present season an HNCSDJLL BTJMBEB OP PIKE HOUSES hare been put up or beeun. The palatial home o£ Mr. Cyrus H. McCormick has been pushed nearly to completion, the beautiful residence of Mr. Nickerson, described above, has been be gun, and a exeat many others erected that at tract admiration for the beauty of their exterior and the elegance and convenience of the in terior arrangement#. Messrs. Palmer & Spin ning have nlanned for Mr. H. J. Willing, of the firm of Field, Leiter & Co., a residence in the Gothic style, to stand at the corner of Kush and Ontario streets. - A Minnesota lime stone, of a rose color, will be the ma terial. The trimmings will be dressed, and the walls rock-faced. The ground plan will be 71x76 feet, and the bight three stories, a basement, and attic. One 'of the most noticeable of the new bouses on the North Side is that built by the same architects for MarlcSkinner, £sq., at the southwest corner of Rush and Ontario itreets. It Is of Ohio sandstone in two colors, tuff and blue. English Gothic describes the or fler of architecture, which has a plain but mass ive effect. In the main hall there is a large OLD-FASHIONED STONE FIREPLACE !or burning locs of wood, with a stone mantel piece, in the English style, reaching to the ceil ing. The ceiling, floor, and wainscoting are of sak. There is a steam passenger-elevator. The nouse is heated bv hot water and steam. An ispecially fine room is the library, 17x29, with Bookcases lining all the walls. •Burnham <fc Root are building for Mr. E. S. Stickuev Sa bouse in the Italian renaissance Uyle. It stands on Huron street, between Cass md Rush, is 46x70, with preseed-brick walls and (tone trimmings. A conservatory opens into the hall from under the stairways, and from the second landing of the stairs one can look through large windows upon ITS LEAVES AND FLOWERS. Special attention has been paid to the arrange ment anu decoration of the Ilbrarv. It will be 17x35, with fe°t high, extend ing around the room. ’"The walls will be painted % deep maroon. / Mr. L. Z. Leiter has bought one-half the New berry' Block, between Superior and Huron, on Pine street, with the intention, it is believed, of building a home for himself there. The other half ot the block is owned by Mr. George Sturges, who will pnt up a handsome house for his own use. The bouse built for Mr. Henry W. Bishop, at the corner of Rush and Superior streets, by Treat «fc Folz is a fine specimen of house architecture. It is of pressed brick, with brown sandstone trimmings, and is 55x29 feet. The same architects have in charge Mr. dL C. Barnard’s residence at No. 873 On tario street; two • dwellings for Mr. W. R. Manierre, at Nos. 397 and 399 Superior street; a bonsc for Mrs. Norman Williams on Calumet ave nue, near Eighteenth street; a residence at Ken wood for Mr. Charles Gossage; a villa in the French renaissance .style, to cost $40,003, for *lr. O. P. Libby at the corner of Michigan avenue and Thirty-fourth street; and for Dr. Wadsworth, at the corner of Dearborn avenue and Ontario street, a brown stone house, 20x65. Mr. E. S. Isbam has bought the lot at the northwest corner of Chicago avenue and Pice street, and will build there. Mr. W. H. Watrous, of Hoyt & Co., has built a $40,000 bouse at the corner of Superior and Pine. Mr. H. H. Porter has purchased the northwest cor ner of Casa and Erie streets to Improve lor his own occupancy. John Johnson, Jr., is building a on Dearborn avenue, at the corner of Maple street. The cost of the houses that have been men tioned runs from $15,000 to $250,000. The fig ures bare been withheld in each case in compli ance with the rcouest of those concerned, who cherish the very peculiar notion that it is only their own business how much their houses cost them. It bas been embarrassing to select from the architectural riches of the North Division. On the South Side there have been fewer residences built that coll forspeclal mention. But some of the new houses in this quarter ABE VERT FINE. Burnham & Boot have planned for Mr. C. C. Thompson ’ a brown-stone boose on Michigan Tvenue, near Thirty-fourth street. The style is Nco-Grec, the type of work inculcated by the Beam Arts School of Design of Paris. The hall and rooms of the first floor are arranged in a novel and effective way. The hall is a half octagon. The rooms are of Irregular shape, with bay windows, and, are so grouped about the half that aU the interiors can be seen from it. In the neighborhood the same architects have built an Elizabethan house for Mr. Hugh Wilson, 36x80, with rough-dressed Bedford-stone walls. Near Thirtv-seconu street they have put ap tor Mr. Albert Hayden a.residence SSxTO, in the Colonial style, something like the old man sions that can still be seen in the neighborhood of Boston ana Salem. The walls are of pressed brick and Marquette brown-stone. The hall is seventeen feet wide. Next door to Mr. Hay den’s, on the comer of Michigan avenue and Thirty-second street, Burnham & Boot have juet completed for Mr. David Kelley a house in the modern English style, o£ pressed brick and Berlin, 0., yellotv sandstone, Tlie roof is of pale green slate. A porch, with'columns of Quincy granite, is a feature of the front of the bouse.” The same architects have achieved an interesting success in . TWO BBUODSLED HOUSES, one for Mr. John R. Walsh, on Calumet avenue, east side, next to Twenty-second street, and the olhcrTor Mr. J. M. -Walker, at the corner of Prairie avenue and Eighteenth street. Mr. Walsh’s house has been completely changed within and without, and a commonplace, rather old-fash ioned house converted into something modern and artistic. In extend ne Mr. Walker’s house, the drawing-room was carried be.ond ihe chim ney. The fireplace now stiuds in the room. On each side of ihe chimney. support :;g the ceiling, are traceried arches of hntiernnt. The drawing-room extends about eight feet beyond tlie fireplace, on ea> b side of which Hieie is an open archway. In i lie dining-room, tlie sideboard,' which is quite wide, is Ouilt on each side of in door opening into the butler’s oantrr. This room will be enriched with subjects designed and painted by L. C, Earle, and with carvings bvJ. Lcegc. Treat & Foiz have under way for Mr. F. 11. Winston, on the southeast corner of Pine and Chicago avenue, six stone-front bouses. They will be three stories high, besides the base ment, and will have the kitchen, parlor, and dining-room on the main fioor. The cost will be $21,000 in all. „ Messrs. Barling & Whitehonse are building for Mr. J. H, Winslow, of Buffalo, six new houses, —three on Erie street, of white stone, and three on 'Ontario street, of brown stone, — to cost about'ss,2oo each. They are also build ing a store on North Clark street, at tlie corner of Ontario street, for Mr. W. C. Dow. to be 34x 80 feet and four stories high, and a grain Fare house 50x100, with a storage tanacitv of 200,000 bushels, on Illinois street, near St. Clair. lor Mr. George Bnllen. The cost will be $20,000. A new story has been added to the Honors . Block,-taking the place of the mansard roof de stroyed in tlie fire of last winter. The new part of the building is fireproof, and, at an outlay of $05,000 gives tne Connecticut Mutual, who own the building, fifty more rooms to let. Palmer & Spinning were the architects in charge. In the BUILDING PERMITS of the week were to J. J. Gore to erect a one-story restaurant, 54x112 feet, at No. 75 Monroe street, to cost $5,000; to C. J. Hull, to erect two three-story store dwellings at Nos. 150 and 153 nine Island avenue,to cost $10,00U; to George H. Park, to erect a two-story dwell ing at No. 1216 Prairie avenue, to cost $6,000; to H. Wit beck, to erect five three-story stores and dwellings. South Halsted street, between Madi son and Washington, to cost $23,000; to George E. White, to erect a two-story store and dwell ing at 256 West Lake street, to cost $3,000; to j. Scott, to erect a two-story dwelling at No. 1553 South Halsted, to cost $3,000; to E. Hess, to erect four three-story buildings, corner of Dearborn avenue and Superior street, to cost $34,000; to G. T. Cook, to erect a two-story dwelling* at No. 1177 Indiana avenue, to cost $3,500; to R. A. B. Mills, to erect two two-story dwellings at No. 435 South Park avenue, to cost $6,700; to G. M. Vanzwall, to erect a two-story dwelling at No. 47 Seelev. avenue, to cost §2,- 500; to M. A. Lindberg, to erect a two-story dwelling at No. 813 West Twenty-fourth street, to cost $2,800; and to M. McNamara, to erect a three-story building at No. 255 Michigan street, to cost $3,000. At the public auction sale of real estate on Monday, five lots near the corner of Calumet avenue and Thirty-eighth street sold at about S6OO each; a Jot, 30x130, at the corner of Thirty fifth and Laurel streets sold at §l2 a foot; four lots at the corner of Thirty-seventh street and the South Park boulevard at §sl a front foot; and two lots south ol these on the boulevard at $47 a front foot. H. M. Bacon has sold for W. F. Myrick 50 feet on Vernon avenue, near Twenty-ninth street, for $3,000. IN THE OTHER SALES OP THE WEEK were 25x124 feet on Larrabee street, imnroved, south of Sophia street, $4,000; • 20x146 feet, im proved, on Carroll avenue, west of Ada street, $4,000; 25x128 feet, improved, on North Wood street, north of Robey, $3,500 : 25x150 feet on Milwaukee avenue, east of Robey street, $2,500;- feet, improved, on Seminary avenue, near Donning street, §3,525; 76 feet on State street, north of Thirty-seventh street, through to Dearborn street, $4,000; 20x100 feet on Flournov street, east of Hoyne street, $2,800; 23x100 feet on State street,north of Fourteenth street, $4,600; 150x160 feet on Prairie avenue, southwest corner of Forty-sec ond street, $5,250; 44xS2K feet on Fifth avenue, north of Monroe street, $17,820; 44x75 feet, im proved, on Twentv-fourth street, west of In diena avenue, $3,200: 25x180 feet on Prairie avenue, south of Twenty-sixth street, $10,500; Lot 2in Packer’s Fourth Addition to Chicago, $15,000 ; 35x150 feet on Canal street, south of Randolph street, $11,000; 48x124 feet on West Madison street, west of Robey street, $4,800; 44x141 feet on West Lake street, east of Leavitt street, $6,000; 20 feet on Milwaukee avenue, north of Hub bard street, to alley. $3,000; Lot B In Forsythe’s Second Addition, $3,566; 20x132 feet, improved, on Park avenoe, between Lincoln and Wood streets, $6,500; 50x125 feet on Fremont street, south of Sophia street, $4,500; 14S>£ feet on Grove street, to the river, west of Stewart av enue, $17,500 ; 30x100 feet on South Halsted street, north of Maxwell street, $3,307; 35x125 feet on West Madison street, west of Ashland avenue, $4,000; 163x170 feet on Main street, north of Stearns street, $2,500; and 100x164 feet on Egandale avenue, southeast comer of Chest nut street, $6,500. The County Collector has been engaged dur ing the week in selling real estate DELINQUENT FOR TAXES. The sales began with the Town of Barrington, which has been finished; Schaumberg was then taken up, and the different towns in the county will be taken in their order till all the delin quent real estate has been sold. The Deputy Sheriff sold under execution over 203 lots situated in the city and suburbs. The lots brought about $5 each. About twenty blocks, forming a part of the S. M. Walker estate, were also sold under execution, realizing $420. The real estate io Cook County has been assessed at $90,390,268 tor 1879, agoinst 5106,- 871,521 for 1878. One important particular in which the assessment has been reduced is the lowering of the valuation of lands that lie out* side the city limits. These are now valuable only for farm 'gardening, and the Assessors have brousbi down the - valuation to a figure proportioned to the revenue they can be made to>ield. Some of the valuations made during tne real estate inflation of 1871-1873 have been cut down one-baU, and some three-quarters. Street improvement progresses steadily in the different sections of the city. Bids were opened last week for curbing,'filling, and paving Adams street, from State to the river.. Hay & Whitney appeared to be the lowest bidders. Contracts were awarded to W. n. Watson for paving the intersections of Folk street, between Polkstreet and the river, and Ray & Whitney for curbing, paving, and grading certain lots on LaSalle street, between Adams and Monroe. Permission for street paving to be done by private contract was granted to J. V. McAdam & Co. to grade and pave North Halsted street between Sophia street and Fullerton avenue, and to Kay & Whitney to pave Market street io front of Field & Belter’s premises. The necessity of A GREAT FATING REFORM ]□ Chicago is daily becoming more apparent. One of the latest experiments is being made on .LaSalle street, between Randolph and Lake. There a.wooden-block pavement has been laid on blocks of limestone, which themselves rest on a layer of sand. Mayor Harrison has de clared himself in favor of macadamized roads, as Ashland avenue, where he lives, is macadam ized. A prominent city’ official, who went to Buffalo to examine the asphalt pavement there, has returned enthusiastic in its favor. Dela ware avenue, the fashionable residence street of Buffalo, and some other thoroughfares, are paved with asphalt by a method invented by Mr. Abbott; who has been experi menting on this material for fifteen years. The foundation is a mixture of gravel, coal-ashes, and distilled tar. Over this is laid three Inches of asnbalt, which has been thoroughly mixed xt 400 deg. Fahrenheit with pulverized limestone. Ten-ton rollers arc used to level the road. This PAVEMENT GIVES PERFECT SATISFACTION in Buffalo, and its adoption here would save, on Michigan avenue alone, so says the prominent city official, $30,000 a year on the wear and tear of carriages and SIO,OOO to $15,000 in sprinkling. Hie airy scheme to build an elevated railroad on Blue Island avenue has excited the hot indig nation of the property-ownera on that thorough fare. Several meetings have been held, protest ing petitions signed 'by owners of 14,000 feet frontage, and a committee to present the peti tions to the Common Council appointed, as fol lows: Sixth Ward—Conrad Smith, Henry Yolk, J. Mackins: Seventh Ward—A. Muus, Dr. O’Connell. John Schwartz; Eighth Ward—V. Conf, F. Woltirsdorf. William Malthal. Similar action has been taken hr the property holders of Lincoln avenue, whose remonstrances will be presented to the Council to-morrow night, together with those from North Wells street. The West Park Commissioners are working with commendable energy In DEVELOPING THE PABES under their charge, and connecting them with each other. At their meeting last week it was proposed that connection be made between Central Park and Douglas Park by the grading of Central Park avenue from Central Park to its THE CHICAGO : TRIBUKEj. ./SUNDAY, JULY r 37 ,: 1H79 SIXTEEN ; PAGES. intersection tvitil the Douglas Park boulevard, and the completion of the boulevard east to Douglas Park. The Improvement Committee have the plan under consideration. Hie Boara have also decided to begin immediately the im provement of the central driveway in the boule vard between Central and Humboldt Parks, ac cording to the method used on Washington street,' east of Central Park. In a citv where there are no public fountains, like those which adorn the payks of .New fork, Boston, or Philadelphia, the fountain designed by Burnham & Root for THE SOUTH PARK -* will be appreciated. It is to be of bronze and cut stone. Tit- basin is forty-four feet in its smallest diameter. The water tails in two cas cades, one above tlie oilier. Above die cascades nse two groups of gas-jels, in white and rose colors, mak ng perpetual moonlight for'.ae lovers who will haunt he oark. Ihe s*one carving will he done Oy J. Learge. The fountain will cost $3,500. ihe disposition of ihe Commissioners to accommodate the nubile is shown by mV.i'haeton Station they have rut up at the corner of Oakwood , avenue and Drexel boulevard. It is a picturesque Gothic buildup of dark stone, with sweeping roots in tlie stvle of the buildmg put in Central Pork, New York, by Yaux & Withers. SATURDAY'S TRANSFERS. The following instruments were filed for rec ord Saturday, July 26: CITT PROPERTY. Stewart av. 362 M ft sof Thirtv-first at, e f,25x124 ft,dated July 23 (Albert Crane to John Hares) -S • 600 Stewart av, adjoining the above, e f, 25x 124 ft, flateU July 23 (Albert Crane to M. Mojzis et al) 600 West Chicago av, 100 ft e of Ashland av, nf, 25x123 ft, dated Jnly 24 (George ; rt/wx Bickerdike to F. LeonhStd) 1,000 West Fifteenth at, 13IK ft. e of HaMed at, n f, 24x73 ft. doted July 0 (William Conow to C. Alberg) 1* 000 Thirty-seventn at, 75 ft wof Butler at, s i f, 50x100 ft, dated July 23 (B. Shurt leff to Peter Giabsm) •. ... 600 Emerald av. 10S ft n of Thirty-eighth at, e f. 24x123 ft, dated, July 22 (M. Hughes to Charles Martin) 420 Lyman at, 48 U w of Arch at, a f, 24x 103 K ft, dated July 26 (TUomaa Camp bell to Ernst Dicdt) 1,000 South Ilalated st, aw cor of Thirty-fourth court, e f, 53x130 'ft, dated July 25 (Estate of John P. Beagen to H. and H. HcFadden) 2,900 Jefferson at, 50J4 ft n of West Monroe at, e f, 18Jfx79J4 it, dated April 5 (Francis Hummels to Uo&aliu Araberg) 1,800 The premises No. 629 Huboard at, dated July 14 (Edwin Hackray to Ellen Oran) . 2,000 Aberdeen st. n e cor of Eleventh st, w f, 95x53*3 ft, improved, dated July 35 (B. and D. Breyl to Anna M. Michel) 5,000 Prairie av, 100 ft n of Thirty-fifth st, w f, 35x123 4-10 ft, dated June 19 (D. G. Holmes to C. A. Knurht) 1,215 McGregor sc, a e cor of Stewart av. n f, 34'/jxl2s ft, dated July 13 (William Tobm to George Gifford) 2,000 Wentworth av, 18S ft n of Thirty-first st. c f. 35x135 ft, dated July 16 (Thomas W. Hums to Alois‘Amnun) ...• 050 South Halsted st. (1214 fin of Banker sc, • wf, ft, dated July 25 (Adam Michel to Babe tie Breyl)., .... 4,000 Margaret st, 109 ft sof Fourteenth st, e . f, 24x103 ft, dated June 16 (A. H. Pol lock toM. and E, Mahoney) ... 500 SOUTH OF CITY LIMITS, WITHIN A RADIOS OF SEVEN MUXS OF TUB COORT-HOOSE. Forty-first st, between Langley and Vin cennes avs, nf, 30x121 ft, dated July 19 (Master in Chancery to Ruth A. Mc- Coy) $ 4,083 Adams st. 75 ft s of Chestnut st, e f,- 75x 150 ft. dated July 10 (David S. Johnson to Emery L. Bates) 2,000 SUMMARY FOR THE WEES. The following is the total amount of dty and suburban transfers within a radius of seven miles of the Court-House filed for record dur ing the week ending Saturday, July 26: City sales, 86; consideration, $228,383. North of city limits—Sales,3; consideration,sl2,B2s. South of city limits—Sales, 12: consideration, $42,663, West of citv‘ limits—Sales, 3; consideration, $3,575. Total sales, 104; total consideration, $284,946.’ NEWPORT. The New Sensation—A 85,000 Affair— James Gordon Bennett and Polo—The Rage for Oddities—Phaetons, and Pans, and Paiuted Gowns—Two Notable Par ties—The Pilologists Teaching tho Fash ionables How to Spell, Prom Our Oum Correspondent. Newport, July 24.—The belles of Newport to-day don’t mourn and lament quite so openly for the departure of that centre of interest and promoter of festivities, the French fleet, as did the Revolutionary fair ones when the French army sailed away from the dull little town that they had made so gay for a brief period. The Prince de Broglie, who came with a party of friends to visit the town the year after the departure of the French army, writes of how desdle these belles of the past century were, and tells us that they confessed to him that there were “no more halls and fetes since the Frenca army went away.” The fair dames and demoiselles of 1879 are not quite In such sad case as that, and their laments, therefore, not quite so doleful. The French fleet was only a brilliant episode after all, and already the arrangements for a fresh sensation of the most promising magnitude are afloat. This is a grand steeplechase for September. We have had rumors of steeplechases to oe ever since the grand affair four or live years ago, but they have invariably •ended in nothing but rumors. But the proposed chase for this season bids fair to be something more than a rumor, for already SI,OOO has been guaranteed, and the other s4,ooo,which is the necessary sum to carry the project, has been promised. It is said that Mr. Keene, the “Big Bonanza man,” as he is termed, will make up the deficit. James Gordon Bennett, who Is expected to-day, will no doubt do bis always generous part towards the suc cess of the affair. With Mr. Bennett’s coming the polo games, lacrosse, and pigeon-shooting will break forth In all their summer madness. The reason of the delay in the polo, it is said, is on account of the Buffalo accident principal ly, which brought up the accident of last sum mer to one of the Club here, young Davis, — ADONIS DAVIS he is called by some. The young man, by the way, is the son of Edmund Davis, the present proprietor of the well-known patent medicine, Perry Davis* Pain-Killer, which has proved a bonanza to all parties concerned in it. If any thing were needed as proof of the celebrity of the medicine, it might be amusingly found in this Conspicuous sentence in tbcspdce devoted to “Providence ** in Osgood’s New England Hand book for Travelers: “The Corliss engines, the Peabodv rifles, the Gorham silverware, Perry Davis* Pain-Killer, and millions of cigars are mode here.’* This is pretty conclusive that the Pain-Killer is considered one of the institutions of the country. Young Mr. Davis’ inlury last summer was similar to chat which terminated so fatally at Buffalo, the gentleman being thrown bv his pony in the excitefhent of the game. The fortunate difference, however, was that Davis did not strike upon his bead. Mr. Bennett, it is reported, brings with him from Europe several more ponies which arc to be used at the polo game. Speaking of ponies brings up one of the pret tiest pictures that can be seen this season at pictnrcsqne Newport. It is . A CHARMING PHAETON, wherein sits a charming yonng lady, holding in her white-gloved hands a pair of strong slender reins,which form part of the trappings of a curious and bighlr-ornamental harness which attracts everybody’s attention, even away from the voting lady herself. • The ladv is Miss Beach, daughter of C. N. Beach, of Hartford, and the curious trappings which excite so much atten tion are Neapolitan harness. There seems to "be something contagious in the desire to bring forth something new and striking in Newport. I have known the quietest people suddenly break out in the most extraordinary way in this direction. There was Dr. Cbanning and bis Norwegian ponies and harness, for instance. The Doctor and his wife are the quietest people possible, and at the time of the importation of the ponies his daughters were~too young to have a voice in the matter. But something in the Newport air and atmosphere of tfc ngs new and strange worked its influence npon them, and when a Norwegian friend told of the Sneer little ponies of his native land lege quiet people doubtless were seized with the Newport mania for od.ities, and straight way invested their money in the little cream colored rolv-polv nags, that from the day they set their funny little hoofs upon Newport soil to the hour of their departure never ceased to be objects of curiosity. It is enough to say of THE ODDIir OP TIIEIB APPEARANCE and their rarity to remember the fact that Bar naul wanted them, and his agents tried in vain on their first season to purchase them. They disappeared from the Avenue, however, after the second season, and last year they were sold to some private famiiv out of the State, I be lieve. , ’ The rage for singularities of which I have spoken goes into all sorts of things, and appears not only in equipages, but in room-furnishings and personal adornment. It is augmented, no doubt, by the cosmopolitan tone of society, for here are Jews and Gentiles, English Earls, and French Counts, and German Barons, and, indeed, representatives from eyery nation of 4 any importance upon the globe; which, taken with the native American, make up a population which- for variety is not to be found probably in any locality of like size in Mie country. The foreigners all display their differ ent-tastes as well as nationality in tlie different details of their surroundings,*nnd thus from the contrast ot fashion is stimulated the desire for new developments, and we gel, consequent ly, this quaint, constantly-changing bazar of all nations, as one might say. The most noticeable feature of this rage just now is in the decora tion of bouses and the' vagaries of dress. The mania for medieval costumes and household ar rangements, as gathered from old pictures still holds, but the ancientry of a nearer duie ra ucr takes me lead; and to go out upon the Avenue and watch the gay coacccs—l mean THE FOUR-IN-HANDS which dow and then appear, with tiieir quaintly dressed bmdeas, is to get -a pretty i»ooa por trait oi ye oideu limes, when, our great-great gr<mdmo-hers in the. Colonial davs took mir . airings in vehicles not unlike these brighrly paihted coaches at the first glance, but exceed ingly unlike iu ihe mechanical construction of sprmas, and screws, and holts. ./‘Tout! tootl toot!” goes the jollv horu, and we look out of our window, or from the modest carriage in which we may be seated, or, more modest still, from the sidewalk where we bumble pltjd, and Jo! there are the beauties p£’76, with their square-crowned fiaring bats and bonnets, their pretty, sprigged muslins and silks, and their very higb-heclcd shoes aiid clocked stockings, which the reckless wind displays very gen erously. Even the children are turned into old-fashioned- pictures, though of an earlier date, —the boys specially, with their broad laced collars and buckled shoes, and tunics, having a very quaint air, until one glances at the ma. chine-cut hair, which has the usual lonely mad housey look. On the piazzas, or in the great cool wide halls, 'just after breakfast, ladies bring their old-fash ioned needlework of pillow-lace, and tent-stitch, and the rest of the mysterious muddle of mend ing (!) which is supposed to be high art tfou can buy ; ’ A CHARMING FAN, all blended brilliance of hues, and bobby little Hovers, and bobby little birds, unlike anything for a song*, but these idle dames pre fer to spend their money for bits of satin and ribbon, and lace, and other what-not, and cut, and sew, and paste it on two round pieces of cardboard, which have a ribbon-decorated splint handle, and which, after completion, they tri umnbantly hold up and declare to bo the pret tiest fans in the world. Nobody dispates them, for fashion Is omnipotent, and the fan-makers walk abroad with their gay handiwork tied to their waists, scarcely for use except it may be to fan a dame and other arts of the coquette. •Last summer I told the story of a lovely painted silk gown. Well, hero is the second chanter. The other day there was a birthday party given by the friends of a lovely creature of 17 summers. • It was the sister of the gallant officer who painted the silk dress for bis wife’s wearing last summer; and here again on this summer day the sword is turned to a paint-brush, and the blrthdaygown is a triuranb ot the most delicate art and taste; apple-blos soms and buds showering the white slltc fabric as if with Nature’s prodigal band. One of the guests at this parry tells a pretty story of the big birthday-cake gayly lighted by seventeen tiny candles, each being one by one blown out by the seventeen young guests as they severally entered. This, too, is a remnant of ancientcus tom, and a very pretty one. Lawn parties, din ner parties, and receptions arc now the order of the day with the great gay world. Perhaps THE GRANDEST OF THESE was the dinner given by Gov. Swann, of Mary land, last Saturday, for ex-Secretary Fish. Military and civic personages of high degree graced the banquet, to talk in the loftily-re spectful strain which such grand doings de serve. And, gracing everything else, crosses, and wreaths, ana garlands, and monuments of flowers put all otfler fetes into the shade; and. in the midst of these, somebody goes into rap tures over a prettv conceit with the host’s name, —tiny swans afloat in a sea of bon-bons In a big basin upon the flower-decked tabic. And while these gorgeous shows are in prog ress, the philologists hold grand council down in the heart of the town, to seriously consider a reform in English spelling, which sh.all dock off ail the unnecessary letters and bring into use those that naturally sound the consonants. The most promineut newspaper of the State comes out facetiously with an article anent this beaded, “The Way the Filologists Soei.” But the Philo logical (or Filological) Society have right and good season on their side; and in their proposal to eliminate the ■ super flous I’s and n’s and s’s, to say nothing ot the silent ph’s being turned out in the cold, and the friendly Ps brought tp their own again, they are doing missionary wbrk which by and by every literary worker will rise up ; and call blessed. For a while, however, there will be a imur CONFUSION, where the wise man and Lhe fuol Will be confound ed. The external effect In writing, by the way, elmply seems to carry out the old-time fashions. I saw a note, for instance, a day or two ago written upon some of the new ad-fashioned paper in imitation of the rather flowery eight eenth-century style, and spelled in the reform fashion, it made a titt pretty accompaniment to the high-heeled shoes, and the fans, and work-bags. Just let these ancientry-loving dames get hold of the idea that this reform spelling is an elegant old , fashion brought back, and the philologists will have no further trouble. So we up, up, up, and down, down, down, and round and round, proving that life is a good deal of a circle, as has been said. N. r. ROMANCE OF A SKULL. A Strange Story of the Old National Theatre of Cincinnati. John Carboy in Xcw York Pisoaich, “Here, do you see this skull? ” He handed me the grim remnant of mortality. It was worn smooth by constant handling. Then he narrated its romance. It was the skull of a murderer named John F. Cowan, who killed his wife and twochtldem—the third, a boy, escap ing by hiding under the bed —in Cincinnati, 0., in 1536 or ’37, in a little, old, tumble-down frame building on Vine street. Cowan was a carnenter, and at odd times had worked around the theatre when out of a job in his regular line. The cause of his crime was jealousy. One morning, just as his wife was preparing to go to market, he came in and, with a broad-ax, literally chopped his victim into pieces. Escaping through a rear door, and passing through an unoccupied stable, where He threw down the blood-stained ax, be made his way to the outskirts of the city, and was next day captured, brought back, tried, convicted, sentenced, and publicly hanged. His last words were: “ Let me face the sun; now, then, let mo fix the noose myself, Mr. Sheriff —there, that will do. PH soon be a set piece—a quick drop; too —give me a bite of tobacco.” “ The surgeons took his body, and the skeleton was bleached, wired, and put on exhibition with the blood stained dresses of his wife and children in Dorfcint’s museum. The glass case in which they were shown was near that containing the wax figures of Alexander Drake, a famous Western comedian, aud not far from a mechan ical and weird grouping entitled the “Infernal Regions,” made by Hiram Powers, the sculptor, before be went to Italy and became famous. “ The next place the skull turned up—you sec it had got into the show business, and once in ’ that nothing ever gets out of it, like your news paper business —was at the National Theatre. Ned Pratt, the property man, had it. The elder Booth handled it in ‘Hamlet ’; so did Murdoch, and Adams, and jolly old Logan made the house roar over it in one of his farces. “None of the company knew it was a murder er’s skull until one night it came out in a queer way. There, was a dreamy, but not by any means stupid youth, who worked about the theatre, run errapds, and carried the ladies wardrobe baskets for them, and one evening Ned Pratt jokingly told him to take the skull ove£ the way aud get a pint of ale in it. The Toutn, without question, took It‘over the way, which meant Bill Luck’s barroom, where were assem bled just then Teddy Saunders (then the hus band of the estimable lady who is the present wife of Gavler, the dramatist), Bob Grierson, heavy Morton, and 01 Durivagc. * A , * u 1 What’re you going to do with that none box? ” said Durivagc. • _ u ‘Pint of ale in it for Mr. Pratt,’ was the youth’s answer. _ “ ‘Nice flagon that is for.apropmaker to quaff his Rhenish in,’ said Morton. “‘S’pose you take a drink of ale out of it, John, before jyou go back,’ suggested Saunders to tne youth. “He stoutly objected to this, but the crowd gathered about, him, and finally, by dint of melodramatic threats and much coaxing com bined, induced him to give in.’ A glass of ale was' poured into this .ghastly .receptacle, and with both hand grasping it, the youth raised it to his lips. ' “At this instant John Bates, the manager, entered. A glance at the youth, the uplffted .skull, the laughing quartet of actors, and he understood the situation. ' “‘Well,’ exclaimed John, *my lad, do you know whose skull that was' you are holding to your lips foran ale mug?* • ‘“Whose was it?* asked two or three of the party. ..“.Ned got it from that was in the Museum a wile ago.” The boy still clasped the skull. . “It was the head of John Cowan, the murder er!” The jouth dropped the skull, uttered a wild shriek, and with eyes almost starting from their sockets he rushed out into the street. He was never seen in that theatre or neighborhood again. Two weeks afterward he was found wandering along the old Will Creek road, hope lessly insane. : Who .was he? It might have turned many n . stronger brain than that poor boy’s, lor hcT was the son of Cowan the murderer, and it was his father’s skull he baa held to his lips. Ned Pratthad only known him by the name of Jack or John. He was cared for, sent to the asylum, and died there a few months after. i „ , . • On the skull Ned had cut or scratched the let ters 4C B. P.,” his.initials. „ .. u You can see them there on the top* ’ sata the ola property man. •*! was plaving utilit' biz,” ne added, “at the time when this bit of ro mance occurred, and then, not fancying that sort of thmg, I became a property man—Ned’s as sistant— ind, at last, wnen I left, Ned gave me the skull, and I’ve kept it ever since. I bad it with me at Mn* Old Bowery, and many a famous old Oraveil gyer has it out upon that dear old stage. “ Look tlu re, now, there are a pile of stage wills, royal decrees, and letters. Some of iht-m are written and some are blank,—all for show, like those bags of broken crockery, which pass for bags of gold. Ah! this theatre life, like the outside life of the world, is lull of shams and queer deceits.” AMUSEMENTS. tmeatkk. J. H. HAVERLY Manager and Proorletor. THIS SUNDAY NIGHT ONLY. Another Grand Dramatic Revival by Chicago Favor* itea. TWO GLORIOUS PLAYS. DOUBLE BILL TO* MIGHT. The three-act Comedy* PLAYING THE MISCHIEF, And the one-act langh-provoker. SMOKE! SMOKBII OR, HIS FIRST CIGAR. Remember, To-nlght-TWO PLAYS! TWO PLATS! Mondav—Palmcr’H Union-Square Company In THE BANKER’S DAUGHTER. H'a’VERLY’S TBSEATRE, Proprietor and Manager... Mr. J. H. HAYERLY. Monday, July 28, commencement of the Engagement of A.. 3VC. IPAX/IS/EBIV’S m mmi IN ITS ENTIRETY, First Production in this City OF THE CELEBRATED SOCIETY DRAMA LYSE ACTS. ENTITLED The Banker’s Daughter! WITH THE ORIGINAL CAST. THE MEMBERS OE THIS COMPAJST AHB ARTISTS: Mr. Charles R.Thome,Jr.. Mr. J. W. Thorpe. Mr.'John Farsell. Mr. 11. W. Qulaloy, Mr. J. U. Stoddarr. Miss Elbe Wilton, Mr. W. J. LeMovne, Miss Maude Harrison, Mr. Jos. B. Folk. Stirs Ida Vernon, Sir. SI. V. Unchain. Mrs. E. J. Phllllns. Mr. Walden Hainsay, - Sirs. Marie Wilkins, Sir. C. w.- Bowser. Silas Sara Cowell. Sir. Harold Forbear. Slisa Ella McCarthy, Sir. H. F. Daly, Miss Hattie Anderson. All the Original Scenery. All the Original Properties. All the Original Costumes. All the Original Music. Scats con be secured six days In advance. Box Sheet now open. No advance In prices. Matinees Wednesdays and Saturdays at the regular eveulnjr prices. ’VIdtEK’S THEI 'FKfc. COOLEST THEATRE IN THE 'WORLD. THOROUGHLY YE-N TILATED. FOURTH AND LAST WEEK Of the brilllantly-successful Comedy. ENGAGED! Every Character by a Competent Artist. Every Night, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. This the Fourth and Last Week. The Bruhtest Comeay of the Age. ENGAGED! Secure your scats tosce “ENGAGED”In the best* ventilated Theatre in the country. Next Week—The Comic Actress, LINA TETTER* BORN. _• AT 710 YVJEST JIONiISOE-ST., CHICAGO. S. S. HAMILL, Author of the Science of Elocution, WILL REOPEN HIS SCHOOL OF ElLOCttJ'ffKFSr AUGUST 12, 1879, Pupils prepared for Teachers of Elocution and Dra* matlc Readers. Special courses for Ministers and Law yers. 20-class lessons, Sio; Private lessons, $2 each. FromP.ev. J. ESIABROOK. Principal State Normal School Tpsliantl Mich.: . _ Professor S. S. Hamill Is the most accomplished, thorough, and systematic teacher of Elocution 1 have ever met.—March 12, 1879. • WAIIASH-AT. PAVIMO.^, 542 and 514 Wabash-av., near Twelfth-si. Every Monday ail Tlnrsflay Evenings, EXTRA CONCERT Be the entire GREAT WESTERN’ Light Guard Band (Brass and String). 20 members. CHAS. NITSCiIKE, Musical Director. .. . _ . The programme will be equally divided Detween Reed B1 &mllles and gentlemen with ladles specially invited. FREE ADMISSION. LEVANS & BRYAN, Prop’r*. TTOOILKV’S TflSEA'l'JJtflS. Monday Ere., July 2% and until further notice, Wallaces New York Star Combination. Miss Genevieve Rogers, Frank E. Aiken. Owen Faw cett, and Harry Italnforth, In Tom Taylor’s Dram a, TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. Monday, Aug. 4—Palgravc felmpsou’a Farcical Com edy, _ A Scrap ot Paper, As produced at Wallack’a Theatre, N. T., with signal success, and pronounced by the entire N. T. Press the HIT OF THE PAST SEASON. 'OOLEY’S TB2EATKE. * People’s Night and Farewell Performance of EMERSON’S MEGATHERIAN MINSTRELS 1 1-2 lOOStronffl 50 .Solid! 1-2 100 Price* for this occasion only—Parquette and Circle, 75c: Balcony, 50c; Gallery, 2nc. _ w . _ . The Brilliant First Part. The Original Olio, and Bob- Insou’s Colored Clrens and Menagerie. HAMS.irVS TIIRVZ’RE. STClark-st., opposite Kew Court-Hooae, Snndar. July 27. 1879, Matinee and Xlght, and daring next week, EDWARD ARNOTT In the Great Drama, VICTIMS OF FARO. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. AVEIYUK IffAILIL. 159 Twenty-second-at. Grand Testimonial Entertainment tendered by the FIRST RED RIBBON CLUB to Prof. WALTER C. LTMAV, Thursday Eve*, July 31. 1870. assisted by Miss Jessie Cou:houl. the popular Lady Elocutionist: Mmc. Salvottl. Soorano; C. C. Leller. Basso: Prof. T. S. Boston, Pianist. Reserved Scats at J. H. Monde- Title's, corner Mlcblgan»av. and Twenty-second-st. TTfAIiXiEK C. YV ELOCUTIONIST, fi Wabash*ar. Hours for three more pupils. Mr. Lyman will commence Summer Classes at Avenue Hall. 139 Twcnty-second-st.. Friday, Aug. l. at4p.m. and Bp. m. Terms, S 2 course of ten lessons. Papua may attend both classes without extra charge. . E. V. WILSON, The Seer and Teat Mcdlniu, will lecture and give testa In the West End Opera-House, 431 West Madlson-st., this day at a and 8 o’clock. Admission. 25 cts. JSATE2S. THE OCEAN BRIiVE OATH. What Is the need of going to the seaside when yon can get areal ocean bath at home? All eminent physicians testify to Its therapeutic valqc Call and try this wonderful health-giving, beautify *D AJso*Thenna!. Electric, Magnetic, Vapor, and Medi cinal Baths at reduced rates. Office-Parlor A, Burdick House, Corner Wabash-av. and Adams-sts. Chicago. Dl. •jcnd for -irculcx. - KTNG £ CO., Proprtetosfc AI’OI.USAHIS IUNEBAL WATEB. Apollinaris JL ' NATURAL MINERAL WATER. ••rarity, freshness, persistent effervescence, end agreeable flavor, alone or mixed with vrinMo^plrita^ T.ettnr of the XT. S. Treasury Departments “In conformity with yonr"rcqac« tSa £trt?wna lifted to cause a thorough Inquiry to be made Into the matter by our consul at Cologne, S V n ?Z,?L S 'ZTJc as tolio™•! therefore state that It Is my opinion, formed after what I consider a care &ja^sr%r«^ais§^ l sk.?'eS“ Deputariou onhe p Vlce rre uhcmlstry at tbe university of Oxford. Chemical .fudge at tha Centennial Exhibition. PjrilMetahla. eu:-. probe Vhegcmilne ; ApolllnarislVater, being offered to the nubile, we warn nil buyers P tn m S?re that inch and every hatJe bears the Lellow Label. and the name ot FREU. DE BARI Ar (JO., New York, t-ole Agent... auction sales. Elisor, pomekoy & eo„ Auctioneers, 73 & ti'J Kandolph-st. TUESDAY’S SALE July 29, at 9:30 o'clock. At this sale we will sell one Elegant Black Walnut Marble-top Sideboard, cost S 300; two Hegant Marble top Chamber Seta, coat §175; with a large stock of new and second-hand FURNITURE, Brussels and Wool Carpets, Chromos, Plated Ware. Gas Fixtures, Bed and Bedding, and General Merchandise. ELISOX, POMEROY & CO.. Auctioneers, 73and 80 Uandolph-st. Our Regular Friday’s Sale, Friday, An j. 1, at 9:80 o’clock. LIEGE AITD ATTMOTIVI; SHOWHTG New and Second-hand Parlor and Chamber FURNITURE. Afullllneof newandnsedßrassels, Velvet, and Wool Carpets, Household Furniture of all kinds. Office Furni ture, Crockery, Glassware, Chromos, Bed and Bedding, and General Merchandise. Attend this saie for bar ffalnS* ELISON, POMEROY & CO.. Auctioneers, , 73 & 80 Randolph-st. By GKO. i*. OOMK & CO., 80 and 82 Wabash-ar. Eegular Auction sale of Boots,SllßfiS&Slipre Wednesday, July 80, at 9:30 a. m. A Good Line of Desirab’e Seasonable Goods will be Bold GEO. F. CORE & CO., u 80 and 82 Wabaah-av. ' Thursday, July 31, at 9:30 a. m,, TRADE SALE CMery&Glassware. 50 Casks W. Gt and C. C. Ware, 25 Casks Brown and Yellow Ware. 500 Brli. Glassware. Goods packed for country merchants. GEO. P. GOI.E dr CO.. Auctioneers. Bv FJLEatssssom, kakmesc & CO.. General Auctioneers. 84 A 86 Randolph-fit. REGULAR SEMI-WEEKLY AUCTION SALES FURNITURE, Carpets, and General EonscMd Goods WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. REAL ESTATE and all OUTSIDE SALES receive special attention. Bv is. Auctioneers, 199. 201 and 203 Randolph-at, 1,000 Lots of CEOCKERY aid GLASSWABE, A line assortment of Stone Porcelain, double thick; White Granite. Brown and Yellow Ware. On Wednesday, July 30. at 9:30 o’clock. GEO. W. BECKFORD. Salesman. BY M. M. SAXDKKS Jc CO., 130 and 132 Wabash-av. bootsTshobs, SLIPPERS, SANDALS, TEES, A.T -A-XJCTIO3SI, TUESDAY MORNING, July 29, nt 9 o’clock-. jas. P. .McNamara. Ancfr. saile At No. 4 North Clark-st, On3IONDAT, July 23, at 10 o'clock aharp. The Whole Contents of a Restaurant, Consisting of Tables. Chair*. Casters, Ranges, Coun ters. Show Cases, Mirror*. Crockery, &c. Sale per emptory. . FBOPOms TO BUELDEXIS AND CONTRACTORS. . iLiitxots Eastern Hospital fob tub Insane. By authority of an act of the Legislature, approved May 28, 1879, the Trustees of the Illinois Eastern Hos pital for the Insane invite sealed proposals for the erec tion of buildings for the said Hospital, In accordance with the plans prepared by James R. Willett, Archi tect, at whose office. No. S 5 Dearborn-st., Chicago, HI., the said plans and specifications may be seen. A bond for SIO,OOO. with three good and sufficient sure ties, mast accompany each bid, conditioned that the bidder will enter into such contract os is required by the Trustees, If bis bid is accepted. Bids mast be made ouooq blanks furnished, and no others will be conald * Bid* will be received by H. C.Clarke. Secretary of the Trustees, Kankakee, HI., or by the Trustees, at or be- o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, August 2ft pror. when they will be opened In the presence of the bidders at the Cltv Hall in Kankakee. 111. All envelopes contain ing bids should be Indorsed “Proposalsfortbe erection of oulldlncs for the Illinois Eastern Hospital for the In sane.” Bids will be received for all or any portion of the work. The Trustees relerve the right to reject any and all bids. For further Information apply to the Architect or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, H. C. Clarke. Kan kakee, ill. J. H. CLOUGH. WILLIAM REDDICK, W. F. MURPIiEY, Trustees. PS£os°«SAl.>i FOB FIRE! CI.AV TILE-LINING to the slate roof of the United States Custom-House, etc., at Chicago, 11L; Orncz OF SUPEaiNTXNDBJfT ) UsrrntD Statbs Government Building, > Chicago. -ill., July 22. 1879. ) Sealed proposals win be received at this office until 12 o’clock m. of Wednesday, the 6th day of August, 1879, for the furnishing, delivering, and putting In place complete, the Fire-Clay Tile-Llnlog to the shite roof of the United States Custom-House and Post-Office Building at Chicago, 111., In accordance with the specifi cations, copies of which may be bad and drawings seen at this oflice. Jifo- ADAIB MoDOWELL. ■ * Superintendent. iIUSC£LIiA.\C9 fls. £8 SifN DR. KEAN, 15.73 South Clark-st.. Gmcago. ■Consult personally or by mall, free of charge, pa all chronic, nervoua,orspecialdiseases. Dr.J.Keanu the only physician lu the city who warrants cures or no P-iy. Mfl HT TfJ 203 9 - Clark Street, Chicago. . It. skill In treating all Chronic, Nervous and Special Diseases of men and women. Every m->ans used kno«*n to the profession, including Electricity. Bend two stamps for “Guide to Health. Office boaia.9 a. m. to 8 p. m,; Sundays IQ to 12 a. m. THE «lVOBT” SOAP. The “IVORY” Is the FINEST for Laundry and general household use. It I* made of Vegetable Oils, and everything used la Us so It is ABSOLUTELY PURE. It Is e Laundry Soap, with all the fine qualities of a choke Toi let Soap. Ladies will find this Soap especially adapted for woshihg laces* infants’ clothing, silk hose, cleaning gloves ami all articles of fine texture and delicate color* and for the varied nsesaboat the boose that doily arise requiring the use 0 f Soap that is above the ordinary In quality. For the Bath; Toilet, or Nursery it Is Preferred to i most of the Soap sold for toilet use, being purer and much more pleasant and effective, and possessing all tbe dcsirabl ■ Prope- tics of the fin. eat unadulterated White Castile Soap. Many of the skin diseases arise from the col oring matter and impure materials used in Soap. The whiteness of the “Ivory” is prima fade evidence ot its parity, and the vegetable oils used in it, being cooling and healing in their ef fect, leave the skin soft, smooth, and healthy. Tbe cakes are so shaped that they nay be ased entire lor general purposes, or divided with a stout thread (as illustrated) Into two perfectly formed cakes, of convenient size lor toilet use. The price* compared to the quality and the size ol the cokes, makes It the cheapest Soap tor everybody and for every, want. SOLD EVERYWHERE. jpo6JlE'£’EE.'ST£a TOAK. ST. MARTS HALL, FAKIBAUI/T, MINN.,. P.L-Rev, IL B. WHIPPLE, D. D., Rector. Miss S. P. DARLINGTON, Principal, Is under the personal supervision of Jhe Bishop, with Eleven Experienced Teachers. The Fourteenth rear will begin Sent, n, 1879. For Registers with full de tails address the Rector. Prices reduced. GREYLOCK INSTITUTE, SOOIH WILLMSTOM. BERKSHIRE CO., MASi BEXJ. F. MILLS. A.M.. Principal. GEORGE F. MILLS. A.M., Associate Principal. The leading Private School la New England- fte cares for business or college. Location healthful, buildings new, care and Instruction thorough. Estab- Ushe |in 1542. Term?, $*5J per year. For catalogues or personal Interview addre*s GEORGE F. MILLS, Care Grant & Swift, 23 Portland Block, Eels® iial Mite, CINCINNATI, O. Two Sessions yearly, each 20 weeks, both counting in Graduation. Throe years GRADED COURSE, at a cost of SISO. Teaches *‘Specidc Medication.” Setd for Announcement to JOHN M. SCUPPER, M.D., Cincinnati, 0. Illinois Mcstfi Hr, The examination lor admission will be held at the office of A. G. Lano, 171 East Handolph-st., beginning on Monday. July 23, at 9 o’clock. miTAJST ACADEMY. CHESTER, PA. (Opens -Sept. KM . Thorough Instruction In Civil Engineering. Chemis try, the Classlcvand English. Degrees conferred. For Circulars apply to JEWETT WILCOX. Esq., of-, flee of Gardner House. Chicago, or to Col. TIl&O. HYATT. President. TT2WO3T COIXKGE Off* JLAW, U CHICAGO. ILL. The Twenty-first Collegiate Tear (36 weeks) begin* Wednesday, sept, 10. 1879. Tuition, 373 peryear. In advance. For Catalogues, etc., address H£M*T BOOTH. 505 West Lake-at., Chicago. HI. • ■ /"1833CA350 FEMALE COUL33GE, V-> Morgan Park (near Chicago). Preparatory and Collegiate Course. Elective Studies. GraduatlngCourso in Music. Drawing, Painting, and Elocution specialties. Eminent Professors In various departments. Term be* Kins bepr. 9. For Catalogue address G. TfIAYKE, Pres.. Morgan Park, Cook Co., liL, or at 77 Madison* st.. Chicago. A THESJJirai ACADEMY, JTjL 48-54 Dearborn-st.. E. H. BABCOCK, Principal, BEGINS SEPT. IS. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. TCTA3rin.Y SCMOOI,, VAIXES iP VILLE. Ohio, for Young Ladies and Misses. Fall Session opens on the Ist Monday of September. Circa* lars and particulars may be obtained from Mrs. 31.1). 3fATHEWS. WHEATON FEMALE SEMINARY, ■ Norton, Mass., will begin Its forty-fifth school yeaf Thursday, Sept. 11. For information apply to Mias A* E. CARTER or H. A. COBB. Esg.. Norton, Mass. flr. LOUIS LAW SCHOOL. Lavlfta* V*mentol' Washington Lunrrrjity. ThirteenthAano»nw}» Xkcommences Weuuesday.October 13,157‘i. Courteditnar Bjjtwo Anmul Terms, seven months each. Students idauitea senior ciasc on examination. Tuition, SSO per term. Address. iiENHY Hi rcilfOCK. Lean of Faculty, St. Lotm.^ SdAmeS RESORTS. Grand Union Hotel, SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T„ COMPLETE IS ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS FOP. THE COMFORT AND PLEASURE OF ITS GUESTS, Now Open for the Season. Rates Reduced to $4 Per Day. ROOMS CAN BE ENGAGED at the PARK AVENUE HOTEL, or METROPOLITAN HOTEL. NEW TOkK. HENRY CLAIE. Leasee. United States Hotel, SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T. Open for the season from Jane 14 to Oct. 1. TOMPKINS. GAGE & Co._ OCEAIf STEA3ISHSPS, STATE LINE To Glasgow, Liverpool, Dublin, Belfast, and London* derr?. from X. Y., even Thursday. First Cabin, S® to $75, according to accommodation. Sccottl Cabin* S4O. Steerage. $26. * AUSTIN. BALDWIN & CO., 72Broadway. X, T., and 166 Randolph-st., Chicago, JOHN BLEGEN. Western Manager. WHITE STAR LINE, Carrying the United States and Royal Mall between New York and Liverpool. For passage apply to Com* pony’s office, 48 South Clnrk-at. ALFRED LAGERGREN, GcnT Western Agent. CsT*Drafts on Great Britain and Ireland. t CIJWARD MAIL LUSTS. . Sailing three times a week to and from British. Ports. Lowest Prices. Apply at Company’s Office, northwest corner Clark and Randolph-sts., Chicago. P. 11. DU VKUNET. General Western Asentv GRAIS B£iH£Bl£b. GRAY’S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. The Oreat En-TRADE M*2& Remedy, jjgySSL will promptly and and every of Nervous Debility and Weakness, re- <rji6 t suit of ludlscretloi, excess or overwork jggsowjT of the brain and ner* _nnrT>i vous system; Isper-.«?srgs&P : •d x* m i_.* fectly harmless, acta Bnlore lakmgu|o n .na e i^ ? nd 7 t, r?Mter TakiD g. used for over thlr ;r years with great tnccew. . Full particulars m our panuhlec, ae*. sire to send free by mall to every one. The spscioo Medicine Is sold by all druggists at $l per pas<A?®*9f six packages for $5. or will be »cnt tree oy mall oars* celpt of the money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO 10 Mechanics’Block, Detroit, Mich. VAN SCHAACK. BTEPHENsON & CD.. 92 aadJj Lake-st.. Chicago, wholesale and retail a g nts wco will supply druggists as oroprie tors’ pries-. IE 5 . Sc J"_ CASEY, 41 and 43 FIFTH-AT., ' Have for sale some fine Black Walnut Banked Counters. Store Counter}, Bank and Office both Ash and Black Walnut; Ice Bosw,.Beer wjjjj. and Refrigerators; several Fire *nd Burglar nw* Safes. * £DCCATIO>AL. FOB SAJL-S.