Newspaper Page Text
%\)t Ortiln iUinncsotrt pioneer VOL. I. DAILY riOXEEIL fthumus vrsr f Aiu hinnv . r.x. kvkry w taj* i>.»y n> EARLE S. GOODUICU & CO.. ISoneer Baildings. Bench Street. near j unction x*ith Tliini. 9AU.T PIONEER SU DOLLARS PER ARJfCM. UATES OF ADVttTUINfi. TRAS'IF.NT AI )\ EBT'SEMENTS—One per Square ; of Twelve Lino-. for the lif t Insertion, and Fifty Cent.- per Square for each *ub-*qtient in-ertiori. YEARLY APY'ERTFSKMKN'i'S—TweIie line? of Nonpariel \ Ope make si Square: 1 Square, 1 in Ttieri. $ 75 1 Square ore year,- - - sls : 1 Square, eacii additional 25 •p 'oiuiiin. 3 month*. - 15 I 1 Square, one *»■;•*.- - 1 jo C mouths, - 22 ' 1 Square, two weeks. . •> v 5 J imn, one year, - 30 1 Square one month, - 3 oh j ! .Colimn. 3 months. - 20 1 Square. t»c months, 4 On ; > t Colui:ui, tt months. - 28 j 1 Sjuare, three numth-ti 'mi 1 - 7 < ol.:iiiii one year, - 40 lSq jare, -ix ui >nths. S 041 j 1 (’ohiin:i. one viar. f. 5 j A'tverti-eme-it iu-erf**! in noth lh.ily airl Weekly Pio- i neer. one half price additional. Ail Adxerti.-einents, un) the time i- specified, Mill be inserted till forhiO. ami charged accordingly. Book a:i<l Job Printing ev cut<-1 at tliri ufliec in a supe rior style. nji-t at reasonable rates. Saiat Paul Stutn&f £arl)3. G.W. BIDDLCi SURGE* A' DF.NTI'T, Main Street, between St. Peter's .m! Market. St. Paul. L. MARVI.Y, DEAFER IX Sl(OE< BOOTS, Ac.. Jtc., Third Strwt, near Rolarts. St. Paul. MRS. L. MARVIN, FASHION ABLE MILLINER. Third Street, near Roberts St Paul P ATT ISO X <c RF.NSOX, LIVERY rfIABUE. bark of '! American Botw St. PauL HO RIP k OA K FS, RANKERS and KX< H.WGE 1113 a lilts, Tliini Street. St. ; PauL \. E. TYSON* \ CO., DEALERS IN Gift K FRIES. PKO\7.'!oN>\ Ac., llub. rt*. j MmalMri and Fourth streets, St Paul IF. FOWLER, CLOCK arnl WATCH MAKER. St. Au h oui Street, opposite | the Hire House. St. Paul. W. O, LEDPC, BOOKSEI.I.EIt ami STATIONER, junction of Thin! an.l Bench streets. St. Paul. J. FROST, WHOLESALE and RETAIL G-bit'Eß. Third Street, opjto-j Ite the l*loXl>’R Oflic... St. Paul. CAT lie ART k CO., WHOLESALE am! RETAIL PEW FIN IN FOREIGN an 1 HOMKSne DRY GtKUl''. VI. _h Kolieils .Street. St. l’anl NARKLRT KER\, DEALERS IN HARDWARE. <T TI.F.RY. Ae.. St. Anthony *fr**t. one doer :il*ox *• the \m■•ri.-.m lb i. e St. Paul. CHARLES F.. MAYO A CO., WHOI E'.Ui: an! RETAIL DEALERS in IIARUM ARK STOVES and TINWARE Third street, Is’txieon Minnesota and Kolierts -treet*. St. Paul. WILKINSON BABCOCK A BKISBIX, A n'oifN: YS AT LAW, Thii ’ street St. P»uL McCarty a dustjx, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Third street, St. rail. , WM. W. IIICHCOX, . DRUGGIST. Covie-r of Thud and Cedar street?, opposite H. A. I.imhkut's la v fMire. St. Paul. CHAMBLIN A MORGAN, WHOLESALE and it! TAIL I'EAI EUS in DRY GOODS, | CLOTHING, potfi.-. -H ES. I!.\TS. CAPS. Ae.. Tliird ; street. St. Paul J. T. Il AI.M FI), SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, Ether eoiner of Third and Cedar streets. St ' mil. W. il. FORBES, FUR COMPANY. ST. PAUL OETKIT. :tl-o PRY GOODS met GROCERIES. Tlii.d tivct. St ItuuL W. 8» COOM US, B-tOKSEUVR and STATIONEU, op;*o.-itr flic American House. St. Pa uL t AMES Si VAN ETTEN, ATTORNEYS ami OIUNSKI.I.i HIS AT LAW and SOLICIT ; OKS lS' CHANCERY. Office eorner of Third and Mimic aota airecta. St. Paul WARREN & WAKEFIELD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS \T LAW mil SOLICIT j OKS IN CHANCERY. (Ittiee on Third street, between] Robert* and Cedai street*, *t. Paul. TRUMAN M. SMITH, JUSTICE OF TIIK PEACE NOTARY H ULK'. 00LLEC I TOR ami GENERAL .YtiKNT, eorue/ of Th : rd and Min ne-oia street-.. St. PhuL I H. F. MABTERSON, ATTORNEY AND OR N.-EI.LoR AT I.AW. St. Anthony ! street. St. Paul , DRESSLER A CROUCH, STORAGE. FORWARDING andt'tiMMISSION MERCHANTS, and D<*ah*r' in Vines, liquor- (.ri eeries and Provisions. . Upper Uaßqt, St. Paul. M. SHERMAN, HOUSE. SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, comer of| Fwurtli and St. Peter street. St. Paul. G. RI'SSELL, DEALER IN STOVES and TIN WARE Tliird strict, a few distrs trest of Jackseti -tr«*»-t. St. Paul. STEES k lICNT, CABINET WARE ROOMS, and DEALERS IN SECOND i HAND FURNITURE. Third street St. Paul. 1 SHI’LTZ k MiTHES, FASITIONABLE TAILORS an-l n.o'IHIERS. Thinl atrerd. j near the Post OfHro St. Paul. “ MdLOUDS J: WALKER, WHOLESALE »nd RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, I MECHANICS TOOLS. PAN't Y IMPLEMENTS. Ate., near the head of Thinl stri-et. St. Paul. j* WILLIAM BREWSTER k CO., RANKERS, EXCHANGE, and KE.VI. E i'ATE BROKERS MIL Paul- J. M. MATTHEWS, WAGGON and CARRIAGE MAKER, Robert stmt, St. F»nl. * TULLIS, LIVINGSTON A CO. WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEAI KBS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Rice Hi u? . .'•l- Anthony street, St. Paul Minnesota. LOUS HYXEMAX, WAOIJSSAUE AND RETAIL DEALER IN READY MADE i CLOTHING, Third-trent. St i‘a !. Minnesuta. BASS, HORUI*. ,k CO., * WHOIJCSAIF.GROCERS. FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERC'ILVNTS, AND GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGENTS. I/o»er L-vee, St. Paul. Minnesota JT. C. BURBANK k C«„ STORAGE FORWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANTS. GROCERS, and OFALKRM IN GRAIN and PROVISIONS Wharf St. Paul, Minnesota. j A, VANCE BRO\VN7 REAL ESTATE BRt.’KER, St. Artlmny Street, near Kellogtr: k Kinney'a eton*. St. Paul. Minnesota. B. G. BRIGGS, * WHOLESALE and RETAIL GR<*CER and CONEITTIONER. Corner of Roberta and Fourth s-.-ewt?, Si. Paul, Miune ot*. J. E. WHITNEY, GUERRELVN ARTIST, Corner of Third, and Cedar .-tre**!#. Bt. Paul, Minnesota. BICE, HOLLINS HEAD k BECKER, j ATTORNEY'S au d COUNSELORS AT IJVW. St. Anthony ■ Street, above Ameriean Houae. , GEO. L. BECKER, AGENT OF HARTFORD EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ; Offee in brick bh-ek above American House, St. Antho- ! njr atreet, St. Paul. Minnesota. EARLE S. GOODRICH & CO., PROPRIETORS, PIONEER BUILDINGS, BENCH STREET Saint pant JJnsincss vCarfts. I'Ul:M> I R ic ill ATT 11 E WB, MACHINISTS BLACKSJII'iIIS, aud WAGON MAKERS. ■ ]!• In r, tree! St. Paul. Minnesota. HENRI MORRIS, i.v.std D’:j gooi-s hanr. iiuiidin-. lliird stre.-t »u ,ir Civtar, St. Paul. Minui L. BLUM, FANCY an! STAPLE DRY Goofis MERtTI \.VT—WTpiLF. 1 >Ai.K.v Li I All.: Ne v Y t, If./, »r. St. Anthony street, i St. Paul. Jlume.-o a. MAKS SMALL, WTIOi.ES.VLI DEALERS 4.N CluMBNi; jiimts. SHdES. Ci.'tlH?. VESTINGS, and TAILOR - TRIMMING' No. 128 ' iu Streut Ualesa. Sttlhuutcr I}u3tnc33 Car^s. AUK A M VA N VOHMF.S, ATTORNEY m: i COUNSELLOR AT I.AW am! SOLICITOR 1 IN CtIANCERY till *al Will attend t< ill entn -t' d to !ii- csire. BEMMEB, MOIILLAN' A I.KWIB, ATTORNEYS At LAW and SILH Holts IN CHA Vt'ERY. Olliee- at Stillwater, and al II id-nn, St • soix County j Wi <"n>-if. THEODORE B* PARKER, 1 ATTORNEY and tXR'XSELLOR AT LAW Stillwater. M. T. Cl' RT I s v GILFILLAN, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT T AW. Stdltenter — , tjubson. : JOSKI’II BOW HON, NOTARY PUBLIC and LAND AGENT, Hmbon. St. Cr-.i\ < nuiit .W? I’re emjdion <la in-, secured, and entrie-- ■ made Military l/uid Warrants. Blank Deeds mid Mi'it.iv,'"- lotantly «.:i ban !, .mi i>nve\.tnees eare- | * fully ■ iii i- : | BBNJAMIX ALI.BN, A iTOUNE •' AT LAW II .d-on, St. < mix t'e urte. Wis. !BiMrawrw7'wii!ipr;nucw»MnwiM -» ■r»sr-.i..'',-i»j. I RUBY k CALLENDER, M ANTE v it RKU OF LIMI. Sh tkf ■ •. Vli »U. at. Alattl ahb > ty. |! NATH’L. E. TYSON Sc CO, (ox it tci.nrs, third indi kolrtii stiu.kts. NE \Y STOKE AND FRESH GOODS ] AND A WORD TO THE MINNESOTA RIVER ANI) ST. CROIX TRADE. j i A S we .'if non fairly in our new ouiMini, mu! V leiviit” seiii-u mt reiiiii to store a lurjle am! coni- * |dete stuck t t Gmarries, ♦’•itiin, Elmir, and Provisions, we won.*! it see ■ rhiiiy taII t !u* :itDm: t ion of our frit m!s * in St. Paul and tiie smroiindii!”, to tlie FACT ' that we hove just received the largest an I best t«-,i ' assorftneiit of GKorriW'.S, PROVISIONS. f/AM/.V, n-r., 1 ever 'nne:_nt to 'fin' esota, uul we can .ou av to o u St. Croix a: i M .nnesot: river frit tuis. that we :• et f- ' fering better in ie.-eim lit? t these mules than anv other ; house in St I'm., a ’ at wholesale; we nb-dge our- « m ive> to st 11 at Ge.t.w Pun s. Onr goods are nil t fresh and m the very best coiuiitton Goods tielivereii I at the Int'ding or r»> any |ia r t of in- < :i- free of elmrge. t We would again tesnectfn'ly eali attention to our ! v new stork, as Dealers anil our lit' ,tls throughout the * suriiMintiinx com,try will liml fiat it emhr.iees everx '■ l!i:i:g N.-imi!; kej ' m our line of la dm s„; mil in dnins ! a *O, wot:!'.! c . |irr» on. thank* fr i n >, ami the Jjh ,al » patronngee ti mh-d towards us tin pi-t winti r. \\ . f enunn rate u puit is follows, w!u !i \vt will mll strictix . a for cash at the lowest market rates- p 500 Bids Uo'ir, Eli hags corn meal, i 50 *' un s i pork, 2 »tUO ,i-11*ii cigar?, 20 “ prime do ]2 tloz bed eortls, 40C0 lbs sugar enred liams, 8 kits mackerel, j „ 40(hJ “ “ 11 oui tiers, 5 bids do 2000 “ rib sides, 5 lix eo.lflsh, 2aoO “ clear “ 25 “ tlriei! herring, 2(KlO “ lard, 35 “ jeilm soap, 25iKl “ butter, 10 “ xariegated soap, ] !l 1500 “ cheese, lo “ easttie do ' 1 30 bis N. t>. sugar, 4 “ sliowv do 35 “ ri.irifletl (A)do 40 “ mould candles, 11 30 “ “ (ll).lo 25 “star do 30 “ “ (O) do 5 “ sperm do J 5 kl cruslietl do 8 u pipes, i J 10 '• poxvdtn i (!o (i “ timey stone pipes, ! 5 l»hls N.O nulr.sses, 4 li lies candlexviek, • a “ s* 11. do *.) “ wrapping twine, ; 10 “ cider x invar, sbx groi ti! spice, 2u ska li iu < left e,t Id •• pepper and ginger , ( 7 “.lax.i i 4 malts cassia, ' 0 eln sts \ 11 tea, 2 bills nutmegs, 0 “ inip’l do 2 “ elcvcs, . f> “<IP do 9t5 gross blur king, j 1 ~ radtiies iuip’l do t tier. Idacking brushes !’ 5 “black do 4 ‘‘whitewash do 1(1 tloz brooms, 5 Idd? alaiouds, 4 “ scrub brushes, 4 “ pi a ruts, , 4 bids saleintus, 15 sks tiairv salt, 4 boxes r* C soda So “ G a salt, lo do/, zinc, wash boards, id Idds lice, 100 cniiiiislers powder, lo dnz bottles olive oil, 10 kegs do 10 ldds sotla crackers, i 10 sacks shot, 30 “butter do 4l> M percussion raps, 5 l-xs riiorolale, 500 cans ox sters, 20 “raisins, 50 h\s siirtlines, 2 hhls madder, 10 bids dried apples, 150 small cans mustard, 1 4 “ “ peaches, Id h\ starch, 40 bxs primes, 2 “ clothes pins, 12 dor bottles inT, ]() do/, buckets, 2 “ lemon syrup, (> “ carved do 10 “ assorted pickles, 8 “ wash tubs, 5 “ catsup, 20 !i\ sum. tobacco, 6 “ pepper sauce, lo “ scaflaletta do, •1“ itongtuou hitters, 10 “ line cut chewing, j 30 gro. matches, 4 “ inackeroiia, 10 h.\ mustard, 4 bids tlried currants, 80 large can? do 1000 bushels shorts, AI .St/-.—A large lot of choice Preserves, consisting 1 of Peach, Pear, Uuiuce, and all other varieties in use. 1 111 —>J NATH’L. E. TYSON CO. j WINTER AND SPRING ARRIVAL. L TIIE WORLD'S FAIR HAS received per Burbank A Co.’s Express, a varied f hssortnietit of i PRINTS, Del, AI NTS, CASHMERES, ! \ Merinos , Gloves , Hosiery, \ r TI oolen Goa ls, Muslin collars and l. ndeisleeves, Velvet Ribbon?, etc. These Gootls. together with the remainder of Fail and < winter stock of E vex and Domestic I)hy Goods, j BEADY AIADK CI.OTII IX G, ' f ilnfs and c.i;'?, B«">ts and Slio. - t irpciing, Yankee Notions, «vc., xvi:l tie sold at n s.u.ill advance over Eastern cost, preparalorv to storting fur my spring stock. EDWARD IIGBNAN, 44 World’s Fair stove, cor, 3t! ami Roberts. i CM ae. W. Itoßl P. CH is. H. OAKU KORUP A OAKES. ! IMIF, uiHh.'gned hax ing formed a copartnership for . traiisneting an E.xchange and Banking business iu all ' its various branches, xvill he on-pared tofu.-iish siglit r and lime exchanges on the Ev-t, end principal cities of „ the West. Kciuitt.utees to Great Itiil iiu. iul ii.d, anti t continent of Europe, made in sums to suit purchasers.— s Sight and time hiiis ami European exchanges purchased,' t collections made, and proceeds remitted t-.t usual rates , of exchange. All oth* r business ct iimitted to our c are, ; t punctually aitoiultid to. BORUP it OAKEri. ( ill. 11-tf , BKOPII Y SE J rLEMENT. 4 FARM containing 17e acres ii tins highly flourish- j ing setllemeiU, which is near f?t. Paul, liorderingon on a beautiful lake, so;t rich ami heavy timbered, from c vvhich some 2.0P0 cords can be cut; also a good heavy ? grass meadow x* hich xvill yj. Id GO to '.O tons of hay ; , Hit exreileut dw Ring house 5u !>> 2u feel and good sta ble 50 by 2d. It' acres i f the above already, broken and • under feu e, and have yielded t< the (>roprietor an abundant crop. HENRY McK E.NTY, Denier in Real I.sstate. Jan. 9. 1854.—18 a. BOISE AM) EOT FOR SALE. Alf'in-'. ud two Lot* in Kittson’* \ ldltion, Imme diate! v Hnek of the New Hotel. The //raise is nexv ami convenient, having been built during the Full.— j Wishing to dt vote eur attei ;ion exclusively toourbu-i --ness we xvill st II the above property at a j price aud upou scconintml.-niug tt rtns. CiLiMBLIN ,v MORGAN. July 9. 1854. —18 I Third stri ct. Paul. . MA RNHALL A « o. ] < AT THK SLIGO IRON STORK, ,] ARE now receiving large and full stock of Iron, 1 Steel anti Sundries. Thev respectfully solicit the j * patronage of Blacksniit s, Plow Makers, and other Manufacturers, giving assurance Unit their stock is of the best quality, will be sold at the lowest living prices, j 22tf SAIXT PAUL, TUESDAY MUKMXG, MAY 2, 1804. St. Jlaul HURRAH FOR TJIK RED LINE, j I»ATTISO-V A BENSON’S Ui.l) LINE ( OAt'IIKS with the ht-st of teams and tart fill drivers are now upou the road between St. Paul and St. Anthony, r< atly to itccoinniodute the pub lie on all occasions. They have a large and excellent Livery stock, .several new* and elegant Cartiages and | Barouches; also new Harness and Horse Furnishing*, . ami i ijuipitge* of the most eh gunt i’i scripliori. I T. At S. in returidug thanks to the public for the lib era! patronage heretofore bestow ed upon them, take pleasure in stating that they have just received, in ad dition to their former extensixe stock, several young, elegant, and WELL BROKE HORSES! • specinu i:s of slot k that have never been equalled in the Territory. Their prc-i lit stock reeds hut to he seen to he. udtuired and ii; j>roveil by a discriminating public. \\ ill our lriend* and the cthlic icmtniber, that at the I.iverv Stable in the rear of the American House, at l!o , upper end ot Saint Paul, tin > can .t all hours, ltavemi h convey ance by land, on whe.ds or on hor*» Inn k, as t!iey may desire. PATTI SON Ac lIhNSON. St. I an!, June 30, 1853. ly J. E. FULLERTON. ( A T hi* old stand, which is known to .a great many frienil*, especially those who have patronized him so long, Aeeps a different sloev of Goods from tli? mix iure xxhirlt lie formerly kept. He now keep* Drx Goods alone, including a prime selection of Ready Made Ciothng and the largest and best stock of Boot* I and xliors ever opened any where, including Ladies' ' Shoes. He has also a variety of Blankets Whitney and Horse Blankets, which as lie always ha* done, he sells at prices to suit his friend*. Ml N N ESOTA LEATHER STOR E, jAt the Old St irol <>f .1. Collins A* Co., oppmite the Ki r ll,use, St. Paul. PT. UR A I>EFV, dealer in Saddles, Harness, • Trunks at d Siiddlcrv Hardware, Saddle Trees Skir' ii .tint** and Patent Leather, Calf Seatnijr, Bag and Top Leather; Carriage Trimming*, A’addlei -' Silk; Bellow* and Band Leather. BOOT AND SilOL MAKERS’ STOCK. Hemlock tanned Sole Leather; Oak tanned Sole and I pper I.either; Kip tnd Calf Skins; I rench German, ; I’lnlailelphia and Cineiuiiaii Calf Skins: all kinds a Ladies and Gentlemen’* Morocco, Red. Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink and White Linings; last Goat. Buck and Sheep Binding; Boot and Shoe Findings; Boot Tree* j Lasts, Crimp Hoard*, Peg* ol all *i/.c-; Shoe Thread, all kinds Iron, Zinc and i upper Nails. ( ARB ! AGE Till MMING, Executed at the sltoi t,;.,t iiotiei- and iu workmanlike , manner. Country order* partirniurly attended to. ! ITf The high st mat ket price io Cash paid at all times for.Beif Hides. Slit op and Deer Skin*, j P. T. BPADLEY. j June 0, 18.53._6tf NEW HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. fJNlii. subscribers would inform the citizens of Saint 1 S Paul and all the country round about, that the> are conducting tin above L.mines* in all it* brunet., s, on Third Street, nearly opposite the Post Oiliee. when , ns- ' to tilers van lie supplied, on *bort notice, with ail Kind* of II trues*. Bridle*, Saddle*, Ely Nets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Are., A c. May I t,’53-11 MARTIN DREW CO. j WIIOU NALL AND RE FAIL EO.NFEF- 1 T ION ARY. *!:h.*cfibers in returning their thanks to their | i -4 I turn* am! the public in General for the liberal i neoiif ' tin > have received, <!< sire to inform then ih'il t ic mix'* tt.-w :n::. Ir.nery nmi otln t fo to '-tipply tlit erntory with P! in and Fancy Cat.dx ot their own mat ~f.*ctore; among , tlo . - , ail sort* ot Stic ; ; ! Cai dv, R(>-( :,nd But at Almond*, i'.uiomuT*, Ani**e, I Aiidulatii ! nit, and al! ether l.iud cf Drop.*; Caiuix and Sugar Toy s. 4i . which they will sell by the box m lower rat ■-, nd.ung !rciv::i. than it enu he b. ogli; in G ilena or S 1 oui*, with the advantage of having a , ‘V< *!i article. A !*u, I'te .cli, Germ iii and Kt.giisli Toy * i and Er.m.'y Gi :'*. Al. order* for Cakes an ! lee »nam ‘ pttuujiiiy tiil<a. at the ioxxcst jo >*iide price*. 20 III'.N/ & K \KCIIF.R S V *,!■'. STABLE. 'Fill! subscriber ii .* taken the st a! !<• m Third street I formerly oeatpiiil t»v .1. W. Vincent «v to. The ’ stable h i* been thoroughly repaired and 1 tun now pre pared to take, horse*, rattle, ,\e., on sale, fir to k, | • by the month, week or day • and will give strict atten- | lion to all stock that may he left at my stable. My • • riend* and the public generally are invitiai to call when tu town. EL A. BIS SELL. j At Paul, March R, 1654. 40-tf j fKI MA.V M, SMITH. Justice of the }‘ca A tar p PuHic, Colltdor and 1 General A">nt. O\S removed hi* olliee to tin Brick Blta k opposite the Po*t O,lice, corner of Third and Minnesota street*, where he will be found ready to attend to the collection of debt*, purchasing and sc!dug real e.-tuto, payment ot taxes,'.ocatiug Laud Wai rents, Ac. Hav ing been in the business for some Line past, and being provided wi ll xtxes of u!! the surveyed portion of the i'crrilory and of the citiks mi tlie rit Peteis, he llatters himself that he will he able to gi\ r t* satisfae- j tion to all who may give him a <'aii. \. R. Town Lot* in St. Paul, St. Anthony and all j the tow n* oil (lie St. Peter- for sale at reasonable prices. Also, Partus in the country, with or without improve- 1 incuts. St. Pun!, June 2, 1853.—7tf. j. McMahon Holland, Attonvy and CouastUir at Lou- and Soli < r iu i < 'honeery. SH A KOPEK, SCOT l COUNTY, M INN ESOTA XIINNt:*OTA im ICR UAC Id*. Gov. \V. A. Gorman, ~| J. Travi* Rosser, E.sq.’ Sec Min. Ter., J Cupt. J. il Simpson, li S. Top.'rs '■ St. Paul. A. J. Morgan. Esq , Pioneer Olliee, j I). A. Robert noif. Esq., J lion. H. H. Sibley, Memlota. W.IRVUItD REPBttEMK*. Gov. R. Louis Lowe, T. 11. O'Neal, Esq., Secretary of State t Judges l.egrand. Tuck and Kele«tonof j> Annapolis Supreme. Court « f Maryland, lion. Alexander Randal!, I John V. i . McMahon, Esq., PnltimoTe, Mil. STO Y EM AN 1> IS N \V AR E. At X will's old stand on Third Street, a few doors \ West of Jackson Strut. IYIiE siihscrilier will keep oil hand constantly a good assortment of Tin Ware, which lie will sell at wholesale or rst ill. Also, a general assortment of Sxoviis. Orders from country dealers soli* ited. N. B. Repairing done on short notice. GEO. RUSSELL, Agent. 8t Paul, June 2,1858 —7—ly. < A«INET \V YItEKOONS. ' ; Al WAY'S on hand, or made to order, SOFAS PASV chahis. divans, willow waggons, ; MaTTRASSES, CARD AND CEN TRE TABLES and CHAIRS of every Description. ! Also r. /• xv META Li IC COFFIN'S, a superior article, i i iii u . . TO buy sec* ud hand furniture, is too y;; 11 me ti dm: Inlying second hand gar 5? nietc*. YVe take it tor grunted, that r ”^c : the people of our Territory, would rather prefer to have tl * ir chairs, waahstand*, bureaus and tables, made to order, auu < .pressly fer iltetr own use; although old furniture might he bought for less mo nev. Then we think our people would cither h.ivea. ti cles made of the timber that grows here in the Territo r>, munuiaciured by ;uir own mtxhaiiies, who have cast 1 tiieir lot in Minnesota, for better, for worse. YVe will make promptly to order, whatever articles of furniture may be want* '.(if we have not what is deair ! ed oil hand;) and will warrant our goods better and a)'. ; things considered, cheaper, than they can be imported. Undertaking pren tlx attended to. SPECS A: HUNT. Manufacturer* of Cabinet Wire and Furniture,-Third strett, St. 1 aid. St. Paul, June 23, 1858. 10 tf FIRE fFI RET: FIRE ! M rWAHU “Old /Etna' 1 continues to dispense “aid and com* Jl fort” to the unfortunate, as usual, at ill* Sunt Paul agency. CAPITAL STOCK, *.1000.000. Thomas A. Brack, Pres’t S. L. hooxits, Sec’y. R. R. NKI SON. | 3-SOy Agent for Miitnisola JN-nitory NOTICE* THYME public are to reby notified that the undersigned, 1. the true and rightful owner* of “l.e Sueur City,” in the county of Lc Sueur, and Territory of Minnesota, | did, on the 26th *lay <>f August, 1* 3, lay out the said City of Le Sueur, and that a plot of said City loi» been 1 d.tiv recorded in the otilce of Register ot Deed* iu said ! rci.nty. And !he public are hereby cautioned against ‘ purchasing property ill san! City, without Im'.im: lir?t ! obtained title from the undersigned, as they alone can give good ami suilieient title to purchaser* in the first in tanee. J. C. CHRISTY. Aept. 18,1853- - f JAMES ci RRAN. LAND W VRUANTS taken ill exchange for improved Lauda, by J L. WILSON. SIX OOI.T.AItS PI 1. ANNUM SIXGI.K COPIES THREE CENTS. St. iJaul TSU’tS. DFN TISTR V. I ®- w. BIDDLE, late of Pittshnrg, Pa., J has permanently loeuted in Saint Paul. Fourteen years elo-e application to hi* --U-I—< profeMiioii, together with a large and beaniful ussortiun i ol pi iitia:i*i ;:um teeth, enable him to insert from one to an < ulire set ..1 teeth !.\ .'itn.ospheru pressure, with h beautiful repr»eiit«tion of the natural gum, restoring the mouth to its mutual shape. !>•*' used teetli peril.aiin tly *aved hy plugging; useless eth extract**! w.ilt littie pain a* possible. Teeth cleansed ant! disea.v *i g uns restored to health. U iiee aud residence on Main strett, hetxvteti Sai it /’elera and Yiarkit. N. Ji.—All job* w arranted. j 3t.Paul, July 28. j j JOHN KUltt X, .aitt.v. JOS i.e.t wakbtiklu. WAR REN A WAKEFIELD. | Attorneys and Councillors at Laic and Solicit ors in ('hum cry: i Cilice oa Third Street between Roberts ami Cedar; I Sr. I*Al. L, M. T. • W. A NY . will nttt ml xvtili diligence ;tnd rare to al! ; : business of their profession in itie dilUv nt courts of I tins Territory, that may be euirunti dio t!ie:n Then arrangement -in the ritatca ol New Yu- and Rhode | Ulaiul art such a* will eii'ii !e tin til to t ai.saet hnsi tie** of a general or sptc al nature in those Stntca with the utmost dispatch. They will moreover attend to | the code* lion of debts, t m locating of 1 and Warrant*. I I the purchase and sale of city lot* or real estate i:i the | country and to till oilier matter* directly in indirectly connected with their profession. 112—>** ! ! AIITAI LU FE 1 Nkt RAY C E COM PA \ Y OF NEW YORK, Office lil Ciuuiuvav, Tiumiy Bcii.niao. NETT ACCf MUI.ATI.I) FUND, FEBHI AUV J,1853j $2,018,775 64. Slabililtf, — Security , — VerptlHitif! ! r T' His Company It * now established itseif on such a 1 j i firm basts, that it can rdl'i rto tliose iesiring an in- j ! vestiuenton their live.-, that gr« at. *t ot nil *l* siderututns i l in life insurance xi/. full and ja rf.-ct -** nriiy. It* his | t t(»ry i* almost, if no; quite, without a paridkl. Com * a dicing Ist February, 18 43, (Id years ago.) without a ‘ * dollar ol capital except it* receipt-for premiums, it has i ; now nil actual cash capital which i* “inxc. te<! in Bonds I 1 ai d Mortgages oil Real 1.-tate, principally in the cities , I of New Yuri amt Brook! t:, \m riii <l(,.iblt- tli ■ aiiu unt • loai, ! thereon, <>f over v !. 00. li - reciipts for 'pr« -. t ; iniinns Bn. ing the pa-1 fix *' ye: , ~ have iieca i.« .trly 6*2,- ! : 20ti.UK), and for inter. *1 tx:i :ive-tment ox* r **:>.st),<)oi i j «ml I a? paid on prdi* t, * t*u mi: ited h\ death during the J ' same tone, m arly t- - i . 1,1 >k I: ; tfter test-rv- ! | ing a fund sulliideut to n -iiisure :*1! *.i• i* - lainiiiig j>oliei.-s) ! j "ere 52 percent tile first live year* and 33 i-3 per *viit. ! the );ist live, on th* amount oi pr»u.iaia * ( <ii*i. being an j 1 | '. crag* of over 42 1-2 per » et.t p*-r a uni lor tea \cm • , Tlie-e *livb » n*!s are add* *! to tb< poliey i’’.hi ir jcver- i | sionary value, pay able al death with (lie umouat m*ur- ' ed, or ran he apjdiud to tin-rt-d.u* non oi future pnuni- ' mn*. at the option of the ii *m d. 'l’he htt-ttu -* *,f the • | Company i* conducted strictly on the ■ ash j iao --in* [ er< lit*—and it is believe*! to In !*! out i;:- **er ii..iu>'e- ! nun's than tiny olh* r < i»u.|);mv, what<*ver. L- rate* of preuiiuni h re a* low .*- those of any good oilier, and art brlirx * it to I >■ loxx er than home \x no pro- ] ' i less to insure from ‘25 to at* per < *-nt )*••.*. FREDERH K S NVi>. STON, Pren’t. i I Isaac Abbott, Sec.’y. Charles Gill, Acittarv. Ji:»Tl s l. McCAlt I'V. Agent. Titos. R. Potts, M. I>., Medical Examiner. A ng. 11,1653 —x 17. 1 i Mil EZE »V MATI FS, fashionable tailors and clothiers, ruißii s rRr.KT, near t*ie cost oi'rie.E. i, jrri’EP on hand, at till times,an extensive assortment , Itt <’t ready made clothing ol the best quality. They j 1 h ix* a large .issoi Imelit of < loth*, ea**initr* - inul j vesting*, iiud will-ive gentlemen fits in the latest t ,-h ! ;»n*. Tiieir good* are of their oxvn seieclion, and will !i* !• lifil to I v Meat '.u t ! truble. Being practical men, ' tlo x xvHiranl their w* rk < qim! to any in th*' city. Oi l git, l- >3—>7t f. ’ i • No t ICE. ItgAyiL snt.-cii!i» r oti'ei - t* -< !} or to !« ,ise for *t lerm *d 1 k yeara, .ii* sv \\ MILL nituated ir the I pi I .ite. tug, s-:iiot Pant, being one of tie L •*• lo< .'ions for tlie I nub. ring huMi.*'** in the oil v. p • Mill i> in a*•**•<! . repair, litt* otu u,.t ighl lull lay si <uit «a.t-ull -aw. oil; It.-ill - tw, tun! a inachiix for nt; k:ng mr s^liiegh—. Th*- 1 Boom ill til * Mill ail ex* elh'llt aioi sate place lor ket p iug logs. 1 liis ]*rop* rty will It*--i’h! o• le sim Hu fax ar able terms. JOHN K. IRVINE jt St i'aul Dee 30th. 185.3. 3 1!' ] KITTSUX’S A #> l>l TI ON TO NT. FALL . All IS desira’ih' ground, lying .u tlie most i.entra) a:id I iidxant.'uo'otls part ol the '. .-in of St. Paul, xvli.-re : 1 must mow it;'dy be the piiuciptii rixer l'i'-ine*s ol C.i«» 1 tout , :;n.| ali o In g also nm.-t i lioii e and deiiguift!' Lots in the res.r. upon the hetu it, lor «lw* Riug titms* .-. is sto - ; vex ed into Lots, ami now oth>red lor sale, with tit'"* tm t!i puled iitnl iiiihsputable, tit r* asm ably tow puces, a id { upon i It* r: I terms o: < t<«!»t, for most of tlie purchase j iu*».t* v, end Lumber for in aiding <• i Lot.- d in the ad dito n. wilt be furnished at the roturv *uw-tn u. on easy terms. CHARI I S 11. OAKES, Agent lor Proprietor*. 1 St. Paul, July 11, 185 J. 15 $5,000 XN ANT El), Of liar up tf (hikes' ( r'i> */ Prpisit, BY the subscribers, who xvtii give good* for tilt j same at us leasoimliie n.t* - rts mix lb |*,. in .■*(. j l a d. CHAM 'll.!N \ MORG AN, Tliini Sir* et, Low* rTo wn. : ‘ j. it cri.VEU a Co., Y\it:slow's Hotel. I iper Town. —ii , .1 ACOB J. KOA 11, i , Attorney at Law rind .-icHeitor in Chancery. 1 (KIM MISSION i’|{ tor State* of vlaitte, Ritotie Island, | J Couneeti* u:. N. \v Y'ork. Pennsylvania: Virginia,) A! ibama, Ohio aud Im li-i ti a. j j Al! insti ument* to I t- us* tl or recorded in any *.f the above State*, tntix be taken nt my olice in St. PauL July 81, 1851. ' 15-lf B. AY . LOTT, ATTORNEY 7 and CoiiMselln- at Law,find General | l and Agent. Particular attention xvill he gi •*n to j collections, pay ing luxe*, entering lands, *• curing pre-! tulip!uns, and entries made itx military iand warrants. ! S>. Paul, Btf J. rSAVIS KOOCC. M. !»• OLDS. \ ROSSER A OLDS, j Attarneys and I 'ann alter a nt Lair. | ( Office in the Secretary' It 'oui in the Captlo] at St. I’ai'l, Mi»> esota Ter. M.SIIERMAX, House, Sifirii nnd Ornamental Fainter. 1 Corner • f Fou w * o ••/ St. /* t ; Street , St. Paul. PYiNTING AND til.A/ING !<>ue in a superior and j workmanlike manner. All order* promptly and ! neatly execute*!. VY'ork warranted to give * iti*fa. ion. |t St Paul, June 83,1853-y Hare yei ißden>Uß4iifft IMAKV.IX, invites tlie public to examine Oie j, lu*t stock of materials in hi* line, that tin* exer I,ecu *,-* nin Bin Territory. He challenge* either side, if | th*' Atlanti*' to prod ue*. abetter quality of French l ii * Skin*, spetially iidap'.e I forth" winter season. Oil baud, alfo, i ndies’ line custom iti id* il* and g tit* rs. Also, Gentlemen’s ‘..'all aud Kip Boot*, the best that can be made Yea kuoxv the stand—Third rtreet, near Roberts street. BaintPaul, November. 1851. 31 (nans. -f iN ! M PORT I l» HAY VNA < fGARS l V»* r U v «lie best in the market, war.unled y 7 YV. S. ( UMBS, Between the Rice and American House*. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED. rKNUE subscriber has 40, 80 am! 100 acre tract* of land I that will be sold low for cash, or on time; or ex ) changed for vfilage property. j A gootl horse or span of horses and xvaapn or other j valuable property will lie taker: in j ay mint or j art pay- ; nient ns the case may be. ; 44 tf C. H. PARKER Inndixn Good* lor Sale. ITY 7 order of the Imiian Department i*t rPnshington, > i will sell at private sale, for ca*h, n nueiber ot • ■ fi x- -, b ;1. A c., containing blanket*, < boh*, calico* *, 1 hardware Bc. W.A.GORMAN, Gov. an*! Ex. Oil'. Supt. lud. YIIV. 1 ?t. Paul lice. 7, 1453.—34-if I t all kin is, extrafine YVorce-U r store *alire ; Catsup* as-orl**l; Oy-t* is and Sardine*'. ' in fa* t every tiling in me Grocery lint* can be found at [ ; No. 4, next door to !• ull* .toil’s, on Fort >tr« * t. ID ,r 2 J. W. IMIYV N ! !!. ST. PAI L IMKHKV. Ci i YY". BATES, keep constantly on haml a good ✓ • assortment *>! Bread, t. *k«-.-, t.'ra*'ker* an I t ait dies, of uii kind,*, n variety of nut*, pies, beer. Ac. Ac. Also, just re*.’d a fresh lot of Groct rie», all of which will he sold cheap for rash, al tlie old *t;md on I'hird •Street. Lower Town. St. Paul, June 9, 1853. 1) (4ASII paid lor * lid Iron, Old Bra** and Copper, at ./ he St. Paul l’ouudrv, near the Lower Landing j Nov 13,185*. F. GILMAN, j at mm TIME! TIME! 1IMB! I J FO\\ YY :xt<:h Manufacturer, YY'orking * fi • Jeweler and Dentist, would respecifuHv inform tin .nhahitaat* *>t St. I’aul, licit he his t pen* f nature on St Anthony Street, in the building opposite the Rio House, txvo door* from Robtnaon’it olit stand with ail .'is-'irtinent of Clocks, Spe* lac.'*-* id all age*, Hack ai ■ ■'•de l atuhs, hi great variety, bosom pin*, goggles, etiiimiex oriitinients. steel beads and tassel*, ladies work h..g.*, chi. ,;*i * tt ething rings, il tiles, dice and boxes, tu..! t variety t»f other article*. Duplex, Hori/.o'itnl, Repeating and Lever YV'Ht'-!, egi of the moat complex aud delicate work uauship, cars fu!|v repaired. I (-'diijorni.i (jvld Rings made to order. PngTunng neatly an uted. Tketij CAitgn i.Lv Extkactkd. Scxt.t r> A Pt.icoF.n. 11. F., from In* long experience m some of the first -hops tu England, flatter* himself that lie shall be able to give satislii lion to all who max favor him with th*Mj work. Hi* motto t* Punctuality, Dispatch ami Modtr ale charges. St P.-iuJ, March 24*t, 1853. 4 49. - -REMOVAL. YT. S. CO AIRS Ira* removed In* Book Store , » ▼ >•* irly opposite bis old *t md, where he would lie pleased to see all his friends; feeling assured that he liuxv suit them in every thing in his line. My new good* have arrived; among which can be found 200 Rolls YY u!i Paper, \\ inflow Curtain*, Bordering and Screen*. All the late Cheap Publications, Little Tom’* Cabin, and Ley to saute. Blank Books in nil varieties, Stationery of every des j onplion ami of the !*e*t tpmlity. Pancy Goods, t * mi ; merous to mention; but call in, a* it i.-i no trouble to , show good* at 1 COMB’S FRANKLIN BOOKSTORE, Betxxt i n the Rice ami American Houses. I TO CAPITALISTS, FARMERS AN D l ,M --IGRANTS. / , 3AHE uiitlersigned lets always on hand for sale for fit cash or on lime, from Tf: n 1 o txvE Xr v th ousA N n acres I ol rural land, improved or iiuimptovial,amdu.iiiig farms of difle.-ent size-, and degrees of improvement at price* j corresponding xvvtli these. Also— property in St. Paul and suburbs, and in Man- 1 ktuoeily, St.'Anthony, Sliakopec, I.eSut ;:r Traverse de* Sioux and Eureka IL tan at tim*-- acc'untnodafe, on the easiest term* anv one w ho realty t'a.ihr.* I > f iirrham . HENRY MeKENTY, Deal rin Real Estate, St P in!, Minn Ter. Office—the old l'o.-!-o!’tce iiuiliLng, Third street. St. Paul, Feb. 11, p 1 44 if. j UATFK’A RT. No. 20, ITobt i t >irt (‘t, St. Paul, M. T. It hide Sale and Jictaii Dealer in Foreign and I lamest ir IKy Goals, K EEPS ceii-t.m'ly on llano n large 11 I well selected stuck td I tney and stag t Drx Co.ids, consisting ill 1 piiri nf Itrii'.'.'i Sl:eetings, Shi’-tii.g*. Stripe-, Dialling, 1 I lint*. Me- 1.1 i.t l.uine.-, I e-ti is, .Merinos, Y tivets. j 1 • -bo mid (. aix i Slk-. 1 a ;'. \ !;» _• stock of C.'i pet’ng Drugget*. Matting, and i’! i. :11 :* of House I’uriiisiiing*, ioxx lot Cam; .it .No.'Jti I! 11. t: r SrtiKrT, St. 1* -nl. \V M. \V. FIX'D, xj. I/., Ol’F EIIS In* pro!' --ii. i*l set vie* * 10 the ciliz- 11s of ! St. I*:i'il Mini vicinity. i Mice in Judge Lambert's new brick building. Spec i.t! at t 1 iiti. n v til he given to It hen 111 it ism, N cu ralgia, S ;.!n a. and all chrome diseases. Being lutnil- ) ii; xxitl; the use ol hTiiKit. operations in surgery will lie pertoriued ui 5* r it* infiiienee wit limit pain, if tie- : sired. Pure Vaccine Y in:* sent to any purl of the country hy return mail on the receipt of one dollar, j post paid. nKI'KIIFNCKS. I’rol Me;" ti'.'. v, of Pliiia*h*lpiita College nf Medicine. “ Perkin*, 01 Y criiioul .Medii al Yriiliege. 3r - Git.. ALLEN ,I’l ERSE. .'Lform y a 1 Low and General Land Agent, JJ HAY K\<. been Register of the Land (tifice under 1 3 3 t!u J. 1 adinini*l rati.ui. lie i* able to select th* ' lie*’ lam! u the Terriii rx subject to entry, and will ! VHi ra’it the regularity <»f ail locutions made by him. i (• !i«" 10 I e int St. 1 •. m ,f ...r to the Fjii-eoptil ‘ am 1 ii, St. Paul, SJ. T. .1 111 19,1 i. -J 10-tf uh;elo y% ’a fea y iik ! r, i Allot ncys and Conn- ilors at Law. Ollii • over L. i!. \'» ;tt : A tie's, store, Tliird street, | below Robert* Sr. I’xi*. V t.x x tsu r\. VQc T l 1.1. tu tend proiiipi’x and to pr»ifes*in:ia! V loisiu' s- in ihec.ourts «*f tlie Territory.—Also j to itie i olh'dioii nl debts, and to al! other basilic** in j any manner coni'.* * led xv it ii tlie profession Mosey to Loan i.i small sums on good security. ( 'it'll vm. K. It)OI-:LOW. CHAIII.LS J.. ILxMiltil . { 3 '' |X ' | DRS. URISUIN E A WILLEY, Pltysirians ;uul Surgeon*, Ant'ioiix stret t. s* 1. Paul, ripposite Bond if I Kr liog'. ’* Dreg .Store. DR. .}. It. D.v Y* n r lf.l. priimire In* i';*.tt *-i* itie .Saint Paul and xi- ; ciiei . on iicucli street. O.’i. 9, 1-'sl. 25-tf l)C»t TOK L. C.UYXEI', (Ljiri in /I ll' id I'iinr, Sxtxr Anthony stiikei, Saint Paul, ’j’lri DELS !i.- jir,d« - rx ire* to the eitiien* of • 1 St. Paul ami vicinity. Having !:a*l an experience I of t.xerTeti Years in 1 tie pri.elit eol Medie.ine, one of which was spent a.* Physician end Surgeon xvilli tlie IE ■S arm;, in Me.xi o, ho flatters hiuiseit that he will be . ilde to merit t ie confluence of all who may faxair liitn • 1 -hare of their natron gc. .July 28, 1-5.3. i>u<. potts an d Morton 3 If AVENG associate*! tlie/nseiv* s together Hi thcjtrac ti u* *of ’n profe ' , oU’ct their serx ice to the citiKeii* of St. l'.au! and vicinilv. Olliee on Third street, over 11. C. Sandford’s store. Dec. r, 185 E 34-tf HEN RY AJ oC > iSip-wyT r .*\ .■. Attorn* tf . ## * ! OfTh u, cltri+ dt a::<! < rTu^ 3 4 • .i>Jt 1 JL! RS. PH li - pioh .-*-sAif iti«St? fjiii Vi’jin*v * OfliccAjor.. north and Robert street., ox er* (YttAart.f, J\ Aoit's* tore 12-1 J EDWARD M’LAGAX, STORAGE ipitYV vRDINU AND COMMISSION, At Alie I.oxver Landing, St. Paul. A i.L Comiiilssioii and Cor.-igninents, xvill be prompt /m ly and enrefuily attend' 1 to. References: B. 11. Cam, 1 <-11, R M’Lngan, Galena; i Geo- DeHaun, St. Louis. Lower Steamboat Landing,dt. Paul, Min. Mnr< h 25, 1- »2. 4 MI.N.NLSO'I A BANKING HOUSE, / March 1-ith, 1854. ) WILLIAM BREWSTER* CO., Late of W’e.-ttm Bank, Phil’a, j r rkirs, Kreh'ing' and Ri d F.strife Brokers, I jIiUMI 1 1 attention giv.-n to collerlir.ns in all part* £ 1 : the Territory, and proceeds remitted at current 1 rate ot exchange. ! Lx.Nl) WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLI), And local* d "ii time to the lavi.r nf actual settlers. 1 Ti'wn and country property lor sale for cash or on ! lime. B e give personal attention to the purchase ami -aie of | roperty, the pay infill ol tax**, enuring land, ' le ping I i n: xvarriuits, and all otiier bucine** thM may •ie * lit ru*ti'd toourcare. 49 11 tloi- ELE —Old J i*a, Cevlon and Rio at No. 4; ) ’ J. YY'. DOWNER. .1. R. FREEMAN. ~ DEALER in I/ry Goods, Groceric*,llardware,Calle ry. Fancy Good*, etc.. A complete assortment ! on hand it ul! (in e*. Hiid xery ctn aji lor Cosh. Prescott, Dec. 6, 18.53.-35-1)' rT‘m. spi-iNt JER." DEALER in Hat*, t «P», Boot* and Bhoe«, Clothing and Geuileineii * Furnishing Goods. 1 Third st., between Jackson and Robert*, St. Pau!,M. T. | BtC. 18, 1.-mfE- Ci-ly .1 EV V Y 1.1 ND 1N ST. PAL L, BEGS icaxe t • inform the citiaeiib of St. I’aul xtu, vi< it ify. that sue ha* brought to the Bookstore, conic* *1 i'h;i'*i and YVubunbaw -live!*, the latge.-i and 11 o-t lii gariful a-sortment of 11* xv Book- mid .Mationery, xxii.rb xx I*l tie -**l*! a* usual at low pric -. lor parlicu iai* i.'njuireat Ek1)1 C S BOOK SIY>KE. PORTE *MON \ A lEN. I~YUO M 30 rent* to .$5 Tlie u.o-t elegant and best ? ..f the market at I.LHUC'S BOOKSTORE. MONEY TO LOAN. r ■ J ll-; -iil'-rrilter* !iave on hand to loan a few thou- K *inds upon good security on terms to suit bor rower*. A M Eri k ' AN ETTEN, Si. pawl, Feb. 1 E 18S4. 41 tt JEFREY T» ADAMS* M. D., pII YS / CIA X AXD S URG EO X, Office corner Maine and Front Streets, Mankato, Ulll Eakth Gow*tr. St. Jhitii AMES’ STEAM SAW MILL ' Dayton's Landing, is now in operation, and -cT prepared to fumi-h bills of lumber of everjde j tlrripuon. Will saw Oak, Ash, Bass Wood, or other timber, of any required— <*un saw forty fact 1 statrif nccesaury. Lath and pickets always on baud. ■ ' 2 a. lTlarpenteur, Dr.ihr in Dry (foods, (traceries, Provisions, Clothing, , Hardware, China nnd Qt'tentwarr, Cutlery , sv. THIRD STREET, Near the corner of Third and Jackson streets, St. Paul, Minucsoia, liver is closed, but the stores of A. L Larpen -1 tour are still open, uherc may be founj the most j extensive os-orimeut of Fnrngu and Domestic l>ry : Good*, Carpetings, Jewelry, Geiitleniens' ilothing, i i -1 eluding Hats and Caps, Boots ami Shoes, and eveayoth- Icr article necessary lo comfort or proper for display, i the city affords. A stock of Groceries and provisions of all kinds, which cannot be surpassed; and a full a« sortineut of Hardware, fie if and liucem-vvare, Cutlery, ' and every other article suitable for the Minnesota trade; all of which will b« sold wholesale or retail, on the i most favorable .ind accommodating term* A choice \ ariety of double and single barclled shot ; guns, ritlos ami pistols, powder flask* and shot pouches, gun vv;.d», water pm,if percussion caps, extra gun locks, wash rials, srrew-drivers, and a driving business, may all be found nl A. L. LAKPENTCUR’S. FORTY EI6HT SPLK.NDID LOTS, “ COMFR ISING TWO AM) HALF ACRES EACH, ai.d mi unfed itetu St, Paul. Capitalists, stranger*, or citizens wishing to purchase desirable properly for Cottage Residences, and Hummer Houses, are invited to call ami take onk 1-iok at the locality. The ! soil is of the first quality, ami adapted for Gardening or the culture of the Grape. HENRY M’KENTY, Denier in Heal Estate. i St. Pual, Dec. 19, 1*53-1) . NK \> M I LLI N r K IIY HOODS! Anti tlit* Latest Fashions. %l M. 1.. SI OAKF.S, St. Anthony-st, St. Fan’, has ! •*.» J just returned troni the City of New York, with a stock of Millinery ware, very much superior to any goods in her department of trade, ever oft'ered tit the Territory. To her usual stock, she has added Gloves, , Mitts, Needles, Pin-, Tapes, and many other n»w arti cles. Shi hits also taken great pains to obtain the fash ions, of this, and the winter seasons; all of which she will be happy to show to such as cull. net .21-27-tf. | XORTII-VVFM FK V EM'KfNS CO. 1 Connecting at. <cnl-na with the American Juju ess Co, the speed' and safe transpo-lation of light and valu.ihle Goods Packages, Bank Notes, hpe j cie, collection ami pay mem oi Notes, Drafts, bills, AC : counts, A c. To and from tili |>,tris of the ( asapa and the (Continent n! Eciint'K. 1 est Gcod*, Baggage Ac , looked up r.vd forxvar.TNMo I owners, uml all business usuallv done by express ut temied to w ii it pront) mess and despatch. Messenger# w ill lie despair lied during the close of navigation Irrrin lit. Paul and Galena every alternate ' Mur day. J. C. JIITIBANK i CO. . Proprietor*. A. J. WuiT'EY, } E. A lloi.r' Mun. p Messengers. .1. C. (It KIUNK. S Ollier in the New Post-Otlicr building j W. (». LeDUC, Agent. St. Paul, Dec. 1, 1658. XTc . iii iuXankai eo., ~~ i Porv. irding and Commission Merchant* Grovers i*in: Dealers in Grain and Provision# ; Wharf Boat Hi. Paul, Mm. .1 C.HERIIANK, C T. WHITNEY. Shippers and Consignees will find it to their interest to ido bits.tie. s with u~, as theexpense ofLalioi and Dray age is saved. REFERENCES Gov. W. A Gorman, Henry M. Rice, ( t . „ . W.U. Marshall; A Co. t * a '• ! Alex. Wilkin. i 11. 11. I attipbel). A Co Gen. \\ , Campbell, A: C 0,?., , Lovrain, A Co,, ’>G«!tl«. U S. Harris, \ Co. I Otis West, 1 , 1 It. F. Sush, 5 St Lo“w diaries Humbler, A- Co., ) „ . „ j Manning A Stanwood. ) os ” " Mark Packages cure B. A C. Wharf 11 out Hi. Paul. Mil nesota. St Paul, Nov 21, 18',.3. 32 tl GRKAT BA ItCA 1 N 5V ) FFERED. 400 bids Flour, 20ft bids Pork, , 100 ldils Dried Apples, just rec’d nit consignment at . the Wharf Boat, nnd will b > closeil off atrerluced price*. J Also, coni and corn meal, oats, potatoes, bran, lime, ' «fcc.. at great bargains. | je 23-tf J. W. BAM A CO. | GROV ELA.V D GA It DEV A N'D MRSERV j Uctucm St. J'ctul and St. Antlc/ny, near the Half wit/ House. TtHE subscriber.*w oitld im ite the attention of those who wish lo -el mu fruit trees this fall or the en | suing spring, to ilu ir stock of trees that have beep growing in this Territory from one to three years. In i connection witii t ie Scott Nursery, at Davenport, lowa, ' they are prepared ti till all order* for either standard 1 or dwarf tree*, ol uiiv and every description, that will he required for tins c imtite, tigether v.ith Currant*, ' Gooseberries, G rap* Vims. Arc. Also, any thing ill the i ornamental line, such as lt.isca. Dahlias, Phloxes, ami ; the various kinds of flowering plants usually kept in sUi h establishment. Orders are respectfully solicited from those who wish |lo set out It oil tr«i sor embellish their grounds. A» we I have not a mllieient quantity on hand to supply, the demand, we hope to receive orders itxat.T this fall, ; so us to make up the deficiency at the nursery at Dav | enport, where we expect to spend the winter. Order* may In- addressed to us or left tit the store of Mr. J. K- Fulierton, St. Paul. L. M. FORD A CO. . Paul, Oct. !3.-tf. ; X'hLAnly Crockery Store in JMinneaota. K* AIARVIX is ttuly grateful to the inhabitants Paul and the whole Terriiory, for th* •i p|(Anpf dt?! very mo rai support which they have awurd , to vhr jrtoveTin<(V*ftikiitfi. From the first, i! ha.xhcen 1 his aVnhltfik* to do if business, which being exclusively | for China, GUs# and Uueeuswnre, should meet the-de mands of th. public m that line more fully than a mix • ed husiues* could do. . J R. M. can sell a* cheap,and can fill orders as well a* '.niy house this side nt ?i Louis; he has nows heavy 'stock, and notwithstanding the high price of freight, and I the scarcity of crockery in the country, on amount of ! the closing of the English manufactories, he is deter mined to sell at his former very low price*, t ail and sec my stock, of Gilt Baud, White and Lustre China. Glass-ware, Iron .Stone. China, Tumbler*, Cut Mulberry Ware, do Pre**ed, Blue Ware, Fruit Bowls, Granite Wire, Syrup Cana, C C Ware, etc., etc., etc. St. Pauly Minnesota Crockiry Store. At. Paul. Dec. 8, 1b53. 3-1-tf MAPS OF ST. IMTL VLL tn need of a correct map of At. Paul, will do well to cali oil Combs am! procure one, a* there art but , a few left. Price — and at COMBE' BOOKSTORE, feh 15 near the American llottse. PROPOSALS ' MTILL be received by the undersigned until the Ist ! ▼▼ of Mav, for the delivery at this post, on or be i fore the Ist of September next, of twenty-five hundred j bushels of corn, in good sacks. , Each hid w ill be accompanied by a written offer : from two responsible persons, to beiome security un [ der bonds of slboo, for the faithful performance of the contract Extravagant bids will not be considered, nor will one bidder be accepted as security for another. ! Fort Ri.lg. lv, M. T., March 2fi. lb'4 . JNO. C. KF.I.TON, 50 4tj A. A. Utiarter Master. A \f w supply of “Fern - Ee .veiid’ just received at j\ (3.TJ UDt'C’3 liOOKHTLRF.. WHISKY, » i \ bbis, best rectified, for sale cheap for cash, by oi) J. W. DOWNER, I Feb. 1854. 44 tf _ RObEYHEIM A COOK, lniy>iUr& find Wholesale Dealers in | Ribbons* Silks, Millinery Hoods, Lae«», TRIMMING*, KMiIROIDERIEA, PAHASOJ.S, FAN'S, &c., I (A'ta-).Yo. 50 Main St., over American Express Office, ST. Loris, MO, The attention of Merchants and Milliners Is respect fully solicited io our large stock of the above arueßw. April 10th, 1354. SO. 2.