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VOLUME XL, .PARASOLS, Opening oc MANDEL BROS, will open to-day their handsome stock of exclusive designs and styles unattainable else where. Hew Beaded Parasols, With Steel, Jet, and Cashmere Beads. Hew Carriage Parasols, New Hand-EmMd’tl Parasols, New Lace Parasols, Kew Combination Parasols, New Surah Satin Parasols, New Mourning Parasols, New Silk Parasols, New Brocaded Parasols, In almost every conceivable color and combination of col orings, with the newest and most elaborate handles, made expressly to our order. An early visit of in spection necessary to secure the rarest and choicest designs. MANDEL BROS. 121 and 123 State-st. OCEAN NA VIGATION. mfITGEIIMAN LLOYD. New York--London--Parls. turners tail it'trr// Saturday from Xeto I'orU jor aottUiamjUon «m<t Urcmen, booked for London and Paris tit rales. Bates of passage from Now York to Southampton, London. Havre, und Bremen, tlrnt tsbm. $Us eocond-cliißß cabin, (OU; steerage, (.u. Itc tom tickets nt reduced rates. oßLltldlb & Co.,j Bowling Green, N. V. The steenwo rnio by the Korth Gorman Lloyd from llromon to Chicago ls«n, *nd the only agents authorised to sell these tickets are 11. CLAUbHRNIUS & CO., U4oulbClurk*si.. General Agents. J. W. KSCHRNUUUO, • UU Flfth-av.. Local Auonla. MUEIT FOII (jIBIIALTAK AND LES. Tbe following steamers will leave New York direct forUtbraliarund Marseilles, taking freight und pas* Movers: FERDINAND DR LKSHEPS, Torlols..Marclin. noun VILLB UR MAUSRILLRH. CnUount... April Ik Uu. m. Rates of passage: First Cabin, lIOUI Steerage, fli. . For particulars address Louis UR ISKUI AN. Ak'cnt, (I Bowling Groon, footof Broadway, N. V. . W. F. WIUTK. Cabin Agent, iff? Clark-st.. \VM, B. WINTER. Steerage Agent, ( Chicago. IMPERIAL GERMAN LINE. llomburg-Aroorlcon Packet Company's Lino for Plymouth, London. Cherbourg, und llambum, UKLLKUI* March 17 I iIRUDRII March 31 CIMUIUA March 111) LESSING March 111 limes to Cherbourg, Hamburg, and nil points In the sou hof England: First cabin. lt*J; sec* end. ()<j| steerage. f«i: round trip hi reduced rates. Prepaid steerage tickets from Hamburger Havre, (JU. KUNIIAIU) ■ fcU)., C. 11. HI. IIAIIUACO.. Genorul Agents, General Passenger Ag is, <1 Drouthst., Now York. ill Broadway. New Y ork. STATE LINE ToGlstaow, Liverpool, Dahlia, Belfast, und l/ondnn* jurry. from N. Y.. every Thursday. First Cabin, ill ic pi according to ncroinmodalhm. Second Cabin, ltd ciecrnje. outward, la*. Tbuso Btcnmers curry neltbui «aitle, stums nor plus. . AUSTIN. BALDWIN \ CO.. U Broadway, N.V., und Ml ltundolpb*Bt., Clilcsko. JOHN UI.hGRN. Western Manager. IMIOIL LIJIK MAIL STEAMERS Now York und Glasgow. ETHIOHIA.Mureh I'J.f am I DUVu.\IA, April Uiim ,yiKCAtiIA. Ma.cli 30.1! pill I TUBNKSSI A./iprß ll I pm /tatyu steamers do not rnrrv cuttle, sheep, or pigs iVli.. .‘//.New York to London direct. VCTOJUfrtWcn .u,. um I —. March SM. 1p m *-Mla**UAU» (da Excursion Ttokouut reduced raws. ■ bluoraku. f-t. HFNUEIISON*. 91 Washlnutun*su CUNAUU MAIL LM'E. Balling iwlcau wee* to und from Ur.Hah Porta Paa* B SB rickets from Liverpool, uueenslown, Glasgow, utiltn, liuliust, und Londonderry at lowest rates, fhoiupuuy’s OiUce. corner Clara und Bundolph>aiJ n volcano. Drafis ter 11, and upwards, u, lowest ratus. D. 11. DU VI.UNhT. Geii'l Western Agent. „ WHITE STAR LINE, £*nylng the L'nllod Htutes and lloyal Mall bolwoon u«« York und Liverpool. For passage apply to Cum* Paoy s oihee, 44 bent It tTark«et. J.AlihilUillhN, GenT Western Agonu on Groat Hrl.nln and irelimd. STOCKUOEDEUS’ MEETINGS. fc ol Ui« Ckitaju, „„ Cllllmoo, Fob. IM, ISsL TO TUB bTorKllllUH.lltf: fwillcu U hereby hlvuii I lint, pursuant to the* SLl 11,0 '•'"luimny. tlto uimiiul iiieulliu ot (hu slucliliulil f.nut ihu I'tiicjKu, Uurlliuitoa & tjiilney Uatlroud UiaipUDy V |i| j, 0 || U i,| Iu iho oitleo of Ihu Company In IM-. on Wednesday, lliu Illtli day of Mureh. ‘T'l' *i u o'cliiok tu tho torcimon, fur the nurposu of ciuctimi hlreeiora tor the uimmitf your. ttml Ihu trail*- •cUunur unjr uilior hindne** that niuy legally < iiiiiii wlore uiu mooting. |lr imlt-r of Iho Hoard of 111- •wtun. * 1 Jims n. a. tsitifiwm.i). TO ItliST. FOR" RENT, AT LAKE FOREST, Aflni-cluß residence, with ipncltfiii grounds, »uj>* giuinhU uuru surma water carried to all parts of wauouia and grounds. Aii|>ly to BAUUKL l>. WAItD. Lit laiku-st- UVALIiS, Yllij* bTANDAUD P SCALES gc ,Ut KI.VW, FAIRBANKO. MORSK A 00. 11l & US Luke Si., CltlcuiTD. Ce cart ful to buy only tha Gcouino EDUCATIONAL. Sj-NSByLVANiA' JUUTAKV" ACAI£ Wye jteilfl Wtihnnt. VOhiTWA />■ To J. D. EVERETT. Wo. (ho iinilcrslniioil tutors nnd Iniunjrcrs of tho Twelfth Wnrd, rcnitoib.lng ymir vnlunhlu rervlcosm Alderman fur the pail two year*, nnd liollovlnu It la for this In lorcota of onr Ward and tho city nt lurno, r( (|in,!>t that you i | h<iiil(l permit tho use of your mime nt lint primary election to ho hold Monday* Mnroh ill, for tho nomination for Alderman: 11. Hmllh. .1. W. nnrugKO, N. It. WnkoHold, Allrod HoHhoa, B. W, nil'll. W. lat Itoiui. Win, l.iojd. .John Kelley. J. W. Fernnli, W. U.Htull. .1. E. tVniiKh, o. I>. Etna*. Daniel I'mlica, I). W. ttllilmidy, W. ». Fo*. D. ». Gardner, U. .1. \V lull!. W. stottalord, linn. T. Aimer, T. M. WUWIo. .lohn Connuld, 11. 11. Clayton, .1. WlltMn,, U. Van Unron. tV. T. Ilolkn, T. C. Sloven*, .1. .1. .Inrnmn. M. I*. KelloM. S. .M. ICntii-oni. It. .tohneon. . 11. HuntmnD, J. K. Prltcliotd. .). .Murkol. U. K. Marini, K. c incur. ■ A.J. I’nrk, M. I'un.arlcb. M. KlMoilbarg Tima. .McDonoußh, A. Itoblinon, r. >|. linn. J. WUilr. Tima. I'Ut, It. IK Moore, Pctor Fallon. 1 Digit Hughnr, A. c. .tnhnaotu rUndmun, tV. K.u'llnen. It. Itnhorta. . tV. Ilauld. M. 11. Down*. Jr., tV. .1. ( otlliißS, >l. A. Tntrlr, .1. .1. BohiicK. M. tUt, . .1. Woven. c.G.Hmlth, r„ nu.muicr. J. K. Downr. A. HUndln. W.H.J.urU, It. I). Pimoraon. «. 11. ItncKurd. T. 11. McDonough, W. It. JJmlue, A. <*. riuvaland. 11. B. Wuhti, .1. Util lock. i*C. l.nw.on. .». tv. |*»a, Ih A, DJcknnaon. tV. 11. Klrrellnirg. (Iconic ,1. Webber, Andrew llurus. T. W.Hnoll. 11. C. McNcal, F. Holland. ll.Bluln a, It. F. Moyer, T. A. I'm, Edward I’ayson. .1. U. Hilliard. T. A. Sclincll. tv. fiiiutd, W. li. Kennedy, A. tVulh. W. F. Gum. M. M. Gaylord, F. 31. Ingm-roll. (i. Can on. 1). T. WalurburyiOi* F. tV. KiiorToM, I*. nonncilcy, J. Grimm. C. Williams. George M. Frink, tVllltum Kays, John llrnnt. It. Ilrott, Thomna Owens, I*, Hulhvan, tV.(I. llarlclß. Johnson, O. Gnrkc. K. I>. .loner, (i. Chlttler, T. ttnflvuy, M. Hchnlur, A. Mimtun, )■;. .Mtiaon, .1. Hair, tv, li. Cheshire, M. A. Allen, H. iiulr, il. I,.Tilton, I*. 11. Sinclair, H.C. Odell. A. McKay, I*. ITiiyne, Edwin Hair. *1 hoinna .Nealon, John i heahirc. W. .1. llurlln, I*, it. lliiion. J:'X a lMr* C. 11. Arming. 11. 11. Wilson, C. K. tveaterhouse, H. W. Edwards, G. tv. tvttauu, John tV. Umgston, Jr.. It. ll.Utee. H.M.Mook, I*. 11. Mayor, .1. tV. Langston, Sr., Tlo inas A. Manning, M. S. I*. Itoml. (ico. tV. .Newcomb. Kdward l.angatun, (diaries 11. Durphy, C. A. Davis. Jr., M. F. Harhler, U. H. Dickinson, tVm. FtTliilmrii, C. tV. Harbins, 11. A. Christ*. .1. tV. Itrooka. Jiilm McKlnlay, F. J. itohertaon. F. E. Hrcti. M. It. Davis, William Mitchell, Geo. Duel,or. F. I'. Mulvey, T.H. Albright, U. 1). Wentz. ,l.c. Jtoßers, James Grarrlc, .1. K. Duncan, Georeo Scott. John I). Osgood, Jaa. M. Sleeper, Colby DavK linn. Uluitio. U. H. Moulton. John Harvey, Kd. b. Howard, ('hita. tV. (’llngman. If. A. Mou (on. K. a. H, Hayes. O. W. Dickinson, John L. Huverlmmpf. Henry,Ahrens. George A. Hamilton. (I. A. Hamilton. Jr., tV, 1.. lllackumn, Jamca Uachaimtt. C. H. Foster. r. 1.. Rising. W. 1.. illnckninn. I . 11. lllackumn, Ephraim Manning. James It. Howie, M. 11. Mcl.enuhun, H. I-. I’lnney. 11. 1,. Manln. I). Vernon. , J. H. Hitchcock, I. (•■ Howe, William Lloyd, Arthur 11. Jones. C.M. Wright. ' 11. N. Jolmaton. Gen A. Dickson, D. M. Slcvouson. C. 11. Swariont, C. .tl.Uard. G«>o. 11. Pomeroy. L. C.Sullman. Ami IkU others. Gi:ntm:mi:n: Thera has boon presented to moto day a call sinned by yourselves and sumo HU I others, rcouuatlnu that I allow you to present my name to the voters of tin* Twelfth W ard mi a cundul.Hu for Alderman at the primary election to bo held next Monday. March HI. Il was my intention not to enter flic Held mmln. na 1 felt aa thonuli 1 had tilled a term of two yeura lo thu beat of my ability, and was willing to leave the honors. If there bo any. to some more fitting person. Mm. nfier considering the mailer. I have concluded to consent to tho nao of my nnmu. and. If nominated and elected, will do every* thing In my power to meet the extiucinUima or thu ffl £.,x.r. and Tutor, at ■jffijflgK?'- CLOTurxa. WHOLESALE CLOTHING! CLEIIEST, BANE & CO., 202,204,206,200,210 FRANKLIN-ST., COll. ADAMS, Manufacture tlic Best Goods, Carry the Largest Stock, Make the Lowest Prices, And Give the Best Terms. 5 off 60 days; 6 off 30 days; 7 off 10 days. j‘noi‘osn.s. xvorriojs TO Contractors andßuilders Healed proposals, addressed to tho La Hallo County Court-House und Jail Building committee, rare of the Comity dork, Ottawa, 111., will be received until T hursday, tho lUh day of March. IWI. I o'clock p. m.. • for furnishing nil the nm orluls und labor required In the erection and completion of u new cmirt-lluuso lor Ln Hallo County, according to plans und apecluni* thins for the sumo its fnrntsbed by M. I*. Boers, arohl* tcct. said building tu bo completed on or before Nov. ' Plana und speclUbatlon* am bo seen til the Commit* tee's room In the > tty of Ottawa, 111., und In tho ullluo ol tho architect. Uuuin 40 Major Block, Chicago. All proposals tor the building enure must he no* coiimnalod bv a certified check for tho sum of ( und Idds lor seniiruiu purls of tho work wltliucertl* tied check for tldO with each hid ns a guarantee that tho pur.les bidding will enter into contract or forfeit the amount of the check. The Mitresanil bidder or bidders will be required to enter Into a eullsiaciory bend fur the faithful |>or* fiirnmnce ot the contract, said bond to ho approved by the •Committee. The Committee reserves the right to reject uny und ull bids not doomed for the Interestof the County. GKO. W. AIIMSITIUNG. Chairman Building Committee. Notion •to Contractors for Docking and Dredging. >r the Hi Proposals arc invited for construction of docks and Blips on the Calumet River at South Chicago. The work consists of about 500,000 cubic yards of dredging and filling: and 18,000 feet oi dock front. It is proposed to contract for about 350,000 cubic yards of dredging and filling, and 8,000 feet of docking at the present time. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the office of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Co., No. 135 Dearbom-st., Chicago. Proposals will be received until the 35th of March. J. B. BROWN. mssat, utiox xotives. ''dissolution. Thol’Hititortlitpcif Uenrge C. l.unl«o «»d *J* £'roiuluiu Uulnw ui AJ Wirt lijilluna* ■k.thlacliy.undur ihu uauiu of t.uuntu I. lAinku « lia» t&iHUuy iiUKUITrd by uiuluul ugryemcuu iliurgo I!. I.oitkw rullrlntf (rum MiUt tlrm. end Henry J'.^uvcra will continue thv buslne**. uud will culled all I lo , l *** mid acvuuuU due the »*ld Chicago. March U. toil. UhlMU’ J.tilKVbUs'. LITTLE mmu),t In one of those Elegant New Style Spring Suits from & CO.’S, 104 & 106 MADISON-ST. You would be “almost kilt” to see some of the nice little Skirt Suits we are showing this season for children un der 6 years of age. OUR PRICES ARE TOO LOW TO PAY CORKER RENTS. Can’t you look in to-day and see the New Goods in our Men’s Clothing Deft, Bojs Clothing Dept, Custom Talking Dcpi, fats’ FofoisligM WHOLESALE DRYGOODS! Clcavolaiid, Shelley & Co. Now occupy the Entire Building, NOS. 120 & 122 FRANKLIN-ST., Giving then live Poors with a frontage of lllty feet. Every easli buyer will Hint it to Ins interest to them a call. Their stock is attractive, and they arc selling goods cheap. sJintTS. A FIT Guaranteed by ns on all lino SHIRTS made to .order., Workmanship and qualities the best. Large stock of Im ported Fancy Shirtings. Eldredge & Woodbridge, 55 AVasliington-st. IMHpMMIIBHRW NOW BtylCO. H 9 M Wu Brrfl eTlSsl Now Prioe*. yn Jtfl M Kotl New Catalogue. Bent Free. Au'cnta want- d In every Ctmuly. Win-re wo have no agem will fell . sample wholesale. IM State St.. Chicago- CHICAGO, March 9, Jooi, Money to Loan On Improved Chicago Property at lowest rates. MEAD & COB, 149 La Salle«st. Money to Loan On cUoloo tiuuruvui city jiruporty niitpur cunt In lumi to iUIL TUUXKU X HUSH. Fine Bpoctwiot anltad to all aliihu,onadontlfl® pmctplua. Opera ood fc'lola Qluava. T«>uacumi*i «!• ctttwuw«(i Uarvmeujra, uiu. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1881—TEN PAGES. cijOTinxa. dry goods. r i ANUS, i'JXjyCIAL. orncLixs, i# ©xilrmtc. ©1 t(YT< r>oiM utiHhlr. to ptirr/icMC c«)i(d o/ Tin: Chicago Tin nr.ti: «t yruvAonMa rind on roll* wui/ (min* nh're Chlroi/o jxtfxn* nrc sold iwIH con* frrn fmor tin rn*irUna the fadt 10/hit »$«,(/(»- fnu full jHtrtivMlnrii. The Cincinnati Republicans have rcnoml* uated Mayor tineui). Cr.KAiuxc. nuU fair wraUicr with colder winds for this region to*tlay« Capt. Xbal. a well-known lako Captain, tiled yesterday at Bay City, Mich. Mu. .1. STANI.KV Dhows lias been ap painted private secretary to President Oar- Another severe shock of earthquake was felt at Cus.samueeiula yesterday. Several houses wore mined. SitXATon KiinnitTox, of jjlnnesoln, took ils seat yesterdny, oral Sellutor Fryo will ake Ids seat to-day. \ Tut: Common Connell bmran tho consider ation of tho Anpl oprhulun bill Inst nlpht.and made considerable progress. | The new Czaruwltz, or heir-apparent to the Russian throne, tho Grand ,IJuku Nocolal, lias been appointed Ataman# or Chief, of all LUo Cossacks, * Mils. .1. It. Scott, who lived near Wllllams ton, Mich., has committed stleldc hyshoot- Ina. She had some trouble over an estate ML her by her father. AN order lias been Issued by the Austrian (iinernimml prohibiting tho Importation of swine, pork, bacon, or sausages from tho United States into Austria, j The Ohio Slate Board of Agriculture has passed resolutions requesting President Gar lield to appoint Mr. Emory Oobb, of Illinois, lo succeed Commissioner Lo Due. S. Dana llonroN has been nominated by tin* President tor Secretary to tho American Commission to tho Monetary Conference at Paris. Mr. Horton is an Ohio man. The British House of Commons, on the motion of Mr. Gladstone yesterday, voted ns part of the expenses of the Afghan war lo be borne by Great Britain. Gen. P. S. Crook*, a lawyer of Brooklyn, died yesterday, in ids 71st year. Ho was born in Dutchess County, New York. Ho commanded a brigade in the War of tho Re bellion. (iov. Cttt.T.oM sent a nunlber of nomlrat tkms for Trustees of the Various Slate In stitutions to the Senate {yesterday. The present Trustees have beeif quite generally renominated. Jin. A. 1). Lynch, National Bank Exam iner of the State of Indiana, has resigned to lako the position of President of tho First National Bank of Indhuiabolls, Vicc-W. 11. Morrison, resigned. |. ■ —r ' John Pfkiffcu and John Mcßride were loum! dead In a coll In the Eastern Peniten tiary, Philadelphia, yesterday morning. It Is thought that Pfeifer killed Mcßride, and then committed suicide. Tut: opposition to the confirmation of Stanley Matthews ns Supremo Court Judge Is beginning to take shape. It Is believed that the President will not bo sorry If tbo nomination Is not confirmed. p.vt’i. Kmrmnt, otto of the Boer leaders, writes to President Brand, of the Orange Free State, Hint tho Boers are not rebels, and limy arc willing to be a Hcpnblic under tho protectorate of (treat Britain. Thbicb Is a deficit in the Ashuelot Savings Bank of Winchester, N. 11., amounting to 3100,000. Tho Treasurer of tho bank, Mr. Elleroy Albce, has assigned nil his personal property to make good tho deficit. Houshakoff, the bomb-throwing Nihilist, will bo tried by a court-martial, consisting of six ollleers of tho Hussinn Guards. Tho trial will ho a more empty form. Everybody knows that Koussakotf will bo convicted. Mu. John H. Lboxaiid was nominated for Surveyor of Customs at Indianapolis yester day by President Garfield, and James L. Gas ton as Surveyor of Customs at Chattanooga, Tenn. Both cities have been made porta of entry recently.' ItKsoi.unoxs were Introduced Into tho Tennessee Legislature yesterday looking to the Impeachment o'f Judge C. W. Tyler, of Montgomery County, on the grounds that he Is a drunkard, defaulter, and attempted to commit murder. Fiftbkx persons in New York City have subscribed SKK) each to complete the college building lor Indian girls, and one Indy Ims subscribed S*.i,(XK). Gen. Armstrong, who Is Hie chief promoter of the project, expects to get 310,000 In New York. . Tm-: license of tho saloonkeeper Snell, where Mcßride was shot last Sunday, has been revoked by tho Mayor on tho ground that his pie :o Is a resort for bad characters, hut the question arises: Why did not tho Mayor discover this before? Mn. Com.ins’ bill for tho consolidation of tho Chicago towns was defeated lit tho Lower House ot the State Legislature yesterday by 'hi to JW. O. s. Cook, (Jormrtii, Harris, Kroll, Sexton, Sullivan, and White, of the Chicago delegation, voted against It. Bishop Porrnn has appointed u commis sion to determine whether the llev. Mr. Cowley, who has spent u year In tho New York Statu Penitentiary for cruelty to chil dren of tho Shepherd’s Fold of Now York City, shall have an ecclesiastical trial. This Chorister of tho lloyal Cathedral of St. Petersburg, who was wounded by tho bomb explosion last Sunday iu that city, is dead. A largo sum lias been subscribed in tho Uussian Capital for Uio boucllt of the wounded and tho families of the killed. Tin: Democrats uf the Seventh Michigan District have nominated Cyrenlus P. Stack, uf Tuscola, to lilt Uio vacancy caused by Mr. Conger’s election to tho United States {Senate. Tho Uepubllcuns have Humiliated Mr. John T. Itich to till the vacancy, and ho will undoubtedly bo elected. Black was tho Democratic candidate last fall, when ho was beaten by Conger by H,OSi voles. Tho Greenback candidate received only 1,48 rote.H, bo that It will bo seen tho ISopubllc niis have a clear majority of a/iTO In the dis trict. Tin; Orannc party who went to the relief of Canon Fleming In tho West of Ireland wa« attacked yesterday by tho Catholic part}*. In tho light one man Is reported to iitvo been killed. Policemen mid soldiers invu boon dispatched to tho scene of tho riot. A war! VKSsEf. was requlrod to lake a number of process-servers mui policemen lo the Islands of hcltermiillln mid Feenlsh otf the Galway const, where processes are to bo served on tho property of Mr. lilnke-Fnrster. The tenants on this proiicrty owe about SiV 000. Humous prevailed In Washington yester day that Attorney-General MaeVeagh had practically decided to report against the ap pointment of Mr. A. M. Jones to IhcChiengo Mnrslialship. Mr. Jones and Senator Hogan, however, said there was no truth in tho rumors. The opposition of tho Ilrltisli Government to the International Monetary Conference Is said to have arisen from a misapprehension of the act providing for the appointment of Commissioners from this country, based on tho misstatements of the American corre spondents of English newspapers. An Impression prevailed In Washington yesterday that an extra session of Congress would be called by the middle of May or the Ist of June in order lo pass a Refunding bill and for the transaction of other im portant business. It is believed that Presi dent Garlield has come to the euneinsion that such a course Is advisable on public and party grounds. Acting on secret Information, a corps of sappers nnd minors made an investigation yesterday of the ground in the vicinity of the now Czar’s palace, amt discovered a mine, the opening to which was In u dwelling op posit tho New Riding-School, nnd led across the street to that point. * It Is evident that thu Nihilists do not consider they have done enough Injury yet. Dr. Carver, tho American champion pigeon-shooter# won the championship cup and S^Vi'* o in the match with Graham, Scott, and Gordon yesterday at l.ondon. The de ciding contest was between himself nnd Scott, when lie shot TU out of 100 birds, while Scott only killed 74 out of 100. Scott has challenged Carver for another cup nnd S2OO a side within tho next two months. The commander, one oorporal, am! one private from every squadron of the Guards of which tho dead Czar was chief, nnd tho Adjutant of each Russian regiment, have been ordered to St. Petersburg to do service before the remains of tiie murdered monarch now lying in stale in the Royal Chapel. Tiie public will not he permitted to see tiie body untilAt is removed to tho fortress to-morrow. Tin; business transacted in every consid erable city of this, country, with two unim portant exceptions, lust week show a decided Increase over the business for the correspond ing week of lust 3 ear, and this notwithstand ing the storms and the snow blockades, and that prices are about 12 per cent lower than at lids time last year. Outsldeof New York, exchanges showed an average Increase for thu week of 11.5 per cent. Tub plants surrounding the house of Jo seph S. Popes, of Jamaica Plains Mass.,' and all the outside ornamentations of the same, were destroyed or damaged Tues day night. On the walls of the house worn scrawled the words “JSfo ncmncr tyrauulu Alexander II.” The outrage Is said to bo the work of Nihilists, who took olfeusu at Mr. Hopes’ recent condemnation of the cow ardly murder of the Czar, and his denuncia tion of Nlhftism In every shape. Ax effort Is being made lo induce Presi dent Barfield to remove Gen. Leake from tho ofllco of United States Attorney for this district on tho ground of In efficiency, unpopularity, and lack of inliueiico with tho party. Dick Tulhlll is mentioned tor tho place In case Leake Is removed, but Congressman Davis Is opposed* toTuthill, and says If any man is to bo ap pointed from tho West Side he should have the naming of the man. lie falls to say who Is his candidate. Tub Tuiuunk correspondent at Callao, Pern, describes In another column the man ner hi which Col. Lynch, the Chilian Com mandor-lu-CUlef of that district, has pointed ly and fmi»Tcr‘ly Insulted ollleers of tho American navy. Lynch seems to bo an arro gant, conceited person, whoso recent suc cesses have turned Ids head. It Is to bo hoped that Minister Christiancy will make such representations of this matter to tho Chilian Government that Lynch will ho obliged to apologize and change his manner for tho futnro. Tm: Genova Nihilist correspondent of Kochefort’s paper declares positively that Uuussakolf did not throw ttio Hist bomb nt theC/.ur last Sunday; Hint the bombs were thrown by persons who were Inside one of tluynnn&lons bordering on'tho drive, who, holntlnmles, were iKjrsoiiH of high rnnk in tho llusslan service. Ho declares further that tho bombs were thrown in quick succes sion, and that tho Oar could not possibly have Unto to step out of his carriage In tho interval between throwing tho lirst and second bombs. Tins version, if true, of course spoils tho pretty story about the’s forgetfulness of self, and his solici tude for tho wounded. Jtmai: Fitzgkuai.u, tho same person whoso sons are charged with having In fluenced tho Juryman Corcoran to votu against tho acquittal of Mr. Parnell and his fellow-traversers last January, in opening the Assizes in Kerry yesterday deplored tho fact that 4tci crimes had been committed in that county during tho past seven months or seven times more limn were committed during tho corresponding period of tho lust year. It wo may judge by tho returns of crime in Ivuland made to the House of Com mons by Mr. Forster, Urn state of Kerry is nut ho “awfully, awfully bud” as Judge Fitzgerald would have tho world believe. In tho month of December, accord ing to Mr, Forster, nluely-lhroo crimes were commuted in tho county, and of these forty six are reported us cases of intimidation by threatening letters, eight others are cases of intimidation by other means, four taking lord bio possession, live arc cases uf assault, mid , there was no capital offense. This (or one month iu u county containing (ample, and In a period of fierce agitation, does nut inulcalo that Kerry people are as bloodthirsty as Judge Fitzgerald Intimates, WASHINGTON. Another Futile Session of the United States Senate Yesterday. The Dninocmtic Hcimlors Eat Tlivir Lock and Accept the Committee-List. A General Bourbon Sorabble for the Crumbs of Office Which Have Fallen to Them. Talk Again Veering Toward the Necessity of an Ex tra Session. The Dilemma of the Republican Parly —Arguments on Both Sides el the Question. Considerable Agitation and Sug jicnsc Among tiie Friends or A* 31. Jones. A. C. Hosing Demands the Head of District-Attorney Leake oa a Salver. The President Declares Ills Inclination to Hearken to Congressmen In Appointing. Stanley Matthews’ Affair—The Monetary Conference—Oapt. Pigott— Qov. Wallace—Notes. TIIK SENATE. IN STATU (JUO. ftwkil Dijpatcft to The ChUaoo Tritunr. Washington*, li. C., Dec. 10.—The Senate met (o-duy, but adjourned uOtor a wrangle of an hmtr. The Democrats manifest a voryoirly dts- IHisttlon since the declaration of Mobonc, and are determined to obstruct all attempts at legis lation. They acknowledge that nothing can bo done untit the Republican vacancies can be filled, which is not probable until Friday, unless telegraph credentials arc recognized, but, never theless, they refuse to adjourn until that time. Tho Democrats, however, nro divided Into two factions. One manifests the most dogged ob stinacy and maliciousness. This class is composed of the smaller man. who took upon the vanishing chairmanships In tho great concern, nnd who are annoyed nt the fact that their sons and nephews are not to be clerks of their Committees, and pages of their nppntnmont arc not to bo In attendance nt the Semite. Tho other ctass, which It smaller, manifested its opposition to TUB UEACTIOKIBTK to-day through Hock, who declared, in effect, that the Democratic position w( 8 absurd; that It would bo better for tbo Democrats If thollo pubiicaus could bnvo control of tho Senate, and that It would be wise policy to adjourn until they did. Mr. Ibivurd is known to share those opin ions. Hut. although Deck moved to adjourn to day, he could not secure following enough to secure an adjournment over until Friday. Tin: credentials ok mil frvk will reach hero from Maine by telegraph to morrow. nod an attempt will ho mudo to have him swum in upon thesetelegraphic credentials. Tho Democrats will probably resist this, on the ground that It Is a bad precedent, and It Is nut probable that It will ho done, us some of the.Ho publicans on similar occasions heretofore have themselves made a record In on-| position to such a precedent. If a special tram were chartered yesterday It Is possible that mo messenger may reach hero with tho c.edentluls by to-morrow noon, but they probably will not arrive before Friday raornlnir. MIL FRYE RECEIVED A DISPATCH this evening from tho Secretary of State of Maine, Informing him of his election to tho Semite. Ills understood that the Secretary of State has telegraphed Vice-President Arthur oillcial Information of Mr. Frye's election. The written credentials will not reach hero until to morrow night, hut there la an Impression that tho Democrats will waive formalities In this case, aim not object to tho swearing In of Mr. Frye to-morrow, mam the telegraphic cer llllcalo of the Malm* . Secretary of Slate. Cion. Kdgerton, tho new Minnesota Senator, will appearand qualify to-morrow. If no ob jection Is made to the sumo ncaor. In Mr. I rye s case there will ho no reason why the b«?nato Committees tuny not lm organised to-morrow. Mr. Frye thinks that ex-Oov. Ulngley, of Lewis ton, will probably Ik> chosen to succeed himself lu the House of Representatives, lie says there Is no doubt that tho Republican candidate, who ever he may ho. will be ducted. Mr. J-ryowas much gratilled to learn that he "ran ahead of his ticket" lu ilia election oi Fulled States Sena tor yesterday.* In the Stale Senate he received more votes than there are HepuhUeun members of that body. TDK COMMITTEE*. Tho caucuses of the Republican and Demo cratic Senators have completed a list of Loin mlttecs on which the Republicans have tho Chairmen and a majority of tho members, with tho exception ot tho Hlumtlug Committees on Revolutionary Claims. Private Land Claims, and Engrossed II.Us, and tho Hcloct Committees on the Spread of Epidemic Diseases, tho Claims of American Citizens against Nlcarnugun. aud tho proposed Nation tl Library. Tho Chairmen of these six Committees will bo Democrats, who will have the appointment of tbnlr clerks mid committee-rooms. Tho Sided Committee on tho Tenth Femes is to bo continued, with Sena tor Hale ns Its Cftnlrmnn. PROCEEDINGS IX THE SENATE. ll> the llV»i tm AitocMtit I'rm. W.tsiiiNiiTos, D. c., March 10.—Tho organiza tion resolution was culled up. Mr. Cameron i Pennsylvania) moved to adjourn, but yielded to Mr. Vest to offer a resolution requesting tho President to communicate to tho Senate tho correspondence and accompanying documenta between tho Oovermucnls of tho United Hiatus and Mexico during tho years 1W1) to I*ol. Inclu sive, In reference to tho proposed treaty between said tlovornmonts; and. also, tho correspond ence during said years between tho Statu De partment and tho United Hiatus Minister at Mexico In reference to any proposed conven tion or treaty between the two Uovurnmonts. A The U *motlon to adjourn was lost—yeas, 28s nays. :w, Mnbono not voting,—and was followed up with a motion to proceed to tho consideration or executive business, lost—yuas. Itf; nays. .11, Mahonu voting In tho affirmative. Another dilatory motion having been voted down, Mr. Cameron lt*u.) moved to go luto executive ses ** Alter n short debate tho mutlop was lost. Mr. Reck said that as thoro was a Republican President, backed by a Republican House, It might bo bettor lor Ibo Hum ocrutle party that ho aH‘» ,*?•“* tbo Senate at hi* buck, and had tho credit of all thui was good and tbo responsibility of all that was bad. Therefore hoi Reek) was not at tempting to hold on to a few privileges, and ho thought tho Senate might us well adjourn, and made a motion to that effect. Agreed to. Ad journed. THE DEMOCRATIC CAI'CTH COMMITTEE easily arranged the minority ruprescutaUpn ou tho committees, but tlnds some trouble In doc Id lug who shall be Chairmen of the three commit tecs allowed to the mlnurlty. Tbo minority of tbo committees will not be mudo public until after (bo Rupuhllcaus determine tho organiza tion lu their favor. A KKINT. Tbo Demoorals will again to-morrow move to go un with tho urtfttiiiztlon.un the ground that their poiluy Is to exhibit a desire to go ahead with tho public business, but they will nut press anyihiug. THU I.IST UKVISUH. Thu canons eoimnlltec uppolutud to revise tbo list fur tbo Democratic membership ut tho t*emitu Cummlttoes hits changed the proposed Democratic membership (rum tbo majority to tbo minority representation by dropping, as u nkmurul rule, tbo Uftb name from each of the sts now embodied In tho ponding resolution of Pendleton. They retain Mcl'bursun (uraupomt meat on tho Finance Committee, and drop PRICE FIVE CENTS. dom of that .nmlltco Unynnl, Voorboos. Beck tnUMcl'he' ;i. AS EXTRA SESSION CMIOWINO MOItM I'UOIIAIU.K. Bpt! t)tspalth to Thf ChUagn Trthunf. Wasih ox, T>. C., March 10.—Thorn are rooro indlonuons of nn extra notion thmt there have been. Tho Cabinet considered the subject for the first time yesterday. It has boon learned to-ilny that the President acknowledges that tho arguments that have been presented lit favor of a called session nro stronger and much more difficult to answer than ho find at first supposed. Those who have conversed with tho President to-day and on previous occasions on this sub ject soy that his mind Is gradually Inclining towards the belief that nn oxtm session Is necessary. Nothing Is de termined about tho matter, except that It Is probable that, if it shall be decided to call an extra session, tho time for tho assembling will bo Ilxcd between tho middle and the lastuC May. TUB FINANCIAL MUTATION, of course, will bo the cause of culling Congress* If It snail bo convened. At least one Cabinet oillrer Is understood to have taken tho position timt It will bo bad politics for the Republicans to go to the people at the fall elections without attempting to pass some Itcfundlng bill. 110 says that It will be dlllicult to answer tho charge that a Democratic :i per cent Funding hill was vetoed apparently In tho Interests of tho National banks, and that, as a consequence, tho Ouvorement is compelled to expend $1,000,000 a month In needless Interest, which goes Into the pockets of the bloated bondholders who own the outstanding and redeemable fn and os. Such n situation leaves tho demagogs with TOO STUONU AS AIUUJMKXT to asall tbo administration Tot* not ut least call ing Congress In sjwclal se-Hlnn for (ho purpose of attempting to pass a Itefunding bill. The position of tho President is understood to ho that, If ho could Imj assured thul Congress with 111 Uo delay would puss a florin* por cunt bill and adjourn. without attempting to enter upon further legislation, and without trying to crciitn now politlcitl issues, ho would not hesitate to fiublish his proclamation for (ho now Congress. Jut no such assurances can ho (riven. On thu contrary, there would bo great danger that, with a very narrow party majority in the House, and a tie In the Senate, it t MiciiiT in: mi*i*in;t.T to pa«s asv dim., and that the Oreonbackcrs ana Democrats, for purposes of their own. might attempt to pm* long tho cession, and at tbo very outset of a new Administration create additional and unnccos sary dlttlculties. It Is not practicable to con* vene Congress Immediately, because there are four vacancies In tho House which have nob been tilled, and tho Hepnhllcaus cannot organ* i/.o that body until at least three of those vacan cies shall be tilled by members of tholr own party (uith. It cannot do learned that tho sug gestion that the House should send investigat ing committees (south to determine thu merits of TUB LONTKSTKI) KI.BCIToN* CASKS Is a very Important element In the mind of tho President hi determining the matter of an extra session, although that argument is used with n good deal of effect by some Ilepubllcaii Senators, notably by Mr. Conkllng. Tho President most certainly does not want Congress convened un less from N'atloual or party grounds It shall be found to bo absolutely necessary. Tbnsltualion today Is that tho President is inclined to think that such a step will bu necessary, and that (ho Forty-seventh Congress will bo convened In extra session at tbo latest audit .irxi: i. The climate and tho season of the year will bo tho most powerful Incentives to facilitate busi ness, as a Congress at least one-third of which is composed of now members will not bo dis posed to sit In thin torrid elltnutc In tho Intense summer heat longer than Is absolutely neces sary, unless some extraordinary political end in to be gained. Tho citizens of Washington will welcome Congress to a summer session hero," as the malaria which will arise from the Hate, seething with corruption and disease, will bo their most potent argument In favor of mi ap propriation to Improve tbo Potomac llivcr front so that the death-breeding, marshy Huts may bo abolished. Tin: Fou.owixn ixtkuvikws given view of thu drift of Uepublican opinion as to tbo extra session: “Do you bear anything now to indicate a probability that there will be mi extra session pf -Congress/ 1 ’ asked Tun Tutuu.sE correspondent of a Now York Congressman this evening. ** yw/* was tho reply. •• I talked with it mem ber of the Cabinet about It last night., lie said that no conclusion hud yet been reached by tho- President am) his adviser*, hut 1 brought sway the Impression that the subject had rocc/vcd Homo consideration. I am of tbo opinion that an extra session trill ho called.*' Later the correspondent met a Republican of National prominence wbo is a very careful and keen political observer, end a warm personal friend of tho Secretary of State. "What do you think of tho probabilities re garding an extra session?" this gentleman was asked. "Weil, when you asked mo that question a week age I was unwilling to express an opinion. NOW I AM INCLINED TO RELIEVE that nn extra session will he called. Quo imm inent in favor of it Is being used with consider able effect. Inllucntlal Republicans say that tho Funding bill was vetoed on account of tho bank section. If refunding should be postponed until next winter, an argument will be mudo against tho Republican party that 1C defeated the Funding bill at the. demand of Ibo National hanks, and then neglected to puss any refunding measure whatever, thus permitting tho bloated bond holders to draw #in,«M,oiw or - nternal mere than they otherwise would. Thu extra session advocates denture that tho Repub lican party cannot afford to be placed In such ft Kosltlun ns that on account of the National auks. There is force In this" " When do von think tho session will bo called, if at ally" asked tho correspondent. •• I should say about the Ifahor SOthof May. It Is r>ol Impossible that Congress will assemble alHiut that time, and on the :blth of June, say, adjourn to tho loth oriMth of October. A FUNDING 1111.1. might be passed before tho end of tho spring, session, and at tho same session Committees bo authorized to Investigate the elections In tho contested districts In tho Sonin, and also to look into tbn census of some of these states. If such an Investigation should he desirable. Thun, be tween tho iiath of OctolK-Tiuid the Ist of Decem ber considerable work could bo done." "Doyou think there will bean extra session?" asked a correspondent In conversation with Sen ator-elect Frye. ••Yes, I think thoro will. Mr. Illalno la furi ously In favor of one, and 1 have noticed that when ho earnestly advocates anything he la pretty certain to bring to hi* way of thinking these with whom ho Is associated. " When do you think mu session will bo called, If at all?" "Tin: ITrii of may is talked of as tho date. For my part, if thoro Is to bo nn extra session, 1 think It would ho bet ter to have It calk'd by the middle of April. Thuro Is a good dual of talk alaiut tho necessity of walling until May, in order that tho vacancies may bu tilled. Ido net think thoro Is unv necessity for that. Mr. Conger's successor wtll be elected tho Hrst Mon day In April. Mr. Morton need not resign until after tho House is organized. Thou thoro will bo only two vacancies left, tbo ono caused by tho death ot Fernando Wood, and tbo other In my district. These will offset each other. I fear that If tho session does nut begin until the middle of May, we shall bu kept here until hot wcutbor, and shall get nothing dune after all. THE REPPIH.ICAX MAJORITY Is so amull that U will ho virtually Impossible ta keep a quorum hero after hot weather begins. Ihisiile*, ir wo are going to puss u Funding bill, • wo ought to do It ut the earliest day practicable. In order that tho .Secretary of tbo Treasury may tnkuudviiiiiiiKuof tbo oasy month* of Juno,. July, und August to put iliu now loan upon itio market. Those uru altogether tho best mouths in tho year in which to float a (lovorninunt loan. If tho session should not begin until tho middle of May, tho deerelary would hardly be able lu otfor any new bonds oefuro August at .the ear liest.” . -v “LONCS” JONES, TIIK Tt'O <>K WAIC Sprrtal DUpatch to Thr c/ueaoo Trtbuns. Washington, I». C„ Man'll Hl.—There have been rumors all day union? tho opponents of Mr. Jones hero that he would not bo appointed, and that tho Attornoy-aoueral bad pruutleully decided as much to-day. Those rumors am credited by a good many of tho Illinois poopln hero, but tboy aru not eouttrmud bv tbs friends of Mr. Jones himself. A gentleman claims to have board clroctly from tbo White Ilousb that tbo appointment of Mr.Jouos will not bo made. Another gentleman claims to know that Mr. Jones' friends abandon (be fight. Another gentleman assorts that Mr. Harwell says that Jones wilt not bo appointed. That Mr. Furwcll may havo said so Is no news, fur bo has oppressed tbo opinion from tho outsot that Jones will not bo appoint ed. This evening MU. KAIIWU.I. declined to make any statement in regard to tbs ’ matter. Ho said bo bad nothing mute to say, except that nobody would bo appointed Mar-; *biU on his- recommendation. There wu •