OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1872-1963, March 16, 1881, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031492/1881-03-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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The unerring test of time dem
onstrates Hint the Slelnwny Up
right alone equals the Grand or
Square in durability, while in the
ill-important feature of capacity
for standing In tune It excels
cither, and possesses in a super
lative degree those higher quali
fies which have made the Stcin
uny Pianos • the Standard of the
The thousands of Steimvny Up
rights, for many years in use in
Chicago and vicinity, are living
witnesses in behalf of their own
extraordinary power of endurance.
State and Monroc-sts.
UXEX it a miKKitcirnsFs,
Of Medium, Fine, and Extra-
Fine Qualities in White and
Has just been received, and
are now being offered at very
attractive prices, by
113,113,117 & 119 State-sl
JOHN E. DoWITT, President.
December 31, 1877 •..$ 77,200.515
“ ■* 1878 154,478.27
“ M 1879 250,050.715
" “ xBBo 000,213.77
Otamba 31,-1879 Crio3.Soo.7il
" “ 1880 014,010.77
133 Lu Salle-Ht —Clilcuiio, 111,
A. G. FOWLER, Manager.
ICR Ntnlf.il., IKoom Jl, Ncuond Floor.
F|«ctach*i exclusively. Spectacles at ull price*. Nrt
►wutlor, given tu any nthur guilds. Twenty-seven
I practice In tin* adjustment of Classes to every
Moot defective eyesight.
M w, l«rs of recommendation testifying to M. Hern
* ability an Optician can be aeon nl Ida oflleo
L L l >i "’in. 11. llyford. A.M.,
ii 1 1 t. Itolor, A. M„ M. D.i .1. Adaina Allen. SI.
k’i». tVI 4*. N* Ih'iUster, M. !>.: A. Kuovus Jucksun,
U. N.tsham.M.D.s He laiskte
Vincent J.. UtirlbuuM. D.t F, I* Wads*
i n^?} -,,,! Truman W. Miller. M. IM A. K. Hmall,
IVi lh,u ' M - !»•! H- P. Hedges. M. IM .l!
Havltl Hwing. Her. ilnbeil,
J I 9,V ••• 'V. Thonma. Dr. Clinton Locke. Uov.
e5Vi‘ ,Bu . , . ,Uu ? < Wlalmp Clnu. Hd. Cheney. Uev. \V.
Mlmh r ’ Uu . Tl K - **• Woodwin, Uov. Arthur Little,
*™oibi-raof nromlnunce.
va«» llonra-u to 1.2 to 5. Lons U. MATTirv*, As
ft6lf. LoUur * of Inquiry must incloau atampfer
agents employed nr appointed.
Contractors and Builders
C^m.*M, , ? ru,>otal *’ addressed lo the La Hallo County
b*(v„,„, u V?, H,ul ‘ ,Bll ItulMliiU ComuiUieu, care of
l ul‘ y . l Ll< ‘. r , k - o, « l ‘W>>. 111-will bo recelvod until
,u 11 ~uy «f March, ISM. I o'clock p. m.,
la A 8,1 the materials und labor required
ferilVfiS 114 ?! 1 R,ld complcllon of a now Cmin-Huusu
Loo, ■ , ! 0 County, according to plans and speclhin
. . u n ** furnished by M. U Hours, arcbl
building to bo completed on or before Nov.
tflbtßho. Uy of Oliuwa, 111., and In the ulllcu
*U t ) V u .^! C f U i loo, i‘ w staler lliock. Chicago,
•wi&tnii t 3 ? 11 * 1,,r o>o building enilro must bo ac
-4441u» f,.. r ac °rtlilod check for the sum of ll.tui.
f'oJtlitckParts nt the work with n cortl
whhuaeh bid us a guarantee that
taou*tof tbb^che 1110 r * Dto contracl ur forfeit
bidder ur bidders will bo required to
bond for the faithful per-
Us ivL ll, ? co,,lr “‘’t. said bond to bo eppruvocl
, Vkliu»r-V? , . mlu ‘ ,u - The Committee reserves Dm
kiirntn/n 11 and all bids not deemed for thu
c, *vi UieCouniy, (JKO. W. AUMd'l'UONtl,
- Chairman Uulldlug Committee.
to Contractors for
locking and Dredging.
p_ CHICAGO. March 9. iß3i.
, , posah are Invited for construction of
Bomhoui d B,I P® on l * ,e Calumet River at
«* Chicago.
hrd. C^f W i Cr K consists of about 500.000 cubic
*dock front Bing and filling; and feet
ttbie J >ro J t 0 contract for about 350,000
feet ni a . , dredging and filling, and 8.000
Plan. j ßot thc P rcsfi nt time,
tfc. nr a J?“ specifications can be seen at tho
n Chicago and Western Indiana
p.O- ■* C°.» No. 135 Dearborn-st., Chicago.
bo received until the 35th
Sssgi J. B. BROWN.
,uu “- ~
M. C. HILLOCK, Gon’l As’t,
UHo W Uarkwt-«L, Chicago.
Wve pailg l&fihtme. fl
Madison and Peoria-sts.
Before Removing to New Store,
Cor. M ill Mson-sls.
There are a few of all. the
head In fi Varyal-na left offered
•in this Sale,
worth $1.25.
PLAIDS at 25c; cost over 50c
to import.
worth 10c.
worth from 50 to 75c.
For Spring Wear
At Less than Mamifac
turers ’ Prices.
All must be closed within the
next few days,
McChcsney Bros. Defeated tie Dill.
We have heard from Maine, but has the 41 ring of
fancy.priced Dentists" heard from Springfield.
Their 4> gag" is defeated. Legislation is for the
benefit of the people, not for a monopoly.
mjfr 1* üBLicA tions.
44 The true Light, which llghteth every man that
cometh into the world."
The lleucuD Light Is nn unusually attractive and
beautiful Sunday School Bong Hook, by <l. 11. Ten
ney uutl Uev. 11. A. UolTinnti, vrtio have hod a
very successful experience as sent* writers und com*
minors. Their book Is one of the best ever made. The
lieucon Light has many noble hymns, and the sweet
est of melodics. Hpeclmen copies mulled fur AID
cents t liberal radueUon fur quantities.
OAWTATAC Choirs and Societies will do well
VH Ii I M I nwi to end the musical season bv per
forming eithern Sacred Cantata, as Duck’s-Pilli Psalm
(111. or Chadwick’s splendid Joseph’s llomlagu (tin or
llutleriluld’s llolslinxiur <4l >. or try the very easy Ks
ther (3U el.-O, or Knot’s always popular Uayuukcn
(111. or Uuck’s classical Don Munlu (|I.Uj.
The Emerson Method for Reed Organ,
(f2.U». Ily Uinerson and Mathews, Is amomr the very
bust, und lias a pood collection of Inslrumontal ana
vocal music.
Any hook mailed, poet-free, fbr retail price.
LYON & HEALY, Chicago, 111.
OI.IVKK J)ITHIIV A Ql>.. Hu.lun.
Sill UTS.
Guarniiteed by us on all lino
8 HUM'S imulo to ordor.
Workinanslilp and qualities
tho best. Largo slock of Im
ported Fancy Shirtings.
Eldredge & Woodbridge,
55 Washiiigton-st.
ion SALK
Tho Lancnitur County Hlltor, Lead, ami Zinc Mines,
•Itnated near Lumllavillu, Ijinciuilor t’mimr, I'enu
sylvuiilu. (uuothor with Die ilululmi Ituilmtlun Fur
naco». Cnlclnin* Furnacei, Cutlery. Itutorl Kiln, whit
full v(|ulpuuMti of Ciu.liinn ami lirunaliu Machinery
Complvtu. on tlio must Improved |irlnclplu*.
There uro Three Powerful Euulnua, for holitlnu,
putaplnir, and wurklmt all tho nhovu nmchliiury. to*
uuthur will* lUI Acre* of Lam). Farm llulldlnuH, 11
DwolHiiU'liuuso*. Wurkidiojm, Htororoouis, unices,
‘“ rtlCUto '‘ H. TIICIMI-HON,
II ilruadway, «. V.
Orlunlitl llulliluitfH. Chicuiro.
flmu|»i»ldu. Liverpool, Knit.
ami Prollhiblo.
Itcaiuu lor aelltuu ciplalurd,
CELLULOID ( Water-proof Lin
en ) Cuffs, Collars ami Bosoms, Brice
Lists ami Gpods seat by mail . Call
or address BAItJfES* Hat Store, SO
Madison-st,, Tribune JiuiUlimj .
sp n rxu o vehcoa rs.
The Clothier,
Has just opened out some
very desirable
That are made up in first
class shape, equal to the best
custom-work, at from 25 to
50 per cent less money.
And remember us on
Gents' Furnishing Goods
If you want to save money.
654 & 156 CBark-st.
Fire Insurance
Head Ofnee->London t
WM. P. CLIREHUOH, Qen’l Manager.
United State* Branch—Boston, Mass.,
JOS. H. WELLMAN, Manager.
Cash Capital 31,000,000.00
Reserve Fund 250,000.00
Cash Assets . 1,349,943.61
Capital Stock.. .1 $1,000,000.00
Reserve for Re-Insurance..... 36)631.31
Reserve for Unpaid Losses.... 11,930.31
All other Liabilities 11,961.20
Net Surplus 289,430.79
11£S Jto 11-1, Lll Sllllo-Ht.
FRED S. JAMES & CO., Agents.
FRED S. JAUE. 1 ?, (Wl .Innt f-r (lie Wutern S'alei.
Merchants’ Savings Loan
& Trust Go.,
OF 01-lIOACiO,
LHTA1II.IH1IL1) 1833.
Paid-Up Ciipltul Sl,ftoo.ooo
Vndlviiletl Profit*. 800,000
J. \V. DOANK, JIVKO.V 1.. P.mItII,
P. I* YOK.
UVItON | fc HMITiI. Vlcn-Prus’L
KKMIV K. I.OVVK. Cnahler.
Pollclls the Accounts of Hunks, Merchants, and In
Trunsnct* a ifcnerai Hanking liuslnnss.
Deals in United Hiatus and Investment Hands.
Kxchanvuon Igiiidon and Purls.
Letters of Credit for Murvliunia and Traveler*.
Telegraphic Kxchsnuo on Londiin. Parts, New York,
Han Frunclsco, New Orleans, uml Tucson, Arliona.
Also Accepis mid Kxeeule* Trusts.
Money to Loan
On Improved Chicago Property at lowest
rates. MEAD & COE,
Z 49 La Salle-st.
Honey to Loan
On choice Improved city property ntOper cent lu
sums tu suit. TUKSKII X HUND.
Hi! Washlngton-sL
In sums of $5,000 to $50,000,
On Improved City Pruperty. nl <1 per cent Interest.
W.M. V. JA c ’OHS, im Poarbnrn-SL
Double-Dipped and Fresh Every Day,
SI Clark’tt.i 44 X 40 Mosiroe-§t., i'ulmer
llouaei uh(l tUO Ni Vlark-ut. f Chleuf/a,
■ Dll Cl M)VV HEADY. . .
I Kill* I
W 157 S. CLARK-ST.
I ■flllfl 11 will aurviy par run to write fur mr
I DhIIII llluairalud i'uuilvk’uu (truo) uf Htrlua
LlUßlfl am) Prluuo. S. 11. MC EI.WAIN,
iianuluciurer, Wi X All WuUuU-ur. >
rrr Pmon* unable to purehare cuplf* of Tiir
Chicago Tin hum: rt( !\’e.wn Agencies, and on rcilt
uviy from* where Chicago jyipem arc tnhl ttilf con
/<r o favor lip rrinrlUtu the facta to Ihia office, g(p
ing full jurtirulnra.
Cloudy wdathcr, occasional snow, station
ary or lower temperature, lor.thls region to
day. '
Tin: West Virginia Legislature has ad
journed to the second Wednesday of Janu
ary, tbsi
The I'olfafrc, a itndlcn! organ published
at Paris, advises Alexander 111. to break nt
once with Bismarek and the Germans.
Tin: centennial of the battle of Guilford
Cmirt-Mousi; was celebrated on* the battle
ground, near Greensboro, N. C., yesterday.
The remains of the Czar will Ho Instate
in the lloyal Chapel for fifteen days. Prayers
will be offered nightly for tho repose of his
Tom Young recently broke Steve Lang
ford’s bend at Greenwood, Ky. Reuben
Langford then shot Young dead with a
Charles Warner, the actor, accidentally
received n severe wound at the Adelphi The
atre, London, Monday night during a dagger
light scene.
Tim schoolboys living near New Bremen,
0., wanted a vacation, and blew up their
school-house, using two kegs of powder for
that purpose.
Eight inches of snow fell at Lincoln, Neb.,
between 4 o’clock and 7:30 o’clock Inst even
ing. Tim storm was tho fiercest, while It
lasted, that ever visited the region.
The Navy Department paid 3100.000 yes
terday lor tho San Francisco whaler Mary
and Helen, which will be sent Immediately
in search of tho missing Jeannette.
iris believed that Rochefort and another
Parisian editor will bo prosecuted for pub
lishing articles apologizing for crime In con
nection with the murder of tho Czar.
A Nihilist placard was posted in St.
Petersburg Sunday evening warning the suc
cessor of tlm dead Czar that If lie failed to
adopt a liberal policy lie would soon meet
his father’s fate.
The House of Commons voted 833,000 for
tho expense of criminal prosecutions in Ire
land, and 8141, 500 for Irish not
withstanding the protests of Mr. Purnell and
Ids following hist night.
The Committee on Statu Charitable Insti
tutions of tho lower branch of tiie Illinois
Legislature will report favorably on tho bill
to turn over tho Cook County Insane Asylum
at Jefferson to tho State. 1
Joseph Hassfkld was lined .810 In a New
York police court yesterday for haying
pasted notices bn* lampposts andteltfgraph
poles calling u mass-meeting of Communists
to rejoice over tho Czar's death.
A dill providing for the payment of the
Tennessee State debt in accordance with the
proposition of tho bondholders passed to a
second reading In tho Tennessee Legislature
yesterday by u vote of 4. r > to 18.
Ernest Stephen Mkmorotii, a German
woodcarver, shot and killed Emit Pauly, a
boarder in Ids house, in New York yester
day, and then blew out his owu brains.
Momoroth was jealous of Pauly. ’
5i,349.943- 6 ‘
Tun officers of tho Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul and of tho Chicago & Northwestern
Roads pronounce ns unqualifiedly false the
report that those roads and Uio Northern
Pacific wero about to bo consolidated.
Several Liberals and Conservatives and
eleven Home-Riders who wero in the House
of Commons Monday night when Mr. Glad-
Mono moved his resolution of urgency on
Supply quitted the House rather titan vote.
Tun armistice between tiie Boers and tho
British Ims been extended four days. In the
meantime tho Boors are receiving relnforce
nunits. About 1,000 farmers of the Orange
Free State are said to have Joined them dur
ing tho last four days.
James Toi.an, while in a state of maniac
al madness, shot ids wife dead at Marine,
near Stillwater, Minn., yesterday. Tolan
was insanely jealous, and labored under tho
delusion that Ids wife was not true to Idm.
His insanity Is the result of a life of drunken
William 11. Morrison, President of tho
First National Bunk of Indianapolis, and fur
a tong period Manager of the Indiana Bank
ing Company, died yesterday at ids homo in
Indianapolis. Mr. Morrison was a prominent
member of Die Episcopal Church. Ho was
lu Ids TutU year.
Judoi: Mohan administered a severe and
well-deserved rebuke yesterday to police
olliccrs who are In the habit of extorting con
fessions from persons arrested by threats,
false pretenses, and other means, lie con
demned tiie practice us pernicious, unlaw
ful, and dishorn I **..
It Is stated that the Princess Dolgourouki,
the late Czar’s morganatic wife, received an
anonymous letter Sunday morning warning
her that the Czar was to bo assnslnated that
day; that she tried to prevent the Czar from
rlillng out, but without effect. The Princess
lias left SL Petersburg, and will not return.
Both branches of the Malno Legislature
balloted for United Slates Senator yester
day. In tho Lower Branch Mr. W. P. Frye,
Republican, received S 3 votes, and Mr. Rich
ard A. Frye, Fuslonlst, received SC. In the
Senate tho former received £1; tho latter G.
Mr. W. P. Frye will bo declared elected to
Skciictarv Bi.ainb telegraphed to Minis
ter Foster yesterday the resolution adopted
by the Senate Monday on the death of tho
Czar wltii instructions to present them to tho
new Czar. At tho Cabinet meeting yesterday
there were many expressions of sympathy
with tho Russian Royal family and the Rus
sian people.
OunAND Van Hum and George Linn, real
estate dealers, of Cleveland, 0., and John 1C
Corwin, a Notary Public, of that city, have
been arrested on, tho charge of con
spiracy to defraud the United States
Government by moans of false aflldavlts to
laud-titles. Addison Burns and 11. R. Mo-
Chilian have been arrested at Pittsburg on
the same charge, and Hubert F. Lindsay
at St Louis. Other arrests arc expected.
These parties operated under the name of
the International Land Company, and their
operations are said to have been quite exten
sive, covering 0,000,000 acres. All the parties
have hitherto been considered quite respect
Sin William Palliser (Tory) asked Mr.
Gladstone In the Commons yesterday
whether the evacuation of Candnhar would
be postponed until Stanhope’s motion rela
tive thereto was decided. Mr. Gladstone re
plied that the matter was In Um hands ot the
Viceroy of India, and that ho would not be
Interfered with. ~
Mn. Edouard Sevk, Consul-General of
Belgium to the United States, Is hero to
make on Investigation Into the hog and pro
vision trade of this city, for the purpose of
being able to make an intelligent report to
his Government on the trichinosis question.
Iteprcscntntlvcs of Spain and Portugal arc
about to visit Chicago for the same purpose.
A requiem mass for tho Cznr was cele
brated nt tho Russian Embassy nt Washing
ton yesterday, nccordlng to tho Greek Church
ritual, by Fathers BJorrine and Lopuchln.
The members of the Russian Legation at
tended In deep mourning. Secretary Blaine,
Mrs. Blaine, Walter Blaine, and several
members of the Diplomatic Corps were also
The Nihilists and Social Revolutionists
everywhere arn much pleased at tho assasl
natlon of tho Czar. They affect to believe that
the new Czar will immediately inaugurate
much-needed reforms. In tills connection it
may bo stated that the Revolutionists of both
hemispheres are Invited by manifesto to
meet in Revolutionary Congress at London
on the 14th of January dff next year.
Brevet Maj.-Gkx. Emory Upton, of tho
United Slates army, committed suicide at
Presidio, Cal., some time Monday night His
dead body was found yesterday morning in
his room. A revolver was grasped in his
right hand, and a bullet was found In his
brain. lie shot himself through tho mouth.
Grief at the recent loss of ids wife is thought
to have prompted him to the rash act.
The Democratic Senators In caucus yes
terday agreed that they had not tho slightest
chance to organize Urn Senate, and deter
mined to make up lists of four Senators for
committees of nine and lists of three for
committees of seven to bo furnished the Re
publicans. It was also determined to assign
Bayard, Johnston, and Davis of West
ginla to tiie three Chairmanships usually
given to the minority. .
A resolution was Introduced in tho New
York Legislature yesterday authorizing an
Inquiry ns to whether the State, in accord
ance with tho charters of the original com
panies, cannot obtain possession of the New
York Central & Hudson River and the
Lake Erie & Western Ronds by paying the
original cost of tho roads and 10 per cent in
addition as Interest, It Is tho Impression of'
some parties that this cim bo done according
to the original charters of tho various corpo
rations referred to.
Rochefort publishes in his paper n dis
patch Irom Geneva which states that after
the attempt to murder the Czar in the Winter
Palace, in February of last year, tho Russian
police seized tho funds of tho Nihilists,
amounting to 400,000 francs, and that no at
tempt at assnstnatinn was made soon there
after because of lack of funds. Tho dispatch
further states that tho bombs which were
used Inst Sunday wero manufactured at St.
Petersburg, and loaded by women. It also
states that there is no Nihilist named Rus
• Tiiirtv persons are in prison in Ireland
now under tho provisions of tho Coercion
act, and it is evident that more will ho im
prisoned during tho week. Richmond Prison,
Dublin, is being prepared for tho reception of
tho patriots. Forty convicts were taken
from there yesterday to make room for those
who cannot be convicted, Among those ar
rested yesterday were P. J. Sheridan, a mer
chant of Tubbercurry, Sligo, and. ono of
those who wore tried with Parnell recently,
and O’Quinn, ono of the Secretaries of tho
Tin: Paris correspondent of tho London
Time* says that the new Czar, Alexander 111.,
Is utterly tacklugln political knowledge and
tact, and predicts that Ids rule will tie far less
conciliatory and liberal than that of tho last
monarch. It is expected that the Into Czar’s
advisers will be set c. Ido very soon, and that
the personal friends of tho now Czar will bo
also his political advisers. Tho now Em
press, as might be expected from her family
relationship with the King of Greece, it is
believed will be very friendly to tho Greek
cause, ami will shape tho Russian policy lu
that matter.
There remain no doubts that Count
Herbert Bismarck has eloped with Princess
Elizabeth of Carlottl-Bcuthen, a lady of fid,
who has a daughter aged 14. Both are known
to have been at Messina, Sicily, about two
weeks ago. Tim husband of tho runaway
wife has retired from public life, and will
soon commence proceedings for u divorce.
Prince Bismarck is said to be greatly an
noyed at Uio conduct of Ids son, whom ho
intended should succeed himself, and Ids re
cent Irritability Is said to bo Uie result of
disappointment at Uie conduct of tho way
ward young man.
Hussakoff, the person arrested on Uio
charge of being an accomplice In the assasl
nation of tho Oar, has recognized one of the
bodies of those killed last Sunday as that of
ids accomplice. In the house where Russa-
Koff lived a proclamation has been found an
nouncing that tho Czar had been ussosinated
by two persons. The mule occupant of Urn
house shot himself dead when lie saw the
police opproAching. A woman who lived
with him was arrested; also a person who
was seen to enter tho house, hut the latter
was not captured until lie had fired six shots
and wounded flireo policemen.
Eui’kiion Wii.mam In receiving the Presi
dent and Vice-Presidents of the Reichstag,
who presented an address of condolence,
said that the death of the Czar affected him
doubly because of his age. He recalled (he
peaceful relations which have existed so Jong
between Prussia ond Russia, and his kinship
to the Czar, whh he said was ’’very near to
his heart.” Tho full of the Czar, he went on
to say,iliowed that Divine Providence alone
could determine tho destinies of monarchs.
At the same time, ho said, It was the duty of
Legislatures to do their part In repressing
destructive tendencies by every means in
their power.
The Session of the Senate
Yesterday Quiet and
Republican Apprehensions that an
Alliance with Hlahono Will
Re Disastrous.
Schema of the Democrats to Split Dp
on Votes and Prevent a
Session of the Illinois Con
gressmen in the Attorney-
General’s Office*
The Claims of Jones to the Mar
shalship Urged by Sen
ator Logan*
An Affidavit Impugning Jones’ In
tegrity Offered and Iso
Farwell Anxious to Have It Under
stood that He Has No Fight
with Logan.
Statement of Dr. Ball in tlio Chris
tiancy Case—Two Tolar Ex
Hurlbut Sure He Will Go to Mexico—
Garfield Glad He Has a Solid
sp«tta( DUpatfh to The Chicago TWMinc,
Washington, D. C., March 15.—Although sev
eral Democratic Senators have assorted In de
bate or privately that thoy would pair In ad
vance wltn tbo Maine or Minnesota Senator, and
thus permit an organization of tbo Com
mittees, tbo Douibon element opposes any
steps that will hasten an abandonment of
power and of patronage. Should they persist In
this course, the Republicans Senators can do
nothing before Friday, when tbo two new Sen
ators will probably have arrived and be sworn
In. Senator Anthony, os tbo Chairman of tho
Republican caucus, will then offer a list of Com
mitteemen, os a substitute to that of tbo Demo
crats offered by Pendleton. On tbls there will
bo a tie vote,—37 ayes against 37 nays,—and
Vice-President Arthur will give bis . cast
ing . vote In tbo affirmative. Some of tbo
Democrats aro very angry with Don
HSU for bis attack. on Uotu Mahone,
which thoy aay drove “ tbo Virginia Sphinx "
Into the open arras of tbo Republicans. Others,
determined to die In tbo lust ditch, Intimato that
to decide, by bis casting vote, the formation or
committees, but tho Republicans can quote
numerous precedents, and point to tbo const!*
tulloaal provision ("I'bat tbo Vice-President
snail bnvu no vote unless tbo Senate Is equally •
divided"! as oontnininir no limitation. So tbo
Republicans will wait patiently until tbo now
Senators come.
Tbo Democrats aro planning numerous means
of avoiding tbo casting rote of tbo Vice-Presi
dent, in order to prevent tho Republicans from
recovering control ot
gested, for Instance, that they do not vote for
tbo Committees as a whole, but that throe or
four Democrats present different names for
certain Chairmanships. This would not tnnko a
tie, and tbo Vice-President would not have a
casting vote, and the Honnto would be at a
dead-lock, Some Republicans think it possible
that they
from an alliance with Mnbune. Ono of them
put It this way: “It is suggested, for Instance,
that Mubono present h candidate for Sergeant
iit-Arms. Ho would, of course, select an ex-
Confederate soldier. Tho Democrats might pre
sent a Union soldier and turn tbo tables upon
us, mh wo did upon them In thoHhlelds case. It
would be very embarrassing fortbo Republicans
to oppose a Union soldier nominated by tho
Democrats, and to support an ox-Confcdcrato
forced upon tbo party by Mabono.
7b tA* irnfcm AnociaUd rrttt.
Washington, D. t’., March IS.—'Tho Republic
an Senators In caucus this morning completed
tbo Senate committee-list, with tbo exception of
tbo usual number of vacancies for minority rep
resentation, which are left to bo HUed by too
Democrats. Tho only changes mado' to-day In
yesterday's assignment of Chairmanships am
tbo transfer of Teller and Kellogg to the Cbalr
mansblps of Pensions and Railroads, respective
ly, and tho substitution of Ferry fur Frye us
Chairman of tho Committee on Rules. Mr. Ma
hoiio remains on tbo list as Chairman of tbo
Committee on Agriculture, and Is also assigned
to tho Naval Affairs auu Post-Olllcc Committees
full Republican memlwrsblp. The more Impor
tant committees, us telegraphed last night, uro
unaltered, except by placing Mr. Toller on tho
Privileges and Elections Committee Instead of
Tbo Military Affairs Committee is to bo com
loosed us follows, as far as tbo Republicans uro
concerned: Logan, Chairman: liurnslde, Cam
eron (Pa.), Harrison, and Jewell. Tho majority
of tho membership ot tho Naval Committee will
consist of Cameron (Pa.), Chairman; Anthony,
Rol|lus. Mabono, and Platt (N. V.). The Post
(JUlcc Committee is to bo beaded by Ferry, and
tbo uibor representatives of tho majority will
bo Hill (Colo.), Platt (N. V.}, Mabono, and Saw
Immediately after tho adjourmneucof the Hon
utn, met In ciiucuii ami decided to bavu procured
ii hat of Democratic Bonatont fur appointment
outtio committees In tho ratio of four Demo*
crats to live Republicans, Instead of pursuing un
endeavor t» obtain a majority of tho rej»rei»uu
tntlon. now discovered to bo hopeless.
Tbu Committee who prepared tho lint embodied
In tho Pendleton resolution wore accordingly In
structed to revise It, and report to u future cau
cus. The general sentiment was averse to es
tablishing the posslbly-dungerous precedent by
pairing Democratic Senators with tbu expected
Incoming Republicans from Maine and Mlnno
seta. Tho Chairmanships of tho Committees on
Private Lund Claims, Revolutionary Claims, and
Engrossed Hills, usually given to the minority,
will. It Is understood, bu assigned to Haynrtl,
Johnston, and Davis (W, Vo.), seniors lu length
of service.
In regard to the policy with Mahono, It Is said
on good authority that Ills alliance with thn Re
publicans in Virginia will bo recognised, uud
bis lullucnee bu assisted by tbo Administration,
In tho belief that many people of tbo South aro
willing to supjMirt tho Administration. If so en
couraged. ami that through Mahono nil such can
bu welcomed.
When tbo tienato mot, tho desk of Bonator Mb
hono was decorated with a handsome basket of
Mr. Voorbccs called up tbo resolutions offered
by blm yesterday, culling un tho Attorney-Gen
eral for information as to tbo names of Deputy
United States Marshals appointed lu tho Btuto
of Indiana to attend tbo polls at tho election lu
that State lu October lust.-
On motion of Mr. Edmunds, un amendment
was adopted culling for any information In pos
session of tho Attorney-General bearing upon
tho necessity for tbo employment for such Mar
shals. ' ,
Thu resolution, as amended, was agreed to.
Mr. Pendleton culled up bis reorganisation
resolution, when Mr. Cameron, or Pennsylva
nia, Interposed a motion lu adjourn. Lust
yeas, Ul; nays, IW. Mr. Davis, of Illinois, voted
with (ho Democrats, and Mr. Mahons with tho
Republicans. . ...
Mr. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, followed up
with a motion to proceed to tbo consideration of
executive business. Lost—yeas,Jß; nays, U 7.
Mr. Pendleton moved to adjourn. Uwosevl*
■ t» 9
i ;
dent, bo said., o veto could bo reached on
tbo pending blttiuoas. Agreed to.
In expectation that there would be another
Rcctio In tbo Senate to-day similar to that of yes
terday, n very largo audience was present, every
seat In tbo galleries being occupied and tbo cor
ridors crowded with persons unable to got with
in tbo Senate chamber. The Senators camo In
slowly, and when the Journal was read not more
than half wore in their scats.
On tbo desk of Senator Mabono was a mag
nificent bouquet of flowers sent from tho White
House conservatory by President QurQcld.
lIKN hill’s harangue.
Inquiry among tho Democratic lenders reveals
that mlly ono-half of them condemn Den Hill’s
attack upon Senator Mabono yesterday as un
justifiable and Inexcusable. It Is feared that
tbo bitterness and venom displayed by Hill will
react and strengthen Mabono among the Demo
crats In Virginia.' A well-informed Virginia
Democrat, opposed to Mabono, says thatMn
hono will get tbo sympathy of a largo number
of Democrats In bis state who are opposed to
bis political course, but wilt sustain him In
defending the right of a Virginia Senator to
vote ns ho may please, without having tils mo
tives Impugned. If Hill bad not done this, bis
speech would have hurt Mabono In Virginia, but
os it Is, tbo latter will to strengthened by it.
A friend of Mabonc sold to blm last night that
be trembled fur bis future; that one Henator
could nut expect to do away with thirty-six, If
each should call him out personally. “ Don't bo
alarmed," said Mubone. " 1 think I know tbo
Democratic Senators better tbuu you, and Inin
certain there is not one of them wbo wants to
die. lam not afraid of being called outt or
given uu occasion to call one of thorn out.”
Special Dltfatch to 17i< Chicago IVdmru,
Washington, D. C., March 15.—Thero was a
meeting of tbo members of the Illinois delega
tion at the olllco of the Department of Justice
this morning In the matter of tbo Marsbnlsbip
for tbo Northern District of Illinois. There
were present Senator Logan and Representa
tives Farwoll, Aldrich, Thomas, Marsh, Cannon,
Cullen, Payson, Hawk, and Henderson. Mr.
Farwell was present In tbo room when tbo dele
gation entered, having called to recommend tbo
appointment of McDuld, of Chicago, to a posi
tion In tbo Territories. Oen. Logan stated to
Attorney-General MaoVcogb that tbo delega
tion bad called to confer about the Marsbulsblp.
Mr. Lagnn, for tbo flrst time. Hied tbo papers of
A. M. Junes as an applicant for that position.
said that it bad been tbo custom of tbo Stato
that tbo olllco of tbo Marshal was witbln tbo
patronage of tbo Senator, but bo sold that, in
addition, ho was Joined In the recommendation
of Jones by five of the nine Congressional Rep
resentatives from tbo Judicial District, exclud
ing only Farwell, Davis, Aidricb, and Bbcrwln,
and that tbo papers of Mr. Jones were also in
dorsed by n largo majority of tbo members of
both tbo Stato Legislature. Senator
Logan, afteru brief speech In support of Mr.
Jones, submitted tbo cose. Representative
Thomas, of tbo Cairo district, also hud some
pleasant words to say for Mr. Jones. Mr. Far
well opposed tbo appointment. Ho stated that
ho had no quarrel with Senator Logan or with
anybody, but that bo believed that tbo appoint
ment of Jonos would bo offensive to the great
majority of Republicans la that Marshal's dis
trict; that Mr. Jones was opposed by
himself, Aldrich, and Davis, and that at least
one of the Chicago members—Representative
George K. Davis—bad stated that bo believed
that tho appointment of > Jones would result In
tbo loss of tho spring election la Chicago to tbo
Republicans. In addition, Mr. Farwoll stated
that tho appointment of Jones would be dis
pleasing to two of tbo Judges, and that one of
thorn (wbom bo did nut name) had authorized
him (Farwoll) to say that the appointment of
Jones was one not flt to bo made. Mr. Farwell
furtborstatod that Mr. Jones was tho Incumbent
of a Federal position in bis own district worth
(1,500, and that it would bo well for him to stay
that it appeared to bo understood that Judgo
Woodcock, of Sterling, would bo likely to bo ap
pointed Collcdlor oflnlornal Revenue In tbo.
event that Jones should bo transferred to tbo
Marsbalsblp. Ho (Harwell) suggested that it
might bo wiso to appoint Woodcock ns Marshal
and than take another man from tbo county.
Farwcll distinctly stated that bo bad no candi
date of bis own, and bo did not make tiny
recommendations la behalf of Mr. StlllwelL
Aldrich said bo was opposed to Jones, flratof all,
because* be bad a candidate of bis own, and bo
submitted tho name of cx-Ald. James H. ,
Gilbert. This Is Mr. Aldrich’s candidate for Col
lector of Internal Revenue, however, and it
In not supposed that bo presented the name with *
any serious expectation that Gilbert would bo
appointed Marshal. Mr. Aldrich also suggested
tbo numo of Mr. Hubbard, Superintendent of
Mails In tbo Chicago Pust-OQlcc, but tbo sugges
tion of this numo was not satisfactory. Gen.
Ho bad so much coulldonco In bis ability to se
cure tbo appointment of bis owu nominee that
ho afterwards said bo did not consider It neces
sary for him to entertain any propositions of
compromise, and that be was not uccustomud to
cumpromlso. Finally, Mr. Farwcll, being asked
If bo bad anything more to say In
opposition to Jones, stated that ho did bavesomo
papers at bis hotel which ho might submit, but
which bo did not euro lo file. Tbo Attorney-
General suggested that a time be appointed for
another meeting. Senator Lognu thought that
It would nut bo practicable tor him, m view of
bis duties in tho to Ux any time for an
other meeting, and did not know that another
mooting would ho necessary, but it was decided
that Mr. Farwcll should go for bis documents,
which bo did. The paper proved to bo
making charges against the business Integrity
of Mr. Jones, extending back to ItTJ-i. Mr. Far
well said that be did nut euro to UlotblsalUduvU.
Ho wished Gun. Logan to read It. Gen. Lo
gan sold that bo did nut care to read It, but that
Mr. Farwel) ought to tllo It. This Mr. Farwull
then declined to do, when Judge .Payton tooic
tbuallldavlt at tho requestor Farwcll and read
It, mid undertook lo Inform Senator Logan
afterwards of Its contents, and also to comma
nlcato with Mr. Jones on tbo subject. Tho alii
davit was also submitted to Representatives
Marsh, Henderson, and Thomas. Roth Mr.
Jones and Mr, Harwell 10-nlghl refuse lo per
mit the publication of this uiHdavlt, an ar
rangement having been mado between Mr.
Jouus and Mr. Harwell, according to which Jones
should make uu alliduvit giving
with regard to which tho charges were made,
and If this counter atlldavlt seems satisfactory
tu Mr. Furwull, that tho original uillduvlt should
not be hied, but should bo returned to tho per
son designated by Mr. Farwell ns uu eminently
responsible lower in Cbluugo, from whom It
come, together with the counter altldnvit. Mr.
Jones soon became ae<iuolnted with tbu allldavlt
charging him wlih Improper truusautlous. and
called upon Farweil, stating that tho question
with him thou was not whether he was going tu
bu Marshal, but whether he was lit to bo Mar
shal. Ho stated that the charges of the allldavlt
were utterly false, ami tliat he would prepant
and furnish Mr. Farwoll by to-morrow morning
a counter uillduvlt. From reliable sourced,
It Is ascertained that the subject mutter of tho
nlllduvit against Mr. Junes is substantially ui
follows: Tho document was sworn to In Chicago
lust Friday, March 11, mm reached here Sunday
morning. Mr. Farweil old not read it until this
mornlog. It Is a Joint allldavlt, signed by John
W. Mersey, a builder lu Chicago, nod D. J. Dog
ged, cashier at the Pun-Msudlo Freight Ollleem
Chicago. Dogged, It appears, Is Ibu defendant
In u suit by wblob, tu he claims, Junes Is at
tempting to make him pay twice for a nolo of
1760 placed lu his hands In trust by
Mersey. Dogeelt and Mersey appear
to bare bad some business relations
with each other, and bad deposited a
number of notes, amounting to some *2,000, with
Junes fur safekeeping, because neither party
bad a safe. From time to time those notes wore
returned, except the one fur *T6O, which
Subsequent to tbo dato of tbo delivery of those
papers to Jones, Jones and Mersey bad sumo
business disagreement, and, according to tho af
fidavit of Doggutt and Mersey, bu looTt the note,
although Uoggvti claims to have paid tbo
amount once, and tried to force u payment a
second time. Thu note was not indorsed.
Horsey charges that bo left tbo note for
with Jones in trust simply fur safe
keeping, and that Junes siueu then claimed
the nolo as bis own; that bo had
put It up as collateral, and troatu.l and used it
as his own: that It was never Indorsed to him.
and never belonged to him; that the maker of
the notu (Deggott) bos paid tho note tu blw

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