Newspaper Page Text
W pioneer. ' t 01 I. I V PIQMEKR. r. pa. i, aivvwsrr • >t>:KV«aKtaviii)iiMMiiy ' : .v s. Gooouicn ,v co., ing*. lVn< h >t:< . nea>- pi net ion with Third H '».\ EFT.. Si xl> ,! LAMS /•>'/. .IA Vl'Jf. i iTKS OF AIM ERTISING. n. ' TAI >VKKI'P^KMKN’TV t'v IVdln Hqi'an- T ti •«. ft r tie: lir-t ins--rti n. uni Fifty C'lib* j»<-i * <.l • i' h *ufi»> -pient insert im ' Al' YF.KT] SKM EN Ts -T« line- of Nonpariel in . Square: insertion. J 7.7 ' 1 >«| .ar •no y■ . r Jls • n)i 25 i j* . iinH. ,t iioutl.-, 1j A -w week. - 1 25 I *j('*-li.i.u». Ii month-, -- ■ week* - 2 .5 i ‘ jlVlmrUi. on*' yur, 30 k* month. -ft hii j .Column :i month*. - 'Jf> to mouth* 2 (Mi | 'ji'ohii. *n. (• months. - 2X •r***- uvintlis. l ! lift j ',i’otui*ii. ■ *■ It* . ■ \ inmiti *• S (hi | 1 C"l i'o’» to. .* *r. 05 nu'nts hi s' ted in lx>th Mafic aw* Wc-ckl\ I'io .if !»«*•- »dditi.ijuil. ••Hm incut*, the unis is specified, w ill be r ••• * lorhid. am cT.. t , „ ce ,, r ,i lrtir h Printing , -ci-cutoi -v tUij „ m a ~i pe uni at reasonable. mtin >% it Paul Bu3inc 3 0 G.W. ' M * in ***** Wee.. Ht. I'oU-rV and M. Paul. t L.. MARVIN f\ w><rrs > ftc!, Thin! Street. mar H. niul. V., MRS< L> MAI* vflffovAßlJ. MIUJXKB, Thir,-M HfrfH .’ *• i f ♦ . .. P ATT ISO ST i »i CNSON, ' F ?’* HIM, back of the House, St. IMul. BOR IF At h 1 MK! S and EXCHANGE BR<> KKKS> strw „. s *. E* T 1 SOX C^O* "Jl*hrd o'iSi, *W H. FOVVL ♦ - W. G. L.EII i;C, ' an*t STATiOXF.It. i junctieo of Tilin' and - • streets. St. i’uul. fT J- FROK^rT AI.E .ind RFJAIL.I* I; -a"Tiir.l Street, opims c -.V .* CO., All .A SALE and RET AII ULlui'S IN roilini.V and i»'» T'TIC DRY G« »•»!»**. No. *.’».> |{ rts.-treet. St. r.Hil. M.tRKI.KV k'KERX, f n j rts IN hardware, cr% v iVcc st A..t»...nv one l.wif rilmvi 1 Hie CHARLES E. M&YO~fc~CO~ V. •- M.SAIF. and RETAII I+A,-j.KP*-’. in H.VRDWARK A ! i>* and TINU ARE. Tliird s# jvet. oetneen .iiiiiiie.Mjtii iiih ■dis-et*. St. I'attl. 5 WIUUVSOV Il.UUO!(h A BRISBIX, ATP KXKVS at LAW. Third f.treet. St. Faul. • McCarty a nisn.v, • \EYS and COl'NSfJ.l>tß» AT LAW Third street. * »ill. r* * • WM. W. HIC rtCOX, IM ( IST Corner of Tliird :un4 Cedar streets, opposite l.iiw r's law OHiee. St.rl’n'il. ;>AI.K and RETAIL DfjALERS in DRY Gtaßis ’IllXt;. J«H*TS. SHOES. <HATS, CARS, Ac.. Third I. St. I’.'.. * J. T. II A I*|»TF.D, TOR. and « I\ IL VXIiIMfER. Office cinier of Piird Cellar street . St. Ravi, g ; W. 11. FoSw^' 4 <• OMRAXY. ST RAI L Of r f ai ‘» DRY Hot GRtH ERIKS. Tfiinl str t. ’aid. W. S. COV MBS, • V SELLER an tST YnoNl ‘' ) 7.,,ki'.u. 11,0 A,,u ' r . H inae. S». Raul. K -s A NIKS An VA» ETTEN, TltßXKAsum (<*l VSEIJ.OI AT LAW and SOIJi «'ltS IN CH. N« KRY. Office • Voriier of Third and Vif soil atris ts. S‘ Raul. * W A B REX & 'VIAKEFI ELI), f IT RNEA S and '. (M NSKl.'.Olfjvj ,vi |..\W u „,| SOLICIT 1 >RS IN t llA'f ’ .’.V Office fliinl street, ladween H*>berts and C* mr »trcet* TRI'MAK M(ft»MITII7~ ~ . i STICK OF THE RKACK. \o»\|*Y RI'HLIC. COI.T.F.t DIRiuiHJEXH.A! H.KN 1 ((porner of ITiinl ami Min . sota str*s*f3. St. R. d. i ’ JI. I . 'IAsnERSON. T TORN AND «Ot N -0J.i.1 *Wt AT LAW. St. Anti, in street. St Raul. DRESSLER N *M'JEORGI I. “ t ‘RACK. l-TUIWARMNCa i MERCHANTS and Itealers in Wines. i> % , al „t |< r , ni . , l|lv _ ’"nper St. Ra*il. jL *' M. SIIERNIA.V, H*SE. SIC.N ami ORNAMF.NTAI RMM HR. corner of fourth and St Reter street. Sf. Rani. (*■ R( SSELL* 4 ' FAT I'R IN STOVES and TIN WARE Tliird mm-. !. a f * ** iliMirs nc*t of Jackcon >tre* r. <• Ra.d STEEN »v HI XT. VniNET WAKI- ROOMS, ami DEALERS IN SECOND HAND ITRMTt’RE. Third ttwr). St Raul NIK'LTZ 5 MATII ES, . AsHI INAIIU-: TAIIjORS and CLOTHIERS. Third ctreet. near the l*(»t thfice. St. Raul. M CLOim .V WALKER, HOTfiSVIJ*! ami IlKl'Au" ftEATAItS I*. HARDWARE. [ MECHANICS TtKHS. FANCY !Ml\l.EMEN’ls *«•.. the head of Thlr.l alrts'l WILLIAM BREWSTER * Co.. VNKEUS. KM’HANGE. and REA’* 1 ;' F>TATF RItoKERS. i St l*aul. * J. M. MATTHEWS, VAC.GOX and CARRIAGE MAKF.IT R* la rt mrcet. St Raul XV M. UREWSTF.V. A CO., 1 HANKERS and EXCHANGE I)R«»Kf.'S. Third >trr**t St. Raul. ' I CHAMBLIX & MORGAN, WHOLESALE anl RETAIL DEALERS in STARIE and FANCY DRY GOODS. Tliird utrei'f St Raul a StUltDutrr Busiuess il'aiDs. ABRAM VAN VORIIKS. ATTttRNEY ami tX)« NSEIJ 'll AT iJkW and sOIJt.TTOR IX CHANCER A’ Stillwati r Will attend t > all entrti»te*l to Ids car* - . semme-s, mcmillan a lewis, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and SOLICITORS IN CIIANCKRY ' Offices at St ill u-a U-r. and at Hudxu ,st Croix (omit'. , Wisconsin THEODORE E. I’IRKER, jAHTtRSKY and t«*l N'ELIOR \i LAW <t ilia a ter. M. T CURTIS A GILFILLAN, ATTORNEYS and OM XSKLIjORS Af I.AW. Stillaater QulJson. \ JOSEPH ItOWROX, j ETaRY RL BIJC ami LAND AGENT, Hudxm. St. Crrds Vit. I’r* emption claiin< >»' nrert. and entrift.* made hy V it*ic Wtmntt. Khink D• <l-* ami e**nstiMth <ti (.and and couvt vances care ftillv ami pr«mptl.vattende<l to. BENJAMIN ALLI" ( I ATTORNEY AT 1 AW. Hu-iaiW St. Cr r > i- ?, ?i i sMt EAIU.E 8. GOODRICH & CO., PROPRIKTORB, PIONEER BUILDINGS, BENCH STREET # ST. PAUL ADVTS. XATH’L E. TYSON ftt CO. (ox aorcim, ticrx' cax thikd xnd rot am hthi.kts NEW STORE AND FRESH GOODS AND A WORD TO THE MINNESOTA RIVER AND ST. CROIX TRADE. 4S we are rna fair') llxed in nur new fitufilin?, and having siitlii ifiit roont to >ti're a anti rout* jdete at*v k of Gnvern , Grain, Floor, and Rrovisioni*, We would re-t'e, tfttlly - all the at tell l nit' * I our friend* in St. l .iu. .v. 1,1 the Mirroiind ii£ country ,to the h ;T that v ( tin. • just received the ian.-e-'i end i>e*.t <e!e* ted asMoitioent it GRUVKkifES. PIIOYISIOXS' $-C , ever lirooyhT to Aiiiiiie-.ota, :uml o*• cun t •,vx ,ay t*i <ur St. Croix ami '1 ■hi sni* river t'li< lula, tliul we -ne of i during lietter indm , on'iit, t*i tfien undr■- than i.n* otiier ||hiu*,'ill S'. Raul and at wholeeah , vt- plmme oi p vc> to mil at i.u lvi Rnti;:**. (I r y'liml* no nil 1 frrxlt thd lit tfio v*:r\ he>t roti'iinon. Goo,in di liv, re*l > at ilie landing * r »<• ant |iart ol the city fr< eof charge We ivoit.da ’«in r*-,ne< ifwllv * all nttemion to uur ne *■ tuck, as Doth and our fro ..d» tlii'digliout the »u oundute country vriil timl that it einhrat*c« every usually kept in our line of httsiiM'as; and ii: doing oi, ~ooiij express our thanks (or favors, mol the lihcral pa. ’lage exleieiedjt .ardsns the pas' winter. Wt > eaunterate in [inrt as follows, winch we will s* !1 strictly ' for ca>lr nt 'lie lowest uitirkct rates: s<Mj llfils floor. 200 hags corn meal, SO “ mess |'ork, 25<»0tl ansorted cigars, 2<i u I'tiiiK* *ui J 2 do* l»«'*l, 4000 ihs sugar cured ham -, t* gits muck 'r.d, 4000 “ “ shoulders, 5 bids do : 2otK* rib sides, slx codfish, 2AOO “ clear “ 21 dried ln*r ing, , dOoo “ lard, 8.) “ soe.ji, I iaOO “ fiiitter, 10 “ variegated soap, 1500 “ cheese, Id ••castde. ,i < ftd Lis O, sugar, 4 “ »lu*vvy no | 35 ** clarified (A) do 4j “ iiuiuld camU.», 'l 3>i “ “ (ILdo g.i “ star do 3il “ “ (O) do s t: b|>cr:.i do | 15 “ crusiied do s “ p»|)es, 10 “ powdered do a “ laocy stone pipes, 5 bhl* N. O molasses, 4 Dales cHinllewick, 5“ tJ. H. do 9 " rapping twine, Ift “ rider vinegar, 5 bx ground spice. 20 sks Rio codec,, . Id ** |>epper and ginger ? “ Javn do 4 niatts cassia, 6 chest* V If («*a, 2 bids nutmegs, 6 “ imp’l ' «Io 2 “ clovt-s, 6 “ G P.r do 95 gross film king, 12 caddie* intp’l do 6 do/, blacking brushes I A k black do 4 “ whitewash do :0 do/, broom*, 5 bids almonds, 4 “ scrub broshea, 4 u jiea nuts, 4 bbls saleratils, 15 sk* dairy salt, 4 boxes S C sotia 50 “ G A sail, • | lo.dos sine wash hoards, 10 bids rice, 100 caitiiislers powder, 10 doz bottles olive oil, I 10 kegs do 10 bbls stain crackers, l(k sacks shot, 30 “butter do f 40 M percussion caps, 5 bxs chocolate, 500 cans oysters, “ niisins, ' 50 Ixs sardines, 2 bbls ntadde”, 10 Mils dried tipples, 160 small cans mustard, 4 •* “ peaches, 10 bx start h, | 40 h\* prunes, 2 “ elm he* pins, 12 diiz bodies inf-, 10 do/tint kets. 2 “ lemon sy rttp, (> “ carved do , 10 tk assorted pit kies, 8 “ wash tubs, 5 “ caUup, 20 b\ sum. tobacco, 6 “ pepper sauce, Ift “ scafl'nleim do. 4“ 3'touglnoi. bitters, 10 “ tine cut the wing, 30 grey match eg, , -j “ mackerona, •V *'* tf * 4 fibls dried curi uits, _ *' I, f’j i|| I IftOO bttslieis shorts, i'll*. t» I°T ufjChoice Rre serves, consisting *’ , ' .jt . car. Unmet, a*..l «‘J. other varieties in use. » N y TH'L. E- T'i s ix cO * INTER AND SPRING ARRIVAL. THE WORLD’S FAIR HA5,.,.,., iturbank A. (To’s Express, ' as.-ortuieni of PRINTS, UeLA.NTS, CASHMERES, Merinos, Gloces, Hosiery , }Voolc> t Goods, Muslin collan* and liudersieeves. Velvet Ribbons, etc. These Goods, together with the reniaindei uf Fall and w inter stock of Faxcy and Dusestii Dk\ Goods, HEADY MADE CLODIIM,, Hats mi' 1 caps, limits and Shoes, carpeting Yankee -Notions, I'/., wiil l*e sob! at it small mls.ance over Eastern .list, preparatory to starting for my spring stock. EDWARD HI.EX AN, | 44 World’s Fair store, cor, 3t* and Roberts. I C It AS. W . INI ’ Cl, ‘ S. 11. OAKtIS HORIP St OAKES. INHE undersigned having finned a copartnership for . transacting an Exchange and Hanking business in ail ts various bran* lies, will tie prepared to furnish tud lime exchanges on the East, and pruiet* -e West. Remittances to Great n lu ontinent ol Europe, itimle in sums to suit purcliiisers.— •ight and Mine lulls ami European exchanges purchased olb'Ctions made, and proceed* remitted it usual rate: if exchange. All other business committed to our care punctually attended lu. UORI l‘A OAKF.S. i ifh 11-tf BROPHY KETTIaEMEXT. ! A FARM coinaining 178 acres in this highly tlourish i Xm. ing sctilcmeiit. w liich is near ttf. l’ani, bordering or I on a beautiful lake, sm! rich and heavy timbered, from ! which some 2,000 cords can be cut: also a good heavy grass meadow which will yield to to 7fl "lis of hnv; I an excellent dwelling' house 50 by 20 feet and goi ii sta ble .:0 by 20. Ii an rs „t the above .dreed', broken am: under lenee, and have yielded to tin proprietor ar :ibuudai't crop. HEN R Y McKE NT Y, Dealer in Real Esstate. Jan. 0, |s'4. —l2m. HOUSE AND EOT FOR S \ I,E. t House and two Lot* in Kitisoit’s A.ldition, imme diately fia« k i f llie New Hotel. Tin' //oils*- is new and eonveiii'uL having ll* i u built during the Fall.— VNisliing !<* di xute our all* .moil exclusively tooiirbusi ;u ss we \xifl st-i. i e above property at u reasonable ■ price and upon accommodal ing terms t H.nMIM.IN tv MORGAN. Dd; h 1854 -■*', ' Thin) itrect,tit. Ram. MARSHALL ft CO.'” AT THE SLIGO JRON STORE, \KF, now receiving large and full stock of Iron, .Sle* 1 and Sundries They ie*pectfnliy - .dint the patronage oi l’.Ltt ksmit s. Plow Makers, ntul other Manufiai tur* rs, giving assiir nice that their stock is of the best (jualitv, iiiul will be solo at the lowest living prices. 2211 RICH’S S.t LA MADDER BA FEN, Patent. 4 Large assortment Of Safes, of various ize? atul patterns, with ami without powder proof leeks: for sale at the Depot, 1 -t (t Water street. New York. Iliirglur-proot Hank Vaults, ami Vault Duots made to onier. STEARNS A- MARTIN, (late RnfT, Stearns A i Co., successors tti Rich A (' ».,) llti Waters!, and corn !erol ot Avenue A ami At. Mark’s I*l ice, IS \ sole pro prietors ol Rich . Rat* nt, ami the only makers of Sala inander continuing Wilder and Rich’s patents. WM. CONS FANS a- CO., Nov. 18, k's2—tf Agents, Bt. raal. AS.OOO. I wish to purchase Five ritousaiid Dcdlars Worth of Town Lots in the city *i| Bt. Raul Tiie n.i tiey wiil be paid down for propertx , at a fair price. LEWIS 11Y NEMAN, 3d st.. near Jack«on. June 3ft. 1853, 11 NT. RAIL .MUTUAL 1 VSURANC’E COM PANY. Capitol stoclc £50,000, and constantly increas »/»«•* ALEX. WILKIN, Rresulenr. W. R. Mi nt».vv. Vice Rresident; (•t.naot: W. FxitKixoToa, Secretary; O. H. Rxttn *:«t. Treasurer, Are now prepart d to issue Cash or Muiua Rolirie*. at as favorable, rates of premium as any other *i spoiistbi* company. BOARD or IURECTOBB. Franklin Steele, Alexander R irnsey, • lis*. VX tinriip, Alexander \A iikin, Cb is. 11. I’arker, ILnrv M. Rue, ( lias D. Fillmore, AVilltant L. Vines, I.evj Sioait, William R. Murray, Jnliii ! ntrirgton, George. W. Farrington, Abram M. Fii.l ry. Office, 'ii Nt. Antbouy street, in the room formerly ocmpled by Hie Territorial Secretary. Februarv. 1854. 4-5-ly. FASHION ABLE MILLINERY. AIRS. MARVIN would anuounce to th« ladfi * of St. Paul, that she ha* just received irotn New York a large, varied, and splendid assortment of Bunnets of t'te latest Summer Sty es. She llatterz hers dfthat upon ex uiiiiiation, it will be conceded that as handsome a stock ot Millinery, Flcwere, Rihhou;, Ac., was nt or betore brougbt into the Territory . ALSO:—liar* £<•*, Drc-v Silks, Are., 4fC., all of vvnich w ill be snki at i.jwts pricks than the same goods were ever before oiTt rad in thiamarket, IJnnelf. Rf. | It? sRIL 10 1941 & L* .* v Nov. 18,1652 —tf SAINT PAUL, MONDAY MORNING. MAY 1. 1854. ST. PAUL ADVT’S. I HURRAH FOR THE RED LIRE. PATTISO.V * BENSON'S REI) LINE COACHES with the bent of teams and careful drivers are now upon the road between St. I'aul ami St. Anthony, ready to nccoinruodnte the pub : lie on ail occasions. They tiL'e n large and excellent ! Livery Stock, several new and elegant Carriages and Baronrhei; also new Harness and Horrc Furnishings, and t-<]uipageK of tin- most elegant dose iption. R A S.. in returning thanks to he public for the ’ib era) pair-, it age heretofore bestowed upon them, take pleasure in statins that they have iust received, in a.?- ditiou to their former extensive stock, several young, elegant, and WELL BROKE HORSES! specimi - :s of sto« k that have never been miifil*. lin the Territory. Tien pr.'M nt stock need - but to be seen to be .!■ miri d and appro v* d by .* ci-criminating public. VHI »>nr fneudr. tun! the. nultiic remember, that at the I.ivcry Stable in the tea* ot the YmerwaJi House, the upper end of Saint I'aul, tin • can at all hours, Imve such convevance b\ lainl.on wheal* or on horfceback, ns ihoy ma v desire. R A TTI.SON 4c BENSON !st. Raul, June "0, 1953. ly 7 J. BL FI LLCRTOIV. A T liis old stand, which is known to a great many A filends, especi illy those who have patronized him so I mg keeps a different nto» A of Gcmds from th• mix ture which he formerly kept. He now keeps l'i\ . (ioi'iis alone, including a prime selection of Ready Made Ciothng anu t >e largest and best st*i< k of Hoots 'and Shoes ever opened any where, including Ladies' Shoe,, lie lias also a variety of Hlatiketa, Whitney and lim se HI iiikot*, which as he always hits done, he sells at prices to suit ins friends. MINNESOTA LEATHER STORE, At 'hr (JLo. Stand of Ft. .1. Collms Co., opposite the liirr It m'ir , St. Paul. PT. Rll A DEE Y, dealer In Saddles. Harness, • Trunks and Saddlery Hardware, StuMlt Trees. >kjiiing, Marne,s and I’atent Leather, tJalf Seating. Uii« and T->p Leather. Carnage Trimmings, Nad tilers’ Siik; lieilows and llaud l.eallier. HOOT AND SHOE MAKERS’ STOCK, j Hemlock tunned Sol*; Leather; Oak tanned Sole and Ll’pef Leather; Kip and Cali Skins: French, German, Rhii I'.elplua and t iiunnnaii t.’aif Stuns; all k.inis of Ladies mil Gentlemen’s Moroi co. Red, Yelloxv, Bine, Green, Riuk and Whiter I.inings; ~t Goat, Buck and Sheep Binding; Boot anil Shoe Finding-*; Boot Frees, I lots. Crimp Board-, Regs of all >i/.<*», Shoe T hread, all kinds Iron, /.tie and t upper Nails. CARRIAGE TRIMMING. Executed at the shortest notice anti in workmttniike manner. , Country orders particularly attended to. L The highest market price in Cash pai i at all times tor Beef Hides, Sheep and Deer Skin- R. T. BPADI.EY. I Junc !). IS43.—Ptf NEW HARNESS ESTA BLISHMEXT. f|AIIE subscribers would inform 'die citi/.cm* of Saint i I Raul and nli tiie country round about that they are i 'inducting the above business in all its branches, on Third Street, nearly opposite the Rost Oil'ct, v\ heir ; n- - miners ran lie supplied, on short notice, \v it h nil fin i f Harness, Hridle,*, S.iddlt-s, Fly Trunks, A'mlihcs, Whips, Ac , Ac. Max 14,’53-tf Martin DREW a CD. : V\ HVLEKALi AND BBTAIL Cd> r'K - TIONARV. THE sttbserifiers in "ciuming their thanks to their patrons atm the public in General lor the liberal | encouragement they have received, desire to inform them that they have new m - .» ntnery and other facilities ! to supply the Territory with Rl mi mid Fane' •’audy id their own maniitactur'*; •innmgi liters,all *>*t!* of Stn k | Candy, Rose anti U** l i.t, Ctiriaiolfi >, Atosse. Acidulated Fru»v, and all other kind of Drop*: Fmidv and Sugar Toys, Ac which they will s* II by th*: box 1 at lower rates, adding freight, than it can fie *»-,*•>-lit in nor St Louis, with Hie advantage of having a •c’urticle. Also, 1 .each, German and Engl.sli Tov. and Fancy Goods. All orders for Cakes ami La- iff ar , promptly (illeuat the lowest possible print s. ’ *• REN'Z AKARj . SA EE ST A BEE. _ r PIIF subscriber has t tk* n the *t:t|*j|e o:i Third stree * tormerly occuj.ied by J. W>! Vine* nt A Co. Th* i*taii!e liar been thoroughly recalled at. i I mi now |.r* pared to take horses, cuttle., Ac., on ale, or to k- ei h) the month, week or d;«-.\ ; and will strict ait* n tion to all stock that .’may b, left at mv .-table Mv friends and the pub 1 • ,'ie gcncrullv are invite.! to cail whet in town. v lilssELL. .s t RjtitL MijKfch (1, 1-54 4(h( . TRI MA N M. SMITH. Justice off (i lf l*airf, .\,.tory J’u/li■■ (toilftor ana G>orral Agent. HAS removed his office to th< Brick IFot ’« opposite the l’ost (Mice, corner of Third am' Minnesota streets, where he will be found r* nl\ to ail* : >1 to the collection of debts, purchasing and selling ted e-t »ti , payment of taxes. iocHting Land Warrants, Ac. Hav ing been hi the business for somt ti.'ic ..a-*, ami being provide*) with vtxrs of all 'he siirv* v eil |>ortion of the Territory and of tin- cirits oi lh< r*t. l’t t, r*, j he ilalters hiin.setf that he xvill In a!»lc in gi c e tioti to all who may give him a cull. N. B. T. vvn Lots in *t. Ra il, rtf. Anthony and ail ilic town- on the St. Refers for sale at r'-asfiiiaal*. pri--es. Also, Farm* m the country, writ or without improve ment*. Bt. Raul, June 2. 18.53.—Ttf. J. VcIAHON HOLLAND, Attorney and Counsellor at Low and Solicitor in Chancery. SHAKOPEE, SCOTI’ COUNTY, MINNESOTA MINNESOTA REIEHEKCES. Gov W. A. Gorman, 1 J Travis Rosser. Emj.’ Sec Mitt Ter., | Caj t.J. II Simpson.l. S Top. Eag’rs. > St. PkuL A. J. Morgan. G.s*] . Pioneer tfilice, ] | D. A. Robertson, Isq . J 'Hon. II 11. ffiblev. Meinlota. ; XIVkYI.XM) It'PtiU'XCES. Gov. E. Louis I,owe, , T. 11. O’Neal, F-.ij., Secretary of State j I Judges I.* grand, Fuck and Erlestouof J- Annapolis Supreme Court * f Mary land, I Hon. Alexnn ler Randall, ! John V. 1.. McMahon, F.S'j., Baltimore. Md. srovks and tin vvakl. At thiti til s old .'land on Third Strict, a few door * Wait ol Ja< tfJtOfl Street. The sub*. rificr will keep on hand constantly a good assortment of Tin Ware, which he will sell ai i wholesale or rstail. vlso, a general assortment of Stoves. Orders from ; country dealers solicited. N. ti Repairing done on short notice. GEO. RFBSEI.L, Agent, i Bt. Paul, June 2,18537 —1 y. I A WARFROOMS. AINA (IS mi hand, or made to order, SOFAS TIAS\ (Jll.'i IKS, DIVANS, U11.1.0W WAGGONS, MATTRASSES. CaRD AN!) CEN TRE TkHI.ES and ( HAIRS c.f every Description. Also a few MET \LFIC COFFINS, n superior article, ixjj[[i, -u- TO buy se< ond hand furniture i» too much line buy ing seron I hand gar the people of o«tr Territory, wculc rather prefer to have their ehatre washstmuls’ hitreaus and tables, made io ordet, and expr»i<*«J» ter the*.* *>*?n use; although old tuniitu *■ might he hougat for iess mo my. Then we think our people w mid rattier h&vearti ''its made of th*' limber - fiui grows here til th*- Territo ry, inanutaeiured by mr vn mechanics, win have i u*t their lot in Miiinesoia, f< - r better, fur worse. We will make promptly to order, whatever articles: of furniture nay be wanted,(if we have not what *s tesir <d on lihuu.i ami will warrant our g< ods better sue ajj things considered, cheaper, than t!t-y can be imported. Fudertakiug promptly attended to. STEF.ts A HUNT, Mannfactnrers of Cabinet Ware tuid Furniture, Third street, M. I’aul, St. Raul. June 23, 1c53.l c 53. 10-tf fire : fire: :~fire :: i~~ fllllE “Oh! Atnx" *'*ititti'ites todis-iense -‘aid and com M fort” to the unfortunate, as usual, at the Saint Raul agency. CA I*IT VL STOCh, *3000.000. Thomab A. Brack,l’res’t S. L. l.o* its. Sec’y.; R R. NELSON, 3-30 y Agent for Minnesota Territory NOT 1 UK* raillE p iblic are Hereby notified that the undersigned. B thr mi« and rightful owner* of “I c Sueur City,” in the comity of l.e Sttcnr, arid Territory of Minnesota, did, tut the 26th day of August, '853, lay out the said City of l.e Sueur, and th it a plot of s.tid < ity has been duty reco.tied in the offici of Register oi Deeds in said, county. And the pub ir ar* hereby cauti-Aicd against purchasing pro;*erty iu said City, witfron* having first, obtained title f. oin the undersigned, as they ajoue ran give good and surtlctont title t i purchasers in the *lr».t in- ' tai U e .. J. C CHRISTY .Nept. 12. |-.j-22tf JAMES CFRUA V W AND WARRANTS taken in exchange forlnwryvol AJ J. L. WILSON. ’.A 1 SIX DOLLARS PLR ANNUM ST. PAUL ADV’TS. dentistry. gp" *"«*w G- W. BIDDLE, late of Pittsburg, Ra., fiait l*ermauently ii»o,i*rd in Saint i*a il. I Fourteen year> close applieation to his profession, together with a large ami * | beaiiiful assortment of plain and gum teeth, enable hint " | t&iusert front one to an entire set of teeth by aiinosplit ri* j pressure, with a beautiful represtutHtioii of the natural gum, restoring the mouth toil* natural shape. ’ Disease*! teeth permanent!' saved fty plugging, list U-s eeth extracted with a* little pain as possible. Teeth cleansed and diseased gums restored to health. O flee and residence on Mam street, between £ai it Peters ami Market. * N. B.—All jobs warranted. Hr Raul, July 28. —j L* Jtnt.N ts.xlxs W XUHL.N. JOMKPtI WARREN A- WAKEFIELD. Attorrcys and Councillors at Lau- and Solicit ors in ft ha nceryt * Office, on Third Street b. tifteen RMicrts and C!e«lar; , rr rxnu, u t. ' j AN Ac W. will attend with diligence and i biiruies* of their profession mi the different court-, of this Territory, that nm> be entrusted to them. Tlieir , urraiigesueiit* in the Htatc* ot New York and Rhixle y Islaii'l are sue Ii ns will enahl* T hein to tran-.:ict bust ii ! rtc-s r.f a general «»r special n.tliire in those Slates with -1 the utmost di-patch. They will moreover .attend to y j tl*e collection of debts, the locating of Land N’t ar rants, y j kite purchase and sale of *ity lots <ir r*-al estate in the s ' country aim to all cither niati'-rs ifnTrtiy iiireeily i’ ! connected with their profession pF2»*— y_T J MliTllL LIFKINBt RANL'E COMP AN Y UF NEW YORK. Office 111, Riioxdwav, Thimtx Uiildixo. y NETT ACGL’.MF LATKD FFNI), FEBRUARY 1,1053 ,! $2,018,775 04. Stability. — Security, Vtvyehiiltj - r rpniH puny has now established itself on such a ’ L firm basi-, that it ran off* rto those ilesiring an in vestment on their l)v *'s, th UgrciteM of all <leMderat«ms in life insurance, viz full and perfect security, its his i torv is almost, if imt i|nite,. without a parallel, t’otn *’ meitcing Ist February, 1 , dollar of capital except its receipts tor premium-, it his "j now an H' tual rush capital which is “itiveated in Itomls ’ | and" Mortgages on Real Estate, principal!-, in the cities J'j of New Non, and llrookly n, wnr’h double the xmmmt o loaned thereon of over $2,000,000. Its receipts for pre iniuius during tin past live year- have been uearlv s.’,- Jbtt.ftOft,and for inter*-! oi investment over $350,(10(1, 4 and has paid "ii policies ti rininati'd by death <fiit ng :he same tipie, liearlv s. | Sft(i,o*>U. Its Tvi'lcnd* lalicr reserv ing a fund Mtlli* n-at to r* -insure all o it-stainlint: policn■- s . were 52 percent the first five years, ntul 33 1-3 p< r rent | the l .sl five, on the amount of premium- paid,firing an ! average of over 12 1-2 per cent ter annum lor ten years These dividends are a*bled to the i »'icv at their rever ■ -mri :ry value, pay aide a ' ’t 1 w ith tit*- -imoimt insur t ed, or ran tie applied to tiie rt iuetion *if fn*.ir« preni'- e nit/-*, »*t me opiion of the insure.*. The business of tlte n Company is conducted' strict ly mi the * asli plan—no crAli.s— and it i>- tie’ieVi-d t»i hold out greater taiiuee „ meats than any other com par' whatever. , Its rates of p eminm are ns low as those of any good : oilier, hi | are believed tti be lower than some who pro fess to insur*- Irotn 2’> to 5u per cent less. FRF.DERIt K S. NNT.YSTOX. Rrcs’i. " Isaac AnrcTT, Set-'v. < ’harles Gi).. Actiiarv. r JI 'STL’S I. Mt (ART) .Agent. Titos. R. Rent*>-, M. i).. Medical Examiner * An*. 11.1- 3 - *7. f Sill i.ZK xV MATfEsi x fashion a hlf. tailors and clothiers, STKF.ET, VKXtt rIIV. 1-OsT OFFire. Keen; oil hand, at all tint* s, an exteiisiv ■- assortment ■ <yeady mad*- *‘fi*t*io.: of tile !•< »t nn.i 1 tv. 'l'hi y t id I fo u large :.s-o: tnn \ l of < tilths, ras-i lien - and * ’ .f r'S-’i ,-tnd will gtvi gentleilli.-n ti. the latest r n-'« j* i tons. Their gooils s»v r «itheir »<-i**et|oii. and. wilt t*< |be found to fie m-et and durable. Being practical men ! they warrm t t»* -ir work npiul to any in the city Oct. 2ft, 1853—27tf. N t*l ft K. i sub-1-rib* r offers to sell or to lease for a term o *t B. years, his i<ANY Ml* 1., - juat'-d near the 1 ppe i«- l.ainlitig, rtainf Rhi ’, being one of Ar fic-t locations fo *‘- the I. umbering lots mess in th< o<. 'I tie Mill te !h gur* - *p repair, has one uptight inula* v. v. n:e ei'l-ol! -aw, oii n- iaiii saw. and , ma*’line lor inasiug nt Sh ngles. Tie v Room m lac Mill is an eve* lie. it .1 -afe place for kei ■ •u : mg log*. Tit's proj i. ly will -old or -eased «n favo able terms. ' JOHN R. IRVINE. Hi. Rani, 1»* i Sfttli. Is. I 3s-tl K 1 l l HO\'s (bill i lu S l u Si. pai t.. d r|AH |ts ib-siruble ground, lying in th* most centra! nm ■ anv iiMageous p tri < I the fia-in of >t Raid, wher 1,, teo.t inevitably be the nriiietpa! river business of tit. j, levvn, and altording a'.-*, most i 1 »:«•« end deiiehtfi’i L*Tt in Hie r> ar ii|>«*ii tiie bench, lor dwelling homoni iv siir ~ Vi yeu iato I els. mid now off* red ;m -ait . wil l iitii in ,1 dtsputed nml iiidispu'-ufiic nt n*Hvn'.«!ily low |irv> a-i< t j upon Idiera! terniM oft reii.i, f-* r e v -t of tli* |iurch.iM |t , money, an l Liu 'be- !• r liinhl nt. on 1 as soul in the i; - till ion, will l*e flint, shed at <ln- : atari saw-null, on < .. terms. I'll NUI i> !l OAKfi.S. Agent fm Rropneiors II Ht. Paul, .11 h ii, Ik."] 15 *• 1*5.000 \x \\ F ED* Of Ihru/i Ou/cf-.v* f a; cut -of/)• > v /, BN the subscribers, who will give goods for th» -nine at as leastuiitbie rate- as m*v Hons* m !s. I’aul. ( HnVißld.N A MORGAN, fur I Street, Lower Town. * J B. i l LN ER A GO , NN’ies' ivx s Ii *l, fiini*'* Town { - l ... JACOB A. NOAH. Attornet it f.i-c and ■> ./ it'r *« Ch an :rrn. C COMMISSIONER l’nr Sivt* «.l Marne, Rftod. Isiand, J ( oiinectii it. New Yt-rk. lfi-niisy Ivan.a, Virginia, Alabama, Ohio ami Louisian i J , Ail Mistr-Jiu* nt* to be u-eJ or !• onled .n atix ol the alur»* St a: is, -nav be taken ut mv olli*e in St. Raul July 31, 1651. * 15-tf H. (\ . Lo 11, A TTOR.N E Y and Go ms. loir at law, and General xm Land Vgent. l’aiticn. r attentioii will lie given to colle*-tion», paying taxes, entei iug lunds, set urttig pre emptions, uud entries made by milit-irv iutiil w arianls. Ht. Raul, ftl 1 J. TBAVIB UUNSBR. M. L. OLDS. ROSSER A ODDS, Attorneys anil * '•luni. ii>rs at La a . ■ Office in the Secretary's Room in ibe Gapitol at St Paul, Minnesota 'lea. '■> M. MIEIOI AX, i IlouiOt Sijrn and Oinanienial Painter. (turner of Fourth and St. peter Street, St. Paul. PAINTING aNDGI AZIN(. done in a superior and workmanlike man iter All orders promptly and neatly executed. Work wum.iueil to give satisfaction. St I’aul, June 23. 1953-y ludin ii (funds for Sale. KY order of the Indian D* partment ftt/♦'asinngton, ! will sell at priva** sal*-. !*i- rash, a nuinber of b< ves. hnl* - -, A e., ontauiilig filun k'-tx, < loths, calicoes, .WJware, Ac. XV A. GORMAN, Gov. »nd Lx. *>IL Hupt lmi. All’s. ’ St. Raul. Dec 7. IH'>3 —3l-tf Have >on K Hdrr>randiitsr f 1 MARVIN. inv ’tes the ptiblt* to examine the A* b*‘st sto* 1, of in iterials in fi s !.ne, tiiat has ever i *r-ei> --<•»*, in tt,e T -rntiiry. He ef alienges < it(iei side of the Ni'antir to produce a (letter ,j i uity of French Gait jskins, s|i'-< iallv adapted for the winter season. On hat d, also, i allies’ lint rusimii utatle slioc* and 1 g liter**. Al.-o, Gentlemen’s INlf am! Kin Boots, the best that cum fie ii'toU;. \ou know tiie stand—Third street. Dear Roberts -tr. rt. Hauitl’anl, November. IP.'!! ,fl (TEA R^. i | || imported Havana cR-arh B N." a" w vT a.® the be. -1 in t lie market, war. . • ed y NV. M. GOMBH, Bit ween the Rice and American Hoii-es. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED. 1411 E subsrrilier ba« 4ft, ell nod tiO acre tracts of lam! that will be sold low tor cash, or on time; or *x cfiangcd for village properly. v good horse or -uan of horse* and wagon or oih< r t-aiusi le pr* >* rty w-tl be taker, in pa\ mt til or part pay ment as the i a-e -aav he. ' ' H FAKKLR. PRLSEItN ES of a!! kinds: ext-afit r Worcestershire Bsntce Catsups assorted; Oyste.r* and Hariliue«; in fact every tiling in the Grocery line can he found at No 1, next dour to Fullerton's, on f .rt Street. 2 _ J. VV. dow nfr ! ST.PAri* BAKE RY. C 4 4r NV. BATES, keep constantly on hand a go*-* )• assortment of Bread, Cekes, Cracket• and Can dies, oi all kinds; a variety of nuts, pies, beer, Ac. Ac. \ Ale«>. just rec’d a fresh lot of Grocerieo, all of whicn will he sold cheap frt ca.<u. at the oiJ **ta»d ur> Third Street, Lower Town. Hi rs'j),J*me J, 1353. Ijr ids NtsH j.aid for Uid Iron, 6ln ar.d Corper, at * he St. Paul Foandrv, neertV Lower Ijsndtng i J Btf* IL F OILMAN, j i st. Paul m>vts. HTIME! TIME I 11ME! FOWLER. Watch Manufacturer, Working • Jeweler and l)eiiti*t, would respectfully iukirm > the inhabitant* of Hi. Raul, that he has opened a store I on Hi. Anthony Hired, in the building opposite the i Rice House, iWo door* front RohiiMou** old stand w ith an asMirtmen* of Clocks, Hjiectkclea ol all ages, Burk ! and Hide t 'oiulis, in great variety, bosom pin*, goggles, rhimr.ey ovnanti ills, steel bends and tassels, Indu s work t bags, childrens’ teething rings, times, dice atul boxes, i and n variety of other articles. Duplex, Horizontal, Repeating ami I.erer Watches, 1 of the most complex and delicate workmanship,« are ! fully repaired. C uhfonua Gold Kings made to order* Fngrox :e.q nriUty executed. Tr CAttF.Fi Extracted. Hx xi ei> A- Pt.i itun. 11. F., I'roui ii s long experience in *ome of the first . shops in England, Utters himself that he shall la- aide to give natt'lsri.on to all wh«v may tavor him with theij work. ll*!** motto !« I'UiK-tualily, Dispatch niul Moder ' ate charges. Ht. Raul, March 21*t, 1253. 4 49-y REMOVAL. S. COMBS bus removed his Book Store * v nearly ojiposite his old stand, where he would . be pleased to see all his friends; feeling assured that fie i can now suit them lit thing In his Hue. My nev , good* have arrived; among Which can be found SiOO Rolls NVuil Paper, Window Curtains, Bordering ami Screens. All the late Cheap Publications, l.ucte Tom’s Cabin, and Aey to same. llbtiiK Books in all varieties, Stationery of every Je*- l cripMon and of the best <]tialily. Fancy Goods, t** im- Jmi rot - .* to inentiou; but call iu,N* it is no trouble to I snow goods at COMB’S franklin book store, Between the Rice and American lioiises. TO C A RIT A DINTS F N KMURS .1 \ i> F .NI -IGRA NTS. FJNME nnder.-ugtied fiaa always on liarul for sale fur JI ca*lt or on lime, from TEX TO TWENTY THOUSAND ACflEs of mr *! land, improved or unimproved, including t rms ol different .- /*•* and degree* of improvement at prices corresponding with these. Al*** property tn s-. Raul and suburbs, and in Man kato city, Ht. Ainiion., Hhakopee, LtH’it ir Ti averse d“* Sjoux ami Eureka. , lie can i, hll time- aecommoiluic. on the easiest terms anv one -v bo rtullv uiehteto jmrctiasf . HENRY Mvh FINTN Dealer m Real Estate, Ht Raul, Mum. I «-r Office—the old Rosi-oilice b biding Third street. St. Raul, Feb. 14, I&j4. 14 tf. CAT IIU ART. No. 20* Robi rl street, St. Paul, 31. T. M hole.Siilc ana Retail Deafer in foreign and Domestic Dry Goo is, KEEPS* constantly « tit hand c large iid well selected stock of t-tiiey and staple Di» Go ais, <-oii»i*ling in pari of Brown Sheetings, Shirtings, Strip*:*, Dr filing, J nuts. Mu.-lin *le Laities. Luateis, Merinos, Velvets. ■ Hosiery and Gloves, Silk*, -to. A large stock id Carpeting Drugget*. Malting, and all kinds of House ’• urn *hmgs, low i:*r t x*D a! ■l3l No.*2ft Kobek r St bket, Ht i'ar.l W M. . FIX! H. Ms D., OFFERS bis professional rviCe* to the eiiizcna ol St. '’an! ami v ic'Mtv. Office in Jmige Lambert’s new brick building, i Special atteniiun will fie give!, to iibeumatisrn. Neu ralgia. Scrofula, arid all chronic disea-eS. Being famii , iar with t'ie axe of sriu-.t' operations in surgery will Le performed under ;t.* influence without pain, if <lc sired. Pure Vaccine Virus stent to any part ol Lie ionutry by return mail ou the receipt of tme dollar, post paid. it i.t'LREM t-a. Prof Met iini.O' k, *•!’ Rhilalri; :iia Gf’llage m MfillH.'li “ Rerkine of \ eraiciit MeUtcai College :pj...koi _ A LLKN jl* I E RSE. j Attorney at Law and General Land Agent HVN’INO be«-n Register of the Land Oilice unde the late a'imimstration, he is aide lo select th* , r best land in tiie Territory subject to entrv, ami wil r j warrant the regularity of all location* by him ,i Oilln- on * edar Street, ne t door to the Kpiacouti ( 1 Chur- h, St. Raul, M. I’. , lan. JO, 1654 —llO-tf Bit;ELONV f PDAN (>li A ( , Attorneys anl Counsellors nt Late. Office, uv ci b. B Wait .V Co’*, .tore, Third street below Kola rt*. Si. Rail, Mixnx.- *> rs IL! attend | romptlv ami arefuL , to iiroleasiona il ▼ a business ii all the court* of the Terri >ry. —Alsc e to lilt < t ileetioo of debts a ,d to all otlic- 'USities* u r any man.ii ! . oimeeic l with the j»r«i!e**ion. s Mo**.; To I <mn e. sin ail siiiii- *n go”*i security. Itdtt-e .1. It! OKCO vv . CtIXHLtaL. lI.XXOKAt |. 3-1 iy. DKS. BRISBINE A NVILLEV, IMivsicifiiik and Sur^euuit, ST. Milhony sire*.. St. Rau! Opposite Bond S, !-.• >!ogg’- Drug Suice. DR* I. (I. D if, I IVi 1 L practice .. . pro! a-ton in Saint Paul and vi , v ▼ citiil' t.*!liC* m Pencil stive’. Oct. 0,1851 25*1 f DOCTuM 1... c. KINNEI, Gffii ■: in Doll niul Place, Hit >T An rmw sriiKEifi Sxim- Rai l ’I.N l ERS hi* -i.-ut -«-i .ii>tJ si i v ice* to the* r*l J Rhi.l am) vicinity Having tied nu experience ,o* ovci i et* N*ats tu th' pi.ict < e**l v|ei]i,fine, one oj >vl;ic|t \\a- ■■.if-iit ~s I'll* a i;m mit i Htir?ef>n with ihe F. jS. army u Mexico, h* flatters itiinseli that he vvillb* I abb- to [ icr.t lie • mitnle; c;- *>t «!1 *v!m may favor him ’ i with a s!tare «*f their patronage. ’ . July 28 . 1- f] DKS. POTTS \NI» m6rton n> N I N *t -see mted them selves K*geih*r tu theprn - lice -'1 lit* ir | tofessio i, otter their ***-r- ice l * tilt j etlizen* oi Ht. Run! <i:J* 'angx.. , I (t lie* >ii Tfiinl slri*tji4»{ 4( rg. ! *-< ; • ,A. L\^fNTi 4 . .* , 1 OfftJf* Ijilr-J asifl f •'!ar HUf’AiL# *•. ; * PHYSK IA N. S'.rg**on au ! Ac? oifi hi-P.*A4sl , l his jirof* in St. Raul ttud vicinity. Office c*r. ) north and Roliert street*, over Caiheart A. Tyson’s tore. J 2-1 v KBWAItI) >l*L %GAN. STORAGE FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. At the Lower Landing, St. Raul. 41 L Commission and Consignments, will lie prompt ly and carrlully attended to. References: B. H Campbell, R. M’Lagm, Galena; 1 Gto. DeHaun, St. Louis. Lower Steamboat Landing,Ht. Raul, Min. Mari h 25, 1552. 4 MINNESOTA BANKING UOUtEH March 14th, 1c54. ji WILLIAM lIKKWm.H A C«„ I.ate of Western Bank, Rhtl’a, ! Banktrs, ttxchnnge and Heal lint ate Brokers. I>HOMR T attention g;ven to colleen* ns 111 all psr?( ol the Territory, and proceeds re mil ted at current rale* of exchange. LAND WARRANT? BOUGHT AND SOLD. And )*>< aied cut time to the *avor »>' actual ec’tl. rs. Town and c<-untry property fr r sale far cash or 0.1 ' time. >Fe give personal attention to the purchase and sale of properly, the payment of taxes, cmt-ring latio. locating land warrants, and ail other business that may be tut rusted to our care. 4*-tl (I'll rhii—Old Java, • e’ylon am) Hm et No. 4; J. W 1" \Y NFR. J. R. I'RLLM A N. »EAI ER iii Dry Goods, Groceries,Hardware. I ulle ry, Fancy Goods, etc. A complete assortment "i nand Htai! l ine*, and xerv citeap for < ash. I’rc-i till. Dec. 1M53.-3.5-iy K. >i. M’E.M ER. Dealer in Hots,Caps, Hoots and Shoes, CloHting ami (rcoilemett’s Furtiisliiiig Goc*l* Hiird st , to iw *-et: Jackson an*) R*<*>r-*t*», Ht. ) »*i),M. T. i Dec. 10. i* , ■ JENNY KIND IN ST. RAI I« BLGH leave to iiilorui the citizen* of Ht. Paul eiol vicinity, that slie has brought to th*- B*-ik*t*ee, j < orner * f Thud uu l Wnbashavv streets, (in lu jr»t and most lx autilul assortment of new Books and Mauooery , which will be sold ua usua' at ioxr prices. For pai lieu- 1 lira inquire at L-f-Dlitfi'H BOOK HTOKE j I’ftKlh MON NAI EM 3C cetiii to §5. The most elegant and heal At ofjhe market at LED LG’S BOOKSTORE MONEY TO LOAN. THE iubarnl*er* havo on hand to loan a few th*nt» ' skutia upon good aecurit/ on te/uia to euM bof- j rowars. AXES is VAN ETTEN, •t Raal, Fnh. l*k 18*4. 441£ j JEFREY T. ADAMS* M.X PH YS / CIA X AXJJi SUR GEOX, i Office corner Maine and Front Jtroata, ) 1 MAhxaro, Blcb Eaitm Cor«TT* t SINGLE COPIES THREE CENTS. ST. PAUL ADVT'3 AMi> tTRAI SAW MILL : Dayton's i ambus. :» now iu t.itrrmion, apd I .1* prepared to furnish nilln of Id hiker of evetyJe ; dcripttoii. WII! tutU (»Hk. A*h liaat WiknJ, or other j timber, of any Jimt'nsh h required- -can mw forty feei itufl'if n«cea»ary. lath and (iioktt* always on Laud. A. L. LARPENTEUR, Deairr in Dry (rwxji, (trvrrrirs, / >r oruMU, Chiking , lfardWurt t China a’.d (JuttnsU'artt Cutlery f Till HP STREET, Near (hr corner of Third and JucLion street*. St. Pnul, Minnesota, rpiu: ■ ivrr is i iosfc, hiii ihr stores of I . Larpen* a. tenr are *1t!l o,»eu, where may be found me »u>*t extensive assortment of Foreign uiid llnmeitir Dry (•o«els. Csrpeti'ifTh. Jewelry. Gentlemens’ <leth n;i, lu» cltuiins H*ts hiu! Caps, lt< oin mid .Shoes, and ev<ry-otfc* er article tieecxxary to com for l or proper for display, the oils a fiords. \ stock of tfrocerie* and iircvtaiouM ■if a'l Kinds, winch be surpasses, ami a full a* sortmeni of Hardware, Pelf ami Qiieeuawaro, Cutlery , slid every olh« r article suitable for the Minnesota trade; till ns which win be solil whoiesa'e or rt tall, on the mn»t favorfcble Hlid atdontni<>datiug terms. A choice satiety of dbnlde aid single bareiled shot : mins, rifles umi pistols, powder flasks tvnd shot poufbe* ( mill wads. water proof percussion caps,extra gun locks, w ash rods, screw-drivers, and a driving business, inay , all be found at A. 1.. LARPENTEI R’£. FOUTV RIGHT SPLEADID LOTS. COMPRISING TWO ASHIM!F ACREi* EACH, ■im! situated near (*t, Paul. Capitalist*, strai.grr*. »ir citizens \v>*)ntip tr purchase desirable pro|»eftv for Cottage Residences, \ ii.i.ab and 3i>tnn er Houses. are j invited in call and take civk Nok at the locality. The fcO'l is df the first i|n;uitv, adapted for Gardening or the culture o• the Grape. HENRY M'KBNTY, Dealer in Real Estate. *t. Pnal, Pec. 10, 1853.-1). NEU .MILLIXK UY iiltO DM And the Latest Fashions. ■\R KS M. 1.. STO tKd.v. t Anthony si St. I’Su*, f;ar »"i just relumed from the city of New Yolk. With a stock of Millinery w-itre. v*.fr much auprripr to any »is«.s ill lie dejiai tnient ol trade, ever otp-red in the 1' rriiory. To her tisiirt! slot K, she has added Gloves, j Mitts, Needles, Pins, Tapes, and many other new arti fie». She. his ;ils.i taken great pains to obtain tint fash tons, of this, and the winter seusotis uii of winch i>l,* will !;e happy to sin w io such a* 'all 0rt.21-27 tl . X OIiTII-XV Ksr FK \ F\ fit ESN ( : t>V ” Connntmp nt Gihiui t.ilh lh> Amrritcn I'.rjirt*s Co B .At > II the sm .nl) at d safe IranruCn tflffnn t.f light Md and valuable Goods. Package.*, flans Note-, spe cie; coltection and pny mei.t of Notes, Drafts, bids, Ad* ! connth, Ac. 1 o .iml from aii par!* of the c,vo>. C*stbx and the Continent ol Ei aoec Lost Goods, Hagr„,r { . loosed dp itf'd forxVardei! to owners, »n«! nil Inisin.>s tisitally dune by express at tended to with promptness hiij despatch Messengers will be ilestmtched tliiring the close of naVitfaCoit front ,>t. an 1 Galena tverv Nltemata Monday J. C. lit WKA.NK i CO. Proprietors. A. .1. AV|ht? f.y, ) K V. tloi.covßß, ■ Vessence.r*. J. C. lILItBAMt. S Oirur iii the New Pos'.-Oflire building. W. G LeUl'C, Agent. •Ht. Paul. i)c'r. t, ler,3 --- ( r j-- u u iJTOR.tbK, ForwardtPff and C'onimissicn Merchant* Gfoi »r» on t Pf - ilr rs in Grain uni— AArh:trf lioat !*t. Pniil, Miu. J C til RItANK, C T. WHITNEY. S.djiners and Coi’slgttaes will And i! loiht i. interest to do bu'tnes* w ith a. the expense of Labor sitd Pray sgt :• sevi-d. RF.PFRK.VCES • Guv. W. A. Gorman, Henry k. Rice, {j. i> , ■ r W.R. Marshall, V Co.^" 1, 1 * *‘ 1 I A lex. Wilkin. ' * H H. Camphril, A Co 1 Geo. W. Cttrmibf!!, A Co., r». . Lc.rrain, A Co.. ’/G«.ena. rt . S. II tr r :s, <V Co. ' Oti" West 1 ... . j R. F. ?sa*a, y •* lt - Lo "-*- Charles Seudder, A. Co.. / „ MannniK A Br imvooit lioafon. Mark Package* care B. A C. Wharf Oont -At Tatil ' Mr. uesolH * St. Paul No .■lf 1 3r tf , cTrea » i:a kcj.MNA ofFfkVs>. sOO lihla I lour, 200 tibl* Pork, (00 bhl* Pried V t pies, jux' <■*_■ rt cniisigninrnt st the Wharf Boat, at i will he r !<»* • I off at re ineed ri< ex Also, core, and com meal, bats, potatoes, bran, lime, Ac , at great bargain* f je 23-tf J. W. BASS * CO. tJROVF.LAXDtIARDKX IXDMRSKRV Bti'Vttn St. }‘uhl and St. Anth'/uy, mar thr U'. .if Hcwrr. 'miiF; r*ih*crii»er,'\voo’!i invite the attention cl those i- witn tvlxh io out froit tret's Oil* fait or the eu siiiaif spring. L*' their stock of |re»* that tt««c b'rj 1 growl: g u-ihls Territory from rttir to tlirce y-ats rimitryititin w tilt the 3cot» Nnr very. at llftvonpv'l, lowa. ' Ihqy lire prenartd to |jt; alt order* fbr eiltter xtandar-f dwarf trees, of any K/id every dCßcrf; tltm, that will he requi.ed for this together with Currant*, i..'«io*et»err?ex. Gia; c Vines, Mrr Also, uuy thing in ti n ornamental line, vm i Korea, Ifalthtis, Phlo\e*, anJ the various kuds o. dowering plants usually kept in j such establish i « nf f/rdi'r* ar*-tesper'tmlly aoJlc.tcrl from fhoee Win »*i*ft u< set in • 'lift; *rt< x"f r.iolielliih their ground* A* we h:tv«* not a mi icfeni (pi mtity on hand to *r»|»p'y the dciiiHiiil. we hrtpe tt rt-eeivr ortir rr t.»!u v •ruts r»Lt., so ns to mult tip die (JrOi lency at the nursery a* Uav eiijiort, where we evp« i tri spend the winter Order* « •'•A he addtessed to us <a U tl at the s'tfre Of Mr. J. K. • PatlVrlbn. ft. Paul L. M FOR If ♦ CO. /flu; Pl.t,; Oct IS. • W*’/. <*rockprjr S»«ri; In Minnesotn. * •SR* .Iff ii i - trttlv grateful to the Inh’ 'ntants A * 1' *!*• ami tlf'" whole Territory, f>r th* i roiHplVol Very *>>• ml sn> port niiichthey o»«» aWsr f i to the above mi b risking. From the first, it ha*been lii< ambition to no n, which beitig exriUKively for <‘hnm. Glass ami Guecnxware, xhouiil meet the de» iumu:!« ol the pubii. rt* that im* more fully then a mir ed btiidiie** r(t< fd da R 'l. cun r II a- cl cap, anil can All orderi a» well a* any house (haside of j*t Louis; he lia* now a heavy stock, and not withsia. iiing the high price of freight, and . (tie scarcity <d crockery in the rottnlry, mi account of the cloving of lire English mmiiiL'ctorten, he m deter - mini dto sell ut h>< '•>finer v< ry | .w price*. CaTl sad sec tn% »tor k, of flilt Jlsu.!, \V bite and Lustre Clriua. Glass-ware. Iron Atone China, Tumblers, ( ut Mult>erry Ware, do Pressed, Blue Ware, Fruit Bow)r, Granite Warej tf) :v)i f **A*, C V Ware, etc , etc., etc. St. tkiiu, ’•finnesnln Crock try Start i r»t. Paui, Pet P, M A PS O F ST. PA tCT \ t.t. in oeed of »ci r..»rt map of Paul, wilt do well 1 . » ra call «m Comb* and procure mie, e.» there, are but a b-w I# ft ■ Pr'ce ufid ft' 2'r. at COMBS' nOOKStOHF, lel> 15 tire Amc, ic%m f|ouao> PROPOSALS , I>e received by t ,e. onrieraigned until the let ▼ ▼ o‘ Mav , for tiie delivery at this pout, on or be j fore the l<t of September next, of twenty-five hundred i bn»hd* of corn, iii good sack*. Fa h bid will hr necompanietl hy a written offer from two rexpoNsffcie perxfao. to become •ocnrity mi de; bonds of 81'Hid, for the (aithfii. performaDT of tire eonirwet Extravagwnt hole will not be e.oiMidered, ner wUI «»i,e bidder tn- xrrepttd a* security (ti» another. Fort Itidgelv. M. T , March 2b. laM. JN>» C. KF.I.TON, ■'ff—'Hj A A. Oiu .Ttei Muster A N• w supply of “fern just recHvedat {33] l.sUl’C’S BOOKSTCRK. \V II INKY. bbla, bt-»i rtcmlrd, ft<r sale cheap fOT^r.***^h? * l ew. RR J w-W- * t y ROSEXHF,IM*COOK. Impvters and IVUthuik litalert in Ribbw«t,R|ih«, RilßueryGaods Lacc»g TRIMMINGS, k MRROIOERIEtt, PARASOLS. F A NA-Alc., (y«uj/1f9. 50 Math St . mar Atcutic»k.£xpreM Qjflce, ST. LOUS. NfO. Tb© atteatina of Mi!iinert la re *pee«« fully MlFited to our ’*rg« stock ef the above art*e|iw. ApgW IBrh, IW4 » If